Regulatory Guide 5.32

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Communication with Transport Vehicles
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Issue date: 06/30/1974
US Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)
Download: ML13350A240 (6)

_. .Jun. 1974U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMI43SNDREGULATORY GUIDEWRETORJATI OF RfWL"ATORY STANDARD&REGULATORY GUWDE 5.32COMMUNICATION WITH TRANSPORT VEHICLESA. INTRODUCTIONParagraphs 73.33(b) and 73,33(a) of 10 CFR Part 73,"Physical Protection of Plaits and Matrdals.' mequimthat road or rail vchicles transporting nuciwafmaterial in quantties identified in §73b.)(bX2 )beequipped with a radiotelephorie in tw %;Mcn-munication between the transpo-t vehicle and a snpori-sible licensee can be mnaitained. Patagiaph 73.70(g) vi10 CFR Part 73 requives ihat certain infonmaliun withregard to the shipment be recorded prior to thfshipment. This includes the name of the carrievs, majorroads to be used. verifcatioh of cointa un:alion equipment on board the transfer vehicie, names of intividtrlwho arc to communkcale with the transp'.nt Iehick. iaother information needed to cvmipiy with §§73.30thtough 73.36 of 10 CFR Pait 73. This guide deuribe,radiotelephonc equipment and systemn¶, and procdure3for their use, that are acvtplabte to the Rvqxulatory staftfor complying with the Cwntnri~ion's regulations radiotelephone conminuricalion in conwction withroad or rail shipmnent; of pecial maieci.4.a. DISCUSSIONAVAILABLE SYSTEMSThere are two radiotelephone systems that havc asufficient number of tranimitter/rreceiver stationsthroughout the country to allow the placement of longdistance calls. These are the Bell System Mobile -ele-phone system and the Radio Common Carrier iystcrm(RCC). The Bell system uses three different carrierfrequencies 1(35, 43).(152, 158), and (454,459) Mffzl.and the RCC uses twodifferentcarriers 1(152-, 159)and(454. 459) MHz]. The vehicle rmceives long distancecalls on the lower carrier frequency in each group, i.e.,35, 152, and 454 Mtlz. amn transmits on the higherfrequencies, i.e., 43. 158, and 459 Milt 'he availablett 'arbwatkh w~e indzoidual circuits wnound a pas-ticular carrier frequcticy, for each iyslem wec shown inTabk 1.TABLE INUMBIER OF CliANNELS PER CARRIF r(.15, 431 (152. 158) (4.54. 459)Mitz M. lly MlitRCC1013112Nctic 7 7"I I in US_ 2 inCan~adaT1W (152, 1 5ýi) mltt. carner 4~ the Mot~t poplliart~hivugbcit tive cttuntry for buth Bell and RCC; the-Wprxoimate rr"?nber 4f cittes acrvd by eadi catrici isshown in Tattle ABellRCCTABLE 1INUMBER OF CITIES PER CARRIER(35,43) (152, 158) (454,459)MHz MHz MHz70 1260 54"211. 625 137'in five of these -Chicaro, St. Louis, Dallas,Ft. W~wth, and Heomton -only local sub-scibers are vrvd.tPagig service.USAIC REGUL&TORY GUIOFS Casm 0' VA*.d vw.t pr to 0"090 by tIIII Wido ttie O~iv~kod tod fib US. Aftff I Oe n' Cot-ter0fft.kA Dih~t~.CO. MMAVRWgtV~ Gukgt w mo to 40 on ffak PWA~fe to 15gm AtgAoAt aww to ftwouttwor M5ta#. C&NIMI' mS Ima U1 MAr by oAtte~t~g , I-~a to 0ao AEC Rawlsfor *t4' of V~*g~wdowtv vm6c P" o~f -1MttetI wil Ift C" VNJ" 0'COV'fld good e'OM beNM Wrn tho w ,9ith Casmtowmu' rptiaui. to d~wf fadw~rua ...d "y go* mfur i of ti0 COMMOIN4 U. Atorai C* mp Canwo*Mtl. WaW-Wen,oo DC. 2054.O*eit~fit spoftirx &OWMat, @9 0stWbed *dmise,.w torsft tt0 u to"i Att~ist$O CW.' Pubfuc A !IVef'p*Pp~emamo Rmu*m# Ov t 0 0,, V*to* uiatwtas fw repoo ~+/- wie d w09i':qstt$ th" smet I~ efthd iMuOM n N010W g~dmu "gi*0 trnut Ih W'me in T$* phdko aem I Il tie.* ftOl.w @9 tV¶Ad ft00 owl*% WM be sawtobat i thoy powa0 MA tar a*, tbe .uwumw toth. iSW'Wa Of 90nioK*m* ot Of ml oe SPw by INW tM2W CVPWs~io'. 1. pw ftesceom .P~a2. ft=dt .09 TMt 00dat, 7. Tmeruio1tieuu3. rft na -I I FCWafl S. Oceetu3'o9t uWE"lPiibiIftl -uid will be ro-Aad P" iamy. as esg~rW*. OD*om Imbato 4L f*Wis9mvmK &Wm Sitlog *. AI¶IbJSI All~C~ieif t rf~tuw owtwfw nwekye".a. ' so rt~ PoleC"l 1O. Oa'wd METHODS OF.OBTAINING SERVICEThere awo two ways to obtain radiotelephone service.One is to rent the mobile equipment from the BellSystem or the Radio Common Carrier (rental willinclude telephone service and repairs), and the other isto buy the mobile equipment directly from manufac.turers and then rent telephone service from either ofthese systemL Application for equipment rental ortelephone service could be made to a local Bell or RCCsystem company where a licensee or carrier would havemost need of the service.If purchased equipment is to be operated on the BellSystem, a license will be requited from the FederalCommunications Commission (FCC). Purchased equip-ment operating on the RCC system may not require anFCC license, Maintenance of the equipment is providedwhen it is leased from the Bell or RCC systems.Purchased equipment must be serviced by licensedoperatois, as required by FCC regulation 47 CFR21.207(e), "Transmitter Measurements".There are several categories which define the priorityfor obtaining service. Them are described in FCCregulation 47 CFR 21.512, "Priorities for service tosubscribers."SYSTEM ASPECTSThere are several types of service and equipment thatcan be obtained. The service available is dependent onthe area. The equipment that can be ordered depends onwhether local or nationwide service is desired. In general,the types of service available are:I. Manual service with access to an operator.2. Two-way dial with automatic channel selection andaccess to an operator (also known as Improved MobileTelephone Service, IMTS).3. Two-way dial service with access to an operatot.4. Two-way dial service without access to an operator.The most Inclusive service afforded is that of two-waydial with automatic channel selection and access to anoperator (IMTS). This service is available on the (152.158) MHz and (454, 459) MHz carriers only. There areat least two varieties of radiotelephone equipment thatcart be applied to this service. In one type of radio.telephone operating on the (152. 158) MHz carrier, alleleven channels in the United States are availablethrough the selection of pushbuttons on the telephone.Additionally, three other pushbuttons, Home. Roam,and Manual, are available. When a vehicle is in the Homearea the Home pushbutton is depressed and the Homearea channels will be selecled automatically. When avehicle is outside the Home area the channels for theparticular area must be selected by depresing thechannel pushbuttons, as well as the Roam button. Theradiotelephoe wdl mw automatically availablechannes in that ana. type of radioteklehoneopefatvs on the (454, 459) MHz cariest ad canautoaticay selct Channels in a local area only; it doesnot have a featuce which permits slection of oiherchanneK but could operate in another area on an DMTSmode if the channels were the zame as in the Home Other vajitiosa in the aratabic equipmwnl irenondiajable phoon (used only for manual service) andsimplex or duplex operation. Sirmlex operatgion mneasthat the telephcoe cannot trnsm and receive tion simultanously. That i*, while a pron talk, he willnot be able to heaw a reponse from the other party. Tohear the other party, he must stop talking and rmkaw abutton on. the tlepone. Duplex operation alnows thehansmntsion and receipt of information simulwtaeoulyas in normal telephone service.PREPANNINGRadioteJepbone call-in times can be preplhmed inadvance of the shipment by wing a booklt issr bythe American Telephn and Tekegnph Co. entidted"National Mobile Telephone Service Area Lsting ur abooklet Issued by the Conman Carrier enttAWd"Nationwide Se; "ce Directoy" in conjunctiut with theroute rmps to be used with the Whpmint. The areacovered by each bw statton can be put cm the routenaps, and radiotelephone call-in timim riot to excted 2hours determined. When a radiotelephoae call cannot beplanned to occur within a 2-hour period, conventionaltelephone call-in location and time should be deter-mined. fnis can initially be detcmxmired by locatingcities, tow"s, or populated commered areas alorl theroute. The conventional cal can be preplanned to occurat ani approximate time (planned not to exceed 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />)from one of these artas. As experience is gained withparticular routes, conventional telephone caLs can beplanned with gpeter precision. The drivers can notespecific telephone or areas where telephones are along the route for future conventional telephonecall-in planning,COMMUNICATION PROCEDURESA radiotelephone conversation can be overheard byanyone having a radiotel-phone set with the same carrierfrequency and channels. It is therefore necessary todisguise the position of the shipment and the routes tobe taken. One method for accomplishing this is the useof a transparent nonfoldable grid overlay on a standardroad atlas. This grid can consist of one-half-inch squareswith the horizontal axis labeled with letters thevertical axis labeled with numbers. A typical overlay isshown in Figure I and is about 10.5 inches by 14 inchesin overall dirmendon. The road atlas chosen should havea scale of one inch equals 3 miles or lessL The resoutionof a one-half-inch square on the overlay would then bePbout 1.5 miles,5.32-2 A B C D'EF GH1J K L M N0 P QR S T U3iiii-i-------14----6 -.... .." ------ ---------19 ...21 --24----- -25---------26 --............... ....1-712345678910111213141516171819202122232425262828e,.,vA B C D E F G H I J K L M N 0 P Q R S T UFigure 1. Overay with 1/2-inch grid (not to scale) :a1C)5.32-3 With a scale of one inch equals 3 miles, it may benecessary to use several road maps to cover a shipment.A typical procedure that could be followed under theseconditions is ai follows:I. Each map is assigned a number.2. In order to positiin the grid with respcct to the map,reference points are selected on the map. The grid isplaced over the map, and distinct intersections or otheridentifiable landmarks are selected and given grid coor-dinates. These should be placed directly on the map asshown in Figurzt 2 with a relatively fine black markertype pen..3. The driver could use the following procedure totelephone his position:a. Select the map which includes his position.b. Locate his position between two reference pointson the map and place the appropriate coordinates overthe reference points. Telephone the position as mapnumber, reference points, and actual coordinates.4. Duplicate sets of maps should be made by thelicensee or his agent prior to the shipment; copies shouldbe given only to the drivers and escorts (when they areused) and the individuals'responsible for maintainingtelephone conununication with the shipment.Another method that can be used to disguise theposition of the shipment is known as the "check point"system. This approach, applicable to preplanned routes,uses landmarks as check points. The landmaiks aretypically all towns, cities, villages, state lines, and majorhighway intersections along the preplanned route. Thelandmarks are identified by a symbol (number or.alphabetical character) on a single strip map carriedalong with the shipment. The driver, in reporting hi3position, relates only the symbol applicable to hisposition, or "x" number of miles from a landmark.Mileages between landmarks and those locations wherecommercial telephones are available on the strip mapsmay also be included. Personnel controlling the ship-ment should have a corresponding strip map and plot theprogress and locations of the shipment.A third method of disguising the movement of ashipment is through the use of a telephone voicescrambler. This device, when placed in front of atelephone, will "scramble" the message over the com-munication link and will produce unintelligible soundsat the other end of the circuit unless a companion devicewhich is matched to the sending device is also availablein front of the telephone at the other end. Telephonevoice scramblers are therefore available in coded pairsand can be made available in matched sets of more thantwo units to handle conference calls or calls from avehicle to different locations.C. REGULATORY POSITION1. SYSTEMS ASPE.'hThe system that provides the mot coverage alng the route of the shipment shoutd beselecte4. After a system has been selected (i-e., Bel orRCC) the radiotelephone selected should have all ar-i-able channels for the carrier dciton. Further, thetelephone shall be dialable and should provide foruLpIex operation.2. PRP.ELANNMNGThe Ikcensee should prelan the shipment route if heis going to make the Whipomnt; otherwise, .v shouldobtain a preplanned route from the carrier. Routesshould be preplaned to u3e as much radiatiekbonecoverage as possible. The requiren=t that transt utmesbe minimiwed (pa graph 73.30(b)) should be u rbsewd.however, making radiotelephon cals is the mor desir-able feature, and transit times could be soanewhatincreased to accommodate good radiotekephone cover-age. Since all radiotelephone station may not acceptcalls from a number whbch is not in the koa diractery.calls to each radiotelkphom afea xue-ted should bemrWe to assure that the operators will accept outsidecalls. Where radloteiephotv, coverage is not availablewithout evtensive rerouting., Irlephonecalls should be preplanned every two hours wbenavailable along the routz.The licensce(s) mx agent(s) responsible for conumuni-cations liaison with the shipment should be predeco-hated before a shipmeat is made. A continuoudymanned telephone with an unlisted number should beprovided at the licenee's of agent's facifily. Thtstelephone should not be used for any other calls while ashipment is in progres.Appropriate lcal law enfor-ement authorities(LLEA) such as the Head of the State Police, the StateSafety Director. or the local State police barracks.should be contacted in advance of a shipment to assurethat recovery procedures will be followed and thatadequate response forces will be available along themute. Once initial contact has been made it is nnAnecessary to reestablish contact for cubsequent ship.rrents through the same jurisdiction except that pro-cedures should be reaffirmed at least arnually. Thetelephone number of the LLEA along the preplannedroute of the shipment who will be called in cm of anemcrgency or failure of the transport vehkkl to call inshould be given to the vehicle crew and the person(s)responsible for naintAining comiunncatioms with thevehicle crew.3. COMMUNICATION PRMODUMThe check point or voice scrambler is preferred to thegrid method for conceting the position of a vehicle. The5.32-4 Figure 2. Typical roadmap with grid reference points5.3 Igid amy offecr upe~ativntiJ Pibu4ni in A mvnvehicle. All three methods. hcrevci. atre considwedeac.,cptable fur conecaling the posatinr Cf a VcclJe. Wh"sa sctamblcr is used, some method of obtaining anaccurracy equiAle~nt t.4 that of the grid Gi chock puen.systemt should be developed. M4aps wtiiiiY4 ibe ioutc&to be used as part of [tic grid u; check pmtr 5yo-emsxshould be asacwbkbld aind distributed to the v'ehie ecewand to individuals, who will be reontablm- fot xnjb.n-tamng iiiiuinatjr~with the shipment-The vehicle crew shautW ujpd~ate their pasition at k-4-tevery liftecn minutes So dhey CA)'oid 4on rlmunk~ate 1he4.)cjfioin in c,&%L of ernergecny. Pur'edures for ob timutStelephone channels when Al are busy and1 an ir-germyexists whou)l be understod(m asid pmiiciced by the vehiLWeCrew.In cmss *-here a raiiotelephooe call has beeni plantnedmod cannot be mak becaax of overctowdel cihannels,almcmptwi'c interfetencte, ox o& reasms, the vehiclePwz3MO4 Shouid contwsic attempts to comrpete theradmitiekphmui call and should w4so plan to make acoriwtnvaml lekhvne ýail as soon as possble. Theticmmsc notcmnovia cali-m' z houi4 cvntact the LJ..lAw-bere thc vcezxai Wi.Ls r~rpte-d. the LLEA where thevv-uick ia suppoae4 to be, anad aA ismenidiat LLEiA sWilkhin 30O tmilutes after OW he sduek-d iCall-r tit-fi ifcxmurtunkiatium~ widi tim vehicb- hawe not Ibeen estab.(Wxdi 'Th ic fe"M offnice of the licen11w moulrtol-mg ~ zncs~said the AEC woginral ofliec ('O thehcvpon m wldch the vchkile was last repoioted #Jzould alsobe mi-5.32-6