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Public Comments on the NRC Re-Licensing of the Davis Besse Nuclear Plant, Columbus Ohio, December 11, 2010
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 12/11/2010
From: Hammond C, Johnson P, Marida P, Morgen S, Robinson S, Whitaker J
- No Known Affiliation
License Renewal Projects Branch 2
Cooper P 415-2323
Download: ML11348A013 (14)


The submitter of this video, did not provided the NRC with a transcribed version. In order to respond to the Davis-Besse scoping comments it was transcribed by the Environmental Project Manager. The video, on file with the Proj ect Manager, remains the official submitted comments.

Unofficial Transcription Suzanne Patser Hello my name is Suzanne Patser and I live in Columbus Ohio and I'm very concerned about the Davis-Besse plant coming back online.

I can't think of anything that would be a worse idea for our state.

I believe that we have plenty of electricity.

We do not need to bring this power plant back online. I don't care how many jobs you think it might create or how much you want to justify the expense of building the plant to begin with but nothing is worth the lives of the people that are going to live near that plant and all of us because it's going to affect everybody if there was any type of accident.

I know there is always just radioactive l eakage anyway that we aren't even told about.

There are so many other clean ways to provide energy. Wind Solar geothermal there is no reason to bring a nuclear plant online. There would have to be some other agenda involved we hope that is not military agenda. But we know that we don't the electricity from that plant in this state.

And we know that it had a hole in a very vu lnerable spot earlier. We don't trust the people that run these type of plants that the safety is there and regardless if it takes a million years to get rid of radioactive waste how is that a benefit to anybody and human kind or on this planet. So I am absolutely 100% against any nuclear plant opening anywhere. It is not the type of energy that our country needs, our state need, that Toledo needs that anybody needs that lives or works in that area.

James Whitaker Hi my names is James Whitaker and I'm from in Columbus Ohio and as far as the creation of more radioactive waste here in the state of Ohio I don't th ink we need to do that I think that the any of the fuel s that we have as far as fossil fuel s is adequate if it's done properly.

But I certainly don't want to create more nuclear waste.

Scott Robinson Hello my name is Scott Robinson from Worthington Ohio and I'm opposed to the relicensing of the Davis-Besse nuclear power plant. Thank you.

Simone Morgen Hi my name is Simone Morgen I'm a Columbus resident and I just want to say that a facility such as Davis Besse that has had numerous failures cumulating in that lovely hole that endangered people with a possible meltdown has no business having a renewal without stringent oversight if it should have renewal at all.

It puts people in Toledo especially in danger and could possibly extend as far south as Columbus. So I really do not think that this should be renewed.

Emily Journey I'm Emily Journey and I'm from Westerville Oh io. I'd like you to know that I do not support the relicensing of the Davis-Besse Atomic reactor.

I believe we should be going in different dire ctions when it comes to supplying energy to our communities. Direction that is not destruc tive that can provi de new green jobs. Thank You. Bob Patraicus Hi my name is Bob Patraicus, I have a PhD in political Science. I am a JD. My concerns with Davis-Besse begin with the obvious. Th ere has been contamination. Radioactive contamination at that plant in t he past it continues to occur.

Moreover the entire process of mining transporting and allowing radioactivity as a fuel source is inherently contaminating.

It is located there on the great lakes, the la rgest clean water source in the world and it seems extremely dangerous and unnec essary since there is other alternative fuel sources to allow for Davis-Besse to ever be reopened with its incredibly bad hi story safety history with its dome.

So because of the ongoing contamination and the inherent nature of the radioactive contamination in the process of it being mined and transported. I would like the commission to look very closely at this and do what we all know is correct and keep Davis-Besse closed.

Kevin Malcolm Alright. I'm totally against the nuclear power. I just I'm an old guy and I've been around for many years and I know the history damages that it can cause and I'm really opposed to it.

That's why I'm on camera here. That's why I'm on camera and I will do whatever I can to support the cause against it. The actions, take acti ons against it. That what all I got to say.

Thank you very much.

My name is Kevin Malcolm Jones originally from Cleveland Ohio but I've been here in Columbus for 6 years.

Doug Todd Hi my name is Doug Todd I'm from Columbus Ohio. I'm very concerned about the Davis-Besse Plant. From what little I know the most recent containment failure a few years ago was a result of laxed inspection. I'm awar e that FirstEnergy had requested a delay in inspection on the plant. And it was this delay that almost led to t he containment break down which would have been a Chernobyl type disaster for Northern Ohio. By all means please do not approve the relicensure of Davis-Besse. Thank You Connie Hammond My name is Connie Hammond I live in Columbus Ohio. I'm a member of the Sierra Club nuclear issues committee and the Ohio Green par ty. My primary concern is with the toxic legacy that we are leaving for our Chil dren and Grandchildren. Beyond the obvious radioactivity and pollution that these plants produce.

The process of production of nuclear energy from mining through disposal of waste is very carbon intensive and would contri bute heavily to global warming.

We need to invest our money into green technol ogies that would create job and also help our economy which is leaving the toxic legacy for our children as well as these nuclear power plants.

Davis-Besse is not a safe plant it has a ve ry bad track record and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has been laxed in its inspections.

I really am concerned I'm very disconcerned for the future of our children and future gener ations in terms of the toxicity and global warming. Also we don't need this energy and it is just not a good way for our country to be going. Thank You Bernadine Kent My name is Bernadine Kent and I'm from Co lumbus Ohio and I have been informed of the Davis-Besse power plant in Toledo. I'm concerned about this plant extending their license for the next 20 years. To me that doesn't make any sense especially since they have problems.

Rather than extending the license there should be some type of investigation or some kind of attempt to resolve these problems instead of just saying ok for t he next 20 years these problems can continue. So my concern is t hat anyone that anyone t hat would allow this license to continue is not acting in the best interest of the citizens.

Unknown I wish to join the wave of the future. Which is alternative energy sources. Fossil fuels and nuclear energy are part of the past.

Pete Johnson My name is Pete Johnson I'm associated wit h the Columbus free press and citizens alliance for secure elections and I'm defin itely opposed to relicensing Davis-Besse.

It's dangerous, it's been mismanaged for a long time and I'm definitely opposed to the relicensure of Davis-Besse. Thank you.

I live in Franklin County, Ohio.

Constance Gadwell-Newton Esq This is Connie Gadwell-Newton I'm an attorney. I'm active with the Ohio Green party and I wanted to express my opposition to the re licensing of Davis-Besse for 20 years.

Basically I mean I've heard a lot of the scienc e about it and I can't really say a whole lot about that. But what I can say is that you know it's going to be relicensed supposedly for 20 more years and that would be to 2037, I believe , so I'm opposed to the relicensing of Davis-Besse because I think it's a youth issue and basic ally this is an important youth issue its important to the young people who are not allowed to vote and be politically active and children and the future generations. A lot of the people who are working to relicense this nuclear facility are going to have died of old age by the time its finished and then when it's finished we are going to need to worry about cleaning it up keeping it in repair and I don't think that people are really looking ahead to t he future and considering you know the work that going to be involved to make sure that its safe.

Nuclear waste and radioactivity has a half life of gabillion years to put it in kids terminology and you know a lot of the people who are goi ng to be effected by nuclear waste are not even born yet. And So speaking on behalf of the youth, babies, people who cannot speak for themselves. I just wanted to say that relicensing Davis-Besse and using nuclear energy is wrong. It may be expedient so for the people who are only planning on living you know 10 or 20 more years then fine but they don't care if the world is going to be destroyed. But there are people who that e ffects and I would just urge the people who are making this decision to think of the future generations and to be able to think about somebody other than yourselves really.

Yeah I want to make a statement on behalf of kids whose environment is being destroyed.

There used to be a lot more nature to go to and tromp around in and now kids don't have that we have urban environments that are polluted kids getting cancer because of this kind of stuff and it's really not ok. So this is C onnie Gadwell Newton urging you to not renew the licensing for Davis-Besse. Thank you.

Patricia Marida Hi my name is Patricia Marida. I'm the chair of the nuclear issues committee at the Ohio Sierra Club. I gave a presentation bef ore the Nuclear Regulatory Commission on November 4, 2010 as to why the Sierra Club opposes the extension of a license at Davis-Besse.

Tonight I'm going to give my personal statement. I think that it's well recorded there are 10 pages of documentation of very serious violations and illegalities, and actually nuclear accidents at Davis-Besse. It is the most acci dent ridden power plant, nuclear power plant in the nation. It is very clear that we have a serious problem here also because the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has been very laxed in enforcing Da vis-Besse. In fact allowing them to, allowing FirstEnergy and Davis-Besse Operating Company to continue operating the plant when it was supposed to be shut down for an inspection. And the reactor head came within 1/8" of metal left between containm ent and a nuclear holocaust. So It is very clear that the regulatory and the supervision is lacking were also would like the NRC to be sure to cover the safety issues there, there are many safety issues.

Apparently when an accident, when there is an alarm there is no response. People say oh that's just a false alarm. So no one seems to get very excited, when an alarm goes off at Davis-Besse.

We are also concerned about fish and Lake Er ie and the heat coming out of the plant.

Even more we are concerned about the possibility of contamination of all the water in the great lakes from a reactor accident. This would be a nightmarish-So the fleeting use of electricity in the past has left us with a legacy of nuclear waste. But However we understand that the nuclear re gulatory commission does not have to even consider that when they are deciding whether or not to license Davis-Besse because in the past the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has m ade a decision that they are not going to, that this doesn't have anything to do with a new license despite the fact that much more of this dangerous radioactivity is going to be stored at the plant there is no solution for it there is no magic solution that will turn lead into gold it will remain radioactiv e for millions of years and will gradually spread itself around. It is so important for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to look at issues of the onsite stor age and to look at containing and at least in the near future making this waste safe. The new waste is going to be generated there really does need to be a plan for isolating it onsite. We are not asking for a plan to isolate it for a hundred million years because we all know that's an impossibility.

We are asking for some sort of a plan working with Doctor Arjune Macaj ohny of the institute for environmental and economic research in Washington DC, we are asking for you the NRC to work with him and look at some serious wa ys of isolating this waste in canister that are hidden in bunkers where they are safe from terrorist attack.

So this fleeting use of electricity when we don't even need any more electricity. What happened when Davis-Besse was shut down? We got along fine.

We are closing down Coal plants now because Ohio is actually using less electricity than they used to. We've got efficiency we've got solar we have wind we have geothermal we have all kinds of sustainable ways.

We don't need more nuclear power and we need to have the Nuclear Regulatory Commission look at whether or not more elec tric is needed especially the large amount that Davis-Besse produces because we think it could be shut down today we think it should be shut down today.

Dr. David Lochbaum has sent you a very well documented statement as to why that this plant needs to be shut down now, it is dangerous to operate and the NRC dismissed it out of hand with what Dr. Lauchbaum char acterized as superfluous reasons.