The following was received from the State of
California via email:
On August 21, 2014, . . . Henkle Aerospace contacted . . . RHB to report that one of their generally licensed fixed gauges (NDC, Model 103, S/N 4331 containing Am-241) had been found at a recycling facility. The recycling facility had contacted the manufacturer of the gauge (NDC) and it was returned to NDC. NDC contacted Henkel to notify them of the gauge was found at the recycling center. The source was intact and NDC has performed a leak test which indicated no contamination.
On 08/26/14, . . . Henkel called RHB and provided the following information: The gauge contained 150 mCi of Am-241 (as of late 90s) and it was acquired by Henkle in 2006. This gauge was replaced by a licensed vendor in February 2010, and was set aside to be transferred to the vendor. Eventually, they lost track of the gauge, and it ended up at the recycling center with the rest of the metal Henkel had shipped to the scrap yard.
Corrective actions by Henkle: After this incident they have revised their policies and procedures to keep track of the two gauges they currently possess (Sr-90 containing 250 mCi each, GL units licensed by Mahlo).
Note: As of now, RHB does not have the information on current activity of the Am-241 source in the gauge.
California 5010 #: 082114