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ENS 477185 March 2012 15:39:00On Monday, March 5, 2012, at 1305 EST, Oswego County Warning Point notified Nine Mile Point (NMP) and NYS (New York State) Warning Point, via the RECS Line, of a loss of the Tone Alert System for greater than one hour as of 1236 EST from the National Weather Service. Site Emergency Procedures define a loss of Tone Alert System for greater than one hour as a significant loss of Emergency Communications (EPlP-EPP-30). This impacts the ability to readily notify a portion of the Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) Population for the NMP and JAF (James A. FitzPatrick) Nuclear Power Plants. This failure meets NRC 8-hour reporting criteria 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(xiii). The County Alert Sirens, which also function as part of the Public Prompt Notification System, remained operable. The loss of the Tone Alert System constitutes a significant loss of emergency off-site communications capability. Compensatory measures were verified to be available should the Prompt Notification System be needed. This consists of utilizing the hyper-reach system, which is a reverse 911 feature available from the county 911 center. Local law enforcement personnel are also available for 'Route Alerting' of the affected areas of the EPZ. As of 1327 EST on March 5, 2012, Nine Mile Point was notified by the Oswego County Warning Point that the Tone Alert System has been returned to service. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.
ENS 4640910 November 2010 13:00:00At 10:56 (EST) on Wednesday, November 10, 2010, Nine Mile Point Unit (1) One automatically scrammed from rated power. The cause of the scram was Main Steam Isolation Valve (MSIV) closure. The MSIV closure occurred during Instrument and Control Lo-Lo Level Surveillance Testing. The Lo-Lo Surveillance Test has been secured and all Reactor Protection System (RPS) Level Signals returned to normal. Two of four MSIVs went closed; troubleshooting to follow to determine the cause of the equipment malfunction (unexpected MSIV closure). Following the automatic scram, the High Pressure Coolant Injection (HPCI) System automatically initiated. At Nine Mile Point Unit One, a HPCI System actuation signal on low Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) level is normally received following a reactor scram, due to level shrink. At 10:58, RPV level was restored above the HPCI System low level actuation set point and the HPCI System initiation signal was reset. Pressure control was initially established on the Emergency Condensers (ECS). The MSIVs have been re-opened and the normal heat removal capability has been re-established (to the Main Condensers). All off-site power sources remain available (with a normal electrical alignment). 10 CFR 50.72(b)(2)(iv)(B) requires reporting within 4 hours when a valid actuation of the Reactor Protection System occurs. 10 CFR 50.72(b)(3)(iv)(A) requires reporting within 8 hours when a valid actuation of the High Pressure Coolant Injection System occurs. There are no other adverse impacts to the station based on this event. All control rods inserted and the unit is stable in Mode 3 with reactor pressure and temperature approximately 600 psig and 480 degrees. All other safety systems operated as expected. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector and the New York State Public Service Commission.
ENS 4628227 September 2010 12:24:00One of the 37 Prompt Notification System sirens surrounding the James A. FitzPatrick (JAF) /Nine Mile Point (NMP) sites spuriously activated at 0848 for a period of 3-5 minutes. This has been confirmed by siren report back system software and siren repair personnel. A member of the public called to report the activation to the Oswego County 911 Dispatch Center. The Dispatch Center notified Oswego County Emergency Management Office. County personnel took action to cancel the activation using the remote activation control system, notified the Licensee Emergency Preparedness personnel, and dispatched a siren repair crew. Siren repair personnel have isolated the siren and are performing troubleshooting to determine the cause. No press releases are currently planned by either Oswego County or the licensees. The licensee notified the NRC Resident Inspector.