The following report was received from the
Kansas Department of Health and Environment via facsimile:
The licensee attempted to close the shutter [on a process gauge] in preparation for a job. The shutter would not close. There were no personnel exposures [associated with this event]. Because of the location [of the gauge], there are no likely exposures due to this failure. The source is located approximately 12 feet above the ground on a tank. Access is by portable ladder. Operations and maintenance personnel were notified.
The shutter in question is on an Ohmart/VEGA model SHF1 B-45 source holder (S/N 7294CN) containing 100 milli-Curies of Cs-137 in a sealed source.
The manufacturer, [Ohmart] VEGA, has been contacted and is working to schedule their service technician to [make repairs].
Sealed Source and Device Registry OH-0522-D-01 02-B states 'Commonly reported device failures associated with this device series includes stuck shutters, shutter handles breaking off, and broken screws. A review of these failures indicate common root cause issues are associated with: operating the devices outside the normal conditions of use; failure to seek appropriate device service when shutters start becoming difficult to operate; shutter binding due to environmental contaminant intrusion into the shutter; and, forcing operation of shutter instead of seeking corrective action. The most commonly involved series is the SH-F2 which is the model typically installed in harsh environmental conditions'.
Kansas Report Number: KS110011