On 5/18/04 at 0900 hrs.
MST, a radio pharmacist at Cardinal Health System's Radio pharmacy of Boise was preparing a vial of
I-131 when the pig assembly failed and the pig and vial dropped to the floor, shattering the vial. Approximately 58 milliCuries of
I-131 was spilled. The radio pharmacist was contaminated on his legs.
The licensee is currently collecting data to determine the skin dose to the pharmacist who decontaminated himself under the phone directions of the headquarters health physics technicians. Uptake data calculations are awaiting bioassay results. The pharmacist has been administered a dose of ThyroBlock as a precautionary measure.
The spill occurred in the restricted hot lab area. Decontamination of the lab area has removed all loose surface contamination. All fixed contamination has been shielded. Continuous air sampling is being used to determine volatility of the spilled material.
The licensee made a voice mail notification to R4DNMS (Katanic).
Preliminary findings based on initial surveys: Pharmacist region of contamination was limited to both knees and his left thumb. Max. exposed 10 square centimeters to knees was estimated to be 68 millirems. Estimated contamination to his left thumb was 6000 millirems. Two of the four individuals involved in the cleanup had elevated thyroid bioassays. One received 0.12 microcuries and the other received 0.04 microcuries.
In reference to event number 40760 reported by Saint Lukes Hospital: The spill at Cardinal Health Systems was thought to have contaminated two packages. The one shipped to Saint Lukes Hospital was found to be contaminated. The second package sent to another Hospital in Boise, Idaho was found not to be contaminated.
R4DO (
Troy Pruett) and
NMSS EO (Bob Pierson) notified of the update.