Pages that link to "05000285/LER-1978-044, Forwards LER 78-044/03L-0"
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The following pages link to 05000285/LER-1978-044, Forwards LER 78-044/03L-0:
Displayed 36 items.
- ML20071G273 (redirect page) (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-044-03, /03L-0 on 781214:during 1978 Refueling Outage, Certain Surveillance Tests Req by Tech Specs Could Not Be Performed Because of Shutdown Condition.Facil Lic Change 77-11 Submitted to NRC on 781109 to Delete Requirements (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-044, Forwards LER 78-044/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-032, Forwards LER 78-032/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-042-03, /03L-0 on 781124:during Shutdown Cooling Interlock Test Noted That PC-105B Was Not Operating.Caused by Valve Closing Relay 94-347/348 Not Being Wired to PC-105B; Inadvertently Disconnected in 1977 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-042, Forwards LER 78-042/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-044-03, /03L-0 on 781214:during 1978 Refueling Outage, Certain Surveillance Tests Req by Tech Specs Could Not Be Performed Because of Shutdown Condition.Facil Lic Change 77-11 Submitted to NRC on 781109 to Delete Requirements (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-044 (redirect page) (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-043-03, /03L-0 on 781204:during Inspec of Discharged Fuel Assemblies,A Single Fuel Pin Was Observed to Have Failed, Assoc W/Manufacture & Exposure of Present Day Nuc Fuel (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-043, Forwards LER 78-043/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-031-03, /03X-1 on 780918:during Refueling Outage,D Channel Hot Leg Temp Indication Was Investigated to Determine Cause of 780918 Failure.Failure Caused by Rosemount Model 104VC RTD Having Water in the Pothead (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-039-03, /03L-0 on 781122:noted That Level Transmiter for C Channel (C/LT-901) for Steam Generator RC-2A Level Instrumentation Not W/In Specs.Caused by Calibr Drift of Ge/Mac Model 555 Transmitter (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-039, Forwards LER 78-039/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-037-03, /03L-0 on 781116:during Refueling,All Limitorque Valves Were Inspec for Proper Staking of the Lock Nut on the Motor operator.30 of 65 Valves Exhibited Unstaked Lock Nuts.Lock Nuts Were Staked IAW Manufacturers Instructions (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-038-01, /01T-0 on 781127:Diesel Generator 2 Failed to Auto Close Onto the Bus;Breaker Mode Switch Contracts 27-27c Failed to Make Contact.Caused by Contact Failure (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-038, Forwards LER 78-038/01T-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-037, Forwards LER 78-037/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-035-03, /03L-0 on 781113:during Test of Ventilation Isolation Actuation Signal,Lockout 86B1/VIAS Did Not Trip. Cause Unidentified,Since Relay Retested & Found to Be Operating Normally.Relays Will Continue to Be Tested (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-035, Forwards LER 78-035/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-036-03, /03L-0 on 781101:auxiliary Feedwater Check Valve FW-164 Found to Be Oriented in Wrong Position.Caused by Missing Valve Disk Plate Which Was Subsequently Located & Recovered (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-036, Forwards LER 78-036/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-034, Forwards LER 78-034/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-033-03, /03L-0 on 781014:Reactor Coolant Cold Leg Temp Indicator B/122C Failed High Off Scale Because of an Open Circuited Rosemount Model 104VC Rtd.The RTD Will Be Replaced During Present Refueling Outage (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-033, Forwards LER 78-033/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-032-03, /03L-0:on 781002,during Performance of ST-ESF-5, Timers SI-1B & CH-1B on Sequence S2-2 Failed to Time Out in Prescribed Time Limit.Caused by Stuck Operating Mechanism.Timers Exercised to Fee Mechanism (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-026-03, /03L-1 on 780830:Bchannel RPS Variable Overpwr Trip Reset Demand Alarm Actuated & Would Not Reset.Then,Hi Pwr & Thermal Margin/Low Pressure Trip Units Failed,Both Due to Failure of Devar19-601A,18volt Pwr Supply (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-029-03, /03L-0 on 780908:Inadvertent Radioactive Gas Release to Atmosphere Caused by Leakage Past Check Valve CH-284,HG-100 & Relief Valve HG-105.Valves Will Be Inspected & Replaced or Repaired During Next Refueling Outage (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-028-03, /03L-0 on 780831:failure of Tri-x Weather Towers 100 Meter Delta-T Sensor Sys to Rept Stability Class Info. Calibrations Revised to Ensure Instruments Detect Subsequent Sensor Sys Failures (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-028, Forwards LER 78-028/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-012-03, /03L-1 on 781229:during Routine Maint of Charging Pump CH-1B,crack in Valve Block at Piston 3 Was Found.Caused by Excessive Vibration During Operation (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-012, Forwards LER 78-012/03L-1 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-041, Forwards LER 78-041/03L-1 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-005-03, /03L-1 on 780214:CH-1C Charging Pump Was Out for Maint on Leaking End Cap.Crack in Valve Block Noted.Pump Not Inoperable & Returned to Svc.Crack Due to Heavy Usage & Excessive Vibration.New Block Installed 790105 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-005, Forwards LER 78-005/03L-1 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-040-03, /03L-0 on 781205:during Performance of Type B & C Containment Leak Rate Tests,Noted That Total Leakage Exceeded Tech Spec Limits.Leakage Caused by Penetrations to Containment Purge Valves (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-040, Forwards LER 78-040/03L-0 (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-045-01, /01T-0 on 781220:during Plant heatup,1 Pressure Channel for Power Operated Relief Valve (PORV) Sys Was Responding.Operator Pulled Recorder Fuses Causing PORV Valves to Open,Then Closed Them to Terminate Transient (← links)
- 05000285/LER-1978-045, Forwards LER 78-045/01T-0 (← links)