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M140603: Slides - Briefing on Results of Agency Action Review Meeting (AARM)
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry  Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 06/03/2014
Download: ML14154A061 (62)


Nuclear Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant June 3, 2014 Joe Grimes Chief Nuclear Officer Discussion Points Nuclear Opening Remarks Performance Improvements Transition To Excellence Sustained Excellence Closing Remarks Joe Grimes Keith Poison Keith Poison David Czufin Joe Grimes lear Opening Remarks Nuclear Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant:; Has demonstrated performance improvement.

0 Is in transition from performance improvement to excellence.) Will sustain excellence through the performance of the site leadership team and the support of the TVA fleet.STVA is committing the necessary resources to achieve sustained excellence at Browns Ferry and across the nuclear fleet..3 Performance Improvements Nuclear Recent success as Browns Ferry drives toward sustained excellence:

.; Improved Safety Culture> Closed Red Finding and Confirmatory Action Letter> Completed Successful U3R16 outage> Personal safety and human performance

> Dose: 164 Rem against an original goal of < 200 Rem> Demonstrated conservative nuclear safety decision making> Achieved Improved Safety Systems Equipment Reliability 4

Performance Improvements Nuclear SAFETY SYSTEMS RELIABILITY PLAN 1200-I.....I Remaining Work Orders..... 1 .. .T[iUUU I BM00 i 7-Fquipmert tmprawm,-rts Inchode: DC7 Gowmor Upgrod#,s DC? Powrr Pack Upg'ad-D(I I lit, P 01/ J)ýyj rlide-HP CI Merha 11 HPO 5*,VýVrl V(;ýVf' fjM', ;, 1,1 CS Vota, R,,kx rmc, r, 400-200-0 0 N 0 N N CM)f.)0 N N 0 N I Target Remaining Finishes Target Endy Finishes W Transition To Excellence Nuclear IRelated Existing Performance Deficiencies U Analysis and Action I Development Implementation

  • Identification, Assessment, & Correction of Performance Deficiencies (IA&CPD)** Independent Nuclear Safety Culture Assessment (INSCA)** National Fire Protection Association 805: Performance-Based Standard for Fire Protection for Light Water Reactor Electric Plants (NFPA 805) uAJ Transition To Excellence Nuclear SIntegrated Excellence Plan developed to drive continued nuclear safety culture improvement and ensure sustained performance improvement.

Procedure and Work Instruction Upgrade SOperational Focus SWork Management

~Equipment Reliability STraining Sustained Excellence Nuclear;Governance, Oversight, Execution, and Support Equipment Reliability Independent Oversight 8 NClosing Remarks Nuclear;TVA's goal is sustained excellence at all of its nuclear stations.wTVA has demonstrated meaningful performance improvement at Browns Ferry.;TVA understands the issues and challenges to maintain sustained excellence at the station.)TVA is committed to providing the resources needed to achieve sustained excellence at Browns Ferry and across the nuclear fleet.9 List of Acronyms Nuclear IACPD INSCA TVA U3R16 Identification, Assessment

& Correction of Performance Deficiencies Independent Nuclear Safety Culture Assessment Tennessee Valley Authority Unit 3 Refuel Outage 16 10

.a y OPPD's Fort Calhoun Station Driving to Sustained Excellence June 3, 2014 Focus Areas" Our Commitment

-Gary Gates" Plant Status -Lou Cortopassi" Engineering Products -Lou Cortopassi" Plan for Sustained Improvement-Tim Hanley" Closing Remarks -Gary Gates 2 Our Commitment

  • OPPD and our Board remain committed to continued safe operation of the plant and driving to sustained excellence
  • Key lessons learned 3 Plant Status" Safety Culture" Industrial Safety and Human Performance" Plant Performance 4

Engineering Products* Observations, Trends and Post-Restart Actions for.-Corrective Action Products-10 CFR 50.59 Evaluations-Operability Evaluations-Design and Licensing Basis control and use 5 Plan for Sustained Improvement" Proven Exelon process for performance improvement-Integration

-Management Model-Fleet Resources* Continue to drive to sustained excellence 6

Closing Remarks 7 US.NRC Briefing on the Results of the Agency Action Review Meeting Michael Johnson Deputy Executive Director for Reactor and Preparedness Programs June 3, 2014 Objectives

  • Review agency actions for material and reactor licensees" Coordinate agency actions* Review Reactor Oversight Process self-assessment
  • Review industry trends 2 Licensed Activities Safe and Secure" Agency actions were appropriate for licensees with significant performance issues" No significant adverse trends and no significant adjustments recommended for the Materials and Waste Programs" No significant adverse trends and no significant adjustments recommended for the Reactor Oversight Process 3 Agenda* Materials and Waste Performance Trends -Laura Dudes, FSME" Industry Trends Program and Reactor Oversight Process Self-Assessment

-Allen Howe, NRR" Reactor Licensee Discussions-Browns Ferry -Victor McCree, RII-Fort Calhoun -Marc Dapas, RIV 4 Materials Performance Trends Laura Dudes, Director Division of Materials Safety and State Agreements FSME 51 Performance Evaluation Process* Systematic review to identify significant:

-Operational performance trends-Licensee performance issues-NRC program issues/gaps 6

Performance Criteria* Strategic outcomes" Performance measures" Trending review of Nuclear Material Events Database (NMED) data" Abnormal occurrences" Significant enforcement actions" Agency Action Review Meeting Criteria 7 No Significant Performance Trends Identified 1000* 415 NMED events* 10 Abnormal Occurrences

  • Event numbers small compared to the millions of uses 848 8w ew~40 z 6"4 415 200 0 2!004 2006 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Fiscal Year 1NRC AS -4TOW Figure 1. All NMED Events (5,634 total) from SECY 14-0035, "Annual Report to the Commission on Licensee Performance in the Materials and Waste Programs Fiscal Year 2013" 8 Radiography Events Special Study 9 Met Strategic Goals* Two nuclear materials licensees met the Agency Action Review Meeting discussion criteria" Materials program met safety and security performance metrics" No significant trending issues" No significant NRC program issues 10 Reactor Assessments Allen Howe, Deputy Director Division of Inspection and Regional Support Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation 11 Industry-Wide Safety Performance Maintained" No long-term industry trends identified with existing data-Ongoing review* No short-term industry performance limits exceeded* No events exceeded limits within Baseline Risk Index for Initiating Events 12 Industry Trends Program Improves" Considering all oversight cornerstones" Using additional Performance Indicator information" Evaluating incorporation of new reactors performance data 13 Oversight Process Is Effective* Met performance goals and achieved intended outcomes" Appropriately focused resources based on performance" Impact of furlough 14 Oversight Process Deviation" Action Matrix Deviation-Perry (Jan. 2013)" Plan to add flexibility to guidance* Revised guidance based on lessons learned from 2012 deviations 15 Oversight Activities
  • Internal and External Activities

-Oversight Enhancement Project-Independent Review-Other evaluations

  • Incorporated safety culture common language into oversight process* Provided recommendations for risk-informing new reactors 16 Future Oversight Improvements
  • Evaluate feedback and implement appropriate oversight improvements
  • Explore improvements to the oversight self-assessment process* Continue emphasis on stakeholder involvement
  • Transition from construction oversight to operating oversight 17 Review of Browns Ferry Performance Victor McCree Regional Administrator, RII 18


Unit I Multiple/Repetitive Degraded Cornerstone Column (Column 4), since fourth quarter 2010-Red Finding (LPCI valve) closed-Confirmatory Action Letter (CAL)closed-Unit 1 remains in Column 4 due to additional Action Matrix inputs 19 Background (cont.)* Unit 2 Degraded Cornerstone Column (Column 3), since fourth quarter 2012 Inspection Procedure (HP) 95002 Supplemental Inspection completed Unit 2 remains in Column 3 due to additional Action Matrix inputs 20 Background (cont.)* Unit 3 Regulatory Response Column (Column 2), since second quarter 2012-Previous IP 95001 Supplemental Inspection completed-Unit 3 remains in Column 2 due to White Emergency Preparedness Finding 21 Current Plant Status* Unit I -At power since March 2013 after degraded vacuum related scram" Unit 2 -At power since May 2013 following refueling outage" Unit 3- At power since May 2014 after a scram from a testing issue 22 Browns Ferry Operated Safely" NRC conducted Baseline, Supplemental and CAL Closure inspections in 2013* NRC inspections identified improvements in station performance" NRC inspections identified improved understanding of the importance of a strong safety culture 23 Completed Inspection Procedure 95003* NRC identified no findings of greater-than-Green significance

  • CAL issued to establish basis for closure of Red Finding Short term (Tier 1) actions Longer term (Tier 2) actions for continued performance improvement 24 Completed CAL Closure Inspection
  • Confirmed adequacy of Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) actions to address all Tier I items* No findings were identified P Closed Red Finding and CAL 25 Substantive Cross-Cutting Issues Closed" Closed two long standing Substantive Cross-Cutting (SCCI) based on results of Supplemental Inspection" Closed one SCCI based on CAL closure inspection" No new SCCIs opened Issues IP 95003 results of 26 Open Confirmatory Orders* 2009 Confirmatory Order for Discrimination TVA continues to implement actions associated with the Confirmatory Order 27 Open Confirmatory Orders (cont.)* 2014 Confirmatory Order for IOCFR50 Appendix R Operations Minimum Staffing Level-Associated with White Emergency Preparedness Finding-SLIII 50.9 (Inaccurate Information)

-SLIII 50.90 (Improper License Change)28 Going Forward* Perform IP 95001 Supplemental Inspection for Emergency Preparedness White Finding* Perform inspections to verify adequate implementation of Confirmatory Order actions 29 Going Forward (cont.)* Perform baseline inspections to verify adequate implementation of Tier 2 actions* Assess licensee performance for expected Performance Indicator changes 30 Review of Fort Calhoun Station Performance Marc Dapas Regional Administrator, RIV 31 Fort Calhoun Station*Regulatory Oversight*Restart Readiness Decision*Going Forward 32 Regulatory Oversight" Yellow Finding -inadequate flood protection (Oct. 2010)-Transition to Reactor Oversight Process (ROP) Action Matrix Column 3" Shutdown for refueling outage (Apr. 2011)" Missouri River flood (May 2011)" Electrical switchgear fire (June 2011)33 Regulatory Oversight (cont.)* White Finding -reactor protection system failed contactor (July 2011)* Transition to ROP Action Matrix Column 4 (Sept. 2011)* CAL issued (Sept. 2011)-post flooding recovery actions 34 Regulatory Oversight (cont.)" Transition to Inspection Manual Chapter 0350 Process (Dec. 2011)* Omaha Public Power District/Exelon Services Agreement (Jan. 2012)" Commission briefing (Feb. 2012)" Red Finding for switchgear fire (Apr. 2012)35 Regulatory Oversight (cont.)* Revised CAL Issued (June 2012)-added restart checklist-contained IP 95003 key attributes

  • Commission briefing (June 2012)" Restart Checklist Basis Document issued (Nov. 2012)36 Regulatory Oversight (cont.)" Commission briefing (Jan. 2013)* Revised CAL issued (Feb. 2013)-Added 3 Restart Checklist items* Commission briefing (May 2013)37 Restart Readiness Decision* Restart Checklist inspection activities completed (Dec. 2013)23,000 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br /> of NRC inspection, assessment, and licensing activities
  • Comprehensive corrective actions independently verified* CAL closed (Dec. 2013)" Post-Restart CAL issued (Dec. 2013)38 Going Forward* Conduct baseline and area-specific inspections-Safety Culture Corrective Action Program-Evaluation of degraded/non-conforming conditions 39 Going Forward (cont.)* Continue routine public meetings to provide for open and transparent oversight process* Performance assessment for transition to normal level of regulatory oversight' 40 References
  • SECY-14-0047, "Reactor Oversight Process Self-Assessment for Calendar Year 2013" 41 List of Acronyms* CAL -Confirmatory Action Letter* FSME -Office of Federal and State Materials and Environmental Management Programs* IP -Inspection Procedure* LPCI -Low Pressure Core Injection" NMED -Nuclear Material Events Database* NRC -U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 42 List of Acronyms (cont.)" RII -Regional Office II* RIV- Regional Office IV" ROP -Reactor Oversight Process" SCCI -Substantive Cross-Cutting Issue* SECY- Office of the Secretary" SL -Severity Level 43 OPTIONAL BACKGROUND SLIDE 44 Watts Bar 2 Milestones

2014)* Commission Meeting (Oct. 2014* Commission Vote Paper -Issuance of Operating License (Nov. 2015)* Final Readiness Letter and decision on Full Power License (Feb. 2015)* Commercial Operation (Dec. 2015)45