10 CFR 40.14, Specific Exemptions

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Specific exemptions


(a) The Commission may, upon application of any interested person or upon its own initiative, grant such exemptions from the requirements of the regulation in this part as it determines are authorized by law and will not endanger life or property or the common defense and security and are otherwise in the public interest.


(b) [Reserved]


(c) The Department of Energy is exempt from the requirements of this part to the extent that its activities are subject to the requirements of part 60 or 63 of this chapter.


(d) Except as specifically provided in part 61 of this chapter any licensee is exempt from the requirements of this part to the extent that its activities are subject to the requirements of part 61 of this chapter.

Federal Register

[[[FR::http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getpage.cgi?dbname=1972_register&page=5747&position=1%7C37 FR 5747, Mar. 21, 1972]], as amended at [[FR::http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getpage.cgi?dbname=1974_register&page=26279&position=1%7C39 FR 26279, July 18, 1974]]; [[FR::http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getpage.cgi?dbname=1975_register&page=8787&position=1%7C40 FR 8787, Mar. 3, 1975]]; [[FR::http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getpage.cgi?dbname=1980_register&page=65531&position=1%7C45 FR 65531, Oct. 3, 1980]]; [[FR::http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getpage.cgi?dbname=1981_register&page=13979&position=1%7C46 FR 13979, Feb. 25, 1981]]; [[FR::http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getpage.cgi?dbname=1982_register&page=57481&position=1%7C47 FR 57481, Dec. 27, 1982]]; [[FR::http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi-bin/getpage.cgi?dbname=2001_register&page=55790&position=1%7C66 FR 55790, Nov. 2, 2001]]]

External Links

[[URL::http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/doc-collections/cfr/part040/part040-0014.html%7CNRC website 10 CFR 40.14]]