ENS 46017
ENS Event | |
17:33 Jun 16, 2010 | |
Title | Offsite Notification to the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality |
Event Description | Notification was made to the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality regarding the inability to conform to the NPDES permit, since the discharges from the sludge pond to the Missouri River are uncontrolled at this time. As a result of high Missouri River levels, the sludge pond was overtopped. The discharges into this pond are subject to NPDES Requirements. The inputs into the sludge pond are described in the NPDES permit as low volume wastewater. There are three outfalls which discharge into the pond. Outfall 002B is described as Clearwell Discharge plus Outfall 004 Emergency Overflow. Outfall 002C is described as Floor Drains. Outfall 004 is described as Reverse Osmosis Reject and Boiler Blowdown Waste streams.
Additionally, the high river levels have resulted in media inquiries regarding potential changes in plant operation. Public information personnel and management have responded to these inquiries with information on the impact of river level and preparations for additional actions should conditions warrant additional protective actions. The responses to these inquiries have been referenced in some publications. At the present time, the river appears to be at its crest, with no additional rise forecast. The current level is approximately 3.8 feet below the crest of the 1993 flood, which was the highest flood recorded at the site, and 5 feet below grade elevation. A press release is not planned at this time. The sludge pond does not contain any contaminated material. The licensee will notify the NRC Resident Inspector. |
Where | |
Cooper ![]() Nebraska (NRC Region 4) | |
Reporting | |
10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(xi), Notification to Government Agency or News Release | |
Time - Person (Reporting Time:+-0.18 h-0.0075 days <br />-0.00107 weeks <br />-2.46564e-4 months <br />) | |
Opened: | John Myers 17:22 Jun 16, 2010 |
NRC Officer: | Dong Park |
Last Updated: | Jun 16, 2010 |
46017 - NRC Website
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Unit 1 | |
Reactor critical | Critical |
Scram | No |
Before | Power Operation (100 %) |
After | Power Operation (100 %) |
WEEKMONTHYEARENS 567862023-10-10T20:53:00010 October 2023 20:53:00
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