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(Vnc) - 2022 Annual Report - Effluent Monitoring and Environmental Surveillance Programs
Person / Time
Site: 07000754
Issue date: 03/01/2023
GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Shared Package
ML23061A032 List:
Download: ML23061A037 (1)





GEHitachiNuclearEnergy,LLC M230031 USNRC 3/2/2023



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i M230031 USNRC 3/2/2023






1.1 EffluentMonitoringProgram 5 1.2 EnvironmentalSurveillanceProgram 6 1.3 LaboratoryAnalyses 3


2.1 WaterEffluent 4 2.2 AirEffluent 4


3.1 Groundwater 9 3.2 StreamBottomSediments 9 3.3 Vegetation 9 3.4 GammaMonitoring 9 3.5 AmbientAirMonitoring 9




5.1 SamplesNotTaken 7 5.2 SamplesExceeingActionLevels 7




ii M230031 USNRC 3/2/2023


Figure Title Page 1 TopographicMapOfVNC 9 2 SanitaryandIndustrialDischargeTreatmentFacility 10 3 WaterSamplingLocations 11 4 AirSamplingLocationsandGammaMonitoringPoints 12

Table Title Page 1 SampleCollectionSchedule 13 2 GroundwaterWellInformation 14 3 StackSpecifications 15 4 MonthlyWaterEffluentSamples 16 5 GroundwaterSamples 17 6 StreamBottomSedimentSamples 19 7 VegetationSamples 19 8 GammaMonitoringDosimetryResults 20 9 AmbientAirMonitoring 21 10 StackAirMonitoringParticulates 22 11 StackAirMonitoringNobleGases 23 12 StackAirMonitoringHalogens 23

iii M230031 USNRC 3/2/2023


This report summarizes activities performed and data collected for the Effluent Monitoring and Environmental Surveillance Programs at Vallecitos Nuclear Center (VNC) during the 2022 calendar year. The program analyzes water, air, sediment, and vegetation samples and measures radiological doses around the site perimeter for compliancewithregulatorylimits.

Basedontheanalyticalresultsofradiologicalsamplescollectedfromlocationsonandoffsiteduringthereporting period, VNC is compliant with all licenses issued by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and California DepartmentofHealth,RadiologicHealthBranch.


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This report summarizes activities performed and data collected for the Effluent Monitoring and Environmental Surveillance Programs at Vallecitos Nuclear Center (VNC) during the 2022 calendar year. This report has been prepared to demonstrate compliance with state and federal license requirements. Section 1.0 presents backgroundinformation,andsections2.0and3.0presentdatacollectedduringthemonitoringperiod.

VNC is several hundred acres in size. It is located on the northern side of Vallecitos Valley as shown in Figure 1.

Most of the site is undeveloped with hills ranging in elevation from approximately 1,000 to 1,300 feet above sea level. Approximately 135 acres in the southwest corner and situated between the 400 and 600foot topographic contoursaredeveloped.Thegroundsurfaceofthisportionofthesiteslopestothesouthwest.

VNC utilizes three drainage systems: industrial, sanitary, and storm. The industrial and sanitary systems discharge effluent water into one of four 50,000gallon retention basins located in the southwest corner of the site (Figure 2). The storm drainage system, consisting of natural ditches, discharges storm water into a ditch parallel with Vallecitos Road (State Route 84). Storm drains from Buildings 103, 104, and 106 discharge to the west drainage ditch,andstormdrainsintheBuilding102,105,200,and300areasdischargetotheeastdrainageditch.Asshown in Figures 2 and 3, these ditches merge prior to exiting the southwest corner of the site. Although included in previousreports,stormwatersampleanalysisresultsarenotincludedherein.Copiesoflaboratoryanalysisreports fromstormwatersamplesareonfileatVNC.

Groundwater levels of the developed site vary from 2 to 3 feet below ground surface (during winter near RetentionBasins2and3)to30to40feet(duringthesummernorthwestoftheroadleadingtothewatertank).A U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) study shows that groundwater generally flows toward the southwest. The velocity ofgroundwaterisestimatedbyUSGStobeabout0.01ft/dayinclaysto8ft/dayingravels.Inareaswheregravels with aconsiderable mixtureof clay(most of developed site) are saturated close to the land surface, southwesterly movementoccursatanaveragerateofapproximately2ft/day1.

1.1 EffluentMonitoringProgram The Effluent Monitoring Program ensures that VNC effluent release limits are not exceeded. The Program includes measuring radioactive constituents in water discharged through the site sanitary and industrial wastewater systemsandairdischargedthroughbuildingexhauststacks.

The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) have established radiological release limits. These limits arelistedin10CFR20,AppendixB.

WaterDischarges Effluent discharge from VNC is made up of industrial wastewater, sanitary wastewater, and clean water.

Measurements are determined by collecting effluent samples. The schedule of sample collection is presented in Table1.

Discharges of industrial wastewater consist primarily ofnoncontactcooling water. The discharges are held in one of three available 50,000gallon retention basins and or used for nonpotable purposes, such as onsite irrigation.

After July 1st, 2003 no discharges to surface water have been made from these sources. Samples are collected from each basin prior to discharge to onsite irrigation. In addition, samples from all basin discharges are accumulatedandanalyzedatspecifiedintervalsforavarietyofconstituents.

Discharges of clean water consist of storm water runoff and small quantities of water with no known contaminants.ThesewatersflowdirectlytodrainageditchesthatenterVallecitosCreek.


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Sanitarywaste(sludge)iscollectedinanImhofftankbeforeundergoingsandfiltrationandchlorinationbyaddition of sodium hypochlorite solution. Sludge samples are collected before each Imhoff Tank cleanout. There were no cleanouts performed on the Imhoff tank during 2022. Processed sanitary wastewater is discharged by an onsite irrigationsysteminadesignatedarea(Figure2).Theprocedureismonitoredsothatnosurfacerunoffoccurs.


Several operations at VNC use exhaust stacks, shown in Table 3. Air is collected from single or multiple operating areas via a ventilation system. The ventilation system is generally comprised of ductwork, particulate filtration systems,blowers,andanexhauststack.Theaireffluentismonitored.

The various site operating licenses (SNM960, R33, and State 001701) and federal regulations require that air effluents released to unrestricted areas be limited and controlled to maintain the concentrations of radioactive material in the unrestricted area as low as reasonably achievable but at least no greater than the values in AppendixB,TableIIof10CFR20.

Releasesaredeterminedtobewithintheselimitsbyestablishingaveragereleaselimitsandcontrolvaluesforeach stackandmeasuringtheaveragereleasesthroughmonitoringand/orsamplingoftheeffluents.Thecontrolvalues aregenerallyestablishedas10%ofthelicensereleaselimits.

Sampling and monitoring techniques are used to determine air effluent releases. Sampling systems are used to determine particulate and halogen releases. Noble gas releases, which are primarily Argon41, are obtained from chartsorelectronicintegratorsonmonitoringequipment.

The COMPLY computer code is used to determine the dose at the site boundary from annual airborne effluents.

Thisevaluationwasformerlyrequiredwhen40CFR61SubpartIappliedtoNRClicensees,whichincludedVNC.The regulation was since amended to exclude NRC licensees, but VNC continues to run the COMPLY code to demonstrate compliance with the constraint rule per Regulatory Guide 4.20 and 10CFR20.1101(d) to verify compliancewithannualpublicdoseper10CFR20.1301,DoseLimitsforIndividualMembersofthePublic.

1.2EnvironmentalSurveillanceProgram The Environmental Surveillance Program determines if discharges from VNC are detectable in the environment.

The Program includes measuring radioactive constituents in neighboring streams, wells, and soils at locations near orbeyondthesiteperimeter.Samplesofgroundwater,streambottomsediments,andvegetationarecollectedat periodicitiesshowninTable1.

GroundwaterMonitoring Groundwater is monitored by collecting and analyzing samples from eight wells located on or near VNC. Samples are analyzed for radiological contaminants. In 2022, wells were sampled quarterly except for MW1 and MW7, which are sampled on an annual basis. A background well, MW10R, was added in 2022 which is also sampled on an annual basis. Well identification numbers, corresponding California State Well Numbers, and descriptions of locationsarelistedinTable2.WelllocationsareshowninFigure3.

VegetationMonitoring VegetationismonitoredbycollectingandanalyzingsamplesofvegetationattwolocationsdesignatedV2andVal IV. V2 is located on the easternmost stream crossing the south boundary of VNC. VALIV is located west of the VNCboundary,about500feetdownLittleValleyRoad.

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StreamBottomSedimentMonitoring StreambottomsedimentismonitoredbycollectingandanalyzingsamplesatonelocationdesignatedasS4.S4is locatedattheoutfalloftheretentionbasinsatsouthboundaryofsite.

AirMonitoring There are four air monitoring stations at VNC designated as A1 through A4. The stations are positioned approximately 90 apart around the operating facilities of the site. The locations of the stations are shown in Figure4.

To collect samples, each station is equipped with a membrane filterandan activated charcoal cartridge. The filter is changed weekly2 and counted for gross alpha and gross beta radiation. The cartridge is removed and analyzed onlyintheeventofasuspectedradioactiveiodinerelease.

GammaMonitoring There are 20 monitoring stations on site for measuring gamma radiation in the environment. Each station is constructed of a steel mailbox containing a dosimeter sealed in plastic. The dosimeters are exchanged annually.



SouthBoundary:Stations1through3 EastBoundary:Stations4through6 NorthBoundary:Stations7,12,and13 WestBoundary:Stations8through11 BackgroundDosimeters:Stations14through20 The dosimeter vendor (Landauer) reports the dose measurements of each dosimeter and determines the background dose measurement. Background is determined using dosimeters exposed to background radiation at VNCfromthesamebatchofOSLmaterialastheotherdosimetersexposedatVNC.


Onsite and external laboratories perform the analyses of samples collected at VNC as required for the programs.

Samples analyzed are reported as a measured value or as less than minimum detectable activity (MDA) values.

Values within the statistical background may be listed as zero or as positive or negative numbers. All analyses are performed using approved U.S. Environmental Protection Agency methodology with minimum sensitivities equal toorlessthanpermitlimits.RecordsofallanalyticalresultsaremaintainedatVNC.

OnsiteLaboratoryAnalyses The onsite laboratory at VNC analyzes for total (gross) alphaemitting radioactivity and total (gross) betaemitting radioactivity.

OffsiteLaboratoryAnalyses External laboratories contracted to analyze VNC samples are GEL Laboratories, located in Charleston, South Carolina, and Davi Labs, located in Hercules, California. GEL Laboratories performs radiological analyses on water samples.DaviLabsperformsradiologicalanalysesonsamplesofwater,streambottomsamples,andvegetation.


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Effluent samples collected during the reporting period and the analytical results of tests demonstrate compliance with permit limits and airborne release limits. Local action levels for radioactivity are established based on a measurementabovebackgroundvariationatthe95%confidencelevel.

Treated sanitary and industrial wastewater was discharged via an onsite irrigation system. No surface runoff of sanitaryorindustrialwasteoccurredduringthereportingperiod.

Basedontheanalyticalresultsofradiologicalsamplescollectedfromlocationsonandoffsiteduringthereporting period, VNC is compliant with all licenses issued by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and California DepartmentofHealth,RadiologicHealthBranch.

2.1WaterEffluent Resultsofsamplingofindustrialandsanitaryeffluentwaterforradiologicalcontaminatespriortoreleasefromthe property is summarized in Table 4. VNC has no radiological liquid effluent pathways and sampling for radiological contamination in industrial effluent is not required by the State of California. The monthly specific activities are fromcompositesamplestakenofdailywaterreleases.

2.2AirEffluent Air effluents are monitored at each stack shown in Table 3. Analytical results of stack air samples from the stacks listedinTable3arelistedinTables10through12.

Using the parameters of Table 3 and Tables 10 through 12, the calculated Effective Dose Equivalent at Screening Level2resultingfromtheannualmeasuredreleases,ascalculatedbytheEPAsCOMPLYCode,are:


0.3mrem/yearduetoallemissions 8.1E05mrem/yearfromiodine SiteDevelopedArea:

1.8mrem/yearduetoallemissions,and 6.1E04mrem/yearfromiodine.

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Th Environmental Surveillance program determines if discharges from VNC are detectable in groundwater wells, neighboring streams, vegetation at locations near or beyond the site perimeter. Local action levels for radioactivityareestablishedbasedonameasurementabovebackgroundvariationatthe95%confidencelevel.

3.1Groundwater AnalyticalresultsofgroundwatersamplescollectedfromthemonitoringwellslistedinTable2arelistedinTable5.

3.2StreamBottomSediments AnalyticalresultsofstreambottomsedimentsamplesarelistedinTable6.

3.3Vegetation AnalyticalresultsofvegetationsamplescollectedarelistedinTable7.

3.4GammaMonitoring DoseresultsfromgammamonitoringarelistedinTable8.

3.5AmbientAirMonitoring AnalyticalresultsofenvironmentalairsamplescollectedareinTable9.

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1. UnitedStatesNuclearRegulatoryCommission(USNRC)LicenseSNM960
2. UnitedStatesNuclearRegulatoryCommission(USNRC)LicenseR3
3. StateofCaliforniaRadiologicHealthBranchLicense001701

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This section presents anomalies, deficiencies, or deviations in adherence to the Effluent Monitoring and EnvironmentalSurveillanceProgramsatVNCforthe2022calendaryear.

5.1SamplesNotTaken The fourth quarter well sample for well 4S/1E10A1 (GA) was not taken because the well was dry at the time of sampling.

5.2SamplesExceedingActionLevels There were three air samples and one vegetation sample which exceeded local action levels. In these cases, resampling and reanalysis is performed by local procedure to verify the activity increase is not attributable to VNC operations.

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Based on the 2022 analytical results of water, air, sediment, and vegetation samples and measured radiological doses around the VNC perimeter, VNC is compliant with all licenses issued by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and California Department of Health, Radiologic Health Branch. The effluent monitoring and environmentalsurveillanceprogramsinplaceatVNCcontinuetobeeffective.

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Location Constituent SampleType Frequency

E001andE002 GrossAlpha Grab Eachdischarge (Basin1-4) GrossBeta Grab Eachdischarge GrossAlpha Composite Monthly GrossBeta Composite Monthly

S4 GrossAlpha Grab Annually,usuallyfirstweekinMay StreamBottom GrossBeta Grab Annually,usuallyfirstweekinMay (Sediments) Co60,Cs137 Grab Annually,usuallyfirstweekinMay

V2&VALIV GrossAlpha Grab Annually,usuallyfirstweekinApril (Vegetation) GrossBeta Grab Annually,usuallyfirstweekinApril

Groundwater GrossAlpha Grab Quarterly/Annually Wells GrossBeta Grab Quarterly/Annually Tritium Grab Quarterly/Annually Sr90 Grab Quarterly/Annually

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SiteWellNumber CaliforniaStateWellNumber LocationDescription

GN 4S/1E2N1 SoutheastofBuilding105

GA 4S/1E10A1 SouthwestofBuilding102

GP 4S/1E10P3 0.6milessouthwestofsiteentrance(privateproperty)

MW1 4S/1E3R2 Bldg.102ParkingLot

MW7 4S/1E10G3 SouthwestfromBasins

MW8 4S/1E2M01 SouthwestofGETRReactor

MW9S 4S/1E2P1 SouthwestofEVESRandVBWRReactors

MW9D 4S/1E2P2 SouthwestofEVESRandVBWRReactors

EVESRSE N/A 20fteastofEVESRatsouthwestexteriorcorner

MW10R (Background) 4S1E02L004 EastnortheastoftheGETR,EVESR,andVBWRReactors

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Stack Height Diameter FlowRate Number Location ComponentsServiced (ftabove (in) (cfm) ground)

RemoteHandlingOperation IsotopeProductionFacility 4 Bldg.102A Radiochemistry 75 6637,292.6 RemoteHandling OperationsRadioactive MaterialsStorageRoom

MetallurgyandCeramics 12 Bldg.103 Laboratories 48 60 28,012.0 ChemistryLaboratories

16 Bldg.105 NuclearTestReactor 45 13.5x13.5 1,614.1

26 Area200 GeneralElectricTestReactor(GETR) 29 19 4,927.8

30 WasteEvaporator LiquidWasteEvaporator 25 13x17.75 2,920.7

341 Waste WasteStorageFacility Storage (SandblastRoom) 25 13x17.75 N/A

371 HSFBunker BunkerAreaofHillsideStorageFacility 40 35 N/A


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ActionLevels GrossAlpha:7.1pCi/L GrossBeta:7.1pCi/L Tritium:2000pCi/L

ContractedLaboratoryData MonthlyEffluent(Industrial) MonthlyEffluent(Sanitary)

(pCi/L) (pCi/L)

Month GrossAlpha GrossBeta Tritium GrossAlpha GrossBeta Tritium January 3.15 1.26 <MDA 1.67 3.87 23 February 1.72 4.27 46 2.53 4.80 913 March 3.66 4.22 229 NoDischarges April NoDischarges NoDischarges May 4.65 4.25 236 3.15 3.15 539 June NoDischarges NoDischarges July 3.92 4.05 74 3.98 2.47 161 August 2.85 2.44 294 NoDischarges September NoDischarges NoDischarges October 4.29 2.98 146 NoDischarges November 4.80 1.41 374 NoDischarges December 2.62 1.73 352 2.32 2.80 231

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ActionLevels GrossAlpha:7.1pCi/L GrossBeta:7.1pCi/L Tritium:2000pCi/L

4S/1E2N1(GN) 4S/1E10A1(GA) 4S/1E10P3(GP)

(pCi/L) (pCi/L) (pCi/L)

Month Gross Gross Sr90 Tritium Gross Gross Sr90 Tritium Gross Gross Sr90 Tritium Alpha Beta Alpha Beta Alpha Beta February 3.56 2.98 0.42 136 2.69 3.47 0.66 136 4.71 2.09 0.84 181 May 3.83 2.06 0.79 <MDA 4.82 3.13 1.77 469 5.37 4.03 1.98 <MDA August 4.40 3.48 0.75 228 4.90 4.56 0.73 31 3.99 4.12 1.05 <MDA November 2.45 3.36 0.55 649 Dry-NotSampled 4.66 1.82 <MDA <MDA Annual Average 3.56 2.97 0.63 338 4.14 3.72 1.05 212 4.68 3.02 0.97 181

MW8(4S1E2M01) MW9S(4S1E2P1)

(pCi/L) (pCi/L)

Month Gross GrossBeta Sr90 Tritium Gross Gross Sr90 Tritium Alpha Alpha Beta February 1.95 2.41 0.52 725 3.95 2.5 0.63 726 May 4.94 5.96 0.45 194 4.90 2.59 1.87 566 August 4.36 3.64 0.84 331 2.82 4.71 0.51 308 November 1.13 4.43 1.37 539 3.96 0.16 0.76 363 AnnualAverage 3.10 4.11 0.80 447 3.91 2.49 0.94 491

MW9D(4S1E2P2) EVESRSE (pCi/L) (pCi/L)

Month Gross GrossBeta Sr90 Tritium Gross Gross Sr90 Tritium Alpha Alpha Beta February 4.51 2.92 0.67 362 3.03 3.76 0.63 272 May 4.63 3.04 1.10 397 4.62 1.99 0.44 581 August 4.81 2.22 1.07 68 3.87 1.84 0.9 262 November 2.73 1.68 0.48 11 3.29 1.69 1.89 121 AnnualAverage 4.17 2.47 0.83 210 3.70 2.32 0.97 309

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ActionLevels GrossAlpha:7.1pCi/L GrossBeta:7.1pCi/L Tritium:2000pCi/L

MW1(1E3R2) MW7(1E10G3)

(pCi/L) (pCi/L)GrossGrossGrossGross Month Alpha Beta Sr90 Tritium Alpha Beta Sr90 Tritium

May 5.45 4.49 0.86 102 3.48 3.22 0.39 179


(pCi/L)GrossGross Month Alpha Beta Sr90 Tritium

November 0.63 2.12 0.88 <MDA

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Sample Date GrossAlpha GrossBeta Co60 Cs137 Number Collected (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g)

ActionLevel 11.00 15.00 N/A N/A

S4 5/6/2022 10.84 13.17 0.039 0.097


Sample Date GrossAlpha GrossBeta Number Collected (pCi/g) (pCi/g)

ActionLevel 2.40 9.30 V2 3/31/2022 2.701 4.32

VALIV 3/31/2022 0.31 4.40

Average 1.51 4.36


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SouthBoundary EastBoundary WestBoundary NorthBoundary Background

Station (mRem/yr) Station (mRem/yr) Station (mRem/yr) Station (mRem/yr) Station (mRem/yr) 1 72.04 75.67 95.0*8 73.814 73.0

2 78.05 73.912 75.59 75.715 77.7

3 79.66 72.713 87.210 78.016 74.0

11 77.717 78.3

18 76.6

19 77.1

20 66.3 Notes: *DosegreaterthanControlDosimeter Dosimetercollectiondate:December20,2022 Grossvaluesshown(nobackgroundsubtraction)


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ActionLevels Beta:6.6x1014µCi/ml Alpha:5.9x1014µCi/ml


STATIONONE STATIONTWO STATIONTHREE STATIONFOUR Beta Alpha Beta Alpha Beta Alpha Beta Alpha January 5.08E14 1.06E15 6.14E14 1.73E15 5.65E14 1.99E15 4.51E14 1.26E15 February 5.42E14 1.02E15 6.77E141 1.40E15 6.15E14 1.70E15 4.89E14 1.09E15 March 2.94E14 6.89E16 3.59E14 6.72E16 3.03E14 8.33E16 2.56E14 4.66E16 April 2.07E14 4.17E16 2.51E14 6.18E16 2.25E14 5.64E16 2.04E14 7.54E16 May 2.11E14 8.20E16 2.30E14 8.16E16 2.08E14 9.22E16 1.71E14 7.59E16 June 2.00E14 9.75E16 2.07E14 9.70E16 2.12E14 7.89E16 1.76E14 8.30E16 July 1.36E14 5.09E16 1.68E14 9.83E16 1.52E14 6.95E16 1.26E14 5.54E16 August 2.18E14 1.11E15 2.33E14 1.00E15 2.30E14 1.02E15 1.53E14 5.17E16 September 3.49E14 1.48E15 3.43E14 1.40E15 3.54E14 1.32E15 2.23E14 1.21E15 October 4.69E14 1.62E15 4.59E14 1.67E15 4.78E14 1.69E15 4.91E14 7.91E16 November 5.94E14 2.39E15 6.82E141 2.74E15 6.84E141 2.77E15 7.31E14 3.34E15 December 4.39E14 1.43E15 5.42E14 1.61E15 4.99E14 1.65E15 4.88E14 1.46E15 AVERAGE 3.47E14 1.13E15 3.97E14 1.30E15 3.77E14 1.33E15 3.30E14 1.09E15



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Month STACK16 January 1.51 February 7.36 March 5.54 April 2.20 May 4.16 June 8.12 July 6.82 August 9.18 September 6.08 October 8.21 November 4.85 December 2.82 TOTAL 66.86



STACK4 STACK12 STACK16 Annual Release <MDA <MDA 2.69