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Title List of Documents Made Publicly Available.November 1-30, 1994
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/31/1995
NUREG-0540, NUREG-0540-V16-N11, NUREG-540, NUREG-540-V16-N11, NUDOCS 9502080222
Download: ML20080G585 (307)


{{#Wiki_filter:_ _ _ _ ._ r NUREG-0540 Vol.16, No.11 Title List of Documents Made Publicly Available 1 November 1-30,1994 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission OfTice of Administration p nauq iM; H %,..ilF/j l 502080 950131 4 0540 R PDR

r -- o, AVAILABILITY NOTICE Availability of Reference Materials Cited in NRC Publications Most documents cited in NRC publications will be available from one of the following sources:

1. The NRC Public Document Room 2120 L Street, NW., Lower Level, Washington, DC 20555-0001
2. The Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, P. O. Box 37082, Washington, DC 20402-9328 *
3. The National Technical Informa::on Service, Springfield, VA 22161-0002 Although the listing that follows represents the majority of documents cited in NRC publica- l tions, it is not intended to be exhaustive.

Referenced documents available for inspection and copying for a fee from the NRC Public Document Room include NRC correspondence and internal NRC memoranda: NRC bulletins, circulars, information notices, inspection and investigation notices; licensee event poorts; , vendor reports and correspondence; Commission papers; and applicant and licensee docu-ments and correspondence. The following documents in the NUREG series are available for purchase from the Government Printing Office: formal NRC staff r.nd contractor reports, NRC-sponsored conference pro-ceedings, international agreement reports, grantee reports, and NRC booklets and bro-chures. Also available are regulatory guides, NRC regulations in the Code of Federal Repcia-tions, and Nuclear Regulatory Commission issuances. Documentt, av3ilable from the National Technical Information Service include NUREG-series reports and technical reports prepared by other Federal agencies and reports prepared by the Atomic Energy Commission, forerunner agency to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Documents available from public and special technical libraries include all open literature items, such as books, journal articles, and transactions. Federal Register notices, Federal and State legislation, and congressional reports can usually be etained from these libraries. Documents such as theses, dissertations, foreign reports and translations, and non-NRC con-ference proceedings are available for purchase from the organization sponsoring the publica-tion cited. Single copies of NRC draft reports are available free, to the extent of supply, upon written request to the On.ce of Administration, Distribution and Mail Services Section U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001. Copies of industry codes and standards used in a substantive manner in the NRC regulatory process are maintained at the NRC Library, Two White Flint North.11545 Rockville Pike, Rock-ville, MD 20852-2738, for use by the public. Codes and standards are usually copyrighted and may be purchased from the originating organization or, if they are American National Standards, from the American National Standards institute,1430 Broadway, New York, NY I 10018-3308. A year's subscription of 'his report consists of 12 monthly issues. l l

NUREG-0540 Vol.16, No.11 Title List of Documents Made Publicly Available November 1-30,1994 Date .*ubt ; ' 'A: January 1995 Division of Freedom ofInformation and Publications Senices Office of Administration U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 p# ~ s.,,


l i i I CONTENTS Preface ........ ...........................................................v Arrangement of Items by Docket Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ir Alphabetic Arrangement of Docket Items by Facility Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv Docketed Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Iow-Level Radwaste Disposal Sites - Docket 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Domestic Licensing of Source Material - Docket 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities - Docket 50 . . . . . . . . . 7 Stant ardized Nuclear Power Plant Design - Docket 52 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 Domestic Licensing of Special Nuclear Material - Docket 70 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 Packaging of Radioactive Material for 'Iransport and Transportation of Radioactive Material Under Certain Conditions - Docket 71. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Licencing of Independent Spent Fuel Storage - Docket 72 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 Nondocketed Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 10 CFR - Commission Meeting Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 ACNW - Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 ACRS - Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 ADVCM - NRC Advisory Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 COMMISSION - NRC Comrniccinners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 CONTRACT - NRC Contracts and Modifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 FOIA - Freedom of Information Act Requests and Releases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188  : GEN TECH IS - Generic Technical Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 I&E - Inspection and Enforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 MISC - Pubhc Document Room MisceManeous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 NUREG - NUREG Reports and Related Correspondence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 ORG - Correspondence with Other Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 PR - Proposed Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 PRESS - Press Releases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 PRM - Petition for Rulemaking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 PROJ - Projects-Predocket Licensmg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 PT21 - Noncompliance Reports and Related Correspondence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 OA999 - Quality Assurance Inspections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 REGGD - Regulatory Guides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 REVIEW GROUP - NRC Research Review Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 SECY - Position Papers Before the Commission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 STATE PROG - State Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206

       'IDPREP - Vendor Reports and Related Correspondence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 WASTE MGT - Nuclear Waste Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 XPOKIUC - Export and Import Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 Personal Author Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Corporate Source Inder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 j     Report Number Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253 Cross Reference of Enclosures to Principal Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255                                   ,

Appendir A - Definitions of Docket 50 Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1 Appendir B - Definitions of Nondocketed Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1 iii 1 i I l

                                                                                                                   .ww -,-

PREFACE The Title List of Documents Made Publicly Available is a Duplicate copies may be obtained for a iee. Standing or-monthly publication. It contains descriptions of the in- ders for certain categories of documents are also avail-formation received and generated by the U.S. Nuclear able. Clients may search for and order desired titles Regulatory Commission (NRC). This information through the PDR computerized Bibliographic Retrieval includes (1) docketed material associated with civilian System, which is accessible both at the PDR and re-nuclear power plants and other uses of radioactive ma- motely. The PDR is staffed by professional technical li-terials and (2) nondocketed material received and gen- branans, who provide reference assistance to users. See crated by NRC pertinent to its role as a regulatory NOTES at the end of the preface for information about agency. As used here, docketed does not refer to Coun reaching the PDR. Microfiche of the docketed informa-dockets;it refers to the system by which NRC maintains tion listed ir the Title List is available for sale on a sub- , its regulatory records. This series of documents is in- scription basis from the NationalTechnicallnformation  ! dexed by a Personal Author Index, a Corporate Source Service (NTIS). See NOTES at the end of th< Preface ' Index, and a Report Number Index. for the complete NTIS address. The docketed information contained in the Title List in- We encourage your comments, criticisms, and sugges-cludes the information formerly issued through the De- tions. In particular, if there are title descriptions that are 1 partment of Energy publication Power Reactor Docket not meaningful, please let us know so that we can cor-Information,last published in January 1979. NRC docu-


rect the data base. Insofar as possible, we would like this l ments that are publicly available may be examined with- document to be a vaNable part of your reference i out charge at the NRC Public Document Room (PDR). material. l i 1 l DOCKETED ITEMS The listings within Docket 50 are divided into the cate- H. General correspondence Fories used for filing and searching in the NRC Public 1. Financialinformation Document Room. Those categories are J. Insurance and indemnity i dormation K. Utility Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) and A. Application / construction stage documents and amendments td B. t ty P el inary Safety Analysis Repons pondence (PSAR), amendments C. Utility Environmental Reports (ER). amend- M. Antitrust revie'.vs and antitrust correspondence ments, and correspondence N. Antitrust heanng transcripts, testimony, and brief-D. NRC Draft and Final Environmental (Impact) mgs f tatements (DES and FES), supplements and cor- O. Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards respondence (ACRS) reports and correspondence E. NRC Safety Evaluation Repons (SER), supple- P. Operatinglicense stage documents and correspon-ments and correspondence dence F. Secunty, medical, emergency, and fire-protection Inspection repons, IE Bulletins, Circulars and In-O. plans formation Notices. civil penalties, and related cor-G. Legal and adjudicatory correspondence respondence v NUREG-0540

DOCKETED ITEMS (cont.) R. Periodic operating reports and related correspon- U. Congressional / executive cx)rrespondence dence V. Licensing of operators and related correspondence S. Reportable occurrences, PNOs, PNSs, and related W. Decommissioning stage documents and correspon-correspondence dence T. Transenpts, testimony, and briefings on non. X. Onsite storage of low-level waste antitrust matters Y. Independent spent fuel storage installations Appendix A sets forth those categories and describes that category were filed in the time period of the report. the materials available in each. Omission of a category in the listing for a docket indicates that no documents in The principal elements of the entries in the list are @ P. Operating license stage documents & correspondence 8907070172 Commends util for exemplary hospitality extended to visiting Soviet technical working group on 890608. DENTON, H.R. Office of Governmental & Public Affairs (Post 870413). 89/06/27 h h 9 1 l' 3 CLARK, P.R. General Public Utilities Corp.-GPU Service Corp. 2 pp. 50442:181-50442:182

1. NRC/PDR Document category (see Appendix A). 11. The three-digit portion of this entry is the number
2. NRC/PDR Accession Number (year, month, day, of the frame on which this document starts.

and sequence number of item). 12. This five-digit number is the microfiche on which

3. Description of information contained in the docu- this document ends.

ment. 13. The three-digit portion of this en+ yis the number

4. Personal author (s). Ar asterisk in this position in- of the frame on which thb accument ends.

dicates that there is no personal author.

5. Author affiliation (NRC, corporate, agency, er nonindividual source). The Docketed Items list is arranged sequentially by
6. Date of document described. Docket Number, category, and then by date of principal items. Entries indented and preceded by a dash are
7. Recipient of the document.

tems that were submitted as enclosures to principal

8. ReciPient affiliation (NRC or corporate). items. In general, indented items are not la accession
9. Pages in this document. number sequence. If the docketed document has a con-
10. This five-digit number is the NRC 48X microfiche tract (FIN) number of a formal report number,it will ap-designation. pear in the last line of the item following entry 5.

NUREG-0540 vi

NONDOCKETED ITEMS The nondocketed items are divided into the categories QA999-Quality Assurance Inspections used for filing and searchmg in the NRC Public Docu-REGGD-Regulatory Guides ment Room. These categories and their symbols are: RES-Research and Technical Assistance Reports 10CFR-Commission Meeting Records REVIEW GRP-Research Review Groups ACRS-Advisory Committee on Reactor Safe-RM-Rulemakings ADVCM-NRC Advisory Committees .ECY-Staff Position Papers Before the Commis-slon COMMISSION-NRC Commissioners STATE PROG-State Programs CONTRACT-NRC Contracts and Modifications TOPREP-Vendor Topical Reports and Corre-FOIA-Freedom of Information Act Requests spondence and Releases WASH-AEC Issued Formal Reports and Corre-GEN TECH IS-Generic Technical Issues spondence IE-Inspection and Enforcement Issuances WM-Waste Management Documents MISC-Public Document Room Miscellaneous WMRES-Waste Management Contract Docu-ments NUREG-NRC-Issued Formal Reports and Re-lated Correspondence XPORTLIC-Exports and Import Licenses ORG-Organizational File Appendix B sets forth these categories and describes the PR-Proposed Rules material available in each. Omission of a category in the PRM-Petitions for Rulemaking listing for a docket indicates that no documents in that category were filed in the time period of the report. PROJ-Projects PT21-10 CFR Part 21 Deficiency Reports The principal elements of the no.. docketed items are 1 I @ NUREG-NRC-Issued Formal Reports and Related Correspondence

       @                @                                       @                                                  i 8910100307 NUREG/CR-5340 DATA 


REPORT FOR FISSION PRODUCT RELEASE TEST VI-2 OSBORNE, M.F., COLLINS, J.L. LORENZ, R.A. Oak Ridge National Laboratory. l FIN B-0127. ORNL/TM-11105. 89/09/30. Division of Systems Research (Post 880717). 69 pp. 51409:065-51409:134.

1. Nondocket category. 2. NRC/PDR Accession Number (year, month, day, and sequence number of item).

vii NUREG-0540



3. NRC Report Number. 11. Pages in this docurnent. '
12. His five-digit number is the NRC 48X microfiche
4. Title and description of information contained in designation.

the document.

13. The three-digit portion of this entry is the number
5. Personal author (s). An asterisk in this position in.

of the frame on which this document starts. dicates that there is no personal author.

14. His five-digit m.nber is the microfiche on which
6. Corporate, agency, or other nonindividual source. this document ends.
7. Contract of financial identification number (FIN), 15. He three-digit portion of this entry is the number if any. of the frame on which this document ends.
8. Secondary report number,if any. He Nondocketed Items list is arranged sequentially by
9. Date of document desenbed. Accession Number within category. indented items pre-
10. NRC orgamzational recipient (or sponsor). ceded by a dash are enclosures to unindented items.

NOTES: 3. The location of the PDR is 2120 L Street, NW.

1. The address for GPO is Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office The mailing address is P.O. Box 37082 Washington, DC 20013-7082 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Public Document Room To place orders, send check or money order F. fable to Mail Stop LIA the Superintendent of Documents. GPO Deposit Ac- Washington, DC 20555 count holders may charge their orders by calling 202-512-2249. Telefacsimile 2d2/634-3343
2. De address for NTIS is National Technical Information Service Telephone 1 528? Port Royal Road Springfield,Wrginia 22161 202/634-3273 To place orders for or to obtain price information about To place orders for documents or to arTange for training NRC publications at KrlS, either write to KilS or call on the computer system, write, fax, or phone. When or-the Sales Desk at (703) 487-4650. Specify the NRC re- dering documents listed in this publication, please iden-port number and title when you place your order. Publi- tify the Document Accession Number for each citation.

cations can be charged to American Express, Visa, or R eproduction charges and method of payment, based on Mastercard credit cards: supply the charge card number the current reproduction contract, are obtainable from when placing your order. the PDR. i l l l l l NDREG-0540 viii

                          .    -.                                         ~.



                  . REACTOR 50 272    SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING                45 50-170    ARMED FORCES RADIOBIOLOGY                     11                        STATION, UNIT 1 RESEARCH INSTITUTE 50 275    DIABLO CANYON NUCLEAR POWER             46 50-171    PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER                     11                        PLANT, UNIT 1 50-277    PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER               48 50-184    NATIONA' INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS               12                        STATION, UNIT 2 50-278    PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER               49 50-186    UNIV. OF MISSOURI RESEARCH                    12                        STATION, UNIT 3 50-280    SURRY POWER STATION, UNIT 1             50 50-188    KANSAS STATE UNIV. RESEARCH                   12 SURRY POWER STATION, UNIT 2 REACTOR                                                 50-281                                            52 50-193    RHODE ISLAND & PROVIDENCE                     12            50-282    PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION,         53 PLANTATIONS AEC                                                     UNIT 1 50-206    SAN ONOFRE NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT              12            50-284    IDAHO STATE UNIV. RESEARCH              54 1                                                                   REACTOR 50-213    HADDAM NECK PLANT                             13            50-2M     FORT CAL riOUN STATION, UNIT 1          54 50-219    OYSTER CREEK NUCLEF "OWER                     14            50-286    INDIAN i OINT STATION, UNIT 3           55 50-287    OCONEE NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 3          57       I 50-220    NI E MILE POINT NUCLEAR STATION,              16 50-288    REED COLLEGE RESEARCH REACTOR           59 50-225    RPI CRITICAL EXPERIMENT                       17            50-289    THREE MILE ISLAND NUCLEAR               59 STATION, UNIT 1 50 237    DRE              N NUCLEAR POWER STATION,     17 50-293    PILGRIM NUCLEAR POWER STATION,          60 UNIT 1 50-243    ORE O STATE UNIV. RESEARCH                    19 50-295    ZION NUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNIT        61       !


 . Docket     Name                              Page   Docket  Name                               Page 50-313    ARKANSAS NUCLEAR ONE, UNIT 1        74    50-364 JOSEPH M. FARLEY NUCLEAR PLANT,     110 50-315    DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR POWER        74                                                   '


                       , UNU 2 50-387 SUSOUEHANNA LTTJ9 FLECTRIC          120 50-324    BRUNSWICK STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT,     g4             STATION, UNIT 1 UNE 2 50-388 SUSOUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC          121 50-325   BRUNSWICK STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT,      86             STATION, UNIT 2
                     '                                  50-389 ST, LUCIE PLANT, UNIT 2             123 50-327   SECWJOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 1      87                                                   ;


Docket Name Page Docket Name Page ' 50-443 SEABROOK NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 1 147 70 0143 NUCLEAR FUE . SERVICES, INC., 170 50-444 SEABROOK NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 2 148





                                                                       ##          'U 50-461 PILGRIM NUCLEAR POWER STATION,            7 113        GE"      ^L          T'   "      "  '


Docket Name Page Docket Name Page 71-0128 AMOCO OIL CO. 175 71 5805 MODEL: CNS 3-55, CHEM-NUCLEAR 177 l 71-0134 LABARGE PIPE & STEEL CO. 175 177 i

                                                                       ,      AL ELECTRIC CO.

71-0146 GLOBE X-RAY SERVICES,INC. 175 71 5957 MODEL BMI-1 CINTICHEM,INC. 177 71-0162 EBASCO SERVICES, INC. 175 71-6049 MODEL 426A,4268, ENERGY, DEPT. OF 177 71 0171 GLITSCH FIELD SERVICES /NDE, INC. 175 71-6058 MODEL: B-3, CINTICHEM, INC. 178 71-0201 DURALLOi BLAW-KNOX, INC. 175 71-6188 MODEL 25 SPARE MODULE, ENERGY, 178 71-0207 NORTHEAST UTILITIES 176 DEPT.OF 71-0213 INTERMOUNTAIN TESTING CO. 176 MODft: 6400, WESTINGHOUSE 178 71-6400 71 0221 PRECISION COMPONENT CORP. 176 ELLOTRIC CORP. 71-0228 CAPITAL X-RAY SERVICE 176 71-6553 MODEL MADUCAH TIGER, ENERGY, 178 DEPT. OF 71-0234 X-F,AY,1NC. 176 7 6581 MODR '51032-1 & 51032-1 A, 178 71-0236 AME!RICAN AIRLINES,INC. 176 ADuNCED NUCLEAR FUELS CORP. 71-0239 AGRICULTURE, DEPT. OF 176 71-6601 MODEL: CNS 8-120 A, CHEM-NUCLEAR 13 71-0242 LAW ENGINEERING TESTING CO. 176 71 6717 MODEL: 6717-B, AMERSHAM CORP. 178 71-0257 INDUSTRIAL LABORATORIES, INC. 176 71-9 29 MODEL 676 & 676E, AMERSHAM CORP. 178 71-0260 ASTROTECH, INC. 176 71 9032 MODEU 650, AMERSHAM CORP. 178 71-0325 CONSUMERS POWER CO. 176 71-9033 MODEL 660, 660A, 660AE, 6608, 660BE. 178 l 71-0327 PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. 176 660E, AMERSHAM j 71-0330 ALLIED INSPECTION SERVICES, INC. 176 MODEL 680 8 680E, AMERSHAM CORP. 178 71-9035 71-0332 FLORIDA POWER CORP. 176 71-9039 MODEL: 715 AMERSHAM CORP, 178 71-0339 WISCONSIN CENTRIFUGAL, INC. 176 71c% MODEL SPEC 2-T, SOURCE 179 71 0341 ENTERGY OPERATIONS, INC. Uri PRODUCTION & EQUIPMENT CO., 71 0346 PUBLIC SERVICE CO. OF COLORADO 176 71-9079 MODEL NUPAC 14D-2.0, NUPAC 179 SER%ES, INC. 71-0348 MICHIGAN, UNIV. OF 176 71-9081 MODEL: CNS 1 13C, CHEM-NUCLEAR 179 71-0360 NAVY, DEPT.OF 176 SYSTEMS, INC. 71 0431 TRUTOM (U.S.), LTD- 176 71-9094 MODEL CNS 14-195-H, CHEM-NUCLEAR 179 SYSTEMS, INC. 71-0496 SCIENTIFIC ECOLOGY GROUP, INC. 177 l 71-9096 MODEL CNS 21-300, CHEM-NUCLEAR 179 1 71 0607 MK-FERGUSON CO. 177 SYSTEMS, INC. i 71-0685 SIERRA TESTING, INC. 177 71 9107 MODEL 771, AMERSHAM CORP.. 179 71-0688 M M P. QUALITY INSPECTIONS, INC. 177 71 9111 MODEL: CNS 6-80-2 & 2A, CHEM- 179 71 0691 TEl ANALYTICAL SERVICES, INC. N LEM SYSTEE, K 177 71-0702 GREGORY ENTERPRISES, INC. 177

                                                                 '       ^' '     '

( 1 71 0707 CARONDELET FOUNDRY CO. 177 MODEL: 100.100A,200 & 200A, 71 9127 179  ! 71-0752 UNIVERSAL TESTING, INC. 177 AMERSHAM CORP. l 71-0770 RUST REMEDtAL SERVICES 177 71-9143 MODEL: 920, AMERSHAM CORP. 179 71-0781 PROFESSIONAL QUALITY TESTING CO. 177 71-9147 MODEL: 850, AMERS 4AM CORP. 179 71 9148 MODEL: 770, AMERSHAM CORP. 179 l 71-0789 NEWPORT NEWS SHIPBUILDING 177 71-9151 MODEL: HN-100 SERIES 3, ET AL, 179 71-0792 NDE SERVICES, INC 177 SCIENTIFIC ECOLOGY l 71-0796 DREXEL UNIVERSITY 177 71-9159 MODEL: NUPAC 14/190H, L & M. LN 179 l 71-3021 MODEL 3300A, TRANSPORTATION, 177 DEPT.OF 71 9168 MODEL: CNS B 1208, CHEM-NUCLEAR 179 71 4909 MODEL: GE-21PF-1 & W 21PF 1, 177 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. 71-9202 MODEL: TN-BRP, ENERGY, DEPT. OF 179 71-5607 MODER T-2, ENERGY, DEPT. OF 177 71-9206 MODEL- TN-REG ENERGY, DEPT. OF 179 Aiii

Docket Name Page Docket Name Page MODEL: CNS 1-13G, CHEM-NUCLEAR 179 71-9789 MODEL: A1W-3, ENERGY, DEPT. OF 180 71-9216 71 9790 MODEL: A1W-3, ENERGY, DEPT. OF 180 71-9217 MODEL: ANF 250, ADVANCED NUCLEAR 179 FUELS CORP. Liconomg of :. " ;14..t Spent Fuel Storage MODEL: TRUPACT-il, ENERGY, DEPT. 71 9218 180 OF 72-0004 DUKE POWER CO., 50-269, 50-270 & 50- 180 - 87 71 9225 MODEL: NAC LWT, NUCLEAR 180 ASSURANCE CORP. 72-0006 CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT CO.,50-324 180 71 9234 MODEL: NCl-21PF-1, NUCLEAR 180 CONTAINERS, INC. 724007 CONSUMERS POWER CO.,50-255 180 71-9235 MODEL NAC-STC. NUCLEAR 180 72-0008 BALTIMORE GAS & ELECTRIC CO.,50- 181 ' ASSURANCE CORP. 317 & 50-318 MODEL: GAMMACELL 220, NORDION 180 72-0009 PUBLIC SERVICE CO. OF COLORADO, 181 71 9242 INTERNATIONAL, INC. 50-267 72-0010 NORTHERN STATES POWER CO. 50- 181 71-9245 MODEL: RTS-420, RTS TECHNOLOGY, 180 INC. 282 & 50-306 72 0011 SACRAMENTO MUNICIPAL UTILITY 181 71 9248 MODEL: SP-1, SIEMENS NUCLEAR 180 POWER CORP. DISTRICT. 50-312 MODEL NUHOMS-MP187, PACIFIC 180 72 1004 71-9255 E NUCLEAR 2-1007 M 24 I ' ^ 71 9257 NORDION INTERNATIONAL INC. 180 c A ES 71-9787 MODEL: AIW-3, ENERGY, DEPT. OF, 180 72-1008 MODEL: Hi-STAR SYSTEM, HOLTEC 181 BETTIS ATOMIC POWER INTERNATIONAL I i l l l l xiv l




       ^           ^      '




Name Docket Page Name Docket Page j ZION NUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNIT 2 50-304 68 WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORP., 70-0698 171 PITTSBURGH. PA AP600 STANDARD PLANT DESIGN. 52-003 168 WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORP. Packaging of Radioactive Material for GE ADVANCED BWR DESIGN, GENERAL 52-001 168 Transport and Transportation of ELECTRIC CO. Radioactive Material Under Certain Conditions - Docket 71 GE SIMPLIFIED BWR (SBWR) DESIGN, 52-004 169 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. AGRICULTURE, DEPT. OF 71-0238 176 SYSTEM 80+ STANDARDIZED NUCLEAR 52-002 168 ALLIED INSPECTION SERVICES, INC. 71-0330 176 POWER PLANT DES., AMERICAN AIRLINES,INC. 71 4236 176 Domestic Ucensing of Special Nuclear AMERICON HOLDING CO.,INC. 71-0034 175



                                                                   ,1  A,2M & 2%A, MSHW M27             179 TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY, CHATTANOOGA, TN 70-2910   173          h1                                              j DE 1SM,GENERR EE N m               4 5939    m TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY,           70-2928   173 CHATTANOOGA, TN                                       MODEL 20,20A,50, & SOA, AMERSHAM      71 9126   179  i TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY, MUSCLE   70-1166   172 SHOALS, AL                                            MODEL 25 SPARE MODULE, ENERGY,        71-6188   178 l 170 DEN. &


     - .        .                . -       . -.          .              . - ~ ~ - - .-.-- ._                            . .

i Name Docket Page Name Docket Page MODEL: 650, AMERSHAM CORP. 71 9032 178 MODEL: PADUCAH TIGER, ENERGY, DEPT. 71-6553 178

 - . MODEL: 660, 660A. 660AE, 6608, 660BE,      71 9033    178 660E, AMERSHAM                                                MODEL: RTS-420, RTS TECHNOLOGY, INC. 71-9245   180 MODEL: 6717-B, AMERSHAM CORP.                71-6717    178     MODEL: SP 1. SIEMENS NUCLEAR POWER    71 9248   180 MODEL: 676 & 676E, AMERSHAM CORP.            71-9029    178 MODEU SPEC 2-T, SOURCE PRODUCTION     71-9056   179 MODEL: 680 & 680E, AMERSHAM CORP,            71-9035    178       & EQUIPMENT CO.,                                       ,

MODEL: 715. AMERSHAM CORP. 71-9039 178 MODEL: T-2, EliRGY, DEPT. OF 71-5607 177 MODEL: 770, AMERSHAM CORP. 71-9148 179 ' MODEL TN-BRP, ENERGY, DEPT, OF 71-9202 179 MODELs 771. AMERSHAM CORP. 71-9107 179 MODEU TN-REG, ENERGY, DEPT. OF 71-9206 179 MODEL: 850, AMERSHAM CORP. 71-9147 179 MODEL: TRUPACT-il, ENERGY, DEPT, OF 71 9218 180 MODEL: 920, AMERSHAM CORP. 71-9143 179 NAVY, DEPT.OF 71-0360 176 MODEL: A1W 3, ENERGY, DEPT, OF 71-9790 180 NDE SERVICES,INC 71-0792 177 MODEL: A1W-3, ENERGY, DEPT. OF 71-9789 180 NEWPORT NEWS SHIPBUILDING 71-0789 177 IW 3 ERGY, DEPT. OF, BETTIS 71-9787 180 NORDION INTERNATIONAL INC. 71-9257 180 MODEL: ANF-250, ADVANCED NUCLEAR 71-9217 179 NORTHEAST UTILITIES 71-0207 176 FUELS CORP. PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. 71 0327 176 i MODEL: B-3, CINTICHEM, INC. 71 6058 178 PRECISION COMPONENT CORP. 71 0221 176

 - MODEL BMI-1, ClNTICHEM. INC.                 71 5957    177 PROFESSIONAL QUAUTY TESTING CO.       71-0781   177 MODEL CNS 113C, CHEM-NUCLEAR                 71 9081    179       NEW KENSINGTON SYSTEMS, INC.

PUBLIC SERVICE CO. OF COLORADO 71-0346 176 MODEL CNS 1-13G, CHEM-NUCLEAR 71-9216 179 SYSTEMS, INC. RUST REMEDIAL SERVICES 71 0770 177 MODEL CNS 14-195-H, CHEM-NUCLEAR 71-9094 179 S ON GN, K M 96 m ' SYSTEMS, INC. SIEMENS NUCLEAR POWER CORP. 71-0003 175 MODEL CNS 21-300, CHEM-NUCLEAR 71-9096 179 SIERRA TESTING, INC. SYSTEMS, INC. 71-0685 177 MODEL: CNS 3-55, CHEM-NUCLEAR 71 5805 177 t SYSTEMS, INC. TENNECO GAS 71-0023 175 i MODEL: CNS 6 80-2 & 2A, CHEM-NUCLEAR 71 9111 179 71-0431 176 SYSTEMS, INC. TRUTOM (U.S.) LTD. UNIVERSAL TESTING, INC. 71-0752 177 MODEL CNS 8-120 A, CHEM-NUCLEAR 71-6601 178 O 0TEMS, INC. WISCONSIN CENTRIFUGAL, INC. 71 0339 176 MODEL: CNS 8-1200, CHEM-NUCLEAR 71-9168 179 X-RAY, INC. 71 0234 176  ! SYSTEMS, INC. MODEL: GAMMACELL 220, NORDION 71-9242 180 Licensing of Independent Spent Fuel INTERNATIONAL, INC. Storage Docket 72 MODEL: GE-21PF-1 & W-21PF 1, GENERAL 71-4909 177 BALTIMORE GAS & ELECTRIC CO-,50-317 & 72-0008 181 ELECTRIC CO. 50-318 MODEL: HN-100 SERIES 3 ET AL, 71 9151 179 CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT CO.,50-324 & 72-0006 180 SCIENTIFIC ECOLOGY 50-325 MODEL NAC-LWT, NUCLEAR ASSURANCE 71-9225 180 CONSUMERS POWER CO.,50-255 72-0007 180 CORP. DUKE POWER CO.,50-269,50-270 & 50-287 72-0004 180 MODEL: NAC-STC, NUCLEAR ASSURANCE 71-9235 180 CORP. MODEL: Hi-STAR SYSTEM, HOLTEC 72-1008 181 INTERNATIONAL MODEL: NCl-21PF-1, NUCLEAR 71 9234 180 CONTAINERS, INC. MODEL: STANDARDIZED NUHOMS SYSTEM 72-1004 181 MODEL NUHOMS-MP187, PACIFIC 71-9255 180 MODEL: VSC-24, PACIFIC SIERRA NUCLEAR 72 1007 181 NUCLEAR ASSOCIATES MODEL: NUPAC 14/190H, L & M. LN 71-9159 179 NORTHERN STATES POWER CO.,50-282 & 72-0010 181 170H, L & M, NUPAC 50-306 MODEL: NUPAC 14D-2.0, NUPAC SERVICES, 71-9079 179 PUBLIC SERVICE CO. OF COLORADO, 50- 72-0009 181 4 INC. 267 xix l



?. Name Docket Page Name Docket Page SACRAMENTO MUNICIPAL UTILITY 72-0011 181 UNKNOWN DOCKET 175 DISTRICT, 50-312 l xx

DOCKETED ITEMS LOW LEVEL RADWASTE DISPOSAL SITES 50a'*** **vani e DA Ortarxe 94m07 nr. urnMrstands that Mim222 F**a'a NRC already been'n*t se rewmed safety & health plan w/appropnate changes. REILLY.F K. Defense. Dept of. Defense Logstes . 94/11/01.ORLANDO.DA DOCKET 27447 COLUtsS4A, SC, CHERHfUCLEAR SYSTEMS, INC.

                                                                                                -9411070227 Ack reempt of941007 lir & escusses Structural Engineers. sesequent M111401M Forwards corrected Page 1 of Amend 25 to NFtC Leones 12-13536                             braemp metallaton & luavmg prions supportmg teid;s m place & evaluatmg pytons as         !

Ot Let nustakenly transenbod m peparahon of Amend 25 W/o anci. part or charactenzabon or t*sg tootpnnis j ICDGGAC. Low 4evel Wasie & _ . _ _ _ ___- .y Ptolects Branch (NMSS 940403L MALICH.PJ Afr&4 ton Not Asmgned 94/10/26, ORLANDO.D.A Low 4.evel waste & 94/10/31. HOUSE.W B. Chem Nucasar Systems. Inc.10.81752-38041752.360. Decorrmsmonm0 Protects Branch (NMSS 940403). App. 81717:00241717905. M11170213 Tre rept of 94101214insa to Regen 11 to espose of special nuclear mati M11180271 Forwwos data presented for review to determme badg meets NRC cntena at BamweN tacety. for unrestncted release. HOGG.R. Low. Level Waste & Protects Bronch (NMSS 940403). 94/ OUALW Amhanon Not Asmgned 74/11/04 ORLANDO.D. Divison of Waste Mark 11/04. Low-Level Waste & Decommesmonmg ts Branch (NMSS 940403) 2pp. agement (Nh8SS 940403). 34pp. 81782.30641782:341. 41823 057 41823.058. M11180300 Forwards Rev 3 to PL NRS.0793 097. % _ .__ _ .,, Pian for Curns Bay Depot Factly " DOCKET 27448 LOUISVILLE, KY, U1 ECOLOGY, INC. MALICH,PJ Affuaton Not Asmgned. 94/11/09 ORLANDO.D A. Low-Level Waste & C_. __._ , Protects Branch (NMSS 940403). Ip. 81787180 81787.249 E'",, g hon WR nd Famidy M Wnual of -9411160381 Rev 3 to PL NRS.0793497, "r-- _ - , Plan for Curts Bay Depot cn

  • I" #

Not Asmgned. PL NRS4793 097 R03. 94/1p02. 69pp. 81787.181-

                .G              ' S is        1           8
  '                                                               " 8"""' ' P*

a sa"mp6e"in excess or 12. M112 0281 Synopse of busmens escaissed at Ordnance Road Citizens Committee 9'"' '*""0 '" 04 "' . MD. 94/11/10 Anne Arundet County, MD. 2pp. 81831:110 OB T .G SNie of 1663 04 6"63 M11080063Repsonds to941011 str - , approval to use " Exxon Corp's naturany M11w0281 Forwwos data W for mview b detymine nine blogs tra,c'ered

 ,,                 gg     ,'"'           g'"pych dd ten mot sepwamn from Defense Logstics Agency to Anne Arundel County. located at Bulbmare. 3 cntena ELSEN.MJ Washmgton. S:ste of. 94/10/24 LEDOUX.M. U.S Ecology. Inc. (formerty Nuclear Engneenng, inc150pp. 81717.22141717.267'                                                 QNR(NMSS         anon Not 94040%
                                                                                                                                               /ti. ORLANDO.D. Omsson of Waste Mark 81794m W307.

I " "~h"D

          ,             Q'ms*m                          r('rm"" "' P
  • 9411300169 Forwards updated work schedule for protect at Curns Bay for review
 $/M,'$* Cat %**P"4."c Ma'0"Ef00"#5"3l't                                                          En O'CMaca"E NE n  n" hen W
                                     'on h              ntf 9 n[ 41 p a                            DOCKET 404501 ALUMINUM CO. OF AMERICA. ALCOA CENTER, PA QUSTINJ H. Low 4evel waste & t'                _      Propects Branch (NMSS940403L 94/10/31. 3pp 8182396941823:071.                                                               M11040208 Forwards revise pages re radolopeal s,>nphno & analyses from ground.

water morntonng wells at Aicon industnal Landfia.m Cleveland.OH. 9411040203 Submits ack of receipt for control of ROPs recerved from US E ABELOUIST.E W. Oak Raoge Assocmed Uruversrhes. 94/10/21. LENTZJ. NRC - No HOGG.R.C. Low 4evel Weste & 0 _-- . _.- ., Protects Branch (NMSS 03L Detaded Afimaton Grven. 4pp. 81650.35741650:360. 94/11/01. CRA:GJ U.S. Econgy, Inc. (formerty Nucsear Er9neenng. Inc). 2pp. 81658.32041650.321. DOCKET 40 0672 NUCLE.AR METALS, INC , CONCORD, MA DOMESTIC UCENSING OF SOURCE MATERIAL 941122002e informs that neermee not m comphance w/snancial assurance recure. monts per 10CFR40.36 Entorcement conference scheduled for 941208 at Regen i olc to escuss possible enforcemeni acDons & oecomersamorung of facety DOCKET 404185 G.TL PRODUCTS CORP, TOW ANDA, PA H .C W 8 9 / A .F Nuclear 64emis. Inc. y981 M11150115 Ack ror,wnpt of 940914Itr snformmg NRC of steps taken to correct votatens M11.10121 Responds to 941020 Itr to concems of Cinzens Research & Envron Watch nosed m map rept 404185/9441. conc nmg ongonig mausry esto potenbal depseled U contaminaten on Nuclear SHANBABY.M M Regen 1 (Post $20201). 94/10/17. ALPERAM Deram Sylvarus. Metals.Inc sto m Concord.MA. Inc. 20p. 81734:30941734.318. TAYLOR.J M. Olc of the Emocutrve Dvortur for Operators. 94/11/16. MEEHAN.M.T. House of Rep. Spp.81064$0141864.009. DOCKET 440299 UMETCO MlNERALS CORP, RfVERTON. WY -9411280128 Requests response to Cmzens Research & Environ Watch tWesisons & concems about recent Boston Globe artete re ground contansnamon at Nuclear SJ R Post 820201 94/ 0/28 Ot45 UM Minerals HA M House of Rep. 94/10/20. THE CHAIRMAN. SELIN.L Commeneners Corp. app. 81806 541806 075 Post 750% app. 4186(0064186N -M11070301 Insp rept 400299/9441 on 940926No vmaatens notedMasor areas M11290273 Forwards holdmg baan geohydratogeal data from Nucteer Metals sas W/0 mapactedhconsee fruit temngs monstonn0 programs edudmg mgt & orgaruration enct Cimrois.operatons review, radetson protecton & redwaste AUSTINJH Level Waste & P . _ung Pro,ects Brarch (NMSS940403L CAfN.C.L Regun 4 (Posi 8202D1k 94/10/28. 7pp. 81806- 1606S75. 94/11/18,JOYNERJ Regen 1 (Post 820201).1p. 81922.275 41922.275. DOCKET 494341CENERAL SERVICES ADMIN, WASHtNGTON, DC DOCKET 401182 WES11RN NUCLEAR,8MC, LAKEWOOD, CO 9411000144 Forwards "Sne Comanunston * .: US Army Cwas Bay Ordnance M11080039 Forwards map rept 441162/9441 on 940927 No volations noted Arunded Coumy.MD," performed por 890922 proposal authonrad by pur. st 49 1 03 BAKER.SJ Westem Nuclear. Inc. 2 637 R thahon Not Asangned.89/02/24. MACMANUSJT. Coce40&s CO.19 3 W@M m 9409N dm W W m

                                                                                                                   . mdl tanngs morutonng programs

-9411080181 Forwards "Sne Contammsten Assessment US Army Curts Bay Ordnance CAIN.C.L Regen 4 (Post 820201) 94/11/02. 6pp. 81637.26941637294. Depot Anne Arundel County.MD." GEFtBER.C.D.. PARKS.R M. Wood.sard.Clyde Connuttants, Inc. 89/02/22. F AANO,R.L Affileton Not Assegned 1p. 8167617641678178 DOCKET 442253 ARMY DEPT. OF, WATERTOWN. MA , -9411080159 "Sne Contammaton ? _nt US Army Curte Bay Or$1ance Depot M11150317 Forwards map rept 40 2263/94 03 on M082S30 No violatons notod. Crme ArundelCourny.MD" KINNEMANJD Regen 1 (Post 820201). 94/10/18. STIEFFELJ.l. Army. Dept of. Woodward Clyde Cnnsa. ants. Inc. 88C1257449 028 89/02/22 106pp. App. 81742.345 81742.354 81678 17941676.264

                                                                                                -9411150343 Inso rept402253/9443 on 940829 30.No viotstens notati Masor areas 9411080309Revuod nottkcaten of mee'mg roscheduled from941017 to 941114 w/ Cite.                    enspected orgsruzanon & staffing tar ----_         __,;


                                                                                                                                                                    & equipmerit,postmg &

zone Commntee selNNIT7E.S F. Anne en Armapohs.MD Arundel Courwy. Mastrig notes from MD 94/10/28 Oct 24th wel BALLARDJ., be tu1hoommp,labelmo KYLr.. L. BOUWENS.d R., SCHW ARTZ.A.J., KP4NEMANJD. Regen 1 (Post 820201) 94/10/ SCHMIDT.L Anne Arundel County. MD 1p 81679-14841679148 04 6pp. 81742.34fe41742:354 1

2 DOCKETEDITEMS DOCKET 442250 PATNFINDER MINES CORP, RIVERTON, WY N11290246Subemts response & comments to NRC941028 request for Colorado Rwer

                                                                                                  & sedenent samphng.Anas U me tadmos at Moab.UT.UT Admrustrative Code R317 2.

M 8 Forwards map rept40-2259/9441 on 940928.No violatons er denstons ~8 kt a o a S R 1 S. GILL N.D.M Othce of Nuclear Metenal COLUNS,SJ. Salmy & Safeguards. 7pp. 8252154M5271. 4 (Pcet 820201). 94/11/04. MiGENT.E.L Patrihnder Mmes Corp. 400. 81639. 1639.216.

                                                                                               -9411290253 UT Admrustrasvo Code R317-2. Stds of Quakty for Waters of State"

-9411000000 Insp rept 402259/94 01 on 940928.No violatons noted Maior areas ' Utah. State of.94/02/16. 50pp. 81905.22241905.271. mopected hoensee rmR teihngs momtormg program mciudmg mgt & organnaton cor*als.op**stens revow.radiaton protecton & redweste mgt 9411230192 Forwards performance bond to be executed.w/ ret to ler (surety replace. CAIN.C.L Rogeon 4 (Post $20201). 94/11/03. 7pp. 8163921041639216, ment-LC #42) taxed on 941117. BLUBAUGH.R.E Atlas Corp. 94/11/17.HOLONICHJJ NRC - No Detaled Affikaten Gwen. 5pp. 81893.33141893.335. DOCKET 40 3149 PENTON ART OLASS CO., Wu e tuseTOWN, WV M11230200 Apphcahon for amend to hcense SUA.917 cwrently approved surety mstrument w/Aestar annumnce Co (Acstar) pertermance W be usued to 9411070033 Saisty eso on 940913 of heense SUB.491. trap Andmgs hcensee did not ab n hgnaw as restncM areassw [U b E A las Corp 1 7 HOLONICHJJ. High-Level WEtt & Dramum

             .3                                                                                   Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS 940403). 2pp. 81894.32141694.322.

FULLER.M L Regen 2 (Post $20201).

  • Fenton Art Glass Co. 94/09/13. 2pp.

81604:1194 1604.119 M113e0223 Discusses source man boense SUA 917 re beensee currently approved surety matrumentJrrevocable standby ttr of credit in tavor of NRC for amount of L'UB l't.R E. Atlas Corp. 94/11/17. HOLONICHJJ High Level Waste & Uramum 9411100228 Requests adcs into re940711 appbcahon for renewal of hcense SUB-526. LAMASTRA.M lscensmg Branch.94/11/08.KOSMIDER.M D. Alhed. Signal Corp. 2pp. 81752:'37 4 1752.236. DOCKET 444963MALLINCKRODT, INC, ST. louts, 800 M11290235 F1rwards Form 104 for quarter enctnD 940930. SCHMIDT? Aihed. Signal Corp. 94/11/11. PIERSON.R. Lacenomg Branch.16pp. M11010282 Notificaten of941103meseng w/bcensee m Rockville.MD to docuss sne 81986 2f .e 9808.279 release cmera

  • NRC hio Detaled Af4haton Gwen.94/10/28 NRC No Detaded Afuston Gwen.

M112309# Wndes hated mio re NRC 941108Itr requesung adcB erwwon mfo.Mesem0 1p 81579.29241579292. emnenc va ence KOSM. .. t.M.D. Albed Segnal Corp. 94/11/16.LAMASTRA.M. Lscensing Broncit 5pp. M11100130 Summary of 94110* meetn0 w/hcensee to surface release evnena. 81894d"t 41694.320. GASKIN.C.E. Lacensm0 Broncet 94/11/14. PIERSON.R C. Laconung Brancit 2pp. 81823:102 41823.103 M11300162 Forwards safety map rept 40 3392/9444 on 941024-26 No volatons noted PEDERSON.C.D Region 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/18. MOSMIDOR.M. Aihe4Segnal DOCKET ,144622 PATHFINDER titNES CORP, SHIRLEY BASIN, WY Corp.1p. 81872.23141872.236. M11170178 Forwards TER of Pathfmder-Shyley Basm V mill decomnuamorung plan -4411300177 Insp rept40 3392/94 04 on 641024-26 No violatons noted. Maior areas msbmmed 920701.per M Layton 940826 review request eneoscied operaton renew & e ant FEDERUNE.M v. Performance ? J & Hydrology Branch (NMSS 940403L 94/ RELDINGER.1 A. PLOSKl.TJ., ,C.D. Region (Pos1820201). 94/11/16. 10/31 HOLONICH,J.J. High Leven Wasle & Uratuum Recovery Protects Branch Spp. 81872.232 41872:236- (NMSS 940403). 4pp. 81793 02141793:024. 94t11e0007 Forwards 1993 land une surveysegured by bconne condemn 21. DOCKET 4Lt463 A'TLAS C9RP" DENVER, CO MURDUCK.E,S. Pathhnder Mmes Corp. 94/11/03.HOLONICHJ Low Laval Weste & 9411030028Forwurds demand for mfo on proposed acqueston by boennes of stoch sw Nuclear Matanal Satety & SaloguardL 94/10/26

                                                                                                   *                    ***""''"'*"W
  • BE NERO .

BLUBAUGH.R. Anas Corp. 7pp 81643:152 41643:158. @ DOCK.E.S. Path 6nder Minas Corp. 94/?t/03 HOLONICH.J. Low Level Weste & M11830042 Informs that resmhurnement could be made to Anna by and of CY94 BERNERO.R M Office of Nuclear Matenal Satety & Safeguards. M/10/28. M11179032 Ack recapi of 941007 ter mformmg NRC of steps taken to correct velatons BAUBUTZJ E. Energy. Dept of. 5pp. 81643.33541643:339- nmed a map rum 40.es22/9441 M11000270 Re.sponds,to ,941007,sia,d -Itrsrovidmg copy of geologic & USGS Moab 1:24.000 rr ps to isi unde [87 406 7601 ALL .M L Utan. Stese of 94/10/27. HOLONICHJJ. Dmacn of Waste Manage-ment (NMSS 940403). 29pp. 8167924041679.285' DOCKET m PETROTnaner a g gHsRLgy Basst. WY -M11000274 "Intenm Geologic Map of Moeb 30 X 60 IAnute Quadrengis. Grand Utah." 9411100268 Requests anastance in obtaming addl mto re Laconse Fee invasco JR0064 DOE G,H.H. Utalt State of. 93/07/31.16pp. 81679 26741679.285. 95 JUDAY.R A. Petratomscs Co. (tormerly Getty/Petratomics Col 94/10/24 Mit150158 Requests CO Rever water & sediment aarmhn0 to support draft EIS. HOLONICHJJ. HighLevel Waste & Uraruum Recovery Progects Brach (NMS$ GILLEN.D.M HigtwLevel Weste & Uraruum Recovery prosects Branch (NMSS 940403).1p. 81736.36041736.360. 940403). 94/10/28.BLUBAUGH.R. Anas Corp. $pp.81772:357 4 1772:362. M11190336 Forwards staff revow documented an TER re propneed badground morn-94ttes0232 Sutmuis requesied dose commenent calcuietens ser rendence nearest to wees & oround-weier conc =rnremon smas ear Mem Wmd Rwer sand. Atlas U recovery millarte near MoabMT. Calculatons unng compiste 1994 data wiu be N.D M .Levol Weste & Urarouni Recovery Prosects Branch (NMSS autputted by 950301, 940403) 94/11/ 1. JUDAY,R.A. Petrotomics Co. (formerly Getty/Petratomics Col BLUBAUGH.R E. Atlas Corp. 94/10/31. HOLONICHJJ. Hegh Level Waste & Uraruum 3pp. 81775.25341775.255. Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS 940403). 3pp. 8167921441679 217. M112e0163 Forwards Amend 44 to Laconne SUA-551 & TER. Amend allows evieneen Mttee0387 Requests copy of CYe3 EA & EIS scopeng comments for Anos Mmeral Co to e40e01 date tor submmat of modshed CAP for Upper Wmd Rever sand & Mem Wmd midt m Moab.UT & to be placed on malmg ist Rever sand. ROBI A Afilhamon Not 94/10/31. MUL11NSA Othee of Nucteer Me. HOLONICHJJ. HighLevel Weste & Uranean Recovery Prosects Branch (NMSS tonal Safety & Safeguards.1p. 81 17:35341717:353. 940403). 94ritfig. JUDAY.RA Pototomics Co. (formerty Getty/Petratomics Co4 7pp. 81951.24741951262. 94111f0131 Forwards comments to proposed soape of EIS bemo prepared for Aces Corp Moab.UT U rent tehngs racismaton snart .uggy00164 Amend 44 to 6 cense SUA-551 for Petrotomics Co extensson to MULLINSAT. Level Wasie & Uransen Recovery Propects Branch (NMSS 940801 dets for submittal of modshed CAP far Upper Wand Rever & Men Wmd 940403). 94/11/ . Anzorn State of.1p. 81760.34741760:347 Reww sand. 90 UT Sta Lan pao,go i f3 g$g".2 4419 M112,rw.10,2.Su,bmits.r.Itr Ad t s or C.W of Casse sent va to

                                           .ySta.te w rossiD. rector
                                                          & _ v Reponal of.e -    ,,opo.te.i mi.ds Trust monuxm deset DOCKET 494040 CABOT COplP. BOYERTOWN, PA fe86    9 M11190381 Forwards questens & comments addrosang into which NRC has not re-                     M11010278 Notshes that if hsted reQurements of Lacense Conditen 12 not met by insted conrad from bconses m cetail needed to support a            J of sne stabibty rogured               ' '"' -- amend riseded to restate RSO cntems.m response to M0714 ftr re appomtment of A CamDNeth as RSO.

by App A to 10CFR40. Responses required unthm 60 days. HOLONICH.J.J. Higr* Level Waste & Uraruum Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS KLASKY.M. Lacenang Branctt 94/10/27. GANNON,W Cabot Corp 1p. 81577:364 940403). 94/11/04.BLUBAUGH.R. ADes Corp. 41rsk St7f2-13241772-191 81577.360. M11150364 Informs that prehmnery draft envron tmpact statement for Atlas Moab.UT M11140170 Forwards copy of 1994 com & grass samptes sent to ErMron $1rategwes U null reessmaton actMbes unil be esmi by Oak Radge Natonal Lab m near tuture inc 4 map cf samphnD locations. MULLINS.AT Hoch-Level Waste & Uransum Recovery Propects Branch (NMSS CAWPtTELLt.A T. Cabot Corp. M/11/01. KLASKY.M. Laconsmg Brancet opp 940403). 94/11/06 STONE.LK. Insanor. Dept. of. 5pp. 8178105241781:066. 81075.353-81075 356.

l DOCKETEDITEMS 3 9411180275 D--a posabe delav m renewal of Cabot Corp bconsmg 9411300304 Responds to appeal of dermal of documents re Sequoyah Fuses Corp U renewal. schech;ied for Sept 1995 processmo plant m Gore.OK. Documents requested constiuto personal records & PIERSON.R CL Branch. 94/11/10. BURNETTAF. Onneen of Fuel Cycle therefore.fal to meet threshold test ear mesumon unoer FOR Sately & Safeguards (Post 930207).1p 81830.34841830.348. CHILK.SJ Offee of the Secreta *y of the Commasert G3/11/26. CURRAN.D. Harmon. Curran. Ganagher & Spielberg (formerty Harmort Cueran & Toussey). 3pp. 9411300252 Provides hoename w/ncedcation that acWites otmerved by NRC on sie 81923 182 41923 191. vast on941108to Readmg.PA site.may cause votatens of NRC ressements to Ina;> propnaw release of hcensed redoscDve matl. 9411010126 NRC Staff response to General Atomes first request for producten of doc-AUSTINJ H. Low Level Wasts & C .. -_- Prosects Brarch (NMSS940403). C Staff.* W/Cortritate of Svc Related Corre < 94/1I/17 BARRON.R.S. Cabot Corp. 2pp. 81922360 8i922.3ei. uments HOu.S.R.tooiNR,ce of ine Genomi Counsei (Posi 86070it ,spondence. 494 35838. 24eiO/20 Gen.  ; N11280244 Requests that Regen I staff perform radologcal safety map of tec&ty to " ' resolve concem that bconsee may not be m comphance w/new 10CFR20 require-


PI SON.R. Leon Brancit 94/11/22 SHANBAKY.M Repon 1 (Post 820201)- 9411010128NRC Staff resporee to Sequoyah Fuels Corp first reauest for producion of 1p. 81866.327 41866. 7. documents to NRC Staff? W/ Cort fcate of Sve.Related Correspondence. UTTALSL Offee of the General Counsel (Post 860701). #49415837. 94/10/20. Se-quoyah Fuets Corp. 7pp. 8151316441513170. . DOCKET 40 7102SHIELDALLOY METALLURGICAL CORP., NEWFIELD, NJ 94m80W h um M h m m mye pomi npach W N 11230 ' ards he supplemental info re Newfield EIS for Sheidahoy Metanur- M *e*q"uo"y"s'h"F S "C orp i E% .E. Athhaten Not Asmgned. 9pp. H.D R. Stuosaanoy Metallurpcal Corp. 94/10/31. COMFORT.G.C. NRC . No De-tailed Afhkaton Gewert 4pp 8189'r00141896198 MMMF W MM h M h Nm & Mm hw 6 -9411230189 Revned draft fmal rept. "Hurnan Hos% Rnh ~. - for part al reconadoraton of memo a order.

  • TRC Ermronmental Consuhants. Inc.94/04/30,292pp. 81895:0M1895.297' CURRAN.D. Natwo Amencans for a Clean Envronment CURRAN.D. Harmon. Curran.

Gaisagher & Spelberg (formerty Hermart Curran & Tounsey). #49415859. 94/10/26. -9411230174 "Envron Evaluston Shiendanoy Metanargcol Corp Newtead. NJy GLEASON.J.P., KUNEAR. Atomac Safety & ucensmg Board Pans

  • 1p 81513.128-
  • TRC Envronmental Consultants, Inc.94/04/30.174pp. 81895.29641896.166. 81513:140.

-4411230176 "Envron Evaluaton Addendum Sheidency Meta #urycal Corp -9411010107Naeve Amencen For Clean Envron & Cherokee Naton mobon for parnal 1 Nowheid.NJ " reconaderanon of memorandum & Order? Intervonors seek reconsederaten of Order

  • TRC Envronmental Consultants. Inc.94/06/30. 21pp. 81898.16741896188. Io ement that remammg concems not conaderedW/Cortfrate of Svc.

CURRAN.D. Nanve Amencans for a Clean Envronment CURRAN,D. Harmon Currart -9411230177 "Fmal Focused Feasibdity Study Rept Grcund Water Remschahort" Gahagher & Spelberg (formerly Harmort Curran & Tousseyt WILCOXENJ G Chart >

  • TRC Ermronmental Consultants enc. 94/02/28. 738pp. 81896.189 81898:198. koe Natort 94/10/26 Atome Satety 4 econung Board Panet.11pp 81513129-

9411080399 Forwards "Ferrocolumbium Slag Leachstukty Ript Jan 1992 for Sheldalloy Metadurgical Corp N1102000F /orwards nonce of appearance for D Cen.omstled Irorn 941026 moton EVES.C.S. Shelda Metanurgcal Corp. 94/10/31. IKENBERRY,TA Washmgeon, for par % reconadersson of memo & order for Naeve AhMncans For Clean Ermron & State of.1p. 81717. 1717:344. Cherokee Natort W/Carthcate of Svc. CURRAN,D. Netve Amercens for a Clean Envronrnent CURRAN.D. Harmon Curraft -9411000403 "F,arrocclumtuum Stag Leachatnuty Rept for Jan 1992 for Sheldanoy Met- Ganagher & Spelberg (formetty Harmon. Curran & TousaryL #49415872. 94/10/28. apurgical Corp. OLEASON.J.P., KUNE,J.R. Atome Safety & tcenan0 Board Panel. 3pp. 81528:354-

  • Shmedanoy Metallurgeal Corp.92/01/31.18pp. 81717.32741717.344. 81528.356 9411300058Di=~**== mfo re920602revuod apphcanon requestmg renewat of iconee 3411040021 Requests that L Hughes of Natve Amencans for Clean Envron be added SMB-743.

to svc het m marier of Sequoyah Fusts Corp. COMFORT.G.C. Licensmg Branch. 94/11/21 EVES.C.S. Sinoidanoy Metalkrgcal GLEASONJ.P. Atome Safety & Lcensing Board Panel. #494 15878 94/10/28 Corit 3pp. 4192229&81922.296-Dackenng & Senaces Brancrt 1p. 41575 05141575251 M11300068 informs that Sheldalloy Envuonmental Assessment Annotated Outtmo a 9411040029 Forwards "Sequoyah Fuels Corp Answer in Opposton to Intervonor

             .G    Lcensm0 Branch. 94/11/21. ABDOTTJ Battene Memonal Institute.

Pac!fe Northwest Laboratory. 2pp. 81922:30641922:309. dh Newman & #494 15862 94/10/31. GLEASONJP. Atomm Satory & Lcensmg Board nel. 1p. 81575:06541575:074. DOCKET 40-7580FANSTEEL, INC., NORTH CHICAGO, IL

                                                                                        -9411040041Segunyan Fuels Corp answer m oppombon to meervonor monon for parhal 9411080282 Requests techrucal asestance m reviewmg Fensleel deep well                      reconsadoratort* Raouests that meervonor moton for reconadoraton be dermed.

closure.roouested by licensee 931228 applustson. AXELRAD.M Seouoyan Fuels Corp. AXELRAD.M Newman & Mott nger. 94/10/31. PIERSON.R Lcensmg Brancet94/11/07.AUSTINJ Low-Level Waste g r- Atoms Satoty a ucenung Board Panet. 9pp. 81575:Ot641575:074. senmg Protects Branch (NMSS 940403).1p 81679105 81679105-9411100133 Confrms docusamns re NRC Staff Answers to Sequoyah Fuels Corp Fast $411100284Notfes el941117meetmg w/FersteeUnc in Rot *vele.MD to docuss pro- "" '# Donal for release of Northwest property area for unrestncted use-bATTA.A. Ortoe of Nucteer Matermi 6ately & Saeeguards. 94/11/06.Offce of Nucio- MATTHE wSJE. Seouoyah Fuess Corp. MATTHE'WS.J E. Af6haten Not Asagned. er Matenai Setety & Sate 1parok 19. $1752.226-61752.226- #494 15890. 94/11/02.HOM.S.R. Office of the Gereral Counsei (Post 860701). 4pp. 81672 17941672182 M111001 940324 4 0727 itrs re release of Fensteel northwest ,, p , g Lconsmg Branch. 94/11/09. HUNTER.JJ Fanstool, Inc. 6pp. 81818.349 '"O Q'O' & he MSS N06 94/11/02. MEYER.D.L Regulatory Pubhcatons Branch (890205-923322). 2pp. 9411250232 Ack receipt of prehmmary revow of Fensteel -' .m plan & de. 81785.15741785.163. m . ___-.y fundmg piartComments enci HUNTERJJ Fanstoel Metals. 94/11/10 DATTAA Lcensmg Brancet 10pp. -9411160200Nobce to mform pad *c that NRC ptars to seus amend to Icense SUS-81866.25441866J63. 1010.msued to 6equoyah Fuss Corp. AUSTIN.J H. Law-Level Waste & Deconnussenmg Protects Branch (NMSS940403). 94111/02. 4pp. 81785.159 81785.163. DOCKET 467904BP CHEMICALS AMERICA, INC, LIMA, OH N11100251 Forwards comments on proposed ate characterizaten pien. 9411100279 Forwards OH EPA Permet Number UIC 0342406.PTO.4 for operaten of AUSTIN s.H Low. Level Waste & f'. . _. --ng Propects Bronch (NMSS940403). ursorgrand sneecton well e at BP Chemceunc & Secnon 2.1.3 of 911115 BP Cheme. 94/11/03.EU.iS.J.H. Sequcyah Fusts Corp. 8pp. 81745.15641745:163. cats USC No Migraton Pettorun response to 941025teloon request RUPERT.W.M. BP Chemcais knernatonal 94/10/25. NALLUSWAMt.S. Dvoon of N11100142 Forweros hoanng Sie connetmg of lated documents m connecton w/Se. Waste Management (NMSS940403). 28pp. $1745-16441745.191. uses Corp 9411100270 intorms est bconsse has deletest provounty proposed flow rate & volume GLEASON.J.P., KUNEJR. Atoms Sately & Lcenung Board Panel. 47pp,81774 088-Inuts a has rewrmen proposed Icense amend submmed on 940919 to read as ested. 81774 134. RUPERT.W M. BP Chemer.als entomatonal 94/10/31. NALLUSWAMI,S. Dwman of Weste Management (NMSS 940403). 2m 8173220141732202. M11220152 Advmes that hcensee wis te longer masntam condrhors, specifed m hsted actons of corrachve acton paart forwarood by 9212r8 Itr m resporwe to CAL from JL 9411150270 Forwards hat of cornments on beense appicaton did 940210 & entutNts dtd Mithoan did 921118 re control room venciation. 940525. ELUS.JH Sequoyah Fuela Corp. 94/11/14. CALLAN.LJ Regen 4 (Post 820201). AUSTINJH Low-level Waste & Decommissonmg Protects Branch (NMSS940403). 2pp 8183300141833002. 94/11/06 RUPERT.W M. BP Chemcels Intemahonal 9pp. 8178 l 06241781070. i 9411300149 Acks receipt of 940918 fir to hnchng Inch of pio pertanm0 to deep well 1 DOCKET 404027SEQUOYAH FUELS CORP, OORE, OK mpecion program wrsun Seguoyah Fuets Corp Resource Conservaten & Recovery i act.Facierty investganon Work Pian dated 940120 BROWN.R E. Envronmental Protechon Agency. 94/11/15. HENSHAW.E. Affinaten M11300300 Appeaes dermal o' FOIA request for ento re Seouoyah Fueen Corp U proc. Not Aamoned. 2pp. 81951276-81951277. eenmg piant m Gore.OK CURRAN,D Hermon. Curratt Gausgher & Spot (tormerly Harmon. Curren & 9411300115 Provides status of terthrer program for 1994 seasort tousley) CURRAN.D. Netwo Amencens for a n Emmronment 93/10/19 ELLISJH. Seguoyah Fuees Corp. 94/11/17. CALLAN.L.J. Regen 4 (Post 820201) CHILK.SJ OHice of the Secretary of the Commmemn app. $1823179.*1923181. 1p 8192513741925.137.

4 DOCKETEDITEMS M11300360Moton to allow late feng of Sooterah Fuels Corp arewer in oppossten to M11170185 Subrmts guarterly update of wells on excurson status,per Conditen 29 of miervenor motion for partel reconsmoraten

  • SUA-1341. Total of sin morator woes remam on excurson status.

AXELRAD.M Sequoyah Fuels Corp. AxELRAD.M Aff6ation Not Aampned. #494 VASELIN.J Pamfmoer Mmes Corp 94/11/09 HOLONICHJ Level Waste t Ura-18014 94/11/18.Comnussoners (Post 750119). 3pp. 81891.18941691:152. reum Recovery Pro,ects Branch (NMSS 940403). 3pp. 81785.3 1785:360. -8411300362 Seeaoyah Fuels Corp answer m oppossten to etervonors momm for par- M111701M Apohcaton tar amend to Ucense SUA 1341.allomng receipt of U siuny tel recenamerston? W/Cartfmate of Sve. product from COSEMA TX m situ teach facetes for storage & drymg at ingersy.WY AXELRAD.M Sequoyah Fuels Corp. AXELRAD.M. Aff4ston Not Assigned #494 tacety 18014. 94/10/31.Commmseners (Poet 750119).11pp. 81891:17241891:182. WICHERS.D L Patnfmder lanes Corp 94/11/10 HOLONICH.J.J Level Waste & Urarnum Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS 940403b 11pp. 81800 1800:250. M t1300313 Memorandum & order (ruhng on moton for reconsideraten)* Orders that Native Amancans for Clean Envuai area of concem re c Jkty assurance propam re-mems excluded from impatortW/Cortshcate of Sve. Served on941122 DOCKET 4045M KENNECOTT ORANtuM CO. RAWLINS, WY GLEASONJ P. Atomm Satefy & Board Panel. #494 16016. 94/11/22. Nauve Americans for a Cloen Envronment. 81890 02941890 038. 9411230121 Forwards hcensee.

  • Annual Corrective Acton Pragram Review for Yr 1993." whech summanzes an morutonng & rrutigsten efforts m area of tasngs cell DOCMET 4 HON RIO ALGON WINING CORP.,180AB, UT unner groundwater corrective acten program WORMAN.G Kennecott Corp.94/01/24. HALL.R E. Uraruum Recovery Feld Ofc. R4 1p 81824:001 41824.244.

M11010352 Informs that hconsee plans to place conterrunsted mdl decomfrusserung o response at I d 94 -9411230128

  • Annual Program Review Corrective Action Program."

FERDINAND.B Rm Algem Merung Corp 94/10/18. WASTLER.S Uratuum Recovey

  • Kennecott Corp.94/01/24. 243pp. 818242241824244.

Branch (Post 901730). Ip. 81587.02141587 021. M11290175 Forwards revised rachsten safety program for tmal approvst M 11230221 Forwaros suppt resportse to veintens noted m insp Rept 404084/94- PAULSONO A. Kennecott Corp. 94/03/13. HALL.R E. Urarnum Recovery Field Olc. 01 Correceve actens hconsee immediately proceeded to srutete actons to repee R4. 2pp. 8188518841885.214. upper taihngs evaporaten ceu. FERDINAND.B. Rm Alpm Merung Corp. 94/11/11.CAIN.C. Repon 4 (Post 820201) -9411280117 Radston Safety Program. App. 81893.34541893.349.

  • Kennecott Corp.94/03/13. 25pp. 81885:19041685:214 9411380191 Forwards descriptsons of actens taken re progress of repomrig damage to 9411040195 Espresses therAs on behalt of Kennecott U Co & Kennecott Energy Co for
  @ps tatngs evaporabon cell caused oy wmd/ wave acton.                                       NFIC & U Recovery / Industry meetings on 941024 & 25.Lacensee looks forward to FERDINAND.B Rm Algam hbrung Corp 94/11/11.WASTLER.S. Hgh Level Waste &                      wortung w/C Abrams & other members of NRC on issues portanung to Sweetwater Uraruum Recovery Pro,ects Branch (NMSS940403# 2pp. 81883:36041683.361.                      u,y GIBSON.M H. kennecott Uranium Co. (formerty Mmerals Empiarahon Co.) 94/10/26.

M11300182 Ack remipt of 941111 ter mformmg NRC of steps taken to correct volatons GREEVESJ, NRC . No Detaded Afhhanon Geven.1p. 8165910741659107. noted m map rept404084/9441 COLUNS SJ 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/22. FERDINAND.B Rm Algom Mmmg M11100177 Notshcaten of 950118 meetmg w/C Abrams & staff m Rockwine.MD to dis-Corp. 4pp. 81872. 1872.273. cuss noms re rev W sweetwawr U propect Loense SUA 1350 tot resumpton of oper-anons PAULSON.O.A. Kennecott Urarnum Co. (formerly Mmerals Exploraton Co194/11/07. DOCm M02 EXXON CORP. HOUSTO% TX HOLONICH.J. Hsgh Level Wasm & Urarwum Recovery Propects Branch (NMSS 940403). 2pp 8182311141823.112. M11030148 informs that amomt soproved provided by bconese acceptable to NRC based on review of remammg rectamaton & surveAance costE 9411220088 Rowests re rev of heeree SUA 1350 for future operatona HOLONfCHJ.J High-Level Waste & Uranium Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS PAULSON.OA hennecott . 94/11/07. HOLONICH.J High Level Weste & Uraru-940403). 94/10/20.PATON.J.D. Exxon Corp. 3pp 81653.23041653.237. um Hecovery Propects Branch (NMSS 940403). 2pp. 81884.35341864.354. -4411010152 Amend 43 to hcense SUA-1139 for Exxon Corp. HOLONICH.J J HegrwLevea Waste & Oramum Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS DOCKET 404881UMETCO MINERALS CORP. BLANDING. UT 940403) 94/10/20. Spp. 81653.23341653237. M11290183 Forwards Amend 44 to Lacense SUA-1139 4 TER. Amend adds language M11140175 Record of toscon on 930111 re mmor damage to top of kner m ceE 1 at "hcensee not requred to operate CAP tram 94t215- 950415 "to Lscense Conditaan Whrte Mesa M41 arte.Ucerises to morator s1uston dady.psetorm insp & rupee damager

  • 33C. areas when access possible.

HOLONICH.JJ. Hgh Lewei Waste & Urarnum Recovery Propoets Branct1 (NMSS BRICE.B UMETCO Mmerats Corp.93/01/11.1p 81825.23541825235. 940403t 94/11/16 PATTONJ.D. Exxon Corp. 6pp. 81933:02641933:035. M11140168 Record of leican on 930202 se status of State of UT hearmg Qn Wtute

-M11290186 Amund 44 to hcense SUA.1139 for Exxon Corp.eddmg la                   . "hcons-     Mens hhli case Case satt ter from setnemeni because of outstandmg saur, terween se not recured to operate CAP from 941215 950415 & may termenene              P at any      State of UT & Umesco Mmerals Corp.

well that does not yield at losst 02 OaNons per msnute. " to Lscense Condshcn 33C. WOODHEAD.C. Onice of the General Counsel (Post 880701). 93/M/02. 1p. HOLONICHJ.J. Higr> Level Weste & Uramum Recovery Propects Branch (NMSS 8182523441825 234. 940403). 94/11/16. 5pp 8193303141933 035. M11300154Sutputs mfo re Exxon Coat & Mmerais Hil. Converse County. WY re review 081993 Cor'ectwo acton program "aY[ umesco" HALLR.E. Uratuum Recovery Feeld Otc. Rd. 93/06/07. CALLAN.L.J. Regon 4 (Post A3RAAES.C. Hegh-Level Waste & Uraruum Recovery Pro #ects Branch (NMS$940403)- 820201). 3pp. 8182523141825233. 94/11/16 Hofklevel Waste & Uraruum Recovery Propects Branch (NMSS 940403) 3pp. 81951.200 81951.283. M11300302 Nothcanon of 940811 pehc meean0 to discuss Whew Mesa / Monteeno Y amend apphcotortReisted correspondence. 5 C * * ' * ' " " DOCKET 404156 AbsAX SPECLALTY esETALS CORP, CLEVELAND, OH g 8 2 90 2 M11070011 Discusses safety map rept for transe STB-1161 on 9406294916 & for- M11010135 Memorandum & croer (penton for haanngt' Grants request for hostmg by b'9' F Nuclear non for hcense amendW/Carthcate of CA A .J 3 (Post 820201). 94i10/27. SALLADE.L. Atlikaton Not As. '",E signed 3pp. 81804 03441604m GLEASON.J.P. Atomic Safety & Lacensm0 Board Panel #494 15836. 94/10/21. Energy Fuses Nucsoar. trc.17pp. 81513-17241513188,

-9411070016 Notco of volaten hem map on 9406294916 Velaban noted hconese did M11150&24 Discusses mnd to bcones conditon 55 to Energy Fuses Nuclear,inc source (Poet           94/ 2 3pp 81604.03741604039                                    men hcense SUA-1358 Mod acceptable WASTLER.S.L HgPwlevel Weste & Urdruum                     Protects Branch (94 MSS 940403L 94/10/28 GILLEN.D M              ewes Weste & armurn Recovery Protects DOCKET 40 4452 BEAR CREEK URANtutd CO., CA$PER, WY                                             Branch (NWSS 940403t 3pp. 817792          1779 253 9411040153 Forwards mio to satisfy Lscense Condibon 27 of utense SUA-1310.Re'r              M11300308 NRC Staff moson for extensen of eme m which to sutmut heanng file
  • euests that hcensee be allowed to extend omstmg surety arrangement tar one yr fo Moten grantedW/Corthcate of Sve. Served on 941122 Grarned for Board on941121.

TURK.S.E. Office of the General Counset (Post 880701) #494 16018. 94/11/21. CHASE Bear Creek Uraruum Co 94/10/28 HOLONICHJJ Hgh. level Waste & Atmuc & Board a w 3pp 8 H M 94 M 02t Uratwum Recovery Propects Branch (NMSS 940403). 53pp. 8164921r941649.354 l M11300$b8 NRC Statt mobon for extenmon of trne m wtuch to s@ met heanng fue.' l 94,11170122 Moren granted W/Cartficale of Swc. esint to f areaintorms tmundaryofdureig no change past yr m innd use enthm two autometers of any porton og TURK.S E. Ottice of the General Counsei (Post 880701) #494 16017. 94/11/21. , CHASE.G Bear Creek Uraruum Co 94/11/04. HOLONICHJ J ewel Evaste & Atomic Safety & Ucensmg Board Panel. 3pp. 81891:18341691185. l Uratuum Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS 940403).1p. 81787 1787:360. DOCKET 404ses PLATEAU RE300ftCES. LTD, LAKE POWELL, UT DOCKET 464502 TOTAL IH88ERALS CORP, CAGPER, WY 9411040214 Responds to concems eitpressed m inep Rept 4D4502/94.02 on 940607- 9411150322 Forwards Amend 14 to Ucense SUA 1371 & TER Arnend rowmes Ucense 09 Updated procedure does exat for operstmg htter pness & all excursen repts now Condenons 24 & 35.related to requeements ear fra suppresason & sump purg clearly detened as e4her twerterty status espt or 2 month contematon rept syn.t:ased on mienm standby status of m41. WASELINJ OOGEMA Inc. 94/10/19 COLUNS.S. Regen 4 (Post 820201) 3pp HOLONICHJ.J Hgn-tewei Waste & Urensen Recovery Propoets Branch (NMSS 81651.342 41451 344. 940403) 94/11/08 WEBBER.K, Plateau Resources. Ltd. 5pp. 81775176 41775109 l i

DOCKETEDITEMS 5 -9411190334 Amend 14 to imense SUA 1371 for Pieteau Resources Ltd. revemg Lu -9405130201 Worms that three condmons specrhed m 1982 NWPA secten conse Conchtone 24 & 35.related to regurements for fre sworessen & surft pump 151(c).wfuch regures DOE to take ttle & custody to certam snes. met for AMAX sete m sys. based on mienm standty status of mdi. Paakerstiurg WV & 1 hat AMAX title transferred to DOE. HOLONICH.J.J. Hgh Leves Weste & Uraruum Recovery Protecto Branch (NMSS TAYLOR.J.M Ole of the Executive vor Operanons. 94/04/25. THE CHAIR-940403). 94/11/08. 9pp. 81775.18141775.189 MAN. SELIN.L. ROGERS.K.C. Comrmssoners (Post 750119) 10pp. 81772230 81772.248. DOCKET 444702 ARMY, DEPT. OF, feOCK ISLAND, IL DOCKET 404866 NUCLEAR METALS, INC., CONCORD, M A M11220233 Requests techrscal assetance to perform review or rathologmal survey records & conduct few survey at former Frankford Arsenal m 9411220029 frWorms that Icensee not m comphance w/ financial assurance regure-Phsaceiphia.PA. Requests sche:lule for performing revows & propenng awvey monts per 10CFR40.36. Enforcement cornerence scheduled for 941208 at Regon I plans Wienct cec to docusa possible enforcemem actons & decommescrung of facieny. KINNEMAN.J.D. Repon 1 (Post E20201). 94/10/2.. BECK.J. Oak Ridge Aaaan=ted HEHL.C W. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 94/10/28. VUMBACO.FJ. Nuclear Metals, Inc. Unwo ames. 7pp. 8179911441799.120. 3pp. 81796:19141796'193. 9411280121 Responos to 941020 fir to concems of Citzens Research & Envron Watch DOCKET 404724 CHEMETRON CORP., PROVIDENCE, R3 concommg ongomg inqury into potental cepeeted U contamsnanon on Nuclear Metats.Inc sne m Concord.MA. M11100171 Forwards Rev 0 to "Radmiopcal Survey & Samphng Rept for TAYLOR.J M Ofc of the Oracutwo Drector for Operatons. 94/11/16. MEEHAN.M.T. Ressoonhal.Putdc & Commerani Proportes m v of Harvard Ave- House of Rep. 5pp. 81864 00141864 009. ADAMS.T.G. B. Kon & Assocates. Inc.94/10/31. .T.C. Decomrrusesonmg & Regulatory lasues Branch (Post 901230). 2pp. 8176912341769.331. -9411280126 Remesis response to Cihrens Research & Envron Watch questons & concerns about recent Boston Globe artcle re ground contammaton at Nuclear m Harv d we M ouse of Rep. 94/10/20 THE CHAIRMAN. SELIN.L Commissoners

  • B. Koh & Assocastes. Inc.94/10/31. 207pp. 8176912541769 331. (Post 750119). 4pp. 8186420641864m 9411100266 Informs of941100meetnD to enable hcensee to clarWy understandrno of 9411290273 Forwards holomg banm goohydrologeal data from Nuclear Metats este W/o comments & msues remarung to be resolved to final site remediaton plan for Bert '"C8 Avenue & Harvard Avenue arte. AUSTIN.J.H. Low-Level Waste & C ., .. .__ ., Projects Branch (NMSS 940403).

KOH.B Chemetron Corp 94/10/20. JOHNSON.T.C. Demmmisamnmg & Regulatory 94/11/18.JOYNER,J. Regon 1 (Post 820201).10. 81922.27541922.275. Issues Branch (Post 901230).1p. 01736.35941T36.359. 9411030235 Informs that statement satsfes icewee concems that pubhc unN not be DOCKET N ATLANTIC RICHHRD CA GRANTE NM restncted t y settlement agreement to rame safety neues re remodenon ce Bert & Har-vard Avenue snes. 9411150632 D'an===s entensen of reclamahon maestones ARCO pluewater U Mdl GREEVES.J T Dwmon of Weste Mar (NMSS 940403). 94/10/21. sne.Piacement of tmal redon bemer can be composted sateey by Oct 1995. SARGENT.D R. Chemetron Corp. 3pp. 81645. 1645.350. ZIEGLER.R.S. Ananec RechheM Co. (ARCO). 94/10/31. HOLONICH.J. Uraruum Re. covery Brarzt (Post 901230). 2pp. 01777.35441777 359. 9411020249 Nonfcaton o8 segnifcant leonese meebng w/ust on 941109 to decuss comments on Chemetron Sne Remediaton Plan.conhrm schedule for response auth 9411140163 Forwards mmutes from940914meetmg between NRC & Atlanbc Rchfeld mittal & prowde status update of OEPA closure appiscato't. Co (ARCO)in Grants.NM re ARCO Bluewater Min one. JOHNSON.T.C. Low Level Weste & Decommasorung Prosects Branch (NMS$ GILLEN.D.M. Hi 940403). 94/10/25 Low Level Waste & C . _._ -., Protects Branch (NMSS 940403). 94/11/gh-Level Waste & Asanoc 0t5 ZIEGLER.R.S. UraruumRchfeld Recovery Co. Prosects Branch (ARCO). 3pp. (NMSS 81752'357-940403). 2pp. 81633,35941633.360. 81752.359 M11293181Proindes status rept on Chemetron aw. . - - activihes 9411290165 Forwards Amend 25 to Ucense SUA 1470 & TER. Amend accepts prt> 1 TAYLOR.J M. Olc of the Executive Director sor Operatons. h/11/17. THE CHAIR. posed reducton of provous yr suret) due to not effects of mflaton & cortpleton of MAN. SELIN.L. ROGERS.K.C. c ._ _ _.. (Post 750119L Opp. 81922.283-81922.290. some reclamanon work. HOLONICH LJ. Mgh4evel Waste & Uraruum Recmvery Branch (NMSS


940403) 94/11/15. ZIEGLER.R.S. A8antc Rchhead Co. (AR . App. 81933:001-M11290279 Forwards envron assessment & SER prepared for Pathfmder reactor de- 81P33:012.

         .. r s protect a recent rept on U solubehty prepared by Paahc Northwest

_ Lab W/o encl -9411290147 Amend 25 to Lcense SUA 1470 for Anante Rchfeld Corp. acceptmg JOHNSON.T.C. Low. Level Waste & Decommasoneng Propects Brenen (NMSS proposed reducson of prewmus yr surety due to not effects of anflation & compiehon ci 940403). 94/11/17.KOH.B. B. Koh & Assocates, Inc.1p. 81922:27641922276. some reclamaton work. HOLONICH.J.J. hghtovel Waste & Urarnum Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS 9411290174 inicems hcensee et recent NRC actons partnant to petrhon.per 940403). 94/11/15. 8pp. 81933.00541933212. 10CFR2.206.dtd 890106 to compel Chemtron Corp to ammeostely commence decon-tammaton of Harvard avenue sne. M11280187 Requests to docket attached tax trom ARCO in docket file. Fax contams BERNERO.R M Offre of Nucesar Matenal Selety & Safeguardt 94/11/21. tor chomentry data tor wees. ROMER.K.R. McGoan.Rohco, trc (formerty McGeen Chemmal Co., Inc4 3pp. MAN.N. Dnnsen of Waste M (NMSS 940403). 94/11/22. Document

 $1922.20041922 282.                                                                        Control Branch (Document Controi           ). 3pp. 01885:12741885-128.

DOCKET 4H778 asOLYCORP, INC., LOS ANGELES, CA DOCKET 40 8903HOMESTAKE AslNING CO, CRANTS, NM. 9411210391 Informs that local pdhwty owned treatment works wel not excavate forced 9411100177 Forwards m. place rarson bemer mosture corrent taken frorn proctors & man sewer ime to detemww locahon,as wntten contwmaton of taloon early the sand oore testa.mtenm cover moesture contem taken from proctor & sand cone tests summer.Enci request tram GW Dewen may be derogardoct & norm barrow optmum moestwo content. DANKMYER.B K. Molycorp. inc.94/10,24 GLENN.C. C _ _ _ , & Regulato'Y CFIAFTf.R. Homestake Muung Co 94/11/03. HOOKS.K Hgh Level Weste & Ursru-teaues Brarcre (Post 901230).1p. 81837.16641837:173. um Recovery Protects Bran.:h (NMSS940403).110pp. 8176022741780.336. -9411210394 Requests NRC rewww of IT Com proposed work plan for raMogmal M11290281 Forwards Info re foundaten & M matis for const of Evaporaten Pond 2. survey of Bado 38 Proposed work plan encl. CRAFTf. Homestake Co. 94/08/16 HARRIS.T. NRC . l.o Detmied Affdiaton DAvvts.G W. Mosycarp. Inc. 94/10/25 GLENN.C.J P -.y & Regulatory G, vert 24pp. 81904;32141 .343. Issues Branch (Poet 901230) 6pp. 81837.16941837.173. 9411290262 Forwards response to questens re Evaporaton Pond 2 heense amend. M1107C383 Forweds survey approach for R&D Badg 36 per request. CRAFTf Homestame DAWES.G W. Molycorp. Inc. 94/10/25 GLENN.C.J. Offee or Nucsear Matensi Safety Co. 94/08/19 HARRIS.T. NRC . No DeLaded Aff4aston Give,t 5pp. 81902.342-81 .347.

 & Safeguards. 6pp. 8167611H1876.120.

M11300152 Requests extensen for semrttal of Sne Characternaton Rept tram 9411290267 Forwarth stabakty anaksm.asone stahihty enstyse. test bonno progum for 941201.31 test bonngs & log of test hcess EPZ-1, EPZ.2iPZ-$.EPZ.4.EPZ4 & EPZ4 tar Evapc> DANKMYER.B K Molycorp. Inc. 94/11/18 PERSON.LS. Low 4svol Waste & Decom. raton Pond 2' CRAFT.F. ; _ ~ e Co 94/09/02. HARRIS.T. NRC - t o Detaded Afhhaton memorung Protects Branch (NMSS 940403). 2pp. 81951.27841951279. Gsven. 2tpp. 8t 905.189-81 .209 9411140207 Summarues 940915 meebng w/NRC & hoensees at Grants Mdt. Grants DOCKET 4M794 tsOLYCORP, INC., LOS ANGELES, CA NM b docuss vanous hconne amend m GILLEN.D M. H Weste & Urartum Recovery Proemets Branch (NMSS M11300245 Informs of approval of pmposed wcyn plan for raChologmal movey of bldg 940403). 94/11/yr>Levelu CRAF'T,F.R. Homestake Mirung Co. 4pp. 8175514441755'147. 38 located on southwestem aide or attacted area on WashmgtortPA Molyoorp mee PERSON.LS. Low 4evel Waste & r . __ ____ , p,otectu Branch (NMSS940403). 94/11/15.DAWES.G. Molycorp, tre 1p 81933 051-81933:051. DOCKET 44 4905OutYtRA GHNING CO., GRANTS, NM DOCKET 4Hs20 AMAK, INC., OOLDEN. CO [ih 'gM f ^* ** * **"" " LUTHIGER.P Ouivira Mwung Co. 94/10/25.OHRBOM.R. New Mexco. State of. 3pp. M11160233 Forwards memo from JM Taylor to Commason moormmg Commmaon of 81640.34941640 351. removal of AMAK sne fmm Sne C--__ _ -4 Mgt Plan bst.m response to retWest to JT Greeves M11150215 Forwards rept of 940915 meetmg between NRC & Owvra Myung Co. JOHNSON.T.C. Lowlevel Weste & Decomfrussaorung Progects Branch (NMSS GILLEN.D.M. High. Level Waste & Urannsm Recovery Propects Branch (NMSS 940403). 94/11/00 ALLEN.J. General Accountmg 08tce.10. 81772.22941772.248. 940403) 94/11/02 FERDINAND.B. Quevira Mmmg Co. 3pp. 81760.34641780.350.

6 DOCKETEDITEMS M11000394 Forwards addl mio requested per 941000 telcon m regards to aconsee pro 9411230014 Forwards sup rept448948/94 01 on 940405-28 No violatons noted NRC posed amend re radon cover at Ambrosia Lake facday mspectors acenefied unresoNed nem se e6evated exposure rates along East Pee ford FERDINAND.B Ourvra Ma ng Co. 94/11/04 HOLONICHJJ HigNLevel Waste & connes Uramum Recovery Propects Branus (NMSS 940403). 67pp. 8171824941718.315. SHEAR.G.L Region 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/17. EVES.S. Shieldalloy Metallurocal Corp. 2pp. 8t811.07941811:099 9411300178 Requests that apobcatons to use nuclear density meter as official OC lest be unndrawn from further NM conMisfatort -9411230019 Insp rept 40w8948/94-01 on 940405 28 No violatons noted. Mapor areas FERDINAND.B Ouwwa Mirung Co 94/11/08 HOLONICH.J. High Level Waste & Ura. mapectedpostm0 measures. program for mamtammg mtognty of West Plie rip & pre ruum Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS 940403).10. 81900:327 41900.327. m of survedance for securvey of pries 9411200188 Forwards Amend 30 to Lcense SUA.1473 & TER. Amend accepts pro. HE.AR h Regen 3 M 82m MW W MN. g ~ posed reduction of previous yr surety due to not ottocts of mfleton & complehon on some reclamaton work. HOLONICHJJ Hig4 Level Waste & Uraruum Recovery Propects Branch (NMSS 940403). 94/11/17 FERDINAND.B. Ouwra Maung Co. 3pp. 81933:03641933:049. DDCKET 404968NYDRO RESC-1RCES, INC, DALLA &. TX -9411390191 Amand 30 to neense SUA 1473 for Otevra Mwung Co.accepene proposed 9411010018 Forwards Decison & Order frorn New Momeo Environment Dept 'iroviaed reducten of previous yr surety due to net eftects of riflaton & completon of some on 941026 by M Pohzza of HRI dunng pubhc presentation at NRC Headtluarters . reclamehan work. LAVTON.M. Hgevel Weste & Uratuum Recovery Progects Branch (NMSS 94140h, HOLONICHJJ Hig4Lovel Waste & Uratuum Recovery Pro,ects Branch (NMSS 94/10/27. FRIULEY.S. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 4 940403). 94/11/17.11pp. 81933 03941933 049. 81579.28341579.289. DOCKET 404038BUTKIN PRECISIOtt MANUFACTURING, INC, SAILFORD, CN 9411100064 DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT TO CONSTRUCT AND OPERATE THE CROWNPOINT SOLUTION MINING PROJECT.CROWNPOINT, NEW n vi stens need.L1rs dtd N f,, ,' ' N 0$)INUREG-1508. 94/10/31.154pp. 052 9 01 20306 0826 052 rei 81 6 64176 D 56. SHANBAKY.M M Regen 1 (Post $20201). 94/11/02. ANDERSON.B P., ANDERSON.B.S Buthm Precison Manufactunng Corp. 2pp 81871:25141871.256. 9411150299 Forwards FR nohce of evadabddy of draft EIS. nonce of opportunny for -9411300085 Insp rept 408936/94 02 on 940810.No volat'ons noted.Masor areas he inspectetsirvey of facehty m Milford.CT for resiclual contammaton pnar to release of ICHJJ Hig4 Level waste & Uraruum Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS facety sor unreeincted use. 940403). 94/11/04. MEYER.DL Dnasion of Freedom of informaton & Pubbcatons EVERHART.D.B., SHANBAKY,M M Regen 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/02. App. Sennces (P;-1940714). 3pp. 8177511241775.121. 81871 25341871256

                                                                                                 -9411150297 Nohce of avaesbehty of draft EIS.notco of opporturuty for hearm0 HOLONICHJJ. Hig4 Level waste & Urannsm Recovery Projects Branch (NMSS DOCKET 404043 FERRET EXPLORATION CO. OF NEBRASKA, DENVER, CO                                         940403). 94/11/04. 7pp. 81775:115 81775:121.

9411150302 Forwards Amend 25 to i cense J SUA 1534.revismo hcense condreon 42. 9411150237 Forwards addl copies of NUREG 1508. " Draft EIS to Construct & Operate HOLONICHJJ Hig4 Level Waste 4 Urarnum R Protects Branch (NMSS Crownpoint U Scouton Muuno Protect.Crownpoim. NM." W/o enct 940403). 94/10/20 COLLINGS,5 P. cerret Exploraton . of Neoraska. Inc. 3pp. GILLEN.D.M. High Level Waste & Uranium Recovery Pro,ects Branch (NMSS 81775 14941775.162. 940403),94/11/Q9. ROGERS.P. Nevago Natort 1p. 81780:35141760:351 -M11150341 Amend 25 to hcense SUA 1534 for Crow Butte renmng M11160173 Forwards 18 copes of NUREG 1508. " Draft EIS to Construct & Operate i JJ Hig4 Level Waste & Urarnum Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS WW R Propects Branch (NMSS 940403). 94/10/31.11pp. 81775:152 41775.162. . Intenor. Dept of.1p. 81781:346-81781:346. 940403). 94/11/ 9411170187 Forwards TERs of Crow Butte amends requests re Part 20 license changes & mcreased flow reouested m 940826 notes. M11150667Forweros fwe copies of NUREG-1508. "Oraft EIS to Construct & Operate ELSENBERG.N.A Performance Assessment 8 ology Bratich (NMSS 9d0403). 94/ Crownpont U Soluton Mmmg Prosect.Crownpomt. NM." W/n encts. 10/27. WASTLER.S.L Hig4Lewei Waste & ruum Recovery Protects Branch HOLONICHJJ Hig4 Level Weste & Uratuum Recoway Pmgeets Branch (NMSS (NMSS 940403). 21pp. 81782 04241782:062. 940403). 94/11/14.Ernaronmemal Protecton Agency. Ip. et778.35641778.356. M11100003 Forwards rewmed anrusal update to surety estwnate for Crow Butte M11290149 Forwards NUREG.1508. " Draft Erwron impact Statement to Const & Oper-Mine Esemale based on 941020 comments from NE Dept of Envuon Quakty wtuch ste Crownpont U Solution Mirung Protect. CrownpomLNM." per 941117 teicortW/o noted typos & errors m940922subtruttal. enc 1. COLLINGS.S.P. Athhsten Not Assigned. 94/11/02.HOLONICHJJ. High Level Waste PARKJR. Hig4 Level Waste & Uraruum Recovery Pro,ects Brancti (NMSS940403;

  & Uratuum Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS 940403). 24pp. 81736.27541736.299                        94/11/18 TOMSOVIC.D. Envronmental Protecten Agency.                   1p,  81933-013-9411100002 Informs that Crow Butte Resources.Inc annual pond insp rept found in ac-cordonce w/ Reg Guide 3.11.1.

WASTLER.S L. High-Leve4 Waste & Uraruum Recovery Prolects Branch (NMSS 940403L 94/11/06 Heg4 Level Weste & Uratuum Recovery P*ctects Branch (NMSS DOCKET 404871 UA E14EfmV CORP. RfVERTON. WY 940403).1p 81005.35741805:357 9411220000 Forwards insp repi 40 8971/9441 on 940929 No violabons or deviatens 94112a0167 Forwards " Crow Butte Mine Dowes County.NK 1994 Pond tramp Rept" noted.insp venfied that correcDve actons for violstons identrhed dunng 930707 map MAGNUSON.S.D. Afhhaton Not Assigned. 94/11/17 HOLONICHJJ Dep4 Level had been ynptemerned & that actons effectwo Waste & Urarnum Recovery Propects Branch (NMSS 940403). 1p. 81v12.212- COLLINS.SJ Regon 4 (Post 820201). 94/11/09.WEBBER.K. U.S. Energy Corp. 4pp. 81912.251. 81797:324 41797.333. -9411280169 " Crow Buite Mme Dawes County.NK 1994 Pond inap Rept" MAGNUSON.S.D. Afhhanon Not Assigned.94/11/16. 39pp, 8191221341912.251. -9411220005 Insp rept 40 4 971/94-01 on 940929 No violatons or deviatens notedMasar areas mapected:radweste monnonng programs encluomg mgt & orgerura. ton controes.operatons review.raduton protecton & envron morutonng. DOCKET 464948 SHIELDALLOV CORP, NEWFIELD, NJ CAIN.C.L Regen 4 (Post 820201). 94/11/08. 6pp. 01797;32841797.333. 941107030s Forwards Was for Creek DOCKET 404672 ARABEL PRECISION ttANUFACTURING CORP., BETHEL.CT DR Snuth 940016 request mtoFlood ProhlesEIS for prepann0 & flood mourance essociated rate maps.In w/Shaammay ref t,o Metanu . gicM Corp at Comtmdge. County.OH. EDW ARDS.K.H. Army. Dept of. of Engmeets. 94/10/24.GLENN.C. NRC - No 9411150364 Forwards safety insp rept 404972/9441 on 940009 & confrmatory sisvey i Detaded Afhhaton Gwert 5pp. 81716.35541716.360. resuns.m response to920115 sJrvey No velatens noted & no radcactwo ma9 Con. l 9411070346 Forwards package entitler8. % lines Located Withm 3 Miles Of ShieldalloY "$H]A BAKy M 1 (Post 820201). 94/10/12.LOMBARDOJ AmbolPrecuuan Metallurgical Corp ($ stet" which provides requested map & mto for une & preparation ManufacturFig Corp 81735.33041735.335. of erwronment tripact statement W/one overssre enci (TH R 94/10/31.GLENN.CJ NRC 040 Detaded et 972M m Weh em WW woes mspected confwmatory survey coriducted at facerty for residual comammaton pnor to 9411080410Notrhes of change in NRC propoet mgt responstulities for hoenang & do. release of facekty for unresencted use W/confumatory survey results. u._ of $hisadatoy Metanurycal Corp faciany at Camoridge.OH under NRC EVERHART.D B.. SHANBAKY.M.M. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 94/10/13. 4pp 81735.332 41735:335. License SNn1507. Effechwe941114.RA Nelson assumes stated responubstes. NELSON.R A. Low. Level Waste & Decommosenm0 Protects Branch (NMSS 940403). 94/11/08. EVES.C.S. Srsuedanoy Metaikagica Corp.1p 81717:35241717252. DOCKET 404081 PATHFINDER tilNES CORP, IIILLS, WY 9411220006Noches of charge m 04RC propect morutonng responwbihties for tectwucal M11100159 Sibnuts follow up to telcon between NRC & bconsee on status of rewww of SON. Low. Level Weste & L.___., Progects Branch (NMSS940403). reques re a FIN . 94/11/13. MCCOLD L. Oak Ridge Neennel Laboratory 19. 81964 127 j 940403). 94/10/28, WICHERS.D. Pathfmder Mmes Corp. 3pp. 81781;33941781.341 9411230230Apphcaton for amend to Lcense SMB-1507.rowestm0 bconsed mati pas. sessed under supervisen of RSO & futire NRC correspondence or notices to RSO or 9411170181 Submits annual iedate for North Butte & Ruth surety estmates.Expoenaton lummes provided to hated indrwiduals iedated estwnste for 1995 provided as hated. EVES.C.S.. VALENTIJ P. Sruesdanoy Metallurgical herp.94/11/14 GLENN.C. Decom- WICHERS.D.L Pathhnder Mines Corp. 94/11/10.HOLONICHJJ Heg4 Level War mrrienmg & Regulatory 1seues Branch (Post 901230) 1p. 81893.35041693:353, Uraruum Recovery Propects Branch (NVSS 940403). 50pp. 8178725041787298. 's &

DOCKETEDITEMS 7 DOCKET 444999 ENVIROCARE OF UTAH, INC, SALT LAKE CFTY, UT 9411170279 NRC info Nobce $4480, " inadequate DC Ground Detecton m DC Detrtiu. Imn Sys " 9411230143Ack receipt of940914 meteomlogical morutonre OA/OC plan. Plan found GRIMES.B K. . 94/11/25. Consoldated Eeson Co. of New York inc. 14pp acceptable & we tecomo App G m fmal modified ground water escnerge permit cur. 81848 234 41848.247 rently m process. OSTLER.D.A. Utah, State of. 94/10/27. ROMANKOWSKl.D. Enwocare of Utah, Inc. 9411170284 NRC Info Nonce 94481. "Accwacy of Beassay & Enwon Sampimg Re-243pp. 81849'075 81849:320 suits " PAPERIELLO.CJ. Dunion of industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 94/ M11210008 Requests ras shng w/hRC on M1100 concomm0 moues re NRC fees for 11/25. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp 81848.248-81848259. heensed operations. SEMNANI,K B. Enwacare of Utah. Inc. 94/11/03 BERNERO,R.M. Omco of Nuclear Maional Satety & Safeguac:fs. Ip.81831:146 81831.146-DOCKET 5010 DRESDEN NUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNIT 1 9411220222PNOwfV-94458:on 941117.raeiroad car of 11e(2) tryproduct man arnved at

                                                                              '"" "** F '

co er car br S'* & E' I"d'Y' "'#*'I' '"*'I'"'I O fI 8**In*" Pi'"' SON.LC., DODA.R L Regen (Post 820201). 94/11/10. 2pp. 81799 098-81799'099. 9411100099 Forwards datads of physmal securtfy concem at plant & requests that re-l suits of licensee revow & espoumon of subl matter be sutmtted to Regen til withm 45 days of dtd Itr W/o encl. DOCKET 40-9024 ENERGY FUELS MUCtJ.AR PEDERSON.C.D. Regeon 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/03. PERRYdS. Cw,. _ . 2 Eeson Co. 2pp. 81746.33941746 340. 9411040211 Forwards Land Ounkty Dnr review comments dtd941013 trom P Maciuika

         & S Ingle on bcensee 940923 response to earner rev ow comments sutmtled under           9411210293Sutats reconse to NRC request tot arks mfo to proposed use of corpo.

author 941013 hr ve Reno Creek rnuttues pump test rate EOF as mtenm EOF to per1onn emergency response functons unti near sete can l MOONEY.G Wyommg. State of. 94/10/25. WETZ T.V. Energy Fuels Nuclear, Inc. to staffed. 7pp. 81651.335 81661:341. JOHNSON,l.M. Commonwealth Edison Co. 94/11/15. Document Coritrol Branch 9411070092 Trenstruts responses to WY DEO cornments on MP.9 aquifer test & bcons. "" "' " ee tr es ison to proceed w/ mstallabon of Mne Urut I monrtor-M 300121 Informs of decisen to mstnute guarterty proficsoney trammg for EADS Oper-HMANN,M.R. Energy Fuels Nuclear. Inc. 94/11/01. HOLON9CHJ Hm4 Level Wast Uranium Recovery Proiscts Branch (NMSS 940403L 30pp, 81716.294- AXELSON.W.L. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/16. MARTINA, MILLER H., KERLIN.M. Regen 8 (Post t20201). 4pp. 81872.13241872135. 94110s0392 Grants bcennae permsson to carry out work as outhnod m Acensee M11300211 Forwards response to 940919 RAI re proposed use of o,.morate EOF 941031Mr,propoemg dnihng & const of 32 morutor welle & complebon of 10 wells pre. (CEOF) as intenm EOF.inr.t.sdmg analysm of EOF functons apphcable to CEOF as m-viouary dnned. tenm EOF. MOONEY.G. Wyomm0. State of. 94/11/04. WETZ.T.V. Energy Fuois Nuclear, Inc. JOHN 3ON,t.M. Commonwealth Esson Co.94/11/22.Omce of Nucteer Reactor Reg. 2pp. 81719.30841719.309. ulaton, Director (Post 870411). 77pp J1908:09241908.109. 9411210258 Forwards bcensee revs e land queaty dnnamn amend apphcanon & re-sponses to land Quakty eviamn completeness comments did 940923. Q. Inspecton reporta, IE Bumeens a correspondence WETZ.T V. Energy Fuels Nuclear. Inc, 94/11/10. MOONEY,G. Wyomng. State of. i 33pp 818310n41831;109. M10140257 1 m NRC Infoonce 93460 "Reparung Fuel cycle & Maus Evenis 1 m NRC Operator's Ctr." l DOCKET 40-9027CASOT CORP. READING & REVERE BURNETT,R F. Dnnson of Fuel Cycle Safety & Safeguards (Post 930207K 94/10/20. Conschdated Esson Co. of New York, Inc 12pp. 8181819941816.310. r

                                                            " ' ' ""                     *"*'"9 screduled    Sept 9ds. '"                                          $410200153 NRC Info Notmo 94478, "Recent Failures of Chargeg/ Safety injecton                               ;

PtERSON Branch. 94/11/10. BURNETT.R.F Dvenon of Fusi Cycle Pump Snafts? Satefy & Safeguards (Poet 930207).19. 81630:34841830348' GRIMES.B.K. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton. Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/26. Connohdated Edison Co. of New York,Inc.12pp. 61658:00141658:013. 9411300252 Provides Icensee w/retificabon that actwebes observed Py NRC on este vert on 941108to Readm0 PA site.may cause velabons of NRC requirements to map. 9411100126 Forwards map rects 50410/94-15.54237/9415 & 50 249/9415 on prepnaie reiease of neermed reeoncave man. 9408161005 & nonces of weianon & devenon.NRC concemed by pomnteel for other AUSTINJ H Low Level Weste & Protects Branch (NMSS940403). similar condsnons & cumulatwo effect on plant safety. 94/11/17.BARRON.R.S. Cabot Corp. 2pp. 81922. 1922.361. GREENMANI.G. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 94/1C/27. PERRYJS L _ r Eeson Co. 3pp. 81673.30741673:338. DOMESTIC LICENSING OF PRCDUCTION AND UTILIZATION -9411100131 Notee of violaton from %sp on 9408161005.Velaten nomd.fadure m FACILITIES d 8 DG k'b c88 O # 8t d"*

                                                                                                   *'c"o*cu*n"w' n"*c"o*n"e'o** rod"s"m"oved md                                                n            oute"sma"ue"ce. '*'"*'     '" "' """* "
  • Region 3 (Post 820201). 94/10/27. 2pp. 81673.31041673 311.


                                                                                                 -9411100137 Notco il devishon from map on 9408161005. Deviation noted:tadure to morator contamment coohng svc water sys pressures on unit 2 & taauro or procedure                         i F. Securtty, medical, amer 9ency & fire protection piene                                                               **

P pconta,m ge g pg, s op m,820"20 / 8 73 94 1 30r verson of emergency procedures document book 2.Apps A.B & C W/

                                                                                                 -N11100142 Insp repts 50010/94-15.50 237/9415 & 50249/9415 on 940816-
  • Commonwealth Eeson Co.94/06/01. KAMMERER.C.C Onason of Freedom of tr, 005 Veistons & tes viatons notMMasor areas inspected:operstens. ment &

tarmaton & Pubbcatens Services (Post 940714). 26pp. 81826.29941826.326. - ' g g j,", 94 2 26pp 17 341673.338.' C Inspecnon reporta,IE Sullettne & correspondence 9411220020Ack receipt of940922 Itr ' NRC of steps taken to correct velaten m map repts50410/9414.50 237/94-14 & 5 249/9a 14. 94 0 40257 to NRC Info Nota 93460, *~Reportn0 Fuel Cycle & Mans Events N G 820201). 94/11/07, PERRYJS. F- 2 BUR F. Dnneson of Fuel Cycle Safety & Safegterds (Post 930207). 94/10/20. Coneohdated Esson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 81816.29941818:310. 9411090300 NRC nusetm Used to Transport 94402. "."Conoemn Prob 6 ems m Certam Stamiens Packagm0 U Hexafluonde 94102001E3 NRC Info Nota 94476, "Recent Fadwes of Chargog/ Safety infecton PAPERIELLO CJ. DMacn of Industrial & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 87072fk 94/ j Pump Shafts " 11/14. Coneokosted Esson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp 81816.31141816.322. i K. Office of Nucteer Reactor Regulator., Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/26. Consondated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 81658:00141658:013. 9411100237 NRC Into Notes 94477.

  • Mattuncbon m Mam Generator Vonage Regulator Causmo Overwonage at Seiety Related Elecscal Equipment." -

9411000300 NIIC Bunehn 94402 "Corroemn Problems in Canam Stanless Packagmg GRsME's.B.K. .94/11/17.Coneohoated Esson Co. of New York, hic. 7pp. 81816:323 I used to Transport U Herafluonde " 81816.329. PAPERIELLO.CJ. Dannon of industnal & Meecal Nucteer Safety (Post 870729). 94/ 11/14. Consohdated Esson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp 81816:31141818.322. 9411150578 NRC Into Noece 94478. "Electne Component Failure due to Degradaten 9411100237 NRC Info Notice 94477,"Malfuncton m Man Generator Voltage Regulator [q$y g, ffg72 ted Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 10pp. Causmg Overvostage at Safetyeetated Electncal Equipment. GRIMES.B K. ,94/11/17.Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc 7pp 81818.323- 81848'215-81848.224~ 9411170038 NRC Info Nohce 94479. "Mcroboiogmany influenceo Conomen of EDO 941150578 NRC 4 , "Electne component Fadure due to Degradaten y,MES W

                                                                                                                        /11/23 Conschdated Esson Co. of New York, Inc. 9pp. 81848.225-GR            K.  . 94/11/21. Consohdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. 10tJp.              81848 233-8164821541848 224 9411300226 Responds to volatons noted m map repts50 010/94-15, 50-237/94-15 &

9411170039 NRC Info Notco 94479, %crotuologCaNy Innuanced Corrosen of EDG 50249/94-15 Conoceve acnonssobey deveeoped w/operatens dept e prcede poe> Svc Waior Pipm0." eve coneal by operatons of vaeve maneuiaten by outsiae nomaanis GRIMES.B K. .94/11/23.Canschdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp 81848225 PER9YJ S. Commonwearth Echson Co. 94/11/23 Document Control Branen (Docu-8184R233. ment Control Desk) Opp.81906.346 41906.353

8 DOCKETED ITEMS N11170279 NRC Wo Nohce 94-080

  • Inadequate DC Ground Detecten in DC Datnbu- N11100024 Ack racept of 940818 Itr proueng commenta on ptare ~ . ,

ten plan NRC curr rewswng plan & comments ont be addressed ounng rownw GRI S.E '" . M/11/25. Consolutated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 1400 WEISS.R H. Nork Reactor & Decommrseenng Pro,ect Drectorate 94/11/04 81648.234 41848.247 Franken County,MA. 3pp 81715.340 81715.342. 9411170244 NRC Info Nobce 94481, " Accuracy of Beassey & Ernnron Sampimg Re. g4g1970033 Summary of941026 mee w/util personnel m RockwheMD re impact of suRs " decomrmssening schedule on cost h. _ _ , Handout & anemsence let PAPERIELLO.CJ Dwmon of Industnsi & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 94/ ence 11/25. Conschonted Eeson Co. of New Yort. Inc.12pp 81648.24841948259. FAIRTILE.M.B. Non. Power ReMtor & D.ecommenenng Proiect Drectorate 94/11/

07. Non-Power Reactor & 1" 4cmm:sserwig Proiset Uractorale.12pp. 61777.200-R. Portodic operettng reports & related correspondence 94 1 83 M operstmo repts for Oct 1994 for Dresden Nuclear Powe'  % enct Y W. E ENBERG.E. Commonwea:th Edson Co. 94/10/31 25pp. pfiN "d N N N,* _ 'Ih Dr fe#

1p. 81922:19641922260 S. Reportable eee . . . LERs & reisted corteependence - 94 R re ve$mst 2 authonM faceny deconvmssemng of We Nm

  • Ot?ce of Nucieer Matenal Safety & Safeguards. 94/11/09. 65pp. 81922.19th M11030338 Forwards task achon p6an to evaluate spent fuel storage pool safety asues 81922280.

adent;hed as result of probeems found at Dresden 1,maues ramed at Susquehanna & omer maues raced m rept tied.per 10CFR21 on 921117. a Not A 2pp It 1 O. Inspecuan reports,IE puns 4 .m -

 -9410190166 Forwards task acton pian to address setety maJos rentifed at                   M10140267 Sept 1 to NRC Info Nonce 93460. 'Reportog Fuel Cycle & Matis Events plants.Tana acton pian also addresses other mauss re SFPs at operar 4) & perma-             to NRC Doeratens Ctr."

nently shutdown reactors. BVRNETT.R.F Dwesen of Fuel Cycle Safety & Safeguards (Post 930207) 94/10/20. HOLAMAN.G M Dnnsen of Systems $afety & Anafyms (Post 92100 ). 94/10/13 ConscAdated Edmon Co of New York. Inc.12.pp. 81816.29tk81816:310. THADANI.A.C. Assomete Drector for inspecten & Assas errtent (Post 870411). Opp. 8160811141800117 9410200153 NRC Into Notoe 94 076. "Recent Fadures of Chargmg/ Safety insecton 9411080320 Specal repton941006.Urut 1 tuel stor pool conductivity a coeded 10 G E Othce of Nuclear Reactor bon, Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/26 emcro/mho/cm TS hmrt & retumed to wnhm TS on 1010 Caused by decompositen Coneohdated Edson Co. 01 New York. Inc. 2pp. 81658.00141658 013. of beingical rmero.orgenems m fuel storage pood T commerakrer restarted HOLLAND.P.G. Commonwealth Eeson Co, 94/11/04. M TINJ.B. Regen 3 (Post W0026 Fem mp W SW9/9MO on 941024-28 No volanons nded 820201t opp. 8167726641677.269 HOYNEHJH. Hegen 1 (Post 820201) 94/11/10 THAYERJK. Yankee Atormc Elec. Inc Co 3pp. 81796.145-81796:161. Q. O _ . Stage Documents & C-

                                                                                            -9411220031 Inso rept 50029/9410 on 941024-28No monatens noted Masor areas N11290047 Dmimmas review of rechanan protection concern & enferms that hoermee e'soectedhcensee hquid & gaseous radcactwo Wuent contml Namrademgical envronmentar monnormg program & raunchermcas -              _..._ . program.

hon ed not outstannaw cancem. JANGJ C, JOYNERJ H Regon 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/07. 1400 81796.146 AXEL ,W.L. Fiegen 3 (Post 820201k 94/11/22. PERRYJS. Commonwealth 81796.181. Edmon Co.1p 8165729141857.291. 94110D0300 NRC Bulletm 94 002. "Corronen Protpome m Certam Stamiens Packagm0 DOCKET 6018 ENRICO FERMI ATD88sC POWER PLANT, UNfT 1 Used to frannoort u Hexattuonna " PAPERIELLO.CJ. Dnnsen of IrWustnal & Meecati Nuclear Safety (Post 870729L 94/ 11/14. Coneohdated Edson Co. or New York. Inc.12pp 81818.31141816.322. 9411100237 NRC Info Notce 94477.

  • Malfunchon m Mam Generaw Voha0e Regulator 9411300137 t/wwneds safety insp rupt50416/9443 on 94100446.No viotations noted. Overwonage et Safety.Related Electncal Equement" PEDERSOG C.D Regen 3 (Post $20201). 94/11/16.GIPSON.D.R. Detmit Eeson Co. GRI .8 K. 94/11/17.Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 7pp. 81816.323 2pp. $1872a6341872.166. 81816.329
 -M11300143 Insp rept 50416/9443 on 94100445.No violatone noted. Maior areas                M11150578 NRC into Nobce 94478. "Electnc Component Failure due to Degradatan mapected crJanizason. records.survedlance, renew & auet functonsfaeabon                     of posyvmyl Chiande Wre insulation "

controlspensw or penodc a spacel repts. GRIMES.B K. . 94/11/21. Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 10pp. REIDINGER.T., PEDERSON.C.D. Regen 3 (Post 820201) 94/11/16. 4pp. 81872165 818a8.21541848.224. 81872 168. 9411170038 NRC into Nobce 94479. 'McrociologcaNy Inttuenced Corrosen of EDG DOCKET $0 20 maae*Ar'HUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHesOLOGY RESEARCH ES 94 11/23.Consohdated Edson Co. of New Yort. Inc. 9pp. 81648.225 REACTOR 81848.233. Niii10m NRC .,-wic. N480. i,mdeou.a. DC G,ound Det.cion m DC D.~ 0,e,,1,n .cenee eta,e doomrien,, a corre.,or, der.e bon Syt W25. ConsohdsW Eeson Ca d h M. m 14pp N11140068 Responds to941130roguest for addl mio to request for a .: of R. , g g;g 7' conne R.37 kr "-- * = Insatute of Technology Research Reac.1or BERfWIDJ A. Massachusetts institute of Techno40gy. Camhndge. MA 94/11/04. N 702M NRC Info Nohce 94-081 Accuracy of Smassay & Environ Samphng Re-Document Control Branch (Document Coreal Desk) 4pp 81752.35341752.356. PAPERIELLO.CJ Dnnson of Industna! & Medcel Nucesar Safety (Post 570729). 94/ 11/25. Comchdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81948 246 81848.259. DOCKET 50-29 VA00KEE.ROWE NUCLE.AR POWER STATION F. Securtty, medical, emergency & fire protection piene DOCKET 60 64 C4NTICHEM N11040173 Chamie 112 to EPIPs.metudmg Rev 15 to OP4305.Rev 11 to OP.3315.Rev to to OP-3343.Aev 3 to AP4400 Rev 3 to AP4425. Rev 6 to AP4426 & Rev 6 to W. e , Stage Documents & Correspondence AP4450

  • Yankee Atome Electne Co.94/10/31. 83pp. 8166100141861:083. N11180112 Confers Mitte rnoetn0 to mgl of residual radioacave matt specthcally 9411230245 Renned EPtPs.

Monnonn0" & Rev 8 to OP Rev 21 to OP 3510. "Off Sne & Sao Soundary mergency CaMn Memod * [W Was 94/11/03.MCGOVERNJJ Cmachem. Propects Branch (NMSS940403). 780:339 4 1780:340.

  • Yar as Atome Electnc Co.94/11/08 42pp. 81893.27341893:309 j 9411170218 Proposed amends to technmal requrements m Cmhchem consent ordet of N' **"P""d*"** New ork. State of-94/11/10.11pp. 81793 21(ka1793.220.

M11020144 Ack receipt of 940923 ftr to Catrens Awareness Network DOCICET $042 UNIV.OF VIRGINIA RESEARCH REACTOR D era A Network 94 . WE SS.S H Non-Power Reactor & Deco. _ _ _ ., Progect Drectorate 8pp 8159010441590.100 ] F. s.eurity, n=ecat emeroency a are Preisecon et.n. l P. Operaune Dcon.e stees documenn & _.~ i N110iO237 Reauests that NRC take no further acton on renew of pian pro- , 94*1070323 cost study presented on posed by bcensee on 900713.m mew of comp 6eled corwerseon of Uruv of A reactor I Dai026.m response to requests made durmg NRC renew 0 Forwards adct mio re updated e _.._

                                                                                                #1 LEU tues      ___ 7 study
                                                                                                             & upcomin0    decommmacrun0 of 100W Caveher Reactor umOR.R.A. y.                      Eiecei                                                    MULDER.R.U. Vrgyma. Uruv of. Charlottesville VA. 94/10/26. ADAMS.A. NorwPower            l aco & r=                ee Aiomic,eci pro         Dr.c cwa Co  94/is8m 526pp.   /02. F AiRTitE.u B. Non Power m44io62.249.                  Re- Reac= 4 Decommes,onino Pro,eci D oc=. . in. Si579.3s9-ei579.359                          ,

1 l l I i l

DOCKETEDITEMS 9 N11100191 Rev 17 to EPtps;rclueno EPIP 1EP1P 2EPIP.3.EPIP-4. EPIP.5EPIP. DOCKET 50133 HUIADOLDT BAY POWER PLANT, UNIT 3 8EPIP.?EPIP-8 EP1P-9.EPIP.10.EPIP.11EPIP.12. EPIP.13EPlP.14EPfP.16.EPIP. 18 EPip.19EP1P.20 & EPIP-23 We 9411'4 lir. KRAUSE.D R. Vr'n. Urw of. Charloneswdle. VA 94/11/14 ADAMSA Document P. Opereung Scenee stage " _ & correspondence 9ontrol Brand p: ament Controi Desk). 89pp. 81832-12141832209. M11040314 Forverds response to NRC request vor add odo re apphcahon for amend W. Operator EA ntnettey' to Loense DPR.7 for LAR 9%02. BELL.G.M. Paesfc Gas & Eiectne Co. 94/10/28. Document Control Branch (Document M11190630 Trenemns Fi leer # sortscates for DT Kepler & JD Muskopf both newly iMh8 32W52228 hcensed at Urw of VA e Jger's svilla Wto enct THOMAS.C.O. Dusen of Re ciur Comrois & Human Factors (Post 921004). 94/11/

09. FLACKAD. Vrgman. Uruv. of. Chariotiesveis. VA.1p. 81755.00441755:004. Q. Inspecuan reports, E Sumeans & correspondence l

N11230336 Forwards senor aparator hcense ceriscate for TE Doyle. THOMAS.C.O. Devoer, ce Reactor Controls & Human Factors (Pou921004t 94/11/ 9410140257 Suppl 1 to NRC Info Notce 93480. "Reporang Fuel Cycle & Metis Events l to NRC Operesois Cir "

17. PLACK.R.D Vrgevt Unnt. of. Charlottoeville. VA 1p. 01864.35241864352. I BURNETTAF. Desen of Fuel Cycle Sofety & Sateguards (Post 930207). 94/10/20. I Coneohdated Ed son Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 8181829941816.310.

DOCKET $8 73 OENERAL ELECTRIC NUCLEAR TEST REACTOR 9410300153 NRC Info Notee 94-076. "Recent Fadures of Chargmg/ Safety inpocton i Pump Shafts" V. Operseer Enemineelens GRIMES.B.K, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/26. Cor=*r'=ted Edman Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 8165820141658$13. M11100277 FM ponenc fundamentals exam admmestered m June 1994 & pro-vides answer key for exam as graded W/o enct 9411000300 NRC Bunetm used to Transport 94-002. "."Curroacn ProtWome in Certam Stamiess Packagmg U Hexehoonoe fuCHARDS.SA Operator uceneme Branch.94/11/01.SMffM.D. General Electne Co- I 1p. 8172520141725 001 PAPERIELLO.CJ Dumon of Industnal & Mescal Nucteer Safety (Post 870729). 94/ I 11/14. Consohosted Edson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 81816.31141818.322. l i DOCKET $9 77 CATHOUC UNfV. OF AaIERfCA RESEARCH REACTOR 94H100237 NRC Wo l ** Generator Voltage Regulator a 'W E ] 1/17. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 7pp. 81818:323 ur . sensea-~-its & c_. . 81018 229. N11030163Prondes NRC w/cartam mfo re progress made e _ __ _ ., NRC ap" 9411150578 NRC Wo Notce 94478. "Elecinc Component Failure due to Dugredeten proved of Cheonce Wye tneulaton." plan for aowemerit & taoiny associated w/Lacenas R.31. gp LUSTER.D R. Cathche , of America Washmgeon, DC. 94/10/26. Document Con" S. .K. . 94/11/21. Conschanted Edison Co. of New York. Inc. 10pp. troi Branch (Docume it Control Desk). 2pp. 81590'13641590137 8164821541848.224. 9411179030 NRC Info Notre 94479 "McrobiologceNy influenced Corrosen of EDG DOCKET 50116 IOWA STATE UNfV. Rese&olCH REACTOR $lkS1D~/11/23. Coneohdated Echeon Co. of New York. Inc. Opp. 81848.225-81648.233. 9411170279 NRC Into Notce 94-080. " inadequate DC Ground Detecton en DC Detritma-9411040339 Update 3 to " Emergency Plan for towa State Urw Nucieer Reactor Facsk

                                                                                       $i[B.K. . 94/11/25.            Coneohe  s ied Edman Co. of New YsA. Inc.14pp.

AD S towIState Urw., Amos. LA.94/10/31.105pp. 81652.18041652268. ## ' "8## 9411170364 NRC Info Notre 94 081.

  • Accuracy of Beessay & Ermron Samphng Re.

O inspecten reports. E Buteune & .- . - PERIELLO.CJ. Dueen of Indusinal & Medcol Nucteer Safety (Post 870729). 94/ 9411170315 Forwards Operator uceriorig trubal Exam Rept 50w116/OL-9441 of exams admrustered on N1019. ARDS S Operator N/11/14. (C40FSKY.R. lows State S. Reportehto occurrences, Lens & retoted correspondonoe -9411170316 Diverstar Lcename trutial Ezam Rept 54116/OL 94 01 on 941019. Exams M11290113 LER 9440240on 948016,OA found water samples from plant decharge results1wo sener reactor operators poseed exams. canal not anary::ed

  • weepy" as reonared by Secton v.B.6.a of TS. Caused by po son-EREStAN.W., LANGE.DJ. Operator LJcenem0 Branch. 94/10/27, 2pp. 81780 024 not error m --. ce reatsroments of TS. Test procedure revuod W/94111e str.

81780$25 SOKOLSKY.D., 6UEGER.G.M. Pacdc Gas & Electnc C3. 94/11/16. 6pp. 81864189-81864.174. V. Operater E_ _ DOCKET $0148 SANTON NUCLEAR EKpERII8 ENTAL FACluTY 9411170123 Forwards results for operator antal exam conducted on 941010 W/o enct RICHARDS.S.A. Operator beenenp Branch. 94/11/09. DANOFSKYA towe State Urw Ames. IA.1p. 81776.360 81u6.380. P. Operstag Bonnae stage _ _8 cerroependence M 703 stor Lcenesng insbal Exam Rept 60$116/OL4441 of exams 9e11070214 Responds to RAI re TS change recpest 55. RICHARDS.SA Operator Lcenema Branctt 94/11/14. DANOFSKYA lows State HILDEBRANDJ E. Sanon Nucisar Expenniental Corp. 94/10/28. Document Control Urw., Ames. IA 3pp. 8178022141 f80025. Branon , Document Control Desk) 27pp. 8165405241664278. -9411170314 Operator ucenssng 3rutal Exarn Rapt $4116/OL4441 on 941019. Exams resustrtwo aeruor seector operators passed exams. DOCKET $0100 OHIO STATE udefV. fESEARCH REACTOR EREStAN.W., LANGE.DJ. Operator uconomg Branch. 94/10/27. 2pp. 81780024-81780225. Q. Anapecten reports. E tubatins & oorroependence 9411230300 Forwards eener reactor operatur bcones ceriifcates for TE Draur & S Duason of Reactor Conoces & Human Factors (Post 921004). 94/11/ oYw'f,',ng, '"*** * "" #

17. BULLEN.D.B. Iows State Urw., Ames. IA 1p 81822:30241622-302. '

RICHARDS.SA Operator boenomg Brarcet 94/11/11. WEISLOGELS. Ohc State Urw., Columbus, OH.1p. 8? 95:00141755001. DOCKET 8013e TEXAS A&M UnitV. RESEARCH REACTOR V.Opereher Emanninemens F. Geourtey, medical, emergency & fire protecten plans M11150640 Forwards results for operator eutel exam held on 941018 a1 Orvo State M11100038 Forwards seisguarde carengency plan.per 10CFR50.54(p). Revised plan Urw W/o ence, i swowides better agreemers between wortung pean & regulataons regumng plan.Ence RICHARDS.SA Operator Brancet 94/11/09. WEISLOGEL.S. Oruo State wahheHL Urw Coeumbus. OH.1p. 81755- 1755 003. OKELLY.S. Temas A&M Uruv., Stenon. TX. 94/11/04. Document Control Branen (Document Control Dee84. ip. 1752.22541752225. 3e11130619 Forwards exam rept 50w150/OL4441 admaruntered dunng uk of 941017.w/o enct W Operator E- RICHARDS.SA Coorstor Ucenomg Branch 94/11/11. WEISLOGELS. Ohio State Urw Columbus, OH.10.81755 0014 1755901. 9411200009 Requests two sets of "Ref Mad .or Reactne/Geruar Res ctor Opsestor U- 941123033- Forwards reactor operator /seraar operator heense cer11hcale for KR Examst" witrun 80 days of scheduled 950227 exarrt Hermnghayson W/o enct 9LANG .D.J. Operator Leerem0 Brancet 94/11/22. HALLKA Texas A&M Urw., Coi- THOe4AS.C.O Dueen of Reactor Controls & Human Factors (post 921004). 94/11/ lege Stators TX. tipo.81866 05741866.067 17. WEISLOGELE Oruo State Urw., Cokambus OH.1p. 8182224441822244. j i l

            . _ -                      ..                              . -- -                                          -       ,          .               , . . . ..                -      -          =_x.



10 DOCFETEDITEMS DOCOLET906181 Univ. OF e i saarine peas astCN REACTOR Mtt1e0013 knorms Wiet NRC meends to portorm Gm 8310 MOV map at plant on [ 95012327.Roosesta esentence m e ovmg odo evadelde et Depnrwig of mer to teolle- , tote Inno GL 99610 map cocumentshon regspot.enci. F. Soonsrtly, esseleet, senergoney a tire pressocion piens JACOBSONJM. Repon 3 (Post 820201k 94/11/06 DONNERY Pr. Consumre ' Power Co. 5pp. 517e6 0134tF46-017. 9411800100 Ac4 recept of940303 Itr that trenanuned Feb 1994 rev to VIUC thr*=ar Reactor Lab PhyeCal Geounty Pian.Rev _ M11000000 NRC Suhoun 94402. "Concesan Problems m Cortem Seemse Pacherno CREED.J R Unod to Transport U Homalluonde " s S (Post 3202015 94/11/15. _ _HOLMAL lennosa. Uruv. of. Urbana. PAPERIELLO.C.J. Danson of indunwiel & Meecal Huc6ser Safety (Poet 870729) M/ IL 1p. 81472 1872Jec. 11/14 Coneohdated Eenon Co of New Y0rtL. Wic.12pp. 01816.31141816 322. t P. Operating beanse shee - _ 4 earrespondense Mtigge337 NRC Info Notce 64477. hieltunchon en Idem Generator Vedtage Regudelcr et Selety Related Enoctncel Equement" l M11000913 Forwards response to remsest for addl mio did 94101g GR .BA . De 11/17. Consondeted Esson Ca el New York. Inc,7pp. 81818 323-  ; HOLM.R.L inricas. Unnt of. Urtena. IL M/10/27. Document Cuerol Branch (Docu. 81816 329. vnent Consul Dee64 6pp. 81653 22141653.225 M11100678 f#lC Into Nohce M478. "Electnc Component Failure due to Depedston r of Cheonde Woo inmenton." t 00CetET to 186 BIG 810Ctt P0587 910CLEAft PLAltf GR S. et . M/11/21, Cor=aa=*='ad Esson Co et New Yort6 Inc. topp. 01H4 21541M4224.  ! b F. 9sserey, snedhead _ . . A fire preteetten piens M11170ese NRC Into Notco 94479. "Micerhamr =sy insiuenced Corrosen of CDG i Svc Water Pomp " a GRIMES.B K. .94/11/23.Coneohdeced Eeaon Co, of New York, Pic. Opp SIMS 2P4 Mt tese163 Rev 161 to EPIP4F.* Emergency Noencetons WOOSTER.KA Consumers Power Co. M/10/12.13pp. 8166t34441052 396 81Mt.233. ,t Cm100001 Forwards Row 113 to "Sne Emergency Plan." coversheet.totdo of con. 98 : 17ef79 NRC >10 Notes 94 000. *inednesete DC Ground Detecton m DC Dettbu. I tenta/eneceve pages & App M & Row 162 to EPIPs coversheet.netse of contentsref- e..o Sys-teceve pages & EPIP.1. Actuohon of E Plan." (V4tMES.B K. . 94r11/2$ Conachdoted Edson C4 of New York, Inc. 14pp. MORT.aL. Consumers Power Co M/1107 81840.234 41048.247. I Consol Branch (Document i Conoci Dook) 2pp. 8183221041432247. M /0004 NRC Info Notco M481. " Accuracy of Smenemy & Envoon Sampang Re.

                ,g,,,,,                   g,, g g                             ,

WOOSTERAA Consumers Power De 10pp. 81832'21241332228. PAPERIELLO.C.J. Diveson of inskseenal & Meecal Nuoteer Sessly (Pool 870729) 94/ ,

                                                                                                                                   "/** c-='aa am aa ca *
  • v h- '* *'"2**'"""  !

ntM.M Re. ,M io n.t, .. Ac eter, o, E Ptare WOO 6TER.KA Cormsmers Power Co.94/11/04 1 01BJ222941032147. R. apareeng sepern & rotated emneaponemeo M11100004 Advmes Wiet Revs 25 & 26 to secunty plan conoscent w/ provesons of 10CPR60 64 )& M11000001 Monehty operosmo rept for Oct tene for Big Pomt Nuoteer PtertW/941101 CREED.J R. 3 Post 02020th 94/11/06. DONNERY.P W Consumers Power 94/10/31. 5 te,d w,,,c. JOHN.STO.N.J,A.

                                                                                                                                   .pp      in .3 441n .SiSH.IELD.5AJ., .                DONNELLY.P.M Consumers Power Co.

MnMMM A.nese t M042, Re. 3 to - cor.r, enc. n cor visons of 10CFR50.batp> a ._.-_ CREED.J R Regan 3 (Poet e20201). 94/11/10. DONNERYP M Caneumers Power Cn %Ist 01082.33S41302.337. S. flaporteado _. Lane & sotsted eerrompendosess MtteseMe LER 9440740on 940030.steem now - . eigenenood eann0

                             .                                      I       1 pp.81                1524190eL262~                   planned facesy shutdown than to tenomg of estmesson wasve operoemg puun peot vague estensson ro LEstensen sod a gunos thushm0 cimened W/941031 Igr.

_ & serroependense BOURASSA.M D.. DONNELLY,P M. Consumers Power Co. M/10/31. Opp. P. Opereuna teenoe stege $171621001716.223.  ; { Mtteet '90 Forwariss corrected TS page 17,tgure 414e).to amend 114 to huerin. DPR. E Operator Esenenstens I TRAN L Desctorate '94/11/03. DONNEMY.P M. Coreumers Power Co. 3pp. 31664.27241860276. j utseeseM Forwards esern enemer key for forms A & B.greeng remdtes a mdmskael

                 -481900017s Corrected TS page 17 Fepare 4 tie) to amend t14 to hoerne                                    enower sheets for each mewedual tekmg enom from tactly. Requests results lie for-Itactm0 conect ernand nunter.                                                                                  mertled to endnnouses w/ecomer shoots W/o ences
  • Progeot Deectorate in.1. M/11/03 1p. 81958 275416682/$. RING.M A. Repon 3 (post 820201) M/10/27. Consumers Power Co tp 81986 001-81986 001. i M11170141 Summary of 941026 momeng w/uel m Chartsvon.MI re _,

plan tar plant.Lisi es i_ f wouymphs 8 other rnen enct Mt1800318Farwents NRC summerged guedence pint cloneum regaremones for mem. i 1RAN.LN Protect Dooctorate 116-1. 94/11/04 Proyect Deectorate lil1, topp. tenne m8hwehsel sp'estor hooness.enseed. "Ctensuseon of Mont & Reactwehan Re , 01776.318 41776.327. sparements for enevehael Operator Laconnes." RING.MA Repon 3 (Post $20301). M/11/18 Alliheten Not Assened Spgk i 9411100000 Forments runs on ene visit to revere emplementaman of ment rule et stemon 81672 341 41872 343 for review & meo Reps esenshes A - w/ J ans. SHAFliR.W D Region J (Post 1L Mr11/07 LLY P.M Consumers power Co KAurx c_ . _ rr. Eamon Ca sCHNER.DF. Unen Emetic Co. DOCOLET 98167 CosWIELL UIsv. RESWICN REACT 08I app. 8174613141746141. settiesels ineorms east NRC w. ends to pwtorm GL esL10 heOV map at pierd on V' Opustere-990123 27.Recuests esentence m haven 0 ento evadehte et tiepnnmg of inep to landh Noe DONNERY,PM. Ownumers esams echothdad for ok of $60213 & that I,o , Co .I..t h3 ( 7 e,2020 07. M11,100576I.n.eo.rms re ens. t d m Er 1thes to iunnen.& ei r o.pehr do s es-1 LANGE.DJ Operator Laueneog broncet 94i11/0s, CLARK.D D. Comed Urev., Irince. Mtlaattee informs that unn 10CFR60.54(a) memittel did 640822 re changes encorpo. NY. 3psk S1700 33241799.334. rated concomo OA program descrgisen eat-as reps - ._ RiteG.M. A 3 (Post 320201L 94/11/26. DONNELLV.P.M. Consumers Power DOCILET 00100 080f0004 MTITUTE OF TECes00 LOST penemme IIEACTOIt Co 3pp. 8107 1872fSS. O. Insposeen reports,IE tuteens & sensapendoneo F. Securey, medlemL emagency & tre protoegen peens RC Info Noace 93400. *Reportng Fuel Cycle & Mens Evwns Deitsesses Farmeres map empt 501e0/p444 on e410is.21 No velemons noted. ta[e,1ms? p Siegd 1 k ^ DM Ee.0,emn (Po 907) N/10/20, f app. est a - Co. o,f - Fuel Yor .Cyun.e Soloty , 164 S. eta.gue, $30,0 C_ tr. 1,. 164

                                                                                                                                 ***"888" '"'8                         M80            8                        s notost Mesor NRC Info Notes M476. " Recons Focures of Deryng/Selety insmeton                                 --          - - -
                                                                                                                                                                "8"p"ropwe*=*n*o*g" ent evehneen0'I'#88 "c'e*n*o'o'nese a 9410,0,,89188 pe eriens-                                                                                                      CV 'end'onse              **mn0?wnens'ue                       cseemisteauement BARRx          Repon 2 (Pomgtk M/H/17,                  14p 31M8 321 GRIME 5.8 Il Oeus of Nucsour Rosetor Cor---a teson Co o New app etene00iasm0i3.

Demetor (Post 370s1t). e4/10/26 g3hA. 94113300e8 Forwards safety map rept 50165/9413 en 940919-103sNo voletons dL A$seestory eenospendones  ; UPS.M P. Repon 3 (Post $20201). M/11/04 DONIEuY.P.M Consumers Power Co 4pp 31r97J9941797.316. 94113eeB18 NRC Steft respones to poeten for toeve to intervene feed by Georpens l

                  -Mtsessen map rept saiss/o413 on e40 pts iO2e No violatons or devotons                                             Agenet Nadmar Energy
  • 90sN opposes pathon tre toeve to merwww & reeusel for noted Mesor woes ewpacted.operemonal satsty wentceton.ESF sys web.down.memt & heenng W/Corecate er Svc & Nomos of Appearance  ;

4 te:hmcel oupport CHIDAKELE S., TURNSf. Osece of the General Counsel (Post 880701L #464 turwesiennce. 10005. M/11/15 C_ . ___ _ . (Post 750119).14pp 818e093D41990052 PHILDPS M P. (Poet 820201) M/11/04 14pp. 31797.30341797:316.

l i DOCKETED ITEMS 11 H 11300323 Forwards 941026 petiton to etervene servtad tw G Canoa on tahan of DOCKET 50170 ARMED FORCES RADMIOLOGY RESEARCH $NSTITUTE Georgans Agamst Nuclear Energy Petton respanos to ronce of "Consideraton of Apphcalon for Renewei of Facihty Lcense

  • HOVLEJC Othee of the Seastery of the Commesson. #494 18004. 94/11/16. F. Securtry. snedcol. emergency & pro protect 6cn plene COTTER.R.P. Aiormc Safety & Lscensmg Board Penet. Ip. 81890G941890.077 1
 -M11300336              na Agamst Nucieer Energy ponton for move to etervene m con-    $411020043 Requests access for DJ Westall to AFRRI facairfy on941108 & 09 to ot>             j siderston of a        ton for renewes of facecy hconse.* ireforms that Georps Tech     serve preanefmg & emergency Ordi for purpose of familenraten w/AFRRI emergency cannot afford yearly les & requests wawer                                              processres CARROLL,G Georpans Agamst Nucisa- Ene gy. 94.'10/26. Atome Safety & Licens-mg Board Penet. 8pp. 81890 070-81891077                                                 MENDONCA.M          M Nor> Power 10/27. BUMGARNER.R.           ArmedReacto,r  & Decommesenmg Fo ces Radobsologcal       Propect Research    Drectorate.

Instnute. 2pp.94/ 81566:35841566 359. M11300310 Estabhanmerit of Atome Safety & Lcensmg Board

  • Diforms that Board bem0 estabisshed pu recpsest for he tw Georpens Agsmat Nucceer Energy se re-newal of tscshty bcense W/Carbficate of Served on 941121. .

COTTER.B.P Atome Safety & Lscensm0 Board Panel. #49418006. 94/11/18, 3pp.

  • Operow Emums 81897022 41890:024
 $411280267 Ach receipt of 941023 petrhon requestmg NRC revoke bcense of Neely Nu-      9411290074 Requests two sets of  Ret Matl tor Reactor / Senior Reactor Operator Le clear Research Reactor. shut down reactor & s@ port tec4mes & remove all radoactve              Exams." within 60 osys of scheduled 950424 eram.

tretes & contammaton offsne to govemmenI<:reated arest .DJ Operator Lscenmng Branct . 94/11/22. BUMGARNER.R.L Naval Medcol RUSSELL.W T. Orhoe of Nuclear Reactor Rep 4ston, Deector (Post 870411). 94/11/ Command. Natonal Capital Regan, Bethesca. MD (formerly Natonal 7pp.

22. Bi.OCKEYCBRIEN Affdeaton Not Assegnett 3pp. 81853tB84t853:102. 81866'050 81866.056'
 -9411280293 NotK9 of recept of P BlockeyOBnen 941023 petiten for Drectors Dec>

son under 10CFR2206 to revose hcense of Neely Nuclear Research Reactor. shut DOCKET $0171 PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER STAftON, UNIT 1 g down reactor & remove aN radenceve malls & contarmneton offene. RUSSELL.W T Offum of Nucosar Reactor Ftegulaton, Director (Post 870411L 94/11/ 22 3pp 81853:09141853093 P. Operating lleense stage ^ _ & correspondence

 =4411280298 Requests withdrawal of beenee. shutdown. removal of radioactve anstes.ceeenup of sne & surroundng aree & sewer knee at Neely Nur.noar Research      9411150147 Requests FR pubbcaton of rohce of assuance of amend 8 to bconne DPR.

Reactor & suprort facshbes located at Georpa anst of Technolopes. Atlanta GA 12.Amored modifed ; ~~ -% bcones chanyng name of Prutadelptua Electnc BLOCKEYUBRIEN Afflhebon Not Asasgned. 94/10/23.Olc of the Executwo Osrector Co to PECO. for Operatons 9pp. 818409441853.102. BROWN.S W. Lowlevel Waste & Deconu masonmg Protects Branch (NMSS940403). 94/11/03 NRC - No Detasand Athhaton Gwen. app.81775298 81n5:101. M11300321 Memorandum & order (meerventon petmon)? Granta Georgans Apamst P

            $ 7ech            of                   e of     Se     on     23 ' " "
  • 9411150185 Forwards amend 8 to bcense DPR-12 & SER. Amend changes name of E "

FER.C. Atoms Safety & Leconomg Boarc Panel. #49418025. 94/11/23 Offee cf tne General Cou*isel (Post 860701). 8pp. 8189006141890068. w gEr" ~ Promts Branch (NMSS 940403) 94/11/0i. wHMR.GA PECO bergy Co.3h Phdadelptus Electne Co.). 3pp. 81772.34241U2.356. P. Operating license stage stocuments & - .

                                                                                        -M11150190 Amend 8 to beense DAR 12.reflectmg name change from Phdadelphis
 $411300192 Requests adc8 mfo rotated to determmaton of current condmon of sewer           Electnc Co to PECO.

hne & hhekhood of newer kne fadure AUSTIN.J.H. Low Level Weste & F _ _ , Protects Branch (NMSS940403L STOHRJP Repon 2 (Post 820201L 94/11/04. KARAM.RA Georgus or 9u11/03. 8pp. 81U2.345 81n2 352. Technceogy. Atlanta, GA. 3pp. 81872.28441872.286.

                                                                                        -9411150192 Sately evaluston supportmg amend 8 to bcense DPR-12.
 & Inspechon M IE Busetins & _                                                                        ot Nuclear Malenal Safety & Safeguards. 94/11/03. 5pp. 81772.353 h        g M11210103 Acet receipt of 941013 ter enformeng NRC of steps taken to correct violabons noted in map rept50 180/94 42.

CoulNS.D M Regon 2 (poaf 8P0201). 94/10/31 KARAM.RA Georpa inuttute of E insp6ction mports, IE Bulletms & cormependence Technology. Atlama. GA 2pp. 81785 08641785 087.

 $411290088 Forwards snap rept50180/9444 on 941019L21.No volatons noted-                9410140257 Suppl 1 to NRC Info Nobce 93460. "Reportng Fuel Cycle & Matis Events to NRC Operatoris Cir."

CLINE.W E. Regon 2 (Post 820201) 94/11/17. KARAM.RA Georps institute of BURNETT.R.F. Dnnsen of Fuel Cycle Safety & Safeguards (Post 930207). 94/10/20 Technoaogy, Acantat GA 2pp. 81858.319 81858.334- Conschanted Edson Co. W New York. Inc.12pp. 8181629941816.310.

 -9411290092 Inso rept 64180/9444 on 941019 21 No violabons noted. Mapor areas erspected               preparedness pr    am, evasuabon of ncensee annual emergen. 9410200153 NRC Info Nonce 94478. "Recent Fadures of Chargmg/Saf. Ingecten GOODE A,.       B'A        Regen 2 (Post             ) 94 /              81858 321      GR E            Offre of Nucinar Reactor Regulaten. Director (Post 870411) 94/10/26.

w ag. Conschdated Echson Co of New York. Inc.12pp. 81658 00141858 013

 & Reportable occurrences, LERs & rotated Co"-                                          9411090300                                                                                  I NRC Buliebn Used to Transport          94402. '.torrosen U Hexafluonde  "         Problems an Certam Stamiess Packagmg PAPERIELLO.CJ Dnason of Industnal & Medcal Nuclear Seisty (Post 870729). 94/

N11080126 Provides NRC w/ error notre recewed fiom former software stepher 11/14. Cor=rMated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81816 31141818.322 ORR.R S Boveno Co. 94/10/31. Document Conend Branch (Document Control Desk). epp. 81677.24441677.247. 9411100237 NRC Info Nobce 94477. "Malfuncton m Mam Generator Voltage Regulator Overvoltage at Satety Related Elecincal Equipment" DOCKET 84163 GENERAL ATOMICS K. 94/11/17.Consohdated Eckson Co. of New York, int 7pp. 81816.323

                                                                                           $1         ,

P.8.'Jperstmg beersee stage elocuments & correspondence M11160678 NRC Into Notee 94478. "Electnc Component Fadure ese to Degradaten of Cheonce Wire Insulatorn." i N11000029 Requests reopenses to ence request for adra mio re amend request for b. GRiu S. It . M/11/21. Conschdated Edmon Co. of New York. Inc. 10pp. i conse R47 for General Atomos TRIGA Mati F research reactor submmed on 81848.21541848 224. ' M0907 ADAMSA.94/10/28 ASMUSSEN.K.E General Atomes (formerly GA Technologies. 9411170039 NRC Into Nohce 94479. ' Meratuologcahy influenced Corrosen of EDG inc> General Atomec Co.). 6pp 8165816741668182. Svc Water Ppng" 1 GRIMES.B K. .94/11/23. C:9schdated Eckson Co. of New York. he. 9pp. 81848.225 l DOCKET 54188 UNfY. OF MARYLAND RESf. ARCH REACTOR l 9411170279 NRC Info Notee 944fl0. "lnadeouste DC Ground Detection in DC Detnte R. Portoec operating reports & rotated u. . ton Sys".B K . 94/11/25. Consohdated Edman Co. of New York. Inc. 14pp GRIMES i N11230212

  • Annual Operuhng Rept for Pered.930701940po." W/941021 tir 81648 23441848.247.

ADAMS.V Maryland. Uruv. of. College Park. MD 94/06/30. 42pp. 81854:097 81854 138 94111702M NRC into Notco 94081. " Accuracy of Boassay & Erwron Samphng Re-suRs " l PAPERIELLO.CJ Dween of Indummal & Medcol Nucisar Sateiy (post 870729). 94/ l W. Operator Laammettons 11/25. Coneohoated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 8184824841848.259. l W11070372 Forwards " Reactor Operator Reoushfcaton Program for MD Uruv Trammg l MS. G Maryland of. CcNgo Park. MD. 94/04/01. ADAMSA Non. Power Reactor & Decommenenmg Progect Directorate. 2pp 8167612141676132. M11070090 Fmal Part 21 rept 94402A re tPwee ar start dstnbutor came cracaung at

 -M110a0094 " Reactor Operator Rewahtcaton Program for Maryland Unw Traming                pianta Cams repeaced w/came mooo wasng eiedre arc.

Reactor " PRATIANNE.SA Conec industnes. Inc. 94/06/01. Document Control Branch (Docu-

  • Maryterut. Uruv of. College Park. MD.93/11/06 1000 81678 12341678 132. ment Control Desh). 5pp 81654 20941654213

12 DOCKETEDITEMS DOCKET 50164 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS & TECHNOLOGY -9411300203Insp rept S186/94 04 on 9410311104 No viotabone noted Mafor areas mapected orgaruraton. logs. records. review & REACTOR audet.survemance.proceoures.expenments.EP & requehicaton tramsng RElDINGER.T.. NELSON.D. WESTALLD. Region 3 (Post 620201) 94/11/21 10pp F. Security, enedical, emergency & tire protection plans 81872 29441872.303 N11150046 Forwards eisp rept 50164/94 03 on 940926-29 No violatons nohd JOYNERJ H Region 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/07. ROWEJ M Commerce. Dept. of V. Operator Examinations 2pp 81734 05941734 065 9411300198 Forwards safety map rept S186/94 04 on 941031-1101No violatons

 . N11150068 insp rept 50164/94 03 on 940926-29 No votatons noted. Mapor areas                   noted inspected extended reactor mod outage & enplementaton es emergency plan.                     PEDERSON.C D Regen 3 (Post 820201L 94/11/21 RHYNEJ.J Meacun. Unnt. of.

DRAGOUN.T. Regen 1 (post 820201). 94/11/07. Spp. 81734 06141734 065 Columtma. MO. 2pp. 81872.29241872.303 inso rept50186/9444 on 9410311104.No volatons noted Masor areas O. Inspection reports. LE Bulletins a c_. _ -9,411300203

                                                                                                   ,spectea organaanotuoos. records.revew                                             &

audet.savemance. procedures.orpenments.EP & requahtcanon traewva. M11150044 Forwards insp rept %164/9443 on 94092tL29 No votatons noted REIDINGER,T., NELSON.D., WESTALL.D Regen 3 (Post 820201) 94/11/21.10pp JOYNERJ H Regen t (Post S20201) 94/11/07.' WEJ M Commerce. Dept of 818721fs44 f 872.303 2pp. 81734.059 81734 065.

 -4411160058 insp rept M184/9443 on 94092tL29 No volatons noted Masar areas                   DOCKET 506188 KANSAS STATE UNIV. RESEARCH REACTOR mapected entonood reactor mod outage & miplemematon of emergency plan DRAGOUN.T. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/07. 5pp. 81734'06141734 065 V. Operator Examinatsons DOCKET SC 186 UNfV. OF WISSOURI RESEARCH REACTOR 40LUMBIA                                    94101J0200 Forwa'ds copy of results for Operator inntel Exam conducted et KS State Urww on H091213 W/o ences.

F. SecurMy. medical, emergency & fire protection plans Ms tta 1841 641 N11030010Docusses940928 request for ergenson of approval of route for transport- 9411150810 Forwards reactor operstor heense certicates for hated mdviduals.m reco@ mg agent fuel from Uruv of MO Research Reactor to plant m Aiken.SC. Route ruton of orportant role hcensed operators fulldi m protecimg healtn & safety of putAc. ercl Safeguards into withheid. Wto enct. MAUGHNEY.C.J. Source Contamment & Opvues Branch (Post 911213) 94/10/28- THOMAS.C O Divisaon as Reactor Controls & Human Factors (Post 921004). 94/111 HULTSCH.RA Missoun Univ of. Columena. MO. 2pp 81561$22415e1023. 09 FAW.R E. Kansas State Unnt Manhattan KS.1p 81755 00241755 002 0411300198 Forwards essety map rept 50186/9444 on 94 031-1104.NC violatons noted DOCKET E193 RHODE ISLAND & PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS AEC PEDERSON.C.D Region 3 (Post 820201) 94/11/21 HHYNEJ.J. Missoun Urvv. of. Coeumba, MO. 2pp. 81872.29241872.303

  -9411300203Insp rept50186/9444 on 9410311104 No violatons noted. Malor areas eispected.organuanon. logs. records.revow                                         &        9411280008 Advises that for ptsposes at comp 6enon of noatcaton recurements under audet.aurvemance.procockpos.exponments EP & toquakficaton rammg                               10C8 H73 72.onginal enncemnt of SF assamtmes was 93%appropnate gemas RflDINGER.T. NELSON.D., WESTALL.D. Regon 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/21 10pp.                    rioofeed accorthng to NRC regurements & armed secor1s we be              .

81872 294 41872 303 JOHNSON.D G. Hhode island. State of 94/11/17. BE NNINGT .G.M. Offce of Nu. clear Matenal Safety & Seneguards.1p 818401974164&197 P. Cperettng econes stage - _&_.._ M11020231 trdorms that on 940916 NRC Repon ill approved extenson of remared re-poregdaio io mios1 Ta,rce"n WlTo.73#8firite"a*1#""' "'""'*"' '*** "* ra =~r- -e-v

  • ar"*=t= PMa.

M11020237Subtruts reply from JC McNbben as provided for m Demand for Info. M11030241 Revised EP6Ps. Rev 1.TCN 1.1 to $023-i/Ill.50 3 Rev 6 to S0123 Vild4 301.Rev 8 80 $0123.Vlie to. 3.TCN 11 to S0123-Vilb101.Rev 1.TCN 1-t to MCkiBBENJ C. Mesoun. Uruv of. Catumtma. MO 94/10/28. Documord Control $0123-VilF10 2 & Rev 11.TCN 11 1 to S0123-Vill-301 W/941024 Itr Brance (Docurnent Corarol Desk) 3pp 81634 357-81634.359 MARSH.W C. Southem Caldorrus Eckson Co 94/10/24 355pp 61634.00141634 355. 9411000401 Forwards amend 27 to amended fachty bconne R 103 & safety evaluston. Amend allows snatallaton el sogne pool coadmg sys heat exchanger e, 9411170217 SONGS emergency plan table of contents.hst as enecove pages & hst of place of two exisang excheni,ars ups

  • bouthem Cahtome Eeson Co. De/11/17. 4pp 81826 35141826.354 Prosect Directcrste 94/11/04 ADAMSA Missourt RHYNEJJ Non-Powerunnt.Reactor of. Colum& C-MO. 3pp.

_ _ .,71523481715.230. 81

  -H110J0406 Arnand 27 to amendett bconse R-103. allowing instanaton of ample pool             H. General correspondence cootmg sys heat exchanger en place of two eastmg heat en         .

WEIS5 S H Non-Power Reactor & C,w.  : ., ., PW ectorate. 94/11/04 3411100186 Resporos to conshtuent.RM Dean 940824 ftr re regaest to close plant 6pp 81715.24241715.247- based on conmutuent assertons that no emergency plan exet at facihty to evacuate esty rosessmts 01 San Clemerne.per 10CFR2206 requeementtL

  -9411090408 Sattty evaluston supportmg amend 27 to amenood beense R-103 . 3pp                   TAYLORJ M Orc of the Execumve Drector for Operatons 94/11/04 FEINSTEIN.D.
  • Othce of Nuclear Reactor Peguistort Duractor (Post 870411). 94i11/04 Senate 7pp. 817sS O2141725 027 81715.248417152SO.

O. InePecDon reports,if Bulletins & corvenpondence 9411210158 Forwards appbcatortreguesting authernason from Pubhc Ubhhes Comme-9411070063 Forwards enforcement conterence rept %196/94 03 on 940929 Do. sen of State of CA to evpiement plan of reorganmanon wtuch we result m holdmg cusses curcumstances surroundm0 tadure to connefy contents of shement of redenc" company structure eve man & tadure to ensure done rates on redweste package chd not encoed 200 m/ MESERVE.RA Covington & Burtng 94/11/15 Document Coned Branch (Downeni AXELSON.W L. Regen 3 (Post $20201). 94/10/28 MCCORMICKJ Masourt Urww of. Coeumtma. MO. 2pp. 8160418741604197. E OperennO ncense stage r ^s t -- . . - E corderen rept S 186/94 43 on 940929 Volaton ' -441107c070, noMd Mac ar.rdorcementas escus.ed nc o,cumsi.ce .s wrounang tasure e ide,ry conisms of9411100189 Forwards pro 6%eed " San Onofre Nuclear Generstm0 Staton Urut 1 De-shemerit of radoachve moti & tedure to ensure cose reten on auriace at package REtDINGER.T D., NELSON D W., PEDERSON.C.D Aegon 3 (Post B20201). 94/10/ --- . - _ -, Ptart "

28. 96p. 81604'18441604137 ROSENilLUM.R M Southem Cahtome E& son Co 94/11/03 Document Control Branch (Document Control Dessa 2pp. 8172000141720.329 M11020234 Provides reply to Demand for mio ecluded e nonce of violaton did 4411100164 Proposed Rev 0 to " San Onofre Nuclear Generatog Stanon uns 1 De-940912 RMYNE).R Mesourt Uruv of. Cohamtma. MO. 94/10/31. Documord Control Branch commmsonm0 Ptart" (Document Cor*ol Desk), bpp 81633.32741633 331.
  • Southem Cantorvus Eeson Co.94/11/03. 327pp. 81720.003 41720.329 9411100264Submns response to notas of vmsanon & proposed imponnon of crvtl pen. 94111503a5 Forwards errata to WCAP 12767. *Apphcandsty of NOTRUMP to San any dtd940912 & demand for meo re Later Case 94, ERA 436 Onofre Nuclear Generstmg Staten.Orvt 1" MORRISJ S. Masoun. Unsv ot Columtma. MO. 94/11/03. Olc of Entorcement (Post LIPARULO.NJ Wesanghouse E6ectree Ccwp 94/11/07. RUSSELL W T Othes of Nw 870413) 2pp 81732.20381732.204 casar Reactor Regulatert Dractor (Post 570411) 2pp 81775.07441775 076.

H11300198 Forwards safety msp rept %186/9444 on 9410311104 feo violatorm -9411160394Enata to WCAP-12767. *Appbcabdny at NOTRUMP to San Onofre Nucto. noted er Generating Stabon U wt 1

  • PEDERSON C.D Repon 3 (Post B20201) 94/11/21 RHYNEJJ. Mssouri. Uruv of.
  • Westnghouse Electnc Corp. WCAP-12767 ERR 94/11/07 1p 81775 076-Columtua. MO 2pp 81872 29241872.303 81775 076


& 6.apection reports. IE Busetens & corresponeence                                                9411230244 Worms that uni we be unabw to conduct ottsne porton of annual medcal enwrgency dra for paant &mng 1994 Utd enends on delemng 1994 annual onsne M101402$7 Suppi 1 to NRC Wo Notre 93460. "Reportng Fuel Cycle & Matts Events                        memcel emergw,y dnu & combenmg dnu w/1995 dnu.

to NRC Operatons CD." OPEKA IF., DEBARBA.EA Connecacul Yankee Atome Power Co OPEKAM. BURNETT.R F Dmeen of Fuel Cycte Salety & Sateguards (Pos1930207). 94/10/20. N')rtheast Uthbes Servce Co. 94/11/15 Document Control Branch (Document Com Coneohdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81816.29941816.310. trol Desk). 2pp. 81894.29441894.296 9410300183 NRC Wo Notco 94476. "Recent Faskres of Chargmg/Satsty infecten l Purnp Shafts? H. General __.. i GRlWES.B K. Offce of Nuclear Reactor Re9Jtaten. Director (Post 870411) 94/10/26. Coneuhanted Edison Co of New York. Inc.12pp. 81658.00141658:013. 8411010061 Comment on proposed rule 10CFR2 re reexamenston of NRC enforcement poicy Uti NEl poorten on issue & concurs w/ recommendations. M11080300NRC Bunelm 94402. "Corrasson Probisms m Certain Stamiess Paciegmg Used to Transport U Hazallucnde " OPEKAJ.F. Nortneast Utmes 94/10/24. Rules & Dractives Review Branch (Post PAPERIELLO.CJ. Dueen of inckminal & Mechcal Nucteer Safety (Post 870729). 94/ 920323) 4pp. 8151415541514.158. 11/14 Conachdsted Edmon Co. of New York. inc.12pp. 01816:31141818:322. 9411040003 Comme'f on proposed rule 10CFR2 re reexamenton of NRC enforcement M11100237 NRC Info Nobce 94477. "Maltuncton m Mem Generator Voltage Regulator OPEI'A.I.F. Northeast Utshties Sarwce Co 94/10/24 Dueen of Freedom of Informe. 1 17 ted E . York, Inc. 7pp. 81816.323- t na t na Samus m K W w W5mWN 81816 329 M11190678 NRC Wo Nocce 94478. "Electnc Component Fakse due to Degradeton P. Opersang Soones shp escununts & 6 rd CNonde Wre Insulatert? GR S. K. . 94/11/21. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 10pp. M11030149 Rev 17 to "NEUT OA Program Topcal Rept." Lir did 941017 enct. i 81848.21541848 224.

  • Northeast Uhbles Service Co.94/08/10.128pp 81653-02141653148 l

N11170038 NRC Into Notes 94479 ' Mcrobologmally influenced C DG 1 611010062 Notrhos NRC by 940413 tir of Hent to emplement Code Case M81. W Svc Water Ppng a tJmote Exam Rockrements for Cast Ausionne Pump Caengs.Secten KlDmson 1." GRIMES.B K. .94/11/23.Conschdoted Echson Co. of New York. Inc - ( at facikty durng upcomme 'stuohno outage 81848.233. OPEKAM. Connecacut Yankee Atomac Power Co OPEKAM, Northsast Uhlmes. 94/10/21. Document Control Branch (Document Cornrol Desk). 2pp 81579.281-N11170279 NRC Info Notre 94480 " inadequate DC Ground Detecton streu. 81579282. ton Sys." GFtiMES.B K . 94/11/21 Coneohdated Ecteon Co. of New Ypre,, mc. 14pp. 9411010008Recuests use of alterrwava to ASME boiler & PV code Secten xt for piant 81648.234 4 1648.247. por provesons of 10CFR50.Si $411170364 NRC info Notre 94481. " Accuracy of Omassay & Envuon Samping Re OPEKA 'J. ConnectL:ut Yankee Atomst Power Co. OPEKAM. Northeast UbinedL sulta " 94/1C f 6. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 81587 091-81587 093. PAPERIELLO.CJ. Dueson of Industrel & Medcal Nucasar Safety (Post 870729). 94/ 11/25. Conschdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81648J4841848.259 9411019088 Forwards "Haddam Neck Plant Technmal Rept h f= rung Cycle 19 Oper-abon." R. Portoshc operatin8 reports & reisted - OPEKA.FJ. Connechcut Yankee Atomac Power Co. OPEKA.FJ. Northeast Utihees Senace Co 94/10/21. Document Conirol Branch (Document Conirol Dookt 2pp. 81586.28941586.329. M11000070 Forwards August 1994 Natonal PoHutant Discturge Ehmmaton Sys De-charge Monnonn0 Repts for San Onofre Nuclear Genera Staton Unns 1 & 3. 4411010188 "Hadream D'ack Plant Technscal Rept Supportm0 Cvcie 19 Operaton." MARSH.W.C. Southem Caistorrea Eckson Co. 94/10/28. Control Branch

  • Connectcut Yankee Atome Power Co.94/10/31. 39pp. 81586.29141086.329 (Document Control Desk) 1p. 81717.31241717:316.

9411840123 Worms that staff propenno rev to operatshty spadence, desenbod en GL 91- -941108o077 " NPDES Discharge Monnonng Rept for San Onofre Unit 1." tot month of 18.00 mcorporate from regonal workshops on operabety. N ONIH W Southem Cattome Edson Co. 94/10/03. COE.AL Cantoms. State of 2pp. 0171721341717.314. C pp 8 6 302 416193 -N11000006 " NPDES Dacharge Morstorms Rept For San Onotre Urut 3." for mons. of 9411070433 Apphcoten tar amends to hcenses DPR41 & DPR 21.renowng hconee condsons for piants to emplement a memtem enegrated _ a 1 . schedule pro-ON.H W Southern CatWome Echsan Co. 94/10/03. COE.AL Cahfome. State of 2pp 81717.3154t717316. EATJ Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. OPEKAM. Northeast Unkhos Service Co. 94/10/31. Document Control Branch (Document Convol Desk) 10pp 81663:001-81663 037. E .. LERs & reisted conospendence

                                                                                                 -9411070434 Proposed toch specs re misgrated emplementaten schedule program 4411010271 Part     Da21sysucen Rept e we sue eve  detect wo m   component ,ofproper men-              DSRVeiorage
                                                                                    & DSR Enter-      Na,1heast Nuclear Energy Co. 94/10/31. 27pp. 81883:01141863037.

pn= Siaqfor GA control boK practoes 94110001$7 Accepts ugl 940830 lir reouestn0 - MOWERYJ D Cooper industnes, Inc. 94/10/26 Document Control Branch (Dock aponse 10 Fiemasat for Adcs into VIPRE/WRB.1 of propnetary rept etled "Re. ment ;onvol Doak) 7pp. 81585 09041585 086. Thermal umn for Wesang house Fuel Types" from putikc dhsciosure,per 10CFR2 790. M11040131,Part m oped0,e - 21 Yo

                        & d,efesency
                             - deseirept- problems aio,s w/Woodard EGA control ten that co'"

h app 8 m 332 MOWERYJ.D. CJper Energy Serveces 94/10/26. Document Control Branch (Docu. mera Control Desk). 2pp. 81651.33341651-334- 941115e300 Summenres 941026 meetmp w/whek in King of Pruassa.PA re motoreperel. ed velve usues.W empress peaced on expectanons for completon & proopas , for estuure of GL 89L10. "Setety.Reested MOV T & Survesliance N #213 988'***' NECK PLANT KELLY.E M. Regen 1 (post $20201) 94/11/03. KAJ.F. Connecteut Yankee Atome Power Co. 49pp. 01735.21441735256 y, geesemy, enediani. wy & tre protectan piane M111a0118 Responds to NRC request for ediS ento on proposed rev to TSs to pres- I suretiemp hrnet M11100155 Aoudes comments on pmposed rule to toe for senaces to etssport Federal F. Connectcut enkee Atome Co KAJ

              .                    se          Power                              Nucisar          8181832L Energy Co. OPE            F                     94/09/12. Federes Emergency Manage.
        ^9'"CY                               -
                                                                                                 -94H180121Pmpmed toch specs re Ne/ternp hmns
                                                                                                    ' Connectout Yankee Atome Power Co.94/11/04. 4pp. 01818.31641818-321.

M11830198 Rev med EPIPs.incluchng rev 13 to EPIP 1.5 25 & rev 0 to EPIP 15-6tk

 ' Conrechcut Yankee Atome Power Co.94/10/25. 25pc. 8158726541587288                             MH17tl000 Sunmury of 941027 meetng w/uul re rarack of SF pool et pu to prende tus core etnood capsbany unal end of Ide m 2007. Attendance tot & handout anci.

9411070278 Forwards RAI re emergency acton level technmal beans document W ANGA B. Prosset Drectorate 14. 94/11/07 Propect Directoreen 64. 67pp. MCKEE.P F. Protect Deectorate la 94/10/27. OPEKAJ.F. Connectout Yankee 01778.226 4 1776.282. A Power Co. OPEKAJ.F. Northeast Nucteer Energy Co. 01pp. 81713.211-bars of USI A-46 proqiram wdt be resolved i M11188071 Forwar 50'213/93-99 for 930110 940910.Masar areas OPEKAM. Cormackcut Yankee Asame Power Co OPEKAJ F. Northeast Utilmes. I evniunted.planion.ds SALP rept ratorm.mmni.engmoenng a piant suppori comunend es tadolosumi 94/11/i0. Documore Control Branch (Document Convoi Deskt 7pp 81793.355 l convois,securny. emergency propoechess.nre protecton & & , 81793:361. MARTIN.T.T. Regson 1 (Poet 820201) 94/11/06. OPEKAJ F. Connecteut Yonnee Atome Power Co. Spp.01746 19241746204 9411180224 Forwards eahdatons used to resolve auther status of condensate storage tank.demmerskred water storage tank, pnmary water escrage tank & retuohn0 water -9411140075 SALP rept 56213/93-99 for $30114940910 storage tank.m regwds to GL 6742 & Ust A-s6.

  • Regen 1 (Pnet $20201) 94/11/08. 8pp. 01746:197 41746 204. OPEKAJ F. Connecteut Yankee Atome Power Co. OPEKAM. Northeast Utahtes Senace Co. 94/11/10. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 6pp.

M11230376 Extends swetaton to attend Connecticut Yankee (CY) Sectrity Dept annual 81794.001 41794 202. overview to be Owen to members of CT State Poece & FBI et CY Energy Wo Car on 941216 Tentasve agenda enct. PANDOLFOJ. Conneciscul Yankee Atome Power Co 94/11/06. RAYMOND.W. NRC -6411180234 ".CY DWST Seemc Naar*ry" candaterurcorporating 'eaults of Calcule-ton 91C2648 CO21. No Dotaded Afhhaton Govert 2pp $1647.0f641649057.

  • Stevenson & Assocates C018 R01. 94/10/31.100pp. 0179420741794109 l

14 DOCKETEDITEMS -9411180239 "CY CST Senmc Capacity" calculaton. 9411170279NRC Into Notco 94480. "inacewate DC Ground Detecton as DC Dstnte ,

  • Stevenson 4 4* mates. C019 R00 94/08/19. 3500. 8179411041794144 ton Sys " I GRIMES.B K. 94/11/25 Concohdated Edraon Co or New York, Inc tapp 1

-9411180243 "CY PWST Somme Capacity" calculatert 81648 234 41648247. ,

  • Stevenson & Assocates CD18 R00. M/08/19 22pp 8179414541794166 I M11170264 NRC Into Notce 944S1. " Accuracy of Smassay & Envron Sarghng Re- 1

-9411180244 "CY RWST Se sme Capacity" calcteatert suits "

  • Stevenson & Assocastes. CO20 ROO. 94/09/16. 36pp. 81794.16741794.202- PAPERIELLO.CJ. Division of Industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729) 94/

11/25. Consohdated Ethson Co. of New York. Inc.12po. 8184824641848.259. 9411220181Notifcaten of agrafrant beensee meetmg 94-133 w/util on 941206 to es-cuss uti strategy for denhng w/empicarse aRe0aten mauss NiCHOLSON.L. Repen 1 (Post 820201) 94/11/14 Regen 1 (Post 820201). 3pp. R. Portoche operating reporte a rotated _ . - 81798 35641798.sou M11230288 Nothcatmn of 941209 meetng w/util m Rockville.MD to dracuss epiployee $411210385 MontNy operatasg rept for Oct 1994 for Yankee Hactiem Neck PlantW/ concems emJes 941115 fit ' ANDERSEN.J W Prosect Drectoraie M 94/11/17.MCKEE.P.F. Praiset Drectorate 6- EMMONS.K.. RYLEY.M., LAPLATNEYJ.J. Connectcut Yankee Atome Power Co. 94/ 4 Spp. 81841:186 81641170. 10/31 7pp. 01837.13841837144 9411290244 Forwards EA & FONSI re apphcaten for amend dtd 940804 Amend would revue TS Tabia 3 3 2. "ESF AS insrumentaton" & Tatue 313. "ESF AS Instrumenta- S. Reportable comrrences. LERs & retened correspondence ton inp Seipoents." WANG.A 8 Fvosect Drectorate 4 4 94/11/21 OPEKA.Jf. Connectmul Yankee M11010350 LER 94424 00.on 940926.AFW DC purrip stat notponi tow due to switch Power Co OPEKA.J F Northeast Nucosar Energy Co. 3pp. 81853081- installaten error Tram B pressure switch replaced W/941021 Itr KRINZMAfe.* . LAPLATNEYJJ Connectrut Yankee Atomic Power Co. 94/10/21. 6pp 81586 441586962 -9411280249EA & FONSI conseconna mauance of amend to bcense DPR41. reviseg TS Tatwos 3 3-2. "ESFAS Instrumematmn" & 343 "ESF AS Inseumontaban Tnp Set-pomis " MCKEE.P.F. Protect Drectorate 64 94/11/21 app. 8185308441853 087. V. Operator Examsnaisona 9411290144 Summary of941102 meetrig w/util re matrumorit survediance TS changes 9411020044 informs em on 941005.NRC admrmstered GFES of wntien operator hoons-from 24. month fuel cycie sn0 exam to empeyees & forwyds copses of forms of examrctudeg answer 9ROON Y.VPropect L Drectorate lad 94/11/22 Proroet Drectorate 14 6pp kev.gradr'0 resuRs & copeos of rideveuel answer sheets for each employee W/o encl. 8185220941852.214 MEYER.G W. Regen 1 (Post 8202011 94/10/26. REIN.J H. Connectcut Yankee Atome Power Co. 2pp. 81528.21741528218 Inspecton reporta. E Buheena & .-~- M11020106 Sutrnets response to admmetratrve ter 9412 re operator k:enesn0 nati ewam schedule 9410140257 Suppi 1 to NRC Info Notre 93 080. "Reparen0 Fuel Cycle & Matis Events OPEKA.J.F. Nodheast Nuclear Energy Co 94/10/26 Document Control Brancti(Doc-to NRC Operatens Ctr " ument Coneos Desk) 6pp 8158923741589.242. BURNETT.R F. Deveen of Fuel Cycle Safe'y & Sasequards (Post 930207). 94/10/20. Consohdated Edmon Co of New York. Inc.12pp. 8181629941816.310. 9411030142 Forwards riep rept 505213/94-24 on 94101114.No violatons noted One concem edermhed an timehness of correctwo actons at Northeast Utds Svcs dommetry SeWFMy. emer9enW re Prehcuan Mans JOYNE egen Pos 201 94/10/21. OPEKA.J F. Connectat Yanhoe Atome Power Co. 3pp. 8156021241560.221 9411040120 Revised EPlPs.metudin0 EPIP/6430 Senes Emergent./ Senes Emergency -4411030146 ansp rept $05213/94-24 on 94101114 No violetons noted Mapr areas Plan impeementmg Procedures inden.Rev 4 to EPIP OC.11.Rev 6 to EPlP4C .31.Rev rispected rnpeemen.ston of revened 10CFR20. ecludmg control of very fugn radetson 8 to EPlP-OC .35 & Rev 17 to 64304.DM-1319 01 W/941031 fer. areas.mamtarmnp occentor.isi serusures ALARA & planned specasi exposurea BARTON.J.J General Pubhc Utdrhes Corp. - GPU Senace Corp 94/10/31. 301pp. FURlA.J, BORES.R. Ftegen 1 (Post 820201L 94/10/21. 7pp. 81560.215-81580221. 81603 001 41803 301 94102c8153 NRC Info Notre 94476, "Recent Fadises of Chargmg/ Safety Irgecten 9411230100 Responds to 941015 ter to Chapman i Selm.reauestng anlo on actons Pump Shafts " taken by NRC to addreas concems races by JA Flemmg re emergercy preparedness GRIMES.B K. Office of Nuceper Peactor Reguiston. Dractcr (Post 870411) 94/10/26 tar nucinar power plants Conschdated Edison Co. of twow York. bec.12pp. 81658 00141658913 TAYLOR.J M Orc of the Enocutive Drector for Opera 1mra 94/11/09. KERRY,J F. Senate. 3pp 8182828641828.323. 9411020044 Informs that on 941005.NRC admriestored GFES of wnnan operator noens-rig exam to ornptoyees & torwards copes of forms of exam.includmg answer 9411300rIS2 Forwards 941025 Itr from OM Hopear of FEMA wtuch tansnuts final emer. key.gradmg results & copes of andandual answer sheets for each empeoyee W/o encl. case rept for 931019.fuB.partapaten exeresas at plant No dehcsoncies noted MEYER.G W. Regen 1 (Post 620201) 94/10/26 REIN.J.H. Cormecicut Yankee JOYNER.J H. 1 (Post $202011. 94/11/21. BAFtTON.J.J. General Pubhc Utile Atomm Power Co 2pp. 81528 21741528216- tses Corp . GPU Corp. 2pp. 01872:00141872091. 94111000F1 Forwards SALP rept 505213/93 99 for 930110 940910 Me,or areas 9411170103 " Post Emeruse ? _ : of 931019-21 Esercee of Resolopcal ER ovaluated plant operatons.mamtengmeermg & peant assiport comp'ieed of raeotopcal Plans of State of NJ. Ocean County & 17 Murucpambes for Oyster Creek Nuceear Gen-contromascunty. emergency preparedness.fre prouecton & M - v green 0 Statun." MARTIN T T. Flagen 1 (Post 820201L 94/11/06. OPEKA.J.F. Connechcut Yankee . Federal Emergency Management Agency 94/10/03 91pp. 8167200341872091. Atome Power Co 6pp 8174619241748.204 -4411960078SALP rept60-211/93 90 for 930110 940910

  • Fiegen 1 (Post 620201). 94/11/08. 8pp. 8174819741748 204.

88 " *P8"88" 9411090300 NRC Bunsen 94402. "Corrosson Problems m Certam Stardess Packagmg 9411040017 Responds to 940919 ler to J Taylor.aslun0 NRC to take acton per Used to Transport U Henafluonde " 10CFR2.206 w/ regard to plant. PAPERIELLO.C.J. Onnamn of Industnal & Medral Nuchser SaMty (Post $70729) 94/ RUSSELLW T Ottee of Nucasar Reactor Repeation. Drector (Pout 870411) 94/10/ 11/14. Coneohdated Edmon Co of New York. Inc.12pp. 01818.31141816.322. 27. GUNTER.P DECAMP.W Nucioar informston & Resource Sonnce. 5pp 81606.34041808.357. 9411230249 Responds to NRC641016 Itr to inolaten noted ei bisp Rept 50-213/94-21 Correceve accons:comperiaated for rescinnty change ty mward control rod moten 9411040028 Notee ce receipt of petiton for DD under 10CFR2208 dtd 940919. Pet >

 & fifty gabon baration.                                                               ton roouests that NRC suspend plant noense unto hcensee eupsets & fepart solsty-OPEKA.J F., DEBARBA.E.A. Connecteut Yankee Atorrue Power Co CPEKAJ F.                 cass reactor 4 other hated nona Northeast UDtsbos Sennrm Co 94/11/15. Document Control Bratich (Document Cork         RUSSELLW T. Othee of Nuclear Reactor RepAston. Drector (Post 870411F 94/10/

1rol Desk). 7pp. 81864.27741864 283 27. 6pp 81808.345-81600.349. 9411290203 Notsficaban of 941129 meson 0 w/uti en Nattam Neck.CT to docues NRC 941104o028 Sutunuts poston for emeraency enforcement acton under provisens of Systemate =  ; es Lcensee Portarmarce for assessment penod et 930110 to 10CFR2206 w/ to plant 940910 GUNTE R.P DE .W Nucesor infoi naten & Resource Servce 94/09/19 NICHOLSON.L Repon 1 (post 820201) 94/11/16 Regen 1 (Post 820201L 3pp T AYLOR.w 7. Office of Nucteer Reactar Regunston. Drector (Post 870411) Opp 0186906741069 069 51808.35041808 357. 9411100137 NRC Info Notce 94477. "Melluncton m Mam Generator Voltage Regulator Causna Overwonage at Saeety.Reiced oecincet Eosomem" go,,,,.,,~'- GRIMES.B K. ,94/11/17.Conschdated Edman Co al New Yorti, Inc. 7pp. 81816.323

 $1816.329                                                                          941123ir100 Responds to 941015 Ilr to Charman i Seim.remestmD ento on accons 9411160579NRC Into Notoe 94478. "Elecenc Coniponent Fadure due m Degradston              takun by NRC to 30 dress concems raped by JA Flemmg re emergency prepare @eas for riucessar power plants.

et Q Cheonde. 94/11/21. Wre ensulatson." Coneohdated Edman Co. of New York. inc. 10pp TAYLOR.J M Olc of the Execuove Drector for Operatons. 94/11/09 KERRYJF. GRIMt s.6 K. 01649 21641648 224. Seriale. 3pp 01828.28641628 323 9411170029 NRC into Notes 94479. "Microtnomgcally influenced Corrosen of EDG - 9411230111 Responds to640914 Itr to i Sohn re ento requested under FOtA concom-Svc Water Pgung" mg ooiermmeng adequacy of recepton ctra GRIMF S.B K. .94/11/23 Conachdated Edmon Co of Ns= York. Inc. Opp 81848 225 RUSSELLw T Office of Nucasar Reactor ReOutatort Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/ 81848.233 05 FLEMING.J A Athhaterl Not Asegned 24pp 01828 28941826 312


-6411230159 Descumaet het of concoms currently undar towaw by NRC.                       M11160215 Forwards EA & fmdmg rio segrwtcam empact. Amend would revee TS to pro-         1 LEEJl. Dwswon of Reactor inspecten & Lcensee Portormance (Post 921004). 94/             ude rnproved protecton to SR enactncat souspment from losa of capabihty m event of 09/02. FLEMiNGJ Affdeshon Not Assigned $pp.81828 31341828.317.                           sustamed degraded voltage condmon on onsite seectncat grus sys.                       l DROMERICF.AW. Propsct Directorate M 94/11/08 BARTONJJ General Pubic
-M11230182Resperida to ltr rece=ed from JA Flemmg to .=td mio concomme nuclear              UtAt es Corp. . GPU Sernce Corp. app.81770.3464 1770:352.

Power p'ents emergency propstredness & data.msmtamed Lj NRC. EERRYJ F. Senate 750119;. 2pp. 94/10/15319. 81828 31841828 THE CHAIRMAN. SELIN.L Ccwmssoners (Post -941116023s Envron a. . _ .-.: & imdmg no esgrvfcant anpact re proposed scion needed to pronde improved protecnon to safety related misctncel equipmers from loss capatwidy m event of sustamed degraded voltage cont *Dort

-6411230191 Ascasests ento to deterrrane adequacy of recepten etra                          MCKEE.P.F. Propect Drectorate M.94/11/06. 3pp. 81770:35041770.352.                    -

Fl.EMINGJA Athhanon Not Assigned 94/09/14 THE CHAIRMAN. SEUN.t Commis. seners (Poof750119E 2pp 81828.32041828.321. M11180213 Prondes clanry statements c- .med in NRC staff evalumbon rept did 9408c2 for endsvidual ptern exams tar sov. ccidern vulnerabihhes.m response to GL

-8411230198 Requests add into portarang to emergency preparedness for each sne              88 20.

hated BARTONJJ General Pubhc Ubbhes Corp. . GPU Senace Corp. 94/11/08. Document FLEMING.JA Afhhanon Not Assigned 94/07/14.CHILK.S. Offee of the Secretary of Control Branch (Doe:.sment Control Desk). 3pp. 81832.24841832250. the Comrmsacrt 2pp 81828.32241828.323. 9411140157 Forwards Rev 0 to SE-403037401, " Reactor Vessel Shroud Regen " KEATEN.R.W. General Public Utihtes Corp. . GPU Sernce Corp. 94/11/09. Document D. Operating fleenne stage cecuments & corr Control Branch (Documern Control Desk).1p. 01752:30641752.338 M11000071 " Safety Evalueton for Oyster Creek Core Shroud -9411140160 Rev 0 30 Safety Evaketon SE-403037 001. " Reactor vessel Shroud Coningency Forwards ~.~. dpec for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generatmg Repar" & "Ess'On Stanon Reper." Core Stroud Repar." per R Zak metructons.

  • General P@lc Ubbtes Corp. GPU Servce Corp SE 403037 001 R00. *4/11/09 COLE.N M MPR Assocates. Inc 94/10/19.HERNAN.R. NRC No DetaHed Afhiston 30pp. 81752.30941752.338.

Gsvert10.81717 14741717220. 9411140195 Forwards RAI re care shroud repar at pienLper 940928.1025 & 1102 M11020001 Summarues 941020meelmg w/utd m Kmg of PrussaPA re unl programs stra Enct should be wethheld from putsc CheClostre (ret 10CFR2.790). at plants w/reepect to GL 8910. " Safety. Re6sted MOV Tesen04 Survessance " DROMERICK.AW Propect Drectorate 14 94/11/09 BARTONJJ General Pubhc KELLY E M. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 94/10/21 BARTONJJ General Put hc Utikties Uthhes Corp. . GPU Senace Corp. 2pp 81736.24241736.243. Corp. . GPU Senace Corp 19pp. 81528 02041528.038. M11100139 Forwards propnetary response to NRC roguest for addl efo re Oyster 9411020012 Discusses 941020 meehng between ubi & NRC held at Regen I othce.Kmg Creen core enrowl reper.dtd 941109.Remw withheld (ref 10CFR2.790(aH4)). of Prunnia.PA re und programs at TMi & Oyster Creek re GL 8910. " Safety Related KEATEN.R W. General Pubhc Utdinee Corp. . GNU Senace Corp 94/11/16. Document MOV lestmg & Surveinence " Let of attenoses & presentsten skdes enci. Control Branch (Documern Control Dee%. opp.81918 283 41818 285. KELLY.E.M. Regson 1 (Post 820201). 94/ t0/21. BROUGHTON.1.G. General P@tc Unktes Corp - GPU Senace Corp 19pp. 81528 05641528:076. M11220129 Recysests add mio re tecrmmcal specshcahon request 215, submitted on 940520 M11030333 Forwards " Assessment of impacts of Oyster Creek Nuclear Generstmg MODES.M C. Re0mn 1 (Post 820201t 94/11/16. BARTONJJ General Pubhc Ubbtes Staton on Korre Radley & L See Turses

  • Corp. . GPU Senace Corp. 2pp. 8179819541798209.

BARTONJJ Gerve' 8%he Corp. . GPU Senace Corp. 94/10/28. Document Control Branch (Domsment Control Desk).1p. 8165990141659105. M11230293 Surrwnery of 941104 mesen0 w/utd m Rockvdie.MD re core shroud reper.Let of adviduals pachopanng m escussson & bcensoe repropnetary agends -8411030334

  • Assessment of impacts of Oyster Creek Nuclear Generatmg Staton on enci Kemp & Loggemead See Tumes."
  • General DROMERICK.AW. Propect Drectorate 44. 94/11/17. Propect Drectorate M.17pp.

Vektes Corp GPU Senace Corp. 94/10/31. 89pp. 81659 005- 81841:171 41641.187. 81659 106. M11200076 Forwards envron ._: & imdmo of no segrufmant wrpact re beensee 9411040200 Forwards propnetary Rev 1 of " Oyster Creek Nuclear Generstmg Stahon 940624 proposed amend to deiste TS 2.3.0 re hmetm0 safety sys setbng ter tugh rece-Core Snroud Reper Dessgn Rept," did Oct 1994.mcorporanng hnet 20% of sepon- cuteten flow reactor scram. no areWees W/c propnetary rept DROMERICK.A W Propect Drectorate 64 94/11/22. BARTONJJ General Pubhc LAG'GART.M W. General Pubhc Utdans Corp. . GPU Senace Corp 94/11/01 Docw Unknes Corp. . GPU Senace Corp. 3pp. 81863.346-81863.351. ment Coreci Branch (Documern Control Desky 6pp. 81652.26941652.274.

                                                                                        -9411200074Envron essessment & Andmo of no segruncare nnpuct to hconsee 940624 9411040290 Requests that mall to be ckscussed at GPUN/NRC 941104 meetm0 re                  reauest to delete TS 2.3.0 on hmmng safety sys settmg for tugh recrculaton flow re-riessgn & reper of modrhed piant core shroud be segregated nio propnetary & non-         actor scram EIS unwarranted.

proonetary sections & that mostmg to opened to for nonproonetary portson- MCKEE,P.F. Propect Drectorate6-4. 94/11/22. 3pp. 81863-34941863.351. GUNTER.P. Nucosar trwormahon & Resource . 94/11/02. DROMERICKA Protec1 Drectorate 8 4 1p. 81658.31241658:312 9411300391Recuests reief from recurements m ASME XI.1986 editon, Secten IWA-9411080262 Accepts util 940926 request for withhoortmo of propnetary odo contamed m 5250(aH2) referrmg to corrective acton recurements re leakage tram tsofted rept " Safety Evalusion for Oyster Creek Core Shroud Contmgericy Repar." from cormectons BARTONJJRaket Request General PubhcR13 detaes Uthbes & N.stshcaton Corp. encl. GPU 6ervice Corp 94/11/22. Document pehc esclosure per 10CFR2 790-Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 81923.356 81923.358. DROMERICK.A W Prosect Drectorate 64 94/11/02 BARTONJ.J. General Pubhc Uthnes Corp. . GPU Senace Corp 4pp. 81663.34741863-350. 9411040283 Forwards rept.convoymg scope.rneemdology & results of core snroud snap Inspec n repwts. it Butehe & - . conducted dunng 15th outage on 940910 m comphance w/GL 9443 KEATEN.R h General P@ht Corp GPU Sennoe Corp 94/11/03 Document M10140257 Suppt 1 to NRC ento Nobce 93460. "Reportng Fuel Cycle & Matis Events Control Branch (Document Coreal Desk). 5pp. 8165227541652.279, to NRC Operatons Car " BURNETTAF. Danson of Fuel Cycle Sate 1y & Safeguards (Post 930207). 94/10/20. 9411070384 Responds to 941011 teloon re TS 210. " Reactor High Pressure.Rehef Consohdated Eckson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81816 29941816.310. Valve trutianon." KEATEN.R W General Pubhc Uhleen Corp . GPU Senace Corp 94/11/03 Document M11030128 Forwards snap rept50 219/94 21 on 940926 30.No violaton noted.but one Control Branch (Docurnern Cor;irol Deskt topp.81663.08641663:096. area identshed that warrants ackfi attenbort JOYNERJH. 1 (Post 820200 94/10/21. BARTON.JJ General Pubhc Utik. H11000080 Requests utd to assa an placmg plant IPE & supportno PRA en database tes Corp. . GPU Corp. 3pp 8158019241560203. re h4AR.D proorarrt DROMERICK.A W Praect Directorate 6.4 94/11/03 BARTONJJ General Pubhc -9411030141 Insp rept 50-219/94 21 on 940926-30.No anotabons noted but weakness Utemos Corp GPU Sarace Corp opp 81667.32341667:326. sdenttied to lead stueldmg removal.Mapor areas mapected:redelson safety dunng outage operstons mesnaammg radetion ALARA & work planrung 9411150529 Discusses 94.026 p@lse meetmo m Kmg of Prussa.PA re MOV sasues cks. ECKERT.L BORESA Regen 1 (Poet 820201) 94/10/21. 9pp. 81560-195 cur. sed a/ l lee' mees $1560.203-KELLY.E M ' (Post 820201) 94/11/03 64RTONJJ General P@hC Utdrhes Corp. . GPU Servr Jorp. appp 81744 24641744.296 $410200153 NRC Info Nobce 94476 "Recent Fashres of Cheryng/$sfoty inpochon Pump Shafts " 94111& ort 8 %rards Rev 6 to " Oyster Creek Cycle 15 COLR Topical Rept 066 " G8 TIMES B.K. Othee of Nur: lear Reactor Regulaton. Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/26. KEATENAW General P@he Utamos Corp. . GPU Senace Corp.94/11/07. Document Coneckdoted Edson Co. of New York enc.12pp. 81658-00141658 013. Control Branch ( Coreel Deskt ip.81790.31241780.325. 9411070164 Respot'ds to NRC 940928 Itr te velatons notad m map rept 50 219/94 -9411150039 a Rev 8 to "Orster Creen CW:le 15 COLR Topical Rept 068 " 14 Conectve adens:urusalete HCU retum to tus operatulity & comrol rof OtL19 was General Pubhc Ubir16es Corp, . GPU Sennco Corp. 94/09/24 13pp. 81780.313- dnven to fully roerted postort 81780:325 BARTONJJ General Pehc Utiirtes Corp. . GPU Sennce Corp. 94/10/21.Docume 4 Control Bn mch (Documere Contrcl Deskt300 81654.10741654 109. 9411220126 Forwardu schs ento re GL 8910 dewgn bass capstukty of Oyster Creek b clear Generatog Stanon solakon condonner sys & RWCU containment notaton M11010057 Forwards snap fept50 219/94 20 on 940911k30.No inoistrns noind wahres MODES /...C. Regen 1 iPost 820204 b4/10/26 BARTON.JJ. Gerwaal Pime Ubbtes BARTONJJ Gensni Pubhc Utdees Corp. . GPU Sennoe Corp 94/11/07.Documery Corp . ,sPU Service Corp. 2pp 81620.1674162917s. Control Brarch (Document Coreal Desk) 13pp 81832 34441832.357.

                                                                                        -9411080064 Insp rept 50-219/94-20 on 940919-30 No voletons m fed. Melor areas 9411100145 Grants NRC hmned hcense to make copies of documents & dr:renngs re               mspected-ISI program & rnpeementaton of ISI program en meetmi NRC & ASME ocne stiroud ropes                                                                       Code rectroments
  $(1.fMIDT.W R MPR Assocates. Inc 94/11/06 Document Control Branch (Docw                  BEARDSLEE.C.D.. MODES.M C. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 94/10/26A 'ip. 81628-169 mera Control Desk) 1p. 8179121941791.225.                                                816?6 174.

4 i I 16 DOCKETEDITEMS 9411040283 Forwards reptconveym0 scope. methodology & results of core shroud msp -9411040165 Amends 150 & 58 to beens9s DPR43 & NPF49.respectwely modifymg conchrted durmo 15th retueing outage on 940910.m comphance w/GL 94 03 parayaph 2 Del of hcenae AEATEN.R W General Pubhc Uhitbes Corp. . GPU Sennce Corp 94/11/03 Document MARSH.L 8 Protect Drectorate kl. 94/10/31. 6pp 81819 34041819 345 Control Branch (Document Control Desk) 6pp. 81652.27541652279 Nt1100182 Forwards changed pages compnamg issue 4.Rev 1 of physcal secunty 9411000214 Forwards Topcal Rept TR498, " Oyster C*aek Core Spray Sys insp Pro- pian Erce withheld wem for Cycle IS Refuetag Outage " CHRISTE NSEN.H Niagara Mohawk Power Corp 94/11/03 Document Control EE ATEN R W General PL4HC Uhhtes Corp GPU Senace Corp 94/11/03. Document Branch (Document Control Desk) 1p 81752.22441752224. Control Nanch IDocument Control Desk) 19 81719 252 41719.270. cat 10e00~1 Forwards corrected pages for Amends 150 & $8 to bcennes DPR43 & -H11400232 Topcal Rept TR-098. "

                                     " Oyster Oreek Core Spray Sys insp Program for       NPF49.eespectvesy & corrected page to safeguards evaluaton rept Cyces IS R                                                                              BRINK. MAN,D.S Pro,ect Drectorate 11 94/11/04 SyLvtA.B R. Negara Mohawk NADEMUS.R..        NN4     ,W P.. JANDOVfTZJ S General Pubhc Uhktes Corp . GPU          Poww Corp 6pp. 81666 33341ee6 341.

Service Corp TR498. 94/11/02. topp 81719.25341719 270

                                                                                      -9411000066 Corrected pages to Amends 150 & $8 to beennes DPA43 &

9411000300 NRC Bubetm 94402 "Conosen Problems m Certam Stamiess Packagmg speewves, used to Transport U Hesattuonde * = Propect Drectorate A1 94/11/04. 2pp 81668 339 81668 340 PAPERIELLO.C.J Dansen ce Industnal & Mescal Nucioar $stofy (sost 870729). 94/ 11/14 Coneohoated Esson Co of New York,Inc.12pp 81818 31141818 322 .,41 g000338Reymed page to safeguards evalaston rept supportmg smonds tSO & 58 to Lcenses DPR43 & NPF49.respectwely. M11220072 Ack receipt of 940919 ler moormmg NRC of steps taken to correct vmsatons

  • Othce of Nurtear Reactor Regulaton, Drector (Post 870411L 94/11/04 1p noted m anno rept60-219/9411 on 940818 81R341.a1668 34i KELLY,E M Repon 1 (Poet 820201) 94/11/16 BARTON.JJ. General Pubhc Ubkbes Corp. . GPV Servu Corp 2pp. 81797.31741797.323 I'*"'**' ' P""#'"*'

M11100237 NRC Irdo Nucce 94477. "Malfuncnon m inen Generator Vattage Rogsmator at Safety-Related Electncal Jouipment? GRIM .B K. 94 1 t/17. Coneohosted Edison Ca of New York, enc. 7pp 81816 323 9411230100 Responds to 94101$ Itt to Charman I Sein.requestmo mto on actums 01816 329 taken by NRC to address concoms remed by JA Flemmg re emergency preparedness for nuclear power piants M11290206 Forwards response to velatons noted m enap Rept 50 219/94-18 Correc. TAYLOR.J M Orc of the Enocut=o Drector for Operatens 94/11/09 KERRYJ F. teve achons mamt ecDwity stopped & solaDon valve that shows drenmg c. contamment Senate. 3pp 81828 2864!828.323 apray/ emergercy svc weter heat euchangers overboard krie closed. BARTON.JJ General Pubhc Utlenes Corp. . GPU fiervice Corp 94/11/17 Document -941123019e Requests addl ento pertamnD to emergency preparedness for each erle Coreci Brancts (Document Centrol Desk). 3pp 81866.33441866.330. haied FLEMINGJ A Afthaton Not Astapned 94/07/14 CHILk.S Othce of the Secretary of $411250081 Informs that sts . reviewed into re core spray sparger enop en Topcal Rept the Commasort 2pp. 81828.322 e1828 323 TR498 from cycee 16 refusemg outage on 941103 &hnds acrmptable. DROMERICK.A W Protect Drectorate M 94/11/18 BARTON,J.J. General Pubhc , Utimes Corp .GPU Service Corp app. 81860.341 41850.344 L Financ4alinformation Mit150578 NRC Into Nobce 94478. *Eisetnc Comporwnt Falure due to Degradaten 9411100086Provides into re guarantee W retromper prenium I

            Cheonde Wee Inhulatort                                                      KOES.J E. Niagers Mohawk Power Corp.94/11/07. DINIT2.1 Orfce of Nuclear Reac-Ay $BK          94 / t 1/21. Coneohdated Eeson Co of New York, Inc. 10pp              tar Regulaton, proctor (Poet 870411) 7pp. 81783.304f1783 310 94 70039 NRC Info Notre 94479. "Mcratimlogcapy influenced Carrosen of EDG               p,                             7           g        _

GRIMES.B /11/23 Consohdated Edman Ca cf New York. Inc. Opp 81648 22.e-81648 233 9411220062 Forwards nongwopietary verson of MPM Research & Coreumng fmal rept MPM49437.NP. " Pressure. Temp Operstmo Curves for Nme Mne Pon't Urut 1" to se M11290121 Forwards SE re roguest for rehet R13 from piant ISI program port procesang of 940901 apphcatan for amend to teense DPR 53.changmg TS MCKEE.P F Propect Directorate b4 94/11/23 BARTON.JJ General Pubhc Ubirhos 32.2 Corp .GPU Sennoe Corp app.81866 11641866 124. SYLVIA.B R N.agare Mohawk Power Corp 94/09/14 Docume'*. Control Branch (Document Coritros Desk), 2pp 81831.30241831336. -Se11290125 Safety evaeusbon acceptwig bcensee request for rehof R13 parts A.B.C.D

  & Esrovechng acceptable level of quahty 4 safety                                     -9411220071 Provides authonraton lor waever of copynght restnctone for non~opne.
  • Othee of Nuclear Reactor Reguistson, Deector (Post 870411) 94/11/23 Spp tary documents recewed toy NRC from Neegara Mohawk Power Corp (dtd 94C el44 re 81866.120 41866.124. pressure-temp operatino curves for Nme Mme Poets Urut 1 MANAHAN.M P MPM I4esearch & i"onsulkng 94/11/14 Document Cor' trol Branch 9411170279 NRC Into Nocce 94480. ' Inadequate DC Gruund Detecton en DC Detnte (Document Control Desk) 1p 81631.304-01631304 ton Sys
  • GRIMES.B K. . 94/11/25. Coneohdated Edson Co of New York, Inc. 14pp 9411220074Nonpropnetary vertson of final rept. " Pressure.Tomp Operstmg Curves for 81648 23441648147- Nme Mile Pomt Unst 1 "

MANAMAN M P MPM Research & Consulting MPM49437.NP. 94/09/30 32pp. 9411170264 NRC Info Notco 94481,

  • Accuracy of B===ay & Envron Sampimg R*- 81631.30541831.336.

suits " 8'APERIFLLO.CJ Dwe on or industial & Medcol Nucasar Salety (Post 870729) 94/ 9411020110 Subnuts suponemental response to GL 94 03, "intergranular Stress Cono 11/25 Conschdated Eeson Ca of New York. Inc.12pp. 81648 24841848 259 sen Crackmg of Core Srvouds m BWR," for piant BRINt(MAN.D S Prosect Dractorate bl 94/10/26 SYLVlA.B R. Nagara Mohawk , Power Corp. epp 81668 35441568 357.

                                                                                       $411040155 Forwares amends 150 & 58 to keenses DPR43 & NPF49 & salsty 94 t1220330 Forwards monthly opera        rept for Oct 1994 & reymeb rept for Au01994      evaluston Amends modity paragraph 2 0td) of OL DPR43 & paragraph 21 of DL BARTONJJ General Pubbe Utdmes              . GPU Senace Corp 94/11/1S Document          NPF49 to reQuNe Compleonce w/arnended PSP.

Centros Brancti (Documerit Coreal Douk) 1p. 81643 34441643 361. BRINKMAN.D.S Protect Drectorate F1 94/10/31 SYWlA.B.R Niagara Mohawk Power Corp app 81619 3354 1619 346. -9414230333 Monthly operatmg regl for Oct 1994 for Oyster Creek EDELMAN.P.G General Pubw ./hletees Corp . GPU Servce Corp. 94/10/31. 6pp -e411040165 Amenos 150 & 58 to beenses DPR43 & NPF49.respectwely. modnymg 81H3.34541643 350 paragraph 2 DI4) of heense MAR $N.LB Peopect Desctorate k1 94/10/31 6pp. 81619.34041619 345

-9411220336Rowned monthly operstm0 rept for Aug 1994 for Oyster Creek OfMERCHANT.B General Pubic Uhhbes Corp . GPU Senace Corp. M/06/31.1p.               -9411040373 Safety evaluaten supportmg amends 150 & 68 to teennes DPR43 &

81643.35141843 351 NPF49 respectively

  • Othee of Nuclear Reactor Reguistort Dractor (Post $70411) 94/10/31 2pp DOCKET 60 230 tesset IslLE POteti 88UCLEAR ST ATIOes, UeffT 1 M11080216 Forwards RAI re proposed boense amend to allow use of range 10 on in.

termedets range monnors for umt 1 Raouests to respond wit:wn 30 days of receipt of F Securtly, mechcal, emer9ency a fire protecteen penne Pws nr BRINKMAN.D.S Prosect Drectorate Il 94/11/03 SYLVIA.B R Negara Mohewk N11960978 "EP (serssee Scenano 31E.Rev 0.For EP Dnli At Plant To Be Coro;cted Power Corp Spp 8171623041?tS234 i On94:02M " 9411150298 Dinousses 941026meetag an of Prusse.PA re motoreperated valve STONER G W . W ARs'.C T.. TES$1ER.R.L Negara Mohawk Power Corp 94/10/25 129pp. 81761135417111.328 aseues w/ Regen i noensens. Ust of attendees.agends.hwreep & NRC presentatens

                                                                                            & panel sesason (Nestsons.onel 94119403o3 Revoed EPIPs.mcluding Revs 6 to EPtP-EPP41 & EPIP.EPP.02. "Claessh.              KELLv.E M Region 1 (Post 820201) 94/11/03 SYLVLA.B R Negara Mohawk Power catson of Emergwey Condstens Urvis 1 & 2" & Rev 3 to E pip E PP.08, "Ott-Sne Done        Corp 49pp 81741.300we1741.348.

Assessment & Poiscovo Am bc: ators" w/941026 nr H11000021 Forwards corrected Dagst for Amends 150 & G8 to hcormes OPR43 & McCORMICK.M 3 Negare Mohawk Power Corp. Mi10/26 36pp 81652 280-81632 314 NPF 49 respectruely & corrected page to setoguards evaluuten rept i BRINKMAN.D S. Propect Drectorate b1. 94/11/04 SYLVtA,B H N.apara Mohawk 9411040166 korwartis amends 150 & 58 to enmaes OPR'63 & NPF49 & safety Power Corp 6pp 816s4333416b6 341 evaluatort Amero madrfy paragraph 2 Dtd) of OL DPR43 & paragraph 2 E of OL fWPF 49 to reques conokance w/ amended PSP. -94110goa66 Conected pages to Amends 150 & 68 to beennes DPR43 & BRINKMAN.D S. Ibrosect Drectorale 01. 94/10/31 SYLVIA.B R Nd0 ara Mohewk spectwesy Power Corp app (11619 33541619 346

  • Propect Drectorater01. 94/11/04 2pp 8t866 33941666 340 P

i i DOCKETED ITEMS 17 -64111090335 Reveed page to safessards evaluston rept supportmg amends 150 & $8 M11170039 NRC into Notce 94479. "Morotuologeasy influenced Conoson of EDG tu Lcenses DPR43 & NPF49.respectvely. Svc Water Pipmg "

  ' Ofice of Nuclear Reactor Rsgulaton, Drector (Post 870411). G4/11/04 1p.              GRIMES B K. .94/11/23.Consohdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 81648:225-B1666.34141866 341.                                                                    b1646.233.

9411160218 Forwards response to roovest for suppl mio re GL 9443. "intergranulaf 9411170279 NRC Info Notce 94400. " inadequate DC Ground Detecten m DC Detntne Stress Corroson Crackmg of Core Strouds m BWRs." W/one oversas drawmg gen sys-  ! TERRY.C.D Nagara Monawk Power Corp 94/11/04 Document Control Branch GRIMES.B K. . 94/11/25. Conachdated Edmon Co. of New York, Inc. 14pp. (Docurnent Control Desk).1p. 81793:03241793.207. 81648.23s41648.247. -9411160234 Proviors authonraton for wearer of restnetons for docu-monts recewed t>y NRC from Negara Mohawk Power Corp *e sdrosponse' to GL 9411170284 NRC Info Nohce 94-081.

  • Accuracy of Boassay & Envron Sampkng Re-9443 suus.

MANAHAN.M.P. MPM Research & Consult 94/11/10. Document Control Branch PAPERMC Danson d Industnal & Mcal W Saw (Post 870729L W (Document Control Desk). 9pp 8179303341793 041. 11/25 Conschdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 8134824641648.259. -94 60239 Evaluaton & Justicaton of Nme Mde Pomt 1 Core Shroud for

                                                                                                                         &       d corromponduce BRANLUND.B.J.. GORDON B.M. RANGANATH.S. Goeral Electne Co. GENE-523-A1611094. 94/11/04 42pp. 81793:04241793:083.

9411220317 Monthly ope stng rept for Oct 1994 tor Nme Mile Pomt Unst 1 W/941108 4411160244 Fnal rept entrued " Fracture Mechanos Assessment of fee Moe Pomt Unit 1 Shroud H4 Weid." COLEMAN.D E., ABBOTT.R B. Nagara Mohawk Power Corp. 94/10/31. 5pp.

  • MPM Research ' & Consultrig. MPM-109439 94/10/31. 1230p 81793 064 8164it02741849031' 01793.207.

M11140178 Forwards reouest for addl mio re proposed beense amend to allow use of S. ReportaMe occurrences. LERs & Mated ~ - -- Range 10 on mtermodele range morwtors for planLUnst 1 Response regaested withm 30 days of receipt of Mr DRINKMAN.D S. Protect Drectarete1 1. 94/11/09. SYLVIA.R. Nagara Mohawk Power M11290282Special rept on941108.contamment hydrogen monrtonng (HMS) Urut 11 re-Corp. App. 8173ti:181 41736.164. moved from svc & declared moperatWe for replacement of Relay K4 m auto cabDr unri because contacts saciun0 cioned Relay K4 replaced & HMS 11 retumed to evc. M11160230 Provides authartraton for warver cd copynght matnctons for norgiropnetary ABBOTT.R B. Nagara Mohawk Power Corp. 94/11/17. Document Control Branch documents recorved by NRC re suppi response to GL 94 03 (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 81900.30641900 309 MANAMAN.M.P. MPM Research & Consultmg 94/11/10. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk).1p. 81783.28141783281. DOCET 50-225 RPI CRmCE UPERMENT M11210297 Forwards Rehd Raouests PR 3.Rev 1 & PR.9. emergency svc water for atPRJ ungmally submrtled on 890328 & approved via Commisson TERRY.C.D vera Mohawk Power Corp 94/11/10. Document Control Branch (Document Contras Desk). 3pp. 81637.10741837.109 9411220221 Apptcaton for amend to hcense CX-22 re request to temporanly change 9411200241 Forwards roguest for adcs mfo re uti 940901 proposed ncense amend to Polytechruc institute. Troy. NY.94/11/10. Document Control revise pressure-temp hmns for reactor vessetResponse requested wiimn 30 days of Itr reempt. Branch (Document Control Desk) 3pp. 81649-01941849:021. BRINKMAN.D.S. Proiect Directorate 1 1. 94/11/21. SYLVIA.B R Nagars Mohawk Power Corp. 5pp. 81853.076-81853:080 DOCKET 50 237 DRESDEN NUCLf.AR POWER STATION, UNIT 2 8 Inspection reports, BE Sunetins & _ _ _ . . , - F. Security, medical, emergency & fire protection piene 9410140257 Sept 1 to NRC Info Notice 93-060. "Reportmg Fuel Cyces & Matis Events to NRC Opwatons Ctr? BURNETT.R.F. Divison of Fuel Cycee Safety & Sateguards (Post 930207). 94/10/20. M11150446 "4ev 4 to Dnesden Safe Shutdown Procedure (DS$P) DSSP0010 01. De-Consohdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81818.29941816.310. tenrwwig 6 ate Shutdown Paths for Extenssve Piart Damage? WALLS.M., FIEDLER.J., WUJC8GA.J. C _ _ r. Edman Co. 94/09/06. 12pp. 94102001$3 NRC trdo Nobce 94476. "Recent Features of Chargmg/Salsty inpecten Pump Shafts " GRIMES.B K Offee of Nuclear Reactor Reguiston. Director (Post 870411). 94/10/26. 9411070071 Revised Corporate EPIPs (CEPIP)mcludmg Rev 7 to CEPIP-310341 & Rev Coneohdated Echson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp $1658 00141658 013' 8 S Ith Edson Co.94/10/05.19pp. 8165418841654.208. M11150415 Forwards map repts $4220/94-16 & $0410/94-18 on 9408211001 & nonce al votaton.Violaton ewolved fadure to take effecteve CA M11030225 Revmod Corporate EPIPs (CEPIP).mckxkng Rev 2 to CEPtP-32141.Rev 3 COWGILL.CJ Repon 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/03. SYLVLA.BA Nagare Mohawk to CEPIP.330341.Rev 3 to CEPIP-3304 01 Rev 3 to CEPIP 3404 01 & Rev 3 to Power Corp. 3pp 8173598641735.209. CEPIP 350541. PAVEY.M.. GOLDEN.J.. SCOTT.D.J. Commonwealth Edman Co. 94/10/06. 65pp. -9411150421 Notos of violaton from map on 9408211001Volaton noted:en 81606 221 4 1606.285. 940826 mdMchaal not gramed unescorted access was found m protected area w/o encort 9411150463 Rev 6 to Dreaden Safe Shutdown Procedure (DSSP) dst # 0100-CR. " Hot

  • Regen 1 (Poet 820201L 94/11/03.1p. 81735 08941725 089 Shuidown ProcochJre . Control Room Evacuaton "

WALLS.M FIEDLER.J., FACCHINA.R. Commormealth Edmon Co. 94/10/06. 39pp. -941115042v Insp repts 50 220/94-16 & 50 410/94-18 on 9408211001. Violatons $178010441732142. roled Maior areas anspected. control rooms, twtune buildmps.retual floors & reactor kanngs. DOEEAFLEIN.LT. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 94/10/24.130pp. 81735-09041735.209. 9411160099 Forwards dotads of phyncal securey concem et piant & reouests that re-auns of licennee review & depombon of wil enatte be sutwnined 2 Regen lH weinen 9411150D33 Fonstards componed enso repts 50w220/94-20 & $0410/94-22 on 940919-23 & 09J6-30 Pmwously ested voisson withdrawrLNo other voleanns noted. "h h **C'3'(Post 820201F 94/11/03. PERRYJS' P ' ~~~ Edman Co. 2pp. 81746.33941746.340' WIGGINSJf. Repon 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/04 SYLVIA.8 R. Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. 3pp. et'34 04141734:056. M11210293Sutwrwis e m NRC fewest for W rdo re proposed use of @ 4 411150043 anno repts $0 220/94 20 & $0.a10/94-22 on 940919 23 & 0926 30. Prev, rate EOF as reenm EOF to perform emergency response functons unDI near este can aus vionston previously unresolved tiems closedMapor areas be staMed snapocted:acceptstukty of acInns taken by utd to addrosa severaf unresolved amms JOHNSON.N t .._ _Ith Edson Co 94/11/15. Document Control Branch DELLA GRECA.A.. RULAND W.H. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/03. 13pp (Document Control Deskt 22pp. 81633m1833.353. 817340444173t0f4. M11300121trdorms of decmon to estitute guertarty proficsoney trammg for ERDS Oper-94110o0300 NRC Busetm 94402. *Corrosson Protnoms m Certan Stamless PacAagirg stors. Usec to irerisport V Hexafluonde." AXELSON.WL Regen 3 Post 820201). 94/11/16. MARTIN.J. Regon 3 (Post PAPERIELLOAJ. DMeson of Industnal & Medcol Nucasar Safety (Post 870729). 94/ 820201). 4pp. 8187213241872:135. 11/14 Coneohdated Edson Co. of fvew York. Inc.12pp. 81816.31141816.322. 9411300211 Forwards response to 940919 RAI re proposed use of corporate EOF 9411100237NRC Into Notsce 94477. "Malfuncion m Man Generator Voltage Regulato' (CEOF) as ritenm EOFancludng ansysis of EOF Iunctons apDhcable to CEOF as Ir> Causmg Overvoltape at Eatety-Reented Doctncal Ecnnnent." tamm FOF. GRIMES.B K. .94/11/17.Conschdated Edman Co. m tow York. Inc. 7pp. 81816.323- JOHNSON.t.M. C-

  $1916.329                                                                                                     . . . N Eckson Co 94/11/22 Offre of Nuclear Reactor Ret utahon Oster: tor (Peet $70411). 77pp. 81908 09241908:169 94113o0114 Fonwards snap p6an m response to Genene Lir 9443 "IGSCC of Core

[D Niagara Mohawk Power Corp 94/11/18 Document Control tranch A$ud6catory corra _ (Document Control Desk). 7pp. 81922.33741922.343. 1 s

                                                                                      $411010109 Forwards kai of NRC staff proposed witnesses & documentary exhituts &            l 9411150s7s NRC Info Notce 94478. "Easctnc Component Fadure due to Degradaten              Statt statement of tactuoi seues to be ediuchcated as submmed.                           1 e4 Poryvmye Ch60nde Wee insulabon."                                                    WOODHEAD.C.P. Othee of the Geneal Counsas (Post 860701). #494 15839. 94/10/

GR'MES.B K . 94/11/21 Consommated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 10pp. 20. BLOCH.P B.. COLE.R F., SHON.FJ Atomc Satofy & Lcenem0 Board Parwel app ) 81848.21541648 224 81513150415t3153



18 DOCKETEDITEMS N11010207Reters to Purce actons to ute ladure to provette adeousse rammg or . 9411090142 Nottcaton of 941206 meetmg w/utd & NRC m Rockmile MD to del.4s ance concommg appbcatslity of DOA 30012 wrwe esport present drectMO cont rod $wrtormance of hcensee plants movements DICK.G F Propect Drectorate til-2 94/11/04 CAPRA.R A Propect Drectorate bl.2 PIERCE K.G AftAaten Not Assegned # 494 1$852 94/10/24 1 p. 81513 304 4pp 81715.22181715 224 81$13.304 94111tAl244 Summry of 941014 meetmo w/uht to resporme to GL.9443. "Intaryonular M11100t22 NRC Staff apphcanon for mauance of subpoonst* Staff recpests trat Stress Corroson Crackm0 of Core Shrouds m BWR," kr pier?ts ust of attendees enct ASLB ensue subpbenas reQumn0 that bsted mdwidtets atta%1 & yve testmony et ST ANG.J F Protect Drectorate lil-2 94/11/07 Protect Drectorate ill-2 38pp 941129 proceedmg W/Cartecais of Svc Related corresponoonce 81724 32241724 3tl0. WOODHE AD.C P. Orfice of the General Counset (post 660701) 1r49415899 94/11/ 03 Atomic &ately & Lcensing Board Penet opp 8167217$41672178. M11140070 Forwards EA & fnsrq of no segewfcant ergsact to utd 941028 roovest for one-trme schedular energton from requred test riterval for Type A lest regured try 10CFR50. App J H. General cc . giggo,; p p,a,.,Se,ehon c o,,c o l,it.,A 6 (b)94/11/07, FARRAR.D L Commonweaith Eeson ate Hi-2. Co. 3pp 8173611241736120 9411090144 Responds to940625ter expresamg concems to utti friod of secunty force organmaton et nuclear tachtsen NRC wel evaluate future changes to secunty plans 31 -4411140079 EA & . of no segnsfcant eripact to grantng schedular enempton nurdear facehtes to ensure that plans remam effecieve tram recurements of 1 FR50. App J.Seebon ill A (b) (Type A test) ej pnmary reactor CAPRA.R A Ptolect Drectorale186 2 94/11/04 RUSSELLD Affshahon Not Asasgned contamment leekage testm0 for water cooled reactors opp 8171622541716.229 CAPRA.R.A Proyect Drectorate Hl.2. 94/11/04 epp. 81736115 81736120 -94 f1090155Irdorms of concern to CE decimen to rockste secunty force NPGSs Notes secunty streaoy reduced 20% & terronst threat to US tugher than any tmo m recent $4,11,14,0,~ g, 3, g 0 ,oFo,rwards reptson este &man Rept spentifes to reneww/emplementanon weaknesnes program at one of mamt rule at staton hetary Plenos that mod to secunty be stopped SHAFE.R.W.D Regen 3 (Post 201) 94/11/07 DONNt LLV,P M Consumers RU$$ELLD Attanton Not Assigned 94/06/25. THE CHAIRMAN. SELIN.1 Comme' Power Co ANTONY.D D Northem States Power Co $TRATh4AN.RA Clevelano sooners (Post 750119L 1p 81716 229 81715.229 EW IHumsnahng Co 2pp 8174613M1746.141. 9411230100 Responds to 941015 ftr to Charman 1 Selm.requestng mfo on actons 9411170285 Forwards enempton granted from requrements of 10CFR50 App J.lo taken by NRC to address concems remed try JA Flemirig to emergency preparedness 'n3 exterisson et 242 days unal e50714.lo perform Type A test for nucios power piana TAYLOR.J M Ole or tra f ascutwo Drector for OperaDoris 94/11/09 KERRY.J F P'OEJ R W Dween of Reacitw Pescts . Hl.fV V (post 901?16) 94/11/10 F ARRAR,D L Commonweefth E$3On Co 3pp $1777.12241777132 Sensle 3pp 81828 28641626 323. -4411230199 Requests oddl mfo portmarung to emergency propwooness for each site -9411170289 f.sompton yanled from requwemer ts of 10CFR50. App J. $ seton hated IX A 6(b) to provide ertervoon el 242 days unti 950714.00 perform Type A test FLEMING.J A Afhiption Not Asmoned 94/07/14. CHILK.S. Othee of the Secretary et ROEJ W Dimson of Reactor Protects . in.fy,y (post 901216) 94/11/10. Comum the Commenson. 2pli 81828 32241828 323 weafth Edson Co app 81777 125-81777.132 M11110299 Forwards RAI re GL 6443. "Intoryanular Stress Corrasson Crackeg of P. Operating Ilconee ste9e ' J_ & c- . _ Core Stroues in Boilen0 WaNor Reactors

  • Response should es promoed wettun 30 coys el 9tr date 9411300237Fmal response to FOIA request for documents. App C record 6 ence & pr. ST ANG.J F Prosect Drectorate til-2 94/11/14 FARRAR.D.L Commonwealth f.deon tently inthheld trof FOIA esemption 6) Co. Sep. 8177714241777147.

POWELLR.A Deveen of Frescom of Informabon & Pubhcatons Sonnces (890206 9411180002Adames that rept GE.NE.L124081945. ' Core Shroud Biowckiwe Load Cal. 940714) 93/11/22 PATTERSON.S.J Newman & Holtzmger. 3pp 81900:174 81900 271 culaton Dunng Recerculatson bucten Lme Break By *RACG Armlyers for . Dresden.Uruta 2 & 3 4. Quad Cohes.Uruts 1 & 2" was tw withheid tret 10CFH2 790Lper -9411330253 Summary of 92061516 NRC servor mgt meetm0 conducted to assure 940WO2 Itr NRC tocuam0 resourtes on plants & rstated mouse of yealest safety esgnrhcance into STANG.J F Protect Drec1 orate lib 2 94/11/1$ FARRAR.D L Commonwealth Edson partany celeted Co. app. 817B2 09741782100. T AYLOR.J M Olc of the Executsve Dractor sur Operatens 92/06/25. THE CHAIR-MAN. SELIN.I ROGE*.5.K C. Commasoners (Post 750119) 60pp 81900 178 9411210246 Submits responsa to NRC request for adcB ento re GL Sikt0 Irdo prunded 81900 227. sn 4 Attachments.Attacriment A provides summary of methods.results ceespnarinzation

                                                                                          & maroen review effort for ubi MOV populalon.

-9411300266 Summary of 93012tL28 NRC sener mgt rneetmg conducted to assure F ARRlR.D L Commonwealth Edmon Co 94/11/15 Document Control Branch (Ducu. NRC tocumno resources on plants & related maues or reatest safety signsfecance rdo ment Control Desh) 64pp. 81837.03441837 087. persally coleted TAYLOR.J M Olc of the Evocutwe Drector tar Operatorm 93/02/04 THE CHAIR. 9411210266 Forwards GENE-623 A1631194. 'Vuod C#hes & Dresden Mam Bleam Lre MAN. SELIN.l. ROGE RS,K C. C_ .. 4 (Post 750119) 44cp 81900.228- Break Analyws W/TRACG Model" 81900.271 PIET.P L Commonwealth Edison Co 94/11/15 Document Control Branch Document Control Denk) 3pp. 81831113 81631'126 9411040125 Lir contract. mod 1 to task order 23 extern 1mg penod of performance of task aroer from 940929 to 950329 at no me.8 cost or obhanton to "lPE 10275 " Quad Cites & Dresden Masn Steam Lme Bresh Anniyses W/ TR ACG Reviewn.Intemal Events. Human Rehetslity Armlysm Only." for piant -94112. gaa - MAGE.M Deveson of Contracts (Poet 940714p NRC.04 91469 94/09/01.HAAS.P M VILLALTAJ A.. CASILLAS.J L , RANGANATH.S General Electnc Co GENE-52> Concord Associates. tric 2pp 81628 27641629 279 A163-1194 94/11/09.11pp. 81831116418*1126. n aden wnHtaF requesud en 4 7 7,,, 9411230106 Forwards amends 130.124.161 & 147to hcenses DPR 19 DPR 25. DPR 29

                                                                                          & DPR-30.respectives, Amenos rewme TS 3/4 4 to rewme sorhum pensaterale soluton PICT.P.L C- . . 2 Er. mon Go 94/10/28 Document Control Branch (Document                 concentranons sur SLb5 storage tanks Contrat Desk) 1p 81574 068441574 256                                                    STANG.J.F Protect Drectorate Ill.2 94/11/16 F ARRAR.D L Commonwealth Edmon
-H11010089 " Response To RAI On Dresden IPE Submsttal" Co. 3pp 81823 00641823 04E
   " Cortunonweatth Lemon Co 94/10/26 887pp. 81574 07041674756                         -H11230122 Amends 130.124.161 & 947 to tanses DPR.19,DPR 25.DPR.29 & Of%

9411020246 Responds to NRC RAI on core shrourg 30.rempactpvety renung TS 3/4 4 to revise sodium pentaterate solunon concentrabons for SLCS ste sige tanks based on twt poseve aucton head test reeults. PIET.P t Commonweattn Eenon Co 94/10/28 Document Control Bratich (Ducumeril ST ANGJ.F. Propect Drectorate111-2. 94/11/16 33pp. 81823 00941823.041. Coreal Desk) 7pp 81633 35041633 356. 9411090264 Requests scheddar esemphon trom 10CFR50. App J tor Type A integrated -9411230130 Safe evaluanon suppornng amends 130.124.161 & 147 to bcennes imas rete testmo Anachment 1 p'ondes justificaton for exempton.per gusdobrios os. OPR.19 DPR 25. -29 & DPR-30.respec'nrely tabbshed m 107R5012ta)

  • Onum et Nuceear Reactor Regulaten. Drector (Post 870411). 94/11/16 app PIET.P L Commonwealth Ednan Co 94/10/28 Documore Control Branch Cocument 81823 042 41823 045.

Coreal Desk) 11pp 81719 33441719 344 N11300238Subnuts teactor water clearHJp syn papng repaaremerit schedule 9411030182 Summary of940631 mostm0 w/uti to docuss plan for sustamed kmg-term SCHMAGE,J.L C__. ._1Edreon Co 94/11/21 Documeret Control Branch (doc-performance ~ _ _ r at plant ument Cr.sntrol Desk) 2pp 81951.30041951.301 S1 ANG.J F Pmpact Drectorate 111+2. 94/10/31 Propect Drectorate flL2 app 81607 263410072e6. 9411290047 Discusses review of ra:hatson protection concem & entorms ttet hoenese emeestgaten did riot substatesse concem 9411080285 Fonwards amerwis 129 & 146 to lanees DPR.19.DPR. AXELSON.W L Hegon 3 (Post 820201) 94/11/22 PERRY.J S Commonwealth 25.Df%29 DPR 30.DPR.39 & DPR 48.respecisvoly & safety evaluaton Amends add b. Edison Co 1p 8185729141857291. conse conston emi moshes NUREG.0737 to allow commitments be controlied under 10C mSO SHIRAKl.CM. Proinct Dwecsrate 111 - 2 94/11/03 F ARRAR.D.L. Commonwearth 94113,00,3,1,9,R, g , , ecpests one tme sche &4ar exempton for Dresden unti 2 from two Edmon Cu app 81658.280 81658 307, lli D 2(a) & Ill D 3 Justiheston tur esemphon enci

-9411oa0290 Amends 129123.150.146.1581 & 146, to hconess DPR 19.DPR-25. D.F%                         Desk           819       46 8 10 til 29nPRmDPR39& n m                     . mad            incen,. con ien i,. mo .a NUREG4737 to aNoww..              f., mette m respunse to NURIG4737 be Controsed Dweetorate Ill.2 N/1I/C3 tipp 8166826441658 304                E    "P'""     " I                       E*~


=9411080302 Salsty evaluanon supporimq amords 129123.150.146158 & 146 to b-             9410140257 Supsu 1 to f4RC trdo Nohce 93 060. "Regmring Fuel Cycle & Matts Events                       )

i conees DPR 39.DPR-s8.DPR 19.DPR 25 UP5i.29 & DPR 30. respectnrely do NRC Operassons Ctr "

  • Onice el Nuclear Ranctor RegiAabons Dweetor (Post 870411) 94/11/D3 3pp BUFtNETT.R F Devieson of Fuel Cycle Safety & Sateg6meds (Post 930207) 94/10/20 '

i 81658 306-816fA 307 Consohouted Edeon Co of New Yorth inc 12pp 81816 21esk81816 310

i I 4 1 DOCKETED ITEMS 19 I l M103001E3 NRC Info Notre $4476. "Racent Fadures of Chargmg/Sately inpacton M11210111 interv' Part 21 Rept 9412 re Larutoroue actuator potenbat motor prwon Pump Shaftt" key tasure Cormi Ed asued ; ^^ u to su nuclear statons on methods for property GRIMES.B.K. Offre of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten. Drector (Post 870411) 94/10/26. ev.ainnu e usor puwon toys. Cor=*tated Edman Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81658 00141658 013, JosM%N.LM. r- ' '. Edmon Co. 94/11/11,Offce of Nuclear Reactor Reg. utston. Dractor (Post 870411). Spp. 8183t:1274 1831:131. 9411100136 Forwards rap repts 50410/k15.50237/R15 & 50249/94-15 on 940814 1005 &nottes of wolaton & downton.NRC Cortamed tpy potenhal for other esmuer coratikons & cumulagve eftect on plant sately. V. Operator Examenmenone GREENMAN.E.G. 3 (Post 820201). 94/10/27. PERRYJS. P- fth Edeon Co. 3pp. 8167 307 41673 338 M11M0265 Forwards enester BWR/PWR GFES exam w/ answer key of exam admmes-

=N11100131 Notco of wrtsbon from snap on 94081810DSVolaten notettadure to Occumerit maruputated unit 3 DG lubncanng oil stramer m work snstructore & fadure to document control rods moved outee.esquerce.

Mh'#" 81586:002 4 002 3 (Pwt 820201). 94/10/27. Commortaalth Edson Co.1p.  !

  • Repon 3 (Post 820201). 94/10/27. 2pp. 81673:?t041673.311.

N H300218 nce that clanfos reguranems for m

=9411188137 Nouco of demanon from Insp on9408181005.Deviaton notediadure to                                  18""no senhalForwads operator N%       meed @%

hcenses.entued.  ; ton W Masnt & Reecevoton b i contain remove" rod'risert tdock from m ( 820 94/11/18. Afftheten Not Assegned 3pp.

  • Regon 3 (Poet 820201). M/10/27.10. 81673.31241673.312. 81672.341 418 .343.
=9411100142 Irap repts 50 010/94.15.50 237/k15 4 54249/9415 on 940116 10,05.votatons
                        &                  noted.Maior                                           &        DOCm M43 OREON STATE N RESEM WN eu  ve ence.              denstons.cai
                                  & incnr      suppon.pism u,pon & areas            repected o.perat.ons.mant
                                                                                .ae wr.ent HILAND.P.L. Rogern 3              820201). 94/10/24. 28pp. 81673 31 .

1673:338. F. Securtty, medical, emergency a fire protection plans M11238030 Ack recast of 940922 ftr mformmg NRC of steps taken to correct moisten m map vents 50 410/94 14.54 237/94 14 & 50 249/94 14 GREENMAN.E.G M 91100175 Advmes that 940829 Rev 8 to phyncal secunty plan consstent w/ prow l 3 (Post 420201). 94/H/07. PERRYJS. Commonwealth mone of 10CFRSO 54(p) & acceptabe cor mclusen mio plan. Eeuon Co 1pp. 817 09341796:093. COLUNS.SJ Regon 4 (Post 820201) 94/11/14. KELLER.G M. Oregon State Uruv. M11000380 Carvane. OR. 4pp 81827.35581827;358. NRC Buhean Ueed to Traneprvt 94402. "."Corrosen Probnems m Certam Stamiess Packagmg U Hexafluonde PAPERIELLO.CJ tWinson of industres4 & lesecal Nuctear $alsty (Post 870729). 94/ 11/14. Canschdated Edman Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81818.31141816.322. P. Operating hoones stage clocuments a c . 9411180237 NRC Info Notee 94477. "Malfuncien in Mem Generator Voltage Reguissnr M11230388Nohhcaten of941209mestag w/uhl m Rockvdie MD to docuss employee , et Salety.Reisted Elecincal Equqament " concerns issues. GRIME .B K. ,94 11/17.Coneohdeted Eeaon Co. of New York. Inc. 7pp. 81816.323 ANDERSENJW Protect Duectorate14 94/11/17.MCKEE.P.F. Protect Drectorate l- l 81816.329. 4. Spp. 81841:18641641:170. ' N11230190 Forwards venponse to moistons noted m t iep Repts 50 237/94 16 & 50 249/94.16 Correceve actons. acceptance entens used m test venhed to tpe c - R. Portedlc operating reports & related _. w/ loop accuracy cah adamon shequently coveloped. Pf RRYJS. C_ .. ._ _ _--^ Edmon Co. 94/11/18 Document Control Branch (Docu. 9411030221 Sutmuts afinual rept of changes. tests & expenments performed under pro-mont Coreol Desk) 9pp. 61833'10441833112. c woons of 10CFH50.59 tor OR State Uruv TRIGA venctor for penod covenng Jul. June 1994 M11180678NRC into Notco 64478, "Elecidc Component Failure Oue to Degradsbon CODD.B. Oregon State Unnr., Corvsssa. OR 94/10/25 Document Control Branch R K / 172 sed Eeson Co. of New York. anc. 10pp ( B1848.21641848.224. M11170038 NRC info " Notoe 94479. Mecrotuciopcally influenced Conomen of EDG Cm M44 MM EM M N N. M 1 Svc Water ME B K. . /11/23. Conschdeted Eeson Co. of New Yortt Int 9pp. 81848.225 C. m EC Repet (EM arnends & owrespondents N11300236 Responds to colatons noted m map rents 50 010/94 15. 50,237/94-15 & N11030143Prondes updated Tabio i re GL 92 01.rev 1. " Reactor Structural integity " 5G249/9415.Carrectwo actons: pokey developed w/operatons espt to pronde poor MECREDY.R C Rochester Gas & Electnc Corp 94/10/25. Document Control Branch trve control mons of volve marupulaton tw outando snenduais. (Document Cor. col Desk). 3pp. 81590.13341690135. PERRYJ.S. Ith Edman Co 94/11/23. Document Coreal Branch (Docu-more Control Denk) Opp 81906.346 41906.353. N11170279 NRC Into Nobce 94480, *1nadequate DC Ground Detecton m DC Detribu. K /11/25. Conachdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 14pp. **"g'

                                                                                                             .            A*jgj                """pnuc os             7         1   .243.

M11170364 NRC Info Notes 94-081. " Accuracy of Smassey & Erwiron Sanphng Re. N11050366 Forwards response to NRC 940901 RAI re EALs.EALs annotated classin. sulta - coton cmene based on ressense to NRC RAla.Rev 1 to OSSL92402A4-REG. *RE PAPERIELLO.CJ Dresson of indusinsi & Meecal Nuclear Satety (post 870729). 94/ Gmns EAta Techncal Bases" & Rev 1 to OSSI 92-402A-2. REG. "Fesen Product 11/25. Consohdated Edson Co, of New York. anc.12pp. 41848.24&41848.2L9' E'DY.R.C. Rochester Gas & Electnc Corp.94/11/07. JOHNSON.A.R. Progent D> rectorate 5 3. 45pp. 8176800141769122.

                                                                                                          -94110eezes Rev 1 to "RE Genna EAta Techrucal Bases
  • N11100153 Monthey operstmg repts for Oct 1904 for Dreedon Nuclear Power ggy gy 8 EW % MMMM L 94/W.

44 N Staton W1941010 lir Y $ W. E ENBERG.E. C _ :- Geson Co. 94/10/31. 25pp.

            '          ' '                                                                                -M11000388 Rev 1 to "Fenson Product Barar Fva#uetort" Rochester Gas & Electne Corp. OSSI 92<su2A 2-REG 1. 94/11/07. 200pp.

01768 245 81769-122. N11180030 Fcywants tisp rept 54244/94-21 on 94100346 & nohoe of weistort M11,2,90270eLE.R seded 93due 00242cn R30121. Type d B .& C pnmary c,ont.ammerd oisson wa loc.s' noen rate C 3pp 7'34 8

   .t.rRepa no .l.ed amsfor & ven to im.a.s.osto,   pas.twhe.w,         ,, e.t, ,e -M1,,s1=e f u.2             44,, ,,,0N ,_ c, v,0,e,,o,, ,,o,,, ,,,, on 94,0034,y ,e,,,.           ,o, ,,cer.s.,e d,,,

MCGIVERN.M PERRY,,l.S. P Eemon Co. 93/02/22. 13s* 81917113 8

  • 2125- not w growl tests m escond cuwter upru trough June) & ewd curtar M through Sept) of 1994 to test aren operatort N11070436 LER $442741m 940922.both RV water towel aristrumematon loops med. 1 8202m 94m/07. 2pp. 8WWW M I
                                                                                           ' F'"O         -9411188030 Insp rept 54244/94,21 on 94100346Vesatons noteoMapor areas sie     each asn et SF ocampmrant will            estabbshed         101 ter
   ;Me6MHaSrELD.T., PERRYJ S. C_ .._ .

Ed.on Co. 94/ic/21. Spo Si8es-049 gg,.y L%,,o, gg c'*"9a*. m ** filLK.D., FilMiG.R,R. Regen 1 (Post 620201). 94/11/15. 1000 81734.027 M11140118Forwares LER94410 04 on 870317 re erribedment piste for support lace 1- 81734436. ed on sys A core spr pipe 10 tound Jed Revisec rept e@rrutted based on corr > rmtment en paragraph 1 of inap Repts 237/9443 & 54249/94 03. PERRYAS. Cornmonweafth Edman Co 94/11/07. Document Control Branch (Docu, E Opermang toenas stage docusments 4 concependonos ment Control Desk) 1p. 8179100141791909. M110200H Forwards SE which authonres pranaamd extensson for alter,tersuses corv -9411140190 LER M41044m 870317.emtsdmerit plate for sosipcrt located on Uret 2 tamed m RR 25 to support woeded repas or repeacement actnntHs not svc water sys sys *A" ocie sprov papng towid degracedCaunsed tpy orproper hold down clamp components tPrough 1995 refuunng outagaser 940930 rurwest specmos occurrmg dunno on9tei tatmcatson.5ys annsyse model revised. BUTLER,W.R. Propect Drectorate B-3 N/10/27. MECREDY.RA Rochester Gas & KISH) N. Commonwealth Edteon Co,87/04/13. 8pp. 8179100241791$09 Electnc Corp app 81562.3524 1562.-358

i l I 4 20 DOCKETEDITEMS -4411020102 SCR authartrmo proposed attemetrves contained ei extenson to RR 25 to M11100237 NRC Wo Notice 94477. "Malfuncton m Mam Generator Voltage Regulator support welded repair or repsacement activit es for svc water sys components througn Causmg Overvoltage at Safety-Related Electncal E0urpment" 1995 ounge GRIMES.B K. .94/11/17.Conachdated Eckson Co. of New Yortt. inc. 7pp. 81818.323

  • Ottes of iner Reactor Regulabon. Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/27. 3pp 81816.329 81562 356 81562 358 9411150678 NRC Into Notr:e 94478. "Emetne Componert Fadure due to Degradation M11030354 Forwards 6sted corressendences between ute & NRC. Regen I re request of Chionde Wye InsulatorL" for erworcement ekscrebon. GRIM S. K. , 94/11/21. Consondated Edson Co. of New YorL inc. 10pp MECREDY RC. Rocnester Gas & Eisetnc Corp. 94/10/27. JOHNSONAR Protect 81648.21541848.224.

Deectorate k3.1p 81640 31641640.324 9411280048 Discussos 930305 response to NRC Bulleen 9041.SepI 1. " Loss W Fili -9411030358 Infornis that uti a - T; completed repnes of MDAFWP B on Oil m Transmitters Mfg by Rosemount." trWorms that statt revow e4 bcensee re-940831. Pump parameters as documented m post monit tesang of MDAFWP B proved- sponses satsfied re3 Jested actons of set buneen ed m enct N84C approved ordoroement discreten not roouired or used JOHNSON.A.R. Protect Drectorate L3 94/11/2t MECREDY,R C. Rochester Gas & MECREDY.R C. Rochester Gas & Elecinc Corp 94/08/31. MARTIN,7 T. Regen 1 Electnc Corp. 3pp. 81852.20641852.208 (Post 820201). 2pp. 8164031741640:318. M11179039 NRC Info Notce 94479. 'Merobmiogically influenced Corroseon of EDG -M11030300 Requests enforcemerit (bacroton w/ respect to TS Roosest Svc water Pipmp" tMground #100 & pustricaton enct GRIMES.B it .94/11/23.Consohdated Echson Co. of New Yortt. Inc. 9pp. 81848 225-MEGREDY.R.C. Rochester Gas & E6setnc Corp. 94/08/30 MARTIN.T.T. Regen 1 81848.233. (post 820201). 6pp 81t 40 31941640.324. 9411170279 NRC Info Notco 94480. 7nadeauste DC Ground Detecten m DC Deinbu-M11080317 Forwards draft Safety Evaluaton SEV 1019.Rev A. "Contamment Structural Moon WBS 4" & draft Rev C to DC-10034A. Design Cntena Gmna Staten Contae> con GRIMESSys ".B K.. 94/11/25. Conschosed Echson Co of New Y ork. Inc. 14pp. ment Seuctural Muds WBS 4 " 81648.23441648.247 MECREDY.R C Rottiester Gas & Electnc Corp 94/11/01 JOHNSONAR Protect De rectorate B-3 2pp 81717.00481717:146 M11t,y0264

g. NRC Into Notice 94481. "Acmuracy of Boassay & Envuon Samphng R

-641108C318 Draft Rev A to Safety Evaluston SEv.1019, "Contamment Structural PAPERIELLO.CJ. Divmen of Industnal & Medmal Nuclear Satety (Post 870729) 94/ Mods WBS 4 " 11/25. Consohdated Edson Co. W New YmA Inc.12pp 81848.24641648259 SMITH.M D. Bechtel Corp. SEv.1019 DRFT RA. 94/03/30. 42pp. 81717 907-81717.049. stadic operaung reports a related corwepondence -M11080319 Dratt Rev C to "Dessgn Cruena Gmna Staton Contamment Struct est Mods wsS 4 " M11150477 Monthly operstng rept or Oct 1994 for RE Gnne Nuclear Power PlantW/

  • Bechtel Corp. DC 10034A DRFT RC.94/09/26. 97pp. 81717:05041717.146.

941109 Itr. M11150240 Dmeusses pubic meetmg held Wi Km0 of Pruss a.PA on941026 re MOV W ALDENJ V.. WIDAY,J A Rochester Gas & Electnc Corp. 94/10/31. Spp. maues.Responsverwes & tenout for meetmg arpreciateo Fowards tst of 81781 1'4 41781.118 attendees.sgenda & util presentaten handout. KELLYiM. Regen 1 (Post 820201194/11/03. MECREDY.R.C. Rochester Gas & M11250020 Forwards reveed page 1 to monthly operstmg rept for Sept 1994 WIDAYJA Rochester Gas & Elecinc Corp 94/11/16 Document Control Brandi Enocinc Corp appp.8173525941735.307. (Document Control DeskL 1p. 81885.31541885.316. 9411290234 Forwards controned 10CFR2.790(a) mio w/drstnbuten kmned to personnel w/"need to know." W/c onct -9411250023 Revised monthly operstmg rept for Sept 1994 tor RE Genne Nuclear COOPER.R W. Regen 1 (Post 820201) 94/11/17. MECREDYAC. Rochester Gas & Poww Plant fier: enc Corp. 2pp. 8187014341870144 WALDEN.J V. Rochester Gas & Electnc Corp. 94/09/30. 10. 81885.316 41885.316 O. Inspectean reports, IE Sulletine & -. _ _ V. Operator Examinations

                                                                                        $411150277                                      o M10140257       S.,uppl to NRC op atens      Ci1 -to,NRC Info Notco 93460. "Reportmg Fuel Cycle & Matis Events  &rooui,ma     F.orwards snap reptnB.e.244/9,.4,23.n.n on - amsnad          de , n d io       md94100307.bconsed operator traming BURNETT.R F. Divieson of Fuel Cycle Satoty & Safeguards (Post 930207). 94/10/20         MEYER.G W. Regeri 1 (Poet 820201) 94/11/01. MECREDY.R.C. Rochester Gas &

Conachdated Echeon Co. of New YorA inc.12pp. 81e16 29941816.310. Electnc Corp. 2pp. 81741.34941741.355. M10200153 NRC ando Notce 94476. "Recent Failiens of Cheryng/$atory insecten -M11150279 Insp rept 50 244/94 23 on 94100347.No violatons noted Masor areas G E Omco of Nucteer Reactor Regulaton, Desctor (Post 870411) 94/10/26. che 00 Caretated Echson Co. of New YurA Inc.12pp. 81658110141658-013 STEWARTJ S. WEYER.G W Regen t (Post 820201). 94/11/01. 5pp. 81741.351- i


l 9411150277 Forwards snap rept50-244/94 23 on 94100347.Lcensed operator tremeng I 4 voqualification programs had toen determmed to be good. MEYER.G W Regen 1 (Post 820201) 94/11/01 MEcMEDY.R C. Rochesier Gas & DOCKET m245 MILL. STONE HUCtIAR POWER STATIDN, UtHT 1 Eaectnc Corp. 2pp 81741.34941741.355.

-9411150279 Inse rept 50L244/94-23 on 94100347,No moisisons noted Magor areas            F, Securtly, sneancel, ernergency & fire protect 6on plans                                    l especedadeauncy os piant nooneed reauaNcaten program uung NRC map proco-dure 71001                                                                            94m60155 h comments on proposed rule m toe for senaces to suppat Federal STEWART 45.. MEYER.G W Regen 1 (Post 820201L 94/11/01. 5pp. 81741:351 8'780855'                                                                               OPE          .      cacut a se            Po"ww WKAJ                      ' Nuclear M11150020 Forwards snap rept50 244/94-21 on 941003 06 &noboe et viotatort Erergy Co. OPEKAJE Northeast Utiemes 94/09/12. Federal Ernergency W JOYNER.J.H Regen 1 (Post 820201) 94/11/07. MECREDY,RA Rochester Gas &                   **"l A9'"CY' 3PD 8178123141781233-Electne Corp. 3pp 81734 02241734 036.                                                                ,

JOLICOEUR.J R. Inoderd Ressuse Efranch. 94/10/06. SAUL.K,L. Halliburton NUS

-9411150024Nohce of violanon trorn enso on 94100346Volatons notect. hcermee chd             Enveonmental Corp.1p. 81909 01641809018                                                    l not conduct grows tests m second guarter (Apnl through June) & trurd eterier (July through Sep0 of 1994 to test seen operation                                          9411070278 Forwards RAI re emergency acton level tedinical bases documenL
  • Regen 1 (Post 820201) 94/11/07. 2pp. 81734:02541734 026. MCKEE.P F. Pro,ect Directorate 6 4 94/10/27. OPEKA.J.F Connectcut Yankee Atomac Pcwer Co. OPEKA.J.F. Nor1heast seuctear Energy Co. 81pp. 81713.211 j
 -9411150030 Insp rept 505244/94-21 on 94100346Votatens rioted Mapor areas mopected EP        readinosa.mcludng     procedure      ChangeL      FTS      2.000      81713 290                                                                                  .

networtLERFs.egugiment.estrumentaten & supphes. 9411150028 Advises that Rev 11 to guard Fammg & quaktmaten plan conamtent w/prt> SILK.D.. KEIMIG.R.R. Rogert 1 (Post 820201L 94/11/15. 10pp. 81734:027 wasons of 10CFR50 f.4(p) & acceptable 81734 036 JOYNER.J H. Roomn 1 (Post 620201k 94/10/27. OPEKAJ F. Northeast Nuclear M11090300 NRC Bdetm 94402. "Corroomn ProtWoms in Oertasn Stamiens Packagang Energy Co app.81750.30441780 307 Unsd to Transport U Hexafluonde

  • M11090302 Rev 1 to EPOP 4412. "Evacunbon & Assembly" & revned enden.

PAPERIELLO.C.J, Drvisen of intkatnal & Medcol Nuclear Se5ty (Post 870729k 94/ 11/14 Consoledated Echeon Co. of New Yor1L inc.12pp. 81816.21141816.322.

  • Nor1heast Nucteer Energy Co.94/10/28 33pp. 8174009541747127. .

M 11220310 Respcmds to urrosoeved nema e map rept 505244/94-17. Correchvo 9411100173 Forwards Rev 20 to phyncal amounty plan.Rev withheld (ref l esonin:td reused sananrvety et GA partarmet to mati protecton conceme by holding 10CrR27sn(an OPEKA.J F fWtheast Nuclear Energy Co. OPEKA,J.F. Northeast Utihbes Service Co. pomeg or, ANSI feeb 2 21672 requemmer".s M/10/31. Ocumament Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 01736.303 MECRLDY.R.C. Roctweter Gas & Elsewic Corp,94r11/1$. JOHNSON.A.R. Fto:ect Do rectrale 1-3 2pp 81944 36041944.361. 81736 304. 9411220164 Forwards anyneenng tol63wup mio root 50 244/94 24 cn 941011.17.No 6411150461 Forwards map rents 50-245/94-29.50 336/94-25 & 50-423/94-27 on woonsbore noted unrescoved noms 9120147 & If3 02041remem oport. e410rJ346 Veointons notedVoteten eivolved fadure to property coreci veheles grant- ] ed accorted & unesco'ted access esto protected area . 1 DES.M C. Regen 1 (Post 820201) 04/11/16 MECREDY,RA Rochester Gas & JOYNER.J.H Region 1 (Post 820201) 94/10/31. OPEKA.J F. feartheast Nuclear l MOc1nc Ei Corp. 2pp 81738256417Stf 276 Energy (a 3pp th74506741745:076. 1 f

 -9411220175 inep rept 50L244/94 24 on 94101117 No votatuns noted Masor aroes                                                                                                          l mopectett program for overgn.taDnceton & enstanaten of two tenmeement                -9411150467 Nonce of violahon trarn map on94100346 Vedaten noteddessgnated b.

SGs.momtonnD of Iranseere opershon cycles for components & status of C/ A1 consee vehecle & norncensee dessgneted vencie m protected area had been impropw LOHMEtER.A., MOOES.M C. Regen 1 (Post 820201) 94/11/15. 9pp. 81798266- any coreaned on 941003 01798 276

  • Regen 1 (Post 820201) 94/10/31.1p 81745070L41745070.


l I DOCKETEDITEMS 21 -941115047$ inso repts 50 245/94 29 56 336/94 25 4 50-423/94 27 on 941003- 9411280213 Forwards SE whch concludes that purge / vent varve detms screens not 06 Vo atons noemdMasar areas 'nspecaed.edts & mgt supportofleceveness of mgt resood.per util 941003 ter. contraes. protected area detecton entspment & alarm s anons & commurucatons. ANDERSEN.J W Protect Drectorate L4 94/11/21. OPEKAJF. Connectcut Yankee KING.E.B. Regen t (Post 820201). 94/10/31. 6pp. 8174507141745.076. Atonne Power Co. OPEKAJF. Northeast Nucieer Energy Co. 3pp 81853.058-

                                                                                           $1853-064 9411080143 Re@setts NRC renew & approval of revised base for fye protechon ex-empton
                                                                                         =t411280230 Safety evaluaton agreemg that Urut 1 does not need purge / vent vane        l BCACE.S.E. Northeast Nucasar Energy Co. SCACE.S.E. Nortreast Unkbes 94/11/02.            denne seteens.                                                                        I Document Control Branch (Document Controt Desk). 4pp 8167726241677265.
  • Offce et Nuclear Reactor Regulatert. Drector (Post 87D411). 94/11/21. App.

M11210237 Change 2 to Rev 2 to EPIP 4400. " Event Assessment. Classmcanon & Re. I

              .W T.,  RODGERS.R. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. 94/11/03. $pp-81837:17741837:181.                                                                                 trom p        y,y g, protect Directorate 6 4. 94/11/22. Protect Deectorate 14. 6pp.

ca, C ,se.ence '=z2 = =2r* Hu250050 Cg1y R.v ,1 EPOP on Maneg.,, Rad o MCCANCE.W.T. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. 94/11/10. 4pp. 81866.33741868 340. a em it Buseens & oorrespondence l Mn2mu Rev 8 i Corporai. O,ganaaton vor Nucie.r inc den mNo Proc. dure  ; M11210093 Forwards bracketed / redacted versson of util response to alleged volapons j CONI 412. C RODGERS.R ".Protectwo Acton Northeast Nuclear Recommendatens.".W/ Energy Co 94/11/14. 33pp. 81637204-Rev 80 to table of ret noted as coments. m map rept50 245/90 01 &Investigaton Case 1-90 008 81837.236. GRAYJR. Olc of Enforcement (Post 670413L 94/10/12.ABOLAFIA.E. Affihaton Not Assagned. 42pp. 81785:04241785.083. K Ceneral correspondence g410140257 Suppi 1 to NRC Info Notre 93 060. 'Reportmg Fuel Cycle & Maths Events to NRC Operatons Cir." 9411010081 Comment on proposed rule 10CFR2 se reexammaton of NRC enforcement BURNETT.R F. Danson of Fuel Cycle Safety & Safeguards (Post 930207). M/10/20. i l poney Uni endorsee NEl ponton on issue & concurs w/recommandshons Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81816.299-81816:310. i OPEKAJF. Northeast Uthtes. 94/10/24. Rules & Threctves Fievow Branch (Post l 920323). 4pp. 81514156-81514158. 9411020035 Forwards esp repts 50 245/94 ** % 336/94-27 4 50-423/94-24 on l 9408174926 & NOV. l 9411040003 Cornment on proposed rule 10CFR2 re reemanuneton of NRC enforcement ROGGEJF. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 9410/24. OPEKAJF. Northeast Nuclear poicV Energy Co. 40p. 51528.185 81528214. OPEKAJF. Northeast Uhhtes Servce Co 94/10/24. Dunwon of Freedom of informa-ton & Pubhcatens Servces (Post 940714). app. 81575903-81575-006. 9411020042 Nohce of volaten from map on 9408174926 Vosanon noted smco Jan 1990. ten matances east wnen 2A/B solenceds faded to meet 1.1 second stroke amo specfhed. P. Operetmg Boonee etape " _ & correspondence

  • Regen 1 (Post 820201). 94/10/24. 2pp 8152818G.41528190.

9411030149 Rev 17 to "NEUT OA Program Topacal Rept" Ltr dtd 941017 encl -9411020046 anso repts 54245/94-28.50w336/94-27 & 50 423/94-24 on 940817-

  • Northeast Uthtes Sennce Co.94/08/10 128pp. 81653 02141653:146. 0926.No volstons voted.Mapor areas mspectedplant operstons.rachologcal controis
                                                                                           & ment 94110100M In6orms NRC of uti p6an to mtegrate ptants OSC & otNocsie OSC w/TSC.              NICHOLSON.LE, Respon 1 (Post 820201). 94/10/17. 24pp. 81528.19141528.214 OPtKAJF. Northeast Nucteer Energy Co OPEKAJ F. Northeast Unhtws. 94/10/21.

Document Control Branch (Document Control Deskt 8pp. 81587 08341587-090- 9410200163 NRC Info Notce 94476. "Recent Fadures of Chargm0/ Safety insecton Pump Shefis" N11040123 Informs that staff prepanng rev to operaberly gladance, described in GL 91* GRIMES.B K Offce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Director (Posi870411). 94/10/26. mcorporate evpenente ernen regonal workshops on operabahty. Consondated Eeson Ca of New York. inc.12pp. 81658:00141658.013, STOLZJF. Proiect unrectorate02 94/10/21.KACICH.R M. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co 7pp 81619.30241619.322. 9411150481 Forwards insp repts 50 245/94-29.50 336/94-25 & $0423/94 27 on N11070429 Requests to use apemalwe to Secton XI of ASME Boder & Pressure 94100346.Violatons nowsa violaton swolved taAse to property contros vencies grarit-Code OCFR ed escorted & unescorted across anno protected area . KAJF. s E 5a @kKAJ O F. Northeast Unkbes Service Co f"*'7E ' 3p, $h 74$7fI 94/10/31. DooJment Corect Branch (Document Corwei Deskt 3pp. 81676.174-81678 176.

                                                                                        -04111504s7 Nobce of violaton from map on941003 06 Volaton noted-dessgnated b.

N11070433 Apphcaten for amends to IKarises DPR41 & DPR-21. renewing bconse conoes vehcie & non-loensee desegnated vehscle m protected ama had been in1 prop.

                 #*""                  """""        *   *"E'*"""I*U "

Regpon Post 8 )5 94/10/31.1p. 81745$70 81745 070. bEKAJF. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. OPEKAJF. Northeast Utikties Sennce Ca 94/10/31. Document Coreal Branch (Document Control Desk).10pp. 81663001- *D411150475 Insp repts 50-245/94-29.54336/94-25 & $0423/k27 on 941003-81663:037 06 Vaatatons noted.Mapor areas s==w""" & mgt support.effectmeness of mgt controls. protected area detecton equipment & atorm statens & communcations. -9411070434 Proposed noch spece to misgrated enpismentaten ededule program KING.E.B., MCCABE.E.C. Regon 1 (Post 8202011 94/10/31. 6pp. 81745 071-piart 81745$76

  • Northeast Nuclear Energy Ca94/10/31. 27pp. 81663$1181663237 9411220094 Forwards map repts $4245/94-32.50336/9441 & $4423/94-29 on 9411180211 Requests rehof from ASME B&PV Code Secton XI recuremerns. consst. 948011-14 & nonce of votaton.

erst w/enent of GL 9045 & 10CFR$0 55a(gHes0L Descripton of actons taken by uni JOYNERJH. Regson 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/09 OPEKAJF. Northeast Nuclear to make meenm repass on teak m SwS pow O kne 2"-SW4 enet. Energy Ca 3pp. 81797.334-81797.352. OPEKAJ F., SCACE.S E. Northeast Nucasa'r Energy Co OPEKAJF. Northeast Uhli. tes Senace Co.94/11/02, Document Corsai Branch (Document Coreci Deskt 11pp. -M11220090Nobce of volaton from map on94101114Nolanon noted. Inevidual er* 81800.28541800.340. tered reactor cavity w/o toisowng rules to entry mio cavity & not moormed of radiaton ledels there. -9411180217 Rev 0 to TechncaJ Evaluanon TE M1-04-20. "M4estone Unit 1 NCR 194-

  • Regon 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/09. 2pp. 81797:33741797.338.

1040 Evaluaton of Pin Hole Leak m 24 -SW4 -

  • Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. TE."M1-94 20 R00. 94/10/25. 45pp. 81800.296- 9411220087 inao ropes $4245/94 32.50336/94-31 & 50423/94 29 on 941011 81800:340-14 Volanons noted Maior aross mapected. rachologeal controts area mclusng prc>

9411150200 Summanres 941026 meenng m/utes m KnD of Prussaa.PA re motoreparat-ed valve assues Spooal emphases placed on espectabons for completon & process (M$T2 B E (Post $2021) 09.13pp. 81797:334 tur closure of GL 89-10. "Salety-Heisted MOV Tes 81797.352'

                                                       & Sannedlance KELLY.E M Region 1 (Post 820201t 94/11/03.             KAJF. Cannectscut Yankee Atome Power Ca 49pp 81735.21481735.258-                                                9411220008 Forwards requallf'   c atan program map rept 50-245/94 30 on 94100310.

MEYER.G R 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/10 OPEKAJF. Northeast Nuclear Energy 9411230232 Advises that out of 144 ISAP topics.16 topics should roman open unthm Ca 3pp 817 0364 W S41 N.J W Drectora 6 94 11 0. ankee 4 411220011 Raouabreaton program inso rept 54245/9&30 on Mm10 Exam A Power Co KAJ F. Northeast Nuclear Energy Ca 11pp. 81630-016, resuns ope passed ak t 94/11/10. 7pp. 81796S3941796M 9411220161 Nouficaton of segrufmant bcensee meeting 94-133 w/utu on941208 to dis. M11220001 Surnmarues941021 moeun0 w/ute in km0 of P'ussia.PA re adcs actons cuas uti straisgy far deshng w/ employee anegmaan maues planned to addrees performance concoms noted m map repts 60-245/94-18.50 336/ NICHOLSON.L. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/14. Region 1 (Post $20201). 3pp. 9417 & $0423/94-16. 81798 35841798 360. DURRJP. Region 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/10.OPEKAJF. Northeast Nucles Eriorgy Co. 3tpp. 81798 017-81798947. 9411230288Notsficanon of 941209meetsng w/uhl m Roctivate.MD to docuss employee coricems issuin 9411090100NRC Bohetn 94402. "Corroecn Prob 6 ems m Certam Stamiess Packaging ANDE8tSEN.J W Protect Desctorate4-4 94/11/17 MOKEE.P.F. Protect Directorata t- Users to Transport U Hanafluonde " , 4 5.30.81841.166-81941 170 PAPERIELLO.C.J. Dwtuon of industnal & Medcal Nuc6 ear Safety (Post 870729). 94' i 11/14. Consolcated Eckson Co of New York. anc.12pp. 81816 31141816.322. 9411230106 Advises that eftective941101JW Andersen assigned propect manager for plant 9411100237 NRC Into Notce 94477. "Malfuncton m Mem Generator Vo6tage Regulator MCKEE.P F. Pmpact Deectorate 6 4 94/11/18 OPEKA.J F. Connecteut Yankee Cauung Overvoltage et Satety Related Enoctrcal Eouement." atomac Power Ca OPEKA,J F. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co app. 81830 N GRIMES.B K. .94/11/17.Coneohdated Edeon Co of New York. tnc 7pp 81816.323-81630 011. 81816.329 l i l

22 DOCKETEDITEMS 9411230004 Responds to tu:ensee940919tus to NRC $40815 ft WNch decussed re- 9411150335 Dmcusees pubhc meetn2 on 941026 m Km0 of Prussaa.PA to escuss MOV sponse to two vioistums & impositum of $87.500 cws penalty from NHC risp repts SC= esues w/Regeon I aconsees Summary enci 33td94-18 4 50 245/9441. KELLY.E M Regon 1 (post 820201) 94/11/02 OUINN.S.E. Consohdated Edson Co. MARTIN T.T. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/17. OPEKA.J.F. Northeast Nucinar of Newvn Inc. 49pp. 81742.24741742.295. Energy Co 4pp. 81811.015-81811:043. 9411220416 Forwa.ds TS Pape 4 410 re entended contamment inoiaton valve saak M11150$78 NRC info Notce 94 078. "Electnc Component Failure due to Degracaban to Accommodate 24 Month Operatmg Cycle of Chionde Wre insuiahon " OUl .$ E Consonasted E&aun Co. of New York. Inc. 94/11/08. Document Control GEN S. K . 94/11/21. Consahasted Edison Co of New York. Inc 10pp. Branch (Documern Convot Desk). 2pp. 81833 06241833 064. 81648.21541648.224 M 70838 NRC Into Nobos 94479. ";." e,.@ity Innuenced corrosen of EDG



                                                                                                                                            "'""'"'"*"                  '*"8 o
                      /11/23. Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 81848225
  • Camohdawd Eeson Co of New % inc. M/1UDS. In 81833NSMD64.

G, RIM S . 8 u8233 9411220421 Forwards TS Tatne 4.11 Pedes 2 of 7.5 of 7 & 6 of 7 & Table 413 Page M11170278 NRC into Nobce 94480. " inadequate DC Ground Detecten m DC Distnbu. 1 ut 1 non bys " QUINN.S E. Consohdated Edson Co. of hw York inc. 94/11/08. Document ContrW GRIMES.B K . 94/11/25. Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc 14pp. Branch (Document ConeW DeskE 2pp 01833:06541833.070. 81848234 41648 247. -9411220423 Proposed TS Table 4.1-1 Pages 2 of 7.5 of 7 & 8 of 7 & Tatne 4.13 Page 9411170284 NRC Info Notice 94481. " Accuracy of Boossey & Envwon Samphng Re- 1 of 1. muits "

  • Coneohdated Edmon Co. of New York. Inc. 94/11/06 4pp. 81833 06741833:070.

PAPERIELLO,CJ. Diveen of Industnal & Meecal Nuc6 ear Selety (Post 870729). 94/ 11/25. Consohdawd Edmon Co. of New Yor1L. Inc.12pp. 8164824641648.259. M11230193 Forwards TS Pages iAv & 6 7.per GL 8416.Pages reconcded w/most cur. rent amended Tech Specs a w/oucephon of administrabwe table of cortter" manges contam no new change L S. Reportab6e occurrences. LERs & relewd _ . QUINN.S E. Consohoated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 94/11/08. Document Conrol Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 81893.33641893.341. M11070080 Fnal Part 21 rept 94402A re three at start estributor came crackmg at piants Cams replaced w/ cams made unmg swetnc etc. -e411230198 Proposed TS Pages (b.y & S27 re table of consents PRATLANNE.S A. Cortec industnes. Inc. 94/08/01. Document Conpol Branch (Docu.

  • Conachdated Eeoon Co. of New York. Inc. 94/11/08. App. 81893.33841693.341.

ment ContrW Desk). 5pp. 8165420941654.213 9411250019 Forwards doesgn datans & fadure modes & effects armlyse for proposed M11100245 LER 9443040on 941005.determmed that TS SR to venty three LPCI ade of wooe ta pumps dehver 15.000 gpm not performed as specshed in TS due to inaooguate revow CY7.SW 1 & Regblevel mdicatson 197.Rev 1 to four channet.two tram sys.per NUFtEG processes. Analyses o ensano pump flow data performed W/941103 ttr OUINN.S E Consohdated Edman Co. of New York. Inc. 94/11/15. Document Control MA IS .N., MILLER.D.B. Northeast Nucasar Energy Co. 94/11/03. Spp. 81770204 Branch (Document Corrlrol Desk).10pp. 81885.31741885.326. 9411220364 Forwards amend 178 te bcense DPR-26 & safety evaluanort Amend re. 94112500M LER 9443140:an 941017. gas turtune start topic eesi.m occurredCaused vues swvenance mtervals fm voi convoi tank level matmment.contamment tugh by persormel error. Plant made compattle w/ desgn base.estner pycugh mods or ranDe redelen monitors & safety WW sys e acconedate 24 month hsel cycle. change m desegn bass W/941116 fg WILUAMS.FJ. Progect Drectorate 11. M/11/16. QUINN.S.E. Coneohdated Edman HARRIS.D.N., MILLER.D B. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. MILLER.D.B. Northeast Co. of New York. Inc. 4pp 8182228241822.301. . Utilees.94/11/16 5pp. 81864:16441864168. I

                                                                                       -9411220309 Amend 178 to bconse DPR-26.rpmeng survedlance entervals for vol can.

V. Operator Examinations iscton trol . tank sys leve.l

e. cal oe in.s,trument.cornemment.high al ys t-e u~th rangefuradiaman i cyc m.e CASE.MJ Pmpact g& s,,et-am bl. 94/11/16.11pp. 81822.20641822290 M11020003 Informs that on 941005.NRC aammstered GFES ol written operator beens.

mg & forwards oopus of answer key.grachng results for tac 4fty & copies of Indnndual -M11220392 Safety evaluabon suppornno amend 178 to bcanne OpR.26. arewer snesis ter nach employee W/o enet.

  • Offere of Nuc6 ear Fleactor F*egulabon. Drector (Post 870411). 94/11/16. 5pp.

MEYER.G W. Region 1 (Post $20201) 94/10/26.HEl'JECKER.R.W. Northeast Nucw er Energy Co. 2pp. 81528S4141528042. 8182229741827 301. M 11020106 Sernrts response to admmestrative Itr 9412 re operator hcensmg natt M11200233 Forwards request for a*2 into re util940413sutwnsttal of proposed amerup exam senedule to TS enwohnr c steam generator ties sleavmg & acceptance cntens for Urut 2 OPEKAJ.F. Northeast Nuc6 ear Energy Co.94/10/26.Dscument Cor' trol Branch (Doc-WILLIAMS.FJ Propect Drectorate 81 94/11/21. OulNN.S E. Coneohdated Edson ument Control Desk).6 @ 81589.23741589,242. Co. of New York. Inc. 6pp. 81853 06541853270 9411220005 Forwards recuakhcation program map rept 50 i'45/94 30 on 94100110 YE G Post 201). 94/11/10 OPEKAJ F. Northeast Nuciaar Energy O. Irispection reports, IE Bumetens & corresperidence akfacaton program ens rep 54245/94.10 on 94100310 Exam M10140257 S,uppl 1 to NRC Into Notice 93 060. "Reportmg Fuel Cycle & Maths Events

-9411,220011    Raou,s passed a- o,o.a.t resu ts as op.,am                         s                                            to   ~NG_me e- Ce BURNETT.R F. Onnsson of Fteel Cycle Safety & Safeguards (Post 930e07). 94/10/20.

SISCO.C., MEYER,G. Region 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/10. 7pp. 91796:03941796:045. Ccnschanted Edson Co of New York. Inc.12pp. 8181629941818.310. DOCKET 50447 INOtAN POGNT STA710N, UNIT 2 9410200153 NRC Info Notice 94476. "Racent Faskses of Chargmg/Sifety in,menon Pirip Shafts" GRIMES.B K. Office of Nuclear Reacent Regulanort Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/26 F. Security, medical, erre"y a fire protection plans Consobasted Edison Co. of New York, enc.12pp 81658 00141658.013. 9411230008POR verson of emergency procedses document book 2.Apps A.B & C.W/ 9411090200 Fesponds to violatorm noted m map rept 50 247/94 13 Correceve tir did941121. actensM33. " Procedure Adnerence & Use." rewmad to further er6*sscre & caanty

  • C- == ith Edson Co. 94/06/01. KAMMERER.C.C. Oswison of Freedom of Ir> recurements.

formacon & Pubhcanons Senaces (Post 940714). 28pp. 81826.29941826.326. QUINN.S E. Coneohdated Edmon Co. of New York. anc. 94/11/01. Document Control Branch (Document Coreal Desk). opp.81750.32641750.331. 9411070132 Responds b concems edertfied dunng opersional safeguards response evaluabon on 94032530- M11090300 NRC Bulleen 94 002 "."Corrosen Proteems m Certam Stam6ess Packagmg OUINN.S E. Coneohoated Edmon Co of New York. Inc. M/10/28. Docume it Control Used to Transport U Hazafluorwte Brancn (Document Control Deski 2pp. 8165417341654174- PAPERIELLO.CJ. Divmesi of industnal & Medical Nudoar Safety (Post 870729L 94/ 11/14. Consohdated Edson Co. c4 New York, sne.12pp 81816 3114181tL322. Operehng Bcense stage " _ & coneepondann 9411220163 Forwards map rept50-247/9416 on 9409041095.No untaans nesed COWGlu CJ 1 (Post 820201) 94/11/15 QUINN.S. Coneohdeted Edson Co. M110e0284 Sunpes & clanhos 940218 proposed changes to TS survedlance meervais to of New York, etc. .81798.24641799261. a;;com'.rodote 24 rnonthEdmion QUtNN SE. Coneohdated tuoi cyc6e Co of New York. Inc M/11/01. Document Contal -M11220163Insp rept54247/9416 on 940904-1015.No violatorm noted. Masar areas Branch (Documero Coreal Desk) app.81750 32241750.325. risoected rendent w core, rutenve & reactres eisp suertonred. DOERFLEINAT. Rego.1 (sest 1). 94/11/15.13pp. 8179824941798.261. M11150000 Forwards appbcation for amend to teense DPR.26 reviesng TS to make ad.

                                                                                    "U  9411300173 Responds to 941013 request for addl snio &/or clartficaten re third to-yr "eo"u"s r            W          &             changes ret        35)                           '88' val Isl program OUINN.S E. Coneohdeted Edmon Co. of New York. Inc. 94/11/02 Document Conrol            OUNS E. Conochdated Edmon Co. of New Yo*, Inc 94/1m6. Documeni Conval Branch (Document Conrol Desk).1p. 8177224941771283.                                    Branch (Document Control Desk). 85pp. $1906.26341906.345
 -94111500se Apphcataan for amend to htense DPR 26.revismo TS to make admmetra.         M11100237 NRC trdo Noboe 94 077. *Malluncton m Masn Generator Voltage Reguks bve & edriohas changes.revissng SNSC compositen.modnyng recordkeepmg rooure.           Caussng Overvostage as SaeetrReinied Electncal Equement" monts et NFSC 3 serswornormng changes ret m GL 93 07.                                  GRIMES.B.K. ,94/11/17.Cor=*iated Echson Co. of New YoA Int 7pp 81816.323-OutNN.S. Conschdated Edson Co of New York, me. 94/11/02.1p. 81772251 81816.329.


 -8411150104 Proposed toch specs.makmg adrrurusretsve & edrtonal changes.reviemg        9411150578 NRC into Notect 94478. "Elsetnc Component Fa' lure due to Degradanon SNSC comooenen.moddymg recordkeepmg regurements of NTSC & rnpiementmg                   of Polyvnyl Chionde Wee insulaton."

GRIMES.B K. . 94/11/21. Coneohdated Edmon Co of New York. Inc. 10pp. changes ret en GL 9307

  • Coneohdsted Eenon Co. of New York. Irc 94/11/02 32pp. 8177225241772283 81848.21541848.224

DOCKETEDITEMS 23 9411170039 NRC Info Nohce 94479. "lAcrotnologically influenced Corroson of EDG $411230100 Responds to 94101$ itr to Chairman i Selm.requestmg mfo on actens See Water Pipn. g" taken try NRC la address concems remed by JA Femmg re emerDency preparedress GRIMES.8 K. 94/t1/23. Coneohdated EGeon Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 81848.225 for nucmar power paants 81848 233. TAYLOR.J.M. Ofc of the E secuhve Drector for Operatsonsk 94/11/09. KERPYJF. Senate. 3pp. 81828.286 81828.323. 9411170279 NRC trdo Nobce 94480, " inadequate DC Ground Detecton m DC Detnte 80" 8 YS " -9411230199 Roguests addl mfo portaming to emergency piJparedness for each site GRIMES.B K . 94/11/25 Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. inc. 14pp. hated. 81848.23441648 247. FLEMINGJA Affikanon Not Aasgned 94/07/14 CHILK.S. Office of the Secretary of the Commesen. 2pp. 81828.32241826 323. 9411170264 NRC Info Nohce 94481,

  • Accuracy of Boassay & Ermron Samphng Re-suns "

PAPERIELLO.CJ. Dwtion of Industnal & Meecal Nuctsar Safety (Fost870729). 94/ 11/25. Conschdated Edson Ca al New York. Inc.12pp. 81848 24841648.259 P. OperoW bceres sta9e documents & correspondence M11300237 Foal response to FOtA request for documents. App C records enci & par-R. Petodic operstbig reports & related corrowandence banv withheld (ref FOIA exemphon 6). POWELLR A. Dusen of Freedom of informaten & Psicatens Sarwices (890206-M11230211 Monthly operagng rept for Oct 1994 for let *ian Pomt Unit 2. W/941115 ler. 940714) 93/11/22 PATTERSON.SJ Newman & Holtznger 3pp. 81900.174-REEDA, OulNN.S E Coneohdawd Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 94/10/31. 6pp. 81900.271. 81633.21741833222.

                                                                                     -9411300kJ3 Summary of 92061518 NRC senor mgt mestry conducted to assure NRC tocuang resources on piants & related usues et greatest safety agrufcance Info S. Reperiah46 Occurrences, EERS & related L.. _                                         Dartially dented TAYLORJM Olc of the Execubve Drector for Opershons 92/06/25. THE CHAIR.

M110f0000 Feel Part 21 rept .4002A re vroe ar start detnbutor cams crackmg at , RSA.C. Cornnusem M NW Som MM piants(Ams replaced w/came wade unng easetnc arc. 8 M227. PRAT 1 ANNE,SA Cottec Industnes. Inc. 94/06/01. Dorument Cor*of Branch (Docu. mers Control Desk). 5pp. 8165420941654213. -4411300265 Summary of 930126-28 NRC samor mgt moehn0 conduced to assure NRC focusm0 resources on plants & related asues of greatest safety signehcance into partially Osieged V. Operator Esamenettone TAYLORJ.M. Ofc of the Executive Drector for Opershons. 03/02/04. THE CHAIR-MAN. SELIN,0., ROGERS.K.C. E _._-- (Post 750119). 44pp. 81900.228 N19070197 Notifies of change of aeruor operator status re 6sted mdedusts.

                         ) 2pp 663 35-8166 136-                                                                                ord                         of perennance of MH0,40126,Lir tas o,oo - u0929   contacLrred to 95oam12 task.1,$ng cos o, %s penod.on to mio w Reviews.imemal Events. Human Rehatmhty Analysm Only." for paant DOCKET $0 249 DRESDEN NUCLIAR POWER STATION, UNIT 3                                     MACEM Dumon cf Contacts Put 940h4 MN9M. NNt M.N.

Concord Associates, Inc. 2pp. 81628.27641628.279 F. Security, motheel, emergency & Are protocean plans M11010080 Forwards " Response to RAI On Dresden IPE Simmitial? requested ri 940824Itr trom J Stang to D Farrar. M11150446 Rev 4 to Dresden Safe Shutdown Proce&re (DSSP) DSSP0010 01, "De- PIET.P.L Commonwearth Eason Co 94/10/28.Documern CoreT Branch (Davwd Control Desk). Ip. 81574:06941574256. MLSSafe Shutcbwn IE J.Paths ear Extenswe WUJCIGAJ. Plant Damege." Commonwealth Edman Co. 94/09/06. 12pp. 1010089 +'Ap To RAI On Dresden IPE W "

  • Commonwealth Edson Co.94/10/26. 887pp. 81574:07041574.256.

9411070071 Revised Corporate EPIPs (CEPIP).irckxang Flow 7 to CEPIP.310341 & Rev 8 to CiPlP 310441. M11020246 Responds to NRC RAI en core throud SCOTT.DJ Commonwealth Edman Co. 94/10/05.19pp. 81654.18841654.208, PIET.P.I. r' 'th Ecean Co 94/10/28. Docisnent Coreol Branch (Document Control Desk). 7pp. 81633.35481633.356. M11030225 Revised Corporate EPIPs (CEPIP).ricludmg Rev 2 to CEPIP-32141,Rev 3 to CFPIP-330341.Rev 3 to CEPlP 330441. Rev 3 to CEPIP-340441 & Rev 3 to M11030182 Summary of 940831 meenng w/util to escuss plan for sustamed longterm CEPIP-350fe01. performance unprovements at plant PAVEY.M. GOLDENJ, SCOTT.D.J CommonweaAh Edson Co. 94/10/06. 65m. STANG.J F. Protect Drectorate llL2. 94/10/31. Project Desctorate llL2, app. 81606.221 45606 285. 81607.26341607266. M11150463 Rev 6 to Dresden Safe Shutdown Procodre (DSSP) DSSP 0100.CR, " Hot Shutdown Procedure . Coreal Room Evacuston." M11083285 Forwards amoinds 25.DPR-29.DPR-30.DPR-39

                                                                                                                     & DPR-48.respecDvely              & 146 to hcenses
                                                                                                                                           & safety evalustorLAmends  add b DPR49.DPR.

WAl.LS.M.. FIEDLERJ, F ACDtlNA.R E _ r Edmon Co. W/10/06. 39pp conse condean that moefes NUREG4737 to anow commarnents be coreoned under 81780 10441780 142 100FR50. SHIRAKl.C.Y. Projeci Dractorate 116 2. 94/11/03. FARRAR.D.L C-.-~ __: M11100099 Forwards dotads of physscal secunew concem at plant & requests that re- Edson Co. enp.81658.2110 41658.307, suits of beennae review & esposeon of sub t matter be as4Nrutted to Regen til wenn 45 days of did Mr Wro enci PEDERSON.C.D Regan 3 (I%et 820201). 94/11/03. PERRYJS. Commonwealth -4411000290 Amends 129 8 146 to beenses OPR49.DPR 25. DPR. Eeson Ca 2m 81746.33941746 340. 79.DPR-3r,.JPR.39 & DPR 48 beense 'coneton that modifies NUREG 073? to asow commrtments made m resporse to NUREG 0737 be coreoted N11210293Sutwruts response to NRC request for addl mfo re proposed use of corse under 10CFRSC.59 CAPRA.RA Protect Drectorate 1H-2. 94/11/03. 21pp. 81658:26441658 304. ate EOF as meerun EOF to perform emergency response functons unti neer ens can HI ,l M. Commonwearlh Edmon Co. 94/11/15. Document Coreal Branch -9411000302 evalusten amends & 146 to b. (Document Cortol Dook). 22pp. 81833^33241833.353 conses N39. 48M49M-25. -29 & WN. W

  • Othee of Nucteer Reactor Regulaton. Drector (Post 870411). 94/11/03 3pp 9411300211 Forwa'on resporme to 940919 RAI m proposed use of ste EOF 81658 305416R307.

CF 9411000142 Notrhcalen of 941206 mesen0 w/ulli & NRC m Rockville.MD to escuss JOHNSON.I M. C- . N Edman Co 94/11/22 Othee of Nuclear Reactor Reg- performance of Imensee plants. usaton, Drector (Posi870411) 77pp. 81908 09241908169. DICK.G F. Propect Drectorate llL2. 94/11/04. CAPRA.RA Project Drectorate llL2. app. 01715.22141715224 O? y- 9411100244 Summary of 941014meehng w/util re response tu GL-9443. "Intergranular Strees Conosaan Crachmg of Core Shrouds m BWR," tar plants.Last of attendees enct M11010207 Refers to Perce actons re uti todise to proindo adequate tarung o, ST ANG.J.F. Propoet Dractorate llL2. 94/ttt07. Project Drectorate ill2. 38pp ance concommg apphcstnhty of DOA 30012 whos experi present erectmg core rod 81724.322 41724.360. movements PIERCE.K.G AfNebun Not Asssgned # 494 15852. b4/10/24. 10. 81513.304- 9411180040 Foswards rept on ene von to review Irriplementaten of memt rule et staton 81513 304. tar review & mic Rept edentihes s & weaknesses m/ m at one. SHAFER.W.D. Repon 3 (Post ' 1) 94/11/07. 'LLY.P M. Consumers Power Co. LINK.R. Wisconsen Electic Power Co. 2pp. 81746.13141746141. H.Generaf _ ._ M11170299 Fonwards RAI re GL 9443. "6nterg anular Sirens Corrowan Crackmg of 9411090144 Responds to940825 ler empressmg concame re utt mod of secunty force Com Shroudz m Boihng Water Reactors

  • Response should be provided witrun 30 l orgamraten at nuclear tacamos NRC unli evaluste tusse changes to socimty plans at days of tir date I wa-r tocsimos to oneise that plans remem effectwo STANG.J F Propect Directorate 111-2 94/11/14. FARRAR.DL Commonwea!1h Edman CAPRA.R A. Pmpoet Drectorale1802. 94/11/04 RUSSELL.D. AfHhaton Not Assegreed. Co. 5pp 81777142 41777.147 4pp 817t52254t715229 M11180002Advoes that rept GE-NE L12 00819 05. " Core Shroud Beowdown Load Cab

-9411090158 informs of concem to CE deceson to reduce necurtly force NPGSs hiotes culaten Ekmng ReCFCuiatsOn SUChun Lme Broek By TRACG Analytps for seaunty already reduced 20% & terronst threat to US fugher than any Igrrio m recent Drosoon, Units 2 4 3 & Ouad Cent.Uruts 1 & 2" will te withheid (ref 10CFR2.790).per twstorv Pleads that mod to saeunty be stopped D40902 Itr RUSSELL.D. Afhhnbon Not Asesgned 94/06/25. THE CHAIRMAN. SELIN.1 Comme- STANG,J F. Propect Drectorate llL2 94/11/15. FARRAR.D.L Commonwealth Eeson omnets (Poul750119) 1p. 81715.229-81715 229 Co. App 8176209741762-100 l



24 DOCKETEDITEMS 9411210245Submns response to NRC request for addl eWo re GL 8910. Info provuled 9411300228 Responds to mo4stions noted a nup repts 50410/k15. 50-237/94-15 & in 4 AttachmentaAttachment A provioes summay of methods.results of repnontizaton 54249/94-15 Corrective actions: pokey developed w/opershons dept to provide poes-A margm tonow effort for utti MOV populaison. two contrW operanons of vaeve manipulaten by outside mdnnduas FARRAR.D.L C-.- T. Eenon Co 94/11/15 Document Control Branch (Docu. PERRYJ$ Ith Eeson Co 94/11/23. Document Control Branch (Docu ment Control Desk). Sapp 81837 0344 1837.087. ment Control Desk). Sop. B1906.346-01906 353 9411210264 Forwards GENE-52SA1631194. " Quad Caos & Dresden 14am Steam Les 9411170279 NRC Info Notco 94480. "inadegaste DC Ground Detection m DC Distribe Break Analysis W/TRACG Modet" tion Sys." PIET,P L C- _ r Eeson Co pe/11/15 Document Control Branch (Document GRIMES.B K . 94/11/25. Consohdated Edson Co of New York, Inc. 14pp Control Desk) 3cp. 81631.11341831.126 81848.23441848.247. -9411210275 "Ound Cees & Dresden Mae Swam Lee Break Analyses W/ TRACG 9411170264 NRC Into twonce 94 081," Accuracy of Bosssey & Envron Samphn0 Re. Modet." suits " VILLALTAJ A., CASILLASJL. RANGANA*H.S General Electne Co. GENE-523- PAPERIELLO.CJ Dnneen of Industnal & Medical Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 94/ Ai631194. 94/11/09.11pp. 8183111641831:126. 11/25. Conachdated Eeson Co. of Nee York, anc 12pp. 81648.24641848.259 9411230105 Forwards amends 130.124.151 & 147to beenses DPR.19,DPR-25. DPR-29

  & DPR.30.respectiveiy Amends revise TS 3/4 4 to rowse soeum pentaborate sok/ lion       R. Periodle operating reports & rotated .,,,-

ocncerwenons for 8tCS stora0e tanka STANGJ F. Pro,ect Dweetorate in.2. 94/11/16. FARRAR.D.L. Cr ~ J. Edrson Co 3pp 81823 00481823 045. 9411100183 MonthN operetng repts for Oct 1994 for Dresden Nuclear Power Stabon W/941010 itr SYKES.K W., EENIGENBERG.E. Commonwealth Esson Co 94/10/31. 25pp. -9411230122 Amends 130.124.151 & 147to beenses DPR-19.DPR-25 DPR 29 & DPR. 30.respecovedy.reneang TS 3/4 4 to rewme soeum pentaborete solucon concentranons 81604.322 41804.346 tor SLCS storage tanks based on not poseve sucton head test results STANGJ.F. Propect Drectorate111-2. 94/11/16. 33N. 81823 00941823 041. 86 Reportable occurrences, LERs & reteled correspondence -9411230130 Safety evaluation seportno amends 130.124.151 & 147 to beenses OFR 19.DPR.25.DPR-29 & DPR.30.respecovely 9411010307 LER 94407 00on 940910. type B & C pnmary contamment local leak rate

  • Orhce of feucces' Reactor Regutanon, Drector (Post $70411k 04/11/18. App. testing knut exceeded TS 3 7.A.2.b(2Nal. Caused by valve amemais revesied that veton 81823 042 41823 045- seats were torn.HPCI turbine exhaust was replaceo W1941025 Itr MCGiVERN.M., BAX.R L Commonwealth Edison Co. 94/09/24. 13pp. St602-08&

94113o0238 Submns reactor water cesen.up syn pipeg repeacement scheduse. 81602-098 SCHRAGEJ.L Co.. . . __ . Eeson Co 94/11/21 Document Coritros firencti(Doc-ument Control Deskt 2pp. 81951.30041951.301. 9411210111 Intenm Pat 21 Rept 9412 re Lamtorque actuator pceervtal motor pmeon key fadute Comm Ed maued guidehnes to six nudear statons on metnods for properly M11290047 Dmcusses renew of rasaton protecton concem & enforms that hcensee molar pruon havn. inves tion ed nce suostannate concem ;DHN- nu Commonweaftn Eeson Co. 94/11/11.Orhce of Nuclear Reactor Ret AXEL ,W.L Region 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/22. PERRYJ.S. Commorweetth usaton. Drector (Post 870411L 5pp. 81831.12741831:131. Eeson Co.1p. 8185729141857.291. 94113o0286 LER 944240 Don 941029. unexpected full reactor scram occurred wrule shutdown amng special tesLCaused by personnel error endvidual ewofwed O. Inspection reporte, EE Subetins a corresponde counseled W/941121 ftr. ROBBINS.K.W., PERRY).S. Commmwealth Edson Co. 94/11/16 Sop. 81912135-N10140257 Suppl 1 to NRC 6reo Notco 93 060, "Reportng Fuel Cycle & Matis Events B1912139 to NRC Operanons CW " BURNETT.R F Dvinson of Fuol Cycle Salety & Safeguards (Post 930207). 94/10/20. 94113o0271 LER 9441940on 941026. reactor scram occured. Caused by reactor now Coneohdated Eenon Co. of New YortL Inc.12pp 8181629941816.310. weier level signal generated from pressure transient. Procedure revised W/941121 ter RALPH.R.O., PERRYJ.S. C . .m - . Eeson Co 94/11/23 5pp. 81930004 9410200153 NRC Into Nohce 94476. "Recent Fadures of Cheryng/Salety inrection 81930 010. Pump Shafts " GRIMES.B K. Othce of Nuctuar Reactor Regulaton, Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/26 i Coneohdated Esson Gn. of New Yort. Inc.12pp. 81658 00141698913. v. Operatorr-  ! l 9411100126 Forward 6 anso repts 50010/9415.54237/9415 & 50 249/9415 on M11040265 Forwards master BWR/PWR GFES exam w/ answer key of exam adr'imis-940816 1005 &notoes of violation & deviation.NRC concemed by potermai for other l smular conditions & cumutneve effect cri plant safety serad on 94 7005 J GREENHAhE.G Region 3 (Post 820201). 94/10/27. PERRYJS C;- - -_ y RING.M.A. Region 3 (Post 820201). 94/10/27. Commonwealth Ee:non Co Ip. I 1 Eeson Co. 3pp. 81673.30741673 338 81586:002 41oso.002. -9411100131 Notco of viotaton from snap on 9408151005Volaton notettueure to M11300218 Forwards NRC aummanrad guidance that cianfos recurements for mem-document ma'upulated urut 3 DG lutmcatmg od stramer m wors instructons & fadure temen0 enewedual operator bconnes.enetted. "Clanhcanon W Mamt & Reactivation Re. Io document control rods moved curements Ier Individual Operator Licenses "

  • Repon 3 (Post 820201) 94/10/27,2pp. B1673 310 81673.311. RING,M. A. Recon 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/18 Athhatort Not Assigned Sep 81672.341418f2:343

-9411100137 Nonce of deviation from map on 6408181005 Dowaison rioted 1adure to morwtor contamment coolmg svc water sys pressures on urn! 2 & tadure of procedure , to contam step to remove rod anaert tsock frorn rod worth mrumirer. DDCKET $0 250 TURKEY POINT PLAIST, UNff 3 l

  • Repon 3 (Post 820201). 94/10/27.1p 81673 31241673 312.
-9411100142 Insp repts SC410/k15.54237/94-15 4 50 249/9415 on 940816,.                    F. Security, snedicas, amergency & nre protect 6an p4ans 1005 Violatons & deviations noted Masar areas snspectod operanons.mamt &

survedlance.engmeenng & technical stq) port. plant support & salety a~ _ . . 9416070252 Forwards map repts 50-250/94-18 & 50 251/k18 on 9408284930.No HILAND.PL Region 3 (Post 820201L 94/10/24 2600,81673.31341673.338. violations acentihed. VERRELLI.D M. Region 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/e6. GOLDBERG.J.H. Flonda Power 8 1 9411220c20 Ad receipt of940922 flr clarmmg NRC of steps taker

  • to correct violaton @ Co. 3pp. Sm00M1W62 m map repts $G410/k14 54237/94.14 & 54249/9414 l s

GREENMAN.E.G. Region 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/07. PERRYJ.S. C_ _ . .r. -9411070259 inne repts 50250/n18 & 54251/k18 on 9408280930.No violatons l Eenon Co. 4pp. 81796t9341796C93 noted MaKF areas mapectodopershonal safety & plang events.cFerrvstry.fre protecton j "U*"*'" "'*"' "'

              ,,           ,,dh                                                                JOHNSON.          DESAI.B B., TROCINEL Repon 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/18 31pp.

81606 SOS 41806 238. PAPERIELLO C.J. Deviemn ni Industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729L 94/ 11/14 Conschdated Edison Co. of New Yort( Inc.12pp. 81818.31141816.322. 9411030133 Forwards emanos168 &162to hcorne DPR 314 DPR41 respectvely & 9411100237 NRC Info Nohoe 94477. "Malfunctpon m Mam Gamerator Voltage Regututo, sakly evahshort Amends consist of dianges to TS m response to apphcaten dtd sis)pi by 940e05 Itr to specihcanon of audd Woouemies m TS. Caueria Overvoltage at Saseiy.Related Eiecincal Equernent- CROTEAU.R.P. P'o,ect Drea:torate IL2. 94/10/26. GOLDBERGJ K Flonda Priwar & GRIMES.B k. .94/11/17 Consohdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc. 7pp. $1818.323 Light Co. 3pp. 81607.20941807226 81916.329 9411230150 Forwards response to violatsorts noted m loop Repts 50-237/94-16 4 50 -9411030138 Amends 168 & 162 to 6 censes DPR-31 & DPR41Jospectively. chan0mg 249/p16.Correctrve actons acceptance entena used m test verthed to tie consertent TS m response to nochcanon did 940218 as sisial on 940805 re specsficaton of auet w/cocq) accuracy caacuisaan subseovency deveeoped treauencies e TS & mod of TS nonwwstracon control reoasements for emergency PERRY,J S Co._._ _ . Edson Co 94/11/18 Document THADANI.M.C. Protect Drectorate86 2. 94/10/26. 8pp 81607.21241807.219 Control Branch (Dn ment Conirol Desk) 9pp. 8163310441833112.

                                                                                           -9411030140 Satety evaluaton supporung amends 168 8 162 to tcenses DPR-31 &

9411150578NRC Info Nobce 94478. "Elecmc Corr 4 onent Feiture due to Degradaton DPR 41.respecove8y. of Poiyvine Chlande Wre insutanon"

  • Omco of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Droctor (Post 870411) 94/10/26. 7pp.

GR6Mt.S.8 K. . 94/11/21. Cot =hreci feson Co of New Yorts, enc. 10pp 81607.22041807226.

    $ t 84821541848 224 94110eo018 Docusses941006mgt meebnD at pla*st sne se NRC presentatson of SALP 9411170039 NRC Into Nobce 94479. "M crotnoiogcally influenced Corrosen of EDG                 repts 50-250/94-99 4 50 251/94 99 et tecdriy dunng penod of930131440923.Last of Sve Water Pipinf                                                                           attendees & hondout enci GRMES 8 BL . 94/11/23 Consoiadated Eestm Co. of New York. anc. Opp..81648 225              BOGER.B.A.. Repon 2 (Post 620201) 94/10/31 GOLDBERG.J.H Flanda Power &

81848 233 Lsgnt Co 15pp 8163716141637167.


l l l l DOCKETED ITEMS 25 9411210043 Ack tir.did 940831.m response to reauest for mto ltr.did 940728,re changes -9411020113 SER grantmo rehof roouests & authoriz ng altamatwes por m sulmita:s that appeared econenteni w/ emergency sto of 10CFR50.47(b) & 10CFR50.55(a)mt8)0) & 10CFR50 $$ataM3No or tan 3)(u), tor pumps & varves 10CFR50. App E. Dose emets for worsers resolved

  • Oftco of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/27. 5pp CUNE.W F. Region 2 (Post 820201 94/10/31. GOLDBERGJH. Fionda Power & $1568-196 81568.200.

Light Co. Sep 81784.19941784 203.

                                                                                           -9410140181 " Turkey Pont Nucosar Power Plant.Urvts 3 4 4.FPt. Pump & Valve insory. j N 11210105 Forwards map eepts50 250/9419 & $0-251/94.19 No molatons noted.                   ce Teshng Program.Rev 0,Tturd Ten. Year interval."

CUNE.W E. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/04. GOt.DBERGJM. Flonda Power & FRESCOJ . DAvlSJF.. DIBtASIO.A M. Brookhaven Natonal Laboratory. FIN L-2301. Legnt Co. 3pp. 81785 08841785.104. 94/09/30.Oneon of Engmeenno (Post 921004). 81pp. 81568 20141568.284

 -9411210100 Insp repts $4250/9419 & 50 251/94-19 on 941003 7.No volatons                  $411020235 Forwards propnetary results of swestgston mto concems through Nuclear nosotLMalor areas mspectadurgeraraton, stating.sett              f programs.traarung &    Sately SPEAKOUT program Results wittteld.

revow (W heanh physcs actMues. GEIGER.J E. Flonda Power & LagrW Co. 94/10/28 Document Control Branch (Docu. FORBES.O B., RANKIN.Wtl Repon 2 (Post $20201). 94/10/31.14pp. 01785 091- ment Control Desk).1p. 81590:04241590:042 81785.104 9411140073 Forwards " Turkey Pomt Nuclear Plant.Semulator Certricaton Update 1." 9411100278Natricaten of941129meetng w/FPL en Rockvde.MD to discuss NRC re. per 10CFR55 45. quest for adrs Irdo.did941012concommg FPL940815 roguest for exempton re use PLUNKETT.T.F. Flonda Power & Lsght Co.94/10/28 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regu. of Thermo-Lag tre bamers m outdoor fro areas et plant. lation. Drector (Post 870411).1p. 81075.27441075:324. CROTEAU.R Prosect Drectorate11-2. 94/11/09. T5tADANI.M.C. Protect Drectorate Ib 2 3pp. 81728.31741728:319 -9411140078 " Turkey Pont Nuclear PtsnLSemulator Certricaton Update 1."

  • Flonde Power & Lsght Co.94/10/28. 50pp 81075.27841075224.

9411100280 Notifcaton of 941214 meetmg w/FL Power & Light m Flonoa City,FL lo thscuss emplemeraaton concepts of design bees threat rule at plant encludmg chal. 9411220327 Forwards rept of unsatisfactory portarmance teseng mcidenLRept dotads to plant aste. ewestgaeve anssysss of unsaastactory hhnd specimen result.mcludmg cause & C/A C EAU.R. Protect Drectorate Ib2. 94/11/09 THADANI.M.C. Protect Dractorate IL taken by SmathKkne Beecham Chncal Lab.

2. 3pp 01728.32041726.322. BOHLKE.W.H. Flonde Power & Lignt Co. 94/11/15 Docurnent Control Branch (Docu.

ment Contrte Desk). 3pp. 81843.35841843 380. 9411290008 Forwards map repts50-250/94 20 & 54251/94 20 on 941001,29.No viole-tons noted M11230135 Forwards RAI re operaton et rocksced power levels w/moperabe MSSVs. VERRELLI.D.M Regon 2 (post 820201). 94/11/10.GOLDBERGJH. Fionda Power & CROTEAU.R P. Prosect Drectorate 18 2. 94/11/17. GOLDDERG).H. Florida Power & Laghi Co. 3pp. B1857:03141857f66. Light Co. 3pp. 01822.359-81822.381.

 -9411290013 Inso repts 50-250/9 20 & 50251/94-20 on 94100129No votatens noted.Mapor areas mspectedplant operatons enctutsng operatonal safety pians            O. Inspec16an reports,IE SrAetens & correspondence events.maint reluctng survediarme ot>servetons a tre protecton.

P DESAI.B.B., TROCINE.L. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/10. 33pp. 9411070252 Forwards snap repts 50 250/94-18 4 54251/9418 on 940828 0930.No volatons identihed. VERRELLI.D.M. Regon 2 (Poet 820201). 94/10/18.GOLDBERGJ.H Flanda Power & 9411300145Revoed EPIPs.mclud ng rev 5 to EPIP.1101. " Duties of Emergency Control Lsght Co,3pp. 81606:005 81606:038. Othcor." rev a to EPIP 1102. "Dutes of Recovery Manager" & rev 5 to EPIP 1108.

    "Dubes of Nuclear D= Duty Othcor." W/941123 lir.                                       4 411070250 Insp roots 50 250/%18 & $0 251/k18 on 940826 0930.No volations BOHLKE,W.H. Fionda Power & Lagnt Co.94/11/23. 53pp. 81908.27941908 328-                   noted Maior aress wed:opershonal safety & plant overns.cherrustry,tre protecton SON [P DESAl.B.B., TROCINEL Regon 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/18. 31pp.

P. Operstmg licenae stage documents & correspondence 81606.00841806 038. 8841040293 Technmal Rept *? ..

                                              ; of Agmg Degradaten of Civil / Structural   M10140257 Suppl 1 to NRC Into Notco 93 080, "Reporang Fuel Cycle & Matts Events Foaiures at Sewcted Operstmg Nuctear Power Pl ants."                                      to NRC Ooorotons Ctr."

BRAVERMNAl, MORANTE.R., MOFMAYER.C. Brookhaven Nabonal Laboratory. L- BURNETT.R.F. Diveen of Fuel Cyces Safety & Safeguards (Post 930207). M/10/20. 151(8)/5-93. 93/05/31.100pp. 8162102tL81621128. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp 8181829941818.310. 9411300244 FOIA request for ento re plant 1990 & 1991 revs to NUMEG/CR.5250 & M10200153 NRC Into Nobce 94478. "Recern Failures of Chargmg/Salsty infecton 1992 seenmc hazard characternatens ce NPP snes east of Rocsy Mountams Purnp Shafts " BURFORDJN Fionda Power & Laght Co. 93/08/18. GRIMSLEY.D.H. Deveen of GRIMES.B.K. Offke of Nucanar Reactor Regulaton, Drector (Post $70411). 94/10/26. Freedom of informaton & Pubicagons Servms (830206 940714). SprL 81905:054L Cortschdated Eckson Ca of New York, Inc.12pp. 81658:00141658 013. 81905 060. 9411000047 Forwards safety evaluston acceptmg utal 930303.0517 & 940413 lirs re. N11300251 Fmal response to FOLA recasest for mfo re plant 1990 & 1991 revs to spondm0 to NRC Bunetm 9041. Sept 1. " Loss of Fall Oil m Tranemstiers Mig By Ro* NUREG/CR4250 & 1992 seismsc hazard charactertzahons of NPP sites east of semount" TER also enet. Rocky Mmmtains. Forwards mio m response to request. C7tOTEAU.R.P. Propect Drectorate 16 2. 94/10/31. GOLDBERGJH. Fionde Power & GRIMSLEY.D. Drvisson of Freedom of Informanon & Pubhcanons Services (890206 LrJht Co. 2pp. 81657.18141657.202. 940714) 93/11/22. LIURFORD.J N Fionda Power & Laght Co.1p. 81905 061-81905 188. -94110a0054 S-lety evaluaton accepeng uhl930303,0517 & 940413lirs respondmg to NRC Buneten 9041.Suppt 1. "Losa of FeCil m Transmitters . By RosemmmL"

 -94113002s6 Trarnmits hazard curves for at plant enes based on G-Experts 14 ground
  • Othee of Nuclear Acector Regulabon, Drector (Post 8 11) 94/10/31. 2pp.

motion mocols in response to NRR request. 81657:18341657.154. BEFiNREUTER.DL Lawrence L#vermore Nabonal uborslory. 88/08/30. GlESE-KOCH.G. Othce o8 Nuclear Reactor Reguiston. Dractor (Post 870411). 127pp. -9411020241 "Evaluston of Ubbty Response to Suppi 1 to NRC Bulletm 9041: Turkey 81905 062 41905-188 Pomi.3 'd." technmal evaluenon rept MEYERLC., UDY.AC. losho Natonal Engmeenng Laboratory. MEYER1C. EG&G 94!1070148 Extends ewitaban to Regon 11 lammees to parbcupate w/NRR & Regen 11 adare. 'nc. FIN L 1695. EGG DNSP 11503. 94/09/30. NRC - No Detailed Athhaton representabwes m mermaarwi of GL 81kt0 motormperated wasve a ,.m. " ^ to Geven.18pp. 81657.18541657202. be held on 941108m Atlanta.GAMeetmg retice & enci MALLET 1.B S 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/12. EPGJ H. Flonde Power & 9411090018Docusses 941006mgt meetn0 at plant aste re NRC presentaton of SALP  ! Lapht Co. app. 81 :16441605 187 tepts 50250/94-99 & 54251/94-99at tacety dunng penod of930131940923. List of I attendees & hartoout anci. 9411010357 Forwards "COLR for Turkey Posnt Unrts 3 & 4." BOGER.B.A. Regon 2 (Poet 820201). 94/10/31. GOLDBERGJ H. Flonda Power & PLUNKETT.T.F. Flanda Power & L Co 94/10/26. Document Control Branch (Doc. Lsght Co.15pp 81637.18141637:187 ument Control Desk). Ip. 81577 1577.355. 9411210105 Forwards insp repts 50 250/9419 4 50-251/94-19 No volanons noted.

  -9411010358 "COLR for turLey Point Units 3 & 4 "                                             CLINE.W E. Regon 2 (Post 820201) 94/11/04. GOLDBERGJH. Fionda Power &               ,
  • Fionda Power & LsDNt Co.94/10/26. 9pp. 81577.34741577.355 Ligne Co. 3pp. 81785081L41785104.

9411030133 Forwards emends 168 & 162 to bcorises DPR-31 & DPR-41 eespectrvely 4 -9411210109 insp repts 54250/9419 4 50251/9419 on 9410017.No volatons safety evaksouon. Amends consist of changes to TS m response to appicaton did noted Mapor areas mapected or9aruzabon, staffmg. asst : _ ; programs.trairung & suppi by940505 fir re epocitcaten of audit freouencies m TS. review of health pnysics actrnnes. CROTEAU.R.P Protect Drectorate 1k2. 94/10/26. GOLDBERG,.l.H. Fiordia Power & FORBES.D.B., RANKiN.W.H, Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94r10/31.14pp. 81785:091-Lyn Co. 3pp. 8190720941607.226 81785.104. ' l

  -9411t:30138 Amon:Is 168 & 162to itermes DPR-31 & Cht.ressectvely. changmg                9411290008Fuswe'dn rap repts54250/94-20 & $0 251/94-20 on 94100129 No viola.           l TS m response to am6 canon old 940218 as suppi on 940fl05 re speatme enn of sucht         tons noted frequencies m TS & mon of TS admenmesteun corseros recurements for emergency              VERRELLLD M Regen 2 (Pust $20201). 94/11/10.GOLDBERGJH. Flonda Power &

THADANI.M.C. Prolect Drectorate18-2. 94/10/26. 8pp. 81807 21241807219 Lagtit Co. 3pp. 8185723141857:066.

  -9411030140 Safety evaludhon supportng amende 168 & 102 to econses DPR 31 &               -9411290013 Insp repts 50-250/94-20 & $0 251/94 20 on 94100129 No volenons DPR 41.respecDve8y.                                                                        noted.Mapor aross mapoctedplant operatons meludmg operatsonal safety plant
  • Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regunston, Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/26. 7pp. events.msint enctuomo survemana observanons & fre protecton.

81t10722041607.226 JOHNSON.T.P., DESAl,B.B., TROCINEL Repon 2 (Pont 620201). 94/11/10. 33pp. 81857:034 41657.066. 9411020108 Forwards CE granen0 IST prograrn rehef requests for purros & valves.IST i program rehet regtesM acceptabse tcv smplementaten pronded accon noms soentrhed 9411090300 i en secton 5 et TER addrenaed within one year of cate of SE NRC Bunetm Used to Transport 94402, "."Corrosen Problems m Certam Stamisse Packagmg U Hexafluonne ' THADANI M C Prosect Drectorate ib2 bs/10/27. GOLDBERGJH. Flanda Power & PAPER 1ELLO.CJ Divesson of industral & Medcal Nuchsar Safety (Post 870729L 94/ Lsght Co. 3pp. 8156819341568.284. 11/14 Coneohoated Edman Co. of New YorA inc.12pp 81816.31141816.322.

26 DOCKETEDITEMS N11290081 Forwards eso repts 50 250/94 21 & $0 251/94-21 on 941017-21.No vola- -9411030140 Safety evakaatun supportmg amends 168 & 162 to hcenses OPR.31 & tons noted- OPR-4 t,respectwofy. CRLeuAK.R.V. Regen 2 (Post 820201) 94/11/16. GOLDBERGJH. Flonda Power

  • Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten. Dractor (Post 870411). M/10/26. 7pp i 1
  & Ught Co. 3pp. 8185817441858191.                                                        81807.22041607.226

-9411290067 inno repts 53 250/94 21 & 50 251/94 21 on 941017-21.No votatons 9411000018Docusses 941008mgt meetmg at plant site re NRC presentahon of SALP noted Maior areas mapacted areas of meenace exam of safety related weeds, eddy cur. repts 54250/94-99 & 50 251/94-99at tacahty dunng pered of930131-940923.ust of rent tesse of bG tutun0 & flow accelerated corrosen gnpo replacement anendees & handout encl. E ,N., BLAKE.JJ Regon 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/18.15pp. 81858.177- BOGER.BA Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/31. GOLDBERGJH Flonda Power & 81858.191. Oght Co.15pp. 81637.16141637:187. N11100237 NRC Info Nosce 94 077,"Maltuncton m Mam Generator Voltage Regulato' 9411210043 Ack fir.dtd 940831,in response to request tar mio ltr.dtd changes Overvoua m sutmttels that appeared mconsstent w/ emergency std of 10CFR5047(b) & GRIME .8 K. 94ype at Safety-Retated Elecincal EqLapment"11/17. Consohdated Edison 10CFR50.Co. of App New YoM, E. Dose Inc.for7pp. kmits $1816.323' ernergency workers resolved 81818 329 CUNE.W.F. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/31. GOLDBERGJH. Fionda Power & N11150578 f#tC Into Notco 94478. "Elecenc Comparent Failure due to Deg aoaten W *' 210M5 Feeards map repts 50.N9419 & 50 251/94-19 % colabes reted. R K / 1/2 ted Eeson Co. of New Yort6- M 10pp' CUNE.W E. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/04. GOLDBERGJH. *londa Power & 81848 21541818.224' Ught Co. 3pp. 81785C8841785,104. nio los M9. NecrobesogicaNy innuanced Corroson of EN -941121010e insp repts 506250/94-19 & $4251/94-19 on 941003 7.No velatens nowd Maior ames mpactadorgematen, stamng. sed i prop'ams.trainng & GRIMES.B.K. ,94/11r23. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 9pp. 81848225 remow o heetth physes actmties. 81848.233. FCARE . Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/31.14pp. 8178529141785:104. 9411170279 NRC into Nobce 94480,' Inadequate DC Ground Detecton m DC Distnbu-ton Sylt" 94111L ffcaton of 941129 meetm0 w/FPL m Rockvdie.MD to docuss NRC re-GRIMES.B K. . 94/11/25. Consondated Edmon Co of New York. Inc. 14pp. ouest , mio.dtd941012concenung FPL940615 request for exemphm to use 01848 234 41848.247. of The .,3 fire barners m outdoor fro areas at plant. CROT' ; L Propoet Drectorate16-2. 94/11/09.THADANIN.C. Protect Drectorate 11-9411170284 NRC Info Notce 94481. " Accuracy of Boar.say & Erwoon SamphnDRe. 2. 3pp. J ' 726:3174 1726.319. suits." PAPERIELLO.CJ Dween of Indusinal & Modcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 94/ 9411100200 Notifcaten of 941214 meebng w/FL Power & bght in Fionda City,FL to 11/25. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp 81848.24841848259. escuss implementaten concepts of desgn bass threat rule et plant mcludmg chal-longes to piant a to. CROTEAU,R. Propect Dractorate15-2. 94/11/09.THADANI.M C. Protect Drectorate H-A Periodic operating reports & related correspondence 2. 3pp. 81726.32041726:322. 9411210390 Monthly operstm0 topts for Oct 1994 for Turkey Pomts Units 3 & 4 W/ N11290008 Forwards msp repts50 250/96 20 & 54251/94 20 on 941001-29.No vois-941115 ftr bons noted KNORRJE., PLUNKETT,T.F. Flonds Power & bght Co. 94/10/31. 9pp. 81837:159- en 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/10.GOLDBERGJH. Flonda Power & VERRELLI Lsght Co. 3pp.D M. 8185Rerp/:03141857 066. 81837:167

                                                                                        .9411290013 Insp repts 50 250/94-20 & $0-251/94-20 on 94100129.No violatons S. floportati4e                  . LERs & related correspondence                             notedMapor areas mapected: plant operatons mcludmg operatonal safety plant events.mamt mcludma suncedlance observatens & fire protecton.

JOHNSON,T.P., LANblS.K.D. Repon 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/10. 33pp. 81857234-9411150397 LER 94404 00on 941103.Urut 3 outsede dempt bass due to two of three requred safety miectori pumps moperable. Control switches for 3A & 38 safety misc. 81857:066. ton pwnpa immediate4Lretumed to automanc.W/941110 Itr 9411300145Revreed EPIPs.includmg rev 5 to EPIP-1101, "Dubes of Emergency Control KNORR.J E., PLUNKETT,T.F. Fionda Power & Ught Co. 94/11/10. 6pp_ 81782207 Offcer," rev 8 to EPIP 1102, "Dubes of Recovery Managor" & rev 5 to EPIP 1108 81782$12. "(.1ut es of Nuclear Div Duty Offcer." W/941123 Itr. 9411170102 LER 94-00540 on 941103.desegn defect in safeguards bus sequencer test BOHLKE.W.H. Flonda Power & Laght Co.94/11/23. 53pp. 81908.27841908:328. toge places both uruts outside demon bass t'ah by 3A sequencer faded to re-spond as expected to oppoene urut Si signal W/941110 Itr. MOWREY.CL. PLUNkETT.T.F. Flonda Power & bght Co. 94/11/10. 15pp. P. Operating kanam stage 2  : & correspondence 81791:11641791:130 N 9411210123 Part 21 rept to Uret SA ===ncers at Turkey Pont Plant Uniass contacted p [,,TSelected in nts by FP&L to pericon programrping changes & subsequent V6V 90 se3uencer BRAVERMNA.J., MORANTE.k. Nuclear PowerHOFMAYER.C. Brookhaven Natenal Labo software.Uruted CoritrWs piens no oli8er evaduanon of detect for hated meson 151(6)/5-93. 93/05/31.100pp. 8162102841621:128 CHARLTON.M., CAMP.B., BUTLER.D. Uruted Corcos. Inc. 94/11/15. Document Coreal Branch (Document Control Desk). 4pp. 81830.35741830:360. 9411300244 FOtA request for mio se plard 1990 & 1991 revs b NUREG/CR-5250 & 1992 seesme hazard charactenzatens of NPP sites east of Rocky Mountama BURFORDJN. Fionda Powser & bght Co. 93/08/18 GRIMSLEY,D.H. Duman of if. Operator E Freedom of informanon & Pubications Serinces (890206-940714). $pp. 81905.056-M11010302Prondes operator bcenang exanwtanon schedule as requested by FF Power & bphi Co.94/10/20. Document Control Brancti (Doc" UR 5250' 2 wd bon"s P es eas't ument Corierol Desk). 2pp. 81587t42 41587223. Rocky Mountasns Fonrads rdo m response b requeu GRIMSLEY.D. Dmson of Freedom of Irdarmston & Pubicatens Servces (890206-

                                                                         '*     P*                                       BURFORDJN. Flanda Power & Ught Co 19. 81905$61-for 9 22 R              utit autm                                dh93/11/22.

SRO o, se apo & -,eouests ai ts 30 days Mto,ut e e.-pr% RO PE B S 2 (Post 820201L M/11/02 GOLDBERGJH. Flornia Power & 800286 Tm W m br d pIwd am M on G % M M moten models e response to NRR request. BERNREUTER.DL Lawrence Uvermore Natonal Labors . 88/08/30. GtESE-KOCH.G. Oftce of Nuclear Reactor Regjtston, Drector 870411). 127pp. DOCKET 54251 TURKEY POINT PLANT, UNIT 4 81905tS241905:188. M11070148 Extends invitation to Regen R bcensees to partcipate w/NRR & Repon 11 F. Security, medical, emergency a fke protection piens representanves et escussen of GL Sb10 motoreperated vaNo pograms Moebng to be on H08 in A 9411C70162 Forwards riep repts 50-250/94-18 4 54251/94-18 on 940828-0930.No gq 2 Post 82020 94 /12 GJH. Flonda Power & bght Co. 4pp. 8 84C805187. R LL egen 2 (Post 820201L 94/10/18 GOLDBERGJH Florlds Power & C .3pp. p 38 9411010123 Inforns thet there were no steam generator tubes plugged as result of msp of Turtey Point Urst 4 steam generators from941014-1017.

-4411070258 kap repts 54250/94 18 & 50-251/94 18 on ** Nan No velabora                       PLUNKETT,Tf. Flonde Power & Ught Co. 94/10/24. EBNETER.S.D, Regen 2 (Post noted.Masar eress mapected operatonal safety & plant events.chemidtry.fre protecton      820201).1p. 8157929141579.291.

arm iP.". LANDIS.K.D. Regon 2 (Post 820201L 94/10/18. 31pp. 81608:008- , ,, PLUNKETT,T.F. Flonda Power & Light Co 94/10/26.Documerd Control Branch (Doc-ument Control DeskE 1p,81577:34641577.355. 9411030133 Forwards amends 188 & 162 to beenees OPR-31 & DPR-41, respeenvoty & salety evalumnon. Amends coriset of changes to TS m response to apphcoton dtd suppi by 940805 lit re speedcaten of audit frequences m TS. -44110103b8 "COLR lor Twtey Pomt Unns 3 & 4 "

  • Fionda Power & Ught Co.94/10/26. 9pp. 81577 34741577.355.

CROTEA i.R.P. Prosect Directorate b-2. 94/10/26. GOLDBERGJH. Flonda Power & 00ht Co. 3pp 81607.20481607.226. 9411030133 Forwards amends 168 & 162 to heenees OPR-31 & DPR41. respechvely &

 -9411830130Arnends 188 & 162to bconses DPR.31 & DPR41,respectrveh. changm0                   safety evalualmn. Amends consst of changes to TS m response to appecaten did TS m response to apphcaton did 940218as sepi on 940805 re speedcanon of audit   suppl by 940805Itr te specifcaten of audd frequencies m TS.

fressentnes m TS & mod of TS edmmetraton control roourements for emergercy CROTEAU,R.P. Protect Drectorate 14-2. 94/10/26. GOLDBERGJH. Flonda Power & THADANI.M C Propect Drectorate il4. 94/10/26 8pp. 81607.21241807219. Ught Co. 3pp. 81607.20941607.226.


-84110301J0 Amends 188 4 182to teenses DPR-31 & DPR.41 rencoctrushy. changmg          M11280008 Forwards map repts 50 250/94-20 & 50 251/94 20 on 941001-29.No mola-TS e response to apphcanon dtd 940218 as suppl on 940005 re speahcoton of audit       tons noted.

frequenaos m TS & mod of TS admmmerston comrol reausromenta ear . VERRELLI.D.M R 2 (Post 820205). 94/11/10. GOLDBERG).R Flanda Power & THADANI.M.C. Protect Dractorate16-2. 94/10/26. Opp. 81607.2124180 Lagnt Co. 3pp. 818 031 81857:066. l -8411880140 Safety evalusaan awportng amends 168 8 162 to beennes DPR-31 & -9411280013 insp repts 50 250/94-20 & 50-251/94 20 on 94100129.No v olatons DPR-41.respectuely, noted.Mapor areas mapocted. plant operatens mclutkng operatonal safety plant '

  • Once of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton. Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/28. 7pp. events.mant meludmg survediance observatons & fre actort I 8180/.220 41807.226. JOHNSON.T.P., DESAI.B.B., TROCINE,1, Regen 2 t 820201). 94/11/10. 33pp. I 81857$3441857:066. i N11080188 Forwards SE gr IST program rehet roguests for pumps & valvesIST program remet ressesis t= kr unpeementaton provaled seton aems idensfed 9411080300 m secton 5 of TER addressed wittun one year of case of SE NRC Babstm Used to Transport 94402. "."Corroecn Problems in Certam Stamless Packagmg U Hexafluonde THADANI.M C. Proiect Drectorate 162. 94/10/27. GOLDBERGJ.H. Pionda Power & PAPERIELLO.CJ. Dumen of Inchastnal & Mechcal Nuclear Sately (Post 870729). 94/

Laghi Co. 3pp. 81568:19341588 28t 11/14. Conschanted Edmon Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81818.31141818.322. -9411030113 SER grenare rehof requests & authormno allemasvos per 9411280081 Forwards insp repts50-250/94 21 & 50251/94 21 nn 941017 21.No vela. 10CFR50.55(aMfH6KI) & 10CFR50.55 edam 3xi) or (aH3)(iii. tor pumps & varves. tons noted *

  • ONice of Nuclear Reactor Rev Jiaton, Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/27. App. CRIENJAK,R V. Regen 2 (post 820201). 94/11/18. GOLDBERGJ.H. Flanda Power 81588.198 4 1568.200. & Lsght Co. 3pp. 81858-17441858.191.

-9410140181 " Turkey Pont Nuclear Power PlanLun6ts 3 & 4.FPl, Pump & Velve inserv- -9411280087 tramp rents 50 250/94-21 & 50251/94-21 on 941017 21.No velatens ce Tesang Program.Rev 0 Ttwd Ter> Year interval." reted Mapor areas insoscted. areas of sneervice exam of safety related welds. eddy cur. FRESCOJ., DAvlSJ.F., DIBIAS40AM. Brookheven Nabonal Laboratory. FIN L-2301. reta of SG tatung a flow accelerated conomen pipe replacement 94/09/30.Dusen of Ergneenng (Post 9210D4). 81pp. 8156820141588.284. E e N., BLAKEJJ. Repon 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/18.150p. 81858.177-81858.191. N11830235 8crwards propnetary rendis of mvestgaton mto concoms through Nuclear Safety SPEAKOUT program Rendts withheld 9411100237 NRC info Noam 94 077. "Malfuncion m Masn Generator Voltage Regulator GEIGERJ.E. Fionda Power & Lsght Co. 94/10/28. Document Control Branch (Docu- Causeno Overvostage at Safety-Related Electncal Egement" ment Cor' trol Desk).1p. 81590'04241500:042. GRNES.B K. .94/11/17.Conschdated Echeon Co, of New York. Inc. 7pp. 81816:323-81816.329 N11148073 Forwards " Turkey Poet Nuclear Plant, Simulator Carthcomon Update 1," per 10CFR55 45-9411190578NRC Into Notco N478. "Electnc Component Fasiure due to Degradalen PLUNKETT.T F. Flonda Power & Lacht Co.94/10/28 Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regu- of Posvvmyl Cmonde Wee Oneutstort" labort Dructor (Post 870411).1p. 81075.27441075:324- GRtWS.B.K. . 94/11/21. C.- ' ' Edison Co. of New York. Inc. 10pp. ~8411140o78 " Turkey Pomt Nucteer Plant.Sernulator Cert 6ceton Update 1?

  • Flonda Power & Lsght Co.94/10/28. 50pp. 81075J7941075.324.

N11178038 NRC Into Notco 94479. "Mcrobciogmelly Inthsenced Corrosen of EDG N11230327 Forwards rept of ; . , performance testng meidenLRept detaas lh /11/23. Consohdated Echson Co. of New York, Inc. 9pp. 81848.225-oweston#ve ana>/sss of unsalistectory tAnd specimen result.mcludng cause & C/A 81648.233 taken by bmsthKame Beecham Chnmal Lab. BOHLKE.W.H. Founda Power & Ca 94/11/15 Document Control Branch (Do" 9411170278 NRC Into Nobce kOBO, ainadogsate DC Ground Detecten in DC Detnte ment Coritrol Desk). 3pp. 81643.3 1843.380. Don  ? Grit S.8 K. . 94/11/25. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 14pp. M11230136 Forwards RAI re operaton at reduced power tevels w/moperable MSSys. 81848.23441646.247 CROTEAU.R.P. Prosset Drectorate sk2. 94/11/17. GOLDBERGJ.H Fnonde Power & Light Co. 3pp. 01822.35041822.361 N11170384 NRC Info Nobce 94481," Accuracy of suanay & Erwoon 6emp6ng Re-suns." Q. Inspecelen reports,IE Ddetens & n. - FAPERIELLO.CJ. Omnen of Inckstnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 94/ 11/25. Consohdated Edman Co. of New York. anc.12pp. 81648.24641848.259. M11070252 Forwards map repts 50250/9418 & 50-251/94-18 on 9408264930No vmentons asentshed. R. Portes8c operseng reports & reisted eerroependence VERRELLI.D.M. R 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/18. GOLDBERG) H Flanda Power & Light Ca 3pp. 81 M5@806M8. M11210380 Monthly opermang repts for Oct 1994 for Turkey Pomin Urwis 3 & 4.W/ -M11070250 inno repts 50250/9418 4 50-251/k18 on 9408260930.No vmiatons E., PLUNKETT,TE. Fkinda Power & Laght Co. 94/10/31. 9pp. 81837:159-fed Ma,or areas mapected operatonal safety & plant events.chemmey.ftre protecton 81837:167. JOHNSONIP) DESA1.8 B., TROCINE.L. Repon 2 (Poet 820201). 94/1010. 31p0 81806-00641806.038. g, gg , N10140257 Suppl 1 to NRC Into Notco 93460.

  • Reportno Fuel Cycle & Mens Events to NrtC Operatens Ctr." M11018225 LER 94405 00:on 640924.Urut 4 ma&W V6spdaused by manuel BURPTTT.R.F. Omnion of Fuel Cycle $rW & Safeguards (Post 930207K 94/10/20. actuaton.Lgpit bulb & socket replaced W/941020 itr.

Conachdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc Opp.81816.29941018.310. KNORRJE Pl.UNKETT TI. Flonda Power & Laght Co. 94/10/20. 4pp. 81802.067-81602:070. M10300153 NRC Info Notce 94476. *Recent Fadures of Cheryn0/Selety insechon Pump Shafts " N11010214 LER k004 00 cn 940923.Urut 4 Inpped automatcany from rated GRNES.B.K. Offre of Nucesar Reactor Regulaton, Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/26. power Caused by taulty roguentar kannator Faulty backup power supply rap 6* rad & Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 81658.00141658.013. mesnt hatory for power stalphes reviewed W/94102118. MOWREY,C.L., PLUNKETT,T.F. Fionda Power & Laght Co.94/10/21. 8pp 81586:045 9411000047 Forwards safety evah etien accepen0 util 930303,0517 & 940413 Itrs re- E:586:050. spondmg to NRC Buhetm 9041. Suppl 1. " Loss of Fdi Oil m Transmrtners Mtg By Ro-esmount" TER also erect M11210123 Part 21 rest to Urut SA seasonoers et Tiekey Pont Plant Unions contacted CROTEAU.R.P. Protect Drectorene 8 2. 94/10/31. GOLDBERGJ.H Floruse Power & try FP&L to perform progra changes & subsequent VSV to sessencer Light Ca 2pp. 81657.18141657.202. software.Urvied Controls plans ao evaksaton of detect for hated reason. CHARLTON.M., CAMP.B., BLJTLER.D. Urvtod Convois. anc. 94/11/15. Document -44118800M Safety evaluaton accepeng util 930303.0517 8 940413 Its componchno to Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 4pp. 8183435741830 300. NRC Bulletn 1KFO1 Suppl 1. " Loss of F4LOli m Transmitters By RosammmL

  • Ofhoe of feuclear Reactor Regulator 6 Lector (Post 87 11). 94/10/31, 2pp.

01857:18341657.184. v. operator Esassinnemens -e4110ses41 "Evaluston of Uthly Response to Suppi 1 to NRC Bubotn 9001-Turkey N11010F2 Provides operator hcenesng national exammaton schedule as requested by Punt 3/4? technmal evolunten rept MEYER.LC.. UDY AC tosho Nemonal Laboratory MEY2R.LC, EG&G AdmansstreDwe Ltr M12 edaho. anc. FIN L.1695. EGG.ONSP.11503, 94/09 . NRC . No Doteded Afheston PLUNKETT.TS. Fionda Power & Lsght Co 94/10/20. Document Contro Breruh (Doc. Greert 10pp. 01657:18541657.202. umard Canto Desk) 2pp. 81587:02241687:023. M11000018 rhr- 941006 mgt meetm0 at plant one re NRC presentaton of SALp N11210072 Infan9s of wnhn & operstn0 rear *pr operator & sener reactor operator repts 50 250/ke9 4 50251/94-99et facihty dunng penod of930131-nl40923.Let et 6twumC esams scheduled for 950227. Roguests that uti submit prehmmary RO & enendnes & handrJul enet SRO heense & werver resseets si least 30 days bevare exam. BOGER.BA Re0cn 2 (Post $20201). 94/10/31. GOLDSERGJ.R Firmde Power & PEE 9LESJA 2 Post 820201 A 94/11/02. C 0LDBERGJ.H. Flornia Power & Light Co.15pp. 81637:16141637:187. Light Co Opp. 817 5 C2441785 029. M11210108 Forwards map repts50 250/94-19 & $0-251/k19 No venations noted. CLINE.W E. Repon 2 (Post 82020t). 94/11/04. GOLDBERGJ.H. Flonda Power & MET S2M N/IES STATION, UtiiT 1 Light Co. 3pp. 81785$8641785104 repts 50 250/k19 & 50251/k19 on 941003 7.No volahans F. Security, sneshcal,'smorgercy & ftre protecten plans -941121010e noted.Mame er. Irm.o mapected:orsanaston. statens. nest assessment programs.vammo & review of health phyncs e..Dvites. M11070071Revred Corporate EPIPs (CEPtP).mciudmg Rev 7 to CEPIP-3103414 Rev FORBES.D B., RANKIN.W.H Regon 2 (Post $20201k 94/10/31.14pp, 81785.091- 8 to CEPIP.2G441 81785.104. SCOTT.DJ Gomrnonwealth Eckson Co.94/10/05,19pp 8166418841854.208. l l

28 DOCKETEDITEMS 9411030225Revoed Corporale EPIDs (CEPeP).mciueng Rev 2 to CEPIP-32101,Rev 3 9411160050 Forwards rept on sne mest to rewww smplementaten of mamt rule at staten to CEPIP.330341.Rev 3 to CEPIP-330441. Rev 3 to CEPIP.340441 & Rev 3 to for revow & mio Repi edentihes streng*hs & weaknesses w/ program et site, CEPIP 350541 SHAFER.W D. Regon 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/07. DONNELLY.P M. Consumers PAVEY.M.. GOLDENJ., SCOTT.DJ Commonwealth Esson Co. 94/10/06. 65pp. Power Co. 2pp. 81746:13141748141. 81606.22141606 285. 9411100017 Confrms plans between P M4and & N Chnssobmos to hold meetmg on 9411070030 Advises that revs 8CL8G to vanous sectons of plant annen to genanc gen- 941117at piant m Cordova.tL to docuss piant Uruts 1 & 2 readmess for restart aratmo statens emergency plan. acceptable GREENMAN.E G. A 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/08. ARAFT.E. Commonwealth CREED.J R Regon 3 (Post $20201) 94/10/27. KRAFT.E. Commor wealth Eeson Co Eeson Co 19. 81774 1774 295. 2pp. 8160411641604117. 9411170299 Forwards RAI re GL 94 03. ".intergranular Stress Corrosen Crackmg of 9411090375Renned EPIPs.mcluen0 rev 16 to OEP.1004.rev 9 to OEP-100-71.rev 12 Core Snrouds m Bodmg water Reaciers" Response should be pronded wehm 30 to OEP.1054.rev 8 to OEP.105-SS.rev 28 to OEP400 0 & rev 7 to OEP 40(>S3- cays of 10 case

  • Commonwealin Esson Co.94/11/02. 20pp. 81718.316 81718.336 STANG) F Pro,ect Drectorate til.2. 94/11/14. FARRAR.D.L Commonwealth Eeson 9411100082 Revned EPIPs.mcludme rev 27 to EPIP.OEP400Indeu & rev 10 to OEP.

604 S4. "Ermrons Samping & Emergency Responder inventory Checkkst" H11180274Forwyds tentaDwe scheme to fuel vendor pansmon for Post 1995 reloads Commonwealth Eeoon Co.94/11/11.12pp. 81818.29741818.308. for mio & reswee plannng purposes E h Docununt Conni Branch h $411180259 Rev Sh to " Commonwealth Edson Co Generstmg Statons Emergency g g .g g ' Plan bde Annes Ouad Cees Nucteer Power Stabon"

  • Commonwealth Leson Co 94/11/15 30pp. 81783.23941783.269~

9411180002Adnses that rent GE-NE.L124081945.

  • tore Shroud Blowdown Load Cal-M11210293Subnuts response to NRC request for odd anto re proposed use of corpo. culaton Dunng Recrculalon SucDon Lme Break By MACG Anam W Dresden Urvts 2 & 3 & Quad Cases.uruts 1 & 2, wel be wdhheld (ret 10CFR2 790).per rate EOF as mienm EOF b pectorre emergency response functons unut near sde can be staffed. 940902 Itr STANG.J F. Propect Drectorate111 2. 94/11/15. FARRAR.0L Commonwealth Eeson JOHNSON.I M Commonwealth Eeson Co 94/11/15 Document Coreal Branch Co 4pp. 81782M7-8178N (Document Corect Desk) 22pp. 81833.33241833.353.

M11300121 Informs of deoson to metrtute quarterty prohoency traerung for ERDS Oper. 9411210245 Submits resonnse to NRC request for ads rdo re GL 8S10 anio proveed e 4 Attachments. Attachment A prondes summa'y of methods,results of repnontsraten arors AXELSON.WL Regen 3 (Post 820201t 94/11/16. MARTINJ Regon 3 (Post & margm renew attott for utd MOV populatert 820201) app. 8187213241872135. F ARRAR.D L Commonwealth Esson Co.94/11/15 Document Coreal Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk). Sepp.81837.03441837:087 M11300172 Requests that results of renew & espossbon of octrwbes at Quad Cabes Staten be submnted to Regon til wettun 60 days of Itr. 9411210206 Forwards GENE 523.A1631194. " Quad Cass & Dresdri Mam Steam Lme AXELSON W L. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/22 KRAFT.E. Cw- _' ^ Eeson . Break Analysis W/TRACG Model." Co. 2pp. 81925.140-81925141. PIET.PL Commonwearm Eeson Co.94/11/15. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 81831:11341831.126. M11300211 Forwards response to 940919 RAI re proposed use of corporate EOF (CEOF) as mienm EOF.mcludng analysis of EOF tunctons apphcable to CEOF as e -9411210275 " Quad Caos & Dresden Mam Steam Lme Break Anatyees W/ TRACG tenm EOF Modes " JOHNSON.I.M. Commonwealth Eeson Co 94/11/22. Office of Nucieer Reactor Re9- VILLALTA.J A.. CASILLAS.J L. RANGANATH.S. General Electne Co GENE 52S usaton. Drector (Post 870411). 77pp. 8190809241908.169- A1631194. 94/11/09.11pp. 8163111641831.126. 9411230105 Forwards amends 130.124,151 & 147 to hconses DPR-19.DPR.25. OPR 29 P. Operating license Mage ' _ & correspondence & DP430.resporvvely Amends rowse TS 3/4 4 to rense sodium pentaborate soluton concercatens for SLCS storage tank 1L 9411030322Lir contract. mod 3 to task order 21.extendsng penod of perbrmance from STANG.J F. Protect Drectorate ill-2. 94/11/18 FARRAR.D.L. Commonwealth Esson 940929 to 950329 et no ade cost or obhgsDon to "lPE .1 _. -. . J Co 3pp 81823.00641823 045. Evente-Front End Only (Quad Cities)." MACE.M Dwinson of Coreacts (Post 940714). 94r09/01. COUNA.L Soonce & Ent- -9411230122 Amends 130.124.151 & 147to ncenses DPR.19.DPR-25.DPR-29 & DPR. neermg Assocates. inc. 2pp 81808 07741608 078. 30.respectivety.revism0 TS 3/4 4 to remse soeum pensaborate soluton concentratons tor SLCS storage tanks based on not poseve aucten head test resulta Forwards Anal Level 2 mvesugaton rept addressary adeguacy of Quad- STANG.J F. Preiset Drectcrete lib 2. 94/11/16. 33pp. 81823:00941823 041. 9411010121.On Ca>ss fore meti osciusen (FME) program.m response to CAL *llbea06 m regard to FME probems at QuadOtes Staten Unit 1. -9411230130 Satefy evaluaton supportmg amends 130.124.151 & 147 to keenses KRAFT.E S. Cw. ~. . ___. Eeson Co 94/10/21. MARTIN.J.B Regen 3 (Post DPR-19.DPR-25.DPR-29 & DP430.respectrvetv. 820201). 2pp 81574.29841574.335.

  • Othca of Nuclear Reactor Regulanon, Drector (Post 870411). 94/11/16. App i

-841101013s " Fore gn Matt Excluseon Program Deficsoncies Level 2 investganon P1F l M4837 " 9411230089 Forwards apphcaton of towa-llhnois Gas & Electnc Co & Midamencan KROLLT.. MCCULLOUGH.D., BRUNNER.J. C- .. - 1 Eeson Co. PtF 94 1637. Energy Co for tanster & amend of bconses 94/10/21. 36pp. 81574.300 81574.335. PALMER.R B. Iowe.imnoes Gas & Elecinc. 94/11/21 Document Control Branch (Doc-9411010042 Confrms pians as escussed between D Chyu of NRC & M Jach. son of uti ununt Contal Desk). 4 81894m 41m 292 to hotd mestog on 941102 m Lisie.lL Poor CA & mamt activmes whch resulted m M1230083 WAan br kwste & anend b bcenses DP429 & DPR-30 ' tadums of some control rods to scram &mng testng we be escussed. BRIGHT.S.J lowa.Ilknoes Gas & Electnc. BRIGHT.S.J. Afhhanan Not Assegned 94/11/ GREENMAN.E.G. Regon 3 (Post 820201). 94/10/24. KRAFT.E. Cw.. . ,. ~~

21. 290pp. 81894:00341894 292.

Eeson Co. Ip 81514 11941514.119 l H11300238 Submrts mactor waer m sys piping mplacement sensdule. ] 9411020244 Responds to NRC RAI on core shroud. SCHRAGEJL Commonwealth Eeson Co.94/11/21. Doc 6rnent Control Branch (Doc- , PIET P t. Commonwealth Eeson Co. 94/10/28. Document Control Branch (Document ument Control Desk). 2pp. #1951.30041951.301. Controt Desk). 7pp. 81633.35041633:356 9411080146 Forwards status of previously desenDed 01R13 rranti constien wriprove ment scuo9s (MCIA) mes man m ,,.p..._ _ ._ & mant wort O. W 6 E Bhh & - . . plemented Gunng 01R13 & Status c aprovnusty desenDod ncm. outage MC1As. KRAFT E S Commonwealth Esson Co M/11/03 RUSSELLW T. Othee of Nuclea' 9411040056 EN-94-106.on 941012.notics of proposed wroosmon of cui penalty m Reactor Rogueston, Drector (Post 870411) 12pp 8167917241679183- amount of $80.000 issued to heensee.Acton based on failure to prompey suspend w> dmdual unescorted access & test mdmeaal for cause lollowmg repts by employees. 9411080285 Forwards amends & 146 to beeness DP419.DPR' ROSANO.D. LIEBERMANJ Olc of Entorcement (Post 870413) N/10/06 1p 25.DPR 29.DPR-30.DP439 & DPR48,respectrve8y & safety evaluatorLAmends add b- 81658 02'>41658:025. conee condmon that moefes NUREG4737 to asow comritments be controsed under W R50 M11040078 EP&B4109 on 941018.notus of proposed impossten of cwil pensity m SHIRAKl.Cy Prosect Drectorate til.2. 94/11/03. FARRAR.D L c__

                                                                                     ._m.      amount of $100.01U M M bconsee Acton based on notahan ewoenng ochbersw Esson Co. 4pp 81658 29041658.307-                                                           actorm on part cil wortets) Fat resuhed m extemai ramaten ecosure BEALLJ.. LIEBERMAN.J. Otc of Enforcement (Post 870413). 94/10/13 1 p.            l

-9411080230 Amends 129 123.150.144 158 4 146 to beenses DP419.DPR-25. DPR. 816 29@6M29 29.DPR-30,DPR.39 & DPR.48,respectively,adeng boense conditson that moddess NURE 7 allow commitments made m response to NUREG4737 be coreoned 8018 "NRC Staft Procoses $80.000 Fne Agamst Commonwealth Edman Co for iness for Duty Vernatons at Quad Cshes Nuclear Staten." CAPRA.R.A. P ovect Directrete ilL2. 94/11/03. 21p0 81668.26441658.304. E'Othce of Pubhc Afters (Post 911117). 94/10/13. 2pp. 8177002541770426.

-9411080301 Safety evatuston supr           amends 8146 to 6-           9411010065 Ack receet or940919 tu informmg NRC of steps taken to Correct volatons conses OPR.39.DPR a8.DPR Ife.DP425.         -29 & OPR-30. respectively.

notad ei msp repta no-254/94.16 & 50-265/9416

  • Othee of fucteer Reactor Regulatori. Drector (Post 670411). 94/11/03. 3pp. GREENMANE G Regen 3 (Post $20201). 94/10/14 KRAFT.E. Commonwealth 81658.30541658 307. Eeson Co. 2pp. 8151415941514180.

9411080142 Noefecaton of 941206 meeting w/utd & NRC m Rocaves.MD to escuss 9411080201 *NRC Statt Proposes $100.000 Fe* Agenst Commonweetth Edrsors tar performance of piants. DICK.G F. Rosect Deectorate llL2 94/11/04 CAPRA.R A Pro,ect Drectorate lil-2. Raestori Protection Votaton at Quad Caes Nucsoar Staten "

  • Othce of PutAc Atlasrs (Post 911117). 94/10/19. 2pp. 81770 03241770 034 app. 917t522141715.224.

M11100244 Summary of941014meetng w/utd to response to GL M43. "Intergrars;Iar M10140257 Suppi 1 to NRC Info Notice 93460 'Reptreng Fuel Cycter & Matts Events Stress Corrosson Cracaungr o Core shrouds e swr." tar plants LJet of attendees enct to NRC Operanons C1r " S1 ANG.J F. Provocq Drectorate llL2 94/11'07 Prosect Directorate ilL2. 38pp B'.RNE17.R F Dueson of Fuel CWcle Satety & Safegaards (Post 930207). 94/10/20. Censchdated Eason Co. cle New voetsanc 12pp 81816.29941816.310 81724.32241724.300. l

DOCKETED ITEMS 29 N 11010102 Forwards esp repts50 254/9417 4 50 265/9417 on 940729 0930.Apper- V. Operator E - - . _ ent moletions bemo consdered for escalated enforcemoril acten GREENMAN.E.G. Regen 3 (Post 820201) 94/10/24. KRAFT.E. t .. _m Esson Co. Sup.81514.255 81514 283 94110703ss informs that iconse SOP 31280.DB Cook was removed from Icense duty on 941026 & requests teemmaton of 6 cense. -H11010110insp repts $4254/9417 & 50-265/94-17 on 9407294930. Apparent no- KRAFT.E.E Commonwealth Esson Co. 94/10/26. Document Control Branch (Docu. ment Control Desk).1p 81676:11541676.115. latons bemo cons dered for escaisted enforcement actortMagar areas mapocted-operetonal satety vericatson & monthey masnt observatort HILAND.P.L Regon 3 (Post 820201). 94/10/21. 26pp. 81514.25841514.283 M11000023 Informs that hcense SOP-31134.TD Bush.was removed from duty on 941026.therefore. requests termmaten of heense KRAFT.E.S Commonwealth Esson Co 94/10/26. Document Consol Branch (Docu. N10200153 NRC Info Notmo 94476, "Recent Fadures of Chargmg/Salsty inpocton ment Control Desk) 1p. 81717.320-81717;320. Pump Shafts." GRIME 5.8.K. Offce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton. Dractor (Post 870411). 94/10/26. 9411040265 Forwards master BWR/PWR GFES exam w/ answer key of exam admirus-Consoldsted E$aon Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81658:00141658:013. tered on 941005. R.NG.MA Regen 3 (Post 820201). 94/10/27. C-.+. Z. Edison Co. 1p. M11040146 Responds to request for addl into re proposed trwd ten year enterval ISI 81586-00241586 002. program tor Quad Csbes Staton Unrts 1 & 2. W/160 overszed drewmos. SCHRAGEJ.L Commonweerth Esson Co 94/10/26 Othce of Nuclear Reactor Reg. N11220177 Informs that wetten & operstmg exr'ns scheduled for wk of 950320 $ that usaton, Dreclor (Posi870411). 301pp. 81624 00141624.301. util snould submit ret matis dentified an enci .ittachmenl of ES-201 by 951219 W/o enct 9418100080Conhrms plans to hold 941102 erWorcement conference to escuss poor RING M A. Regen 3 (post 820201). 94/11/16. KRAFT.E. Commonwealth Edson Co. correctrve actons & mamt actMbes resultmg in taaures of CRs to scram durm0 testmg 3pp 8179829741798.299 at plant insp repts50 254/9417 & 50 265/es.17 discussed. GREENMAN,E.G.* Regen 3 (post 820201). 94/10/27. KRAFT.E. C, . .~. J- N11300213 Forwards NRC summartred padance that clarnes reaurements for mam. Eeson Co.1p. 8167320741673 287. tarung mdpadual operator teenres.enated. "Clanicaton of Mamt & Reactwaton Re-ourements for inendual Opersmr Lcenses " M11090300 RING M A. Reg'on 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/18. Affilaton Not Asasgned. 3pp. NRC Bullebn Used to Transport 94-002. "."Corronen Problems m Certan Sterness PackagtnD U Hexafiuonce 81872.341 41872.343. PAPERIELLO.C.J Dmsson of industns! & Medral Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 94/ 11/14 Consoidated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81818.31141816.322. DOCKET $0 255 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT 9411230027 Forwards enforcement corWerence repts $4254/94-27 & 50 265/94 27 on 941102 &mforms Inst uts will be notted of NRC deceson re EA based on ento pro-sented & docussed al conference. F. Securtty, medical, emergency & fire protection plans GREENMAN.E.G Regon 3 (Post 820201). 04/11/16. WALLACE.MJ. Commonwealth Eeson Co. 3pp. 8181114641811:160. M11010127 Forwards msp rept 54255/9416 on NOR241012 Nonceted velatons eden. - H 11230033 Enforcemeen corWerence repts 50-254/94-27 & $4265/94-27 on tifed KROPP.W). R 3 (Post T0201). 94/10/21. PALMISANO.T. Consumers Power 941102. Areas escussedapparent volstons adentshed dunng map.correctwo actone Co. 4pp. 81514. 1514.355. ta6en or planned by bconase. HILAND.P.L Regen 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/16.13pp. 81811:14941811:180-9411010130 inso rept 50-255/94-16 on 9408241012.Noncned violatens adentmed Maior areas inspected:operatonal safety venhchoon.engmoered safety tes-9411230126 Forwards response to violanons noted m inep Repts 50 254/94 21 4 50- ture svs.onsste event of tosowup & secunty 265/94 21.Correcsve actons.inehated secunty mvest:Daten & all Sr-90 check sources KROPP,W). Regen 3 (Post 820201). 94/10/20. 23pp. 81514.33341514.355. removed from unresincted use. KRAFT.E S Commonweafen Edson Co.94/11/16. Olc of Enfortsment (Post 870413) 9411150431 Rev 11 to Emergency 1 Spp. 81833:09941833:103 . Sampeng . PCS Load / Gas & Contamment Ar}(EI) Procedure Ek7.1, " Post Acadent WYMER.S.L Consumers Power Co 94/10/27. 35pp. 81700-20641780.240. H11900237NRC Into Nobce 94477. "Maituncton m Mam Generator Voltage Regulator Causmq0vervoltage at Salety-Reaaled Elecincal Esapment" M11090364 Forwards rev 7 to Paksades Safeguards Contmgency Plan.per GRIMts.B K. .94/11/17.Coneohdated Edmon Co. of New York. Inc. 7pp. 81818.323 10CFR50.54(p)(21.Enct withheld 81816:329-HAAS.K.M. Consumers Power Co. D4/11/04. Document Control Branch (Document Cormal Desk). 10 8173626641736266. H11150578 NRC loto Nobce 94 078. "Electne Component Fadure due to Degradaton of P Chlande Wre inauiabon." $411150409Editonal changes to Rev 4 to Emergency implemonang (EI) Procedure El. GR8M S. K. . 94/11/21. Conschdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 10pp. 11.2. " Core Damage ? -- - .: From Post Acadent Samping." 81848.21541848.224. WYMER.S.L. Consumers Powa Co.94/11/04. 27pp. 8178024141780267 M11870039 NRC Info Nobce 94479. "Microbologcapy influenced Conomon of EDG 9411150414Editonal changes to Rev 2 to Emergency implementmg (EI) Procedure EL Svc Water Peeng " 16.2. " Post Accedent Sample Monrtonng Sys Supphes & Assocated ESapment GRIMES.D.It e4/11/23. Consohdated Edmon Co. of New Y irtL, Inc. 9pp. 81848225- Checks " 81648 233. WYMER.S.L Consumers Power Co.94/11/04.11pp. 0178109241781.102. M11300158 Ack receipt of util 941017 Itr m response to NRC ltr gguestng anfo re map 9411300121 Informs of decaen to estnute earterly prohcsoncy tanng for ERDS Oper-repts 50 254/9418 & 50265/94-16 NRC quashons ute posmon on MOV maues alors SHAFER.W D Regen 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/23. KRAFT.E. /.._ - z. Esson AXELSON.W.L Regen 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/18. MARTIN,J. Regon 3 (Post Co. 2pp. 81872.18241872183. 82G201). App. 8187213241872.135. M11170275 NRC info Notce 94480. " inadequate DC Grourg Detochon m DC Demte 9411290195 Forwards reactwo ghysscal secunty snap rept 54255/9419 on 941018-ton Sys " 31 One non.cned vsotanon idenuhe1 GRIMES.8 K. . 94/11/25. Coneohdated Eedon Co. of New York. Inc. 14pp. CREED.J R. Regen 3 (Post 820201) 94/11/21. PALMISANO.T. Consumers Power 81848 234 41648.247. Co. 2pp. 81869 03241869 03?. M11170284 NRC Into Notco 94481. " Accuracy of Besssay & Envron Samping Re. -9411290204 Inno rept $4255/9419 on 94101M1.One non.cned velaton suits " noted. Areas mapected:reactwo announced renew of bcensee identrfed fmdmg to av PAPERIELLO.CJ. Dwmen of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 94/ edocuate rowew of personnel access sumonraten background screenmg records. 11/25. Conschdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81848.248 81848.259 MADEDA.T. Fiegen 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/22. 4pp. 8166903441969 037 O R8 Portable eocurrences. LERs & releted correspondence M. General correspondence 9411140013 LER 9441100 on 940829.CRD L.11 taded to scram when grven mgnal due M11010164 Informs of personnoi & orge'1sratonoi changes re Senor Mgl responsible to poo plug maarted into solenced velve due to personnel not adrunn0 to for operanon of Paksases Nuclear Plant procerkee CRD muerted to ponnen 00 & snaps conducted for samdar obstruchons W/ HAAS.K M Consumers Power Co 94/10/18. Document Control Bronch (Document l 941078 fir. Control Denk). 3pp. 81579.29641579.300. j BRIGL.D.. KRAFT.E.S C_ _ . _2 Esson Co. 94/10/28.12pp 81770291 i 81770.302. N11080006 Forwards response to questons cased m940805.12 & 23Itrs re Dy cask storage se planLNRC sull researchmg questun re tabncaton of mufb. assembly sealed $411080203 Forwards LER 94415-30on 941002.smgle loop operaton in unanalyzed baskat 4 pnar to issuance of certhcate el convierce. coneton orrurred HANNON.J.N Propset Directorate 115 1, 94/11/02. SHILLINGLAW.F. Affikance: Not As. KRAFT.E.S. Commrynnistth Edson Co 94/11/01. Document Control Branch (Dncu. sogned.10pp. 8165811241658.121. ment Control Desk). 2pp. 81716:17341716 179 9411230081Rosconds to 941111 note re clanfoston of replacemers for J Zwoduziu ss -9411080212 LER 94415 00.on 941002. smote loop operanon en unenelyzed condstun new croamaton. occurred.Cauwd by ladure to pronously estachsh.m procedure & core ADEN6AM E.G. Divmen of Reactor Proent*s . tit.IV.V (Post 901216). 94/11/18. now briut. Transno & c'oceese reated SINCLAIRM Afhhaton Not Assaped app.81823:001 41823 004. R CHTER.M H. Co.. _ _ Eeson Co.94/11/01. 5pp 8171617541718179


N11210111 Intenm Part 21 Rept 94-12 re Lerwtorque actuator potenhal motor einen A hoense stage ' a & cor espondence key ladure Come Ed maued guidehnes to seu nucasar staions on methods for property esta motor osrwon keys. 9411170177 Paper enDtled " Reactor vessel Neutron Fluence Reducten Measures JOHN 1 M Commonwealth Eeson Co 94/11/11 Ottco of Nuclear Reactor Reg. Taken at Palmades" presented at ANS annual meekno on940619'23 utslorn. Drector (Post 870411) 5pp. 81331127-81831:131. GORALSKI.G.H Consumers Power Co.94/06/19 10pp. 81777$8641777:097

30 DOCKETED ITEMS 9411030309LD contract. mod 3 to task order 15.entendmo penod of partnrmance from 9411250122 Sutmuts pressurued thermal shock addl prenmmary rifo.per util 941108 941014 to 9%413 at rio &&B cost .ar obhpstion to govlto "lPE ReviewsIntemal submitta Ubi consdors a approonste to contmus to une 10CFR$0.61 genenc value of fwants Front End Orvy (Paheades)" ATNOT m calculahans ural util lectrical evaluation complele MACE.M DMason of Contracts (Post 940714) 94/09/01. CX)uNAJ. Science & Ea0 FENECH.R A Consumers Power Co 94/11/10. Document Control Branch (Document noenng Assoceses. Inc. 2pp. 61608.04141608.042. Canyol Desk) 2pp. 01854.35541654.358. M11090139 Forwards amend 162 to bcense DPR-20 & safety evalusteort Amend cor* N 11210231 Expresses dry cask storage concems p6ete rewme of eerumentaton operabety requrements & bases. SHtLUNGl.Aw,F. Appleton. WI 94/11/12. .J.N. Protect Drectorate 1161. GAMBERONI.M K. Protect Desctorate IV.1. 94/10/26. FENECH.RA Consumers app. 8163t18641831.191. Power Co. 3pp. 81666'06041666196 30603 to NRC buinetm 93402. "Debns Peugyn0 -9411090141 Amend 162 to bconse DPR-20.congestng rewnte of merumentaban oper- Nhtf20409 Ack reces)t N ate likt. 94/11/14. FENECH.RA Consumers Power HANNO Drectorate1311. 94/10/26.132pp. 81666Sti341608194. -9411000146 Safety evalusbon supporing amend 162 to bconee DPR-20. 9411300164 Inforum that unt 10CFR$0 54(a) subnvital did 940622 acceptab4e re

  • Orhoe of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton. Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/26 app 81686.19541666.196 changes mcorporated into OA program descryytion topical rept RING.M.A Region 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/25. PALM:SANO.T. Consumers Power Co.

9411020180Notificahon of 941110meenng w/util m Lase tL e prescrit resures of audit 3pp 8167223941872.241. of $serra Nuctear Corp & provide mfo re p6ans to release hold on Phase il VSC 24 component tabncatmrt GAMBERONI.M M Prosect Drectorate E1. 94/10/27.HANNONJ N Propect Drector. Q. lnepection reporte. IE Buleenns & - ate fli-1 3pp 81576 02041576 022. 94 0 5 Supol to RC Info Notco 93460. "Reportng Fuel Cycle & Matte Esents 9411020205 Suppl info re completon of fuel cel s@ ply sys mods for emergency desel BURNETT.R.F. DMason of Fuel Cycle Safety & Safeguartts (Post 930207L 94/10/20 KM Consumes Power Co 94/10/27. Document Control Branch (Documeni Conschdated Edmon Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81816.29941816.310. Conput Deskt Sop.81589 291ke1589 303 9411040263 Forwards SE concumng w/hcensee concluson that plant contamment M11010127 Forwards map rept50 255/94-16 on 9408241012.Nonened volahons sien-no abnormal degradatson of post .tensenm0 sys.per 940616.940207 ied GAMBERONI.M Progect Drectorate E1. 94/10/26. Consumers Power Co 2pp. Co. 4pp. 81514.32941514.355. 81609 347 41009 354.

                                                                                        -9411010130 insp rept 50 255/94-16 on 9408241012.Noncned violabons

-6411040273 SER accephng bconsee conclusson that plant CB has exponenced no at> soenstsed Mapor ervas mapectedoperationat safety venficaten.engmeered safety fee-riormal segradaton of post-tenssonog sys. Advmes beenees should perform regres- ture sys.onene event of tollowup & ascunty ason anaysas betare & after 1997 sche &sied memt KROPP,WJ. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 94/10/20. 23pp. 81514.33341514.355.

  • Othos of Nuclear Reactor Regutshon. Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/28. 6pp 81609 34W609 354. M11010052 Confams docussson between M Parker of NRC & K Haas of udl to have M11040313 Semits update of commnenent es corwerson to std TS. Current schedule 7,,mmnGacceden pw rept 50$5 7 shows expected completon date of 960401Lat of cornmstments attached. GREENMAN.E.G. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 94/10/24. PALMISAMO.T. Consumors HASS.K.M. Consumers Power Co 94/10/28. Document Control Branch (Document Power Co 1p. 8151415041514152~

Contci Desk). App.81652.31M1652 322.

                                                                                        -.94 HON Nothcaton of                   cant imenase meenng w/uW on 941W e esms 9411070248 Requests that H Han be allowed to review repts on uti contasnment post.

ROPP 3 t 82020 ) 0 24 Post 820201). 2pp. of mseson Surwomance Inc e as"t" 94 05 8151415141514152. GAMBERONI.M K Protect Drector 1. 94/10/31. FENECH.RA Consumers Power Co. 3pp. 81713.34841713.350 , N11080016 Requests downton from Reg Guide 1.97 re commic quahhcoton of CST Pump Shafte GRIMES,B K. Ofhce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton. Drector (Post 870411) 94/10/26 water levei matrumernatort Conschdaled Edman Co of New York. Inc.12pp. 81650 00141658S13 HAAS.K.M. Consumers Power Co 94/10/31. Document Control Branch (Document Corect Desk). 2pp 81750.32641750.327. M11100055 Forwards map rept 50 255/94 17 on 9408341013 Velatons 9411100248Rowests somrustrative correcten to TS.correcang pa 310 3-1c & 3-2 noted.Volations pertam to escovery that eacti of two EDG had been unaole to swply to delete nem 31.te & asaacsated beam medvertently restoreo tm 137. densgri base accedere loads. HAAS,K M Consumers Power Co 94/10/31 Document Contrat erarndt (Document GREENMAN.E G. Regen 3 (post 820201). 94/10/27. FENECH.RA Consumws Control Desk).1p. 81728.32741728.331. Power Co. 2pp. 81673 04H1673 062.

-4411100248 Proposed toch specs pages 31b.3 ic & 3 2.dpletmg nem 3.111e & asso-          -4411100058 Irmo rept 50255/9417 on 9408341012.Volatons noted. Mapor areas osted base maovertently restorea by Amend 137                                             inopomomantswwemance.wm & opwalions
  • Consumers Power Co 94/10/31. 4pp. 81728.326 4,1728 331. KROPP,WJ. Repon 3 (Pest 820201) 94/10/26.12pp. 81673:05141673-062.

M11040311 Forwards response to votatens noted m insp Rept 50 255/9413 Correc. wesset 0 02 to6 con bwe actons procedum enor prompey corrected on day tomounng esopwory of mconect KENNEDY.J L Peopoet Dvectorate 111 1. 94/11/03. HANNON.J.M Propect Drectorate v m 111-1. 2pp. 81772t9S41772.100. Control Desk) app 81652 31541652.318. 9411210296 nequests mto re progress uts made m toe &ng MS8 Cask #6 enough #8 at Palmaoes one & uti progress m rowsmg unioedmg reted an NRC H11100101 Forwards map rept 50 255/94-15 on 940912 30 & notice of volatonirisp 941026 ter to utet. results mdicated that plant mgt prended mottoceve crecten 4 oversaght of GL 8910 SINCLAIR.M P Don't Weste Mect"Gark 94/11/06 HANNON.J.N. Propect Drectorate E1. 2pp. 81837.10541837106. MOV JACOD .J M Regon 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/04. PALMISANO.T. Consumers N11188050 Fortrards rept on site vast to review emplementaten of mamt rule at staten Power CE 2pp 81673.27941673293 for review & mio Rept edersfies strengths & weakneuses w/progreen at sne SHAFER.W.D Repon 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/07 DONNELLY.P.M. Consumers 9411100111 Notee of volabon troen insp on 940912 30 Velaton reted tram May Power Co 2pp 81r46.13141746141. 1993 to Sept evaluanon performed to check M(JV operahihty resulung from Lsmnorgue 10CFR21 enhce & evalueton of some miection valves performed late 9411180178 Forws.ds norgaropnetary & propnetary veracns of Rev 1 to Engmeenn0

  • Repon 3 (Post $20201). 94/11/04. 2pp 81673.28141673 282.

Ansiyse (EA) EA.RDS 94 02. 'Evaluanon of.. Current PTS Screerung Cnterna Margm? Propnetary verarm of EA-RDS-9442 wnhheld (ret 10CFR2 790(b)) -9411100113 inep rupt 50 255/94.15 on 940912 30 V olatons noted Masar arens HAAS.K.M Consumers Power Co. 94/11/08. Document Control Branch (Document m,a,pec.t.ed heennee response Coreal Dook). 3pp. 8180025141800.284. g,. w assessmww & teensee accons ontopnnnous#y a moned. ' Safety. conched Rems.Remed MOV Tesung

 -94111C0181 Nonpropnetary verson of Rev 1 to Engmoenng Analysai. "Evatuston of                       ' y        73 gg '
  • Pahsados Current PTS Cmera Marpm?
  • Consumers Pau,er Co EA.R 9442 R0t. 94/11/07. 30pp. 8tl100.254419:00 264. e 506420 on M10t Em De n F at piare m rioperable esses generatirs de to mobsdy to suppiy man anaWed emch 9411180168 Nottmatran of M1121 meebng wruhl in Rodwee.MO to diacuss tcst re. tai pnwer demand dunng postutsted deosgn beam accident dooussed sWte perlomund on weld sarnples from retred SG Results provide #do to driermme CREENMAN.E.G Regen 3 (Post $20201). 94/11/04. PALMISANO.T. Consumers heat specdc value of unrrasated roteronom temp Pows Ca 3pp 81796 e41796935.

GAMBEHONI M Propeci [hrectorate til-1 94/11/09 HANNON).N. Protect Drectorate E1. 3pp 81770 34341770-345. -H11220005 Erdorcemeni corWorence rept 50 255/W.20 on N1101 Me!ar areas 9411220112 Confyms deman tietwoon WJ Kropp & J Kuomm to have mgt meeting 4Ammedmabsty of essel gonwators to tully supply man ansWed electncal power ms postulated design bases accident. on 941117 to escuss ongoing orgpneenn0 programs & status of KR .W,J. Repon 3 (Post 820201) 94/11/04 32pp. 81796 00441796.035 3 qPost 820201). 94/11/09 PALMI .T. Consumys GREENMAN.E Power G fp5741798.357. Co.1p. 81798. 94110e0300 NRC Bunetm 94402. "Concesan Problems m certam Stamises Packapng M11220102 Provides renewal of nati poiknant escharge e6mmatun sys permit Used to leursport U Hexa 8uonde " PAPERIELLO.C.J. Onnamon of trutustnal & Me& cal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 94/ HAAS.K M. Cormwners Power Co 94/11110. Documerit Coreal tiranch (Documerit 11/14 Coneohdated Edeon Co. of New York. Inc 12pp. 81818.31141816 322. Control Denk) 24pp 81632 3204'832.343

DOCKETEDITEMS 31 N11230219 Responds to NRC 940908 Ilr to unresowed nern noted m Safety insp Rept 9411080299 Submits oueshons re general heense rulemskmg.VSC 24 cask

    $0 255/9412 on 9407014819.Correctwo achons:hsts oesign changes planned m near           dessgn.$serra Nuclear Corp & contractors tabncation & OA noticonformances.multas.        I tuture to ereence performance et P-55A plurger paciung                                  sembly sealed basket weld problems & exemption. cask transport methods & Pah-04AAS.KM       Consumers     Power41864 Co 94/11/15. Document Coreol Branch (Document        sa61es pad Saue.

Contros Desa). Sop. 8\864:331 338. SHILLINGLAW.F. Appieton W1. 94/10/06. THE CHAIRMAN. SELIN.I. Ccc.-._ . . (Post 750119). Opp. 81679.I16 81679124. 9411100237 NRC Info Nobce 94477. "Malfuncton en Mam Gewator Voltage Reguietor Caus at SaWRelated Eisemcel Equipmern" IM fl . 94 11/17.Coneohdated Edison Co. of fvow York. anc. 7pp. 81816.323 3411080300 Discusses concem re lack of somme regurements for spent fusi ory cask storage pad & touncanon man at Pahsaaes. Unrelated J Massey921015conculaton conoemmg crushmg of the enct 9411238043 Ack recerpt of 941028 lir mformmg NRC of steps taken lo correct vmlabons LANDSMAN.R.B. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 94/02/17.THE CHAIRMAN. SELIN.I. Com-noted m map rept16 255/94-13 mesoners (Pool 750119). 2pp. 41679.12541879127. RING.MA Regen 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/17.PALMISANO.T. Consumers Power Co. 2pp. 81811165681811:194. DOCKET 80 258 UNIV. OF teOff7EVIDEO REEEARCH REACTOR  ! NmiOrre NRC in.o Notco 94478. Eiecine Compo,ent r.liure due to Degrada on of Por Chionde Wre Insulaten." GRIM S. PL . 94/11/21. Consokosted Esson Co. of New York inc. 10pp. F. Securpy, medical, emergency & fire protection plans 81848.21541848.224. 9411290196 Forwards reactnre phyncal secunty ansp rept 60-255/9419 on 941018-3001,89 ^ab W'*

  • ed Feb W m b M W I c,g n'R J Regen Post 20201) 94/11/21. PALMISANO.T. Consumers Power ED * " 820201). 94/11/15. HOLM.R.L liimoss. Uruv. of. Urbana.

Co. 2pp. 01869-032 81869 037. _8 872 848 7' '

-9411290204 inno rept 50 255/94-19 on 941018-31.One nonened velaten                                                                                                                 i noted. Areas mopoetedrencave announced review of ncermee idenafied fmdme re n.      DOCKET 80 289 BROWNS FERRY NUCLEAfl POWER STATION, UNIT 1 aosauste renew of personnel access autnonzamon background screenmg records.

MADEDA.T. Repon 3 (Post $20201). 94/11/22. 4pp. 81809-034418tWr037 9411170039 NRC Info Nobce 94479. "Mecrohsologcally infkanced Corronen of EDG ' Suc Water Pern0" GRIMES.B K. . 94/11/23.Conschdated Edmon Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 81848225 9411030095 Informs that rev 17 to radclogmal emergency plan for plant meets regure-81848 233. monts of App E to 10CFRSO & acceptabia. CLINE.W.E. Regen 2 fPost 820201). 94/10/18 KINGSLEY.O.D. Teemessee Valley 9411170279 NRC Info Notce 94480. " inadequate DC Ground Detecton en DC Doth Authonty. epp. S t 56709941500:102. hon Sys " GRIMES.B K - 94/11/25. Consondated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 14pp. 9411010211 Requests exempton from 10CFR73.55. "Reguremems for Physcal Protec. 81848.234 41848.247. ton of Lconsed Acevees " to enow use of hand geomeyy tsometncs sys to control unesconed access ento protected area of facihbes. M11170284 NRC Info Nokce 94481.

  • Accuracy of sume=*y & Environ Samping Re- MEOFORD.M.O. T . .. Valiev Autrenty. 94/10/24. Documens Control Brar.m suits " (Document Control Desk). Opp. 61585:053-81585:058 PAPERIELLO.CJ. Divinen of Industnel & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 94/

11/25. Consohdated Edison Co. et New York, Inc.12pp. 81848.24641848:259. } 9411170076 Forwards rev 24 to physical escunty/coner plan. Encl withheki MACHON.R.D. Tennessee Vaney Aumonty. 94/11/04. Control Branch &W mpme& 6 a; (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 81854 00141854:002. H 1100200 Monthly operatng rept for Oct 1994 lor Pahsades Niclear Plant W/941103 9411230260 Appicaton for amends to hcenses DPR 33.DPR.52.DPR48. OPR-77 &

  • ops.79.deletng aucht tressencies & requiremeni to perform redosogeal errergency BERLES.B W WILLIAMS.A.L Consumers Power Co fr4/10/31. 5pp. 81736.354-81736.358, .C al 94/11/15 Docun'ent Cantot Branch (Docu.

ment Control Desk). 4pp. 81854:13941854:189. W. Operator Esam -94112J0267 Proposed noch specs. deleting audit fregencses & requirement to perform radiosogmal emergency pian & socimty audits 9411040264 Forwards exam enswer key tar forms A & ""*" EE' admg reeutta, & ensnikaal E to "d'* #,'n",*,",d,"M* 7,o**n"e,.'". "" 9411230303 Forwards Rev 18 to "Radmiogmal Emergency Plart" Rev also corrects RING.MA Regen 3 (Post 820201). 94/10/27. Consumers Power Co.1p, 81586$01, several nunor mconsstencses & enors pmmusly nmed an mow of Rw 15 & docw 81586.001' nwnted by Itr dtd 940907 CARIER.P.P. Tennessee Vanny Authority.94/11/15 Document Control Branch (Docu-9411303218 Forwards NRC summartred guidance that clanfos regurements for mam- ment Control DosW. 5pp. 8185423241854293. tamm0 mchvidual operater bconses.entmed, "Clanfcahon et Mamt & Reactvaton Re-ouvements kw inevidual Operator Lsoonees." -941123G304 Rev 18 to "Radmiogmal Emergency Pian." RING.MA Region 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/18. Affikaton Not Aaesgned 3pp, " Tennessee valley Authonty.94/10/18. 57pp. 81854 23741854293. 81872:3414 1872.343. ~ 9411280047 Formerds envron assessment & fndmg of no esgrufmant impact to util 941024 rowest for exempton trom regurements of 10CFR73.55 concomino access T. Dry Cask Independent $ pent Fust storage insta8stions to protected & vital areas. HEBDON.FJ. Prosect Derectorate IM (formerty TVA Ptotect Drectorate) (Post I 9411080306 Discusses concem re lack of seesms requerements tot apont fuel ey casa 900803L 94/11/22 KINGSLEY.O.D. Tenrossee Vasey Authoney.1p. 81863.329 storspo pad & foundeten mati at Paksades. JA Zwoimelu 940104 response to roguest 81863 336.  ; lor techncal assetance re Pahsades spent tunn ey cask storage enet. I LANDSMAN.R.B. Rogson 3 (Post 820201). 94/02/17.THE CHAIRMAN SELIN.I. Com* mesamnors (Post 75011D). 3pp. 81841:00141841:007.

                                                                                        -9411280053 Ermron -             _.; & inchno of no signihcare ampact to uti 941024 re-ouest for exempton from certam recurements of 10CFR73.55 re unescorted access anto protected & vital areetEl$ unnecessary.

-9401130025 Responds b 831021 request for technmal aasstance re piant SF fuel dry HEBDON.FJ. Propect Drectorane is.4 (tcrmerly TVA Profect Drectorate) (Post cash storage & entorms that NRR obtened asastance from NMS$ m mvweng dessgn 900603). 94/11/22. 7pp. 81063.33041863.336.

  & enetynes tor dry casks used si plant agamut regulatons.                                                                                                                         {

ZWOLINSKiJA Asamtant Dmector for Repon lli Reactors (Post 901216). 94/01/04 ' GREENMAN.E.G. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 5pp. 8184190%81841$07. 4 Generaf correspondeme 9411090278 Ack receipt at enct m NRC 640915 Itr to Palmedes ey cask. SHtLLINGLAW Appleton, WI. 94/09/24. ZWOLINSKI NRC 940 Dotaded Af%atson I Gsven. 8pp. 8175929N175921*7. 9411030228 Requests Sist MJ Burrynslu be removed from NRC masimg labels for TVA 1

                                                                                          & seplaced w/RR Baron of same adeest
  • Tennessee Valley Authoney. 94/10/27. NRC No Dotaded Afflhabon Gevert 2pp.

94110800'S Requests responoe to940805 & 12Itri re hear'"O on VSC-23 caoks to be 89641:35941641:360, unloaded si piart SHILLINGLAW.F. Afhhator' Not AsW0nrod 94/to/24. 7WOLINSKlJA 94RO No De- 9411070400 Submits changes to N ksts for TVA docket tailed Afhaucri G#ven.1p. 81677.27241677.272-CARIER.P.P, Tennessee Valley 94/11/01 Document Control Branch (Doce 9411040286 Refers to 940825 meetmo hesd tn rs==== plant ey cask storage

                                                                                          **                   IEE'              '
  - .~, ... met due to apparent progress en andressm0 asues. status update meet.

an0 cancesed a meseng sensoused w.en uniondmg procedure enhancements cer* 9411230100 Responds to 941015 ftr to Chantman i Sehn.requestmg info on schons parted taken by NRC to address concoms ramed by JA Fleming to emergency preparoeiese HANNON).N. Praiset Drectorate ill 1. 94/10/26. FENECH,RA Consumers Power for nuclear pmver piants. Co. 3pp 81609.35841609 360. TAYLORJM Orc of the Execunve Drector for Opershons. 94/11/09. KERRYJ.F. Senate. 3pp. 81828.28M1828 323. 9411080795 Ack recept of 941006 Ilr to sehn.askmq questens to general hcense futemakmD.VSC-24 cash deseDn.Serra Nuclear Corp a contractors tabncanon & QA 44411230199 Requests add mto portameng to emergency preputedness for each este norwxmoormances. mul&assemtwy seaed besket weed proteems & esemptort hated. BERNERO.R M Othce of 94ucosar Maional Safety & Safeguards. 94/11/02. FLEMINGJA Afhkaton Not Assegned 94/07/14.CHILK.S Othee of the Secretary of SHtLLINGLAW.F. Appietort W1.1p 81679115 81679.127. the Commmasort 2pp. 81828.32241828.323.

32 DOCKETEDITEMS i A Operseme Scense sto8e documente & corvenpondence 9411080024 For.vards map repts 60-259/94 24.64 280/94 24 5 60 296/M44 on , 940910 1015 & nonce et molaton. M11380237 Fmst to F04A request for documents. App C records enci & pa,. LESSER.M S. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/H/02. KINGSLEY.O.O. Tennessee Valley enempton 5) Authonty. dop 81637.18941637424 tsaar untnnees(ret F POWELL.R A Divmon of Freedoen of Informenon & Pihicatens Sereces (890204 -M11000030 Notus of wolaion from map on 9409141015.Veisten notad on Da0714) 93/11/22 PATTERSON.SJ Peewman & Hoftrmger. 3pp 81900 174- 940420. reactor sta tup performed on unit 2 w/o meermodele range morwoor hgh ska 81900 271 cm:uitry functonany tested tietore startup

 -M11380263 Summary of 920616 18 NRC seemor mgt meetn0 conducted to assure
  • Regen 2 ( t 820201). 94/11/02. 3pp. 81837.19341837.195 NRC toc resources on plants & rensted lasues of yeatest safety segrvtacance ento 0-101S Voistons noted Maior areas mesmeted operatons.survallance J M Ole of the Esecutive Director for Operatons 92/06/25. THE CHAIR.

MAN L -_ ;,(Post 750119) fs0pp. 8190017681900.227 lostng. maintenance actvebes. unst 3 recovery actons & foragn malenas sound m torus

 =0411300fGS Summary of 930126 48 NRC memor mgt meetn0 conducted to ensure                       WERT.L.D., LESSEH.M.S. Regen 2 (Post 820201t 94/11/02 29pp. 81637.196 NRC tocusan0 retources on piants & related neues of yestest safety espuhcarce. info          81637.224 deleteit AYLOR)M. Ofc of the Enocutive Drector for Opershons. 03/02/04 THE CHAIR-                9411218088 Forwards map roots $4259/94 26.50280/94 26 & 64296/94 2$ on MAN C%             _ ,, (Post 750119). 44pp 81900.22841900.271                               94101741No violetons or devotons loonhted CRLENJAK.R V. Regen 2 (post 820201L 94/11/04 KINGSLEY,0 D. Tennessee 9411070111 Estends evitalon to Regon 11 hcensees to per9ceste w/NRR Regen 11                    Valley Authonty. 3pp. 8178590641785 019.

representamves m doouseson of GL 8910 motor. operated weeve programs Meeting to to head on 941108 Atlanta GA Moe nonce & agenda enct -94 t1210079insp repts 50Ue/94-25 $0480/94 25 & $0 296/94 25 on 940917 21 No MALLETT.B S. Regon 2 (Post 82020 J. 94/10/12 KINGSLEY,O D. Tennessee Vaney v'olanons notedMaeor areas mapersed. renew of ISl procedures.observaten of ISI Authorny Spp.81605 09641606 099. wort actuties mclueng repaa. replacement & renew of data COLEYJ.L., BLAKEJJ. Regen 2 (Post 820201) 94/11/02. 11pp 81786-001k M11030022 Summenses 941007 meeting w/ute at Re0on il osc to docuss concems 81785919 resolution propam.Last of mevutuels atteneng moobng & hondout mas supphed by bcontee enct M11080300NRC Bullehn 94402. "Corvoecn Probleme m Certain Stantees Packagmg DOGER 8 A. Regen 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/18 KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley Used to Transport U Hexatsuoride " Authonty 24pp 8156106S41561988 PAPERIELLO.CJ Dnnamn cs Industnal & Mescal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729) 94/ 11/14 C%_

                                                                                                                        ^ Erhoon Co. of New York. Inc.12pp 81818 31141816 322.

M11030044 rha===s 941017 rneetmg held w/ubt to em== changes in correctve acton program.Last of anennees. ida & hondout men supphed by kwnese enct M112eo020 Forwards ansp repts 50469/94.28.60 260/94 28 & S0 296/94 28 on BOGER.D Repen 2 (Post 620201. 04/10/20. KINGSLEY,0.D. Terowenee Vousy Av. 941024 28 No votetons noted thoney 23pp. e tS0116341 Set.185. CLINE.W E. Region 2 (Post 8202011. 64/11/16. klNGSLEY.O D Tennessee Valley Aulnonty 4pp. $1857.1a13 81857.211. M11080237 Forwards Request for Rehef R&R-001 from ASME Secton Kt. repar re-flurements 6ar NRC rewww & approval pnor to sys pressure test schedsled = Mil 298034Insp repts $0-259/94 28.50460/94 28 4 54296/94-28 on M102448 Ho tor 941107 & requests to use ASME Code Case N-604-1 tot plant A reper pre volatons noteo Masur areas mapected occupatonal reeston saiety arem PARKER.B A., RANKIN.W H Repon 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/16.15pp. 81857,197-LALAS.P. T.. . . Vai6ey Authorny 94/10/28 Document Control Branch (Doew 81857.211. meni Control Desk) 16pp. 81679.22441679 239. Mit100237 NRC Info Notme 94477. "Malfuncton m Mem Generatur Voltage Regulator M11100119 Advenes that weed overtay repsa of weld GR.244 auttoent to mamtam Cauemo Overvoltage at Safety 4leisted Elecincel Egugwnent" structural of wood inder operaeng condeons & that apphcaton of ASME GRIMES.B K, . 94/It/17. Consohdoted Echeon Co of New York. Inc. 7cek $1816.323 Corte Case N. -1 to weed autriortred.per941028 Itr 81816 329 Ht BDON.FJ Pro 9ect Drectorste 11 - 4 (formerty TVA Prorect Drectorate) (Post 900bO3) 94/11/07. AtNGSLEY.O.D. Tenneseos Vaney Authonty. 3pp 81726.264 9411190578 NRC into Nobce 94478, "Electne Componsni Falure due to Depedaton 01726.262. of Poeyvenyt Ch60nde Wwe insulabon" GRIMLS.U K . 94/11/21 Coneohdated Eeoon Co of New Yortt. inc. topp i 8411300186 Nollhcahon of egneficant hcenses meetmg w/uts on 941201 re status of 81648 21541648.224. piant & recovery scimnos LESSER.M S Repon 2 (Post 620201) 04/11/10. Repon 2 (Post 820201L 2pp. Mit170038 NRC Indo Notice 94479 "MicroteoleycaNy hifluenced Canonen of EDG 81872J7N11872277. Svc WaterK. Penny" GRIMES.B 34/t 1/23. Cor.sohdated Eeson Co of New York. Inc. 9pp. 81648225-M11380190 Confrms toscon between P Sales & MS Lasser se arrangements made for 81848.233. 941201 mgt meetn0 w/utd concorrang status of plant relatmg to operatrig evcie. outage & recovery actveen M11170278 NRC Info Notce 94480, "inade@aste DC Ground Detecton m DC Detnbu BOGER.B A. Regen 2 (Post S20201) 94/11/10. KINGSLEY.O D. Tennessee Vaney con Sys - 1 Autterity. 3pp. 818'/2 28 t .81872.263 GRIMES.B K . 94/11/25 Conschdated Edson Co of New York. Inc. 14pgx 81648 234 4',648.247. M11230381 Provides saidste to IST program & addrocees anomakes identhod by NRC en NRC 931022 SER IST oroyarn update contame clarlhcatons to program desenpton 9411170264 NRC Info Notre 94481. " Accuracy at Bsoassay & Ermron Sampemo R*-

     & rehai roguesta New coed shutemwn gunstocaton tir also mctuded.                             sutta "

SALAS P. T.._ .. Vaney Authonty 94/11/14 Document Control Branch (Doce PAPERIELLO.CJ Deveen of trukatnal & Meecal Nuclear Satevy (Post 870729) 94/ rnent Contrud Deskt Sepp 81648.27341648 338 11/2S. Conachdated Ed son Co. cl New York. Inc 12pp. 81848 24681648 2S9 9411220104 Forwards pennec moormal repts on meagrated leek rate lustn0 of secondary contammoni requesd by TS 8 9.2 8 R. Portoefic operating reports & related corroepondence SALAS.P. Tennessee Vahey Autrionty. 94/11/15. Document Control Branch (Doce mont Conlrol Deek) 7pp. 81633 00341633 000 M11230313 Monthly operaung rept tor Oct 1994 tar Browns Ferry Nuclear PlantW/ A 'h,'TH g T R., SALAS.P. Tennessee Vasey Authonly 94/10/31 13pp. 81648 348 M119303eo DPR 794o n0 ,e.pphcan.on au , tot. amends e sencme & re a toemeni,nnes io -DPR 33.DPR42.DPR48. DPR-77 r- emer.ency & 8,0 8 ,80* n & secunty plan audits from TSs. VIS.CR Tennessee VaRov Authonty 94/11 < 15. Document Contot Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk). 4pp 81854.13941654189 E Operecer L _ _

  - 9411230387Pmposed noch apoca.deletmg audit frequencess & requrement to pectorm                                                       for enep of hconasd operator requaNth:ston pro-radological emergency pian a secunty p6an audits                                           M11030087 Diarummas are
  • Tennessee Vahey Authority 94/11/16 47pp. 81854.14341854189 gram to map reets 64253/ 11.64 260/94-11 & 54 296/94 11 at statortursts 1,2 &

3 to be conducted dunny week of 941114 PEFBLES.T A Regon a (Post 820301). 94/10/19 KINGSLEY.O D Tennesese Vaney O. " z reports,it Bidiotene & ; ._ _ Aulhurny app 8168010641Sao 109 DOCKET $0 380 BROWNS FEftRY peUCLAAft POWER STAT 1D88. UselT 2 e op 60 Se 200N1 & 296 11 et uts 1 be conducted dunn0 week of 941114 PEEBLES.T A 2 (Pust 6202o1). 94/10/19 KINGSLEY,0 D. Tennessee Vaney 1064158010g F. SecurNy enodecat, emergency & Mrs proceemon plane Autrenty app. 81 M10140757 Suppt 1 to NRC Into 940 tee 93 080, " Reporting Fuel Cycle & Matis Events 9411030005 Informe that rev 17 to radelogical emergency p6an tor p6 ant meets requrer to NRC Opavaaore Ctr." monts of App E to 10CFR50 & acceptaose BURNETT.R F. DMacn of Fuel Cycle Satety & Sateguards (Pist930207) 94/10/20 CUNE.W E. Regen 2 (post 820201). 94/10/18. KINGSLEY O D. T..- Vaney Conachdeted Esson Co. of New Yor1L. trc.12pp 81418,29941M6 310. Authorny 4pp. e168009981580102 H t1030383Provedse notificaten of completon of Bulleen 7418. aut%hty problems erk M11010211 Requests ewampton from 10CFR73 55. *Re.orements for Physical Protec. cournered on evacuston of personnel kom tugh noone areas for SFf% Urvts 1 & 3 ton et Leerheed ActMhos# to BNow une of hand geometry boometnct tiys to conWol f ALAS.P. Tennessee Valley Autmanty 94/10/21 Document Corsai Branch (Doce unseconed access mto protected area at facemos. ment Controi Desk) 2pp. 81633.35741633 358 MEDFORO M.O. Tennemase Vasey Authonty 94/10/24 Document Contal Branch M10200163 NRC Info Nocce 94478, "Recent Fadures of Chargmg/Satety insechon Mt t179076 Forwerds rev 24 to physcal secunty/ pian Ence withheld Pump Shafts" GRIMEE.8 A Othee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton. Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/26 MACHON.R D. Tennessee venev Aumorny 94/11/ Control Branch Cormuhdated Eenon Co of New Vors,Inc 12pp 81658-0014teb8 013 (Document Centrol Derek) 2pp. 81854 001418be 002 l

i I DOCKETED ITEMS 33 9411236260 Appication for amends to hconses DPR-33.DPR42.DPR48. OPR-77 8 9411070261 Forwards reused Rehef Request SPT-4 from ASME Sectort Xi ISI & svs DPR 79.deletmg audit frequences & re@wement to portarm redologcel emergency pressure test programs Util roQuestmg one tune rehof request for add! exams of CRD plan & securey plan audns from TSs. cap scraws dunng current (Umt 2 Cycle 7) refuehng outage. DAVtS.C.R. Tennessee Valley Authonty 94/11/15. Document Control Brarch (Docu. SALAS.K Termessee Vahey Authonty 94/11/02. Document Control Bratich (Doce mont Control Desk). App,81854.13941854.189. ment Control Desk).18pp. 81654:028 41654 045.

 -NH230287 Proposed 1och specs.deletmg audst frequences & requrement to perform                                                                                                                                                                                         )
                          ***                                                                                                                                              941110011,9 1ermessee Va'Doncy                     ney Authonty                           plan &94/11/15.                 secunty plan47pp.austta 8185414341854:189.                     structura mtAdanes        Inst wo4d overlay repar of weld GR.244 sufhcent to mentam of wekt under operatog condmons & that apphcanon of ASME Caoe Case N.          I to weld authonred.per 941028 ler M11230303 Forwards Rev 18 to "Rachologeal Emergency Plan." Rev also corrects several mmor mconsistences & errors prowously noted m rewsw of Rev 15 & docu'                                                                                                        9fM 0         KIN             D"     nnespe V                          26 mented str dtd 940907.                                                                                                                                                   81728~252' c^a,,,*a;,,,0 g~,,rgm;&aj;;/* ac -at c-*=' ar a=

me N1H.O P,ondes evHe.on of spo.y cosir,g on simniess st.ef componen. ms. BFN Urvt 2 suppresason chamber.

 -M11230304 Rev 18 to "Radiologmal E                                                                                                   Piart a                               SALAS.P Tennessee Vaney Authonry. 94/11/10. Document Control Branch (Docw
  • Tennessee Vaney Authoney.94/1011 81854.23741854293. ment Coreal Deshk 23pp. 81781.23441781.258.

N11280047 Forwerds eneron assessment & Andn0 of no signrhcant unpact re utd 9411300185 Notrhcaten of segnifcant iconsee meetmg w/util ori941201 re status of 941024 request for exempton from requrements of 10CFR73.68 corcommg access plant & recovery actraties. to protected & wtal ereas. LESSER.M S Regen 2 (Post $20201). 94/11/10. Regen 2 (Post 620201) 2pp HEBDON.FJ. Propect Drectorate Ib4 (formerly TVA Protect Drectorate) (Post 81872.271b.81672.277. 900003L 94/ti/22. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley Authonty.1p. 81863.329 81863.33tk 9411300190 Confrms teicon between P Salas & MS Lesser re arrangements made for

-9411300053 Enwron - ._ .: & fmdmg of te segrvficant rnpoet re ut!941024re.                                                                                                  cyc            g recovery a quest for exempton from certam recurements of 10CFR73.55 re unescorted access mto protected 4 wtal arees.EiS unnecessary.                                                                                                                               BOGER.B.A. Regen 2 (Post 820201194/11/10. KINGSLEY,0.D. Tennessee Valley Authonty. 3pp. 8187228141672263.

HEBDON.FJ Protect Drectorate 18-4 (formerly TVA Propect Drectorate) (Post 900603). 94/11/22. 7pp. 81883.330 81863.338. 941117tEl07 Adwees that request tor rehet from ASME Code recurements eor exam of design cap acrews will be granted ort one-ame Dams & apphes only to removal of BDON Protect Duectorats 114 (formerty TVA Protect hreC10 rate) (Post

$411030228 Recy;ests that MJ Burrynsed be removed from NRC mehr*g labels for TVA                                                                                                    fgg' #                        *         """"**                      #
   & replaced w/RR Baron of same a# ress.                                                                                                                                   e T                                                           Authonty. 94/.0/27. NRC . No Dotaded Affileton Gewert 2pp.
                                                                    -                                                                                                     -NH1703H Safety evalush for Meet from ASME Code reguremnts. Rehet panted on one tme beam & apphes                to removal of ongmal desgn cap screws.
$411070s00 Submits changes to estriluton hsta for TVA dockets.
  • Offee of Nuclear Reactor ton, Oractor (Post 670411). 94/11/14.13pp.

CARIER.P.P. Tennessee Valley Authortly 94/t1/01. Document Control Branch (Doce 8"'87"UIII# ment Control Desk). 7pp. 81663:10341663:109. N11230100 Responds to 941015 Itr to Charmen i Sehn.requestng Wo on actons m NRC 931022 SER.tST program update contans clanhcabons to program coscnphon taken by NRC to sodress concems remed by JA Finmng to emergency preparedness & rehof roosestshow cold shutdown luktshcaten 12 also meluded for nuclear posHsr plants. SALAS.P. Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 94/11/14. Documerit Coreal Branch (Docu. TAYLORJM. Osc of the Execuerve Drector for Opersuona. 94/11/09 KERRYJF. ment Control Desk). 66pp. 8184827341648.338. I Senate. 3pp. 81828.28641628.323. I

-4411230199 Requests adcs into portammg to emergency preparedness for each sto                                                                                            9411220184 Forwards penodic specsal repts on mtegrated leak rate lostmg of secondary contaenment romered by TS

hated SALAS.P. Tennessee Vasey Authority. 94/11/15. Document Control Branch (Doco FLEMINGJ.A. Afflhaton Not Assagned.94/07/14.CHILK.S. Othcm of the Secretary of ment Control Desat). 7pp. e tt33.00341833 009. the Commmmen. 2pp, 81828.32241828.323. 9411230260 Apphcaten for amends to bconses DPR.33.DPR.52.DPR48. OPR-77 & P. Operating bcense state documents & correspondence 85ecunt "8 "d

                                                                                                                                                                                      *'* 'y plan a"udits
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ' * " ' " " ' * *'*'              '" '9*" V St DAvlS.C.R. Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 94/11/15. Documerie Control Branch (Docu-9411300237Fnal response to FOtA request for documentsApp C records enct & par.                                                                                               ment Control Desk). App.81854.13941854:189.

bony withheld traf FOLA exempton 5). 9 1 P TTE SON J & Hoftunger 1 faeciunty pian audits.

  • fennessee Valley Authonty.94/11/15. 47pp. 8185414341854:189.

-9411300253 Summary of 920615 16 NRC sener meetng conducted to easure NRC resources on plants & rosated usues greatest safety egnnicarce. info ORJM. Olc of the Execubve Drector for Operatons. 92/06/25. THE CHAIR-MANC_ _ _ -(Post 750119). 50pp. 81900:17641900.227. 9410030097 The mas for ensp of bcensed operator requahtcaton pro. -NH==. Surn,na,y or 930ix = NnC sene, r., , conducted NRC 90cusm0 resources on plants & related ensues of greatest safety signricance info assu,o n;"aall;;= *25A',ee,'g,'t,of'-" n

  • S2=" a' ~uaa"2
  • PEEBLES.T.A Hagion 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/19. KINGSLEY.O.D Tennessee Valley Olc of the Executrve Director ter Opershons 93/02/04. THE CHAIR. ~

MAN Communeners (Post 750119). 4400. 81900.22641900271. 9410140H7 W 1 to NRC hio Notce SW ' % FW % 4 Mans Events to NRC Operatons Ctr." 9411070111 Extends eivflaten to Regen 11 beeneses to pa tespate w/NRR Regen it represents 8ves m em==aan of GL 8&to motor operated valve programs.Mostng to BURNETT.R.F. Dresson of Fuel Cycle Safety & Safeguards (Post 930207). 94/10/20. be held on 941108 Apanta.GA.Mostano noece & agenda enci Consolidated Ectwm Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 8181629941816.310. MALLETT.B & Region 2 (Post 82o20f). 94/10/12. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley Authartty. 5pp. 81605 09541805 09g. 9410200153 NRC Info Nobce 94 076. "Recent Fadures of Chargmg/Sehty insecten Pump Shafts." 9411030022 Summanres 941007 meenng w/uul at Regen ll oec to seems concoms GRIMES.B.K. Orfee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton Drector (Pos1870411). 94/10/26. resoluten prograntList of sidwiduals attendin0 meetmg & handout mall supphed try Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc 12pp. 81658t10141658:013. hcennae art::1. BOGER.B A Region 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/18. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vaney 9411070281 Forwaren rewmed Rehet Roguest SPT-4 from ASME Secten XI iSI & sys Authomy 24pp. 8156110541561:088 pressure test prog ams LPal requestmg one eme rebet request tor edis exams of CRO 9411030044 Docusses 941017 meseng held w/util to al=== cap screwr, durmg current (Urut 2 Cyc6e 7) refuenng outaga. correceve SALAS.P. Tennessee Vaney Authomy. 94/11/02. Document Cortof Branch (Docu. acton .Last or ettendees. agenda a handout man s@phed . enct melt Coreal Desk).10pp. 81654 02841654:045. BOGER.B. Regen 2 (Poet 820201t 94/10/20.KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vaney Av. thonty 23pp 81581:18341661:185. i 9411000024 Forwards map rests 54 259/94-24.54280/94-24 & 54 296/94-24 on i 94110e0237 Forweds Request for Rehet R&R401 tram ASME Secton Xt. repas re. 4 ' " earements br NRC remsw & appreval pnar k sys pressure test c scheduled R R 2 820'201L 94/H/02. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee vaney , tar 941107 & requests to une ASME Code Case N-5041 mr plant repas pro Authonty' app' 81637:18941637.224- i

           .P. Tennessee Vaney Authonty 94/10/26. Document Control Elrench (Docw                                                                                          -44 Hot 0030 Nobce of weiston Som map on 9409141015Violaeon notecon                           )

ment Control Desk).16pp. 8167922441679.239, 940420 reactor startup perlormed on urut 2 w/o mienneente ran0e nonnor high Hun l cocuitry functonaRy tested tietore startup. - 9411070208 Forwards. " Browns Ferry Nucanar Plant. Unit 2. Cycle 8. Core Operetng ' Regon 2 ( 820201), 94/11/02 3pp. 81637.19341637195. Limns Rept " SALAS.P. Tenrossee Vaney Authonty, 94/10/31. Document ConWol Branch (Doce -9411000036 insp repts 50 259/94-24.50 260/94 24 & 54296/94 24 on 940910-ment Coritrol Desk). 3pp 81654 00141654 019. 1015 violatens noted Maior areas mapected- operatons surveellance testng.mantenance activites. unit 3 recovery actons & foreign maioral found m -M11070211 " Browns Feny Nuensar Plant.Urvt 2.Cyese 8. Core Opereung tsmits Rept " torus. BRUCE.AL., RILEY.E E.. KEYS.T A Tennessee Vaney Authonty. TVA(.,OLR-BF2C8 WERT.LD., LESSER,M.S. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/02. 29pp. 81637:196-ROO 94/10/06. tapp. 81654 00441654 019. 81637224

34 DOCKETEDITEMS N112100st Forwards map repts 50-259/94-25.50260/94-25 & 50-296/94-25 on V. Operator E__... 941017 21.Ho wolatons or dematons spentAed CRLENJAK,R V. Regen 2 (Post 620201). 94/11/04. KINGSLE'Y.O D. Tennesmee 94t10300g7 Discusses arra19ements tar mso of beensed operator requahhcaten pro-Valley Autenty. 3pp. 01785 00641785.019 gram re map repts 50 259/9411. 54260/9411 & 50 296/9411 at statettunits 1.2 & 3 to be conducted dunng week of 941114

 =0411210079insp roots 54259/94-25.50-260/94-25 8 50-296/94,25 on 940917 21 No                                   2. Post 820201). 94/10/19. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee valley moistons notedMaior areas inspectedreview of ISI procedures.observaton of ISI         PEEBLES.T.A.

Authonty. 4pp. 81 R ' 106 81560:109 wart actrvites eclueng reparfeplacement & renew of data COLEYJ.L., BLAKEJJ. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/02.11pp. 81785'009 01785:019- DOCKET 50 261 H.B. ROBINSON PLAlfT, UNfT 2 M11000300 NRC Dunetsn 94402. ",Corroomn Protneme m Certan Stainless Packagen0 Used to Transport U Mezafluonos E SecurMy, snedical emergency & tro protocuan piene PAPERIELLO.CJ. Dinsen of industnal & Mechces Nuclear Safety (post 870729) 94/ 11/14 Consohdeled Eeson Co. of New York, hic.12pp. 01818.31141816.322. M11300132 Ack recogst of $40906 lir whch transmmed rowseon 26 to plant physcal M11170301 Forwards RAI re Unn 2 second 14yr enerval ISI program.per uti 940222 secunty pian.Rewsw of chan0es has found them to be consstartl w th pronsens of submmat. info requessed try 950106 10CFR50.54 WILLIAMS t F. Protect Drectorate 8 4 (formetty TVA Proiect Drectorate) (Post COLLud.D M. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/21. HINNANT.C.S. Carphna Power & 900603) 94/11/14. KINGSLEY.O D. T- Valley Author'ty. 4pp e1785.153 Ught Co. 3pp. 8187215741872159 81785156. M1103033e Revised EPIPs.nctumno Rev 3 to PEP 003. " Emergency Preparedness N11200029 Forwertis map repts 50-259/94-28.54260/94 28 & 50 296/94-28 on Penochc Tests " Rev 4 to PEP 166. " Technical Analyses Manager" & Rev 1 to PEP. 175, "Representatrve at Emergency Operatens Ctra " W/941024 Itr. 941024-28 No molanons noted. KRICH.R.M. Carolms Power & ught Co.94/10/24. 35pp. 81640:27941640:313 CLINE.W.E. Regen 2 (Post $20201). 04/11/18. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee vaney Authoney. 4pp 81857:19341857.211. M11030002 Forwards summary of workshops held w/US Army Corps of Engineers &

 -8411290034Insp repts50 250/94-28.50 200/94 28 & 54296/94-28 on 941024 28.No             bcennes representatives conducted et each of lour regonal cics.W/o enci.

noienons noted Maior areas . .- : occupatonal radienon safety BATEMAN.W.H Protect Drectorate R.1. 94/10/26 ORSER.W.S Carohne Power & PARKER.B.A.. RANKIN.W.H. Repon 2 (Poet 820201). 94/11/15.15pp. 01857197 Ught Co. 4pp. 81007:173-81607:176. 81857.211. M11070300 Provides response to velatons noted m insp Rept 54281/94-23.Curroceve N11180237 NRC info Notco 94477,

  • Malfuncton m Mem Generator Voltage Regulator -.. ----- periormed to ceterrune adverse tend omsts of tadures to property Cauemg Overvunage et Salety44etsted Electncal Eaugament." adhere to encort procedures.

GRIMES.B.K. 94/1I/17. Conechdated Edman Co. of New York, Inc. 7pp. 81816.323 HINNANT.C.S. Carohne Power & L9ht Co 94/10/31. Documern Control Branch (Doc. umorn Control Dook). 3pp. 81654 Ou41654.024. 81816.329. M11300170 Forwards results of Unit 2 core shroud map commmed to an uti 940523 M11070431 Rensed EPIPs.includmg Rav 8 to PEP-166 Rev 11 to PEP 4SS & Rev 7 to response to GL 94 03. PEP-453 W/94 I101 fir. SALAS.P. T- Valley Authorty. 94/11/18. Documsen Control Branch (Docu. KRICH.R.M. Caroima Power & bght Co.94/11/01. 28pp. 81716.32541716:352. ment Control Desk).17pp. 81910 03041910046 9411000HO Forwards amend 152 to boense DPR23 & safety evaluenort Amend M11150578 NRC No Nobce 94478. "Elecinc Component Fadure due to Degradaten changes TS 6.13 re tugh rarAston prende for use of a6armm0 dossmeters on of Chionde Wre insulaton" personnel asowed access to fugn eachsten areas. GRIM S. .K. . 94/11/21. Conochdated Echeon Co. of New York. Inc. topp. savZAF ARI.B.L. Protect Dreeterate 11 1. 94/11/04. HINNANT.C.S. Caronne Power & 81648,2154 1648.224. Leght Co. app.81667.31041667.319. M11170030 NRC Into Nohce 94479, ' MscrotnolopcaWy Innuenced Conowan of EDG -9411000240 Amend 152 to heanse DPR-23.chenome TS 6.13 re tugh radiaton Svc Water Pysng." proude for use of alarmng dosunsters on personnel atowed access to fugh GRIMES.B.K. ,94/11/23 Cor= hied Edson Co of New York, tre. 9pp. 81648 225- redemon areas & exempt healtn phymes technicians. 01848.233. BATEMAN.W.H. Progect Drectorste111. 94/11/04. 4pp. 81667.31441867:317. Mtilf0279 NRC Info Noace 94480, " inadequate DC Ground Detecton m DC Duinte -9411000260 Safety evaluston supportno amend 152 to hcense DPR.23. bon Syt"

  • Ofhts of Nucleat Reactor Regulaien. Director (Post 870411). 94/11/04. 2pp.

GRIMES.B K. . 94/11/25. Consohdated Edmon Co of New York, Inc. 14pp. 81667.31641067:319. 81648234 41648147. M11210027 Forwards ansp rept50 281/94-26 on 940025-941022 & nohce of wointeri M11170M4 NRC Into Notce 94 081, " Accuracy of Seessey & Envron Sarrpimg Re- CHRISTENSEN.H. Recon 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/04 HINNANT.C.S. Carchne PLwer suits " & LsDht Ca 4pp. 81754.14441784.155. PAPERIELLO.CJ Chuson of industnal & Medical Nuclear Satefy (Post 870729). 94/ 11/25. Conmied Edison Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 81648:24641848259. -9411210033 Notce of weianon trorn swp on 940925 941022 Velatons notedmtal area boundary tweecned for ment & no compensatory .. m establehed. CHRISTENSEN.H. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/04,10. 01764.14641784148. R. Portedle oper1pling reports & salated correspondence M11260114 Rev 6 to Plant Emergency Procedse PEP-S$3. " Personnel Decontamma-N11220313 Monthly operstmg rept for Oct 1994 lor Browra Feny Nuclear PlanLW/ torL" W/941115 tir. WILKERSON.T M., KRICH.R.M. Carchna Power & bght Co. 94/11/15. 7pp 94tt t4 fer 81894.3e641894.332. SMITH.T.R., SALAS,P. Tennessee Vaney Authenty. 94/10/31. 13pp. 81648 348 81648.360. P. Operating Ilcones stage documents & morromponsionse

  $6Reportaliae -..            . LERs a related correspondence 9411040293 Techrucal Rept, " Assessment of             Degradeton of Cnall/ Stnactural M11400206 LER 9440640:on 941002,pnmary contarvnent penetratons & mem steem               Faakres at Selected Operatng Nucteer Power sootston valves leak rates exceedmg TS hmRs occurredCeuse of leakage rubspy            SRAVERMNA,J., MORANTE.R., HOFMAYER.C. Brookhaven Nabonal Laboratory. L-ted veeves we be repared W/941031 ler.                                        151(6)/5-03. 93/05/31.100pp. 8162102641621:128.

WA CE.J E . MACHON.R.D. Tennessee Vaney AuthorWy. 94/10/31. Opp. M11070152 Raouests parerymenn in M1108 moeing w/NRC at Regen 11 ofc m 81770051 41770'058. Anantau3A re GL 81k10 WOV programa M1100N00 LER M40742on 940929.eecovered that condebon inwofwing noncomph. GiBSON A.F. 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/12. HINNANT,C.S. Carchna Power & Light Co. 2pp. 81 18641605,191. arts w/10CFR50 App R.cntenon tilL2.d exated. Mari by tailures to conecoy r> torpret/wnplemere requrements of calculetons.Rept rweated W/941031 tir. AUSTIN.S., MACHON.R D. Tennessee Valley Authorgy. 94/10/31. Opp. 81732-040 -0411870196 insomu cf r 41108 meetmg w/NRC at Regen 11 cic m A8enta, GA fe GL Olkio MOV progrant 81737046.

  • Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/12. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 2pp. 81805.190 ,

81605.191  ! 9411070279 Forwards LER 93411 to operston or onndson prohibned by TS whsch re-suned from errswonn LLRT performed on Urut 2 Wywes head seal pnar to restart from lost refusim0 outage m May 1993. Investigation of event a progreat N11070086 Docuseos 941012 meetn0 w/util re staka of Robenson Near Term im. i MACHON,R D. T_ _ _ Vahey Aumonty. N/11/01. Document Control Branch provement Pinn.ust of anendees & beensee Shoes enci. ' 90GER,8 A. Flagon 2 (Posi 820201). 94/10/25. HtNNANT.C.S. Carolme Power & (Document Consol Desso. 3pp. 81666 00141086:011. Light Co. 46pp. 81004.19841004243 ,

  -9411070387 LER 9341140:en 930525.tecerty started w/mvahd LLRT hewing been N11070273 Forwards propnetary WCAP.14209. "Evefuston of Eftsets of ensurpe/Out-petarmed on eywee head osals.truhal swootgston demsemaned that RTV apphed w/o approved          se >cedeed swestigaton besng conducted.                              aurge Tranesente et integnty of Pressuruer at HB Roonnon Urvt 2," sor Oct teve Wes-E. Tennessee Vasey Authority-94/11/01. epp. 31606 00441686:011.          anghouse rept withheld Pef 10CFR2 790(b)(4)).

WALLA KRICH.R.M. Carchne Power & LagtW Co. M/10/28. Document Control Branch (Docu. N1117e027 LER 94409 00 on 940420. missed T8 surweeance before reactor startup as ment Control Desk) 10pp. 81653.34341653.352. eesun of truaunderstandmg of TS. Uni we s#mit TS change to clarwy segsoncy for N11100079 informs that erst mstallment el 33,068.000 was pasd to US Dept of IRM 4 APRu inseumentaton tuntoonal tests *V/941104 ttr. Treasury.NRC on 941102. HSIEH.C.S., MACHON,R D. Termessee vshey Authority. 94/11/04. 8pp. 81790088-ROGAN.RL Carcene Powet & Co N/11/02. Document Control Branch (Doce . 81791-095. ment Control Deak).1p 81752. 1752266. N1117004s LER 9441040-on 941005. loss of ECCS evmon 11 metrumentaten resultng from teown tune m ATU anvertos caused 14t ened capacitor Blown de input tune was 9411100106 Informs that pavment of $69.091 tot penod 940320 940625 for hated ew copiaced 8 matrumeruston frige restored W/941104 tir vosces was transistred to US Dept of Treasury on 941102. DAVEN5' ORT.D W, MACHON.R.D. Tennessee Veney Authority. 94/11/04- 9pp ROGAN.RL Carchna Power & l.Jght Co.94/11/02 Document Control Branch (Doct ment Control Desk).1p. 81750 35941750.359 81791 096 41791.104. i I

DOCKETEDITEMS 35 9411100110 Informs that payment of 880.462 for pened 9403204625 tor hsted Irwoas M11100102 Informs that paymerd for NRC insp teos for penod ip40320 940625 for was transferred to US Dem of Tre on 941102. Isted wwoces was transterred to US Dept of Trea on 941102. ROGAN.R.E. Cercoma Power & LaDht 94/11/02 Document Coreal Branch (Docu. ROGAN.R.E. Carchna Power & Leont Co 94/11/02. Control Branch (Docu. mont Control Desk).1p 81752.22641752228. ment Corsol Omsk). Ip.81750 364 81750.380. 1

$411170054 Comment on pelat program for NRC recogrwhon of good performance by                9411080082 Achrees that as agreed dunng 9411031eicon w/NRC. response to NRC                i Nuclear Power Plants Uti erwbrses posson stated m metaar Energy institute 941003            insp Rept50 261/94 24we be sdmutted by 941111 to snow more smo for occurate Itr to NRC for kated reasons.                                                               cause detymmaton.

ROGAN.R.E. Carchna Power & Leoht Co 94/11/02. Rules & Drectrees Rewsw KRICH.R.M. Carohne Power & boht Co. 94/11/03. Document Control Branch (Docu. Branch (Post 920323). 2pp. 81780.1 f9 81780.180. ment Control Desk).1p. 81677:00141877:001. M11080240 Forwards amend 152 to ncense DPH 23 4 safety evalusten. Amend 9411210027 Forwarda map rept $4281/94 28 on 940925 941022 & notre of violanort changes TS 8.13 re twgh rechshon prowde for use of alarmmg doswneters on persamel asowed access to rugh radahon amas. CHRISTENSEN.H. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/04. HINNANT.C.S. Carchna Power

                                                                                               & Ught Co. App.81764 14441784:155' MOZAFARI.B.L Profoct Deectorate si.1. 94/11/04 NINNANT.C.S. Carchna Power &

Lsght Co. 4pp. 81867.31041687:319. 20033 Wee W dhon kom mp on N0925 941022.Violatore nomdimi area

-H11080248 Amend 152 to hcense DPR-23.changmg TS 8.13 re hoh rachahon                          boundary Dreacned for maint & no compensatonr rnaasures estat*shed of al                                                           CHRISTnNSEN.H. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/04.1p. 8176414841784.148. rama- creas grovide

                    & e fo,r orn use,t heh armmg phys ~c.%errneters on personrel asowed access to high BATEMAN.W.H. Protect Drectorate161. 94/11/04. 4pp 81867:31441887J17.                     - 9411210037 Insp rept 50 261/94-28 on 940925 941022 Violatons noted. Masor a<eas mspected plant operations.amredance observaton.mamt ooservaton & plant support

-M11080250 Safety evalumbon sopporimo amend 152 to transe DPR.23. CHRISTENSEN.H. Region 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/04. 7pp. 81784.14941784.1%

  • Orta of Nuclear Reactor Reguisson. Dractor (Post 870411). 94/11/04. 2pp.

81667.31641887;319. M11220258 Responds to NRC 941004 Itr re violaton noted m insp Rept $4281/94 24.Correctrve achons:an test document records udt De assembled mio consohdated & N111tiO833 Appicanon for amend to License DPR-23.changmg testmg frequency of readily evadable test package. turtune overspeed protecton valves from monthly to quarterty to implement enhance. HINNANT.C.S. Carchna Power & tspht Co.94/11/11. Document Control Branch (Doc-ment recommenced by NRC GL 9345. ument Control Desk). 8pp. 81844 3me1844.355. HINNANT.C.S. Carahna Power & Laoht Co.94/11/04. Document Control Branch (Doc. ument Control Desk) 9pp. 81778.32141778.333. 9411090300NRC Bunstm 94 002. "Corroseon Probleme m Certam Stardess Packagm0 used -84111s0834 Proposed isch spece re entune overspeed protecnon valve testog pApggg(ransport o O Inal & Medical Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 94/

                      &         Co. 94/11/04. 4pp. 81778.33041778:333.                                '

N11260117 Forwards suppl edo re 941014 recunst to rehof to .: temporary 9411100237 NRC Info Notee 94477. "Malfuncton in Mac Generator Voltage Reguietor

  ,"es",onse to qC y,1 ',e, con",e" Sp* " *"*"a' u                                     * * * " 'v'  "c'"'""         MMifir M*wd **EUCIWyork.               '

inc. 7pp. Si8i8.323 KRICH.R.M. Carosna Power & Laght Co. 94/11/15. Document Control Branch (Docu- 81818.329. ment Control Desk). Sep.81808.3174 1868.322. M11150578NRC into Nonce 94478. "Electre Component Failure due to Degradatmn N11280171 Fo9aards amend 153 to incerme DPR-23 & safety evaluston. Amend do. of Poeyvmyl Chionde Wre insiAation." lotes regurement to periorm aftomate tram testmg to glemonstate that other safety. GRIMES.B.K. . 94/11/21. Consokdated Edison Co. of New York. inc. 10pp. rotated comportents are operable when components are found moperable m $1. 81648.21541848.224. MOZAFARI.B.L Prosect Drectorate n.1. 94/11/21. HINISANT.C.S. Carchna Power & l.ight Co. 3pp. 81852.21541052227. 9411170039 NRC Info Notre 94479. Macretnologcally influenced Corrosson of EDG Svc Water Pgang" -9411280179 Amend 153 to noense DPR-23.delehng redteement to perform attemete GRIMES.B K. .94/11/23.Coneohdnted Edson Co. of New York. inc. 9pp. 81848 225-ram testm0 to demonstrate that other safety. rotated components are operatne when 81848.233. components are found anoperanta m Sl. BATEMAN.W.H. Propoet Drectorate161. 94/11/21. 8pp. 81852.21841852225. l 9411170279 NRC Into Notco 94480. *1nedequate DC Ground Detecton m DC Distnt> -8411280182 Salety weluation supportng amend 153 to bcense DPR.23. M S B K. . 94/11/25 Consokdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc. 14pp.

  • Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Drector (Post 870411). 94/11/21. 2pp- 81848.23441848.247, 81852;226 41852'227 94 f1170284 NRC Into Notice 94001, Acewacy of Beasssay & Ernaron Samphng Re. )
                  "#***  E 8"""' O " "**"d'"**

P PERIELLO.C.J Divaion of Industnal & Meecal Nucteer Satety (Post 870729L 94/ N11010013 Forwards map rept 50-281/94 25 on 94091218 No vedations or devistons " *" '"" noted CRLE UA t 820201). 94/10/14. HINNANT,C.S. Carchna Power & R. Periodic W repork & reakd 6 -6411010017 insp rept 50281/9425 on 94091218.No volahons ? deviehons $411100100 Monthly operatng sept for Oct 1994 for HB Rotannon Steam Electnc Plant noted.Masar areas mopected; design changes & plant mods.engmeetin0 & tectmcal Unit 2 W/941110 iir. eupport actrwbes. WOODS.J., KRICH.R.M. Carolma Power & Lsght Co. 94/10/31. 4tip 81818.322 WHs7ENER.H., CASTO.C.A. Repor 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/13.15pp. 81514:049 818*8:325. 81514 963 9411010122 Ack receipt of 940927 lir mformmg NRC of steps taken to correct viulatons S. Reportatle occurvences. LERs & reented . _ = noted m NOV escued 940831 re plant En . Nu achon ampaementation to C Li K R Poet 820201). 94/10/14 HINNANT.C.S. Caronna Power g 9411030185 LER 9441541:en 940927.TS 30 violation occurred to two EDG cut of Light Co. 3pp. 815 2481514.228. svc.Gaused by acton requesd by TS Secten 3.7.2(d).EDG restored to operable status W/941027 ftr 9410140257 Suptn 1 to NRC in% Nobco 93460. ' Reporbng Fuel Cycle & Mans Events JURY.K.R. YOUNG.D.E. Carchna Power & Light Co. 94/10/27. Sop. 81819044-to NRC Operatens (.'.tr." 81819-049. BURNETT.R.F. Divieson o r Fuel Cycle Safety & Safeguards (Post 930207). 94/10/20. Coneohdated Esson Co. of New York, anc.12pp. 81818.299-81818.310. 9411070253 LER 9441841-on 940809.10 & 30.Urut 2 contamment spray sys declared moperetne dunno TS schechoed testmgCaused trr connguraten cutade snowed by 9411010129 Wanns that procesare revs for protect have been accomphshed & comple- TS Sys restored upon cornpieton of tesung W/941031 tir. ton date bem0 revised to 941218 to support operator rammg requred as result of JURY.K.R., YOUNG.D.E. Carchna Power & Laght Co. 94/10/31. Spp. 41666.030 procedure changes to map rept50'261/9447. 81868-034. KRICH.R M Carolma Power & Light Co. 94/10/20. Ducument Cottrol Bsanch (Docu-ment Controt Desk).1p. 81579.29 41579 290. 9411210292 LER 9442241:en 940907.Si accumulator & Si pump cisclared H10200183 NRC Into Notme 94476. Recent Fedures of Crmrgmg/Sately inencton [C acton $1 N .DE. Carchna W 8 @ W WM h 8Nm 1 ter IME K Orhce of Nuclear Reactor Reouletron, Dredor (Post 970411) 94/10/28. f7', Connoli:le1ud Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81658:00141650:013 9411290071 Summernes941017 enforcement corderence w'ute re apparers violaboras $4112202c3 LFR 9441601:en 940802.rrianual reactor tip ocetsrsd. Caused by currp3 to whch exosecad TS Irmt & emspoonioned staam jg r ofvee '* YOUNG & 1 11 884.144 BOGER.BA Repon 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/28. HINNANT.C.S. Carchna Power & 81884;148 Light Ca 36pp 81858.21141858248. M 78 s M NOSMNor WW & N m 9411070300Prowdes response to violatons noted m insp Rept60 281/94-23.Corroetive exceeded Caused by madeouste procedure. Procedures revised to requre loggmg of actions. review performed to cetermine adverse trend exists of fadures to property pronsunrer temps & trarung being conducted accordmgly W/941114 Itr. adhere m escort procehreg JURY,KA. YOUNG.D.E. varolma Power & Light Co. 94/11/14 6pp. 8185015% 8185&158. HINNANT,C.S ument Carchna Crmeral Desh). Power 3pp. 81664-0 & l'2241854 024Oht Co 94/10/31. Document Control Brandt (Doc. 941129002$ Responds to941008 verbal roguest.miarneng that util has proceduranzed 9411210147 Act receipt ol941017Itr mtorming NRC of steps taken to conect violabons program for handino vendor enor notross on bcensed soNware wtuch mcluoes evalue. noisd m snap rept2 281/94 300 ton or error tot 10CFR21 appbcatulity PEEBLES.TA Repon 2 (Post (120201L 94/11/01- HINNANT.C.$ Carohna Power & KRICH.R M Carohna Power & Lagnt Co 94/11/18. Document Congrul Branch (Docte Lsght Co. 3pp. 8178511 t 4178b-f 13 ment Control Desk). 2pp. 81903.35841903 359.

36 DOCKETEDITEMS W. Operseer E- -M11010032 inso rept 50283/94 09 on 9408164928 Volatons noted Maior areas mapected operatens.mmnt. & plant support scinrrties. Support actarttes m-ciudad routmo seewWy map by regenas specahst M11220173 Notlhes that TR Byron permanently reasmoned wenn utd & no need to PHILLIPS.M P. Regon 3 (Post 820201) 94/10/13.18pp. 81514 08941$t4108. mentam hcense.effectare 941105 KRICH.R M Carchna Power & ujht Co 94/11/15. Docwnent Conpol BW h ment Control Deskt 1p. 81892.35981892.369 M10200163 NRC Into Notco 94-078. "Recent Fadures of Charyng/Satefy insecten Purre Snatts " GRIMES.B K. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten. Drector (Post 870411) 94/10/28. DOCKET $0 283 880NTIELLO MUCLEAM QENERATING PLANT Consoexisted Eeson Co of New York Inc.12pp 81858 00141658 013 9411080300NRC Bubetm 94402, 'Conosen Problems m Certam Stamiens Packagng F Securtty, medical, emergency & nre protection pians used to Transoort U Henafluonde " PAPERIELLO.CJ Onnsen of industnet & Mescal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 94/ M11010023 Forwards snap rent 60 263/9449 on 9408i6 4928 & notos of 11/14 Consohosted Edison Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81818 31141816.322. velaten Weaknesses noted m atlanhan to mecatens & procedures serrular to kmd of volations 4denthod en map rept50 283/94-04 maund on 940705 9411100237 NRC Info Nohce 94477. "Malfuncton m Mam Generator Voltage Regulator GREENMAN.E.G Regon 3 (post 820201), 94/10/20. WATZLE. Northem States causmgOvervoltage st Salety Renaled Eiectncal Egapment" Power Co 2pp 81514 08141514106 GRlW a 't K. .94/11/17.Consohdated Edmon Co. of New York arc 7pp. 81818.323 81818.329

 -M11018032 enep rept 54283/9449 on 9408180928 Violatsons noted Maeor areas inspectedoperatons.mant.enomeenng & plant support 5_"
" _- 4 actnretes m-9411230078 Summary of 941019meetmo */utd re recent work performed dunng 1994 cluded routme secunty map conthseteo by regonal specchst- refuehng outage & results of core snroud mso done en response to GL 9443 " Inter.

PHILLIPS.M P. Region 3 (Post 820201). 94/10/13 18pp. 81514 089-81514106 grerudar Stress Conomon Crackmg of Core Shroues m BWRs" WETZELB.A. Propect Drectorate ilht. 94/11/17 Propect Drectorate 141-1. 250p N11200081 tnfortem that NRC Imds rev 13 to plant plan. ecceptable- 81822.308 41822:332 CREEDJ R Region 3 (Post 820201) 94e11/23 WA ZL . Northem Stales Power Co tp 81871.33941871.339 Nt1190878NRC Into Nohce 94478. "Electnc Component Fadwe due to Depacaton of Poeyvmyl Chlonde Wre insulatiort" GRIMES.B 8L . 94/11/21. Conachdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc topp E O*"' **'"*P8"d'"** 81848.216 01848.224 N11230100 Responds to 941015 Itr to Chaemon i Sehn.ressentin0 mio on actons $4112th310 Provides responna to votatons noted m inap Rept 50-263/9449 Corrective taken by NRC to attdress concems raised by JA Floriung re emergency preparedness achons' company positive deceshne prograrn unplerrenwd tr opwators envoeved. YL M c the Executive Director for Operatons. 94/11/09 KERRYJ F. huol Desk 6pp 913448 91 1 Senate. 3pp 81828.28&81828.323 nfo Notice 94479. tecrobelopcally Infkanced Corrosen of EDG

 -941 3n199 Requests addl edo portanng to emergency preparedness for sech site               94h1 GRIMES.B K. 94/11/23 Consondated Esson Co of New York. Inc.999. $1848 225-FLEMINGJ.A. Affikanon Not Asmoned 94/07/14.CHILK.S Othce of the Secretary of 61848 233.

the Commissiort 2pp 81828.32241828.323 M11170279NRC Into Nobce 94480. " inadequate DC Ground Detecton m DC Distnbu-P. Operetti8 Ilcones steSe ..__ & correspondence hon Svs GRIMES ".B .K. 94/11/25. Connohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. topp N11020200Suppi remporme to NRC GL 94 03. "Intergrannular Stress Coreceon Crack-8184aW1848.247. Ing of (Are Stroiss m BWR " Lir contens no new NRC conymtments. M11170204NRC Info Nobce 94481. "Accurery of Beassay & Envron Samphng Re-HILLWJ Northem States Power Co 94/10/22 Document Coreal Branch (Document auNs. Control Desk) Spp.81589.354 41589 358. PAPERIELLO.C.J. Divisen of industnal & Medical Nuclear Safety (Post 870729) 94/ 11/25. Consohdated Edison Co, of New York,Inc.12pp. 81848 24641848.259 M11000198 Forwards safety evaluation acc utd 940930itr reamstmg authonra. bon to unkre ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessei Case N-4811, *Anemstrve Pres-sure Test Requrement for Welded Repers or instaliaton of..." HANNON)N. Proeset Drectorate 1101, 94/11/02 ANDERSON.R O. Northwn States R. Portosse aparaten0 repnets & retened _ _ Power Co 2pp. 81663.333 81863.339.

 -9411000204 Safety evaluaton accephne utd roovest to ubbze ASME Bader & Presstat
                                                                                              "            [g                    OP"**"9 '' ' '                                "" "'"             **"O Vessel Code Case N-41&l as enemative to regured hydrostatic pressure last.                   PAUS7LAN.H H..                ANDERSON.R.O Northern Stales Power Co. 94/10/31. 5pp.
  • Othce of Nucaser Reactor Regulaben. Distictor (Post 870411). 94/11/02 App 81537 13441837.198.

81083 334 81863 339 N11100000 Forwarde rept on ene vet to review anplementaten of meet rule at station S. Reportatic ecturrences, LERs & reenied correspondoue for rewww & ento Rept identihes strengths & weaknesses w/ program at sale SHAFER.W D. Repon 3 (Post 820201). M/11/07. DONNELLY,P.M. Consumers Power Co 2pp. 81146.13141748141 y11000120 LER 94408 01 on 940727. structural boem connectens on cable spreadmg vonm ficar found different from dessgn Guo to workers not mstalhng chps m accord-M11220241 Suppi mio re GL 8919 8 USI A47," Safety Imphcatens of Control Sys m anoe */specshed . Room door uniatched untd analyzed W/941031 ftr LWR Nuclear Power Plants." LW contams no now NRC commitments PARKER.T., ANDER .R O. Northem States Power Co. 94/10/31 80p. 81731.342-ANDERSON.R O Northem States Power Co 94/11/15. Document Coreal Branch 81731 349 (Document Control Deskt 4pp. 81649 01541849:018 N11000144 LER 9441140:on 940929.docovered that two SRV rioperable at trne M11230078 Summary of941019meetmg w/utd re recent work performed dunng 1994 recuseng outage & results of core shroud rap done m response to GL 9443 " sneer. (T. ANDERSON,R ,',Vd* epWced SRV'" 'M 94 03 Itr O. Northem States Power Co. 94/10/31. 8pp. 81731:354 LBA Propect Drectora - 94 . Drectorate 1161. 25pp. 73 355. 81m3084 t8-M11000148 LER 9441240on 940930.fre door 61 did not have regured door latch M11200307 Provides suppl response to NRC OL 9442. "Long. Term Sohstons & Up- throwsnor was made dunng ongmal phmt const Latch on tre door 81 was replaced orade of Intenm Operating Recommendstons for Therma *Hydraube Instatubbes m w/ latch w/3/4 ' throw W/941031 fir. gwqg = PARKER.T., ANDERSON.R.O. Norihern States Power Co. 94/10/31 app. 81731.354 HILLW Northem States Power Co 94/11/17. Document Congred Branch (Document 81731 359. Control Opsk). Sop. 81900.298-81900.302 M11220117 LER 9441540 on 941015.tased componamt m uniterrupatWe power supply M11200300 Semns suppi response to NRC GL 89-10. " Safety Reested Motoroperat- wwerter causes partel contammentCaused by tailtre of state evntch toge card Cl se ed valve Testmo & Survedience " nate remet a snoisied sys retumed to svc as necessary W/941109 ler. MILL.W J Northern States Power Co 94/11/17. Document Control Branch (Document PARKER.T., ANDERSON.R O Northem States Power Co.94/11/09. Sep. 81850119-Cor*ol Dosk) 5pp 81899 35461899 360. 81850 124 O. Onepoetson reports. IE Sumetsne & eorroependence M11220128 LER 9441340 on 941013. spinous 480 VAC breaker try deinergiros 120 l V AC instrument bus resulbng en partel Cl. Trammg enil be provided to opersions per-sonnel on appropnate actons W/941110 nr. N10140257 Suppl 1 to NRC Info Notice 93480. "Reportng Fuel Cycle & Mana Events PARKER.T. ANDERSON.R O. Northem States Power Co 94/11/10 7pp 81850133-to NRC Operstons Cir." 81850 139 BURNETT.R F Dansson et Fuel Cycle Safety & Satepards (Post 930207F 94/10/20 Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Irc.12pp 81818.29th81818.310 N11220168 LER 9441440on 941013.trumand procedural step wNie switching pvoor M11010023 Fonrards snap rept 50 263/9449 on 940818 4926 & nobce of supply to reactor protechon sys to enemate source causes parbal ClCi agial rnet & violatortweaknesses noted et attenton to mdicatons & procentures smular to kmd of moiston sys rettyned to svc as nor.'essary W/94 t t to ler veoistions soonlihed m map rept50 263/94 44seausd on 940705 PARKER.T ANDERSON.R O Northem States Power Co. 94i11/14. 7pp 81850144 GREENMAN.E.G Regon 3 (Post 820201L 94110/20 WATZL.E. Northem States 81850 152. Power Co 2pp. 81514 te141514106, ) W11220234 LER 94416 00 on 941017.parnal contamment notaten occurredCaused by )

  -94t10100!? Notee of inotaten tram map on 9408184928 Vrdaton noted on                           tack of proper procedural prereousse m excess flow check valve test                                                          ,

940919. pertonnance of procedure $192, terve MO.1988 had not been pou- procedure Excess flow check test revised W/941115 Itr. tioned or ver to be open PARKER.T., ANDERSON.R O Northem States Power Co.94/11/15. 8pp. 81864138

  • Regen 3 (Post $20201) 94/10/20. 2pp 81514 08741514 On8 81864 143 i


                                                                                                   ' ~ " -                             ' ' - - '                                                  _ _ , , _ _ _ _ , , _ , ,

~ .. - ~ - f f I DOCKETEDITEMS 37 M1t*40273 LER 9441740-on 941023.HPCI motoud on hgh steem flow dunn0 test at lower then normer pressure.Proventabwe memt prooseure lor HPCI sys reveedW/ M11000386 Forwards amends 25.DPR 29.DPR.30.DPR-39

                                                                                                                              & DPR-48.respectwely               & 146 to hcenses
                                                                                                                                                   & safety evolueton.Amende    add b  DPR 19.DP                                                                             cones condean that modnes NUREG4737 to elion conmutments be contromed under PARKER.T ANDERSON.R.O. Northem States Power Co.94/11/22. 5pp. 81930011                  10CFR50
       $1930216                                                                               SHIRAKl.C.V. Prosect Drectorate ab2. 94/11/03. FARRAR.DL Commonweetth Edson Co. 4pp. 818642004165e:307.                                                                 .

M11800276 LER 94018-00 on 941026. automate Daneler of HPCI suchon troen condsr> seen storate 1eres to tons on tugh torus tevel durmg servehence testeg Cause%f py .e411eensen Amends & 146 to toonees DPR 19.DPR-25. DPR. ' inck of opprognose procedure actorLGudonne we bc _,. W/9411zz nr-PARKER.T. ANDERSON.R.O. Nortera States Power Ca 94/11/22. 6pp. 81912:12th 29.DPR-30.DPP.49 4 DPR 48.respectvesymddr g hcense coneton that moehes i NUREG4737 to show commaments mado en response to NUREG 0737 be controsed ' 81912-130. under 10CFR50.b9. CAPRA,R.A. Prolact Drectorste lik2. 94/11/03 tipp. 81658.28441850.304.

                                                                                           -941100e302               e.aluston             amends & 146 to 6-conses OPR49               .DPR.19              29 & DPR 30. .
                                                                                                                                                                   - ^

M11040Be6 Forwards meeler BWR/PWR GFES exam w/enewer key of exam admrus-

  • Orhoe of Nucesar Reactor Regulaton. Drector (Post 870411). 94/11/03. 3pp.

tres on ton 81858.30!ke1658:307. RING.MA 3 (Post 620201). 94/10/27 Commonwanh Edson Ca ip. 9411eB0142 Nochcoton of M1206 mesang w/utd & NRC m Rochvete.MD to chacuss

                                                }"'""*                     " "

opor L Mord Drectorees 1112. 94/11/04. CAPRA.RA Propect Drectorate llL2. sprements sur enendual Operomr h. 4pp. 81715.22141715.224. RING.M A. Resen 3 (Post 420201). 94/11/18 Afflhehon Not Aemgned 3pp. 01872:341 41872.343 M111eeM4 Summary of 941014 meetnD w/utlt to response to GL-94 03. *Intergranuier Strons Carroomn crecdung et Core Shrouds m BWR." tar plants.ust of onendoos enct STANG.Jf. Protect Dractorose ill-2 94/11/07 Protect Drectorene its 2. 3epp. DOCKET 00 366 OUACbCf7tES STATIDN, UNIT 2 81724:32241724.380. I M111eesee Forwards rept on one van to revow . of morn rule et easton F. SecurM7. mesteest. emergency & tre pretooten stone for rowsw & eWo.Rept ugenehes & weaknesses w/_._ at she SHAFER,W.D. Regen 3 (Post 1). 94/11/07, LLY.P M Consumers M11073071 Revised Corporate EPIPs (CEPIP).mctueng Rev 7 to CEPIP-310341 & Rev Poww Ca 2pp. 81746:13141748:141. 8 to CEPIP410441 SCOTT.DJ Commonweefth Edson Co. M/10/05.19pp. 81664:18641654208. 9411100017 Conhrms piens between P Ndond & N Chneschmos to hold meetng on 941117 et paont m Cordove.lL to discuss ptent Urrts 1 & 2 readmoes for restert M1103st35 Renned Corporoes EPIPs (CEPIP).includm0Rev 2 to MPIP.32141.Rev 3 GREENMAN.ELG. 3 (Post B20201L 94/11/06. KRAFT.E. Commonwealth O WPtP 330341.Rev 3 to CEPIP-390441. Rev 3 to CEPtP440441 & Rev 3 to Edson Co.1st 81774 1774.295. i CEPIP.350b41. PAVEY.M. Commonwealth Eeaon Co. 94/10/0tk 65pp. 81008:22141806.285. M1117 esse Fonsords RAI re GL 9443. *Intergranuier Strees Carrosen Crockmg of Core Shrouds m Soamp Water Reactors" Response should be prended wthm 30 M11e7%930 Aeness that revs BD4G to venous sectons of pieni ennes to genanc Ger> egys at og este. erste,getokorm amergency planAcceptatdo STANGJF. Proinct Drectorste18-2 94/11/14. FARRAR.DL CommonwesNh Eeson CREW IR. Regen 3 (Post 020201k 94/10/27. KRAFT.E. Commonweenh Essen Co. Ca Spp. s1777.14241777.147. 2pp. 8180411f>41004:117. M11eee875 Rowned EPIPs row 16 to OEP-1004.rev 9 to OEP-100 T1 rev 12 M111et274 Forwercs torneuve schedule re fuel vendor reneston for Post-1995 retoedu

         ~ ~         -E                       02 2      17 3 E18                                                  .

Co 94/11/11 Docunent Control Branch (Doce ment Control Desk). 2pp. 31830:346 41030.347. M191 neb 2 Renood EPtPs.mcasdng esv 27 to EPIP OEP400.indou a sov 10 to QEP. r a004*. "Enerors Sempeng & Emergency Responder inventory Checktet." M111eeeS2 Advmes that vest GE-NtsL12 0081945. " Core Shroud Blowtloom Load Cok

      ' Commonweenn Emeon C. 94/11/11.12pp. 81818.29741016:308.                              culaton Dwmg Recwculebon Sucton ime Break Dy TRACG Anafyms for                                       i Droeden.Unas 2 & 3 & Quad Cetos.unsts 1 & 2" wdl be withheld (ret 10CFR2.790),per                  i Mitteesee Rev th to T:n ._ ? Edson Co Genereeng Statons Ernergency                       940e02 Iw.                                                                                         '

Plan See Arves Chand Cess Nutdeen Power Statort= STANGJ F. Prosect Drectorene IH-2. 94/11/15. FARRAR.0L Commonweeth Eteon

  • Commonweenn Emmon Co. Mt11/15. 30pp. 8178323941783.209. Co. dap. 81782:00741782-100.

M1121est$ $ dmwis respones to NRC voguset for edig mio re proposed une of corp > M11218045Sutmots response to NRC request for ades anlo se GL 81>10. Into prended , voie EOF es mienm EOF to perform emergency response functons unal near see con m 4 Anschments. Attachment A proudes summary at .. ; _.-- of . _ ^ i tie stonett & rnergm rowsw attort Ior uld MOV aaam i JOHNSON.I.M. Commonwealth Edison Co. 94/11/15. Laocument Control Branch F ARRAR.D.L C_ .. _-^ Fdmon Co 94/11/15. Document Coneo18 tench (Docu-(Documerit Control Dook). 22pp. 81833.33241833.353. vnent Conpod Dookk Sepp.81837 03441637 067. I M113me121 infonns of doosen to instikne cuenerty protciericy Demmg for ERDS Oper- 941121eest Forwards GENE 423.A1631194.

  • Quad Cates & Onsedan Men Steem Lme esprs l green Anesyns w/TRACG tendet."

AXELSCms.W L Regon 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/16. MARTIN L Repon 3 (Post PIET.P.L e. S20201). 4pp. 81672.13241872:135. .7 Edson Co. 94/11/15. Document Contoi Branch (Document i Control Desk). 3pp. 81831.11341831:126. I outwr"imed i unnm -4d410875 " Quad Cshes & Dreedon Man Steam Lme Break Analysis w/ TRACG AXELSON.W.L Respon 820201). 94/11/22. KRAFT.E. Commonwealth Echeon Co. 2pp. 81925.14041925:141. VILLALTAJ A. General Electe Co. GENE 423.A163-1194. 94/11/09 11pp. 81531:116-81831:126. M113et211 Forwards response to 940919 RAI re proposed use of corporate EOF (CEOF) es eigenm EOF.mcksteng onelyne of EOF furchons opphoeble to CEOF es ob M11230186 Forwards amends 130.124.151 & 147 to heensee DPR-19.DPR 25. OPR.29 tenm EOF. 2 DPRx. - _' Amends vomme TS 3/4 4 to rense eneum pontatioroes scouton JOHNSON.B.M. C- .- _1 Eeaon Co.94/11/22 OMme of Nutdear Reactor Ret . - - - - tar SLDS storees tenkt usaton. Drector (Posi 870411L 77pp. e1906 09241908. igg. $1ANGJF. Progect Drectorsie Nka. 94/11/16. FARRAR.DL C_ .._. . Eeson Co. 3pp. 81823:006-81823:045. G Operating sieanse elege desuments & eeneapondence 9411330122 Amends 130.124.151 & 147to knenses der-19.DPR.25.DPR-29 & DPR. 30,respecovesy.vouemo TS 3/4 4 BD 'ovies endiurn ponteborate soluton ..__.- 9411033322 Ltr contract. mod 3 to seek order 21 erkmdng penod of performance from tar SLCS esorage tanks bened on ned poneve suchon head test nseuRs 940929 to 950329 et no addi cost or otegaton to govLlo "lPE Renews.pniernes STANGJF. Propect Dimctorate Hi 2. 94/11/16. 33pp. 81823 000 41823 041. Evenes+vore End (Quad Cahost" MACE.M Dmean at (Post 940714L 94/09/01. COUNA.L Saence & Eng> -9s11230130 Sately evoluston essipartng amends 130.124.151 & 147 to beennes nearmg Ammaamtes, kist 2pp. 81808S7741600-078. DPR 19.DPR 25.DPR-29 I DPR 30.respectuely.

  • Ophoe of Nucteer Reactor Regulaton, Drector (Post 870411L 94/11/16. App.

M11010042 Confrms plans as h-I tseeween D Chyu et NRC & M Jacteon at utd 81fL23:04241823:045. to hoed meetne on 941102 m Lase.IL Poor CA & ment actetes wruch resuhad m GREE G 3 0202D ) 0/24 L r "E' Co Wenses of Edson Co.1p. 8151411941514119. PALMER.R.B. Iowe.Nhnom Gas & Electnc.94/11/21. Document Consol Branch (Doc.

                            ,       g,                   .

ument Cormal Doak).1p. 81894:001 41094.292. PtCT.P.I. C_.~._ _ Eemon Co 94/10/28. Document Control Branch (Document Control Deskt 7pp. 81633.36041833.356. -9411330003 Apenceton tar twweer & emend to beeness OPR.29 & DPR.30. BRIGHT.SJ tooe.shnoe Gee & Electnc. BRtGHT.SJ AffAston Not Aemgned 94/11/ 9411eeD146 Forwards status of pronousy dest:ntsed 01R13 mati conetton riprove. 2t 290pp. 8199490341094292. vnent actons SACIAIses met coneton ~ _ _ _ & emergerit work actetes on. piernensed e ving Q1R13 & manus of pronously descimied non.ousage MCIAs M113eefas Lawrets reecaor weser etearkup sys pipmo . - --- schedule uRAFTI.S. Commonweetu. ! 1mion Co 94/11/03 RUSSELL.W 1. Ofhce et Nucoser SCHRAGE.J L Co.. ._ - . Edson Co 94/11/21.Documosa Coreal Branch (Doc-Reedor Regutaton, Director . . 470411).12pp. 8167917241679183. 1 umern Contrci Desk). 2pp. 81951.30041951-301. j l I

38 DOCKETEDITEMS Q. Gnapochen reporth, DE Bulletins & terroependence S. Reportable occurrences LERS & related corvoependence M11040086 EN.94106.on 941012.notce of proposed orcosmon of cowl penalty m 9411150323 LER 9441140on 941006.ttwty day br'uted constion of operahon exceed. amours of $80.000 neued to bcensea. Action based on taAre to prompOy suspend m. ed for 2B RHR SWP due to madequate work planrung & schedulmg tvatusting enven. omeaal unescorted act;ess & test mdudual for cause fol#owmg repts by employees tory of maaor RHRSWP parts W/941107 Itr ROSANO.D., LIEBERMAN.J. Olc of Entorcement (Post 870413). 94/10/05, 1p. BRIGLD.. KRAFT.E S C-. . _ . IMson Co. 94/11/07. 10pp. 81791-044 81658P2541658 025. 81791 053 M11040078 EN44-109 on 941018.notco of proposed unpoemon of csve penalty et 9411210111 Interen Part 21 Rota 9412 re Lmutorov actuator potermal motor pmeon amours al 8100.000nausd to hconsee. Action based on veiemon rwotump dehberate key ta4ure Comm Ed issued 1padehnes to su nucisar stations on methods for property actions on part of workerts) that resulted m extemal raeaDon exposure. Ins motor pmmn keys. BEALLJ. LIEBERMAN.J. Olc of Enforcement (Post 870413). 94/10/13. 1p JOHN .I M. Commonweetth Edson Co. 94/11/11. Office of Nuclear Reactor Reg-81658 02941658.029. ulaten. Drector (Post 870411). 5pp. 81831:12741831 131 8411220211 LER 9441340:on 941012.noncontarmance w/10CFR50 App R SS anary. 9411000188 "NRC Staft Proposes $80.000 Fme Agamst C_ _ r Eeson Co for se separatum recurements Caused by sys mteractsons not conssdered Utd will smple-Fitness tar Duty Volehons at Quad Cshes Nuclear Staten." morn ned to mache renconformance of sys w/SS analysm W/941H I E

  • Othee of Pubbc Attaws (Post 911117). 94/10/13 2pp. 81770 02541770:026 MASTERLARKJ., KRAFT.E.S. Commonweettr. Eeson Co. 94/11/11. 7pp 818F8:355-NRC of steps tahJ to correct violatons $1866 361.

M11010065 Ack rococt of 940919 Itr noted en map repts50 254/94-16 & $0 265/ - 16 GREENMANI.G. Regum 3 (Post 820201) 94/10/18. KRAFT.E. C-Eeson Co 2pp. 8151415941514160. V. Dyerstor L _ M11000301 "NRC'Statt Proposes $100.000 Fme Agamet Cm...-... _Z. Esson for $4110703e6 Infoems that beense SOP-31260 DB Cook was removed from heense duty Reeshan Protec1mn Volatum at Ouad Cass Nucetar Stehon" on 941026 & requests termmaten of bconse.

  • Othce of Pubhc Attars (Post 911117). 94/10/19 2pp. 81770-03241770$34 KRAFTE.S. Commonwealtn Echson Co. 94/10/26 Document Control Branch (Docu.

ment Control Desh).1p. 81676.11541676:115 M10140257 Suppl 1 to NRC Into Notco 93 060. "Reportmg Fuel Cycle & Matts Events to NRC Operators Cir? 9411000023 informs that bcense SOP 31134.TD Bush.was removed from duty on BURNETT.R F. Dusen of Fuel Cycle Safety & Sateguards (Post 930207). 94/10/20. 941026.therefore. requests 1emimaton of 6 cense Coneohdated Edreort Co. of New York. inc.12pp. 81816.291k81816 310.. KRAFTi.S.C m.. . . n Eenon Co. 94/10/26. Document Control Branch (Doew mort Control Desk),1p 81717.32041717.320. 9411010102 Forwards map repts50-254/9417 8 50 265/94-17 on 940729 0930.Apper-M11040366 Forwards master BWR/PWR GFES exam w/ answer key of exam admrus. ent monatens bemg conseered for escalated ordorcement acsort GREENMAN.E.G Regon 3 (Post 820201) 94/10/24. KRAFT.E. C-. ** don 94 N RING.M A Regen 3 (Post 820201). 94/10/27. C;. _ Cth Edman Co.1p. Edmon Co. 3pp. 81514.25541514.263. 81586:002 41586 002.

 -9411010110 insp rects 50 254/9417 & 50 265/M.17 on 9407290930. Apparent wo.              M11230177Irdarms that wrmen & opera *an0 exams scheduled for wk of 950320 & that latons bem0 carmed for escalated onion;ement acton.Malor reas                             uti ehDJid submit ret matis edentihed m anci attechment of ES 201 by 951219 W/o espected operatonal salety verificahon & moneWy enarW obewvaton.

HILAND.P.L Regen 3 (Post 820201) 94/10/21. 26pp. 8151425841514 283. fNG.M A J. Echson Co 3 (Post $20201). 94/11/16 KRAFT.E. C . 3pp. SN29 M798299 M10300153 NRC Into Notice 94476, "Roosnt Fadures of Chargmg/Salsty Ingschon Pump Shafts " MH30021m Forwards NRC summarued guidance that cienhos recurements for man. GRIMES.8 K. OHice of Nuclear Reactor Reguishon. Director (Post 870411) 94/10/26' Coneohosted Edeon Co. of New Yortu enc.12pp 81658 00141658:013. 1amme movoual operaw heenssennved ,*Mnhcaten of Mant & Reactivaten % ourements for inendual Operator Lscenses. , hifM[8 M1 toe 0146 Responds to reauest for addl mfo re proposed thrd ten year meerval ISI 343 t program tar Quad Caos Staten Units 1 & 2 W/160 oversued crewings. SCHRAGEJ.L C _..- . r. Edison Co. 94/10/26 Orhce os raemar Reactor Reg. usaten. Drector (Post 570411). 301pp. 81624.00141624.301. DOCKET 80-ses POMT DEACN OfUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 1 M t1100080 Contrms plans to hold 941102 enforcement conference to chacuss poor

                                                    '     *          **        ""9 ' **"9  F. Geourity, meshcal emergency & fire protection plans nap repts 50      /94       50 5       17 GREEN 04AN.E.G.              3 (Post 820201). 94/10/27. KRAFT.E. C . . .. 7             M11230030 Forwards pubhc weeson of EPIP meludmg rev 22 to EPIP Inden.rer 18 to Echson Co. Ip. 81673 741673.267.

EPIP Form inden.rew 21 to EPlP 11 rev 11 to EPIP 1.1.1 Jew 6 to EPIP 1.12.rev 2 to M110sese0 NRC Bulleen 94402. Corroson ProtWems m Certan Stamiosa Packagmg EPIP 1.3efev 12 to EPIP 22 & rev 10 st. UT 23 W/941117 Itr. Used to Transport U Hexofluonde" MAXFIELD.GJ Wasconom Elecine Pouvr Co 94/07/21. Documord Control Eiratich PAPERIELLO.CJ. Dusson of Indusinal & Medcal Nucinar Sate 1y (Post 870729). 94/ (Document Control Desk). App.81827:001 81827.149. I 11/14 Coneohdated Eeson Co of New York, Inc.12pp. 01816.31141816.322. i

                                                                                           -9411230042 EPIP rev 22 to EPIP Indenfov 18 to EPlP Form indensev 21 to EPIP           I 1.1.rev 11 to EPtP 1.11.rev 6 to EPIP 11.2.rev 2 to EPIP 1.3efev 12 to EPlP 22,rev M11230027 Forwards enforcement conte ence roots 50254/9447 & 50 265/94 27 on                 10 to EPIP 23.rev 6 to EPIP 2. Jew 11 to EPIP 25 & rev 26 to EPIP 26 941102 & mtorms Amt uti win be retshed of NRC documn re EA based on mto pre.                Wmoonsm Eisetnc Power Co. 94/07/21.147pp. 81827:00341827.149 sensed & chacussed at corporerce GREENMAN.E G Regen 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/16.WALLACE.MJ. Co.. . . .r                   M11010130 Forwards SALP 11 repts 50 266/94418 50 301/94-01 cosermg pered Eeson Co. 3pp. 8181114641811-180 930401-940917.

MARTINJ.B. Repon 3 (s'est 820201). 94/10/21. LINK.R.E. Waconam Electnc Power

 -9411230033 E.tworcement conference ruots 50 254/94-27 & 50 265/94 27 on                     Co. 4pp. 81515$ p 515C26.

941102. Areas chscussed. apparent violanons adenehed durm0 ansp.conectve actions

                                                                                           -4411010146 SALP 11 repts 50266/94-01 & 50 301/94 01 for penod930401 440917.
            , L.                  820201). 94/11/16.13pp. 81811:14941811100.
  • Regon 3 (Post 820201). 94/10/21. 7pp 81515$2041515 026.

M11100237NRC Info flohce 94477. "MaHuncton m Man Generator Volg . ptator M 11030174 Caiferra that review of rer 2 to et emergency plan cenpieted & rev acceptable & does ret dowease enechweness os emergency plannmg. 1 17 ted E . York. Inc. 7pp. 81816.323- CREED.J R. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 94/10/25. LINK.R. Waconam Electic Power 81816'329 Co.1p. 81581:01041581$10. I M11150678 NRC Info Nohce 94 078.,"Etectne Component Fadure due to Degradston M11030158 Forwards FEMA.fmal "Emercise Rept.Pomt Beach Nuclear Power Plant of Polyvmyl CNonde Wee Insulaton. Jomt Enerose." conducted 920317 GRIMES.B K. . 94/11/21. Coneohdeted Echson Co of New York. Inc. 10pp- MCCORMICK.BERGE Hegon 3 (Post 820201). 94/10/27. LINK.R. Waconsm Elecenc 8184821541648224 Power Co.1p. 8156022341500.325 9411170030 NRC Info Notice 94479 ' Microbialane=#y influenced Corroamn of EDG 9411020212 Fwwards rav to escurny plan.Rev withheid. Svc Water Pipmg MAXFIELD.GJ Waconem Em Power Co 94/10/28. Documert Control Branch GRIMES B et .94/11/23 Consohdated Edson Co. of New Yorst Inc. 9pp. 81848 225 (Documeen Catrol Desk).1p 81633.32641633.326. 81648233 9411040277 Forwards response to NRC RAls.tranommed on 940913 & 1013 re utd 9411300155 Ack recovi of utd 941017 itr m response to NRC ltr recuentog mio re ms9 940005 request car exempton from requeements of Secton HIG of App R to repts 50254/9416 4 50265/9416.NRC ouestons phi ponton on MOV sasues. 10CFR50 tar AFWP toom. SHAFER.W D Regen 3 (Post 820201) 94/11/23 KRAFT.E. Co.. . . J. Edison LINK.B. Wacoram Eisetnc Power Co 94/10/31. Document Control Branch (Docie Co. 2pp 818'72.182418721143 ment Control Desk). 36pp. B1648.302 81648.337. 9411170279 NRC IrWo Notee 94-080. "Inndeauste DC Grourt1 Detecten in DC Detnbu- M110eO243 Forwards central flies & pubhc versions of revoed EP P2. Central ties ver-sen of revned EPIPs withhshi non GRIMEShvs ".B. K.94/11/25. Cormohdated Edman Co. of New York. Inc. 14pp- MAXFIELD.GJ Waconsan Elecmc Power Co 94/10/31. Document Control Branch 91848 23441848 247 (Document Control Desk).1p. 81719.27141719.298 M111702S4 NRC Into Nohce 94481," Accuracy cl Boussay & Enveen Samphn0 Re- -9411090247PWic versen of revised EPIPs.mcauen0Aev 21 to EPIP form moen.Rev sorts " 13 to EPIP.22 Rev 11 to EP19 23.Rev 7 to EPIP,24.Rev 12 to EPIP.25 & Rev 11 to PAPERIELLO.CJ. Divisen of industnal & Meecal Nucteer Sately (Post 870729). 94/ EPlP-26 11/25. Connohdated Eenon Co of New York. Inc.12pp. 81848.24641648259

  • Wacenom Electnc Power Co.94/10/31. 27pp 81719.27241719298-1

l DOCKETEDITEMS 39 M11100071 Cont.rms paare to change bme of 941108 meetmg to escuss SALP rept for 9410200153 NRC info Notco 94476. "Recent Fadures of Chargmg/Satety insecten plant covenng ponod930401 through940917 Pump Sharts." GREENMAN.E.G Regen 3 Post 820201). 94/11/02. LINK,R.E. Waconam Doctnc GRIMES.B K. Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regi4aton, Drector (Post $70411) 94/10/28. PowR Co 2pp. 81673.26241673265. Consohdated Eemon Cp. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81658 00141058.013

 -9411100078 Natifcaten of segmicata iconese meanng w/util on 941108 m ressaan              9411100071Conirms plans to change time of 941100 meetm0 to escuss SALP rept for SALP 11 for piant F AHBER.M.J Regen 3 (Posi 8202011 94/11/02. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 2pp.

piant.mpermd 930401 throu0h 940917. GREENMANA.G Region 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/02. LINK.RE. Waconsm Electre 81873.26441673.265. Power Co. 2pp 8167326241673.265 M11300101 Raouests results of review & espositen of physcal secunty concem at -9411100076 Notifcaten of signrhcant hoensee mootmg w/uts on 941100 to decuss nt within 30 days of ler date SALP R tor plant DERSON.C.D Regen 3 (Post 823201). 94/11/18 LINK.R. Weconsm Doctnc FARBER.M.J Region 3 (Post $20201). 94/11/02. Regon 3 (Post 820201). 2pp. Power Co. 2pp. 81871.34941871:350. 81673.26441673.ze5 P. Operstang bconne stage ' 9411090300

                                           . 4 correspondonoe                                                NRC Busetm used to Transport           64402. "."Corroson Problems m Certam Stamtess Packagmg U Hemafluonde PAPERIELLO.C.J. Dusen of endustnal & Medcel Noctear setety Post 870729). 94/

M11040293 Tectmcal Rept, "Asaesament of Agmg Degradalen of CMl/ Structural 11/14 Conschdated Eenan Co of New York. enc.12pp. 81816.31141816.322. Features at Seescted Operanna Nuclear Power Plants. BRaVERMNA.J Brookhaven hatonal Laborotory L.151(6)/5-93, 93/05/31.100pp. 9411100237 NRC into Notco 94477 "Haftuncton in Man Generator Voltage Reguistor

   $162122841621128                                                                           Causmo Overvoltage at Saisty.Related Electncal Egiaperwnt."

GRIMES.B A. .94/11/17.Consotasted Edmon Co. of New York. inc. 7pp. 81818.323 9411030252 Le coraract. mod 1 to task order 22.emendm0 penod of performance 1 rom 81816.329 940929 to 950329at te adct cost to "lPE Reviews.Intemal Events.Frore End On8y." for s Urut 1 & 2 9411230015 Ack receipt of 941014 ter t_ MACE.M.

                                                                                                                                                ., NOV w/ map repts $4266/94-16 &

of Contracts (Poet 940714). NRC.0441066 94/09/01. COLINA.L $4301/94-16. Steps taken to correct vuotatens 14.2.s & 2.b.noted volston Scsonce & Engmeenn0 Associates. inc. 10 8180729741607298. 14. retracted SHAFER W.D Regon 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/16 LINK.R. Waconom Elecinc Power M11040111 LW contract. mod 1 to task order 23.eutendmg poned of performance of Co. 2pp. 8181190841811:078. task order from 940929 to 950329 at no addl cost or obbgnton to goWLlo "lPE deviews.Intemal Events. Human Releatmhty Analysm Only." for peams -9411230017 Ack receipt of 941014ler vansmittmo Nov w/ map repts60 266/94 16 & MACE.M. Dunson of Contracts (Post 940714l NRC.04 91469. 94/09/01.HAAS.P.M 50 301/9416 Steps taken to correct volanons a & 2b.noted.Violaton Concord Associates. Inc. 2pp. 81628.27641628277. 1.b. retracted. SHAFER.W.D. Regon 3 (post 820201) 94/11/14. SCHROCK.CA Waconem Pubic 9411030224 Informs that IST program retaf VRR.21 no longer vooured & formally Sennce Corp.1p. 8181107049811'078 witidrawn. Future testng of men feedwater check valve shah be on coed snuidown toquency as permmed Dy ASME Secean xi.1WV.3522 3411150578 NRC Info Notco 94478. "Doctnc Component Fadure due lo Degradaten MAXFIELD.G.J. Waconam Electnc Power Co. 94/10/18. Document Coritrol Branch of Chtonde Wre treusaton " (Document ControI Desk). 2pp, 81645.35141645:352. GRIM :$. K. . 94/11/21. Consohdated Emmon Co. of New York. Inc topp. 81648.21541848.224. M11010178 Submns negraded gnd voltage settmg hmn status update. Lcenuses spect 10 prov'de Tech Son chanoe request kr cegraded wortage by 950428. 341117ao38 NRC hito Noboe 94479. "Mcrobsologmally influermed Corrosen of EDG UNK.B Waconom Electne Power Co 64/10/28. Document Convin M*t (Docu. See Weier pipmg - memt Control Desk [ 2pp. 81$859 tic 41585:067. GRIMES.BA .94/11/23.Congchdated Edman Co. of New York. Inc 9pp. 81848.22$- 9411030323 Forwards Amends 156 & Ifl0 to Lcenses DPR-24 & DPR.27. reap ctweiy

   & SE. Amends reinse TS to reduce HCS raw measured total flow rate & or eratng pressure.

94111702,79NRC gon gy Info Notre BWIBO. 'Inadeouste DC Grotmd Detecten in DC Dmetne HANSEN.AG Proiset Drectorate ill-3. 94/10/26. LINK.R E. Weconan Electro Power GRIMES.B K . 94/11/25. Cr neohdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc. 14pp. Co. 3pp. 81600'079 8160ti 095. 81848.23441648 247.

                          "'                                                               94 70284 NRC Info Noh e 94481,
  • Accuracy of Boassay & Ermron Samphng Re.

S escton 1 RCS

  • NSAM of Reactor Protects - litJV'V (Post 901216). 94/10/28. 7pp' PAPERIELLO.CJ. Dusen of industnal & Madcol Nucteer Sately (Post 870729) 94/

81808:082 41600'089 11/25. Conschdated Echson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81548 2464184fi.259.

 ~94      303           ovaluston si41portm0 Amends 156 & 180 to LJcenses OPR-24 &

R. PModlc W reports & rowed correspondence

  • Othee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/28 6pp.

81608 090 41808 095 9411230320 Monthly operstmg repts for Oct 19H tor Pont Beach Nucosar Piant Unsis 1

                                                                                              & 2 W/941104 fir.

D411040277 Forwards response to NRC RAls,transnutted on 940913 & 1013 ve util KOUDELKA.M B., MAXFIELD.GJ. Waconom Electnc Power Co. De/10/31.13pp NotioS request tot exempton from regurements et becson 111.0 of App R to 81854.316 41854.328. 10CFR50 tur AFWP room. i LINK.B Wisconem ElectnC Power Co. 94/10/31. Document Control Branch (Docu- 9411230218 Forwards rewmed montNy operstmg vents for Sept 1994 for Pomt Beach mont Corerol Desk) 36pp 81648 30241648 337. Nucteer Plant. l M11100050 Forwards rept on sne west to review emplementaton of meet rule at stanon MAXFIELD.GJ Waconse Elecmc Power Co 94/11/04. Document Control Branch j tar revow & srWo Rept consfies (Document Conrol Desk) 1p. 81833 23641833 245.

                                               &nc            - w/ program of sne SHAFER.W.D. Regen 3 (Post                  1). 94/11/07. DONNLLLY.PM Consumers Power Co. 2pp 8174613141746141.                                                           9411230220Rowned monthly operenng repts for Sept 1994 for Pomt Beach Nuclear Plant M11250140 Submna mod to 940912 oubmittal of TS Cr                  Request 189. revemg TS 16 3.3. *ECCS.Aumhery Cocht SytLAs RecrCulaten n Coolers & Contamment B5                      Power energ Conval Desk) 2pp. 81881.35241881255.

6 Document Convol Branch (Docu- 9*"*""***""'*** O '-' 9411030127 LER 94410 00an 940927.snadverient EDGs sta1. tons of two sianon bat. I

 -9411250142 Proposed TS 15.3.3.stanno that RCS temps shall be mantamed yester                tory charpers & Unn 2 losa of DHR occurred when control operstar operaung gas ts.         i that 350 F etter placm0 reactor m foot ersackswn condmon & romoung note to bpec            tune mcLacoy manipula1ad controls Sutig equement restored W/941025 le 15.3 3.D.1.a. docusam0 pDwer suppsy to Tram B SWPs for Unn 2.                              CASTELL.C.A., LINK.B. Wesconse Electic Power Co. 94/10/25. Opp. 8161t030-
  • Wisconam Electnc Power Co.94/11/16. 2pp. 81881.3544188t355. 81619.037, 9411070376 LER 94 01140 on 941004. discovered that on 940409
 & trespecnon reports, tE BulleIms & correspondence                                           Ourements not met dunng retuoimg oi                               redundanttoDHR due to madequate communicaton        oper vo.

alors ve enterprelaten or TS 15.3.1 A3 b. RHR pumps secured W/941103 ttr. 9410140257 u, W.E Wamnen Esectnc % Co 94/WD16pp. MM g to ~RC opS.,u.pp.o,ei to C - NRC hfo Nonce 93 060. "Reportng Fuel Cycle & Matis Events - BURNETTAF Dumen c' Fuel Cycle Safety & Saseguards (Post J10207). 94/10/20. Coneohdaiad Edman rb. of New Yots. Inc.12pp. 81816.29lk41818.310. E w hemorm 9411010138 Forwards 84.P 11 repts 60266/94414 50-301/9441 covenn0 penod (30401 940917. 94110402'l4 Forwards exam answer key for forms A & B.yedm0 residts, & endudual MARTINJB Regen 3 (Post 820201) 94/10/21, LINK.R E. Waconom Electric Power armwer enests for each enc >vutual talung exam from facety. Requests resuRs De for. Co. 4pp 81516 01641515 026 wartted to endmduss wranswer sneets W/o orcit RING.M A Repon 3 (Post 820201194/10/27. Consumers Power Co.1p. 8158E901-

 -9411010145 SALP 11 repts $0-2tl6/9441 & 54301/9441 for pened930401-940917,                  81580 001.
  • Regson 3 (Post 820201). ps/10/21 7pp 81616 02041516 026.

94113o0218 Fcrwards NRC summanrod guedhnee that clantes recurements for man. 9411100077 Ack recespi of $41005 Itr ansormmg NRC cf steps taken to conect violatens tenm0 mdm3um operstar hcenses.enDtled. {Clanhcaten c4 Mamt & Reactwahon Re-viotee en erump repis64266/94 13 & S0 301/94 13. ouvements for Indudual Operator tscenses F ARBER M J Region 3 (Post 820201) 94/10/25.LINKAE. Waconam Elecmc Power RING.M A. Repon 3 (Post 82C201L 94/11/18 Afhisaten f*W Asmgned 3pp. Co 1p 896732tl641673 266 81872.341 41872.343

h 5 40 DOCKETED ITEMS DOCKET 80 367 PORT ST. VRAIN NUCtEAR GEggMATtNG STATIDN DOCKET 50 369 OCONEE MUCLEAR STAtt0N, UNIT 1 F. Seeur#V. meshool, emergency a fire proteston piens F. Securtly, meeceL emergency & fue proteamen plans t M110ss3e8 leeue 4 to OPP 6J.3. "ERP4creal Room" & tesue 4 to DPP 6.219 SA. 9411230032 Forwards puttc verson of Rev 9444 le Val C. "Oconee Nucteer Site "Sersw.Annuel ' Emer Teespnone retenee memo ONJ W. Duke Power ".W/941121


DOR $T. WAREtiSOURGh.of Putsc Service ERP."Co W/94102594/10/25. te[ of Colorado 33pp HA 94/05/05. Document Coreal Branch (Document 81640246 41640.278 Control Deskt 2pp 81829.21941629281.

                                                                                                   -9411230048 Psehc vensson at Rev 9441 to Vol C. 'Oconee Nuclear Sde Emergency M11298107 leaue 3 to Emergency Response Procedwe (ERP) DPP 5.212. *ERF41ss.

ashceton" W/ed1116 Itr. Tesophone WAREMBOURG.D W Putsc Sennce Co. of Colorado. 94/11/16. 30pp. 01885.255- DOLAN.BJ. Duke Co. 94/05/05. 31pp. 81829.22141829.251. 01885.264.

                                                                                                   -9411230068 Putsc verson of Change 0 to RP/0/B/1000/15. "Onsne Commumce-tons."

(L Inspecteen reports. E pusseins & earrompensense BROWNJ.R., JENNINGS.C.C. Duke Power Co, 94/05/02. 30pp. 81829.252 81829.281. W18140257 Suppl 1 to NRC Inlo Notco 93 080. "Floportmg Fuel Cycle & Maths Events M11010231 encarms that rev 9445 to reesten emergency pian for pients acceptabse & to NRC Operatsons Ctr " meet peannm0 stos of 10CFR5047(b) & requesments of app E to 10CFR50.Rommds BURNETT.R.F. Dwoon of Fuel Cycts Sately & Saloguards (Post 930207). 94/10/20. use of _ ' ' - _ W proposed changes sauern m future Coneohdated Eeeon Co. of New York, anc. 1290.81016.29941816.310- CUNE.W L Regen 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/11. HAMP70NJ.W. Duke Power Co 3pp 815151524 t 515.154 W8300153 NRC Into Noace 94476, "Recent Fodures of Chargng/Selety injecten Pump Shafts " M11030074 Forwards snap repts 506269/9447.54270/94-27 & 50267/94-27 on GRIMES.B.K. Ofhce of Nucasar Reactor Reguieton, Deector (Post 870411). 94/10/2tL 940e294915.No vioistons noted Coneohdated Echson Co. of New Tosk. inc.12pn 81658:00141658:013. COLUNS.D M Reqpon 2 (Post $20201). 94/10/14. HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co 3pp. 81500 00141sen.012. M110ge300 NRC Bulleen 94 002. "Corronen Proteems en Cortsen Stomiens Packagm0 Unod to Transport U Hamatiuonde? -9411030004 Insp repts 50 269/9447.54270/94 27 & 50 287/94 27 on 940829 PAPERIELLO.C L Divmson of inantnel & Meecol Nucteer SCety (Poet 870729) 94/ 0915.No vioistens noemd Megor areas mapactedorse of physical escurtly program for 11/14. Coneohdened Edman Co. of New York. inc.12pp $1816.31141816.322. reactors.epecdically access controi for personnet. packages & vehsclek YK.O.M. Regen 2 (Post 520201). 94/10/14. 9pp. 81580.00441580'012. 9411100001 Forwards map rept 50287/9447 on 941018-20.Nonceed veielens esenehed NRC we not rogues hoenees to contown to make weekly nothcotons to M11100138 Forwards venson of rev to OMP 17. "Operatens Emergency Re-NRC Operatens Cir efter 941101w/hsted understenengs. sponse rewmed cover sheet & table of comernW/941106 recesse COLLINS.!LJ. Reqpon 4 (Post 820201) 94/11/16. CRAWFORD,A.C. PutAc Service memo Co. of Cosorodo 5pp 81774.25141774k69. HAMP70NJ W Duke Power Co 94/10/18. Document CorWol Branch (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 8172625341726.313. -941118e004 tier rept50 267/9447 on 941018 20.Nonened votatons idonened Mapor t areas enopectedtecihty sistus & operstonal estety vanhcoton.mcludm0 detened emp -M1H00143,, Putse versson of esv to OMP 17. Operatons Emergency Response Or.

                                               /1 10.14pp. 8177425641774289.                                      J. Duke Power Co.94/10/19 57pp. 81726.25641726.313.                                j CA                                   1 94H210401 Aeness that 940701 Rev 0 to phymcel escunty pan _.                     ; w/seow.

9411100237 NRC Info Nobce 94477. "Meetuncton m Mem Generator Voltage Regalato, eens of 10CFR50 54(p) & Some changes requero ceanficaten es dolmeat-et Satav-Relened Electncel Equement yu

                                                                                                                                          .                                                          i R         K 9411/17.Consondated Emeon Co. of New York inc. 7pp. 81816 323 D Reqpon 2                     1). 94/11/09. HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co.

3pp. 81892'17241992174-9411130878 NRC IrWo Notes 94478.,"Easctnc Component Fedure ckse to Degradalen N H230308 Responds to ventatons noted e inen espes 50w269/94 27. 50270/94-27 & Wee insulaton 50 287/9447.Correckvo octonsmnoscorted eccess process reviewed GR . K. . 94/11/21. Conmohdeted Eegon Co. of New York. Inc. 10pp TUCKMAN.M S. Duke Power Co. M/11/14 Once of Nuc6 ear React 1r Regulaton,(> 03040I " O'0 224 rector (Post 870411). App. 81633 02241833:025 9411170038 NRC Info Notco 94479. "Mecratnologically enfluenced Conosson of EDG 94Ha301e2 Sutsmas changes enade to Unn 2 dets pont eteory on 941H5 Svc Womr Pipng HAMPTON I W. Duke Power Co. 94/11/15. Document Consol Branch (Documerit GRIMES.S K. .94/11/23 Conachdeted Eeson Co. of New York. 8vic. 9pp. 81848.225" CorWol Dookt son 81892:32tk41892.334. 81948233 Mttassee8 Responds to NRC941020str te vmestens noted m insp Rept 60J69/94 94H170278 NRC Info Notoe 94480. inadequate DC Ground Detecton in DC Detrtiu- 26.correceve octons: personnel ewedved m acton counessed & rhanphnf fy oCson ton Ses " taken & EOP EP/1.2.3/ A/1800/01 we tie sevised. GRIMES.B .K. . 94/11/25. Conschdeled Edman Co. of we' York. Inc. 14pp. sAMpToNJw. Duke power Co 94/11/17. Document Control Bronch (Documerit 81848 23441848247. Control Dock). Opp. 81889:08941388 097 9411170394 NRC Into Notco 94481. " Accuracy of Bannay & Enveen Semphng Re. P PERELL.O.CJ Divuson of Indusenet & Meecal Nucesor Sesety (Post 870729). 94/ 11/25 Coneohdated Edsgon Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 81M824841648259. M 00 h % to N h h TVA mm Venev Authorny 94/11/01. Document Control Branch (Docu-CARTER.P.P. T... ment Centrol Desk) 7pp. 81063103 81t163109. E Reper'mW p & related 6 9411080126 Forwards three racere norH:omphence repts to Fort St Vrom Netonal Pob K. UllSty Final Soesty Anotyees Report (PSAR) & emenses tulent Ducherge El-unston Sys Permit WAREMBOURG.D W Peshc Sennce Co. of Colorado 94/10/18 04H300383 Forwards revs to Oconee Seiscted Licanese Commnments ManuelSLC Level Weste & E __ . Promets Bronch (NMSS 940403).11pp. AUSTINJ.H Lo*". 81589 243 Manuel e Chapur IP.0 to FSAR & wig tie agidsted as needed dunng yr. I 81589253- MAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co. 94/11/01. Document CorWol strant* (Document I 9411440119 NPDES nonconghence notticaton:en 941019.aompte collected et es. imorge poent 001 A ocutweed pH of 0.30 anCeuesd tiy elevated pH teological actmty n .g4113003e6 Revs to Oconee Nucesor Staton Selected Laconnee Commaments ARE OURG.DW. PutAc Senace Co of Colorado. 04/10/24 AUSTINJ M Low. Leves Weste & N _ . ., Propects Branch (NMSS 940403L 3pp. 81658.314 81658.316. p, o,orean, moones ,e,ge ;  ; & es,,es,enteense 9411878432 NPDES. m a notAcetonon 941026.aompte conected et es- 94H070270 Estends erwltaton to mgen it bconsees to pareceste w/NRR & regon H poet Dot A seututed pH M 9 50 su Caused try teologpcal scanty m term mpresentatives m thaa==n of GL 80'10 motoNiperated vesse proqpoms MeetnD to omend we to submmed to doeste 1 - . tar cuttall 001 A. tie hold on 941108 in Anants.GA adeseng nomoe & egende enct WAREMBOURG.D W Putshe Sennoe Co of 94/11/01. AUSTIN)H. De. GIBSON.AF. Reqpon 2 (Post $20201). 94/10/12. HAMPTONJW. Duke Power Co. __.4 & Regutelory issues Branch (Post 901230t 3pp. 81676.158,. opp 8180604441806 047.

    . - . _81676 160.

94H030116 Contems m. . _ . . _ lor mgt meetng w/uti on 941018 m A W. Dooomnesetening Stage W & Concependence G SON F Reqpon 2 820201 7 HAMPTONJ Power Co. 3pp 8150018241560:184 9411290104Forwarcs e6sipi edo re proposed mod to removetse surface cantammaton ressees creene cor trimum & Fe55.sutmetted we ubt 940929 lir.m fesponse to NRC M11070t?S haa= mas mgt meenn0 on 940929 re Keowse mgt pien.tntorms meseng 941027telczn RAI teeneficial for NRC & reouests detoded pian tie made svedoble & tollowup rnsetng be WAREMBOURG.DW Pubhc Service Co of Colorado 94/11/17. AUSTINJ H Low- scheduisd before end of W/hst of ofterednes & heensee handout Levet Weste a r _-. Propects Branch (NMSS940403).12pp 018es.305- BOGER.B A Regon 2 ( 820201). 94/10/17. HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co. , 81866 316 14pp. 81805.24241605255. i l

DOCKETED ITEMS 41 M11300036 haa maas941018meetmg w/uts m Anante.GA to overall performance of M11070179 Forwards map repts 50 269/k28.50 270/94-28 8 50487/94-28 on plant trommg program Res Ats of provous maps r6=a==ad Let of enendees. encl. 940628 0924 &notus of woletson.Veleton of concem because toewe to tohow proco-GsBSON.A.F. Repon 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/20. HAM 340NJ.T. Duke Power Co. dure dunne mod endangered plant persormei e reeutled m aoss of radiaton morutors 3pp. $187119641871.168. SINKULE.M V Repon 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/20. HAMPTONJ.W. Duke Power Co. 3pp. 81805.25641605.274. M11100210 Forwards rev to selected hansee comnutment manuel.ronom0 Secten 16.82 to use 100 kV W_-_. sys trom central ownchyard as ofrene source of -9411070187 Notco of moleton from enes on 9408264fw24.Voisten notedfailure to oescenmi power to cold shutoown dunng penods of tasang & ment follow procedure Gunn0 mod activity wtuch resuhed m loss of rut t preneuruar spray HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co. 94/10/25. Document Cormul Branch (Document vaive & lack of pre el pedance for B&W comprenewe hme Control Doest 11m $1736.34341736.353.

  • Rogon 2 (Post $20201). 94/10/20. 2pp. 81605.25941605.260 M11000048Docusses TIA 93 023 re use of non eatety reisted ove water agussment et -9411070192 Insp repts $0469/94 28.50 270/9448 & 50 287/9448 on 940626-pesca.cor940105 memo Specific conc.em to use et plant of nog reisted equip. 0924.Vioistons noted.Mesor areas mapected plant operatons.survemance ment to mehgets eccedent identded dunng renew oftCCW oys .mant scevshes & engmeenn0 des 40W.H N Propect Directorate k.3 94/10/26 BOGER.8A Regen 2 (Post .PL. SINKULE.M V. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/20.14m 81005J61 820201). 2pp. $1506Jt481506.298 81605.274.

M110e0132 triforms that staff unebie to grant request for rehof 93.GG1 tsecouse nom. M11300036 Docusses im1018 rnosang w/util an Ananta,GA re overen performance of tHeem tot of welds & map requirements & techrscal beeis to soport setety evalue- plant traming program.Results of previous maps hh bet of attendees.enci. ton of proposal had rol been prouded. GIBSONAF Regon 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/20. HAMPTONJ.T. Duke Power Co. BERKOW.H.N Prosect Directorate 16-3 94/10/26. TUCKMAN.M.S. Duke Power Co. 3m $187116641871:t48 app. 8188729441067297. M110701ee Forwards arW repts 50 269/94-30M270/94 30 & $0 287/R30 on M11030300 Informs that rehof from pre-service hydrostenc renerements of M002421.No voletons neted. ( ASME Code gremed for weeds m Rehof Requests 8E607.08 08.48 88901. CLINE.W E. 2 (Post Quwit94/10/21.HAMPTONJ.W. Duke Power Co. 3pp. BERKOW.H.N Protect Drectorate 1b3 94/10/31. HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co. 81005:07941 2 94. 4m 81600 03041406:033.

                                                                                              -M11070114Insp repts50 260/94 30.50470/94-30 & 50 287/94-30 on 94092041.No M110703s0 Forwards amends 207J07 & 204 to heeness DPR-38.DPR-47 & DPR-                       violatons noted Masor eress enspected- confirme   ;. . -      J-55.reepectivssy.Amenos vouse TS 3 4 to edessa need to inpass automenc subaton              JONES.D W,, DECKER.TA Regon 2 (Post                13. 94/10/20.13pp. 81605 082-of EFS when MFP checharge preneurs below actuston seapomt chmng starte).                    81005994.

WIENS.LA Prosect Drectorate81-3. 94/10/31.HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co. 3pp. 81621.329 41621:349 M10300163 NHC frWo Notoe 94476. "Recent Feikres of Chargmg/Selety infecton Pump Shaftt"

  -9411070363 Amenos 207.207 & 204 to hooness DPR-38.DPR-47 & DPR-SS.                           GRIMES.S.K. Office of Nucieer heector Regidaten. Drector (Nst070411). 94/10/26.

respectweey/evismo TS 34 to eddrene nood to twpens automatic ruhsten of EFS CormaMated Edson Co of New York. Inc.12pp. 81658 00141658:013. When MFP decharge pressure tiesom actuaton setpont during startup & shutdowrL BERKOW.H N Propect Directorate 43. 94/10/31.12pp. 81621.35241621.343. 9411030est Responds to NRC941007ter te vuoistone noted an map repts 50-260/n 25M270/94 25 & 50-287/94-25.Correctwo actons operatens stuft manager now re.

  -64110703M Salety evalueton supportng amends 207.201 & 204 to bcennes DPR-                    sponshis ear vanhang that eN     etors have completed renew pnar to weekly exams.

38.DPR.47 & DPR.55/espectwofy HAMPTONJW Ouke Power 94/10/26. Document Control Branch (Documeni

  • Ophce of Nucteer Reactor Regu6shon. Director (Poet 870411). 94/10/31. 6pp. Corsol Dook). topp.81590 057 41590 006.

81621.344 41621.349 M113eese6 Notecaton of esgnecent hcensee eneetmp w/uti on 941117 to ha per. M11100061 Summary of 941003 eneetmo w/util re dLesgn & techrucal details of pro- formance of plant facety dunng penod of930502 441029. posed and to provee over frequency protectan for Oconee emergency power SINKULE.M V. Resan 2 (Post 820201F 94/10/27. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 2pp. path.Lat d e'tendees enct 81657.36641857.357. WE NS.L A Prosset Drectorsio INB 94/11/10. Propect Drectorate 16 3. app. 01782-1364 1782 141. 9411070844 Forwards Rev 1 to "lSI Rept Unit 1 Oconee 19M RefusMO Outage 15? M11170291 Summary of 941012 meetng w/DPC re sistus of PRA tiem0 performed for HAMPTONJ W. Duke Powu Co. 94/10/31. Document Corwal Branch (Documart Cnnyol Desk). 3pp. 81676:00941676105. Roowse tenon Forwards het of meseng ettenoses & hoonses tiendout WlENS. . Prosect Drectorets 96- 3 M/11/14, Propect Drectorate 103. 87pp l 81777:001 41777:087. -9411070340 Row 1 to "lSi Rept Unit 1 Oconee 1994 Fiefusemg Outage 1$? i ROUSE.R.G. Duke Power Co.94/09/20. 94pp. 81670'01241676105.

  & Inspecten m E Suseens & -                                                                 M110703es Responds to NRC941019ter te violatons noted m map repts $4209/93 02.50-270/9342 & 50-287/93 02.Correctwo actons comerutment to test volves 10G-7 & 2OG 7 to verWy coeremon & cumbry succeeolui portormance of weeves adopted 9411030300 Ltr corwect.defwuten0 tank order 43 entsled. "Fo#ow Up to Svc Water Sys            HAMPTONJ.W Duke Pnwar Co 94/11/01. Document Coreal Branch (Documore Operemonal Portormance insp.Ocones?                                                         Corwal Desk). 7pp. 81678:10641676:114.

WlGGINS.EJ Devinson of Contracts (Post 940714) N8tC.C3-90426. 94/09/22 LOFy.R.A. PARAMETER. Inc. Opp.81007:33041607.335. M11070367 Responds to NRC 940512ter to weistons noted m map repts 504 09/93-25.50470/9425 & 50-287/9345.Correctwo accons: mod would msteil onhce m pipe f M11010105 Ack receipt of 940923 ler informm0 NRC of steps taken to correct motetens to prevent potenhal water hemmer event from occumn0 m nosso en snap repts 5D260/94-21,64270/9441 & $0487/9441. HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co 94/11/02. Document Brorsch (Document BOGER.BA Repon 2 (Poet 820201). M/10/07. HAMF70NJ W. Duke Power Co. Corwot Desk). 2pp. 81676.10641676107. 3pp 81514.2844t$14J06. M1100AM2 Forwards map repts 50469/94 33.50270/94-33 4 50-287/k33 on M11010111 Ack receipt of 940920 le anformen0 NRC of steps taken to conect voletons 94t00347 8 notes of deviaten.Insp did not reveel violemons of NRC ree.orements. noted m enep repts 50469/94-19. 50 270/94-19 & 8l4287/94-19 on 940727 CRLENJAK.R.V. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/02 HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co. SINKULLM V Regson 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/12. HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co. 3pp. 8163916841639182. 3pp 81514.28741514289

                                                                                              -9411000e00 Notme of deviston from snap on94100347.Downston rootect wat 3 tom.

M1'tetease Forwards enep repts 50 268/k26.50270/9446 8 64287/9446 on porwy mod motelled m vesctor protechve sys that did not most FSAR commitments 94082ikolI02 & 12-16 & nonce of weistonviolaten of concem becesme prwne for electncel emulaton. prepared as correctwo actson for devisten had not been performed as regured.

  • Repon 2 (Posi S20201) 94/11/02.1p. 8163917141639171.

CHLE NJAK.R V. Regan 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/13. HAMP70NJ W Duke Power Co. Spp. 8151416t 41514177. -9411eense6 Inno repts 5026e/943M270/9433 4 50467/94 33 on 94100347.No devastons noted Mapor areas mapected- engiasenno & techracel supgxyt

  -9411010001 Nohce el violaton from hop on 9408294916Vioiston notedfashre to                   actwebes.deesgn chenpas 8 peers mods & toleoune on previous map tmengs perform earnmennual wanhcoton of waive poumon as recured.                                   THOMAS.M., CASTO.C. Regen 2 (Post 820201k 94/11/02.11pp. 81639.172-
  • Regen 2 (Post 420201). 94/10/13. 2pp 0151416441514.165. 81636 162.
  -M1101ee87 inno repts $4269/9426.50 270/9446 & 54267/94 26 on 9408294002                    9411210307 Ack receipt of 941019 fir mformmg NRC of steps taken to correct deve-
    & 1216 volamons noted.Mator eroes mapected adequacy at correceve actons for                 simns 50400/944444.54270/944444 & 5D267/94 2444 NRC reviewmg times of violatortdevaston &          edemesesd dunn0 EDSFl.                                         ceruel re devistons50469/944445.50470/9444 05 & 54287/944445.

RUDi& AIL.E. SHYM M. Repon 2 (Post 820201L M/10/12.12pp. 81514166- BOGER.B A. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/07. HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co. 91514 177. 3pp. 81785:14641765.150. 941103e074 Forwards eisp ropte 50 269/kt7,50270/kt7 8 50 287/9447 on M11140106 Foneerds RAI on urut 1 thrd 10-vr ISI progam plan & miod roguests 940s294915.No violators hated for rehof from Secten Mi regurements of ASME B&PV code. COLUNS.D M Reqyon 2 (Poet 820201). 94/10/14 HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co. VIENS.LA Prosset Drectorate 114. M/11/06. HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co. app. 3pp. s1560 001413e0012 01748 02441744-031.

  -9411nneena enep repis 54269/94-27.50270/94-27 & 54287/9447 on 940829-                      M112000es Ack recept of 941024 Itr entornun0NRC of steos taken to correct violatons 0915+eo violatons noted Maior areas mopected eres of phyncel escunty program for            noted m map repts 50469/9445. 50 270/k25 & 50 26//96 25.

power reactors.apocchceev occess coreal for personnel,peckages & verucles GIBSONAF. Repon 2 (Post 820201) 94/11/09. HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co. MASNYK.O M MCGulRE Regen 2 (Poes 620201t 94/10/14. 9pp. 41560004- 2pp. 81857.26941857290 81960012 9411190406 Responds to NRC941013nr te voletons noted m map repts50469/94-M10140267 Suppl 1 to NRC Into Notco 93 080, "Reportng Fuel Cycee & Mens Events 26M270/94 26 & 50 287/94 26 Correcteve accons; performed procedure on940901 to NRC Operemons Ctr " & aruhated protnem muestgeton process BURNETT.RF Dwason of Fuse Cycse Setety & Setoguards (Poet 930207). 94/10/20. HAMPTONJ W Ode Power Co 94/11/10, Document Cormoi Branch (Docirnent Consondated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 8181629641816.310. Corson Desu app. 81781:0e841791991.

42 DOCKETEDITEMS N11090300NRC Bulletin 94402. "Conosson Problems m Certam Stamens Packagmg W. Operator Esamanations Used to Transport U Henarluorice " PAPEFilEl.LO.C.J Dwinson W arwhatnet & Medical Nuclear &alsty (Post 870729) 94/ M11080229 Responds to Admmessative Lir 9412. " Operator Lacensmo Nag Exam 11/14 ConsofrJated E@ son Co. of New York inc.12pp 81816.31141816.322- Schedue " TUCKMAN.M$ Duke Power Co 94/11/04 Document Control Brartch (Document 9411230255 Forws ds arewers to Questume 1.4 & 5 of two quesarms provided to uti to Coneot Desk) Sep $167920541679239 asset NRC m corrgneton of review of escond 10 yr 16 meerval Request los Rehof DNS-00s.per NRC request at 941025 meetng HA8dPTONJ W Duke Power Co. 94/11/14 Document Consol Branch (Document DOCKET 50 270 OCONEE NUCLEA3 ST&TIOtt. UNIT 2 Coreal Denk). 4pp 81644 356 81844 359 Nt1220295Reaponds to woiatore noted > esp repts50469/94 27, 50-270/94 27 & . emergency #re Protectlen plane 50 287/94-274cereceve actons unescorted access process rewswed. TUCKMAN.M 5 Duke Power Co N/11/14 Office of Nuclear Reactor Repeatern. Dh rector (Pos1870411) app $1833-02241833.025 N11230032 Forwards pubhc worsen of Rev 9444 to Vol C. "Omnee Nucosar Sete Emor - 1eemphone Dwector

  • W/941121 release morno 9411300050 Decusses map of heennes OPR48. Den s7 & DPR-55 on 941212 & for. HA . TON) W Duke Power 94@5/05 Docurnent Control Branch (Documeit wards requesled ewo Control Desk). 2pp 81629 21941829.281.

PEEBLES.T A Repoi 2 (Post $20201) 94/11/14. HAMPTON.JW (Who Power Co -M11230045Pubhc veranon of Rev 9441 to Vol C "Oconee Nuclear Sne Emergency app 81871.20041871.203

  • Teasphone Du DOLAN BJ Duke Co. 94/05/05. 31pp 81829 22141829 251.

N11300175 Discusses 941210SALP meetng en/utd to dracuss plant pectormance over post 18 montrin -9411230055 Pubhc verson of Change O to RP/0/B/1000/15. "Otteste Commuruce-ESNETER.SD. 2 (Post 820201) 94/11/14 TNOMPSON.E Gouth Crohna. State of 3pp 8187. 24541872247 tions " BROWN.J R., JENNING5.C.C. Duke Power Co 94/05/02. 30pp 81829 252-Nt1290006 Act receet nf 940906 te nWomung NRC of steps taken to correct violahans 81829 281 noted en map repts60269/94-15. 50 270/9415 & $0 287/94-15. N11010231 Irnorms that rev 94 05 to radebon emergency pian for plants able & CRLFNJAK.R V Rogmn 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/15 HAMPTONJ W Duke Power Co meet piareen0 stos on 10CFRSO 47(to & requeements of app E to 10CFR$0. 3pp. 0185791441857:016. util or cDkganons et proposed charges anught m future CLINE.W L Regen 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/11 HAMPTON.J W Duke Power Co. 3pp M11100237 NRC Info Noace 94 C77. " Malfunction m Mann Generator Voltage Regulator 81515 152 41515 154 Caussng Ovenestage et 6etetv-Reistec Eesctrical Equipment.- GRiMEb.B K. .94/11/17.Conachdated Eteon Co el New YorlL inc. 7pp 81016.323- N11030074 Forwards map repts 50469/94-27.50 270/9447 4 50287/94 27 on e1816.329 9408294915 No vaotamons noted COLLINS D M 2 1820201) 94/10/14 MAMF70N.J W. Duke Power Co N11250099 Responds to NRC 941020Its re violahans noted m inep Rept 50469/94 app. 8m 0014i 01 . 28Correcew actons:personnes ewaked a; ectan counneed & enciphnery acton tanen & EOP EP/1,2.3/ At1800/01we be revoed -9411030064 Insp roots 50 269/94-27,50-270/94 27 & 50487/94-27 on 940829 HAMPTON.J W Duke Power Ca 94/11/17. Document Control Branch (Dorasment 0915 No wolatons rmted Masor areas supected area ci pWascal secunty program tar Control Desk). Opp 81889 089 41889 097. power reactors.apecsticeny access controlfor personnelgeckages & wohuset h4ASNYk.O M Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/14 Spp 81Sco:00441660:012. M11150578NRC speo Notco 94-078, "Electnc Component Failure due to Degradstion of Chloride Wwe ino64 anon " 94 H100139 ec worsson of rev to OMP 1-7, "Operatons Emergency Re. GRI .S. K. 94/11/21. Coneohdated Edeon Co of New Y ortt. trc 10pp Fewards p' revised cover shoot & tab 6" of contenL W/941100votesse sponse Orgamraton. 81648.21541848.224 memo Nt1290233 Ack recent of 941013 Itr enforming NRC of simps taken to correct violatoris 8$7 '253 726' ' nneed m map repts 5A769/94J6. 50 270/94-26 & 54287/9446 CRLE A (Post 820201) 94/11/22.HAMPTON.J W Duke Ptwer Co MH09. mramon  % m W m m OMP uke we o9 pp. 8 6 R wm 6H3 Em W 4 M11170039 NRC Into Notco 94,079. "Microbsotogically influenced Corronen of EDG Svc Water Pipng" 94H21N01 Advmes that 940m Rev 0 m pnysical secunty plan consistent w/ prow. GRIMES.B K ,94/11/23 Conmohdated Edison Co of New York,Inc. 9pp 81648.225- sons of 10CFR$0 64(p) & acceptatne Some changes requee clanhcaban as dehnest-

  $1848 233'                                                                                  ed en enci Enct withhead trot 10CFRT3 21)

Mi t300001 Forw N1 4m rio.ards co e.nso

m. repts E269/9444.50 270/9444
                                                                      & 50 287/94 44 on             [         172        17 -

E E 2 { Post 820201). 94/11/23 HAMPTON.J W. Duke Power Co 3pp HH220295 Ap 2 mlahans emed m map rept 50J69/9447. E270/9447 &

          '                                                                                   50-287/9447 Correcirve act ans unesconed ecmse process reviewed
    . fo w app wed N,otice os pofg,am vio,laton re.a,efrom  ene,p on N102448 votaton noted hcenses tailed nons recay Pos 8704           4pp     h0         1    025
  • Region 2 (Post 520201) 94/11/23. 3pp 8187100441871006 NH220992 h changes mede m Unit 2 dam part bbrry on 941H6 HAMPTO4J W Duke Power Co 94/11/15 Document Control Branch (Documerit

=N11300011 Insp repts 50-269/94 44.50-270/94 44 & 80 287/9444 on 941024- Conrol Dook) Opp.81892.329 41892.334 28 vowmans nowd uasor esas manectec hcenew resanon protectum program ew weeven rewww or occupanona* exposunes WR HT.F N., RANAIN.W H. Repon 2 (Post $20201) 94/11/23.18pp 81871207 gt g gw g,,, y p.,,,1 (FSAR) & amends 9411170279NRC Into Notre 94 000, "inadecumm DC Ground Detecton m DC Detrtm. 94H3003e2 Forwards ras e Oconw Sesected Lanwo C . . ._ r Manual SLC

            "                                                                                  Manual e C>ianter 16.0 to F&AR & ws!! to updated as needed tkny yr son  $p$.B K . 94/11/25 Conschdated Eemon Co of New York, Inc 1400                         HAMPTON.J W Duke Pnwer Co N/11/01. Document Control oranch (Document GRIMt                                                                                       Control Dook) 2pp. B191uc47 4t910:065 81848 23441948 247
                                                                                            =9411300395 Revs to Doonee Nuceear Stanon Sulacted Licensee t                n N11170264 NRC Info Notce 94481.
  • Accuracy 6 Boosenay & [rwoon Sampimg Re- Duke Power Co 94/10/20.17pp. 8191004941910066 aufm .

PAPERIELLO.CJ Dusen of indusinal & Meecal Nucenar Sahrty (Post 8707291 94/ 11/2h Conmohdated Echmon Co. of New voret,Inc.12pp 81648.24641848.259 i&m.. P. Operating hoense stage ( R. Portoec operating reports & ianstea , - M11070270Estends switeten to repon 11 tioensees to partczpate w/NRR & regen 16 representa9ves m encuseen of GL 8tL10 motoreparated watve programs Meeun010 tw head on 94 HOB m Anama GA Mwang rence & egemse ence. 9411250038 Forwensa nmnthly opereung repts for Oct 1994 for Oconee Nuctour Staten GIBSON.AF Repon 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/12, HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co

   & rovinsic rept for sept 1994                                                               'DP 8N0'441N'7-WEBER.R.L Duke Power Co 94/11/15 Docwnent Control tirancti (Document Con-trol Desk). 2pp 8188010741689124                                                         9411030115 Confirme errengements for mgt meetag w/util on 941018 in Auenta GA Meeung to secuss overan prmrnance of piant irorung program
=4411250042 Monthey                  repts for Oct 1994 tar Ocorise f%csear Plant              GIBSONAF. Regan 2 (Post 520201). 94/10/17. HAMPTONJW Duke Powur Co.

WILL&AMS.R A Duke Power b4/10/31 15pp 8188910941889123. 3pp 815601824156D194

                                                                   "                "I N11078178 Discuseos mot meetmo on 94DD29 se Keowee mot pianIntorma maetmo Power       94              8"1 9      4 88 24                                     tienetcsal lor NRC & reemse dotased pean te made awadahte & foHow@ meetnD IN ochedueed tietore end of          WIhst of attendees & heerinse handout S. Reportable occurrences, LIRs & rotated corveepondence                                           pp           2     8       5. '

N11300026 f'haa===s 941018 meetnp w/util en Acants.GA re overan performance of M111002h3 LFA 94 00540on 941005.contamment solabon valve IRC-7 rendered plant trammg program Results of previous metis escuumed Lat et attendees.enci techrucativ emperatWe due to change m0t veeves 1RC-5 & 8 ctooed & esortncapy op-acevsted & Mischanicai Mant Team ewo8ved counnease W/941103 ler GIBSONAF Rorpon 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/20. HAMPTONJ1. Duke Power Co WILAlf..Lv.. HAMPTONJ W Ch.she Power Ca 94/11/03 Sep 81747 08741747.094 3pp 818711864187t168

DOCKETEDITEMS 43 9411100210 Forwards rev to selected beennes comrruiment manual.revismg Secten -9411070192 Irvip repts $4269/94-28,50-270/9448 4 50-287/94-28 on 940826 16.4 2 to une 100 kV L._. sys from centra' switchyard as offene source of ' 0924 velasuno noted Maior area 6 mapected plent operatons. surveillance elecmeni power to cold shutdown durmg penods of teetmg & mamt toshng.mont actvibes & engmoormg HAMPTONJ W Duke Power Cc. 94/10/25 Document Control Branch (Document HAFtMON.P.E., SINKULE.M V. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/20,14pp. 81605.261-Control Dook).11pp. 81736.34341736:353 81605.274. M11030048 fWees TIA 93423 re use of non-easety rotated svc water etapment st 941130e036 Dan =aas 941010 moetmg w/utsi en Acanta.GA re overan periormance of planLper940105enamo.Specihc concern to une et plant W norwelety rotated entap- plant traming program.Results el provmus maps chacussed List of attendees enct merit to frishgste accident spentihed dunng review of ECCW syIL GlBSONAF. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/20. HAMPTONJ.T. DiAo Power Co BERKOW.H.N. Protect Directorate tha. 94/10/26 BOGER,BA Regon 2 (Post 3pp. 81871166 81871:168. 820201L 2pp. 81506.289415ee.298. M11800122 Infome that staff unebie to grant reauest for rehof 934Cw1 became item- ** " D ns to ni I eens to support sesoty evalus-Og $h'v* ion'etans"*noted

                                                                                                      ,w             gpost 820201). 94/10/21-HAMPTONJ W Duke Power Co. 3pp.

O gh '"'ee 'n*m$ ded ' BERMOW M.N Propect Directorate IL3 94/10/26. TUCKMAN.W.S. Duke Power Co.

                                                                                            -9411070114Insp repts50-269/94 30M270/94 30 & 50 287/94-30 on 940920-21.feo
                                                                                                                       *** *C             *'**Y 9411070300 Forwards ameri:ss 207.207 4 204 to hooness OPR-38.DPR47 & DPR-                      **'S"* "#

W, "*'"E'R'R '"%o'n'# 'P'"ost $2"020'1b 94/10/2a 13pp. 81605982-

55. Amenos reves TS 3 4 to address need to bypass automate manten DECK 2 of EFS when decharge pressure below actuaton setpoint dunng starkp. 81605094.

NS Dractorate 103. 94/10/31_HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co. 3pp. 9410200 53 NRC Info Nohce 94476. "Recent Failuru of Chargm0/ Safety infecten Pump Shafts." -M11070363 Amends 207,207 & 204 to hoenses DPR.38.DPR47 & DPR.55 GR!MES.B K. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton. Director (Post 870411k 94/10/2G. respecovesy.reviamo TS 34 to address need to tspass automahc outseon of EFS Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81656-00141658:013. when MFP discharge pressure below actuaten eelpoet dqsterkp & enutdowet BERKOW.H.N. Propect Drectorate163. 94/10/31.12pp. 81621.;s;s341621.343 Nt1030001, Responds to NRC 941007tr re violatons noted in inep repts 50 269/94-25M270/94-25 & 50w287/94-25.Correctve actons. operatons shift menapse now re- -9411070364 Safety evalueton supportng amends 207.207 & 204 to bconnes DPR. sponsibse for that as (perators have completed review pnar to weely esamsk 38.DPR47 & DPf055.respectveg HAMPTONJ W Power T,o. 94/10/26. Document Control Branch (Document

  • Oflu of Nuclear Reactor Regulacon, Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/21. 6pp. Control Deskt 10pp. 81590-0574 N066.

81621-34441621.349 M11200065 Notticaton of engruhcant hcensee mesen0 w/uti on 941117 to thamma per. N11100061 Summary of 941003 ensetm0 w/utd to design & technmal detens of prq> formance of plant taakty dunn0 penod at 930502 941029 posed mod to proves over frequericy protecten for Oconee emergency power SINKULE.M V. Regen 2 (Poet 820201). 94/10/27. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 2pp. path.Lat of attendees enci. 81857.35641857.357 WlENS.LA. Propect Directorate 8L3. 94/11/10. Propect Dreciorate 1L3. App.

 $178213841782.141.                                                                         gettg703G4 Responds to NRC941019ler re violatons re 4ed in insp repts54 269/93-02W270/9342 4 54267/9342.Correctwo actons: commitment to test velves 10G-H11170291 Summary of 941012 meetmo w/DPC re status of PRA bomg performed for                   7 & 2OG 7 to venty operatyn & makfy successful performance of varves adopted.

Keowse nortForwerde het of meetmg ettendees & bconese hanoout. HAMPTONJ W Duke Power Co. 94/11/01. Dacument Control Branch (Document WlENS Propact Dyectorate IL3 94/11/14. Protect Drectorate 103. 87pp. Control Dook). 7pp 81676108 81676.114 81777:00141777:0t57 M11070357 Responds to NRC940512ltr to veistons noted m map rapls50 260/93- l 252270/93-25 & 50-287/93-25 CorrecDve actons' mod would sistall onfme in pipe & apopostlen reporta,IE Dumetene & corroependence to prevent potential water hammer event from occwrmo m HAMPTONJ W Duke Power Co. 94/11/02. Document ol Branch (Document M19430300 Lir contracLdefrutizmo task order 43 eneced. " Follow Up to Svc Water Sys Control Deskt 2pp. 81676.10641676:107 Operatenet Performance insp,0conse." ' WlGGINS.EJ Dusen of Contracts (Post 940714) NRC43 90426. 94/09/22. M11000253 Forwards Enyneenn0 Rept 51 1235106-01, 9ntenm E LORY,RA PARAMETEfL Inc. Spp.81607.3304 1607.331 Evatuston? .3 2 CRDM Nozzle insp." Need to perform addl map on Noitzte 63 be svar.M fyr to neut retustng outape. H11010106 Ack receipt of 940923 lir mtormm0NRC of steps taken to correct velatens HAM' N c Duke Power Co. 94/11/02. Document Control Branch (Document noted m map repts50-269/94 41.50 270/94-21 & 50 287/9441. Cor% 'Ws Mp>81667.3274 1667.341. BOGER.BA 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/07. HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co. 3pp 81514. 1514.286. -9411Mw t mienm Enyneenne EvaluatortONS 2 CRDM Nozzle inap " i CAMFoELL.CA.. HILL.L.T. mar w+ 4 Wilcox Co. 51123510641. 94/11/01.12pp i M11010111 Adi recaet of 940920 tir ansomung NRC of steps teken to correct velstens 81667230 81067.341. I noisd in map repts50 269/94-19 54270/94-19 & 54287/94-19 on 940727. l SINKULE.M V. Region 2 (Post 820201L 94/10/12. HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co 9411 esses 2 Forwards insp repts 54269/9443.54270/H43 4 50 287/9443 on app, 81514.28741514.289. g410o347 g potsce of devisteninep did not roveel violatons ce NRC reewwements. CRLENJAK.R V. Regen 2 (Post 820201 A 94/11/02.HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co. M11010088 Forwards map repts 50269/94 26.50-270/94 26 & 54287/94-26 on app. 8163910681639.182. 9406240902 & 12-16 & nonce of violatonVioisson of conoom haramma procedure properati as conoceve acten br omnaton had not been psNormed as W -4411000006Insp repts50 269/94432270/9443 & 50 287/94-33 on M100347.No CRLENJAK.R.V Regen 2 (Post $20201F 94/10/13.HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co. 3pp. 81514181415 4177* devastons noted Masor areas rispecto- anyneenn0 & technical w Ndesign cha 4 plant mods & tosowup on prermus wisp endings 9408294916Violaton notedfadure to g g- -M1101ee81 Notes enriusiofve,vi.oleton tro.en r ca.on of ma,p

                                           .e oesen        on reou.o es mRegen 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/13. 2pp. 81514:16441514165-9411210307 M receW of W1019 Hr mt                    RC of steps hkan to conect devo.

4411018087 Insp ropte 50460/H-26.50270/94-26 & 50 267/9446 on 9408294902 * '* *'

 & 12-16Vsoletons nonstLMapor areas mapected ade uacy of conoceve actant for                          re           50 269/              270/94 4     4 287 %

BOGER.BA 2 (Post 820201L 94/11/07 HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co. viosaton.deviatinn & enchnps identhod chamg EDSFl 3pp. 817851 1785150~ RUDISAIL.S, SHYMLOCK.M. Regen 2 (Post 820201k 94/10/12.12pp. 81514166 9411170134 Informs that NRC agress w/conclueen that fipws detected at Unit 2 (kun0 M11030074 Forwards map repts $4269/94-27.50470/9427 & 54287/94f7 on CRDM rmzzio map suceplate for operston Mr one operetnD cm of 16 months.per 9408290915 No violaeons noted wel 941102sutmattal Unde' stands that another snap of flows we be performact COLLINS.D M WlENS.LA Prosset Oroctorate 18-3. 94/11/09. HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co. 3pp 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/14. HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co. 8177721941777221. 3pp. 815e&00141 :012. -941103OOM tr.sp repts $4269/9447M270/9427 & 54287/9447 on 94082S 94112o0046 Acti recespe of 941024 lp mlormmg NRC of steps taken to comuct violaterns 0915,No violatons notedMegor areas . -area of privescal escwity program for


noted m mop repts $4269/94-25. 50 270/94-25 & 50 287/M-25. power reactors,apecchcacy access control for personnel,pechages & verucles GIBSONAF. Regon 2 (post 820201). 94/11/09. HAMPTONJW Duke Power Co. MASNYK.O.M.. MCGulRE Regon 2 (Post 520201). M/10/14. 9pp. 8t56&004 2pp. 8185728941857.290. 81540'012. M111SO408 Responds to NRC 941013Itr re vioistons noted in map repts54289/94 941014e257 Esegd 1 to NRC Info Notes 93400, "Reportng Fuel Cycle & Matis Events 26.50 270/n28 & 60 287/nticonoceve actura performed procockne on 940901 t NRC Operemons Ctr." & enheted protsm tweetgaton process. BURNETT.R F Dueen of Fuel Cycle Setety & Sateguards (Post 930207). 94/10/20. HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co. 94/11/10. Documerit Control Brsrech (Document Coneohdated Echsan Co. of New york. Inc.12pp. 8181629941818.310. Control Deskt opp.817810BIL81781091. M11070179 Forwards inop ropte 54269/94 28,54270/94-28 4 50287/9448 on 9411000300 H08284924 & nonce of vuosatorLVioiston of concem bocasse lueure to sonow proce. NRC Bulletm Used to Transport 94 002. "."Corrosen Probaems m Certam Staminer Packagmg U Hexa 11uonde dure dwmp mod erv.3sngneed pumt personnel & resuhed an loss of redr9pn morutors. PAPERIELLO.CJ. Dmeen cd Industna! & Medical Nuclear Safety (Post 870729k 94/

  $1NKU12.M V Regen 2 (Post 820201L M/10/20. HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co.                        11/14. Coneohdated Edraon Co of New York. Inc.12pp. 81816.31141816 322.

3pp. 8100525641605274 N11220266 Forwards enewers to Questens 1.4 & 6 of Sve ouestens provided to utit to - 9411079187 Notco of inolaten trore map on 9408280924 Volaten noiestadure to essest NRC en completon el review of ecoDnd 10wyr ISI mierval Requent for Reliet, tuhow proce(kre dunng mod actuty wNori resuhed m loss of urut 1 pressunzer sprey ONS o04.per NRC recuest a1941025 meetmg walve & asch of procedural guidance for B&W compresesve Irvut. HAMPTONJ W Duke Ptsvar Co 94/11/14. Docynont Control Branch (Document

  • Regen 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/20 2pp. 8160525Sei605260. ControlDoest opp.01844.3 S 81844.359.

44 DOCKETED ITEMS I M1123th206 Responds to moistums noted m map repts $4269/94 27. 64270/94 27 & DOCKET 54271 VERep0eff T ANKEE NUCMAA PDWER STATION

 $0257/94 27 Correctwo schors. unescorted access process renewed.

TUCKMAN,M S Duke Power Co M/11/l4 Offme of Nuclear f4esctor Reguleton, On. esclar (Posi sm41i). 4pp sis 33 02241833 ors. F. securey, memoni, emeroeney & two proteeman paens $411300e00 Docunees map of 6 censes DPR 38.DPR47 & DPR46 on 941212 & lor-wards resse wd mio. M11020N1 cal Emergency Forwards Response FEMA. Eneroes"Fmel berces for Vermont Assessment.Jomt Yankee State &con Nucamar Power Staton," Local Raeolo0 PEESLES.T A Regon 2 (Post $20201) 94/11/14 HAMPTON.J W. Duke Power Co ducted 930427 29 Four aefceences asseemed by FEMA dimnp emerces opp 0147120041871203 JOYNER.J H. Regen 1 (Post 820201l 94/10/21.REID.DA vermont Yankee Nuc6 ear Power Corp. 3pp 81529 02241529290. M11300 7 Dmcusses941210 SALP meetmg w/util to dracuss pasnt performance over 1 F ha? _W h&WR6 E 4 Respones Emerame for Vermont Yankee Nudear Power $laton," conducted 't ETER.ED "2( e,ete a w e,"BTr 2m,P.ost72820201) 94/11/14 THOMPSON.S. South Carchns. Pn 247.

  • Federal Emergency Management Agency M/07/12. 263pp 9152902641529.290 94112000os Act receet of 940e08 tir edormmg NRC ci steps taken to coneet violatorm M11140061 Responds to operatonal saloguards fesponse eve 6uston conducted at VT noted m map repts $4269/94.1$. 60 270/9416 & 60 287/9416 udest ,

CRLENJAK.R V Regon 2 (Post 820201) 94/11/16 htAMF70N.J W Duke Power Co YWee,N,in gpi nier wpPo,we,r StatonUW p con, pieceo se pu,rctamng several asente,ed m bated amm romforced concrees seuct ' 3pp is1857$1441857D16. 4EtD.D A. Vermone Yankee Nuclear Power Corp N/11/04, Document Contrrs Branch (Document Control Desk) 2pp. 81765 07141755.072. M11100237 NRC Wo Nohoe 94477. "Malfuncton m Mam Generator Voltsge Regulator si setety Reinted Eincince Eeapment " GRIMf~ ' tl K. .94 11/17.Coneohoated Egeon Co of New York inc. 7pp. 81818 323 H. Generet _. 81816 329 N11070047 Comment on proposed rule 10CFR2 re reemenenaten of NRC enforcement M11220251 Forwards results of eleam generator tufas ISI performed dunng Urut 2 EOC poicy 14 refuehng outeos GRANTJ M Yankee Atomm Electne Co 94/10/24 WEYER.D Divieson of Freedom of HAMPTON.J W Duke Power Co 94/11/17. Documann Coniral Branch (Document enformaten & Pubicatons bervices (Post 940714). 6pp. 8180417741604181. Control Desk). $$pp, $1644 27241644.326 9411190573 NRC Info Nohce 94-078 "Electnc Component Fedure due to Doyedeten L Financial ;.L. of Pavvmyl Cheonne Wee ennuistum" GRIM &$,8 K. , 94/11/21 Coneohdated Edson C0 of New Yorti. Inc. 10pp N11290130 Forwards annual cashflow statements for piant & rune sponsor compermes

 $164021541648 224.                                                                   for yr 19e4 WIGGETT.8 W Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. 94/11/15. Document Control M11290233 Ack receuw of 941013 Itr mtormeng NRC of steps taken to correct violatons    Bronch (Document Control Desk) 3pp 0192217741922179 noted m map repts04 269/94 26.64 270/94 16 & 50 287/94.26 CRLENJAK,R V. Rogson 2 (Post $20201). 94/11/22.HAMPTON.J W. Duke Power Co                                                                                                               j 3pp. 8187014041870142                                                              J. Inoumnoe & Instemnity .a ~

( N11170030 NRC Into Nohce 94479, "MecrotuologneNy influenced Conomon of EDG M11390130 Forwarea ennust cashflow statements for plant & rune sponsor compernes Svc Water Ptpmg " for yr 19e4 l' GRIMES.B K. .94/11/23.Coneohdated Echson Co. of New YortL Inc. opp.81648225 WiGGETT.s W. Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp 94/11/15 Document Control 01648.233. Branch (Document Control Deam) 3pp. 01922 27741922.279 . l M11 Forwards snap repts 604fi9/M44.50270/9444 & 60 287/9444 on P.Opere#ng boenas Mage J &-%_ CLINE.W E. Respan 2 (Poet $20201). 94/11/23 NAMPTON.J W Duke Power Co 3pp. 01871.0014187 t $24 M11020032 Forwards amend 141 to teense DPR.28 8 salety evaluston Arr end re. moves regarement to pertonn get pump meegnty & operetnhty survesterme for pungs l -4411300006 Notme of vuodeton from map on 941024 28 Veieton notest trenese laded "DO M Prosoc Du 3 94 0 A Vamont Yw*ee Nuclear N";" fir;.EW"ii nT7".b-187,40. -'9 3= '=3:44 = 3=

                                                                                    -9411010037 Amend 141 to hoense DPR.28.romowng requeement to pectorm tot pump

-H11388011 insp repts 50 263/94 34.50170/9444 & 50187/9444 on 941024- anlegmy a operetniny survetience for pumps m ape loup ounng operemon w/only one 26 Vmanmes notetiMasor areas mapectedhcensee radiaton protacion program eb encyculebon tpop ' wwwod review cf e-mr=tonet exposures B1,JTLER.W.R. Ptoinct Drectorate6 3 94/10/26 7pp. 81566.32741568.333 ' WHIGHT,F.M., RANKIN W H. Regon 2 (Post $202011 94/11/23 tapp. 81871907 81871 924. -4411030040 &atety evolushon supportnD emend 141 to lumnae DPR48

  • Omos of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Desctor (Post 870411). 94/10/26. 3pp 81666 334 41506.336.

9411,170279NRC go gg Info Nohce 94 080 " inadequate DC Ground Detecten m DC Distrite GRIME' 5.8 K. . 94/11/25 Coneohdated Edson Co. of twow York. $nc. 14pp N11030206 Apphcatan for amend to hoenee DPR48.coneestn0 of Proposed Change

 $1S4823441046 247.                                                                     174.romoving resupon figu Instrumentalmn from post ar**W1 monNonn0TS.

REID.D A Vennant Yankee Nuctear power Corp 94/10/28 Document Control Drors h (Document Control Desk). 5pp 81590 03041590 039 N 11170304 NRC Ivoo Notmo 94481

  • Accuracy of B-=ammy & Enveen Samphn0 R*,

APERLELLO.C.J. Dwiesonsa Indusinal & Medmal Nucteer Eately (Post 870729) 941 -9411030297 Proposed toch e sca,mnactng mmoval of neuron Bus instmnwniston for 11/25 Canaatdated Estson Co of hw York, Inc 12pp 81848 24941848 259 Qnal R Corp H/10/26 W B1590O'54NO39.  ! N11190443 Discusses 9410hl meetng an Km0 of Pruness.PA ve motoreparated valve R Penethe operating sports & minted conupendonos mause w/ Regen I -- Unt of attendees.egends.tcensee & NRC presentations & panel sesmon questons.enct KELLY.E M Repon 1 (Post 820201194/11/03 REID.DA Vennent Yankee Nucesar M11290036 Forwards monthly operstmo eepts for Oct 1994 tur Ocones Nuclear Staten Power Corp 49pp. 0174410141744149

 & rensed rept tw Esot 1994 WE9ER.R L. Duke Power Co. 94/11/15 Document Control Branch (Document Core           N11140081Resporids to opwatiorni sategueras response evaluemon conducted at VT trol Desk). 2pp. 8188910741889124                                                     Yankee Nucceer Power StatorLUtil piechaemo esveret romforced concrete structures

-44112teD42 Monthly operstmp repts for Oct 1994 tor Oconee meteer Plant WILLIAMS.R A Duke Power w 94/10/31.15pp B188910941889123 k$Y ,, d'"pa,,, ,p"NY Docurnent Cwiwol Branch (Document Conpol Dean M 91755 071 41755 072. ~9411260D44 Rowned monthly opstelmg repts tot Sept 1994 fte Ooonee Nuclear Plant M11140130 Apphcaten for senend to bcense DPR48, cones of propneed cherige

  • Duke Power Co 94/09/30.1p 8186912441889124 170.upoenne is requemments for procurement & teenn0 of fuel oil by unng i

1993 vereson of Sto D975 REID.DA Vermont Yankee Nucteer Power Corp 94/11/07. Document Control Branch (Document Control Deel4 4pp. 81075.34541075.352. & Reportebte acem LEtte & rotetog corroepermeenes

                                                                                     -M11140131 Proposed toch spect igximeno requeomenis lor procurement & testm0 of N11200002 LER 94404 00 on 941021 mvehd actuaten cr E5 ocounod whee ochmond               themel tuoi os by usano 1993 weremon ce steriderd ASTM D975 dte to technectens narupulatn0 Eli sys anatoO cf*' enol A enstead of charmel
  • Vermont Ywmee Nucteer Power Corp 94/11/07. 4pp. 81076 34941075 311
& E$ channe! A veset W/941117 Itr eJpeeolors WOLKIE.LV escured
               , HAMPTONE5 sysW. : buke s'ower Co 94/11/17 d e f188727141887275      N111e0212 Transnuts ad         p cigmpt cor1rois & ouahty assurance audn M11150437 Diarummas C=1026 meetmg en Kan0 of Prusse.PA re motoreparated valvo                        PELUsu.L. .ANG.J C Regen 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/22 6pp 81796 314-                     ?

issues e/ Regen I scermees List of e"vndees. agenda.aconsee & NRC presentations & 81796.319 p panel sesamn questens enct t KELLY.E M Regen 1 (Poss 820201) N/11/03 ELIASON.LR. Pubic Serwce Electre M11100237NRC trdo Notce 94 077. "Malfuncton en Man Generator Vonage Regulator p

  & Gas Co. of New Jersey 49pp. 81744 00141744 049                                                  Causmo Overwonage at Safety-Reisted Electncal EauspmenL"                               t GRIMES.B K. . 94/11/17. vannoimated Eeson Co of New YortL inc 7pp 81816 323-           t Milit0571 Docusses ento re hcense change request 94 30 re additen et new acton                       81816.329.                                                                             L statement to TS 31.3 21.poeston endcaton systems.operstmg for toth Saeem Urwis                 M11300064 Requests approval.per 10CFR50 55a.Secten (aK3) & toomote use TOSCH K New Jove ey State et 94/11/03 Document Control Branch (Documern ASME Code Case N41tF1 Coreal Desk} 2m $1778 35741778 358                                                                HAGANJJ. Pubhc Service Doctre & Gas Co of New Jersey 94/11/18 Document Mtf300023Forarards amends 159 & 140to tunnes DPR-70 & DPR-75 respectwey &                            Control Brancti (Document Coreal Deskt 4pp. 81922.J1041922.313 ety evaluatort           reduce mm setponts & showable values for SG tow & low-          M111tos78 NRC Into Notre 94478. "Elecirc Component Fadure due to Degradsten as            Chiande Wns insulaten
  • OLSHAN.LN Protect Deectorate02 94/11/04 EllASON.LR. Pubic Serwce Electnc GRIM S. K . 94/11/21. Consondated Ednen Co of New York, Inc, 10pp
  & Gas Co of New Jersey 3pp 81852.10541852130                                                                                                                                            ,

81648 21541648.224 --8411300025 Amends 159 4 140to bcenses DPR 70 & DPR-75,respectively. veducmg 9411300106 Forwads map nepts 50-272/M23.50 311/94-23 4 50 354/94-21 on men setpoents & anowable values for SG low & low low reactor protecton sys signals ' STOLLJ F. Protect Deectorate F2 94/11/04. 20pp. 8185210841852:127. 941024-26 No volatens noted JOYNER.J H R 1 (Post 820201) 94/11/21. ELIASON LR Pubhc Service Elec-tnc 4 Gas Co. of Jersey 3pp 818724944t872107 , -94113e00ss Satety ovaiuaten s@pornno amenos 159 & 140 to hcenses DPR-70 & OPR-75/oupschwe$ -9411300117Insp repts50 272/94-23.50-311/94-23 & 50 354/94 21 on 941024-26 No f

  • OHee at Nucl6er Reactor Regulabon, Drector (Post 870411). 94/11/04 3pp' volatons noted Mamt areas mapected evaluston of annual full partceston exercme 81852 126 41852 % LAUGHLINJ, KEIMiG.R. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/21 tipp 81872W 818 2 W M11230318 Forwards Amenos 180 & 141 to tscenses DPR 70 & DPR-75.  !

roepeceveey Amends rewme TS to permn out otevr component to be returned to sw N11170038 NRC into Nobce 94479.

  • Mcrobologmany influenced Compson of EDG under admmentratsve controls Svc Water Pysng
  • OLSHAN.LN Propect Drectorate I 2 94/11/08 ELIASON LR. Pubhc Sennce Electnc GRIMES B K. . 94/11/23 Consohdated Eeson Co of New York. Inc ppp 81848.225 ,
   & Gas Co of New Jersey 3se 81817.31641817.333                                                    81648.233                                                                              t

-H11230325 Amends 180 & 141 to Licenses DPH-70 & DPR.75.respectively. re M11170279NRC Into Notce 94 080. " Inadequate DC Ground Detecton m DC Dstribu changes to TS to perrmt cut-ol-ovc component to be retumed to ove under adrumstra- ton Sys" f Dwe controis GRIMES.B K. . 94/11/25 Consohdated Esson Co of New YortL inc 140p r STOLZ J F. Pmpeci Drectorste 12. 94/11/08 12pp. 81817.31941817.330 81648.23441648247. -M11220331 Satefy evaluston 3@portmg Amends 180 4 141 to Lscensen DPR-70 & wi1170364 NRC Into Noace M481 " Accuracy of Boessay & Environ Sarwhno R8* DPFI 75/espectweh suits *

  • Ofta of Nucisar Reactor Reguinton, Deector (Post 870411). 94/11/08 3pp PAPERIELLO.CJ Dramen et Indosinal & Meecal Nuciear Safety (Post 870729) 94/

81817.331 4 1817.333 11/25 Consohdated Esson Co of New Vork, anc 12pp. 01848 24841848 259 , ; 9411220105 Forwards documentaten re handkno. control & storage of saferty<enated , parts at paarit & rerwests that fesults of uht revow to submrtied to Regen I withm 60 R. Portestic operateng reports & retened estreepondence < days WHITEJR Regen 1 (Post 620201) 94/11/0F !LIASON.L Pubbc Servce Doctnc & 9411020058 "Dscharge Monnonng Rept Fo Sanom Generstm0Staten for Sept 1994 " Gas Co. of New Jersey app 81798 134 41798 137- W/941025 tar - HAGANJJ Pubhc Servce Doctnc & Gas Co of New Jersey 94/09/30. # Mit280272 Requests results of rewww & esposaton re empropst une of overnme at CAPORALLG. New Jersey, State of. 22pp 81589130 81589152 piern wenn 60 days of Isr date COOPER.R W Hegen 1 (Post 820201) 94/11/18 ELtASON.L Pubhc Senace Doctre 9411230312 Monthly operaung rept for Oct 1994 var Saism Generstmg Staten Umt

   & Gas Co et New Jersey. 5pp. 01870229 01870.233.                                                   1 W/941114 nr MORRONI.M HAGAN.JJ Pubhc Servce Electnc & Gas Co of New Jersey 94/10/                  [

9411300361 Apphcaton for amamos to licenses DPR-70 & DPR-75 se change to revue St.12pp. 81854 30441854 315 i reecevny control sys TS LCO tar toraton flow paths & p6mips Dy reducmg  ; number of operable chagng pumps regared for B ademon en 4 get1170273 Forwards FFD portarmance data rept tar sa enanth penod 940630 ' HAGAN.JJ. Pubhc Servce teactnc & Gas Co of New Jernet 94/11/18 Docunwnt LABRUNA.S Pubhc Servce Electnc & Gas CO of New Jersev 94/11/04 Control Branch (Document Control Desk) 3pp. 81907.31341ou? 342. rjontrol Branch (Documern Coreal Desk). 7pp 81793 25641793265

-9491300J62 Proposed toch specs te change to revise reacievity corsol sys TS LCO                                                                                                            i tor toraton slow pet *m & chstgh 8 pumps by reduan0 number of operable chargng                 S. Reportante occurrences, LERs & rotated servespeneence pumps requped for B auditon m Mode 4 from two to one
  • Servce Esectnc & Gas Co of New Jersey 94/11/14 27pp 81907.316 M 11221U LER 9441640:en 941010.refuenng water storage tank water voilevet 6oss than remstedTransmitters property adiusted & RWST level was retumed to witrun specrhcoton W/941117 Itr
                                                                                                        "                              Sennce EW & b % d h W MW O. tnapectton reports, IE Bubetens 6 -                       -.

(7 , , 9411040051 EN 9410$ on 941005.notco os proposed ampondon of csv4 pennity an amount of $500.000sasund to bcensee Achon tin 6ed on violanons contrhed as result DOCKET $0-275 DIABLO CANYON 99UCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1 of A'T & tol6owse snap of kated event on 940407. bE/.'J. LIE BE RMAN.J Orc cp Entorcement (Post 870413). 94/10/05 1p. 81658 024 41658 024 F. Securtty, med6 cat, emergency & tire protection penns 94110ee073 "NRC Stall Proposes to Fme PSESG $500.000 for ANeged Volaimns al 9411230061 Forwards pubhc verson of EPIP includmg rev 27 to EP G-3, rev 5 to EP Samm Nocesar Power Plant RB.14.rev 1a to EP RB 15 l 8 rev 1 to EP RB-15 0 W/941121 tir

  • Othee of Pubhc Anasts (Post 911117) 94/10/05 3pp 8177002241770024 SEXTON.J.A. Paolfc Gas & E6eetnc Co 64/08/19 Documord Control Brafich (Docu.

9410140257 Suppl 1 to NRC Info Notce 93 0fl0, "Reportng Fuel Cyc6e & Matts Events to NHC Operstons Ctr " -M11230079 Rev 27 to EP G 3,rev 5 to EP RB 14.rev in to EP RB 151 & rev 1 to EP BUPNETT.R.7 Divison of Fuel Oyese Saleev & Sateguards (Post 930207) 94/10/20 RB.ig o. Car ..ahdated f eson Co of New York. Inc 12pp. 8101629941816.310

  • Pacsic Gas & Decinc Co 94/08/19 Sepp 81827.15241827235 i I

9410300181 NRC Info Notre 94 076. "Recent Fanures of Charyn0/Sately insecton N11040132 Revned EPIPs.metueng Vol 3B to Current EPtPs tatwo pt cornents Rev  ; Purre St afts

  • 13A to EP RB.15 A.Rev 11A to EP RB.15 B Rev 9 to EP RB.15C.Rev SA to EP RB- J GRtMES.B et Ona of Nuclear Reactor Regulanon. Drector (Post 870411) 94/10/26 15 0.Rev 6A to EP RS15 E & Rev $ to EP RB 15 H W/H1031 ter Consohdated Eeson Co of New Ycut. Inc.12pp 81658 00141658W3 SCETON.J A Paceft Gas & Enoctnc Co M/10/31.193pp 81652:00141652159 9411080016Ach recmet of941018ftr informng NRC of steps taken to correct violatons 9411230192 Forwards Change 5 to Rev 18 to physcal secunty planChange withPetd noted an mup repts $4272/9414 & 50 311/94-14 trot 100 R7321L WHITE.J R Regen 1 (Post $20201) 94/10/3t HAGAN.J Pubic Servce Electre & HUEGER.G M Pocste Gas & Esectnc Co 94/11/02 Documed Control Brancti (Docu.

Gas Go of New Jersey 3pp 8162812741628135 ment Control Desk) 1p 81854 35741854 357. H t1080300 NRC Bdetm 94 002. "Corrosson Problems en Certam Stamiens Packayng M11100012 Notrhcaton of941117 meetmo w/ute en Roctves MD to escuss ovennew used to Trenoport U Hemoflutmne " of fue temer psmetraton seal rewww proyam for PiarLt Urute 1 & 2 PAPE RIELLO.C.J Dween or ermustnal & Mechcal Nucsear Satety test 870729) 94/ PETERSON.S R Proinct Drectorais (16 2 94/11/04 OUAy.T R. Protect Drectorate Ilh 11/14 Coneohdated feson Co of New York, arc 12pp 81818.31141816.322. 2 4pp 81715 34341715.346 5

DOCKETEDITEMS 47 M11220297NoHcaten of M1117 mostmg w/utd #1 Rockvde.MD to escuse tre bemer -M11230087 LAR 94-11 to Leeraes OPR40 & DPR42 reveng 78 3/4 3 2. "ESFAS trabon seal review program for piam Meetmo carceed Instrumentaten" to reias sieve remy test Possency from ounrietty to retuesmg outage HSON.8 R Promet Drectorate IV,2 94/11/04. QUAY,T.R Protect Drectorale RUECER.G M. Pecste Gas & Elt:tre Co 94/11/14.13pp. 81893 003-8 telf 3 016 IV 2 3pp 81822.22341822.225 9411800064 Discussen 941026 mgt meetmg w/PGE re SALP rept for permd 930101 -9411230000 Proposed T& 3/4 3 2. "ESF AS inspumentaten," retasm0 slave rotey test treguercy from quenarty to refueing outage 9408311ml os atterulees & handouts erst

  • Pacdc Gas & Liectre Co b4/11/14 14pp 81893 01649893.029 BEACKA 8 Regen 4 (Post 820201) 94/11/08. RUEGER.G M Pocdc Gas & Electnc Co 11p6. 81673 06341673 073.
                                                                                                  .ge t1230092 Raoues',s that propretary rept WCAP-13878. "Reistality Assessment of M11250210Forwatos pubic verson of revised Corporate ERPIPs. ecludng Rev 13 to                        Poster & Brumfsetd MOR beres RelayC te withheld from psec eachsure (rel 1 IJtev n to 12.Rev 6 to 3 f f,ev 12 to 3 2.Rev $ to 3.6.Rev 6 to 3.6.Rev 14 to 4 3 &            10CFR2 790)

LIPARULO.NJ Westmghours Essetne Corp 94/10/17. RUSSELLWT. Document Rev LEK 7DN 7 Ito 4 8 W/94102$ A Pacshc Gas it'&94/11/08 Electne Co Cunirol Brarch (Docu. Control Branch IDocument Control Desk).10pp 81893 03041853 039 ment Controt Desk). 3pp 8 TBS 2 022-01852 005 Document 64112300es Nonumpnetary rept "Entensen of Sean Relay Sunmaantw

-9411290220Puhic verson of rovined Corporate ERPIPs.mckseng Rev 13 to 11.Rev 8 to 1.2. Rev 6 to 31.Rev 12 to 3 2.Rev 6 to 3 5.Rev to to 4 3 & How I to 4 8                                           AR        W *"                           WCAP 13900 94/04/33.
  • Pacits Gas & Electnc Co. 94/11/08 67pp 816S2025418'a2.005 3fspp 81893 04H1893 073
                                                                                                  -4411230103Nonpropnetary "Rehahshty "                ; et Potter & Brumtield MOR Senes Q. Adjudecetary corresponstance                                                                     Relays
  • METRO.BJ., PETA.C.M . SPAN.R M Westmghouse Electnc Corp. WCAP-14117 94/

94 t1100086instaal aucmon (construction penod recevery/rocapturet* Rennwed moton 06/30199pp 81893-07441693272 to reopen record 940008 derved Served on 941104 W/Ceratu;aie of Svc BEO*tOEFER,C, f(LINE.J R., SHON.F.J Atome Estety 4 uceneeng BJerd Penei. f 4911%C1. 94/11/04 Pac 9c Gea & Dortnc Co 310pp 81674 00141674.210 C. Inspecton reports,it Suhonne & a K General corroepondonoe 9410140257 Suppl 1 to NRC ento Notme 93460, "Reportng Fuel Cycee & Matte Events to NRC Oteratens Ctr " BURNETT.R.F. Dnneson cd Fuel Cycle Salsty & Sateguards (Post 930207). 64/10/20 M11260101 Fewse response to FOIA ressest for documents to plant pee tweak outaede Coneohdated Edison Co. of New vort. Inc.12pp. 81016 299 81816.310. contwnment emana Forwards App C skruments App B Gocuments assady evaantWe ri PDH App D cocumams compeetety enthrend (ret FOLA esempenn 6L $4102001E3 NRC into Notco 94476, " Record FaAres of Chargshg/ Safety inlocion GRIMSLEY D N Dansson of Freedom of hWormaton & Pubicatons Services (890206 Pump Shatta " 940?14) 93/11/04 LOCKHART J.A. Mudge. Anes. Guthne, AlexarKler & Feroon. GRIMES.B K. Oltco of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten. Direciar (Post 870411). 94/10/26 47pp 81939 00141939178. Conachdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc 12pp 81658 00141658 013 -79123e0205 Responds to780223ler from D Moms to safety of euhe tecd Repts hear- 9411020007 Forwards mastet enam 4 answer key for into re neunrstraten of Genent on sum face wel he held an call & forwaros Imai envron statement Fundamentais Enam seenon at written operator beenemg esam W/o oncts CKS.WJ Ole et the Execumve Director for Operatens 76/03/22 LAGOMAR$1NO.RJ House of Rep 2pp. s19'1906841939'069 GWYNN.T.P Roomn 4 (Post 820201). 94/10/26 RUEGER.G.M Pacate Gas & Eleo-inc Co 2pp. 8114% 05041628 051 ~6411260*f0 Forwards correspondence from consstuent D Moms re mierest in Debio Canyon plant re safety & arnnron assuses g4110703 0 porwards SER acceptmg hcensee 930338 & 931210 responses to NRC tsuneen 9041.supss t ier pain LAGOMARSINO.R House et Rep 75/03/01 KAMMfRER.C.C. Ottco of Congre*- PETERSON.S.R Propset Duectorsie IV.2 94/10/28 RUEMR.G M Pacstic Gas & nonal Attars (Pro 870413). 3pp 81939 07041939 072. Decmc Co. 3m. 81713 30241713 326. or i D ac s at t soEas~ -44 392 SER accepbng leonnee 93M08 8 931210 repeanses 2 W inanean m

  =aMO.R ""* O R.p "5'm'0729;9
  • 0%"' ") ""-

N 's* C a-~ % Dsc= n=t = = =/a/ra>= S17t3 306417t3 306 P. Operating hoense stage documents & correspondense -9411010353 " Evaluation of UW Response to Supp 1 to NRC Subsen 9041 for Plant" UDY A EGEG 6datm. Inc. UDY.A edere Natonal Enyneenne Laboratory FIN L 1696 9411030239Forwartin SF accepen0 Iscenses 9304t3 roguest permanent rehet par plant - SP 10626 94/09/30 NRC No Detaand Attihaton Govert 20pp. 81713 307 urets 1 & 2 from ASME code 6ecton 11L sutmecton NC-7142 SV control & WWortock Ou V Drectorate IV-2 D4/10/12. RUEGER,G M. Pacitz Gas & Electnc 9411160249 Dim ===s tughhghts of941028mostrtD w/PG&E re current issues & piarm Co. 6pp. 81007.26441007.292 ter plamsidenthes postve accomsdeshmerits & activmes for paarti mapectons & recent refusim0 outage. -H11030244 SE supportmo request Ior rehet erorn stop valve control & ensartock re, JONES W.8 C_ . ..._.a (Post 750119). 94/10/31. NRC No Dotaded Atteston gurements of Secton lit.6ubescean NG7142 of ASME tmeer a pressure vessed code Gnert ip.81755.354 4 1755.354

  • Olhoe of Nucteer Reactor Regulat.A Drector (Post 870411) 94/10/12. epp 01607.266 01607.292. 9411100056 h===s 941026 mgt meetng w/PGE re SALP rept for permd 93D101-9408311sst of attendees & nondouts onci M11830181 Forwards "Thrd Oustier 1994 Pspt on Discharge hunnormg at Dabio BEACH.A.B Region 4 (Pos1820201) 94/11/00.RUEGER,G.M PacWC Gas & Electnc Canyon Power Plant" Co tipp 81673 06341673:073.

FUJIMOTO.W H Pacihc Gas & Electric Co.94/10/19 DRIGGS.R W. Cantoms. Btate of 2pst 016e10741640.23$ 9411030300NRC Used to TransportBuheen 94402. "Corromun U Homalluonne " ProtWome m Certam Stamiess Packa0m0 -N1103013e "Ttwd Quarter 1994 Rept on Dacharge Morntonne at Diablo Canyon PAPERIELLO.CJ. Dnnamn of Indusinal & Mechcal Nuclear Safety (Poet 870729) 94/ Power Plant. Nati Pobutant Elr.vunaten Sys " 11/14 Coneohdated Edmon Co of New York,Inc.12pp 81016.31141016.322.

  • Pacsfec Gas & Electic Co. 94/09 30124pp 8164010941640.235 9411220007 Forwards map repts $4275/94 25 & 64323/94 2$ on 940926-1028 4 H11100017 Forwards amends 96 & 95 to nconses OPR40 & DPR42 & safety nonce at vminton evaluoturtAnserwis ctange TS 4 22. " Heat Flum Hnt Omnnet Factor." & $ 91.6. GWYNN T.P Regen 4 (Fbt B20201). 94/11/16. RUEGER.G M Pacas Gas & Elec-
  "COtR." to en[Womere rmed methodology W calculatng pensity                                        gic Co. 6pp 81795.34441795 359 PETERSON.B.H. Propect Directorais tv4 94/10/31. MUEGER.G M Pacche Gas &

Elecinc Co. Spp 81716.32441716 339

                                                                                                 -9411220012Notme of violaten from map on6409261028 Velaten noted meumonted

-9411100010 to hoenoes DPR40 & ha aprwnaw cnurn ance h romstann W descw w M

u. Hemi r Am.and.s.96
                    ,e       one  &   F  actore  & 6  9,spectvely,
                                                         . COtR -r                row, sedc.en,ngmg     TS
                 $.R Propect Drectorans lV.2. 94/10/31. 9pp 61715 32741716 335
                                                                                                 -9411220014 Insp repts 60-275/94-25 & 60-323/94-25 on 64/M1261028 Volshorn 1         Safety evaluabon supportmo amends 186 & 96 to henness DPR40 & DPR-P""'*8 OWE                     Po         1 94 1      4 9pp 91795.36141795.359 N         Reactor Regulatori, Dwector (Post 870411) 94/10/31. 4pp 9411100237 NRC into Nohce D4477. " Malt metan in Mam Generator Volts 0e Regulator i

Cameng Overvoltage at $stety-Rosated Electncal Eauiprnent" D411160249Daousses taghhants of 941028 meetmo w/PG&E re cuwere Imeues & piana GRiuEs.B K. .94/11/17.Coneohdated Edmon Co. of New York. Inc. 7pp 01816.323-tar plantsidentines poemvo -= f ~ _a & acevities for plant mopectons g 81916.329 S _ __. (Post 750119) 94/10/31 NRC No Detaled Aftdaten 9411200037 Forwartes snap repts 50 276/94-24 & 60-323/94 24 on 94090s.1015 & Gwert 1p 8IFSS.35441766 354 nonce of violaton veoiston of concem tiecause et envaswed shgnmeril of vtLal powSF to selety relaten sys 9411100o06 Forwards appbcaton to renew NPDES permn tur DmDao Canyon Power BEACH,A.B Q a (Post $20201) 94/11/18 RUEGER.G M Pacefe Gas & Enoctne Plant (Permn CA 0003761)W/ence cnoch in amount et $10.000 to cover trat annuns 00 app 91640-41640.333 fee & 1 overtire ents FUJIMOTO W H Pacife Gas & Electnc Ctx 94/11/07. BRIGGS.R Cahtomia. State of. -9411200040 Nonce of violagen from snap on (#40901 1016 Volaton noted Brooker PY. ,

  $1pp 9164205041642132.                                                                            11.18 tound m open poemon w/o temg tapped toy actwo clearance roguest                 1
  • Regen 4 (Pool 820201). 94/11/18 tp 81840.30941640 300 N112;t0082 Forwards LAR 9411 to Licenses DPR40 & DPR42.reviemg TS 3/4 3 2. l "Esf AS enstrumernahort" Westmphouse rionprepnetary repts WCAP-13i100 & WCAP- -9411280044 trap repts $4275/94 24 & 2323/D4-24 on 9409011015 Violatons 14117 & progmelary rept WCAP 13578 also enct Fyopnetaey rept withheld rmled Maior areas inspected response to events. operstonal safety verthcesson,pient RUEGER G M Pacehc Gas & flecetc Co 94/11/14 Document Control Branch (Dtru l ment Control DesIL) 2pp 01893 00141893 272. mnwn surveshance otiesmratons.paant support actrwebes & oneste enpriseryg KIRSCH.D f4egon 4 (Post 520201) 94/11/18 24pp 81640 31041640 33J l


48 DOCKETEDITEMS M11150578 NRC Into Notoe 94478. "Electre Component Fadure due to Osgradaten M111e0132 Notifcaten of sagrofcant Imensee meetmg 94128 w/utll on 941110 to de-Chlande Wre insulaban" cuss changes m irammg organestens for plants GRI . K. . 94/11/21. Consohdated Edman Co. of New York, inc 10pp. ANDERSON.C.J 1 (Post 620201 A 94/11/01. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 2pp. 81848:2154 1648.224. 81746.356 81746.35 . 9411170038 NRC "Into Notre 94479. ' Merotnologcally influenced Corrosen of EDG 9411180217 Forwards notce of connaieration of msuance of amend to bconse. proposed Svc Weier NSMC estermmaton & opporturuty for heanng to men reactor steam pressure required GRIMES.B K. . /11/23 Consondated Edmon Co. of New York, Inc. 9pp 81848.225- tar SR 4.5.Cile) for plant. 81648:233. SHEAJ W. Protect Drectorate B-2. 94/11/01. HUNGER.G.A. PECO Energy Co (for. 94111701FS NRC Info Notre 94-080," inadequate DC Ground Detecten m DC Detrh

                                                                                                     -9411180230 Notce of considersten of msuance of emends to beennes DPR44 &

8"R" G S.B K. . 94/11/25. Conachseled Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 14pp. Opg.56 & proposed NSHC duerminehon & oppytunny tw haanngAmends clanty

   $1448.23441648.247-                                                                                  mmirnum reactor stosm preseu o reaused for survedlance twourement 4 5.C.1(e).
                                                                                                        $" ^ '                   '" ' " ' ' ' '"                            '

9411170394 NRC Info Notco 94481. " Accuracy of Boessay & Envron Samphn0 Re. 941H50616 Summones 941024 pubhc meetmo m Kng of Prusma.PA to oscusses MOV RIELLO.CJ Dwison of endustnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729L 94/ 11/25. Coneohdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81648.24641648.259 EYN7 $820204 94/n/03. SMITHh PECO Energy 4 (1m-meriy Phdadettua Electnc Col 49pp. 81744:19941744.447. 9411180189 informs that util has completed phyncal & programmate cnanges neces-g' to 1230 MonIhly operatsng repts tor Oct 1994 tor Chablo Canyon Units 1 & 2 W/ E G E Electnc Co t 94/11/04. Doc. 94/10/31. unent Contml Branch @ocurnoni AW muB2M W EUBANK,T.,

    = 81 m 19 ST,lPIC.EVICHJ, 82 m 04.            FUJtMOTO.W H. Pecshe Gas & Electnc Co.                                                                                     ,,,,,,,,e,,,,,,,,,so,,,.a,s.

quesed,,_ ,,,, ,,,,,, ,Reguremer by Reportmg ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,Overait t 3 of GL 9443. results of map revealed mm O"*"'*~ M E G PECO Energy Co., Pheadelprus Electne Col 94/11/07, Doc. M!1190078 LER 94 00341-on 940208.TS 3.7.11 not met dunno MS SV survediance due to setpoim drift Each valve luund out cl tolerance was reseLW/941107 ltr 9411170394 Ack recept of 940926 ttr re TS roguest 9043 to extend sunted-SISK t.P., RUEGER,G.M. Pacifs Gas & Eiectnc Co. 94/11/07. 7pp. 81791014 aance test meervalLAfhdevns.dtd930603. en uts 940926Itr does not request Smima that GE roots be wethheid m entroty NRC we withhold repts for 60 osys. SHEA.J W. Proesct Drectorate 02. 94/11/14. HUNGER.GA PECO c:nsegy Co., (for-enarty Phnadelpha Electnc Co ) opp. 81780 01741780020. E Operstar Esamettum 9411180887 Summe of 941101 meetng w/util m Rockvite.MD se proposed Miplemor> 9411030007 Forwarda master eram & answer for into re admmetraton of Genenc laton of rnproved S at plant.uruta 2 & 3.ust of attendees & handouts encl Furwiamentals Esam Sect on of wntion operator anim W/o encia SHEAJ W. Prosect Drectoreti 02 94/11/14. Progect Drectorate 02. 13pgk GWYNN,T .P 4 (Post 820201t 94/e0/26. RUE ER.G M. Pacshc Gas & Elec- 81782 179 81782:191. tnc Co. 2pp. 81 :05041528 051. M11230180Appbcation for amends to hcenses DPR-44 & DPR.56 to TS re request for

 "         $ ,, m[                     0                   ve asning & operator W                        approval to change OA program descriston by shmmaton of .
                                                                                                                                                                                          ; safety eng>

GWYNN.T P. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 94/11/22. Rogson 4 (Post 820201). 27pp. 8269-0034N029. M fA nergy ument Control Branch (Document itrol Ptuimoseptus Eisetnc Co4 94/11/14. Doc.

                                                                                                                                                                ). 3pp. 81833.17441833'196.

Proposed noch specs ve change to OA program descnphon by shmmstm0 DOCKET 50 277 PEACH DOTTOIS ATOI8tC POWER STATION, UNIT 2

                                                                                                                       . sateiy               gree compoemon regu ement.
  • teobraska Pubhc Power 94/11/14. topp. 8163317741833:196.

F, Securtty, medical, emergoney & fire protecteen piens 9411230100 Asphcoton tar amends to ucenses DPR-44 & DPR-56. conentm0 of TS ' Change 4-HM2.9443, miocahn0 auet topcstoguences.nuctaar M11038047 Forwards 940919 agems Itr trom RJOperamons te of MD Emergency Adamcik to CtrDA tecMdim,n under Ob ecovem 10,defmancy Aiert & an-QgTg$.o$o7,,,[c,,8 "*'" j$ /14. Doc. unent Cons l Branch Wocunwie . 2pp. 818541948 254.205. JOYNER J.H Regen 1 (Post 8202&th 94/10/21 SMfTH.D.M. PECO Energy Co.,(for. marty Phnadelpha Electnc Co4 3pp. 81561:19841561J03. review board review recurements & requwements assaceled w/ISEG tuncton to l> M119401M Forwards summary of plan changes & rev pages of physscal secunty consee controled documents. i n.per 10CFR73 21 E.nce withhotti

  • PECO Energy Co., (formerty Phdadelpha Electnc Cc 4 94/11/14 14pp. 81954:192- 1 INEY.G.R. PECO Energy Co., PbM@he Electnc Co4 94/10/28. Dora 81854.205. J mont Control Branch (Docwnent Cormal ). 2pp. 81649.35941649.360.

9411280149 Revened emergency response procedures (ERP) Rev 6 to ERP. M11230272 Noirhcaton of941130 meetm0 w/util in Rockvihe MD to aw-a schedule f for NRC revow of improved TS apphcates , 205. " Emergency Preparednesa Coordmator/TSC" & Rev 9 to ER 610. " Personnel SHEA,J W. Propect Directorate 1-2. 94/11/15. STOLZJF. Protect Drectorate b4. 3pp  ! Accountahdity

  • W/941117 tir.

HUNGE R.G. A PECO Energy Co., (formerly Phnadeeptua Electnc Co4 94/11/17, 81818-022 4 1818.024 18pp. 8108133441081:351. M*1260182Ucerise Change Reguest 9313 to beennes DPR-44 & DPR46. rowsm0TS sc support mods 5364 & 5386.wgradm0 mam stack & vent stack radatan moratonng , P. Operatin8 Boonee stage _" _ & correspondence sys HUNGER.GA PECO Energy Co., . Ptuladelphe Electnc Co4 94/11/17. Doc-ument Cormal Branch (Document 12pp. 81886.12541086:161. M11010116anlarms of reducton in cutoff level for ential screenmg tests assocated m/ , l einoesdordsuty tesang -NH250184 Proposed toch specs to mem stack & vent stack redaton sys. HUNGER.GA PECO Energy Co., Phdadelphie Flectne Co.) 94/10/24. Doc. 137-1p. 81579.27241579.272.

  • PECO Energy Co., barmer1y Pheladeiprum Eisetnc Co4 94/11/17. 25pp. 81 i ument Control Branch (Document 818166:161, i 9411030244 Recuests that 941021 hr.romesang Enforcament Descreton be withdrawrLAlso.sitarms that requests to change TS esctons 4.5.C 1.e & 4.5.D.1.e wdl be sdwmtled per 10CFR50. Q. Inspection reports, E Du8sens & correapendenne HUNGER.GA PECO Energy Co.. Pheadelptus Electnc Co) 94/10/24 Doc-ument Control Branch (Document A 1p 81634.36481634.360. 9410140257 Suppi 1 to NRC IrWo Nobce 93000. "Reportmg Fuel Cycn & Matis Events D*"""* * ' ' * ""U *" 'O NETT of Fuel Cycle Safety & Saloguards (Post 930207). 94/10/20.

a"u't a Coneohduced Edson Co. of tesw yarn. Inc.12pp. 81816.29941816:310. HUNG PECO Energy Co ' Phdadelphe Electnc Co) 94/10/25. Doc-ument Cormal Brarich (Document Control L Spp. 81579.31741579.329. p g f

  '"                                "                               ****             "4"                 YN J Regen 1 (Post 820201L 94/10/21 SMITH.D.M. PECO Energy Co., (for-merly Prutadelphe Essetnc Co) 3pp. 81560166 4156017t                                            ;
  • PECO Energy Co., (formerly Phdadelpha Electnc Co4 94/10/25. app. 81579.326-
                                                                                                       -9411030110 enap rents 60 277/94-23 & $4278/9443 on 94001S1012.No inolatons noted Masar areas espectedradssion safety dunne outage operatons.nuuntarung ra-                ,

9411880010 Provides NRC approval for PECO Energy Ce proposal to warmeer revow or NCR trom insopendent nuctear OA organstaten to ano or tot plants deton exposures. work plannriO & respratory protectort i MODES M C. Rogson 1 (Posi 620201) 94/10/28. SMITH M PECO Energy Co.,(for. ECKERT.L. BORES.R. Regen 1 (Post 820201E 94/10/21. 8pp. 81560 169-81560 176 l merly Prusadelprus Electnc C04 2pp 81627;33041627.333. M11030003Ack recoqst of 941007 ttr eWormmg NRC of steps trAen M correct violatons 9411180300 Approves trg der of adnwustratve procedures from Nuclear QA to ekhne or ton.per B31004.t 40114 & 0309 tirs. noted a mso repts $4277/9412 & 54278/94-12 f M 'S.M C. Regen 1 (Post 820201) 94/10/28 SMITH.D M PECO Energy Co.. (for- KELLY.E M Regen 1 (Post 820201t 94/10/24. SMITH.D.M. PECO Energy Co., (for- i I marty Phnadstrua Electnc Co4 3pp. 81742:03S 81742 057, mercy Phnadesprua Elecinc C04 2pp. 81560-09241560 098.

1 1 DOCKETEDITEMS 49 9410200153 NRC mio Nonce 94 078. "Recent Fadures of Chargmg/Satoty insecton -9411020109 Corrected copes of "Seren. Annual Emusnt Release Rept 36 .hal-Dec Pump Stefts" 19937 for PBAPS Uruts 2 & 3 GRIMES.8 K Orfice of Nucteer Reactor Regulabors. Dractor (Post 870411). 94/10/26

  • PECO Energy Co.. (formony Pruisdelptus Electnc Co ). 93/12/31. 30pp. 81589192-Consondated Eeson Co of New YortL inc 12pp 81858 00141658 013. 81589 236. I 9411020018 Forwards forms of exam. answer keys.greeng results for facshty & Ineweddal 9411180187 Monthly operahng repts for Oct 1994 for PBAPS Uruta 2 & 3 W/941107 Itr.

enswer sheets tot erreloyees to sevurustrahon of 941uu5 GFE W/c ences JEFFREY.WJ. RAINEY.G.R PECO Energy Co.. Dormerty Prusadesprus Electnc Co.) MEYER.G W Region 1 (Post 820201). 94/10/26 STANKEWICZJ. PECO Energy 94/10/31.14pp 81799.27441799287 Co, pormerly Ptuladelprus Electrc Co ). 2pp. 81528 07741528 078 1 9411030177 Ack receipt of 940915 Itr mformm0 NRC of steps taken to conect wotahans S Reportable occurrences, LERs & reteted _ noted m map rept54277/94-15. 50 278/9415.54352/9419 & $4353/h19. MEYER.G W Region 1 (Post 820201). 94/10/27 SMITH.D.M. PECO Energy Co.. (tor-meHy Ptuladedphia Elecmc Co.). 3pp 8158100141561006. f 411220198 Summary of operstmg reactors events bnehno k38 conducted on 941102 i to mtorm scruar managers of hstaa ofes of selected events that occurred smco last 9411000007 Ack recesd of 941019 Itr el NRC of steps taken to conect violations bnormg on 9410121ast of afundees m onel 1. noted in map repts50 278/94 13 4 54 277/ 13 CHAFFEE.A E. Events Assessment Brancet94/11/09 GRIMES.B K. Divison of Oper-ANDERSON.CJ. Repon 1 (Poet 820200. 94/10/31. RAINEY.(L PECO Erargy Co.. abng Reactor Suppor1 (Post 921004) 22pp. 81816.33041816?S1 (formesty Ptuladelptus Electnc Co.). 2pp. 81837:01041637 018. 9411280308 LER 944104&on 941024.setpomt dnft ===ted w/mam steam rehof 9411100029 Forwards safety snap repts 50 277/94-21 4 50 278/94 21 on 940828- malves & safety volves ocmated Caused by small anft m setpoent of 1006 Vsotahon ened but not noted. Unresolved nem opened re snappropnate use of vaives Refurtushed valves property setJp at test tacality & mstalled W/941122 Itr temporary chance to emergency suc waier sys operstmg grocedure WAJONG.A.J.. EDWARDS.G.D. PECO Energy Co, (formerly PhdadeHprus Elecinc ANDERSON.Cl Regson 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/04. SMITH.D M PECO Energy Co,, Co). 94/11/22. $pp 81903:06541903 089 (formerty Phnadelptua Elecinc Co ). 3pp 81741:10041741:124

-9411150034 Insp repts 50 277/941 & 54278/94-21 on 94082&1008. Veolanons                    V. Operator Esanunettons noted but not ened Mapor areas mapected. plant opershons,mmntenance &

survedlance.engmeenng & techrucal sogmort 1 ANDERSON.CJ Pepon 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/04. 22pp 81741:10341741.124. 9411010318 Sishmets responses to admmetrasve flr k12. " Operator Licenomg Natl  ; Exam Schedu6e i 9411160181 Provides fmal summary rept HUNGER.G.A. PECO Energy Co., ( Ptuladelpha Elecmc Co) 94/10/24. Doc-of core shroud enso re- ). 5pp. 81687:051 4 1587 055 guested by Reportmg Roesement 3 of G 43 Overse results of map revessed non ument Connot Branch (Document Cont ol amount of flaws HUNGER.G A PECO Energy Co.. ( Pntadeeptua Electnc CoS 94/11/07. Doc. 9411020015 Forwards forms of exam. answer keys.grasng results for facihty & inevidual ument Control Branch (Document Coreal ) 33pp. 8180428941804.321. answer sheets ear empeoyees re somerustranon of 941005 GFE W/o ences MEYER.G W Regson 1 (Post 820201). 94/10/26 STANKtEWICZ.J. PECO Energy 9411180128 Submns response to map repts $0277/94-18 & 64278/9418concernmg Co., (formerty PNiedelptua Elecinc Col 2pp 81528.07741528 078 redweste/ malt shtiping 9ammg program a ecDvehos e that area. RAINEY.G R PECO Energy Co. ( ma Electnc Co I 94/11/10. Docu-meni Coreal Brancf) (Document Control i 2pp. 81799 32141799:322. DOCKET 54278 PEACM BOTTOM ATotelC POWER STATION, UNIT 3 94110e0300 NRC Bubetm 94-002. "Conomon Problems m Certam Stamiens Packagmg Used to f ransport U Hexafluonde " F. Security, med6 cat, emergency & fire protection plane CAPERIELLO.C.J. Ohnsson of Industnal & Meecal Nucecar Safety (Post 870729). 94/ 11/14 Carmoscated Edson Ca of New York. Inc.12pp 81816.31141816.322. 9411030047 Forwards 940919 itr from RJ Adamesh to DA McMdhon to defe ency as-9411100237 NRC Irdo Notce 94477. "Mahuncton m Man Generator Voltage Regulator g ,agenshState of MO Emergency Onorations Ctr under Obleceve 10. 'A8ert & N1Y17 tad E C York. Inc. 7pp. 81818.323 JOYNE (Pos 1 /1 1 M. PECO Energy Co, (sor. M11150578NRC Info Notce 94478. "Elsenc Component Fadure due to Degradabon 9411040154 Forwards summary of plan changes a rev pages of phyncas secunty of Polyvinyl CNonde Wre Insulation.- pian.per 10CFR73 21 Ence withheid GRIMES.B K. . 94/11/21. Coneohdated Eeaan Co. of New York. Inc. topp' RAINEY.G.R. PECO Energy Co.,(I Prutadelptua Electnc Co.). 94/10/28. Docu-81H8.21541848224. ment Control Branen (Documorn Control ). 2pp, 81649 35941649 380. M11290276 Forwares map rept 60-277/94 26 on stated dele & notice of 9411250149 Revoed emergency response proce&sen (ERP).mclueng Rev 5 to ERP. violatsorLLanned control room operaiors placed unit m confiershon not addressed 205. "Emergericy Preparedness Coorenator/TSC" & Rev 9 to ERP-610. "Personnet by test procetsse.cauemo natural cocutanon a thermal stratifacatun Acx:ountabdity " W/941117 ftr COOPER.R W Hogson i (Post 820201). 94/11/21 SMfTH.D.M PECX) Energy Co., HUNGER.G.A PECO Energy Co., (formerly Phdadelptus Electne Co.). 94/11/17. (formerly Phriadelptua Electnc CoS 4pst 81870.24741870.271. 1800. 81881.3344 1881.351. -4411290277hioece of violaton from map on stated date Violaborr bconsed operators ed not promptty edentity that reactor vessel head fiange temp had exceeded 212 F. P. Operetang poense sta9e sloaaments & a . 4

  • Region 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/21. 2pp 818702514 ;87D.252. 1

-4411290278 Insp mpt 54277/94-26 on stated date Viotatons noted Masor areas " * * " " '""*'****"'"O"'I'"~ *# mpacted start up coverage.reaciar pressure vessel & loana pmsaum test. q CNDERSON.C.J. Region 1 (Post 820201194/11/17.19pp 1870.2534187D.271 HUNGER.G.A PECdEnergy Co.. PMadelpha Electne Co.) 94/10/24. Doc-um Comel Brarich (Documeni of L 1p 81579272 81579272. 9411300056 Discusses enso repts 50 277/9444 & 50 278/94 24 & tarwards notco of 94HH0349 Appheaton for anwnds to beenees DPR44 & DPRM meseshng emergen, wimaton & {aposed imposition of crwil penalty m amount H of $87,500. E merly Co) 6pp"8

                                                                             "UY     #       H          G P CO Ene[Co.,'                   Phdadesprua Elecmc Co ) 94/10/25. Doc.

71 81 11 umerit Control Branch (Document ). 9pp 81579 31741579.329 -8411300022 Notco of violaton & proposed imposson of cavd penalty m amount of 567.500 No.ncongeance noted tadure to conduct tesang acevity on (SW sys erithm

                                                                                            -94H010351 Proposed tech specs e HPCI hystemjow pmssise testng regar. ees me- ]

  • Region 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/21. 3pp. 81871.13741871139
  • PECO Energy Co, (lormerty Phdadevna Etsctne Col 94/10/25. 4pp 8157t326-81579 329-9411280108 "NRC Staff Proposes to Foo PECO Energy Co $67.500 ter Aneged Viota-Cdna at Peacti Bottom Nuclear Power PlanL" N11000010 Provries NRC approvat tar PECO Energy Ce proposai to transfer review of
  • Omco of Pubhc Afters (Post 911 17) 04/11/22 2pp 81903 07541903 076. NCR Wom mdspendsmt nuclear QA organGabon t) kne organizatson for plants MODES M C. Regen 1 (Post 820201) 94/10/28. SMI7H.D M PECO Energy Co, (for-N11970039 NRC Into Notice 94479. %crobeologicany influenced Conomon of EDG merly Phiisdeephe Electnc Co) 2pp 81627.33041627.333.

Swe water Pipmg " GRIMES.B K. .94/11/23 Connohdated Eeson Co of New York. Inc 9pp 81648225 N11160132Notificaton of esonsficaru ecensee meetmg 94-128 w/uul on 941110 to de-

  $1848233                                                                                     ouss changes m Irammg orgarugatons for planta ANDERSON C.J. Reason 1 (Post 820201) 94/11/01. Regon 1 (Post $20201). 2pp N11170279NRC Info f40ers 94 080. "inadegnie DC Ground Detecton m DC Detrine                     81746 35fF81746 357.

ton Sys

  • GRIMt S B K . 94/11/25 Coneohdated Eeson Co of New York. Ire. Sepp 94111s0217 Forwards nonce of canaderston of msuance of amend to hearies. proposed 811648 2344 1848 247 NSHC detemunston & opportunity tar heanng re mm reactor steam prenewe recured for SR 4 6 C lie) for plant M111702s4 NRC Info Notco 94481, " Accuracy of Beoassay & Envoon Samphng Re- SHEA.J w. Pro, met Drectorate k2 94/11/01. HUNGER.G A PECO Energy Co., (for-surts " merty Pndadelpnes Electnc Co.) 3pp 81770 31741770:329 PAPERIELLO.C.J Dnamon of incustnal & Medical Nucteer Sately (Pest 870729) 94/

11/25 Coneohdated Eeton Co of New York. inc.12pp 81848 24841848.259

                                                                                            -9411160230 Notste of canadoraton of neuence of amenos to tunnes DPR44 &

DPR 56 & proposed NSHC cetemunaton & opportunny for haanng Amenos clanty ft Portoshc operstmo reports & reteted -- nwumum reactor sleem pressure renusred tar swvediance regarement 4.5 C.ite) SHEA,J w Proisct Drectorate kg 94/11/01.10pp 81770.32041770.329 M110200e9 Forwards corrected Sem>Anrkel Effluent Rotease Rept 36 P307011231 M11150515 Summenos 941028 pubhc meetmg in kmg of Pruema.PA to escusses MOV Car PBAPS Urvts 2 4 3 anues w/Hooson i hconsees RAINEY.G R PECO E nergy Co.. ( Plutadelphe Electnc Co). 94/10/20 Doew KELLY.E M hegion 1 (Post 820201) 94/11/03 SMITH.D M PECO Energy Co.. (for-memi Coreral Branch (Documore Control ) 2pp 8158919041589 236 meny Ptoladelptus Electnc Co.) 49pp 8174419941744247

50 DOCKETED ITEMS 9411160289 in arms that util has completed pnyscal & programmate changes haces- 9411100128 Sutwnsts respcmse to snap repts 60L277/94 is & $0478/9418concomm0 sary to t e comphance w/10CFR$0 63. " Loss of ac." radweste'mati truppmc trasnmg program & planned actmises m that wea HUNGER.G A PECO Energy Co., o PtWaoelptua Essetne Co) 94/11/04 Doc. RAINEY.G R PECO Energy Co. (formerly rtuisoeiphia Electnc Co ) 94/t1/10. Docu. ument Control Brarch (Domsmerit Control ) 3pp 81781.28241781284 ment Control Branch (Document Control Desk). i'pp.81799.321 41799 322. M11170304 Ack receipt of 940926 nr se TS change roguest 9003 to outend surve4 9411090300NRC BJetm 94 002. "Corrosen Prot 9 ems a Certam Stamiess Packagnag innre test mtervals Aftsdevets.did930603. anduced e ute 940926 Itr does not request Used to Transport U Henafkenos " that GE repts he withheld m entrety NRC we wenhoid repts for 60 cars PAPERIELLO.CJ Divmann of Industnal & Meecal Noctear Sately (Post $70729L 94/ SHEA.J W. Pmpact Desctorate L2 94/11/14 HUNGER.G.A. PECO Ermorgy Co., (for- 11/14 Coneohoated Edison Co. os New York. anc.12pp 81816.31141816 322. merty Phsadelprus Electne Co ) app. 8178&O1741780020 M11100237NRC Into fnioteca 94 077. "Mattuncton en Mam Generator Voltage Regulatos $411180097 Summary of941101 meshn0 w/uhl en Rockviler.MD re proposed emplemer> Causing at Eatety Reested Electncei Equipment" tenon of improved TS at piant.unsts 2 & 3 Last of attendees & handouts enci GRIME 5.B 9L . 94 11/17.Conschdated Eeson Co W New York, arc. 7pp 81816.323-BHE A.J W Proiect Drectorase 84 94/11/14 Protect Drectorate 12. 13pp 81816.329 81762 17941782.191, 9411160878 NRC Into Notte 94478, "Electne Component Failure due to Degradaten 9411230160Appicaban for amends to bconses DPR.44 & DPR 56 to TS re roguest for or Chloride Wire insulaton" approval ao change OA program desenption toy etemmataan of endependent safety engi- GR6M S. K. . 94/11/21 Consolidated Eeson Co of New Yorit, pic 10pp 81448 21481848 224 H9UNG R.G A Ptmu Energy Co.. groupPtuladelprus compossbon regiarament. Electne Co ) 94/11/14 Doc-ument Control Brarch (Document . 3pp 8183317441833186 9411300016 rhan==es enep repts 60 277/94 24 & 50 278/9444 & forwards nonce of violaton & proposed wroossten of evvil penalty m amount of $87. BOO -9411230164Propoemd toch specs to chance to OA program descnoton toy shnenstmg MARTIN T T Ftegen 1 (Post 820201) 94/11/21. SMITH.D M PECO Energy Co, (tor-

  -     -   .. ; safety e gmeenng groe compombon reousromnnt                                        many Pheadesprus Electnc Co.) 6pp 8167113141871139
  • Noorsska P64)isc Power Distrut94/11/1410pp 8163317741833186 9411230180 Apphcanon for amamos to tscenses DPR 44 & DPRM oungstmg of TS 7 500 ru-o notedtaiure onduct eng SW s Change Herssests 94-11.94-12.94-13, resocatmg audt topics treousnces. nuclear rewww board review requirement & requirement assoClated w/lSEC funChon. cos80n tiesis PrWanciphen Electnc Co) 94/11/14 Doc-
  • Regon 1 (Post 820201) 94/11/21 3pp 8187113741871139 HUNGER.G A PECO Energy Co.,

ument Control Branch (Document W sk) 2pp. 8185419041654 205' M11290109 "NRC Staff Proposes to Fme PECO Energy Co $67,$00 tor Alleged Wole- -4411230164 Proposed tod1 apoca to relocaten of audit tapes. fr- ~ =r4=a, tons a1 Peach Bonom Nuclear Power Plant " review tmard review reguraments & rogurements assocented w/ISEde functon to 6

  • OHice W m Mars M M7) 94/W22 2pp. SW mm 076 corones cor*Promed documents. M11170035 NRC Into Nobce 94 079, "Morotmologeally influenced Corrosen of EDG
  • PECO Eriorgy Co. (former9y Phdadelptua Einctnc Co.) 94/11/14.14pp. 81854192 Svc Water Pipmp Sissa 205 GRIMES.B K. .94/11/23 Conschdated Esson Co of New Yor16. inc. 9pp 81848 225 M11220272 No*phcaten et941130meehng w/uht m Rockvilla.MD to discuss schedule 81848 233 hF NRC review of improved TS apphcatKNL
  ?>4E A.J W Propeci Drectorate12 94/11/15 STOL2)F. Pecomet Drectorate 6-4 3pp                    9411170279 NRC 6nto Notte 94480, "Insdequate DC Ground Detecton m DC Distnte ten Sys" 91818 022 41918 024                                                                                                . 94/11/25 Coneohdated Edison Co of New Yortt, Inc 14pp GRIMES B K.

H11250182 Lscense Change Regtsest 9313 to bconses DPR 4 & DPR-56. rensang TS 81H8 23441848 247 to support mode $384 & 5386. upgrading masn stack & vent stack reea1xm monetarmg 9411170264 NRC Into Notice M481

  • Accuracy of Beassay & Enwwon Samphng Re-sys HUNGER.G.A PECO Energy Co.. (for PtWedWorus Electnc Co) 94/11/17. Doc. sulta "
                                                    ) 12pp 8186612541866161.                        PAPERtELLO.C.J. Dnneen of trukastnal & Meecal Nuclear Satsty (Post 670729). 94/

ument Control Branch (Document Control 11/25 Conachdated Earson Co of New York, mc.12pp. 81848.24841648 259 -9411290164 Proposed toch specs te mairi stack & worst stack reeston morut sys

  • PECO Energy Co, (formetty Phdadesprus Electnc Co) 94/11/17,25pp 81 137-
   $1866181                                                                                       R. Period 6c operating reports & rotated _

36 930701-1231 Q. Inspection reports, IE Butetens & ~. . $4,11,020089Fo,,rwards o pagpg 9 ,, p g 3 corrected Some. Annual Emuont Re6 ease Rept RAINEY.G R PECO Energy Co., ( PtWadelphpa Elecinc Co) 94/10/20 Doew 9410140257 Suppl 1 to NRC Info Nohce 93060,"Reportmg Fuel Cycle & Matts Events ment Control Branch (Document Controi ) 2pp 81689190wS1589 236 to NRC_Qupatens Ctr " BURNT'IT,R F. Diveemn of Fuel Cycle Safety & Sateguards (Post 930207) 94/10/20. 9411020109 Corrected copies of hAnnual Effluent Releeve Rept 36 Ju6.Dec Coneohdated Edeon Co. of New York. Inc 12pp 8181829941816 310. 1993." lor PBAPS Uruts 2 & 3

  • PECO Energy Co., (formetty Ptwadelphia Electne Co.) 83/12/31 30pp 81589192-M11030194 Forwards map repts 50-277/94 23 & S 278/M 23 on 940P191012 No 81589.236 violatuna noted JOYNE R.J H Regon 1 (Post 820201) 94/10/21 SMITH.D M PECO Energy Co.. (for- M111801s7 Monmtv operetng repts for Oct 1994 for PBAPS Uruts 2 & 3 W/H1107 Itr merly Ptuladelphen Elec9c Co ) 3pp 81560.18641580176- JEFFREY.WJ., RAINEY,G R PECO Energy Co., (formerty Phdadelptus Electnc Ce )
                                                                                                     '           ' PE *
  • 278/94 23 on 94
-M110301,10 noted Ma          insp repts e,ess          $0 27,7/94 inspected   sea ~ 23 4 60,y dure,0 ouiage       09191012
                                                                     . ntainen re.N.o viola, tons S. RePortah6e _ _ __ Ws & reisted connpondann C R            BORE         Regen      P[is             94/10/71. 8pp stS60169 81$80176                                                                                        9411080230 LER 94.005-00on 941011. Unit 3 acram occurred skae to state mverter fadure Appropnete PCIS & FtPS scram togc reset & attected sys reset to appropnete M1103 dos 3 Ach receipt of 941007 ler informmg NRC of slaps taken to correct volatons noted m map rects $0-277/9412 & S0 278/94-12                                                     Qaten & tened Urist 3 transeormer repinced & property estup W/941104 ter KELLYJ M Regen 1 (Post 820201) 94/10/24 SMITH.D M PE(X) Energy Co., (for-                        WASONGAJ., EDWARDS,G D PECO Energy Co., (formerty Ptuanoceptus Eisetnc marty PtWadelptua Electrc Co) 2pp 81580 09241560098.                                             Co.) 94/11/04 App 8171818041718183.

9410200153 NRC Into Notre 94 076. "Recent Fadures of Chargin0/ Safety inpocton Pump Shafts" W. Operator Exam 6nstions GRIMES.B K. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. Deector (Post 870411). 94/10/26 Coneoentated Eemon Co of New York. Inc 12pp 8165890141658 013 9411010318 Subnuts responses to admrustaeve llr 94-12. " Operator Leonomg Nati Esam Schedule " e411020016 Forwarcs forms of enam. answer keyss . results for tocsity 4 movedual HUNGER.GA PECO Energy Co.. ( PtWadetprue Electne Co) 94/10/24. Doc-answer sheets for empeoyees to atinurestraton of 941 GFE W/o ences umorit Control Bratich (Document Coritrot ) Spp 81587:06141687065. ME YE R.G W Regen 1 (Post 820201) 94/10/26 STANKifWlCZ,J PEOD Energy Co,, (formerly Philadelphia Elecinc Co ) 2pp. 81S28 07741528 078- 9411020016 Forwaros forms of exam. answer keysp results for ta::shty 4 mdividual answer eneets ter employees re admenstraten of 941 GFE W/c ericts M11030177Ack remipt of 940915 ter enkirmmg NRC of steps taken to correct velakons ME YER.G W. Regen 1 (Post 820201) 94/10/26 ST ANAIEWICZ J PECO Er orgy nrmd m map rept $0-277/94-15. 50478i9415.50-352/94-19 & $0-353/9419 Co., (toemerty Phondelprus Electnc Co ) 2pp. $1628 07741628 078 MEYTR G W Regen 1 (Post 820201) 94/10/27. SMITH.D M PECO Energy Co., (for-marty Phdadneptus Enoctnc Co ) 3pp. 8166100141661008. 9411000007Ack receipt of 941019 Ilp NRC of steps takers to correct vioastens C 90 MY POWER STAN. M 1 noted m anep repts50 278/9413 & $4 13

           '" "                         '                          " "* ' " " " "                  r. *- 1'v e-u                       = * - P-e
    ^"!?,i r;y P,.i%,u'."""ec'en'c'C"o'i
                               .           / C' P,##3,a"'8 9411150029 Forwards assety snap repts $0477/9441 & 50L278/94-21 on 940828-                        94 f1070095 Forwards map repts 60400/94 27 & 54281/94 27 on 9409031001 No 1008 Wolanon caed tout not noted.Ureeausved som opened to mappropnete use of                      venantons noted temporary c           to emergency swc water sys operstm0 procedure                               VERRELLI.D M Rogers 2 (Post 820201) Der 10/24 O'HANLON.J P Vegeme Power ANDERSON.          . Regen 1 (Post 820201) 94/11/04 SMITH.D M PECO Eriergy Co.                    (Vegene Eiec9ic & Power Co ) app 81805 034 41805 050.

(formerly Phsadelptus Electnc Co). 3pp 8174110041741'124

                                                                                                   -9411070101 Inno rents 50-280/9447 4 $0481/9447 on 9409031001.No violahans
-9411150034 Insip repts 60277/94-21 4 60478/94-21 on 9408261006 Vioastions                            nomd Mapor arves mapacted plant status. operational safety venficatson,mant & sur-noted but not cried Maror arens mapocted p6 ant operatons msnStonerene &                 enaps. onsste            review & anrount emergericy esercise surweinance engenoemng & technical support                                                        (4 RANCH.M W . TINGEN.1G., 9t FtN.D M Region 2 (post $20201). 94/10/24.14pp ANDLRSON,C.J Regen 1 (Poet 820201) 94/11/04 22pp 8174110341741.124                                81605 0374180$-0$0

DOCKETEDITEMS 51 Hi102029s Prowdes mismaniennto =h vu,1n. swipo,is N0420,eouest to, es. o. wep.ction reports, iE euneims & correspondence empton kom recaerements of 10CFR50. App R w/ regard to ensang fierweny.actu. HAN V " lectnc PowerCo) 04/10/27 Document D2 N 4 Coneal Branch (Document Control ).14pp, 61589 07341589 066 VERRELLmEM epon 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/12. O'HANLONJ.P. Vagna Power W11220278 Rowsed FPlPs.mclueng rev 9 to EPIP 1.02.rev 13 to EP P.1.03.rev 13 to Nne Eocinc & W W M. WWWN2

                                                                        I         M11030053 Forwards map repts $4280/M.26 & $0 281/94-26 on 940829. 0902.0907 02       to E     -404 4r       to Pt .4          1 16 HANL J           V         Power (Vrgne Electnc & Power Col 94/11/16. 27Bpp.                       **                                      '"
                                                                                                 #8d' i    Regen 2 M               1) N" /  /       HAdONJ.P. Vrgine Power yr.

gne Electnc & Power Oct 3pp. 8156121841561.240. O, Operstmg toenee sta8e " & correspondence - H 11030067 Nohce of veoisten from insp on 940829 0902.09071227-20 & ve 940912 & 27 teicons Violanons noted dunn0 penod of 940127 through hcons-es personnel teded to adhere to radialmn oDntros proCodures M119400f,7 Forwards SE grantng loosnsee 931019 request for rehof re meerwce testmg

  • Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/12. 3pp. 8156122141561223.

am thrd 10Lyr riserval for pumps & v8Nes for plant Nt.M. Propect Drectorate h-2 94/10/20 O'MANLONJ.P. Vrprue Power (Vs. 4411030078 trop repts50'280/94-26 & 50 281/94 26 on 940829 0902,090712.27 28 gne Electnc & Power Co.) app 81808.20541008293.

                                                                                          & ve 940912 & 27 telcons Votahons noted. Masor areas mopectedhoensee radalen

[, D adonnng aRemeDwes for teshng

  • Oftco of Nucieer Reactor RegJiatori, Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/20. 9pp.

w l(AkK 2 8 20 /12.17pp. 81561224-M10140257 Suppl 1 to NRC Info Notice 93480. "Reportng Fuel Cycle & Matis Events =44 040087 'T I Evaluston Rept Pump & Valve Inservios Testmg Program C " yETT Fuel Cyce $Wety & Satwds (Post 930207L N/10/20. RANSOM.C.B.. HARTLEY.R.S EG&G Idaho. Inc. RANSON.C.D. Idario Natensi E ConscMated Eeaan Co W ww m inu 12pp. N299.am6m Labora F EGG DNSP.11285. 94/07/31. NRC - No Detailed gg p, ggg g ggg , ggg g tons noted H t t040278 Forwards evalusaan of use of enoided case crcuit tweakers that exceed HNSJA 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/21 O'HANLONJ.P. Vrgma Power mig teun current ratmg por 940215 Itr (Vagna Electnc & Col 2pp. 8156101341561$21 VMADANI.M C Propect Drectorate Il-2 94/10/25. BOGER.8A Regen 2 (Post 420201).1p. 81828.33741628.346. -9411030011 Insp repts 50 280/94-20 & 50-281/94-20 on 941003 07.No voishans noted Masor areas mopected hoensed operator reouakfcahon tramen0-H11040278 Foneerde evaluuhon of use of molded case carourt tweakers that eECeeg AIELLO.R.F., LAWYER.L.L Regen 2 (Post 520201). 94/10/20. 7pp. 81561015 m8g taun current retn0.per 940215 lir. 81561 221. THADANI.M.C Protect Drectorate 102. 94/10/25. BOGER.B A Regen 2 (Post 820201).1p. 81665.23241665 243. M11070095 Forwards snap repts 50-280/94 27 5 50281/94-27 on 9409031001 No violabons noted. - 9410240187Aeases that util analyses unacceptable Natifmaton for use of Klockner VERRELLI.D M. Region 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/24 O'HANLONJ.P. Vrgna f%ver Moeiter NZM6 & N2M9 & Westmghouse F A & FB MCCEls m appbcatens exceedmg Nrgna Eisctnc & Power Co1 app. 81605 03441605:050. manufacturers short carcun ratmg Rocarnmendatons hated. BERLINGER.C.H Electrwai Engmeenne Branctt94/10/14 MCCREE.V. Propect Dree- -9411070101 Insp repts 50280/94-27 & $0 281/94-27 on 9409031001.No vioiatons torate B-2. 2pp. 81665.23"L81665.243. noted Masar areas mapected plant status. operatonal safety vertfcation.mamt & sur-weeance maps, oneste review & annual emergency exerces. H11020023 Forwards amends 193 & 193 to hoonses DPR 32 & DPR47. rompechwesy & BRANCH.M W.. TfNGEN. G., F. RN,0.M Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/24 14pp. satevy evenuaton. Amends we add opeehty recuremems.acton stamments & sR tor 81605 037 ele 05$50. recrculaton spray heat exchance svc water outlet radmison monaart BUCKLEy.B.C Protect Drectorate18-2. 94/10/27 O'HANLONJ P. Vrpne Power (Vs. M10200153 NRC Info Nohce 94478 "Recent Fetres of Chargeng/ Safety infecton gna Electric & Power Col 3pp 81566.29941566.312. Pump Shafts CRIMES.B K. Offee of Nuclear Reactor ReguWn, Drector (Post 870411t 94/10/26. -9411020030 Amends 193 & 193 to hconses dor 32 & DPR47.fespec9vely, addmg Consohchsted E@ eon Co. of New York. Inc.12pp.11658.00181658-013. opersbety reuurements;schon statements & SR for recrculaton sprey heat exchange svc water coast rechanon monnart H1107035s Forwards SE adoptmg contractors conctusene a recommendatens pro-THADANI.M C. Prosect Drectorate18-2. 94/10/27. 8pp. 81566.30241566.309. serned m TER re plant second 10-yr meervice n p program rehof request RR420. THADANI.M. Progect Drectorate li.2. 94/11/01. C HANLONJ.P. Vegras Power (Vy. -M11020033 Sately evaluston supporimo amends 193 & 193 to bconses OPR 32 & gna Electne & Power 004 2pp. 8171329141713.301. DPR47.respectsvety

  • Oftco of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten. Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/27, 3pp. 9411070367 Satsty evaluston adopen0 contractor conclusons & recommandatens 81666.31041566.312- presemed m TER es second 10 yr snaarvus snap program rehof reauest RR 020.

N11180246 Forwards Surry Power Staten undaryound c4 release site charactertraten 81 1 an't. mpt. MARSHALLS M. Vygna. Commonwealth of. 94/11/04. ANDERSONJ.M. Vegmsa. 9411180083 Responds to'violatons noted m enso repts 50L280/94-24 & 50281/94-Commonwealth of 2pp. 8177725341777284 24 Correctve acton:mgt rubated two . _ ofM 9411210274 Subnuts mio re samme ventcaten of & replacement equipment.rctuchn0 RQ 197 oginoment. NN C"o"n M. Ca 179 3004 B3.3 D "" W11210370 Forwards response to NRC ltr te volatons noted m rap repts 6CL28G/94-Wo nch ( 3pp 183 4 637 26 & 50'281/94 26 on 9406294928.Correctve actons outdated VHRA key genirol M11210278 Ack receipt of approval of several exceptons to RG 197 design & quahfi- [gg f c9 w  % dO32 k 5pp. 8183M24837131 HP 1.

  $              P Vrgns Power N              Electne & Power Co) 94/11/10. Document      Conrol Branch Docunwns Control Brarch (Document Control          y app 8183799541837 098.

M11090300 NRC Busetm 94402. "Corrosen Protnams in Certam Stamiess Packagmg M11220189 Appicaton for amends to hconnes DPR42 & DPR47 to TS re changes to [PER E\' & Meal h Sakty (post 670729) 94/ ce,s4y g SR tw reactor prometon & engswwW aateguard syt msvumentaton & 11/14. Conschdated Edraon Co DI New Yuk. inc.12pp. 81816.31141816.322. O'HANLON . Vegrus Power or Electnc & Power co) 94/11/10. Document Control Brarch (Document Corstral .10pp. 81864 30S41864.316. 9411290003 Ack recent of 941107 Itr e NftC of steps taken to correct votatens noted in mop repts56 280/94-24 & 64 281/ 24. =94112301M Proposed toch specs to changes to TS we clerNy SR tar reackr protec, VERRELLI.D M Regen 2 (Post 820201) 94/11/16 O'HANLONJ P. Vrynis Power ton & engmeered sateguard sys estrumentaton & actaston topc. (Vrprue Electnc & Power Col 2pp 81857$0741857:008.

  • Vegna Power (Vrprua E.tecer & Power Col 94/11/10. 6pp. 01864.31341864.316 9411100076 Forwards amende194 & 194 to boennes DPR42 & DPR47, respechwely & Caussng Owenmitage at Estety Related Esecwcal Esspment."

SE. Amends modrfy owrent TS havng cycto specerc parameter 6 mets in COLR. GRIMES.B K. .94/11/17 Conmohdened Echeon Co of New York,Inc. 7pp. 01816.323-BUCKLEY.B C Protect Drectorate ik2. 94/11/15 O'HANLONJ.P. Vrprua Power (Vr 81016.329. pnes Electnc & Power Co) 2pp. 8177724541777.257. M11150578 NRC trWo Notce 94478. "Elecinc Component Failure due to Degradsison -9411180081 Amends 1H & 194 to beenees DPR42 & DPR47 fnoddyng cur'ent TS of Poevvwv Chiande wre ensulatert" hovmp cycte-specinc parameter knuts m CXX.R GRIMES.B.K. . 94/11/21. Consolutated Edson Co. rif New York. Inc. 10pp THADANI.M C. Prosect Derectorate ll-2. 94/11/15 Spp. 81777.24841T77.?S$ 81648 215-81648.224 -94111a00N Safety evaluaten simportmo amende 194 8 194 to heernes DPR 32 4 9411170039 NRC Into Notco 94479, "Mcrotuolorcasy influenced Corroenn of EDG DPR 37.sospectuely Svc water Pgung"

  • Ofhre of Nucenar Reactor Reguisten. Drector (Post 87D411). 94/11/15 3pp GRIME 5.B et . 94/11/23 Coneohdated Esson Co. cf New York. Inc. 9pp. 81648225-817772M-81777 257 81848.233.

M11290105Noeticaten of M1201 meetn0 w/util e Rockvihe MD to darma proposed M 11170279NRC Info Notco 94480. "Wedegaste DC Ground Detecton m DC Detnbu-changes to TSs re CVCS & SIS ton Sys " BUCKLEY B C. Propoet Dreemrate ll-2. 94/11/23 THADANLM C Pro,ect Duettorate GRIMES.B K. . 94/11/25 Consobdated Edson Co of New York, Inc. 14pp. 16 2 3pp 81866 08141606 083 81848 23441648 247

52 DOCKETEDITEMS M111702H NRC Info Notte 94-081. " Accuracy of Smassay & Envetm Samping Re- -9411040070 Sarety evaluaton pantmg retet or authoriano attomstwes for testmo suits " requrements.sunnutted m imensee931019 respJest PAPERIELLO.CJ Dhasen of industnal & Met 9 cal Nuclear Satety (Post 870729). 94/

  • Orhce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten, Dructor (Post 870411) 94/10/20. 9pp.

11/25 Consohdated Ethson Co of New Yortt. Inc 12pp. 81948 24641648259. 81608.209-81608.217. at va aton aw h Tm Progmm O PeritNile operstktg reports & rotated a _ h , g RANSOM.C.B., HARTLEY.R S. EG&G adaho. Inc RANSON.C.B Idaho Nanonal Engr H11190418 Monihty operstmo repts for Oct 1994 tar Suny Power Staten Units 1 & noenng Laboratory FIN L-2594 EGG-DNSP.11285 94/07/31 NRC . No Detailed Al-2 W1941109 It' hhaton Gwen. 72pp. 81608.21641608293 MASON.D BOWLING.M L. Vrgme Power (Vegm.a Eiecinc & Power Co.). 94/10/31. 22pp. 8 t 77525641775 277. M H040275 Forwds welusion of use et molded case creust tiresurs that aceed fault current ratmg,per940215 ler. 9" S. Reportelde _ _ LE.Rs & related u.. 82020 1 78 9411020140 LER 94 00601.on 640929. entry mto TS 4.0.3 for tadure to tesi new chat- 9411040275 Forwards evaluaton of use of mo6ded caso cactat breakers that exceed coal et accordance w/TS 412.b 1 & mrased surveelance entg tauft curreni ratmg.per940215 ler. CHRISTIAN.D A. Vrge,e Power (vrgne Electre & Power Co4 94/10/26.12pp THADANI.M C Protect Drectorate 11-2 94/10/25. BOGER.B.A. Regen 2 (Post

 $180211541602.127.                                                                       620201).1p 8166523241665.243.
                                                    *                                  -9410240187 Advmes that ute analyses unacceptable justricaban for use of Klockner Onne          nery p"eo                                                         Moeller NZM6 & N2M9 & Wesanghouse FA & FB MCCBe m opphcanons exceedmg performed. Caused t y pornorrel error int 9,ukass were counseed W/941027 Itr                                               tmg R                     t i     N p Power (Vegma Elecinc & Power Co) 94/10/27. 6pp.                     %nu torate 162. 2pp 81665.23341 9411000123 LER 9340743 on 941004. loge channels for RCS epw thow m 2/3 loops reactor inp not tuuy tested due to power bom0 below 35%Generstmg operatrJn pro.       9411020023 Forwards amends 193 & 193 to beennes DPR-32 & DPR-37. respectrvery &

safety evaluaten Amends we add operatnhty reouvements.acton statemenis & SR for cedures temporanty changed to ensure proper tasang W/941101 tir. CHRIST 4AN.D A. Vrgna Power (Vrgme Electnc a Power Col 94 /11/01. 11pp. merculaton spray twat enchance svc estor autiet redaton morators. 81731.330 81731.341. BUCKLEY B.C. Proiset Drectorale18-2. 94/10/27. O'HANLONJP. Vrgrus Power (Vr. grus Electnc & Power Co4 3pp. 81560 29941566.312. 9411070411 ROon 941028. total suspended ochda Conceneaton m Spot decharge reached 820 m01.Pemut


hmnatons expressed as values excee Ang embent levels -9411020030 Amends 193 & 193 to hcenses DPR-32 & DPR-37.respecevely. addng MARSHALL,8 M Vrprua Power (Vegne Elecinc & Power Co.) 94/11/03 operecorty recurements.meten statements & SR for recyculaton spray heat exchange GARDNER.L M Documerit Control Branch (Document Control Deset). 2pp. 81676.133- svc water outlet radiaton morutors. 81676 134. THADANLM.C. Propect Drectorate B-2. 94/10/27. Spp 81566.30241568:300. 9411220198 Summary of operahng reactors events tmofmo 94,38 conducted on 941102 6 020003 Salmy evahaton 6 amends 193 & 193 to licermes DPR-32 & to rearm serwor managers of hsled ofcs of selected events that occiared amco last DPR-37mvely E .A E E b 94/11/09 GRIMES.B K. rmvenn ot Oper-atmg Reactor Soport (Post 921004). 22pp. 81816 33041816.351 hhhN[eam egWat n. Drecw M M4 WM M 9411040055 Roguests enforcement discreton re staten bettery 2A andudual cell low LONJ P. Vygerus Power Elecine & Power Co) 04/10/28. Document

                                                                                                "U' '*"Ch                 U"           - EE' *'
  • M 11030004 Forwards map repts50-280/94-20 & 50 201/94-20 on 94100347 No vela.

tor ro d M m hapWse N m e W W 434B3 h W m m PEEBLES.T.A. 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/21 O'HANLONJP. Vrgivna Power (VirgFMa Electne & Co.) 2pp. 81561-013415f t.021. E (Post k 94/10/31. O'HANLONJP. Vygna Power -4411030011 Insp repts 50-280/94 20 & 50,281/94 20 on 94100347 No viotatens (Vegna Electnc & Co) 4pp. 81671.35141871:364. noted Maior areas mapected traneed operator reousiilicahon trarung. AIELLO.R F., LAWYER.L.L. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/20. 7pp. 81561$16- 94111a0246 Forwards Surry Power Staton unomground ce release one charactenzaton 81561:021. rept MARSHALL.B M. Vrgna. Commonweefth of 94/11/04 ANDERSONJM. Vegme. 9411080304 Informs review completed of proposal.dtd940830.80asow bconnee to de- Commonweartn of 2pp. 81777.28341777.284 velop written exams & operatng tests for NPGS operann0 personnel.ConctJdes pro-posai should to permed based on NRC OJtes as prescreed by AEA- 9411210274^ Sutreuts ento re sersme verthceton of & replacement THADANI.M.C. Propect Drectorate11 2 94/11/02.O'HANLONJP. Vrgne Power (Vr- _ .,encludmg HG 1.97 entnoment. c gna Elecinc & Power Co.). 3pp. 81863.35541863 357 o HANLON.J P. Vrgna Power (V Electnc & Power Co) 94111/10. Document Consoi Granch (Document Control ). 3pp. 01837:09241837:094. DOCKET 54281 SURRY POWER ST& TION, UNIT 2 g7 g i canon cmona O'HANLONJP. Vrgna Power (Vygma Electne & Power Co) 94/11/10. Documorit l F. Securey, medical, emergency a fire protection plans Control Branch (Documeni Control Desk) app. 81837:09541637998. M 070005 orwards map repts 50-280/94 27 & $0-281/94-27 on 940903-1001ho 9411220188 Apphcaton for enends to hcenses DPR-32 & DPR-37 to TS re manges to I TS to canney SR tar reactor protecten & engmeered safeguard sys matrumentaton & VERRELLI.D M Regen 2 (Post $20201) 94/10/24 O'HANLON lP. Vrprua Power (vrgns Electnc & Power Co.) 3pp. 81605 03441805 050. ON P Vegna Power (V Electnc & Power col 94/11/10. Document O l Control Branch (Document Conko L 10pp 818N 3034164318 i -9411070101 Insp repts $4280/94-27 & 64281/94-27 on 9409031001.No violetons noted.Masar arass repectedplant status. operatonal satstr verrficaton. ment & aur. vedlance maps. onnee an0meenn0 review & annual emergency exercene. -9411220194 Proposed toch speca re changes to TS wel clartly SR for reactor protec- , BRANCH.M W., BEUSLE.G.A. Regen 2 (Post 820201). M/10/24.14pp. 81605:037 ton & engmeered sateguard sys pseumontaton & actuohon logc. I 81805 950.

  • Vaprua Power (Vrprus Electnc & Power Col 94/11/10. 6pp 81864:3134 1864.318. l l

I 9411020295Provides septemental rdo whch turther s@ ports 940420 requesi tor eu. g4ggggo111 Summary of941104meetno w/util en Rockvme.MD to request for enemp. empton tram footerements of 10CFR$0. App R w/ regard to exmang nenueW ton from App H to 10CFR50 Mostng attenoses hstea m End 1. l stod Hokin sys m Unit 2 omorgency switchpoer voorrt BUCKLEY.B.C. Propect Drectorate #-2. 94/11/10. Protect Osuctorate 42. 23pp. i O'HANLON.J P Vrprua Power (Vr . Electne & Power Col 94/10/27. Document $i891.32341891.345 l Contros Branch (Document Cormoi ) tapp. 81589 07341589 086. I MMMS Forwards aniends W & W to heennes W32 & N37, muecDwely & M11290111 Suminary of941104 mostmg w/ulil en Rockwele.MD se roguest for esemp. e parameter kmns m COLR. non kom App R to 10CFR50 Weeang alterednes imied m Ence 1 SEAmenos BUCKLEY.B.C. rnoddy current Pmiect TS havmo Drectorate cyc88 Epectl'O'HANLONJP, Vygmee Power (Vs. n.2 M/11/15 BUCKLEY.b C. Proiuct Drectorate 42. 94/11/10. Propect Drectorate 42. 23pp gna Osctne & Power Col 2pp 8N454W5L 81891.323 41891.345

                                                                                        -9411100001 Amends 194 4184 to bcomes DPR.32 & DPR47 moddymg current TS 9411220278 Revised EPIPs.sncludmg rev 9 to EPtP-1.02.rev 13 to EPIP-1.03 rev 13 to                    cVete-aponenc paramorer hmits si COLR.

EPIP 1Dt.rev 15 to EPtP-1.05.rev 13 to EPtP.2.02.rev 11 to EPIP 4.01.rev 13 to EPlP. l.M.C. Propect Drectorate18-2. 94/11/15. Opp 8177716841777.255 4 02,rev 6 to EPip-4 04 & rev 4 to EPIP 410 W/941118 tr T O'HANLON.J P. Vegne Power (Vrgrue Elsetnc & Power Col. 94/11/16 278pp. 81844'001 41844.271. 9411100084 Safety evaluaton supportng amenos 194 & 194 to heermes DPR 32 & DPR-37.reepectwely

  • Onece of Nuclear Reactor RegJiaton. Dvector (Post 870411). 94/11/15. 3pp P. Operating heense stage -- J-. 4 . . . . 81777 26t>41777257.

M1194Dn67 Forwarits SE yantm0 bconase 931019 request for rehet to msonnce testmg 9411290105Notfoonon of941201 meceng w/utu m Rockwelo,MD to than=a proposed program Wurd 10 vr etorval tar pumps & va*ves for plant crianges to TSs re CVCS & SIS THADADet.M Prosect Drectorate 18-2 94/10/20. O'HANLONJP. Vrgma Power (Vr- BUCKLEY.B C Protect Drectorate 4 2. 94/11/23 THADANI.M.C. Protset Drectormie gmes Etscinc & Power 0o4 app 81808.20541808.293 18-2 3pp. 6106608141806 083 l


      & Brueecean reports, IE Sunetlns a . .                                                                                                            S. Reportahis occurrences, LERs & rotated correspondence 6411030017 Ack recoct of 940916 ler                                                        NRC of steps taken to correct volatons noted m map repts 50 280/94-11 & 54281/ 11                                                                                                     9411070411 RO.on 941028 total suspended sohds concentrabon m apos escharge VERRELLI.D M                                                                                                                                      reached $20 mg/t.Perrmt hmnatons expressed as values exceeen0 emtvent teweis 2 (Post 820201t 94/10/12 O'HANLONJP, Vrgns Power                                  MARSHALLB M Vrgpnia Power (vegirva Electnc & Power Col N/ m03 Nagrua Electnc &                                                 Cc4 3pp. 81561.04041561042.

GARDNER.LM. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 8167613S 6411030063 Forwards repts 50-290/94-26 4 %281/94-26 on 94062S 0902.0907-12.27 2e 4 we 94091 27 twicons & notice of maastm CUNE.W.E. R 2 (Post 820201) N/10/12 O'HANLONJ P. Vrgrue Power Nr. 9411220198 Summary of operalmg reactors events bnefinD 94-38 conducted on 941102 gne Electnc & Col 3pp. 8156121641561.240- to sworm sener managers of bsted orcs or seiected events that occurred sace last br on 941012w of attendees ni ence 1

     =9411030067 Nolace of voision from esp on 9408294902.0007-12.27-28 S vs                                                                                               E       "

940912 & 27toccons Volanons notodduring pennd at940127through 0728 ant bcens-es personnel toiled to adhere to reesttori coreral procedurent S p' port ( 2 ) $8 8 330 1818 3 .

  • Regon 2 (Post 820201t 94/10/12. 3pp. 81561.22141561223 E w Emm
      -9411030078Insp repts50-280/94-26 & 54281'94 28 on 9408294902. 090712.27 28
         & vs 940912 & 27loscons Venetons noted Mapor areas macectedbconsee reesten protecton program, specchcally.tugh & werv high reesten areas                                                                                 M11030008 Forwards msp repts 50 280/k20 4 54281/94 20 on 94100S07.No veia-WRIGHT.F.N., RANeUN.W.H. Region 2 (kosi 820201). 94/10/12,17pp. 81561:224-                                                                       bons reed 81561 240                                                                                                                                         PE                                                                               820201) 94/10/21. O'HANLONJP. VFDna Power (y,EB,,LES.T.A.

g ua Electnc & DouwRecon 212pp. 8156101341561:021 N 0 40257 to NRC Irdo Notes 93460. "Reportng Fuel Cycle & Matis Events

                                                                                                                                                       -94110300116nso repts 50-280/R20 & 54281/94-20 on 941003-07.No veistons BUR                                                  F. Dwmen of Fuel Cycle Safety & Sateguards (Poet 930207). 94/10/20.                          roMd Maior areas mapected hcensed operator requakfcaten trasnino Cor=*I=ted Eeson Co of New york, Inc.12pp. 81816299 81816.310.                                                                                    AIELLO,R.F. Regen 2 (poet 820201). 94/10/20. 7pp. 81561$154th61021.

9411030008 Forwards msp repts 50 200/k20 & 50-281/94-20 on 94100347.No vuoso. M11080304 informs renew completed of prop ( anow lumnsee to co-torn noted weiac wntion exams & operstmp tests for NPGS operatng persarmelCondudes pro-PE EDLES.TA 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/21 O'HANLONJP. Vegna Power posal should be corued based on NRC dubes as prescnbod try AEA. Nrprus Electnc & Co.) 2pp. 8158101341561:021. THADANI,M.C. Project Drectorate18-2. 94/11/02.O'HANLONJP, Vrgna Power (Vr-grus Electnc & Power Col app.81663.35541663.357.

     -9411030011 ansp repts 50-200/9440 & 50 281/94-20 on 94100347.No volatons noted Maior areas mspected hcensed operator reQuahhcaton trarung AIELLO.R.F., LAWYER.L.L. Regen 2 (Post 820201F 94/10/20. 7pp. 81561.015-                                                                      DOCKET 50-282 PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 1 81561-021.

H ards map repts 50-280/94-27 & 50 281/9447 on 9409031001.No F. , & Hre protocean plare VERRELLI.D.M. Regen 2 (Post $20201) 94/10/24 O'HANLONJP. Vrgrua Power (Vrgna Doctne & Power Col 3pp. 81605.03441805:050. 9411070074 Responds to ubi 940814 Itr reauestmg retracton to commitment made m 940314 wrmen response to NOV ret m snap repts 50-282/9S22 & 60 306/93 22 4

    -9411070101 Insp repts 50480/94 27 & 50-281/94-27 on 94090S1001.No violatons                                                                          sniorms of conciarence w/ubt recurst to delete commitment noted Mapor areas mapocted' plant status. operstonal safety worthceton.mems & aur.                                                               CREED.J.R Regen 3 (Post 820201). 94/10/28. ANDERSON.R.O. Northem States wedience maps, onene                                                         renew & ennual emergency exerces.                                    Power Co. 2pp. 81604291ke1804.302.

BRANCH.M W.. TINGEN. .G.. A RN.D.M. Repon 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/24.14pp. 81605 0374160$$50 -9411070081 Requests retracton of ubi onor commament m unt 930314 wntion re-M10200163 NRC Wito Nobce 94476. *Recent Fadures of Chargmg/Selety leipecton sponse to NOV as ret m map repts50 282/9122 4 50 306/93-22re sateguards mio. ANDERSON.R.O. Northern States Power Co 94/08/15 Document Congral Branch GR ME K Offee of Nucesar Reactor Regulaton. Orector (Post 870411). 94/10/26 Coneohdaled Eeson Co. of hiew Yorti,Inc.12pp. 81658.00141658:013 94M220038 Forwards rap repts $4282/p15 & 54306/k15 on H09111024 4 24 mot rubated two _ a . of EY Regen 3 Post 820201) 94/M/S WAEE. Northem States O'HANLONJP. Vagrue Power (V Isoctnc & Power Co). 94/11/07 Document Power Co. App. SW.20841796234. Consol Branch (Docunent Control ). bpp. 81793:30481793.304. 9411210370 Forwards response b NRC ltr to wmistons noted m map repts50480/94 authonzaton for voeursary eniry mio LCO por procedure SACD 315 not cotamed pnar 26 4 50 281/94-26 on 940821kO928 Correchwe =h=^ad-led VHRA key control to secunng wentiaton sys. kigs vernowed & replaced w/regured log trorti proce&sre HP-1032 001.

  • Regon 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/10. 2pp. 81795.21241796.213 O'HANLON.J P. Vergna Power (Vr Elecmc & Power Co.). 94/11/10. Document Contos Broncti (Document Control J. Spp 81837:12741837:131. -M11220043 Insp repts 50482/94-15 & 50306/M 15 on 94091110?4 Volatons noted.Masar areas : ; - .- . eatety wenficaten.engmoenng safety teature M110a0300 NRC Butteen 94402. " Corrosion Problems m Certam Stamiess Packagmg sys. current man coneton & ptarn r " . secunty Unod to Transport U Hexafluonde." KROPP.WJ Regen 3 (Post $20201),94/11/00.& 21pp. 4179621441796.234.

PAPERIELLO.CJ Dunen or industrel & Meecal Nuc6 ear Safety (Post 870729). 94/ 11/14. Connohdated Esson Co. of New York, snc.12pp. 81816.31141816.322-M112300E2 Requests response to enct RAI a order to resohe conooms on uti amps-9411290003 Ack recespt of $41107 ler rdorming NRC of steps tsken 2 conect wolatons noted m snap repts 54280/94 24 4 50 281/9444 h Sh. Propect Drectorate States Power Co.13pp. 81822.34641822.358. 94/11/17. ANDERSON.R.O. Northem VERRELLI.D M. Repon 2 (Post 820201) 94/11/16 O'HANLON.J P. Vrgne Power (Vrgna Enocenc & Power Col 2pp. 81857 00741857.006 N11100237NRC Info Noeme 94477. "Malfuncton m Man Generator Vr.hage Repeato, P. Opemen0 bconee stage r &, Cauemg Owarvoltage at Gatety-Retaled Electncal Eouipment' GRIMES.BA .94/11/17.Consohdated Edmon Co. of New York. anc. 7pp. 81816:323- 9411040295 Nobfcanon et941116meetng w/hoonnee m Rockwee MD to escuss go-81016 329-nonc topical rept on abeny to credn tsoron m scorn fuel pooitLW also m attendance. M11150EF8 NRC Info Nohce 94476. "Fisctnc Component Failure 6;e to Degradaman PETERSON.S R. Protect Directorate lil 1. 94/10/26. HANNONJ Proiect Drectorsee ' lil 1. 3pp. 81628.35641628.356 l or Posywayi CNond. Wre innuietort"

                                     $BK                           /11/21. Coneohdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc.10pp H M040015 Apptcston for erseds to 6connes OPR4 & DPRMrewmmg TS m che       redoacave effluent nept stdrnmal from semermuel to annual.

9411170039 NRC info Nolum 94479. "Microbiolaycally influenced Corropen of EDG * . Sta Svc Water Pipsng

                                                                                                                                                           ,m,,,                                              t6                                             4 653 R                                                A. 94/11/23.Connahdated Eenon Co. of New York. Inc. Opp.81848.225 3                                                                                 g                                  ,

from somsarmuni to atinual 9411170279 NRC trdo Notco 64480. "inadecNate DC Ground Detecten m DC Distribu. ' Nr>them States Power Co. 94/10/17.18pp. 81653:002653420. tu S B K . 94/11/25. Coneohosted feson Co. of New York. Ire. 14pp M11040299Nothcston of 941114mesang w/hoennee m Rockwilie.MD to docuss con. 81848.2344 1648147. temment rnegnty &mng refuehng for penetratens & post accedent more .speedealiy removal of hydrogen monnormg kom TS N11170264 NRC Info Nobce 944fil, Accuracy of Beassay & Enwron Saageng Re. PETER" .$.R. Protect Drectorate 1161. 94/10/27. HANNONJ Protect Drectorate suits " 114-1. 3pp. $162112941621131. 0'APERIELLO.CJ Dmmen of insatnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 8707291 94/ 11/25. Cor=**=ted Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. $1848.24841848.259 94111800$0 Forwards rept on see winst to review mipiemeritaten of masnt rule at station for review & rilo Rept scentihes strengths & weaknesses w/ program et see SHAFER.W.D. Regen 3 (post ezu201). 94/11/07 DONNELLY,P.M. Consumers EL Portodie operstm8 reports & related cormeponteence Power Co. 2pp. 81746.13141746141. 9411160416 Monthly operatng repts for Oct 1994 for Surry Power Staton Urwts 1 & 9411170148 Forwards Rev 1 to "Prome taland Nucieer Generstmg Plant. Core Operat-2 W'941109 ftr mg Lemsts Rept. Ursi 2 Cycle 16." MASON.D, DOWLING M L Vrgma Power (vrpne Electnc & Power Co.). M/10/31 ANDERSON R O. Northern States Power Co 94/11/10. Document Control Branch 22pp. 41775 2$641775.277 (Cocument Control Deskt 1p. 81787.34641787.357


      -M11170181 Rev 1 to "Prame Nucesar Nucieer Gonstelmg Plant. Core Operstmg Lmuts                    S. Reportable eensrronees. MRo & reisted corroependence Rept.Urut 2                  le 16."

o 7,E. BREENE,T. Northern States Power Co. 94/11/10 tipp, g m g p ,p ,p g , % , a g % , ,q g j plants Cams replaced wicame made uomg electre arc, 7 M11230402 Forwards euet conducted by M Gamboeons & P Campbet on 940008- PRATIANNE S A Conec trduetnes, tre. 94/06/01 Document Control Branch (Docua

12. Audit metuded revoww of proyam tar enpiemenen010CFR50 68. "Chartges, Tests &

ment Control Deek) Spp.81654 2 @ 41664.213. tapenmoras? et piant, authorned by hcennes DPR-42 4 DPR40 PETERSON.S R Protect Drectorate its.t. 94/11/14. ANDERSO4RO. Northern M11030007 LER 9440640on 940926 moperabety of contmuous ao monnor when States Power Co. 2pp. 31017 26741817.301. power supply was inpped wto CR knowledge Power supply feest W/941026 ter. HUNSTAD.A.A., ANDERSON,R O. Northern states Power Co M/10/26 4pp.

                                                                                           .; 10CFR50.59   01602.10341602.106.
  • Audit of Northern States Power Co Program to 1 for Piern?
  • Omco of Nucceer Reactor Repaton, Director (Post $70411). 94/11/14 13pp. 9411030082PNOLil44485 on 941025. app 2.5 Ca of reeoartwo twMe gases had been 51217.209 81817.301. emny rmoed kwn peant.Una 2 m smosphwe eseig ener change ,

opersman Event & teensee CA to prevent reewrence beng renewed O. Inspoetsen reports, IE Sunetens & % [dKd.J., PEDE.RSON.C.D. Regen 3 (Post 020201F M/10/26.1p 81660-044 7 Supp to NRC Info Notce 93460 "Reportmg Fuel Cyces & Matts Events 94H3o01H ER k00940 on 941029.dowgn bass - . ~ enort uncovered M[o ""8 "8" SUHN F. Dwinen of Fuel Cyces Satety & Sateguards (Post 930207t 94/10/20 a, ,ow'

                                                                                                                                 "",',","",# " M'Y22
                                                                                                                                                                "'*d* "*' "'

Coneohde*ed E$aan Co of New YortL,Inc 1200. 01816.29941016 310. HUNSTbA.. ANDE RSON.R."J Northern' States Power Cst 94/11/22. Spp 8 # # '8l838 " 94 t0300163 NRC Dito Notco 94476 "Recertt Failures of Chargmg/Salsty insseton Pump Shefts " GRtMES.B K Othee of Nuctear Reactor Regulohon. Deector (Poet 370411) 94/10/26. 94113003M LER 9441040on 941C27.determmsten made giat oceang for overtemper- , Caneohdated Eenon Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 81666 00141664.013 etwo dena Y reacts wips madeguntermuned by mounicient evolushon of T hot acab ing agemst poent matetv hmns.internti anweshpanon begun W/941123 Nr. M11030127 $@mits addl mto re map repts80 262/93-12 & $0 306/9312 on 930927 HUN 5T ADA A., ANDERSON.R.O. Nortnern States Power Co. 94/11/23 4pp 1116 re GL 89-10 MOv. 01912 131 81912 134. ANDERSON.R O. Northern Simies Power Co 94/10/26 Documord Corerol Branch (Document Control Desht 3pp. 81609 29241699794 V, operator Eaamineesens

       $411070074 Reeponds to uts 940014 ter requeseng retracton to commnment made m 940314 wHtten maponse to NDY ret m map repts 64282/9342 & 64306/93 22 &

edarms et comaarence w/ual request to delete commmment 9411040386 Forwards master SWR /PWR GFES esem w/enewer key of esam admous-CREED.J R Regon 3 (Post S20201). 94/10/26. ANDERSON.R.O. Northern States temd on 946 RING.M.A Regen 3 (Post $20201). 94/10/27. C. m Edson Co. 1p Power Co. 2pp, s1604 299 61604 302. 81686 00241686 002.

      -9411070001 Roguests retraction of utu enor commemord m uni 930314 wntgen re.

sponse to NOV es ref en map repts60 262/93 22 & 50 306/9122to sateguards mio. 9411300218 Forwards NRC swnmarued guwknce thal clanhos requwements for man j ANDERSON.R.O Nornam States Power Co M/08/16. Document Control Branch tamme mdwidual operator hcennes.ontitled. "Clanhcaten of Mamt & piesctwatson Re. (Document Control Desk). 2pp 61604.30141604.302 qurements for inenduai Operator Laceness"

  • RmG.M A. Remon 3 (Post 820201) 94/11/18 Afhhaer.m Not Asespeted. 3pp.

Det1230080Act remipt of 941017 kr eWormmo NRC et sists taken to correct notagons e1872.341416f2,343. noted m map repts50262/94-14 & 64306/9s.14 CIA to be revowed m futwo mop. GREENMAN.E G Repan 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/06 WAT2L.E. Norinom States Power Co Ip. 0179?vu141797 001 V. Dry Ceek indspondent Spent Fuel teorope Insemamsions M11230039 Forwards enep repts 50282/9415 & 50306/9418 on 9409111024 & t nonce of violatorL M11010300 Summary of M1013 meetmg w/NSP m Rockwee.MD re lopecs on proposed GREENMAN.EG Reg ~ ion 3 (post 820201t 94/11/10 WATZL.E. Northom States ISFSI that NSP nomde to bund tor Prere taland power plant Power Ca ecp 0179t6 20641796.234 SCHNEIDER,J.F. Othce of Nuclear Matenet Sately & Setsgiaards 94/10/25 HAUGHNEY.C.J. Othce of Nuclear Malenal Safety & SateguardiL 7pps 81679 304

       -M1123eD41 Notco of ventaman from map on 9409131024vloemton noemdpiant fict                          81579 311.

authorushan for vndurnary entry anto LCO per procedure 6ACD 316 not etnamed pnor to accurmg ventesten sys

  • Region 3 (Post 820201t $4/11/10. 2pp 8179621241796213. DOCKET 50 304 IDAHO STATE UINV, RESEARCH REACTOR
       -941123e043 insp repts 50282/9416 & 54306/9415 on 9409131024 Volatons rioned Masor areas enspectadoperatonal satety verthcatortongewonng an=ty treture             V. Opwoner Esamensmens sys.ourrent enas comteon & plant M - . & moeurwy KROPP WJ. Region 3 (Poet s20201). 94/11/03 tipp 81796.21441796.234.
                                                                                                         ",'f,*denoS "T*r, ."^' "ct"i Nueseaso NRC M402 -Concemn Prot.on. in C.Mm SMinie Pacsagme                                                           e re"ac'iar Veed 10 Tratusport U Hexattuonde."                                                             MENDONCA.M M Non. Power Reactor & r'                    - Pregoct Drectorate M/  !

PAPERIELLO.C.J. Devuson of Inchastnal & Meecal Nuclear Sately (Post 870729) 94/ H /03 GALLAGHER.M C. Idete Simo M PocWomo, ID. App. 81715264 f 11/14. Cuneohdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc,12pp. 01816 31141616.322. 91715257. 9411100237NRC info Noeme 94477, " Malfunction m Mem Generator V hage Regulator Mtttacess insorms that wnteen & operstmo esame scheduled for tacsty durmg wk of C Overvoelope m Essety-Rossied Electicar Equsemers - 950206.Ref man betod m once 1. "Ref Mau tar Reactor /Seruar Reactor Operator LS GRI ,8 pt . 94/11/17, Connohdeted Edman Co e New York Inst 7pp 01816.323 Enems." sequested 80 days pnar to esam onw 81816.329 LA ~ .DJ Operator Leonmeng uranch 94/11/14 GALLAGHER.M.C. 4daho Stole e 9411380200 Requests schedule extenamn for RCP casing weld map, par ASME Code Unnt , Pocatasto, ID.10pp. 01786.346-81788.355 5ecton XI map & esseng am. ANDLRSON.R.O. Northem Power Co 94/11/18. Document Control Branch (Document Control Dook). 3pp 01923.33841923 340. DOC 8TT 90 286 PORT CALNOUN STATl004, UNIT 1 M11190678 NRC Inf3 Notco 94476 *Electnc Component Faikse due 90 Degradaten R K /12 tod Echeon Co. Ili New York, Inc.10pp. ' S1848.21b41648.224 M11070023 Informs that rennens autwnmed to emergerry responne orgamraton M11179039NRC Into Notice 94 079, "Mecrotisologcally influenced Corrosen of EDG changes & tacdny actwaton doecnpeen changes m Fort Calhoun Ra Dolopcal Emer. Swc Water Pisang" r . Plan,per 10CFP50 64(cp.acceptattie GRIME $.8 f( , M/11/23. Coneohdated Emaan Co. of New York. Inc. Opp.81848 226 NS.SJ. Regen 4 (Post 820201) 94/10/27. PATTERSON.T.L Omans Pubhc 81048.233. Power Distnct. opp.31004076 41804.079 M1117027,9NRC Info Notoe 64400,

  • Inadequate DC Ground Detection in DC Distrttne 9411900414 Rowned EPIPsjncluding EPIP anden.Rev 23 to EPtP. EOF 4, FC.EPF 8""g K / 1/26 Coneohdated Echman Co of New York, Inc. 14pp*

moen.Rev e to FGEPF.11 & Rev 6 to FC.EPF.23 W/ 941101 Nr GATES.W G. Orrahe Pthhc Power Distnet. 94/11/01. 67pp 91725 02641725:094 , M11170387Rev R$ to EPlPOSC 1. " Emergency Oseadoeten." W/941111 kr. j M11179994 NRC Into Notce 9446t. " Accuracy of Bmmammy & Erwiron Samphn0 Re. GATES.W G Omaha Putec Power Distnct 94/11/11.101pp 5183200141832101. suns - PAPFRIELLO.C.J Dween of industnal & Medical Nocesar Eateev (Poet 870729) 94/ M it300278 Forwards nonpropnetary & propnetary verson of EPIPs. trickadm0 EPIP 11/ES Coneohdated Emeon Co. of New York, tric.12pst 0184624641848JtS9 mass & Rev 28 to EPtPOSC-2 " Command & Control PoeMon Actons/Nothcatsons" Propnetary Rev 28 to EP'P.OSC-2 enthhou M. Portselle operahng reports & reested corvoepensiones GATES W G Omaha Putsc Power Dimiret #4/11/17 Document ConirniIsranch (Doc. ! ument Control Deskt 2pp 8192511341925136 i 941W80372 Monedy operstm0 rept sur Oct 1994 tar Prame Island feuclear Generstmg Piant W/941103 Ilr -9411300300 Nonpropnetary EPIPs.mc2udag EPIP mden & Rev 26 to EPIPCSC.2, DUGST AD.D , ANDERSON.R O Northem States Power Co. 94/10/31. Opp. -Commend & Contros Poenion Actons/ Notehcations* CLAYTON.O.J Omahs Pdec Power Detnct. M/10/27. 21pp. 819251164192S 136 91718.36041718 358 k

DOCKETEDITEMS 55 P.Opersens beense steps - _ & corresperusence Nt1170039 NRC Info Notco 94479. "Mcrotnologmally influenced Carroman of EDG Svc Water Pgung" N110setet LW contect, teak order 30 to "lPE Revows.lenernal Events Front End Geney " GRIMES.B K. .94/11/23.Conachdered Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. s194a.225-sor 01646.233 MACE. Dunen of Contacts (Post 940714L NRC 04-91466. 94/09/06.COLINA.I. Somnce & Engmeenne Aa==tes. enc.10pp. 8160725041807.359. W11,170279,NRC ya Info Nobce %080,

  • Inadequate DC Ground Detecton in DC Datitne 9411000136 LW contract.delsnilmng took order 40.10 "lPE Reviews. Internel Events- GR 5.B.K. 94/11/25. Connoisdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 14pp.

Human Ashebeny Anasyne Only " 01848.234 41648.247. MACE.Mit Dusson of Convects (Poet 940714). FIN L 1934. 94/09/12- HAAS P.M. Concord **=== Inc.12pp. 01602 23041002241. 94111703e4 NRC Info Notce 94481,

  • Accuracy of shay & Enveen Semphng Re-suits "

M11000890,LW contracLdefirelere Task Order 40, "lPE Reviews. Intemel Events Beck. PAPERIELLO.C.J Dvnen of industnel & Meecal Nuctant Selety (Poet 870729). 94/ ACF Divmon of Coreacts (Post 940714). FIN L 1933. 94/09/19. MEYER,J CClENTECH. enc. 2pp. 81e02.22441602225. M11000138 Advoes of outensen of schedule for performance of EDG hot weather test. R Ptedte epomung mports a rotated eermepensense eng et piert trorn dunn0 summer of 1994 to summer of 1995.or subsequent condshons permet. 3411330138 opera rept for Oct 1994 for Fort Calhoun Staton W/941115 ftr. GATES.W.G. Omahe Putihe Power Deinct 94/10/26.Documern Coreal Branch (Doc- LtPPY,0 L. GAT .W.G. hs Pubhc Power Distnet. 94/10/31. Opp. 81089.049-umera Contos Dookt 2pp. 8167726041677261. 81e89-056. M11070218D== mas mio re une of CECOR power peakm0 uncertenhos et Fort Col. TE Omahe Pubhc Power Distnet.94/10/31. Document Conpol Beanch (Doc. * ''" ' ' " **" *"**"** ument Control Desk). app. 816b4-04641654.048. M11180272 LER ko0740.on 941007,rew water pump seal water suppiv cutssos of

       $411100@41 Forwards apphcekon for amend to hcense DPR 40.makmg admwoot stve                                                                        dessen beamCaused by demon process prear to mihel tamure to adeckastely addrons to T5e 62 4 6 6.                                                                                    rgiortance of seal water avedekniity to RW pump operatukty W/941107 fir.

GA ,W.G. Chnehe Pubhc Power Distnet.94/11/11. Document Controf Branch A GESCHWENDER.J., GATES.W G. Omens Pimhc Power Detrict 94/11/07. epp. umerit Control Desk). 2pp 8177S.33241775.347. 81791 036 41791 443-

       -941114eN2 Appbcahon for amend to hoonee DPR-40,makmg admmmerebve changes to TSS s.2 & s.s.                                                                                                                     v. o,s,ete, g GATES.W G. Omarie Pihbe Power Dennet. 94> s1/11. 3pp. 81776.33441775.336.
       -9411140243 Proposed toch specs 52 & 5.6,                                                           admmistreovs changes.                       9411030002 Informs that on 941006.NRC edmmstered GFES of wntten operecor boens-
  • Omens Pubhc Power Distnct. M/11/11.11pp. 81 $.33741776.347. m0 evarn of educh taceny chd not partcipam & forwards copy of meser maarn &

enower key W/o enct N11380tse Dmousses hcensee 940819 Itr re rewmed contal room helstatniny evalue. GWYNN.T.P. Repon 4 (Post 820201L 94/10/26. PATTERSON,T.L. Omahe Pihhc ton to consuser any new poesntal hazards en vicznny of oneinforms that adcs eWo Power DeInct. 2pp. 8152e$3941520 040. needed to complete review. BLOOM.S. Prosect Drectorate IV-2 94/11/23.PATTERSON.T.L. Omahe Pi&he Power M11380234 Responds to Admmetrative LW 9412. " Operator Lacenemo Net! Exam Dutnet. 4pp 81850.33541950.338 Sc'edule." GA7ES.W G. Omaha Pubhc Power Domict94/11/17. Document Convol Brenen (Doc-ument Control DeskL 2pp. $195129541951296. M11200193 Summary of 941110 meetmg w/utes se tesrung & operator beenemo Mileasess La coreact.delmermg task order 45 ensued. "Svc Water Sys Operstonal meues.ust of steendees.meetmp & handouts erict. Performance inep Fort Calhoun." GWYNN.T.P. Regen 4 (Post 1). 94/11/22. Repon 4 (Post 820201). 27pp. Wl3 GINS.E.J Divmon of Conrects fPost 940714). NRC 03 93426. 94/09/22. 81869 00341869:029. LOFY.R.A. PARAMETER. Inc. epp.81602'17641002.181. i l N10140257Sisici 1 to NRC Info Sectos 93 080, "Reportng Fuel Cycle & Mens Events I to NRC Operemons Ctr." DOCKET to Ses asDeass PoeNT STATIDel. UNIT 3 BURNETT.R F. Devinson of Fuss Cycio Safety & Safeguents (post 930207). 94/10/20. C+ ' ' - _^ Echoon Co, of New York. Inc.12pp. 81816.29941516.310 F, securety, moquest, emergency & Iwo protection piens M10000163 NRC Info Notco 94476, "Recent Faslures of Chargmg/Seteey inpocton Pump 6herts? . M112sesse PDR verson of emergency procedures document took 2.Appe A.B 8 CW/ i GRIME 5.B K. Oftco of Nuclear Reactor Radat~t. Director (Post 870411). 94/10/26. Ier cito M1121 i Cw ~- ^ Eeaon Co. of f4ew York. Inc. i2pp. 81658:00141868S13.

  • C- -
                                                                                                                                                                           - Edmon Co 94/06/01. KAMMERER.C.C. Dvmon of Freedom of in-                                                                          l fonneton & Pubhcotons Servious (Post 940714). 2tpp. 0182629941826.326.

M11970eet Ack receet al 940930 lir mformm0 NRC of steps taken' correct voletons , noted m map rept 50 295/9449 N111ee300 "NRC Observed Partel Emerene.941013.Sceneno Manust" GWYNN.T.P. Reqpon 4 Niet R20201) 94/10/27 PATTERSON.T.L Omaha PubhC

  • Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authonlyk 94/10/13.

Power Disenct opp 81604276 41804.283. 194pp. 3176100141761:194. l T W G Omaha 1/ "" cl Branch (Doc-ument Control Deskt 3pp. 91775D924177S 094. CAMILL.WJ Power Authe y of the State of New York (New York Power Aughanty). t N1steess3 to NRC 941006 fir re violatons noted m ensp rept50 28$/94 20 94/10/25. Document Cm A Branch @ocument Control Deskt .h 815U.312-

 !              on 940030w31 -                                         tve --_ ^- - - . _ ~ _ ' map of pipng/welves & pumps re 99drame                        57722t W                                  Deinct.94/11/07. Document Conrol Branch (Doc.                  -94110103e3 umern Corend Dookk Gap.01775.127 41775.132.                                                                                               CAHILLWJ gasson for amend             to heense of Die          DPR44,relocabng Sum of New     York (New York                                  frePower    protecton   TSs.

Aulhantyk 94/10/25.1p. 8157731641 77:316. M111e0237 Re, morass to violemons noted m snap rest 50 285/94 15. Correctrue actons more seton instuctons revestgoted & ad=Paey of 1993 refusing outage -4411010230 Proposed toch specs re changes to relocate fre protecton regurements. EHC ECP' . wort orsors & preveneve memt orders reviewed.

  • Power Authoney of De State of New York (New York Power Authcrityt 94/10/25 GATET .. Omehe Pimhc Power Distnet.94/11/11. Document Control Branch (Doc- app. 81577.31641677.324 ument control Deskt opp.01775.32541775.331.

M11eee001 Forwards response to operstonal esteguards response evaluetonEnce M11008300NRC BWisen 94402. "Corrosson Probsems m Certen Staenisse Packagmg wethhsed (ret 10CFR2.790(d)). Used to Transport U Hexafhantse " HILL.L.M. Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authorey) 94/ PAPERIELLO.CJ Drviemn of inclustnel & 6teecal Nucemer Sately (Post 870729). 94/ 10/26 Documerit Coneol Branch (Document Coreal Dook). 2pp. 81736.264-11/14 C_- Eeaon Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. sit 16.31141816.322. 01736.265. M111ess37 NRC Info Notcs 94477. "MeNunction m Mesn Generator Voftege Regdetor M1H00347 Rev 1 m EPIP P-2205. OSC HP Team Leader " W/ table of contents , B's't . 94/11 17 Coria*=ted E C York. Inc. 7pp. 81816 323- 7 7 i

                                                                                                                                                                                             #                     **"                                         ^"*""'N "#                 #8
                .1 1.m 94113es014 Forwards map rept $0285/94-21 on 940011-1022Nonciled viologen                                                                         NH30e005 Fewords esp rept 60-2e6/94-22 on 94101214.No violatons noted.No noted to enenskal m rechoengicacy conoceed area w/o                                                                                        setty concens of moutons of r                , recurement were cheerved.

BEACH.A.B. Recon 4 (Post 820201) 94/11/17. PATTERSON.T.L Pubhc JOYNER.J H. Reqpon 1 (Post 026201L 94/11/17. Hla.LM Power Authonty of De Power Dminct. 4pp. 8164023941840J63. Shu (W New Yak (New York Power Aumont$ Spp.81640-1M-8184M8E L

     -44113ee010 insp rept60285/94-21 on 9409111022.NorWeed veoiston noted toepor                                                                      *4411300016 Insp rept 60w2tl6/94 22 on 94101214 No veistorn noted. Motor stees areas inspectadopershonal eefety vonficaton, plant support scevnes.masnt & aunres.                                                         mapected evaluaton of annual rec iosoe         EP exercsee conducted on 941013 tence ohnervatons. onene en0sneenng & Temporary instructon 2515/12g.                                                                       $4UrJ., KEIMiG.R. Regon 1 (Post i              1). 94/11/17.10pp. 8164019041840:199 JOHNSON.W.D. Repon 4 (Post $20201) 94/11/16 f tpp. 81640.24341640263.

N1119067e NRC Info Notee 94478. " Electric Comparent Failure thJe to Degradekon M113e0197 2306.rev 1 to Rowned IP.2311.revEPPs.mckse".0 22 to P 1021 rev 10rev 1 1025.rev to IP to P 2209.rev 9 to IP 10$3,rev 1 to IP62301. to IP. row 1 to P.

 .                                                       Chionde Wee Inmenton "                                                                            1057 & rev 6 tu IP-1059.

( GR tt . 94/11/21. Cormohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc 10pp.

  • Power Authnney ce the State of New York (New York Power Authonly). 94/11/21 81N8215 81648.224 83pp. 8187027241870.353
   - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---                                                     -                                                                                                                                                                                                    i

56 DOCKETED ITEMS P. Operating noenee stage .- 2 & correspondence O. Inspection reports. IE Bunettne & _. _. _ 9411040054 Lir cor* set. task ords "lPE Reviews.Intemal Events, Front End 9410140257 Suppl 1 to NRC into Nohce 93 060. "Reportmg Fuel Cycle & Matis Events Orvy to NRC Operates Clr " MACE.M Dmsson of Contracts (Post 940714) NRC44 91066 94/09/06. COLINAJ. BURNETT,R F. Dewieson of Fuel Cyr:8e Safety & Safeguards (Post 930207). 94/10/20 Sceence & Engmeermg Assoaetes enc.10pp 81009.33541609 344 Cor-*mted Edson Ca of New York, Inc.12pp. 81816.299 81816.310. H11030233Lt contract,defrwteno Task Order 35, "lPE Revows, Intemal Events Back- $410200153 NRC Wo Nonce 94476. "Recent Fa4ures of Chargmg/$6 fety infection Purnp Shafts" End MACE.MOnly"Dumon df Contracts (Post 940714). FIN L.1833. 94/09/19. MFYER.J GRIMES.B.K. Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/26. SCIENTECH. Iric. 2pp. 81602190 81602:190. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York, anc 12pp. 81658:00141658 013. 9411010287 Forwards apphCaton lor amend to hcense DPR44, relocating ihre protection M11070077 Fwwwds response e Urresolved item 93-16r10 re post- acc oent sam. TS regarements pknD sys decrepancies from 6nsp Rept50 286/93 16. CAHILLW) Power Authonty of the Sula of New York (New York Power Authority). CAHILLW.J Power Aut*ionty of the State of New York (New York Power Authorttv) 94/10/25 Documem Coreal Branch (Document Cormal Desk). 3pp. 81577.312' 94/10/31 Documera Control Branch (Document Controi Desk).13pp. 81654175 81677.324 81654 187. -9411010283Applicahon for amend to heense DPR44.re60cating fire protecton TSs 941H50048 Naponds to violabons nomd m map rept 54 286/94-21. Correctnre ac-ILL State al New York (New York Power Authonty). 31 BAST receWon VM sWm Favel adlusted & wwWed m he stoking proper-HILLLM. Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authority) 94/ -9411010299 Proposed tech specs re changes to retocate fue protecton requwements. M /03 Documpu Convol Branch (DocumerW Corwal Deskt 13pp. 01780.324

  • Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty). 94/10/25. 81780 138 8pp 81577.31641577.324 H 1020145 Forwards corrected TS to amenc 154.TS pages should have been issued N E ACC. RE[EA & soft morut pr Authonly of Sta e ork ew CONICELLA.N F. Pmpoet Drectorate k1. 94/10/28. CAMILLW.J. Power Authonty of LlM  % ol 6pp the State of New York (New York Power Authorityt opp.81586.07941586 064. 8177E138

-9411020181 Corrected tech spor pages354 & 3.5-9to amend 154 to luense DPR- 9411220029 Forwards ensp rept 50 286/94-24 on 940907-1011 Weak personnet per-64.mausd due to admm error pages submitted w/o 940908 suppt. tonnance noted Mamt works found mattentive m redomgicaHy conyoned

  • Pro 9ect Drectorate kt 94/10/28 2pp. 81586 08341586 004. area.unauthonrad operatson of plant equipment tw maint mecharucs COWGILLCJ. Region 1 (Post 820201) 94/11/10. MILLLM Power Authonty of the H11160143Nottfcauon of mornfmant boennae meetm0 94127w/utW on941117 to $t State of New York (New York Power Authonty). 3pp. 81796 09441796115.

cuas status of util soft a _ .; of restart & congnuous eriprovement plan progress PLASSER.A Regean 1 (Post 820201). 94/10/31. Region 1 (Post 820201). 3pp -9411220025 ansp rept 50 286/94 24 on 9409071011.Waak personnet performance 81746.35841746J60. rioted Malor areas mapoded plant operstons, maatt.. , - _ fa'11 support,saiety H11000104 Forwards amend 155 to lumnae DPR44 & safety evaluatm Amend re, assessmeMt & cuakty wenta anon. vues TS secton 4 6 8 to moorporate changes that allow tattery testeng surve41ance PLASSE.R.A. Nepon 1 (post 820201). 94/11/10 19pp. 8179609741796115. meerval extenssons CONsCELLA.N.F. Prosset Drectorate L1 94/11/02 CAHILLW.J Power Authonty of 9411090300 NRC Bulletm 94 002. "Corrumon Probesms e Certam Stamiesa Packagmg the State of New York (New York Power AuthontyL App.81658 18541658 197. Used to Transport U Hexafluonde " PAPERIELLO.CJ Dnnmon of trukstnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 04/ -4411000111 Amend 155 to leense DPR44.revieng TS esction 4.6.8 to ancorporate 11/14 Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc 12pp. 81816.31141816.322. charmes that a: low battery les surweelanue mterval entenmons MARD1.LB. Proisct Drectorate 1. 94/11/02. 5pp. 8165818441658:193. 9411100237NRC Into Notes 94 077. "Malfuncton m Masn Generator Voltage Regulator Causmg Overvoltage at SafetyAetated Elecincel Equipment" -M11000113 Safety evaluaton supportm0 amend 155 to license DPR44 GHIMES.B K. .94/11/17.Conachdated Edson Co of New York, enc. 7pp. 81816.323-

  • Ottum of Nucsear Reactor Regulation, Drector (Post 870411). 94/11/02. 4pp. 01816.329 81658 19441658 197.

9411200005 Forwards snap rept 50 286/94-22 on 94101214 No violatons noted No 9411090304 Suppis scheouter enormpton from piaret specific regarements associated safety concems of violatons of tory requrements were observed. w/10CFR50. App J.Secton llLD.3 & witheaws proposed change to TSs re leak rate JOYNERJ H Region 1 (Post 'Ott 94/11/17. HILLLM Power Authonty of the testng siterval for RHR containment molabon wasvetL State of New York (New York Power Authonty). 3pp. 8184017741640189. CAHILLWJ Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty). 94/11/02 Document Control Bronch (Documorit Control Desk). 4pp. 81750.344- ,,.9411200014 ansp rept E286/94 22 on 94101214 No violatons noted Maior areas 81750 347. mspected evaluation of annual radologmal EP enercme conducted on 941013 9411000068 Forwards nohce of with&owal of appbcation for amend to hcenes DPR44 CONICELLA.N F. Protect Drectorate F1. 94/11/03. CAHILLW.J Power Authority of $4111$0578NRC Mio Nohce M478. Electnc Cornponeed Fa4ure due to Depadahon the State of New York (New York Power Authonty). 3pp. 81658173 81658177. of Chlande Wre insulanon"

-84110e0062 Notco of withdrawal of apphcanon for amend to beense DPR44-MENNINGJ E. Propect Drectorale01. 94/11/03 2pp. 81658176 81658177.

h 2 581M8 4' i

                                                                                                               '"'O  ** "#4 ***"9'C8"Y                                     #

N11150400 Dis--s 941026meeang m Kong of Prunma.PA re motor operated wolve sasues w/Repon I heenseek Let of enendees. agenda.bcensee & NRC presentatons GRIMES B K. 94/11/23.Consohdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp 81848.225-

   & pensi sesason cuenbons enct                                                              81H8233-KEdY.E M Region 1 (Post 820201) 94/11/03 HILLLM Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty). 49pp 81742.296-81742.344.                         WO279 NRC hto W W. **lWte DC Ground Dowton m DC Dh
                                                         "     '*""'" "
  • IM S B K. . 94/11/25. Conschosted Edson Co. of New York. Iric.14pp amend paard $1849 23441848.247.

PQaARD.RD. Urwon of Concemed Scorthsts. POLLARD.R.D. Afflhahon Not As-sagned W/11/04 Duman el Freedom of information & Pubhashons benaces (Post M11170284 NRC Into Nohce 94481.

  • Accuracy of Bsoassay & Envron Samphn0 N*-

940714) 9pp 816391974t639.205. suits " PAPERIELLO.C.J. Dmmon of Indusinsi 8 Medcas Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 94/ 9411160162 Ademos that roguest for one-hme exemphon from regarements of para. 11/25. Consondated E&aan Co of New York, enc.12pp 81848.24841848.250  ; Draph til D.3 of J In 10CFR50. yanted Esemphon once Desctorate F1. 94/11/04 CAMILLWJ. Power Authonty of ) CONICELLA.N F. the State of New York (New York Power Authonty) 3pp. 8177210341772113 R. Portodic operstang toports a roasted sorroeporidence , l

-9411180172 Exempton Irorn recurements of 10CFR50. App J, paragraph litD.3.

HEBDON.F.J. Divumon of Reactor Pro,ects . l/II (Post 870411) 94/11/04 Power A* $41H$0447 Mordhly opergung rept for Oct 1994 for indian Porn 3 Nuc6eer Power j thonly of the State al New York (New York Power Authonty) 8pp. 81772106" Plant W/941110 ttr. I 81772 113- ORLANDO.T., HILLLM. Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power 94112101M Forwards apphcanon for amend to hoonee DPR44.revismg TS section

                                                                                                        )W          .epp. N W m m 310by reducmg man showatse control rod drop tmo from 2 4 esconds to 18 sec-lLLWJ Power Aumonty of the Slate of New York (New York Power Authonty).

I- ***""*"*"' 0 #'d ~ ' 94/11/16 Document Control B*ench (Document Cormal Desk). 2pp. 81831177-9411010365 LER 94430 01:en 940820.dpiermried that valve ovowthrust coredrtion ensts

    $1831187.                                                                                  for two Movs due to personnel error verves AC-MOV.784 & AChMOV /86 repeaced &
-9411210200 Appecaton for amend to hcense DPR44.revem0TS secton 310by re-                     returned to operatueny for es modes of operaton W/941022 fer.

aucm0 maximum aNowable contree rod top trme trarn 2 4 seconds to 1.8 seconds MARTSEN.F., HILLLM Power Autherny of the State of New York (New York Power CAMILLWJ Poiver Aulnonty el Ine State et New vort (New York Power Authority) Authonty).94/10/22. Bpp. 81586.07141586:078 94/11/16 2pp 8163117941831180. 9411220100 LER 94 01D40cn 941007. concluded that et least two EDGs snoperetne 441121020$Praposed toch specs reducung mammum allowabte control rod top tme durmg June 1992 surveelance test of cartion shousse fire protecton sys. Caused tv erk from 2 4 to 18 seconds arseousto procachiral atadence Sunteolance test rewtsed W/941107 ftr

  • Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty) 94/11/16 CAPUTO.C.. HILLL 03 Power Authonty of itw State of New York (New York Power 7pp 8183118141831-187. Authontyt94/11/07. Opp. 8185015941850167.

l l DOCKETEDITEMS 57 M11180264 Port 21 rept to os4ect en vane actuator for Copos Vulcan valve. Copes $411030115 Confrms arrangements for mgt meetmg w/utd on 941018 m t'ulcan Me mattuted upgrade on spnng adpustment screw wrucf1 redaces tfread un. Atlanta.GA Meetmg to encuna oversu performance of plant tammg program. Oorcut ares GIBSON.A F. Regean 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/17. HAMPTONJ W Duke Power Co. CAMILLWJ Power Authortly of the State of New York (New York Power Author #y). 3pp. 81560-18241560.184. 94/11/0s. Document Corarol Branch (Document Control Desk).12pp. 81781.267-81781.278. H11C70178 Discusses mgt meetmo on 940929 re Keowse engt plartinforms meetmo benefesal for NFIC & requests estaded plan be made evadaDie & loflow@ meetm0 be M11220008 Specasi rept to exterzied outage of CO fro protecton sys. Engmeenng we schensed before end of year W/ int of attonoses a keensee handout. rewme ehectiveness e/madow.ste post-mod tesang. BOGER.B.A. Regen 2 (Post $20201) 94/10/17. HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co. MILL.LM. Power Authonty of sne State or feew York (New York Power Authonty). 94/ 14pp. 81605.242 81605.255 11/14. Regson 1 (Post 820201). 5pp. 81832:31541832:319. 9411300028 Dmcusses 941010 meetmg w/uhl m A5enta.GA re overall panormance of M11250052 LER 9441140'on 941019.fa4ure to mantam recured eeuwaseni vented plant rareng program.Results of proveus snaps escussed Let of attendees. encl. openmg of 200 square mches m RC5 pieced piant m cordtson prohibned by GiBSON.A.F. Repon 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/20. HAMPTONJ1 Duke Power Co. VS.Operstons afvft order was maued on 941025 W/941118 Itr. 3pp 81871-1tl641871:168. O'BRIEN.D W., HILL.LM. Power Aumonty at the State of beew York (New York Power Autnanty) 94/11/18. 9pp. 81867.27641887.264 9411100210 Forwards rev to selected hconsee commstment manuai.rowsm0 Secten . 16 8.2 to use 100 kV Wansnussion sys from central ownchyard as oftene source of i V. Operster E.aamanshone seecycal power to cold shutdown dunng penods of testmg & memt. HAMPTONJ W Duke Power Co. 94/10/25. Document Contal Branch (Document Conrol Deskt 11pp. 81736.34341736.353. Nt1020029 Forwards documentation re NRC genonc fundamentats exam admmstered on 941006 rcludmg answer keys & gradng results $411020648 Docusses TIA 93 023 re use of nors4atety related svc water equipment at MEYER.G W Regen 1 (Post 82020f t 94/10/26 ROBENSTEIN.R. Power Authonty of plantper 940105 memo Specshc concem to use at plant et nordea1 sty related equip-the State of New York (New York Power Authomy) 2pp 8152818141528182. meni to mitigate acceent contified dunng renew of ECCW evs BEFiKOW.H N. Propect Drectorate #4 94/10/26. BOGGR.BA Regen 2 (Post 820201). 2pp. 81506.281L81566.298. j DDCKET E287 OCONEE NUCLEAR STATION, UNf7 3 94110e0122 Informs that staff unab6e to Grant reausst for rehof 934CL1 because nom. by-nom hst of weeds & map requrements & techncal base to support safety evalua-E $9CurHy, medecel, emergeracy & hre protectlen p4 ens 1 son of proposal had not been provided BERKOW.H N. Protect Drectorate li-3. M/10/26 TUCKMAN.M S. Duke Power Cn i M11230032 Forwards pubhc versson of Rev 9444 to Vol C, "Oconee Nuclear Sne opp. 81667.29441667297. l E icy Totephone Drectory " W/941121 release memo MAM TONJ W. Duke Power Co 94/05/05. Documorst Control Branch (Document 9411030300 regurements of Control Desk). 2pp. 81829 21941829 281. ASME Code anforms thatwelds panted for rehefmimm pre-service Rehof hydrostate testmg& 8901. Requests $&c7.8848.88-09 BERKOW.H N Propect Directorate 164. l>4/10/31. HAMPTONJ W Duke Power Co. -M11230045Pubhc verson of Rev 9441 to vol C. "Oconee Nucsear Sne Emergerry 4pp. 81808 03041608.033. Tesophone De " DOLAN.BJ Duke Co. 94/05/05. 31pp. 01829.22141829 251. M11070358 Forwards amends 207.207 & 204 to hcontes DPR48.DPR-47 & DPR. 56.respecevely. Amends rense TS 3 4 to adessa need to bypass automate mneten -9411230056 PiMic version of Change 0 to RP/0/B/1000/15. "Offsne Communca or ErS when MFP discharge pressure below actuaten setpoent durmg startup. cons " wtENS.LA. Propoet Drectorate D-3. 94/10/31 HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co. 3pp. BROWN.J.R., JENNINGS,C.C. Duke Power Ca 94/05/C2. 30pp. 81829.252- 81621:32941621:349 81829.281. 94110102314nturms that rev 94-05 to redenen emergency plan for p4 ants -9411070363 Amends 207.207 & 204 to hcenses DPR48.DPR 47 & DPR 65.

                                                                                   &    respectnsesy,rememo TS 3 4 to address need to Dypass automanc rwhaton of EFS meet plannmg stds of 10CFR50 47(b) & ressrements of app E to 10CFR$0                   when MFP decharge pressure beeow actusten eetpomt               startup & ahutdown-util of otAaehons 1f proposed changes sought m hauro                                   BERKOW.N.N. Progect Drectorate il 3 94/10/31.12pp 81621          41621:343 CLINE.W L Regen 2 (r'ost 820201) 94/10/11. HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co. 3pp 81515 152 41515 154,
                                                                                      -9411070364 Safety evaluation suppstng amends 207.207 & 204 to heenses DPR.

38.DPR-47 & DPR45.respeceveey 9411030074 Forwents map repts 50-269/94-27.50-270/94-27 & SG287/94-27 on . Offeos of Nuclear Reactor Reguistoon, Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/31. 6pp. 9408290915.No violatsons noted. 81621 344 41621.349 COLLINS.D M Q 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/14 HAMPTON,J W. Duke Power Co 3pp. 8156000141m011 9411100061 Surrynary of 941003 meetmo */uhl re doesgn & technmal details of prt> -9411030084 Insp repts $4269/94-27,50270/94-27 & $0-287/94-27 on 940829 0915 No wolatons noted Mapor areas mapacted. area of physscal securtly program for

                                                                                               ,j,,fno,,, ena"g power reaciartspecshcany access control for personnet. packages & vehmtes.

WlE NS.L A. Prosect Duectorste 11 4 94/11/10. Protect Drectorate 11- 3 . epp. MASNYK.O M Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/14. pop. 81560 00441560 012. 01782 138 81782141. 9411100139 verson of rev to OMP 1-7, "Operatens E** CY Re-MWO2H Sumniary at M212 meenno *M re status W N being N W Forwards sponse Organaanon, N' revised cover sheet & table of08contentW/9411'9"" Keoweerelease hydrostaton. Forwards het of rneetmg attendees & bconnee handuut. WlE NS,LA Prosect Dwectorate H4. 94/11/14. Protect Drectorale ll4 87pp. HAMPTONJ W Duke Power Ca 94/10/19 Document Conpol Branch (Docurnent OlIIIE4##I Coreot Deskt 3pp 81726.25341726.313 M11300059 Appbcaton tur amends to hoenses DPR-55.rowsm0TSs to sissport oper- -M1110J 3, P@ic verson of rev to OMP 17. "Operatons Emergency Response Or- $p a "9 * ' Powe"r Co H/11

           .B.J. Duke Power Co.94/10/19 57pp. 8172625641726 313.                        Consol Denk). Spp. 81906 00141906.151.'22. Document Contal Branch (Document 9411210401 Advises that 940701 Rev 0 to physcal escunty piari conentent w/ prow        -9411300074 Proposed toch specs supportng operaten at full rated power durm0 sians of 10CFR50 54(p) & acceptabie Some changes requFe clarticaDJN as Oekneat-        CYC0010 ed m enct Enct withheed (ret 10CFR73.21)
  • Duke Power Co.94/11/22. 47pp 81906 00641906.052.

COLLINS.D M Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/09. HAMPTON.J W. Duke Power Co 3pp. 8189217241892174 -4411300000 Rev 0 to "Ooonee Nuclear Staten Unit 3.Cycto 16 Reload Rept "

  • Duke Power Co. 94/10/31. 80pp. 81906 05341906151.

M11220295 Responds to wolabons noemd m map repts50 269/94 27, 50 270/94 27 & SO 287/94 27 Correceve actonsvnescorted access prooses renewed. TUCKMAN.M S Duke Power Co 94/11/14 Offre at Nucteer Fer RepAalon, Oi- O. Imipection reports, IE Busstens & . rector (Post $70411) 4pp. 81633 02241833 025 M11220192 $4rewts changes made to Urvt 2 data pont hbrary on 941115 9411030200 Le contract.netwvitan0 lask order 43 entined. " Follow Up to Svc Water Sys Operstenal Panormance insp.Oconee." HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co. 94/11/15 Document Control Branch (Domment W6GGINS.EJ Drveen of Contracts (Post 940714). NRC43-90426. 94/09/22. ConeciDesk) Sim $1892.32941892.334. LOFY,RA PARAMETER, kic. 6pp 81607.33041607.335. IL UtNety Final Safety Analysts Report (FSAR) & amends 9411010108 Ack receipt of H0923 Itr mtormm0 NRC of steps taken to correct violatons roied as map rupts50269/9441,50E70/94 21 & $0w287/94-21. BOGER.BA F 2 (Post 820201). M/10/07. HAMPTONJ W. Duke $)ower Co M11300382 Forwards revs to Oconee Selected Lscensee C_ .. a ManualSLC 3pp 81514 1514 286. Manuel is Chatmer 16 0 to FSAR & we be updated as needed yr. HAMPTONJ W. Nke Power Ca N/11/Dt. Document Control h (Document 9411010111 Ack receipt al 940920 Itr riformm0 NRC of steps taken to correct violatons Coreni Desk) 2pp 8191404741910 065. noted m snap repts50 269/94-19. 50 270/9449 4 50-287/9419 on 940727. SINKULE.M V. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/12. HAMPTONJ W Duke Power Co. M t1300395 Revs to Oconee Nuclear Siston Seiected Licensee C- 3pp. 81514.28741514289

  • Duke Power Ca94/10/20.17pp 8191004941910-005.

94110100s9 Forwarca map repts 505269/94 26.50270/94 26 & 54207/94 26 on P. Operatsng liceries stage documents & _ 940829 0002 & 12-16 & nonce el veoeston Volsten et concem because procedure prepared as correceve acton for cometen had rot been performed as required CRLENJAK,R V. Repen 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/13 NAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co. 9411070270Exterids mutaten to regon il bconsees to partcipate w/NRR & regon ll 3pp. 81514 \S181514177. rectementat vos m dm===n et GL 85lL10 motor 4perated valve programs Meetmg to be heed on Miles m Ananta.GA Meetmg notre & egentia enci -9411010001 feotco of wolaton tram irisp on 9408294916Violaton notediadule to GtBSON.A F. Repon 2 (Post &20201). 94/10/12 HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co perform sene.orwuel venticanon of vetve ponrison as reaurred Cpp 8160604441608047.

  • Regen 2 (Post 820201L 94/10/13. 2pp 81514 it 441514165

l 58 DOCKETEDITEMS -9411010087 inop rapts $0269/94 28.60 270/94-26 4 $0487/94-26 on 9408290902 94911$0408 Responds to NRC941013ftr te volatons noted m inep repts 60-269/94-

 & 1216 Vaulatons roted Mapor areas menected sooouncy of correcove actmns for              26.50470/9446 & M287/94-26 Corrective actmns performed procedure on940901 voleton.deviaten & Indir9s edentsried dunng t.D5lri                                       4 enated probiem eweshgalmn process RUDi& AIL.E. bHYMLOCK.M Repon 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/12 12pp. 81$14166-                    HAMPTON.J W Duke Power Co 94/11/10 Document Control Branch (Documerit 81514 177                                                                                 Control Desk).409 81781 06&41781 091.

9411030074 Forwards map repts 60'269/94 27.60 270/944 & %267/94 27 on w11oe0300 NRC Bohetm 94 002. "Corrosen Protisems m Certain Stamtess Packagmg 9408294915 No veonstens noted Used to Transport U Hwafhersoe " COLA.1NS.D M Region 2 { Poet 820201). 94/10/14 HAMPTONJ W Duke Power Co PAPERIELLO.C.J Divuon of ineminal & Medical Nucisar $stety (Post 870729). 94/ 3pp 81660 00141neo-01r. 11/14 Consohdated Echmon Co of New York. anc.12pp 81816 31141816 322 -4411030064 Insp repts %269/94 27.60270/94-27 & $0 287/94 27 on 940829 MM220266 Forwards amwom e Questiors 1.4 4 6 of five ouestens provided to unt io 0916 No violatens noted Masar areas mapocladarea of phyncal secunty program to' asmat NRC m composton of review of second 10-yr ISI meerval Reesent ter Rebel power reac1 ors.spectically acwas controd tor personnel. packages & venicks ONS004.per NRC regnet at 941025 meetmg MASNYK.O M, MCGutRE Regon 2 (Post 820201) 94/1p/14. 9pp. 81660004 HAMPTON.J W Duke Power Co 94/11/14 Document Control Branch (Document OlNII Control Desk). 4pp. 81944 35641644 MS M10140257 Euppi 1 to NRC info Notco 93-080. "Reportmg f uel Cycle & Mans Events to NRC Operanons Ctr - 94 H220295 Responds to wwwatons noted m ansp repts SM69/9447,60,F70/9447 & BURNETT.R F. Oswison of Fuel Cycle Estety & Sateguards (Post 930207) 94/10/20. m287/94 27 Conochve acInns uneocorwd access pem enewed Coneohdated Edmon Co of New tork. Inc.12pp 81816.29941816 310 TUCkMAN.M S Duke Power Co 94/11/14 Office of Nuclear iWmr Rea**G [A rector (Post 870411) 4pp 81633 02241633 025 M11070179 Forwards snap repts %269/94 28.60170/9448 4 50 287/9418 on 9408284ll24 &notme of violaimn Veueston of conoom tiecause fadure to follow pre Mt1300060 Diecusses map et hcerwes DPR-38.DPR47 & DPR 55 on 941212 & for-dure dunnp mod ocusangered plant personnel & resulted an sons et rachauon morutors wards requested mio

 $LINKULE.M V Regon 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/20 HAMPTONJ W Duke Power Co                      PEEBLES T A Rorpon 2 (Post $20201). 94/11/14 HAMPTONJ W Duke Power Co.

3po 81805 25681605274 app 8167120041871203 -9411070187 Notme of violaten from anap on 9408284924 Violatoon notedfadure to g4t1300176 Discusses 941210SALP meeting w/utd to docuss piant persormarice over fonow procedure dunng mod activity which resulted m lose of unn 1 preneurwar sgrey post 18 montta veno & tack of proceduralimamanne for B&W compreessve kmit tDNETCRAD Regen 2 (Not $20201) 94/11/14. THOMPSON.S South Carchne.

  • Roomn 2 (Post $20J01) 64/10/20. 2pp 818062$941606.280. State et 3pp 8187224541872 247.

-9411070182 Insp repts 50 269/$4 28.E270/9448 4 60287/94 28 on 940828 N11290008 Ack receipt of 940906far WWormmg NRC of steps taken to correct violations DB24 Vaulatons noted Maior areas eispected plant operabons.eurvedlance read m map repm60469/9415. %270/R16 & 60487/k16 UEM ogon 2 (Post 820201h 94/10/20.14pp. 81806 261-8180s ,IN74 E f8 0 4 16 9411100237 NRC into Notice 94 077. "Marfuncton m Mam Generator Voltage RetNistor 9411300026 Di-=a 941018 meetr al w/utd in Attenta.GA re overa8 persormance og " E*e"s'5f"U 7e"on*, 774s't 8M"MT0/N'"HAJA"ON"j' T'"{"S**C'is, Co DDE17 E*eoUim"aNNv-k 'nc. 7. Si8,0:323 3pp 81671'166-81671.168 81816 329 N11010108 Forwards map repts $G269/k30.50-270/94 30 & SO487/94 30 on M19160678 NRC Into Notce 34478, "Eisc9 c Component Fadure due to Degradaten 940920'21 No vio4anons emted of Posyvmyl Chlorute Wire insulaban" CLINE W E Roomn 2 (Post 820201194/10/21 HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co 3pp. GRIMf S.B K 94/11/21. Consolidated fdison Co of New York. Inc 10pp. 8180$ 079 81666 094 81848.21541848 224 -9411070114inap recta 60469/94 30.60 270/94-30 & $0 287/94,30 on 640920 21 No M11290233Ach receipt o8 941013Itr WWomung NRC c4 steps taken to correct vio6ations vminuons noted Magnr eroes ensported contumatory neonauromonts noted in insp fepts60-209/94 26. 60470/ % 26 & 60 187/94 26 JONES.D W,DEChER.1.R Repon 2 (post $20201) 94/10/20 13pp 81805 082- CRLDAIAK.R v Regen 2 (Poet $20201) 04/11/22 HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co 8100b OH 3pp 81870140418/0142 9410200153 NRC into Nobce 94476. "Recent Fadures of Chargmg/$ately bipoction 9411170038 NRC Info Notco 94479. "Microtnolopcally Innuenced Corroson of EDQ Pump Shafts " Swc Water Papag " GHMES.8 K Orhoe of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten. Director (Post 870411) 94/10/26. GRIMEE.8 K. 94/11/23 Consohdated Eeoon Co of New York. Inc opp.81848.225-Conschdaied Edman Co. of New vork. Inc 12pp 81858 001416$8.013 81848 233 9411020088 Responds to NRC941007 nr te violatone noted m rap repts SOL 263/94 M H300001 Fore map repu M269/HMM270/kN & S287/94-H on 25.%270/94 25 & 60487/94-25 Correc6ve actons operstons shift manager rum

  • 941024 28 & nonce of violation upnnaitwe for verWyme that an operators have cornsweted rowww pnar to weekty esams. HAMPTONJ W. Duke Ptiwer Co. 3pp.

HAMPTONJ W Duke Power Co 94/10/26 Ducument Control pratich (Document CL,INE.W E Repon g3 79 001418/t 024 2 (Posi 820201). 94/11/23 Control Desk) 10pp 815909574159&066 9411290066Nottfoshan of segnificant hcensee meetmg w/utW on941117to discuss per- -M11300005 Nohce of velston trom enop on 941024 28 Vmtaten noted bconese faded turmance of p6 ant tacety dunno penod of 830$02 M1029 to sceow approved M em enouremenu

 $1N4WLE.M V Roomn 2 (Post 820201) M/10/27 Regen 2 (Post 820201) 2pp
  • Regen 2 (Poet 820201). /11/23 3pp. 8187100441871006 91857.3S6-81857.357
                                                                                        -M11300011 Insp repts 54260/94M50470/9444 & 66 287/9444 on N1024-N110703s4 Reagends to NRC N1018 ter se motatnns noted in snap repts 60 269/93               28 Vipefbons noted Maior areas insputed hoensee radiation protecten program uw 02.E270/9342 4 60287/93 02 Corrective actores commament to test vanes 10G.                volved rewww of occupehorial suposures 7 & 2OG 7 to werey operaton & gusMy -- - ' performance of waives adopted                  W5HGHT.F N . RANKIN.W H Regen 2 (Post $20201). 94/11/23 18pp 81871007 HAMPTONJ W Duke Power Co t64/11/01. Document Control Branch (Ducument                     81471 024 Corect Desk) 7pp. 81676108 81676114 M11170279NRC Into Notice 94080 "Insdesate DC Ground Detecton m DC Distr 8mr

$411070357 Rasgumde to NRC 94D512 lir te violatons noted en snup repts 16 269/93- Dnn Sys" 26.50-270/93 26 & $0 287/93-25 Conectwo actens mod would mesaN orthoe m pSw GRNLS.B K. . 94/11/26 Coneohdated Edreon Co of New York. Inc topp to prevent potenhal water hommer event from occumng m 81848.234 49648 247. HAMPTONJ W Duke Power Co 94/11/02. Documeni Bianch (Document Cerect Desk) 2pp 8187610641678107. 941117o244 NRC Into Notre M401. " Accuracy of timessay & Erwwon bampemg Re. suh M11oe0os2 Forwards map repts 60 289/k33.50-270/94 33 4 50487/9443 on PAPERIELLO.CJ Dwoon of Industnal & Modecal Nuc4 ear Sately (Post 8707291 94/ 941003 07 & notcm of dovutoninep did not reveal vmtelinns of NRC ressrenung 11/25 kneohnsted E$ ton Ce of New Yorti. Inc.12pp. 81848.24881848250 CRLE NJAff R V Regson 2 (Pont 820201) 94/11/02 HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co 3pp 8163918841639182 -9411990089 Notum of tienaton trem map on 94100347. Deviation noemd unst 3 ten E Pe@&c wenng 6 & Meted concependemo purary mtxt estatted m reactor protective sys that ed not meet FSAR commitments for e6ectiras anoismon M11250036 Forwards monthly operating repts for Oct 1994 for Oconee Nuclear Station

  • Regen 2 (Pcsst 820201) 94/11/021p 91&7917141639171 f. rewmed rept tot bapt 1994 WEBER.R L. Duke Power Co 94'11/15 Documeni Conhoi Brertch (Dor.ument Con-

-94110e0095 Insp repts60460/9443.SG270/94-33 4 50287/M $3 on 941003-07 No Dot Desk) Pop 8188910741sa9124 deviatons noted Mame areas snesmetod enonsonn0 & techrscal support acevehes,dawgn cfm & piant mods & tollow@ on previous eisp Andirge -9411260042 Monthly operstmg repts kw Oct 1994 for Ocorise Nuclear Plent THouAS.M.. CAs16.C. Regen 2 (Posi 820201) 94/11/02 11pp 81639 172- WILiaAMS,R A Duke Power to 9n/10/31 15pp 8188910981889123 81639 162.

                                                                                         -M11250044Reviend monthly operatsg repts for Sept 1994 tar Ooonee Nicieer Ptarit M 11210207 Ach receipt of 941019 ter snitymmg NRC et steps taken to correct de*
  • Duke Powe Co 94/09/301p 8188912441889124 atons E269/944444.SD 270/944444 & E287/94 24 04 N64C reviewing taams of dermal re clowestons60-269/944a46 56270/94 2445 8 %287/94 2445 BOGER B A Rets. 9< n 2 (post 820201) 94/11/07. HAMPTONJ W Duke Power Co V^OpeMarEs-3pp 817e51484178515'1 9411240048Act recoept of 941024ftr edrperung NRC of steps tasen to terrect violatons $411080229 Roeponds to Admirustrative LD 9412. " Operator Lorensmg Natl Enam noted m ymp repts W269'94 PS. M270/M 26 & bO.287i94 25 Schedade
  • Git %ON.M Regen 2 (Poet $20201) 94/11/09 HAMPTONJ W Duke Power Co TUCKMAN.M $ Ekse Power Co 94/11/04 Document Control Branch (Document 2pp 618S7.289 81867.290 Coreat Doesa 6pp 81679 70501679 209 e

DOCKETEDITEMS 59 DOCKET e4288 RtED COREGE RESEARCH RMCTOR Q. Inspection reports. IE Bunenne & correspo.dience W. OperMor E- 9410140257 Sepl 1 to NRC Info Notee 93460. "Reportmg Fuel Cycle & Matts Events to NRC Operstons Ctr." BURNETT.R F Drnson of Fuel Cyc:s Safety & Sateguards (Post 930207). 94/10/20. M11148032 Informs that hated ret mati regured re wntion & operstng exams scheduled Consohdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc.12pp 81416299 81816.310. for ut of 950123 Response requestad wenm 60 days pnor to exam date LANGE.OJ. Opere1or Lcenssng Branch 94/11/01. KOBLIK.S.S. Reed Conoge, Port. 9411020047 Forwards inso rept 50 289/9440 on 940829 0916 &rence of volaten land. OR. topp.81736 07441736 083. COOPER.R W. Regson 1 (Poet 820201). 94/10/24. BROUGHTON.T.G. General Pubic l Utsties Corp. - GPU Servce Corp. 4pp. 81528.22141528.258. l DOCKET 84289 THREE MILE ISLAND NUCLEAR ST ATIOtt, UPNT 1 *M020049 Notre of volaton Pom map on 940829 0916 Vetenon notadon 940830. plant personnet deterred / cancelled several PMs on safety renated MOVs w/o ; proper technmal sustifcahon or . -..; of adecuacy of PM program. j E $80H'#V. medmal, emergency & fire protectlen plans

  • Respon 1 (Post 820201). 94/10/24. 2pp. 8152822541528.226. .

9411180252 Forwards ERD $ emplementaten cocumentsW/c oncl. -9411020053 Insp rept 50-289/9440 on 9408294916Vetshons noted.Masor areas i JOLK;OEURJR encident Response Branen. 94/10/06. BAULK.L Haastuton NUS mapocted:operatons.mamt & surmnance.engmoenn0 propom sesoluten/conchve j ErMronmental Corp.1p. 81609.01641809-018. actors & end mee , PERRY,N. Repon 1 ost 820201). 94/10/18. 32pp. 81528:22741528258. J 9411030231 Revised EPIPs.mcludmD EPIP-TMi-03.Rev 13.PCR 14P444035.EPIP. TMi@,Rev 13,PCR 1.EP-944033 4EPIP.TMi .06.Rev 15.PCR 1-EP-944034. 9410200113 NRC Into Nohce 94476, "Recent Fadures of Charyng/ Safety inpocton BEAVERJ.. NELSON M A General Putsc Utstees Corp. . GPU Service Corp. 94/10/ Pump Shafts."

20. 77pp. 81640 00141640:077 GRIMES.B.K. Othce of Nucteer Reactor Regulaton. Director (Post 870411). 94/10/26.

Conschdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 81658-00141658 013. 9411080099 Rev 6 to EPtP.TMI-29. "OSC Operatons? I

  • General Put*c Utsties Corp. - GPU Sennce Corp 94/10/31. 33pp. 81676.313- 9411080109 Responds to violatons roled in map rept 5428S/9419. Correctve I 81676:346, transrrutters semihar to suspect tranammer soentified & checked to venty I proper valve posamn. 1 9411160018 Rev 4 to EPla TMt. 28. "Acevation of TSC a BROUGHTON.T.G. General Putte Utiisbes Corp. - GPU Service Corp 94/11/02. Doc. l
  • General Puthc Ubbt;es Corp. . GPU 5ervce Corp. 94/11/04.14pp. 81780066 ument Control Brarch (Document Control Desk). 5pp. 81676.353 01676.357.  !

B1780.081. 9411100058 Forwards map repts 50 289/94 22 4 64320/9446 on 94100447.No vote-9411300327 Rev 6 to EPIP TMis36. "Emergercy Assemtdy & Srte Evacuaten

  • tons rel*ti
    ' General Pt4*c Ulmbes Corp. . GPU 5ervice Corp. 94/11/14. 33pp. 61910066                   JOYNER,J.H. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/08. SROUGHTON.T.G. General Putdec 81910 098                                                                                   Utdrtes Corp. - GPU Sennce Corp. 3pp. 81775 00141775:012.

9411220064 Forwierde map rept 54289/94 21 on 9409201031.Volaton roted tsut not -44111000E3 Insp repts 60289/94 22 & $4320/9446 on 94100446.N3 volabons caed.insorms that documn not to cite sem t>ased on NRC enforcement pohcy goal of noted. Major areas inspected.sudits.appremals, changes to program & saaessment of encour hoenese to pursue selladentfcanon & correchon of protWoms. mtakes of radioactve matensl. DURRJ . 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/15 BROUGHTON.1.G. General Ptasc Utd. NICK,J BORES.R. Regon 1 (Post B20201). 94/11/03. topp. 81775.00441775:012. mes Corp . G Senace Corp. 3pp. 01797.25241797.267. 9411090300 NRC BJiebn 94 002. "Corrosen Prot >1 ems e Certam Stam6ess Packagm0

 -8411220087 Irep rept 54 289/94 21 on 9409201031 Vointon nosed tot not                         Used to Transpurt U Hexafluonde" oned Mapor areas mapected:ptant operatorts.mamt, enyneenng,redologmat controls &            PAPERIELLO.CJ. Dhneen c8 inchstnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 94/

11/14. Coneohdated Edison Co of New Yom. Inc.12pp 81016.31141818.322. 9OGG J.F. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/15.13pp. 81797.25541797267. R 9411220064 Forwards map rept 50 289/94 21 on 9409241031Wotabon noted tiut not

 $411280C38 Forwards physscal sectatty mmo rept 50 289/94 24 on 941031- 1104.No                 cned. informs that coanon riot to cne nem knamed on NRC enforcement pokcy goal of violatons noted.                                                                                         heenses to pursue selladormicanon & correcton of protWoms.

JOYNER.J.H Region 1 (Post $20201). 04/11/17. BROUGHTON.T.G. General Putec DURR,J . 1 (Post 820201) 94/11/15 BROUGHTON,T.G. General Put*c Utd. Uthtnes Corp. . GPU Service Corp. 3pp. 01840.334 81840.340. ses Corp. . Servce Corp Spp.81797:252 81797267 8411280042 289/9424 on 9410311104.No volatons noted. Mapar areas - 9411220087 Irisp rept 50-289/94-21 on 9409241331.Voiston noted tiut set Insp reptsig60'nportsecurity program plans, protected ares detecton. mapected auchts.mgt alarmcited Magir areas inspected. plant opershons.marnt. .. . - #="~==a controls & statens & commurucanons testm0 & memtenance secunty Kif<s.E.B, MCCASEA C. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/17. 4pp. 81840.337 ROGGE J.F. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/15.13pp,01797:25541797.267. 01840:340. M11100237NRC info Notme 94 077, "Mattuncton m Man Generator Voltage Regulator 9411300167 Rev 6 to EPIP 6410-ADM-1300 05. " Emergency Equipment Readiness" CausngOverwortaos at Safety-Related Eisetncat Equipment"

  • General Pt4*c Utsties Corp. . GPU Service Corp 94/11/17. 50pp. 81307263- GRME5.B K. 94/11/17. Conschdated Edreon Co. of New Yorts anc. 7pp. 01818:323-81907.312. 81818.329.

9411280038 Forwards physcel secunty inep rept $4289'9424 on 941031 1104.No P. Operatin8 ticense atase 1 _ & correspondence vmsstuns noted. JOYNER.J H. R 1 (Post 820201) 94/11/17. BROUGHTON.T.G General Putsc 94t1020001 Summanres941020 meetnp m/um m fOng of Prusena.PA ve util programs UWibes Corp. . C Servce Corp. 3pp. 018#WM344 f8 piants Mw/Region KELLY.E respect to GL 1 (Post BEL 10. 820201). " Safety. 94/10/21 Reiated esov BARTONJ.J. Tesung Cameral PL4*c& Survedance'UWnies

                                                                                              -44H280042 trap rect 54289/9424 on 941031.H04 No volatens noted. Maior arm Corp. . GPU Sennce Corp.19pp. 81528 02041528-038.                                           stepacted sudits.nigt support.secuity program plans. protected area detecton. alarm statens & communicetons.testmo & mantenance.

9411020012 Discusses 941020 mopeng tietween uti & NRC held at Regen 1 othee.Kmg KING.E.B MCCABEAC. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/17. App. 81840:337 of f4usasa.PA ve und programs at TMI & Oyster Creek to GL 8910. " Safety Retsted 818 #.340 MOV TesDng & Survesitanoa." List of afterceos & presentaten shoes enct KELLY E M R 1 (Post $20221) 94/10/21. BROUGHTON.T.G. General Putsc N11290180 Forwards venponse to violatore noted m inep Rept 50-289/9440 Correc-Utihlsos Corp . Serves Corp.10pp. 81528.058-81528:078. Dve actens mant dept asued Plant Mant Standmg Oroer 32/ev 0 to ensure regnare-rnems of Step 42.3.D met. M11090137Notificaton of941115 meetmg w/utli in Medletown.PA to resena current BROUGHTON.T.G. General Put*c Untites Corp. . GPU Servens Corp 94/11/18. Doc. status of hoonano actrvees et piant ume*it Conpol Brancti(Document Control Desk). 3pp 81902.35841WC2:360. HERNAN.R w Protect Directorate M. 94/11/01.MCKEE.P.F. Propect Drectorate M 3pp. 01715 25141715253. M11tS0578 NRC Info Notco 94478. "Electnc Component Fadure due to Degradaton of Polvvinyt Chionde Were insulatert" 9411000189 Natifcaten of 941100 meetm0 w/GPU Nuclear Corp in Rockvte.MD to GRIMLS.B K. . 94/11/21. Conschdated Edson Co of New Yoret. Inc. topp. thecuss procans for GPU Nuclear Corp to conduct future core load a 81848.21541648.224. HERNAN R W Propect Dractorate M 94/11/02. MCKEE.P F. Progect le 5 4. 3pp. 81850 2ti641858268. 9411170039 NRC Into Notco 64 079. "Merotnologceny inhuenced Conomen of EDG Svc Water Pipng

  • N11188548 Advises that although townw of940419 TS change 237 revealed number GRIMES,B.K. 94/11/23 Consohdated Eeson Cn of New Yorit. Inc. 9pp. 01848.225-of insuma.whch consistuted rechJcton m commaments from paan accepted 81848.233 by 94RC as enci attachment 1.coeratonal quakly plan sately 10CF $0 MODES.M C. Regen 1 (Post 820201t 94/11/04 BROUGHTON.T.G Putsc 9411300328 Achases that taned on results of ove water sys operatonal performance Utstes Corp. . Gru Service Corp. 3pp. 81744.34H1744.349. sisp to med cycle mamt of CCW HXs was amplemomed for SAGER.DA Florula Power & L Co. 94/11/23 Document Branch (Docu M11100187 Informs Sist staff reviewed lon0 ranDe conwel red enve pian & imda a ment Control Deskt 2pp. 81923. 1923.344.

acceptatile.on taassa of completon of commaments hated m CAL 944-004.mctudin0 octons Staff conneses CAL t) to closed 9411170279 NRC Into Noace 94480. " inadequate DC Ground Detecten m DC Distnte VA G S A. Deveem of Reector Pro,ects - t/11 (Post fl70411). 94/11/09. ton SylL" BROUGHTON.1 G. Generet Putec Utstes Corp - GPU Senace Corp. 4pp. 81770:353 GRNES.B K. . 94/11/25 Canschdoted Edson Ca of New Yortt, enc. 14pp. 81770 357 81848 23441848247. H1129pt18 Summary of 941108 meetng w/uti m Rockwee.MD ve core resoad method- 9411170284 NRC Info Nubce 94481. " Accuracy of Beassay & Envuon Samphn0Re. et plant. suits " HE .R W ProgeCl Drectorate 64 94/11/22. Pro,ect Drectorate 4-4 22pp PAPERIELLO.C.J. Chvison of Industnal & Mechcal Nucosar Safety (Post 870729). 941 81en8 09441866115. 11/25 Conachdated Edroon Co. of New Yoret snc.12pp. 8184824841848.250

60 DOCKETEDITEMS PL penoec operating Foports & rotated eDrTespondence L Flnencial informaten N11010161 " Nuclear Safety & Comphance Commmee Semannual Rept 21 940401- M11230231 Forwards "BECO 1993 Annuet Rept." BECO Form 10 0 for quarter ended 0930 " W/941025 tir 940930 as taed w/Secuntes & Endange Commmason, cash flow forecast for yr 1995 TROCT.C.A., HUMPHREYS.L.L.. WILSON.W A Gereral Public Utebes Corp. . GPU & narratwo sumnwry of curtadment of capital exponetures. Sarwce Corp M/09/30.15pp 81574.33tF81574.350. JUDGEJA. Boston Eeson Co 94/11/15. Othce of Nuclear Reactor Regulatson. Di-9411210137 Montrey opera rept sur Oct 1994 for TMt-1 W/941100 Itr HEYSEK.W G BROUGHT .T.G General Puuic Utikbes Corp. . GPU Sarwce Corp. 94/10/31. Opp 8183114741831154 P. Opersong Econes stage documents & -.- H11140294 Forwards long-range plannmg program serru. annual update of ennegrated schodr' aBC" protect bstmg M11030240 Lir contract. mod 2 to task order 13 ewtoneng pe ed of performance from LONG.4 L General Pubhc Uteties Corp - GPU Serwce Corp 94/11/07. Document 941014 to 950413at no addl cost to IPE Renews.insernal Events Front End Control M (Documerit Carmel Desk). 22pp. 81781.28541781.306. Only." tar p6 ant MACE.M Dwmon of Corwacts (Post 940714). NRC 04-91066. 94/09/01. COUNA.L Science & Engmoenng Assocates. Inc. 10. $1607.29341607294. 9411030258 Summary of941004 meetm0 w/util m Rockelle.MD re presentatmn made N11070090 Fnal Part 21 rept 94 002A re three air start detnbutor cams crackmg at un reactor core shroud.Meehng handouts & kst of attendees enci. p6 ants Cams teplaced w/ cams made vemg eoctnc arc. EATON.R B. Protect Desctorate h3. 94/10/14. Protect Deectorate L3. 24pp. PRATIANNE.S A Coltec Industnes. Inc. 94/06/01 Document Control Branch (Docu- 8160729941607.322 mont ContrW Desk). 5pp. 8165420041654.213. 9411030222 Forwards response to 941019 RAI re reactor core shroud at H11070203 LER 94-006 03on 941002.medvertent actuaten of EG Y 1B occurred due pentPropnetary response to Queston 4 also enct Proprestary response weireid. to personnet enor. Lead replaced.668/E relay reset & EG Y 1B tweaker automancany OUVtER.LJ. Boston Edson Co 94/10/28 Document Contra Branch (Document closed W/941030 nr- Contrd Desk).12pp. 8181918741619196. HEYSEK,W G., BROUGHTDN.T G. General Pubhc Unkhos Corp. - GPU Serw.e Corp. M/10/30. 5pp 81666.02541oe6 029 8411040065 Requests wrmen approval for removal of Ash bemer not kom escharge canal FY95.tjesed on PATC recommendation. BOULETT .T. Boston Eeson Co. 94/10/31. LANDRY.7, Massachusetts. Connon-V. Operator E . _ . - wealth of. 2np. 81653 24341653244. 9411020024 Forwards copes of documentanon re NRC genanc fundamentals exam m- M11090316 Forwards propnetary Rept Of Unnatefactory Performance Testeg tnes-ciudmg answer keys.greeng res44ts & indudual answer stests dent." Enct withrwid (ref 10CFR2 790(b)(1)). MEYER.G W Region 1 (Post 820201) 94/10/26 MAAG.R General IVihc Utsktie8 BOULETTE.E.T. Boston Esson Co. 94/11/02. Document Control Branch (Document Corp . GPU Serwce Corp. 2pp 81520:177 41528 178. Control Desk). 3pp. 01750.31941750:321 Hit 150533 D=m-s 941026 putsc rnoobng m Kmg of Prussa,PA re MOV moues es-DOCKET E293 PlLORIM NUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNIT 1 i hcensees cussed w/ KELLY.E M 1 (Post $20201). 94/11/03. BOULETTE.E.T. Scatan Eeson Co. 45pp. 81743 2 1743.291. F. security, medicat, emergency & fire protection plane 9411070202 Informs that Pilgnm Nuclear Power Staten we not be aden0TS foqure-H 2 approvat no ter 950 6

                                                                                                                                               *        '                             (

BOU T. E 94/10/03 Document Control Branch (Document Cm - H 831 ' Control Desk) 2pp. 81654 079416549u0. W11220226 Forwards SALP rept 50 293/93-99for penod 930314-941008 EALP corw M11250181 Requests that hcensee renew enci esft into nonce te er eniramment in lube oil sys of RCaC turtime. Informs that copy of subs request & licensee response witi ducted unoer revised process implemented by NRC on 930719 MARTIN.T T. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/16. BOULETTE.E.T. Boston Eeson Co. be ptaced m PDR for renew by putsc. CHAFFEE.AE Events A  ; Branch. 94/11/18. SLATER.C. Dresser-Rand Co. 5pp. 81/9910041/99112. App. 816bO.35641850:359. =H11220228SALP rept50-293/93-09for penod 930314-941008.

  • Regen 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/16 Spp 81799:10541799112. 9411250207Apphcaton for amend to license DPR 35 to TS re change to MSiv beskage regurement 9411300003 Not4caten of segnacant licensee meetmg 94130 w/uut on 941130 to es- BOULETTEI.T. Boston Esson Co 94/11/22. Documore Control Branch (Document cust5 ALP. ConWol Desk) 2pp. 818ti622541866.234.

LINVtLLEJ C. Regen 1 (Post 820201) 94/11/16. Regen 1 (Post 820201). App. 81871:10341871:106 9411250211 Proposed tech specs re changes to MSn/ tankage reaurement

  • Boston Esson Co 94/11/22. 8pp. 81866.22741866234.

n General - - N11250224 Apphcaton for amend to Lcense DPR 35 modo conebans under I scram escharge matrumera voLacram inp bypass m Taois 3 C.1.requred to be oper-Ml1040271 Responds to 941005 ftr reques NRC to respond to concems rassed by stile & assocated functonal test koouency troni sparierty f constituent re reactor core shruud at plant forwards NRC response to - -;- BOULETTE .T. Boston Eeson Co 94/11/22. Document Convol Branch (Document TAYLORJ M Ole of the Execuerve Drector for Opetusons. 94/10/31. STUDDS.G.E. Control Desk) 5pp. 8186623941866249 House of Rep.1p. 81805 29041805.322. 9411280227 Proposed TS Pa 3/4.2-20 & 3/4.2-35re TatWes 32.C 1 & 4.2.C.

 -9411040275 Responds to 940916 itr re core shroud cracaung at plant & forwards
  • Boston keson Co. M/M/ . Opp. 8186624441866.249.

of shoe psesentation from 940804pubhc meetm0 w/util concomin0 RV risp & T AYLORJ M Otc of the Emeouave Drector for Operatons. 94/10/26. M112801M Apphcaten for amend to Lsoonse DPR-35.revist suppression chamber 1 MulRHEAD.D M.. OTT.M.C. Catmens unned for Responsable Energy 28pp. 81805.291- water lowel operalm0 range & renses water recorder range m re-81805318. sponse to comnwtniern trorn inso 5(F2 /91 201. l BOWEREU. Bosen Eeson Co. M/W22. Docunent W Brans W ( -6411940279 Requests ento on beha, lf of corisntuent M Ott to of to co,e an,oud ei pieni & eo warm conosoondencessene ador.NRC

                                                                                 . us ai k.nowledge.nt pi              Co"*o' D'="> *pp. OtB832w8iB83249.

G of /10/05. RATHBUN.D. NRC No Detailed Afhiestson

  • Boston Edman Co.94/11/22 Opp. 81883.34241883.349.


-94110402M Requests ento re utt ausged krtourtedge of core ehroud crackang at plant et response to automatic shutdown of plant on 940829                                              M11280299      Apphcaton for amend to Lscense DPR-35.mcreatmg cseront EDG allowed           !

l MutRHEAD.D.M Catuens Uruted for Responsible t .94/09/16.THE CHAIRMAN. ouHaf.svc amo m Specfhcaten 3.5.F trom 72 h to 7 days SELfN.L C-.. _ - -; (Post 750119). 2pp. 81805. 1805 322. BOULETTE E T. Boston Edson Co. 94/11/22. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk).14pp. 81894.33tL81894.351 9411040300 Responds to 941003 Itr requesung sist NRC respond to concoms ex-pressed by ccmstreuents re reactor core shroud crackmg at plant & tarwaros NRC re. -9411280301 Proposed Tech Specs 3.5.F.4.5.F.1 & 3.9 B 1 & 2 re EDG allowed cubof-sponse to con stnuarn concems svc amo. 1 AYLOR I M Ole of the Emocutrwe Dractor for Operatons. M/10/31. KERRYJ.F.

  • Boston Eeson Co.94/11/22. 9pp. 81894.35241894.360.

Sensie ip.81805.323 41805.354.

-9411640302 Forwards copy of 940916 tir trenn coratituents to status of core shroud at               & inspect 6an reports,lE Bubetlns & correspondence plantRequests that analyse & response to maue be t'Nwarood at Ga'hott corwef>

sence 9410140257 Sept 1 to NRC Indo 140tco 93 080. "Reportm9 Fuel Cycle & P4atis Events KERRYJ F. Senate. 94/10/03 THE CHAIRMAN. SELIN.4. C1 . -e (Post m NRC Operatone CW. 1 750119) 10.81805.351 41005 354 BURNETT.R F. Dnneson of Fuel Cycle Safety & Sateguards (Post 930207). 94/10/20. Conschosted Eeson Co. of New Yor6. anc.12pp. 0181629941818.310. 9411230108 Responds to 94101S Itr to Charmen i Selen.requesang into on metons taken tiv NRC to address concems rassed by JA Flemmg to emergency properedness M11030085 Forwards snap rept 50 293/94-21 twi 94091S23 No violatons noted. kr nucteer power plants. TAYLORJ M Oec of the Enocutwo Drector for Operators 94/11/09. KERRYJ.F. JOYNER l H Respon 1 (Pos1820201) 94/10/20 BOULETTEI.T. Boston E.eson Co Senate. 3pp. 81828.286-81828 323. 3pp. 8156004.>4156&O58. 4411230199 Raouests addl mto portamm0 to emergency properoetess tor each sne -941103nnas insp rept 50493/94 21 on 940919 23.No weistens notel Maior areas based manectedreesson crmtrots progam then0 trud.cycse mamt outage FLEMINGJ A Affeeton teot Aswgned. 94/07/14 CHILK.S. Othee of the Secretary of NOGGLEJ.. BORES.R. Regen 1 (post 820201) 94/10/20. 11pp. 81560048-the Comnessert 2pp 81828.32241828 323 81560 D58

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              -e 9411030069 Forwsvne map rept 50 293/9418 on 9408                                                                                                                                                          DOCKETED ITEMS                                61 app. 8168127941561.305.LINVILLEJC                                       '912Regen       1 (Post No votalons    ecled$20201),94/10/24 E ITTE,E T. Boston Eeson Co                                             V. Operefor Examenst6ans
                *4411030063 Insp rept mopocadptern opersemern50-293/9414& on       serMance 9408014912        engmeen   No CONTE.R. Region 1 (Post $20201).                    .

no94/10/24 4 piara e 20pp 8156128volabons M11010217 guested by AdmrvstraeveForwards noted Le Mapor 94.t2 arttscipated areas operator heensmg exam s h M10200163 2 41561.305. OLiviER.LJ. Boston Edson Co c edule for FY95 96 as re-Pump Stefts"NRC trito Notice 94478, Recent Fad. Control M 2pp. 815872M587M2.94/10/25. Document Control B ures of Chargrg/ Safety ingecten rancfs (Document GHfMES.B K Offee et Nuclear Reactor Re Conachdated Eason Co. of 12pp. L New81658.00141658.013. Yort , Inc. gulaton. . Oweetor (Post 870411) 94/10/26.

               $411060206 Ducusses940722 meebng es how NRC                                                                                                     DOCKET 50 296 ZION NUCLEAR POWER STATION UNIT 1                      ,
                 & vahaste NHC meet fuse draft map procedure & covewould conduct ene wests to venty rms dates for scheduled palot                                            F. Security, medical, emergency & fire protection piens Drectorate L3 94/11/02.

BOULETTE.E.T. Boston son Ee Co. $411070071 8 Revised Corporate EPIPsv (CEPIP) mcludmg Re 7 t 9411600037 preventon.anForwardsmap rept SM,*D.J , o CEPlP.3103 01 & Rev 940622-26 4 0905 0950-293/944 to problem0 aeth Eeson Co. 3pp. 81775 01641775 048LINVILLEJC. Regen ue ashdonchcahon 1 (Post 4 $20201L 941103022$94/11/06No voetens n94/10/05.19pp. td 81654.18841654.208.

                                                                         . BOULETTE E T B                                                                        10    CEPIP-330301.Rev                           3   to      CEPIP
                                                                                              ... oston Eeson Co.                                                                                                                           ev330441Rewmed 2 to CEPIP,32101,Rev 3 Corporate EPIPs (CE CEPap 3505 01.
             -H11100042 innp rept 50293/9440 on                                                                                                                                                                           . Rev noindMapur areas mapac1edperformance4:ased        940622 26 & &&a                          evenumbon                                              PAVEY.M. Commonweam Eenon                                       Co.3 to CEPLP 3404 014 Rev 3 to of ' % potenhaley Molahans                                                                                           94/10/06 65pp 8160622141606 265.

egned to ensure that maues & problems corrected p . sys de- adverse to d

                                                                                                                                                             $411100199 Rev t to CEPiP 232245A.

lents "GSEP Rede Comm Ny noted & ROS5BACKLW. Regen 1 (Post $20201) 94/11/06 30

  • Commonwealth Esson Co. unicator? W/ table of Cork N11000300 pp. 81775 01941775048. 94/10/07.11pp. 81750-34841750 356. -

NRC Busetm 94 002. "Corvoenn Problem APER E s m Certan Stamiess Packagmg 9411210065 Rev *"2 to EPIP 180 4. "TSC ODCS Specrahst" 11/14. Conschdated Edson Co. of New YorA snc 12tnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety Post 870720L 94/ ' 9411220229 Forwards SALP rept . pp 81816.31141816.322.

                                                                                                                                                       #"#80   U"         N"h b ducted under        twee0 proce"s         miosamented                      by NRC60'293/9399                     tar p M,r.RTIN.T
             $m 817991 TR enod 930314 on 930719                941006 SALP con.                                                              m ED Co. 94/10/31. 39pp. 81747.25747747295 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/16. 80ULETTE 1799 112.                                                  ..

n dmon Co' E9411080222 T8*i BostoAovmes E that 940217 rev to generstmg station

          -9411220228 SALP rept                                                                                                                                              /

50 293/93-99 for panod 930314 9 D

                                                                                                                                                             "IC"K.G'.F".'      s
  • Proe*ct Drectorate m s2emer 9arements si App E to 10CFR50 410CF
  • Region 1 (Post 620201). 94/11/16. . 41098Opp 81799105 81799112. Co. 3pp. 81663.340 81663.342 4/11/03. FARRAR.DL c acceptabde.

cr._ . a.. Eeson N113o0003 cues bALP. Notihcahon et signrhcant bcensee meanne 94130 - M11210293 S@ nuts response to NRC request for add ento re LINVILLEJC. Re w/unt on 941130 to es,

                              .06                                                                                                                         rate be          EOF staffed       as mienm EOF to perform emergency response f proposed use of corpo-81371-10341871'pon                 1 ! Post 820201). 94/11/16 Regon                              . 4pp.

1 (Post JOHNSON.tM $20201) unctions unni near site can Commonwealth Esson Co. 94/11/15 C& amp Overwona NRC Info Notice 94477. "Mattunccon m M(Document Controt Dess). 22pp 81833 33241833 M11500237 . 353. Brancti Document Controe GRIME 5.B.K. 94,jpe at Satety.Related fleeincal Emmpment"am Generstar Voltage Regulator 9411220214 81816 329 Forwards response to vlotabons noted m ins 1I/17. Consohnsted Edson. Co. of New York inc 7 hit 180578

                                                                                             . pp. 81816.323 335 6 482 requped by Owep Repts                                                           60 295/94 19 & 50-protecton s entehed m NOV on operanng hghts       procedures es Pogvmc Cteond Wre insusanon."NRC info Nohce 94478, "Electnc GRfMc5.B K                                                       ent Faus due e Degradston                                                  7UETKEN.R.P.

(Document Compon Control Desk). Commonwealth 8pp. 81064 32fi 81864 Esson onected. 330. Co. Document Control Brancti 94/11/15. 94/11/21. 91949.215 41648.224- Consohdeled Edson Co of New 9411390134 York Irc topp- Maiot 13,,00121 informs at docuuon to msetute quarteriy prohc ency rainmg ear EROS Oper. Apphcanon for amend to bconne DPR35re . 620201L dop. 8187213241872135.AXELSON.WL Regen 3 (post $20201). 9

                                                                         . veng swpresson chambor                                                                                                                                   MARTIN.J Region 3 (Post tmm inso E       91 Co. 0 BOULETTE.E.T. Boeson Edieon                                                                                                 M11300211 Forwards response b Canes Desst 4pp. 018a3 3364ies3.34994/11/22. Document C                                                                                                                                     940919 M m propo ontrot Granch (Document                                  h hs mienm E%

M11170039 Soc Wrter Pip =p "NRC Info Nogce 94 N  % annW of E& functons apptcacie e CEW as ased use et corporate EOF 1 079, "Me c gN Eh 77,,. g,C,o W1 W GRIMES.B K. .  % o,,,W,C ,, ,73,,,7 N,,, of W Reecer % 01848 231 94/11/23 Conso6 dated . feson Co of NeM influenced Carroson gg,4, w York Inc.900 81848 225 of EDG 4 Ceneral w . Ht11702?9 son ta NRC Into Notce 94480.

  • Pedequate DC G _ . - .

GRIMkS.B K round Detecton si DC Detnte 94/11/25. 9411000144 Responds to 940825 81848 23441844 247. Consondsted Edsort orparuzabon at nucl ler expressmg concem M Co. et New Yor( trc 14pp. RC sat evaluate nucisar tac.nes n-e ioinat. p ear tacdmes.N.ans . rema n enee future changes to secunty plan 702M NRC anfo No6ce 94 081, "Accur y cy at Boosse & E App. CAPRA.R.A Propect Directorste 1t02. 94/11/04 01715.22541715.229 . RUSSELLD A PAPEniELLo.C2 Div=,on of indusins a usecasrmron N Samphng Re- . fhkaten Not Assegned. tt/25 Coneohoated Eeson Co. of New York inc 12pp 818ucmar sateiy post 870729x 94/ 48.2464 1648.259. -Mt1000155 intorms ' ** # of conoom se CE doce on to reduce secunty brce E Pettoshc operating reports & feested L. E pi."eds3 N tos) ity U op'p"e'"d'#"'* "$ '"*" '"" ""* *t. Notes RUSSELLD Amhaton Not Asa.gned *'*"' Post 750119).1p. 01715.22941715.229.94/08/25. THE CHAIRMAN CR 94t1080234 "Marne Ecology Stutes Related to Opersh -.,,.m ANCERSON.R.D Sooton Edsonler Co. on ofAnnualPegnrn Staton Rept Some. Number 44Jersheie "** 1994

  • W/941026 94/06/30 1topp. 61678.119 81678 277.

M111802E3 941110 nr Monody operaung rept tar Oct 1994 for Psyvn td11300237 N Fnal response to FOiA request fo talPy withheld (get FOIA exempoon 5) MUNRO.W OLIVtER.LJ. Boston Eeson Co M/10/31POWELLRA 9411230300 NPDES decha . pp. 81777.30241777-308 7 ue' ear Power Dwisen Staten.W/ ci Freedomu of Informaton & P bhr documents. App C re 940714) 81900.27t 93/11/22. PATTERSON.SJ Newman & Holtzmgercanons Services (890206 ROTHE.RT.W C. Boston E morwtonne rept for Oct 1994 W/94 9114 itr 3pp. 81900.174-Co. 94/10/31 10pp. 81833: 0474 1833056. 4411300253 Summary et 920616 16 Ss fleportebee occiarvences, LERa & totated m _ _ . ~ . NRC focuang resourcesNRC persally doested onsermorplants mgi

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          & rotated Ibsues et gremeetng conducted to assu TAYLORJ                                         M. Cec of the Executve Drector inr Operat atest safety egnancance. info Mt1010236 LER 94 00640on 940917.wiptanned actuat                                                                       MAN                         r n _, . (Post 750119L 60pp. p190017841900 227,                        ens 02/06/25          THE CHAlR re wws for actrvity performac 1Peocedure                           ftr revised -941130tD65 plant enpact           W/94102                                      Summarycore   of startdby coohng sys logic circutry ci:curredCaused by ELLIS.D prus    ElecincW       Bosson Co.)             Eteun 81602-07141802001 94r10/21.11pp.       Cn BOULFTTE1.T                                      PECO Energy formerty Pheartet.              NRC. locuumg                      ooisied Co ( resources      930126 28 NRC sener on plants & related        meatnD    asues conducted to assure eVLORJ M                                                                                    greatest eatety asgruhcance Info M11030306 fmal a             Port 21 rept re sicorrect inp units dunng pre                                                    MAN H Ole of the Esecutive Drector for Operamons DOULETTE.E T. 80sean Eeaon Cooptance Corrected tireakers retumed so plant                                                                                                 by GEestallahon
                                                                                                                                                                    .,e (Post      750119L 44pp.testmg                 & pnar 81900 22641900.271.      to THE CHAIR.

93/02/04 M11040281 Coretd Deskk app. 81MO.24241640 245. 94/10/31 Document C Regnests authortranon for ft Hough of Pre ontrol Brarch (Document examene tenoon surveeltance SHIRAKl.C Y. om sept. repts & entract data kcaen Sisvedla Edson Co. 3pp. Propect 81609.35b41609Directorate 3G?. Ill.2. 94/11/01. F ARRAR.D.L Commonwealth

Criargmg/$stety tryechon 62 DOCKETED ITEMS NRC Into Notce 94 076. "Recent Fadures of M10200153 (Post 870411) 94/10/26 to hcenses DPR 19DPR- Pump Shafts" 58 013 M110e0265 Forwards amends 129 8 146 A ends add h-GRIMES B K. Ottco of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton. Drector 25.DPR-29,DPR-30.DPR.39 n& DPR48.respectwe8y t te controised urcer & safety evalushon. m Certam Stamless Packaging cerme conomon that moderes NUREG4737 to9411090300 s ow commitmenNRC Bullebn 94402. s iFARRAR.DL "Corrosen Prothms m7 9) 94/ Commonweefth 10CF R50 Prosect Drectorate Ilb2 94/11/03 Industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870 2 81816 311 41816-322 SHIRAKl.C Yapp 81658 20041658 307. hAPE 11/14ECormondated f aison Co. of New York, Eeson Co to hcenses DPR 19.DPR.25. DPR- Repts irc.12pp. 50-295/94-19 & $0-129 & 146 4 411080290 Amerds & DPR48.respecevoty.addmg scense coneten that moetesNUREG Fwwwds response 0737 to bewolanons controled noted m ctedinspbght cetcencies identstead m NOV on 9411220214 29 DPR 30 DPR-39NOREG4737 to allow commitments 4 1658 304 mace m response to 304/94.19 Correctue actions Document emwgencY335 94/11/15 Control

                                                                                                                                                                                                   & 482 Branch teored by tre protecua urv3er 10CF R50 59 CAPRA.R A. Prosect Directorata m-2 94/11/03 2tpp 81658264                                                  TUETKEN.R P Commonwesm Edson Co mends 129123.150.146.158 & 146 to 6                           (Document Control Deskt 6pp. 8964 325+864 330                Generstar Voltage Regulator
  -9411080302 Safety evaluate                 29 & DPR-30 respectuoty94/1I/03 3pp                                                                                         "

70411) cerees DPR-39.DPR48.DPit-19,OPR 25* Ottee of Nuclear 9411100237 Reactor Cauung NRC etInto Regulaton. Owendtage Drector Notce Setety-Related(Post94477. 8Electncal "Maituncbon EquementYork, m Masrt Inc 7pp. $1816 81658 305 41658 307 Rockvene.MC to escusa GRIMES.B K. . 94/11/17. Conschoated Esson Co of New moeung w/ute & NRC m 81816 329 Component Fadure due to Degradanon M11090142 Notifcaton of 941206 CAPRA.R A Project Drectorate lil-2, NRC Into Nobce 94478 "Electnc at %w York, src topp performance of hcensee piantsDICK.G E Propect Dractorate Ifb2 94/11/04 9411150574of Potyvmyl Chionoe Wwe Insulabort"Conschdated Edson Co App 81715 22141715.224 f mt rule at station 94/11/21 GRIMES.B K.

                                                                  / program at she M11160050 Forwarns rept on sne visst                                 to review snpaarnentaten                 81848 o  215ma81848 224                                      fl    nced Corrosson or EDG tar fevew & mio Rept scontrhos strengtha & weaknesses wDONNELLY.P M. Corsumers SHAFER.W D Region 3 IPost 620201) 94/11/07                                                               Mit170039       NRC Ho Notee 94-079            E "Merobologicany in ueCo of %w YA in Power (o 2pp 8174613141746141                                                                                       a       ng /

Code Case 4416.t & Submits rehet toquest PR42.which seeks to adoptfor second mierval 81648 233ISI program for Urut 2 & 9411220070 the ehet would be Reactor Regu- ,,, of %w York, trc 14pp.

       $1MPKIN.T laison. Drector (Post W           Commonwealth 870411).

41831.358 Spp 81831.354 Edson Co $4/11/t1 GL 8910. Info prowded Don Svs" Ottco GRIMES.B K. of Nuclear

                                                                                                                                    . 94/11/25     Conschaated Eeson Co s lts of repnaretauon               81848 234 41848 247                                               & Erwron Sampime Re-Mt1210245 Submits response to NRC request for                                                                   addl 9411170284 mio NRC    Inforem Nohce4 Attachments 94                            Attachment 081. "Accuracv ofr Safety Geoassay(post 870729) 94/

A provides summa A marge revww effort for uni MOV populanon.F ARRAR.D suits "L Commonweefm Edison Co 94/11/t5 Document PAPER 1ELLO.C.J Dinson of Indusinal & Moscar Nuclea81848.248 morn Control Desa) S4pp 81837 03441637:087.8 n wing one-tmo en- 11/25 Consohdated Edroon Co of New York,Inc 12pp N11300246 Apptcation for amenos to hcenses DPR 39 4 DPR4 .a oe source of oft-s#te powerOffsm of Nuclear Re-tense of alsowed outage time for escoermone94/11/21. RUSSELL reserv "'#8 ' " ~ ' 41910.226 "*'*""9 Geterabng Stauon W/941113 SIMPKIN.T W Commonweatm Edison Coactor RegulaDon, Director Monthey opersteg(Post 870411).14pp rept for Oct 1994 for Zeon 81910.204tenson of allow n 9411230227 0/31 13pp. 81864290-Proposed toch specs.a ounn0 one-bme ex

       -9411300244sor anoperabse reserve source at41910                 otbane  226 power 94/11/21. 9pp 81910        CYGANJ str 215        , BROCCOLO.EA Commonweatm Edson Co. 94/1
  • Commonwealth Edson Co. d exam tor mismal events 81664.302 document.NUREG-  %

M11280043 Forwards safety evalustm of plant$.mendual Reportab6e pier m LERs &asnteman related w %_floodmg.per GL 88-20 & assoc 1335 Response to concoms raised 1102. Dv rewsw reques e FARRAR.0L Commonwealth 94/tt/22 hng water pump aulostarted SHIRAKl.C Y. Protect Drectorate ontact assembhes on all Edson Co 6pp 81892-00141892166. evalusta of plard mendust plant exam lnersbertes (edemal9411010174

                                                                                                    & toad            events                        LER 94 015-00-on 940926.OC componen
         -4411300346 Safety                                                                                            satemaards               sequence          amers W/941026 tu. HELM M L., SROGCO orey) Process used m mdrndual plant esam could mask potenhai vu f      ere   acadent to falso sense of secun8v w/ 94/11/22.respect 3to 0pp hhehhnod o sev81892 007 41892:036.                     B15e6:033                                                      t r potential motor pruon
  • NRC No Detasted Affikatson C,swort thods for propeny Rept of 2 son IPE Front-End Anatyus".A 91 Associates. Inc. sF intenm Part 21 Rept 9412 re LjrrntortNe sciua o
          ~9411250085 " Step 2 Technscal Evaluation                                     46pp 81892037'                   soy tailure Cow Ed issued guidehnes N11210111                                                              to anr nuclear      Rog- stahona    on me SCIACCA,F., DARBYJ CLARK.R.A Scence & EngmeenngNRC No Detaded Affdebon                                                                            Gewert             Offsce of Nuclear Rasctor 551017 A1 94/05/13 81892'082                                Rapt of Zeon IPE Bact               End Group Analysis" . Inc
                                                                                                                         # hT
                                                                                                                         ;os alth Eoson Co 94/11/11 usaten.Derector (Pos18704tt) 5pp 8183112741 831.13 t Research                                                                                            TS 3 9 3 A exceeded on l      experts aussynod to
          -9411250097 "Stop 2 Tectmical EvaluationKURIT2KY.AS., KHA719.RAHBAR Ener taded Aftshabon Garen NRC44.pt468 ERl/NRC 91105 93/10/31. NRC No VI.1AYKUMAR.R4                                                                                           N11300272 L.ER 94 01&.00 0n 941025.escovered that94 27pp 8t892-083 81892109                                                                                                          OCCOLO.EA Commonwealm Eeson Co 94/11
           ~9411250100 " Zion Nuclear6 Staban                                                    Urvts 1 & 2,7echnical CA/TR-9341418 94/06/                       8M 0534 N 066 Evaluebon Rept of IPE Sut>

N 81892 11041892.132. NSON 31 Opvmon et Satety lasue Resoluhon (Post 880717) 22pp. V. Operator Esaminetsans E m Data." per

                                                               " Othce of Nuclear Regulatory Re-                                                        led NRC Form 536. " Operator Licensmo na
             -9411290177 "             Evaluation94/06/14 of Zann IPE/HRA Matts                                            94        2,0 rds Docu   m ent Coe Branch h SWAlPe A D A'teaton Not Assignedsearch                                            gPost 8tiO720) 34pp                 a 8189213341892-166 s at Zen Statm be sute                  MADDN Cornmonometm Edson Co WW25 Ht1300187 Raouests results of rewsw & esposthon of actnmeTLfETKEN.R                                            ment Contmt Commrmwealm Desk) 2M SW F4206M243              B. green 0 resurts. & snewdual 820201) 94/11/22                                                                      Forwards exam answer key for forms A                  Requests
                                                                                                                                                                                                 &        resurts be for-SON W                                                                                              9411040264 answer        sheets for each endwidual talung exam                      Co tp.trom 81586htacety Edmon Co 2pp. St92513f>41925139
                                                                        ==                                                  warded to snendusts w/ answer sheets W/o encisNM A. Reg O, inspection reports,8E Bunetmo & _,                                   19 on 940823-1003 &                   H586 W                                                         i     egurements for maeb Forwards map roots 50 295/94-19 4 54 304/94-& performance ci routes ment & Forwards NRC summerged guirlance 9411300218 h               that clart es rton of Mamt & Reactwa Nt 010011 nonce of moistmn Recunent protsems m scheduling TUETkEN.RP.                                          tairen0 querements    snewdual Commonwentth for enewsdual ooerstar 820201t     bconnes.entmed.

94/11/18. Operator Lcenses Athhabon

                                                                                                                                                                                               "              "Clart hot          ca i 3pp Assegned survedlance Mit1ER,L    F R acewmes noted3 (Post 820201) 94/10/19                                                       RING.M A Repon 3 (Post Eeson Co 2pp      1514 0214t514 045                                                                        O'073 34I41072 343 m mso on 940823-1003       t nus iasi charge & volanon emerD88rk      notedfrorn 940510 had been on con mu
                -9411010014 Notice of wolation                            froto514 023 0906       emergency             teghts 355 & 482 cv hohts would not isommate* Regon                                            3 (Post       8202011.

Vaniatons operanons,mamt & 94/10/19 'N1p 81544 8 023-81$0404/9419 on 9408231003 Insp repts $4295/9419 & engms'enng. ' f r piant meets reouse-

                 -9411010020                mspected hcerose noted Masor areas                                                0 41514 045.

M R, Hegion os 20 94 19 8 Fuel Cyces & Mans (vents 9411030095 informs monts os App E to toCFR50 that rew 17 to redological emergenc

                                                                                                                                                                 & acceptabte CLINE W E Region 2 (post 820201) 9410140257 Succ41 to NRC Into Nobce 910 tic. ReportnD (Post Authonty                                           93C207)          94/10/20 app 81560-09941560       102 to NRC Operauors Ctr "                                             41816.310 BURNETT RF Dwesen of Fuel Cycle Satery & SafeguardsConsohdated Ecsson Cc= of New Yor


DOCKETEDITEMS 61 9411030069 Forwarca map rept50-293/9418 on 9408014912.No woiatons noted. V. Operstor Examinations LINVILLE.J.C. Region 1 (Poet 820201). 94/10/24.BOULETTE.E.T. Boston Eeson Co. 8"' "# #"'8 ' **

  • 9411010217 Forwards antopated operator licenseg exam schedule for FY95 98 as re-94 l =4411030063.Insp Ins-pi ni ope,s rept.54,293/9418
                                -- & me ance-  on 6408014912.No piani su ort                                                          Qt wol.atons not.ed. MaporControl       areas                   p a

Desk). 2pp. 81587:08141,,9,4,/10,/25. Co Document Control Branch (Document CONTE.R. Respon 1 (Post 820201). 94/10/24 20pp, 8156128241561:305. . 94 200 NRC Wo Notice 94 076. "Recert Fadures of Chargmg/ Safety infecton n POWER Sum M 1 GRIMES.B K Office of Nuclear Remetor Regulafon, Director (Post 870411). 94/10/26. Consolidated Edson Co. of New Y"Jrti. Inc.12pp. 81658 00141658.013. F. Security, enedical, emergency a fre protection piena 9411080296Docusses940722meetmg re how NRC would conduct arte vasts to venty a veadate NRC mamt rule draft map procedure & confrms dates for acteduled p40t M11070071Revned Corporate EPIPs (CEPIP) meludmg Rev 7 to CEPIP 310341 & Fiew 8 3 EATONnB Protect Drectorate k3. 94/11/02. BOULETTE.ET. Boston Edson Co. alth Edison Co.94/10/05.19pp. 8165418641654208. 4pp, 81663.35141663.354. 9411100C37 Forwards map rept 50-293/9440 re problem sellanerrafication & M11030225 Rewmed Corporate EptPs (CEPIP)hclueng Rev 2 e CEPIA32141.Rev 3 prevenhon,on 940822 26 & 090509 No violations noted. to CEPlP-3303 01.Rev 3 to CEPIP.330441. Rev 3 to CEPfP.340441 & Rev 3 to LINVILLEJC Region 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/06. BOULETTE.E.T. Boston Eeson Co. CEPIP-350541 3pp. 81775:01641775:048. PAVEY.M. Cw. .. J. Edson Co.94/10/06. 65pp. 81806-22141806285.

 ~9411180042 Insp rept 50293/9440 on 940822 46 4 090509.No volahons                                                          M11100189 Rev 1 to CEPIP 2322 05A, "GSEP Rado Communicator." W/ table of com                                                                 l noted Masar areas inspected. performance.bssed evatuston of hcenses mgt sys do.                                                  tents.

signed to ensure that maues & probiems potentially adverse to plant safety noted & ' Commonwestth Edson Co.94/10/07.11pp. 81750.34641750:358. corrected ROSSBACH.LW. Regen 1 (Poet $20201). 94/11/08. 30pp. 81775 01941775.048- 9411210065 Rar 2 to EPIP 180-4. "TSC ODCS Specisist." l Nt1000300NRC Buhehn 94 002. "Corromon Prabeams m Certem Stamiess Packagmg  ! PE IFLYO 7 Generanng Stams Enwrgency Ran GSm Siw Annen Zen l

                                           & Medical Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 94/

11/14. Conachds*ed Eeson Co. of New YorA Inc.12pp. 61818.31141818:322. "I$8 i. C1 _

                                                                                                                                                                                                        . Eeson Co,94/10/31. 39pp. 81747.25741747.295.

un evoed . fed by N C 0 9411000222 Advoes that 940217 rev to statens emer MARTIN.T T. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/16.BOULETTE.E.T. Boston Edmon Co. conomient wneatarements in App E to 1 50 10CFR50 47 &gency plan annenes acceptanse. 5pp. 8179910041799-112. DICK.G.F. Promet Dweetorste E2. 94/11/03. FARRAR.D.L Commonwealth Edmon Co. 3pp. 81663'34481663.342.

 -9411220228SALProot50 293/93-99 for penod 930314-941008
  • Repon 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/16. 6pp. 01799-105-81799-112. M11210293Semets maponse to NRC mouest for ade irdo re proposed use of cow rate EOF as intenm EOF to perform emurgency response functons unbl near site can 941 30000 Nohficaten of sigmIncant hcensee meanng 94130 w/util on 941130 to es. tgtafwd LINVILLEJ C. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/16. Re0 ion 1 (Post 820201). 4pp. (Document Coreal DeM 22pp. 81833.33241833.353.

81871:103 41871.106. M11220214 Forwards response to violatons noted b anno Repts 50 295/9419 & $0-M11100237 NRC Info Nobce 94477. "Malfuncton m Mac Generator Voltage Regusator 304/94-19.Correctwo actonsemergency bgni deficiencies idennhed m NOV on 6ents Causing Overvoltage at Safety.Retsted Electncal Equipment" 335 8 482 required try fre protecton opersang procedures corrected. GRIMES.B.K. .94/11/17.Consohdated Edmon Co. of New Yorti,, Inc. 7pp. 81816:323L TUETKEN.R P. Commonwealth Edson Co 94/11/15. Document Control Branch 81818.329 (Document Control Desk). 8pp. 81864.32541664.330 9411150578 NRC Info Nonce 94478. "Elecinc Component Fadure due to Degra:saton N11300121 informs of decison to mahtuto quarterty profooney tenung for ERDS Oper. of Podyvmyl Chiande Wee insutstrort" stors. GRIMES.B K. 94/11/21. Coneohdated Edmon Co. of New Yorst, Inc. topp. AXELSON.W.L Regen 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/18. MARTIN.J Region 3 (Post 81648.215 81648.224. 820201). 4pp 81872:13241872:135. M11280134 Apphcaton for amend to License DPR-35. siepresson efamber

  • Mm00211 Forwards msponse m N0919 RAI re proposed use of com 50 3 91 s mienm EOEsnctuen0 anshes of EG W apphcable hwEOF as in-OF COULETTE.E.T. Boston Eeson Co. 94/11/22. Document Cor*ed Branch (Document JOHNSON.I.M. Commonwealth Edson Co. 94/11/22. Office of Nuclear Reactor Reg-Conirol Deskt 4pp. 81883 33841883 349-ulanon, Director (Post 870411). 77pp. 8190809241908.169.

9411170039 NR^ Info Nouce 94 079. "Maobmeo0'cally influenced Corroomn of kDG Svc water Piping" GRIMES.B K. 94/11/F3. Consondated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. Opp.81848:225 H. General cermepondence 81848.233 N11000148 Responds to940825ler expressmg concems to ubi mod of secunty force M11170279 NRC into Noace 94 080. "Insosquate DC Ground Detecton m DC Dutreu. orgervraton at nuclear facektes.NRC unN evaluate future changes to secunty pians at ton Sys ".B K. . 94/11/25. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 14pp. riuclear facekhet to ensure trat plans remam effectve GRIMES CAPRA.FLA, Protect Directorate Hl.2. 94/11/04. RUSSELLD. Afhiston Not Asmgned. 81648 23441848.247. 4pp. 81715.22541715.229. N11170284 NRC into Notce 94 081, Accuracy of Boassay & Envron Samphng Re" -4411000158 informs of concem to CE documn to rocksce secunty force NPGSs. Notes APERIELLO.C.J. Danson of Industna! & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 94/ t US W than any Dnw m recent 11/25 Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New Yortt. Inc.12pp. 81848.24841848.259. hm Ph e RUSSELLO. Afhhaton Not Asmgned. 94/08/25. TPE CHAIRMAN Co..- . (Post 750119).10 81715Jt2941715.229. EL Periodlc operating toports & related cervespondence 9411080234 "Manne Ecology Stuees Related to Operanon of Pilgnm Staton Serm. "' "" ~" Anrumi Rept Number 44.Jan June 1994." W/941026 Itr. t.NDERSON.R.D. Boston Eeaon Co.94/06/30.110pp 8167811841678.277. 9411300237 Fmal resparse to FOBA request for documenttApp C records enci & par. hany wnhrieid grof FOIA exemphon 5). M t1180253Monthy operatng rept lor Oct 1994 for Pilgnm Nuclear Power Staten.WI POWELLRA Dwoon of Freedom of Informaton & Pubhcations Services (890206-941110 nr 940714) 93/11/22 PATTERSON.S.J. feewman & Holtzmger 3pp. 81900:174-MUNRO.W., OLMER.LJ. Boston Eeson Co. 94/10/31. 7pp. 81777.30241777.308 81900.271. 94112203a0 NPDES ducherge motvtonng rept for Oct 1994 W/941114 fir. -9411300253 Summary of 920615 16 NRC sener mgt meenng conducted to assure ROTHt.RT.W.C. Boston Fdeon Co.94/10/31.10pp. 81833:047 81833:056. NRC tocusm0 resources on planta & related asues of greatest safety agruficance. info partally deleted. TAYLOR.J.M. Olc of the Executwo Dwector for Operations. 92/06/25 THE CHAIR-8,. Reportable occievences. LERs & related .. . MAN Commesamnors (Post 750119L 50pp. 819u0178-81900.227. M11010238 LER 9440640on 940917 isipianned actuaton of porton of Channel "B" -9411300265 Summary of 930126-28 NRC senior mot meetir'g conducted to assurs core standby cochno sys logic crcuitry occurred. Caused by medequate plant enpact NRC locumn0 remotrees on plants & related asues of greatest safety agrwhcance info reviews for actwely performed Procedure revised W/941021 lir. partelly coseted ELLIS.O W isostan Esson Co. BOULETTE.E.T PECO Energy Co (1orn'erty Phdades. TAYLOR.J M. Ofc of the Executive Drector for Operatons. 93/02/04. THE CHAIR. pha Elecinc Co.). 94/10/21 tipp 8160207141802-081. MAN Commessoners (Post 750119). 44pp. 81900.228 81900.271. M11030386 Part 21 rept to mcorrect tnp uruts dunn0 proarvstallatson testng & pnor to 9411040281 Requests authonraton for R Hough of Proceeon Survedlance allnw final acceptance Correct:d breakers retumed to plant Oy GE enemme tendon survedherre repts & sutract data from rept EOULETTES.T. Boston Edson Co. 94/10/31. Document Control Branch (Document SHIRAKI,C.Y. Protect Drectorate Iti-2. 94/11/01. F ARRAR.D.L Commomvealth CruierolDesk) epp.81640242 41640.245 Edison Co. 3pp. 81809:35541609.357. i

62 DOCKETEDITEMS N11080285 Forwards amends & 146 to Iconess OPR.19.DPR. M 10200153 NRC Info Notce 94 078, "Recent Fadures of Chargmg/ Safety insecten 25.DPR-29 DPR.30.DPR.39 & DPR-48.respectme#y & selety evaluston. Amends add 6 Pump Shafts." conse coneten that modfes NUREG4737 to allow comrvutments be coreoned under GRIMES.B.K. Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Deector (Post 870411). 94/10/26. 10CFR50 Coneohdated Esson Co. of New Yorti. Inc.12pp. 81658-00141658:013. SHpRAKl.CY. Prosect Drectorate til-2. 94/11/03 FARRAR.0L C .- . _ Edson Co. 4pp. 81668280wS1658.307. g g1080380 NRC Butseen Used to Transport 94402. "."Corronen Problems in Certam Stamless Packagmg U Hosanuonde -9411080300 Amends & 146 to noenses OpR.19.DPR-25. DG PAPERIELLO.CJ. Dusen of Industnal & Medcal Nuchar Safety (Post 870729). 94/ 29.DPR43.DPR.33 & DPR48.respectively,adeng bconne corieten that modrfes 11/14 Consohdated Edson Co. of New York inc.12pp 81816.31141810:322. NUREG4737 to anow comnutments made e response to NUREG4737 lie controled 220214 orwa r Repm Drectorate Ill.2. 94/11/03. 21pp 81658.26441658.304. gg g noted, gp annene n hghts 6t h. DPR 39 DPR 19 30 t fuEKE R . duen 5 %ntrol Branch

  • Othee c4 Nuclear Reactor Regulaton. Drector (Post 870411). 94/11/03. 3pp. (Docunwnt Controt Desk). 6pp. 8N32581064.330.

81658.30641658.307. 9411100237 NRC Info Notce 94 077. "Malfuncton m Mam Generator Voltage Maulator 9411000142 Notifcahon of 941206 meetm0 w/utd & NRC m Rockves,MD to escuss Causmg Overvoltage at Safety.Related Electncal Eempment." nce of hcensee pients. GRIMES.B.K. .94/11/17 Conschdated Eeson Co of New York. Inc 7pp. 81818:3 3 K.G F. propset Dractorate Ill.2. 94/11/04 CAPRA.RA Protect Drectorate 1112. 81816.329-4pp. 81715.22141715224. Mn . ds ,.pi on sn. .s, to row.w .mplememat.n o, rr.nt ,uie a1 sia.on M1,1150678 o CNR,C,

                                                                                                             . ide WInfo e N.otre   94478. "Electnc Component Fadure due to Degradabon a m-for review & mio Rept identhes a            ths & weaknesses w/     am at ans.              GRIM S. .K. . 94/11/21, Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.10pp.                   5 SHAFER.W.D.                   3 (Post 8       1). 94/11/07. DON    LLY.P.M. Consumers       81648 21541848 224.

Power Co. 2pp. 81 6 13141746.141.' M11220070 Submits rehof request PR 02,whch seeks to adopt Code Case N-456-1 & ,, N O' " D m6 arms that rehof wouki be apphcable for second rwwas ISI program for Urut 2 & GRIMES.B. /H/23. Conschdahd Eeson h of New York. Inc. 9pp. 81848225 thrd emerval ISI program for both uruts SIMPKIN.T.W. C .. .Z Edman Co.94/11/11.Othee of Nuclear Reactor Regu. 81644'233-lanon, Drector (Post 870411). $pp. 81831.35441831.356. *- e w mDC N h N11210345 Subnuts response to NRC request for addl rWo re GL 8910. Info provided ton SVE" m 4 Attachments.Attacreent A provides summary of metnods,results of repnontrabon GRIMES.B K. . 94/11/25. Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. topp

  &           review effort for uts MOV populatort                                            4164823441848.247.

FAR .DL C- .. Z. Eeoon Co. 94/11/15-Document Cornrol Branch (Docu. ment Control Desk) 54pp. 8183743441837 087. M11170264 NRC Info Nobce 94481. " Accuracy of Ba==ay & Envron Samphne Re. suits " M11300246Apphcaton for amends to bconses DPR 39 & DPR-48.auommg one.bme en- PAPERIELLO.CJ. DMann of Indusmal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 94/ tenamn of anawed outage eme lor moperatne reserve soune of oft.ano power. 11/25. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp 81648 24841848259 SIMPKIN.T W. C-....- _T. Edman Co. 94/11/21. RUSSELL Olhoe of Nucteer Re. actor Regulahon. Drector (Post 870411).149p. 8191020441910.226. -9411J00248 Proposed toch specs.auomin0 one-tmo extensen of atowed outage time 1er moperetne reserve source of off ene power.

  *C- .           J' Feson Co.94/11/21. 9pp. 8191021841910.226.                             M11230227 Monthly operstmg rept for Oct 1994 for Zen Generstmg Staton W/941113 fer.

M11280043 Forwards safety evaluebon of piere mdudual piera suam for intamal events CYGANJ., BROCCOLC.EA Commoneoarth Eeson Co.94/10/31.13pp. 81064290

  & mismal flucen0.per GL 88 20 & associated suemmal guidance documern.NUREG-                 81864.302.

1335. Response to concems resed by renew requested wenn 80 days W/TER. SHIRAKI,C.Y. Propect Drectorate 116 2. E4/11/22. FARRAR.D.L. C_ _ Z Eeson Co. 8pp. 8189100141891166. S. Reportable -. . LERa & reisted cervempendence -t4ggenneas Saisty evaluhton of plant mdedual plant eram (intomal events only). Process used m mdudust plant exam could monit potenhal c_^_ ^ ' . & 6ead M11010174 LER 94-015 00:en 940926.OC component cookno water pump autcatarted to falso sense of sectasty w/ respect to hkehhood of severe arreaant. due to component fadure Venhed thread engagement for contact assembhes on all

  • NRC . No Detads1 Afhhstan Grven.94/11/22. 30pp. 8199200741992 036. satepaards secuence amers W/941028 Itr.

HEIM,ML, BROCCOLO.E.A. C . _ r. Edson Co. 94/10/26. 5pp. 81588:029 -te1128ece6 "Stop 2 Techncal Evoluenon Rept of Zen IPE Frorn End Ana#yes" 01588:033. SCIACCA.F., DARBY.J.. CLARK.R.A. Science & Engmeenng Aamocsates. Inc. SEA 91 553417.A 1. 94/05/13. NRC No Detaned Amheton Givert 48pp. 81992:037* M11210111 Intenm Part 21 Rept 9412 re Lennorgae actuator potenbal motor pawn 81891082. key fadure Comm Ed saued guidehnes to en nucieer statons on methods for property -M11250007 " Step 2 Techncal Evaluaten Rept of Zen IPE Back End AnalystL" VUAYKUMAR.R., KURITZKY.A S., KHATIB-RAMBAR E Reenerch Grote. Inc. M alth Eeaon Co.94/11/11. Offee of Nuclear Reactor Reg. ulaton Drector (Post 870411). 5pp. 81031-12741831.131. NRC44-91468 ERl/NRC 93105. 93/10/31. NRC . No Afthaton Gsvert 27pp. 8109708341892.109. M11300272 LER 9441640an 941025.encovered that TS 3.9.3A exceeded on -9411250100 " Zen Nuclear Staton Urvts 1 & 2.Techncal Evalunnen Rept of IPE Sub. 941020. Caused by mgt defeseney. Electronic work control sys experts asagned to rruttal Assessment of Human Rehabddy Analyss."Imal rept shr4 W/94M23 E SWANSON.PJ Concord Associates, Inc. NRC.04 91469. CA/TR.93 019-18. 94/08/ SHELTON,H.. BROCCOLO.EA C- .- __. Eeson Co. 94/11/23. App

31. Dhnamn of Sately tasue Resoluton (Post 880717). 22pp. 8189211041892.132. 8M06341930-056.

-9411200177 "Evoluaton of Zen IPE/HRA Matis " SWAINAD. Afhhaton Not Assoned. 94/06/14 Offce of Nuclear Reguletary Re. V. Operater t.._ eearch (Post 980720) 34po. 81892.13341892:166. M11300187 Requests results of review & esposton of actmhet at Zen Staten be sut> M 20 ted NRC Form 536, " Operator tscensing Exam Data." per LS 820201) 94/11/22. TUETKkN.R. Commonwealth

  • N,
                                                                                               ,,,                       ,$,h%4%677 M11040364 Forwards exam arewer key for forms A & B.gradmg results, & mdudual O. Inspection reports,IE Busstine & correspondence                                              answer sheets for each sidmdual talung exam from faceny. Requests results be tor-warded to momthsets w/ answer ansets W/o ences.

M11010011 Forweth map repts 50 295/9419 & 54304/9419 on 940823-1003 & RING.M A. Regon 3 (Post 820201). 94/10/27. Consumers Power Co.1p. 81586401-8 00t nonce of malaton.Recurrera probioms m scheduhng & performance of routne ment & survedience actutes reted MILLER,LF. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 94/10/19. TUETKEN.R.P. Commonweatth M11300218 Fonverds NRC summettred guidance that ciennes roCparements for mer> Eason Co. 2pp. 81514.02141614 045. tarun0 mdmdual operator beennes enaged, "Clanfcaton of Maml & Reacewaton Re. ouremems for Indudual Operator Leennes." -9411010014 Notes of inolaton from msp on9408231003.votaton notedfrom 940510 RING.M.A. Regon 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/18. Afflheten Not Asmgned 3pp. to 0906. emergency lights 355 & 482 had Daen on consnuous test charge & emerger> 81872-34141872:343. cy bghts would not sumenste.

  • Repon 3 (Post 820201) 94/10/19 10. 81514 02341514:023.

-9411018020 Insp repts 50 295/94.19 & $4304/9419 on 9408231003. Violetons noted Maior areas mopoceed hcensee onyneenno. operatons.mamt &

                                                                                                         , mm8 cal N& M protecton plane
            .L                 Post     201).~ 94/10 1 .      8   1YO2441514 045.

N10140257 Suppi 1 to NRC Into Notco 93480. " Reporting Fuel Cyds & Matts Events M11030005 informs that rev 17 to remotopcai emergency plan for plant meets regure-to NRC Operatons Ctr." monts of App E to 10CFR50 & acceptable. BURNETT.R.F Dmsen of Fuel Cycle Safety & Setsguards (Post 930207). 94/10/20. CUNE.W E. Repon 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/18. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tervessee Valley Consohdated Eeson Co. of New Yort. Inc.12pp. 81816299 81816.310 Authonty app.81580:09941560 102 i

i l 1 DOCKETED ITEMS 63 l wis0 : 211 Reesents exempton from 10CFR73 55. -Recas,emems to, Pny.cai praise. wisiootit Achnses inat ww overiny rep.w of weid GR.244 sumc=nt to mamiam l ton of Lcensed Actmanos " en anow use of hand geometry boometncs sys to contros structural of weed ur, der operating corotons & that appacaton of ASME unesconed access mio protected area of tacerhes Code Cabe N- 1 to weed puthorized.per941028 ftr MEDFORD.M O Tennessee Vaney Authonty 94/10/24. Documerit Corviroi Branch HEDDONfJ. Propect Drectorate 184 (formerty TVA Prosset Drectorate) (Post ) (Document Coritrol Desk). 8pp. 81585 05341585$58. 900603) 04/11/07. KINGSLEY.O.D Tennessoe Vaney Autnamy. 3pp 81728.250 81726.252. ) N11170078 Forwards row 24 to physcal secumy/contmgencv piarLEnci withheld MACHON.R.D. Tennessee Vahey Aumonly 94/11/04 bacument Control Branch 9411300185 Notshcaton of sgrufmant hcensee meetmg w/utd on 941201 re status of (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 81854 00141854 002. plant & recovery acevrhes. LESSLR.M S Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/10 Regen 2 (Post 820201). 2pp. 9411230280 Amitaten It amends to bconses DPR-33.DPR.52.DPR.68. OPR.77 & 81872.276 81872.277. OPR 79.dedehng audt fregrrcsos & regaremerH to perform radologmal emergercy pean & secumy pian suets from TSs $411220281 f%vides update to IST program & aetesses anomakes adonnfw / NRC DAvlS.CJI Termessee Vaney Autnamy 94/11/15. Document Control Branch (Docu- m NRC 931022 SER.iS1 program update contams cianicatens to program desenpaon manq Control Desk) app. 81854139 81854189 4 rehef requests.New cold arwtdown lusnicaton 12 anno mciudad SALAS.P. Tennessee vaney Authomy 94/11/14. Document Control Branch (Doce

   -M11230287 Proposed toch & . - , audit frequences & retr.arement to perform                  ment Ccntrod Desk). 66pp. 81848.273 81848.338.

re&osopcal emergency plan & sacerny pian su@ts.

  • Tennessee Vaney Autt miy.94/11/15. 47pp. 41854.14341854.189. 9411220184 Forwards permde specalrepts on mtegrated leak rate testag of becondary coraamment recured by TS 6.92.8.

9411230303 Forwards Rev 18 to "Radmiogcal Emergency Plan? Rev also urrects SALAS.P. Tennessee Valley Authomy 94/11/15. Document Comrol Branch (Doca. esveral mmor inconselencies & errors previounty noted m revow of Rev 15 & doce ment Control Desk). 7pp. 81833:00341833 009. momed tiy ter old 940907. CARIER.P.P. Tennessee Vaney Auihanty 94/11/15. Document Conirol Branch (Docu- 9411230200 Appicaton for amends to iconses DPR-33 DPR 52.DPR48, DPR-77 & mont Control Desk). 5pp. 8185423241854293. DPR-79.delehng audt treguencies & re$mroment to perform ra$ologcal emergency

)                                                                                               plan & security plan auets from TSm.
   -4491220304 Rev 18 to "Ramcsogeal Emergwicy Plan?                                           DAVIS.C.R. T_ ..           Valley Aumomy. 94/11/15. Docut9ent Coritrol Branch (Docu-
      * "Iennessee Valley Authority 94/10/18 57pp. 81854.23741854.293.                         ment Control Desk). App.81854 1394185s 189.

9411200047 Forwards erwron assessment & imdm0 of re sepnifkant impact se uht -8411230287 Proposed loch specs.doienn0 audri frequencies & regurement to perform 941024 request lor exempton from regere*nents of 10CFRra.55 concoming access radmeogcol emergency plan & secunty p6an audits. to protected & wtai areas

  • Tennessee vehey Authoney.94/11/15. 47pp. 81854.14341854189 HEBDON.F.A Pugect Drectorate 11 - 8 (53rmerly TVA Protect Drectorate) (Post 900603) 94/11/22. KINGSLE Y.O.D. T- '.aaey Autnanty. Ip. 81863.329- 9411300190 Confrms toscon between P Salas & MS Lesser re arrangements made for 81863.336. 941201 mgt meetmg w/uts concommg alstus of plant reestrig to operating cycle. outage & recove y activihen.
  -9411280063Envron                 - ..; & C1thng of no segmfcani impact re util941024 re-    BOGER.B.A. Repon 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/10. KINGSLEY,0.D. Tenne see VaNey guest for exempton vom certam recparements of 10CFR73.55 re urencorted access            Authonty. 3pp. 81872.28:41872.283.

rito protected & vital areas EIS unriscossafy. HiBDON.FJ #ropect Drectorate li-4 flormerly TVA Proyect Drectorate) (Poet IMKie03) P4/'1/22. 7pp 8*.863 330 81863.336. Q. Inspection reports, IE Su8euns & w. _ K Generaf _ 9411030087 Dmcusass for map of hcensed operator voqualrication pro-gram re risp repts 54259/ 11,54260/94-11 & $0-296/94-11 at staterLUnns 1.2 & 3 to be conducted donng week of 941114 b411030228 Feemsests that iJJ Burrynsks be removed from NRC meshng labees for TVA PEEBLES.T.A Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/19. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vaney

     & repieced w/RR Baron of same ad@ess.                                                     Authonty 49p. 81560'10641560109
  • Tennessimo Vasey Authortly 94400/27. NRC No Detaded Athhaton Given. 2pp.

81641.35s41641.360. 941014o257 Suppl 1 to NRC Int 0 Notice 93 060. "Reportmg Fuel Cycle & Matis Events to NRC Opera 1mns Ctr " 8411230100 Responds to 941015 Ifr to Chairma i i Sohn.resseshn0 sito on actons $URNETT.R.F. Daviarm of Fuel Cyde Safety & Safeguards (Poet 930207). 94/10/20. taken by NRC to address c.incoms rassed by JA Fienung rs emergency preparudness Coneohdated Esson Co. of New York anc 12pp. 01P16.29941816.310. int nucasar power plants TAYLORJ M Oec of the Executsve Director for Operatons. 94/11/09. KERRYJ.F. 9411020283 Provides notfcaton of completmn of Bulleen 7S18. audituisty proNoms on. Senata 3pp 8182828681628 323 counsered on evacuatun of personnel trom high nose dreas for BFN Unna 1 & 3 SALAS.P. T;:. Vaney Authonty 94/10/21. 04nament Corviral Branct) h

  -94112M199 Requests addl ello portammg to emergency proper %ess for each sne                 ment Control Deni4 2pp. 81633.35741633358.

noted. FLEMINGJA Athhstson Not Assoned.94/07/14.CHILK.S. Othee of tie Secretary of N10200153 NRC into Notce 94076. "Recent Fadures of Chargmg/Sevety infecton the Commason. 2pp. 81828.3224i878.323. Pump Shafts " GRIMES.B.K. Othce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton. Drector fpost 870411). 94/10/26. Coneohdated E$aan Co. of New York, Inc.12pp 81658:00141658$13. P. Opersteig scense sWe documents & correspondence 8411000024 Forwards rap repts $4259/94-24.54260/94 24 & 50296/94-24 on 9411300237Fmal to FOIA request tar documents. App C records encf & per- 940914 1015 & nonce c8 veiston. ten, wnhheld ;ref FORA esempton 5). LESSER.M S. Regen 2 (Post 820201) 94/11/02. KINGSLEY.OD. T :  : Vaney POWELLR A. Common of Freedom of arearmaton & Pubhcotorm Servicss (890206 Authonty. 4pp. 8163718941837.224. N0714) 93/11/22 PATTERSON.S.L Newman & Hortzmyse. app. 81900.174 81900.271. -9411000038 Insp repts 50 259/94 24.50-260/94-24 & 50496/94-24 on 940910-1L15 Vionstons noted.Mapar areas repecied operatons.survedlance

  -9411300253 Summary of 920615 18 NRC sener mgt meetrag conducted to assure                   testag.marnenance activibes. irut 3 recovery accons & forse;m metenal found m NRC locuserig feucurces cr plants & rotated maues of greatest salsty sagrancance. info    torus partsRy due:ed                                                                            WERT.LD., LESSER,M.S Reyon 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/02. 29pp. 81837:196 TAYLORJ M Olc of the Executive Drector for Operatona 92/06/25. THE CHAIR.                 81637 2.24.

MAN C1 _ _ . (Post 750119). 50pp. 8190017841900.227 M1121008e Forwards enep repts 50259/94-25.50-260/94-25 & 50 296/94-25 on

  -9411300285 Summary of 930126 28 NRC sener mgt meshng conducted to assure                    941017 21.No vuosamarm or Orvatens asentfed NRC tocunang resources on plants & #eteted maues of greatest sataty esgnfhcance.Into      CRLINJAK.R V. Regen 2 FPost 520201). 94/11/04. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee pertally osteted                                                                          Vaney Authonty 3pp. 81785$0641785.019.

T AYLORJ M Ole of the Execasteve Drector for Operatoris 93/02/04 THE CHAIR-MAN Comr'inssoners (Post 750119) 44pp. 81900.228-81930271. - 9411210079Insp repts50 259/94 25.50 280/94-25 & 50 296/94-25 on 940917-21.No vmeatens noted Masor areas ---: : : - .--- ct ISt procedures.observaton of fS: 9411070111 Extends e vitaton to Regen si teensees to po'tcipate w/NRR Repon fl work actswbes reludmo raper. replacement & review of deut fepresentanves e ds=^==i of GL Bik10 motor +perated vane programs Meetmg to COLEYJ.L BLAKEJJ Regen 2 (Post 820201) 94/11/02. 11pp. 81785 00EL be need on 941108Agenta.GAMeetmg reonce & agJnda enot. 81785 019-MALLETT.B & Regon 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/12 KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley Authonty. $pp.0180509b41805:099 N11090300 NRC Bu8stm used to Transport 944102. "."Corroecn Problems in Certam Stanless Packagmg U MezgflurJide 9411030022 Summertres 941007 meetng w/uto at Repan N ofc to escur uoncervis PAPERIELLO.C.A Dnamen et aridustnal & Methcal Nucieer baiety (Post 870729). 94/ vosokston program.Lat of ansviduals atten$ng rneetm0 & tidendout mati Opphed by 11/14 Cot **mted Edison Co. of New York. Inc,12pp. 81018.31141818.J22. bconeos enci CDGER.8.A. Repen 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/18. KINGSLD AD. Tennessee Vasey H11290029 Forwards snap repts 50-259/94-28.54260/94-28 & 54296/94-48 on Authorny 24pp e1581-06541561$8eo 941024,28 No volatons noted. CLINC,W E. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/16. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley M91030044 hamma 941017 meetsng head w/util to the== obenges m correceve Authonty app. 81857.19341857211. acton propam.Let 01 attendees.agenoa & hare:loul mall suppbed by hommee erect CDGER.B Regen 2 (Post 820201194/10/20.KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vasey An- -9411290034Insp repts 50 259/94-28.54260/94 28 & 50-296/94-28 on 941024 28 No thorty 23pp 8156116341561:185 violatons noted Masar areas macected occasistonal ramston satety PARKER.B.A RANKIN.W H. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/15.15pp. 81857.197-941 t000237 Forwaras Request for Rehof f 6&R 001 fror $$ME secton XI. reces re- 81857211. ouvements for NRC #eview & encroval pncr to sys pr se test currenDv scheckaed tur 941107 4 roguests to use ASME Code Cane N 5041 tot plant ASME #epan pro- H11100237NRC Into Nohue 94 077. "i3altuncton m Man Generator Vottage Res4stor oram Causmg Owenroltage at Safety-Renated Esectncal EausmemL-LALAS P. Temnessee Vansy Aueionly 94/10/28 Document Control Branch (Doce GRIME 5.B K. 94/11/17.Conachdated E$scm Co of New York. Inc. 7pp. 81818.32S. morn Centrol Dest).16pp 81679.22441679239 81816 329  ; i I 1 l l l l

64 DOCKETED ITEMS 9411150578 NRC Wo NotKe 94478. " Eve Component Feelure ese to Degradabon H. General c-. of Polywnyl Chloride Wwe Insulabort" GRIMES.B K. . 94/11/21. Cor*w*riat 7 son Co of New York. Irm. 10pp 9411230100 Responds to 941015 ftr le Chanmio I Sehn.veauestmo mio on actens 81848.215 41644 224 taken tn NRC to address concoms raised Dy JA Flenung to eme gency preparedness $411170039 NRC Wo Notre 94479. "M. L wecally influenced Carrosen of EDG TY Execuhve Drector for Opershons 94/11/09 KERRY,J.F.

                                                                                                        .M    c of GRrMES             /11/23 Coneohoated Ei       . (=   > New York. Inc. 9pp. 81848.225-    Sense. W 8M286 06282 818'8E
                                                                                         -9411230199 Requests addl mfo pertairung to emergeincy preparedness for each one 9411170279NRC Into Notes 94 080, "tre                  DC Grourd Detechon m DC Detnbu.       hated FLEMING.J A. Affmanon Not Assegned 94/07/14.CHILK.S Orfme of tte Secretary of ton GRIMES Sys.".B K . 94/11/25. Consoldated Echeon Co. of New York, irm. 14pp.               the Comnussort 2pp 81828.32241828 323 81848 23441848.247.

9411210398 Raouests that hst of carbon copy addressees on NRC conoscondence to 94 t1170284 NRC Into Notre 94461,

  • Accuracy of Bmassay & Envoon Samping Re- uni tw rensed to add RC Goeey Nucear Lcenang & Satsty Manager Marked up copy suits " of recent Itr from NRC Regen IV attacned that shows requested change.

PAPERIELLO.C.J. Onneson of Irdustnal & Motical Nuclear Safety (Post 870729L 94/ HORN.G R Netwaska Putsc Power Detnct 94/11/15 Document Control Brarch 11/25. Corusohdated feson Co. cl New York, Inc.12pp 81648.24841648259- (Document Control Oesk). 3pp. 81837.17441837.176. Q. Portodic operating reports & rotated a- P. Operating heense stage documents & correspondence H 220313 Monthly operatmg rept for Oct 1994 for Browns Feny Nuclear PlantW/ , g g , SMITH.T.R., SALA $.P. Tennesege Valley Authority 94/10/31.13pp 81648 346 Features et seiected OperstmLNuclear Power Plants. 81648.360 BRAVERMNA.J. Brookhaven reetKnal Laboratory L 151(6)/54. 93/05/31.100pp. 81621228 41621 128 S. Reportable occurrences, LERa & related . 9411030243Lir contract. mod 1 to task order 18.extendmg penod of performance from 940808 to 950228 at no ads cost to govt,to "lPE Rewwws.treemal+vont End Onry." 9411200291 LER 9440100on 941018. unexpected autostart of unit 3 DGs occurved for plant dunng performance of Si due to personnel error. Elecincel memt personnel Dneted on MACE.M Drvisen of Contracts (Post 940714) NRC.04 91466 94/06/18. COUNA.L evern W/941117 Itr Scsonce & Engmeenng Assormates. inc.1p 81607.29541607.296 HSIEH.C.S., MACHON.R.D. Tennessee Valley Authonty 94/11/17.10pp 81912156-81912 165. 9411030123 Ltr cor tract. Mod 1 to task order 19.entendmg penod of

                                                                                            " Task 19-4PE Renews.incomat Events-Human Rehabihty Analyses Only (Cooper)
  • MACE.M. Oswieson of Contracts (Post 940714). 94/09/01.HAAS.P.M Concord Assoc >

W. Operator E eles. Inc. 2pp. 8160720841607.208 N11030097 Docusses arranpoments nor insp of bcensed operator rec >nalificsson pro- 9411078063 Nobfcanon of hoensee meetmg w/utd on941106to chacuss beenese ape-gram te inep repts54259/94-11,50260/9411 & $0-296/94-11 at stason.Uruts 1.2 & cric restart plans & NRC MC 0350. " Staff Gudehnes for Restart Approval

  • 3 to be conducted cunng week of 941114 BEACH.A.B Regen 4 (Post 820201). 94/10/31. Regen 4 (Post 620201L 5pp.

PEEBLES,T A Region 2 (Post $20201). 94/10/19 KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vaney 81604.26341604.267 Aufnonly app. 815ei010641560109 N11040135Notifcation of941109 meetm0 w/ubl m Rockville.MD to rha- status of current & anncipated econsmg actions for plant DOCKET $4257 NORTM CAROLINA STATE UNIV. PULSTAR REACTOR HALL J.R. Prosect Drectorale IV.1. 94/11/01.DECKNER.W.D. Proiset Drectorate IV-

1. 2pp. 81628 29441628.295.

F, Securtty, meecal, emergerey & fire protection plans 9411070016 teotifoston of 941117 eneetng w/ubi m NPPD trammg bidg to escuss p@he exn for special evaluaton team. 9411030036 Forwards insp ropt 50-297/9442 on 94093CL1001.No violations ected BE.ACHAB. Regen 4 (Post 620201) 94/11/01. Regon 4 (Post 520201). 5pp. COLUNS.D M, Regon 2 (post $20201) 94/10/20. PERE 2.P B Nortf* Caroima State 81604t4441604 048 Uruv., Raisigh, NC 2pp. 81561-15741561.161. 941H00006 of monase rneeeng w m -44)1030040insp rept $0 297/94 02 on 9409301001.No mulatons noted Mapor areas . gn eD NRC a B SSETT. J Regon 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/20. 3pp. 81561-159- #^ l 81561 161, 6 16 252 . 9411850616 Forwards rewnte of Rev 10 to TNS OA Program for Operation Pohey Doc- l (L Inspecten reports, BE BuAetirte & corveapander:ce ument" for NRC renew & approval. Summary c4 changes & response to NRC 940606 1 i RAI also enct N11030036 Forwards insp rept %297/9442 on Ib409341001 No motators reted. HORN.G R. Neuraska P@he Power Detnct 94/11/07 Documerit Control Branch (Document Coreal Desk). 2pp, 81779 00141779131. COLUNS.D M Regen 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/20. PERE 2.P.B. North Carchna State Unnt., Raisegh, NC. 2pp 81561.157 41561:161. -4411150520 Rewrtte of Rev 10 to "CNS OA Program for Opershon Pokcy Document" -9411030040Insp rept 50L297/94J12 on 94093CL1001.No notanons noted. Mapor areas

  • Nebraaka Pshc Power Datnet94/11/07,129pp. 0177990341779131.

inspected teensee annual ER etil BASSEli,C.H., MCALPINE.EJ. Region 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/20. 3pp. 81561159- 9411190021Discmssees 941108 meetm0 addressme process tw whch NRC wel diarmme 81561.161- readmess for restart of plant & anow bcensee to escuss plans to restartLet of enendees,NRC presentat on & hcennee gresentshon enct BEACH.A B. Regmn 4 (Post $20201k 94/11/10 HORN.G R Nebraska Pubhc Power DOCKET $0 298 COOPER 98UCLEAR STATION Dstnct 2Dpp. 81746 03441746-063 9411210240 Forwards Rev 0 to " Cooper Nuclear Stanon Restart Readinosa Program" F. Securny, mechcni, emergency a hre protectboa piens MUELLERJ H. Nebraska Ph ic Power Distnct 94/11/14 Document Control Branch (Document Coneol Desk).1p a183100141831976. 9411070191 Rommed EPeps.incknkno rov 20 b 6 717. " Dose " . . J." rev 14 to 5 7.16. "Olt.$ rte & Site Bounaary Monrtonng" A rev 11 to 6 720. "Prosecove Acton -9411210243 Rev 0 to. " Cooper Nuclear Staten Restart Roadness Program." Flecnerenendelsorm." W/ B41101 Itr.

  • Nebraska Pubhc Power Detnet 94/11/08. 76pp 8183190441831$76.

HORN.G.R Nebraska Putec Power Deinct94/11/01. 50pp 8165411041654169 9411300207 Forwards page 6 to response to t. TIC reouest for addl edo re OA program 9411180253 Forwards revend pages to fev 29 to Cooper Nuclear Staton e,nFgricy for operaton . poacy docurnent.madvertently omitted from ongmal submrttal. plan. submstied941017 HORN.G.R. Nebraaka Pubhc Power Destnct 94/11/22 Documpst Coneal Branch HORN. .A Nebraska P@lc Power Disect 94/11/04 Document Control Branch (Document Coneel Douk). 3pp. 8195128741951289 (Document Control Desk).1p. 0177510941775'111.

-4411160259 Revesc' pages to Cooper Nuclear Staten emergercy piart ongmany sub-Nebraska         Power Destnct94/11/04. 3pp 81775.10941775.111.
                                                                                                                          '"U *** N'                              O       I""'8 9411230154Ack receipt of a40928 Itr mlormmg that changes to Rev 31 to phymcaf so-         "[                         ,

En g,Rd dis"o"n COL INS b 4 'ut 820201). 94/11/16 HORN.G R Nebraska Pubhc Power Co pl 2r 1 8 6 Distrct opp 81894 311 ; MAks,315 9410200153 NRC trvo Notco 94 076. "Recent Fanures os Charyng/Sateiy in, seton 9411180041 Docusses cmanges to uta941017adattai re Rev 29 to neant emergency Pump Shafts pian a eworms that ance rev tound to be unacceptable upon NRC renew. weaknesses GRIMES.B K Othce of Nuclear Reactor Regulahon, Drector (Post 870411) 94/10/26 emisi m uni emergency rewww pian process. Consoisdated Eeaon Co. of New york. Irs.12pp. 8165aS014165^.013 COLLINS.SJ hoocn 4 (Post 820201) 94/11/16 HOFIN.G.R Nebraska Pubhc Power Distnct 4pp 81714.33941774.342 9411020010 Forwart;s copy of master exam.w/ answer key tar 941005 generic tunda. 9411250147Renned EPIP514auorig rev 161 to EPIP $ 7.9 & rev 20 to EPIP 6.717 W/ merws exam escion or wntten agerator hcenamg exem Wto encl 941116 fir GWYNN.T.P Regon 4 (Post $20201) 94/10/26. HORN.G R Netraska Pubhc Power HORN.G R teatraska Pubhc Power Chsmet 94/11/16. topp 81066.28741866.304 Dminct 2pp 81526 05441528-055

DOCKETED ITEMS 65 9411020021 Forwards mitp rept 50 296/94 24 on 9407314910 & notco of N11250124 LER 9441140on 940602.pernary contammera penetraton desgn & test. vio6stortOperanons personnel power.error resulted an procedursi vesaton & corresponomg mg descences % N-temporary toss of no break by organsratonas & programmate BEACH.A.B Region 4 (Post 820201). 94/10/27 HORN.G R. Nebraska Put*c Power catconces.Desgn changes coveloped & enpiemomed W/941115 Itr. Disanct Sop.81528 1554 1528 176. REEVES.DL. HERRONJ T. Neeraska Pubic Power Dstnet. 94/11/15. 6pp. 81864.181 41864 186.

        -M11020026 Notre of volaton from snap on 9407314910Volanon notedon 940819.some of no break power sys occurred due to mstruenons m sys operstmg pro-           9411250051 LER 94 016-01:on 940804.determmed that DG t not m cornphance w/arter.

cedure 22 22.rev 26. "vetal matrument power sys." not soccecally Iahowed. note snutdown regarements Caused by narrow mierpr%sbon of mosapon reg.arements

  • flogen 4 (Post 820201). 94/10/27.1p. 81528.16141528161. lor DG Dessgn change snplemented W/941117 Mr MYERSJ R., HERRONJ.T. Necraska Pubic Fower Distnct 94/11/17. 5pp.
        -9411020036 insp repI 54298/94-24 on 9407314910Velatons noted. Maeor areas empacteoensne response to everes.operatonal safety wentcaten.ptant support actMhes.strvesliance operatens & tollowup correct we schons for viols 1 sons.

HARRELL.P.H. Region 4 (Post 820201). 94#10/26.15pp 8152816241528.176. y* gg g

        $411070097 Ack recewt of 940706 & 0921Itrs mfomwng of steps taken to correct vois-tons noted m map repI50 294/94 44                                                          9411020010 Forwards copy of master exam.w//iswer key for 941005 generc funda.

GWYNN.T.P. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 94/10/28. HORN.G R. Nebraska Pubic Power monials exam secton of wntion operator essng exam W/o arci Distnct opp 81005S0141605 012. GWYNN.T.P. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 94'10/26 NORN.G R Nebraska Pubic Power Dstnet 2pp. 81528:05441528S55. 9411000247 Forwards rebet request RI 07 to 8Si program lor review & approval. HORN.G (Document R. Nebraska Cortrol Pubhc Desk). 5pp. Power Demet 94/11/01. Documera Conrof Branch 81667.35441667.358' 9411290193 Summary of M1110 meetng w/ds se karang & operator bconsmg mauesust es snendees.meeang egends & hanoauts enci. GWYNN.T.P. Regon 4 (post 620201). 94,11/22. Regon 4 (Post 820201). 27pp N11150342 Responos to violatons noted m snap rept 50 298/94 18. Conecuve 086H03 8W9S29 actons.chenge to procedure 13.1 entbated that will rooure noefcaton of NRC rear MUEtt M Nearesma Power get 94 (Document Control Desk). 3pp 8178190141781:003 Branch DOCKET 3t>301 POfffT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 2 N11090300 NRC Busean Used to Transport 94402. "Corronen U Herafkonde

  • Problems in Certam Slamiess Packagm0 F. Securay, ensecal, emergency & tre protection piens 1/ 4 Co ork. 18 1 1 1 .322 941123o030 Forwards pubhc verson of EPIP mchatng rev 22 to EPIP Index.rev 18 to M1110C237 NRC Info Nobce 64 077 "Maffuncton m Mac Generator voltage Regu6stor EPIP Form Index.rew 21 to EPIP 1.1.rev 11 to EPIP 1.1.1.rev 6 to EPIP 1.1.2 rev 2 to EPIP 13efev 12 to EPP 22 4 rev 10 to EPip 23 W/941117 Itr.

C'atmag Ove*voetage at safety.Related Electncal Equipment" GRIMES.B K. .94/11/17 Conachdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc 7pp. $1816.323 MAXFIELD.GJ. Weconam Electne Power Co 94/07/21. Document Control Branch (Document Connel Desk). 4pp. 81827201-81827.149. 81818.329. 9411150678NRC Info Nobce 94478 "Etectnc Component Fadure due to Degraasten -9411230042 EP P rev 22 to EPiP anden.rev 18 to EP P Form Inden.rew 21 to EPIP of Posyvinyt Chionde Wre insulahort" 1.1/ev 11 to EPIP 1.11.rev 6 to EPIP 1.1.2/ev 2 to EPIP 1.3e.rev 12 to EPtP 22sev GRIMES.B K. 10 to EP P 23/ev 8 to EPip 24.rev 11 to EPIP 25 & rev 26 to EPIP 26.

                          . 94/11/21. Coneohdated Eenon Co. of New York. Inc. 10pp.
  • Waconsm Elecinc Power Co.94/07/21.147pp. 81827 00341827.149.

81M8.215 81648.224. M11170039 NHC Info Notre 94479, *%cropsolcocally influenced Corroacn of EDG See Water Pipmg " Ni 7 ""'" GRIMES.B K. .94/11/23 Consondated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 81848225- MARTINJ B Regen 3 (Post 620201). 94/10/21. LINK.R.E. Waconse Electne Power 81648 233. Co. 4pp. 81515S1641515$26 H 70 79 NRC Info Nocce 94-080. "inadeguste DC Ground Detecton en DC Decibu- ~" ' ' R E K. 94/11/25. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 14pp.

                                                                                                                 '3h%os           94$$1$ N5                    5'15 0'26
                                                                                                                                                ,                                   g acceptabee & does not decrease enactrveness et emergency plannmg 9411170264 suna "       NRC Info Nobce 94481. " Accuracy of Boassay & Erwron Samphng Re.                 CREEDJR Repon 3 (Post 820201) 94/10/25. LINK.R. Weconam Eisetrc Power Co.1p. 81561$1041561210.

PAPERiELLO.CJ. Dmeson of Inchssinal & Meecal Nuclear Salety (Post 870729) 94/ 11/25. Carmohdeed Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81848246-81648259 N11030158 Forwards FEMA. final "Evercee ReptPosnt Beach Nuctner Power Plant Jomt Esercne." covtucted920317. Q. Portodle operaung reports a rotated -. MCCORMICK.BERGE 3 (Post 820201). 94/10/27. LINK.R. Waconom Electnc Power Co.1p. 81560 1560-325. 941118C289 Monthly operating rept tar Oct 1994 ear Cooper Nuclear StahortW /941110 W11020212 Forwards rev to securtry plan.Rev withneed. Pr KRAUSE.EA. HE RRONJ.T. feebraska Ptbbc Power Distnct 94/10/31. $pp. MAXFIELDAJ Waconaan Eiscenc Power Co 94/90/28. Document Control Branch 81775.12241775 126 (Document Controd Dook).1p. 81633 32641633.326 9411640277 Forwards response to NRC RAlt.Wansrnstled on 94001 11013 #e uht

     $ Reportable occo rences. LERs a reisted 6                         -                              940805 rowest for exemphon from requirements of Secton th., of App R to 10CFRSO for AFWP room.

9411070306 LER 94424 00.on 941002. inoperable condson of Halon sys m eve water LINK.B. Waconsm Electne Power Ces 94/10/31. Document Coneol Branch (Docu-purre room cenpfed Caused by madequale procedures Procockre 0.39. " Fro Watch" mort CorWas Desk). 3bpp. 81f,48.30241648:337. we be revised W/941031 str SEN.G., HERRONJ.T. Netranka Pubhc Power Dutnet 94/10/31. 4pp. 81718154 9411090243 Forwards contral files & pubhc versons of rewmed EPIPtL Contal fees vor. 81716 162. son of revised EPIPs withread MAXFIELD.GJ. " Waconem Electic Power Co M/10/31. Document Control Branch 9411100235 LER k42340on 941003.TS volaton contrhed for faikre to perform re. ** demonstraton of DG 1 operabihty Caused by armooguste Fammg Tramsng (taQate eensons) w/hcensed operatons personnel we be performed W/941102 itr ~9411090247Pubhc versson of revoed EPIPs.mciudng Rev 21 to EPIP larm mdsa.Rev CAFORD.A HERRONJ T fueDieska Pubhc Power Distnct 94/11/02. 5pp. 13 to EPIP.22,Rev 11 to EPIP.23.Rev 7 to EPIP 24,Rev 12 to EPIP.25 & Rev 11 to 81747:07841747:082.

  • Waconam Electre Power Ca 94/2/n 27m 8171927241719298.

9411150508 LER 9442540on 940930.smproper matanabori & cahty of Kamen riormal & hrp range gasema acevity detectors noted. Caused by personnet error. Detectors M11100071Confrms plans to change time of 941108 meetmo to docuss SALP rept for romstahaa & secahtwated W/941104 nr plantcwenne pered 930401 throupi 940917. HORN.AJ. HERRON.J.T. Nebraska Ptehe Power Datnet.94/11/04. 5pp. 81782$1g. GREEWAN.E.G Repon 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/02. LINK.R.E. Waconam Doctnc 31782 022. Power Co. 2pp. 81673.26241673.265. M111So636 LER 9442140-on 941007.desagn flew decovered that could cause DGs rendered moperstas dunry fue en turbre two0. Caused by amproperty executed stumor -9411100078 Natrinaton of segrufmant ncensee mesen0 w/util on 941108 to discuss SALP tt for plant comign change HP carbon dosade entnguisrung sys rout dmabeed W/941107 nr. VICTOR.W F ARBER.M). Reason 3 (Post 820201). 99/11/02. Region 3 (Post 820201). 2pp 81782$1341782017. HERRONJT. Nebraska Pubhc Power Distnct 94/11/07 Spp. 8167326441673265. 9411160531 LER 9442600.on 941009,detemuned that temp of soluton m stamby houd control sys not bemo moratoresser TS. Caused by mgt/QA dehciency y, i, Wange we be impeemented to igigwse SLC heat to comply w/recurements) / PEDERSON.C.D. Regen 3 (Post 820201). M/11/18 LINK.R. Waconem Electnc 9411ve ser Power Co. 2pp. 81871.349 81871.350. HORN.AJ., HER8tONJ.T. Netraska Pt6he Power Distnct 94/11/00 5pp 81782$28-


P. Operstmg Deense stepe encuments & w ' -- 9411220236 LER 9441040on 940526.ceosure of shutdown cooln0 sucten soaaton vatves atuse warmmo RHR sys due to leakage through mrumum now vake.SR MOV 9411040293 Techncal Rept. "? we De chechea hr tortpnHn current MOV surveshance W/941114 tir . a of Ageng Degradaten of Cul/ Structural SEN.G.. HERRONJ T. Nebraska Ptehe Features at Leiected Operaung Natiear Power Plants Desenct 94/11/14 8pp. 81850166 81890 173 BRAVERMNAJ. Brookhaven Natonal Laboratory L.151(6)/5-93 93/05/31 100pp. 01621 02S41621 128

                                                      ~ . .                                       . - -          .              _         -                           -          _

e 66 DOCKETEDITEMS N11038U t Ltr contract. mod 1 to task order 22.ewtondmg pened of performance from N11100071Contems piens to change ame of 941108 mostm0 to escuss SALP rept for 940929 to 950329at no addl cost to "lPE Renews.iniemal Events Front End piant.covenng penod930401 inrougn 940m17.

                                                   " tar nts Unri1 & 2.                                                                       GREENMAN.E.G. Regon 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/02. UNK.R.E. Waconem Eoctnc
                                                     .M            of Cornrects (Post 940714) NRC.04 91466. 94/09/01 COUNA.t.                 Power Co. 2pp. 81673.26241673 265.

Scence & Enyneermg Assocates. Inc.1p. 81607.29741607298

                                                                                                                                                                   '**"#"U"**"'                    ****"O*"*' "*              '

N11940111 LW contract. mod 1 to task order 23.ortendmg penod of portarmance of ' took order from 940929 to 950329 at no addl cost or ochgeton to "iPE FARBER.MJ Regon 3 (Post 620201). 94/11/02. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 2pp. Remsws.imemal Events. Nurnan Rehab4ey Ana8rse Onlyr for plants. 81673'26441673.zt 5' MACE.M Danson of Contracts (Post 940714) NRC4441469. 94/09/01.NAAS.P M Concord A==eates. Inc. 2pp. 81628.27641628 277. M110e0300 NRC Bulletm 94 002. "Corrosson Problems m Cartam Stantess Packagmg M11030224 Informs that IST program fehof VRR.21 no longer requesd & forman Used to Transport U Hexafluonde? withdrawnFuture tesnng of mem 8eedwater check verve shall be on cold shutdown PAPERIELLO.CJ. DMmon of industnal & Meecal Nuclear Saeety (Post 870729). 94/ fremsency as permnted Dy ASME Secton KUWV 3522. 11/14. Consolidated Emmon Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81816.31141816.322 MAXFIELD,GJ Weconom Electnc Power Co 94/10/18 Document CorWol Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 81645.35141645.352- N11100237 NRC Info Notee 94477. "Maffuncton in Mac Generator Voltage Regulator M11N0264 Grants roowest toe tehof to use esoy 690 wold metal m tabnceton & mstal. 17 " ed E New ork. Inc 7pp, 81816.323 labon of repiecement SG for plant & tarwards SE supportmi roguest $1818.329~ CARPENTER.C.A. Propect Deectorate m-3. 94/10/27 UNK.R.E. Waconom Eisetnc M11230016 Ack receipt of941014 ar vansnutten0 NOV w/ map repts 54 266/94 18 &

                                          -9411040298 Safety evalueton sugg ortng request for retet to une alloy 690 weed rnetal              50 301/94-18. Steps taken to correct molatons t a.2.a & 2.b.noted Voiston in tabncaton & estanaton of replacement SG tar plant                                              i b. retracted
  • Ottee of Nucteer Reactor Reguistort. Drector (Post 870411). 04/10/27. 4pp. SHAFER.W.D. Repon 3 (Post 820201). 64/11/18. UNK R. Weconam Electne Power 81628.333 4 1628.336 Co. 2pp. 8181106641811078.

M11010178 Submits degraded gnd voltage settmg hmet status update. Leoneses expect 9411230017Ack receipt of941014 tir trennmmm0 NOV w/ map repts50 266/94-16 & to provide Tech Specs request for degraded voltage by 950420 50 301/94.16. Steps taken to correct vioistens 1.a.2.a & 2b.notedVolaeon UNK.B Waconom Electnc Co 94/10/26. Document Control Branch (Docu. 1.b. retracted. ment Control Deskt 2pp. 8158598641585967. SMAFER.W D. 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/14 SCHROCK.C.A. Waconan Pidmc N11030823 Forwards Amends 156 & 180to bconees DPR 24 & OPR-27 'respectwofy

                                             & SE. Amends rowse TS to reduce RCS raw measured totsi now rate & operetng                     9411190678 NRC BrWo Noboe 94478. "E6setnc Component Fa4ure due to Degradaten ANS A                             te 1113. 94/10/28. UtiK.R.E. Waconom Electnc Power                                                       ted Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 100p.

R K. / 172

                                          -4411030327Arnands156 & 100to Laconees DPR.24 & DPR.27peepectively. revesng TS ascion 15.31.G. " Operation Omnatorm." to reduce RCS row messuned total flow                N11170038 NRC Info Notce 94479. "Mecrobmiogmany influenced Corrosen of EDG reae & operaeno pressure.                                                                         Svc Water Pgung "

ADENSAM.E.G. DMacn of Reactor Propoets lit tV,V (Post 901216), 94/10/28. 7pp. GRIMES.B.K. .94/11/23.Consohdated Emeon Co. of New York, Inc. 9pp. 81648.225 0180898241608.089. 81848.233.

                                          -94                       Sveluaten supportmg Amends 156 & 100 to LA:enses OPR.24 &               N11170279 NRC Into Notce 94460.
  • Inadequate DC Ground Detecton m DC Datnbu.

Othee of Reactor Regulaton Dractor (Post 670411). 94/10/28 6pp. $1MYS.B K.. 94/11/25 Coneohdated Edmon Co. of New York. Inc. 14pp. 81848.23441648 247. 9411040277 Forwards response to NRC RAla.Iranarrutted on 940913 & 1013 re uut 940805 request for eiremphon from reawoments et sechon liLG of App R to N11170364 NRC Info Notce 9448 s " Accuracy of Boassay & Enveon Serrgdmg Re-10CFR50 tot AFWP room. suits " l LINK.B. Waconne Eaectne Power Co. 94/10/31. Document Control Branch (Docu. PAPERIELLO.C.J Dmson of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Salety (Post 870729). 94/ ment Control Denk). 36pp. 81645 30241048.337. 11/25. Cornchdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 8184824841848.259. 9411000037 Fanmards SE denymg beennee 940203 request for rebet from successive CARP NTER.C. Pr to 6 94 1 UNK.R.E. Wacenom Electne Power Co. 2pp. 8165816341658169 ' 9411230330 Mor aeratng repts for Oct 1994 tar Posnt Beach Nucisar Plant Uruts 1

                                          -9411000040 Safety evalueton denyng bconese 940203 request for taket from succes-                    & 2 W/941104 L save rups of flows detected m esconcery- ande SG shes weed                                        KOUDELKA M B., anAXFIELD.GA Waconam Enoctnc Power Co. 94/10/31. 13pp
  • Othee of Nuctear Reactor Reguishon. Drector (Post 870411). 94/11/01. 5pp. 81854.31641854.328.

81658.16541658.169. 94? t230218 Forwents ramad noneny operatng cards for Sept im W Pomt Beach 9411100080 Forwards rept on este voit to revenw enpasmentaton of marrit rule at etsten

                                                                                                        ~ ~

Y M Consumers Waconse Electic Power Co 94/11/04. Document Control Branch SHAF WD (Pos 1) 94/11/07. ~ (Docurnoni ContnN M 1p. 61833NWM Power Co. 2pp. 131 4 1746.141. Nt1250140 54mrts mod to 940012subtruttal of TS Change RecNest 169. rowsmg TS -9411230230 Rewmed monthly operatmg repts for Sept 1994 tar Pomt Beach Nuclear 15.3.3. "ECCS.Aumhary Sys.Ar Receculaton Fan Cooters & Contammeril Plant. Spray? per rkr*=*1 w/NR flected TS pages enct KOUDELKA.M.B. Waconom Elsetnc Power Co.94/09/30. 9pp 8163323741833.245. UNK.B Waconam Electnc Power Co. 94/11/16 Document Control Branch (Docu. ment Control Desk). 2pp 81881.35241681255.

                                          -9411280142 Proposed TS 15.3.3.statmp that RCS temps shall be mamtamed greater EWA-                               . M & retsted seneependonoe that 350 F after peacmg reactor in hot shutdown conebon & removmg note to Spec 15.31D.12. escussmg power supply to Tram B SWPs for Urut 2.                                                     LER 9440340'on 941010.000 pod leek test was performed &
  • Waconom Electnc Power Co.94/11/16. 2pp. 81881ftS441681.355. 9411,030185u es.mecharucal plugs & exatoesve plugs observed to have leakageClome were performed & DJbes were rectacect W/941026 nr.

O. Inspoemen reports, IE Dunstens & corveependonee [1802 44 N10140257Suppi i to NRC Into Notoe 93460. "ReportnDFuel Cycle & Metis Events 9411010382 LER 94Non 941006.RCS chiande sampte taken outasde penodesy to NRC Operateoris Ctr? recured by TS due to incomplete communcatons. RCS sampled & cruande com BURNETT.R.F. Oswenson of Fuel Cvele Safety & Saloguards (Post 930207) 94/10/20- Demon venhed to be wenn acceptable Inut.W/941027 ler Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 8181629941816.310. MALANOWSKI.T.G., UNK.B. Waconam Electnc Power Co. 94/11/06. 4pp. 9411010138 Forwards SALP 11 repts 50'2ti6/9441 & 54301/9441 covermg period 930401 440917. MARTINJB. Repon 3 (Post 820201). 94/10/21.UNK.R.E. Waconasn Elecer Power Co app. 81515 01641515-026 V. Operator Esamensmens  ; yW (Post 8 20 94 1 21 7 t 5 15 026- 941m0364

                                                                                                                                               - ea.ets Forwan,ts.

to e cn e,ev.-a nam answer ke.en, am o. terms trorn A &.Egreeng f cety.a.oussis resuns, resuhs be to & Mvidua,.l

                                                    ',O ,,p'",,'p*g**50-A.              (      82020 94 10/2 Corewmers Power Co.1p. 81586 001-
                                                                                     &SNO 94                                                    $1586t01.

F ARBER.MJ Regen 3 (Post 820201k 94/10/25.UNK.R.E. Waconem Elecinc Power Co.1p 81673 26481673.2ti6 9411300218 Forwards NRC summanrod guutance that clanfies rogurements for mark 9410200153 NRC Into Nohce 94476, "Recent Fadures of Chargmg/Salsty inpochon tarung mdudust operator beennesenntl.ed. "Clanhcaton of Mamt & Reactivaton Re-Pump Snem- o emanis for ineviousi operator ucen es GRIMES.8 IL Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/26. RING.M A Regon 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/18. Affikaton Not Assegned. 3pp Cor=retated tenon Co of New York, entL 12pp. 81658 00141658 U13 81872 341 4 1872 343.

DOCKETED ITEMS 67 DDCKET 50 302 CRYSTAL RrVER NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 3 M10140257 Suppl 1 to NRC Info Nobce 93400. "Reportmg Fuel Cycle & Matts Events to NRC Operatsons Ctr." BURNETT.R.F. Dumon of Fuel Cycle Safety & Safeguards (Post 930207). H/10/20. F. Securtty, snedical, emergers, 6 are protection plane Consokasted Ethson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 8181629941816.310. 9411140187 FOIA regnest for documents re concems or aneganons of radmiogeal M11300044 Act recome of $41003 ler mtormng NRC of steps taken to correct volatons l saiety or to actons or statements of hesRh phyncs tectrucsans on871202 or 03 at noted m map rept50 302/94-19 l piane assocated w/ NRC revow of ALARA or health physcs concorra VERRELLt.D M Regen 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/21. BEARD.P M. Flonda Power Corp. 4 HENDERSON.DA Troutman5anders (tormerly Troutman, Sanders. Lockerman & Aor, 3pp. 8167116941871:191. moret 93/10/26 GRIMSLEY,0.H Chnsen or Freedom of Informaton & PutAcatons Servume (890206440714) 1p. 81732.20581732.205. 3411030347 Subnuts response to violatons roted m insp Rept $4302/941tCorrectrve actons beensee taken eggresame & proactive acton over test several yrs to improve t M11100100Foraards Revs 6 5 physcal secur plan. Revs wdhheld.per 10CFR7321. knowtedge of conomon of steam generators BEARD.P.M Fionda Power Corp 94/10/20. Cor*of Branch (Document BEARD,P M. Fionaa Power Corp. 94/10/24. Document Crmtrol Branc$ (Document Control Desk).1p. 81736 30541738.305. Control Desk) 2pp. 81640.32741640.328. unn dologmal Ed 7 - 9410200153 NRC Into Nobce 94-076. "Recent Fadures of Chargmg/ Safety ingscten er &Rev3 E E22 Flande Power Corp.94/10/24. 87pp. 81641.22841641214 E . N W w Rm Rpm h mr (Post 870414 H/10/E 9411480260 Adween that util e conductm0 tests of Therm @ spacemens represents. CD808' dated Edman Co. of New York,Inc.12pp. 81658:00141658:013. hwe of mstalled conhgtestons at tacskty whch mclude serreses of ThermoLag mas presently mutaned m plant. M11210025 Forwards map rept 50 302/94 22 on 9409141008 &rette of velaton. BEARD.P M Flonda Power Corp 94/10/31. Document Consol Branch (Document VERRELLt.D M. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/04. BEARD.P M. Fionas Power Corp. Cor*ol Desk). 2pp. 81667.35941667:360. 3pp 81784115417M 142. 941110D216 Rev 2 to EOP 03. " Inadequate Seconimg ." -4411210035 Nohce of volaton from map on 6409141006 Vesaton noted.chernestry irk

  • Flonde Power Corp.94/11/01. 36cp. 81736:30641736: structons CH-123 thd not melude suffssent detases to pronde acowate method for teetng of emergency chesel fuel os e Ousnotes less than one hter.

9411210025 Forwards map rept $0 302/94-22 on 9409101008 &notco of violaton.

  • Regon 2 (east 820201). 94/11/04.1p. 81764:11641794.116.

VERRELLI.D M Recon 2 (Post 820201) 94/11/04. BEARD.P M. Floruse Power Corp. 3pp. 8178411541/84142- -9411210039 Insp rept 60402/94-22 on 940910-1008 Violatons noted Malor areas

   -M11210039 Insp rect 50 302/94-22 on 9409101006 Ve6etons note 1.Magor areas                                                               nons                repts                                                t'e r

mspectadareas of plant operatons,tadotogmal cormois.secunty.aurvedlance a meet BUTCHER.R. COOPER.T., POERTNER.K. (Post 620201). 94/11/04. 24pp NS 8308 8 *8 D *ene & tee prenecton. 81764 119 81784.142* BUTCHER".R., CO"P'ER',T., O P'*OE'S R "TNER.K. (Post 820201). 94/11/04. 24pp. 81784 Um7e4142 9411180251 Prondes renconne to violatons noted m NRC Enforcement Acton EA 94-94111s0261 Proudes response to modatons noted in 94RC Erdorcement Acton EA 94- 135.did 94101tConoctve acionstcensee no enger seawny coneacta et Crystal did 941011.Conectew9 octens hcensee no longe sectmty Cortector at Crystal [WSS k M 94/11/10. Documed Con-DELROSSO.L Bums emematonal Secunty Senaces, Irc. 94/11/10. Document Cork pol Branch (Docunent Consol Deskt 77m 8178t1244178120t Wol Brach (Documerit Control Desk). 77pp. 81781.124417'1.201. ,, 9411300338 Rev 21 to EPIP AR-305. "F.S E Annuncistor Respmse." used to Transport U Menanuonde." i

  • Fionca Power Corp. 94/11/I# 67pp. 81909.08741909144. PAPERIELLO.CJ. Danson of industnal & Medcal Nucinar Safety (Post 870729). 94/ l 11/14 Cormohdated Echson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 81818.31141816.322.

P. Operating noenee stage - _ & soevonpondence 9411100237 NRC Info Stoben 94477, **Maltuncton m Man Generator Voltage Regulator Counsng Overvoltage at Safety-Reasted Enoctncal Equipment." - 9411140157 FOLA request for documents re concems or anegabons of rachologmal GRIMES.B K. .94/11/17. Core =ted Echson Co. of New York, Inc. 7pp. 81816.323-satsty or to actons or statements of health phynace techncaans on871202 or 03 at 81816.329 peeril associated w/ NRC review of ALARA or health physses concwms. HENDERSON.DA T 79d-s (formerty Troutman. Sanders Lockerman & Asf> 9411160578NRC Onlo Nobce 94478. "Elecinc Component Falure due to Degradaton more). 93/10/26 GRIMSLEY.D H Dnason or Freedom et Inform sten & Pubhcations of Polyvmyl Cheoruse Wre ensulatort" Sernces (890206 940714).1p. 81732.20541132.205 GRIMES.B K. . 94/11/21. Conachdated Edson Co. of New Yortt. Inc. topp. 81648 21641648.224 9411070169 Ejnende mwnston to Region il 6cerisees to partcipate w/ NRC & Repon ll reprenantsevos es chacuramon of GL 8S10 motoreparated vaive programs.Meetng to NR to held on 941108 m Atlanta.GA Meenng nobce & agenda ence 94111700,3,9, g,e w , pip,C 4- Into Nohce 94 079, "Mcrotmolopcally Innuenced Conosen of EDG GIBSON.A F Regen 1 (Post $20201). 94/10/12. BEARD.P.M. Flonda Power Corp. GRIMES.B K. .64/11/23.Coneohdoted Eckson Co. of New Yortt. Inc. 9pp. 81648.225-epp. 81605.20641805.209 81648 233. 9411080250Adwmes that uti e corutuctmg tests of Thermo-Lag spacemens represents hve et anstalled conhguratons at facskty wtuch anc2ude sar%Jtes of Thermosag mall 941117027,9NRC Info Nonce 944810. *Inadecpaste DC Ground Detecton m DC Distritx> F Corp 94/10/3t Document Corwol Branch (Document IM .B K . 94/11/26. Conachdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 14pp. Cor$ol Desk). 2pp. 81667.35841667.360. 8164843441848247 M11100167 Sutwrvts cortunents on interen TER on audit of amplementaton of plant.Unn M11170264 NRC Info 94obce 94 081.

  • Accuracy of Smassey & Envuon Samphng Re-3.smproved TS. suits "

G6ARDINA.RJ . FIN J 2038 94/11/03. JONES.G L edaho Natonal Engmeann0 Lat> PAPERIELLO.CJ. Devision of Industnal & Medcol Nuclear Satefy (Post 870729). 94/ oratory 3pp 81716.27041716.293. 11/25 Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York,Inc.12pp 81648246 81648.259.

   -9411100174 "Audn of Plant Specdc Ucense Converwons to STSEat 3." TER.

SPENCER.K M Idaho Natonal E Labor FIN A2038. 94/10/31. NRC . n. pereocPc opnroeng reports & reteted a No Dotaded Afflhaton Gewen. 200p. 81716 7341716 M11210070 Confrma enumen w/K Wilson & K Lande re 941116 meeeng m M11150440 Monthly operstnc rept for Oct 1994 tor Crystal Rever Urut 3 W/941109 Itr. Asanta GA to diatmas usues dehnosted m enci DAO.T.V.. BOLDT.G.L Faonde Power Corp.94/10/31. $pp. 81781:10341781:107. LOGER.B A. Regon 2 (Post 820201) 94/11/07. ,P.M Flanda Power Corp. 4pp. 81795 02041785 023. S. Reportable coeurrences, LERs a rotated _ % _ 6a11210102 Notihcanon of segnifcant &censee meetn0 w/util on 941118 m Regenil 5 D Regen Post $20201). 94/11/07. Regen 2 (Poet 8202011. 2pp. 9411070080 Fmal Part 21 rept 94402A re three er start deFitnJtor cams orackmg at 81785:08441785 085~ paans Cams replaced w/carns made uomg owetne arc. PRATIANNE.SA Cohec industnes Inc, 94/06/01. Docunent Coreal Branch (Docu. M11290eD4 Conhrms conversaton toeween G Boldt & K Lande te reacheduhng of ment Control Desk). 6pp. 81654209-81654213. meeeng to to held m A5anta,GA on 941122 to thacuss maues denneated in enci agenda M11040297 LER 94405-00:en 940928.tailure to pw1orm reactor coolant pump motor L9OGE .R A Regen 2 (Post 820201)94/11/17. BEARD.P.M. h.onda Power Corp. 8ywheel occuned4sumed by cogneve pertormel error Personnel courmehed & regult- l 4pp 8185720E41857$12. tory rewow wel be randucted to determme turther actons W/941028 lir. 1 FRUOUFJA. IVLDT.G.L Flande Power Corp 94/10/28. 6pp. 81658:044 M11290028 Revised ratificabon of es;rvicant eneetmg w/ute on 941122 to escuss par- $1858 049. l larmenos neues Dele rewmed from 941t16 to 941122. LANDi$.K D. Regen 2 (Poet ?20201) 94/11/17 Region 2 (Post 820201) 2pp M1109o029 Sutputs followup to940616 part 21 rept anformm0 of enwestgaton to deter-81857 191 41857.192. erre data supphed m midso used by Nuc4 ear usines to set torque ownches m MOV. MCCULLOUGH.H G Crane Co 94/10/28. Documerit Control Branch (Document Con. Foi Desk).1p. 81717.35741717.359 N11160272 LER 94 00600on Da1006,defcomey a understandng of techncal recure-M11030283Ltr coreact.defrutenq' task order 42 enhtled. "Swc Water Sys Operatandi monts leads to noticonservatswo RPS setpoorn & potenhal votaten of TS due to per-Portormance inso . Crystal Rswer. sonnet error. Procedure & calmr data sheets will be roveed W/941107 fir, WIGGINS EJ Dewmeon of Cormacts (pos' 940714). NRC43 93-026 94/09/22 FRUQUFJA. BOLDT.G L Flanda Power Corp. 94/11/07. 7pp 81791 981-LOFY A A PARAMETER, Inc. 6pp. 81607.33841807.343 81791 087.

68 DOCKETEDITEMS 9411180280 LER 9440640an 941010 taen to document TS actone wenn designat. -M11080290 Amends 129 & 146 to hcenses DPR.19.DPR 2$. DpR. ed time penod resurano m veonaton of TS Caused tv poor commurucaten & 29 DPR-30.DPR 39 & DPR 48 respectvesy.eddmg hcense condston that moetes teamwork Review was portormed to enaute full comohance w/TS W/941110 ter. NUREG-0737 to anow commstments made m response to NUREG-0737 be corvironed FRUOUF.J A., BOLDT,G L Flonde Power Corp 94/11/10 5pp. 81850 011 under 10CFR53.S9 81850 016. CAPRA.RA Protect Drectorste lil 2. 94/11/03. 21pp 81658.28441658 304 94111902$$ LER 9440740an 941012.tadure to portarm survedience resultmg m viola- -9411080302 Sat evetuston amends & 146 to b-ton et TS. Caused by cogninve parnonnai error Standerered MAR reve,w program t as conees DPR.30 .a8.DPR.19.DPR.25 -29 & DF%30, respectve4 been encluded m sys engmeenng manual W/941110 lir.

  • Office of Nucisar Rosetor Regulator \ Drector (Post 870411) 94/11/03 300 FMLIOUF.J A. BOLD 1.G L Flonde Power Corp. 94/11/10. 6pp. 81650 016- $1658.30541668.307.

81850.021. 9411000142 Notthcanon of 941206 moetng w/utit & NRC m Rocervele.MD to escuss p'**h"*%"ah2.*** 8 M/H/04 NRA Propct Mctorem n2. DDCKET 90 304 ZsON NUCLf.AR POWER STATION, UNIT 2 4pp. 81715.22141715 224 F. Securny, medical, emergency & fire protection peans 9411160050 Forwwes rept on ses visst to eeview armtementaten of meet ruse at staten for review & mic Rept uwnervios er & weakrwsoes w/ program si sae 9411070071 Revised Corporate EPIPs (CEPtP),sncludmg Rev 7 to CEPtP.3103-01 & Rev utAFER.W D Regon 3 (post 101). De111/07 DONNLLLY.P M Consumers 8 to CEPtP-310441 Power Co. 2pp. 81748:13141746141. SCOTT.DJ Commor sealth Edson Co 94/10/05.19pp 816$4188416S4.20ll 94H220070S@ nuts mist reget PR42 wruch enAs k) adopt Code Case MM & M11030226 Revised Corporate EPIPs (CFPIPLmetueng Rev 2 to CEPLP 32141,Rev 3 mtong M reW to Ne 6 secW M S Np h W 2 & to CEPIP-330341.Rev 3 to CEPIP-3304 01. Rev 3 to CEPIP.3404414 Rev 3 to d nWorval151 program for tiom uneta CEPIP-350541 'h'uPKIN.T W Commonwealth Edson Sa 94/11/11. Co Dence of Nuctear Reactor Regu-PAVEY.M Commonwealth Edson Co.94/10/06. 65pp. 81608.22141606.285. laton, Director (Post $70411) Spp. 81331.3$441631.358 W11100189 Rev 1 to CEPIP232245A, *GSEP Rado Communit.ator" W/tabse of corn- 9411210245Sutmuts response to NRC request for adct m00 to GL 8910 ento provided tentit summary of methods.reeur ts of reptiorituaton

  • Commonwealth Edison Co 94/10/07 tipp 81750.34841750.358. m 4 Attachments.Attachmeni A 4 margm review effort lor uti populaten.

9411210068 Rev 2 to E PtP 1804. "TSC ODCS Specashst a FARRAR.D.L Commonwealth feson Co.94/11/16 Document Control Branch (Docu.

                  '" Edson Co.94110/24 12pp. 81836 34381636.3's4                             ment Control Desk) 64pp. 81837:03441837987.
  *C-._              .

9411100186 Rev 70 to "Genersang Stanons Emergency Plan (GSEP) Sde Ant"s Zen M11300246Apohcanon for amends to hconnes DPR-39 & DPR 48.aMowing one tme on-Nucieer Power Stators" tenson of sinowed outage tme Int mopersone reserve source of ort-ano power

  • Commonweefth Eeson Co 94/10/31. 39pp 81747.2$741747296. SiMPKIN.T W Commonweefth Eeson Co 94/11/21 RUSSELL Office of Nuclear Re.

actor ReOulaton, Directrw (Post 870411).1d pp 81910.20441910226-H11080222 Advmes that 940217 rev to Generatmg stahone emergency plan armswes conentent wiremarements an App E to 10CFRho a toCFR50 47 & acceptaties- -9411300248 Proposed tech specs.aNowng urwtmo earteeisen of allowed outage tme DICK.G F. Protect Carectorsie lil-2. 94/11/03 FARRAR.D.L Commonwealth Edson for moperatdo resente source of oft-one pmverr Co 3pp. 41863.34041e63 342. *C-- Eeoon Oct94/11/21. 9pp 81910.21641910.226 9411210293Submets response to NRC ressent for addl mio re proposed use of corpo. 9411280043 Forwards safety evniuston of piant mevidual piant osaan tar mesmas events rate EOF as mienm EOF to perform emergency response functons ur.1ll near este can a swamat fkecono.per GL Ss 20 & saa-ted autinuttal gunence cocunumt.NUREG-tio staMed 1335 Reeponse to corcems raised tn revnsw requested witrun 80 days W/TER. JOHNSON.lM Commonwontth Edman Co 64/11/15. Docwnent Control Branch SHIRAKl.C.V. Prosect Drectorate 186 2 . 94/11/22 F ARRAR.D.L Cn _ . 2 (Document Control Deskt 22pp 81533 33241833 353- Edson Co app 81892:00141892 166 94 t1220214 Forwards response to vio6alsons noted an inep Repts $0296/94-19 & 50- -9411300344 Ssfoty evaluston of plant enevidual plant osam (mesmal events 304/94 19Comectve a.,. ~ hght deticsonass adenched m NOV on hghts oDesa uned m inevdusi plant osam onuW mask W vulneratulmes & W 335 & 482 required by fue protecto"n Nerahng procedures CorroClod TUETKEN.R P. Commonwearth Edson Co 94/11/16 Document Control Branch p tain eense of secumy w/ respect to hkehhood of severe acceent Nfr D Detanett Athhaton Grven.94/11/22. 30pp 8189200741892 036 (Document Control Desk) 6pp. 81864 32541864 330 0411300211 Forwards response to 940919 RAI re proposed une of corporate EOF *Mr tuust " Step 2 Techruce Evaluston Rept of Zen iPE Front-End Analysm" 8 ' *CCA.F DARBY.J., CLARK.R A Sesence & Engmeerm0 Associmum. Inc SEA 91-(CEOF) as entenm EOF,mduom0 anasyssa of EOF functons apphcatWe to CEOF as sw 553-017-A.1. M/05/13. NRC . No Dotaded Athhanon Gsvers 46pp 81892.037-senm EOF JOHNSON.1M Commonwomita Edmen Co 94/11/22 Ortice of Nuc6 ear Reactor Reg. 81892-062. ulaton, Dwector (Post 870411) 77pp. 81900.09241908169 -Mit250097 " Step 2 Techracal Evoluston Repi of Zen IPE Back End Analysm

  • VlJAVKUMAR.R., KURfT2KV AS., KHATIB-RAHBAR E Research Group. Inc NRC 04 91466 ERl/NRC 91106. 83/10/31. NRC . No Aftdatan Geven M. General correspondence 27pp. 81892083 8 t 892109 9411000144 Responds to940825 Itr aupresam0 concems re utd enod of securny torce -9411290100 "Zaon Nuclear State Uruts 1 & 23echnical Evaksabon Rept of IPE $4 organsranon at nuclear facehtes NRC wdl evatuske future chan0ps to escunty peans at mtftal Assessmene of Human hehatmhty Anahrnes." Imal rept 7

nucanar facebos to eitsure that plans remmen effecove CAPRA.R A Pmtect Dructorate m4 M/11/04 RUSSELLD Affshatgn h60% Aasegned SWANSON.PJ Concord Asmoestes. Inc NRC44-914ti9 CA/T86 9341418 94/08/ 31 D' vision of Safety issue Resoluton (Post 880717). 22pp 81892 '10418P2-132. opp. 81715.22481716229 -M110setB5 Informs of corrern to CE decioson to retxe secunty force NPG$a teotes -0411290177 "Evaluaton of Zion IPE/HRA Matta" secunty akesidy reduced PO'h. & tenonal threat to US fugher than any amo en recent SWAIN.A.D. Amhaton Not Anegned 94/06/14 Office of Nucaear RepAstory Re. fustory Pleads that snud to secunty he stooped search (Post 800720) 34pp 8189213341892186. RUSSELLD Affsetson Not Assegned 94/08/25. THE CHAfRMAN Comnussoners (Post 760199) 1p 91715.22941715 229 6411300167 Requests results of review & espoeston of ar trvites al Zen 6tston be se nwtted wittun 80 days of date el lir AXELSON.W L Hopean 3 (Poet $20201) 94/11/22 TUETKENA Commonwealth P. Operating hoenee stage documents 4 - Esson Co. 2pp 8192513841925139 M11300237 Fmal responna to FORA request for doczanents. App C records once & par. bany wethheid est FORA swempton 6) O. Inspectlen reports, if $lutetins & cervenpondence POWELLR A Divinen of Freedom of Information & P@hcatens Senaces (890206 M0714n 93/11/22. PATTERSON,$J Newman & Hoftzmger 3pp 81900174^ M H010011 Fcirwards emp repts E295/M 19 & $0 3b4/9419 on D408211003 & 8 'N#1 - retos of violatortRecurtorit prutnams m scheduhn0 & pisttormance of routmo meet 6

-9411300213 Summary of 92n31416 NRC sener mgt meetng conducted to assure NRC tucuseri0 resources on psents & reisted mauss of greatest safety segrvficanca into
                                                                                                       ]N Edson % 2 Post 820201) 94/10/19 TUETKENAP. Commonwealth 14W1$14045.

f*N 900 227

                                                                                   "        -8411010014Notee of votaton trom mso on D408231003 Venetaan rioted trom 940510
              '        -- (Post 750               1 to 0906. emergency hghts356 4 482had been on consnuous faut charge & emergerk cv hghm www noe shamnets
-841130028$ Summary of 93012tk28 NRC nornar engt meetmg conducted to ensure
  • Region 3 (Post 820201) M/10/19 10 81$14 02341514 023 NRC focuamp resources on peants & rotated assues of yeatest satsiy segrdhcance Info
                                                                                            -6411010020 Irap repts 60295/9419 4 60 304/94-19 on D408231003. Viasatens LOR       Ole of the Esecutive Director for Operatons 93/02/04. THE CHAIR.                                       enspected hoonese       engmmmg.       operstons.mant      &

noted Masar areas MAN C_  ; (Post 750119) 44pp. 811100.22s41900.271. surveelances. plant supportsafety _  : 4 qNasty worshcanon. 9411040281 Requests authcriestmH car R Hough of Proceen Gurvedlance allow MILLER.LF. Regen 3 (Post 820201) N/10/19 19pp 81514 02441614 04$ contractor esanone tendon survednarum repts & entract cata from rept M10140257 Sept 1 to NRC trWo Notmo 93460. "Reportmp Fuel Cycle & Maths f vents SHIRAKl.C Y Protect Directorate 116- 2 94/11/01 F ARRAR.D.L Commonweefth to NRC Operemons Ctr." Edson Co 3pp 81600 35541809 357. BURNETT AF Dwison of Fuel Cycle Safety & &aieguards (poet 930207) 94/10/20 Connoisdated Eeson Co of blew York, hoc,12pp. $1814.29941816.310 M11080285 Forwards emanas 158 & 146 to beennes DPR 19 DPR. 25.DPR 29 DPR-30.DPR-39 & DPR 48,respectevety & satefy evaluatorLAmends add b. M10200tE3 NRC Into Notte 94476 "Racent Facures el Chargmg/$atety inpochon conte coneton that moetes NUREG.0737 to ellow commitments he corented under Pump Shafts " 10CF RSO GFilMES.B K Ostce et Nuctear Reactor Regulatort Drector (Post 870411k 94/10/26 FMIRAKl.C Y Protect Drectorate m-2 N /11/03 F ARRAR.D.L Commonwearth Consahoated Eeson Co of Neur f ork. Inc 12pp 81858 00141650 013 Eeson Co app 81668 204s1668.307

DOCKETEDITEMS 69 941118 0 99 Forwards SE accephng teensee940526 request for rehof re second 10.yr K. Utsity Finst Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) & amends mnenace em program. SHIRAKl.C.Y Protect Drectorate 116 2 94/11/09. FARRAR.D.L. Commoriwealth 3411100160 Updates FSAR for Kewsunse Nuclear Power Plant 1994 rev W/ 941104 Itr. Edson Co.2 41 81770.330 81770.336. SCHROCK.C A, Waconse Pubhc Service Corp. 94/11/04 1.174pp. 81738 005

  . 9411140N4 SER granhng hcensee 940526 request for rehe4 re second to yr moonnte program.

of Nuclear Reactor RepAaton. Drector (Post $70411) N/11/09 Spp. P. Operatmg hoense stage documents & -.. _ i; 81770.332 41770:336. 9411090300 " 1h,50 NRC Buhetm Used to Trarmport 94402. ". Corrosen Problems m Certam Stantess Packapng U Hezefluonne con tio"'n govt. PE'* Reviews" 6rwam PAPERIELLO.CJ Dmeson of Industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729) 94/ F 11/14. Conschdated Eeson Co. of New YorA inc.12pp. 81816.31141616.322. MQM"Onneen ceEnd W t 9407141. 94/09/01. COLINA.I. Scence & Eny. noenng A== mates. Inc. 2pp. 81608 07341608.074. 9411220214 Forwards response to viotalons voted et inep Repts 50 295/9419 4 50* 304/9419 Conectwo actens emergency hght oeficences centifed m NOV on hghts 9411M0124 Forwards amend 112 to bconse DPR-43 & salsty evaluatert Amend rs= 335 4 482 rooused by tre protection opereung proceeJres corrected vises TS by mcorporatmg operabskiy & survedlance reguramenta for recetly mataned AFW pump low de pressure tnp instrumentatum TUETKEN.R P. Commonwestth Edeson Co 64/11/15. Document Ccs. trol Branch (Document Control Desk). 6pp. 81864.32541864.330- LAUFER.RJ. Protect ate Ill.3 94/11/01. SHROCK.CA Waconam Pubhc Senace Corp. 3pp. 81612.32341619:334. 9411100227 NRC Into Nota 94 077. "Mattuncton m Mac Generator Voltage Regulator at Safety.Related Easetncal Ecuspment." g411040129 Amend 112 to teense DPR-43.rensmg TS by mcorporatmg operabihty & GRIME .B.K. 94 11/17.Coneohdated Edson Co. of New Yeret. Inc. 7pp. 81816.323- savemance requrements for recentry mataned AFW pump low escharge pressure tip 81816 329. rneumentaten LAUFER.RJ Prclect Drectorate1184. 94/11/01. Sop. 81819.32641619.330. 9411150575NFIC Info Notmo 94478. "Enocinc Component Fadure ese to Degradaten -9411040130 Safety evaluaten supportmg amend 112 to teorise DPR-43. of Cheonde Wye ineutebort" GR . .K . . 94/11/21 Conschdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 10pp.

  • Offa of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten. Drector (Post 870411). 94/11/01. App.

81948.21541848224. s1619.331 41619.334 M11140200Subtrats response to GL 88-20. "Indivuksel Plant Exam for Severe Accident M19170039 NRC Into Nobce 94479. "Mecroboiopcally Innuanced Corrosen of EDG Svc Water Pong

  • vurerabikties " . Waconsm Pubhc Senace Corp.

STEINHARDT.C 94/11/07. Document Control Branch GRIMES.B K. .94/11/23.Connohdated Eeson Co. of New Yort6. Inc. 9pp. 81648.22* (Document Convol Desk).12pp. 81755:07441755:085. 81848.233 M111600$0 Forwards rept on see west to revow emplementation of mamt rule at staten 9411170279NRC Irdo Nobce 94480. " inadequate DC Ground Detecten m DC Distnbu. sor review & mio Rept userehes sy & weaknesses w/ program at one bon sys " GRIME S.B K. . 94/11/25. Consondated Edmon Co. of New York. Inc. 14pp. SHAFER.W.D. Recon 3 (Post 8. 201). 94/11/07. DONNELLY P.M. Consumers Power Co. 2pp. 81146:13141748141. 81648.234 41848247. M11150445 Proposed Amend 128 to (scense DPR43.allowng apphcanon of voltage-M111702M NRC Info Notco 94 081. " Accuracy of pn *==y & Envron Somphng Re. based repar kmit for steam generator tube support plais ir.sersectons exponenano suits " ourade esmeter stress corrosen crackm0 PAPERIELLO.CJ Dusen of industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729) 94/ STEINHARDT.C. Wisconse Pubhc Servus Corp. 94/11/08. Document Convol Branch 11/25.Coneohdated Edman Co of New Yorts,Inc.12pp. 8164824841648259 (Documern Conrol Desk).14pp. 81780.165 81780.195.

                                                                                              -9411150454 Proposed toch specs to steem generator tube support plate voltage.

G Portodic operating reports & celated correapandence based repar kmrL

  • Wesonam Pubhc Service Corp. 94/11/08.17pp. 81780'17941780:195.

94 1230227 Monthly operstmo rept for Oct 1994 for Zen Generstmg Staten W/941113 94111702s2 Forwarns corrected pages that should be einerted n USAR for Kewaunee N . BROCCOLO.EA Commonwealth Eescri Co. 94/10/31.13pp. 81864 290

                 '                                                                                      *b A          onen % Service Corp 94/11/09. DocurrerW ConWol W (Document Control Deskt 6pp. 817931t481793.271.

S. ReportaMe occurrences, Ms & relowd --"- - M11250039 Forwyds amend 113 to aconse DPR43 & safety evaluatsorL Amend re. vues TS 3.3.1 by separatmg specsficanons for sitemal contamment spray & spray ad. etve sys ento two estmel specihcatens M11090280 LER 9441000.on 941002. voluntary erey mio TS 3.0.3 caused by mgt LAUFER.R.J. Protect Drectorate in.3. 94/11/18. SCHROCK.C.A. Waconsm Public deficsoneyDevesoping & amplemweng guidance re wohntary entry mio TS 3 0 3 & re. Senace Corp. 2pp. 81641:34041641.352.

                          & a==~ aied reguremerns w/hcensed personnel W/941101 Itr SHEL       4.H.,    BROCCOLO.EA Commonwealth Edman Co. 94/11/01. app.                     -M11250040 Amend 113 to hcense DPR43.revismg TS 3.3.c by separanng spececa.

81770 04741770 050 tons cor meernal contarvnent spray 8 apray add bve sys ento estmet specticatons. LAUFER,RJ Propoet Drectorate Ill.3 94/11/18 7pp. 81641.34241641.348. 941:210115 tntenm Part 21 Rapt $412 re Lautarque actuator potenhal motor pruon key taAre Comm Ed assued guKlehnes to em nuclear statons on methods for property - 9411250041 Safety evaluaten supportmg amend 113 to Econse DPR43. Cis enotar pruon keys

  • Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulabon. Drector (Post 870411). 94/11/18. App.

4DHN .I M. C_ . ._. . 2 Edman Co 94/11/11.Othce of Nucoser Reactor Rep 8tM1.34941641.352 ulaton. Drector (Post 870411L tipp. 81631.12741831:131. Q. Inspec9on toports, SE Bulletans & corresporedence V. Operator Esasunations M10140257 Seol 1 to NRC IrWo Notco 93460. "Reportm0 Fuel Cycle & Matis Events M11080120 Forwards completed NRC Form 636. "Operatar tsconssng Enarn Data." per to NRC Operatons Ctr " Admrustratrve LW 94-12. BUHNETT.R.F. Deveaan of Fuel Cycle Safety & Safeguards (Post 930207). 94/10/20. MADDEN.J Commonweafth Eeson Co 94/10/25. Documerd Control Branch (Docw Consondated Eeson Co. of New Yort . Inc.12pp. 8181629941818.310. ment Control Desk). 2pp. 81677.24241677143 M102001$3 NRC info Notee 94 076. "Recent Fastures of Chargen0/ Safety Infecten M11040264 Forwards exam answer key for forms A & B.gradmo results. & anewedual Punip Shafts? arzwer sheets for each sidmdual takag exam troen taakty Requests results be ttM. GRfMES.B K. Othee of Nuclear Reactor Regulatort Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/26. werced to ruimduals w/ answer sheets W/o ences. Consohdated Edmor. Co. of New York, anc.12pp. 81658:00141658 013. DNG.M A Regon 3 (Post 820201 A 94/10/27. Consumers Power Co.1p. 81586:001, 81586 001. 9411070017 Ack recespi of 941018 Itr insomung NRC of steps taken to correct violatons noted m eisp rept54 305/94 12 for mark WRIGHT.G.C. Region 3 (Post 820201L 94/10/31. SCHROCK.CA Waconsm P2hc 941130nt18 tareng movicusi Forwards operatorNRC summanrod heermes.oreted. gum 3ence Cianficanon thet&Ciertfes of uara React retsarements,vanon b*v'ceRe-Corp. app.81804-04s418o4:Os5. qurements for kusmoual Opersior Loonees " WNG MA R 3 (Poet 820201). 94/11/16. Afhhaton Not Assigned 3pp. 9411070416 Forwards adcs anto on 9wd 10.yr ISl plan submmed by ubi931216 lir.m ref 81872.341 4 18 .343 to NRC N0831 reouest SCHROCK.CA Waconan P2hc Service Corp 94/10/31. Document Carmol Branch (Document ConWol Desk). 20pp. 8167813541676.154 DOCKET 50 305 KEWAUNEE NUCLK.AR POWER PLAlfT 9411100069 Forwwds esp rept 54305/9413 on 9408301017.No vioistons noted. FARBER.M.J. Regson 3 (Post $20201) 94/11/03 SCHROCK.CA Waconssn Pubhc F. Securtry, meecat, emergens.y & fare protecton plans Senace Corp. 2pp. 81673.24341673.261.

                                                                                              -9411100075insp rept50 305/9413 on 9408341017.No violatons noted. Maior areas 94110e0126 Revned EPtPsanchadmg rev AB to EP.AD4.rev K to EP-AD18, rev P to                     mapected plant opstalsons.mantengmeeting, plant s@ port & car'ectrve actons on EP.ENv-4Bsev W to EP. EOF 4.rev i to EP.EOl:-12.rew N to EP-OSF-2.rev 0 to EP-               previous findmgs.

SEC-2.rev A 4 EP.SEC 6 & rev et to 16.TSC1 W/941101 Itr F ARBER.M.J Regon 3 ( 820201) 94/11/02 17pp 8167324541673161. SCHROCK.CA Waconam Pubhc Service Corp 94/10/27. 100pp. 8171t001 81719 110. M11100118 informs of intent to po'1orm engmeermg & technmal support insp of plant on b411281208 Requests that utt make ento contamed m erici evailatze for use at 94112so14e Rev 1s to emergene, plan W/941118 Itr. start of man SCHROCK.C.A Waconam Pubhc Service Corp 94/11/16 41pp. 81881201 SHAFER W D. Regen 3 (Post 820201L 94/11/04 SCHROCK.CA Waconan Pubhc 819e1241. Senace Corp. 2pp. 81673.30541673.336 I

70 DOCKETED ITEMS 8411150245 Closes out NRC Bunetm 88 004. "Potenbal Safety.Reasted Pump Loss " -9411220043 Inso repis %282/94-15 4 50 306/k15 on 9409131024 Venetons STEINHARDT.C R Waconam Pubic Sennce Corp 94/11/08. Document Control nosec Masar areas napocted operatonal satety wentcaten.engmeerng safety feature Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 81775106-01775.107. svt. current moti coneton & piant 7 - _ . ' _.

                                                                                                                                          & secunty KROPP.WJ Regen 3 (Post $20201). 94/11/0121pp 8179621441796.234.

M11090300NRC Bunstm 94 002. "Corrosen Problems m Certam Stainless Par:kagmg US8d PAPEs'8 I'ansportDmeen ttELLO.CJ U Hexafluonde " & Medcal Nuclear Satsty (Post 870729). 94/ of Industnal 941,,1230062Re,au.ssts resporus to once RAI e creer to toscovo concorre on uhl am e y ayetmg c.or cetemmatens for plant. 11/14. Consondated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81816.31141816.222 PETERSON.S.R. Prosect Drecerate HL1 94/11/17. ANDERSON.R.O Northem States Power Co 13pg 08223460822M8 M11100237 NRC Into Nonce 94477. Mastuncien m Mam Generator Vottage Regulator Cauung Overvostage et Setety.Reisted Electnral Equipment" GRIMES.S K. .94/11/17.Consolcated Esson Co. of New Yc,rt Inc. 7pp. 81816.323 81818.329 P. operstmg Dem stage - _ & cormspond e M11230001 Notrhes that nobce of volaten response nr dtd 94114 sent en error. H1104035 Weahon of N1116 meenno w/W m Rockvde.MD to docuss Oe-SHAFER W.D 3 (Post 820201) 94/11/18. SHROCK.C.A. Wmocram W nonc topcal rept on to creet boron in spent luel poois W also m attenaence Servce Corp 10 1811 911 41811 911. PETERSON.S R Prosect le 8H.1. 94/10/26. HANNON.J. Protect Drectorate mr 3pp 81628.35641628 358.

 $411230015 Ack receipt of 941014 tir transtmttng NOV w/ map repts %266/9416 &

50 301/94-16 Steps taken to correct vosatens 1.a.2.a & 2b reted volanon 1.b.fotracted 94110400:5 Appicaton for amends to imenses DPR.42 & DPR40.reviamg TS to SHAF ER.W D. 3 (post 820201). 94/11/18. LINK.R Waconem Electnc Power cha radoaceve emuent mpt subnvital from semannual to annual Co. 2pp 81811 1811 278 W EY.M.D. Northem States Power Co 94/10/27. Document Control Branch (Doc-ument Control Desk). 2pp. 81653 00141653220.

 -4411230017Ack rocsipt of941014 ftr tenemsttmg NOV w/insp repts %266/94-16.

2301/94-16. Steps taken to correct voletons i s.2 a & 2b.noted veiston -9411040038 Proposed TS changmg tretNoney of rascactve effluent rept submmal 1 b.tetracted from semannual 2 annust SHAFER,W D Regen 3 (post 820201). 94/11/14 SCHROCK.CA Waconam Pubhc

  • Northam States Power Co. 94/10/17.18pp. 81653:00341653 020.

Service Ccrp.1p 8181197041811.078 94m40ne Notficaten of 94mA monen0 wacensee m RockwhW M hm p 941,12:0018 g 43 Dmcusses SWS opeeshonal performance insp w/ ret to map rept 54305/ tamment intopity dunn0 sotunim0 for penetratons & post accederd SCHROCK.C A. Wisconen Pwc Sennoe Corp 94/11/18. Document Control Branch (Document Control Deskt 2pp. 81903:36041903.361. Q ] lit.1. 3pp. 81621:12941621:131.

                                                                                                                                      ,,        g        .J. Protect Directorate M11150578 NRC Info Nohr:e 94478. "Electne Component Fadure due to Degradahon of Poeyvmye Cwonde ww mausatert"                                                   9411180050 Forwards rupt on one vesi to rev.w enciemenianon of ment rum at sianon GRIMES.B K . 94/11/21 Corschdated Eeaon Co. of New Yorti. Inc. 10pp                   for rewww & mio Rept conshes strengths & __              w/ program at ade 81848 21541848.224                                                                    SHAFER.W D. Repon 3 (Post 82u201). 94/11/07 DONNELLY,P.M Consumers Power Co. 2pp. 8174613141746:141 M11170839 NRC Into Notre 94479. "McrobiologmaNy influenced Conomen of EDG Svc Water Piping                                                                                   Forwards Rev 1 to "Preme Islan:t Nucosar Generstm0 Plant, Core Operat-GRIMES.B K. .94/11/23.Consohdated Eeson Co of New York, hc. 9pp. 81848.225-        941117,0146ing L mts Rept.urut 2Cycio 16."

81848 233. ANDERSON.R.O. Northem States Power Co 94/*1/10 Document Control Branch nw i Desu 1p 8m7346498M57

 $411170279 NRC Info Notce 94480. *inadeouate DC Ground Detecton m DC Distreu.

ton Sys " GRIMES.B K. . 94/11/25 Consohdated Edman Co. of New York. anc. 14pp -94m701$1 Amt 12,'% Nuchar Ndaar Generanng mnLCore Operanno Ln=ts

       "              ## '                                                                                      T.E., BREENE.T. Northem States Power Co 94/11/10.11pp NELSON.

9411170284 NRC Into Notce 94481. " Accuracy of Boassay & Envron Sarnping Re. 8171s7.3474 1787.357. suits

  • 9411220402 Forwards auda conchacted by M Gamborarv & P Campben on 940808 PAPERIELLO CJ. Diveen of Indusinal & Medcal Nucosar Safety (Post 870729). 94/

11/25. Consohdated Eeson Co of New York. Inc.12pp 81848.24641848.259 12. Audit arctuoed rowse of program ter ers*wnentm910CFR50.59. " Changes.Terts & Empimments." at ptant, autrertred by beenmes DPR 42 & DPR40. PETERSON?.R. Protect Dractorse IN.1. 94/11i14. ANDERSON.R O. Northem R. Portodic operstmg reports & rotated correspondence States Power Co. 2pp. 8181728741817301 9411150381 MontNy operatng rept for Oct 1994 tot itewaunee Nuclear Power PlanLW/ -9411220408 " Audit of Northam States Power Co Program to ergiement 100FR50.59 941109 Itr for Plant." ANDERSON M L., SCHROCK.CA Waconsm Pubic Service Corp. 94/10/31. 5pp.

  • Oftco of Nucioer Reactor Repdamon. Dractor (Post 870411). 94/11/14.13pp 8178127741781281 8181728941817.301.

E Operster Em Q. Inspection reports. IE Dunetens & _. _ _ N11010113 Provides tentative screduie for operator hcanoe apphcanons M10140257 Suppe 1 to NRC trdo Notre 93480. 'Repoetmg Fuel Cycle & Matis Events 1998 Note that. operator hcensing exam scheduis was bened on FV (Oct 1. Sept of each to NRC Operatons Ctr? r) BURNETT.R F. Duason of Fuel Cycle Sate *w & Sateguards (post 930207). 94/10/20. SCHR .CA Waconam Pubhc Senace Corp 94/10/26 GALLO.R M. NRC . No Do. taaed Afhhaton Gwen. 2pp. 8157927341579 274. Conschdated Edson Co. of New York inc.12pp 8181629941816.310. 94110a0265 Forwards master BWR/PWR GFES exam w/ answer key of exam admme- M10200153 NRC Into Nohts $4476. "Recent Faslures of Chargm0/ Safety insecton tored on 941005 Pump Shafts" RING M A. Region 3 (Post 820201). 94/10/27, C ._ r. Ed son Co.1p GRIMES.B K. Office of Nuclear Reactor RepAston. Drector (Post 870411L 94/10/26 81586:002415a6002. Cormoscated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 1290 81658 201 41658913. 9411300218 Forwards NRC summartred guidance that clanfies recurements for mark Hil020127h W eWo m eup repts S282/9S12 & 50 306/914 on 930927-tammg mevedual operstar bcanaes.entmed. "Clanhcaten of Mamt & Reacevston Re. 1115 re GL 89'to MOV ouirenents lor mdividual Operamt Lcenses

  • ANDERSON.R.O. Northem States Power Co 94/10/26. Document Control Branch (Post $20201) 94/11/18. Affikaten Not Asmgned 3pp (Document Control Deskt 3pp 81589292058929t 9411070074 Responds to plH940814 Itr rooJesang retracten to corsennment made m DOCKET E306 PRA!RIE ISLAND 88UCLEAR STATIO86, UNIT 2 940314 wntten response to NOV ret m map repts 50262/9S22 & 60 306/93 22 &

sniorms of corcurrence w/ues roguest to deiste commament CREEDJR. Repon 3 (Post $20201L 94/10/28. ANDERSON.R.C. Northem States F. Securtty, medeceL evnergency a few protecton plane Power Co. 2pp. e180429941804.302. M11070074 Responds to uht940814 Nr roguesting retracnon to commament made en -9411070001 Requests retracton of utG pnar commemord m uti 930314 wrmen re. 940314 wntion response to NOV ret m snap repts $0 282/9122 & 50 306/93-22 & spones to NOV as ret m map repts50 262/9122 4 50 306/93 22 re salogueros eWo mtorms of concierence w/ uni rmouest to oesete commament ANDERSON.R.O. Northem States Power Co 94/08/15. Document Control Branch CREED.J R. Regen 3 (Post 820201L 94/10/28. ANDERSON.R.O. Northam States (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 81604.30141804.302. Power Co 2pp. 51804.29941804.302. 9411220068Ack recoept of 941017 fir e' WomunONRC of satops taken to correct veistions

  -M1107eost Recuests retracton of uti pnce cornemtmemt m uht 930314 wrmen
  • noted en map repts $4282/94.14 4 %306/94.14.C/A 2 te rowowed m future snap.

sponse to NOV as ref an mup repts50282/9122 4 50 306/9S22 to saloguards mr1 GREENMAN.E.G R 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/06 WATZL.E. Northem States ANDERSON.R.O. Northem States Power Co 94/08/16. Document Cornros Branch Power Co ip. 817F 141797001 (Documeni Control Desk). 2pp 81604.30141804.302 9411220039 Forwards ensp repts 50 282/9416 & $0306/94.15 on 940913-1024 & M11220039 Forwards map repts 60282/9416 & S306/9416 on 94091S1024 & notre of woodatert notaw of vmaanon GREENMAN.E.G. Regon 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/10, WATZL.E. Northam States GREENMAN E G Region 3 (Post 820201) N/11/10. WATZLE Northern States Power Co. 4pp. 81796206 81796.234. Power Co app 817961064 t 796234

  -9411220041 Notre of volaton from map on 94091S1024 Velaton notedplant mot            -9411220041 Nonce of violaten from emo on 9409131024 Velaton noted plant mgt sumontaten for voluntary writry ento LCO per procedure SACD 315 not obtened pnar       authornaton for voksntary entry eno LCO por procedure 6ACD 315 ret obtamed pnar to escurmg vereisten sys                                                               to secunng venteston sys
  • Regen 3 (Post 420201) N/11/10 2pp 81796.21241798 213.
  • Repan 3 (Post 820201L 94/11/10. 2pp. 8179621241796213 i


  -M11230043 6nts. reptai 50 282/9415 & $0-306/94-15 on 9409151024. Volatons                                                                                             DOCKET 50 300 MAINE YANKEE ATOMIC POWER PLANT I

noted Masor areas matectocoperatonal salety venhcaton.engneenng safety teature i sys. current men coneton & paarn P _ y & escunty KROPP.WJ. Regon 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/Uv. 21pp. 81796.21441796.234. F. Security, meecal emergency & fire protection plans t

  $411090308NRC Bubete 94 002. "Corrosen Protwems e Certan Stamless Packagmg                                                                                             9411180252 Forwards ERDS enpiementaton documents W/o enet.

f Used to Transport U Hexaiksonde " JOUCOEURJR anecent Response tiranen. 94/10/06. SAUL.KL Hallituton NUS PAPERIELLO.CJ. Dnason of endustnal & Meecal Nucsear Safety (Post 870729) 94/ Environmental Corp.1p. 8180&.01641809:018 11/14 Consobdated Eeson Co. ce fesw York. inc.12pp. 81816.31141816.322. 9411070189 Responds to NRC 941007 tir to molatons noted m sisp rept 50w309/94-9411260239 Forwards Rev 0 to *NSP Preme estand Nucteer Generstmg Plant Urut 2 ISI 11. Corrective am,..-w made evaluaton for cornpensatory measures & reports. Enam Plan Trurd Intental941221@t220. 2004 " besty smmeestely on escovery of secumy key nng bom0 off sne ANDERSON.R.O. Normern States Power Co 94/11/15. Ncument Control Branch MEBERTJR. Masne Yankee Atomc Power Co 94/10/31. Document Conrol Branch (Dirament Control Desa). 2pp 8187390141873.204 (Document Control Desk). $pp. 81654:03641654.102.

 =4411250241 Rev 0 to "NSP Prame Island Nuclear Generstmg Plani Unit 2 ISI Exam                                                                                         94110'0111 Fo*ards EA & FONSI wrech roQuests exempton from regaremerits of Plan 7two Interval 941221-201220.2004 "                                                                                                                                       10CFR73. App B.Secten 1 B.b.(1Na; 3 macrtTwo secanty otheers do not meet estant VIK.M., KINNEY.C.. RICKERJ Northern States Power Co. 94/10/31. 200pp                                                                                                         veuel acuny reewoment 81673 00341873.204.                                                                                                                                                          TROTTIER.E.H. Prosect Drectorate e-3 94/11/03. FRIZZLE.C.D. Mame Yankee Atome Power Co. 2pp 8F x35141666.356.

9411100237 NRC inso 94477 ton m stor Vahage Regdator 7 EA & FONSI surnphon kom ow*asn recuromwit of ME . 1/17. Coneohdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc. 7pp. 81816.323 M R7 Personnel" W 8,8,6 ,29 s. cum.~e,s 3. App E.o%eneral Cntensr- esiam me. acuey - onee.e.6 rehne BUTLER.W.R. Propect Desciorate k3. 94/11/03. epp. 81666.35341666.354 9411300258 Requests schedule extenson for RCP casing weed map.per ASME Coos M11210078 Rev 7 to EPIP 2 50 5. 'Tmergency Nobfcaton," replaang omstm0 page 4. tes Power Co 94/11/10. Document Corarol Branch (Document Control Desk). 3pp. $1923.33841923.340. H. General correspondence 6411150$78 NRC Info Notce 94478. *Electnc Component Farlure due to Degradaten R K. / 172 ted Eeson Co of New York. Inc. 10pp. m1070947 Comment on proposed rue 1GR2 ro . a W M enth 81848.2 64& 224 NTJM. Yankee Atomic Electne Co.94/10/24 MEYER.D Dnneen of Freedom of informaton & Pubhcanons Senaces (Post 940714). 5pp. 8100417741604.181. 9411170039 NRC *Info Notco 94479. 'Morobiologcolly influenced Corroson of EDG Svc Water R E K. . /11/23. Coneohdated Esson Co. Of New York, Inc. 9pp. 81648.225-P. Operoung bcense stage docurnent a correspondence WM ton of Wnt hoensee meenng W29 w% on 94W k h 9411,170279NRC go g,g Into Nobce94480. "6nadeemts DC Ground Detecton m DC Distritme cuss composton status of p6 ant GL 8910 program. R K. / 1/2$. CormrMaled Eeoon Co. of New York. Inc. 14pp. ' ' * '8'*'" *9 " ' ' ' 8 46 83 8 746 9411000111 Forwards EA & FONSI wtuch requests exemphon kom regaronents of

 $411170264NRC Info Notcs 94481. " Accuracy of B-my & Envron Swphng Re-                                                                                                           10CFR73. App B.Section 1.B.b.(IMa).re meerLTwo secunly othcars du not meet estant PERIELLO.CJ Dnneson of endustnst & Medcol Nuctear Safety (Poer SM9) 94/

11/25. Coneohdated Eeean Co c4 New York anc.12pp. 81648.24e41948.250. $hYE Atome Power Co. 2pp. 81686 35141666;358.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ' Duactorate 14. 94/11/03. FRl771F CD. Mame Yankee R Portadec operating reports a rotated correspondence                                                                                                                -94110e0117 EA & FONSI reeses                                                exemphon kom certam reewoments of 10CFR73. App B, General Crnens for                                         Pergorinel* Exempton would rehove securay othoers from meetn0 estant visual acuity regurements m one eye.

M11090372 leanthly operatrig rept for Oct 1994 sor Prame Island Nuctear GenerabnD B R.W.R. Progect Drectorate6 3. 94/11/03. 6pp. 81666.35341666.3SR Plant W/941103 Ilr DUGSTAD.D., ANDERSON A O. Nurthern States Porver Co. 94/10/31. 9pp. 9411150441 Refers to pubhc meetng m Kmg of Pruanas.PA on 941026 to escuss notor. 81718 3504*718.358. operator wasve assuesW/ attendance hst. .y ---

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         & NRC presartshons &

panel season esoshons KELLY E.M Regen 1 (Post $20201). 94/11/03 FRIZZLE.C.D. Mame Yankee Atome S. p & M correspondorce P wer Co. 51pp. 81744.05041744.100. M 11300351 Appicaton tar amend to bcense DPR.36.propoemg TS change 184 re a4 9411f70000 Final Piert 21 rept 94402A re pose er start estributor cams crackmg at awustralne chanons. planta Coms repieced w/coms made unng e6ectnc arc. FRIZZLE.C.D Mame Yankee Atome Power Co 94/11/18 Document Control Branch PRATtANNE.8 A. Cottee truketnes. Inc 94/06/01. Document Cor*ol Branch (Docu. (Document Control Desk). 7pp. 8190734341907.355 ment Control Desk) 5pp. 8165420941654.213.

                                                                                                                                                                      -8411300354 Proposed toeft specs to admen changes N11030082 941025. app 2.5 0 of rerhaetve noble gases fund been
  • Mame Yankee Atomic Power Co.94/11/18. tipp. 8190h350 81907.355.

medvertently re6eesed from plant.Urut 2 to atmosphere dunng fWier change opwamon Event & ticensee CA to prevent recurrence tuseng rewwwed M11290101 Tnp rept of 941011 13 vet to plant to rewww -- ton of mamt KOZAK.TJ., PEDERSON.C.D. Regen 3 (Post B20201) 94/10/26.1p 81560-044- rule.10CFR50 65 Performed stapey-step renew of implementsten el mant runs unng 81560 044 NRC draft mamt rWe map procedure TROTTIER.E.H. Profect Derectorate 6 3 94/11/22. HEBERT,J R. Mame Yankee M11300208 LER 9400300.on 941025. auto-start of tram of ABSVS on high redation At nuc Co.12pp. 8 N068 4466M occurred dunng restoranon of seat water retum finer ckse to mecoguate pmcodure Procedures we be revised W/941122 lir. HUNSTADAA.. ANDERSON.RO. Northem States Power Co. 94/11/22 upp. E inePecnon reports, #E Bubetns a termspondence B1912-17941912183 M11090089 Ack receipt of940916 tir edornung NRC of steps taker'"e correct volatons noted m map rept50 339/94-13 y oper.ser Esarnenshnne JOYNER.J.H. Regan 1 (Post 820201) 94/10/14. F%ZZLE.C.D. Mame YarAen Atorruc Power Co. 2pp. 81637:34941637:353. N119402E6 Forc.:$ enester BWR/PWR GFES esam wtanswer key of exam admmes. 9410140257 Suppi 1 to NRC Info Notas 93480. "Reportmg Fuel Oyese & Mates Events tered on 941005 to NRC Operatons CW " RfMG.M A f4epon 3 (Post 820201) 94/10/27. Commonwealth Eeson Co.1p BURNETTAF. Dnneen of Fuel Cycle Safety & Sateguards (Post 930207). 94/10/20. 81686:00241ono:002. Coneohdated Esson Co. of P6ew York. Inc.12pp. 81816.29941818.310. 9411300218 Forwards NRC summertred gusdance that clarthen regurernents for maev N11020017Docusses snap rept50309/94.15 on 9407174906 & 941014ordorcement tamm0 mendual operator toermes,entmed. "Clanhcaton of Mamt & Reactnraton Re. conference held to h=a events.causes & safety esgruhcance & lorwards nonce of grements for meveaual Ooorator Lscensesy notatonisst of ettendees end. l RING M A Regen 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/18 Affihetson Not Asmgred 3pp COOPER.R W 1 (Post $20201). 94/10/20. FRIZZLE.C.D Mame Yankee 81872.341 41872 343. Atome Power Co. 8152828141528 152.

                                                                                                                                                                      -9411020019Notco of molahan frarn map on 9407174906 Violaton noted test program E Dry Cask Independent Spent Fuel Storage Instatstons                                                                                                                           ed not assure that all testng regared to demonstrate that emergency teeOwater vanes we saastactorey molate taufted steam generator.
  • Repon 1 (Post 820201) 94/10/20. 67pp. 81528-00641528152.

M110103GO Summary of 941013 meetmo w/NSP in Rockvme.MD re tapes on proposed ISFSI trat NSF remods to build tar Prasne island power plant 9410200153 NRC Into twbce 94476. "Recent Fatures of Chargn0/ Safety infachon SCHNEIDER.J F. Othee or Nuc6 ear Matenal Satety & Sateguards 94/10/25. Pump Bhafts." M.WGHNEY.CJ Ornce of Nucamar Matenal Safety & Sategueros. 7pp 81579 306 GRIMES B K. Othce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten. Drector (Post 870411) 94/10/26. 81579.311. Coneohdated Edmon Co of New York. Inc.12pp. 81656 00141658.013

72 DOCKETED ITEMS 9411070189 Responcts to NRC 941007 ser te volations acted m map rept 50 309/94 DOCKET 50w311 SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 2 11.Correctwo actens ascinty made evaluston for crampensatory measures & reporta-tulny enmetalaty on tkscovery of security key rmg bosrig off sste HEBERTJ R. Mame Yankee Alorme Prwer Co D4/10/31. Documerit Coreal Branch F. Security, medical, emergency & few protecten plans (Document Control Desk) Spp.81654.09641654 102. 9411100291 Row 27 to EPIP 204S. "Ernergency Resporme Camout/Persormel Recall" 9411150016 Forwards map rept 50L309/9419 on 9409071017ho viosabons Pubhc Senace Emetnc & Gas Co. W New Jersey. 94/09/30. 64pp 81752.110-noted Operaton & mamt of plant has twen performed safety 81752 168 LINVILLEJ.C. Regen 1 (Post 820201) 94/11/07. FA:ZZLE. . . Mame Yankee 1 Atorme Power Co. 3pp 81734 003-81734921' N11180086 Rev 4 to EPIP 807 " Emergency News Ctr Te6eprene Drectory " l a4411150019insp rept50309/94-19 on 9409071017ho wenstens noted Masor areas 81 96 inspectedpeant actrvrbes.operabons.mamt. & overall plant support. LAZARUS.W J. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/02.1 .81734 006-81734 021' 9411100084 Rev 46 to tatue of conter'ts.

                                                                                                          $ennte Emetnc & Gas Co of hw Jerm 94/10/28 3pp. SW8 M M110e0300 NRC Euustm 94402. "Corrosen Protgems m Certam Stantess Packaging Used to Transport U Hexatiuonde "

h g PAPERIELLO.C.J. Denson of industnal & Medcol Actear Safety (Post 870729). 94/ 9411210006 Revised EPIPsmeluchng rev 15 to EPIP-1006.rev 13 to EPIP-1007.rew $ to 11/14 Conachdated Edison Co of New York. Inc.12pp. 81816.31141816 322. EPIP.1010 & row 29 to EPIP 1013.

  • Pubhc Senaco Emetne & Gas Co of New Jerwy 94/11/D0.1560p. 8183610%

H11170295 Forwards "Mame Yankee 1994 S/G Insp Rept" Rept prendes assessment 81836 262. of operaten m/ degraded SG teos pnor to outage en Jul/Aug 1994.Rept also provces ammessmerit of crack growth rate. 9411220105 Forwards documentaton to handing.coreof & storage of hatety4eisted WHfTTIFR.G D Mame Yankee Atome Power Co 94/11/14 Documerit Control parts at plant & requests that results of ubt review to submmed to Regen I within 60 Branch (Document Coreof Desk) 2pp. 01800:001 41800 120. days

 =9411170297 "Mame Yankee 1994 S/G Inso Rept-                                                 WHrTEJ R Region 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/09 ELIASONL Pubhc Senace Electnc &

Gas Co. of New Jersey app.81798 134 41798 137. WHITTIER.G W. Mame Yankee Atomc Power Co 94/11/14. 100pp 81000-003 8100&120. 9411300106 Forwards insp repts 50-272/94-23.50 311/94-23 & 50-354/94-21 on 941024,26 No wotatons noted 9411220104 Forwards response to inonsbons noted m insp Rept 50 309/94-15.Correc. bwe actonsrewwwed meet espt vaave procedures to determne aw=cy of post JOYNERJH. 1 (Post 820201) 94/11/21. ELIASONLR Pubic Sennce Elec-Inc & Gas Co. of Jersey. 3pp. 8187209441872107. memi testm0 HEBERT J R Mame Yankee Atome Power Co 94/11/15. Documert Control Branch -94113o0117 Insp repts50 272/94-23.50 311/94-23 4 50 354/94-21 on 941024 26 No (Documerit Control Desk) Spp 81892.33641092:342 wolatons note 1Mapor areas mspected evalusuon et annual fus+aricoaten exercsse 9411100227 NRC Info Notice 94477. "Matluncien m Man Generator voltage Regulator LAUGHLIN.J. Regen 1 (Post 820201) 94/11/21.11pp. 81872-09741872107. Overworta at Eatetyeensted Eisctncal Eauspment" l GRIME .B M. 94.p11/17 Consolcated Echson Co of New Yortt, Inc. 7pp 81816.323-81816 329 H. Generet - N112a0029 Adi receet of 941031 ftr informng NRC of steps taken to correct wolatore 9411170296 Responds to941013 memo.forwardmg ser trom F Harpster re govemment i noted en map rept50 309/94 11. oversghi of plant. Assures that NRC was conunue to closely rnannor plant operatons &  ! JOYNER.J,H. Regson 1 (Post 820201) 94/11/17. FRlZZLE,C D. Masne Yarece we not hesita e to take any nomssary regulatory Schons

Atomc Power Co 2pp 8184027541840281. TAYLOR.J M Orc of the Executswe Director for Operatora 94/11/10 ROTH.W V.

Semste 3pp. 01777.13941777.141 N111So578 NRC Info Notice 94478. "Electnc Component Failure due to Degradatsun j of Posyvevi Cheonde Wye trisulatson." 9411170296 Resparios to941013 memo.torwardmg tir from F Harpeter to Cowemment GRrMES.8 K. . 94/11/21. Conachdalso Edmon Co. of New Yorti. inc. topp overs ont or piant Assures that NRC will continue to closeiy morwtor plant opershons & 81848 2154 1848.224 wai ret hesitale to take any necessary reculatory actors TAYLOR.J M Orc of the Esecutswa Drector for Operatora 94/11/10. ROTH.W V. M11290181 Tnp rept of 941011-13 vist to piant to review implementaten of meant Senate. Spp et904299419n305 rule.10CFR50 65. Performed step-by-step revow of implementaton of mains rule usmg NRC drati rnamt rule wap procedure -M11220396 9earquests NRC consceraton of anci941004 IIr TROTTIER.E.H. Protect Drectrveie k3 94/11/22 HEBERT,J.R Mame Yankee ROTH.W v Senate 94/10/13. Offee of Congressional Affars (Post 911117) 2pp. Alomc Power Co.12pp. 81806.06841866 080. 81904 304 4 1904 305 9411300250 Advises that ten yr reactor vessel exam.per 10CFR50 55alg)(6 Mat lA) e bomg partonud ckmg nort refuehng scheduled tor Feb 1995. P. Oprating kcense @ teocumshts & hw HEBERTJ R Mame Yankee Atome Power Co 94/11/22. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). Ip.81925 09641925:098 9411020175 Forwards amends 156 & 139to hcenses OPR 70 & DPR-75, respectweay & saw wanuaton.Amenos change unn 1 TS by replacing masn leedwater coneW & NRC Info Nohce 94 079. %lecrobeologcally 'nfluenced Corroecn of EDG coneos eypass weeves we man seedwaier stop check waives lor C tunctort N g,e 111700,3,9,, w, - GRIMES.8 K. . /11/23 Consohdated Edison Co. of New yort6, Inc 9pp 81848.225, CISHANAN Protect Drectorate02 94/10/20 ELLASONLR. Put*c Service Enoctric

                                                                                               * 'ase  Co. of New Jersey 3pp. 8W N602174 01N8.233
                                                                                                    *020178 Ansends 158 & 139 to bcenses DPR.70 & DDR-75.respecevolv. change N11170279NRC Into Notce 94480, "inadeouste DC Gmund Detechon m DC Datntm-                     t a i TS ta raranceng mam teedwater coneot & control bypass wahses w/ man teso-enn Sys "

R K 94/11/25. Conschdated Ednan Co. of New Y ork. enc. 14pp. pg$ ** ,U ie @10/20.10pp. 81802-16241802.171. NRC trdo Notce 94481,

  • Accuracy of Bsoasuy & Enwron San'phng Re.
                                                                                            -44m2N SaW watuahon supportng anends 158 & 139 b bconses DPR-70 &

94111,70284 DPR.75.respecevoty go ' Offee of Nuclear Reactor Fteguisten, Drector (Post 870411) 94/10/20. 3pp-PAPERIELLO.C.J. Davision of Inchastnal & Meecal Nuclear Sately (Post $70729) 94/ 11/25. Consohdated Eckson Co of New Yortt, inc 12pp. 8164824641648259 8 6 72 816021 74 9411030324 Advises that NJ Dept of Enwron Ptotecten & Energy Bureau of Engmeer. eng rowspeed ute940920 Lscense Amend Request LCR-9346 & has to comments. R Portoche operanno reports & reisted correspondence TOSCH.K W. New Jersey. State et 94/10/26- Docasment Control Branch (Documetti 6411210383 Montney operanng rept for Oct 1994 tar Mane Yankee Atome Power W/ 9411mW informs that LN Oishan a propset manager for piant

    #41114 B AILEY.SN'.J., HEBERTJ R. Mase Yankee Atomc Power Co. 94/10/31. 6pp.                       STOLZ J F. Propect Drectorate62. 94/10/31 ELIASONLR Ptd)he Servics Electnc &

81837 13241837.137, Gas Co. of New Jersey. 3pp. 81628.35941828.361. 9411080259Intorms that LN Olshan holds pro,ect poestion for plant S R8P8'tabte occurvences. LERs & reisted - - VARGA.S A Dewinson of Reactor Prosects - t/II (Post 8, til 94/10/31 Orlice of Nu-clear Reactor Regulatori, Drector (Post 870411) 1p 81658J7941658.279 N11030337 Stati requirements memo re 941010 meetno for all NRC empeayees en Rockwee.MD to pmwide ernployees opportunny to sodress chaessons drectly to M11150437 Docusses 941026meetmg en Kmg of Prussia,PA re motorgperated wafwe C_ . _ . c. Acks tonowup nosood for noms sncludng artcle re encadent at plant snaues w/ Regen I ncansees.Let of at ----- W W & NRC presentatsons & HOYLE.JC. Offee of the Secretary of he Commemort 94/10/28 TAVLORJ M. Olc pensi seemen questens enct of the Eaecxsove Drector for Dporabons ip 81008.10641638 108. AELLY.E M. Repon 1 (Poet 620201) 94/11/03 ELIASONLR. Pubhc Senace Electne

                                                                                                & Gas Co. of Peew Jersey. 49pp. 8114490141744949 9411040218 LER 94 01641tm 940804.determmed that EFW molaton & regulatin0 valves for SG 1 leakang due to enaceousie mesnt procockae & macequale post mamt         M11150571 Dmcusses oilo re hemnse change request 94-30 re adcktion of new acten testm0Mamt processes revised W/941028 Itr                                                   statement to TS,posson andcaton systemseperstmg for toth Saleen Urvts.

I i STOWERS.G., HEBERTJ R Mame Yaroise Atome Power Co. 94/10/28. 5pp TOSCH.K. New Jersey. State of 94/11/03 Document Control Branch (Document l 81658 0334165a 037 Control Desk) 2pp 81778.35741778 358. l 9411200023 Forwards amends 159 & 140to bcenses DPR-70 & DPR-75. respectrwety & N11150243 LER 94417 00 on 941004. dual functon ECCS veswe moperable. Caused by mecharucal tuneng of watwo operanno reach rod mecharusm.Ptant mgt . I safety evaluaten Amends reduce men setponts & anowaDie values for SG ow & low-l for operabsiny of containment sys W/941104 IIr low level reactor protecten sys signals. i ALONEY.R E., HEBERTJ R Mame Yankee Atome Power Co. 94/11/03 app OLSHANAN Propect Drectorete02 94/11/04 ELIASONLR Public Service Emetnc 81791 034 41791 937 & Gas Go of New Jersey 3pp. 81652.10S41852130. l 1 l l l I l



        -M11280025Amanda 159 & 140to beenses DPR 70 4 DPR 75.respectwely, reduemg                  9411170039 NRC Info Notco 94 079. Mcrobefopcany influenced Corrosen of EDG rmn seipomis & allowable values for SG low & low.aow reactor protecton sys segnast       Svc Water Peing "

STOLZ).F. Protect Drectorate02. 94/11/04. 20pp. 81852.10641852:127. GRIMES.B.K. .94/11/23.Conschdated Eoison Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp,81848.225-

        -4411280028 Safety evaluanon supporing amends 159 & 140to hconses DPR 70 &

DPR 75.respecevoey 9411170279 NRC Into Nohce 94 000. "inaseguate DC Gecund Detectron m DC Drstreu.

  • Office of Nucasar Reactor Reguieton Drector (Post 870411). 94/11/04. 3pp. Imn Sys "

8185212th81852.130. GRIMES.B K. . 94/11/25. Consondated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 14pp. 81848.234-81848:247. M11220318 Forwards Amends 160 & 141 to bconses DPR-70 & DPR-75, respecime,y.Amenos rens,e TS to permit out of.svc component to be rehened to svc 170284 NRC info Notce 94 081.

  • Accuracy of Beassay & Erwoon Sampimg Re-unoer ad, iresi,am cont 9411,ts..-

su OLSHAN.L.N. Protect Drectorate1 2. 94/11/08 ELIASONLR. Pubhc Senace Electnc PAPERIELLO.CJ. Drnmen of industnel & Medco! Nucsear Safety (Post 870729). 94!

           & Gas Go of New Jersey. 3pp. 8?817.31641817.333.                                          11/25. Coneohdated Eamon Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81848.24841848.259
        -9411220325 Amends 160 & 141 to Licenses DPR 70 & DPR-75.respectively re changes to TS to pernet outef-svc corvoonent to be retumed to svc unoer admmatra-teve controls                                                                           R. Portodic operating reports & reisted correspondence STOLZAF. Proiect Drectoiste i 2. 94/11/06.12pp. 81817.31941817:330' N11020058 'W Mondanng % For Salem Genwatng Staton for SeN 1994."
        -9411220331 Safety evasunton supporeng Amends 180 8 141 to Lconses DPR.70 &                       g(025      Pubhc Senace Eleetnc & Gas Co of New Jersey. 94/09/30.

Reactor Regulaten. Drector (Post 870411). 94/11/06. 3pp A W, mate d 22pp. 8pM.8652. 81817.331 41817,.333' 9411230308 Monthey operetng rept for Oct 1994 for Salem Generatng Stahan Unit M11220105 Forwards documentahon to handhn0. control & storage of safety <eisted parts et plant & requests that results of uts renew be submitted to Regen i enthm 60 [OR .M HAGANJJ. Pubhc Senaco Elecinc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 94/10/ 31.10pp. 8185429441854.303. Co 915 34 1 13 ' 9411170273 Forwards FFD performance data rept for am month penod LABRUNA.S. Pubhc Senace Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey 94/11/04. M11290272 Requests results of renew & dispoeden re enproper use of over1ime at Control Branch (Document Control Deskt 7pm 81793258-81793265. peers within 80 osys of str oste. COOPER.R W Regen 1 (post 820201) 94/11/18. ELIASONL Pehe Senace Elecinc

           & Gas Co. of New .sersey. Spp.8187012941870.233.                                       S. Reportabte occuwnces, LERs & reisted cormepondence M11300361 Apphcanon for emends to boennes DPR 70 & DPR 75 re change to tense              M11020250 LER 9441100on                   .eutisted reactor tre signal tollowng rescenty contrar sys TS LCO tor boranon flow paths &             g pumps oy reducmg       unplanned closure of MSiv21 & 22 MS167.

number of oporable chargog pumps requred for 8 andinon m 4. by personnes error.Appropnote HAGANJJ. PutWic Sernce Electne & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 94/11/18 Document procedures cha Wrwo19 ttr PASTVA.MJ., JJ. Put*c Senace Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 94/10/ Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 61907'31341907:342. 19 6pp. 81619.00141619r007.

       -M11300362 Proposed toch specs to change to rense reactvety control sys TS LCO for boraban flow paths & charomg pumps Dy rocksem0 number of operable chargmG           9411210395 LER 94412401sn 941013.requeed dady cahnr of power range matrumente-Purres sequeed for 8 adeton m Moos 4 tram two to ans                                      ten not performed withm ersvedlance sniervas due to personnel error Personnel e>
  • Putdrr bervoe Ehactnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 94/11/18. 27pp 81907J16- vorved e event counested & Procedure SC OP.DCLZZ4040(Z) rensed W/941114 lir.

81907 b42. PASTVA.M J.. HAGANJ.J. P&he Senace Electne & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 94/11/

14. 7pp. 81850:1044 1850.111 Q. W mports, IE h 4 cormspondence DOCKET 50-312 RANCHO SECO NUCLE.AR GENERATING STATION 9410140257 Suppl 1 to NRC Into Notco 93460 *Reportng Fuel Cycle & Matis Events to NRC Operanons Ct'."

H. General - _. . BURNETT.R.F Dwison of Fuel Cycee Seiety & Safeguarde (Post 930207). 94/10/20. Consohdated Eckson Co. of New York. anc.12pp. 81816.29941816-310. . 9411300138 Forwards upasted dews bst for faakty 9410200153 NRC info Nance 94476 "Recent Fadures of Chargog/Salsty infecten " ' Pump Shat Post 20 8 9 GRIMES.B K Office of Nuclear Reactor Rega4shon. Director (Post 870411). 94/10/26. Consohdated Echmon Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 8165890141658913. gy 9411080016 Ack receel of 941018 lir NRC of steps taken to correct violatens rated n map repts 50 272/9414 & $0 311/ 14 9411150010 Aduses that withekawas kom trust tund is to cover decommissenmg on-WHITEJ R Regen 1 (Post 820201). 94/10/31. HAGAN,J. Pubhc Sennce Elec9tc & penses accrued from 920901440631 & estmated accruess from 9409011231. Gas Co of New Jersey. 3pp. 8162B 127 81628135. REDEKER.S. Sacramento Murucipal Utihty Dntract. 94/10/26. Document Controf Branch (Document Contred Desk) 6pp. 81775 079-81775:084 94110e0300 NRC UBuhetm used to Transport 94402. "."Corrosen Ptoblems m Certan Stamiess Packagog Hexafluonde PAPERIELLO.C.J Danaen of Industnal & Mortcal Nuclear Safety (Post 8'0729). 94/ P, Operating license stage _' _ & correspondence 11/14. Conachdated Edemon Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81816.31141816.322. 9411220058 Forwards map rapts SCL272/94 28 & $0 311/94-28 on 941017 21.No nds" 9411030114 informs that mout & output fees hated on encf wel be withheld from p@c tons roled declosure per 10CFR2.790(b)(5) & Secton 103(b) of Atomic Energy Act of JOYNERJM amenced 1 (Post 820201) 94/11/15 ELIASON.LR. Pubhc Senace Einc. PAPERIELLO,CJ Dnnsen of kidustnal & Mechcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729L 94/ Wic & Gas Co. of Jersey. 2pp. 81796.31141796.319. 10/26. SHETLERJ.R. Sacramento Municipes Ubbty Distnct. 5pps. 81653.211-

       -9411220000 insp repis 50272/94 28 & $0L311/94-28 on 941017 21.No violatons                              '

roled Mapor areas mapected redonctive houso & gaseous effluent control programs ok l J C. 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/22. 8pp. 81796.314 E'"'***"'"E **"-- 81796.319. 9410140257 Supol 1 to NRC Into Notco 93460. "Reparang Fuel Cycle & Mans Events

       $411100237NRC info Notstm 94477. "Malfuncton et Mam Generator Voftage Regulator              to NRC Operatons Ctr."

Ceueng Overvottage at Satety-Related Elecincal Louspment" BURNETT.R.F. Darinen of Fuel Orcle Sately & Safeguards (Post 9302C7). 94/10/20. GRIMES.B.K. .94/11/17.Consohdated Esson Co. of New York. inc. 7pp. 81816.323 Consohdated Eckson Co. of New Ywk, Inc.12pp. 81816.299 41816.310. 81816.329. 9410300153 NRC Info Notice 94476, *Recent Fadures of Chargm0/Salsty Inpochon 9411380o84 RecNests approva!.per 10CFR50.55a.Sec9an (aK3) & footnote 6,00 use Pump Shafts." . QSME Code Case N4161. GRIMES.S.K Othee of Nuclear Reactor Reguiston, Desctor (Poes 870411). 94/10/26. 1 MAGANJJ P#c Senace Electne & Gas Co. of New Jersey 94/11/18. Document Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp 81658:00141658C13. CJntrol prarich (Document Control Desk). App.81922-31041322 313. 9411220019 Ack receipt of 941020 ftr wNch Drstnct provicted results of swestganon mio 9411150578NRC info Nohce 94 078. "Eisctnc Component FaAse cue to Degradaten 10CFR61 radwaste stream sampie analysm results antenbes.ref NRC anep rept 50w of Polynnyt Chionde Wee ineutatort" 312/94 42 GRIMES,B K. . 94/11/21. Coneohdated Echman Co. of New York. Inc. 10pp. COLLfNS.SJ Regen d (Posl820201t 94/11/09 SHETLERJR. Sacramento Munses

          $194821641848 224.                                                                        pal Utikty Detnct. 5pp. 81796:08441796:092.

94113o0106 Forwards map repts 50L272/94 23.50 311/94-23 & S354/94 21 on -9411220028 Docusses resoluton of 10CFR61 sampie analysm result anomakes.ref 941024-26 No moestens noted NRC mop rept50 312/94 02 on 940922. JOYNER.J H. 1 (Post 8202011. 94/11/21 ELIASON.LR. Pubhc Sernce Elec. REDEKER.SJ, Sacramento Muruccal Uhhty Detnct 94/10/20. CALLAN.LJ Ragon 4 Osc & Gas Co. of Jersey. 3pp. 81672-09441872107. (Post 820201) app. 81796 08941796092.

       -9411300117Inno repts $272/9443.50 311/94-23 & E354/94-21 on 941024-26 No                  94110s0300 NRC Boneen 94402 "Corrosen Probaems m Certam Staedess Packagmg vosatons roted Maior areas srespected evaluahnn of annual tutoparticepston exercee        used to Transpan U Hexafluonde "

LAUGHUN.J., KEIMIG.R. Regan 1 (Post $20201) 94/11/21. tipp. $1872 097 PAPER 1ELLO.C.J Danson of industnal & Mechcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 94/ Q1872107. 11/14 Consoidated Edson Co of New York. Inc.12pp. 81816.31181816 322. o

l 74 DOCKETEDITEMS N11100237 NRC Info Notice $4477. " Malfunction in Mam Geriorator Voltage Regulator - M11170005 Notice of wolaton from msp on 940904-1015.volatums noted bconsee Causmo Overwortage at Safety-Related Electncal Equement " had not vernied utnm test 18 months that EDG could ener e swing HPSI pump 2P. GRIMES BX . 94/11/17.Consoboated Esson Co. of New York. Inc. 7pp. 01816.323- 89C 2hrough an tune deiay relay contacts $qaimulated . 81018.329

  • Regon 4 (Post 820201L 94/11/10. 2pp 817o0 02941760-030.

M11150578 NRC Info Notco $4 078.,"Electnc Component Fa4ure due to Depadahon -9411170011 Insp repts 50 313/9448 & $0-368/9448 on 9409041015 Velatons es PoennyK.Cmnae Wn imuist*"cddated Edson Co. of New nowd.uaeor areas manectedrescent mse that addressed operatonal safety GRIMES.B . 64/11/21 Cons Yor( sne. topp emme mant mnon.msne momeenng a m support am. 8184821541848224 V ANDENSURGH.G. Regon 4 (Post R20201). 94/11/10. 21pp. 01760.03141760 050 94 nio Notco 94479. Mcrotuologica#y Wluenced Corronen of EDG M11090300 NRC Bunmen 94402. ".Corroemn Problems m Certam Stamiess Packagmg GRIMES.B K. .94/11/23.Connoidated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 81848.225 Used m Tr.nsport U Hexafluonde l 81848233. PAPERIELLO.C.J Dnneen of industnal & Mescal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 94/ r 11/14. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 01816.31141816.322. N11170279 NRC Info Notre $4480. " inadequate DC Ground Detecten m DC Dstnte M11220054 Ach receept of941020 Itr informmg NRC of steps taken to correct wolaton ton GRIMESysS ".B K. . 94/11/25. Consohdeted Esson Co. of New York. Inc. 14pp. m msp repts S313/94-16 & 50 368/9416. 81848 23441848 247. COLUNS;aJ. Region 4 (Post 820201). 94/11/15. YELVERTONJ W. Entergy Oper-anons. Inc. 3pp. 81796.32041796.328. 9411170284 NRC Wo Nobce 94481.

  • Accuracy of Smassay & Erwron Samphng Raw suits " N11100237NRC Wo Notice 94 077. "M.tifuncton m Mam Generator Voltage Regulator PAPERIELLO.C.J Dwson of industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 94/ Causmg Overvottage at Safety-Related Electncal Equipment."

11/25. Conachdated Ednon Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81848 24641648.259 GRIMES.B K. .94/11/17.CotNibdated Eeson Co of New York. Inc. 7pp 81816.323-81816.329 DOCKET 50 313 ARKANSAS NUCLEAR ONE, UNIT 1 M11220045 Forwards map repts50 313/9623 & 50 368/9423 on 941024-28 Velaten l noted but not ested. i F. Security, medical, evnergency & fire preteenan piens COLUNS.S.J. Region 4 (Post 82r1201L 94/11/18. YELVERTON.J W. Eniergy Oper-anons. Inc. 5pp 81796.27141796.292. H wty, Wb RNI Em %# -9411220053 Insp repts S313/94 23 & S368/9&23 on 9402&28 m woiatons w BEMENT.R.S Eneergy Opershons. anc. 94/07/13 CALLAN.J. Repon 4 (Post 820201L reted Mapor amaa mspecMopwatenal status, of enwgecny pmswedness 2pp 81665.189-81605190. progranamergency plans. emergency tacMiss & vainng MURRAY.B Region 4 (Post 820201) 94/11/19.17pD. 81796.27641796292. M11220045 Forwards map repts50 313/9423 & E36ei94-23 on M1024 28 Vsoisten noted but not ened. 9411250202 Forwards response to wolatons reted m trap Repts50 313/9&18 & 50-COLLINS.S.J Regon 4 (Post 820201). 94/11/18 YELVERTONJ W. Entergy Oper- 368/9418.Correceve octons hconSee nobimaton communtators prowded tammg on atens. Inc. 5pp. 81796.27141796292. clanheaton on use of DEF/VS tan mactune. MIMS.D C. E.ntergy Operatens. Inc. 94/11/1t Document Coural Brancf1 (Document

                                            -9411220053 Inso repts 50-313/94 23 & S366/94 23 on 94102O28.No noistons                                                                                 Contot Desk) 4pp 81866.235-81866.238.

noted Masor aroes inspected:operstonal status, et emergecny preparedness pr sm.enwgency plans.enwgency tecihbes & tmmm9 9411150578 NRC Into Nohce 94478. "Elecinc Component Fadure due to Degradaten RAY.B. Regon 4 (Post 820201). 94/11/19 17pp s1796.27641796292. of Por Chionde Wee insulaten." utmou8 R 8 to Procee,e/ Wort nan 1 067, E Resp Fac y-  ;,a;=esg,,8;je11/r1. can a oet a ea aa ca- a' a - va * 'ac ' OPP-EOF

  • Entergy Operatons. Inc. $4/11/22. 86pp. 81909-00141909 086. 9411170039 NRC Info Nobce 94479. 'Mcrobo6ogically Wluenced Corroomn of EDG N111anw Olev 13 to Procedure /Wors Plan 1903.062, "Corrrnurucahons Sys Operat. Svc Water Pipe 9" eig procedure " GRIMES.B.K. .94/11/23-Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New york. Inc. 9pp. 81848225-
  • Entergy Operatons. anc.94/11/22.16pp. 8191&OO141910'016. 81848 233.

N11300342 Rev 7 to Procedure / Work Plan 1903 066. "Emesgency Response Facshty 9411170279 NRC Wo Nohce 96080, *lnadecmate DC Ground Detecien in DC Ostnbu-OSC." non Sys."

  • Entergy Operatens. inc94/11/22 59pp. 81909-14541909.203. GRNES.B.K. . 94/11/25. Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 14pp.

81848 234 41848.247. E Operstng heense stage " _ & a. M11170284 NRC Info Notce 94 081.

  • Accuracy of Beastay & Erwron Samphng Re-sulu

M11030208Lt conirect.defwutmng Tash Order 37. *1PE Reviews, intamal Events Back- PAPERIELLO.CJ Dviseon of industnal & Meecal Nuclear Sate *y (Post 870729). 94! End On'y." 11/25. Coneohdated Edson Co of New York. Inc.12pp. 81848 24841848.259. MACE.M Dusson of Contracts (Post 940714). FIN L-1933 94/09/19. MEYER.J. SCIENTECH. Inc. 2pp 81602.19341602-194 8 P"I' E **'"*P""""** 9411150355 Withdraws exemphon request from recurements of 10CFR50. App J & reapphcsten for exemphon from 10CFR50. App J concommg Type A test enterval & troquency & assocasted TS change request M11210388Montrev operatog rept for Oct 1994 for ANO Urui 1. W/941115 Itr. MIMS.D C. Entergy Operabons, Inc 94/11/06. Document Control Branch (Document HAYE S.K.R., MIMS.D.C. Entergy Operatons. Inc. 94/10/31. 7pp. 81837 152-Convol Desk) 120p 8178100741781:022. 81837.158.

                                            -9411150383 Proposed tec% specs re change to Type A tes's.
  • Entorgy Operatona. Inc.94/11/08 app 8178101W81781:022 S Reportebae occurrences, LERs & reteted correspondence Q. Inspection reports,IE BusellNs & oorrespondence M11090353 LER 9440340;cn 941006.aurvedlarum tesang or some engneered safe-guards components ed not verWy operabiltty as regured by TS.due to prn=* val def>

9410140257 Stopl 1 to NRC Wo Notco 93460, "Reportng Fuel Cycle & Matts Events conces mauftng kom manequam oehnston of tete no mouremenu to NRC Ope anons Cr." SCHEIDE.R.H., MIMS.D C. Entergy Operatons. Inc. 94/11/04. 6pp. 81 32 018 BURNETT.R F. Dusson of Fuel Cycle Safety & Safeguards (Post 930207) 94/10/20 81732:023 Consondated Eeson Co of New Yort . Inc.12pp. 8101629941816 310 M10200153 NRC Wo Notes 94476. "Racent Fadures of Charyng/ Safety insection V. Cperator Examinstens Pumr. Shans " Nm70084 W nns mat anangement made 6 adrmnstaten of ncenmng exam at t Eeson Co New Yors. Inc. 2pp 16 4 0 ' plantser941021 teicon.Unl should furrush ret maos edentfeed as attachment 2 of F.S. 201 m order e prepare er esams scheduled lor wm of 950206 N11150002 Responds to volatons noted m snap repts S313/94-20 & %368/94- 4 (Post 820201). 94/10/28. YELVERTONJ W, Entergy Oper-20 Correcove accons procedures towned to contal ECP level. GWYNN.T.P. MMS.D C. Ernergy Operatons inc. 94/11/04 Document Convol Branch (Docwneng stens. Inc. 4pp 1604.33941604:342. Control Desk). 6pp. 81780:29541780-300. M11080211 Forwards eWo foguested by NRC Admrmstatve Lt 94-12. " Operator Le M11150122 Responds to NRC ler to wolatorm noted m map repts 50313/9447 4 S censmg Esam Sche &de" rx2ueng number of operator hcensmg canedates to be 368/9447 on 9407244903Correcsve actons: requests extenson for respondng to tested var FY95-98 violeton unti941216. MIMS.D C. Entergy Operatons. Inc 94/11/02. Documert Control Branch (Document M!MS.D C. Ente gy Operstons Inc. 94/11/04. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desh). 3pp 81678 35441678.357. Conrol Dee4 3pp. 81775 09541775 097. 9411170277 Dracusses snap repts 50 313/94-20 & 50 368/94-20 on 940725 29 & DOCKET E315 DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1 0808-12 &lormaros embce ci venaton. GWYNN.T.P. Regen 4 (Post 820201) 94/11/09 YELVERTDNJ W. Entergy Oper-anons. Inc. 4pp. 81600 219 81600.226- F. Security, enedical, emergency & fire protecDon plans M11170002 Forwards map repts E313/9448 4 SCL368/9448 on 940904-1015 & nonce ce molatert 9411020196 Forwards Rev 27 to modshed omended secwity plan.Ptan wrthheld BEACH.AB Regon 4 (Post $20201) 94/1t/10 YELVERTONJ W. Entergy Oper-

  • Insana Mctugan Power Co. (tormerly indians & Metagan Electne Co) 94 '14 stens. Inc. 6pp. 81760023 81760-050 Document Contros Branch (Document Control Desk) 10. 81633 32541633.32f

l DOCKETEDITEMS 75 M11010000 Forwaros map repts 50 315/94-18 & 50 316/94-18 on 9408134923 & N112102M Forwards reased commenents re tube oil ansfysis program & eWo request. nolce of ventaten ed ty staff to actons to t e taken m event c4 samples andcate potental pump degra. GREENMANiG Regon 3 (Post 820201t 94/10/21. FIT 7 PATRICK.E. Indians Mch- daten 9an Power Co. (tormerly indens & Mctugan Doctnc Col 5pp. 81514.18741514.213. FfTZPATRICKI. Irdans Mict n Power Co. (formerly indana & Mctugan Electnc Col 94/11/11. MARDNJ B. Jmont Corect Branch (Document Control Desk).

  -4411010006Notco of viosamon from map on9408134923 Votaton noted.on940926-                 6pp 8183709941837:104 28.6 censes personnel faded to remove acton request tags from Urut 2 TDAFWP 91p &

throme valve & from local corect panel 94112203p5 Forwards RAI re 941025 meetn0 on IPEEE for DC Cook

  • Regon 3 (Post 820201). 94/10/21. 2pp. 8151419241514.193 HICKMAN.J B Prosect Drectorate 1161. 94/11/14. FITTPATRICKI. Indone Mchigan Power Co. teormerly Irshana & Mctugan Electnc Col FITZPATRICKI. Amencan Eoc.
  -M11010098 insp repts 50-315/94-18 & $0 316/9418 on 9408130923 Violatens                   Inc Power Servce Corp. app 8182222641822.229 noted Malor areas mroected operatonal safety venicaton.secunty.en(pneered 6afety feekse sys & ormas event sonowup N11220344 Appicaton for amends to Loenses DPR-58 & DPR.74 mostmg 75 3 9 3 GROPP.WJ Repor 3 (Post $20201). 94/10/20. 20pp. 81514.194 81514.213.                    for uruts to anow start of core of offload 100 h after core siecrincanty estood ef ' 68 h j

i N11220376, Forwards

  • Cook Nuclear Plant 1994 Emergency Plant Evaluated Esercise MgYiM' N n "ofga,merty C insens & Metugan Enc j T TRICK.E. Indone Memgan Power Co (formerly insana & Metugen Electne Co) 94/11/11 RUSSELLW T. Document Coreal Branch (Document Control Desk)

I pp' g i h' ""' ' i


to 81632285-81832.314-

                                                                                         -9411220358 Proposed TS 3.9.3 re refuelmg operatens decay tme.                                                    1
  -941,1220393 " Cook Nuciase Ptars 1994 Emergency Plani Evasuuted Emercise Scenar-                                          'W      "F'"*"             9"     *'"

83 8 27

  • Inea 2 (formerly insana & Metugan Electnc Col 94/01/01.
                                                                                         -M11220387 Rev 0 to HI-941183. " Spent Nuclear Fuel pool Thermah Hydraulm Analy.                                  !

sas Rept for DC Cook Nuclear Picnt." N11300121 Informs of deceon to msbtute quarterty prohcency trarung for EROS Oper.

  • Honec trnernatonal Hl.941183 R02. M/DS/25. 22po. 8183126641831.301. )

etors. CJTLSON.WL Regon 3 (Post $20201). 94/11/16 MARTINJ Regen 3 (Post M11300095 Provides a&B eWo tar 931H2 TS change m dewton of component cyche 1 820201). 4pp. 81872.13241872135 or transeni lima tatue l FTTZPATRICK.E. Ineans Mctugan Power Co (formerly ensana & Mctugan Electnc j N11230023 Forwards map repts 5(L315/94-20 & E316/94 20 on 940924-1029 Non. Coj 94/11/18 RUSSELLW.T. Document Corect Branch (Document Coreof Deskt i cand volenons soentened. 3pp. 81922.31741922.325. l C:ROPP.W.J. Regon 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/17 FITZPATRICK.E. Insana Mctugen ' Power Co. (formerly insana & Mctugan Electnc Cor opp 81011:12541811:145. -M113000s7 Proposed tech specs re deleting of componerit cyche or rennent linut table.

 -9411230024 It'en repts50 315/94-20 & 50 316/94-20 on 9409241029. Nanceled vo.
  • indena Mctugan Powet Co. (formerly insana & Metugan Elecmc Co.t 94/11/18, tenons edentihed Masor areas enspected plant cleanime: 3.secunty/edologeal 6pp. 81922:32041922.325.

controls.opeistonal safety verifcaton & fnemt & survedlance acevnees KROPP,WJ Region 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/17.17pp. 81811.12941811:145. 9411300355Apphcaton tot amends to hconees DPR.58 & DPR 74 to TS re change re-ouest on m.servce map reaurements

  $411300324 Rev 1 to Plant Manager Procedures (PMP) Emergency Plan Procedure               FIT 7PATRaCK.E. In&ana Mcr ugan Power         Co. Normerty ineans & Mctugan Electne (EPP) PMP 2000 EPP.103. *'Asert                                                         Co.). 94/11/18 RUSSELL W.T. Document Coreal Branch (Document Control Desk).

SMITH.J H insens Mchigen hwer Co. (tormerly ineena & Mchigan Electnc Col 3pp. 31g10o1741910229. 94/11/18 23pp. 8191009981910121.

                                                                                         -9411300357 Proposed noch specs re change request on rksenace rap recurements P. Operating lit:enee stage " ._ & correspondence                                          10pp 910             19 $29 M111800ts0 Forwards rept on este mast to review amplementator, of mamt rule at staten for review & mio Rept connfos strongets & weaknesses w/reogram et sne.               o. enspecten reporta, IE Buheens & a .

SHAFER.W D 3 (Post 820201L 94/11/07. DONNELLY.P.M Consumers Corp 2pp 8174613 4 7 1 MW40257 Suppl 1 to N,,RC Info Noboe SW '% M Cyck & 64ah PO to NRC Operatons Ctr. 9411140204 Forwards amends 185 & 170 to hoenees Dr R 58 & OPR-74, respectively & BUWETT.RA Dwmon of Fuel Cycle Sawy & Safeguards (Post 930207L 94/10/20. SE. Amends acton statements for teth uruts a surveillance regurements for Cor=reated Edmo i Co. of New York, tec.12pp. Sie 16.29941816 310. HICKMA .J ector 4-1 / 08 T AT . . Indena nochigan M11010070 Forwardh map repts50 315/94-21 & 50 316/94 21 on 94100446.No viola. Power Co. (formerly Indana & Mctugan Elecinc CrJ. 3pp. 8173624441738263. Inns

 -M11140206 Amends 185 & 170to Icenses DP458 & DPR-74.respectively, rowsm0                             PO**' C0' (formany in&sna & Macrugen Enoctne Col 2pp. 81514.178-acion statements & survedlance regarements to ia'st 2 m TS to pronde great-    8151 183 er coershonal flertulny w/new ST5.

HANNONJN. Propect Drectorate 4Ibi. 94/11/06 12pp. 81736 24741736.258 -9411010073 enop repts 50-315/94-21 & 50 316/94-21 on 94100446 No votatons noted.Masar areas mspected.hcensee chemstry program sncludm0 mgt 4 organsratork

 -4411140206 Safety evolustron supportng amends 185 & 170 to icennes DPR-58 &               al changes /euew as recent coneton repts & yearviews w/diometry technceans DPR-74.respectwely                                                                      HOUSEJ E., MCCORMICK-BARGE Regson 3 (Post 820201). 94/10/21. App.
  • Orfee of Nur'sar Reactor Regulaton. Drector (Post 870411). 94/11/08 Sop. 81514180415t 4183.

81736.35941736.3 3. 9411010080 Forwards insp repts 50-315/9418 4 50316/9418 on 9408134923 & N11160582 Forwards Amends 1H & 189 to Lscenses DPR-58 & DPR-74 & SE. nonce at vio6ation. Amends rowse T3 to anow entended acton tmo for improper baron concentraton & GREENMANI.G. Regen 3 (Post 820201) 94/10/21. FITZPATRICK.E. Indens Mche. CD conmatont acton statement gan Power Co. (formorty indana & Mctugan Electnc Co.). 5pp 8151418741514.213. H MAN.J 8. Proesct Drectorate 18L1. 94/11/08. FITZPATRrCKI. In$ena Mctugan Power Co. (formeriy meana & Mcrugan Electne Co4 4pp. 8174896141748 082. -o411010086Namco of volanon from map on940813 0923 Votaton nowdon 940926-

 -9411150000 Amends 164 & 169 to LJcenses DPR.58 8 DPR 74/espectvely, re                    prott      tve         locs changes to TS to allow emended acten tme lor emproper teron conceniramon & to
  • Regen 3 (Post 620201) 94/10/21. 2pp. 81514'19241514193.

prowne consomnt acDon staiement NANNONJN Prosset Dreceraw Nkt.94/11/08.14pp. 81748.06541748278. -6411010006 trop repts 50 315/94-18 & 50 316/9418 on 9408134923. Voianons

 -6411150811 Safety evaluaten sieportog Amends 184 5 169 to Licennes DPR-56 &                    ,, ,ac, re                        banni as% emonsunyon0'neeW saw y g Off$         clear Reactor Regulaton. Drector (Poet 870411). 94/11/06. 40p.          KFIOPP.wJ Regen 3 (Post $20201). 94/10r20. 20pp. 81514.19441514.213.

8174897W48982. N1020D153 NRC Info Notes 94476. "Recent Fadures of Charipng/ Safety inpecten mas per onmental a GR E K Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulatert Opector (Post 870411). 94/10/26.

    ,,,, nc,                                                                                Consondated Esson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 8165820:4165eS13.

ROEJw Dunson of Reactor Prosects - (Post 901216). 94/11/10. FITZPATRICK.E. eneans Meegan Power Co (formorty enamns & Mctugan Electnc M11010334 Advmes that estanaton of pennanera demon change wel to detened tie-C3) FIT 2 PATRICK.E. Amoncan Doctnc Power Service Corp. 3pp. 81782.148- cause aMected emapmerW & areas are not accesatido at power for necessary p+ 81782:185' *0 **8kdo 8'rTZP"ATRICKI"ns & mort pun ommiopannt F sndare Power Co. (lo6merly indene & Mchsgan Electnc

 -9411180068 Safety evaluaten accepeng util request for approvat for esposal of 6           Co.) 94/10/28 MARTIN.J B.                    Cormal Branch (Document Control Deskt conned met per 10CFR20.ascton 302.                                                      3pp. 81579 351-81579.353.
  • Onsce of Nuclear Reactor Regtessori. Drector (Poet 870411). 94/11/10. Sep.

81782 15141782.155 N11210264 Forwards rewmed comnutments to tube ce snelysm program a mio roouest-ed try staff re actons to to taken m event osi samples mecate potental pump oogre-

 -941110006S Enempton granted from recurements of 10CFR20.2001.atlowmg onene                daton.

etorage of reeuective mac FITZPATRICK.E. Indone n Power Co. (formerty indane & Mctugan Electre ROEJ w, Dusen of Reactor Protects . fil.lV.V (Post 901216L 94/11/10 Ineana Co) 94/11/11 MARTINJ B. Control Branch (Document Control Desk) Q Power Co. (tormerly Inderie & Mctugan Electnc Col $pp. 01782 156- 6pp 8183799941837.104

    $ 17Bc.180.

N11090300 NRC Bumeen 94 002. "Conneen Problems m Certen Stamiesa Packagmg

 -9411180069 Fnvron essessmern & Indmg of no sagoshcent empact to uti roguest for           Used to Transport U Mesafluoride
  • approval for esposal of hcensed mas per 10CFR20.secten 302 PAPERIELLO.C,J Dmson of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Poet 870729L 94/

HICKMAN.J B Propect Drectorate likt. 94/10/24 Spp 81782.16141782165. 11/14 Consondated Eeson Co. ci New York. Inc. 1200 81816.311 81816.322.

76 DOCKETEDITEMS 9411230008 Ack recept of 941028 Itr mfornung NRC of steps taken to correct velatons $411220375 Fonwards " Cook Nuclear Plant 1994 Emergency Piant Evaluated Exercme noted m map rept50 315/9444 Sceneno " MARTIN.T O Dmson of Reactor Protects - 1/ll (Post 870411). 94/11/15. FITZPATRICK.E. Indena McNgan Power Co. (formerly inchana & Memgan Elecinc FITZPATRICK.E. Inchana Mctu0an Power Co. (formerty enchana & Merugan Electne Col 94/11/11. RUSSELLW.T. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). Co.) 1p. 8181104641811948. 1p. 81632.28541832.314 M11220274 Provides response to wc4atore roted m insp Repts 50315/9410 & $0 -9411220393 " Cook Nuclear Plant 1994 Emergency Plant Evaluated Exerce, Scenar-318/94-18 Corrective acten:reovest tags ident fed ty mapector as not bomg removed e. " wenhed on 941027.00 have once been removed.

  • Inchana Power Co. (formerly indens & Mctugan Electne Col 94/01/01 FIT 2 PATRICK.E. Inchane Mcru0an Power Co. (t indiane & Mctogan Electnc 28pp. 81832- 1832.314 Co) 94/11/18. Document Consol Branch (Document Desk). 7pp 81833 015-81833 021. 9411300121 intorms of cloceen to natitute Quarterly prolcency trarung sor ERDS Oper-stars.

9411100237 NRC Wo Notco 94477, "Malfunctaan en Mam Generator Voltage Regulator AXELSON.W.L Regen 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/18. MARTIN,J Regen 3 (Post Causmg Ororvoltage at Eatety-Reteted Enocincal E0uipment." 820201). 4pp. 81872.13241872:135 GHIMES.B K. .94/11/17.Consc* lated Echson Co. of New York. Inc. 7pp. 81818:323-81818.329 9411230022 Forwards insp repts 54315/94-20 & $0-318/94-20 on 9409241029 Non. cited violatons identihed 9411230022 Forwards map repts $0 315/94 20 & 50 318/94-20 on 9409241029 Non. KROPP.WJ. Regon 3 (Post 820201) 94/11/17. FITZPATRICK.E. Inchana Mchgan cited violatonn soentrhed Power Co. (former1y Inthana & Merupan Elecine Col app.81811 12541811.145 KROPP.W.J. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/17. FITZPATRICK.E. Irukana Metugan Power Co. qtormony anchana & Mcrugan Electnc Col app 81811-12541811.145. 4411230024 inno repts $4315/94-20 & 54318/94-20 on 940924-1029 Noncited mo-latons adentified Maior areas inspected. plant cleankness.secunty.radclogeal -9411230024 inno repts54315/94-20 & 50 318/94-20 on 940924-1029 Nnncited we- conpois.operatonal safety venhcaton 4 mant & sunnedlance acevees latons identrfied.Masor areas mspectectplant cleanimess.secunty.rasologmal KROPP.WJ. Regon 3 (Post 520201) 94/11/17.17pp. 81811:12941811:145. corerats.operatonal satety venfcaton & ment & surweetance actmbes. KROPP.WJ. Reg: ort 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/17.17pp. 81911-12941811145. 9411300324 Rev 1 to Plant Manager Procedures (PMP) Emergency Pian Procedure (EPP) PMP 2000 EPP 103.

  • Alert M11150578 NRC Wo Notee 94 078. "Electne Component Fadure due to Degradaton SMITHJH. Inchana Metugen Power Co (formerly indians & Mctugan Electric Col of Pc4yun 94/11/18. 23pp. 81910 09941910'121.

GRIMES.lyt l K. Chionse Wre ensulaton."

                    . 94/11/21. Coneohdated Edmon Co. of New York. Inc 10pp.

81848 2154 1848 224. H11170038 NRC into Notre 94 079, "Mactuologrally influenced Conosen of EDG Swc Water Pipmg " GRIMES.B K. .94/11/23.Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. Opp. $1648.225 M11010287 Forwards

  • Assessment of Indcatons m DC Cook Urut 2 Head Penetraton 81848 233. 75" & propnetary rept WCAP 14118.Rev 1. " Structural intoonty Evaluanon of RV Upper Head Penetratons. ." Propnetary rept WCAP.14118 withheid.

M11170279NRC Info Notco 94-080. " inadequate DC Ground Detecton m DC Distntxs. FITZPATRICKI. Indiane Mctwgan Power Co. (formerly Inchans & Mctwgan Electnc ton Sysa Co k 94/1()/2ti RUSSELLW T. Document Connol Brancti (Document Control Desk). GRIMES.B K. . 94/11/25. Consohdated Eckson Co. of New York. Inc. 14pp. 3pp. 8158720141587:020 81848 23441848.247

                                                                                       -9411010269 "^             .. ..: of Inchcatens m DC Cook Drut 2 Haed Penetraten 75 "

M11170284 NRC Into Notce $4481. " Accuracy of Beassey & Ermron Sarnphng Re. Westmghouse Electne Corp. MSE SMT 429(94). 94/10/24. 7pp. 81L87 004-suits " 81587'010. PAPERIELLO.CJ Desen of Industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729) 94/ 11/25. Coneohdated Echsan Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81848.24841848259 -9411010272 Recuests that propnetary rept WCAP.14118.Rev 1. " Structural mtegnty Evaluston of Reactor Vessel Upper Head Penetratons to $@ port Contmuod Operaton DC Coon Urut 2" tie withheid (ret 10CFR2.790(b)f 44 R. Portoec operstang reports & reteted correspondence LIPARULO.NJ. Wes Electnc Corp 94/10/24 RUSSELL.W. Document Cork trol Branch (Document Desk) 10pp. 81587 01141587220. M11230214 Forwards monthly operstmo rept lor Oct 1994 tor DC Cook Nuclear Plant 9411010158 Forwards Rev 2 to "DC Cook Nuclear Plant Unst 2.Cyces to COLR." Co. (formerty insana & Mctogan Electne Co) F ' '" Indena Co /0 R" L wct 01 Desk 94/11/16 Oncumert Control Branch (Document Control Desk). Ip. 81833.223- 1p. 81577.26541577277. 81833.230. -4411230215 Monthly operstmg rept for Oct 1994 for DC Cook Nucisar Plant Urut 1

                                                                                       -N               p 2 m he C M W M W 2 % 4 h WW
  ,lANISSEJD. anthana Mcrugan Power Co. (tormorty insana & Mchgan Electnc Col 94/10/31. 4pp. 81833 22441833.227                                                        .12pp.

Insens M ' n1577277. 81577 Poww Co. (formerty inchana & Mehgan Electre Co). 94/10/31. -94 1230218Revned monthly operann0 rept for Sept 1994 tar DC Cook Nuclear Plant 9411040296 Informs renew completed of _ ._..; prcmded w/ltr.dtd 941026.08 crack sidcatons mienbfed in plant RV head penetraton 75.NRC has concluded ade-BUBLICK.D.L Insana Mctugan Power Co. (tormerty anchane & Mchgan Electnc Col ouste margm ce sately ensts for one 18mh cycon W operaten. 94/09/30. 300. 81833 22841833 230' MtCKMANJ B. Protect Drectorate likt. 94/10/28. FITZPATICK.E.E. Insana Mcemgan Power Co 2pp 81619.35541619 356 E Operator Es- - 9411100060 Forwards rept on ests west to review enpiementaton of mamt nme at staton for revow & mto Rept identites strengthe & _ __ . r we am at site. 9411040265 Forwards master BWR/PWR GFES exam w/ answer key of exam admme- SHAFER.W.D. Repon 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/07. DON LLY,P M Consumers tered on M1005 Power Co. GIPSON.D.R Detrod Echsan Co. SCHROCK.CA Waconam Pubhc Sennce RING.M A. 3 (Pcut 820201). 94/10/27. C; _ath Edson Co,19 Corp 2pp. 8174613141748141 81586:002 41 002 M11140204 Forwards amends 185 & 170to bcennes DPR.58 & DPR-74. respectively & 9411300218 Forwards NRC summartred guidance that clanfos regurements for mam. SE. Amends moddy acton statements for toth ursts & atrveluence reguromonts tar tamme mdmdual operator begnees.entiled. "Chanicaten of Mamt & Reactvaton Re urut 2 m TS to provide greater operatonal flemtmeny w/new STS. otsromonte for inevidLal Operator Licenses HICKMANJ B. Propect Drectorate lil 1. 94/11/08 FITZPATRICK.E. Inchana Mchgan RING.MA Region 3 (Post $20201) 94/11/18 Afhkaton Not Asegned. 3pp Power Co. (formetty indana & Mctugan Elecinc Col 3pp. 81738 24441736.263. 81872.341 4 1872.343.

                                                                                        -9411140205 Anends 185 & 170to hcenses DPR-58 & DPR-74.respecovely. revising acton statements & survecance reetwoments for unn 2 m TS to pronde great.

DOCKET $0 318 DONALD C. COOK NUCtJ.AR POWER PLANT, UNfT 2 or opwatonal Sexstulity w/new STS MANNONJN. Propoct Drectorate HL1. 94/11/08 12pp. 81736.24741736258 F. Securtly, medecet, emergency & tire protectlon plans .g411140206 Safety evalueton seportng amends 185 & 170 to beennes DPR-58 & DPR-74.respectnneiy 9411020196 Forwards Rev 27 to modrhed amended sectrWy plan Plan wthheid.

  • OHee or Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Drector (Post 870411L 94/11/06. $@
  • Indena Mchgan Power Co (formerty Indens & Mctugen Eiectne Col 94/10/14. 8173825941736.263.

Documeru Contros Bianch (Documera Control Desk).1p 61633.32H1833.325. 9411150502 Forwards Amends 184 & 169 to Ucenses DPR.58 & DPR-74 & SE. 9411010000 Forweeds map repts $4315/94-18 & $0L316/94-18 on 9408130023 & Amends revue TS to anos extended acton tune tar improper toron concentraton & nota of vnoisson. to prende consstent acton statemenL GREENMAN.E.G Regon 3 (Post 820201) 94/10/21. FITZPATRICK.E. Indens Mch> HICKMANJB Propect Drectorate lla.1. 94/11/06 FITZPATRICK.E. Insana Mchgen gen Power Cet (formerly indiana & Mchgan Elec1nC Col 50p. 8151418741514 213. Power Co. (formerty indene & Mctugen Esectnc Co.) app. 81748S6141748-082.

-9411010006Nohce of votaton tram insp on9408134923 Vo6ston noted on 94092th             -9411150600 Amends 164 & 189 to Lconnes DPR-58 & DPR.74.respectrvely. to 28.heenase personnel faded to remove acton request tags from Urut 2 TDAFWP Inp &          changes to TS to snow ertended acton tmo for ynproper toron concentraton & to ttwottle verve & trom local control panel                                                 pecmoe _ . .; acton statement.
  • Regen 3 (Poet $20201) 94/10/21. 2pp. 81514-19241514193 NANNONJN Propect Dractorate HL1 94/11/06 14pp. 81748$6541748.078
-941101o096 Inso repts 50-315/94-18 & $4316/94-18 on 9408134923 votatons                -9411150411 Satety evaluaton supportng Amenos 164 & 160to Lcennes DPR.58 &

noted Mapor areas inspectadoperatonal safety venhcanon.secunty.enyneared safety DPR.74.respeceve6y featse sys & onsae event tonowup-

  • Ortce of t4uctew Reactor Regulaton, Drector (post 870s11). 94/11/06. App s(ROPP.WJ Region 3 (Post $20201) N/10/20. 20pp 8151419441514 213 81748-07941748:082.

DOCKETEDITEMS 77 9411100064Fonwards saiety evaluaten acceptmg utd request Scu approval for esposal N10200153 NRC Into Notre 94476. "Recent Faeures of Chargmg/ Safety insecten of hcensed mas por 10CFR20. secton 302.Emempton & emnronmoraal a- -.a Pump Shens." i I also ancs. GRIMES.B K. Othee of Nuclear Reactor Regulat ort Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/26. ROEJ W Dunen of Reector Propects . Ill.fV.V (Post 901216) 94/11/10. Conschdated Eeson Co. of New YotA inc.12pp. 81858:00141858-013. FITZPATRICK.E. Insana Mchgan Power Co (formesty inchana & Mctugan Electnc Co) FITZPATRO.E. Amencen Electnc Power Sennce Corp. 3pp. 81782148- 9411210284 Forwards revsed comtrutments to tube oil anm9ss program & Info recussi-81782:165- ed te staff re actons to be taken in event od sampass mdcate potenbal pump cogre. datort <

  -N11100059 Safety evaluston acceptmg vul request for appres for esposal of b.                FITZPATRICK.E. Inenna               Power Co. (formerly insana & Mchigan Electnc      '

consed mas per 10CFR20.secten 302. Cc4 94/11/11 MARTINJ.S. Control Branch (Document Control Desk).

  • Offee of Nucteer Reactor Regulaton, Drect:ir (Post 870411). 94/11/10. 5pp. 6pp. 8183729941837:104.

81782:151 41782 155. M11090300  !

  -M11180066 Exempton granted from regarements of 10CFR20.2001 Allowng onene                              NRC Bulletm Used to Transport          94002. "."Corronen Problems m Certam Stamiess Packagmg U Hexafluonde storage of radonctrue matL                                                               PAPERIELLO.CJ Dusen of Industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 94/

ROEJ.W. Dmacn of Reactor Protects . Ill.fV.V (Post 901216). 94/11/10. Insana 11/14. Coneohdated Edrson Co. at New York. Inc 12pp. 81816.311JI1816.322 8p17 ' 180-Power Co. Oormotty indens & Mehgan Elecmc Col 5pp. 81782:156-9411230008 Ack receipt of 941028 Itr mformme NRC of steps taken to correct veistens noted m map rept54 315/94-04.

  -4411100069 Enwron assessment & tmdag of no segrufmant erreact to ute request for           MARTIN T O Desen of Reactor Prosects .1/11 (Post 870411). 94/11/16.

approval for esposal of iconsed mall per 10CFR20.sec.1mn 302. FITZPATRICK.E. Insana Midugan Power Co. (tormerly insans & Mchgan Elecalc HICKMANJ.B. Propect Drectorate ill 1. 94/10/24. 5pp. 81782:161 41782:165. Col 1p. 81811.04641811048 9411210284 Forwards revoed comfrutments te kabe od analyss program 4 mio request- $411220274 Provides response to wointers noted m insp Repts 50 315/9418 & 50-ed by staff re schons to be taken m evert of sampses ndcate potential pump degra- 316/94-18.Correctwo actonsequest tags adormhed by mspector as not bemg removed daten. FITZPATRICK.E. Insens venfeed on have smco been removed. n Power Ca (formerly Irv$ana & Mscrugan Eisctnc FfTZPATRICK.E. Insans Mctugan Power Ca ( Insans & Mcngan Electne Co.) 94/11/11 MAftTINJ B. Control Branch (Document Control Desk). Co ). 94/11/16. Document Control Branch (Document Desk). 7pp. 81433:015-6pp. $183799941537'104 . 81833021. M11220306 Forwards RAI re 941025 meetmg on IPEEE for DC Cook. e411100237 NRC info Notee 94477. "Malfunchon m Mam Generator Voltage Regulator HICKMANJ.B. Pro,ect Drectorate HL1. 94/11/14 FITZPATRICK.E. Insana Medsgan Causmo Overvoltage at Safety 4te6ated Elecircal Equipment" Power Co formerly ineens & Motugan Etscinc Co). FITZPATRfCK.E. Amencen Elec- GRIMES.B.K. .94/11/17.Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 7pp. 81816.323-Inc Power borvce Corp. 4pp. 81822.22641822.229 81816.329. 9411220348 Apphcaton for amenos to Leonees DPR 58 & DPR.74.rnoehng TS 3.9.3 9411230022 Forwards map repts54315/94-20 & 54316/%20 on 9sD924-1029.Non-fc7 uruts to anow start of core of omoed 100 h after core subcnncality matead of 168 h currently specshetLRev 2 to Hi-941183 rept enct csted voiations identifad FIT 2 PATRICK.E. Ineens Mctugan Power Co. (formedy insens & Metugan E ocenc KROPP.WJ Regen 3 (Post 820201). 94/**/17 FITZ>ATRICK.E. Indens Mchigan Power Ca (formerty indens & Mctugan Electnc Co4 App. 81811:1254181+:545. CoI. 94/11/18 RUSSEU W.T. Document Coreal Stanch (Document Control Desk) 3pp. 81831246-81831:301.

                                                                                            -9411230024inno repts 50 315/94-20 & 50 316/94-20 on 9409241029 Noncned vm-
 -9411220358 Proposed TS 3 9.3 re refusang operatons decay bme-                               latons identited.Mamr areas mapecteeplant cleanhnssa.secunty.radologcal Indiana                                                                               coneois.operatonal safety wentcaten a mamt & survemance ac1pvmes.

Ca pormerly indana & Mectugan Esecine Col 94/11/16- KROPP.WJ. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/17.17pp 81811.12941811-145.

 -9411220367 Rev 0 to Hi441183.
  • Spent Nuclear Fuel Pool Thermm6. Hydrause Analy- Nm50678 N W Insulatu Honec -

1 R 94/06/25. 22pp. 8183126841831.301. " 54 M8 4 N11300096 into for931112TS change re deletion of component cyche 9411170039 NRC Info Nobce 94479. "M - . 1 Influenced Corroenn of EDG s'M"WR'2S'7a"MO::"t i* ore"f,l rL'"*(Do"c'* 'nent?2"JDe"."f

  • 3pp. 81922:31741922.325 E,=*e'?' /1i/23 con oadated Edmoa c- o' a - var *. iac 'Pa '1ada
 -94      300097 Proposed toch specs to delebng of congenent cychc or transent hmrt         N             NRC Info Notce 94 000. " inadequate DC Ground Detecton m DC Detnbu-
  • Indens Mctagan Power Ca (formerly Indens a k6ctugan Electnc Col 94/11/18. GRIMES.B K. . 94/11/25. Conschdated Edmon Co. of New York. Inc. 14pp 5pp. 81922:32041v22.325. 8184823441848.247 941130035$ Appicaten for amends to bconses DPR-58 8 DPR-74 to TS re change re. H111702N NRC Info Nobce M081.
  • Accuracy of Boassay & Envron Samphng Re-TZP TRICK Insana Power Co (formerly means & Meru0an Electnc Al RIELLO.CJ. Devoon of industnal & Medcal PAclear Safety (Post 870729). 94/

Cn) 94/11/18 RUSSER,W.T. Document Coreal Branch (Document Coreal Desa). 11/25. Cormolidated Eenon Ca of New York, trc.12pp. 81848.24841848.259. 3pp. 8191091741910-029-

 -9411300357 Proposed tech specs re change request on en servce map rogurements.            R. Perioglic operatung reports & misted correspondence ins
    't opp.ans            Power Ca pormany insans & Mctugan Eisetnc Cor 94/11/18.

81910: 1910 029 9411230217 Monthly operatng rept for Oct 1994 for DC Cook Nuclear Plant Urul 2.W/ 941116 Isr. 6 Inspectson reports. E Dulletris & correspondence JANISSEJ.D., BLIND.AA Insana Mechegan Power Co. (formerly indene & Mchsgan Electnc Col 94/10/31. 5pp 81833.23141833.235. N10140257 S@pl 1 to NRC Inlo Noace 93460. "Reportng Fuel Cycae & Mans Events O NRC Operatons Car - V. Operator Esaminettons BURNETT.R F Dewison of Fuel Cycle Safety & Safeguards (Post 930207k 94/10/20. C:meobosted Eeson Ca of New York. Inc.12pp. 81816.29941816 310. pg1040268 Forwards master BWR/PWR GFES exam w/ answer key of exam admsrus-tered on941005. 9411010070 Forwards eup repts50 315/94-214 54316/9021 on 94100446.No vote. RING.MA Regon 3 (Post 820201). 94/10/27. C . _ r Eeson Co 1 p. tons edenched 8158690241566 002. MCCORMICK-BARGE Recon 3 (Post 820201) 94/10/20 FITZPATRICK.E. Ineans Mcrugen Power Ca (formony indians & Mctugan Electnc Col 2pp. 81514:179 81314 181 9411300218 Forwards NRC surnmanrod guidance that clartties recurements for mair . tammg endividual operator hcorises.enteed. ;'Cannhcaton of Mant & Reactivaton Re.

 -4411010073 Insp repts 54315/94-21 4 50 316/k21 on 94100448 No volabons                      ousromonts for individusa Operstar Lscenses.

noted Maps areas maooctedIcensee chenwstry program Wictueno mgt & orgamraton. RING MA Regon 3 (Post $20201). 94/11/18. Afhhaton Not Assignett 3pp r O A-- ,_ . . .. of recent coneton repts & enterviews o chemmtry techrucens. 81672.34141872.343. HOUSIIJ.E., MCCORMICK BARGE Repon 3 (Post 820201). 94/10/21. 4pp. 81514 1804 1514 183-DOCKET 54317 CALVERT CLIFFS NUCLE.AR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1 N11010000 Forwards erap repts 54315/9416 & 50 316/9418 on 9408134923 4 nomoe of volaton. GREENMAN.E.G Regen 3 (Post $20201L 94/10/21 FITZPATRICK.E. Indens Mch> E Secur#y, medlca( emergency & hre protec16cn piens gen Power Co. (tormerty indena & Metegan E6sctnc Col 5pp. 81514.18741514.213 9411030219 Forwards propnetary Rev 2 to "tSFSI Trammg & Quakfcaten Plan." ancor-

 -9491010008Notco of votaton from o up on940813 0923 Veotaten noiodon940926                   paratng phyncal testmg program that measures physcal fitness of armed members of 28.htensee personnel tamid to remove acten roguest tags from Urut 2 TDAFWP Inp &          nucisar secunty torce matituted on 940eos Enct unthhead throttle valve & trom local coreal panet                                                  GIBBSLP. Battsmore Gas & Etednc Co 94/09/30. Document Coreal Branch (Docu.
    " Regen 3 (Post $20201) 94/10/21. 2pp. 8151419241514193.                                  ment Control Desk). 2pp. 8181919941619J00.


 -9411010006 inno repts 54315/9418 5 54316/9418 on 9408134923. Vetstons                     M110302M Forwards results & conctussons of operatonal saleguards evaluston oork noted us,or aroes espectee opomtons sav ry    e venscaton.secunty.enommered salety        ducted tpy NRC at plant from 940919-22 W/o enct leature sys & onsite event followup                                                       VARGA.S A Divisen of Reactor Propects . l / 11 (Post 870411k 94/10/27.

GROPP.WJ Repon 3 (Post 820201). 94/10/20. 20pp. 8151419441514 213. I DENTON.R E. Batumcre Gas & Doctnc Ca 2pp. 81607.36041607.361. I 1 l l

i 78 DOCKETEDITEMS 9411180028 Achases that Rev 9 to guard tramm0 & Quakfcanon plan conomiert w/prov> 9411020018 Forwards results of 941005GFES of wntten operator hcenomg exam W/o sons of 10CFRSC 54(p) & acceptanee for escluson mio pian enct JOYNERJ H. Repon 1 (Post $20201). 94/10/27. DENTON.R.E. Battmore Gas & MEYER G W Repon 1 (Post 820201). 94/10/26 NIED2iELSKl.R. Balernaro Gas & Electnc Co 3pp. s1780.30141780 303. Electnc Co. 2pp a1528153415281H 9411140058 Fonverds rev 31 to secunty plan.per 10CFR50 54(pl Rev closes inspector $411140058 Forwaros rev 31 to secunty plan.per 10CFR50 54(p)Rev closes inspector Fohuwmp fiems50 317/94 1442 & 50 318/94 14 42re secunty DG & updates noor Fonow.up noms 506317/94-14 02 & 50'316/94.1442re secunty DG & updates floor pian of nuclear taceny Ence withheid plan of nuctuar secunty facMy Enct warecid GIBBS.LP. Batumore & Ek:ctne Co 94/11/04. Document Control Branch (Docu. GIBBS.LP. Bartmore Gas & Electnc Co 94/11/04. Document Cornrol Branch (Doce> ment Control Desk) 2pp 81759 29841759.299 ment Control Desk). 2pp. 81759.29841759299. 9411220204 Forwards operator exam repts 50 317/94 320L & 50-318/94 310L on K Oeneral concependence 941019.adnurestored to canctdates that appled for bcennes to operate plant MEYER G W. Repon 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/10. DENTON.R.E. Baltimore Gas & 9411100012 Commera supportmg proposed rule 10CFR20 re frequency of medical Electne Co 2pp. 8179906641799:073 enems tor use of respeatory protecton entspment Uhl pleased w/NRC move to m-crease ten 4egulaten m area of resprotor phyncals. -9411220217 Exam repts 50317/9A320L & 50-318/94 310L on 941019 Eme'n DENTON R E. Bartrnare Gas & Eisetne Co.94/11/11. Dockenng & Services Branch. results candidates pam exams & were moued hcenses. 2pp 81774.29241774.293 PRELL.I A., MEYLR,G W. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/10. 6pp 81799 068 81799 073 K. Utility Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) & amends $411090300 NRC Bullehn 94 002. "."Conoamn Problems m Certam Staruesa Packagmg Used t3 Transport U Menafluonos 9411230000 Rev 17 updated FSAR Calvert Chits Nuclear Power Plant.W/ 941118 Itr PAPERIELLO.C). Dnnsen of industnal & Medcal Nuciaer Safety (Post 370729). 94/ DENTON.R E. Baltmore Gas & Electnc Co, 94/11/16. 1.117pp. 81645 001 11/14. Consohoated Eckson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp, 81816.31141816.322. 81648 025. 9411220154 Forwards esp repts 50L317/94,31 & 50 318/94 30 on 94100347.No viola. tons noted. P. Operutmg Doense stage : ._ & correspondence RULAND.W.H Repon 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/14. DENTON.R.E Baltrnare Gas & Electnc Co. 3pp. 81799 04141799 053. 9411300237Fmal response to FORA request for documents. App C records enct & par-nesy witnheid trot FOiA exemphon 5). -M11220159 enep rents SCL317/94-31 8 50'316/94 30 on 94100347.No veistons POWELLR A. Dnnoon of Freedom cf Information & Putibcanons Serveces (890206 rettic Mapor areas _. W.- . .: paant changes. temporary alterstons.resoluton 940714) 93/11/22 PATTERSON.SJ Newenan & Hottunger 3pp. $190&.174 c4 recent technical issues & engmeanng esot eutgaves. 81900.271 SCHOLLLL, RULAND.W.H. Aegon 1 (Post 820201) 94/11/14 10pp. 81799'044 81799 053. -9411300253 Summary of 920615 16 NRC sence mgt meetng tenducted to assure NRC focusmg resources on plants & relaisd issues or greatest satety signihcance into 9411100237 NRC Info Notco 94-077. *Malluncton in Mac Generator Voltage Regulator perhalev deleted Causing Overvoltage at Satety.Related Electncal Equipment " 1 AYLORJ.M Olc of the Executwo Orector for Operstons 92/06/25. THE CHAIR. GRIMES.B.K. .94/11/17.Conachdated Echsan Co. of New York. Inc. 7pp. 81816:323-MAN C- _

                      . (Post 7501191. 50pp. 81900-17641900 227.
                                                             .                           81816.329 N11020060 Forwards amends 199 & 176 to boenees OpA43 & DPR49 & safety                   9411150678 NRC Info Nobce 94478. "Elecinc Cormonent Fadure che to Degradaten evalueton.Amerwis delete TSe 3/ 9.25. 6.92.d & Bases 3/ pro-     of           Chionne Wre aneulaton" vide rogurements for operaton & tesang of seismsc essonnonng estrumeritaten.           GRIM :S. K. . 94/11/21.       Conschdated E& son Co of New York. trc 10pp.

MCDONALD.D.G. Propect Directnrate b1. 94/10/21. DENTON.R E. Baltmore Gas & 81648 21541648.224. Electnc Co. app 81568.28541568.353. 9411170039 NRC Info Notco 94479, "Merotnolopcally influenced Conosen of EDG -9411020078 Amendh 199 & 176to hcenses DPR43 & DPR49.respecbveh. detegn0 Svc Water Piping" TSs 3/4 3 3 9 2 d & Bases 3/4.3 3.3. wtucn provide reguraments for oper- GRIMES.B.K. .94/11/23.Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. Opp.81648 2.25-anon & tasang of seemc monnorm0 matruriantaton 81648 233. MARSH.LB rvolect Drectorate kl. Se/10/21. 62pp. 81568.28941$68.350. 9411170279 NRC Into Nohce 94480. "enadeauste DC Ground Detecton m DC Distreu- -9411020063 Sately evalusuon supportnD amends 199 & 176to koenses DPR.53 & non Sys " DPR49.respeceve4 GRIMES.B.K. . 94/11/25. Coneohdated Edson Co of New York. Inc. 14pp

  • Offa of Nucasar Reactor Regulaton, Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/21. 3pp. 81N823441648.247.

81568.351 41568.353. 9411020000 Informs Ihat two spent fuel pool cochng sys valves replaced.therty com-actons associewd w/wmporary mhat PAPERIELLO.CJ Dnnman of Indusinal & Medcel Nuusar Safety (Post 670729). 94/ N ON.R E. Bammore Gas & Elecenc Co. 94/10/26 Document Comrol Branch 11/25. Coneohoated Edmon Co cf New York. irc 12pp 81648 24641548 259. (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 81590:06741590 068 N11100144 Forwwds termorary esempton from rewromonts of 10CFR50. App R Podode opersung repMs & reteWd - __ A.GDC-2. "Desgn Bases for Protecten Agamst Natural 7 - - - _ " tar plant unns 1

  & 2.

MARSH,LB Profect Drectorate L1. 94/10/28. DENTON.R.E. Baltmore Gas & Elec- N111s0107 Montnh operanno repts for Oct 1994 for Calvert Cktts Nucosar Power Mc Ca 3pp 8172500641725920. Plant W/941115 Itr PIAZZA.F.. CRUSE.C,H. Barbmare Gas & Electne Co. M/10/31.12pp. 81793.335- -N t1100157 Exemptkin Irom regurements 10CFR50. App A.GDC-2.lce plant urvis 1 & 81793 346. 2. VARGA.S A. Dween of Reector Proiects . t/II (Post 870411). M/10/26. Baltmore 9411040164 Forwards rept contatung bnef desenpeans of changes. tests & expenments Gas & Elecinc Co 6pp. 81725 01141725'016. approved.per 10CFR50.59 DENTON.R E. Baltmore Gas & Electnc Co. 94/11/01. Documera Control Branch -9411100163 Salety evetuston grantrig temporary exempton from requirememts of (pncument Control Desk). 65pp. 81646.29441646.358 10CFR50. App A.GDC-2

  • Office el Nuclear Reactor Regulaton. Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/26 epp 81725:01741725 020. S. Reportatile occistences. LERs & rotated serrespondonoe 94 Roguests apprwal 2 use convolubon techmpo an main mesm kne kaak 9411070080 Fmal Part 21 rept M402A re thrae er start dratributor cams crackmg at AMES noustnus nc ocurnent Control Branch h Desk) 17 0994 679 103. merit Control Desk). 5pp 816b4.20941654.213.

9411080108 informs of conseout of GL 8919. "Pequest ton Acton re Reecluten of Urb. 9411210269 Part 21 mot m W pump turbine govener valve tunen0 caused by g6 resoeved Saleer issue A47 ' Safety Imphcaten of Control Sys m LWR Nuclear Power venc & cmvice conomen between stem a swm packmaino coniponerCurtune fntg Plant' per 10CFR50 544t)- MCDONALD.D.G. Protect threctorale kl. 94/11/03 DENTON.R.E. Balamore Gas & by Tony Steam Turtune Ca Loenseepans to penomeavy enorme vasve stems SLY.C. Baltimore Gas & Electnc w. 94/11/15. HUFFMAN.W Regen 1 (Post Elecmc Co. 4pp. 8165819641658201- 820201). app. 81833.35441833-357 . 9411150313 Discusses 941026 meetm0 m Kmo of Prussia.PA to motoreparated verve taeues w/ Region I hoensees Let of attendees. agenda.tconees & NRC presentatens V. Operator E.a_

   &p sessen ENostens enci.

Kt.LLY.E M. 1 (post 620201t 94/11/03 DENTON.R E. Bathmore Gas & Elec-Inc Co. 49pp 9 74219641742246. 9411020018 Forwards results of941005GFES of wntten operator hcenseg exam W/o enci. MEYER.G W. Repon 1 (post 820201L 94/10/26 NIEDZIELSKl.R I4thmore Gas & Q. Inspoetion reports. IE Bulletins & correspondence Electnc Co 2pp. s152815341528154 9410140257 Suppi 1 to NRC into Notte 93 080. "Reportng Fuel Cycle & Maus Events 9411100061 Informs of mdnndual exam results for appcents on operaung tests con. , i to NRCgerstens Ctr " ducted on M1019 BURNEn.R F Dwoon of Fuel Cvete Sately & Sateguards (Poet 930207). 94/10/20 MEYER.G W Regen 1 (Post 820201) 94/11/07. NIEDZIELSKI.R. Satumore Gas & Consohdaled Edson Co. of New York. km 12pp. 81816.29941816 310 Electnc Co 2pp 81673 095 81673096 i N10200163 NRC Ingo Notco 94476. "Recent Fa4ures of Charging / Safety inpocton $411220204 Forwaros operator exam rep!s $4317/94 32OL & S0 316/94410L on Purre $ hafts" 941019.admrustered to candidates that appbed lor heenses to operate plant GRIMES B K. Office of Nucasar Reactor Regulanon. Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/26 MEYER.G W. Repen 1 (Post 620201). M/11/10 DENTON.R.E. Balumore Gas & Coneohdated Eckson Co of New York. Inc 12pp 8165800141658913 Electnc Co 2pp. e179906M11799073


   =9411220217 Exam septs 50 317/94-320L & 54318/94 310L on M1019 Exam                                                                                                                                   -9411100163 Safety evaluanon grantog temporary exempton from regurements of sesults conduistes passed exams & were issued beenses                                                                                                                                                 10CFR50. App A.GDC 2 PRELLJ.A MEYER.G W. Regen 1 (Post 820201L 94/11/10. 6pp. 81799:066
  • Omco of Nucaear Reactor Reguistion. Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/28. 4pp.

81799-073. 01725.017 41725420. L N110eOt52 Requests temporary exempton from rogurements of V. Dry Caek independent Spent Fuel Storspe instasations 10CFRW 46.10CFR50 44 & 10CFR50. App It to alow four lead fuel assemt6es to be msetted eto core durno nort Urut 2 retwohng cutage C-E propnetary SER encLSER H11280259 Summary of 941101 meetng wiutil to discuss econse amend acton to 'd esempt cry arwended caneters et plant ISFSI from Tech Specs krrut on vacuum dry *h'DN.R DEN 7 E. Bathmore Gas & Electne Co. 94/1'/01. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk).13pp. 81624.30241624.314.

              .F C. Offce of Nuclear Matenal Safety & Sa                                                                 . 94/11/10.

MAUGHNEY.CJ Dnnsen of Indusinal & Mechcal Nuclear Safety 870729L 35pp. M11080158 Forwards amend 178 to bcense DPR49 & safety evaluaDon. Amend re-

     $188514741885.181.                                                                                                                                                                                    vises heatup & cooidown curves & low-temp overpressure proceeson controls.

MCDONALD.D G. Propect Drectorate 61. 94/11/01. DENTON.RE Balbmare Gas & DOCKET 50 318 CAWERT CUFFS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT. UNfT 2

                                                                                                                                                                                                        -941100n161 Amend 178 to bconse DPR49,revismg heatLgi & matr%rn curves & low-temp overpressume protecton controit F. Securtty, medical, emergency & fire protectlan plans                                                                                                                                                 MARSH.LB. Protect Drectorate kl. 94/11/01. 35pp. 81658.21741658.251.

9411030219 Forwards propnetary Rev 2 to "fSFSi T & Ounhfcaton Ptert"incop. -94110801H Safety evaluaton supparung amend 178 to bcense DPR49. paratng physcal tasang program 1 hat measures litness of armed members of

  • Offce of Nuclear Reactor Retplanort Drector (Post 870411K 94/11/01. 5pp.

nuclear secunty force msttuisd on 940804 Ence enthheid. 81658.252 4 1658.256. GtBSS.LP. Bartanore Gas & Electic Co 94/09/30.Docurnent Cored Branch (Docw ment Conird Desk). 2pp. $i61919941618.200. 9411080252 Requests approval to use convdubon techroque m mem steam ime treak analyses. 9411030294 Forwards remJits & conclusens of operatonal safeguards evaluaton ccr> DENTON.R E. Ba'amore Gas & Electne Co. 94/11/01. Document Control Branch ducted NRC at pinrut troen 940919-22 W/o enct. (DooL8vient Conirol Deskt 5pp. 81679-099-81679103. PARGA. A Division of Reactor Propects . 1/H (Post 870411). 94/10/27. DENTON.R.E. Batemore Gas & Electic Co. 2np. 81607.36041607.361. 94110001N informs of closecut of GL 8919. "Recpest for Achon to Resolubon of Ur> resolved Safety lesue A.47 ' Safety iniphcatort of Coreal Sys m LWR Nuclear Power l 9411150026 Advvies that Rev 9 to Guard trammg & gushfcason plan conerstent w/prov> Pianr por 10CFR50.54(l)." sinne or 10CFR50 54(p) & acceptaose for recluson . MCDONALD.D.G. Protect Drectorate 01. 94/11/03. DENTON.R.E. Batumore Gas &

     ,10YNERJ M. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 94/10/27.               NTON.R.E. Balumore Gas &                                                                                                                   Electnc Co. 4pp. 81658.19641658.201.

Electre Co. Spp. e1780.30141780.303.

M11150313 D-aas 941026meetmg en Kmg of Prumma.PA re motormperated wahe 9411140058 Forwards rev 31 to securey plan.per 10CFR50.54(p).Rev closes inspector maues w/Repon I keensees. Let of attendees.agends.hconsee & NRC presentatens Fonow

p6ernantaten to pnot to restart from upcommy R General b - MCDONALD.D.G. Propect Drectorate kl. 94/11/09. NT .R.E. Battanore Gas & Electnc Co. 3pp. 81788.35641788.359. 9411100012 Comment swportmo proposed rule 10CFR20 re of medcal exams for use of resoraiory protection equipment Utd pleased w/ meve to m. -9411210104 Corrected page 2 of amend 178 to hcense DPR49.changng empiamenta crea9e seltwegusatore m area of resprotor physcess. bon to pnct to restart from upcommg refusem0 outage. DENTON.R.E. Bartrnnre Gas & Elsetic Co. 94/11/11.Docketmo & Sonness Branen. CASE.MJ. Propect Drectorate F1. 94/11/01.1p. 0178835941788.359. 2pp. 81774 29241774.293. K. Utility Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) 4 amends $411230000 Rev 17 updated FSAR Ca8 vert Ckffs Nuclear Power PlanLW/ 941118 ttr. 9410140257 Suppt 1 to NRC Info Notco 93460. "Reportm0 Fuel Cyces & Matts Events to NRC Operatens Ctr? DENTON.R.E Batumore Gas & Electnc Co. 94/11/18. 1.117pp. 81845901 GURNETT.R.F. DFWWon of Fuel Cycle Safety & Saloguards (Post 930207). 94/10/20 81848.025 Coneohdated Edmon Co. of New York, ern 12pp. 81816.29941816.310. P. Operating Scenae ets9e ._ .4- N10200153 NRC IrWo Notee 94 076. "Recent Failures of Chargmg/ Safety infecton Puim Shafts,? GRIMES.B.K. Offee of Nucinar Reactor Reguieton Drector (Post 870411L 94/10/26 9411300237 Fmal response to FORA recpest for documents. App C rectrds enci & par. Coneohdated Eckson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81658.00141658913. tany witnheid (ref FOiA anempton SL POWELLRA Onneson of Freedom of informaton & Pubicahons Sennces (890206- M11140068 Forwards rev 31 to secunty plan.per 10CFR5051(pl.Rev ciones inspector 940714). 93/11/22. PATTERSON.S.J. Newman & Mortzmger 3pp. 81900174- Foaowsip hems $4317/941442 & SCL316/94-1442re secunty DG & edates tioor 81900271. plan of nuclear faceny Enct withheld GiBBS.LP. Balumore & Eisetne Co.94/11/04. Document Control Branch (Docu- -9411300253 Summary of 920015-18 NRC senor mot meetmg conducted to assure m' 1 Control Desk). 2pp. 81759.-29841759.299. NRC 00cuamg resources on plants & related sauen el greatest safety segrufmance.Into parta osteted- .M. Ole of the Execupve Drector sor Operatiuis 92/06/25. THE CHAIR

  • N11220204 Forwards operator exam repts 50-31?/94-320L & SCL318/94-310L on TRYL 94t019.aersrustered to canchdates that appbed for bconses to operate plant MAN C..~ . _ - (Post 750119). 50pp. 8190017841900.227- MEYER.G W. 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/10. DENTON.R.E Batumore Gas &

N11020060 Forwards amends 199 & 178 to 6censos DPR43 & DPR49 & raiety evakanon, Amends delete TSs3/4 6.9.2.d & Bases 3/ pro-vide regurements ear operaton & lostmo of seisme monn estrumeviton. -9 _411220217 m._ ' tesExam repts 50-317/94 320L & 50-31&/94 310L on 941019. Exam passed exams & were asued beennes MCDONALD.D.G. Prosect Drectorate 41. 94/10/21. DENT s.R E. Battmore Gas & PRELL,JA Regson 1 (Post 820201L 94/11/10. 6pp. 8179996841799tT3. Electnc Co. App 8156828541568.353. -M11020073 Amerids 199 & 176 to hconses DPR43 & DPrt49.respecevely. entetr10 9411080300 NRC Bunstm 94402 "Corrtoon Problems in Certam Stamiess Packapng i YSs 3/4 3 & Bases 3/ whch provids regurements for oper Used to Transport U Hexafluonde? ) aten & of somme morutonng matrumentaten. PAPERIELW.CJ. Dnnaion of InskJsinal & Madcol Nuclear Sately (Post 870729). 94/ MARSH.LB Drectorate F1. 94/10/21. 62pp. 8156828941508.350. 11/14. Consohdated Edson Co. of New Ycyk. Inc.12pp. 81816.31141818.322. 4411020083 Safety evalueton supparang amands 199 & 176 to hcenses DPR 63 & 9411220164 Forwards rap repts50-317/94-31 & $0-318/94-30 on 94100307.No viote-of Nuclear Reactor Regutetson, Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/21. 3pp. LAND M Regon 1 (Post 820201L 94/11/14. DENTON.R E. Baltimore Gas & $1568 351415tl8.353. Electre Co. 3pp. 8179994141799-053. N11020D80 informs that two apont fuel pool cooing sys valves replaced.therby com. -M11220159 Insp repts 50 317/94-31 4 50 318/94-30 on 94100347.No violatons assocated w/iemporary rehet. noted Magor areas mapeClod: permanent plant Changes.tsmporary alteratons.resciuton .R.E. Bafamore Gas & Elecenc Co 94/10/26. Document Control Branch of recent technmalissues a dept entistsves. (Document Control Deskt 2pp. 8159006741590-068. SCHOLt_LL., RULAND.WM (Post 820201). 94/11/14.10pp. 81799-044- $1799:053. M11100144 Forwards temporary exerrphon from regurements of 10CFR50. App Q.GDC.2. "Dessgn Bases for Protecton Apsmst Natural Phenomena," for plant uruts 1 N11100237 NRC Info Nobce 94477 "Maltunchon m Man Generator Voltage Reguietor &2 Ca at Salaty-Related Electncal Eatsoment" MARSH.LB. Proesct Drectorate b1. 94/10/28. DENTON.R.E. Battrnare Gas & Elec. GR .B K. 94 11/17.Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New Yort . Inc. 7pp. 01818:323-CD Co. 3pp. 81725:00641725 020. 81816.329 4411100157Esempton kom regurements 10CFR50. App A.GDC-2.for plant truts 1 & N111iiO578 NRC Into Nobce 94478. "Electnc Component Fadure due to Degradaton 2 of Polyvmyl Cnionde Wre insulaton? vcAGA.S A. Dueen of Reactor Pro; sets t/II (Post 870411L 94/10/28 Batumore GRIMES.B.K. . 94/11/21. Conmo6 deled Edson Co of New York. Inc. 10pp. Gas & Electne Cct 6pp. 81725.01141725916. 81648 2154 1848.224. 80 DOCKETEDITEMS M11170038 NRC Wo Notmo 94479. "Mcrotnologcally Wluenced Corrosen of EDG P. Operating boenes stage documents & corrompendence SveME WaterK.Pgung 94/1 1/23. Consohdated Edson Co of New York. Inc. esy 81648225-Mtwa0001 h 941020 m.w/ute in y of PmPA re utB Nams at piams weroepect to GL 89L10. "Satety Reisted uvv Testmg & Surveelance." KELLLE M Regen 1 M 820201L 94/10/21 BARTONJJ General Pubhc Uthtes M111702F9 NRC Wo Notco 94480. " inadequate DC Ground Detecton m DC Devite Corp. . GPU Sennce Corp.19pp. 81520C20$81528:038. e,an SW* ES 0551 hs H1026 m m w@ I bconsees m King of 94/,11/25 Canachdoisd Esson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. Prueens.PA ve motoreparated wasve mauss.Last of attendees. agenda.hcensee & NRC M1 70384 NRC ento Notco 94481," Accuracy of Boassay & Erwiron Samphn0 Re, fors & panel p i 820 94 /03. BROUGHTON.T.G. General Pubic Uteens Corp. . Servce Corp. 49pp 81743144 81743.193. FMERIELLO.CJ Dvmen of Industnal & Medcol Nuclear Safety (post 870729). 94/ 11i4 Conachdated Echeon Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81848.24841648.259 N 11170142D=ammas review of util defuehng completon rept & post- defuehnD mon > tored stora0s safety anasyne reptNo reason found to change estrmste of fuel quenety R. Deriodic operoun8 reports & rotated correspontience remarung a: Unst 2 Reviews for hated areas encl. THONUS.LH. NorwPower Reactor & r- __ _., Protect Dractorate.94/11/04 BROUGHTON.T.G. General Pubic utiktes Corp. . GPU servce Corp. 4pp. 81776.154-M11100t07 Monthly opersang repts for Oct 1994 tor Calvert Cktts Nuclear Power 81776225. Plant W/941115 ler A.F CRUSE.C.H. Baltmore Gas & Electnc Co. 94/10/31.12pp. 81793.335- 7,g,, ,,,,,,,,g g % g consee contenton that ALARA conautoramons make a ununse to perform any adcs study that fuse remomme m mckndual locatons unkkesy to fnovo out M110401N Forwards rept contammg bnet descriptons of changes. tests & expenments SCHER L2.R I., HARTYA Batione Memonal Insttute. Pacsfe Northwest Laboratory approved.per 1DCFR50 59 94/06/28 THONUS.L NRC . No Detaded Afhhaton Gewert 68pp. 81776:156-DENTON.R.E. Beitmore Gas & Electne Co. 94/11/01. Document Contrul Branct, (Document Control Desk). 65pp. 8164029441646.358. 81776.225. G Reportnaio - - _ Lins & retened corrompendence O. Inspecson reporte,IE Bisselns 5 comnpondence M11078000Fmal Part 21 sept 94 002A re three an start estributor came crackmg at 94101a0357 Suppi i to NRC info Notes 93460.

  • Reportng Fust Cycle & Maus Events plants Cams replaced w/ cams made uomg elecee arc. to NRC Operatons Ctr."

PRAT 1 ANNE.S A Conec industnet. Inc. 94/06/01. Document Control Branen (Docu- BURNETT.R.F. Dnnsen of Fuel Cycle Satoty & Safeguards (Post 830207). 94/10/20. ment Conpol Desk). 5pp. 8165420041654 213. Coneohdened Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 1200. 8181629941816.310. M11070057 PNO.1-94 063 on 9410M.Una 2 tipped Caused by eiectncal taidt reedtme 9410se0153 NRC ento Nobce 94476, "Recorit Fadures of Chargmg/Satety insection m turtune tnp & lots of load reactor trgt Preparetsons underway for portarmmg sneula- Pump Shafts." tan rowstance te=eng on generator. GRNAEE.B.K. Othee of Nuctaar Reactor RepAston. Director (Pos 870411). 94/10/26. COwGsLLC., FUHRt4DSTER.R. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 94/10/28. 2pp. 81604274- Conschdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81658:00141656013. 81604.275. 9411100008 Forwards map repts50 289/9&22 & 50 320/9446 on 941004 07.No note-M11210309 Dart 21 rept re AFW pump turbine govemor valve tunding caused by gab tons noted. weine & crevce corrosen between stem & seem pedaging components.Turtune mfg JOYNER.J H. R 1 (Post 820201L 94/11/06. BROUGHTON.T.G. General Pubhc by Tony steam Turtwne Co. Lumnase na to penodcany exerene verve stems- Uthtes Corp. . Sennce Corp app. 81775 00141775:012. SLY.C. Bethmore Gas & Electnc . 94/11/15 HUFFMAN.W. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 40p 81833 3544'%or. 94111eess3 insp ropes 50'289/94-22 & 50-320/9446 on 94100446.No violatons nosed Masar areas enspected audits.apprenais, changes to program & assessment of entakes of rachoactwo matenal. V. Operator Esaminehens NaCK.J., BORES.R. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/03.10pp, 81775:00441775012. 94111000s1 Irdorms of indhndual exam results for apphcants on operetng tests con. N11000300 NRC Buiteen 94002. "."Corrosen Problems m Certam Staruess Packagm0 ducted on 941019 Used to Transport U Hexafluonde WEYER.G W Repon 1 (Post 820201194/11/07. NIEDZIELSKIA Baltimore Gas & PAPERIELLO.CJ. Dnneen et irdatnal & Madcal NurJaar Sa6 sty (Post 870729). 94/ Electnc Co. 2pp. e1673 09541673 096- 11/14. Consohdeted Edson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 81816.31141tr16.322. M11230304 Forwards operator exam repts 50 317/94-310L & 50w318/94-310L on $4:11a0237 NRC Info Notice 94477,"Malfwicton m Man Generator Voltage Regulator 941019.admmatered to carddeles that apphed for hcennec to operate piant Overvoltage Safety Rela Electncal E * .W (Pos L 94/11/10. DENTON.R.E. Bartmore Gas & K. 94/11 17.Coneohdated Edson Co. York, Inc. 7pp. 8t816.323- -441122e217 Emam repts 50 317/94-320L & $0 318/94 310L on 941019 Exam results canchestes passed exams & were neued hem 9411150578NRC Irdo Notco M478.,"Doctnc Component Fadure due to Degradaton E , MEYER.G.W. Repon 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/10. 6pp. 81799:068- g , W ','[ dhMM % 81648 21H1848.224. Y. Dry Caak Independent Spent Fuel Storate Instatstens N11170038 NRC trdo Notce 94479. 'Merobolopcally infk onced Carrosen of EDG Svc Water Pgwng." GRIMES.B.K. .94/11/23.Coneohdated Edmon Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 81848225-9411200250 Summary of 941101 meetng w/uts to rimma keense amend acton to 818"8233-esempi dry aheelded canssters et plarst ISFSI from Tech Specs knet on vacuum ey N) C. Othee of Nuclear Matanal Safety & Sat HAUGHNEY.C.J. Dnnamn of Industnal & Wei Nuclear Safety 94/11/10. 70729L 35pp. N11170279 NRC Info Notce 94480,

  • inadequate DC Ground Detecten in DC Deinbu-88"IME SYS "

S.B.K. . 94/11/25. Conschdated Edman Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 81385 147418s5.181. GR I 81848.23441648 247. DOCKET 5tk320 THREE RHLE ISLAND IfUCLEAR ST ATIDel, UNIT 2 M11170284 NRC Into Notco 94481," Accuracy of Boassay & Etwoon Samphng Re. suns." PAPERIELLO,CJ. Dnneen of irdastna! & Modcel Nuclear Soesty (Post 870729). 94/ F. Security, senedical emergency a fire preesceen plans 11/25. Conachdened Edson Co. of New Yortt. Inc.12pp. 81848.24641648.259. l 9411100252 Forwards ERDS emplementaban documents W/o ence. JOLICOEURJ.R. Incident Response Bronctt 94/10/Olk SAUL,KL Habibwton NUS S, floportabee -~ _ _ . Lefts & seisted correspondonoe Enveonmornet Corp.1p. 81809 01H1809-018. 9411070000 Fenal Part 21 rept 94402A re three se start datnbutor cams cractung at M11030231 Movesed EPIPs e'ncludng EPIP TMl .03,Rev 13.pCR 14P-944035.EPlP. plants.Came replaced w/ cams made veng electic ore. TMk.04.Rev 13KR t.EP-944033a EPIP.TWi .06.Rev 15.PCR 1 EP-94 0034. PRATIANNE.S A. Conec industnes. inc. N/06/01. Document Control Branch (Docu. BEAVERJ. NELSON MA General PLMc Utsites Corp. . GPU Serwoe Corp. 94/10/ mril Conirol Dee). 5pp. 81654J0041654.213.

20. 77pp 81640-00141640-077.

DOCKET Stk321 EDWtle 1. MATCH HUCLEAR PLA8ff, WINT 1 M11000008 Rev 6 to

  • General Pubhc Useness EPIP.TMs-29. "OSCSennce Corp. . GPU Operstons."

Corp .94/10/31. 33pp. 81676.313 81676.346. 9411198018 Rev 4 to EP1P TMbJ6,

  • Actmaton of TSC" E I""I' "***b '"**"'I I P"*" PI'"'
  • General Pubh" Utahes Corp. GPU Sernce Corp 94/11/04.14pp. 81780068-

$1780-081. M11040270 Advmes that941003 row to physcal secunty plan . . . w/provmeans of 10CFR50.54(p) & --- . ^_' Assembly & Sste Evacusann." COLLINS.D M. Regon 2 (post 820201). 94/10/25.BECKHAM,1 T. Georpa Power Co. M11380327 Rev 6 to EPlP-TMbJ6. "E 3pp. 81658.33441658 336.

  • General Pubhc Utditos Corp. . GPU Corp. 94/11/14. 33pp 81910'066 ,

l 81910 098 9411200075 Concludes changes to rev 13 to emergency plan review. natstectory & 9411300157 Rev 5 to EPIP 6410 ADM.1300 05. " Emergency Equipment Reedness " meets planrung sids of 10CFR$0 47tb) & recusromonts or App E to 10CFR50.  !

  • General Puche Utabes Corp. - GPU Senace Corp 94/11/17. 50pp. $1907263- CLINE W.E. Re0cn 2 (Post 820201L 94/11/17. BECKHAM.J T. George Power Co. 1 81907212. 3pp. 81858J4641858.251 l

._..__..___.____a DOCKETEDITEMS 81 N11300083Forwares map rests 50 321/94 26 & $0 366/94-26 on 94101741 & notco M10140257 Suppi 1 to NRC Info Notce 93 060. "Reportmg Fuel Cycie & Metis Events of woeston Vionstons of concem tiecause trutngs aderefed Gunng map appear to mct. to NRC Operanons Ctr." cete lack of attermon to estal tm teensee employees BURNETT.R.F. Onneson of Fuel Cycle Safety & Sateguards (Post 930207). 94/10/20. Q.lNE.W E. Regen 2 (Post $20201). 94/11/18. BECKHAMJ T. George Power Co Conschdated Echmon Co. of New York,Inc.12pp 81016.29941818.310. 3pp. 81857:26441857:322. *4411300069 Noeme of vosaton from map on 941017 21.Vioesten noted on '"

  • tis N1019.several mduduals observed t>y snapoctor to not survey personal artetes nor GR8MES.B.K. Othee of Nuclear Reactor Reputaten. Dractor (Post 870411). 94/10/2tk Regen ( 2020 94 / 3pp 29741857299.

-8411330082 Inap repts 50w321/94 26 & 50 366/94 26 on 941017 21.No volatens 9411070046 Forwards map tapts $0 321/94-24 & 50-366/94-24 on 940904-30 No vela-nosed.Malor areas -_: - =aa amels. changes to orgensaten & #0's noisd. stathng.remmg & ouahtcatons of pareannel a external exposure control. SINKULE.M V. Rege 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/26.BECKHAMJT. Geo pa Power Co. . LOO.W T.. RANKIN.W.H. Regen 2 (Post 8202011. 94/11/18. 23pp. 81857.300- 3pp 81604:16041804:176. 81857122. -4411070064 inop repts 50321/9624 & $0-366/94-24 on 940904 30.No wolatons noted Mapor areas _. _: -.  : n-e survedience testmg. renew of memtenance ] K General - actMees. refusing actMhes & revsew of coen noms. . HOLBROOK.B.L. CHRISTNOT.E.F., SKINNER.P.H. Regen 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/ N11230100 Responds to 941015 fr to Charman 1 Sohn,requesen0 into on actons 26.14pp. 81604-16341604.176. ] taken tpy NRC to acckens concems remed try JA Flemm0 to emergency preparedness for nucseer power planta M110 geese Forwards enso repts50 321/94-25 & $0-366/94 25 on 941303 07.No vota-TAYLORJM Orc of the Execuerve Drector for Operatens. 94/11/09. KERRYJF. tons edentemd. Sonete. 3pp. 81828.28641828.323. CRLEPUAK.R V. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/02. BECKHAMJT. Georpa Power Co. 3pp. 816391634163t196. < -4411230199 Requests addl eifo portarung to emergency preparedness for each one ' -94110e0002 enep repts 50 321/94-25 & $0w366/94-24 on 941003 07.No notatens E"LE Amm' " 1. CHILK.S. Once of the Secretary of noted Maeor areas mapected.isi renew of ISI exam procedures a renew of rade-i y, 2pp 322 828 1 JL BLAKEJJ. Repon 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/01.11pp. 81639186-P.Opereeng Osense stage - _ & corresponsmco 8163m. M11070238 Extends eveinten to Regen il beeneses to partcupate w/ NRR & Regen N repremoniannes m <>-an of GL 8tiwi0 MOV propams- ed riso 1 94 GIBSON.A.F. Rayon 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/12. SECKHAMJT. George Poww Co. PEEBLES.T A Regen 2 (Post 820201). D4/11/02. BECKHAMJT. George Power Co. 4pp. 81806:00141806204. 3pp. 81871:19541871:197. N11040007 Forwards Rev F to improved TS.conestmo of parbel rev to 940225 emend M11800300NRC Buheen 94402 "Corroacn Proteams m Certam Stamises Packagmg ce & encrt CO & APE lEL Industnal & Meecal Nucisar Safety (Post 870729). 94/ BECK George Power Co. 94/10/19 Documem Conrol Branch (Document 11/14. Conschdated Edeon Co. of New York, enc.12pp. 81816.31141816.322. 9411230073 Advenes of campseton of actors re NRC Bulleen 93-003. 'Resoluten of -4411040103 Proposed enproved toch spectrev F. lesues Re Reactor Vessel Water Levelinssumentsten m BWRs."

  • George Power Co.94/10/19,114pp. 8160610741806.220. BECKHAMJT. George Power Co 94/11/14. Document Connel Branch (Document Contro! Desk). 2pp. 81892.35641892.357.

N11180141 Appbcaten for amends to beennes DPR-57 & NPF.5.convertng TS to am. , proved TS consstent w/NUREG-1433. l 9411230197 Forwards SE accepen0 heensee 930217 response to suppe 1 of tiulisen 90 BECKHAMJT. George Power Co. 94/11/01. Document Control Branch (Document 0 tar pianL Control Desk). 2pp. 81786 00141787.159. JABBOUR.KN Prosect Drectorate11-3. 94/11/15. BECKHAM).T. George Power Co. =4411180145 Proposed noch specs.convertng current TSe to improved TS consstent P'*'*" ' Co. 94/11/01. 521pp. 81780$0341787.159. "" v lu a n a peng ensee pn huhohn & 00 . N11180366 Forwards Rev 0 to "El Hatch Nuclear Piant Urut 1 Fuel Cyces 16 COLR.

  • Othce of Nucsear Reector Regulaten. Drector (Post 670411). 94/11/15. 2pp.

BECKHAMJT. Georpa Power Co. 94/11/07 Document Control Branch (Document 8184M474164M48. Control Desk).1p. 81772:32141772.341. -e410040241 "Techrecal Evalumuon Rept.Evatuston of Utd Response to Suppl 1 to -8411180388 Rev 0 to "El Hettd1 Nuclear Plant Uret 1 Cycle 18 COLR." NRC Buheen 90 01 hatch 1/ 2." '

  • Georpa Power Co.94/10/31.18pp. 81772.32241772.341. MEYER.LC. UDY ACL EG&G idaho. Inc. MEYER.LC. Idete Notonal Enynoonng I Lateratory. FIN L.1695 EGG DNSP 11489. 94/09/26. NRC . No Dotaded Athleton l N11140406 Responds to 940711 GL 9442 kWoreeng 91st procedire revs trommg os- GwerL 17pp. 81641:14941841:165.

eentied n 940908 kr cortvleted as of 941028  ; BECKHAMJT George Power Co. 94/11/07 Document Control Branch (Document 9411180237 NRC Irdo Notco 94477. "MaNuncton m Man Generator Voitage Regulator Coneal Desk). 2pp. 8178100641781087. i at gesety Reisted Eleceical Equipment" ) Nt1280181 Forwards corrected paoss showng chemstry factor tor weld seem 301471 ' to tm 35 45 8 deletm0 Noto O trom Attachment 2 of ute 940701 response to GL 92- 816.3 ' hCor J Co 94 DocurrW Contal Branch (Docurrent M,11290cE3 Forwards msp repts 50 321/94-26 & 50 366/94-26 on appear 941017to21 & retco Coneod Desk).800. 81658 35641858.361' moistoWeletons c4 concern tiecaune en&ngs identhod dunng snap sne cate lack of onenton to cetad ty bconsee employees M11280088 Summary of 94110243 meetng w/uts m Rockvihe.MD to earme pearu TS CLINE.W.E. Recon 2 (Post 820201). 94/1t/18. BECKHAMJT. George Puwer Co, converman process & PC 940225 edrnrtial to revne current pears TS.Lsat of ation. 3pp. 816572H41857-322. . does & bconsee handout enct JA890UR.K.N Propoet Drectorate 103. 94/11/18 Propect Drectorate 8 3. Opp. -6411290088 Nohce of molaton from rap on 941017 21 Velaten noted on 8185024841850:355. 941019.asveral mdwuhands observed try enspector to not survey personal artcies not notty health phymcs when PCMI marm snunceted. M11290006 Forwards envron - . J & fmdmo of no esplihcant empact to940225

  • Regen 2 (Post 820201I 94/11/18. 3pp. 818f 729741857299.

roguest to replace cunent TSs car pani w/est of TSs taased on NUREG-1433. "Std TSs General Elecinc Plants,BWR/4. dtd Sept 1992 -9411290052 insp repts 50 321/94 26 & 50 306/94 26 on 941017-21.No volatens JABBOUR.K.N Prosect Drectorate11-3. 94/11/21. BECKHAMJT George Power Co roted.Magor areas mopectadausts.appranais, changes to & 3pp. 8i85t0s6-81852104. sta e & ountheatons of personnai & einemes esiposure cont 2'""mean

r. ag,.tca,4 er.aci ,e a,nede,aton , M*N74g"*'"5

"" a**=a 2 i*' o"* "'"'* aa "7 ** -34m8Nu meuence ofEn.oon amends toasbconses es,r.n,DPR.57 & a ,NPF-6.ssaued to uti lor operaten of plant WHEELER.LL Prosect Drectorate ik3. 94/11/21. Sep. 8185to99 81852104-M11180678 NRC Into Notce 94478, "Cloctre Component Fadure due to Degradaten M11388027 NotAceton of N1207 eneetmg w/uts in BrmmghantAL toem== periorm. ence of equement [R K / 2 tad Echeon Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. JABSOUR.K N. Propect ete g. 94/11/22.voneDa mesment Progett BERKOW,M.N. conetonDrectorate at plant. 81848 21541844 224' 11-3. 4pp 81852.13141852.134. 7,,,, g .. M11300030Notheston of N1214 meetn0 w/uti in Rockwhe.MD to chacuss plans & Svc Water Piperg" hoy sacewscad mause & demon deteels tar genenc & piant-specec bconamg actvees re GRIMES.B.K. .94/11/23. Cor=4rted Edman Co. of New York inc. 9pp. 81848.225 r-" _ .: of analog power range morwtonno equement 81848 233. JABSOUR.K.N Propect threctorate II3. M/11/23. BERKOW.H.N. Pro,ect Drectorate n-3 opp. 818521354185213R. M11170279 NRC Info Notco 94480 "inadequale DC Ground Detecton et DC Detr8e ton Sys".B K. . 94/11/25. Coneohdated Edman Co. of New York. Inc. 14pp. GRIMES l C. Inspection reporta. IE Dutelme & corresponeenee B184a.23441848247. 9411010115 Ack recost of 940923 Itr mtogrung NRC of steps taken to correct velatern N11170364 NRC Into Notco 94 081, " Accuracy of Beassay & Erwron Samphng Re-r oemd ri neo repes50 321/94-16 & $0 366/9416 on 940831 suits " l SINKULE.M V Reyon 2 (Post $20201F N/10/07. BECKMAMJT. Georpa Power Co. PAPERIELLO.CJ Dnnsen of Induetnal & Mechcal Nuclear Sately (Post 870729L 94/ ' 3pp. 81414.29541514297. 11/25. Conschdated Edson Co. of New Yortt. Inc 12pp 8164824841848.259 82 DOCKETEDITEMS E Portechc operatant reports & reested corroepondence -9411040118 "Fmal Annual Ra$oactwo Effluent Ramase Rept for CY94."

  • Long tsiand Power Aumorny.94/11/01. 323pp. 81651:003 81651.325 N[1100400 Monthly operatng repts for Oct 1994 foe Et Hatch Nuedow Plant W/941109 TfDWELLT W., BECKHAMJT. Georgio Power Co. 94/10/31. 13pp 81775 049- W. Decommeasseneng Stage Documents & Correspondonos

$1775 061. 9411250101 Fmal response to FOIA roguest for documents to plant pipe treak outsede contaram cmens Forwards App C oocuments. App B documents aaready avadabee S. Reportable escurronees. LERs & retooed correspondence m PDR. App D documents compostely withheld tret FO:A exempbon 5). Cams w/ ma maos are g' D # , 4 PRAT 4 ANNE.S A Collac industnes. Inc /06/01. Document Control Branch (Docu-meni Control DeskI 500 81654 20941654213 , ,, 7g,g , g tsk ' lapsaature approws MMR funding M11220338 LER 944124&.on 941025.partel Group 1 PCIS trip minated because tua,s BOWERS. . Offee of the Secretary of the Commstors. 78/10/12 App 81939062-almrg .nently mcorrectty ensialled m man turtune EHC sys.Bes sonne matasied co . rectw & contract personnel made aware of conseguences of event W/941114 nr 81939 065. TIPPS.S B., DECKHAMJ T. George Power Co. 94/11/14. 7pp. 81850195 81850.201 -7010270044 Responds to 781004 memo to done assessment of Generator load I reiectonSupports conctusen that desgn meets seemsc requirements of App A to E Operator E 10CFR100 NOVAK.T M. Reactor Systems Brarett76/10/19 HOUSTON.RW Accadent Analyse M110000H Forwards eisp repts50 321/94-25 5 50 366/94-25 on 94100347.No noia- B'ancet 2pp. 8193917341939174. , j bons opentsted. ' CRLENJAK.R V. R 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/02 BECKHAM.,lT. George Power -7810300235 Forwards SSER based on review of appbcaten throu0h Ament, ?? & bst t of all unrestWwed noms. Requests that rep be forwarded to appicant Go 3m 816391 1639 196. TEDESCOAL. Asastant Drector for F1 ant Systems 78/10/18 VASSALLO.D.B. As- -9411000002 Insp repts 50-321/94-25 & 543e6/94 24 on M100347.No viotshons gelant Drector for Light Water Reactors. 7pp. $1939 07441939000. noted Maeor aroaa mapoctes.lSi rowse of ISI exam procedures & rew'ew c4 radu> .aphic hun. Forwards ual es; *e samme quanfcaten of component coolm0 water to JLEYJ L. BLAKE.JJ Regen 2 (Post 820201). M/11/01. 11pp. 81639186- -7,81101018$eactor recacusaten pumps & cry.ase floor dram monnonn0 sys.Evaluanon re e 81639 196 ovanatulity of syn after sessme evera requested. NOVAK.T.M. Ronctor Systems Bra.ctt 78/10/18 BOSNAK.RJ Mechancal Engi. noenn0 B'anctt 3pp. 8193917041931172. DOCKET 50 322 SHOf4EHAad 18UCLEAR POWER STATIO8g -7811020065 Forwards Coritainment lys Branch Rev 1 to draft SER.Rev resceves meues et contamment estemal press to & comtxatible gas control sys W/o encf. H. General corresposidence TEDESCO R. Asasstant Drector tor 5 aant Systems 78/10/17.WASSALLO.D. Aamstant Duector for Light Water Reactors. 2r p 819R066 81939067 N11290101 Final response to FOtA request for documents re punt pipe treak outsede comamment entens Forwards App C documents App B documents already avadarne -7011030207 Requests addl ordo to assess adequecy of domign for nacnhcasi shield en PDR App D documsmts compostely enthheed (ref FOLA esemption Sy re transserir pressure pronte & cientcation 4.- of design adequa-GRIMSLEy.D H Divisson et Freedom of Informaton 4 Pichcatens servces (890206 940714) 93/11/04 LOCKHARTJ.A Mudge, Rose. Guttme. Aanzander & Fordert cv JENG.D.C. Structural Enoneenng Branch. 78/10/26.VARGA.SA Lsght Water Reac-47pp. 81939 00141939178. nors Branch 4 2pp. 8193917541939176 -7012200206 Responds to780223 Itr from D Moms to salsty of sutig fac8.Repts hear- -7911070122 Evasuates posetukty of loss of ofteste power concurrent w/ LOCA uomo i on subt tacs indi tie held a tall & forwards fmal envuon statement WASH-1400 vaaues.Probabikty extremely remote. Appbcant response te crculeton DI SWJ Orc on the Executive Drector snr Operators 78/03/22. - LAGOMARSINO.RJ House of Rep. 2pp. 81939 06841939 069 adequate NOV AK.T.M Reactor Systems Branch. 78/10/31. Reactor Systems Brancit 2pp. -44112901a0 Ack receipt of letter.dtd780301.encloem0 correspondemco from consatu- 81939 17741939 178 ent D Moms re actween at peanLReply to be sent as soon as possib6e. KAMMERER.C Office of Conyesamnal Affars (Pro 870413). 76/03/10. - 8104150101 Dracuseos shipments of spent reactor fuel & tugh level waste through LAGOMARSINO.R House of Rep 1p. 81931t07341939'073 New york.NY pnor to Cay of New York Health Code radcactve matis repaaton enactment Cortompondence to radonctwo mass transportaten enci SOLON.LR. New Yore fiY. 77/08/25 OulTTSCHRElBER ACRS - Advisory Commit- , a repons.1E Bunsens a correspondonoe see on Reactor Sateguards.12pp. 81939 05041939061. NO 25 to N,RC trito Nohcm 93460. "Reportmg Fuel Cycle & Matis Events 3020113 L_. _i SE 1,reflectm0 results of review of appicaion through BUFINETT.R F. Divisen of Fuel Cycle Saisty & Sate @aards (Post 930207). D4/10/20.

  • Asastant Drector for Plant Systems.78/08/31. 86pp. 81939t8141909169.

Coneohdated Edison Co of New York,Inc.12pp 81816.29941816.310. D411040033 Contract "Shoreham Senulator Computer Upgrade.* awarded to Enuore 9410380153 NRC Into Nohce 94476. "Recent Faauros of Charyng/ Safety insecten Computer Corp. , Pump Snafts~ CARTERA Encore Computer Corp MATTIA.M J Dween of Contracts (Post 9407140 i GRIMES.B K. Office al Nuclear Reactor Regulaton. Drector (Dost 870411) 64/10/26. FIN E4267. 94/09/23. 57pp 81603.30241603.358 j Coneohdated Eenon Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81658 00141658913 94110B0300 NRC BuNetm 94402,"Corroman Probioms m Corten Stamissa Packagmg 94111503E2 Requests for withholdmg confidental commercial edo per 10CFR2.790 from used to Transport U Hometluonde? pubhc doctosure tar Srcreham Nuclear bishan.Urut 1.Termmaton Survey Rept Phase PAPER!ELLO.CJ Dwison of Industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729L 94/ 4 11/14. Coneohdated Edmon Co. ot hew York. inc.12pp 81818 31141818.322. PITTIGLIO.CL Low-Level Waste & t _ ___ -, Protects Branch (NMSS 940403) 94/11/03 BORTZ,AJ Long Island Power Authonty. 3pp. 81781$04-041tioB237 NRC Info teotse 94477,"Malfunctson m Mam Generator Voltage Regulator 81781206. Caummg Overvostage at badely Reisted Electncal Eauipment" GRIMES.B K. .94/11/17. Conschdeted Eeson Co el New York. Inc. 7pp 81816.323- 9411100106 Sierrets edo re apphcaten of sod retaase to other bulk matis at facshty. 81816.329 PITTIGUO.C L Low-Level Waste & C-. __ _ , Protects Branch #4 MSS I $411150678NRC Irdo Nobce 94476, "Elecmc Component Fadure due to Deredaton of Polyvinyl Chionde Wre Breulation." N[359 r GRIMES.B K. . 94/11/21. Conachdated Esson Co. of New York, Inc 10pp. 6482% 64822t DOCKET $0 323 DLABLO CbMYON tsUCLE.AR PO1UER PLA8tT, UBIfT 2 I M11170039 NRC trdo Notoe 94479, Mgrotmoeogmany kWluenced Corronen of EDG Svc Water Poeng

  • F. Geourity, snochcot, esserpeny & fue protectlen plane GRIMES B DL . 94/11/23 Conachdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. Opp.01848 225 t1848233.

I 9411170279 NRC Info Notce 94480, "inadenguete DC Ground Detecton en DC Distreau. rev1a Q fR to EP RB /94 1 L.. 8%.4,.K u,it Con.oi,d.i.d Ee.on Co o, - vo,k. inc. 14pp. Sc,q~,ag,=eg=,bc,t=ra acu-at co~ o== 23 8.,47. -9411230079 Rev 27 to EP G 3.rev 5 to EP RB.14, rov is to EP RB-154 & rev 1 er, EP 9411179394 NRC Info Notce 94481,

  • Accuracy of Smassay & Enveon Sampimg Re.

RB 15.0. softs "

  • Pacdc Gas & Electne Co.94/06/19 64pp. 8182715241827.235 PAPERIELLO.CJ Danson of Industnal & Mescal Nucisar $stety (Post 670729). 94/

11/25. Coneohosted Echeon Co. of feew York, Inc 12pp. 81b48.24641648259 9411040132 Revised EPIPs.mceudmg vol 3B to Cunent EPtPs table of oontents.Rev 13A to EP RB-15 A.Rev 11A to EP RB 15 B.Rev 9 to EP RB 15 C.Rev SA to EP RB. R. Portoec operateng rePerts & relateel corvoepondence 15 D.Rev 6A to EP RB-15 E & Rev S to EP RB.15 H W/941031 Itr SEXTONJ A. Pacete Gas & Eksetne Co. 94/10/31.193pp 81652:001 41652.159 9411040116 Forwants "Fmal Annual Radsneceve Effluent Reinase Rept Ice CY 1994." mcembng last revned copies of ODCM & PCP Rept prepared for csomeout purposes as $411260192 Forwards Change 6 to Rev 18 to phynecal secunty planChange unthheed part c4 comgueton of plant C _ - - - , Pef 10CFR73.21) PETSCHAVER.F Long estarid Power Authortly 94/11/01 Document Control Bratch RUEGER.G M Pacdc Gas & Electnc Co 94/11/02 Documerit Control Branch (Docu. (Document Coreal Des 4 20p 8166100141651325 ment Control Deskt 1p. 81854.35741854.357 DOCKETEDITEMS 83 M11100012Notdcaban of 941117moesng w/un' m Rockwho.MD to escuss overwow 9411190006 Forwards appicaton to renew NPDES perrmt for Dablo Canyon Power of tre bemer pensestori seal renew program for Plant Uruts 1 & 2. Plant (Pemut CA0003751)menet check m amount of $10.000 to cover erst anrwal PETERSON.S R. Prosect Drectorate lit 2. 94/11/04. QUAY.T.R Project Drectorate Ill. fee 81 oversee enct

2. 4pp 81716 34341716 346.

FUJIMOTO W.H Pacdc Gas & Electnc Co. 94/11/07. BRIGGS.R. Cantorrea. State of. 51pp. 81642-08041642.132. 9411220297 Notecaten of 941117 mechng w/uts m Rockvme.MD to escuss Dre bemer penreabon seal rewsw program for plant Meetry canceled. M11230082 Forwards LAR 9411 to Lcenses DPR40 & DPR42.r TS 3/4.32. PETERSON.S R Propect Drectorsie tv.2 94/11/04. OUAY.TA Protect Drectorate ESFAS Instrumentaten." Westnghouse nonpropnetary rep *.s WCAP.13 & WCAP. IV4. 3pp. 81822 22341822.225. 14117 4propnetary rept WCAP-13878 also enct.Proonstary rept withheld 9411100066 Decamses 941026 mgi meetmg w/PGE re SALP rept for penod 930101- RUEGER.G M Pacdc Gas & Elecmc Co 94/11/14. Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk). 2pp. 81893:00141893.272. 940831.Let or ettentlees & handouts enct BEACHA8 Repon 4 (Post 820201). 94/11/06.RUEGER.G M Pacdc Gas & Elecyc Co.11pp 8167J 063-81673 073. -9411230087 LAR 94-11 to Lcenses DPR40 4 DPR42.rensmo TS 3/4.3.2. "ESFAS Inseumentaton." to retas slave relay test fremenc y from guarter1y to outage. M11290210 Forwards pese versson of rensed Corporate ERPIPs. micsueng Rev 13 to 9 1 to 31.Rev 12 to 3 2 Rev 6 to 3.5,Rev 6 to 3.6,Rev 14 to 4.3 & -9411230000 Proposed TS 3/4.3.2. "ESFAS mistrumentaten." relaxmg slave relay test ment Co Desk 3 8 85 4 852 & actnc . 14 ap.018 6 W 8 N o1 Rev6 1 2 to 3 S Rev to e4 O. W mports,IE Bumeans & coneePondence

  • Pacife Gas & Elecinc Ca 94/11/08. 67pp 8185EC25-8*652:005.

M10140257 Suppl 1 to NRC info Notxe 93460. Reportng Fuel Cycle & Matis Events O" - , concepondence to NRC Opeestons Ctr? BURNETTAF. Dmson of Fuel Cycle Safety & Sateguards (Post 930207). 94/10/20. Conschdated Edmon Co of New York. Inc.12pp. 01816.299-81816.310. M11100086 Irutal decsson (constructen penod recovery / recapture).* Renewed moton to roupon record 940808.densed Served on 941104 W/Criefcate of Svc. 9410200153 NRC Into Notre 94476. "Recent Fadures of Chargmg/Salety inpocton BFCHHOEFER.C., KLINE.J R., SHON.FJ Abmsc Satsty & Lx:erismg Board Panet Pump Shafts" 9494 15901 94/11/04 Pecdc Gas & Electnc Co. 210pp. 81674 00141674.210 GRIMES.B.K. Offce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten. Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/26 Coneohosted Edson Co of New York, Inc.12pp. 81658 00141858'013. R General _. ---- $411020007 Forwards master exam & answer key for info re admrustraton of Genere Fundamentals Esam Secton of wntion operator heenann0 emaniW/o ences M11250101 Feel response to FOtA request lur documents re plant one treak outesde GWYNN.T.P. R 1 (Post 820201). 94/10/26. RUEGER.G.M Pacdc Gas & Elec-containment crnene. Forwards App C documents. App D documents already evadaDie Wu Co. 2pp. 81 05041528 051. m PDR. Ace D documents __ _ ', wettiheld trot FOtA exempeon 6) GRIMSLiv.D H. Dmeson of Freedorn of informatson & Pubhcatons senaces (890206- 9411070380 Forwards SER accepeng bconsee 930300 & 931210 responses to NRC 940714) 93/11/04 LOCKHART.J.A. Mudge. Rose, Gunme, Alszender & Ferdert buheen 9001.suppi 1 for plant 47pp. 81939 0014193t t ?8. PETERSON.S R. Protect Drectorate IV.2. 94/10/20. RUEGER.GM Pacehe Gas & -9411290120 Forwards correspondence kom constrtuent D Morns re interest m Dahlo Canyon plant to sawty a envean mauss LAGOMARSINO.R House of Rep. 78/03/01. KAMMEf 4R.C.C. Offce of Congres. -M11070392 SER acceptmg hcensee 930308 & 931210 repsonnes to NRC buteen 90-sonal Affart (Pre 870413). 3pp. 81939.070 81939 072 c1. suppl 11or paarn.

  • Orfee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten. Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/28. Pop.

81713.30541713.306. E Operatine Econes sta9e " A coneePondence -9411010353 "Evaluaten of Util Response to Supp 1 to NRC Buhetn 9041 tor Plant." UDYA EG&G idate. Inc. UDY.A idaho Nanonal Enyneenng Laboratory. FIN L 1695 M11030239 Forwards SE acceptmg hoensee930413 request permanent fehef for plant EGG-DNSP 10826. 94/09/3f5. NRC . No Delaned Amheton Gwen 20pp. 81713.307-unrts 1 & 2 from ASME code Secton lit, ad=arton NC 7142 Sv contal & mierlock 01713.326 ressements OUAv.T A Protect Drectorate IV 2. 94/10/12 RUEGER.GM. Pacehc Gas & Electnc Ca $pp. 8160728441607252. M,11160249 Docusses techhghts of 941020meetng w/PG&E re currene lasues & plans or pianisidentrhos poseve - A : J & actMbes for pearnt inspectons 4 -9411030244 SE sassportng request for resol frorn stop valve control & Intertock *- otarements of Secton Ill.Subeschon NG7142 of ASME boeler & pressure vessel coas. NSM_ s , r3=en.1p. 81755154417b5454 (Post 750119). 94/10/31. NRC . No Detaded Afhhaton

  • Othee of Nucemar Reactor Reguishon. Drector (Post 870411). 94/1u/12. 6pp SW268-81W92.

9411100058 n=a=a== 941026 mgt meetmg w/PGE re SALP rept for pencd 930101 M 3 ds,]hrd Quaner N Rept on Discharge Monnonng at Debio CkA R 820 ) 11/08 RUEGER.G M Pacerc Gas & Electne FUJIMOTO.W H. Pactic Gas & Electne Co 94/10/19 BRIGGS.R W Cahtoms. State Ca 11pp 81673.06381673073. cd 2pp. 8164010741640.235 M11170031 Forwards map rept 50 323/94-28 on 941019 28 & nosus of -M11030139 " Thud Quarter 1994 on Dacharge Monstonne at Debio Canyon volaton vmiaton of concem becausa di rwolves redve tent securn0 of In servce re-Power Pent. Nas Pollutant Dacharge kmmation Sys- edual heat renmal pump

  • Pacets Gas & Electnc Co.94/09/30 124pp. 8164010941640.235. BC ACHAB Repon 4 (Post 820201) 94/11/09.RUEGER.G M. Pacefc Gas & Electnc Co. Sop. 8176012tL41760139 9411020001 Forwards " Core Operstng Lamets Rapt.Debio Canyon Power Plant. Unit 2 Cycle 7 " -9411170036 Nobos of malaten from emp on 941019-28,Veneton noted on LUEGER.G M Pacshc Gas & Electne Co 94/10/24. Document Control Branch (Docu- 941018. Step 12.31 a 4 performed w/o hevmg shut down RHR pump 2.

mont Control Desk).19. 815tIO:12141590 132.

  • Regen 4 (Post 820201), 94/11/09. 2pp. 8176013041760.131.

-9411010158 " Core Operetng Lamsts Rept Dablo Canyon Power Piani Unit 2 Cyces 7." -9411170047 insp rept $4323/9428 on 94101928 Violations noiad.Masor aross

  • Pacsic Gas & Electnc Ca 94/10/21.11pp. 8159&12241590132. repectedDG aurvedlance testmD.tasiboard & supervoon swolvement & sys engmeer

. . _ . . J w/survemance testng M11020200 Submits 1& day speasel rest on number of tubes plugged ti each stram KIRSCH,D. Regon 4 (Post 820201), 94/11/07. 8pp. 81760-13241760'139. generator dunng>acehe RUEGER.G Mr Gas & Etectne counit 2 smth retuohng outage 34/10/25. Document Control Branch h M11090300 ment Control Desk) 1p. 8159&11481594110 NRC Bulleen used to Transport 94402. "."Corrosson Problems in Certam Stamises Packagm0 U Hexafluonde PAPERIELLO.C.J. Duomn of induntnal & Mechcal Nuccear Safety (Post 870729) 94/ M11100017 Forwards amends 96 8 95 to heenses DPR40 & DPR42 & safetF 11/14. Coneohdated Eeson Co. cf New York. pnc.12pp. 81816'31141816.322. l ovatustertAmends change TS 4 2.2. " Host Fhm Hot Channel Factor." & 6 918, ~ " ' " w ) "P"ro"pec"t D" esc 2re PE ER Elects Co. 3pp. 01715 32441715.339 / 3 R"b R'Q.M. Pamic Gas & '*"22,w, , ,g ,,o,ards emp mps $4275/94 25 & $4323/94-25 on 940924W8 & GWYNN.T.P. 4 (Post 420201). 94/11/16. RUEGER.G M. Paose Gas & Elec- ' -M11100018 Amends 96 & 95 to hoennes DPR40 & DPR42/especoveey changmo TS W Ca Spp 80 .3444W359. 4.2.2. " Heat Fkm Hot Channot Facsor." & 6 918. *COLR." to -  ; revised 8 on 94 026 he wN TE S R. Propect Drectorate tv-2 94/10/31. 9pp 81715.32741715.335 "struccons not appropnete to cacunmaances ear mestance temp detector mod proiect on Unn 2 -9411100019 Salety evaluston supportng amends 96 & 95 to hcenses DPR40 & DPR.

  • Regen 4 N 820201) 94/H/16. 2pp 81M34W95350 82.respeceveer
  • Othce of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Drector (Post 870411) 94/10/31. Am -9411220014 enso repts 50-275/94-25 & $0'323/94 25 on 940R241028. Vsolaborm 81715.336-81715.339 noted Maeor areas mapacted ISI for uret 2.

POWERS.DA Regon 4 (Post 1194/11/14 9pp. 81795 35141795.359 M11140248thmanes highhghts of941020 meetm0 w/PG&E re esavent maues & piens for plants noonehes poemvo _J.J :J. & actrvibes for plant mapoctorts & 9411100237NRC Into Nohce 94477. "Martuncien m Mac Generator Voltage Regulator recent r outage Caueno Overvoltage at $atety.Related Eectncal EmapmerC JONES W B (Post 750119) 94/10/31. NRC . No Dotaded Athishon GRIMES.B K. .94/11/17.Conschdated Eeson Ca of New York,Inc. 7pp 81816.323-Gsven 9p 81755.35441755 354 81816.329 84 DOCKETEDITEMS 9411280037 Forwares mso repts 60-275/94-24 & $0 323/94-24 on 940001 1015 & 9411080196 Forwards hst of recent revs to BSEP emergeney procedures notco of molatmycasten of concem because of evosved shgrenern of vaal power to LFvlS.B Carolma Power & Lght Co. 94/10/28. EBNETER.S.D. Regen 2 (Post safetv<elatea sys 820201). 2pp. 81678 35841678.359 BEACHAB 4 (Post 420201). 94/11/18.RUEGER.G.M. Pacdc Gas & Fasetnc Co. 400. 81840. 1840333. 9411300122 Requests partespaten m exerceses for testmg of Natt Emergency Coordme-ton het for hsgh frequency raeo commecatens scnso.Aed for Mar 1. June 1. Sept 1 -9411280044 Insp repts 60275/9444 & 50-323/9444 on 9409011015 i/olanons & Dec 1 of eacn yr. i noted.Maior areas mopectedresponse to events, opershonal se esty vanhcaton.psant CUNE.W E. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/16. ANDERSON.RA Carcima Power &  ! memLasvedience observatens.06 ant s@ port actwties & onsrae engmoenng. Laght Co 2pp. 81872136-81872.138 KIRSCH.D Regen 4 (Post 820201). 94/11/18. 24pp. 8184031041840.333 C Info N G. m _ _ 941,1150674 C NR,4onoe s W,otc.e at - 94478. "Elecinc Component Fadure due to Degradaten oR wS K /11/21. Coneohdated Eeaan Co of New Yortt. Inc. 10pp' 9411300308 informs that time prended by NRC requLston withm which Commason ) l may act to review DD'9449.has experect W/Cartfcais of Svc. Served on 94 6125. l M11170039 NRC Into Notce 94479 "MerobmiogicaNy influenced Corrosson of EDG HOYLEJ C. Offce os the General Counset (Post 8607010 #494 16027. 94/11/25 KOHN.M.D Konn. Kohn & Colapmto. P.C. (formerty Kohn & A wintes). 2pp 1 Svc Water Ppng - 818900154189&O16, l GRIMES.8 K. 94/11/23.Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, tnc. 9pp. 81648 225 l 81648233. 941117027% NRC Wo Nohce M480. "inadequew DC Ground Detecton m DC DetNbu, H. Genrol corrupondence l hon @ " GRIMES.8 K. . 94/11/25 Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 14pp 9411230100 Responds to 941015 ter to Chapman I Sohn.requestmo Wo on actons l 81648.23441848 247 taken by NRC to adeess concerns remed by JA Flemmg te emergency preparedness 9411170264 NRC Info 140ece 94 001 Accuracy of Boassey & Envron Samp>ng Re- T YN.M c the Executive Director for Operatons. 94/11/09. KERRY.J.F. PAP RtFLLrb CJ. Dnnmo.1 of industnal & Medcal Nucteer Salety (Post 870729L 94/ 11/25. Conecadated Eeson Co. of New York. inc.12pp. 8184824ft.81848259 -94 H230199 Requests addl odo portanin0 m emergency preparedness for each este bsted FLEMfNG.JA Affihatrm Not Assegned 94/07/14.CHILK.S. Offce of the Secretary of R. P8' toe 9c eswenng reports & reisted - - -- - the Commmaert 2pp 81828 32241828 323. 9411230207 Maesthly operatng repts tw Oct 1994 for Diablo Canyon Uruts 1 & 2 W/ ( 941114 ftr P. Operating Boense sta9e f & correspondence EUBANK.T, STIPICEvlCH.J., FUJIMOTO.W.H. Pactfc Gas & Elecinc Co. 94/10/31. 12pp 81833193-81833204' 9411300237 Final resoonee to FOiA request for documents. App C records enci & per-tany withheld (ref FOLA erempton 5). POWELL,R A. Duman al Freedom of informanon & Pubicahons Servces (890206-

8. Reportable LERe & rWesed - -

940714) 93/11/22. PATTERSON.S.J. Newman & Hortanger 3pp. 81900174-9411150293 LER 94407 00on 941006.TS 3 71.1 not met aanng MS SV survedience testm0 due to setpomt edLPurchase of new test devim & contnued ubbty paw -9411300253 Summary of $2061516 NRC senor m meetm0 conducted to assure SK D RUE R M Ga & Co. 94/11/07. 6pp 81782:001- tian ed 817E2 006. $YLOR.J M. Olc of the Execumve Director for Operatona. 92/06/25. THE CHAIR. MAN Commasoners (Post 750119). 50pp. 8190017641900.227. 9411230237 LER 94406 00.on 941018.momernary loss of RHR how occtared, f%arl 1 Spp 8 -Hm265 W of EW28 W aena m 6 2 assum SK UE Pacdc & Electnc Co NRC tocunng resources on plants & related maues greatest safety esgnifcance. info 81668 457' pertm#y deisted TAYLOR.J.M. Ole of the Executsve Director for Operatons 93/02/04. THE CHAIR-M11250129 LER 9440940:on 941020.DG 2-2 started autumstceny durtng scheduled MAN __ _ _ -(Post 750119) 44pp. 8190022841900271. servemance test. Caused by plant demgn w/hghey loaded buss 7P W.1603 revised W/ 941118 9411070390 Reouests partcipabon m 94H08 meetng w/NRC at Repon ti ofc m S5SK.D.P.Itr[ RUEGER.G M Pacehe Gas & Enoctnc Co. 94/11/18. 6pp. 81864:175, Atlanta.GA re GL 81kt0 MOV programa. $1864180 GIBSON.A.F. Regson 2 (Poet $20201). 94/10/12. ANDERSON,RA Carolms Power & Laght Co. 2pp. 81605.27t>81605.279 * -~ 9411020190 Appbcaten for amends to bcennes DPR.71 & DPR42.deletm0 remammg US.mciudng secton 2/3.31 water level en escrarge canal & secton 2/3 4.6 9411020007 Forwards master exam & answer key for mio re aerenm9ston of Genere ANJP. Carohna Power & It Co. 94/10/25. Document Coreot Branch (Docu-NN PR (Post 820 10 26 E M acd Gas & Elec- ment Coreal Desk) 9pp. 81589- 141589:032. Sc h 2pp. 91%5041528t51. -9411020193 Proposed toch specs erflectmo deletion of remamm0 ETS pertammg to 9411290193 Summary of 941110 meetng w/ubts re traeung & operator hoensmg no' hyeauhe kmstatons re escharge canal loves & meteoroogeal mone. moves Let ce anendeon.meetng agemde & handouts onet GWYNN.T P Regon 4 (Post 820201) 94/11/22. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 27pp 0 10""arohne *C Power & Lsght Co.94/10/25. 23pp. 81589$1041589032. 81869 00341869 02g 9411030029 Cor*ms toscon between S Cass & J Staretos of NRC on 941005 to meet-DOCKET St>324 BRUNSWICt( STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT, UNfT 2 mg to tie conducted at Regon il olc m Adarna.GA to escuss status of sell,sseess-ment & conocave acton program at plant BOGER.BA Regen 2 (Post $20201). 94/10/25. ANDERSON.RA Carolma Power & F. Security, medcat, emergency & fee protoci6an plans Lagrit Co. 4pp. 81561.13941561:142. N H070282Nobfcatan of bconsee meetng w/uW on 94H4 2 escues b 9411030021 Ack recept of940802 4 0908 Itra whch kewarded obesertwos & scenano consee sen.a -- C/ program & bcensed operator requaktecaten am. tot 1994 Emergercy Enerome scheduled lor plant units 1 & 2.Qwhanalty of se CHRISTENSEN.H. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/25. Repon 2 (Post 1). 2pp. mettel eriould be preserved by malructing that scenano be operno crop tw addressee 81606 042 41606 043. CLINE.W E. Region 2 (Post 820201194/10/19 ANDERSON.RA Carcena Ptwer & Lsght Co. 3pp. 8156196241561:064. MH030137 Apphcatan for amends 2 hconses DPR42 & DPR-71% 9411020190 Apphcaton for amends to bcennes DPR-71 & OpA42,deletnD remesnmg TS.mcreasmg anstrumart survedience test intervals & allowabee EM-we tones. CowANJ P. Carchna Power & Lsght Co 94/10/28.Documerit Cnntrol Branch (Doce ETS.metudng secton 2/3.31. water tevat m escharge canal & esecon 2/3 4,meteoro6- ment Conirol Desk). 27pp 81636.14841636.290. AN.J P. Caroima Power & bght Co 94/10/28 Document Control Branch (Docu- -8411040159 Proposed toch specs ancrossmg metrumert aurhi tests meervals & merW Corwol Desk). 9pp 8158900141589'032 ellowable outel-ovc emes. -9411020193 Proposed toch specs reflectmo deaeton of romann0 ETS portamm0 to

  • Carchna Power & Lsght Co.94/10/28.118pp. 8163617341636.290.

non redologcal hydraubc hmftatons to deCharge Canal level & . --- ,- I morir-M110act98 Requests basf descreton of eseel rehabihty prografn hear =ted amprove. tonng ments m mast tammg & en nooing used on EDG.w/specshc emphase cri efterences

  • Carolma Power & bght Co.94/10/25. 23pp. StS89S1(k81589:032 ham previous program 9411010154 Rev 39C to Vol Rin to " Emergency Response Ptarf MILANO.P.D Protect Drectorate n 1. 94/10/28. ANDERSON.RA Carchna Power &

PERGERSON.B Caroima Power & Lsght Co 94/10/26.16spp 81579:09741579260. Lsght Co.1p. 81667.32141667.321. 9411030002 Forwarda summary of workshops held w/US Army Corps of Engmeers & M11100079 informs that fast snstallmerit of $3.066.000 was pad to US Dept of hoensee representattves corie>cted et each 08 Ime regonal etes w/o ence Treasury.NRC on941102. BATEMAft w H Pvogact Desciorate 3 1. 94/10/26. ORSER.W S. Carchna Power & ROGAN.R.E. Carohne Power & Co 94/11/02. Document Control Branch (Docu. LagNI Co. 4pp. 81807173581807:176 merit Control Desk).1p. 81752. 17522fs6. 9411070317 Revised EPtPs. Rev 18 to OPEP 02.6.12,Rev 1 to OPEP.02 6.26 & M11100 tic knorms that payment of $80.462 tar penod 940320-0625 for hsted mvoscos Rev 1 to OPEP42 628 w/IM1 ler was transferred to US Dept of Treasury on 941102 LEvts.B. Carchna Power & Lsght Co 94/10/28 EBNETER.SD. Regen 2 (Post ROGAN.R E. Caroins Power & Co M/11/02. Document Control Brandi (Docu-820201).10 app. 8186225041662 357 mera Control Desk) 1p. 81752 1752.228 l DOCKETED ITEMS 85 9411170064 Comment on peot prog'am for NRC r en of good performance t>y 941129C 441 Ack recespe et 941021 str mtornwng NRC of steps taken to correct wolatons Nuc6 ear Power Plants Utd endorses posmon statec m ' Energy institute 941003 noted 9 map repts50 324/94-24 & 50 325/94 24. P to NRC lar ksied reasons. CHRi& 'ENSEN.H. Regen 2 (Post $202010 94/11/10 ANDERSON.RA Carolma ROGAN.R.E. Carol'na Power & Laght Co 94/11/02 Rules & Direcoves Review Power 6 Laght Co. 3pp. 8185728341657285 Brarich(Poet 920323t 2pp 8176017941760:100. N11158682 Requests addl mio re sowow of 930820 plant IPE sematal coicornmg GL 941100C3L 1 NRCUBusetm used e Tiensoort 94 002. "."Conosen ProtAems m Cortam Stainless Packagng Hexafluonde l 88 20. '"iPE For Severs Accadent Vulneratukbes.10C$R50 54f')." PAPERTLLO.CJ Dnmeson of industnal & Medical Nucleat Salety (Post 8707291. 94/ l MiLANO.P.D Protect Drectorate Il-1 94/11/09 ANDERSON.RA Carchna Power 8 11/14 Coneohrlated Eeson Co. of New Yortt, Inc.12pp. 81816.31141818 322. Laght Co 15pp. #1748 04641748.060 9411100237 NRC Info Nohce 94 077, "Malfunchon m Masn Generator voltage Regulator M11170300 Summary of 940831meetmg w/uti m Rochmile.MD re plant electnca: estr> Caussng Overvoltage at Safety-Reluted Electncal Eaupment." butson sys enhancemer>ts List of attendees & shdes presented by uti enci. GRIMES.B K. .94/11/17.Coneohdated Edson Co. of New yortu inc. 7pp. 81816.323 MILAm.i.P.D. Protect Drectorate n-1. 94/11/14. Propect Drectorais 181. Sepp 81816.329 81777:14641777.182. 9411150578 NRC Irdo Notco 94478. "Electnc Component Fadure due to Degradsbon 1 N11220162 Apphcaten for amends to LJoensea DPR 62 & DPR-71.romovmg specphc of Posywnyt CNonce Wse Insulation" i metrwnentaten regurements for suppresason enamber water temp monitanng from TS GRIMES . 94/11/21. Coneohdated Edman Co. of New Yorst Inc. 10pp. 3/4 6 2.on suppresason chamber. 31343.2,.8 K. l ANDERSON.R.A. Carchna Power & Light Co 94/11/16 Document Control Branch 581848224 ' (Document Contrcd Desk).10pp. 81632.25141832.284. N11290206 Discusses NRC adnwustered exams by M Ernstes durmg 941024 28 to -94 t1220167 Piaposed TS 3/4 6.2 to suppresason chamber water temp mairuments. employees of bconses who apphed for hcenses to operate ptant. PEEBLES.TA Region 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/22. ANDERSON.RA Carchne Power Carohne Power 8 Lsght Co. 04/11/16. 24pp. 81832 26141832:264. 9411250084 Appbcahon for amends to bconses DPR42 & DPR-71.rensmg TS 3/4.612 Enem repts 50 324/94-301 8 50 325/94 301 on 941024-28.Emam -9,4,11,2,,90221 ,g . ass RO & three SRO mies received wrmen exams & operstm0 tests & by adophn0 wareng tar pnmary contamment integrated team rate testng conssstent w/ passed ' DE .RA Carchne Power & L 1 /16. Document Controi Bratir.h '0*" * (Document Corect Desk) 11pp. 61885 541685.306. $' N11300285 Provides response to violatons noted in insp Repts S324/94 28 & S leek tmg w requrements D erproved ' ' " revs to evs "denthod

  • M Power & Lsght Co.94/11/16, tipp. 8188529641885:306.

M^ of 6pp 1908 54 9 ' " " ^ uti a opera or ,etson n'" A 9411170039 NRC Into Nohce 94479. "Mcrobelogically influenced Corrosen of EDG $*n=p,"E12CN'iny "'"'" ^"""' """*'*"' *

  • oCa?""6m Con d E. Co now v~nc-2n.

81848 233. O,inspectlan reports,IE Bunetme & a 9411290192 Ack recespt of N1109 str meormmg NRC of steps taken to correct violatuns noted en map repts50 324/94-23 & % 325/94-23 PEEBLES.TA Region 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/23. ANDERSON,RA Carohna Power 9410140257 Suppl 1 to NRC Info Notce 93480, *Reportmg Fuel Cycee & Ma*ts Events & Lsght Co 2pp. 8186900141869002. 2 NHC Opnestons Ctr." Edi Co. of vort., Inc E 63 "((7 " * "#~ ** * ' "

  • N10200183 NRC Info Notco 94076, "Remnt Fadures of Chargng/ Safety inseebon fg Pump Shafts. is 47
  • 8 ' *4' '
  • Edman Co New inc 2pp 1 0 94 70284 NRC into teotice 94481,
  • Accuracy of Boassay & Enveen Samphng Re.

N 1 7020 Forwards map repts %324/94-28 & E325/94-28 on 940902 30 & nonce N

  • H*

ad C ork 1 1 64 6s 259 CHRISTENSEN.H. Repon 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/26. ANDERSON,RA Carchne Power & Laght Co dop.81805.331 4 1605 354. R. Portodic operating reports & roteted correspondence -M11070216Notoe of monoton from map on940902 30 Veoiston noted beerises faded to adequatetr mentan opersbng prococharo OP.13 & eset handhng procedure OH.20. 9411170313 Monthly operstmg repts for Oct 1994 for Brunswick Steam Electnc Ptart

  • Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/28. Pop 81605.33544605.336 Uruts 1 & 2 w/941109 ler.

HARRLSON.F., LEvtS.w Carolma Power & Lsght Co. 94/10/31. 6pp. 81800.227 -9411070226 insp repts 50 324/94 28 & 50-325/94-28 on 94090240. Velatons 81800.232. noted Masor areas mapocted areas of operatons, mantenance engmoenn0 & plant 4 RSON.C.A , CHRISTENSEN.H. Regen 2 (post 820201). N/10/28. 10pp. V. Operator Esarnenetsons 8I805.33741805.354. 9411210012 Forwards snap repts50424/94 27 & 50425/94-27ho molatens rioted M M070262 Notdecaton of lumnase muhng w/utt on 941HO e discuss k CHRISTENSEN.H. Repon 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/28. ANDERSON.RA Carchna censeesen .. C/ program hcensed operab regaaldicaten prograrn Power & Lagnt Co. 3pp 81784 05941784.072. CHRISTENSEN.H Repon 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/25. Regan 2 (Post 620201) 2pp 81606:042 41606 043. ru o ens ton & upda we W canotates e be used for 6 censes for acton proc 94g%32,g,Pr CHRISTENSEN H . ORDERS,W T. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/28 11pp. LOm0REA R Noine Power & Lacht Co 94/10/28 Document Contre Branch 817841)62 417841)72. (Docurnent Control Dest 4 app. 8165312641653229. 9411100102 Informs that payment for NRC map toes for penod 940320 940625 fa, M11180268 Responds to concems noted m map repts 50 324/94-23 & S 325/94-nesed smwoices was verwierred to US Dept of Tre on 941102 23. Based on sonen cmw tamuros durno annues operatng exams uts pertorned root ROGAN.R E. Carchne Power & Co 94/11/02 Control Branch (Docw cakane aneev es. ment Control Desk),1p. 81750. 1750.360, COWANJ Carolma Power & Co 94/11/0g Domament Control Branch (Docu. ment Control Desk). App. 81783. 1783:332, M11210008 Forwards map rects54324/94 31 & 54325/94 31 on 94100347 & nonce of volaton. M11300054 Forwards overview tor 941110 meetmg w/util at Region # ole in Atlanta.GA CRLINJAK.R.V Roon 2 (Post $20201). 94/11/04 ANDERSON.RA Caronna Power m v on self a ._ . & CAP & heensed operator requanticanon proaram & Laght Co. 3pp. 81 f84:031 4 1784'048. GIBSONA F. Regon 2 (Post 820201) 94/11/18. ANDERSON.RA Carchns Power & Lapit Co. 33pp. 8187121441871.247. -M11218013Notco of violatrm trem sneo on94100347 Veolaton noted. revs were not . wienthed & engmeets tamed 2 recognize that mod package changed TS N11290208 Decusses NRC admrustered exams try M Ernstes dunno N1024 28 to equipment het & F Secton 6.2.Tabee 6 2 41.contamrnent vaeve hst employees of teensee uno apphed for inanees to operate piant

  • Regen 2 (Post 820201) 94/11/04 2pp. 8178493441764035. PEEBLES.TA Regen 2 qPost 820201). 94/11/22 ANDERSON.RA Carchne Power

& LJght Co. 3pp. 81869 07741869.301. -M11210020 Inso repts 50 324/9441 & 54325/9441 on 94100347. Vetabons noted Mapor areas mspected. areas of dessgn changes & plant mod & engmoenng 4 - M 11290221 Exam ruota 50 324/94 301 & 54 325/94 301 on 941024-28. Exam sectvucai egport octswebes resultaas RO & three ERO candidates recaeved wntien exams & operating tests & 1 1 WISEMAN G., CASTO.C. Repon 2 (Post $20201) 94/11/04 13pp 81784 036- passed 81794.048 LRNSTES.M LAWYER.L.L. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/18. 6pp. 81989080 i 1 81669 085 MtitS0268 Flesponds e concems noted m anap repts 50-324/94 23 & 54 325/94- l 23 Based on ex1een crew tadures thanng enreaal operstmg exams util partarmed root -9411290229 Pvtwedes NRC w/enci exam comments for exam given on 941024 at cause analyses plant COW AN J Carohna Power & LAght Co N/11/08 Document Control Branch (Docu- ANDERSON.R A. Caroine Power & Laght Ce 94/11/04 EBNETER,$ D Repon 2 ment Control Duek). 4pp 81783.321081783 332 (Post 820201) 6pp 81869 08641869 30t. ] l \ + 86 DOCKETEDITEMS Y. Dry Cask Independent Spent Fust storspe irm 9411070190 Requests pertopatxm ei 941108 meetmg w/NRC et Repon H otc m Atlante.GA re GL Skio MOV programs. N11000162 Forwards prehmmary draft onwon assessment & preterunary draft SER tar GIBSONAF. 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/12 ANDERSON.RA Carolme Power & gSF si. Oght Co. 2pp. 81 276 81605.279. HAUGHNE'Y.CJ Othee of Nuclear Motonal Sesety & W 94/10/25. ANDERSON.RA Caronne Power & bght Co. 3pp. 0175016041750 263. 9411020190 Apphcebon for emends to beenees OPR.714 DPR42.delemng ETS.metudmg eacnon 2/3.3.1.weier level m escharge canal & secton 2/3 -4411000142 Prehmmary DreM. "Enveonmental ? Re Constructen & Oper-aton Of Brunswek independent Spent Fusi Storage insteneten- ANJP. Carchne Power & bght Co. 94/10/25. Document Coreal Bronch (Docu-

  • Orhee of Nucteer Mesensi Setety & SafeguardL 92/09/30. 34pp. 81750163 ment Conrol Desk). 9pp. 01509vu141589-032.

81750200. 4411030193 Proposed toch sooce renectmp delston of rememmo ETS pertemme to -9411000277P=ehmmary Draft, "Selety Ev=Lahan Rept For CP&L Brunemck." hydraubc hmnstons re escnerge canal level & meteorological mons.

  • Coroire Power & bght Co. NRC 0347404. 91/05/26. 50pp. 81750.20141750.263. tonn0
  • Carolme Power & bght Co 94/10/25. 23pp 81589:01041589-032.

DOCKET 50-325 DRuleSWtCK STEARI ELECTRIC PLANT, Utsi? 1 an0 to tre conducted at Regen il orc m Anante.GA to encues status of =" Securny, nashmi, emergency & nre protoonen panne y,4R B' ' Regu "(Pos 62021 '/10/25 ANDERSON.RA Cerchne Poww & 9411030021 Ack recept of940002 8 0908 lirs stuch forwarded obgoceves & sceneno U"' ' ' for 1994 Emergency Emerase scheduled tor piant Uruts & 2.Conedennekty of ad> bcensee meseng w/utd on941110 to escuss 6 fruttei should to preserved try matrucen0 that sceneno be opened only try adoressee 9411070362 Notrhesuon of CUNE.W E. Repon 2 (Post B20201). 94/10/19. ANDERSON.RA Carchne Power & consee seti.easonernenLC/ program & bcensed operator requalecahnn CHRISTENSEN.H. Regen 2 (Post 620201). 94/10/25. Repon 2 (Post 1). 2pp. Ught Co. 3pp. 8156106241561064. ei606o4241e06.043. 9411030190 Apphceton ter amends to hcenses DPR.71 & DPR42.delemng rememmg ETS.mciueno secton 2/3J.1.weler level m encharge canal & secten 2/3 4.meteorob 9411030196Advmes NRC of CP&L reused piens for rapiecement of BSEP. Urvi 1 FW our opergers & essocasted ampact on piens for raawner;t of N4D FW nozzle.GE propn-CDWANJP. Carchne Power & bght Co 94/10/25. Document Control Branch (Docu- etary rept NEDC-30634. Rev 1, "BSEP.Urvt 1 FW Analysas" enctGE rept wdhneed ment Contal Dook). 9pp. 81589V0141509 032. COWANJ.P. Carcine Power & bght Co. 94/10/26. Document Control Brerum (Docw ment Contret Desk). 2pp. 81590 040 01590041. -9411030193 Proposed toch specs reflectng deseton of romerung ETS partemme to = @ nytpouhc knutshone m escParge canallevel & ; - ", " mon > 9411030137 A pr'aceman for amends to heeness DPR42 & OPR 71.propossng hW Power & boht Co.94/10/25. 23pp. 81589 01041589.032. Po ur Co 94 ment Contml M 27pp. 0636146MM N11010164 Rev 39C to Vol Xill to

  • Emergency Responne Pter.

PERGERSON.B. Carolme Power & bght Co.94/10/26.165pp. 81579 09741579260. -9411040150 Proposed noch specs increassng inseumont survenance tests etervals & 9411030002 Forwards summary of workshops held w/US Army Corps of Enyneers & alionable oundeve emot

  • Carolms Power & bghi Co. 94/10/26.118pp. 81636.17341636.290.

boensee BATEMAN.WH ._ . . . _Propect ^_ . cond scled at Ibl. Drectorate each of four regonal 94/10/26. oecs.W/o ORSER.W.S. encl Power & Cerchne Ught Co. apta81637.17341607.176 Nj gebette Roguests hnet descnpton of eessi tehetukty program, samanated improve-ments en meet temmg & m tookng used on EDG.w/ spec 4ic emphews on eMerences M11070317 Revnad EPIPs.incluen0Rev 16 to OPEP42.612.Rev 1 to OPEP 02 6.26 & irum previous program. Rev 1 to OPEP.02 6.28 W/9s1028 nr MILANO.P.O. Protect Desctorate 8 1. 94/10/28. ANDERSON.RA Carolme Power & LEvtS.B. Carolme Power & Co. 94/10/28. EBNETER.SD. Regen 2 (Post Ught Co.1p 01667.32141067:321. - 620201).100pp. 0166225041 .357, 94mel10M inconna M trot  : W SW.000 was pasd u W W W 9411000196 Forwards het of razent reve to BSEP . . Cerchne & Co. 94/10/20 B R.S.D. Flegen 2 (Post wer & Co N/11/02. Documet Conkoi Branch (Doce ment Control Deat).1p. 61752' 1752.266. N11300122 Reauests partcqaston m exeraues for gesang of Nati Emergency Coorene. r ton Net for fugh frequency rede _ -. scheduesd for leer 1 June 1, Sept 1 N11100110 intorms that payment of $80.462 for penod 9403204625 for hated invoscos ' & Dec 1 of each yr. was tonsterred to US Dept of Treasury on 941102. CUNE.W E. Regen 2 (Poet 820201). 94/11/16, ANDERSON.RA Carohne Power & ROGAN.R.E. Cerchne Power & Ga 94/11/02. Document Control Branch (Docu-bght Co. 2pp. e t87213681872.138. ment Control Desk).1p. 01752- . 1752228 6 Ageesstory oormapendence Power Plants Uti ondorses steth E insatute , tir to NRC for hated reasons. i N113003os informs that tmo prouded by NRC regubaton withen whrah Commmeon ROGAN.R E. Carolme Power & Ught Co. 94/11/02. Rules & Drectves Review may act to renew DD 9449.has exprod. W/Corthcets or Sve Served en 941125 Brancti (Poet 920323). 2pp. 81760:17941760150. HOYLE.J C. Orhce of the Generes Counsei (Post 860701). #494 18027. 94/11/25. K M K Kahn & Colsomto, P.C. (formerly Kohn & ? ~ ^ 2pp' 941115e582 Recposts edc5 e to re revsow of 930820 pient IPE sutwruttet concommg GL ' 86 20, *1PE For Severe Accident vulneratuttes.10CFM50.54(t)." M:LANO.P.O. Protect Drectorate n.1. 94/11/09 ANDERSON.RA Cerchne Power & Ugnt Ca 15pp. 81748:04641748.060 g g,,,,,, _ M1117e300 Summary of 940831 meebne w/uul si Rockwine.MD re plant electncel enth 9411230100 Responds to 941015 ler to Charmen i Selm.requestmg kilo on oceans - -- . --- Det of ensnases & shoes presented by utt enct taken by NRC to eosses concoms remed try JA Flenung m emergency properedness bulon sys -. Prtmoet Drectorate B 1. 94/11/14. Protect Drectorate 411. 34pp. MILANO.P.D 8177714641777182. YLORJ M Olc the Executwo Drector for Operatons 94/11/00. KERRYJ.F. '" * ' 9411230162 Apphceton tar amends to Laconnes DPR42 & DPR.71.removin0 speerhc i maurements tor suppmeson chamber water temp mondonng trarn TS -941,1230190 hot g Respects edt9 anto portemsng to emergency preparedness for each one 3/462-- .on suppressen chamber. FLEMINGJA Affikaton Noi Asesgned.94/07/14. CHILK.S. Offee of pie Seastery of ANDERSON.RA Carooms Power & baht Ca 94/11/16. Document Control Branch . . 2po 81826.32241828223 (Document Cordrol Desi4 topp. 8183225141832:204. ) the C_ -94 230167 Propoemd TS 3/4.6.2 re agpresason chamber water torry instrumente.

  • Carokna Power & bght Co. 94/11/16. 24pp. 81832.26141832284 9411300337 Final response to FOiA request for documentsApp C records enci & par-teny wanheid (ret FOLA energton 5). ugtagesse Apphceton for amones to bconses DPR42 & DPR 71.revesne TS 3/4 6.1.2 POWELL.RA Divieson of Freedom of enlarmaton & Pubhcotens Servioso (900206" try adopeng % tor pnmary conserwnere ritogroted Isak rate testing consstent w/ I 9407143 93/11/22, PATTERSON.SJ Newman & Holtzmger app. 81900.174- recurements of Bvvu improved STS {NUREG 1433) l 81900.271. ANDERSONAA. Carahne Power & Ca 94/11/16. Document Control Bronch l

-94113ee363 Summary of 920615 18 NRC sener meetn0 coneseted to ese re l NRC tocumng resources on plants & memd meuss rm W W W -44112500s7 Proposed TS 3/4.6,1.2.edopeng tar pnmary conterenent m t-py py ed teen reis testno conmetent w/ regurements W improved STS (N EG-TAYLOR.J M. Ole of tie Execuevo Drector var Operemons. 92/06/25. THE CMAiR. id MAN Commmasoners (Post 750119) $0m 8190017641900227, . & Co 94/M6. N 81885NmW -9411300386 Summary of $30126-28 NRC sener mgt meetmg conducted to esaure NRC tecuan0 resources on plants & related asues of greatest estety esgruhcence. Info 94113g0064 Forwards overview for 941110 meetng w/uti et Regen 15 cIc m A0 ante.GA portally dessted to uti nell - ._ J & CAP & bconced operstar .7 " --ton mm. TAVLORJ M. Ole of the Esecumve Drector sor Operatons 93/02/04. THE CHAIR- GIBSON.A F. Regen 2 (Post 820201) 94/11/18 ANDERSON.RA Power & MAN Commmasoriers (Post 750119) 44pp 81900.22641900.271. Lagnt Co. 33pp. 8167121441871247. I l E______________._______- , __ _ DOCKETEDITEMS 87 6^ - reporte,IE Busetins & correspondence 94,11,1,70284 NRC into Notce 94481,

  • Accuracy of Bioassey & Erwron Samphng Re.

8410140257 Suppi 1 to NRC into Notme 93 060. "Reportmg Fuel Cycle & Matis Events PAPERIELLO.CJ Dwison of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Sately (Post 870729). 94/ to NRC Operatons Ctr." 11/25. Consohoated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81848.24841848.259 l BURNETT.R F. Dwinon of Fuel Cyces Safety & Safeguards (Post 930207). 94/10/20. Coneohdated Eeuon Co. of New York. Inc 12pp. 81816 29941816.310 ( M10200153 NRC Into Nonce 94476, "Recent Fa. lures of Chargmg/ Safety enpocton Pumo Shafts " l GRIMES.B K. Office of Nuclear Reector Regulaton. Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/26_ 9411170313 Monthly operstmg repts for Oct 1994 for Brunswch Steam Electne Plant Consosceted E&oon Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 81658'00141858:013 Units 1 & 2 W/941109 fir. HARRISON.F., LEVIS.W. Carchne Power & Leght Co. 94/10/31. 6pp. 81800227 9411070207 Forwards rep repts 54324/R28 & 50 325/94-28 on 940902 30 & notco 81800.232. of smolaton. CHRISTENSEN.H. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/28. ANDERSON.RA Carohna Power & bghl Co. 4pp. 81805.33141805.354- S. Reportable occurrences, LERs a reisted -. .- -9411070214 Nobee of violaton kom map on 940902 30 Volanon noted hcensee f6ded to adequal memtam operahng procedure OP-13 4 tuoi handhng procedure OH-20. 9411220254 LER 94 01241.on 940922.HPCI declared reparable due to fadure of lube

  • Regen 2 ( 820201). 94/10/28. 2pp. 81805:33541805.336, c4 CW supply valve control power fuse. Workers decapimed to importance of mam-Questoning atttude & wren uncertam rol to proceed.W/941117 itr.

-9411070226 Inso repts $4324/94-28 4 54325/94-28 on 940902 30. Violatorm TA .S F., COWAN t. Carchna Power & Ught Co. 94/11/17. App, 81850174-notedMa#or areas rapected. areas of operatons mamtenance.mngmeenng & plent 81850.178. support MTTERSON.C A,. CHRISTENSEN.H. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/28.18pp- M11300400 LFR 94-01300:an 941023. control bldg emergency er filtraton isolaton 81805.3374 t805.354 occurred. Caused by personnel enor & procedwo inademancy.Chionnator sys opersong 9411210612 Forwards map rupts 54324/94 27 & $0-325/94-27 No motstorm noted. # CHRISTENSEN.H Re (ABOR SfF COW Power & Ught Co. 94/11/16. 5pp. 81912-207-94/10/28. ANDERSON.RA Caronna 81912:211-Power a ugni Co. app.gion 2 (Post 820201). 81784 059417s4 c72. -9411210021 Inso repts 54324/94-27 & 50 325/94-27 on 940926 30.No volations j roted.Magor areas repected. renew dehesency edentfeston & correctwo acton proc. V. Operator 8 ess. CHRISTEN $EN.H.. ORDERS.W.T. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/29. 11pp. 9411070282 Nottheston of signifcant beensee meetmg w/util on941110 to escuss l> 81784.062 41764 072. censes soff-assessment.C/ A program a hcensed operstar requahfcanon . M11100102 Informs that payment for NRC rep fees for penod 940324 940625 to' ( ' 8' * " ' ' bated twosces was transferred to US Dept of Treasury on 941102. 606 28 04 - p 5 15 9411030122 Perwides update of estJmates of can& Gates to be tested for hcenses for FY95-98 for Brunswck Nucteer Plant M11210008 Forwards map tepts54324/94-314 50 325/94-31 on 94100347 & nonce LOPRIORE.R.P. Carolma Power & Co. 94/10/28. Document Control Branch C violenon. (Document Conlrol Desk). App. 81653 1653.229 CAENJAK.R.V. Roomn 2 ("oet 820201). 94/11/04. ANDERSON.RA Carchna Power & Ught Co. 3pp. 81 fB4:031 41784 048. M11180268 Responds to concems noted in map repts 50-324/94-23 & 50 325/94- -M11210020 insp repts 50 324/94-31 4 50-325/94,31 on 94100347. Vloissons analyuss noted.Mapor areas mapoctadareas of demgn changes & plant mod 4 engmeenng & COWANJ. Carchna Power & Co. 94/11/09. Document Control Branch (Docu. tochtscal support actvmes. ment Conwor Desk). 4pp. 81783. 1783.332. WISEMAN.G., CASTO.C. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/04. 13pp. 81784S36-8178ma 9411300054 Forwards ovennow for 941110 meetng w/util at Regen 11 osc m Atlanta.GA 9411140268 Responds to concems noted m rup repts 50 324/94-23 4 54325/94-sed sensen crew amng annual operahng erano unl pedonned foot [h'*jQ2 8M N m R Poww & Ugnt Co. 33pp. 41871.21441871:247. COWANJ Carchna Power & Co 04/11/09. Document Conrol Branch (Docu. ment Control Desk). App. 81783 1783 332. 9411290208 Discusses NRC admmstered exams by M Emstes dunno 941024 28 to emp6oyees of kcensee who appbed for hcenses GD operate plant M11290041Ack recesot of 941021 hr mformmg NRC of steps taken to correct volatons f'EEBLES.TA Regon 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/22. ANDERSON.RJ Careeria Power noted es insp repts50 324/94-24 & 54 325/94-24. & Ught Co 3pp 81869:07741869.301. CHRtSTENSEN.H. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/10. ANDERSON,RA Carohne Power & bght Co. 3pp. 8185728341857.285. -9411290221 Exam repen $4324/94 301 & 50 325/94-301 on 941024 28 Exam 94110e0300 NRC Buneen Used b Transpor1 94402. "."Corrosson Probems in Certam Stamiess Packagmg U Heranuonde ERNSTES.M., LAWYER.LL Regon 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/18. 6pp. 81869080-DAPERIELLO.CJ Dnneen or industnal & Mescal Nucsear Safety (Post 870729). 94/ 81869:085' 11/14. Coneohdated Edman Co of New York. Inc.12pp 81816.31141816:322. M 11100237NRC Info Notes 94477. "MaHuncton m Mam Generator Voltage Regulator -9411290229 Prondes NRC w/enci exam comments for exam geven on 941024 at C~aussng Overvottage at Satelv-Related Electncal Equement- piant GRIME'S BA .94/11/17.Conachdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 7pp. 81818 323- ANDERSON.RA Carohna Power & Ught Co. 94/11/04. EBNETER.S.D. Regen 2  ; $18?8.329 (Post 8202010 8pp. 81869:08641869:301. j 1 N11150578 NRC Into f4once 94478. *Electnc Componene Fadure due to Degradaten f of Ponywnyt Chionoe Wre inadatson." Y. Dry Caek Independent Spent Fuet Storage installatione GRIMES.B.K. . 94/11/21. Conschdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 10pp. 81948 2 $48224 . .; t, prehmmary draft SER ser 9411090152 Forwards prehmmary draft erwoon _ M11290208 Discusae NRC admrussered exams by M Emstes dunng 941024- 28 to 8SN employees et h e wno apphed for bconnes to operate pient HAUGHNEY.Cl Offee of Nuclear Matenal Safety & Saf . 94/10/25. PEEBLES.TA Rept.12 (post 820201) 94/11/22. ANDERSON.RA Carphne Power ANDERSON.RA Caroins Poww & Lsght Co. 3pp. 81750164817 263. & Ugnt Co. 3pp. 8186 07741869.301. -9411000182 Proirrunary Draft. "Envronmental Assessment Re Consincton & Oper- -H11290221 Exam empts $4324/94 301 4 50-325'94 301 on 941024-28 Exam aban of Brunswick anoscendent Spent Fuel Storage instanaton." resultsaru RO & Wirse SRO canedates remved wntion exams & operstmo tests &

  • Offre at Nuclear Matsnal Safety & Safeguards, 92/09/30. 34pp. 81750163-poseed 81750200.

ERNSTES,M Repon 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/18. 6pp. 8190908041860:065. 9411300285 Pronoes response to volatore noted 6n insp Repts 50-324/94-28 & 54 -M11090277 Prohmmary Draf', " Safety Evaluaton Rept For CP&L Brunswick." 325/94 28 Ccnoctwo actons romarung fuse handhn0 proceeJres renewed for corest-

  • Carcima Power & @ % NRC4347h 91/05/28 h 817M181750263.

ency w/new OP.13 revs & ro other revs edenttied. COWaNJ. Carchna Power & Ughe Co. 94/11/22 Docurnent Control Branch h ment Consol Desk). 6pp. 81900.355 41908-380. DOCKET $0427 SEQUOYAN NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 1 9411170038 NRC Info Nobc6 94479. 'Merotaciopcally Innuenced Conocen of EDG Sve Water INung " F. Securtty, enedical, emergency & fire protection piens GRIMES.B K. .24/11/23.Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 9pp. 81848.225-9411030095kiforms that row 17 to resologcal emergency plan for plant meets regure-9411290192 Ack receipt at 941109 Itr anlomung NRC of steps taken to correct violabons monts of App E to MR50 & acem. notod en snap ropts50 324/94-23 5 50 325/94-23. CLINE.W E. Repon 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/18. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vaney Pt'EBLES.TA Regon 2 (post 820201). 94/11/23. ANDERSON.RA Carcina Power Authonty app.81560 09941550:102. & Ugnt Co 2pp. 81869:00141869002. 9411030112 Ack lir.dtd 940831.ranernithng scenaro of plant 1994 radologcal EP M11170279 NRC Into Nobce 94480, " inadequate DC Ground Detecton m DC Dminte exerces.mcheduled for ween as941113. entarms s@mstial meets requrements tar fun ton Sys " paruccation exercise. GR6MES 8 K. . 94/11/25 Coneohdated Edson Co of New York. Inc. 14pp. CUNE.W E. Regon 2 (Post 820201l 94/10/18 KINGSLEY.O D. Tennessee Valley Q1648 23441846.247 Auttenty app.81560.17841560 181. l 88 DOCKETEDITEMS N11010211 Roowsts exempton kom 10CFR73 b5. " Requirements for Physcal Protec- 9411170104 Forwards amends 190 & 182 to hcenses DPR-77 & DPR-79 respectively & bon of Lcensed Actrates. to anow use of hand geometry twometncs eys to control safety evalushon Amends remove response time hmets for reactor inp & engmeered unescorlod access mio protected area of facehbes safely feature functions kom TS m accordance w/GL 9348 MEDFORD.M O Torinessee Valley Authonty 94/10/24 Document Control Branch LABARGE.D E Progect Drectorate li-4 (former1y TVA Proiect Drectoratel (Post (Document Controt Desk). 6pp 81585 05341585 058 900603L 94/11/09. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Van ey Autnanty. app. 81778 283-9411070274 Forwards fue protection improvement penose status result of eyeement made at 910819 meetng w/NRC. t date to conipote four .g411170107 Amends 190 & 182to kcenses OPR 77 & DPR 79.respectively. removmg phases o fire protecton improvemorW pian is 951201 response time hmits for reactor tnp & engmeered safety feature functions from TS m SMELL R H Tennessee Valley Authonty 94/11/03. Document Control Branch (Docu- accordance w/GL 93-08 enent Controt Desk). 3pp 81654 025 81654 027- HEBDON.FJ Protect Directorate 16. 4 (formerly TVA Protect Dvectorate) (Post $411220127Remsed EPIPs. rev 13 to EPip-1, "EP insha Coridmons Matna." Rev 13 to EPIP4. "Actrva shon of TSC" & rev 7 to PIP 17. " Emergency -H11170119 Samfy evaw supporting amends 190 & 182 to bcenses DPR-77 & Eauement & Sisaphes" W/941115 rir. DPR-79.respectively SHELLR H Termessee Vaney Authonty 94/11/15 94pp 81854 00341854 096

  • Othee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton. Director (Post 870411) 94/11/09 app.

9411230260 Apphcoton for amends to hcenses OPR.33.DPR42.DPR48. DPR-77 & Ol?70 314 4i770 317 DPR 9.deletng auet frequencies a requirement to perterm emergency 9411160181 Requests ore-trne ertensen kom regurements of 10CFR50 App D VtS.C 1sectens Hi a) & RD 3h SN Und 1 Enniquen prowdes wmporary W W 94/11/15 Document Coreal Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk) 4pp 8185413941854189 h@'HQ 94/11/10. Document Control Branch (Docu. ment Control Deskt 12pp. 81 83 317 81783 328. -9411230267 Proposed tech specs.de6etmg au@t freQuences & regurement to perform resological emergency plan & secunty plan audits

  • Tennessee Valley Authonty 94/11415. 47pp 81854.14341854189 N11W234 Requests retet kom ASME code rearements for penok i pressure test for poing that penetrates containment vessel when pipeg molatiori l N11230303 Forwards Rev 18 to "Radological Emergency Peart" Rev also corrects valves that are part of contamment avs tre Class 2 l several mmor ~ _.. & errors prowously noted m review of Rev 15 & docw SHELLR H Tennessee Valley Authority 94/11/14. Document Coreat Branch (Docu.

mented by Itr did 940907 ment Control Deskt 6pp. 81864 28441864.289 CARIER.P P. Termessee Valley Authunty 94/11/15. Document Control Branch (Ducu. ment Coreol Desk) 5pp. 81854 23249 854 293 9411230260 Apphcanon for amends to hcenses DPR 33.DPR 52.DPR48. DPR.77 & DPR-79.deletmg audit frequences & requrement to perform radioeogical emergency -9411230304 Rev 18 to " Radiological Emergency Piart" plan & secunty pian audits from TSs. l

  • Tennessee Valley Authonty 1*4/10/18 57pp 81854.23741854 293. DAVIS.C.R. Tennessee Vahey Authonty 94/11/15. Document Control Branch (Dncu.

ment Control Desk). App.81854 13441854 189. 9411200047 Forwards eneron assessment & fmdng of no sagrwhcant impact to utd 941024 request for exemption from reguremerits of 10CFR73 55 concommg access -N11230267 Proposed toch specs.deletng audt frequencnes & regurement to perform to protected 4 vital areas rasolopcal emergency plan 4 secunty plan audts HEBDON.FJ Protect Drectorate ll-4 (formerly TVA Protect Drectorstel (Post

  • Tennessee vahey Authoney 94/11/15 47pp 8185414341854189 900603) 94/11/22. KINGSLEY.O.D Tennessee Vaney Authunty. 1p. 81863.329-81863 336

-44112e0053 Envron assessment & fmdmg of no sagrwhcant empact re utd 941024 re-o yr tontr gm recur of 10CFR73 55 re wescorted access $411010018Fonwards map repts %327/94-30 & 50 328/94-30 on 940912-18 No woia-tons identihed. HE BDON.FJ Propect Drectorate 18 4 (tormetty TVA Propect Drectorate) (Post 900603) 94/11/22 7pp 8t963 33041863 336. CRLENJAK.R V Region 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/14. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee valley Authonty 3pp 81514 06441514 080 H. General m.a. _ Je . W 010031 Insp repts 50-327/94 30 & 50-328/94-30 on 94091216 No violations M(N Masor aiess mspected MOVs not adeessed but edl be a&sressed seperately e N11030229 Requests that MJ Burrynsiu be removed from NRC maihng labels for TVA rw of heensee actons for GL 89-10 & replaced w/RR Baron of same address GIRARD.E. CASTO.C. Region 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/14 14pp 81514 067

  • Tennessee Vallev Authortty. 94/10/27. NRC No Delaned Afhhaton G#ven. 2pp 81514 000 81641.359-01641 360 9411010194 Forwards mso repts 50 327/94-29 & 50 328/94-29 on 9409041001.No N11070400 $admuts changes to estnbubon ksts for TVA dockets violations noted CARIER.P P. Tennessee Valley Authonty 94/11/01. Document Control Branch (Docw LESSER.M S Region 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/17 KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vasey ment Coreal Desk). 7pp. 8166310341863109 Authonty 3pp. 81515 08241515107.

-9411010197 Insp repts 50 327/94-29 & 50 328/94-29 on 940904-1001.No monahons P. Operating license stage " ..:s & . - _ _ _ noted Maior areas mspected plant operanorm mamt & savedlance observaions & N11070111 Estends erwtation to Region 11 bcermees to perhenpate w/NRR Regen ll SSER.M S. Region 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/17. 23pp 81515.085-representanves in escussion of GL 8910 motoreparated valvo programs Meeeng to 81515.107. be held on 941108 Atlanta.GA Moebng notice & agenda enci MALLETT.B S Region 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/12 KiNGSLEY.O D. Tennessee valley N10140257 Suppl 1 to NRC loto Nobce 93 060, "Repor1mg Fuel Cycle & Matts Events Authonty Sop.81605 09541605.099 to NRC Operations Clr " BURNETT.R F Drwson of Fuel Cycle Safety & Safeguards (Post 930207) 94/10/20 9411030022 Summarues 941007 meetmg w/utit at Region ll orc to escuss concerns Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81816.29941816.310. resceuhon program LJst of mdmdusts attenen0 meetin0 & handout ma9 supphed by heensee enci M11070255 Ack receipt of 941011 Itr mformmg NRC of steps taken to correct notagons BOGER,B A Regon 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/18 KINGSLEY.O D. Tennessee valiey noted m map rents 50 327/94-25 & 50 328/94 25 A6rthonty 24pp 81561.06541561:088 LESSER.M S Region 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/20. KINGSLEY.00 Tennessee Valley H11630064 Discusses 941017 meetmg 9ead w/utd to discusa changes m correctsve achon prograntLast of attendees. agenda & handout man suppised by bconsee ence. M11010045 Forwards map repts50 327/94 31 & 54328/94-31 on 940919-23 No viola. BOGER.B Region 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/20 KINGSLEY.O D. Tennessee Valley Au cons or oinnsnons noted. thonty 23pp 8156116341561185 CRLENJAK.R.V Regon 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/21. KINGSLEY.O D Tennessee 9411070399Inlarms of compseison of rnod & procedure rev to impeement shonment of 6 9 kV urut boaros to common staton svc trareormers as normat urut powser suppsy -9411010055 inso repts 50-327/94-314 50 328/94-31 on 940919-23.No wotauons or SHELLR H Tennessee Vaney Authonty 94/11/02. Document Control Branch (Dom dewstons noted Magr areas mspected engmeenng. technical sipport & status of sete enent Control Desk). 2pp 81718 35341718.354 enprovement plan actmees N11080172trdorms that some anto medverterey deleted on pp B 3/4 4-3 to amend 189 " 9" " P^ 2' to hcense DPR-77.dtd 941020 Corrected page enct 90060 /1'1/ D1 V Authonty 3pp 81 25 - " I'[n,Ack ept

  • p ep hcense

""'""9 *' " "* " 81658 260 EBNETER.S D. A 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/25. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley -H11080180 Coreected TS pp B 3/4 4-3 to amend 189 to hcense DPR-77, addmg rdo Authardy 3pp 81 23741605239 anadverterey deleted

  • NRC No Dotated Affthetion Gsven 94/11/02 1p 81658.260w81858 260 9410200153 NRC into Nobce 94478, "Recent Failures of Chargmg/ Safety inlocten Pump Shafts' M11090320Apphcanon for amend to beense DPR.78.consistmg of TS Change 94-17 re GRIMES.B K Oftecs of Nucisar Reactor Regulation. Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/26 one.bme extensson of SR mtc vols. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 81658 00141658 013 SHELLR.H. Tennessee Valley Authonty 94/11/02. Document Control Branch (Docu-eneni Corect Desk) 2pp 8175028541750 303. 9411070177 Responds to NRC 941003ter te violabons noted m map repts 50-327/94-25

& 50-328/94-25 Correceve actions mod was svhated & impeemented on both units to ~9411090321 Proposed tech spec change 9417 re oreme extension of SR mtervals estall screens at operwigs on RCP stand to prevent con from setog.

  • Tennessee baney Authonty 94/11/02 17pp 8175028741750 303 ZERINGUE.O.J T-._ Vaney Authonty 94/10/27. Control Branch (Document Control Desk) app. 81654 103-81654 106.

M11090103 Notification of 941207 meetsng w/uti m Rockvete.MD to escuss sotvruttal.achedule & pians re converson to B&W as viuclear fuel suppher for piant M11210036 Advises of map snrhaave that will be periormed at site insp wel evaluate CA LABARGE.D E. Proesct Drectorate h-4 (formerty TVA Proiect Drectorsie) (Post to outstandmg noms opened m promous esp repts50-327/94-37 & 50 328/94 37 IKxiG03) 94/11/03 HEBDON F.J Protect Oweelnrate Ib4 (formetty TVA Progect Drec- PEEBLES.T A. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/31. KINGSLEY.O D Teemessee vaney turale) (Post 900603) 3pp 81667.29841667 300. Authonty app 81784 17441784 177 DOCKETEDITEMS 89 N11210088 Forwenis map rents 50 327/94-35 & 50 328/94 35 on 94101114 & DOCKET 50 338 8EQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT UNIT 2 941101.No vmistens or oevistons reted. ODLUNS.D.M Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/04. KINGSLEY,0.D. Tennesese vaney Authonty opp 81794 02341784.030. F. Security, seedlcel, emergency & Gre protection plane 8 328 '" "g"ap, ,,,, _- e" S n gr N11030006 Informs that rev 17 to raeolopcal ornergency plan for plant meets requre. MCGUIRE.D.R.' Regon 2 (Post 820201 A 94/11/04. app. 01784-027- '"' C'"UNE (Post 820 10/18. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley Authonty. App.81580-09941580:102. 94 18088 Forwards map repts 54327/94 33 4 50-328/94 33 on 94101114.No e M11030112 Ack tir.dtd 940831.transtrkten0 scenano of plant 1994 remoiopcal EP CUNE.W.E. 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/06. KINGSLEY O.D. Tennessee Vasey 'C'se, scheduled for week of941113. Informs outmuttal meets requrements for fun W 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/18. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vaney - N11218088 gnop septs 50.327/94-33 & 54328/94 33 on 94101114.No velatons ^" "'I I 'O IO pr monnors on identtissa M11010211 Requests esemption from triCFR73.55,"Recurements for Physesi Protec-W., DECKER,T.R. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/08. 9pp. 81784.247, 81,N.,55' non of Li. censed unesco,1 d a-toAcevipes_" -ed a to - ano,w t ce us.e.of es. h.and goonwby N sys to convol MEDFORD.M.O. Tennessee Vaney Authority 94/10/24. Document Control Brarch 9411380080 Ack receip: of 941027 Itr NRC of steps taken to correct votetons @ocunwnt Contml Duk). epp.81585$5&41585S$8. noted in riep repts $4327/94-25 & 54328/ 25 i BWR.M.S. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/06. KINGSLEY.O.D. Termesese Vaney N11070274 Forwards are protecten improvement  :=moec status replas result of Authorny. 3pp. 81858.33541858.337. agreemsnt made at 910819 meetng w/NRC. dele to compiste four phases of fre protecten eriprovement plan is 951201. SHELL.R.H. T.. Vaney Authomy. 94/11/03 Document Control Branch (Docu-9411880300NRC Used to Transport UBunetm

$4002. "Corroomn Problems m Certen Sm W T--deo mont Contml Deskt 3pp. 81854S25*654S27.

PAPERIELLO.C.J. Dween of Industnal & Medcal Nucteer Safety (Poet 870729). 94/ 11/14 Coneohdeced Edson Co. of New York. inc.12pp. 81818.31141816:322. 9411220127 Revned EPtPs rev 13 to EPIP 1, "EP Inihneno Conditons Matnx,. Rev 13 to EPIP4. "Acewaton & ten of TSC" & rev 7 to E'>tP-17,

  • Emergency "O E $

Al 4 g,',,9,y [ Voltage Regulator SH HT m" V '$'" . 94/11/15, 94pp. 01864.003 41854S96. K. . N 11/17. Corenkhted Edman Co. of New York, Inc. 7pp. 81018.323-DPRM & DPR-79.deletmg suet frequencess & requrement to portorm redolopcal emergency N 300088 Forwards map repts50 327/94 36 & $0-328/94 36 on 941017 20.No vois- .C anev . 94/11/15 Document Control Branch (Docu-CHLENJAK.R.V. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/17. KINGS.EY.O.D. Tenneuse ment ConvoI Denk). 4pp. 81854-13941854189. Uniley Autnoney. 3pp. 81858:19941858.210. -9411230387 Proposed toch specs.deletmg auet frequencsos & regurement to perform -9411280D76 Insp repts 50-327/94 36 & 50 328/94 36 on 941017 20 No violatons redomgcal emergency plan & secunty plan austs. noeod.Maior areas rispechd:opersbety reviews of open cive stuchsal noms & com- Tennessee Valley Authoney.94/11/15. 47pp. 81854.14341854.189. pieted plant mods LENAHANA BLAKE). Regen 2 (Post 820201) 94/11/14. 9pp. 81858 202 9411230303 Forwards Blev 18 to "P-sningens Emergency Plert" Rev also corrects 81858.210. esveral mmor .w. ._ ,.-. & errors provrouady noted m review of Rev 15 & docu-rnented by Itr did 940907. 9411180678NRC Info Notco 94478. "Elecinc Component Fadure due to Degradsbon CARIER.P.P. Tennessee Vasey 94n1/1$. Document Contml Branch (Docu-of P Chiande Wee insubston.= ment Congol Deskt 5pp. 81854.23241 .293. GR. S. K. . 94/11/21. Conachdated Edmon Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. 81848.21541848224. 9411230304 Rev 18 to "Radologcel Emergency Ptart"

  • Tennessee Vahey Autherwy.94/10/18. 57pp. 8185423741854293 M11313241 Responds to vetaten noted m rap repts 50 327/94 31 & 50 328/94 31 Correceve actons: drawing . -' ' - ton sys retsted. 9411300047 Forwards envron _ .: & Andog of no agndicant enpact to util EEFUNGUE.OJ Tennessee Vahow Authonty $4/11/21. Document Control Branch 941024 request for exempton from regurements of 10CFR73.55 conoemmg access (Docurnent Control Desk). 3pp. 81622.35741922.359 to protected & vital areas.

HEBDON.FJ Protect Drectorate 164 (formerly TVA Propect Drectarato) (Post 9411179038 NRC Into Notre 94479. "Meratuonogcally influenced Corrosion of EDG 9p03). 94/11/22. KINGSL f r.O.D. Tennessee Vaney Authunty 1p. 81863:329-Svc Water Pynpa 81F . :336. GRIMES.B.K. .94/11/23.Conschdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 81848.225-81648.233. -M11280053 Envron a . _a & Andmo of no esgnincant impact re uhl 941024re-quest for enempton from certam requremente of 10CFR73.55 re unescorted eccess $411170279 NRC Info Nokoe 94480, " inadequate DC Ground Detecten in DC Detreau. 80 P'oiscted a a,oas.EIS unnecessary. On Svs * 'HEBDON.FJ Propect Drectorate 15- 4 (formerty TVA Propect urectorate) (Post GRf6AES.B K. . 94/11/25. Conso6Jeted Edison Co. of New York, Inc. 14pp. 900603). 94/11/22. 7pp. 81863 33041863.336. 81848.23441848.247. M11170384NRC Info Notco 94481.

  • Accuracy of Boassay & Envron Samping Re. H. General correspondence sulm "

PAPERIELLO.CJ. D> vision of industnel & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 94/ 11/25. Conschdated Eeuen Co of New York, Inc.12pp. 81848.24641848-259. g411030228 Requests Ihat MJ Burrynelu be removed frorn NRC medag labe6s tor TVA & rsplaced w/RR Baron of same address. *T Valley Authonty. 94/10/27. NRC . No Dotaded Affihaton G# vert 2pp. M11280302 Forwards insp repts50 327/94 38 & $0w328/94-38 on 941025- 28.No ve- 81641.359 81641.360. latons nosed. CHLENJAK.R.V. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 04/11/25. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Uaney Authonly. 3pp. 81869.059 81868 068- M11079400 Suomits chen0es to detnbuten hsts for TVA dockets. CARlER.P P. Tennessee vetoy Autherry 94/11/01. Document Control Branch (Docu. -9411290308 Inso repts 50 327/94-38 & $0 328/94 38 on 94102528.No violatons noted Masor areas mapocted-ERCW cable for ERCW pump K.A tedure dimng routme NS., SHYMLOCK.M. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/23. 5pp. 81069262 P. Operoung Boones steSe escuments & consapendence 818 9 086. M11070111 Extends invitaton to Regen a Icensees to partespete w/NRR Repon 11 representatrees m descunaann of GL 8910 moeor-operated vaive programaMeetog to M. Portoshe operegng reports & related correspondence be head on 941106 Asunta.CA.Moseng noece & agenda enct MALLETT,B.S. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/12.KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vaney M11190s30 Monthly operating repts for Oct 1994 tor Sequoyah Nuclear PlanLW/ *d N HOLL '"A' N.T J ELL.R.H. Tennessee Valley Authoney. 94/10/31. topp. M11020022 Surnrnartres 941007 meetng w/uti at Regen u ofc to doctes concems resoluton program. List of 6neviduals attendng meetng & handout mati supphed by bconsee enct 9411200300 Forwards 10CFR50 46 wdated annual rept.mcludmg recent changes to 4pp.[5612654156 ECCS ovaluston modet I~ $ 8' U" "I ' I Op 90 1902 - M11030044 Docusses 941017 meetng held w/ute to es=^== changes m correctrve acton program. List of attentsees.agends & handout mall supphed by bcensee enc!. BOGER.B. Repon 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/20.KINGSLEY.O.D. T . Vaney Aie y _ thoney. 23pp. 81561.16341561:185. i 9411020129 Discussed review of mio related to 940722 prob 6am re control rod dnve M11020178 Forwards operator hcenomg nas exam schedule to Admmaestrve Lir 94- thermal eseeve gwde tunnel fadure informs that adcB actons should be considered.

12. LABARGE.D.E. Propect Deectorale 11-4 (formerly TVA Propect Directorste) (Post CARIER.P P. Tennessee Vesey Aumonty.94/10/26. Document Control Branch (Docu- 900603). 94/10/27. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 3pp. 81566:337-ment Controi Desk). Spp.81590 047 41590 051. 81566.339

90 DOCKETEDITEMS I l 9911070299 informs cf compionen of mod & procedure rev to wielement abonment of 9411070187 Ack recept of 940919 tr mformmg NRC of steps taken to correct vioiatzms 8 9 hv unst boa es 63 common station svc trardormers as normal und swoly noted m map of heense $ HELL.R.H Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 94/11/02. Document Control anch (Docu. EBNETER.S.D. Reason 2 (Post 820201). 94/12 25 KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley ment Control Desk). 2pp. 81716.35341716:354. Authonty. 3pp. 81665.23741605.239 9411090103 Notificabon of 941207 moeing w/uhl m Rockveie.MD to discuss 9410200153 NRC Into Nobce 94476. "Recent Fadures of Chargmg/ Safety in,ection autrnettal. schedule & suans to converssari to B&W as nuclear fuel mcpher for plant. Pump Shafts." LABARGE.D.E. Protect Drectorate M (formerty TVA Provect Drectorate) (Post GRIMES.B K. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulabon. Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/26. 900603) 94/11/03. HEBOON.FJ. Proyect Drectorate M (formerty TVA Project Drec- Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81658-00141658:013. torate) (Post 900603) 3pp. 81661296 81667.300. 9411070177 Responds to NRC 941003 Itr te violations noted m esp repte 50 327/94-25 9411150032 Reouests discretronary enforcement for TS action a for terry turtune & 50426/94 25 Corrective accons: mon was rutated & rnple riented on both units to aurihary teedwater pump enstall screens at opemn0s on RCP stand to prevent com from esotmg $ HELL.RH Tennessee Valley Authonty. 94/11/08. Document Conrol Branch (Docu. ZERINGUE.O.J. Tennessee Vaney Authonty 94/10/27. Conpol Brarich ment Control Desk). App. 81780.30841780.311. (Document Control Desk). 4pp. 81654103-81654106. 94111$0348 Prondos rnplementagon status for SBO commitments to NRC. Procedure 9411210036 Advises of insp rwhateve that will be performed at one insp wel evaluate CA changes. programs & mods for Urut 2 comp 6eted. to outstandng nems opened ni pronous map repts 50427/94-37 & 50 328/94-37. SHELL.R H Tennessee Valley Authonty. 94/11/09. Document Controi Branch (Docu- PEEBLES.T.A. R 2 (Posi 820201). 94/10/31.KINGSLEY.O.D. Terinessee Valley enent Control Desa). 2pp 81775t7741775,078. Authonty 4pp. 81 8417441784.177. 9411150357 Notees that util has completed correctrve actons for human engineenng 9411210006 Forwards risp repts 50 327/94 35 & 50w328/94-35 on 941011-14 8 decrepanoes per drecton ni940204 evatusnon of DCRDR program pripsementation. 941101 No votations or densbons noted. $ HELL.R.H. T-- . Valley Authonty 94/11/09. Document Control Branch (Docu- COLLINS.D M. Region 2 (Post 820201) 94/11/04 KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley ment Control Desk). 2pp. 81780 36041780.361. Authonty app 81784 02341784:030. ,,y,,,,,[w w mends & knuts actor tigi -9411210016 losp repts 50 327/94 35 & 50 328/9445 on 94101114 & 941101.No vo-labons noied Matar areas wlicensee aus authonzanon progrant safety teeiure funcuans from TS m accordance w/GL 9348 TOBIN.W.J., MCGUIRE.D.R. Region 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/04. app. 81764 027-LABARGE.D.E. Fvotect Drectorate 18-4 (formerly TVA Protect Drectorate) (Post 81M30. 900603). 64/11/09. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley Autnanty. 3pp. 81778283 81776 31 F. 9411210D50 Forwards msp repts54327/94-33 & 54328/94 33 on 94101114.No viola- -H11170107 Amends 190 & 182to beennes OPR-77 & DPR-791espectrvely, removmg tons noted response bme kmrts for reactor tip & engmeared safety feasse funcbons from TS m CLINEWE Region 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/08. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vaney secordancs w/GL 9348 Authority. 4pp. 81784.24341784.255. HE8 DON.FJ. Protect Drectorale 11-4 (fornergy TVA Protect Drectorate) (Post 900603) 94/11/09. 28pp. 81776286-81776.313. -9411210058 anso repts 50 327/9443 & SrL328/9443 on 941011-14.No violations noted.Mapor areas inspectec areas of confrmatory _ _. __mey water -9411170119 Salerf evaluabon supportmg amends 190 & 182 to hcenses OPR-77 & chenustry process morvtors & foaowup on pwwously utentrfed muuss. DPR-79.respectvely JONES.D W DECKER,T.R. Repon 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/08. 9pp. 81784:247-

  • Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. Drector (Post 870411). 94/11/09 app. 81764255 81776 31441776.317.

M11290090 Ack rococt of 941027 Itr mtorming NRC of steps taken to correct moishons M11230234 Requests rehof from ASME code recurements for pertorrriano penodic roted in rep repts 54327/94 25 4 54328/94-25. pressure test for pomg that penetrates contamment vessel when pepng & esclation LESSER.M 5r Region 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/08. KINGSLEY.O D. Tennessee Veney valves that are part of contamment sys are Class 2. Authonty 3pp. 81eS8.33581658.337. $HELLR.H. Tennessee Valle_Af uthonty 94/11/14. Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Consrol Desk),6pp. 81564 26441864289. 9411090300 NRC Buneen 94402. "."Corremon Problems m Certam Stantess Packagmg used to Transport U Hexafluonde 9411230260 Apphcanon lor amends to hconses DPR-33.DPR-52.DPR48. OPR 77 & PAPERIELLO.CJ. Divisson of irvJustnel & Meecal Nuclear Safety Post 870729). 94/ DPR-79. deleting audit koouenoes & requrement to perform raeosopcal emergency 11/14. Conschdateo Edson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81816.31141816:322. plan & secunty plan audits from TSs. DAVIS.C R. T- . Valley Authortly 94/11/15. Document Control Branch (Docu- 9411100237 NRC Info Nobce 94477. "Maltimebon m Men Generator Vortage Regulator ment Conirol Desk). 4pp. 8185413941854189. Causmo Overvoltage at Satety Related Electical EckapmenL" GRIMES.B K. .94/11/17.Cornohdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc. 7pp 81818:323- -H11230287 Proposed toch specs.deletmg audit frequencsos & requremerit to perform 81816.329. resolopcal emergency plan & secunty plan suets.

  • Tennessee Vauey Authonty 94/11/15. 47pp. 81854:143-81854:189 94112900ss Forwaros insp repts50427/94,36 & $0426/94 36 on 941017 20.No viola-mons noted. l CRLENJAK,R.V. 54) ion 2 (Post 820201) 94/11/17. klNGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee i Q. Inspecuen nports. IE Suteens & corwepondence Valley Authonty. 3pst 81858.19941858.210.

9411010016 Fansards map repts50427/94-30 & 50428/n30 on 94091216.No wols- .g411290076 insp repts 50-327/94-36 & 50-328/94-36 on 941017-20.No wolabons i bons adentmed. noted.Masar areas mapacted.operabekty reviews of open cswd structural stems & corr > j CRLENJAK.R V. Region 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/14. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee poeted piant mods i Vaney Authonly. :Ipp.81514 0644 1514 080. LENAHANJ., BLAKE.J. Region 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/14. 9pp 81858.202-81858.210. -9411010031 insp repts 50 327/94 30 & 50426/94-30 on 94091216.No violabons noted Masor areas mapected MOVs not addressed but will be adeessed separately m 9411150578 NRC Into Nobce 94478. " Enoc 1nc Component Fadure due to Degradsbon insp of heensee actons for GL 8910 of Poeyvmyl Cheonde Wre insulation." GIRARD.E., CASTO.C. Region 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/14. 14pp. 81514-067 GRIMES.B K. . 94/11/21. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. topp. 81514 080. 81648.21 581648.224. 9411010194 Forwards insp repts 50-327/94-29 & SC 328/94 29 on 940904-1001.No $411300241 Responds to motation noted m map repts 50-327/94-31 & $0-328/94-SSE M 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/17. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vaney Authorey, 3pp. 8 15.08241515.107. [ER * *c " J ross ' 'M Document Convol Branch (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 81922:35741922.359. -9411010197 Insp eepts50 327/94 ?9 & 50-328/94 29 on 940904-1001.No woianons N11170039 NRC Into Notice 94479. "Mecrobeolopcally influenced Conomon of EDG noted Maior areas anspectedpsant operations. ment & surveelance observabons & Svc Water Poeng 94/11/23.Conschdated Edraon Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 81848.225-LAN SSERM.S. Region 2 (Post 820201). 04/10/17,23pp. 81515065 [RhMEyK. . $411170279 NRC trWo Nobce 94480. " inadequate DC Ground Detecton m DC Detnbu-9410140257 io NRC co-a onsi to CirNRC - Info Nobce 93460. "Reperbng Fuel Cycle & Mstis Evrits noa Sys. GRIMES.8 K. . 94/11/25. Consohdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc. 14pp. BURNETTflF. Divisson of Fuel Cycle Safety & Safeguards (Post 930207). 94/10/20. Coneohdated Echson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 81816.29S41816.310. 81848.234 41648.247. NRC of steps takeet to correct motatons 9411170294 NRC Inlo Nobce 94481 " Accuracy of Boassay & Envron Samphng Re-M11070255 Ack receipt of 941011 str int nosed m map repts50 427/94-25 & SO 328/ 25 suits." PAPERIELLO.C.J. Deveson of Industnsi & Meecal Nuclear Safety (post 870729). 94/ LESSERAS. Region 2 (Pont 820201L 94/10/20 KINGSLEY,0.D. Tennessee Vaney 11/25 Corschdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81848 24841648.259. Authorny 3pp. 81806 0394180s 04t. M11010048 Forwards irsp repts50427/9441 & $0w328/94 31 on 940919 23.No wole- 9411290202 Forwards map repts50-327/94-38 & 50 328/9448 on 941025 28.No wo-lations noted tons or covetons noted CRLENJAK.R V Region 2 (Post $20201). 94/11/25. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee CRLENJAK.R V. Region 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/21. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley Authonty 3ce 81869 059-81869066. Valley Authorey 3pp. 8151412041514132. -9411010056 Insp repts50 327/9441 & $0-328/94 31 on 940919 23.No wotabons or -9411290208 insp repts 50427/9448 8 50w328/9448 on 94102528.No wolabons dovutons noted Mapor areas mapectact engmmnng. technical support & status ce sne noted Masar areas mapocted ERCW cable for ERCW pump K A tadure dunng routine emprovement plan aceuties. tupol test. THOMAS.M., CASTO.C. Region 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/20. 9pp. 81514 123- RUDISAIL.S., SHYMLOCK.M. Region 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/23. 5pp. 81869062-81514 132. 81869 066 DOCKE7ED ITEMS 91 a Portmenc operstmg reporte 6 estated correspondonoe 9410200153 NRC trifo Notco 94076. "Recent Fatures of Chargmg/ Safety trilecton Purnp Shafts? M11150439 Month 6y operetn0 tapts for Oct 1994 tor Sequoyah Nucosar PlantW/ GRIMES.B.K. Othce nt Nuclear R ictor Repeaton. Drector (post B70411). 94/10/26. 941109 nr Consoldated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp 81858 00141658:013 HOLLOM AN.TJ . SHELLR.H. Tennessee Valley Authonty 94/10/31. ;0pp 81780:19641780.205. M11090300 NHC Bulletm 94402. "Corrosen Prouems m Certen Stamieos Packagin0 Used to Transport U Hexafiuonde " 9411290200 ForwarOs 10(#R50.46 updated annusi repuncludmg recent charges to PAPERIELLO.CJ. Dunoi al industnal & Medcal Nucpear Setety (Poet 870729). 94/ ECCS evalueban model 11/14. Consoldated f dison Co of twow York. Inc.12pp. 81816.31141816.322. SHELLM.H Tennsstee Valhry Authonty 94/11/18. Docwnent Control Branch (Docu. mont Consol Desk).10pp 81902:34641902.3b/. 9411100237 NRC Into luolus $4477. "Waltuncbon m Mam Gs serator Voltage Regulator Ca Overvoltage at Sasety4sented Esectncal Ecusrnent."

6. Reportab6e accurrencea, LERs & rotated correspondence Of8 3 9411010364 LER 9440740 on 940923.CCP total flow rate exceeded TS wpw herut to- g.g9150578 NRC info Nobce 94478. "Electne Component Fadure due to Degradabon eurbne m purre bemo moperaDe Caimed by scorrect evaluation of spare rotatm0 at Poryvmyt Chlande Wre insulaton."

etement.Provmus3y performed evsketion been0 re owed W/9410241tr. GRIMES.B K. . 94/11/21. Consohdated E& son Co. of New York. Inc. 10pp. BMRASZEWSKU., ZERINGUE.CJ 1ennessee vehey Authoney. 94/10/24. SpP 81648.215 81648.224 81586:06341586'070. 9411250077 LER 9440600on 941pt1. manual actuaton of reactor inp breakers oc. 9411170039 NRC mio Neice 94 079. "Merabsologically influenced Corroomn of EDG twenk grow W 94 18 Itr E /11/23. Comohdeted Eeson Co. of New York. inc. 9pp. SM M GILLIV.S.D., ZER6GUE.OJ. Tennessee Valmy Authonty 94/11/18. 7pp. 81867285- 81648.233 81887.291. M11170279 MC Into NotKm 94480. "tnadequate DC Ground Detecton m DC Omtnhw non Sys " V. 'Jperator Ex_../- . GRIMES.B K. . 94/11/25. Cormohdated Edson Co of New York. Inc. 14pp. 81648.23441648.247 M11020176 Forwards operator Iconsmg nec exam schedule re Adminstratve Lir 94-

12. M11170284 NRC mto Nutto 94481, " Accuracy of shy & Eninron Sarnping Re, e ARIER.P.P. Tennessee vaney Authority 94/10/26 Document Control Branch (Docw suits "

ment control Desk) 5pp 81590-04741590951 PAPER!ELLO.CJ. Omsson of Industnal & Mechcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 94/ 11/25. Consondated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 8164824641848259. DOCKET 54329 M10 LAND PLANT, UNfT 1 DOCKET 50 331 DUANE ARNOLD ENERGY CENTER A Apphostion/constructaan stage "- _&u h * * ""I ** M11160151UNIRRADIATED MATERif.L PROFERTIES OF MIDLAND WELD WF-70. MTABE.D E. fvANSTAD.R K.. ISKANDER.S K Ost Range Natwal Laboratory FIN L.1098 NUFIEG/CR4249 94/10/31. Dwtaen of Engmoenng (Post R70413) 93pp 9411070337 Fonwards amend 202 to hoanne flPR49 & safety evaluaten. Amend re-81756 333 881757-030. vises TS to ciertry requrement for audd conformarus to TS & deletes regurement for safety conmtise overssgns of audna of emnrgency plan & securoy. HSAAAM. Pvt.geet Drectorate 1163 94/11/02. UU.L IES Utiknes Inc., (formerly towa & Inspection reporu,!t Butetins & correspondence Elecmc LagNt & Power Col 3pp. 81&22.34241622:351. 941014d257 Suppl 1 to NRC Info Notce 93460. "Reportng Fuel Cycle & Metis Everns -9411070341 Amend 202 to keense DPR-49.revemo TS to claroy securement for audit to NRC Operatens Cir " conformance so TS.oemtes regurement for salety conettee overwght of autats of BLNINETTAF. Osvuson of Fuel Cycle Se6 sty & Safeguards (Post 930207). 94/10/20. emergency plan & secunty plan & anows ossegnaten of segnature authonty Consohdated Edmon Co. of S e a York. anc.12pp. 81816.29941818.310. HSaAAH. Propod Dractnrate lib 3. 94/11/02. bpp. 81622 34541622.349 9410200163 NRC Info Notca 9+.076. "Recent Failures of CharPn0/ Safety infecten 4411070345 Safety evasunton supporang amend 202 to hoense DPR.49 Pump Sretta"

  • OPhee of Nucasar Reactor 84egulatort Drector (Post 879411). M/11/02. 2pp.

GRIMES.B K. Offee of Nocesar Reactor Regulamon. Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/26. B1622.350 81622.351 Conachdated Egmon Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81658 00181658 013. M11100073 Fonwards map rept 50 331/9418 on 941018 21.No violabons noted M11030300NRC Bulletsn 94402. "Corrosson Problems a Certsen Staritees Packagmg MTOHMICK. BARGE Regen 3 (Post 820201). b4/11/03. UU.L BES Utiness Inc., ."A'*P'ELYIO"'E7 E ".*"*nh & uedicai eucinar Sa.eiy (Post 870729) M/ (*"a** E*c'ac t*11 & Power C4 2pp 074621041746220. 11/14. Coneohdated Eenon Co. of twow York, tric.12pp. 8181631141816 322. -9411160083 3 M11100237 9 InsoEP mapseted. plant rept 60'me31/94-18 exerc on 941016 21No velatens eartano noted Masoronareas ton in swol g review or exercme & tohowup t-OvN.RC,Onlo.Notce,e,,4477.a. ,. tag e, Sa -R. .ed E ect " Mal,func, s inerc Gererator Voltage Regulato, mee aci.ns -ev us y iden.v.m.- GRIM . B K. .94/11/17.Coneohdated Edison Co. of New Yort,. tec. 7pp. 81916 323 FOSTER.J., JBCKLING.R., MCCORMICK.BARCE Regson 3 (Post 820201) 94/11/03. Sisie 329 Sep 8174621241746220. 78 941,1150578 o % Ch NRC WreNotr.e rmuia 944.oe. "Electnc Component 8aAre due to Degradancm N. Gerie,au. GRIMES.B K. . 94/11/21. Carachdated Ethson Co of New York, Inc. 10pp. j 816482p b48224 M11230100 Responds to 941015 ter to Charman i Sehn,roguesting anto on acions l 9411170039 NRC Into stance 94479 'Murotnologcahy influsnced Corromon of EDG taken by NRC to addrena concoms remed by JA Flemm0 re emergency propersoness Svc Wasse P - Mr nucmar peer plants 94/11/23 Conschdmied Edman Co of New Yoet. inc. 9pp 81648 225- TAYtast.l.M. Dec of the Esecutwo Drector for Opseshons 94/11/09 KERRYJ.F. GRIM,ES.B gig 4 y33, K. Senate. 3pp. 01828.286 81828.323 9411170278NRC info Notre 94 080. "Irt 1squete DC Ground Detectan ei DC Distnhw -9411230198 Requests addl enlo portanisno to emergency preparedness for each one hated. 1 tan Sys ORIMES ".B K . 94/11/25. Conschdated Edison Co. of New York, enc. 14pp. FLEMING.J.A. Affshaton fect Asagned 94/07/14.CHILK.S Othce of the $ecretary of the Commessert 2pp. 81828.32241828.323. ) 81b48.23441848.247.  ! M11170264NRC Into Note 94481. *Accuacy of Boassay & Envwon Samphng Re- l ,PERIELLO.C.J Drvmson of Industnal & Medmel Nuttnar Saiety (Post 870?29) 94/ 11/25. Canachdated Echson Co of New York. Inc.12pp. 8164824841848259. 9411030248 Lb contract. mod 3 to task order 14.ninendng penod of "lPE hewwws.Internas Events #ront End Onsy (Duane Amoed)" DOCKET 'll>330 MIDLAND PLANT, UNff 2 MACE.M Dwinson of Conire:ts (Post 940714L 94/09/01.COLINA,l. Soonce & Engs noenng Assocsales, enr 2pp 8160210941802189. A. Appucation/constructeun stage " -_ & correspondence M11020218 Forwards >stod rewmed s.epos to TS change RTS-246 & RTS.246A. YOUNG.K.D. IES Uthues Inc., flormesty towa Electnc & Power Co) 94/10/20. l 941110o151 UNIRP.ADIATED MATERIAL PROPERTIES OF MIDLAND WELD WF-70 RUSSELLW T. Office of feucsear Reactor Regulaton, (Post 870411) 2pp. l MCCA8E.D.E.. NANSTAC 8' K. ISKANDER.S K. Ost Ridge Natonal LaDoratory FIN 81589 30741589.311. l L.1098 NUFIEG/CR4249. 94/10/31. Cavmon of Engveenng (Posi 870413) 93pp. 01756 30341757:030 -4411020221Rewmed proposed TS to TS changes RTS-246 & RTS.246A.

  • IES Ubbties Inc (tormersy towa Electric ught & Power Co) 94/10/20. 3pp 81589 309411589-311 Q inspecteen reports,lE Sulletins & -- _.,

9411020116 Forwards amend 201 to hcense DPR49 & safety evskastort Amend re-9410s4G257 Supol 1 to NRC Into Notco 93480, "Reportmg Fuel Cvete & Mats Events vues TS by chanorm LOO & SR for pnmary contariment mangnty secondary contaan. Ib NRC Operatoris Ctr " mera meegeny & omer sys & equipment of Secton 3 7. "Contamment Sys " BUR 8CTT.R F Division el Foot Cyces Satoty & Estaguards (Post 930207). 94/10/20. HSIA.A*$ Protect Orectorate lle-3 34/10/2t> L8LI.L IES Unimos Inc.. Itormerly town Coneohdeted Edmon Co of New York. inc 12pp. 81816.29941816.310 Electnc ugnt & Power Con 2pp. 8'56224941b62 351 i 92 DOCKETEDITEMS  : r =4411020118 Amund 201 to imense DPR49.reveng TS tw changm0 LCO & SR tw pn. Q. Inspection reports, IE Bulletins & % .~ .. e my catammer=r spiegntymocondary contammoni enegnty 4 other sys & equq) ment of Secten 3 7. "Contarvnent bys

  • M10140257 Suppi 1 to NRC into Notco 93460, "Reportmg Fuel Cycle & Matis Events HSiA.A.H Project Drectorate lik3. 94/10/26 Sepp 8166225141562 305. to NRC Operatons Ctr BURNETT.R F. Dnnaion of Fuel Cycle Satefy & Sateguards (Post 930207) 94/10/20.

-9411020120 &atetyReactor

  • Once ce Ascieer evaluahon supporing Regulaton, amend Drector (Post201 to licenne 870411) 94/ DPR49' 10/26. 45ppConmohdawd Edmon Co of New Yors. etc.12pp 81416.29581816 310  !

$1562.30641662.351 9410200163 NRC Into Notco 94 076. "Recent Fadures of Chargmg/ Safety insecton 9411080163 Summary of $41017 meetmo w/IES uti re MSiv LCS TS & bcensee pet > Pump ShaftC posed TS change tot piant W/hst of attendees. agenda & fiosos et MSiv orem path. GRIMES.B K. Office of %cisar Reactor Regulataan. Drector (Poo r $70411). 94/10/26 HSM.A H Propect Directorate ill-3 9a/10/26 Propect Drectorate 18h3 41pp Consoldated Eeson Co of New vwi tinc 12pp 81658-00141658 C13. 81657 30641657.348 M111000?3 Forwards map rept ML331/9418 on 941016 21No volahons reted M11080223 Appimaton tar amend to loanee DPR49 deaetmg plan tur eitsgrated sche 6- MOCORMICK-BARGE Regen 3 (Post 820201) 94/11/03 Llu.L lES Uchtes Inc., uhng of plant neds (formetty towa Elecinc Lght & Power Co). 2pp. 01746 21041746 220 FRANZJ F. IES Utdees Inc (formerly lows Electnc ' & Power Con 94/10/28 RUSSELLW T Offce of Nuclear Reactos Regulatert. tar (Post 870411) 6pp. 4411180U83 insp rept 54331/9418 on 941010 21.No veoissons noted Mapor arosa $1670 33641670 345 anspected ptant EP emerene ewolving review of exercane scenare & tcilowup on b- -94 1080224 Proposed toch spwes.oenoung pian for mtegrated scheduhng of piant h*O"S 1 BARM W $ (Post SM) 94/H/03

  • IES Utstwa anc., Normetty lows Electnc Ught & Power Co). 94/10/28 3pp W 4 2 46220.

81678.34341678 345. R M s 12M M1194248ififorms of correcten needed to 6E re Amend 200 to Lcenne DPR-49 foi 0 3 NDL414 & NDE415. plam Ret to LPCI & core spray operabiiny needs chanoe FRAN2J F. IES Unkbes Inc.. Hermerty towa Electne ught & Power Col 94/11/04 HSIA.A H Protect Drectorale Ili-3 94/10/31 LIV.L lES Utsties Inc.. (formerty towa RUSSELLW T Ofta of Nuclear Reactor Reguiakon, Drector Post 870411) 6pp. Elecmc Lsght & Power Col 3pp 81628.30741626 309 81783 3 2 41783 360 9411070337 Forwards ameno 02 to hoenne DPR49 4 safety evaluatort Amend raw M11220044 Forwards s sp rept M331/94-17 on 940914-1018 4retics at ventatert vises TS to cienty regrement for audri conformance to TS & coetas recurement for LANKSBURY.R.D. Regon 3 (post 82020t) 94/11/07. IIU.L IES Ubkhos enc, (for-salety commntee oversaght of autta or emer plan & secunty merly lowa Electnc Lsght & Power Co) 2pp 8t79625681796.270 HStA.A H Propwc1 (Jrectorate lit.3 94/11/ LEO.L IES Ut4hes inc, (formerly towa Electre bght & Power 0o) 3pp 81622.34241622.351 -9411220050Notse of violaton from snap on940914-1018 Velaton noted utd operat-mg matructen & annucator response procedures nanruled w/ plant ARMS not re- -94t1070341 Amend 202 to hcense DDR49,revuung TS to clanly recparement for auet veed to retteet crenpes made to ARM alarm metixants conformance to TS. deletes recurement for sator y commmee overtaght of audits of ' Regen 3 (Post 820201) 94/11/07.1p 81796.26741796.257 emergency plan & secunty plan & anows contgnaton of signature authonty HSAA.A.H Protect Directorate llL3. 94/11/02. bpp 81622 34581622.349 -94 H220054 inap rept 50 331/94-17 on 9409141018 Vmaston reled Maior areas Nucsoar Reactor F octor (Post 704 ) 94/11/02. 2pp. 62M HE W N2WNM 22 3 94111800'/4 Forwards snap rept SP) 331/94-11 on 941003 26 No venskons noted. M11180050 Forwards rect on one visst in revere i . .;stion et maant rule at staten GARDNER.R N Regen 3 (Post 620201). 94/11/0B. LIU.L IES Utmuss Inc., pormerly for revne & ento Repi stentAes ser & weakrusass w/ program at ena lowe Elecinc ught & Power Co). 2pp 81746.22141746 232 GHAFER W.D. Repon 3 (Post 8 1) 94/11/07 DONNt LLY.P.M. Consumers i -9411180077 Insp rept 50-331/94-11 on 941003-26.No volatons noted Maior areas Power Co. LINK.R Wacorem Electnc Power Co app 81746 13141746 141. anspected hcensee scorportison of GL 8944. "Gwdence on Dovetopmg Acceptaben  ; M11230204Provides clanicahon to sta'ement si satoty evaluaten contamed ei M0ftl0 innervice Test Program." snto intervice Testmo Program (Tl 251S/114n l request for OL anend (R15-2$7) re adeten of contro6 turig etWar operabety & sur- DUNLOP.A. WINTER.R., MENDEZ.R Regen 3 (Post 820201) 94/11/06 10pp womance recurements 81746.223 81746 232. FRAN2)F. IES Utskes Ire,, pormetty towa Electnc bght & Power Con 94/11/10 RUSSELL W T Othoe of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Drector (Post 87L 411) 2pp 34110g0300 NRC Bulletm 94402. "Conomon Protpoms m Certam Stammes Pacitagmg 81894 32441894 325 Used to Transport U Hexafluorma " PAPERIELLOtJ Dween of industnal & Medcal % clear Satory (Post 870729) 94/ 9411280155 Request tor TS Change (RTS-267).r=f*^n0 anstrument setpoint whof to g1/14 Crnsondated Edson Co. of New Yortu inc.12pp 81016 31141816.322 awrapnate cnason m Ortene Does ? _ .; uan al & moddyrig operansty re-mnement & rogured acton ont emparence ottges vent stack RMs $41H00237 NRC Into Notre 94477 " Malfunction m Mam Generator Voltage Regulator f'RAN2J f. IES Utstes Inc.. (formerty towa t.sectnc Ught & Power Col 94/11/10 Ca OvervWtaae at Satoty*eisted Electncal Equipment" RUSSELLW T Ottice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Drector (Post 870411) 12pp GRE .B K . 94/11/17 Connoisdated Edman Co. of New York Pc. 7pp. 01816.323-81900 27541900286. 81016 329 -94112e0157 Proposed toch specs re oftgas radacon morutors MH30M8 Resp nds to NRC Bulleen 93402.suppi 1. "Detms PiuD0mg of Emergency

  • 8ES U 94/11/10 6pp 81900 2.imtes 14uiOOm enc.. (formerty towa Enctnc ught & Power Co) Com Cocane Sucien Gua=

YOUNG.K.D. IES Vistes enc., pormony towa Ensetne Lephi & Power Co) 94/11/18 i M11220309 Forwards ressuance et SE re amend 201 tar hcoruse DPR49 Complete RUSSELLW T. Office of Nucisar Reactor Regulaten, proctor (Post 870411F 2pp. SE erci 8196127441951.275 8 TELLY.G.B Prosect Drectorate146-3 94/11/11 UU.L IF.S Utmhes Inc.. (formony lowa Emetnc LsDnt & Power Col. 2pp 81017.34741817.35tk 9411150$78 NRC Info Nobce M476. "Elecinc Component FaAre due to Degradaten of Poivvmyi Chiande Wre aneulatert" 4411220311Revned SE sumortne amend 201 to imenee DPR49 GRIMES.B K . 94/11/21. Conso6 dated Edison Co of New York. anc. topp

  • Ottece at Nucceer Reactor Regulaten. Drector (Post 870411) 94/11/11. Opp 81648 21541644 224 81817.34lk81817.356 M11170039 NRC Info Notce 94479, "Mcrotpolopcahy influenced Carrosson at EDG M11230202 Responds to NRC 940826 RAI on overtised piattorm for new opent fuel Svc Water Pipeng" approved ty Amend 195 Utd will not install apont tuel recit overriend platform GRIMES.B K. .94/11/23 Conachdated Edson Co of New Yort,, Ire. 9pp. 81648.225 met subi RAI resosved to NHC saastecton- 81648 233 YOUNG.K.D. IES Utstes Inc.. (tormerty towa Eiscent bphi & Power Con 94/11/t5 RUSSELLW T Ofbre of Mcteer Reactor RegulaDon, Urector (Post 870411). 2pp $411170279NRC Into Notre 94480 " inadequate DC Ground Ostecten m DC Demte 818 tid.256418h4259 bon GRIMELys"B S K. . 94/11/25 Connohdated Esaun Co. of New Y crit. Inc topp M11230053 Forwards Amand 203 to Lxenne DPR49 & safety evaluatiort Amend re-81648234-81648 247 wwes TS to provide ctanty & conssiency of LCOs.SRs & Decome more conessent w/

161 3 94/11/17 UU.L IES Utstes Inc (formarty lowa $4Hm2M NRC Into Notce 94 081. " Accuracy of thonsaar & Envron Sampimg Rea E.LLY.G B Protect Drect, ora,temght & Power Co 2 p 8,8am4i8n m  % , m CJ. D, _ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,m, , Ms ,,, ,,,ea,sa,e,,,,os, ,,,,,,, D., to TS to provce canty & com 11/25 Conscmdated Edmon Co. of New York tre 12pp 81648.246-81848.259 -9411230064 Amend 203 to Ucerse asaanney c4 LCOs.BRs & become more coriensieria w STS. NORRHDLM.L.J Prosect Drectorsie1103 94/11/17. 38pp 81029 26441829.321. R. Ported 6c operst>tg reports & estated ;. -4411230089 Safety evaluenon supportng Amend 203 to Lmense DPR49

  • Orhce of Nuclear Reactor ftegulation. Director (Post 870411) 94/11/17. 14pp 81829 322 41829 335 M11090383, g4ioq g 44anthly operstmg rept for Sept 1994 tur Duane Amold Energy Car W/

M11250067 Forwards Amend 204 to Lcente DPR49 & safety evalustort Amend re-vines T S re survemance ooguencies for certam rod tWoch matrument sys. [p "C 8 pp 37 '"C D. 0316 I HSIA.A Protect Drectorate 146-3 94/11/18 Lau.L IES Utenes Inc., Normerty towa 64Hm47 64onMy operanng rept for Oct 1994 tar Duane Amold Energy Car WI Esectrc bght & Power Co) 2pp 8185208641852 005 941115 nr WOODWARD.R., WILSON.D RES Utstes Inc., Hormeriy towa Electnc bght & Power -M11250059 Amend 204 to scerme chanDes to TS concommg surveeltance grossencess for certam rod baoca ristrumeni svs Col 64/10/31.MARTINJ B Regen 3 (Pust 820201). 6pp 8191019tkS1910203 HSIA.A Preisc1 Drectorate134-3 94/11/18 5pp. 81852 00641852092. M11080227Fcrwartsa serrearmust rept lor pian for mtegrated scheduir50 of plant mods -9419250051 Safety evoluston suoportno Amend 204 to Lcense DPR49 FRANZJ F tt S Utstes anc., teormony kners Electnc Laght & Power Con 94/11/01.

  • Orhoe of Nuclear Reactor Regulatm Drector (Post 870411) N/11/18 3pp RUSSELLW T Ottice of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton. Uroctor (Post 6/0411L Bop 81852 093-81852 095 81678 346-01678 353 i

l I l __ l l DOCKETED ITEMS 93 l l S. Reportatne accarences LERs & reisted correspondence N19090164 wees TS toForwards retocate amend 218 to fre proucten iconse DPRtrorr. rosarements 59 &TS safety evoluukon to plant Amend tre protecten prore. M11070000 Feel Po't 21 rept 94402A re trwee me start thstrit>Aar cams creclung at pram per GL 8610 & GL 8812. plants Cams replaced w/ cams made unng electne etc. MENNING.J E Protect D,rectoreie k1. 94/11/03. CAMILLWJ Powe Arthanty of the PRAT

  • ANNE.S A Cortec Industnes. Inc. M/06/01. Document Cormal Branch (Docw Slaw of New Vom Wow York Power Autternyt opp.846619941W < d frerit Control Deskk Spp 81654.209 81654 213

-6411090168 Amend 218 lo hcense DPR-69.reveng TS to relocate tre protecten re-N11080266 LER 94412 0 Don 941004.essermal teus degraded voltage roter callbr omrements from TS to plant tre protecton program errors decovered due to taalure to use Ime carrector ths

  • 1 calibr.burvedence Test MARSH,LB. Prorrt Drectoraw kl.94/11/03.15pp. 8166620341666.217.

Procedure 4?B030-A revised W/9411G2 Itr CXJTTJNSTETTE.S., WILSON.D L IES Utstes Inc.. (formerly towa Electre Lagm & -M11090171 Safety evalusten supportmg amend 218 to bcense DPR49 l Power Co* 94/11/02 MARTIN.J B Region 3 iPost 820201). 7pp. 8171623th

  • Oitco of Nucisar Reactor Regulateori. Drector (Pnst 870411). 94/11/03. 6pp t

81716 236 81666 21641866 223 V4;3erstar Examenstions 9411150532 Discusses put*c meeting on 941026 w/ regen I hcansees et Kmg of Prussa.PA re motor operated calve usues Let at attennees. agenda.icensee & NRC M11040264 Forwards exam answer hoy tur torms A & B.gradm0 results. & mdnndust answer sheets tor each mdwesual tasunD exam from tachty Requests results tie tor-E b8 94/ 03. SALMON.H.P. Power Authority of the $m of New York (New York Poww Auvernyt 47pp. 81743-19441743 242. werdad to induduals wrenswer sheets W/o ences R M Regeon 3 (Post 820201). 94/10/27. Consumers Power Co.1p. 81586.001 Men 6 nw Me to WW N N for N non of GL SS 10 progrwn re safety.eelsted MOV testmg & survemance program. 9411080166 Forwards response to Admmetrative Lir 94-12. Operator Leonsmg Natt CAMILLW.J Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty). Enam Scheduis - 94/11/04. Document Coreal Branch (Documem Control Desk) 17pp. 81677273-YOUNG.K D IES Uthhes Inc.. (formony lows Electre 9 L ht & Power Co) 94/10/28 81677.289-CUSSELLW T Othee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaleon, Larector (Post 870411) 2pp. 81677.27041677271. 9411180286 Forwards revned page 180 to 940804 apphcalmn tor amemt to license DPR-59 re pnmary contamtrent atmosphere monstonng M11300218 Forwards NRC summerued gedance that cierthes recurements for mm CAHILLW.J. Power AutrWy of the Siate of New York (New York Power Authonty). tamm0 mdividual operator hcenses.entsled. "C4anhcanon of Mamt & Reactivation Re. 94/11/10. Document Corton Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 81781.279 ousements for Indudual Operstar boonses " 81781281. RING.M A Repon 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/18 Aft &ston Not Assigned. Sop. 81872 341418r 2.343 44t1180287 Proposed noch spec page 180 to pnmary contamment atmosphere morm 9411300053Contums compaston of operator tamen0 in response to Genenc Lir 94 02 FRAN2.J.F. IES UHites me (formetty towa Elecine L DPower Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authomy). 94/11/10. & Power Co) 94/11/21. 1p' 8178128141781281' RUSSELLW T Ornce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, ector (Post 870411). 2pp. 8 2226922 M 9411220187 Forwards ridated corsol room hatutatuhty rept, " Response to NUREG-l 0737.t LD.3 a.Corwol f - orn Hatatabety tar JA FitrPatuck Nucasar Power Plant" l DOCKET 58 333 JAlisES A. FITZPATytICK NUCLEAR POWER PLAnff CAMILLW.J. Power Aeamnty of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty) , 94/11/16 Document Control Branch (Documem Control Desk). 4pp 81892244 i l i 81092 299 F. Securtly, snedical, emergency & tire protection piena -9411270193 ' Response to NUREG4737.lllD 3 4. Control Room Hatxtatmhty for JA M11100242 Revned f PIPS.mchsdmg Rev 2 to EAP-5,3.Rev 25 to EAP4.Rev 62 to ' FOPatnck Nuclear Power PleM" E AP.17.Rev 25 to EAP.43 Rev 16 to SAP.2 & Rev 42 en SAP 3

  • Powy Aultenty of trw State of New York (New York Power Authomyt 94/H/30
  • Power Authomy of the State of New York (New York Power Authorey). 94/'t0/26. 52pp. 81892.24641892299 67pp 8173213441732.200 M11230321 Forwards Gemens Power Corp (SPC) m ,~ n, repts & propnetary -

9411090164 Forwards amend 218 to hcarme DPR 59 8 safety evakatort Amend re- rept to lead fuel assemtny matallabon dunng Reload 11/ Cycle 12.SPC propnetary rept vues TS to relocate tre protecton requremonta from TS to plant tre protecton gro- wanheid grarn per GL B610 & OL 66-12. CAHILLW.J Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty) MENNINGJ E. Pro,ect Drectorate61 94/11/03 CAHILLWJ Power Aumority of the 94/11/16 Documerit Control Branch (Document Control Desk) 6pp. 81893.310 i State of New Vost (New York Power Autnorny) app.81668.19941866223 81893 330 -9411090148 Amend T18 to hoensa DPR49.revism0TS to relocate tre protecten re. j aurements from TS to piant two protecton program. -4411230322Nonproprwtary "JA FitrPatnch Cycle 12 ATRIUM 10A Lead Fuel Assem. MAR $N.LB. Propect Drectorate61. 94/11/03.15pp 81666 203 81666 217. t.ify Evalushon'** $mmens Corp (formerly Someris Nucisar Power Corp., Advanced Nuclear -94110e0171 Salsty evalunhan supportno amend 218 to hcense DPR-59 Fuel 94/H/16. Spp. 81893.31641893.320.

  • Oftsoe of Nucleer Reactor Regulatoon, Dractor (Post 870411). 94/11/03. 6pp 816e6.21641666.223 -9411230323 Norpropnetary "JA F#t2Pennch ATRluid-10A Descripuon."
  • Somerm Power Corp (formony Semens Nucteer Power ., Advanced Nuclear M11220172 Forwards corrected safety map rept60 333/94-24 on 940912 16.Headmgs Fuss. 94/11/16.10pp. 81803:32141893 330 of two tatWes enctuoso m rept m error JOYNER.J H Region 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/17. SALMON.H P Powsr Authonty of N11280201 Forwards propnetary & nonpropnetary fiandout package from 941116 the State et New vork (New York Power Authornyt 3pp 81798.2844179tl296 meetmg to core sqroud rerasers psanned tot piant Propnetary package unthfield CAHILLWJ. Power Author 1y of tne State of New York (New York Power Authonty).

-9411220196 Corrected safety snap rept 50333/94 24 on 94091216.No vio6ateuris 94/11/22. Documerit Consol Branch (Documerit Control Deskt 25pp. 81868.316- > n6ted Maior areas rapocted.radiologscal envrorimerital monitarmg program & metour. 81668.342 ) UCK YNG J C. Regon 1 (Poet 820201t 94/09/27.10pp. 81798289 81798 296 o. enep. coon eePorto, sE ounews & eorreevindena. { l P. Operating Soones stage documents & correspondonoe M1014n257 Supol 1 to NRC Into Nonce 93 060 'Reportng Fuel Cycle & Mans Events $ to NRC Operstons Ctr." 9411300237 Final response to FOIA roguest for documents App C records enci & par. BURNETT.R F. Dwason of Fuel Dycee satety & Sateguards (Post 930207). Se/10/20 Edman Co of New York, enc.12pp. 8181629941816.310. ^ tally enthheld pet FQtA einerriptwm 6) C~. POWELLR.A Deviamn of Freedom of informanon & Puhhcatens Sonnees (990206 940114) 93/11/22 PATTERSON.SJ Newman & Hoftonger 3pp. 81900'174 9410200tE3 NRC Inic Notice 94476 "Recent Fadures of Chargmg/Satety insecton 819002/1. Pump Shafts

  • GRIMES.B K. Othee of Nucenar Reactor Regulaton. Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/26

-94113002$3 Summary of 92061516 NRC seruar mgt meseng conckatted to assure Consohdeted Edson Co. of New York. anc.12pp. 81858:00141658.013 NRC teamsng retources on plants & reisted neues or greatest safety signshcarice into 81v deused N1102DJ56 4,florms that PASNY proposed awtonsson of second 1Ckyr ISI/ IST enterval nVLOR.J M Orc of the Esecutwo Drector for Operatnns 92/06/25. THE CHAIR- accepta!No MAN Commmasoners (Posi 7501*H 60pp 61900176 81900227- MENNING.J E. Protect Drectorate 01 M/10/26 CAHILL.WJ Power Authonty of tre =9411900265 Summary at 93012tL28 NRC sener mosang conducted to assure f(tC tocussng resources on plants & rotase d mause greatest sately signshcance ergo N11150464 Fonwards anso rept 54333/94-23 on 940821-100 s.No vio4atons LOR Olc of the Executrve Drector one Ooerstsons 93/02/04 THE CHAIR. G CJ 1 /1 P Poww Auversty of MAN C : _ e (Post 750119). 440p. 8190022641900.271. N Se of New York (New Yort Poww L M 817W9741744m 9411020107 Forwards protme Voss 12 & 3 of Rev 0 sc MPR-15eo. "JA FePatnch ar P . Desegn Rept" Proprutary rept withhmed pet -9411150490Insp rept $4333/946 on 9408211001ho violators noted Masor areas Nursa.n2 icce 03 7.tarti Core Bewoud map cted.piani operatorm.maintongmeenne. pieni support & ouairty assurance /sa'ety CQHILLWJ Power Authority el the State of New York (New York Power Authorey) venhcaton. 94/10/27 Document Control Branch (Documsmt Coritrol Desk) Spp. 815fl8 352 URBAN.R.J. Re0mn 1 (Post 820201). 94/10/19 20pp 8174429941744 320. 815a8 356 M11180273 Forwards two roouests for rebet from ASME Secton XI requrements to M110e0238 Notshceton of 941115meeeng w/uss en Rockveie.MD to thecuss plans for portorm hydrostatic torts of ISI Casas 2 & 3 sys reper of core shroud at JFNPP CAMILLW) Power Authurity of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty). MENNING.J E Proinct Drectorate kt 94/11/02 CA;I.MJ. Prosect Drectorate Ot. 94/11/04 Document Control Bratich (Documprit Control Desk). Opp. 81787'164 . Cpp 81657.30181667.309 81787 168 e l 94 DOCKETED ITEMS 9411190012 Forwards ansp ropt S0-333/94 28 cn 941024 28 No woestons noted. -9411030070 LER 93 00942.on 930420. low RWL scram occurred due to FW trenesent.Sede A check verve we be replaced dunng 1994 retuonng outage & Ssde B JOYNERJH. ps State of NewRepon York1(New (PostYork 820201).,94/11/07. Powe Authonty).SALMON.H P Power Authorey of 3pp,01734.28341734272 crock valve we be mspected for rehable operaton mrougn next operaung cycle SIMPSON.D Power Authorny of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty) -M11196,17 insp rept 50 333/94 28 on 941024 28.No wotatens noted. Mapor areas 94/10/25.17pp. 81819 00941619 025. -. ' " 1.1e & transportaten program, ecludmg sys for r - . of piant water. FURIAJ. GORES,A Repon 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/07. 7pp 81734J68-81734.272. V. Operator Esampiehens M111de023 Forwards SE whsch concurs w/ contractor fmengs presented m Techncat 9411220126 Informs of momdual exam results for apphcants on ental exam conducted Evaluston Rept. EGG DNSP NRC Buhetm 9041.Suppi 1. " Loss of Fs Oil m on M1024-27 & forwards ES.5012. " Power Plant ucenomg E.mam Results Summary " Tranerraners ey Rosemount." did921222. w /o erici MENNtNGJE. Drectorsie 41. M/11/09 CAMILLWJ Power Authority of the MEYER.G W 1 (Post 82020tl 94/11/17. TOPLEY.D Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Aumonty) app. 0178210141782128. State of New Y (New York Power Authontyt 2pp. 8179819341798194 -9411100027 SE conciudmg that utti has conformed wireouested actons & reportng 94112o0193 Forwards exam rept50 333/94-26(OL) dunng wk of 941024 roguromants et NRC Suhoun 9041.Suppi 1 MEYER.G W. Repan 1 (Post $20201L 94/11/17. SALMON.H.P. Power Authonty of ar ReacKe Regulaten. Drector (Post $70411) 94/11/09 2pp- the Stale of New York (New York Power Authonly). 2pp. 81960289 81868.317. -4411040274 "Evaluston of UiB Responne to Sepi 1 to NRC Bulleen 9041: Fit 2P* pa xams '" *E " '

  • Y,A idaho 6nc IN L-1695 EGG DNSP.11509. 94/09/30.NRC - No De.

teded Affemton Given. 21pp. 81782:10741782128. h ^3 ' l 94110e0300 NRC Buhetn 94402. "."Corronen Protuoms m Certam Stamiess Pachayng DOCKET 50-334 BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 + Used to Transport U Hexafluonoe PAPERIELLO,C.J Dwisson of industnal & Medcal Nucteer Safety (Post 870729). 94/ 11/14. Conschosted Edson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81816.31141816.322. F. Security, meenceL emergency & fire protecton piens M11100237 NRC Info Nohce 94477. "Maltuncton m Mem Generetor Voltage Regulator or Setety Related Electncal Eguipment." M11210365 Forwards "1994 Beaver Vasey Power Stauon Annual Exernee,, GRIME .B K. .94 11/17.Consoisdaied Eeoon Co. of New York. anc. 7pp. 81818.323- CHATFIELD.E. Duouesne ught Co. 93/12/10. KEIMtG.R Regen 1 (Post 820201). 81816.329 2pp. 81834:001 41836:106. M11220172 Forwards corrected salety map rept 60 333/94 24 on 940912 16 Heatngs 1994 Beaver Valley Power Staten Annual Exercme? of two tates meiused m rept m error -9411210368

  • Duquesne "ugne Co 94/01/01. 800pp. 8i834.00441830:106 JOYNERJH Repon 1 (Post 820201L 94/11/17. SALI40N.H.P. Power Authonty of 2 procedures (EPP/

the State of New York (New York Power Authonly). 3pg 8179828441798296. Mit040181 Revised emergency preparedness plan _ . IP)). Rev 6 to EPP/IP 1.6.Rev 6 to FPP/IP 2.1 Rev 6 tolPP/tp 22.Rev 6 to -9411220198 Correctet' safety inep rept 50 333/94-24 on 94091216.No veistoris EPP/IP 2.3. 6 to EPP/IP 26. Rev 6 to EPP/IP 2 6.1t & Rev 6 to EPP/IP 31 W/ noted Masar areas mapactad:rneolognal - _ ^ ; monr.onng program & meteor. 94 027 g UCKMEYER ., JANG.J C, Regen 1 (Post $20201), 94/09/27,10pp. 81790.281k 9411190330 Forwards NRC Form 474 "Senulaton Fac4 sty Cortshcanon." update ento. 01798 296 THOe4AS.G S. Duquesne ugnt Co. 94/11/03. Document Conant Branch (Document 9411200193 Fonverds exam rept54333/94 2ti(OL) dunng wk of 941024. Control Desk). 22pp 81775193 81775214-MEYER.Q W Repon 1 (Post 820201L 94/11/17. SALMON.H.P Power Authonty of a the State of New York (New York Power Authonly). 2pp. 81068.08941866.317 P.Opersesng hoones stage - _ & corroependence -8411380195 Esam rept 53-333/94 260L on 941024 28 Esam resultaan arWants passed exams. g411040293 Techrucal Rept, *. ._. of Agmg Degradatan of Cevil/ Structural WILLIAMSJH.. MEYERfa W. Regon 1 (Post 820201L 94/11/16. 227pp. 81068 091* Features at Seencied Operanna Nucesar Power Plants? 81868 317. BRAVERMNA.J Brocarnsw hatonal Laterstory. L 161t6)/5 93. 93/0$/31.100pp. M113r ist Forwards map rept 54333/94 25 on 941017 21.No volatons noted Mgt oven 1 evident m Good commurscatons.cntecal suets & actrue self  : en- 9411030M4 Nonficaten of segrufcant hcenese meetnD 94126 w/utd on 941117 to es. natvo cues SWS soit ..a recentiy completed t>y ut4Amessmera namnes a pro. AELLY.E M Repan 1 (Post $20201). 94/11/18 SALMON.HP. Power Authority of the poemd oopectve ScDons wd be $Wased State of New York (New York Power Authorityl 3pp. 81871.25741871274. LA7.ARUS.WJ 1 (Poet 820201). 94/10/25. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 2pp. ^ -941130e076 insp rept 50433/94-25 on 941017 21.No vioistens noted. Masor areas mapectedpoaNeve medl-a  : enhatwee & . _ _ 2ncludmg weekly plant M11190348 rhar===s 941026pubhc mostmg m Emg of Pruesa.PA re MOV mauss w/ evs presentaton DRYSDALE.P., KELLY M Regan 1 (Post $20201). 94/11/16,15pp. 01871260- speca,l emph,ase g sun ,mene on compaemon Attonoons & agrPa erict.& closure of GL 8th10. "Satety4teisted MOV 1e 01871J74- KELLY.E M Repon 1 (Post 820201k 94/11/03. CROSS.J E. Duquesne Lgnt Co. Sipp 8173420241734.250 9411190578 NRC Into Nohop 94478. "Electnc Component Facure clos to Degradsten of Chiande Wre ensulaten? g41114001,6 Forwards conected TS pm0es for amends 181 & 61 to bconses DPR4 GRI S. et . M/11/21. Caneshdated Edisori Co of New York. Inc. 10pp. uppq3, espectively.conmestno cl aammstrasve errort 81M8115416487J4- EDISON,G E Pmeset Dweetorate 13. M/11/07. CROSSJ E Duouesne Ught Co. 400 9411170039 NRC Irito Notee 94479 "Metrobsotopcany influenced Carrosen of EDG Svc Water Pipmp" o GRIMES.B k. .94/11/23 Coneohdated Edison Co of New York, Inc. 9pp. 81648.225- 941,1,1,4e,o21,,C,y.rrected 73, , eti TS pages to amends 181 & 61 to bconses DPR 01M8233.

  • Protect Drectorsie L3. 94/11/07,5pp. 81736 06741736 071 9411170279NRC Info Notice 94480, ' anadequate DC Ground Denecton m DC Distnb* M11200157 Forwards 10CFR50.46 rept of changes or errors m ECCS evolusien enn moests.Attactonent 1 provides bstmg of change or error m acceptable evaluston GR S.B K. . 94/11/25 Conschdated Edson Co. of New YorA inc. 14pp model aflects peak susi cladeng temp caicunston for part wier transants 81M8.23441848 247. THOMAS.G S Duquesne Co 94/11/16. Door < entrol Branch (Document 941117D2M NRC Into Notice 94081. " Accuracy of Beassey & Envron Samphng h surts " 94113ecist Forwards rempor se as requested a not exempt som PDR.per 10CFR2 790 PAPERIEU.O.CJ Dwisen of industnul & Meecal Nucasar Sated , Post 870729L 94/ THOMAS.G S. Duquesne Co. 94/11/18 Documern Control Branch (Document 11/25 Curuchdated Erhoca Co. of New York. Inc 12pp. 81848J48-81848.259 Control Dosto. 2pp. B1904., 1904.381.

R. Porterbs operating reports & reisted correspondence Q. Inspection reporte. IE Dubo8ns & - . 9411210182 Montney operstmg rept for Oct 1994 tor JA FitzPainck Nucteer Pows' 9410140257 Sept 1 to NRC into Nohce 93 060,"Reportng Fuel Cycle & Maos Events Plant W/941116 lar to NRC Operansnns Ctr " FLAGG.R., SALMON.H P. Power Astnanty of the State of New York (New M Powe' BURNETT.R.F. Owenson of Fuel Cycle Satefy & Sateguards (Post 930207) 94/10/20. Authcntyt94/10/31 6pp. 41838.35541836.360- Connohdated Esson Co. Dt how York. Inc.12pp. 81816.29941818.310. 86Reportehle -. - , t.8Ae & related a. . . GRIMES.B K. Othee of Nuciner Reactor Regulaton. Drector (Post 870411) 94/10/26. M11030o61 Forwards LER 9340Eb02 re low RWL scram due to FW wanssent. Replace. Consohoated Esson Co. of New YorA inc 12pp. 81658 00141658 013. rnern of reactor toed escharge wahres w/amproved assegn scheduled 30 that orse wahre we to replaced thmn0 tilMed retushno outage. M11190413 Forwards insp repts 60-334/94-20 & 50412/94 21 on 9409071011.Non-SALMON.H P. Power Aumorny of the State of New Work (New York Power Aumonty) ened vWittens menshed 94/10/25 Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk) 1p 81619 006- LINVILLEJ C. Regen 1 (Post 820201L 94/11/02. CROSSJ E. Duauesne bgne Co. 01819 025 300. 81745coth81745 077. DOCKETEDITEMS 95 =6411150419 prep repts50 334/9440 & 50 412/94-21 on 940907-1011.Noncried vio- N110001s3 Forwards addl mfo requesled try NRC 940809 Itr on uti responses to GL incons scentifed areas mapected.ptent operatons.mamt & 9248. "Thermo Lag 3301 Fee Bamers." survedlance.enomeenng & plant support SAGER.DA Fionoa Power & Lsght Co. 94/11/04 ZIMMERMAN.R.P. Assocate Desc-LAZARUS.WJ. Regon 1 (Post 820201) 64/11/02.17pp. 81745:01141745.027. tar for Propects (Pos* 870411).11pp. 8167918541679195 9411100189 Forwards SE ut! 930300.0528 8 940523 res;nonses to NRC tnd. Rev 26 to EPIP 3100022E.Rev 64 to EPlP leen 9041.s@pl 1. " Loss of F en Transmmers Mto tiy Rosomount 94111s0137 Revmod E PIPS.sneludmg! & Rev 22 to EPIP $100033E W/941114 ler. 3100023E.Rev 18 to EPIP 3100026t EDISON.G E. Prolect Desctorate63 94/11/04 CROSSJE. Du@seene Oght Co,400 SAGER.D.A. Fionda Power & Lagm Co.94/11/14.116pp. 01818.16541818262. S t718.24641716269 M11300163 Requests partcostion m exercises far testm0 of Nati Emergency Coorsne-C .seus "Losa m num

  • Office of Nurneer Meactor Regulaton, Deector (Post 876411). 64/11/04 2pp-a asemount foee I., **"*""Y * * """*"""* "* ' ""

81718 25041716.251. CLINE.W E. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/16. GOLDBERGJM Flonde Power & Lsght Co. 2pp. 81872.23741872236. d go*,o"" *", valust n W milny Responses b Suppl 1 m 9411300274 Forwards Rev 27 to "Rasologcal Emer ncy Plan tor St Luce Plant" por UDY.AC Idste Natoral Engmentmg ' Laterstory UDY.AC. EG&G edaho. Inc. FIN L. ownnmnent m cose mas to energency wms - Mailed m hem 1 W W 946 P 436 94 9 /31 NRC No Detened Athhaten Given 17PP "' WERM Fionda Poww & LigN & 94/11/22 Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk). 2bpp. 81907.00141907262. 9419090300 NRC Bohetm 94402. "Corrosen Protsems m Certam Stamiess Pactapng Used to Transport U Hexafluonde " -8411300275 Rev 27 to "Radclogical E Pian for St Lucie Piant. 6 APERIELLO.CJ. Division of industnal & Meecal Nacseer Sately (Post 870729). 94/ ' Flonde Power & Light Co. H/11/01. 237pp. 1907:02641907.262. 11/14. Conschdated Eeson Co. of *eew YortL inc.12pp 81816.31141816.322. N 11300145 Revised EPIPs.mcludng rev 5 to EPip-t101. "Duhes of E Control 9411100237 NRC Mfo Notos 94477. "Malfunctson m Mem Generstar Vottage Regulator Othces." rev 8 to EPIP-1102. " Dunes of Recovery Manager" & rev 5 to E P 1108. Causmg at Saletyfienated Electncal Ememern" " Duties of Nuclear Div Duty Officer.* W/941123 Mr. GRIMES B K. .94 11/17.Conschdated Eeson Co. ot New Yorly Inc. 7pp 81816.323- BOHLKE.W,H. Fionda Power & Light Co.64/11/23 63pp 8190817641908.328 81818.329 9411280003 Forwards exam rept50-334/94 210L on 94101213 No viciatons noted. P. Operating Heense stage documents & correspondence MEYER.G W Regen 1 fPost 820201). 94/11/17 NOONAN.T.P. Duquesne Lsght Co. 2pp. 81840 0084184&188 9411300244 FOLA recNest for ento re plant 1990 & 1991 revs to NUREG/CR-5250 & -9411280010 Enam rept 50-334/94-210L on 941012-13.No veintuns noted. Esam 1992 sesnuc hazaro charactsnzatons of NPP artes east of Rocky Mountams results two SRO were admmistered & passed all portons of wrmen & operstm9 exams BURFORDJ.N Fionda Power & Lsght Co. 93/08/18. GRIMSLEY.D.H. DMemn of & mauso 6 censes Freedom of informaton & P4hcanons Services (89020lL940714). Spp. 81905056-MEYER.G W., BISSETT.P. Region 1 (Post 820201) 94/11/16.153pp 81840 010, 8 6 26a 9411300251 Fmal response to FOLA request for info re plant 1990 4 1991 revs to 9411150578NRC Into Notcs 94078. "Electnc Component FaJure de to Degradaten NUREG/CR-5250 4 1992 seismic hazard characternalens of NPP anos east of of Chiande Wee insuteten." Rocky Mountame. Forwards avio m response to ressest GRIM .K. . 94/11/21. Conschdated Edmori Co. of New Yortu enc.10pp. GRIMSLEY.D. Divison of Freedom of iniormaton & Pubhtetens services (890206-81848 21541848 224 940714) 93/11/22. BURFOROJN. Flanda Power & Light Co.1p 81905:081-81905 188. 9411170039 NRC Into Notme 94-079. 'Merotmolopcany inituenced Carrosen of EDG Evc Weier ." -841130C266 Transmits hazard curves for all plant erles based on Gimports 14 grount! GRIMES 8.K. . /11/23 Coneohdated Echson Co. of New Yorit Inc. 9pp. $1848.225 monon modem m response to NRR request. 81848.233 BERNRE' UTER.D.L. Lawrents Livermore Natenal Laborat 08/08/30. GIESE. KOCH.G Oftce of Nucisar Reactor Regusanon. Drector 870411). 127pp. 9411170279 NRC Into Norste 94 080. "tnadequate DC Ground Detecton m DC Distntxe 81905 06241905:188. ton Sys " GRIMES.B K . 94/11/25. Consohdated Edman Co. of New YortL inc. 14pp. 9411070148 Extends ownaten to Regen it hcensees to partcapate w/NRR & Regen 9 81948234 41848.247. represemauves m rw-m of GL 89-10 motoreperated vatve pryms.Meetmg to be held on 941108 m Atlanta.GA Meetmg nobce & encl. 9419170284 NRC Info Notce 94481,

  • Accuracy of Beassay & Enveon Samphn0 Re. MALLETT.B.S. 2 (Post $20201). 94/10/12. ' DBERGJH Flanda Power &

A RIELLO.C.J Divinen of Industnal & Mechcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729L 94/ 11/25. Coneohosted Eckson Co of New YortL inc. 1200. 81848.24&418482$9 3411020149 Apphcaten for amends to bconses DPR47 & NPF.16. mcorporatm0 enci aerunestraeve changes. a Penome operstng reports & related - - EAGER.D.A. Flanda Power & Lapht Co. 94/10/27 Document Control Branch (Docae mom Coreral Deskt 30pp. 81587.09441587.181. 9411100204Montnly operstmg repts tar Oct 1994 tar Beaver Valley Power StatonW/ -9411020151 Proposed tech specs.mcorpora admmstranve changes-H1107nr

  • Flands Power & Lagnt Co. 94/10/27. 5000, 1587.12441587:181.

JONES.D T., NOONAN.T P. Duquesne Lsght Co. 94/10/31. 9pp. 81747251 81747:359 N11000181 Appicabon tor amends to hcenses DPR47 & NPF 16.egrasng TS 3/ 46.2.1 & 3/4.62.3 tsy adspenD comDmed spec for contamment spray & cookng sys E Operator Examentsons contamed m sto TS for C-E plants. SAGER,D.A Fionda Power & t Co. 94/11/02. Document Control Brancn (Docne 9411150330 Forwards NRC Forer 474 "Semulaton Facihty Certrhcanon." update into. THOMAS.G E Dualesne Lsght Co 94/11/03. Documeni Control Brarch (Docunwnt -9411000182 Proposed toch specs 3/4 621 & 3/4 62.3.adapang comtuned spec for Coreal Desk). 22pp 8177519341775 214 contammern spray & coolmg sys contained an sto TS tar C.E piants. 9411200003 Forwards euern rept 50-334/94410L on 94101213 No violatmns noted Fm %&@kMm m NEm mm MEYER.G W Region 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/17. NOONAN.T.P Duquesne Lsgnt Co. 2pp. 81MO.00i'r 81640168. M11080193 Forwards as:9 mfo requested by NRO940809 Itr on util responses to GL 82 08. " Theme >La0 3301 Fro Bamers" -9411200010 R nonon res . SRO Enamwe,r.ept.54334/94 arnet,ed& - 210L as on - 94101213N,o.,vio.lahans o n n & oper nn.o.ted e arreE.xam (Post 1 16 8 E ISSETT.P. Region 1 (Post 820201) 94/11/16.153pp. 81840010- EP 1 "N1'0242 gRDAprtudes NPDE.S enent Control Desk). Opp. 81787 141787.179. DOCKTT 99335 ST. LUCIE PLAltT, UNf71 9411220327 Forwards rept of unsatsfactory performance testing mcadenLRept optasts muesaganve analysse of e ~ ' 1, bhno specsmen re ~M cause & C/A taken by SmithKhre Beecream Cbnscal lad. F. Securtry, med6 cal, amargency & fire protectaan plane Co. 94/11/15. Document Control Branch (Docie BOHLKE.W.H ment Control Desk) Fionde 3pp.Power 81643. & y3.,6 81643.380. 9411940012 Forwards insp repts54335/9441 & 50 'l89/9441 on 940926 30.No vo-lations or sei,unons noted M 11210289 Forwards Rehof Roguest 13A.requestmg approval for afternative noncode ODLLIN$ [lM 2 (oost $20201). 94/10/25 GOLIIBERGJH. Flands Power & repar to correct thmugh well anakage & corroacn on retualmg water tank tettom.Rev Light Cn 3pp. 81 5 03E 91575 042. 1.Suppt 1 to Piant Change / Mod (PC/M) 129r194 etso wi. SAGER.D.A Flonos Power & Lagnt Co 94/11/16. Docurnent Corwol Branch (Docu- -9411040016Pa'tany wanheid map repts50-335/94 21 & 54389/94-21 on 940926 30 ment Control DeskL Srp.81809 19741809240. Pet 10CFR7321LNo veistoons or omvatons ncned Masar areas mapoctoctsateguards program tar nuclear power reactors.apocrhosly.necunty orgeruzanon. -9411210291 Rev 1.S@pl 1 to Plartt Chan0e/ Mod (PC/M) 128-194. "Additon of Rein. TOBfN W MCGUIRE.D R Regen 2 (post 820201) 94/10/25. 1p. 81575 042 torood Vrive Ester Lmer to Bottom of Water Tank " B1575 042. WOLF.D M Flonda Power & LagNt Co. PC 128-194 S01 Rot. 94/11/16. 39pp 81809.20241809240. 9411210001 Act receet of940902 & 0728 Itra m response to NRC 940728 request for ocks mio re eseriam changes m revs 25 & 26 to radosogeal ernergency plan that ash ^ 9411300216 Informs that hated number of SG tdies plugged during tas urut 1 refuehng poe'ed to be . ~ . . _ weemergency plannsng stos of 1DCrR50 47(bt outage CLINE W E. Region 2 (Pnet 820201) 94/10/31. GOLDBERGJ H Fionda Power & SAGER.DA Flonda Power & Lsght Co 94/11/22. Document Control Branch (Docie Lsght Ca 5pp 817M 00141764 005. mera Control Deskt 10. 81925 14541925 145. 96 DOCKETEDITEMS O inopoCiten reports,IE butegns & b --- - $. RepDrtaWe scourrences, LERS & Felsted terroePendience . N11010117 Forwards enep repts 50335/9420 & 50-389/k20 on 9408264930No M11000235 LER 94.006400n 941023.confermed that stated reiset valve for ECCS manasons or osmatums noted Util atterson snwted to urresolved nem edentihed en map could het under cwtain acceent corebons & resun m sump enventary m excess of rept n bases ento RAB Rehe4 valve petn m IRS esosated W/941102 fir. VtRRELLt.D M Reg on 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/18 GOLDBERG)H Flands Power & $N R MJ., SAGER.D A. Florida Power & Legnt Co. 94/11/02 7pp $1718184-LapM Ca300 81514 29641514 322. 81716 190. -8411010124 Insp repts 50-335/94 20 & 50 389/94-20 on 94082tLO930.fwo monatons M 11300214 Spacel rept on 941028.EDG tadure occurred due to burned through unre * * * "' trom meOnenc amphfor termmal block to 1 sed Wee repared & resanded to twenmal "otervsho"ns"pe a nt support ' ohaww mons owup mus msp EVATTE L M LER.M S., SCHIN.R P Regon 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/14 22pp ER.D.A. nonda Power & Lsght Co. 94/11/23 Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Domk) 3pp 81922 35141922.353 N O 40257 Suppi to NRC Info Notce 93460. "Fieportng Fuel Cyc6e & Mece Events Nn300m LER M40740 on M1026mmmaw reacts rip on loss of acticalload BUFIN Dumon of Fuel Cycle Safety & Sateguards (Post 930207). 94/10/20. due m nashower on 240 kV swnchyard pmenhet kansionnes Unn seed in W 3 Coneohdated Edmon Co of New York. Inc.12pp,8181629941816.310. N11070118Foneerds esp repts50 335/94-19 & 50-389/9419 on 940926 30 Vananon 81912J00. [ % Poww & bgm Co 94/11/23. 6pp 81012195 j noiod Vensbon not musie to enforcement action because hoensee eflorts m centurymg &/or moiston nwet crnens specshed in posey GIBSON.A F. 2 (Post 820201). 94/10r20. GOLDBERGJ H Fionda Power & V. Dyerator Esemmsteene Lagrit Co. 2pp 81 ' 10041t105110 M11NG Forwards snap repts E335/9419 & 50 389/9419 on 94092tL30 Velaton -M11870122 Insp repts $4335/k19 & 50 389/9419 on 940921L30' Violatons noted Venishon not suta to enforcement acton because hconese efforts m agentityrig noted Mapor areas mspected hcensed opystor Wmshon m. MOORMANJ.H, LAWYER.LL Regen 2 (Post $20201) 94/

12. Opp. 81605:102-

 %.3*T(% @t oq Laght Co 2pp 8 10041605 110 /20 GOLDBERGJ.H Fionda Power & N11040012Fwwards insp repts 54335/94 21 & $0 389/94-21 on 940926- 30 No vo-lotons or dowmanns noted -M 11070122 Insp repts 54335/94-19 & $0389/%19 on 940921L30 Votatons need Masor areas empectedhcensed opwalor mquelshcanon program COLLINS.D M Hegon 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/25 GOLDBERGJ.H Flonda Power & WOORMANJ H., LAWYER.LL Regen 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/12. 9pp 81605102-Light Co. 3pp. 81675 03941575 042. 81605 110 -H919eso18 Partelly withhead anno repts50 335/94-21 & $0 389/94 21 on 940926-30 (ret 10CFR73.21) No welatmns or donatons noted Magor areas snepected safeguards M11300018 Forwards enam repts $4335/94400 & 50 389/94-300 on 94101744 No j am for nuctuer power reactors.apocshceNy.setamly p,patiori violatons soeretthed IN W . MCGUIRE.D.R. Respon 2 (Post 82020 9. 94/10/25. 1p 81575-042 PEEBLES.TA Regon 2 (post 820201) 94/11/17.GOLDBERGJ H Flonde Power & 81575.042 LJgni Co 3pp 81967:00141987.214. 9410200153 NRC Into Nohce 94476., "Racent Fadures of Chargmg/$atety Inpochon -M11300027 Enam repts 50 335/94 300 & 54389/94-300 on 94 t017J4 Exam Pump bhetta" resurtsrwie SHO & two RO caneostes passed enm GRIMES.B K Oltco of Nutteer Reactor Regulaton, Director (Post 870411) 94/10/26. BALDWIN.R.S., LAWYER,LL Regen 2 (Post $20201) 94/11/14. 211pp. 81987'004-Consoboeled Edman Co of New York, Inc.12pp. 81658 00141658 013. 81967214 l N11000300NRC Bulleen 94402. "Conomen Probtems m Certam Stamiens Packagmg PAPER EL O Dunson of trial & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 8707291. 94/ 11/14 Connot dated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp 81816.31141816 322 M11100237 NRC Into Nobco 94477. "Malfuncton m Mac Generator Voltage Reguldto, F. SociarMy, enedonL emergency & fire protoegen plane Cai et Ealety-Related Enoctncal ESapment." GR - .B K. , 94 11/17.Consohdated Edmon Co. of New York, Inc. 7pp. 81816.323- 9411100155 Prondes comments on proposed rule re fee for norwoes to support Federal 81818.329 Emy Agency Offene remological emer program OPE . Yankee Aeormc Power KAJ F. Northeast Nuclear M11300018 Forwards exam repts E335/94-300 & $0389/R300 on 94101744 No Energy Co OPEKAJ F Norttieast Utsees. 94/09/12. Federal Emergency Manage- . woestons mentihed ment Agency.300. 81781 231 41781.233 PE E BLES.T.A 2 (Post $20201) 94/11/17. GOLDBERGJH Flonas Power & Light Go app. 81 790141987214 N11180252 Forwards ERDS emplemonsabon documents W/0 enct -9411300027 Esam empts 50 335/94 300 & 54389/94 300 on 941017 24 Esam @ COW R encasent ? ~ . _ Branch 94/10/Ott SAULK.L Helkburtori NUS Enaronmental Corp 1p. 81809 01841809 018. rossis tune SRO & eno RO caneontes paimed exam. N R S., LAWYER,LL Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/14 21tpp. 81987.004 M11070278 Forwards RAI re emergency acton tevel tectwucal base document MCKELP F. Propect Derectorate 6 4 94/10/27. OPEKAJ.F. Connecticut Yankee, M11190678 NRC into Not co 94478. "Elseme Component Fadure ase to Degradston Atoeme Power Co. OPEKAJ F. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. 81pp. 81713211 Cheonde Wye ensuietorty 81713290. GR S.B K . 94/11/21. Coneohdated Eeeon Co of New York, tric 10pp. N11180038 Aonses that Rev 11 to guard erwrung & Quahtcaton pasn coroastwnt eIprcr 81648 21481648.224 meene et 10CFRho 54(p) & acceptabte N11170038 NRC Info Notes 94479, 'Morobelogmally influenced Corrosen of EDG JOYNERJ M. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 94/10/27. OPEKAJ F. Northeast Nuclear Svc Water Piping " Energy Co app 81780.30441780.307, GRlWES 8 K. 94/11/23 Conschdated Eeson Co of New York. Inc. Opp, 81648 224 81648 233. 9411080302 Rev i to EPOP 4412. "Evacuston & Assembly" & revised enden N11300338 Advises that based on results of svc water syn operatonal performarme map re med cycle ment at CCW HKs was impsomented for ygg100173 Forwards Rev 20 to physacat secunty plan.Rev withheld (ref 6AGER.D A Fknoa Power & L Co. 94/1t/23. Ducwnent stral Branch (Doc

  • 10CFR2 790 tall ment Control Desk) 2pp 81923. 4341923 344- OPEKAJ f . Northeast Noctear Energy Co. OPEKAJ F. Northeast Uhless Senace Co Sun m N11170279 NRC Into Notice 94480. " inadequate DC Ground Detecton en DC Dismte N$ Duunwnt Contml Branch macununt Cont @ Dng 2pp han R .K /11/25 Consolidated Edmon Co. of New York, Inc. 54pp. ,,gggg,,, ,,,,ards snap e W45/R29M336/k25 & B4M/kt7 on 941003 06 Violatons noted Vmenten ewohred todore to propony control verucws grant-94 70304 NRC Pdo Nrace 94481. "Accurocy of Baossaay & Enuron SanipknDRe- JOY H 8 0 'OPEKAJ F. Northeast Nucesor Energy Co. 3pp. 81745 06 45 076-PAPERIELLO.CJ. Diveson of industnet & Meecal Nuclear Sately (Post 870729) 94/

11/25. Coruneduted iemon Co of New York. Inc.12pp 8194824641648.259 g , M11380196 Conarms that uti repteme 15 leekmg Westnghouse mechancal the plugs ucao a maoensee possgnated veNese en protected area had ben miprop m rows 6 or greater & has proveritairvesy repeaced only two enschann;at liam plugs an f*nnee cont "ro'ind on 941003 me 4 or seas.per NRC Bulletm 89401 ogen 1 (Post 820201) 94/10/31.1p. 01745 07041745 070 SAGER.D A Fionde Power & Legnt Co. 94/1t/25 Document Control Branch (Docu -9411160475 Insp repis $4245/9449.50336/94-25 & 60 423/94 27 on 941003 mens Control Dee84. 2pp. Ot908.aze41908.354 06 Vesatons noteo Me,or erees mapectedauets & mgt support.effectveness of m01 .9411300201 Rev 1 to JPN PSL.SEMS 94426. "Engmoerno Evatuston of instehed controm. protected area oetecton ogspment & alann statens & commurucatons Wesunghouse SG Tutar " KINGLB. Regen 1 (Post S20201) 94/10/31. 6pp. 81745 07141745 076 ' Flanos Power & Lsght . JPN-PSL.SEMS-94426. M/11/18 24pp 81908 331 $1908.354 M11210237 Change 2 to Rev 2 to EPIP 4400. " Event Assessment Claessfcanon & Re. portatnoty MCCANs,E

  • W T RODGERS,R , Nortreast Nuclear Energy Co 94/11/03 Spp R. Portedic operating rePerts & roasted . 81537.177 81537.1r1 M11290123Montrov operggng rept for QCQ 1994 tor St Luce Uruts 1 & 2 W/941114 IIr M11250080 Change 1 to Rev 1 to EPOP 4424 " Manager of Raeoingcal Carmequence WHl7EC D., SAGER.DA Flords Power & Lsght Co 94/10/31. Sep 818890t;7- . .: (MRCA)"

8180s 076 MCCANCE.W T. Northeast Nucteer Eriorgy Co. 94/11/10. app 81086.33741886 340 1 DOCKETEDITEMS 97 N11210244 Rev 8 to Corporsie Orgeruraton for Nuclear incsdents (CON 1) Procedure 9411280148 Summary of N1102 meetmo w/util re matrument sunremance TS changes ODNI 412. "Protectwo Acton E __ ._ _ tens

  • W/ Rev 90 to tubie of cornents resolDng from 24 month fuel cvcle.

RODGERSAC. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co 94/11/14 33pp. 81837.204 ROONEY.V L. Propect Deectorate 6 4. 94/11/22. Propset Drectorate M. 6pp 91837.236 81852.20941852:214. " O'"88 L O. Inspection reports,it Bulletins & correspondence $411010061 Comment on proposed rule 10CFR2 re reenamnsten of NRC enforcement poecy Uni endorses net posten on neue & concurs w/recommendsoons 9410140257 Suppl 1 to NRC Into Notice 93 000. ,Reportmg Fuel Cycle & Matis Events $323"^d ';gN'i3$$ i3e/10/24. Rain & Drec1wes Renew smnch (Post URN D"' of Fuel Cycse Safety & Safeguards (Post 930207L 94/10/20. Conachdated Edmon Co. of New York,Inc.12pp. 01816299-81816.310. M11040003 Comment on proposed rule 10CFR2 re reenammaton et NRC entorcement precy ge11020035 Forwards emp repts 50 245/94-28.50 336/94-27 & 50 423/94-24 on Opt:KAJ F Northeast Utslahes Sennoe Co 94/10/24 DMmen of Freedom of tnlorme- 9408174926 & NOV. ton & Putecatens 6erwms (Post 940714t opp. 81575 0034157500tk ROGGEJ.F Re 94/10/24. OPEKA.J F. Northeast Nuc8 ear Ensegy Co. 4pp. pon s1528 1 fpost 1854 820201) iS28214 stage documents & R - -4411020042 Notco of notaten from map on 9408174926 Volaton noted amco Jan $411030149 Rev 17 to "NEUT QA Program L1pecal Rept " Lir efid 941017 encl. ""

  • Northeast Utabes Gernce Co M/06/10.128pp. 81653 02141653.148
  • Region 1 (Post 820201). 94/10/24. 2pp. 81528.18941528-190.

N 030 $ Le coturactAask order 35.00 IPE Flemows.Intemal Events. Front End Only." m / /p & /kN on 940817 MACE.M Dusen of Contracts (Post 940714) NRC 04-91466 94/09/08. COUNAJ. 0926 No molatoris noted.Malor areas mapected:ptant opwaimnstadelogmal controis &csonce & Engmeermg Associates, anc.10pp. 81600 06341608 072. Amamt M110301M Ly contract.dehneteng Task Order 36, "lPE Reviews, imemal Events - Human Hehat*y Anaffes Only " 9410200153 NRC Into Notco 94476, "Recent Fadures of Chargmg/ Safety enlacten MACE.M Diviamn of Contracts (Post 940714), FIN L 1934. 94/09/12 HAAS,P M Pump Shafts" Concord Associates. Inc.12pp. 8160221241602.223 GRIMES.B K. Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulabon. Desctor (Post $70411). 94/10/26. Consoecaled Edison Co. of New york, Inc.12pp. 81658:00141658 013. M11030229*La contract.defmnmng Task Order 36. "tPE Renews. Intemal Events Back. End MA Dueen (Pos $411150481 Forwards map rapts 54245/94-29.50-336/94-25 f 50 423/94-27 on 0714L FIN L 1933. 94/09/19. MEYER.J- 94100346 viomtens nomd vombon ed - e ewo,.iwd.ladure to dpropety p .e=t a,es . w veheles grant-N110100M informs NRC 01 util plan to ensegrete plants OSC & co-k.csie OSC w/TSC. JOYNERJ.H Regen 1 Post 820201) 94/10/31. OPEKAJF. Northeast Nucenar OPEKAJ.F. Nortneast Nuclear E Co. OPEKAJ.F. Northeast Unkhos 94/10/21. Energy Co. 3pp. 074W M745276 Document Conent Branch (Documen Corsal Deskt 8pp,81587:08341687 090 -9411150467 Nobce of violaton from map on 94100346 Velston noted demgnated b. Mt1040123insorrre that staff prepanno rev to operatshty guidance. described m GL 91- consee vehete & noruusneee congnated vende m protected area had tieen improm 18 to mcorporate exponence torn regonal worsanops on - - ' oriv controleed on941003. STOL2J F Pmpact Directornie62. 94/10/21.KACICH,R M. Nortneast Nucosar Enwgy

  • Regen 1 (Post 820201). 94/10/31.1p 81745:07041745.070.

C3. 7pp. 01819 30241619 322 -M11150475 inso repts 50 245/94-29.50 336/94-25 & 50 423/94,27 rn 941ud-N t1070266 Forwards amend 181 to heense DPR45 & safety evatustert A/ vend re- DEVmlatons nowd.Masor wenn mapectedsudts & mot awart.eflectuees of mgt enes TS tiy footnote to survasance requeumont trust deters pa 1orm-ance conwom,prosced won colecnon equipment & amtm omnons & comtra ecotons. B& contamenent seek rate tests KING.E B.. MCCABE.E.C. Regen 1 (Post $20201L 94/10/31. Ose 81745 071-VtSSING. & Protect Directorate M 94/10/31 OPEKAJ.F. Connectcut Y. ikse 81745.076' Atomic Power Co. OPEKAJ F. Northeast Nuclear Ernrgy Co. 3pp. 01854 "40 ' 00 9411220064 Forwards map repts 50-245/94 32.50336/94 31 4 50.42h'as-29 on -N11070272 Amend 181 to imenee DPA45semem0 TS to add tootnote to seveel ice 9410 4 & rence of moistert JOYNERJ H. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 94/11/09 OPEKAJ F. Northeast Nuclear recuremern MCKEE.P F.4Pro 6,1.2.d that deters ect Drectorate M performence M/10/31. 4pp Type B & C contamment imak tests. 8165694341656946. Energy Co. 3pp. 81797 33441797.352 -M11070275 Satety evalaston supporim0 amend 101 to bcense DPR45 -4411220000Notme of moseten from ansp on M101114 Violanon noted: andnndual er>

  • Office of Nuclear Reactor Reguinhon, Dractor (Post $70411). 94/10/31. 7pp. tered reactor cavity w/o sonowmo rules to entry into cavery & not eriformed of redemon 81856 047 41656 053. huem there 9411160200Summanees941026meetmg w/uhes m Kmg of Prusms.PA se motormperal-ed wahse issues $pecisi emphans placed on expectatorm tar congneten & process -M11220007 Insp repts 50 245/94-32.50 336/94-31 & 50 423/94-29 on 941011-Ior closure of GL 8910. " Safety Rosaied MOV T & Survedience.

GELLYiM. Regen 1 (Post $20201) 94/11/03 KAJ F. Connectcul Yankee 14 Volatons noted Mamr areas anspected. radmiogmal contrats area encludng pror Coomm Power Co. 49pp 81735 21041735256 gram changes. sm%tameng & quanticagonsmsdra & appressam. NIMITZ.RL. BORESAJ. Regen 1 (Post 820201t 94/11/09 13pp. 81797.339-N19180209 Responds to 940707 Itr prendmo NRC w/calcutamons that documerWed O'I8IE technsuu fusettatson at approach tar devoegeng reabsbc.meden centered ewstucture response specta tar plant muuhary teog 9411220091 Summartres 941021 meenn0 m/uhl m Kang of Prussa.PA re edt3 actions OPEKAJ.F Norpunast Nuclear Energy Co OPEKAJ F. Northeast Utihises. 94/11/04. plarmed to adchess performance conomms noted m map repts50-245/94-10.54 336/ Document Connel Branch (Documere Control Desk). 8pp 81800 34141800.348 94-17 & 50423/6616 DURRJ.P. 1 (Ptet 820201), 94/11/10 OPEKAJ.F. Northeast Nuclear Energy N11230309 Forwards amend 182 to heense DPR45 & safety evakantort Amend re- Co 31pp. 817 0174 1798-047. vines T5 concomme fiCS vot VtSblNG.G.E. Prosset Drectorate M 94/11/08 OPCKAJ F. Connectixst Yankee $411090300 NRC Bu'estm 94 002. "Corrosen Protpoms 6n Certam Stanvess Pedagmg Ctomic Power Co. OPEKAJ F Northeast Nucesar Energy Co. 4pp. 81830027- Usec to Transport V Hexafluorids ' 81830 036 PAPER!ELLO.CJ Diveemn et andustnal & Medmal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729) 94/ -M11230311 Amend 182 to boenne DAR45 revem0TS contwrreng RCS vol. '"' MCKEE.P.F Protect Directonsie M.94/11/06. 4pp. 01830 03141830-034. M1N237 NRC kito Nohce M477 "Malfunchon m Masn Genwamr Vohage AgdaWr -M11230313Sately evaluaten supportmg amend 162 to bcense DPR45 Ca at Latety41 stated Electical Ecumment."

  • Othem of Nuctsar Reactor Reguishon. Drector (Post 870411) N/11/08. 2pp @m h . M 11/17. Coruohdated Eeson C4 of New M Mc. 7pp. Sm6323-81830-03541830036 81816.329.

M11220048 Notrhcaton of esyufcare meetng 94-131 w/util on 941117 to escuss $411230004 Responds to hcensee M0919 Itrs re NRC940015lir whch eenmand re. paenned portormance enpiovements dunng paar:t refuelmg outa0e ta addrous concems sporwe to two violations & smposeton el887.500 cove panesty fmm NRC insp rupts 50-ateut persormes & soussmerW safety 336/H-18 & 50 245/9441. N8CHOI fKML hagion 1 (Post 820201) 94/11/10. Rapin 1 (Post 820201) 3pp. MARTIN.T.T Regen 1 (Post 820201). M/11/17 OPEKAJ F. teartheast Nuclear 81796.306 41796.310. Energy Co. App.81811 01541811'043. 9411220181 Nothcation of signshcant trermee meetmp 94-133 w/uln on 941200 to d* enses uti stategy for dealmp w/empeoves eliogatort mauss S411150578 NRC Ho Motmo 94478. "Enectne Component Failure due to Degradston of Poernnyi Chonde Wye insulaton" NICHOLSONL 1 (Post B20201g 94/11/14 Regen 1 (Post 820201). 3pp. 81798 3564179ft GRIMLS.8 K. . G4/11/21. Consakosted Edmars Co. of New Yarn. Inc 10pp 81848 21541648 224 6411220252 Prondes NRC staff w/mfo requested m940930Itr masoc w/Aug 1994 MS-yons Unn 2 reactor cootare pump rnator auhncm#n0 od conection sys ennd 9411170039 NRC Info Nobce 94479. "Microomiugmally influenced Corvoenn of EDG OPEKAJJ., DEBARBA.E A teartteenst Nucteer Energy Co OPEKAJ F. Northeast Utg. $we Water Pipeng" anos N/11/14 Document Congres Brancti(Docasment Control Dese6) Opp 81833039 GRIMES.B K .94/11/23.Coneohdated E& son Co of New York. Inc. Opp.81648 225-01833 046 81648 233 M11230288Notshcomun of 941209 rreetng w/uti e Rockvese.MD to docues ensdoyee M11170279NRC Into Nohce 94480 "inadiquete DC Ground Detecton m DC Detribu-tamcoms maues trm Svs" ANDERSE'N.J W Propoet Drectorate M 94/11/17.MCKEE.P F. Propect Desctorate 1 GRIME S.B K . M/11/25 Conenkomind Eeson Co of New Yorit Inc. 14pp G bpp 81641160 81M1170. 81648 23441848 247. I l 98 DOCKETEDITEMS 1 l N 170284 NRC Into Notce 94461. " Accuracy of Beoassay & E.nvron &amping Re- Q. Inspection reports,IE BulletWie & e-_ _ _e PAPERIELLO.C J Dwison of industnal & Meecal Nuclear Sately (Post 870729) 94/ 94H030286Lir conMMinaw9 task order 41 encued "Svc Water Sys Opwanona.. 11/25 Coneohdated Eeson Co of New Yors. Inc. t?pp 81648 24841848.259 Pyttamance insp North Anna , WlGGINS E J Dwmen of Contracts Post 940714) NRC43-93 025 94/09/22 LOFY.R A PARAMETER, mc.600 81607 344 41607.349. S. Reportable occurrences LERa & rotated c-MitD70090 Fmal Part 21 rept 94402A re three ar staat estnbutor cams crackmg at 9410140257 Suppl 1 to N,R C into Nobce 93460. "Reportmg Fuel Cycle & Matis Events ERICE.'s'I5ifw'2s"*"inc L'*E"O'tD'ocumem Coni,oi stenen (Docu. NN of Fue CWW Safety & Sakguards Put 93M7) 94/10/20 Cormokdated Eeson Co of New York. Inc.12pp 81816.29941816 310 merit ContrW Desk) 5p0. 816f120941654 213 M11100241 LE R 94 030 00 on 941001.MSSV setpome cH1 occurred Rool cause 9411070105 Forwards rep repts50-338/9444 4 54339/9444 0n 940919-23 fvonceted ur*nown.5m of ten faded valves adpusted & passed subsequent retests Two valves volatons conched passed s@setNont tests w/o seustment W/941028 fly CLINE W.E. R 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/21 O'HANLONJ.P. Vrprua Power (Vr-LUT21 P J , MtLLER.D B f*ortheast Nuclear Energy Co De/10/28 epp 81747t83- 9rus Electne & ower Co ). 3pp 81605 01541605 033 81747:D86 -.9411070113 inse repts 50-338/94 24 & $0-339/94 24 on 940919-23 teoncried viola-9411090181 LER 94-02941.on 941003. control techrutsere secured sanple how to isons identihed Matar areas rispected hcensee RP program whecn reviewed enpiemer> stack gaseous & partculate raeston morutor slud to support prevensve meet. Caused talon of rewmed 10CFR20 regisroments & ORE contros protam by pro 7am/ procedure oefectorscy.Allernste samphng avtaated W/941101 lir WRIGHT.F N.. LOO.W T., RANKIN W H Repon 2 (Post ugu201). 94/10/20 16pp. LUTZl.P.J fartneast Nuc6 ear Eneroy Co. MILLER.D 8 Northeast Unkhos Service Co 81605 01641605 033 94/11/01 4pp 81732 00141732 004 9411250196 LER 9443100 on 941018.fre watch not estabhshed withe A DG room for ts penod of hve h Caused by personnel error Contmuous tre watch estabhshed & secu- GRIMES.B K. Othee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten. Drector (Post 870411t 94/10/26 nty supniser escohned W /941116 Itr Consohdated Eeson Co of New York. enc.12pp 81658 00141658 013 LUTZl.PJ . MILLER.D B Northeast Nuclear Energy Co MILLER.D B. Northeast Utih-tses b4/t1/16 3pp 81087.29741687299 WO70072 Fm g re M38%n & 50 339/ed-23 on 9409&MNo vola-tents identrhed CRLENJAK.R V Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/26 O'HANLON.J.P. Vrprue Power g oper g , y - (Virginia Elecinc & Power Co.) 3pp 8160428441604297. N11020 Submits resmnse to admrustraeve lir 94-12 re operator heensmg natt -9411070078 insp repts 50 338/94-23 & 50 339/94-23 on 940926 30 No violabons now Maior areas susciem W safety wed we%EG d M W & enynee OPf kA.J F Northeast Nucieer E Co 94/10/26 Document Control Brancn (Doc- ' ument Control Desk) 6pp. 81589 41589 242 [g (*d f pg," 8"20 25. 11 pp 81604 287-81604 297. DOCKET 50 338 940RTH ANNA POWER STATION, UNrT 1 N11t50572 Responds to NRC 941013Itr te violatons noted m snap repts 50-338/94-21 & 50-339/94 21 on 9408210917 Correceve acDorm engerwonng review team was es-F. Securtty, medical emergency & fire protection panns tabhshed tollowing escovery of msned surve44ance O'HANLON.J P Vrpfua Power (Vr Eisetne & Power Co n 94/11/07. Documerit Control Branch (Docunwnt Control ) 6pp 61778.33441778 339 9411080150 Forwards hydroelectric prosect emergency acton plan armuel review & test exercme Prrnary obsectwo of ederCOse to test correany Capability to Wetptement emer-M11210054 Forwards mio repts 54 338/94-22 & 54339/94-22 & notice of pency achon paart. successful & acrueved violaten Velaton of concem because corporate engmeenng red suthcient into durmg =AUNDER$.R F Vrgsrma Power (Vrprus Elecinc & Power Co) 94/11/03 operstmo cycle to nueston reestance temperature detector retalianons CRISP.R W. Repon 2 (Post 820201) 7pp 81677 34641677.352. VERRELLI.D M Region 2 (Post $20201). 94/11/07. O'HANLON.J.P Vrgma Power 9411290128 Raouests written mput on hcensee postormance at plant donn0 SALP 12 (Vrgrus E'esetnc & Power Co.) 3pp. 81784.27541784 306 penud unngenci riput feeder torms Related snto also enct VE RHE LLI.u Repon 2 (Post 870201) 94'11/09 BOGER.B. GIDSONA. 4411210058 Notsce of violadson from map on 940918-1015 Vsolaten noted trom JOHNSONJ Regen 2 (Post 820201) 173pp 81858 00141858173 9404100909.msulaton that was desirted to protect wide range temperature yestru-mentaton from RCS heat was not appropnateh conhgured M11230156 Revmed EPIPs,mciucMg Rev 16 to EPIP-2 01. "Notificaton of State & ' Regen 2 (Post 820201) 94/11/07. 2pp 81784.278-81784.279 Locai Govts" & Rev 12 to EPIP-2 02 " Notification of NRCM W/941116 Itr O'HANLON.J P Vrprus Power (Vegmsa Electnc & Power Co) 94/11/16 43pp 94112L:050 Insp repts 50 338/94-22 & 54339/94-22 on 940918-10 5. Volatons 818331134t833173 roted Major areas mspected plant status, plant operatons.marit observations.eurveearice observatons. orksste engmoenng & plant support activibes MCWHORTER.R.D . T AVLOR.D R , GARNER.L.W Regen 2 (Post 820201) 94/11/ P. Operating heense stage .- _ & _.;- 07. 29pp 81784 28481784 308. 9411030343 Appiscaton for amends to Liceness NPF-4 & NPF.7.entendmg funcbonal 9411160207 Subnuts response to volaisons noisd en insp Repts 50 338/94-10 & 60-surveinance teseng koguency lot hythogun recombners from once per 6 months to 339/9410. Corrective actons:spect concatons corrected & tacinny performance rw ence per 18 mnnths proved O'HANLONJ P Vaprue Power Nw- Electnc & Power Col 94/10/25 Document MARSHALLB M. Vagrus Power (Vaprua Elecinc & Power Co) 94/11/09 Contml Branch (Document Contros ) 12pp 81640 33141640:348. PANDEYJ R Vegmas Commonweer th 01 3pp 81783.28241783284 nse se rgerne lecinc & ) 8164 34341640 348,ests p.r.d i. en= apuiwnun tesoe,mpu,,t.on to Reis hu,odn ao.eenct monnanz et plant dunng SU 12 VE RRELLI.D. Region 2 (Post 820201) 94/11/09 BOGER.B., GIBSONA. 9411040275 Forwards evaluaton as une of moeded case crcuit treakers that exceed JOHNSON.J. Regon 2 (Post 820201).173pp. 8185800141858173. mfg tault currem ratmgper940215th THADANI M C. Proser t Oweetorate 102 94/10/25 BOGER.B A. Regen 2 (Post 9411090300 NRC Buhetm 94-002. 'Cononson Probems m Certam Stanless PackapnD 4 I 820201) 1p 81628 33741628 346 Used to Transport U Hexafluonae " l 9411040275 Forwards evoluston of use of molded case cacuit t,reakers that onceed PAPERIELLO.C.J. Deveson of Industnaf , Medical pescar Sately (Post 870729). 94/ ' i 11/14 Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.12pk 81816 31141816.322 meg tauff current reung.per940215en THADANI.M C Proeect Drectorsto IL2 94/10/25 BOGE R.B. A Regon 2 (Post $20201) 1p. 81665 23241665.243 9411220356 Advises of correctwo actons that were succa stuhy emplemented on North Anna Urut 1 m Seventy Level IV votaton snvolvmg low f Avancing of fugh head safety -4410240187 Advises that util analyses unacceptable Natificaten for une of toockner ryocton syg Monsor f4ZMb & NZM9 & Westa house F A & FB MCCDs en apphcatons exceedmg O'HANLONJ P Vrprus Powar IV Electnc & Porer Co) 94/11/16. Docwnent manufacturers short cercuit retrig FIscommendetens hated Control Brancti (Document Control ) 2pp. 81842',5941842.360. BERilNGER.C.H Elecincar Enynoonng Hrancet94/10/14 MCCREE.V Protect Drec-torate lL2 2pp. 81665 23341t65.243 g411220425 Subests response to GL 8S10. "$4tiy Related Motor Opera.ed valve Tesang & Survorstancer insp Repts 50w338/9e 4 ,, C D / Std 940M7.sdemb. 9411210768hitarms that ube plans to replace plant SG sn Spnng of 1995. O'HANLONJ P Vrpne Power (V Enoctnc & Power Col 94/11/10. Ducument tie.d Dial rito reP.vehse o HANLOPLJ Vrgmsa stem CDeficsent Power (Virer *ofty*gt' &. 45 MW cared'.' Ccd ef=& L4 M be f6acument 11/1 meshed Centros Brancn (Document Corent ) app 81837.08841837:091 Conto Brancti (Ducem Conpo s L r N y i N W )S4h 1 9411210274 Submits saanuc verthcaten of & replacement 9411100237 NRC Into Nobce 94477. "Matto N J. main Generator voltage Regulator gh 1 17 ed koon . ork. Inc 7pp 81816.323-g, 3 3g3 81816.329 9411210278 Act receipt of approvst of several exceptons to RG 197 desgn & ouahfu 9411150578 NRC koo Notco 94 078 "Electnc Component Fadure due to Degradalen o' Pavvinyt Chionae wre winunanon" O'HANLONJ P Vrprus Power (vrpne Electne & Power Co ) Da/11/10 Document GRIMES B K 94/11/21 Gonschdated Edson Co of twee Y ork. Inc 10pp Conkol Branch (Document Control Desk) 4pp. 81837 09're1837 09g. 81848 21541848 224 941122D425 Subemts response to GL 8910. " Safety Related Motoroperated Valve Tesang & Survedtartre " trisp Repts 50 338/9444 & 50 339/9444.dtd 940527.edenb. 94113n0047 Act receipt of941107 Itr moorerung NRC of steps taken to cone::t volatons food that ento rs va've stem coefhcserit of tncten expected tw NRC to be lumps %ed roteri m rap rept50 338/94 21 & $0-339/94 21 on 941013 O HANLON.J P Vrgmes Power (vr Esectne & Power Co I 94/11/16 Documerit VE FiRELLLD M Reason 2 (Post 8202011 94/11/21. O'HANLONJ P. Vrprua Power Control Branch (Document Control seek) 3pp 81649 058 81849 060 (Vrpnia tlectnc & Power Co ) 2pp. 8187119841871199 l DOCKETEDITEMS 99 M11179830DAC Info Nohce 94479, "MetrotuolopeaNy inhuonced Ccurosum of EDG #411210274 Sutyrets ado re seeme wentcaton of & r._ ._ Swc Water P4 ung " equement.mcludmo RG 197 eq6mpment GRIMES.B OL ,94/11/23.Cor=aMaled Echeon Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 81648.225 O'HANLONJP Vrgne Power (Vrpne Electne & Power Co) 94/11/10. Document $1644.233- Control Branch (Document Contros ussk). 3pp 81837 09241837:094. M11179279 NRC Info Notce 94 000. "inedequate DC Ground Detecton m DC Deete M11210270Ack receipt of approval of several escephans to RG 1.97 doesgn & qualif* #0" 878 canon omens ORP lS.8 4L . 94/11/25. Cornohdaled Edson Co. of New York, . c. 14pp. O HANLONJP. Vagne Power (V sa Elecmc & Power Co). 94/11/10. Document 818*623441648247. Coritrol tiranch (Document Control . 4pp. 81537.09541837-098. M11170Ste NRC trdo Notco 94481 *Accm of ma===ay & Envron Sampeng Re-PERIELLO.CJ Dumen of Industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Poet 870729k 94/ 11/25. Conophdeled Edson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 31648.24641846259

  • Operstonal Performance insp . Norm Anna.

O Portoec opersang reports & rWeted "" W3GGINS EJ O'veen of Contracts (Poet 940714) NRC43-93 026. 94/DB/22. LOFY.RA PARAMETER. inc. epp. 81607:34441607:349. 1 operatng reph Ics Oct 1994 for Norm Anna Power Station Umts 1 N10140287 Suppl 1 to NRC Info Notee 93 060. "Reportng Fuel Cycle & Mans Events 3 S A Vr9sne Power (Vrpne Flo inc & Power Col 94/10/31-jg NETT . of Fuel Cyc6e Saesty & Selepaards (Post 930207). 94/10/20. i Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. anc.12pp. sisi6.291ks1816.310 N 06 orwards map repts 50w336/9444 & 54330/9444 on 940919 23.Noncried O -- h&M6 CLINE.W.E. 2 iPost 820201). 94/10/21. O'HANLONJ.P. Vegna Power (Vr-M110700s0 Fmal Part 21 empt 94 002A to three ar start detnbutor coms craclung at gna Eisetnc & Got 3pp. $1805 01541605S33. plants Came replaced w/came made uomg emetne arc , e nA76 ANNE.8 A. Caltac Irioustnes. Iric. 94/06/01. Document Conval Branch (Docu- -e411070113 Insp repts 60 338/94-24 & 51>339/9444 on 94091923 Noncited vols. ) ment Control Desk) 5pp t165420941654.213. tons adentrhed Mapor areas  ;.e L._ RP program wnch reviewed Imptomer> taton of revened 10CFR20 recurements & ORE conrol WRIGHT.F.N4 LOO.W.T. RANKIN.W.H. Regen 2 (Post 1). 94/10/20.16pp. V. Operator E 81005S1641605 033. M11080304 Informs review completed of proposal.did940830.1o show bcenese to des M10300153 NRC Info teotce 4476. "Recent Faikres of Chargng/Salsty hipocton veiop ention exams & operahng toets for NPGS operetng personnel.Corwhose pro. Pump Shafn." panel should be dermed bened on NRC dutos as praecreed ty AEA. GRIMES.8 K. Olhce of Nucesar Reactor Reguisson Drector (Post 870411L 94/10/26. THADANI.M C. Propect Drectorate 141f. 94/11/02 O'HANLONJP. Vrgna Power (Vr. Corschdeted Edison Co. of New voreL inc. tapp.81658 0014165eS13. gne Elecmc & Power Cc4 3pp. 81063.35541063.357 M11070072 Forwards snap repts 54338/9443 4 54339/94 23 :in 9%926 30.No viola-tons idonehed. DOCIET Stk330 NORTH ANNA POWER STATION. UIsfT 2 CRLENJAK.R V. Regen 2 (Poet 820201). 94/10/26. O'HANLONJ.P. Vegna Power (Vrprus Elecmc & Power Co4 3pp. 81604.26441804297 F. Seeurny, mesheet, emagency & nre pressamen piens -e41107e07s Inso repts C.~ .138/94-23 & 54339/94-23 on 940926 30 No vuonetens noted.Masor areas mopected.!Si of safety rested weedLECT of SG thesng & enynoor-N110e01H Forwards hydroetectnc profact emergency acton pasn annual rowow & test QEneds of rugh head sakty exerces#nmary obseceve of exerces to test company capacety to implement emer. NOMOS.N BLAKE.J. Regenmeneten now = .._ 2 (Poet $20201). -._ _ 94/10/25.11pp. 81604.287- , er; bon p6an successfuhy N 81604.297 UNDERS.R.F. Vapne Power (Vrgne Essetnc & Power Col 94/11/03. - Cr.ISP.R W. Regan 2 (Poet $20201). 7pp. $1677:34641677.352. MMM2 Responds to W 941013 kr m veistons nomd m map repts $4338/421 1 4 50 330'9441 on 9408214917.Correctwo actonsangmoenng vowow team was es. I N11200138 Requests untion tiput on 6 censes performance et piant dunng SALP 12 tabbshed Iohowmg decovery of nussed swweihence. O'HANLONJP. Vrgna Powerr v Ememe & Power Co.) 94/11/07. Documenf , pennd unsa2 t+ERRELLI.D ence2 mput heder forrns (Post $20201). Reuted 94/11/09. BOGER. rdo amo enct'B Regen 2 (Post 820201k Convol branch (Document CWol k epp 81776.33441778:330 173pp. 81854 00 41858.173. Nn21eoM Forwards snap repts $4338/9442 & 54339/94 22 & notco of ( N11230196 Revised EPIPs.m' ciuding Rev 16 to EPIP.2 01. "Notihoton of State & veistonViolaton of concem because corporate had authcent rWo durmg i Local Govts" & Rev 12 to EPIP,2.02. *tecehcaten of NRC." W/941116 Itr operetng cycse to stumswi . _ _ temperatre - O'HANL.ONJP. Vrone Power (Vegns Electnc & Power Co4 94/11/16. 43pp. VERRELLI.D M. R 2 (Post 820201L N/11/07. O'HANLONJ.P, Vrgne Power $1833113418?):1 f3. Nrgne Eisemc & Co) app. 8179427541794.308. -9411210000 enep repts $4338/94 22 & 50 339/94 22 on 9409181015. Vmistons P. Opereune Deense etape "- .&. noemd heapor areas mapected pient sessun piant .. .-. . .a-a etmervatons.awweeance observatons. orkade engmeenng & plant e44 sport acewmas. 9411030343Apphcatsrm for amends to Lacenses NPF 4 & NPF-7 extendmg functonal # .. G Regen 2 Post 820201k 94/M/ g g j7 swwesence sneeng weguancy for hydrogen recombmers from once per 6 months to ' (AN J rprua Power Enoctne & Power Cok 94/10/25. Document WMeo307 Subnuts masonas e h reted m anup Repts 54338/94 10 & 50-Control Branch (Document Cor*cl ).12pp 81640.33141640.346 339/M04anectwo actonsupset conomons conocad & tec4rty po'ennsnce r> proved -9411030348 Proposed tech specs #e hydrogen recornbmar staveelance MARSHALL.8 M. Vrgma Power (Vrgna Floctnc & Power Col 94/11/00, ' t'rgna Power (vsprus Electic & Power L44 94/10/25. 6pp. 81640-34341640.348. PANDEYJ R. Vrprue. Commonweenh of. 3Fp 81783.28241783264. M11040276 Forwards evaluatinn of use of moeded caso crcun treekers that exceed H230138 Requests wrmen mput on honneers perennance et pierd dunng SALP 12 m sg taidi current reen9.per 940215 nr penod uung once mput heder tonns.Remed rWo amo enct THADAN!.M C. Progect Drectorate Ib2, 94/10/25. BOGER,BA Regen 2 (Post VE RRE LLI.D. Regen 2 (Post 820201k 94/11/00. BOGER.B., GIBSON.A., 520201).1p. 81628.33741628.346. JOHNSONJ Repon 2 (Post 820201).173pp. 81850:00141858.173. M11040275 Forwards oveauston of une of molded came crcun tweakers that sw M11080300 nog taun currern retngper 940215 nr NRC Bulleta Used to Transport 94402. "."Corrosen Protuems ei Certam Stamiens Packeyng U Houatluoruse WADANI.M.C. Presect Dractorate Ikt. 94/10/25 BOGER.B.A. Repon # (Post PAPERIELLO.CJ. Onneen et Industnal & Medical Nuru Safety (Post 870729). 94/ 820201).1p. 0188523241865243 H/14. Cormohosed Echson Co. of Nw YoHL enc.12pp. 81818.31141016.322. -4410H0187 Adwmes that uti enssynes unacceptable justehcaten for une of Klockner M11230386 Adwmes of correctne achuns that were successfuhy amplemented on North Museer N2M6 & NZM9 8 Weetnpnnuse FA & FB htCCBs m opphcanons exceeding Anna Unli 1 m Seventy Levee IV inceston ovatwen0 how tialaricmg of fugh head seesty mortweecturers short cyrnal re*ng -. _ _. hated. mpaction sys. BERLINGER.C.H Elect scal ta.pniaanng Brancrt 94/10/14 MOCREE.V. Prolect Drac. O'HANLONJP. Vrgmis Power (v Elecenc & Power Col 94/11/16. Doc.ument torate 102. 2psk 8186523341ee5243. Coreol Brefich (Documeret Control k 2pp. 8IN2.35941642.3fl0. M11040381 Forwards SE accepeng hcennae 941011roguest to une ASME Code cases M11100237 NRC trWo Notco 94077. "Maftuncton m Mem Generator Voltage Reguistor 2102 & 2143under prowmens os 10CFRho 65atsK3K4) re Anoy 800 type weld metals Overvoltage et Sesety4te6ated Enoctncel Estapment." m $Gs GR .8 et . 94/11/17.Coneohameed Edmon Co. of New Y1riL Inc. 7pp. 81816;323 VHADANI.M Protect Directorate B-2 94/10/28 O'HANLONJ P. Vaprue Power (Vv. 81816.329. pres Electnc & Power Co) 2pp 81620:35041628.355. M11150578 NRC Into teotes 94-078. "Electnc Componern Fe4ure due to Degradaton -N11040382 Salsty evenusson supportn0 roguest to une ASME code cases 2142 & of Pahrvmyl Cheonde Wire insulatorL" Pt43 imper prownesons of 10CFR50.55s4aK3Mi) re Anoy 690 type weld messes m SGs GRIMES.B IL . 94/'1/21. Consohdoted Essen Co. of New York. Inc. 10pp.

  • Othee or Deucaear Reactor R==han. Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/28 4pp 81848.215 41848.224.

91628.3524 1828.355 94113ee047 Ack rempt of 941107 tir mtormm0NRC of steps taken to correct vicastons M112103a8 informs that uti plans to replace piarit SG en Spnng of 1995 noted m map rept50 338/94 214 54339/94 21 on 941013 0HANLONJ P. Vaprua Power (V Ehictnc & Power Co) 94/11/10. Document VERRELLI.D.M. Regen 2 (Post 820201) 94/11/21. O'HANLON)P. Vrpne Power Control Etrench (Document Controi ). app. 81437se64183/:091 (Vegrue Electnc & Power Col 2pp. 8187119tL81871:199. 100 DOCKETEDITEMS-W11179838NRC Info Notee 94479. "Macomlogmally annuenced Corroacn of EDG 9411070215 Provides status of Devost Edman rut stwas on pressure tactung & thermal , Svc Weier Pgung" tunenqof gate valves GRIMES B.K. .94/11/23 Coneohdened Edman Co of New Yort. Inc. 9pp. 81648225- MCKEON.R. Detrost Edmon Co 94/11/02. Document Control Branch (Documorst Con- $1948233. trol Dock). 3pp. 81654'04941654 051. M11179279 NRC Info Notco 94480, '"inadesmie DC Ground Detecten et DC Distraw 9411070243 Forwards test espt re results of specal control car HVAC ten pressure test Don MCKEON.R Detron Eeson Co 94/11/03. Document Consol Branch (Document Con. GR S.B tl . 94/11/25 Coneohdoted Edson CE of New York, Inc.14pp. Wol Denk). 4pp. 81663 07641063:079. 01kt23441848247 9411100000 Forwaras rept on ene van to review emplementsten of most rule at staten 9411170004 NRC Info Notoe 94481. " Accuracy of Beassay & Envuon Sarnphng Re- tar revow & into Rept idenotes str &.J w/ se one. suits " SHAFERW.D Roomn 3 (Poet 1). 94/11/07. DON LLY.P.M Consumers PAPERIELLO.CJ. Dwmen of industnaf & Meecal Nuclear Satsty (Post 870729L 94/ Power Co 2pp 81146:13141746141. 11/25. Conachamied Educri Co. of New York. Inc.12pp 8164824841948.259 e411140191 Informs of compostn0 review of 941026 rommet for emeneen intil950301 , for compseten of achwetes annocated w/ GL 89-10. "Setety Flotated Motoroperated j Q Pweedlc operating mports a mee ed correspondonos Valve 1esung & Survedience." did DIKl628 Request approved. COLBURN.T.G Prosset Drectorate Hbl. 94/11/06. GIPSON.D.R. Desoft Edson Co. M11190400 Monthly operseng repts for Oct 1994 tar North Anna Power Staton Unns 1 2pp 8173624041736J4L & 2 W/941107 ter STALLJA. BOWLING.M L Vegna Power (Vrgne Elecinc & Power Col 94/10/31. 9411230168 Forwards SE approvmg bconese resoluton of restart acton plan assues 13pp. 0179029141780103. caomeout COLBURN.T.G. Propect Drectorate lik1. 94/11/15 GIPSON.D.R. Detroit Eeoon Co. 2pp. 8184112241841:143. S. Reportable _. LERs & reisted correspondonos -4411230183 Safety evaluston approvmg resolukon of restari neues of mem steem tur-H11079000 Fenal Port 21 rept 94 002A re Free er start estributor cams crecdung at twre

  • Office of Nucasar Reactor Regulaton, Drector (Post 870411). 94/11/15. 20pp.

pants Cams repseced w/came mese unng electnc arc. 81641:12441841:143. J PRATIANNE.S A. Cossac kestnes. Inc b4/06/01. Document Cnntrol Branch (Docu. ment Control Desk). 5pp 81654 20941654213 M11230301 Forwa ds Staff evalueton rept to utW response to GL 88 20 concommp IPE submsttals for plant & anforms that based on review,util response meets meent os subl URN.T.G. Protect Drectorate likt. 94/11/16 GIPSON.D.R. Detroit Edson Co. 23pp 08020289225. M11080304 Insorms review comperiod of allow heensee to de-velop wnnen exams & opereeng tests for NPGS operetng perhannelConcludes prom 9411230114 Forwards Rev 0 to ".Fems 2 COLR Cycle 5 *94/11/17. Ncument Control Branch i MCKEON.R Detros Edmon Co l (Document C HADAN C. Protect to 2 94 / O L J Virgrua Power (Vr- Iml Deskt 2pp. 8183t332831:351 gmie Eiscinc & Power Coi 3pp 81663.35the1663.357. -9411220119 Rev 0 to "Forwm 2 COLR Cycle 5." RUBLEY.G.A. MYERS.R.L., THORSON.L.J. Detreet Edson Co. M/09/13,15pp. DOCKET 99441 EteRICO FERIsl ATOGAIC POWER PLANT, UNIT 2 81831.33941831:353. E , medloal emergency & 9re protecten piene M1 1 90(b & 10 se of 954 HANNONJ N Progect Drectorale llF1. 94/11/17. GlPSON.D R. Detroit Edman Co. M11010M2 Forwards summmy of workshops on menevosent use of verucles et 45pp. 81842:00741842052. nuclear power reactors held on 94 18 Into wethhead COLBURN.T G. Propect Drectorate lik1. 94/10/25 GIPSON.D.R Dewest Edson Co. 2pp 4156223641%2239. Q. Inspecteen esperta,IE Bulletins & corvoependonoe 9411000000 Rev 11 to "Forrm 2 Radolorcal Emergency Response Preparedness 941014e287 Swpl 1 to NRC Info Notce 93400, *Reportm0 Fuel Cycee & Males Events Piert

  • Depo 4 Edison Co.94/10/26. 28pp. 81676 28541676.312. to NRC stons Ctr "

B - .R.F. Oswison of Fuel Cycle Setety & Sateguards (Post 930207). 94/10/20 Coneohdated Edison Co. of New vork. Inc.12pp. 81016.29941816 310 941110e386 Rev 7 to EPlP EP-226. "Potassum lodide " SHELTON.D. Detron Eeson Co.94/11/01.epp 81743:33341783.338. 9410000163 NRC Into Notco 94 076. "Recent Fadures of Chargmg/Gatety insecton M11140298 Rev 8 to EPIP EP 530. *Assemb6y & " _.. , & Onene Protective Ac- Pump Chefts," cons " GRIMES.B et Office of Nucteer Reactor Regulaton. Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/26 SHELTON.D. Dewca Eeoon Co.94/11/02. 9pp 81783.27041783.278. Co. -~ ^ Eeean Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 81658:00181658S13 9411100016 th- coricems remed by thmi party re status of trasnm0 of tour secun. 941123g027 Forwards enep rept54341/94-13 on 9409041021.No vicentions noted. ty econnaars wre were retramed or prnmoted dunn0 recent stafhnD renston GREENMANE.G Reqpon 3 (Post 820201), 94/11/06 GIPSON.D.R. Detron Edieor' plan honuests espositan of mener tie submstted in 30 emys Co. ic 0179616241796190. PEDERSON.C D Region 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/09.GIPSON,0.R Doroit Etheon Co. 2pp. 81746'023 81746$24 -9411271032inno root 54341/9413 on 9400091021.No vionstons vioned. Mapor areas _ . - operatonal setety venhcahon, engmoored safety testures & oneste event tok 9411220134 Forwards Rev 11 to "Forml 2 Resolo0ical Emergency Roeponse Prepared

  • towup.

nees Plert" Rev represents changes resuleng tram upGeting Femu 2 ovocuston ame PHILUPS.h4 P. Regon 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/03. 24pp 81796.1674179tt190. eenmate & detonne oseenpton of HERP kovcard cleases. GIPSON.DA Detrost Etheon Co 94/11/16. Document Control Branch (Document $411080300 NRC Buheen 94402. "."Corrosen Prob 6 ems en Cortem Stamines Packagm0 Control Dook). opp.81992.31481892.325- used to Transport U Heuelluonde PAPERIELLO.CJ. Dweecn of Industnel & teedical Nucesar Safety (Post 870729) 94/ -9411230144 Rev 11 to "Femu 2 Radmiogmat Emergency Response Pruparedness 11/14. Cormaal Edmon Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 01816.31141816.322 l Ptart"

  • Detoit E6 eon Co. 94/11/16 12pp. 81892.31441892.325 9411190237 NRC Info Notco 94477. "Malhmeton an Man Generator Voltage Regulator l

i Ce Overvostage et Salety-Releted Electncel Equipment" 9411300121 Informs of decimen to ysttute cluarterly proncsoney trammg tar EROS Oper- GRi . .B K. . M/11/17. Eeneohdened Eenen ca of New York, Inc. 7pp. 81816.323 '$xSON.W.L A F.egen 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/16 MARTINJ. Regan 3 (Post B20201). 4pp. 81872.132 81872135 M?t1We NRC Irdo blotco 94 078. "Electnc Component Failure clue to Degradaton of Peevvmyl Chloride Wee triculaten." GRitetS.B K. . 94/11/21. Conachdated Edison Co of New York. Inc. 1015 M. General servespendence 01848.21541M8.224. 9411230190 Responds to 941015 ter to Cheeman 1 Sehn.reousanno mio on actons $411179038 NRC Info Notme 94479. "Merotnologmally inhuenced Cxwroman of EDG taken by NRC to edeces concems remad by JA Flemmg to emergency preparedness Svc weier Pipmg." tar nucsear power plantt GRIMES.B K. .94/11/23.Coneohdeted Edson Co. of Nova York. inc. 9pp. 81948.225-TAYLORJ M. Ole or the Esecutwo Drector for Opmutons. 94/11/09 KERRY,l.F. 81648.233. Senate 3pp. 81628.2964tS28.323 9411200012 Forwards anos rept 54341/94-12 on 9408221021 & rouco of velatort -9411230190 Raouests addl sito penemmg to emergerity preparedness inr each sne GARDNER.R N Regen 3 (Poet 420201). 94/11/23.GlPSON.D R Detron EGeon Co hated 3pp. 81657.12481857.152. FLEMINGJ.A. Afhhaton Not Ammoned 94/07/14 CHILK.S Offee of the Secretary of #w Commmeert 2pp. 8t828.32241828.323- 9411200019 Notco of vioiston kom ensp on 940822-1021 Voleton noseo on 940s01. team Ostermned that ceDins eseccaned w/EDP 13092 were pulled w/o tem een enks.twee6ebee hre or tenson morwtonng device P. OPersesng heense stage - _ a eengependence

  • Regen 3 (Post 82020t). De/11/23. 3pp. 81857.12341857:125.

9411010344 Docusses sittensson for composton of GL 8S10. " Safety. Reented MOV -is4112esos6 Insp rept $4341/94-12 on 940822-1021 No veistons noted Magor areas Tes 4 Survesmance" actutes et facety mapectedengmeenng & technical support .- .E-- 2 testm0. safety eseen MCetE A Detrost Eeson Co 94/10/26 Document ConWol Branch 8)ocumerit Com ment & saasny venhcaten. trol Deel/ 6pp 8157931241579 316 GARDNER.R N. Repon 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/23. 27pp. 01857:12641857152. 1 i l DOCKETEDITEMS 101 i M11179879 NRC Info Notce 64480, "lnedoeunto DC Ground Detecton m DC Detre:v. -4708130104 Raoueste FR put2caton of nonce of usuance of Amend 133 to Lscente ton " NPF-1povismg steem generator tube pluggmg cntene based on use of F' detence en-GR AB K. 94/11/25. Coneohdesed Edison Co. of New York, Inc.14pp, none 81848 234 41848.247. CNAN.T.L Prosect Directorate V. 87/06/07. NRC a No Detailed Afhhohon Govert 1p 8190&0154190& O15. M11170sD4 NRC Info Notee 94 081,

  • Accuracy of B=y & Envron Sart:phng Re.

suels " 9301170116 Raouests FR putshcoton of nahce of conesderemon of eseuence of amend 4 APERsELLO.CJ. Divieson of indusinal & Medcol Nucieer Seisty (Post 870729). 94/ to hcense NPF.1 & proposed NSNC determmebon & opportursty for heenng on 11/25. Conachdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 81848 24641848259. 911215 resseet to row of TS escton 3 4 6.2.c, "Operatonal Leekage." KOKAJKO.L.E. Propect Drectorate V. 92/01/00. NRC . No Detened AfRhelion Govert 2pp. 8190021641900:017. -9301M0146 Forwards SE accepene proposed revs to TS "Operobonel M11230317 rest for Oct 1994 for Forem 2 W/941115 lir. Leekene" for tecility. STONE.BJ.. .D R. Edmon Co. 94/10/31 epp. 81854:34141954:344. JONES.R.C. Reactor Systems Brenett 92/01/16 OUAY.T.R. Standerttaeton Protect Drectorate (901218 920516).1p. 8190201841900:016. S. Reportable LERs & fotsted correspondence r Forwards sately evaluehon to steem generator tube integrity under com. tuned acadent condsons. M1107eet0 Fsnal Part 21 rept 94-002A re three air start delnbutor cams crackmg at NORBERG.JA Wochencel E Broncet 92/01/29.WIGGINS,J.T. Metensis & pients Carns rafwat w/coms made uomp essetnc arc. Chemmel Enlpneenng Brancit p. 81 022 4190&O22. PRATIANNE,$A Costec indusmos. Inc. 94/06/01 Document Control Branch (Docu. meni Contras Desk). 5pp. 8165420941654.213. " Fonwards setety evalueton accepen0heensee hoenes change aplwceton 219 re SG tube reper kmsts & SG leek rate irmts.SALP mput onct M11170386 Forwards propnetary GEC document. "Toresonal Anasyne of Femu 2 Coi> WIGGINS.J.T. Matonals & Chemcel E Broncet 92/01/30. KOKAJKO.L.E. r pied Binde & Fioenr Lme " Document reisted to turtune generator evesueton as result Propect Drectorate V.1p. 81900 0264: 228. of 931226 event.Encs wethhold of 10CFR2.790). GIPSON,0.R. Detrost Edson . M/11/10. Document Control Branch (Document -43021103s1 Ra,==sa FR rummun of nonce of Iseuence of amend 178 to bronse Control Desk).1p. 81794.35441794354 NPF.1. Amend revues plant TS 3 4 6.2.c.3/4 4.5 & 3/4 4 6.2 to reduce total allowable 9411300107 Provides addl mio re confrmatory acton Itr on 931225 turtune event.LAst of teekeGe tar any one SG trom 500 to 300 gesons de4 areas covered tyv turtene syn pieni welkoown enct KOKAJKO.L.E. Protect Drectorate v. 92/02/05. NRC . No Detsted AfRheton Gsvert 2pp. 8190214541900:155. GIP 50N.D.R. Duouesne Co 04/11/22. Docurnerlt Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 81922: 1922.328. ,g411230386 Advees of NRR poemon on meenm plugging creens ter plant. informs that M113e0111 Comments on NRC SE of Fernu 2 restart acton plan issues cioneout per ' ,nc,''" ",, ##' " " cor*ne P,"n',C'a"n g,n',#,,,','Y g g,'"' ,,,*",", acton nr on 931225 hatune went BECKJOR S. Othce el Nucener Reguietary Reeserch (Post 880720) 03/01/05. GDPSON.D. . Duessene Ca M/11/22. Document Conoci Branch (Document Coneroi Desk) app. 81922. 4 1922.332. MURLEY.T.E. Othee of Nucasar Reactor Regulaton, Drector (Post 870411). 2pp. $1900$794190&144. U. Congreensonal/Esecuelve CorreePendenne -M13010122 Safety evalueban supportng hcense change apphcoton 219 to icones NPF.1. M11170039 Forwards sisiptementary response to turtune te4we on 931225. nrnoonn0 WM MN Opp 8MNNN LL.I . Nouse Rep , E p. 81 .3 1 7 84 2 Set o M,a.010m.coc.ety c &e,yn pnn accepeng proposed - rwoons a TS W M tube mper

  • Reactor Systems Bruncft92/01/16. 3pp. 81 $19 81900021.

-9413010144 SER conchadmg that no myufcont tube leakage Nkely to occur durmg M11040386 Forwards master BWR/PWR GFES exam w/enswer key of awarn admmm* tu'te"" canade"rs ING Medancel nyneenng Branc . 92/0/2R 5pp 81mm0$27 3 (Post 820201). 04/10/27. f- J . Edson Co.10 9411010308 Rev 17 to PGE4010. "Portand Genrei Electne Nucteer QA Program for orwards util moponse to enom rept did 940910,spedhcally obeenre. }* Portland General Co. 94/09/12. sepp. 81574.35141574.350. ^ Control ). 179 M4 78 1 M11010370 Forwards Rev 17 to PGE4010. " Portend General Enoctne Nucteer QA Pro-m tor T Nuoleer Plant." W/o enct M11230006 Informs that D Teaters operelor heense has empered. NNOZ .M. Formand General Electnc Co 04/10/27 Document Conirol Branch GIPSON.D.R. Dettut Edison Co. M/11/18. Document Control Branch (Document (Document Conirol Desk). 2pp. 81579.30141579.302. Conlrol Desk). Ip.81883 20541083.205. M11100196 Nothes of util vienne to appe r enct Rev 17 of PGE4010. " Portland General 9411380218 Forwards NRC summertsed guidance that cienhos regerernents for mem. Esecinc Nuceost QA Propam tor Tropen Nucteer Plant" to grensportston actnntes en terung anchviiksei operator beeness.entend. *tlanhcesson of Memt & Reecoveton Re. of ptern targe coniponent removal protect queements for int >ncluel Operator Lacenses." NNOZ.8 M Portend Gonstel Elecinc Co. 94/11/02. BERNERO.R M. Olhos of WJNG.M A Rogson 3 (Posi 620201). 04/11/18 AfRisaton Not Aesgned. Spp. Nucteer Melenal SWety & Setsguards. 2pp. 81752.19941752.213. 81872.341 41872.343. M1123e002 Summernes 941021 open meetnD w/uhl & Stees of OR Dept of Energy to e1troduce ulp m01 to NRC repon IV mgt & to acquent regon IV mgt w/on.gomg achv> DOCKET 90-344 TROJA40 NUCLEAft PLAfr7 mes re uniproposed large component removal protecLW/retened sWo. j COLLINS.s.J. Regan 4 (Post 820201) 94/11/08 OUENNOZ8M Portend General l Eiectnc Co. 54pp. 81798-ose41798114. F. Securety, mesanoi, emergoney & tro protesteen piene M11100146 Forwards Rev 1 to "Troenn Nucomer Plant Defusied SAR " M11eested Renned EPIPs.andudmg rev 3 to EPIP 3.rev 1 to l' PIP 4.rev 4 to EPIP $ & QUENNOZ.S M., YUNDTCP. Portend General Eisetnc Co. 94/11/10. Document rev 1 to EPIP 6 W/941102 Ilr Coniral Brorsch (Document Control Desk). 2m 81799.30241799 320. CLENNOZ.S M. Portend General Elecine Co. 94/11/02. 100pp. 81877 002 81677 475- -8411100147 Rev 1 to "Tecten Nuclear Plant Defueled SAR."

  • Portend General Electnc Co.94/11/10.10pp. 81799.30441799.320.

P. Operating noense stage " ._ & corroepenatense Q. Inspecean reports, et Busanne & eorroependence l M11940293 Tectuscal Rept. *? . .. J of Agmg Degradston of Cav8/ Structural M6200264182M28-Brook Netonal 151(6)/5-93. 93/05/31.100pp. **[ y.RC Info Notco 93480. "Reportmg Fuel Cycae & Meus Events BURNETT.R.F. Divisson of Fuel Cyces Setety & Saloguards (Post 930207). 94/10/20. M11230307FOIA request 8ar documents se intenm plugemg canons er Tropen p6ent & Consondated Echeon Co. of New York. anc.12pp. 81616.29941816 310. re SG tube pauge'io mckshno repts & enerygg therect.Peohans for wower M10 00163 NRC Info Notoe 94476 *Recent Fedures of Chargmg/Setely intacton FACAROS.N Afhhoton Not 93/06/18 Dnneon of Freedom of kWarmoton & Pump SnettE" Pubhcanons Senaces (890206-94 14). 3pp. 81900:00141900 004. Othce of Nucceer Reactor Demetor (Post 870411). 94/10/26. Coneohdoted Edmon Co. of New York. Inc. 2pp. 81658:00141668-013 9411230318 Fenet response to FOIA request for documeries re meenm pluggrig ontene ice Trossn planLForwards App A documents Documents evm=m= m PDR. M11000300 GRIMSLEY.D H. Osvusion et Freedom et informaton & PWhcetsorm Services (o00206 NRC Buhetm Used to Transport 94402. "."Corvosson Probiums m Cenom Stamtees Packagmg U Manrefluonde 940714) 03/11/01.F ACAMOS.N Afhhotson Not Anasgned 3pp 81900'005-81900155 PAPERIELLOLJ. Dnnsson of Industnel & Medcol Nucteer Seesty (Post 870729). 94/ 11/14. Coneohosted Edman Co. of New York, enc.12pp. 01816.31141816.322. -4794290162 Requests FR put*conon of nonce of considerston et neuerice of ementi to Lawnee NPF.1 & proposed NSHC a .. _ _ _. E apportunay for heenng ott M1121003s Forwards snep rept 50 344/9445 on S41013 No moestons noted.Utl reik 870220 roguest re steem genststor tube pluggm0 oneens m the snoet relport ston protecton & ALARA programs m compience w/NRC regulatone VARGA.SA PWR Prosect Derectorate S. 87/04/24 NRC No Detsted Aft 6etion COLLINS.S.J. Repon 4 (Post 820201). 94/11/15. QUENNOZ.S.M. Portland General Gwert 7pp,81900:00841900.014. Elecinc Co. tbop.81784.17641764 191. l f 102 DOCKETEDITEMS - H 11210040 insp rept 50 344/9445 on 941013 No volations noted Maior areas M11220034 Confirms escussen n/PW O'Cormor re arrangements for specal mot mapocted TNP type commnent removal protect sa'ety evaeuston & type cornponent meetmg at Regon lli oc an Ljsse.lL to escuss remologcal events that occeed durmg 6 removes protect envronmemat reven piant ret outspe WEISS.S M Region 4 (Post $20201). WEISS.S H Non Power Reactor & Decommio GREENMAN .G H 3 (Post $20201). 94/11/06 STETZ,J P. Centenor Energy senm0 Prolact Duectorsie 94/11/1$ 9pp 817641834f 754191. 1p 81796196417964 9411100237 NRC Ineo Overvoia,e t teiy=t.d94E077. " Mal.functon scence E pr,.ni -m.Maen Generator Voltage Regulato' -9411,,2200,38.NotAc,aten Goi ica ev ms . phienn t of e.gnsfcant occurred bconsee 6, eves- meetng w/utd on W1H4 re recent re. ouie. GRIM 8 K. . M/11/17. Cormohdaled Esson Co of New York. Inc. 7pp 81816 323- LA M/11/08 Regen 8 (Post $20201) 2pp. Sim m 81NKSBURY.R 19941 . R,T" 3 (Poet $20201) M t1160578 NRC Info Nohce 94478.,"Electic Component Fadure ese to Degradshon 94111000s0 Forwards Rev 0 to Toledo Eeson Co DevwBesse Unit 1 Cycle 10 COLR" R K / 1/2 ted feson Co of New York. anc. topp 8NN 1 to BAW 22A "Damh Nuclear Poww Staton Unn Qcie M . W 81a8 * *1 ~ 224 L% , C.nterio, Er.,g, u,un t Docurnom Con. 8,anc,oD-u,nont Co. H11170038 NRC Into Notco 94479. 'Merotno60gmally influenced Corrosen of EDG trol Deskt 1p 8180519741805.289 Svc water l GR 81.IMES.B 8m3 K. . /11/23 Coneohdated &$ eon Co of New York. inc. 9pp. 81648.225 -8411100067 Cen EnRe.v rgy0 unt to " Tole,do m 20pp f 81 eson Co Lev s-Besse Urut 1 Cycle 10 COLR." 1ue05.m M t 1170279NRC Into Notee 94 080. "inaosaunto DC Ground Detecten m DC Dutrite .e4it 300070 "Dovseesse Nuctear Power Staten Unst 1. Cycle to . Reload Rept "

  • Babcock & Wscos Co. BAW-2223 ROI. 94/10/31. 73pp. 81805 21941805 289 tm Sys ".B K . 94/11/25 Consondaled Edson Co og New York. Inc, 14pp GRNES Si-82u 4,=8.247 . 1118 078 Prow, des m ,e .c.r.e ame,d applicaton io ,ev.e - -

9411170284 NRC Info Notte 94481. " Accuracy of Boassey & Envron Samphreg Re- fy'E'T 1 D"ocurnont Control Branch (Docure . Con-A EntELLO.CJ Danson of industnel & Meecal Nucisar Safety (Post 870729F 94/ " # ' 11/25 Carmohdated Edison Co of New York. Inc.12pp $1948.24641648.259 94H220138 Provides confrmaton of TOED electronc transfer to NRC on 941102. tor hated swoces for Davis-Besee Nuclear Power Staton. Il Portodle operateng reports & related _ _ ince STETZJ.P. Centenor Energy 94/11/11 Division at Accountmg & Fmance (Post 890205) 10. 8 t892.35641992 358 N11000o01 Monir:ty opera rept for Oct 1994 for Tropan Nuc4 ear Plant W/941102 Itr MEGF. HEE.M M.. Out .S M Portland General Electnc Co. 94/10/31 5pp 9411220113 Act recept of 94100310CFR50 beia) subtruttal.mcorporatng changes m 81717.321 41717225 QA program desenption Review unN tie Completed m 60 of thore days & uld wiU tie notified of resurts RING.M A. Regen 3 (Post 820201) 94/11/16, STETZJP. Centenor Energy 2pp. DOCKET 50448 DAYttr8 ESSE NUCLEAR POWER STATIOtt, UNf71 81798 18441798 185 9411300202 54& nuts toeiowup to allegataan re reeston dept operatens at staton F. Securtry, snedscal, emeripency a fire protection piena PEDERSON.C D NRC . No Detaned Afhbaton Gwen. 94/11/22. DEF AYETTE.R W. NRC . No Detated AflAshon Gwen. 3pp. 81925142 811925144 9411230208 Rev 0 to EPIP RA-EP42720 "Retnvery Orgmration"

  • Centenor Energy. M/09/23 35cp 81889 00141889 035 M11100191 Rev 0 to EPIP RA4P42520. " Assembly & Accountabdsty" WI table of Energy 94/10/07. 22pp 8174717941747.200 N1014o257 Suppl 1 to N,RC Info Nobce 83460, 'Reportng Fuel Cycle & Mates Events to NRC Operatons Ce M11030349 Forwards Rev 3 to nuclear socimly emergency contmgency plan Enci e BURNETT.R F. Divuon of Fuel Cycle Sately & Sateguarde iPost910207) 94/10/20 held trof 10CFR73 21) Coneohdated Edison Cc of New York. Inc.12pp $181fL 21re41816 310 STETZJ P. Centenor Energy 94/10/27 Doc.sment Control Branch (Document Cork trol Desk) 1p. 8165910641659106 M10200153 NRC Info Notco 94476. "Receni Fa* 4 of Chargmg/ Safety Inpocton Pmip Shafts "

M t1070005 Forwards map rept5 346/94 09 on 94100347 No wolatons noted GRWES.B K Ofhis c4 Nuclear Reacte Regulatun Droctor (Post 870411) 94/10/26 BARGERJ W Ror,pon 3 (Post 820201) 94/10/27. STETZJ P. Centenor Sennoe Co Con =<*ruted Eeman Co. of New York mc.12pp 81658 00141658:013 2pp, 81604 00741804 012 M11070006 Forwards map rept 50446/9449 on 941003 07 No venistons roomt -9411070008 Insp rept B346/M.09 on 94100307 No relatsons noted Masar areas BARGER.J W Repon 3 (Post 820201) 44/10/27. S7ETZJ P. (antenor levce Co. mapoctodoperational status of Davis-Bas Je stahan emergency preparedness pro" 2pp. 81604 00741604 012. om. LING.R D., BARGER.J W Regon 3 (Post 820201194/10/26 4pp 81604009 -9411070008 Inno rept 50446/9449 on 941M347.No violatons noted Masar areas M04 M2 mspectadopershonal status of Daviseesne staten emergeticy preparedness pro. ng 9 1/08 29pp 02341781951 C R.D., BARGERJ W Regen 3 (Poet 820201) 94/10/26 4m 81804 00EL E Financial enterwistson 94110e0128 Reports per TS 4 4 5 Sa. number of tubes plugged m nach SG tocounrtg each anserve:e snap of steam generator times. 9411220139 Provides contwmaton of TOED electronic transter to NRC on 941102.for C ' Energv 94mo/3L Docunent Consol Brane (Docunent ConW Deskt 2pp'. "8'17"19'.29941719 300 hated envoeces for Dave.Besee Nucmar Powee Staton $ RET 2.J P Ceneenor E 94/11/11 Dnnenn of Accountng & Fmance (Post 890205) 1p 81892 358-81 358. H11220140 Forwards map rept E346/94.H on 9409141025 & notre of votatm LANKSBURY.R D Regen 3 (Post 820201) 94/11/10 STETZ.J P. Cornerior Energt. STETZ,J P. Tatedo Edison Co 2pp. $1798 33641798.350. D. operstm3 tioenne essee - _&_. -4411220145Notco of volaton from snap on940914-1025 Violaton noted FME corwol 9411180257Summartres 941020 meetmg w/Contenor Energy Corp to ciarent asues & #ar reactor cavny/rocual caniti arO was not aderluntely eripiemorised, plans tot plants.Conr: ems noted ewosve eriproreg wars control process & reduceng

  • Regon 3 (Post 820201194/11 % 1p. 31798.34341798 340.

backings at Pony Piani & personnel pecorma,1ce at Dove Besse coemed g00:1 JONES W D C. .- -.__ _ e (Post 750119) 94/10/26 Cm _ -e (Post 730119;. -9411230147 anno rept B346/we-11 on 940014-1025 Veistens nosed.Mamr areas 1p 81755.353-81755.353 mapacted. plant operatona.eurveshances.nuent.orisite engmoenng. plant support & pre-vous snap hndmgs M11040181 Fcrwards emeneton tram 10CFM50. App J rockscmg prosaure test of cork LANKSBURY.R.D F4egen 3 (Post 820201194/11/10.10pp. 81798 34141798.350 tammemt er sock seem to tuma stated testnD regerements.per respcmme to941021 Itr ADENSAMI.G. Dwinon of Reactnr Propects . Ituv V (Post 901216) 94/11/01 9411090300NRC Bubetn 94 002. "Corrosen Problems m Certen Stamiess Packagm0 STE1Z J P. (arnennr Energy STETZ J P, Tosedo Edman Co. 2pp. 81628.304 Usec to Transport u Hexafluonde " 01628 304 PAPERIELLD.CJ Dwason of enduspiel & Medcel Nuoteer Sately (Post 870729I 94/ -9411940200 Emempton tram roomroment of 10CrR50. App J. Secton lit.D.2(bME) re 4 Esson Co W h % ine- @ N6JNN22. M11100237 NRC info Nohce 94477. "MeNuncinn m Man Generator Voilage Regulator N M G Dvison of tor to t V Post 94 W Toledo Edman Co. 3pp. 81828 30241628 304 fif,7 g,,oohdated Edison York. Inc. 7pp. 81818 323-9419180080 Forwards rept on este vem to review amptomernaton of mamt ruso at staton 818'6.329 tor rewwm & mto Rept spentities seengths & weeknesses w/progam at sete S tAFER.W.D Regun 3 (Post B20201). 94/11/07 DONNt LLY P M Consumers 9411950574 NRC IrWo Notes 94478, "Electne Coniponent Fadwe due to Degradalen Power Co ANTONY D O Northom States Power Co STRATMAN.R.A Cleveiend of Chiande Wwe ensulatert" Electnc mummann0Co 2pp B174813141748141 GRIM K - 94/11/F1 Connohdated Edrenn Co of New YortL. inc. 10pp 81848.21541848 224 94111002112 Disastees anectn0 w/Voctre Technolooses.tric on 941102 to potental mods on NUHOMS Josegn & adden opent tuoi auantcaten reasest 9411170039 NRC Info Notco 94 079 "Moobsotogicauy Innuenced Corrosen of EDG SHUM.E Y D= amen et induseini & Medical Nucesar batety (Post 870729) 94/11/06 Svc water Pipmg " HAUGHNEY.CJ Dwinenn of indusinsi & Medcal Nucmar Setety (Post 870729L 300 GRIMES.B K- 94/11/23-Consohdeled idenun Co of New Yorti. Inc 9pp 81848.225 01745 19241745 194 81H8.233 DOCKETEDITEMS 103 M11170279 NRC info Noice 94-080. "tnaaequate DC Grcund Detecten m DC Detritz- M11100036 Forwards response to roouest for adis mio re IPE. ton Sys.".8 K. 94/11/25- Conso4W$sted Eenon Co. of New York inc.14pp. WOODAROJD. Southem Nuclear Operstmo Co 64/11/09. Documord Control Brarich GRtMt$ (Document Control Dess). 225pp 81913 00f 41915233. 91648 234 41646.247. M11170304 NRC Info Notice 94481. " Accuracy of Bmassey & Enveen Sampim0 Re- -Nit 200291Westnghouse LUT2.RJ. " Core Damage Defmmon Electnc & Justifcation Corp. 91/09/06. 7pp. 81913.28241913 For IPE Analyses" .288. suits." DAPERIEl.LO.CJ Dween of Industnal & Meecal Nucieer Salety (Post 870729). H/ 11/25. Consohosted Eeoon Co. of New Yortt. inc.12pp. 81648 24641548.259 -9411200298 *tntertmung Sys LOCA Inesang Event Freouency Notebook For IPE " VAVREK.KJ. Westmghouse Electnc Corp e3/03/28.123pp. 81913.28941913:336. O Portede ePersang reports & rotatest corroependonoe - onentnant leolabon Sys W 6 E% C W w VAVREK.KJ Wesenghouse Eisctnc Corp.

  • Southem Nucisar Operatng Co. 93/02/

M11980391 "Wasiewater Rept Scr Daws.Besse Nuctear Power Staton Unit 1 for Sept 26.186pp. 81913.33741914.176. I904 " W/941012 lir WOOD,J K. Toledo Eeeon Co 64/09/30 7pp. 81750.33241750:338. -9411200129 Plant *Phenomenologmal Evaluaten Summary on Stream Exploomns m Support et IPE " M111703o8 MontNy operetng rept for Oct 1994 for Deve.Besse Nuclear Power Staten Unit 1.W/941114 fir

  • Fauske & Assocates. Inc. F Al/9144. 92/06/30. Sepp. 81914.17741914229.

WOLF,G WOODJ K. Toledo Eeoon Co.94/10/31. $pp. 81794 355 81794.359 -9411290133 Plant "Phenomenologmal Evaluaton Summary on Ttrust Forces at RV

8. Reportem - FaAre Fauskem& Support Assocates.ofIncIPE." . FAl/9143. 92/06/30. 2tipp. 81914.23041914255.

We & mhted 6 M19150815 LER 94403 00:on 941006.apent fuel pool gate moved in opent fuel stule -9411200137 Plant "Phenomenologmal Evalueton Summary on Drect Contemmere Hee m Support of IPE." emergency ventieton moperstne Caused Dy persorman error on part of mani crew *F e & Associates. inc. FAl/9173. 92/06/30. 73pp. 8191425641914.327. evolutert Outsee cour mas cooned W/941107 ler ER .N K.. WOOD.J.K. Toledo Eeaon Co. 94/11/07. $pp. e1782923 0I702 0I7- -9411390145 "Formuissons of Detms Entranment Proceanes" presented at Apr 1989 procemenge of ANS/ ENS m8 lupcal meetmg on probatmisty/sestukty & safety Sea *BS-M11230300 LER 94 004 00:en 941014,eecovered that contamment hydrogen purge meet screen not anstalled. Suspect screen instased d rm0 plant const tiut vernoved HE RY. %e Assocates. Inc.89/04/30. 32pp. 81914.326-81914.360. dwing mand & not replaced. Screen replaced dunng runth refuenng outage W/941114 -9411290147 Plant *Ptenomenologmal Evatusten Summary on Molten Core Conorete R .N K., WOODJK. Toledo Edson Co. 94/11/14. $pp. 81866.354 7,,T, g'"[ W , A /91-56 './2/06/30. 70pp. 81915:00141915:071. -9411300163 Plant "- - - .- e Evaluaton Summary on Probatphty & Conne. ,

v. Operator g quences af Defingraton & Detonston of Hydrogen m Support of IPE.*
  • Fausks & Associates. Inc. FAi/9158. 92/06/m 67pp. 81915 07241915.139 95.96 7 . t1 tal enant 200M6 Mont "henomenologmat Eveketen Sunmey on TW W W grg",gn,;;,e,n,::gnm n- canina-a oo-man + n"a'=TA "* ""e::""irt!=J '

206/m 42pp 8191510.i915181. N11040366 Forwards master BWR/PWR GFES exam w/ answer key of exam admene. -M112e0170 Plant "Ptenomenologmal Evaluaton Summary on Contamment Overpres-tored on 941005 suruahun m Support of IPE." QlNG M A 3 (Post $20201). 94/10/27. C- - J. Eeoon Co. 1p.

  • Fauske & Associales. Inc. FAl/91107. 93/03/31. 52pp. 81915:18241915233.

81586 00241 .002. M11380218 Forwards NRC aummettred guidance that Clanfos reouvements for man. O. Inapaction reporte, et Bumstens & _ tammg mevidual operstar hoenees.enteed. ','Clanicaten W Mamt & Reactuaton Re-Ourements for Inevidual Operator Lzenees RING,M.A R M11030082 Forwards snap repts $4348/9443 4 50 364/9423 on 940919 23 No vie. 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/18. Afhhaton Not Assigned. 3pp. utons a deviatons noted. 81672.341416 2.343-CLINE.W.E. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 04/10/19. MOREY,0.N. Southom Nucinar Oper-ann 0 Co. 3pp. 01560 07681560991. DOCm M N K FAMY M PWL M 1 -9411030106 Insp repts $0448/94-23 & 50 364/9443 on 940919 23.No violatens noted Maior areas mapecimeto assoas operatonal reeanoen of one emergency pro-F. Secursey, modtool, esisegency & two preteetton plans QN 81500 091 BAR Regen Post /0 . 1 81 M110W992 Forwarda inep ropte 50 34&/9443 & 50 364/9443 on 940919 23.No vio-WE 2 Post 820201K M/10/19 MOREY.D.N. Southam Nuclear Oper. ' etng Co. 3pp. 8 ttie0 07641560.091- CW BUR . Divieson of Fuel Cycle Satsey & Safeguards (Post 930207I 94/10/20. -9411030106 Inno repts 50448/94-23 & 50464/94 23 on 9400ts 23 No volatons '"' noted Maior areas mapacletto messes operatonal romeness of mee emergency pro-perdness program for EPA protective manual of protecDve acton & program changes. M pq1,030,0163 m NRC Info Notco 94-076. "Recent FaAeos rt Chargmg/Satsty inpocton GOODEN.A., BARR.K. Regen 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/17, 13pp. 81560:079-8 N M80 GRIMES.B K Othee of Nuclear Reactor Reguieton. Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/2tL Coneohdnied Edman Co. of New York. anc.12pp. 81658-00141658:013. M11100262 Emergency plan or> call schedule. HILL.R D. Southem Nuclear Opersano Co.94/10/24 13pp. 81728.31441728 32tL W218015 Forwards inep esots 364/94 24 on 9409121016 & natos of vmentortVoleton of concem 50448/9444*====&wi 50'olaten had boon edenghed by N1103eces Fewards summary of workshops held w/US Army Co ps of Engmeers & "***** une & tusved meviduni teiders et promden knerence representatsuee conducted at each of tour regonal etes W/o encl. CHR!STE'NSE'"N'.H.2 (Post 820201) 94/11/06.MOREY.D.N. Soutism Nucemer SIEGELBL Preiset Drectornes11 1. 94/10/26. MOREY.D.N. Southem Nucasar Ope,, Operetng Co. app. 81 pt7He1784101. atmg Co. 3pp. 81607.17741607.179 9411210016 Forwards map repts 50448/94,24 & $0 364/9444 on 940912-1016 & nuntier of conirched plant procedures & drawmgs had not tusen complete nor se to noeme o8 vmsetortVminion of concem because vousation had been identehed tiy dew & contamed supermnd maner NRC existed for eme & esvolved outvutual holders of procedures.

  • Regen 2 (Post 820201A M/11/08. app. 81784 078 61764 079 ,

CHRISTENSEN.H 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/08 MOREY.D N. Southem Nucosar Operetng Co. 3m 81 94 075r41784.101. -4411210022 anep repts 54348/9444 & 50464/9444 on 9409121016. vmaatens rioned Mamr areas .: , ._ .; & survemance engmeonn0 & technmal -8411210022 Diep repts $4344/9424 & 50364/9444 on M0012-1016. Vsonatons ort plam swiport. review et nonrousne events e emergoney preparedness nosed Mapor areas mspected mont & survweisnce. engmaann0 & ,s.TM MORGAN.M.J., SCOTT.MA Repon 2 (Post 820201) 94/11/06. 22pp. support.cnns eseport.revow as remoutne evems & wnergency preparwee technscat . 81784 Da081784.101. Ross.T M.. MostGANRJ., SCOTT.MA Rogson 2 (Post $20201A 94/11/06. 22pp Sire 4On04i7M 10s u110e0300 NRC Bunsen M402. "Corramon ProMme en Cwtam Stemma. Peenagmo Used to Tverieport U Hedefluonde " M11230302 Rev 1 to EPlP FNP 0 EIP.27.1, *Anernate EOF Setup & Acewatost" W/ PAPE RIELLO.C.J. Oswevon of Induetnet & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729) 94/ Mt114 Hr 11/14. Conachdated Edmon Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81816.31141816.322. HUDSPETH.J B. Southum Nuclear Operstm0 Co. H/11/14. Iapp 81649 032-81Mt049 N11100237 NRC Into Notte 94477. "Manuncton m Mam Generator Vonage Regulator Ca Overvoit at Setety-Reisted Eisetncal Equipment" oa *'2'- a D,o, - _& B 876# a " caa'='"*'*a Sa= a " * *~ '-* 'acMaa N11070162 Requests partapeton en 941100meetng at Regen 41 olc en Ananta.GA re M11290307 Forwards enop ropes 50448/9447 & Stk364/94 27 on 94101741.No viola-Fi SE10 MOV prog'sms tons noted GiBSON.A.F Repan 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/12. MOREY.D.N. Southem Nuctaar Ol> CRLENJAILR V. Regen 2 (Post $20201). 94/11/18, WORE'Y D.N. Soumam Nuclear erstrg Co. 2pp. e1805.21741tl05.220 Operstm0 Co. 3pp 8185791741857 030. 1 l 104 DOCKETEDITEMS -M11200010 kap repts 60448/94-27 4 604f64/94 27 on 941017 21No monstens - 9411220374Esemtum granted from recuemments et 10CFR73 $5(d)($) to returning of noted Maior areas mapoctod engenseemg & techrecal e@ port ectreetses. design changes picture badges upon emot from protected area auch that eienduals autnortrud unes. & plant mod. coned access mio protected area can take badges ettene MILLER M . CASTO.C Repon 2 (Post $20201) 64/11/16 tipp 81857.020- v ARGA.S.A Danson et Reactor Protects uit (Post 87041 4 94/11/08 PECO 81867$30 Energy Co.. (formerly Phstedelpthe Electre Co ) 7pp 8182227541822 281, 9411190578NRC Info Notco 64478. "Electne Corpponent feelure due to Degradaton 9411220385 Forwards propnetary revised Emergency Response Procedures. etetuding Cheoride wee insulatert" ERP mden.Rev 6 to EF4P 101.Rev 12 to ERP-110.Rev 6 to ERP.140 4 Rev 15 to GR . K. . 94/11/21. Coneohdated Edison Co. of New Yortt, Inc. topp ERp.300 Ence withheid 81848.21541848 224 HUNGER.G A. PECO Energy Co. (tormorty Phdadelptus Enactnc Co) 94/11/16 Doc-urnent Control Branch (Documeni Contel Desk) 2pp. $1892.34341892 344 N11170039, Svc w ie NRC Wo Nobce 94 079. "Metratisologically influenced Corrosson of EDG GRIMt 5.8 K. . /11/23 Coneohdated Eeson Co. of teew York inc. epp 81648 225 K. Utility Final Setety Analyets Report (FSAft) & emends 81848.233 M19170279 NRC Info Notco D4 080. "6nedsenate DC Ground Detecton m DC Detrity 9411070233 Forwards "Lamench Generstmg Staten. Units 1 & 2.Updaiad Femi Safety ten bys" Anaeynes Rapt." rev 4 GRIML E.8 K. . D4/11/25 Coreuhdated Edmun Co et New York. Inc. 14pp SMtfM w H PECO Energy Co. (tormerly Philadelphia Electric Co ) N/10/28 Docu-81848 23441848.247. ment Cantrol Branch (Dowment Contros Desk) epp 81729 0014 1731.318 M111?D264 NRC Into Nohce 94 061 " Accuracy of Besasey & Envoun Samphn0 R*- *H11070240 " Updated Fnal Smeety Analyssa Rept Lerrmnch Generstm0 Stahan Umts 1 suits " & 2." rev 4 PArf RIELLO.CJ Drveen of Industral & Meecal tAcceae Salety (Post 870729) 94/

  • PECO Energy Co. (turmorty Phsiadeepha Electre Co) 94/11/04 1.03 app 11/25. Coneohosted tenon Co of New York. anc 12pp 81848 24841648 250 81729 009 81731 318 R. Portoec operstmg reports & rotated , -- P. Operating hcenna stage etnoumonts & -- --

D411180485 Monthey overstmg repts for Oct 19M for JM Farley thh Plant Umts 1 & 9411010116mtorms W reducson m cutoft levet for enthal screenm0 tests assocessed w/ 2 W1941110ar einess-forduty les HILL.R D . WOOOARDJ.D Southerti 84uclear Operatmg Co. 94/10/31 9pp- HUNGER.G A PE Energy Co. Philadelphis tiscenc Co) 94/10/24 Doc-81780'062 41780 0110 ument Control Bratich (Document ) 1p 81679.27241579 272 9411010122 Apphoatton for amend to scenene NPF43 4 NPF45 to TS 93-18 re cher S. Reportette occupences. Ms & reisted e - request that proposed to morease showable leak rate for MSiv & to delete MSIV L ' HUNGER.G A PECO Energy Co.. ( Phdadelphia E4ectre Coi M/10/25. Doc. 9411070000 Fnal Part 21 sept 94402A re three se sert emetbutor came traciung at ument Control Brancti (Documen' Conent ) Spp. 81685 07441586 079 s Cams topierMed w/came made uung seactnc arc. RAT 6ANNL.S A Colloc Indusmos. Inc N/06/01. Document Control Bretch (Dow ment Control Desk) Spp 81654 20941654 213 -9,411010327Pmposed or MStv & delete MSly LCStoch specs to change rogsest to mcrease snowable leak rate ""IY ' """ I "" 9411300329 LL'R D4405-00 on N1021.rresasle protecton for condensate storage tanks medomete Caused tsy design oversight entenm measures taken unal remarement for h 7g' manade was removed kom FSAR W/941118 Itr 9411030198 Notthcaton of roscheduled941108 meetng w/uble m Rocsyme.MD to es-HIL .R MOREY.D Southem Nuclear Operstmg Co 94/11/18 6pp 81912190- cuna proped nieernmosas m normaterty coment es updawd F SAR RINALDi.F. Profect Descturate L2, D4/1 /26. STOLZJ.F Proyect Drectorate 02 3pp 51607.273 81e07.275. DOCKET 56 362 LIMERICK GENERATING $7 ATION. UNIT 1 9411000010Provides NRC approvst for PECC, Energy Co proposal to transfer review e4 NCR trom endependent nuccear OA orgerstatson to hno organsratnn for plants F. Securtty, meecaL evnergency & Dre protection plans MODES.M.C. Regen 1 (Post 820201) D4/10/2a SMITH.u M PECO Energy Co,(ice-merly Phstadelptua Electnc Co) 2pp 81627.33041627.333 I b " ""*'""U b"" ^* ' 9411180132Nottraton of mgruncant hcanoes meetsnD 94-128 w/uts on 941110 to es- "E 9309 tons Pt C nergy Co.,(formerly PhnadelpNa Electnc Co ) 93/09/29 603pp 81886001 Q Q*j 'gwning or S20201) 9411/01. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 2pp. p1746.3S641746 35 9411210397 Forwards ade WWo requested at D40926 meetno tiy NRC m support of uti 940610ewempton remost troen 10CFR73 $n re une of tuometnce access control sys 9411000001 Forweeds EA & FONSI whsch requests exempton from certam remare-HUNGER.G A PECO Ensegy Co.. Phsadelpha Elecenc Col 94/10/07. Doc. monts of 10CFR73 66 ve assusfu.s. storage & retneval tsadges for personne4 whicti umern Wntrol Branch (Documera trol ) 3pp 51833.35641833 360, have tseen gianted urwsmrmd access to prosced areas or estper 640610apptca-tum 9411010331 Responds to H0010 & 941011 changes to facety physmal escunty pasn & RINALDif. Protect Drectoram12. 94/11/03 HUNGER.G A. PECC Energy Co.,(tor-determanos that changes consstent & acceptabes for enctuemn m p6an marty Phdadelpha Enoctnc Co) app.81666 342 4 1666 360 JOYNERJ H F4egeon 1 (Posi 820201) 94/10/19 HUNGER.G A. PECO Energy Co. (tormerly Ptmaadelphie Co) 3pp 91679 3h441679 3S6 a44 t t000096 EA & FONSI requestw'ig euempton tram certam requpments et regula-bons to econses NPF 39 4 NPF 85 tot operaton ce plattLUrvts 1 & 2 Acton would 9411050218 Revised evner . response procedures (ERP).mceurAn0Rev 13 to ERP. amow smpeementaton of hand geometry tuometnc eye of sne access contrat 300 & Rev to to FRP-3C W/ 1031 ID STOLZJ F. Prosset Drectorate F2. 94/11/03 6pp stee6.34tLe16tte 360 HUNGER G A PECO Energy Co., (turmerly Phdadelstes Enseme Co) 94/10/31 60pp 01670 278 01678 337. 9411150615 bummenos 941026 psic meetn0 m Kmg of Prusam.PA to escusses MOV sasues w/ Regen I acennees H11160122 Nontmaton of esgrwhcant beenees 9412$.Rev 1. w/uti on941107 f(E.LLY.E M Hegean 1 (Post 820201) 04/11/03 SMITH.D M PECO Energy Co., (for-to escuss presentaton to reponal mgt by ute of P at piant through current moth merly Ptuladelptus Enoctnc Co) appp 81744 199 81744 247 $At P ANDERSON.C.J Raoron 1 (post 820201) 94/11/02 Region 1 (Post 820201) 2pp 9411220120 Responds to resseet lot addl Info power versie program 91746 35241746 3SJ HUNGER.G A PECO t nergy Co.. t Pruiadesprua E.nectic Co) 94/11/15 Doc-9411090091 Forwards EA & FONSI wtucti restuosts exempton from certan recure-monts of 10CF R73 65 re neuence.atorage & removal badges sur personnel wtach 9411220328 Forwards EA & Dnen0 of no signehrant impact re utt vessest for hconne itsve tioon grarised uneacarted access to proiected reos al one.per940810apptca- amenn to ctange TS to acconmaste propound SFP rnno to ptant teatre of mauerme ALDif. Propect Dractorate F2 94/11/03 HUNGER G A PECO Energy Co.. (tor- Ni[aNMd" Der 6 /N16 HUNGER.G A. PECO Energy Co., (for. marty Pfeiadottua Electnc Co ) app 81066.342 41666.350 merly Phsenetprua Esectnc Co) 2pp. 01822.23141822.243 -94 H220343 Envron asneemment & nnen0 et no angnduant enpad m uti emend e 3 & Y.a e oper non paa Uruts would ouest to charge TS tiy mereenmo $F storage capacey m each $FP Dom 2040 tual show ret)tementaton of hand Denmetry tuometnc sys of one access coreal k W $70L2J F. Protect Drectorate Q 94/11/03 6pp 01686 34641606 350 a cd eactor eOuentori, Director (Post 870411) 94/11/16. Opp 9411220100 Forwards esp repts $4352/9443 & 54353'94 23 on D40027-1031 & 81822 233 81822 240. notees et vuonatan *4411220364 Notte of casuarine of erweron amassemerit & nnding at no ant ANDERSON.C.J Region 1 (Post $20201) 94/11/09 SMITH.D tA PEW Energy Co., (formerly Ptuladelptus Electnc Co) app 01796 13941798 179 smped m amend to TS to authortre erremes of storage t'apaaty en eacti et P from 2040 fuel anaerntees to 4117 tuel asserntdess 4411220115 Noixe of violaton kom map on 940927 1031voleten nosod on STOLZJ F. Protect Drectorate && 94/11/16 3pp 81822.24141822243 940lr12 un' Unit 2 at 100% power.shdi mana0er ed not clanedy event tened on seesct-ed categones & mnst envere EAL 6411290143 TS Cha Rommets 03124.9446 0.94 614D4-524 & 94 63 0 to b ceneas NPF.39 4 46.chareng a $ Admpustratwo 6ecton 6 0

  • Region 1 (Post 820201) 94/11/09 2r4) 0179n 143 9179e 144 HUNGER.G A. PECO Energy Co., E lectnc Co ) 94/11/21 Doc-9411220365 Forweda esempton from remserements of 10CFR73 $$ re tasuance.stnrege ument Cor*ol Branch (Documers at ) 3pp 81903 31741903 357

& retneval el todges for personnel grarned unnecorted accean to protected & vital areas of este Remsosts that ulu asawrut sevened physical secunty plans -9411290148 Proposed noch specs se Adnunemtratwo Sectum 6 0 RiteALDI F Proisct Drectorate 02 94/11/09 HUNGE R.G A PECO Energy Co, (for.

  • PECO &nergy Co., (formerly Ptulanotitus E nseme Co ). 94/11121 Sfipp 01903 324 enerty Ptuandolphes Eisetric Co ) app 01822 27141E222ei s1903 357

DOCKETEDITEMS 105 N112s0190 Forwards %mench Generstmg Staten Unna 1 & 2 Proposed Change to S. Reportah6e occurrences. LERs & related OA Program Descreton." - HUNGER.GA PECO Energy Co, jf Phnedelpha Elecmc Co ).94/11/21. doc

  • umora ContrW Branch (Document ContrW ). 7pp 81105.27241905294- N110700R0 Fmal Part 21 rept 94402A re three er start estIbutor carri crackmg at planh Cams replaced w/ cams made unng electnc arc.

-M112e0194 "umench Gerwatmg Staten Unris 17 2 Proposed Change to OA Pro. PRATIANNE.SA Costec induetnes. anc. 94/06/01 Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Des 4. $pp. 81654.20941654 213. prem Desenpison. PECO Energy Co.,(formmHy Ptwiedelpha Eise'/ic Col 94/11/21.16pp 81905.279 8 *62** V. Operator txeminatione M11300305 Appicetion for amends to bconses NPF 39 4 NPF45. increasmg spent fuel pooe storage rceense spern sues pool storage capseny of each wut. H11010318 Submits responses to adrrenstratrwe ter 94-12. " Operator Uconsmg Nati HUNGER.G.A. PECO Energy Co.. Phsadelptwa Enoctne Co) 94/11/22. Dw Exam Schedule " ument Control Branch (Documern trol L 2pp. 81907.35641907.360. HUNGER.G A PECO Energy Co.. ( Phsadelpha Electne Co 1. 94/10/24. Doc. umern Control Branch (Document Control L 5pp. 81587:05141587-055. -9411300309 Proposed toch specs to mcreased spent fuel pool storage capacity of each una 9411160109 Notshes that lated semor reactor operssors reassagned to new poederis no

  • PECO Energy Co., (tormerly PNiedelpNa Electnc Co) 94/11/22. 3pp. 81907.358- lonoer remarmg treenses.

81907.360. HELWlG.D R PECO Energy Co.. (to Phsadeeplea Enocirc Co) 94/11/07. Doce mont Control Branch (Document Control ) 1p. 81779 35941779:359. h Inspection reports, IE Bunetens & _. . DOCKET $0453 LIIAERICK GENERATtNG STATION, UNIT 2 M10t40257 Suppl 1 to NRC Info Notce 93-060. " Reporting Fuel Cycle & Mans Events to NRC Operatons Ctr." BURNETT.R F. Divison of Fuel Cycle batety & Sateguards (Post 930207). 94/10/20. F. Securfty, mothcal, emergency a fire protection piens Corisohdmed Edman Co. of New York. Inc.12pp 81816.299-41816 310. 9411020005 Notfcahon of eigvfcant iconsee meetmg 94125 w/uto on M1104 to 94112900s7 "Scenarm Marmal for Limonch Generstng Staten.EP Annual speserW self.assessmern of performance at staten Exerces.Sceneno L33.930929 " current micFSALF ' PECO Energy Co (formettyptWadelpha Elecinc Co ) 93/09/29. 603pp. 81886-001 ANDERSON C.J Regen 1 (Post $20201). 94/10/21. 1 (Post 82C201). 2pp. 81887.239. 81528'048 4 1528'049 9411210397 Forwards addlinto reouested at940928 meetmo tw NRC m sosiport of util M10200153 NRC prWo Notco 94076. "Recent Fadures of Chargmg/ Safety Insectson 940810 esempton request from 10CFR73.55 re use of tuometrics access control sys. Pump Shafts. Phnadelptua Electnc Co ) 94/10/07. Doc. GRIMES B K. Offsoe of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten. Director (Post 870411). 94/10/26. HUNGER,G A PECO Energy Co., Control). 3pp. 81833:35641833.360 Cor=**= led Edman Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81658-00141658.013. ument Conent Branch (Ducument M11030177 Ach receipt of 94n915 Itr mformmg NRC of steps taken to correct molatons 9411010331 Responds to 940919 4 N1011 changes to facehty phymacal security men & noted m map rept50-277/94-15. W276/94-15.$352/94-19 & 64353/9419 dearmmes Rat chanps conomant & acceptable for incluson m plan MEYER.G W Regen 1 (post 820201) 94/10/27. SMITH.D.M. PECO Energy Co., Ucr-JOYNER IH Re(pon 1 (Post 820201). 94/10/19 HUNGER.G A PECO Energy Co., mor1y PhdadHphe Doctnc Col 3pp. 81561:001 41561 908, pormerly Phdadelphe Electnc Col 3pp. 81579 35441579:356 N11040018Irdorms that hcensee 940930 feouest for approval of rehof requests RR18 ear facehty frst 10-yr ernental meervice map program. acceptable , pf[gg ' ' STOL2J F Praeset Drectorate6 2 94/10/2s HQNGER.G A. PECO Energy Co.. (for- HUNGER.G A PECO Energy Co.. (formetty Phdadelphe Electre Col 94/10/31. marty Pheadelphe Electnc Co) 3pp. 81628.25541628.257 60pp. 8167827841678.337-9411160122 Nouhcaten ci segrufcant boensee mee 94-125.Rev 1. w/um on 941107 N11160122Notfacaton of segm8l cant imenses meetng 94125.Rev 1. w/uW on 941107 e omcuss presaritaten to regonal mot Dy uns of at plant inrough current frud. to docums presentaton to regonal mgt In util of bALP at piant twough current metk Sgtp - RSON.CJ R 1 (Post $20201). 94/11/02. Regen 1 (Post 820201k 2pp. ' " 81746 3524 1746:35 8 7463 6 9411220109 Forwards map repts 50 352/94 23 4 50 353/94-23 on 9409271031 & N110000e1 Forwards EA & FONSI wNch requests exempton troen cortam recure-ments of DCFR73.55 m asuance.stmge & retneval tedges Mr personnel wNch notre of violaten'Regon 1 (Poes 820201) 94/11/09 ANDERSON.CJ SMITH.D.M. PECO Energy Co., he toen Faned unescoed am to protecmd amas el ene,per 94M W Wormerly Phsadesprus Electnc Co ) 4pp. 8179813941798179 RINALDI.F. Protect Drectorate 52. 94/11/03 HUNGER.G.A. PECO Energy Co., (for- -4411220115 footco of woianon from map on 9409271031Violaton reted:en medy ediHphe socinc Ca) app.81666224166645a ng $d n I went med on saaect ed ca' "& -M11000006 EA & FONSI reouestmg exempton from certam seguirments of regula.

  • Region 1 (Post 820201). Hi11/09. 2pp 8179814S.81798144' tons to hcenses NPF-39 & NPF45 tar operaton of pianLUruts 1 & 2. Action would allow e ipiementaten of hand tuometnc sys of sne access cortos.

-4411220123 Insp repts 50-352/94-23 8 60-353/94-23 on 9409271031. Violations SWJA Propect Drocuram 02 94 H/03 Spp. 8166634641666354 support aaNt see tty wwificaa"m I""'""*""9"' 9411220109 Forwards eisp repts 50-352/94-23 4 54353/9423 on 9409271031 & o ANDERSON.CJ Regon 1 (Posi 620201). 94/11/10. 34pp. 8179614541798179 g g g'yRptN enmawwu6 kgA pormony madelpraa Electnc Cc4 4pp. 8179813941798179. 94110e0300 NRC Boheen 94402. "Conoson Protdems m Certasn S:amiens Packagmg used to transport u Hematluonde - lLAPERIELLO.CJ Dween or endusinal & Medcal Nuclear Gatety (Post 870729). 94/ -941122011$ Notco of volaton from insp on 940927-1031.Violeton noted on 11/14 Consohdated Eeson Co of New York. Inc.12pp. 81816.31141816.322. 940912.s /Urdt 2 at 100% power. shift manager did not clasesty event tsened on seioct. ed categones & most severe EAL N11100237 NRC Into Notre 94477. "Malfuncton si Mam Generstar Voflage Regulato,

  • Repon 1 (Post $20201). 94/11/09. 2pp. 8179814341793:144 Causmg at Safety-Routed Electncal ESapment" GRIMES.B K. .94.11/17 Conschameed Edmon Co. of New York, kic. 7pp 81816.323- 9411220365 Forwards exempton from rosaroments of 10CFR73.55 re issuance. storage 81914 329. & retneval of badges for personnel granted unescorted access to protected & wtal areas of sne Reouests trw uld submn rowsed physcal accurey plans M11150578 NRC Into Notco 94 078. *Eiectnc Componere Fadure due to Degradaten FilNALDI.F. Propect DractorfAe b2. 94/11/09 HUNGER.GA PECO Energy Co., (for.

of po#ywnirl Chionde Wre irsuteten.* meMy Phdadelpha Einctnt' Col 4pp. 81822.27141822.281. GRlMES.B K. . 94/11/21. Connohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 10pp. 81648.21541848 224 -M11220374 Exemton 0' anted from reguremerits of 10CFR73 55(d)(5) to retumma of pcture badges uoan est tram protoceed area euch that mdendusas authorned unes-N11170039NRC Into Notco 94470. 'Mcratnologcany influenced Corronen of EDG oftaita Svc water Pgung- corted VARGA.SA access mto of Dmaan protected area can tame 9. ./11 (Post $70411). Reactor Proiscts 94/11/09. PECO GRtMES B K .94/11/23 Cormohdaled E& son Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 81848.225 Energy Co., Normony Phdadelpha Electne Col 7pp. 81822.275 81822.201. 81648.233. M11220385 Forwards proonetary towned Emergency Response Procedures. mcludsng M11170279NRC info Notco 94480. "inadequete DC Ground Detecten si DC Dumbu. EPP moes.Rev 5 to ERP-101,Rev 12 to ERP 110.Rev 6 ta ERP-140 & Raw 15 to tan sys" ERP.300 Enct withheld GRIMEE.B K. . 94/11/25. Conschdated Edison Co of New York. Inc. tapp. HUNGER GA PECO Energy Co.. ( Pheadelptua Electnc Co) 94/11/16. Doc-81848.234 41648.247. ument Contros Brarch (Document Control 3. 2pp. 81892.343 81892 344. N 702s4 NRC Into Notco 9448t. *Accurney of Bmassay & Emnron Earrohng Re-FAPER!ELLO.CJ Dusson of Industnal & Medcol Nuclear Safety IPost 870729) 94/ 11/25. Conschdeted Edman Co of New York. enc.12pp 81N8.24841848 259 N11070233 Forwards "Limonck Generstm0 Station.Uruts 1 & 2. Updated Frat Sately Arwyes Rept." rev 4 (1 Periodse operating reports & rotated - SMITH W H PECO Energy Co. (former'y Phnadelphs Electnc Co ) 94/10/28. Doew ment Corent Ekanch (Document Control Desu 800. 81729 0014 1731 318 N t1250127 Monthly opersing mote for Oct 1994 tar Lenench Nucinar Generatng -9411071!240 " Updated Fenal Safety Anatyne Rept Lamench Generatng Staten Uruts 1 Sinton w/941114 Itr & 2." rev 4 KELLE Y.S1, MUN72) A PECO Energy Co (formwiy PreiedespNo Electne Ce t 94/

  • PECO Enwgy Co., Normeriy Phsadelphe Electic Co) N/11/04 1.038pp 10/31 tipp 81855 00141855 011. 81729 00941731.318.

. _ . . _ . m_. ._m_ _. _ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . ._ -_ i l 1 i l 106 DOCKETEDITEMS P. Operoient bcense state - _ & cormoponeence o. Inspection reports, et punetans & corresporusence 9411010116trearms of reducten m cutoff levet for meal screenmg tests assocated a/ 9410140257 Suppl 1 to NRC Into Notme 93 060, ' Reportmg Fuel Cycle & Matis Events fitness-tor 4Jty testmg to NRC Operations Ctr " HUNGER.G A PECO Energy Co.. (f Pheadelptua Enoctne Co ) 94/10/24 Doc- BURNETT.R F Dwason of Fuel Cycle Satefy & Safeguards (Post 930207). 94/10/20.  ! ument Control Branch (Document Control ) 1p 8157917241579272. Conschdated Ed son Co. of tven York. Inc.12pp 81816.29941816 310 9411020216 Submits map pian m response to GL 9443. "lGSCC of Core Strouds e M11020006 Notiscaten of agrvfcant beensee meetmo 94125 w/phl on 941104 to BWRs " in-wessel map wat be portormed m accordance w/ASME Code.Socton present self-asseswnent of performance at stahon through current mid-SALP Kl.Enavn Cat B#1.dunng Refusimg Outage (2RO3) planned for Jan 1995 ANDERSON.CJ Region 1 (post 820201) 94/10/21 Region 1 (Post 820201) 2pp HUNGER.G A. CO Energy w., ft Pheadelphe Esectnc Co ) 94/10/24 Doc- 81528 048 41528 049 ument Control Branch (Document Controf .) 3pp. 61589.30441589.306 M11020216 Subnuts map plan m response to GL 94 03. *1GSCC of Core Shrouds m M11010322 Apphcanon for amend to iconses NPF.39 & NPF45 to TS 9118 re cha BWRs" frMaessel snap wiu be performed m accordance w/ASME Code.Secten regnest that proposed to mcrease allowabie soak rate for MSh/ & to oeista MSiv L ~ Kl.Esam Category BW 1.dunrq Refuehng Outage (2RO31 planned for Jan 1995. HUNGER.G A. PECO Energy Co., (t Pheadelpha Elecec Co) 94/10/25 Doc- HUNGER.G A PECO Energy w.,(t Pheadelpnsa fioctre Col 94/10/24 Doc-ument Control Bronch (Document Control ) 5pp 81585'07441585 079 ument Control Branch (Document Control ). 3pp. 81589:30441589 306. - M 11010327 Proposed toch specs re change request to mcrease aHowatHe leak rate 9411070387 Forwards rehof roguest RR 13,rev 1 from regarements of Secton XI of for MSiv & desete MSiv LCS ASME Boner & Pressure Vessel Code re sys pressure tests for vanous Class 2 & 3

  • PECO Energy Co-, (Mrmony Philadeeptua Electnc Co). 94/10/25 1p. 81585 079 pressure retaruno components 81585 079 HUNGER G A. PECO Energv Co.. Ph4adelphia Electnc Co ) 94/10/25 Doc-ument Control Branch (Dowment of ).19pp. 81663.30141663.321.

9411030198Nonfesten of rescheduled 941108meetng w/utits in Rockwele MD to err cuss proposed methodo6ogses m reducing nonsafety content of updated FSAR 9410200153 NRC Into Notoe 94476, "Racent Faoures of Chargmg/ Safety Inlechon FilNALDi F Proiset Drectorate F2 94/10/26 STOL1J F. Prosset Drecerate B-2. 3pp Purnp Sharts " 01607273 41607.275. GRIMES.8 ft Orfce of Nucasar Reactor Regulaten. Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/26 Conschdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp 81658 00141658 013 M11000010 Provides NRC enproval for PECO Energy Co proposal to transler rewww of NCR trom ridspendent nue ear OA orgeruzaban to kne orgeruzauon for plants 9411030177 Ack reempt of 940915 Itr mtormmg NRC of steps taken to correct violanons MODES.M C. Regson 1 (Poi 1820201) 94/10/28 SMITH.D M PECO Energy Co (for- w e map w S277/94-15. E278/94-15.M 352/94-19 & 54353/94-19 medy Ph4adelphia Electnc Q ). 2pp. 81627.33041627.333' MEYER.G W Region 1 (Post 820201) 94/10/27 SMITH.D M. PECO Energy Co.,(for-9411100132 Notifcahon of arg ufcars bconsee meetmg 94128 w/util on 941110 to es- "*"Y "* M H940018 intonna M W 946 roguest h appraal W mlief menests 28 DERSON C.J R 1gnoel 820201) 11/01 Repon 1 (Post 820201). 2pp. for facihty frsi Wr intenral mserwce inne pmgram.acceptaWe 81746 3%4t746 35 S*0LIJ F Protect Directorate 62. 94/10/28 HUNGER.G.A. PECO Energy Co., (for- **"Y b'*CI"E 8E

  • 94110e0001 Forwards EA & F1INSI wruct) requests exempton from certam regure.

monts of 10CFR73 55 re esse ance. storage & retneval badges for personnel whch 9411100122Nottfcatson ci segruttant ecensee mee 94125.Rev 1. w/uhl on941107 have been granted urwacorter access to protected areas of site.per M0810 appica. to docuss presentanon to reponal mot by uni of at piant through current rrm$ ,,on RINALDt.F Proiect Drectorth6-2. 94/11 " "UNGER.G.A PECO Ener fy SALP i Co., (to,, ANDERSON.C.J R 1 (Post $20201L 94/11/02. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 2pp merly Phandelptus Electnc Co ). epp e s666.34241666 350 81746 352 41746.3 -M11080pt6 EA & FONSI requestmo esempton from certam recurments of reguia- M1H00104 Responds to velahom reted m map rept W53/94E Cormetwe hans to hcenses NPF-39 & NPF 45 tar ope'aton of plant.Uruts 1 & 2.Acton would acDon.NLO escaphnso re proper une of een chectung practres allow enpeementaten of hand geometry tuometnc sys of sete access control HELWIG.D.R PECO Ermrgy Co ( Phsaoedprus Electnc Co ) 94 /11/07. Doce STOLZJ F. Protect Over:torate 1-2. 94/11/03 5pp 81666.34641666.350 ) 5pp 8177935441779358 vnent Control Branch (Document Control N11150515 Summanes 941026 pubic rneebng in Ksng of Prussia.PA to discusses MOV M1122010D Forwards map repts 50352/94-23 & 5(L353/94-23 on 9409271031 & maues w/R l icensees KELLY.E M 1 (Post 820201. 3 94/11/03 SMITH.D M PECO Energy Co, (for. nonce os noiaton ANDERSON C.J. Re0cn 1 (Post $20201K 94/11/09 SMITH.D M PECO Energy Co., morty Pheadesprua Electnc Co ) 49pp 8174419941744147. (formody Ptuladespras Electne Co.) app.8179813941798 179 N11220120 Responds to request toe addl mto power rerate program. HUNGEH.G A. PECO Energy Co., Phaedelpha Electre Co) 94/11/15 Doc- -9411220115 Nobce of violaten from map on 940927 1031Venaten notecton I 5pp 81832 35841832.361 940912.w/Urut 2 at 100% power.stuft manager ed not classdy everit based on seeect-ument Control Branch (Documemt Coritrol ed categones & most severe EAL. 9411220228 Foneerds EA & fmen0 of no esgewfcant enpact re unt request for hcense

  • flegen 1 (Post 820201) 94/11/09 2pp 8179814341798144 ememd to chan0e TS 10 accomodate proposed Sf"P mod to plantNohce of msuance of E A 4 fmdm0 of no significant enpact also enci -M11220123 inso repts 50 352/94-23 & 50-353/94-23 on 940927-1031. Violatons RINALDI.F Protect Drectorate 1-2. 94/11/16 HUNGER.G A. PECO Energy Co., (for- rotedMaior areas mspectedpiant operators ment.swvedience engmeermo.piant meny Ptuladelphia f.tectric Co ) 2pp. 8182223141822243 suppo.1 & safety assessment & cuahty verthcaten ANDERSON,CJ Regen 1 (Post $20201). 94/11/10 34pp. 8179814541798179 )

-9411220M3 Erwiron assessment & Imeng of to sognetrant ampact re uhl amend re' cuest to change TS by merennen0 SF storsgo capacity a each SFP from 2040 fust 9411090300NRC Bulletm 94402. "Corrosson Probsoms m Certam Stamiens Packagmg assembkes to 4117 fuel steambhos used to Transport U Hexafluonde" i

  • Offce of Nuctuar Reactor Regulaton, DFeClor (Post 870411). 94/11/16 800 PAPERIELLO.CJ. Divmen of indusmal & Medcal Nuclear Satofy (Post 870729) 94/ I 81822.23341822.240. 11/14. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New Yort4. Inc.12pp. 81816 31141816.322. l1

-M11220364 Notre of msuance of envron assessment & fmthng of no menticant M11100237NRC into Notee 94-077 "Matsuncton m Masn Generator Voltage Regulator ampoet to amend to TS to authartre mcrease of storege capacay m each of SF P from Ca at Safety Related Electrical Esspment " l GRIME .B K. 94 1/17. Consohdated Eeson Ca of New York,Inc. 7pp 81416 323-1 2040 fusi assembhos to 4117 fusi asaarnDhes STOLZJ F. Progect Drectorate s.2. M/11i16 3pp. 81822.24141622.243 81816.329 ) 9411290143 TS Cha Requests 93-12 0 94-46 0.94 510.94-52 0 & 94-534 to L> g411150578NRC Into Notee 94478. "Enoctnc Component Failwe due to Degradatson ' carmes NPF.39 & 85.cnangmg eftectmg TS Adnwnstratwo Secton 6 0- of Polywmyt Chionde Wre insulaDon" HUNGER,G A PECO Energy Co,. ( Philadelphe Elecinc Co.194/11/21. Doc- McMES.8 K. . 94/11/21. Consolidated Esson Co. of New York, Inc. 10pp 1 umore Control Brarch (Document Control ) 3pp. 819C3.31741903.357- $1648 21541848224 -9411290140 Proposed toch specs to Admrustratwo Secten 6 0 NRCin

  • PECO Energy Co.,(tormerly Phenadesprus Electric Co.). 94/11/21. 38pp 81903 324 Mg1,11700,39,g wy to Notce 94479, "Mecrobelogeally influerced Corroson of

$1903 357 GRIMES.B K ,94/11/23 Conachdated Edson Co. ce New York, Inc. 9pp. 81648225r 94112e0190 Forwards "Lenancet Generstmg Staton Uruts 1 & 2 Proposed Change to @C Into Nonce 94480, "tredequate DC Wand Detecten m DC Dismb+ UNG GA gy Co.. (t Phendeeptus Electra: Co) 94/11/21 Duc- 94h1702 ument Contrai granch (Document Control 6esk) 7pp 8190527241905.294 GRIMES B K. . 94/11/25 Consohdated Edison Co of New Yorti, Inc 14pp. Sm82 648M -94112o0196 "Lonerick Generstmg Staten Units 1 & 2 Proposed Change to CA Pro-N 702M NRC into f40tsce 94481.

  • Accuracy of Smassey & Enwron Sampimg Re-PECO nergy Co., (formony Philadeeptus Etscinc Co ) 94/11/21 16pp 81905.279 01W5294 PAPERIELLO.CJ Duson of indusinat & Medcal feucieer Satety (post 870729) 941

## ' O "" " **U" # '""' 94113o0305 Apphcaten for amends to iconses NPF-39 & NPF45. Incrossmg speni tuel pool stora ancrease spent fuse pool storage capacitw of each urut. HUNGER. A PECO E.nsergy Co.. (formerly Ptulauselphia Elecmc Co i 94/11/22. Doc- R Penoec operaung reports & rossied -_- ument Control Branch (Document Control Desk) 2pp. 81907.35641907.380 -M t1300309 Proposed toch spect to meressed speni tuoi pool storage capacity of 9411250127 Monthly operating repts for Oct 1994 for Lenenct Nuclear Generating each urut Staten W/941114 str

  • PECO Energy Co., (formerty Peuteentprus Electne Co) 94/11/22 3pp 81907.356- KELLEY.SJ., MUNT2).A PECO Energy Co.. (former*y Phsadelprua Electnc Col 94/

81907.3n0 1 0/31 I tpp 81855 00141855 011. I 1 DOCKETEDITEMS 107 S. Reportetes , LERs a ratetod corveependence Nt1300125 Rev to 940005appiceton for amend to bconee NPF 67,re EDG surved-lance . M19079300 Fnal Part 21 rept 94402A re three se start dmW1butor cams crackmg at LABRUNA. . Pielc Senace Electre & Gas Co of New Jersey 94/11/21. Document planes Cams tardaww/come maos uom0 o*cyc arc. Corttrol Branch (Document Control Desk). 3pp. $1910:27141910280. PRATIANNE.5 A Conec induetnes. Inc. 94/06/01. Document Control Bianch (Docu-enent Co1 pol Desk) Sep. 816b4 20041854.213. -e411300128 Proposed noch specs re EDG survallance changes.

  • Pubhc Service Electnc & Gas Co of New Jersey. 94/11/21. 7pp. $1910274-N11080348 LER 94 00f>0&tetween 940829 4 0906. approved cieerence mcorrecoy 81910280.

specihed remoral of tune tram D21 EDG treeker sumhery conWol power arcuit that would prevent 'A' CS sys subsystern from automatcany startng W/941102 Itr. 9411300308 Ofters no comments on uht 940817 request for cost benshraal 6consmo RANTERJ.L. BOYCE.R W. PECO Energy Co (formony Philadespite Electnc Co) acton for row to hconse amend appimaten LCR 8845 re permanorit hyikogen water 94/11/02. Opp. 8171622441716.229 chenastry sys. TOSCH.K. New Jersey. State of. 94/11/21. Document Control Branch (Document M11230301 LER 9441000.on 941019 reactor SCRAM & actuaton of venous enp- Conrol Dont 2pp 81923.35941923:380. neared safety tectures raultmg from reasy coe fasure & inappropnew acton by t> consed reactor operator. Failure snelyse being performed W/941117 ftr. CIANTNERJ L. BOYCE,R. PEO3 Energy Co (formody Phnadelphie Electic Col 941 Q. Inspectlen reports, IE Busstens & -. . 11/17. 7pp. 81860982-91868 088 9410140967 Suppt 1 to NRC Info Notco 93 060. Reportmg Fuel Cycle & Matis Events V. Dyerster E to NRC Operatons Car." BURNETLR.F. Divmon of Fuel Cycle Sately & Sateguards (Post 930207). 94/10/20. H11010318 Sdwnns responses to admnustratswo ltr 94-12. "Operstar ucenan0 Nan Conachdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc.1290.0181629941816.310. Enam Schedule " HUNGER.G A PECO Energy Co.. Phnedsephia Electnc Co194/10/24. Doc. 9410300153 NRC Info Nohce 94476. "Recent Fadures of Chargmg/SaW InlSchon ument Convol Branch (Docwnent t 5pp. 81587-05141587 055. y W (P SM4 M/10% M111a010e Nottes that haied eenor reactor operators . . ao new poemore no Coneohdated Eenon Co at New York, inc.12pp. 81658:00141658 013. t CO nergy Co.. Ptuledelphie Electne Col 94/11/07. Docw N110e0003 Ack reempt of 941018 Itr ardormm0NRC of steps taken to corvect muistons ment Control Branch (Document Controt 41p. 81779:35941779 359. notea m map rept50 354/94 13. WHITEJ.R. Repon 1 (Post 820201). 94/10/31 HAGAN.J. Pubhc Senace Elsews & I Gas Co. of New Jersey. 3pp. 81627:31441627.321. DOCKET $9464 HDPE C81EEK NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 1 l N11000044 Ack recept of 940718 Itr irdorrrang NRC of steps taken to correct velatons  ! reied es map rept 50 354/94-09 l F. Securtty, meshool, emergency a two protect 6an peane COOPER.R. Regen 1 (Post 820201L 04/10/31. ELIASON L.R. Pubhc Servce Electnc  ; & Gas Co. of New Jersey 3pp. 8162814441628.166. I N11100390 Rev 27 to EPIP 20aH. " Emergency Response Canout/ Personnel Recan" l

  • Pubhc Serucs Electic & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 94/09/30. 6typ. 81747201- -M11080852 Notco of viotakon tram inop on 940327 0430 Vioisten noemd:pnar to con-81747.256 tamment mtograted leek rete tesen0 on 940411-12.CR dnve erectonal control valves exerened pnar to Type A test. l M11030364 " Emergency Pian 1994 Hope Creek Graded Exercise H94 06 "
  • Ragon 1 (Post 820201). 94/10/31. 2pp. 81628-14741628:186.
  • Pubac Serves Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 94/10/25 550pp. 81567 001-81568 192 M11000300 i Used to Yransport NRC Buteem 94 002. '."'Corrosen Problems an Carten Stamiens Pachayng U Hexafluonds l

M11100006 Rev 4 to EPtP 807. " Emergency News Clr Toisphone Direetcry." PAPERIELLO,CJ. Dwison of Indusinal & Modoel Nucteer Soloty (Post 870729). 94/

  • Pubte Sennce Ele::tm & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 94/10/28.13pp. 8181828f>

11/14. Conachdmeed Eeoon Co of New York. anc.12pp. 81810:31141816.322. M11230353 Responds to NRC941014 ter se voleton noemd m Iriep Rept 50 354/94-locmc Co. of New Jersey, 94/10/28. 3pp. 81818.337 h g *'**"" **P N overmand tune LABRUNA.S. Pubhc Service Enseme & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 94/11/14. Document M11210036Rowned EPIPs.mcha.tng rev 15 to EPIP-1006.rev 13 to EPIP 1007.rev 5 to "" 0"'h @ """*"' 0*"" O*'"I 880' 803"#' # ' EPip-1010 & rev 29 to EPIP-1013

  • Pubhc Serwce Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 94/11/09.158pp. 81836.107 94me0237 NRC Info Notoe 94477. "Maltuncton m Mem Generator Voltage RepAstor 81636.262' Overvostage at Setety Reisted Elecmcal Equiprnent

_ Edmon Co. of New York. Inc. 7pp. 81816.323- ^^ ^ GR .B.K. 94/11/17. C N113e0105 Forwards snap repts 50272/9423,50311/94-23 4 50354/9421 on 81816.329. 941024-26.No vioestons riosed. JOYNERJH. 1 (Post 820201k 04/11/21 ELIASONAR. Pubhc Senace Elec. M113ese84 Requests approval,per 10CFR50.55a.Secten (a)(3) & footneme 6.30 cae enc & Gas Co of Jersey 3pp. 81672:09441872:107 ASME Code Case N4161. HAGANJ.J. PWahe Sonnee Eisetne & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 94/11/18. Document -4411300187Insp repts50-272/94-23.50-311/94-23 4 54354/9441 on 941024-26.No Coruror Branch (Document Control Donk). 4pp. 81922.31041922.313. violehuns noted Melor areas mapacted evetuston of annual hA-parbcipaten exercase. LAUE.eHUN.J Regen 1 (Post 620201). 94/11/21.11pp. 81672$9741872.107. M11190670 NRC Info Notco N 078. "Electnc Component Falure due to Degradaten of Poevvmyl Chiande Wee insulatort" GRlut$.B.K. . 94/11/21. Consohdened Edmon Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. P. Opereeng Deense sta8e - _ & corrompondence 8164821541M8;224. 9411030297 Le cortract. task order "lPE Reviews.arnemsl Events, Front End M113ocios Forwards map repts 54272/94-23.50 311/94-23 & 54354/94-21 on ." for facerty. 941024-26.No viosamons noted. M .M. Dween of Crmtracts (Post 940714). NRC04-91.On6 94/09/06. COLINA,1. JOYNERJH.R 1 (Post 820201) 94/11/21. EUASONAR. Pubhc Senace Elec-Science & Enyneenng Assocsates. Inc.10pp. 81808-01641608 025. Inc & Gas Co of Jersey. 3pp. 81872-09441872.107. 9411030187 Le contact.denrutang Task Oroer 38.40 "lPE Renews inesmal Evente- -e411300117Inso repts $4272/94-23.50.311/94-23 & 54354/9441 on 941024 26.No Human Factors Only." for plant viossaans noted Mesor areas eispected evaluaton of annual fulLpertapeten exercise. MACE.M H. Omeen of Contracts (post 940714) FIN L 1934. 94/09/12. HAAS.P.M. LAUGHUNJ., KEiMiG.R. Ragon 1 (Post S20201). 94/11/21.11pp. 81872-097-Concord Amer-tes, Inc.12pp. 81607.23481607.250. CSS 72.1C7. M11030302 LW contact.defmmung Task Order 38. "lPE Reviews. Inlemel Events - M11300131 Forwards 90 day rept for ISI acewines for facihty dunng inith refusing BacoEnd Onsy " outage MAa M Dmson of CceWracts (Post 940714), FIN L.1t33 94'00/19. MEYERJ LA8RUNA.S. PWec Service Electne & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 94/11/22. Document SCIENTECH, Inc. 2pp. 9180219541802:1116 Control Branch (Docionent Conird Dookt 2pp. 81910.26041910270. M 830338 *' ' "* ct Nucios Enyneenng -44113e0136 Ninety day rept for ISI activnses at Hope Creon Generating Sutan dunn0 uti 0830 k N OSCH S /27. he.a Contml manch @oournent tactnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey 94/10/04. 9pst 81910.262-g,ta N11040138 Apptceton for amend to 6 cense NPF.67Jeopoeng desoung certen vesves on knas sonnng closed ESF sys outando coremmment trom TS table 8 6.31. M11170039NRC Info Nohce 94479 "SecroteosopcaNy inRunneed Cerroacn of EDG LABRUNA.E Pubhc Senace Enseme & Gas Co of New Jersey ad/10/31. Docaenern Svc water Piping Contos Branch (Document Cores Deaki 22pp. 81853.14941653175. GRIMES.B.K. .94/11/23 Conochdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 81948.225-e1948233. -4411040142 Proposed noch specs deistmp certen valves on knes eennn0 ceased ESF i eys outade cornamment from TS latae 3 s.3-1. M11170279 NRC Info Notco 94480. "enedequate DC Ground Detecton m DC Detribu- !

  • Ptahc Service Elsemc & Gas Go of New Jersey 94/10/31. Sep. 816$3171- ton $ys.".B K. .

l 81653 175 GRIMES 94/11/25 Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 14pp. 81648.23441648.247. M11190437 Discusses 941026rneetm0 m Ken 0 of Prussa.PA re motoreperated valve sneues w/Reqpon i bconeses Let of attendees.egends.hoennae & NRC presernatons & 9411170304NRC Into Notce 94481. " Accuracy of Beessay & Erweron Sampim0 Re-pertes ossoon ouestons encs suits - KELLY.E.M Regen 1 fPost 820201) 94/11r03 ELIASON.L.R. Puhke Sennce Ensetnc PAPERIELLO.C.J. Dusen of indusmal & Meecal Nucesar Safety (Post 870729). 94/ & Gas Co. of New Jersey 49pp. 01744:001 41744 049 11/25 Carmahdated Eeson Co. of New York, tic.12pp. 81048,24641648.259. 108 DOCKETEDITEMS 9411300062 Responds to Wolatons roled in enso rept E354/94-21.. Correctwe M. Antitrust e- e actons ladners en RCA lehened westatement "RCA USE ONLY" & use resmeted LABRUNA.S P2hc Sennce Elec9c & Gas Co of New Jersey 94/11/25- Document 9411210158 Forwards apphcaton.requestmg authoruaton from Pubhc Ubirties Cwmms-Control Brarch (Document Coreol Des 4 7pp 81922299-81922 335- son of btaie of CA to emplement ptan of reorganization wtuch will result m hoedmg company structure MEbERVE.R A Covington & Burbng 94/11/15 Document Control Branch (Document j R Portod6c operating reports & reisted oo"-- Control Des 4 158pp 81809-039 61809196 9411010345 " Discharge Monetarmg Rept for Hope Creek Generating Stabon for Month of Sept 1994 " W/N1020 ist P. Operating beense stage documents & .- NORK.A . HOVEY.R.J Putec Sernce Electnc & Gas Co et New Jersey 94/09/30 CORPORALE.G New Jersey. State of 21pp 81577.32541577.345 9411070210 Forwards amenos 113 & 102to bconses NPF 10 & NPF 15, respective *y & satoty evaluston Amends rowse TS 3.21. "Lmmer Heat Rate & TS 3 2 4. "DNBR M11170273 Forwards FFD portormance data rept for su month penod 940630 Margen" to esternash between cas operstmg knut supermsory sys m/oul of sves LABRUNA.S Pubic Serwce Electnc & Gas Co of New Jersey 94/11/04 it FIELDS.M B Proinct Directorate IV-2 94/10/27 ray,H B Southem Califorma Eeson Control Branch (Document Jontrol Desk) 7pp. 81793 25641793.265. Co GUILES.E.A San Diego Gas & Elecirc Co app.01713 327 41713 347. 9411230222 Forwards monthly operatmo rent for Oct 1994 for Hope Creek Generstmg -9411070221 Amends 113 & 102 to hcenses NPF.10 & NPF.15,respectrvely. revuung Staten Urut 1 & rensed repts tor Sept 1994 TS 3 21. "Lmear Heat Rate" & TS 3 2 4. "DNBR Margm." HOVEY.RJ Pubbc Senace Electne & Gas Co of New Jersey 94/11/15 Document FIELDS.M B Protect Desctorate IV-2. 94/10/27. 28pp 81713.33141713 347. Control Branch (Dacumord Control Des 4.1p 81854 20641854.216 . 9411070224 Safety evaluation supportmg amends 113 & 102 to bconses NPF.10 & -9411230223Monttdy operanng rept for Oct 1994 tar Hope Creek Nucesar Piani Urut 1 NPF 15.respectweiy LYONS.D W Put3hc Sernce Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey 94/10/31 9pp

  • Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Deector (Post 370411) 94/10/27. 7pp 81854 20741854 215 81656 033-81656 039

-9411230224Rowned monthly operstmg repi lor Sept 1994 for Hope Creek Urut 1 94110a0225 Informs of941129 meetm0 w/util m Rocaville.MD re seistmc hazard ensues SCHMIDT.R Pubhc Sennce Enoctnc & Gas Co of New Jersey 94/09/30 1p. osIPEEE protect for piant 81854 216 01854.216- FIELDS M B Prosect Desctorate IV.2. 94/10/27 Ottav.T R Prosect Desctorate IV 2 3pp 81658 27&81658 278 S. Reportat to occurrences, LERs & rolsted sorrespondence 9411220185 Notifcation of bconsee meetm0 w/utd on 941130 to escuss MOU w/Cah-turfma Pubhc Uhhty Comtvesson, procedural comphance.msmt program. outage plannmg & control town superwoon 9411040294 LER 94414-00an 9410Cg. reactor scram occurred due to sudden gnp of, AH B 820201) 94/11/16 Region 4 (Post $20201). 5pp mem turtune generator Caused by design detacsoncy m egital FWCS Conhrmatory leve 4 %q e (Post ' 8 enp for mam turtune weed conectly & densgn che emplemented W/941031 Itr AVERSA.L, HOVEY.R J Pubhc bonnce Emctnc & a Co. of New Jersey 94/10/31 Q. Inspection reports, IE Bulletans & .- ~ M11150418 Responds to941020 8tr to corrective actons concomsng 1992 mcident of endequata control room staffing at piarit Encourages bconsee to pursue conectrve 9410140257 Sepi 1 to NRC Into Notee 93-060. "Reportmg Fuel Cycle & Matis Events actions & remematon wgorously to NRC Operassons C1r " WIGGINS.J 1 Region 1 (Post 820201) 94/10/31 ELIASON R.L Pubhc Servce Elec- DURNETT.R F Divoson of Fuel Cycas Safety & Sateguards (Post 930207) 94/10/20 inc & Gas Go of New Jersey 10pp 8174502641745 037. Consohdated Essen Co of New yortL inc 12pp. 8181629941816 310 941tQs0242 LER 9441540 on 941007 RPS actuaten a evend mem turtune tnp resulted 9410200153 NRC Into Notice 94476. *Recent Fasures et Chargmg/ Safety kilection s reactor scram due to component ladure EHC card replaced & hatratactormy tested & Pump Shafts " tadure anatytus performed on faded card W/941104 ftr. GRIMES.B K Ottee al Nuclear Reartur Regi4aton. Directa (Post 870411) 94/10/26. AVEFISA.L. HOVEY.RJ Pt44c Sennce Electnc & Gas Co of New Jersey 94/11/04 Consobdated Edison Co. of New YortL inc 12pp. 8165800141658 013 7pp 81716 20641716 214 9411070193Act recect of 940811 Itr antortramp NRC of steps taken to cortect violatons roted m map repts60-361/94-16 & 50-362/94-16 DOCKET $0 355 HOPE CREEK NUCLEAR STATION, UNtf 2 GWYNN.T P Region 4 (Post 820201) 94/10/27. RAY.H R Southem Cahtorma Eeson Co 5pp. 81605.30641605.318 F. Security, snedecal, emergency a fire protection plans 9411000006Act recoct of 941017Itr informmg NRC of steos taken to correct vuotatens noted in map rupts60 361/94-20 & %302/94-20 on a40920 PERklNS.K E Wasnut Creek Feead Dec. R4 (Post 940404) 94/10/31 RAY.HB South. 9411020264 "Emergercy Plan 19fra Hope Creek Graded Euertzse H9446 " em Camornia Eeson M 3pp 0627m162W

  • Putdic Service Elecinc & Gas Co el New Jersey 94/10/25 556pp 81567 001-2 9411100052 Forwards map repts 50 361/94-21 & 50 362/94 21 on 940e144924 &

notre ce vionsoon R 4 t 0201). 94/11/09 RAY.H B Southem Caxtorfma Edison j DOCKET $0*381 SAN ONOFRE NUCLEAR STATION. UNtT 2 hEA .A[3 -941116008it Nobce of mo4aton from map on 9408144924 Violaton noted dunng per-F. Security, medical, emergency a fee protection plans tamance of vibratonal analysas test of ' ugh pressure sa+pty snpocton l pump.cornponent coolmg water pump not m opershon l

  • Regen 4 (Post 620201). 94/11/091p 8174614941746149 M11030249 Revised FPIPs ev'ludmg Rev 1 TCN 11 to $023 Vill.60.3 Rev 6 to $0123 Vil6 0 301.Rev 8 to 6d123 Vlib10.Hev 3 TCN 3-1 to $0123-Vtib101. Hew 1,TCN 1-1 to

$0123 Vlib10 2 & Rev 11.TCN 111 to S0123-Vill-301 W/941024 Itr -9411160067 inap repts 54361/94-21 & %362/94-21 on 9408144924 Ventatens MARSH W C. Southam CaMomia Eemon Co 94/10/24 355pp 81634 00141634 355 noted Masor areas mapocted operatonal safety venficaton.onarie followup of events.maail & surveillance observatens 9411170217 SONGS emergency plan latWe of coments.hst of effecteve pages & list of WONG.H.J Region 4 (Post B20201) 94/11/07 26pp 8174615461746175. apps

  • Southem Cahtomia Emmon Co 94/11/17 app 81826 35141826 354 9411220136 Rements repiacing pages 1 & 2 to App of map repts50-361/9419 & B 362/94-19 w/ corrected pages ence COLLINS.SJ Regson 4 (Post 820201) 94/11/09. RAY.H B Southem CaWorma Edison Co. $pp 81798 211 41790 217.

a Adpudicatory --: - M220142Carmeted pages 1 & 2 to App of map repts %361/94-19 4 %362/94-M11090183 Act rempt of Chairman Saf'n.reQuestm0 that NRC convmce "0"g State of CA Utds Commision to chne tacdsty to save hvos Forwards retice MURRAY.B Regen 4 (Post 820201). 94/10/31. 2pp 81791t21641798.217. ' 9411090300 NRC Bulletm 94402. "Corrosen Probaems m Cartam Stameesss Packagmg DLA thhat 3pp 666 used to Tranuport U Henafluonde F APERIELLO.C.J Drnoon of industnal & Medcal Nuctest Satety (Post 870729) 94/ -9411000189Receapt of penton for Drector's Deceson unner 10CFR2.206 11/14 Censosidated Ecison Co of New York, Inc.12pp 81816 31141816 322 i RUSSELLW 1 Othee of Nuc8 ear Reactor Regulaton, Drector (Post 870411) 94/10/ p 6662 6 666249 9411100054Ramests addl mto be provided to complete renew of second 10 year mese. P "9"'' 'O' "" **" "M 88 W -9411090197Discummes State of CA Pubhc Ubts Comnwsaon request to csome SONGS '"'d%,'8,9[ , 8,,,"***"d ng l tach at eerbst somadde nonent to save counness hves FIELDS M B Proinct Drectorsie tv-2 94/11/14 RAv.H B Southem Caletorrua Eemon DEAN.R M Affihaton Not Assagriod 94/09/19 THE CHAIRMAN. SELIN.I Commis- Co GUILES.EA San Diego Gas & E6setnc Co 50p 8178214241782147. natmars (Post 750119) pp 81666.2%81956.25C 9411100237NRC Into Notco 94477. "Malfuncbon m Main Generator Voltage Reptator Causmg Overvottage at Satety-Related Electncal Ecampment" g - GRIME S.B K. .94/11/17. Consolidated Eeson Co o8 New York,Inc 7pp 81816 323-81656 329 9411100186 Responds to consDtuent.FtM Dean 940624 ter to roguest to close plant tassed on consstuent assermons that no emorpimcy pian ents; at tacterty to evacuate 9411160573 NHC Into Nohce 94478. "Eiectnc Component Fadure due to Degradaten l cMW reelaerits of San Clarhento,per 13CFR2 206 requeements of Poevvenyt Chloride Wwe insulatson " T AYLOR.J M Osc of t'ie Eisecutive Dweetor for Operatons 94/11/04 FEINSTEtN.D GRIMES.B K 94/11/21 Coneohdated $$ son Co of New YorlL Inc. 10pp i Senate 7pp 81725 02141725 027 81648 21541848.224 DOCKETEDITEMS 109 N11280238 Responds to 940912toscon provieng NRC rescAAnn of operabonal com H. General correspondence coms asentified m NRC Into Nonce 81k052. Conlrol Desk pp 885 064 88 187- Mm08 Responds to conattuentRM Dean 940624 k m roguest 2 cbse pant based on consstuent assertons that no e pan east at tacshty to evacuate cely resedents of San Clemente.per 10CFR2 requirements. 9411300030 Transmns " Inservice Testm0 Program Second Ter> Year intervat San TAYLOR.J M Ofc of the Execuhve Dractor for Operemons 94/11/04. FEINSTEIN.D. Onotre Units 2 & 3 Pump Rehet Reauest 13 & 14 " Senate. 7pp 81725:02141725:D27 MARSH.W C Southern CaMarrua Eshson Co 94/11/22. Document Conro6 Branch (Docasmerit Coreal Desk). 2pp. 81925 00641925 097 -8411300038 " inservice Testng Program Second Ter& Year interval San Onofre Uruts 2 & 3 Pump Rehet Requests 13 & 14."

  • Southem Cahfomia Eeson Co 94/11/22. 8pp. 81925:08841925 097. M11210158 Forwards AL-n _ ., a.sthonraton from Pubhc UbWses Comme-son of State of CA to emplement paan cd reorgaruzabon which wel result m hokhng H 170030 NRC Into Notco 94479, "M., W, trthuereceo Corrosen of EDG V[ Covington & B 94/11/15. Document Control Branch (Document

/11/23. Conschdaled Eeson Co of New York. anc. Opp.81848 225 Coreal Deskt 158pp. 81820394 8N196. G, 8 RIME uu335.0. M11170278 NRC Irdo Notco 94-080, " inadequate DC Ground Detecton m DC Distnbu. . Opemang hones sta9e - ._&-. non Sys " GRIMES.B K. . 94/11/25. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. anc. 14cp 9411070210 Forwards amenos113 & 102 to kcenses NPF-10 & NPF 15, respectwe6v & 81848.23441848 247. safety evaluston.Amands reves TS 3 21. "unear Heat Rate & TS 3.2.4. "DNBR + Margin" to detmquish between core operalmg bmp supervibory sys m/out of svcs H11170284 NRC Info Nobce 94 081,

  • Accuracy of Beoassay & Envuon Samphn0 Re, FIELDS.M B Propect Drectorow IV-2 94/10/27. RAY.M.B. Southem Cahfamia Edmon dam Co. GutLES.E.A. San Diego Gas & Electnc Co. app.81713.32741713:347.

WAPERIELLO.C.J. Dmson of Industnal & Medical Nucesar Satety (Post 870729L 94/ 11/25 Consohdated Edman Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81846J4841848259. -4411070221 Arnends 113 & 102 to bconses NPF-10 & NPF-15.respectwely. revaang TS 3 21. " Linear Heat Rase" & TS 324. "DNBR Margrt" FIELDS.M.B. Profect Drectorsie tv.2. 94/10/27. 28pp. 81713.33141713.347. ~ i -441107D224 Safety evaluaton supportng amends 113 & 102 lo hcenses NPF-10 & NPF 15.respectwely M11250017Monthey operat,ng repts for Oct 1994 for San Onofre Nucteer Generatng

  • Orhce of Nuctear Reactor Regulabon. Drector (Post 870411t 94/10/27. 7pp.

Stehon W/941108 ler 81656.033 41656 033. CAPLAN.R L. MARSH.W C. Southem Cahtome Edson Co 94/10/31. 13pp. Il8881364 N 8 M110 0226 informs of 941129 eneetmg w/ uni m Rockwise.MD re seemsc hazarti moues of IPEEE prosect for plant FIELDS.M B Proact Drectorate IV.2. 94/10/27. QUAY.T R. Protect Drectorate IV,2. & Reportabte occurrences, LERs & rotated e . . 3pp. 81658.27481658.278. l M11220400 LER 9440540:en 941012.voeuntary TS 3 0 3 entry due to declanno both M11220185Notrhcaten of teensee , w/ uni on941130 to escuss MOU w/ Cal

  • Canis of ECCS asaperable in made 1 ute repieced 2PCV6418 wegushfed m.kmd re, brne Pubhc Uniny C-. ..#------ comphance.marn pmgram. outage planmng r- vaNo & controd roum supervoaon.

DR }GER.R W. Southem Cahtome Edmon Co. 94/11/08 4pp. 8185021941850.222. BEACH.A.B Ragon 4 (Post 820201t 94/11/16 Regon 4 (Post $20201L 5pp. 81799 D5741799 061. 9411220413 Specani vapt.on 941029. uni removed pnmary & secondary mmeorological I towers from eve for pienned equpmerit upgra:ses to unprove sys rehab4 sty 1 MARSH.W Soisitem Caktortua Edison Co 94/11/06. Document Corwol Branch (Doc. O I"8P'8880" P8'is, IE Bubetku & - ument Control Desir). Ip.81864.3594 1864.359 9410140257 Suppl 1 to NRC Into Notce 93460.

  • Repor1mg Fuel Cycle & Matts Events M11300297 LER 944064&on 941023.volamon of TS 62 shsf! mannsng to NRC Operanona Ctr."

eccured Cauned by misuriderstanding of coreal room area bouncanes.Admmetranve BURNETT.R F Divuuon of Fuel Cycle Safety & Sateguares (Post 9302071 94/10/20. procedure SO12S430 revised W/941118 ter Consohdated Eeaon Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 41816.299 41816.310. CLIEGER.R W. Southem Cahlomia Eeson Co. 64/11/18. 7pp. 8191217241912178. M10200163 NRC Info Nonce 94476. "Recent Fadures of Charpn0/ Safety insecton Purnp Shafts." . W. Operator E__ GRIMES.B K. Othce of Nucosar Reactor Regulatort Drector (Post 870411) 94/10/26. Coneohdated Ednan Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 81658:00141658-013 M11020000 Informs that on 941005.NRC admrustered GrES of wntten operator h n0 exam & facuhty ed not paracapote m suam.Fcrwards copy of master exam w/ 9411070193 Ack recept of 940811 fir mforming NRC of steps taken to correct violatons noted m map rects B361/9416 4 50 362/9416 G NN P 4 (Post $20201). 94/10/26. RAY.H.S Southam Cahtomia Edson [805.306 8 605 C2 2pp. 81528 05241528.053. 9411000006 Ack recect of 941017 ftr NRC of steps taken to correct violations M11290193 Summary of 941110 meetric w/utds to trammo & operator bconsin0 nomid ai rsp ropts w361/94-20 & 50 3r.2/ -20 eri D40920 asues Let tW anemsees.nmetng agenda & hanamns enct GWYNN.T P. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 94/11/22. Regen 4 (Post 820201k 27pp- PERKINS.K1. Walnut Creek Field Osc R4 (Post 940404). 94/10/31. RAY.H B. Souttv ) em Cah*crne Eeson Co. 3pp. 81627.3M41627.328. 81869 003 41869 029 9411150052 Forwards map repts $4361/94-21 & 54362/9441 on 9408144924 & DDCKET B362 SAN ONON NUCLEAR STATION, M $ nonce of violaton BEACHAB Regen 4 (Post 820201L 94/11/09. RAY,H.B. Southem Caktome Edison Co. 5pp. 81746:14441746 175 l E Geourny, sneelical, enwryency & fire protect 6on plans - H11160087 Insp repts 50-361/94-21 & $0362/94-21 on 640814-0924. Violatons noted Maior areas mapseted:operatonal safety serhcanor ,onsne lohowup of 9411030241 Revised EPIPs. Rev 1.TCN 11 to S023.Vih-50.3.Rev 6 to S0123 evems.mairtl 4 surveilsancm observatona UllM 301.Rev 6 to 50123-Vilb10. 3 TCN Si to S0121Vlil-10.1.Rev 1,TCN 1-163 WONG.HJ Regen 4 (Ptsst 820201k 94/11/07. Pepp. 81746.15041746'175 S012Svih 102 & Rev 11.TCN 11-1 to S0121Vllt.301 W/941024 Itr. MARSH,W C. Southem Caldomia Eeoon Co.94/10/24. 355pp. 81634.00141634 355. 9411220136Rooimets replawig pages 1 & 2 to App of map repts54 381/94-19 & 50-362/9619 escorvected pages enct 9411170217 SONGS emergency pten table of contents.hst of effectve pages & hst of COLLINS.Sl Regon 4 (Post 820201). 94/11sN RAY.M B. Southem Cahicwrua appa. Edison Co. 5ss; 8179821141798.217. ' bouthem Caldome Edman Co.94/11/17. app. 81826.35141826.354. - 9411220142 Corrected pages 1 & 2 to App of map repts 50 361/94-19 & $0 362/94-19 3 annem-tory sorrespondonos MURRAY,B. Repon 4 (Post 820201). 94/10/31, 2pp. 01790216-81798.217, M110go183 Act suceipt of940919 Charman Satn.rockes 9411090300 NRC Butlebn 94402. "Corroacn Problems e5 Certam Stantess Packagmg that NRC conunce used to Transport U Hexafluonde." State at CA Pubec Utits Commason to cloes facshty to save . Forwards nonc* PAPERIELLO.C.J Divisen of inskatnet & Moscal Nuclear Satefy (post 870729). 94/ beeng fuod w/FR = roguest. 11/14 Coneohnsted Edison Co. of New York. anc.12pp 81816.31141818.322. RUSSELL.W T Cmco of Nuclear 34eactor Regulatort Dructor (Post E70411). 94/10/ 28 DEAN.R M Aftheten Not Asesgned 3pp 8166624541666.250. 9411100054Rockcom adt3 ado be provided to complete review of second 14 year ener. wat amenace map Prog-am Plan & assocated requests for rehof from ASME B&PV 4411090189 Roosel of potten for Drector's Dececn urirjer 10CFR2.206 Code becton El recurements for paants RUSSELL.W T. Othee of Nucceer Reactor Regulaton, Drector (Post 870411) 94/10/ FIELDS.M B Protect Directorate IV.2. 94/11/14 RAY.H B Southem Cahtome Eeson 28 2pp 61806.248-81666 249 Co. GulLES.E.A San Diego Gas & Electnc Co. 5pp. 8178214241782.147. -4411000197Discuseas Siste of CA Pimhe Utes Commenon twouest to close SONGS 9411100227 NRC Info Notice 94 077. "Maltuncton m Man Generator Voflage Regulator teceny at eartal posebio momerW to save counness hvos "auemo Overwortage ai Satety Reinted Electncal f ouement DECN.R M Athhamon Not Assetped 94/09/19 THE CHAIRMAN. SELIN.I Comms- GRIMES B K. .94/11/17 Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York $nc. 7pp 81816.323-enpiers (Post 750119). pp. 81666.25041666250. 01816.329 t 110 - DOCKETED ITERAS i t M11100878NRC Wo Notco 64476 *Eiscinc Componard Feeure em to Degradecen 9411330302 Row 1 to EPIP FNPoEIP 27.1. *Ahomete EOF Setup & Actnreton" W/ , of Channes Wee intuiston." 941114 ftr { OR 'S. K . M/11/21. Cor- Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 10pp HUDSPETH J.S. Soumem Nuclear Operstm0 Ca M/11/14. 1epp. 81649 032 - 31343 04g. I e16et.21641640224 M11300839Respones to940912teeren provesng NRC fencauton d operstonal can. [ esms aesnetse m NRC Wo Notce e9452. ^ E**"8'"**"" MARSH.W C. Soumem Cabsorrus Eemon Co 64/11/22. Docwnent Control prersch 8'"*"8 "'"8' (Decwnent Con >W Dash). 2pp. stees te641ee5187. M113Nege Tranarmes "Inserwce Teetn0 em Second TerFYear Interwed Sen 89 MOV programs . Document Control Granch er Co app 60 1 .2 Do. 2pp. . 2.eso.n.41 2../11/22. (Docno $HCo.C 0 97. M111 esses Fonserde response to request for esis meo to IPE.  ! -9411300035 & 3 Pungp hohet "Insonnce p p==n=Tenemo$13 14 " Program $scond Ter> Year enestwel San Onotre WOODAROJD. unas 2 Soumem Nuclear Cymreeng Co M/11/00, Document Conpol Branch (Document Control Doek). 225pp. 81913 00141915.233. g

  • Souvem Cameome Eeoon Ca 94/11/22. 8m 81925906 81925997.

17803e NRC Wo Notoe k079 "" otsolopcelly Influenced Conomon of EDG De11,e S. Waar Pisen9 =441,1,,38,01,30 Su n1 ipE - Ptent "" - ._. ._ . ' Evolussun Summary on Stream Empeoesns GRtMES 8 0( , 94/11/23.Coriaahema=* Edman Co. of New York. Inc. app, stee8225

  • Fauske & Associates. Inc. FAl/9144 92/06/30. 64pp. 81914.17741914.229 81848.233 2 Evaluaman Summary ori Drect Contamment r M11173279 NRC Into Odotco 94480, *Inadnouste DC Ground Desechan m DC Disinte -94113801,37 i og p*-'^L-ig gg Pl,a,n,t

* * '-~'"" *^'/9i.73 92/M/30 73i ei9 42n64 m 4 m  ! . Nii1/2s Coneotes d Essen Ca e No. vors, we 14pp. 019487J441848 247 =44113e0148 "Formulatons of Detms Entramment Procesess" preenneed at Apr 1999 M111793H NRC info Notco 94481. " Accuracy of ha====y & Environ Semphng Re, prr==engs of ANS/ ENS mil togucal meseng on probehely.rotatehty & emfety asses 6 eJIs. ' mont m Pittsburgen. PA. r PAPERIELLO.CJ Dween of Iretusenet g umeral geemer Soloty (Poet e70729) 94/ HENRY,R E. Feuehe & Assom inc.99/04/30. 32pp. 01914.32841914 380. i 11/25. Cor==ahannme Edman Ca of New York. Inc.12pp. 8164eJ4641048.269. ) -94113e0147 Plant ""1_ _ . " Evebanon Sunmary on Maston Core Concrees E Parkshe spemeng mports & retened eerveopondenes Intereckon

  • Famho m & Seport of IPE'FAl/9146 Assoameos. Inc " 02/06/30. 70pp. 0191500141915971. j M110se070 Forments August 1994 Nemanal Pomusant Dacharge Etnanaton Sys Dis. .e411309163 Ptnt - _ ^ Evalueton Summary en ProbatuMy & Conne-  !

888 84 B'anch auske 68 92 6 pp 12 1915:139 + r (Document Control Deskk 1p 01717:312"41717316 -0411300106 Piant "fA.nmanucopcel Evolueton Summary on Thermal Lomeng of I =4411000eBS " NPDES Dacharge Monsonng Rept For San Onohe Unit 3." for marith og Coremmment Penetrs% m enggert of IPE." t 18D4 ON.H W Soughom Cablomme Eeean Co 94/10/03. COEAL Celsome. State

  • Fessee & a==ar==== Irc F Al/9142. 92/06/30. 42pp. SW514041916181. ,

cl. app. B1717.31641717J16. 1 + -9411380170 Plant "i _ _ ~ ^ Evatuston Summary on Contesnment Overpres-mattemon m Soport of IPE." M11890017 Monthly operetn0 repes for Oct 1994 tar San Onofre Nucemer GeneretnD I Seston W/Mitos Ier

  • Fauske & .a-a-a== Inc. fat /91107. 93/03/3 L 62pp. 81916.18241916.233 KAPLAN.R.L. MARSH.W.C, Southem Caldomm Eegon Co 94/10/31. 13pp.

B100913641000148 Q. Inspostlen reporte. E Sasseine & servenpondenes 5 S. Reportmese . L&sts & retseed eerrespondense {r M11000est Fonsories map repts $4348/9443 4 503M/M.23 on 940919 23.No ino. M11339413 epar==s rept.on941029.utit vemoved pnmary & esconenry nimesorolopcal immons or asemanns noem:1 l towers from eve ear planned aespment wgrados to smerove sys ressembly CUNE.W.E. Repon 2 (Post e20201). M/10/19 MOREY.D.N. Southom Nucesor Oper. t MARSH.W Soushern Cantomm Eeean Co 94/11/08 Document Consol prenen (Doc. aemg Co. 3pp e1500-07641980:091. [ ument Control Dookk 1p. 810M 36941864.360. =4411080186 inep repts $4346/k23 & 60364/9443 on 94091943.No wouestons , t noted Mesor areas aneses opereennel reeeness et oss emergency prew ' V. Operater h pentness program for EnA prosecuve fnenuel of proescave acton & program chenpas. GOODENA, SARR.K. Repan 2 (Post 82020th M/10/17. t3pp, $1980979-M118 esses ineonns that on 94t005.NRC etemmsesred GFES of eminen operator acums. Olseo 001. mg enom & tecely ed not parecipmee m enam.Forwares copy et master enom w/ "n"o NN P 4 (Post 320201). 94110/26 RAY.H 9 Southern Cantome Eeoon ' "C Ca app. 81520 4 M053- BURNETT.R F Divisen el Fuel Cycse Solety & Sologuensa (Post 930307). M/10/20. . Eemon Cn onsow tork, enc.12 iip em6Jo94m6Ji0 941tsestes Summary of editio mesang w/uMs re trowsng & opersear toeneng mesestat of elesneess,meetne & handouts enct 9410880168 NRC Info Notop M476, "Roosmt Fedures of Chargng/Selety inlocton . GWYNN.T.P Regen 4 (Post th 94/11/22. Regen 4 (Post 830201) 27pp. Pump shafts."  ! 01809 00341989 029, GRia4FE.8 K Olhos of passener Reactor Repueston. Duector (post 870411). 94/10/26 i Cor=ahrapa=d Eeaon Co or sese York. Inc.12pp. 01468.00141086013. ' DOCIEET 90 304 J0 mph E FARLEY IAUCL& Aft PLAsif, WelfT 2 M11210016 Fonmensa map empts $4344/M4,4 & $43se/M44 on 9400121016 & l ' ncten of unseconveeston of concem e- u.= vouseman had been sesnehad toy F. Soeurey, sremdeems,' senergency & Mrs preenstes peans NRC.aumend ear eme & rivassed yievenues homesrs or c CHRISTENBEN.H. 2 (Post e20201194/11/08. M6RE Y.D N. Southem Nuteser M11080002 Fonseres enep repes 60 346/k23 8 64364/k23 on 940919 23 No vio+ Operetng Co. 3pp. 81 07J417a4101. Imenns or eswehuns noest CUNE W E. flopon 2 (Post 420201). 94/10/19.MOREY.D.N Southem Nuosser Oper. -941121eets Nance at vuokoon from rap on 9403121016Vmenten noemdlarge song Csh 3pp e13eO.07641 ten 001. nuremer at corironed pamnt . z & speweigs had nen timen composee sww up to 1 com 64/ 3pp S 764 76 1794 079- ~441100018,o, ree d Me e,.ep vepts8- enop .s r -50346/94-23 4 543.ori.9423 meernes o see - on 940,919-23No violoecms82020 pre. / i 4 Vaan maris g N 2 y 1. See 1 1. -44112108,32, in.op nepeet .as repes 64348./644.i & - &-$4364/9444 & i on 9400121016. mo. seesd M o me . support.reven of fiorroupie evenes & emergency grepered>mes i Mt11NI63 Emergeracy plan crucell echeekes. .T.ed., MORGAN.MJ., SCOTT.MA Repen 2 (Post 820201L M/11/00. 22pp HILL,R.D. Southem 94scener Opereeng Co.94/10/24.13pp 01728;31441729326 017M Oe0417M 101. , e M110000BS Forwards summary of _ . held w/US Army Corps el Erigmeers & ^ lumnsee ., _ _ .. ennducted at each of tour once W/o ensi gegigenge0 NRC Subotn 64402. "Corrosson Protesmo m Corsam 9ensemos Pecompng SIEGELS L Pressot Duectorene H-1. M/10/26 Y.D.N Southem Wsmar Oper- Used to Trenapart U Hossfluonde" esmg Ca 3pp 9161717741007179 PAPERIELLO.CJ. Diveen of Insfuegel & aamard Nucceer Seesty (Post 870720). 94/ + M4. Eeoon Ca M New Yes. We N SWm6J22. } 9411218D18 Foreerde etap fepts 64348/94 24 4 $0 364/9444 on 9409121010 & u"',C'*e,','es"d?,',*"". ,,, V'll"*1',*,o,"ll';'*,'",,e., M1110s 37 NRCf.o  ; ,,,,;ll"l*,*,"ojll$e*s*'" M4n."Manuncean '"""**eihektyeemud Men Gen eme vone ResuMor Elecmcel Eeepment 8 i CHRISTENBEN.H 2 (Pool 820201t M/11/08, heOREY.D.N Southem k=*=ar b.B .K.M111/17. C_ . feson Co. of New York. Inc 7pp 81816.323- 6 Opereeng Ca app. st re4 07641784101. OIS16J29 } -9411210st2 Insp vepes 60 3de/9444 & 56064/9444 on 9409121016. Veentons l noemd Mapor armes : . " _ . - & survomerece engrimenn0 & techrscal M113 esse 7 Forweres enep empts 50 344/9447 & 60 364/9447 on M1017 21.No unh> s enna noted  ? awport.pearit supportrevise of nonroutmo enums & emsegenc.y propmeemos ROSS.T.M. CANTRELL,F S Faupan 2 (post 420201) M/11/U6. 22pp. 817M 0o0' CRLEWAK.R V. Repan 2 (Post 820201) N/11/18 MOREY.D.N Soupem Nucteer 1 017M 101 Opereen0 Ca 3pp. e105791741057030. t i t i I 1 1 DOCKETEDITEMS 111 -Mt13e0010 One, repts 50 348/94-27 8 5 364/94 27 on 941017 21.No noistons P. Opereung hoense stage oscuments & corroepondence l noted Masar areas mapocted enpreenng & technical support actwhos.deugn changes ' Mi R CASTO.C. Repon 2 (post 820201). 04/11/16.11pp. 81857020 6 s'1070238 Estends owdaton to Regon N loensees to parecoste w/ NRR & Regen 11 l 81857:030' 'opresernahvos am docuneen of GL 6910 MOV programs GiBSONAF. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/12 BECKHAMJT. George Power Co. j M11198878 NRC Info Notco 94478. "Elmetnc Component Falu,s due to Degradalen App. 816M141606DD4. of Chiande Wre insuiston? > GR S. K. . 94/11/21. Coneohdated Emmon Co. of New York, Inc. 10pp. M11040007 Forwards Rev F to enoroved TS.conombng of paruel rev to 640225 amend 81848.21641648.224 ret Jeet to convert current TS to enproved TS consstent w/NUREG 1433 Rev result of eies & effort to clarey LCO 3 0 4 & changes m poseton sties. M11178030 NRC Into Notco 94479, *Mcroh nanens ye influenced Corroomn of EDG BEC JT. Georye Power Co. 04/10/19. Document Control Branch (Document j Svc Weier Polng " Consol Desi4 2pp. 81606:10541606.220 GRIMES.8 K. 94/11/23 Coneohdated Edson Co. es New York, Inc. 9pp. 81648.225-81848.233 -9411040103 Propteed improved tech specs.rev F. M11179279 NRC Info Notco 94400, "inadecpaste DC Ground Detecten in DC Detnbu- Go rpa P war n9 19 M4pp. 8 418 6220. ton Sys " GRME S.B K. . 94/11/25. Conso6 dated Eeson Co of New York, Inc. 14pp, M11180141 App 6 canon for amends to beenees DPR.67 & NPF.6,convertng TS to en-8164823441648.247~ poved TS consstent w/NUREG.1433 ttECKHAM.J.T. Georpa Power Co. 94/11/01. Document Control Branch (Document M11170364 NRC into Nobce 94481, *AccureCy of simany & Envwon Samphno R*. Control Desk). 2pp. 81786:00141787:159. euns 6 APERiELLO.CJ. Dmmon of industnal & Medcol Nucteer Sately (Post 870729). 94/ -M11100145 Proposed toch specs.convertng current TSs to improved TS conentent 11/25 Conschdeted Edison Co. ce New York, Inc 12pp 81848.24641648259. w/NUREG.1433.

  • Georpe Power Co.94/11/01. 521pp. 01788:00341787:159.

& Portedlc opereen8 reporte a mested R. y g g150405 Responds to940711 GL 94 02 rWormmg tlint procedure revs trommg do. scetied m 94o908 Itr completed as of 941028 9411190486 MontNy operetng repts for Oct 19M for JM Farley Nucieer Plant Units 1 & BECKHAMJ T. George Power Co 94/11/07. Document Control Branch (Document 2 W/941110 tir Conect Desk). 2pp. 81781:00641781:087. HILLH D., WOODAROJ.D. Southom Nuclear Operstm0 Co. 94/10/31. 9pp. 8N0824178MO. 9411260161 Forwards corrected pages shounn0 chemistry factor for weed seem 301471 to be 35 45 & delseng Note 6 from Attachment 2 of util 94070s response to GL 92-g, - LEA

  • A "'"*8 -

01.Rev 1. " Reactor Vessel Stuctural Intsanty " BECKHAa4J T. Gourge Power Co. 94/11/16. Document Control Branch (Document M11070000Fmal Port 21 rept 94402A re three er start dennbutor cams oractung at IAN E.S Conk industr inc 1. Coneol Branch (Doce MH200000 Suninary of 941102M meetnD w/uti m hkmne MD e escuss plant TS ment Control Desk). Spp.81654.200-81654 213. emerson panes & PC 940225 subnwnal m mes cunent gHent uw W aun-does 4 hwnees handout encl. JAfi900R,K.N Prosect Drectorate B.S. 94/11/18. Protect Directorate 83 Opp. DOCKET E0 366 lesPERIAL cheat. INDUS. RE8EARCH REACTOR 81850:3484 1650.355. M11298056 Forwards envron .  : & tmdmo of no s9ehcont impact to 940225 O InePection eePorta,IE suneens & earvenpondence reauset to repiece currern T5s for pant w/ set of TSs based on NUREG 1433. "Std TEs. General Electnc Plants.BWR/4 did Sept 1992 M11230125 Forwards response to violshons noted m insp Repts60254/9421 & $0 265/94 21 Corrocovo actonsmested Bocurny mvesicanon & en Sr40 check sources JABSOUR.K 3pp. 01852 09eN818Pros,ect 104. Drectorate N-3 94/11/21.SECKHAMJT. Georpe Power Co. removed from unrestncted use KRAFT.E 6 C-.- 2 Edmon Co 94/11/16. Olc of Enlarcoment (Post 870413). -041125e063 Envron - _ J & imdmg of no ognifcant impact to consideramon at 5pp. 81833 09941833'103. seuence of amends to hcennes DPR.67 5 NPF-5.maued to uti for operaten of planL WHEELER.LL Prosect Drectorate IL3. 94/11/21. 6pp. 01852 09941652:104. DOCKET hace EDWuf 8. HATCH IduCLEAR PLAffT, UNIT 2 t M.113000,27N.asic,a,i nc o sou rrei on of9412,07meseng .e w/will orn m Bemmgnam.AL conetion i- .to docuss perform. rmg,d_o eded na'1 /22 *Ea=*."""*"*

r. 9ec.,t o.e- 4 Rm , rete u,.m d%>a, tem =82,34. = =**

^ 8 ' ' "'Y 8" " ~ P' '" 50 & 9411300030Notitcation of941214 meetmg w/uN en RockvWte.MD to 4-=* piens & COLUNS.D M. 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/25.BECKHAMJT. George Power Co. key a hnical eeues & demon datans genonc & plant.specec tenung acambas m 3pp 8 58.334 41658 336. JABBOUR Prceset Drectore I / KOW.H N. Protect Drectorate M18200076 Concludes chances to row 13 to emergency plan sevsew. satelectory & tb3. 4pp. 8 85213541852.138. meets pionnn0 stds of 10CFR50 47(b) & ressements or App E to 10CFR50 CLINE W E hegion 2 (post 820201194/11/17. BECKHAMJ T. Georpe Power Co. 3pp. SiO58.24e 8ie58.25i. o. Onepoemen esports, it numenne & correePanmence violeton V tons concern m " I^ ** *" " *"* nsp re'pm 1 on CLIN hogun (Post g4/ 1 CKHAMJT. George Power Co. E' Ku . V 620201). 94/10/07. BECKMAM).T. Georps Power Co. g =941129e000 Notco of vmesten from map on 94101741Veisten noted. On M10140267 Suppl 1 m NRC Info Notco 93460. **Reportng Fuel Cycle & Moss Events 1 941019.soveral meveduets observed by inspector to not survey personal ert::les nor to NRC Operemons Ctr? < nomey heelfh physN3 when PC&4 alarm enuncuned BURNETT.R.E Diviemn of Fuel Cyce Salsty & Safeguards (Post 930207). 94/10/20. i

  • Regen 2 (Post 820201k 94/11/10 Spp. 818572974185739g. Coneohdateo Edman Co. of New yorn, enc.12pp. 8181629941816310.

=44112000s2, noind uam areas Insp mpts 50421/9446 =: especwd & W366/94-26 on 94101741.No violatons

m. channes = ion & M10$00153.nseNRC Pune sn Into Noboe 94476, "Recent Failures of Charpmg/Sately Inlacten atenmp tamm0 & ouahhessons et personnel & eviemni exposure IDO.vv.1. Repon 2 (post 820201194/11/18. 23pp 81857.30041657.322.

GRIMES.B tt Othee of Nuctoar Reactor Regulators Drector (Pcet 870411). 94/10/26. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York,Inc.12pp. 81658'00141658:013. g-- ,, M11078045 Forwards snap repts 60w321/9444 & $0 366/9444 on 940904-30.No viola. Inns noted M.11140151.sFOtA ., t. request for cocannonts en330423 2.206 erecess deczeion conce fpp88 7 H " *' LAaM5ERSKlJ Troutmen$anders (formerty Troutman. Sanders. Lockerman & Ash-more). 93/08/13 GRIMSLEY.D H Deveen of Fresoum et Informaton & Put hcanons -MH070054 Insp repts S321/9444 4 S386/9444 on 940004MNo noistons Sereces (89020lL940714).1p. 81732 07041732070 nmediaalor arens copocestopemeens survenance ksang.mmew of manwnance scavens. retualmg actwhes & seveew of open noms. HOL8 ROOK.B L, CHRISTNOT.E F., SKINNER.P.H. Repon 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/ pt Generos _ 26.14pp 8100416341604.176. 9411230100 Responds to 941015 Itr to Charman 1 Sehn.requestm0 mio on actoru 94110e0064 Forwards rap repts60-321/94 25 & S0 366/94-25 on 94103347.No moet I" pd """"' "**U DE ## """U

  • LE V 2 (post 620201). 94/11/02. BECKHAMJT. George Power 1AYLOR ,JM Oec of the Execunvo Draetor tar Operatens 94/11/00. KERRYJ F, Co 3pp. 81639183 1639 196 Senate. 3pp 81828 29641828 323,

=4411000082 Diep repts 50-321/94-25 & 50 366/9444 on 94100S47 No moistons -9411230100 Requests addi mio penemm0 to emergency preparodrieus lor each one nossa uomt areas mapactedISI rewww of ISI exam procedures & review of rade-hsted oraphc him. l FLEMINGJ.A. Afteston Not Aesgned 94/07/14 CHILE (.S. Ottme of the Secretary of COLET)L. BLAKEJJ Repon 2 (Post 820201t 94/11/01. 11pp. 81630 186- I the C-:.. 2pp 81028 32241828 323 81639 196 I I 112 DOCKETED ITEMS N11300046 Ad recome of 641019 ter e4 NRC of steps taken to correct violabons DOCKET 50 368 ARKANSAS NUCLEAR ONE UNIT 2 notad m entp repts64 321/94-17 & 50 366/ 17 } i PtEBLES.T.A Regon 2 (Post 820201) 94/11/02 BECKHAAM T. Georpa Power Co. 3pp 61871-19541671197. F. Security, moscal, emergency a fire protection piens l = = ar,,r, p aa*02cc ~ n - ~ $ ~ Paaara 07,.00- Fo,wa,ds a-aciage to, 19. Ramolog Emergenco, e. ( } 84 E tons. Inc. 94/07/13 CALLANJ Repon 4 (Post 820201) /4 ted enon Co New York, 1 18 4 g H 1230 Forwarde SE acceptm0 boennee 930217 response to suppl 1 of buhsen 90 6411320164 Sdmuts proposed adeten of emergency acten levels New EALs spectfu JABBOUR.K N Proiect Directorate 61 3. 94/11/16 BECKHAMJT. Georpa Power Co. cany adeess ions of annunciators & pmposed as result of evatuston of NRC IN 93-EP ' '" S.D C. Emergy Operatons anc M/10/25 Document Control Branch (Document -9411230230 Sately evniusten acceptmg bconsee response to NRC buneun 90, Cor*ot Desk). 4pp. 8159010041590103. 001.suppi 1

  • Offum of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten. Dractor (Post 670411), 94/11/15. 2pp. W122ml Forwards map repts 50-313/94-23 & 64368/94 23 on 941024 28 volabon l 81641.1474 1641.148. noted twt not cited.

I COLLINS.SJ Regen 4 (Post 820201) 94/11/18 YELVERTONJ W. Erstergy Oper-l -6410040241 " Technical Evaluaton Rept.Evaluaton of Util Response to Suppe 1 to atons. Inc. 6pp. 6179627141796292 NRC tidssen 9041ttatch 1/-2 " MEYER.LC., UDY.A C EG&G Idaho. Inc MEYER.LC Idaho Natonal Engmeenng -9411220053 inap repts 50 313/94-23 & 6G368/94 23 on 941024-28 No volatons Laboratory FIN L.1695 EGG-DNSP.11489. 94/09/25. NRC . No Deianed Aff&ston noted Major areas mspected opershonal status. c4 emergacny preparooness Gsven.17pp 8164114941641165 taceties & trorun program. MUNRAY.B.emergency plans.9). Region 4 (Post 84u201 94/11/19 17pp. ge1796.27641796 292 M11100237NRC Into Notte 94477 "Malfuncton m Masn Generator Voltage Regulator Canno Overvostage at Eatsty Remied Electncai Ecumment? e4 tis 00336 Rev 8 to Procedure / Work Plan 1903.067. " Emergency F . Fac6hty-GRIMES.B K. .94/11/17.Connoisdated Eeson Co of New Yorts arc 7pp. 81818.323- EOF? 018164129

  • Entergy Operatens. inc 94/11/22. 96pp. 81909 00141900.086 H11290053 Forwards map repts60.321/94 26 & 60 386/94-26 on 941017-21 & nohce 64113o0340 Rev 13 to Procedure /Wors Plan 1903 062. "Communcatons Sys Operal-of veosaten Veuiatons of concern because 1md ngs adentshed dunng map appear to are no Procedure "

cato lock of attenton to deted by hcormee empeoyees

  • Ernergy Operatens. Inc.94/11/22.16pp. 8191000141910116 CLINE.W E 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/16 BECKHAMJT George Power Co app 81857294 1857.322. 9411300342 Rev 7 to Procedure / Work Plan 1903.066. " Emergency Response Facsitty OSC."

-4411290068 Nokos of vmanton from snap on 941017 21Volston noted on

  • Ernergy Operations. Inc.94/11/22. 59pp 8190918541909.203 941019.noveral anevukals cheerved by anspector to not survey ponenal argetes nor nottly health phwsecs amen PCMI e6erm anuncsated
  • Regon 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/18 3pp. 8185729741857.299 K. Utsity Final Safety Anetyees Report (FSAR) & amends

~6411290062 Insp repts 50-321/94 26 & 60 386/94-26 on 941017 21No votatens noted Malar stees ., -J audsts.appramais, changes to ruration & 9410280079 Forwards propnetary & norHaropretary. " Amend 12 to ANO2 Updated staffmgtairu & oualthcalmte of personnet & entsened exposure Safety Analyses Rept" Propnetary porton withhead. LOO W 1., NKIN.W H Region 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/18 23pp.. 81857.3005 YELVERTON.J W Entergy Operatorm. Inc 94/10/21 Doaamord Cormol Branch $1857.322 (Ducument Control Desk) 12pp 8159120141602$03 9411150578 NRC Info Notoe 94078. "Electnc Component Fadure chse to Degradaten -94110100s8 " Amend 12 to ANO.2 USAR " of CNonne Wwe insulaton "

  • Entergy Opershora, leic.94/10/21 1.800pp 8159101341802$03.

GRI . . . . 94/11/21. Consohdated Eteon Co of New YortL Inc. 10pp 81648 216-81648.224 P. Operating honnee stage f _ & correspondence 9411170039 NRC Info Nobce 94 079. "Mecrohologically influenced Corrosson of EDG IME 8 94/11/23 Conachdated Edson Co. of New Yortt, ine 9pp. 81648225- 0 comw e 362 W hMsmal bents. M End y 81648 233 .M Deveson of Contracts (Post 940714) NRC.04 91466 94/09/06. COLINA.I. Econce & Ergneenng Assocantes. Inc.1@p 81600 04341608 052 M11170279NRC Info Nohce 94 080. "inadeouste DC Ground Detecten m DC Destribu-een Sys" GRIME S.8 K. . 94/11/25. Consohdated Eeson Co of New York, Inc t app. N 11030176 Lir contract.defmrtmno Task Order 37 to "lPE Reviews. Imernal Events- $164823441648.247' Human Rehabebty Analywa Only MACE.M H. Divinson of Contracts (Post 940714) FIN L 1934 94/09/12. HAAS.P.M. 9411170264 NRC Info Nobce 94481. "Acx:uracy of Ba====y & Envimn Eartphng Re. Concord b=~ sates. Inc.12pp. 8160725141607262 suns " PAPERIELLO.C I Devemon of industruti & lesecal Nucasar Salety (Post 870729) 94/ M11070312 Forwards corrected amend 149 to hcense NPF4,conssting of TS page 4-11/25. Connohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81646 24841848259 , g anons. Inc. 3pp. 81623 32041623.323. Q. Portodec operating reports & relateel correspondence -4411070326 Correcton to amerid 149 to hcense NPF4,mcorporating TS page 613 9411150408 MontNy operman0 repts cor Oct 19941ar El Hatch Nucioar Piart!W/941109

  • Prolect Drectorate M 94/H/01.1p 81623.32341623 323 Itr LLT w BECKHAM.J.T. George Power Co. 94/10/31 13pp. 81775 049- g g g 6410140257 Suppe 1 to NRC IrWo Nohce 93460. "Reportmg Fuel Cyces & Maus Events

& Reportahee _. IIRs a related correspondence to NRC Operanons Cir " BURNETT.R F Divinen of Fuel Cycle Safety & Safeguards (Post 930207) 94/10/20. 9411070090 Fmal Part 21 rept 94402A to three as start dratribuent cams crackm0 at Coneohdated Edman Co. of New Yorti,Inc.12pp. 81016.29941816.310. pearnes Cams replaced w/ cams made unang elecinc arc. PRATIANNE.bA Coltec $nOJstners. Inc 94/06/01. Document Control Branch (Docu. 9411020154 Se.41mits proposed addibon of emergency schon levets New EALs specife-rnern Control Desk). 6pp 8165420941654.213 cally adeses loss of annuncestors & proposed as result of evaluation of NRC IN 93 047 M11030227 LER 9440640on 940928.Insa #en gedequate procedure occurred Caused MIMS.D C. Entergy Operatums. Inc. 94/10/25. Document Contret Branch (Documer t by personnel error on part of vendor personnel & on past of plant Controt Deakl. 4pp $169010041690103 permannot Peacedtros & sr 'of personnsu revoed W/941025 lit tePPS.$ B., BECKHAMJ T. gea Powei Co. 94/10/25. 11pp. 81611t050- 9410200153 NRC Into Nobce 94476. "Recent Fadures of Chargmg/ Safety inlecten 81619 titl0. - Pump Shatta." GRIMES.B K. Othce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Director (Post 870411). 94/10/26 9411070430Special rept on 949007.dsscovered that reQured hourly 1re watch patrol en- Con =rikiated Eeson Co. o! New Ygyk Inc.12pp. 81658 00141658 013. tated for he area 0040 on 920629 mappropnate6y termmated due to personnel error Mouny two watch patrol tot aHected area reestabkshed 9411070299 Cienhos ulli mienkon to not anstalt replacement tymakers en nemt practcal BECKHAM.J T. George Power Co 94/10/31. Document Control Brancri (Document retuohno outage tar ANO Urut 2. per concem remed to carcistry moisten dunn0 e6 ectr > Cor*olDesk) tipp 81663 11041663 114. cat omtributen tys functonal map of taakty MIMS.D C. Entergy Operatons. anc. 94/11/02. Document Control Branch (Document Coritrol Desk) 2pp. 81654 02041654 021 9411150002 Responds to vtoestens rioted m map repts 50313/94-20 & $0 368/94 M110000a4 Forwaras map repts60 321/94-26 & 54366/94-25 on 941003 07.No vione. 20 Correceve accons procedures revised to control ECP isvet. totis iconsfied MIMS.D C. Emergy Operamons. Inc. 94/11/04 Document Coreal Branch (Document CRLETUAK.R V Repon 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/02 BECKHAM.J T. George Power Cortol Desk) 6pp. 81790295-81780.300. Co 3pp 916391sa41639196 N1115D122 Responds to NRC ltr to violatons noted en map repts $0 313/9447 4 $0- -9411090o92 enep repts $4321/94-26 4 543n6'94-24 on 94100347.No vecestons 368/9447 on 940724-0903 Conoceve actorm: requests eirtenaan for respondrig to noted Masar areas enspected tSi eoview of ISI samm procedures & review cf edo- vmeetson unt1941216 graphic tem MIMS.D C Enter 3y Operatorm. Inc 94/11/04 Document Cosmol Branch (Document COLEYJ L hogen 2 (Post 820201). Iba/11/01 11pp 8163918t4163t196. Control Desk). 3pp 81776 09541775 097. ~ DOCKETEDITEMS 113 9411f70277 Docusses map repts 50 313/94-20 & 50 368/94 20 on 940725 29 & 9411080211 Forwards mio reouested by NRC Admmestratwo Le 94-12. " Operator L> 0808.12 & forwards notre of inolatort censmg Exam Scheduse.# mciuding number of operator teensmo canedates to be GuWNN.T.P Repo. n 4 (Poet 820201) 94/11/09. YELVERTONJW Entergy Oper- tested for FY9598. atons. Inc 4pp 81800219418J0226 MIMS.D C. Emergy Operatums. Ire. 94/11/02. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 3pp 81678.35441678.357 M11170002 Forwards snap repts 50 313/9448 & 50-368/9448 on 9409041015 & noke of m6ston-M11220397Ack receipt et940720lir re GL 8820.suppi 4. "inevidual Plant Exam of BEACH.A.B Regen 4 (Post 820201k 94/11/10. YELVERTONJW. Entergy Oper-atons. anc. 8pp 8176002341780 050- Extemal Events for severe Acadent vulneratxkt.or10CFR$0.54(f)." informs that NRC 1 unntae to e usarse revesed approach to periorrn seerruc enam. 1 -9411170006 -r .or '.Nohce of nota, dw n inst ban from map940904-1015 8 fronths on VelaDone nce notee,um,ns,ee tons, pp 17 87 .' NPsf P. TEMP'o"sf"8"2&ff "" M '*i "G"2""#1%"02"9&O30.we cou,d er 3, ,sw n$ v a'==*' 'aa-S ""io ,"='7 p ' n= -M ied Ma,n ins,p ,e,. , ""r= G=~ 0,;;aroef"IN T P + 4 ,,g,,=e,pa M/n/22. aeo a 4 5* a 182== 27-rm or e .as e.pS 13, ,& S.,=th.M, . or, M09x101,.5,.v,.ia ,e.,., SiM9 =w= 0a .e ninr. ma.n, oetoo e~ai.denn.on e.e oe,nser., pi n,d s ope,e.a s acen s t'ANDENBURG>t.C. Repon 4 (Poet 820201). 94/11/10. 21pp. 8170003141760-050 1 DOCKET 50 389 WILLIAni B. tICGulRE NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 1 ' M11080300NRC Buhetm 94402. "Corrosen ProtWems m Certam Stam6ess Packagog used to Transport U Hexaftuande " PAPERIELLO.CJ Dwoman of indusanal & Medical Nuclear Saloty (Post 870729). 94/ F. Security, medical emergency & fire protection ptans 11/14. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Irc.12pp 81816 31141818.322. 9411220058 Act recespi et 941020 ter antarmmg NRC et steps taken to conect monaten "'""** " m ensp ropts50-313/94 16 & SO 368/94 16 CUNE.W E' Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/07 MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co.  ! COLLINS.$J. Regon 4 (Post 820201). 94/11/15 YELVERTONJ W Entergy Oper. 3pp. 815et 089-81561:099 abons, arc. 3pp. 81796.32041796 328 l M11100237NRC Into Notco 94477 "Martuncton m Mam Generator Voltage Regulator -HHom32 Insp repu S369/9m & S370/94@ on 94mM8M wo. bons at bete 1y-Related Electreal Eouipment." reled heapor amas rwedCR emergency went4aten sys.nmeomeogmai insw RIM K. 9411/17 Consolcated Lemon Co. of New Yor1L inc. 7pp. $1816.323 ta CKMTA Rap 2 (Post 820204 M/10/03 8m 81561992-81561299 M11220045 Forwards map repts50-313/94-23 4 50-368/94 23 on 941024-28 Volabon notre tu noi oted. M11230071 no EPIP meen. Change O to COLUNS.$.J Regon 4 (Post 820201) 94/11/18 YELVERTON.J W Entergy Oper. Forwards RP/0/A/5700/01. pubic Change versson O to of tensedCF RP/0/A/5700/02. EPIPs.snckd.nge O to RP/0/A/5700/ atons. Inc. 5pp. 81796.27141796292. 03. Change O to RP/0/A/5700/D4. Change O to RP/0/A/5700/10 & RP/0/A/5700/ j 20 W/941121rolesse memo. -4411220053 insp repts S313/94-23 & $0-368/94 23 on 941024-28 No volators MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co 94/10/10. Document Control Branch (Document l noted Masor areas mapectedoperakonal s1atus, of emerm preparedness Controt Desk) 3pp. 8182900141829.218 program.ornergency plans.emJer ency taahbes & training MURRAYS Repon 4 (Post azu201) 94/11/19 17pp s1796.27&81796.292. -6411230078PutAc verson of venned EPIPs.snctuen0 EPfP moexChange 0 to RP/0/ A/5700/01. Change O to RP/0/A/5700/02. Change o to RP/0/A/5700/03. Change 0 M11250202 Forwards response to violatons noted in insp Repts 50 313/94.18 & S to RP/0/A/5700/04. Change O to RP/0/A/5700/10 & Change O to RP/0/A/5700/20. 368/9418 Correctrue accons toensee nonfraton commurucators provided tammg on GILBERT.G., HASTYA Duke Power Co. 94/10/10. 215pp. 01829.00441829.218 cierthcanon on une of DEF/VS tax machirie MIMS.O C. Entergy Operatens. Inc 94/11/18. Document Control Branch (Document M11020288 Rev 94-4 to "McGure Nuclear $ne Emergency Plan." W/941025 lir. Control Deskt 4pp. 8166823541866 238. MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co.94/10/25,2bpp. 81589 08741589111. M11150578 NRC into Notce 94478.,"Electnc Component Fadure dus to Degradaten I of CNunk Wre insdaten M11180082 Forwards pubic verson of rewmed EPips.metudmo EPtP mden. Change 0 to GRIM S. K . 94/11/21. Coneohdated Eeson 10 of New York inc. 10pp. RP/0/A/5700/00.Chango O so RP/0/A/5700/12. Change o to RP/O/A/57uu/13 & I 8164621541648.224. Rev 8 90 EP Group Secemn 1.1. W/941115 fir enct MCMEEKIN.T.C Duke Power Co M/10/25. Document Control Branch (Document s M11170039 NRC Into Nonce 94479. "Merobiologr;sity influenced Corroomn of EDG Connel Denkt app.8178814W88292. ' iMES8. 11/23. Consohdated Eeson Co, of New YortL hic. 9pp. 81848225- -e4H180071Public versen or rmed MPsanclueng @P inhx. Change 0 m RP/0/ 81648 233 A/5700/00. Change O to RP/0/A/5700/12. Change O to RP/0/ A/5700/13 & Rev 8 to EP Group Secton 11. M11170279 NRC Info Nohce 94480, "Inaclequate DC Greard Detschon m DC Disch GILBERT.G. Duke Power Co 64/10/24.140pp 8178815241788.292. ton Bys " GRIMES.B K . 94/11/25 Consondated Edson Co. of New YorA Inc. 14pp. M11oe0218 Conlams arrangement for 941114.18 safety suet to be performed by NRC 81848.234 41648 247 & FERC for storage pond dem 4 dee at plant.Auet unit focus on sarety of dem & dike j asoects 94111702M NRC Info Notoe 94481. " Accuracy of Boassay & Environ Samphng Re. 9ERSE N .v. Pro,ect Directorateope'eton.masnt 103. 94/11/03 &EEKIN.T.C. any emergency pas Co. 4pp. Duke Power i suns " 81666.32941666.332. PAPERIELLO.C.1 Decemn of inckminal & Medcol Nucever 6afety (Post 870729L 94/ 11/25. Conachdated Lemon Co of New YortL Inc.12pp. 6144824841648.259 9411210402 Aenses Ihat 940701 Rev 0 to pnyscal secanty & contogency plan conssi. eni w/provmmns of 10CFR50.54(p) & acceptable Some changes remare clanhcaton as dehneated an enci & *===M m telcon on941109 Enct withhead.per 10CFR7321. R. Portodic 8PeratinD reports & related correspondence COLLINS.D.M Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/09 MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co. 3pp. 01864.220 81664.223 9411220299 "ANO Unst 210CFR$0.59 Rept" for penod930122440423 W/ 941118 Itr MIMS.D.C. Entergy Operatons. tre.94/04/23.128pp. 8184221641642 343 0411290072 Concsudes that changes se rev 94.3 to emergency plan meet p&ennmg stos for 10CFR50 4?(b) & requeroments or App E to 10CFRsu M11210387 Monthiv operetng rept lor Oct 1994 tor ANO-Urut 2. W/9a1115 lir CLINE.W.E. Regen 2 (Post $20201). 94/11/17. MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co. WHITT.M S., MIMS.D.C troergy Operstens. Inc. 94/10/31. 7pp. 81837:14k 3pp. 8185725641857.360. 81837.151 S. Reportabte ce;a . _ l. era & rotated ~. *""U *""**"' ~ ""*P""**"* Mt1000M9 LER 94-006 00on 941007.survestiarece testmg of one HP Si pump ed not 94 H070089Estends inntaton 2 partcente m escussion of GL 89-10 MOV prograns verdy operatulay as remared tiy TS due to procedure defceencies Indmduals from sov, on 94110b m Acants.GAForwards meceng agenda erst esees reeewed all 4180V SR schemes W/941104 tir. GiBSON.A F. Regen 2 (Post $20201) 94/10/12 MCMEEKIN,T.C. Duke Power Co. SCOTT .T .F ., WIMS.D.C Emergy Operatens, mc. 94/11/04 7pp 81732-011 4pp. 81604 3494ie04.352. 81732'017. 9411020139 Forwards SE re inservics tenano program rehof requests for pumps & M11300290 Forwards Rev i to LER 94401 re excore rucasar anstrumentabortRev re. valvesIST program rehof requests grarited. approved or autherned acceptable for sm-viese commnenent ce future postenasnt teenng enethod uned to werey contmusty of piemontaton prouded acton noms memphed m secton 5 of TER addressed catite connectors. BERKOW.H.N Prosect Drectorate 16 3. 94/10/21. MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co MIMS.DC. Entergy Operatons. Inc. 94/11/21. Document Control Branch (Documern opp 81570.19241570.323. Control Doekt 2pp. 8191214641912 ISS -4411020183 SE re IST program roguests for rehetRehof roguesta evaluated 4 mock -4411300293 LER 94 00141 on 940312,TS recurements for logantNmc power tevel ow fed by SE we provce reasonsbe assurance of operatonal reseness or pumps & strumematon operatmisty rios met ese to madequale post 4nasrit test.Posl4nant test for vaeves to perform safetydetsted funchons. Oper channels tested durm9 outage m progress reened

  • Orhce of Nuclear Reactor Regulators Drector (Post 870411k 94/10/21.10pp.

SORTT.T.F. Entergy Operatonn. mc.94/11/216pp 8191215046912-155 81570 19941570.205. V. Operster E -9411020197 " Technical Evolueton Rept Pumps & Valves insonnce Testeg Program.McGure Nucteer Staten.Urvts 1 & 2. Duke Power Co " DIB6AS40 A DAVIS.J., FRESCO.A. Brookhoven Natanal Laboratory FIN L.2301 94/ M110700s4 IrWorms that arrangements made for admrustraton of hcanssno enam at 09/30 Deveson of Engineenng (Post 921004L 117pp. 8157020ere1570 323 plant.per941021 toscon.Uts should tumssh ret meus edentrhed as attachment 2 of ES-201 en ortteur to prepa's for enems tensduled for met of 9'J0206 9411020229Forwa+tss rev 6 to Core Operating Lsmits Rept for McG6ste urut 1 cyc6e 10 GWYNN.T.P Regmn 4 (Post 820201) 94/10/28 YELVERTONJ W. Entergy Oper. CANADY.K.S Duke Power Co 94/10/25 Document Control Branch (Document Con-atons. Inc epp $1604 33441804 342 trol Desk) 1p 81589 32941569 335 114 DOCKETED ITEMS -M11020233 Rev 2 to MCE64400 46, "McGure Unit 1 Cycle to Core Operstmg Lsnits -9412010168 Corrected amends 150 & 132 to hcenses NPF 9 & NPF 17 Rept." Oct 1994 respectwely.correctm0 TS pages that comamed typos.

  • Duke Power Co. MCE8 0400-46. 94/10/25. 6pp 81583.33041589 335.
  • Propect Dractorate113. 94/11/22. $pp. 81903:09341903 097.

H11000122 treorms that staff unstde to grant secuest for rehef 934.iCL1 because nem-ements & techescal base to support sawty evalue-h ,Ogginsp BERKOW.H.N. Propect Drectorate 43 94/10/26. TUCKMAN.M S Duke Power Co. Q. Inspectson reports, IE Bullettre & _ _ 4pp. 8166729441667.29/. 9411030024Fonraros inso espts50-369/94-21 & 54370/94-21 on 940912-16 No viola. tions noted. H11040250 Forwards amends 150 & 132 to bconses NPF4 & NPF 17 & safety CLINE w E. Regen 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/07. MCMEEKIN.TC Duke Power Co. evatusion. Amends submrtted as resun of NRC recommendatene pe tammg to GL 90 3pp. 8156108941561099. 06 kir operated rolet tehof valves & block valves LTOP sys. NERSES.V Proect Dractorate Il-3. 94/10/27.MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co. 3pp. 4411030032 Insp repts 50-369/94-21 & 50-370/94-21 on 940912-16.No violatons $1628 31041628 329. noted Maior areas mapactedCR emergency ventilation sys.meteorologmal metrumerk taten & tremmg -9411040257 Amends 150 & 132to hcarmes NpF 9 & NPF 17.respectwely. subnutted JONES.D w., DECKER.T.R. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/03. 8pp. 81561:092-as resun of NRC recommendations portammg to GL 90 06 tar power operated rehef 81561.999. vetves & tdock valves & LTOP sys ' BERKOW.H.N. Progect Drectorate43. 94/10/27.11pp. 81628:31341628 323. 94110100e8 Forwards risp repts 50-369/94-20 & 50 370/94-20 on 940821 0924.No 040260 evaluaten supportmg amenos 150 & 132 to hcenses NPF 9 & [Ky. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/10/12. MCMEEKIN.T C. Duke Power Co.

  • Othce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten. Dreciar (Post 870411). 94/10/27. 6pp. 3m. 815R221415H238.

81628.3244 1628.329 -9411010094 Insp repts 50 369/94-20 & 50 370/94-20 on 9408214924.No volatons 9411080131 Informs of intenhan to mochty schedule for MNS GL 89 10 roted.Masor areas inspecteaplant operations, masitengmeermg. plant s@ port & M6-program, currard 941228 committed date for Group 1 vanes to 950719 & lowup on povous snap tmdirgs improving from 981228 to 950719 for Group 2 valves. MAXWELL.G F., SINKULE.M v. Regen 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/12.13pp. 81514.224-MCMEEKIN.T C. Duke Power Co 94/10/26. Document Control Branch (Document 81514.238. Control Desk) app.81677.25241677 255. M10140257 Suppl 1 to NRC Into Notice 93460. "Reportmg Fuel Cycle & Mans Events 9411000163 Forwards resperme to request for addl meo re Rosemount Tochttcal BuHe- to NRC Operanons Ctr " tm #4 BURNETT.R.F. Divisson of Fuel Cycle Safety & Safeguards (Post 930207). 94/10/20. MCMEEKIN.T C. Duke Power Co 94/10/28. Document Cor$ol Branch (Document Consohdeved Edrson Co. of New York. anc.12pp. 81816.2481F16.310. Controi Deskt 3pp 81677.35341877.355. 9411080230 ApgAcaten for amends to bconnes NPF-9.NPF.17.NPF 35 & NPF-52.de6st. afts mg App B.envron proteden plan & modrlymg porton of Leonee Conditon 2 C.(2) so G7MES.B.K: Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. Drector (Post 870411), 94/10/26. ConsohdaW h Ca W h % A 12pp. 06MW658M U NM Duke Co 02 Control Branch (Documord Control Desk). 34pp. 81717.26841717.311. 9411070396 Responds to NRC 940929 itr re vio6aten noted m insp Repts 50-369/k18 9411090218 Confams arrangement for 94111416 safety audst to be performed by NRC 2. 50-370/9418 Correctrve actons: outage testng for e nacted Unn 2 components wdl & FERC for storage pond osm & dme et plant. Audit edi tocus on safety of oam & dme be completed by and of 2EOC9 mtvehng outage mesuom0 operaton.mamt & eny emergency planning aspects. MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co. 94/10/27. Document Control Branch (Document NERSES V. Proiect Directorate B 3. 94/11/01MCMEEKIN.TA Duke Power Co. 4pp. Control Desk). 3pp. 81663.10041663.102. 81066.329 4 1666.332. NRC of steps taken to correct violatons 9411210062 Ack recect of 941019 Ilr 941122022b Forwards amerids 151 & 133 to hcenses NPF4 & NPF-17 & safety noted m risp repts $4360/9415 & 50470/ 15 on 940919 evaluaton. Amends revise TS tastng mterval for AFW sys pumps from monttdy to SINKULE.M v Region 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/02. MCMEEKIN,T.C. Duke Power Co. 3pp. 81764.35341784.355. etgR$EaN NE Propect Deectorate E3. 94/11/09.MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co. 3pp. 81617.334 41817.346- M11210044 Forwards mso repts 54369/94-23 & 54370/94-23 on 94100S21 & nonce of violatens. -9411220231 Amenos151 & 133to teenses NPF 9 & NPF-17.respectvely, revising TS CRLEN.lAK.R V. Regen 2 (Post $20201). 94/11/09 MCMEEKIN.T C. Duke Power Co. testng mterval for AFW sys pumps from monthey to quarterty 3pp 81784.20441784220. BERKOW.H.N. Protect Directorate 113. 94/11/09. 9pp. 81817.33741817'344.. -9411210049 Notics of votaban trorn map on 941003-21 Volatens noted design -8411220237 Satsty evaluston supportm0 amends 151 & 133 to konses NPF-9 & changes accomphshed not stAij to Ossign control measures commensurate w/those NPF17,respecovely spohed to na ice Reactor Regulaton, Oractor (Post 670411). 94/11/09. 2pp. pgg,l , gqy ,9, yg 9411220286 Forwards revised TatWe 4 4 6 mdicatin0 capsule number V has been re. -9411210057 insp repts $4369/94 23 & $0370/94-23 on 941003 21. Vioistens fnoved as opposed to nel be removed at 7 EFPY as previously stated m 921028 ap- noted.Masor areas mspected electncal mam actrvity from 1993-1994 & heensees status pacaton for amends to hoenses NPF4 & NPF.17 m response to GL 9141. on implementabon SBC rule. MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co. 94H1/09 Document Control Branch (Document MOORE.R., SHYMLOCK,M B. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/07. pp 81784.209w Coreal Desh). 5pp. 81649-06741649:073 81784.220. -9411220288 Proposed tech acec table 4 4 52whcanng capsule rumber V has been re- 9411219355 Ack raciopt of 941102 ler mt NRC of steps taken to correct violanons moved as opposed to wel be removed at 7 EFPY. roted in map repts50-369/9618 4 54370/ 18

  • Duke Power Co.94/11/09 2pp. 81949:072 41649 073. CAS70.CA R 2 (Post 820201) 94/11/10. MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co 3pp. 81794. 1784.311.

9411300070 Confrms arrangements made w/J Snyder to 941121 moetng w/ubl at 'n concommg pmgress at pmpacts for improvng pedonnance 9411090300NRC Bunetm 94402. Torroacn Problems in Certam Staminas Packapng ER.8 A. Repen 2 (Post 520201). 94/11/09 MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co. Used D transport U Hexafhuude." 3pp 81671284e1871282. PAPERIELLO.CJ Drvisen of industnal & Madcal Nucisar Safety (Post 870729). 94/ Me, ConsoWated Edison Ca of h M. N N W64M8&M 9411180118 Forwards noboe et withdrawal of930623 apphcanon for amend to hcenses N & NPF-17 mocatyng TS re contammmt leakage,penetraton M.441 9411100237 NRC into Notce 94477 "Matruncton m Mam Generator Voltage Regulator ER Drectorate B-3 94/11/10.MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co. 3pp.  % j *d,E ,, E C ora, tric. 7pp. 81818.323-81818.329 -9411100138 Nonce of withdrawal of 930623awhcation for amend to heenses NPF4 9411150578 NRC trWo Natios 94478. "Electic Component Failure We to Degradaban & NPF.17.revism0TS 3 6.1.2 re containment leakage. penetration M-441 bellows. NERSESN. Protect Drectorate n.3. 94/11/10.1P 81782-19541782:195. of Chiande Wre insulanon " GRIM S. .K. . 94/11/21. Conachdetod Echson Co. of New York. Inc. 10pp 9411230109 Forwards amends 152 & 134 to loenees NPF4 & NPF-17. respectvelv & 81648215-81848.224. assety evaluaton.Amenos revise TS to ehminate comphance conthet that anses when ceW chargmg purrips m modes 4.5 & 6. 9411300077 Forwards map repts 50 369/94-17 & 50370/94-17 on 94100307 & 9NERSE N. Propect Drectorate W3. 94/11/17 MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co. 3pp 941024-28 & notes of viotatort 81829.33641829 352- PEEBLES.T.A. Regen 2 { Post 820201). 94/11/22.MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co 0 ' -9411230112 Amends 152 & 134to k:enses tePF-9 & NPF 17,respecevely. reviemg TS -94M3m85 Notte of volaton Wrn insp on 94N28Votaten noted W bcensed enodes .5 opere WHEELER.LL Pro,ect Drectorate p.3 94/11/17.12pp. 81829.339418?9.350. resared by $$ -9411230118 Safety evniuston assiportmo amenos 152 & 134 to hcenses NPF4 & ' Regen 2 Pon1820201t 94/M/22. 2pp. 818M296416M 297. NPL17.reepocevesy -9411300092tnsp ropts50 369/94-17 & 50 370/9417 0n 94100347 & 941024 28 Vit>

  • Ottice of Nuc6 ear Reactor Regulation. Drector (Post 870411). 94/11/17. 2pp. latons noted Mapor areas enspeicted.heensed opanator recuaktscaten program 81829 35141629:352. LEA.E., LAWYER.LL Repan 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/21. 7pp. 8167129841871:304 9411300191 Forwards corrected amends 150 & 132 to hcnnses NPF4 & NPF- 9411170039 NRC Info Noboe 94-079. "Merobiotopcally Irittuenced Corrosen of EDG correct typos on TS pages3/4 4-10,3/4 410a.3/4 4-37.3/4 4 38 &

B 3/4 4 3a Svc water Pipmg " NERSESV. Prosect Drectorate H-3 94/11/22.MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co 8pp. GRIMES.B K. .94/11/23.Connohdated Edison Co of New York. anc. 9pp 81646 225- $190399041903.097 81648.233 , , - ~ l 1 DOCKETEDITEMS 115 M11170279 NRC Ireo Notce 94400. 'InadegusM DC Ground Detectan m DC Detreiu. M11214402 Advoes that 940701 Rev 0 to phyncel secunty & contngency plan conest-non Sys " ent w/provesons of 10CFR50.54(p) & acceptetne. Some remre caenhcotea i GRIMESS K. . 94/11/25. Conachdeced Edson Co. of New York, tre 14 rap. as dennested m encs & docussed m tescon on 941109.Ence .per 10CFR73.21. l 8104823441948247. COLLINS.D M. Reson 2 (Post 8202011. 94/11/09. MCMEEKIN.T.C Duke Power Co. l 3pp. 81864.22041464223. N11170aM NRC Inlo Notco 94-081. " Accuracy of Boosesey & Erurun Semphng Re. I suits " ' g411300072 Concludes that changes to rev 94-3 to emergency plan meet piennmg neds CAPER 8ELLO.CJ Dumon of industnel & Meecal Nucesor Safety (Post 870729). 94/ for 10CFR50 47th) & requrements of App E to 10CFR50 11/25. Conachoosed Edson Co. of New York. tic.12pp. 41848.24641940259. CLINE.W.E. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/17. MCMEEKIN.T.C Duke Power Co. 3pp. 81857:35641857280. O Perleet apersling reports & rotated sorrespondence 9411300132 Foneeres montNy opereeng repis for Oct 1994 for McGiere Nucieer Staton * *'**"I**"*** & revned repas for Sept 1904. , WEDER.RL Duke Power Co. 94/11/15. Document Consol Branch (Document Con. N11070008 Extends owetaton to partcipate m haai of GL #10 MOV programs  ; trol Desk). 2pp. 8188t03641889-048. on 941108 m Atlanta,GA. Forwards meetmg agende. GIBSON.A.F. Respon 2 (Post 620201). 94/10/12. MCMEEKMT.C. Duke Power Co. =9411300133 Monthly operseng repts for Oct 1994 for McGure karimar Staton. 4pp. 81004:34941404.352. WILUAMS.FtA. Duke Power Co.94/10/31.10pp. 41889036 01889047. M11030138 Foneerde SE re meennce testmo program rehet requests for pumps & -4411290134Reveed monthly operetnD repts for Sept 1994 tar McGues Nucteer Sts. vesves.lST program rehof requests grened.opproved or authorned acceptatne for sm. tort piementaton provided acton soms adentted m secton 5 of TER __.

  • Duke Power Co.94/09/30,1p. 81089-04841889:048. BERKOW.N.N. Proyect Drectorate 11-3. 94/10/21. MCMEEKINT.C Duke Power Co.

app. 81570;19241570.323. O Reportette ._, LERe & related eerroependense 4411030183 SE re IST program requeste for rehet.Rehet reeamsts evalumend & most. had tsy SE adt prcmde reasonstne esswance of operemonal readmose of pumps & N113eBMS Specsel Rept SR9445:en 941024. Channel 3 of weireton & loose parts veh es to perform estety reneted functons. sys anciered mopersolo due to rose Channel 3 of V& LPM we he repared

  • Omco of Waaar Reactor RepAston. Drector 70st 870411). 94/10/21.10pp, ander 94043758 or replaced by NSM MG-12006 &mno aAnge 1EOC10. 81570 19941570205.

MCMEEKIN.T.C Duke Power Co. 94/11/22. DocumerW Corarol Sianch (Docwnent Control Desk). 3pp. 81906.35941906:361. -4411030197 "Techtscal Evolueton ReptPwrqss & Velves inserince Testng .McGure Nucteer Stason.Unas 1 & 2. Duke Power Co." 9411308873 LEH 9440740on 941024.0018 suponenced enedvertent manuel start .A DAVISA. FRESCO.A. Brookhaven Notorial Laboratory. FIN L-2301. 94/ due to unknown,posalble - _, maffuncton.DG curcunty n ^ J to vehooto 09/30. Dnreen of Engmoenng (Post 9210D4).117pp. 81570:20641570:323. that no prutnems east & doenmuned pist no ESF mones occurred w/6s1122 tir. EGESE.R4 MCMEEKIN.T.C Duke Power Co.94/11/22. Opp. 8191220141912206. 9411000122Informe that staff smetne to grant regumet for rebet 93.G01 hara"aa item-bydsern het of weeds & map regnaremerns & technmal been to support telety evnlue-V.Operecer Esamenselens ton of propoeal had not boon proinded. BERKOW.H.N. Proinct Dreck 1 rete 18-3. 94/10/26. TUCKMAN.M.S. Duke Power Co. 4pp. 81667:29441067.297. M110e0039 Responds to Admouseroeve Lir 94-12. " Operator Laconemo Netl Exam Scheck4e " M11040300 Forwards amends 150 & 132 to boennes NPF 9 & NPF.17 & assety VUCKMAN M.S. Duke Power Co 94/11/04 Document Control Branch (Document evalueton.Arnands submmed as result of NRC .--_ . - '~ _ pertemmg to GL 90-Control Deak). 5pp. 81679 205 81679.204 06 for operated NERSES.V. rehofDrectorate Prosect rehof velves li 3. & tWock veh'.ss 94/10/27 LTOP sytk MCMEEKIN.T.C Duke Power Co. 3pp. M113ee077 Forwards map repts 50 360/9417 4 50 370/9417 on 941003 07 & 81628210 81628.329 941024-28 &notco of violehort PEE 8LES.T.A Repen 2 (Post e20201). 94/11/22. MCMEEKMT.C Duke Power Co. -4411040367 Amends 150 & 132 to henness NPF-9 & NPF 17/sepectuely submsited 3pp. 01871.29341571.304. as resun W NRC ._ __ ._ _ _ _ perteensng M GL 90 06 for power operated retsof ~9411300005 * * -o Notc.e of,t,on trom ma.p o.n 9410,03-2,8 Ve.laton m noted 'E e ds NR.C, m(corn,ed B Prope'ct orMe'n 3. 94/10/27.11pp. 81628 31341628:323. wasg ri armu hre elin h h ope eM e,s gnt ed not me Regen (Post 1). 94/11/22. 2pp, 81871.296-81871:297. -84 Safety evalueton supparung amends 150 & 132 to beenees NPF-9 4 -44113ee002 inep ropts 50 360/9417 & 50 370/9417 on 94100347 & 941024-28 vic>

  • Omco of M Reacw Regulaeon. DrecMr Post 8704M 94/2/27. 6pp.

latons noemd areas . . ' _: L 2 coerator requehfcoton 81628 22441620:329. LEA.E., LAWYE .L.L Regen 2 (Post 820201L 94/11/21. 7pp. 81871 81871:304. et of m non moddy N for WNS GL EM proqPam, current 941228 cornmeed asas tor Group 1 vefweh to 950719 & DOCKET 50 370 WILLIAM OL uc0UIRE peUCLEAR STAT 1001, UNIT 2 emprovmg trem 9tl1220 to 950719 for Group 2 votves. MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co. 94/10/28. Document Control Branch (Document Consol Dese4 app. 81677.25241577.255. F. Seeurety, medlemi, emergency & fire preesceen piens M110e0143 Foreerds response to request for add mio re Rosemount Techncel Buite-94 1030eN Forwards insp repts50 360/9441 & 50 370/94 21 on 94001216.No vole. kn gg, CLINE.W.E. 2 (Post B20201). 94/10/07. MCMEEKIN.T.C Duke Power Co. Control Deelt 3pp. 81677.35341677;355. M110ee23e aPf*=h-t for amends to leoness NPF4.NPF 17.NPF-35 & NPF-52.delet. -9411030032 anno empts SN169/9441 & 50 370/94-21 on 94091216.No violatons mg App B enwoon protecton plan & moddym0 porton of Leones Cornaton 2 C42) so noemd Magor areas mapactedCR emergency veneleton sys,nersorr*wreal meerumen. es to oneste porton whch reeers to envron protecton plan. telson & tramsng. ) TUCKMAN.M.S. Duke Power Co. 94/11/02. Document Control Branch (Document JONES,D W. Repon 2 (Post 820201L 94/10/03. epp. 8156129241581009. Consol Desk). Sepp.81717.26641717.311. 94t133e071 Forwards pubhc verton of revned EPIPs.mceuchng EPIP indetChange O to N11080210 Contrme errengement for 941114-18 selety euet to be performed tw NRC RP/0/A/5700/01.Dienge O to RP/0/A/5700/02, CQ0 to RP/0/A/5700/ & FERC for storage pond dem & eke et pienLAudd we locus on safety of dem & ehe

03. Change o to RP/0iA/5700/04.Chango O to RP/0/A/5/uu/10 & RP/0/A/5700/ metueng operecon.mont & eny emergency espects.

20 W/941121 #etenee memo. NERSES.V. Prosect Desctorate b-3 94/11/03. EKIN.T.C Duke Power Co. App. MCMEEKIN.T.C. Dias Power Co 94/10/10. Document Conwol Branch (Document 81686.329-81066:332. Consol Does4 3pp. 81829-00141829 218. -941123e07s Pubhc verman of revoed EPIPs.hctuchng EPIP incies. Change O to RP/0/ M11230323 Forwards amends 151 & 133 to toonees NPF4 & NPF.17 & safety Q/5700/01.Chenge O to RP/0/A/5700/02.Chenge O to RP/0/A/5700/03. Change 0 r " _ z_ rewme TS teseng enerval for AFW sys pumps from enonedy to overterty to RP/0/A/5700/04. Change o to RP/0/ A/5700/10 & Change O to RP/0/A/5700/20. NERSES.V Propoet Directorate fl.3. 94/11/09.MCMEEKET.C Duke Power Co. 300 GILBERT.G., HASTY.R. Duke Power Cck94/10/10. 215pp 8182990441629.218- $1817.334 81817M IN. C Power 2 2 509 08 1 11 -N H23023 t *"P*'**''*'"9 o from"*monto M 9411100082 Forwards pubhc verson of revoed EPIPs.mciuchng EPIP heen, Change O to OW.H.N. Propect Drectorate113. 94/11/09. 9pp 7.33741817:344. RP/O/A/5700/00. Change O to RP/0/A/5700/12. Disnge O to RP/0/A/5/uu/13 & Rev 8 to EP Group secton i 1 W/941115 iir enct -44"33e237 seMtv evskaton -arang amends 151 & 133 to toenees NPF4 & MCMEEKIN.T.C. DiAe Power Co 94/10/25. Document Control Branch (Document W 7.respectuely. l Control Desk 13pp. 0178814941788.292. ONice of Nucteer Reactor Reguistan, Drector (Post 870411). 94/11/09, 2pp. I 81817.345 01817:346. I =9411100e71 Pubhc verson et sevuod EPIPs.mceueng EPIP inden. Change o to RP/0/ Q/5700/00. Change O to RP/0/A/5700/12. Change O to RP/OIA/5700/13 & Rev 8 to M11230308 Forwards revoed Tabte 4 4 5.smhestn0 **P"'** number V has been re. ED Greie Sectan 11. moved as oppseed to we he removed at 7 EFPY es prewmuely stated m 921C28 ap-GILBERT.G. Dias Power Co.94/10/24.140pft 0178815241788.292. pecaten tar amends to hcenses NPF4 & NPF.17 m fesponse to GL 9101. MCMEEKIN.T C. Duke Power Co. 94/11/00. Document Conros Branch (Document M11000210 Contwms errengement for 94111416 selety autSt to be portormed by NRC Control Dook). 5pp. 8184906741649.073. & FERC for storage ponc dem & chke et plant.Appit we focus on sately of dem & eke operasan. ment & eny emergency sepsets -44112303ee Proposed toch spec tatse 4 44.andmetng capsule number V has been re-9ERSE N .V Prosset Drectorale k-3. 94/11/03. EKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co. 4pp movea es opposed to wdt be removed at 7 EFPY. 81606.329-81086.332.

  • Duke Power Co.94/11/09 2pp. 8164907241649073.

1 l l 116 DOCKETEDITEMS N11300070 Conhrms errangsments made w/J Snyoer to 941121 meetmg w/util al N 11080300 NRC Bulletm 94402, "."Corrosen Problems a Certam Stuneens Packagm0 plant concomm0 D' ogress of protects for unptcung performsnce used to transport U Hemsfluonde BOGER,B.A Regen 2 (post 82020th 94/11/09 MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co, PAPERIELLOf J Dnnson of industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 94! 3pp 81071.28041871.282 11/14. Consohdated Eeson Co of New Yorst. anc.12pp. 81816.31141816.322. M11100110 Forwards notos of wethdrawal of 930623 apphcabon for amend to hcenses M11100237 NRC info Notce 94477. "Malfuncton m Man Generator Vc4tage Regulator NPF4 & NPF.17.moetying TS re cordamment lealtage.penetraton M441 boNows.per Causmo Overvoltage at Safety Related Electncal Eckapment" 941013 Nr GRIMES.8 K. 94/11/17.Consohdated Eeson Co of New York. Inc. 7po 81016.323-NERSES,V Proeset Drectorate14-3. 94/11/10.MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co 3pp. 81816 329 81782 19241782 194 941115057t NRC info Nohce 94478. "Electnc Component Fadure due to Degradanon -9411100134Nocce et withdrawal of930623 apphcanon for amend to hcontes NPF.9 of Chionde Wre insutanon." & NPO17.ronsm0T5 3 6.12 re contamment isekage. penetrator M441 bellows GRIM S. K. . 94/11/21. Censchdeted Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 10pp. NERSES.V. Proiect Drectorate8-3. 94/11/10.1P. 8178219541782195. 81848.21541848 224 N 11230100 Forwards amends 152 & 134 to bcennes NPF4 & NPF.17. respectweiy & N11300077 Forwards map repts 50 369/9417 & 54370/94-17 on 94100347 & safety evaluatsortAmende rowse TS to einnmate comphance confhet that anus when 941024 28 & nohce of volakon. NE cemet raractor to 9/ EEKIN.T C. Duke Power Co. Spp 3pp g\gfi 34 % . Oim V. m =a411230112 Amends 152 & 134to hcenses NPF4 & NPF.17.respectwely, reusm07g 44H 0 SS N e 4 inb n t ni map on 941003-28 Volaton noted NRC heenned to ennwu nce confhct that anses when ewapping centntugal charyng pumps recured 0 55 WHEELER.LL Protect Drectorate 11-3 M/11/17.12pp 81829 33941829 350

  • mgon N 8202W 94/H/22. 2pp. 81871.29641871.297.

-4411230114 Batety evalumbon supportmg amends 152 & 134 to hcenses NPF.9 & 63000021 esp ropts $4369/94-0 & $4370/9447 an 941003-07 4 94102&28 VO NPF.17.respectuely lahone noted Maior areas mopected hcensed operator sequalAcanon orooram.

  • Orfee of Nucles Reacter Regulamon. Derector (Post 87041ty 94/11/17. 2pp. LEA.E., LAWYER.LL Regon 2 (Post 820201). 94/11/21, 7pp. 816712b641871.304.

81829 351 41829 352. N11170038 NRC Into Notco 94479. "Microbiolopcally influenced Curvoson of EDG 9411300191 Forwards corrected amends 150 & 132 to hcenses NPF 9 & NPF. Svc Water Pipmg" conect typos on 75 pages 3/4 4-10. G/4 4-10s.3/4 4-37.3/4 4-38 & GRIMES.B K. .94/11/23 Consohdated Eeson Co of New York. Inc. 9pp. 61648.225 B 3/4 4 3a 81848 233. NERSES,V Proiset Drectorate86 3. 94/11/22. MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co. 8pp 81903:09041903 097. N11170279NRC Info Nohce 94480. "inadeguste DC Ground Detecton m DC Destnte gan g -N12010198 Cntreeted amends 150 & 132 to hcenses NPF4 & NPF.17, GRIMES.B K. . 94/11/25. Conschdated Essen Co. of New York. anc. 14pp. respectwesy.correctmg TS pages that comamed typos 81848 234 41648.247.

  • Protect Drectorate sl-3 94/11/22 Spp 81903:0481903 097 NRC Into Nonce 94481.
  • Accuracy of Bioessay & Envron Samphng Re-M,11170.

jg 294 Q. Inspection reports. IE Sullettne & correspondence PAPERIELLD.CJ Dwison of Industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 94/ t1/25. Coneohdated Eeson Co of New York, Inc.12pp 81848.24861848 259. M11030024 Forwards map repts504369/94-21 & $0-370/94 21 on 940912-16.No voia-tons noted CUNE.w E. Re0 ion 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/07. MCMEEKIN,T C. Duke Power Co. R Portsdic opermetng reports & reisted correspondence 3pp. 8156100941561099 -M11020032 Insp repts 50-369/R21 & 50 370/94 21 on 940912-16 No violatons N11,2,50,132,, g , ,o pg,gy Forwards, $ pgggg4monthly oporthng repts for Oct 1994 for McGure Nuclear Staban noted Mars areas mopectedCR emergency wantiation sys.meteorologmel mainsmen- WEBER,R.L Duke Power Co. 94/11/15. Document Control Branch (Document Cork JON (CKER.T R. Regon 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/03. 8pp 81561 092-81561 099 -9411250133 Monthly operahng repts par Oct 1994 tor McGure Nuclear Statert WILLIAMS.RA Duke Power w94/10/31.10pp 01889 03841889 D47, M11010080 Forwards map repts 54360/R20 & 50 370/94-20 on 940821 0924 No .V 2 (Post 820201) 94/10/12. MCMEEKIN.T C. Duke Power Co - MMM34 Remoed monWy operanno repu tm Sept N tw Mure Nudear Sh 3pp 81514 221 238. fDuke Power Co. 94/09/30.1p. 01889 04841089-048 -94110100M inep repts $4369/9440 4 50 370/94-20 on 9408214924 No wooianons noted Mesor areas inspected psant operstons, mesnt.engmoormg.peant e@ port & tok towup on prowous map Anengs V. Operecor Eneminettons MAXWELLG F., SINKULE.M V. Regon 2 (Post 620201). 94/10/12.13pp. e1514.224-91514 236 N11000229 Responds to Admitustratwo Ltr 9412. " Operator Lacenung Nati Eram SchedW" N10140257S@pi t to NRC Info Peoece 93460. "Reportmg Fuel Cycle & Maos Events TUCKMAN.M S. Duke Power Co. 94/11/04 Document Control Branch (Document to NRC Operatens Ctr " Control Desk). Spp.01679 20541679 209 BURNETT.R F. Dwison of Fust Cycle Setety & Sateguards (Post 930207). 94/10/20. Coneohosted Eeenn Co of New brk. anc.12pp 81816.299-81916.310 MH300077 Fwwards emp repu 50369/%17 4 54370/R17 on 94100307 8 9410200153 NRC anto Nobco 94476. "Recent Fallwes of Chargm0/ Safety inpocton BLE TA Post 820201). 94/11/22. MCMEEKIN.T.C. Duke Power Co. 3pp M8M N u7 m tME Othce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton Drector (Post 870411) 94/10/26. Canschosied Edson Co of New York. Inc.12pp 81658 00141658$t3 -9411300oss Nance of waiston from ansp on 941003 28 Vmaston noted. NRC bconsed M11070338 Responds to NRC 94C929 Itr to notaton noted m insp Repts 50 369/94-18 operets was annual pWmcal m M opamim eyemgm ed not rnest men stds .&e 50 p,,, R$ 1). 94/11/22,2pp 8187129641871.297. cor3,70.e/94.18.Correctwo p actonsoutage testng for effected Unst 2 comgenents unil teoy eel of 2EOC9 remouta0e ""'" " "*"' -9411300002inno repts50 369/94-17 & 54370/R17 on 94100347 & 941024-29 Vo Control 3pp 863 00 8 86 02.' latons noted.Masar areas mapected hconsed operator reoushfcanon program. M11210082 Ack receiot of 941019 fir mtormmg NRC of steps taken to correct violatons LEA.E. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 94/H/21. 7pp. 0187129641871.304. rioted m map 50 369'9415 4 50-370/R15 on 940919 SINKULE M V 2 (Post 820201) 94/11/02 MCMEEKIN.T.C Duke Poner Co app. 41764 35341764.355. DOCKET 50 373 i asal a r COUNTY STATIOst, UNIT t 94 1 0644 Forwards map repts 50 360/R23 & 54370/94-23 on 941003 21 & nonce CRLENJAK.R V Regen 2 (Post 820201) 94/11/09.MCMEEklN.T C Duke Power Co. 3pp. 81764 20441754.220- 9411070008Ack receipt al 940915 & 941014lirs antarmmg NRC of steps taken to cor-rect moistons noted m map repts $4373/R13 4 54374/9413 re unouairhed ew9md- -94 t1210949 Notes et violebon from snap on 941003 21Voonatons noted dem0" ual hihng ER posmon dunnG actual event. changes accompbened not subt to demgn control meessees commerteurate w/those GREEpsuAN E G Regan 3 (Post 820201). 94/10/30. QUERIO.R E. C .~.. r Regen 2 ). 94/11/09 2pp. 81784 20741784.208 -M11210o67 Insp repts 50-369/94-23 4 50 370/M 23 on 941003-21. Violatone emergency & M protechen piens noemd Magor areas mapected sesetncal mem actrety from1993-1994 &teennees status F. Securny, on imivementamon SBO rute MOORE.R., SHYWLDCK.M B. Regen 2 (Post 820201) 94/11/07. pp. 91784.209- N11030237 Rowsed EPIPs.melueno Rev 19 to L2P-11101.Rev 50 to LIP 13241 & 81784 220. Rev 7 to L2P-15301

  • Cornmonwesim Edison Co 94/10/04 5100 81645.29741645 347, 9411210055Act raciopt of $41102 Itr r.eorming NRC of steps taken to correct veistons nmed m muso repts $4369/9418 4 50 370/9a.18 N11070o71 Renned Corporate EPIPs (CEPtP).meludog Rev 7 to CEPtP.3103-01 & Rev CA370.C A 2 (Post $20201). 94/11/10 MCMEEktN.T C. Duke Power Co 8 to CEPIP.3104 01.

3pp. 81784 1764.311 SCOTT.D.J Commonweatih Eeson Co 94/10/05 19pp. 8165418641654 208 e T . _ _ _ _ 1 l DOCKETEDITEMS 117 9411830225 Revised Corporate EPtPs (CEPIP)metudmg Rev 2 to CEPIP-32141.Rev 3 9410200153 NRC IrWo Notre 94478. "Recent Fa4ures el Chargmg/ Safety tryocton to CEPIP-330341.Rev 3 to CEPIP 330441. Rev 3 to CEPIP-3404-014 Rev 3 to Pump Shafts" CEPip 3505 01. GRIMES.M Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulators Drector (Post 870411). 94/10/26 KVEY.M. Commonwealth Eeson Co. M/10/06. 65pp. 81606.22141806285. Cormolested Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81658:00141658 013. 9411230094Rev i to EPIP L2P 155413. " Ambulance Emer9ercy K4 Quartetty Surve* 9411020064 Responds to NRC 940927 Itr re violations noted m map rapts $4373/94-16 lance." ^ & 50 374/9416 on 940709-08t9.Correctrve actons procedure LYP 12001,has been

  • C1 _. . Edson Co.94/10/31. 5pp 81849.32141649.325. autmeted for rev to correct weak procedural instruccons.

QUERIO.R.E. Commonwealth Edson Co.94/10/27. Document Control Branch (Docu-9411210293S.erruts response to NRC request for add rWo re proposed use of corpo, ment Control Desk).10pp. bl588.34241588.351. rate EOF as meanm EOF to perform emergency response functone unbl near ene can be statted 9411220093 Forwards ensp repts $4373/94-17 & 50 374/94-17 on 940820-1007 & JOHNSON.lM. Commonwealth Esson Co 94/11/15. Document Can'rol Branch nonce of viotatert (Document Controi Desk) 22pp. 81633.33241833 353 GREENMAN.E.G. R 3 (Post $20201). 94/11/09. QUERIO,R. Commonwealth 9411230316 Forwards request for addl mfo to complete NRR renew of fre bemer mati as ret m uti940908 test rept mAmit:al. " Test,Rept for 1 H Fee Test on Dermatt KM1 -9411220098 Notes of violation from map on9406201007. Violation noted:Iconsee drJ F= Bamer S for Sete Configuraten at Plant. not promptly eenety.nor take proper actons to correct now measurmg onfces.whch RECKLEY.W . Protect Drectorate 118-2. 94/11/17. FARRAR.D L C. Leson Co. 5pp 81626.34tL81826 350. _ r were mataned backwards.

  • Regon 3 (Post $20201). 94/11/09. 290. 81799:00441799-005.

9411300211 Forwards response to 940919 RAI re proposed use of corporate EOF -9411220101 Insp repts 50 373/9417 & $0-374/94-17 on 9408241007. Violanons (CEOF) as mtenm EOF.ncludog analysm of EOF functons app 6cabie to CEOF as m- noted woor areas mapected:psant operations, mact.enomeer & piant support. tervn EOF. CLAYTON.B. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/09.18pp. 81799: 1799:040. JOHNSOrtlM Commonwealth Eason Co 94/11/22 Office of Nuclear Reactor Ret utstion. Drector (Post 870411). 77pp 81908:09241908189-9411090300NRC Bulletm 94402. "Corrosen Problems m Certam Stamiess Packagmg Used to Transport U Hexafluonde " K General correspondence PAPEFIIELLO.CJ. Dwinson of Industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 94/ 11/14. Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 81818.31141816:322. M11000148 Responds to 940825 Itr expressmg concems re uul mod of secumy force 9411100237NRC Into Mtco 94 077. "Malfuncton m Mam Generator voltage Regulator orgarszaten at nuclear facihties.NRC will evaluate future changes to secunty plans at Causmg at Safety Related Electncal Eospment." nuclear facilities to ensure that plans remem effectwo GRIME'S.B K. .94 11/17 Consohdated Edmon Co. of New York. Inc. 7pp. 81816.323 CAPRA.R.A. Proenct Drectorate111-2. 94/11/04 RUSSELLD. Afhkaten Not Asmgned 81816.329 epp. 81715.22581715.229 9411150578 NRC into Peobce 94-078. "Elecinc Comportent Failure due to Degradaten -4411000155 Informs of concem to CE decison to securtly force NPGSs. Notes of Polvvmyi Chionde Wre insulaten." securey already reesced 20% & tervonal threat to US tugher than any eme m recert GRIMtS.B K. . 94/11/21. Consoidsted Eeson Co. of New Yorti, Inc. 10pp his Pleads that mod to sectmty be stopped. 81848.21541648.224. O LLD. Affinaton Not Asssgned. 94/08/25 THE CHAIRMAN. SELIN.L Commes. moners (Post 750119).1p. 01715229-81715.229 9411300204 Forwards Rehef Request Rt.31 from ASME Secten XI.tWD.5223. changmg recured Class 3 eys elevated pressure hydrostate tests to funcbonal or ISTs ttrougn remamder of frst 10 yr map mterval. P. Operating acenes stage " J. & . -. J BENES.G G. Commonweartn Eeson Co 94/11/22. Document Control Branch (Docu. ment Control Desk). 3pp. 81951-28441951286. N11070310 Forwards nonce of wthdrawal of apphcaten for amend to TS re testmg of SGTS & control room chercoal adsorpton beds. per940927regnest. 9411170039 NRC Info Nobce 94479. 'Merobsologcapy influenced Corromon of EDG RECKLEY.W D Prosset Drectorate 1112. 94/11/02. FARRAR.D.L. Commonwealth Syc Water ." Eeson Co. 3pp. 81713 36141713.355. GRIMES.B.K. . /11/23. Conso8 dated Edman Co. of New York, Inc. 9pp. 81848.225 81848.233 * -9411070313 Notre of withdrawal of apphcahon of amend to heenses NPF.11 & NPF. 18.revieng TS re testmg of SGTS & control room charcoal adsorpaon beds. 9411170279 NRC info f4once 94-080.

  • inadequate DC Ground Detecten m DC Distrible RECKLEY.W.D. Prosect Drectorate lil-2. 94/11/02. 2pp. 81713 35441713.355. bon Sys" GRIMES.B K. . 94/11/25. Cormobdated Essan Co. of New York. Inc. 14pp 9411100011 Confirms escusson between P Brochman & M McInomy to routmo mgt 81848.234 41648.247.

meeting m Lasse.ll on941110to escuss status of staton performance enprovement rutanves. 9411170234 NRC Info Nonce 94481 " Accuracy of hay & Envron Sampkng Re-GREENMAN.E G Regen 3 (Poet 820201). 94/11/02. QUERIO.R.E. C#..~ ... _.: suits " Edson Co. Ip.81672.25941672.259 PAPERIELLO.C.J. Duason of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 94/ 11/25. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 8164824841848259. 9411080142 Noufraton of941206 meetmg w/ uni & NRC in Rockvine.MD to escuss noe of bconsee plants. .G F. Prolect Drectorate 111 2. 94/11/04. CAPRA.R,A. Protect Dractorate llL2. R. Periodic operstmg reports & related correspondence 4pp. 81715.22141715224. 94f1180050 Forwards rept on ute west to review emplementaten of munt rule at staten Sor rewww & mio Rept identifies s 2W & . ' a w/ program at ste cigt gogggg,y,,' RAY D.J. Commonwealth Edmon Co 94/.10/31.17pp. 81793.283 SHAFER.W.D. 3 (post 1). 94/11/07. DONNELLY.P.M. Consumers Power Co. Ppp. 81 6-131 41746 141. 81793.299' 94 1802 4 two achedule to fusi vendor transton for Post-1995 retoads S. Repor1m W & ed cor6 BENES.G G C- Edmon Co. 94/11/14. Documern Control Branch (Doce ment Control Desk). -.._2pp .. -.Z. 81830:34641830.347. 9411090338 LI'R 9440740 on 9s1003.ev 1' 2 & 4 pnmary contamment & reactor bido venelanon moisten egnal occur % used by blown fuse. Fuse replaced W/ 9411210248 Submits response to NRC request for add Mio re GL 8910. Info provided 941102 lir. m 4 Artachments. Attachment A provides summary of rnethods.results of repnontrzanon BEJLOVEC.W., RAY.D.J. Commonwwifth Edson Co 94/11/02. 6pp. 81719.328- & review effort for uul MOV populatort 81719.333. FAR .D.L Cornnorswealth Eeoon to 94/11/15. Document Control Branch (Docu-mont Control Deshk 64pp. 61837M441837-087. 9411210290 LER 9441041-on 94'.r705. Unit 1 acramed from power Ivves of core thermal power Caused by has of feed ',cw to reactor presstre vessel 1C34-K653B crtun card 9411230315 Forwards roguest for adf stlo to corrpete NRR review of flre bemer mao replaced W/941102 Itr. as roe m util 9409tt test rept sutet:al. " Test Rept for 1 H Fro Test on Dermatt Kut OTLEwtS.J RAY.D.J. Ostnmonwealth Edmon Co. 94/11/02. dop. 81864 129 Fro Bamer Sys ear $ste Centgira*.rm at Plant" 61864 132. RECKLEY.W D. Protect Droewate 118-2. 94/11/17. FARRAR.D.L Commonwealth E$aon C4 Spp. 81826 346-81828.350. 9411210111 Interim P0121 Rept 94-12 to Lmtorque actuator potenbal motor pruon key isdkre.Comm FJ maued guidelmes to em nuclear stabons on methods for property 9411300204 Forwards Rehof Request RI31 from ASME Secton XI.fND5223. chanom0 ans motor penson keys. regured Ctess 3 sys elevated pressure hydrostatsc tests to functonal or ISTs throu0h JOHN' . .l.M Commomvearth Eeaon Co. 94/11/11.Offee of Nucteer Reactor Reg. romander of frst to yr rap meervet ulaton, Drector (Pool 670411). $pp. 81831:12741831:131. BENES.G G C _ _ .- . Eeson Co 94/11/22. Docurr.ent Cornrol Branch (Doco morn Control Dest). 3pp. 81951284 81951286. V. Operstar Examinecons C Inspecnon reports. IE Bubetino & - 9411040294 Forwards exam answer key for terms A & B.graen0 results. & mdmdual answer sheets for each reevdual takrig exam from facshty Requests results be for-9411140257 Suppe 1 to NRC into Notce 93460. "Repor1mg Fuel Cycle & Matts Events werded to remduats w/ answer sheets Wto ences. to NRC Operatons Ctr " RING.M A. Regon 3 (Post 820201) 94/10/27.Cornumers Power Co 1p. 81586.001-BURNETT.R.F. Drveen of Ftel Cycle Sately & Salogueros (Post 930207). 94/10/20 81586 001 Coneohdated Eeson Ca of New yorts,Inc 12pp. 8181629941816.310. l 9411300218 Forwards NRC summanrod Oudence that clantes regierements for man-9411090378Prowdes two repts re map conductmg 9407114805 re FY93 Sepw. Annual tameng mdmdual operator bcenses.enetted "Clanfcanon of Maint & Reactwabon Re. Emuent Repts cuerements for inevidual Operator Lcenses " sttAv D.J Commonwealth Eenon Co 94/10/20 Region 3 (Post 820201). $4pp. RING.M A Regon 3 (Post 820201L 94/11/18 Affihamon Not Asmgned 3pp. j 81719 19841719 251. 81872.34141812.343. ' l l 1 118 DOCKETEDITEMS DOC 8LET 96 374 LAGALLE COUlfTY STATION. UNfT 2 9411230315 Forwards request for adca mto to complete NRR renew of he bemer maff as fet m uni 940308 test foot autmtlal. " Test Rept for 1 H Fro Test on Dermatt KM1 Fro Bamer Sys tot Sde Conf'Ourabon at Plant." C Utgity E.- _ " Report (ER), amonde & cerroependerme RECKLEY.W.D. Protect Drectorate lib 2. 94/11/17. FARRAR.D.L C ..._ ^ Edson Co. Spp.01426.34641826 350. M11070000 Acti receipt of 940915 2. 941014Itrs esomung NRC of steps taken to car. rect velemons noted a map repts50 373/94-13 & bo-374/9413 re unqualihed rovid- M11380304Fomards Rehof Request Rh31 from ASME Secton xttWD4223. changmg vel ER poorhon dunng actual event required Class 3 sys elevated pressure hydrostaic tests to functonal or ISTs through GREE N.E G Regen 3 (Post 820201L 94/10/30. QUERIO.R E. C_ _. r ,emencer of wat 10 yr me mierval. Edeon Ca 2pp. 81004 01341604 028. BENES.G G. Co.m.. . 7 Edman Co. 94/11/22. Document Control Branch (Docu. ment Corviral Deskt 3pp. 81951.26441951.286 F. SecurRy, medient, emergency & fire protection plans $411030237 Revoed EPIPs.mcludmg Rev 19 to LZP-1910-1Aev 50 to LTP-13241 & O i*' **"**8*" "** Rev 7 to L2P.15341

  • Commonwealm Edison Co.94/10/04. 51pp. 81645.297416e$.347. 94101e0257 Suppl 1 to NRC imo Notco 93480, "Reportng Fuel Cyde & Matts Events 94i1070071Rewned Corporate EPIPS (CEPIP).mcludmg Rev 7 to CEPIP 310341 & Rev "BURNE of Fuel Cycle Safety & Safeguards (Post 930207). 94/10/20-8 to CEPtP 3104 01. Consohdated Emeon Co. of New Vak. Inc.12pp. 81816.29941816.310.

SCOTTD.J C -.=--  ?. Edson Co. 94/1G/05 19pp 81654.18841654.208. M11030225 Revised Corporate EPIPs (CEPtP).sncludmg Rev 2 to CEPIP-32141.Rev 3 9411000373 Provides two repts to riep cariductng 9407114805 re FY93 SerwAnnual to CEPIP.330341.Rev 3 to CEPIP.330441. Rev 3 to CEPtP.3404 0* 3 Rev 3 to Efiluent Repts. CEPIP 350501. RAY.D.J. Commonwealth Edson Co. 94/10/20. Regen 3 (Poet $20201). 54pp. PAVEY.M Commonwealth Eeson Co.94/10/06 65p0. 818062?t41806.285. 01719.198 41719 251. 94 300H Rev i to EPIP L2P 15501?,. " Ambulance Emergency IUt Quarterly Swwed" 9410300163 NRC into Notre 94 076. "Recent Fadures of Chargm0/Satsty insecten *C_. - Ednan Co.94/10/31. $pp. 81849:32141849 325. M"[* Orfce of Nuclear Reactnr Regulaten. Deector (Post 870411194/10/26.

  • Conschdated Eeson Co of New York. Inc.12pp. 81658 00141658.013.

M11210393Sdrests response to NRC request for addl rWo to proposed use of corpo. rate EOF as enerwri EOF to perform emergency response functone unti near ene can be staned 94110200H Responds to NRC 940927 ltr te vioentens noted m map repts 50 373/94-16 .KNNSON.I M Commonavalt% Edson Co 94/11/15. Document Control Branch & $0 374/94-16 on 940709-0819 Correceve actoruTrocedure LYP 12041.has been (Document Control Desk). 22pp. 8181*.33241833.353. sereutted for rev to correct weak procedural mainctont OUERIO.R E. C....~. . . '". Eeson Co 94/10/27. Document Control Branch (Docw N11230315 Forwards request for adcp info to complete NRA towow of 8re bemer matt mont Control Desk) 10pp. 91688.342 81588.351. as rol m utd 940908 test rept outmuttal. " Test Rept for 1 H Fro Test on Dermatt RM1 rds sup repts 54373/94a7 & M74/94M on 94082N & CK W ectora fl . 94/11/17. FARRAR.D.L Commonwealth **a,t gn " Eeson Co. $pp.81626.346 41626.350. GREENMAN.E.G R 3 (Post 820201) 94/11/09 OUERIO.R. C . .. _ 94113e0211 Forwards response to 940919 RAI re proposed use of corporate EOF EssonCa w 81 M 81 W 4a (CEOF) as ernenm EOF.mctuchng ana8ysm of EDF functons appecable to CEOF as m-4411230008 Nocco of violaton from inop on 9408201007.%olaton noted bconnee ed tenm EOF. JOHNSON.l.M. C- . _ ^^f. Eenon Co 94/11/22. Othee of W4== Reactor Reg. not promptly spentdy.nor take proper accons to correct flow measunng orHces.wfuch usatori. Drector (Post 870411k 77pp. 81908.09241908.169 were retahed backwards.

  • Regen 3 (Post 820201). 94/11/09. 2pp. 01799 00441799:005.

H. General concependence -9411230101 Inso repts 50 373/94-17 4 60 374/94-17 on 94082tk1007. Molagens noted Masor areas rapocted: plant operabans. mamt. A plant support. M11080946 Responds to940825Itr expressang concems re util mod of escurity force CLAYTON,8. Regen 3 (Post 820201) 94111/09 18pp. 81799. 1799 040. urgenuanon at nuclear facemosNRC will evaluate outure changes W security piene at USSELL.D. Atilimbon Not Assigned. M11000300 NRC Boheen 94-002, forvoseon Problems in Certam Stammess Packagm0 PRA. ectorate I / Used to havuppt U Hexafluonde 4pp. 81715.2 15229 PAPERIELLO.CJ Dmman of industnal & Medcal Nuclear &alsty (Post 870729). 94/ 11/14 Conachdaled Eeaon Co of New York. Inc.12pp. 81816 31141816:322. 4411000166 informs of concem re CE d==m to reduce secunty torce NPG$s. Notes secunty already reduced 20% & terronst Inrest to US higher than any twne m recent hetary Pleads that mod to sects 1ty be stopped 9411100237 NRC Info Notco 94477, "Malfuncton m Man Generator Voltage Regulator RUSSE'LL.D. Athhaton hiot Aamgra4 91/08/25. THE CHAlRMAN Commasoners L'auung Overvoltaae at safety.Related Enoceral Equipment." (Post 750119).1p. 81715,22941715.229. GRIMES.B.K. .94/11/17.Coneohdated Edson Co of New York. Inc. 7pp. $1816.323 81816.329. P. Operelm68eense scope ?-- _ & eerroependonos 5411230351 Forwards core shroud snap plan for LaSaue County Nuclear Power Staton N11070310 Forwards nahce of withdrawet of apobcanon for amend to TS to testm0 of 950 SGTS & control foam charconi ednorpton bedtL per 94*)927 mouest. BE G G. C_. .. _ .. T. Eeaan Co 94/11/17. Document Control Branch (Docuw RECKLEY.W D Prosset Dyectorate 1112. 94/11/02. FARRAR.D.L. C- Zih ment Coneot Desk). 8pp. 81642.35341642 358 Eeaon Co. 3pp. 81713.35141713.355. M11190578 NRC Irdo Notco 94478. "Electnc Corriponerit Failure due to Degradaten -9411070313Nohce of utthdrawal of applicaten of amend to hcenses NPF.11 & NPF. Chiands Wye msuianort" of 18.revieng TS re testm0 of SGTS & control voorn charonel assorpeon beds GR 5. K. . 94/11/21. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 10pp. RECKLEY.W.D. Protect Directorate ln.2. 94/11/02. 2pp. 81713.35441713 355. 81848.21 481848 224. 9411100011 Consume escusamn between P Brochman & M McInomy re routme mgt l mesono m Lasse.lL on941110 to escuna status of staton per1ormance improvement 9411300304 Forwards Relief Roosest RI.31 from ASME Secton XI. LWD 5223. changing G E NWAN.E.G. Recon 3 (Post 820201) 94/11/02. QUERIO.R E. Commonwearin hrst Nyr wisp ene'rva'i Edman Co. 19 81672 25941672.259. BENES.G G. C_ _ _ .. 2 Eeson Co. 94/11/22. Document Control Branch (Doca """' " "N ' ~ 94110e0142 Notshcoten of $41206 meeting tw/Jhl & NRC m RockwGle.MO to denuss 941117U030 NRC into Nonce 94479, "tecrotpologically trWI.senced Carromon et EDG G ociar tu 2. 94/11/04. CAPRA.RA Prosect Drectorale 1884 4pp 81715.22181715.224 g ,,g,]"/11/23. Coneohdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 81848.225 9411100080 Forwards rept on ene ese to renew impeementaton of memt rule at staton 81648.233. tar renew & edo Rept menshes strengths & _. w/ .am at one. SHAFER.W.D. Regen 3 (Post 820201k 94/11/07. LLY.P M. Consur'urs $411170278 NRC trWo Notco 94-000,' Inadequate DC Ground Detectort m DC Dutntu - J Power Co. 2pp. 81746.13141746:141. non g,ys" 9411180374 Forwards tentatrve scheck4e re fuel vendor transton for Poe&1995 reloads f, Nhg4gf47, #' tar e to a sesource plannm0 purposes ~ 9411170394 NRC Ingo Notce 94481.

  • Accuracy of Bmmaany & Ermrtan Sampimg Re.

2pp 8 464 830 sults PAPERIE'LLO.C.J. Dmmon of Industnal & Meecal Nuclear Sal 6ty (Post 870729). 94/ 9411210145 Submns respanne to NRC ressest for addl into re GL 8910. Into provided 11/25. Corisohdated Eoeun Co of New York. Inc 12pp 81640.24641648.259. en 4 Attachments Attachment A provides summary of methods.results of repnorietation & marpm reuew eNort for uni MOV populatost F ARRAR.D L Commonweerth Edmon Ca94/11/15. Document Control Branch (Docu. ment Control Desk). 54pp 81837:03441837-087. R. Perledic operateng reports & retened correspondence 9411230351 Forwards core shroud map plan for LaSabe County Nuclear Power Staton 9411170314 Mcmthly opereeng reps a$alle County Nucteer Power Staton Urets 1 Urut 2 senh refuel outage (L2R06).m response to GL 9443 Refuel outage scheduesd & 2 W/941111 fir to tiopn 8xa217. C4ALKOWSKt.M., RAY.DJ C: . . Edman Co. 94/10/31.17pp. 81793 283 BErstS.G G. C_. - ~ . _? Edmon Co 94/11/17. -Document Conwei Branch (Docu-ment Conirol Deskk Opp 8164.* 35341842 358. 81793.299 DOCKETEDITEMS 119 S. Reportabae securrences. LERs & related corresponeance Q. Inspeciaan reports, IE BuSetens & correspondence M11210111 antenm Part 21 Rept 94-12 re Lrretoraus actuator potenhal motor pmen 9410140257 Suppl 1 to NRC Info Notre 93480. "Reportng Fuel Cycle & Matts Events key fadwe Comm Ed esued guidelmas to sat nucasar statens on mettmos for property to NRC Operatens Cir." matai motor peon keys. BURNETTAF. Dumon of Fuel Cycle Safety & Safeguards (Post 9'10207) 94/10/20. .IM Commonwealth Edson Co.94/11/11.Cfboe of Nuclear Reactor Reg. Conschdated Edison Co. of New York. snc.12pp. 81816.296 Sie 18 3 i0 utebon. Dreclar (Por9 870411). Spo. 81831.12741831:131. 9410200153 NRC Info Notse 94476. "Recent Fa4ures of Charging / Safety inlochon M11300264 LER 944C800on 941019. reactor saem ocurred than to electro hydraubc Purno Shafts." control kna tweak.Ceused Dy tautty connector on EHC permanent magret generator GRIMES.B.K. Office of Nucasar Reactor Reguisten. Drector (Poet 870411). 94/10/26. 30 voet oc power supper Corumetor repared.W/941118 ftr. Conachdated Eoeon Co. c:New York. inc.12pp. 81658-00141658:013. KLEINHARDT.S., RAY.D.J. C . ~. -~. Edson Co. 94/11/18. 9pp. 81930036-81930 046 9411020258 Responds to volatons noted m map rept $4382/94-24 Correctrve  ; actiore:Operanons Mans 0or we conduct sommers w/hoensed operators & j BURSKI.R F. Entergy Operatons. anc. fed /10/28. Neumont Control Branct  ; G Operator Esaminetsons ment Control Desk) 17pp. 8159000141590217 I l 8411040264 Forwards eram answer key for torms A & B.gradmg results. & edvdual ,'c i fm^p#,ep e awer sheets cor each mdmoual takmg exam from facerry. Requests results tie for. /94  !

  • erood to mdmdusas w/enswer sheets W/o encis- BEACHAB. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 94/11/06. BARKHURST.R.P. Entergy Oper-RIEMA Regon 3 (Post 820201k 94/10/27. Consumers Power Co.1p. 81586 001- atens. Inc. Spp. o1780 00141760:022~

81586 m 9411180167 Documents util commrtments te penoche venhcoton & post mant testm0 . for rnotor operated valves m scope of GL 89-10. M11300218 Forwarcis NRC summertred padance that clantes reosoments for nark tammg mduchael operator hcens. Lentitled. "Clanhca1lon of Maml & Reactivaton Re. BURSM1AF Emergy Operataarts. inc. 94/t t/11. Document Control Branch (Docu  ! tMrements for indmcksal Operator Lscenses

  • ment Control Desk).11 sap. 81785.17241785:182.

I R A 3 (Post 820201). M/11/18. Affecteort Not Assegned. 3pp M11090300 NRC Bullebn Used to Transport 94402. "."Conomen Proti6 ems m Certam Stamless Packagng U Hexafluonde I PAPERIELLO.Cl Dmson et industnal & Madca' Nuclear Safety (Post 870729) 94/ ' DOCKET 50382 WATERFORD GENERATING STarlON. UNIT 3 e411220148 Forwards aisp rept 50 382/94-12 on 940912 23 No vulatons or dovetens noted i F. Securwy, medical emergency a fire protection phne GWYNN.T.P. Regen 4 (Post 420201). 94/11/16. BARKHURST.R.P. Entergy Oper-atons. Inc. Spp.8179822541798243. 9411100142 %rwaros pubhc versen of reveed EPtPs. Change 1 to Rev 18 to EP-002460. "Raeotogcol Feld M3nstonng" & Rev 5 to EP 010. " Tome Chemos; -M11220155 Insp rept 54382/9412 on 940912 23.No won atons or donatens Conengency Procedure " W/941108 faisane memo. noted.Mapor areas mapacted:htenned operstar reguakfcanon program & plant proce. BUHSKIAF. Entergy Operstens. Inc. 94/10/06. DocumerW Conrol Branch (Doce cknes. ment Conirol Desk). 3pp. 8171525641715-323, . PE.AETJL Regon a (Post 820201). 94/11/15.14pp. 8179823041798.243. =9411100196Pubbe vensson of revised EPIPs 1 to Rev 18 to EP402 9411100237 NRC Into Nocce 94477. Malfuncnon m Mam Generator Voltage Regulator 000, "Radological Famed Morutonng." & Rev 5 to EP 1 . "Tosse Chemmal Contm. Causmq Overvoltage at safety.Related Elecmcal Equipment" p Procedure."}}