The State provided the following information via email:
The [Texas] Department of State Health Services (DSHS), Radiation Control received written notification from [Name Deleted], Texas Regional RSO for IRISNDT, Inc. that one of its previous employee's received exposure in excess of 5 Rem annual dose. The RSO reports that while doing an update of radiation dose reports for all licensees' Texas employees, the Texas Regional RSO noted that a past employer exposure history was not recorded for a former employee (the radiographer) of the licensee. The RSO reviewed the personnel files for the individual and could not find a past exposure history from the record from the radiographer's previous employer. The Texas RSO contacted the Corporate RSO to see if he had a record for the individual. The Corporate RSO found an exposure history record and faxed it to the Texas RSO. The previous employer's record, H&G Inspection, [address deleted] reflected a dose of 3.918 Rem in the first 6.5 months of employment. The doses were compiled with IRISNDT's records and it was immediately noted that the radiographer had an accumulated dose in excess of 5 Rem. The Texas RSO called the former employee to notify him of the overexposure that same day of record discovery. The former employee stated that he thought the dose he had been assigned was not correct and that's why he did not inform the Texas RSO. It was determined through discussions with the radiographer that the radiographer has not worked since November 2005 and was informed that he cannot work in the industry until he talks to the DSHS. IRISNDT, Inc. stated they failed to check previous records and the radiographer failed to report [previous dose] to [IRISNDT]. In the future IRISNDT, Inc. will provide a form for potential employees to complete pre-hire for dose records to be reviewed and the safety program administrator has been assigned the responsibility to call 2 times per week to follow-up on previous employer dose histories for new hires.
Texas Incident No: I-8287
The final
Texas Department of State Health Services Radiation Branch report on this incident noted that the total annual expose received by the individual involved was 5.713
Rem. The exposure breakdown was 3.918
Rem for individual's previous employer and 1.795
Rem while the individual worked at IRISNDT. The R4DO (Nease) and
NMSS (Morell) were notified.