Regulatory Guide 7.9

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Standard Format and Content of Part 71 Applications for Approval of Package of Type B, Large Quantity and Fissile Radioactive Material
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/31/1979
Download: ML13350A232 (38)

U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION March 1979REGULATORY GUIDEOFFICE OF STANDARDS DEVELOPMENTAT 71 APPLICATIONS1E B, LARGE QUANTITY, ANDMATERIALREGULATORYSTANDARD FORMAT AND CONTFOR APPROVAL OF PACKAGIN(IFISSILE-RADUSNRC REGULATORY GUIDESRegubtswr Gulds ate mmull to daesalf end make svelabll to the wjubksed og e rtabb to dIM NRC Moff of vipeestt spe11" pmte of theCaiml arcfid upgagomlt for vkzutated anents in tom guoide@ we edncuagedRagpjmr~mbe Gulee -* .aots&etua 800oret e ationa enomda corm-0 ane vdi eI jotaurad Mtodr endrete sofutbow dlffaerdItm toseif~~t woe, ~wire aor A two rnic aft e tor icense by emt useful in eveluetin ft neeid for en ewati revAs1on.Commerti shoud be sent to me Secr erv of me Commramo. U.S. !J.ucarReglatry ommon. Wa gtipo. D.OC. 2M6I6 Attention: DocstnN andThe guides am lawued In the IolIolhig ten broad 1. Power Psectoa 6. Procucta2. Research aW Tme Rectoi 7. TransportationI. Fuels end Materie Facaimiis IL Occuostionl Poselm4. Envi m en Satn i .Antitru$t and Financtsl RvisiewK Matertl am Pn tISot t. Gene"Raueasm for single ropini of Wed guides (witc be raoroduesel or forplacerneit on en autotnatl itteb= 6:14O t fsiangle copies of futr; %,tdesin Specific ofSlIom sOuLdd !nud , swlt to the U.S. Nudeaw ReutaoyWe D.C. 20M Attention: Director, DOl.son ofTechn'ial Infortorinarid Ocum Con o.

TABLE OF CONTENTSPageINTRODUCTION ..................................................................... iPurpose of Standard Format ....................................................... iApplicability of Standard Format ................................................. iiUse of Standard Format ........................................................... iiStyle and Composition ............................................................ iiRev isions ........................................................................ iiiPhysical Specifications .......................................................... iv1. GENERAL INFORMATION .............................................................. 1-11.1 Introduction ................................................................ 1-11.2 Package Description ......................................................... 1-11.2.1 Packaging ............................................................ 1-11.2.2 Operational Features ................................................. 1-11.2.3 Contents of Packaging ................................................ 1-11.3 Appendix .................................................................... 1-22. STRUCTURAL EVALUATION ............................................................ 2-12.1 Structural Design ........................................................... 2-12.1.1 Discussion ........................................................... 2-12.1.2 Design Criteria ...................................................... 2-12.2 Weights and Centers of Gravity .............................................. 2-12.3 Mechanical Properties of Materials .......................................... 2-12.4 General Standards for All Packages .......................................... 2-22.4.1 Chemical and Galvanic Reactions ...................................... 2-22.4.2 Positive Clobure .................................................... 2-22.4.3 Lifting Devices ...................................................... 2-22.4.4 Tiedown Devices ....................................................... 2-22.5 Standards for Type B and Large Quantity Packaging ........................... 2-22.5.1 Load Resistance .................... ................................. 2-32.5.2 External Pressure .................................................... 2-32.6 Normal Conditions of Transport .............................................. 2-32.6.1 Heat ................................................................. 2-32.6.2 Cold ................................................................. 2-32.6.3 Pressure ............................................................. 2-42.6.4 Vibration ............................................................ 2-42.6.5 Water Spray .......................................................... 2-42.6.6 Free Drop ............................................................ 2-42.6.7 Corner Drop .......................................................... 2-42.6.8 Penetration ........................................................... 2-42.6.9 Compression .......................................................... 2-42.7 Hypothetical Accident Conditions ............................................ 2-42.7.1 Free Drop ............................................................ 2-52.7.2 Puncture ............................................................. 2-72.7.3 Thermal .............................................................. 2-72.7.4 Water Immersion ...................................................... 2-72.7.5 Summary of Damage .................................................... 2-7 TAKLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd)2.8 Special Form ................................................................ 2-72.8.1 Description .......................................................... 2-82.8.2 Free Drop ............................................................ 2-82.8.3 Percussion ........................................................... 2-82.8.4 Heating .............................................................. 2-82.8.5 Immersion .............................................. ............. 2-82.8.6 Summary ........................................................... 2-82.9 Fuel Rods ................................................................... 2-82.10 Appendix .................................................................... 2-83. THERMAL EVALUATION ............................................................. .. 3-13.1 Discussion .................................................................. 3-13.2 Summary of Thermal Properties of Materials .................................. 3-13.3 Technical Specifications of Components ...................................... 3-13.4 Thermal Evaluation for Normal Conditions of Transport ....................... 3-13.4.1 Thermal Model ........................................................ 3-13.4.2 Maximum Temperatures ................................................. 3-23.4.3 Minimum Temperatures ................................................. 3-23.4.4 Maximum Internal Pressures ........................................... 3-23.4.5 Maximum Thermal Stresses ............................................. 3-23.4.6 Evaluation of Package Performance for Normal Conditions of Transport. 3-23.5 Hypothetical Accident Thermal Evaluation .................................... 3-23.5.1 Thermal Model ........................................................ 3-33.5.2 Package Conditions and Environment ................................... 3-33.5.3 Package Tem,:eratures ................................................. 3-33.5.4 Maximum Internal Pressures ........................................... 3-33.5.5 Maximum Thermal Stresses .......................................... 3-43.5.6 Evaluation of Package Performance for the Hypothetical AccidentThermal Conditions ................................................. 3-43.6 Appendix .................................................................... 3-44. CONTAINMENT ...................................................................... 4-14.1 Containment Boundary ........................................................ 4-14.1.1 Containment Vessel ................................................... 4-14.1.2 Containment Penetrations ............................................. 4-14.1.3 Seals and Welds...................................................... 4-14.1.4 Closure .............................................................. 4-14.2 Requirements for Normal Conditions of Transport ............................. 4-14.2.1 Release of Radioactive Material ...................................... 4-14.2.2 Pressurization of Containment Vessel ................................. 4-14.2.3 Coolant Contamination ................................................ 4-24.2.4 Coolant Loss ......................................................... 4-24.3 Containment Requirements for the Hypothetical Accident Conditions ........... 4-24.3.1 Fission Gas Products ................................................. 4-24.3.2 Releases of Contents ................................................. 4-24.4 Appendix .................................................................... 4-25. SHIELDING EVALUATION ............................................................. 5-15.1 Discussion and Results ...................................................... 5-1 05.2 Source Specification ........................................................ 5-1ON wmwnwý Ewan TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd)Page5.2.1 GaNmma Source ........................................... 5-15.2.2 Neutron Source .....................................................5-15.3 Model Specification ......................................................... 5-15.3.1 Description of the Radial and Axial Shielding Configuration .......... 5-15.3.2 Shield Regional Densities ............................................ 5-25.4 Shielding Evaluation ........................................................ 5-25.5 Appendix .................................................................... 5-26. CRITICALITY EVALUATION ........................................................... 6-16.1 Discussion and Results ...................................................... 6-16.2 Package Fuel Loading ........................................................ 6-16.3. Model Specification ......................................................... 6-16.3.1 Description of Calculational Model ................................... 6-16.3.2 Package Regional Densities ........................................... 6-16.4 Criticality Calculation ..................................................... 6-16.4.1 Calculational or Experimental Method ................................. 6-46.4.2 Fuel Loading or Other Contents Loading Optimization .................. 6-46.4.3 Criticality Results .................................................. 6-46.5 Critical Benchmark Experiments .............................................. 6-46.5.1 Benchmark Experiments and Applicability........................... 6-46.5.2 Details of the Benchmark Calculations ................................ 6-56.5.3 Results of the Benchmark Calculations ............................... 6-56.6 Appendix .................................................................... 6-57. OPERATING PROCEDURES ............................................................. 7-17.1 Procedures for Loading the Package .......................................... 7-17.2 Procedures for Unloading the Package ........................................ 7-17.3 Preparation of an Empty Package for Transport ............................... 7-17.4 Appendix ........................ i ........................................... 7-18. ACCEPTANCE TESTS AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAM ......................................... 8-18.1 Acceptance Tests ............................................................. 8-18.1.1 Visual Inspection ..................................................... 8-18.1.2 Structural and Pressure Tests ......................................... 8-18.1.3 Leak Tests.... ....................................................... 8-18.1.4 Component Tests ...................................................... 8-18.1.5 Tests for Shielding Integrity ........................................ 8-28.1.6 Thermal Acceptance Tests... ........................................... 8-28.2 Maintenance Program .......................................................... 8-28.2.1 Structural and Pressure Tests ......................................... 8-38.2.2 Leak Tests...; ............. i .......................................... 8-38.2.3 Subsystems Maintenance ... ............................................ 8-38.2.4 Valves, Rupture Discs, and Gaskets on Containment Vessel .............. 8-38.2.5 Shielding .................... ................... ...... ; ............. 8-38.2.6 Thermal ......................................................... 8-38.2.7 Miscellaneous .................................................... 8-3.-.-Wmmd INTRODUCTIONThis regulatory guide has been compiled by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission(NRC) as an 3id in the preparation of applications for approval of packaging to be used for theshipment of type B, large quantity, and fissile radioactive material. It is not intended as aninterpretation of Commission regulations, within the meaning of §§ 30.5, 40.6, 70.6, or 71.14,Parts 30, 40, 70, or 71, respectively, of Title 10 uf the :ode of Federal Regulations. Nothingcontained in this guide may be construed as having the torce and effect of NRC regulations, noras indicating that applications supported by safet. .;,idlyses and prepared in accordance withthe recommendations of this regulatory guide necessarily will be approved, nor as relieving anylicensee from the requirements of 10 CFR Parts 30, 40, 70, and 71,* and any other pertinentregulations.This regulatory guide should not be considered a substitute for reference to 10 CFR Part 71,"Packaging of Radioactive Material for Transport and Transportation of Radioactive Material UnderCertain Conditions." Its primary purpose is to assist the applicant in preparing an applicationthat thoroughly and completely demonstrates the adequacy of the package in meeting the regulations.In addition to an approval of packaging, the applicant must have an approved quality assuranceprogram in accordance with the provisions of § 71.51 of 10 CFR. Additional information will berequested in support of an application if NRC believes that such information is necessary toprovide reasonable assurance of the safety of the proposed shipment. In preparing an applica-tion for approval of packaging, the applicant may find it useful to refer to other regulatoryguides of Division 7, "Transportation." Inquiries about these regulatory guides may bedirected to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555, Attention: Director,Division of Technical Information and Document Control.Purpose of Standard FormatThe purpose of the Standard Format and Content of Part 71 Applications for Approval ofPackaging of Type B, Large Quantity, and Fissile Radioactive Material (hereinafter "StandardFormat") is to indicate the information to be provided in the application and to establish auniform format for presenting the information. Use of this format will help ensure the comple-teness of the information provided, will assist the NRC staff and others in locating the informa-tion, and will aid in shortening the time needed for the review process. The application isthe principal document in which the applicant provides the information and base.; for the NRCstaff to determine whether or not the package meets the requirements of 10 CFR Part 71.The NRC staff is currently revising 10 CFR Part 71 to incorporate the IAEA-1973 revisions.Since the Commission has not approved publication of a proposed rule, this format guide doesnot attempt to incorporate possible changes to Part 71. As Part 71 is revised, this formatguide will be appropriately modified.i Applicability of Standard FormatThis Standard Format applies specifically to applications for approval of packaging oftype B, large quantity, and fissile radioactive material under 10 CFR Part 71. The StandardFormat identifies general and detailed information required and will help eisure the comple-teness of the information provided.Use of Standard FormatThe Standard Format presents a format for applications for approval that is acceptableto the NRC staff. Conformance with the Standard Format, however, is not required. Applica-tions for approval with different formats will be acceptable to the staff if they provide anadequate basis for the findings requisite to the approval of packaging. However, because itmay be more difficult to locate needed information, the staff review time for such applicationsmay be longer.Upon receipt of an application, the NRC staff will perform a preliminary review to deter-mine if the application provides a reasonably complete presentation of the information that isneeded to form a basis for the findings required before approval of a package in accordance with10 CFR Part 71. The Standard Format will be used by the staff as a guideline to identify thetype of information needed. If the application does not provide a reasonably complete presenta-tion of the necessary information, further review of the application will not be initiated untila reasonably complete presentation is provided. The information provided in the applicationshould be up to date with respect to the state of technology for transportation of radioactivematerials and should take into account recent changes in NRC regulations and guides, industrycodes and standards, results of recent developments in transportation safety, and experience inthe construction and use of radioactive material packaging.Style and CompositionThe applicant should strive for clear, concise presentations of the information providedin the application. Confusing or ambiguous statements and unnecessarily verbose descriptionsdo not contribute to expeditious technical review. Claims of adequacy of designs or designmethods should be supported by technical bases, i.e., by an appropriate engineering evaluationor description of actual tests. Terms as defined in the packaging and transport regulationsmust be used.The application should follow the numbering system and headings of the Standard Format atleast to the headings with three digits, e.g., 2.4.2 Positive Closure. When a particular require-ment does not apply to a package, the corresponding subsection should not be omitted but addressedwith the term "Not Applicable." A reason should be offered for not addressing a particularrequirement when there is doubt as to its applicability.Appendices to each chapter of the application should include detailed information omittedfrom the main text for clarity. A list of reports or other documents that are referenced inthe text of the application should be included in the appendix at the end of the chapter in whichii they are referenced. When specific items are referenced, page numbers should be provided. Incases where proprietary documents are referenced, a nonproprietary summary description of thedocument should also be referenced.All physical tests of components and packages should be supported by photographs in theappendices of the appropriate chapter. Appendices to the application may also be used to providesupplemental information not explicitly identified in the Standard Format. Examples of suchinformation are (1) summaries of the manner in which the applicant has treated matters addressedin NRC regulatory guides and (2) supplementary information regarding calculational methods ordesign approaches used by the applicant or its agents.Where numerical values are stated, the number of significant figures given should reflectthe accuracy or precision to which the number is known. Where possible, estimated limits oferror or uncertainty should be given. Significant figures should not be dropped or rounded offif, by doing so, subsequent conclusions are inadequately supported.Abbreviations should be consistent throughout the application and should be consistent withgenerally accepted usage. Any abbreviations, symbols, or special terms unique to the proposedpackaging or not in general usage should be defined in each chapter of the application wherethey are used.Drawings, diagrams, and charts should be used where the information can bepresented more adequately or conveniently by such means. Due concern should be taken to ensurethat all information presented in drawings is legible, symbols are defined, and drawings arenot reduced to the extent that visual aids are necessary to interpret pertinent items of informa-tion presented in the drawings.RevisionsData and text should be updated or revised by replacing pages. "Pen and ink" or "cut andpaste" changes should not be used.The changed or revised portion on each page should be highlighted by a "change indicator"mark consisting of a bold vertical line drawn in the margin opposite the binding margin. Theline should be the same length as the portion actually changed.All pages submitted to update, revise, or add pages to the report should show the date ofchange and a change or amendment number. A transmittal letter, including a guide page listingthe pages to be inserted and the pages to be rezc~vc>! should accompany the revised pages. Whereapplicable, supplemental pages may follow the revised page.All statements on a revised page should be accurate as of the date of the submittals.Special care should be taken to ensure that the main sections of the report are revised toreflect any design changes reported in supplemental information, i.e. , responses to NRC staffrequests for information or responses to regulatory positikns.Ill Physical Specifications.All material submitted as part of the application should conform to specific standards asto the physical dimensions of page size, quality of paper and inks, and numbering of pages,exhibits, and attachments. More specifically:1. Paper Size (not to exceed)Text pages: 8-1/2 x 11 inches.Drawings and graphics: 8-1/2 x 11 inches preferred; however, a larger size is acceptableprovided:a. After reduction, the size does not exceed 11 x 17 inches, including a 2-inch marginat left for binding.b. The finished copy when folded does not exceed 8-1/2 x 11 inches.All drawings should have a drawing number, revision number, company name, title, date ofrevision, and sheet number.2. Paper StockWeight or substance: 20 pound for printing on both sides.16 to 20 pound for printing on one side only.Composition:. Wood chemical sulphite (no groundwood) and a pH of 5.5.Color: White is preferred, but pastel colors are acceptable provided the combination ofpaper stock and ink is suitable for microfilming.3. InkColor sufficiently dense to record on microfilm or image-copying equipment.4. Page MarginsA margin of no less than one inch should be maintained on the top, bottom, and binding sideof all pages.5. PrintinaComposition: Text pages should be single spaced.Type font and style: Must be suitable for microfilming.Reproduction: May be mechanically or photographically reproduced. Text pages shouldpreferably be printed on twos51des with the image printed head to head.iv

6. Bindi rigPages should be punched for standard 3-hole looseleaf binder and contained within a bindersupplied by the applicant.7. Page NumberingPages should be numbered by chapter and sequentially within the chapter.8. SeparatorsSeparators should be provided between each chapter of the application.9. Number of CopiesTen copies of the application should be provided.V

J. GENERAL INFORMATIONThis chapter of the application should present an intruducLion and general packagedescription.1.1 IntroductionThis section should include the proposed use of the package, the model number, and, in thecase of fissile packages, the proposed fissile class or classes, and the number of packages pershipment or transport index, as appropriate.1.2 Package Description1.2.1 PackagingThe packaging description should include the gross weight, materials of construction,materials used as neutron absorbers or moderators, external dimensions and caviLy size, internaland external structures, receptacles, valves, sampling ports, means of heat dissipation, volumesand types of coolant, outer and inner protrusions, lifting and tiedown devices, amount of shield-ing, pressure relief systems, closures, and means of containment. The containment vessel shouldbe clearly identified. Overall and cutaway sketches (8-1/2 x 11 inches) of the package shouldbe included as part of the description.Drawings that clearly summarize the safety features considered in the analysis should beincluded in Appendix 1.3; e.g., material lists, dimensions, valves, gaskets, and weld specifica-tions should be included on the drawings. Detailed construction drawings of large, complexpackages should not be included.1.2.2 Operational FeaturesIn the case of a complex package system, a discussion of the operation of the packageshould be provided. This would include a schematic diagram showing all valves, connections,piping, openings, seals, containment boundaries, etc.1.2.3 Contents of PackagingState the quantity of radionuclides (in the case of irradiated fuel shipments, also estimatethe quantity of radionuclides available for immediate release within the void space of the fuelrods), chemical and physical form, material density, moderator ratios, configurations as requiredfor nuclear safety evaluation, the maximum amount of decay heat, maximum pressure buildup inthe inner container, and any other loading restrictions.1-1I

1.3 AppendixThis appendix should include detailed information describing the packaging, operationalfeatures, and contents of the packaging such as dimensional drawings, detailed operationalschematics, andloading. configurations.1-2

1.3 .AppendixThis appendix should include detailed information describing the packaging, operationalfeatures, and contents of the.packaging such as dimensional drawings, detailed operationalschematics, and loading configurations.1-2-- ,, ,, I I

2. STRUCTURAL EVALUATIONThis chapter of the application should identify, describe, discuss, and analyze theprincipal structural engineering design of the packaging, components, and systems important tosafety and to compliance with the performance requirements of 10 CFR Part 71.2.1 Structural Design2.1.1 DiscussionIdentify the principal structural members and systems such as the containment vessel, impactlimiters, closure devices, and valves that are vital to safe operation of the package. Referencethe location of these items on drawings, and discuss their structural design and performance.2.1.2 Design CriteriaDescribe the load combinations and factors that serve as design criteria. Design criteriamay be used if judged acceptable by the NRC staff in meeting the structural requirements of§§ 71.35 and 71.36 of 10 CFR Part 71. For each of these criteria, state the maximum allowablestresses and strains (as a percentage of the yield or ultimate values) for ductile failure;describe how the other structural failure modes (e.g., brittle fracture, fatigue, buckling) areconsidered. If different design criteria are to be allowed in various parts of the packagingor for different conditions, the appropriate values for each case should be indicated. Includethe criteria that will be used for impact evaluation. Identify all codes and standards thatare used to determine material properties, design limits, or methods of combining loads andstresses. In cases of deviation from standard codes, or if certain components are not coveredby such codes, provide a detailed description of the design criteria used as substitutes.2.2 Weights and Centers of GravityList the total weight of the packaging ano contents. Tabulate the weights of major individualsubassemblies such that the sum of the parts equals the total of the package. Locate the centerof gravity of the package and any other centers of gravity referred to in the application. It isnot necessary to include the calculations made to determine these values, but a sketch or drawingthat clearly shows the individual subassembly referred to and the reference point for locatingits center of gravity should be included.2.3 Mechanical Properties of MaterialsList all the material mechanical properties used in the structural evaluation. This mayinclude yield stress, ultimate stress, modulus of elasticity, ultimate strain, Poisson's ratio,density, and coefficient of thermal expansion. If impact limiters are used, include either acompression stress-strain curve for the material or the force-deformation relationship for thelimiter, as appropriate. For materials that are subjected to dynamic loadings or elevated2-1

.temperatures..the appropriate mechanical properties under these conditions should be the extent used in the structural evaluation.. The source'of- all information in this sectionshould be clearly and specifically referenced as to publication and page number. Wherematerialproperties are determined by testing, the test procedure, conditions, and measurements shouldbe described in sufficient detail to allow the staff to conclude that the results are valid.2.4 General Standards for All PackagesThis section should state that the general standards for all packaging, specified in § 71.31,are complied with, as demonstrated in the following paragraphs.2.4.1 Chemical and Galvanic ReactionsDiscuss possible chemical, galvanic, or other reactions in the packaging or between thepacKaging and the package contents. For each component material of the packaging, list allchemically or galvanically dissimilar materials with which it has contact. Indicate al,1specific measures that have been taken to prevent contact or reaction between materials, anddiscuss the effectiveness of such measures.2.4.2 Positive ClosureDescribe and discuss the package closure system in sufficient detail to show that it cannotbe inadvertently opened. This demonstration should include covers, valves, or any other accessthat must be closed during normal transportation..2.4.3 Lifting DevicesIdentify all devices and attachments that can be used to lift the package or its lid. Showby testing or analysis that these devices comply with the requirements of § 71.31(c) of 10 CFRPart 71. Provide drawings or sketches that show the location and construction of these items.Determine the effects of the forces imposed by lifting on vital package components, includingthe interfaces between the lifting device and other packaging surfaces. Documented values ofthe yield stresses of the materials should be used as the criteria to demonstrate compliancewith § 71.31(c)..2.4.4 Tiedown DevicesIdentify all devices that are a structural part of the package and can be usedas tiedowns.Discuss the overall tiedown system. Show by testing or analysis that these devices comply withthe requirements' of § 71.31(d) of 10 CFR Part 71. Provide drawings or sketches that show thelocation and construction of these devices and the overall tiedown system. Determine the effectof the imposed forces on vital package components, including the interfaces between the tiedowndevices and other package surfaces. Docýiented values of the yield stresses of the materialsshould be used as the criteria to demonstrate compliance with § 71.31(d).2.5 Standards for Type B and Large Quantity PackagingThis section should state that the standards for type 8 and large quantity packaging,specified in § 71.32, are complied with, as demonstrated in the following paragraphs.2-2

2.5.1 Load ResistanceShow by analysis or te~st that the package, if regarded as a simple beam supported at itsends along any major axis, can support a uniformly distributed load equal to five times its fullyloaded weight. Document values of the yield stresses uf the mattrials should be used as thecriteria to demonstrate compliance.2.5.2 External PressureShow by test ur analysis that the containment vessel would suffer no loss of contents ifthe package were subjected to an external pressure of 25 psig.2.6 Normal Conditinns of TransportIn this section, state that the package, when subjected to the normal conditions of transportspecified in Appendix A to 10 CFR Part 71, meets the standards specified in § 71.35 of 10 CFRPart 71, as demonstrated in the following paragraphs. The package should be assessed againsteach condition separately and a determination made that the applicable performance requirementsspecified in the regulations have been satisfied.2.6.1 HeatThe thermal evaluation for the heat test should be reported in Section Summary of Pressures and Temperatures. Summarize all pressures and temperatures,determined in the thermal evaluation (Chapter 3), that will be used to perform the calculationsrequired for pa,'vgraphs,, and Differential Thermal Expansion. Calculate the circumferential and axial deforma-tions and stresses (if any) that result from differential thermal expansion. Consider steady-state and transient conditions. These calculations must be sufficiently comprehensive to demon-5trate package integrity under normal transport conditiuns. Stress Calculations. Calculate the stresses due to the combined effects of thermalgradients, pressure, and mechanical loads. Provide sketches that show the configuration anddimensions of the members or systems being analyzed. and locate the points at which the stressesare being calculated. The analysis should consider whether repeated cycles of thermal loadings,together with other loadings, will cause fatigue failure or extensive accumulations of deformation. Comparison with Allowable Stresses. Make the appropriate stress combinations andcompare the resulting stresses with the design criteria in paragraph 2.1.2 of the application.Show that all the performance requirements specified in the regulations have been satis'-ed.2.6.2 ColdAssess the package for the effects of a steady-state ambient temperature of -40'F (-40'C).Consider both material properties and possible freezing of liquids under this condition. Identify,2-3 for vital components of the package, the resulting temperatures and their effect on operationof the package. Brittle fracture should be considered.2.6.3 PressureAssess the package for the effects of external pressure equal to 0.5 standard atmosphericpressure.2.6.4 VibrationAssess the package for the effect of vibrations normally incident to transport.2.6.5 Water SprayAssess the package for the effects of the water spray test.2.6.6 Free DropAssess the package for the effects of the free drop test. The general comments in para-graph 2.7.1 also apply to this condition. (Note that the free drop test follows the water spraytest.)2.6.7 Corner DropIf applicable, assess the package for the effects of corner drops.2.6.8 PenetrationAssess the package for the effects of penetration. Note that the point of impact could beat any location on the exterior surface of the package.2.6.9 CompressionAs applicable, assess the package for the effects of compression.2.7 Hypothetical Accident ConditionsIn this section, state that the package, when subjected to the hypothetical accident condi-tions as specified in Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 71, meets the standards specified in § 71.36 of10 CFR Part 71, as demonstrated in the following paragraphs.The hypothetical accident conditions are to be considered in the sequence specified by theregulations. Damage caused by each test is cumulative, and the evaluation of the ability of apackage to withstand any one test must consider the damage that resulted from the previous tests.It should be noted that a determination must have been made in Section 2.6 that the effectiveness2-4 of the package has not been reduced as a result of the normal conditions of transport. Brittlefracture should be considered.2.7.1 Free DropThe performance and structural integrity of a package must be evaluated for the drop orienta-tion that causes the most severe damage. An orientation that results in the most damage to onesystem or component may not be the most damaging for other systems and components. For thisreason, it is usually necessary to consider several drop orientations. The minimum requirementis that orientations for which the center of gravity is directly over the point of impact mustbe considered.The assessment of the package may be by analysis, prototype testing, model testing, or com-parison to a similar package.a. AnalysisCalculations should be presented in sufficient detail to allow the results to be veri-fied. Adequate narration and use of sketches and free body force diagrams should be included.For equations used in the analysis, either the source should be referenced or the derivationshould be included.The analysis should show how all the kinetic energy will be dissipated and which localdeformation and dynamic forces occur during impact. The response of the package in terms ofstress and strain to components and structural members should be shown. The structural stabilityof individual members as applicable should be investigated as well as stress due to impact those stresses caused by temperature gradients, differential thermal expansions, pressure,and other loads. Show that the performance requirements of 10 CFR Part 71 are met.b. Prototype TestingDescribe the test method, procedures, and target that were used. Indicate the packageorientation at time of impact. If the package tested is not identical in all respects to thepackage described in the application, explain the differences and show that these differenceswould not affect the test results.Describe the materials used as substitutes for the radioactive contents during thetests. Show that this substitution would not affect the test results. Consider the effects ofinternal decay heat and pressure bjildup if these effects would have arisen with the actualloading.Indicate in a quantitative manner the damage caused by the impact and the results ofany measurements that were made. Include both interior and exterior damage. Provide photographsof the damaged packaging.pShow that the performance requirements of 10 CFR Part 71 have been met for the damagedI package.2-5 c. Model TestingDescribe the model completely and provide detailed drawings that show its dimensionsand materials of construction. Specify the dimensional tolerances to which the model wasfabricated, and compare these to the tolerances that will be used for the prototype.State the scale factor that was used for the model. Describe in detail the laws ofsimilitude that were used for testing, considering time scale, material density, velocity atimpact, and kinetic energy. Justify that the model test will give conservative results for peakg-force, maximum deformation, and dissipated energy.For the actual model tests, provide all the information required for item b above.Correlate the damage done to the model with damage to a prototype, and show that theprototype would be adequate to meet all the performance requi i ments of 10 CFR Part 71.d. Comparison to Similar PackagesThe comparison must demonstrate that the proposed package is, in all respects, betterthan or equal to the package previously approved and that the proposed package can meet all theregulatory performance requirements. The comparison of the two packages should provide thefollowing details:(1) The dimensions, materials, and configurations of both packages,(2) The overall weight of both packages,(3) The weight and form of the contents of both. packages,(4) That the packages will have a similar response to the specified tests,(5) That the forces acting on all vital safety systems and components of the proposedpackage are less than the tested package or that all vital safety systems andcomponents of the proposed package have sufficient structural integrity, and(6) That the proposed package will meet all the regulatory performance requirements. End Drop. Assess the package for the effects of the end drop test. Side Drop. Assess the package for the effects of the side drop test. Corner Drop. Assess the package for the effects of the corner drop test. Oblique Drops. Assess the effects of oblique drops, or provide information thatshows that the end, side, and corner drops are mor..! damaging to all systems and components vitalto safety. Summary of Results. Discuss the condition of the. package after each drop test.Summarize the extent to which the packaging would be damaged in each orientation.2-6

2.7.2 PunctureAssess the effects of the puncture test. Consider both local damage near the point of impactand the overall effect on the package. Note that the point of impact could be at any locationon the exterior surface of the package. It is particularly important that all valves and fittingsnecessary for containment be considered. Most of the general comments in paragraph 2.7.1 alsoapply to this test condition.2.7.3 ThermalThe thermal test should follow the free drop and puncture tests and should be reported inSection Summary of Pressures and Temperatures. Summarize all of the temperatures andpressures, as determined in the thermal evaluation (Chapter 3) of the application, that are usedin paragraphs,, and Differential Thermal Expansion. Calculate the circumferential and axial deforma-tions and stresses (if any) that result from differential thermal expansion. Consider peak con-ditions, postfire steady-state conditions, and all transient conditions. Stress Calculations. Calculate the stresses due to thermal gradients, differentialexpansion, pressure, and other mechanical loads. Provide sketches showing configuration anddimensions of the members of systems under investigation, and locate the points at which thestresses are being calculated. Comparison with Allowable Stresses. Make the appropriate stress combinations,and compare the resulting stresses with the design criteria in paragraph 2.1.2 of the application.Show that all the performance requirements specified in the regulations have been satisfied.2.7.4 Water ImmersionAssess the effects and consequences of the water immersion test condition for fissilepackages.2.7.5 Summary of DamageDiscuss the safety of the package after the accident test sequences. Summarize the extentto which vital safety systems and components have been damaged.2.8. Special FormAs applicable, in this section when special form is claimed, state that the material meetsspecial form requirements given in paragraph 71.4(o) when subjected to the applicable test condi-tions of Appendix D to 10 CFR Part 71, as demonstrated in the following paragraphs.2-7

2.8.1 DescriptionDescribe the chemical and physical form. Provide detailed drawings of the encapsulationshowing the dimensions, materials, and manner of construction.2.8.2 Free DropAssess the package for the effects of the free drop test.2.8.3 PercussionAssess the package for the effects of percussion.2.8.4 HeatingAssess the package for the effects of heating.2.8.5 ImmersionAssess the package for the effects of immersion.2.8.6 SummaryProvide results of above analyses, and show that requirements of paragraph 71.4(o) of 10 CFRPart 71 are met.2.9 Fuel RodsWhen required, fuel rod analyses or simulated tests should show that the mechanicalintegrity of the cladding is adequate to provide containment of the pellets and gases for bothnormal and hypothetical accident conditions of transportation. End-of-life fuel rod measuresand maximum volumes should be clearly stated and considered in the analysis. For normal condi-tions of transport, the cladding should be capable of withstanding the resulting loads withoutyielding. For the accident damage tests, the cladding integrity may be demonstrated by usingefther plastic or elastic analyses. Possible creep rupture and fatigue failure should beconsidered.2.10 AppendixThis appendix should include information such as justification of assumptions or analyticalprocedures, test results, photographs, computer program descriptions and input/output, referencelists, and applicable pages from referenced documents.2-8

3. THERMAL CVALUATIONThis chapter of the application should identify, describe, discuss, and analyze the principalthermal engineering design of the packaging, components, and systems important to safety and tocompliance with the performance requirements of 10 CFR Part 71.3.1 DiscussionDescribe the significant thermal design features and operating characteristics of thepackage. The operation of all subsystems (e.g., auxiliary cooling systems, expansion tanks)should be discussed. Summarize the significant results of the thermal analysis or tests andthe implication of these results on the overall package. State the minimum and maximum decayheat loads assumed in the thermal evaluation.3.2 Summary of Thermal Properties of MaterialsList the thermal properties of all materials used in the thermal evaluation. Referencesfor the data cited should be provided.3.3 Technical Specifications of ComponentsInclude the technical specifications of package components. For example, in the case ofvalves or relief valves, the operating pressure range and temperature limits should be included.The properties of fabricated insulation and coatings should be tabulated. Test data should besupplied in support of performance specifications and should be presented in detail in Section Thermal Evaluation for Normal Conditions of TransportAppendix A to 10 CFR Part 71 defines the normal conditions of transport. These conditionsare to be applied to the test item or analytical model. The test item or analytical modelshould be described. Particular attention should be given to justifying the use of simplifyingor scaling assumptions. When the package design involves various operating modes or configura-tions such as different fuel loadings and different coolants, each mode must be evaluated withinits operating range to determine the adequacy of the design.3.4.1 Thermal Model3.4.1.1 Analytical Model. Describe the analytical thermal model in detail. The model shouldinclude gaskets, valves, fuel assemblies, and the overall package. Modeling assumptions shouldbe fully justified. Test Model. Describe the test item and procedures used. Provide the details ofthe procedures used to correlate the test data tu the thermal environment for normal conditions3-1 of transport, as defined in Appendix A tV 10 CFR Part 71. Temperature data should be taken fromgaskets, valves, and other containment boundaries, as well as From the overall package.3.4.2 Maximum Temperatures 0List the maximum temperature distribution for the package for normal conditions of transport,including the contents, containment vessel, shielding material, gaskets, valves, etc.3.4.3 Minimum TemperaturesList the minimum temperature distribution for the package for normal conditions of transport.rhis evaluation should include the minimum decay heat load that will be transported. When adecay heat load greater than zero is required for safe operation, assurance of that heat loadmust be provided. The temperatures of significant components such as gaskets and valves shouldbe reported.3.4.4 Maximum Internal PressuresThe conditions within the range of normal conditions of transport that result in the worstinternal pressures or the worst combination of thermal loadings should be identified. Theinternal pressures for these conditions should be determined. The evaluation should considerthe effects of phase change, gas generation, chemical decomposition, etc., as well as fluidexpansions and compressions. The additional pressure buildup that would result from fuel rodfailure while in transport should also be considered if the ability of the rods to provide con-tainment under all circumstances cannot be demonstrated.3.4.5 Maximum Thermal StressesDetermine the conditions within the range of normal conditions of transport that result inthe worst combination of thermal gradient and isothermal stresses. List the resulting temperaturedistribution.3.4.6 Evaluation of Package Performance for Normal Conditions of TransportEvaluate the package performance, including system and subsystem operation, for normal con-ditions of transport with respect to the results of the thermal analysis or tests performed.Take into account significant conditions to be found in the ranges bounded by the minimum andmaximum ambient temperatures and minimum and maximum decay heat loads. Compare the results withallowable limits of temperature, pressure, etc., for the package components. Designate theinformation that is to be used in other chapters of the review. Present the information insummary tables along with statements and appropriate comments.3.5 Hypothetical Accident Thermal EvaluationIn this section, the effects of the hypothetical accident thermal condition on the packageshould be evaluated. Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 71 defines the hypothetical accident conditions,3-2 which Fr, to be applied sequentially. The thermal test follows the free drop and puncture tests.Discuss the tests or analytical procedures used to evaluate the package performance for thehypothetical thermal accident condition. When the package design involves various operatingmodes or configurations such as different fuel loadings and different coolants, each mode mustbe evaluated within its operating ranges to determine the adequacy of the design.3.5.1 Thermal Model3.5.1.1 Analytical Model. Describe the analytical thermal model in detail. The model shouldinclude gaskets, valves, fuel assemblies, and the overall package. Modeling assumptions shouldbe fully justified. Test Model. Describe the test item and procedures used. Provide the details ofthe procedures used to correlate the test data to the thermal environment for the hypotheticalaccident conditions, as defined in Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 71. Temperature data should be takenfrom gaskets, valves, and other containment boundaries, as well as from the overall package.3.5.2 Package Conditions and EnvironmentDescribe and discuss any damage to the package resulting from the free drop or puncturetests. The effect of any such damage on the package thermal performance is to be evaluated.The worst possible package condition from a thermal standpoint will be chosen from the range ofdamage conditions following the free drop and puncture. This worst case is to be used in thethermal analysis.3.5.3 Package TemperaturesThe transient results of the thermal analysis or test should be presented. The temperaturesreported should include those temperatures at locations in the package that are significant tothe safety analysis and review. The temperatures for such items as contents, gaskets, valves,and lead shielding are especially important and should be reported. The calculations of transienttemperatures should trace the temperature time-history up to and somewhat past the time at whichtemperature maximums are achieved. It may be assumed that visible flames from packaging materialare extinguished in 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />.3.5.4 Maximum Internal PressuresDetermine the maximum internal pressures that result during the fire test and cooldown(include the added pressure caused by fuel rod failure during transport). The pressures thatresult in the most severe loading in combination with any other loads developed should be deter-mined. Provide details of the pressure calculations. These details should include temperaturesand quantities of fluids as well as the associated fluid volumes. Where chemical reactions orphase changes occur, the following should be discussed: (a) the reaction or phase changemechanism, (b) the reactants and products involved, (c) estimates of the extent and the rate ofreaction or phase change, and (d) the consequences of the reaction or phase change. The addi-tional pressure buildup due to fuel rod failure during the fire should also be considered.3-3 If the package is tested, the pressure determination can be neglected in some cases. Theinternal pressure need not be determined if actual test conditions properly simulate the condi-tions that would cause, the severe pressure buildup in cavities. This approach is acceptablewhen similarity is demonstrated between the test item and cask. for such things as cavity fluid,components, and internal geometries.3.5.5 Maximum Thermal StressesDetermine the most severe thermal stress conditions that result during the fire test andsubsequent cooldown. Report the temperatures corresponding to the maximum thermal stresses.If the package is tested in such a way that similarity is demonstrated between the test itemand the cask concerning internal pressure, the maximum thermal stresses need not be calculated.3.5.6 Evaluation of Package Performance for the Hypothetical Accident Thermal ConditionsEvaluate the package performance, including system and subsystem operation, for thehypothetical accident thermal conditions with respect to the results of the thermal analysis ortests performed. Compare the results with allowable limits of temperature, pressure, etc., forthe package components. Estimate the damage to the package either from interpretation of theanalysis or from test observation. This assessment should include structural damage, breach ofcontainment, and loss of shielding.Designate the information to be used in other chapters of the review. This informationshould be presented in summary tables and statements with appropriate conmments. The commentsare to include destination and use information and the specific conditions that the datasimulate.3.6 AppendixThis appendix should include information such as justification of assumptions or analyticalprocedures, test results, photographs, computer program descriptions and input/output, and appli-cable pages from referenced documents.3-4

4. CONTAINMENTThis chapter of the application identifies and discusses the package containment for thenormal conditions of transport and the hypothetical accident conditions.4.1 Containment BoundaryIdentify the containment boundary claimed for the package.4.1.1 Containment VesselA summary of design specifications for the containment vessel should be provided.4.1.2 Containment PenetrationsIdentify all penetrations into the primary containment. Provide a summary of the performancespecifications for all components that penetrate the containment boundary.4.1.3 Seals and WeldsIdentify all seals and welds that affect the package containment. A summary of the designspecifications for these seals and welds should be provided.4.1.4 ClosureIdentify the closure devices used for the containment vessel. Specify the initial bolttorque that will be required to maintain a positive seal during normal and accident conditionsof transport.4.2 Requirements for Normal Conditions of TransportSummarize and use the pertinent results of the analysis or test performed in Chapters I and2 to demonstrate the package containment under normal conditions of transport as defined in Appen-dix A to 10 CFR Part Release of Radioactive MaterialShow that there will be no direct release of radioactive material from the containment vessel.4.2.2 Pressurization of Containment VesselAny mixture of vapors or gases that could form in the containment vessel should be identified.Show that any increase in pressure or explosion within the containment vessel, due to these vaporsur gases, could not significantly reduce the package effectiveness.4-1

4.2.3 Coolant ContaminationEstimate the radioactive contamination of the primary coolant. Show that the contaminationdoes not exceed the maximum levels specified in paragraph 71.35(a)(4) of 10 CFR Part Coolant LossShow that there will be no loss of coolant under the normal conditions of transport. Showthat there will be no venting of the containment vessel directly to the atmosphere.4.3 Containment Requirements for the Hypothetical Accident ConditionsSummarize and use the pertinent results of the analysis or test performed in Chapters 2and 3 to demonstrate the package containment under the hypothetical accident conditions definedin Ajpendix B to 10 CFR Part Fission Gas ProductsEstablish the maximum quantity of fission gas products that could be available for releasein the containment vessel under the hypothetical accident conditions.4.3.2 Releases of ContentsShow that there can be no release of radioactive materials, except for gases and contaminatedcoolant, exceeding the maximum quantities defined in paragraph 71.36(a)(2) of 10 CFR Part 71.4.4 AppendixThis appendix should include supporting information and analysis.4-2

5. SHIELDING EVALUATIONThis chapter of the application should identify, describe, discuss, and analyze theprincipal shielding design of the packaging, components, and systems important to safety andnecessary to comply with the performance requirements of 10 CFR Part 71.5.1 Discussion and ResultsDiscuss L'e significant shielding design features of the package and the adequacy of theshieldinu .:,valuation. Table 5.1 should be completed. For packaging designed for spent fueltransport, assumed fuel burnup, power density, and cooling times should be stated.5.2 Source SpecificationIn this section, state the contents and the iamma and neutron source terms used in theshielding analysis.5.2.1 Gamma SourceState the quantity of radioactive material included as contents, and tabulate the gammadecay source strength (MeV/sec and photons/sec) as a function of photon energy. Describe indetail the method used to determine the gamma source strength and distribution.5.2.2 Neutron SourceState the quantity of radioactive material included as contents, and tabulate the neutronsource strength (neutrons/sec) as a function of energy. Describe in detail the method used todetermine the neutron source strength and distribution.5.3 Model SpecificationIn this section, describe the model that was used in the shielding evaluation.5.3.1 Description of the Radial and Axial Shielding ConfigurationInclude sketches, to scale, and dimensions of the radial and axial shielding materials.Dose point locations for the various calculations exterior to the package should be shownrelative to the source regions in the sketches supplied. Voids or irregularities not takeninto account in the model should be discussed in dptail showing that the resultant dose ratesare conservative. Differences between the models for the normal conditions and the accidentconditions of transport should be clparly identified.5-3 TABLE 5.1SUMMARY OF MAXIMUM DOSE RATES(mR/hr)3 Feet fromPackage Surface Surface of PackageSide Top Bottnm Side Top BottomNormal ConditionsGammaNeutronTotalHypothetical AccidentConditionsGammaNeutronTotal10 CFR Part 71 Limit ---- 1000 1000 10005.3.2 Shield Regional DensitiesThe material densities (g/cm 3) and the atomic number densities (atoms/barn-cm) for consti-tuent nuclides of all materials used in the calculational models for the normal and accidentanalyses are to be given in this paragraph. The source of the data for uncommon materials shouldbe referenced.5.4 Shielding EvaluationProvide a general description of the basic method used to determine the gamma and neutrondose rates at the selected points outside the package for both the normal and accident conditionsof transport. This should include a description of the spatial source distribution and any com-puter program used, with its referenced documentation. The basic input parameters should bediscussed in detail. The basis for selecting the program, attenuation and removal cross sections,and buildup factors should be provided. Flux-to-dose rate conversion factors as a function ofenergy should be tabulated. Data are to be supported by appropriate references.5.5 AppendixThis appendix should include information such as justification of assumptions or analyticalprocedures, test results, photographs, computer program descriptions and input/output, and appli-cable pages from referenced documents.j5-2iiI --

6. CRITICALITY EVALUPTIONThis chapter of the application should identify, describe, discuss, and analyze the principalcriticality engineering-physics design of the packaging, components, and systems important tosafety and necessary to comply with the performance requirements of 10 CFR Part 71. These require-ments are summarized in Table Discussion and ResultsDiscuss the significant criticality design features of the package and the adequacy of thecriticality evaluation. Table 6.2, summarizing the criticality evaluation, should be includedin this section.6.2 Package Fuel LoadingProvide a summary table stating the maximum fuel loading and fuel parameters for the packagefor normal and accident conditions of transport.6.3 Model SpecificationThis section describes the model used in the evaluation.6.3.1 Description of Calculational ModelDimensioned sketches, to scale, or the geometric model used in the calculation are to begiven. The sketch should identify the materials used in all regions of the model. Differencesbetween the actual package configuration and the model should be identified, and the model shouldbe shown to be conservative. Differences between the models for the normal conditions of transportand the accident conditions of transport should be clearly identified.6.3.2 Package Regional DensitiesThe material densities (g/cm 3) and the atomic number densities (atoms/barn-cm) for con-stituent nuclides of all materials used in the calculational models for the normal and accidentanalyses are to be given in this paragraph. Fissionable isotopes are to be considered at theirmost reactive credible concentration. Masses for all regions are to be given consistent withatomic number densities and volumes occupied.6.4 Criticality CalculationThis section should describe the calculational or experimental method used to determinethe nuclear reactivity for the maximum fuel loading or other maximum contents loadings intendedto be transported in the package.6-1 TABLE 6.1REQUIRED NUMBER OF PACKAGES TO BE DEMONSTRATED AS SUBCRITICAL UNDER SPECIFIC MODERATIONAND REFLECTION CONDITIONS AS PER SECTIONS 71.38, 71.39, AND 71.40 OF 10 CFR PART 71CONDITIONS OF SHIPMENTFISSILECLASSNORMAL CONDITIONS(No more than 5% reduction in thetotal effective volume of thepackaging on which nuclear safetyis assessed.)ACCIDENT CONDITIONS(All packages damaged as per hypo-thetical accident (HA) specifica-tions)Unlimited number of packages are 250 packages are to remain subcri-to remain subcritical with opti- tical in any arrangement under HAmum interspersed hydrogenous conditions with optimum inter-moderation. No water reflection spersed hydrogenous moderation andnecessary. close reflection by water on allsides of array.II Five times the number of packages Two times the number of packages toto be shipped are to remain sub- be shipped are to remain subcriticalcritical in any arrangement when in any arrangement under HA condi-this array is closely reflected tions with optimum interspersedby water. hydrogenous moderation and closereflection by water on all sides ofarray.Since the maximum value of the Transport Index (TI) for anindividual package of Fissile Class II is 10 and the TI equals50 divided by the allowable number of packages, 5 is thesmallest value for the maximum allowable number of packagesin a shipment. Therefore, the minimum number of packages inthe array that must be considered in the criticalityanalysis is:5 x 5 or 25 packages 2 x 5 or 10 packagesfor normal transport for accident conditionsIII One shipment of packages is to One shipment of packages is toremain subcritical when it is in remain subcritical under HA condi-contact with an identical ship- tions with optimum hydrogenousment and the two-shipment array moderation and close reflectionis reflected on all sides by by water.water.6-2 TABLE 6.2SUMMARY OF CRITICALITY EVALUATIONFissile Class (I, II, III)Fissile ClassIII IllNORMAL CONDITIONSNumber of undamaged packages calculated to besubcritical (Fissile Class I must be infinite;Fissile Class II must be at least 25; andFissile Class III must be at least identicalshipment.)Optimum interspersed hydrogenous moderation(required for Fissile Class I)Closely reflected by water (required forFissile Class II and III)3Package size, cmACCIDENT CONDITIONSNumber of damaged packages calculated to besubcritical (Fissile Class I must be atleast 250; Fissile Class II must be at least10; and Fissile Class III must be at least 1.)Optimum interspersed hydrogenous moderation,full water reflectionPackage size, cm3Other Transport Index (must not exceed10 for Fissile Class II)6-3

6.4.1 Calculational or Experimental MethodA general description of the basic calculational method used to calculate the effectivemultiplication constant of the package under the normal conditions uf transport and accidentconditions of transport to demonstrate compliance with the appropriate NRC regulations shouldbe provided. This should include a description of the computer program and neutron cross sectionsused with their referenced documentation. *he basis for selecting the program and cross sectionsshould be discussed.If an experimental method was used to determine the compliance of the package with criticalityrequirements, include a complete description of the experiment and a discussion demonstrating thatit conservatively takes into account the normal and accident conditions of transport for the package.6.4.2 Fuel Loading or Other Contents Loading OptimizationDemonstrate that the correct fuel loading or other contents loading for the maximum reactivityhas been evaluated for both the single package and arrays of packages for normal and accident condi-tions of transport. Approximations, boundary conditions, calculational convergence criteria, andcross-section adjustments are to be itemized and discussed.The requirements of §§ 71.33, 71.34, 71.35, and 71.36 of 10 CFR Part 71 should be satisfiedfor a single package. The requirements of §§ 71.37 and 71.38, 71.39, or 71.40, as appropriate,should be satisfied for an array.6.4.3 Criticality ResultsResults of the reactivity calculations establishing the most reactive configurations for thesingle package and arrays of packages for both normal and accident conditions of transport shouldbe displayed in tabular and graphic form. Justification should be provided for any interpolationsand extrapolations. A discussion of the validity and conservatism of the analysis should beincluded. The bias established with the benchmark calculations in Section 6.5 should be takeninto account.6.5 Critical Benchmark ExperimentsThis section provides justification for the validity of the calculational method and neutroncross-section values used in the analysis by presenting the results of calculations for selectedcritical benchmark experiments.6.5.1 Benchmark Experiments and ApplicabilityProvide a general description of selected critical benchmark experiments that are to beanalyzed using the method and cross sections given in paragraph 6.4.1. The applicability ofthe benchmarks in relation to the package and its contents should be shown. All similaritiesand differences should be noted and resolved respectively. References giving full documenta-tion on these experiments should be provided.6-4

6.5.2 Details of the Benchmark CalculationsActual nuclear and geometric input parameters used for the benchmark calculations shouldbe provided.6.5.3 Results of the Benchmark CalculationsProvide the results of the benchmark calculations. Establish and provide a discussion ofany calculation bias.6.6 AppendixThis appendix should include information such as justification of assumptions or analyticalprocedures, test results, photographs, computer program descriptions and input/output, and appli-cable pages from referenced documents.6-5

7. OPERATING PROCEDURESThis chapter of the application should describe the operating procedures to be used in thepreparation for and performance of the processes of loading and unloading the package. The discus-sion of these procedures should be presented sequentially in the actual order of performance.At a minimum, this chapter should demonstrate the ability to comply with the operating procedurerequirements specified in Subpart 0 to 10 CFR Part 71.7.1 Procedures for Loading the PackageThe discussion should include inspections, tests, and special preparations of the packagefor loading. If applicable, a detailed description should be presented of the procedures usedto ensure that liquids such as shield water and primary coolants are filled into their respectivecavities, in compliance with the design specifications. Details should also be provided of theprocedures used to remove residual moisture from cavities designed to be dry. The effectivenessof the procedures should be evaluated.7.2 Procedures for Unloading the PackageThis section should include inspections, tests, and special preparations of the packagefor unloading. As applicable, the- procedures used to ensure safe removal of fission gases,contaminated coolant, and solid contaminants should be discussed. Also as applicable, describeany required cooldown procedure, and show that it does not affect the continued use of thepackage.7.3 Preparation of an Empty Package for TransportThis section should discuss the inspections, tests, and special preparations of the packagingnecessary to ensure that the packaging is properly closed, decontaminated to prevent the inadvertentspread of contamination, and delivered to a carrier in such a condition that subsequent transportwill not reduce the effectiveness of the packaging (e.g., damage to sealing surfaces caused bythe freezing of moisture not properly removed).7.4 AppendixThis appendix should include supporting documentation, detailed discussions and analysisof procedures, and graphical presentations.7-1 B. ACCEPTANCE TESTS AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAMThis chapter of the application should discuss the acceptance test and maintenanceprogram to be used on the packaging, in compliance with Subpart 0 of 10 CFR Part 71.8.1 Acceptance TestsDiscuss the tests to be performed prior to the first use of the package.8.1.1 Visual InspectionThe visual inspections to be performed and the intended purpose behind each inspectionshould be discussed. State the criteria for acceptance for each of these inspections as well asthe action to be taken if noncompliance is encountered.8.1.2 Structural and Pressure TestsDescribe the tests to be performed. Present the acceptance criteria. Describe the actiontaken when the prescribed criteria are not met. An estimate of the sensitivity of the testsshould be provided.8.1.3 Leak TestsDescribe the leak tests to be performed. Leak tests should be performed on the containmentvessel as well as auxiliary equipment such as shield tanks. Describe the criteria for acceptanceand the action to be taken If the criteria are not met. Estimate the sensitivity of these tests,and give the basis for the estimate.8.1.4 Component TestsDiscuss the tests for those components to be tested. Provide acceptance criteria anddiscuss the action to be taken if the criteria are not met. Valves, Rupture Discs, and Fluid Transport Devices. These components should betested under the most severe service conditions for which the package design assumes theiracceptable performance. When the tests are presumed to adversely affect the continued perform-ance of a component, the results of tests on components of the same model and type may besubstituted. Gaskets. Gaskets should be tested under conditions simulating the most severeservice conditions under which the gaskets are assumed to perform. Since these acceptance testsmay degrade the performance of either the gasket under test or the package into which it isassembled or both, the tests are not necessarily performed on gaskets or packages to be put into8-1 service. The simulation system must ensure adequate representation of those conditions thatwould prevail if the actual system were used in the test. In accordance with paragraphs 4, 7,and 18 of Appendix E to 10 CFR Part 71, the manufacturer of the gasket must maintain a qualityassurance program adequate to ensure that acceptance testing of a given gasketing device isequivalent to acceptance testing of all gaskets supplied and identified by that manufacturer asthat model gasket. Miscellaneous. Any component not listed in paragraphs and whosefailure would impair the package effectiveness should be tested under the most severe conditionsfor which it was designed. Since these acceptance tests may degrade the performance of eitherthe component under test or the system into which it is assembled or both, the tests are notnecessarily performed on components or systems to be put into service. The simulation systemshould ensure adequate representation of those conditions that would prevail if the actual systemwere used in the test. Furthermore, the manufacturer of the component should maintain a qualityassurance program adequate to ensure that acceptance testing of a given component device isequivalent to acceptance testing of all devices supplied and identified by that manufacturer asthat model device.8.1.5 Tests for Shielding IntegrityDiscuss the tests to be performed to establish shielding for both gamma and neutron sources.The acceptance criteria as well as the action to be taken if the criteria are not met should bedescribed.8.1.6 Thermal Acceptance TestsDiscuss the tests to verify that each package performs, within some defined variance, inaccordance with the results of the thermal analyses or tests for normal conditions of transport. Discussion of Test Setup. Describe the tests. The description should includeheat source, instrumentation, and schematic showing thermocouple and heat source locations aswell as the placement of other test equipment. Estimate the test sensitivity based on instru-mentation, test item, and environmental variations. Test Procedure. Discuss the procedures used in testing and data recording. Reportthe frequency of data recording during the test. The criteria used to define the steady-state(thermal equilibrium) condition of the test item should also be discussed.8,1.6.3 Acceptance Criteria. Discuss the thermal acceptance criteria and the methodemployed to compare the acceptance test results with predicted thermal performance. Discussthe action to be taken if the thermal acceptance criteria are not met by a packaging unit.8.2 Maintenance ProgramThis section should describe the maintenance program used to ensure continued performanceof the packaging. The program should include periodic testing, inspection, and replacement8-2 schedules, as well as criteria for replacement and repair of components and subsystems on anas-needed basis.8.2.1 Structural and Pressure TestsDescribe the tests to be performed and the frequency of performance. The instrumentationand test sensitivity should also be described.8.2.2 Leak TestsDescribe the tests to be performed and the frequency of performance. Estimate the sensitiv-ity of these tests.8.2.3 Subsystems MaintenanceDescribe the test and replacement schedule to be used for packaging subsystems (e.g..auxiliary cooling systems and neutron shield tanks) whose inadequate performance could impairthe total package safety. Justify the schedules established, using verifiable test or manufac-turers' data.8.2.4 Valves, Rupture Discs, and Gaskets on Containment VesselSpecify the test and replacement schedule to De used for these components. Justify theschedules established, using verifiable test or manufacturers' data.8.2.5 ShieldingDescribe the test and inspection schedules, as well as the corrective action to be used toensure adequate shielding performance. Both gamma and neutron sources should be considered.8.2.6 ThermalDescribe the tests proposed and the frequency of these tests that would be performed onthe total system. Show that the proposed test frequency will detect thermal performance degrada-tion of the packaging prior to compromise of the package safety.8.2.7 MiscellanecosDescribe any additional test not considered previously that should be performed periodicallyon components and subsystems.8-3I

schedtules, as well as criteria for replacement and repair of components and subsystems on anas-needed basis.8.2.1 Structural and Pressure TestsDescribe the tests to be performed and the frequency of performance. The instrumentationand test sensitivity should also be described.8.2.2 Leak TestsDescribe the tests to be performed and the frequency of performance. Estimate the sensitiv-ity of these tests.8.2.3 Subsystems MaintenanceDescribe the test and replacement schedule to be used for packaging subsystems (e.g.auxiliary cooling systems and neutron shield tanks) whose inadequate performance could impairthe total package safety. Justify the schedules established, using verifiable test or manufac-turers' data.8.2.4 Valves, Rupture Discs, and Gaskets on Containment VesselSpecify the test and replacement schedule to ne used for these components. Justify theschedules established, using verifiable test or manufacturers' data.8.2.5 ShieldingDescribe the test and inspection schedules, as well as the corrective action to be used toensure adequate shielding performance. Both gamma and neutron sources should be considered.8.2.6 ThermalDescribe the tests proposed and the frequency of these tests that would be performed onthe total system. Show that the proposed test frequency will detect thermal performance degrada-tion of the packaging prior to compromise of the package safety.8.2.7 MiscellanectsDescribe any additional test not considered previously that should be performed periodicallyon components and subsystems.8-3