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Enclosure 2 - Project Aim Status Update April 1 - June 30, 2020
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/31/2020
From: Kristine Svinicki
To: Lowey N, Shelby R
US HR (House of Representatives), US HR, Comm on Appropriations, US SEN (Senate), US SEN, Comm on Appropriations
J. Quichocho, 415-0209
Shared Package
ML20195A044 List:
Download: ML20195A045 (1)



- June30,2020 Inthe June 8,2015, staff requirements memorandum forSECY-15-0015, "Project Aim2020 Report and Recommendations,"

theCommission directed thestaff tocomplete 19tasks to address theU.S.

Nuclear RegulatoryCommission's (NRC) needtoimprove efficiency andagility, aswell astoright-size theagency,while retaining employees withtheappropriate skills to accomplish its mission and streamline processes.

TheNRCstaff continues to implement several projects related toProject Aim.Twonotable accomplishments forthe period ofAprilthrough June2020arediscussed below.

Project 16.ExpanduseofFederal Personnel andPayroll System Theintent ofProject 16wastoincrease efficiency intheprocessing ofpersonnel actions by taking advantage ofworkflow capabilities included intheFederal Personnel andPayroll System that allow requesting office personnel toinitiate, authorize, andforward these actions electronically toservicing personnel office specialists.

Electronic handling ofpersonnel actions eliminates theneedforprinted SF-52forms and the additional timerequired totransmit them manually between therequesting office andOfficeof the ChiefHumanCapital Officer.

Project 16experienced substantial delays duetoincompatibility issuesbetween theformer standard operating systemusedonagency workstations,Windows 7,andtheFederal Personnel andPayroll System.

Theseissues werenotresolved until the refresh ofworkstations from Windows 7toWindows 10wascompleted inthefirst quarter offiscal year2020.Theproject is nowbackontrack withacurrent target dateforcompletion byOctober 31,2020.

Project 21,Full useofFederal Personnel/Payroll System Project 21,theroll-out ofrequesting office initiation andauthorization ofall personnel actions,will beginimmediately uponcompletion ofProject 16.Project 21will include training for all agency personnel whowill berequired toinitiate orauthorize personnel actions.

Thetarget completion dateforProject 21isJanuary 31,2021 Enclosure 2