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Forwards Actions Taken in Response to Recommendations & Suggestions Provided by Review Team During Exit Meeting on 980213
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/16/1998
From: Reyes L
To: Paperiello C
Shared Package
ML20013H163 List:
NUDOCS 9804150067
Download: ML20216C839 (4)


l f


3 o






ATLANTA. GEORGIA 30303 3415 i

  • ...+

March 16, 1998 MEMORANDUM TO:

Carl J Paper o,

ector Off' e of N 1 r

  • rial Safety and Safeguards FROM:


is A.

es Regi A ministrator




ACTIONS TAKEN IN R PONSE TO FINDINGS OF THE INTEGRATED MATERIALS PERFOR JCE EVALUATION PROGRAM REVIEW OF REGION II During the week of February 9-13. 1998, the Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program Review of Region II was conducted.

Attached are the l

Region's actions in response to the recommendations and suggestions provided i

by the review team during the exit meeting on February 13, 1998.

l The team was very professional and conducted an excellent exit meeting.

l Please pass on my thanks to George Deegan, team leader.

1 Should you have any questions, please give me a call.

i l



As stated cc w/att:

h. Thompson. DEDR D. Cool. NMSS l

E. Ten Eyck. NMSS G. Deegan. NMSS (

l i

9004150067 900402 PDR ORG NOMA



ACTIONS TAKEN BY REGION II IN RESPONSE TO IMPEP FINDINGS REPORTED DURING EXIT MEETING Recommendation 1: Region II will assure its inspectors make use of survey instruments calibrated at proper frequencies.

Region II has reminded Division of Nuclear Materials Safety (DNMS) staff of the requirement to use survey instruments calibrated at the frequency required for the type of licensee being inspected (e.g., instruments calibrated within six months for radiography licensees).

In addition. Region II has developed an instrument calibration and inventory program using Microsoft Access to assist in the management of the survey instrument program. This program will be implemented by April 30, 1998.

This program will provide a report which lists instruments that are due for calibration in the next three months so l

they can be retrieved from inspectors and removed from service for calibration before the calibration due date.

The Region will also post, by March 31. a l

notice in the instrument storage area reminding inspectors to check the calibration date on the instrument to ensure that it will remain in calibration during the inspection.

Recommendation 2:

Region II will develop ar.d implement an effective, periodic. in-depth peer review type of quality assurance program for licensing actions.

Region II will issue a Regional Office Instruction (ROI) by April 15. 1998.

which will establish a peer review for completed licensing actions.

This ROI will require semi-annual reviews of completed licensing actions by license reviewers and DNMS managers.

The review will focus on appropriateness of license conditions used and documents referenced. grammatical / clerical errors, deficiencies in the application for licensing action, appropriate checklist j

and completeness of licensing file and quality of the review (i.e., did the licensing action accurately reflect what the licensee / applicant requested).

The first licensing Peer Review will be conducted by April 30, 1998.

l Recommendation 3:

Region II will ensure that the fuel cycle inspection l

program is not adversely affected when the current IFS program for tracking inspection results is terminated, i

Region II will begin using the NMSS Fuel Cycle Inspection Management System to l

track inspection results on or before May 1,1998. If this system cannot l

handle the volume, the Region will consider incorporating the information contained in the IFS system in the Site Integration Matrix System or will develop a Microsoft Access-based program to replace the IFS system.

Suaaestion 1:

Region II will use the inspection field notes pilot format developed for nuclear medicine license inspections for other categories of inspections in order to provide a greater description of licensee operations.

As directed in previous correspondence from NMSS. Region II will continue to use the Field Notes contained in approved inspection procedures.

However, until the new procedures are issued. Region II will stress to inspectors the need to provide greater description of the licensee's operations in the field notes using the nuclear medicine pilot format as an example.

i l

2 Suaaestion 2:

The former standard licensee condition No. 166 (maintenance of i

decommissioning records) will no longer be applied to new Region II licensees.

and be removed from current licenses.

1 The Region has discontinued using license condition No 166 in new licenses issued.

In addition the license condition will be removed frcm licenses as amendments or renewals of existing licenses are issued.

Succestion 3: NMSS will clarify the " Milestone 22" issued by memorandum to the Regions.

The issue relates to the appropriate date to enter in the Licensing Management System (LMS) for the issuance of the licensing action.

Since the IMPEP.

Region II has begun entering in LMS the date of the management review as the date when the licensing action was completed.

t l

Suaaestion 4:

Region II will consider altering the language of ROI 1030 to allow more flexibility in handling phone calls from allegers.

Region II has determined that ROI 1030 provides the appropriate instructions for members of the staff in the handling of allegations.

DNMS management will reemphasize to DNMS staff that, where possible, incoming calls from allegers should be referred to the Senior Allegations Coordinator or other technical members of the Enforcement and Investigations Coordination Staff.

l l

l l

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Agenda for Management Review Board Meeting Thursday. Aoril 23.1998.1 om. OWFN. 6-B-11 1.

Convention. MRB Chair convenes meeting (HLThompson) 2.

New Business-Consideration of Ril IMPEP Report A.

Introduction of Ril IMPEP Team Members (GDeegan) 8.

Introduction of Ril representatives participating by teleconference (SMoore)


Findings regarding Rll Program (IMPEP team)

Status of Inspection Program Technical Quality of Inspections Technical Staffing / Training Technica! Quality of Licensing Response to incicents/ Allegations Operating Plan / Resource Utilization Fuel Cycle a


Questions (MRB Members)


Comments from Ril F.

MRB Comments on issuance of Final Report (HLThompson) 3.

Old Business-Past MRB Minutes (SMoore, LRakovan) 4.

Status of Upcoming Reviews (LRakovan) i 5.

Adjournment invitees:

Hugh L. Thompson, Jr., MRB Chair Carl J. Paperiello, MRB Member, NMSS Richard L. Bangart, MRB Member, OSP Karen D. Cyr, MRB Member, OGC Thomas T. Martin, MRB Member, AEOD Luis A. Reyes, Ril Administrator Douglas M. Collins, Ril, DNMS Director Donald A. Cool, NMSS/IMNS Director Elizabeth Q. TenEyck, NMSS/FCSS Director George J. Deegan, Team Leader, NMSS/IMNS Donald Bunn, Team Member, Califomia Michael Weber, Team Member, Rlil Lance J. Rakovan, Team Member, OSP Lance J. Lessler, Team Member, NMSS/FCSS Garrett Smith, Team Member, NMSS/FCSS
