The licensee's
RSO reported that a
Ohmart fixed
gauge (s/n HLM-CR-3) containing a 1200 millicurie
Cs-137 source (Capsule # M4695) malfunctioned by failing to fully retract the source. The
RSO believes the shutter may have sheared the cable and left the source outside the shielded (fully closed) position. A protective barrier for a less than 2 milliRem/hr area was set up to protect personnel, and work in this area was discontinued. The
RSO did not know whether any personnel received an exposure due to this incident, however, the licensee's
APS manager was going to the site to determine this. A representative of the
Ohmart company is also going to the site to repair the faulty equipment.
- * * UPDATE 08/27/05 AT 1925 FROM W. APPLEGATE TO P. SNYDER * * *
The Ohmart Vega manufacturers representative is onsite to assess the circumstances and is expected to take action tomorrow to correct the problem. Epsilon Products is continuing their "around the clock" investigation of this issue.
Notified R1DO (Cook) and NMSS EO (Brach).
- * * UPDATE 08/28/05 AT 1320 FROM W. APPLEGATE TO P. SNYDER * * *
The source has been retracted back into the holder and secured. The manufacturers representative will stay on-site while the source is packaged and readied for shipment to Ohmart for further evaluation. The temporary barriers have been removed and the area has been returned to normal background radiation levels.
Notified R1DO (Cook) and
NMSS EO (Brach).