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 Issue dateTitle
ML24103A22816 December 20229 to Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 3.0, Design of Structures, Components, Equipment, and Systems - Redacted
ML21137A24617 May 2021Byron/Braidwood Stations - Revision 18 to Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 8, Electric Power-Redacted
ML21008A41717 December 2020Technical Specification Bases
ML21008A40317 December 2020Byron/Braidwood Stations - Revision 18 to Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 9, Auxiliary Systems
ML19232A2247 August 2019NRR E-mail Capture - Partial Issuance of Final RAIs for Braidwood/Byron TSTF-505 Application
ML19207A06726 July 2019NRR E-mail Capture - Partial Issuance of Preliminary RAIs for Braidwood/Byron TSTF-505 Application
ML19170A38419 June 2019Revision 17 to Updated Final Safety Analysis Report, Chapter 9, Auxiliary Systems
IR 05000456/201901023 April 2019Design Basis Assurance (Team); Inspection Report 05000456/2019010 and 05000457/2019010 (DRS-J.Corujo-Sandin)
ML18291A9808 November 2018Issuance of Amendment Nos. 199 Regarding Use of TORMIS for Assessing Tornado Missile Protection
RS-18-084, Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding Braidwood TORMIS Amendment Request9 July 2018Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding Braidwood TORMIS Amendment Request
ML18150A69030 May 2018NRR E-mail Capture - Preliminary RAIs Regarding Braidwood TORMIS Amendment Request
ML18127B72314 May 2018Biweekly Federal Register Notice - Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses and Combined Licenses Involving No Significant Hazards Considerations - Publication Date: May 22, 2018
ML18068A5029 March 2018NRR E-mail Capture - Braidwood, Units 1 and 2 - Acceptance Review and Resource Estimate Regarding Request to Utilize the TORMIS Computer Code Methodology
IR 05000456/20180112 February 2018NRC Temporary Instruction 2515/191, Mitigation Strategies, Spent Fuel Pool Instrument and Emergency Preparedness Inspection Report 05000456/2018011 and 05000457/2018011
RS-18-016, License Amendment Request to Utilize the TORMIS Computer Code Methodology1 February 2018License Amendment Request to Utilize the TORMIS Computer Code Methodology
ML17103A34510 May 2017Safety Evaluation Regarding Implementing of Mitigation Strategies and Reliable Spent Fuel Pool Instrumentation Related to Orders EA-12-049 and EA-12-051
05000456/LER-2016-00219 July 2016Inadequate Protection from Tornado Missiles Identified Due to Non-Conforming Design Conditions
LER 16-002-00 for Braidwood, Unit 1, Regarding Inadequate Protection from Tornado Missiles Identified Due to Non-Conforming Design Conditions
ML15054A45615 December 2014Units 1 and 2, Updated Final Safety Analysis Report (Ufsar), Revision 15, Updated Fire Protection Report (Fpr), Amendment 26. (Redacted Version)
RS-14-348, Comments on the Safety Evaluation Report with Open Items, Related to the License Renewal Application15 December 2014Comments on the Safety Evaluation Report with Open Items, Related to the License Renewal Application
IR 05000456/201300314 August 2013IR 05000456-13-003; on 05000457-13-003 and 07200073-13-001; on 04/01/2013 - 06/30/13; Braidwood Station, Units 1 & 2; Flood Protection Measures, Maintenance Effectiveness, Problem Identification and Resolution, and Other
ML12314A0838 November 2012Nuclear Regulatory Commission Integrated Inspection Report 05000456-12-004; 05000457-12-004 and Notice of Violation
ML11053029516 February 2011Information Request LTR- to Support Upcoming Inspection of Preoperational Testing of an Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation
IR 05000456/201000627 October 2010IR 05000456-10-006, 05000457-10-006 on 08/30/2010 - 09/17/2010, Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2, Identification and Resolution of Problems
IR 05000456/20090053 February 2010IR 05000456-09-005 & 05000457-09-005 on 10/01/09 - 12/31/09 for Braidwood, Units 1 & 2, Inservice Inspection Activities; Operability Evaluations; Post Maintenance Testing; Followup of Events and Notices of Enforcement Discretion
IR 05000456/200700223 February 2007IR 05000456-07002(DRS); IR 05000457-07-002(DRS); 01/08/2007 - 01/26/2007; Braidwood Station, Units 1 and 2; Evaluation of Changes, Tests, or Experiments (10 CFR 50.59), and Permanent Plant Modifications
IR 05000456/198603917 October 1986Insp Repts 50-456/86-39 & 50-457/86-30 on 860803-1008.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Const Worker Concerns,Allegations,Headquarters Request,Plant procedures,NUREG-0737 & Implementation of Strike Plans
ML20080K51523 September 1983Forwards Response to Question 40.189 Re Level of Training & Surveillance Testing,Constituting Addl FSAR Info.Info Will Be Included in FSAR Amend 44
ML20049K16922 March 1982Provides Info Re Revisions to Design of Manhole Covers to Protect Against Penetration by Tornado Missiles.Category I Manhole Covers Have Been Designed in Accordance W/Std Review Plan 3.5.3 for Tornado Missiles