The State of Nevada provided the following information via facsimile:
Date notified of event by licensee or non-licensee: November 17, 2003
Radionuclide, activity Cesium 137.8 millicuries
Any exposures (indicate short and long-term effects): Unknown
Sealed source, device, etc. (make, model #, serial #): Troxler 46408, S/N 2361
Leak test information, if applicable: Unknown
Persons involved, consequences: Unknown
Cause and contributing factors: Gauge was secured, according to procedures, in the licensee's field lab trailer. Thief defeated locks and barriers to break into storage closet and remove gauge. Gauge case and source rod were padlocked at the time of gauge theft.
Licensee corrective actions: None, source was properly secured at the time of theft
Provide status through resolution (update record when found): Gauge recovered on November 26, 2003 by a person wanting to remain anonymous. Gauge delivered to State regulatory agency and will be returned to licensee.
Notifications, local police, FBI and other States; as needed: Henderson, NV Police Dept., Nevada Highway Patrol, Nevada Division of Emergency Management, and lastly, Nevada Radiological Health Section
Identify any possible generic safety concerns: None
Potential for others to experience the same event: Slight
Note: This EN is actually an update to
EN 40334.