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ENS 5537925 July 2021 16:00:00At 1238 EDT on July 25, 2021, the Unit 2 Ice Bed became INOPERABLE due to SR (Surveillance Requirement) exceeding its surveillance interval. LCO (Limiting Condition for Operation) 3.6.12 was declared not met as required by SR 3.0.1. SR to verify maximum ice bed temperature is less than or equal to 27 degrees F could not be completed due to a failed temperature recorder. The results of the backup method of temperature verification were verified satisfactory at 1258 EDT and the LCO condition was then exited. The ice bed is a single train system which functions to control radiation release and mitigate the consequences of an accident by scrubbing radioactive iodine and providing a heat sink to limit containment pressure within design limits, therefore the requirements of 10 CFR 50.72 (b) (3) (v) (C) and (D) were met. There was no impact on the health and safety of the public or plant personnel. The NRC Resident Inspector has been notified.