Regulatory Guide 1.17

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Protection of Nuclear Power Plants Against Industrial Sabotage
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/30/1973
Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research
Download: ML13038A423 (5)





-A. I NTRODUCTION National Standards Comi N'

  • 8 and is

-by the Americar,.Nati1o andards In

.bmuary 1 1973'. the 'Atomic Enilergy Board of Standards Rievit ihad ýpublishied, i~n the eea ~ r rnendmnents to itsfregulation in :0 OClFR Part. -e In ý .addition 'to -the p nRsing of ýProdukction, and Utihzi~aion:ý.  !::.ANK NS;1N8.1.*0- the*id,ýsl Prpsd§ 56.5,5c -would requ~ire' ea~ch I thrie to peate a nuiclear react'or to::.

1, Pppopriate protection against industrdallt S 'roposed paragr~ph>(c), '-Thysical .Security..

I ý,50.34 would re'qwie each apphicaticin for, ";it.: g'i

  • .-~ -A [g lic'iese: to include a~physical security pl~rn.

paragrap~h (p) of § ý50.34-wul eýr .:,-protec I .i.iIt .te.dr a physi.c al sUTrep epsees Who ic have not -subm in to submit such a plan to the Commissionig~6.1..

44 If al within 60 dqys after the' pubic-aft n.. of' tt::i:S

- in:.t, adments, in effeaiv'eý formi .,Furthermore,.

quires ýthat an applicatio'n for a construiction:

ide the.princia deign cieat estife in,.-


Win the. iequirements for Structures systems' ad.

co s esse-i~tial .to 'safety. This. regulatory guide ihy~stcal security cnhena, thiat are,'gen~erally for the 'protection of uclear pdover.,plants' C.


6f inidustrial sabotage, "which~ could; a.

il - y-:!i:i>::*!th tihe -health and safiety of the. public Trhe:

,oinnyImittee,&on Reactor Siafciuar'ds.'has been' in t DI

co ohnceniing thi,.s guide anid.has -oncturred in ý:theý

- *:.:!*i:

  • .4' .:.,':'. -.,rnel C


2 kcOTmmittlee '-ANS;;3 of.-the :ar. *4




-Nuclear C

caieteth"*:n rm,.taenrioun for operability testedi]i*:*!';!°

    • ~i:*.:co~ i:*ei~c ::nat th"e con municatiofl eq cmn, shuldm l a o s:aryT.F' minsite.'ki 'aikr~iis ncshud. Sindli~jeskchations

'4 e o t ni:i'hat--.t , - andL tha n eCcom each, se ven days'. -

annuncaio s~la, n anuai taintrusiond1cath*he rse onldyuafcter 'f -sthe atop t ((4~opetheionngtshorld'be 'of ea~hsch mat otester'withya tmumhecdur interval ins -AItintrsionF amTins, e*e*gency h.o..-.,a4arms'.4-

1 . , ý, ' F ".ý -1 A p~p i ed sgn j~ ue slnidnuld ri 4ldift..I . .
  • F .:...rmcmmncatin Fotheym hae oeeheevendays*apv~ e. alrm.F 'tan artaken .. edwef annnito thod be res o -. .Safter sfacto:y -e the beginr,.g df ah securt94or..,.e.,. wc

'indicated b'y GSAInteriii FderafJý'SS~cifidatio' ragmnsbhid'epoie n

- . ., other

"saf6t:y- requirem.' - ents t6re*duce

' "

W-A-l4Ž A(GALFS)7suc5'esd§f~jrin~d'utriaI sabotage df viyail eqepne~:  :.u.

exen- eas. these'.:.atufes:

V 2. Equiiiment Testing . rettesbe'tee.feli~

a: Seurity-r"""ted ' undetected,, nte*i. :

    • top'otectagai-st'

equiment,exept Ar mpair. equipme~nt' performance, -,su

  • .-- b .
.';;:'" ..  ;:: '* '. .::!iii~.i ati idcti oh fiiSp'erabiityA
Co- ieý. ' frorn usins s rvice:centers of.

.. the Gne.alS ei -

wng !.er:v .".. m . t..-

i td Reginal Offi  : in tesoeat De.ied security:i.mer i*sures, ft wa prt~t~ndfte. facility W-gain§$t -irfdui


.. Boston ork;'N.Y1 Ni]**::[I.:.

.teW* 'Mass. :3 .Sa~n Fr:*anei~sco, Ca'. .Los:Afi~geles, Ka.satCiijwao. :Ca e -'.... 1"hepc ¢e=;0 nisiin.'.'e s

.... . "w .. ..

... ' :;ýaidag ,- CA-. M.. :..: f c :...('3.=. .5ure.

Was.ngion, D.C*Atlanta, Ga. Stl..Wash; §'790. the-:. Commission' s regua Ft1.Worth,-Texak hiao.Il Part,.2.

  • :ýC.. *.*: ....



- F'

'1 F 4F~ 'F

- '44 -

F F~~FSj FF~

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F ' -F jFF. F1F

F"' F F?, F-F S




£ F F 95

5 F ' F

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F ' F F

- F S ' F"F'


5 {frF ~J

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- F FF





- . - ~ FF





-F -



F F F AF 'F' ~

117'~' FF ,FF~FF 'F"F'.V" "-.

,* 7 1.


ro i noted would 'individuals f in c'er0

- In..sis nMmorandum, and .Oder. dated ti stal....b"

fiebrua..r *-!:init

1*96*7:'4. the Floida Powe idp cft Ligl6t case, the, Commirission w ecalne.nyone aro4.ihtiattemptn to enterAwh6.'.?I

.exect th'e'stafftoas§iir'eV' at the rperaingcense. is notknown by sightV s

.st-age :that,, ainm psecurit du:s: ria aeho dfor tat -area Poced'ureskfo4r

. -poý.ýpided,-byan cogrl'


.monfi toringp a nappicantito*.ite& e "SY"

~~the"  !.plant i.rifmyicde,-.

tepat::and me-ieib prsorns-itffiW'. ef n against industinl sbotageThiii. a -nucle'r..pdwer plant; This guide. describes a: suitable:. program t p...t may. inclue id.n..,"- '

employees, signing in, and"t itdf vid 4rs,_.

fo. po.t.cting against..industrial sa§botage* providing:'escorts- fr,..uncleared B..: Discussiont and~ challenging the et ry persons ..-

attemnpting to enter vitalareas. -


.Precautions .also4 ee. are rces:sk.y iThe following means canbe s. employed to can be.pempa to reduce " thepi'r.bability and effects of. industrial contr-l' the p ... u......

sabota*eia t"ote*' ýY ,ofzaccess of personnel andIo and 'rr t li pla..i..y,,,it.! .

plantaii*d' plant: site ('2) selection Procedures which* , include," appropriate of, plant oferating .ipersonnel, (3).:monitoring of searching, of packagesý and briefcases 'of plantiiequipmentd .(4) design and arrangment visitbrs:.and either.forbidding ýt of plant'features,. or requiring. the'innspection,,of ý.ehicles-'

other.than tho~seý associated withiýp~lant, 4 I' 1. C; r -Ol of Access-'A program -for operation are effective means:,,in!

pr..'tec ion'.against. industrial' isbotage controlling the' 6flow . iofunauth z, -

inclu dqes sec*i~ty:. measures. to -'prevent material"to and from the plant.-*

acce- ofahrie . pesne tote Perso ns respIonsible", fo physical;'.2<

p"t-se, copt i,:iieactor.uil .ing, .security atithe ri:t.altr6 ' .,te;a t italbuildingsi.and t*':.uto quipment management levels shOu o bd tfd-.



' viiri these*: reas. .:* Cotntir i fer6. ex:tet sho ld icI&i be made 'fo: 4

..... ,l " he.t'by ther the .... ultim.ate :: espon ht-.....

V.4.' '%.

_11itity enles-ot adr of'he"i- ular suryathe plantCte~stwith` the plan'0 '"

pfant. stf otrco personnel;_:an itndet dsu o- iht&snoreuiy..2 yempoype5ooeýpaý't' ngi

-urautor ,.&persons Is neesaytooffi'~ Inadion poers, r'" 4 -';'

.'reduce the opprtunt for necessary.%:fg abotag The% . needed to asuepoe measures orInation~.fý-zý.

-, onrolma be ahieved by eretna betwe~en'the opieratin~g'nd.'cuna & h

.,.'physical b u The' security m.asure........ approp for

-the facility-and j~y sta' ioning'guards.: at. emInr enc cndi:tions- 4;ma'y~ e';

o acce'ss A program fJore


.ecJ- significantly, differenit-- fromtoe o suriveillance 'f the-physical, baie cg.

noxnl'oeration--1eeoe~ii'i~y4"~ 0roce' ues b ,"":"

.b. iv-i"g"pa.ftis';;cl*o ed, icuitt'elevisio,'. importanat tat, s..iii*s ,

-ori'itrsir e "ci jani) wItY .-assure6 .Ithe .made-conisistent withrothfpl a pii riat- '


°'nt-i*mue nessi of the barrier-, for the' plant oi""eg.-,e"'er scurty'"..'edre.shu',be cohistxiy

.. , . c in..


- '

Adeq * cotrol 6f individu:als withirin"' sectirl" poced~ires "ol:si"n

... the '-ite'alsoi mpo.tantfor withthe emergenc p. an)..

protection- against industiial sabotage.Th Thh o 'n u y for inutral,


' fipersons orgrouiipst*hat are not sabotage also may be ;.reduced by  :

part of', the oper in' sta soud ff e providing 'locks o'n vsital'eq!iprit;*n.ina. "sii"

monitored': wileAey areqaI 'ieplantsite:. ' determiingthe acceptability'of:'

itoiifi proisi.smeasuresshould :equipment Iocks all' relevant saety.

'detect th'e uatorized tfor 'presence' considerations 'in addition to

17.1. .4 - -

4 ýi: A. I -  ::  :!i*i -i

..m.ust be evaluated to assure that overall 4. D. esi

'ýsafety is enihan~ced by, their use.' Equip

....... . ."a f pre-panned course, 6f ýactiomn -the event .of -an actual reasor or '--p"o-tejit~ial r".danger is iprant to of sat controllig ý.access to the plant~.' Pro~cedures' that c shotuid pbdfoIrdald1ing**ordlind -with and.

ýpbtbhtial dangers "-such'asr~bheats; arran and" cl yal ý_,Mýr ~ inclding' provi

.provisions*. f e notificatio fothe indeos

ýproperl aiuthonitedsý to assuire, aaeffective: again phyicl e-urtyprogram requies prote,

  • al * .. . . .S: d ;..

Asiain of ' proftd agaiiste oidsr.ialnv saotg. angmetinu ,rotl)atblllty 'm at A. tha.


i. r iitily

0 ".managem ent ad :

  • let[ adi age will leald ;;t

...... uir~c se.. * u-ct releases.,

trial sab otage :,

cthroghou th`,er lifel t ime ofm thplnt. Tohens that 'i:

-2. eletio ar.d  :'eronnlatt*etion oJ -if-ory' -It . ~important, n..iS*. the to,su a.n 'above eledtif oef aoptntd eguiym a~~tE ses, such as pt thractice for an, sf is egineerting opera ndant, co~mp

....... tai.;.reliable w~flb~l~c~d forti"reviieofemiýpler'oyeeto diviiias~an nie proedurspMensd ...

t..:irotecrt prfotmne .. adprt stent with other agansaet - dstraf c.oagn izant omf its ' .irnplent

)ry Positions

... . . . .. ...


... I3;

superveisor ..  ; atnecsar'Prsnelon

. I tead to come tncAd demedwicth rengardtoplan f hould be provid

-pronne, dures 'should

!!! important* ~d to, rduce ,the

"t"'s'. ' "*this n e*mployrni irpendedtriip y *

entsanydetcion standards a"nd of C I R C~n I

proecioýfncd'agindv indtra ast, Woi ge - plan s i te dout.4shuld60 oah'ipid.

f'.beT." design .


-'changes ~ ~ ~ ~ Man 'ste'tts~f~ciialn A and p.' e unustics, e compoents r.on-stf, ei 4er~dimplbasisdurin

-- of. c .mplees,*t .. .


-.A n 'ro gn~hizan s Oul be. miiat'1 reactorsbiit operation. etir aginedto0

or, ho~stnasAtatus - hs AundessryPonne a (

penodsof1 'j:, tim unsul beairl p? m -o 17.2oye, b- Asra-eu suc rmrgbs I It 'AAAAA- ~ A

psin..ap c~dauirnwould-help .to.. 'i " .. ti sethat unuto*risehaulngs*' -ibe ostosoasinific~t numtiberof: valves..... (..... P

w to, r i**n d i!f.rion o...

'Vi! "4 VyV* " 4  : .:Ai:~i

  • *!:', 1 -  %, * -i 4'V.:*'~ C . . . .

pi . .::

  • . h ,.* : .  :.:.. . . . :.. , 4. '.. - . -..

r r -y' Idues badging of employees, sign in  ; I

out-igunugdin acd herfirmance

,- O- "*f "visitorsd, . provid inig-", escorts fo'r (c"Poceduresj  :,,of ý-oearly detectiobn 4 n:clia engirntie,nf 'of . .-- bha iay

..... .persons* atemptig:.toA -.. &p

.. te vithlhreas- drug abuse" -------

- (g)Procediires, for appr-opriate searching (d.)Trainirig of ?Ipersonne 'With, regard to.

of visitors;-...... .pl.t.securtyA....:..

  • .. .................... ,... .

S - Moheonng o i':a, Equipmnent-Meanis

.." ' ..........

au.h*i. z e.d vehi




gand I -or- . i5 t ul bebe.- provided

.h.ior.he tormoo, satu

-'seafrhing* y.ehicles~entenniig sýite -;

(i rbceduresi associated Wihphysical;VeupetPoeue hudt 4 J

security tb dAeal wkith"e- emergencies 'at 'vlpdadpronltandt

- -theplait -identify equipment. that may have been 'i .-

-- Wihdisrabled Or whose status may..hv (j) Prolcdtiregs, for dedlin

g. wihunegoe

-d.angers sisuciasbonib;tlfeats 6and  :"..und-" gone unauthoriz h ze- ivave'closed whenfit slfouldbeoen disturbfbancs UIUUU.gFU M iiSxo , . I. i-

"..;:.i.::...authonties. . "*. .. 'pp i:i:ii:iI .rat ....".t. .res* kq i m n '* *: desig f:""::*:"a)

";: -*. r(k)*Nocedures: for investigation f ISecU t - . a... qi p t', eno b banpgedm

- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

scryprvdd ~

,-icdnsadfrad~ f -ad 2lbe, coni3~stent With, -other,,

4'. . - - ~j~f~y iing f th safe'.ty requirements' 6 'to'edce t&4£


-- un program;. o ' tbfr- successfu 'ppo~rtunity i dind~tnial-"'

2. Sel LAT'i6 mean -


.... o-- o PersnneT.e -meas. " .,sabotage. - 'm1

-2-:": . .!. . provieaided t. ,asure'*f.reliablel,*l a staff an.t " .". .. .

,.. - I(a)EsItaishmnenrit. "of employment* .prot'ection bf ie'th*faiHib " I"a aist7 fustr"al-=j

1 ,a - - . .itag will, bet _witihi f~K pbi d -ta 'rd and pra ctices -th 4: po' d sab oIdafrom.. . . . .*>,-

- for -e lectio6n .-f comp:e tient, .. u. re as prqovided' in ";:§'1-790dof..h.

"",..* i.i.  !. ,.iwell-balanced individuals;",. '." Commission'sregulations *10:CFR in Parn

,".,. i`s .

i "eli "nc
44 "
  • ni'~ .2"."". " Pa


"' v . - .;!-..i!.i:,..i!i"*  :-':....

, . - .

  • . . .. .: 4j,

"4 ... . -... A

  • !%  ::.4 * .,-. ... .  : . .-. .. ..- * - . 4 ':;*:

- " . .. 1 -1 .3

7.3 -. -1 -

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-:.: -. ' -*. -. * *: . -.-.,..'[.':.