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Title List of Documents Made Publicly Available.April 1-30, 1996
Person / Time
Issue date: 06/30/1996
NUREG-0540, NUREG-0540-V18-N04, NUREG-540, NUREG-540-V18-N4, NUDOCS 9606250175
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{{#Wiki_filter:NUREG-0540 Vol.18, No. 4 Title List of Documents Made Publicly Available April 1-30,1996 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Administration j#" "%, I ggpao'>o, 'h 4

AVAILABILITY NOTICE Availability of Reference Materials Cited in NRC Publications Most documents cited in NRC publications will be available from one of the following sources:

1. The NRC Public Document Room, 2120 L Street, NW., Lower Level, Washingtcn, DC 20555-0001
2. The Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, P. O. Box 37082.

Washington, DC 20402-9328

3. The nlational Technical information Service, Springfield, VA 22161-0002 Although the listing that follows represents the majority of documents cited in NRC publica-tions, it is not intended to be exhaustive.

Referenced documents available for inspection and copying for a fee from the NRC Public Document Room include NRC correspondence and internal NRC memoranda: NRC bulletins, circulars, information notices, inspection and investigation notices; licensee event reports; vendor reports and correspondence; Commission papers; and applicant and licensee docu-ments and correspondence. The following documents in the NUREG series are available for purchase from the Government Printing Office: formal NRC staff and contractor reports, NRC-sponsored conference pro-ceedings, international agreement reports, grantee reports, and NRC booklets and bro-chures. Also available are regulatory guides, NRC regulations in the Code of Federal Regula-tions, and Nuclear Regulatory Commission Issuances. Documents available from the National Technical Information Service include NUREG-series reports and technical reports prepared by other Federal agencies and repurts prepared by the Atomic Energy Commission, forerunner agency to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. l l Documents available from public and special technical libraries include all open literature ( 1 items, such as books, journal articles, and transactions. Federal Register notices Federal and State legislation, and congressional reports can usually be obtained from these libraries. Documents such as theses, dissertations, foreign reports and translations, and non-NRC con-ference proceedings are available for purchase from the organization sponsoring the publica-tion Cited. Single copies of NRC draft reports are available free, to the extent of supply, upon written I request to the Office of Administration, Distribution and Mail Services Section U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001. Copies of industry codes and standards used in a substantive manner in the NRC regulatory process are maintained at the NRC Library, Two White Flint North,11545 Rockville Pike, Rock-ville, MD 20852-2738, for use by the public. Codes and standards are usually copyrighted and may be purchased from the originating organization or, if they are American National Standards, from the American National Standards institute,1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018-3308. A year's subscription of this report consists of 12 monthly issues.

NUREG-0540 Vol.18, No. 4 Title List of Documents Made Publicly Available April 1-30,1996 Date Published: June 1996 E. B. Morris, NRC Project Manager Division of Freedom ofInformation and Publications Senices Office of Administration U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commluion Washington, DC 20555-0001

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CONTENTS Preface ...................................................................... v Arrangement of Items by Docket Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi Alphabetic Arrangement of Docket Items by Facility Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix Docketed I tems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Iow-Level Radwaste Disposal Sites - Docket 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Domestic I.icensing of Source Material - Docket 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities - Docket 50 . . . . . . . . . 8 Standardized Nuclear Power Plant Design - Docket 52 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Domestic Licensing of Special Nuclear Materia) - Docket 70 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 Packaging of Radioacuve Material for Transport and 'Il'anspo.tation of Radioactive Material Under Certam Conditions - Docka 71. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 Ilcensing of Independent Spent Fuel Storage - Docket 72 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Nondocketed Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 10 CFR - Commission Meeting Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 ACNW - Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 ACRS - Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 ADVCM - NRC Advisory Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 COMMISSION - NRC Commasioners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 CONTRACT - NRC Contracts and Modifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 FOIA - Freedom of Information Act Requests and Releases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 GEN TECH IS - Generic 'Ibchnical Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 IAE - Inspection and Enforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 MISC - Public Document Room Marellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 NUREG - NUREG Reports and Related Correspondence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 ORG - Correspondence with Other Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259 PR - Proposed Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 PRESS - Press Releases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 PRM - Petition for Rulemahng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266 PROJ - Projects-Predocket Licensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266 FI21 - Noncompliance Reports and Related Correspondence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 OA999 - Quality Assurance Inspections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 REG CERT Regisuy Certificate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268 REGGD - Regulatory Guides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268 REVIEW GROUP - NRC Research Review Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 SECY - Position Papers Before the Commaman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 SPEECHES Speeches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271 STATE PROG - State Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271 TOPREP - Vendor Reports and Related Correspondence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280 WASTE MGT - Nuclear Waste Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282 XPORTLIC - Export and Import Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284 Personal Author Inder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287 Corporate Source Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311 Report Number Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331 Cross Reference of Enclosures to Principal Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333 Appendix A - Definitions of Docket 50 Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1 Appendix B - Definitions of Nondocketed Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1

PREFACE The Title List of Documents Made Publicly Avai!- Standing orders for certain categories of docu-able is a monthly publication. It describes the ments are also available. Clients may search for information received and published by the U.S. and order desired titles through the PDR com-Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). This puterized Bibliographic Retrieval System (BRS), information includes (1) docketed material asso- which is accessible both at the PDR and re-ciated with civilian nuclear power plants and motely. BRS also has some types of documents other uses of radioactive materials and (2) non- in full text. Other recent, selected documents, as docketed material received and published by well as information about the PDR, may be NRC pertinent to its role as a regulatory agency. viewed / downloaded from an electronic bulletin Aa used here, docketed does not refer to Court board. The PDR is staffed by professional tech-dockets; it refers to the system by which NRC nical librarians, who provide reference assistance maintains its regulatory records. This series of to users. See NOTES at the end of the preface documents is indexed by a Personal Author for information about reaching the PDR. Micro-Index, a Corporate Source Index, and a Report fiche of the docketed information listed in the Number Index. Title List is available for sale on a subscription basis from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). See NOTES at the end of the The docketed information in the Title list Preface for the complete NTIS address. mcludes the information formerly issued through the Department of Energy publication Power Reactor Docket Information, last published in We encourage your comments, criticisms, and January 1979. NRC documents that are pub- suggestions. In particular, if there are title licly available may be examined without charge descriptions that are not meaningful, please let at the NRC Public Document Room (PDR). us know so that we can correct the database. Duplicate copies in paper, microfiche, or Insofar as possible, we would like this document (selectively) diskette, may be obtained for a fee. to be a valuable part of your reference material. DOCKETED ITEMS l Each utility or institution engaged in a nuclear 27 - Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Sites activity licensed and regulated by the U.S. 30 -Nuclear or Byproduct Material Licenses Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is 40 -Nuclear Source Material Facilities assigned a docket number. As used by NRC, 50 -Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Reprocessing j docket numbers refer to the particular system by Plants which NRC maintains its regulatory records, not to law court dockets. The first two digits of a 52 - Standard Design Certifications, Early Site  ; docket number identify the type of nuclear Permits, and Combined Licenses for activity that NRC regulates. These docket Nuclear Power Plants categories are as follows: 70 -Special Nuclear Materials v NUREG-0540

DOCKETED ITEMS (cont.) 71 -Design of Packages for Transport of 72-Independent Spent Fuel Storage Radioactive Material and Quality Assurance Installations Programs Except for Docket 27, these numbers correspond remaining digits of a docket number uniquely to the parts of Title 10 in the Code ofFederal identify a specific facility or institution. For Regulations (10 CFR) that cover regulations example, Docket 50-317 identifies the Calvert pertaining to those types of licenses. The Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Unit 1.

 @     P.      Operating license stage documents & correspondence                                                 l 8907070172 Commends util for exemplary hospitality extended to visiting Soviet technical working group on 890608.

DENTON, H.R. Office of Governmental & Public Affairs (Post 870413). 89/06/27 9 10 O1 O 13 CLARK, P.R.

                                   @                                                          TT General Public Utilities Corp.-GPU Service Corp. 2 pp. 50442:181-50442:182 l


1. NRC/PDR Document category (see Appen- 11. The three-digit portion of this entry is the dix A). number of the frame on which this docu-
2. NRC/PDR Accession Number (year, month, ment starts.  ;

day, and sequence number ofitem). 12. This five-digit number is the microfiche on 1

3. Description of information contained in the which this document ends.

document. 13. The three-digit portion of this entry is the

4. number of the frame on which this docu-Personal author (s). An asterisk in this ment ends.

position indicates that there is no personal author. )

5. Author affiliation (NRC, corporate, agency. The Docketed Items list is arranged sequentially l

by Docket Number, category, and then by date ' or nonindividual source). of pnne. pal items. Entries mdented and pre-

6. Date of document described. ceded by a dash are items that were submitted i
7. Recipient of the document. as enclosures to principal items. In general, l
8. Recipient affiliation (NRC or corporate). indented items are not in accession number sequence. If the docketed document has a con-
9. Pages m this document.

tract (job code) number of a formal report

10. This five-digit number is the NRC 48X number, it will appear in the last line of the iterr-microfiche designation. following entry 5.

NUREG-0540 vi

l NONDOCKETED ITEMS 1 The nondocketed items are divided into the cate. RC-Registry Certificate SSD gories used for filing and searching in the NRC REGGD-Regulatory Guides Public Document Room. These categories and their symbols are as follows: RES-Research and Technical Assistance Reports 10CFR 9.7-Commission Meeting Records REVIEW GRP-Research Review Groups ACRS-Advisory Committee on Reactor RM-Rulemakings Safeguards SECY-Staff Position Papers Before the ADVCM-NRC Advisory Committees Commission COMMISSION-NRC Commissioner SPEECHES-Speeches Corresponden STATE PROG-State Programs CONTRACT-NRC Contracts and Grants

                                    .                     TOPREP-Vendor Topical Reports and FOIA-Freedom ofInformation Act                      Correspondence Requests and Releases WASH-AEC-Issued Formal Reports and GEN TECH IS-Generic Technical Issues                Correspondence IE-Inspection and Enforcement Issuances WM-Waste Management Documents MISC-Public Document Room Miscellaneous                                       WMRES-Waste Management Contract Documents NUREG-NRC-Issued Formal Reports and                                                        .

Related Correspondence XPORTLIC-Exports and Import Licenses ORG-Organizational File Appendix B lists these categories and describes PR-Proposed Rules the material available m, each. Omission of a PRESS-Press Releases category in the listing for a docket indicates that PRM-Petitions for Rulemaking Do documents in that category were filed in the time penod of the report. PROJ-Projects PT21-10 CFR Part 21 Deficiency Reports The principal elements of the nondocketed items QA999-Quality Assurance Inspections are-

 @ NUREG-NRC-Issued Formal Reports and Related Correspondence 8910100307 NUREG/CR-5340 DATA 


REPORT FOR FISSION PRODUCT RELEASE TEST VI-2 OSBORNE. M.E, COLLINS, J.L. LORENZ, R.A. Oak Ridge National Laboratory. l FIN B-007. ORNIITM-11105. 89/09/30. Division of Systems Research (Post 880717). 69 pp. 51409:065-51409:134. vii NUREG-0540


1. Nondocket category. 10. NRC organizational recipient (or sponsor).
2. NRC/PDR Accession Number (year, month, 11. Pages in this document.

day, and sequence number ofitem). 12. This five-digit number is the NRC 48X ,

3. NRC Report Number. microfiche designation.
4. Title and description of information con- 13. The three-digit portion of this entry is the tained in the document. number of the frame on which tius document starts.
5. Personal author (s). An asterisk in this position indicates that there is no personal
14. This five-digit number i, tne cierofiche on author' which this document ends.
15. The three-digit portion of this entry is the i
6. Corporate, agency, or other nonindividual source, number of the frame on which this l document ends.  ;
7. Contract or financial identification number (FIN),if any. The Nondocketed Items list is arranged sequen-
                                 .                     tially by Accession Number within category. In-
8. Secondary report number, if any. dented items preceded by a dash are enclosures
9. Date of document described. to unindented items.

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                             & TECHNOLOGY REACTOR                                                            STATION, UNIT 1                         i l



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Docket Name Page Docket Name Page Packaging of Radioactive Material for 71-5450 MODEL RCC, RCC-1, RCC-3 & ROC-4, 211 Transport and Transportation of Radioactive WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC Material Under Certain Conditions - Docket 71 71-5580 MODEL: SSW POWER UNIT, ENERGY, 211 71-0115 B&W FUEL CO. 208 DEPT.OF 71-0164 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF 209 71-5607 MODEL: T-2, ENERGY, DEPT. OF 211 71 5757 MODEL: SSW, REFUEL SRCE, ENERGY, 211 71 0179 NUCLEAR CONTAINERS, INC. 209 DEPT.OF 71-0275 DUQUESNE LIGHT CO. 209 71 5797 MODEL INNER & OUTER HFIR UN, 211 ENERGY, DEPT. OF 71-0334 GPU NUCLEAR CORP. 209 71-5874 MODEL: WAPD-40, ENERGY, DEPT. OF 211 71 0355 GPU NUCLEAR CORP. 209 71-5894 MODEL 2.7 NEW FUEL, ENERGY, DEPT. 211 71-0361 MODEL: PAT 1, ENERGY, DEPT. OF 209 OF 71-0404 CTI, INC. 209 71-5926 MODEL: GE-100, GENERAL ELECTRIC 211 CO. 71-0423 H&H X-RAY SERVICES, INC. 209 71-5939 MODEL: 1500, GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. 211 71-0429 OC LABORATORIES, INC. 209 71 5950 MODEL: BCL-4, BATTELLE COLUMBUS 211 71-0437 ADVEX CORP. 209 LABORATORY 71-0438 GENERAL MOTORS CORP. 209 71-5957 MODEL: BMI-1, CINT. CHEM, INC. 211 71-0496 SCIENTIFIC ECOLOGY GROUP, INC. 209 71-5984 MODEL: 5984. J.L SHEPHERD & 211 ASSOCIATES 71-0503 PENN INSPECTION CO. 209 71-6003 MODEL: M-130 ENERGY, DEPT. OF 211 71-0553 HIGH MOUNTAIN INSPECTION 209 SERVICES, INC. 71-6058 MODEL: B-3, CINTICHEM, INC. 211 71-0555 ALLEGHENY LABORATORIES 209 71-6078 MODEL: 927A1 & 927C1, COMBUSTION 212 ENGINEERING, INC. 71 0567 ARIZONA NUCLEAR POWER PROJECT 209 71-0579 SENIOR ENGINEERING CO. 209 71-6294 MODEL: UNC-2901, COMBUSTION 212 71-0587 AIR FORCE DEPT. OF 210 ENGINEERING, INC. 71 0600 SHAFER VALVE CO. 210 71-6346 MODEL: FSV-1, PUBLIC SERVICE CO. OF 212 71-0603 JAN X-RAY SERVICES, INC. 210 714347 MODEU FSV-3, GENERAL ATOMICS 212 71-0604 ENTERGY OPERATIONS, INC. 210 71-6357 MODEL: NNFD-10, BABCOCK & WILCOX 212 71-0637 WESTERN STRESS, INC. 210 CO. 71-0721 QUALITY SYSTEMS NDE, LTD. 210 71 4386 MODEL: 235R001, ENERGY, DEPT. OF 212 71-0733 TRIAD NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING, 210 71-6400 MODEL 6400, WESTINGHOUSE 212 INC. ELECTRIC CORP. 71-0749 CURTIS INSPECTION SERVICES, INC. 210 71-6406 MODEL: NONE, ENERGY, DEPT. OF 212 71-0832 UNITED STATES ENRICHMENT 210 71-6441 MODEL: D2G POWER UNIT, ENERGY, 212 CORPORATION DEPT.OF 71 0844 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-ROLLA 210 71-6553 MODEL PADUCAH TIGER, ENERGY, 212 79-0848 EL PASO INSPECTION 210 71-3027 MODEL: NT-IV TRANSPORTATION, 210 DEPT.OF O ITY 71-6574 MODEL: 3-828 SCIENTIFIC ECOLOGY 212 71 3028 MODEL: 2767B TRANSPORTATION, 210 GROUP, INC. DEPT.OF 71-6581 MODEL 51032-1 & 51032-1 A, 213 71-3029 MODEL RAJ-il TRANSPORTATION, 210 ADVANCED N'JCLEAR FUELS CORP. DEPT.OF 71-6601 MODEL: CNS 8120 A, CHEM-NUCLEAR 213 71-4909 MODEL: GE-21PF-1 & W-21PF-1, 210 SYSTEMS, INC. GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. 71 6698 MODEL: NFS-4, NUCLEAR FUEL 213 71 4986 MODEL RA-2, RA 3, GENERAL 210 SERVICES, INC. ELECTRIC CO. 71 6722 MODEL BS-33-180, TENNESSEE 213 71-5086 MODEL: UNC-2600, UNITED NUCLEAR 210 VALLEY AUTHORITY CORP. 71 9001 MODEL MP-187, VECTRA 213 '71 5149 MODEL: 814A, BABCOCK & WILCOX CO. 211 TECHNOLOGIES, INC. XV

Docket Name Page Docket Name Page 71-9009 MODEL: FL 10-1, GENERAL ELECTRIC 213 71-9168 MODEL CNS 8-120B, CHEM-NUCLEAR CO. 215 SYSTEMS, INC. 71 9010 MODEL: NLl-1/2, NAC INTERNATIONAL 213 71-9176 MODEL t/UPAC 14/210H & L, ET AL, 2;6 71-9015 MODEL: TN-8, TRANSNUCLCAR, INC. 213 71-9016 MODEL: TN-9, TRANSNUCLEAR, iNC. 213 71 177 M " LN 1M35A, 216 C l S 71-9019 MODEL: BU-7, GENERAL ELECTRIC ;O. 213 71-9178 MODEL: NUPAC 7/100 & LN 7-100, 216 71-9023 MODEL NLI 10/24, NAC 213 NUPAC SERVICES, INC. ERNABONAL 71-9179 MODEL: NUPAC 6/100L & H, LN 6-80L & 216 71-9027 MODEL: 741 & 741E, AMERSHAM COF'P. 213 H, NUPAC SERVICES, 71-9032 MODEL: 650, AMERSHAM CORP. 213 71-9183 MODEL: NAC-1, NAC INTERNATIONAL 216 71-9033 MODEL: 660. 660A, 660AE, 6608, 660BE, 213 71-9185 MODEL: OP-100, INDUSTRIAL NUCLEAR 216 660E, AMERSHAM CO. 71-9034 MODEL: TRIGA-1, GENERAL ATOWCS 214 71-9186 MODEL- S-6213. ENERGY, DEPT. OF 216 71-9037 MODEL: TRIGA 2, GENERAL A70MICS 214 71-9196 MODEL: UX-30, NUCLEAR PACKAGING, 216 71-9057 MODEL: FPD-100, GENERAL ATOMICS 214 71-9067 71 9200 MODEL: 125-B, ENERGY, DEPT. OF 216 MODEL: BCL-3. BATTELLE COLUMBUS 214 LABORATORY 71-9202 MODEL: TN-BRP, ENERGY, DEPT. OF 216 71-9068 MODEL: BCL-2, BATTELLE COLUMBUS 214 71 9203 MODEL: DHTF, B&W FUEL CO. LABORATORY 216 71-9069 MODEL: MO-1, WESTINGHOUSE 214 ELECTRIC CORP. 71-9208 MODEL: 10-142, NUPAC SERVICES, INC. 216 71-9073 MODEL: LN-142, SCIENTIFIC ECOLOGY 214 71-9216 MODEL CNS 1-13G, CHEM-NUCLEAR GROUP, INC. 216 SYSTEMS, INC. 71 9079 MODEL: NUPAC 14D-2.0, NUPAC 214 71-9217 MODEL ANF-250, ADVANCED NUCLEAR SERVICES, INC. 216 FUELS CORP. 71-9086 MODEL: HN-190-1. SCIENTIFIC 214 71-9218 MODEL: TRUPACT-II, ENERGY, DEPT, ECOLOGY GROUP, INC. 217 OF 71-9009 MODEL HN 194S, SCIENTIFIC ECOLOGY 214 GROUP, INC. 71 9221 MODEL: NRBK-41, ENERGY, DEPT. OF 217 MODEL: CNS 14-195 H, CHEM-NUCLEAR 71-9094 214 SYSTEMS, INC. o

  • lhC*

71-9096 MODEL CNS 21-300, CHEM-NUCLEAR SYSTEMS, INC. 214 h$ U 71-9099 MODEL: ATR, ENERGY, DEPT. OF 9225 215 E T l' 71-9108 M N , CHEM-NUCLEAR 215 71 9228 MODEL: 2000, GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. 217 71-9111 MODEL CNS 6-80-2 & 2A, CHEM- 215 71 9233 MODEL: TN-RAM, TRANSNUCLEAR, INC. 217 NUCLEA'l SYSTEMS, INC- MODEU NCl 21PF-1, NUCLEAR 71 9234 217 71-9132 MODEL: T-3, ENERGY, DEPT. OF 215 CONTAINERS, INC. 71-9137 MODEL 820, AMERSHAM CORP. 215 71-9235 MODEL: NAC-STC, NAC INTERNATIONAL 217 71-9139 MODEL: 589, GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. 215 71-9239 MODEL: MCC-3, WESTINGHOUSE 217 ELECTRIC CORP. 71 9143 MODEL: 920, AMERSHAM CORP. 215 71 9246 MODEL: ST, COMMERCE, DEPT. OF 217 71-9147 MODEL: 850 AMERSHAM CORP. 215 71-9247 MODEL 110G-A, NUCLEAR FUEL 217 71-9151 MODEL: HN-100 SERIES 3 ET AL, 215 SERVICES, INC. SCIENTIFIC ECOLOGY 71-9248 MODEL: SP-1, SIEMENS NUCLEAR 218 71-9152 MODEL- CNS 1 13C 11. ENERGY, DEPT. 215 POWER CORP. OF ' 71-9249 MODEL: CNS 14-170, SERIES til, CHEM- 218 71-9156 MODEL: IR-50, INDUSTRIAL NUCLEAR 215 NUCLEAR SYSTEMS, CO. 71 9250 MODEL: NNFD 5X22. BABCOCK & 218 j 71-9157 MODEL: IR-100, INDUSTRIAL NUCLEAR 215 WILCOX CO. I CO. 71-9251 MODEL: BW-2901, B&W FUEL CO. 218 71-9159 MODEL: NUPAC 14/190H, L & M, LN 215 170H, L & M, NUPAC 71 9252 MODEL: 51032-2, B&W FUEL CO. 218 I l XVi

Docket Name Page Docket Name Page 71-9253 MODEL: TN-FSV, TRANSNUCLEAR, INC. 218 72-0004 OCONEE ISFSI,50-269,50-270 & 50-287 219 7 % 254 MODEL: 40G-A, NUCLEAR FUEL 218 72-0005 POINT BEACH ISFSI GEN LIC/VSC-24, 219 SERVICES, INC. 50-266 & 50-301 71-9255 MODEL: MP-187, VECTRA 218 72-0007 PALISADES ISFSI GEN LIC/VSC-24,50- 220 . TECHNOLOGIES 255 71-9261 MODEL: Hi-STAR 100, HOLTEC 218 72-0008 CALVERT CLIFFS ISFSI,50-317 & 50-318 220 INTERNATIONAL 72-0009 FORT ST. VRAIN ISFSI, 50-267 220 71-9263 MODEL SPEC 150, SOURCE 218 PPODUCTION & EOUIP. CO. 72-0010 PRAIRIE ISLAND ISFSI,50-282 & 50-306 220 71-9268 MODEL: MSC-1, SIERRA NUCLEAR 218 72-0011 RANCHO SECO ISFSI, 50-312 220 CORP. 72-0013 ARKANSAS NUCLEAR GEN LIC,50-313 220 71-9269 MODEL: 650L 218 & 50-368 71-9781 MODEL: M-160, ENERGY, DEPT. OF 219 72-0015 OYSTER CREEX ISFSI GEN LIC,50-219 220 l 71-9786 MODEL: S3G CBDCA, ENERGY, DEPT. 219 72 0016 NORTH ANNA ISFSI 50-338 & 50-339 221 l OF , 724017 TROJAN ISFSI,60-344 221 71-9787 MODEL: AlW-3, ENERGY, DEPT. OF, 219 BETTIS ATOMIC POWER 72-0020 DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ISFSI 221 71-9788 MODEL: S5W REACTOR 219 72 1004 CASK: NUHOMS 24P/52B, VECTRA 221 COMPARTMENT, ENERGY, DEPT. OF TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 71-9793 MODEL: M-140, ENERGY, DEPT. OF 219 72-1007 CASK: VSC-24, SIERRA NUCLEAR, INC. 221 l 71-9853 MODEL ORNL, BNL & NBS UNIR. 219 72-1008 CASK: Hi-STAR 100, HOLTEC 222 CONT., ENERGY, DEPT. OF INTERNATIONAL 72 1016 CASK: ACTINIDE-ONLY BURNUP 222 l Licensing of Independent Spent Fuel Storage CREDIT, ENERGY, DEPT. OF

 . Docket 72 72-1021    CASK: TN-24 DRY STORAGE CASK,         222 72-001       MORRIS OPERATIONS, ISFSI          219                TRANSNUCLEAR, INC.

78-0002 SURRY ISFSI 50-280 & 50-281 219 l I \ t i P Xvii

                                                                                                 ~~   -

l ALPHABETIC ARRANGEMENT OF DOCKET ITEMS BY FACILITY NAME Name Docket Page Name Docket Page Low Level Radweste Disposal SMes - RIO ALGOM MINING CORP., MOAB, UT 40-8084 5 Docket 27 RMI CO., ASHTABULA, OH 40-2384 2 MBIA, SC, CHEM-NUCLEAR SYSTEMS, 27447 1


40-3453 2 ' BEAR CREEK URANIUM CO., CASPER, WY 40-8452 5

                                                                                                     ,        ,         2M     1 CABOT CORP. READING & REVERE                 40-9027      8            NU      R        ,


 .. _ m      _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ . ~ _ _._- . _ _ _ -                                                  - . _ . . _ . _ _ _ _ . ~           .__







  @ NEE NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 3          50-287     77       PLANT, UNIT 1 OMAHA VETERANS ADMINISTRATION          50-131     12     SHOREHAM NUCLEAR POWER STATION          50-322  105 HOSPITAL RESEARCH REACTOR l                                                           SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT, UNIT 1         STN-50-498 189 l  OYSTER CREEK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT       50-219     17 SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT, UNIT 2         STN-50-499 190 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT                50-255     53 ST. LUCIE PMNT, UNIT 1                  50 335 116 l  PALO VERDE NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 1 STN-50-528    192 ST. LUCIE PLANT, UNIT 2                 50-389 149 l  PALO VERDE NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 2 STN-50 529    194 SURRY POWER STATION, UNIT 1             50-280   71 PALO VERDE NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 3 STN-50 530    197 PAVIA RESEARCH REACTOR                 50-230     41 SUSOUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC              50-387 146 i  PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER STATION,     50-171     14       STATION, UNIT 1 l    UNIT 1 SUSOUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC              50-388 148 PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER STATION,     50-277     69       STATION, UNIT 2 UNIT 2 i  PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER STATION,     50-278     70 UNIT 3                                                 THREE MILE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION,      50-289   79 PERRY NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1      50-440    171 PERRY NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 2      50-441    172       UNI 2 PILGRIM NUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNIT    50-293     80     TROJAN NUCLEAR PLANT                    50-344 125 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 1      50-266     61 POINT BE/CH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 2      50-301     86 POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE OF NEW YORK      50-216     17 RESEARCH REACTOR                                       UNIV. OF MISSOURI RESEARCH REACTOR-     50-186   14 PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT   50-282     74 1                                                      UNIV. OF TEXAS RESEARCH REACTOR         50-602 199 PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT   50-306     92     UNIV. OF UTAH RESEARCH REACTOR          50-407 157 UNIV. OF VIRGINIA CAVALIER REACTOR      50-396 155 OUAD CITIES STATION, UNIT 1            50-254     51 UNIV. OF VIRGINIA RESEARCH REACTOR       50-62   11 QUAD-CITIES STATION, UNIT 2            50-265     60 UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS,            50-223   41 RANCHO SECO NUCLEAR GENERATING         50-312     96       LOWELL RESEARCH REACTOR                            '







Name Docket Page Name Docket Page MODEL: 589, GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. 71-9139 215 MODEL: FL 10-1, GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. 71-9009 213 MODEL 5984 J.L SHEPHERD & 71-5984 211 MODEL: FPD-100. GENERAL ATOMICS 71-9057 214 ASSOCIATES MODEL: FSV-1, PUBLIC SERVICE CO. OF 71-6346 212 MODEL: 6400, WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC 71 4 400 212 COLORADO CORP. I MODEL FSV 3, GENERAL ATOMICS 71 4347 212 1 MODEL: 650, AMERSHAM CORP. 71-9032 213 ' MODEL: GE-100, GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. 71-5926 211 MODEL: 650L 71-9269 218 MODEL: 660,660A,660AE,660B,660BE, ' 71-9033 213 C 660E, AMERSHAM MODEL: 741 & 741E, AMERSHAM CORP. 71 9027 213 TE lONA MODEL: 814A, BABCOCK & WILCOX CO. 71 5149 211 MODEL HN 194S, SCIENTIFIC ECOLOGY 71-9089 214 MODEL: 820, AMERSHAM CORP. 71-9137 215 GROUP, INC. MODEL: 850, AMERSHAM CORP. 71 9147 215 MO H O 8ER 3, ET AL 71 4151 215 E EC0L MODEL 920, AMERSHAM CORP. 71-9143 215 MODEL: HN-190-1, SCIENTIFIC ECOLOGY 71 9086 214 MODEL: 927At & 927C1, COMBUSTION 71 4078 212 GROUP, INC. ENGINEERING, INC. MODEL: HN-190-2, SCIENTIFIC ECOLOGY 71-9224 217 MODEL: AlW-3, ENERGY, DEPT. OF, BETTIS 71 9787 219 GROUP, INC.





Name Docket Page Name Docket Page MODEL: NRBK-41 ENERGY, DEPT. OF 71-9221 217 MODEL UNC-2600 UNITED NUCLEAR 71-5086 210 MODEL: NT-IV TRANSPORTATION, DEPT, 71-3027 210 OF MODEL UNC-2901, COMBUSTION 71-6294 212 MODEL: NUPAC 10/140 & LN 10-135A, 71 9177 216 NUPAC SERVICES, INC. MODEL: UX-30, NUCLEAR PACKAGING, INC. l 71-9196 216 ' MODEL: NUPAC 14/190H, L & M. LN 14- 71 9159 215 MODEL: WAPD-40, ENERGY, DEPT. OF 170H, L & M, NUPAC 71-5874 211 NUCLEAR CONTAINERS, INC. 71-0179 209 M U C 14/210H & L, ET AL, NUPAC 71 9176 216 PENN INSPECTION CO. 71-0503 209 MODEL NUPAC 14D 2.0, NUPAC SERVICES, 71 9079 OC LABORATORIES, INC. 71 0429 209 214


QUAL!TY SYSTEMS NDE, LTD. 71 0721 210 MODEL: NUPAC 6/100L & H LN 6-80L & H, 71-9179 216 NUPAC SERVICES, SCIENTIFIC ECOLOGY GROUP, INC. 71 0496 209 MODEL: NUPAC 7/100 & LN 7-100, NUPAC 71-9178 216 SERVICES, INC. SHAFER VALVE CO. 71-0600 210 MODEL: OP-100, INDUSTRIAL NUCLEAR CO. 71-9185 216 TRIAD NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING, INC. 71 0733 210 MODEL: ORNL, BNL & NBS UNIR. CONT., 71 9853 219 UNITED STATES ENRICHMENT ENERGY, DEPT. OF 71 0832 210 CORPORATION MODEL PADUCAH TIGER, ENERGY, DEPT. 71-6553 212 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-ROLLA 71-0844 OF 210 WESTERN STRESS, INC. 71-0637 210 MODEL: PAT-1, ENERGY, DEPT. OF 71-0361 209 MODEL: RA-2, RA-3, GENERAL ELECTRIC 71-4986 210 Licensing of Independent Spent Fuel CO. Storage - Docket 72 MODEL: RAJ-il TRANSPORTATION, DEPT. 71 3029 210 ARKANSAS NUCLEAR GEN LIC,50-313 & 72-0013 220 OF 50-368 MODEL: RCC, RCC-1 RCC-3 & RCC-4, 71-5450 211 CALVERT CLIFFS ISFSI,50-317 & 50-318 72-0008 220 WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CASK: ACTIN!DE-ONLY BURNUP CREDIT, 72-1016 222 MODEL S-6213. ENERGY, DEPT. OF 71-9186 216 ENERGY, DEPT. OF MODEL: S3G CBDCA, ENERGY, DEPT. OF 71-9786 219 CASK: Hi-STAR 100, HOLTEC 72-1008 222 INTERNATIONAL M EL: S5W POWER UNIT, ENERGY, DEPT. 71-5580 211 CASK NUHOMS 24P/52B, VECTRA 72-1004 221 TECHNOLOGIES, INC. M S EA OR COMPARTMENT, 71-9788 219

           '                                                   CASK: TN-24 DRY STORAGE CASK,           72-1021   222 TRANSNUCLEAR, INC.


 & EQUIP. CO.                                                  MORRIS OPERATIONS, ISFSI                  72-001  219 4



MODEL: T-2, ENERGY, DEPT. OF 71-5607 211 MODEL: T-3, ENERGY, DEPT. OF 71 9132 215 MODEL: TN-8, TRANSNUCLEAR, INC. 71 9015 213 MODEL: TN-9, TRANSNUCLEAR, INC. POINT BEACH ISFSI GEN LIC/VSC-24,50- 72-0005 219 71 9016 213 266 & 50-301 i l MODEL: TN-BRP, ENERGY, DEPT. OF 71 9202 216 PRAIRIE ISLAND ISFSI, 50-282 & 50 306 72-0010 220 MODEL: TN-FSV, TRANSNUCLEAR, INC. 71-9253 218 RANCHO SECO ISFSI,50-312 72-0011 220 MODEL: TN-RAM, TRANSNUCLEAR, INC. 71-9233 217 SURRY ISFSI 50-280 & 50-281 72-0002 219 i MODEL: TN-REG, ENERGY, DEPT. OF 71-9206 216 TROJAN ISFSI, 50-344 72-0017 221 MODEL: TRIGA-1, GENERAL ATOMICS 71-9034 214 UNKNOWN DOCKET 1 MODEL: TRIGA-2, GENERAL ATOMICS 71-9037 214 UNKNOWN DOCKET 208 MODEL: TRUPACT-II, ENERGY, DEPT. OF 71-9218 217 UNKNOWN DOCKET 201 xxiv

l l DOCKETEDITEMS l l l LOW LEVEL RADWASTE DISPOSAL SITES """**"1 ^8"d Chonweai & Dr. Corp.dockei -mi-i.e SuB.337 as rowed.Rowow **'#"ORNL Dy usentifico subtI Kanse as site whsch regures actR revow.Srte removed from hat of ORNL sdenghed ones l DOCstET 27447 COLUtSLA, SC, Clets.80UCLEAR SYSTEtiS, INC. 5pp.8777 1 6 j 9004140088 Forwards arpaam for renewal of teense12 13536 01. -9e04000341 Responds to 940105 Itr re docket 4000364 Albed Chemrcal & Dye Corp HOUSE.W.B. Chem.ksmar . Inc. 96/04/09 HARRIS.T.F Office of $4uclear heense SUS-337.Suttnits into rewassed dimnD tort Malenal Sately & Seteguards. 87872;20247873 182. FREEMAN.EJ Corp. 96/01/22. 8 Y,R.R. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 1p. 87772.20647772

   -8004100087 Apphostion for amend.ranewune beense 1213536 01.

l HOUSE.W.B. Chem. Nuclear Systema, tnc.96/04/00. 340pp. 87872.20747873:182. ^T- -^-" informs that Albed Chemcel. docket 4000364.apphed for Noense from State of NY on 640413.catm0 SUB.337 as prowsous bconse.Lacense terminated an 1972 9004200174 Forwards mwoece of o3st of inop conducted on 940623 & 1012. based on but faceity sell mantems bcense for promises. hots 1y rate. ALDRICH,R. New York, Slate of.95/05/25.GORDON.C. Argon 1 (Post 820201).1p. JACKSON.G.C, Omason of Accountng & Fmence (Post 890205). 06/02/22. 87772267 4 /772.267. HOUSE.W.8. Chenwiutieer Systems. Inc. Spp. 88036:155-88036.181. 9004250019 Forwarde insp rept 40-1957/9#01 on 951205 No vioistone noted. l _ Safety map on 920623 of bcones 121353641.Inno 6nchrgs no wolabons POTTERJ.P. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/08. SMITH,W W. 2pp. 87996.306 j noted. 87996:317. i

  • Repon 2 (Pwt 820201). 92/06/23.1p. 88036:158 48036:161.

! fnep rept 401957/95 01 on 951205.No volatons notecLMasor aroes

                                                                                                      ^^^ --

I 9004000174 Informs that NRC esenthod staff to be avatable to asset ir =enew & R mopected.hoeriese remodsabon efforts at Plant 4 ene of former wash down room & will provide requested cnheehty safety technscal -_ .as requoisted. sump. Pi .R.C. Branch. 96/03/11. WEBER.M.F. Low. Level Weste & De- COLLINS.D.J., POTTER.J.P. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/06. 8pp. 87996-310 commenenmg Propects anch (NMSS940403). 2pp. 87773-33147T/3.332. 87906:317. 9004030198 Grants venance from condson 1.c of mates kanes12 13536 01to dispose W te04200377 Forwansa,for docket 40000887.respones to noistons nomd in insp rept 40 bones - a dry acte waste kom Scienehc Ecobgy Group nfs _ 8e87/96-01 980 23-2 actons; changed mel crcuit by decennectng HARRIS.T.E Dumon of Waste (NMSS 940403). 96/03/25. STILLJ. N. E Chem Nuclear Systems. Inc. 2pp. 877 .334 67746.335. Fuels Nuclear inc. 96/04/24. Document Control Branch (Docu. mont Convol D" esk). 4pp. 88053.357 88053:380. l l 9004120304 Forwards repts for waste contarung specul nuc6eer med, saaaaart at t Chem.Nucesar Sys.Inc.Bamwel:.SC tacihty dunng CY95. STu t Cher>Nucteer Sysema. Inc.96/03/29. WEBER.M.F. Oftco of Nucteer Mate- DOMESTIC UCENSING OF SOURCE MATERIAL nel Estery & Sateguards. Spp. 87871:3444 7871.348. 9004130181 Apphcaton for renewal of Imenes 12-1353641 in 1 conjuncton w/951010 amend recuest to encorporate unpeemented due to annuance of SC Dept of DOCKET 404390 UMETCO MMIERALS CORP RlWERTO84 WY Health & Enwron Control LJcense . Amend 46. HOUSE.W.B. Chem Nuclear Systems. inc. 96/04/09. HARRIS,T.E. Oftco of Nuclear 9e04190000 Forwards prehmmary draft rept. " Background Land Conditons at Gas Mdis hestenal Safety & Safeguards. 3pp. 87088.28147888:283. U Protect. Mans transe SUA448." G1ECK.T. UMETCO Mmerals Corp. 96/04/16. HOLONICH.JJ. Weste & ! 9004190192 Grants venance from condnen 1.c to chapose of 4 Alpha Scmtilators cork Uratuum Recovery Praiscts Branch (NMSS 940403). HAQUE.M. - No Detailed Afflisaten Gwen.1p. 87989 00147900235. 7 MAR iS,T.E. Low Level Weste & Pu cources totadhng

                                                         ., Prosects    0.00 (NMSS940403).

Branch uCt.from OHM Remechston Svcs Corp. 96/04/12.STILLJ. Cherr>Nucieer Systems. anc. 2pp. 87937:35447937;355. -4004190072 Prennunary draft *Backpound Land Conditone at Gao Hius U Protect Metis Oconee SUA448." W/three overacte 9004190198 Grants venance from condsten 1.c of heense 12 1353641 to dispnee of

  • UMETCO Mmerals Cork 96/04/15. 50epp. 87 .0024 7900:235.

esveral hion meegnty contamers contamm0 dowatered reen & filters trorn Yankee Otonue Eisetnc Co. 9004100001Notificaton of 980430 meetn0 w/heensee in Rockvihe.MD to Aarwan pro. 04ARRIS.T.E. Law. Level Weste & C .. . __ -, Protects Branch (NMSS940403). posed changes to reclamaton plans for above. grade.A 9 & heap leech rnpound-96/04/12 STILLJ. Chem Nucieer Syoiems, Inc. 3pp. 87939'30047939.301. monts at Gas Hins.WY ene. MADUE.M. Dueson of Weste Management (NMSS 9&O403). 96/04/05. Dunen of DOCKET 27448 LOUISVILLE, KY, U.S. ECOLOGY, INC. 9004300117 Apphcaton for amend to uoanse SUA448.permittng const of ened evapo-9e04290142 Forwards inwosce for cost of map on 950621. Charges based on hourty rate raton as part of correctwe acton piart m efeset at tmo map n . - - - . GiECK T. Mmerais Corp. 06/04/24. HOLONICMJJ. Weste & JACKSON.G.C. Duason of Accountng & Fmence (Poet 890205). 98/02/22. Uranrum Recovery Propects Branch (NMSS 940403). Ip,08086:357 .357 PALMER.A.J. U.S. Ecology, Inc. (formony Nucieer Engmeanng. Inc ). 3pp. 68013:334-l 88013:337, 9004300130 Apphcaten for amend to Oconse SUA448.uconee Conditon 17 re ALARA audits.

    .anseen167 Salsty inep on 950621 of amense18-19204 01.Insp fini9ngs re violatons                   HAMRICKJ.S. UMETCO Meereas Corp. 06/04/24. HOLONICH.J.J. High Level Weste noted.                                                                                           & Uraruum Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS 940403). HAQUE.M W. NRC . No De-
  • Wemut Creek Feld Ofc, R4 (Poet 940404).
  • U.S. Ecology, Inc. (furmerly Nuclear taded Afflheton Gwen. 2pp. 0806@35940080:380.

Engmaanng. Inc.).95/06/21,1p. 88013.33748013:337. 9004300170Fonsoros staff Techrucal EvJiuaton Rept & rewood hcense en respones to 9004190230 informs that NRC has completed irubal review of heense renewal apphce. Be0325.980424 & 951027 Itra. tion did 931028 m areas of pertormance . & cngcahty safety HOLONICHJJ. Uraruurn Recovery Lxansm0 B'anch. 96/04/25.GIECK,T.E. UMETCO HARRIS.T.E. Low Level waste & . _ _ ...._ a., Propects Branch (NMSS940403). Mmerais Corp. Spp. 88036:31448038.330. 96/04/00. PALMER AJ. Amencen Ecology Corp. 3pp. 87939:331 47939'333. .

                                                                                                   =0604300178 Amend 32 to hcense SUA448 for Umstco Mmerals Corp.

ICHJ.J. Urarnum Recovery Dooneeng Branch. 96/04/25.14pp. 88038.317

    ***                        vamponse to FOIA twasests for documents. Records > App D will g

REED.CA Dmeson of Freedorn of informatcm & Pubhcaterw Sewes (Post 940714). 96/03/14.DEKOK,D. Affiliate.1 Not Ass 91e1 app. 87815-00147tl15.246. 9604030363 Submits response to 980118 ftr transnutterig Final Status Survey Rept for sosi at former Detonne Logancs Agency facihty m Curts May.MD. sanaenne75 Forwards remepectan rept involvm0 noncomphence m which rear en. ORLANDO.DA Dueen of Waste Management (NMSS 940403). 96/03/16. , trance to Hg1h Bay Producson Ares & storage vaults witrun Hi0h Boy Area had not REILLY.F.K. Defense, Dept. of. Defense Logstes Agoney. 12pp. 87752.211-l been posted w/any rachoton cauton sign re map of hcenses SNM-38.SNM47 & SMD- 87752:222. i 152. i KIRKMAN.R.W Atome Energy Commasen (Pro 750119L 61/10/19. 4 LOWENSTEIN.R. Atonne Energy Comnussen (Pro 750119). 3pp. 87815:197-87815 199. DDCKET 4N1501 ALCOA, CLEVELAND, OH

      -- 22: .:: Safety map on810801 02of k.ennes SNM-38.SNM-87 & SMir152.Non.                     9504170393 Forwards federal register notme re Alummum Cornos.ny of f _ _ ..... mal comphence notedrear entrance to t*gh Bay Produccon Ares & storage vaults witrun                 from the site decommmeonm0 management plan for 4

ttgh Bay A se had rot been posted w/rediaton cauton magn & sym. NELSON.RA Low 4.ovel Waste & Decommssonmg Branch (NMSS940403). KLEvlN.P.B. Atonne E Comtrussen (Pre 750119).

  • Wesunghouse Electnc Corp. 96/04/09 MEYER.D.L Dmeon of Freedom of informaton & Pubhcatons Sennces 81/10/13, 22pp. 87815- 7815.222. (Post 940714). 4pp. 87933.20347933.209.

t 9804030025 Informs giat futher rewtow of termmated docket 04002234 Imense SUS. -Se04170403 Nobco of removal from site _ _ , mgt plan for Cleveland

 ; Regen 1.unneccesary & forwards file for thoponnertW/o enci.                             works facehty of Alummum Co of

4 BELLAMY.R.R. Repon 1 (Post 820201) 96/03/20. HOWFr I i t Region 4 (Post NELSON.RA Low. Level Wasie & Decommmeonmg Protects Branch (NMSS 940403). 820201) 2pp. 87702:116417702119. 96/04/09.1p. 879312084793320tp. 1

2 DOCKETEDITEMS 9404290108 Responds to ftr did 950325.reouestmg status rept on remase for unrestnct- 9604190073 Forwards draft " ed use of Alummtsn Co of Amence permanent mold property m C6 eve 6and.OH. term Survedlance Plan for DOE TN Vainey A6tthority (UMTRCA Tme It) Otsposal Sne 50." T AYLOR.J M. Olc ce tne Execuerve Drector for Operatons. 96/04/15. HOKE.M.R. House of Rep 6pp. 88057:15048057.155. VIRGONAJE. Energy. Dept of 96/04/15.HOLONICH.J.J. Hegt4evel Waste & Urank um Recovery Protocu Branch (NMSS940403).1p. 87983.26247983.306. 9604230151 Press release 9640. "NRC Releases ALCOA Sne m OH for Urrestncted

                                                                                                                                            -9s04:e0081 Draft "LangTerm Survesliance Plan for DOE TN Valley Authonty use
  • OffmeFotammg Cleanup of Pubhc Aftars of Radosctive (Post 911117). Contammaton.".

96/04/17.1p / 87994J444' 994.244. (UMTRCA Tme it) Desposal Este Edgemont.SD." W/one overmze drawng-

  • Energy. Dept of.96/04/15. 44pp. 87983.26347983.306.

DOCKET 464534 GdNERAL ELECTRIC CO, CLEVELAND, OH DOCKET 40 2259 PATHFINDER MINES CORP, RIVERTON, WY 9004010058 Forwards Rev 0 to Procedure 82A8044 "Radmiogcel Respratory P.;tec. 96040M Res addlink m 960112 m i responses so propose L)NSK A M. Genera! Electnc Co. 96/03/25. MILLER.H. Regon 3 (Post 820201). D " "U"""" '" 9* "CD"**' **P** # # C'***I"" 1p. 87895.33147 J95.357 got'ONICH.J.J- Dvemn of Waste Management (NMSS 940403). 96/03/26.

  -9e040100ss R w 0 to Procedure 82A8p14. "Radologmal Respratory Protecten                                                                     HARDGROVElW. Pathhnder Mnes Cap. 3pp. 8632147695:323.

Eragy Serwas. Inc.96/03/25. 26pp. 87695.33247695.357. 9604030068 Moenes 950227anend request.showmg perknnance of anu m ovanuaton of omm 4 by bconsed protesiuonal engneer terrubar w/desagn.const 3 oper-MNM332 ""* * ""** " " "' "" '*" '

      % Pa                                                                                                                                                                R VE.                           P tr        Mmes Corp 96 0 /27 H ONICH.J              Divisen of MCCORMICK4ARGE Regon 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/24. ZIELINSKI,A.M. General                                                                    Wasm Maragement (NMSS 640403).1A 87746:32247746322.

9604040183 Forwards amend 45 to hcense SUA472 for Pathfmder Mmos Corp.revismg monnonng & reporting rogurements resultmg from oecomrm DOCKET 404672 NUCLEAR METALS, INC, CONCORD, MA HOLONCHJJ Divesm of Waste Management (NMSS 03). 96/03/29. HAROGROVE.T.W. Pathfmder Mmes Corp. Opp.87770.323 4 7770.343. 70 Forwards map repts 404672/9641 & 404866/9641 on 960227 28 &

                                                                                                                                    -9604040187 Amend 45 to bcense SUA472 for Pathhnder Mmes Corporaton to row B          .R              (Post 820201). 96/03/26. QUINN.R. Nuclear Matars, Inc.
                                                                                                                                              "OL H                                                                of       te               (NMSS 940403). 96/03/29.13pp.


 -9604030374 Nohce of violaton from map on 960227 28 Volaton notedas of 960227.lumnses did not make surveys to assure cormhance w/

10CFR20.1204(a).when rogures suitable & trnesy measurements of concentratons or DOCKET 40 2364RMI CO, ASHTA90LA, OH matts m worst ares

  • Regon 1 (Post 820201). 96/03/26. 3pp. 8772t23447721:236.

9604010405pean & SCR. Forwards response to NRC 960126 comments on RMI decommessonmg

 -9604030378 Irsp repts 400672/E01 & 40-8866/9641 on 960227 28. Volatone notedMapor areas mspected. response to unplanned tre mceudin0 emergency                                                                   HLNDERSON.J 24pp.               8771820047718.270.                    W RMt Co 96/03/25. ULECK.R. NRC No Detailed Affihaton Gnan.

response. personnel radiaton protecnon program & mcment mves tiort MILLER.M., BELLAMY.R. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 96/03/ 7pp. 87721.237* 877212 43- 4604010409 "Sne Treatment Plan Developed Under Federal Facshty Comphance Act for RMI Tataruum Co Extruson Plant Ashtaoula.OH." 9804110200 Forwards corrected pa0s 8 of inup repts 40 0672/9641 & 404866/96-

01. Effluent control tmet & gross /aspna beta results should have had negative expo- [8Y2 nonts BELLAMY.R.R. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/04. OUINN.R. Nuclear Metals, inc' 3pp. 87850-119478bo 122. DOCKET 40 3392ALLIE& SIGNAL, INC, METMPOUS, IL
-9504110237 Revised pene 8 to enso rept 404672/9641 & 404866/96 01, correcan0                                                     9604020044rh== insp rept 40 3392/9641 on 96030448 & forweeds nonce of vu>

effluent hmns & sample results discueand m secton 6 latiort

  • Regen 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/04.1p. 87850:122 47850:122.

SHEAR.GL Recon 3 (Post 820201). 96/03/25. KOSMIDER.M AiheS$sonal Corp. 2pp. 8770t31EL&770t332. DOCKET 401142 WESTERN NUCLEAR, INC, LAKEWOOD, CO

                                                                                                                                 -9604020084 Notice of volaton from ansp on 96030408.Volaton noted:heensee ed not take tabel samp6es on representative employees to vertry results from ersmed er 9604040155
  • Annual Root 1995 Permit 381C.A4 810925 June 1994 May 1995." W/ sampeers. interval exosedmg 1 yr.

one oversare drawmg & 950925 lir. SHEAR,GL Regon 3 (Post 820201). 96/03/25. 2pp. 8770t3214770t322. BAKER.S.J. Western Nuclear, Inc. 95/05/91. HOLONICH.J.J. High. Level waste & Uransum Recovery Pr4ects Branch (NMSS 940403).19pp. 87814vu147814:018.

                                                                                                                                 -9804020092 Insp rept 40 3392/9641 on 96030448 Violabons noted. Maior areas e-w--                                         4.~... orgaruzaten & contross, operator Farungoperatens & rade 9604040114 Requests NRC concurrence on pnmary consohdaton actusved hi romarung                                                            abon protectort teihngs areas to tie reclaimed va const from tinm tr       Rn bemer compeeton.

BAKER.SJ Westem Nuclear. Inc. 96/03/18. HOLON JJ., HAQUE,M.

  • Regen 3 (Post $20201). 96/03/25.10pp. 87701.3234770t332.

Waste & Uraruum Recovery Proiscts Branch (NMS$ 940403). 36pp. 8 J61- 9004C20006 Forwards hated mfo re NRC -_^- - _ _ . 87752.338. STEVINSON.S.R. Alhed Segnal Corp. 96/03/27. . _ _ _ -PIERSbcost Anancialassurance

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               .R. NRC No Detaned  Affale       test.

emneme Requests amend to hoones conston 74C to erodify ground vol water cor-mceve acton program regiarements to reducm0 OfGround water pumped & reducm9 number of wells from wruce ground water will be entracted- 9004100024 Responds to NRC 960325 ftr re violaton noted m map rept 40-3392/9th BAKER.S.J. Westem Nuclear. Inc. 96/03/27. HOLONICH.J.J Weste & 01.Correchvo acnons: lapel samping wih be performed on representatrve employees Uransum Recmvery Protects Bramh (NMSS 940403).11pp, 87752:1 4 7752:189- warming m good mens bedg & tapel murstonng composted tiefore 960601. KOSMIDER.M.D. Corp. 96/03/28. Document Control Branch (Document 9604170278 Responds to revenw of setDement data submrtted by ftr on960318. Loading condrons complete & nennonn0 may tie W HOLONICH JJ HighLeves Waste & Urantum Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS 9604000297 Forwards ongmal self-guarantee ltr signed by F Poses of AlbedSegnal for 940403). 96/04/12. BAKER.S.J. Westem Nuclear, Inc. Ip.87947.3604794t360. encorporanon into knancial records for hcense. PIERSON.R.C. Brancrt 96/04/04. WEBER.M.F. Low. Level Wasta & Der 9004190400 Forwards S&L ltr to removal of Westem Nuclear,Inc, Day Loms site from - - ' ICH HegPwLevel Weste & Uranium Recovery Proincts Branch (NMSS wards ongM # guarantee W W W F % W NW N 940403). 96/04/16. VIRGONA.J.E. Energy Dept of. 3pp. 87949.32447949.349. KOSMIDER.M D. Albe6Segnal Corp. 96/02/27. LAMASTRA,M, Licenseng Branch.1p. 9604290201 Transmets acts questens to Anal Radmiogmal vonfeaban Progam pro, 87817:1934 7817:196 by estem per960418.22 & 24 teicons w/NRC techrscal staff re. F BAKER.SJ 'Westem Nuclear Inc. 96/04/25. HOLONICH,J.J. evel Weste & nancial asswance enecepwabon eno hnancial recents im heense N626. 1 in W of hemm cost 4 L W. Recovery Propects Branch (NMSS 940403). 3pp. 88057:23 7-241. PIERSON.R.C. Lscensm Branch. 96/04/04 WEBER.M.F. Low. Level Waste & De- _ av Propoets (NMSS 940403). 2pp 87817.25647817.262. 6 DOCKET 40 1341 TENNESSEE VALLEY Al/THORITY. CHATTANOOGA, TN 9604060000 Expresses author apprecaten tar presentaten made by T Haystett dunng recern US NHC/Nas Meung Assoc worttahop. HOLONICH,JJ High-Level Weste & Uransum Recovery Protects Branch (NMS$ 9604120208 Tranacnpt of 960228 haanng en Moab,UT re waste mgt U recovery.Pp 1-164 Presentaten shoes encl. 940403) 96/03/20. CARTER,P. Tennessee Valley Autnamy. 1p. 87807210 HOLONICH.JJ. FLIEGELM h Level Waste & Urar..en Recovery Protects Branch ST807210. (NMSS 940403). REED,R.M. A Ridge Natonal Laborstory. 96/D2/28.194pp 8765616847B56.363. 9604030225 Informs TVA of actons to be completed before NRC can termmate imense SuA416 tanstemng EdgemonLSD U Mdi itshngs D=pr=1 Sne to DOE for larvaerm 9604090136 Forwards comptaten of matl whch address estmated costs re hcenses care. HOLONICH,J.J. Drvision of Weste Mana (NMSS 940403). 96/03/29 Proposed on.erte reciamsson of U mdl & tashnps arte located en Moab. CARIER,P. Tennessee Valley Autnanty 1p. 8 46.35 Eke 7746:359 BLUBAUGH.R E. Anas Corp. 96/04/03. NRv No Dotaded Affikaton Given. 219pp. 87819-039-87819.257

l l l l DOCKETEDITEMS 3 9404120179 rh- DEIS.NUREG-1531 & DTER.NUREG 1532 re Anas tadings 9604250073 Opposes oscison to rreve tadmgs pne at Atlas Corp rrull in Moab to an. meus other arte. Move would be too cost!y & could create greater health hazard.thus not JENSEN.D. Affdiaton Not Assegnact 96/03/15. Grand County. UT. 2:5. 87888 003- achevmg desred purpose. 87888-004. SEN3ENBRENNER Afrdannon Not Assagned. 96/04/12. HOLONICH,JJ. HgNLevel Weste & Uraruum Recovery FY.ipects Branch (NMSS 940403). 1p. 87v98:159 9604090028 Commems on concoms about the deposal plans for Anas Tailmgs Pile 87998159. trom Moab m Grand County UT. STEINBAVER.D STEINBAUER.M Amhsbon Not Assegned. 96/03/19. HOLONICH.J. 9604250114prondes comments re Atlas proposed reclamanon plan to cap tailngs pus l HigNLevel Waste & Dratuum Recovery Propects Branch (NMSS 940403). 2pp. m place.wruch meets no hearth 4 safety cmena.rsther than transportmg pne to envw l 87830'3544 7830:359. vonmentally & socio.sconommally seier Pleateau sne i HAWKINS.P. Afhhanon Not Asmgned. 96/04/14. HOLONICH.J. HegNLevel Wasle & 9004020377 Approcrates NRC talung time to read e1 thor lir. respond m lund & to re. Uraruum Recovery projects Branch (NMSS940403). epp. 8802325&88021.259. renew entre proposed reclamaton of U frdli et Anas one m Moab.UT. 1 MAY.M.M. Affdestaan Not Aessgred.96/03/22. LONICHJ. HigNLevel Waste & Dra- 9604290221 Expresses support for neanng Anas tailings pde in present place by cappng ruum Recovery Proyects Branch (NMSS 940403). 3pp. 87726:33947726341. pda l BOU N.O.E. Afhabon Not Assegned. 96/04/16. HOLONICH,JJ. HegNLeved Wests

$604020358 Expresses support for movmg Atlas tad pile to Klondike Flots Plateau          & Uratuum Recovery Projects Branch (NMSS940403). 3pp. 8805729148057293.

sne mstead of Anas preterted altamauve of cappmg m place. COTTINGHAM).S., COTTINGHAM.K.T. Athabon Not Assagned 96/03/25. 9604220019 Transmets Water Quakty data from CO River at Moab Bndge. HOLONICHJ. Hap 4 Level Waste & Uraruum Recovery Projects Branch (NMSS MORTON.L Utart Stats ot.96/04/17.FUGELM. 9pp. 87974.34947974.357. 940403). 2pp. SU27.35347727.354. 9604250159 Approves & urges NRC to let Atlas cap tadings pda where it m. 9604040156 Comments on NUREG 1532 re draft TER for proposed revised reclamabon NOORLANDER.L Amteban Not Asasgned. 96/04/17. HOLONICH.J.J. Hap 4 Level plan sor Atlas Corp Moab rndi source man hconse Waste & Uraruurn Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS 94040J). 2pp. esc 22.356-CHRITIE.R.L Utah. State of.96/03/25. HOLONICH.JJ. High-Level Weste & Draruum 88022.359. Recovery Propects Branch (NMSS 940403).14pp. 87752:33947752 352. 9604240296 Forwards water mality results for samples pulled from CO Arver below 9604120083 Re0uests clanficaton of "otherwise in sie pubhc mterest' re Anal 9meh- Atlas near Potash Road over the last yr. nocs m -- _ . --.yrues. MORTON.L Utah, State of.96/04/18.FL) GEL,M. NRC . No Detmied Affikaton Giveet THOMPSON.A.J. Shaw. Pittman. Potts & Trowbndpe. 96/03/25.HOLONICHJ.J. Dev> 9pp. 88010.25948010.267. son of Waste Management (NMSS 940403). 5pp. s7877:1474 7677:164. 9604240346 Submits aduaton w/Anas teihngs pile.concommg maus to move tanngs pne 9604030418 Expresses concems re del $ & DTER re reclamaton of U mill tadmos at & connnood would be tar safer.tane less ame & more etteceve to cap pde m place. Atlas arts of Moab.UT. JENSEN.W.M. Afhanon Not Assigned. 96/04/18 HOLONICHJ.J. Hig4 Level Weste FRIEDMAN.B Affdston Not Assigned. 96/03/27. Omson of Weste Management & Uraruum Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS 940403).1p. 88010-33248010:332. (NMSS 940403). 2pp. 87752.23347752.234. 9604250055 Discusses draft EIS & draft TER whoh was avadable m PDR 960130 re 9504100216 Record of toscon m/Anas Corp & Woodward.Clyde re Atlas draft techriscal Atlas Corp tadi pde naar Moab.UT. evaluaton rept geology open issues 1 through 6- BUNKALL.LD. non Not Assegned. 96/04/18 MOLONICH.JJ HegNLeved Waste FUEGELM. Dumon of waste Management (NMSS 940403). 96/03/27. 2pp. & Uraruum Recovery Propects Brancn (NMSS 940403). 3pp. 87997:359 87997.360. 87833:368 4 7833:359. 9604290226 Expresses s@ port for cappmg Anas rmti m place. 9604020351 Expresses conoems re Anas tasjhnpde in Moab.UT. BLOOM.R.G. Affnenon Not Assgned. 96/04/18. ICH.J.J. Omson of Weste SAVARESE.J. Affihaton Not Assegned 96/va/28 HOLONfCHJ. Higr> Level Weste & Management (NMSS 940403). 2pp. 88057.295 88057296. Uratuum Recovery Propects Branch (NMSS940403). 2pp. 87727.35547727.356. mansenna an Expresses feehngs to SNuation w/ Atlas ladsngs sne northwest to 9604020385 Submits comments on dra9 Els & draft TER re proposed reclamabon of Moab.suggestmg that et would not only be cheaper,but safer to cap tesimps pde rather Atlas U mdi teknps pile near Moab.UT. than attempt to move pda. BEUHLER.M.D. Affdsten Not Assegned. 96/03/28. FLIEGELM. HegNLevel Waste & DALTON.R.L. Amhaton Not Assagned. 96/04/18. HOLONICH,J.J. Dusson of waste Uraneum Recovery Propects Branch (NMSS 940403). 5pp. 87726.33447726.338. Management (NMSS 940403). 2pp,68067.25348067254. 9004020410 Advises . at hconses has conducted annual survey of land use enthm two 9604300446 Expresses support to cap Atlas tarkngs pda near Moab.UT. mde area of mal saa. KLEPZlG.R. Affinaton Not Assegned. 96/04/19. HOLONICMJJ. Dumon of Waste BLUBAUGH.R E. Atlas Corp. 96/03/28 HILONICH,JJ. High-Level waste & Urarnum Management (NMSS 940403). 2pp. 88064.34948064.350. Recovery Propects Branch (NMSS 940403). 3pp. 87731.35447731:356. 9604290233 Urges NRC to let imensee close tadings pne m present piace. DeCaninn'9 Summantes960319 meetng m Moab to psve those concemed w/ process NOORLANDER.D, Afhkanon Not Asagned. 96/04/20 HOLONICH,J.J. Divimon 01

  & techrucal saues to on.orte vs relocaton remedaten optons. access to experts that    Waste Management (NMSS 940403). 4pp. 88057.28048057.283.

Atlas retamed to address asues. BLUBAUGH.R.E Adas Corp. 06/03/29 Affinaten Not Asmgned. 2pp. 87748:308' 9604290186 Expresses concem to situation w/ Atlas tadmgs pne. N Dalton cormnood 87746 309. that a would be safer.taxe essa 9me & be more ccewtecDve to cap tehngs pne in 9504000011 Comments on locatng the Moab fault & defmmg beorock profiles m the ON.N. Afflhaton Not Asmgned. 96/04/22. HOLONICH,J.J. Omson of Weste vicorty of the tadngs mound.Botn were acconiphshed & data recorced. Management (NMSC940403). 2pp. 88057.20448057.205. COOKSLEY,J.W. Affikaten Not Asasgned. 96/04/01. Grand Coumy, UT. 1 p. 87831:102 4 7831:102. 9604300441 Sutmuts comrrent on draft EIS & draft TER re Atlas Corp tadmg pelo locat-ed near Moab,UT. 9604120313 Recuests that NRC support opton to ristro Atlas Talmps Plea can & will STEPHENSON.H. Affikaton Not Assegned. 96/04/22. HOLONtCHJ.J. HgNLevel be moved to Plateau Site Wasts & Uratuum Recovery Propects Branch (NMSS 940403) 3pp. 68067.255 C:EHOE.S., MING.E. Afflheuon Not

                                                . 96/04/02. HOLONICH.J. H9h Level       88067257.

Waste & Uranium Recovery Prosects (NMSS 940403). 2pp. 87e71.357-87871:356. 9604300442 Informs that BA Broughton m favor of leavm0 U tehngs at Moab.UT mdl sne m place & cappng tadmgs. 9604100155 Forwards amend 27 to bonnee SUA-917 & TER. Amend cranges reclame- BROUGHTON.BA Affmabon Not Asegned. 96/04/23. HOLONICH,J.J. Offee of N# ton muestono for unndb60wn ladmgs clean @ hconse condition 55A.(1). clear Matenal Sately & Sateguards. 2pp. 8806725848067259. HOLONICH.J.J. Demon of Waste Managemora (NMSS 940403). 96/04/08. BLUBAUGH.R. Atlas Corp. 7pp. 87834:3394 7634.356. 9604290251 Expresses assport of concept of bunal m place or capping re reclamaton of U taas at anas snow Moab.UT vaney. =4604100164 Amend 27 to hcanse SUA.917 for Atlas Corp.=hangmg conc 2non 55A(1) MCDOUGALD.W.D. a"sohgcaI Servces. Inc. 96/04/24. HOLONICH.J.J. Desen of re completon este for wmannown tadmos cleanup- Wasta Management iWGS940403). app. 88038.34548038.348. HOLONICH.J.J Dusen of Waste Managemern (NMSS 940403). 96/04/06.11pp. 87834 34647834:356. 9604180057 Responds to900315tir to Atlas Corp U mdhng facsirty in Moab.UT & com. monts on NRC draft [IS for cesan@ of facety. OWENDOFFJ.M. Ener Dept of. 96/04/08. HAZEN,GA Affikaton Not Assegned. 96W90322 Transnuts samphng data fm Atlas Tashngs seep. 3pp $7948.34047948 MORION.J. Utah. State or.96/04/17.FLIGEL.M. 4pp 87939265 87939268. 9604180042identfes concoms about Atlas Tahnos Piis nonr Moab.UT, encludm0 com. monts on DEIS & heennee proposal to cap m peace pne. DOCKET etM492 AMERICAN NUCLEAR CORP, CASPER, WY ERLEY.D.D., NOTENBOOM.B. Affshabon Wot . 96/04/09. HOLONICH,JJ. Oftco of Nuclear Matenal Safety & Sateguards app. 87942.3244 7942.327. 96041700s7 Forwards vois 1 & 2 to *Amencen Nucosar Corp Site Fmal Raclamaton Pian for Tadmgs Pond 2." W'thertyere overstie drawmg 96041e0386 Record of tsicon w/ Atlas Corp. Smith Environmental & Woodward Clyde re BRUXVOORT.K. Sleepnerd Mdier, Inc. 96/04/10. MOXLEY,M. Wyommg. State of.10 C4as draft tecnncal evalumnon rept geology open maues 4 & 5. 87962-0014 7983.130. FLIEGELM Duson of Waste Masagement (NMSS 940403). 96/04/09, 2p. 87948.349 47948.350- -9604170090 Vols 1 & 2 to "Amencan Nucisar Corp Site Fmat Reclamaban Plan for Tadtngs Por'd 2." 9604190299 Forwards document receeved dunn0 960228 town meetmg en Moab.tR.

  • Snepherd Mdia. :.c.96 04/09 494pp. 87982:00247983130 GARCIAA NRC - No Deleted Affdenon Geven. 96/04/11. MCKNIGHTJ. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 8792326447923.265. 9604029062 Forwards rept documentmg complebon of Phase i of ANC reclamaton tPhase swowed cuanup & removal of by. product matts from old Bularush Heap Ds04180002 Forwards ftr regardng Anas Tailmga en ch & piacement c4 moti on tailmgs Pond 1 Yr)UELL,N N Aftdation Not . 96/04/11. HOLONICH.J McLevel Weste & #IOXLEY.M. Wyommg. State of 96/03/08. HOLONICH.J Hgh Level Waste & Urarv.

Urarnum Recovery Protects Bra. {NMSS 940403). app. 87903ft3247903.335 um Recovery Propects Branch (NMS$ 940403).1p. 8772422247724 263.


 =0804030181 "WY Dept of Erwiron Quality Land Gunhty Dw Amancen Nclear Taihngs              90041e0240 Forwards amend 48 to annual surety uponte condmon 23 to heense SUA.

Reciamaton Propect Phase i B@ush Heap Leach Recismaton Completon Rept" 551.

  • Wyomng, State of.96/03/06. 41pp. 8772422347724.263.

HOLONICHJJ Office of Nucisar Matenal Safety & Sa 96/04/16. 9004130146 Forwards Contbrmatory Order for reclamaton of Amencan Nuciaer Corp JUDAY R A Petrotorrucs Co. (formody Getty/Petrotoncs Co 1 p. 87956.345-87956.353. Gas Hms U Mdl ane.which menudos changes made m response to State of WY com. monts on treft order. PAPERIELLO.CJ Uranium Recovery ucensmg Branch.96/04/08. HEMMER.D. Wyo* -9004100256 Amend 48 to heerne SUA.551 for Petronca Company. mmg. State of. 3pp. 87867:34447867:358. HOLONICHJ.J. Othee at Nuclear Matenal Safety & Seteguards. 96/04/16. 8pp. 87956.346 67956:353. ~ =0004130192Contrmatory Order for reclamataan of Amencan Nuclear Corp Gas Hdis Wyomme one. 3e04290064 Roguests that bconae condmon 47.C fegurement for taihngs water removal PAPERIELLO.C.J Of6ce of Nuclear Masenal Safety & Safeguards. 96/04/08. Wyo- m 880706 edrnettal be deletud & that regurement for vacuum enhanced tehngs water mmg. 8 ste of.13pp. 87067:3474 7867:358. removal m 950227 s@mittal be deisted. JUDAY R.A. Petrotomcs Co. (formerly Getty/Petrotomecs Col 96/04/23 9004100127 Submns draft oorifbrmatory order for Amencen Nuclear tehngs reclamaton ' *

     -                                                                                                  36 CHANCELLOR.R. Wyommg. State of. 96/04/11. HOLONICH2                           Wasta &

Uraruum Recovery Progects Branch (NMSS 940403). 2pp. 87957 7957.338. 9004290066 Roguests NRC concurrence w/hoansee plan to temporarby store Pit 4 res-enar water m east drenage basm.due to esope fadure m rnme Pit 4 east emeen144 haa=== anomate method of windbepwn cleanup at Gas Hdis one. HOLONICHJJ. Level waste & Urermum Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS JUDA Getty Col 96/04/24. 940403). 96/04/18. XLEY,M. Wyommg. Staso of.1p. 87972:35347972-353. HOLONICH.JJ Dween of Waste Management (NMSS 940403).11pp. 88057:124-66057 134. 9004230140 Documents 960415 w/ licensee to determns course of acton taken m respones to 960411 ftr from WY dept erwron makty. 9404300364 Informs that bconsee Intend to abandon approm 60 tmhngs area webs in HOLONICH/J. High4evel Waste & Uraruum Recovery Protocis Brancn (NMSS accordance w/ Chapter VI.Secten 5 0 of Reguiabons & Instruction. State Enynner 940403). 96/04/18. JACKSON G.C. Drvis on of Accounnng & Fmance (Poet 890205). Office. State of WY, Part lu,revoed Jan 1974. 2pp. 87953:31347953:314- JpY.RA h Co. (formerty Getty/Perotomscs Col 96/04/26. HOLONICH,J.J. Dwison of Waste Management (NMS$ 940403). 2pp. 88067:107-68067:108. 9004300341 Recuests expansson of oilty send bormw area to incorporate area into re-9004030216 Forwards annual rept on groundwater conective acbon program at Shrtey for proposal & contmct h for pedornance of Anal Rn banwr com FXD520"M'tir*ia=TneE"9"6 a'nl"9.!OLONou2 Dwison of **

                                                                                               ,,o,e lata,cch g'S ,.g32"/4 ,"r56'i ;,a,*==
  • u=a'"= a-a a-Waste Management (NMSS 940403).19. 87753 00147753218. >*^ 3 J-
                  "Hydrologe Monitanng for Shrtey Basin's Tadings Senpage Control Plan."                                                                                 DOCKET 404440 CABOT CORP. BOYERTOWN, PA MICHEL,T.G. Hydrc Engmeenne. 96/03/31. 200pp. 87753:00247753:218.

9004030438 "Ser* Annual ALARA Audit Rept Shrtey Baun Met & Tekngs Sde for 9004170234 informs that into enci w/hcensee 960209 & 27 ftrs should be withheld frorn pubhc cbsclosure per 10CFR2.760. Penod July Dec 1995." W/960306 Itr. TEN EYCK.E.Q. Onnmon of Fuel Cycle Safety & Categuards (Post 930207). 96/04/03. HARDGROVE.T.W. Pathfmder Mmes Corp. 95/12/31. HOLONICHJ.J. Hgh4evel HOLSOPPLE.K.L Cabot Corp. 3pp. 8793324747933J49. Weste & Urarnum Recovery Prosects Branch (NMSS 940403). 5pp. 87721:356-87721:360. 9004170198 informs that NRC determmed that suppl into on operstmq & auddmg proco-

****am Requests withdrawal from Itrther conadoraten by NRC.LAR dtd930827re                    dures should be withheld from pubisc (baclosure per requested by 960313 lir.

propcaed acnedule for accomphshe ., key componorrts of Shrisy Basm ade TEN EYCK.E.Q. Dnamon of Fuel Cycle Safety & Safeguards (Post 930207). 96/04/04. racismaton.Moshed proposal will be sent to NRC under separate cover. HOLSOPPLE.K.L Cabot Corp. 4pp. 8793328147933284. HARDGROVE.T.W. Patnhnder Mmes Corp. 96/03/25 HOLONICHJJ. Weste & Uraruum Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS 940403). 1p. 8 46:313- ge04130073 Forwards response to request for addl info to renewal apphcahon,ded 87746:313. 940316 mandamos Appiscaton for amend to Ucense SUA 442.mcorporatng undblown tehngs HOLBOPPLE.K.L Cabot Corp. 96/04/10. CASSANO.R.F. Ucenang Branch. 39pp. retneval & H _ ; on tadm0s phe for 971231. 87959.186 4 7959242 HAROGROVE.T.W. Pathender Mmes Corp. 96/03/26. HOLONICHJJ. Weste & Uratuum Recovery Progects Branch (NMSS 940403). 1p. 8 31345- 3004190078 Rept cri "Actons Relatng to Occwatonal Ar Samphng. Effluent Sam-8773t345. p & ALARA? Apphed Rachological Control, Inc.95/08/02. 28pp. 8795920547959 232.. 9004030307 Forwards moned ongmal & electmruc versen on floppy dekette of FR .ge041eco82 *Ar Sa noace announcmg recept of apf*-=mn from Patnfinoer Mines Corp to amend source Performance Maes.Boyertown,PC met for Bamn WY ans HOLSOPPLE.K.L Cabot . 96/04/10. topp. 87959:23347959.242. HOLONICHJ High4 eves Waste & Oransum Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS manaennnan Acet receipt of 950922 itr informmg NRC of steps taken to correct velatons 940403). 96/03/29. MEYER.D.L Rules & Drectives Review Branch (Post 920323). noted m riso rept 40 6940/95 01.rhan.=== measures to be taken to correct arbome 1p. 87727:34NI7727252. effluent

                                                                                                   " morutonng dehosencies & lorwards RG 8.37 re same.
  "^ T T Nonce of receet of mar =ws        u from PathAnder unos Corp to include ene.reclamaton meestones m source man for Shrtey Damn.WY U mdi sne.

HOLONICHJ.J. Higtgevei Waste & Uraruum Recovery Propects tiranch (NMSS h.2 ' 940403) 96/03/29. 3pp. 87727:36047727252' DOCKET 40 7102 SHIELDALLOY RIETALLURGtCAL CORP, NEWFtELD, NJ 9004110100 Responds to NRC951229 ler to decharge of surfoal equifer water from Shutey Bean reatncted area to Area 2/8 racismaton reservor. " Proposal for Surfcal amnentg8 Responds to 960227 Hr requestmg a copy of transcnpt for meetmg on rwu=40n to Ares 2/8" enci. 980131at St RoseyenslandM HARDGROVE.R. . Pathhnder Mmes Corp. 06/04/09. HOLONICMJJ. Dnneen of COMFORT.G.C. Lcenang Branch. 96/04/01. BUTTIL.C.A. Affihaton Not Asegned. Weste Management (NMSS 940403L 3pp. 87887:3284 7887:361. 1p. 87817:22747817.227, -0804110181 "Propcaal for Surfical Conacten Decharge to Area 2/8? W/ons overe ue T.G. Hydro Engmeenng. 96/04/09. 3290.87867;331 4 7887:361. 9004150300 Responds to C McKenney's comments on proposed surfast conecton (ef. 9604170078 Submits remaest for technmal assetance kt reviewmg Fansteel hcense thaent) to ares 2/8. renewal W/o enci. HOLONICHJ Offee of Nuclear Matenal Safety & Sa ros. 96/04/11. PIERSON.R.C. Leensng Branch. 96/04/05.HOLONICHJJ High. Level Waste & Ure-AUSTINJH. Performance " _ ; & Hydrology Branch SS 940403).1p. ruurn Recovery Propects Branch (NMSS 940403) 2pp. 87933:30747933:308. 87896.287 47896.287 9604240200 Responds to 980321 Itr & affidcvtt requesting addl process cosenptons & assocated hazard analyms be withheld from pubhc deciosure per 10CFR2.790(a)(4) DOCKET 404859 PETM070asiCS CO, SHIRLEY BASIN, Wy of NR Dons. TEN E E.Q. Division of Fuel Cycle Safety & Sateguards (Po6t 930207). 96/04/18. 9004150000 Forwards suppl to Feb 1996 rept "Petrotomics Tahngs Area Setnement HUNTERJ. Fansteed. Inc. 3pp. 88010:333 4 8010:335. Morutanng Resuhs? JUDAY.R.A tratomms Co. (krmerty Getty/Petrotomes Col 96/04/10. 9004350190 Forwards confrmatory survey plan for portens of Northwest Plant HOLONICHJ.J. High. Level waste & Uraruum Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS Ama.FansweUnc.Muskogee.OK 940403). 2pp. 87979:102 4 7979-163. VITKUS TJ. Oak Rid 0e Assocated Unrverubes 96/04/19. HOGG.R.C. Dnnsen of Waste Management (NMSS 940403).12pp. 88028.33248026:343. -se04150100 Suppi to Feb 1996 rept "Petrotamma Tahngs Ares Setnement Monttonng Program Results." W/One Overune Ence.

  • Petrotomics Co. (formony Getty/Petratomes Co4 96/02/29 80pp. 87979104 DOCKET 40 8027 SEQUOYAH FUELS CORP., OORE, OK 87979:163.

9004110002 Fnal response to FOIA request for documer'ts Records m App A enci & 9004190183Di==== review of annual sJrety @date subnutted by Petrotamms Co re wia be evelable m PDR. App B records withheld m part (ret FOIA enempbon 5) & App heense SUA-551. C recoros completely wimhold (ref FOIA exempton 5). NELSON.R.A Low 4evel Weste & P z_ ._. -y Proper *ts Branch (NMSS940403). POWELLR. Dnnson of Freedom of Informanon & Pubhcotens Senaces (Post 96/04/12. HOLONICHJJ. Hi0h-Level Waste & Uraruum Recovery Protects Branch 940714) 96/04/02. HUGHES.L Native Amencans for a Clean Envronment. lipp. (NMSS 940403).1p. 87957:3214 7957;321. 87870:0174 7870 181.


                  -9604110125 Ack recespt950815tir to request for all records contarnog any ret plant                                                                                                      9604170338 State of Oldahoma Ancus Cunae Snet* Grants State of OK request for hcenses.SUlkt010 & 351263603 from 930405 to 950815.                                                                                                                                      Isave to fl6e tmof.W/Cortrhcate of Sve.

KAMMERER.C.C. Offbce of Admrustranon. Drector (Post 940714). 95/11/22. HALE.J. Oldahoma. Sta's of. #296 17562. 96/04/15. Atome Safety & Ucensing HUGHE$.L. National Whisnet)6ower Center. 3pp. 87870-12641870128. Board Panel.15pp. 87895.26147895.275. 96042900ee Nobce informin0 p@he te extenson of pub 6c comment panod on US NRC antent to propero EIS for t __ ._,..y of Sequoyah Fuels Corp U converson tace- 9604190215 Responds to 960327 fir.expressmo mierest n EIS process & eone of Coop-aratr Agenoes. WE R el Waste & Deconmssenmg Projects Branch (NMSS940403L 96/03/09 3pp. 86031.35746031359. 96/04/1 8R Cherokee ation. 3 .39 9604020290 Advmes that Cherokee Naton & Native Amencans for Clean Envron con- 9604250066 Order (requestmg mio from B .* Staff shall lumish Presdno Orfumr w/ comed about amend 21 to hcense SUB 1010. approved on960221 &that NRC has statements of possbon re ksted anqumes W/ te of Svc. Served on 9EO422. not adequately addressed concoms. GLEASONJ.P. Atorruc Safety & Board Panet. #296 17573. 96/04/22. WILCOxEN.J G. Cherokee Nstort CURRAN.D. Native Amencans for a Clean Ermron. Orfoe of tne General Counsel (Post 860701 app. 87995:05747995 060. ment. WILCOxEN.J G. Wilcomen. Wilcoxen & Pnmomo (formerty Wiscomen & Wil-comen). #29617533 96/03/20. GLEASON.JP., KUNEJA Atorruc Safety & Ucons- 9604300421 Responds to 960109 Itr requesang explanation of costs tulled on invoco mg Board Panet. 2pp. 87704215-67704216. JR0197 96for bcense SUB 1010. 9604010163 Forwards 951030 Itr from Bank IV to Econsee & draft Escrow Agreement p N21680 "

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   "Y                                                                     "'
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           'F                                      34 identified m lir.m response to 960322 telcon request ElELL.M.1 Low-Leves Waste & r--                                                                                                                                            940403)   -9604300424 Responds to Sequoyah Fusts Corp tee protest Itr of 960109.

96/03/22. CURRAN.D. Harmon. Curran, GhProtects & Spelberg Branch (formerly (NMSS Harmon. Curran & Tousaey). 9pp. 87699:34647699.356' WEBER.M. Offee of Nuclear Matenal Safety & Safeguards. 96/04/29. JACKSON.G. Office of the Controner (Post 890205L 13pp. 88053:32248053.349. 9604120163 "Sequoyah Fusts Corp Gore.OK OKD051961183 Spht. Samphng Data Cornoanson Rapt"

  • 6equoyah Fuom Corp.96/03/22.14pp. 87871.29547871.310. DOCKET 404064 EXXON MINERALS CO, USA, HOUSTON, Tir 9C04010177 Informs that item 35.dtd 950726 of App H in sodh parbal response to FOtA Request 95 341 sent to L Hughes on951205.should not have been approved for re- 8501290237 Forwards analybcal data & Thrd Quarter 1964 rept to arbome redorp lease & ehould be removed from pubhc avadabihty on stated mxrofche. chdes for Converse County,WY.Results of er samples for arbome U & redon progeny NELSON,R A. Low-Level Waste & Dommmasorung Prosects Branch (NMSS940403). enct 96/03/25. POWELL.R DMacn of Freedom of informanon & Pubhcations Sennces SHANNON.J B. Exxon Corp. 64/12/11 HAWKINS.E.F. Uraruum Recovery Feld Otc.

(Post 940714L 1p. 87696.35647690.358. R4. 6pp. 28645.33128645.336. 9604020048 tritervonors tmet on aposal of LBP-95-18? LBP-95-18 should be reversed

                    & remanded for lurther proceednos. W/ Cert ricate of Svc.                                                                                                                             DOCKET 404064 RIO ALGOM MINING CORP, MOAB, UT CURRAN.D Natve Amencens for a Clean Ermronment WILCOXEN J.G. Cherokee Nebort CURRAN.D. Harmon. Curran. Gasagher & Speelberg flormorty Harmon. Curran
                    & TousaeyL #29617535. 96/03/25. Cc-..                                                  _ - (Poet 750119L 52pp. 87702-007-                                                             9604180107 Forwards land swvey for Usbon tocahty sunoundog restncted area 877t'2-056'                                                                                                                                                                               boundary Copy of 4and Use Map " enci updatng changes e extent possue.

FOSSEY.F. Re A6gom Myung Corp. 96/04/10. HOLONICH.J. High-Level Weste & 960 6 20297 Order? Informs that tme in wtuch State of OK may flie bnef.retened to Uramum Recovery e ropects Branch (tvMSS940403). 2pp. 87979.16447979:165. aSLB Memorandum & Order.LBP.9518. extended to 960412 W/Cartfeate of Sve. Served on 960325. HOYLEJ.C. Office of the General Counsei (Post 860701). #296 17534. 96/03/25. DOCKET 404380 ROCKY MOUNTAIN ENERQY CO, SROOMFIELD. CO Orfice of the General Counsel (Post 860701). 4pp. 87704.20647704209. 9004000087 Forwards cooperating agency agreement between NRC & EPA for remed. 8112010015 Requests transfer of indcated amount from deferred revenue to matis rev. ston of Sequoyen Fuel Facehty enue accountlnto re manpower required to review Ucense SUA 1228 renewal apph. FEDERINE.M V., GREEVES.J.T. Dmmen of Waste Managemera (NMSS640403). 96/ caton has been recesved. l 03/25. CDLEMAN.S. Envronmental Protecton Agency. 5pp. 87817.27147817:277. MILLER.W.O. Ucense Fee Management Branch (Pro 861124). 81/11/10.  ! MANION,W.E. Offee of the Controner (Pro 820418).1p. 65733-02445733:024. . 9404010407 Forwards page 3 of Onef on Appeal of LBP-9518. medvoriency omitted from enginal smtruttet CURRAN.D. Natve Amencane for e Clean Ermronment CURRArLD. Cherokee DOCKET 404452 BEAR CREEK URANIUM CO, CASPER, WY NaterL CURRAN.D. Harmon. Cwran. Gallagher & Spelberg (formerly Harmon. Curran

                    & TousseyL #29617642. 96/03/28. JUUAN.E. Dockenng & Lenaces BranctL 1p.

87887:188 47687:189. 9604030010 Forwards source matenal bcense SUA.1310. Amendment 33 re request to modrfy background groundwater levels.

                 -9604010418 Corrected page 3 of Bnef on Appeal of LBP.9518.                                                                                                                                  HOLONICH,1J Dmason of Waste Management (NMSS 940403). 96/03/28.
  • Native Amencens for a Clean ErMronment
  • Cherokee Natort 96/03/28. Ip. SCOTT.E.Y. Uruon Pacific P3 sources Co. 3pp. 8773235247732:362.

87687:189 87687:189. 9604030125 Clarthee outensen of eme to $6e responsive bnets until960429 as applyng

                                                                                                                                                                                                         ~               '*                    *"*                 '                              " ' "             "P*"'

to responses to NACE & Cherokee Naton tnefs as won as ameus bnets.W/Cartifs. ti d conditio'n 47 8 gothiCH.1J. Dusen of Weste Management (NMSS 940403). 96/03/28. 8pp. cate of Sve. Served on960326. 87732:3554 7732-362' JUUAN.E.L. Docken & Senaces BeanctL #29617539. 96/03/28. Atome Safety & Leonarig Board Pa 3pp. 87721:13047721:132. annaninin7 Responos to960306Itr to JM Taylor re pending request to extend pubhc DOCKET 40 8502 TOTAL MINERALS CORP, CASPER, WY comment penod on scope of bconsee EIS. UGHE , a0ve for ifpp * ' " " ' * " '

  • 4 7752 1 "dryw a ^ " * "
                 -===ye =m,'gv, e f c-nn--a -o a as-
                                                                                                                                                                                                             #aCHdy:302                L.:

940403b 3pp. W W9:304.Wa:* & A'",n"*"'e c?!"r,8* Pr ManJMS HUGHESA Nabwe Amencans for a Clean ErMronment 96/03/06.TAYLORJ.M. Otc j of the Execumve Drector for Operatons. 2pp. 87752:16S.87752.174. ' 9604100Ea NRC & General Atomic joint moton for extensen of stay of discovery CHANCELLOR,R. Wyommg. State of. 96/03/13. WICHERS.D.L. COGEMA, Inc. App. 1hrough960515?W/Cortfcate of Sve. 87928.21547928.218. C10M.S.R. Office of the General Counset (Post 860701). DUNCAN.SM General CJomes (formerty GA Technologes. Inc./ General Atome Coj. DUNCAN.S.M. Mays & 9604030053 Informs that NRC has completed rewww of Aouster Restorabon & Decom tfasantme. #296 17544. 96/04/01. Atorruc Salsty & Loenung Board Panel. 8pp. Fru Plant for army Producten Urvts 4-9 & was found to be acceptable. 87812:2104 7812'217. HOLOfw .J.1 ovel Weste & Ursruum Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS 9804090495 Revised apphcoton for amend to hcense SUS.1010reflectog changes to ah we Co 04 2 AP R O.C. Offce of Nuclear Mate. -m40M8 Amend 43 to bcense WAW W Cogens hAirang M nel Safety & Safeguards.999. 87831.121 4 7831.129 HOMCHJ.1 HigMovel Waste & Urarmurn Recowy Projects Branch (NMSS 940403L 96/03/29.12pp. 87746.296 87746 307. 9804120241 Remrd of toscon w/C Harim on 960402 re RES sample m support of PA proact SHEPHERD.J.C. NRC . No Detailed Amhaten GsverL 96/04/02. tp. 87888:005 DOCKET 444584KENNECOTT URANIUM CO, RAWLINS, WY 87888:005. 9604170391 Concludes that hconsee should modify submmsen m hated result 96M30050 Appicaten W amend to hcense WA.1350 mqueseng W hve yr pose of pronneed change m bnancial assurance. ment of mrtiation of requrements of Dmelmes m decomtrussening.per 10CFR40 42(e) NELSONSA Low-level Weste & r'-- ....a Pro,ects Branch (NMSS 940403). for sweetwater U protect 96/04/09.ELLIS.J H. Sequoyah Fuses Corp. 6pp583933.21047933.215. SO%. Kennecon Corp 96/03/2a GOOM HighW Waste & Um4 um Recovery Protects Branen (NMSS 940403). 31pp. 87730:30147731014. 9604110111 Order (grantmg add stay of chsccvery)? Informs that ar discovery actmtes that were suspenood IAW Board's pnor decovery stay orders wiu contmus to be 9804120056 Ack recept of request from Kennemtt U Co.dtd960320 for postponemorw sta through 960515 W/Certticate of Sve. Served on 960410. at inmanon of requrements of Trnehness m Decommascrung per 10CFR4042(e) for G .1P., KLINEJ R., BOLLWERK,G.P. Atome Safety & Board Panet Sweetwater U site O296 17555 96/04/10. Office of the General Counsei (Post 701t 6pp. HOLONICH.JJ. Dmsen of Weste Mana (NMSS 940403t 96/04/08. 87832202 4 7832107. PAULSON,0. Kennecott Corp 1p 87861.3 7861:356.


                                                                                                   -9004150240 " Jefferson PrtMng Ground South of Fmng Lme Techncal Memo for No manangnas                                                                                          Further  Acton Under CERCLA Sde 11 Bummg Area for Exploorve Readue," for Aug "1995 ALARA Rept" W/960329 fir.                                                      1995.

CLARK,S R. Energy Fuels Nuclear, Inc. 95/12/31. HOLONICH.J. High-Level Weste g

  • RUST Envronment & Infrastructure, Inc. (formerly SEC Donohue). 95/08/31. 47pp.

Urareurn Recovery protects Branch (NMSS 940403). 77pp. 87733:07247733:146. 87975.298 47975:334.

                  "1995 ALARA Rept" W/900329 nr.

CLARK,8R EnerE uels F Nurdeer. Inc. 95/12/31. HOWELL,L Regen 4 (Post -9004100248 "US Army Jefferson Provmg Ground Madison,1N Standmg Operatog Prt> 820201). 74pp. 87aw00147830075. cedure " MCKfTTRICK.R., BOWLINGAD., MURPHY,C.D. Army, Dept of. 91/11/20. 25pp. 900403020e Forwards map rept 444681/9641 on 960123 25 & nonce of violanon. 87975:33547976:184. SCARANO.R.A. 4 (Post $20201) 96/03/28. ROBERTS.H.R. Energy Fuels N* casar, Inc. 4pp. 8U 24247703258.

                                                                                                  -telM190266 SENOVICH,0."StdNUS OperaqProcedures.So#

Corp. su/05/05.12pp. 87976:1854 & Rock Semphng." . 7976:197

      *"^***atan f40tco of vWahnn from inop on 960123-25.Vlolation noted Econsee changed mm crcun by esconnectno yeNowcake hopper w/o pnar NRC approval.                    9004180079 Forwards Anal work plans for Phase 11 of remedialim . t pahan of Jonerson
  • Repan 4 (Post 820201). 96/03/24.1p. 87703:34647703:346. Ground south of Armg ime.

GR CLOUD.P.D. Army. Dept of. 96/03/22. Army, Dept. of.1p. 87902:001-

     **memena insp rept 448601/9601 on 960123-25.Vloistons noted.Mapor areas                          87903.119.

mopectedrngt 4 orgeruzoton controis.operatone review.rediaton protecton.envron monnonng, Fansportanon & radweste mgt. HOWELL,LL Regen 4 (Post B20201). 96/03/27.12pp. 87703:34747703.358. -4004100004 Rev 0 to Vols tl & He of "Fnal Focility-Wide QA Prosect Plan for Phase Il Remedialinvestgenon Studies & RCRA Lme Jefterson Provmg Groted.MadisorVN.,,intsnm Measures for $ des South of Fmng DOCKET 404006 PLATEAU RESOURCES, LTD., LAKE POWELL, UT CUMEuA.S. RUST Erpronment & Infrastructure, Inc. (formery SSC Donohue). ROBINSON.W. Soonce Appicatons intomahonal Corp. (formany Sceence Apphca-9110asnaas Revised "Neehaps Radon Flux ' __ _ _.-.; Program." 1mns, Inc.). FLOYD.T. Affikaton Not Assigrind. 96/04/10. 454pp. 87902:002-87903:091.

  • Anx Corp.91/01/31. 37pp. 88112:29848112-334.

9004030400Sutmuts annual update to surety rogured by 10CFR40. App A. Cntens 9 & -8604100081" Addendum to Fmal FaciltyWide QA Proesct Plan for Phase 11 Remedal 10 tor Shootanne C8 M8. Inveshesnan StueesMadison.IN."

                                                                                                                           & RCRA Intenm Measures for Snes South of Fmn0 Une Jetter.

WEBBER.K. Plateau son Proving Ground, Ltd. 96/03/27. HOLONICH.J.J. H Uraruum Recovery Projects Branch (NMSS 940403). 3pp. 87752:226'Oh-Level 4 7752-228. Waste &* Afflheton Not Asagned.

  • RUST Ermronment & Infrastructure, Inc. (formerly SEC Donohue).96/04/30. 28pp. 87903 09247903:119.

DOCKET 404724 CHEGETRost CORP PROVIDENCE, RI gg g 90040B09e0 Tno rupt of 900228 voit to Newburgh Houghts.OH re Mayor E Kolar & New-on status of ficonese %- .s. 9004230006 Ack receipt of960329 Itr h=10 comm tments re radologmal chareterk burgh Heights JOHNSON.TC Vaa9e Low. Councd trashng& Decomminecreng Level Waste Protects (NMSS Branch zaton & deconterrunanon of Ronson Metals Corp ene.Commaments & tmetable 940403). 96/03/21. WEBER.M F. Low-Level Weste & C ... __ ,,,,, Profocts appear reasonable, w/twe excephons. Branch (NMSS 940403). epp. 87755:35047755.355. BELLAMY.R.R. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/12. DAVID.E.E. Afhhaten Not As-mgned app. 87953:02347953:026. 9004190136 Forwards 960125 interoffice commurucaten to review of Chemetron re-epones to Ca EPA 960620 nonce of deficsoncy fir tor Bert Avenue LandM Cicoure Plan submnted on 941205. PARKER.J.L Ohm, State of. 96/04/04. KOH.B. B. Koh & Aescostas. Inc. 5pp. DOCKET 404057 POWER MSOURCES, INC., OLENROCK, WY 87952 164 4 7952:168. 9004190121 9004140963 Provides copes of surety reisted correspondence outmutted to State of WY Forwarde intereftco memo did 960410 re review of Feb 1998 grotmd water from WY Dept of Envron Oushty showng Amend for Lrs of Creet SFO 870lM & SB dnesceon monnonng plan for Chemetron Corp Bert Avenue Dump & final Sohd Weste 21.270. Guidance.Altamenve Parameter LJet for Low. Yield Morutonn0 Wehs. " KEARNEY.W.F. Power Resoureve Corp. 96/03/14.HOLONICH,JJ. Dunen of Weste PARKERJ.L Oho. State of. 96/04/11. KOH,B. B. Koh & Assocestes, Inc.12pp. Management (NMSS 940403). 5pp. 87923:27347923:277. 87951:325 4 7951:336. 9004390129 Adessees ha"ma docussed over last several wksJncluen0 semptng 9004170461 Appicaton for amend to Ucense SUA-1511,deletng Uoense Condnen protocol, 11 11. comments & Bert Ave estribubon coeNicsonts. TC Law-Level Waste & C._. KEARNEY.W.F. Power Resources Corp. 96/03/15. HOLONICH,J.J. Dmeson of Weste _ _ _ . Protects Branch (NMSS Management (NMS$ 940403). 3pp. 87928.22347928.225. 940403). 96/04/22.SARGENT.D.R. Chemetron Corp. 3pp. 84057:15&40057:158. 9004140393 Requests 80 day extensson to 90 day remarement of 4 cones condibon 9 6 OOCKET 404767 LAKE CITY ARefY ARIlfUNITIO81 PLAlf7,IBGEPENDEleCE,0s0 ,,,re,newal of contact f r deposal of byproduct mots wnacety W to accept 9004010188 Forwards summary of 900319 meetng w/bcensee re status of Lake City MORZENT1.S.P. Power Resources Corp 96/03/18.HOLONICH,J.J. DMason of Weste Ammureton Plant -_-__ . _m eNort Management (NMSS940403). 10. 87915.2564 7915.316. g', ,,='st A,nfog r;"j;; =g;,gm.a,;g. muss aaax - Adv.s. insi PRI Mtends meano su,et, insi,umenis . .sted amount en near future. KEARNEY,W.F. Power Resources Corp. 96/01/26.HOLONICH J.J. Dusen of Weste DOCKET 404794tsOLYCOMP, leeC. LOS A880ELES, CA Manm9emern (NMSS 940403). 5pp. 87915:25747915.316. 9004170422 Provides beenese w/notnceton that NRC Inneted review of hcense amend M04140244 Informs NMSS of deciemn . withdraw 960318 request for 94 day exten-9e0206. mon of renewal penod for contract for deposal of by-product med from Highland U 8 I-M 08'. YE ,B inc.'2pp.~ B792ll.21 28 MOP ENTLS.P. Affikaton Not Aampned. 96/03/26. HOLONICH,J.J. Dusen of Waste Mano0ement (NMSS940403).1p. 57991:32347891223. 9004100H4 Forwards summary of 950223 rnemen0 at Molycarp Washmgeon facikty for purpose of exam one propoemd to be used for temporary storage of _^- _ _ ___-,, 9004190100 Ack roompt of amend request from Power ResourcesIncdid 960315 to weste from York PA mes. amend source Lscense SUA.1511.detenng License Conditon 11.11. PERSON.LS. Low. Level Weefs & E _ _.. ., Profects Brancst (NMSS940403). HOLCNCHJJ. Higr> Level Waste & uransum Recovery Profocts Branch (NMSS 96/04/12.DANKMYER.B. Molycorp, Inc. 5pp. 87930 33447939-338. 940403). 96/04/17. KEARNEY,W.F. Power Resources Corp. 1p. 87937253 87937 353. DOCKET 4tM010 YOUI8GSTOWN STATE UNIV. YOutoGSTOWN, OH DOCKET 4&e006 ItuCLEAR ISETALS, INC. C000 CORD, hA 9004150122 Safety inep on 980301 of bcones SUl>1417.inop Gnengs no vicdetmns oth served. LATROY.M.M Re0cn 3 (Post 820201). MEARS.G.L. Youngstown State Unnt 9004030870 Forwards insp repts 400872/96 01 & 404866/96 01 on 960227 28 & Youngstoum,OH.96/03/01.10.87869 11347869-113. NOV. BELLAMY R.R. Repon 1 (Poet 820201). 96/7/26. QUINNA Nuclear Metals, Inc. 4pp. 8772123487721:243, DOCET 404838ARefY, DEM. OF, MANSON, W

                                                                                              -0804030378 Inso repts 400872/9641 & 4, mm '9601 on 960227 28. Veistons 9004150214 Forwards " Final Draft Closure & PostClosure P:an for Open Bummg Unit"                ""#"**
  • m e centonmern arsa cf JeNerson Provmo Ground W.

GREWE,R., CLOUD,P.D. Army Dept of. 96/63/06. Army. Dept. of.1p. 87975:001-

                                                                                                                       ,,4 MILLER.M , BELLAMvA Regen 1 (Pos' t&

(( ,,ni N

                                                                                                                                                                                 */22. 7pp. 87721237 87978:197.                                                                                     87721.243.

-90041110323 Feel draft " Closure Plan & Posi.Cloews Plan for Open Bummg Urut," for 90041 % 200 Forwards corrected page 8 of Map rem t- 401 & 448866/96-Mar 1996 Wfovernize tir 01Dluent control hma & gross /asphe beta resun-

  • Affihetori Not Asagned. 96/ /31.142pp. 87975:00247975140.


                                                                                                                                                                                +. ' tad negenve expo-gibMY.R R. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/04.                                        Nucieer Metats. Inc.

-9004150236 Rev 0 to Voii to " Draft Facety. Wide QA Profact Plan for Phace il Rome > 3pp. 8785011947850122 eel trwe=enaean Studes & RCRA Measures for Sees South of Fmng Lano Jef-terson Proving Ground Masson,1N.

  • RUST Enveronmarn & Infrastructure, Inc. (formerty SEC Donohue).95/09/30.148pp. -9004110237Revned page 8 to insp rept40 0872/96 01 a. 44866/96-01,correctog 87975:141479752e7. emuent hmits & sampio results dmaad in section 6
  • Regon 1 (Post 820201) 96/04/04.1p. 8785012247850.122.

DOCKETED ITEMS 7 DOCKET 40-8902 ATLANTIC RICHFIELA CO, GRANTS, NM 96D4010310 Submits copy of Ur'sted Nocesar Corp 960306 roguest to modify NRC ap. proved Reclamanon Plan for Church Rock.NM.sne 9604040124 Forwards 1995 annual rept for arte comphance w/40CFR61.104. HOOKSKR. Dusson of Waste Management (NMSS940403). 96/03/28. CURTISS). ZIEGLER.R.S. Acar'nc Rachfield Co. (ARCO). 96/03/14. DAVIS.A.M. Envuonmental AfNebon Not Assigned.10. 87719-13747719 137. Protecuan Agency.1p. 87764:347 4 7764.360. 9604030043 Forwards lated wife for annual update re financeal surety for support

   -9604040128 "Rept on Comphance W/ Clean An Act Limits for Radionuchde Emmsons                 of s     amount approved by NRC m 951128 Itr.

1995." VELA. EZJ.R Unned Nuc6sar Corp. (subs, of UNC. anc.). 96/03/30.

  • Acantic Rchfield Co (ARCO). 95/12/31.13pp. 87764.34847764:360. HOLONICHJJ. Dwason of Waste Management (NMSS 940403). 7pp. 87733.266 87733.343.


                                                                                            - *"??? T Subrmts bsted mio m support of use of fina'msel test to demonst ate finark cel assurance.per 10CFR40. App A & Lsconse SUA-1474.Condrhon 25.
   "an*a127 Discusses fmancel test to demonstrate fmancel assurance Homestake                   PEVENSTEIN.R.L. UNC, Inc. (formerly UNC Resources. Inc.).                     96/03/20 Mmmo Co 1995 Annual Rept enct                                                            HOLONICHJJ. DMemn of Waste Management (NMSS 940403). 74pp. 87733273 ELkM.G G. Homestake Mirung Co. 96/03/28.HOLONICH,J. High Level Waste & Ure-              87733.343.

ruum Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS 9404C3). 4pp. 87761:197 4 7761:309.

   -9004030130 "Homestake Mmmg Co 1995 Annual Rept"                                             sur, request W h M to % M M
                                                                                                        ,c        gan p CONGER,H.M. Homestake Mming Co.95/12/31.105pp. 87761:201 4 7781:309-HOLONICHJJ. Division of Waste Management (NMSS 940403). 96/04/03 9804Je0345 Forwards map rept 40 8903/9641 on 960205 07.No violatons noted.                              EZJ.R. Unned Nuclear Corp. (subs. of UNC, Inc.). 1p. 87824:131-g SCARANC.R.A.               4 (Post 820201). 96/04/04. CRAFT F. L -_ ' e Mming Co.                   "

app.8 772 8 2152. 9604240314 Documents approval gwen allowmg Uruted Nuclear to pull & plug 2 anuvial Z: . ? Insp rept404903/9601 on 98020547.No volatons noted. Mapor areas wens en area where setty as to be hunt as part of 1996 surface reclamabon. anspectetsne status.sncludm0 mgt organizaton & controls.radaten MORALES.E.M. Unned Nuclear Corp. (subs. of UNC. Inc.). 96/04/15. HOOKS K.R. protection,radwaste mgt.envron protecton & tasimgs embankments & envrons. High. Level Wests & Uraruum Recovery Progocts Branch (NMSS 940403). Ip. HOWELL.L.L. Region 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/03.18pp. 8772:1354 7772 152. 86010 331 48010:331. 9604260224 Forwards electronc files of all water quality & water level data coliscted for DOCKET 404904SOHIO WESTERN MINING CO SALT LAKE CITY, UT Church Rock sete for penod from JanJul requested by S Ghose of EPA.W/o encl. 9004180165 Forwarde TER review of f4% & TER review of cogradeten issued in map RAMSDEN.T. Afmeten Not . 96/04/15. WARD.D. Jacobs Engmeenng repts did 891016 & 900314. Concludes that violabons 8901 & 9041 can tie closed. Grom, Inc.1p 88023.26748023.26 . HOLONICHJJ. Onnsen of Waste Management (NMSS 940403). 96/04/11. CROUCH.D.B. Afflhaton Not Assegned. 22pp. e789325847893279. 9604220115 Forwaros Uruted Nuclear Corp request.dtd modify reclamation plan upproved ty US NRC for Church Rock.W/o enci 9604220013 Forwards "1995 Revow ReptL-Bar Grounowater Correc9ve Achon Pro- HOOKS,K.R. Hegh Level Weste & Uransum Recovery Propects Branch (NMSS 940403). oram." 96/04/17. KENT.S. New Monaco, State of.1p. 87972:35147972.351. CROUCH.D.B. Isennecott Corp. 96/04/15. ABRAMS.C. High-Level Waste & Uranium Recovery Propects Branch (NMSS 940403).1p. 8799t00147991.131. 9604220119 Forwards Uruted Nucdear Corp request.dtd modify US NRC ap. proved reclamation plan for Churen Rock NM sne.W/o enci.

  -ta04220023 "1995 Review Report:L.Bar Groundwater Corrective Acbon Program."                  HOOKS.K R. High. Level Waste & Uraruum Recovery Propects Branch (NMSS 940403).

CROUCH.D.B. INTERA. Inc Austm, TX (formerty INTERA Technomgees, Inc.). 96/04/ 96/04/17. CURTISJ. Anzona. State of.1p. 87972-35247972:352. 15.130pp. 879900024799t131. 9604250051Submrts quarterty analyse of reclamation costs as required in hcense con. DOCKET 404905 OUfVIRA MINING CO, GRANTS, NM 8 #I0 h " Nuclear" of UNC. M 96/04/19. HOLONICH,J.J. High. Level Waste & Uraruum Recovery Propects Branch (NMSS 9604190353 Forwards "Ouwra Mmm0 Co Ambrose Lake Facihty Dacharge Plan

  • 940403). 3pp. 87997.35647997.356.

169.1995 Annual Rept" LUTHIGER.P. Ourvira Mmmg Co. 96/04/12. OHRBOM,R. New Mexico, State of.1p. 87979.16647979273. DOCKET 404943 FERRET EXPLORATION CO. OF NESRASKA, DENVER, CO

  -9604190366 "Ourvre Myung Co Ambrose Lake Facility Discharge Plan - 169.1995 Annual Rept" W/two oversare tawmgs.                                                  9604180138 informs NE Dept of Envron Quahty in process of matung changes re m-
  • Qurvre Mmeng Co.95/12/31.108pp. 8797t16747979.273 creasmg Ra,U & aultate content of Crow Butte waste water so as rot to exceed present approved perma hmrtatens of Pomut NE0206396.

9604060,=401 Notificabon of960410 mentmo.w/NRC/Ouivre Mrung Co m Rockvine.MD COLLINGS.S.P. Ferret Expeoraten Co of Nebraska, Inc. 96/04/03 HOLONICH.JJ. to <** request to amend License SUA 1473 to permit esposal of 11e.(2) byprod- Dnnsen of Waste Management (NMSS940403). 2pp. 87914.35347914:354. uct rnati at Ambrose Lake taality near Grants.NM. HOOKS K. High Level W ste & Uraeuum Recovery Propects Branch (NMSS 940403). 9604100087 Proes comments on proposed mods to Nebraska Dept of Erwron Qual 96/04/03 Waste & Uraruum Ramvery Protects Branch (NMSS 940403). 1p. 87807- 7807 348. sty permit number NE0206369 to Crow Butte Resources Inc for operaten of deep m. jecten wet. 9604120021 Offers no comments on info presented m draft long-term survedlance plan HOLONICH.JJ. Dnnsen of Waste Management (NMSS940403). 96/04/05. WOOD.R. for Ambroes Lake U Mill Tashngs Remedal Acton Prosect esposal sne.dtd Nov 1995. Nebraska. State of. 2pp. 8783t34947831.350. HOLONICH,J.J. Drasaan of Wasts (NMS$ 940403). 96/04/08. SENA R. Energy. Dept of.1p. 87860.35687860.3 9604300263 Forwards modified UIC Perm 4 NE0206369 est,ad to Crow Butte Resourcesincincluding Momson Formahon as rieschon NSeveral parameter 9604120017 Informs that NRC has concarred in cecemn stated in Srte Observaton Wort Plan (SOWP) for Ansbrose Lake UMTRA Propect aste.that there we be no $$*h"*,y[* gg,f,,,Q,yg,79,,cg7M dd #

                                                                                                                                                                   ,, w,,,, y,,,

groundwater restoration at one & offers re comments on SWOP. agement (NMSS 940403) 18pp. 68060'341480F"%8 - HOLONICH.J.J. Dmeson of Weste (NMSS 940403). 96/04/09. SENA.R. Energy, Dept of 1p. 87660.35947860.3.,0.

                                                                                                       ,, gggy 9, g,g g 9604220188 Summary of960410 meetr0 w/NRC & bcensees to escuss bconsees re-quest for boonne anow re-ami of 11a.(2) byproduct matl at Ambrosia           9604180047 Lasts questons to be added to ltr to NRC re cleanup of sneAnswers Lake.NM.U ms & tarbogs sne-HOLONICH,JJ. Hagh. Level Weste & Uraruum Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS                  should be provided by NRC at puDhc meebng to be held dunng wk of 951011 or wm-940403). 96/04/18.FERDINAND.B. Ouwra Mmmg Co. 3pp. 87953.31647953:320-                    ten response provided if not possos to answer questons dunng meetrrn BAUMAN.S. Affikaton Not Assi0ned 95/06/25. KLINE.C. Affileten Not Assegned.

9804290292Forwer ts map rept 404905/9641 on 960226-28 No violations noted. '"'** "" SCARANO.R.A. Region 4 (Post 620201). 96/04/25. FERDINAND.B. Oumre Mrung Ca app. 8802727448027290. 9604,,1,7,0,3,99,in,

                                                                                              ,         n      .ter &forms of mdeath eventual of wrongful cancerschons     not mayover
                                                                                                                                             & brth oefects      result bme m caused corrrnunny stuck by et-
 -9604290294 ansp rept 404905/96 01 on 960226-28.No volatons noted. Magor areas               '
    .          _ _ ... of one status,mpt orgaruraton & controls.radeten protecton & re-       B                  iba in Not                01 . Ormo, ta e              pp. 87933-199 dcacove waste mgt & armron protecton.                                                    87933 202-HOWELL.L.L. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/24.14pp. 68027:277 48027290 960417 M h E w W ww%neMMh esposal of contaroated maus (C ' 37 contarrunstad numed waste) at general pur-DOCKET 404907 UNC MINING & MILLING (DIV. OF UNf7ED NUCLE.AR CORP.),

g& ]t landMs 8811220498 Forwards record of doceen lor Unned Nuclear Corp g onedwater operable 0"*" 8DP' 87833218478 1-OWE.W.D. Envronmental Protecton A 88/10/06. KONWINSKl.G. Urainum 9604120187Submas comments on copy of "DS for Documnussoning of Shsek Recove y Feld Ofc, R4.1p. 87917 00147 286 OH N RE gioy y$g Corp 3b

 -4604140198 " Record of Deceen UNC Groundwater Openso6e Unit Mck reey                       NAGGARD.M. Dmson of Waste Management (NMSS 940403). 2pp. 87868 359 County.NM =                                                                              87068'360.
  • Energy. Dept of.88/09/30 285pp. 87917-00247917:286.

9604040117 Forwards addl copes of the wortung draft envronment anpact statement 9604010129 Provides ento of UNC request dated 960305 to moddy recamahon Plan ap. tor Sheldanoy Metallurgical Corporaison.W/o enci proved by NRC lor Church Rock.NM ene. THAGGARD,M Performance ? ni & Hydrology Branch (NMLS 940403). 96/ HOOKS.K.R. Dwauon of waste Mann 04/02. MACMULLt:N.M W. Erwponmental Protecten Agency. 1p 87771.169 New Meuco. Slam of.1p. 87696.356-8,pement 696.356. (NMSS 940403). 96/03/26. KENT S. 8777t189. I j

8 DOCKETEDITEMS 9804180054 " Order (i) Fenrq Tirne.Dete & Place for Status Conference on Govemmer> tal Clasms & lasues & (th ur Authonzed Representatrues for Govemmental Ae 9604170332 Responds to960322ftr to rowsed ltr of credit & standby trust agreement thormes to Appear W/ Dentors- for Readmg & Revere Sites. Proposed date approved. GARRITY.J U.S Distnct Court, Southam Distnct of New YorttBesore GREENWAL.D.J.M. Bankruptcy Court 96/04/04. 22pp Othee of Nuclear Matens Safety & Safeguards. 96/04/02. tor . Conference.". 87942-337 47942-358. CAMPITELUA Cabot Corp. 3pp. 87933.21647933218. 9804120286 Forwards Shieidelley Metallur Corp Sate,Cambndge.OH remedialinvas. 9604120168 Fuwaras Rev 1 to "Characternaton Rept for Rea&ng Slag Pile" & re-teassod; study.responae to OM PA comments. sponses to NRC guestions received m RA Neison 960306 Itr. IELDS.WJ CAMPt1ELLIAT. Cabot Corp.96/04/04.GREENWALD.J.M. Offee of Nuclear Materk , l Serwoes. Inc. 96/04/08. ACKMAN.O. Orvo. State of. 22pp. al S4fe*y & Safeguards 17pp. 87875.28347875:335. j 87877:1244?877;146. -

                                                                                                 -9604120170      Rev 1 to "Characternaton Rept for Readng Slag Psie."

9004170331 Comments on EIS re decommessionmg of Shie6dancy Metallurgical

  • Nuclear Energy Services. Inc. 82A8698 RO1. 96/04/30. 36pp. 87875.300-Corp. .OH tacilrly (worlung copyt 87875.335.

BAUMAN,S. fNiation Not Asasoned. 96/04/08. WEBER.M. Low-Level waste & De-commissonng Projects Brancn (NMSS 940403).17pp. 8794829747948:313. 9604170402 Forwards ftr sent to O Ackman of OH EPA.clartfying poets resed in tencon DOMESTIC LICENSING OF PRODUC""lON AND UTILIZATION re State of OH Hl/FS & relationship to NRC EIS & requests that NRC not release EIS FACILITIES unni drector of OH EP sagns off on Rl/FS as bem0 complete. BAUMAN,6. Affhiation Not Assagned. 96/04/06. WEBER M. NRC No Detaded Affile. ation Grven,3pp. 87928.21247928214. DOCKET 50-2 FORD NUCLEAR REACTOR 9604180069 Nonce of heenng on960508 on 12th apphcaton of Hams & Ellsworth for anowance ce compensanon for svcs rendered & reimnursement es expenses. ELLSWORTH,C. Metanura. Inc. ELLSWORTH.C. Shioidalloy Metallurgical Corp. F. securtry, medicas, emer9ency & fire protection pians ELLSWORTH.C. AfhhaDonhot Assigned.96/04/11. 46pp. 87936.27147936:315-9604000327 Forwards map rept50 002/%01 on 960304 08.No violations roted. SHEAR.G.L Regon 9 (Post 820201). 96/04/04. FLEMING.R.F. Mcrugan, Uruv. Cf. DOCKET 40 896e HYDRO RESOURCES, INC,, DALLAS, TX Ann Arb r. Mt.1p. 87792 00147792-014. 9604030208 iorwards response to960209 RAl,Ouesbons 49 91 re water resources & -9604000336 inno rept 50002/9641 on 960304 08.No violatons noted. Masor areas mapactod:nrganaabon, togs. records. audit & rowewJeQualifmahon protecton & cost / benefit analyss. safety analyus renew & environ rowow for hcenses U soluton mmmg hoense apphcatiortW/seven overtue drawings. trastwng.survedlance.expenments transportaten actMbes & emergency preparedness. PELIZZA M.S. HRI, Inc. (Hyoro Resources. Inc.). 96/04/01. HOLONICH.J. REIDINGEP.T.D., SHEAR,G.L Regen 3 (Post 8202'1). 96/04/04.13pp. 87792902-Level 87792$14. Waste & Uraruum Recovery Projects Branen (NMSS 940403). 300pp. 78:001-86079 015 9604090313 Forwards attachments omitted m package for debwery to J Holoruch on ~ 960402 re RAl,Ouestens 4941. water resources & protecton & cost /M analysis. safety anssysas renew & envron renew for U solubon nunng beenne apphe* 9604290342 Forwards EPA referral form relatve to effluent releases to ambient er from Uruv of Mi Research Reactor BAW 1992 MOU tutween NRC & EPA. PEU22A.M.S. HRI, Inc. (Hydro Resources, Inc.). 96/04/05. HOLONICHJJ. High. EA L 3 ost 820201k 96/04/23. Envronmental Protecton Agency. Level Waste & Uraruum Recovery Protects Brarch (NMSS 940403). 40Cpp. - - 87818:00147819$30. 9604200063 Forwards response to request for addl rito for Vois 1 & 2 cost / benefit O' ~ % IE Suneuns & - ansyns for Hyro Resources,inc (HRI) U soluton mrung bcense apphcahon.C*ownpost.NM. emnanen"7 Forwsds insp rept 50402/9641 on 98030448.No wo6abons noted. PELIZZA.M.S. HRt, Inc. (Hycko Resources, Inc.). 96/04/05. HOLONICH,J. Waste & Uranium Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS 940403). 1.713pp. SHEAR.G.L Regen 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/04. FLEMING.R.F. Mchegan, Uruv. of. 1:001 Ann Arbor, Mt.1p. 87792 00147792:014. 88045.267. 90041500se Forwards - . -9604000336 insp rept 50002/9641 on 96030448 No violabons notad. Ma#or areas

                                     .;-, responses to Questons 10.14,16,17, 20,26,32 &            -ww~. --ton. logs. records. audit                     &           rowow,reauanficaten 36 W/one overscre drawmg.

trarung.survedlance.expenments. transportaton actMbes & emergency preparedness. PELIZZA.M S. HRI, Inc. (Hydro Resources. Inc.). 96/04/10. GILLEN.D.M. High4.evel REIDif*GER.T.D., SHEA81.G.L Regen 3 (Post 920201). 96/04/04.13pp. 87792002-Waste & Uraruum Recovery Protects Branch (NMSS 940403). 50pp. 87933:154 87792:014. 87933:198. R. Portodic operating reports & related correspondence DOCKET 404901 PATMFINDER MINES CORP, MILLS, WY 9604030428 "Rept of Reactor Operatons for Jan.Osc 1995." W/960330 ftr. 9004040127 Forwards rowow of the 1996 armuel updates of ourety eshmates for SUA. FLEMING.R.F. Machigan, Unsv. of, Ann Arter. MI. 95/12/31. 22pp. 87752.235-1540.arnend 16. 67752.256. HOLONICH.J.J. Deson of Weste Management (NMSS 940403). 96/04/02. WICHERS.D.L Pathfmoor Mmes Corp. 3pp. 87753:34947753.360. DOCKET 503 INDIAN PO4NT STATION, UNIT 1 -4604040150 Amend 16 to hcense SUA 1540 tar Pathhnder Mmes Corporabon. HOLONICHJ.J. DMuon of Waste Management (NMSS 940403). 96/04/02. 9pp. 87753.352 47753.300. F Security, medical, emergency & fire protection plane DOCKET 404900ENVIROCARE OF UTAH, INC, SALT LAKE CrfY, UT 4 3 2 re, renew S a p p er Power Generanng Stabon. Informs of one mod to coneder evaluabon acceptoct 9004100193 *1995 Annual Rept Radologcal Mr.rutomg Program Erivrocare of" CRUTCHFIELD.D. , 96/03/27. HEPLER,0.M. Federal Emergency Management W/960328 Itr. Agency. 3pp. 87697.35347697:355. ANDREWS.V.E. Envrocare. Inc. 95/12/31. CARLSON.R Dmson of Waste Manage. ment (NMSS940403).114pp. 87834:11647834.231. 9604300305 Rewned EPIPs.includm0 Rev 5 to IP.1010. " Search & Rescue Trams." Rev 6 to IP 1011. "Repsa & Correcsve Achon" & Rev 6 to IP.1048. "Closecut/Ds. 9004190200Clarlhes background concentratons estabisshed by staff for several rado. Esca ston of E & Instaten of Recovery." W/960423 ftr. logeal parameters m Erurocare groundwater moratonng response to Itr OutNN.S.E. ted Edison Co. of New Yortt, Inc. 96/04/23. 21pp. 88067:10lk did 950523. 88067;129. HOLONICH,J.J. High. Level Waste & Uraruum Recovery Propects Branch (NMSS 940403). 96/04/12. JUDD.CA Envrocare, enc. 3pp. 87939.30547939.307. P. Operating license ste9e documents & correspondence DOCKET 404996 EDWARD LEAD MANUFACTURING, COLUMBUS, OH 9604150399 Dreaumees full term operating bcense & TS recew for stated tacihbes. KEPPLER,J G. Atomic Commeason. Drectorate of Regulatory Operatwa 9604000274 " Regen ll1 Expred Loense Closecut Rept." (720101-750118). 73/01/17. LSON.R.T. Regen 1, IE (720101410228). 4pp. VACHERLON,P., MADERA,J. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 96/03/13. 2pp. 87772089-87772 090. Q. Inspection reports, IE Busstens & correspondence DOCKET 400027CADOT CORP. ftEADING & REVERE 9603200218NRC Info Nobce 96418. "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Arborne Thonum" COOLDA Dmson of inductnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/03/25. 9604120171 Prondes hated mfo. based on900308 te6 con re schedule for subnesson of Corssobaated Edson Co. of New Yortt, Inc.14pp 87791:00147791$14. mods to documerttanon for decommissorung fundmg pians for Reachn0 & Revere stes. 9604020108 Forwards map rept50 247/96 01 on 951231960302 & NOV. CAMPfTELLIAT. Cabot Corp. 96/03/22. GREENWALD.J.M. Office of Nuc6 ear Maten. GALLO.R.M. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 96/03/27.OulNN.S E. Commonwealth Edson el Safety & Safeguards. 2pp. 87887J26 87887.327 Co. 5pp. 87703:07047703:105. 9604120174 Forwards respone a to NRC comments recesved in RA Nelson 900306 tir -9604020129 Nobce of violaton trom insp on 951231960302Volston notedat unit to cmaracternabon rept tar ReachnD ana0 pae 1,lumnses faded to property control actutses assocated w/ Class A sys in that mcor. CAMPITELLIAT. Cabot Corp. 96/D4/02. GREENWALD,J M Othce of Nuclear Maten. rectly seed Irftmg equqament used w/o procedtres for opershon el Safety & Safeguards tipp. 87871:272 47071 282.

  • Regen 1 (Post 820201). 96/03/27,3pp. 87703 07547703:077,

_ _ . _ . _ . - .. _.m . . _ . _ . . . _ __ . . _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ __ i DOCKE;TED ITEMS 9 i

        -0004020142 prep repts 50 003/96 014 50-247/9601 on 961231430296. Votatens                       -9004180382 Integrated map repts 50 010/9515.54237/95-15 & 54249/9515 on noind Megar areas enspectect                                                                      951219 960113.votatens notec Maior areas map.operatons.engmeenng.mamt & plant COWGILL,CJ. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 96/03/27. 28pp. 87703-07647703.105.                            support.

HILAND.P. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 96/03/22. 24pp. 87905:12147905.144. 9003270127 NRC Wo Nonos 96419. "Fadure of Tone Alert Rados to Actwate Wn l Recoung Shonened Actrvaton 1." 9004240076 Informs of completon of somennual Piant Performance Review on CRUTGHFIELD.D. . 96/04/02. Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 8pp. 960306. 87791215 47791 022. HILAND,P. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 96/03/29. PERRY,.l.S. C-_ _ n Eeson 9603200300 NRC Into Notco 96020 "Demonstraten of Aancneted Equipment Comper ance w/10CFR34.20." 9003270127 COOL.DA DMacn of Industnal & Moscal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04. NRC Info Recemng Shortened Nobce Actuston 96419. 1" ". Failure of Tone A6ert Raeos to Actuate W Consoldsted Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 87860.28947860:300. CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/02. - ted Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 8pp. t 900404010s NRC Wo Notce 96021. " Safety Concoms re Deegn of Door treviock Cir. ! cult on Nucistron Higr>Done Rate & Pulsed Does Rate Rernate Ahortoadmg Brachyth 9003290260 NRC Irdo Nobce 96420. "Demonstraton of Associated Equipment Compte erapy Devmet" ance w/10CFR34.20." COOLDA Dunen of industnal & Meecal Nucteer (Post 870729). 96/04/10. COOL.DA DMson of Industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04. l Conachdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 9pp. 88102:06 102 075- Consolcated Eeson Co. of New York. tric.12pp. 87860.28947860:300. 1 1 = aaaa*= NRC Wo Notco 96422. " improper, Equipment Settmos Due to Jos of mananaa106 NRC Info Nonce 96021,

  • Safety Concems re Design of Door intertock Cir.

1 Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 6pp. U

                                                                                                            ,",,"p"              "                                    ** * " ' " * ^              '

87860:301 4 7860:306-COOLDA DMacn of industnal & Meecal Nuclear (Post 870729). 96/04/10 l 9004000200 NRC Bullebn 96002. " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over Consmated Eeoon Ca of b % inc. 9pp. M22 88W2275. I Fuel m Reactor Core.or Over Setety.Related Equipment" CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Cormated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. emnaamma NRC info Notce 96422. " improper Egupment Sethn9s Due to Use of Nontemperature Compensated Test Equipment." 8810210048102110. CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consolcated Eeson Co. of New York, >1c. 6pp. 9004170100NRC Info Notoe 96023, " Fares m EDG Excners Dunng Opershon Fonow. 87860 201 4 7860 306. SVT LDf 2 Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. mamma NRC Buhebn 96402. Nwoment of Heavy Loads Om Spent M Over 88102 6 2 2 099 Fuel m Reactor Core.or Over Safety.Related Eauspment,, CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consoldated Eeson Co. of New York inc.1100 Se0422022e NRC Wo Nobce 96 024, "Preconetorung of Moeded. Case Croe. Breakers 88102:10048102110. G ES 96042 Conschdated Edson Co. of New York, tre 14pp. 9004170140 NRC Wo Nobce 96423. "Fres in EDG Exoners Dunng Operaton Follow-0764822 29. hui LD. 88102:090 48102:099.

22. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.10pp.

9004200172NRC info Nobce 96425. "Treversmg irbCore Probe Owennthdrawn at La-

                                     / /      Conocidated Eenon Co. of New York. Inc.10pp.               *"^' man Provides response to voletons noted m Insp Repts $0410/9515.50 237/

88102:111 48102120. 95-15 & 50 249/9515.Correceve achons operatons sener mgt romstated formal reMow boards for errors withm electronses out.ct suc mannannes NRC Info Notes 96 026. "Recent Prob 6 ems w/ Overhead Cranes." PERRYJ.S.Cw.. .. _J. Eeson Co. 96/04/23. Control Branch (Docu-GRIMES.B K. . 96/04/30. Conschdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. 10pp. ment Control Desk). 7pp. 88062-35248062:358. 88102:121 48102130. msnmn229 NRC Wo Notce96424. "7.m .J.~..., of MoldedCase Crcuit Breakers Besore Surveillence Testno." S. Reportable occurrences, LERe & reisted . ._ GRIMES.BA . 96/04/25. Consohosted Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 88102:07648102009. Submits rept per plant TS Secton 5.4.2 nonrouhne repts re bypass & 9004250172NRC Irdo Notmo 96 025. "Traversmg in. Core Probe Overwthorawn at La. QUINN.S.E. Consondnied Edison Co. of New York. Inc. 96/03/27. Document Coneg same Staton.Urut 1." Branch (Document Control Douk). 3pp. 87817.22947817231. GRIMES.B. . . 96/04/30. Consoidstad Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 10pp. 88102111 48102120. g,e - Stage Documents & C ; 9004200005 GRIMES.BANRC Info Notee

                                                                                                                                . 96/04/30.               96 026. Eenon Consohdated   "Recent   probasms Co.            w/ Overhead of New York. Inc         Cranes." . 10pp 9004170118 Submits Urut 1 spent fuel mgt & fundm0 pierLSimmettais prowded without                  8810212M8102130.

protuece to any nghts/obhganons set forth m order revoeung authorny to operate NN E. tad Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 96/04/03. Document Contrel Portod6c operoung W & reisted correspondence Branch (Document Control Desk). App.879491674 7940'170. eshama7 "Dresden Staten Annual Raeologcel Envron Operstm0Rept for 1995."

        *amantes Sgpl 1 to Genanc Lir 9549 to all NRC bcensees re morutonng & trarung                      W/980325 ltr.

of stuppers & camers of r=4ancave matis. --r. Eeson Co. 95/12/31. MILLER.H. Regen 3 (Post COOLLA Dmson of Industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. PERRYJ.S. 87757:186-87757:317. 820201).132pp C...~.. Boston Edson Co.10pp. 8810205748102:066. 9004190064 Montney operating _rept for March 1995 for DNPS W/980409 tir. ABRELL.GA. PERRYJ.S. < --- = _ . Edson Co. 96/03/31.13pp. 87952:324 DOCKET 5010 DRESDEN NUCLEAR POWER STAftON, UselT 1 87952:336. 9604250267 Forwards first guarter 199610CFR50.59 rept of changes. tests and experk F. Securfty, smedlost, emergency & fire protectlen plans monts for DNPS. PERRYJ.S. C....~.. 2. Eeson Co.96/04/11. 30pp. mM"ma022:355. ma^4aanas* Informs that rev $1 of p6 ant annex to generabon stalons emergency paan.acceptatne & does rot decrease effecoveness of emergency peart 9004290187 Ponrards " Recorded Annual TEDE Exposure for CY95 for CREEDJA 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/02. PERRYJ.S. Cs... ._. . Eeson Bradwood. Byron.Drosoon.LaSahe. Quad Cibes & Zon." Repts bomg subtrutted elec. Co. 2pp. 87752 7752-085. trorucany on magnene tape. BRONSJ.C- . . r. Eeson Co. 96/04/22. Document Control Branch (Docu. ment Conpol Desk). 2pp. 8805720648057.213 l L PinanotelInformenon

l. -ee04290198 " Recorded Annual TEDE Exposwe for cyp 5 for Bradwood. Byron, 9004150320Notee of Annual Meetmg of Urucom Shareholders m Chcago. ILlo elect Drencen.LaSalle.Ouad Cabes & Zen." . 6pp. 86057.206 88057.213.

! Board of Drectors.conssder & act upon approval of Urucom Corp 1996 urectors Fee *C*"-'-- ^ Eeson Co.95/12/31 I Plan & of A Anderson Audnors for 1996. SCHO A Afflheton Not Assigned. 96/04/08. Afflhaten Not Assegned. 72pp. 87899201 47899:074. W. P . Stage Documents & C . _ _ . _ _ . _ { 8 9004060100 Reouests that bconsee bnef Commason on status of efforts to unprove

         & Inspoetion reports. IE BWhetine a corresponeance                                                performance at peant.mceuding steps taken to ensure that rnportant equipment oo rs, j                                                                                                           cionaes have been fuNy connered.

9603300218NRC into Notre 96418. "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Arteme Thanum." THE CHAIRMAN. JACKSON.SA Comnussoners (Post 750119) 96/03/22. COOL.DA Dmeen of Industnal & Meecal Nuchsar Setety (Poet 870729). 56/03/25. O'CONNORJJ. Commonwealth Edson Co. 3pp. 87771006477710381.

  • Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 6779120147791914.

9004020200 Provide = L esteo status & change m plans assor .ated w/ stuppin0 waste 9004100366 Forwards integrated rap repts 50410/95 15.50 297/95 15 & 50 249/95 man from Urut 1 t#ransferpool vacuummg actmhes for offsne tusaat 15 on 951219-9tiO213 & NOV. PERRYJ.S. Commonw v. En Co. 96/03/28. Document Control Branch (Docu. AXELSON.WL Regen 3 (Post 820201). 96/03/26. PERRYJ.S. Commonwealth ment Control Desk). 2pp. 87712.35 ' 87712.358. Edson Co. 4pp. 67905.11447905:144. 90040,01 5 Documenis piani compr.nce w/10CrR50.54(bo) io p,ovde noi,rmaton io { -9804140370 Noace of vuotaton from map on 951219-960213.Violaten notedon NRC by 960404 of how ubl mtends to manage aN rradated fuel unto title to fuel 4 960113.6censee ostermned that OOS boundary for work beinD performed on matru.

                                                                                                           .        . - . of fuel tranaterred to Secretary of Energy.

mera er sys was maceouste. PERRYJ.S. Co.. .~ .. 2. Edrson Co 96/04/03 Document Control Branch (Docu-1

  • Regen 3 (Post 820201). 96/03/26. 3pp. 87905:11847905-120. ment Corarol Desk). 2pp. 87811:35947811.380.

I l 4 1


  $602200186 of Sept 1 to Genenc Lar 95 09 to all NRC noensees to morutonng & trarung
                   & camers of redmactrve metts.                                            9604100112 Order (correctons to LBP-962)? SJbrnas bsted correctons to Board A DMaon of inaar.nal & Medical Nuclear Safety (Post $70729). 96/04/05.          960301 memorandum & oroar.W/Certshcote of Sve. Served on960404 Boston Esson Co.10pp. 8810205748102:066.                                                  BOLLWERK.G.P. Atomm Safety &                   Board Panet #29617550. 96/04/04.

Yankee Atormc Electnc Co. 5pp. 8781 7812.208. DOCKET 9018 ENRICO FIRell ATOMIC POWER PLANT, US TT 1 9604180214 Cftszens Awareness Network & New England Coakten on Nuclear Po#uten moton for inave to fue repfy bnet on appeal of LasP.96-2. Listed statements made m seport of moton.

 &                   reports, E huns & concepondonos                                           CURRAN.D BLOCK.J M. Citizens Awareness Networtt CURRAN.D. New England Coaktion on Nuclear Poleuten. #29617558. 96/04/10. Commasonecs (Post 750119L 9004150025 Forwards insp repts 50-341/9602 & 50016/9642 on 9601094319 &

LE H h 3 (Post $20201). 96/04/04. GIBSON.D.R. Detron E& son Co' -9e04100230Ottrans Awareness Network & New England Coakbon on Nucisar Pollw topp. 87869-00247869:056' Don r bnet on appeal of LBP 96-2SuDgests that Comrmson rescind stated par-tions of 196-1 & reverse LBP-96-2.W/Cortshcate of Svc.

 -9004150030Notme of weiston frorn insp on 9601094319Volaton noted-On 940629                  CURRAN.D., BLOCK JM Citizens Awareness Network. CURRAN.D. New England Detroit Edson Level ill Qualay Control Inspector,mevedual w/ associate        Coakten on Nuclear Polluton. 96/04/10. C. _ -. (Post 750119). 70pp es wno had less than 7 yrs related exponence                                       87919.02547919:094.

3 (Poet $20201). 96/04/04. 3pp. 87869 01247869 014.

 -9004150033 enep ropts 50341/9642 & $0016/9642 on 9601094319. Velatons                    9604250074 Response of Yankee Atomm Electne Co to NECNP/CAN. "Moton for noted.Maior areas inspected: operations.maint.                       support.             Leave to File Repsy Bnsf."' States NECNP/CAN wron0 b1 asserton of nght to fi6e JORDAN.M. Regon 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/02. 42pp. 8 9:0154 7869:056.                       reply bnet tiut autnuts to NRC ngnt to accept same W/ Certificate of Sve.

OsGNAN.T.G Ropes & Grey. #29e 17567. 96/04/18. Comrmssoners (Poet 750119). 2pp. 87995 06147995:062. DOCKET 5018 VAL 11CITOS 80lLING WATER REACTOR 9804250014 NRC staff response 10 Otizens Awareness Network & New England Coal > ton on Nuclear Pollubon moton for leave to file repfy bner on appeal of LSP-96 2? O O HOLLER the Counsei (Post 860701 296 17571. 96/04/19. 9804200252 Forwards enop rept 50 018/9641.50 070/96 01,50473/9641 & $0183/ - ~~ 9641 on 960311-15.No vio6atens noted. GWYg.gP 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/22.STIMMELL.G.L General Electnc Co. Q. mopeccon IE sumeans & _

-9604200267 Insp repts 50018/9641.50 070/9641.50 073/96418 50183/9641 on 960311 15.No vuosabons noted.Mapor areas mapected.orgnrsration & mgt                    900320021s NRC info Notmo 96418. "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Arteme Thonum?

controls.gumkhcabons & trainmg.special nucteer matl & accountatulity a more. COOL,DA Divison of industnal & Medmal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/03/25. MURRAY.B. Regon 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/18. 22pp. 88020:28448020:305. Coneohoalad Eckson Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 8779120147791$14. 9603270127NRC Info Notte 96419. " Failure of Tone Alert Rades to Activate When OR CR F 02. ted Eason Co. of New York, Inc. Opp. 8779191547791$22 P. Operating boense state documente & corresponoonce 9603290269NRC Info Nobce 96420 "Demonstraten of Associated Eouipment Comph-ance w/10CFR34.20." 9004110280 Forwards amend 29 to amended facehty OL R 37 & setety COOLDA Dvison of Industnal & Medmal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04, evababon. Amend allows temporary increase m possessen emit for U.235 from 29 kg Consohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 87860.28947860 300. to 41 kg until990008. ADAMSA . 96/04/08. BERNARD.JA Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Cam-tmdge, MA, 3pp. 87847:29547847.304 9604150390 Ack receipt of 960229 lir kiformmg NRC of steps taken to correct volabons noteci m map rept 50429/9547.

-9604110258 Amend 29 to amend factity OL R-37.anowmg temporary mcrease in pos-session hmit for U 235 from 29 kgs to 41         untH 990608.                             Co"       8       $90      5 WEISS.S.H. .96/04/06. Ppp. 87647.2984            7;299'
                                                                                                                                   S               re       W                 Cb


  • Safety evaluabon supporang amend 29 to amended facdity OL R-31, curt on Nucestron High. Dose Rate & Pulsed Dose Rate Remote Aftertoadmg Brachyth-
       . 96/04/08 Spp. 87847.30047847-304,                                                   erapy 9004120218 Advises that as of960405*                  ' - Instrtute of Tecnnology has re-     Conachdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 88102$6748102$75.

viewed entcspated cost of eventual---. _ ._.____ =.y of MIT Research Reactor. BERNARD.JA Massachusetts Institute of Technoegy. Cambndge, MA 96/04/10. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desn).1p, 8787129447871-294. 9604050336 NRC Info Nonce 96422, " Improper Equgiment Sethnos Due to Use of Nantemperature Compensated Test Equipment" CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consoboated Edison Co. of New York. Inc. 6pp. DOCKET 50 29 YANKEE 4tOWE NUCLEAR POWER STATION 9004000259 NRC Bugeen 96402. " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent FuelOver F. M, W emogency & Hre p plane F CRU LD.D 96 1 e of New YortL. inc.11pp. 9604230100 Forwards Rev 7 to plant Defueled Secumy Plan.Enci withheid. 88

                                                                   " "I  " ' "                                                                                                     l
                      $h*"8"8'00 9004170169 NRC Info Notme 96-023, "Fres m EDG Excitors Dunng Operston Fobow.

Undetected Fuse B UTCHFIELD.D . 96/04 Consa6 dated Edson Co. of New York. inc.10pp. g a,apune-tory correspondence 88102:09048102099. 9604020001 Order? Extends eme untN 960401 for Comrmesson to act to review Drec- 9604220229 NRC Info Nonce 96424, 'Preconditorsng of Molded. Case Circuit Breakers tur's Dar-n DD 9641.dtd 900222.W/Carancate of Sve. Served on960325. Before Survesance T ." HOYLE.J.C. Othee of the Secretary of the Commemort #29617530. 96/03/25. Offce GRIMES.B K. . 96/04/2 . Consohdated Edson Co. of New York, Irc 14pp. of the Generai Counsel (Post 860701). 3pp. 87701:27747701279. 88102:07648102089. 9004020020 Ack receipt of 960304 ltr expresemg views of State of MA LLAW Mgt 9604250172 NRC Info Nohce 96c25. "Travernmg tr> Core Probe Overwithdrawn at La-Board & rearms that fir & response we be placed on docket for Yankee Nuclear pro- same County Staten.Urut 1." coedm0& served on partcipants. Served on 960328 JULIAN E.L Docketog & Senaces Branch. #29617537. 96/03/28. AMICK,C.C. Mas. GRIMES.8.K. . 96/04/30. Consokdated E& son Co. of New York. inc. 10pp. sachusetts. C_ _ f-^. of.1p. 87701:3104 7701:316. 8810211148102120.

 ~ ---- Informs that State of MA LLRW Mgt Board bebeves that NRC should                  960426m5 NRC Info Nohce 96426, Tecent Probisms w/ Overhead Cranes?

have provided opporturuly for pubhc heann0 before approving Yankee Atome decorr> GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/30. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 10pp. 8810212148102130. 7 A MICK.C. plan for Rowe.MA facety W/Cortificate of Svc. Massachusetts. Commonwealth of. 95/03/04. JUUAN.E. Office of the Secretary of the Commessort 6pp. 87701.31147701-316. R. Portodic operating reports & rotated correspondence 9004100070 Snef of boonsee on appeal from memorandum & order (LBP-96 2) of ASLB te frmed / 9604020201 Forwards "Efauent & Waste Disposal Sermannual Rept for Thrd & Fowth

                  ., GAD.R.K. Yanho Atome Electric Co. DIGNAN.T.G. Ropes & Grey.            Quarters 1995 including Annual Radologeal trnpact on Man for 1995." No enanges
  #296 17546. 96/04/02. Conr.ussioners (Post 750119). 43pp. 8781212347812:165.
                                                                                                  .J{        e   ftome      sectnc Co. 96/03/27. FAlb rlLE.M.B. 1p. 87721:314-9004100077 NRC Staff response m oppoorton to Appeal from LSP-96-2 Aled by Otzens             87721:355.

Awareness Network & New England Coakbon on Nucisar PoGutiorLW/Certshcote of Soc.

                                                                                         -9604020209 "Efnuent & Waste Duposal Serrmannual Rept for Thrd & Fourth Ouarters HODGDON.AP. HOLLER.E. Othee of the Genera! Counsel (Post 860701). # 296                   1995 inciuchng Annual Radoegces impact on Man for 1995."

17547. 96/04/02.Commissoners (Post 750119). 38pp. 87812-16647812203.

  • Yankee Atonuc Electnc Co.95/12/31. 41pp. 87721:315 4 7721:355.

I I I l DOCKETEDITEMS 11 C. r . Stage Documents & C-.: M DOCKET 5043 UNIV. OF FLORIDA TRAINING REACTOR l l 9604020022 Staff regarements memo re SECY 9M62. " Proposed Order Affrmm0 Two Drector's Decimons an Plant Decommismonm0 Proceedmps.- P. Operating aconse stage documents a correspondence HOYLE.J.C. Offee of the Secretary of the Commisson. 96/04/01.CYR.K.D. Offee of the General Counsel (Post 860701).1p. 87759265 87759280. 5604030423 Forwards " Updated Proposet Submitted to NRC to Meet 10CFR50.64 Re. Sarements for Updatino Schedulmg of UFTR Cr * ' 'ason Frorn HEU to LEU Fuel."

  - ^^9mnu Orders affrmaton & renew of D0 96 01 & DD' Anal agency                     propnetary mfo withned                                                                j l     acuan w/Cartrhcate of Svc. Served on 960401.                                             VERNETSON.W.G. Fionda. Unnr. of. L + +              * ' '03/27. 3pp. 87755.306

! HOYLEJC. Office of the Seoetary of the Commassert 96/04/01. Yankee Atome 67755:327. I Dsctre Co.15pp. 87759.26647759.280.

                                                                                           -8504030424 "Uposted Proposal Sutsutt u                     . Meet 10CFR50.64 Regiare.

9602200186 Suppl 1 to Genonc Ltr 95 09 to all NRC imensees re morutonng & tramm0 monts for Updatmg Schedutmg of UFTR C r 4 . m HEU to LEU Fuel." COOL.D Dimmon of Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. 5 327 Boston fdraon Co.10pp. 88102 05748102:066. I I' ***""*""***#80*d l DOCKET $0 50 KINETIC EXPERIMENT ON WATER DOfLERS MODEL (L 47) i 9004300009 RO.on 960404.1mlures m Safety Channel 2 tugh voltage sensmg crcuits re. P. Operating Econes stage documents & -.. suited m Safety 2 tnp. Stated remstors replaced & Safety Channel 2 tugh voltage power suopty replaced w/ exact otsweate on 960412. 9604170490 Prowdes conditons.taken from 920731 NRR renew.suffloont to conclude VERNETSON. . Fionda. Urw. of, Genesvdie. FL 96/04/25. Regen 2 (Post operatons re termmated bconse pone no hazard for future site occupants. 820201). 5pp. 8806123348067238. BROWN.S.W. Low. Level Weste & Decommesmonmg Pro;ects Branch (NMSS940403). 96/04/05. BELL.LG. Low. Level Waste & Decomt.m Propects Branct (NMSS -9604300014 RO'on 960404.spunous safety channel 2 loss of high voltage inD 940403). 3pp. 67948:17047946.17g occtrred. Caused try pronously undetected rnati tallure. Repers should be completed by 960410 & restart approved subsect to successful post reper checks VERNETSON.W.G. Fionda. Urw of. Genesvdie. FL 96/04/05. EONETER.S. Regon DOCKET 5G42 UNfV. OF WIRGINIA RESEARCH REACTOR 2 (Post 820201).1;. 68067:233 88067238. F. Securfty, medical. emergency & fire protection plans DOCKET 5H9 GENERAL ATOMICS 9604000163 Forwards rev 19 to EPIPs for facility.ncludmg EPIP 2.EPIP 8, Attach. ment 1.pa0ee 1 & 2 & EPIP 14. Attachment 1. page 1.Rev reflects chan0es in person- LF Wormah nel 4 phone numbers.W/o encts. F ARRAR.J P. Vrgrua. Urw. of. Charlotteswlie. VA. 96/03/26. BASSETT.C. Regon 2 9604020100 Forwards oropnetary "Gemaraf Atome Techno6ogies Rept & Console. (Post 820201).1p. 67831:216 4 7831.219. dated Francaal Statements from951231 & 94" & " General Atome echnologies Corp Rept on Procedures for 960326." Enct withhe d (ret 10CFR2.790). 9604120o00 Forwards pteac verson of rowsed EPIPs.includog Rev 19 to EPIP4 & Rev ASMU 0LE. General Atomes flormetty GA Technologies, inr / General Atome i 19 to EPIP-14.W/9604111tr. Co ). 96/03/29. PAPERIELLO.C. Offee or Nuclear Matenal Safety & Sateguards. > FARRAR.J P. Vrgmia. Urw. of. Chartottesville. VA. 96/03/26. Document Control ADAMS.A. 4pp. 87731:3414 7731:344. [ Branch (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 871162:32647862.332.

  -9604120064 Ptehc verson of tensed EPIPs.ncludng Rev 19 to EPtP4 & Rev.19 to             R. Portoec operating reports & rotated correspondonos EPIP.14. Partially withheid.
  • Vrgrua, Urw. of. Charto:tesvilie. VA 96/03/26. 4pp. 87862.32947862:332.

9604190359 "TRIGA Mark i Reactor Annual Rept for CY95." W/960415 lir. ASMUSSEN.K.E. Gensral A'orrucs (formerty GA Technologies. Inc./ General Atome DOCKET $0 70 GENERAL ELECTRIC NUCLEAR TEST REACTOR Co4 95/12/31. ADAMSA 23pp. 87952 30247952-323. l C. Inspection reports, IE Bunettne a correspondence DOCKET $0116 IOWA STATE UNIV. RESEARCH REACTOR 9604260252 nap 5041 9601.5M70/9601.50073/9641 & $0183/ F. Securuw W emorpey & Gro protocuan plasm GWYNN,T.P. R 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/22.STIMMELL.G.L General Electre Co. app. 880 305. 9604290069 D=^==as 960228 request for approval of route to be used for transport of spent fuel from 4A State Urw nuclear enginsonng lan.Arnes.lA to DOE Savannah I -9604260267insp repts 50418/96 01.50 070/96 01,50 073/9641 & 50183. 96 01 on River $ste. Amen.SC. Approvel sor route enci. 960311-15.No volations noted.Maior areas inspected orgaruration & rngt HAUGHNEY.C.J. Offee of Nuclear Matenal Safety & Safeguards. 96/04/24. controls.cpamfcatons & traimng.aoecial nuclear matl & accountabiary & more. WENDT.S. town State Urn, Ames. 6A. 4pp. 88021:316 48021:320. MURRAY,B. Regon 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/18. 22pp. 8802Cr.28448020 305. DOCKET $0 73 GENERAL ELECTRIC NUCLEAR TEST REACTOR 96042P0069 C>=a a- 960228 reouest for approval of route to be used for transport of F. Security sneecal, emergency a fire protecton piens Q g, d* *,,, , en

                                                                                                                               $8'nc,guwenng    lab Ames# to DOE Savannah HAUGHNEY.C.J. Ortco of Nuclear Matenal Safety & Sateguards 96/04/24.

9004180317 Rowsad pages to "Vallecitos Nuclear Ctr Rear tor Facilthes Rachologcal WENDT.S. Iowa State Uruv Ames. IA 4pp. 88021:318 48021:320 Emergency Plan." W/960404 ttr. CUNNINGHAM.G.E. General Electnc Co. 96/03/31. CCHEN.LK. 6pp. 87956:339-87956.344. V. Operator Exarninstione G. Inspecean reports. IE Bunenne & correspondence 9604120197 Forwards results of Operator inensi Exam conducted on960229 W/o enci. WEISS.S.H. 96/D4/11. BULLEN.D.B. Iowa State Orw., Ames. lA.1p. 87862-360-9604260252 Forwards insp rept 50418/9641.50 07".s/9641.50 073/96 01 & 50 183/ 8 852M kT R (Post 82020 /04/22. 4TIMMELL.G L. General Electnc Co. app. 88020280-68020M on 960Y26 enci WEISS,S.H. . 96/04/11. BULLEN.D.B. Iowa State Urw., Ames. IA 3pp. 87888:345-

    ""*N          inap repts50 018/96-01.50-070/96 01,50 073/96 01 & 50183/96 01 on           87868M 900311 15.No violations noted.Mapor areas mspected orgaruration & mgt RA       ogen 4 (Pos $20         96       8                     20 305.         DOCKET 5t>128 TEXAS A&M UNIV. RESEARCH REACTOR l

l fl Periodic operenng reports & related _. . F. Securtty, med6 cal, emergency & fire protecDon plans 9604010167 *GENTR Annual Rept 36." W/960321 Itr. 9604170427 Agrees w/concluson that set of postulated rachologmal events at este SMITH.D R CUNNINGHAM,G. General Electne Co. 95/12/31. 7pp. 87697:346 Doundary would not result an radiaton level regumng unusual event in emergercy 87697:352. plan.per950614 lir. MICHAELS.T.S. . 96/04/11. FLUMERFELT.R W. Texas A&M Urw., Colnege Staten. TX. 3pp. 87911:12547911127. DOCKET 50-77 CATHOUC UNfV. OF AAIERICA RESEARCH REACTOR P. Operating Scense stage - A correspondence 9604080201 informs that DOE unstwo to fund converson of bconsee reactor to LEU fuel 9604170104 Forwards esgned beense termmaton of Amend 12 to Idemnity Agreement m FY96.m accoroance w/10CFR50 64, "Larutatens on Use of HEU m Dumeste Non. E.2.affecove960314. Power Reactors." DONLEf.R Cathohe Urw. of Amonce. Washmgtort. DC.96/03/18.MENDONCA.M.M. OXELLY.S. Texas A&M Urw.. College Staten. TX. 96/04/03. Document Controi

      . 2pp. 87933:29347933 294.                                                              Brancn (Document Control Desk). 10 8/017.226 4 7817:228

12 DOCKETEDITEMS V. Operator Eseminseens 9804000154 Forwards 10CFR50.50 annual rept of changes. tests & expenments Jan. Dec 1994 90041203e1 Forweres renufts of operator ential exam conducted at Texas A&M Uruver. on ge0306.W/o encs. RUEGER.G ment Control M Pactfe Desk). Gas 6pp. & Electnc Co. 96/04/02. Document Control Branch (Docu. 87814.28747814292. ISS.S.H. 96/04/11. FLUMERFELT,R W. Texas A&M Uruv College Staten, TX. 1p. 67081:3534 7861:353 DOCKET $0-148 SAXTON NUCLEAR EXPERIMENTAL FACIUTV 9004330400 Forwards evbal exam rept SCk128/OL-9602 edmirustered dunng wk of 960305 W/o encl. WEISS.S.H. . 96/04/11. FLUMERFELT,R.W. Texas A&M Unw., Colle9e Staten, TX. 3pp. 87933:326 87933.328. C. Uuuty L.a 2 Report (ER), amends & corroependence 9004190007 Forwards "Saxton Nuclear Expenmental Corp Facihty Decomerusesorung DOUKET 60131 DetAHA VETERANS ADMINf8TRAT10N H00pf7AL RESEARCH REACTOR h[HN. Santon Nuclear Expenmental Corp 96/04/17. Document Coned Branch (Document Control Desk).1p. 8795220947952.271. g

                                                  ,                                               -es04te03e8 "Saxton Nuclear Expenmental Corp Facihty r                    n _ -.u    Enynon mam122 Forwards RAl re request for renewal of Imense R47 for TRIGA research
  • Genere! Pubhc Utlebes Corp. . GPU Senace Corp. 96/04/17. 62pp. 87952:210 87952:271.

reactor. Requests response wenn 80 days of dtd Itr. ADAMSA . 96/04/02. BLOTCHYA Dept of Venerens Affasrs Medcal Comer, Omaha. NE (formerty Veterans Admrt Me. 7pp. 87746:19047746:196. l H. General . ._ t DUCKET 50133 NuadBOLDT BAY POWER PLANT

  • UNIT 3 9004230040 Apposis NRC derual of FotA request 95-389.6ted on 950917 seelung pubic acceptance actmty repts & related documents in pehe acceptance schwety records for hated GPU or
  • reactors or reactors.

E Opereung beense dage documente & corrompendones

                                                                                                        ",,D,              W l                                                                                                                            4p . 879421'O 47           1'04 9e04030304 Forwards notes of pmposed corporate restructunng of utd.

BLOCM.S.D. . 96/03/29. RUEGER,G.M. Pacife Gas & Electic Co. 3pp. 87722:210 8'r722214. P. Opereene Roones stage documents & corrompendonoe

    ~4004030217 Nohce of proposed corporate restructunng of util                                 ****ms Submits response to RAI re TS change request 57 wruch addresses pro-BLOOM.S.D. .96/03/29. 2pp. 8772221347722214.                                                posed expanson of permoeible work scope at facerty.

KUCHN.GA Sexton Nuclear Empenmental Corp. 96/04/24. Document Control Branch 9003300188 Suppt 1 to Genenc Ltr 95 09 to an NRC tcensees to monsonng & trastung (Document Contal Dookh 6pp. 4802321048023232. c4 stuppers & camers of raeonceve mess. { COOL.DA Dmeson of indueenal & Madcal Nucieer Safety (post 870729). 96/04/05. -0e04200400 " Control o Hotwortt" Boston Edson Co.10pp. 88102$5748102286. CURRY.EA, CONNOR.TA Sexton Nuclear Expenmental Corp. 95/04/20. 18pp. 88023.21548023:232. GL Inspoemen reports, IE tumoune & correspondence DOCKET 50158 SIG ROCK POINT NLCLEAR PLANT 9008300218NRC Wo Notco 96418. "Comphence w/10CFR20 for Arbome Thorium." COOL.DA Dmoon at indust 1al & Medcal Nuclear Satoty (Post 870729). 96/03/25. Coneohosted Edson Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 87791:00147791:014. F. Securley, fneshoat, emergency & fire protecton piene l 9003270127NRC Info Notoe 96419. "Fadure of Tone Alert Rados to Activate When > R Shortened Actwaton 9e04230364 Forwards Rev 6 to secumy plan & Rev 30 to safeguards conbngency plan CRUT IELD.D. 96/04/02. gor plant. Revs withheld per 10CFR73.21(c). l tad Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 8pp. 87791:01547791222. DONNELLY.P M. Consumers Power Co. 96/04/18. Document ContrW Branch (Doce mont Contrd Desk).1p. 87960.355-67980:355. l 9003300308 NRC Info Notice 96420, "Demonstraton of Aaaanstad Equipmerd Com> l anca, w/10CFR3420." I CCDL,DA Dmeson of induaisi & Modcal Nuclear Safety (Poet 870729). 96/04/04. L Financial '"^" l Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 87880:2894 7860:300. I 9004040108 NRC Info Notice 96421, 9e04230301 Forwards 1995 CPC annual 6nancial repuncluding certfied Gnancesi state. Concems re Doogn of Door intertock Cr. monts, cult on Nuclotron Hgh.Does Rate & Dose Rate Remote Aftertoading Brachyth. SMEDLEY,R.W. Consumers Power Co. 96/04/12. Document Control Branch (Docw wapy Deeces.= ment Control Dook). 33pp. 87973.32347973:355. COOL.DA Dunen of induetnel & Medcel Nueber Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/10. Cor=* ware Eeson Co. of New York. ar.c. Opp. e810246748102075. P. Opereeng acones stage ' __ & corroependence

    *"ama NRC Wo Notco 96022. " improper Equipment Setbngs Due to Use of CR                               1                dean Co. of New York, Inc. Opp-                                 ' "                    *         ^*'"'               'P 87800:301 4 7800 306                                                                        20 DONNELLY,P.M. Consumers Power Co 96/04/04. Document Control Branch (Docw 900e00020e NRC Bulleen 96 002, *Movenant of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over                    "*"'

CR LD.D. 96 0 1 e . of New Yort, Inc.11pp. to h " "**'* $ 88102 M102W. ,,2200 cy us COOL.DA Dmson of inckmanal & Medcal Nucieer Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. 900417010e NRC Wo Notee 96423, "Fres in EDO Exeners Dunno Operaten Fonow. Best n Esson Co. m 8092$57 68102286. LD 96 2 Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. -Mn306 Provides response to & 9641, "Testng of SaWeiated @ Crcurts? 88102-09040102$99. dio 980110. DONNELLY,P.M. Consumers Power Co. 96/04/17. Document Control Branch (Doce 9004220230NRC Wo Notco 96 024, *^..-.h., of Molded 4ase Crcuit Breakers ment W Deskt 3pp. 8M762568MMM ES 96 04 Conschdoted Edson Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 9004250213 Requests that attached memo be placed into Docket Files. NRC PDR & 88102 07640102289. a cal PORs. REINHART.M. . 96/04/18. Document Control Bronch (Document Control Desk).1p. 9004260172NRC Into Nobos 96 025, " Traversing in. Core Probe Overwithdrawn at La. 8782'MN2" NME / / Consondated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. -9004250236 Worms that __-.6 made by beermee PSAR kerns have been 818102-11148102 120. completed or canceted.w/excephon of improved waronouse facairties to store quehfied mens & RCW reimf valve investgabon. Se043e0006 NRC info Notce 96 026. "Recent Problems w/ Overhead Cranes.- NORELlUS.C.E. Regen 3 (Post 820201L 86/01/27. BERNERO.R M. Omson of 000 GRIMES.B.ll . 96/04/30. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 10pp. ing Water Reactor (BWR) Leoneing (851125 870411). App. 87998.21147998.214. 88102-121 48102130. Q. inspection reports,IE Busetins & e . _ - R. Periodic operoung reports & reisted correspondence i 9603200218 9804000248 "Humboldt Bay Power Plant Urut 3 Annual Radioactve Effluent Release Rept for 1995." w/980329 tir. COOL,DA Dwison of industnal & Madcal Nuclear Safety (PostNRC 870729). 96/03/25 Info Notce 9641 Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, irc.14pp. 87791:001 4 7791:014. MCULIA TA PacWic Gas & Electnc Co.95/12/31.18pp. 87810 34547810:362. i *a"*"a Forwards HBPP unit 9 annual facility status & survey repL 9003270127 NRC Wo Notce 96-010. "Fadure " of Tone Alert Rados to Activate When Shortened Actwataan . MCULIA.TA Pocdec Gas & Electne Co. 96.03/29. Document Control Branch (Docu- CRUT IELD.D. 96/04/02. ted Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 8pp. ment Control Dook).10pp. 87817:15747817:166. 87791 21547791 022. l

i 1 l DOCKETED ITEMS 13 9603290269 NRC info Notco 96 020. "Demonstraten of Assocated Eespnent Comph- DOCKET 50-180 GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH REACTOR ance w/10CFR34.20." ) COOLD.A. Dmson of industaal & Medcol Nuclear Safety (Post 870?29). 96/04/04. . Consohdated Edison Co. of Nsw vont, Inc.12pp. 878tc.28947860:300. G. AdWory 6 l 9604040104NRC info Notre 96 021. " Safety Corcems to Design of Door interlock Cer-9604020003 Notco of prennanno conference.* Conference to be held on 960424 m curt on Nucletron High-Dose Rate & Putsed Dose Rate Remote Afterloaden0Bracnyth* Ananta.GA re matters beanng upon preparaten for to ernoy Deincet commencmg on COOLDA Dusson of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/10. set forth m 10CFR2.752(a) W/Cortifcate of Svc. on 960325. Ccnsohdated Edman Co of New York. Inc. 9pp. 68102:06748102:075 BECHHOEFER.C. Atomc Safety & Lzensmg Board Panel. #29617531. 96/03/25. 4pp. 87701.28247701.285. 9804250229 Forwaros map rept 506155/9642 on 960307 & NOV.NRC wdl determme whetner further enforcement acten necessary to ensure compience w/ regulatory re- g g,n,,,, _ , ouiremerit KROPP.WJ Regen 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/10. DONNEL1Y.P.M. Consurrors Power Co. 4pp. 87996.21747996.250. 9604030340 Informs that ftre subseopent to 950731 Partal Director's Decisaon do not present mfo that would change conclusens & advises that regulatory rootsrements im-

 -9604250242 Nobce of violaten from mso on 960126 0307 Volston noted-flamrnable                        piemonted at Georpa Tech Researen Reactor ensure putWC health & safety.

man m hot-work ares in recirculaton pump room 4 opened pamt can stored outssde RUSSELLW T. . 96/03/22. BLOCKEYCBRIEN Affdiation Not Assigned. Opp.  ; flam p storage cabinet on turbme h 87743.001 4 7744:025.

  • Regen 3 (Poet 820201s. 96/04/10. 2pp. 87996.22147996.222.
                                                                                                   -900403C345 Mgt Drectrve 8.11. " Review Process for 10CFR2.206 Petitions," revised 9                                                        g5

ms - . Ins.o.rept,.506155./96 op. ore. m. nl 02 on

                                              & p ,n.6012fLO.307Niolatons ni sepp-t                 noted Major areas         . / 2/12 9 . 87743-01047743:018-KROPP,WJ. Regen 3 (Post 820cu1). 96/03/07. 28pp. 87996.22347996.250.                                                                                                         ,,

2. 9604050336 NRC Info Nohce 96422. " Improper Equipment Sethngs Due to Use of g5[f12/12. 267pp. 87743 01EL87743.24CL Nontemperaturs4ctr%nsaiad Test Equipment' C LD nl6/04/11. Consohdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. 6pp. g g g g amended facdity bcense to modify research reactor & to subsequent opersbon of 5 9604000259 NRC Buheen 96002. " Movement of Hoovy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over "

                                                            ,,                                         $MO$$ AN[nergy Commason (Pro 750119). 72/12/19.                      KIRKLAND.R.S.

U CH E .D . 96/ 1 ed Co. Of New York, Inc.11pp. W ,A 2m WM4@62. 68102 10048102 110. " of of const W & W W operatng 9604230250 Ack recept of 960311 ftr mformmg NRC of steps taken to correct violatons go, por ten of power noted m map rept54155/95 12 to MWt KROPP.WJ. Repon 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/16. DONNELLY,P.M. ConsJrrors Power SKOVHO J. Atomic Energy Commesson (Pre 750119). 72/12/19. 10pp. Co. Ip. 87996 00747996.007. 87743.2434n43252.

                                                                                                    ^""'?"' SER approving mod to George Tech Research Reactor to permet oper.

9604170169NRC Info Notice 96423. " Fees an EDG Excriers Dunng Opr aton Follow- anon at increased power novels up to 5 MWL m9 Unestected Fuse Biowng." SKOVHOLT.DJ. Atomic Energy Commason (Pro 750119). 72/12/19. 15pp. CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/22. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New Yorto, Inc. topp. 877432534 7743267. 88102:09046102-099.

                                                                                                        ?:?-~ Forwards const permit CPRR 116.authorumg mod to existmg research re.

9604100330Forwarde exam rept 54155/OL-9 TLC 1 conducted dunng week of960415. actor & aenses that asuence of amend to hcense R-97.authortzm0 operanon of reac. BURDICK.T.M Regen 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/22. FENECH.R.A Consumers Power tor at power levels e to 5 MWt.wdl be considered upon completon of mod to reactor. Co. 2pp. 88036:111 48036:114. SKOVHOLT.OJ. Atome Energy Commmamn (Pro 750119). 73/05/02.KIRKLAND.R.S. Georpa insstute of Technology. Ananta. GA. Ip.8774326847743268.

-9604300338 Exam rept 50155/OL-96 01 concbeted dunng week of960415. Exam re-suits.4 appucents completed & fia=aad admsnstraeve porhon of RO bconse retake               -tandaann12 CP CPRR-116 for facihty.authormn0 mod to exstmg research reactor exam.                                                                                             necessary for operaton of reactor at 5 MWt.

BURDICK,T.M Regen 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/22. 2pp. 88036:11348036.114. SKOVHOLT.DJ. Atome Energy Commmeon (Pro 750119). 73/05/02. 3pp. 87743.2694 7743.271. 96042202"NPC Info Nonce 9tLO24. 'T J. ,vof MoedeckCase Cocult Breakers Beforv uvellance Tesunf 88a'n'an14 Nohce of sauance of CP authormnc George inst of Technology to make GRIMEJ.B K. . 96/04/20. Consohdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. 14pp. mod to exnhng research reactor necessary for operaton of reactor at power levels @ 88102:07tk88102 089. to 6 MWt. LAW 680311 appecanon. ZlEMANN.D.L Atome Energy Commmann (Pro 750119). 73/05/02. 3pp. 87743272-9604250172 NRC Info Notco 96425, "Traversmg in. Core Probe Owennethdrawn at La. 87743.274. salle County Staton.Unst 1." GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/30. Conschdated Edman Co. of New York, Inc. 10pp. -9604040017 Forwards amend 1 to bconse R-97.authormng ncenses to operate re. 88102:111 48102-120. search reactor at power leven up to 5 MWt & to possess & use mcreased Quanaty of specal nucsear man an connoccon w/operaton of reactor. M04260095 NRC Info Notco 96426, "Recent Protwems w/ Overhead Cranet" GOLLER.K.R. Atomse Energy Commisann (Pro 750119). 74/06/06. DAVIS.MN. Geor-GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/30. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 10pp. pm insatute of Technology. Atlanta. GA 2pp. 8774327547743.276. 88102:12148102130.

                                                                                               -9604040021 Amand 1 to hcense R-97.authonzng bconses to operate research reactor et power levels up to 5 MWt & to possess & use mcreased quantrty of specal nucsear R Portodic operenng reporis & rotated ""'   -
                                                       ~ -

mati en connecDon w/operston of reactor. GOLLER.K.R. Atome Energy Commensen (Pro 750119). 74/06/06. 54pp. 87743:277-87743:331. 9604110094 Monthiy operanng rept for Mar 1996 for BRPNP W/960401 Itr. JOHNSON.J.R.. DONNELLY,P.M. Consumers Power Co. 96/03/31 6pp. 87856109 4 604040024 Notice of msuance of amend 1 to beense R.97.authorrong Georgia Inst of 87856:114, Technosogy o operate mod research reactor at power levels up to 5 MWt for R&D actMbes & ancrease m of U.235 that heensee may receive. possess & use ZIEMANN.D.L Atome Energy (Pro 750119). 74/06/06. 7pp. 87743.332-E Reportable occurrences, LERs & rotated correspondence 87744:025. 9604090191Fcrwards acks let of US nuclear facshoes to wtuch potannal defectwo stan* less steel Swaoelok tube frtbngs suppl to 96u226 ler to defects potonnany re- P. Operenne Bcense stage ' & correspondence portable por 10CFR21. JOHNSTON.DJ. Crewtord Fitting Co.96/04/03. 3pp. 87824:113-87824 115. 9604090394 Forwards copy of mio reouested en 960402 totcon W/o onets. MENDONCA.M.M 96/04/05. BLOCKEYOBRIEN Afhhabon Not Assegnett opp. 87810:092 4 7810 095 9604170341 Press release 11-96 41. "NRC Licensmg Board Sets Prohoann0 Conference , on GA Tech Research Reactor." l 9604250341 Provides monnoual exam results for apphcants of April metal bcense exarrL

  • Regson 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/16.1p. 87959:33447959:334.

BUROICK.T.M Regen 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/22. LACROix,u.G. Consumers Power I Co.1p. 88003.30348003 303. i 9604250278 informs Decatur Library desagnated as temporary LPDR for records to GA l msetute of Tecnnology Research Reactor bconse renewal proceedeng ts04300330 Forwards exam rept 50155/OL-9641 cortducted dunng week of 960415. NORTHERN.S.S. Facasty Management Branch. 96/04/23. UTTON.S. Decatur. AL BUROICK.T.M Regen s (Post 820201). 96/04/22 FENECH.R.A. Consumers Power 3pp. 88002.34348002:348. Co. 2pp. 68036:11148036:114

                                                                                               -9604250284 Nonce desagnstng Decatur Ubrary as temporay LPDR for proposed IL
           - Exani rept 50155/OL-9641 conducted dunng week of960415. Exam re-                                                                                                               l conse renewal of GA insatute of Technology research reactor located on Ananta.GA
 "?'".4 suits apphcants corrpeted & passed admmm1rasive pothon of RO bconse retake                       campus i

eaarrt BURDICK.T.M. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/22. 2pp. 88036:11348036:114. KAMMERER.C. Dnnsen of Freedom of informaton & Pubhcatens Services (890206-940714). 96/04/23. 3pp 88002:34th88002.348.

14 DOCKETEDITEMS T. Meertne transcripts on non.entstrust mattere DOCKET 60-183 VALLECf70S EXPERIMENTAL SUPERHEAT REACTOR 900428029s Transcript of 960424 Georpa inst of Tactmology Pro.hearmg Conference m Ausnta.GA.Pp 834-914.W/Ca'tthcste of Sve. a ton reports, BE Buteens & u

  • Anonc Safety & bconamg Boand Panoi. iP29617576. 96/04/24. 83pp. 88004:199-88004 281.

9604260252 Forwards map rept 50418/9641,50 070/96 01.50 073/9641 & 50 183/ 9641 on 96031115.No volabons noted. GWYNN T.P. R 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/22.STIMMELL.G.L General Electne Co. DOCKET 50w183 GENERAL ATOMICS app. 88020- 20.305. gg DOCKET 50144 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS & TECHNOLOGY REACTOR 9604020100 Forwards propnetary " General Atorme Tactinolopes Corp Rept & Coneoh. cated Fmancel Statements frorn 951231 & 94" & " General Atorme Technologies Corp R. Portodic operating reports & reisted corrompondence Rept on Agreed.Upon Procedses for960326."Enct withhold (ref 10CFR2.790). ASMUSSEN.K.E. General Atomics (formetty GA Technolopes, inc/ General Amac Co.). 96/03/29. PAPERIELLOC. Othee os Nuclear Matenal Safety & Safeguards. te0403019s "Operatons Rept 48.for 1995." W/960328 tir. ADAMSA . 4pp. 87731:34147731:344. ROwEJM. Nanonsi institute of Starw1erds & Technov>gy (formerty Nabonal Bureau of Standa.95/12/31.14pp. 87748.271F748285 C Portothe operating reporte a related correspondence DOCKET 50106 UNIV. OF MISSOURI RESEARCH REACTOR 40LUMBLA 9604190361 "TRIGA Mark F Reactor Annual Rept for CY95." W/960415 ttr. ASMUSSEN K.E. General Atorrucs (tormory GA Technolopea, Inc./ General Atome F. Securfty, mediced, emergency & fire protecton piano Co.). 95/12/31.ADAMSA . 22pp. 87952.28147952:301. 9604190281 Sutwruts notmf' ahon of reeometwo SF shipments to include 25.000 to of DOCKET 50170 AftMED FORCES RADIOS 40 LOGY RESEARCH INST 7TUTE RQ radoectrve mati from Urww of Moaoun Research Reactor C1r to Aiken.SC. Forwards classifed SGa info re subs shsmentpew 10CFR7321(b)2.W/o ence. HULTSCH.RA Meecurl, Uruv. of. Columtma, MO. 96/02/16. BENNINGTON,G. Offa G porteepc operaung reports & reisted correspondence of Nucieer Matonal Safety & Safeguards. 2pp. 87885$1247885-013. 9404200020 Corrected copy of "1995 Annual Rept of AFFRI Tnga Reactor Facikty " W/ 9604040171 Dia<waas revow re changes to boonses reactor emergency plan & re. quems addl rifo. Response should be submmed within 30 days W fy oste. MOORE.M' Armed Forces Ra4'*Wog cal Research Institute. 95/12/31. 153pp. gf 8802690148026:1b3. DOCKET $45171 PEACH BOTTOM ATOtelC POWER STATION, UNfT 1 9004170100 to extensen of snplementation dem for procedures replacmg con-P. Opersong toense sta9e ' _ & correspondence # '" e e slow trne to dr MCKIBBENI Mesoun, Unnr. of. Columtma, MO.95/12/18.PEDERSON.C.D. Regan 9002200186 Suppi 1 to Genenc Lir 95 09 to all NRC 6censees to monitonng & tarun0 3 (Post 820201).1p. 87949:100 4 7949:160. of stuppers & camers of resoactrve metts. COOL.DA Dnnsen of industnal & Medical Nuclear Safety (Post 8707P9) 96/04/05. 9604100131 Forwards copy of DOE 960314 Urw of MO Research Doston Eeson Co. topp.88102$5748102 066. Reactor.notifymg bconses that federal funds for converson unavalable dunng FY96. MEYER WA Mesoun, Unw. of, Columosa. MO. 96/03/26. ADAMSA 2pp. 87942.3354 7942:336. E mports, E Sueogns & 6 9604230252 Expresses thanks for lunchosa & check response to questions re temporary 9003200218NRC Info Nonce 96418. "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Arteme Thonum." chanDes teensee malung et Unw of MO Nuclear Reactor. COOL.DA Dnnsen of industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Poet 870729). 96/03/25- SHERIDAN.E.P Monoun, Unnt. of Columbia, MO. 96/04/15. WEISS.S.H. 1p. Conochdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 877910014T791$14. 67979.29647979296. 9603270127NRC Info Nobce 96419, "Falure of Tone Alert Rados to Actuate When DOCKET $0103 RHODE ISLAND & PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS AEC 04 02. tad Edson Co. of New York. Inc. app. 877912154 7791:022. Q. Inspecuan reporte,IE Bulletins & correspondence 9603290269 NRC Info Notce 96420. "Demonstraten of Aamar$ated Equipment Compt-ance w/10CFR3420." 9004150372 Forwards map rept 60-193/9f,41 on 960315.No velatons noted. COOL.DA Danson of industnal & Madcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04. WHITE.J R. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/05. TEMAN.T. Anoce leiand. State of. Conachoated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 87860.28947860:300. 2pp. 87885$7047885478. mananaatos NRC Info Notco 96421. " Safety Concems re Dese0n of Door Interlock Cr- -9604140300 Insp rept 50193/96 01 on 96031015.No molatons noted. Masor areas cult on Nucietron Hsgh.Does Rate & Pulseo Does Rate Remote Aftertondmg Brachytn- Inspected:organcaton. logs & records.rowww, audit & design change funcbons & sur-erary Dencet" vedience & knwbng condrtons for operatons. COOL.DA Dnnson of industrial & Medical Nucieer Safety (Post 870729). 98/04/10. WHITE l.R. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/05. 7pp. 87885 07247865:078. Consoledated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. 9pp. 88102:06746102-075. DOCKET 50-200 S&W TEST REACTOR 9ermnN NRC Info Nobos 96422. " improper Ecupment Setengs Due to Use of Nomemperature-Compensated Test Eauspmert" CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Conachdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 6pp. Q. Inspection reports, IE Sulletine & a.. 87860:301470e0:306. _ _ __

                                                                                                                                                *8 meant 8 Raouests for adc5 mfo re response to NRC Bulletm 95 02, " Unexpected mamanest NRC BuAebn 96402, " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over Fuel m Reactor Core.or Over Safety-Related Eauspment."                                                                                                  Cloggmg of RHR Pump Straner wh4e Operatog m Suppresson Pool Cochng Moce "

tot paant.urut 1. CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. 8810210048i02110. HOOD.D.S. . 96/03/28. SYLVIA,B.R. Nagara Mohawk Power Corp. Sop. 87722$47 s7722 051. 9004170100NRC Info Nonce 96423. "Fr' es in EDG Excners Durmg Operaton Follow-eng Undetected GRU7CHFIELD.O. F6ee Blowns".

                       . 96/04/22                  Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York,                                                          DOCKET                $0-206 SAN ONOFRE NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 1 Inc.10pp.

88102-09488102 099. 9604220229NRC info Nonce 96 024, % F. Securtty, metscal, emergency & fbe protection plans

                                                ,J,6,,, of Molded. Case Crcuit Breakers ES          96 04       Consondated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 14pp.                                                                                       """'            "            *d                            '                '

8810227648102-089. NUNN,0.E. Southern Cantome Eeson Co.96/03/28. Document Control Branch (Doc. ument Control Desk). 3pp. 87768.00147768.239 900425o172 NRC Info Notco 96 025, "Traversmg in-Core Prote Overwnhdrawn at La-saine County StatorLUrut 1." GRIMES.B K. . 96/04/30. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. 9604030122 Rev 11 to " Updated Fre Hazards Analyse SONGS. Units 1.2 & 3." 88102111 48102.120.

  • Soutnern Cahtome Edson Co. 96/02/29. 400pp. 87766:00547768.239 9604200005NRC Info Nonce 96426, "Recent Problems w/ Overhead Cranes." 9604o50452 Forwards Rev 18 to secumy force trarung 4 aushfcabon pian for Uruts 1.2
                                                                                                                                                       & 3 Rev wthhold.per 10CFR50.54(pM2).

GRtMES B.K. . 96/04/30. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 10pp. 88102121 48102-130. KRIEGER.R W. Southem Califome Eeson Co to/03/29. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desat).1p. 37775.28C s.286. I

1 r E DOCKETEDITEMS 15 9004170230 Sdmuts comments on NRC notice of pondriG sdwnstfal to Olc of Mgt & for review re 10CFR73.physscal protection of plants & matts. 9e0422,0229NRC Info Notice 96424. %w..J.;.w wof Molded-Case Crcuit Breakers Boro e Survedisnce Testing." MA .W.C. Southam Cablomia Edson Co.96/04/06.SHELTON.BJ. NRC - No De- GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/25. Consolidatee Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 14pp. taded Afhhaten Gwen,2pp. 87933.24547933.246. 88102:076 88102 069. 9804180433 Responds to951121 lir re changes to PSP.Rev 46. Informs plan commn- 9004250172 NRC Info Nobce 96 025. "Traversmg incore Probe Overwithdrawn at La-monts conostent w/provissors of 10CFR50.54(p) & changes appropnote for plan. salle County Station Unn 1." FIELDS.M.B., WEBB.M. . 96/04/11. RAY,H.B. Southem Caittomia Edison Co. 2pp. GRIMES.BX . 96/04/30. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 10pp. 87899.2064 7899209, 88102:111 48102:120. 9004200030 Forwards Rev 11 to "UFSAR for SONGS.Unsts 2 & 3." Sted in K & Rev 11 3004200006 to "U ted Fro Harazards Analyse for SONGS.Unns 1.2 & 3." fund m F. GRIMES.B.K.NRC Info Notice 96426. "Recent Problems w/ Overhead Cranes." . 10p MAR ' W. Southam Califome Eeson Co.96/04/18. Document Control Branch (Doc- . 96/04/30. Consohoated Edson Co. of New York. Inc 88102:12148102 130. umant Control Desk).1p. 88064:001 4 8091:232. 0004300040 Rev 11 to " Updated Fro Hazards Analysse for SONGS.Uruts 1.2 & 3." DDCKET 50-213 HADOAlf 9tECK PLANT

  • Southam Cafefome Edson Co.96/03/31. 296pp. 88090:29948091:232.

9004260303 Change Notce 4 to Rev 0 to SO123-NP 1. " Emergency Plan- F. Securtty, medleal, emergency a fire Protecteun piens

            & Pubhc Affars                  & Offsik interfaces." W/980419 Itr.
               .W.C. Southem              Edson Co. 96/04/19.16pp. 68023.30448023.319.

s004020200Revoed EPIPs.incken0Rev 17 to EPIP 1610.Rev 19 to EPIP 1.5 27,Rev 9004290386 Sutwnits Rev $0 to Physscal Secunty Plan for SONGS. Encl withheid. ypg E EPIP 1.5-37A.Rev 2 to EPIP 1537D,Rev 1 to EPIP 1.6  ! g KRIEGER.R.W. Soutnem Cahfome Edson Co. 96/04/24. Document Control Branch (Document Corerol Desk). 2pp. 88038.35648038.359. BUCH.W.H. Connectcut Yannes Atomsc Power Co. 96/03/19 146pp. 87732901-87732147. K General conospendonos 9e04010374Revoed EPIPs & Emergency Plan Operstmo Procedures (EPOP). 1 to Rev 3 to EPIP 4400. 3 to Rev 1 to EPIP 4404 Change 2 to Rev 1 to E 4411.Rev 2 to EPOP 4426A. 2 to EPOP 44280 & Rev 1 to EPOP 4428F, 9004170148 Final response to FOtA roguest for recordsApp A & B records enci & avail.

  • Northeast Utilrhes Sennce Co.96/03/25. 204pp. 87717-00147717204.

sois m PDR. POWELL.RA Dnneson of Freedom of Information & Pubhcotons Services (Post emnar6m Advees that980223 Rev 29 to physical securtty plan conestent w/ prove. 940714). 96/04/03.KEGAN.D. Athhabon Not Assigned. 4pp. 87906-00547906:195- esons of 10CFR$0.54(p) & acceptable. Changes & 22 wfuch address hand not revowed & unii de revowed by NRR & results transmitted.

  ~t003000061 Forwards analyse wfuch consatutes Anancial cualthcabons revow & input          KEIM .R.R.

to SER on proposal oy util to amplement corporate restructunng by creating holeng 1 (Post 820201). 96/03/26. FEIGENBAUM.T.C. Nortneast Utili.

                 . Merger should be approved                                                 ties Senace Co.      . 87814.344 4 7814-346.

W .S. License Renewal & Envronmental Revow Protect Drectorate (PDLR) g00415e018 Resoonds to941021 Itr whsch requested action w/ regard to all reactor li-941001). 95/02/01. FIELDS.M.B. Ucense Renewal & Envronmental Review cenemos uomg Thenno-Lag & that Itr be treated as Peeton por 10CFR2.206. Drectorats (PDLR) (Post 941001). WEBB.MX Othee of Nucteer Reactor Reg. RUSSELLW T. . 96/04/03. CINOUEMANI,DX Athhation Not Asagned. 4pp. ulaton (Post 941001). App. 67906:16487906:192. 87887:317 4 7887.320.

  -9804170184 Forwards proposed Itr to corporate restructunng of SDG&E to provide as-    g004150060 Responds to941026Itr whsch roguested acton w/ regard to all reactor li-surances re transfer of utl.related anests.                                             consees uomo Thermo-La & that Itr be treated as Petrbon per 10CFR2.206.

MESERVE.RA Covington & Burtng. 95/03/23 FIELDS.M.B. Ofhes of Nuclear Reac. RUSSELL.W.T. 96/04/u[s. BEfMAN.R. Atthebon Not Asesgned. opp. tar Regulaton (Post 941001).1p. 87906:193 4 7906:193. 67867:313-87087:316.

  -9004170188 Advees that utu agrees to provide NRR w/804eys pnor notice of transfer from SDG&E to proposed parent or to any other afhhated company or facilites pro-    9004150064 Responde to941021 fir,wtuch requested action w/ regard to all reactor 1,.

tiuchon, tratsmasson or estnouton el electric energy coneees unmg thermo-leo & that P Bamse far be wested as Peabon per GUILES.EA San Dego Gas & EJactnc Co. 95/03/21 FIELDS,M.B. Othee of Nuclear 10CFR2.206 Forwards notco of "lesuance of Drector Decesson Under 10CFR2.206." Reactor Regula00n (Post 941001). 2pp. 87906:iO447906.195. RUSSELL.W T. . 96/04/03. BIRNIE.P. G.E. Stockholders Alhance A0amst Nuclear Power. 4pp. 8788726347887;312. J. Insurance & Indemnity . . - -9804150104 Forwards engned copy of FRN. "lesuance of Foal Drector Decesan Under HAWES.C. ."96/04/04.10CFR2206, for transmittal Rules & Directvos Review to Ole of(Post Branch FR for920323). ptehcanon. 1p. amainw Advises NRC that hated Nuclear Property & Decontammation Umbihty instr- 67887:312 4 7887:312. ance currently e erlect for SONGS as regiared by 107R50.54(w)O). MARSH.W C. Southem Cahlomas Eeson Co. 96/03/26 Document Control Branch 9004190206 Responds to postcard Otd 941114which requested acton re au reactor B-(Document Conwol Desk). 2pp. 87755;35947755:380. ceneses usang Thermo4ag & that postcard be treated as Pecten por 10CFR2.206. RUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/03. DEBOLT.B. Afhhaton Not Asmgned. 3p0. 87880:346-87880:346. P. Operoun0 tonnes etape "- ._ & correependence

                                                                                         *=aaam Rev 32 to Haddam Neck Plant E                          Plan.

900230010s Sogsol 1 to Genene Lir 9500 to au NRC hoensees re morutonn0&Famm0

  • Connectcut Yannes Atonc Power Co.96/04 08. 2pp. 87811:092 4 7811:162.

of eruopers & camers of rahirve matit COOL.DA Dhnson of Industnal & Medical NJclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. 9004170264 Rev 7 to EPIP 1.5-47. "Operaton of Wide Range Gas Morutor Dunng Acci. Boston Esson Co. topp.8810295748102-086. dont Conditons." W/EPIPs mdet BUCH,W.H. Connectcut Yankee Atomic Power Co. 96/04/09.16pp. 87948:134-87948:149, 6 tr=rmi reports,IE Sullettna & -. 9004300288 Forwards amends 189.94.196 & 128 to heenses DJR41.DPR.21. OPR45 9003300218NRC Info Notice 96016. "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Arbome Thonum. & NPF 49 & safety evatuston. Amends delete trom TS certam revow responeitnernes COOL.DA Drvisen of industrial & Medical Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/03/25. W N & Sne @C reisted to Emergency & Secunty Plans & miplementn0 proco-Conoc4 dated Edmon Co. ot New York. Inc.14pp. 87791-00147791:014. NEE.P.F. 96/04/24. FEIGENBAUM.T.C. Northeast Utuibes Sennce Co. 5pp. 9003270127NRC into Notce 96019. "Failtre of Tone Alert Rados to Actvate When 88063 134 4 8053:161. CR LD 02. Edison Co of New York, Inc. 8pp* a=*aae75 Amends 198.94.196 & 128 to Noense DPR41.DPR-21.DPR45 & NPF-87791 91547791 222* 49.respectvoly.dowong tonn TS revew rep of P@C & Sde @C related to E & Secunty Plans & respectve nnpleme'iting procedures. 9003200300 NRC Info Ncece 96420, "Derrunstraton of Associated Equipment Compli- ME .F. 96/04/24. 20pp. 880531348805315& ance w/10CFR34.20." COOL.DA Deveson of kuksstnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post $70729). 96/04/04. Coneohdated Eeoon Co. of New YCrk. Inc.12pp. 87880:26947860 300. G. . , correspondence 900404010s NRC Info Notce 96421, " Safety Concems re Desgn of Door 1merlock Cir. 9004150018 Responds to941021 Itr wtuch roguested acton w/re0 erd to aP reactor b-cult on NucieWon Higf>Done Rate & Pulsed Does Rate Remote Aftertoadmg Brachyth. consees using Thermodag & that Itr be treated as Patten per 10CFR2J06. erapy DevessL" RUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/03. CINQUEMANI.D.K. Afhkaten Not Asmgned. 400 COOL.DA Dween of Industnel & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/10. 87887.317 4 7087.320. Coneohdated Esson Co, of New York, Inc. Opp. 88102:067 48102-075. 9604160000 Responds to941026 lir wtuch recpsested action wirogard to ab reactor b. maama= NRC Into Notco 96022, " improper Equipment Setengs Due to Use of coneses uomo Thermo- A that str be treated as Petten per 10CFR2.206. L ;_ aM-_- . Test Eguement" RUSSELLW.T. , 96/04/ . Belt lAN.R. Affshaton Not Asmgned. app. 67887-313 CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consondated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 6pp. 67887.316. 87880:301 4 7800-30&

                                                                                        $804190064 Responds to941021 Itr.wtuch requested acton w/ regard to en reactor b.

emanmesa NRC Bulleen 96002 " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over consen uomo thermc> lag & that P Brnee le be tested as Petition per Fuel m Reactor Core.or Over Safety Related Eculpment." 10CFR/206. Forwards notice of "!ssuance of Drector Decision Under 10CFR2.206." CRL1TCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. RUSSELL.W1. 96/04/03 BIRNIE.P. G E. Stockholders Alhance A0amst Nuclear 88102:10048102110. Power. 4pp. 87887.26347887:312. 90041701e0 NRC Into Notee 96423, "Fres in EDG Excners During Operston Follow- -9004150104 Forwards egned copy of FRN. " Issuance of Fmal Drector Deceen Under i cig unostected Fuse Blowmg." i CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/22. Coneohdated Eeean Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. HAWES.C. ."96/04/04.10CFR2.206, for tansmdfal to Ofc of FR for pubiscatort Rules & Drectives Review Branch (Post 920323L 19 88102:09048102 099. 87887:312 4 7887:312. l l i l

16 DOCKETEDITEMS 9604180206 Responds to posicard dtd 941114wruch requested acton to all reactor T> consees unmg & that postcard be treated as Petmon per 10CFR2.206. 9604150246 Appbcabon for amend to hoonse DPR41.ack3ng addl footnote to LCO 3 4.2.1 & rnoWyme footnote for LCO 3 4.22. GUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/03 DEDOLT.B. Afrestion Not Asmgned. 3pp. 87880:346 8V880:346. DACIMOf.R. Carmeetc':t Yankee Atome Power Co. DAC4MOfA Northeast Utilmes Sennce Co. 96/03/28. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 9pp. 87896'047 47896:060. 9604230021 Prowdes update on 10CFR2.208 Pettbon submitted on 950821. as suppie-mented 950828 on behalt of G Galabs & We The People.Inc-DEMBEK.S. . 96/04/09. HADLEY.E.C. Afflhaton Not Asagned. 2pp. 87971:017* -9604150249 Proposed tech specs.eddmg ackil foomote to LCO & modifymg 87971 018. footnote for LCO 3 4.2.2.

                                                                                               = Connackcut Yankee Atome Power Co.96/03/28. 5pp. 87896:05647896:060.

H. General correspondence 9604160'e84 Change 8 to Rev 18 to QAP .10.0 Onsp) of "NEUT QA Program TR." malung par 10.2.3(b) wordm0 conastent w/secten 72.4 last paragrapn. i annananna* Responds to 951117 Itr to Premdent Chnton. forwarded to NRC for review & Netheast WO4/02. 8pp. 8m3233 8789334a l appropnate acton on 980308. Informs of latest actmbes Millstone plant RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/02. STOREY.W. Affnanon Not Asmo 16pp. 87779:309 9002200186 S@pl 1 m Genanc Lt 9549 to all NRC bconsees m morutonng & 1ramg gyng34o' of sruppers & camers of radioacave matis. COOL.DA Dumon of Industnal & Mechcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05.

-9604000076 Expresses apprecaton to Charman Jackson for gethng job done re nu.                 Boston Eeson Co.10pp. 88102 05748102:066 casar power piants.

STOREY.B. Affeaton Not Asmgned 96/02/01. HOYLE.J.C. Offee of the Secretary of 9804120262 Forwards SE euthartung request to implement artomanve contamed in I the Commmemn. 5pp. 87779:32547779:329. Code Case N-535.per 10CFR50.55a(aX3)0).

    ^2                                                                                         MCKEE.Pf. .96/04/05.FEIGEN8AUM.T.C.. HARPSTER.T.L. Northeast Utsties Serv.                       )
          .__ Informs    of attendance at 951205 meetng m New London to safety at             ce Co. App.87662:3494 7862:359.                                                                    i M41 stone plant.

STOREY.B. Affilshon Not Asmgned. 95/12/07. THE CHAIRMAN, JACKSON,SA C_ _ .. (Post 750119).11pp. 87779-33047779 340. -9804120270 SER acceptmg proposed aftomauve to unplement Code Case N-535 for of enenrels & exam of Code Class 1.2 & 3 m & components. 9004120263 Responds to 941024 request /Petman for snmeckste shut down of all reac- . 0. 87862mm2351 denied per Drector' (DD o encis 9604100027 Responds to NRC 951213 request for info per 10CFR50.54ff). metudm0 in-WUSSELL,W.T. . 96/04/03. JOHNSTON.C. Toledo Coahnon for Safe Energy. 4pp. dependent anayas of Adverse Coneton Rept (ACA) 27.compenson of HaMarn 87061:3574 7861:360' Neck & M@stons Unit 1 & summary of acDons to addmss ACR M7 mpt catclusons. FEIGENBAUM.T.C. Connocucut Yankee Atomm Power Co FElGENBAUM.T.C. North. 9004120263 Responds to 941024 request /Penten for wnmedete shut down of all reac. east utsues Senace Co. 96/04/08. Document Connel Branch (Document Control tors where used unts removed & replaced.Adinees that subj request Desk). 8pp, 87831:335-87831 342. derved per Drector's Decimon (D49643).W/o ences. QUSEELLW.T. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten (Post 941001). 96/04/03. } 9604220218 Provides suppl to response to roquest for mio re documents from REF j JOHNSTON.C. Toledo Coahton for Safe Energy. 4pp. 87861:3574 7861:300. fines. DACIMOf.R. Norttmast Nuclear Energy Co. DACIMOfA Northeast Utsbos Renace 9604200301 Responds to 960309 ftr to A Wan0,expresang concoms about health of Co. 96/04/15. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 78pp. 876.c210-4 tampy & commuruty. 87965287. WILLIS.CA . 96/04/16. BASSILAKIS.R. Aff6aton Not Asegned. 5pp. 68030 308-88030239. 3004220186 Responds to GL 9641. "Tes of SR Lope Crcuits? -9604290248 Diam === Haddam Neck nuclear reactor 6 quid Intum output data rept m DAC4MOfA Nor1heast Nuctear Energy . DAClugf.R. Northeast Utsties Servce NRC 1992 Annual Rept, " Radioactive Matts Reseased from Nucteer Power Plants." Co. 06/04/16. Document Comrol Branch (Document Control Desk). 5pp. 87962:356-BASSILAKIS,R. Affihanan Not Asmgned.96/03/09 WANG.A. NRC. No Detailed Affs. 87962260' 1 anon Given. 3pp. 68030:313 868030:315. , 9004220211 Apple W am to hcerme DPR41m LCO 31M of plant TS 2 N"- - - - -"Toratogsruc & Tranmutabonal Effects of Tetbum? pennt plant to mmam m Modes 1.2.3 or 4 w/everage water temp of UHS grealer than i GATZ.D. Citrons Awareness Networt6. 94/04/30. 21pp. 88030:31648030 339. 08y9(0' Y A P Q MFA UN 9604240361 Forwards propeted decommemonmg costs.rnerket values of decomnw. Senace Co. 96/04/16. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desi414pp. sonmg trust funds & 10CFR50.75 *Reportng & Recordusepmg for E . _ _ . , 87965:334 4 7985.357. l 96/04/18. STAUB.B. Affihation Not Asmgned.13pp. 87994.340 87994.352..

                                                                                          -9604220214 Prve=8 toch specs.revisng LCO S.7.12 of plant TS to pommt plant to remam m Moons 1.2.3 or 4 w/everage water temp of UHS greater than 90 degrees F for 8 hs.

9604300420 informs NRC to add New England Power Co to svc hst at hated address.

  • Connectcut Yankee Atome Power Co. 35/04/16.10pp. 87965:34847985:357.

ROBINSON.J S. New E nd Power Co 96/04/24.DocaAment Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk).1p. 7 247 48067:247 9504240249 Proiect Manager for Haddam Neck PlantAdanes

                                                                                                           & that DGthat    S Dombok Mcdonald            to beasasmgned to be asagned    Pro        as,ect Manager for    Millstone Nu A Inoumnce & Nty hison                                                                        clear Power Station.Urut 2 effacevo 900428 MCKEE.Pf. . 96/04/18. FEIGENBAUM.T.C. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. 5pp.

87994:282 47994286. 9604000067Natifes NRC cf amount of property insurarco coverage currenDy in force tw Haddam Neck & Minstone Planta-DEBARBA.EA Connecacut Yankee Atome Power Co. DEBARBA.EA Northeast Nu" 9004240365 Ack receipt of 960408 Itr in response to960307 request for add mio re cesar Energy Co. DEBARBA.EA Northeast Utlirties Service Co. 96/03/29. Docume'it maues cientifed m Event Response Team Rept ACR 7007 Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 87825.35747825:358. MCKEE.Pf. 96/04/22. HARPSTER.T.L Duke Power Co. 4pp. 88010:355 88010-359. P. Opereung econee stage - .L & . 9604300201 Appicaten for amend to bcense DPR41soflectng rev to overtoad cutoff knut on maruputator crane anade contamment at plant. 9004300072FOLA request for correspondence.violaton notees & any other documents ^ h** ' ^ M Utstes from 900101 to present to NEUT nuclear piants Motstone (urvts 1.2 & 3) & CT Co 9 f22. B (Do Spp B8064 Yankee. 88064 m M#CK.T. Wastungton Document Senace. 96/03/19. POWELLA NRC No Detaried Qfflhaton Gwen.1p. 68096-00148096201. *"^ *-a* Proposed tech soecs.reflectng rey to ove toed cutoff hmet on marupulator crane made contamment at plant 9604020361 Roguests approval to une Code Case attemetrve to ASME Code

  • Northeast Nucieur Energy Co. 96/04/22. App. 88064.27488064:273.

Secton XI for piants & that N8tC revise SER of 951207.m support of Millstone Urut i roouest to use Code Case N-547. 9604300209 Apohcaton for amend to heense DPR41.allowmg use of performance-DACIMOf.R Connocacut Yankee Atome Power Co. DACIMOf.R. Northeast Nuclear based contamment leakage testing requrements desenbod in 10CFR50. App J,Opton Energy Co. DACIMOfA North Atlante Sennce Corp. (NAESCOL 96/03/20. B. Document Control Branch (Document Control ). 4pp. 07712:34647112'349. DACIMOfA Connecbcut Yaniae Atome Power Co DACIMOJA Northeast Utahbes Senace Co 96/04/22. Document Control Branch (Document Control Deskt 13pp. TT . ' Provides NRC w/into s@portog review of proposed beerse amend outmwt- 88064.274 88064.309. tad by CT Yankee Atomac Power Co on ulumate host smk of Haddam Neck Plant

                                                                                         .g604300213 Proposed toch specs.allowmg use of pertormance-based contamment DACIMOSA Connectcut Yankee Atomac Power Co. DACIMOfA Northeast Utilrtees                   leakage tasang rogurements desenbod m 10CFR50. App J.Opnon 8 Service Co. 96/03/21. Document Control Branch (Docurnent Control Desk). 2pp.
  • Connochcut Yankee Atome Power Co.96/04/22. 23pp. 8S064.28748064:309.

87725:227 4 7725:228. norunen*23 Responds to RAI re four water storage tanks ut plant. 9604300000 Foal response to F06A reavest for records, Requestor agreed per 960327 DACIMOfA Northeast Nuclear Energy Co DACIMOf.R. Northeast Utillbes rm teloon w/N Pugh to obten any pubhcly avadable records chrecDy from NRC Co. 96/03/21. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 8pp. 87814.323- PDR. Requestor will msubnut arcther FoiA request to obten any central files records gygia,33g, POWELLRA Dnnmon of Freedom of informanon & Pubhcations Sennces (Post 940714t 96/04/23. MACK.T. Washmgton Document Sennce. 1p. 88096:002 9404020192 Apphcaton for amend to hconse DPR41 TS 3 42 re RCS safety 88096 002 vatves by addmg socs footnote to LCO 3 4.2.1 & 342.2. DACaMOf.R. Connecacut Yankee Atome Power Co. MOfA Northeast Uhhbes 9604300269 Forwards amends 189.94,196 & 128to bconses DPR41.DPR-21, DPR-65 Service Co. 96/03/28. Document Control Branch (Docurnent Control Desk). 8pp. & NPF-49 & safety evaluateon. Amends delete from TS certam revow responsaikbes 87710:32047710.333. of PORC & Srte ORC rotated to Emergency & Secunty Plans & ' _ .. ., proce. dures -9804020193 Proposed toch specs to RCS sakty valves. MCKEE.PI. . 96/04/24. FEtGENBAUM.T.C. Northeast Ubbtes Sennce Co. 5pp.

  • Conneencut Yankee Atonuc Power Co.96/03/28. 6pp. 87710.32647710:333. 88053.13448053:161.


    -9604300275 Amends 198.94.196 & 128 to hcense DPR41,DPR.21,DPR45 & NPF.                              9604180344Monthov opera          rept for Mar 1936 for Haddam Neck Plant W/960415 ttr.

49.respecevely.oeletsig form TS rewsw responr,itximes of PORC & Ste ORC rotated EMMONS,K W., DACIMO, Yankee Atome Power Co. 96/03/31. 7pp. to Emergency & Secunty Plans & respective m1piemennng procedurelL 87956:322 47956.328. MCKEE.Pf. .96/04/24. 20pp. 88053.13948053:158

      ~^                                                                                                9604240294 Forwards "Haodam Neck Plant Sutmttal of Reg Guide 1.16 Annual Rept
               =5 Saffsty evaluation supportmg amends 18.                   128 to licenses DPA.            gar 1994 a 81.DPR-21,DPH.65 & NPF-49.respectiveey.                                                              DACIMO.F.R Connectmut Yankee Atomsc Power Co. DACIMO,F R Northeast Nuclear
         . 96/04/24. 3pp. 88053:15948053 161.                                                               Energy Co. DACIMO.F.R. Northeast Utd bes Sennce Co. 96/04/16. Document Control Branch (Document tantrol Desk).1p 88010'33648010:338.

I 6 inspection reports, IE Sulletene & carmoponhoe 9604240306 "Haddam Neck Plant Sutmttal of Reg Gusde 1.16 Annual Rept for 1994." 9604300072 FOiA request for correspondence.violaton notices & any other documents

  • Connachcut Yankee Atomsc Power Co.94/12/31. 2pp. 88010.337 88010:338.

from 900101 to present to NEUT nuclear piants Mnestone (units 1.2 & 3) & CT Yankee. MACK,T. Wastungton Document Senace. 96/03/19. POWELL,R. NRC No Detaded S. Reportable occurrences, LERs & reisted e.. Afhhsten Gwen.1p. 68096:00148096:001. - 9603200218NRC Info Notice 96 018, "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Asrteme Thonum." 9604000065 LER 96 004 00:on 960229.survesitance testm0 of SG blowdown reeston COOL.D.A. Divisson of industnal & Maecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/03/25. monitor was madequale. Caused by madequate towaw of heense amend Consondated Edson Co. of New York,Inc.14pp. a779100147791014. reauestineerted haft s to SG blowdown valves W/960401 ftr. MCCARTHYA, LAPLATN JJ. Cunnectcut Yankee Atomac Power Co. 96/04/01. 9003270127 NRC info Notmo 96419. "Fadure " of Tone Alert Radns to Actuate When 6pp. 87823.31347823:318. Recorving Shortened AcDwation CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/02. ted Edson Co of New York, Inc. 8pp. 96040e0074 LER 9640640-on 960301.apont fuel pool coohng shut down occurred due 87791:01547791222. to escovery of loose parts.Techtscal Support Engmeenng snepected piping from both spent fuma pool coohng pumps to piste heat exchanger W/960401 ftr. 9604140184 6 to Rev 18 to QAP - 10.0 (insp) or "NEUT QA Program TR" MulK.S., LAPLATNEY,JJ. Connectcut yankee Atome Power Co. 96/04/01. 6pp. 10.2.3(b) wordmg . - a w/secnon 7.2.4 last paragraprL 87823:319 4 7823:324. ast 96/04/02. 8pp. 87893.333 47893:340. 9603290200 NRC info Nonce 96-020, "Demonstraton of Assocuted Equipment Compl* 9604190045 LER 9600640on 960316.chargeg pump experwncmg cavitaten dunng ance w/10CFR3420. transfer to sump recrculaton due to inadequate not posnrve succon COOL.DA Drumon of industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04. head. Reevaluated avadable vs recuered pump NPSH.W/900412 ftr. Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 87860.28947860:300. MAJEWSKI.J., LAPLATNEYJ. Connecbcut Yankee Atome Power Co. 96/04/12. 8pp. 87960.27447960282. 9604150164 Forwards response to NRC Bulletm 96 001, " Control Rod inserbon Prot > l DNI O.FA Connecucut Yankee Atomc Power Co DACIMO.FA Northeast DOCKET Nuclear 50 216 POLYTECHNIC INSTTTUTE OF NEW YORK RESEARCH REACTOR Energy Co. DACIMO.F.R. North Atlante E Senace Corp. (NAESCOI. 96/04/08. Document Control Branch (Document Controi ). 36pp. 87888.28547888:320. l P. A cormpondme ' ensun106 NRC Info Nobce 96421. " Safety Concems te Desegn of Door interlock Cr-cult on Nucietron Hegr> Dose Rate & Pulsed Dose Rate Remote Aftertoadng Brachyt4 9604120132 Requests revised curve that mcludes results of dotaded max plane' expt > erapy Devees." sure da COOL.DA Dwoon of industnal & Meecal Naclear Seiety (Post 870729). 96/04/10. Conschdated Ednan Co. cf New York, Inc. 9pp. 88102:06748102:075. SHOVHO J. Atomic Energy Commason. Drectorate of Uoenang F20101-750118) 73/10/31.FINFROCK LR. Jersey Central Power & bght Co. 2pp. 9604190113 Responds to NRC 960311 fir re volatens noted in msp rept $4213/9641 on 960122 26.C/A2ys repared & cohDrated by rrent & engmeenng & released 2 op. erabons for unrestncted use. DOCKET 64219 OYSTER CREEK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT . DE.BARBA.E.A. Connecucul Yankee Alome Power Co. DEBARBA.EA Northeast Utli>  ! 93 346 939 D. NRC Draft / Final Environmental Statementa, suppis & corvoopondence 9604050336 NRC Info Notce 96422. "Irrsruoer Emspment Satangs Due to Use of -9604t$0300 informs that Draft Envron Statement for facihty reviewed m relevant Noniemperature> Compensated Test Eauspment" a of Dept of Agnculture & comments from Forest Service enci. CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 6pp. T ' 1RLEYf.H. Agnculture. Dept of. 73/07/29 MULLER.D.R. Atome Energy Com. 87860.301 4 7800306. mason, Deputy Drector for Reactor Propects (720101-750118). MULLER,DA Atome 9604000259 NRC Bul:ebn 96402. " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over Fuel m Reactor Cors.or Over Safety-Reinted Equipment" CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.11pp-68102.10048101110. F. Securfty, rnedlcal, emergency & nre protecton plane 9604250083 Forwards map rect $4213/96 03 on 960212 23.No violatons noted. 9604110225 Second Partel response to FOtA request for documents. Forwards docu-ROGGEJ.F. Regirm 1 (Post 820201E 96/04/18 FEIGENBAUM.T.C. Northeast Nucie- moms hated m App B. Documents wdl be peaced m PDR. at Energy Co. 3m 87996.17947996.202. REED.CA Danson of Freedom of informaton & Pubhcatons Services (Post 940714). 96/02/13.DEKOK.D. Affibaton Not Assegned. 46pp.

  -8604250130 Insp rept $4213/9643 on 960212-23.No violabons noted. Masar areas anspected evaluanon of efisctiveness of paarp programs for zientifyingJosorvmg & cor.             -9604110275 Provides update & revises faakty healtfi physcs organizabon h              'in reCDnc               .

780009 memo. ROGG .F. Repon 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/18. 21pp. 87996:1824 7996.202. FINFROCK,l.R. Jersey Central Power & bght Co.79/06/29. GRIER.B H. Region 1, IE F20101410228). 2pp.

 ,9604170169NRC Info Notes 96 023, "Fres m EDG Excsters Dunng Opershon Follow-hut            LD.         96     2 Coreohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.10pp.                              287 %ests response m NW W me power m W m 8810109048102M9-CHAPELL.D.R Offee of inspecton & Entorcement F50101401210). 79/06/22.

9604300000Fmal responea to FOIA roguest for records.Roouestor agreed per 960327 # ## # Re or wel enubmit obtain fises -9604110293 Advises that apphca, ton in amend 38 re "Seeme Analysss Results of POWELL,RA Dnnson of Freedom of informenon & Pubhcahons Services (Post feedwater Coolant inlecten Sys, wtH be abe 2 partnn emergency functon W max 940 96/04/23. MACK,T. Washington Document Senace. 1p. 88096fl02-( hM. Nathan M. Newmark Consultng En0meenng Servces. 68/06/07. MORRIS.PA Atomc Energy Cornmosen (Pro 750119). 76pp. 9804220229 info Notice ,96424 "T. J. ., of Moeded. Case Crcurt Breakers GRIMES.B K. . 96/04/ Consobdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 14pp. did not meet mcommendations of saiety 23 & at present of true value.NRC rec. 88102076 88102 069. ommends that recurements incorporated in face TS. STOHR,J.P. Regon 1, IE 20101 410228). 73/12/21.THORNDU G.H.D. Repon I, IE 9604250172NRC Info Notce 96425. "Treversmg in Core Probe Ovenwthdrawn et La. F20101410228E 1p. sale Couniy Staten.Uma i.- GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/31 Conschdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 10pp. -9604120096 Provides hst of areas en facihty meteorology progrpm in nonconformrce 88102 11148102 120. w/saiety guide 23. BORES.R.J. Regen 1. IE U20101410228). 73/12/21. STOHR.J.P. Repon I, IE 9e04260096 F20101410228). 2pp. GRIMES,B.K. NRC Info Notoe

                       . 96/04/30.        96426. "Recent Coneohdated     EdsonProblems Co. of New w/ York.

Overhead anc Cranes." . topp. 8810212148102-130. -9604170181 Insp rept 54219.'74 02 on 740121-25Volatons noted Masor areas mspected.adminssirabon 3 organizaDon. logs & records.pnmary sys.reactmty control & core pnyscs. auxikary sys.electncas sys.contamment & emergericy power. O Portodic operating reports & rosated .~. 6 GREENMAN.E.G., THOMASN., CAPHTON.D L. Repon 1, IE F20101410228) 74/03/ 27, 20pp. 9004290261 Anrwal Radmiogeal Envron Operstmq*Rept Haddam Neck Staten Radm-Erwron Mannonng Program Jan-Dec 1995. W/960423 fir -9604170294 Insp rept 54219/74-17 on 74111114Volatons rotedMa#or areas CIMOf.R Connecbcut Yarmeo Atome Power Co. DACIMOf.R. Northeast Utilrhes mspected:heartn phymes & chemstry Service Co.95/12/31. 80pp. 88031.27448031353. HYSON.R.R., KNAPP.P.J. Repon I. iE F20101410228). 74/01/03.13pp.


 -9004170300 Forwtrds RO Insp Rept 50-219/73-21 for actxyLinforms that NJ Emer-                       -9604000062 Notifes of closure of AHagabon Rl41 A4255 recewed on 910927 that pency Plan done not meet "Gtade & Checklat for Development & Evalustxm of State                     plant secumy guard observed hovmg seaure & has hatory of segures.No response to Radologmal Emergency Response Plans for Faed Facertes ** State workmg on rev.                       al!ager approonste, based on anonymous nature of allegabort                          l STOHILI.P. Repon 1. LE F20101410228). 74/02/05. THORNBURG.H.D. Atomm                                FUHRME! STER.R. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 92/01/02. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 2pp.

i I Energy Commemon, Drectorate of Regulatory Operations F20101750118).1p. 87860:20047860201. l

 -9604170310 Resers to 740107 Itr transmittmg physcaJ secunty p6sn(s) & requestn0 that it be withheld from pubic declosure as propnetary mio. Agrees that info e propne-           -9604000069 Recommends closure of Allegabon RL91 A4255,recewed on 910927.that tarv                                                                                                armed secunty othcer at plant had hestory of having segures & Observed hevmg see.

zures. SKOVHOLT.D.J. Atome Energy Commemon. Directorate of Ucenamo F20101-750118). 74/03/11.FINFROCK,lA Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 2pp. SMITH,G.C. Regen 1 (Poet 820201). 91/10/04. FUHRMEISTER,R. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 4pp. 87860.20247861228.

 -9004170300 Tha ==== adopted amends to Commisanon Regulaton 10CFR. Parts 50.70.4 73 dtd 731106.Armmds require hcensees to sutml phyuacal secunty p6en by                  -9804000071 Nobfes of closure of Allegaban RL91 A4195.expressm0 concem that 740107.ucensees required to                  physecal protecton agamst endustnal sabotage.           recent wash out of Route 9 bndge.norin of p6 ant,would eMect saa emergency evacu-GOLLER.KA Atome Energy -                   soon, Drectorate of ucensme F20101-750118).               sten paart                                                                           ,

74/06/05.FINFROFK,1,R. Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 2pp. RULAND.W.H. R 1 (Post 820201). 91/08/30. FUHRMEISTER,R. Regen 1 (Post ' 820201). 4pp. 87 :2294 7860:232.

 =0004180065 Sutansts evaluaban of faceity based on map of 731226 28. Health Physcs condibons show dramanc rnprovement ssnce Sept ensp & newly hred Radiabon Pro.                                                                                                              !

inchon Supennsor appears to to dama outstanong job. .mananann78 Notfes of cati recewed from anonymous indwidiel re gettmg bndge ftxed A eft.ct bnd9e beina out had on sne evacuenon arnhty MANN,J. Regon 1. IE F20101410228). 74/02/11. KNAPP.P.J. Atome Energy Com- NAKOSKI.J. NRC hio Detaned A'fdston Gwen. 91/07/15. HARRIS,P. NRC . No De. rn seen (Pro 750119).1p. taned Affliaton Gwert 6pp. 8786023347860.239.

 =0004180177 Informs that map rept 50-219/73-21 documents imdmgs of review of B.

consees emergency planrirs.Inno conducted pnor to autmttal of rewined EP. -9604000115 Docusses aHegaton re W public info plan. GALLINA.C.O. 1, IE F20101410228). 74/02/05. STOHR,J.P. Regen I, IE AMATO.C. NRC - No Detaded Afhlebon Gwert 91/03/12. NRC . No Detaled Affde F20101410228). . abon h 3pp. 87860249 87861251.

-9e04190274 insp rept 50 219/74 21 on 73121(L12 & 18.No vuutatens noted. Major                       -9004090033 Providee evaluabon of potenbal violabon(s) to attempt to reclose Ahega.

areas map: emergency amplementaten procedures, communscations. emergency l ton File Al-94-A4185 re improper matructor & post afterabon of test answer sheets vencies.altamate emergency control conter. area maps & overinysJetters of agree. dunng GET & repoenary protecton exams for plant site access. ment. DURRJ Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/08/30. VITO.D. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 29pp. ) GALLINA,CO., STOHR,J.P. Regen I, IE F20101410228). 74/01/14. 22pp. 8786025347860281. 1

-9804220018 informs of two changes in personnel radaton morttonng program at facil-                  -9804090038 Forwards 4tems on agenda tor ARB dan =auwi on 941213 re plant secun-Ify & behoves that meressed hesith pnyecs staff.TLD sys.addrbonal personnel trammg                  ty asue.W/o enct
    & other changes m                 we provide adequate control of exposure.

ROSS.DA Jersey Power & Light Co. 75/05/06. GIAMBUSSO,A. Dwisson of LEE 4 Ofhce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton (Poet 941001). 94/12/12. Reactor Ucensmg (NRR-1975 only). 2pp. CUNNINGHAM.L., LEE.R. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulaban (Post 941001). GALLOW.A. Ofc or investysbons (Post 880201).1p. 8786026247860282.

-9804220242 Notce of violation from msp on 750121-23 & 27Vioistona noted:sectons
                                                                                                     -9804090048 inform of package to be delrsored on 950124 re plant secunty tacted wrtti secunty               es            or pi     at         locatons,              maues              h A 8 meebng M26 & requesu armngements be nude W
  • Regon I, IE F20101410226). 75/03/11. 2pp. ci sbon fE Ofhoe of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001). 95/01/23. VITO.D.J.
-9804230130 Partially withheld map rept 50 219/75 02 on 750121-23 & 27, Mapor areas                               1       8202 M 4 8 m .2 M M 1

[Ob DEVUN,l. Regon I, IE F20101410228). 75/02/26.1p. Se04020070 Advmes that 951130 rev 34 to physcal secLalty plan conentent w/prov> sons of 10CFR50.54(p) 4 acceptable.

-9604230298 informs that switches not showmg smular malfuncterwig as descnbod in                        KEIMIG.RA Regon 1 (Post 820201). 96/03/22. ROCHE.M.B. Gerioral Puble Utihbes bunetm did 741206.No further acDon planned.                                                         Corp. . GPU Sennce Corp. 3pp. 87725.32747725:329.

ROSS.DA Jersey Centrol Power & upht Co. 75/01/06. O'REILLYJP. Regen 1, IE F20101410228).1p. 9004110195 Requests that NRC reoresentatwo attend 960723pteic haanrq Wi Ocean

-9004230401 Insp rupt 50 219/7500 on 750325-27 & 040610Volabons & deviaban                              County re intenm Spent Fuel Storage Facety at Oyster Creek Nuclear Generatog Sta.

bon. nraed Mapr aress mspected refuesriga health physus. TOSCH.KW. New Jersey. State of. 96/03/27. TRAVERS,W.D. Offlce of Nuclear Ma-HYSON.R.R., KNAPP,PJ Regen t, sc920101410228). 75/05/23.11pp. tonal Safety & Safeguards. 2pp. 87856:10247856303. -9604 rept 20 ni es a "of . 9604160278 Forwards two recent repts litustratmg database concept w/ con.  ! GALUNA,C.O. Region F20101410228). O N 10pp. corned w/rotengemergency mgt & other asues to transportanon radcactwo I maus W/o enet. 5 -9804240154 G *" " '* mapected-Insp re,50,-219/75,13 e is to We sMps onon750505

                                                            -et re07.,No,.viciabons ed caMes & enei,sbon  noted. M,apor areas(E          a                         77      N787      26.

l seats. i PLUMLEE.KW., HAYNES,R.C. Regen 1, IE F20101410228). 75/05/20. 9pp. 9604110118 Responds to 941208tir whch requested acton be taken re plant fue bar. nors & ftr be treated as Petsbon per Secton 2208 of 10CFR. info as bases for annanann,7 Second parbal tinal response to FOIA roguest for records. App G records reauests.hsted. and & bemg made avastabte en PORApp H records partally wrinheid (ret Exemphon RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. GUNTER.P. Nuclear informaban & Resource Senace. 4). DECAMP,W. Affilaton Not Assay 1ed. 5pp. 87847.23747847294. REED.CA Dwmen of Freedom of informaban & Pubhcahone Services (Post 940714). 96/03/14.SHEEHAN.NA Affikahon Not Asmgned.13pp,8788000347860288. 9604180018 Responds to941021 ftr whch roouested action w/ regard to alt reactor le 9anananns7 N-a. T Sensue 950706 teican request for extenamn unif 950811 consees unng Therm @ & that ftr be treated as Pention por 10CFR2.206. RUSSELL.W T. . 96/04/03. CINQUEMANI.DK Afhkabon Not Asmgned.. 4pp. tram 950711 due date re secunty issues noted m Allegaban RL95 A4026. 87887;3174 7887.320. ROGGEJF. NRC . No Datuted Affikanon Gwgrt 95/07/07. CONNER,M. NRC . No Deiaand Afflhanan Gwert 1p. 87860 03547860035. ggg, g ,, p .mananannat Recommends that Allegaton F'l-9$A0040 fine to contwuous fire watch consees T & that Itr be treated as Pettion per 10CFR2206. AJiy for A B battery room bemg performed by sacunty ..disa==ad dunng snsp E ' 50-219/95 06.m Secton 4.3. fire watch activebes is .3 6-CONNER.M. NRC . No Dotaded Afflhatico Gwert 95/05/04. ROGGE.J.F. NRC . No Detailed Affilaston G# vert 6pp. 878600504786&U54. 9604160064 Responds to941021 Itr.whch requested acbon w/ regard to all reactor 5-consees usmg thermo.4ag & that P Bir've ltr be treated as Pet bon per

  "" -"TT- Na ==== u bon Al-95-A4026 re secunty asues at plant                                          10CFR2.206. Forwards retce of " Issuance of Director Deciman Under 10CFR2206."

VITO.D.J. NRC . No Affilmbon Gwert 05/03/27. ROGGE.J. NRC No De. RUSSELA W.T. . 96/04/03. BIRNIE.P. G.E. Stockfir4ders #Jhance Agamst Nuclear taped Affihabon Gewert 32pp 8780005947860090. Power. 4pp. 8788726347887:312. .amaanan199 Informs that G Snuth & D Umroth will sta:part J Lee thaa===i on plant 9504150206 Responds to postcard did941114 whch requested acDon re all reactor b secumy moue atring meetm0 on 950126. I consees usmg & that postcard be treated as Petrbon per 10CFR2.206. l VITO.DJ NRC . No Detaned Affiha'en Gwert 95/01/24. LEE.J. NRC . No Detailed RUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/03 DEBOLT.B. Afghabon Not Asmgned. 3pp. 87880:346 Afhhaton Gwert 1p. 87800-093 87060:093. 87880-348. 9604040209 informs that no further schon entended on part of staff in matter of Allega-Don Rl-94 A 0185 re anproper metructor asmatance & post arterston of test answer 9604180337 Revoed EPlPs.m' ciudng Rev 0 to OEP-ADM 1319.02.Rev 0 to OEP-ADM-sheets areng admsnutrabon of GET for sne - 13 9.04.Rev 5 to EPIP OC .10 & Rev 15 to EPIP-OC .25.W/960415 Itr. DURR.J. NRC No Dotaded Afhhaton Gwert 94/12/28. VfTO.D. NRC . No Detaned ROCHE M B General Pubic Utd bes Corp. . GPU Sonnce Corp. 96/04/15. 209pp. Athhaton Gwen. Sop.87860.0964 7860 105. 87957:023 4 7957.231. -9004040215 Recommends esoeure of Allegabon RL93.A.0013sta trat secunty 9604240211 Responds to 960327 ltr.requestmg member of NRC staff attend annual guard chd not make requered twcRour tour of vital eres & that failtre not re- pibic haanng to determme adequacy & effectmeness of New Jersey rachologcal ported to NRC based on hated mio. emergency response plan. MCCABE.E.C. NRC . No Dotaded Afftletpon Gwert 93/11/29. VITO.D. NRC No Do. TRAVERS.W.D. Oface of Nucies Matenal Sately & Safeguards. 96/04/22. tmied Aff haban Gwert 2pp. 878601064786&107. TOSCH.K.W. New Jersey. State of.1 68010 341 48010:341.

DOCKETEDITEMS 19 G. - , sorreePondenne 9004:302n Ach rees,i of750925 nr id.n addi wo ,e red to compieie of am mods proposed to overcome recenth an 9004110110 Responds to641208 ler wruch requested action be taken re plant fire bar- FINFROCK.I.R. Jersey Cereal Power & Lght75/11/07 Co. gleLEAR,G. fadures.Duman of Re. nors & IIr tie tested as Petiton por Secten 2.206 of 10CFR. Info as bases for actor Laceneng (NRR-1975 only). 20pp. rowests.hsted. RUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/03, GUNTER.P. Nuclear Informanon & Resource Servos. 9004110225 Second parhal response to FolA request for documents. Forwards doce DECAMP,W. Afhhaton Not Asegned. 6pp. 87847.237 87847.294. monts hated m App B. Documents win be placed m PDR. REED.CA Divison of Freedom of informanon & Pubbcations Services (Post 940714). 9004190018 Responds to941021 Itr wtuch requested action w/fegard to a# reactor b. 96/02/13.DEKOK.D. Afhhation Not Assgned. 46pp. consees asung ThermMag & that ter be treated as Petiton por 10CFR2.206. RUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/03. CINQUEMANI.DA Affiliation Not Asegned. 4pp. -9004110264 Recommends that bconsee be reaured to address to NRR. fuel quahty 87657:3174 7887.320. measures to be taken dunng future refuelmg outage & tenfunaton date of791231 De estabbshed for contmued operation. 9604150060 Responds to941026 Itr whch requested action w/ regard to sh reactor 6 MCCABE.E.C. Regon 1, IE P20101410226). 79/07/12. JORDAN.F.L Othee of in-consmes uom0 Thermo.LaL& that Itr be treated as Petmon por 10CFR2.206. specton & Enforcement F50101401210).1p. RUSSELL.W.T. 96/04/va. BENJANA Affshaton Not Asmgned. 4pp. 67887 313 87667.316.

                                                                                              -9004110272Provides todated info re access of NRC Regen 1 personnel to faceities.

0804100064 Responds to041021 Itr.wruch requested acton w/ regard to all reactor 6 G .B NRC No Affikation Gsven. 79/07/02. FINFROCK,LR Jersey coneses uomg thermo.4a0 & that P Barue Itr be treated as Pettion per ' 10CFR2206. Forwards nonce of " Issuance of Dractor Decimen under 10CFR2J06." RUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/03 BIRNIE.P. G.E. Stockholders Alhance Apenst Nuclear -9004110291 Comments on rept dtd 671119 fe fedative motons of dry well.sw Power. app. 87887-26347887:312- chamber & sucson headet NEWMARK.N.M. Nathan M. Newmark Consulun0 Engnmenn0 Senaces. 66/03/26. 9e04150206 Responds to postcard dtd 941114whch roouested acnon re sa reactor Ip MORRIS,PA Atorruc Energy Commemon (Pre 750119). 2pp. consees unang Thermo Laq & that postcard be treated as Petmon per 10CFR2.206. RUSSELLW.T. 96/04/va. DEBOLT.B. Affihation Not Aemgned. 3pp. 87880:346- -9604110293 n in amend 38 re " Seismic Analyms Results of 87880-348. Advises Feedwater Cootant that Sys," tryocton apphcatevin be ante to perform emergency funcien for max eartnauake. NEWMARK,N.M. Nathan M. Newmark Consutbng Engmeenng Senaces. 68/08/07. H. General _. MORRIS.PA Atomic Energy Commiseson (Pro 750119). 76pp. 9004110225 Second perbal response to FOtA request for documents. Forwards docu. -se04120019 Responds to 730927ftr concorrung allegatons about AEC bconses oper-monts hated m App B. Documents will be p6 aced m PDR. anons at Dons reconhrmed that no abnormal releases of radioacave mall REED.CA Drvimon of Frescorn of informaton & Pubhcanons Sonnces (Post 940714). occurred no to paant sustamed. 96/02/13.DEKOK.D. Afflheton Not Asmgned. 46pp. DOUB.W.O. Atorruc Commemon (Pro 750119). 73'11/21.SULLNAN.RJ, New Jersey. State of. 6pp. ~9004100238 Repts danges to plant operstmg personnel wtuch involve posibons for wruch mm quakfmatmns as specified m TS. -9004120027 Summary of 730904meebng w/utd & industry re hmits on Exxon Fuelin ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & Lsght Co. 73/04/23. GIAMBUSSO.A. Atorruc facekly W/hst of attendees. Energy Commemon, Deputy Drector for Reactor Protects (720101750118).1p. WAMBACH.TN. Atonic Energy Commemon, Drectorate of Liceneno F20101-750118). 73/09/20. Atomc Energy Commemon, Directorste of Licenang F20101- -8004100425 Forwards 730206unmormd tir relating to probiams at facility. informs that 750118). 3pp. specal map commencm0 on 730213 Demg conducted & luture accons udl depend on limiinos trom map. 3004120031 Ducusses results of Anbespeted Transents W/o Scram (ATWS) re BWRs. O'WEfLLYJP. Atome Energy Commiasson, Drectorate of Regulatory Operatons FINFROCK,LR. Jersey Central Power & Light Co. 73/12/31. GIAMBUSSO A. Atonuc F20101750118). 73/02/14. ENGELKEN.R.K Atome Energy Commemort Drector. Energy Commiamon, urectorate of Lscenamo (720101750118).10 ate of Regulatory Operanons F20101-750118).1p.

                                                                                             -9004120068 Forwards facihty response to draft envronmental statemertL

-9e04100430 Informs of adverse con & Dons at facil:ty re drum storage areas for "sobd SINS.R.H. Jersey Central Power & Light Co. 73/12/28. MULLER.DA Atomsc Energy waste." storage of rachoeceve chrometed water & personal owpa==e to redation. c-- ,, Drectorate of Lscensmg (720101750118) 2pp.

  • Athhaton Not Asmgnai 73/02/06. Atonne Energy Commmmon (Pre 750119). 5pp.

-9004190200 Responds further to731120 commurucation tansmiteng Itr of731115 re -Semtom Ack recept of 731028W requesMg mvmod ws representng # nuts for operaton of facahty. Inform 9 that Commemon unu contnue to mentam survesilance average planer knear heat generator rate for GE type 4 & il fuel assembhes n p6snt

            **C    Y        " * * ' "h                                                                 O

C .

                                                        P'C   # D"' **

89*' energy JCK,l.R. Central Power acic ate & LightF20im-75mi8). a Leoneng Co.73/11/05.epp.SKOvHOLT,D.J. Atome -3004220034 Reeponds t ltr concommg operatmns of facihty & property in =0004120113 rum- 730914 corwersabon w/Presscent of JCP&L re QA for Waretown.NJ. Informs that envron situaton around facekly a matter of conbnum0 mter. Operatens. informs of talk w/GPU on provieng techruce support est to NRC as evidenced by FES. O'RE!LLYJ.P. Region 1. IE F20101410228). 73/09/17. Regen 1, IE F20101-ABRAHAMA Regen 1, IE F20101410226). 75/04/28. BACHMAN.R. Affikanon Not 01022BL 2pp. Asesgnect 1p.

                                                                                             -9004120115 Summary of731113 meetmg w/util re review of draft OA plan for oper-

-800423007s Forwards copy of ltr sent to ut! re health & safety issues for homeowners atons for plant e r:mity of faaerty. W/o ence. WAMBACH.TN Atomic Energy Commemort Drectnrate of Lscenang F20101 C.M. AffHeton Not Aangned. 75/03/20. Region 1, IE F20101410228).1p. 750118L 73/11/05. SCHEMEL,RJ. Atomic Energy Commemon, Drectorate of Leens-mg (720101750118).1p. 9004220040 Appeals NRC densi of FOLA rowest 95369.fhed on 950917, seeiun0 puchc acceptance actuty repts & related documents m pubhc acceptance acevity 3004120125 Dran===s 730917 corwersabon w/l Fritrock of JCP&L & corwersabons recoros for inled GPU cr a reactors or proposed reactors. tietwoon O'Remy of Region I & Presscent of JCP&L & WG Kuhn.Prescent of GPU. DEKOK.D. Afflhetson M1t 96/02/14. TAYLOR.J.M. Ofc of the Execueve Di. CARLSONAT. Region I, IE F20101410228). 73/09/17. Repon I, IE F20101 rector for Oper6 tons. 4pp. 87 .101 47942.104. 810228). 2pp. -4 Responds to 980220Nr which Lacey Township predad support to h -9804120138 Informs that staff has completed reveu of ATWS & concluded that meas-ee request for exemphon to scheckJie regurement of 10CFR72.62(e) for plant.Advmes uros should be taken m snprove nuclear plant demgns. of NRC ury%standmg that hcensee mtends to with$aw exempaan request Commemon, Drectorate of Lmensmg 9 20101 GIAMBUSSO.A. Atome E TRAVERS.W.D. Othee of Nuclear Matenal Safety & Safeguards. 96/04/01. 750118). 73/10/19. FINFR I R. Jersey Central Power & Light Co. 2pp. PARKER,J.C. Lacey Townsfup, NJ. 2pp 87752:25747752 260. . m Expresses wn=t to neennee request for schasuse exampton from -se04t20140 Summary of 730905 rneebng w/util re QA Plan for Operatens at W c8 sti y 62te).30. day wenng penod after NRC revow of feediness of plant spent g 7 PARKER.J.C Lacey Townshe NJ. 96/02/20 THE CHAIRMAN, JACKSON.SA Com. 750118L 73/09/14. Atomm Energy Commemon, Drectorate of Lconsing F20101 masoners (Post 750119). 2pp. 87752.25947752.280. N118h 3PD-

                                                                                             -9004120142 Ack recespt of730824 lir requeseng that Commason be informed of ac-P. Opereung moones atm9e documents & correspondence                                              cons taken to compey w/ order for mod of heense & max power novel attanable at piant 9004140036 Raouests -                                                                            $1MS.R.H. Jersey Central Power & Light Co. 73/08/27. GIAMBUSSO.A. Atome

_.J._ raer aan exposure tifo conesstent w/ Regulatory Energy Commmeerk Duectorate of Lmensmo F20101-750118). 2pp. pcaston for CY71M due e s M 50 0 20 F R. Co -9804120149 Responds to730824 ltr encloesng Itrs from HJ Kurtz & J & A Dennes re emnron rnpact of piants. Forwards draft envron statement for Oyster Creek & fmal on- =w14 Informs beenese plans to mcrease storage capacny of SFSP at facihty wron statement for Forked Rsver.W/o encts. to ammicrate pose tWe snortage of SFS GIAMBUSSO.A. At.arruc Energy Commesen. Drectorate of Lscensmg (720101 FINFROCK,lA Central Power & Light . 75/09/19.GOLLER.E.R. Dnnmon of 750118). 73/09/13. SANDMAN.C.W. House of Rep. 2pp.

                                                                                             -9004120164Dama.aams facihty tot:il storage capacity for spent fuel assembhes & NRC 9004220281 Raouests that util inform NRC by 760112.of date util entends to submit                www mabety to provide wno6e core storage r vauty on este undessrable.

rept,m order for NRC to scheduto completon of review. BRUNNER.E.J. Regen I, IE P20101410228). 73/12/17. THORNBURG.H.D. Regen LEAR.G. Onnsen of Reactor Leconung (NRR-1975 onlyt 75/12/23. FINFROCK.I.R. t. lE F20101410228).1p. Jersey Central Power & Light Co. 2pp.

                                                                                             -9004120100 Docusses tir to Drectorate of Lmensmg from Vermont Yankee Nuc6 ear 9004220200 Forwards list of SF shipments left at plant as of 751217.                             Power Corp.dtd730306 Ltr enci.

GREENMAN.E.G. Alome Energy Commenon (Pro 750119). 75/12/22.Atomac Energy CARLSON.R.T. Atome Energy Commason, Drectorate of Regulatory Operatons Commmmon (Pro 750119). 2pp. p20101-750118). 73/04/08. S4MS.R.H. Jersey Central Power & Lagnt Co.1p. I


    -9804120175 Informs of conenued renew of Regulatory Staff Draft Eruron Statement                      -9604150057 Confrms telecopier transtmetal of 730824 Itr from A wambuso w/AEC re snauance of fuiLierm OL for facety & simmits comments supparung certain recom.                     " Order for Mod of Lcense. & Appenda I of order that contans changes to TS menostons O'CONNOR.P W. Atorme Energy Commission. Drectcrate of Lcensing F20101-                    j SULUVAN.RJ. New Jersey. State of. 73/09/12. MUNTZING.LM. Abmc Energy                                  750118). 73/08/24. Atome Energy Comtrassion, Drectorate of Lconsmg 9 20101-Commesson (Pro 750119). 2pp.                                                                          750118).1p.                                                                              1 1
    -9604120142 Responds to 730709 ftr reauesteg comments on AEC Draft Ermron                             -9604150061 informs of telephone rept re Statement relatmo to proposed usuance of fun. term OL t JCP&L tor contmued oper-                                                                        nont flx on diesel     tors at plant.

atson of facery. Concludes that facety needed to meet proiected loads on sys. GREENMAN.E.G. Atome Energy on (Pro 7 73/ M/09 CAPHTON.D.L Atome Energy Commesson (Pro 750119).1p. PHILUPS.TA Federal Power Commiseson. 73/09/12. MULLER.D.R. Atome Energy Commason, Drectorate of ucensing U20101,750118). 3pp.

                                                                                                          -9604150074Confrms recent verbal communcatons made by Gcensee to AEC staff re
   -96041201se Forwards requested mfo to fuel densfcatiort                                                   fusi densafcation. EXXON nuclear fust.intorms that iconsee taderstandmg a that par-FINFROCK.I.R. Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 73/12/14. SKOVHOLT.DJ. Atome                           bcularty conservatwo restnctons on operaton temporary Energy Commasort, urectorate of Leonemo U20101750118). 5pp.                                                                    Central Power & Ught Co. 73/08/24. SCHEMEL.R.J. Atomac BARTNOFF.S.

Energy Conwnesson M, urectorate of Loonsmg F20101750118). 2pp.

   -9604120207 Responds to comrmmcaton of 731005 from HJ Kurtz re operaton of peanLStaff concluded that long term operaton of plant under exstng condit ons tot                  -9604150077 Ack receipt of 721113 lir informang NRC that *pnar to 730601.utd wiu subrmt to AEC for approval descretion & analyses of Oassous & radweste sys UGSOA Atome E                 Comrmsson. Drectorate of Ocensmg F20101-                               *
  • P '*

750118). 73/10/30. CASE,C.P. te. 2pp. g

                                                                                                             *"gy)HO"*LT          tocS'"                             ocwats of               20101 750118L 73/06/25. SIMS.R.                Central Power & Ugnt Co. 2pp.
   -96       202                 conversaton w/ uni on 73426 concermng higNaght @

gt -9404150064 Sutxmts si@pl 4 to facihty change request 4.lndcanng that resported

  • Atome Energy Commason (Pro 750119). 73/10/29. Alome Energy Commason values for beginmng of cycle a man reactwny eMecevo muluphcaton factors consenre-Pro 750H9).19 flNFROCK.l.R. Central Power & Light Co. 73/05/22. GIAMBUSSOA Atome
   -9804120215 Responds to 731010 request for addl into to 730920 outwmttal enttled.                         Energy Commason,               Drector for Reactor Protects (720101750118). 3pp.          )
       'Frohmenary Descripton & Analysm of Proposed Mods to Ga*= 1 awl & sohd Ra-cloacave Weste Treatment Sys for Oyster Creek Nucteer Genera               Staton.~               -96041500e9 intomis that AEC did not have suffeient eme to complete evaluaton of FINFROCK,1.R. Jersey Central Power & Lsght Co. 73/12/13. ' EMEL.R,J. Atome                            amend 72 to appicaton for OL m order to meet refusing scheduleRequests enci Energy Cornmissaan, urectorate of Lcensmg U20101750118). lipp.                                        addl mfo e order to comp 6sne evaluaton.

SKOVHOLT.DJ. Atome Energy Comrmsson, Drectorate of Ucenseg F20101-

  -9604120226 Provides anasyses of effect of densifcation dunng steadv ' tate                                750118). 73/06/13.SIMS.R.H. Jersey Central Power & Ugnt Co. 8pp.

operatons, transients & postulated accedents m Itr of 730815. SKOVHOLT.DJ. Atome Energy Commesson, Drectorate of Uconsan -9604150095 Responds to 730413 request for suppi radiaton exposure into 750118). 73/10/26. FINFROCK.l'R. Jersey Central Power & Leght Co. 2pp.g F20101 ROSS.DA Jersey Centrat Power & Ught Co. 73/06/13. SKOVHOLT.D.J Atome Energy Commason, Drectorate of Lcensmo (720101750118E 1p.

  -9604120234 Ack receipt of 731002 Itr mdcatino plans to siermt plans & scheduled for assign & engi          of Post LOCA Hydrogen Control Sys dunng wt of 731015.

FLOSS.DA Jersey tral Power & Ugnt Co. 73/10/19 SKOVHOLT,0.J. Atome -96041500s6 Forwards staff conclusone on BWR fuel densifcaten for GE fuel & Exxon fuel respeenvoly & provide essenhal elements to be included to account for Energy Commesson. Drectorate of Loonsmg (720101-750118). 2pp. effects of fusi densiferaton m facility core. Requests analyses & other ratesent data.

  -9804120266 Requests ads into in order to complete review of Exxon Fuel m Oyster                           SCHEMEL.R.J. Atome Energy Commason, Drectorate of Uconang F20101-Creek cycle 8 core & response should be subrmtted by731214.                                            750118). 73/07/16. SIMS,R.H. Jersey Central Power & Ugnt Co.15pp.

SKOVHOLT,D.J. Alome Energy e- - Directorate of Ucensm 750118). 73/12/13. FINFROCK.I.R. Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 6pp.g F20101--9604150102 Forwards conospondence between regon I.Drectorate of Regulatory Op eratons & Jersey Central Power & Co.

  -9604120300 Responds to 731120 communecaion transmittng Kurt Itr dtd 731115 re                                                                                   '

20 6 wee copes d mpndence m W i & DE m U Atome E 750118). 73/12/10. CASE.S Commason, Drectorste of Lconsmg F20101-

                                              .te.1p.                                                    -N  SMITH.J.E. Regon 1, IE F20101410228). 73/10/03.MOTT.S. Ocean County, NJ.10 ton on n        oNtm                      YeNshousd sNN                             ~"J0*,8[eD,",C",****    n,, '*"*"""*d,,d,*C,,*on o c a. on csve pararty on piant er tamre a rept SKOVHOLT.DJ. Atome E                   Comtmason Drectorate of Ucensmg F20101-                         Davis J.G. At mc Ener                          (Pro 750119). 73/10/03. O'REILLY.J.P.

750118). 73/12/05.FINFROC R. Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. Opp. ##"* b"EY 'NI b 'P'

  -9604150001 Confirms 730906 teicon w/J Carrol re possibikty of inverted absortnr                      -8604150134 Forwards comments relanng to Draft Envron Statement for fachty.

tubes m control rods at plant. Shutdown margm tests on comrol rods to vertfy that run RUSSO.J.J. New Jersey. State of. 73/08/22. Atome Energy Commmeon (Pro snutdown margm of at least 0.0075 be purtarmed dunna outage in Sept. 750119) 6pp. SKOVHOLT.D J. Atomsc Energy Comrmsson. Drectorate of Uconsmg F20101- 1 750118). 73/09/07.FINFROCK,l.R. Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 2pp. -9604150139 Forwards amends to regulatons in 10CFR50.70 & 73 to strengthen physi- J cal protection of reactor facil;bes & of SNMs W/o enci.

  -9604150008 informs of results of shutdown margn demonstraton performed for piant                          SKOVHOLT.D.J. Atome Energy Commason, Drectorate of Ucensmg 9 20101-reactor core on 730927 28 as per 730907 request.                                                       750118). 73/11/30.FINFROCK,6A Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 2pp.

ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 73/10/16. SKOVHOLT,0.J. Atorme Energy Commason, Drectorate of Uconsmg F20101750118). 3pp. -9604150144Submrts comments re Draft Envern impact Statement on facihty.W/rado. logeal effects.

 -9804150 F ' imits addibonal irdo re draft envron impact statement for                                     CROMWELLP. Health & Human Services. Dept of. 73/08/22. MULLER.D.R. Atome plantRek (4c - hologens Lt31 & b133 m gaseous effluent from plant substannally                         Energy Conymssen, Drectorate of Ucensing F20101-750118). 4pp.

above pri1 a ed App i to 10CFR50 guidehnes & not metuded in enft statement GALLER.4 " Commerce. Dept of 73/09/06. MULLER,D.R. Atome Energy Comrms. -9604150154 Forwards util 10. day rept to power loss on 730908. een, Drectorate of Ucensmg F20101750118). 2po. CARLSON.R.T. Regen L lE F20101410228). 73/10/03.AMATO.C.G. Jersey Central Power & Ught Co.1p.

 -9604:50013 N- 730920 eir transrmitng prearmnary desenpton & analyses of proposed mod to gaseous. liquid & sohd radoacave waste Westment syn of piant                       -9604150160 Responds to 730709 ftr addressed to Captain Reedel re Draft Envron ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & Ught Co 73/10/16. GIAMBUSSOA Atorme Energy Commason, Drectorate of Ucensog F20101750118). 2pp.                                             impact Statement for tacinny.No comments or obpectons to proiect.

PRsCE.R. Transportaten. Dept of. 73/08/21. MULLER.D.R. Atome Energy Comrms.

 -9604150014Submsts comments to draft ersvron impact statement for proposed plant                           **"'       *#'               "O
                                                                                                                                                    " " "8
               . R               . Dept of. 73/09/04. MULLER.D.R. Atome Energy Comme.

son, Drectorate of Ucensmg F20101750118). 6pp. ~N $ Med a' *'9"'"' ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 73/10/02. SKOVHOLT.S.J. Atome l I

 -9404150024 Requests adcs kifo in order to comp 6ete review of rept, "Prek                    Do.          Energy Comnuson, Dreewate of Lcensing F20%7501141p.

0 A"* * ' ' ~ l 9 ,o, Oy Nuces Gen'ua -9604150191 Forwards copies of correspondence between Regen I & JCP&L W/o l 11 ) 3 0/10 NFR .R. Cental P Co SurTH.J.E. Regen I, IE F20101410228). 73/10/01.MOTT S. Ocean County, NJ.1p.

 -9604150026 Informs that proposed Emnron TS for plant cannot be subtrutted until                       -9604150193Advmes that drywell vacuum treakers in SWR plants have failed to per-               I 731105                                                                                                 form properly & requests that acton be taken to correct problem.

FINFROCK.l.R. Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 73/08/30. MULLER.D.R. Atome SCHEMELRJ Atomic Energy Comr wssen. Drectorate of Ucensmg 920101-Energy ^ , Drectorate of Ucensmg F20101-750118).1p. 750118). 73/01/22.SIMS.R.H. Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 4pp.

 -9804150044 Discusses further opera                irruts for ten BWRs. informs that hendt curves      -9604150196 informs of status of mem steam moiston valve evaluaten in response to for each reactor from row TS                  to responsd>ie Regen today for use m deter.              730a03 lir.

rmning complance immediate compliance w/orcer recured by teicon rept 960827. ROSS.D A. Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 73/10/01. SKOVHOLT.D.J. Atome KNUTH.D.F. Atome Energy Comtression. Drectorate of Regulatory Operatens Energy Comrmsson, Drectorate of Ucensmg (720101-750118). 2pp. F20101750118). 73/08/24. Atomm Energy Comrmsson, Dreewate of Regulatory i Operatens F20101750118). 3pp. -9604150204 Informs that Muntang expressed personal mterest an case to J Dave con- ) commg possibikiy of bemg subsected to iogal acton by state as result of proper acton

 -9404150055 Forwards rept of special study comed out on plant Feb radweste corm                           on part unoer AEC regiaraments.                                                              ,

poene CARLSON.R T. Atorme E Comrmsson, Drectorate of Reguistory Operatons s 1 PERCfvALD R Atomic Energy Commason (Pro 750119). 73/05/23. EYERETT.R.J. F20101-750118). 73/07/12. ON.D.L. CANTRELLF.S., SNYDER.G.L Atomc i Regon I, IE F20101410228). 5pp. Energy Comrmsson (Pro 750119) 10

I l l l I i l DOCKETEDITEMS 21 l I l -9604150208 Responds to 730716 ltr requesting necessary analyses & other relevant -9604160048 Forwards reproduced agnature copes of change request 15, perntting cats tor determmme cormequences of densifcetion & effects on normal use of XN-1 cntcal neat flux corrolabon for determnation of safety hmets for opershon operatum.antcupated transents & accKients at facArty utmg AEC . of F ft m order to provide tugh novel of Conhdence. f FINFROCK.l.R Jersey Central Power & bght Co. 73/08/15. EMEL.RJ. Atonc FINFROCK,l.R. Jer Central Power & bght Co. 73/05/10. GIAMBUSSO.A. Atome Energy Comnusseon, practorate of bconomg 920101750118). 23pp. Energy Comfrusacn, Drector for Reactor Propects P20101750118).1p. l -9604150209 Docusses 730813teicon w/l Fmfrock to latest mio on what mfo papers -g604160051 Appication for amend to hcense DPR-16. change request 15,to permit use have because of maeor meetnq w/ local reeadents m Lacey TownshqxRequests that of XN.1 cnbcal heat flux correlaton for deteranahon of safety Irnrts for operaton of ! any mio grven to press m future no forwarded plant. O'MEILLY,J P Alome Energy Commsson (Pro 750119). 73/08 " 4. Atome Energy

  • Jersey Central Power & bght Co.73/05/10. 6pp.

Commason (Pro 750119). Ip.

                                                                                             -9604160140 Docusses FSSEB frst acton requests l -9604150210 Informs that 730907 ftr to concems about posaitzlety that control rods fat >      CARLSON.R.T. Regon t. IE F20101410228). 73/05/03. THORNBURG.H.D. Regen nceted oy GE may have pomon tubes                                                         1. IE F20101410228). 2pp' i

SKOVHOLT,0.J. Atome Energy Commason, Drectorate of Licanang P20101-l 750118). 73/09/28.FINFROCK,1.R. Jersey Central Power & Lqfit Co. 3pp- -9604160146 Informs that I comments re procedure 216. plant channel samp6e

 -9404150217 Dem= mas 730810 teicon e/Technmal Editor,al Wnter on staff of PNiadel-                                                        ' h*'

CMTR R E"nwy (P /05M Amme Enwgy phia Evenmg Bul6stm re arbe6e wntion on overall estustion at tacolity.S@ ports nuclear power & concemed other protects may tie affected t y artuaton. n-- '(Pro 750119).1p' 0 PA E Comrusson (Pro 750119). 73/06/13. Atome Energy l -9604160152 Forwwds three s & 37 reprodwed em copies W W 5 2 l apphcatKm for fun.lerm Icense planL

 -9604150221 informs that K Kendall, student at Ryder Cobege. requested phone numbw            FINFROCK,t.R.            Central Power & Ught Co. 73/05/02. SKOVHOLT.DJ. Atomac a         to talk w/adrrurustrator to paper on Admrustraton of Power Plants.              Energy Cornasoon, ectorate of bconsmg p20101750118) 1p.

F. Regon I, IE F20101410228). 73/07/10. Regon I, IE U20101-WW WM rp27MWm c cesk drop protecten syn.

 -9604150225 Forwards - ~,h between Regon I,Drectorate of Regulatory                           FINFR       .l.R. Josey Central Power & bght Co.73/05/02. 6pp.

Operatons & Jersey Central Power & tsght Co. W/o enci CAREY.P. Regen I, IE P20101410228). 73/06/28. MOTT.S. Ocean County. NJ.1p. -9604160180 Forwards copses of correspondence between regon 1, Drectorate of Reg. usatory Operanons & util W/o enct

 -9604150227 Ack of receipt of 721229 General Electnc Co Topcal Rept, "Densifcation            CAREY,P. Flagen 1, IE P20101410228). 73/04/30. MOTT.S. Ocean County. NJ.1p.

Conssoera1mns m BWR Fuel Deegn & Performance.." Rept fulfills requrements of 721120 request for mm. -9604160196 Forwards procedure 216. " Oyster Creek Channel Sample Shipment." SIMS.R.H. Jersey Central Power & bght Co. 73/01/18. GIAMBUSSO A. Atome ROSS.D.A. Jersey Central Power & bght Co. 73/04/26. O'REILLYJA Regon 1. IE Energy Commason, Deputy Drector for Henctor Profects F20101750118). 2pp. p20101410228).10pp.

 -4604150230 Forwards correspondence between RegKm 1.Drectorate of Regulatory                -9604160201 Provides ento on730308teicon & conversatwns re facility stack releases Operstons & Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. W/o encl.                                     & Mw,Dermott te4 con to pressure Iconsee for base to contmue power level w/ current CAREY,P. Regon I, IE U20101410228). 73/06/06. MOTT.S. Ocean County. NJ.1p.                release rates.

CAPHTON.D.L Regen 1, IE F20101410228). 73/03/14. Regen I, IE P20101

 -9604150237 Forwards "Prehmmary Summary Rept on Snubber Repar ActMtes Dunng                   810228). 2pp.                                                                           l Sonn01973 Refusiing Outage." Suggests that rept be treated as propnetary mto pending mceipt of une rept                                                              .g604160217 Submits status rept on OC-1.

HOWmD.E M Atomic Energy Commessen, Drectorate of Regulatory Operahans EVERETT.RJ. Alome Energy Commissen, Drectorate of Regulatory Operatens P20101-750118) 73/08/01. REINMUTH.W G. Atome Energy Commason, Drecto'- F20101-750118). 73/04/74.STOHRJ.P. Regen I, IE U20101410228).19 sto of Regulatory Operatens P20101750118).1p.

                                                                                             ~*                                          "                 *
 -9604150263 Forwards correspondence betwoon Regen I.Drectorate of Flagulatory                 ne                           fue Opemtons & Jwsey Centml Power & Lsght Co. W/o ed                                          FINFROCK.lA Central       bappie     '" '73/04/23. SKOVHOLT.D.J. Atome
                                                                                                                                         & Legnt Co.

CAREY.P. Repon L IE F20101410228). 73/07/17.MOTT S. Ocean County. NJ.1p. Energy Commisson, te of Lcensmg F20101-750118). 4pp.

 -4604        263                         HO RH Srns of JCh re facihty. Requests that
                          ,e,            p                                                   -9604160259 Responds to 730215 tir transmittmg resoluton adopted ty Townsh'o CARLSONAT. Atome E                  Commason. Drectorate of Regula           Operations   Cannttee d Townsnip W Ocean on 730m m Ash k4m ce Jan & Dec 1972 m Oyster 20       50 8 1p.                                                     0
  • 8 03 0 CASE C
 -9604150286 informs that effectve 720907.lR Fintrock assumed cuties of Voe Pres, dont - Generanon for JCP&LFuture correspondence concoming subract staten should         -9604160295Rescends to 730409 rete.imnantang E Angood 730301 ler m dacharges be addressed as adcated                                                                   from plant & effect on fish m Creek.

SIMS.R.H. Jersey Central Power & bgnt Co. 73/07/12. GIAMBUSSO.A. Atome GLAMBUSSOA Atorrsc Enerav Commesen. Deputy Drector for Reactor Projects Energy Commason. Deputy Drector for Reactor Prolacts U20101-750116).1p. F20101750118). 73/04/18. CASE.C.P. Senate. 2pp.

  -9604150324 Informs that EPA has reviewed draft envron impact statement for prt>           -9604160298 Documents 730417 telcon from C Amato re anonymous phone call re-posed inssuance of full-term operaton beense for contmumg opershon of paant.              cowed n whch caner ciasmed that personnel at plant recemng exceserve MEYERS.S. Envronmental Protection Agency. 73/09/25. MUNTZING.LM. Atome                    exposures.mcksdmg spectfcalty dunng curmnt mfuehng outage Energy Commseson (Pro 750119) 2pp.                                                        CARLSON.B. Atome Eneroy Comnsson (Pro 750119). 73/04/17 Atome Energy Commason (Pro 750119). fpp.
  -9604150329 Forwards 730718 ftr re subs matter hovmg possib6e apphcabikty to plant.

CARLSONAT. Atome Erergy ^ . (Pro 750119). 73/07/26. FINFROCK,t R. -9604160302 Forwards correspondence between repon 1,Drectorate of Regulatory Op-Jersey Central Power & Ught Go.1p. eratons & utitW/o enct. CAREY,P. Regen 1. IE F20101410228). 73/03/05.MOTT.S. Ocean County NJ.1p.

  -9604150334 Forwards "Prehmmary Summary Rept on Snubber Reper ActMbes Dunng 1973 Retuohng Outage."                                                          -9604160303Authonres loadmg of 148 EXXON Type lilE fuel assembles in configure.

CAR .T. Jersey Central Power & bght Co. 73/07/26. O'RE!LLYJ.P. Regon I, ton described m facihty change request 4 & suppi 1 IE U20101410228).1p. SKOVHOLT.D.J. Atome Energy Commason. Drectorate of Leenung 9 20101-750118). 73/04/18. SIMSAH. Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 2pp.

  -9s04150344 1973 Refusing"%utage.

O Surnmary Rept on Snubber Reper ActMDes Dunng Spnng -8604140305 Docusses evaluaton of cycle 3 reload for plant to loadng only. RONEAH. Jersey Central Power & Ught Co.73/07/18. 8pp. WAMBACH.T.V. Atomc Energy Commisson. Drectorate of Licensmg (720101

  -960415030s Raouests authonrahon to conduct Icw power analyses tests w/ reactor head remrwed & power less than 5 MWL h,                     N                  '

FINFROCK.I.R. Central Power & Ught Co. 73/05/15. SKOYHOLT D.J. Atome -9604160310 informs that str to Drectorate of beenmng.AEC.from Boston Eckson Co Energy Commason, orate of Lcensang F20101750118).1p- dtd 730110 recentry pieced in PDR. Forwards copy of ftr as sub) matter discussed felt

  -96041503ee rha==== fua term operatng bconse & TS review for stated faches.                  $8'S'ON L            Regen'i, E      20 1 4 10228). 73/03/01. SIMS.R.H. Jersey Central Cf.EPPLERJ.G. Atome E               Commason. Drectorate of Regulatory Operatons F20101-750118). 73/01/17.            LSONAT., HOWARD.E.M., BRUNNER.EJ. Regen              % g 9 g 3D' L IE F20101410228). 4pp.
                                                                                             -9604160358Tnp rept to facierty on 730221 to obten spht sampne of off gas sta::k gas
  -9604150403 Authonres operston of plant voactor w/ cycle 3 reload fuel as described          partculates & charcoal cannters & pen % composaa of lousd mdwesteDiscussed m facetty change recpsest 4 & suppl 1                                                     sodne release sher startup whch seemed larger than norma.

SKOVHOLT,DJ. Atomac Energy Commason, Drectorate of Ucenang F20101 EVERETT.R.J. Regen I, IE F2010141022a). 73/03/01. Regon I, IE F20101-750118). 73/05/15.SIMS.R.H. Jersey Central Power & bgnt Co.1p. 810228).10

  -9604150410 Forwards spata sheet for mods to " General info Guide for Conscerabon          -9604160365 Forwards copes of correspondence between regon f, Drectorate of Reg-of Eflects of Pipsng Sys Break Outside Contanment.-                                       usatory Operatons & util W/o enci.

SKOYHOLT.DJ. Alome Ennrgy Commemon, Drectorate of Lcensmg U20101 CAREY.P. Regon 1, IE U20101410228). 73/04/09. MOTT.S. Ocean County, NJ.1p. 750118). 73/01/16.SIMSAM. Jersey Geneal Power & Ugnt Co. 3pp.

                                                                                             -9604160387 Forwards 730215 memo from RH E               ken to FE Kruem to JCP&L facekty
   -9604140038 Der === spin of cfvomsted water at D6 ant                                       - Valve Testmg Followmg Pnmary Sys Blowdown               ence of721229 RYAN.A.F. Regen L IE F20101410228). 73/05/14. Region 1. IE F20101410228).                O'RElLLY J P, Regon I. IE U20101410228). 73/02/23. FINFROCK.I.R. Jersey Cen-2pp.                                                                                     tal Power & bght Co.19
   -9604160042 Forwards copes of correspondence between regon I, Drectorate of Reg.          -9604160393Submrts correcDvo acbon ptanned for facerty blowdown on 721229 ulatory Operatons & unLW/o enci.                                                         CANTRELL.F.S. Region I, IE U20101410228). 73/02/23. Regon 1. IE F20101-CAREYA Repon I, IE F20101410228). 73/05/11. MOTT.S. Ocean County, NJ.1p.                 810228). 3pp.

l l


 -9604160400Docusses 730222teicon w/B Hams from TrorWon Times.bsts questas                   -9604170136 Expresses apprecaton for erwiron measurements recently taken at asked re facimy irWorms that no attack or defense snown.

facety Commends J McLaughhn.C Gogolax & W Lowier for cooperaton m obtammg O'REILLYJ.P. Regon L IE F20101410228). 73/02/22. Regen 1. IE F20101- data for Regulat on. 810228).1p. KUHLMAN.C.W. Atome Energy Commason, Drectorate of Regulatory Operatons P20101-750118). 74/03/29. HARLEYJ.H. Atormc Energy Commesson (Pro 750119).

 -9604160400 Dessases telcon w/t Finerock on730216re certam aspects of B Engel.                 1p.

kan noie tu F stuem of 730215 on facekty valve testing.intormed of bases of ftr & pieased w/ response from uta.

                                                                                             =9604170148 informs that Health & Sately Laboratory pleased to asset in talung fold O'RElLLY.J.P. Regen 1. IE F20101410228). 73/02/20. Regon 1. IE F20101-                      .. . _. _ . . at facskty. informs tnat representanves trem regonal ote contact Haney 810228).10                                                                                  for arvangements
 -8604180417 Responds to request for mio rept to Jan fish mortalttees whch occurred at LIVERMAN.JL Atome Er                   Commasen (pre 7501191. 74/03/11. KNUTH.D.F.

Atomsc Energy Commason, actorate of Regulatory Operstons P20101-750118). tacety.lederms that area of concem unoer contmang study by company through use 1p. of appropnele consultants to deveioo program to rnenemste recurrence. ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & Light Co. 73/02/14. O'REILLY,J.P. Regon 1. IE -9604170171trWorms that asuance of ETS m 1974 warranted.nocessary & m best Wrter. F20101410228). 2pp. ests of Commmaon.

 -9604160431 Forwards apphcaten for amend 72 to iconse DPR-18, authonzmg                        O'REILLY.J.P. Regen I IE F20101410228). 74/10/07. DAVLS.J G. Atomic Energy
    .-..:..           . . & s1orage of up to 1.000 kg of smtamed Pu-239 & Pu.241                Commesen. Drectorate of Regulatory Opersbons F20101750118). 2pp.

SIMS.R.H. Jersey Central Power & t Co. 73/04/04. GiAMBUSGO.A. Atome Energy Communen. Deputy Drector for Propects P20101-750118) 1p- -9604170194 Docusses gaseous waste treatment sys & regurements for e of revow of proposed moos. Proposed mods for non.eemmc g seous redwaste sys ac-Cootabie proinOed that hsted actons completed.

    .-,-E-Apphcaton for amend 72 to iconse DPR-18.autrormn9                          LEAR.G. Regen t, IE F20101410228). 74/10/01. FINFROCK.LR. Jersey Central 8 storage of up to 1.000 kg of contamed Pu 239 & Pu 24 t.

SIMS.R H Jersey Central Power & Laght Co.73/04/04. 3pp. Power & Light Co. 4pp.

-9604160442 Forwards suppe 2 to change request 4.reques ton to load & operate core w/four mmed once fusied Commisson authonza-assembhas mcluded m p2                      2 Centr     ower[Leght Co        /06 7A          Energy Commason, configuraton ossenbad m facihty cnange recpest 4                                            Drectorate of Loensmo U20101-750118). 4pp' namn Deputy ector for               or Prc. F20     750    .p         ~8804                         "     4           e ing            is u a pr med changes to plant S part rewsow
-9804160446Appicanon for amend to Econse DPR 16.authormng use of plant type IV                  RIESLAND,J.L Atome Energy Commason, Drectorate of '                     F20101750118).

fuel bundies. designed & fabncated by Exxon Nuclear Co. 74 /ie LEAR.G. Atoms Energy Commason. Drectorate of gI j0' U20101-SIMS R.H. Jersey Central Power & bght Co.73/04/04. 44pp.

-9s04160450 Sutmts uni plans for contmuod operaten & control of effluents.per                -9604170231 in8orms of present operatmg status of piant to requrements of 730308 memo.                                                                                10CFR50.46 ENGELKEN.R H. Atome Energy Commesen. Drectorate of Regulatory Operatens                     FINFROCK.LR. Jerse                                     74/09/12. GIAMBUSSO,A. Atome (720101-750118). 73/04/03. SKOVHOLT.D.J. Atome Energy Commason, Drectorate                  Energy Commesamn,              y Central practorate         Power &

of Leonsmg Light Co. F20101750118). 3pp. of Regulatory Opersoons F20101750118). 2pp.

-9004160456 Requests adcs info to complete review of 730118 & 0222                              & instased alarm sys.

submit:als. describing cycle 3 core loadmg for plant. Response should be autmytted by GREENMAN.E.G. Atomm Energy Commmamn (Pro 750119). 74/09/12. 730416. DRUNNER,E.J. Atomsc Energy Comnsason (Pro 750119). 2pp. SCHEMEL.RJ. Alomm Energy C_ . Drectorate of Lcenomg F20101-7501185 73/04/03.SIMS.R.H. Jersey Central Power & bght Co. 8pp. -9604170253 Responds to 740220 ftr concommg fac# tty & effects on Oyster Creek uanna

-9s04160468 informs that isolanon valves have been metalled ri mom steam kne of                 MEYERS,S. Erwronmental Protecten Agency. 74/03/18. GIAMBUSSOA Atome BWR to assure that any sogenicant rosesse of fason products retamed witnin contam-          Energy Commissen, Deputy Dractor for Reactor Projects U20101-750118).1p.

ment sys. 6KOVHOLT,0.J. Atome Energy Cu. . . . . . Drectorate of Lconsmg F20101- -9604170255 Forwards for mio & 6-. _ _ . .m,rewmed schedule for review of apph-750118). 73/04/03.SIMS.R.H. Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 9pp. ca1 ion for converson of provisonal OL to FTOL for plant.

-9604170025 Responds to request from F Centree to control rod dnvo selector switch             GIAMBUSSOA Atome Energy Commason, Drectorate of Lcenomg F20101 750118). 74/09/12.FINFROCK.LR. Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 3pp.

fadure. ROSS.DA Jersey Conval Power & Ught Co. 73/02/08. O'REILLYJ.P. Regen I, IE -9604170258 Discusses Oyster Creek incore Monster Houemg Penetraton Leak. F20101410220).19 GRIER.B.H. Atome Energy Corrimisseort Drectorate of Regulatory Operatons U20101-750118L 74/06/05.GOLLER.K.R. Atome Energy Commason, Drectorate of -9604170049 Sutmts memo re high I.131 reeease rate at facility for Headquarters Lcensing F20101-750118). 3pp. actort STOHRJP. Atomc Energy Commason. Drectorate of Regulatory Operatens -9634170282 Advises that autwnsttal on ATWS wiB be delayecLProposes to sutmt rept F20101-750118). 73/02/08.PELLETIER.CA Atomc Erergy Commmemn, Drectorate by 741101, of Regulatory Operatons F20101-750118). 3pp. FINFROCK.l.R. Central Power & bght Co. 74/09/11. GIAMBUSSOA Atome Energy Commission, is of Lcensing F20101750118).1p. -9604170055 Informs that 721117 ftr to Drectorate of Lcensmg from FPL recenpy pieced m PDR HOWARD.E.M. Regen I, IE U20101410228). 73/02/06. SIMS.R.H. Jersey Central -9604170205 Summanres 740906 meetmg w/util & GE re proposed TS for plant Power & Ught Co 1p. vacuum treakers.Portons of UW reactor conta#nment uog ritograted leek rate test Old June 1974 enct -9604170000 Danaan putdc retabons can on730126from F result of an" 750 ) 2"3pp from C Abraham of Phsadesprue Buineun. re tacabty blowdown on 721229. NTRELL.F.S. Regen 1, IE F20101410228). 73/01/26. Regen 1, IE (720101 810228). 2pp. -9604170287 Docusses Emaoronmental TS at Oyster Creek face' ty. OREILLYJ.P. Regen L lE F20101410228). 74/06/06. DAVIS).G. Atome Energy -9004170062 Summary of740906meenno w/uts re p6 ant vacuum treakers TS.Let of Ca i Drectcrate of Regulaw Opershons U20%750uey 1p. D Atome Ener Commason, Drectorate of Lacansmo F20101750118). -e604170290 Provides into requestad by F Cantree of TJ McCluskey to fuel channel 74/10/09. Atome Energy Drectorate of Leenang 9 20101-750118). 5pp. f0SS Central Power & Ught Co. 73/01/11. O'REILLYJP. Regen I, IE U20101410228). 5pp. -9404 Irdarms that 720804 ftr to Drectorate of Uconsmg.AEC, from NSP recerit.

                                                                                            -9604170336 Dam =nes corres ondence re Oyster Creek E.- -.;.: TS.

LSON.RT. Repon t. IE F20101410228). 73/01/24. MCCLUSKEY.T.J. Jersey BRUNNEER.E.J. Regen I, IE F20101410228). 74/06/06.O'RElLLY,J.P. Regen 1, IE Conval Power 4 bgnt Co.1p. 920101410228). Epp. -96041700e9 Responds to 721129ftr to probisms on amend two to Appicant Erwron -9604170344 Summary of 740815 meenng w/uW se louefacton aspects of plant sale m Rept dtd 721117on facerty. informs of conoom for canal banks metaushty whch con- area of arte proposed for hqi,id - sohd radweste blog. bat of attenoses a proposed tnbute to sediment problems & results in unesghtly conditons. agenda enct

  • Intanor. Dept of. 73/01/23. MULLER.D.R. Atome Energy Cor.vneson. Drectorate RIESt.ANDJ. Atome Energy Commason Drectorate of Ocensmg F20101750118).

of Lcensmo (720101750118).1p. 74/08/30. Atome Energy Commason. Drectorate of Lconsmg (720101-750118). 7pp. -9604170105 Summary of 740221 meebng w/util en Bethesda.MD re augmented off-pas sys. explosions m onens sys.cutstanchn0 Rems for FTOL & expected changes to TS -9604170351 Discusses 730100 can to advme of mcident re fish kdt prw to mauance of FTOL. PLUMLEE.K.E. Atome Energy Comrressen, Oractorate of Regulatory Operanons RIEmiLANDJ.L Atome E Commesson, Drectorate of Uconsmg F20101-750118). U20101750118). 73/01/10. RO4ARDSON.T. Atome Energy Commason (Pre 74/04/09. Atome Energy Drectorate of Oconsmg F20101750118). 750119). 5pp. Spp.

                                                                                            -9604170354 Discusses two separate phone calla receeved from New Jersey State rep.

-9004170115 Responds to 740219 Itr to hcensmg of facdtty. informs that Commisason resentatrves re penetration fadure at plant aware of problems ested & ederitified 4 a3 dressed m draft envron statement asued m GREENMAN.E.G. Atome Energy Commason (Pro 750119). 74/06/06. Jul 1973.Fnel . ~..-.6,~., win be reiected m FES. CAPHTON.D.L. Atomc Energy Commason (Pre 750119).1p. GIAMBUSSOA Atome Energy Commmescn Drectorate of Ucenemg F20101-750118). 74/04/03.COOKINGHAM.RA New Jersey. State of.1p. -9604170355 Ack recept of 740507 ltr m response to 740212 ltr re util OA plan reisbng to piant Response not acceptabes due to hated reasons 9604170t20 Forwards temp data from facilety for penod m ouestort LEAR.G Atome Energy Commissen, nerectorate of Lcensmg 920101 750118). 74/ STOHRJ.P. Region L IE U20101410228). 73/01/16. REINTJESJ W. , 2pp. 08/28. FINFROCK.I R. Jersey Central Power & Lsght Co. 3pp.


   -4004170357 Forwards three ongnals & 37 reproduced egnature copies of sippi 3 to           -.e00418000s Oscusses resuist of re'med cost astrnate for limad & sohd sys mod re-Joissy Central apphcanon for tuo term hcense for piant                                     flectng desgn dotads deve60 ped to date & present market conditions.

SIMS.R.H. Jersey Central Power & Lsght Co 73/01/09. SKOVHOLT,D.J. Atome FINFROCK.LR Central Power & Lsght Co. 74/10/17. GOLLER,K.R. Atome Energy Commmacr4 Dractorate of Ocenang F20101-750118) 1p. Energy Commason, ectorate of bconsmg F20101750118). 2pp.

  -400417037e Sutmts rept of mesmg erwron er parbculate samples.                                9004100020Diamaas telcon wiutil on740225re vest from Deputy Mmeter for Elec-ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 74/08/26. O'REILLYJ.P. Regon t IE                  infeston & Energenes. Russia.

920101410228). 2pp. O'REILLYJP. Regon I, IE F20101410226). 74/02/26. Regen I, IE F20101-

  -te0417e87e Suppr 3 to apphcabon for fun term keense for plant
  • Jersny Centras f ower & Ught Co.73/01/09. 2pp. -ge041e0022 Sutmts three copies of assembly dravnng of vacuum trosker valve IAW
  -ee041703ee Forwards estrnated costs of altametsve coolog sys.per740710ressest                 [w'fo' ",neg'""8 W"" **                 "          "N FINFROCK.I.R. Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 74/08/06. REGAN,W.H. Atome                   FINFROCK,LR.              Central Power & bght Co. 74/02/26. SKOVHOLT.DJ. Atome Energy Commissors practorate of Lscename F20101-750118). 3pp.                              Energy Commason,                    to of ucensmo P20101760118).1p.
  -9004170401 Forwe'ds .~              .J ee between regon 1,Drectorate of Regulatory Op-
                                                                                              -es041eo061 informs that asnee propnetary classifcation not forwarded by eratons & utt.W/o enct                                                                     740606. drawing 20464.H peaced m PDR.

O'REILLYJP. Region L lE F20101410228). 73/01/04. MOTT,$. Ocean County. NJ. FINFROCK.LR Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 74/07/11. ZIEMANN.D.L Atome 19- Energy Commmeon, urectorate of bconsmg F20101750118L 1p.

  -9004                            *                                          "** has 406            for
  • b"m'e " .under set orth
                                                                                              -e004 a0000 informs that 731227 4tr to Drectorate of Lscensmg frorn hconsee recently LLE        Atome Ener                                                                            R E.J              IE F20101410228). 74/01/17.FINFROCK.LR. Jersey Cen.

74/06/05. FINFROCK,LR. bCommesert Central PowerDrectorale of Uconemg F20101-750118).$UN

                                                       & bght Co. 2pp                                                          '
  -e004170406 Informs that firs did740118 & 740207teded to provide ademaste info re           -M04100063 Waaae facihty chromate stomgo pmblem & mforms that Regulatory rehef valve blowdowra for tacshty as roguested by731219 lir.Reesents summary of            Operatens a miends rc furtrer acton at present time.k .._ .J., that DL review rehof vefwe tNowdowns undeng tates simdar to enci rept      NMP.                           matter & impose some type of preventre requrement m TS & consrJer in envron            j l
         / / .         ROCK.!R Jersey           Power         Co                                        R.J P. Atome Energy Commason. Drectorsie of Pegulatory Operatens F20101-750118L 74/02/19.THORNBURG.H.D. Atome Energy Communen. Drector.
  -e004170400 Forwards " Comments of Drector of Regulaton on Roguests for Exemp,                 sie of Regulatory Operssons U20101-750118). 2pp.

tons from Recurements of 10CFR$0.46." LEAR.G Atome Energy Commisson, Drectorate of beermang 920101 750118). 74/ -ee041e00e1 Nonce of request for extensson m submittmg evalustons by 740805. 07/31. FINFROCK,LR Jersey Central Power & ugNt Co. Ppp, 21EMANN.DL Atome Energy Commesson, Drectorate of Ucensmg F20101-750118). 74/07/05. 2pp.

 -eG04170421 " Comments of Drector of Regulaton on Requests for Exemptore from Recurements of 10CFR50.46."                                                             -ee04100100 Provides results of investgaton into beanng oil dram pipe ruplure in MUNTZlNGLM. Atome Energy Commmacn (Pro 750119). 74/07/29.12pp.                             4160v owitchgear room.

FINFROCK.LR Jersey Central Power & Ught Co 74/07/03. ZIEMANN.D.L Atomm

  =e004170437 Informs that Eauen requested to forward under saperste cover,directty to          Energy Commmeon, Drectorate of Uconemg F20101-750118). 2pp.

statt.resuns of feel ECCS ennsynis. FINFROCK.LR. Jersey Central Power & b' grit Co. 74/10/30. CASE,E.G. Atome -se641e012e Sutrivts items of concem to 731121 response to AEC 730703 & 0807 nrs Energy Commisson, Drectorate of ucenemp (720101750118). 2pp. to protocoon of eespment important to safety agamet floochng due to rupture of nori, ca i saapr.1ont or pgieng m facehty.

 -se04170461 Informs of completon of review of proposed enods to redweste sys for               ZIE         .D.L Atome Energy Commiseen. Directorate of Ucenomg U20101750118).

facehty estimmed by stro did 730920 & 731213. Proposed off-gas sys mods 74/02/07.FINFROCK,LR Jersey Contral Power & bght Co. 2pp. unecmptatwo. Requests descnpton or proposed mode of offges syt SKOVHOLT.D.J. Atorrac Energy Commmeon, Drectorate of ucenemg F20101- -ee04100146 Summary of 740522 meetmg w/uth re EJoron 8x0 UO2 lead fuel assem. 750118). 74/03/05.FINFROCK.LR Jersey Central Powe ?, Ught Co. 2pp. bhas for use m geent RIESLAND.J.L Alome E Commisson. Drectorate of bconomo P20101-750118L

 =0004170400 Requests that HASL be authonrad to make er amurements of redishon                  74/06/20. Atome Energy                          Drectorate of bconomo F20101750118).

levels aboard boats m canal & at stataos of canal water.k* Jrms tnat inspector from 5pp. responal ole win be evadable to asset m necessary sa.mgements KNUTH.D.F. Atome Energy Commmemn, le of Regulatory Operatons -eG041e0100 Submrts telephone for JCP&L Corporate contacts, oflectrve F20101-750118). 74/03/05. UVERMANJL Atomc Energy C- - (Pro smnedstesy. Records should be accor%y 750119). 2pp. GREENMAN.E.G. t, IE F20101410228). 74/02/06. L1COSCARJJ. Atomsc

 -e004170487 Summary of 721024 rnesang w/util at facihty to enplementaten of New Jersey State Contract Program.                                                          .googgg0181 informs that NRC understands that Licanssng has tentatively conicuded

, STOHRJ.P. Regen I, IE U20101410228). 72/10/24. Regen 1, IE F20101410228). that restnctons should be emposed on resumpton of operatons,beesd on revow of 4P9 ulu 740617 rept

 -9004170403 Requests 10 day extensison to 740005for oorgnetion of analyse re costs of concsonner couen0 waar sys anenneves.
                                                                                                     $,        i        fh7GOLLE                  Atomsc Energy             octora U20101750118)' 1p' FINFROCK.LR Jew Central Power & Opht Co. 74/07/25. REGAN.W.H. Atome IEnergy Commescrs Dractorate of Lcenomg F20101-750118).1p.                              _ge04100162 Informs that recent weed faalure did m fact consstute urroviewed safety
 -9e04170406 Informs of toicon from S Rose of "Trentonen" newspaper re 740111                              **                     " " * " * * ' "
  • opec' ton. ""8 enutdown of tacshly. Agreed to fummh copy of rept 50 219/7441 & =====ted AO rept O'REILLYJP. 1, IE U20101410228b 74/06/10. DAWSJ.G. Regon 1, IE R t, IE F20101410228). 74/03/04. Region I, IE F20101- U200M10228b .

810228b in -9404100147 Forwards appbcanon for extermen of eme for submrtial of ECCS evalue-

 ~******'                                                                         rd d7a",ys               anow for                   ww Board               F OCK, R. Jerse Central Power & Ught Co.74/06/19. MUNTZING.LM. Atome Energy Cornnusson, becbram of Lceneng F2mm 750116b 20pm Plant Operatons Review Committee revow & approval of TS change & supportog OCK,LR            Central Power & bght Co. 74/03/01.SKOVHOLTDJ. Atomac           -9004180182 Submns response b730928 Mr ebng that maufficient data exam b conclude mat pomon re$stneuten cannot occur en contml rods mat nmy have mvert Energy Commmeon, ectorate of Uconsmo F20101750118). 2pp.                                    ed posson tubes. Response to seven questens hated m nr.
 -9004170500 Responds to 740219 memo re facihty chromate storage                                FINFROCK.t.R Jersey Central Power & bght Co. 74/02/01.SKOVHOLT.D.J. Atome protwem.         tory Operatons considers issue closed. State matter resolved by enci      Energy Comnusson, Drectorate of bconsme 920101-750118L 10pp.

URG..D (Pro 1 03/01. STOHR.J.P. -96041e0194 Recommends that TS be changed to regure PORC review of procedures. Regen 1, IE F20101410226). 3pp. GREENMAN.E G. Regen 1, IE F2010141uz28). 74/01/31.CAPHTON.D.L Regpon I, IE F20101410228).1p.

 =0004100001 Informs that roguested proposed TS for Umrtng Condiban of Operaban &

Survessance Regurements to torus structure will be submmed by and of Sept 1974 -9804180210 Documents caN to K Seyent to descuss transfer of lead responsibehty to FINFROCK,LR. Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 74/02/27. ZIEMANN.DL Atomsc Oconsmo re problem at plantlook at matrument penetreten in reactor tettom head. Energy Commmeon, Drectorate of Ocenesng F20101750118h 1p. CAPHTdN.DL Regen 1, IE F20101410228). 74/06/13. Regon 1, IE F20101-810228).1p.

 -ta04180003Ack reempt of740005 Itr to "Determmaton of Request for Extension of Tyne for Staimmel of Evalustons Requred by Acceptaned Crners sur EU S =                 -8004180218 Documents 740605 toicon w/J Raesland to metrument penetrabon leak in
  • Jersey Central Power & 00nt Co. 74/10/23. CASE.E.G. Atomsc Energy C+. ., reactor vessel bottom head.

Drectorata of Laconsmg F20101-750118).1p. CAPHTON.DL Regen t. LE F20101410228). 74/06/13. Regen 1, IE F20101-810228).1p.

 -9004180004 Forwards addrhonal comments on facahty DES.Roouests review of comments. Response should be submmed          740322.                                   -9004100282 Forwards commonis on proposed ETS for transmitted by 751016 REGAN.W.H. Atomse Energy Commessort octorate of beenomg F20101-750118).                    telcort 74/02/28.FINFROCK.L Jersey Central Power & bgnt Co.1p.                                     STOHR.J.P. Atome Energy Commason (P e 750119). 75/11/06. CUNNINGHAM.J.

Alome Energy Commason (Pro 750119). 4pp.

 -9004140005 Responds to 741004 request for explanaton for delay of pwnary sys tran-sent anaryos submrttat beyond Mar 1975, vendor program for completon of analyses         -9004100301 Responds to750215 4 0417 requests for mio re contenment to be sub
    & esamese of actual submmat date.                                                           mmed to NRC.

FINFROCK,LR Centra! Power & bght Co. 74/10/18. GIAMBUSSOA Atomc FINFROCK,LR Jersey Central Power & bght Co. 75/10/30. LEAR.G. Drvisen of Re-Energy C1 - ate of Lcenung F20101750118).1p. actor beenmng (NRR 1975 only). 7pp.


      -9004160346 Informs of plans in hgnt of change e schedule for refuelmg                                                                                   "** Forwards " Response to Federal & State Agency Comments on AEC Dra*t psant.Refunkng wis take place an late Dec smco stanon wel be shutdown for repers on                                                                    El$ for Oyster Creek Nuclear Generstmg Station."

stor condenser. FINFR LR. Jersey Central Power t. Light Co. 75/10/29. GOLLER,K.R. Atonne FINFROCK.I.R. Jersey Central Power & Lsght Co. 74/01/10. REGAN.W.H. Atomac Energy Comtrasman, urectorate of Lacereng FJ0101750118). 3pp. Energy Commemon Drectorate of Licenang F20101750118).1p.

      -9604180300 Sutmuts spent fuel stupments that have Ht plant site as of 751022.                                                                        -9604220035
  • Response to Federal & State Comments on AEC Draft EIS for Oyster GREENMAN.E.G. NRC - No Dotaded Affikanon Gsven. 75/10/22.NRC No Dotaded Creek
  • JerseyNuclear Generstmg Cor' tral Power & LsghtStation.".

Co 74/01 '31. Papp. Affikanon Gwert 2pp.

     -9004180408 Responds to NRC 750925Itr propossng changes to TS for control rods to                                                                                       '               D                          n      i dyname phononwns & die rnrD0 ate cormequences of conoci rod esve faue kom possbw cracksng m conet                                                                                                         &            on 7W FINFROC               Jersey Central Power & Lagnt Co. 75/05/06. LEAR.G. Onnsson of R e-1 Jersey Central Power & lsght Co. 75/10/17. LEAR.G. Dmsson of Re.                                                                       actor Latenung NRR 975 W 3pp.

aciu, @RR 1975 g 2pp.

                                                                                                                                                           -9604220044Docusses talcon from Finfrock on 740109 re wnt to inluction from State
    -9004180427 Forwards matt status rept & remsests that util have rept angned in comph.

yew Eg h O'REILL J F20101410226). 75/10/15. FINFROCK.LR. Jersey Cen. (Pro 750119).1p. Iral Power & Lsght Co. 5pp.

                                                                                                                                                           -9004220048 Docusses conversaton w/JT Carros to broken operatmg source at core
    -9604180400 Forwards proposed amend to keense DPR 16 & SE. Amend meludes change to TS as proposed by 750716 Ilr & sstsequently modrhed by tow mutuany                                                                           locaton 1641 & tacsbes mient to roouest temporary TS change to permet grappis acceptable changes.                                                                                                                                   usamos for withdawas of three additonal fuel bundles.

LEAN.G. Dusson of Reactor Lacenssng (NRR.1975 only). 75/10/06. FINFROCK.LR. GREENMAN,E.G. Atorme Energy Commasmori(Pro 750119). 75/05/02.Alorruc Energy Jersey Central Power & Light Co.12pp. Commisson (Pro 750119).1p.

    -8804180450 Safety evaluation swpornng proposed amend to bconse DPR 16 & proa                                                                         -9504220059 Responds to memo of 750306 re valve thm venhcation posed TS changes to suppresson pool water temp Irruts-                                                                                                program.

wuti informs that w/possoie excepton d one valve locoted outsde dry

  • Drvisen of Reactor Lacensmg (NRR 1975 ordy). 75/10/06. 4pp. m complete Requests of map plans for faceity.

GREEN .E.G. Atome Energy

                                                                                                                                                              ^                                                    (Pro 750119). 75/05/02. SANDER.W.F.
   -9604180441 Nobce of proposed usuance of amend to provimonal heanse DPR.                                                                                                "#UI                 'b'             Y would moddy provmons m TS re tamp hmns for prosaure aggresson pool
                                                                                                                                                          -9604220067 Forwwds copy of memo documenhng convwsanons held on 750428 m LEAR.G. Dusen of Reactor Laconsang (NRR-1975 only). 75/10/06. 3pp.

MyQ,Y,,,,T at facerty Commemon (Pro 750119). 75/04/30.

   -9004190015 Daa=ama call received frorn J Russo re shipment of spent fuel from                                                                             THORNBURG.H.D. Atormc                                 (P e 750119L 1p.


  • NRC No Detaded Afflheton Gnert 76/10/02 NRC - No Detaded Affikanon Gwert 2pp. -9604220079 Docusses 750428 toscon w/JT Carros informmg that delays premously encountered m refuehng cutage schedule picked w & of mtenton to commence shut-down lesang & suoseguent conference call
   -9004190265 Responds to740122 ftr submitung croposed change to TS of Provimonal                                                                           GREEN OL DPR-16 for faceny. Concludes that ynplementation of change wdl not present agrut.                                                                                    .E.G. Atome Energy Commemon (Pre 750119). 75/04/30.Atome Energy Commemon (Pro 750115). 2pp.

carn hazards conmoeranons & sa os pubhc not endangered. SKOVHOLT.DJ. Atome Energy Drectorate of Licensmg F20101-750118). 74/01/22.FINFROCK,lA Jersey Central Power & Lagrit Co. 3pp. -9004220085 s upment fromDiscussesuut. 750822 te4 con from T Wenstrand of NFS re contammated

  -9604190317 Forwards copy of 750513 memo documentog conversations held w/oic                                                                               STOHR,J.P. Atorme Energy e-                  __-- (Pre 750119). 75/06/26. Atome Energy
       & bconsee on 750513 re shutdown margm testmg following refuefmg.                                                                                      Commmason (Pre 750119). Ip.

BRUNNER.EJ. Atome Energy Commemon (Pro 750119). 75/05/15. VHORNBURG.H.D. Othee of inspection & Enforcement F50101401210).1p- -ge04220100 Requests for addl info in order to comphrte review of geotschnscal study. LEAR.G. Dmason of Reactor LJconung (NRR-1975 only). 75/06/14. FERRARS.J.

  -9604190324 Decumses conversabons on 750413.0509 & 0513 re shutdown margm                                                                                  Jersey Cental Poww & bght Ca 7pp.

N 'Ene gy Commemon (Pro 750119). 75/05/13. Atome Energy -e60422mf Requests faciny detonmnanon re comphance of ubi leakage testnD */ Conwassen Pe 750H9h 2pp. Lf.ER.K.R. Dumon of Reactor Lscenang (NRR 1975 only). FERRARO.J. 75/08/07

  -9004190348Swnmary of750724meshng w/GPUSC re geotechrucal study of ste for                                                                                Jersey Central Power & Light Co. epp.

proposed lumad/sc.d radweste tddg. PAULSON.WA Dusson of Reactor Lzensm0 (NRR.1975 only). 75/08/29.Dmmon of Reactor Leonom0 (NRR 1975 only). 4pp. -se04220134 facdtty 8 s 8 Forwards fuel. 750417 memo thea=asd in teacon w/F Dreher on 750418 re

     ---:                                                                                                                                                   BRUNNER.EJ. Regen L IE F20101410228). 75/04/23.THORNBURG,H.D. Office of
                - _ Responds to750414ler mformmg of protsam area in facikty TS inwohng                                                                      inspecton & Endnroement F50101-801210). Ip.

statement of mammum aleewable reactor vessel heating & cocidown rotatinforms that Secton 3.3.C 1 meets tun mient of ler & no TS change planned. FINFROCK.I.R. Jersey Central Power & Light Co.75/05/13. LEAR,G. Duman of Re- 1975 outage. actor Lscensng (NRR 1975 only).1p. -9604220168 GREENMAN.E G. Dmeusses facekty partal Atome Energy Commemon (Pro 73u 8 x 8 fuelloadmp 119). 75/04/17. Atome Ener Comnteson (Pro 750119). 2pp.

    ~^1_ _ Requests submittal of proposed changes to apprepnate sectons of TS for taakty as part of future apphcanon for amend to statement of meumum allowatdo                                                                 -9604220205 Responds to750417Itr roguestng that Wo re demgn of facehty conte reactor vessed heatup & cooldown rates.                                                                                                               ment be submmed to NRC.

LEAR,G. Dusen of Reactor LJconsang (NRR 1975 only). 75/04/14. FINFROCK.LR. FINFROCK,t.R. Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 75/08/01. LEAR,G. Omwon of Re-Jersey Central Power & Lignt Co. 2pp. actor Laceneano (NRR-1975 only). 2pp.

 -9604220006rhan. e te6 con w/W Paulson on750509re startup schedule for facdity.

GREENMAN.E.G. Atome Energy Commemon (Pro 750119). 75/05/12.Ammc Enwgy

                                                                                                                                                       -9804220210 Power Staten"."Response to NRC Questens Radweste Mod Oyster Creek Nuclear Commismon (Pro 750119).1p.
  • Afhhation Not Asmgned.75/12/31.100pp.
 -9004220007 Advises that aN copies of pnor taohty operatng procedures sent consed.

ered property of tcensee.Reesents retum of ma11 when convervent. -9604220212 Informs that s4rruttels of 750329 & 750404do not contam sufficient into to enable conclusson that analyses of ECCS cocang performance a wholly m conform. CARROLLJ.T. Jersey Central Power & Laght Co. 75/05/09 O'RE!LLY,J.P. Regen L ance w/recurements Requests responses to 750402&21no later than 750424. G U20101810228).1p. LEAR.G. Desen of Reactor Lscensmg (NRR-1975 only). 75/04/21. FINFROCK LR.

   ~ ^ -                                                                                                                                                   Jersey Central Power & Light Co. 2pp.

D=a===a teacon fram i FWrock on740111 re pombon to Writ of inlunc-ton from State of NJ. O'REILLYJ.P. Atome Energy Commesason (Pro 750119). 74/01/14. Atome Energy -9604220221 Roguests that utH s@ met amend to 750912 apphcation for amend to b Commmacn (Pro 750119).1p. conse to reflect enct rewmed modoi TS & to identfy safety retated snutcors & acces-sed as regured by tabee 3 6.1 of revised model TS.

-9604220010Duerman=as tawwan w/w Patdson on 750507t) ot; tan mfo concommg RL                                                                                          ,G. Dmsen or Reactor Leonung (NRR-1975 only). 75/12/24 FINFROCK,l.R.

authornation for startupintorms that ECCS reevaluanon effectvely completed & that Jersey Central Power & Lagnt Co. 7pp. based on conversaten w/ste star 1Le plans sipped by hve days. GREENMAN.E.G. Atomsc Energy C_ (Pro 750119). 75/05/08.Atome Energy -9,8,04226226Ack recept of751107 fir addressed to AEC requestmo info to when next Conumsson(Pm 750119L 1p. tuonna wel take piece at piant & when next pubic heanng wig to held to refue LEAR.G. Dumon of Reactor Lscenang (NRR-1975 only). 75/12/24. RUSSO,S.P.

-96042200i2 Responds to state query w/ respect to reactor coolant sys loanage mio                                                                          anon W W 3pp.

M tome Energy Commason (Pro 750119). 74/01/14. Atome Energy -9604220254 Clanhas aspect of msponstabes so as to assum eNectve ap#cabon of Commismon (Pro 750119).1E' repamry regurynents m protectng SNM from theM & sabotage. uvYD.R.S. Dmsen of Reactor Laconsmg (NRA-1975 only). 75/12/24. FINFROCK,LR. -9404220015Dmcuanes toicon from i Fmfrock to Writ of bemg roguested by Jersey Central Power & Laght Co. 3pp. or New Jersey to prevent plant #cm snutung down catsung "flah tull" of men.

    *                                                                                                                                                 -9604               2 Provides hat of spwd tw s%mem M has kN facuny sto as of 750729.

Asome Energy C_ - (Pro 750119). 74/01/11. Atomsc Energy Commason (Pro 750119). Ip. GREENMAN.E G Atome Energy Commason (Pre 750119). 75/07/31. Atome Energy Comrmsason (Pro 750119L 1p. -9604220018 informs of two changes m personnel redeten moratonng program at face -96042.S0265 Responds to 750807 far requestng that study be made to detemune of my & behoves that mcreased hearth phynca staff TLD sys.edditonal personnel tammg 8 other enanges m m wet prcmde adeguste control of exposure. contamment neakage testmg program at plant bemg conducted m fud comphence w/ ROSS.DA Jersey 10CFR50, App J. tral Power & ught Co. Tb/05/08. GiAMBUSSO,A. DMacn of Reactor isconsmg (NRR-1975 only). 2pp. FINFROCK.I.R. Jersey Central Power & Lsght Co. 75/12/24. GOLLER.K.R. Dusson of Reactor Lcensmg (NRR-1975 onlyt 22pp.



                                                                                                    -9604230035 Forwards ACRS ltr rept " Emergency Core Cochng Sys Evaluaton Model
-9604220307 on demon ofForwards cornamms m,fo  requred to t structLres. comp 6steon background     rewsw statusofofeffect ofcrected efforts  pool dyname   loads at deter.        (ECCS-EM) for Nongel-Pump BWR."

mmmo pool dynarruc loads & descnption of vanous phenomena W/o ences LEAR.G. Dumon of Reactor Licensmg (NRR-1975 orey). 75/03/26. FINFROCK lA LEAR.G. Duman of Reactor Uconung (NRR 1975 only). 75/04/17. FINFROCK.I.R. Jersey Cereal Power & ught Co. 4pp. Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 2pp.

                                                                                                    -9604230045 Forwards hat of antespated bconsmg stemattats to NRC through FY77 m
-9804220315 Informs that eight wook shutdown scheduled to commence at ptant on                         response to request of750307.

751227 to replace condenser tubes & refuel VERROCHl.WA General Pubhc Utsties Corp . GPU Serwce Corp. 75/03/26. GREENMAN.E.G. Atome Energy Commemon (Pro 750119). 75/12/17. GnAMBUSSO.A. Omson of Reactor ucensmg (NRR-1975 only). 2pp. CAPHTON.DL Atomc Energy Commismon (Pro 750119). 10

-9604220316 Forwards            6 reload mio for facety req.sosted m 750616 Itr 4 604230055 Summary W m304 mee               ww e BethesdaM M escuss scheh f r submittal of faceirty ECCS reanalysa /hst of attandees & GPU schedule for sub-FINFROCK.I.R. Jersey _          Power a ught Co. 75/07/25.GOLLER.K R. Dmmon of Reactor Uconsmg (NRR-1975 only). 2pp.                                                               f4 h              Dramon of Reactor Ucenang (NRR.1975 only). 75/03/19. Deson of
-9664220321 Requests that util prowde response to position to mods to plant ECCS as                    Reactor ucenang (NRR-1975 onsy).10pp.

doncnbod m 750624.0715 41107submmals by760109. LEAR.G. DMaon of Reactor Lscensmg (NRR 1975 only). 75/12/15. FINFROCK.LR. -9604230003 Forwards copy of proposed ruta 39FR32921 which would proNbst depoe-Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 2pp. al by bunal m so4 of all rasoactive wastes contammg more than ten nanocunes of transuraruum elements per gram.Pariscipation m study requested.

  "?'*"         Informs that special rept on operation of facektes prepared by OfE l m                 HIGGINBO7HAML Othce of inspection & Enforcement (750101401210). 75/03/11.

1974 no longer current. Requests oput w/ respect to R & EP & partnant Tabee 111 data CARROLL,.LT. Jersey Central Power & bght Co. 2pp. for repts by750615 for - S, of ref roots. GREENMAN.E.G. Atome Energy Commisson (Pre 750119). 75/04/16. KNAPP,P.J. -9604230103 Notifcaten of 750317 w/util m Bethesda.MD to docuss cord Atomm Energy Commesmon (Pro 750119).1p. cems to JCP&L proposed TS Seebon 6.0 stranve Controis. PAULSON.WA Dmmon of Reactor (NRR 1975 onty). 75/03/10. LEAR.G.

  "?"*         Informs of new telephone number for fachty.                                             Drnmon of Reactor Lr:ensmg (NRR-1975 only 2pp.

GREENMAN.E.G. Atomc Energy Commemon (Pro 750119). 75/04/15. MCOSCAR.JJ. Atomc Energy Commemon (Pro 750119).1p. -9604230122 Docusses assessment of effects on ECCS performance re smgae passve

-9604220347 Dea ==== plant ETS.ucenung schedule & work has suffered contmuel                                           Jersey Cereal Power & bght Co. 75/07/03. LEAR.G. Dumon of Re.

setbacks & doisys because of many compicated armronmental sauns mvolved. actor Lconsan0 (NRR 1975 orWy) 3pp. HIGGINBOTHAM.L Othce of Inspecton & Enforcement 9 50101 401210). 75/07/24. NELSON.PA Region 1, IE F20101410228). 2pp. -9604230126 Summary of 750212 meenne w/utes to escuss responses to concems

  ~^**w        Finds that proposed spedficanon does not primde adequate degree os                     posed by Electncaunstrumentaton & Control Sys BranettW/hst ce atterdees.

P SON (NRR-1975 only). 75/03/06. Dumon of contros & rradated fuel handhng opershormWmten response request- gg, LEAR.G. Dmmon of Reactor Ucenang (NAR-1975 orWyk 75/04/11. FINFROCK.LR. Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 2pp. -9604230133 D=a==ma suppresson pool dynamsc phenomena in to 750417 Itr. FINFROCK.LR Jersey Central Power & Leght Co. 75/07/03. LE.AR, . Deson of Re- -9604220350 Summary of750317meetmg w/uti in Bethesda.MD to escuss concems actor beenung (NRR 1975 only).1p. re JCP&L proposed rev b Section 6. "Aommetratrve Controls." of tachty TS.W/hst of attendees. -9604230204 D=a==== 750620teicon re esposal of LPRM famon detectors contam-PAULSON.W.A. Dusson of Reactor Ucenomg (NRR-1975 only). 75/04/10. Dumon of eng approx 10 mg of U-235. Reactor Uconen0 (NRR-1975 orWy). 3pp. GREENMAN.E.G Atome Energy Commisson (Pro 750119). 75/06/20. EPSTEIN.E. -9604220301 Requests NRC staff adwee formally whether stated mio re proposed env> OCl( al ower & Light Co. 75/07/23. MULLER.D.R. Atome e+eemca Energy drectorate of Uconen0 920101-750118). 7pp. PAULSON.WA Dmmon of Reactor Ucensm0 (NRR-1975 only) 75/06/20. Dusson of 8 ' -9604220396 Forwards requested into re facety enforcement hsstory W/o enct N L Atome 750119). 75/07/17. ELUS.W.P. Office 6 230253hs mat betty Worme M plans to shmdown ent night of 750205 on 750203. Temperature en Bamgat Bay now 36 & cold wave sohdfy er> -9604 7 Forwards SE supportng changes to TS of provuuonal operabng beense [ g hpoten Coimmason (We 750H9L 1p. sh anniar gggn 4,050119). 75/02/03.Atome Energy GOLLER.KA Dumon of Reactor Leenang (NRR-1975 only). 75/07/16. FINFROCK.1A Jersey Central Power & Ught Co.11pp. p -8004220401 Safety evaluatma supportng to changes TS. forwaroed on 751031.

  • DMman of Reactor Ucensmg (NRR 1975 only). 75/07/16. 4pp. FINFROCK.I.R. Jersey Central Power & Lagnt Co. 75/11/12. LEAR.G. Dmeson of R&

actor Ucenung (NRR 1975 only).1p. 9604220404 Responds to request from RH Smem re contract parutonal syc. GREENMAN.E.G. Atome Energy Commason (Pro 750119). 75/07/16.Atome Energy -9604230259 Responds to *50910 Itr,requesang anstysis of rehof valve hne restramts at Comrrissmon (Pro 750119). 2pp. p6 ant FINFROCK.lA Jersey Central Power & Ught Co.75/10/31. LEAR.G. Dmmon of Re. -9604220406 Fonwards revoed attachment il "ECCS Mod Core Spray Electncal Cross- ector Ucenang (NRR 1975 only). 2pp. cormect" to 750624 str.desenbing proposed mods to accomodate romaning angle fad-

                                                                                                   -9604230               spent                                                         "

NNFROCK.lA Jersey Central Power & bght Co. 75/07/15. LEAR.G. Dusen of Re. me made f"uelompost actor Uconung (NRR.1975 only).1p- GREENMAN.E.G. Atome Energy smon (Pro 750119). 75/02/03, Atome Energy Comnusson (Re 750M9L 1p. -9604220407 Rev 1 to *ECCS Mod Core Spray Electncal Crosaconnect..

  • Jersey Central Power & bght Co.75/06/24. 56pp'
                                                                                                   -9604230262 Requests 6nto in order to complete schedulmg of renews of proposed b-         ,
 ~^^+'-* Informs that utti have toen wJrkog w/GE to formulate schedule for sut>                       cones amends related to refuehre                                                       !

mesman of rammed MAPLHGR TS. GOLLER.K.R. Dmmon of Reactor (NRR-1975 only). 75/06/18. FINFROCK.tA Jersey Central Power & bght Co.75/07/15. LEAR.G. Dumon of Re, FINFROCK,LR. Jersey Central Power & bght Co. . actor beenung (NRR 1975 onlyt 10

                                                                                                   -9604230267 " Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Station Mam Steam Rehef Valve
 ~~'+=* Forwards eenend 11 to pronsonal OL DPR-16.irclueng change 27 m TS                             Pipmg Sys."

which revises pronsons m TS re temp hmrts & survallance regurements for pressure

  • Jersey Central Power & bght Co 73/10/31.15pp.

si.opresson pool water. LE.AR.G. Omson of Reactor Ucenang (NRR-1975 only). 75/12/11. FINFROCK.lA -9604230271Roguests that future pubhcatons re piant be forwarded to stated address. I Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 3pp. FERRARO.J W New Jersey. State of. 75/06/17 Docketing & Servces Branch.1p. J -9604230018 informs that Commason has requested that Ofc of FR pubhsh enct -9604230274Usts spent fuel shepments leanng fac&ty as of 750122 nonce at proposed issuance of amend to pronsonal 01 for piant GREENMAN.E.G. Atome Energy Commasen (Pro 750119)_ 75/01/27.Atome Energy LEAR.G, Dmeon of Reactor Ucenang (NRR-1975 ontyt 75/12/08. FINFROCK.tA Comrvussen (Pro 750119L 1p. Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 2pp -9604230020 Nonce of proposed lasuance of amend to pronsonal OL. rommng prow. -9604230282 Surraary of741206meetng w/util to escuss RWM regurements W/kst sons m TS to rowse fuel claddmg entegnty safety hmst based on rensed MCPR cntens of attendees. for avoedmg toing tranerbon. OWSLEY.G.F. Atome Commesson. Drectorate of Lscenang (720101-750118).

  • Dmmon of Reactor bconsmg (NRR-1975 only). 75/12/08. dop. 75/01/15. Atomic Energy smon. Drectorate of Ucenang (720101750116).

3pp. -9804230025 of 751015mesenc w/hcensee m Bethesda.MD re Enon pro, posed enegrated E evaluanon modeT for BWR norwget pump plants.bst of atten. -9604230287 Notifes of intent to transfer spent nuclear fuel from Oyster Creek Urut I doesonet beginnmg750117to Nuclear Fuel Sves. West Val .NY facility. PAULSON.WA Dmmon of Reactor bconang (NRR-1975 only). 75/11/10.Dumon of CARROLL.J T. Jersey Central Power & UDht 75/01/15. MACDONALD.C E. Reactor Ucenang (NRR-1975 only). 3pp. Atomc Energy Commason. Drectorate of beenung (720101-750118).1p.

 ""'+"?        Ack receipt of751001 Itr requestrig extenson of tune until mid-Now to               -9604230291 Notes that facil informed on750109of plans to begm spent fuel ship-reeoond to750807 Itr re comphance of piant w/regurements of app J to 10CFR50.                       monts sta       wk of 750113. bundies shcped to NFS an NY, GOLLER.KA Dmsen of Reactor Uconung (NRR-1975 only). 75/11/06.                                       GREENMAN. G. Atome Energy Commmsen (Pre 750119). 75/01/09. Atoms Energy FINFROCK.LR. Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 2pp.                                                   Comnussen (Pre 750119).1p_



-9604230294 Act receipt of 750807 Itr requestmg that unl determme it cor tamment          -9604240265 informs that rept bemg autmvtted for mio per teicon of 740425.

leakaos testng bemg conducted m fuit comphance wi App J of 10CFR50 at tacihty. CARROLL.J.T. Jersey Central Power & Lagtti Co. 74/04/25.O.REILLY,J.P. Repon I, FINFROCK.I.R. Jersey Ceniral Power & Light Co. 75h0/01. GOLLERXR. Dmson of IE G20101410228).1p. Reactor Lacensmg (NRR.1975 only).1p.

  ~? E---- Notes talk w/D Nelson of EPA on750107concorrung rept on excesswo               -9604240274 Forwards copeos of correspondence relabng to State of New Jersey water cuanty certmcaten of plant.

houid releases et facerty.No mIo concerning issue & only kbgaten aware of a fbsh luR esaue Record reinevatwirtyAccuracy & durabon were also **a==ad FINFROCK.LR. Jersey Central Power & Lignt Co. 74/04/22. REGAN.W M. Atome GREENMAN.E.G. Regen I, IE p20101410228). 75/01/09. Regen I, IE F20101- Energy Conmsson, Directorate of Lcensmg P20101750110). 56pp. 810229).19

                                                                                          -g604250021 Docusses rept engtled "Preismmary Desenpbon & Analyses of Proposed
-9604230206 Informs that engnes not of type described m bulletn & no fLrther acton            Modificatens toe ---i =+ & Sohd Radioactive Weste Treatment Systams for Oyster Creen Nuclear Generab       Station." Addl mfo to rept sent
         .DA Jersey Central Power & Light Co. 75/01/03. O'REILLYJ.P. Repon I. IE              FINFROCK.I.R. Jersey Central ower & Light Co. 74/05/17.SKOVHOLT,0.J. Atomm F29101410228). 4pp.                                                                        Energy Commason, virectorate of I.acensing U20101750118). 22pp.

-9604230307 Responds to request of 740122 fir concommg damage to pipmg & pipng -9604250273Notmceton of740522meetmg w/JCP&LExxon & Oyster Creek in foam hanger sys at faciiny P-114 to docuss concoms re E;oon r/pe V (8x8) tuel assembly. ROSS.D A Jersey Cereal Power & Laght Co. 75/09/30. O'REILLY,J.P. Region 1, IE RIESLAND.J 1. Atomic Energy Commason, Diraclorete of Leenang U20101-750118). P20101410228). 8pp. 74/05/09 ZIEMANN.D.L. Atonnc Energy Comtrusason, Drectorate of Leonamg p20101750116). 2pp.

                                         "         8"*"        "      "U am.                                                                   -9604250282 Summary of 740506 meetmg w/JCP&LExxon & Oysser Creek m room P.

ART F . Central Power & Lignt Co. 75/06/10. O'REtLLY,J.P. Regen l'

                              '                                                                      .D     tonne Energy Commason, Drectorate of Lcensmg F20101750118).

74/05/08. STELLO.V. Atomm Energy Commason, Drectorate of Licensmg U20101 -9604230318 Forwarda ottachment to750919ter inadvertently not mcluded w/ftr.W/o 750118).1p. encl. FINFROCKJA Jersey Central Power & Light Co.75/09/26. GOLLER,K.R. Dueen of -9604250206 Di=^=maas Operabonal Quality Assurance Program for JCPL Reactor Laconomg (NRR-1975 ony).1p FINFROCK.l.R. Jersey Central Power & Laght Co. 74/05/07.O'REILLY,J.P. Regon I, IE U20101410228L 2pp. -8604230357 Advises that documents e@mitted on 750424 & 28.oretied. " Cycle 5 Reload & Loss-of4colant Accident Reevaluanon infor" & " Lose of4colant Accedent " wmaa Advmes that util have not supphed sufficient justificaDon for ' of Ana reevaluabon. AddlInfo" we be wthheia from PDR. drawing 20464-H trom pubhc declosure. Full explanaton as to wny drawmg be

        .G. Omson of Reactor Larenamg (NRR-1975 ony). 75/06/04. FINFROCK,LR.                  handled as propnetary snould be provided strun 30 days of ftr date.

Jersey Central Power & Lagnt Co. 3pp. ZIEMANN.D.L Atome Energy Commesson, Drectorate of Licensmg9 20101 750118). 74/05/06.FINFROCK.I.R. Jersey Central Power & Leght Co. 2pp. -9604230368 Advises that documents submrtted 750424 & 28. entitled, ".Reeponses to NRC Questens on Cycle 5 Reload" & "Addl Data Regardng Lussol Coolant Aco> -9604250312 Responds to 74C.22 ftr to util operstonal QA plan. dont Analyms tor GE Fuel," wm be withheld. FINFROCK.I.R. Jersey Central Power & Light Co. 74/05/02. ZIEMANN.D.L Atorruc PAULSON.WA Dmson of Reactor Licensmg (NRR 1975 only). 75/06/04. LEAR.G. Energy Commason, urectorate of ucenung P20101-750118). 4pp. Deveen of Reactor Lscensmg (NRR 1975 ony). 2pp. -9604230377 Informs that Piant Operstone Rewow Committee & General Office " "U Renew board have compisted review of change request 37

  • Envrunmental Protecton Agency. D.AEC46118 NJ. 73/09/30. 21pp.

FINFROCK t.R. Jersey Central Power & Laght Co. 75/05/29 GIAMBUSSOA Dmsen of Reactor LJcensmg (NRR-1975 only).1p.

                                                                                          -400516025e Responds to 740911 Itr to ATWS analysm for plant. Request for extenson

-9404230300 Informs that hcansee submrtted data re " Abnormal Occurences in Pipmo Sys." forwardnd to Dw of Techrscal Review. Schedule of GnAMBUSSOA Atome Enerpy Comnus for anesynes should be N actorate of Laconsmg F20101 CARLSON.R.T. Atome Energy Commmamn (Pro 750119). 75/05/28. DRAMER.FA Omce of Irmpacton & Enforcement 950101401210).1p. 750118). 74/10/04.FINFROCK,l.R. Jersey Central Power & LJght Co.1p. 46M23N06 D. Discusses 750520 meeang LJght acevibes et fac'yLAMBUSSOA Dusen of R 75/05/23. MAN Ener Pre 750119)' 74/05/02' CAPHTON.DL Atomm Energy (Pro 750119).1p. -9604240004A,a recoct of750627 lar in response to Itr dtd750527 re calibraten of 9606288 Prendes curmnt statis of FTOL package. redanon pr9tecton mstruments. informs that commitment to do two.poent cambranon of GREENMAN.E.G. Atome Energy Communen (Pro 750119). 73/12/12. rachaton [sotecton instruments rutsally at two-yr riservals. BRUNNER.E.J. Atome Energy Commason (Pre 750119). 19 DAvtS.JL. Offce of trw ai & Enforcement 950101 401210). 75/09/24. FINFROCK,LR. Jersey Central & Laght Co. 2pp. e#MMnn27 Second partel fmal response to FOIA request for records. App G records enci & bemg made ava4ab6e m PDR. App H records perhally withheid (ref Exempton


C for EED.CA Divmon of Freedom of informabon & Pubhcatons Servces (Post 940714). EULSONA Dmson of Reactor LJoensmg (NRR-1975 only). 75/09/23. LEAR.G. 96/03/14.SHEEHAN.NA Affihaton Not Assagned.13pp. 87060:00347860:288. Dmmon of Reactor Licenan0 (NRR-1975 ony).1p.

                                                                                             ??? ?""?? Nonfies of closure of Asegation RI 94-A0185 file, aliegmg that GET in-

-9404240022 Informs of bconsee interpretabon or TS 3.7.C.2.TS states m part if one structor passes people that should not pass. essel generator becomes snoperabie dunno power operanon repers shall be runated VITC.D.J. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 96/10/10. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 2pp. immedatafy 4 other desel wdl operated one h per every 24 fL 67860 016 87860-020. GREENMAN.E G. Regen L IE F20101410228). 75/09/19.CAPHTON,0.L. Repon 1. thi U20101410228).1p. meMMnMS Forwards comments on allegatons that GET tests changed such that two s1udents passed after racemng fehng grados at plant. ~9404240025 Informs that tsted SF shipments have left plant site as of 750914. BEALL.J. Olc of Enforcement (Post $70413). 95/09/26. HOLODY.D. NRC . No De-GREENMAN.E.G. Atome Energy Commmson (Pro 750119). 75/09/16. tmied Affilaton Gwen. 3pp. 8786002347860 025. CAPHTON,DL Atome Energy Commmeen (Pro 750119). 2pp. -9604240037 trdarms that exponence at some BWR plants w/ Mark I contamment ha' 1 hat records tal shown that in some cases demgn of rehof vasve Ine restramts elede wrw may be vtTO.D. NRC . No Detaned Amhacon Gwert 95/06/31. NRC No Detaned Affilmbon Dumon of Reactor Laceneang (NRR-1975 only). 75/09/10. FINFROCX.t.R Jersey Central Power & Laght Co. 2pp. _

                                                                                             ."^^?"^^ Ack receipt of950705Itr respondog to NRC950606 request on alleged

-9604240049 Forwards 40 copies of docurrent onettet " Oyster Creek Radwaste Mod . h,;N T(post 820201). 95/08/18. BARTON.J.J. General Putsc Ublines

  • co'P opu Sec' co'P 2PP '78ao o274786e032.

P"'1""fa"Jl%,*s@o'"e,'?t*#Co"*' 5/09/09. 7 TEAR.G. Dwm.n of Re-acer Lacenung M 975 onyt 3pp.

                                                                                          -9604040049 Requests info on repts noted on s'tached e-mal re Apagaton Al-93-A-

-9G0424006 to concomo expreened by members of NRC Staff dunng

                                                                                              @h.D.J. NRC No Detaded Affikaton Gwen. 95/07/17. NRC . No Detailed A FINFROCK,1.R. Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 75/05/23.GIAMBUSSOA Dmson                     Gwert p. 87m7860 033.

of Reactor Leonung (NRR-1975 only).16pp. 1RW wW9mWam e mywwW -9604240005 Summary of 750724 meenng w/util to escuss NRC staff concoms to man at plant ane0edy told employee that employee could not talk to NRC about con-study or arte for proposed new bquid/sohd radwaste budeng.Let of ab gg A Uni GPU Service Corp. 95/07/05 Regon 1 PUALSON.WA Dumon of Reactor Leereng (NRR.1975 ordy). 75/08/29.Omson of (Post 820201). 3pp. 878600364786@038.

                                                                                          -9604040073 Forwards GPUN 950615 memo to plant personnel reemphascong that

-9604240114 ' Response to AEC Related Envronmental Statement Related to Oyster personnel may communcate nuclear sat concems w/o fear of retnbuten. Creek Nucasar Generanng Statony BRIGGS.L. NRC - No Detaded Amkaton 95/05/22. ROGGE.J. NRC . No De-

  • Jersey Centrol Power & Laght Co. 73/12/31.18pp. taled Athhaten Gwert 3pp. 87860 03S47860045.

~960424012e rhaa== facdtty startup schedule followng 1975 refuehng nutage. -9604040000 Forwards EA Request Form 95106 re chilkn0 effect ftr GREENMAN.E.G. Atome Energy Commemon (Pro 750119). 75/05/20.Atorme Energy MOLODY DJ. NRC . No Detaned Afhhatun Gwen.95/05/31.LANDRON.D. NRC . No Commmeon (Pro 750119).19 Detaded Amleton Gwert 2pp. 87860046 87660:047.


   -9604040003 Forwards draft ctulhng effect ftr for piartW/0 enct.                                   -9604090021Act receipt of 900928ltr mfornung NRC of results of mvestigaten re alle-CONNER.E.L NRC . No Dotaded Amhatnn Genen. 95/05/22. CAMP 10N.M.J. NRC .                          gecon Rb90 A-0024.AllegaDon closed.

No Dotaded Afhaten Gwen. 2pp. 87660:04647860049. WENZINGER.Ef Regon 1 (Post 820201). 90/11/27. F1TZPATRICK.E. General Pubic Utikties Corp. . GPU Service Corp.1p. 87860.25247860 252. . rr 2 n D==as Allegation Panel schedule for 950208,Rev 1.a re AHegaton RI. 95-A 0026A -9604090062 Informs of bndge number for NRR ARB mestng on 950126. tSTO.DJ NRC . No Detaled Amkation Gwen. 95/02/06. ROGGE,.l. NRC . No De- LEEJ Omco of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton (Post 941001). 95/01/25. SMITH,G.C., taded Afhagon GwerL 1p. 87360-09147860:091. UMROTH.D. Regon 1 (Post C20201s. Ip. 87860 28447860 288.

   -9604040101 N-*                Asegahon Panel scheoule for 950206.Rev 1.R & requests               9604010392 Extends trutaten to partcipate m960424 meetmg in Valley Forge.PA w/

revew of provous allegatrJns at plart NRR and Ragon I re BWR safety reket valve performance. Requests questons or ROGGE.J.F. NRC . No Detaded Ambaton Gwen. 95/02/07. VITO.D. NRC - No De- topics to be chacussed at meetog. taned Affikabon Gwen.1p. 87860 09247860 092. KELLY.E.M. Regen 1 (Post 820201L 96/03/21. ROCHE.M.B. General Pubhc Utikbes Corp. . GPU Service Corp. 6pp. 87687:176 87687:100.


Informs that D Umroth & GC Srruth wdl be avadable for meetmg re plant l SMITH.G.C. NRC . No Detmied Amhabon Gwen. 95/01/23. VITO.D. NRC . No De. 9604020061 Apohcahon for amend to Goense DPR-16.deletmg spec wh6ch requires thor. l taded Afhkaton Gwen.1p. 8780009447860097. mso of EDG overy 24 months durmg shutdown.  ! E.M.B. General Pubhc Utiktes Corp. . GPU Servce Corp 96/03/25. Document

   -9404040220 Informs of cloesout of Allegaten RbS3-A4134 re inendual bemg asked                        Cornrol Branch (Document Control Desk).10pp. 8772513747725:159.

to notas erueiding on recnutaten pumps a eywee dunng 14R at piant w/o usmg l d respretor. 9604020064 Proposed tech spect.delebn0 spec wruch requires thorough insp of EDG ROGGEJ Repon 1 (Post 820201). 93/11/16. Regeon 1 (Post 820201). 1p. every 24 months dunng shutdown. 8786010847pto 108.

  • General Put9lc Uthties Corp. . GPU Service Corp. 96/03/25.13pp, 87725:147-
   .mananan222 Informs of 01 decison not to pursue Aneganon Rb83-A-224 (alleged warehouse urenk.m & FFDL                                                                                        pphc BANERJEE.M. NRC . No Dotaded Amhanon Gnen.93/11/10. VITO.D. NRC . No De-                       960402,0133 nose in co A,reca,      anon reflect  retfor amend for parameter   to bcense   DPR anticipatory    16.modifyng scram           statements in TS &

signal bypass. taded Affeason Gwert 4pp. 87860-10947860112. ROCHE.M.B. General Pubic Unhtes Corp. . GPU Servce Corp. 96/03/28. Document

   -9004040229 Requests Rio be checked to see il FEMA referral made re Anegauon Rb                          U"# '              "**"
  • 93 A4123. Item ready for closure.Bndge repared & back m eve & concem enould be
                                                                                                      .-9604020135 Proposed toch specs.modifytng statements in TS & benes to correctly re-4 I
                 .J F taned Afhatson 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/29. FUHRMEISTER.R. NRC - No Do" 400. 87860-113 4 7860:116.

W Co'rp' . Corp. 96/03/28. 2pp. 87724:355-87724:356.

   .amnananne informs that anonymous indmdual cadled on930814t> retterste concern noted m autH allegation.Indmdual saxl he would refer saue to union type at CataW               9604090291 Forwards, Rev 9 to " Oyster Creek Nuclear Generatog Staten Pump &

tftTO.DJ NRC . No Dotaded Afhaton Garen. 93/09/10. FUHRMEISTER.R. NRC . Valve IST Program, al contruty between tentmg performed to meet regure-No Dotaded Amkaton Gwen. 5pp. 87860:11747860:121. Q D g'8d ' APP [ Control arench pocument ContrW DeskA 2pp. 87829:13247629255. h 96/032 Document annanan242 informs of at1empt to call mdnndual on 930729 re Ausgaton RbS2.A. 02 w no " * "I ' cg not -9604090293 Rev 9 to " Oyster Creek Nuclear Generanng Straon Pump & Valve IST VITO.DJ N . No Detsted Af% anon Gwert 93/07/30. FUHRMEISTER.R. NRC . P ogrant No Detaned Afhaten Gwert 1p. 8780012247860122.

  • General Pubhc Utihties Corp. - GPU Senace Corp. 96/03/?1.122pp. 87829:134-87829:255.
       ""N".tecewed C.4085           ona Informs   that no further 930419.apegng            actons knowledge        requred of iconsed   for anonymous opera:or           A5egaton RI.93 reconey convet.       9604040218 Forwards Rev 0 to Rept 42112-R401. " Oyster Creek Nuclear Generatin0 ed of 3rd offense DWI & apegaton cioned.                                                         Station USI A-46 Seame Evaluston Rept " per GL 67-02.

FUHRMERSTER.R. Regon 1 (Post $20201) 03/07/27. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 5pp. ROCHE.M.B. General Pubic Utikhes Corp. GPU Sennoe Corp. Su/03/29. Document 87360 1234 7800 127. Control Brancn (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 87767 00147767282.

    -9604050007 Dammeas930625 visit to const ete re relocate 1 bndge for Lacey Road.                  -9604040225 " Oyster Creek Nuclear Generstmg Station USI A-46 Setsmc Evakaton tflTO.DJ NRC . No Detaded Affniston GNon. 93/06/25. ROGGE.J. NRC No Do.                          Rept."

taded Afhaten Gwen. 5pp. 8786012847860132.

  • EQE Engineenng Consultants (tarmerty ECE Enyneering. Inc.). 42112 R-001 ROO.

96/03/01. 280pp. 87757:003 87787.282.

    -9804050009 Forwards ALARA secton of plant rept te (RL93.A4079).

ECKERT.LL NRC No Detaded Affikation Gwen. 93/05/14. FUHnMEISTER,R. NRC 9604150275 Forwards two recent repts illustrahng dahhe*a concept w/ con-

        . No Dotated Affikaton Gwert opp.87860 13347860:136.                                             comed w/routmg.emergericy mgt & other issues to transportaban                    radoactwo matis W/o encl.
    -ta04060098 Proposes closure of allegaton.                                                           CAMPBELLS G. Affilaton Not Assigned.96/04/02. BENNINGTON G.M Office of Nu.

ROGGEJ Repon 1 (Post 620201). 93/05/03. BETTENHAUSEN,L, clear Matenal Safety & Safeguards.1p. 87872 02647872026. FUHRMEISTER.R. NRC . No Detamed Afhanon Gwen. 6pp. 8786013747860:142. 9604160017 Nobfication of 960418 meetmg w/utils in Rockvide.MD to docuss AT&T

    -9004060111 Forwards results of further invest gaton of Aasgation RL93-A.0040 plant                  rourwl cell battery                          methodosooy a results.

anubber tesano. CALVO l.A. 96/04/ . RON. .W. 8pp. 87896.30147898:308. t1TO.DJ NRC No Detaled Af%aton Gwen. 93/03/24. FUHRMEISTER.R. NRC . No Detaned Af%ation Gwert 2pp. 87860:143 47360 144. 9602200186 Suppl 1 to Genene Lir 9549 to all NRC teensees re monstonn0 & trenng of shippers & camers of radoectme maus.

    -9604050117 Nosfies of closure of Alleg%on RL92.A4181.recewed on 920909 that                         COOT D.A. Danson of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05.

tmoge on Deerhead Lake Orwe out of svc for several months.No respunas to sileger Boston Edison Co.10pp. 88102 05748102:066. appropnate. based on anonymous nature of allegatort FUHRMEISTER.R. Repon 1 (Post 820201). 93/03/23. Regon 1 (Post 870201). 3pp. 9604170040 Advmes that util plans to test both 5% ref sample 410% representatwo


87880:14547860:147 sampne of Viton SSPV contrd rods at approx 90. day miervais.per NRC Irdo Notoe 96-i 007

    .-9804050118Notmee of closure of Allegaton RL92.A 0050 concernog staff suspected                     ROCHE.M.B. General Pubic Ulikties Corp. . GPU Senace Corp.96/04/09. Document 4

re edustry-wide saue of equipment operator log tatseficaton at ContrW Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 87949 0654794EkO88. t plant, on hated info. FUHRMELSTER.R. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 93/03/04. Regon 3 (Post 820201). 3pp. 9604229078 Apphcanon for amend to bcense DPR-18/everng spec 5.3.1 re handing 87860 14847860 160. heavy loads over rrachated fusi ROCHE.M.B. General Pubhc Utiktes Corp. . GPU Servce Corp. 96/04/15. Document mananenre informs that no fur 1her actons requred to Aliogaton F'e d RL92-A0181 Control Brancri (Document Control Desk). Spp.87962:326 47962-335. conoammg plant & mettar esose1 tftTO.D. NRC . No Detated Aftseton Gwen. 92/10/15. NRC . No Detaded Afhaton -9604220001 Proposed toch specs 5.3.1 re har* heavy loads over tradiated fuel. Gwert lipp.87860.1784 7860:188.

  • General Ph Unktes Corp. < GPU Sennce . 96/04/15. SPD. 87962.331
     -9604000047 Summertres 920403 teicon w/S Levm/J Barton re status of rwestgabons mto aneged taisitcanon of comp 6enon of PMs tiy sto servces swervisors.No wh                  9604240147 Responds to GL 96 01. "Testmg of SR Lope Creuits."

e n of fats 6caton found ROCHE.M.B. General P@ic Uthtes Corp. - GPU Servce Corp. 96/04/18. Document WULAND.W.H. NRC . No Detaded Atmaton Gwen.92/04/07. NRC - No Detaned Al- Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 88010:24648010:247. Ilhatson Gwert 5pp. 8786018947860193.

        ---ma Notifies of aneganon recewed from INPO on 920305. suggesang that                         Q.                         IE Buneuns & correspondence plant ockspment opera 1 ors agruno off on ' rounds" sheet that cartun tasks portarmed.that had not been performed.

WENZlNGERL NRC . No Detaned Affileton Gwen. 92/03/13. FUHRMEISTER.R. 9604230048 informs that correctue & preventwo actons documented m NRC. No Detaged Afflhatson Gwert 19 87860'19447800.199. response.Actons will by exammed dunng subsecuent map of hcensed progrant BRUNNER.EJ R l. IE (720101410228). 75/11/28. FINFROCK.I.R. Jersey Cen-

     -9604080081 Discusses 910513 teloon w/slieger to Allegation RL91.A-0078 conce                        tral Power & tsght     .1p.

Ing harassment & marradation claim agamst Catalync.GPUN contractor at plant. HARRIS.P W. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 91/05/14 MOORE.M. Regen 1 (Poet 9604230173 insp rept 50-219/75 25 ori 751112-13 Volatori noted.Masor areer i 820201) 8pp. 87860:24047860.247 mapected.piant status acceptabe area. unresolved items. unresolved dems. ' RUMLMAN.W.A., STOHRAP. Regon 1. IE F20101410228) 75/11/24.12pp.

     -9604000111 Notifes of closure of Alleganon Rk91.A4008 at TMI/ Oyster CreestAaegation determned to be unsubstantiated                                              9604240165 Insp rept 54219/7443 on 74020611Volatons noted.Masor areas RULAND.WM Repon 1 (Post 820201). 91/03/12. Regon 1 (Post 820201).1p.                            mspectad operanons. log & reconssfeactwity control & ccro physcs.                              !

87860:2484 7860.248. GREENMAN.E.G CAPHTON.D.L Regon 4. IE U20101-810228). 74/04/26. 20pp.

                                            ._                                                        . _ .             _           _                                           _m  _ _

28 DOCKETEDITEMS 9004240034 Responds to memo dtd 750905.wruch in part summarires portons of --9604120108 Insp rept50 219/7319 on 731129 & 30.No votatons noted. Mapor areas tescon amaaat on750902rer amount of proposed CMI penalty. mspectedmdepenoent measurements SNYDER.G.L Regon 1. IE F2010141 ). 75/09/11. ELUS.W.P. Omco of Inspec-tion & Enforcement 950101401210). 2pp. EVEMETT.RJ., BORES.R.J., STOHH.J.P. Regen L lE F20101410228). 73/12/19. 10pp. 9004240232 Informs that special insp conducted to review ahoganons" informa#y re-cerwed from state of NJ authnrmes atmng telcon on 740205. -9604120140 Confirms 731026 telcon w/ plant to compete propnetary into review w/ GREENMAN,E.G. heensee for RO map rept50-219/73 15. I, IE F20101410228). 74/04/26.CAPHTON.D.L Regon 1 IE O20101410228). GREENMAN.E.G. Regon 1. IE F20101410228). 73/10/31. Regen L IE U20101-810228L 2pp. 9804170288 Recommends that CO should estatesh that GE does supply mod control

              .as appropnate for BM of common design.                                          -9604120183 Suhmsts Napoctor evaluston of plant based on 730905 & mapJntorms M       RMOTT.H.J. Regen 1. IE F20101410228). 70/10/30.CARLSON,R.T. Regron L                   that insp not mchcaDve of good radanon safety program.

IE F20101410228).1p- MANN.J. R gen I IE F20101410228). 73/10/30. KNAPP.P.J. Regen L IE F20101-810228). 2pp. N04180170 Informs of correctwo & preventwo accons in response to document dtd

                                                                                               -90041H186 Insp rom 50 219/73 14 on 73090507Vdanons notMMapr wens M       N                   E               0 )        /1       N                                                                  '                                     ' ' " ***

tral Power & Ught Co.1p. 1 LR. Jerse/ Cen-

                                                                                                   $[Q(kion"kF                                           8E228 / /          pp 9604220131 insp rept 54219/7524 on 751030-31 & 1105.No veianons roted.Mafor                  -9604120190 Discusses resuha of special inso re power loss                     on 730908.

4 areas mapectedradologmal protecton dunng reactor opersDrm,inusual occurrences & GREENMAN.E.G. 1, IE F20101410228). 73/10/31. ON.D.L Regon I, radweste s%pments. IE F20101410228). . PLUMLEE.lCE., KNAPP.PJ Regen L IE P20101410228). 76/01/05.13pp.

                                                                                               -9604120193 Discusses Msp rept 50 210/7314 on 73090A7 & forwards NOV.

9404110225 Second pertal response to FOIA request for docur9ents. Forwards docw O'HEILLy.J.P. Regon I. IE F20101410228). 73/10i30. FINFROCK,1. Jersey Central monts asted in App B. Documents will be piecad m POR. Power & bght Co. 3pp. REED.C.A. Dmson of Freedom of inlormahon & Pubicatons Sennces (Post 940714L 96/02/13.DEKOK.D. Afflheten Not Aangned 46pp.

                                                                                               -.9604120196 Forwards 730907,730813 & 730807 memos re enforcement & Econsmg acnons resulung from espectors evalumnon & RO Rept 50 219/73 03.
 -7910160006 Responds to NRC 790810 request for evaluanon of util.Due to scope &                  O'REILLYJP. Regen 1. IE F20101410228). 73/09/12. THORNBURG.H.D. Atome detail of request,bconnes mgt appramat map is appropnste Submits map plan outhne &            Energy Commason. Drectorate of Regulatory Operanons F20101-750118).19 functional areas that win be mapacted.

WHITT.K.W Office of inspecten & Enforcement F50101401210). 79/08/24. BRUNNER.E.J. Office of inspection & Enforcement F50101401210). $pp. 00e74:103- -9404120199 Responds to730813 memo re enforcement & bconsmo actons resultmg 00874:107. from mapector evaluaDon & RO Rept $4219/7303. Irdorms that areas of concem discussed in evaluanon memo appear adequately responded to. O'REILLYJP R 1. IE F20101410228). 73/09/07.GALUNA.C.O. Regen I, IE

 -9604120012 Summary of 731113 meeting w/utils to discuss plant revised QA program                U20101-810228).

for opershons. . WAMBACH.T.V. Atome Energy Camussen. Drectorsie et uoensmg F20101- -9604120200Notco of vmistion from insp on 731030Volaton nome two individuals in 750118). 73/11/02. Atorruc Energy Communen, Drectorate of beenem0 F20101 750118). 3pp. radweste facety control room not aware of 5 mailroent0 ens per hour does rates on work am

 -9004120016 Notce of vionshon from insp on 730626 29.Volaton noted exposure in                         *0" I*                            b               E0' excess of three rom dunng ApNune quaner & fai6ure to analm reactor coolant samp6e evwy 72 tours for Wat rh edine coment,                                               -9004120204 Conhrms 730810 teicon re enforcement & Imensmo achons resulung frorn Regon 1, IE F20101410228). 73/09/24. 2pp.                                                   mapector evaluston for RO Root 54219/73 03 & reouests review of attached memo to determne it concems - . 2 m evaluation memo have been responded to.
 -96C412n026 Informs of conversanon w/D Ross on 751015 to decuss results of insp of                          N R ngf50

ortste committee actmbos at corporate ofes. 73/ 3 ILL ogon F20 01 28 1 G RC . No Detailed Afrihanon Gwen. 75/10/15. NRC . No Detailed

  • 1HMS Forwwds mso rept M9/M for NFacmends RO Technical Assstance Branch perform review of thermal transient which occurred outside of al.
 -9004120033Dmcusses insp rept 50-219/7S17 on 731023 & forwards nonce of vioie-                   lowatse p by TS 3.3 O'RElLLYJP. Repon I, IE F20101410228). 73/11/16. FINFROCK.L Jersey Central                     F20101-750118L 73/03/                       PPLERAG. Atormc Energy Commesson, Drectorate Power & Uged Co. 2pp.                                                                          of Regulatory Operations (720101-750118). 2pp.
 -9604120038 Notice of volaton trom map on 731023.Velaton noted bconses failed to              -960412020p Pn> noes summary of assues reased in CO Galins evaluation memo re en.

conduct mosquete evaluston of concercatons of arbome radoeceve matt m waste forcement & licensm0 acbons resulung from mapactor evalusuon for RO Rept 54219/ barrel storace reas. 73 03 Attachment bsts issues requnn0 ereforcement or hcoreng actons.

  • Regen I, IE U20101410228). 73/11/16. 2pp. HIGGINBOTHAM.L Atome Energy Comrmsson (Pro 750119). 73/06/ ".KNUTH.D F.

Alarme Energy Commessen Drectorate of Regtdatory Operatons O. *101750118).

 -9604120043 Dummas map rept $4219/73-18 on 731001.No ve6stons or safety                          999 noms observed.

NELSON.P.R. Regen I, IE v20101410228L 73/11/15. FINFROCK,l.R. Jersey Cork -9604120214 Dan ==as insp rept 54219/7315 on 730910-12 & forwards retico of tral Power & Ught Co. 2pp. viotston. informs that correctvo steps win be taken to eved further volanons. O'REILLYJP. Repon I. IE F20101410228L 73/10/26. FINFROCK.I.R. Jersey Cork

 -9004120064 informs that teensee made great stndes m engt ooreois at sne & more                  tral Power & Ught Co. 2pp.

deare to enform of unusual events. Rom %eted inlo obtamed or acton rubated for bsted name. -9604120218 Forwards RO Inso Rept 54219/7S12 for schon. Recommends impositon CANTRELLF S. Regon 1, IE F20101410228). 73/09/24.CAPHTON.D.L Regon 1, IE of 54,000 cwil penalty. Memo stowmg lusufcanon for penalty & draft of documentaton F20101410228). 2pp. enct O'RElLLYJP Region 8. IE F20101410228). 73/09/11. DAVIS).G. Atorme Energy

 -9004120060 insp rept 54219/73-17 at 731023.No vio6abons no;ad. Major areas                      ri               Drectorate of Regulatory Operations P20101-750118).1p.

mapactolorgeruzaton & admrustrrnon.aqupmerit & taceirnes.operanons observed. personnel . surveys, ssvey records. BRANOKAMP,F.N., MCOUNT ,R.O. F.egion 1, IE F20101410228). 73/11/15. 5pp-

                                                                                               -9604120220 Notee of violation from insp on 73091412.Volanon noted dept work per-iormed on differental relays for start @ tansformers at facinty on 730730.
 -9604120069 inso rept 60-219/73 11 on 730628-29.Volatons noted.Masor areas                                                               b            '

anspectedtilowup to event to exposure records for Apsksne 1972 quarter shoenng -9604120223 Forwwds rep rept 54219/73041nsp rept pomts out two mathrs at one rnen exposed m excess of three rom. CANTRELLF.S., CAPHTON.D.L Repon I, IE U20101410228). 73/09/19. 24pp. Oyaw Crd CANTRELLF.S. Regen I, IE F20101410228). 73/03/23.CAPHTON.D.L Regen 1, IE

 -9604120078 Discusses mso rept 54219/7319 on 731129 & 30.No volabons noted NELSON.P.R. Repon t. lE F20101410228L 73/12/21. FINFROCK,l.R. Jersey Cen.

tal Power & Ugm Ca 2pp. -9604120225 Insp root 50-219/73-12 on 730803 & 06.Velatons noted.Maior areas mspectedtonowup to event to 88 of 132 stock suppressors found defectrve dunng

 -9604120057 Inop rept 50-219/7318 on 731001.No volatons noted. Masor areas inspectethcensee envvon enntonng progam                                                                    E      .,                     ', CAPHTON.D.L Repon I, IE F20101410228). 73/

GALUNA C.O., STOHRJP. Regen I, IE U20101410228). 73/11/13. 8pp. ngf,j 7DD-

 -9604120000 Discusses map rept 54 219/73 19re faceny meteoro6ogy program wtuch                -9604120231 Insp rept 54219/7S15 on 73091412Violaton noted Masor areas did not meet recommendatons of safety guide 23 & st present of httle value.NRC reo.            repected: events surroundm0 loss of power artuamon on 730908 & effect on reactor ommends that meteorology requirements ce ancorporated m facihty TS.                            leveLpressise & temp. stack rekase recatons & drywen actMty.

STOMRJP. Regon I, IE F20101410228). 73/12/21.THORNBURG.H.D. Regen I, IE GREENMAN.E.G. Regon 1, IE U20101410228). 73/10/23.17pp. F20101410228).1p.

                                                                                               -9604120274 Ack receipt of 731120 Itr mformn0 AEC of steps taken to correct vota-
 ~9604120006Provides het of areas m facshty meteorology program Wi .                .6... ,nce    bone noted m map.

w/ safety guide 23. O'REiLLYJP. Regen 1. IE F20101410228). 73/12/13. FINFROCK,l.R. Jersey Cen. BORES,R.J. Regen I, IE U20101410228). 73/12/21. STOHRJP. Regen I, IE tral Power & Light Co.1p. U20101410228). 2pp

                                                                                               -9604120278 Responds to NRC 731028 Itr re violahans roted m map rept of bconse
 -9604120101 Informs that facekty TS developed & cover most of requrements of safety              DPR.16.Correceve            ;,v, . -           iton of Cushty Assurance Program wel reduce gimie 21 w/two exceptons-                                                                     cause for TS violaton.

EVERETT.RJ Regon 1, IE F20101410228). 73/12/21. STOHRJP. Regen 1, IE ROSS.DA Jersey Cereal Power & Light Co. 73/11/20. O'REtLLY,J.P. Regen I, lE F20101410228).19 U20101410228). 4pp.


   -9004120290 informs of renew of case & concurs w/recommendeton that hcenses tie               -9604150114 Informs that meetmg w/utd mgt re map rept54219/7348 accorrq)hshed geven majamum ime for wonacon.                                                               somethng JRLSON.R.T. Regon 1. IE F20101410228). 73/09/11. O'REILLY.J.P. Atome                         CANTRELLF.S. Regon 1, IE F20101410228). 73/06/12.CAPHTON.D.L Regen 1. IE inorgy Commason. Drectorate of Regulatory Operatons F20101-750118). 8pp.                     U20101410228L 1p.
   -teiO4120297 insp rept 508210/7110 on 730511.No modatons noted.Masor areas                    -9604150119 Forwards DL P                  feed notes on73041 4 11 map & RO map rept 50-mapectedroutmo rewww of refuehng operatons.                                                  219/7348 inspectors tound that                  QA program, effecDve & correctrve acton CANTRELL,F.S CAPHTON.D.L Regon 4,IE U20101410228L 73/06/07. $pp.                             taken try manutseturer to correct oefesencies.

CARLSON.R.T. Regen I, IE F20101410228L 73/08/23. THORNBURG.H.D. Atome

   -9604120303 Informs that plant appears tevm0 changed atDtu1e toward procedures &                 Energy Comrrusson, Drectorate of Regulatory Operanons F20101750118). 25pp.

Supervoon responerve to comments. CANTRELLF. Regon 1, IE U20101410228). 73/06/06. CAPHTON.D.L Regen I, IE F20101410228). 2pp. -9,604150129 insoreaung rept 50219/7S06 on 73041411.No notatonsofnoted. a-re- mewuss to overall QA effort m procurement tacihtyMact areas reioad fuel frorn EJrmon Nuclear Co

   -9604120215 cwa **e mso conducted on 731129.No volatons noted-                                   CANTRELLF.S., POMEROY,D.L. POTAPOVS.U. Regen I, IE F20101410228). 73/

MARTIN.W.G. Regen I. IE U20101410228). 73/12/05. FINFROCK,l.R. Jersey Cam. 08/22. 4pp. 1ral Power & Ught Co 1p.

   -9634150004 Responds to730013                                                                -9604150136 Inso espt 50 219/7308 on 730424.No votatens noted.Maior areas from mspector evalumuon & RO Rept    memo    re enforcement 50 219/7S03. Disagrees to&varyn0 Iconom0    actons degrees w           mspectedresults of msp of envron morvlonn0 program conducted on 730228 4 307.

resulunl) cormnents a rept wnung CANTREu,F.S, O'RElLLYJ.P., CARLSON,R.T. Regen 1, IE F20101410228) 73/ GALUNA.C.O. Region 1. IE F20101810228). 73/09/07.O'REILLY.J.P. Atomm Energy 06/06. 4P8' Commesson, Drectorate of Regulatory Opersions F20101750118). 3pp.

                                                                                                -9604150141 Discusses meetmos held w/uts m Wornslown.NJ on730424 re actrwhos
   -9604150017 Docusset esp rept $4219/7312 on 730803 06 & forwards NOV.                            authorized t>y bconne DPR-16.

O'RErLLYJ.P. Regen 1. IE F20101410228). 73/10/15. FINFROCK,l.R. Jersey Com O'REILLY,J.P. Atomo Eneroy Commesson, Directorate of Reguietary Operatons W Poww & bght Co. W F20101-750118). 73/06/12, BARTNOFF.S. Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 2pp.

  -4604150021 Notce of viotaten frorn ansp on 73080S06Violaban noted' util taled to             -9404150145 Irmo rept 60-219/7341 on 730409 & 10.No volatons noted. Matar areas notWy Dractor of Regonal Regulatory Operatons Ofc.or rept to Dractor of                       msoected. post-exam eteanog requirements of hesuid penetrant test procedure.

Loonemg.withm prescnbod hmitt BROWN,R.L. SANDERS.W.F., HOWARDEM. Regon 1, IE U20101410228). 73/05/

  • Regon I, IE F20101410228). 73/10/15.1p. 15. 7pp.
  -9004150031 insp rept 54219/7S20 on 72032423.No violatons noted. Ma#or areas                  -9604150174 insp rept 50 219/'/349 on 730502.No violanons noted.Mapr areas
      . .    :-D. .. of SNM dep6 ebon & producton calcula00ne used & reponed tpy h.                manected'teedwater spargers for poss4)ie talure m wetoed seems.

consee. SANDERS.W F., CANTRELL,F.S., TILLOU J H. Regon I, IE F20101410228). 73/06/ PARTLOWJ.G., BARTZ.H., SNfDER.G.L Regon 1, IE F20101410228). 73/12/03. 07.3pp. 3pp.

                                                                                                -9604150179 Forwards Re0ulatory Operatons Bulletm 7$4. Requests that acton shown
  -960415J046 Forwards insp rept50-219/7347.No violanons or safety Roms noted.W/o                  under ACTION INDICATED be takert encl.                                                                                        O'REILLYJ.P. Regon I, IE F20101410228). 73/08/17. FINFROCK,l.R. Jersey Com O'REILLYJ.P. Regen 1, IE F20101410228). 73/05/24. SIMS.R.H. Jersey Central                   tral Power & ught Co.1p.

Power & bght Co. 2pp.

  -9604150051 Summary of mot meebnD re 6ndings of augmented insp program & reist-               -9,604150190     informs that stds oactor components.Stds    snouldforinclude ciartly & detail should t>e developed clanty.magrufmanon   & contractfor TV enso of ed oput from mvolved tirancheL CREENMAN.E.G R               t IE F20101410228). 73/11/30. CAPHTON.D.L Regen 1,              CANTRELL F.S. Regen I, IE F20101410228). 73/06/08.CAPHTON.D.L Regon I, IE F20101410229). 2pp.

IE F20101410228). .

  -9604150060 Forwards map rept $4219/7343 on 7302260302,05 & 07. Concurs in recon i recornrnencaton of loanstno mwow g ovemn enwonrnental                                      [(

CARLSON.R.T. R (Qinsp on 73M2 & docussons of W at concluson of 1, IE F20101410228). 73/06/08. FINFROCK,l.R. Jersey Cem h $ A E YOUNGBLOOD.BJ. Atomic Energyb'Commason (Pro 750119). 73/05/23. sson (Pro 750119). 2pp. tal Poww & Ugm 2pp. ms he w e M9M on 7305% em W

  -4604150083Docusses 731105meetmo w/util re actrvibes authonrad try AEC bcense                    CARLSON.R.T. R            L lE F20101410228). 73r06/06. FINFROCK,l.R. Jersey Com DPR 16. Areas deemed desenhed m enci snap rept.Rept withheid.                                INI PO*e' E UOM         EPA
  • DAvlSJ.G. R 1, IE F20101410228). 73/11/30. BARTNOFF,S. Jersey Central Power & bght 2pp. -9604150190 Ack receipt of730522Itr stormmg NRC of steps taken to correct veois-tons rated m msp rept 50-219/7343. Correctrue acnon wdl be venhed dunng next
 -9604150073Ack receipt of731015 fir mforming NRC of steps taken to correct vota,                  map of piant envuonmental program.

bons noted m msp ot hcense DPR 16. O'REILLYJ.P. Regen I, IE F20101410228). 73/06/01. SIMS.R.H. Jersey Central O'REILLYJ P. Regen L IE U20101410228). 73/11/30. FINFROCK.LR. Jersey Cem Power & ught Co. 2pp. tal Power & Ught Co.1p.

 -9804150000 inso rept 54219/7213 on 730626-29 Volatons noted. Malor areas                     -9604150200       Responds toaccons.more 0302,06 & 07.Correceve         NRC 730426       Mr te votatens posibwe           noted m&inop acnon employed     - on -730228.
                                                                                                                                                                                        ..Z to mapected:foRow.up to event reported to NRC m volabon of TSs 4.4.A.2 & 3 6 C.                  wards procunn0 of samples & subsequent follow up of outside contractor analyses GREENMAN.E.G., YOUNG.H., SNYDER,G. Regen I, IE U20101410220k 73/10/01.                        ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 73/05/22 O'REtLLY,J.P. Regon t, IE 15pp.                                                                                        F20101410228). 2pp.
 -98041500e2 Insp rept 50219/7342 on 730430 & 0502,No violanons noted. Masor                   -te04150201 rh.-             730525teicon re matsry rept 219/73 080 & chromate in water areas mapactedexamme porton of quakty programtrang wasted &/or implemented                    & som samples.

eubsequent to RO:1 map e June 1971. CANTRELL F.S. Regon I, IE F20101410228). 73/06/19. Regon L IE F20101 HAYW ARD,w M., TILLOUJ.H. Regon 1, IE F20101410228). 73/05/14. 7pp. 810228).1p.

 -9604150063 Informs of routmo inac re violatons to core spray valve operabikty.testmg            9604150212 Refers to 730912 memo se ordorcement & loensin0 actons resultmg
     & safety item concommg portable survey metrument caitir.                                      from erapector evaluenon of RO rept 54210/7343.

GREENMANAG. 4. IE F20101410228). 73/10/04. CAPH70N D.L Regon 3. THORNBURG.H.D. Atomic Energy Commesson (Pro 750119). 73/09/26. IE F20101410228). . O'REfLLYJ.P. Repon 1, (E F20101410228) 2pp.

 -9604150098 Responds to NRC731015ftr te veistons noted m insp of bcorge DPR.                    .9604150243Intorms that insp rept 50-219/7347 screduied for 730419.20 to fonow up 16 Correceve accons. staff addinons & expanson of JCP&L Oushty Assurance orgam.             cn correctrue actons that utsi had defmed m response to volabons & safety items raton.                                                                                       ,oenot,ed          msp on 73021316.

ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 73/11/09. O'RElLLYJ.P. Regon I, IE MEYER.R.J. 1. IE F20101410228). 73/05r30. SMITH.R.H. Regen I, IE F20101410228h 1p. F20101410228). 3pp.

 -9804150101Docusses map rept 50 219/73-13 on 730829-29 4 forwards NOV.

O'REILLYJ P. Regon I, IE F20101410228). 73/10/04. FINFROCK,1.R. Jersey Cer> -9604150247 insp rept 54219/7347 on 730416-20.No violations noted. Masar areas tal Poww & bght Co. 3pp. dobow @ to correcDve actons that util snitia*WJ to correct provous vote-

 -9604150106 Forwards insp rept 54219/7348.for info                                               MEYER,RJ., LORENZ.w.R., SMITH.R.H. Regon 1, IE F20101410228). 73/05/25 CARLSON.R.T. Atomic Energy Commesson. Drecerate of Regulatory Operstons                      8pp.

F20101750118). 73/06/12. THORN 8URG,H.D. Atomm Energy Commisson, Drector-ate of Raptory Operatons F20101750118).10 -9604150319 Confirms 730727 telcon w/cogmzant representatives of staff concommg Berger>Petteron unc shock suppressors & restramts Forwards Regulatory Oper.

 -9604150107 Nobce of violaton from insp on 730828-29 Violanon noted records ind.                 anons Boneen          requesting          c acton.

cried that operabety test not performed between730426 4621. O'REILLY,J.P. Atome Energy - (Pro 750119). 73/07/27. FINFROCK,1.R.

  • Regon 1, IE F20101410228). 73/10/04. 2pp. Jwsey Central Power & Ugnt Co.1p.
 -9604150109 Forwards map rept54219/7306 on 73041411.No violatons roted.W/o                    -9604150394 R _ . ._ .J., contmung audit of Klockner on twice yearty base at least.

encg BROWN.HL Regen t, IE F20101410228). 73/05/17. HOWARD.E M Regor, I, IE CARLSON.R.T. L lE F20101410228). 73/08/23.FINFROCK,tR Jersey Cen. (720101410228). 2pp. tral Power & Ught 2pp.

                                                                                               -9504150116 Insp rept 50-219/7344 on 730313 Two votatons notect recrcunston
 -9604150110 Summary of plant mgt meeeng to detaded Andmps of recent envron map.                  pump started w/ temperature d#ierenbal of 117 F;faAse to have wntten procedures for STOHRJ.P. Regon I, IE F20101410228). 73/06/12. Regen 1, IE F20101410228).                    certam condstons Masor s<ees map:operanons & operaton logbooks.

1p CANTRELJ F.S., CAPHTON.D.L Regon L IE F20101410228). 73/03/23.12pp.


  =0E04140121 Forwards insp rept S219/7344 on 730313 & moury rept 50 219/73             -9604160214 Notee of moiatxm from insp on 730226 0302.06 & 07 Vetatons 040 re AO exponenced on730310.

KEPPLERJ.G. Alomic E Commmason, Dractorate of Regulatory Operabons rotectsamples taken from less than five locatons ownng numerous penods from May 1969 through Dec 1972. F20101-750118). 73/05/04. EMEL.RJ. Atorme Energy Commmeon, Drectorate

  • Regen 1. IE F20101410228). 73/04/26. 4pp.

of Regulatory Operations P20101-750118). 2pp.

  -e604160127 Forwards 730214 JCP&L ltr & RO inclury Rept54219/73440 as corre.          -9604160216 Docusses & forwards RO Insp Rept 60 219/7245.

CAPHTON.D.L Atomic E Commisason Drectorate of Regulatory Operations CAR R 2004 228) 73/

 -9604160131Docusses eisp on 730313 & forwards descnption of woiatmns.
                                                                              . tu 1p. h          t          an e P201 1         18')

O'RElLLYJ.P. Region I, IE F20101410228). 73/03/27. SIMS.R.M Jersey Central - 9604163221 Summary of 730424 mgt meetmg w/una re summary of erwron morntonng Power & Ught Co. 2pp. mso .programmade de6ciencies & evalumeon of present program. STOHRJ.. 1, IE F20101410228). 73/04/24. O'RElLLYJ.P, Region L BE

 -8604160136 RO inep rept 50 219/73 02 on 73021318 Volatons noted. Mapor areas            P20101410228 2pp.

mopectedfolew up to previous maps on 730102, 05 & 06 & br.anses correceve ac-tons. MEYER.RJ., CANTRELLF.S., FRESS.fL Regon L lE F20101410228). 73/04/03. .g604160224 Cwim==s need for backup to Supermtendent & RO Irmp Rept 50 219/ 17pp. 7245. CANTRELLF.S. Regen I, IE F20101410228). 73/03/09.OAPHTON.D.L Region t E

 -9004160137 Forwards undated & unsigned CO maury rept 50 219/7149.                                              #

N L Atome E 750119). 71/11/15. CARLSON.R.T.

                                                                                       -9604160225 Nobfmakin W 730424 mgt nwetng w/uth re RO insp of plant om mental                program on 7302264307.
 =0604160130 Notco of malation from inap on730313.Velatons noted B recuculaban            CANTRELL.F.S. egen 1, IE F20101410228). 73/04/23.O'REtLLYJ.P. Regen I, IE pump started w/ temperature differeerbal of 117 F,tadure to use wntten procedure      F20101410228L 3p%

when B & D recyculaton loops from svc to replace Drushes.

  • Regen 4. IE 101410228L 73/03/27.1p. -960416022s Discusses insp conducted on 71100748.whch was bmried to renewmg
 -9504100141 Forwards undated & unsigned CX)inqury rept50 219/7128. tor info.Ptant        control of personnel exposures & redation & contaminston comrol dunng current es-tended outage. No mgnificant ochconcsos ri program noted.

shutdown for removes of poman curtans. fuel replacement /roccinittuhon & kJrtune MEYER.RJ. Regen i. IE F20101410228). 71/11/09. CARLSON.R.T. Regen 1 IE warranty insp. U20101410226). 21pp. CARLSON.R.T. Atomic Energy Commmason (pre 750119). 71/11/09. KEPPLERJ.G. Atomm Energy Commesson (Pro 750119) 3pp.

                                                                                       .g6041e0231 Submns inspectors evaluaton re rowsw of facility electncal repts & inop
 -41804160143 Forwards 720213 RO ter w/rept 54219/7341 as conospondence be-               on 72110910 & 13 tween Regen I.Drectorate of Opersbons & JCP&LW/o once.                                BUR 21.AV. Regron I, IE F20101410228L 73/03/09. HOWARD.E.M. Regen t IE CAREY.P. Regon 1. IE F20101410228). 73/03/20.MOTT.S. Ocean County. NJ.1p.             U20101410228). 2pp'
 -9604160150Subnuts input to erwron map rept of facihty.                               -9604160247 Forwards attached rept of map conducted at fac6lity on 710623-25. informs EVERETT.R.J.            I, IE F20101410228). 73/03/18. GALLINA,C. Regen 1. IE         tnat two sena of mncompianos noted.

U20101410228). . CARLSON.R.T. Regon 1. IE F20101410228). 71/09/03. KEPPLERJ.G. Atomic Energy Commesson (Pro 750119). 3pp.

 -8004100156 Sutmts comments clartrying forw              memo tar subi rept sent by J Keppler did 730130 & responds to memo sent by C              did 730305.           -9604160248 Insp rept 50 219/72 05 on 72110910.1213.17.20 & 72120748. Sor via.

GAu.lNA.C.O 1, IE F20101410228). 73/03/15. STOHRJ.P. Regen I, IE latons noted.Masar areas inspected fosowup to 72070547.10 & 1214 ansp. U20101410228L CANTRELL,F.S., BURZl,A.V., CAPHTON.D.L Regen I, IE U20101410228). 73/03/

 -9804100164 Forwards RO Inquey Rept50 219/73 040 for rito.

j CARLSON.R.T. Alame Energy Commemon. Drectorate of Regulatory Operatons F20101750118). 73/03/15.SiMS.R,H. Jersey Central Power & Lagnt Co.1p. -9604160256 insp rept 50-219/7142 on 710622-25 0702 Violabons noted. Mapor areas l anspectedlog & records.tacehty stattng & operator retrammg programs.reactrety con.

 -9604160148 Forwards CO insp root 50-219/7143. lor info.insp focused on exam of re.

fusung actrebes re redabon & contammation control prachces m effect for related 8d'O*g0'Wy HIGGINBOTHAM,L. CANTRELL.F'S. Region I, IE U20101-810228). 71/09/d2.18pp. R.T. Atome E Commmmon (Pre 750119). 71/11/09. KEPPLERJ.G. Atomic Energy C- . 750119).1p. -9004160267 D=~==== evaluaten re insp of plant on 710623-25 & 0702. Insp con-coming site organizabon. general ofc renew board performance & admrustraton of

 -0804160175 Forwards RO moury rept 50 219/73080 for Mto W/o enct                         ma nt organizanon.

CARLSON,R.T. Atome Energy Commenon. Directorate of Reguistory Opershons NCDERNOTT.RJ. Regen I, IE F20101410228). 71/09/03.CARLSON.R.T. Regen 1. F20101-7bO118). 73/04/30.SIMS,R.H Ja soy Central Power & Lsght Co.1p. IE U20101410228). 2pp.

 -9604160176 insp rept 50 219/7143 on 71100748.Volations notect Maior areas mapacted: togs & recoros,tacelriy procedures, fuel belance & conimuous er   .g604160270 Forwards insp rept 50219/7142 en 710623-25 4 0702.Two stems of
                                                                                          ;-.,,;             noted.Speerfc matters of interest ri.=me==ri m rept lated.

9 YOUNG, , MEYER.RJ., CARLSON,R.T. Region I, IE F20101410228). 71/11/08. CARLSON.R.T. Atome Energy Cu .. _ _ . (Pro 750119). 71/09/03. KEPPLERJ.G 8pp. Atome Energy Commmecn (Pro 750119). 2pp.

 -9004140182 Ack receipt of ftr tr;lormmg NRC of steps taken to correct uplatons noted -96M60272 h====              apocal mp on 73021316 & forwards Desenpten of Volatons m enop rept 50 219/7344                                                               & Descnpton of Safety items.

O'REtLLYJ P. Atomic Energy Commessen, Drectormte of Regulatory Operatons O'REILLY.J.P. Regon 1. IE F20101410228). 73/03/07 SIMS.R.H. Jersey Central F20101750118). 73/04/27.SIMS.R.H. Jersey Central P.swer & Lagnt Co. 2pp. Power & Lsght Co. 3pp.

 -9804140146 Informs that 75% of time spent at ste und in obsernne fuel handimg &      -9604160276 Forwards insp rept 54219/7141 on 71040648 & 1213. Several oefi-fuel map process.                                                                     ciences swoMnD noncompience or safety consderabons noted.

YOUNG.T. Regon 1. IE F20101410228L Y1/1*,00. CARLSON.R.T. Regen I, IE ENGELKEN.R.H. Atome Eneroy Commesson (Pro 750119). 71/08/20. U20101410228L 1p. SKOVHOLT.DJ. Atomm Fnergy Comnussen, Drectorate cf Licensmg 920101

 -8404160187 Forwards memo prending general summary of de%:soncies identifed dunng map conducted on 73021316.Inforrris that cetaded map rept cunency a pmpe-
                                                                                       -9804180282 Notre of moisten from map on 73021316.Votanons notetthsgh magru.

N. h"or N ELKE E Commenon, Drectorate of Regulatory Opershons (720101-750118L 73/03/15 OvHOLT.DJ. Atomic Energy Commmeon, Deputy Dr rector for Reactor Protects P20101750118).1p. Regen I,etIE commetwI F20101410228). 73/03/07. 7pp.

 -9604190191 RO map root 54219/7303 on 7302284302.0305 & 07. Maianons                  -9604160265 Dmeusses hap conducted on 721109.,1207 & 08 & for-noted Mator areas mopected bconsee ennron                program.

GALUNA,C.O., EVERETT.RJ., FRIESS,RA Repon I, F20101410228). 73/04/23. *'R'ds O' EILLYDescreton l.P. Regen 1, of IE Violatons. F20101410228). 73/03/06. SIMS.R.H. Jersey Central e4pp. Power & Lsght Co. 3pp.

 -9604100192Na-- special snap conducted at facekty on730213-16 &prondes bst            -te041602sa D=a==as findmgs dunng recent envranmental insp on 730228 4307 8 of       of moistors adenshed t y RO 1 anspeckrs.                                     sntenced EA.

ON.D L Regen 6, IE F20101410228L 73/02/26. KEPPLERJ.G. Atoms STOHRJ.P. Regon L IE F20101410228L 73/04/18. PELLETIER.CA Atome Energy Energy Commusen, Drectorate of Regulatory Operanons P20101750118). 2pp. Commason, Drectorate of Regulatory Operatons F20101750118L 4pp.

 -4604140196 Forwards RO anop rept 50-219/7343.sor into. inspectors of opruon that       0004160291 Desenpton of Volanons from insp on 721109. & 1207-pmsent enernmental       oescreed m TS madeounte-Os.Veonatore noteemeuffoont owvoys modo pnar to 721120 to demonstrate expo.

STOHRJ.P. Atomic Drectorene of Regdatory Operabo

  • 920101-750118L 73/04/ PELLETIER,CA Atomc E tergy Commessort Drectora'te s.ure rate et eence East of waste storage bido & removal of shee*dmg glass from crum.

of Regulatory Operatens P20101-750118). 2pp. Regon I, lE F20101410228). 73/03/06. 2pp. l

 -9604180203 Forwards rep rept of Insp performed at GPUSC on 730410 & 11.GPUSC         -96W60307 Responds 2 730327 ler 2 RH Sems m map on 730313 by Cantron.

per1ormed enactrve & weil documerned aunts of fuel suppier & mapor supphers.Insp ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & LsDht Co. 73/04/16. O'REILLY.J.P. Regon I, IE estads twolve propnetary data & besng forwarded as field notes W/o ence. F20101410228). 2pp REINMUTH,G W. Atome E Commmason. Drectorate of Regulatory Operatorm F20101-750118). 73/04/26. LSON.R.T. Regen 1, IE F20101410228). 2pp. -9604160320 Discuseos730410 11 audit of GPUSC by DL & U Potapo.s on 73041411.Most of audit conodored propnetary data by EXXON uclear.Feeld nows

 -9804140207 Na==es inep on730226 4302.06 4 07 & forwards no6ce of wolaten.               enci W/e notes. Memo undtd.

O'REILLYJ.P. Regen L IE F20101410228). 73/04/26. FINFROCK,t.R. Jersey Cer> CANTRELL.F.S NRC . No Detailed Aff4mten Gwen. 96/02/13. CAPHTON.DL Wal Power & Light Co. 2pp. Regen 1 (Post 820201).1p,

  . . _ .             .                   =               _       _   n-        -          -            _    _ _ _ _ _


   -e004140327D=- map on 730213-16 tar purposes of followm0 up on allegahons                              -9004170170 Forwaros msp rept 50-219/74 01 on 740609 & 10.f% violatons or safety so adverse                  I condstons at facekty                                                  mems noted.

MEYERAJ., ELL,F., FRIESS.R. Regen L IE F20101410228). 73/04/10. BRUNNER.EJ. R I. IE F20101410228). 74/07/08.FINFROCK,1.R. Jersey Cen-SM'TH,R.H. Repon L IE F20101410228). 2pp. tral Power & Lagrit .2pp.

   -8004100388 Adn receipt of730328Itr irdormnDNRC of steps taken to conect vois-                         -980417017e Ack receipt of 740919 Itr informmg NRC of steps taken to correct viola-tons noted m map of heensed progrant                                                                 tons noted an map rept 54219/74-14.

O'REILLYJP. Regen I, IE F20101410228L 73/04/10. $1MS.R H. Jersey Central MARTIN.W.G. Regen t. IE F20101410228). 74/10/07. FINFROCK,LR Jersey Cork Power & bght Co.1p. tral Power & bght Co.1p.

   -9604100302Roeponds to730307 fir to RH Ssms to special map conducted by Meyer
          & CentroN on73021316.Radiaton mgt reviewm0 emstm0 resolopcal program & will                     -9804170101 insp rept B219N2 on 74012125Voletons noted.Masar areas make . - _ ._. - to improve progrem.                                                                 snspected.admmistraten & crgenzracon, logs & records.pnmary sys.reactrvity control &

ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & bgrit Co. 73/03/26. O'REtLLY,J.P. Regen L IE core pnymes, aumhery sys.eiectncal syn.contamment & emergency power. F20101410228). 5pp. GREENMAN.E.G., THOMASN., CAPHTON.D.L Regen L IE U20101410228). 74/03/ 27.20pp.

    -9404140386 Ferwards rept of inep conducted at tecilliy on 71040648 & 12-13.Inno in.
          - mespen review or leonese mgt of radweste.                                                     -9804170232 insp rept 54219/7047 on 70101316.Violatons noted.Masor areas CARLSON,R.T. Atome Energy Commason (Pro 750119). 71/06/23. O'REILLY J.P.                             anspectedreview status of outstandmo items utentfed m provous repts.operatens for Atomm Energy Conemsaan (rro 750119). 70pp.                                                           remsp penod & compista recurements of PI 3000/1.

MCDERMOTT.R.J., CARLSON.R.T. Regen L IE F20101410228). 70/12/02. 34pp.

    -4004100307 Forwards RO ingury rept.for mio.W/o enct CARLSON.R.T. Atome Energy Commason, Drectorate of ReWetory Operalens                            -0e04170236 Forwards RO inaury rept sor mfo purposes W/o encl.

F20101750118). 73/04/05.SIMS.R.H. Jersey Central Power & bght Co.1p. CARLSON.R.T. Regen I, IE U20101410228). 73/01/12. SIMS.R.H. Jersey Central

    -9004100370Ar* recoct of730327 tir informmg NRC of steps taken to correct weia-                            Power & bght Ca 1p.                                                                       1 El     A.                                     . Detectorate of Regula        Operatens   -9004170243 Informs that review of rod sunnesance testn0 & results meste that rnd l'         F20101-750116). 73/04/04                iMS.R.H. Jersey Central Power & bghi Co 2pp.                 pedormance has been sabsfactory since Apn%y 1970per CO rept B219/7047.

MCDERMOTT.R.J. Regson I, IE F20101410228). 70/11/10.CARLSON,R.T. Regon I, i -e004100377 Forwards Drectorate of Regula Operatens Bulletm 7S1, to provide IE U20101410228b 1p. r mfo recewed from WEPC & RG&E concommg Beach & Gmns precaunted water l reactor facetos.Acton roguested idenafied m escDon 8 of buhetut -e004170262 Forwards rept of insp at faceluy on 70101316.No safety signallcance O'FEILLY,J.P. Regon I, IE U20101410228). 73/02/23. SIMS.R.H. Jersey Central notori Pomer & bght Co. 3pp. CARLSON,RT. Atome Energy Commeann (Pro 750119). 70/12/15. O'REILLY,J.P. Atomic Energy Commewan (Pre 750119). 3pp.

    -te041003e6 Informs that iconese les made noted Improvement (seven new additions) tons n todN areas MCDE              , J Regon I, IE F20101410228). 71/06/17. CARLSON.R T. Regen I, IE F20101410228L 2pp.
                                                                                                                                %                  f         f7 on 74HW4 MYSON.R R., KNAPP,PJ. Regon I, IE U20101410228) 74/01/03.13pp.
    -9004140428 Responds to 730306 Itr to RH Sems se map of plant operstons coriducted by Carmen on721100, & 20 & 1207 & 08.U01 we be tasung steps to msure                -ee04170206 Forwards map rept 54219/7S23 on 73122M & notco of votatort as may be regured to comply w/10CFR20.201(b).                                            O'REILLY,J.P. Regon L lE F20101410228b 74/02/11.FINFROCK,t. Jersey Central R        .D.A. Jersey Central Power & bght Co. 73/03/27.O'RElLLY,J.P. Regen l, IE                   Power & Light Co. 2pp.

(Y20101410228). 2pp.

                                                                                                          -e004170200 Notme of volaton from map on 731227 28Vioiston noted: roteifour
    =e004100407Foneerds RO inep Rept 50219/7101. Informs that s,ecaal enop conduct-                            contractor empeoyees wortung in posted. rope 64ff contammaton Zone on ground near ed to rwestgate cocumstances resanng to turbme tip on 721229 & resulung pnmary                      waste collector tart w/o protective clothmg.

eys blowdown to torus when tehof valve meltunc' acned.

  • Regen 1. IE (720101410228). 74/02/11.1p.

CAPHTON.D.L Regen I, IE F20101410228). 73/02/13. KEPPLER.J.G. Atome Energy G_ Drectorate of Regulatory Operatons F20101750118A 2pp. -es04170302D'ae ==== map rept50-219/7418 on 741109 22 & forwards NOV. informs

     -eced 00400                            westgeton I reeuns of blowdown on 721229. Infonns that most eouests.

UN E.J 201 1'4 0228 4/ 26 INFROCK.l.R. Jareey Cer> CANTRELL.F.S. Regen L IE U20101410228). 73/02/13.CAPHTON.D.L Regen I, IE - - E# #' '#' -e004170306 Forwards RO hap Rept 50 219/7S21 tar acton. Informs that til Emer-

     -0804170006 ineo rept 50 219/7141 on 71040648,12 & 13Volatons noted.Malor                                 gency Plan does not meet "Guede & Checkhst for Development & Evaluston of State areas snapoctedsetely noms.noncomphance noms. review status of previously scont>                    P"d"**Fel Emergency Response Plans for Fased Fachtes" Sante wortung on row.

feed probioms. renew hould effluent morytormg prachces. STONRJ.P. Regon t. IE U20101410228). 74/02/05. THORNBURG.H.D. Alame MCDERMOTT.RJ., CARLSON R.T. Repon L lE U20101410228). 71/06/02. 45pp. Energy Commasen, Orectorate of Regulatory Operatons P20101-750118).1p.

     -8004170010 Forwards insp rept 50 219/7341 on 730102.0546.No moistens                                -es0417030s inep rept 50219/74-18 on 74111622Velatons noted.Masar areas noted.Mapr areas map:cycumstance related to turbine 91p on 721229 &resulting pr>                    Inspected.edmmestraton & organizaton.operatonal, unscheduled shutdowns.iog &

svs tioowdown to torus as result el rehef valve talknp to rewater. recoros. LSON.R.T. . L lE F20101410228). 73/02/uv. SIMMS.R.H. Jersey Central HUYDER.G. Repon 1, IE F20101410228). 74/12/19.16pp. Power & Ught Co. .

     -e00417e015 Forwards JCP&L ltra dic: 730105 & 730104 & RO Inoury Rept 50-219/73-                     -e004170323 Ack W of 7421 & 30 hrs rogueseng mat uni assurance be promoed O E LL             Regen                                                                                                     Jersey Centr            & gn Ca       2/ LEA          nue Energy 10                21 MOTT                       . NJ.      Commmeon, Drectorate of Lcensm0 F20101-750118). 9pp.

3 p,

     -8004170036 Forwards rept to expenmental inep of mot sys used by bconses to assare                   -e00417032e Ack recent of740806 & 0612 firs Warming NRC of steps taken to cor-                 f sete operaton of piant reactor & to assure complesnce w/OL                                          rect volanons noted dunno insp of teensed program.

LOW.L.D. Atome Energy Commmeon (Pre 750119). 71/02/11. MORRIS.PA Atomac CARLSONAT. Regen I. IE F20101410728>. 74/09/09. FINFROCK.!R. Jersey Cork Energy G_ _ Drectorate of Lunnemg F20101750118L 2pp. Iral Power & Laght w 2pp.

      -80041700ee Forwards rept of special insp of mgt sys employed by bconses to assure                                           informs that util in process of wntmg & amplementno procawres whuri sete operaten of plant & to ensure comphance w/OLinsp conducted on 701013-                     -e.004170320gl estabhsh formal QA program m utp Generaban Dept that satishes recurements of 16.28.29 & 1105 06.                                                                                 10CFR50. App B.

CARLSON,R.T. Regen I. IE F20101410228). KEPPLER.J.G. Atonac Energy Commm- ROSS.D.A. Jersey Central Power & Light Co. 74/08/06. CARLSON.R.T. Repon L IE seca (Pro 750119). 71/01/29. O'REILLYJ.P. Atome Energy Commmacn (Pro 920101410228). Ip. 750119). 4pp.

      -8e0417000s Forwards 730115 JCP&L Nr & RO Inso Rept 50 219/73010 as corre-                           -mm34 >- insp rept 50w2MW on 746 & hams enfonna spondence between Regen I.Drectorate of Operatons & JCP&LW/ enci.                                   M conoc9ve steps w$ be taken to avoid further volatons REILLYJ.P. Rugon I. IE F20101410228). 73/01/26.MOTT.S. Ocean County NJ.                                                .          L IE F20101410229 74/11/22.FINFROCK.L Jersey Central 8 UN,NER p            g
      -0e04170006 CO Rept 219/7108 on 701013-16.2fL29 & 110fr06.Ma,or areas                                -e004170335 Forwards seron copy of response to IE Bulletm 7546 tar piants.

inspected mgt sys ROSS.D.A. Jersey Central Power & Lagnt Co. 75/09/03. HAYNES.R. Regen L IE

  • Otome Energy C_ . (Pro 750119h 71/02/13. 31pp. 920101410228).1p.
       =e00817e07e Worms that RO Inouery Rept 505245/73410 did 730111 reconey pinced                       -e504170347Nobce of volaton from insp on 741030Velaton noted designated rae-l            On POR. Forwards rept as espect matter escussed felt to have possible apphcabety to ston ares cLW to teve no RWP detnbuted to @ tocanon.

LSON R.T. Regen L IE F20101410228). 73/01/24. MCCLUSKEY,TJ. Jersey I c atr= * - ra w aic* 'P. -es041m.9 Docusses J Russen ,-, ,,, ,. rap Oy cam F.b o, Ma,

       -8004170               orwards rap rept 50 219/74-10 on 740530 31.No violatons or safety N PP.PJ Atome Energy Commasen (Pro 750119). 74/08/29.Atome Energy Com.

BRUNNER.EJ. l. IE F20101410228). 74/06/12.DNFROCKJ.R. Jersey Cor> mason (Pro 750119) 1p. O3 Power & Light .2pp.

                                                                                                           -e004170362 Discusses J Russen 740827telcon re questons involving Feb/ Mar 1973
        -ee041701ae Fonsrards RO anouery repts W/o enci                                                          rept documentmg insp of planL l             CARLSONAT. Atome E                      Commissen F2oio1750118). 72,Oi/15.              MS.R.s. JersyDrec,torate    o,f&Regulatory Cent ai Powe    t.gnt Co.1p.Crerstens        GALLIN.AC.O Commi         s n iP e,Atome 750ii9).Energy app. Commason (Pro 750119). 74/08/28. Atome Energy

\ l


  -9004170364 Informs of speaal map corusucted on base of OL request to provute data          -960417040s Dmeusses mso rept54219/7413 on 74071411.Irmoector verthed steps for FTOL review re compenson of responsible power paant & nuclear exponerice                taken to correct stems reiported m Aos74 24.74-28.74 31 & 74-33 ANSI Nie.1.                                                                                                                                                                3 EENMAN.E.G. Atome Energy Ca                                                       O RElLLYJP. Re(pon 1. IE F20101410228). 74/07/24. FINFROCK,l.R. Jersey Con-              1 (Pro 750119). 74/11/22.         tal power & Lsght Co. 3pp.

CAPHTON.D.L Atomm Energy Cu -(Pro 750119) 2pp. l

  -9004170366 Dan-man RO Inso Rept50-210/73-21.Provides additonal htfo relatmg to             -9604170492 Docusses map rept 54219/72-04 that has been extended to 7 days n State of NJ capatuirhos for            pohce powers & redolc                               snempt to close out mcpary repts & unresolved noms from previous map.

health coverage. GALUNA.C.O. Regen 1. I F201 1410226). 74/03/08. T CANTRELLF.S. Regon I, IE F20101410228). 72/10/12.CARLSON.R.T. Rogon I. IE NBURG.H D. Atome F20101410228). 5pp. Energy Commason. Drectorate of Regulatory Opersbons F20101750118). 2pp.

  -9604170377 inao rept 50-219/74-16 on 741030Violanons noted.Maior areas                     -9604170500RO map rept50 219/74-13 on 74071012Velatens noted, ocludno fail-mapectatmgt mterview.documentaban of personnel suponence,reparment m respon-                     ,g        sp 9as partculate mer Mr gmas apa.Deta & gamma acety within EE   AN.E.G., RUHl. MAN.WA, CAPHTON.D.L Regen 1, IE F20101410228).                       EBEMAL, EABE.E4. Regen I, IE FM0141022s). WO7/23. 8pp.
        /W2t 24pp
                                                                                              -9604170505 Ro insp rept 50 219/7412 on 740800.07,17.22 & 0711.No violatons
  -8604170300 Forwards map rapt 54210/7449 on 74050649.No volstons or safety                     noted.Maior amas mopectethmiuy of leakmg m< ore 2845 & Iscensee proposed noms nm                                                                                    evaluston to determine locaten & extent of leak.

BRUNNER.EJ. 1, IE F20101410228). 74/06/04. FINFROCK.LR. Jersey Cen, WALTON.GA, GREENMAN.E., TILLOU,J.H. Regen 1, IE F20101410228) 74/07/18. l tral Power & Light 2pp. 8DA- l l

  ~8604170362 Docurnes mso rept 50 219/74 14 on 740723-24.No vntstens                         -9604170509 Insp rept 54219/72 04 on 720705 47,10,12-14                     Maior areas noted. Program weeknesses sound m areas of program. Desenpton of program weaa.             mapactetectury associated w/BWRs.                                                        i nesses found onct                                                                          CANTRELL.F.S., CARLSON.R.T. Regen I. IE F20101410228). 72/10/04. 27pp.                   l MARTIN.W.G. Regon L IE F20101410228). 74/08/14. FINFROCK,t.R. Jersey Con-                                                                                                           '

tral Power & Lagnt Co. 4pp. -9604170521 Forwards inqury rept 50-219/72-25 re rehof valve decharge pipsng. CARLSON.R.T. Ragon I, IE F20101410228). 72/08/15. KEPPLER J.G. Regen I, IE

 -9004170383Ack receipt of740805 ltr informmg of cianficatons & correctons to map               F20101410228).1p.

rept 50 219/7411 CARLSON.R T. Repon L IE F20101410228). 74/08/12.FINFROCK,LR. Jersey Cer* .e604170525 Dan ===s insp rept 54219/7242.Two items of noncomphance noted. tral Power & Lsght wo. 2pp. CARLSON.R.H. Regon L IE F20101410228L 72/05/19. KEPPLERAG. Atome

 -9004170304Act recespt of 741101 Itr informang NRC of eleps taken to correct vote-RT     k egen L tE F20101410228). 74/11/20. FINFROCK,1.R. Jersey Cer>                                         g'"o8#                                 "'           * * " "

tral Power & Laght Co.1p. CANTRELL.F.S. Regen 1. IE F20101410228). 72/05/12. CARLSON,R.T. Atorruc

 -9004170386 Responds to 740719 Itr to irmo of plant on 74000G.07.17.22 &                       Eng Conmason, Drectwsw of Regulamry Operatens F2010WH8). 3pp.

{11 Three hacrepaces shou 6d be resolved pnar to placement of map rept 50 219/ -8004170528 inso rept 50 219/72 02 on 720223-25.29 & 0301. Maior areas Central Power & Laght Co. 74/08/05.CARLSON.R.T. Regen 1, IE M y g,* M y h ] Q 20 01 b.72/05/16.19pp. l

 -8004170300 informs that '           ' ton conducted into model numbers & vintages of        -8604100006 Responds to NRC 731218 Itr summenzmo ear 1y Now meehng to correo, Lmtorque Valve operators ins           m safety related sys at plant.                       tw acten on submitted topes.Provides periment mto on tapes to facslitate evalualmn.

ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & Light w. 73/01/04. O'RElLLY,J.P. Regon I, IE BARTNOFF,$. Cornral Power & Lsght Co. 74/01/18. DAVIS.J.G. Atomc F20101410228).1p. Energy Commason, to of Rel>statory Operatens (720101-750118). 9pp. i

 -4004170308 Responds e volations reted dunng insp on 740926 & 27. Corrective                 -9004180012 Insp rept 50 219/7415 on 740926-27.Voletons noted.Maior areas                  l Ah -...-a mventary of 13 fuel pms on741024.                                                 mspectoiphyscal mventones.wntten SNW control procedures, records & repts.

ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & Lsght Co. 74/11/01. MARTIN.W.G. Regen L lE PARTLOWJG. Regen 1, IE F20101410228). 74/10/15. 8pp. F20101410228).1p.

                                                                                              -9004130014rw-as insp root 50 210/7415 on 740926 27 &lotwards NOV. informs
 +4004170302 Partially withhe6d RO map rept 50-219/7414 on 740723-24.                           that steps we be taken to avoid further volatons.

COOPER.LC DEvuN.J W. Repon i, IE F20101410228). 74/08/12. 2pp. MARTIN.W.G. Regon 1, lE F20101410228). 74/10/15. FINFROCK.LR. Jersey Cari-

 -9604170394 Forwards map rept50-210/7449for appropnets headaeurter actorLW/o CL
    'B' RUNNER.EJ. Regon t. IE F20101410228). 74/06/04. THORNBURG,H.D. Atome                  -8004180017 Notre of volaten from inno on 740926 27.Vlotaten noted approx twelve Energy Commissen Directorate of Regulatory Operatens F20101750118).1p.

fuel pra each containing SNN not been evenened smco 730105.

  • Regon I,4E F20101410228). 74/10/15.1p.

00 0 I 888 '" 9/7 6' -900s100034 Discusses insp rapt 50-219/74-12 on 740606,07,17.22 & 0711. No viote-UNNE . I, IE F20101410228). 75/01/22. FINFROCKJ. Jersey Central E F20101410228). 74/07/18.FINFROCK,1.R. Jersey Con-

 -8004170406 Responds to violatons noted m map rupt %219/7416. Correceve actons:staten personnel have asways assumed that sequrement to post RWP at fob            -9804180043Resperids to map rept50-219/72-03 re labor prob 6 ems at 06 ant location meant at nearestmost convervent location m vcanity of work was.                    CANTRELLF.S. Regon 1. IE F20101410228). 72/05/24.CARLSONAT. Repon 1, IE ROSE 3A Jersey Central Power & Laght Co. 75/01/15. BhuNNER.EJ Regen I,IE                    F20101410228h 1p.


                                                                                              -9804100071 Requests addl mio in order to continue environ review of ptanLResponse
 -4004170412 Responds to volatons reted in map rept %219/74-16. Corrective                      should be proveed by740726.

actonsait extendod RWP for redweste facility posted m radweste control room or REGAN.W.H. Atome Energy Commason. Drectorate of Lconseg F20101750118). near work areas. 74/07/10.FINFROCK,1.R. Jersey Certal Power & Light Co. 4pp. ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & Light Co. 74/12/17. BRUNNER.EJ Regen I, IE F20101410228) 1p. -9e04180077 Forwards map rapt 50w219/7243 re labor problems & crack found on seat bushmg of two salety valves.

 -9604170420 Informs of rewordmg ic read,"You provide assurance that delay time for             CARLSON.R.T. Regen L lE F20101810228). 72/05/25. KEPPLERJG. Regon I, E noble gases passeng             delay pipe not less trum 60 mmutes "                        F20101410228).1p.

LEA 8tG. Atome Energy Drectorate of Laconsmg F20101750118). 74/ 10/30. FINFROCK.LR. Jersey Central Power & Lagnt Co. 2pp. -9004*00000 Forwards notics re 740819 request for extenson of hme to file rogured ECX:S ovaluaten for p6 ant

 -9404170470 insp retx 50L219/7449 on 74050649.No volatons noted. Major areas                   ZlEMANN,D L Atomsc Energy Commason. Drectorate of Lscensing F20101-750118).

mapected ma1runematen volume fraction not addressed m IPCLRT procedure, calculated contamment er voluma. temperature stabelccanon critana 8 ar m. 74/07/09.FINFROCK,l.R. Jersey Comral Power & Lsght Co. 2pp. Y -9804100065 Submns evaluation of tacility based on msp of 731226-28. Health Pnyscs


RE STREETER.J., MCCABE.E.C. Regen I, IE U20101410228). 74/06/ condstons show dramate improvement smco Sept map & newly fured Radiaton Pro-03 8PP- tecton Supennear appears to be dong outstandmg job.

 -9604170472 Addende 2 RO map isnt %219/7444 on 74032W violatoru                                MAN                  IE F20101410226). 74/02/11. KNAPP.P.J. Atome Energy Com.

nosed Maeor areas mapected.envronmental morwtonna program. - BORES,RJ, STOHR,J.P. Regon 1, IE P201018102i6). 74/07/29. 5pp.

                                                                                              -9604100009 insp rept 50 219/7243 on 720223 25,29 & 0301.No violatons
 -9804170473 Informs that ance rept som JW Reintles.from Ananbc Estuanne Fa' hones              rated Maior areas inspected-mgt smerview.try test & reactor startup.

Comst,moorporated as attachment to Insp Rept 50 219/7441. Names deleted & typos CANTRELL,F.S., SPESSARD,R.L Regon 1, E F20101810228). 72/05/24. 8pp. E MAN.E.G. Regen 1. IE F20101,810228). 74/03/04. Regen 1, IE F20101- -9004130097 insp rept 50 219/73-23 on 731226 28.One violation noted. Ma#or areas 810228). epp' msoect conowup m 73m07 map. hANN.J., KNAPP,P.J. Regen I, IE F20101810228h 74/01/25.12pp.

 -96041704        Diw= map rept 50L219/7444 on 740320.No violatons or safety NELSON.P.R. Regen L IE F201014 0228). 74/07/29. FINFROCK LR. Jersey Cen.                    ENGELKEN,R.H.        Atomac E7ergy Commesson (Pro                750119). 72/03/30.

Was Power & Lagnt Co. 2pp. SKOVHOLT,0.J. Atomic Energy Commason (Pro 750119).1p.

 -9604170479 Forwards RO map rept 50-219/7244 re eclrdty assocaned w/BWRa.                    -9604100113 Ack receipt of731030 & 1203 trrs mtormng AEC of steps taken to cor.

CARLSON.R.T. Ammse Energy Commmacn, Dweetorate of Regulatory Operanons rect vioratons roted m map. F20101-750118). 72/10/12. KEPPLEft.J.G. Atomm Er orgy Commission, Drectorate O'REllJ,YJP. Regon I, IE F20101410228). 74/01/16. FINFROCK.l.R. Jersey Con-of Regulatory Opersoons P20101-750118). 2pp. tral Power & Lsgnt Co.1p. I


    -9604100117 Docusses RO Spacesi insp Rept 54219/74-01 concommg rept of uniden.          -9604180294Repts status of actnnties ruteted m response to IE BuHetms75-04 & 75-trhed leakage referenced by tescon from State of NJ representatwo. Recommends that       04A rept De forwarded to HQ for acton & hcensee notrhed re trnery asuance of TS.             ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & Light Co. 75/11/03. O'REILLYJP. Regon 1, IE GREENMAN.E.G. Regon I, IE F20101410228). 74/02/07 CAPHTON.D.L Regon 8.                   F20101410228). 2pp.

IE U20101410228). zpp.

                                                                                            -9604160350tha==as map rept 50 219/75 23 to complete renew & auet module &
   -9604180118 Responds to 731004 ftr to IR Fintrock re snap conducted by Greenman on           conducted at corporate level.

730828-29 CorrecDve ad ur wste audit of testng records m progress. GREENMAN.E.G. NRC - No Detaded AffWeabon Gwen.75/10/22.CAAHTON.D.L NRC ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & Laght Co. 73/10/30. O'REILLYJP. Regson L IE . No Detaged Af%ation Guert 1p. F20101410228). 3pp.

   -8604100119 Forwards map rept50-219/72 41 re restncton on mam condenser efter.           -96o4180353 Cha == insp rept50 219/75 23 on 750930 & forwards NOV.

oW temp at power piant reacws BRUNNER.E.J. NRC . No Detaped Afhkation Gwen. 75/10/22.FINFROCK,LR Jersey Central Power & IJght Co. 2pp~ CARLSON.R.T. Regen I. IE F20101410228). 72/03/17. KEPPLERJG. Atome Energy Commmeon, Drectorate of Regulatory Operatior s P20101-750118).1p'

                                                                                            -9604180354 Notice of votsten from map on 760930 Volat on noted copes of mmutes
   -9604180124 Forwards insp Rept 50 219/7441 on 74011112.No violatone                         of Geoms Ofc Renew Board meshngs 50. 5t52.53 & 54 br storval 7M9-noted.Maior areas insp:soiecuve exam of procedures & representanve                      p24.hed rot been fwwarded 2 company preesdent es mlured records,miennews w/personnes & obeenretions by mspector Wto enci.                          NRC - No Detasted AfNeton Gwen. 75/10/22.1p.

U R E.J E F20101410228). 74/02/07.FINFROCK,l.R. Jersey Cen. 7 mapacteeGeneral Otc Revew board meetngs & audits.

   -9604130132Forwarde insp rept50 219/74 41 for acton on subtruttec matters.Intwms            GREENMAN.E.G., CAPtfTON.D.L Regen L IE U20101410228). 75/10/21. 6pp.

Inst documentaton nr mound to hcensee. W/c enct BRUNNER.E.J. ReDon t. IE U20101410228). 74/02/06. THORNBURG.H.D. Atome -9604100378Adeses that sancton proposed by regon for utd changed from cwil pen. Energy Commason, Drectorate of Regalatory Operatore F20101-750118).1p. alty to NOV, based on kstad reasons. E LLIS.W.P. Othce of Inspecten & Enforcement F50101401210). 75/10/21.

   -9604180136 Informs that shutdown at plant contributed to Gah full & forwards map rept      SNYDER.G. Regon 1, IE F20101410228). 2pp.

50 219/72 41. CANTRELLF.S Regen 1, IE U20101410228). 72/03/17. CARLSON.R.T. Repon 1, IE -te04130364 Forwards tables 1 & il pion $ng data by istmg msp dates for snubbers in F20101410228L 1p. orywell & reactor badg sece Jul 1974. FINFROCK,l.R. Jersey Central Power & Light Co. 75/10/20. LEAR.G. Drnson of Re-

  -9604100138 RO msp rept 50 219/7411 on 74050GL10.No volanons noted Mapor                     actor Lscenang (NRR-1975 only). 4pp.

areas mapected:lPCLRT. REBELOWSKI.T., MCCABE.E.C. Regon L fE U20101410228L 74/07/02. Opp.

                                                                                           -9404100395Ack receipt of751010 nr mformmg NRC of steps taken to correct vois-tons rioted m insp rept50 219/75 20.
  -9604140140 insp rept 50 219/7241 on 720207 No volatons noted. Masar areas                   NELSON.P.R. Regen L IE F20101410228). 75/10/20. FINFROCK,1 R. Jersey Cen.

anspectedmgt enterview re fah killed-CANTRELLF.S, CARLSONJtT. Regen I, IE F20101410228). 72/03/18. Spp. trei Poww & Lsght Co.1p'

  -9604100143 Responds to suppi ler dtd 731030 to map conducted by Greenman on             -96041MM Responds e donaton roted h N mpt MW20. Cwmetwo
               & 29.Conedwo                        plant                                                            '     * *' "                                  * **
      ,                                       sat recommendanons of Rad >       g}-{                'Cm Po"ww &                   75 0/1       LS' ON P R Repon L IE ROSS A              Central Power & LJght Co.73/12/03.OBEILLYAP. Alomse Energy           U20101410228b 1p.

Comtresson, Drectorale of Regulatory Operations U20101750118). 2pp. _ gg

  -9504100147 Prowdes comments from daamen between F Nolan & T Wambeck re                      DAvtSJG. Offee of enspecton & Enforcement F50101401210). 75/10/17.

recommendatons presented m mso rept50-219/71 14 BARTNOFF,S. Jersey Central Power & Lsght Co. 3pp. CARLSON.R.T. Regon 1. IE U20101410228). 71/12/30.CARLSON R.T. Regen L IE U20101410228).19 -9804140422 Notice of violaton from inso on 75031414.Modanon noted persons per. 1ormmg tesong fonowng ment not certfied as iovel I or n.nor persons oterpretog test

  -9004180159 inno rept 50-219/7441 on 64011112.No wolatons noted. Maior areas                 data certhed as level 11 by secten 3 of ANSI N45.2.61973.

enspectettoes & records.operanons. reactor coolant & envrortW/JW Rentpos try rept

  • NRC No Detailed Amkaton Given.75/10/17. 8pp.

on 74011115. GREENMAN.E.G, STOHRJP., CAPHTON.D.L Regen L IE U20101410228). 74/02/ -9004190029 Forwards map rept 50219/7521,for mfo & acton.insp Andmgs mdcate 06.14pp. that iconsee had not corrpleted valve wsH thekness vonfcaten program re reQured

  -9604180171 Informs that actone ta%., to correct failures in map rept 50-219/71 45.         SYUNNER.EJ Repon 1, IE F20101410228). 75/10/02.THORNBURG.H.D. Region MADSEN.G.L Regen t. IE U20101410228L 71r12/22. CARLSON.R.T. Atonuc                       1, lE F20101410228b 2pp.

Energy Cor'imisesort Drectorste of Regulatory Operanons P20101-750118).1p.

  -9604100t77 micrms that insp rept 50-219/73-21 cbcuments Anengs of rewsw of 5            -9604190083 Insp rept 50219/7145 on 711119.Mapor areas mspected mgt mierwow
        *****                                                                                 re tailure of two control rods to insert completery when scrammed.

ELLF.S MADSEN.G.L. YOUNG.T. Regon 1. !E F20101410228). 71/12/17. GA"LuNAE.# U20101410228).

                              #'5"'"M1Y2285"$4IO2NYT$Nh L IE                                         '
 -9604180179 Responds to731118Itr to deficiencies noted dunn0 bisp on731011.Cor-          Yy5*                          **" *" * " '                     * "* ' " ' " '*

recove A, m ettoct that a8 vencias entenng or tesvmg aste must stop at CANTRELLFS Atome Energy Commason (Pro 750119). 71/12/22. MADSEN.G.L A Jersey Central Power & Light Co. 73/12/10. MARTIN.W.G. Regen I, IE At nue Energy Commason W 750H9h 10 U20@.8M228b dpp.

                                                                                          -9604190095 Forwards map rept 50-219/7144 re BWR.                                          I
 -9604180197 Informs that utt has committed to corporate attenda1ce at all RO insp            MADSEN.G.L Regen L lE F20101410228). 71/12/13. CARLSON,R.T. Regon L IE exa em                                                                                   F20101410228). Ip.

l CAPHTON.D.L Atome Energy Commmeon (Pro 750119). 74/06/14. Alome Energy Cw. . (Pro 750119).1p. -9604190101 Inso rept 50219/7144 on 711105.No vedanons noted.Mapor areas inspected.acDvibes to BWRs.

 -9604100203 C>=m a=== leermee AO work compieted & communcatons to                            YOUNG.T SPESSARD.R L Regen L IE F20101410228). 71/12/13.13pp.

cate,mecatmg hated eccons. GREENMAN.E.G. Atomsc Energy Commason (Pro 750119). 74/06/13. -9604190246 Inso rept 50-219/7322 on 731212.fdo vctatens noted.Maior areas CAPHTON.D.L Regon 1. IE F20101410228). 2pp. mspected mdspenoent renew for procedtren. procedure development. housekeeping QA program for operabons.

 -9604180222Ack receipt of731120 & 1212stra intonruno AEC of steps taken to cor-              JOHN 3ON,0.F., TOTH.A.D., GREENMAN.E.G. Regen L lE F20105410228). 74/01/

rect vionnore noted dunng insp. Responses to safety noms .o & 1.s & voisbon item 11, app. 6 not enerely satstactory O'REILLYJP. Atomsc Energy Commmasort Drectorate of Regula Operatons -9604190253 Discusses inso rept 50-219/73-22 on 731212.No viotshone noted.Mapor F20101-750118). 74/01/26. FINFROCK,l. Jersey Centrsi Power & Laght .1p. areas rupsctedselecDve exams of procedures & representapve records. interviews w/ ,

 -9604180229 RO mso rept50 219/7410 on 740530 31.No violanons noted.

REBELOWSKLT., M(X;ABEEC. Regon I, IE U20101410228L 74/06/12. 6pp- R E.J F 10228). 74/01/23. FINFROCK L Jersey Central Poww & Lignt con I 1 S4mits conectwo achone re map on 73090# m resporme to NRC ltr

                                                                                          -9604190274 Inso rept 50-219/74 21 on 73121012 & 18.No volabons noted Masar ROSS.DA Jersey Cer: tral Power & Light Co. 73/11/20. O'FdlLLYJP. Repon L IE              areas map: emergency unpismentaten procedtres, communicatons.energency (720101410228). 6pp.                                                                     vehicles.anernste emergency contros contor. area maps & ovensys,leners of agree-ment,
 -9604180230 Supplements ltr of 731120 4 responds spedfoony to saiety items de,               GALLINA.C.O STOHR,J.P. Regen L IE F20101410228). 74/01/18. 22pp.

senbod m encI two of 731030 NRC itr re map on 730905-07.Submsts tmet statement & comments re each setety aem noted. -9604190300 C>=aa=as 750909 meeting w/uti m Kmg of Prussa,PA re actNibes au-ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & Lsght Co. 73/12/12. O'RElLLYJP. Regen I, IE tho'nd by NRC bconse DPR.16. F20101410228L 2pp. O'REILLYJP Regen 1, IE F20101410228). 75/09/10. Jersey Central Power & Lagfit Co.2pp.

 -9604100292 Responds to NRC751017 lir addressmg NRC insp of piant on 750310-14Correctwo actons;uti conenum0 QA program upgrading & establehod formal             -9604190305 E>=^=tas 750508 meeting w/ulit m Momstown.NJ re CA Program for scheduie & deftrubon of obpectNes.                                                       Operatons at facierty Forwards map rept50 219/7414 W/o enci BARTNOFF,S. Jersey Central Power & L,ght Co. 75/11/05. DAVISJG. Offee of in.             O'RElLLY,J P. Regiori I, IE U20101410228L 75/05/20.BARTNOFF S. Jersey Central specton & Enforcemert F50101801210). 3pp.                                                Power & Light Co. 2pp.

l \ l l l


-9604190300 Ack racespi of correctrve & preventve acbons taken m response to msp           -9604220123 Insp rept 50 219/75-27 on 751216.Volanons noted.Malor areas rept 50-219/75 01.                                                                         mapected enforcement acton,hcensee centif ed items of noncompi.ance.

BRVNNER.EJ. L lE U20101410228). 75/09/10.FINFROCK.LR. Jersey Cen. ROGERS.M., SMrTH.R., DEVLINJ.W. Regen I, IE P20101410228). 76/01/26. 6pp. tral Power & Ught .1p.

                                                                                          -9604220124 Forwards notee of devotions ence w/ map rept50 210'75 09.
-9404190312 Responds to IES 7545 dtd 750414. Informs that premstalianon test data             NELSON.P.R. Regen 1. IE U20101410228). 75/08/04. TWttlRG.H.D. Regen 1,
   & desgn calcusanons for Gnnnell urvts unevadable at this time.but ud forward as soon       IE F20101410228).1p.

as posaatWo. ROSS.DA Jersey Coniral Power & Ught Co. 75/05/15. O'REILLY.J.P. Regen 1. IE -9604220126 Responds to concems noted from insp rept 50 219/7448 on 740506 920101410228). 5pp. 07.Correctve actons: uni cahbr std located & UT exam of reactor vessel slurt redone a*1er recahDr og@ ment to ubt stcL

-9604190313 Provides update on status of stems of ~..~.W.,. noted m esp rept ROSS.DA Jersey Cereal Power & Light Co. 74/06/12. CARLSONAT. Regon 1. IE 54 219/75 01 & noms has been corrected.                                                    p20101410228). 3pp.

ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 75/08/27 O'REILLY.J.P. Regen I IE P20101410228).1p- -9604220128 Forwards daft of enforcement Itr w/1hree appendices (A & A-1 Notice of

-9804190332 Ach receipt of 750506 ftr informmg of corrective & preventme acbons doc-             ,              ,ents he         ;

umanied m nesponse to corresponoence did 750415 re insp rept 50-219/7510.Ac. o REYJ.P. Regen i, is (720101410228). 5/04/25. DAVIS.J.G. Omco of inspec. hans we be exammed dunng futwo map. ton & Enforcement 950101401210).16pp. BRUNNER.EJ. W Power & Ughgti..1p. IE U20101410228) 75/05/13. FINFROCKJA Jersey Cen.

                                                                                          -9604220129 informs of correctrve & preventrve actons documented in
-9604190340 Responds to 750415 ftr to IR Fmfrock re l&E Inno Rept 54219/75-10 on                        ~

750325-28. Responds to nem of norH:ompkance bsted in Ence 1 ovolvmg ladure b QE .P. IE 20 0 228 /20 F N L Jersey Cen. reven & approve temporary changes to mont operanno procedures. w Power & Ught Co.1p-ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 75/05/06. O'RE!LLYJ.P. Regen I, IE F20101410228).19 -9604220130 Ack recept of 750627 nr mformmg NRC of steps taken to correct devi-anons noted m insp rept50 219/7549. Program m effect for ensunng that swvey m.

-9404g51 Provides status of mcomplete actnnties to response to IE Buneens 7504               Q P[

tral Power & Ught Co.1p. IE U20101410228). 75/08/04. FINFROCK.l.R. Jersey Con-ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 75/08/20. O'REtLLY J.P. Regen L lE U2010W0228L 2pp.

                                                                                          -9604220143 Responds to violation noted durmg map of plant on 751112 13. Corrective
-9604190380Ack receipt of correctve actons & prevenove accons to map rept 50-                 actons:kst specifym0 dates for required reviews & eds wd be estabhshed by and of 219/75-18                                                                                  Jan 1976.

BRUNNER'.E.J. NRC . feo Detailed Affihaton Grvert 75/08/28. FINFROCK.I.R. Jersey ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 76/01/05. NELSON.P.R Repon 1. IE Cental power & Ught Co.1p. F20101410228).1p. -9004190362 Responds to750722Itr re mso rept50-219/75-18re activrhos not in fun -9604220147 Forwards insp rept 54219/7528 on 751222 24.No items of nonczmpis aamphance w/NRC requirements. ance noted observed. ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 75/08/14. BRUNNER.EJ. Regon 1. IE BRUNNER.E.J. Repon I IE U20101410228). 76/01/15. FINFROCKl.R. Jersey Cen-F20101410228). 3pp. tral Power & Ught w. 2pp. -9604220032Ack receipt of 750429 ter informin0 of steps taken to correct violanons -9604220167 Docusses map on 751030 31 & 1105 & lorwards NOV. nrxed m cap rept 50 219/7508.AcDons we be examined cbnng future map. NELSON.P.R. Regon 1. IE F20101410228). 76/01/14. FINFROCK.LR Jersey Cen. NELSON.PA Repon 1. IE F20101410228). 75/05/06. FINFROCK.LR. Jersey Can- tral Power & Ught Co. 2pp. tral Power & Light Co.10

                                                                                          -9604220174 insp rept 50 219/75-28 on 751222 24.Violatons noted.Maior areas
 -mnm informs of correenve & preventrve schons documented in response. Action                mapectockshutdown rnargm. scram mnerton time. cycle 5 reactnnty fonow. core safety we be exammed dunne next oso of bconsed program.                                           hmrts.

O'REALLY J.P. Regen 1. IE F20101410228). 74/01/10. FINFROCK.L Jersey Central MARTIN.T., SJOSTROM.L. MCCABE.E.C. Regen 1. IE F20101410228). 76/01/14. Power & Ught Co. Ip. 10pp. -9604220038 Responds to votatens noted in map rept 50 219/7548. Corrective -9604220190 Discusses insp rept50 219/7526 on 751117 21 & forwards NOV. Aa mp n bein0 estiated enmediately to send to vendor w/each sample CARLSON.RT. Alome Energy Comrrussen (Pro 750119). 75/12/24. FINFROCK.I.R. enipment.hsong of all ansfyses required by TS & sheet checked off as completed. Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 2pp. ROSS.DA Jersey Cervtral Power & Ugnt Co. 75/04/29. NELSON.P.R. Region 1. IE F20101410228).1p. -9604220192 Responds to deviatons noted m mso rept 50 219/75 09 re rac5ciogical sat procaces at plant. -9604220041 Responds to 731116 Itr re votatens noted dunng 731023 map.Correctve R .DA Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 75/06/27. NELEON.P.R. Regon I IE A ---- axas er sampler has been set up m waste barrel storage area. p20101410228). 3pp. ROSS.DA Jersey Centrol Power & Ught Co. 73/12/11. O'REILLY,J.P. Regen 1. IE F20101410228). 2pp. -9604220207 Nobce of violabon from inso on 751117 21 Volaton noted work complet. -96J4220061Ack receipt of correctrve & preventive actons documented in response to abc st 5 . MAR W G. Atome Energy Commission (f*e 750119). 75/08/18. FINFROCK.LR. Jamey Central Power & Ught Co. 2pp. -960422C220 Provides status of rncomplete actrvibes mitisted in response to IE bune. -9604220073 informs of conecove & pmentive actons documerWed in ens 75 04 & 7544A response.Actons we be exammed cksnng subsequent map of beansed program. ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 75/08/01. O'REILLY.J.P. Regen 1, IE F20101410228). 2pp' CARLSON.RT. Atome - Cw. (Pro 750119). 76/03/01. FINFROCK.LR. Jamey Cental Power & Ught .1 p.

                                                                                          -9604220225 Ack receipt of 750404 ftr informmg of steps taken to correct volations

-9604220077 Responds to 751231 ftr to item A of app A involvmg drehng of two pene. ,",O1,ed in map rept $424/7542.Infonns that actons we be exanuned dunng tutum diacent reamr '* 'C "' " D

  "e*n'on"s rur a                          prent       me'asures han been dr                               MARTIN.W G. Regen I. IE F20101410226). 75/04/18. FINFROCK.t.R. Jersey Cen-tal Power & Ught Ca 2pp.

ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 76/01/27. O'REILLY,J.P. Regon 1. IE F201M0228L 2pp.

                                                                                          -9604220234Da=ss insp rept 54219/75 02 on 750121-23 & 27 & forwards NOV &

-960422009? Informs of correcove & preventive actons documemted in nobce W deviaton. response. Actions ud be examined dunng autsequert map of hunned p O'REILLY.J.P. Reyon 1. IE F20101410228). 75/03/11. FINFROCK.I.R. Jersey Cen. O'REILLY.J.P. Regeri I, IE F20101410228:. 76/02/20. FINFROCK.l.R. Jersey Cer> ral Power & Ught Co. 3pp.

                                                                                          -9604220242 Notco of velabon from map on750121-23 & 27.Volabons roted:sectons

-9604220101 Forwards IE Inspt Rept 50-219/7547.irdarms that rnpoorbon of civil pen, of protected area bamor along banks of mtake & decharge canal left eines recommended.Enci draft inso rept we be modified as regured to reflect any improtected.wmten secunty procedures rot moved or placed at specirc locatons changes or mods to proposed enforcement actiortW/o enct Regen L IE U20101410226). 75/03/11. 2pp. B NNER.E IE (7 10 ? I 75/04/25.THORNBURG.H.D. Office of

                                                                                          -9604220255 Nobce of devoton from snap on 75012123 & 27.Deviabon noted: failure to maue BC 1 keys to all employees & no accurate records mantamed of number of

-9504220105 Responds to 780114 reply to PR Nelson tir to insp conducted on 751031 keys asued tWore Sept 1974.tashse to mamtain record of unlocked doors. 31 & 1105at planLCorrective acnons:Goor locked immediately & susrindusis maructed

  • Regen L IE U20101410226). 75/03/11.1p.

who left door cpen of reguromants for mantaming backed doors. ROSS.D A Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 76/02/09. O'RE!LLY J.P. Regen I, IE -9604220273 Ack receipt of corrective & preventve actons documented in response to F20101410228).1p. NRC correspondence. BRUNNER.E.J. R L lE F20101410228). 75/07/30. FINFROCK.I.R. Jersey Cen. -9604220113 Decusses insp conducted by M Rogers on751216 at plantinep conset. tral Power & Ught .1p. ed of selecDve exam of procedures & representative records.amerviews w/ personnel

  & observabons by mapactor.                                                              -9604220283 Responds to NRC750701 Itr re volatons noted m mso rept D2t9/75 MARTIN.W G. Regen 1. IE F20101410228). 76/02/05. FINFROCK.I.R. Jersey Cerv                 19 Correctrve schons.msp rept has been distnbuted to operations personnel.

tral Power & Ught Co. 2pp. ROSS.DA Jersey Conval Power & Ught Co 75/07/23. BRUNNER.E.J. Regon 1. IE F20101410228). 2pp. -9604220118 Da==s lir did 740612m response to Itr did 740516 tons documented m response to AEC correspondenceAEC notes JCPL to correctve has not roac. -9604220291 Ack receqst of omective & provertirve actors documented e response to sponded to AEC concem of corrective steps to avoid volations NRC e a_ CARLSON.R.T. Repon I, IE F20101410228). 74/07/02.FINFROCK.I.R. Jersey Cen. NELSON.P .R. Atome Energy Commason (Pre 750119). 75/07/28. FINFROCK.I R . tal Power & Lsght vo.10 Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 2pp.


 -9604220294 lnso rept 50-219/7526 on 761112-13 Volatons noted Map areas                  -9604230064 Suggests that mgt meetmo be held w/lconsee subsequent to msuance of msoected: plant status.acceptatue areas.unrosoeved noms & fotow up noms.                 mapecten team rept to facsirty OA map on750310 14.                                      l GREENMAN.E G., RAYMOND,W., HAYNES.R C. Repon I, IE F20101410228). 75/                    GREENMAN.E.G.         Atenac Energy Comnussen (Pro 750119). 75/03/20.                   l 12/18 22pp.                                                                             CAPHTON,0.L Atome Enerp p Comtreason (Pro 750119).1p.

i r? enn Responds to NRC tir to oefciencies noted an run ct 5N19/7512.Cor. -e604230083 Dmcussen s,cew of bconsee response to strong NOV transmated by recthre actons:now estector metailed m morstar RN02 A as .. a40 nary measure- Dems str of751017. l ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & Light Co. 75/06/18. NEMAP.R. Regen 1, if SNYDERG.L

  • un 1. IE F20101410228). 75/11/25. ELLIS,w.P. Offce of inspec.

F20101410228). Ip. j ton & Ento %rnent F50101401210).1p

-9604220314 Docusses insp rept 50 219/75.7 un so032528 & 31 & forwards NOV.Mapor areas map:seectve exams of procedures & representatrve                     -9604230d06 Ack receipt of 751105 ter mformmg AEC of steps taken to correct veia-tons noted m rap.

records.mternews w/ personnel & observations by inspector BRUNNER.E4 8. IE F20101410228). 75/04/15 FINFROCK,LR. Jersey Cen. g yng R*E*"3p,1, DAVIS,.J.G. pg. g IE F20101410228). 75/11/21 BARTNOFF,S Jersey Cent al tral Power & Lsght 2pp.

-4C04220312 Notco of molaton from insp on 750325-28 8 31.Vaol6. ton                      -9604230112 D=a==v 75031014 QA rnplementaton map. Enforcement conferents
                             ^ " **"                           , to r     hanges e aght OR LL P Regon 1 F opor eng pr              M renewed A                                                                                           10228 75/           B TNOFF D.S. Jersey Cerv
  • Regen I, IE F20101410228). 75/04/15.1p. tral Power & Lsght Co. 2pp.
-pea';.issa inac rapt 55219/7510 on 7502528 & St Violaton noted Masar areas              -9604230130 Partally unthheid map rept 50 219/7542 on 750121-23 4 27. Maior areas mapuctee:staffint, segurements for refuehng. procedure renew & approval. procedure        mucocted:piani secunty rev & change methW. p6 ant operann0 renew commates                                        KING,M., ROGERS.M., DEVLIN.L Regon I. IE (720101410228). 75/02/28.1p.

JOHNSON.D.F., MCWE.EC Regen 4. IE (720101810228). 75/04/08.13pp.

                                                                                         -9604230139 inno rept 50-219/75 01 on 750114-15.17 8 20.Violaton noted.Mapr N?'"nm Requests etarmcanon of statements m FES to and in map & monstonng of                areas mapacted.admnstraton & orgaruzaton, togs & recoros, procedures. fuse work bemg done by exansee.                                                                handhng. fuel stupment records.radiaton protection.

HIGGINtHJTHAM.L Offee of Inspecton & Enforcement F50101401210). 75/07/24. GREENMAN.E.G., CAPHTON.D.L Regen I, IE F20101410228). 75/02/28.12pp. BEVAN.R. Divison of Reactor Lamnemg (NRR-1975 only). 2pp.

                                                                                         -9604230141 (>=a ==== map rept 50219/7501 on 75011415.17 & 20 & forwards
-9601220362Submns anspectors evaluaton re map rept50-219/7508. Revealed three                Nov.

segmfcant mems for wnch two snould be suDmitted to headquarters for renew & BRUNNER.E.J. Regen f. IE F20101410228). 75/02/28.FINFROCK.I.R. Jersey Core accan tral Power & Light w. 2pp. BORES.R.J Atome Energy Commesson (Pro 750119). 75/04/06.STOHRJP. Regen L lE F20101410228). 6pp-

                                                                                         -es04230143 Nm ==aa               map rept 54219/75-25 on 751112 13 & forwards r?'=== Forwards IE insp Rept50-219'7548 &mapoctors evaluston for acton to                 NOV.Correceve steps w*uch have been taken to evoed further noms or noncomphance.

upgradmg & subsequent usuance of Envron TS & aanfcanon of mtent of FES w/ NELSON.P.R. Repon L IE F20101410228). 75/11/25. FINFROCK.I.R. Jersey Con-trW Poww & Lagnt Co. 2pp. to removal of wood from diect canal. Ent 210).1p. 0 status of mcomplete acevibes initiated in resporise to IE buhehns F50 "g"23014

-9604220374 Forwards anep rept 50-219/750s on 750318-20 & descrylon of viole-                        N10p2 Central Power & Laght Co. 75/08/30. O'REILLYJP. Region L IE NELSON,P.R. Regen L IE F20101410228). 75/04/08. FINFROCK.LR .lersey Cen-tral Power & Lagit Co. 2pp.                                                          -9604230153 Notee of volston from map on75111213 Volaton noisd. no arrange-monts for embulance svc confrrned m wntmg.

-9604220370 Notco of violaton from map on 750318-20 Volations noted- surface * & on J t, IE F20101410228). 75/11/25.1p. water samp6ed at five locanons not analyzed for U. Ra-226 & Ra-228 between 740702

    & 741022. wen water sampiad at aor locatons not analyzed tietween 740705 &          -gen 230155 Notes of votaton from insp on750114-15.17 & 20.Volaton notedfailure 751219                                                                                   to correct crane flve ton hook. cab ladder & raging & crane wommg dovos to segnal
  • Regen L IE F20101410228). 75/04/06.1p. movement.
  • Regen I, IE F20101410228). 75/02/28.1p.

-9804220300 CM- map rept54219/7518 on 75081718 & forwards NOV. BRUNNER.EJ Atome Energy Commason (Pro 750119). 75/07/23. F INFROCK,t.R. -ee04230158 Na- IE insp Rept 50 219/7541 & Ints two addeonel outstandmg Jersey Central Power & Light Lo. 3pp. concerns. GREENMAN.E.G. Regen L IE F20101410228). 75/02/28. CAPH70N.D.L Regen L -4604220302 Notco of voleton fmm map on 750617.t9.Votaion notediconses activ> IE U20101410228).10 nos were not an full.compierce w/conomons of bcense

  • Atome Energy Commason (Pro 750119). 75/07/23. 2pp. -ge04230159 informs that no further acton nned re IE Bulleen 7548 did 750530.

-0e04230010 Inso rept 54219/7548 on 750318-20.Two volatons noted. Masor areas mapecte$ selected er sampimg.precipstataan collectmg & gamma dosimetry Ok410228 1 OM ' ion I, 0 5 1 [5N 3 -e604230013 Dan =="s tacility OA program & recommends enforcement acton. NN^g p R*9 " ' 9"' MCCABE.E.C. Atome Energy Commismon (Pro 750119). 75/Os/04. BRUNNER.EJ 2pp-Regen L IE F20101410228A 1p'

                                                                                        -9604230164            - rap rept 54219/7544 on 750129-31 &forwyds NOV.

-9504230017 Act receipt of750324 Itr infomung NRC of steps taken to correct viota. BRUNNER.E.J. R L IE F20101410228). 75/02/27.FINFROCK,l.R. Jersey Ce+ nons noted m risp rept 50 219/7501. tral Power & ught . 2pp. BRUNNER.EJ L IE F20101410228). 75/04/02.FINTROCK LR. Jersey Card Irel Power & ught 1p. -e604230166 Notco of volanon from map on750129-31Voiaton noted status & apple cansty of all standng croers not revowed cua terly by Plant Operanons Review Com-

  "?'*==          Responds to NRC750228 Itr te volanons ricted m rap rept50-219/75          mmae.

01 on 750114-15.17 & 20.Correceve acconsfive took tabeed as rootsred by OSHA

  • Hegion I, IE F20101410228). 75/02/27.19 standards, mod of crane access ladoer & c'iahng to comply w/ OSHA standards 751001. -9e04230172Dina==as IE insp Rept $4219/7504.

ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & Laght Co. 75/03/24. O'REILLYJP. Regen 1, IE GREENMAN.E.G. Atomc Energy Commesson (Pre 750119). 75/02/27. F20101410228E 3pp. CAPHTON.D.L. Regen 1, IE F20101410228).1p.

  " ?"*w'ia Ack receipt of 750324 Itr informing NRC of steps tenen to correct voie-     =e604230178 Ack receipt of correctrve & preventrve accons documented re item of               i ions rioted in insp rept 54219/75 04.                                                    ,_,,W,. m map rept50-219/75 11-                                                           j BRUNNER.EJ                   L IE F20101410228). 75/04/02. FINFROCK.LR. Jersey Cen.      BRUNNER.E.J. Regen 1. IE F20101410228). 75/06/24. FINFROCK,l.R. Jersey Ce+

1ral Power & Lsght .1p. tral Power & l.sght Lc. 2pp.

  "?"a Resoonds to NRC750227Itr re votstons noted in map rept54219/75
                                                                                        -9604230183 insp rept 50 219/75 04 on 750129-31.One miracion noted. Maior areas 04 on 750129 31.Correenve acnons:1ormal schedule estabhshed for stems regumng            ,                  of opersang logs & records. PORC meenng mmutes & GORB au21 penode review by PORC & compienon of reviews signed off by PORC Secretary.               ,,,,,

5 Jersey Central Power & tsgnt Co. 75/03/24. O'REtLLYJP. Region I, IE GREENMAN.E.G CAPHTON.D.L Regon L IE F20101410226). 75/02/26.10pp. -9604230036 Informs that inep of radenon protecten actrvtbos dinn0 operanon at plant -9604230185 Responds to rap rept 50-219/75-11 on 75041418 re refuelm0 oper-on 761030-31 & 1105 md cated heled probioms nt PLUMMLEE.K.E. Atome Energy Commission (Pro 750119). 76/01/14. KNAPP,PJ anons stpJersey Central Power & bl$t Co. 75/06/17. O'REILiVJP. Regen 1, IE ROSS,0 Atome Energy Commieson (Pro 750119L 3pp. F20101410228L 3pp.

  ""'r Z Forwards proposed Itr to hconsee & proposed Nov.                               -9604230190Insp repr50-219/7518 on 75081719.Two mfractons noted. Maior areas BRUNNER.EJ Atome Energy Commason (Pro 750119). 75/07/00. ELLis.w.P.                      mspectediollowur        ~060912 insp.

Offee of inspecten & Enforcement F50101401210).13pp. GREENMAN.E.G., ' TON.D.L Regen I, IE F20101410228). 75/02/22.15pp

  "?'*""         Responds to deficiency noted dunno map onnducted fadure    -te0423019ti Ack receipt of750206 Itr mtomung NRC of steps taken to correct vola-to serid mmutes of GORB meenngs to 9 president                                           tons noted in rap rept50 219/74-17.

ROSS.DA hrney Central Power & Lagnt w. 75/11/17. BRUNNER.E.J. Regen I, IE NELSON,P.R. Regon 4. IE F20101410228). 75/02/21. FINFROCK.I.R. Jersey Cork F:t0101410228).1p. tral Power & bght Co.1p. l m______

                                    -~ ._.                               . - - - - - -                   . -                .          .- _            _ _ . -          . . - ~             .+. ._ . __ .




     -800423019e enep rept 50219/75C7 on 75031(k14Volatums noted.Ma#or areas                            --

Forwards Map rept 50.vi9/74-17 on 741111-14 &notte of volateriW/o mapacletGA imp 6ementation.


a insp reat. RUHLMAN.W.A GREENMAN.E.G, GLASSCOCK,R 8. Regan 1, IE F20101410228). NELSON.PA Regon L BE F20101410228). 75/01/03. FINFROCK LR. Jersey Con-75/11/21. Srsp. trol Power & Ught Co. 2pp.

     -9004230201 Responha to moistons noted in map rept 50'219/74-17 on 741111-
                                                                                                      .gCJ4230301 Daa==as status of enconplete actrvibes initiated m response to IE Bulle.

1 14.Correctrve actorm'all drums located m Bay #3 of Radweste BuildnD property le- tms 7544 & 7504A. beled & stopped for bunal & all drums to be stored in future lebeied :--- . ; ROSS.DA Jersey Centrol Power & Ught Co. 75/02/06. NELSON,PA Regon I, IE ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 75/10/01. O'RElLLYJ.P. Regen I, IE F20101410228). 2pp.

F20101410226L 1p.
     -8004230300 Forwards inep rept506219/7545 on 750204 05.No vloistons noted.                         TT^               ^ Notice of moiston trorn insp on 74111114.Volatons notetthree sepe.

a BRUNNER.EJ. 1. IE F20101410228). 75/02/21.FINFROCK,l.R. Jersey Cen. rate futures of star.* pas sample sys e consnuously monnor stack miease whne reec-W Power & Lsght 2pp. tor m umso6eted condson.teskn to label containers idenafied

  • Regen I, IE F20101410228). 75/01/03. 2pp.
     -4e04230217 Decumses inep Rept 506219/7546.No violabons noted.                                     ^^^

CARLSON.R.T. 1, lE U20101410228). 75/02/21.FINFROCK,l.R. Jersey Cer> inep rept 50 210/7516 on 750529-80.No vo6atons noted. Mapor areas M Ugm 2pp. hienese acton on previously 6hntified tens m mosponerd -a 1 EVERETT,RJ., STOHRJ.P. Regen L IE F20101410228). 75/06/16. 9pp.


EENMkN to (Pro 750119). 75/02/21. -9004230313 Forwards util 750610 lir.Poesible impact of tir on proposed csvil penalty CAPHTON.D.L Regmn I, IE F20 10228).1p. "C""" ftome (Pro 750119). 75/06/13.ELUS.W.P. Othce j ^ ^'-- _- Insp rept SCL219/75 06 on 75020646.No violatere noted. Major areas of Inspecton & Enforcement F50101401210).10 InspectedNDE program & exam results. WALTON.G.A., HAYNES,R.C. Regon I, IE F20101410228). 75/02/20. 6pp. r^- -- : Insp rept 50219/7515 on 75052122.No noncomphence noted Mapor areas mapactea valve wait thscimoes vonfication program. t

       --- ---- Insp rept 50L219/7505 on 750204 05.No violatons noted. Mesor areas                       JERNIGAN.E.P., HAYNES.R.C. F.egon 1, lE F20101410226). 75/06/06. 6pp.

mapacted.sogs & records.operatens. environ. GREENe4AN.E.G GALLINA C. CAPHTON.D.L Regen L IE F20101410228). 75/02/ ^- --- ^7 Docusses inop50 219/7515 on 750521-22.No m noted. 4 20. app, CARLSONAT. 1. LE F20101410220). 75/06/06 FINFROCK.LR. Jersey Car

  • l tral Power & Lsght .2pp.
     -9004230234 Informs of talk w/DA Ross on 750219 re pnar inep & maide espresam0 concem to large number of change requests currency bemg processed & gathered                 -te04230387 Provides status rept of IE Bullotms 7504 & 7544A.

that emely response not received w/Intonar Dept lir dtd 750214. ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & Light Co. 75/05/27. O'REILLYJ.P. Region L lE GREENMAN.E.G. Atomm Energy Commiseen (Pro 750119). 75/02/19. U20101410228). 2pp. 1 CAPHTON.D.L. Atomsc Energy Ci - (Pro 750119). 5pp. Forwards ener rept50 219/7549 on 75032527 & 040810 &riotices of

!      -"^ ----- Informs that proposed augmemeo meerece insp program for pos'.. lated                    violabon & deviston.

n i hgn energy pos breaks monde contamment not acceptable. Response to enct poorton NELSON,PA Regon L IE F20101410228). 75/05/27. FINFROCK.LH. Jersey Cork r-w by 750228. tral Power & Ught Co. 2pp. 1 LEAR.G. DMeen of Reactor Uconemg (NRR-1975 orifyt 75/02/12. FINFROCK L Jersey Contral Power & Laght Co. 3pp. r- ---_- Nota of violaton from inop on 750325 27 & 040610. Vm6stions

     -9504230240 Advises inat on 750205 imtiated req 6ared exams & tests as directed in IE                                                                         *            "'*"'                       '

curred by Busioen 7541 & estimate two weeks to complete. Regen L IE F20101410226). 75/05/27.19 I a ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & Ught Lo. 75/02/07. O'REILLYJ.P. Repon L IE I F20101410228L 1p. - ] Nobco of deviston from map on 75032527 & 0400-10. Donaton

              -^^7. : Inso rept 50419/7503 on 75012023.No violatens noted. Mapor areas                    " *O            e        1             2%n              n in un n                        8 n PN-sonne mapecud resuns of venhcaten test sampees. le'mratory QA program.
  • Regen L IE F20101410228). 75/05/27. 5pp. 1

, E'vERETT,RJ., STOHRJ.P. Repor. L lE F2010141C220). 75/02/07.12pp.

     -4004230345 N- & forwards riep rept 50219/7543.No vetebons notedW/9                                           -

rept 94549 4 0400-10Nolsimns & donaten LSON.PA Regen 1. IE F20101410228). 75/02/07. FINFROCK,lA Jersey Cork HYSON R.R., KNAPP,P.J. Repon F20101410228). 75/05/23.11pp. Dal ower & D0ht Ca app. .- 7 _ Inno rept -50 219/7512 on 75042527 & 040810.No violatons remd Mapor areas ;_,

     . aam sene47 Provides info m enso 50 219/7316 on 731001                                                                                             myt m j        O'RElLLYJ P. Regen 1. IE F20101410226). 75/02/05. bGGETT,G.W. Jersey Cer>                        HYSON.RA, KNAPP,PJ. Regon L t F20101410228). 75/05/23. app.

tral Power & Ugra Ca 6pp. ) ^^^ -- - Insp rept 50-219/7520 on 7506446Vio6ations rioted.Mapor press

       -^ ---- . Confirms toisphone from ,17 Carro# on 751113 re "Dr:8                                  - .         J^-          D ogram status re area of emergency plannm9 GNEENMANI.G. Atome E                      Commiseen (Pro 750119). 75/11/13.                      GALUNA.C.O. Rege'n L IE F20101410228). 75/uw/09.10pp.
]        CAPHTON.D.L Atomic Energy                     (Pro 760119).1p.                                 _ _

rrrx: Forwwds proposed Mr to iconsee & proposed NOV re mmor word mpecedpasonnel changes.audn Andmgs.Wanng & uW nonconformance & conec-m cnemons 2 & 4. two acton sys. SN .R.G.L Regen 8. IF F20101410228). 75/06/19. ELLIS,W.P. OfAce of inspe> GREENMAN.E.G., O'REILLYJ.P. SNYDER.G.L Repon L IE F20101410226). 75/ { ton & Enforcement F50101401210).10pp. 09/00. 6pp. " -8e04230257 Informs of laicon to I Fmtrock of JCP&L on 750131 to discuss their fa- =ee04240000 informs that amounte of monetary penalty tot each item of noncompik quest for proper hearino reistmo to IE Bulleen 75 01 & shutdown of facility. Contacted ance m NOV win be reduced to extent that noms re nay one Cmenon will be equal to 4 E Case & agreed to call at 1000 am on 0201. amount est out m Chapter 0e00 guidance 1 O'REILLYJ.P. Atomm E Comminamn (pre 750119). 75/02/03. CARLSON.B., ELUS W.P. Offee of Inspecton & Enforcement F50101401210). 75/0D/05. t BRUNNER E Atome Energy (pre 750119).1p. $NYDER.G. Regen 1, IE F20101410228).1p.

                      " Ack receipt of 750120Itr mtormmg NRC of steps taken to correct viole-         -64WAse Discuseos map rept 50 219/7521 on 750826-29 & forwards NOV. informs tons nosed en enso rept 50 219/7418.                                                             Inst correceve steps wW be tamen to avoid further noms of noncomphance.

BRUNNER.EJ. Regon 1. IE F20101410228). 75/01/29. FINFROCK,1.R. Jersey Cer> BRUNNERIJ. L IE F20101410228). 75/10/02.FINFROCK.LR. Jersey Cork Ds4 Power & WWit Ca 19 tral Power & Ught . 3pp. l


Responds to NRC741226 ftr to wonesons noted in hop rept50 219/74- .ge04240070 Notice of velaton from ansp on750826 29Volanon nomd 6 censes fail. 15 on 74111922.Corrachvo actons. operators metructed to plot reactor heatups & occidowns on special data shoots when graphcany mdicate hmets. to fouow procedures wwe identified Regen L tE F20101410226). 75/10/02. 2pm ROSS.D.A. Jersey Central Power & Ugnt Co. 75/01/20. O'REILLYJ P. Regen 1, IE F20101410228). 2pp

                                                                                                      .g004240004 Forwards map rept 50w219/7512 on 7504294501 &NOV W/c NOV.
     -te04230272 Forwards 731016 memo.                    tory Staff Poenon on SNft Mennm0 for            N SON poww U                                        ^         '

Nuclear Power Pieries.* & RO Insp Rept gh 219/'14 07. Review should erectuos evalua-ornement 101 210). 75/01/28. -0004240104 Insp mot S219m on 7504m8% votagons noma Map areas VOLLMER,R.H. Divison of Reactor ucensm0 (NRR.1975 onty).1p. j ," F20101410228). 75/05/22.17pp.

     -ee04230279 N- Insp rept SIL219/7516 on 750529 30.No comphorices noted NELSON.P.R Atomic Energy Commenen (Pro 750119). 75/06/17. FINFROCK,lA                        -0004240124 Docusses map rept 5(L219/7511 on 750414-18 4 forwards NOV Jersey Central Power & Laght Co. 3pp.                                                            BRUNNERE.J. R                     1, IE F20101410228). 75/05/22 FINFROCK,1.R. Jersey Cork tral Power & Ught            .2pp.
     -ee042303se insp rept 50-2te/75 21 on 75080445Volatons notedMasor areas anspectecpient status.mechenmal asems shock & Sway Arrestors.contammated                     -ee04240145 Mgt meetmg rept 50 219/75 14 on 750506.Malor areas opent fuel shipment.                                                                            chacussed sammary of recem insp firuhngs.

GREENMANI.G., NORRHOLML, CAPHTON,D.L Regen L IE F20101410228). 75/ BRUNNER1J., O'REILLYJ.P. Regen I, IE F20101410228) 75/05/20. 4pp. 10/02.10pp.

                                                                                                      =e004240154 insp rept 50219/7518 on 75050547.No volatons noted Matar areas
     -e004230200 Provides recommended changes from *eview of proposed ltr & NOV.                          inspected-facekty reg.sromonts for fare stops on safety reisted cabees & penetraton SNYDER.G. Atomic Energy Commiseen (Pre 750119). 75/06/16 ELUS.W.P. Office                       semis.

of Inspecton & Enforcemerit F50101401210) Spp. PLUMLEE.K.W., HAYNES,R.C Pagon 1, IE F20101410228) 75/05/20. 9pp.

                                                                               .__m             - ___ _ _             -                                         . _ -                 _


          -8004240158 CWaama map rept 50 219/7513 on 750506 07.No noncomphance ob                                  ^^ ^^ TT^^ Forwards EA Roguest Form 95218 re pasemg two indmduals who had i              served.                                                                                            not passed GET exam.

i CARLSON.R T. Repon L IE F20101410228). 75/05/20.FINFROCK,1 R. Jersey CeN HOLODY,0.J. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 95/09/27. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 2pp. j Del Power & Light Lo. 2pp. 87860-021 4 7862022

          -9004240227 Forwards map rept 50219/7443 on 740206-11.No violetons or safety                           ^^^ ----' informs that unresolved hem opened m map rept50 219/9511 on assus

, soms otiserved.W/o enci. re Allegaton RL93.A.0224 closed. i i DAVISAB. Repon L IE F20101410228). 74/04/26. FINF ROCK,LR. Jersey Central BEARDSLEE.C.D. NRC No DetaHed Athhaton Gwert 95/07/10. NRC . No Ostened Power & Ught w. 2pp. Athhaton Gwert 1p. 67060 03447860 034. j

          -9004240261 Forwards inep rept 50w219/7447.for schortW/o enct                                          ^^ 2 .^ T . _ : Recommends that Allegaten RI.95.A4044 Ale re consnuous Ike watch d               BRUNNER EJ. Repon L IE F20101410228). 74/05/21. THORNBURG.H.D. Atomm                               duty for A.B bettery room bemg performed 14 secunty            deemmad dunng map Energy Commiseen, Drectorate of Regulatory Operatens F20101750118).1p.                             50 219/9546.m Secton 4.3. fire weten actmbes tio CONNER.M. NRC - No Detesled Affiheten Gwert 95/05/04. ROGGEJ.F. NRC . No

, IT^ . Discusses map rept50 219/7445 on 740327 28 & forwards NOV. Detened Athhaton Gwen. 5pp. 87800:05047880 054. O'RElLLY,JP. Regen I, IE F20101410228) 74/04/10. FINFROCK,4.R. Jersey Ce> l trei Power & Lsght Co. 2pp. M .T _ Discueers whether to cne util made@ ate taming violaton concommg ak legaton re cheanng (anenng answers) on GET exam & mstructor pasem0 mdmduai on

             "^ : -- Insp enM 50-219/7445 on 740327 26.Volatons noted.Mapor areas                                 exam that faded

, mopecteAofuehn0 outage. torus to drywell vacuum breakers veNet. SMITH,K.D. NRC . No Detened Affikation Gwert 95/04/03. VITO.DJ. NRC . No Do. MCCAF E.C. Repon L IE F20101410228L 74/04/12.12pp. tened Athhaton Gwert opp.87860 05547860 056.

          -80047 A000 insp rept 50 219/7444 on 740320.Violabons noted.Magor areas                              -9004040216 Recommends closure of Allegalen Rh03.A4013.ste                   that secunty 4               meifveted.onforcement actorteruron monnonng.mpt mierview                                           guard did not make regured two hour tour of vital ares & that            fedure not re.

4 BORES.RJ. Regen I, IE F20101410228). 74/04/16. Opp. ported to NRC.bened on lated mfo. I MCCABE.E.C. NRC . No Dotaded Afhhaton Gwen.93/11/29.VITO,D. NRC . No Do.

          .aennann10 Forwards inop rept 50w219/74-04 on 740320.fvo volatons or safety items                       taned Athhaton Gwert 2pp. 87860:10687060.107.

otmerved W/o enct NELSON.PA Regen L IE F20101410228). 74/04/16. FINFROCK,LR. Jersey Cork -90040E0110 Notrhos of closure of A8egaton Rh02 A4050 concommg staff suspected tal Power & Lagra Co. 2pp. wron9domg to mdustry. wide soeue of equipment operator log faisshcaton at . pianLbesed on hated info. 3 -8004200011 Informs that map conducted pnmanly to close out on p+stantial numbers FUHAMEtSTER.R. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 93/03/04. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 3pp. J of AOs & violstons asang back to inst rousne snap m Aug 1973. 87860 144 47860 180. ! GREENMAN.E,G Repon 1. IE F20101410228). 74/04/02.CAPRON.D.L Regen I, a IE F20101410228). upp. -90040E0124 Lats into re piant allegatons staff drected to follow-up dunno 93010448 FRPS outage map (NRC insp 50 219/93 01), , .menneense rM"=aa*740316teicon w/D Ross to clartfmeton of obfectons to rept ECKERT.L.L NRC - No Dotaded Affikshon Gwen. 93/02/11.FUHRMEISTER,R. NRC MANN.J. Regen 1. IE F20101410228). 74/04/11. Regen I, IE F20101410228).1p. No Detoded Afhhaten GwerL 17pp. 8706016147860-177.

  • ^^^ -

Insp rept 50219/7408 on 740506-07.Volatons noted.Maior areas ** ma*10 NRC Ir4 Notco 96-016. "Comphance w/1r)CFR20 for Arbome Thonum."

                - . - : - 4 mopocean program. Eddy Ceent map of posson control Nam &                              COOL.D **. C;.Nn of Industnal & Medmal Nucient Sately (Post 870729). 96/03/25.

4 reper program on moestwo neoerators. Consoested Edson Co. of f4ew York, mc.14pp. 87791:00147791:014.

  • WALIDN.G.A., TILLOU,J.H. Regen I, IE F20101410226). 74/05/16. 7pp.

9004028U81 an*=han for amend to bcense DPR.16.deletmg spec wruch requres thor. j T^^ 2 Discusses snap rept 50 219/74 00 on 74050607 & forwards NOV. our 't nap of I!DC s 24 months dunng shutdowet , CARLSON.R.T. 4, IE F20101410228). 74/05/16 Fl de ROCP.t.R. Jersey Cork Rd clE.M.B. General m Unishes Corp. . GPU Sennos Corp. 96/03/25. Document tral Power & Ught 2pp. Control Branch (Document Control Dook).10pp. 67725.13747725:159. j, .eenasenn70 Notce of viointion from inop on74050647.Velatons noted nondestruc- ' Proposed toch specs.doestmg spec which regures thorough insp of EDG j two test procedures approved tv lost'ese dunng moonnce enep & calibraton tilock every 24 months durmg shutdowrt used tsul not febncated m accoroance w/reguraments.

  • General Pubhc Utsites Corp. . GPU Service Corp. 96/03/25.13pp. 87725:147 j
  • Regen L lE F20101410228). 74/05/16.1p. 87725:159.

J _ . . Forwards map rept SC.219/7447 on 740502 03.No violatons cr safety 9003270127NRC Info Notoe 96419, "FaMure of Tone Alert Reece to Actwate When

               -noms notedW/o encl.                                                                                           Shortened Activaton BRUNNER.EJ. Regan L IE F20101410228). 74/05/16.FtNFROCK,lA Jensey Cork                            CRUT        IFLD.D. 96/04/02.            ted Edman Co. of New York, int 8pp.

j tral Power & ught w. 2pp. 67791:015 87791:022. 3 --_ Forwards Map rept 50-219/7446 on 740422 26.No viossmons or safety 9003290300NRC Info Notce 96 020, "Demonstraton of A-tod Equipment Compl> i flems noted arice w/10CFR34.20."

 ,              NELSON,P.R. Repon L tE F20101410228). 74/05/16. FINFROCK.L Jeresy Central                         COOL.DA Dunen of industnal & Medmal Nucteer Safety (Poet 870729). 96/04/04.

j Power & ugnt Co. 2pp. Coneohdated Edman Co. of fisew York,Inc.12pp. 8/880:28947060:300,

           -te04290131 Map rept 50-219/74 07 on 74050243.No violatons noted. Mapor areas                       9004170040 Adness that util piens to test both 5% ref sample 410% representatwo snepected eeeectwo taedriy proceduresL                                                            temple of Vlton SSPV control rode at approx 904ey meervees,per NRC Info Notco 96-JOMSON.D.F., MCCABE.E.C. Regon 1. IE F20101410228) 74/05/15.11pp.                                 007.

} ^^ - - ROCHE.M.B. General PL4Isc Utillbes Corp. . GPU Sennes Corp. 96/04/09. Document 4 Insp rept 50-219/7446 on 740422-26.feo vio6atons notect Mafor areas Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 87949'00547949:006. 4 . . - s ateoisy operatons. MANN,J., KNAPP.P.J. Regen 1, IE F20101410228). 74/05/14. Opp. 9004040108 NRC Info Notco 96441, " Safety Concems re Doesgn of Door intenock Cr. ouit on Nuclotron High Does Rate & Pussed Does Rate Remote Aftertoadmg Brachytn-

            -te043003eo Nothes of JCP&L veneed head clad andcatens currenpy beene litveshgat-                      erapy Deinces."

so. COOL.DA Dusen of industnel & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729) 96/04/10. CAPHTON.D.L Atome Energy Communen (Pro 750119). 74/05/14. TILLOU,J. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. Opp.38102:067 48102:075. Atomic Energy Commessen (Pro 750119).1p. eenmam NRC Info Notco 96022. " improper Equipment $sttmos Due to use of

            =0004200317Ack receipt of 740423 fir mformmg NRC of steps taken to correct viois-                      Nomamperaturo<                " Test Eouipment."

tons noted m snap 50 219/74 02 CRUTCHFIELD.D.~._. 96/04/11. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 6pp. O'REILLY l.P. Regen 8. IE F20101410228). 74/05/02. FINFROCK.I.R. Jersey Cen. 87660:301 4 7580.306. i tral Power & bght Co.1p.  ! 9004000260 NRC Bulleen 96-002. " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over

                ~ ^ ^ - - - Responds to 740402 Itr to IM Fmfrock re insp on 74012125. Items 7 8 9                  Fuel m Reactor Core.or Over Safety-Related Eauspment."                                 ,

adoreened. CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consatiosted Edman Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. 1 R r.OSS.DA Regen L lE F20101410228L 74/04/23. O'RElLLY,J.P. Atomm Energy 88102.100 88102:110. i

                                   , Oractorate of Laoensing (720101-75011BL 2pp.                                                                                                                         1 9004100473 Insp rept 50 219/73-01 on 730102.0506.Velatons noted. Masor areas               l 9e04130013 Forwards eneo rept 50-219/7311 on 730626-29 & nonce of volatertW/o                          enspected turnme inp w/tadure to rehef varve to racione. valve testng & torus pulse.   '

maprept tons 0 RElLLY.J P. Regen L IE F20101410228). 73/09/24. FINFROCit,1.R. Jersey Cen- CANTRELL,F.S., CAPHTON,D.L Regen 1, IE F20101410228). 73/02/08.15pp. tral Power & boht Co. 3pp. 9004240238 Forwards anop rept 50 219/9642 on 980212 0324 No veistons noted.

            =0004100165 Forwards map rept 50w219/73-21 on 73121012 & 18. No violatona                              ESELGRO'TH,P W Regen 1 (Post 820201k 96/04/17. ROCHE.M.B. General Pubic noted.Mapor areas map:seenetwo exam of procedures & representatwo                                Uthtses Corp. . GPU Service Corp. 3pp. 88004:012 48004:037.

records.mterviews e/persormel & observatone by inspector. NELSON.P.R. Repon 1. IE F20101410228A 74/02/05. FINFROCK.lA Jo'sey Cork =e804200231Insp rept 50'219/9602 on 9602124324.No volabons noted. Major areas tral Power & Ugnt Co. 2pp. mopected:pters operatons,mamt.engmoonng. plant support & SA/Ot ESELGROTH.P.W. Regon 1 (Post 820201) 96/04/17. 23pp. 68004:01'l-86004:037, 9004130001 Discussen snep rept 50219/7316 re licensee envron monstonn0 pr .No violetons noted 9004170100NRC Info Nobce 96423. "Fres in EDG Exeners Dunng Operaten Follow-GA C.O. R L IE F20101410228L 73/11/15 STOHR.J.P. Regon L IE mg Undetected Fuse Blowmo" U20101410228). . CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/22. Consohdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. 88102 090 88102:099. maamm7 Second partel Anel revones to FOtA request for records. App G records anci & bem9 mado evenante at PDR. App H recon $s parbally untnhold (ret Exempton 900423023e NRC Info Notice 96 024. "Precondeonmg of Molded. Case Crcuit Breakers

4) Before Sunraillance Testng
  • REED.CA Dunca e' creedom of informaton & Pubimatons Services (Post 940714). GRIMES.BK. . 96/04/25. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 14pp.

96/03/14.SHEtHAN.NA Affshstan Not Assegned.13pp. 87860:00347860.288. 88102:076 88102 069

38 DOCKETEDITEMS 9604260172 NRC Into Notco 96-025. "Traverung in Core Probe Overwithdrawn at La-sai6e County Statnn.Urvt 1." -9604170195 Forwards Abnormal Occurrence Report 50 210/74-34 m compharce w/ a spn 6.62.a al TS. GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/30. Coneohdated Edison Co. of New Yort6, arc. 10pp. ' .DA Jersey Central Power & Lrfd Co. 74/05/07. GIAMBUSbOA Atorruc 88102-111 48102:120. Energy Comtrusson, Deputy Drector for Heactor Protects F20101-750118).1p. 9604260095 NRC Info Nobce 96426, "Recent Problems w/ Overhead Cranes." GRIMES.B K. . 96/04/30. Consoledstad Edison Co. of New York, Inc. 10pp. -9604170210 Forwards AO 50-219/74/23. 86102.12148102 130. ROSS.DA Energy Jersey Commason. Centrei Desrsiy Power Drector for Co.

                                                                                                                                            & 74/03/25.

peactor GIAMBUSSOA Atomm Pro,ects U20101750118) 1pl R. Portodic operating reports & related correspondence -9604170211Deausses teicon w/l Fmfrock re plant scram on 740925 o.RElLLY.J.P. Atome Energy Comtrussion (Pro 750119). 74/09/26. GREENMAN.E. Atomm Energy Comrressen (Pro 750119).10 96r)4160103 "1995 Annual Erwron Ooorstmg Rept Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating Statiott" W/960328 fer. -e604170215 Forwards AO Rept 50 219/74/21. ROCHE.M.B Gereral Pubic Utilities Corp. . GPU Senace Corp. 95/12/31. App. ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & 87898.1144 7898.162. Co. 74/03/22 GIAMBUSSOA Atomse Energy Commason, Deputy Drector for or Prolacts U20101-750118).1p. 9604150016 Monthey operstmg rept for Mar 1996 for Oyster Creek Staten.W/960410 lir. EDELMANN.P.G., ROCHE.M.B. General Put*c Unhties Corp. - GPU 5ervice Corp. 96/ -e604170229 Forwards AO R 50 219/74/22. 03/31. 7pp. 47914.29347914299. ROSS.DA Jersey Central & Co. 74/03/22. GIAMBUSSOA Atomm Energy Commmmon, Deputy Drector for Propects p20101-750118).1p. S Reportable occurrences, LERs & reisted corrmapondence -9604170286 Forwards AO Rept 50 219/74/19. ROSS.DA Jersey Centrai Power & L Co. 74/03/18. GIAMBUSSOA Atome Energy Commason, Deputy Dractor for Propects F20101-750118).1p. 9604180027 Forwards AO Rept50 219/74/12. ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & Co. 74/02/25. GLAMBUSSOA Atomac -96041702st Forwards AO Rept 50-219/74/18. Energy Commason, Deputy Drector for Propects P20101-750118).1p. ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & Ugnt Co. 74/03/18. GIAMBUSSOA Atome Energy R  :. Deputy Drector for Reactor Protects P20101750118).1p. 9604240258 Forwards Abnormal Ocurrence Rept 50-219/74-28 m comphance w/pera-a 6 82 a of TS -96041702st Forwards AO Rept 50 219/74/20.

          .DA Jersey Central Power &              Co. 74/04/26 GIAMBUSS
  • mme ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & L Energy Commesen Deputy Drector for Prolects U20101-75011 Co. 74/03/18. GIAMBUSSOA Atome Energy Commason, Deputy Drector for Proyects P20101-750118).1p.

9604110225 Second partial response to FORA request fcr documents. F0 - < la docu. monts lated m App B. Documents wel to placed en POR -9604170325 Forwards Preimunary AO Rept50 219/74/20. REED.CA DMason of Freedom of Informaton & Pehcatens Senaces (Pou s40714L CARROLLJ.T. Jersey Central Power & bgnt Co. 74/03/11. O'RElLLYJP. Regon 1, 96/02/13.DEKOK.D. Affiinaton foot Asmgned 46pp. lE O20101410228).1p.

-9604120045 AO 73-34:en 731227.dunng suncellance testmg of man steam ime high            -9604170345 Forwards AO Rept 50 210/74/17.

radiaton was observed that RN05A log count rate mosutor teied to tnp at FINFROCK.I.R. Central Power & Ught Co. 74/03/15. GIAMBUSSOA Atorne normal setpomte & cause under rwestigaton. Energy Commason, Drector for Reactor Protects U20101750118).1p. CARROa4T. Jersey Central Power & ught Co. 73/12/28. O'REILLY,J.P. Regen ( IE U20101410228). 3pp. -.9604170396 Forwards prehmmary AO Rept 50-219/74/17 CARROLL J T. Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 74/03/06. O'REILLY,J P. Regon L

-es041200s0 AO 73-33:cn 731221.four of molaton condenser tugh flow sensors found            IE U20101-810228L 1p.

CA P Co. 73/12/28. O'REILLY,J.P. Regen I. -96N1M415 Forwards drWt rolvicaton of mcident or occurmra on721229re fasure IE (720101410228)' 3pp' of pnnwy sys rehest valve to meest when actuated foiewing tiene tnp. CARLSON.R.T. Region I, IE U20101410228). 72/01/03. KEPPLERJG. Regen L lE -9604120114 Forwards prehmmary AO rept 73 32Jn comp &ence w/TS. paragraph 6.8.2. 920101410228). 4pp. RO . Central Power & Lsant Co. 73/12/20. O'REILLYJP. Regen l'

                               *                                                        -e604170433 Forwards prehnunary AO Rept50 219/74/16.

CARROLLJT. Jersey Central Power & Light Co. 74/03/07. O'REILLY,,LP. Regen L -0604120128 Forwards Oyster Creek abnormal occurence rept 7341 to momentary lE F20101410228).1p. m of 125 Vdc power mapplying metrumentaten mawaated w/wanous safe-

                                                                                        -9604170443 Forwards AO Fiept50 219/74/15.

RUNNER.E.J. Regen L IE F20101410228). 73/12/19. THORNBURG.H.O. Regen ROSS.DA Jersey Cerural Power & Doht Co. 74/03/07. GIAMBUSSOA Atome 1,IE P20101-010228).1p. Energy Commason, Deputy Drector por Reactor Protects (720101-750118).19 -9804120134 Forwards prelimmary AO rept 7341 -es04170493 Fonwards AO rept 54219/74/14. CARROLLJT. Jersey Gentral Power & ught Co. 73/11/14. O'REILLYJP. Regen I, ROSS.D A. Jersey Central Power & bght Co. 74/03/01. GLAMBUSSOA Atome IE P2010141022SL 10 Energy Commason, Deputy Drector for Reactor Protects U20101-750118).19 -9604120101Daaamas telcon between DuponLOcean Townstup Commatesman & as- -9604180010 Forwards prehmmary AO Rept 50 219/74/15. signed inspector at tacArty concommg "near catastrophe" at reactor 73090649. CARROLL,J.T Jersey Central Power & ugnt Co. 74/02/28.O'REILLYJP. Regen 1. GREENMAN,E.G. Regon L IE F20101410228). 73/09/13. Regen I, IE F20101- IE F20101410228).1p. 810228).1p. -9604120149 Forwards prehmmary AO rept 73-29 -e6041a0018 Forwuros AO Rest 54219/74/13. ROSS,DA Jersey Central Power & bott Co. 74/02/27 GiAMBUSSOA Atome CARROLLJT. Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 73/11/05. O'REtLLYJ P. Regen 1. Energy Comnusson, Osputy Drector for Reactor Propects U20101-750118).1p. IE U20101410228).1p. -9604120173 Forwards preknunary AO rept 73 28- -9804180023 Forwards AO Rept50 219/74/11. ROSS.DA Jersey Cenical Power & ht Co. 74/02/25. GIAMBUSSOA Atome CARROLLJT. Jersey Centrol Power & ugts Co. 73/10/31. C'REIRYJP. Regen 1* Energy Commeson, DogMy Drector for IE P20101410228).1p. Propects p20101-750118).1p. -9604120184 Discusses 730912 totcon tsetween DL Capnton & D Roon re recent power -4604 *' outage on730908.infuans that JCP&L recognize senouerrras of mudent & have p CARR & Ug 74/ 25. O'REluYJP. Region I, coeded to take measures to further suprove reimbshty of DGs. IE U20101410228). ip'

               .D      Rogson L IE U20101410228). 73/06/12. ROSS.D. Region I, IE
                                                                                        -9604180040 Forwards prehmmary AO ropl 50-219/74/5 CARROLLJT. Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 74/01/17. O'RElLLYJ.P. Regon 8.

-9604120203 Forwards prehmmary AO rept 73 30. IE F20101410228).1p. R T. Central Power & ught Co 73/12/13. O'REILLYJP Regson 1.

                                                                                        -9604100044 Forwards prehmmary AO Rept50'219/74/11.

CARROLL,J T. Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 74/02/19. O'REILLYJP. Regon 4. -0804120277 Notfcaten of 730908 event to mutmo switch of house electncal loads to IE P20101410228).10 Iraristormer reeutted m temporary bas of elecincal power to essermal staten DREHER.FA, THORNBURG,H.D., DAvtS J G. Regon L lE U20101410228). 73/09/ CARROT.L.J T. Jersey Central Power & Leght Co. 74/02/19. O'REILLYJP. Repon L

11. 3pp. IE p20101410228L 1p.

-9604150002 Forwards praktroner; AO rept 73 27. -9004180053 Forwards AO rept50 219/74/2. CARROLL,J T. Jersey Centraf itwar & Ught Co. 73/10/18 O'REILLY,J.P. Regon 1, ROSS.DA Jersey Central Poir er & bgnt Co 74/01/17. GIAMBUSSO.A. Atome IE P20101410228).1p. Energy Commesson, Drectorste of Lacensmg920101-750118).1p. -4604150301Prehminary AO rept 73 23.on 730924.fanure of difterental pressure swMeh -9604190068 Forwards prehmenary AO Rept 50-219/74/12. DPS 66A to tnp & trr#eby actuate reactor bundmg to torus vacuum treaker block CARROLL,J T. Jersey Central Power & bght Co. 74/02/19. O'REILLY,J P. Regen I, values.v.2tk18-18 IE P20101410228).10 CAnROLLJ T., HrIVES.D R. Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 73/09/25. O'REILLY,J P. Regen L lE F20101410228L 3pp. -96041s0075 Forwards AO Rept 50-219/74'10. i FINFRICKJ.R. Jersey Central Power & Ught Co 74/02/14 GIAMBUSSOA Atoms j -9604160121 Forwards inap rept 50 219/7344 on 730313 & In0ury rept 50-219/73 Energy Commisamn, Deputy Drector for Reactor Protects P20101750118).1p. = 040 to AO ewpenenced on730310. KEPPLERJG. Atome E Commseecn, Drectorate of Regulatory Operatons ~9404100104 Forwards prehmmary AO ropt 50 219/74/4 P20101750118) 73/05/04 MEL,RJ Atome Energy Commissen, Drectorate CARROLL.J T. Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 74/01/16. O'RElLLYJP. Regen I, of RepJatory Operatens P20101-7*'"**). 2pp. IE P20101410228).1p

DOCKETEDITEMS 39 -9604100109Fo wards prelmne y AO Rept 50w219/74/10. -4G04240221 Forwards Abrormal Occurence Report 50 219/74/33bemg sutmtted in CARROLL.J T. Jersey Central Power & bght Co. 74/C2/11. O'REILLYJ.P. Regon I, comphance w/TS paragraoh 6 6.2 IE F20101410228). Ip.

  • Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 74/05/22. O'REILLY J.P. Regen I, IE F20101-810228).1p.

-9604180137 Weas 740813 & 14 med to piant ste to mvesbgate & discuss leakage of pnmary cootant som around mcore tube 05-28.Laak decovered on 740528. -9604240237 Forwards prehmmary rept 50 219/74-29 RIESLAND,J.L Atome Eners Commesson, Drectorate of Lceimng r720101750118). CARROLL.J T. Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 74/04/26. O'REILLY,J.P. Regon 1. 70/06/21. Atome Energy Vommmuon Directorate of Lcensmg F20101750118). IE F20101410228).1p. App.

                                                                                         -0604240247 Responds to communcabon of740403 from G Uhrsch re feh bang lulled

-9604180141Fannards AO Rept50 219/74/9. as result of operaton of plant ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & Co. 74/02/06. GAMBUSSOA Atome GAMBUSSOA Atome E Commismon. Deputy Drector for Reactor Protects Energy Commiasion, Deputy Dractor for Propects P20101-7bo118).1p. U2010175C118). 74/04/25.

  • C.P. Senate. 2pp.

-9604100152 Forwards AO rept50-219/74/1. 0604240279 Forwards Abnormal Occurrence Rept50 219/74 24. ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & Co 74/01/15. GiAMBUSSOA Atomic ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & L Co. 74/04/19. GAMBUSSOA Atome Energy Commisman, Deputy Drector for Pro,ects F20101750118).1p- Energy Commismon, Deputy Drector for Protects F20101750118).1p. -9604180157Fewards prehmnary AO rept 50 210/74/3. -9604250001 Forwards three repts re feh tulls at Oyster Creen.W/o enct CARROLLJ T. Jersey Central Power & bght Co. 74/01/14.O'REILLYJ.P. Regon l' STOHR.J.P. Region 4. lE F20101410228). 74/05/20.HAMER.P.E. 1p. IE F20101410228).1p. -9604180158 Forwards prolyrunury AO Rept 50w219/74/9. 9604120097 Informs of730907 rept from NJ Dept of Health on easvated er sample m mcm of fac44 Checked w/J SuNevan at um & W rw de 2 wak on copol l CARROLLJT. Jersey Conval Power & Ught Co. 74/02/01.O'REILLY,J.P. Regen t- rods documenad try mm.Reease bew ap limem IE U20101410228).1p. ) EVERETT.R.J. Regen I, IE F20101410228). 73/09/17. STOHRJP. Regon I, IE -9604100199 rotwards AO Rept 50 219/74/8. F2mW228L 1p. A 9604190103 LER 96 00140:on 960313.TS regured survedlances on SCIVs V-264042 & ector for 20 75 . p' V-284043 missed due to procedural madequacy. Procedures rotatmg to SCIVs wdl be rowowed 4 mvmed as necessary b mcksoo taseng of valvetW/92412 Itr -9604100202 ROSS.DA Jersey Forwards AO Power Central Rept50219/74/8'Co

                                          & ught         74/01/28.GAMBUSSOA Atome           YUEN.J., ROCHE.M.B. General Pubhc Utilmes Corp. GPU Servce Corp. 96/04/12.

Energy Commmmon, Drectorate of Doonsmo U20101750118).1p. 5pp. 88251:35:188251:360. -4604180211 Forwards AO Rept50 219/74/7. 9604300110 PNO4-96 028:en 960425.hcensee commenced plant shutdown to retneve ROSS.DA Jersey Ceritral Power & Co. 74/01/28. GAMBUSSOA Atoms condensate sys componenLWorkers will conduct evaluation to determme cause for Energy Commason, Deputy Drector for Prolects P20101-750118).1p. '**'m whch resuned m plate tareamg loose from Hx after cold sriutdown reached. ESELGROTH,P. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/28. 2pp. 68065.35748065:358. -9604100225 Addencksm to AO rept 74 28.fumenma apparent cause of occurrence.correceve action & fadure data.snadvertently ommed from or AO rept. ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & Co 74sr)7/11 GIAMBU A Atome V. Operator Ezem6nettons Energy Commemon, Deputy Drector for Protects P20101750118). 3pp. 9604110225 Second partal response to FOIA request for documents, Forwards docu-

-9604190211 Forwards AO Rept S219/74/4.                                                     monts hsted m App B. Documents will be placed m PDR.

ROSS.DA Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 74/01/25. G AMBUSSOA Atome REED.CA Dumon of Freedom of informanon & Pubhcatons Servces (Post 940714). Energy Commmacn, Deputy Drector for Reactor Prolects F20101-750118).1p 96/02/13.DEKOK.D. AffikaDon Not Assegned. 46pp.

           .D                             &       Co. 74/01/25. GAMBUSSOA Atome                              operator                        Yd Sept 1 74 enci E' argy Commason, Deputy Drector for               Prolects F20101-750118).1p.           @OCK.I R.               Central Power & bgnt Co. 74/09/27 COLUNS.P.F. Atome Energy Canmmson,          torate of Ucenung F2W1750118L 1p.
=Di D4190221 Forwards AO R              219/74/3.

A -e604170206 " Oyster Creek Nucsear Generstmo Staten Operator RequalifcaDon Pro-E ierg Drector set 20 0 7501 . p.

-9601190235 Forwards prehmmary AO Rept 50 219/74/8.                                             ersey Central Power & Ught Ca 74/M 13pp.

Central Power & Ught Co. 74/01/24. O'REILLY,J.P. Regson l' -9604170414 Informs Jersey Central Power & Ught to sdwrut revned m for NRC approval of romaalifcatori of bconsmg operators & senor operators ter Creek.

-9604190249 Forwards prehmmary AO Rept50'219/74/7                                           COLLINS.P.F. Atome Energy Comrmsson. Drectorate of Lscensmg F20101-750118).

CARROLL . i. Jersey Central Power & Ught Co. 74/01/23. O'RE1LLY,J.P. Region I, 74/06/03.PINFROCK,1.R. Jersey Central Power & ught Co. 5pp. IE F2010W10228) 1p.

-9604190256 Forwards prehmmary AO Rept50-219/74/6.                                          GREENMAN.E.G. Atome Energy Commason (Pro 750119).                   7. Atomac Energy CARROLL.J.T. Jersey Central Power & Laght Co. 74/01/23. O'REILLY,J P. Region I,         Comtmsmon (Pro 750119).1p.

IE F20101410228).1p.

                                                                                           "?'*"         Advises that current cyces of plant bconsed operator requasificaton pro-
  ""*"? Forwards prolemriary AO rept50-219/74/2                                             gram 4 asssociated smulated NRG exam sensduled to be completed 951217 wel be CARROLLJ T. Jersey Central Power & Laght Co. 74/01/09. O'REILLY.J.P. Regon 1,           extenced ex months t) June 1976.

1E F20101410228). Ip. ROSS.DA Jersey Centnsi Power & bght Co.75/12/12. COLLINS.P.F. Dmson of Re-actor Lcenssng (NRR-1975 only). 2pp.

   "?"*"? Forwards                     AO rept50 219/74/1.

CARROLLJ.T. Jersey Central & bght Co. 74/01/07, Regan I, IE F20101-810228).1p. Y. Dry Cask : 2 Spent Fuel Storage instattatsons

-9604220165 Forwards Abnormal Ocurrence Report 50 219/74 33 m comphance w/                9604090329 Summary of960328 meeang w/hcensee an Rockville.MD re matter related para        1.158 of TS.                                                                to reactor tu6dmg crane transportog spent dry fund storage cask m reactor tu6 ding R       ,DA Jersey Central Power f,       '

Co. 74/05/31. GIAMBUSSOA Atome power operaton. Energy Commesen, Deputy Drector for Protects F20101-750118).19 gRICK.A.W. .96/04/04. 10pp. 87810:14747810 156.

 -9504240136 Forwards Abnormal Ocurrence Rept50-219/74-29 m comphance w/ pare.

OSS A Central Power & Co. 74/05/01. GIAMBUSSOA Atorme Energy Commason, Deputy Drector for eactor Proiects P20101750118).1p.

 -9604240141 Forwards Abnormal Ocasence Report 50 219/74/32 m compisance w/                           '

1.15D of TS.

         ' .DA Jarney Central Power & Ugnt Co 74/05/31. GLAMBUSSOA Atome                  9604120148 Revised emergency plan mamt procedures (EPMP) & EPIPs. rcludm0Rev Energy Commason, Drectorate et Leenang F20101750118).1p.                                2 to EPMP.EPP-04.Rev 3 to EPMP-EPP.OB,Rev 1 to EPIP EPP-17.Rev 2 to EPIP-EPP-07.Rev 5 to EPIP-EPP-08 Rev 3 to EPlP-EPP 20 & Rev 1 to EPIP-EPP.22.W/960401
 -96042401 Forw             Abnormat Ocurrence Rept SCk219/74-27 m comphance w/ para.       tir OSS,DA Jersey Central Power &               Co. 74/04/26. GIAMBUSSOA Atome            87876 228.

Energy Commescus Deputy Drector for eactor Pro,ects P20101-750118).1p. RW 2 WM

  • N mW e WW m H me b
 -9604240162 PNO on 740530.bconsee reported on 740529 a small leak noted at 2 rch           consees unmg Thenno Lag & that ltr to treated as Petrion per 10CF 12.206.

matrument penetraton on tettom at reactor vesset RUSSELLW T. . 96/04/03 CINQUEMANI.DX Affiksbon Not Assigned. 4pp. DREHER,F A, THORNBURG.H.D., DAVIS J,G, Regon 1 (Post 820201). 74/05/30. 87887:31747e87;320. 2pp 9604150050 Responds to941026Itr wruch roovested acbon w/reJm.' to all reactor 6

 -9604240166 Forwards Abnormel Occurence Report 50 219/74/31 m comphance w/                 consees unmg Thermo-LrG & that ftr to treated as Petmon per s00FR2206 1.158 of TS.                                                                RUSSELLW.T. , 96/04/03. BENJAN,R. Afhhaton Not Asmgned. 4pp. 87887:313-
            '.DA Jersey Central Power & bpht Co. 74/05/29 GIAMBUSSO.A. Atome                 87887.316.

Energy Commmmon, Deputy Drector for pseactor Propects P20101-75C118).1p. 9604150064 Responds to 941021 ftr.wtuch requested achon w/ regard to all reactor b-

 -9604240164 Forwards Abnormal Occurence Report 50-219/74/30 m comphance w/                  consees uomo thermo. sag & that P Bemse str be treated as Petiton por para        1.15b of TS.                                                                10CFR2206. Forwards nonce of *tssuance of Drector Decuson Under 10CFR2.206."

R ' .DA Jersey Cer! tral Power & bgrit Co_ 74/05/23. GIAMBUSSOA Atome RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03 B3RNIE P. G.E. Stockhosoors Athance Agamst Nuclear Energy Commmeon, Deputy Drector for Reactor Prossets P20101-750118).1p. Power. 4pp. 8788726347887.312.

  . __          . . . _ . .                     _                                      . - . . . .                      . ~ . _ . .                    . .         __.             .-.

l 40 DOCKETED ITEMS 9004190206 Responds to postcard did $41114 whch requeQn wton re all reactor E-

                                                                                                      -9604000001 Insp repts 54220/9605 4 50410/9645 on 960217 0311.No welatons                                       l conness unng Thermo. Lac & that postcard be Festeo ra Pet non gwr 10CFR2.206.                  rotecLMasor areas inspectactLER 9545.apphcable RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/01 DEBOLT.B. Affikaton Ncf Assap.iod. 3m. 87880346-                                                                                                    TSs.UFSAR     &     IPE 87880:348.                                                                                     sectons.porbons of related calculabons. procadwes.DERs.SORC meebng minutes &

other documentatert CONTE.RA Regen 1 (Post 820201). 96/03/29. 23pp 87752 09147752:113. 9004110278 Forwards lemus 4.Rev 5 to phyacal escunty plan."4ev trarporates new po-sitan imes of "Cheaf Nuclear Offcer" & "Vce Preesdent & G=.mral Manager . Nucio. I 0." approved under hcense amends 157 & 71.Rev withhekt 9003270127NRC Info Notmo 94019. " Failure " of Tone Anort Radios to Acbwate When 1 CHRISTENSEN.H. Neagere Mohawk Power Corp. 96/04/06. Document Control Recewm0 Shortened Acevaton Branch (Document Comrol Desk).1p. 87860.35547800.355. CRUTCHFIELD.D. 96/Or/02. ted Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 8pp. 87791 0154 7791 222. 6 , , ,, . , corresPendence 9004000373 Notificaton of egnifcant bconsee meetmg 96 29 w/utti on 960412 to che-cuss emperabety of reactor & turtane todo crassure rebet paneis & saues e-ted w/bcensee processes swolvmg densgn contrat 9004160018 Reeponds to 941021 Itr which rogues *ed acten w/recard to eE reactor b, CONTE.RJ Regon 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/02. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 3pp. conness unenD TherroLag & that Itr be treated as Petman per 10CFR2.206. 87772;180 47772:182. QUSSELL.W T. . 96/04/03, CINQUEMANI,DA Afhhaton Not Asmgned 4pp. 67067:317 47887:320. **^d"a Notificaton of 960411 w/NMP in Lycomen0,NY to docues results of Integrated Periormance Assessment m Irap corncted on 960303-22. 9004160050 Responds to 941028 fir whch requested acbon w/ regard to aR reactor ip

  • Regon 1 (Poet 820201). 96/04/02. 3pp. 87806:112 47806:114.

consees unm0 Thermo-Lag & that Itr be treated as Petmon per 10CFR2.206. RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. BENJANA Affihaton Not Assigned 4pp. 87867;313- 9803290300 NRC info Notco 96420. "Demonstroton of Assocated Equipment Comph. 87887'316. ence w/10CFR3420.* COOLDA Dmson of induetnal & Medcol Nuclear Safety (Post 870729L 96/04/04. 9004190064 Responds to 941021 lir.whch requested acten w/ regard to au reactor er Coneohdated Echeon Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 87860.28947860.300. coneses uomg thermo. lag & that P Sme Itr be treated as Ponton per 10CFR2.206. Forwards robce of " Issuance of Director Deceen Under 10CFR2.206." RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. BIRNIE.P. G.E. Stockholders Amance Agamst Nuclear 9004100008Prens release 4-96-26. "NRC Staff to Hold Prer'~=wmal Enforcemerit Con-l Power. 4pp. 8788726347887.312. forence W/f6aare Mohawk Power Corp." SCRENCt.D., DRICKS,V. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/06 1p. 87859.226 87859:226. 9004150308Reemnds to postcard dtd941114 whch requested acten re all reactor li-coneses usano Thermc>La0 & that postcard be treated as Petmon por 10CFR2.206, RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. DEBOLT.B AfHhaton Not Asesgned. 3pp. 87880.346 emnanda108 NRC 6nfo Nonce 94021. " Safety Concems re Deegn of Door Interlock Cr. 87880:348. cuit on Nuclotron High. Dose Rate & Pulsed Dose Rate Remote Aftertoadmg Brachytr> erapy Devices" COOLD.A. Omson of industnal & Medcol Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/10. H. General correspondence Conschdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 9pp. 88102:06748102 075 Efl04140015 Ack recept of 960222 Itr informmg NRC of sieps taken to cc,rrect volatons 9004000287 Discanses potenbal corporate structure changes m Negara Mohawk Power noted > map repts 50 220/95-24 & 50-s10/95-24. Responses to CA & response re R preparedness issue IAW NIM Procedure 92904.decussect LLW T. . 96/04/04. SYLVIA.B.R. Nagara Mohawk Power Corp. 4pp. A*0cn 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/10. SYLVIA.BA Negara Mohewk Power Sn7002247771025. Corp. 3pp. 87887:00147887 014. 9804150278 Forwards orgarwaton & address chen. Des becomm0 offective 960408. **'"m NRC Info Nobce 96422. " improper Equspment Sethnos Due to Use of ABBOTT.R.B. Nagara Mohawk Power Corp. 96/04/09. r--- .: Control Branch Nantemperature Compensated Test Equement" (Document Controt Desk). 2pp. 87894.04347894.044. CRUTCHFIELD.D. 96/04/11. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 6pp. 87860:301 47800-306. P. Opereeng hoenes stage documents & correspondence 9804000250 NRC Buheen 96402. "Mowsment of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel.0wer Fuel m Reactor Over Safety Retated Equipment." 9804010404 Extends irwetaton to parterpate in 960424 meetmg w/NRR & Regen f m t* easy Forge.PA re BWR safety rahof volve performance neues.Recpests sidmseson of guestons or tupc for than==wwtAgende enct

                                                                                                         $                                8
  • jo-
                                                                                                                                                           '^'"'*            "         '
  • Y'*"'" '

KELLY.E M. R 1 (Post 820201) 96/03/2t SYLVIA.BA Nesgara Mohawk Power 9004170100NRC Info Notmo 96423, " Fires in EDG Exciters Dunno Operaten Follow-Corp, epp. 87 :18247667:187. Undetected Fuse ' UTCHFIELD.D. 96/04 . Coneobdated Edson Co. of New York, tric.10pp. 90040e0010 Forwards evaluston package which upon rownw found to have fully met 88Mm48102N GL 88.-20.TERs for front.end.back.end & human rehabihty analyse reviews p 7 HOOD.D.S. ,96/04/02. SYLVIA.BA Nagara Mohawk Power Corp.10pp. 87779:001 Nov. 87779:143. COffTE,RJ. Regen 1 (Post 820201) 96/04/22. SYLVIA.BA NeGars Mohawk Power Corp. 3pp. 8802124848021.270.

       -0803010387 App A. "Technscal Eweius1 son Rept on IPE laont End Analyse."

DARBYAL THOMAS.W.R., SCLACCA.F.W. Science & Enyneenng Ammarmtes. Inc. 7. --- Notco of volaton from insp on 9601074217.Volaten notedon NRC 04 91066. SEA-0245343043. 95/08/31. NRC . fu Date4ed AfRheilon GwerL 52pp. 87779:01247779:062, 960131 utN instehod emergency Temporary Mod 96 002,whmh changed of Umt 2 crculatmg water sys. por UFSAR,Secten 10 4.5.5.pnar to completon of .

  • Repori 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/22. 2pp. 8802t25148021252.
       -9e02000064 App B," Plant Technical Evaluaten Rept on IPE Back.End Analyse."

MOIENI.P., AMARASOORfYA.W., MEYER.J.F. SCIENTECH, Inc. NRC 05-91468-31. --- Inno repts 50w220/96 01 & 50410/96 01 on 9601074217. Volabons SCIE.NRC-23044. 95/06/31. NRC . No Detaped AfRieten Gwert 42pp. 87779:063 noted.Maeor areas enspected:satoty _ .;/ quakty vertficaton.ptant 87779 105. operssons.mamt.engmeenng & plant support CONTE.RJ. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/22.18pp. 880212534802t270. App C, " Plant Technical fwaluuten Rept on IPE Semittal Human Rel* I atueny us. Foal Rapt" SWAN ,P.I. Concord Assocates. Inc. NRO44-91469. CA/TR-94 019 31. 95/08/ 9604220229 NRC IrWo Notce 96024,"Preconditorung of MaidedCasa Circuit Breakers

22. Dumon of Systems Technology (Poet 941217) 40pp. 87779:10687779:143. Betore Surve46ance GRIMES.B.K . 96/04/ Testg2s.

Coneokdated Edmon Co. of New Yortt, Inc. 14pp 9002300186 Suppl 1 to Genanc Lt 9549 to all NRC bcensees to moratonn0 & tramm0 of stuppers & camers of redonctwo matis. I COOLDA Dmeen of industnal & Mechcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. 9e04250172NRC Info Nonos 96425. "Traverung in Core Probe Owenuthdrawn at La. Boston Edson Co.10pp. 86102 05748102:006. sale County Staten.Urut 1." GRIMES.B.K . 96/04/30. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. topp. 88102111 48102.120. eannsatts Sutmts response to GL 9641, "Teshng of SafetyAetsted Logc Crcurts." ABBOTT.R B. Nagara Mohawk Power Corp. 96/04/18. Document Control Branch (Document Controt Dook). 5pp. 88026.35448026:358. 96042ecoD5 GRIMES.B.K NRC Info Nobce

                                                                                                                                    . 96/04/30.              96 026.

Consohdated Edman"RecentCo. ofProblems New Yont,w/IncOverhead Cranes." 88102 121 48102 130.

       @ inspecten reports, IE Sulletsns & correspondence R. Portodic opereeng reports & retened 9803200210NRC Info Nobce 96418. "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Astems Thonum."

COOL,DA Dmeon of inckJstnel & Medmal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/03/25. l Coneotdated Echson Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 8779t00147791014. 9604190080 Mo opera rept for March 1996 for NMPNS Urut 1.W/ 960411 ltr. COLEMAN.D.E.. MA ER.N! Nagara Mohawk Power Corp. 96/03/3t 590 enumanu Requests for addl into re response to NRC Bubeen 9542, " Unexpected B SW93E35E

,         Cloggmg of RHR Pump Stramer wtwe Opersbng m '                       . Pool CooknD M008."

HOOD 96/03/28. SYLVIA,B R Nagara Mohawk Power Corp. 5pp. 87722:047 S. Reporimbee occunences, LERe & related -m __ 67722 051, 1 enumannae Forwards map repts 50 220/96 05 & 50410/9605 on 960217- 0311.No 9004150290 We repton 960325.#11 contammerit hydro 0en morutormg sys moperabio. Caused by taned cants toggle owlterLC/A toggio switch & sys calibr re-violatons observati piecett COOPERAW. Regan 1 (Post $20201). 96/03/29. SYLVIA.BA Nagare Mohawk RADEMACHER.N.L. Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. 96/04/08. Document Control Power Corp. 4pp. 87752:08747752-113. Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 87888.25247868.253.

l DOCKETEDITEMS 41 9604150343 Spooal rept on 960325.#12 eywell fugh range gamme radaten morutonng -9604030103 Rev 01A to updated FSAR for Dresden Nuclear Power Staton Units 2 & sys moperable. Caused by esconnerted sensor cable.C/A.1K chm reestor w/toler. 3 ence of +5% replacect

  • C_ - -
                                                                                                                '^^ Edson Co.95/12/31. 355pp. 87754S2647755.118.

RADEMACHER.N.L Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. 96/04/08. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 87088.25447888.255. P.Operoung Soones stage ' _ a correspondence 9004290136 LER 96002 00on 960322. core shroud repasr stabduer assembly was dif-forent than 10CFR50.55(a) cougn descnphon due to metalianon/ map /engmoenng per. 9604000100 Requests that hoensee bnef Commesson on status of efforts to emprove sonnel error Sdrened analyws of mstahed poemon.W/960422 Itr- performance at piant.mclueng steps taken to ensure that important egupnent def> YAEGER.W R., RADEMACHER.N.L Niagers Monewk Power Corp. 96/04/22.10pp. cionoes have been funy soon%ed. 88045.324 4 0045:333. THE CHAIRMAN. JACK 5ON.SA Cm . .. __- a (post 750119). 96/03/22. O'CONNORJJ. Co.. . J 1 Edson Co. 3pp. 67771-00647771006. DOCKET 50w223 UNIVERefTY OF MASSACHUSETTS, LOWELL RESEARCH REACTOR 9004010420 informs that util will implement BWROG guidance re testng both CRD scram soienced pdot valves & ARI frequencies ossenbod m ret SwROG ltr dtd 960216 for facdthos. O il Desk))2pp.~8 56 4 7706 90043e0232 Forwards map rept50 223/9601 on 960403.No volanons noted. 9004010283 Forwards page changes for hcenses DPR 19.DPR-25.DPR-29 & DPR. WHITEJ.R. Regen 1 (Post 820201L 96/04/17. KEGELG. Massachusetts, Univ. of. 30.enounng consnuny & to sampany review per TS Upgrade Program. Lowell. MA (formerly Lowell, Uryv. of). 2pp. 88004:038 48004 943. HEFFLEYJ.M. Co.-


_ _ . Edson Co.96/03/26 Document Control Granch (Doc-

   .amennegg gnep rept 50w223/96 01 on 96040143.No volatons noted. Mefor areas mapected.organnaton. logs & records. operator heenees.recNalificanun & meecal      -9004010286 Proposed toch specs.ensunng continuny & @ng review of App A.TS corMcabortproceoures & rescuor fuel movement                                           for TS Upgrade Program.

DRAGOUN.T., WHITEJ. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/16. 4pp. 88004:040- ._ -

                                                                                                               -7 Edson Co.96/03/26. 206pp. 87706:09547706:300.

08004*043. 9004030179Provides update of actions taken re RMS 9 Upgrade.

                                                                                                                            " E,       Co           $'     " *"' "       "h DOCKET 50 23e AEROTEST RADeOGRAPHY & RESEARCH REACTOR                                                                    77         g772 P* Opereung hoonas 8'"8' -
                                              ~ & correspondence                          9004020200 Provides updated status & change m plans associated w/ shippmg waste mati from Unit 1 fuel /iransfer pool vacuummg actnnees for offene Dunal.

900400017s Notrhcaten of 960403 meetng w/Oraded QA volunteer plants in PERRYJS. Commonweefin Edson Co. 96/03/28. Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Deak). 2pp. 87712:35747712:356. Rockvdae MD to provide comments & femenck to staff re evalumbon guscence pre-pared by staff for voluntest piant implementshon phase of, graded QA mitiative. 9004040181Forweros amends 149.143.140 & 166 to bcenses DPR.19.DPR-25. DPR-29 GRAMM.RA .96/04/03. BLACK.S.C. . App.87782.3504uB2.353. & DPR-30.respecevely & safety evaluatorLAmends will upgrade custom TS at plants to STS contamed m NUREG4123 g.T M 9 N M N M CTOR h J . 96/04/02. FARRAR,0.L Commonwealth Edson Co. 3pp. 87737:172

                                                                                          .mandada186 Amends 149.143.170 & 166to hconses DPR.19,DPR.26.DPR-29 & DPR-P. Opereung noense stage doownente a coneapondence                                          30 upgrachng TS at plants to STS contamed m NUREG.0123.

ST ANGJ.F. .96/04/02. 58pp. 87737:17547737232, 9004000178 Nothcotion of 960403 meeting w/ graded QA volunteer plants m FJockvete.MD to provide comments & foseach to staff to evalummon gumance pre- -9004040187 Safety evaluaton supporting amends 149.143.170 & 166 to bconses pared by staff for volunteer plant implementation pnase of graded QA initienve. DPR-19.DPR-25.DPR 29 & DPR.30.respectively. GRAMM.RA .96/04/03. BLACK.S.C. 4pp. 87782:35047782.353. *

                                                                                                 . 96/04/02. 21pp. 87737:23347737 253.

mananda'14 RW addl into for GL 9547. "Prosauro Loclun0 & Thermal Bedmg of DOCKET 50 230 PAWLA RESEARCH REACTOR Setety Fleisted Power. Operated Gate Valves." as h-* on960308. SHIRAKLC.Y. . 96/04/02. FARRAR.D.L. C _ i. Edson Co. 5pp. 87746-182 P. Operoung Hoense stage - _ & correspondence 9mnanane'2 Forwards request for adc2 info re beennes 950626 submittal of Topical amman178 Notficanon of 960403 meenng w/ graded QA volunteer plants m Rept NFSR4111, "BWR Transeent Anaryis Methods." Rockveie.MD to provide comments & faceach to staff re evaluaton guidance pro- SKAY.D.M. . 96/04/04. FARRAR.D.L. C_. _ _n Edson Co. App. 87s07:143 pared by staff for volunteer plant - . . non pnase of graced QA ewhetrve. 87807:146. l GRAMM.RA .96/04/03. BLACK.S.C. 4pp. 87782:3504_n82 353. 9004110008 Updates status of Urut 2 & 3 LPCI comer room structural stool.provides addl estad & clanhcanon of urvts comer room steel compensons & upastes mteracnon DOCKET 50 234 GULF OIL CORP. SAN DIEGO, CA coefficiones. PERRYJ.S. Co.. .._ . _ J-^. Edson Co. 96/04/04. Document Control Branch (Docu-mont Control Desk). 8pp. 87647.22247647;230. g,, 9004110132Clanhos into provided in 860509RAI response re opersbon of ARI valves 9004230310 Forwards 960408 transcnpt of informal pubhc heann0 on 10CFR2.206 petr mstalled to comply wr10CFR50.62. ATWS Rule.* ton of G Galans & We The People,tnc. PERRY,J.S. Con = 96/04/04. Document Concel Brancft (Docu-DEMBEK.S. .96/04/18. 1p. 87972 00147972201. ment Control Des 4.'nwealth Edison 2pp. 87858:16647856 167. Co.

 . manmnm Transcnpt of 960408 informal pubhc haann0 On 10CFR2.206 pontion of G           9e04120020 Updates isolation condenser TS bases to remove ret to fixed voi of water Galens a wo The People.Inc.                                                            smco other vanable parameters afisct operabeny. Marked up TS bases enct
  • NRC No Dotaded Afthstmn Givert96/04/06. 201pp. 8797200247972-201. PERRYJ.S. C-- ..._ .. z. Edison Co 96/04/04. Document Control Branch (Docu.

ment Conrol Desk). 2pp. 87863:155-87863:162. T. Heartng transertpte on xx _d enettere .ge04120048 Proposed toch specs.updanno incianon condeneer TS Bases to remove ref to hued voi of water smco other venante parameters also affect operaberty. 9004230310 Forwards 960408 transcnpt of informal pubhc haanng on 10CFR2.206 petr

  • Commonwearth Eeson Co.96/04/04. 6pp. 87863:15747863:162.

Don of G Galats & We The People.tnc. DEMBEK.S. .96/04/18. 19. 87972 001 4 7972.201. 9002200186 Suppl 1 to Genene Ltr 96 09 to all NRC bcensees re monstonng & trairung of sruppers & camers of redmacevo metis. r'**am Transcnpt of 960408 eiformal pubhc heanno on 10CFR2.206 petinon of G COOL.DA Dnnsen of industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. Gaistis & we The People.Inc. Boston Esson Co.10pp. 88102 05748102:066.

  • NRC . No Detaded Affaston Given.96/04/06. 201pp. 87972.00247972.201.

980417050s Forward SE acceptmg rev 3 to trurd 10.yr IST program for pumps & valves for plant.Uruts 1 & 2 DOCKET 50 237 DRESDEN NUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNIT 2 CAMA.RA , 96/04/16. FARRAR.D.L Commonweafth Eeson Co. 3pp. 67918288-87918.311. F. Security, enedical, emeegency & fire protection piens -3604170518 Safety evaluaton acceptm0 rev 3 to thrd 10.yr IST program for pumps & vatwes for plant Units 1 & 2. mananannst informs that rev 81 of plant annen to ganaraton statens emergency . 96/04/16. 21pp. 8791829147918.311. pien acceptable & does ret decrease effectveness of emergency plan. CREEDJ.R. 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/02. PERRYJ.S. Cw.. .. _Z, Eenon 9e04230100 Submits response to NRC GL 96 01, "Tesung of Safety.Related Logc Co. l Co. 2pp. 87752 7752:085. cuits." did960110. i BRONSJ.C. Commonwealth Eeson Co. 96/04/19. Document Control Branch lDocu-  ! ment Corsol Desk). 5pp. 88002.332-88002:336. K. Utility Final Safety Anofysis Report (F&AR) & amends I Forwards corrected beenruel update (Rev 01 A.Dec 1995) of Dresden Q. inspection repania. !E Bulletine & correspondence UFSAR.m accordance w/10CFR50 71(e). Changes mcluded m Rev 01 A. changes to fa-cabos & procedures through 950630 9803200218NRC Info Notco 96018. "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Airbome Thonum." PERRYJ.S. Commonwomitn Edison Co. 96/03/14 Document Control Branch (Docu- COOLDA Dnnson of industnal & Medmal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/03/25. ment Control Desk), idpp.877542 01 4 7755:118. Coneohdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 87701:0014 7791 014.

l l l l 42 DOCKETEDITEMS ' 4 00041e0366 Forwards ' ated inop repts $0410/9515.50-237/9515 & $0-249/95 S. ReporteWe occurrences LERe & related correependence 15 on 951210 960213 & . W 3( 820201). 96/03/26. PERRY,J.S. Co.. . _z

                                                   -                                                 N040300ee Forwards W LER 94074tupd% N m for w w that posed actual sweat to safety of NPP or seg                    hampered one personnel m
   -9804180370 Nohoe of volaton from insp on 951219 960213 Monaton noted on                                                                                                   '*

se0113.hoenoes osiernuned that 005 boundary for work bemg periormed on metru-ment er sys was medsomte.


mort Control Dedip. 87733:18747733:191,

                                                                                                                                                   $*9N6/N '                   Control Branch (Docu.
  • Repon 3 (Post 820201). 96/03/26. Spp. 87905:11647905:120.

g g ggg my

   -ee041003e2 integresed inop repts 60010/9515.50-237/9515 & 50L249/9515 on                           alyzed due e pwge nede.CR WAC sys w a resmetod kom une m outsado purge 95       900113 vosatons noted.Mapor areas map:operatens.engmesnng. ment & plant                 g                      O' S-96/03/28. 4pp. 87733:18647733:191.

HILAND.P. Repon 3 (Post 820201). 96/03/22,24pp. 87905:121 4 7905:144 900424o076 Informs of completon of esmaannual Plant Performance Rowow on swa switches found outside Tb toserence due to setpont dnft.Recchbr ERV 24203-980306 3A.B.D & E to wenn TS hrruts.W/960405 Itr. HILAND.P. Regen 3 (Post 620201). 96/03/29. PERRY,J.S. Commonwealth Eeson LOWET2.C., PERRYJ.S. C_ _ r. Esson Co. 96/04/05. Spp. 87875:351 Co. 5pp. 87970:20647970.212. 87875.357 9003270127 NRC Info Notco 96419. "Fadure of Tore Aiort Rados to Actnrate When 9004230000 LER 9640640.on 960327. inadvertent manual scram occurred dunng Shortened Actwaton L" p6anned penoec survedance tootmo. Caused by cogrutive personnel error.C/ CR tELO.D. 96/04/02. tad Edson Co. of New York, Inc. Bpp. A counsehng & trammg pronded to personnetW/960412 lir. 87791 015 4 7791 022. FENILI R.M., PERRYJ.S. C_ _ J'. Edson Co. 96/04/12. 5pp. 87960:334-87960:338. 9003390300 NRC Into Nobos 96 020. "Demonstraton of Associated Equipment Compi. ance w/10CFR3420.* COOL.DA D6 meson of Industnal & Meecal Nucisar Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04. V. Operator Examinettons Coneohdated Edmun Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 87800.28947860:300. l i 0004040108 NRC Info Notco 96421. " Safety Concems re Demon of Door intertock Cr- -u Prondes wnpieted NRC Form 536. ethmates for hcense op- j or FYsh6-9 cult on Nucsetron Hsgh. Dose Rete & Pulsed Done Rete Remote Aftertoadmg Brachyth- hy , L COOL.DA Diviamn of Induetnal & Mechce! Nuc6 ear Salety (Post 8'0729). 96/04/10. mont Control Desk). 2pp. 87800-30747800:308. Coneohdated Echeon Co. of New York, Inc. 9pp. 9810206748102:075.

   "amame NRC Info Notco 96422. " improper Esepment Sethngs Due to Use of                            DOCKET 50-244 ROSERT EtiedET GetNA NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 1 Nontemperature.Compenneted Test Emepment" CRUTCHF6ELO.D.            96/04/11. Coneohdated Echson Co. of New York. Inc. Spp.

87860:301 4 7880:306. F. Securtty, moellcel, emergency & fire proteoman plans namenesa NRC Bulleen 96402. " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over Fuel m Reactor Core.or Over Safety Reisted Emepment,, 9e04030233 Forwards Rev L to secwity plan.Rev conasts of mods to incorporate observaten. map & compensa measures tar degradaten of newly installed verucie CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Coneohdated Echoon Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. bemer sys.Ence unthhe6d (ret 1 88102-10048102 110. 73.21). MECREDYAC. Rochester Gas & Electnc Corp. 96/03/13. Document Control Branch 9004140335 Forwards inep repts 60 237/9645.50 249/96 05.50454/96 05 4 50 265/ (Document Control Dook). 2pp. 8771025647710:356. i 9605 on 980214 0401,Three apparent violabons bemg considered for escalated Gr> eenansanas Rev 1 to Technscal Requirements 14anual URM). E. As9mn 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/11. WALLACE.MJ. C o.. .. __ [yy[h' " " Edson Cc6 epp. e7987:15947887:170. 4 8'5 0 8 "


9802 1 no' R & Corp. 01 JOH ,A. 116pp. RING,MA Region 3 (Post 620201). 96/04/04. epp. 8 7087:170. 8782M454782026a te04170100NRC Info Notco 96423, "Fres en EDG Exceters Dunng Operaten Fonow- se0423eces Revmod EPtPs Rev 8 to EPIP 211. "Oneste Surveys" & Rev 10 to ing Unnetected Fuse Blowmg - EPlP 212. ".Onene Surveyt W/ 15 str. i CMUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/22. Coria'w=d Esson Co. of New York. lnc.10pp. WATTS.R.J Rochester Gas & Elecinc Corp. 96/04/15. JOHNSONA , 83pp. 88102 000 48102000. 8e00721448007.296. )

   ****aa=8 Prondes response to vioistone noted in insp Repts50410/95 15.50 237/                     9004390406 Rowned EPlPs.mciudmg rev 3 to CPIP 1-7,rev 11 to EPIP 111yev 5 to 95-15 4 50 249/9515.Correceve acters operatons estuor mgt remstated formal                        EPIP 1-15.rev 14 to EPIP 2-1pov 2 to EPIP 2-7 rev 8 to EPtP 31/ev 7 to EPIP 44 &

renew boards for errors withm e6ectronsca oubot.svc rev 9 to EPIP 6-1. W/960419 Itr. PERRYJ.S. L ._ _r . Echeon Co. 96/04/23. Cornrol Branch (Docu, WATTSAJ. Rochester Gas & Elecinc Corp. 96/04/19. JOHNSONA 86pp. ment Control Desk). 7pp. 0006225240062:358. 86040 091M6040181. 9004eenses NRC Info Notco 96424 "Precmnetonng of Molded Case Crcuit Brookers Before Sevemence Tesen0." P. Operstbis noense stage "- _ & correspondence GRIMES.B.K. . e6/04/25. Coneohdoted Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 14pp. 08102076 48102:089. 9004150300 rhm- fun term operetng bcones & TS renew for stated facehtes. I

                                                ,    evers er       Pr be Overwtwawn et La.              20      7       8       01 1                         H
                             ,U      "
                                                                                                                                                                          .M . B       N  .E      ogen GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/30. Conachdeted Echeon Co. of New York, Inc.10pp.                               I U2010W0228). dog.

9004010150 Ree 0 to "Techncel Rosaroments Manual (TRM)" se04secoe5 NRC trWo Notce 96426. "Recent Problems w/ Overhead Cranesy Rochester Gas & Electnc Corp. 96/02/24. 40pp. 876972s647697:327. GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/30. Consohooted Echeon Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. 88102121 48102-130. 9004020442 Submits addl jusefcahon/ base for revned rehof requests VR4 & VR ] rt='m===d w/IST renewer K MECREDYAC. Gas & Electnc . 96/03/27. JOHNSONAR. 2pp. R. Partnec opereeng reports & related correspondence 87731 337 47731:336. Staten Anrmaal Radelogmal Emeon Cporabng Rept for 1995." staned doo'r T to PERRY,J.S. CommonweeMh Edison Co. 95/12/31. MILLER.H. Regen 3 (Post "" " ' ' " *"' "'" """8 ' "* " '"*' ' 420201).132pp. 87757:186 4 7757:317. "ent. m JOHNSON. A.R. . 96/04/01. MECREDYAC. Rochester Gas & Electne Corp. 6pp. 9004180004 Monthly opere rept for March 1995 for DNPS.W/900409 Itr. 87 22215-87722232.

                 .A., PERRYJ S.                      Ith Echeon Co. 96/03/31.13pp. 87952:324-
                                                                                                      "anam166 Amend 82 to heanse DPR.18.propoemg to use installed retractable over.

head door assembly & change TS 3.9.3 to satisfy closure recNerements for contam-7 orwards first guerter 199610CFR50.59 rept of changes. tests and experi- "' *' h ' n we n bldg.

                                                                                                       "S"HAN            F 96l             9pp'.               77"22.229 PERRYJ.S. Commonwealth Edson Co.96/04/11. 30pp 88022:32tL88022355.

Safety evaluanon support amend 62 to ncense DPR-18. 9e04290187 Forwards Recorded Annual TEDE Exposure for CY95 for . 96/04/01. 2pp. 8772223047722 . Bracwood. Byron.Dreeden.LasalleQuad Cibes & Zen? Repts binn0 submitted elec-tonceay on magnetc tape. Se04050453 Semrts recommendatens for NRC conadoraten.per GL 8941 & NUREG-BRONS.J. Cm... ... J;. Echson Co. 96/04/22. Document Control Branch (Docu. 1431 re converson to smproved STS. mont Coreal Dook). 2pp. 88057.20648057:213. MECREDY.R.C. Rochester Gas & Electre Corp. 96/04/01. GRIMES.C.I. NRC - No i Detmoed Afhhaton Grven. 4pp. 8777528747775:290.

   -se043e0196 Racorded Annual TEDE Expoewe for CY95 for Braidwood. Byron, Dreedon i ahu=.Oued Cites & Zen.-                                                               annaman- Rev 1 to updated Technscal Rory.srements Manual (TRM).
  • Commonwenith Echeon Co.95/12/31 app.8805720648057213. WROBEL,G.J. Rochester Gas & Electnc Corp. 96/04/01. 3pp. 87814.35447814:356.

DOCKETEDITEMS 43 9602200106 Suppl 1 to Genorm Ltr 9549 to ap NRC bconsees re monetanng & trasrung 9604050336 NRC into Notre 96 022, " improper Equipment Sottogs Due to Use of of stuppers & camers of rachoscove maps. Nomemperature-Compensated Test Ecpapnent." COOL.D.A. Omson of Industnal & Modcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05 CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consohosted Edmon Co. of New York. Inc. 6pp. Boston Edison Co.10pp. 86102 05748102 066. 87860.30 4 7860:306. 9604090326 Notrhcahon of 960411 meebng w/RG& Rocinnile.MD to ha staff 9604000259 NRC Buhotn 96002. " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over

    . _ ._ L., of Westnghouse WCAP 14040 metnodology for resubmittal of prek                 Fuel m Reactor Core.or Over SafetyAetated Equipment" sure temp hmns rept               NRC approval                                           CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consohdated Edison Co of New York. Inc.11pp.

JOHNSONAR. .96/04/05. KMAN.S.F. app.67810 13447810 137 68102:10048102:110. 9604120233 Forwards SE apprcmng bconsee 951011 request to use ASME Code Case 9604170169 NRC Into Notre 96 023, " Fires m EDG Exciters Dunng Ope +ation Follow. N-416-1 for durabon of curren9y ISI pean. SHANKMAN.S F. . 96/04/05. ME EDY,R.C. Rochester Gas & Electnc Corp. 3pp. UndeW ted Fuse BW **

                                                                                             $UTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/22. Consohdated Eckson Co. of New Yor16 A 10pp.

87861 221 4 7861-329.. 88102 090 88102 099. Case N 4 6 for curr SI p aT 9604220229NRC Info Notce ,96 024. "Prw-,.-., of Moeded-Case Circuit Breakers SHANKMAN.S.F. .96/04/05. 6pp. B b61:3244 7861:329. syES 96 04 Cornohdated Edman Co. of New Yo'16 inc. 14pp. 9604250331 Informs that GS Veamg assigned as Protect Manager of Propect Directorate 88102:076 48102 089. 6.1 for piant. effective 960428 FRAru SHANi(MAN . 96/04/17. MECREDYAC. Rochester Gas & Dsctnc Corp. 9604250172 NRC Info Notco 96 025. "Traversmg in Core Probe Overwithdrawn at La. 3pp. 87998:18447998:186. saim County Station.Urut 1." GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/30. Conschdated Echson Co. of New York. Inc. 10pp. 9604230396Sutwuts rouponse to NRC GL 9641. "Testng of SafetyAetated Logc Cir- 68102:111 48102'120. cuits." dtd960110. MECREDY,R C. Rochester Gas & Electre Corp. 96/04/18. JOHNSONAR. 2pp. 9604260095 87976.352 4 7976:353. GRIMES.B.K. NRC Info NotreConsohdated

                                                                                                             . 96/04/30. 96-026. "Recent   Problems Edson    Co. of w/

NewOverhead York. incCranes." . 10pp. i 88102:121 48102:130. ! 9604250104 Responds to request for ocks mfo re GL 66 20ievel 2 preiste nsk as-I sessment. M R Rochestet Gas & Electnc Corp. 96/04/19. JOHNSONAR. 2pp. R. Periodic operating reports a ro6ated espondence 9604260050 Forwaros "1995 Annual Rachoacirve Emuent Re6 ease Rept" RE Genna Nu- 9604110077MontNy opersang rept for Mar 1996 for RE Gmna Nuclear Power Plant.W/ clear Plant corrected pages to Ju6-Dec 1994 Serre-Annual Rept & rewnte of ODCM to 9850405 Itr. emplement improved TSs. vv ALDEN.J V., WIDAYJA Rochester Gas & Electnc Corp. 96/03/31. 5pp. MECREDY.R C. Rochester Gas & Electre Corp. 96/04/19. Document Control Branch 87847.200 4 7847204. (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 68024.22548024.324. 9604260050 Forwards "1995 Annual Radosctive Effluent Release Rept" RE Gmna Nu-

  -9604260100 Rev 7 to "ODCM for Gene Stanon."                                               clear Plant corrected pages to Jul.Dec 1994 Sem> Annual Rept & rewnie of ODCM to
  • Rochester Gas & Emetnc Corp.96/04/06. 74pp. 6802425148024:324. impiement improved TSs.

MECREDYAC. Rochester Gas & Electnc Corp. 96/04/19. Document Control Branch i 9604260223Notshesnon of segnifcant hcensee meetmg 96440 w/util on960501 to de- (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 68024 22548024.324. l cues maues & corrective actions assocasted w'SFP leakage into reesdual heat removal I -9604 """ 8 * " " ' *'* P' '"" R N.LT. R 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/19. Regson 1 (Post 820201). 3pp. Nuciaw 88020266 88020. .

  • Rochester Gas & Doctnc Corp.94/12/31. 2pp. 8802422748024228.

O. Inspect 6on reports. IE Bullettne & correspondence ~7. ,"^^ "1995 Annual Radcactwo Effluent Release Rept for RE Gmna Nuclear Plant

  • Roctwster Gas & Electnc Corp.95/12/31. 22pp. 88024.22948024;250.

9604180377 Forwards Derectorate of Regit.atory Operatens Bullete 731. to provide ento recewed from WEPC & RG&E concommg Pont Beach & Germa pressunzod water re-actor la::ahbes.Acton requested sdentfed en sec%n B of buHetm. -9604260100 Rev 7 to "ODCM for Gmns Stabon." O'RElLLYJP. Regen I, IE (720101410228). /3/02/23. SIMS,R.H. Jersey Central

  • Rochester Gas & Electnc Corp.96/04/06. 74pp. 88024.25148024 324.

Power & Lsght Co. 3pp. 9604020233 Forwards Rev L to security plan.Rev connets of mods to incorporate S. Reportable occurrences, LERs & related correspondence cheerveeon.msp & compensatory measures for degradation of newly metahed verscie bemer sys Enci withnend trof 10CFR73.21)- 9604150112 LER 9H0240on 960307.secondwy transsent occurred. Caused by loss of MECREDY.R C. Rochester Gas & Electnc Corp 96/03/13 Document Control Branch B condenser circulstrng water .C/As: h (Document Coritrot Desk) 2pp. 87710.35647710 356- ST. MARTIN.J T., MECFIEDY. Rochester E. ,.1 performed.W/960408 fir. Electne Corp. 96/04/08. 9603200218NRC Into Nonce 9M18. "Comphance w/10CFR20 tar Arbome Thonum.. JOHNSONAR ,10pp. 87887;23247887J4L COOL.D.A Dwieson of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Satoty (Post 870729). 96/03/25. i Carmted Edison Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 8779100147791914. 9604150124 LER 960C340 on 980308.both pressurtter reist valves moperable HPES ! evaluenon es bemg conducted to ostermmed cause of event.C/As:Doth PORV6 I 9604020123 Forwards exam rept 50 244/96020L on 96021315. Weakness noted re restored W/960408 nr i poor level of performance by both candedates that faded wntten exam. ST. MARTIN.J.T., MECREDY.R.C. Rochester Gas & Electnc Corp. 96/04/06. l MEYER.G W. Regon 1 (Post 820201L 96/03/25. MECREDY,R.C. Rochester Gas & JOHNSONAR . Opp.87887;24247887.249. E6scinc Corp. 2pp. 87703.10647703:193. l 9604150181 LER 96 004 00:on 960309.docrease en en p,oorator level I -9604020134 Exam rept 50 244/96020L on 96021315 Exam resultsboth apphcants occurredCaused by taaed open atmospnenc rehst valves F ' s eeney replaced.W/ l taned wmten exam. 960408 tir. l D' ANTONIO.J., MEYER.G.W. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 96/03/27. 78pp. 87703:108 ST.MARTINJT MECREDY.R.C. Rochester Gas & E mtnc Corp. 96/04/08. I 87703 185. JOHNSONAR. 7pp. 8788725047887;256. 9604020429 Semits partel response to NRC Bunstn 96 001, Control Rod insertson Pmolems " W. Operator E_-_ _ MECREDY,R.C Rochester Gas & Electre Corp. 96/03/28. JOHNSONAR . 4pp. 877283554 7728.358. 9604020123 Forwards exam rept 50 244/9H20L on 96021315. Weakness noted re 9604000082Provides clarthcoton to960328 Itr to parbal response to NRC Bulletm 96 poor level of postormance by both candsdates that faded wntten exam 001. "Convol Rod anserton Probioms.. MEYER,G W. Regon 1 (Post 820201t 96/03/25. MECREDY.R.C. Rochester Gas & MECREDY R C. Rochester Gas & Elecinc Corp. 96/03/29 JOHNSONAR. 1p. Electre Corp. 2pp. 87703:106 4 7703.193. 87854.346 4 7854.346.

                                                                                          -9604020134 Exam rept 50 244/96 020L on 960213-15 Exam results botn apphcants 9603270127                                                                                taded wntten exam NRC Into Recorvm0 Shortened        Nohce Acevanon    96-019.
                                                   ".Fadure of Tone Anort Rados to Acevate When D' ANTONIO.J., MEYER.G W. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 96/03/27. 78pp. 87703.108-CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/02.                   ted Edmon Co. of New York anc 8pp.         87703:185.

87791 915 87791:022.

                                                                                          -9604020157Submrts foal grades for hcense candidates that partcipated m exam ad.

9603290269NRC Info Nobce 9M20. " Demonstration of Assocasted Equipment Compir meistered et piant wk of 960212. Comments on exam ouesitons erci. ance w/10CFR34.20." WIDAYJA. Rochester & Electnc Corp.96/03/01.D'ANTONIOJ Regen 1 (Post COOL.D.A. Omnmon of Industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (post 870729). 96/04/04. 820201). 5pp. 87703:1864 7703 193. Coneohoated Edmon Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 8786028947860-300, 9604110290 Sutmsts 304ay response to NFtC Busetm 96001. " Control Rod innerhon and 960308. DOCKET 50-245 MILLSTDNE NUCLEAR POWER STATION. UNIT 1 Protdems.".R.C. MECREDY Rochester Gas & Electnc Corp. 96/04/05. JOHNSONAR . 8pp. 87668 2944 7888 301. F. Security, ened6 cal, emergency & fare protection plans 9604040108NRC Info Nobce 96-021. " Safety Concerns re of Door imerlock Car. cult on Nucestron High-Does Rate & Pulsed Does Rate Remote Afterloadmg Brachyttw 9604010374 Revised EPIPs & Emergency Plan Operanng Procedures (EPOP), Cha 1 eracy Devres." to Rev 3 to EPIP 4400. Change 3 to Rev 1 to EPIP 4404. Change 2 to Rev 1 to E COOLD.A Divisen of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/10. 4411.Rev 2 to EPOP 4428A.Rev 2 to EPOP 4428D $ Rev 1 to EPOP 4428F. Coneohdated Edison Co. of New York. N 9pp. 88102:06748102:075.

  • Northeast Ubirbes Sennce Co 96/03/25. 204pp 87717:00147717.204.



Admses that960205 Revs 22 & 23 to physcal secunty plan consetent w/ H. General - . ' .nce provesons of 10CFR50.54(p) & acceptable for metuem m plan. KE . 1 96/03/27.FElGENBAUM.T. Northeast Uhlees 9604230144 $4mits suggeobons to Northeast Utdmes NPP operating heense. LEE.M H. Afhistior Not . 96/03 06. DEMBEK,S. NRC No Dotaded Aftds. 9004150018 Roeparads to941021 ftr whch requested acton w/ rd to all reactor l> eh n n.1p. 58 9 5. LL / .D K. sten Not 4pp- naa006 Responds to 951117 Itr to Proudent Cimton. forwarded to NRC for rowew & 87887:317 4'/887.320' appropnate acton on 96Wnfonns of latest actsvmes Mastne pu RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/02 STOPEY.W. Affeehan Not Asmg .16pp. 87779.309 9004150000 to 941026nr wtuch requested hcton w/ to all reactor 5 OI ' ' Q LL . R. thleton 4pp 87887-313, 76 apprecanton 2 Chennan Jackson br gettno job done m nu-87887;316' cient power plants. STOREY.B. Athhenon Not Assegned. 96/02/01. HOYLE.J.C. Othee of the Secretary of 9004150004 Responds to941021 lir.wtuch roguested acten w/r gerd to at reactor 8 the Cu 5pp. 87779:32547779.329. caneses uomg thermo.4e9 & that P Berus str be tested as Pethon per _ 10CFR2.208. Forwards nonce of " Issuance of Director Decemn Urost 10CFR2J06." , Informs of ettendance et 951205 meetng in New London to safety at T 96 /03 Bi NIE.P. G.E. Stockholders Alhanne A amst 0 Nuclear ffileten Not Assagned. 95/12/07. THE CHAIRMAN, JACKSON SA Conmesoners (Post 750119).1190. 8M9.3304M9 340. 9004190308 Responds to postcard dtd941114whsch requested acton re au reactor E. conesee Thermo La & that postcard be teated as Petman per 10CFR2.206. 9604000217 Responds to 960311 ttr requestmg comments of 930308 re Mdistone SSE W . 96/04/ . DEBOLT.B. AfAlston Not Asmgned. 3pp. 87880.346 g3 .*"d 96/04/03. GRONINGER.S.T. Afrdeston Not Asmoned. 4pp. 8M10144M1021 "aaaa** Rev 20 to Mdistone Nucieer Power Statson E Ptert

  • Northses1 Nucteer Energy Co.96/04/06. 73pp. 87778.2 M8:319. **"^'aernan Ack reempt of 930308 statements m safety probems in

! Mestone. Unit 2. Expresses apprecaton for reportmg agency IG was mopectng "potorv 0004170012 Requests exerr4*on from 10CFR73. App B re quakfceton & roquahhceDon l recurements for armed guerr** ""an for exernpton encLEnci wnhneed. tal wrongdong" GRONIN, GER.a company. Affileton Not Assagned. 96/03/11. RUSSELL.W T. 4pp. DEBARBA.EA Northeast Nucieer Energy Co. DEBARBA.EA Northeast Utimos Serv. SM1:0184M1:021. me Co. 96/04/06. RUSSELL,W.T. 2pp 87899:35447899:355. annamna' Revoed EPIPs. including rev 173 to 4000 proc index & rev 2 to EPOP 4449, nors." NRC should mes au power plants to ensum a "U-3 Rx Coosent & Lsquid was,,e PASS. NEWTON.CA Affdston Ashgned. 96/04/06. THE

  • Northeast Nuc6 ear Energy Co.96/04/10. 83pp. 88063.22048063.304. RMAN. JACKSON.SA Comrmuseners (Post 750119),12pp. 6803621748036.229.

9804170004 Forwards row 22 to phyncal secunty piartEnce withheld per 10CFR2.790. 9604110129 Requests input to how NRC can resume renew of Mastone Staten & NRC DACIMO.F.R. Northeast Nucteer Energy Co. DACIMO.F R Northeast Unimes 6ennce handing of ornployee concems & ellegebons. per 960328 Inicon. Co. 96/04/11.RUSSELLW.T. 2pp. 87897:3574 7897.358, HANNON.J.N. . 96/04/09. HADLEY.E.C, Athleton Not Aemgned. 4pp. 87847:305 87847;308. 9804250082 Forwards insp roots 50-245/9641.50-336/9641 & S0423/96-01 on 960208 0318 4 nonce of waistort 9004240351 Forwards protected J _. . . _ _ DURRJP. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/12. FEIGENBAUM.TC Northeast Utihtees costs.rm.rket values of - - Sonnce Co. 5pp. 87995.23947995.304. somng trust funds & 10CFR50.75. "Reportng & Recordkeepmg for Decommsesonmg Plannmg." DEMBEK.S. 96/04/18. STAUB.B. Affileton Not Asmgned.13pp. 87994-340-

    -8004250082 Insp repts 50 245/9641.506336/9641 & 50 423/9601 on 960208-                                     87994:352.

0318Naolecons noted.Magar areas mapected plant operstons.radelogmel controts, ment.aurvedlance. escurtty.autoge activmes & hoonses ser . _ . . 9004290060 Responds to 960408 ter.expressmo concem re lack of safety syn m nuclear DURR,J.P. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/12. 59pp. 87995:446 4 7995:304. plant an Connecacut & abour "whssue tdowers" bemg fired.whole people who trod stdl run plants. een-nese Forwards amends 189.94.196 4 128to hcenses DPR41.DPR.21. DPR45 VARGA.SA . 96/04/23. NEWTON.CA Afflimton Not Asmgned. 4pp. 88036.265-l & NPF-49 & eately &~.i _ i delete from TS Corten renew .m_ ^' 88036:268. of FORC & Sne ORC rosated to Emergency & Secunty Plans & Impsomeneng proca-MCKEE.P.F. . 96/04/24. FElGENBAUM,T.C. Northeast UtNees Senace Co. Spp. J. trissarance & Indemnity infe' notion 880 sum 8053:16i.

    -0e04300275 Amends 198.94.196 & 128 to heense DPR41.DPR-21.DPR45 & NPF.                                 **^damaa87 Notdies NRC of amount of property ensurance coverage currently in force 49.respecovely.dotonng form TS renew responabdeos of PORC & See ORC related                                                 *
                                                                                                               'DE' BA         E"A                  "'Yor T* ' k                  20p"p'                       '

Atomm Power Co. DEBARBA.EA Northeast Nu-cieer Energy Co. DEBARBA.EA Northeast Utleen servce Co. 96/03/29. Document Control Branch (Documeret Control Dook). 2pp 87825:35747825:358. P. Operating licones stage ? _ & corroependonoe 9004150018 to 941021 Itr wrech requested acten w/ regard to en reactor 6 coneses usmo . Lag & 1 hat Itr be treatei es Pethon per 10CFR2206. 9004220060 Responds to morno of 750306 m volve thm well venhcanon QUSSELLW T . 96/04/03. CINQUEMANI.D.K. Affaheton Not Asmgned. 4pp. m w/poesete excepton of one vane located outssde ey 87887:317 47867:320. 7 prog. Informs thatram composte. Requests apprisel et insp piens for faceity. GREENMAN.E.G. Atome Energy Commesson (Pro 750119). 75/05/02. SANDER,W.F. 9004150000 R to 941026 lir which requested acton w/ regard to en reactor E. Atomc Energy Commason (Pro 750119).1p. consees unng & that Itr be treated as Patman per 10CFR2J06. QUSSELLW.T. 96/0s/ . BEPMAN.R. Afflhaten Not Asesgned. App. 87887:313- -e004220188rh==aa facihty parcel 8 x 8 fuel loac9ng .1975 outage. 67067:316. GREENMAN.E.G. Atomsc Energy Commmeen (Pro 70U119). 75/04/17.Atorme Energy Commason (Pro 750119). 2pp. 9604190064 Responds to941021 lir.wtisch requested acton m/ regard to en reactor b coneses usan0 thermo.sec & that P Barue ler be treated as Patton per -9004220320 informs that special rept on operaton of faciless prepared by OtE.1 in 10CFR2.206. Forwards nonce of

  • issuance of Director Deceson Under 10CFR2.206.= 1974 no curvent. Requests snput w/ respect to R & EP & portment Table ill data QUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. BIRNIE.P. Q.E. Stockhoeders Alkance Agamst Nuclear for roots by 50615 sor r - % of ret repts.

Power. 4pp. 87867.26347887:312. GREENMAN.E.G. Atomsc Energy Commenon (Pro 750119). 75/04/16. KNAPP,P.J. Atomc Energy r- --(Pro 750119).1p. 9004150206 Responds to postcard dtd941114wtuch requested acton re en reactor 6 cenemas unno Thermo.La0 & that postcard be treated es Patman per 10CFR2.206. 9604250198 Discusses concems to recent safety votatons et plant & how violatons RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. DEBOLT.B. Affikaton Not Anagned. app. 87880.346- refieet systemate derogard by bconses of NRC regulatons.Questons wny NRC 57880:348. cannot force hcensee to "fix" problems. SILVESTRI.S. Afhhatson Not Assegned. 96/02/27.NRC . No Detained Affilaton Govert l 9004170407 Joent moton or NRC Staff & NNECO to termmato proceedmg? Advises 2pp. 88002:34148002:342. [ that moton of NNECO & Statt to temmate proceedmos should be grantedW/ i to of Sc 9004300072FOIA request for correspondence,voleton notees & eny other documents i MARCO.C.L Office of the General Counsel (Post 860701).REPKA,DA Northeast Ni> from 900101 to present to NEUT nuclear piants Mestone (umts 1.2 & 3) & CT clear Energy Co. REPEA.DA Wmeton & Strewn. #29617557, 96/C4/09. Atome Yankee Safety & Lcernm0 Board Panel. 4pp. 87895.27647895.279. MACK.T. Washmgton Document Senace 96/03/19 POWELLR. NRC . No Detaned Affikation Grven 1p. 88096:001 4 8096:001, i 9004170237 Order (LBP-966)(termmanng proceedng).* Informs that proceedmg i termmsted W/ Certificate of Svc. Served on 960415 9004020361 Requests approval to use Code Case attomabwe to ASME Code GLEASON.J.P. Atoms Safety & Loonsmg Board Penei. #29617563. 96/04/15. 4pp, Secton XI for plants & that NRC rewme SER of support of Mestone Urut 1 87895257 4 7805.200. coauest to use Code Case N.547. DACIMO.FR Connectcut Yankee Atome Power Co. DACIMO.FA Northeast Nuclear 9504230318 Fuwards 96040tt transcnpt of mformal pubic heanng on 10CFR2206 pet. Energy Co. DACIMO.F.R. North Atlantz Ener0y Servce Corp. (NAESCOL 96/03/20. ton of G Galans & We The Peoose,inc. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 4pp. 87712.34647712:349. DEMBEK.S. .96/04/18. 1p. 87972:00147972:201. 9004010329 Responds to 960215 Itr requestmg to wtthhold knci 2 of ltr m entrety under i _ --- Transcnpt of 960400 mlormal pubhc heanng on 10CFR2206 poteon of G 10CFR2.79(aH61 Informs encl may be withheid the to coments of personnet mio. Galets & We The Peopse.iric. LANNING,W.D. Regen 1 (Post 820201) 96/03/21.FEIGENBAUM.T.C. fuortheast Nw

  • NRC . No Detaned AfNanon Gsven.96/04/08. 201pp. 87972:00247972:201, cseer Energy Co. 3pp. 87687:10647687:108.


DOCKETEDITEMS 45 l 9004030223Docusses concem expressed at 980307meetng of Oregon Energy Faci 6 9004290161 Nubce of 960430 meetmg w/util m Waterford.CT to escuss progress of util mes Seng Council re Tyne maganno artcie & NRC overegnt of Mdistone nuclear imprcnnng Staten Portormance program, procedure adequacy.complence & wnpiemen-stasons. informs of commitment to previos t to i--_-_ _ _ .., et Trolert taton. { MASNIK.M.T. , 96/03/29. STEWART.SMrTH State of. 3pp. 87736.350- DURR.J. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/18. 1p. 68033:00188033:002. 87736.352. 9004300000 Fmal response to FOLA roguest for records.Roouestor agreed per960327 t*"aa* Arbculates mtenhone re schedule for (TS conversen protect & to provide teican w/N Pugh to obtem any puthcly avadaDie records erectly from NRC cupera status at protect PDR. Requestor wel reen.bmn another FOtA request to cotam any central filen records. DEBARBA.EA Northeast Nuclear Enargy Co. DEBARBA.EA Northeast Utdsbos Serv- POWELL.RA Dnnsen of Freedom of Informaton & PutAcahons Sennces (Post ce Co. 96/03/29 Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 940714). 96/04/23. MACK,T. Washmgton Document Service. 1p. 88096:002-87825:3544 7825:356. 88096202. 9004100164 Che 6 to Rev 18 to CAP 10.0 (insp) of "NELIT QA Program TR." ge04390004Ack recept of 960306W promene opmen on revolung Northeast Ubimos 10.2.3(b) wareng consstent w/secton 7.2 4 last paragraph. operatmo bconne for Mestone Nuclear Power Statort 96/04/02. Opp. 87893:33347893.340. DEMBEILS. . 96/04/24. LEE.M. AfNeton Not Aamoned. 3pp. 88036.20648036.206. 9002300188 Sgpl 1 to Genanc Lir 9549 to all NRC bconeses to monitonng & training 9004300369 Forwards amends 189.94.196 4 128to loennes DPR41.DPR-21. DPR45 ci shippers & camers of N rnatis. & NPF-49 4 safety evalustorLAmends nelste from TS certam revow responsibeibes A 8 Sa% Post 870729E 96/04/05.

                                                                                         ,  f ,,,       3                7 of PORC & Sne ORC related to Emergency & Secunty Plans & rnp.ementmg proce.

MCK E /24. FEIGENBAUM.T.C. Nortnesst Ulikhos Sennce Co. 5pp. 9004130382 Forwards SE authoriang request to implement attemative contamed in Code Case N-535.per 10CFR50.55a(aK3)0) ' E 06 05 BAW.LC HARMER.R Nwtheast Ubbtes Serv- -9004300275 Amends 196.94.196 & 128 to hcnnse DPR41.DPR.21.DPR45 & NPF. y ggy g' 49.respectively.deletng form TS renew responstxkties of PORC & Site ORC reisted

                                                                      -te04130270 SER accephng proposed anernative to emplement Code Case N435 fa,                                                                                                                          to Em, & Secunty Plans & respectve unpemenDng procedures.

of reervais & exam of Code Cissa 1.2 & 3 pipng & componerits. MCKEE.P.F. .96/04/24. 20pp. 6805313948053:156.

                                                                                     . 96/04 . 7pp. 87662:35347862:359                                                                                                                                                  "am*                                                         W      96 & W m W W 9004100027 Responds to NRC 951213 request for anlo per 10CFR50.64(f) rectuomo n.                                                                                                                    61.DPR.21.DPR45 & NPF-49.respecevey.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            * . 96/04/24. 3pp. 68053:159 4 8053:161.

depanoont analyse of Adverse Coneton Rept (ACR) 7007.compenson of Haddam Neck & Millstone Unit 1 & summary of actons to addreas ACR 7007 rept conclusens. FElGENBAUM,T.C. Connectcut Yankee Atome Power Co. FEIGENBAUM.T.C North-east Utimes Senace Co 96/04/06. Document Control Branch (Document Controi Q. Inspectlen reports, IE Dudietins & _ . Desk). 8pp. 87831-33547831'342. emen72 FOIA recNest for correspondence.volaton robces & any other cocuments 9004100364 Forwards Mdistone Nuclear Power Staton.Unns 12 & 3 Mdistone Employ. , rom 900101 to present re NEUT nuclear pistits Mestone (unsts 1.2 & 3) & CT se Concoms .  ; Team Rept addressmg recommendatons & rowsmg prce Yankee. grams to emprove performance en ihm area. MACK.T. Washmpton Document Service. 96/03/19. POWELLR. NRC No Detmied FEIGENBAUM.T.C. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. FEIGENBAUM.T.C. Northeast Ubh- Aftheten GrverL 1p 68096$0148096:001, tes Servece Co. 96/04/09. Document Control Branch (Docnnnent Consol Desk).1p. 87891:153 4 7891.237- 9803200218NRC into Nonce 96 018. "Complance w/10CFR20 for Artems Thonum."

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              .                                            COOL.DA Dnnmon of Industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/03/25.

Consohdow Edman Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 87Mm4779M14. T.F. Utimes Senace 96/01/29 Sepp 878 54 4 7891.237. 9004100270 Forwards amend 93 to hoense DPR 21 & SE. Amend changes TS re aver. Ducanes9602 to 95 6 .inforns conectve & N documed 1 ygp ATDE SEN.J h ENBAUM.T.C. Northeast Uthties Senace Co. 4pp. DURR.J. Regon 1 (Post 820201L 96/03 east Nuclear Energy Co. 2pp. 87792:01647792027. CIMO.F.R., HARPSTER,T.L North-87913.3164 7913.340.

                                                                     -9004180273 Amend 93 to hcense DPR-21.chanipng TS re average power range mone                                                                                                              maan96 Was 960301 Nr m response m 2020 Onenns conectve & &

tot empoints. vensve actons wel be exammed dunng future map. MCKEE.P.F. Dnneson of Reactor Protects 4/11 (DRPE) Post 941001). 96/04/15.16pp. DURR,J. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 96/03/29. DACIMO.F.R., HARPSTER.T.L North-87913.322 4 7913.337. east Nuclear Energy Co. 2pp. 87792.243 67792269.

                                                                     -8004100275 Satsty evaluaton soportng amend 93 to bconee DPR-21.                                                                                                                            9803270127NRC info Notco 96019. "Fadure of Tone Alert Rados to Activate When
  • Othee of kee=ar Reactor Regulanon (Poet 941001). 96/04/15. 3pp. 87913 338- A Shortened Acewaten  ?

87913:340. CRUT FIELD.D. . 96/04/02.' tad Edison Co. of New York. Inc. Opp. 87791:015 4 7791:022. 9004230218 Prondes suppl to response to request for into re documents from REF teesL 9004140164 Change 6 to Rev 18 to QAP .10.0 Onsp) of "NEUT QA Program TR," D*CIMO.F.R. Northeast Nucieer Energy Co. DACIMO.F.R. Northeast Ubirhes Senaco 10.2.3(b) wordmg conostare w/secton 7.2.4 inst paragraptt , Co. 96/04'15 Document Coreal Branch (Document Control Desk). 76pp. 87985.210-

  • 96/04/02. 8pp. 87893.33347893.340.

67985.287. 9003290309 NRC into Nonce 96 020. "Demonstraten of Associated Egapment Compie 9604100451 ance w/10CFR34.20." CSfDERSEN.J.W. Prondes edate onROSS.A.J.

                                                                                                      . 96/04/16. pettons submmed.per Athleton Not Asesgned                                                                10CFR2206               . 2pp. 87912.k50- COOL.DA Dnneen of Industnal & Medical Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04.

87912:351. Consokosted Esson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 8786028947860:300. F. e a nergy F Northeast Utdeties Senace "H ' '"* at pia Unit Co. 96/04/16. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 6pp. 87962:356- RUSSELLW T. . 96/04/04. BUSCH.RE. Northeast Ubirbes Senace Co. 5pp. 87962M 87809:352 47009:356. l l 9004240246 Forwards reened Tech Specs Pape 5.S.conectng typographmal enor for 90040e0438 Press release 96 55,forwardmg960404 Itr to Northeast Unis requmnD Mfo stuonng. spent fuel handimg & andmon of shutdown cooknD sys cross-to ime

                                                                               'DACIMO.F.R Northeast Nucoser Energy Co DACIMO.F.R Northeast Utdmes Sennts                                                                                                                  before    restart

( Co. 96/04/16. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 88008:339w . Othce of Putscof Millstone Aftars Uruts 1.2 & 3'96/04/04.1p. 87824-14347824: (Post 911117). 147' t 88008.342. 9504150386 Noefies of scheduled map of requahfcation program for week of 960610 Requests that operann0 tests & other maus tie tummhed to NRC by 960510.m

                                                                    -ee0434ee52 Proposed Tech Specs Page 6.3 re conecton of hv.ea error'
  • Northeast Nucteer Energy Co.96/04/16. 2pp. 88008:34148008.342. @ g w*pN "(PosTt2020 /N F NA T5 h 3804290002Second & parbal response to FOIA request for records. App B records enci clear Energy Co 87865.0874 7885:089 A evenetne m PDR 9604040106 NRC into Notice 96421 "Satefy Concems to Desgn of Door Interiock Cir.

POWELLRA Dnnsen of Freedom or informaton & Pubhcatons Senness (Post 9407141 96/04/17.HOSSA Athhaton Not AssaOnod. 2pp. 88030.26748030.292. cult on Nucestgn High Dose Rate & Pulsed Dose Rate Remote Aftertoadm0 Bracnytte T Responds to request for into re potannal chdhng effects. COOLD.A. Dnnsen of Industnaf & Medcal Nucisar Safety (Post 87C729). 96/04/10. OPEKA,J.F. Northeast Nucisar E Co. OPEKAJ.F. Northeast Utilities. 94/09/02. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 88102 06748102:075. GR4Y,J.R. Olc of Enforcement (Post 70413).19pp. 88030 27448030.292. ,_, ,, g 9004200010Nothcaton of signrhcart bconsee enesting 96-37 w/util on 960510 to dis. Nomemperature4cmpensated Test Eauspment." cuns recent mtergranular stress corronmn creclung oscovered at planLunst 1. CRUTCHFIELD.D . 96/04/11. Coneohoated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. 6pp. DURR.J Regen 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/17. Regon 1 (Post 820201).1p. 88027:245- 87860 301 4 7860:306. 88027246. amnaa959 NRC Bulletm 96 002. " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel,0ver

                                                                    -9004200013 Remsed noencation of segrwhcant hconnes meetn0 96 37 on 960510 to                                                                                                                          Fust en Reactor Cors.or Over Safety-Related Equipment" thaama recent mtergranular stress correason creclung decovered at plant.unst 1.                                                                                                            CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consohoated Edson Co. of New York. inc.11pp.
  • Regon 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/18. Regen 1 (Post 820201).1p. 88027246- 88102.10048102:110.

88027.246. 960417020e Forwards response to violabons noted m insp Repts 50w245/9544.50 336/ 9004240249 Achases that S Dombok to be assigned as Prosect Manager for Haddam 9544 & 50423/95 s4.C/A.SGTS requrements renewed w/personnelerroneously co-Neck Plant & that DG McDoneid to be esmgned as Propect Manager for Mdistone h termmed sys operabdify cieer Power Staten.Urdt 2. eMacave 960426 DACIMO.F.R Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. DACIMO.F R. Northeast Othbes Sennce MCKEE.P.F. . 96/04/18. FEIGENBAUhl.T.C. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. 5pp. Co 96/04/11. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 8pp. 87933.271-87994282 47994.286. 87933278.

l l 46 DOCKETEDITEMS 9604250062 Forwards insp repts 54245/06 01.50-336/96 01 4 5042w/96 01 on 9604000191 Forwards addl hst of US nuclear faches to wruch potental dete-two stam. 9602064318 & notics of vietaton. D'JRRJ.P. Repon 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/12. FElGENBAUM.T.C. Northeast Utilitses less steel Swageiak hee frtungs suppi to960226 Itr re colects potentally re-i portaDie per 10CFR21. I Service Co. 5pp. 87995.23947995.304. I JOHNSTON.D.J. Crawford Fthng Co.86/04/03. 3pp. 8782411347824:115. ) t

   -9004250056 Notice of violation from inop on 9602064318 Violation noted:oquipment retumed to operabie status w/o ventyin0 that breaker would tnp electncalty.               9604160000 LER 9601Nio:on 960305.sermor calibr of SAM & IRM nucasar matruman.


  • Repon 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/12. 2pp. 87995.24447995245. tation not per1ormed. Caused by personnel error. TS amend requested pnar to startup

' from 16.W/960404 lir. l -9004250062 Inso repts 50-245/96 01.54 336/96 01 & 50 423/9641 on 960206- WA E.R.W., AlFFER.WJ. Northeast Nuclear Etterov Co. RIFFER.WJ. Northeast l ! 0318Violanons noted. Mayor areas mapocted. plant Utsimes Service Co.96/04/04 4pp. 87897:25047897.253. ' operations.radiologcal I controls. ment.survedlance. secwity.outsgo actuties & hcorwee seit - ..A l CURR.J.P. Regaon 1 (Post 820201). 96/o4/12. 59pp. 87995J4647995:304. 9004160112 LER 9641840:on 960305.madecNate scheduing of reactor anomaly eunnedlance. Caused by personriel enor.Correctve w .e,..h anomary surved. [ 9604170100NRC Into Notice 96023. " Fires m EDG Excrters Dunng Operation Follow. lances revised.W/960404 ftr WALPOLE.R.W., RIFFER,W). Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. 96/04/04. 5pp. l UT LD. 96 22. Conschdated Edtson Co. of New York. Irc 10pp. l 88102:090481C2M9. 9604300345 LER 9542441:on 951106.tained LLRT. Caused by poor duc to seat contact 9604300000 F'mal response to FOtA request for records. Requestor agreed por960327 C 5s .W/ I toscon w/N Pugh to obtam any pubhcly evadable remros drecuy from NRC Od*pd"  %%c disc. g R FFER.WJ. Northeast ! POR. Requestor wil resubmit another FOIA request to obtasn any central files records. Utdmes Service Co.96/04/05. 5pp. 88066:167 ' t EUA Dweaan of Freedom of infonnahon & h Serwces Poet 96/04/23. MACK.T. Washmgton Document Service. 1 p. 88096:002* 9604180198 Forwards Technical Review Rept AEOD/T96-02. " Target Rock Twr> Stage i SRV Portonnance Updam Umenck Urut 1.pdat duc leakage resulted m stuck-open SRV & extended reactor Nowdown into supprosmon pool i 9604300214 Forwards response to RAI re NRC Busatin 95 002. " Unexpected Cloggmg ROSSI.C.E. Dumon of Safety Programs (Post 870413). 96/04/15. SHERON.B W., I of RHR Pump stramer Wtute Operating m L-; . . _ _ _ . Poo! Cooing Mode." HOLAMAN.G.M., CRUTCHFIELD.D. 2pp. 87912:33447912:342. DACIMO,F.R. Noi1heast Utdmos Service Co. 96/04/23. Document Control Branch t (Document Control Desk) 7pp. 68064.31048064.316' Target Rock Two. Stage SRV Performance Update.,,

                                                                                               -960410020e WEGNER.M ".S. Office for Analyse & Evaluation of Operanonal Data. Drector. 9 l   9604220229 NRC trdo Nobce 96424. "Procondsbonmg of Molded. Case Cocuit Breakers                 15. 7pp. 8791233647912:342.

Before Survedlance Testmo." GRtMES.B K. . 96/04/25. Consolidated Edison Co. of New York. Inc. 14pp. Se04230034 Part 21 rept re anomaly in AMETEK/Drxson ProSenes twgraph models 88102 07648102 089. SA101P.SA202P.SN101P & SN202P. Condition exsts m 1E programmable bargraph software.New version being generated to resotve maus.Affected customers bemg nob. 9604250172NRC Info Notce 96 025, "Traversmg in. Core Probe Overwethtawn at La- fled. salle County Staton.Urut 1." GRIMES.B K. . 96/04/30. HUBER,C. Amstek. Inc. 96/04/18. NRC . No Detaned AflWaation Grven. Spp. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 10pp. 87991 339 4 7992.343. 68102-111 48102-120. 9604290045 LER 9642340:on am" - __ ..._.; of new assembhos over spent fool 9804260006 NRC Irdo Nobce 96426. "Recent Problems w/ Overhead Cranet" pool resulted m condrbon outade of osmon bass of plantCaused by personnel GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/30. Consohdated Edmon Co. of New York. Inc. 10pp. error. Procedural restnctions placed.W/960419 Itr. 88102 121 48102-130. WALPOLE.R.W.. RIFFER.WJ. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. RIFFER.WJ. Northeast Utdrbes Service Co.96/04/19. 6pp. 88045.27648045.281. l C. Portodic operating reports & related correspondence taman"0 LER 9642600on 960321.feedwater sys configuraban ed not allow com. piste dr for an acceptable LLRT. Caused by personrei error.C/A: mod to configu. 9604290394

  • Millstone Nuclear Power Staton Raeological Ermron Mannonng Program renan & wel be performed W/960422 lir.

JarvDec 1995

  • W/960423 tr. WALPOLE.R.W RIFFER.WJ., NOLL.W.G. Northeast Nuclear Energy Ca 96/04/22.

DACIMO.FA Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. DACIMO,F.R. Northeast Utdibes Service 5pp. 68066:162 48066.166. l

Co. 95/12/31.100pp. 88039.25148039.350.

9604170271 Forwards monthly operating repts for Mar 1996 for Mdistone Nuclear Power 9604300364 LER 96020 00 on 960322. CST unusable volume not accounted for in plant procedures. Caused by personnel error.C/A demon calcula00ns revised W/960422 tir. Stanon.Unns 1.2 & 3.mcludmg correcton to Mdlstone Unit 1 monthly operanng rept for WALPOLE.R.W., RIFitER.W.J., NOLL.W.G. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. 96/04/22. Feb 1996.W/o cxirrecnons to Feb rept 6pp. 8806617248066:177. DACIMO.F R. Northeast Nucasar Energy Co. DACIMO.F.R. Northeast Ubhbes Service Co. 96/04/11. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk).1p. 67928:139- 9004300331 LER 96-02440.on 960325. temporary mod for scrum er header pressure 87928 154. switch matehanon not removed. Caused by personnel error.C/ A:revmod processes.W/

  -9604170276 Monthly operanno repts for War 1996 for Mdtstone Nuc6 ear Power                     960424 Itr.

, Stanon.Uruts 1.2 & 3 WALPOLE.R W., RIFFER.W)., ROSS.MJ. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. 96/04/24. l 5pp. 88066:15048066:154. NEWBURGH.G BORCHERT.R HUDSON.t.R. Northeast Nuclear F,norgy Co. 96/03/

31.15pp 87928
140 87928:154.

i T. Neartng transcripts on nor>entitrust enettere

  & Reportabte occurrences, LERe & related -                       MJe f

i 9604230318 Forwards 960408 transenpt of informal put*c hearmg on 10CFR2.206 peti-( 9604020006 LER 9401740:en 960216.madequate tune r*=mt GTG & EDG to be yE '

  • N/0418* " p W*
              ' . . e moperstne.Ceused by maceeJete prorsdural guidance & replace-                                                    72' 001 4 7972201' W. FE      J Nortness N                   Co. RIFFER.WJ. Northeast     -9604230323 Transenpt of 960408 mtonnal pubhc heanng on 16206 pettcm of G Ubifuss Service Co.96/03/20. 6pp. 87733:18147733 yRb No**                      non Given.96/04/08. 201pp. 87972 00247972.201.

9604020076 LER 9641340:on 960220.unanalyzed conebon discovered chJe to indeter- ) p ton. Caused by oromon of rnatt. Reactor engmeenng procedure I WALPOLE.R W, RIFFER WJ. Northoest Nuclear Energy Co. RIFFER.WJ. Northeast Ubhbes Service Co.96/03/21. 7pp. 87733:171 4 7733:177.  ! 9604150386 Notmos of sche &Jied insp of recuakficabon program for week of ' l 9804020029 LER 9401540 on 960227 recyculabon pump f ow rrusmatch survedlance 960610. Requests Inst operstmg tests & other matis be fummhed to NRC by 960510,m I preparabon for ensp. Informs that estmated average burden a 4.0 h per response. not performedCaused by fadure to hteresty compey w/TSs as wntion.C/A.TS 3 6.H & MEYER.G W. Region 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/09. FEIGENBAUM.T.C. Northeast Ni> 4.6.H modmed W/960322 ter. clear Energy Co. 3pp. 87885:08747885 089. WALPOLE.R.W RlFFER.WJ Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. RIFFER.WJ. Northeast Utsties Service Co.96/03/22. 4p0. 87733'14747733:1 su. 9604010411 LER 9641000on 980226. emergency GTG & EDG inoperable sanulta- DOCKET $0 247 INDLAN POINT STATION, UNfT f [ neouary due to lack at evalianie on.sne tuoi ait Caused by mcompiate demon t caicuestions.C/A- caicuisson revisecLW/960326 ter. l WALPOLE.R.W., RIF ER WJ Northeast Nuctear Energy Co. RlFFER.WJ. Northeast F. Securtty, mecucal, emergency & fire protecnon piano l Uttkues Sennce Co.96/03/26. 5pp. 67708.31047708.314-9604020422 Forwards putgic verton of Rev 12 to IP-1035. " Technical Sipport Ctr 9604010421 LER 9642100on 960227,ATWS sys moperable due to fadu.e to test volt. USCI" W/960402 release memo. age hrrutmg crcuit relays Caused by unproper empiamentaton of plant demgn mod.C/ OUINN.S E. Consohdated Ed son Co. of New York, Inc. 96/02/26. Document Control

    #cre[4y repeacud & ATWS secnon added to TRM W/960326 Itr.                                     Brancri (Document Control Deskt 4pp. 8U113004U19.344.

W/JPOLE R W., RIFFER.WJ Northeast Nuclear Eneroy Co. RIFFER.WJ. Northeast Utilsbes Sennce Co 96/03/26. 6pp. 87708:31547708.321, - 9604020426Puttc verson of Rev 12 to IP.1035. "Techrucal Support Ctr (TSC).,

  • Conschanted Edison Co. of New York. Inc. 96/02/12. 41pp. 8719.30447719.344.

9604020136 LER 96416 00.on 960226. heavy loads suspended over tradated fuel en opent fuel poot rs=M by emosouste unpaementanon of demgn med Engmeering 9604030106 Forwards amend 186 to beense DPR 26 & safety evalumbort Amend re-anahrus performed Reviewed heavy ined procedure MP 790.4 W/960326 Itr. vues bconse conebon 2 K & rescicates IP2 fra protecton recurements from IP2 TS to WALPOLE.R.W., RIFFER.WJ Northeast Nucsoar Ene Co. RIFFER,WJ f40rtheast IP2 fre prote:: Don program. Utahties Service Co.96/03/26. 6pp. 8773320147733 . HAROLDJF. . 96/03/26. OUINN.S E. Commonwealth Edson Co. 4pp. 87722:052-67722 076. 9604000131 LER 96022 00 on 960228.swrtis/ shutdown cycle Irruts for RPV exceeded. Caused by personnel error.C/A.appbcable docasmentaton updated.W/ -9604030112 Amend 186 to hcense DPP.26.r 60ense condiDon 2.K & relocates 9G0329 tir. IP2 fre protecton remarements from IP2 TS to i fre protecton prog um plan m ac-WALPOLE.R.W., RlFFER.WJ. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. 96/03/29 6pp cordance w/ guidance prowded m GL 6610 & 8412 67623.336 87823 341. SHANKMAN.S.F. .96/03/26.14pp. 87722:05687722069

           - _ . _       _ . . -           ,-                          . .. .                 .. _         m.      _      . _ _ _ .                 __


-9004030118 Safety evolusbon supportn0 amend 186 to bcense DPR-26.                                  - 9004020129 Notce of voleton from insp on 951231960302.Voleton unit
       . 96/03/26. 6pp. 8772207047722:075.                                                             1.hcensee faded to property control actutes ***==ted w/ Class A sys m that mcor.

rectly m2ed httng eauoment used w/o procedures for operston. 9004010300 Responds to 900216 rnemo for FRPCC re review of NY state & local redo.

  • Regen 1 (Post 820201). 96/03/27. 3pp. 87703:07547703:077.

logcol emergency response piere & preparedness ste-specific to insten Pomt Nucle-er Power Generstmg Staton.intorms of one mod to canader evalueton acceptosi 9004030142 inep repts 50 003/9641 & 50-247/96 01 on 961231430296. . Venetone CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/03/27. HEPLER,0.M. Federal Emergency Management noted.Masor areas mapected: Agency 3pp. 87607:353 87897 355. COWGILL CJ. Repon 1 (Post 820201). 96/03/27. 28pp. 87703:07647703:105. 9004140018 Responds to941021 Itr wNeh requested acton w/ to all reactor li- g003270127 NRC into Nobos 96 019. " Failure of Tone Alert Redes to Actrvate When coneses uomo Thermc> Leg & that str be treated as Poston per 1 R2206. R " Shortened Acewaton RUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/03. CINQUEMANI.DX Afgheton Not Assyned. App CRUT IELD.D. 96/04/02. ted Edison Co. of New York, Inc 8pp. 87087;317 47087-320. 6779t01547791022.

                                 & that ltr tes           Pathon pe!          R 206                 9003300900NRC Info y M20. "Donenstraton of Assocated Equipment Coniph.

USSELL. 967216.

                    . 96/04 . BENJAN.R. Afhhaton Not Asesgned. 4pp. 87887:313-                         $g".    .                  of industnel & Meece! Nucteer Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04.

Coneohdated Eeoon Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 87860:28947860:300. 9004190ged Responds to941021 Str.wNch resposted acton w/ regard to all reactor b. coneses uom0 thermc>4eg & that P Barue ltr be treated as Petoon per 9004110170 Nothcoton of signincent hcenses meseng 96-31 wM on 960424 to do. j 10CFR2.206. Forwards notco of "Iseuance of Director Decison Under 10CFR2.206." cues Con Edison reper actutes on Unit 2 control room roof that polonneny pisood RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. BIRNIE,P. G.E. Stockholders Albence Agamst Nuclear conpoi nmm vent 6ston ws m ur. analyzed coneton. Power. opp.87887263 47087 312. COWGILL.C.J. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/04. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 2pp. 87832:352 4 7832 354 90041903es Responde to postcard dtd 941114 wNch requested acton re all reactor 5-consees uomp Thermr> Lea & that poolcard be treated as Potoon per 10CFR2.206, 9004100002 Forwards response to NRC Bulleen 96-001. RUSSELLW.T. , 96/04e01 DEBOLT B. Afhhsten Not Assagned. 3pp. 87880 346 QUINN.S. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc 96/04/08. Document Control 87800:348. Branch (Document Control Desk). 7pp. 87914.24547914251.

*=*a"as Revised EPtPs.includmg Rev 5 to IP.1010.
  • Search & Reocue Teams." 9004150386 Ack receept of 980228 Itr informm0NRC of steps taken to correct violatons Rev 5 to IP.1011. "Reper & Correceve Acton" & Rev 6 to IP-1048, "r'amam4/De- named m map rept50 247/95-22.

Naman of Emergency & trutaton of Recovery." W/960423 lir COWGILL.C.J. Flagon 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/00. QUINN.S.E. Coneohdated Edson OUINN.S.E. Cor=al=$ated Eeson Co. of how York, Inc. 96/04/23. 21pp. 88087109 Co. of New York anc. epp.87885:05647865:006. 88067:129. 9004040108 NRC Info Notco 96 021. " Safety Concems re Design of Door interlock Cr. cuit on Nucestron High-Does Rete & Pulsed Doeo Rete Remote Aftertoedmg Brecnyth-6 atam-aaey serrespondenes orepy Devees." COOL,DA Dumon of inducinal & Medical Nucteer Setety (Post 670729). 96/04/10. 9804160018 Responds to941021 Itr wNch requested acton w/ record to all reactor b. Coneohneted Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 88102:06748102 075. coneses unng Thermo-Le9 & that ttr be treated as Petoon per 10CFR2.206. GUSSELLW T. 96/04/03. CINQUEMANI.DX Afhhaton Not Asegned. App. **"'a= NRC Info Notco 96022, "Irnproper Equement Setangs Due to use of 87857:317 4 7087:.320. L :- , -.-- Componasted Test Equipment" CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Cornohdated Edson Cet of New York, Inc 6pp. 9004190000 to 941026ler wNch requested acton w/r to all reactor IL 67800-301 4 7860:306. consees unr10 & that ler be treated as Peteon per 1 .206. QUSSELL.W.T. 96/04/ . BENJAN.R. Afhhaton Not Ameigned. App. 87867:313 eenasemese NRC Buhotn 96 002. "Mowwment of Heavy Loads Over Spent FuelOver 87887:316. Fuel m Reactor Cors.or Over Sately-Related Equipment." CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Coneohooted Edson Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. 9004160364 Responds to941021 Itr.efuch requested acton w/ regard to all reactor 6 88102:10048102110. coneses uom0 thermole0 & that P Barue Itr be tested as Ponton per 10CFR2206.FonserGs rotce of "leauence of Dwector Deceion Under 10CFR2.206." $00417010e NRC info Notco 96423. " Fires m EDG Exeners Dunno Operemon Fonow-QUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. BIRNIE.P. G.E. Stockhotoers Alhance A0amst Nucesar eng Undetected Fuse Blowing? Power. 4pp. 8788726347887;312. CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/22. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. 90041503es Responde to postcard dtd941114 wnsh requested acton re eH reactor b. consees uomo Thermo. Lee & that postcard be treated as Petaan per 10CFR2.206. GUSSELLW T. . 96/04/03. DEBOLT.B. Affiheton Not AsegnacL 3pp. 87880:346- een.,se,eg NRC Wo Notoe 96" 024 Proconetoreng of Monded Came Circuit Brookes 07980:348- Before Sur'voihann GRIMES.B.K . 96/04Tg/za. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 88102 076 48102 000. P. Opereung 8eense enge -- _ & consapendonee 9004290172 NRC Info Notco 96 025. "Travereng incore Probe Overwethdrawn at La-eene County Staton.Urut 1." 9004030106 Foneerds amend 186 to hoonee DPR-26 & estety evoluetorL Amand re- GRIMES.B K . 96/04/30. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. vees hcones coneton 2.K & relocates IP2 fire protechon requwements from IP2 TS to 88102111 48102-120. 96 OUINN.S.E. Commonweefth Echman Ca 4pp. 87722-052 87722 075. eenasseems NRC Info Notco 96 026. "Recent Probiens w/Overhood Cranes." GRIMES.B K . 96/04/30. Coneohaated Emeon Co. of New York, Inc. 10pp. -9004030112 Amend 186 to teense DPR-26. II kcense caridston 2.K & relocates IP2 tre protecton recurements from IP2 TS fire protecten program plan m ec. E'"JMKU"T6/Jr#%"8E46t7?22. R. P-== eP-=e =Per= = === o==eP-aase . amanaes116 Sofety evaluelon egoortm0 er: tend 186 to ncenae DPR-26. eenam110 Monthri operstmg rept for Mer 1998 for inden Pomt Stehon Urut 2.W/

  • 96/03/2tL 6pp. 87722 07047722:075.

98o415 Itr 1 REEDA. QUINN.SE Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 96/03/31. 6pp. i ensementes Sepi 1 to Genene Ltr 95 09 to en NRC Econeses to monnonn0& tromm0 87976.339 4 7976:344. of eruppers a camers of rarhartrve metts. COOL.DA Dmmen of industnel & Medical Nucteer Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. Boston F.denn Co.10pp. 8810205748102:066. S. Reportabte m. . LERs & related -.. . - 9004100323 Forwards SE accepeng rehef requests for pumps & volves for plant re IST em ined 10-yr anterval Rev 1. 9004010303 LER 9542141:en 951000.23EDG was declared inoperable due to lubnce. FR SHANKMAN. 96/04/15. QUINN.S E. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, non oil was escolored wtuch resuned an plant snutdown.Ceused by entry into TS , Inc. 4pp. 87923.29147923:303. 3.0.1 Plugged degraded tubes.W/960318 Itr. , LOUIE.R., QUINN.S E. Conschosted Echeon Co. of New York. Inc. 96/03/16, 5pp. I -4004190227 Safety evalueton accepeng rehof requests for pumps & valves for plant 87708.275-87708.279. 1 re IST Program thrd 10 vr interval Rev 1. 1

     . 96/04/16. 9pp. 8792329547923.303.                                                          De040eO902 S@ nuts rept per plant TS Secten 5.42 nonroutmo repts re bypass &                  J eenaeaa10s Responds to GL 9641 "Testmg of SR Logc Circuits."                                           $N.S E. Conschdated Echeon Co. of New York. Inc. 96/03/27. Document Control                l QUINN.S.E. Corariated Edson Co. of New York. anc. 96/04/18. Document Control                        Brancn (Docnament control Desk). 3pp. 87817;229 87817231.

Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 88086:3554 8086.356. 9004000064 Special rept on 960327.porbon of HP water fire protecton sys inopereDie due to ment eenvibes.Temporenly nointed that poruon of header from motor-onven Q. Ir=f-et reports. IE Bussuns & correspondence tre pumps & deses dnven pump. QUINN.S E. Consohdeied Edreon Co. of New York, Inc. 96/03/28. Documerit Control te03300218NRC Info Nomoe 96-018. "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Arbome Thonumf Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 87825.35947825.360, COOL,DA Dumion of industnel & Medcol Nuclear Setety (Post 870729). 96/03/25. Coneohdated Esson Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 87791:00147791:014, 90041e00s3 LER 96403-00:an 960305. erect generator inp occurred. Caused by defec-two pint wre feeder protecton. Switch component snepocied & replaced as 9004030100 Forwards insp rept50 247/9641 on 951231960302 & NOV. necessary W/980404 Itr. GALLO.R M Repon 1 (Post 820201). 96/03/27. QUINN.S.E. C-.- .- .Edson MMLATH.J., QUINN.S.E. Conschdated Esson Co. of New York, Inc. 96/04/04. 5pp. Co. Sop. 87703:07047703:105. 87897.2454 7897.249.

48 DOCKETEDITEMS 9604220052 LER 96 00440 on 960312,potenbal path for ,anfiftered er inteakage to con. 9604000322 Forwards roguest for adc3 mio re bconsee 950626 submittal of Topcal I sal control room edentrhedCaused ty mcomplete scope of work.C/A.jomt/ membrane Rept NFSR.0111, *BWR Transsent Analyn Methods." ! batahed W/900411 str SKAY.D M. . 96/04/04 FARRAR.D.L Commonwealth Esson Co. app. 87807:143 I I SsRING.R.L. QUINN.S.E. Consobdated Edson Co. of New YorA Inc. 96/04/11. 4pp. 87807:146. 87960:3244 7960 327. 9604110008 Updates status of Unit 2 & 3 LPCI comer room structural steel.provides 9604290235 LER 9&OO540 on 960313. procedure madequacy lead to potential volaten addi ostad & cianfcaton of units comer room steel compensons & upostes mieracton of SA assumbons. Caused by analyses not bomg portarmed assummg crosHonnec- coefficients. hon of accumulators Rowned SOP 10.1.1 W/960412 ftr. GINS 8ERGAP., OUINN.S.E. Consobdated Edmon Co. of New YorA inc. 96/04/12. PERRYJ.S. C .. .. Z. Eeson Co. 96/04/04. Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk). 8pp. F7847.22247847.230. 8pp. 88045.33448045:339 l 9604110132Clartes into provided m880509 RAI response re operation of ARI valves 9004300149 LER 9640640on 940525.both siecmc tunnel exhaust fans moperable l dunng survedlance testCaused by errors en 1993 rev of Test Procedure FT. mataned C comply

                                                                                                                 ,n  .. _ w/10CFR50.62.    "ATWS Rule." . Document Control Branch (D J. Edson Co. 96/04/04 t      EM19 Temporary Processe Change was asued for Test Procedure PT.EM19 W/                ment Control Desk). 2pp. 87856:16647858:167.

I 960422 lir. MAYLATHJ., QUINN.$1 Consohdated Eeson Co. of New YorA inc.96/04/22. 5pp. 9004120020 Updates iso 6ston condenser TS bases to remove ret to flxed vol of water l 68066 03448066-038. seco other vanable parameters affect operabdity. Marked up TS bases enct i PERRY,,l.S. Co...u I . J3 Edson Co 96/04/04. Document Control Branch (Docw i l if. Operator Exampnetloras ment Control Desk). 2pp. 87863:15547863:162. i

                                                                                         -9604120044 Proposed tech specs.updatmg motaten concenser TS Bases to remove 9604290264 Informs that facety scheduled to admmster NRC Genenc Fundamentals              ret to fixed voi of water smco other vanab6e parameters also affect operabdaty.

Exarn on 960410.

  • Commonwealth Eeson Co.96/04/04. 6pp. 87863:15747863:162.

G4 CHARDS.SA . 96/04/01. FERRICH.J. Consohdated Edmon Co. of New York, Inc. Fpp. 86052.28948052:295. 9602200196 Suppl 1 to Genenc Ltr 95 09 to all NRC heensees re monitorrig a trammg of shippers & camers of raecactive malls. 9604150400Advmes that RH Stonum heense SOP.108551 should be deemed exprod. COOLDA Dermon of industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. QUINN.S.E. Consokosted Edson Co. of New YorA inc. 96/04/05. MARTIN,T.T, Boston Eccon Co.10pp. 88102:05748102:066. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 2pp. 87896.28847896:289 9604170506 Forward SE accepting rev 3 to thrd 10-yr IST program for pumps & valves ear plant.Urvts 1 & 2. DOCKET $0 249 DRESDEN NUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNIT 3 CAPRA.RA . 96/04/18. FARRAR,0.L C-.o .rc. Eeson Co. 3pp. 87918.288 l 87918:311.  ! i F. Security, medical, amer 9ency & fire protection plans -9604170516 Safety evaluaton accepting rev 3 to thrd 10.yr IST program for pumps & i valves for plant. Units t & 2 980anann52 Informs that rev 81 of plant annen to generaton statens emergency . 96/04/16. 21pp. 87918.291479.9;311. E'E ). PR Jr. Edson 9604230100 Submits resporme to NRC GL 96 01, "Tesbng of Safety-Reisted Logc Cr. I Co. 2pp. 8n52h52o85. curts. ed -io. i BRONSJ.C. C.. . .. _ . Edson Co. 96/04/19. Document Control Branch (Docw mont Control Desk). 5pp. 88002 33248002 336.

x. umity nnai Sefot, Anafrei. ReporuPS4R) & amends 9004030000 Forwards corrected twenrsel update (Rev 01 A.Dec 1995) of Dresden E M IE 8"U'II"* O "- accordance w/10CFR50.71(a). Changes mctuded m Rev 01 A.cnanges to fa-l ciknes & procedures Inrough 950630. 9603200218 PERRYJ.S. Commonwealth Edson Co. 96/03/14. Document Control Branch (Docu. COOLDA Divisen of industnel & Medical Nuclear Safety (PostNRC 870729). 96/03/25 info Noboe 96 ment Control Desk).14pp. 87754.00147755:118. Consohdated Edmon Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 87791:00147791:014.

 =**^'n"88103 Rev 01 A to upda'ed FSAR for Dresden Nuc6 ear Power Stanon Units 2 &       9604180355 Forwards inteorated map repts 50410/9515.50 237/9515 & 50-249/9k 3                                                                                      15 on 9512196960213 & ROV.
  • Commonwealth Edison Co.95/12/31. 355pp. 87754:02847755:118. AXELSON.W.L Regen 3 (Post 820201). 96/03/26. PERRYJ.S. Commonwealth Eeson Co. 4pp. 87905:11447905:144.

P. Operating lloonee stage documents & correspondence -9604180370 Notme of vetaten from map on 951219-980213.Vm6abon notadon 960113.hoonsee cetermoed that OOS boundary for work bemg performed on matru-9604050100 Requests that beenese tmet Commmacn on status of efforts to improve ment er sys was madequate. performance at plant.metudmg steps taken to ensure that rnportant equipment deh.

  • Repon 3 (Post 820201). 96/03/26. 3pp. 87905:11847905.120.

ciencies have been fully edentified. YHE CHAIRMAN Commasoners (Post 750119). 96/03/22.O'CONNOR,J.J. Common- -9604180382 Integrated anso repts 50410/9515.50237/9515 & 50249/9515 on wealth Eeson Ca 3pp. 8777100647771208. 951219-980113.volatons noted.Maior areas map: operations.engneenng.maint & plant support 9604010420 informs that utd w611 emplement BWROG cuidance re testn0 both CRD HILAND,P. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 96/03/22. 24pp. 87905.12147905:144. scram so6eroid pool vehes & art frequencies descnbod in ret BWHOG ltr did 960216 Inr tacamas. 9604240076 Informs of complebon of semannual Plant Performance Review on HOSMERJ. Commonwealth Edmon Co. 96/03/25. Document Control Branch (Docu, 960306. ment Consol Desk) 2pp. 87706:35647706.357 HILAND.P. Regen 3 (Post $20201). 96/03/29. PERRYJ S. C.,,,%- _ '.Edson Co. 5pp. 87970.20847970:212. 9604010243 Forwards page changes for bcenses DPR-19.DPR-25.DPR 29 & DPR. 30.ensunng contmusty & to simpany rownw per TS Upgrade Prograrrt 9603270127 HEFFLEYJ.M. C.- ._ ..JJ. Edson Co. 96/03/2tL Document Control Branch (Doc, NRC info Reconnng Shonened Nobce AcDwabon 96419.

                                                                                                                                          "..Fadure of Tono Aiort Rados to Acwate W ument Control Desk).12pp. 87706 08347706300.                                           CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/02.                  ted Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 8pp.

87791 01 587791:022.

 -9604010206 Proposed tech specs,enounng contmurty & simperfymg renew of App A.TS for TS upgrade Progrant                                                             9603290269 NRC Info Notice 96 020, "Demonstraton of Assocated Eouipment Comph-
     *C- ~           T Edson Co. 96/03/26. 206pp. 87706:09587706:300.                       ance w/10CFR34.20."

COOLDA Densen of Industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04. 9604020178 Prendes update of actons taken ve RMS-9 Upgrade. Conschdated Edmon Co. of New York, 6nc. *2pp. 8786028947860:300. PERRYJ.S. r . -._fth Edmon Co. 96/03/26. Document Control Branch (Docu-mont Control Desk). 5pp. 87725.24347725.247. 9604040106 NRC Info Nobcer 96421, " Safety Concems to Design of Door interlock Cr-cuit on Nucletron High Dose Rate & Pulsed Dose Rate Remote Aftertoadmg Brachyth-9604020299Provides updated status & change m plans assocated w/ shippmg wasta erapy Devces." mati from Unit 1 fuel / transfer pool vacuummo acewmas for oftsste bunal. COOLDA Dnnson of industnal & Medical Nucesar Safety (Post 87C729). 96/04/10. PERRYJ.S. Commonwealth Eeson Co. 96/03/28. Document Control Branch (Docu- Conschdated Esson Co. of New York, Inc. Dpp.88102 067-88102:075. ment Control Deskk 2pp. 87712:25747712358. 9604050338 NRC Info Nobce 96-022. " improper Equipment Setbngs Due to Use of 9604040181 Forwards amends 149.143.170 & 166 to Icennes OPR-19.DPR-25. DPR-29 Nontemperature4ompensated Test Equipment" 4 DP84 30.respecove4y & safety evasustmn. Amends will upgrade custom TS at plants CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 6pp. to STS contamed m NUREG 0123. 87660 301 4 7860:306. STANG.J.F. . 96/04/02. FARRAR.D.L Commonwealth Edmon Co. 3pp. 87737:172 87737;253. 9604000259 NRC Buhetn 96002. " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel,0ver Fuel m Reactor Core.or Over Safety.Related Equipment." l -9604040185 Amends 149.143.170 & 166to boenses DpR 19,DPR,25.DPR-29 & DPR. CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. [ 30.upgraen0TS at plants to STS contamed m NUREG.0123. 88102 100 48102 110. STANGJf. .96/04/02. 58pp. 87737:1754 7737.232. 9604160325 Forwards insp repts 50 237/96 05.50 249/96 05.60 254/96 05 & $0-265/

 -9604040187 Safety evaluebon supportm0 amends 149,143,170 & 166 to lacerees                96 05 on 9602144401.Three apparent volatons being consdered for escalated on-DPR 19.DPR-25.DPR-29 & DPR-30.respec0vely                                          forcement actort
        . 96/04/02. 21pp. 87737.23347737.253.                                               GRANT.G E. Regon 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/11. WALLACE.M.J. Comrnonwealth Edson Co. 4pp 87887:15947887:170.

9604040224 Request adct info for GL 9507. " Pressure Loclun0 & Thermal Bandmg of Safety

  • elated .96/04/02.FARRAR.D.L Poweroperated Gaie vanes.". 960308. -9604160329 insp repts $4237/96 05.50-249/9645.50-254/9645 4 54265/9605 on SHIRAKl.C.Y. Cw ~ as
                                                        . Zemaad Edmonon  Co. 5pp. 87746:182     9602144401Volanons noted Mapor areas inspected.

87746 186. RING.M.A. Regon 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/04. 8pp. 87867.1 7887:170. f i

DOCKETEDITEMS 49 9604170169NRC into Notre 96423. " Fees m EDG Exciters Dunno Operaton Follow- DOCKET 50 250 TURKEY POINT PLANT, UNIT 3 Undetected Fuse Blowmg " UTCHFtELD.D. . 96/04/22. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. 88102:09048102 099. F. Security, medcel, ernergency & nre protection pinne 9604300065Prowdes response to vmestons noted in insp Repts 50410/9515.50-237/ 9604150018 Responds to 941021 Itr wNch 'equested acten w/reoard to all rsector li- f 95-15 & 50 249/9515.Conectve acDons: operatons senor mgt renstated formal consees usmg Thermo Lag & that Itr be tested as Petrbon per 10CFR2.206. i renew boards for errors witNn electroncs cul of-svc process. RUSSELL.W T. . 96/04/03. CINQUEMANI.D.K. Affihaban Not Assgned. 4pp. l PERRYJ.S Commonwealth Esson Co. 96/04/23. Document Control Branch (Docu- 87887 3174 7887.320. ment Control Desk) 7pp. 68062:35248062 356. 9604150050 Responds lo 941026ftr wNch roguested acbon w/ regard to all reactor le 9604220229NRC Info Nobce96 024. "7..-..u-.y of Molded Case Crcurt Breakers consees unng Thermo-Lao & that str be tested as Peebon per 10CFR2206. Batore Sunrollance Tesbng a RUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/63. BENJAN.R Affeaton Not Assgned. App. 67887:313-GRIMES.B K. . 96/04/25. Consc6 dated Esson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 87867:316. 88102:076 48102:089. p e *' 9604250172 NRC Info Nohce 96 025. "Traversmg in. Core Probe Overwithdrawn at La- $ 20"6N rw "ha now 1 " ' "206 96'/ /30. Conocidated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 10pp. EW * ' ' ^ "'^ '"' "*' M K pp 8 Bil7 7887 3 2. 08102.111 48102:120. 9604150206 Responds to postcard old941114 wNch requested acten to alt reactor li-9604260095 consees usmg Thermo-Lag & that postcard be treated as Petruon per 10CFR2.206. GRIMES.B.K. NRC Info NotoeConsoldated

                                           . 96/04/30.                           96-026. "Recent   Protems Eeson  Co of w/ Overhead New  York. Inc Cranes" . 10pp. RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. DEBOLT.B Affnaton Not Assgned. 3pp, 67880:346-88102:121 48102:130.                                                                                                                           87880:348.

R. Portodic operating reports a reisted correspondence G. Adluecatory correspondence 9604100020 Docusses DOL 960119 issuance of Decinon & Romand Orcer (92-ERA-9604030367 "Dresden Staton Annual Radologmal Envron Operabng Rept n:r 1995." 10) fmen0 that FPL dacnrrunated agamst RR Diaz Robanss Concurs w/deosen & W/960325 Itr o PER .S Co. 95/12/31. MILLER.K Regon 3 (Post ygQ ,"g"g pg,, g ted

  • j25. TTj rde h &

Lsght Co. 5pp. 8781222147812.251. 9604190064 Morithey ooerating rept for March 1995 for DNPS W/9604091tr. .g604100039 Decuen & Romand Order to FPL esenmmaton agamst RR Diar-ABRELL.GA, PERRYJ.S. Commonwealtn Edison Co. 96/03/31.13pp. 87952:324- Roba nas.FPL ordered to offer .- .._.; to RR Diaz.Robamas w/ comparable pay 87952.336. A benefits,to pay Nm back pay w/mterest & 10 pay Na costs & expenses re com-piamt. 9604250267 Forwards frst quarter 199610CFR$0.59 rept of changes. tests and expers REICHAB. Labor. Dept of. 96/01/19. Fionda Power & Light Co. 26pp. 87812.226-monts for DNPS. 87812251. PERRYJ.S. C _- - - __r Eeson Co.96/04/11. 30pp. 88022:32688022:355, 9604150018 Responds to 941021 ftr wtuch requested acbon w/ regard to all reactor le 9604290187 Forwards " Recorded Annual TEDE Exposure for CY95 for consees usmg Thenno-Lag & that Hr be rested as Peebon por 10CFR2206. Brasowood. Byron.Dresdor awa.h Cmes & Zen." Repts bemg sutmtted elec- RUSSELL.W T. . 96/04/03. CINOVEMANI.DA Arrheton Not Asagned. App. Wonicany on magnenc tape. 87887:317 4 7887.320. 9644150050 Responds to941026 Itr wtuch requested acton w/ regard to all reactor IL 2pp 206 80572 3

  • consees Thermo-La & 1 hat Itr be treated as Petton por 10CFR2.206
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     . BEWA AMikaten W W W WW
 -9604290196 " Recorded Annual *EDE Expoture for CY95 for Bradwood. Byron.                                                                        (7Nhn . . M/04/                                                  '
   *Dresden.LaSalle.Ouad C-- ._ _ J-1 Eeson Co.Cabes                                             95/12/31& Zon." . 6pp. 88057:20648057:

213. 9604150064 Responds to 941021 ter.whch requested acten w/ regard to all reactor Is consees usmg therm 04eg & that P Bme ftr be treateo as Petmon per 10CFR2.206. Forwards robce of " Issuance of Drector Decisen Under 10CFR2.206." O, Reportable occnirrences. LERs & reested correspondence RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03 BIRNIE.P. G.E. Stockholders Alkance Agamst Nuclear Power. app.87887.26347887.312. 9604020045 LER 95 00742:en 950630.leaka0e hmit was exceeded due to valve entomal 9604150206 Responds to postcard did941114wtuch reauested schon re all reactor li-damage maad by manual operanon of MOV. Reptaced valves & revised procedure consees Thermo. Lag & tnat postcard be tested as Petton por 10CFR2206.  !

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       . . M/04/C DEBOLT.B. A#ihanon Not W 3pp. 87880:346-                       l MCG                   N                     PE R                           C..             Edison Co. 96/03/26. 8pp. 87733:151-               R, 87733.158.

9604020052 LER 95411-02.on 950529. Type B & C leakage Imt exceeded due to mof- P. Opereung teense stage docuruents & . feenve correceve actions for post valve twiures. Removed.mspected, replaced & local 9602200186 Suppi 12 Genenc Le 9549 m an NRC licensees to momtonn0 & Faimng N PE R J . - Co. 96/03/26. 8pp. 87733:159 of stuppers & camers of resoeceve matis. 87733 166' COOL.D.A. Divison of industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. Boston Esson Co.10pp. 88102 05748102-066. 9604020100 Provides Rev 1 to speaal rept to both off gas recombmers snoperable donn0 off Oas tre. 9604190040 Responds to GL 96 01. "Testng of SR logc Crcuits." requestng hcens-PERRf45. Commonwealth Edson Co. 96/03/28. Document Control Branch (Docu- een to perterm detaged review of desen of nogc arcuits agamst TS required test pro-mont Conrol Desk). 2pp. 87725221L67725.236. ce&Jres to venty adequacy rit test procedtros. HOVEYAJ. Flonda Power & LJght Co. 96/04/12. Document Control Branch (Docu-

 -9604020113 Special repton 951112.both SA & 3B Oft Gas Recomtuners inoperabie                                                                    ment Control Desk). 2pp. 879513C747951:308.                                          .

for 5 h & 32 rrnn. GARRETT.P., SHAFFER.H. C_ _ - _Z. Esson Co. 96/03/29. 6pp. 87725231 9604230371 Summary of 960404 meebng w/util m Roclonlle,MD to escuss thermal 87725.236. update submntal dtd951218. DUNNINGTOr(E. .96/04/17. 53pp. 87971n6947971;221. 75 Forwards request for adcp mfo re relocaton of effluent Tech Specs.per GL to br to &' CROMAP 96/04/18. PLUNKETT.T.F Flonda Power & Light Co Spp. j S ERA Co 96/03/28 Sop. 87733:220 87971-3054 7971:.309. i 87733224. 9604290197 Apphcabon for amends to bcenses DPR-31 & DPR-41.reviano TS to 9604050225 Forwards LER 96-002 commrttmg to develop map plan to evniusto mall acruove consstency throughout document by removmg outdated matl & mcorporanng condition of dram ime downstream from valve 2 2301-54to vahre AOV2 2301-29 &

  • aanwnstabve clanicabons & correctons 28 to determme addl matances of pipe waN thmmng HOVEY,RJ Fionda Power & LpCo 96/04/19. Document Control Branch (Docu.

PERRYAS. Commonweatth Eeson Co. 96/03/29. Docur' tent Control Branch (Docu- ment Control Desk). 7pp. 88057.,2548057.236. mont Control Desk).1p. 87823.30747823.311.

                                                                                                                                           -9604290199 Proposed toch specs.revieng TS to schove consstency throughout dome
 -9604050252 LER 9640240on 960305,HPCI Sys deciated moperab6ermumad by                                                                            ment by removmg outdated mall & mcorporatm0 admmistraDve clanfcanons & correc-through.waN hoes m HPCI mlet dram pot kne 123231%LX.Lre repared by staton                                                                     tons.

wors request 960018945 by cutun0 out elbow & replacmg lL

  • Flonda Power & Light Co.96/04/19 Spp. 88057.23248057236.

KISHJ Commonwealth Eeson Co. 96/03/29. 4pp. 87823.30647823.311. 9604290087Apphcahon for amends to Lscenses DPR.31 & DPR-41,modr'yng TS m ec. cordance w/LJne. item 7 4 from NRC GL 9345. "Lme. item Tech Specs improvements E Operator s - - to Reduce Survegiance ReQurements for Testmg Dunno Power Operaten." HOVEY.R.J. Fionds Power & LJght Co. 96/04/23 Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk). 3pp. 88034.35048034.357 9604050454 Provions completed NRC Form 536.documentmg esamstes for hconse op-erator testmg for FYs96 99,per NRC Admsrustranve Lir 9641. N ^ - _.-3 Proposed toch specs re accumulator water level & pressure channnel,per PERRYAS. C_ _ . J'. Eenon Co. 96/04/01. Document Control Branch (Docu- NRC GL 9345. ment Control Desk). 2pp. 87800.30747800:308.

  • Florida Power & Light Co.96/04/23. 5pp. 88034.35348034.357.

1 l 50 DOCKETEDITEMS 96-M1,.

  -.t F.o,wa,ds           ,s.sost , as.

f - ur.ta3..

                                                  .nfo ,e ,,o,osed =m,s. amends , ihe,r.                Re,ortale - uR.&reted _-

CROTEAU.R P. 96/04/24. PLUNKETT.T.F. Fionda Power & Ls0ht Co. 5pp. 68036J57 88036:362- 9604190011 PNOIL96 028:on 960415 formar secunty officer was swo ved in accident on US 1.FL Highway Patrol escovered demco oontasrung aerosol can,wres & temmg emenn182 Forwards excerpts from draft ASP Rept for 198243.Rept documents ASP rn of operaisonal events wNeh occurred cksrmg penod 1982 - 1983. TT gion 8 1 04 p 960 2464 7960 246. U .

                               /04/24. PLUNKETT.T.F. Flanda Power & Light Co. 27pp.
                             .                                                                           4290067 LER mon 9603                                                     to M.ons resuhed m c,os.-oed,&wmn     stmCm et ome,sa.w     w,.mW h.n s    & ope,r oes N  -h have                           FJ             W                                                     @                             & Lagm Co. 96/N/23. 7pp. 8804N M       rut,s ,3 &o St oom P,         ant .,re
                                      ,ecov. 96    ,8                                                               .

A. 96/04/25. PLUNKETT.T.F. Fionda Power & Light Co. 3pp. 88053256-


9eM3001H MR Nm N.w RT M M b 3C WW tockout & loss of 38 SG MFP. Replaced SAM tmer relay m SAC 16 W/960425 ftr. l HANEK.O.t., HOVEY,R.I. Flonda Power & Light Co. 96/04/25. 7pp. 88066:045 Q. Inspection reporta, IE Sunstine & corroepondence 8806605L 9803200218 NRC info Nohce 96 018, "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Aartmme Thonum." COOL.DA Dmson of trdustnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/03/25. y* gg,, Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 87791:001 4 7791-014. l i 9603060138 Confirms arrangements made m teicon on 960214 between W Lmdsay & G 9604000164 Aenses of planned insp effort resultng trorn960228 semiannual plant per. Hopper sor admitustrabon of heenumg exams at plant. Exam preparation vest scheduled formarica review of plant for 960603 Wntran exams scheduled for 960618-28 LANDIS.K.D. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 96/03/27. PLUNKETT.T.F. Flands Power & PEEBLES.TA Regen 2 (Poet 820201). 96/02/16. GOLDBERGJ.H. Flonda Power & Light Go 6pp. 87806.11547806:120. Light Co. 6pp. 8730927347309.278. 9603270127 NRC into Notta 96 019, "Falure " of Tone Alert Rados to Activate When 9604170112 Lir contractmod 1. task order 34 to contract NRC 0344-035, " Technical Reces Shortened Active $on Assistance m brutal Exam for Turkey Pomt NPP? CR!1T FIELD.D. . 96/04/02. ted Edman Co. of New York. Inc. 8pp. WIGGINS.E.J. Dvuson of Contracts (Post 940714). 96/03/16. SANDERS.L Sonafysts, 87791:0154 7791 022. Inc. 4pp. 879L,3.29547909.298. 9003290260 NRC info Notco 96 020, "Demonstraten of Assocated Equipment Compb-ance wr10CFR34.20? DOCKET $0-251 TURKEY POINT PLANT, UNIT 4 COOL.DA Dumon of industnal & Meecal Nucient Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04. Coneohdated Edson Ca of New York, Inc.12pp. 8706028947860 300. 960411000s Responds to NRC Bunetm 96401, " Control Rod inserton Problems & ' Rev 0 to JPN-PTN.SEFJ-96 015. " Control Rod OperabsMy Evaluaton as Result of In. compiste Rod Inearton at Otner Weetnghouse Plantsy 900415o018 to 941021 Itr wNch requested action w/ regard to all reactor 6 ment Desk) 7 7 55 74 7855 361 / NOUE N D K. ihaton app. 88 2 2 F' '"' " at W Pia 9004150060 Responds to 941026 ltr wNch requested acton w/ regard to all reactor b. ar Fuel Senaces, Inc. JPf+PTN.SEFJ- 96/03/31.18pp. 87855:344 gg,T &g q tes as P N887-M 87887:316. 9mm108 NRC info Nobce 96421, " Safety Concems re Demon of Door interlock Cr. cult on Nuciatron High.Does Rate & Pulsed Dose Raio Remote Afterloadmg Brachyth 9604150064 Responds to941021 Itr.wfuch requested schon w/ regard to au reactor IF erapy Devicesy consees unang thermo-lag & that P Brnie ftr be tested as Peuten per COOL.DA Dmeson of industnal & Meecal Nuclear Sa (Post 870729). 96/04/10. 10CFR2.206 Forwards nohce of " Issuance of Dractor Documn Under 10CFR2.206? Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. Opp.88102-06 48102-075. RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. BIANIE.P. G.E. Stoonholders Albanos Aganst Nucteer Power. App. 8788726347887:312. 9004050338 NRC Info Notco 96422. Nantemprature<:ompensated Test Ecr".spmert" Improper Ee.apment Settmos Due to 9004150206Use of Responds to postcard did941114 wNch requested acton re all reactor b CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consokdated Edson Co. of New Yortt, Inc. 6pp. consees uomo Thermo-Lag & that postcard be treated as Petinon per 10CFR2.206. 87860-3014 7860-306. RUSSELL.W T. . 96/04/03. DEBOLT.B. Affikaton Not Asmgned. 3pp. 87880.346-8788n-348 emnan950 NRC Busenn 96402. " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over l Fuel m Reactor Core.or Over Safety.Related Eempment" l CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Corianduiatad Edson Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. G. * * . , corre4pondence l 8810210048102.110. ' 9604170169NRC Into Notice 96423, "Fres m EDG Escrters Dunno Operaten Follow- m20 * " *"' ^ finen0 FP age"rs" 'R &

 'MUTCH C               LD.D     96         22. Consohdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc.10pp.
  • 88102-090 88102M9. 7NETER *'2" (Pust 8N20 5. KETT, ionda Power &

Ught Co. 5pp. 57812.22147812251. 9604220229 NRC Info ,9,6424. " Pia'-,y. of Molded Case Circull Breakers

                                                                                                    - 8004100039 Decaen & Romand Order to FPL decnminaten agamst RR Diaz.

GRIMES.B K. . 96/04/2 Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.14pp' Robasnas FPL ordemd e Wter ._ _ _ _.: to RR Dina.Robamas w/ comparable pay 88102 076 48102 089. & 2 pay fwn back pay w/ interest & 2 pay he costs & aponses m cond peamt. De04250173NRC Info Notice 96 025 "Traversmg in. Core Probe Overwathdrawn at La- k B Labor, Dept. of. 96/01/19. Flonda Power & Ught Co. 26pp. 87812226 same Stanon.urut 1? $78 5'1-GRI S. 04/30. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. 9804150018 Rnponds2 941021 k wNch requested acton w/reged W H reacior b consees Thermo Lag & that Itr be treated as Pebten per 10CFR2.206. 9604280095 NRC info Nobce 96 026. "Recent Problems w/ Overhead Cranssy RUSSELL.W . . 96/04/03. CINOVEMANI.D.K. Affilaton Not Asmgned, app. GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/3CL Coneohdated Esson Co. of New Yort. Inc.10pp. 87887.317 4 7887:320. 8810212WR M 9604150050 Responds to941026lir wtuch roguested acton w/ regard to all reactor b. l consees unng Thornplag & that ltr be treated as Petiten por 10CFR2206 Q, Periodic opereeng reports & related -- RUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/03. BENJAN.R. Affikaten Not Asmgned. 4pp. 87887:313 87887:316. 9004280191 (1995 Annual Radmiogical Ermron Operahng Rept for Turkey Point Plant 9604150064 Responds Ic 941021 Itr,wfuch requested acten w/ regard to all reactor b. Unns 3 & 4. W/960423 E HOVEY.RJ. Flanda Power & Ught Co.95/12/31. 66pp. 88031:159-88031224. consees uung thermo-lag a that P Brnee ltr be treated as Petiten per 10CFR2 206 FW nohce W Isauance of DFM'We Decemn Under 10CFR2206? 98"wa77 Forwards " Turkey Pomt Plant Uruts 3 & 4 Annual Ramosctve Efnuent Re. 96 BI NIE P. G.E. Stockholders Athance Agenst Nuclear hgjg7 y y lease Rept,lanOsc 1995? No housd or gaseous effluent monnorm0 mstrumentaton moperacee er bme greater than that allowed by TS or HOVEY.R.J. Fionds Power & 9604150206Raponds 2 postcard 6td 94M14 m requested acbon m all reactor b Co. 96/03/27. Document Contreil Branch % censees uns Thermo. Lag & that postcard be treated as Pecten per 10CFR2.206. ment Control Desk). 2pp. 87734. 7 4 7734.362. RUSSELL.W . 96/04/03. DEBOL4.B. Affihanon Not Asmgned. 3pp. 87880:346 878a0 348. es040300e1 "Turkeg Pont Plant Unns 3 & 4 Annual Radcocave Effluent Release Rept.Jan.Dec 1995 MURRA M TE NKE N JOHNSON.H.H. Flands Power 4 bght Co. 95/12/31. P. Ope m h e .- L & correspondence 9604220169 Monthly operstng repts for Mar 1996 for Turkey Posnt Uruts 1 & 2 W/ 9602200196 Suppl 1 to Genenc Ltr 95-09 to en NRC bconsees re monstonng & trammg 900415 Itr of sNppers & camers of radcaceve mates. KNORR.J.E., HOVEY,RJ. Fionde Power & bght Co. 96/03/31. 9pp. 87965:162- COOL.DA Dueen of inoustnal & Medical Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. 87965:170. Doston Edison Co.10pp. 88102'05748102:006.

1 l l 1 l DOCKETEDITEMS 51 l l l 9004190040 Respords to GL 9641, "Testm0 of SR Loge Cacuits." requestmg bcons- 960422C229 NRC into Notre 96 024. "Procondstcrung of ModeGCase Crcuit Breakers eos to periorm detaned rowow of doesgn of loge crcurts agamst TS requred test pro- Before Survediance Testmo." l cedures to vertty adecuacy of test procedures. GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/25. Consoledated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. HOVE'Y,R.J. Fionde Power & Co 96/04/12. Document Control Branch (Docu- 84102:07& &8102 089. ment Control Desk). 2pp. 87951 7 4 7951.306. 9604250172 NRC Into Notco 96425 "Traversmg tr>. Core Probe Overwithdrawn at La. 900A230371 Summary of 960404 meetnD w/uti in Rockvlse.MD to h== thermal salks County Stamon.Urut 1." update submmal did951216. GRIMES.BX . 96/04/30. Conachdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. DUNNINGTON.E. .96/04/17. 53pp. 87971:1694 7971 221. 88102:111 48102 120. 964230375 Forwards request for addl mio re relocaton of affluent Tech Specs.per GL 8941- 9604200005 GRIMES.B K. NRC Info Nonce

                                                                                                                                                           . 96/04/30         96426. Edman Coneohdated    "Recent   Problems Co. of New York,w/ Overhead Inc      Cranes." . 10pp1I 96/04/18. PLUNKETT,TE. Fionda Power & Ught Co. 5pp.                88102^12148102:130.                                                                                -

CROTEAU.R.P. 87971.3054 7971: .309. i 900429D197 Appicaten for amends to Acenses DPR.31 & DPR.41,rovesno TS to R. Portocac operoung reporte & reisted correspondence actuove consstency throughout document by removmg outdated mall & moorporatmg admmetraeve ceariscanons & correctons. HOVEY,R.J. Fionda Power & Ught Co. 96/04/19. Document Control Branch (Docu. 9604260191 *1995 Annual Radmiogcal Envron Operstmg Rept for Turkey Pont Plant ment Coritrol Desk). 7pp. 88057.225-88057236. Unsts 3 & 4." W/960423 ftr. I HOVEY,R.J. Flonda Power & Ught Co.95/12/31. 66pp. 88031:15948031224. 1

                                             -skO429019e Proposed tech specs.rowsmg TS to actusve conentency throughout docu-                                                                                                                l ment by removmg outdated mail & moorporenne admrustranve clanhcatons & correo.       9004030077 Forwards " Turkey Pomt Plant Urvts 3 & 4 Arinual Radcactwo Effluent Re.

tais. lease Rept Jar >Osc 1995." No 6 quid or gaseous effluent monrtonng instrumentaten

  • Flonde Power a bght Co. 96/04/19 Spp. 8805723248057236. reoperable for tmo greater than that allowed tw TS or

HOVEY,R.J. Fionoa Power & Ucht Co. 96/0$/27. Document Control Branch (Docu-9604290087Appicaton for amends to LA.armes DPR 31 & DPR-41. modifying TS in ac, ment Control Desk). 2pp. 87734.33747734:362. cordance w/Lme-stem 7,4 from NRC GL 9345 "Lmeitem Tech Space % . .- to Rechoe Survedlance Requwements ear Testmg Dirmo Power Operatort" aananinnet "Turkeg Pont Plant Uruts 3 & 4 Annual Radmaceva Effluent Release HOVEY,RJ. Flonos Power & Ught Co. 96/04/23. Document Cornrol Brancti (Docu- Rept.Jan.Dec 1995 ment Control Desk). 3pp. 88034.35048034.357. MURRAY.C.M., STEINKE.R.N., JOHNSON.H.H. Fionda Power & Ught Co. 95/12/31. 24pp. 87734:33947734:362. 9004290003 Proposed toch space to accumulator water level & pressure channrel,per NRC GL 93 05. 9804220189 Monthly operstmg repts for Mar 1996 for Turkey Pomt Units 1 & 2.W/

  • Fionca Power & Ught Co.96/04/23. 5pp. 88034:353 48034:3S7, 960415 str.

KNORR.J E., HOVEY,RJ. Flonda Power & Ught Co. 66/03/31. 9pp. 87965:162 9604200114 Forwards request for addl info re proposed license amends for thermal 87965:170. power uprate for piant Urvts 3 & 4. CROTEAU.R.P. . 96/04/24. PLUNKETT,Tf. Fionda Power & bght Co 5pp. 88036.35748036.362. & Reportatsde m LERe & rotated correspondence am*an182 Forwards excerpts from draft ASP Rept for198243.Rept documents ASP am analyses of operanonal events wtucts occurred dunn0 penod 1982 1983. 9604130011 PNO-16 9&O28:on 960415.former secunty oNicer was involved in accident U.R.P. . 96/04/24. PLUNKETT.T.F. Flanda Power & Ught Co. 27pp. on US 15L Highway Patrol decovered devne contarung aerceed can.wres & toting 88053:193 4 8053.219. deuce Dewoe detemimed to be nonexplosse trammg ad STRATTON.L Regen 2 (Port 820201). 96/04/17.1p. 87960:246 47900.246. 9604300225 informs effective 960428 teth St Lucie PlanLunsts 1 & 2 & Turkey Pomt.Uruts 3 & 4 have been . . e to FJ Hebdort LA Wuns wiB become Propect Manager for St Lucie Plant effectve 9u0428. V. Operatorr YARGA.SA . 96/04/25. PLUNKETT,TS. Flonda Power & Ught Co. Spp. 88053 258 e8053200. 9e030s0138 Confrms arrangements made in tescon on 960214 between W undsay & G Hopper for admmetraten of iconsmg exams at plant. Exam preparaton weit scheduled for 960603.Wrman exams seneduled for 960616-28 Q. Onepecean rePorta,IE Bunsens & correspondonoe PEEBLE 4.TA Repon 2 (Post 820201). 96/02/16. GOLDBERG,J.H. Flonda Power & Lrght Co. tipp. 87Juv.27347309.278. 9003200218NRC info Notco 96018. "Compharice w/10CFR20 for Aarbome Thonum." COOLDA Dwison of industnal & Medmal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729;. 96/03/25. 9604170112 Ltr contractmod 1. task order S4 to contract NRC-03-94035, "Techrucal Conachdated Edman Ca of New York. Inc.14pp. 8779100147791$14. J m Irutsal Exam for Turkey Portt NPP." WIGGINS.E.J. Drason of Contracts (Post 940714). 96/03/16. SANDERS.L Sonalysts, 9604000164Adanes of planned hisp effort resultmg from960228 semiannual plant per- Inc. App.87909.29547909-298. formance renew of pharit LANDIS.K.D. Region 2 (Post 820201). 96/03/27. PLUNKETT.TS Flonda Power & Lsght Co. 6pp. 8780s:11547806:120. DOCKET $0-254 OUAD.CfflES STATION, UNIT 1 9603270127NRC Info Notce 96419. " Failure of Tono Alert Rados to Actrvate When

                                                                                                                                                   .           enter 98n Y        Protocuan plans C                    04 02.           ted Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 8pp.

87791$1547791022. 9804000172 Rev 8k to "Com Ed Generatmp Statens E Plan (GSEP) Sde 9603290200 NRC Inio Nobce 96 020. "Demonstraton of Associated Equipment Comph. Anner Quad Citna Nuclear Power Stanon, mcorporatsn0 new , OCA 0-0 & ence w/10CFR34.20." OCA 5 0. COOLD.A. Dimmen of Industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04.

  • C-_ _ _T. Edison Co.96/02/05. 97pp. 87519.258-87819.354.

Conscissated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 87860:28947800:300. 9604100129 Rev 23 to EPIP OEP0200 701. "Classrheaton of Emergencies." 9004110000 Responds to NRC Bulletm 96401. "Controf Rod inserten Problems" &

  • Co.. _ J Eeson Co.96/04/12,91pp. 87959.24347959.333.

Rev 0 to JPN#TN-SEFJ-96 015. " Control Rod Operatnhty Evaluaton as Result of ina composto Rod Inearmon at Other Westmghouse Plants." 9604230107 Rev 11 to EPIP OEP 0180 S01. "OSC Drector Alert Checkhst." HOVEY.R.J. Flonda Power & UgNt Co 96/04/05. Document Control Branch (Docu-

  • Commonwealth Esson Ca93/04/18. 7pp. 6797tL34647976:351.

ment Control Desk). 7pp. 87855.33747855.361.

                                            =8804110102 Rev 0 to JPN#TISSEFJ-96 015. " Control Rod Operatality Evalumnon as         P. Operating Iloones ete9e documents & _ .

Result of incomplete Rod inserton at Other W Plants." Nucseer Fuel Sereces, Inc. JPN#TN.SEFJ. 15. 96/03/31.18pp. 87855344-9604090300 " Safety Evaluaten For Cbad Cibes Unit 1 Core Spray une Repar." DRENDEL.D.B., BOURBOUR.S., OESTREICH.CA General Electnc Co. GE-NE-9004040106NRC Info Nohce 96 021. " Safety Concoms to Design of Door interlock Cr- B130172541 R3. 96/01/31.14pp. 8781012047810133. cult on .mistron High Dose Rate & Pulsed Dose Rate Remote AfterloadriO Brachyth. g COOL.DA Drmeen of industnal & Madcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/10. scram soienced pilot valves & ARI frequencies descnbod in ref SWROG tt* dtd Coreted Emmon Co of New york, Inc. 9pp. 88102:06748102275. 960 acil atth Eeson Co. 96/03/25 Document Control Branch (Docu-9604060336 NRC Info Notme 96422. " improper EcMpment Settmgs Due to Use of rnent Comrol Desk). 2pp. 87706:356-87706 357. NomemperaturoCompensated Test Eauement." CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consohdated Eenon Co. of New York, Inc. 6pp. 9604010283 Forwards page changes for heenoes DPR-19.DPR-25.DPR-29 & DPR-

                                              *"r 880:30147860 30tL                                                                    T 3.ensunry, contmusty & to esms..fy renew per TS Upgrade Program.

6 EFFLEY.J M. Commonwealth Eeson Co 96/03/26. Document Control Branch (Doc-9004000259 NRC Bohetn 96402. " Movement of Heavy Leeds Over Spent Fuel.Over ument Control Deskt 12pp. 87706:06347706.300. l Fuel m Reector Core.or Over Soloty-Related Equipment" ' C.'.UTCHFIELO.D. . 96/04/11. Conachdated Eeean Co. of New York. inc.11pp -9804010086 Proposed toch specs,ensunng conunusty & simphtymg rewow of App A.TS 88102-1004C102.110. for TS Upgrade Program.

                                                                                                                                       "C-.-._ ul. Eason Co.96/03/26. 206pp. 87706:09547706.300.

9504170109NRC Info Notmo 96 023. "Fres m EDG Exciters Dunng Operanon Follow. 9e040o0061 Responds to RAI re Unit 2 comer room steel operabikty evaluston. rio Undmected Fuse CRUTCHFIELD.D_ Biowmo ". Conschdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.10pp.

                                                                     . 96/04/22                                                        KRAFTI.S. Co.. .._ _ r Eenon Co 96/04/01. Document Control Branch (Docu-88102-090 88102 099.                                                                     ment Comroi Desk). 24pp. 87830190-87830.213.

l l



l l I l I i 52 DOCKETEDITEMS 9604040181 Forwards amends 149.143.170 & 166to hcenses DPR 19.DPR-25. OPR-29 9604290366 haa-s 960404 hcensee ttr mformmg NRC of plans to rnmoeately sn. 8 DPR-3C.respec%ely & safety ev e"^ _ .J. will upgraOS custom TS at plants piement porton of Amend 154 re survedlance teouvement for SBLC. Staff understands to STS contamed m NUREG-0123. Inst no other porton of amend wdl be anplemerned unts TS upgrade program. STANG.J.F. . 96/04/02. FAR5 TAR.D.L Commonwealth Eeson Co. 3pp. 87737:172 PULSIFER.R.M. . 96/04/24. FARRAR.D.L Commonweaftn Esson Co. 3pp. 87737 253. 6804&352 4 8046.354.

-9604040185Amands 149.143.170 & 166to hconses DPR 19.DPR-25.DPR-29 & DPR.                   g604300354 Forwards plant spectlic ECCS evaluaban changes por 10CFR50-46.

30.@greeng TS at piants to STS contamed m NUREG 0123. STANG.J.F. .96/04/02. 58pp. 87737:175-87737.232. KRAFT.E.S. Commonwealth Eeson Co.96/04/24. . Bpp. 88064:351 4 8064:356. 1 ev ton amends 149.143.170 & 166 to hcenses $,Ey"h g 5 A L fth Eeson Co. 38pp.

    * . 96/04/02, 21pp. 8773723347737.253.                                                    88052:N.343.

96nmn994 Raguset addl Wo for GL 9547. " Pressure Lociung & Thermal Bmeng of Setety.Related Power 4perated Gate Valves." as dmoussed on960308. Q. Inspection reports. IE Bunetens & correspondence SHIRAKl.C.Y. .96/04/02.FARRAR.D.L Commonwearth Edison Co. 6pp. 87746:182-87746:186. 9603200218NRC Wo Notice 94018. "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Arbome Thonurtt" l

               ,F             0 to SL 5080. " Quad Cites Urut 1 Core Spray Fine Evalun,       COO                   '
  • 8L 8 $'

ted dmon Co Nirw pp 1 4 KRAFT.E.S. Commonwealth Eeson Co. 96/04/02. Dacument Coniral Branch (De merit Control Desk).1p. 87829:256 4 7829.314. 9604240072 Informs that Regen ill mgt & staff completed semannual Plant Portorm-ance Review of Ouad Cfber. Station on 960306.

-9604000272 " Quad Cities Urvt 1 Core Sprey Flaw Evaluaton RepLa                              CLAYTDN.H.B. Regon 3 (Post 820201). 96/03/27. KRAFT.E. Commonwealth Edson HOANG.P BEHRINGER.TJ.. LAUNI.C.M. Commonweetth Edman Co. SL-5060 R00.                      Co. 4pp. 87970:20447970:207.

96/03/28. 58pp. 87829.25747829:314. 9603270127NRC Wo Nobce 96019, "Faelure of Tono A6ert Raeos to Activate When 96040e0021 Requests consent of NRC far mdrect transfer of control of bcontes DPR- Recoun0 Shortened Activaton Signat" 29 & DPR 30. CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/02. Conachdated Edson Co. of New York. 6nc. 8pp. l BULL.J.R. Affikanon Not Assegned. 96/04/04. RUSSELLW.T. , 92pp. 87778.156- 87791:015-87791:022 87778.247. 1 96twiere Fowards request for addl mfo re beansee950626subnuttal of topmal rept 9604000220 Forwards response to velabons noted m insp Repts $4254/9510 & $0-NFSR4111. "BWR Transsent Anofym Methods." 265/9510.Correcevo achons:sonenosos for rest of HPCI sys er operated valves on SKAY.D.M . 96/04/04. FARRAR,0.L Commonwealth Esson Co. 4pp. 87807:143- both units walked down to venty propy onentaton. 87807:146. KRAFT.E.S. ment Convol Commonwearth Esson Co. 96/04/03. Document Control Branch (Docu. Desk). 3pp. 87819:35547819:357. 9604100137 Provides a .; of enecations detected in IGSCC susceptible stam-less steel welignents m reactor recrculaton pipmg sys & transmits weld ovenay repar 9603290269NRC Info Nohce 96-020. "Demonstraton of Assocated ESapment Compl>

            .E S C -              Edmon C         04/                Control Branch (Do       COOL                 of Industnal & Meecsil Nuclear Stifety (Post 870729L 96/04/04.

ment Control Desk). 94pp. 87833:00147833.266. Coneohoated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 87860.28947860 300.

-9604100146 " Flow Ewokaton for 02AS-F2 Wold m Quad Cthes Unit 1 Loop A Recru.             9604040106 NRC into Notes 96021. " Safety Concems to Design of Door Interiock Cr-laton Sysa                                                                                 cult on Nucleiron High. Dose Rate & Pulsed Dose Rate Remote Aftertoadmg Brachyth-DEBOO.G.H. Co. -- Z. Eeaon Co. NED P-MSD 089 ROO. 06/03/18. 41pp.                          erapy Devices" 87833:09547833.135.                                                                         COOL.D A. Divison of Industnal & Medmal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/10.

Consohoated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. Opp.88102:06748102 075. -9604100148 " Flaw Evaeuanon for 02AD F12 Wold m Quad Cthes Urut 1 Loop A Rect-culaton Sys." 9404060336 NRC Info Notice 96-022. " improper Equipment Settmos Due to Use of DEBOO.G.H. Commonwealth Edmon Co. NEDAMSC>088 R00. 96/03/11. 47pp. Nomemperature. Compensated Test Ersapment? 87833:13647833:182-CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 6pp. -9604100154 " Flaw Evatuston for 02AS.S4 Wold in Quad Cities Unit 1 Loop A Recyce D H. Commonwealth Edison Co. NESP-MS4090 ROO. 96/03/19. 41pp- NRC, Cor O'vw Sa sty " 878331 834 7833:223. in eto E CRUTCHFIELD,D. . 96/04/11. Consohoated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. -9804 f00158 " Flaw Evaluston for 02BS-F14 Wald M Quad Unit 1 Loop B Rect- 88422 88M14 cuestion Sys." DEBOO.G.H. Commoriweaftn Edson Co. NED P-MSD492 R00. 96/03/30. 43pp. 9604160325 Forwards insp repts 50 237/9405.50-249/96 05.50 254/9605 & 50 265/ 87833:2244 7833.266. 9605 on 9602144401.Three apparent vuoistons bemg considered for escalated erk forcement acDon. I 9604120172 Documents util pernal implementaten of Amend 154 to Licence GRANT.G.E. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/11. WAL1 ACE.M.J. C_ _  ?". ' SR re standby hould convol sys Edson Co. 4pp. 87887:15947887:170. K .E.S. Co.... .

                                . Edson Co. 96/04/04. Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Dsak). 2pp. 87875.336-d7875:345.                                            -9604t00329 insp repts 54237/9605.50-249/9505.50-254/9645 & $0-265/9645 on 9602144401.Violatons noted Masor areas mapocted engineennq

-9604120177 Proposed Tech Specs 3 4/4 4 re standby loud control sys. RING.M.A. Region 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/04. app. 87887:1 emu 7887:170.

  • C- _ _z. Edson Co.96/04/04. 8pp. 87875.33&87875:345.

9602200186 Suppl 1 to Genonc Ltr 9549 to a3 NRC bconsees re monstonn0 & trauung cr snippers & camers of radmactrve matla COOL.D.A. Dueen of Industnal & Medmal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. CLAYTON.HB.R 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/17. KRAFT.E. Commonwealth Eeson Co. 3pp. 87995 - 7995.338. Boston Edison Co.10pp. 88102:05748102:066. 9604110282 Submits response to NRC request for adcI mfo re operabihty evaluaton of -96042W46 Nobce of votaten fmm map on 9601194304 Viotaban noted on Quad Cmes comer room structural steel. Calculaten enct. 960210.hcensee implemented procedure told change number OCTS 60418-PFC-KRAFT.E.S. Commonwealth Edson Co 96/04/05. Document Control Branch (Docu, 2024 tempmary pmcodura change for Umt 1.w/o perionmng rmw requesd by TS rnent Control Desk). 3pp. 87868.30247868:323. y 3 g pgg g -9604110206 Calculaton for checlunD functonal status of Beam B4 & cheek plate con,. nocton at nght end of Beam B10 in Quad Cabes. Unit 1 Southeast.RHR comer room. -9604250153 Insp repts 54254/9402 & 50 265/96 02 on 9601194304. Velabons

  • Cw... . r. Eeson Co. 9200-EO.S R03. 96/04/04.19pp. 87668:305 87868.323, noted.Mapor areas mapacted:operatens.maint, engmeenng & pearit support whee row tmely evaluabng safety a _ .; & quality venfesbon actunes 9604150178 Forwards response to NRC 960404 RAI re comer room staol operabesty CLAYTON.H.B. Regon 3 (Post 820201), 96/04/17. 29pp. 87995.31487995.338 evakatons.

KRAFT.E.S. Convrenwealth Feson Co. 96/04/09. Document Control Branch (Docu- 9604170189NRC Info Notre 96023, "Fres in EDG Excners Durmg Operaton Follow-mortt Conteof Desk). 5pp. 87888.17547888.226. Ing Undetected Fuse Blowino " CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/22. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. -9604150185 Rev 3 to Calculabon 9200 E04.demonstratmo that reducten of torsonal 88102:09488102:099. loads from aukshery steel will signmcantly reduce IC values for beam & connections.

          .         _2 Eeson Co. 9200.E4S41 RC3. 96/04/08. 11pp. 87888180-o 94024. "Procondibonmg of Molded Case Crcuit Breakers Beto e Su e anc. Teso 960422,0229,.NR.C O                                   Info Notm,7

-9804150198 "RHR Pump 1C/1D Discherpe Lme1-10068-18"; 68102 0 102:089'

  ' Nutsch, Inc.28.0201.111131 R02. 92/06/16. 34pp. 87888-19147888.226.

9604180383 Provioes Anal results of facility core shroud exams. 9804250172NRC Info Notre 96423, "Traversmg in. core Probe Overwithdrawn at La-KRAFT.E.S. Commonwealtn Edson Co. 96/04/09. Document Control Branch (Docu- sale County Staten.Urut 1." . ment Controt Desk). 6pp. 87916.33847916.342 GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/30. Consohdated eson Co. of New York. inc. 10pp. 88102-111 48102.120. 9004230100 S@mns response to NRC GL 9641, "Testmg of Safety Related Loge Cr. cuits." dtd960110. 9604260095 NRC Into Nobce 94026. "Recent Problems w/ Overhead Cranes." BRONS.J.C. Commonweafth Edoan Co 96/04/19. Document Control Branch (Docu- GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/30. Conschdated Edson Co. of New York. inc 10pp. ment Control Desk). 5pp. 88002.33248002:336. 88102-12148102 130.

I l DOCKETEDITEMS 53 i 1 i I Q, Portodic operating reports & reisted -. _._ 9604150206 Responds to postcard dtd 941114 which requested acim to all reactor 6 I censees unng Thermo-Lag & that postcard be treated as Petmon per 10CFR2.236. 9604160028 Monthly operstmg repts for Mar 1996 for Quad Cities Urvts 1 & 2.W/ RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. DEBOLT.B. Afhhation Not Asmgned. 3pp. 87880:346 960410 lir 8788&348. MOORE.K., PEARCE.LW. C . ~ . z. Eeson Co. 96/03/31. 20pp. 87898261 87896.280. 9604120040 Requests exernption from rogurements of 10CFR73.55 re tuometnc hand geometry access sys 9604090200 Forwards hstmg of facihty & procedure changes. nests & expenments regur. 5MEDLfY.R.W. Consinners Power Co. 96/04/04. Document Control Branch (Docu-satefy evaluations compseted durvqtourth quarter of 1995 for Uruts 1 & 2. ment Control Desl4 9pp. 87876.35247876:360. P CE.LW. Commonwearth Eeson L.;o 96/04/01. Document Control B anch (Doc. ument Control Desk).14pp. 87830'29347830 306. . 9604160249 Rev 3 coversheet of App E. " General Equipment m Emergency Kas" of Psheados Nuclear Plant sde emergency plan. reflectmg appbcatzhty review. 9604290187 Forwards " Recorded Annual TEDE Exposure for CY95 for BRUNETJA Consumers Power w96/04/04 2pp. 87891:358 4 7891:359. Dredwood. Byron.Dresden.LaSalle. Quad Cshes & Zaort" Repts bemg outmtted elec-tronically on magnetic tape. 9604160254 Rev 6 to coversheet of App D. "Emergercy implementog Procedures" of BRONSJ. C . ._..z. Eeson Co. 96/04/22. Document Control Branch (Docw Pabsades Nuclear Plant sne emergency plan. reflectmg apphcatshty review. me il Control Desk). 2pp. 68057.20648057213. BRUNETJ.R. Consumers Power co.96/04/04. 2pp. 87891;32447891:325.

  -L4290198 " Recorded Annual TEDE Exposure for CY95 for Bradwood.9yron.                   9604160255 Rev 6 to coversneet of App C. " Population Distribubon & Evacuation Tirne Dresden.LaSane. Quad Cabos & Zson."                                                     Estimates" of Pahsades Nuc. ear Plant site emergency plan.reflectmg apphcabOly
  • Commonwealth Eeson Co.95/12/31. 6pp 8805720648057.213. review BRUNETJ.R. Consumers Power Co.96/04/04. 2pp. 87891:326471,91:327.

S. Reportable coeurrences, LERa & reteted correspondence 9604180099 Rev 2 to Procedure Section 9 to $ste Emerpeney Ptan. "f4ecovery " BRUNETJ. Consumers Power Co. 96/04/06. 8pp. 87vv1;34647901:353. 9604150127 PNO.lli-64 071;on 940823.Und 2 reactor tnpped from fuS power due to MSiv caosure.MSiv csoned as result of spunous signal from men steam ime high flow 9604220184 Rev 11 to Procedure Section 5 to "Orgaruzational Control of Emy matrumentation.CA mclude metallate of support paddmg & adcs trammg. cons." HILAND.P., MARTIN,T. Region 3 (Post 820201). 94/06/26.1p. 87869-114 87869:114. BRUNETJ.R. Consumers power Co.96/04/12. 25pp. 87963:31147963.335. 9804090039 LER 9600140-on 960303.8 CR HVAC sys moperable due to mah 9604190094 Forwards Rev 35 to secunty plan.Rev encludes refs to este vehscle bemer mg relay wtuch proversted esolation of at handhng urut fan. ems replaced resay & for- sys wtoch has been mataned to meet revised desagn bassa threat requrements of warood relay to engmoenng for evaluation W/960401 fir. 10CFR73.Enci withheid. CHRISSOT ' N.. PEARLE,LW. Commonwealth Eason Co. 96/04/01. 5pp SMEDLEY.R.W. Consumers Power Co. 96/04/15. Document Control Branch (Docu. 87824.06847824 07?. ment Control Desk). 2pp. 87910.35747916.358. 5 ^ " 8" " " " V. Operator Examinettons , 6 ar ma BRUNET) Consumers Power Co. 9 "6/04/22. App. 88061:35440061: 357. 9604120146 Advises that heense SOP 30352 3 docket 55 30604 will not be mentamed

    & MA Warren removed from hconse duty 960327. Requests that heense be terminet.

KRAFT.E.S. Commonwealth Eeson Co. 96/04/04. Document Control Branch (Docu. merit Control Desk).1p. 87868.28047868.280. Mr Mh &MWeAW hWMhmMk port of Lake Mich80an Federation & Don't Waste Macnegan," dtd960112.intorms that request to eterverie cannot be considered at present time. DOCKET b>256 PAUSADES NUCLEAR PLANT RUSSELLWT. . 96/03/25. SCHERBARTH.J.C. Michigan, State of. 4pp. 87770 066-877/O-069. F. Securtty, medical, emergency a fire protection plans

                                                                                          -9604050028 Forwards Petmon of Msctugan Attomey General to intervene m Support of 9604010418 Rev 4 to Procesare Ei.15.2. "Commurocations Tests."

BRUNETJ.R. Consumers Power Co. 96/03/25,12pp. 67704.30747704.319- $E WH n tate of 96 Drector for Operations 2pp. 87770064 87770:065. TAYLOR l.M. Ofc of the Exec.utive 9604050044 Rev 10 to EOF Procedure GEN-3. "On.Shstt Sys Power Controner."

  • Consumers Power Co.96/03/28. 2pp. 87775.3144m5:315. M"N Petition of Michigan Attomey General to etervene in support of Lake Mectugan Federation & Don't Waste lAchigan. W/ Proof of Svc.

a SCHERBARTH.J.C. Mactugan, State of.96/01/04. C%. _ e (Post 750119). 4pp. 9604050052 Rev 14 to EOF Procedure GEN.1. " Overview

  • CorFdmers Power Co.96/03/28. 2pp. 87775.31647775:317. Sm00664mof!69.

l 9604150018 Responds to941021 Itr which requested action w/ regard to all reactor 6 960ws0058

  • Consumers RevPower 7 to Procedure EOF.7.

Co.96/03/28. 2pp".87775:3224m5:323. Health Physics Support Team.a consees usmo Thermo. Lag & that str be treated as Poetion per 10CFR2.206 RUSSELL,W T. . 96/04/03. CINOVEMANI.D.K. Affikation Not Assagned. 4pp. 9604080114 Advises that reinow of rev 17 to section 4 & rev 8 to section 7 of factty 87887.3174 7887.320. plan acceptable. CRE D.J. . Region 3 (Post 820201). 96/03/28. PALMISANO,T. Consumers Power 9t104150050 Responds to941026 ftr which requested action w/ regard to all reactor li-Co. 2pp. 87772:0154 7772 016. consees usmg Thermo-Lag & that Mr be treated as Petmon per 10CFR2206. RUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/03. BENJAN.R. Amhetion Not Assignect opp. 87887:313-9604080132 Forwards responses to maues nused in NRC 951205Itr to CPC deposton 87887:316. of unresolved aem noted m msp rept60-255/95 04concommg adequacy of fre area bemers. 9604150064 Responds to 941021 ftr.which requested action w/ regard to all reactor E. SMEDLEYAW. Consumers Power Co. 96/04/01. Document Centrol Branch (Doce consees uun0 thermo-lag & that P Barue ltr be treated as Petrinon por ment Control Desk).17pp. 87811:16347811:232. 10CFR2.206. Forwards notice of "tssuance of Drector Decision Under 10CFR2206." RUSSELLW T. . 96/04/03 BIRNIE,P. G.E. Stocknoiders Alhance Agamst Nuclear

  • Evaluation of Effects of Fro on West Wall of Turtune Lube Oil Room Power. 4pp. 87887.26347887.312.

Adiacent to Tunnel Between TB & FW Punty Bidg." YOUNG.LD. Power Co. EA-FPP-95 054 Roi. 96/03/23. 39pp. 87811:180- 9604150208 Responds to postcard dtd 941114 wench requested action re all reactor E. 87811 216. consees unng Thermo Lag & that postcard be treated as Petition per 10CFR2.206. RUSSELLW T. . 96/04/03. DEBOLT.S. Amhation Not Assigned. 3pp. 87880-346-

  • Evaluation of Effects of Fire on West Wall of CCW Pump Room (Fro 87880:348.

Area 16)." YOUNG.LD. Consumers Power Co. EA#PP-95 050 R01. 96/03/22.14pp. 87811:219- 9604180144 Ack recespt of petition dtd 951117,wtuch requested tfat NRC take action to 87811.232. prohitxt loading of VSC-24 casks at nuclear sie until mc .  ; seased basnet w/ mdication m weeds. unloaded & unloading procedure evaluated. 9604080188 Provides schedule for comp 6eting IPEEE cost benetical plant KUGLER.A.J. .96/04/10. SHILLINGLAW.F. Afhhation Not Assegned. 3pp. committed to m 950630 response 10 GL 88-20. Suppi 4.CPC will 87899:237. uposte fro analyse section of IPEEE rept & semit rewmed rept section to NRC by E Y.R W. Consumers Pows, Co. 96/04/01. Document Control Branch (Docu. ment Control Desk). 2pp. 87817.222 87817.223. kYea9,x [" *** NhpD,P,*YS",M

                                                                                                                                                   ,a                   ,          l (DWM) & Lake Mi Foundation on plant casks & unload & PRM-72 3

9604150018 Responds to 941021 Itr wtuch requested action w/rugard to all reactor b. e G r d 58 7 consees unng Thermo-Lag & that nr be treated as Petme per 10CFR2.206. RUSSELLW T. . 96/04/03 CINQUEMANI D.K. Affhation Not Assagned. 4pp. 87887.3174 7887:320. K hml 6 9604150050 Responds to641026 fir wtuch requested acaon w/ regard to all reactor b. conness unng Thermo-Lag & that ftr be treated as Patman per 10CFR2.206 9604190070 Submits answers to questions re consumers subtruttal on unloachng RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03 BEfilAN,R. Affustion Not Asegnati app. 87887:313- SHILLINGLAW.F. Affshation Not Asagned. 96/01/24. NRC . No Detailed Amhahon 87887:316. Given. 9pp. 87952.33747952.345. 94i04150064 Responds to941021 Itr.whech requested ac1 on w/ regard to all reactor li. 9604190022 Requests documents mesmg from ainwers sent by CPC in951016 rept m consees usmg thermc>iag & that P Brnee Itr be treated as Petmon per response to NRC 950918 ftr to 950602 CPC rept unloadmg rept & explanatma of pro. 10CFR2.20E. Forwards nobce of " Issuance of Drector Decisson Under 10CFR2206." cedures for handhng steam flash & response to 951128 fir RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. BIRNIE.P. G E. Stocknolours Alkance Agamst Nuclear SINCLAIR,M P. Aftmation Not Asmgnea 96/01/29. GAMBERONI,M. NRC No De-t Power opp.87887263 87887-312. tuned Amhation Gwen. 2pp. 87951J5747951.358. l l 1 l

  .__ _                 _ _ _ .                                               _                         _                           _ _          ._            __       m__     __

54 DOCKETEDITEMS i l 9004000370 Responds to 960305 Itr.deocnbmg snuaimn where F Srullmglaw t>eheve ref -9004100117 Amend 171 to bcense DPR-20.moditymg plant FOL to reference m hcenses annual rept to outdated verwon av SAR tar dry <.ask opent fuel storage sys. 10CFR40.alloweg use of source rastis as reactor fuel.ce6eres references to specife TRAVERS.W.D. Offim of Nucteer Matenal Safety & Safeguaros. 96/03/27. amend & specifc reveons m ksted goes of WP & swts:shty trairung & qualification i SHILLINGLAWf. Afflheten Not Amored 4;ip. 87854.34047854.1445. pean. KENNEDY,J. .96/04/05. 45pp. 87825:1034 7825:147.

        -9004000378Provides suppi mfo to 951209 & 29Itra.rmemo issues to use & CorWol of S/fts for spent fuel dry storage casks hcensed under 10CFR72 & requests that verk            -8004100119      Safety evakaabon supportn0 amend 171 b heense DPR-20.

dors & ubis be recured to refer to SAR.when rev number & date. *

                                                                                                              . 96/04/05. Opp. 87825:14647825155.

SHILLINGl.AWf. Afflhebon Not Aesspned. 96/03/05. THE CHAIRMAN. JACKSON,SA C, __ - (Post 75011v). 2pp 8765434447654:345.

                                                                                                       -9004100129 Nouce of dermal of amend to license DPR-20. Proposed amend request 9004260436 Forwards comespondence from conettuent J Shillmglow re nuclear waste                    would revise FOL to roterence 10CFR40.allowin0 una of source mens as reactor concems. tor -                                                                                  fuel, delete references to spoofc amends & specsrc rev an kste? Dues for PSP.

m resoondn REINHART.M.F. .96/04/05. 2pp. 67825:15647825:157. KOHL,H. Sensie. 96/04/16. NRC .g No to concems. Detailed Afflhanon Gsvest 2pp. 86023206-88023:303. 9004150113 Responds to 960315 Itr m wtuch F Sruikngtow clums NRC had not been responswe to questons in 951209 & 951229 ltra re procedure for revs to Safety Anal-se0424e373 Respon:Is to 960303 ler re NRC revww of loadm0 & unloadmg procedures ysm Rept documents. tar SF stora RUSSE W T. ge casks. TRAVERS.W.D. Othee of Nucieer Matenal Safety & Safeguards. 96/04/10.

                                . 96/04/16 SHILLINGLAWE. Afni,eten Not Assigned. 11pp.                     SHILLINGLAWf. Afhhaten Not Asmgned. 3pp. 87800.34147800.345.

67997.206 4 7997.276.

                                                                                                       -9004190117 Informs that 960305 responst to 951209 & 29Itrs did not adequately re-spond to questort L Financlelinformellon                                                                             SHILLINGLAwf. Affikation Not Assagned. 96/03/15. TRAVERS NRC No Detaned Athhatson Gsvert 2pp. 87880:34447680:345 9004100104 Forwards nonce of dorsal for porten of ongmal amend req wst. informs that SMEDLEVAW. Consumers Power Co. 96/04/12. Document Control Branch (Docu,                         My nobce penod br                 request w/ respect to demal ends on 1d0513.

ment Control Desk). 33pp. 87973.323 87973:355. KENNEDY,J. . 96/04/11. SM Y,R.W. Consumers Power Co. 4pp. 87894289-67894 292. P. Operating hsenes stage stocumente 4 - ' . _ _ _ _ _ 90042e0115 Forwards documents requred to be placed m PDR. JACKSON,D. Electncal, Matenals & Mechancel Engmeenng Branch (Post 94t217).

        *""*ea Notifcanon of 960416 meetmg w/ Consumers Power Co in Rocende.MD to                                  ghjy           kg        Don        e ords Management Branch N SN re=a== std TS autmwttal.

GAMBERONI.M. .96/03/27.REINHART.M. 4pp. 87710:35247710:355.

                                                                                                       .-4611C2020e Summary W950606                        /CPC b docuss PahWes ream W Strees A6                                    y             Armaelm0                            95 Plan, sa chan==w4 at 950605                re pian to anneel plant RV.                                                             7:265 880 Operga m[it            Desk            6     1              '

u ont ner i nh h 9004240129 Responos to GL 9641,"Testmo of SR Logc Crcusts." SMEDLEY.R W. Consumers Power Co. 96/04/17. Document Control Branch (Docu-

        ===aa8 Appicaton for amend to hcense DPR-20.upgradmg plant TS & treme to                           ment Control Dee4 5pp. 86042264804232.

D W Consumers 96 03 9 Branch (Doce te042tiO346 Ack 950913 response to request for comments on DG 1043. Comments ! ment Connel Dook). 4pp. 67783:00147790-068. were used in deve60pmg RG 1.149, rov 2. " Nuclear Power Plant Simulabon Facsirbos for use m Operator License Exams. manaman? Proposed toch specs. plant TS & beams to emulate STS for .SA 96/04/22. VINCENT.RA Consumers Power Co. 4pp. 87998:174-i l Combuston Engmeanng Plants.NURE 143 .Rev 1 h 77' l

  • Consumers Power Co. 96/03/29.1,612pp. 87783:00547790 068.

90040001es Prondes schedule for compleang IPEEE coat beneficsal E repoNs, E Suseens & comepondence commmed to in 350630 response to GL 58-2C. Sisips 4. will ' update tre analyssa secton of IPEEE rept & aut:rrut revised rept secton to NRC by te0320021e NRC Info Notec 96418. "Comphence w/10CFR20 for Arteme Thonum." 9e0531. COOLDA Dmeon of indusinal & Medcol Nucieer Safety (Post 870729). 96/03/25. I SMEDLEY.R.W. Consumers Power Co. 96/04/01. Document Contal Brand (Docu. Coneohdaled Edson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 87791:00147791-014. ment Control Desk). 2pp. 6781722247817 223. 9004000132 Forwards respannes to issues ra sed in NRC 951205 Itr to CPC depositon emannene Forwertis Rev 2 to non.propnetary WCAP-14558. "Constrners Power Co of unresolved Aem noted m anep rept 50L255/9544 concommg adequacy of fro area Paheedes Survestance Specimen Annesing Progrant" tamers. SMEDLEVAW. Consumers Power Co. 96/04/02. Control Branch (Docu, SMEDLEYAW. Consumers Power Co. 96/04/01. Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Dock).11pp. 8782523647625:353. ment Control Desk).17pp. 87811:16347811:232.

       -9004000318Non.propr.etary " Consumers Power Co Pannedes Surveeltance Speamen                   =0004000137 '-Evaluabon of Effects of Fire on West Wall of Turtene Lube Oil Room l                                   Proyam."                                                                Asamt to Pipe Tunnel Between TB & FW Punty Badg."

i BOY .E.. W1 .F., TEREK.E. Westmghouse Electnc Corp. WCAP 14558 YOUNG.LD. Consumers Power Co. EA#PP-96-054 Roi. 96/03/23. 39pp. 87811:180-l R02. 96/02/29.107pp. 87825:24747825;353. 87811218. 9004110181 Comments of GL 9547Jn response to NRC request for info on estmated "=aaa140 "Evaluston of Effects of Fire on West Wan of CCW Purro Room (Fro eme for collectn0 mio on issue of power operated gate valves & ausceptibety to pres. Aree 16)." sure lockmg/ thermal tenderg YOUNG.LD. Coneumers Power Co. EA-FPP-95-050 R01. 96/03/22.14pp. 87811:219-l SMEDLEYAW. Consumers Power Co. 96/04/03. Information & Records Manego. 87811 232. ment Branch (Post 890027). 2pp. 87856:1074 7056.106. 9003270127NRC Info Nobce 96419. " Failure of Tone Alert Rados to Activate When 9004110100Forwarde nonprc4metary Rev 1 to TR WCAP 14557. "CPC Reactor Neu. Recemno Shonened Actrveten tron Flusnce Measurement Program Cycle 1 Through 11" & prope AEA Tech. CRUTCifFIELD.D. . 96/04/02. ' ted Eeson Cc. of New York. Inc. 8pp. noeogy (AEA) Rept AEAT4121. " Fluence Calculatons. " Propnetary rept wrth- 87791 0154 7791 222. head , SMEDLEYAW. Consumers Power Co. 96/04/04. Document Control Branch (Docu, emnan219 Responds to request for acc2 mfo re actmns taken to ensure effacevo mgt i ment Control Desk).19pp. 87062:00147862;285. oversight of plant actvrnes per map rept 50-255/9514 PALMISANO.TJ. Consumers Power Co. 96/04/02. Document Control Branch (Docu-

       -9004110152 Nonproppetary " Consumers Power Co Reactor vessel Neutron Fluence                       mont Conirol Desk). 3pp. 87817:236 87817238.

Maastrement Program for Pal =mana NurJoer Plant . Cycsos 1 Through 11 " PEROCKJD., ANDERSON.S.L. BRASSART.GA Wesanghouse Electnc Corp. .mnen+36 Forwards special rept on ISI ed SG tubes on 950719. l WCAP-14557 RO1. 96/03/31. 266pp. 87062:02047862;285. SMEDLEYAW. Consumers Power Co. 96/04/02. Document Control Branch (Docuw i ment Control Desk). 2pp. 87816.00147817 017. l 9004130070 Documents compleJDn of llems committed to in 960329 TS Change ! Raouest,uogr TS to emulate STS for C E plants, NUREG.1432 Rev 1. .nmana'40 "CPC Pansades Nuclear Plant 1995 SG ISI." ! SMEDLEY.R.W. Power Co. 96/04/04. Document Cottrol Branch (Docu. REXIUS.T.D. Consumers Power Co.95/12/12. 379pp. 87816:00347817:017. I ment Contrat Desk). $pp.67063:147 4 7863 151. 9004120071 Requests NRC approval to use Code Case N.557. "Ir> Place Dry Anneakng 9804120006 Forwarde IST of safety related banc acid pumps rehef request PAR-10. of PWR Nuclear Reactor vessel (Section XI.Div 1)." Approval requested unel Coce SMEDLEYAW. Consumers Power Co. 96/04/04. Document Control Branch (Docu- Case N.657 ancluded m RG 1.147.lSi code case acceptatukty.ASME Secton XI Div 1. ment Control Desk).10pp. 8786026447868.293. SMEDLEY.R W. Consumers Power Co. 96/04/03. Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk).12pp. 87864.34747864.358 9802200188 Supul 1 to Genenc Ltr 9549 to all NRC bconsees re monitanng & training of shippers & camers of radoectve mass. 9003290200 NHC Info Nobce 96420, "Demonstraten of Assocasted Equroment Compli-COOLDA Dmeson of Industnal & Medical Nucteer Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05, ance w/10CFR34.20." Boston Edrson Co.10pp. 66102 05748102066. COOLDA Divison of industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04. Consokdated Edson Co. of New York anc.12pp. 87860.28947860.300. 9004100111 Forwards amend 171 to hcense DPR-20 & safety evaluatort Amend modr fios piant FOL to reference 10CFR40.aaowmg use of source rnetts as reactor 9004140330 Forwards integrated insp rept 50-255/9642 on 9601274317.No violatons fuel.desses reference to specdc amends & spacec revs m hated taes of PSP. noted KENNEDYJ.. 96/04/05. SMEDLEY.R W. Consumers Power Co. 6pp. 87825:097 KROPP.WJ. Regon 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/06. PALMISANO,T. Consumers Power 87825:157. Co. App. 87887:171k87887:198.

i l DOCKETEDITEMS 55 l l I -9004140346 inno rept50 255/9642 on 9601274317.No volations noted. Maior areas G. Adjudicatory - . _ inspected:operatons. .mant & plant support C7tOPP.WJ Regen 3 ( ost 201). 96/04/02.16pp. 87887:1834 7887:198. 9004150014 Responds to 041021 Itr which requested acten w/ regard to au reactor b-enmaa106 NRC Info Notco 96 C21, " Safety Concoms re Doeson of Door intertock Cr. ceneses uomo Themm-Leg & M ler be irested as Petten por 10CFR2.206. cuit on Nuctetron High Dose Rate & Pulsed Dose Rate Remote Aftencodin0 W RUSSELLW T. . 96/04/03. CINOVEMANI.D.K. Affmaton Not Asesgned. 4pp, erapy Dences.- 87887:317 47887:320. COOLD.A. Drviemn of Induetnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/10. Coneohdated Emeon Co. of New York, Inc. epp. 88102:06748102:075. 9804150000 Responds to941026Itr whch requested acten w/ regard to all reactor E. connees unng Theq& that Itr be treated as Patton per 10CFR2.206 tammam NRC Info Notco 96422. " improper Equipment Settmgs Due 6) Un of RUSSELLW.T. 96/04/u;s. BEf0AN,R. Afflhaton Not Assigned. 4pp. 87887:313-Nontemperature Compensated Test Entspment" 87887:316. CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 6pp. 87864 301 4 7860 306. ge04150064 Responds to 941021 lir.whch roouested acton w/ regard to aN reactor 5 namanoma NRC Bulleen 96402. " Movement of Heavy,Loads Over Spent Fal.Over ' *

  • j @.20"6 "orwards nonce "Insuw ce Undw 10CF"R2"J06 '

I CRUTCH LD. . 96/ 1 ted Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. ghgg7 96 03 B ' ' ^ "*^9*'" '* yggy 3 8610210046102 110. 1 i 9004170100NRC Info Notco 96 023. "Fres in EDG Excitors Dunno Operaton Fonow. 9004150208 Responds to postcard did941114wnsch requested acton to all reactor b l mg Undetected Fuse Bowmo.a cenemos unng Thermo-Lag & that postcard be treated as Ponton per 10CFR2.206. l CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/22. Coneohdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. DEBOLT,B. A*hhaton Not Asmgned. 3pp. 87860346 l 86102290 48102 099. 87800:348. 9004306403 Forwards RAI to e@pienment RAI eaued 960219 in response to 951220 re-re trard piant ISI program. H. Gene si correspondence MBERON1,M. 96/04/23 SMEDLEYAW. Cornumers Power Co. $pp.86052:279 08052263. 9404220162 Forwards updated hets for p6 ants. effective ;. 9004k30229 NRC Info Notce 96424, "Le.v.-vof Molded. Case Crcuit Brookers BARON.P.R. T _. - Valisy Authonry. 96/04/15. Document Dortol Branch (Docu. Before Survedlance Teetng

  • ment Coreal Desk). 7pp. 87965.17147965:177.

GWtMES.B K. . 96/04/25. Conschdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 14pp. 6610227648102-089. 9004290172NRC Into Notco 96425, "Traveneng In Core Probe Overwithenwn at La. l salle County Staten, Unit 1." i I GRIME S.B.K. . 96/04/30. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. 9e04010025 Forwards annual radelogeal effluert ro6 ease rupt for Jam Dec 86102-111 4 8102:120. mstng of "Radelogical inpact ? _ .; Rept 1995." " Effluent & Waste Depos-l al..1mr5." " Inoperable. Effluent instrumentaton Rept 1995" & Revs 6 & 7 to ODCM. 9004200005 NRC Info Notice 96426. "Recent Prob 6 ems w/ Overhead Cranes,a SALAS.P. Tennessee Vaney Authomy. 96/03/21. Document Control Branch (Docu-GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/30. Conschdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 10pp. ment Corsol Dosk). 2pp. 67696-00147699.231. 88102:121 48102 130.

                                                                                                 -9604010036 Rev 6 to "ODCM."

W PRESTON.E. Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 95/05/25. 214pp. 87896:173-9004000313 "1995 Annual Raeoective Effluent Re6eese & Waste Disposal Rept" W/ 0604010030 Rev 7 to "ODCM" 960329 Itr. BURZESE.T, PRESTON.E. Tennessee Vaney Authonty.95/08/12. 209pp. 87609-023-GROGAN.M.L, SMEDLEY,R.W. Consumers Power Co. 95/12/31.170pp. 87814:022- 8769t231. 87014.194.

   *a=*"a Montity operstmg rept for Mar 1996 for Poheados Nuclear PlanLW/960402                  9004m22                     960314                                         "
                                                                                                                                   ,Pr      ton            ence i      K.A., WILUAMS.A.L Consumers Power Co. 96/03/31. 5pp. 87831:109-                                                       O                                    ' '"" **' "

f8[2 ' Diar ==as temunaten of 860130 order re Quality Technoiopy Co C RepertoMe occurrences, LERe a related _. _ ,--

                                                                                                 **"".a' records Secton V(C) of order reecmded.Secten VLA) reecmded when Thero Sves.Inc rehnmashes all records to NRC & secton V(B) wdl become moot 9004300133 LER 96 007 00on 960321.medeousie emergency '                      & vomilew in        RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/02. KINGSLEY.O D. Tennessee VaNey Authonty. app.

post-tre safe shutdown areas. Caused by App R doc.e mouthcient to 67782:3184 7762:321. osmonstrate regula comphence.Laghtng .W/960422 te. I ENGLE.D.E., SMED ,R.W. Consumers Power Co. 96/04/22. Opp. 88066:020- **^"' Provides info re util FFD program per 10CFR26. App A.Subpart A.Secton l 88086:027. 1 1(2). BARON.R.R. T _ Vauey . 96/04/02. Document Control Brarch (Docu-g ment Control Desk). 2pp. 67815:34047 15.341. y , _, 900230tHee Swpl 1 to Genenc Ltr 9549 to an NRC boensees to momtonng & trammg

  • mamas Responds to960228 Itr from S Skovveneck & E Roemer remassen0 sup. of anippers & camers of radcactive maus.

part for petmon Gled w/NRC re problems w/unloadmg VSC 24 SF dry suorage cask. COOLD.A. Onneen of Indusensi & Medmal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. TAYLOR.J.M. Othee of intomatonei Programs (Poet 911117). 96/03/25. LEYlN.C. Boston Edison Co. topp.08102 057 48102-066. Don't Weste Mchigan. 5pp. 87725:191 4 7725.226. 9004100246 Forwards supplemental mfo for TS 356 & cost benehcal beenemo valve DOCKET 50 260 BROWM8 PERRY NUCLEAR POWER STATIOI4, UNfT 1 g",,",, 4) , NM"""DMNN SALAS.P. Tennessee Vaney Authonly. 96/04/12. Document Control Branch (Docu-F. Securtty, medloal, ameryoney a fWe protectlen piene ment Control Desk). 5pp. 87958:00147959 021. amana1L2 Revised Central E Control Ce (CECC) EPIPsJnc Rev 16 to -te0N2M Nompropnetary "Calculatons,,W Appicaten W bW DBA Smrce 0 CC ev 9 to CECC EPIP-4.Rev 2 CC EPIP-

  • T*"T"C E F R"D oles Technology. Inc. PSAT 04000U.04 RO1.

BARON.RA Tennessee Vaney Authonty.96/04/02. 54pp. 87820:26147820:314. M2/05. Upp. 87mS07 67m$18. 9004190013 R 10 941021 ftr whch requested acten w/ regard to all reactor b -8004100256 Norvpropnetary "Calculaten of Contamment Leekage Domes for Browns consens usmg & that Itr be treated as Petmon per 10CFR2.206. Feny Nuclear Power Plant. RUSSELL,W.T. . 96/04/03. CINQUEMANI.DX Affikaton Not Assgned. 4pp. SCHNEIDER. MICHONSKI.M., JAOUITH,R E. ABB Combuston Engmeenng Nuclear 87887:3174 7887:320. Fuel (formerly Combuston Engmeermg. Inc.).1066-S&T954002 R00. 95/09/29. I_ 367pp. 87958:0194 7959 021. i"" 9604150000 Responds to941026 Itr wNch requested acton w/ regard to all reactor t-consees useg Thermo- a that str be treated as Petitson per 10CFR2.206. 9604230064 Apphcanon for amends to hcenses DPR43.DPR-52 & DPR48 RUSSELLW.T. 96/04/ . BENJAN.R. Afhhaton Not Asmgned. 4pp. 87887:313- respectvery.revemg merwnum required number of operable RV water level Inp sys 87887.316-dunng penod that RCS instrument kne excess flow check valve surveillance tests 9004150064 Responds to941021 Itr wtuch requested acton w/ regard to all reactor b consees unng thermo.ie0 & 1 hat P Bme ltr be treated as Petman po' ennessee Valley Authority. 96/04/14. Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk).11pp. 88001.32248001:355. 1C::FR2206 Forwards retice of "lsewance of Director Decmion Under 10CFR2.206." A LLW T 96 /03 Bi IE.P. G.E. Stockholoers Albance Agenst Nuclear 6 230057 Propomd M N mirwmm required numbw of opwable RV 3 water level tnp sys dunng pened that RCS matrument kne excess flow check valve 9004150206 Responds to postcard dtd 941114which requested acton to all reactor h, survestance tests bang penormed.

  • consees unng Thermo Lag & that postcard be treated as Petition per 10CFR2.206.
  • Tennessee Valley Autnanty.96/04/14. 23pp. 86001:33348001:355.

I RUSSELLW T. . 96/04/03. DEBOLT,B. Afflhaton Not Asangned 3pp. 87880:3441-

 '   678e0343                                                                                   9604180201 Forwards amends 229.244 & 204 to hcarwis DPR-33.DpR-52 & DPR.

68/espectrvelyAmenos clanty RWL mutrumentaten rec.woments when tesang excess 9004200412 Revised EPIPs.hcludmo Rev 17 to EPIP-10. "Medcal Emergency Proco- flow check valves per TS 4.7.D.1.d. J dure" & Rev 18 to EPIP-17 " Emergency ClasesicaSon Procedure " W/960426 Itr. WILLIAMS.J.F. . 96/04/16. KINGSLEY O.D. T;. .. Vahey Authonty. 1p SALAS.P. Tennessee Valley Authonty. 96/04/26. 48pp. 88057:033 48057:080. 87913.21747913.244. i


  -9004180386 Amends 229.244 & 204 to Econnes DPR.33.DPR-52 & DPR48,                              R. Portedlc opereung reports & rotated corroependonoe respectwasy.            RWL inegrumentation rockrements when testmg ===== flow 96/04/ 2 pp. 8791321647913.238.                                                                                          *'

BDON el [ impact .M " as

                                                                                                               ." " Inoperable Emuent insrumentation Rept 1995" & Revs 6 & 7 to ODCM.
  =980410030$ Safety evaluston ensiportmg amends 229.244 & 204 to Goenees DPR.                        SALAS.P. Tennessee Veiley Authority 96/03/21. Document Control Branch (Docu-33.DPR42 & DPR46.reepecevely.                                                                   ment Control Deskt 2pp. 87608 00147699:231.
        . 96/04/16. 6pp. 87913.23647913244.
                                                                                                 -9004010030 " Radiological impact Assessment Rept 1995."                                      '

9004340380 Provides response to GL 9641 "Testmg of SafetyJteisted Logic Circuits."

  • Tennessee Veney Authonty.95/12/31.146pp. 87698:00347698.148. I BARON.R.R. Tennesene Veney Authonty.96/04/16. Document Control Branch (Docu- i ment Consol Desk). 4pp. 88016:337 88016 340. -9004010031 " Effluent & Weste Disposal Annual Root 1995."
  • Tennessee Vehey Authonty,95/12/31. 20pp. 87898:14S 47898:168. )


  @) Inspoogen % IE Bubonne & oorrespondence                                                     -8004010034 "Inopereh's Resological Effluent instrumentaton Rept 1995."


  • Tenneesse Vesey Authonty.95/12/31. 4pp. 87898:1894 7898:172.

9003300210NRC Info Notce 96418. "Correhence w/10CFR20 for Antiome Thortum." - 8004010038 Rev 6 to "ODCM." COOLD.A Dwison of industnal & Meecal Nuclear Setety (Post 870729). 96/03/25. Conochdoted Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 8779100147791:014. N;X.D.W., PRESTON.E. Tennessee Valley Authonty. 95/05/25. 214pp. 87698:173-87699 022. 9004010386 Responds to NRC 980229 lir re violation noted in inep repts 50-259/96-01.60L280/9641 & 50w296/9601.C/Asreduced reactor power & deleted FW temp -9004010030 SURZESE.T., PRESTON.E.Rev 7 toT."ODCM.".. - Veney Authonty.95/06/12 209pp. 87699023 point from prar=== rid.TVA plans to 90@leshoot reestance 1emp detector loop. 87699.231. MACHON.R.D. Tenneeses veney Authoney 96/03/26. Document Control Branch (Document Conirol Desk). 7pp. 87719:14247719148. amNn77 Monthly operstm0 repts for March 1996 for Browns Ferry Nucteer Plant.W/ 980415 ftr. 9003270127NRC Info Nohce 96419. "Fedure a of Tons Alert Reeos to Acevole When DAVENPORT.J.W., SALAS.P. Tenneenes Valley Authonty. 96/03/31. 14pp. Shortened Aceveson 98010 297 40010-310. CRUT ELD.D. 96/04/02. Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 8pp. 87791;0154 7791 S22. **Amanam Forwards Eghth & Final Annual Rept of ECSP Correctve Action implomon. tot on for 950101960315 penod.Unl canaders ECSP & rosated acevees closed. l 9004000177 Advises of pionned inep effort requieng trorn plant osmaannual PPR review BARON.R.R. Tennesees Valley Authorny.96/04/03. Document Control Branch (Docu-I on 980304 tera 5aanaa"1. Enci dete4s rap pian for next est montns. ment Contal Dook). 2pp. 87803:06447803:191.

               .M g                      1). 96/04/02. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee veNey            -
                                                                                                              -               & Final Annual Rept of ECSP Correctve Acton impiamentaton eenesenema NRC Info Notco 96020 "Demonstraton of Associated Equement Comph-                             enneseos e ey                 .               pp.8       86- 803m                    2
     $D                       Industnal & Meecal Nucteer Setety (Post 870729). 96/04/04.                                     [                         ],                    U "**

Coneohdened Eeoon Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 878e028947860:300-reeds W semples h penod & W envron M g "" Q ama a SALAS.P. Tennessee Vasey . 96/04/26 Document Conirol Branch (Docu-

 *aa'n cw    po'ne'   mas   m  DOL   Case   93. ERA   444  & 92-ERA    419  &  92-ERA   434.Botn     mont Control Domiq.

casesResponds to 2pp. 0803913040039:250. 900315 request that NRC deler neuence of orders impoem0 s a d" *=d to esenmsmaan et venous pients. we'BERhd"'N.J. LIE A Olc of Enforcement (Post 870413). 96/04/04- KINGSLEY,0.D. Ten-.geo43g0411 Annual Rodological Erwron Operetn0 Rept for Browns Feny Nucteer nessee Vesey Authonty. 7pp. 87752 03547752 041 Piant 1995."

  • Tenneeses Veney Authonty.95/12/31.115pp. 88039.13248039.250.

9004040108 NRC Info Notes 96 021. " Safety Conoems re Demon of Door Interlock Clr-cult on Nucieron High-Does Rete & Pulsed Does Reie Remote Afterioseng Brachyth- S. Reportehle . LERs & reisted correspondence erapy Deuces." COOLD.A Dmmon of Industnal & Meecal Nuoteer Safe (Post 870729). 96/04/10. 9e04000191 Forwards addl het of US nucieer tecdites 2 wruch potenhal deteceve sten. Coneohdated Emmon Co. of New York, Inc. Opp. 88102 06 48102.C75. Ines oised w mengs suppe to 980228 tr to detects potentep y e  ! l aaadamaM r@ info Notco 96022. " improper Equement Setimes Due to use of JOHNST .J. Fittng Co.96/04/03. 3pp. 87824:113-47824:115. l i Nontorcarature4anpenested CRQCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Cor=<* Testamend Equipment."eean E Co of New. York Inc. 8pp. f 698030147800:30L 9004200030 Forwards draft Accedent Sequence precursor rept for 198243 Rept docu - monts ASP Program analyses of operatonal events which occurred dunng pened 198243. manananeam NRC Bubst n 96402. " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over WILLIAMS.J.F. . 96/04/24. KINGSLEY,0.D. Tennessee veney Authonty. 30pp. Fuss m Reactor Over Setety-Related Equipment." 88046 26248046.291. CRUTCHFIELD.D. . '4/04/11. Conar* dated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. tipp. 9810210048102:11C V. Operecer Eseminemens 900s230232 Fonsards b gp rests 50250/9603.50 280/9643 & 50 296/96 03 on 980204-0316 & nonce of Ontaton- 9004010300 Notfee of termmaton of operator bcones SOP-20257-3 for TW Jordert , LESSER.M.S. Region 2 (Post 820201) 96/04/15.KINGSELY,0.D. Tennessee Veney MACHON.RD. Tennessee Veney Autnanty. 96/03/26. Document Conrol Branch i Aulhonty. 4pp. 871K15.24S47935.287 (Document Cordrol DeelQ. 2pp. 87717:35047717:360. l - Notice of violaton from 4 rep on 9602040316Violabon notecton i se0229.eniten procedures not implernented dunng ment actMbes on oore aprey 1000 DOCMT $0 3e0 BROWNS PERRY NUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNIT 2 ! test veno 2-FCV-75-22. ! ' Region 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/15. 2pp. 87935.25547935256. I F. Secur#y, medloal, emergency & f>e proesselon piene i l -- ---_ __ insp repte 50259/9643.50 280/9603 & 50296/9603 on 940204- i l 0316Violatons noted.Mesor areas inspected:pient operatons. ment.engmoenne & eaaaaaa132 Revised Central Emergency Conval Ctr (CECC) EPIPsJncludm0Rev 18 to  ! , piant support. CECC EPIP-2 Rev 18 to CECC EPIP.3.Rev 19 to CECC EPIP 4.Rev 21 to CECC EPIP. i WERT.LD., LESSER.M S. Region 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/15. 31pp. 87935257- S S Rev 11 to CECC EPIP-22. W/960402 ltr. l 87935287. BARON.R.R. Tenneseos Veney Authoney.96/04/02. 54pp. 8782026147820:314. ! 9004330343 Ack recept of 980326 fir mformmg NRC of add! steps taken to correct vio- 9604150014 Responds to941021 ler which requesred acnon w/ regard to all reactor 6 l lemons noted ri map ropte50250/964150w280/96414 50 296/9641. Ceneses using Thermo-Le9 4 that str be treated as Petroon per 10CFR2J06. LESSER.M.S. R 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/18. KINGSLEY.O.O. Tennessee VeNey RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. CINQUEMANLD.K. Afhhaton Not Asegned. App. Authonty. 3pp. 8 :197 47953.199. 87887-31747887 320 900417010e NRC Info Nohce 96023. " Fires in EDG Excitors Dunng Operation Follow- 9e04190050 R to 941026Itr wtuch requested actun w/ regard to mil reactor b-Undet connees termo.Le9 & that ttr be treated as Peticon per 10CFR2.206. BUTCH,ected iEtD.D. Fuse W- Cor-+ aisd Edison Cct of New York, inc. 20pp. 96/04/zz RUSSELLW. . . 96/04/03. BENJAN.R. AfNebon Not Aemgned. App. 87887:313-88102 09048102 099. 87887;316. 9004220239 r 9604 80064 021 e '* B~e Seve NR.C ence Info m Notco no 96024. "b ;c ., of Moldo64ees C' cuit Bieskers g y

                                                                                                     ,0C,m206.,onse,as ,, o, s.euence of o.eeto, D.cimon ut.,as            Petrbon o,10CFRuo6.-
                                                                                                                                                                                         'o GRIMES.B K . 96/04/25. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 14pp.

3810207648102 089- RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03 BIRNIE,P. G.E. Stockrunders Alhence Agenst Nucteer Power. 4pp. 8788726347887:312. 9004290172NRC Info Nobce 96C25. "Traverung in Core Probe Overwithckawn at La. Se0415020s Responds to postcard ato941114 which requested acton re alt reactor G-sehe County Staton.Urut 1." consees unng Thermo Leg & that postcard be treated as Petmun per 10CFR2.206. i GRIMES.B K. . 96/04/30. Conachdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 10pp. RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. DEBOLT.B. Afhhaton Not Asagnect 3pp. 87880:346-

111 48102 120. 87880:348.
 *aamaa*8 GRIMES.B      NRC    Irdo Notco K. . 96/04/30. 94028. "Recent Consolidated    Edmon   Problems Co. of Neww/York, Overhead Inc    Cranes." .9004290412 10pp.           Revned EPIPsJncludng Rev 17 to EPlP-10. "Mediced Emergency Proco-dure" & Rev 18 to EPIP.17.
  • Emergency Classficanon Procedure " W/980426 Itr.

. 88102-121 48102 130. SALAS.P. Tennessee Valley Authority.96/04/26. 4 app 88057:03348057:080.

DOCKETED ITEMS 57 G.."^' , corroependence -te0410020e Safety evaluaton supportmg amends 229.244 & 204 to hcornes DPR. 33.DPR.52 & DPR48.respectwety 9004150018Responde to 941021 ftr wruch requested acten w/reesrd to all reactor li. . 96/04/16. 6pp. 8791323947913.244 coneses unm0 Thermo-Lag & that Itr be treated as Patton per 10CFR2.206. RUSSELLW T. . 96/04/03. CINQUEMANI.DX Af9hebon Not Aseepied- 4pp. 9004240 00 Provides response to GL 96 01. "Testng of Safety.Related Lcge Crcuits." 87887:31747087:320. BARON.R.R. Tenrassese Valkey Autronty 96/04/16. Document Control Brarch (Doce ment Control Desk). App.68016.337 48016:340. 9004150000 Responds to 941026flr wruch rocssessed acton w/ regard to alt reactor 1r consees usm0 & 1 hat ltr be treated as Petiten per 10CFR2.206. RUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/03. BEf0AN.R. Afhhaton Not AassgnacL opp. 87887:313 Q. Inspecison reporte. IE Sullettne & correspondence 87867.316. 9003200218NRC Info Notes 96416. "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Arbome Thonum." 9004160064 Responds to 941021 ler.whch rooussied acton m/ regard to all reactor b. COOL.DA Dwison of induetnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/03/25. consees unno thermo-la0 & that P Brrwe ftr be treated as Patton per Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 87791:001 4 7791 014. 10CFR2.206 Forwards nohce of "Insuance of Drector Decmon Under 10CFR2206? RUSSELL.W T. . 96/04/03. BIRNIE.P. G.E. Stockholders Alkance Agenst Nuclear 9004010256 Responds to NRC960229 itr to volaten noted m meo repts 50 259/96 Power. 4pp. 8798726347887:312. 01.50-200/9641 & 50-296/9601.C/As roouced reactor power & deleted FW temp 9004150200 Responds to postcard did941114 wtuch requested acton re all reactor l> pont from procesem0 TVA piens to troetoshoot remetence temp detector loop euthonty 96/03/26. Document Control Branch coneses uomg & that postcard be treated as Pooton per 10CFR2206- MACHON.R.D. (Document ControlTenneeses Desk). 7pp. 877Vaney_1914247719: 148. RUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/03. DEBOLT.B. Affihaton Not Asesgned app. 87881346-87800:348. 90032F0127 NRC Reconnre Shortened info Notco "96019. ".Fedure of Tone Alert Redos to Actwate Actrwaton N. General correspondence CRUTCbfFIELD.D. . 96/04/02. ted Edman Co. of New York inc. 8pp. 87791 0154 7791 022. 9004230142 Forwards updated lists lor plants. effective _ ... 9004000177 Advmes of planned inep oflort resutbng from plant samaannual PPR review BARON.PA T Valley Authonty.96/04/15. Document dontrol Branch (Docu. compseted on 960304 foro'-aam1. Enct datans map pian for neitt om months. mont Centrol Desk). 7pp. 87965:17147965:177. LESSER,M.S. Region 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/02. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee vaney Authonty. 6pp. B780622247806227. P. Opereen8 Goones stage _^ u a correspondence 9003200200NRC Info Nobce 96420. "Demonstraton of Aaaar==ted Equipment Compic ance w/10CFR34.20? 9004010025Fonwards annual rochologscal effluent resease rept for Jan. Dec 1995.00,9 COOL.DA DMoon of Induetnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (post 870729). 96/04/04. setmg of "R impact Assessment Rept 1995." "EffluerW & Waste Depor Consokosted Edson Co. of New York. inc.12pp,8700028647862300. me ipv5." " Effluent instrumentsinon Rept 1995" & Revs 6 & 7 to ODCM. SALAS.P. Tenneseos Vaney Authonty 96/03/21. Document Control Branch (Docu- "'^'*'^'^' Responds to960315 request that NRC defer asuance of orders impoem0 ment Control Desk). 2pp. 8769890147099.231. cMI penarties in DOL Case 93. ERA 444 & 92. ERA 419 & 92-ERA 434.Botn cases were m*arted to cbscnmmation at vanous plants

  -ge04010036 Rev 6 to "ODCM "                                                                 LIEBERMAN.J. Ofc of Enforcement (Post 870413). 96/04/04. KINGSLEY.O.D. Ten-NIX.D.W., PRESTON.E. Tennessee Valley Authonty 95/05/25. 214pp. 87698:173                nessee Vaney Authonty 7pp. 6775203S47752041.

87899 022. 9004040106 NRC Info Nobco 96 021. " Safety Concems re Design of Door interlock Car.

  -8004010039 Rev 7 to "ODCM."                                                                 cun on Nucestron Phgh. Dose Rate & Pulsed Dose Rate Remote Afterloadng Brachyth.

BURZESE.T., PRESTON.E. T:- Vasey Autnanty.95/08/12. 200pp. 87699 023- erapy Devees." 87699231. Post 870729). 96/04/10. COOL.DA ConsolidatedDusson of industnal Edison Co. & Medcal of New York. Nuclear Inc. epp.88102 06,Satej 4 (8102 075. 9004100022D'ammaas960314meetmg re plans for redelogmal controis to be apphed

                                      -.. non handouts encl.                                annanaans NRC Info Nobce 96422. " Improper Equipment Setimos Due to use of dunng LESSER.M nortS.refuehn0 Regon 2 ""@ost 820201). 96/03/26. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vaney         Nantemperature Compensated Test Equipment" Authomy. 20pp. 87812:25247012:271.                                                      CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consondaied Edison Co. of New York. Inc. 6pp.

87860:301 4 7060:306. emnanenena ha-o termmaton of 860130 order re Quality Technology Co records.Socton V(C) of order rescinded.Secten V(A) reecmood when Thero Sycs.Inc 9004000200 NRC Bubebn 96002. " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fues.Over all recoros to NRC & escton V(B) we become moot Fuel en Reactor Core.or Over Safety Reisted Eauspment" RU LL.W T. . 96/04/02. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Veney Authonty. 4pp. CRUTCHFLELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consondated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. Itpp. 87782.31847782221. 88102 100 48102 110.

  *=^aaaam Provides info re utli FFD program per 10CFR28. App A.Subpart A.Section          9s04220232 *crwards map repts 50 259/9643.60 260/9603 & 506296/9643 on 1.1(2).                                                                                 960204431t; & nonce of violanon.

BARON.RA Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 96/04/02. Document Coreal Branch (Docu- LESSER.M.E. Regen 2 (Post 820201) 96/04/15.KINGSELY.O.D. Tennessee Vasey ment Control DesaQ. 2pp. 8781534047815.341. Authomy. 4pp. 8793524947935287 9002300106S@pi i to Genanc Lir 95-09 to all NRC bcensees se monnonng & trammg -9004220236 Notco of violanon from inop on 9802044316Volaton noted.on at enippers & camers of radoecevo matis. 960229.wntion pracarsieres not enpiemonted dunng masnt actutes on core spray loop COOL,DA Dusen of indusenal & Modcol Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. test valve 2.FCV 76 22. Boston Edison Co.10pp. 86102 05748102966.

  • Regen 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/15. 2pp. 87935.25547935256.

9004180246 Forwards suppaernental info for TS 356 & cost bonetcaal hconem0 velve -se04220244 Inso repts 50 259/96 03.50-260/9643 & 50-296/96 03 on 640204-leakage rate.Non.propnetary & propnetary calcuestons encLPropnetary calculations 0316.Violanons noted.Maior areas anspected: plant operatons, ment.engmoenng & witnneed (ret 10CFR2.790(b)(4)). plant support SALAS.P. Tenneeses Valley Authonty. 06/04/12. Document Control Branch (Docu. WERT.L.D., LESSER.M.S. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/15. 31pp. 87935257-ment Control Desk). 5pp. 87958:00147959-021. 87935.267.

 -8004100251 Norwpropnetary "Calculatonsjor Apphcoton of Revned DBA Source                 9004290204 Respones to NRC Buhetm 95402. " Unexpected Cloggm0 of RHR Pump METC LF                R PotoStar              Techneiogy, Inc. PSAT 04000U.04 R01.      ggg'A"s'pY 96/02/05.11pp. 87958:00747958 016.                                                                                         $.' 96 4                         Coned Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk). 3pp. 6805724348057.245.
 -4004180266Non.propnetag "Calcu6eton of Containment Leekage Donos for Brwns               900417p100 NRC info Notmo 96423. "Fres m EDG Excners Dunng Operaten Follow-NC           ICHON 1.M., JAOUITH.R.E. AB9 Combuston Enyneenno Nuclear Fuel (formerly Combusten Engmeenng. Inc.).1066-S&T95C 002 ROO. 95/09/29-                  hT        F 68M09M8102 099*

96/ 22. Consohdated Edman Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. 367pp. 8795891487959:021. 9004230064 Appbcaten for amends to bconses DPR43.DPR-52 & DPR48. 9004,g, g nfo h,96424. T. e.~e d Med Case Cnun Breakers roepecevely.reveng merumum remared number of operable RV water level tnp sys l dunng penod that RCS mstument line excess flow cnoch valve savesitance tests GRIMES.B it 96/04 Coneohdated Eitson Co. of New York. Inc. 14pp. I 68102 076-88102:089. e n W B n h (bcu- 9004260172 N C 96 025. "Traversmg in Core Probe Ovenntheewn at La-Desk pp 880D 322  ;

 -9004230057Propaaed tech specs.revemg nunimum regured number of operable RV                  GRl                    04/30. Consobcated Edmon Co. of New York. Inc. 10pp.

water levet tre sys dunng penod that RCS retrument hne excess now check valve g - amey Authority 04/14. 23pp. 88001:333 48001:355. 8 TR / tod E Co New ork. . 10pp. 9e04190201 Forwards amenos 229.244 & 204 to hcenses DPR43.DPR-52 & DPR, 88102121 48102.130. 68.respecoveeyAmends cienty RWL ristrumentation regurements when testrig excess flow choca varves per TS WILLIAMS.J F. - 96/04/16. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley Authoney. 1 p. R. Portocac opereeng moorts & reisted . _ , 8791321747913.244. 9004010025 Forwards annual redologmal effluent release rept for .lar> Dec 1995. con-

 -9004100286 Amends 229.244 & 204 to bconses DPR.33.DPR-52 & DPR48,                           esserg of "Radologeal impact ?             . ; Rept 1995." ** Effluent & Waste Depos.

respectveer.clartryinD RWL retrumentaton requrements when tostng excess flow al.1995."" Inoperable... Effluent instrumematon Rept 1995" & Revs 6 & 7 to ODCM. checa vaives per TS 4.7.D 4 d SALAS,P. Tennessee Veney Authonty 96/03/21 Documem Control Branch (Docus HEBDON.F.J. .96/04/16. 21pp. 87913:216 87913.238. ment Control Desk). 2pp. 8769890147699.231. l l


-9604010030 *RaeoloD' cal impact Assessment Rept 1995 "                                 P. Operating 8 cones stage documents & -.                   .--
  • Termessee Valley Authority.95/12/31,146pp. 87898 00347698148.
-te04010031 "Ef'Iuent & Waste Disposal Annual Repl 1995.,                               9604000149 Appbcaten for amend to hoenae DPR-23.aodmg allowance to complete
  • T;. . - Vahey Authonty.95/12/31. 20pp. 87698:14947098:168. maaed TS regiarement survedlance wrthm 24 h or escovery of messed survedance.per GL 87 09.
-4604010034ainoperable Rasolowcal Effluent instrumentshon Rept 1995."                      KRICH.R.M. Carokns Power & bght Co. 96/03/29, Docwnent Control Branch (Docu-
  • Tennessee Valley Authority.95/12/31. app. 87698.161687898.172. ment Control Desk).17pp. 87810:31447810.344.

9604230077 Monthly operstmg repts for March 1996 for Browns Ferry Nuclear PlantW/ - 9604000156 Proposed toch specs.edeng allowance to complete mesed TS rogure-980416 Itr ment survomance wittun 24 h of discovery of trussso surveshance.per GL 87 09. DAVENPORTJ W SALAS.P. Tennessee Valley Authonty. 96/03/31. 14pp.

  • Carchns Power & bght Co.96/03/29.14pp. 87810.33147810.344.

88010.297 48010:310. 9002200196 Suppl 1 to Genanc Ltr 95-09 to all NRC bcensees re morntonn0 & trammg of stuppers & camers at rasosctive matts. annananen Forwards Eighth & Fmal Annual Rept of ECSP Corrective Acton implemon-tahon for950101-9b0315 penod.Ubi considers ECSP & related acevthes cioned- COOL.DA Division of industnal & Meecal Nucisar Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. BARON.R.R. Te Boston Edison Co.10pp. 881020574C102.066.

                              - Vshey Authonty.96/04/03. Document Conlrol Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk). 2pp. 87803:08447803:191 9604170464 Requests addl mfo on emergency ensal generator on4ne preventmvo
  ^^^                                                                                      memt at plant Urut 2.
            .._-   " Eighth & Fmal Annual Rept of ECSP Corrective Acton implementation Catenaar Yt 1995."                                                                                          96/04/12. HINNANT,C.S. Carohne Power & bght Co. 4pp.
  • Tennessee Vahey Authortty.96/03/31.106pp. 87803 08647803:191. MOZAFARI.B 87911:301 4 7911: . 304.

9004290407 Forwards

  • Annual Raso6ogical Envron Operenne Rept tor Browns Ferry 9604260103 Forwards RAI re 950630 sutmuttal & associated documentahon IAW GL Nuciour Plant 1995." encludmg results of land use cr - - _ _.m! & tabulated 88 20. Suppl 4 for pianLuna 2.Specifically requests mfo re extemet event analyse in results of sarnpies taken penod & rseological erwron moristorm9 IPEEE.mciudng sommic enetysm.fre analyse a anatyses on eftects of tugh wmot SALAS,P. Tennessee Vaney 96/04/26.. Document Control Branch (Docu-MOIAFAR).B . 96/04/17. HINNANT,C.S. Cerchna Power & boht Co. 8pp.

ment Control Desk). 2pp. 88039:13048039.250 88007:162 4 8007:169.

-9604200411 " Annual Radological Envron Operstmg Rept for Browns Ferry Nuclear          9604240134Provides response to NRC GL 9641. " Review of Safety.Re!ated Logic Cr-Plant 1995."                                                                            cuits." for HB Rotpruon Steam Electnc Plant.Orvt 2.Sutmutted after ongmal 960311
  • Tennessee both e Authonty. 05/12/31.115pp. 88039:13248039250. due date by NRC maued genonc due date extenmort KRICH.R.M. Carcime Power & Ught Co. 96/04/18. Document Control Branch (Docu.

ment Control Desk). 3pp. 68010 23548010.237 S. Repettatite ocourrences, LERs & related corroepondence 9604300269 Requests approval of proposed altamatwo to ASME B&PV Code, SecDon x1 regurements to perform quartetty tesung of spare $1 pump at facility. Base for re. 9604010341 Forwards Rev 1 to LER 50 260/9601 re c.Ondmons involvino noncomple- ouest contained in enct. ance w/regurements of 10CFR50 App R.Rev provides edeton of mesmg text at top KRICH.R.M. Carchna Power & Light Co. 96/04/23. Document Control Branch (Docu-of page 6;nadvertently deleted when Rev 0 submrtted on 9tiO318. ment Controt Desk). App.68057.35748057 360. MACHON.R.D. T_ Valley Authortty 96/03/26. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 87708 28947708298. 9604300383 Previons roQuired 30 day rept of error m acceptable ECCS ovaluston mooel LAW 10CFR50 46taH3Hii).rworvm0 68 F incrosas in asumated PCT. -9804010349 LER 96 001-01.on 960218.escovered that 10CFR50 App R noncomph. KRICH.R.M. Caroima power & Ught Co. 96/04/24. Document Control Branch (Docu-ance conenon omsted due to fadures to correctly implement dougn cntens dunng ment Canoni Desk). 2pp. 88064.35948064.360. ongenal development of App R programs. Fro watches estatashed HSIEH.CA Tennesame Valley Authonty DruC3/26. 6pp. 8770829147708 298. 9604000191 Fore.irds addl hat of US nuclear tadhties to wfucti potental defectNe stam-less steel Swagelok tube fittmps suppl to900226Itr to detects potentahy re- 9604100253 Ack 060221 response to 960126 Itr re piant acevtbes. Informs response portame por 100FR21. meets regurements of 10CFR2.201 & tmpiamentation of correctwo octons we be on-JOHNSTON.D.J. Crawford Fritmg Co.96/04/03. 3pp. 87824:113 47824:115. ammeo dunng future maps. SHYMLOCK.M.B. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 96/03/13. HINNANT.C.S. Carohna Power 9604100198 Forwards Techrucal Review Rept AEOO/T96-02. "Tarpet Rock TwtxStage & Light Co. 3pp. 87832.17047832:172. SRV Portarmance Update." On umencet Urvt 1. pilot duc leakage resutied en stuck <npen SRV & extended reactor tsowdown mto suppresser' pool 9003200218 NRC Info Notice 96018. "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Arbome Thanum." ROSSI.C1. Duson of Safety Programs (Post 870413). 96/04/15. SHERON.B.W. . COOL.D.A. Dumon of Industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/03/25. 2pp. 87912.33447912:342. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New Yarn tric.14pp. 8779100147791.014. -te0410020e " Target Rock Two Stego SRV performance Update." 3e040e0240 Forwards insp rept 60 261/96 02 on 9601710302.No violatons or dev> WEGNER.M.S. Omco for Anniyse a Evaluation of Operatonal Data. Drector. 96/04/ .c e noted.

15. 7pp. 87912 33647912:342. t 4r -1, CK.M.B Regen 2 (Post 820201). 96/03/29. MINNANT.C.S. Caroine Power
                                                                                          & . Aye ',o. App. 87792.27047792:307.

9004290038 Forwards draft Aco;.1ont Sewence preewsor mot for 198243 Rept docu. monts ASP Program analyses of operatonal events which occurred dunng penod ~9804000250 inso rept 5CF261/96 02 on 9601214302.No violatons noted. Mesor areas 198243. mopected: plant opestons.csoes out of open moues.mant & survediance,phymcal so. WILLIAMS.J.F. . 96/04/24. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vaney Authority. 30pp. cunty program, rnemal & extemal exposure controis & 88046.262 4 6046.291. ORDERS.w T, SHYMLOCK.M.B. Repon 2 (Post 1). 96/03/27. 35pp. S'."F97.27447792:307. V. Operator Examinatsons 9003270127 NRC Info Notice 96019. " *Failure of Tone Alert Rados to Actwate When Recoung Shortened Actveten 9004010400 Notfies of termmaten of operator heense SOP.20257 6 tor TW h CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/02. ted Edmon Co. of New York Inc. Spp. MACHON,R.D. Tenneseos Vaney Authonty 96/03/26. Document Control Branch 87791:0154779W22. (Document Control Dook). 2pp. 87717.35947717;360, reted m map rept50 261/9601 on 960216. DOCKET $0*261 H.S. RO91NSON PLANT, UN!T 2 SHYMLOCK.M.B. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/02. HINNANT.C.S. Jai.nima Power

                                                                                          & bgnt Co. 4pp. 87806.1Df>87806.108.

F security, memcel, emer9ency & are protecton pia,, 9e032o020t NRC Info Nobce 96 020. "Demonstraten of Assncated Equipment Corre ance w/10CFR3420 9604090240 Forwards insp rept 60 281/96 02 on 9601210302.No volatons or dev> COOL.DA Dmmori of Industnal & Mechcal Nucinar Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04. anons noted Consohosted Eckson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 87860.28947860:300. SHYMLOCK.M B. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 96/03/29. HINNANT.C.S. Carohna Power

  & bght Co. 4pp. 8779227047792.307.                                                    9004150242 Forwards response to NRC Bulletm 96 001. " Control Rod inserton Prot >

soms." did 960308 inat reouros hcensee provide wrtnen responses to tailleen roguest- -9604000250Insp rept 60261/96 02 on 9601214302.No woiatons rioted. Mapor areas ' " snapac1ed:plaril operations.close out of open maues.marnt & surveellance.phymcal se* haCH M Co 96/04/04. Documera Control Branch (De cunty program miemal & estomal exposure controls & tra mont Control Desk).11pp. 87896.23647896248. T SH MLO';K.M.B. Regen 2 (Post 820 1). 96/03/27, 35pp. of planned susp resulting from 960229 semannual ptant perform. 96D4290103 Forwards RAI re 950630 submittal & maaaaateo documentaton LAW GL 88 20,Swipi 4 for planLUrut 2.Specificany requests mto re extemal evarn analyse in $ g728 ' IPEEE.mculing sommic analysis.fre eresynes & analyses on effects of fagh wmds. MOZAFARI.B . 96/04/17 HINNANT.C.S. Carchna Power & Ught Co 8pp. 3e04040106NRC Info Notice 96 021. " Safety Concems re Demgn of Door intertock Cr-88007.182 48007:160. cu,,n on Nu,clotron High. Dose Rate & Pulsed Dose Rate Remote Afterloodmg Brachyth-

                                                                                          , py 9,,    c. .

COOL.D.A. Dmason of industnaf & Medical Nocesar Safety (Post 870729), 96/04/10. A Insurance & Indemnity Information Conschdated Edmon Co. of New York anc. 9pp. 88102:06748102:075. 9004240276 Diammaan ruip of hconsed operstar requalificatron prog'am et 96040102e8 $4mrts mfo re present level & source of onsne property damage Insur- plant. planned for wk of 960520.Roogest for copies of comprenenews reoumarhcaton ance at BSEP,SHNPP & HB Rotunson. wrmen exams or annual operan tests to t>e sutwrutted to NRC by960506Jncluded WALT.T.D Carchre Power & Ugrit Co 96/03/27. Document Control Branch (Docu. PEEBLES.T.A. Regen 2 (Post B 201). 96/04/10. HINNANT.C.S. Carphre Power & mont Control Desk). 3pp. 8771919047719192. Ught Co. Spp.87970.28147970283

 - - _ -          _ _ _ _ . .>. _ _             ..        -     . . . _ _ ~ . - - .               - -.   -.                   _-                     . - - . . _ _ _ . .              - - _ ._ - - - . -           -

DOCKETEDITEMS 59 ma^^a*** NRC Info Notco 96022. " Improper Equipment Settngs Due to use of P. Operating toenee stage - _ & corroependence Nornemperaturocompenneted Test Equipment." CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 6pp. 9004030100 Fcrwyds suppewnental response W ade info re W Topical Rept 87060.30147D60:306' GENE.A004402142. *Apphcaton c4 'Regonei Excluson w/ Flow.Bened APRM Neu. 9004000350 NRC Bulletin 96402. " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuelover Fuel m Reactor Core.or Over Setety.Reisted Equipment, CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Conschdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. [ 8C' $(DNd'D@ Core ii Coritral Desk) 3pp 877's.123247735269' (Document 88102:100 48102 110.

  • ton of Wagenal F=che w/ Flow.Besed APRM Neutron Flux 9004100158 Forwards response to NRC 960312lir se violatons fioled in map rept 50 Scram' Statukty (Opton LD) to Montscono Nucosar Generetng Plant" 261/96-300.Correctres actons. counseled operatons unit mgt POST.J General Enoctnc Co. GENE.A00 0402142. 96/02/29. 35pp. 87735.235 HINNANT,C.S. Carchna Power & Ligrit Co 96/04/11. Document Control Branch (Doc. 87735.269.

ument Control Desk). 3pp. 87938:35847936'360. . 9004030272 Forwards amend 95 to kenes DPR-22 & safety evaluaton. Amend moe. ' 9004170100 NRC Info Nohce 96423. "Fres m EDG Excners Dunng Operonan Follow. fes TS to revne mam SLN asek rate test accmptance enlans.operstmhty test mtsmal I for drywell spray header & norreos & TS 3/4.7.a 2 i eng Uridotected Fuse CRUTCHFIELD.D. Blowing". Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.10pp.

                                  . 96/04/22                                                                 KIM.T. 96/04/03. ANDERSON.R.O. Northem States Power Co. 4pp. 87779219-08102 09048102:099.                                                                               87779.237.

namenwee NRC Into Nobce 96 024. "be.u.., of Maided.Cano Cocult Brookers r M Amend 95 to hcense DPR.22 moefying TS to rovine mem SUV leak rate Before Survoihance Testng

  • Consohdated Eteon Co. of test acceptance cntenon.operatshty test miervai for drywell spray header & nozzles GRIMES.B K. . 96/04/n. New York. Inc.14pp. from 6 to 10 yrs & TS 3/4.7 A2.

88102$7648102 089- KIM.T. 96/04/03. 9pp. 87779.22347779231. NR info ,96025. "Traursmo tr> Core Probo Overwitheown at La-S non amend 95 W W DPR-22. GRIMES.B K. . 96/04/30. Corisohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. . 9e/04/03. epp. 87779.23247779.237. [ 9002300106 Suppl 1 to Genene Lir 95 09 to all NRC kcensees re monetanng & trairung l 9004300006 NRC Info Notco 96 026. "Recent Problems w/ Overhead Cranes? of stuppers a camers at radonctrue matts. I GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/30. Coneohdated Eeson Co. . of New York. Inc. 10pp, COOL.DA Dusen c4 Industnet & Medical Nuclear Safety (Post 870729L 96/04/05. I 88102'121 48102 130. Boston Eeaon Co.10pp. 00102:05748102:066. l 9004100188 Forwards amend 96 to loense DPR-22 & safety evalustson. Amend moe. R. Portede operating reports & related correspondonoe fios TS Secean a 7 SR for Containment Automats isolaton Valves. KIM.T. 96/04/09. ANDER" .R.O. Northom States Power Co. $pp. 87835.330 9004140424 Monthly operetng rept for 4 tar 1996 for HB Rotunnon Steam Electnc 87835:341 Pianturut 2 W/960405 nr SCARBUROUGH.J.S. KRICHAM. Carchne Power & Ugtti Co. 96/03/31. 4pp. -9e04100108 Amend 96 to beense DPR.22.mosfying TS Secton 4.7.SR for Pnmary 87923.2464 7923.248. Conta nment Automate isolaton Vanes. KIM.T. 96/04/09 app. 87835.33547835:338. 9004230168 Forwards "Reeologmal Emnron Operstmg Rept 1995," Vols 6. Ill.per TS R Power & bgNt Co. 96/04/14.Documerit Control Branch (Doc

  • 9 09 " 8"783 339 8 .

ment Control Desk).10. 87999:001 47999.359.

         -9004230106 "Radologeal Environ Operetng Rept 1995." Vols 1111.                                 9004210300 Responds to Genene Lv M 7estne of Sa%hted Logic h?

BINARD.K.C. Carooms Power & Ught Co.95/12/31. 300pp. 87999 00247999:359. ( "'",*G g Ca 96/04/17. Document W Branch W Control Desk). 5pp. 8797929 47979:303. namannaa Forwards Rev 20 of "Operstonal OA Plan." 9004240190 LER 9500601:en 950721.TS 3.0 orey due to ---  : penetraten pres. ANDERSON.R.O. Northam States Power Co 96/04/19. Document Control Branch sunraton sys leakage Caused try personnel errcr.C/A:penetraton a-24 benows as. (Document Control Deskb 1p. 08028203 80028.299. sembly refea-a 950rJ1. W/960418 ftr. GAR AL., YOUNG.DE Cerchna Power & Lsght Co. 95/10/31. 6pp. 88004:346- TT AMUNDSON E. A States Power Ca 96/04/12. 93pp. 08028.20440028 299-annaesnana LER95 00340 ceranwe KRICM.R.M. Carolina Power & Ught Co. 96/04/14. Document Control Branch (Doce ment Control Desk).19 87980:354 4 7960.354. Q. Inspecuen reports, E Sullelens & eorrompendence annasg0113 Specal repton 960401. Low Bas Alarm Laght Enuthne Dode was found lil# mmsted on signal conetoner for RC-551C acousac morutor. Caused tiy feutty taas set. 9004030385 Informs mat m managonunt & staM completed eenmannual plant hns.Repared tened cornponent pertonnance revow on at plant & senses of NRC penned insp effort resultng

                                          *                     ' "'"*"' " ' '              "'#'
  • JORDAN Regen 3 (Post 820201k 96/03/22. WATZL.E. Northem States Power snent Deskt 3pp 80'031 Co. 5pp. 8770421047704214.

COcetET 50 363 Is0erT1 CELLO NUCLEAR QENERATiteG PLANT 9003200218 COOL.DANRC Dunen InfoofNohce 96018. industnal "Comphance

                                                                                                                                                  & Medcol                  w/10CFR20 fmar Setety   (Post for      Arbome96/03/25 870729). Thonum".

Coneohdated Emeon Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 8779100147791214. i F. Seeurity mesent, emergency a fire proteogen plans 9003270127NRC Into Notco 96 019. "Fadure

  • of Tone Alert Radme to ActNate When Dece010310 Subnuts tour copes of Rev 48 to Monteeno Secunty Plan. Encl withheid. Receeng Shortened Actwaton ANDERSON.R.O. Northem States Power Co. 96/03/25. Documem Control Branch C tVTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/02, ted Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. Opp.

(Document Control Death 1p. 8771919647719:197. 87791:01647791 022. 9e0e000418 Approves row 15 of plant emergency plan.Rev includes refinements & up- 90032003e9 NRC Info Notco 96420 "Demonstrabon of Associated Equipment ComW dated into. anm w/10CFR3420." CREED,,l.R. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 96/03/29. Nor1 hem States Power Co. 2pp. COOL.DA Duson of industnel & Medcal Nucteer Soloty (Post 870729). 96/04/04. 87752 042477sc043. Consokosted Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 67860.26947860:300.

          **^^a"^^^*       Advises that 960213 & 0325 Revs 47 & 48 to secunty plan.                      9004250256 Forwan.1s map rept 50-263/9602 on 960117-960226.No volatons noted.
                          .conumeent w/prcemens of 10CFR50.54(p) & acceptable-                               JORDAN.M.J. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/09. WAT2L.E. Northem States Power 9 CREED.J. . Regen 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/04,       ANDERSON.R.O. Northom States                 Co. 5pp. 87996-00647996.030.

Power Ca 2pp. e7814:331 4 7814.332. 9004130123Revoed EPIPs.metudmg Rev 72 to EPIPs index.Rev 42 to A.2401.Rev 16

                                                                                                         -9804250364 Insp rem $4263/9642 on 960H7460226% Matons noted W O AJ 107.Rev 10 to A2106 & Rev 4 to A.2-109 W/950404 Itr.                                        areas innpectadoperatons.engineenngJnannt. plani wport, emergency preparedness DER        .R.O. Nortnam States Power Co. 96/04/04. 123pp. 67876229-                        h                          Q'h4 96/04/08.16pp. 87996$13 87996$30.

De04250256 Forwards map rupt 50263/9642 on 960117 960226.No vuotatore noted. ***'"'a106 NRC Into Notco 94021. " Safety Concoms re Densgn of Door interlock Cr-JORDAN.M.J. Regon 3 (Post $20201k 96/04/09 WATZL.E. Northam States Power ourt on Nucistron High Dose Rate & Pulsed Dose Rate Remote Aftertoaeng Brachyth-Co. 5pp. 87996$0647996:030. erapy Deviceit" COOL.DA Drvisen of Industnal & Meecal Nucteer Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/10.

           -_^ _~ ' insp rept 5D.263/9402 on 960117-960226.No vmastons noted. Mapor                          Conschdatad Eeson Co. of New York,Inc. Opp. 18102 067 48102:075.

areas anspected operatoris.enomeenng.mamt. plant supporLemergency preparedness

             & raeulogicos controis programs                                                             es04050336 NRC Info Nocce 96 022. " Improper Equipment Satungs Due to Use of 4DRDAN.M. Regen 3 (Post B20201). 96/04/08.18pp. 87996:013 47996:030.                             Nomemperature Compensated Test Eouipment" CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Coneohoated Edison Co. of New York. Inc. 6pp.

87860:301 47860-306. _ NRC Bullotm 96002.

  • Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over

9004240029 Forwards "Northom States Power Co 1995 Annual Rept" Fues m Reactor Cora or Over Safety-Relateil Equipment" CNDERSON.R.O. Nortnam States Power Co 96/04/16. Document Control Branch CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Conmohdened Esson Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. (Document Coreof Desk).10.68008.239 40006.306. 88102.100 48102:110.

. . . . - . - - . - ~ - _ . . ~ .-_ - - . . . . . 60 DOCKETED ITEMS 900417910e NRC mio Notco 9423. "

                                               " Fires m EDG Exc6ters Dunng Operaton Follow-                9004000021 Raouests consent of NRC for mdirect transier of control of iconses DPR.

og undeiecied Fuse 29 & DPR.30. mVTCHFIELD.D. 96/04 Consoldated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. DULLJ.R. Affikanon Not Assegned. 96/04/04 RUSSEU W.T. 92pp. 87778:156 88102-090 88102-099 87778 247. 9004220229 NRC mfo Notco*9H24, "Procondrienmg of Molded. Case Crcun Breakers manannate* Forwards request tar ad 2 mio re bconsee 950C26 submntal of toccal rept Belore Survestance NFSR.0111. "BWR Transeem Analym MethodL" GRIMES.Ba . 96/04/ . Coneoht.ated Eeson Co. of New York. inc. 14pp. SKAY.D M.. 96/04/04. FARRAR.DL C_ _ _ . Eeson Co. 4pp. 87807:143 88102$7648102259. 87807:146. 9004200172NRC Info Notco 96025. "Traversmg IrtCore Probe Overwethdrawn at La-same County Staten Unrt 1." 9e022001as Suppl 1 to Genenc Lt 95-09 to all NRC Iconsees to monnonng & 9ammg or stuppers & camers al todonctwo maus. GRIMES.B IL . 96/04/30. Cordated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 10pp. COOL,DA Devisen of industnsi & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. 88102-111 48102 120. Boston Edison Co.10pp. 88102$5748102.086.

      "deaam    NRC .Into     Notco Conschdated 96426. "Racent        Prothems   w/ Overhead                       9004110282Submns response to NRC roguest for add into re operabihty evalusten of GRIMES.BX        96/04/30.                        Edson   Co. c4 New   York. Inc Cranes." . 10pp-     Quad Cees comer room structural steel. Calculanon enci.

86102'121 48102 130-KRAFT.E.S. Co.-.._. . _r Edson Co. 96/04/05. Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Dook). 3pp. 87868.30247868.323. R. Portodic opereung reports & related 900419017e Forwards response to NRC 960404 RAI re comer room steel operabihty evauntons. 9004220172 Monthly operstmg rept for Mar 1996 for Montcoho Nucteer Generstmg KRAFT.E.S. Commonwealth Esson Co. 96/04/09. Document Control Branch (Docu-Plant W/960412 Itr. mont Control Desk). 5pp. 87888:17547888.226. PAUSTIAN.H.H.. ANDERSON.R.O. Northem States Power Co. 96/03/31. $pp. 87053:33047953.334

                                                                                                           -9604150106 Rev 3 to Calculaton 9200.E0*S.demonstrann9 that reducten of torsonst loads from aushary steel will signetcantly reduce IC values for taeam & connectons.

S. Reportshes occurrences, LERo & related

  • C-:
                                                            -                                                 878a8:190._. n Eeson Co. 9200 EO.S41 R03. 96/04/06. 11pp. 87888.180-9004100003 LER 500240 on:960308.found wre in #12 EDG voltage seg sator not                            te04230100Subets response to NRC GL 9641,"Testng of Safety.Related Lopc Cr.

property secured ese t unang tastener. Cause for menem0 fastener not knowrtWere cuns." did960110. - Qascured & both EDGs tested W/960404 fir. BRONS.J C. C1...-.... __ . Edson Co. 96/04/19 Document Control Branch (Docu-PAMKER.T., HILLW.J. Northam States Power Co. 96/04/04 8pp. 87847$16 ment Control Desk). Sop.88002:332 4 8002:336. 87847-023. 9004290306 Docunees 960404 boensee ter mformmg NRC of plans to unmedately rn. piement porton of Amend 154 re sunressence requirement for SBLC. Staff unoerstands DDCKET 50 364 DOW CHEa00 CAL CO. that no other porton of amend we be empiemomed unti TS upgrade program. PULSIFER.R.M. . 96/04/24. FARRAR.DL C-. - Edison Co. 3pp. 86046:352 48046:254. tradeaa" Forwards plant specihe ECCS evaluston changes per 10CFR50-46. 9e04010022 Forwards annual rept for TRIGA fecerty for 1995. KRAFT.E.S. C.,.- _ ~^ Eeoon Co.96/04/24. . Opp. 88064.35148064.358. RIGOT.WL Dow Cnemmal Cu 96/03/18. Regon 3 (Post 820201) 1p. 87606.305 87896.306. ***"*a Forwards excerpts from draft ASP rept for FYB2. FY83. PULSIFER.R.M. . 96/04/25. FARRAR.D.L C_ ..- J Edmon Co. Sepp. 86052:308 4 8052:343. DOCKET 50 366 OUAD. CITIES STATIOed, UeffT 2 a inspecten reports, IE Bumstine & correspondence F. Escurtty, medical, amargency & Are protection piens 9003200218 NRC Info Notco 9M18. "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Arbome Thonum." 9004000172 Rev sk to "Com Ed Generatry Statens Emergency Plan (GSEP) Este COOLDA Divison of Irduetnal & Medcol Nuclear Sekty (Post 870729). 96/03/25. Annou Quad Cetos Nuclear Power Staten, mcorporatng new Sectons QCA 00 & Coneohdated Eemon Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 87791'00147791:014. OCA 54. i

  • Commonwealth Edmon Co.96/02/05. 07pp. 8781925847819.354. 9e04240072 Informs that Regen til mgt & etsff compiated esmennual Plant Perform. I 90041e013e Rev 23 to EPIP OEP 02006T01. "Claserhcoton of Emergenues." anoe Review of Quad Cass Slaton on 960306.
  • Commonweefth Eeson Co.96/04/12. 91pp. 87959.24S87959.333- CLAYTON,H.B. Regon 3 (Post 820201). 96/03/27. KRAFF.E. Commonweefth Edson Co. opp. $7970-20447970207.

E Co 96/ ip 7 345479 . 9003279127 NRC. n.d Snort Info -ton Notco 96419. "FaHure of Tono Ahort Redes to Actvale CRUT BELD.D. 96/04/02. tad Eecon Co. of New York. Inc. 8pp. P. Opereung Moonee stage 7 _ & correspondence 87791:0154U91022.

     **maam " Safety Evanuston For Quad Cibes Unit 1 Core Spray Une Reper
  • amasa'*0 Forwards resporse to violatons noted m insp Repts 50 254/9510 & 50 DRENDEL.D.B., BOURBOUR.S., OESTREICH.C.A General Doctnc Co. GE.NE' 265/9k10.Correceve actons:sotonoids for rest of HPCI sys er operated valves on topi unne womed down to venty proper onomaton.

8130172bO1 R3. 96/01/31.14pp. 87810120478hf 133. KRAFT.E.S. Co...m . J_^ Edison Co. 96/04/03. Document Control Branch (Docu. 9004010420 Inforne that uts wm .. _.;BWROG re both CRD ecram soionoid psot valves & ARI frequencies in ret Itr did 9e0218 for facenes. 9003200300 NRC Info Notcm 96020, *De*nonstraton of Ammamled Equipment Compib HOSMER.J. e anos wi10CFR34.20 *

                           .. - ^^^ Edman Co. 96/03/25. Document Control Branch (Docu-COOLD.A. Drvoon of Industnal & Medical Nuclear Safety (Poet 870729L 96/04/04.

fnent Control DeskL 2pst 87706.35647706.357 Consolidated Edson Co. of Noe York, enc.12pp. 87880289 87800:300. 8 consnuny " r*ev ew per P am. 0004040108 NRC Info Notte 96 021. " Safety Concems re Dessgn of Door Interlock Cir. HEF oust on tvucestron M'0'R)ose Rate & Pulsed Does Rate Remote Aftertoedme Brachyth-

                   .M. C _ . . . _ _ . . E& eon Co. 96/03/26. Document Control Branch (Doc.

06W7M6M N COOL Devmon of inasstnel & Medcal Nucioar Safety (Post $70729). 96/04/10.

     -9004010308 Proposed toch - m- .7, contmulty & synpirtying review of App A,TS                           Consohdated Edison Co. of New York. anc. Opp. 88102:06748102:075.

for TS upgraos Progrant

       *C_ . . . -_!^^. Edman Co.96/03/26. 206pp. 87706:09547706.300.                                      9804060338 NRC Info Notos 96022. *1mproper Eouipment Settngs Due to use of Nornemperaturo Compensated Test Ecumment" m'ammit Responds to RAI re Unit 2 comer toom eteel operacihty evaluaton.                                CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Coneohoated Edmon Co. of New York. Inc. Opp.

KRAFT E.S. _l Echson Co 96/04/01. Documem Control Branch (Docae 87880.301 4 7860:306, rnent Control Deskt 24pp. 87830-19047830;213. 900e040181 Forwards amenos149.143.170 & 166 to bconses DPR 19.DPR-25. DPR-2g Fueiin Rosetor Core.or Over Safety.Related Eq apment"

       & DPR-30 respecevesy & safety evaluetortAmends wth upgrade custom TS at plants                        CRUTCHFlELD.D. . 96/04/11. Cormohosted Eckson Co. of New York. Inc.11pp.

t) STS contained as NUREG4123 88102'100 48102:110. STANGJF. . 96/04/02. FARRAR.DL Co.... _-_. Eeson Co. 3pp. 87737:172 87737.253. 96041e0325 Forwards insp repts 54 237/96 05.50 249/96 45.50 254/9645 8 50 265/ 9645 on 9602144401.Three aps.orent v50sanons bemg considered for escalated on.

     =*m^'a185 Amends 149.143.1 0 & 168to hoenser, DPR.19.DPR.25.DPR-29 & DPR.                               forcement actort 30.upgreeng TS et plants to STS contaried in NUHEG4123                                                GRANT.GE. Regon 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/11 WALLACE.MJ Commonwestth STANGJF. 96/04/02. 5 app. 87737:17547737:232.                                                         Edmon Co. 4pp. 87887;15947887:170.

mma187 Satevy evalueton supportin0 amends 149.143.170 & 166 to hcenses 7/9605.50249/9605.54254/9405 & 54265/9605 on DPR 19 DPR.25.DpR.29 & DPR-30.respectrvety -es0416032s insp reptsnote 960214 0401Volstens 50 23.1 Malor areas mspected

  • 96/04/02. 21pst 87737233 47737253.
          .                                                                                                  RING.MA Regen 3 (Post 850201L 96/04/04. 8pp. 87887.1             7887;170.

eenmm4 Roguest adct rifo for GL 9507. " Pressure Loctung & Thermal Smdmg of 9004250143 Forwards inec repts 50-254/9642 4 50265/9642 on 9601164304 & Sasefy-Reinted Power <icereied Gaie vaives? as en== -3 on 960308 NOV. SHIRAKl.C.Y. . 96/04/02. FARRAR.DL Commonwestth Esson Co. 5pp. 87746:182 CLAYTON.H B. Repon 3 (Post 820201L 96/04/17. KRAFT.E. Commonwealth Eeson snee se6. Co. 3pp. 87995:30647995.338


 -960425014e Nobca of violaton from rap on 960119 0304 Volaton noted on                  9604190341 Forwards RAI fetated to extemal event araatyses in GL 86 20. Suppi 4 i    900210.hcormee rnptemented procedwo feed change numDer OCTS 60016 PFG                    "lPEEE for Severe Accident Vulnerab6trbes" metudmg seems analyss.fre anaiysis &

I 2024 temporary proceare change for Unit 1.w/o pe1ermmg review requred by TS analyses on effects of high,wmds & floods. 63.C. HANSENAG. ,96/04/15. LINK,R.E. Weconam Electnc Power Co.11pp. 87917211-

  • Regon 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/17. 2pp. 8799530647995.309. 87917.321.
 -9604250153 Insp repts 50-254/9642 4 50-265/9602 on 960119-0304. Volatons noted Mraar areas mspectatoperabons.mant, engmeenn0 & paard s@ port whsse rou-       (L Adludicatory correspondence tmosy evaluatmo safety assessment & quanty wereaton acevrbea CLAYTON,H.B. Repon 3 (post 820201). 96/04/17. 29pp. 87995:310 87995238' 9604160144 Ack recept of pet bon dtd 951117.whsch requested that NRC take acton to         1

! prohion tonen0 of VS424 casks at nucesar sne unul e - _ _ _ msealed basket w/ l ! 90,04170169NRC InfoBaowing

       ,g undetected Fuse      Notco 96-023.
                                      "      "Fres m EDG Eacitors Dunng Operaton Follow.     **catma m **'85 umonded & uneoad ng procean evaiunted.

GFiUTCHFtELD.D. . 96/04/22. Consobdated Echson Co. of New Yor% inc.10pp. KUGLERAJ, .96/04/10. SHlLUNGLAW,F. Affshaton Not AssignecL 3pp 87899:235 0810709488102:099. 87899237 9804220229NRC Info Nobce 96-024. "N.w.J4,v. ., of Moided-Case Cucuit Breakers Betore Survenance Testney H. General correspondence GHIMES.B K. . 96/04/25. Consoledaled Edison Co. of New York, Inc. 14pp. 88102-07648102 089. 9604030199 Ack recept 96o110 & debehet of Regon 111used of results.MTC rup rept of Pont to move tuuyBeach Nucteer loaded MSB forPlant SFPonto951117. decon 9604250172NRC info Notice,96 025. "Travenung in Core Probs Overwithdrawn at La- taminston area w/o pertornung adequate load test at 300% as recNred. salle County Staten,Unn 1-GRIME &.B.K. . 96/04/30. Conschdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 10pp. SHtLLINGLAW,F. Affikaton Not Assigned. 96/03/21. THE CHAIRMAN, JACKSON,$. Commmeoners (soot 750119). 2pp. 67746.285 87746286 88102111 48102-120. 9004200096NRC Info Nobce 96426. "Recent Prob 6ams w/Oveehead Cranes.. -WO Responds 2 960305Hrdesc samten where F Nw behove M GRIM S 04/30. Consoisdated Edison Co. of New Yc*, Inc. 10pp. (R .W of Nuclear atonal Safety Sa 96T3/ l SHlLUNGLAW.F Afhhaton Not Assigned. app.87854.340 87854.345. R Portodic operating reports & related -- _ _

                                                                                         -9604090373 Provides s@pt mfo to951209 & 29Itrs.ramm0 assues re use & control of SARs for spent smil dry storage casks hcensed under 10CFR72 & requests that were 9604        20 Monthly operstmg repts for Mar 1996 for Quad Clbes Units 1 & 2.W/

MOORE.K., PEARCE.LW. C ... . [ uti o w Wor SAR.when rEby rev gn JACKSON.SA Commasoners (Post 750 e6/ 2pp. 87854.34447854:345. CHAIRMAN,

2. Eckson Co. 96/03/31. 20pp. 87898261-9604230286 Comments on issues ramed in 960125 memo to J Taylor prcmdmg update 9804090209 Forwards hshng of facility & procedwo changes. tests & expenments requw. to Cash Storage Acton Plan.

ma safety eveauanons completed currgfourth ouaner of 1995 sor Uruts 1 & 2. SHf INGLAW.F. Affthaten Not Aser. Sed. 96/04/02. PAPERIELLO NRC . No De-PEARCE.LW. Commonwealth Eckson co. 96/04/01. Document Control Branch (Doc- taned Athhanon Gwen. Ip.87980 356 b?980:356. ument Control Desk).14pp. 67830.29347830:306. p 9604290187 Fonwards " Recorded Annual TEDE ExposJre for CY95 for conoems,for asamtance ri respondng to concerns. Braidwood. Byron.DresderLLaSalle, Chad Cities & Zert" Repts barn 0 submitted elec. KOHL,H. Senate. 96/04/16. NRC No Detaned Affibanon Given 2pp. 88023296 Ironically cri magnetc tape. 88023 303. BRONS.J. Commonwea'th Eckson Co. 96/04/22. Document Control Branch (Docu-mertt Control Desk). 2pp. 8805720648057:213. 900424f773 Responds to 960303 Itr to NRC revow of loadha0 & unloa&ng procedures for SF try storage casks.

 -9604290198 " Recorded Annual TEDE Exposso for CY95 for Braidwood. Byron.                   RUSSEL( W T. . 96/04/16 SHILLINGLAW.F. Affinaton Not Assigned. 11pp.

Dresden.LaSaue.Ouad Cates & Zen." 87997:26di-87997:276.

  • Commonwealth Edson Co.95/12/31. 6pp. 80057.20648057:213.

S. Reportab6e occurrences, LERe & retsted -. * ***"***'8' 9604150127 PNCMil44-071:on 940823 Unit 2 reactor troped from fus power due to 9604020169 Forwards Table i contaruno est of plant radeten response to MStV caosura.MSIV closed as result of spunous signal from mean staarn hne tugh flow weary as to wtuch rasaton monnors affected by TS Change Request 172. modifying TS Secton 15.4.1. "Operenonal Safety Review." instrumentaton.CA include installaban of support paddng & add tarung. HILAND.P., MARTIN,T. Repon 3 (Post 820201). 94/06/26.1p. 8786911447869-114 KRIESER.G.M. Waconam Doctne Power Co. 96/03/26. Document Control Branch (Docurient Control Denk). 4pp. 8772523947725242. l PCI . 9e02200198 Suppl 1 to Genenc Ltr 9549 to all NRC bcensees to morutormg & tammg PEARCE.LW. C- ....._.. _JJ. Edmon Co.96/03/11 Document Control Branch (Doc. ce stuppers & camers c4 radmactwo maus. ! ument Control Desk). 6pp. 87824:0274 7824:040. COOL.DA Deviemn of Industnal & Med cal Nucisar Safety (Poet 870729). 96/04/05. Boston Echeon Co.10pp. 88102-05748102066.

v. Operator E 9e041e0341 Forwards RAI related to extemel event analyses in GL 86-20. Suppl 4

, "lPEEE tar Severe Amiaent vulneratmhties." mciudmg seismc anaryss.fre analyse & 9504120146 Advisas that beense SOP 30352-3 docket 55-30604 wdl not be mamtamed anavnes on effects of winds & hoodt l i & MA Warren removed from hconse duty 960327. Requests that teense be temunst- HANSENAG. 96/04/1. LINK.R.E. Waconse Electnc Power Co. 1100. 67917:311 I ed. 87917 321.

                                                        'D "" " '          '"h "ne^m r                                  280"8 861280                                     9604230037rhacu==== GL 96 01, "Tesang of Safety-Related Loge Crcuns." Frat retu>

ebng outages commenene one yr after msuance of GL 9641 currently scheduisd as 970329for Unit 1 & 1011Ior Urut 2. DOCKET $0 264 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 1 LINK.B. Waconem Electne Power Co 96/04/17. Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk). Ip. 88001:356 48001:356. ! F Securtly, medical, emergency & fire protection plans 9604290386 Forwards " Annual Monrtonng Rept Jar >Dec 1995." contamin0 mto re plant ! releases.sohd waste & spent fuel shpments.coak tesen0 of sources & 9604160275 Forwards pubhc & cornrel thes versons of revned EPIPs. Cardral fbes ver- omer macenaneous reportable soms.Rowned envron manual & ODCM also enct. een of revoed EPIPs wrhheid. KRIESER.G.M. Waconsm Electnc Power Co. 96/04/22. Document Control Branch MAXFIEW.GJ Waconsin Enoctne Power Co. 96/03/28. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk).1p. 88035 00148035212. (Docasment Control Desa).19 87901:153 4 7901.268

                                                                                         -9604290392 Rev 11 to "Pomt Beach Nuclear Plant Unit 1 & 2 Envron Manual."
  -6804160281 Pubbe we'sme of revised EPtPs.mcfudmg Rev S4 to EPIP mden.Rev 29 to
  • Waconsm Electnc Power Co.95/09/21. 39pp. 88035:02648035:066.

EP1P form roex.Rev 0 to EPIP-05.Rev 0 to EPIP46.Rev 0 to EPIP47.Rev 16 to EPIP4.6 EPIP-6 6c.Rev 1 to EPIP4.6d.Rev 1 to EPIP4 6e & Rev 1 to EPIP4 St. -96D4290395 Rev 9 to "Pont Beach Nuclear Piant Urut 1 & 2 ODCM "

  • Waconam Eisctnc Power Co.96/03/28.115pp. 87901:15447901.268.
  • Waconam Electnc Power Co.95/07/06.146pp. 68035:067 88035212.

9004150259Advmes that950811 rev 12 to phynca! secunty plan m  ; w/prov> amns of 10CFR50.54(p) & acceptable, Q. Inspecton reports, lE Bulletins & correspondence l CREEDJR. Renon 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/09. LINK.R.E. Waconom Electnc Powe C12pp. 87913315247913.353 9603200218NRC mfo Nonce 96-018. "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Arborne Thonum." 9604160292 Forwards putAc & central fles versons of rewmod EPtPs. Central files var. COOL.DA Csymion of Industnal & Mechcal Nuclear Sately (Post 870729). 96/03/25. een of eevised EPIPs witnhold. Consolidr'Ad Edmon Co. of New YorA km.14pp. 8779100147791.014 MAXFIELD.G.J. Waconam Electnc Power Co. 96/04/11. Docaiment Conttif Branch ( iocument Centrol Desk).1p. 67900:31047900 324. 9603270127 NRC Into Notce 96 019. " Failure of Tone Alert Radius to Activate When Rooewirig Shortened Actwatson

  -9604160294Putilc verisson of revised EPIPs.mc6ueng Rev 35 to EPtP anden.Rev 30 to         CRUTCHFIELD.D . 96/04/02, -                ted Echson Co. of New YotA inc. 8pp.

EPIP form mden.Rev 8 to EPIP 52 & Rev 3 to EPIP 7 21a 87791:0154 7791:022.

  • Wisconom Electnc Power Co.96/04/09.14pp. 87900.31647900-324. .

9504180400 informs that samrannual plant performance review of KNPP compierted on 9604170011FtFWards rev to Secunty plan.Enci withheid. 960306 a advmes of planned map effort resultmg from revew MAXFIELD.GJ Weaoram Electnc Power Co. 96/D4/11. Document Control Branch F ABER.M.J. Repcn 3 (Post 820201L 96/04/02. STEINHARDT.C.R. Waconen Pubhc (Document Control Desk).1p. 87897.35647897.356. Service Corp 3pp. 87919.12'47919.139.

   . , - _ - -                                       = . - - -            -           .     . - - - .                       _                       -         _ ~ _ _ , _ _ . - _


                 =a==a Responds io NRC Bunstm 96401. "Corarcf Rod inewton Problems," 2                           J. kmwwme & heenwey kWornmeon 9NK. . Waconom Esectnc Power Co.(Required Responses 1 & 2) to bulletzt U.                                        96/04/03. Document Control Branch (Docu*

ment Control Does4 7pp. 87817:17847017:190. 9e0402o223 Subrmts current levels & sources of nucher propaty insurance for plant BORSTfJ. Pubkc Service Co. of Colorado. 96/04/01. Document Control Branch 9003250300 NRC trdo Noece 96 020, " Demonstration of Associated Emmpment Comph. anos w/10CFR34.20." COOLDA DMeson of indusmal & Medical Nucieer Sa4ty (Post 870729). 96/04/04. Consohdated Eeson Co of New York, Inc.12pp. 67860.29947860:300. Q. Inspecten repwie, IE Bussene & corresponstonoe 9004040100 NRC Info hates 96421," Safety Concems to Demgn of Door Intertock Cir. 9003200218NRC Wo Notco 96418. "Comphence w/10CFR20 for Art >ome Thonunt" cun on g Rate & W Does Ram Rennes A% W ed deon C New ork, .Y77 4. 1 1 91


a=rl cheon Co. York, 9pp. 48 02. 7 9003270127NRC into Notco 96419. " Failure of Tone Alert Radios to Activate When Shortened Ac1weton 0 000

                     ~ . -

NRC i,do Notee 422,opw E prnani S.itnos Due . u.e of _- . _ ~ Test Equement. F/7,,4,Jha'a'o2- ' a Sa- a' - va i=

  • 1 g _-g 96/04/11. Conachooted Edison Co. of New York. Inc. epp.

NR Notce 96420, "Demonstraton of Assocated Emmpment Comph. 1 eenameneae NRC Bunsen 96002, " Movement of Nesvy Loads Over Sport Fust.Ov ' ^

  • Fuss an Reactor Core.or Over Safety.Renated Eempment, "oned C deied deon ork, 1 e60 00 CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Coneohdated Echeon Co. of New York, Inc. tipp.

8810210048102 110. 9004180070 Forwwds response to unreeceved Nems & inop rept concens from emp rept 50-267/9641.Correcevo actorm:comprehenome evalueton sheid esmeaun porwards map rept 50406/9402 4 54301/9642 on 960109 0301 & "* LS Re9mn 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/17, Wisconom Elecinc Power Co. 3pp. fM 'C5[5f"~ Conirol Dool4 37pp. 8704.25347914269.

                                                                                                                                                                                     /      Documwd Convol Brm 87996:0944 7996:124.

g004040100NRC Info Notco 96421, " Safety Conceans re Demon of Door Imerlock Cr.  ;

                -8004250438 Notee of violaton from map on 9601114301.Vioiston notodecaffold had                          "o ,,,,,                                                                                                j not been propony escured dunng const over 2P 2C cns9ng pump m exoons of one COOL.DA Dmmon of industral & Mechcal Nucieer Sa                            Post 870729L 96/04/10.            1 Region 3 (Post $20201). 96/04/17. 2pp. 8799629747996:096.                                      "' ' ' ' " " " * ' " * *             *'"          'EE' *                          '
                  ^^^ :- .: map repts 60266/9642 & 56301/9642 on 9601094301. Violatons                           annaeanna NRC Info Notco 96022. " improper Emmpment Settngs Due to Use of Nontemperature. compensated Test Emmpment" noted.Masor areas mopectedoperatons.maint. engmeonn0 & plant support, safety as-seesment & Ouenty venlicosarts-w men of engmoenn0                                              CRUTCHFtELD.D . 96/04/11. Conachdated Edman Co. of New York, Inc. 6pp.                                       {

F ARBER.MJ. Region 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/11. 20pp. 8799600947996;124. 87860 301 47800:306. 9004170100NRC Info Nobce 96423, "Fres in EDG Exoners Dunng Operaton Follow. es040e02se NRC Bulleen 96402. " Movement of Heavy Loade Over Spent Fuel.Over Fuel m Reactor Core.or Over Safety.Reisted Equipment" i mg unastected. Fuse muTCHFIELD.D. Bioeng.". 96/04/22 Conschdeted Edson Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Coneohdated Edman Co. if New York, Inc.11pp. 8810219048102009. 88102 10046102 110. eneaseeee9 NRC Info Notco 96024, b.J.e., of Molde& Case Crcut Broekars 900417010e NRC Irito Notce 96423

  • Fires in EDG ExcAms Dunng Operston Follow.

Besore Surveillance GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/D. Tesang"Coneohdated Echeon Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. og Undetected. Fuse muTCHFIELD.D. Blowmg.". Cor-Maled Edison Co. of New York, Inc.10pp 96/04/22 08102 07&S0102289. 8810209046102099. 9004200172NRC Info Notco 96425, "Treverung in. Core Probe Overwethdrawn et La- * *** eene County Stenon. Unit 1." Betore T GRIMES.B K. . 96/04/30. GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04 Consolideied Edman Co. of New York, Inc. 14pp. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. topp. 66102076 86102209. 88102111 40102:120. 9004250172NRC Info Notco 96425, "Traverung inCore Probe Overwithdrawn et La. eauenseen NRC IrWo Notcm 96026. "Recent Protdems w/ Overhead Cranos." seine County Statori. Unit 1." GRIMES,B.K. . 96/04/30. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 10pp. GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/30. Cor= Mated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. 88102 121 48102130. 66102111 88102120. R. Portedic operating reports a roteled correspondence 9004200005 GRIMES.B.K.NRC Info Notco

                                                                                                                                     . 96/04/30.          96026,Edmon Coneohosted                    "RecentCo.Problems of New York,   w/Inc Overhead Cranes." .

8810212148102130. 9004180330 Monthly ' for March 1996 for PBNP.W/960408 Itr. GOUDELKA.M.B., MAXFIE , . Wacorum Electnc Power Co. 96/03/31. 9pp. 37949.352 4 7949:300. W. P . Ste9e Documents & Correspondonee

               **"****" Forwards annual rept of changes to & errors decovered in ECX:S evehe.                    900e000114 Submns foNowup to recent valt to US & to weh O Bngeud, Gosset.Masson ton models for plant                                                                            & Remont weg.

KRIESER.G.M. Wacaron Electic Power Co. 96/04/18 Document Coneo: Branch BELL.L Low. Level Weste & WProtects Branch (NMSS940403). 96/ (Document Control Desi4 6pp. se040 3434e040 346. 03/21. BRIGAUO.O. France.1p. 87771-35947771-359. seu- Fo,werds " Annual Monsonne Rept Jan.Dec 1995." cor.terung mio re piant 9064130202 Documents FSV weekly can on 900327 re commettments.pient status &

                               "-* weste & apont fuel ehements. leek teseng of sources &             faal survey.

Other =haneous reportable esmsRevised ermron manuel & ODCM also enci. PITTIGLIO.C. NRC - No Dete4ed Afnhoton Given.96/03/27.NRC . No Dotaded Affib. KRIESER.G.M. Waconom Eisceic Power Co. 96/04/22. Document Convol Branch ston Given. tp.87871:3504 7671:350. (Document Control Desk). Ip.88035:001 48035.212. 9002200106 Suppi i to Genonc Ltr 95-09 to e3 NRC &censees re monitann0 & Irerung

               -0004300375 " Annual Morutonng Rept 1995."                                                          of shippers & comers of rechoacDve metts.
  • Waconom tilectnc Power Co. 95/12/31. 27pp. 88035:002 48035$27. COOL.D.A. Drvoson of industnal & Mechcal Nucieer Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05.

Boston Echeon Co.10pp. 8810225748102066.

               -8004390302 Rev 11 to "Pont Beach Nucieer Plam Unit 1 & 2 Ermron Manual" r
  • Waconsin Electnc Power Co.95/09/21. 39pp. 88035.02840035:006. 9004170523 Forwards request for addl info re comments on plant proposed rows to final survey plan for ses reisees for sunmy of pipmg sys & suspect affected survey uruta.

asueen*6 Rev 9 to "Porit Beach tvuclear Plant Urut 1 & 2 ODCM,* Pf7TidLIO.C.L Low-Level Wesse & Decommissorung Propects Brenen (NMSS i

  • Wooonom Electnc Power Co.95/07/06.146pp. 88035:067 48035.212. 940403t 96/C4/10. CRAWFORDAC. Pubhc Sennce Co. of Coiarado. 4pp.

l 87948:173 4 7948.177. V. Dry Ceek independent Spent Fuel Storspe instematone 900418000s Ack recept of eredistad fuel mgt plan.NRC understands intent to transfer 10CFR72 heense to DOE. 9004030100 Ack recept of Region ill kino rept of Pont Beach Nucteer Ptern on 951117*

  • 980110 & debohef of resurtsMTC used to move fully loaded MSB for SFP to decon- ST C of 8794 7941 '

LLI L5Wp thha /N2'1 E RMAN, JACKSON,$. to u pow n re e90remine decontaw Commemoners (Post 750119). 2pp. 2854 7746.286. "OR B TF S e . Col do /04/12. WEBER.Mf. Decommemon. mg & Regulatory issues Branch (Post 901230). 3pp. 8800729748007299. DOCKET 50 267 PORT ST. VRAIN NUCLEAR OENERATING STATION 9604230117Sdmuts utd response to NRC comments irt960411 tir to proposed revs to i plant Final Survey Plan, r BORSTfJ. Pubhc Service Co. o Colorado. 96/04/15. WEBER.MS. Uraruum Recow-L Financial biterinetton ery Branch (Post 901230). tipp. 87976.32847978:338. 9004180305 "1995 9004230119 Provides addlinfo fe documentaban of Fmel Survey efforts et plant. HOCK.D.D., BORSTf.J. PuDbc Sennce Co. of ColoradoAnnual Rept for 95/12/31. 55pp. 87899 075-Pubhc Svc Co of CO.".W/960404 lir. j 87899 130. BORSTf.J. Pubhc Senace Co. of Colorado. 96/04/19. Document Control Bronch (Document Control Desk) 7pp. 87976:32147976:327.

                                                                  -.                       . .   - _ . ~


v. Dry Ceek Inesperheent Spent Fuel Storage Instenanone 9604220223 Sutats response to GL 96-01 re NLC testmg of safety related bgc cr-cuns.

9004020206 Sutets weested fuel mgt plan for managmg fuel in plant TUCKMAN.M.S. Duke Power Co. 96/04/17. Document Control Branch (Document BORST.FJ. Ptawsc Service Co. of Colorado. 96/03/28. Docunent Control Branch Controi Desk). 3pp. 87972;35547972:357 (Document Control Dook). 2pp. 87712:35547712.356. 9004240348 informs that DE LaBarge to be assegned protect manager for piant.effectrue 960428 DOCKET $0 369 OCONEE HUCLEAR STATIOct, UNIT 1 BERKOW.H.N. 96/04/22. HAMPTONJ.W. Duke Power Co. 3pp. 87994.353 87994.355. F. Securtty, snesacal, emergency a fire protocuen plane Q. Inspection reports, SE Bumeans & correspondence 9004030013 Change 1 to EPIP RP/0/B/1000/03A. "ERDS Operatort" W/960325 Itr. FC3TER.W W., HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co. 96/03/25. 27pp. 87725:109-9004100123 >==es 960226 senannual Phnt Periormance Review.Adnaes of 87725 2 planned nep effort from PPR review Forwards snap plan for next 6 months. 900402001 Rev 3 to Chomstry Manual $.1. '" Emergency Response Guideknes." W/ CR 8 9 .HA NJ W. Duke Power Co. 8pp 8 1 61. W W., HAMPTONJW. Duke Power Co. 96/03/25. 37pp. 87725$01 10

                                                                                                                                                              #0CFm W h h.

COOL.D.A. Dansson of industnal & Meecal Nuciemr Setety (Post 870729). 96/03/25. 90043e0197 Forwards Rev 4 to uti Security & Conengency Plan. Consondated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 8779100147791:014. TUCKMAN.M.S. Duke Power Co. 96/04/18. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 5pp. 88027:35648027:359. 9004020420 Forwards Rev 24 to "Oconee Nucteer Station ASME Innenace Testmg Pn> gram." for thrd tors.yr ISI meerval.  ! 9004300178 Forweros Rev 2 to sec6miy trammo & ouakfication plan. Changes identhod HAMPTONJ.W. Duke Power Co. 96/03/29. Document Control Branch (Document b Rev 2 do not decrease effeewoness of plan & therstly sutmtted per Control Desk). Opp.87730 1444 7730:300. 10CFR50.54(p),(2).Rev withheid. per 10CFR73J1 TCKMAN.M.S. Duke Power Co. 96/04/19. Document Control Branch (Document 9003270127 NRC Info Notco 96419. "Fadure " of Tone Alert Raeos to Actrvate When Control DGk). 2pp. 88027:30048027:361. Reconnng Shortened Activabon CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/02. tod Edison Co. of New York. Inc. 8pp. 87791:01547791 022. p, , g 9004000318 Responds to nobce of violation 4 propoemd ynposition of crvil penalty in 9004000110Docusses actons to be taken as result of 980318 reactor try of Unit 3 enant of $50,000. Fee peut wtule tesang of plant electncal sys.per 960318teicott HAMPTON,.l.W. Duke Power Co.96/04/03. UEBERMAN.J. Ofc of Enforcement (Post EBNETER.S.D. 2 (Post 820201). 96/03/18. HAMP10NJW. Duka Power Co. 870413). 6pp f17829:352 4 7829.357. 3pp. 87773$7747 73279. 9004080148Contems960320toicon re mot enosen0 schedu6ed for 960322 at Oconee ene to asecusa 960316 reactor inp event & results of .1 . thereof.

                                                                                                              $70.                           '

COOL.DA Dsvieson of industnal & Mescal Nuciew Safety (Poet 870729b 96/04/04. CALENJAK.R.V. 2 (Post $20201). 96/03/20.HAMPTONJ.W. Duke Power Co. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 87860.28947860 300. 2pp. 87792-344477 .345.

    ****a*'0 ,Forwards Rev 24 to "Oconee Nuclear Stanon ASME insenace Testmg Pro-               8808 0CF .201         C to                         non corrective acbons m future TONJ .            e ower Co. 96/03".9. Document Control Branch (Document Contot Desk). Opp.8773014447730:300.                                                               8f           [$67"(

9e04240153 Porwards map rept 50-269/9603.50-270/96 03 & 50-287/96 03 on ' _N Rev 24 to "Oconee Nacisar Station ASME h o Teeang Program."

  • Duke Power Co.96/03/27.150pp. 8773015347730.300. 960126 0309. Apparent violaton bemg conesaared for escalated enforcement accon.No response recuireci annaaaa*10 Summenzos960322 meetne w/util en Seneca.SC re Oconee trut three re. CRLENJAK.R.V. Region 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/04.HAMPTONJW. Duke Power Co.

actor anp event of960316. Informs tnat meetng benericini m providmg staff w/ good app. 87968.32547968:360. ovennow or resutis from rwestrjaton W/tst of attenames & hanaount CRLENJAK.R.V. 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/01.HAMPTONJ.W. Duke Pr=wer Co. -900424015s Insp repts 54269/96 03.50-270/9643 & 50 287/96 03 on 960128-44pp. 87806 04647 $89. 0309.Violaton rioted.Mapor areas mapactedslant operabons;mant & surve46ance test. mg meluding Keowee Hydro Mamt prograntengmeenng & plant support 9004000211 Forwards amends 215 "15 4 212 for hcenses DPR-38.DPR-47 & DPR. HARMON.P.E., CRLENJAK.R.V. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/04. 33pp. 87968.328 55.respecevery & SE.Amende revee TS Secton 4 4 4. "PRVS." & TS Secton 4.14, 87968.360.

        "WlENS.LA Reactor Badg      Purge F4ters & SpentDuke
                        .96/04/02.HAMPTONJ.W.         Fuel Power Pool ventiston Co. 3pp Sys.".

87779.23847779:256. emnanan106 NRC into Notce 96421, " Safety Concems re Deegn of Door interlock Cr. l -9004000214 Amends 215.215 & 212 to beenses DPR-38.DPR-47 & DPR45. respectwasy,roviem0TS Secton 4.5.4. "PRVS." & TS Secton 4.14. " Reactor Building

                                                                                                    ,",,"pp 0pnces. Wh % & W h M knce A% W on i

COOL.DA Divueion of induetnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/10.

                   $N.           04/ 2. Opp 7779 4 7779:250.

Satety evaluation supporbng amends 215.215 4 212 to licenses DPR- NR tur ted

                   /02-          7'77        7779256.                                                           j7 35)6**                                     *"         '                * '

sys. eactor"badg p' urge pool s manananesa NRC Bulletm 96-002. " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over Snar Fuel m Reactor Over Safety Related Eouipenent,, HAMPT .W. Duke Power Co. 96/04/02. Document Contrad Branch (Documeng CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. Tipp. Control Dook). 5pp. 87914:315 4 7914.334. 881021 00 88102 110.

    -9004140000 Proposed emergency change to TSs.revemo recurements for penetration             9804230243 Ack recespt of 960326lir mformmg NRC of acks steps taken to correct vio.

room ventnation sys. reactor blog purge & spent fuel pool venstaten sys carbon fator lations noted m map repts 50-259/964150 260/9641 & $0'296/9641. seetng. LESSER.M S. 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/16. KINGSLEY,0.D. Tennessee Vaney

  • Duke Power Co.96/04/02.15pp. 87914 32047914.334. Authority. 3pp. 8 :1974 7953 199.

I 9002300106 Suppl 1 to Generic Ltr 95 09 to au NRC bconsees to monnonng & trammg te04170169NRC Info Notus 96423, "F'res in EDG Excners Dunno Operation Fonow-of onippers & camers of r=*weve matis. COOLDA Divieson of Inchastnsi & Medical Nucteer Satsty (Poet 870729). 96/04/05. no Uncetected Fuse CAUTCHFIELD.D. Blowmo ". Conschdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.10pp.

                                                                                                                           . 96/04/22 Boston Eeson Co.10pp. 88102$5748102066.                                                    88102-090 48102:099.

9004100120 Responds to 960118 tir to C Haughney to asue concommg thickness of 9004220229NRC Info Notice 96424. "6.J.6..vof Molded Case Crcuit Breakers l waaon for VECT censmeers m une at piant s , ore Surveelance Tes " ! MARCUS.G.H. 96/04 0. .lOHNSTON.C.F. Toledo Coaktion for Sans Energy. 3pp. GRMES.B K. . 96/04/2 . Conschdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 14pp. 8789923147899234- 88102 076 88102289. I I SE y t 3 T 4.11 te04290200 M receipt c4 960403nr & payment m amount of $50$00 tar N penany rewrement of havmg pump discharge needer PS previos mput to actuate proposed tiy NRC m 960305 nr.Correenve actons wiu be exanuned dunng future l ARTS '808' W1 ENS.LA . 96/04/15.HAMPTON.J W. Duke Power Co 3pp. 87911:12647911144. GRAYJR. Otc of Enforcement (Post 8;0413). 96/04/26. HAMPTONJW. Duke l- Power Co.1p. 8605723648057.238

     -8004170338 Amends 214.216 & 213 to boennes DPR 38.DPR 47 & DPR-55.

? respectively.revismo Seconaery Decay Heat Removat TS 3 4.2 & Table 4.1-1 to delete 9604250172NRC Info Nobce 96425. "Traverum0 in40's Probe Overwithdrawn at La-g g ot hemg mem FW pump decnarge beooer PS provios mput to actuate g Sta

                                                                                                                               /       Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 10pp.
BERKOW.H.N. .96/04/15.11pp. 87911
13147911 141. 88102:111 48102 120.
     -9004170333 Sately evaluaton supportr5 amends 216.216 & 213 to beareas DPR.                9804160006 l        38.DPR 47 & DPR.55. respective 8y                                                         GRIMES.B NRC        Info Natum K. . 96/04/30.          96026 "Recent Consohdated             Probisms Edson  Co. of w/

New Overhead Cranes." York. Inc . topp. 1 *

            . 96/04/15. 3pp. 87911:1424791' e44.                                                    88102:121 48102:130.

i l l l

1 i l l l 64 DOCKETEDITEMS I R. Periodic operating reporp & W:4~e u. M ~7 . Safety evaluation supportog amends 215.215 & 212 to hcenses DPR. 31.DPR-47 & DPR-55.respectwet 9004250161 "Armuel Rachologs:al Ermron Ops 'atmg ReN 1995." W/ 960417 lir.

  • 96/04/02. 6pp. 877792S147779.256.

HAMMONJ.W. Duke Pows, Co.95/12/31. 04pp **"^ 5026202. 9604280142 " Annual Raamactive Effluent Reisaae Fiept for Ooonee Niclear Site lor 9604180087Appicatmn for emergency change to TS6.revisin0 recurements for pens-1995 " W/960417 ftr. tation room venclaton sys. reactor tWog purge & spent fuel pool ventsla00n sys carbon filter tesimg HAMPTON.J.W. Duke Power Co 95/12/31. 48pp. 8603122548031273. HAMPTONJ.W. Control Desa). 5pp. Duke Power Co. 96/04/02. Document Cortot Branch (Document 87914.31587914:334. 9604220121 Forwards pericrmance & operstmg statJs for Ocones Nucasar Staton for Mar 1996 & revised rept for Feb 1996. WEBER.R.L Duke Power Co.96/04/15. Document Cortol Branch (Document Control e to TSs.revism0 regurements for penetraton Desa). 2pp. 87963.29347963.310. =9604180099 room venblaton sys,Proposed emergency chang & spent fusi pool venblato reactor badg purge testng.

=0004220300 Montney operahng repts for Mar 1996 for Oconee Nuclear Staten.
  • Dune Power Co.96/04/02.15pp. 87914.32047914:334.

i WILLIAMS.R.A. Duke Power 64 96/03/31.150p. 87963:295 87963.309, 9602200196 Suppl 1 to Genenc Ltr 9509 to all NRC bconsees re monitoring & Iramrng

-460422030s Forwards revmod monthly operating rept for Feb 1996 for Oconee Nucle-          of stuppers & camers of radcactwo matts.                                                                                                        ;

at Staten. COOLDA Dwiwon of industnal & Medcol Nuciear Selety (Post 670729). 96/04/05.

  • Duke Power Co.96/02/29.1p. 87963.31047983:310. Boston Echson Co.10pp. 68102-05748102:006. )

S. Reportable --- 9604180120 Responds to 960118 ftr to C Haughney to asue concommg thckness of LERe & reteted correspondence welds for VECTRA desgied carusters in use at piant MARCUS.G.H. . 96/04/10. JOHNSTON.C.F. Totodo Coahton for $sfe Energy. 3pp. I 9604050071 LER 9640440:on 900228. loss of FW resulted in RT due to equq) ment 87899231 47899.234. l tadure Placed ICS m manuel m response to FW WanssenLW/960328 str. WILKIE.LV., HAMPTONJ.W. Duke Power Co.96/03/28.12pp. 87807:19847807209- 9604170283 SE. Amends Forwards rumee amends 216.216 & 213to bcenses DPR-38.DPR-47 & DPR 55 & Decay Heat Removal TS 3 4.2 & Table 4.11 to delete 9604260065 LER 96 00540.on 960320.contamment molation volve techncally inoper. able due to unknown caJoe Evaluated & tested Yannay valves W/960416 ttr Es WILKIE.LV., HAMFTONJ.W. Duke Power Co.96/04/18. topp. 8800913448009:143. WlENS.LA .96/04/15. HAMPTON.J W. Duke Power Co. 3pp. 87911:12647911:144. 9604300377 LER 96 00640:on 960402.madequate change vngt resulted m techncal in. -9804170328 Amends 216.216 & 213 to hcennes DPR.38 DPR-47 & DPR45, cper wantiaton sys.Otismed TS change on 960402 to snow use of Deca Hea of, Sa2 able to pg WILKlE.LV., HAMPTON.J W. Duke Power Co. 96/04/24. 3pp. 88066:19348066:195. BERKOW.H.N. .96/04/15.11pp. 87911:13147911:141. V. Dry Cask independent spent Fuel storm 9e instonettons

  • TD
  • 7 & DPR 5
                                                                                              . 96/04/15. 3pp. 87911:14247911:144.

9004300176 Notificaton of comrrutment to rewme unloadmg procedures & supparbng procedures pnar to loachng fuel m next DCS to be placed m ISFSt.Next fuel load tard tatwely schechoed for960513. 9004220223 Submits response to GL 91LO1 re NRC testng of safety related logc cir. cuits HAMPTONJ.W. Control Duke Dook). 2pp. Power Co. 96/04/25. Document Control Branch (Document 88057:35348057:354. TUCKMAN.M.S. Control Desk). 3pp.Duke Power Co 96/04/17 Document Control Branch (Document 87972.35547972:357. DOCKET 4270 OCONEE NUCLEAR STATION, UNfT 2 9604240344 Informs that DE LaBarge to be assagned protect manager for plant.effectwo BERKOW.H.N. 96/04/22. HAMPTONJW. Duke Power Co. 3pp. 87994:353-F. Security, medical, emergency & fire protecnon plane 87994:355. I 9604020013 Chang 61 to EPIP RP/0/B/1000/03A. " EROS Operaton." W/960325 ter. FOSTER.W.W., HAMPTON.J.W. Duke Power Co. 96/03/25. 27pp. 87725:109- Q. Inspec#on resoria, IE Bulletins & correspondence 87725:136. i 9604020018 Rev 3 to Chemetry Manual 6.1. " Emergency Response Guidelmes." W/ 9004100123 D=m==as 960226 semiennual Plant Personmaco Renew.Advoes of ssanned snap effort 960325 Itr. from PPR rewww Forwards map plan for next 6 months. CRt.ENAK.R V. Region 2 820201) 96/03/01.HAMPTON.J.W. Duke Power Co. FOSTER.W.W., HAMPTON.J.W. Duke Power Co. 96/03/25. 37pp. 87725 001 6pp. 8783215647832.161. 87725:038. j-9004260197 Forwrsde Rev 4 to util Secunty & Cunbn0ents/ Plan. 96032(e218 NRC Info Nobce 96418. "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Asrbome Thonum." COOL.D.A. Dwison of industnal & Medecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/03/25. TUCKMAN.M.S. Control Duke Desk). 5pp. Power Co. 96/04/18. Document Control Branch (Document 88027:35648027-359 Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 67791110147791:014. 9804260178 Forwards Rev 2 to secur'ty trammg & QuaNficaban plaft Changes identified 9004020320 Forwards Rev 24 to "Oconee Nuclear ftsten ASME insonnce Toshng Pro-m hev 2 do rot decrease effectweness of plan & thereby submitted per oram." tor ihrd ten yr LSI mterval 10CFR50.54(p),(2).Rev withhead, per 10CFR73.21. AAMPTONJ.W. Duke Power Co. 96/03/29. Document Control Branch (Document i Consol Desk). 9pp. 8773014447730:300. TUCKMAN.W.S. Control Desr4 2pp.Duke Power Co. 96/04/19. Document Control Branch (D3cument 88027:36048027.361-1 9003270127 NRC IntoActwaDon Racewing Shortened Nobce 96419, ". " Failure of Tone Alert Rados to Actmate When P. Operating Scense stage doctamente & concepondem* CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/02. ed Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 8pp. 87791:01547791 022. 9604090119 whus Docusses achons to be taken as result of 960318 reactor 4 of Unit 3 9e04000318 Responds to nobce of votaton & proposed imposenon of cMI penalty in tesbng of plant e6sctncal sys,per 960318tescon. EBNETER.S.D. amount of $50.000. Fee paid. 3pp. 87773.17774 2 (Post 820201). 96/03/18. HAMPTONJ.W. Duke Power Co. 3:079. HAMPTONJ.W Duke Power Co. 96/04/03. LIEBERMAN). Ole of Enforce nent (Post 670413). 6pp. 67629.35247829:357. 9004090148 Confirms 960320teicon re mgt membng scheduled for 900322at Oconee one to ckscuss 960216 reactor trip event a results of erwestgaban thereof. 9003290269 NRC Info Nobce 96420. "Demonstraton of Associated Equipment Compis-CRLEWAKAV. Regen 2 (Poet 820201). 96/03/20.HAMVION.J.W. Duke Power Co- ance w/10CFR3420." 2pp. 87792:34447792-345. COOL.DA Dwison of industnal & Medical Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York, Pw 12pp. 8780028947800:300. 9604020320 Forwards Rev 24 to "Oconee Nuclear Staton ASME Innervme Testmg Pro-9004100021 Ack 900321 responeo to 960222 NOV. Meets recurements of NM * '" "I "I' I Desk 77 (P at / / HAMPT .W Power Co. -98l04020340 Rev 24 to "Oconee Nuclear Staten ASME insonnce Tesbng Program."

  • Duke Power Co, 96/03/27.153pp. 67730:15347730-300. 9604m153 Forwards map rept E269/9643.50.W9643 & E287/9643 on 960126 0309. Apparent votaton bemg considerec' for escVated enforcement 9604090210 Summarizes 960322 meebng w/util M Seneca.SC re Ooorse unit three re. actertNo msponse reclurect actor inp event of 960316. Informs that mestag benefcial in providm0 staff w/ good CRLENJAK.R V. R 2 (Post F20201). 95/04/04. HAMPTONJ.W. Duke Power Co.

ovennow of results ham mvestgaten.W/lest of stenoses & handouts. 3Pp. 87968:325 87 .360. CRLEWAK R.V. 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/01.HAMPTONJ.W. Duke Power Co. 44pp. 87806$4647 '089. -9604M150 insp repts E269/9603.E270/9643 & E287/9603 on 960126 0309.Vosaten notecLMasor areas mspected: plant operalent mamt & sunreillance test-96040e0211 Forwards amends 215.215 & 212 far boenses DPR.38,DPR 47 & DPR. Ing mcludmg Keowee Hydro Masrit program.en0meenng & plant support. 55.respecbvely & SEAmenos revise TS Secton 4 4.4, "PRVS." & TS Secten 4.14, HARMON.P.E., CRLENJAKAV. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/04. 33pp. 87968.328-

  " Reactor Badg Purge Fibers & Sport Fuel Pool Ventitsbon Sys"                           87968.360.

WlENS.LA .96/04/02,HAMPTONJ W Duke Power Co. 3pp 8777923647779256. 9604190341 Summanres 960312-13 mee w/Framstome DPC & -9604000210 Amenos 215.215 & 212 to hcenses DPR.38.DPR-47 & DPR45. EPRI to chacuss technmal espects of penetraton reenspectons schechased for respectweiy.revem9TS Secten 4.5.4. "PRVS." & TS Sechon 4.14. " Reactor Buhdin0 Apr 1996 plant Urut 2 refusing outage Presentaban documentaban & meetmg agenda Pwge Fdiers & Spent Fuel Pool Venblabori Sys." encl. BERKOW.H.N. 96/04/c2.10pp. 87779:24147779250. MEDOFFJ.,96/04/09.STROSNIDER,J.R. 130pp. 87926.00147926.130.

DOCKETEDITEMS 65 9604040106 NRC Info Notes 96421. " Safety Concems re Demgn of Door irnerlock Cr- G. Adjudicatory -.. _ , c6st on Nucietron High. Dose Rate & Pulsed Dose Rate Remote Aftertoadng Brachyth. COO D of industnal & Meecal Nuclear $stety (Post 870729). 96/04/10. 9604 50 W m 94 * '* ea Po R2 Consoidsted Edson Co. of New York. anc.999.88102:067 48102 075- RUSSELL h3 BENJAN.R. Affiksbon Not Asagned. 4pp. 87887.313 8788 m 6. 9604050336 NRC Info Netco 96022. "Imoroper Equusment Settmos Due to Use of CR E 04 1. Edson Co. of New York inc. 6pp. 9604150064 Responds b 941021 W.wruch requested acton w/re0ard 2 an reactor b consees uomg thermcHa0 & that P Bme Itr be treated as Petmon por 87860-301 4 7860 306-10CFR2.206 Forwards nonce of Issuance of Drector Decimon unoer 10CFR2206." emnan%9 NRC Bulleen 96002. " Movement of Hoovy Loads Over Spent FuelOver gh88726

                                                                                                                        '           *                    ^ " ' " ' ^ "'    '

Fuel m Reactor Core.or Over Satsty-Related Equipment" 7887 2 96/04/11. Consoldated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. 9604150206 Responds to postcard dtd 941114unch requested acton re all reactor b. Thermo.La & that postcard be treated as Petmon per 10CFR2206, consees U .9 . AHi n A ne . pp. 6-9804170169NRC Wo Nohce 96023. "Fres in EDG Excelers Dunng Operaten Follo"- mg Underected Fuse Baowmg " f7B80 - CHUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/22. Consoldated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. 88102 00048102 099 g 9604220229NRC Wo Noece96 024,7 h., of Molded. Case Crcuit Breakers Before Surveshance Tesbng." 9604150018 Responds to941021 lir wtuch roguested acton w/ regard to all reactor b. GRIMES.81 . 96/04/25. Conachdated Edison Co of New York. Inc. 14pp. consees uomo Thermo. Lag & tha11tr be t eated as Petition per 10CFR2206. 88102:07648102:089. RUSSELL.W T. . 96/04/03. CINQUEMANI.DX Affshaban Not Asmgned. 4pp. 87887:3174 7887;320. 9604290200 Ack receipt of 960403Itr & payment m amount of $50.000 for csvgpenalty prrmaad by NRC m 960305 fir.CorrecDwe actors wel be examined dunng future maps. L Financial information GRAY J.R. Ofc of Enforcement (Poet 870413). 96/04/26. HAMPTONJ.W. Duke ower Ca ip.88057236 88057238. 9604000242 " Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp 1995 Annual Rept " W/960403 ftr.

                                                                                               #E A            . M. Vernent Yankee Nucteer Power Corp. M2/31. 37pp.

9804250172NRC Info Notce,96 025, "Traversmg 1* Core Probe Overwethdrawn at La- 7g i yj salle County Station. Unit 1. GRIMES.BK . 96/04/30. Conschdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 10pp. 4810211148102 120. g g g 9004260005 NRC Info Nohce 96 026. "Recent Problems w/ Overhead Cranet" GRIMES.B K. . 96/04/30. Conochdated Edison Co. of New York. inc. 10pp. 9604020016 Provides currrent levels of property mourance & sources of mourance for 88102-12148102130. tacehty.per 10CFR50.54(w)(3). SCHIMELPFENIG vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. 96/03/27. Document Con-1rol Branch (Document Control Desk).1p. 87725:35747725:357 R Portodlc operating reports & rotated correspondence 9604250181 " Annual Radologeal Envron Operann0Rept 1995 " W/ 960417 fir. P. Operating Scense stage documents & correspondence HAMPTONJ.W. Duke Power Co.95/12/31,104pp. 8802829948028202. 9604030030 Forwards response to BWROG RRG recommendatons re CRD SSPVs w/ 9604200142

  • Annual Radmaceve Etnuent Release Rept for Ooonee Nuclear Sne for Vston eternals.

1995 " W/9604171tr. RETD.D.A. Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. 96/03/25. Document Control HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co.95/12/31. 48pp. 88031-22548031273. Branch (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 87746.31047746.312. 9004220121 Forwards performance & operstmg status for Oconee Nuclear Staton for 9604010270 Documents rewmed admttal date for util USl A-46 effort from 960331-Mar 1996 & rewmed rept tar Feb 1996 0531. WEBER.R.L Duke Power Co.96/04/15. Document Corsol Branch (Document Control THAYERJK Vermont Yankee Nwaar Power Corp 96/03/27. Document Control Desk). 2pp. 8796329347963.310. Eiranch (Document Coreal Desk).1p. 87719-14947719:149.

   --na MontrWy operatng repts %r Mar 1996 for Oconee Nucteer Staton.                       9604020310 Forwards summary of changes to util Sept 1989 RG 1.97 semrtialRG WILLIAMS,RA Duke Power w.96/03/31.15pp. 87983295-87963.309.                               1.97 ouakfcaten summary,RG 1.97 matnx & RG 1.97 Gemgn & Ouakheston crttana for matrumentanon (summary).
 -Se04220300 Forwards revised monthly operanno rept for Feb 1996 for Oconee Nucto-             DUFFYJ.J. Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. 96/03/29. Document Coreal D Statort                                                                                  Branch (Document Control Desk). 36pp. 8772628547726:320.
  • Duke Power Co.96/02/29 1p. 87963:31047963.310.

nauw77 Apphcaten for amend to LJcense DPR.28.consstmg of Proposed Change Y. Dry Cask independent Spent Fuel Storage insta8ations"r T 3.B REID.DA Ve mont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. 06/04/04. Document Control 9004300176 Natificanon of commstment to reves unloadmg procedures & scoportmg Branch (Document Cormul Desk). Spp.87858.316 4 7858:326. procedures pror to fuel m nest DCS to be pieced m ISFSLNext fuel load tork tatmely scheduled for

13. -9604000283Prrymad tech specs re control rod over-travel indcaton survallance.

HAMPTON I W. Duke Power Co. 96/04/25. Document Control Branch (Document " vermont Yankee Nuctsar Power Corp.96/04/04. 6pp. 87858.32147858.326. Control Desk). 2pp. 88057.35348057:354. 9504090283 Proposed Change 184 to bconse DPR 28.revisang TS recurements for sec. ondary contamment based on gussance m NUFIEG-1433 Rev 1 "STS for GE DOCKET 50-271 VERIGOfff YANKEE HUCLEAR POWER STATION Plants,BWR/4." REID.D.A Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. 96/04/04 Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 8pp. 87830:32447830.347 F. Security, medical, emergency & fire protection plans

                                                                                           -9604090287 Proposed toch specs te secondafy contamment entegrity.

9004150U18 Responds to941021 Itr which requested acton w/ regard to aN reactor g

  • Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp.96/04/04.16pp. 87830.33247820:347.

censer 4 unng Thermo-La0& that Itr be treated as Ponton por 10CFR2.206. t GJUS$1 LL.W T. . 96/04/03. CINQUEMANI.D K. AfNiaten Not Assegned. 4pp. 9602200186 Suppl 1 to Genene Ltr 95c9 to all NRC bconsees re moratonng & trammg l 87887:,'17 47887.320. or shsppers & camers of radcactive matis, l COOL.DA Devmon of industnal & Medical Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. 96041500L i Rosponds to 941026Itr whch roguested acton w/ regard to af reactor 6 Boston Edson Co.10pp. 88102-05748102 066. consees Wig Thermo. Lag & that Ilr De treated as Petroon per 10CFR2.206. DJUSSELLh. '. 96/04/03. BENJAN,R. AfNiston Not /ssegnect opp. 87887:313- 9604160331Provides info requested by NRC re mod of stabon battery racks & schedule 87887.316. tor cornpietmg mod. THAYER l K. Vermont Yankee Nucieer power Corp 96/04/12. Document Control 9004150064 Responds to941021 lir.wr ech requested acton w/ regard to ah reactor b. Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 87923.27147923.272. consees unng thermoan0 & that P Brrwe tir be Wested as Petrbon per i 10CFR2206. Forwards nobce of "tsauarce of Director Decmon Under 10CFR2.206." 9604100366 Forwards nonpropnetary " Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Staban (VYNPS) l RUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/03 BIRNIE.P. G.E. Stocanoiaers Aikance Agamot Nuclear Core Shroud Repar Summary" & propnetary vois 1.2 & 3 of Rev 0 to MPR 1730. l Power opp.87887 26347887:312. "VYNPS Core Snroud Reper . Desegn Rept, per GL 9443.Propnetary rept wethhead. ' THAYER.JX Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp 96/04/15. Document Controi 9004150206 Responds to postcard did941114whch regjested acton re all reactor b- Branch (Document Control Desk). 7pp. 87961:13047981:187. t consens unng Thermo. Lag & that postcard be greated as Petton per 10CFR2206 l RUSSELL.W T. . 96/04/03. DEBOLT,B. Athhaton Not Assigned. 3pp. 87880:346- -9604180371 Rev 0 to " Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Stabon Core Shroud Repar G7880.348 Summary."

                                                                                              ' vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp.96/04/30. 61pp. 87961:13747961:187.

9604000270Raouests exempton from 100FR50. App R.Secton Ill.L *Altomate & Dedi-cated Shutdown Capandsty." 96042401321ranstruts 80 day response to GL 9641, "Testmg of SR Lo0c Crcuits." THAYERJ K. Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. 96/04/04. Document Control THAYER.JX vermont Yankee Wclear Power Corp 96/04/18. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). App.87817.1674 7817:170. Branch (Document Control Des 4 2pp. 88010.233-88010234.

l 66 DOCKETEDITEMS 9604240152 informs NRC of phi enplementanon plans for mauss than=+ed at recent DOCKET 54272 SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING CTATION, UNf71 motor operated verve program esp exR mesang to foal closure of MOV program,por GL 8910. THAYER,JX Vermorn Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. 96/04/18. Document Control F. Security, er adical, emergency a fire protection plana Brarum (Documern Control Desk). 2pp. 8801024648010249. 9604300148 Summary of960328meetmg w/loensee in Rockvme.MD to escuss bcons- 9604010304 Forwards mso repts 5(>272/9601 & 50311/9601 on 960114-0224 & es use of archmg schon methodology in determmmg of masonry waN be- NOV.Enamples of fasture to adhere to procedures.madequate control of plant confgu-tween man stahon baneros.Lat of attendees & shoes forwar raton 4 weak CA,noted. DORMAN.D.H. .96/04/18. * ,31pp. 88053.16248053:192. NICHOLSON.L.E. R 1 (Post 820201). 96/03/?8 ELIASON.LR. Pubhc Senace Electnc & Gas Co. of Jersey 3pp. 8768722447687:070. 6 Inspection reporte, IE Bulletine & correspondence -9604010312 Insp repts 50 272/9641 & 60 311/9641 on 960114 0224. Votebons noted Maior areas mapected:operatorm, redologmat 9e03200218 NRC Info Notco 96018. "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Aebome Thonum." coneos,manlaurvenancewcunty engmeenng techncal support & safety assess-COOLDA Dvison of Industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/03/25. ' Consohdated Echson Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 8779100147791$14. '"'C"HOLSON.LE. NI Regon 1 (Post $20201). 96/03/25. 41pp. 8766723047687: 070. 9603270127 9604110003 Revoed EPIPs.mciudmg Rev 21 to EPIP table of contents & Rev 10 to Reconnng NRCShonened InfoAcevanon Nobeenal 96419.

                                                                                       "     ".Fadure of Tone A#ert Rados        to  Activate EP!P 903.When "Openmg of Emergency Operatons Facety (EOF)/ Emergency News Ctr CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/02.                                                          ted Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. Sep.

87791:0154 7791222. (ENCL" Putse Sennca Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 96/04/01.18pp. 87856:115-87866:132. 9003290268NRC Info Nonce 96 020, "Demonstrabon of Assocated Equipment Compi ance w/10CFR34.20." 9604160478Revoed " Salem Event Classmcaton Guide." COOL.DA Duson of industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04. BANNER.C.W P@he Sennce Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 96/04/08. 59pp. Consondaied Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 87 Boa 281NI7860:300. 87942.257 4 7942 315. 9604110224 Ack recogst of 951229 hr mformng NRC of steps taken to correct volabons noted m map rept50 271/95-23. 9604160245 Rev 3 to emergency pean secnon 6. "Noutcaton Methods . Response Or-gannstons." CONTE.RJ. Regen 1 (Post $20201). 96/04/04. RElD.DA Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. 2pp. 87850.1't3 87850137 BANNER.C W Pebe Senace Electnc & Gas Co of New Jersey. 96/04/00. 26pp. 87893.280 4 7893:305. mananant06 NRC info Notce 96421. " Safety Concems re Deegn of Door interlock Cr curt on Nucetron Hsgh Does Rate & Pulsed Dose Rate Remote Aftertameng BW 9004250128 Notrncabon of bconsee meetmg 9tkO39 w/util on 960506 to escuss em erapy Demons." pro ements m arte EP program. COOLDA Dmeon of indusinal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/10. NICKOLSON.L.E. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/17. Repon 1 (Post 820201). 2pp. Conechdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 9pp. 88102-06148102 075. 87996:295 4 7996.296. 9004160036 D-== review of SER approving feedwater nozzle esp techmous I, Financel """ DUFFY,J.J. Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. 96/04/10. Document Controt Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 87914.31147914:312. 9604060336 NRC info Notice 96422. " improper Eouipment Satungs Due to use of Group inc.1995 Summary Annual Rept" & "Anance Energy 1995 Summary Annual L .--_ a. M-a_-ted Too ".guement" Rept." CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Conschosted Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 8pp. ELIASON.LR. Putte Senaca Eiscenc & Gas Co. of New Jersey.96/04/15. Document 67860.301 4 7860 306. Control Branch (Document Control Desk). Spp. 87983:13147983J61, penanane59 NRC Bulletm 96 002, " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over -8604190176 "Deimarva Power 1995 Annual Rept" Fuel m Reactor Coro.or Over Safety-Related EespmenL" CRU7CHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consondated Esson Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. COSGROVE.M.E. Denmarva Power & Ught Co. 95/12/31. 54pp. 87983-136-87983:189. 88102:100 48102 110. 9604220323 Requests that Vermont Yankee integrated performance massesment proc > -9604190177 "Pubhc Svc Enterpree Group inc,1995 Summary Annual Rept" ass map De roschseAnd to followng 1996 refuehng outage. currently scheeJied to FERLAND.EJ. Put*c Sennce Enierpnee Group. 95/12/31. 28pp. 87983:190-commence 980823. 87983:217. REID.DA Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. 96/04/16. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 87973:35647973.357 .gg04130178 JACOBS.J.L.",A8anbc EnergyAtlanne HUGGARD.E.D. 1995. Summary Annual Energy, Inc. 95/12/31.Rept" 37pp. 87983.216 9604170180NRC Info Nobce 96423, "Fres en EDG Excners Dunng Operanon Fonow. 87983J n gUTCHFUndetected D /04 Fuse Biowng} Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc 10pp-K. Utlety Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) & amends 9604220229NRC Info Notoe 96 024. "^. J,; ., of Moeded Case Crcuit Breakers 9004140099 Forwards markeckup saxisted FSAR pages addressmg guestons re spent Before Surveilience Tesang" fuel pool sysJzer 960328 h=an w/NRC. GRlWES.B K. . 96/04/25. Consohdaled Eeson Co. of New Yorti, kic. 14pp. POWELL.D.R. Sennce Electnc A Gas Cct of New Jersey. 96/04/10. Document 88102 076 48102-089. Contros Branch (Document Control Desk). 48pp. 87898:20147898:248. 9604250172NRC info Nobce 96 025, "Traverung h4cre Probe Overwithdrawn at La. sane County Staton. Unit 1." P. Operating Econes stage - __ & correspondence GRIMES.B K . 96/04/30. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. 88 102 120. 9604010262 Provides a@pi response to GL 8644 es pahey statement on engmoenag 9004200005NRC info Notce 96 026, "Recent Problems w/ Overhead Cranes.. experuse on shitt while ses mening plant TS.PSE&G now plans to use both hcensed GRI S /30. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York, enc. topp. A POWE ^ 'Servim Elenc & h Co. of New96/03/22. W Document Control Brer sh (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 87704.35147704.352. R. Portodic operating reports & related corroepondence 9604020231Provides update on changes to plant restatt acten plata WARREN.C.C. Putsc Sennce Ensetnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey.96/03/26. Document 9604020291 *Tffluent & Waste Disposa! Annual Rept for 1995." W/r 6329 fer. Comrol Branch (Documerit Control Dest). 71pp. 87733:00147733-071. Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. 95/4/*1. 87pp. 87732J40

                                                                                                                                    " m 'F                   m0mEMM%mh hw % L Submittal in Response to GL 8742/USI A-46. 'Vertficaton 2

Seeme Adequacy of 9604170044 Monthly operanng rept for Mar 1996 for WNP.W/960410 Itr. Mecharscal & Elecincal Equiprnent m Opera Reactors.'" WALLIN.GA, WANCZYK,RJ. Vermont Yankee Nic6 ear Power Corp. 96/03/31. 6pp. SIMPSON.E.C. Put*c Senace Enoctnc & Gas of New Jernov 96/03/29 Document 87949 0954 7949-100. Control Branch (Document Control Desk) App.87776 001 4 7778.155.

                                                                                                                                    -?T      T^T 1 " Salem Generatng Staten L ;, _ _..;J Submrttal in Response to NRC S. Reportehee                                       LERs a rotated -.

GL 8742/USI A46. 'Venfcaten of Seenuc Adequacy of Mechanical & Enoctncal Equipment m Dperanng Reactors.** 960401016e LER 9640540:en 960227. Grow 6 isolation for HPCI sys medvertently do.

  • Vectra Tectmologies. Inc. SGS.SUP.RPT ROO. 96/03/24. 879pp. 87776:005-graded wrlhout talun0 actons encduded by TS. Caused by personned error. Plant proc. 87778.155.

esses evahred w/ design change properston reviewed W/960328 Itr. WANCZYK RJ. Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. 96/03/28, 5pp. 87708:305 9604000371 Submets wdhdrawal of requests for amend for Seiern Generanng & Hope 87708.309. Creek. POWELL.D.R. Pubhc Senace Electnc & Gas Co of New Jersey. 96/04/03. Document 9604000045 LER 96-00740.on 960304.wital tre dampers not instabed bi accordance w/ Ccmtrol Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 87815.34247815.343. metructonsPlaced qualified fire watches an areas w/inoperabie osmpersW/ 3 fer. 9604000264 Documents resporme to Acton 1 of Confirmatory Acton Ltr 195 009.dtd WANCZYK.RJ. Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. 96/04/03. 4pp 87824-073 950609 87824 076. WARREN.C.C Putac Sennce Esectnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey 96/04/04 Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 8781725247817.253. 9604000049 LER 9600640 on 960305.orror adentified in block well calculaton &Je to personnel error whn:h placed plant outside Oussgn basis. Prepared Bases for Mantam. eno Oooraton.W/960404 ftr. 9802200186 Suppl 1 to Genonc Ltr 9549 to all NRC bconoses re monrtonng & trairung ce shopers & camem of radoactive matis. WANCZYK.RJ. Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp 96/04/04. 4pp. 87824S77 COOLDA DMason es industnal & Madcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05 sis 24 080. Boston Esson Co.10pp. 88102:05748102:066

l DOCKETEDITEMS 67 9004100279 Irdorms that Stele of NJ has no comments to Ucense change request S. 900423022e NRC Irdo Notco ,96424, "Procondmonmg of Molded (aes Crcuit Breakers 9641 re 125 volt benery charger survesence. Before Survedlance Testin0 TOSCHX New Jeresy. State of. 96/o4/08. Document Corect Branch (Document GRIMES.S.K. . 96/04/25. Conachdated Emeon Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. Cored Dook). 2pp. 8794236947942-300. 88102 07648102 069. 9004140030 Informs that praf-t changes to CAP IAW 10CFR50 54(a), acceptable. asunenean Forwards response to NRC 960325 fu re maionons noted m insp repts 50 RULAND.W H. 1 (Post e20201) 96/04/10.EUASONLR. Put4 Sarwce Elec- 272/9641 & 50 311/9641 on i160114-0224.Correctve actons:rogared mospendent Wic 4 Gas Co. of Jeracy. 3pp. 8789521647895.220. vonficaton was STORZLF. Putte Electne & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 96/04/25. Document ge8410ese8 Forwards withdrawal of ameruss to liconese 19R-70 & DFR-75 for Salem & Coned Branch (Document Contre Desk).16pp. 88063.34348063.356. hoense NPF.57 for Hope Creek N"* mar Genere Stason. OLSHAN.LN . 96/04/16. EUASONLR. Putsc Enoctric & Gas Co. of New 9004200172 NRC Irdo Nobce 96025. "Treversmo in. Core Probe OwenMthdrawn at La. Jersey.1p. 87917:34747917-352. ante Staton.Unn 1."

  -4004100274 Notco of witharewal of maahr**n for amends to licenses DPR-70 &                     881$11f48th2 DPR-75 for Setem & hoense NPF.57 for Hope Creek Nuclear GeneretnD $1ston.                                                                                                                                    '

STOLZ.J.F. 96/04/16. 2pp. 87917:35147917;352. ammemamma NRC Info Nobos 96 026, "Recent Problems w/ Overhead Cranes? 9004300133 Informs that uill receeved GL 9641. "Teetng of Setety.Reested Lope Cir. GR S " " * '* "" ' N' ' gg 2- i cuits? 4 we imptoment ravamiad actons for facemos. - STORZLF. Peke Service Eineme & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 96/04/16. Document i Control Branch (Document Coreal Dook). 3pp. 8002735140027:353. R. Ported 6c sporeeng reports & retoted correspondonos 9004260130 Nossr= man of noenses meseng 96039 w/util on 900506 to rearmas yn. provements m ans EP program. 9004190106 Monthly operetnD rept for March 1996 for SNGS Unit 1.W/ 960412 ltr. NICKOLSON.LE. Repon 1 (Poet 8202J1). 96/04/17. Regen 1 (Pest 820201). 2pp. PHILUPS.R., HELLERA. WARREN.C, Pubhc Senace Electnc & Gas Co. of New 8790629547996:296. Jersey.96/03/31.11pp. 87952 34647952.356. 9004300184Aa% for amende to 6coness DPR.70 & DPR-75.modifym0 l'equency 9004300107 " NPDES Decharge Monnonng Rept for Mar 1998 for Salem Generatng on T A contamment ILRT. Staton." W/980424 Itr. ST LF. Pete Service Electne & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 96/04/22. Document HOLDEN,J.J. Putte Sernce Electne & Gas Co. of New Jersey 96/03/31. Control Branch (Document Cored Desk).10pp. se057:196 80057;203. CAPORALE.G. New Jersey. State of. 21pp. ama****=aa^-340.

 -4004300188 Proposed toch specs for Urvts 1 & 2 re mod of frequency of Type A con-
                                                                                                                                                       & reemed consapendonoe Electe & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 96/04/22. Opp. 88057:15
      =72=-                                                                                  900 010= tER Suo34an 960220.TS redaton m ,.to, a.mphn. . non.

corrphance. Caused by talure of plant chemeWy to fully understand TS sample & anal- l 8 inspacean reports. IE tussens & correspondenes vos recurements.Estabished for coreathng anasynes.W/960325 ftr. - HASSLER.D V., WARREN.C. Senace Elecinc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 96/03/ 00033e0318 NRC Info Notce 96418. Tomphance w/10CFR20 for Arteme Thonum." 25. Sep. 87694m7m309. , CDOL.DA DMmon of Indusinal & hai Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/03/25. z Coneohdened Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 8779100147791914. 9004010836 Spacei repton 980224.vahd fahre of 1B EDG was identned dunng sur- t vmbance testng. Caused by tangue due to normal machne verstortRagw=d thread- ' 9004010304 Forwards inep repts 50 272/9tM)1 & 50 311/9641 on 9801144224 & ed nopee. NOV.Enamples of Imkre to adhere to procedures.madequate coned of pierd conhgu- WARREN.C. Pubhc Service E6scenc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 96/03/25. Document I renon & week CA noted. Contra Brancti (Document Control Desio. 5pp. 87719:152 87719 156. j NICHOLSON.LE. 1 (Post 820201). 96/03/26. ELLASON.LR. Public Sonnce Electic & Gas Co. of Jersey. 3pp. 87667:02447667270. 9004030943 Submits suppiemental rept on correctrve monstres taken to reduce poton-  ! tal of fulure otX:urrences.

 -800401030$ Notco of viaiahan frorn map on 9001144224 Veoisson noted on                         WARREN.C.C. P@hc Service Electic & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 96/03/26. New 900129 Urut i             performed S1.OP.ST.DG4001 & tamed to perform regured             Jersey, State of. 3pp. 87755:35647755.358.

J.  ; fotowmo ressoratort *

  • Regen 1 (Post 820201). 96/03/26,3pp. 8708792747687 029. 9004000032 LER 9541641:on 950720. difference botesen contariment deogn param, t stars & accedent analyse was escovered Caused by mecoquete 10CFR$0.59 SEs for
 -8004010312 insp rupts 50-272/96 01 & 50 311/9641 on 9001144224. Vioistons                                 m contenment temp praetes. Changed UFSAR & TS.W/9004C2 fir.

noted Mapor areas anspected:operamons, r"Maa'* R.D.V., WARREN,C. Putsc Service Electic & Gas Co. of New Jeresy 96/04/ corects. mart.aurvellences.nectrity, engmeanng. technical support & selety ma===- 01 6pp. 8782426247824267. rnent I NICHOLSON.LE. Repon 1 (Post 820201). 96/03/25. 4 tpp. 87887 03047687 070. 9004130000 LER 96404-00on 900307,identhod Wist Cl vehe TS survenance mesed 9003270127NRC Info Notcs 96419. "Fadure of Tone Alert Rados to Actvate When of ad T S W/900408 IW CR 07791 9154 7791.022.

                                     .                 Edson Co. of New York, Inc. app.                     e7h             7:3 OCF        W8 4 '~ 8"              '"""#              d              "IP                        T                                       ' controis a=

enon Co ork, 12pp. 7000 94 e6& 2 0004 5 9e04100211 Responds to NRC Buheen 96-001. " Control Rod inserton Problems." I

      $70RZ LF. Putec Sonnce Electic & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 96/04/06. Document                                                                                                                               I Corwol Branch (Document Convol Desk). 9pp. 8789628547896 093.                         N 90-275 DIMLO CANYON N PWER PLAffT, WWT 1                                                                          '

9004040106 NRC Info Notco 96-021. " Set Concems re De*0n of Door interlock Cr cus on Nucestron Hagh.Does Rate & Does Rate Remote Aftenomeng Brachyth,- F. Securit% medloot, emergoney a fWe proteamen piene erapy Devitat" COOL.DA Divison of induesial & Meecal Nuclear Satety (Poet 870729). 96/04/10. 9004180014 Reeponds to941021 nr which t=t"==*=d acton w/ regard to mil reactor li-Coneohdened Eeeon Co. of New Yortt, Inc. Opp.08102.067 48102:075. consees Thermo-La0 & that str be Wooted as Petton por 10CFR2.206.

 - NRC Info Notco 96422. *1mproper Equipment Satangs Due to Use of                              87        N7e'871320
      ; ,. s . _ _ ;"mtad Test Equipment" CRUTCHFIELD,D. . 96/04/11. Coneohoated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 6pp.                9004150000 Responds to941026 Itr wtuch recpested acton w/ regard to an reactor li-                                  ,

87082 301 4 7360:306. coneses & that Itr be tested as Petton per 10CFR2.206.  ! 9004000330 NRC Buusen 98 002. " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over Fuel e Reactor Core.or Over r ^ ' ~ Ecpipment" g7N.3[' ., / . BEWA mton W W 40p. NM CptuTCHFIELD.D, . 96/04/11. Coneohdeted Edson Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. 9004190064 Responds to 941021 ar,wtuch requested acton w/reged 2 en reactor 8 88102 10040102110. consees unng thermcring & that P Barme Itr be Wested as Petton per 90041 NRC Info Notco 96423, " Fires in EDG Excners Dunng Operaton FoRow. "

  • Under R fuSSE W 04 B B h ,

BUTCHFiEtD.D. 9T622_ Coneo.daiad Edson Co. of New York. inc. 20p,. Po-or. daa.87*87:2$3-87ae7:312. 80MM48MM. 9004190206 Resprnds to postcard did941114wruch roguested action re an reactor l> 9004390237 Forwards kiep rept 60272/9645 & 50311/9645 on 9002254406 & cenemos using Tomc>La0 & that postcad be treated as Petiton per 10CFR2R nonce of violaterL RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. DEBOLT,B. Afhhaton Not Asegned. 3pp. 87800.346-NICHOLSON.L.E. 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/22. ELIASON,LR. Pubhc Service 87800-348. Elecinc & Gas Co. of Jeresy. 4pp. 80020.31248020:344. l g

   ^^^ --- Notce of vioiston from map on 9602254406 Voleten reted clunn0 map                   tons noted.

penod rendent inspectors determmed each Salem urut did not have OSR & SRG con. GWYNN.T P. Regon 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/10. RUEGER.G M. Pacific Gas & Dec-setng of et neest tour deoicated. Wic Co. $pp.87872:027 4 7872 039.

  • Regen 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/22. 2pp. 86020:31648020.317.
                                                                                            -8004150300 insp repts 50-275/9645 & $0 323/9645 on 960316 22.No volatore Insp repts 50 272/96 05 & 50-311/96 05 en caMx=. Volations

noted.Mapor areas mapectedphytcal eeCunty program includmg. control of personnel etDeed.Mapor areas mopocied operatens engmeenn0.marit & plant support & packa9es.losang & rnamLtrarung & oushficebon.hgntng.recorcs & repts.

  • Regen 1 (Poet 820201). 96/04/22. 27pp. 88020.31648020.344. MURRAY.B. Repon 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/04. 8pp. 8787223247872239.

t I .- __ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _______

68 DOCKETEDITEMS 8604160031 Forwards map repts $4275/9602 & $0-323/9402 on 960121 0302 & Q. Inspecuan reports. IE Busetins & correspondence notre of volanon. DYER.J E (Post 820201). 96/04/10. RUEGER.G.M. Pacifc Cas & Electnc Co. epp. 8 7887976. 9603200218 NRC into Notco 96 018. "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Artome Thonum." COOL.D.A. Dnnson of industnal & Medcal Nucmar Satem/ (Post 870729). 96/03/25.

 -9604160040 Notre of violanon from kap on 9601214302.Volaban noted:none of per.                    Consohdated Edson Co. of New YorA inc.14pp. 87791:00147791*C14.

asagned to fire bngade shift watch on 951229.had completed twenrusi tra. rung 9603270127 NRC 2 h 96019. Fadure of Tone Alert Rachos to Actuate When

  • Regen 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/10. 2pp. 87887:04947887:050.

F f [0 02. ted Edson Co. of New York. Inc. Sop. 9604260013Damanaa Change 7 to Rev 18 to p6 ant physcal secunty plan & Change 1 87791:01547791222 scheme ed by kW 9604000161 Aavises of planned map effort resufung from PPR renew prondmg to mm. GWYNN.T.P. Recon 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/23. RUEGER.G M. Pacifc Gas & Elec, nure resource impact on stan & to allow for scheduimg conficts & personnel avadatx6 Inc Co. $pp.85003.31048003.314. ey to to resoeved m advance of mspecw amval onsne. CYER.J.E. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/03. RUEGER.G.M. Pacife Gas & Electnc Co. 6pp. 87772$1947772:024. 9603290269 NRC Info Nobce 96 020. "Demonstraton of Assocated Equipment Comph. A t er se Petmon p R2 . COO o industnal & Madcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New Yor1L. anc.12pp. 87800.28947860:300. RUSSELL 96/04/03. CINQUEMANLD.K, Affdston Not Aamgned. 4pp. 8 71 . . 24 9604150328 Forwards response to NRC Buhebn 96 001, " Control Rod inserton Prot > 9004150050 Responds to941026 fr wNch requested schon w/re0 erd to all reactor y lems" consees usmg Thermo- & that Itr be tested as Petrhon per 1DCFR2206 WOMACK,LF. Pacefc Gas & Electnc Co.96/04/05. Document Control Branch (Docie RUSSELLW.T. 96/04/ . BENJAN.R. Affdeaton Not Aamgnect 4pp. 87887.313 ment Control Desk).15pp. 87896.196-87896.210. 9004040106 NRC Info Nohce 95021. " Safety Concems to Demgn of Door Intertock Cr. 9604150064 Responds to941021 lir.whch reauested action w/ regard to all reactor l> cult on Nucastron High. Dose Rate & Pulsed Dose Rate Remote After1oadmg Brachyth-consees uomg thermo.6a0 & that P Brnie Mr be Wested as Petmon per erapy Devces." 10CFR2.206. Forwards notics of " Issuance of Drector Docsson Under 10CFR2.206." COOLD.A. Drveen of Industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/10. RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. BIANIE.P. G E. Stockho6ders Alhance A amst 0 Nucseen Consohosted Edson Co. of New YotA inc. 9pp. 88102 06748102$75. Power. 4pp. 8788726347887:312. 9604150277 Forwards insp repts $4275/96 05 & 50 323/9645 on 960318-22.No vuota. 9604150206 Responds to postcard otd941114whch requested acton re all reactor li- tons noted. consees unng Thermo. Lag & that postcard be treated as Peeton per 10CFR2.206. GWYNN.T.P. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/10. RUEGER.G.M. Pacific Gas & Elec-RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. DEBOLT.B. Afflkston Not Asmgned. 3pp. 87880:346- Inc Co. 5pp. 87872S2747672$39. 87880 348 9604150200 insp repts 54275/9405 & 50 323/9605 on 960318-22.No volatons noted.Maior areas msoccted:phyncal secunty mcludm0. control of personnel L Fhencial information & packages.tesong & ment.traming & auaklication. . records & repts MURRAY.B. Regon 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/04. 8pp. 87872:03247872239. 9604010133 "Pacife Gas & Electnc Co 1995 Annual Rept" W/960326 Itr. SKINNER.S., ANGUS.MJ. Pacifs Gas & Electnc Co. 95/12/31. 59pp. 87719:001 9604160031 Forwards risp repts 50 275/9642 & $0323/9642 on 960121 0302 & 87719:061. nonce of violation. DYER.J.E. Regen 4 (post 820201). 96/04/10. RUEGER,G.M. Pacife Gas & Electne Co. 6pp. 8788744S87887276. P. Operaen0 scenas stage documents & .

                                                                                                 -9604160040 Notre of violaton trorn risp on 9601214302.Volaton noted:none of per.
 **^'a*Se Clanfos desenpton provided in LAR 9545 of locaton & number of tanks                       sonnel esmoned to fre brigade sNft watch on 951229.had completed twenmal pomg temporary diesel fuel ou storage.                                                     recnaromerits.

UJIMO O.W.H. Pacrfc Gas & Elecinc Co. 96/03/22. Document Convoi Branch

  • Regon 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/10. 2pp. 8788794947887:050.

(Document Control Desk). 4pp. 87746:35547746:358.

                                                                                                 -9604160043 insp repts 50 275/9602 & 50 323/9602 on 9601210302. Volatons 9604020114 Advises that NRC has tieen informed by Attorney General of State of Cah-                noted.Malor         areas       rooected:operanon      setety        vonfcaton.mamt tomia swestga       anegatons that taality famed to provide complete & accurate mfo             observatons.survediance observatons, orisste engnmenng & plant support actMbes.

about effects of intake sys on ocean hfe. WONG.H.J. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 95/04/09. 25pp. 87087$5147887:076. BLOOM.S.D. . 96/03/27. RUfGER.G.M. Pacife Gas & Eiectne Co. 3pp. 87725.30S 87725:308 9604050336 NRC Info Netce 96422. " improper Esapment settings Due to Use of Nontemperature. Compensated Test Egapment"

 *'Ma*04 Forwards nonce of proposed corporate restructunng of util.                                 CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 8pp.

BLOOM.S.D. . 96/03/29. RUEGER.G.M. Pacife Gas & Esectne Co. 3pp. 87722:210- 87860:301 4 7860:306. 87722.214. 9604000259 NRC Bullehn 96402. " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over

 -4404030217 Nobce of proposed corporate restructunng of util.                                      Fuel m Reactor Core.or Over Safety-Renated Eauipment."

BLOOM.S.D. .96/0?/29. 2pp. 87722:21347722.214. CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consohdated Echson Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. 88102 10048102-110. 9604000123 Forwards corrected figures for rept re saing of primary water stress corro-son crackmg ridcatons e domed SG tubes pulled dunng Unit 1 seventh refuekng 9604190009 Forwards insp repts 50-275/96418 50 323/96 01 on 960106 12.Vota-outage. sons noted. RUEGER.G.M. Pacrac Gas & Electne Co. 96/04/02.Documerit Control Branch (Docu. GWYNN.T.P. Regon 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/11.RUEGER.G.M. Pacific Gas & Enoc-ment Control Doet0. App. 87803:35747803.360. ye Co. 6pp. 8792028947920 306. 9604040142 Forwards ucense Amend Request 9406 to Lcenses DPA40 & DPR- -9604190011 insp repts 50275/9601 & 50 323/9641 on 9601084329 Volatons 82.revisng TechAr Bido Sateguards Specs Fdtraton3/4.7.5, Sys "." Control Room Venceston Sys" & 3/4.7.6. "Aunhary noted Maior areas r==-'W""ang of Event Repts 54275/95-SC240 & 54323/95 S0240 wnch twolved unproper gran unescorted access authoraaton to ends. RUEGER.G.M Pacific Gas & Electne Co.96/04/03. Document Control Branch (Docu. venal ment Control Desk). 2pp. 87766:32Sa7766:353-MURRAY.B. Regon 4 (Poet 820201). 96/04/05.12p. 87920'29547920.306.

                         . Amtrol             V                    3 idg      9604230378 Forwards corrected pages to insp repts50 275/9401 & 50-323/9641 did GE         Pac           & Electne Co.96/04/03. 7pp. 87766:33147766.337.                   G                              8                 '

yg 6 7.23

 -9604040 og                   och         3 7           ontrol Room Vennianon Sys" & 3/4.7.6.
                                                                                                 -9604240021 Corrected pages to rap repts 50-275/9641 & 50-323/96 01.Correcton
  • Pacefc & Enocenc Co.96/04/03.1690.87766.338 47766:353' fWY%NQ. y 4 Post 820201). 96/04/18.1p. 87967.27347967.273.

of t 9604170169 NRC Info Nobce 96423, "Fres m EDG Exeners Dunng Operaton Follow-COOL.DA Dmmon of induatnal & Medeel Nuclear Safety (Poet 870729). 96/04/05. ing Unoetected Fuse Baowm. g." Boston Echeon Co.10pp. 8810225748102:066. GRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/22. Conschdated Edson Co. of New York, arc.10pp. 8810299048102$99. ! 9604240006Subruts correctons to amends 89 & 88 to loenses DPR40 & DPR42 for l DCNPP.Urvts 1 & 2.reveng TS re ESFAS & SR & clanfied contamment fan cookng 9604220229NRC Info Notes 96424. "hhvof Mo60ed. Case Crcuit Smakers i una conriprations. Betore Survechance Tasong" i BLOOM.S.D. . 96/04/16. RUEGER.G M. Pacife Gas & Electnc Co. 2pp. 87972221 GRlMES.BX . 96/04/25. Consohdated Edison Co. of New York. inc. 14pp. 87972 224. 88102:07648102$89.

 -9604240077 Corvected TS pp to amends 89 & 88 to bconses DPR40 & DPR42.reve.                    9604250172 NRC bio Nobce 96425. "Traversmg In Core Probe Overwithdrawn at La-ing TS re ESFAS retrumentaton & SR & clanhed contamment fan cochng unit con.                    saHe County Staton Unit 1 "

figuratons. CRIMES.B K 96/04/30. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc 10pp.

  • NHC No Dotaded AfBhaton Given.96/04/16. 2pp, 8797222347972.224. 88102-111 4 8102-120.

9604250100 Responds to GL 9401. "Testng of SR L Circuits." 9604260065NRC Info Nonce 96-026. "Recent Problems w/ Overhead Crares." RUEGER.G.M Paafe Gas & Electnc Co.96/04/18. Control Branch (Docu- GRIMES.B K. . 96/04/30. Coneohdated Edison Co. o8 New York. anc. 10pp. ment Control DesQ. 3pp. 87996.16047998162. 88102-121 48102:130. I h

l l l DOCKETEDITEMS 69 ' O. Portodic operating reports & related . 9604170249 Forwards & rham=aas Drector's Decison DC'9603. denying request to im- i mediately shut down toth reactors at plant unni nsa of fue near sectncal controi j 9604010120 "Tabutebon of Personnel Exposure to Radiaton for Year 1995." W/960322 cates due to combustible msulaton corrected.  : Itr. RUSSELL.W.T. .96/04/03.OCH.R. Maryland Safe Energy Coaliten. $pp. 87905 299- I RUEGER.G.M. Pacanc Gas & Electnc Co.95/12/31. $pp. 87897:33947697:343. 67905:361. 9604190118 Monthly operstmg repts for March 1996 for DCNPP.W/060415 itr. -9604170265 Drector's Decision DCL96 03.deryng reauest to immodately shut down COLEY.W.E., FWIMOTO,W.H Pacere Gas & Elecine Co.96/03/31. 2tpp. 87939.213 both reactors at plant untu nsa of fire near elecincal control cabios due to combustible 87939.233. insuiahon corrected. RUSSELL.W.T. .96/04/03. 42pp. 87905.30447905.345. 9604240182 "Frst Quarter 1996 Rept on Discharge Monitonng at Diablo Canyon Power PlanL" W/960419 itr. --9604170265 Drector's Decison DD 9643.deryng request to immediatety shut down FWIMOTO.W.H. Pecsfc Gas & Electnc Co. 96/03/31. BRIGGS.R.W. Cahtomia. State both reactors at plant unts nsa of fre near electncal control cables due to combustible of. 90pp. 88016:17648016J67. roulaton corrected. RUSSELL,W.T. .96/04/03. 42pp. 87905.30447905.345. iL Reportaties occurrences, MRs & related correspondence -9604170272 Nobce of issuance of Drector's Decemn DD.9643. denying request to wn. mediately shut cown toth reactors at piant unto nsk of fire near electncal controi 9604010263 LER 8544340:en 850303.TS 3.3.2. Table 3.3 3 & Acton 18 was not met cates due to msulaton conected. when containment purge velves opened w/o vahd current slave relay test due to snad. RUSSELL.W.T. .96/04/03. 3pp. 87905:346-87905.361. equate procedure. Revised procedure W/960325 Itr. BEHNKE.D.H., FUJIMOTO.W.H. Pacife Gas & Electnc Co.96/03/25. 9pp. 87708:237-87708.245. G"" - , correspondence 9604020265 L.ER 9442340on 940504.TS 3.0.4 rait not when fac61y entered Mode 3 9604150018 Responds to941021 Itr whch requested acten w/rega d so all reactor h-er/CCP 11 inoperable due to equciment degrrJatic'i. Performed calculatori 10 werWy ceneses using Thermc> Lag & Inst lir be treated as Petiton per 10CFR2J06. that pump total flow would remain below TS flow limsLW/960328 itr. BEHNKE.D.H FWIMOTO.W.H Paafe Gas I Elec1rr. Co. 96/O'3/28. 8pp. 87733231-RUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/03. CINQUEMANLD.It Afteaten Not Assagned. App. 87887:3174 7887:320 87733 238. 9604050029 LER 8445040:en s40310.TS 3 3.3 6 was not met due to snadequate pro- 9604150050 Responds to 941026 ltr whch requested acton w/ regard to all reactor b cedural guidance. Operators performed STP l-10 unang PAMS panels 3 & 4 to venty consees using ThermcQ4 that ter be treated as Petiten per 10CFR2.206 operatulity of encore thermocouple channels.W/960401 Itr. RUSSELL.W.T. 96/04/ua. BENJAN.R. Affdeaton Not Assegned. 4pp. 87887:313-87887:316. BEHNKE.D.H., FWIMOTO.W.H Pacerc Gas & Elecinc Co.96/04/01. 7pp. 87807:182-8'/807:186 9604150064 Responds to 941021 ter.whch requested acten w/ regard to all reactor li-9604190158 LER 96-00440:on 960102.TS not met wnen allowed outage time of consees unmg thermolag & that P Dme ltr be tested as Pet: ton per 10CFR2.206, Forwards notco of " Issuance of Drector Docsson Under 10CFR2.206" Lt?ys exceeood for component coohn0 water (CCW) pump 11. Caused by personnel error Separate recumng task wnre order wdl be developed W/960415 Itr. RUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/01 BIRNIE.P. G.E. 6tockholders Alhance Agamst Nuclear Power. 4pp. 8788t7.2SMf88.N312. BEHNKE.D.H., FWIMOTO.W 's. Pacefc Gas & Electnc Co.96/04/15. 7pp. 87960.301 8'/960-307-9604150206 Responds to postcaril dtd 941114 whch requested acton to all reactor li-960mam LER 95" 241:en 950310. access / egress for plant angrwhcantly hampered consees uomg Thermo-Lag & Mat postcard be treated as Petiton per 10CFR2.206. by closure of all comes roads. Caused by mud sades & Sooding.C/A pumps removed RUSSELL.W,T. . 96/04/03. (73 BOLT.B. Affikaton Not Assigned. 3pp. 87880:346-flood watere '..<950422 kr. 87880-348. BEHNr"' art.. FWIMOTO.W.H. Pacsfc Gas & Electne Co.96/04/22_ Spp. 88065.327* 88066 M 9604170249 Forwards & disoases Director's Decimen DCw9603.denyin0 request to em-medately shut down t#s reactors at plant unta nsk of fire near electncal control 9604300411 LE 19641641:on 951022. eddy current rap revealed SG 12 had 70 do. factive tubestaused by water stress corroomn craciung.Aa SG tubes classsfied as de- [SSE T 03 r Safe Energy Coaliten. 5pp. 87905.299-factive plugge:1 N/ 960423 nr. 87905.361-JOHNSON.R.L, 9.UIMOTO.W.H. Pacific Gas & Electne Co. 96/04/23. 800 8806621N.24 . -960M70265 Dimetor's Decaen DD 9643. denying request to immediately shut down both reactors at piant untn nsk of fre near electncal control cabees due to comoustible 9604300228 LER 9640340:on 960326.TS not met dunng testing of bQ -

  • 96'/04/03. 42pp. 87905.30447905'345-MSSVs. Caused beleved to be rotated to stcluno phenomenon between MSSV nozzle
               .R   . UJ MO O W K              (ha &                  . 96/04/25. 15pp.    -960470272 Notco of issuance c4 DirecWs Decemn S96434enying request w h 88066 062 4 8066:076.                                                                        medaiety shut down both reactors at piant unts nsk os h near escincal W cabies due to ensulation corrected.

RUSSELL.W.T. .96/04/03. 3pp. 87905:346 87905.361. DOCKET $0278 AGN-201 P. Operating 8 cense stage documents & correspondence P. Operating Ilcones stage documento a correspondence

                                                                                           *"^*71 Lcense Change Roguest 9641 to Lk.enses DPR-44 & DPR-56, revising TS 9604170341 Press release 11-96 41, "NRC Ucensmg Board Sets Preheanng Conference                 Secton 2 0. "SateLLrmats."

on GA Tech Researen Reactor." HUNGER.GA pew Energy Co., ( Phitaaelphen Electnc Col 96/03/25. Doc-

  • Regon 2 (Post 820201k 96/04/16.1p. 87959:3344 7959:334. ument Control Branch (Document Control ). 7pp. 87746:32347746.333.
                                                                                           -9604030078 Proposed Tech Specs Secten 2.0 re safety hmsts.


  • PECO Energy Co., (formerly Phiindolphes Elecinc Col 96/03/25. 4pp. 87746:330 87746:333.

F Escurtty, medical, emergency & fire protection plans 9604040228 Responds to BWROG RRG intenm recommendenons re Viton CRO $$PV response Dme deny 9604020322 Forwards reveed emergency response procedwes (ERP). Including central HUNGER.GA PECO Energy Co. ( Philadelphe Electnc Co ). 96/03/29. Doc-fdes verson of Rev 43 to ERP.110. App 1 & putWe verson of Rev 13 to ERP-200.Can. ument Cowol Branch (Document Coeol ).1p. 87771:17247771:172. tr1 flles verson of Rev 43 to ERP-110. App 1 withhetcL HUNGER.GA PECO Energy Co ( Philadelpha Electra: Co.) 96/03/28. Doc- 9604050398 Forwards RAI re wide range neutron monitor TS at plant uruts 1 & 2. ument Control Branch (Document Control ).1p. 87727.31947727:333. SHEA.J W. .96/04/04 HUNGER GA PECO Energy Co.,(formerly Phdadetpha Elec-tnc Col 7pp. 87755.15747755:163. -960402c347 Pteic version of Rev 13 to Emerge 1cy Response Procedure (ERP) ERP. 200 " Emergency Drector." 9602200186 Suppl 1 to Genonc Lir 9549 to all NRC imensees re monstonng & trarung

  • PECO Energy Co. (former1y Philadelpha Electrw Cn4 96/01/30.14pp. 87727:320- or shopers & camers ce redmactne matis.

87727;333, COOL.DA Dmson of Industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729) 96/04/05. Boston Edson Co.10pp. 88102-057-88102 066 9804150018 Responds to941021 fir whsch requested acton wh to as reactor b. consees usmo Thermo. Lag & that tir be wested as Petman per its T12206 9604170019 Forwards request tar relef 33-VRR-1,rev 0 to second 10-yr enterval IST [USSELL.W T. . 96/04/03. CINQUEMANi.D K. AffdsaDon Nos Assegned. 4pp. program 87887.31747887:320. HUNGER.GA PECO Energy Co., Phdadesprus Electne Col 96/04/10 foc-ument Control Branch (Document ). 5pp. 87349:02947nMr033. i 9604150050 Responds to941026 Ilr whch requested acton w/ regard to e J reactor b. j consees unmg & that nr be treated as Petston per 10CFR2E4 9604230092 Forwards util 960321 proposed temporary change to NPDES Pommt PA 4 RUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/03. BENJAN.R. Affikaton Not Assegned. era 87887.313 0009733, requesting approval for temporary decharge of norH:entact CW to escharge

 $7887:316.                                                                                   canal we stormwater dram & state of PA approval or proposed change HUNGER.GA PECD Energy Co                        Phrladelpha Electnc Co). 96/04/15. Doc-9604150064 Responds to941021 Itr.whch requested acten w/ regard to aN reactor 6                ument Control Branch (Document                     ). 3pp. 88000:35188000:353.

consees unng thermo-ta0 & that P Bemem Itr be treated as Petmon per 10CFR2206. Forwards notme of " Issuance of Drector Decemn Under 10CFR2.206." 9604260107 Subnuts response to GL 9641. "Testng of Safety-Related Logc CrcustE" RUSSELL.W T . 96/04/03 BIRNIE.P. G.E. Stocknoiders Alhance Agamst Nuclear HUNGER.GA PECO Energy Co,(f Philadeephia Electnc Col 96/04/18. Doc. Power. 4pp. 8788726347887.312. umorit Coritrol Branen (Document Control 1 dop. 68023.35748023.360. 9604150206 Responds to postcard dtd941114whch requested acten to all reactor b. 9604300074 Forwards " Annual Effluent Reeease Rept No 38. Jar >Oec 1995" & rev 9 to consees using Thermo-Lag & that postca-d be treated as Petition per 10CFR2.206. Ortsste Dose Calculaton Manual for Peact Bottom Atome Power Station Urvts 2 & 3. < RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. DEBOLT.B Affikaton Not Assagnac 3pp. 87880:346- MITCHELL.T.N. PECO Energy Co.. ftormerty Phdedesprus Emetne Co). 96/04/22. 67880:348 Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk).1p. 68061:18648061:333.




                - "Oftarte Does haton Manual.Rev 9 Peach Bottom Atome Power Ste-                    9604300266 Forwards "PBAPS Uruts 2 & 3 Radation Dose ?                       J Rept 11 for C3n Urvts 2 & 3."                                                                                  Jan Dec 1995." Rept mecates PBAPS reeeases small fraccon of irrmts hsted m
  • PECO Energy Co., (formerty Phdadelptus Doctnc Co.).96/01/03.125pp. 88061.206

, 88001233. 40CFR190, MITCHELLT".Ermron N. PECO Radiator Energy* Co Protecton Stds (formerty for Nuclear Electnc PNtadelptua Power Operations Col 96/04/22." Document Control Branch (Document Cor$ol Desk).1p. 88062.31348062:351. 8 Inspection reports,IE Bdletine & correspondence annnrin268 "PBAPS Uruta 2 & 3 Radiaton Dose Assessment Rept 11 for Jan.Dec 1995 " 9003200210 NRC Info Nohce 96 018. "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Arbome Thonurn." MSCISZ TJ., BASILIO.J.A. PECO Energy Co., (formarty Ph4adelphia Enoctnc Col 95/ COOLDA Dusen of Industnel & Meecal fMa=* Safety (Post 870729). 96/03/25. 12/31. 37pp. 88062 31448062.351. l Conmohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc 14pp. 8779100147791$14. 98040 0414 ords comtaned map repts54277/9641 & 54278/96-01 on 960114-

8. Reportable occurrences, LIRs & reinted correspondence PASCIAK.W.f. R 1 (Post 820201). 96/03/25. SMITH,0.M. PECO Energy Co.,

I (formerty un Doctnc Co4 epp. 87667:19047687230. 9604040010 LER 9640340:on 960228,ESFA occurred due to loss of one oft-sne power source Roset PCIS Grow fl esciscon & restored aftocted sys W/ undated str.

  -9004010422Notos of vmeatmn from inep on960114-960309 Venaton notedfasture to                        LENGYEL.G EDWARDS.G.D. PECO                  gy Co., (formony Ptuladelptus Oectnc Co.).

adessate functonal or cahbr tostno m wntten tesi preres. 96/03/28. 5pp. 87758.32747758:331. 1 (Post 820201). 96/03/25. 2pp. 87687:1944 7687;195.

  -9604010431 Inso repts 50277/96 014 50-278/9641 on 960114-960309. Velatons i

areas mspected. plant review.ptant DOCKET 50-278 PEACH SOTTOM ATOtstC POWER STATION, UNIT 3 l noted Masar actmbes operatons rowww.mamiensnce & survenience .engmeenr:g & technmal support acewmes. , CD4MIDT.W.L. BONNETT.F.P., LOR * .RA Regon 1 (Post 820201). 96/03/25. i 35pp. 87687:196 47687.230. F. Securty, enoscal, emergency & M protection plans mNte Siervuts follow is) b960119 response to NOV & has determmed that ap" 9604020322 Forwards revised emergency response prooeckres (ERP), bicludi cereal prepnate guidance contamed m OM.P.151, Admmestatve Guidenne-26.12,Rev 9 & fees verson of Rev 43 to ERP-110 App 1 & pubhc verson of Rev 13 to ERP . Con. AGCG-26.6.Rev 2. was Sles verson of Rev 43 to ERP.110. App 1 withheld. EDWARDS G.D. PECO Energy Co. ( Phdadelphia Electnc Co). 96/03/28. HUNGER.G.A. PECO Energy Co. ( Phdadelptua Elecirte Col 96/03/28. Doc-Document Control Branch (Document Coreal ). 3pp. 87752-35647752258. ).1p. 87727;31647727:333. ument Coreal Branch (Document Controi 9603270127 Nouce 96 019. "Fadure of tone Alert Rados to Actvate When - 7 M ERP-CR FIELD.D. . 96/04/02. ted Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 8pp. 200. " Emergency Director." 87791-0154 7791:022.

  • PECO Energy Co., (formerty Phdadelphia Electnc Col 36/01/30.14pp. 87727.324 87727:333.

9003200200 NRC Info Notco 96 020, "Demonstrabon of Associated Equipment Comph. ance w/10CFR34.20." 9004150018 Responds to 941021 ter wruch requested acten w/ regard to all reactor li. COOL DA Dmsen of industnal & Medcel Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04. consees usmg Thermo. Lag & that lir be treated as Peeton per 10CFR2206. Conachdated Edison Co. of Now York, Inc.12pp. 87660:28947860 300. RUSSELL,W.T. . cV04/03. CINOVEMANI,D.K. Athhaban Not Asmgned. 4pp. 878872174 7887:320. 9004040106 NRC Into Nonce 96 021. " Safety Concems re Design of Door interlock Cr-cuit on Nacistron Pugh-Dose Rate & Pulsed Dose Rate Remote Aftermadmg Bracry1h. 9604150050 Responds to941028 ftr whch roguested acton w/recard to au reactor 4 erapy Devices consees using Thermo Lao & that ltr be Wested as Petman per 10CFR2.206. COOLDA Deson of Industns! & Medcol Nucoser Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/10. RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/63. BENJAN.R. Affikation Not Aamgned. 4pp. 87887:313-Coneohdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. 9pp. 88102 06748102 075. 87867:316. e tad E 9004150064 Responds to 941021 Itr.whsch requested acton w/ regard to all reactor b. CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Conachdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 6pp. consees usmg thermcNag & that P Banee Itr be treated as Petinon per l 10CFR2206. Forwards nonce of "tssuance of Direcer Decimun Under 10CFR2.206." i 87860:301 47860 306-RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. BIRNIE,P. G.E. Stockholders Alhance Agamst Nuclear 9604000250 NRC Bulleen 96002. " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over Power. dop.8788726347887:312. Fuel m Reactor Core.or Over Safety-Related Eatsument" CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consohosted Edson Co of New York, Inc.11pp. 9404150206 Responds to postcard dtd941114wtuch requested acton re as reactor 6 j 8810210048102110. consees unng ThermoLag & that postcarel be treated as Petmon per 10CFR2.206. i RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. DEBOLT.B. Affikaton Not Asmgned. 3pp. 87880-346 3604170100NRC Into Nance 96023. " Fires in EDG Exeners Dunng Operaton Fotow- 87880.348. mg unastected Fuse Beowmg " CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/22. Coriardariated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. 9604170249 Forwards & demanas Director's Deceson DD-9603. denying request to kn. 88102090 48102 099. mechately shut down both reactors at plant until nok of We near electncal coreal 9604290213 Requests that NRC review & approve Rev 3 to Rehof Roguest GVRR.2 re cables duw to combust ble insulaton corrected. RUSSELLW.T. .96/04/03.OCH,R. Maryland Safe Energy Coa!Itert Spp.87905.29g-Second Ten Yr interval IST Progrant 87905'361* HUNGER.GA PECO Energy Co Philadelphia Electnc Col 96/04/23. Doc. ument Control Branch (Document ). Spp. 88057.28540057289. 6 170265 DWs h N.M monet b Mtely shut down aanN190 Fonverds response to NRC960325 Mr re violanons noted in hap repts 50, toth reactors at plant untn nok of We naar e6eetncal control cab 6es due to combusabse 277/96 01 & 54278/9641 on 9601144309 Correceve = ----- . . -M 4 kV 98% & moulaton corrected. 89% UV relay funcbonal test senes $12(3)h-54-E(bus numberbXXFM. RUSSELLW.T. .96/04/03. 42pp. 87905.30447905.345. MITCHELL,T.N PECO Energy Co (formerty Philadelphia Electne Co) a6/04/24. Document Cortol Branch (Document Control Desk). 8pp. 88067206 88067213. -9604170272 Notco of issuance of Director's Decisen DD.96 03.denymg request to im-mechstefy shut down both reactors at plant until nok of We near e6ectncal control 9604220229 NRC Info Notice 96 024, "ProconetorsnD of Molde& Case Crt2Jtt Breakers cab 6es due to insulation corrected. RUSSELLW.T. .96/04/03. 3pp. 87905:346 8'905:361. Before Survel6ance GRIMES.B.K. Testng"Conachdated Edson Co. of New York,Inc. 14pp.

                     . 96/04/za.

88102 076 48102 089.

                                                                                                                        ~ '

9004250172 NRC Info Notco 96425, "Travorung in Core Probe Ovenytihdrawn at La. I salle County Staton. Unit 1." GRIMES.BX . 96/04/30. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. 9604150018 Responds to941021 ftr whch requested acten w/ regard to all reactor 6 88102111 48102:120. consees usmg Thermo-Lag & that str be treated as Petman per 10CFR2.206. RUSSELLW T. 96/04/03. CINOVEMANI.DX Athhation Not Asmgned. 4pp. 9604260005 87887;317 47887:320. GRIMES.BX NRC Into NotcoConnohdated

                    . 96/04/3u. 96 026, "Recent EdsonPtoblems    w/ Overhead Co. of New    Y ork. IncCranes." . 10pp.

88102121 48102 130. 96041500$0 Responds to941028 Itr whch requested acten w/ regard to all reactor h-consees unmg Thermo Lag & that Itr be treated as Petiten per 10CFR2.206 RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. Belt lANA Athhaton Not Assmed. App. 87887:313- l R. Portodic operoung reports & related corroependence 87887,316. l 9004190009 Monthly operstmo repts for March 1996 for PBAPS.W/960415 far. 9604150064 Responds to 941021 ter.which roguested action w/ regard to all reactor b. MYDRICK,LP., MITCHELLT.N PECO Energy Co.,(formerty Phdadelphia Electnc Col consees unng thermcHeg & that P Barme ler be treated as Petiton per 96/03/31.15pp. 8795128147951295. 10CFR2206. Forwards nohoe of " Issuance of Director Decison Under 10CFR2206."

                                                                                                                                               *                             ^ '"           '*

9004300074 Forwards " Annual Efnuord Release Rapt No 38.Jan Dec 1995" & rev 9 to fpp 8 887 7887 3 ' I Ortsne Dona Calculaton Manual for Peach Bonom Alome Power Staton Uruta 2 & 3. i 9604150206 Responds to postcard did 941114whch requested acton re all reactor b. 88061 consees uomo Thermo-Lag & that postcard be treated as Petiten per 10CFR2 206. l 9604300081

  • Annual Effluent Release Rept No 38 Jan Dec 1995.- RUSSELLW.T.. 96/04/03. DEBOLT.B. Affikaton Not Asagned. 3pp. 87880:346 j
  • PECO Energy Co (formetty Premoeiptwa Electne Col 95/12/31. 21pp. 88061.187 87880.348.

88061 208. 9604170249 Forwards & rh meaae Director's Decimon DD 9603.denyng request to im-

    ""E           "Offsne Dose Calculation ManualRev 9. Peach Bottom Atome Power Ste-                   mechatory shut down toen reactors at plant unni nok of he near electncal control ton Units 2 & 3 "                                                                                 cabies due to combustibie msulaton corrected.
  • PECO Energy Co.,(formetty Pheadelptua Electic Col 96/01/03.125pp. 88061209 RUSSELLW.T. .96/04/03. OCH.R. Marytand Safe Energy Coahten. 5pp. 87905299-88081:333. 87905.361.


   -4004170265 Dructor's Deasson DD-9603, deny ng re@est to enmesately shut dowri                        9604000259 NRC Bulletm 96402. " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over Doth reactcmi at plant unni nsk of fra naar etectncal control catWes due to combusuble                 Fuel m Reactor Core.or Over Safety.Related Eaucment" maulaton corrected                                                                                     CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consolcated Edison Co. of New York. Inc.11pp.

LQUSSELLW.T. .96/04/03. 42pp. 87905.30447905.345. 88102:100 48102-110.

  -4804170272 Notice of issuance of Drector's Decanon DDwe6 03.donyng request to im-                     9604170169 NRC Info Nobce 96 023, "Fres m EDG Excsters Dunng Operation Follow-madeieiy shut oown toen reactors at piant unts nok at tre near eisetncai control cabies due to moulaton corrected.                                                                      ing undetected Fuse Sq "

CRUTCHFtELD.D. . 96/04 22. Consoir. lated Esson Co. of New York, int 10pp. RUSSELLW.T..96/04103. 3pp. 87905.34647905.361. 8a10209048102-099. P. Operating Scense stage m _&-. 9604290213Remests that NRC revow & approve Rev 3 to Rehef Request GVRR-2 re Second Ten Yr amental IST Program. HUNGER.GA PECO Energy Co Phdaoelphe Electne Col 96/04/23. Doc-9004030071Uconso Change Request 9641 to Lacenses DPR-44 & DPR.56. revisang TS ument Control Branch (Document of ). 5pp. 68057.28548057.289. Sechon 2.0. "SafetLLanits." HUNGER.GA pew Energy Co., Phdadelphe Electne Co) 96/03/25. Doc. geo43coise po, wards response to NRC 960325Itr te votanons noted in map repts 50-ument Control Brands (Document Control ). 7pp. 87746.323477a6.333, 277/9641 & 50-278/9641 on 980114 0309. Corrective actons: revised 4 kV 98% & 89% UV relay funcisonal test senos S12(3)h44-E(bus numberpXXFM. fN Pmposed Tech Specs Secton 2A re safety kmits. MITCHELL,T.N. PECO Energy Co. (formerty Phdadesprua Electnc Col 96/04/24. PECO nergy Co.. (formerly Phdadelphe Electne Co.). 96/03/25. 4pp. 87746.330' Document Control Branch (Doceent Control Desk). 8pp. 88067.20648067:213. 9604040228 Responds to BWROG RRG mtenm recommendations se Viton CRD SSPV 9004220229NRC Into Nohce,9,6424. "Preconditiorung of Molded Case Crcuit Breakers Before Survedience Tesano-

     'HEU.N NO Energy Co                            Phdadelptua Electnc Co). 96/03/29. Doc-                 GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/25. Conso0 dated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.14pp.

ument Control Branch (Document Control ).1p. 87771.17247771.172. 88102:076 88102-009. 9604060396 Forwards RAI re wee range neutron monstar TS at plant uruts 1 & 2. 9004250172 NRC info Notice 96425. "Traversrig in4 ore Probe Overwithdrawn at La-SHEAJ W. .96/04/04. HUNGER,GA PECO Energy Co.,(formerty Philadelphe Elec- sane County Statetturut 1." Inc CoJ 7pp. 87755:15747755:163. GRIMES.B K. . 96/04/30. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 10pp. 88102-111 48102-120. 90022o0186 Suppi 1 to Genonc Lir 9549 to as NRC ncensees to monrtonng & trarung et stuppers & camers of rascactive metis. 960426o096 NRC Info Notce 96 026. Recent Prot,4 ems w/Ovemead Cranet" COOL.DA Divison of industnal & Medical Nucsear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/30. Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 10pp. Boston Edson Co.10pp. 88102 05748102 066. 88102 121 48102:130. 9004170019 Forwards request for rehof 33-VAR-1.rev 0 to second 14yr mterval IST ku R.GA PECO Energy Co., Phdadelpha Elecine Col 96/04/10. Doc-ument Control Branch (Document . 5pp. 87949-02947949:033' 9604190000 MW mW e W M N b M Mm5 k 0604230002 Forwards util 960321 proposed temporary change to NPDES Permet PA HYDRICK.LP., MITCHELLT.N. PECO Energy Co.,(formony Phdadelphia E!actnc Col 0009733 requesen0 approval for temporary escharge of noncontact CW to decharge 96/03/31.15pp. 8795128147951295. canal via stormwater oram & state of PA approval of proposed change. HUNGER.GA PECO Energy Co it Phdadelpha Electnc Col 96/04/15. Doc. "d=74 Forwards " Annual Eff!uent Release Rept No 38.Jan Dec 1995" & rev 9 to ument Control Branch (Document control ). 3pp. 88000:35140000253. Offerte Dose Calculaton Manual for Peacn Bottom Atonne Power Station Urvts 2 & 3. MITCHELLT.N. PECO Energy Co (formetty Phdadelpha Electnc Co l. 96/04/22. 9604200107 Submits response to GL 96 01. "Testmg of SafetyJtelated Logic Circuits." Document Control Branch (Document Control Does41p. 88061:18648061.333. HUNGER.GA PECO Energy Co Phdadesprus Electnc Co4 96/u4/18. Doo-ument Control Branch (Document Control ). 4pp. 88023.35748023.360. .eennne1 " Annual Effluent Release Rept No 38 Jan Dec

  • PEO3 Energy Co (formerty Philadelphia Electnc Col 95/12/31 1995 " . 21pp. 88061:187-masnnn?4 Forwards " Annual Effluent Release Rept No 38.JanDec 1995" & rev 9 to 08061208.

Ofterto Dose Cascusaton Manuel tur Peach Bottom Atorruc Power Station Uruta 2 & 3. MITCHELLT.N. PECO Energy Co. (formerly Phdadesprua Electnc Co4 96/04/22. 9s04300266 Forwards "PBAPS Urvts 2 & 3 Radston Does Assessment Rept 11 for Cnument Control Branch (Document Control Deak).1p. 88061:18648061:333. Jan Dec 1995." Rept indicates PBAPS releases small trachun of hmits hated m . 40CFR190. "Envron Radenon Protechon Stds for Nucesor Power Operations" '

 -98^dmas "Offste Dose Calculanon Manual.Rev 9, Peach Bottom Atomic Power Sta-                             MITCHELL.T.N. FtCO Energy Co., (formerty Ptulaceipha Electnc Co4 96/04/22.                                                                                                                                                            l PE E          Co., (former9y Phdadelptua Electnc Col 96/01/03.125pp. 88061:209 88061233.

r-am "PBAPS Uruts 2 & 3 Raeston Dose ? .; Rept 11 for Jan Dec 1995." a inspection reports, IE Bunstins & compondence 1 7 .' f2 1 51 9503200218NRC into Notice 96418, "Compience w/10CFR20 for Artome Thonum." COOLDA Divison of Industnal & Medical Nucisar Safety (Post 870729). 96/03/25- DOCKET $0 200 SURRY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 87791-00147791014. 96040 0414 comtuned insp repts 50277/9641 & 50-278/9601 on 960114 F. Securg W m & fire prec16an M PASCLAK.W.J. Repon 1 (Post 820201). 96/03/25. SMITH.D.M. PECO Energy Co., (formerty Phdadectua Elecinc Co4 4pp. 87687:19047667230. "'m133 Revned EPIPs.ametueng Rev 20 to EPIP-3 02 "Actrvaton of Techrucal Support Ctr," Rev 14 to EPIP-3.04. "Acewaton of Local Emergency Operatons Facib-

 -9804010422 Nobce of violanon from map on 960114 960309.Vio6ation noted-fanure to                         ty" & Rev 9 to EPIP-4.03. " Dose Assessment Team Controlung Procedure" W/

imf tment adeouste functonal or cality tesang m wntten test procedures. 960403 Itr.

  • rtegen 1 (Poet 820201). 96/03/25. 2pp. 87687:19447687:195. BOWUNG.M.L Vr Power (Vrgne Electne & Power Col 96/04/03. 59pp.

87811:271 4 7811-

 -9604010431                     277                                                    Violatons r%ed-Maior Insp      repts 50'mape/9641 areas            ctectplant& $0acevibes 278/96 01 on       960114-960309.

reviewsiant operatons 9004150018 Responds to941021 fir which requested acton w/ regard to en reactor b-sunsw.mantenance & survedlance tes .engmoenng & techrucal s@ port activtbet consees ussng Thermc> Lag & that tir be treated as Petiton per 10CFR2.206. Si.'HMIDT.W.L. BONNETT.F.P., LOR ,RE Regon 1 (Post 820201). 96/03/25. 35pp. 87667:19647687230. RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. CINOVEMANI.D.K. Affikanon Not Assagned. 4pp. 87887:3174 7687220.

 "'=18 Submets foinow e to960119 response to NOV & has determsned that ap" propnate guidanc.e contamed n OM.P-151, AdmmstratNo Guidehno-26.12,Rev 9 4                         9604150050 Rem e 941026Pr wtuch requestsid acton w/ regard to an reactor b consees                                                                                                              & that Mr be treated as Petrbon per 10CFR2 206.

ARDS PECO Energy Co., (formerty Phdadelptua Electnc Co) 96/03/28. ' Cacument Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 87752:35647752:358. h786 .3 6' 9604150064 Responds to 941021 lir.which requested acton w/ regard to AN reactor In I 0603270127NRC R IntoAcevanm Shoneed Notes 96.019. "F.adure of Tone Aiort Raeos to Acevote When cenases usmg thermo-lag & that P Barrue ltr be treated as Peenon per I CR lELD.D. 96/04/02* ted Edman Co. of New York, Inc. 8pp- 2206forwan3s retice of 9ssuance of Ovech Deceion Under 10CFR2206? I 87791.01547791$22- RUSSELLW T. . 96/04/03. BiRNIE.P. G.E. Stockholders Alhance Agamst Nuclear Power. App.87687.26347087;312. 10CF 20 9604150206 Responds to postcard dtd941114whsch requested acton re all reactor l> CCOL.DA DNieon of in&stnal & Medoal Nuc6 ear Salety (Post $70729). 96/04/04. consees Thermt>La & that postcard be treated as Petton per 10CFR2206. Coneohdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 8786028S47860:300. ,A SE W. . 96/04/ . DEBOLT.B. Affihanon Not Asmgned. 3pp. 87880.346-mm106 NRC into Nobce 96 021 " Safety Concerns re Design of Door Interlock Cr-cuit on Nucenton High Dose Rate & Puised Dose Rate Remote Aftertoneng Brachytry 9604150126Suhmits clanhcatons to pt yucal secunty plan.Enct withheld. erapy Devices" O'HANLONJ.P. Vrgine Power 0/ Electnc & Power Co). 96/04/04. Document COOLDA DNison of industnal & Mechcal Nuclear Sately (Post 870729). 96/04/10. Control Branch (Document Control ). 2pp. 87889:355-87889 356. Canschdatud Eckson Co. of New York. inc. 999. 88102:067 48102:075. 9604250424 Requests that930126 proposed hcense amend to relocate fre protechon 9604050336 NRC Info Nocce 96422 "tmproper Egiapment Satungs Due to Use of TS to UFSAR consstent w/GL 6610 be withdrawn, pending completon of more de-N 6. 2 ^-- . -,ed Test Eausment" taaed review & clanhcanon of fre protection hcensmo bass. CRUTCHRELD.D. . 96/04/11. Conschdated Edman Co. of New York, Inc. 6pp. O'HANLONJ.P. Vrgrua Power Esectnc & Power Col 96/04/23. Document 87860.301 4 7660.306 Control Branch (Document Control . 2pp. 68023 09148023 092.

l l l 72 DOCKETEDITEMS l I 9604290158 Forwards Rev 6 to " Corporate Emergency Response Plan," Rev 6 to CPIP-8.1.Rev 5 to CPIP-2.2.Rev 6 to CPIP 3.0,Rev 4 to GPIP-3.2.Rev 3 to CPIP 3.3 & Rev 4 9604250424 Requests thJ e301?a ,roposed bcense amend to ro60cate fre protectum to CPIP4.2. TS to UFSAR consstent w/GL 86-10 be withdrawn, pendmg comp 6etxm of more oe-O'HANLON.J.P. Vrgrue Power Wr taded review & clanfcaban of fre protecDon hcensmg beam. Electre & Power Co L 96/04/23. Document O'HANLONJ P. Vegrua Power (Vr Control Branch (Document Control F 3pp. 68032:001 48032.143. Electne & Power Co4 96/04/23. Document Control Branch (Document Controd ). 2pp. 8802399148023:092. l

  • Rev 6 to " Corporate Emergency Response Plan."

Vagnia Power Negrue Electnc a Power Co4 96/03/22. 68pp. 88032-004" 68032-071. Q. Inspection reporta, IE Bulletins & .

     -G004290177Revned CPIPs.sncludng Rev 6 to Cp1P.1.1.Rev 5 to CPIP-2.1, Rev 5 to i

' CPfP-3 0.Rev 4 to CPIP-3.2,Rev 3 to CPIP.3.3.Rav 4 to CPIP42 & Rev 5 to CPIP-7.0. 9603200218 NRC Info Nonce 96 018. "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Arbome Thonum." Power Nrgesa Electnc & Power Co.). 96/03/22. Tipp. 88032 072- COOT DA Dmson of Industnal & Mescal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/03/25. Consondated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 8779100147791914. O,m _ 9604090248 informs of960301 regonal staff semannual Plant Performance Review at rM N Surry. Forwards plant insp oflott resutbng from review. ( BELISLE.GA Regon 2 (Post 820201). 96/03/27. O'HANLONJ.P. Vrgma Power (Vv-9604150018 Responds to 941021 Itr wtuh requested acten w/ regard to all reactor h- gma Electnc & Power Co.). 8pp. 87806:1494 7806:155. consees usmg Thermr> Lag & that fir be treated as Ponton por 10CFR2.206- ' RUSSELLW T. . 96/04/03 CINQUiMANI,D.K. Ambaton Not Assignact 4pp. 87887:3174 7887220. 9603270127NRC InfoActrvaDon Racesvrig Shortened Nobce 96-019. *Fasture of Tone Alert Rados to Actrvate When CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/02. ted Esson Co. of New York, Inc. Opp. 9604150050 Responds to641028ftr wtuch roguested acton w/ regard to all reactor IL 87791 0 7791222. consees unm0T A that far be treated as Ponton per 10CFR2.206. i RUSSELLW.T. 96/04/ BENJAN,R. Affilaton Not Assigned. 4pp. 87687:313 87887:318. 9603290269 NRC Into Notco 96420,"Demonstraton of Assocated Eauspment ComplL ) ance w/10CFR34.20." i 9604150064 Responds to941021 ftr.wtuch requested acton w/ regard to as coactor b. COOLD.A. Divuon of Industnal & Madcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04. Coneohdated Eckson Co. of f4ew York, Inc.12pp. 87860.28947860:300. coneees unng thermo4ag & that P Barue ltr De Wested as Ttition per 10CFR2.206. Forwards QUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03.nonce of " Issuance of Drector Decuuon Under 10CFR2.206." BIRNIE,P. G.E. Stockholders Allance Agamet Nuclear 9e04130334 Forwards response to NRC960311 Itr te violatons noted in insp repts 50 , Power. 4pp. 87887:26347887:312. 280/96 01 & 50281/96-01 on 960107 0210. Corrective actens:enpact o FLOWCALC ! computer program snput data decrepancy was evaluated ty engmeenng. 9604160206 Responds to postcard did941114 whch requested acton se all reactor b- O HANLON,J.P. Vi rua Power (V coneses Control Branch Electne & Power Co4 96/04/04. Document Thermo Lag 4 that postcard be treated as Pecten per 10CFR2.206. Control app. 87894D4547894:048. tl W . , 96/04/03. DEBOLT,B. Affshanon Not Assigned. 3pp. 87880:346-9604 0177 Forwards response to NRC Bunenn 9H01, " Control Rod inser1mn Prob. g % g,% OTANLON J.P. Vrgrus Power & Electnc & Power Co1. 96/04/08. Document Comrol Branch (Document Controt ). 55pp. 87834.23247834.286. 9604040109 Forwards comparative statement of income for tree months ended 960404010A NRC into Nocce 96 021. " Safety Concems ce Dessgn of Door Intenock Co-951231 & 1994. internal cash flow propecton for CY96 & statement ensonng availabeL cun on Nucestron High Done Rate & Pulsed Dose Rate Remote Aftertoeding Brachytrw ON PV Power gma ) 9 04/01. , 63pp. 87769:2834 7769 34 COOLD Division of Industnal & Medcal Nucosar Salety (Post 870729). 96/04/10. Consolidated Edman Co. of New York, Inc,9pp. 8810296748102 075. P. Operating 8 cense steSe documents & corrompondence 9604050336 NRC Info Notco 96-072. " Improper Egmpment Settmgs Due to Use of 1 Nomemperattro-Compensated Test Equipment." i CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11, Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 6pp. I enunen*56 Confrms960320teicon between Bowkng & G Behsie re meetin0 sctg 87860-301 4 7862.306. uled for 960521. Purpose of meseng to escuss Surryself assessment BELISLE.G.A. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 96/03/27 trHANLONJ.P. Virgines Power (Vr-grue Electic & Power Co4 3pp. 87806:1024 7806 104. 9604000259 NRC Bunstm 96402. " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent FueLOver Fuel m Reactor Core.or Over Safety-Related Equement" 9604100067 Reviews enemang heed 960325at licensee request in Regen ll ofc to en- CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consohdated Edman Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. 88102 100 48102 110. cuss & forts nuclear sen. -engensonng snrtatives.Fyovided better understandmg of re engrreenng of.

                             . a rubeDwes W/hst of attendees & viewgraphs.

CASTRO.C.A Region 2 (Post 820201L 96/03/28.OMNLONJ.P. Vrgrua Power yr. 9604240075 Forwards safety evalumbon.authorizmg thud 1CLyr alterval ISI plan grue Eisetnc & Power Col 33pp. 87832:00547832:117. reauests tw rehetsutrnitted by 951207 m to use Code Cases N-522 4 535 per 10CFRm55ataM INEL supparbng W rept also enct 9604040120 Forwards daa=*en of PTS screenn0 'hanons, summary of survoitance 96 "' capsule analysm results used m RG 1.99.Rev 2 Positen 2.1 chsmunry factor calcula- [ g'7g7 8 7 23 ' tons & revised PTS screenm0 calculatons.per request O'HANLON.J.P. Vrgrua Power (V -9604240001 Safety evaluston a Electre & Power Co). 96/04/01. Document thrd 1@ intenral ISI program plan requests Control Branch (Document Control ). 23pp. 87753:32647753:348. for rebet to use Code Cases N.522 4

  • 5 at plant,per 10CFR50.55a(s)(3 Mil.
                                                                                                        . 96/04/16. 8pp. 87972:23(>87972237.

9602200188Sigipi 1 to Genanc Lt 9509 to all NRC noensees to me utonng & parung of eruppers & camers of remoaceve matit COOLD.A. Divmen of indusinal & Meecal Nuclear Safe'y (Post 870729). 96/04/05. 9604170169 NRC Info Notse 96423 "Fr' es m EDG Exeners Dunno Operaton Follow-Boston Esson Co.10pp. 88102-05748102-066. sno undetected Fuse Biovnng." l CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/22. Coneohdated Edman Co. of New York, Inc. topp. 9004180174 Apphesten for amends to hcenses DPR-32 & DPR-37, clanfymg apphcabil. h .P. lectne & Power Co) 96/04/15. Document 9604 Forwards Rehof Requests SR409 through SR417 re meennce map pro-Control Branch (Document ). 7pp. 87936:34647936.357 Power

  -96 1 0m P-recurements.

tech specs.c n,,mg apphcab,i,ty a Ou.d,ani Powe, m Ra.on fMA%OUP.@V c== B=ach 'enic= &MElecinc raPeo22 & Power Col 96/04/23. Document

  • Vrgrus Powwr (Vrgrua Ensetnc & Power Col 96/04/15. 5pp. 8793635347936:357 9604220229 NRC Info Notice 96-024. "Precondrborun0 of Molded Case Crcun Breakers Before Survesitance Tesang."

9604250207 Provides comments to 10CFR20, "Reportng Requrements for Unautnar and used of Lcensed Raecactve Man." GRIMES.B K . 96/04/25. Consondsted Edson Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. L 88102-07tk86102 069. l ['DWLING.M.L Vrprua power Wrgme Ene:1nc & Power Co4 96/04/15.Dockenng & Servces Brancet opp.87998.1454 7998:148, 3604250172NRC Info Nobce 9tbO25, "Traversmg in Core Probe Owenuthdrawn at La-9604220171 rs.a==== 980110 GL 9641.entrued "Tesang of Safety Related Loge Cr- # l curts." rooussang actons to compare & revise survosance procedures as necessary

                                                                                                    $R M         K. 96'/ /      Consohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 10pp.

i tar complete tesDnD SD comply w/TS. 88102-111 48102:120. Control

                                                  ) 3pp 7953        4                            9604                             964

[C w/ d anos. 9004250365 Forwards amends 208 4 200 to hcenses DPR-32 & DPR-37, 88102:12148 t02:130. respectivelyAmends would permit use of 10CFH50 App J,Opcon B, performance-based contaenment leakage raio [%CKLEY.B C. . 96/04/18. O'HAN' ,J.P. Vrprue Power (Vrgne Electnc & Power R. Portodic operating reporte & related - Co4 3pp. 87997-28747997301. _

 -9004250370 Ar sids208 4 108to hcenses DPR-32 & DPR 37/escocovely. permstmg                     9604300410 "Annusi Radcactive Effluent Remase Rept Surry Power Staten (JarwDec use of 10CFR50 App J opton B, pes 1ormance-based contammated leakage rate test-                             /9 p ,6042 g               y         p                                           g BRO.E.V. 96/04/18. 8pp. 8799729(>87997297,                                                  31.186pp. 88059 08748059.273.
 -9004260373 Sa6 sty evalustron supportnD amends 208 & 200 to 6conses QPR-32 &

DPR-37,respectively 9604180008 Monthly operstmg repts for Mar 1996 for SPS. units 1 & 2 W/960412 ftr.

       . 96/04/18. 4pp. 8799729647997:301.                                                          MASON.D., BOWLING.M L Wgrua Power (Vrgrus Esecinc & Power Col 96/03/31.

21pp. 8791133647911358. t

1 f l DOCKETEDITEMS 73 E Reportable occurrencoe, LERs & rotated correspondence L Financialinformation l I 1 wanen160 LER 9640240 on 960303.contamment solaban valve Inoperable Caused 9604040109 Forwards comparatwo statement of mcome for three mores ended l tn personnel error.C/A:mdmduals counseled W/960401 fir. 951231 & 1994.mtemal cash flow prosecnon for CY96 & statement ensunng evetstui-CHRISTIAN.DA Vrgrus Power (Vrprus Elecinc & PJwer Co.). 96/04/01. 5pp. tty of funds for payment of retrospectrve prermums.per 10CFR142.21(a) 87823:35147623.355. O'HANLONJ P. Vrgmea Power (Vrgrus Electnc & Power Co.). 96/04/01. 63pp. 8776928347769 347. Y. Dry Caek ". . ._ .; Spent Fuel Storage Instanettons P. Operating scense stage - _ &_._ - 9604090254 Confrms 960320 teicon between Bowlmg & G Behnte re meetmg sched- l used s & retneval of"QA records 68-used for 2521.W of moeung m han Suny sen e O'HANLON , Vrgrus Power N Electne & Power Col 96/03/28. Document

                                                   . 2pp. 87696:35947696.360.                     BELISLE.GA Repon 2 (Post 620201). 96/03/27.O,HANLONJ.P. Vrprua Power (Vr-Control Branch (Document Contrd                                                             grus Enoctnc & Power Co.). 3pp. 87806:10247806.104.                                               ,

4 ton ' 2,e W h na ' 9604100067 cuss ,mies R,owowse- meetmg roa m h.woed 960326 eld oen at bce.n,see undero,smndmg guest n Repon o, r-11 ofc tof. <

      ,                   ,,,,,ue,l e

M e Nuclew Mam (.A.Regob 20201) 96/ HN !J Vrprua Power (Vir.

                &      '9""88         ' 7                286-                                     grua Electne & Power Co.). 33pp. 8783208547832:117.                                              i 9604040120 Forwards ^=a==mn of PTS screenmg ratad= tons aummary of survedlance DOCKET 50-281 SURRY POWER STATION, UNIT 2                                                      capsule analyes reedts used m RG 1.99.Rev 2. Poernon 2.1.chemsstry factor cacule-tons & rewned PTS screenmg calculations.per requesL O'HANLONJ.P. Vrprua Power (Vrorna E6metnc & Power Co) 96/04/01. Document F. Security, medical, emergency a fas protection puis                                          Contrd Branch (Document Contrd Desk). 23pp. 87753.32647753.348.

es.ndnan133 Rowned EilPs.nclueng Rev 20 to EPIP 3.02. *Acevanon of Technical 96C2200186 Suppl 1 to Genonc Lv 9509 to a5 NRC licensees re morvlonng & Warung Swport Cir." Rev 14 to EPIP4 04. "AcDwation of Local Emergency Operatens Facan. of sfuppers & camers of rasosctrve matit ty" & Rev 9 to EPIP 4.03. "Done ? .-..; Team Controikng Procedise" W/ COOL,DA Demon of industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. 960403 Itr. Boston Edson Co.10pp. 6810205748102066. Li M V Power (Vrprus Electnc & Power Col 96/04/03. 59pp. sty of Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio ressements. 9604150010 Respondsto941021 Itr which requested acten w/ regard to all reactor 6 O'HANLON l.P. Vaprua Power (V Eiecinc & Power Co.). 96/04/15. Document consees Thermo-Lag & that Itr be treated as Petrbon por 10CFR2.206. Control Branch (Document Control ). 7pp. 87936.34647936.357.

        .                 . 96/04/03, CINQUEMANI.D.K. AfhhaDon Not Asmgned. App'
                                                                                              -9604100175 Proposed tech specs.clanfymg apphcatnitty of Quattant Power Tilt Raton requirements.
  • Vrprus Power (Vrgrus Electnc & Power CoS96/04/15. Sop. 87936.35347936.357.

9604150060 Responds to941026 Itr whch ressested schon w/ regard to all reactor b 502M Prowdes

  • J., . 04 R ton no 87887:313- u gy ed Reo"e'ce'*e Ma "R20. %epor1ng Rossements for p 87887:316. BOWLING.M.L Vrgrua Power (V Electe & Power Col 96/04/15. Docketmg &

96041$0064 Responds to941021 Itr.wfuch requested acton w/ regard to all reactor b 0" #9P' 'N ##8' coneses unn9 thermo-ing u that P Bamse er be treated as Penton per 9604220171 D=a===s 960110 GL 9601.enstlN "Testmg of Safety Rela 1ed Loge Cr-10CFR2.206. Forwards nobce of " Issuance of Drector Decamon Under 10CFR2206. Cuns," requesung accons to compre & rowse survallance processes as necesswy RUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/03 BIRNIE.P. G.E. StocMolders Akance Agamst Nuclear for completa testng to comply w/TS. Power. 4pp. 87887.26347887:312. OHANLONJ.P. Vagrus Power (V Electne & Power Col 96/04/18. Document 9604150206 Responds to postcard dtd 941114wtuch requested acton re all reactor IL consees unno Thermo-Lag & that postcard be Wested as Poubon per 10CFR2206- 9604250365 Forwards amends 208 8 200 to bconses DPR42 & DPR47 RUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/03. DEBOLT.B Affihaton Not Asmgnact 3pp. 87880:346- respecevely. Amends would permit use of 10CFR50 App J.Opton B. performance-87880348- based contammern leakage rato . BUCKLEY B.C. .96/04/18. O'HANL .P. Vrgrua Power (Vrprua Electnc & Power 9604150128 S4mrts cimificatens to physcal society .Enct withheict Col 3pp. 8799728747997:301. O'HANLONJ.P. Vrgrua Power (Vr Esectnc & Col 96/04/04. Document Control Branch (Document Control ). 2pp. 87889.35547889:356. -9604250370 Amends 208 & 208 to hcenses DPR42 & DPR-37.respectvely, permrung use of 10CFR50 App J.opbon B, performance 4ased .~..h leakage rate test-9604250424 Requests that 930126 proposed bconse amend to relocate fre protecton rc TS to UFSAR censistent w/GL 8610 be withdrawn, penckng compienon of more de- IllBRO.E.V. .96/04/18. 8pp. 8799729047997297. tamed rowow & clanhcaton of fre protecton bass. O'HANLONJ P. Vrgman Power (V Electnc & Co1 e6/04/23. Document -9604250373 Safety evaluabon supportng amends 208 4 208 to hcenses DPR42 & Conrol Branch (Docisnent Control ) 2pp. 88023$9148023292. DPR-37.respecDvely

                                                                                                    . 96/04/18. 4pp. 87997:2984 7997:301.

9604200158 Forwards Rev 5 to " Corporate E Response Plan," Rev 5 to CPIP-2.1.Rev 5 to CPIP-2.2.Rev $ to CPIP-3.0.Rev 4 to P4.2 Rev 3 to CPIP4.3 & Rev 4 9604250424 Requests that930128 proposed hcense amend to relocate fra protection to CPIP42. TS to UFSAR consstern w/GL 86-10 be withdrawn, pendmg completon of more co-O'HANLONJ P. Vrprua Power (V Electne & Power Col 96/04/23. Document taled rowow & clanfmanon of tre protecton hcenerg bass. Control Branch (Document Control ). 3pp. 88032-00148032143. O'HANLONJ.P. Vrgrua Power (V Electnc & rower Co). 96/04/23. Document Control Branch (Documeni Control ). 2pp. 6802329148023$92

 -9604290166 Rev 5 to " Corporate Emergency Response Piari"
  • Vr Power (Vrgrua EJoctnc a Power Co.). 96/03/22. 68pp. 88032-004-
             $71,                                                                             Q. Inspection reports, IE Bubetins & correspondence
 -9604290177 Reused CPIPs.metueng Rev 5 to CPIP.2.1.Rev 5 to Cp1P-2.2. Rev 5 to               9603200218 NRC Info Nota 96 018. "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Arbome Thonum "

CPIP 3.0.Rev 4 to CPIP 3.2,Rev 3 to CPIP 3.3.Rev 4 to CPlP4.2 & Rev 5 to CPIP-7.0. COOL.DA Dmson of industnal & Medmal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/03/25. Power (Vegrus Electnc & Power Co4 96/03/22. 71pp. 88032:072- Consoldated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 8779120147791$14. 9604090248 infoma of960301 regonal staff senuannual Plant Parformance Rowew at Surry Forwards plant insp effort resutbng from rowew G. A4udicatory corresponoence BELISLE.GA Regon 2 (Post 8202011 96/03/27.ONANLONJ.P. Vrgirua Power (Vr-grus Elecinc & Power Co4 6pp. 87806:14947806.155. 9604150018 Responds to941021 ttr whch requested acten w/ regard to all reactor 6 9603270127 NRC info Notre 96419. "Fal6re of Tone A6ert Rados to Activate When coneses unng Thermc> Lag & that lir be treated as Petmon per 10CFR2.206 Recevng Shortened Acevabon " f-.USSELL.W T. . 96/04/03. CINOVEMANI.D.l( Affdiation Not Asmgned. dop. CRUTCHFIELD.D, . 96/04/02. ted Esson Co. of New York, Inc. 8pp. l 8788721747887.320. 87791$15 87791:022. i j 9604150050 Responds to941026 Itr wtuch requested acton w/ regard to all reactor 6 9603290269NRC Into Notco 96420. Demonstraten of Associated Equipment Comph. consees unng %. 96/04/u,& that Itr be treated as Peabon per 10CFR2.206.s. BENJAN,R. ence w/10CFR3423." Affthston Not Asegnect 4pp. 87887:313 I.USSELL.W.T. COOL.DA Dmsen c4 Industna! & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04. 87887.316. Consolidated Esaan Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 87860.28947860-300. 9604150064 Responds to941021 Itr.educh requested acton w/ regard to all reactor b. 9604150334 Forwards response to NRC960311 Itr re voletions reted in insp repts 50 connees unm0 thermo eng & that P Barue ltr be treated as Penton per 280/9641 & 50-281/9641 on 9601074210.Correctve & of FLOWCALC 10CFR2.206 Forwards nonce of "lasuance of Drector Decison Under 10CFR2.206." computer program mput data escrepancy was evaluated by engmeenng RUSSELL.W T. . 96/04/03 BIANIE.P. G.E. Stockholders Alhance Agamet Nuclear 0HANLON.J.P. Vrgrua Power (Vrmrua Electnc & Power Col 96/04/04. Document Power. app.8788726347887.312. Control Branch (Document Control 6esx). 4pp 87894:0454 7894 248. 9604150206 Responds to postcard dtd 941114wtuch requested acDon re all reactor 6 9604100177 Forwards response to NRC Buseen 96 001, " Control Rod inserten Prot > consees usmg Thermc> Lag 4 that postcard be treated as Ponton per 10CFR2.206. Isms LUSSELLW.T. , 96/04/03. DEBOLT.B. Athhaton Not Asmgnect 3pp. 87880344 O'HANLON).P. Vrgrua Power (V Electne & Power Col 96/04/08. Document 8'/880.348. Control Branch (Document Control ). 55pp. 8783423247834.286. l

l 74 DOCKETEDITEMS l 9604040106 NRC into Nohce 96421, " Safety Concems to Desgn of Door interlock Cr. 9604150206 Responds to postcard dtd 941114wtuch requested acten re all reactor E. cuit on Nucistron Negr> Dose Rate & Pulsed Dose Rate Remote Aftenonding Brachyth. consees unng Tnermotag & that postcard be treated as Petiten per 10CFR2.206. erapy Devmes." COOLDA Desen of Induetnal & Madcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/10. RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. DEBOLT,B. Afhhabon Not Assagned. 3pp. 878801546-87880-348. Consolcated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. Opp.88102 06748102:075. 9604050336 NRC Info Notco 96422, " Improper Emmpment Serungs Due to Use of 9604240269 Rev 17 to "Prame island Nucaear Genershng Plant Emergency Pian." W/ tad Test Eeipment" 900418 Itr. CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Conachdated Edson Co. of New York, tre 6pp. WADLEY,M.D. Northem States Power Co.96/04/16, 214pp. 88006:00148008.215 67860.301 47860.306. 9604000259 NRC Bubete 96002. " Movement of Neavy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over EA ' " "'*"d*"** Fuel m Reactor Core.or Over Safety.Reisted Equipment" l CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consohdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. 9604150010 Responds to 941021 ftr wtuch requested acbon w/ regard to a5 reactor le ! 88102 10048102 110. consees usmo Thermo.La0 & that ter be treated as Petrnon per 10CFR2.206. RUSSELLW T. . 96/04/03. CtNOUEMANI.DX Afhhation Not Asmgned. 4pp. 9604240076 Forwards safety evalumnan.autnannng thrd 10-yr riterval ISI prog am plan 87887:317 4 7887:320 roguests for rehef.submated by 951207 ftr to use Code Cases N.522 & N 535,per 10CFR50.56a(a)(3MI). INEL techrucal ler rept also enci-IMBRO.E.V. . 06/04/16 OHANL ,J.P. Vrgerna Power (Vrgrue Electnc & Power 9604150050 Responds to 941026 ltr wtuch requested acten w/ regard to all reactor l> Co.). Spp. 67972:22747972;237 consees uomg Thermo. Lata that Itr be treated as Pottson per 10CFR2.206. RUSSELLW.T. 96/04/va. BEftlAN.R. Affikanon Not Assigned. 4pp. 87887:313-67887:316.

     -9604240061 Safety evaluanon authartzmg thed 10-yr interval ist program plan roguests for reiset to use Code Cases N-522 & N 535 at plant.per 10CFR50.5Sa(s)(3)(1).
          . 96/04/16. Opp. 8797223047972.237                                                 9604150064 Responds to941021 ttr.wtuch requested acton w/ regard to all reactor E.

omes & M P W fr be treemd as Pegbon per 9604170149NRC into Notce 96C23, "Fres in EDG Excsters Dunno Opersbon Follow. 10CFR2206 Forwards nobce of "tssuance of Director Decimen Under 10CFH2.206." RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. BIRNIE.P. G.E. Stockholders Alkance Aganst Nuclear HUT F LD.D 96 22. Consohdated Edison Co. of New Yorii, Inc.10pp. ~ "PP' 87887### 88102 09048102.C99. 9604290107Ack receipt of960313 addendum to950605 Peabon & dernes request to 9604220229NRC Info Notce 96424, 'h..h.y of Mokled-Case Crcurt Breakers rogure NSP to place plant Uruts 1 & 2 m med. cycle outa0es to mspect full length of Before Survoinann Testrig - SG teos W/2etec Plus Porit Probe & any statswot. art oddy current test GRIMES.B K. . 96/04/25 Conschdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 14pp. RUSSELLW1. 96/04/22. GUNTER.P. Nuclear informaton & Resource Service 88102*.07648102.089. BJORALT,S.J. Afhhaton Not Assigned. 5pp. 6805229648052:307. 9604250172NRC Info Notice 96 025, "Traversmg in. Core Probe Overwithdrawn at La. -9804290122 Notce of receipt of addendum to Petrbon for Drector's Decison under salle County Staten.Unri 1." 10CFR2206 re request to recure placement of plant Urute 1 & 2 m rrud<yces outages GRIMES.B K. 96/04/30. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. topp, to mspect fue length of SG tubes using Zeme Plus Point Probe. 88102111 48102'120. RUSSELLW.T. ,96/04/22. 3pp. 88052:30148052303. 9604260o95 NRC Info Notco 96 026, "Recent Probioms w/ Overhead Cranes." -9604290146 Submrts addendum to950605Poeten, GRIMES.B K. . 96/04/30. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 10pp. that NRC requre NSP to piace plant Unns 1 & 2 m med<ycle outa to mspect th of SG tubes w/ 88102'121 48102 130. Zetec Plus Pord Probe & any stateaol-art test i BJORALT.S.J. Affibaton Not Asmgned. GU R.P. Nuclear informabon & Resource Servce.96/03/13.RUSSELLW.T. 4p0. n=_P*a052 307. I Cl Portodic operating reports & reisted correspondence i Sa04300410 " Annual Radmactrve Effluent Release Rept Surry Power Swton (Jan.Dec L Financial information 1995L" W/960422 ftr. l LOUNT.P BOWLR L rgmia Power (Vrgrue Electne & Power Co.). 95/12/ 88P9 9604240029 Forwards "Northem States Power Co 1995 Annual Rept." ANDERSON.R.O. Northam States Power Co. 06/04/16. Document Control Branch 9604100068 Monthly operatry repts for Mar 1996 for SPS units 1 & 2. W/960412 Itr. (Docununt Contrd Desk).1o. 6800823948008:306. MASON.D., BOWLING.M.L vrgrua Power (Vrgrua Electnc & Power coa 96/03/31. l 21pp. 87911:33647911:358. Y. Dry Caek - 2 Spent Fust Storage instalianone g604180378 Forwards corrected pages to ExNtut B of Rev 13 to USAR for Prame Island Nuclear Generanng Plant 9604010171 Notmos that VEPCO intends to use opacal addrien to storage WADLEY.M D. Northam States Power Co.96/04/11. Document Control Branch (Doc-made currency used for storage & retneval of QA records re GL 8e 18. ument Control Desk). 19 87899:343 4 7899:353. O'HANLON,J.P. Vrgrus Power (V Electnc & Power coa 96/03/28. Document Contrd Branch (Document Control . 2pp. 87696:35947696:360. -9604160406 Corrected pages to Exfutzt B of Rev 13 to USAR for Prame taland Nucle-er Generstmg Plant 9604150042 Notificahon of 9S0421 meetng w/VEPCO m escuss

  • Northem States Power Co.96/04/11.10pp. 87899:34447899 353.

progress of spent tuoi actMbes for ubl Surry & North Anna Nuclear Power

       $tstens Agenda attached.
  • Othce of Nucieer Matenal Sa'ety & Safeguards. 96/04/10.Offee of Nuclear Maten- P. Opereung boense sta9e documente & correspondonoe j al Saf1y & Sategt.ards. 2pp. 878n.28547877286.

9604020423Ack receipt of SG inse rept etbrruttal did960228which prouded addlinto DOCKET 50 282 PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION, UNTT 1 re SG tube sheeves & for cooperaton m meenng w/utit & ABB Combusnon Er9neer-mg on 960306. BYWATER.R L . 96/03/26. ANDERSON.R.O. Northem States Power Co. $pp. F. Securtty, medical, emergency & fire protection plane 87725292 4 7725296. 9604220127 Forwards SALP 12 rept for plant covanng pencd 940724- 960217. Strong 9604090327 Notshcaten of 900424 w/util in Rockvine.MD to docuss NSP plans mgt rwolvement & conservative approach to operatons resulted m excenent mati for roguesang small ricrease vi thermal power accounting for feedwater m-l coneton & operating per1onnance.Only weakness seen w/rWrequent operstons. strumentatori upgrade. ! MILLER.H.J. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 96/03/28. WATZLE. Northom States Power BYWATER.R.L .96/04/04.REINHART.M. . App.87810 17047810-173. Co. 5pp. 87945:1304 7945:139. 9602200106 Swpl 1 to Genenc Ltr 95-09 to all NRC bconsees to monnonn0 & trarung

    -9604220131SALP repts 50 282/96 01 & $0 306/9641 for 940724 960217.                       of shq:ipers & camers of radcacave rnatis.
  • Regon 3 (Post 820201). 96/03/28. 500. 87945:13547945:139. COOL.D.A. Deson of 6ndustnal & Madcol Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05.

t Boston Edson Co.10pp. 88102-05748102 066. 9604090202 Revned EPIPs.rctudmg EPIPs table of content & Rev 3 to EPtP F8-2. "Re. sponsenkbes Dunno A6ert.Sne Area / General Emergency m EOF." W/900403 fir 9604120029 Prendes response to NRC 960116 RAI re GL 9503. "Cacumferental WADLEY.M D. Nortnern States Power Co.96/04/03. 48pp. 6783024447830:292 Cra of SG Tubes." 9604160018 Responds to 941021 Itr w*uch roguested acten w/ regard to alt reactor IF W .M.O. Northam States Power Co. 96/04/06. Document Control Branch (Doc. ument Contrd Desk).13pp. 87868.32447868:336. coneses Thermo-Lag & that Itr be treated as Pounon per 10CFR2.206. U . . 96/04/03. CINQUEMANI.DE Athhaton Not Asmgned. 4pp. l ' 9604230148 W b GL 960L "TesW of SaQW M WADLEY.M.D. Northem States Power Co 96/04/17. Document 01 Branch (Doc-9604160060 Responds to941026 Itr whsch requested achon w/ regard to all reactor 6- M . 6pp. 879M2&MM coneses cong Therwo & that der be treated as Petrbon per 10CFR2206. RUSSELLW T. 96/04/ . BEftlAN.R. Affikaten Not Asmgned. 4pp. 87887:313 9604260060 Forwards Rev 20 of "Opersbonal CA Plan." 87887 316. ANDERSON.R.O. Northem States Power Co. 96/04/19. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk).1p. 8802820348028299. 9604160064 Responds to 941021 lir.whch requested acton w/ regard to all reactor B-connees uung thermo4ag & that P Barue str be treated as Peabon per 9604290060 Provides status of implementabon of commitments re GL 9344. " Rod Cork 10CFR2.206. Forwards notce of "lesuance of Drector Decisen Under 10CFR2206." trol Sys Faslure & Withdrawal of Rod Cluster Control Assemblies." RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. BIRNIE.P. G.E. Stockhoiders Alhance Agamst feucsear WADLEY.M.D. Northem States Power Co. 96/04/22. Document Control Branch (Doc-Power 4pp. 87887.26347887-312. ument ContrW Desk). 2pp. 88057:13548057:136.

DOCKETEDITEMS 75 O. Inspecties reports, IE Dusenne & correspondence S. Reportable occurrences LERe & reisted 6 . . - 9004010164 Forwards integrated & ar maiinso repts50-282/9642 & $0 306/9642 on 9e04170114 Forwards LER 96 007 re degraded SG tube s6eeves.Detaded metalksgcal 9601034217 & nonce or violaton.NRC concemed that lack of ngor on put of opera. analyss we be contamed m um str subtruttog 90. day ISI rept for refuehng tors for non. overits receeve appropresta mgt attenbort optage Event reported na ENS per 10CFR50.72 on 960313 & 17. JORDAN.MJ Repop 3 (Post 820201). 96/03/19.WATZLE.E. Northern States Power Co. 5pp. 87665:00147665931. WADLEY.W.D. Northem States Power Co. 96/04/12. Document Control Branch (Doc-urnent Control Desk).1p. 87941.29947941:303.

    -se04010174 Notco of violabon from insp on 9601030217.Violanon rioted: operator tamed to tag IRX esconnect switches m open poestson as reSared by work order                 9eo4170124 LER 9640740 on 960313 & 17.determmed that everage weld heights in-9606728.                                                                                      adequate & msonnce sleeves showed posoitne leaks paths due to madequate clean.
  • Repon 3 (Post 820201). 96/03/19. 2pp. 67665 00667665:007. mo of parent tube vi weld reporLTube wicircumferenhal mdcanons pulled or plugged.

LivEILLE,J. Nortrum States Power Co.96/04/12 epp. 87941;30047941:303.

    -9e04010184 Insp repts 50 282/9642 & $0-306/9642 on 9601034217. Violatons noted.Masar areas inspectatioperatons engineenng.mant & piant support podermed            V. Operator Examinomons by resident inspectors special map tn regonalinspector of operator.

JORDAN,MJ Regen 3 t Post 820201). 96/03/19. 24pp. 87665:00847885231. 9004230206 Forwards response to volatone noted in Irisp Repts50 282/96 02 & 50 9003200218NRC Info Nobce 96418. "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Anbome Thanum." 306/9602.Correceve actions: power restored to Bus 15 by operators manually open. COOLDA Dmeson of industnal & Medcal Nucesar Safety (Post 870729). 96/03/25. mg 9teeker 16-3. Bus 15 source From 1RY 1ransformer. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 8779100147791414. WADLEY.M.D. Northern States Power Co.96/04/18. Document Control Branch (Doc-ument Control Desk) 10pp. 67998:33847998:347. 9004220127 Forwards SALP 12 rept for plant covenn0 penod 940724 960217. Strong mot evolvement & conservaeve cach to operanons resulted in excellent mati conebori & operstr 0 performafwe. weakres6 seen w/ infrequent operatons. DOCKET 50 265 FORT CALHOUN STATION, UfGT 1 MILLER.HJ Repon 3 (Post 820201). 96/03/28. WATZLE. Northem States Power Co. Spp. 87945:13Cb47945.139.

   -8004220131SALP repts 50 282/9641 & $0w306/9641 for 940724 960217.                                          '
  • Regon 3 (Post 820201). 96/03/28. 5pp. 87945.135 87945:139.

geme0M7 Te e m ra ee plan 9003270127NRC Info Nonce 96419. " Failure of Tono Alert Rados to Actnrate When (RERP).mciuen0RERP andha Rev 25 to Secton H. "timorgency Facekhos & R Shortened Actvaton y Eempment CRUT FIELD.D. . 96/04/02. ted Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 8pp. PATTERSON.T.L Omaha Pubic Power 96/04/03. Document Control Branch 87791$1547791:022. (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 87830:1264 7830 143. 9e03290200 NRC Info Notce 96420. "Demonstrabon of Associated Esspment Compe. *""'ai Rev 25 to rooomgcol emergency response pian Secton H. " Emergency Mce w/10CFR34.20." Facetes & Equipment." COOLDA Dmson of Industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04. CHRISTENSEN.M. Omaha Pubic Power Distnct 96/03/26. 15pp. 87830 129-Conachoated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 87060:289478ao-300. e7830:143. 9004110206 Provides response to NRC Buseen 96401. " Control Rod lneerton Prob- 9004290138 informs that changes descnbod in 960229 ftr & Rev 11 to Sde Secunty 6 ems." Plan & Rev 1 to Safeguards Contngency Plan, acceptable for mcluacn m p6ans. WADLEY.M D. Northem States Power Co.96/04/08. Document Control Branch (Doc. GWYNN,T.P. Regen 4 (Poet 8202o1). 96/04/17. PATTERSON,T.L Omana Pubic ument Control Desk).14pp. 87063.29647863:311. Power Distnct dog.879962974 7996:302.

   **"106 NRC into Nobce 96421. " Safety Concems re Design of Door intericek Cr.

cuit on Nuclotron High. Dose Rate & Pulsed Dose Rate Remote Afterloesng Brachyth- P. Opereeng Roones stage documente & correspondence erapy Devices. 8 Edson Co ork, 9pp 0 96 481 7 9004000330 Notrhos NRC of implementaton of anomate methods for determrung integ-nty of waste rs=u=al sys components / pgung.ncludng sohd waste deposal.hquid ted i TTE TL Detnet W04/03. Document Control Branch CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Coneohduted Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 6pp. (Document N31 Desk). Opp.87817:1974 7817:205. 9002200186 Suppe 1 to Genenc Lir 9549 to as NRC bconsees re monnonng & tramng 9004000260 NRC Bullete 96402. " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over of shippers a camers of rasoecove matis. Fuel m Reactor Core.or Over Safety.Renated Eaupmrnt a COOL,DA Dmsen of indusinal & Madcal Nuclear $1fety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. Boston Eemon Co.10pp. 88102 05748101066. 88102:10048102:110. 0604110100 Forwards aspimental satery evaluanon re amend 155 to Icense DPR-40 9004230140Summettres results of rod drop tesbng performed at p6 ant following Unit 2 to rcrease fuel storage capacity m SFP. reactor inp on960319.per NRC Bulleen 96401. WHARTON,LR. . 96/04/09. PATTERSON,T.L Omaha Putsc Power Detnct 2pp. WADLEY,M.D. Northern States Power Co. 96/04/17. Document Control Branch (Doc. 47847.356 47647:360. ument Control Desk). 4pp. 87976.29647976:301.

                                                                                                 -90041101e2 Safety evaluston accephng use of proposed as-built clearances m rarack.

9004230204 Forwards response to violations noted in insp Repts 50 282/9642 & 50- mg amend of ret 1. 306/9642. Corrective actons power restored to Bus 15 by operators manua#y open. *

                                                                                                       . 96/04/09. 2pp. 87847:3594'847.360.

mg Breaker 15 3. Bus 15 source Ffem 1RY transformer, WADLEY.M.D. Northam Sistes Power Co. 96/04/18. Document Control Branch (Doc. 9004220357 Requests that beensee provide PRA data & info for plant for eclusen in ument Coritrol Desk).10pp. 87398:33847998:347 NRC datat;ase *'hbrary" to be used w/ computer program wtuch evaluates segrvfcant events. resolves safety issues & answers cuestions based on plant-apacife data. 9004170100NRC Info Notco 96423 " Fires in EDG Excitars Dunng Operaton Follow. WHARTON.LR. . 96/04/17. PATTERSON,T.L Omaha Pubic Power Distnct 4pp. mg' undmected Fuse Blowmg ", Consolidated Edace Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. 87955:3534 7955:356. C.'Mt.17CHFIELD.D. . 96/04/22 88102 090 88102099. 9004240175 Forwards Rev 9 to " Core Operstmg Limit Rept," addin0f igure to COLR for

                                                                                                    Amal Power Distribubon LSSS for 4 Pump Operaten." Error corrected as documenta.

9004220229NRC Info Notce,9,6424. "N Ja, of Molded-Case Crcuit Breakers ble error change & revs made to romander of processe. B*'O'e Surveshams Tesang. GRIMES,B.K. . 96/04/25. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. PATTERSON T.L Omaha PuDie Pcwor Dutret 96/04/17. Document Control Branch 88102076 48102 089. (Document ContrW Desk).1p. 8801626648016 285. 9404260172 NRC Info Notes,96 025. "Traversmo in4cre Probe Overwithdrawn at La. YI$*p*o.o.nectedC , Datnb 1 in

                                                                                                                               '              *         "              "8        '

Pump to"n'.'W'" G MES K / / . Conschdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. topp. WEBER.M Omaha Pubhc Power Detnct. 95/M/06. Wp. 88016266m016285. 88221MMM2m 960425o061 Resporida to Genanc Ltr 9641. "Testeg of SR Logc Crcurts." PATTERSON.T.L Omaha Putge Power Distret 96/04/17, Document Control Branch 9004200006 GRIMES.B K.NRC info Notco

                         . 96/04/30.         96426. Edson Conachdated      RecentCo.Problems    w/W of New Yort, 6ncCrann . 10pp. Occument Control Desk). 3pp. 87m 14947M151 08102:121 48102130.

Q. Inapection reporte, IE Busetine a corrompondence R. Portodic opereung reporta & reisted _ . 9403200218NRC Info Notco 96418. "Comphance w r10CFR20 for Arbome Thonum." 9004000100Monthey operseng rents for Mar 1996 for Prame Island Nuclear Generahng COOLD.A. DMson of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/03/25. Plant Uruts 1 & 2.W/960dO3 nr. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 8779190147791914. DUGSTAD.D., WADLEY.M D. Northem States Power Co. 96/03/31. 9pp. 87831.210-87831.218. 9003270127 NRC info Notce 96419. " Failure of Tone Alert Rados to Activate When Recemng Shortened Actrvaten L" 9004300208 Forwards "Prene Island Nuclear Generating Plant Annual Rept to NRC Ra. CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/02. ted Esson Co. of New York, Inc. 8pp. eenan Eruron Morntonng Program .lan.Dec 1995." 87791 S154 7791-022. WADLEY.M. Northam States Power Co. 96/04/24. Document Control Branch (Docu. ment Control Desk).1p. 88063.13048063.219. 9004000225 Discusses 980312 semannual PPR of Fort Calhoun Stanon.PPR mvolved partcipanon af techrucal dmssono m evaluatmg map results & satsty performance b to

 .eemen122 *Preme toland blucteer Generstmg Plant Annual Rept to NRC Raeston                       for Oct 1995 to Feb 1996.Inso plan enct Envron Morutonng Program .lan.Dec 1995 "                                                      DYER.J.E. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/03.PATTERSON.T.L Omaha Pubic Power HUEBNER.LG. Telodyne lootopes.95/12/31. 88pp. 8806313148063219.                               Detnct 5pp. 87772 08347772967.

I l I - l

76 DOCKETEDITEMS 9603290269NRC Info Nobce 96420. "Demonstranon of Associated Equipment Comrii. DOCKET 50 296 INDIAN POINT STATION, UNIT 3 anon w/10CFR34.20." COOLDA Danson of industnal & Mechcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04. Canachdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 87860-28947860:300. F. Securtty, medical, emergency & fire protection plans amnanm Ack recespt of 960325 tir Informmg NRC of steps taken to cormet meatens 9604010250 Roguests NRC approval of attached proposed plan of acnon 1or traming & J E. 8 1). 96/04/04. PATTERSON.TL Omana PWc Power Detr'ct opp.8 772 191 4 7772;201. "g,8jE . ower Authonty th State of New York (New York Power Authonty) 96/03/25. MARTIN,T.T. Region 1 (Post 820201). 2pp. 87719:1394 7719-141. 00 ** *" "* f rep / 23 9604010309 Responds b 960216 memo for FRPCC re renew of NY state & local rade. GWYNN,T.P. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/04. PATTERSON.T.L Omaha Pubhc weal emergency response plans & prepamdness sne-specifc to inden Pont Nucio. Power Dutnct opp. 87773D8947773:092. at Power hang StaMome of one mod b conader waMOon accepted CRtJTCHFIELD,D. . 96/03/27. HEPLER.O.M. Federal Emergency Management 9604100246 Forwards insp rept 50 285/96 01 on 960128 0309 & NOV. Apeng. 3pp. 87 3 55. DYERJ.E. Region 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/08.PATTERSON T.L Omaha Public Power Detnct 5pp. 87832-04447832:065. 9604 50365 ovised P Vol 11 actsvebe

                       -9004100249 Nonos of vloiston from insp on 960128 0309.Violabon noted hcenses did                                                         pp. 8        4 67923M
                                            "#                                                                                                  I"   "

9602 inrus constion as 9604150348 Revised EPIPs.includvig table of contents.Rev 6 to IP-2001 Rev 3 to IP-

  • Regon 4 (Post $20201) 96/04/08. 2pp. 87832:04M7832 050. 2201.Rev 4 to IP-2301.Rev 2 to IP.2302 & Rev 1 to IP-2303.
  • Power Authorsty of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty). 96/04/06.
                      -9404100250 Inso rept 50285/9601 on 9601280309Violabons noted.uafor areas                                                                 83pp.8        2724N354.

P " '*W

  • open"a' I

m,"' *'#'** '" '" "* obswwabons. 9004150353Ravned EPtPs.mcluding table contents & Rev 8 to IP-1028, " Core Damage PELLETJL Regon 1). 96/04/05.14pp. 87832 05147832 065. 9604040106 NRC Info Nohce 96 021, " Safety Concorre re Demon of Door interlock Cir- 38pp. 876W4M78E286.of h SW W b M % YM h WA 96/M cult on Nuciatron High.Does Rate & Pulsed Dose Rate Remote Aftertoadmg Brachyth. 9604200171 Forwards Rev 5 to trarung & qualthcenon plan,includmg summary of i COOLDA Dhasen of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/10. crenges,per 10CFR50.4.Rm withhod i Conso6 dated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. 9pp. 88102-06748102-075- BARRETT,RJ. Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty). l 96/04/23. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 88031:117-9604060336 NRC arrio Notco 96422. *lmproper Equipment Setungs Due to Use of 8803 m 6. CR ELD 04/ 1 Edmon Co. of New York, Inc. 8pp. 9604290336 Forwards SALP rept 50 286/96-99 for penod 920816-960302. SALP de-87860-30147860:306. formd for extended pened to snow for suMoent pedormance impronment b support plant restart & proper operaton. 3 I mane 59 NRC Bulletm 96002. " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over Fuel e Reactor Core.or Over Safety *eisted Equipment, hAN,)h y [ % 820204 pgwy

                                                                                                                                                                                                              /23 ^"

6pp 6 1  : l UTCH . 96/04/11. Conachdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. i

                                                                      -                                                                                              **nh* SALP rept 50w286/96 99 for 920818 96C302.
  • Regen 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/23.10pp. 68033:18948033:198. j 9e041 NRC into Nonce 96423, " Fires m EDG Excners Dunng Operaton FoRow-p 9604300386 Provides response to Unresolved Insp Rept 50 286/93-24. Unresolved insp UTCHFIELD.D. 96/ 22. Coneohdated Edman Co. of New York, Inc. topp. '*pt 'e enhcaton of came igmten temps of cables, pass Wcugh hm bamw penetra-00 '

CAH J. Power Authority of the State of New York (New York Power Authority). 9004220229 NRC Info Notce 96424, "Proconditonmg of Molded-Case Circuit Breakers 96 /2y Docurnent Control Branch W Control Doekk 7pp. 88067176-Before Survemance Tesano? GRIMES.BK . 96/04/26. Conachdoted Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 14pp. 8810207648102089. 9604250172 NRC Info Notco 96 025, "Traverang in4cre Probe Overwithdrawn at La-sens County Staton. Unit 1? 9604040041 Ack concoms expressed to restart & cm"e 9 niant Informs insp con-GRIMES.BK . 96/04/30. Consobdated Eeoon Co. of New York, Inc. 10pp. ducted to evaluate defcerma.W & smar c reviews conducted re earthquake 68102111 48102 120. actmty & approved secur'.ty plan mamtamed re t nonst threat SMANKMAN,$.F. . 96/04/01. GETTINGER d. Affilmbon Not Assgned. 3pp. 9604260005 r 87746.211 4 7746.213. GRIMES.BK NRC Info Nobce

                                                               . 96/04/30. Coneohdated        96426, "Recent Edson Co.      Problems    wa Inc of New York, Jverhead  Cranes,"    .10pp.

8810212148102130. L FinancialInformstlon G Portodic operating reports & rotated cormependence 9004220244 "New York Power Authority 1995 Annual Rept" W/960417 ftr. PATAKl.G.E., RAPPLEYEA.C.D., CAHILLWJ. Power Authonty of the State of New asnawinnan " Fort Calhoun Station Radologmat Envron Operalmg Rept for 1995" W/ York (New York Power Authonly).95/12/31. 46pp. 87905.28647965.333. 980423 fir.

                                     @ATTERSON,T.L Omaha Pubhc Power Detret 95/12/31. 53pp. 88064:164-88064217.                                                                                                            P. Operating beense stage                  _: & correspondence emnanan164 Forwartis
  • Fort Calhoun Staten Performance inecators." ter Feb 1996.

POTTERSON,T.L Omahe Ptehe Power Disinct 96/03/29. Document Control Branch e,^*n n941 Notrhes NRC of commitments identified. change,/ clanfmabone to commit. (Document Control Desk). 19 8775321947753:325. enents & current stat #echment i provides char ****oasf w.. - - requero clan-ficaton/ rev. changes /ctannces & status. ear.mantg6 " Fort Catmun Stabon Performance indhcators." BARRETT.R.J. Power Authonty of W,c **P* Of >%r iork (New York Power AuthonlyL

  • Omaha Pubhc Poww Detnct96/02/29.104pp. 8775122047753:325. 96/03/20. Document Control Branch (Document Coreal Desk).16pp. 87746.339-87744:354.

9604190096 Monthly operatmo rept for March 1996 for FCS.W/960415 Itr. LIPPY.D L, PATTt;RSON,T.L Omahe Pubhc Power Detnct 96/03/31. 9pp. 9604040006 Forwards nohes of canaderaten of msuance of amend to facety operstmg 67957:34247957.350. bconse. proposed NSHC deterrnmaton & oppor1 unity for haanng.for plant Unit 3. WUNDER.G.F. . 96/03/28. CAMILLWJ. Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power AJthonty). 2pp. 67746.21647746.227. E' ReportaMe cocunences, LERs & reisted ~~ - -9e04040011 Nonce of consideranon of issuance of amend to meanse DPf444 & pro-posed NSHC determmaton & opportunity for heann0. Amend wouki revne TS to anow 9004040192 LER 9540441:on 950602,decrepancy to somme classsficebon of new fuel one time extension of test imerves press ruer safety valve setpoent storage raceuLCaused Dy admm contros ckmng domign/mstananon process.C/ WUNDER.G.F. .96/03/28. 9pp. 87746:21947746,zz7. ArakxWahon performed.W/960401 Itr. BOTTUM,S.H PATTERSON.T.L Omahs Pubhc Power Dminct 96/04/01. 5pp. 9604030163 Forwards appleaton for amend to uoense DPR44, changing Tech Specs 8F807:16547807;169. to coparttre from nuciente bodmg hmsts. CAMILLWJ Power Authonty of the State of f4ew York (New York Power Authonty). Sa04220199 LER 9640140 on 960318.contamment ventilaban isolaton esgnal ocotrred 96/03/29 Document Control Branch (Document Cor*ol Desk). 2pp. 87735:305-due to high acevery ckmng purge. Revised appbcable procedures.W/960417 ltr. 87735:329. LINDQUIST,$A, PATTERSON.T.L Omaha Pubhc Power Ostnet 96/04/17. 6pp. 87960:3434 7960-346. ~4604030167Apphcaton for amend to Leense DPR44.addmg fegurements **-ated w/oeparture from nucleate bothng hmrts. 9604230034 Part 21 rept to anomaly e AMETEK/Dixson ProSenes bargraph models CAMILLWJ. Power Authority of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty). SA101P,SA202P,SN101P & SN202P.Condshon easts m 1E programmatze bargraon 96/03/29.1p. 87735.30747735:307, software.New wrsion besng generated to resolve asue Affected customers bang not. hed. -9604030174 Proposed toch specs re departure fron nuc50ste boilmg hmrts HUBER.C. Amstet. inc. 96/04/18. NRC - No Detasted Afflhaton Gsven. 5pp.

  • Fower Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty). 96/03/29.

67992 33947992:343. 22pp. 67735.30647735.329.

l DOCKETEDITEMS 77 9602200186 Suppt 1 to Genenc Lt 9509 to all NRC bcensees re mondanng & Irammg 9604290336 Forwards SALP rept 50-286/96-99 for penod 920816 960302. SALP de-of sNppers & camers of ruecactive metis. terred for extended penod to anow for sufficient performance rnprovement to support COOL.D.A. Dmson of industnal & Meecal Nuc6 ear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. Diant restart & proper operabort Boston Edson Co.10pp. 88102$5748102:066. MARTIN.T.T. Region 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/23 CAHILLWJ Power Authorny of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty). 6pp. 88033.16348033:198. 9604220259 Prcmdes response to GL 9641. "Tesang of SR Lope Crourts." CAMILLWJ Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty). 9604290348SALP rept50 286/96 90 *7- 090816 960302. 96/04/16 Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 9pp. 87980.178-

  • Repon 1 (Post B20201). 96/04 %3 10pp. eu.aen aG033.198.

87988:186. 9604300092 Press release B 9628. "NRC Rates inean Pont 3 Nuclear Power Plant *So. 9604300386 Prondes response to Unresched Insp Rapt 50w286/93-24. Unresolved map penor' ,m Plant Support; ' Goof in Mamt & ' Adequate' m Engmeenng & ' tent Oper- [ re fb n c4 came egmbon temps of cabes. pass enrough fre h penete D., DRICKS.V. Region 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/24. 3pp. 68065.352 H of ta New Y New er

                                                                                             $f                                               nt 88067:182.

Q. bnspection reports, IE Bulletins a _.. _ 9604220229NRC Into Nobce *96024,"Preconetorung of Molded 4ase Circuit Breakers Before Survediance T 9604010156 Forwards response to NRC960212Itr re volabons noted in map rept 50- " ' ' "* ^ ' ' ' " " ' ' 286/9517 on 951212-960113.Correceve octons; re review was conducied of NIMITS f020 1I)2089 pnntout for penod trorn930726-950922 BARRET7.RJ Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty). 9604250172NRC Info Nonce,96-02t. "Traversmg in Core Probe Overwithdrawn at La-22 Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 6pp. 87697.328 Sta 88102111 48102120. 9603200218NRC Info Notce 96418. "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Arbome Thonum." COOL.DA Dumon of Industnal & Medcol Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/03/25. Consohdated Esson Co. ot New York. inc.14pp. 87791$0147791:014. 9604260005 GRIMES.B.K.NRC Info Not:e

                                                                                                               . 96/04/30.       96026, "Recent Coneohoated  Eeson Co. Problems    w/ Overhead of New York,     Inc        Cranes." . 10p 88102:12148102130.

9004020105 Forwards insp rept 50-286/96 01 on 9601144302 & nonce of violabort COWGILLCJ Region 1 (Post 820201L 96/03/27. BARRETT.RJ Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Autnanty) opp.87703:02747703$69- R. Portodic operating repwte & reisted correspondence

-9004020110 Notice of violation from map on 9601144302Molabon notedon 960206.two scaffolds located m safety <eisted areas constracted w/o at least 1 rich   9604190102 Monthly operanng rept for March 1996 for indian Pont 3 Nuclear Power clearance from safety related souipment.identrfied.                                      PlantW/960411 Itr.
  • Regon 1 (Post 820201) 96/03/27. 2pp. 87703 03147703:032. ORLANDO.T., BARRET7.R.J. Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty).96/03/3:. 6pp. 87957.32247957:327.
-9604020117 Insp rept 50 286/96 01 on 960114 0302.Molations noted.Mapor areas inspected:piant operabons.mant.engineenng. plant support a safety a--       J.

COWGILLCJ Repon 1 (Post 820201). 96/03/27. 37pp. 87703:03347703:069. S. Repor1abee occurrences, LERs & rotated corroependence 127 NRC Nobce 96413. "Fadure of Tone Alert Ra$os to AcDvate When 9604000142 LER 96406-0&on 960301.two EDGs declared moperatWe m hot shutdown CR FIELD.D. . 96/04/02. ideted Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 8pp. due to lealun0 kee cd header check valves, conenon outsen design base of 877910154779t$22. pianLRevised plant proceoures & replaced valves W/960401 Itr. VITALE.A., BARRETT.RJ Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York 9604100063 Forwartis insp rept 50 286/9642 on 960125 4301 & notae of Power Authonty).96/04/01.10pp. 87824$0147824$10. violanon. Review of eflectveness of bconsee correctve acbons taken m response to three recent operationel events.mcluded. 9604090191 Forwards add kst of US nuclear facd bes to which potential defacave stare COOPER.R W. Reg on 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/02. BARRETT.RJ Power Authonty of issa steel Swagesok tube fittmgs suppl to 960226Itr re defects potenbally re-the Stato of New York (New York Power Authonty). 5pp. 8783211947832.147. portable per 10CFR21. JOHNSTON.DJ Crawford Fittmg Co.96/04/03. 3pp. 87824:1134 7824:115. -9004t00078 Notco of violation from map on 960125 0301 Molabons noted:actmtes affectng guamty not presenbod by documamed procedures & enecDve correceve ac-

   #0's not taken to rescive contmumg sammstraeve procisms-                              9604220058 LER 96-00740on 960316. automatic actuaton of 33 AB feedwater pump
  • Region 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/02. 2pp. 8783212447832125. motor by a lowlow steem generator level signalth by personnel error.C/

A; personnel counseled W/960415 Itr. -9604100082 Insp rept 50 286/9642 on 960125 0301.Molabons noted Major areas ELWOCD,C BARRETT.RJ Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty).96/04/15, 6pp. 87960:32647960.333. Inspected conduct of operatons. procedures, command a control.trammg & LL.C[Repon 1 96/03 . 22pp. 8783212647832147. M 300034 LER N:en 960320.simnmned nnrogen tank pressure required to s@ port proper inciabon valve seal water sys operanon not documented. Caused by 3 "g'O Notce 96420. "Demonstrabon of Assocsated Equipment Comph. GTEN BARR Power the ta York (New York OOOL.D.A. Dmsion of industnal & Medical k*w Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04. Authonty).96/04/4 7pp. NeNW Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 87860.28947860 300. 9s04120247 Forwards response to NRC Bullebn 96401. "Coritrol Rod insernon Prot >  % Operator Exarnenettone loms." dtd960308.Rept " Control Rod inserton Protwem Reactor Engmeenng-WPO" also ence BARRETT.RJ Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty). 9604010158 Withdraws request for TL Fueston to take PWR Genanc Fundamentals 96/04/08. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 6pp. 87876:063- Exam Sechon of operator hcensmg exam scheduled for 960410. 67876:139 BARRETT.RJ Power Authority or the State of New York (New York Power Authonty). 96/03/20. Repon 1 (Post 820201). 2pp. 87697:34447697:345. -9804120267 " Control Rod insernon Problem Reactor ErmWPO." NAKHAl.B. Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty)- 9604010247 Requests permmason for R Chnstman & P Rubm to complete OJT at plant. REF-96 068 R03. 96/04/04. 69pp. 87876.07047876:139. BARRETT.RJ Power Authonty of the State of Lsw York (New York Power Authonty). 96/03/20. Reg on 1 (Post 820201). 2pp. 87704.34947704.350. 9004040106NRC Info Natum 96421. " Set Concerns re Design of Door intertock Cir-cuit on Nucloton High.Does Rate & Dose P. ate Remote Aftertoadng Brachyth. 9604010250 Requests NRC approval of attached proposed plan of acton for tramin0 & erapy Devices." svasustng previously bconsed operator COOLD.A. Dusson of Industnal & Meecal M*w Lafety (Post 870729). 96/04/10. BARRETT,RJ Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty). Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York, incl 9pp. 8810206748102075. 96/03/25. MARTIN.T.T. Repon 1 (Post 820201). 2pp. 87719:13947719141. . 960mnm NRC Info Nobos 96422, " improper Equipment Setungs Due to Use of -9604010253 Proposed bcense restorabon plan. Nontemperature. Compensated Test Equipment" CM.JTCHFIELO.D. . 96/04/11. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc 6pp.

  • Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty). 96/03/25.

1p. 87719-14147719:141. 87860:301 4 7860:306. 9604000259NRC Bunsen 96 002. " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over 9604230022Wanns of recuahton program map pnned for wk of 9606Meauests Fuel m Reactor Core.or Over Safety-Reisted Equipment

  • 96/04/11. Coneohdated Echson Co. of New York. Inc. tipp.

(y*"q'gy a tests 8 g20 /04/11. BARRETT.RJ Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty). 3pp. 87953:00947953:011. 9604230022 Informs of roquahfication program insp planned for wk of 960617. Requests 9604230315 Submrts into re admmistrabon of written & operaung heeneng exams j wntten exams & opera tests Dy960610 scheduled for wk of 960729.Locaton of mio gweg erecbcms on maus & facilites MEYER.G.W. Repon 1 820201). 96/04/11. BARRETT.RJ Power Authonty of required.Orwen. the State of New York (New York Poser Authonty). 3pp. 87953 00947953:011. MEYER.G.W. NRC . No Dotasled Atteaton Gwen. 96/04/11. BARRETT.R I Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authority). App. 87967.242- ) 9604170169 NRC Info Nonce 96423. " Fires m EDG Excners Dumg Operaton Follow- 87967.245. I eng Undetected Fuse Blowm9" GRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/22. Coneohdated Eckson Co of New York. Inc.1%p. 8810209048 4 2099. DOCKET 50 287 OCONEE NUCMAR STATION, UNfT 3

78 DOCKETED ITEMS F. Security, medical, emergency & fire protect 6on plans 9604240348 informs that DE LaBarge to be asssgned propect manager for plant.ettecove 960426 9604020013 Change 1 to EP!P RP/0/B/1000/03A. "ERDS Operaton." W/960325 per. BERKOW.H.N. 96/04/22. HAMPTONJW. Duke Power Co. 3pp 87994.353 FOSTER.W W., NAMP rONJW. Duke Power Co. 96/03/25. 27pp 87725.109 87994.355. 87725.136. 9604020018 Rev 3 to Chenustry Manual 5.1. " Emergency Response Gadehnes." W/ O. Inspection reports. IE Bulletins a correspondence 900325 lir. FOSTER.W W., HAMPTONJW. OLAs Power Co. 96/03/25. 37pp. 87725$01-87725= 960410,0123 960226 e ses an d nsp Do.c,,u.sses senuannu.a.l 9604020060 Forwards response to NRC Confrmaten of Acton Itr dated 960318 for i g PPR re w FoPlan,t wa,dsPerfo.rman,ce nsp an r R,o, 8 vie _w.,Adn,non o ONS.unn 3.Swnchyard mosanon test performed as part of post-modifcaban testmg as-CRtEy8 epp 8 1 g81' PT Duke 96 5 Document Control Branch (Document 200218 W Ine Notco 96418. "Canphance w/1M20 tw Anwne ThonuC Control Desk). 6pp. 87725.34687725.354- COOL.DA Duson of Inoustnal & Medcal Nuc# ear Safety (Post 870729). 96/03/25. Coneohoated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 8779140147791$14. 1 9604260197 Forwards Rev 4 to uni Secunty & Conbngency Plan. TUCKMAN.M.S. Duke Power Co. 96/04/18. Document Control Branch (Document 9604020050 Forwards response to NRC Confrmaton of Acbon air dated 960318 for 1 l Control Desk). 5pp. 88027:35688027;359. ONS.unn 3 Switchyard isolanon test performed as pa't of post-moefication testng as-socated w/recent mod of power sys i 9604260178 HAMPTONJW. Duke Power m Rev 2 Forwards Rev 2 toeffecnveness secunty trammg 96/03/25. Document Control Branch (Document do not decrease of plan&&Qualifcanon plan. Omnges identfied, thereoy Control Desk). 6pp. 87725:34947725:354. l I 10CFR50.54(p),(2).Rev withheld, per 10CFR73.21. TUCKMAN.M.S. Duste Power Co. 96/04/19. Document Control Branch (Document 9604020320 Forwards Rev 24 to "Oconee Nucteer Staten ASME Ineonnce Testmg Pro. Control Desk). 2pp. 88027.36048027:361. gram." for trurd ten yr Isl mterval. HAMPTON.J Control Desk). W. Duke 9pp. Power Co 96/03/29 87730:14447730 300. Document Control Branch (Document D. Operating hcense stage ~^= _ & oorrespondence 9603270127 NRC Info Nobce 96419. "Faslure " of Tono Alert Rados to Achvate When 9604000119 Docusses actens to be taken as result of 960316 reactor tnp of Urut 3 Recoung Shonened Acevston whee testmg of electnca sys,per960318 m CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/02. tad Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 8pp. EENETER.S.D. 2( 82C201). 96/03/18. HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co. 87791$1547791$22. 9604090318 Responds to retxe of violaten & proposed rnposinon of cevil pensity n 9604090148Connrms 960320toscon to engt meetng scheduled for $30322 at Ocorme amount as $50.000. Fee pasd. sais to escuss 960316 reactor inp event & results of myosagnuon thereof. HAMPTONJ W Duke power Co.96/04/03.LIEBERMANJ Ofc of Enforcement (Post CRLENAK.R.V. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 96/03/20.HAMPTONJW. Duke Power Co. 870413). 6pp. 87829:35247829:357 2pp. 87792-34447792;345. 9603290269 NRC Into Nobce 96420. "Demonstraton of Assocated Equipment Comph-9604020320 Forwards Rev 24 to "Ocones Nuc6sar Stanon ASME Insonnce Tesbng Pro, ance w/10C7R34 20." gram." ter thrd W ISl raerval COOL.DA Dumon of Industnel & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04. HAMPTON.J W. Duke Power Co. 96/03/29. Document Control Branch (Document Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 87860:28947860'300. Control Desk). 9pp. 8773014447730:300. 9604100021 Ack 960321 response to 960222 NOV. Meets reQurements of

-9604020340 Rev 24 b "Oconee Nucieer Staten ASME insenace Testng Program."                        10CFR2.201.NRC to examme unplementahon of correcDve actons in future map.
  • Duke Power Co.96/03/27,150pp. 8773015347730.300 CRLEfoAK.R.V. A 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/04 HAMPTON4W. Duke Power Co 9604000210Summanres 960322 meetmg w/ utis e Senece.SC re Oconee urut three re.

actor inn event of 96C316. informs that meetng beneficial m provieng staff w/ good 9604240153 Forwards insp rept 50 269/9643.54270/96-03 & 50 287/9M3 on overwow of results from mvestigabon W/hst of attendees & hanearts-CRLEPOAK.R V. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/01.HAMPTONJW. Duke Power Co. 960126 0309 Apparent volaten being considered for escalated enforcement 44pp. 87806:04647806:089. acton No response rooured. CRLENJAK.R.V. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 06/04/04. HAMPTON.J.W. Duke Power Co. 9604000211 Forwards amends 215.215 & 212 for hconses DPR.38.DPR-47 & DPR-55.respectively & SE.Arnends rewme TS Secten 4.4,4. "PRVS." & TS Secten 4.14-

   " Reactor Bldg Purge Finers & Soent Fuel Pool venblaton Sys                                -960424016e insp repts 54269/9643.50270/9603 & 50287/9643 on 960126 WlENS.LA ,96/04/02. HAMPTONJW. Duke Power Ca 3pp. 87779.23847779:256.                         0309 Velation roted.Masar areas mapoctedp4 ant operstons;mamt & surveillance test-Keowee Hydro Mant program.enyneenng & plant support
                                                                                                 "                          AK.h Regen 2 m 82024 NN 33pp. N326 anunantis Amends 215.215 & 212 to beenses DPR-38.DPR.47 & DPR 55.                                     36d- . .

respecovely.rowsmg TS Secton Filters & Spent Fuel 4 5.4. "PRVS."."& Pool Venetsten Sys TS Secton 4.14. " Reactor Buildmg BE .H.N. 96/04/02.10pp. 8777924187779.250. 9604040106 NRC Info Noboe 96421, " Safety Concems re Design of Door interlock Cr. curt on NucJetron High Does Rate & Pulsed Dose Rate Remote Afterloadmg Brachyth. Safety unnon supportmg amends 215.215 & 212 to teenses DPR. 8 d nal & MN Nuclear Sa (Post 870729L 96/04/10.

   *  .'96/04/02. 6pp. 8777          7 9,256.                                                    Cormohdated Eeson Ca of New YotA inc. Opp.68102$6 88102275.                                         I 9604180067 Appbcaten for emergency change to TSs.rowsmg tequrements for perm                  9604050336 NRC Info Nobcs 96022. "imprope,r Ecuspment Serengs Due to use of Don room vennianon sys, reactor bidg purge & spent fuel pool venDianon sys carton                                             est g                    Eeson Co. W New York, M 6pp.

HAMPT W. Duke Power Co. 96/04/02. Document Cont ol Branch (Document 87860 301 4 7860 306. Control Desk). 5pp. 87914.31547914:334.

-9604160009 Proposed emergency change to TSa.rowsmg reQurements for penetraten                   Fuel e Reactor Core.or Over Safety Retated Equement" room venblatson sys. reactor tiedg purge & spent fuel pool venblanon sys carbon fdter         CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.11pp.

tesano. 88102:10048102-110.

  • Duke Power Co.96/04/02.15pp. 87914.32047914:334.

9604170149NRC Info Nobce 06423. "Fres in EDG Excners Dunng Operaton Fonow. . 9602200196 Suppe 1 to Genene Lir 9M9 to all NRC bcensees re monstonng & trarung ang Undetected Fuse B ' of stuppers & carners or radescave maus. CRUTCHFIELD.D. 96/04 ". Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. l COOL.DA Dmmen of inckstnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. 88102-090 4 8102:099. Boston Edison Co 10pp. 88102:05748102-066. l 9604220229 NRC Info Nobce 96424, "Proconditioneng of Molded-Case Circull Breakers 9604160120 Resoonds to 960118 Itr to C Haughnew re issue concomin0 thckness of welds for VE carusters e use at piant Before Survedience Testng"Coneohdated Edson Co. of New GRIMES.B IL - 96/04/n. York, Inc. 14pp. MARCUS G.H. . 96/04 10. JOHNSTON.C.F. Ta6edo Coalition for Safe Energy. 3pp. 88102276 88102:089. 87899.231 4 7899:234. 9604290200 Ack receipt of 960403lir & payment m emount of $50.000 for enri penalty 9604170283 Forwards amends 216.216 & 213 to Econses DPR 38.DPR 47 & DPR45 & proposed by NRC in 960305 Itr.CorrecDve actons wdl be exammed dunng future SEArnends rense Heat Removal TS 3.42 & Table 4.11 to delete maps. recurement of hawmg mam purr 6$decharge header PS provce mput to actuate GRAYJR. Ofc of Erdorcement (Post 870413). 96/04/26. HAMPTON.J W. Duke WI S.LA . 96/04/15.HAMPTONJW. Duke Power Co. 3pp. 87911:12647911:144. -960417032s Amends 218.218 & 213 to 6 censes DPR-38.DPR 47 & DPR45. 9604250172NRC Info Nobce 96425. "Traversmg in Core Probe Overwnhorawn at La. respecoveey.renssng Secondary Decay Heat Removan TS 3 42 & Table 4.1-1 to de6ete saw County Stanon.Unst 1 " reourement of hovmg man FW pump escharge header PS proude mput to actuate GRIMES.B K. . 96/04/30. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. topp. ARTS &EFS 88102:111 4 8102:120. BERKOW.H.N. .96/04/15.11pp. 87911:13147911:141. 9604260095NRC Info Nobce 9M26. *Recent Problems w/ Overhead Cranes." 4604170333 Setety evaluaton supportmg amends 216.216 & 213 to 6censos DPR- 0' 38.DPR-47 & DPR-55.respecDvely. 881O 2 102 '

     . 96/04/16 3pp. 87911:14247911:144.

9604220223 Siemits response to GL 9641 re NRC testmg of safety related toge cr. R. Portodic operating reporta & rotated -. cuns. YUCKMAN.M.S Duse Power Co. 96/04/17. Document Control Branch (Document 9604250161 " Annual Raeologcal Envron Operating Rept 1995." WI 960417 ltr. Control Desk). 3pp. 87972:35547972.357. HAMPTONJW. Duke Power Co.95/12/31.104pp. 88028.099 88028.202.

i j DOCKETEDITEMS 79 9604200142 "Armuel Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Oconee Nuclear Site for 9604290327 Forwards revs to TMI Modifed Amended Phracal Secunty Plan Secunty 1995 " W/960417 ftr. Tr & Oushfacation Plan & Sec Corm Plan. Plans witnhold. HAMPTON,J W. Duke Power Co.95/12/31. 48pp. 88031.22548031.273. W J F. General Public Ut htnes ..GPU Corp. 96/04/23. Document 9604220121 Forwards performance a operetng status for Oconee Nuclear Stanon for Mar 1996 & revised rept for Fet 1996. WEBER.R.L Duke Power Co. 96/04/15. Document Control Branch (Document Control G. AdjucBcetery correspondence Desa). 2pp. 8796329347963:310.

             -8004220300 Monthly opera                                                                                          repts for Mar 1996 for Oconee Nuclear Staton.                                                                 9604150018 Responds to941021 Itr wtuch reouested acten w/repard to all reactor li.

Wii.LIAMS.RA Duke Power . 96/03/31.15pp. 87963.29547963.309. consees usmg Thermo-Lag & that ltr be treated as Petmon por 10CFR2.206. RUSSELLW T. . 96/04/03. CINOVEMANI.D.K. Afhhation Not Assigned. 4pp.

             -9604220300 Forwards revised monthly operstmg rept Ior Feb 1996 for Oconee Nucie-                                                                                                                                                  87887:3174 7887.320.
                 & Stabort
  • Duke Power Co.96/02/29.10. 87963.310 4 7963.310. 9604150050 Responds to 941026 Itr which requested action w/ regard to all reactor b.

careees uomg Therm > & that tir be treated as Potmon per 10CFR2206. RUSSELLW T. 96/04/ . BENJAN.R. Afhhanon Not Assegned. 4pp. 87887;313

              & Reportable ocairrences. LERs & reisted corroeponcience                                                                                                                                                                          87887:316.

9604220352 LER 96 00140:on 960316, lues of feedwater results in reactor tnp. Caused 9604150064 Responds to941021 Itr.w*wch requested action w/ regard to all reactor 1r by metalianon deficiency.C/Areplacog & property instalhng reiay & revised consees unn0 thermcas0 & that P Bme ltr be treated as Petiban per procedures W/960415 fer. 10CFR2206. Forwards notice of " Issuance of Director Decuaan Under 10CFR2206." WILKIE.LV., HAMPTON.J.W. Duke Power Co.96/04/15. 30pp. L799131147901.340. RUSSELLW T. . 96/04/03. BIRNIE,P. G.E. Stor*noiders Alhance Agasnst Nucher Power. 4pp. 8788726347887.312. Y. Dry Caak '  : Spent Fuel Storage instanotione 9604150206 Responds to postcard dtd941114which requested accon re all reactor IW consees unng Thermo. Lag & that postcard be treated as Petmon per 10CFR2.206. 9604300176 Notficeban of commitment to revise unloading procedures & supportmg RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. DEBOLT,B. Afflhanori Not Assegned. 3pp. 87880-346 procockares pnor to fuel m next DCS to be placed in ISFSt.Next fusi load tark 87880:348. tanvery scheduled for 13. HAMPTON.J W. Duke Power Co. 96/04/25. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 88057.35348057:354. H. General correspondence DOCKET 84200 MEED COLLEGE RESEARCH REACTOR 9604220040 Agoeals NRC denial of FOIA reouest 95389Aed on 950917 seekmg punhc acceptance acovity repts & related documents in put*c acceptance actmty records for hsted GPU or cubendary reactors or proposed reactors. F. Security, medical, emergency a fire protectkm plane DEKOK.D. Affmanon Not Asegned. 96/02/14. TAYLOR,J.M. Orc of the Execunve D> rector for Operabons. 4pp. 87942-10147942:104. 9604020162 Forwards proposed row to " Reed Reactor Faciuty Emergency Plan" & re-RANTZ eed 96 . No De. K. Utlety Final Safety Analysis Report (FRAR) 4 amende tasted Affeston Grven. 3pp. 87724:071 47724.157 9604240038 Forwards Update 13 to FSAR for TMi-1.reflectng fac*ty

             -0e04020170 Revised " Reed Reactor Facety E                                                                                                                      Plan."                                                            chances.proceoure enanges & analyses through951013 & Rev 16 to Vol 1 of "TMt.1
  • Reed Cohege, Portland. OR.96/03/31. 62pp. 6 24 S7447724:135. FHAR." reflecano used at TMI.1 to meet 10CFR50. App R.

KNUBELJ. General Pdec mes Corp. - GPU Senace Corp. 96/04/15. Document Conm Branch pocurnent Conra Desk). 2pp. 8800520M8006302. OR. 96/03/31, 22pp. 87724.13647724.157.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             -9604240043 Rev 18 to Vol 1 of "TML1 FHAR."


  • General Put*c Utikbes Corp. . GPU Senace Corp. 990-1745 R16 V01. 96/04/15.

67pp. 6800520348005:069. F. Securtty, rnedical, emergency & fire protection plane -9604240045 Update 13 to FSAR for TMi 1.

  • General Putsc Utihbes Corp. . GPU Sennce Corp. 96/04/30. 400pp. 88005:070 emnanm0115 Discusses aneDation re util pelse info pian. 88006 302.

AMATO.C. NRC . No Detamed Affikaton Gsven. 91/03/12. NRC . No Detained Affil> Lhan G# vert 3pp. 87860:24947860.251. 9004020420 Rev 1 to TEP-ADM.1300.04 " Adminstration of TMI inibal Response & Emergency Seport Organnation Duty Roster." g603050137 Fonrards nonpropnetary Rev 0 to TR TR492. "TMb1 Reload DomOn &

  • General Pubbc Uthbes Corp. . GPU Senace Corp. 96/03/20. Opp. 87726:342- Setpomt Methodology" & Rev 0 to TR TR492P "TMI.1 Retoed Demgn &

87726.350. Setpoint Methcoology? Propnetary 0 to TR TR492P withheld. . KNUBELJ. General Pubhc Unimes Corp. GPU Senace Corp 96/02/27. Document I 9604050018 Rev 6 to EPIP.TML.19 ' Emergency Dommetry/Secunty Badge issuance,, Contal Branch (Document Conra M. 6pp. 67638 00M7638154. i & EPIP table of contents, j Pubhc Utsbes Corp. . GPU Servum Corp. 96/03/20. 9pp.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             -9603050148 Nonpropnmary venion W **TML1 Reload Demgn & Satpoint h 9004100170 Revised EPIPs.meludmo EPtP tab 6e of contents,Rev 4 to EPIP.TML.01                                                                                                                                                          OUNTY., FU H., JAFFA.R.P. General Pdde Utikbes Corp. GPU Senace Corp.
                "E                                    Classaicatons         r                             & Bams" Rev 4 to EPnP.TML.16. "Contammated infunesy                                                                                   TR492 R00. 96/01/23.149pp. 87638 00647638:154.
  • General Ubimos Corp. . GPU Senace Corp. 96/04/03.117pp. 87834S01 g
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ,,g bon Ostermined to to unsubstarmated.

9004160018 Responds to 941021 Itr wPuch requested schon w/ to all reactor 8- RULAND, H. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 91/03/12. Regon 1 (Post $20201).1p. oonsees unng Thermo-Lag & that fir be treated as Petman per 1 .206. 87860 2484 7860.248. RUSSELLW T. . 96/04/03. CINQUEMANI.DX Affsabon Not Asmgneti 4pp. 87887.317 47887.320. 9604000168 Confirms 960214 teicon Amamis re status of NRC review of TML1 inde. penoont reload evaluabon topical repts & ubi plans for TML1 Cycle 12 reload demgn 9004150050 Responds to941026 Ilr which regunsted achan w/recard to aR reactor li- actrvrbes. consees uomo T 4 that str be tested as Potman per 10tFR2206 KNUBELJ. General PutAc Ubimos Corp. . GPU Senace Corp. 96/03/26 Document HUSSELLW.T. 96/04/ . BEftlAN.R. Affhabon Not Asmgned. 4pp. 87887.313- ConyW Branch (Document ContrW Desk). 2pp. 87811:35647811357. 87887;316. 9602200136 Suppl 1 to Genenc Lir 9509 to all NRC licensees re monnonn0 & trarung 9604150064 Responds to941021 lir.wtuch requested echon w/ regard to a# reactor li- of stuppers & camers of radioactive matis consees unng thermo.4ag & that P Bames fir be teatec as Pebbon per COOL.DA Dmman of inaustnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. 10CFR2_206. Forwards nobce of "Isauance of Director Decimon Under 10CFR2.206." Boston Eckson Co.10pp. 88102:05748102:066-LUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. BIRNIE.P. G.E. Stockholders Ashance Agenst Nuclear Pcreer. App. 8788E26347887.312. 9604160069 Apphcation for ernand to hcense DPR 60.consabng of change request 9004150206 Responds to postcard did 941114 wen ch requested action re all reactor li. 243mmng d " '" "' "h *"

  • g app"hca consees Thermt> Lag & that postcard be treated as Potmon per 10CFR2.206. EL.1 General Put*c Uhlmes Corp. - GPU Senace Corp. 96/04/10. Document RUSSELLW. . . 96/04/03. DEBOLT.B. Affshation Not Asmgned. 3pp. 67880.346- Convol h (h Conroa %. 9pp. 8789828M7898296.

87380:348. 9604160204 Rev 6 to EPIP.TML.28. "Activabon of TSC." -9604160076 Proposed tech specs.revemg addl group of survolliances in which just:4 BEAVER.I. General Pubhc Utebes Corp. . GPU Senace Corp. 96/04/05. 15pp cabon has been comp 6sted. 87893.336 47893-320. .

  • General Put*c Utsbes Corp. . GPU Sennce Corp. 96/04/10. 7pp. 87898.290-

< 87898.296. 9004240038 Forwards Update 13 to FSAR for TML t.reflechng fac6ty 9604230382Nonfication of960418 meetmg w!util in Middletown,PA to chacuss cunent chaR.D*s. FMA reflechn0 procedure changes & analyses through951013 & Rev 16 e vol 1 of "TMI 1

                                                                                                                         'used at TM61 to meet 10CFR50 Apc R.                                                                                  status of                 actMbes at Urut 1.

KNUBELJ. General Put*c Corp. . GPU Sennce Corp. 96/04/15. Document HERNAN.R.W. . /04/15. STOLZ4F. 4pp. 87974.28947974.292. Control Branch (Document ContrW Desk). 2pp. 88005 00148006:302. 960 l

  • General Rev Pubhc 18 to Ut4lbes Vol 1 ofCorp. ".TWi GPU 1 FMAR?

Senace Corp. 9901745 R16 V01. 96/04/15. KNUBELJ. General Put*c Utilmes Corp. - GPU Sennce Corp. 96/04/17 Document 67pp. " Nrm =069. Control Branch (Document ContrW Desk). 3pp. 87973:320 87973.322. c______________________ . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _. . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ - __- ________________ - _

80 DOCKETEDITEMS (3 Insposeen reports, IE Bussene & serresporelence 9004000138 Forwards prennetary Rev 10 to guard tramnp & queh6ceton pien.Enci wth-held per 10CFR2.790td) & 10CFR9.5(ejte). 9003300214NRC Irdo Notco 96418. "Comphence w/10CFR20 for Artsorne Thonum.= COOL.DA Dueson et indussiel & Meecal N"e*=ar Soesty (Post 870729). 96/03/25. BOULETTE.E.T. Control Desk).1p. Boston 87831:1034 Esson Co. 96/04/03. Document Conirce Branch (Document 7831:103. Cor=r*d==' Edson Co. ce New York, Inc.14 pit 8779100147791014. p 9004030374 hemma bisp rept 5t>200/9603 on 960206-23 &fonmerde nonce of mole. KEMIG.R.R. 1 (post 820201). 96/04/17. BOULETTE.E.T. Boston Edson Co. son, 3pp. 08020:34 20:355. MARTIN.T.T. Rosen 1 (Post e20201). 96/03/26. KNUBEL J. General Pt4ste Uthese Corp. GPU Serwoe Corp. Spp. 07704:2174 7704.223.

                                                                                                                        -90e4300272 inep rept 50 293/9644 on 900316 22.No woletons noted. Mafe areas
   -4004e30870 Notco of moisson from inop on                                                                                                 P--       W             actons & mpt support.orotected area ostecten 86 essere Mches moeted hoeween protected eres & owner controdied area                                                ^^ - v900206-23
                                                                                                                                        - J.elarm etabons  Violaton & A___

notedaopenme renew ofex.s-PSP commstment onorm loceemd m proeoceed area. ALSERT.RJ., KENIG,R.R. Repon 1 (Post 820201A 96/04/17. app. 80020348 08020.356.

  • Repon 1 (Post 020201). 96/03/26. 2pp. 87704:2224 7704:223.

se04300244 Forwards FEMA Anal euartme rept for951213. full.perticqzeton plume es. seeaf70127 NRC Info Notta 96010. " Failure or Tone Alert Redos to Actvate When posure palhmey 1cr plant & 900409 FEMA transmittelItr.identeed no de6cumcess,but

                                       /02.           led Eeoon Co. of New York, Inc. Opp.                                           mig 8779191547791 022.                                                                                                                             96          18       L      .E.T. Boston Edson Co. 3pp. 80004:044 00004:182.

90033ee300 NRC Info Notoe 96 020, "C . _ _. of Ah Eggment Campb. ence m/100FR34 20." 40e4300940 Transerses final exerces rept for 951213. fun-parecipaton plume esposure COOL.DA Dueon of indussiel & Meecal Nucieer Seesty (Post 870729). 96/04/04. pathway exerate of cHene resological emergency respones piens see-spacec to Corsar*emeart Edson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 87800:20647se0:300. plant.idenoted no detaenoes.but found Iweny4 EUSA.LA Federet Emergency Management Ag'9ht ency. areasCRUTCHFIELD.D. 96/04/00. regumno C/A . 9004040100 NRC Info Notco 96421, Concems to Dee cult on Nuctoson High@oes Rete & erapy Dewoes." Does Rees Ramos'9n o Afterlosengof Door insertock Cir. Brachyth-aanaenassa " FEMA Fmel Exercsee Rept Pilgnrn Nuc6 ear Power Staton," conducted on COOL.DA Duenan of inckstial & Meecal Niesent 9512131or BECO. (Post 870729). 96/04/10. Conaceusatec Eeoon Ca of New York,Inc 9pp. e8102-06 4010t075.

  • Federal Emer9ency Management Agency. 96/04/05.134pp. 08004:046 48004:182.

see41eee01 Fonverde response to NRC 900311 tr re moissons noted in rept 50- see43se812 Dae- 900417mgt mostrq in Kmg of Prumme.PA re centrekred emer. 2e9/9516 on 900e2529.Correctue actonestil has irrgieomented mod to dran Nd.R Rep 6n Post 820201). 96/04/24. BOULETTE.E.T. Boston Edson Ce. Puhte Corp Serucs Corp. 96/04/10. Docurnent 2h MAN 182. Consol Branch (Document Control Desk). epp. 87094:311 4 7094:318. Geodese338 NRC Info Notoe 96022. " improper Equipment Satangs Due to Use of u- LPhuneet h _L :L. ' Tes1 %  :." CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Cop Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. Opp. ese41103s2 "BECO 1995 Annual Rept" & Securthes & Exchange Commesson (SEC) 07000:3014 7000 306. Form 10.K W/900410 nr. MAY,TJ., IM.H.W. Boston Edson Co. 95/12/31.110pp. 87863:18647063:207. Fuel m Reeceor Core.or Over "_' ' - Equipment" CRUTCHFIELD.D. . e6/04/11. Cor=rertsted Eeoon Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. J. Insuranse & bedesanity infernuanon e6102'10048102110. see4ases11 th- PPR of TMI conducted on 900325.PPR mwolved perhapebon of Prowdes '

  • 888""'cet evisons e makmeng map remuns & safety perennenos inermanon er Sept H V poston "'ie'*n"C'"o 1996 m) Mar 1986.

d 26 " Co"nsol Cork wol Desk). app. e7817.2es47e17:200. COOPER.R.W. Region 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/18. KNUBEL.J. General Pteshc Uthnes Corp.

  • GPU Serwoe Corp. app.87945.206 4 7945:211.
                                                                                                                 ,,                                                           g 9004178100 NRC Info Notco 96423. " Free in EDG Exaprs Dunne Operaton Follow.

mo Urh Fuse. 96/04/22 CAUTCHFIELD.D. 00102$0040102299. Blowin0". Conso6dened Edson Co.topp. , of New*****'*196 York or ensipers Auppt 1 to Generic Lir 95 09 to all NRC kenec: Incl& camers or rarmanetwo mess. litonng & trenn0 COOL.DA Dmeen of inducinal & Meecal Nucceer Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. manaeanwee NRC info Notco 96024, "Preconetonmg of Molded 4eme Circuit Breakers Boston Edson Co. topp. 88102:05748102:00EL Besore Survesence Teseng." GRetES.BX . 06/04/25. Cor=**=*=d Eeean Co. of New York, Inc. 14pp. annaeannes Forwenas towned tehle in agiport of plant Rehof Request - 9 re reactor 80102'076 00102$09. pressure veneel nozzes-t>ehoe & nozzle ener rechus exams. BOULETTE.E.T. Basson Edson Co. 96/04/16. Document Control Branch (Document 9004300172 NRC Irdo Natco 96 025 "Travereng in4cre Probe Overunhdrawn et La-sees Season. Unit 1." GRIhlES.B . 06/04/30. Conachdated Edson Co of New York, Inc.10pp. 3004230178 Forwards very==t for ede into re 6censee Jul 1994 IPEEE. 00102 111 48102120. EATON,R.B. 96/04/17. BOULETTE.E.T. Boston Echeon Co. 7pp. 07942207-87942:213. 9e04800006 NRC Info Notes 96426, **Recent Problems w/Overnmed Crones." GRIMES.B K. . 96/04/30. Coneohdoted Edson Co. of New York, Inc.10pp* 0e04390010 informs that erleceve - 900426.AB Wang esogned as Project 00102:121 46102 130. ,Propect Drecterow l 1 for MAN.S.F. 96/04/17. .E.T. Boston Echeon Co. 3pp. 87998:197-07908:190. R. Porteses opereune reports a reseled estressendonos 9e04340300 Forwensa response to GL 9601. "Teetng of Safety-Reinted Lope Cir-seesseme47 "P-er*--r=1 Ermran Rept TMI 1995." W/900423 hr. LONG.R.L, Generei Puche USNtes . GPU Sonnte Corp. 95/12/31.185pp. BOULETTE.ET. Basson Echeon Co. 96/04/19. Document Corttrol Branch (Document a006120148061:195 Conpol Desk). 5pp. Se000:356 00000t300. W KN Pubhc Corp - Corp. 96/03/ E O 31,7pp. 90033e021e NRC Info Notee 96 018, "Comphence w/10CFR20 lor Arbome ThonurrL" menneeses? Forwards 1994 & 1995 repts contesnin0 tinsi descriptons at changes. inst COOL.DA Dmoon of industnel & Mechcei Nucceer Safety (Post 070729). 96/03/25.

  & espenments.snclueng summenos of respeceve esisty ovesuntons of each.                                               Coneohdated Eeaon Co. of New York,Inc.14pp. 8779140147791214.

C;NUBELJ. General Putec Uthtes Corp. . GPU Service Corp. 96/04/16. Document Convol Branch (Document Control Desk). 50pp. 08022.23240022:290. 9004000138 Forwards inep rept 50-233/9641 on 9001164227.No veoistons noted. CONTE.R. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 96/03/27. BOULETTE.E.T. Boston Edson Co. 4pp. 6779327147793:137. .

                                                                                                           -e000000145 insp rept 50-393/9641 on 900116 0227.No violatons noted. Maior erees F. Beaurny, eneesel, essergency & nre protoegen piene                                                                                                            " "                    '*" "'*""
                                                                                                                                          $anty venficaton.

CONTE,R. Repon 1 (Post 820201). 96/03/27. 63pp. 87793275 87793:137. 9004e0010s cues -- ' Noseceton of EP eleft of egnecent

                                        & escurencebeenees     mesang that sately        96 27ofw/ulf eMecevenues          ondo EP not  900417 to die.

cra== art 9003270127 NRC Info Notco 96410. "Fedure " of Tone Alert Redes to Achwate When Snortened Acewaton

  • Repon 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/01. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 2pri 87772$13 CR 87772214. IELD.D. 96/04/02, ted Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 8pp.

87791915 87791222. 90eeees300 Nosecoton of egnecent licensee meetrg 96-27 on 9e0417 w/wis in King of Prunes.PA to shocussw- ~ . of EP elaff a soeurence that selety eflechve- 9004110172 Forwards oneta to pp 34 of anep rept 50 293/95 09 reflectmg rensed cher-nees of EP not a accenzemon of accons tesen by otsit to preventon of release of contammated lools CONTE.R t. trem varin =ey controlled areEL 1 (Post $20201). 96/04/01. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 1p. WHITE) R. 87772:2554777 5. 1 (Post 320201). 96/04/03. BOULETTE.E.T. Boston Edson Co. 3pp. 87532.3 7832.358.


~9604110176 Ccurected pp 34 of map rept 5&293/9549/eilectmg rowsed charactenza-                  -9604100208 " Target Rock TwcF$tage SRV Performance Updata."

ton of actions taken by staff member re preventen of roisase of contanunated tools WEGNER.M S. Othee for Analyssa a Evaluato': of Operanonal Dets. Drector. 96/04/ Com r . ale / controlled area. 15. 7pp. 8791233647912 342.

  • Regon 1 ( 820201). 96/04/03.1pp. 87832:35847832 358.

9604240059 PNO 8-94024:on 960419.rugh tLatune vitratons occuned 22% reactor 9603290269 NRC Info Nobce 94020. "Demonstraton of Associsted Egiapment Comph- powu causeg surtune tnp resurung m automanc reactor scram. Outage worm & posi-ance w/10CFR3420." scram rowew actMties scheduled to be completed for960423stan up. COOLDA Dmucn of industnal & Medical Nuclear Safety (Post 8707291. 96/04/04. CONTE.R. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/22. 2pp. 68004.34148004.342. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New Yortt. Inc.12pp. 87860.289 87860:300. 9604040106 NRC Info Nobce 96-021, " Safety Concerna se Demon of Door interlock Cir- dos;KET 60-295 ZION NUCt. EAR POWER STATION, UNIT 1 cun on Nucsotron HighCose Rate & Pulsed Dose Rate Remote Aftertoadmg Brachyth-Capy Dowces." COOL.DA Dmmon of industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/10. F. Securtty, med6 cal, emergency & fire protection plane Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Irc 9pp. 88102 06748102075. 9604020043 Foneards towned EPIPs & GSEP Zen Annow Secton 5.0 9604060336 NRC Info Nonce 96422. *1mproper, Equipment Setengs Due to Use of N niemperature.Compensstad Test EW

  • Commonweanh Eeson Co.96/03/19 Document Control Branch (Document Control CRLTTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Conschdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 6pp. Desk).1p 8773214847732 239-87660 301 4 7860 306-
                                                                                                 -9404020195Rensed EPtPs.mcluding EPIPs index & Rev 4 to EPIP 33&1. "Classsfica-9604000250 NRC Bullotm 96002. " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent FuelOver                         b n of GSEP ConMons."

Fuel m Reactor Core.or Over Safety-Related Equioment.. Comnenweanh Eeson Ca96/03/4 8pp. 87?3214W73M55. CR . 96/04/11 Conschdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.11pp.

                                                                                                 -9604020206 Rev 7K to GSEP Zen Annex.Secten 5.0. "Classficanon of Emergen-cues.

9604230062 Forwards map rept 5&293/9640 on 960122 0209 No wolations noted.

  • Commonwealth Edson Co.96/02/29. 82pp. 877324 5687732;239.

RW 820201). 96/04/16. BOULETTE.E.T. Boston Edson 9604120102 Rewsed EPIPs,inclueng EPtP mdex. Change Raouest Number (CRN) ER9600469 to Rev 2 to EPtP 100-3 & CAN ER9600510 to Rev 10 to EPIP 32&1.

 -- Inso rept50-293/96-80 on 9601224209.No velstons noted. Mapor areas                              LANES.LL Commonwealth Edson Co.96/03/26. 26pp. 87877 06&87877:112.

plant & sa, 9004010062 Fast partal & final response to FOIA request for records App A records

           .RJ. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/16. 31pp. 87967.13647967:166.                          enci & being maos evadable m PDR. Records already avestable m PDR noted on enci computer                B records partally withhe6d (rof Exempton 7).

9004290250 Forwards insp root 50 293/9644 cn 960318 22 No wolatons noted. POWELL A Dus,on of Freedom of information & Pubhcaisorm Serwces (Post CIE! mig.R.R. 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/17 BOULETTE.E.T. Bos1on Edison Co. 940714). 96/03/28. SMITH.M.G. Affihaton Not Asegned. 21pp. 87694.13547694.214.

                                                                                                -9604010099 Parbally withheid mvestgebon root 3 94466 on 941201.No escrepancies

-9604290272 insp rept 50-293/9404 on 960318-22.No velatons noted. Masor areas notedMasar areas mvesugated: alleged deliberate volanon of sectrity procedures & r="+ d'=.=veceve accons & mgt s@ port. protected area ostecton talmbcanon of records-equipment. alarm statens & commurucanons & review of PSP commitment ULIEJ.M. Regon 3 (Post 820201). 95/02/03. 9pp. 87694.20&87694214. T J., KEIMIG.R.R. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/17. 8pp. 88020.348-RmWmmmeWmemWWMRe 111 G auxikary beag starwen & reactor containments. 9604170169NRC Into Notce 96423, "Fres in EDG Excitors Dunno Operaton Follow. MRAKl.C.Y. . 96/03/29. FARRAR.D L. Commonwealth Esson Co. 5pp. 87710:347 eng Undetected Fuse B6owin0a 87710 351. CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/22. Consohdated Edman Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. 88102 09048102-099. 9604000200 Resubmits response to NRC 960221 ftr re volabons noted in map repts 50-295/95-22 & 60 304/95-22.Correceve actons: counseted Electncal Mant Dept per-9604220229NRC Info Nobce 96424,"N ,4--,y of Molded. Case Clrcuit Breakers sonnel re importance of procedure adherence & emergency bght Em. Before Survedlance Testno.a TUETKEN.R.P. Co..- . _ _T. Edson Co. 96/04/03. LIEBERMAN . Ofc of Enforce. GRIMES.B K. . 96/04/25. Conschdeted Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 14pp. ment (Post S70413).10pp. 87830;34847830:357 88102 07648102 089. 9604150018 Responds to 941021 fir which requested acnon w/ regard to all rea: lor b 9604250172NRC Info Notco 96425. "Traversang ir<., ore Probe Owenritndrawn at La- consees us ng Thermc> Lag & that Itr be treated as Petton per 10CFR2.206. salle County Staton.Urut 1." RUSSELLW T. 96/04/03. CINQUEMANI.DK Afhhacon Not Asmgned 4pp. GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/30. Consondated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. 87887:31747887:.320. 80102 111 48102:120. 9604150050 Responds to 941026ftr whch requested acton w/ regard to at reactor E. 9604260095 NRC Info Notco 94026. "Recent Problems w/ Overhead Cranes." cormees unng Thermo-Lag & inat Itr be treated as Pacton per 10CFR2.206. GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/30. Coneohdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc. topp. RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. BENJAN,R. Afhhoton Not Assagned 4pp. 87887.313 88102:121 48102-130. 67887:316. 9604150064 Responds to 941021 Itr.whsch requested acDon w/ regard to all reactor 6 R. Periodlc operm reports & reisted .-. consees unng thermc>iag & that P Barve ftr be treated as Petton per 10CFR2.206. Forwards nosce of "lseuance of Drector Deceaan Under 10CFR2206." 96D4000148 "Pegnm Nuclear Power Stahon Annual Dose ? ._.; to General Pubhc RUSSELLW T. . 96/04/03. BtRNIE,P. G.E. Stocktoloers Alhance Agenst Nuclear Corn Radmaceve Effluents from Jan.Dec 1995." W/960328 Itr. Power. epp. 87887.26347887:312. K , DAHL,$.R., OLMER.LJ. Boston Edson Co. 95/12/31. 91pp. 960 06 RW m W N M4 m W m m as re E. consees unsng Thermo Lag & that postcard be treated as Petiten per 10CFR2206, 9604150339 Monthly operatog rept for Mar 1996 for Pl!grrn Nuclear Power StaborLW/ RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. DEBOLT.B. Affihaten Not Asmgrad. 3pp. 87880.346-960411 lir 87880:348. NO R.L. OLMER.LJ. Boston Edmon Co. 96/03/31. 7pp. 87894 049 9604260124 Revoed EPIPs.mcludmg CEPIPs 3000 senes tabse of contents,Rev 6 to CEPIP 330341, "Calculaton of Noble Gas Release Rate From Field " _ . .;. 9604220202 NPDES escharge moratonng rept for Mar 1996 for Pilgrufi Nuclear Power of Radiaton Exposure Rate" & Rev 5 to CEPIP.3404 01. "Calculaban of. " Stanors DAVIDSON.G.R. Commonwealth Edison Co. 96/04/04. 40pp. 88031.11948031:158. SULLIVAN.T.A., OHEIM.H.V. Boston Eeson Co. 96/03/31. topp. 87983.323 87963:332. 9604100205 Responds to NRC Bullete 96 001. " Control Rod inserben Probierns." Cur. rent bconsed operator requairhcanon trarung & emergency procedures at facshtsos ad. dresses s2t probsems.Propnetary mfo encl. Encl witnneid. & Reportable occurrences LERa & related -, .- HOSMER.J.B. Commonwealtn Edison Co.96/04/06. ,17pp. 87864:33047864.346. 9604160381 AO rept 7219 on 721230.wNie reactor m hot stan@y corutton.RCIC sys 9604260116 Revised EPlPs.includmg CEPip.2000 senes table of contents & Rev 1 to became moperabie as result of loss of RCIC turtune ce pressure. y-233143,,,_" Computer Speciakst EOF. HAYNES.R.C. Sosion Edison Co. 73/01/10. Atomse Energy Commessen, Drectorate Co- .m. . Eeson Ca96/04/10.11pp. 88M35M8M361. of IJcenung (720101-750118). 2pp. 9604230047 Revned EPIPs.includeg Change Request Number (CAN) ER9601266 to 9604090233 LER 9640140 on 980312. torus to. reactor bidg vacuum rehof sys Tran 'B. Rev 6 to EPip 1001 CRN ER9601365 to Rev 2 to EPIP 1141 & CAN ER9601364 to swnch satsf r to svc W 96o404 SL J. Edson Co.96/04/15. 64pp. 88009 29348009.356.

                                .T. Vermont Yankee tfuclear Power Corp. 96/04/04. 6pp.
                           '                                                                    960422M m M e > WOO e W b e "+

moved" en Zion ERDS descnpton file.Necessary documentanon for EROS Cata pomt 9604220264 LER 9541141:en 951206.RC8CS was inoperable due to unplarmed munt libr amater mod m accordance w/ procedures attached also. to repeace miermment tippmg power mverter.MR 19503503 was runsted to perform N.LE. Commorwealth Edson Co.96/04/16. Document Control Branen (Docu. rutsal troubleshootng.W'960411 nr ment Control Desk). 5pp. 87965:15647965;161. CANNON.R.L. BOULETTE.E.T. Boston Eeson Co. 96/04/11. 7pp. 87990302 G. Adjudicatory correspondence 9604190198 Forwards Techncal Review Rept AEOD/T9642. " Target Rock Two Stage SRV Performance (Wata." 'Jn Lrnenck Urut 1.pdat disc leakage resuned 9604150018 Responds to941021 Itr which requested acton w/reoard to all reactor b. m stuckepen SRV & extended reactor blowdown ento suppressen poco. consees umng Thermo Lag & that Itr be treated as Pecton por 10CFR2.206. ROSSI.C.E. Dwison of Safety Programs (Post 870413). 96/04/15. SHERON.B W.. RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. CINOVEMANI,D.K. Affihation Not Assegned. app. 1 2pp. 87912:33447912:342. 87887.31747887.320. ' l l I l

l 82 DOCKETEDITEMS i 9004t50050 Responds to941026ftr wtuch requested action w/ regard to au reactor li- -9604010083 Irwestgate rept consees unno Therr9. 0 Lag & that Itr be treated as Petmon per 10CFR2.206. 3-93437R.Violaton noted.Mapor areas QU55 ELL.W.T. 96/04/u;_s. BENJAN.R. Aftikanon Not Asagned. 4pp. 87887:313 swestgatettalleged dehberate mall falso staterrent re desgn bass of Zen Generat-87667:316. og Stanon. WALKER.H.G., PAWUK.E.T. Regon 3 (Post 820201). 94/08/15. 32pp. 87694:156 87694:187. 9004150064 Responds to941021 Itr.which requested actm w/ regard to all reactor I> consees usmg thermo.ieg & that P Bme ftr be tested as Petsbon per 10CFR2.206.Forwerds nonce of "Isauance of Drector Decimon Under 10CFR2.20E." -9604010006 Irwenngabon rept3-94-041 on 940502 re alleged termmadon of employ, RUSSELL,W.T. . 96/04/03. BIANIE.P. G.E. Stockholders Albance Agamet Nuclear ment for contecarg NRC re ALARA concoms. Case admmistratuely closed out on Power. epp.8788726347887.312. 940920. based on aneger tature to cooperate. DEVITTO.R.L. PAWUK.E.T. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 94/12/16. 990. 87694:188 87694:196. 9604150200 Responds to postcard dtd941114wtuch requested action to aN reactor 6-consees unmg Thermc> Lag & that postcard be treated as Pennon per 10CFR2.206 RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. DEBOLT.B Afhhanon Not Asmgned. 3pp. 87880:34 6 -9604010003 trwesbgation rept 3-94466 on 941201 re anaged employment 8Y800 348. decnmmation. Case closed on 950310. based on unsuccessful attempts to mtennew ab inger, WALKER.H.G., PAWUK.E.T Region 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/02. 9pp. 87694:197- j P. Operating Deense etn9e documenta 4 concependence 87694.205. i 1 9604050021 Forwards request to use Amencen Society of Mecharucal Engmeets code -9604010099Partany withhold swesbgaton rept3-94066 on 941201.No escrepancies came N-614 m the determination of LTOP setpamis. noted Masor areas swenngated alleged dekbarate violanon of secunty procedures & TUETKEN.R P. Co.. tain6caton at recordL

                                ... _J . Edman Co 96/03/19. Document Control Branch              ULIE.J.M., PAWUK.E.T. Region 3 (Post 820201). 95/02/03. 9pp. 87694208-(Document Control Desk). Spp.87775:30A7775.309.

876J4.214. 9004020416 Forwards annual TS 8.8.1b special roots.inclueng Wa Aegan Regonal Air. 9604010326 Forwards response to NRC 900227ltr re violanons noted m inso repts 50-(WAR K. E Document Control Branch sys engineer genwated acuan mquest (Document Control Desk). 5pp. 87731:34647731:350. geo TU N,R.P. C .~.dl. Esson Co. 96/03/28. Document Control Branch 9604000326 Submrts Zon Urut 1 SG tLee pluggng dunne recently completed fifth Unit 1 GX P- ~. n Edson Co. 96/03/29. Document Control Branch

                                         ~                                                                   Resp nds to SALP 13 rept results & concurs that improvement is needed (Document ConDel Desa). 2ppI87803.19547803:196.                                                  & werwmonDetads of inibawes & eNons targeted to aodmss         l w

9604040224 Request oddl Ho lor GL 95 07. " Pressure Loctung & Themal bmdmg O' 6pp 878 7 78-8781 (Doc - Safety-Related RAK Power.FARRAR,D.L Y. 96/04/02. Operated Gaie Co.-Valves.".as escussed

                                                      . ~ . . . _. Edson       on87746:182-Co. 5pp. 960308.
                '                                                                            9603270127 NRC Info Recorving Shortened           Notice Actrvanon    96419.
                                                                                                                                                 ".Falure of Tone Alert Radios to Activate 9004000237 Forwards nonpropnetary info escussed on 960328 re ABB/C-E nucsear og>                      CH E          . 96/04/02.           ted Edmon Co. of New York. Inc. Opp.

erations SG welded soeves for esciosure m PDR. E LESNIAK.M.T. Commonwealth Eason Co. 96/04/04. Document Control Branch (Doc. ument Control Desk). 7pp. 87817:171 4 7817:177. 9604090200 Resubmrts response to NRC 960221 Itr re votatons noted in insp repts 50-295/95 22 & 50-304/9422.Carrective accons. counseled Electncal Mamt Dept per-9402200106 Suppi 1 to Genenc Ltr 95 09 to ad NRC bconsees re monrtonng & trammg sonnel re miportance of procedure adherence & emergency hght program. of shippers & camers of radioaceve rnans. TUETKEN.R.P. Commonwealth Edson Co.96/04/03.LIEBERMANJ Orc of Enforce. COOLDA Divison of industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. ment (Post 870413).10pp. 87830 34&e7830 357. Boston Eeson Cct topp. 88102:05748102066. 9603290269NRC info Notice 96 020. "Dernonstrabon of A*amated Equipment Comph-9604120294 Reviews licenses proposal to make certan changes to __ 1. J rnado ence w/10CFR3420." in response to NUREG4737. Item li.B.3. Post Accident Samphng CapatzktyClanfos COOLDA Deveson of Indusinal & Medical Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04. trummterpretanons by bconses w/ respect to certan calculanons. Conachdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 8786028947860:300. SHIRAKl.C.Y. .96/04/11. FARRAR.D.L Co....% 2. Edmon Co. 4pp. 87878.357. 87878:360. 9604150007 Forwards insp repts 50 295/96 05 & 50 304/9&05 on 960127- 0308 & NOV. 9604180158 Forwards proenetary markups to TR WCAP.13878. "Rehabikty Assessment MILLER.LF. Repon 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/05.TUETKEN.R. Co....%.. _J. Eeson of Potter & Brumfm6d MDR Senos Relays." reflectog listed chan0es as eenmart m Co. epp. 8786997747869101. 960313teicort Propnetary marktes to TR WCAP-13878 withheid. [11SH.L C-d.% _r Eeson Co.96/04/12. 2pp. 87956.35947956:360. -9604150000 Notice of oeviaton from map on9601274308.Demstion ..e.a. - ~ . edentihed that 3-h ratmg of north waA of auxihary bidg drum till area not mamtamed i 9604230100 Submits response to NRC GL 9601. " Testing of Safety-Related Logic Cr- due to hole 4 matananon of three wmdows m bemer. curts." did960110.

  • Regon 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/05.1p. 87869-08347869:083.

BRONS l.C Commonwealth Eeson Co. 96/04/19. Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk). Soc. 6a002:33248002:336.

                                                                                             . ,604150099 inso repts 54295/9645 & 50304/9605 on 9601274308. Violations 9604260177Notfies NRC that actons a.h m GL 8S10 completed w/exceptens noted                                     *'p*re'v"iousay sowit sed s"em's '" '"'*""8"'
     & transmits Zen Staton request for closure of GL 89-10. " Safety.Related Motor 4per.        MILLER.LF. Regen 3 (Pos* 820201). 96/04/05.18pp. 87669 08447869101.

sted Valve Tesang & Stavastiences." . i [31WARTZ.GX Co.. . r. Eckson Co. 96/04/22. Document Control Branch Control Desk). 2pp. 88026:35488026:360. 96N100205 Responds e NRC Bullehn 96401. "Cami Rod insabon Problems." Cur-rent bconned operator requahlcation & emergency procedures at faceknes ad-

                                                                                                                      ' " '                                                              l esmnn.tS3 Forwards 10CFR50.46 rept.sncludmg todanng nio re paak clad temp of knunn0 emaB treak & large tweak loss of coolant accident analyse evakaanons for                     E      '-- - ---                  Co". 96            7pp. 8786(3308786(346.

I Braidwood. Byron & Zen Statenst LESNIAK.M.T. Commonweatth Eeoon Co. 96/04/25. 22pp. 88066.230 88066251. 9604150218 Responds to NRC 951128 Itr ce volatons noted in haps. C/ Ascomprehensive actons taken to ensure enployees feel free to raise safety con-coms w/o tear of retribubon. Pokey responeng to employee nuclear safety concems a reports,IE Bunenne & cormepondence ' B C

                                                                                                           ' . C- . . _ 3 Edison Co 96/04/08. UEBERMAN L Ofc of Enforce.

ment (Post 870413). 6pp. 87888:33947888:344. I 9604010053FOIA request for insp repts.volatons.citanons & Anos grven to Zen Nucle- I er Power Plant n Zen,lL by NRC from 930301441001. SMITH,M.G. Affikation Not Assignact 96/02/22.POWELLRA Dnnsen of Freedom of 9604040106NRC Info Notco 95021. " Sat Concems re Design of Door leitatock Cr-Information & Pubhcatons Sernces (Post 940714).1p. 87694:13447694:134- curt on Nuclotron High. Dose Rate & Put Dose Rate Remote Aftertoadog Brachyth-erapy Devices " 9604290415 Informs of requali6caton program rep planned for week of960610 which COOLDA Divison of industnal & Medical Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/10, Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 88102-06748102 075. concides w/ regularly scheduled roqualificanon exam cycle.per 960417 Itr. Requests DICK. R Post 20201 03/23 TU .R. 8' 1* ^ ** noted m nsp re' pts ' " P* "* ' "' Echson Co. 2pp. 7:31748027 318- 5 MILLER.LF. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 95/04/10. TUETKEN.R. Commonweafth Eeson 9603200218NRC Info Notco 96418. "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Arteme Thonum." Co. 2pp. 87887:19947887.200. COOLDA Danson of Industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/03/25. Conachdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 8779100147791:C14. 9604050336 NRC Info Notice 94022. " improper Equspment Setungs Due to Use of Nontempo:sture. Compensated Test Equipenent. 9604020415 Forwards insp plan for plant encompassmg next 6 montns based on plant CH I 96/04/11. Consondated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 6pp. performance revow from Aug 1995 - Mar 1996, based on map results & safety per. - - formance mfo,used to formulate emphases for iccommg map MILLERLF. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 96/03/25. TUETKEN.R. Commonweatth Edson 9604000259 NRC Bulletm 96402, ' Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuet.Over C3. 3pp. 87706:045-87706:047. Fuel m Reactor Core,or Over Safety.Related Equipment" CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Conso6 dated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.11pp 9604010082Frst partial & Anal response to FOIA request for records. App A records 88102 10048102 110. ence & bemg made avadaDie m PDR. Records already avadable ri PDR noted on enci cannuter pnntout. App B records persany witnheid (ret Exempaan 7). 9604300104 Submrts response to NRC Busetm 96001 re control rod inserbon prot > POWELLRA Danson of Freedom of Informaton & Pubhcanons Senaces (Post lems. 940714). 96/03/28. SMITH.M.4 Affikaton Not Assigned. 21pp. 8769413547694.214. HOSMER.J.B. Commonwealth Eeson Co. 96/04/19 . 45pp. 8805927448059:318.

                                    ,           ._____-_-__ ~-. _                        ___-m_      -.         _            _         .          . . _ . _ - -_            _              _       m.,._ _ _ . _ - -    m_

I l l l DOCKETEDITEMS 83 l l 9004170100NRC Irdo Notco 96 023. "Fres in EDG Exc ters Durmg Operston Ft ow- DOCKET 00-200 BROWNS PERRY NUCLEAR POWER STATION, Uleff 3 l mg Undetected Fuse Bloung " i CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/22. con Edson Co. of New York, Inc.1 spp. ' 00102:000 40102000. F. Sostatty, modest, emergency a fire protection plans emwma NRC Info Notce,95024. "Precondeorung of MoldedCase Orcuit Breal o* 9004000132Revoed Central E Control Car (CECC) EP1Ps. Rev 16 to A2


G IMES 0 96 04 . Cor=me= sad Edson Co. of New York, Wic. 14pp. 88N7"D88- E W/90 2I l BARON.R.R. Tenneense Vesey Authorey.96/04/02. 54pp. 07020:20147020:314.

      $304300172NRC enpo Notce,,96425. "Traverwng in. core Probe Overwandrswn at La-                     90m00010 Responds 2 941021 W which requested ston w/ record 2 eN reactor b.

eene Courey Statortumt 1. GRIMES.S.K. . 96/04/30. Cor=++=*=d Eeson Co, cf New York. Inc.10pp. coneses unme Thermo. Leg & inet Itr be treated as Peteon per 10CFR2.206. 00102:111.00102120. RUSSELLW T. . 96/04/03. QNQUEMANI.D.K. Afhhaton Not Asegned. 4pp. 07067:3174 7067.320. 9004000006 NRC Info Notoe 96026. "Recent Problems w/ Overhand Cranes." $304100000 Responds to941020 lb wtsch ray == tad acton w/ to eq reactor li-GRIMES.S.K. . 96/04/30. Cori=**=nad Eeoon Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. WO2121-90102130. cenemos unne & est W be restud as Poston per 1 R2.206. r RUSSELLW.T. 96/04/ BENJAN.R. Afflheton Not Aemgned. 4pp. 07007:313-07007:316. R Portede opereeng reports & moeted eenospondones 9004100064 Responds to941021 fer.wtuch ray ==*=d acton w/ regard to en reactor R. coneses unn0 thermo.4e9 & that P Barue nr be Wested as Petton per 9004190003 10CFR2.206. Forwards nonce of "lesuance of Drector rima ===i Under 10CFR2.206." CYGAN.J., Monthly SCHWARTZ.Goperee'.no repts for MarchEeoon sC CommonweeNh 1906 Co. for ZGS.W/900412 Itr. 96/03/31.13pp. 07939.252- RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. BIRNIE.P. G.E. Stockholders Aikence Agamst Nucieer L 07930.264. Power. 4pp. 07067.20347007:312. 9004800107 Porwards " Recorded Annusi TEDE Exposure for CY95 for 8804100300 Responds to postcard did941114whsch r=y==nad acton to su reactor b ' Brudecod. Byron.Dresden.LaSehe. Quad Cates & Zion." Repts bemg submitand eteo. coneses unng Thermo La0 & that postcard be tested as Poston per 10CFR2.206. ( toruceny on magnetc tape. RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. DEBOLT,B. Affibeton Not Aemgned. 3pp. 67000:340-BRONSJ.C ~. Edson Co. 90/04/22. Document Convol Branch (Docu- 87000:340. ment Coreal Desk). 2pp, 00067.206 00057.213 9004330173 NrAihes that corguter oorit U1000 descnphon changed to include "re-

  • Recorded Annual TEDE Exposure for CY95 tor Bradwood. Byron, moved" m 7An ERD $ descnpaon hio#-=aary __ -- - -l_- for EROS dets pomt Drosoon I =E=e= Quad Cates & ZiorL" litrary pr meter e mod in socordance w/procedwee attached also.
         *C.-._         - - Eeoon Co.95/12/31. Opp. 08057:20640057:213.

r4 mont WEN.i E. C_. Desk) Control -. _Spp..-07965:

                                                                                                                                                  . Eeson 47965:161.       Co.96/04/16.       Document Control Branch E heportebes                      . LARs & estated oorrespondoneo                                   9004390412 Rowned EPtPs.mciueng Rev 17 to EPIP.10. "Meecal E                                         Proco-       ,

W/ 26 nr. , dure" & Rev is to EPIP-17. SALAS.P.Tenneense " Emergency Oeseecaton vousy Authoney.96/04/26. 40pp. 00067Procedure 033 ".00057: 000, 9004010064 LER 96 006 00:on 900226.escovered control swechos for CA. OC & OD aunlhery tilds charcoal booster fans m off poseon instood of automsec.Ceuse unknourtCharcoal booster fans W/900327 lir. SHELTON.H., SCHWARTZ.G.K. __ _ - -- Edson Co. 96/03/27. Opp. G. "P""'""y earrespondenes 07700:2994 7700:304. 9004190010 to 941021 ter whsch r=y ==aad acton w/ regard to et reactor E. 9004000038Fmal Part 21 rept re use of mcorrect assumpton for PWR refuehn0 water conseesunng & that Mr be wested as Peteon per 10CFR2206. etorage tank m esveral snelvees for - - 'sk=on & Zson Statons.Contenment RUSSELLW T. . 06/04/03. CINQUEMANI.D.K. AfRheton Not Aemgned. 4pp. sump & contamment noodne snelyses impacted also. 07007:3174 7007:320. i

                   .l.M. CommonwesNh Eeoon Co.96/04/05. Document Control Branch (Doo.                                                                                                                                      ,

ument Consol Desk). 4pp. 07024:12747024:130. 9004100000 Responds to 941020 hr wtuch rayme=d acton w/ to eR reactor E-consees unng. Thermo Lag & that str be treated as Patton per 1 . 0004100300 LER 9600740 on 900300.below froenng conetone create flow reetneton RUSSELLW.T. 96/04/ua BEFOAN.R AfRheton Not Arsigned. 4pp. 07007:313 l at aslogy mischon purre reorMatan ime.Ceused by demon desciency.Si pump rect- 87007:316. 1 culatin une ciented.W/900409 Itr. TOY.A., SCHWARTZ,G.K. Commonwealth Edson Co. 96/04/00. Opp. 07096:340- 8804100004 Responds to 941021 Ir.wtuch requested acton w/ regard to es reactor 6 07006 353. consees unne thermo.4e9 & that P Barue Mr be Wested as Petton per r 10CFR2.206.Forwarde nonce of "teauence of Drector r1=aarvi Under 10CFR2.206." 2 eenensest Specal Root 296123 060078R:on 900304.OA Motor Drive Fre Pump RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. BIANIE.P. G.E. Stockholders Albence Agenst kn4=ar taken out.ol-ove to scheduled memt actMess & moperable for greater then Power. 4pp. 07007:26347007:312. [ esven days.OA Fra doctored operabis on 900319. SCHWART2.G K. Commonweesin Edman Co. 96/04/10. Ductanent Conrol Branch 9004100300 Responds to postcard did941114which requested acton to eN reactor I-(Document Corsol Desk). 3pp. 07961:3534 7961:355. l consees unng a was postcard be Wested as Ponton per 10CFR2.206. LLW.T. 96/04/ DEBOLT.B. AMiheton Not AemgnacL 3pp. 07000.346-9004100136 LER 9600640:on 900312. changed modes w/o proper - - __ __.: con. RUSSE.340. 070eo Wols on ooritemment moiston velvet Caused by change m managementC/A.GOP-1 , 4 2 rewteed.W/ 900411 ter SHELTON.H., SCHWARTZ.G.K. CommonwesNh Eeean Co. 96/04/11. 4pp. H. General eorvenpendense I 07023S0047923:1(XL 9004100110 LER 96400 00:en 900314,nucieer inoirumerteten sys power neutron flux 9004330102 Forwards asidstad Hets for pieres.eMeceve i - channes not tested.Ceuesd by mana==y==na proceese.C/A:PR channel cettroton pro. BARON.P.R. Tennseems veney . 96/04/15.Docaament 6cntrol Branch (Docu-cedures revned W/ 000412 It. enant Conrol Desk). 7pp. 07906.1714 :177. SARTECKl.J., SC>fWARTZ.CK CommonweeNh Edson Co. 96/04/12. 5pp. 07900:250 47900:262. P.Opercebiggeense steps " & serrespondersoe 8804190306Foneerds LER 96 010 00tmm Zion Generanno Ste' ion. Unit 2 MFRVs wig De response tme tested & Sys E win r . . ceues of h mar tature. CHWARTZ.GX Commonweenh eson 96/04/1TL Document Co'=real Branch 0000010036 Fon,eerd.s annual r=4anane=1 effluent motng os apa amia re=1 impact ."  ; Rept reisese 1995." rest for Jan.

                                                                                                                                                                                " Effluent   & Dec Weste 1995.       con-Dispos.         ,

(Document Coreal Desk).1p. 07959 35647969:359. " Inoperable Efhuant inerumentaton Rept 1995" & Revs 6 & 7 to ODCM.  ! eL.1oes,". SALAS.P Tenneesee Valley Authorny. 96/03/21. Document Contal Branch (Docu- i

    =0004190310 LER 90 01040 on 900316.1C S/G ieval meressed due to reactor                                rnent Corect Desk). 2pp. 07000-00147000:231.                                                                    e tnp.Ceuesd by detaceve pneumste vol booster on velve.Couse of bncolor falure
                    ^ r ; sesen0 eurface condmon & respones ame toeW BEIPGCKE,PJ. C . .                                                                               -9004010030Rev e to "ODCM.*
                                        - . Eamon Cct96/04/15. 3pp. 07959-35747959:359.                    Nix.D.W. Tennessee Valley Authonty.95/05/25. 214pp. 07090:173-07099022.

9004300136 LER 9601140on 900327.867 regnarements for 1AOV400000 & 1AOV. 0000010030 Rev 7 to "ODCM."

       $10070A was mosed ese to dancient proceere.Rowned proceduretW/900426 Itr.                           BURZESE.T. Tennessee Valley Authonly.95/06/12. 209pp. 07000:02347099:231.

THURSTON.D SCHWARTZ.GX Commonweenh Eeoon Co. 96/04/26. Opp. k 00006:012 40006-019. 9004100022 Ma=== 900314meebng to plans for reeological conrois to be opphed

                                                                                                                                             - J-^ . handouts anci.

esmg__next refusim0 LE55tR.M.S. Region 2 (^~Dost 020201). 96/03/26 KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Veney V. Operator E


Auslonty. 20pp. 67912 25247012:271. 9004300416 Irdorms of requeb6caton program inep planned for week of900610 which *******"the- tomuneton of 000130 order to Quality Techrology Co  : comcudos w/repaierty scheduled requeenceton exam cycas.per 900417 nr.Regusets recordsSecton V(C) of order rescended.Secton V(A) resanded when Thero Sves.inC l wntlen enema e operalm0 toets planned for week of map tumshed tiy 9f")430, rehnquishes mR records to NRC & secton V(0) wd become moot BURDICK.T.M. Regen 3 (Post 0202011 96/03/23. TUETKEN.R. Commonwealth RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/02. K!NGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee VeNey Authonty. 4pp. Edson Co. 2pp. 08027:31740027:310. 07702:316 07702-321. 9004100006 Responds to NRC Bunsen 90 001. " Control Rod inserton Problems." Cur, emmenene Provides info re util FFD progrom per 10CFR26. App A,Subpart A.Secton rent hcensed operator requehnceton terung & emergency procedures et facebos ack 1.1(21 dresses eutg protnoms Propnetary mio encl.Enci weeused. BARON.R.R. Tennessee Valley Authority.96/04/ Control Bronch (Docw KD6MERJ.B. C - _ Edson Co.96/04/06. 17pp. 87064.33047064:346. ment Control Desk). 2pp. 07015 340-87015:341. i (


1 1 I l 84 DOCKETED ITEMS l 9602200188 Suppl 1 to Genonc Ltr 9549 to all NRC bcarenes to morutonng & Warung -9604220244 Insp repts 50 259/9643.50 260/9M3 & 50 296/9643 on 940204-of stuppers & camers of raeoective metts. I COOL.DA Dmson of industnal & Medmal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. 0316 Volabons noted Mayor areas mapected1Hent operabons.mamt.engineenng & plant support. Boston Eeson Co. topp.88102 057 88102 066. WERT,LD., LESSER.M.S. Region 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/15. 31pp. 87935.257 67935.287 9604100246 Forwards s@plomontal mfo for TS 356 & cost benefcal hcenang valve leakage rate Norkgropnetary & propnetary calcL4abons encl.Propnetary calculabons wrthheid (rel 10CFR2.790(bH4)). 9604230243Ack receipt of 960326ftr m' formng NRC of addl steps taken to correct vn> SALAS.P. Tennessee Vaney Authority. 96/04/12. Document Cortof Branch (Docu- lanons noted in map repts50-259/9641 50 260/96 01 & 50 296/9641. ment Cortirol Desk). $pp.87958.001 4 7959 021. LESSER.M.S. Ragon 2 (post 820201). 96/04/16. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley Authonty. 3pp. 87953:1974 7953:199.

-9604100261 Non-propnetary "Calculatons,for Apphcaton of Revised DBA Source Term to Browns Ferry Nuclear Power Plant-                                                9604170169 NRC info Notoe 96-023. "Fres m EDG Excners Dunne Operanon Fonow.

METCALFJ. LEAVER.D. PodeStar Apphed Technology, Inc. PSAT 04000U.04 RO1. ng Undetected Fuse Blowmo " I 96/02/05. tipp. 87958:00747958:018. CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/22. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New Yort6, Inc.10pp. 88102:09048102 099.

-f                 orMr                   aten of h Leakage Dooes for Browns 9604220229NRC Info Nobce 96 024. ""               4.;~. q of Molded. Case Crcuit Breakers F      (                        E             i   .) 1066-                      09          G                                 "" '*               " '
  • Y"'

367pp. 67958:019 4 7959:021 88 P' 9' 9604230054 Apphcanon fur amends to hcenses DPR.33.DPR-52 & DPR48. 9604250172 NRC into Nonce 96425. "Traversmg ir> Core Probe Overwithdrawn 81 La-salle Staten,Urut 1." respecovety. dunng revising penod that R 'CS msvument kno excess flow check valve surveinance Mstsrurumum GRIM S. regured/30.number of operable Conschdaud Eeson RV Co.water of Newlevel 11p York. sys Inc. 10pp. ennessee Valley Authority. 96/04/14. Document Coreol Branch (Doue ment Control Deak).11pp. 68001.32248001255. 9604260005 NRC info Notce 96-026. "Recent Problems w/ Overhead Cranes-GRIMES.B K . 96/04/30. Consohdated Edeson Co. of New York. Inc. 10po. -9004230057 n 88102:121 48102.130, Proposed toch dunng == wthat penod bururnum recured R metrument bnenumber of operable excesa flow RV check valve water survemanolevel.inp Mets sys.ine b partermed.

  • Tennessee Valley Authortly.96/04/14. 23pp. 68001:333 4 8001:355. R. Per6 ode operating reporta & roteted - _ . _ _ _ -

90041602s1 Forwards amends 229.244 & 204 to aconnes OPR-33.DPR 52 & DPR. 68, .Amenos clanfy RWL mstrumentaten requrements when teetmg excesa 960401002,5 Forwards g Radolo0 mal annual radcogical impact ? effluent release rept for Jark Dec 1995. cork flow check we per TS 4.7.D.1 d. _ .; Rept 1995."

  • Etnuent & Waste Dispos-WILLIAMSJF. . 96/04/16. KINGSLEY.O.D. T-_. Vaney Authortty. 1 p. al.1995." "snoperanie. Effluent instrumentaten Rept 1995" & Revs 6 & 7 to ODCM.

87913.21747913:244. SALAS.P. T. _ . Vaney Authonty. 96/03/21. Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Contros Dook). 2pp. 87698:00147699:231. -9604190265 Amends 229.244 & 204 to iconses OPR.33.DPR42 & DPR48. respectvely.clanfying RWL anstrumentanon regurements when tesang excess flow -95040W30 "Radological Impact Assesament Rept 1995.. check valves per T5 4.7.D 4.d.

  • Tennessee Vaney Autnanty.95/12/31.146pp. 87698f10347698:148.

HEBDON.FJ . 96/04/16. 21pp. 87913.21847913238.

                                                                                           -9604010031 " Effluent & Waste Disposal Annual Rept 1995."

-9604180!98 Safety evaluston supparbng amends 229.244 & 204 to hcenses DPR.

  • Tennessee Vaney Authonty.95/12/31. 20pp. 87698:14947698:168.

33.DPR42 & DPR48.respectrvety.

     . 96/04/16. 6pp. 8791323947913.244.                                                   -9604010034 "inoperabie Radologmel Effluent instrumentaton Rept 1995."
  • Tennessee Vasiey Aulnonty.95/12/31. 4pp. 87698:1694 7698.172.

9404240200Prondes response to GL 96-01. " Testing of Sufety-Related Lope Circuits." BARON.R.R. Tennessee Valley Authoney.96/04/16. Document Control Branch (Docu- 9604230077 Monthly operating repts for March 1996 for Browns Ferry Nuclear PlanLW/ mont Control Desk). 4pp. 88016.33748016:340. 960415 tir. DAVENPORTJW., SALAS.P. Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 96/03/31. 14pp. 88010 297 48010.310. 6 inspection reports, IE Sulletine a correspondence ea^m320 Forwards Eighth & Final Annual Rept of ECSP Corrective Acton impiamer> 9003200218 NRC Info Nobce 96418, "Complance i w/10CFR20 for Arbome Thonum." taton for 950101-960315 penod.Unl conssders ECSP & related actmuss closed. COOL.DA Dmson of Industnal & Medical Nuclear Satefy (Post 870729). 96/03/25. BARON.R.R. Tennessee Valley Autnomy.96/04/03. Document Control Branch (Docu-Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. inc.14pp. 87791:00147791:014. ment Control Desk). 2pp. 87803.08447803:191. 9004010255 Responds to NRC 980229 Itr re violaton noted in inso repts 50 259/96-  :::" _ F "Eaghth & Final Annual Rept of ECSP Correceve Acton implementaten 01,50 260/96 01 & 50 296/9641.C/Aa: rah *1 reactor power & deleted FW temp Calendar Yr 1995." posat tram pr-agTVA plans to troutWesnoot resistance temp detector bop.

  • Tennessee Vasey Authonty.96/03/31.106pp. 87803:00647803:191.

MACHON.R.D. T . Vasey Authonty 96/03/26. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 7pp. 8771914247719'148. 9604290407 Forwards " Annual R=**9 cal Ermron Operahng Rept for Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant 1995." mciueng results of land use cor-strnmanzad & tabulated 9003270127NRC into Notice 96419. " "Failure of Tone Aiort Rados to Activate When results of sarnpies taken panod & rasologmal envron monnonne R Shortened Actrvaten SALAS.P. Tennessee Valley . 96/04/25- Document Control Branch (Docu-CRUT IELD.D. 96/04/02. - ' tad Eeoon Co. of New York. Inc. 8pp. rnent Control Dosk). 2pp. 88039:13048039250. 87791:0154 7791 022. 9004000177 Advises of planned map effort resultng from plant samaannual PPR review piani gg'$ comsmeted on960304 tor 950903-960301. Enci detads inep plan for raxt om rnanths. LESSER.M.S. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/02. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vaney . Tennessee Valley Authority.95/12/31.115pp. 88039:13248039250. Authonty. 6pp. 87806.22247806.227. 96032902s9 NRC Into Notice 96420. "Demonstraton of Associated Equipment Comph. 8' Reportable occurmnces, LERs & reisted concepondence ance w/10CFR3420." COOL.DA Dumon of industnal & Mescal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04. 9604010331 Forwards LER50 296/96 41 re reactor scram due to tauny e.ectn>hydrau. Consondated Ei.tson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 8786028947860.300, he control treguery;y/ voltage converter card. TVA plans to send taulty card to vender for further mvesagatert 9604050404 Responds to960315rowest that NRC deter issuance of orders imposang MACHON.R.D. Tennessee Valley Authortty 96/03/26. Document Control Branch cui pena!bes m DOL Case 93-ERA 444 & 92 ERA 419 & 92-ERA 434.Both cases ' Document Control Desk) 2pp. 87708.28047708.288. were subjected to esenmmaton at vanous planta LIEBERMANJ Ofc of ErWorcement (Post 870413). 96/04/04 KINGSLEY.O.D. Ter> -se04010335 LER 9600140:on 960229. reactor scrammed after APRM high flux acram nessee Valley Authonty 7pp. 87752 03547752-041. signal because of partial closure of turtune control valves ese to taulty EHC frequerb cy/voltace converter card.Mam katano manually inpped & taulty card replaced. 9604040106 NRC info Nobce 96421. " Safety Concerns re Desegn of Door intertock Cr- W ALLACE l.E. Tennessee Valley Autnanty.96/03/26. 7pp. 8770828247708.288 curt on Nucietron High-Dose Rate & Pulsed Dose Rate Remote Aftertoedin0 Brachyth-erapy Devres." 9604000191 Forwards aos hst of US nucisar taeshbes to whch potenbal defectve stam-COOL.DA Dusen of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/10. less steel Swagelok tube fahngs suppi to960226 Itr re defects potentiapy re-Consondated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 88102 06748102075. ponab6e per 10CFR21. 9604050336 NRC Info Nohce 96422. " improper Eauspment Sethnos Due to Une of NomemperaturoCompensated Test Equipment." CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Coneohdated Esson Co. of New York, Inc. 6pp. 9604290038 Forwards draft Acendent Sequence prowsor rept for198243.Rept docu-87660:301 47860.306. monts ASP Program analyses of operational events whch occurred dunng penod 1962-83.. 960 0 0m NRC - 9 402. Mov. mon, o, Nem toads Ove, Sp.n, %O.e, Fuel in Reactor Core.or Over Safety-Related Equipment."

=^'24- x'~$5'sta ~a-- var ^ 'aa"'v **

CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.11pp.  ! 88102:10048102-110' V. Oper'stor Wm 9604220232 Forwards insp repts 50 259/9643.50260/9603 8 50-296/9643 on - 960204 0316 &noece of volanon. 9604010260 Noefies of termensten of operator heense SOP-20257 3 for TW .lordart LESSER.M.S. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/15.KINGSELY.O.D. Termessee Valley MACHON.R.D. Tennessee Valley Authomy 96/03/26. Document Control Branch l i Authonty.400.87935.2494 7935207. (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 87717:35947717.360.

DOCKETEDITEMS 85 i DOCKET 50 200 COOPER NUCLEAR STATION Q. Inspectlen reports,IE Suestmo & onneapondence F. Securky, med6 cal, emergency a are protoceen piena 9e03200218 NRC Info footme 96418, "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Arteme Thonum." (X)OL.DA Dnnson of industnal & Medcal f=ar Setety (Post 870729). 96/03/25. 9004030271 Rev 0.2 to EPIP " Active 1on of Altamate EOF." W/960327 Itr. ConsmaW Edison Ca W h % A ida smWNM , T ELLERJ.H. Nebraska Pubic Power District 96/03/27.11pp. ___ . . _ ,, fnent Conference Apr 1 W/ Cooper Nucteer Staten." g004150163 Forwards map rept 54298/96 05 on 9802264301 & NOV.

  • Repon 4 (Post 820201). 96/03/28,2pp. 87824.13347824.134.

GWYNN.T.P. 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/11. HORN.GA Nebraska Pubbe Power Distnct. Spp. 87 145 87069 172. Se04040236 Forwards " Cooper Nuciaer Staton ISI Summary Rept for fan 1995." Rept meludes owner rept for Inservice inaps & owner ruet ter repers & replacements.

    -8804150187 Notco of violaton from map on 960226 0301.Voleton noted.heensee                   MUELLERJ.H Necraaks Pubhc Power Distnet 96/03/29. Document Control Branch taded t perform opereheity .          .-.; to determme whether 14 SR.MOVs m eng.            (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 87768.24047768:338.

neared se testures sys were capable of pwiernung deospn funciens.

  • Repon 4 ( 820201). 96/04/11,2pp. 87089:15047ame.151. ge04040237 " Cooper twaaar Staton ISI Summary Rept for Fall 1995 Refuehng
    =0004190170 Inso rept 50298/96-05 on 9802260301Nioletons noted.Mapor areas                                   Pubhc Power Distnet.96/03/28. 85pp. 87768.243-87768:338.                  l mapectetFP program & followup of                          noms.                                                                                                                      l t'ANDENBURGH.G Repon 4 (Post                  1).    /04/10. 21pp. 87869.15247869:172. 9003270127 NRC Info Notco 96 019, "Fadure of Tone Alert Radios to Achvate When 9004           Ack receipt of 900223 tir & enci chan9es to EPIP 5.7.1. rev 22. Changes GWYNN.T.P. Repon 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/12= HORN.G.R. Nebraska Pubhc Power
                                                                                                  %k 8779101b47791022.

0 702. ed E.1. mon Co. of New York. Inc. 8pp. f Distnct 4pp. 87919:162 47919-165. 900e000307 Discusses Plant Performance Renew conducted on 980311. Advises of eenmensa Revised EPIPs.includng sov 21 to EPIP 6 7.7. "Acevanon of TSC." rev 15 osanned map eftert resulting from suba review & forwards map plan for next 8 mornha. to EPIP 5.7.8 "Actuaton of OSC, rev 17 to EPIP 5.7.9. "Acevaton of EOF," & row 1 bYERJ.E. 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/03. HORN.GA Nebraska Pubhc Power C3 EPIP 5.7.28. *Admirustraton. . Manuals." W/960415 Itr. Distnct. 6pp. T72:09347772:098. . MUELLERJ.K Nebraska Pubhc Power Distnct 96/04/15. 23pp. 87966:338- I 87956.362. 9003200300 NRC Info Notee 96-020. "Demonstraton of Associated Equipment Comph. ance w/10CFR34.20." 9004300198 Sdmvts Rev 34 CNS Safeguards Plan.Ence withhold. COOL.DA Divison of industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Fost870729). 96/04/04. MIGLLERJ.H. Nebraska Pubhc Power Distnet. 96/04/24. Document Control Branch Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 87860.26987860:300. (Document Control Desk).1p. 88067.23248067.232. ' 9004110300 Discueens predecsesonal enforcement conference held 980401 in Regen IV r to docuss violatons adenthed m map repts 54296/9604 & $4296/9608. Notes L Finanotel-. . prowded NRC w/ better understandmg W/hst of attendees & viewgraphs

  • DYER .E. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/06. HORN.GA Notreeka Puohc Power 9004230181 Forwards 1995 annual audit rept of Decommmaorung Trust Fund for Detnct Sepp.87832:29047832.345.

Cooper Nucieer Stenon. MUELLERJ.H. Nebraska Pubhc Power Distnct 96/04/15. Document Contal Branam 900404010s NRC Info Notice 96 021. "Seisty Concems re Doeson of Door in tr nck Cr-(Document Control Desk) 10pp. 87976:2a947976.297. curt on Nucestron Hsgh.Does Rate & Pulsed Does Rate Remote Aftertoedrig arachytn. etapy Devices." COOL.D.A. Deveson of induesial & Modcel Nucteer Setoty (Post 870729). 96/04/10. i 4 & IndemnMy informogen Coriand=tated Edman Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 88102$6748102:075. 9004010223 Prondes cununt levels of property mourance & source of insurance for menananees NRC Info Notco 96 022. " improper Equipment Settmos Due to use of tacshry per 10CFR 50.54(w)(3)- ^-" r - ~ud Test Ew" MUELLERJ.H. Netraska Pubhc Power Dietnet 96/03/27. Document Control Branch C5 MUD E '96)'04/11. Connotosed Edison Co. of New York, t'ic. 6pp. (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 87704:325 87704 331. 87000:301 4 7800:306. N aska Pubhc 95 0 . ITZ.I . 3pp. 87704:328 'aeneta NRC Bunsen 96402. " Movement of Hoewy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Ower 87704.330" Fuel m Reactor Core.or Over Seesty-Reisted Equipment, CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Cor- Edison Co. of New York. Inc.11pp.

    -9612130300 informs that Commisesco approves Med Amancan & potental NPPD NEIL                 80102 10048102 110.

n pohcies.50/50 quota meet recurements of 10CFR50.54(w). DtNITZ.l.P. . 95/12/07 HORN.GA Nebraska Pubhc Power Distnct 1p. 87704dt31 9004150103 Forwards response to RAI & Rev 1 to "Thrd Ter>Yr interval ISI Program enO4 331. tor Cooper Nudeer Statort" MUELLERJ.H. Nebraska Pubhc Power Distnet 96/04/11. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 8pp. 87939:02147939-190. ! -9004150106 Rev 1 to "Thrd Ter>Yr Interval ISI Program for Cooper Nuclear Gtatort" I 30040e0346 " Reactor Contammsmt Bidg integrated Leak Rete Test" W/ 900402 Itr. W/155 oversare drewmot I MUELLERJ.H. Nebraska Pubhc Power Detnet 95/12/31. 2200p. 87786.101

  • Nebraska Pubhc Power Detnct96/04/11.162pp. 8793902S47939:100.

l 87786.326. > 9004150183 Forwards map rept 54296/9645 on 98022ti 0301 & NOV. l 9604010307 Forwards mussteeton rept to unestefactory bind performance test results GWYNN.T.P. Repon 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/11. HORN.G.R. Nobreaka Pubbc Power exponenced.dunng admrustnelen of util ckup.teelmg lab quality control program. Dietnct 5pp. 87ees:14487069172. MUELLERJ.H. Nebraska Pidihc Power Detnet 96/03/28. Document Conrol Branch i (Document Coreal Desk).17pp. 87719.Os247719$79. .g804100167 Nohce of violaton from map on 9802264301.Ventaten notedhoensee 9004030146 Forwards response to retwest for adca into re foodwater notate exam re- * *

  • rehet respost to suppon uti conclusion.hyecast assumed to be most linven0 neered ss features' were caoedle' '
  • Regen 4 820201). 96/04/11. 2pp. 870691504 51.

877 344 4 7733 360 6M70 Irmo rept 54298/9645 on 960226 0301Vmestens noted Maior areas mapactedFP program & fogowup of open Roms ,

    -ee04030152 "Determmahon of LOC for t%p-e Feedwater Nozzle Fracture Mechancs                  irANDENBURGH.C. Regon 4 (Post 820201). /04/10. 21pp 87869.15247869:172.                 L Evalumnon," for Feb 1996 i
  • Nebraska P4hc Power Destnct96/02/29.14pp. 87733.34747733.360. 9004250382 EN-96024:on 960417.natice of proposed rnpoeston of csvil penalty a i amount at $50.000 sasued to hcensee.Acton based on change to facikty.when conet.

! 9004030431 Submit addl kilo to potential rnpact of postulated cracks in core spray knes tuted unreviewed safety tuostion & enstance of conditon from 1985 untu Nov 1995. fc plant SANBORN.G. Regon 4 (Post 8202011. LIEBERMANJ. Ofc of Enforcement (Post ! MUELLERJ.H Nebraska Pubic Power Distnet 96/03/29. Document Corsol Branch 870413). 96/04/12.1p. 86031:02648031226. (Document Control Desk). 4pp. 87757:356 4 7757:361. Se04190024 Forwards insp rept 50 298/96 03 on 960204 0316.No welatons noted 9002300186 Suppi i to Genenc Lir 9549 to all NRC ncensees re monitormg & trammg DYERJL R 4 (Post 8202f51). 96/04/15. HORN.G R. Netraska Pubhc Power of shippers & camers ce reet-1swo matik Destnct $pp.8 934.322 4 7934.339. COOL.D.A. Dmacn of treastnal & Medcal Nudeer Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. Boon Edmon Co. Mpp.8810205748102 066. -9004190027insp rept 50 296/9643 on 9602044316.No weistons noted. Maior areas 9004230231 $2mits results for RR.MOV-MO53A & RR.MOV.MO538.per GL 8910 '"c',',,*,C.'***"*"'

                                                                                                  ,                     7          obs"enranons &           CA REISI Regon 4 Post 820201). 96/04/12.13pp. 87934:327 87934 339.

viomm"o' n's"' i K Netraska Public Power Distnet 96/04/12. Document Coreal Branch (Caumont Coreal Desk). 3pp. 87972-35647972 360. i 9004180425 Notficaban of bconsee meetm0 w/util on 960423 to discuss teensee stamp Requests ltr be toolaced w/enci corrected ftr. een on Phase 3 of Per1orenance improvemore Piart GWYNN.T.P. Rep 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/15. HORN.G R Nebraska Pubhc Power a Y RJ.E. Repon 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/15. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 5pp. Omtnet. 4pp. 67944.34047934.346. Q791915447919'158. . -90041900$$ Corrected Itr forwardeng map rept 54296/9605 from 9602260301 &

  . 9004250105 Responds to GL 9641. "Testmg of Satoty-Related Lope Circuits."                    NOV. Document madvenently ensued w/o date stamp.

i HORN.G.R. Notraska Pubhc Power Datnct 96/04/18. Document Control Brands GWYNN.T.P. Regon 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/11. HORN.G.R. Nebraska Pubhc Power j (Caumont Cornral Desk). 5pp. 87998.16547998.169. Detnet 3pp. 87934.34447934:346. {, l


    $604220014 ru ==== msp repts 50296/9644 & SM98/9648 & forwards robos of vuosamon & proposed unpoorton of crve permity for $50.000.Vesabons resectanproper      9604160292 Forwards pubic & central nies verwons of reused EPtPs. Central fdes ver.

mod of MS tJnnot tdowout panel sectons & SV een of revoed EPIPs withheld. CALLAN.L.J. Pegon 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/17. HORN.GA Netraska PutAc Power 14AXFIELD.GJ. Distnct. Opp. 87935:19Ch87935.201. (Document ControlWaconom Electnc Power Desk).1p. 87900'310 Co 96/04/11. Document Control Branch 47900:324.

    -960422M21 Nobos of motaten & proposed ampositen of CNN penalty m amount of                                                                                             '"

Pf ruse Rev EP to a

       $50.00,0.No,jo,med enang p.                       to ostwmrw it change W              unrwwwed weh pnmmphanos  . Waconem Electncnotediacerty          not operated Power Co.96/04/09.14pp.           per USAR & no wettien SE of 87900.31847900:324.
  • RegKm 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/17. 4pp. 87935:196 4 7935.201.

9604170011 Forwards rev to secunty piarLEnct witnheid. 9604250166 Press release fV-96 27. "NRC Proposes to Fene Cooper $50,000." MAXFIELD.G.J. Waconsm Elecinc Power Co 96/04/11. Document Control Branch

  • Walnut Creek Fased Ofc. R4 (Post 940404). 96/04/18. 2pp. 88031:024 4 8031:025. (Document Control Desk).1p. 87897:35647897:356.

9004170169 NRC Info Nonce 96" 023. "Fres an EDG Ezerters Dunng Operaton Fonow. 96041e0341 Forwards RAI reisim$ to extemas event ana'yses in GL 86-20. Suppi 4 Undeterned Fuse "lPEEE tor Severe Accusent vulnerabdrhes. UTCHFIELD.D. 96/04 . Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York h1c.10pp. anaNees on spects of high. winds & noods. " ancludmg sesmc analyss.fre analyse & 88102:090-68102:099. I HANSEN.A.G. . 96/04/15. LINKAE. Waconam Electnc Power Co.11pp. 87917:311-87917 321. l 9004220229 NRC Info Nohce 96424, "Preconditoning of Moeded. Case Crcast Breakers 1 Before Survenance Tenano." GRrMES.B K. . 96/04/25. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 14pp. l 88102-076 48102'089. O, a _ , _ . 9504250173NRC Info Nohce sehe County Staton.Onn 1 - 96425. "Traversmo in. Core habe Overwithdrawn at La. 9004 60144 Ack recespi of petiten dtd 951117.whch requested that NRC take achon to proNbn toechng at VSC-24 casks at nuceear ate untd murb.araembly sessed basket w/ GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/30. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 10pp. "d'esion m weeds.urvoamd & ursondmg procedum wasusted. 88102:11148102:120. KUGLER.A.J. .96/04/10. SHILLINGLAW.F. Afhhaton Not Assigned,3pp. 87899235 87899237 9604200005 NRC info Nobce 96 026. "Recent Problems w/ Overhead Cronos." GRIMES.BX . 96/04/30. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. inc. 10pp. l 88102-12148102 130. H. General _. " i I

   & Pwledic epysung reports & retsted              -
                                                           - - - -                            men 199 Ack receipt of Regen lit map rept of Pont Beach Nuclear Plant on 951117 960110 & debehof of results.MTC used to move fulty loaded MSB for SFP to decorb-9004220165 Monthly operatmg rept for Mar 1996 for Cooper Nuclear Stanon.W/960415               tamensbon area w/o pertomsg adequate load test at 300% as rooured.

tir. SHawNGLAWE Afhhaten Not Asmgned. 96/03/21. THE CHAIRMAN, JACKSON.S. BALLINGER.P L.. HERRON.J.T. Nebraska Pubhc Power Detnet 96/03/31. 6pp. Cu _ . (Post 750119). 2pp. 8774628547746.286. 87953.3214 7953.326. geo4000370 Responds to 96030$ lir.denen'bmg estuanon where F Stulbnolaw behove ref j m heennes annual rept to outdated vo non or SAR for dry. cask spent fuel storage sys. S. ReportaMe occurrences, LERs & related correspondence TRAVERS.W.D. Ofhce of Nuclear Matenal Safety & Safeguards. 96/03/27. SHILUNGLAW,F. Ambaton Not Asa gned. 4pp. 87654:340 4 7854.345. 9604010316Spooal repton960325.electnceven & diese6.dnven tre pumps placed in pulblo tock ponton to prevent snadverterit pump start durmg teatrgElectric<swen & .g6040e0373 Provides supplinfo to951200 & 29 Itra issues re use & control of SARs sor spent tuas storage casks noensed under 1 R72 & requests that ver> d'ERRON.J.T. H Netraska Pubhc Power Distnctesebonven tre water p6rnps stumm3 todorssenses

                                                                                                        & utasfonowng be      mamt to refer to SAR.wnen ret,by rev number & date.

96/03/26. Document Comrol Branch I (D:mument Control Desk). 3pp. 87719.17047719172. SHILUNGLAWf Athhatop Not Assigned.96/03/05. THE CHAIRMAN Con.trusacners (Post 750119). ipp. 87854.34447854.345. 1 9604020042 Special rept-on 960326.e6ectnow$nven & chose 6even fire pumps were tvarad m puiLio. cock posston to prevent snadvertent pump strets dunn0 restoraton & 9604230254 Comments on maues rassed m 960125rnemo to J Taylor prowhng update acceptaros testrgFro water pumps retumed to service W/960327 lir. to Cask Storage Acton Plan. HERRON.J.T. Nebraska Pubhc Power Detreet. 96/03/27. Document Control Branch SW WGLAWE Amhaton Not 96/04/02. PAPERIELLO NRC . No De-(Document Control Desk). 3pp. 87724.35747724:359. ta4ed Affikaton GNon.1p. 87980-3 7980 356. 9604100198 Forwards Techracal Review Rept AEOD/"96 02. " Target Rock Two. Stage 9004250435 Forwards correspondence from consttuent J Shdimglaw to nuclear waste SRV Performance Update." Lamenck Urut 1.pdat dec leakage resuhed concems. tor assetance m to concems. m stuck open SRV & extended reactor blowth:iwn snio suppresson pool. KOHL.H. Senate. 96/04/16. NRC No Deta4ed Affikaton GNon 2pp. 88023298-ROSSt.CL Dmson of Safety Programe (Post 870413). 96/04#15. SHERON.B W. . 88023.303. 2pp. 87912-33447912:342.

  -9504t8020e " Target Rock TwckStage SRV Performanos Update."                                9604240373 Responds to960303ler re NRC reinow of loadmg & unloadm0 procedures tor SF        storage casks.

WEGNER.M.S Orhoe for Analyse & Evaluaton of Operatonal Data. Drector. 96/04/ RUSSE W T. . 96/04/16. SHILLINGLAWJ. AfRhaton Not Assgned. 11pp.

15. 7pp. 87912 33647912-342.

87997;2664 7997:276. 9604230042 LER 9640240:on 960322. unassured past operatukty of Core Spray Sut> system A due to aiarartitnkty of miscton valve to pressure loclung. Ceased try anynal error Gate vaNo reactor asce of dec modrfasd W/960417 lir P. Operaung bcones stage - - & correspondence VIC .WA. HERRON.J.T. Nebraska Pubhc Power Distnct 96/04/17. 5pp. 87992.3444 7992-348. 9604020169 Forwards Table 1 contamm0 ist of plant rechaton response to snoury as to wtuch radiaton morators aMected by TS Change Roguest 172.modifymg 9504240110 LER 9640300:en 960320. angle tram RCIC sys inoperable. Caused by TS Seebon 15 4.1 "Opershonal Safety Revew." equipment malfuncison.C/AEGM contros box replaced and tested W/960419 Itr. T A YLOR.C.C HERRON.J.T. Nebraska Pubhc Power Detnct 96/04/19. 3pp. KRIESER.G.M. Waconse Electne Power Co. 96/03/26. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 4pp. 8772523947725.242. 68004:343 48004.345. 9602200186 Suppl 1 to Genenc Ltr 9549 to all NRC teensees re monitanng & terung E Operator Examirianons ce stuppers & carrers of radcaceve mates. COOL.DA Duman of Indominal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729), 96/04/05. Boston Echson Co.10pp. 88102:05748102-066 eenmntm Informs that annual exams of teensed personnoi conducted between 960205 0313. 9604180341 Forwards RAI related to estemal event analyses m GL 66-20. Suppl 4 MUELLER.J H. Nebraska Pubhc Power Chstnet 96/03/27. Document Control Branch (Oocument Corent Desk). 2pp. 8775E35947752:360- IPEE.E tar Severe Accident vulnerabdrhes. analyses on effects of rugh.wmda & ficods. " mcluding sommsc analyses.fre analyse & HANSEN.A.G. . 96/04/15. UNK.R.E. Wmoonom Electnc Power Co.11pp. 87917:311 DOCKET 50 301 POINT SEACH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 2 " 9604230037 Docusses GL 9641 "Testmg of Safety Related Loge Crcurts." Frst refw F. Security, medical, emergency & fire protocean plans h $g9"gQU"y',g'2 V fie i a ne f L9 41 en ty e e use s 9604180275 Forwards pubic & central flies verssons of revised EPIPs. Centrol files ver- UNK.B. Wisconom E6ectne Power Co. 96/04/17. Document Control Branch (Docu. mont control Desk).1p. 88001:36648001:356. soon of revised EP Ps wetreend.

28. Document Control Branch 9, q $347 ~

9604290366 Forwards

  • Annual Morutonng Rept Jan Dec 1995." contarun0 mte re plant releases. solid waste & spent fusi stupments. leak testmg of sources &
 -9004160281 Pubhc verson of revned EPtPs.mciudmg Rev 34 to EPlP index.Rev 29 to EPtP form moon.Rev 0 to EPtP 05.Rev 0 to EPIP-06.Rev 0 to EPfP47.Rev 16 to kkh                      one
                                                                                                                                         ** evised a ase"mc P p (Document Control Desk).1p 88035:00148035.212' QnualDoccont        ol Branch EPfP4.6.EPIP4.6c.Rev 1 to EPIP4 6d.Rev 1 to EPIP.6 6e & Rev 1 to EPIP4.6f.
  • Waconem Enocinc Power Co.96/03/28.115pp. 87901:15447901268 ,, ,,

9604150259 Advoos that 950811 rev 12 to physcal securtry pian conentent w/grovi-

  • Waconom E6sctnc Power Co.95/09/21. 39pp. 88035 021L88035 066.

uans of 10CFR50.54(p) & acceptable. CREED,J R. R 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/09. LINK.RE Wooonom Electnc Power Co. 2pp. 87913 5247913:353. -9604290395 Rev 9 to "Pont Beach fduclear Plant Unit 1 & 2 ODCM."

  • Waconam Electne Power Co.95/07/06.146pp. 88035:06748035.212.

r l

DOCKETEDITEMS 87 6 Inspecean reports, IE sunetene a correspundence DOCKET 50 302 CRYSTAL RIVER NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 3 9603200218NRC Wo Notco 96418. "Compience w/10CFR20 lor Artzme Thorna.." COOLDA DMacn of Indusinal & Meecel Nuclear Safety (Poet 870729). 96/03/25. F. Secur4 moscal, emergency & nre proteceon plans Consohdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 8779120147791-014. 9604010075 Revned EPIPs.wiceudmg Rev 25 to AR 403. "PSA H Annuncetor Re-9603270127NRC Info Nobce 96 019. "Facure of Tone Alert Raeos to AcDvate Wten sponse" & Rev 19 to AR-501. "ICS 4 Annuncetor Response " Reconnre Snortened Actryanon * *

  • Flonde Power Corp.96/03/22. 287pp. 87696.00147696.289 CRUTCdFIELD.D. . 96/04/02. tad Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 8pp.

87191 015 87791222. 9604010070 Rev 20 to EPtP AR 402. "PSA G Annuncetor Response "

  • Flonos Power Corp.96/03/25. popp 8771811047718199.

9604190400 Informs that semannus' g*lant perfumance revow of KNPP completed on 960306 & aenses of planned map soort resultmg from revow 9604010400 Forwards Rev 610 to phyncal security plan.Rev withheid. FASER.MJ. Regson 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/02. STEINHAROT.C.R. Waconom Putsc

  • Flonda Power Corp. 96/03/26. Document Contrus Branch (Document Control Desk).

Service Corp. 3pp. 87919'13747919139.

19. 87704:3574 7704.357.

ennanen334 Responos to NRC Bullebn 96001, " Control Rod inserton Problen=s." sub- 9604090218 Ach receipt of 960331 ftr transmittmg Rev 6-9 to plant physcal secunty (ReQured Responses 1 & 2) to bunenet pion.mforms changes not . ; w/provesons of 10CFR50.54(p) & must cease nn-L9 INK. . Waconom Electne Power Co.Document Control Branch (Docu-96/04/03. meestery mont Control Desk). 7pp 87817:17647817.190. LANDIS.K.D. R 2 (Poet 820201). 96/03/29. BEARD.P.M. Flonda Power Corp 9603290269NRC Info Notco 96420, " Demonstration of A..amted Emspment Comph-ance w/10CFR3420." CCDL.D.A. DMemn of industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04. 0604030021 Forwards resurts of Macetas fue bemer tests conducted at Underwmers Consondated Edson Co. of New York, Inc 12pp. 8786028947860:300. Lab.ine (UL) & propnetary verson of UL test reptspor GL 86-10.Suppe 1.Nonpropne. tary verson of repts will be forwarded by960331.Pr repts withheid. BOLDT,G.L Fionda Power Corp. 96/03/30. Document Branch (Document 9604040106 NRC Info Notoe 9&C21, " Safety Concems re Desagn of Door Intertock Cr- Control Denk).12pp. 87733.25447733.265. Cult on Nuctetron High-Dose Rate & Pulsed Dose Rate Remote Aftenomdmg Brachyth-erapy Devices." 9604230354 Rev 16 to "Radc60pcal Emergency Resporme Plan for Crystal Rever. Unit COOL.D.A. Dnnsen of Inchstnal & Medcol Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/10. 3." W/960417 Itr. Consolidated Edmon Co. of New York enc. 9pp. 88102:06748102 076. BOLD 7.G.L. Fionda Power Corp.96/03/31.145pp. 8800100148001.249. 9604050336 NRC Info Notce 95022. " improper ESapment Satun0s Due to Use of 9604000335 Forwards rewmed EPlPs. including rev 23 to AR-303. *Annuncastor Re. feontemperature40mpensated Test Emmpment" sponse." & rev 52 to EM-202. "Dutes of E Coarenator " C.aUTCHFIELD.D 96/04/11. Cormohdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc. 6pp.

  • Flornia Power & Lsght Co. 96/04/03. Document 87860 301 4 7860:306. trol Brancf (Document Control Desk).1p. 87820-00147820144.

9604000259 NRC Bunstm 94002, " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over -9604090352 Revised EPlPs.rictudmg rev 23 to AR-303. "Annuncetor Response" & Fusi et Reactor Core.or Over Safety-Routed Egapment" r,v 52 to EM-202. " Duties of Emergency Coordnetor." O.4UTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consohooted Edman Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. GIBB.S., STEPHENSONJ.D. Flonda Power & Lagrit Co. 96/04/03.143pp. 87820:002-88102 10048102:110. 87820 144. 9604250433 Forwards map rupt 50266/9502 & 50-301/9402 on 960109 0301 & 9604150018 Responds to941021 Itr whch roguested acton w/ regard to all reactor 6 notee et violatiorL consees ueng Thermc> Lag & that etr be treated as Ponton per 10CFR2206. AXELSON W.L Regen 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/17.Waconsin Elecinc Power Co. 3pp. 87996:09447P96:124. RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. CINQUEMANI,D.K. AfhhaDon Not Assagned. 4pp. 87887;3174 7887.320.

-9604250438Notme of vio6ston from insp on 9601110301.Velaten notectacaffold had                                                                    9604150064 Responds to 941021 ter.wru ch requested acton w/ regard to all reactor 5 not been property secured durmg const over 2P.2C charging purip m excess of one                                                                consees uneng thermc>iag & inat P Berrue ttr be treated as Pebhon per srutL
  • Regen 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/17. 2pp. 87996:09747996298. 10CFR2206. Forwards notics of " Issuance of Drector Deceson Under 10CFR2.206."

RUSSELLW T. . 96/04/03. BIRNIE.P. G.E. Stockholders Albance Aganst Nuclear

-9604250446 Insp reps 50-266/96 02 & 50-301/96 02 on 960109 0301. Vombons noted14apor areas mapacted:operatens.mant, enDinearmg & plant support.satefy sa-                                                            9604150206 Responds to postcard did 941114 whch requested acton re all reactor 6-sessment & Quahty venfonton.Soecaal rap of engnonnr                                                                                            consees usang & that postcard be treated as Pooton per 10CFR2.200.

FGJIER.MJ. Repon 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/11. 26pp.ys7996:0994 7996:124. RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. DEBOLT.B. Afhliaton Not AsesgnecL 3pp. 87880:346 87880:348 9604170169 NRC Into Nubce 94023. "

                                            "Fres m EDG Ementers Dimng Operenon Foliow-rg Undetected Fuse GHLTTCHFIELD.D. 96/04             Conschdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. topp-                                                             9604090328 Rev 32 to EPIP En102. *Actvanon.Operaten & Staffmg of Techncal Sup-
                                                                                                                                                      *rt Ctr & Operstonal Support Ctr "

88102 09048102 092-EPHENSONJ. Flonda Power Corp.96/04/04. 30pp. 87829.31547829:344. 9604220229NRC Into Nonce 96-024, "n . .J;- of Molded Case Crcuit Breakers 9604150222 Rev 0 m EPIP AP404. "Waterben Tube Failure." l Before Survoinance GRIMES.B K. . 96/04/n. Tesung"Consohdated Edson Co. ofYork. Inc. 14pp.

  • Flanda Power Corp.96/04/06.12pp. 87939:19147939202.

New l 88102-07tHl8102 089-9604150332 Revised EPIPs.mclur4ng Rev 8 to EPIP Eu103. "Operaton & Sta 9604250172NRC Info Nocce 96025. "Traversmg inCore Probo Overwithdrawn at La' CR-3 Control Room Dtring Emergency Classsfcatons" Rev 74 to EPlP EM , saine County Statortunst 1." *E Plan Roster Notficanon." CR6MES.B.K. . 96/04/30. Conen6 dated Edman Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. STE J. Flonda Power Corp.96/04/08. 27pp. 87896.21147896.237. 88102-111 48102120. 9604170241 Rev 15 to Annunciator Response (AR) AR-701. "SSF P Annunciator Re-9604260006 NRC Info Notco 96026. "Recent Problems w/ Overhead Cranes." 71onc(Power Corp. 96/04/09.134pp. 8794722147947:351. GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/30. Consohdated Edmon Co of New York. inc. 10pp. 88102 121 48102 130. 3604170245 Rev 9 to procedure AP480. " Fro Protectert"

  • Fionda Power Corp. 96/04/10. 8pp. 87947:352 4 7947.359.

R. Periol$c opereeng reports & reisted cormspondence 9604170247 Rev 14 to Annunciator Response (AR) AR 604. "lCS L Annunciator Re-sponse " 9004100330 Monthly operating repts for March 1996 tar PBNP W/960408 ftr.

  • Flonda Power Corp.96/04/10. 77pp 87948:05747948133.

GCUDELKA.M B., MAxFIELD.G L Waconam Electnc Power Co. 96/03/31. 9pp. 87949:3524 7949 360. 9604180318 DOLE.F. Flonda RevPower 14 to EPIP AR403. "TGF 08794917247949279 Corp.96/04/11.108pp. Annunciator Response." . 9404290364 Forwards annual rept of changes to & errors decovered m ECCS evalue-ton mooess for plant 9604230115 Rev $3 to EPIP EM-202. "Dubes of Coordinator " CRIESER.G M. Wooonam Electne Power Co. 96/04/18 Document Control Branch STEPHENSONJ.D. Flonda Power Corp.96/04/15. pp. 88002.24048002292. (Document Control Desk). 6pp. 88040.34348040.348 9604240195 Rev 7 to EPIP AR-952 "WD8 Annuncetor Response." 9006290300 Forwards " Annual Monitonng Rept .lan Dec 1995." contarung mto re punt

  • Flanda Power Corp.96/04/16.19pp 86016:31048016.328.

reaeases.aohd waste & spent fuel shoments. leak tesang of sourceb & otruer ..-- ' a reportable noms.Revned envron manual & ODCM also encs 9604240127 Rev 8 to EPtP EE217. "Duhes of Sempkng Team" CRIESER.G M. Weiconam Electnc Power Co 96/04/22. Document Control Branch STEPHENSONJ. Fionda Power Corp.96/04/17, 6pp. 88010.22248010227. (Document Control Desk) 1p. 88035:00148035.212. -9604290375 "W Monienng Rept 1995 " 9eo4260185 Forwards Rev 6 9 of physcal secunty plan to NRC.Rev wrthhe6d.per g

  • Waconem Electnc Power Co. 95/12/31. 27pp. 8803500248035 027-BOLDT.GL Fionda Power Corp. 96/04/18. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 88027.35448027.355.

Y. Dry Cesk * '  : Spent Fuel Store 9e Instaanthons g604300070 Rev 12 to EPIP EM 219. "Dutes of Dose ? _.; Team." STEPHENSONJ. Fionda Power Corp.96/04/23.16pp. 88064.22548064241 9604030190 Ack receipt of Regon lli map rept of Pcent Beach Nuclear Plant on 951117 960110 &disbebet of reeutts.MTC used to move fupy loaded MSB for SFP to decore 9604290001 Ack receipt of 960328 Itr sent on behalf of BL Bennett whch requests tammaton area w/o performmg adecpale load test at 300% as recured. acton w/ to FPC plant due to ahogatene that FPC masntams inadequate secun. SHILLINGLAW.F. Affahaton Not 96/03/21. THE CHAIRMAN Commmaoners ty ovmes that subl Itr treated as Pet ton unoer 10CFR2.206. (Pcct 750119). 2pp. 87746285477 286. R ' W.T. 96/04 '24.PUTNE .LD. Putney, L.D. 4pp. 88036:18948036205.


                         . Nace or recea of Pomran did 96032e for Dr.ciore Dec on under                     -es040su32 "MUT Pmsm,e."

10CFR2206 se concerns about secunty defooncies et FPC plant & request for sus. or revolung of kanse unti auty concems corrected. HARRISON.D. Fionde Power Corp. 100375DHH03 ROO. 96/01/11. 46pp. 87780:098-W.T. 36/04/24. app. 8803e:19348036.195 87780:143.

       -4004130387 Forwarde poubon did 9602?8. flied on behalf of BL Bennett to escway do.                  .0004050428 "Comtunaton of MUT Pressure & Level Errors."

tooncess at Flands Power Corp Crystal R#ver NpP. HARRISON.D. MPR Assocates. Inc.102075DHH04 ROO. 96/01/17.10pp. 87783-144-GOLDBERG.J.R. Deputy Assetent General Counsel for Enforcement. 96/04/09. 87780-153. RUSSELL,W.T. ,3pp. 88036.1994e036.205.

                                                                                                                        .u.a Pouinced Uncertanty m Total Head Loss From BWST to MUT TetrL" gy-                  _ , _

1- HARRISON.D. MPR Assocates. Inc. 102075DHH05 ROO. 96/01/24.19pr. 87782154-87780'172. 9004150018 Responds to 941021 It whsch roosested action w/ regard to all reactor 8 coneses unmo Thermo4ag & that lir be tested as Potmon par 10CFR2.206. -8804000441 "ENect of MUT Temp on Max Asowetne MUT Pressure.". 9pp. 87780173 RUSSELL.W T. . 96/04/03. HARRISON.D. MPR Associosos. Inc. 102075DHH06 R00. 96/02/13 CINQUEMANI.DX AfNeston Not Asesgned. app. 87700 181. 87887:317 4 7887:320. 9004150054 Responds to 941021 fir.wtuch requested acton w/ regard to eA reactor t> -3004060443 *ANowebio MUT 1 Indicated Overpreneure vs indicated Level." conness unng thermo le0 & Fat P Barue nr be W as Petman per CLAUSON.R.E. Fnonda Power Corp. M94-0053 R03. 96/03/12.184pp. 87780182-87781c01, 10CTR2.206 Forwards notos of " Issuance of Drector Dec on Under ested 10CFR2.206." QUSSELLWT. . 96/04/03. BIRN18F P. G.E. Stockhoiders ANance Agamst Nucteer Power. opp.878872834 7887:312- .mananmas Rev 84 to Operstmg Procedure OP-402. " Makeup & Punhcoton Sys."

  • Flande Power Corp.96/04/03.147pp. 8778100247781:148.

9804150386 Responds to postcard did 641114which requested acton re all reactor is coneses unme Thermo4a0 & that postcard be Wested as Petton per 100FR2.206. ""^'"""7 EUSSELLW T. . 96/04/03. DEBOLT.B. Afhhaton Not Asaped. 3pp. 87840.346

  • Florida Power "MUT Corp. Dioscoved Gas Evoluton M-96 0004 ROO. 96/04/04. 9ppAna#ysm.".87781:149 4 7781:157.

87800 344. 9004300001 Ack reempt of 960328 tir sent on behalf of BL Bennett which requee1s amaananama "MUT Vortemm0 Evoluenort" acton w/repard to FPC plant due to enegatons that FPC mantems madequate escun-

  • F1onde Power Corp. M 96 0005 ROO. 96/04/04.15pp. 87781:1584 7781:172, ty pAcMees that subiltr bemg posted as Polfbon under 10CFR2206.

RU8acLL,W T. 96/04/24.PUTNEYLD. Putney. LD. 4pp ee036:189 48036.205. .annananaam "MUT Vepor Preneure Evaluation."

  • F1onde Power Corp. M.964006 R00. 96/04/04. 7pp. 87781:17347781:179.
        ^7                Notice of receipt of Pechon dtd 960328 for Drector's Deamon under toense"unal concerns                                                                                                                96 0007 R00         ' 04. 215pp. 87781:18047782:028.

SSELLW 04/24,3pp. 88036:19348036:195.

   -9004130300 Sutmuts poteon on behalf of LB Bennett re suspenmon or revokmg of                          eennnn188        S@pf 1 to Genanc Ltr 9509 to all NRC bconness re monrionn0 & Irenung nucteer operetn0 hcense for Flande Power                                                              of er uppers & comers of redsoeceve mess.

River NPP. PUTNEY.L.D. Putney. L.D. 96/03/28. Olc of tne Drector for Operations. COOL.D.A. Dwieson of Industnel & Medical Nucteer Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. 7pp. 88036:19640036.198. Boston Edson Co.10pp. 88102 05748102:006.

   -8004130387 Forwarde potbon did 960228.fhed on behalf of BL Bennett to secunty de-                     annaannea+ S@mits noencetons to NRC pnar to piarit ascerieson into Mode 4 re tooncsos et Fionde Power Corp Crysted Rwer NPP.                                                       number et tates plugged a sleeved. crack 4ke inecatons m frst open 4 assessment GOtDBERG.J.R. Deputy Acesstant General Counsel for Erdorcement 96/04/09.                              of          for frst span IGA indications.

QUSSELLW.T. 3pp. De036:1994603e:205. .GL Fionde Power Corp. 96/04/08. Document Control Branch (Document Conrol Desk). 24pp. F7817;30447817:337. A Insurance & Indemnity kiformeteen - 8904000387 " Exam of Cryotel Ruer Unit 3 SG Tube Sectorm."

  • karerw* & Wacos Co. TR.103756. 94/04/30.10pp. 87817:333 4 7817:337.

54( 9004140003 Informs of withdrawal of request for - ._ Irorn Sechon lu.G.2 of BOLDT.GL Fionde Swor Corp. 96/03/29. Document Control Branch (Document 10CFR50. App R Ret opphes to certem redundant cables & equipment m RCB. Conrod Desk). 2pp,6r814:3134 7814 314. BOLDT.GL Fionde Power Corp. 96/04/08. DoaJmont Conted Branch (Documert Comrol Desk).1p. 8791425247914:252. P. Operating Seense stage escuments & corrompendence 9004150411 Informs NRC that correctons requred in SC repts, accompanyrig ltrs did 910416 & 951215. eenanene'1 Forwards results of Mecetsas fre bemer toets conducted at Undenvreers BOLDT.GL Fionde Power Corp. 96/04/09. Document Control Branch (Docurment (UL) & propnetary verton of UL test repts.per GL 0610.Suppi 1.Nonpropne- Control Desk). 2pp. 87894.0$dL67894:050. Isry verson et repts we be toneerded by 960331. repts wanhold. CDLDT.GL Flands Power Corp. 96/03/30. Document Branch (Document Conrol Deel4 12pp. 8773325447733.265. 9004180412 Forwards ettechments riedvertently not ricluded w/ongmel corresponck ence. annaaaaida Conerms960401 teican w/L Kaey re 9604t6 meetng to damme status of KELLEYLC. Faonde Power Corp. 96/04/00. Documerit Contol Branch (Document progress on correceve acton Meetng wie be haki m Atenta.GA ConWol Doek),2pp. 87894 06047894-062. LANDBS.K.D. Repon 2 (Post 1). 96/04/01. BEARD.P.M. Fionda Power Corp. 3pp. 87008.093-8 7806.101. 9004190047 Informs NRC conmas & edopts recommendations of contactor techmcelit rept p comp 6ston of review of RR 95 020, 95 030 & 95440.Rehof requests 95-7 9004M 9806H moetng.W of rnesang nt O '96 . BEARD.P M. Floride Power Corp. 4pp. 87942.23647942254. LANDIS.K.D. Region Post 820201). 96/04/01. D.P.M. Flanda Power & Ught Co. 3pp. 87812.21847812.220.

                                                                                                        *e004190056 Safety evoluston of second 10 / mterval ISI program plan request for aandamasse Forwards SE ecceptog use of Code Case N-523 to ASME Boder & Pres.                                rebet numbers 95420 95 030 & 95440.NR supports rebet requests 95 020 & 95-030.euthorized      per 10CFR50.55efeX3)06) & 10CFR50.55e(gH4).

sure vecesi Code.Secton IX romeroments.unti permanent code reper a emptomerned *

                                                                                                               . 96/04/14.15pn 87942.24047942-254 ounno current Retual 10.

IMB40.E.V. 96/04/02. BEARD.P.M. Fionde Power Corp. 3pp. 8781010447810108. 9004230305 Forwards summary of statsteel snelyess to non.ieekage under steem ime

=#904000386 SER                        mw for rebel for nor> code reper et plant                            break condshons beesd on rhertu pressure testmg performed on facety SG tubes
         . 96/04/02. 2pp. 87810- 74 7810:108.                                                                         cunent Refuel Outege 10.roisted to TS Chanpo Regiest 203.

T.G.L Flonde Power Corp. 96/04/15. Docarners Conrol Branch (Documan

*anaaaa*** Forwards for mio.FR nonce of consadoreton of neuence of amend & pro.                                        Deskt 7pp. 8M622624668.
                          $aam mper RA                                                                                                  9004230406 Responds to Genenc Lt 9601. "Testmo of Safety Related Logic Crcuits."

96/04/03. BEARD.P.M. Flanda Power Corp, 2pp. 87755:133 yp$ % Pww % 96/04/18. h Convol W W Control Desh). 3pp. 87996:1914 7986:193.

**=^'annemi Notco of concederaton of mouence of amend to hconse DPR 72 & prt>

posed NSHC deternunaton & opportlauty ear heenn9. Amend proposes TS changes re Once. Steam Generator tube reper ottent 9004230270 Provides edcN into & commitments on TS Che espceshonmg strategy for dealmo w/lGA m Arst span of O Raw 203 rev 2 re BUCKLEY . 96/04/03.12pp. 87755.13547755:146. BOLDT.GL Fionds Power Corp 96/04/18. Document Control Branch (Document 9004000430 Provides enewers to guestons recewed m NRC 960111 RAI & responses O edis guestons & ressest for documents received et 960208 m calculeton which forms bens for MUT presswe/ level hmst carve m Operetng e OP. 900420020e Forwards rnerothee concepondence did 960422pcianentng evalueton of test date curve Calculaton encl.

               .GL Flonde Power Corp. 96/04/04. Document Control Branch (Document k 1$68034 Contal Desk).19pp. 8778000147782 028                                                                                                                                             34

.g004000423 " Men Atowable MUT Pressure" -9004200216 Rev 1 to 102075RCS01. "Compenson of Calculated & Meeswed Pres-SON.D. MPR Associates. inc. 102075DHH01 ROO. 96/01/11. 38pp. 877840206 tson of 7'es t Tank & Suchon Pipe

                -^ " Head Loss m BWST to Makeup Pump Flow."

HARRISON,D. MPR Aamentes. inc.102075DHH02 R00. 96/01/05. 41 jp. 87780-057 9004300221 informs that effectrve 960428 util will be reassagned to FJ Hebdan. 077801397. VARGA.SA 96/04/25. BEARD,P.M. Flonde Power Corp. 2pp. 68053-256-66053.257.

       .                           .-        _       . - - . .                    -      - . . . . - .      - _               ~. -               . _ _          =_.                      _.

i l I DOCKETEDITEMS 89 O. Inspecten reports. IE Bumeens & correspondence 9604160418 Monthly operstmg rept for Mar 1996 for Crystal Rwer.Unst 3 W/960407 ftr. DAO.T.V, BOLDT.G.L Fionda Power Corp.96/03/31. 5pp. 87923284 87923268. a" mans Ack receipt of 960207 ter informing NRC of steps tsken to conect notabons 1 noisd m map 50 302/95 16. j LCNDIS.K.D. Region 2 (Post 820201). 96/03/21. BEARD.P.M. Fionda Power Corp. S. Reportehle occurrences. LERs & reisted corroepondence 3pp. 87793.34547793.347 9003200218NRC Info Notce 96 018. "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Arbome Tnonum " 0e04H0438 Sposat rept 96 01 on 960218.RM.At taken out of svc due to faAre of do. CDOLDA Divison of indust'al & Meecal Nuedeer Sanety (Post 870729). 96/03/25 tector e respond e cnock source. Replacement cetecer from stores & bench Coneohdated Edmon Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 8779120187791014. cambrate Expects to return RM.A1 to ove pnor to restart from refuehn0 outage. HICKLE.BJ. Fionda Power Corp 96/03/26. Document Control Branch (Document 9004010200 Forwards response to NRC960226 Itr te violatons noted in map rept 50 Control Desk). 2pp. 8771913547719136. 303/95-21 Correceve accons: permanent mods have been mstalled that added isola-CD relays between RM 1 A non safety ngnal. eamannan LER 9542302:06 951027.ongmeenng personnel determined tudg spray BEARD,P.M. Fionda Power Corp. 96/03/25. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 4pp. 87696.30947696.312. flow vaives analysis used m deficiency vanous Protpom angneenng rept issued W /960329 Itr.calculatons inmnaistent. Caused by design FRiJOUFJA. HICKLE.B.J. Fionda Power Corp. 96/03/29. 9pp. 87823.325-9004000198 Advises of planned insp effort resultng from plant PPR completed on 87823:333. 960226.Ence deteds inep plan for next am months. LANDIS.K.D. Repon 2 (Post 820201). 96/03/27. BEARD.P.M. Flonda Power Corp. ge040e0232 LER 9640600:en 960304.escovered that amtuguous note caused mesn-6pp. 87806:20947606.214. torpretation of rnproved TS (ITS) SR 3 4.12.1 & fadure to perform required surved-U"*"' "* "b' ' CA T ') P war 04 02 824:021 m 30 re BOLDT.G.L Flonda Power Corp. 96/03/29. Document b B.*anch (Document Cotrol Dook).1p 87814.315-87814.315. g g 9008270127 permanent canal seal plate. Licensee wel provide fmal rept to NRC m approx sm Recesvu NRC Info Shonened Notce 96419. Acevuton

                                                  ".Fadure of Tone Alert Raeos to Ac%rste When                montns upon completon of evaluation of woods.

CRUT IELD.D. 96/04/02. tad Edson Co. of New YCrt. inc. 8pp. TAYLORJ.H. FRAMATOME. 96/04/05. Document Control Branch (Document Control 87791 015-87791 022 Desk). 2pp. 87824:111 4 7824:112. 9004100270Summenzos 960327 Predecisional Enforcement m Atlanta.GA 9604150234 LER 96-00641:en 900130.conaderation of mstrument error resulted in un-re apparent violatons. Forwards kst of stiendees & mati presented at meetm9 acceptante mergm for HPI flow m SBLOCA , N- by inadeouste moorpora-GIBSONAF. Repon 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/02. BEARD,P.M. Flonde Power Corp. hon of design assumptions Performed new SBLOCA analyss.W/960408 Itr. 332pp. 878 t3:00187813.322. CATCHPOLE.T.W., MICKLE.BJ. Fionda Power Corp. 96/04/08. 9pp. 87896:338-87896.347. eamams Ack receept of 960328 ftr informing NRC of steps taken to correct violatons noiso e map rept50 302/95 9004140117 PNOwll-96427 on 960212. contractor shaped & tell & was insured descend-LANDIS.K.D. 2 (Post $20201). 96/04/03. BEARD.P.M. Flonds Power Corp. 3pp. 878061 7806:111-mg permarsent ladder maide contammenLEMTs & sne meeca: personnel espatchsid.Oftsne ambulance summoned. hor detormmed not to be contammat-9003290386NRC Info Notco 96420. 'Demonstraton of A=amated ESapment Comph- "OOPER.T., MELLEN.L Region 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/15. 1p. 87923:096-ano w/10CFR34.20. C CC10A Division of industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04. 87921096-Corw*r*=ead Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 8786028947860 300. g g 9004244344 Forwards map rept 50-302/96 01 on 980128 0309 & nonce of moiston. SA101P.SA202PMf101P & $N202PConditon omsts en 1E # _ bergraph LANDis.K.D. Region 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/06. BEARD.P.M. Flanda Power Corp. software.New vers.un bemg generated to rescave maus.Affected customers bemg not. EE' BER.C. Amstek. Inc. 96/04/18. NRC . No Detaned Affihetion Gwen. 5pp.

   -.9004240347 Notce of violaton from inap on 9601284309Vaolaton noted-hoonses                               87992.33947992:343.

fmeed to implement adequate correceve accons to correct scenefied .e ~. 6.- 63 design been accident requrement desorbed m Chapter 14 of FSAR. eamanna' LER 95426 01xm 951107/_--. ^ flow matrument used to determmed

  • Repon 2 (Poet $20201). 96/04/08. Sep. 87980:30247980:334. HPl purrp runout Conetons. Caused by fadure to recogrure appbcabdity of Heg Guide 1.97 C/A.short term instruccons asued.W/960422 fir.

7 7 ^T Inno rept 50-302/9101 on 950126 0309 Violatons noted.Mapor areas CATCHPOLE.T.W HICKLE,BJ. Fionda Power Corp. 96/04/22. 9pp. 68065342-mopected: plant operatons.aurvedence cDeervatons, meant observatons. plant 88065:350. support.hcensee correceve acton program & feview of local pubhc document room. BUTCHERA, LANDIS,K. Region 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/08. 39pp. 87980:305-8 N"3- V. Operator Examinomons 9004040106 NRC Into Nobce 96-021, "Seisty Concems re Demon of Door Intenock Cr-cun on Nucestron High Dose Rate & Pulsed Does Rate Remote Aftsrloadmg BracW 9004220350Advmes that RW Stevere beense SOP 21105. Docket 55 8236 . .J etapy Devices." & no lo sger requires hcense eftoctrve 960403. COOL.DA Deveson of Industnal & Meecal Nuclear Saisy (Post 870729). 96/04/10. BOLT.G.L Fionda Power Corp. 96/04/06. Document Control Branch (Document Com Cp=rettated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 88102-06748102:075, trol Desk).1p.pp. 87983.35647983.356. masa**a NRC Into Noboe 96 022. " Improper Emspment Setings Due to use of LD 04 1 Eeson Co. of New York. inc. 6pp. DOCm N N NN MER MM W 2 G7800 30147880 306.. 9004000260 NRC Buheen 96002. " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over F. Securety, medical, emer9ency & fire protecton piens Fuel m Reactor Core.or CRUTCHFIELD.D. Over

                              . 96/04/11. Setety-Related Conschdated     EdisonEcupment."

Co . of .New York Inc 11pp. g004020043 Forwards revised EPIPs & GSEP Zson Annex Secton 5.0. 88102-10048102 110.

  • Commonwealth Edson Co. 96/03/19. Document Control Branch (Document Control 9004250263 Forwards 920914 interoNice correspondence re FPC evaluston of event DeskL 1P. 87732N7732239.

Br F r -9604020195 Revised EPip.mciuding EPIPs moex & Rev 4 to EPIP 330-1. "Classifica-CIELLEY,LC, Flonos Power Corp. 96/04/19- Document Control Branch (Document ton of GSEP Coneen l Conval Desk).10pp. 88023.266-88023.277.

  • C-..-...z. Eeson Co.96/03/19. 8pp. 87732:14947732 155.

! 9004170100NRC Into Notce 96 023. " Fires in EDG Exeners Otmng Operaton Follow- r .- --- Rev 7K to P i hon Annex.Section 5.0. *Classificaton of Emergen-l j Og Undetected Fues GRUTCHFIELD.D Beowing.". Conschdated Esson Ca of New YorA Inc.10pp.

                             . 96/04/22                                                                        coes."....
  • Co 2. Edirr 4 6/02/29. 82pp 87732: 156-87732 239.

i 88102 000-88102 099 9004120102 EPIP anoon. Change Request Number (CRN) l 9004220229NRC Info Notco 96424, "A.w.J. .., of Molded-Case Crcun Breakers ER9600489Revoed to Rev 2kPIPs.melueng to EPIP 100-3 & CRN ER9600510 to Rev 10 to EPIP 3201. MES 96 04 Consohdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc. 14pp. *

88102276 88 6 9. 9004010062 Frst partal & Anal response to FOtA reouest for records. App A records 9e042s0172 NRC into Notco 96425. "Traverung imCore Probe Owenntndrawn at La- ones & bang mas avambe m POR. Records aready evelable m PDR noted on enci name County Staton.Urut 1 - computer pnntout. App B records part. ally witnheid trof Exempton 7).

1 GRIMES.B K. . 96/04/30. Conachdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. topp' POWELLRA Divaion of Freedom of informaton & Pubhcations Senaces (Post J 88102 111 48102:120. 940714E 96/03/28. SAM.G Affeistion f40t Asmgned. 21pp. 87694.13547694214. i 9004200006 NRC info Notoe 96428. "Recent Pratsems w/ Overhead Cranov -9604010000 Portally withheld rwestgation rept3 94466 on 941201.No descrepancies a GRIMES.B K. . 96/04/30. Coneobdsted Eeaan Co. of New YotA inc.10pp. noted.Masar areas mvestigated.aheged debberate violabon of secunty procedures & 88102:121 48102.130. foiseficaton of records ULIE I M Regson 3 (Post 820201). 95/02/03. 9pp 87694.20647694.214. 7

!   O Portosits operating reports & related corresponesence                                               9004020058 Recssests for ade mfo re request for exemphon to 10CFR50. App R.secton lit.G auxshery tWog starwen & reactor contamments.

9e043003s1 "Whose Body Exposure for CY95.* W/960423 ltr SHIRAKl.C.Y. . 96/03/29. F ARRAR.D.L C-..+ . 2. Eeson Co. 5pp. 87710:347 BOLDT.G.L Flonde Power Corp.95/12/31. 3pp. 86J67.173 88067:175. 87710 351.

_ _ _ _. _ .._ . . . . . _ _ ..__m__ .. l l 90 DOCKETEDITEMS T.. _ _ . Resubmits response to NRC 960221 ftr to notatms noted in insp repts 50- 9604180158 295/9522 & 50304/9522.Correews actons- counseled Electncal Mamt Dept per- of Potter & Brumheto MDR Senos Re6ays." refbectmg hsted changes as a _ . . sonnes to enportance of procedure adherence & emergency bght prooram. 960313telcon. Propnetary markups to TR WCAP-13678 withheid. TUE7 KEN.R.P. C .-_ .. _ .. Edson Cn 96/04/03. UEBERMAN.J. Orc of Enlorce- BUSH.L C..~.. _;. Eeson Co.96/04/12. 2pp. 87956:3594 7956.360. ment (Post 870413). topp. 87930 34647830:357 9004150018 Responds to941021 nr wtuch requested acton w/ record to s# reactor 6* '** "** '* ' consees uomg Therm > Lag & 1 hat lir bo treated as petrbon per 10CFR2JO6. "0"ns cu 960 ' RUSSELLW T. . 96/04/03. CINOUEMANI.DA Affiketm Not Asegned. 4pp- BRONSM P-- - ~

                                                                                                                                            . Edson Co. 96/04/19. Document Control Branch (Docu.

87887:317 4 7867:320. morn Conni M 5 ppt 88002:33248002:336. 9004150000 Responds to941026 fir wruch requested acton w/recard to aN reactor li, 9004200177Notfios NRC that acuens a.h in GL 8910 completed w/excephons noted coneses uomg Thermo. Lag & that Ilr be treated as Petmon por 10CFR2.206. & tansmis Zon Staten request for closure of GL 6910. " Safety.Related Motor 4per. RUSSELL.W.T. , 96/04/us. BENJAN.R. Aff6 ebon Not Assgned app. 87887:313 ated Valve Testmg & Surveellances." 87867:316. SCHWART2.GA C . ~... __. Edson Co. 96/04/22. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 88026:35948026.360. 9004190064 Responds to941021 lir.which requested action w/ regard to su reactnr ik coneses uomg mormo tag & Inst P Bernie lir be treated as Petrhon per 10CFR2206. Forwards notco of " Issuance of Drector Deceen under 10CFR2.206." aandiaa363 Forwards 10CFR50.46 rept.inclueng edsting mfo re peak cend temp ti RUSSELLW T. . 96/04/03. BIRNIE.P. G.E. Sicckholders Alhance Agamst Nucteer hrruDng sman break & large break loss of Coosant accident analyse evalustens for Power. 4pp. 87887.26347087:312. Branswood. Byron & Zon Stanons. LESNIAK.M.T. Commonwaalth Eeson Co.96/04/25. 22pp. 88066.23048066.251. 9804150306 Reeponds to postcans did 941114 wruch requested acten re an reacter li-coneses using Tnermo4aq & that postcard be treated as Petman per 10CFR2.206. RUSSELLW.T. 96/04/us. DEBOLT.B. Afflhetion Not Aasgned. 3pp. ?7880 346- Q. InspecMen reports,IE SuNeune & cormopondence 87080:348. 90042e0124 Rensed EPIPs.includmg CEPIPs 3000 senos table of contents.Rev 6 to CEPIP 3303 01. "Calculaton of f4able Gas Roteese Rate From Fenid Measurements in NC 93030 00 SMITH.M.G. Afflhaton Not Assigned 96/02/22.POWELLRA Dmson of Freedom of of Radston Exposure DAVIDSON.G.R. C ....Rate"__& _ . Edson Rev 5 to CEPIP-3404 Co. 96/04/04. 01, "Calculaton of. " 40pp. 88031:11946031:158. informaton & Pubhestons Services (Post 940714).1p. 87694:13447694:134. 9004100206 Responds to NRC Bulisen 96401, " Control Rod Inserton Problems." Cur. 9004290416 informs of requehficaten prem insp planned for ween of960610 wruch rent bconned operstar requehfication tremmo & emergency procedures at faciNbes ad, comcidea w/m essoas eiel proplems.Propnetary avio ence Ence withneid. wntten exams =puterly scheduled rogueirhcation exam cycle.per 960417 ftr Requests operstmg tests p6anned for week of map tumened by 960430. HOSMER,J.B. C.. ~ . Z. Edmon Co.96/04/06. 17pp. 87864:330 4 7864.346. BURDICK,T.M. 3 (Post 820201). 96/03/23. TUETKEN.R. C . . .. : - . Edson Co. 2pp. p:31748027.318. 88027 Se042e0116 Rensed EPIPs.inclueng CEPIP.2000 senes table of contents & Rev 1 to CEPlP

  • C. .. 233143. ". Computer Z Emeon 9-w EOF." 86019.35148019 361.

Co.96/04/10.11pp. 9603200218 NRC Info Notco 96018. "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Art ome Thonum." COOLDA Desen of enoustnel & Medical Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/03/25. emmenrW7 Revised EPIPs.includm0 Change Request Number (CAN) ER9601266 to *" 6 to Pt 1 .CRN ER9601365 to Rev 2 to EPIP 110w1 & CRN ER9601364 to 9004020418 Forwards insp plan for piant encompasamg next 6 months cased on plant LANES.LL C . .. . Edson Co.96/04/15. 64pp. 88009:29348009 356. D*%mence musw from Aug M5. Mar m based on rup resuns & sawy per-formance mfo.used to formuiste emphases for upcom. mg insp. 9004220173 Nothes that computer point U1000 descnpton changed to include "re. MILLER.LF. 3 (Posit 820201). 96/03/25.TUETKEN.R. Co.-~ ..r. Edson moved" m Zen ERDS desenpton flie.Naran==ry documentaton for EROS data poet Co. 3pp. 87706: 54 7706:047. mod m accordance w/ processes attached also. N.LE. e-_ _ . . Edson Co.96/04/16. Document Control Branch (Docu. 9004010082 Frst pertal & final response to FOIA request for reairds App A records ment Control Deek). 5pp. 87965:1!1L8796S:161. enci & being made svedeble m POR. Records already avadable m PDA noted on enci computer B records partelly withheld (ref Exempton 7). Ow ^ - _ , correspondence POWELL. Dmemn of Freedom of information & Pubhcabons Services (Post 940714). 96/03/28. SMITH.M.G. Affikaten Not Assigne121pp. 87694:13547694.214. 9004150018 Responds to 041021 lir wtuch requested acten w/ regard to au reactor IL -9604010003 inveshgation rept coneses usmg Thermo.La0 & that ser be treated as Poetson per 10CFR2.206. 3 93437R.Veinhon noted.Maior aress RUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/03. CINOUEMANI.DK Affthenon Not Asesgned. App. mvestgoted:anaged desbarate moti falso statement re desgn beans of Zen Generot-ang Staten. 67867:3174 7867.320. WALKER.H.G PAWUK.E,T. Regen 3 (Poet 820201). 94/08/15. 32pp. 87694:156-9004150080 Responds to641026 Itr which requested accon w/ to all reactor 5 LL R. non pp 87887:313- -M040 met investgaton rept WM on 94W2 m M tennineten of % 87987:316. . ment

                                                                                                           .0920.&based contactng on a.ege M,Cteos re MA.c.o,n.cems.

to co ie. Case eeunstraW closed M on 9004150064 Reeponds to 641021 ler.wnsch roca.sosted acton w/ regard to as reactor 5- DEVITTO.R.L PAWLIK.E.T. Regon 3 (Post 820201). 94/12/16. 9pp. 87694.188-cenemos unm0 therm Na0 & that P Brnie Mr be tested as Petmon per 87894 190-10CFR2.206. Forwards nonce of " Issuance of Drector Docusen Under 10CFR2.206" RUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/03. BIRNIE.P. G.E. Stocktm60ers ANance Agamst Nuclear -9004010003 investgaten root 3-94466 on 941201 re alleged employment Power. 4pp. 87887:2634 7887;312. esenmmenon. Case closed on 950310, based on unsuccessful attempts to miennew aL tager. 9004150206 Responds to postcard dtd 941114 whsch recpested acton re all reactor G. W ALKER.H.G., PAWUK.E.T. Regon 3 (Post 820201). 95/05/02. 999 87694.197-consees usrig Thermo.Laq & that postcard be treated as Peuten per 10CFR2.206. 87694.205. RUSSELLW.T. 96/04/ua. DEBOLT.B. Affthston Not Asasgned. 3pp. 87880346 67800:348-

                                                                                                        -9604010000 Partially wrthheld mvenbgaton rept 3-94466 on 941201.No escrepancies notatiMaior areas twestgated. alleged de4 berate volaton of secunty procedures &             ,

P. Opereung 8 cense stage documents & correspondonos taissficanon of records. UUE.J.M., PAWUK.E.T. Regen 3 (Post 620201). 95/02/03. 9pp. 87694206 67694 214.

   " Nan't Forwards request to use Amoncan Society of Mecharucal Enyneers code case N.514 m the determinston of LTOP setpointt TUETKEN.R.P. ri--- _ . _. Edson Co. 96/03/19. Document Control Branch                              9004010326 Forwards response to NRC960227ltr te violabons noted in risp repts 50w (Doczment Control Desk). Sep. 87775:30547775:309.                                                     295/9523 4 50 304/9523.Correceve actons sys engineer generated acuan request to venty torque on pipe support on 960117.

D 9004020414 Forwords arriuol TS 6.6.1b special repts. including WaiAegan Regonal Aa-port Expensen.PORV & salety valve challenges & pnmary coolant acDvity hmrts. SCHWARTZ.GK Co..~. .Z . Edson Co 96/rl3/29. Document Control Brancti Nh 8 301 7704 (Document Control Dook). 5pp. 87731:346 47731:350. Responds to SALP 13 rept resuts & concurs that ynprovement is needed

                                                                                                        *'"".procedwes m trammg              & supennsen. Details of insbanwes & efforts targeted to addres ammunee4 Request adcs Wo tar GL 9547. " Pressure Lockmg & Thermal Bandmg of                            weaknesses attachect Safety-Reistad PowerOperated Gate Valves." as escussad on 960308.                                    TUETKEN,R.P. Cwo.,~... r. Edson Co. 96/04/01.                    Docurrent Control Branch SHIRAKl.C.Y. . 96/04/02. FARRAR,0.L Co.. ~ . - . Edson Co. 5pp. 87746:182-                            (Document Control Desk). 6pp. 87817.27647817.283.

87746:186. namenes7 Forwards nonpropnetary Wo tiemead on 960328 re fa8/C-E riucieer op- 9003270127 NRC Info Notco 96019. " Failure of Tono Alert Raeos to Actvate When eratore SG wended sneeves for enclosure m PDR. Recemng bnortened Acevaton - " CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 95/04/02. ted Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 8pp. LESNIAK.M.T. Co. ..~ . . 2. Eduon Co. 96/04/04. Document Control Branch (Doc- 87791$1547791022. ument Contal Desk). 7pp. 87817:17147817:177 9002200186 S@ps 1 to Genanc Lir 9549 to all NRC licensees re monitanng & trarung 9004000200 Resubmns response to NRC 960221 tir te volabons noted in risp repts 50 or shippers & camers of radioeceve meg 295/95 22 & 50 304/95 22.Correctrve actors: counseled Electncel Maint Dept per. COOLDA Dusen of industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. sonnel m importance of procedwo adherence & entergency hgm program. Boston Edison Co.10pp. 88102-05748102066. TUCTKEN.R.P. Commonwealth Edson Co. 96/04/03. UEBERMAN). Ofc of Enforce-ment (Post 870413).10pp. 67830:348 47830-357. 9004120294 Reviews bcensee propceal to make certam changes to comnutments made m response to NUREG.0737.nem II.BJ. Post Accsdent Samphn0 Capatzirty.Clanfies 9003290200 NRC Info Nohce 96 020. " Demonstration of Assocated Equipment Comph. memterpretations by bconsee w/ respect to cortam calculatsons. ance w/10CFR34.20." SHIRAKLC.Y. 96/04rt1. FARRAR.D.L Commonwealth Edman Co. 4pp. 87878 357- COOLDA Dmsson of Industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729) 96/04/(M. 87878.360. Corecendated Edison Co. of New York inc.12pp. 87860:28947860-300.

l l DOCKETEDITEMS 91 s 9004150087 Forwaros map rapu 50 295/9645 & $0 304/9605 on 960127- 0300 & 9604230270 Special repton 960320.2A EDG teded to startCaused toy leak on 80 pse Nov. contros er pressure regulator wtuch was spentrhed several days earlier. Performs fra. MILLER.LF. Region 3 (post 820201). 96/04/05 TUETKEN.R. Commonweefth Eeson ovency test every 7 days. j Co. 6pp. 87869:07747869101. SCHWARTZ.G.K Commonwes!th E& eon Co 96/04/19. Document Control Branch ) (Document Control Duek). epp.87998.3344 7998:337. j -9004160000Notce of devoton from enep on960127 0308.Denaton noted:mopectors ' I j identrhed that 3.h retnD os north wall of amahary tudg drum fdl area not mentamed I due to note & enstallation of three wmoows in barner. V. Operator Exam 6nettons '

  • Region 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/05.1p. 87869 08347869083
   -900418000s insp repts 50w295/66 05 & 50 304/9605 on 9801274308. Violabons                 H04200415 Informs of requahficatan program map planned for week of960610 which            j noted.Magar areas mapseted.operatons.maant, engmeonng, plant support,non.rouune             oosncedes w/ regularly scheduled reduaithcaton exam cycle.per 960417 lir. Requests events & certam previoussy adonehed noms.                                                   wntten exams & operanno tests peanned for week of mop tummhed by 960430.

MILLER.LF. Flagen 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/05.18pp. 87869-06447869101. BURDICK.T.M. Repon 3 (Post 820201). 96/03/23 TUETKEN.R. Commonwealth Edson Co. 2pp seu27:31748027318-9004100306 Responds to NRC Bulleen 91L001. " Control Rod inserton Problems" Cur-

,    rent boensed operator requeirkcanon trareng & emergency proceeses at tacibties ad.       9004100305Reeponds to NRC Bulletfl 96401. "Coreal Rod innerkon Problems." Cur.

i dresses suty protmems.Propnetary ento enct Lnce withheid. rent hoensed operator requahhcanon trammg & emergency procedures at facshties e4 HOSMEMB Cu. . . -^ Edmon Co.96/04/06. 17np. 8786433047864:346. dresses suty protnems.Pmpnetary mio encarncl withheld HOSMER.J.B. Commonwealth E6 son Co. 96/04/06. 17pp. B?e64:330 4 7864.346. { 9004180218 Responds to NRC 951128 ttr re veoinhons noted m anops. C/

  • Aan , _' - : actons taken to ensure enployees feel tree to rame satsty con-omme w/o fear of ret 1outon.Pokcy respondng to employee nucieer safety concerns DOCKET 60-305 KEWAUNEE NUCLEAR POWER PLANT sem6tcod.

,3 BRONSJC. Commonwealth Edman Co. 96/04/Olk LIEBERMAN.J. Olc of Enforce. ment (Post 870413). 6pp. 87888:33947888:344. F. Security mesmosi. emergency & fire protocean plans 9004040106 NRC Info Notoe 96421. " Safety Concerns re Demgn of Door Interlock Cr. ] i cun on Nucleton High.Does Rate & Pulsed Does Rate Remote Aftertoedmg Brachytn-

                .A. DMason of Induetnal & Medical Nucomar Setsy (Post 870729). 96/04/10.

gen EMM R R M D26

                                                                                                               . . Wookg pat led
  • anPet on" BEMA Wton W Asmgned app. SMW-W .'*

b Conachdated Eceeon Co. ro New YortL inc. 9pp. 881022674810?O75. gy g ' 9004100362 Ack recept of 900328 ltr informmg NRC of steps taken to correct violabons 9004300183 Rowned EPIPs. including rev 0 to EP-OSF-2. row K to EP OSF-3. rev B to noisd ei esp repts 50 295/9523 4 50 304/9523 EPOSF-4 rev D to EPIP Form OSF 2.2.rev B to EP-AD1.rev U to EP-ADw3.rev V to MILLER.LF. Region 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/10.TUETKEN.R. L.. - .. Z. Edman EP.AD4.rev 0 to EP AD 5. rev AD to EP-ADw? 8 row N to APAD 11.W/960425 Itr Co. 2pp. 87887.19947M7.200. MARCHl.M.L Waconem PLd3hc Sennce Corp, 96/04/25. 319pp. 88060'001-68080 319.

   &ta NRC Info Nohce 96422. " Improper Equipment Setbnge Due to Use of Non?cm W nsaiad Test Equipment."

CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Coneohosted Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 6pp. G. at=htory concepondence SF060:30147880:306. 9004000250 NRC Buheen 96 002 " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over 9004150000 Responds to 941026 ltr whicit requested acton w/ regard to su reactor p. Fuel m Reactor Core.or Over festety-Reinted Eauspment." consees usmo Thermo. & that rir be treated as Penuon por 10CFR2.206. RUSSELLW.T. 96/04/ . BENJAN.R. AfNanon Not Asmgned. 4pp. 87867:313-CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consohdated Edson Co. of NSW YotA inc.1190 g7387.3'6. 88102-10N18102110. 104 Sutmists response to NRC Bubeen 96001 re cormal rod meerton prot > P. Operemng honnee stage docuentent & corrompendence HOSMER.1B. Commonweetth Edman Co.96/04/19. 45pp. 88059.27448059:318. 9004010036 Forwards "Const Authartraton Apphcanon for SG ReplacemenL" Replace-9004170100 NRC Info Notco 96 023. "Fres in EDG Emetters Dunng Operaton Fonow. ment rootered in oroer to operate unni heense expraton. ang undetected Fuse Blowm0" MARCHt.M.L Wecxmean Pubhc Service Corp. 96/03/27. Document Control Branch 2 CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/22. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. (Document Control Desk).1p. 8770000147700144. 8810209048iOt099.

                                                                                             -9004010037 "Const Authonzaten Application for Steam Generetor Replacement"
   $0042J0229 NRC Info Nohce 96-024, *%,             .-    .y of Molde& Case Crcuit Breakers    MEINZ.T.P. Wacorum Pubke Senace Corp. 96/03/15.146pp. 67700-00247700:144.

Before Survedience Teogng." GalMES.B K. . 96/04/25. Cor-im.ted Edmon Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. se02200186 Sosipt 1 to Genenc Ltr 9549 to au NRC kansees re monnonng & trammg 8810707648102289. of sruppers & camers of radoacipve malls. 9804350172NRC Info Notice 96425. "Traversmg an. Core Probe Overwethdrawn at La. COOL.D.A DMeen of Iridustnel & Medical Nucient Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. salie County Staton.Una I? Boston Edison Co.10pp. 88102$574810r066 GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/30. Coneohdated E& eon Co. of New York. Incl 10pp. eenma170 Forwards propnetary & nonpropnetary Westmghouse Repts SGO.ATD.98-8810t11148102:120. 13 & SGC ATD-9612. **intenm Rept on Laser Wald Reper of Mytmd Empanamn Josnt emmeen NRC Info Nouce 96426. "Recent Problems w/ Overhead Cranes," Steeves." respecevely. Propnetary Wesangnouse Rept SGCLATD 9413 witnheid GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/30. Conschdated Edison Co. c4 New York. anc. 10pp. STEnNMARDT.C.R. Wisconern Pubhc 68nnce Corp. 96/04/18. Document Control 88102 121 48102 130. Bianch (Document ConrW Desk). 2pp. 86007:17048007200.

                                                                                             -9604230177 Requests that propnetary rept SGO.ATD-9613. "Intenm Rept on Laser G Portefic operating reports & soisted corre                                                 Weed             Hynna Espanmon Jomt Sleeves" be witnheid from poemc esciosure 9004190302 MontMy operstmg repts for March 1996 for 2GS.W/960412 ter.

IPARULO.NJ Westnghouse Flectne Corp. 96/04/10. RUSSELLW.T. Document ConrW Brancn (Document Corwal Domk). 9pp. 88007-17248007:180. CYGAN.L SCHWARTZ,G.K CommonwerJth Echson Co. 96/03/31.13pp. 87939.252 87939 264.

                                                                                             -9004230182Nonpropnetary "Intenm Rept on Laser Wold RepaN of Hybnd Expanmon Jean Sisevec Corucally on magnetc tape.
                               -..           =   Ce s &        " Repts bosng            elec          7$'

g nghoube Em Corp. SW4W2. 96MN N 88MM-Desi4 2pi 1 3. 230 g crwards response to NRC GL 9641,"TestnB of Sutsty-Related Logic"

   -9804200198 "RecorJed Annui lEDE Expanse for CY95 for Bradwood. Byron,                       STEINHARDT.C. Waconsm Pubhe Senaco Corp 96/04/19. Document Control Branch Dresden.LaSans.OM Caos & Zmn?                                                              (Document Control Desk). 5pp. 87976.30647976.312.
  • Co. u. u.-- . - . fdmon Cc 95/12/31. 6pp. 88057;20648057213. **^^a'= Submris response to questens remed on vahdation of DAPPER loadflow m agamst measurements taken et planL S. Reparmble m LERa & estated _ CHl.M L Wisconom Pubhc Senace Corp. 96/04/23. Document Cor*ol Branch (Document Coreal Desk). 4pp. 8808635148066.354.
   **^^amm5 Fmal Part 21 rept to use of incorrect assumphon tcr PWR refuehng water storage tara m esveral analyses for Bradwood. Byron & Zen Statore"                      Q. Inspecnon report. IE Buheens & -'~ -

sump & contamment ticochng analyses impacted amo.

                   .l.M Commonwealth Edmori Co. 96/04/05. Document Corttrol Branch (Doc umern Control Desk). 4pp. 87824:12747824.130.                                           9803200216NRC into Nobce 96418. "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Aartmme Thonum?

COOL.DA Divison of inclustnal & Medical Nucteer Safety (poet 870729). 96/03/25. 9004230361 Specul Pept 295123 96-007SR;on 960304.OA Motin Dnvo Fra Pump Connohdated Echson Co. of New YorA Inc.14pp. 8779120147791$14. taken outetive to scheduled mant actutes & moperable for greater tnen seven oeys OA Fro declared opersbe on 980319 90o3270127 SCHWARTZ.G.K. Commonweefth Edison Co. 96/04/10. Document Coreot Bratich NRC Info Activaten ReceMng Snoriened Nobce 96419.1" ".Fadure of Tone Ayt Rades to Actwate When (Documerw Conrol Desk). 3pp. 87961.35347961.355. CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/02. ted Edmon Co. of New York. Inc. 8pp. 8779121547791222. 9004230273 LER 96403 00on 980321. Inadequate design resulted m docianno conter> mont moisson volve Inoperable. Closed & cognargarwt vaNo & restored vaNo congn Se03290300NRC Into Nobce 96 020. "Demorstrabon of Associated Equipment Compl* mergm.w/960419 ler. artoe w/10CFR3420? (GMaSEYJ. SCHWARTZ.G.K. e --^ Eckson Co. 96/04/19. Opp. COOL.D.A. DMamn of industnal & Mechcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04. 8%e3.35547993.360. Consondated Edman Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 87860.28947860.300.

92 DOCKETED ITEMS I 9004190003 Advises of piermed inspecton effort resultmg from plant performance 9004150206 Responds to postcard dtd 941114 wNch requested acton re all reactor O review on 960306. FARBER.MJ consees unng Thomoteg & that postcard be treated as Patton per 10CFR2.206. 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/06 LINK.R. Waconom Electnc Power RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. DEBOLT.B. Affneton Not Assagned. 3pp. 87880.346- l Co. 3pp. 8792D- 7920288. 87880:348. 9004100238 Sutwrets response to NRC Bunsen 96-001. ' Control Rod inserton Prob. soms.*' did 980308 wNcn requests that hcensee take several actons & submit mio on 3e04240300 Rev 17 to "Prome taland Nuclear Genereung Plant EmerDency Plan." W/ ectons taken & peanned to NRC withm 30 days of date of buteen. 980418 fir. STEINHARDT.C.R. Waconam Putsc Sennce Corp. 96/04/06. Document Control WADLEY.M.D. Northam States Powrv Co.96/04/18. 214pp. 88006:00148008215. Branch (Document Control Desk).13pp. 87896:11147896.123. eenananies NRC into Notco 96 021. "Setsty Concems re Dee'On of Door intertocet Cr.

                                                                                              &"*^               correspondann cult on Nucestron HigrwDoes Rete & Pulsed Does Rete Remote Aftertoedmg Brachyth.

SL Dnnsen of Induetiel & Medoel Nucteer Gefety (Post 870729). 96/04/10. Cormohdoted Eeaon Co. of New YotA inc. 9pp. 8810r06748101075. 9004190D18 Responds to M1021 fir wNch requested ocean w/r fuSSEM[ M P* to all reactor b D K. Meienon Not 4pp. 87887217 47867320.

                          "                                  Equipment Satangs Due to use of 88"#88' Nonmeripere I LD
                                                $W"                                           9004150080 Responds to 941026 fir wNch requested acton w/r                       reactor 5-96/04/11. Core,aied Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 8pp.

QT 87867.316.

                                                                                                                                       * * *d AN R ffdston                w epp. 87887213 "aaam NRC Bunsen 9tW2. " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over Fuel re Reactor Core.or Ovre Setety-Retoted Eouipment.                                  90041600W Responds to 941021 fir.wNch requested acton w/ regard to all reactor li-CRUTCHFIELD.D.           96/r4/11. Cor-Maced Edison Co. of New York. Inc. tipp.             coneses using thennpang & M P Brne str be treated as Petim per 88102.100 48102:110' 10CFR2.206 Forwards nohce of " Issuance of Director Deceson Under 10CFR2.206."

RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. BIRN!E.P. 4E. Stockholders Amance Agamst Nucteer 9004200148 rurwards inep rept 50-305/9643 on 98020&O325.No noncomphences or Power.4pp 87887.26347887;312. M Regon (Post $20201). 96/04/15, MARCHl.M.L. Winoonem Pubhc 9004160306 Responds to postcard dtd941114wNch requested acton re an reactor b Senna Corp. 2pp. 87996.2048799( 216. conness uomo Thermc> Leg & that postcard be teeled as Patton per 10CFR2.206. RUSSELLW.T. 96/04/uJ. DEBOLT.B. Afhhanon Not Asesgned. 3pp. 87880:346

~9804200156inno rept 60305/96 03 on 9602064325.No violatons noted. Mesor areas                   87880-348.

BE .M R Y(Post 1 2pp 7996.2054 7996.216. e604200107 Ack receipt of980313acksenclum to950805Petman & denies request to requre NSP to piece plant UrWts 1 & 2 m med. cycle outages to inspect fur 6ength of 9004170406 Forweros SE grermng hoonese rehet request IST.RR.27 & scooptmg reso, SG tubes W/Zetec Plus Pomt Probe & eny state of art addy current test tuhon of thrd terwyear IST program enomehos w/ksted exceptons. RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/22. GUNTER.P. Nucteer informenon & Resource Servica. MARCUS.G.H. . 96/04/16. MARCHt,M L Wacorsun Putsc Service Corp. $pp. BJORALT.S.J. Afhhoton Not Asesgned. Spp.88052 2964805t307. 87911;30647911:312.

                                                                                             -8004200146 Submits addencham to 950605Poblon.                      that NRC recure NSP 4004170407Selety evoluston grenbng beensee IST.RR-27 rehof reciumet & accephng                 to peace plant Uruts 1 & 2 m mHyces              to mapact            o SG tubes w/


  • of thrd torbyear IST program enomehos w/heted exceptons. Zetec Plus Pont Probe & eny stateeert current test
       . 96/04/16. 3pp. 87911310479f t:312.                                                      BJORALT.S.J. Afflhahun Not Assignect G           R.P. Nucceer infonneton & Resource Sennce.96/03/13. RUSSELL.W.T. . App.88052;30448052:307.

Q 0417014e NRC Info Nance 96423, "Fres Wi EDG Excners Dunng Operston Follow-eng undetected Fuse Blounn0 " CHUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/22. Coneohdoted Edson Co. of New York, tru; topp. L Finanetal _. 88102-090 48102009. 3e0423022e NRC Into Notco 96024. "Procondmonsng of MoldedCase Circuit Brookers se64240029 Forwards "Norttem States Power Co 1995 Annual Rept" derare Survemance Tesang " ANDERSON.R.O. Northam States Power Co 96/04/16. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). Ip.88006.239 4 8008:306. GRIMES.S.K. . 96/04/25. Coneohosted Edmon Co. of New YortL inc. 14pp. 88102-076 88102 089.

==a172 NRC Info Notco 96425. "Traversmg in Core Probe Owennindrawn at La.                           ""# "*               " #*                      ""*"**

sehe County Staton.Unst 1." GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/30, Consondated Eeson Co. of New YotA inc.10pp. 9004100378 Fc-wards corrected pages to ExNbit B of Rev 13 to USAR for Preme leiend 8810211148102 120' Nucmar Generetng Plant WADLEY.M.D. Northam States Power Co 96/04/11. Document Control Branch (Dcx>

-- NRC into Nonce 96 026, "Recent Protnoms w/Overhood Crang                                     ument Coreal Desk).1p. 87899 34347899.353.

R S 04/30. Coneohdated Echeon Co. of New York. Inc. 10pp.

                                                                                             -es041e04es Corrected pages to Exhibet B of Rev 13 to USAR for Preme latend Nuc6e.

er Generetng Plant.

  • Northem States Power Co.96/04/11.10pp. 87899:34447899:353.

R. Portodic operating reports & retened corrompendence 9e04180006 Monthly operstmo rept for Mar 1996 tar KNPP.und i W/960415 Itr. *""** - **" "' "**" DER .M MARCHi.M.L Wisconom Pubhc Senace Corp. 96/03/31. Spp.

                                                                                             --'7                        W       4                              D M mm EP m for requestne smelt meresse m              thermal power accoureng for foedweier ew strumentaton upgrade.

DOCeCET $0-305 PfuuRlE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION, UtdrT 2 BYWATER.R.L .96/04/04.REINHART.M. 4pp. 87810:17047810173. 9602200186 Sept 1 to Genenc Ltr 9549 to all NRC bconsees to monitanng & 1rerung

  .            .            mnerSoneY & #re Protusen plans                                      #

COO Dnneson of Inaustne i Nucieer Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. 9004220127 Forweres SALP 12 rept for peers covanno penod940724 960217. Strong mgt swasvement & conservebve approach to operatons resumed ei excobent moti condrhon & operstmg performance.Only weaknees seen w/mtroquent operotons- 9004120029 Provideo response to NRC 960116 RAI re GL 9503. "Crcumferenbal Regon 3 (Post 820201). 96/03/28. WATZL.E. Northam States Power W SG Tubes

  • Co. $pp. 87945.130 87945.139. WAD .M.D. Nortnem States Power Co.96/04/08. Document Control Branch (Doc-ument Control Desk).13pp. 87868.32447868:336.

- R.v 3 1 96 7 794 1 d mPs-ng mPs iso.e of.ntent & ~ 3 to mP re-2. Re-T$h

                                                                                               - caniesa-7a ortne
                                                                                                                          >o247'7* =o7-96/M/                        "Br' nch (Doc-WADLEY.M.D Northem tes                           96/       4     8           830292      800" gg 20                  ^

Co 96 ""/19. Document Contol Branch .e to a- ac- conia- ==2=*==2= 1 01e Re- uiO21.,",""eiht I"u'm'u";"F""""6M'"'4,"<!"1,J" 87087 31747887;320' reouse,od M selon

                                                                                   .d . w,,og"iO
                                                                                             - P-                              9-ea-             --*-nie m aL         =* -aod Co~

trol Sys Fedure & Withdrawal of Rod Cluster Control Assembhos. WADLEY.M.D. tvorthem States Power Co.96/04/22.Documvit Control Branch (Doc. 9004180000 Responds to941028 fir wruch rocaseemed acten w/ regard to en reactor 6 umem Control Desk). 2pp. 8805733588057136. caneses use T & that lir be treated as Pseuon per 10CFR2.206 W . 96/04/ . BENJAN,R. Affibetion foot Asesonect opp. 87887.313 g g g 9e04190064 Respond t to941021 lir.whsch requested schon w/ regard to all reactor l> ge0401D164 Forwards integrated & specisi ensp repts 50 282/9402 & $0 306/96-02 on connees umsng tramcele0 & that P Beme str be posted as Potman por 960103-0217 & notae of violatertNRC concemed that lack of ngor on part of opere-10C7R2206.Forwerts notas or "tenuence of Dractor Documn Under 10CFR2.206." tors cor nore rouane events racerve appropnete mgt ettennart RUSSELLW T . 96.1)4/03 BIRNIE.P. G.E. Stockhotoers Anance Agamst Nucesor JORDAN.M J. 3 (Post 820201). 96/03/19. WATZLE.E, Northam States Power Power. 4pp. 87887JtLL87087:312. Co. Spp. 87685: 1 47665:031.


   -9004010104 Insp repts 50 282/9642 & 50 306/9602 on 9601034217. Volanons                   V. Operstar      r _          _

noted.Masar areas mapocted:operatens angneenng.mmmt & plant support performed JORDAN .J $ ) '

                                                            .7      006 47685:031.           9604 mass Forwards response to mens nomd in % Repts $4282/9642 & S 306/96 02. Corrective acconssower restored to Bus 15 by operators manually open-9e03300218 NRC Info Notce 96410. "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Asrbome Thanum" COOL.DA DMemn of induetnal & Med cal Nucteer Safety (Poet $70729L 96/03/25.                            k               8 ument Control M.10pp. 87996.33847D96M7.

96 04 Document Control Branch (Dom Carew Eeaon Co. of New Yorst, Inc.14pp. 8779100147791014. manmesn127 Forwards & ALP 12 rept for plant covenne penod 940724 960217. Strong mgt rwolvement & consenetwo aportrach to operanons resulted in excenent mati DOCKET $0'30s etAINE YANKEE AfDestC POWER PLANT Conehon & operanng noe.Only weaknees seen w/mtroquent operatons. MILLER.H.J. Regen (Post 820201). 96/03/2s. wATZL.E. Northem States Power Co. 5pp. 8794513H7945139. F. Securtty, medical, emortancy a fire protection piene

   -es04230131SALP repts 60 282/96 01 & 50 306/9641 tar 940724-960217.                       9004110234 Forwards amend 156 to hcense DPR-36 & safety evaluston. Amend re-
  • Regen 3 (Post 820201). 96/03/28. 5pp. 87945:13547945:139. vines amenee condeon 2.B(6Hel.fre protecten & relocates tre protecton recurements from plant TS to plant Fro Protecten Plan.

9003270127 NRC Info Notco 96019. "Falure " of Tone Alert Rados to Actwate When TROTTIER.E.H. . 96/04/05. FR ZZLE.C.D. Mame Yankee Atorruc Power Co. 3pp. Recemng Shortaned Actwenon 87847:321 4 7847.342. CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/02. ind Edison Co. of New York. Inc. Sep. 87791 0154 7791 022. -9004110241 Amend 156 to hcense DPR-36.reviam0 bconse condeon 2 B(6Hetfire pro, tecton & relocatmg fre protecten regurements from plant TS to p6a it Fra Proteccon 9003290300 NRC Into Notice 96420, "Demonstraton of Assocasted Equipment Comph. Plan. ence w/10CFR34J0." ZWOUNSKI.J.A. .96/04/05.12pp. 87647.32447847.335. COOLDA DMuon of industnal & Medmal Nuclear fatety (Poet 870729). 96/04/04. Conschdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. e78eo.28947860:300. 9e0410026e Rev 18 to EPIP 2 6416. "Protectwo Acton Recommendetens " 9004110396 Provides respones to NRC Bulleen 96 001. "Cormol Rod Inserten Prob. tems? 9004180212 Rev 18 to EPIP 2-5416. Protectwo Acton Recommendatons." to einert WADLEY.M D. Northem Simess Power Co.96/04/06. Document Control Branch (Doc. pp 12 wruch was ommed from 960408 detnbuton, ument Control Dee60.14pp. 8786329647863.311.

  • Mans Yankee Atome Power Co.96/04/11. 2pp. 87eM1:35947941:360.

9004040106 NRC Info Notco 94021. "Sately Concems re Demon of Door Intertoc* Cr-cult on Nucistron Hegn Does Rate & Pulsed Does Rate Remote Aftertoneng Brachytr* G. ." . , correspondence COOLDA Dmeen of Induetnal & Medcal Nucieer Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/10. Coneohdated Echann Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 88102 06748102:075. 9004240272 Responds to960308 based on Mame Yankee non. comphance w/10CFR50.46 & NUREG4737, lir roguestng "TMI Plan." nams ll.K 3.30 &

  *a^'naam NRC Info Nonce 96422. " improper Eeuipment Satangs Due to use of                     Il K 8 31-6._ _       J.- C-n - tod Test Equipment-                                                  RUSSELL.W.7, . 96/04/22. ANGIER.F.C. Affilmten Not Asegned. 5pp. 87994.303 CFIUTCHFIELD.D.          96/D4/11. Coneohdated    Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 6pp.         87994:309.

87960.301 4 7800:300.

                                                                                            -ta04240283 Requests for imenemg acton per 10CFR2206 re Mene Yankee Atomm 9004000200 NRC Buteen 96002. " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fust.Over                   Power Co.

Fuel m Reactor Core.or Over Safety Resated Eeulpment" ANGIER.F.C., DICKSTEIN.C HIDU.J.D. Afflhaton Not . 96/03/08. CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consondateo Echaon Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. TAYLOR.J. Ofc of the Execuhve Drector for Operatens. 2pp. 87 .3064 7994:309. 88102 10048102:110. 9004230100 Summanzee results et rod stop testmg performed at plant followng Urut 2 H. General correspondonos reactor tnp on 900319,per NRC Buheen 96001. WADLEY,M.D. Northom States Poww Co.96/04/17. Document Control Branch (Doc-ument Coreal DeatQ. 4pp. 67976.29647976.301. 9004050373 Responds to 960213 Itr to Jackson.reauestmo number of ausemons se ade-of SBLOCA analyses & remnt assem tube aisevm0 repers. RU LLW.T. 96/04/01. CHRISTINE.P. ton Not Asmgned. 9pp. 87755:147-90042303es Fonserds response to violatons noted in inep Repts 50-262/9642 & SO' 87755:156. 306/9642.Correctwo acnone: power restored to Bus 15 by operators manuaty oper> eng Breaker 15-3. Bus 15 sowce From 1RY transformer

                                                                                               -- -- m Docuseos probems wth Mene Yankee ECCS WADLEY.M.D. Northom States Power Co. 96/04/18. Document Control Branch (Doc-               CHRISTINE.P. Athhanon Not Asmgned. 96/02/13 THE CHAIRMAN. JACKSON.S.A.

ument Control Dook).10pp. 67998.33847998:347. L _ s M F50119L 1p. ST755156 6T755:156 900417014e NRC Info Nobce 96 023, "Fres an EDG Emeners Dunng Operaton Follow-ammaman73 Ack 960320talcon asiari===ng W317 W to Charman Jackson exprm hl LD.D 96 b. Conschdated Edmon Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. .p **0"

                                                                                                                            %             AA'              "'*9'               #U'""U 88102.00&e8102N TROTTIER.E H.         . 96/04/03. CHRISTINE.P.C. Afflhaton Not Asegnact 5pp.

9004230229NRC Info Notre 96 024,"M.h.uof Motood. Case Cacun Breakers 676m30478W36. G IMES 96 Consondated Edman Co. of New York, Inc. 14pp. Now M5 refusimg mcedents. Concludes weaknees in mgt 88102 07480NN- ^^^overugte ar+arttan'amaace of less then adequate plant equpment, & lack of que contnthnod to refuehn0 encements. 9004200172 NRC Into rehm 96425, "Traversang inCore Probe Overwithdrawn at La- lSTINE.P.C. 03/ T CHAIRMAN, JACKSON.S. sake County Staten.Urvt 1. ~ GRIMES 04/30. Consohdated Echeon Co. of New York, Inc.10pp.

                      ' '                                                                   9804220403 Corremd w respcmeno e 960223 e exprm desabstaction w/actons bosng taken by NRC in response to ahogavon agamst utils. Responses to requests 9804380006 GRIMES.B.K.NRC           Info Notice
                     . 96/04/30.          96426. "Recent Consoledeied   Edman Co.Problems    w/ Overhead of New York,  Inc      Cranes."f.g. 10pp.

g"USSNW . 96/04/10. CHRISTINE.P.C. Afhhaton Not Aamgned. 8pp. 67933:329 g 88102 121 40102130. R. Periodic emerating reports & related _.. _ bI 900ese0100 Monthly operstmg repts for Mar 1996 for Prame taland Nuc6 ear Generann0 9804290326 "Mame Yankee Atoms Power Co Annual Fenancial Rept for 1995." W/ Pient Urute 1 & 2.w/960403 Itr. 960422

  • DUGST AD.D., WADLEY.M.D. Nortnam States Power Co. 96/03/31. Opp. 87831210 HEBERT.J.R. Mene Yankee Atomac Power Co. 95/12/31. 52pp. 88035213 67831218. 88035.265.

90043e0300 Porwarets "Prame Island Nur4=ar Generanng Plant Annual Rept to NRC Rs. 9004010147 Submits a Statement of Source of Funds for Accumston of Nuclear Fusi & thetion Erwron Morutonno Jar >Dec 1995 = Constructen of Enoctnc Propony for 1995 & Statement of Estimated Capaal Requre-WADLEY.M. Northern States Co. 96/04/24. Document Control Brarch (Doce monts & Sources for 1996. ment Coreal Desk).1p. 88063:13046063.219. THOMAS.M.E. Mame Yankee Atome Power Co. 96/03/16. 3pp. 87704.320, 87704:322.

 -9004300122 "Preme leland Nuclear Generann0 Plant Annual Rept to NRC Rachaten Erwron Moretonno Program Jan Dec 1995."

KUE8NER,LG. Tesedyne teolopes.95/12/31. 88pp 88063-13148063219 K. Utsty Final Befety Analyses Report (FSAR) 4 amends 9604170431 Forwards Rev 12 to FSAR for Mame Yankee plant for panod 931013-S.Reportahte .. _. LERe & retetsel- 951013 & MYAPS FSAR App D.addressen0 opefaton of plant et 2.440 MWth for fast 4,000 EFPD of Cvete 15 & smpact of SG meewmg campasgn. 9004220194 LER 96-00140:en 960310.RT occurred due to faskre of FW regulatmg FRIZZLE.C.D. Mame Yankee Atome Power Co. 96/04/12. Documemt Control Branch veno CV.31136 was stroked to confrm that omsen0 condman matched ongmes cantz (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 87927:001 4 7928.127. Osta W/96041e lir. LEVEILLE,J., WADlEY.M.D. Northerrt States Poue Co. 96/04/18. 4po. 87960:339 -ee04170464 Rev t 2 to FSAR for Mame Yankee W/MYAPS FSAR App D. 87960.342

  • Mame Yankee Atoms Power Co.96/04112. 487pp. 57927 00547928127

94 DOCKETEDITEMS P. Operating Scanso sta9e documents & - - 9604180153 Responds to RAI re mrumum Charpy upper sheff energy rogurement of 60 ti-ib specsted m 10CFR$0. App G m Ref 04 9604000296 Nottfceton of heensee meetng 9625 on 960425 w/util m Km0 of HEBERTJA Mame Yankee Atome Power Co 96/04/11. Document Control Brarch Prussa.PA to *aruma boarues performance defecaencess re work plannmg.controf & re- (Document ConFoi DeskL 27pp. 87M29747949M EJ ogon 1 (Post 820201). 96/03/28. Region 1 (Post 820201). 2pp. 9604180146 Forwards YAEC 1932. "Mame Yankee Contamment Analysm Methods TJ Meme Yankee Atomic Power Co.96/04/12. Document Control Branch 9604010370 Responds to 960308lir m whch HR Myvs renerated previous requests for (Document Control Dookt 19 87956262 4 7956.321. m ha'"d on 9603 -9604100217 " Mane Yankee Contamment Ana8yms Methods Summary Rept." RUSSELLW.T. . 96/03/29I MYERS,HA Affikston Not Asmgned 25pp. 87700306

  • Yankee Atome Electnc Co. V AEC 1932. 96/04/12. 59pp. 8795626347956:321.

9604230065 Apphcaton for amend to beenes DPR.36.consstmg of change 199. adding

  -9804010372 informs no C_                                                                   -. response to firs to util other than ack of recept &                           relevant mts Fat dehne small tweak loss of comant accdem analyms metodoogy to phone call tom Trother statmg responses m preparaton has been                                                                                                            hst specthod m utd TS.

recewed.Commemon ladure to act m smely mant er romforces cover et m Tame. FRIZZLE.C.D Mame Yankee Atome Power Co. 96/04/19. r_-_-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ._ . Control Branch MYERS,H R Affliianon Not                                                                    96/03/08. THE CHAIRMAN. .iACK                                .S. Com.        (Document Control Desk). 7pp 87996.32447998.333.

russoners (Post 750119). 2pp. 7700.333 4 7700.334. 7 9004040246 Responde to order & demand for into schedule for items 5 & 6.Adts 9me comam acceent analyms methodoogy to hst specried m uts TS readed to complete summary.Rowsed schedule for compacton prouded.

  • Mame Yankee Atomm Power Co.96/04/19. 3pp. 87998.33147998.333.

HEBERTJ.R Mame Yankee Atorme Power Co. 96/03/29. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk).1p. 87767.35747767.357. fee 04240181 Prowdes responses to GL 96 01 requestmg heensees mnew survallance procedures for RPS.EDG cond sneddmo & . & actuaton logc for ESFS to

  $snanan+12 Transmits 96031S14 intenm SBLOCA Renews re work done by Seemens                                                                                                   ensure comper to estm0 m performed as moured by .

Power Corp to assure SBLOCA analyse a comprenonswo & responows to regwo. FRIZZLE.C.D. Mene Yankee Atome Power Co. 96/D4/19. Document Control Branch monts of 960103 Oroer & Demand for info. (Document Coritrol Desk). 3pp. 8a016:35648016.360. HEBERTJA Mame Yankee Atome Power Co. 96/03/29 Document Comrol Branch (Document Control Desk).10pp. 87805.31647805:35g. 9004260164 Forwards Seemens Power Corp Rept EMF-96043. *SBLOCA Analyse for Mams Vankee." m comphance w/10CFR5046 & saastecton of TMi Acton items

 -9604000221 " Vendor Renew Plan Small Break LOCA Analyss for Mene Yankee." rev (Kgig3                j3                                    p
  • Mame Yankow Atomm Power Co.96/03/07.16pp. 87805:32947805.343. 88026:13748025.243.
 -9604080229 "YAEC Vendor Sunrestaance Rept VSR 96 039 "                                                                                                                  -96042sM89 "SBLOCA Analyss for Mene Yankee "
  • Mame Yankee Atome Power Co. VSP 96 039. 96/03/22.16pp. 87805.344- STRB.D. Semens Power Corp. (formerly Semens Nuclear Power Corp., Advanced 87805.359 baeauer Fuel. EMF-9tv043. 96/04/18.101pp. 80025:14348025.243.

g ," ""'

  • Q. Inspection reports, BE Bulletine & correspondence HEPETTJR. Mene Yankee Atome Power Co. MARTIN.T.T. Regon 1 96/04/04.

(Post 820201).19. 87830:3074 7830323. 9403200218 NRC Info Notre 9H18. "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Aarbome Thonum " COOL.DA Danson of industnal & Meecal Nucinar Satsty (Post 870729). 96/03/25.

 -8604000264 ", Mane Yankee Cycle 15 Startup Test Rept."                                                                                                                      Coruchdated Edson Co. of New YortL inc.14pp. 8779100147791014, SOLAN.G.M. DEGANSKI.M C. ROUSSEAU.K.R. Mame Yankee Atomsc Power Co.

96/04/01.17pp. 87830'30847830.323. 9634010333 Forwards map rept 50 309/9644 on 960301 4 8 & notre of voiaDorLVolatons envolve falure of bconsee to metruct workers in precautons or prt> 9004120061 Nonfcaton of 960429 mesang w/boennes m W=r maat,ME to escans cedures to mmmne exposure & to estabhsh adeaunto procedures for work plannmg. emsll treek loss.ct-coolant anasyse a contenment feanalyss. WIGGINS).T. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 96/03/26. FRIZZLE.C.D. Mame Yankee TROTTIER.E.H. ,96/04/04 ZWOLINSKlJA 4pp. 87858.35447858.357. Alcmc Power Co. 4pp. 8768/:10947687:133. 9602200186 See:ipi 1 to Genanc Ltr 9509 to su NRC bconsees re troratonng & trammg -91104010345 Nonce of wolaton from ansp on 98030148.Veolaton noted- on of e1 & camers of radoeceve mats. 960229.two workers had not been adequately mformso of precautons & procedures A Dnnson of Industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Poet 870729). 95/04/05. to mmmne occupatumal rasatson exposure re mant associated w/vstvo CH 138. Boston Edson Co.10pp. 88102:05748102 066.

  • Ragon 1 (Post 820201). 96/03/26. 3pp. 87687:1134 7687:115.

9004110234 Forwarde amend 156 to bcense DPR-16 & safety evaluatort Amend re. -9804010357 insp rept 50 309/9M4 on 98030148.Volalons noted.Mapor areas wines hamnae condmon 2 B(6Mc).fre protecton & retocates tre protecton requrements inspected:cycumstances.bconsee evaluntons & CA assocated w/ unplanned resease trom TS to plant Fue Protecton Plan. on rugh specrhc actnnty radoactve noble lER.E.H. from verve Cn138. 96/04/05. FRIZZLE.C,D. Mame Yankee Atomac Power Co. 3pp. NIMITZ.R., PELUSO.L., WILLIAMS.A Region 1 ( 820201). 96/03/22.18pp. 87847 3214 7847:342. 87687:11647687.133.

-9604110241 Amend 158 to hcense DPR-36,rovann0bcense condmon 2.D(6)(c).fre pro-                                                                                          9804000193 Forwards map rept 50 309/9645 on 9602124301 & nonce of motaton.

tecten & re6ocating fire protecton reqsements from plant TS to piern Fro Protecton KELLY.E.M Regen 1 (Post 820201). 96/03/28. FRIZZLE.C.D. Mame Yankee Atomm Plan. Power Co. 3pp. 87772:0314m2:059. 2WOUNSIGJ.A. .96/04/06.12pp. 87847.32447847:335.

                                                                                                                                                                         -4604080197 Nobce of volaten from insp on 9602124301 Volaten noted: test program
-9804110244 Safety evaluaton supportn0 amend 156 to hoense DPR 36.                                                                                                    did not assure that results es 22 MOV omgnosne tesis were evaluated to assure that
       . 96/04/05. 7pp. 87847.3364784L342.

test reQurements to steam incton coeffeservt assumed

  • Regon 1 (Post 820201). 96/03/28. 2pp. SM2.0344m2:035.

9604120185 Provides util understanchng of status & schedues of NRC renew of pro-posed crange 173 re moorporaton or cycle specific pressure-temp imuts mto COLR. -9604000214 Insp rept $4309/9605 on 9602124301Volatore noted. Mapor arena HEBERTJ.R Mame Yankee Atomm Power Co. 96/04/08. Document Control Branch mapected: program ruplementaten. operator stDng & switch settmps,penode ventce. (Document Control Deskk 2pp. 87568.35747868 358. ton of assegreams capabehty & fadure analyse & testmg BOWER,F.L Regon 1 (Post 820201) 96/03/26. 24pp. Sm2 03647772:059 9044110108 Press release 6 96-27. "NRC Staff Othciais to Hold Pubhc Meetng960429 O Desame tsaves at Mame Yankee Atome Power StatorL" 9604000172 Forwards Mame Yankes ISI Summary Rept covenn0 penod between SCRENCI.D., DRICKS,v. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/10. 1p. 87859.247- 931014 960123 87859.247. HEBERTJ R Mene Yankee Atome Power Co. 96/03/29 Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk).1p. 87803.19747803.229.

                                                                                                           ~         -- : w/NRC response to alle.

9604120243 Satons aganst YAE Responds & MY AP.Ltr tonotes 960223NRC ttr expresung& mospendent low Arm both conducang

                                                                                                                                                                        -9604000110          "Intennce insp Summary Rept for Mame Yankee Atoms Power Co tions & Ostasis NRC actons m response to allegatoneL                                                                                                         Brurewick.ME."

R' ' iL.W T. 96/04/10. CHRISTINE.P.C. Amhaton Not Asagned 9pp. 87862:333 87862:346. MASONAR. Mane Yankee Atome Power Co. 96/03/29. 32pp. 87803 198-8 Th03.229 -9604120254 Summanres concems of rendents of area plant to NRC re. 9603270127NRC Info Nobce 96-019. "Fadure of Tono A6ert Radios to Acevate When acton to afsegatons of fraud m calcuestons of plant safety sys . Requests R Shortened Actrvaten L" expaanaton an to why p6 ant allowed to consnue operations. CRUT* FIELD.D. . 96/04/02. ind Echson Co. of New York. Inc. 8pp. ANGIER.F.C., GORDON.D M., HIDUJ.D. AfNatori Not Aassgned. 96/02/23. THE 87791'01H7791:022 CHAIRMAN. JACKSON.SA C_ _ _ . - . (Post 750119). App. 87862:342 87862:345. 9604000415 Forwards snap rept54300/96 01 on 9601010210 No votatons noted. ROGGEJ F Regon 1 (Post 820201) 96/04/02. FRIZZLE.C.D. Mame Yankee Alorruc -96041202e4 Informs Charmen that transcnpt of 951216 meetmg between NRC & Power Co. 3pp. 8m2.2054m2.229. MYAP othciais not m LPDR m W=r==aat.ME.Questons why.canadermg aliegatons agarnet MY AP. document has not been made svadabes to putWe as law promdes -9604000427inso rept50 309/9641 on 9601010210.No wolatons noted. Maior areas CHRISTINE.P. Affilation Not Asmgned 96/02/11. THE CHAIRMAN. JACKSON.SA mapacted:SG meeving & other outage acevmes, reactor power.contammem opereeng C_ ___ w (Post 750119). 2pp. 87562.346 87862:347. pressure & adeouscy of ECCS ROGGEJ.F. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/02. 22pp. 8,m2.2064m2:229. -9804120259 Transmits concoms that 960213 meetng between NRC & MYAP was not sanscrtied.Renerates concoms expressed m 960211 ftr that copes of tranacnpts to 9603290269NRC into Notco 96420. "Demonstraton of Assocatrid Eauspment Compl+. at trms at plant be moos avadacio 30 pubic as soon as possibee. ants w/10CFR34 20." ISTINE.P. Athhaton Not Asmgned 96/02/23 THE CHAIRMAN. JACKSON.SA COOL.DA Dimeon of industnal & Medcel Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04. Commasoners (Poet 750119). Ip. 87562.34847862.348 Cormandated Edman Co. of New York. anc.12pp. 8786028947860:300.

1 l DOCKETEDITEMS 95 i I l 9004140006 Forwards response to NRC960305 nr re volatons noted in rept 50 309/ 9004100245 Rev 3 to emergency plan secton 6,"Notifcaton Methods Response Or. 95#LCorrective actens: restored comenment purge veNe mode eclector switches to garuzaborE" proper poofton. BANNER.C.W PiMc Sonnee Electnc 4 Gas Co. of New Jersey. 96/04/09. 26pp. HEBERTJ.R Meme Yankee Atorme Power Co 96/04/04 Document Control Branch 878932804 7893.305. (Documerit Control Desk).10pp 87894.33647894.345. 9004250128 Notrhcanon of heensee meetng 96439 w/util on 960506 to docuss im-9004150271 W=aa semiannual Plant Performance Renew of Mame Yankee cork provements ri sne EP program. chrted on 960314. Advises of NRC planned map effort for nest 12 months. NICKOLSON.LE Regon 1 (Post $20201). 96/04/17. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 2pp. OOOPER.R W 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/05. FRIZZLE.C.D. Mene Yankee 879u6:29547996.296 Alormc Power Co. . 87872:017 4 7872-023. 9004040100NRC info Notce 96 021. " Sat Concoms to Demgn of Door interlock Cr- 1. Finanoisi infortnation cult on Nuceston High Done Raio & Dose Rate Remote Aftenoedmg Brachyth-erapy Devicet" COOLDA Dueen of industnal & Medoel Nuclear Safety (post 870729). 96/04/10. 9004190173 Forwards "Deemarva Power 1995 Annual Rept," "Pubhc Svc Emerpnse Coneohdated Echeon Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 88102:06748102:075. ,, Inc,1995 Swnmary Annual Rept" & "Atlante IEnergy 1995 Summary Annual 3864000336 NRC Info Nobce 96422. " improper Equement Settmos Due to Use of ELLASON.L.R. Pubhc Sennce Electne & Gas Co. of New Jersey 96/04/15. Document Nontemperature C- - " Test Eculpment" Control Branch (Document Control C ask). 5pp. 87983.13147963.261. CRt/TCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consondated Echeon Co. of New York, Inc. 6pp. 879802014 7860:306. -9004190175 "Delmenra Power 1995 Annual Rept" COSGROVE H.E. Deemarva Power & L.ight Co. 95/12/31. 54pp. 87983:136-90040e020e NRC Buhean 96402. " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel,Over 67983:189. Fuss m Reactor Cors.or Over Safety-Related Ecuspment" 4 CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Coneohdated Edison Co. of New York, ini.11pp. -4004160177

  • Pubic Svc Enterpnse Group inc 1995 6ummary Annual Rept" '

88102 100 88102.110. FERLAND.EJ. Pubhc Sennce Emerpnse Group. 95/12/31. 28pp. 87983 190-87983:217. 9004170100 NRC Info Notco 96423, "Fres in EDG Exceers Dunne Operaton Follow-mg unamiscied Fuse Blowin0 " Conachdated Edmon Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. -9004190178 "Ananbc Energy 1995. Summary Annual Rept" muTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/22. JACOBS).L. HUGGARD.E.D. Ananbc Energy, Inc. 95/12/31. 37pp. 87983:216 88102 0E0 88102 099. 87983.261. 9004220229 NRC into Notmo,96424, "Precondstcrung of Molded Case CWcuit Breakers Boeore Survenance Tes g, utgity Final Sology Ana6ysis Report (FSAR) & amends GRlWES.B.K. . 96/04/ . Conachdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 14pp, 88102:0 MON se041400se Forwards markedia) updated FSAR pages addressmg (Nestions to opent 9004200 N Notice,96425, "Traversmg in Core Probe Overwithdrawn at La- fue poo ,per 9603 8 w R GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/30, Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. Controi branch (Documerit Control Desk). 46pp. 67898.20147898.248. 88102 111 48102:120. se043eo0D5 NRC Info Nobce 96 026, "Recerit Problems w/ Overhead Cranes" P. Operounggloonee stage -  : & correspondence GRIMES.B K. 96/04/30. Conschdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. 10pp. 88102:121 48102.130- 9004010262 Provides suppl response to GL 8604 re pokey statement on engmeenne expertoe cri stuft wrule still meenng pmnt TS.PSE&G now plans to use bom iconsed R. Portodic operaten0 reports & rotated correspondence & norWoensed STAa. POWELL.D.R. Pubhc Senace Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 96/03/22. Document 9004220300 Monthey operstmg rept tor Mar 1996 for Mame Yankee W/960412 fir. BAILEY.SJ., HEBERTJ.R. Mame Yankee Atome Power Co. 96/03/31, 5pp. ennenvet Provides update on changes to plant restart acton plans. 87983:342 47983:346. WARREN,C.C. Pubhc Sennos Electne & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 96/03/26. Document 9004300318 Forwards rept comamm0bnet coscriphon of facihty changes corripisted at ' piant from1994-95 & summary of safety evaluaton for cha annanentm Forwards rev 0 to SGS SUP RPT,"Setem Genere HEBERTJ.R Mame Yankee Atome Power Co. 96/04/22. Stebon E .- Control Branch Submatal an Response to GL 87-02/USI A 46, 'venicabon Somme AA=rpary of GDcument Control Des 413pp. 880ert29548040:307. Mechance! & Electncal Equipment m Oper Reactors.'" SIMPSON.E.C. Pubhc Servme Emetne & Gas . of New Jersey.96/03/29. Document

1. Aspermeto Lens & rWeted corroependmos Control Branch (Document Control Desk). app. 87776:0014 7778:155.

9004100368 LER 96-00540 on 960315.docovered PAB masonry wall  ::: 7 f " Salem Generatng Staten L- Semittalin Response to NRC dehcency Cornesnment hvorogen purge hne inciated & GL 87 02/USI A-46. 'Venhcoton of Ssaame Acoquacy of Mechancel & Eisetncel culComammerit hydro. Equipment m Operenn0 Reactors "' kne wel to rerouted away from affected /960412 Itr T . N HEBERTJ.R. Mame Yankee Atome Power Co. 96/04/12. 4pp.

  • vectra Technologos, Inc. SGS.SUP.RPT R00, 96/03/24. 879pp. 87776205-g7776.155.

87960:297 4 7960:300. Paa'*aa*aa infamis that ovafunton of corutbon identrhed m LER 9512 re mdsounte M u nu# el r* Quest r n0 & Hope L.HR spnn0 rehofs for LTOP not yet comrrutted to m subi LER.Util ex"

                                                ** L                                          POWELLD.R. Pubhc Sonnes Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 96/04/03.Documern Y
     @E[T                              me'"Po'*ur Co /O4        Docume n Conkol Branch Control Branch (Document Control Dessy. 2pp. 87815.34247815.343.

(Document Control Desk). tp.88067:172 48067.172. 9004000364 h response 10 Accon 1 W Con 6rmatory Acton W 145 009m 950609 Y. Operator Esaminsberie WARREN.C.C. Pubhc Sennce Electne & Gas Co. of New Jersey.96/04/04. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 8781725247817.253. l 9004150279 informs that requalificaten program anso at facety scheduled for week of 960520.per 960322tescon.NRC may request facihty bconsees to submn comprerm 9002200100 Suppt 1 to Genonc Lir 9549 to all NRC bconsees re monttonng & tarung of snippers & carrers W radcacM mens E.CD. Maine Yankee E son topp 12 7 066 3pp 7 3 9004100273 Informs that State of NJ has no comments se Lacense change request S-l DOCKET 50 811 SALEal MUCLE.AR GENER& TING STATIDet, UNIT 2 964 5 on nos T gp Control Desk). 2pp. 87942.35947942.360. 9004160020 informs that proposed changes to OAP IAW 10CFR50.54(at acceptable. Se04010304 Forwards map repts 50 272/9641 & 50 311/9641 on 9601144224 & RULAND.WN. Regen 1 (Poet 820201) 96/04/10 EUASON.LR. P@he Service Elec. NOV Examples of fadure to adnere so procedures.madequate control os plant confp Inc & Gas Ca of New Jersey 3pp. 87895218-87895220. L 1 (Post 820200 96/03/26. EUASON.LR. Pubic Service te041002ea Forwards withdrawal of amends to loonses DPR-70 & DPRJ5 for Salem & Elecinc & Gas Co. Jeruey. 3pp. 8766722447667 C70. h ense 57 W 96/ 6 ASON R Psic Electnc & Gas Co. of New

 -te04010312 Insp repts fio272/9601 & 50311/9641 on 9601144224. Velatons                     Ja'oey.1p. 87917.34747917.352.

ItDied.Maior areas mapacted:operatons, redologmal contrais,menteurvomances.necwity, anyneenng.technmal support & safety assesa -es041e0274 Nobce of wrthdrawal of appleaten for amends to beenses DPRJD & ment DDRJ5 for Salem & heense NPF.57 for Hope Creek Nuclear Generating Staten. NICHOLSON LE. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 96/03/25. 41pp. 87687:030 87687:070. STOLZJ.F. ,96/04/16. 2pp. 87917.35147917.352. 3004110003 Revoed EPIPs.moluding Rev 21 to EPIP tabo of contents & Rev 10 to 9404200133 leforms that util received GL 9641, "Testmg of Safety-Related Loge Co-EPtP 903, "Openmg of Emergency Operatens Faclisty (EOF)/ Emergency News Ctr cune & will emplement rouuested actsons for facerbes. (ENC)." STORZ.LF. Pubhc Sennce Electnc & Gas Co. of how Jersey 96/04/18. Document

  • Pubhc Service Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 96/04/01.18pp. 87856:115 Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 88027.35148027.353.

87856:132. I 900425012e Notihcoton of bconsee meetng 96039 w/util on 960506 to discuss em-l 9e041e047s Revised "Saism Event ClassWaton Guide." provements m one EP program. BANNER.C W Pubhc Senace Elecinc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 96/04/08. 59pp. NiCKOLSON.LE. Regon 1 (Poet 820201). 96/04/17. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 2pp. 87942.2574 7942.315. 87996.295 67996 296.

  - -_                                        _ _ _ -                  -- .            . - - .      . . = ~ - . .                 .                                   .

96 DOCKETEDITEMS 9604200184Appiceton ter amends to licarwas DPR 70 & DPR-75.modifym9 frequency cf Type A comemment ILRT. =="107 " NPDES Dacharge Morutonng Rept for Mar 1996 for Salem Generatng Staten." W/9c0424 str. STORZ.LF Putec Service Enoctnc & Gas Co. of New Jersev 96/04/22. Document HOLDENJ.J. Putme Senace Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 96/03/31. Cornrol Brancti (Docisnent Coniroi Desk).10pp. 08057:18648057.203. CAPORALE,G. New Jersey, State of. 21pp. 8806032048080'340.

         -es04200100 Proposed toch specs for Uruts 1 & 2 re mod of frequency of Type A con.

Electnc & Gas Cet of New Jersey. 96/04/22. 8pp. 88057;196 9004030243Sutrnets - . .a rept on correctwo measures taken to reduce poten. hat r:f future occurrences. O, inspechen reports, IE Sumenne & eerrompendence WK4REN.C.C. Put4c Sennae Electne & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 96/03/28. New Jersey, State of. 3pp. 8775525647755.358. 900320021s NRC info Nobco 96 018 "Compience w/10CFR20 for Antmme Thonum." COOLDA Dwielon of inckminal & Medcal Nucteer Salsty (Post 870729). 96/03/25. Coraalwaated E6 eon Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 87791:00147791014. DOCKET 50-312 RANCHO SECO NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION 9004010304 Forwards insp repts 50272/9641 & 50-311/9641 on 9801140224 & NOVixamples of tellure to adhere to prneros.medequeio control of plant conf gm F. Securtty, Inodical, emergency & fire protection piens ramon a week CA,noted. N:CHOLSON.LE. 1 (Post 820201L 96/03/26 ELIASON.LR. Putte Senace Electnc & Gas Ca of Jersey. app.87887-02447887:070. 9611210000 Forwards " Rancho Seco 1994 Anrksal E Exercise 941204." GARDINER.D.E. Sacramento Muncipal Unisty Distnct 1/14. CAIN.C,L Regon 4

        -eno401030s Nomoe of weiston tram map on 9801144224.veiston noted:on                                          (Post 820201) 1p. 87759:150477 2 181 1          to          mquuW
                                                       ,,, gan                                                     -9611210100 " Rancho Seco 1995 Annual E                      Exerone 951204 "
  • Regen 1 (Post 820201 /26. 3pp. 87887-02747687229.
  • Sacramento Murucipal Utahty Distnct 95/ pp. 87759:151 4 7759:181.
        -Ge04010312 Insp repts 50 272/9641 & 50 311/9641 on 9601144224. Veintens                                   9004250448 Forwards insp rept50-312/96 02 on 980408-11.No voletons noted.

noted.Mamr ernes rupectocoperesons, radclogcol GWYNN.T.P. Regen 4 (Post 820201t 96/04/*3. SHETLER JA Eacramento M,an controls.mont.aurvallances.cocastly, engmoenng.techncel support & safety aseens. pel Uhaty Distnct. 5pp. 87996:14147996:154. ment. NICHOLSON.LE. Region 1 (Post 820201). 96/03/25. 41pp. 87687-03487667-070. -8004250451 insp rept 50 312/9642 on 96040811.No veoistons noted. Masor eroes 9s03270127 mspecteemgt supportasumty program plans, secunty program audits, protected area bemers & detecten --=.- _ .; mas & compensstory methods. NRC info Snoriened Nobce Actwenon 96419. ". Failure of Tone Alert Rados to Actuate MURRAY,B. When Regon 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/19. 9pp. 87996'1464'7998:154. CRUT IELD.D. 96/04/02. ted Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 8po. 877912154 7791:022. 9003390300 NRC Wo Notee 96420. "Demonstreten of Assocated Equipment Compli. COOL A of industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Poet 870729). 96/04/04. Mmm Comment on patten b RM PRM-72-2 to anand 10CFR2 & permit mola-Consohdeted Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.12m 8786028947860:300. $ 83 Q "' F g g*" "

  • a,"[m W" ,',,,

9504150211 Responds to NRC Bullehn 96 001, " Control Rod inserton Problemsy DELEZENSKI,J. M,sucipal Utskty Detnct 96/03/ ILK Doc *etng & STORZ.LF. Put4c Senace Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey 96/04/08. Document Sennces 2pp. 68033.24048033241. Control Brancft (Document Control Osak). Opp. 87896:00547896:093. 9004040106 NRC into Notes 96421," Safety Concems to Dougn of Door interlock Ce- 0 Inspection reports,IE Sulletins & -. cult on Nuclotron Ptph. Dose Rate & Puesed Dose Rate Remote Afterloodmg Brachytn-erapy Devices? COOLDA Dnneen of Industnal & Medcol thar Sa se0320021s NRC Info Notmo 96418. "Compience w/10CFR20 for Arbome Thonum." 870729). 96/04/10. COOL.DA Dnnson of industrel & Meecal Nuclear Sately (Post 870729). 96/03/25. Coneohdetod Emoon Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 88102:06 102:075. Consoimated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 87791:001 4 7791:014. amamaw NRCJnlo Nobos 96022. " improper Equement Setengs Due to use of se03270127

           . . - _ _ _ , _ __ted Test Emepment C..UTCHFIELD.D . 96/04/11. Coneohdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. 6pp.                                  R               NRC into Shortened      Notco Actuaton     96419.
                                                                                                                                                                        ". Failure of Tone Alert Redes to Activate W 878623014708E306,                                                                                         CRUT           IELO.D. 06/04/02,             ted Edson Co. of New York, Wic. 8pp.

g7793 01547791222.

  • Ov Sa E 9003200300 NRC Wo Notoe 96020,"Demonstraten of Assocated Equipment Comph.

CR 96/04/11. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. 20

                                    '                                                                                ance OOi b FR               0             4 Mcel NN Safety (Post 870729196/04/K Consciidated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 87850:2694 7880:300.

90041 NRC Wo Notco 96423, "Fres in EDG Excners Dinno Operaton Follow-p

           @UTCHFIELD.D. 96 22. Coneohdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc.10pp.                                        cun on Nuclotron High.Does Rate & Pu               Dose Rate Remote Aftertoneng Bracnyth-8810299048102:099.                                                                                        erapy Dovmes "

COOLDA Dnneen of Industnal & Medcal Nuc6 ear Safety (post 870729). 96/04/10. 9004200237 Forwards map rept 50272/9645 8 50-311/9645 on 9602254406 & Coneohdated Eamon Co. of New York, Inc. 9pp. 8810206748102:075. noece of vicessort NICHOLSON.LE. 1 (Post 820201L 96/04/22. ELIASON.LR. Pubhc Senace mmam NRC Wo Nobce 96422, " improper Equipment SetDngs Due to Use of Electnc & Gas Co. of Jersey. 4pp. 88020.31248020:344. Nontenversture. Compensated Test Egiapment? CRUTCHFIELD.D . 96/04/11. Consohosted Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 6pp.

       -8804200246 Notco of violaton from map on 960225 0406.Volabon notoddunng map                                  87860.301 87862308.

penod resident mopectors determmed each Esem unit thd not have OSR & SRG con-estm9 ce et least tour descated. maaan*59 NRC Buhetm 96002. " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fust.Over

  • Regen 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/22. 2pp. 88020 31Hl8020'317. Fuel en Reactor Core.or Over Safety.Reuted Eauspment"
         ~ - _ _. r anno repts 50 272/9645 & $0311/9645 on WMM Volaborm                                              CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Conschdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. tipp.

nosec.Ma#or areas mapactadoperatons. engmeenng.mant & plant support 88102.100 48100110

  • Regon 1 (Post 820201) 96/04/22 27pp. 68020.31648020.344-9604170189 NRC Wo Nobce 96423, "Fres in EDG Excriers Dunng Operaton Follow.

9604220229NRC Wo Noboe 96424. "T.-.a ,y of Moldo5 Case Crcuit Breakers *' hlVT"CHF D "'* 96 22. Consohdetod Echeon Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. G IMES 9 04 l Consobdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 14pp. 8 OM48M2M 8822$7WC2289. 9604250448Forwaras map rept 50 312/96 02 on 96040lL11.No volabons noted. i 9004300200 Forwards response to NRC960325 tir to violatens noted m map repts 50 GWYNN.7,P. Regon 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/23. SHETLER.J.R. Sacramento Murucs. I 272/9641 & 50 311/9641 on 9601144224. Corrective actons:requped mospendent M Unlig Distnct 5pp. 87996:14147H6:154. F. Pubhc Senace Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 96/04/25. Document -9404250451 Insp rept SW2/9602 on 9604M1.No volatons noted. Mapor areas i Control Branch (Documerit Control Desk).16pp. 86063:34348063 358. mspectactngt supportsacunW pmgram pens, secunW progam aumJrotected area bemers & detecton ads.-- ._nt ads & compensatory methods. 9004250172 NRC Wo Notee 96426, "Traverung in Core Proce Ovenwrthdrawn at La. MURRAY,8. Regen 4 (Post $20201). 96/04/19,9pp. 87996:14647996-154. sehe Canty Staton.Urt: 8." GRIMES.B K. . 96/04.J Consohdated Edenn Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. 9004220229 NRC Info Notce 96424. "Proconstenm9 of Molded. Case Crcuit Breakers 88102:111 48102-120. Boeore SurvesRarice Testng" GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/25. Consoldstad Edson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 9004260006 GRIMES.B.K NRC info Notce

                            . 96/04/30.         96-026,"Recent Consondated           Edson Problems Co. of Neww/Overhood York. Inc       Cranes." . 88102$7648102289.

10pp. 88102:121 48102:130. 9604250172 NRC Info Nobce 96425, "Traversmg in Core Probe Overwithdrawn at La. same County Stanon.Urut 1."

!                                                                                                                    GRIMES.B K. . 96/04/30. Consohdated EL Portodic opereeng reports & reisted correspondence                                                                                                              Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. topp 88102-111 4 8102:120.

9504190100 Monthly operstmp rept for Man:h 1996 tor SGS Unit 2.W/ 960412 ftr. 9804260006 PHILLIPS.R., HELLER.R., WARREN.C. PutAc Sennce Electnc & Gas Co of New Jersey.96/03/31. 9pp. 87951.29647951:304. GRIMES.B.K. NRC Wo Nobce

                                                                                                                                        . 96/04/30.

88102:121 48102:130. 96426. Consohdated "Recent Edson Problems Co. of New York. Inc w/ Overhead Cr

1 l DOCKETEDITEMS 97 3 Portodic operating reports & reisted correspondence J. Insurance a ' , informet6on 9604290388

  • Annual Rasosoccel Ermron Operstng Rept JarFDec 1995 Rancho Seco 9604010359 Forwards nuclear onste property damage insurance coverage Nuc6 ear Staten." W/96042f ttr. wenhenton.per 10CFR50 54(wX3).

REDEKER.S.J. Sacramento Muncipal Utsty Detrct 95/12/31. CALLAN.LJ. Repon 4 DEWEASEJ.G Entergy Operanons. Inc. 96/03/28. Document Control Branch (Docu. (Post 820201). 50pp. 8804018248040.276. ment Control Desk). 6pp. 87713:35247713:357.

c. r ste9e Documents & C . _ P. operating scense sta9e r .&.,._

9602200186 Suppl 1 to Genonc Ltr 9549 to aN NRC teensees re morntonng & tramng 9s02200186 Suppl 1 to Genene Ltr 95 09 to all NRC iconsees to mor.itonng & tranng as eruppers & camers of resoectwo mans. of stuppers a camers of raeoectrve mana COOL.DA Dnnmon of industnal & Medcel Nucieer Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. COOL.DA Dumon of industnal & Moscat feuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. Boston Esson Co.10pp. 88102 05748102:066. Boston Esson Co.10pp. 88102:05748102.066. 9604100118Nonficanon of 960415meetmg w/uniin Rockville.MD to review draft docuw Y. Dry Caett M _  : Spent Fuel Store 9e instamatione ment type defunton. GRIMES,C.L .96/04/08 21MMERMAN.R.P. 1p. 87847:122-87847.123. 9604250033 Naa- review of Rancho Seco SAR. VECTRA & customers should be advmed that const of concrois HSM accoreng to tabncanon specs m NUHOMS NUH- 9604100260Appicaban for amends to bcenses DPR-51 & NPF4.aRowng ynplementa. 03-114.rev 1 not m agreement w/SER & recurements of COC. ton of recontly approved Opcon B to 10CFR50. App J. WILLIAMSON.D Soonce Appicanons Intematonal Corp. (formerly Science Appica. YELVERTONJ.W. Entergy Operatons anc. 96/04/11. Document Control Brarch tons. Inc4 95/11/20. RADDATZ.M Oftme or Nuclear Matsnal Safety & Safeguards. (Docunwnt Control Desk). 3pp. 6789123647891:284. IP 87997;35547997;355.

                                                                                                   -9604160262 Proposed toch specs.allowmg onplementanon of recently approved 9604160206 Nonficauon of cancellebon of 960215 meseng w/NRC & heensees m                             Opton B to 10CFR50. App J.

Rocemlie.MD to escuss revs to MP 187 cask safety analyus rept

  • Entergy Opersbons. Inc.96/04/11. 44pp. 8789124147891284.

RADDATZ..J. Offoe of Nuclear Matenal Esfery & Safeguards.96/02/08.Offre of Nu-casar Matenal Sately & Sateguards. 2pp. 87949.35047949 351. 9604220372 Forwards SE re imenses reauest for attomatives to 10CFR50.55a w/re-spect to ISI & iST programs.Fne for ISI request expected shortly. BECKNER.W.D. .96/04/17. DEW J G. Entergy Operatons. Inc. 6pp. 87955.342 DOCKET 54313 ARKANSAS NUCLIAR ONE. UNIT 1 87955.352.

                                                                                                   -9604220376 Safety evaluston provedng padance on autwmthng plant- specife into w/

F. Securtty, medlcal, emergency a fire protection plans respect to IST program anemsDves request

                                                                                                       ' . 96/04/17. 5pp. 87955.34647955.352.
                                                                             9                 9604220382 Forwards SE approvng 950525 rehof request to plant IST to extend tesen0 neergy       t               03       2    8 24.29'2 4 77 mterval to once per refuehng cyc6e for emergency FW pump turbne steam aupply
       - - Rev is to Procedure / Work Plan 1903.042. "Dubos of Emergency Medcal                                            P"    s                                  check

[CKNR 96, y YEL RSONJ W. Entegy Operabons, Inc. 3pp.

  • Entergy Operatons anc.96/03/25.14pp. 87725:177 4 7725:190. 8 965:196 87965h 9604150378 Rev 5 to Proce&se/ Work Plan 1903.055. "Secunty ear A*&L Offsite Facsh- -9W22m5 Safety weluaton suppartn0 IST pmgram rehof requests for bconse DPR-tes." deleton. 51.
  • Entergy Operatens,Inc.96/04/05. 2pp. 87913.35047913:351. ' . 96/04/17. 6pp. 87965:19947965204.

9604150142 informs that 960228 s6cmrttal of Rev 21 to piant emergency 9604250236 Dien=aas mgt meenne conducted in heensee ole on 960404 w/hsted al-plant. acceptable & does nct appear to degrado enactiveness of emergency plannmg tendees to *=m== ons amoung sonor managers from boonsee ofc.eacn of tour k consee stos & respanneae NRC personnel from Repon IV ole & NRR. WY .T.P. Repon 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/11. YELVERTONJW. Entergy Oper- 820201). 96/04/17. HlNTZ.D. Entergy Operatens. inc. atons. Inc. App. u7869.13547869138. f6 8 [7 " 238. 9604230262 Responds to GL 96 01,"Tesh of Safety Related Loge Crcurts."

                         .Arka cedure1903 010.acceptaD6e.

uc6 ear E Ac w h,[3],g%%$9$2. GWYNN .P R 20 J. 96/04/11. YELVERTONJ W. Erttergy Oper.

                                                                                                                   $hMmW                                                  Code Case M84 not 6 fu genene e$e.

en.mam on ,-,e be 9604230212 Rev 4 to Procedure 1903 053. "Logetcal R=wwt." combmmg h D 96/04/19. YELVERTONJ.W. Ernergy Operatons. anc. 8pp. 1903.054 & 1903.078 m w/ Procedure 1903.053 & denoung Procedures 1903.054 & hR '

              .E         bbons, Inc.96/04/17.15pp. 87976:24247978:256.                            9s042eo047 Forwards for revww & comment.prehmmary ASP of operabonal event wtuch occurred on 960420at planLupon evaluaten of comments.conditonal core damage 9604230214 Rev 6 to procedure 1903.054                       "Addl Personnel" deienng               probabiiny calculators win be twised where necessary procedure.Peranent neo.sretruchons & reguraments'from procedure will to mcorporat-                            .G. 96/04/23.YELVERTON.J W. Emergy Operabons, Inc.18pp. 88006.335-ed rno Procedure 1903.053. "Logishcal $@ port-                                                        006.359.

HAREJ. Entergy Operanons, Inc.96/04/17. 2pp. 87976:35647976:357. rocedur 3 esponse Suppor Q. Inspection repons, IE Bunenne & conospondence I 9604230222 pnx dure.ineo fm Revn 4,to,P,ocedor.e mco rmed 190,po.078. no Pmoodu " Emergency R,e stcaim053, Sur Lo,t," deletng part" 9604020327 Ack 951213 ftr respondmg to 951114 NOV.Fmds reply responssve to corv HARE.J. Entergy Operations. Inc.96/04/17,2m 87D76.35447976.355. cems ramad m Nov.Correcove actone to be revowed m future map. GWYNN.T.P. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 96/03/14. YELVERTON.J.W. Emergy Oper-anons, Inc app.87705.2tl047705268. CL Adjudicatory correspondence

                                                                                                  -9604020332Nobce of volaten from mso on 951016-20Volaten noted fa4ure of por-9604160144 Ack receipt of petrDon dtd 951117.wtuch re:aussted that NRC take acton to                 ton of pNacal pmtecton sys to pm                                                                                                                      demgn bass inrest & grannng unes-rdicaton                                                ev'"e                                        Regen                       1) 5/ 1 4.3pp.87705                                                                                                             7705.268.

LE . 96/04/10. SMILLI ,F. Affmabon Not Assegned. 3pp. 87899.235- .,

                                                                                                                  ,                                                                                                                                                               ,7 COOL.DA Divison of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/03/25.

Conschdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 87791:001 4 7791 014. 9604040183 Forwards insp repts 50 313/96-10 & 50 368/9610 on 9602264308.No 9604000370 Responds to 960305 tir.desceing astunnon where F Shillan0 taw behove ref T Region 4 (Post 820201). 96/03/29. YELVERTONJW. Entergy Oper- , m aconsee annual rept to outdated verson or SAR for dry. cask spent fuel storage sys. atorm. Inc. 2pp. 87736:150-87736.177' [ TRAVERS.WD Othee of Nuclear Malenal Safety & Safeguards. 96/03/27. SHILLJNGLAW.F. Affihaton Not Asmgned. 4pp. 87854.34047854.345. l -9604040138 Insp repts M3/9640 & M68/9510 on 960m.No velatens l -9604090373Provides suppi into to 951209 & 29Itra.rariune issues re use & control of "' ations. , mas p SARs tor spem fusi ey storage casks hcensed under 10CFR72 & requests that ver" l dors & unes be regured to reter to SAR,when rev number & date. GWYNN.T.P. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 96/03/29. 25pp. 87736.15347736:177, l SHILUNGLAW.F. Aff haton Not Asmgned 96/03/05.THE CHAIRMAN Commasoners (Post 750119L 2pp. 87854.34447854.345' 9603270127NRC Info Nobce 96 019. ** Fail 6re of Tone Alert Rados to Activate When Grenened Achaton L" l CRUT FIELC.D . 96/04/02. sdated Echson Co. of New York. Inc Sop l g7 87791$1547791022. 9804000291 Dianmaan Plant Performance Review conducted on 960311. Advises of l 9e04230258 "1995 Annual Rept for Eniergy" W/960419 str- osanned insp effort resutung from subi review & forwards insp plan for next 8 months. l LUPBERGER.E., DEWEASE.J.G. Entergy Operatons. Inc. 95/12/31. 66pp. bYER.J E. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/03. YELVERTON.J.W. Entergy Operatons. 88002:17348002239 Inc. 5pp. 87772:104 4 7772-108.

_ .~ . - . - - _- - , . . _ _ _ . -- - ~. . . - - . . .- , . _ _ ~ 98 DOCKETEDITEMS 9003290300NRC Info Notes 96420, "Demonstraten of Assocasted Equipment Comp 6 DOCKET $0 415 DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1 ance w/10CFR34.20." COOL.D.A. Dmoon of induetnel & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729A 96/04/04. Coneohdated Eemon Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 87860.289 87080:300. F. Security, med6 cal, emergency a fire protecton yearm 9e04130066 Forwards inep rept 50-313/9601 & 50 366/96 01 on 980121 0302 & notics of violaten. mannensts P4hc verson of Rev 8 to EPIP PMP 2080 EPP.106. "Insbal Offste NoWfi-DYER.J.E. 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/08. Entergy Operatens. Inc. 5pp. caten." W/960402 tir. 87850:19047 17. SMITH.J., WOt.F.S. Insana W Power Co. (formerty indens & Mcevgan Electnc Co.). 96/02/16.1pp. 877221464u22:171.

         -9004130074 Notco of violaten from enep on9801214302Volaton roledmadequate meet resutted m degradaton of two safety related valves & reedted m potental for                  manansnama Rev 2 to EPIP PMP 2081 EPP.103. "Evacuaten of Plant Personnel.,,

common mude valve tenure & moperatukiy of tram B of EFW control eyt indana Power Co. (formerly lnd ana & Mcrugen Electnc Co.). 96/03/25.

  • Regen 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/08. 2pp. 87850:19547850196. 21m 8772&31 7724 333.
         -9004130079 inao repts 50 313/96 01 & $0 366/9641 on 9801214302. Vlciatens                           9004020074 Rev 11 to EPtP PMP 2000 EPP.107. "Notificaton of Plant Personnel" noted.Mapor areas mopectatoperatonal safety venficaton.mamt & survedience
  • Indena M Power Co. (formerly Indena & Merugan Electnc Co.). 96/03/25.

observatens.onado engmeenn0.pinnt support actvrbes.fonowmp mamt 17pp. 87725:1 7725:176. REIS.T. Regen 4 (Post 820201 A 96/04/08. 21pp. 8765019747850-217. mananda108 NRC Into Notco 96421. " Safety Concoms re Demon of Door intertock Cr.

  • Ini:hene Merugan Power Co. (tonnerly Inchana & Mctugan Electnc Co.). 96/03/25.

ourt on Nuctetron High.Does Rate & Pulsed Does Rate Ramose Aftertoedng Brachytn- Sop. 67725:31647725:324. erapy Devmes." COOL.D.A Diviamn of In&stnal & Medcal M==r Sataty (Post 870729). 96/04/10. *anda=aaan Ack receipt & review of 941010 & 950117Itra transnittn0 rows 27 4 28 to Connohdated Echoon Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 88102 06740102 075. Doned C Cook Nuclear secunty plan. Revs conmotont w/provmens of 10CFR50.54(p) 4 aco@ table. annananeta NRC Info Notce 96 022. "impropor Equipment Settmps Due to Use of L ._.. A r 1 ted Test Eausprnent" CHEEDJR. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 96/03/29. FITZPATRICK.E. inchane Mctugan Power Co. (formerty endens & Mcrugan Electnc Co.). 3re. 87817.28747817.289. CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Coneohdated Edmon Co. of New York. Inc. 6pp. 67980.301 47880;306. 9004000410 Rev 1 to EPtP PMP 2080 EPP.101. "E 9004000260 NRC Bulletm 96402, " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over

  • Indena Metugan Power Co. (formetty Indens &

7pp. 87814:347-87814.353. Classfcanon.". Electnc Co.) 96/03/29. Funi m Reaciar Core.or Over Satety. Rested Equipment" CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Conschdened Edman Co. of New York. Inc. tipp. 88102 100 40102:110. 9004000419 Acks receept of 941010 & 950117 firs transnuthng revs 27 & 28 to Donald C Oook Nucsoar Plant secunty piert. Advises that revs _'_ ; w/provmons of 10 9004100367 Forwards draft kiput from contractor to be used m approving alismaDves to CFR 60.54(p) 4 acceptable.except as noted m enci Enct witwald. 10CFR50.55a.

  • Codes & Stos." per 960400 teicon m wfuch NRR requested asust- CREED.J.R. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 96/03/29. FITZPATRICK.E. Indena Metugan ance of iconese in propenng defirutve info to support une of cocos for ISI. Power Co. (tormerty indens & Mctugan Electnc Col 2pp. 67809.35747009:358.

BECKNER.W.D. .96/04/15.DEWEASE.J.G. Entergy Operators. Inc. 6pp. 87914:001-87914.112. ge04190010 Responds to941021 Itr which requested acton w/ regard to al; reactor 5 coneses Thermo La0 & that Itr be tested as Potmon por 10JR2.206.

        -9004100377 Forwards rewmed anetyms tables 1 & 2 & corrected pages to table 3 for                                                     '     '                  ^                 ^ "*

JFC 15-95. .3N7887$320 COOK.J.F. Idaho Netonal Engmeenng Labcsstory. FIN W4185. 95/05/11. UU.W C. Electncat Matanets & Mechenmal Engineenng Branch (Post 941217).1p. 87914-007- 9004150000 Responds to 941026 ltr wtuch requested acton w/reged to all reactor 5 87914:007. consees uomo Thermo. Lao & that lir be treated as Ponton per 1(CFR2.206. HUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/03. BENJAN.R. Afhhaton Not Asmgreed. 4pp. 87887313

        -90041003s7 Forwads 95 addends analyse tables JFC.19 95 contatung analyms of                                     $6.

sectons HI & XI BPV Code chan0es from BNCS ballots 547 4 556. l COOK.J.F. lasho Natonal Laboratory. FIN W4165. 95/06/08 UU.W.C. 9004150064 Responds to 941021 far.wruch requested acton w/ regard to all reactor b. [ Emetncal. Mateness & Engneenng aranch (Post 941217). 105pp. cones unng m& Out P Bm le be Wested as Potman per I OS278-005 88278N 10CFR2.206. Forwards nonce of "easuance of Director Deason under 10CFR2.206." RUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/03. BIRNIE.P. G.E. Stockholders Alhance Agamst fear 9004170100NRC Into Nobce 96-023. " Fires in EDG Excners Dunno Opersson Fonow. Power. 4pp. 8788726347887.312. Undetected Fuse UTCHFIELD.D. 96/04 . Consolidated Edmon Ca of New York. Inc.10pp. 88102S90 88102 099. E a t W conospendones 9804230229NRC Info Notco 96424. "N .e.-..y of Moldo6 Case Cocuit Breakers 3004160018 Responds to941021 Itr wtuch roguested acton w/rcom1f to all reactor li. Before Survedlance Testm0 " consees uomo lhermo-Lag & that Itr be treated as Petton per 10CFR2.206. GRIMES.B K. . 96/04/25. Conschdated Edman Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 88102-076 40102 089. RUSSEU W.T. . 96/04/03. CINQUEMANI.D.K. Alfikaton Not Aamgned. 4pp. 87887:317 4 7887:320. ennassa172 NRC Info Notco 96 025, "Traversmg in Core Probe Overwithdrawn at LA-asile County Station.Urut 1? 9004150000 Responds to941026ler wtuch requested acton w/. to all reactor b. l GRNES.BX . 96/04/30. Coneohdeted Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. consens unng Thermo La[& that lir be treated as Potman per 1 .236. 88102:111 48102-120. RUSSELL.W.T. , 96/04/ua. BEtcAN.R. Affilaton Not Asmgned. 4pp. 87887.313-I 87887-316. l ! *a-aaar NRC Info Nobce 96426. "Recent Problems w/ Overhead Cranes." 3e04150064 Responds to941021 ter.wtuch recpeeled acton w/ regard to an reactor li-GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/30. Conectasted Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. 88102:121 48102 130. cenames unng thermoloo & tnet P Berue Itr be tested as Petman per 10CFR2.206. Forwards notco of *tssuance of Director Decemn Under 10CFR2.206." RUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/03. Power. app.87887:2634 BIRNIE.P. GE Stockholders Alhance A0amst Nucieer 7887:312. 9004190112 Monthly operstne rept for March 1996 tar ANO Urut 1.W/ 960415 Itr. 9004150306 Responds to postcard dtd 941114whch requested schon to all reactor li-WHITT.M.S., MIMS.D.C. Entergy Operat ons. Inc. 96/03/31. 7pp. 87939.339 consees uomg Thermo-Lag & that postcard be treated as Petnen per 10CFR2JO6. 87939.345. RUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/03. DEBOLT.B. Affikaton Not Asmgned. 3pp. 87880:346-87880:.'t48.

        & Reportsbie Occumences, LERs & related correspondence L Financial L.

annaama154 Intanm part 21 rept to potenhal safety concem on ma# for fabncaton of permanent canal seal peste.Laconses will provide fnal rept to NRC m approu ex g00416018e "trutana Metugan Power Co 1995 Annual Rept." W/960412 ltr. months upon completon of evaluston al welds. FITZPATRICK,E. Indena Mchgan Power Co. (formerly inchane & Mctugan Electnc Co.). 95/12/31. 35pp. 87891.285 87891.322. TAYLOR.J.H FRAMATOME.96/04/05.Doownent Control Branch (Document Control Desk) 2pp. 87824.11147824.112, 9004100013 LER 96 00240on 960306.decovered that survallance tests requred by *

                                                                                                                                       'O'                    *"*'P'"**"
  • TS mcomplete because all comtunatons of RPS channelinp contacto not tested Verified operstmhty of RPS.W/ Itr. 900230010e Suppl 1 to Genenc Ltr 95 09 to all NRC bconsees re morntonng a persng SCO T .F., MMS.D.C. niergy Operstons, Inc. 96/04/05, 6pp. 87847-024- of stuppers & camers of radomenve matis.

87847:029. COOL.D.A. Diviemn of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. l Boston Edmon Ca topp.68102:057 4 8102.066. 9004150342 LER 96 00340 on 960313. charcoal filter sample analyus was ret conduct. ad m accordance w/ineral regurements of TS as result of fruunterpretabon of reauwe. 9e04150143 Forwards request for exempton from 10CFR70.24 re cribcakty monstonng 1 monts necessary to actueve comphence w/ specs. Revised procedures.W/960410 ftr. regurements. 9 SCHEIDEAH MIMS,D.C. Ernergy Ceserotons. Inc. 96/04/10. 6pp. 87897;239 FITZPATRICK.E. truhans Metugan Power Co. Indena & Mehgan Electne 675972 44 Desk). 6pp. 87888256-Co ). 96/04/08. Document Comrol Brarch (Document 87888.263. 9004230034 Part 21 rept se anomaly m AMETEK/Dmson ProSenes bargraph modois SA101P.SA202P.SN101P & SN202P.Ccruston omsts m 1E programmebes bargraph 0004150252Apphcaten for amends to hcensee DPR.58 & DPR-74.movmg TS 4.0 4 ex. schwere New vermon bemg generated to resolve issus.Aftocted customers bang nob. empton statement for MSSVs rito secton 4 7.1.1. had. FTTZPATRICK.E. Indona Mctugen Power Co. (formerty Indena & Metugan Electnc HUBER.C. Ameisk, Inc. 96/04/18. NRC . No Detmied Affihsten Given. 5pp. Col 96/04/08 Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 87923:235-87992.3394 7992:343. 87923239. i 8


                                          -9604150254 Revreed proposed TS,movmg TS 4.0.4 exempton statement for MSSvs                                                                   9604170169NRC Info Notco 96-023. "Fres m EDG Excitars Dunno Operation Fohow.

mto secton mg UnJetected Fuse

  • In$sna Mchsgan Power Co. (formerly insana & Mchigan Electnc Col 96/04/08. GRUTCHFIELD.D. 96/04 Consoldsted Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.10pp.

2pp. 8792323647923.239. 88102-09048102099 I l 9604150408 Sutcuts response to request for addl into on reactor pressure vessel inte9- 9604290304 Forwards response to NRC960402ltr to violatons noted m snap repts 50-l my as-  : for urut 1. 315/96-02 & 50 316/9602 on 960117 0226. Corrective actions. relocated fuel bund a FITZPATRICK.E. In&ans Mictugan Power Co. Insana & Mctugan Emetnc to posmon m NFSW & morutor Could detect cr$calny acCnent. C1). 96/04/12. Document Control Branch (Document trol Desk). 4pp. 87896:081* F_l2 i PATRICK.E. Insana Mcivgan Power Co. ( insana & Mctugan Electnc 8F896:064. trW Desk). 9pp. 88037.351-Co.) 96/04/24. Document Control Branch (Document 9604220180 Worms NRC of plant response to GL 96 01. " Testing of Safety Related y Cacuns." 9604300191 Forwards response to NRC960402 Itr te volatens noted m msp repts 50

                                                    )     04 7               Control B                                            (Document               ).            9                  315/96 02 & M6m2 on 960W6 Conom actonsw w was rec-87953:338' cated to poumon m NFSV.

FITZPATRICK.E. Insana Mctvgan Power Co. (t insans & Mchegan Electne 9604290402 Forwards Rev 0 of " Valve IST Program for DC Cook Nuclear Plant Thrd /2t Document Contnal &ene pomrnent Dea). 9pp 880672W 7 il>vr amerval." ancludn0 rehef requests for approval Dy 970630 W/80 propnetary ~ flTZ 04 . * "" Co2 . RICK,24 '"Do'c"u',neni Ln P.ower 88102:131401C2347 BranchCo. (formerlyConi insana &,.Mchegan Des = Electnc 960422,0229NR.C Be o e uve a- InfoTm Notco

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ? 96424, "Procon@bonmg of Molded <ase Carcuit Breakers GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/2 Consoldated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 14pp.

I 88102:076 88102 089. (

                                           'a^&^" Rev 0 of " Valve IST Program for DC Cook Nuclear Plant Thrd 10 Yr in-                                                                                                                                                                           l tervat"                                                                                                                                   9604250172 NRC Into Nonce 96 025. "Traversmg in Core Probe Overwithdrawn at La-                           l
  • Insana Mchigan Power Co. (formerty insana & Melugan Electnc Col 96/03/29. Gane County Staton.Unn 1?

207pp. 88102-14148102347. GRIMES.B K. . 96/04/30. Consoldated Esson Co. of New York. Inc. 10pp. 88102111 48102-120. Q. Inspecton reporta, tE Busetsu & correspondence 9604260095NRC into Nobce 96426. "Recent Problems w/ Overhead Cranes? GRIMES.B.K . 96/04/30 Consoldated Edison Co. of New York. Inc. 10pp. 9604010424 Informs that R lit management & staff completed semannual plant 88102:12148102130. performance review on at plant & advises of NRC planned msp errort resulDng from review. KROPP.WJ. Regvan 3 (Post 820201). 96/03/22. FITZPATRICK.E. Insana Mctugan R. Portentic operating reports & related . . .- Power Co. (formerty insana & Mcrugan Eisctnc Co ). Sep. 8768723647687:240. 9603200218NRC into Nobce 96418, "Complance w/10CFR20 for Artmme Thonum." 9604010206 " Annual Redonctive Effluent Release Rept Jan Dec 1995." W/960322 Itr. COOLDA Dmsson of Indusmal & Modcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/03/25 FITZPATRICK.E. Ineans Mctugan Power Co. (formerty in@ana & Mctugan Electnc Conschdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 8779120147791914. Col 95/12/31. 240pp 87718:00147718.239. 9e03270127 NRC info Recesvmg Shortened Notco Activation 96 019. "

                                                                                                                                   ".Fadire of Tone Alert Rados k) Activateg604300447    When
  • Annual Envron Operatog ReptJan-Dec 1995 " W/960424 Itr.

FITZPATRICK.E. Insans Mictugan Power Co. (formerty insana & Mcrugan E6sctne O.WTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/02. ted Eeaon Co. of New York. Inc. 8pp. Co.) 95/12/31. 333pp. 88073:00148073.333. 8779121547791C22. 9804090040 Forwards ansp repts 50 315/9642 & 50316/9642 on 960117 0226 & 9604120131 Forwards monthly operatng ropt for Mar 1996 for DC Cook Nucseer Plant nonce al visanon. Urut 1 & rewmed oprating status sheets for penod 951031960229.Rev reflects AXELSON.W L. Regon 3 (Post 820201). 96/04102.FITZPATRICK.E. In&ana Motugan cha to prwously submrtted forced outage rate data Power Co. (formerty insana & Mctugan Electnc Col 3pp. 8777229647772 327. SAM R. indana Merugan Power Co. (formerty insana & Metugan Electne Co). 96/04/01. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk).1p. 87877:006-

                                            ^^^ ^^^N Nobce of violanon from map on9601164226Violaton noted NRC dete,.                                                                     87877 216.

trened that boensee @d rol have morutonng sys that comphed w/ requirements of FC.24 --9604120138 Monthly operstmg rept for Mar 1996 for DC Cook Nuclear Plant Unit 1

                                                 . 96/04/02. 2pp. 87772.29487772:300.                                                                                                     TURNER.D G. RUSSO.M.E. Insana Metugan Power Co. (lormerly insana & Merug .

Electnc coa 96/03/31. 5pp. 8787720747877211. Inso repts 54315/96 02 & 50 316/9642 on 9601174226. Venatons noted.Malor areas mspected:operatons.mamt. engmeenng.preparaten for -9604120139 Rowned monthly operstmg rept for Oct 1995 for DC Cook Nucteer Plant refuehng.pient support & rewww of UFSAR commitments. Unit 1 RROPP.WJ. Region 3 (Post 820201). 96/03/28. 27pp. 87772:30147772-327- JANISSEJ.D., TURNER.D G. Insana n Power Co. (formerty ineana & Mct> 8'" ' * ' " ' ' 9603290269NRC Info Nonce 96 020. "Demonstranon of A==-=ted Equipment Comph-

                                                         .A           of Industnal & Medcel Nuc6sar Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04.                                                    -9604120144 Revised monthly operstmg rept for Nov 1995 for DC Cook Nuclear Plant Canachdated Edson Co. of New Yoru. Inc.12pp. 8786028947860:300.

SSEA M6M Wu M@n % % W Wu & h 9an Electnc Col 95/11/30.1p. 87877 01347877$13. 9004100083 Provides ento requested m NRC Butetm 96001,

  • Control Rod insetton Protdems?

FITZPA1 RICK.E. Insana M n Power Co. (formerty indiana & Metugan Electnc -9604120145 Revised monthly operating rept for Dec 1995 tar DC Cook Nuclear Plant Col 96/04/06. Document Branch (Document Control Deskb 30pp. Unit 1. 87831.3044 7831:333. JANtSSE.J.D., TURNER.D.G. Insana en Power Co. (formory indians & Metu-San Electnc. Co ) 95/12/31.1p. 87877:014 7877 014. 9604150155 Premdes supp6amental mfo to response to velatons noted m map repts 50 315/9512 & SM16/9512 Corrective actons:new foreign mati exclusson program es- 9G04120150Revned monthly operaung rept for Jan 1996 for DC Cook Nuclear Plant tabhshed Urut 1 FITZPATRICK.E. Insana Metugan Power Co. Insana & Metugan Elecinc JANISSEJ.D., TURNER.D.G. Indiano Mctugan Power Co. (formerty tneana & Mctw Cs ). 96/04/06 Document Control Branch (Document Desk). 6pp. 87888.279- gan Electnc Col 96/01/31.1p. 87877$1647877:015. 87888 284. 9604040106NRC Irito Nobce 96 021. " Safety Concems re Design of Door Intertock Cr- f52 Remed nontnh opermang rept for M W for M Cook Nuclear M curt on Nucletron High-Oose Rate & Pussed Dose Rate Remote Aftertoadmg Brachym" TURNER.D.G. 2/29 19. Inchana 878MM M9726. Power Co. (formeriy insana & Mctugan Electnc Col COOL.DA Divisaan of Industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/10. Connadriated Edson Co of New York. anc. 9pp. 88102:06748102:075. p p ,, q p 9604050338 NRC Into Nobce 96422. " improper Eauspment Settmgs Due to Use of for DC Cook Nuclear Plant Urvts 1 & 27 Rept ongenspy senwtted m ttr Nontemperature. Compensated Test Equipmenta AEP-NRC:0642Y.dtd 960322. CRUTCHFIELD.D . 96/04/11. Consohdated Edmon Co. of New Yortr Inc. 6pp. FITZPATRICK.E. Insana Mictugan Power Co. (formerly insana & Metugan Electne 87860:3014 7660-306 Co.). 96/04/03 Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk).1p. 87814209-87814213. 9604000259 NRC Bullebn 95002. " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over Fuel e Reactor Core.or Over Safety-Reinted Eauspment" -9604080302 Corrected " Annual Radcoctrve Effluent Re6 ease Rept for DC Cook Nucts. CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Conschcated Esson Co. of New York. Inc.11pp, er Plant Urwts 1 & 2? 88102:100418102-110.

  • Insana Mc+mgan Power Co. (formetty insans & Mctugan Electnc Col 95/12/31.

3pp. 87814.21047014.213. 9604250272 Ack receipt of 960309 ltr mformmg NRC of steps taken to correct volatons stated m map rept50 315/9513 4 50-316/96 13 KROPP.WJ Regon 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/17. FITZPATRICK.E. Insana Mctugan S. Reportab6e occurrences, LERs & rotated correspondence Power Co. (formerty ineana & Meruoan Elecinc Col 10. 87997:01047997:010. 9604260187 Prowdes tonow.g to 951011 response to NOV en map repts50 315/9509 9604160090 LER 9640240 on 960317,RT on now FW flow comcident w/ low SG ievel

                                             & 5D.316/9549 Stuft tramng provided to operatmg crew to reduce power rnmeestely                                                             due to tailed FW efterenbal pressure controner. Stabeced all safety sys operated not.

Cl respones to any confwmed loss of vacuum condshon. mally in response to tre segnal W/960410 fir. FITZPATRICK.EE Indiano Mchigan Power Co 96/04/19. Document Control Branch SCHOEPF.P., BLINDAA Amencan Electne Power Co., Inc. 96/04/10 app. (CJcument Control Dookk 2pp. 88025.35948025.360. 87897281 47897264.

   .          . -                                        - ~ . -               . = . ,          - ~ -                                                                       _ . -                              . . _

100 DOCKETEDITEMS DOCKET 50 316 DONALD C. COOK 91UCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 2 9004190262 Appiceton for amends to bconnes DPR.58 4 DPR-74.monng TS 4.0.4 ex-empton statement for MSSvs mio secten FITZPATRICK.E. Indiana Mchigan Power Co. Indiens & Metugen Electnc i F. OscurRy. medleet, entergency a fire protection plans ! Co4 96/04/06. Document Control Branch (Document Dook). 3pp. e7923.235-87923 239. 9004000010 Pubic vermon of Rev 8 to EPIP PMP 2000 EPP.106. "trutal Offeite NotfL l coton." W/se0402 Mr.

                                                                                                         =00o4100364 Renned proposed TS, moving TS 4.0.4 exempton statement for MSSVs SMITHJ., WOLFA truhana Mchigan Power Co. (formerly indians & Mcfugen Electne                      mio secton 4 7,1.1.

Co4 96/02/16.1pp. 0772214647722:171.

  • Irutene Echi0an Power Co. (formerty indene & McNean Electnc Co4 96/04/06.

2pp. s7923.23s47923:239. 9004030000 Rev 2 t EPIP PMP 2001 EPP.103. "Evacuaten of Plant Personnel."

  • Ineens Merugan Power Co. (lormerly Indens & Mcrugen Eiscenc Col 96/03/25.

81pp. e7724;313.e7724433. 9004230100 informs NRC of plant response to GL 9601. "Teeeng of Selety Reisted F Creuns." ATRICK.E . Insana Michgan Power Co. ( indians & Mctugan Elecinc 9004000074 Rev 11 to EPIP PMP 2000 EPP.107. "Nobilceton of Plant Personnel?

           *Indone              Power Cct (formerty ineene & Mongen Eisctnc Co4 96/03/25.                    CoJ 96/04/17. Document Cornrol Branch (Documera                       Desk) 2pp. 07953 336-17pp. 87725:1       7725.176.                                                                    67953 339.

tecesseest Rev 2 to EPtP PMP 2000 EPP.110. " Tome Ge4 Reisees Guidehnss." onnenss Rev 0 of % IST Program for DC Cook Nucieer Rent Thrd

  • Ineens Merugen Power Co. (formerly ineane & Mctugan Elecinc Co4 96/03/25. ' '"
  • P' " v 9pp. 87725.31647725;324. F% TRICK.E. Ineens#' '"O'ro'd'ings w"nhheid' * ' ' * * " ' * '

Power Co. (formerly Indians & Mctueen Electne 900408ee03 Ack recept & review of 941010 4 960117 lirs tenemMeno rows 27 & 26 to Brnh (Docunned Controi Desk). topp. Donsed C Cook Nucinar escurny pien. Rows conentent w/provimens of 10CFR50,54(p) 2- 481b

  • ent I CR Regen 3 (Poet 820201). 06/03/29 FITZPATRICK.E. Ineens Mehigan -eeesancee6 Rev 0 of ' Valve IST Program for DC Cook Nucieer Plant Thrd 1(kYr in.

Power Co. (formerty ineens & uctugen Enocmc Col 3pp. e7017:28747817:209. Mineena Mehgen Power Co. (formerty inesne & Mctugan Electnc Col 96/03/29. 9004000410 Rev 1 to EPIP PMP 20e0 EPP.101. "E Classitcanon.a 207pp. se102:14146102.347.

  • Indone Mehgan Power Co. (formerty Indians & Electnc Col 96/03/29.

7pp. 87814:34747s14:353. Q. Inspostlen reports. IE Suiteline & eorrespondonee 90040e0410 Acks recept of 941010 & 950117 Itre tenemilen0 revs 27 & as to Donald C Rent so ( ep _ ~ w/prowmens of 10 0004010434 Informs that lit mano0 ament & staff completed osmannual plant CREEDJ.R. Regen 3 (Post e20201). 96/03/29. FITZPATRICK.E. Indona Mchgan " '*'" *' P "' '"* " ' * " " "

  • Power Co. (formerty ineens & Mchgan Electrc Co1 app. 87e0Et35747009.358. from gnopp,wj. Regen 3 (Poet 820201). 96/03/22. FITZPATRICK.E. Indone Mchgen 9004180010 to 941021 hr which ra===*=<a acten w/ to sh reactor 6 Power Co. (formerty indene & Mcrugen Electnc Co4 Sep. 87087:23687007.240.

e7,,,,LL,.07,8,,m 06/04/ CINC E 1.Dk Aftliston Not Aempied. 4pp- 90033e0214 NRC Into 1 COOL.Di Divmen of Notce industne 96018.& Moe "Co.mphance Nuena Sately r,/10CFR20 for Arborne rosi 8707= =/03/a Thonurn? ! Corim Mated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 8779100147791:014. 9004100000 Responds to $41026 Itr whch requested acton w/ to all reactor E- ' caisses uomo Thenmo. Leg _& that ler be treated as Peeton per . 900e04e21s Summary of 900322 meetng w/Amerunn Electic Power Svc Corp & W et RUSSELLW.T. 96/04/vis. BENJAN.R. AfRheton Not Asegned. 4pp. 87087:313 NRC Headquarters to reactor veneet head penseston men & reper technuwe-87ee7316, HICKMANJ.B. .96/03/29. 10pp. 87746.22847746.245. 9004100004 Responds to 941021 lir.whch t= r==nad acten w/ regard to en reactor li-coneses uomo thermcNa0 & that P Brrue hr be as Patton per 9003270127NRC Info Notco 06419. " Failure " of Tone Alert Reeos to Achwate when 5 10CFR2J06. Forwards noece of "tenuence of Drectorr m,man tested Shortened Actuaeon Under 10CFR2.206." CRUT LD.D. 96/04/02. *=d Edson Co. of New York. Inc. Opp. RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. BIRWE.P. G.E. Stockholders Adhence Agomet Waar 87791:0164 7791 022. Power. 4pp. 67967 26347967:312. se04100386 Responds to postcard did941114 wtuch ra r=maad acton to en reactor 6 9004000040 Forwards inop repts 50-315/9602 & 54316/9642 on 900117 0226 & consees uomg Thermo-Leo & that poolcard be tested en Peeton por 10CFR2.206. nonce of violaton. QUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/01 DEBOLT.B. AfRheton Not Asegned. 3pp. 87800346- AxELSON.W.L ReOnn 3 (Post 820201),96/04/02. FfTZPATRICK.E. Ineena Mehigan 87000.348. Power Co. (formerly inchann & Mcragen Electnc Co4 3pp. 8777229647772 327.

                                                                                                          ****=*ma** Notco of v91ehon frorn inep on 900116 0226.Veleten noted.NRC deter-6                 correspondense                                                                    Q that bonnese the not have monnonng sys that comphed w/regnaroments of 9004198010 Responds to941021 Itr whch rarr==taer acton w/                     to all reactor 5-coneses        Themu> Leg & that ler be tested as Ponton per 1               .206.

96/04/03. CINQUEMANI.D.K. AfRheton Not AeognetL dpp. ammanamana insp repts 50 315/96 02 & $0416/9642 on 9001174226. Volatons g noted.Magor wees

                                                                                                                                                   ^        ^

_ _ _ -.mmnt. volushngplant etssport & voview of UPS AR 1. .__ ._ _.N tar 9004190000 Responds to941026 fir whch requested acton w/ reactor 6

                                                                                                                     .WA          3 Post 020204 96/03/2E 27pp. 877723014777232%

QU LL . .R. App. 87087:313- [ 34".20 COOLDA Dmeson of industnel & Medcel Nucasar Selsey (Post 870729). 96/04/04. 900410 esse Responds to941021 Itr.wruch ranr==aad acton w/ regard to mR reactor b. Cor=Maled Eeoon Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 57000N7082300. cenemos uomg thermo4e9 & that P Sme tir be tnested as Petaan per 10CFR2.206 Forwards notco of "leeuence of Drector Decemon Under 10CFR2.206.- 900410se03,,Provides info requested in EC Bulleen 96 001, " Control Rod inserton ap; 7 $7 2. TRICK.E. Indiana Power Co. pormerly ineens & Michgan Electic Col 96/04/08. Document Branch (Document Control Desk). 30pp. 9004100386 Responds to postcard did 941114wruch requested acton to en reactor li. 67831:3044 7031:333. consees uomo Thermo Leo & that postcard be treated es Pethon por 10CFR2.206. QUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. DEBOLT.S. AfRheton Not Aemgned. 3pp. 8700&S46- 9004100156Provides . . ._.;.J silo re respones to violatons noted in inso repts 60-87000:348. 315/9512 & 50 316/95-12.Correctrue actons:now forsegn men exclueson program es-imbnahen FITZPATRICK.E. Indiana Michigan Power Co. ( indana & Mctugen Elecet i L Pktensialintensamen Col 96/04/06. Document Control Branch (Document Desk). Opp.87988.274 87888264. 9004100100 "Indiane Merugan Power Co 1995 Annual Rept" W/900412 tir. FITZPATRICK.E. Inchene Power Co. (tormerly ineens & Muhgan Electnc Col 95/12/31. 35pp 87091- 7801:322. """'n cu on Nucetron High Does Rete & Puteed Dose Rate Remote Aftencedmg B arepv Devices" COOLD.A. Dueson of industnal & Medcol Nucteer Setety (Post 870729). 96/04/10. O.Opereeng toones elege f &-. _ _ Cor=aMated Eason Co. of New York. Inc 9pp. 08102:06748102 075. 90040e021e Summary of 9e0322 meetmo w/Amercen Electnc Power Svc Corp & W st aandaman NRC Info Noboe 96422. "Irrgroper Equipment Settnos Due to One of NRC >*madra=rters re reactor veneel head penetraton elop & reper techruque Nt _ ..,,domponeeted Test Esspment HICKMANJ.B. .96/03/29. 18pp. 6774622647746.245. CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Conachosted Eamon Co. of New York. Inc. 8pp. 87800:301 4 7800:306 esaeeantes Suppl 1 to Genanc Lir 95 09 to eN NRC Iconsees re monrtonng & terun0 j or stuppers & camers of resoeceve mett ""^ananeen NRC Buheen 96 002. " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over COOLDA Dmoon of Induetnal & Metcal Nucieer Setety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. Fues m Reactor Core.or Over Setety.Related Esapment " Boston Edson Co.10pp. 8810205748102:066. CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Cor=redated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. 88102'100 48102-110. 9004100143 Forwards request for enempton from 10CFR7024 re crtlicably monitonng } 9004200272 Ach recept of 960909 tir rWormmo NRC of steps taken to correct vio6stons

F ATRICK.E. Indens Metugen Power Co. Ineena & Mdugen Electnc noted in rap rept 50-315/9513 4 54316/96-13.

Os196/04/06. Document Control Branch (Docurnern Deen). epp.87888.256- KROPP,WJ. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/17. FITZPATRICK.E. Ineena Metugen 87886J63. Power Co. (formerly ineans & Mcrugan Elecinc Col 1p. 87997:010 47997 010. e l

  • i

_. . . _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ __ _ .__ _ ~ _ __ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ l j DOCKETEDITEMS 101 l 9004200187 Prownes foncmwp to 951011 response to NOV m enep repts50 315/9549 K. Utsity Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) & amends l 8 50 316/9549.$ruft trenung provuled to operetng crew to reduce power enmoestery I IT dh W ContrW Desk) 2pp Co 535948025M

                                                                           /19, Document Conrol W           9004030       Rev 19 to updated FSAR for Calvert Chfts Nuclear Power Plant Uruts 1 &

CRUSE.W.H. Baltmore Gas & Electne Co. 96/04/01. 300pp. 87769 00147769-282 i 8e0417D100 NRC Info Notco 9%23. "Fres m EDG Excners Dunng Operaton Follow-ang Undetected. Fuse muTCHFIELD.D. Blowmg". Coneohdoted Edson Co. of New York. Inc.13 96/04/22 P. Opereeng lloonee stage documents a correspondence 8810209048102 099. ammannan Provess boensee acceptance cruena for generator tnp test re tailure of 9004200304 Forwards response to NRC960402 tir te velatons noted m map repts 50 steem esmp & typass convoi sys. 315/96-02 & 50-316/96 02 on 9601174326. Correctrve actons.Telocated fuel t undle BRUNNER.E.J. Atome Energy Communen (Pre 750119). 75/07/06, to ponton m NFSW & monnor could detect crthcakty acxadent THORNBURG.H.D. Offce of Inspecton & Entorcement (750101401210). 2pp. FIYZPATRICK.E. Inchane Mormgen Power Co. Inchana & Mchgan Electnc Co.). 96/04/24. Document Control Branch (Document Desk). Opp.88037.351 9004030000 " Travelers Under Owners Group vs TSTF Conssderaton toy Needed Date." 88037:359.

  • Excel Serv ces Corp.96/03/24. 3pp. 87726.28247726284.

9004300191 Forwards response to NRC 960402 ttr re violatons noted in insp repts 50 9004030438 Appbcaton for amends to Licennes OPR-53 & DPR49. requestmg to I 315/9642 & 50 316/9642 on 9601174226.Conoceve actons-fuel hundle was relo. reduce moderator temp coeffesent hmrt shown on TS Figure 3.1.1-1. cated to posson m NFSV. CRUSE.C.H. Bathmore Gas & Electnc Co. 96/03/26. Document Control Branch (Doc-FITZPATRICK.E. Ineena Meruge Power Co. (f Indiana & Mchienn Electnc ument Control Desk). 5pp. 87726:35147726.361. Co.). 96/04/24. Document Cornrol Branch (Document Dook). 9pp. 88067214-88067.222. .se04020430 Proposed TS F 3.1.11 re change to moderstar temp coeffenenL

  • Balomore Gas & Eisctnc . 96/03/28. 6pp. 87726.35647726.361.

9004230220NRC Info Notco 96 024, "Preconditiorung of Mo6de& Case Crcuit Breakers Before Surveelance Testmo." -ana*** Forwards amends 214 & 191 to hcenses OPR43 & DPR49 & safety GRIMES B.K. . 96/04/25. Consondated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. evaluston.Amands renect new plant electncal estreuton configurabon.survemance & 88102 076 48102 089. condson for operaton of new SR EDG. M .D.G. 96/04/02. CRUSE.C.H. Baltmore Gas & Enoctnc Co. 4pp. e-,sa172 NRC Info Notco 96425. "Treverung in Core Probe Overwithdrawn at La- 87779:144 4 7779.218. eene County Staton.Urut 1." GRIMES.B K. . 96/04/30. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Irc.10pp. r: 88102 111 48102-120. Amends 214 & 191 to bconses DPR.53 & DPR49.respecevely. renectmg new plant electncal detnbunon configuraton, surveelance & hmeng condmon for oper-anon of new SR EDG. ameannes NRC Info Notco 96-026. "Recent Proctems w/ Overhead Cranes." MCDONALD.D.G. .96/04/02. 43pp. 8777914447779:190. GRIMES.8 K. . 96/04/30. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 10pp. 88102:121 48102-130. - n ' Safety ovaiuatum supportng amends 214 & 191 to hconnes DPR-53 & DPR49.respectruely.

                                                                                                                . 96/04/02. 28pp. 67779:19147779:218.

I G Portedic operating rePorte & reisted corrompendonee 9004000427 Forwards Fmal Safety Evaluston. Informs Metnodology acceptable for 9004010308

  • Annual Rascacave Etnuent Re6eese Rept Jan-Dec 1995." W/960322 Itr. 10CFR54.21la)(2) requrements.

FITZPATRICK.E. Indiana Mehgan Power Co. (formerty indiana & Mchigan Enoctnc CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/04. CRUSE.C.H. Baltmore Gas & Ensetnc Co. Spp. Co.). 95/12/31. 240pp. 87716 00147716.239. 87800:273 47800:306. l e-manu? " Annual Envron Opera Rept.Jan Dec 1995? W/9604241tr. -9604000438 Fmal safety evaluation to " Methodology for Meetng Requrements of I FITZPATRICK.E. Indena Meru9an Co. (formerly indians & Micrugan Electnc 10CFR54. C3.). 95/12/31. 333pp. 80073-00148073:333. *

                                                                                                                . 96/04/04. 31pp. 87800:27647800 3K 9004120040 Monthly operetng rept for Mar 1996 for DC Cook Nuc6eer Plant Urvt 2.W/                    9002300188 Suppl 1 to Genenc Lt 95 09 to an NRC hooneses to monstonn0 & trarong 980401 ftr.                                                                                           of stuppers & camers of radoectrue matis

! TURNER.D.G., RUSSO.M E., SAMPSON.J.R. Bruhana Metupon Power Co. (formerty in. COOL.DA Desion of induetnal & Medcal Nucieer Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/E I chena & Merugan Electnc Co.).96/03/31. 5pp. 87877.00147677:005. Boston Eeson Co.10pp. 88102-05748102 066. 9004000386 Forwards corrected Paon 2 of

  • Annual Raeoeceve Effluent Release Rept 9004100044 Forwards appicabons to Wansfer & amend hcenses DPR-53. DPR49 4 for DC Cook Nucomer Plant Vnns 1 & 2." Rept ongmally sabmitted m Itr SNM-2505 for tSFSt.transtemng hcenses to C- ~ ~ _ ^ Energy Corp because of AEP-NRC 0842Y.did 960322. par-M of BG&E & PEPCO mio Constonenon Energy Corp.

j FITZPATRICK.E. Indiana Mchigan Power Co. Indians & Mctugan Electnc CRUSE.C.H. Gas & Electnc Co. 96/04/05. Document Control Branch (Doc.

Cs ; 4/04/03. Docmment Control Branch (Document Dnek).1p. 87814.209 ument Control Desk). 2pp. 87839 30547839-346.

!  ; M.

                                                                                                           -8004100085             ten for transfer & amenos to beennes DPR-53 & DPR49. transfer-
      .am m j ' Jonected " Annual Radoecevo Effluent Release Rept for DC Cook Nucle.                                OLs to             ton Energy Corp because of proprsed merger of BG&E &

g Plant A 1 & 2." PE rno Constensson Energy Corp (formerty RH AcQueston Corp). Indana Mctugan Power Co. (formerty insana & Mctugen Electnc Co.). 95/12/31. CRUSE,C.H. Bemmore Gas & Enoctnc Co.96/04/05. 20pp. 87839-30747839 326. 3pp. 87814.21047014213.

                                                                                                           -9004100074 Proposed tech               .changmg name of bcensee autterne to possess &

operate piant from BG&E to tenaton Energy Corp. O, RePertshie - - _. LEmo a related correspondence

  • Bammare Gas & Electnc Co.96/04/05. dop. 87839:32747839:330.

eamated LER 9600241:en 960120. tam A contenment RM caused two spuneus

  • W*
  • moisson 0f . nergy C"orp * *"e*r'ger m of PEPCO"9mto Ce

_ - N ~ by FauRy computer board. C/A:CVI signal remetW/960401 ftr- Corp stonaton E U ' "" ""9"

  • Bammore & Electne Co.96/04/05.12pp. 8783933147839:342.
                             / 0        p 823                 823 .

sammenens LER 9t> 00340 on 960305.rcorrect guidarum for stiuttbwn rod poston r*

  • ecaton negurements need 2 condmon proMuted by piarit TS.Submmed TS change Calvert ISFSI 6- $"enanon gy request to remove TS Itr.
  • Bammore Gas & Electnc Co.96/04/05. 4pp. 87839:34347839:346.

gggug'.AA Amencan Elecine powe, Co inc. 96/04/04. 4pp.


actor vessel sisveillance wrthdrawal schedule for piant NPP.Urvts 1 & 2. 9 041 2. LER -on 96=12 ,e seal .ound to ,.we tenood penod of tme w/o compensatory actons.Cause of event could ret be on pe,au. ggi,y,g ,f' '=/n causeca Saa- *

  • e=
  • 2aa-B .AAh n"e"ans Mchgan 70001 Forwards "Calvert Ckfts Nuclear Power Plant COLR for Utilt 1 Cycle 13."

Electnc Co.).96/04/11. 4pp. 87960:26447960:267 CAUSE.C.H. Balbmore Gas & Electnc Co.96/04/11. Document Control Brancn (Doc-ument Control Desk).1p. 8794913747949:159 , DDC8LET 50 317 CALVERT CLIFFS MUCLE.AR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1

                                                                                                           -4604170083 Rev 0 to "Celvert Ckffs Nucioar Power Plant COLR "
  • Bammare Gas & Electnc Co.96/04/11. 22pp. 87949-13847949:159.
                       '          **'9'"U O                            aI"""                               9004100200Sutmuts rept on este visfl to Carva . Chffs960325-29to revew implementa-ton of NEl 95-10.Rev 0 " Industry Guidehne for implementmg Regurements of 9004010226 Forwards -                    .: of acceptabikty of 10CFR50.54(p) changes for rev            10CFR54 Leense Renewat Rule."

10 to iraming & ouakfcaten plan. NEWBERRY.S.F. . 96/04/15. CRUSE.C.H. Balbmore Gas & Electnc Co 34pp. GlBBS.LP. Bammore Gas & Electne Co 96/03/26. Document Control Branch (Docu- 87914 1134 7914 146. ment Control Desk). 3pp. 87704.33247704.334. 9004220027Ack current plans for upgrading SR EDG dunng Urut i refuehno outage m 900419e079 Revised EPtPs.mciueng row 2 to ERPIP440. "RCS/LPSI Tasks Instruck Sonng of 1998.Transnuttal tir & SE provously transtrutted mcorrectly mdcated remem-Cans /Precautons." rev 1 to ERPIP441, "Contamment Atmosphere Task Instructen/ inn exeeng SR EDG would be upgraded dunn0Urvt 2. W/960416 tir. MCDONALD.D G. . 96/04/16. CRUSE.C.M. Balamore Gas & Elecinc Co. 4pp. Precautons FORGETTE.T.E. " rev 1 to ERPIP442. Bemmore Gas & Electnc "Wede Range.. Sepp Co.96/04/16. Precautnorm". 87951.2044 7951 261. 87971C1947971:022.

,-- . .- . -- - . . - - . - . . . . - - - . - . - - . - . - . - - . _ . . . - _ ~ - I l l 102 .DOCKETEDITEMS annaeemana Forwards evolueten peci6 age for 930930 bconese IPE edmiittel for mesmal 9004000181 Forwards ede het of US nuclear facitees to whch poteresi delectve stem-events & Intsmal floodme. included are etsff evalueton rept & TERs when responds to eloff ines re PRA russa m 960912 er. portetsteel Swooska tube fumps suppl to 900226 ter to defects polermelly re

                                      .D G.

to por 10tFR21. 96/04/16. CRUSE.C.H. Sammare Gas & Einemc Co. 4pp. JOHNSTON.D.J. Crowtord FittnD Co.96/04/03. 3pp. 67024:11347824:115, 47971:0234 7971:100.

                   -400420ee41 SER appronng honnees IPE euhmmel for intemel evenis & ireemel flood m GL 80-20. suppi 1 & guldence provised in              Y. Dry Cask independent Spent Fuel stormee insteensens gas cornstone 380-          w/ineo r=t
                         . 06/04/10. epp. 07971:02747971232.                                                                  9004100044 Forwards opphcahons to transler & emend heeness DPR-53. DPFl40 &

SNM-2606 tar ISFSL to Conmeeston % Corp beceums W haarmaa Inc. '"h SEA 92 66343lM:3. 96/01/1E NRC No Detaled Gwen. 41pp. urnent e 839 30 839 '

                                                                                                                             -8004100001                     to trenster & emend hcones SNM.2505, eenstemng OLs to maa** mamma "Technscal Evahenn Rept of Calvert cms ineweduel Plant Exam Beck.

ngCorp ha of p rnegw of M&E & 900 into Con. A UMAR.R Ener Reneerch. Inc. ERl/NRC95-107. 96/01/31.NRC - No De-teesd Afehston Govert 47pp 87971$7647971:124. &EM kW M NeM W M M 6 100004 PropoW toch - m to opwone &

                     =a*'***aan    "Calvert CINfs Nucteer Power Plant Units 1 & 2 TER on IPE Sutmuttal                          "*'"*"
  • Human Rehobety Analyus Fmal Rept g [C' o 96/04/06. 4pp. 67039.

SWANSON.P l. Concord Assocestes. Inc. NRC.04-91000. 96/01/10.Dwoman of Syn-tems Technology (Post 941217). 30pp. 97971:125 87971:100. ET gg my m near1 saq pom m, Uggy 3 88043es001 Informs that AW Dromanck g as Protect Menegar of Propect Deco- I

                                    .               04/ 7         USE.C.H Baltmore Gas & Eiseme Co. 3pp.                     F. Soeurity, snoussel, emergency & fire protoemen stans 80007:14740007:149, annaeneess Responds to 00 day respones to NRC GL 06 01. "Teetne of Safety-                                 90040109e8 Forwards -                   . ..: of soceptabety of 10CFR60.64(p) changes for rev 10 10           & @ebhantop pien.                                                                       ,

Related.Loqpe Ceaues." Lir requested review of elececal schemete ceowmas & logic GISBS,L.P.  ! decrems for RPS.EDG load oneddmg & nemencing & actuaton logpc for ESFS. Gas87704.33247704:334.

                                                                                                                                                                 & Enoctne Co. 96/03/26. Document Control Branch (Docu-                 '

rnent Contos Desk). 3pp. CRUSE.C.H. ument Control Desk). Beltmore Gas & Elecinc Co. 06/04/19. Document Control Branch (Doc-epp.80023.20148023.206. 90041e0079 Revoed EPips.mclueng rev 2 to ERPIP440 "RCS'LPSI Teoks Instruo. tons /Precautons," rev 1 to ERPtP441 "Contenment Atmosphere Task instruchon/ 6 Inspessen esporte, IE Bussens a servenpondenes Precautons." rev 1 to ERPIP-842, "Whoe Ran W/900416 ler. FORGETTE.T.E. Sammare Gas & Elecmc 96/04/16. Precautons."e7951.20447951:261 i Sepp. 9000e00918 NRC Info Noeco 91,01e. "Comphence w/10CFR20 for Airbome Thcmum." COOL.DA DMacn of indummel & Meecal Nucomer Seesty (Post 870729). 96/03/25. K. Utslty Pinel Safety Anotyeis Report PSAR) & emends ' Coriaawanad Edson Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 8779120147701214. 900se70127 NRC Info Noeos 96419. "Feeure of Tono Alert Radios to Acewate Wwn to i for cms Nucieer Power M Umts 1 & l l 02- tod Edson Co. of New York, Inc. epp, CRUSE.W.H. Beltmore Gas & Elecenc Co. 96/04/01. 300pp. ene9-00147769:2e2. en91$1547791222. i l esessesses NRC Mo Noece 96020. "Demoneenton of Assocneted Egernent Comph. P. Opereeng scenes atmos stooements & serresponsense l ence w/10CFR3420." l COOL.DA DMann of induseiel & Meecal Nucteer Safety (Post 970729). 96/04/04 900ecessee " Travelers Under Owners Group vs TSTF Canaderston tiy Needed Dete." Conmotasened Eeson Cet of New York, Inc.12pp. 07e00:20G47est.300.

  • Excel Services Corp.96/03/24, 3pp. 87720:20247726.264.

8804040106 NRC Info Notoe 96 021. "Seisty Concerns to Demgn of Door interlock Cir-cast on Nucisson High Does Rete & Pulsed Done Rees Remote Aftertoneng Brechyth-90000mee6 Anahe=aan for amends to Laoeness DPR43 & DPR49, foguesang to erapy Devions? reduce moderstor temp coeftcaent emit snown on TS Fayse 3.1.1-1. f COOL.DA Diveen of induetnol & Meecal Nucieer Safety (Post e70729). 96/04/10. CRUSE.C.H. Sammare Gas & Electsc Co.06/03/26. Document Control Branch (Doc-ument Coneof Dook). 6pp. 97726:36147726:361. ! Cannondated r,1teon Co. of New York, Inc. Opp.00102967 40102275. 000e08080s NRC Info Notco 96422. " Improper Equipment Settmes Due to Use of ^^^ --- ^^^ Propoemd TS Faure 3.1.11 re change to moderator temp ooeftcient. Test Equipment"

  • Bammore Gas & Elecine Co.96/03/28. Opp. 87726:3ss4nas.361.

CRUTCHPIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Cor-aaaan=a Edson Co. of New York, Inc. epp. e7ee0:30147es0:306. maaaaaa*** Fcneerds amends 214 & 191 to leoness DPR-63 & DPR49 & esfoty i evoluetorLAmends reflect now pient elecmcel estibuton , J__ L .1._ & l condeon for operaton of new SR EDG. estessesse NRC Bulleen 96002. " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent FuelOver .D.G. l Fuel an Reactor Core.or Over Safety.Retened Equipment" 96/04/02. CRUSE.C.K Bammare Gas & Elecmc Co. 4pp. 87ng 14447779.210. CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Conachdated Eeson Co. of New Yort, Inc.11pp. i 80102-10040102110.

                                                                                                                            -0e00000300 Amends 214 5191 to toeness DPR.63 & DPR40.respectMeiy redochng I                 e0041701ee NRC Info Nomoe 96 023,
  • Fires in EDG Emeners Dunne Operaton Follow. new peant oisetnomi emetbuton coneguraton, survetence & tmeng coneton sor oper.

i ston or now SR EDG. i mg Ur=*=a=ra=a Fuse crtLTTCHFIELD.D. Snowme ". Cori= aid =*=ri

                                                . 96/04/22                                                                     MCDONALD.D.G. .96/04/02. 43pp. e7779:14647779190.

E6 eon Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. t 88102 00040102000. 7 _ _ Sessty evolueton supporang amends 214 & 191 to hoeness OPR-53 & ennaenneen IWIC Info Nasce 86024. "Preconetenmg of Molded Case CWcult Brookers 96 4 Boeore Survettence Tenang? '87779'191 4 7779.210. GRiedES.B.K. . 06/04/25. Coneohdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 88102-07640101000. ennamanas7 Forwards Fmel Selety Evoluetortinforms Methodology acceptable for 10CFR54.21(eK2) es@erements. se04ee0172 NRC info Notes 96025. "Treverung in Core Probe Overwithdrawn et La- CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/04. CRUSE.C.H. Bestmore Gas & Electnc Co. 3pp. eene County StatorLUrut 1." 07800:273 87000.306. GRIMES.BX . e6/04/30. Coneohdated Eeoon Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. 80102111 40102120. ^^^ l_: Final selsey evalunten re "Mothodoiogy for MeetnD Requirements of 10CFR54? etodessess NRC into Notce 96 026. "Recent Praelems w/Over%eed Cranes? GRIMES.BX . 96/04/30. Coneohdeced Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 10pp-98102 121 40102130, 9000e00100 Suppl 1 to Genonc Ltr Ip5-09 to all NRC heensees re monitonng & trerung at w a camers of radioactrve mens. COOL.DA Devmon of Industnal & Madrei Nucieer Seloty (Post 870729). 96/04/05. Boston Eeoon Co.10pp. 30102:05748102-006. 9004170001 opmeeng repts for Mar 1996 for Calvert Chifs Nuclear Power Plant 9004100044 Forwards anpir= tons to transfer & emend hcensos DPR-63. DPR49 & Units 1 & 2.W/ 15 Itr. SNM-250$ tor noenees to Consteilemon Energy Corp tiocause of Proposed of BG&E & mio Consteeston Energy Corp. OLSEN.H.O., KATZ/.E. Beremore Gas & Elecinc Cck 96/03/31.12pp. 07948:150- CRUSE.C.H. eV94e:161. Gas & Electnc Co. 96/04/05. Document Control Branch (Doc-ument Control Desk). 2pp. 67939:30547839:346. e S. Reportette . L&fts a seestati correspontionne -8e041o0006 Apphceton for eenster & emends to bcenses OPR43 & OpR49. transfer. 9 ] OLs to Conetsaston Energy Corp beceues of proposed merger of BGAE & mio Consteenton Energy Corp pormerly RH Acquisson Corp).

.               esteetee15 Followup to Part 21 rept re falures of -C--..-.' fuses. Inmalinvesh.                                CRUSE,C.H. Bestmore Gas & Electre Co.96/04/05. 20pp. 57039.30747039:326.

4 geben neo inaus revested certem percentm9e of innes developed cracks a fuse eso. 1 ments -ee641oe074 Proposed noch " name of heensee authonze to poseems a O AJSE.C.H. Sammare Gas & Eisetnc Co.96/03/28. Document Control Branch (Doc-ument Consol Desk). Sep. e7755.22247755.226. operate pient from BGAE to d - C Inorgy Corp.

  • Bemmore Gas & Enoctnc Co. 96/D4/05. App. 57639:32747839.330.

i 1 . . . . , _ , . . . _ _

DOCKETEDITEMS 103 temie-4 Ac. ,.c .f 960223w sw. o, re.sei .o, app, .a enengmg re. ver.o.c o, orsi n. re,o,is & ,e d _ _ MCDO ALD. /04 e Gas & Co. 2pp. 9604170261 Monthh opwatmg repts tw Mw 1996 fu CWwwt CWs Nuciew Poww Plant 87894.137 4 7894.140. Uruts 1 & 2.W1960415 ftr

   .e041=.0 S nete , epi on ut.           t to C,ve,t C-s9 0325-,9io r-impie-                    25",P 8 *^* 5 Sarm o Gas & Electnc Co. 96/03/31.12pp. 87948.150 ev 0 "trusustry Guedehne for imp 6ementog Requrements of Om     of NEl 10CrR54           R          R-NEWBERRY.S F. . 96/04/15. CRUSE.C.H. Bathmore Gas & Electnc Co. 34pp.                   s. Reportempte scourrences, LERs & rWeted cervenpondence 87914.1134 7914 146.
   "**7 Ack current piene for upgradmg SR EDG ckmn0 Urut i retualmg outage in                                        9640     on 960                S52    .5 Sprm0 of 1998 Transmntal Itr & SE previously renanutted mcorrecth mchcated remem"                                                             y            m        er 6      F t                              lir MP* u'=l'*Wu"s'ET "di m,e Gas* & Eiecinc Co. 4pp.                                          re4a cens replaced W/
                                                                                                 ,7,,o,g'a e *^m e. * 'aa=re a
  • e-cina ca **'os/2* Saa a77aa 2aa-87971:01947971 222. "

9004230030 Forwards ovatuston package for 930930 licanese IPE eutruttal for intemel ,,,y, "P' M [y,,,M"e"*d ' events & entemel floosano. included are staff evoluston rept & TERs wtuch responds to us ments

                        . 96        1            C.H. Baltimore Gas & Electnc Co. App.           CR 87971 42347971:160.                                                                        um                       5pp 8 5        4 77'5
     ^T^ ^T- ' ^1 SER approvmg bconsee IPE sutimatet for intomsl events & mism. fluod-9604000191 Forwards edcN hat of US nucteer faciktes to wtuch potennel detectrve stem.

w/mlo requested m GL 88-20. suppl 1 & guidance provided an 'pwI ings suppi2 960226Ilr re detects potenbaly re-ang0 R2

        . 96/04/16. 6pp. 8797142747971032.                                                       JOHNSTON.DJ. Crowtord Fittmg Co.96/04/03. 3pp. 87824:11347824.115.
  -ee03ae0:2s "Techrucal Evoluebon Rept on IPE Front End Anahns."                            Y. Dry Cask independent Spent Fuel Storspo ard-e= mage DARBYJ.L. SCLACCS.F.W THOMAS,W. Scence & Engmeenng Assocnetas. Inc.

SEA 92-553433.A.3. 06/01/16. NRC . No Dotaded Affiheton Gwen. 41pp. 87971 23347971 275' 9004100044 Forwards appbeatens to trenster & emend hoenses DPR-53. DPR49 & SNM-2505 for ISFSt.tra keensos to Consteliston Energy Corp Decouse of T "T,echnscal Evolueton Rept of Calvert Chffs indmdual Plant Exam Back- $N%hBG& &

                                                                                                                               & setnc'"C'o ument Contml Deska 2pp. 8783t3054783N

96/04/05. Control Bronch (Doc. A .R ner Research. Inc. ERl/NRC 95 107. 96/01/31, NRC . No Do. tened Affthston Gewer 7pp. 8797127647971:124. 6 100001 ton to Wensis & amend hcense $NM2505, tg OLs to TTT ^^ ^^ T "Calvert Cliffs Nucteer Power Plant,Uruts 1 & 2 TER on IPE Submittal P "' [eaa N SON Concord tea. Inc. NRC.04 91469. 96/01/10. Dmson of Sys- 8'*""" ** # "3 tems Technology (Poet 941217). 36pp. 87971:12547971:160. 0004100004 Proposed noch specs.changmg name of bconsee authonze to operate &

  "*et informs that AW Dromerick asagned es Propect Menegar of Protect Dreo-                    mamtam Calvert CIWfs ISFSI from BG&E to ConsteHanon Energy Cmp, torets 81 for plant,Uruts 1 & 2.onecove960428
  • Batemore Gas & Elecinc Co.96/04/05. 4pp. 87839:3434 7839:346.

SHANKMAN.S . 96/04/17. CRUSE.C.H. Balamore Gas & Electnc Co. 3pp. 80007:14740007:149. DOCKET 50 320 THREE tetLE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 2

  "*8a Responds to 60. day response to NRC GL 06 01, "Teetog of Safety-Reented.Logc Crcurts" Ltr reouested revow of electncal schematc drawmgs & lo9C          F. Security, snedical, emergency & fire protectlen piens degrams for RPS.EDG load sheddme & soeuencmg & actuaton loge for ESFS.

CRUSE.C.H. Baltmore Gas & Elecine Co. 96/04/19. Document Control Branch (Doc. 9004000115 ha== aNegaton m uW pubhc info plan. ument Contal Desk). 6po. 80023:20148023.206' AMATO.C. NRC . No Dotaded Afseten Gwen. 91/03/12. NRC . No Dotaled Affilk anon Gwen. 3pp. 87860.24Ek67880:251. Q. Inspeemen reports,IE N & corroependonos 9004030420 Rev 1 to TEP.ADM-1300.04. "Admrustraton of TMI initial Response & Emergency Support Orgeruzemon Duty Rosier." 9008200210NRC Into Notco 96018. "Comphence w/10CFR20 for Arterre Thonum?

  • General Put*c Utdmes Corp. . GPU Service Corp. 96/03/20. 9pp. 87726.342 COOLDA Duomri of Industnet & Modcol Nucaser Safety (Post 870729). 96/03/25. 87726.350.

Cor=asviated Echeon Co. of New Yort. Inc.14pp. 8779100147791:014, 9004000018 Rev 6 to EPIP-TML.19, " Emergency Dommetry/Securtty Badge issuance" 9003270127 & EPIP table of contents. NRC Info Recemno Shortened Notco Actweten 96419.*

                                                  ".Falure of Tone Alert Redes to Acevote GUSEWOOD.I.

When General Pubhc Unknes Corp. GPU Senace Corp. 96/03/20. 9pp. CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/02. ted Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 8pp. 87775:332 4 7775:340. 87791:0154 7791 222. 9004100170 Revoed EPIPs.mcauding EPIP table of contents.Rev 4 to EPIP TMI .01, 9003390300 NRC Info Notce 96420, "Demonstraton of Assocsated Equipment ComplL "E Cleemfcatons & Bese" Rev 4 to EPIP TMi .16. "Contammated infunst" ence e/10CFR34.20?

  • General Utemos Corp. . GPU Senace Corp. 96/04/03.117pp. 87834:001-COOLDA Dumon of Industnel & Mechcol Nucmar Safety (Post 670729). 96/04/04. 87834:117.

Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 87880:28647880:300. 90041002e8 Rev 6 to EPIP TML.28. "Actuaton of TSC." een-108 NRC info Notice 96421. "Safoty Concems re Demgn of Door interlock Cir. BEAVER.J. General Pubhc Uthbes Corp. GPU Sennce Corp. 96/04/05. 15pp. cult on Nuclotron High Does Rate & Pulsed Dose Rate Remote Aftenoedmg Brachyth. 87893:306 47893.320. erapy Devons." COOLDA Dumon of Induetnel & Medcal Nucseer Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/10, 9e04290327 Forwards revs to TMI Modified Amended Phymcel Secunty Pien Securtty Consoadened Ednan Co. of New York, Inc. 9pp. 8810296748102075. T & Quahfication Pien & Con Plan Plans withneid WI ,J.F. Genere! Pubhc Utomes ..G Corp. 96/04/23. Documere ma^aae" NRC IrWo Notice 96422. " improper Equipment Setbngs Due to Use of Control Branch (Documerit Control Desk). 2pp. 88039 35848039:359. Nontemperature. Compensated Test Eausament" CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 6pp. 87860 301 4 7860 306. H. General sorruependence 9amnese NRC Bunsen 96402. " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fusi.Over 9004220040 Appeela NRC denial of FOlA request 95-389 filed on 950917. seekmg Fuel m Reactor Over Safety Reisted Equipment" pubhc acceptance actury repts & rotated documents m putsc acceptance sciety CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. records for hated GPU or subsdory reactors or proposed resetors. 3810210048102 110. DEKOK.D. Affilseten Not Asegned. 96/02/14. TAYLOR J.M. Otc of the Executwo De rector for Opersions. 4pp. 8794210147942:104. 9004170100NRC Info Notce 96423. "Fres in EDG Exeners Dunng Operation Fo8ow-mg Undetected Fuse CRUTCHFIELD.D. Blowing". Coneohdated Echson Co. of New York, Inc.10pp.

                          . 96/04/22                                                        P. Opereeng licones stage -                .1 & corroependence 88102-09048102-099.

9e0423o045 Forwards hat of antmspated hcenomg submittals to NRC through FY77 m i 9004220229 NRC Info Nohos 96424. "Preconchbonmg of Molded 4ase Cetutt Brookers response to request of 750307. Before Survedience Testm9? VERROCHI WA General Pubhc Unhbes Corp. . GPU Sonnce Corp. 75/03/26. GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/n. Conachdated Echson Co. of New York. Inc. 14pp. GIAMBUSSOA Dwison of Reactor Lcenomg (NRR-1975 only). 2pp. ( 68102 07648102289. I 9004000111 Notifes of closure of Allegaten RL91-A4008 et TMI/ Oyster l 9004250172NRC into Nohce 96425. "Treversmg in Core Probe Overwethdrawn et la Creek.Allegaton ostermined to be unsubstanteted. salle County Slabon.Urut 1." RULAND.W H. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 91/03/12. Regen 1 (Post 820201).10 GRIMES.B K. . 96/04/30. Consohdased Edson Co. of New York, Inc. topp. 87860.248478e0248, 88102-111 48102120. ( $004020465 Requests hated mfo re date of recoqst of structural mtegnty test rept & inte-Se043e0005 NRC Info Nocce 96426. "Recent Problems w/ Overhead Cranes? grated seek rate toss GRIMES.B K. . 96/04/30. Coneohdated Eeoon Co. of New York, Inc. 10pp. SWARTZ.LC Heptord. Swertz. Meneker & Morgen. 96/03/18. RUSSELL W.T. 1p. 88102 121 48102-130. 87731.33tL87731:336. I

104 DOCKETEDITEMS 1 9602200186Suppi i to Genenc LD 95-09 to aN NRC licensees to morutonng & Darung 9604150064 Flesponds to941021 Itr.whch reauested acten w/ regard to all reactor 5 i of eruppers & came s of radoactive matts. COOL.DA DMmon of Ir&stnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. consees using permo. tag & that P Brnie str be Deated as Peuten per Boston Edson Co.10pp. 88102-05746102-066. 10CFR2.206. Forwards nonce of "lasuance of Drector Deceion Under 10CFR2.206." RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. BIRNIE.P. G.E. Stockholoers Allence A amst G Nuc.imar Power. 4pp. 8788726347687.312. 9004220233 Provides NRC summary of activities at piant dunng trat ausrter of 1996. CNUBELJ. General Pubhc Utihties Corp. - GPU Senace Corp. 96/04/17. Document 9604150206 Responds to postcard dtd941114whch requested action re all reactor b. Control Brard (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 8797331647973:319. consees usrig Thermo. Lag & inat postcard be treated as Pettion por 10CFR2.206. RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. DC. BOLT.B. Affikation Not Assegned. 3pp. 87880.346-8 Inspection reporte,IE Bullenne & correspondence 9604230188 Forwards fmal ated performance a- .-..; repts 50 321/9605 & 9603200218 NRC Into Nobce 96018. "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Autome Thoruss" 50-366/96 05 on 960212 23. balance of piant equipment portormance & mati - COOL.DA Dmson of industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/03/25. condrnon caused numerous scrams.tranments & downpowers whch challenged opera- l Coneohoated Edison Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 8779100147791:014. tort-  ! 9603270127 GlBSON.A.F. Repon 2 (Post 620201). 96/04/05. BECKHAM.J.T. George Power Co. 3pp. 87953:162 4 7953:193. R NRC Info Shortened Nobce AcDwabon 96019.

                                                        ". Failure of Tone Alert Rados to Activate When CRUT       IELD.D.      96/04/02.               ted Edison Co. of New York, Inc. Opp.    -9604230200insp repts 5N121/9605 & 50 366/9605 on 960212-23,0311-22 4 0325-                  '

l 877914154 7791:022. 0405.No violations noted.Masor areas inspected:piant ' operatens,mamt.on0'neonng. plant mgsport & safety a .;/correceve aciron. 9603290269NRC Into Nohce 96 020, " Demonstration of Associated Equipment Comph. ROGERS.W.G., GIBSON.A.F. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/04. 29pp. 87953:165-ance w/10CFR3420." 87C53:193. COOLDA DMaon of Industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729) ali /34/04. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 87860.28947860:300. 9604230005 Forwards rev to pt'yscal secwity plartEnci withheid. BECKHAMJ.T. Georpa Power Co. 96/04/15. Document Control Branch (Document 9NW106 NRC Info Notco 96421. "Sefety Concems to Demgn of Door interlock Cr. Control Desk). 2pp. 68002:33748002:338, cult on Nucistron HegrWome Rate & Pulsed Doea Rate Remote Afterloadin0Brachyth-erapy Dewces." COOLDA Dueon of industnal & Medcal Nucioar Safety (Post 870729L 96/04/10. G. Adfudicatory correspondence Consohdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. 9pp. 88102:06748102-075. 9604050336 NRC into Notco 96 022, " improper Eqtapment Setungs Due lo Use of 9604150018 Responds to941021 Itr whch requested acton w/ regard to a5 reactor Ib. Nontemperature. Compensated Test Equipment" consees & that w be rested as Pennon per 10CFR2.206 CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consohdated Edmon Co. of New York, Inc. 6pp. RUSSELLW . . 96/04/03. CINQUEMANI,0.K. Afhistion Not Asmgned. app. 87860:301 4 7860:306. 373g7:31747337:320. 9604000250 NRC Buneen 96-002, " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over espnos e W 26 tet

  • we's b"p OCFR2.206 CRU CH LD . 96 1 ted Co. of New York, Inc.11pp- " '

88102:10048102 110. 3 9604170169NRC info Notce 96.023, "Fres in EDG Excitors Dunng Operation Follow. $m4R * **' Undetected Fuse m g &' "em it as F per' UTCHFIELO.D. 96/04 . Consohdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. 10CFR2.206. Forwards nonce of '*lsauance of Drecer Decimon Under 10CFR2.206." 8810209048102S99- RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. BlRNIE,P. G.E. Stockhoeders A! hance Agamst Nuclear Power. opp.878872634 7867:312. 9604220229 NRC Info Notce,96 024, "Precandibonmg of Molded. Case Crcuit Breakers 9604150206 Responds to postcard old941114whch requested action re all reactor li-04 Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 14pp. Q E

                                                                                                                          %3. D          B abon
  • P*

3pp 9604250172NRC Info Nobco 96 025. "Treversmg inCore Probe Overwethdrawn at La-RM 96'/04/ Consohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 10pp. IL Utility Final Safety Analyele Report (FSAR) & amenda 88102:11148102-120. 9604110116 Forwards Rev 14B to "El Hatch Nuclear Plant Uruta 1 & 2 FSAR Update" 0604260005 & Rev 11B to "El Hatch Nuclear Plant Urvts 1 & 2 Fro Hazards Analyse Update." GRAMES.B K. NRC Info Nobce

                     . 96/04/30.

88102:121 48102:130. Consohdated 96426. Edson"Recent Co. of NewProblems York, Inc w/Overtiend Cranos." . 1000. BECKHAM.J.T. Power Co. 96/03/29. Document Control Branch (Document Coreol Desk). Ag8.864C0147864: pp. 329.

                                                                                             -9604110119 Rev 14B to "El Hatch Nuclear Plant unna 1 & 2 FSAR Update."

R. Portodic operstang reports & related u..

  • Georgia Power Co. 96/03/31. 286pp. 87864:0054 7864 290.

9604300247 "Radologcal Ermron Marstonng Rept TMI 1995." W/980423 Itr. -9804110121 Rev 118 to "El Match Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2 Fra Hazards Analyse LONG.R.L General Pubic UDhtes Corp. . uPU Senace Corp. 95/12/31.185pp. Update." 80061 001 48061:185.

  • Georgia Power Co.96/31/31. 34pp. 87864.29147864.329.

Y. Dry Cask independent Spent Fuel Storage instanettons P. Operating Ilcenae stage - _ & correspondence 9604190243 Notifies of numann0 on 960418w/ DOE en Rockville.MD to treamma techrutal 9602200198 Suppl 1 to Genonc Ltr 9509 to all NRC Iconsees fe monitonng & tranmg maues relevant to hconen0 of maspendent opent fuel storage instalianon to house of stuppers & camers of redcactwo maus. TML2 fuel ombns. COOLD.A. Duman of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05.

  • Oftka of Nucisar Matunal Safety & Safeguards. 96/04/02.Offlce of Nuclear Maten. Boston Edson Co.10pp. 8810205748102:066.

af $stety & Seteguards.1p. 87937.36247937:352. 9604100108 Advoes that GE rept CENE-771-39 0794. " Suppl B to Shroud & Shroud Reper Hardware Stress Anaryse." will be withheld from pubhc disc 60sure ret DOCKET 50 321 EDWIN L HATCH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 1 10CFR2.790.per 960304requert. JABBOUR.K.N. . 96/04/08. BECKMAN.J.T. George Power Co. 4pp. 87833.354 87833.357. F. Securtty, medical, emergency a fire protection plane 9604160333 Forwards SE approving thrd ten year interval IST program for pumps & I [of SKINNER.P. R esenta .'

                                                                 ^ " " ' '*

2 (Poaf 820201). 96/03/28. BECKHAMJT. Georpa Power Co. E 879 2 22.

                                                                                                           .       96/04/ . BECKHAM,J.T. George Power Co. 4pp. 87909-039-6pp.S M H 7773 m 6.
                                                                                             -9604160348 Safety evaluaban appronng thrd ten year interval IST program for pumps 960411011s Forwards Rev 148 to "El Hatch Nuclear Plant Units 1 & 2 FSAR Update"                & valves er piantumts 1 & 2.
    & Rev 11B to "El Hatch Nuclear Plant Uvwts 1 & 2 Fro Hazards Anaryms Update.-                 . 96/04/12. 80pp. 87909 04347909:122.


                    '4pp gf864          864       '                                          9604170023 Responds to GL 96 01, "Tesang of Safety-Related Logic Crcuits."

l BECKHAM.J.T. PowerCo. 96/04/12. Document Control Branch (Document [ -9604110121 Rev 110 to "El Hatch Nuc6 ear Plant Units 1 & 2 Fro Hazards Analysm Control Des 4 3pp. 9499344 7949 036. l Update."

  • George Power Co.96/01/31. 34pp. 8786429147864.329.

g, g g 9604150018 Responds to 941021 ftr whch thouested achon w/ regard to all reactor h-connees uung Thermo. Lag & that ltr be treated as Petstion per 10CFR2.206. 9603200218 NRC Info Nouce 96418. "Comphance w/10CFR2O for Artome Thonum." RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. CtNQUEMAN!,D.K. Athletion Not Assagned. App. COOLDA Dusson of industnal & Medical Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/03/25. 67887;317 4 7807:320. Consolidated Ed son Co. of New York. Inc.14pp 87791:00147791214. 9604150050 Responds to941023 tir wruch reouested acton w/ regard to all reactor h- 9604090175 D=m=maa 960227 regional staff semannual plant performance review of connees unreg Thermo- & that tir be treated as Ponton per 10CFR2.206 plant & advmes of planned risp effort resutbng from rewmw, RUSSELLW.T. 96/04/ . BENJAN,R. Afhhabon Not Asmgned. 4pp. 87887 313- SKINNER.P.H. 96/03/27. BECHANJT. George Power Co. 6pp. 87773:123-87887:316. 87773:128 l

1 l l DOCKETEDITEMS 105 3003270127 9004230034 Part 21 rept re anomaly m AMETEK/Ducson ProSenes targraph models NRC Info Recewm0 Shortened Actm.Nobce bon 96019.

                                                         ".Fadure of Tone Aeort Raeos to Acevate                     Wten SA101P.SA202P.SN101P            & SN202P.Condman exists m 1E programmable bargrapn i

CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/02. ed Edson Co. of New Yort Inc. 8pp, software.New verson bem0 generated to resoNe esue.Affected customers being no1> i 87791 01547791 022. fed. HUBER.C. Ametok, Inc. 96/04/18. NRC . No Dotaded Affilation Gwert 5pp. 9003200200 NRC Info Notco 94020. "Demonstranon of Anw.=ted Equipment Compl> 87992-3394 7992:343. ance w/10CFR3420." CX;DL.DA Dmeson of industnal & Medical Nuc6eer Saiety (Post 870729). 96/04/04 9004220304 Part 21 rept to Struthers-Dunn tmo delay relays built m 1963 w/mcorrect Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 87860;28947860:300. coils.To date found rune relays as at GPC Plant Hatcit. Relays l 9004110006 Rerwests that NRC grant encl thrd to.yr enterval ISI program Requests for cons clearly marked & vonficanon of correct cod can be veuany accomokshed. MAHAFFEY.T.R. Athletion Not Assigned. 96/04/19. NRC . No Detasted Afhhaton I Rehof RR-13 & RR.14.bened on ence ASME Code Cases N.522 & N- Grvert 3pp. 87990:35847990.360. 532.respectvely.m response to NRC RAI & clarthcanon to util 980126 submrttat fg4 **' - U'"*" " ' "" A " " " 9004220331 LER 96004 00:on 960323 reactor pressure acreased & reactor automat > 2048 84 - cany snut down. Caused by maosquate sys operstmg procedure 34SO-N3000115, l " Man Turtune Opershon." Procedures 34SCLN30 001 1S & 2S revised W/960415 ftr. 9604230100 Forwards final ted pedormance assessment repts 50 321/9605 & l . SCk366/9605 on 960212-23, balance of plant equipment performance & matl flPPS.S.B., BECKHAMJT. George Power Co. 96/04/22. 6pp. 87991:3054 7991:310. 9004230137 PNO ll-96031:on 960420.hcenses declared unusual event (UE) assocated l GIBGONAF. R 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/05. BECKHAMAT. George Power Co. w/ transport of potentally.contamreted mjured mdudual oftsne.UE exned when is 3pp. 87953:1624 .193. consee determried that mdudual no longer contammated. l


CARRION.R.P. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/22.1p. 87994.24247994:242. I i Insp repts50-321/9605 & 50-366/9605 on 960212 23.031122 & 0325- I ! 0405.No_. violatons noted.Mapor areas enspected:ptant ( opershons,martt.e piarit support & safety i,/correctrwe acton. RC3ERS.W.G., Gi DDCKET $0-322 $HDREHAM huCLEAR POWER STATION l A . Regen 2 (Post 8202D1). 96/04/04. 29pp. 87953:165-87953:193. 9004040106 NRC trdo Notce 9&c21. " Safety Concems to Design of Door interlock Cir- E inspeen % E Bunstw & coneepondence cuit on Nuc6stron Hagr>Does Rate & Pulsed Does Rate Remote Aftertoadmg Brachytr> erapy Devices? 9003200218NRC Into Notice 96018. "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Artmme Thonum? COOL.DA Due on of inAsstnal & Mechcal Nucieer Satsty (Post 870729). 96/04/10. CX)OL.DA Dmson of industnal & Meecal Nucesar Safety (Post $70729). 96/03/25. Consohdeted Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 8810206748102 075. Consohdated Echeon Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 8779100147791014. amamasanes NRC Info Notice 94022, " improper Equipment Setungs Due to Use of Nontemperature. Compensated Test Equipment." 9003270127 NRC Info Notco 96019. "Fadure " of Tone Alert Rados to Actwate When Recemng Shortened Actryston CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Cormohdated Edson Co of New York, Inc. 6pp. CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/02. ted Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 8pp. 87860.3014 7880.306. 87791:01587791:022 ds SpentFuel.O w

                                                                     L                                   9603290300 NRC Info Nobce 96020, "Demonstraton of Assocated Equipment Comph.

Over 5 tv-R E CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Conschosted Edison Co. of New York, irr 11pp. 88102-100 88102 110. Q[ Po et industnal & Meecal Nuc6sar Safety (Doet870729) 96/04/04. Consondated Edison Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 87860.28947880:300. 9004 7002 D = ISI of reactor pressure vessel welds m supnort of utd 051204 esadadn106 NRC info Notica 96421. " Safety Concems re Desgn of Door Interlock Cr-BECKHAMJT. George Power Co 96/04/12. Document Control Branch (Document curt on Nuclotron High Dose Rate & Pulsed Doce Rate Remote Aftertoadmg Brachytrw Control Desk). 5pp. 87949:05947949:063. erapy Devices." COOL.DA Dmmon of Industnal & Medical Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/10. 9004t?0%is 6RC Into Nchce 96023. "Fres an EDG Excaers Dunng Operston Follow. Coneohdated Ed son Co. of New York, Inc. 9pp. 88102:06748102 075. ang Unostectraf Fuse Bowmg" CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/22. Consohdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. **adas- NRC Info Notco 96C22. " improper Equement Settngs Due to Use of 88102 090 48102:099. Nontemperature Compensated Test Equipment" CRt/TCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consohdated Echson Co. of New York, Inc. 6pp. eendmoot NRC Info Notce 96024. "Precondmonmg of Mokted-Case Chroun Breakers 87860 301 47860 306. Before burvedlance Test ? GRlWES,B.K. . 96/04/ . Connoimated Echson Co. of f4ew York, Inc.14pp, annanano64 NRC Buhotn 96002. " Movement of Hosvy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over 88102 07648102089. Fuel m Reac1or Core.or Over Safety.Related Eauspment" 9004290172NRC Info Nobce 96025. "Traversmg Ir> Core Probe Overwithdrawn at La-same County Staten.Urut 1." 102 b 110 GR ES /30. Coneohdated Echsan Co. of Non York, Inc. 10pp. 9004170100 NRC Info Notice 96423. " Free in EDG Ereners Dunno Operaton Follow-mg Unastected Fuse Blowmg. 9004200006 NRC Info Ncece 96426, "Recent problems w/ Overhead Cranesy Gm/TCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/22. Consohdated Edmon Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/30. Conachdated Echsan Co. of New York, Inc. 10pp. 88102$904810N9. 88102:121 48102 130. 9004220220NRC Into Noece 96424, Precondit onmg of Molded Case Crcuet Breakers Before Survedlance Testno." R PorloeSc operating reports & related corvoeponstance GR!MES.B.K. . 96/04/26. Coneohdated Echson Co. of New York, Inc. 14pp. 8810207648102 089. ennaaaaa14 "El Hatch Nuclear Plant Annual Ermron Survedlance Rapt for 1995." W/ 960326 ftr, te64250172NRC Info Notee 96425, "Traversmg IrbCore Probe Overwithdrawn at La. BECKHAMJT. Georgia Power Co.95/12/31. 89pp. 8772223347722:321. same County Staton Unn 1." GRIMES.B.K. , 96/04/30. Consohdated E& son Co. of New York, Inc. 10pp. 9004250422 "El Halcti Nuclear Plant Radological Envron Operstm0 Rept for 1995." 8810t11148102120. W/960419 ttr. BECKHAMAT. George Power Co.95/12/31. #%p. Now ? !!"23:090. 9004200005 GRIMES.B.K. NRC Info Notice

                                                                                                                              . 96/04/30.           96026. "Recent Consohdated            Problems Edmon Co. of New w/  Overhead York,  6nc     Cranes." . 10pp.

9004100047 Monthly operann0 repts for Mar 1996 for El Hatch Nucieer PlanLW/960409 8810t1214810t130. G. RC3ERS.S.B., BECKHAM l.T. George Power Co. 96/03/31.13pp. 87894:319-87894.331. w, r sing Stage Documents & Co.. -- S. Reportaisie occurrences, LERs & related corvoepondence 9602200186 Suppl 1 to Genonc Lir 95 09 to all NRC hcensees re morutonng & 1rammg of shippers & camers of radioactrve matts. 9804000191 Forwards ads hat of US nuclear facdities to which potental defective stam- COOL.DA Divmon of industres & Medical Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. I less steel Swa0elok tube fitbngs sq:ips to960226 tir re detects potentapy re- Boston Edmon Co.10pp. 8810205748102066. l portaole per 10CFR21. > JOHNSTON.D.J. Crawford Flttmg Co.96/04/03. 3pp. 87824:11347824:115. DOCKET 50 323 DtABLO CANYON NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 2 9404110048 LER 9640340:on 960309.PCIS valves closed unexpectedly 4 moisted re-1 CEDr coosent leakape detecton sys e.a* by component tapise. Logic power fuse & i oc8 replaced a Group 2 motomon signal reset.W/960405 ftr F. Securtty, medical, emergency & fire protection plans T S.B BECKHAMJT. George Power Co. 96/04/06. 5pp. 8785923147859235. 9004100198Forwerds Techrucal Review Rept AEOD/T9602 " Target Rock Twi> Stage 9004150018 Responds to941021 ftr which requested acton w/re0ard to all reactor li-SRV Performance Uposte " On Lamenck Unit 1.pdot cbsc leakage resuned consees unng Thermo Lag & that Itr be treated as Petmon per 10CFR2206. 1- Cn stuck open F.RV & exterioed reactor b6owdown mto L . . pool. RUSSELLW T. . 96/04/03. CINQUEMANI.D K. Affdenon Not Assegned. 4pp. ROSSI.C.E. Onneson of Safety Programs (Post 870413). 96/04/15. SHERON.B W. 87887:31747887.320. 2pp. 87912 33447912:342. Se04150050 Responds to 941028 Itr wesch requested schon w/ regard to all reactor li-

    .ee04100208 "Targel Rock Two-Stage SRV Performance Update?                                               consees unsrq Thermchlag,4 that Itr be treated as Petton per 10CFR2.206.

WEGNER,M S. OHice for Aristy9e & Evaluaton of Operatonal Data, Director. 96/04/ RUSSELL.W.T. 96/04/us. BENJAN.R. AthlmDon Not Assagned. App. 87887.313-

15. 7pp. 8791233687911342. 87887.316.


106 DOCKETED ITEMS j 9404150064 Responds to941021 lir.whch requested acton w/ regard to aD reactor 6 l consees usme thermoiag & that P Bwms tir be treated as Petmon per -9604040164 Lcense Amend Request 96 08 to Lcenses DPR40 & DPR42. revemg Tech Specs 3/4.7.5. " Control Room Ventdaten Sys" & 3/4.7.6. "Auxshary Badg Sate-10CFR2.206.Forwaros nonce of "lasuance of Drector Decaen Under 10CFR2.206." guards er Fdtraton Sys." RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. BIRNIE.P. G.E. Stockholders Aamnce Aganst Nuclear RUEGER.G M. Pacmc Gas & Electnc Co.96/04/03. 7pp. 87766.33147766.337 Power. opp.878872634 7867:312. 9604160206 Responds to postcard did 941114 whch requested acton re all reactor 6- -9604040169 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.7.5. " Control Room ventilaten Sys" & 3/4.7.6. consees uomo Thermo-Lag & that postcard be treated as Petmon per 10CFR2.206. "Aumkary Badg Sateguards At FWtraton Sys." RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. DEBOLT.B. Affikaton Not Aasgnett 3pp. 87680:346-

  • Pacrfr. Gas & Electnc Co 96/04/03.16pp. BU66:336 47766:353.

l 87M848-9602200104 Suppi 1 to Genanc Ur 95 09 to all NRC bconsees re morntonng & trarun0 9604150277 Forwards rap repts $&275/96 05 & 50 323/96 05 on 960316-22.No voia. # COOLD DMacn of Industnal i Nuclear Sate'y (Post 870729) 96/04/05. NN P. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/10. RUEGER.G.M. Pocrfic Gaa & Elec- BsmnE w k N884227 8m2R Inc Co. 5pp. 87872 02747072$39. 9604240D06 Submits correctons to amands 89 4 88 to hcenses OPR40 & DPR42 for

    -9604150200 insp repts 50 275/9605 & 50-323/96 05 on 960318-22.No violabons                        DCNPP.Oruts 1 & 2,reven0 TS re ESFAS & SR & clanhed contamment tan cochng

[ ng aru MURRAY,B. Regen 4 (Post 820271). 96/04/04. 8pp m7 reemde rep P " " ' OOM 87972-224.

                                                                                                                         /04/16. RUEGER.G.M. Pacec Gas & Electnc Co. 2pp. 87972.221-72:032 4 7872 039.

9604160031 Forwards map repts 50-275/9642 & $0 323/96 02 on 960121 0302 & -9604240077 Corrected TS pp to amends 89 & 88 to bconses DPR40 & DPR42.reve-nobce of weisten. m0 TS re ESFAS matrumentation & SR & clattfied contamment fan coolmg urut con. DYER l.E. Regon 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/10. RUEGER.G.M Pacec Gas & Electnc fguratons. Co. 6pp. 87667:04347B87:076.

  • NRC . No Detained Aflikaton Greert96/04/16. 2pp. 87972:22347972.224.

! -96041amn Nonce of molanon from insp on 9601214302.Volaton noted:none of per. 9604250100 Responds to GL 9601. "Testmg of SR Circuits." sonnet assegned to fas tmgaos afurt watch on951229.had completed twenruel trarun0 RUEGER.G.M. Pacsfc Gas & Eisctnc Co.96/04/18. ! recurements. t Control Branch (Docu- ' ment Control Desk). 3pp. 87998.1604799fk162.

  • Regen 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/10. 2pp. 87887 04947887 050.

9804260013rh- Ctance 7 to Rev 18 to plant phyncal securtty plan & Chan0e 1 Q. Inapection reporta,IE Bullettne & to Rev 3 to sateguards conungency plan to ancorporate required vehicle bemer sys & l N (Post 8 20 ). 96 /2 RUEGER.G.M. Pacshe Gas & Elec. 9603200218NRC Info Nonce 96-018. "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Arbome Thonum? Inc Co. 5pp. 10 48003.314 COOL.DA DMeen of industnal & Medical Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/03/25. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 8779190147791:014. 6 Adjus8catory correspondence 9603270127 NRC Info Recemr Shortened Nobce Acevaton 9&O19. ".Fa4ure of Tone Alert Rados to Actwate 9604160018 Responds to 941021 fir wtuch requested echon w/ regard to all reactor b e duon Ca W New YmA inc. 8pp. conness Therrotag & that ter be treated as Petrnon per 10CFR2.206. 01 022 U . 98/04/03, CINQUEMANI.D fl Afhkabon Not Assigned. 4pp. ppp

                                                                                                      -. ,esou,ce         aci on si. & to a=w .or senedehn, con.cis & - ava seud160G4G Renwde to941026lir which requested actenw/renard to all reactor b                       Ry to be resolved m advarce of rupseta amval crate consees uomo ThermcN' ao & that lir be tree'ed as Petition per 10DFR2206                       DYER,J.E Repon 4 (Poet 8202Ct). 9;,,94/03 RUEGER.G.M. Pactfic Gas & Eisctnc RUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/63. BENJAN,R. Afhiston Not Aamgned. 4pp. 8788):313                        Co. 6pp. 87772:01947772:024.

SY887.316. 9603290269NRC Into Notice 96 020, "Demonstraton of Associated Equipment Campb 9604160064 Responds to941021 tir.wtuch requested schon w/ regard to all reactor h. ance w/10CFR34.20." consees uom0 thermo.aa0 & that P Berne str be treated as Petmon per CDOLDA Dmeon of Industnal & Medcal Nuclear Satey (Post 870729). 96/04/04. 10CFR2206. Forwards nobce of " Issuance of Director Decesen Under 10CFR2206." Conschdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 8788028947860:300. RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03 BiRNIE.P. G.E. Sioc*noiders Alkance Agamst Nuclear Power. 4pp. 87887.26347887:312. 9604150328 Forwards response to NRC Buneun 96401, " Control Rod inserton Prot > loms." I 9604150206 Responds to postcard dtd941114wtuch requered acten re all reactor li-l consees usmg Themo. Lag & that postcard be weeled as Petrbon per 10CFR2.206 WOMACK.LF. Pacmc Gas & Electnc Co. 96/04/05. Document Control Branch (Dome mont Control Desk).15pp. 87896:19647896.210. l RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. DEBOLT,B. Afhkanon Not Assigned. 3pp. 87880:346-87880:346-9604040106 NRC infoH@ cun on Nucestron Nobce Rate96421. " Safety

                                                                                                                                     & Pulsed  Does Concems     re Demgn Rata Remote            of Door Aftenondmg      interlock Cr, Bractlyth L Financial triformation                                                                           erapy Demcas."

COOL.DA Dmeen of industnal & Medical Nuctear tsfety (Post 870729). 96/04/10 Consohoated Edman Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 88102:06748102.075. 960s010133 SKINNER.S, ".Pacshc Gas &Pacife ANGUS.M.J. ElectneGas Co& 1995 Annuni Electnc Rapt." W/960326 Co. 95/12/31. Itr. 59pp. 87719:001- 96041502n Forwards map repts $0275/9405 & 50-323/9405 on 96031822.No vois-87719961. 1mns noted GWYNN T.P. Regen 4 (Post 820201) 96/04/10. RUEGER.G.M, Pacific Gas & Elec. 91c Co. 5pp. 87872:02747872:039. P. Operating Scense stage ? _ & correspondonos

                                                                                                   -9604150280 insp repts 50 275/9605 & $0 323/9405 on 960318-22.No violations 9604030230Clanfos desenpaon prtuded en LAR 9545 of locaten & number of tanks                        noted.Malor areas mspected:pnyscal secunty program ancluchng. control of personnes prcmding terrporry essel fuel a4 storage.                                                       & packages,testmg & mamurarung 4 ouantcaison.bgntmg.recoros & roots.

FUJIMOTO.W.H. Pacife Gas & Electnc Co. 96/03/22. Document Control Branch MURRAY.B. Regen 4 (Post 820201), 96/04/04. 8pp. 87872$3247872 039. l (Document Control Desk). 4pp. 87746.3554U46.358. I 9604160031 Forwards map repts 54275/9&O2 4 50 323/9602 on 960121 0302 & 9604020114 Advmes that NRC has been enformed by Attomey General of State of Cale nonce ci votaten. Iomes mvestgating allegahons that tacdtty faded to provios compaste & accurate mfo DYER.J.E. about eNects of plant stake sys on ocean kfe. Co. 6pp. 87y 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/10. RUEGER.G.M Pacrhc Gas & Electnc 88c04347887:076 ELOOM.S.D . 96/03/27. RUEGER.G.M, Pactfic Gas & Enoctnc Co. 3pp. 87725.306-BU25:308-

                                                                                                   -9604160040 Notice of violanon from insp on9601210302.Volation noted:none of per.

i 9604030204 aponed corporate restneturPt0 of util Forwartis nobce ements RU of[GER.G.M. Pacefe Gas & Electnc Co. 3pp. 87722210-BLOOM.S.D. . 96/03/29.

  • Repon 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/10. 2pp. 87887$4947887:050.

877 0.214

  -9604030217 Nobce of proposed empwate restructunng of uni-                                       -9604160043 insp repts 50 275/9502 & 50 323/96 02 on 9601210302. Voistons BLOOM.S.D. .96/03/29. 2pp. 87722'2134U22.214-                                                    noted.Maior        areas       enspectactoperaton       safety        verttcaton.maint observatons.survedlance observanons, onsne engmeenng & plant support activmes.

88^'nen117 Notshes NRC of to defer by cycle remodel acton planned for Urut 2 WONW Regon 4 (Post BM204 96/04M 25pp. 8788N 87887$7E G .G &E 96/04/02. Document Contred Branch (Docu- 9604050336 NRC info Nobce 9&O22, " improper Equipment Setungs Due to Use of ment Control Desk). 2pp. 87814.30947814:310' Nontemperature. Compensated Test EquenwnL CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consohoated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 600 9604000123 Forwards corrected figures for rept re sam 0 of pnmary water stress corro, 87860;301 4 7860.306. son craciung mdcahons et ciented SG tubes puned dunng Umt 1 seventh retuonn0 9604000259 NRC Butetn 96002. " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over ER.G.M Pacshc Gas & Esectrte Co.96/04/02. Document Control Branch (Docu- Fuel m Reactor Core.or Over Safety-Related Eompment" mont Control Desk). 4pp. 87803 35747803:360. CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consohdated E$ son Co. of New York inc.11pp. 88102:100-88102 110. 9604040182 Forwards Lscense Amend Request 9646 to Loonees DPR40 & DPR. 82.revemo Tecn Specs 3/4.7.5 " Control Roorn Ventiaton Sys" & 3/4.7.6. "Aumhary 9604190009 Forwards ensp repts 50 275/9401 & 50 323/9601 on 960108 12 Vote-Biao Seisguaros An Filtraten Sys" tore noted. QUEGER.G.M Pacifc Gas & Ennetnc Co. 96/04/03 Document Control Branch (Docu. GWYNN.T.P. Regen 4 (Poet 820201). 96/04/11. RUEGER.G.M Pactfc Gas & Elec-ment Control Desk). 2pp. 87766.329 87766.353. Inc Co. 6pp. 8792028947920:306. I l l


-9004190011 Inso repts 50-275/P&O1 & 506323/9641 on 960108 032P. Volatons                     9604150064 Responds to941021 Itr.wtuch requested acton w/ regard to aN reactor b.

noted.Maior areas -4 L-- _.; Event Repts 54275/9580240 4 50-323/95- consees usmo thermo la0 & that P Barue ltr tre treated as Petston per 80240 wruch mvolved improper panting of unescorted access authortzehn to mde 10CFR22D6. Forwards notre of " Issuance of Director Decimon Unoer 10CFR2206." vidual. RUSSELLW T. . 96/04/03. BiRNIE,P. G.E. Stockholders Aliance Agamst Nuclear MURRAY,B. Regan 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/05.12p. 87920:29547920:306. Power. 4pp. 8788726347887:312. 9004230378 Forwards corror.1ed pages to insp repts 50 275/96 014 50 323/96 01 dtd 960411. J. Insurance & 'ndemnity irrformatlon GWYNN.T.P. Repon 4 (Post 820201). 96/04/18. RUEGER.G.M. Pacific Gas & Elec-inc Co. 5pp. 8796726647967.273. 96c4010798 Submits mio re present level & scuce of onste property damage suur.

-9604240021 Corrected pages to insp repts50 275/96 01 & 50-323/96 01.Correebon WTT .                             &      Co 96/03/27. Document Control Branch (Docu-WY N.       Regon 4 Post 820201). 96/04/18.19. 87967.27347967-273.                          ment Control Desk). 3pp. 87719 9047719.192.

9004 80 C Info Notes 9G023. "Fres in EDG Excners Dunno Opersion Follow- _g huTCHFIELD.D. 96 22. Consobdated Edmon Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. 88102-09048102099. "8-97 Appicaban for amends to hcenses OPR42 & DPR.71,reveng TS to allow uprate of tacdrhos to 105% of rated tnormal power.Propnetary & nonpropnetary ver. 9804220229 NRC Info Nobce 96424,"Proconditonm0 of MoldeGCase Cucult Breakers sons of GE " Power Uprate SAR for BSEP " encl.Propnetary GE rept witnneid. Before Survedlance Tes1mo." CAMPBELLWA Carchna Power & Ught Co. 96/04/02. Docurr,ont Control Branch GRIMES.B K. . 96/04/25. Consohlated Edman Co. of New York, Inc. 14pp. (Document Control Desk). 27pp. 87826:00147826$91. 88102-07648102$69. 200 '! ? - Prg:ceed tech specs.allowmg 105% thermal power uprate. 9e0425c172 NRC Into Nobce 96425. "Traveremo in4cro Probe Overwithdrawn at La- Carchna Power & Ught Co.96/04/02,49pp. 87826-02547826.076. selle County Staton.Urst 1." GRIMES,8 K . 96/04/30. Consondated Edmon Co of New York. inc. topp- C't?'M Nonpropnetary verson of Suppl 1 to " Power Uprate SAR for BSEP Units 88102 111 48102 120. 1 & 2." 9004200095 GRIMES.B.K. NRC info Nobce

                   . 96/04/30.         96426. "Recent Conschdated    Edison Problems Co. of Neww/York, Overhead Inc                  $1 Cranes." . 10pp.        03             . 26 77 88102-121 48102-130.

9604150275 Forwards two recent repts mustratmg database concept w/ agencies corw comed w/routmg. emergency mgt & other neues re transportaton av radcactrve

& Portodic opereung mports & mteted oormspondence
                                                                                                 @PBLL             . Afflhaton Not Asa#gned. 96/04/02 BENNINGTON.GM Off ce of Nu-9604010120 "labutaban of Personnai Exposure to Raeston for Year 1995." W/960322                    **' '" ' Y
  • 8"' '

O. RUEGER.G.M. Pacific Gas & Electnc Co.95/12/31. 5pp. 87697:33487697243- 9604120075 Apphcaton for amends to bconses DPR42 & DPR.71, vespectively.revemg TS 3.0 & 4.0 & bases re apphcabshty & SRa,per guidance in GL 87 09 & NUREG. 03/3 "" "' " C W. M H acif E actnc Co 1 . 87939.213- pp gd.00 87939:233. 863 46 9604240182 "F'rst Quarter 1996 Rept on Dacharge Marstormg at Diablo Canyon Power -9604120077 Proposed toch specs 3.0 & 4.0 & bases re app >caberty & SR. Plant." W/960419 itr

  • Carchna Power a ught Co.96/04/04.131pp. 87863:01547863.146.

FUJtMOTO.W.H. Packhc Gas & Electnc Co.96/03/31. BRIGGS.R W. Californa, State of 90pp. 86016:17848016 267. 9602200106 Suppl 1 to Genanc Ltr 9549 to en NRC bconsees to monitanng & trammg or s & camers of radioactive matis. A Dmson of industnal & Mechcal Nuctaar Safety (Post $70729). 96/04/05. DOCKET $0 224 BRUNSWICK STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT, UNIT 2 Bosion Edson Co.10pp. 88102-05748102266. 9604190104Notifes NRC staff tint plant.compieled -- .; MOV progrsrn.per GL F. Securtty, medicmL emergency a fire protectlon plans 89 10. CAMPBELL,W.R. Carolina Power & Ugnt Co. 96/04/12. Document Control Branch manansc199 Forwards pubhc verson of Rev 64 to Piern Emergency Procedure App A, (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 87957:33947957:341.

  " Emergency Response Resources." W/960404 Itr.

HICKS.G.D. Carchna Power & Ugnt Co. 96/03/25. Document Control Branch (Docu, 9604220346 Notificaton of 960430 meeting w/uti in Rockwelle.MD to escuss plant ment Control Dook). 5pp. 87800:232 47800:259. power uprate.comerson to rewmed Std TS & 24-month survedlance. MOZAFARI.B. .96/04/17.IMBRO.EN. app.67955.357 47955.361. rr -- -- : Pshhc verson of Rev $4 to Plant Emergency Procedure App A. "Emer-Roncones Resources" 9604230349 Forwards RAI re mtemal event analyse m 950630 sismittal on iPE nelue E ON.R. Caroima Power & Ught Co.96/02/29. 23pp 87800 23747800-259. ano accidern sequence core damage frequency analyss. human rehabdny analysm & contemment performance ana 9604150275 Forwards two recent repts Bustrabng database concept w/agences con- MOZAFARt.B. . 96/04/18. PBELLW.R. Carohna Power & Light Co. 8pp. comed w/routmg, emergency mgt & other mauss re transportanon or redonctive 87972202 4 7972209. matis Wto enct CAMPBELLS G. Afflhaton Not Asmgned. 96/04/02.BENNINGTON G.M. Ofnce of Nu- 9004240218 Submits response to NRC GL 96-01 "Testng of Safety-Related Logic Car. clear Matanal Safety & Safeguardt 1p. 87872'02487872:026. cuns " CAMPBELLW.R. Carchna Power & Lgnt Co. 96/04/18. Document Control Branch 9004150018 Responds to941021 tir which requested acton w/ regard to aH res M or li- (Document Control Daak). 5pp. a*naa P " anne 333, coneses unng Themolag & that ter be treated as Petitaon por 10CFR2.206. LUSSERW T. . 96/04/03. CINQUEMANI.D.K. Afhkaton Not Asmgned. 4pp. 9604290338 Responds to GL 9547. " Pressure Lociung & Thermal Bmdmg of SR Power

  $7887.31747887;320.                                                                           Operated Gate valves."

CAMPDELLW.R. Carchna Power & Laght Co, 96/04/26. Document Control Branch 9604150060Responos to 941026Itr wfuch requested acton w/ regard to an reactor 5- (Document Control Desk). 3pp. *a'"^Pa **~0 332. censees unng Thermo-Q4 that tir be treated as Ponton per 10CFR2206. RUSSELL.W.T. 96/04/va. BENJAN,R. Affmaton Not Assegrad. App. 87887 313-87887;316. . reporta, IE Busatins & L. Q. :. - 9804150064 Responds to 941021 fir.utsch recposted acton w/rocard to an reactor IL consees using thermo tieg & that P Bene fir be treateo as Petiten per 9603200218 10CFR2.206. Forwards nobce of "assuance of Drector naa==n Uncer 10CFR2206.a COOL.DA NRC DMsaan InfoofNobce 94018. Industnel "Comphance

                                                                                                                                       & Meecal             w/10CFR20 Waaar Safety            for Arbome (Post 870729).       Thonum.".

96/03/25 RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03 BIRNIE.P. G.E. Stockholders Alhance Agenst Nuclear Consohdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 87791:0014T/91214 9603270127 9004160208 Responds to postcard dtd 941114which requested schen to an reactor b. Roc NRC Info Shortened Nouce Activaton 9G019.

                                                                                                                                                   ". Failure of Tone Alert Rados to Activate Wh conness unng Thermo Laq & that postcard be treated as Petten por 10CFR2206.                   CFIUT     FIELD.D. . 96/04/02.                  sted Edison Co. of New York. Inc. 8pp.

RUSSELLW T. 96/04/ua. DEBOLT.B. Afflhanon Not Asegned. 3pp. 87880 346 87791 015 47791-022. 87880.348. 9603290289 NRC Info Nobce 94020. "Demonstraton of Associated Equipment Comph-9604190092 Requests that submittal be withdrawn pending readmWttal10 comcide w/ ance w/10CFR34.20." enhancements to site bemers & access control stanons. COOL,DA DMacn of industnai & Medical Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04. ongoer4.uD. HICK $ Carchna Power & Ught 96/04/11. Document Control Branch (Docu- Consohdated E$aon Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 87860;28947860;300. ment Control Desk). 2pp. 87951:30547951.306. 9604160072 Responds to NRC Bulletm 95002. " Unexpected Clogging of RHR Pump Stramer Wtute Operatmo in Suppressen Pool Mode." 6 Adkadicatory correspondence HlCKS.G.D. Carohne Power & ught Co. 96/04/04. nt Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk). 5pp. 8'914.335-87914.339. 9604150018Resporv1s to 941021 ttr which requested acton w/ regard to aR reactor 6 cenames unn0ThomoLag & that nr be treated as Petikon per 10CFR2.206. 9604220251 Docusses insp repts 50 324/9603 & 50-325/96-03 on 900205 09 8 for-RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. CINOVEMANI.D.K. Affilaton Not Asegned. 4pp. wards nobce of molaten. 87887;317 4 7887'320. EBNETER.S.D. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/04. CAMPBELLW.R. Carohna Power

                                                                                                & ugnt Co 7pp. 879352fl&87935.328.

9604150050 Responds to941026 Itr which rocasested acten w/rocard to aR reactor b-


consees unng Thermo-Q& that Itr be treated as Petiten per 10CFR2.206 -9604220261Nobce of volaton from insp on 960205 09 Violaten noted llconsee feied RUSSELLW.T. , 96/04/va. BENJAN.R. AfNiabon Not Asmgned. App. 87687;313- to rnplement enerrucal tosDng program. 87887.316.

  • Regen 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/04. 34pp. 87935295 87935.328.
 . -         -- .-                           . - - - -                . _ . - - . , - . ,           , . ~ . - _ .          - _                 ..         . _ _ - ~ . ~              _- . _ . - . . . - . --                           .   ---.-..

I l 108 DOCKETEDITEMS 90041004t8 Fonwards snep rept50 324/9646 & S0 325/9646 on 980326 26. No y ola. tons noted. .mananmanas Put$c verwon of Rev 54 to Plant Emergency Procedure App A. "Emer. Response Resowces." j CHRISTENSEN.H. Re CAMPBELLW.R. Carohna ON.R. Carchna Power & Light Co.96/02/29. 23pp. 87800.23747800-259. I Power & Ught Co. 3pp. gen 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/05. 8000lt07548009087. . I l =000410043s inep repts 50 324/9646 & 50-325/9646 on 980326-28.No volatons 9004150018 Responds to941021 Itr wNch requested acton w/ regard to all reactor li. noemd.Malor areas ; consees uenD Thermc> Leg & that ltr be treated as Ponton per 1ocFR2.206. I - _ ^ _ _ _ of completed map packages for gapm9 RUSSELL,W T. . 96/04/03. weeds. renew of compennon ISA date w/ PSI remrds & more. CINQUEMANI.D.K. Affikanon Not Aswgned 4pp. BLAKE.J.J. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/05.10pp. 88009 0784800lh087, 87687:317 4 7867:320. l annaceased h PPR of Brunswick conducted on 900229.PPR W N 9004150000 R to 941026Itr whch requested acton w/ to an reactor Ib. U" *"9 '""P* * " *PD""*"* 995 et 1 USSELL 04 AN R ffikaton 4pp 87087:3t3-SHYMLOCK.M.B. Regen 2 (Poet 820201). 96/04/05. CAMPBELt W.R. Carolma 87887:316. . Power & Ught Co. 5pp. 87935:18147935:165 9004150064 Reeponds to 941021 lir.whch requested acton w/ regard to all reactor b. 9004040100 NRC treo Notco 96421. "Selety Concems to Deegt of Door intertock Cr. coneses uomg tnermo4a0 & 1 hat P Ome ftr be treated as Ponton per cun on Nuclotron Higf>Does Rees & Pulsed Does Rete Remote Aftertoodmg Brachyth, 10CFR2.206. Forwards rocce of " Issuance of Drector Docaon Under 10CFR2.206." erapy Devices.= j RUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/03 BIRNIE.P. G.E. Stockholders Alhence Agamst Nucceer COOL.DA Drwoon of induetnal & Medical Nucteer Safety (Poet 870729). 96/04/10. Power. 4pp. 87667.26347887:312. Cor=aMaled Eeoon Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 8810206748102075. 9004190200 Responds to postcard did941114which requested acton to all reactor 6 i annamaneen NRC Info Notco 96422. " Improper Equqament Settngs Due to Use of coneses unng Thermc> Lag & that postcard be treated as Penuon per 10CFR2.206. 6.1 . _ _- Compensated Tes1 Equipmert" RUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/03. DEBOLT.B. Afflheton Not Aemgned. 3pp. 87880:348-CRIJTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Cor=aMated Edmon Co. of New York, Inc. 8pp. 87880:348. 87000:301 4 7860 306.. annamanese NRC Bulleen 96402. " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over Fuel m Reactor Core,or Over Safety.Reisted Equipmert" NG.D. Carohns Power &

                                                                                                                                                       $                    "NYacceen con                            cons CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Coneohosand Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.11pp.                                                                                                  96/04/11. Document Control Branch (Docw 08102100 88102:110.                                                                                                       vnent Contrd Deem 2pp. 87951-               7951:306.

9004240143 Forwards response to NRC 900318 324/9641 & 50w325/95 01 on 9001074217. Itr re violabons .- noted in. .; anspwasreptspe .50,- G. Wory cormepondence formed on any outstandm0 escrepancsos assocated w/DG 11Correchwe .1. CAMPBELL.W.R. Carohna Power & Co. 96/04/17. Document Control Branch 9004150018 Responde to 041021 Itr wNch requested acten w/rererd to all reactor ik (Document Control Dean). Opp. 88010 10.245. consees uomg Thermc> Lag & that lir be treated as Petton per 10UFR2.206. 9004170100 NRC info Notco 96 023. "F' res e EDG Excitore Dunng Operaton Fogow- RUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/03. CINQUEMANI.D.K. Aff heten Not Assened. App. 87887:317 47867:320. l InD Undesseted Fuse CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/22Blowng", Coneohdated Edson Co of New . York

                                                                                                     . inc.10pp.

8810209H8102009. 9e04150000 Responds to941028 Itr wNeh rocasested acton w/ regard to all reactor li-consees uur Thermo & that Itr be treated as Petten per 10CFR2.206 I amanea**e NRC Info Notee 96424. "L  ;.6., of Molded. Case Crcuit Breakers RU ^^ ' Bekare Survedience Tooeng." 7O636' RI B 96/04/25. Coneohdated Edmon Co. of New York. Inc.14pp.

                                  '                                                                                            se04150064 Rapands e 941021 mmhicn roomsted schon w/ regard e an reactor 6 consees uomo themio-la0 & that P Bme Otr be treated as Petton per annasan172 NRC Info Notco 96425. "Traversmg inCore Probe Overwithdrawn at La.                                                10CFR2.206. Forwards notco of "leeuence of Dractor Decamon Under 10CFR2.206."

sane County Staton.Unst 1.- RUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/03. BIRNIE.P. G E. Stocknoiders Alhance Agamst Nucteer GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/30. Cor-aidated Eeean Co. of New York. Inc. 10pp. Power. 4pp. 87887.26347887;312. 88102111 48102120. ennaenaama NRC Irdo Nobos 96426. "Recent Problems w/ Overhead Cranes." J. Insuronoe & Wideosir.y e.Nienen GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/30. Consolidated Edman Co. of New Yorth Inc. 10pp. 88102121 48102 130. 3004010208 Gubmete info re present level & source of oneste property damage insur-ance et BSEP,SHNPP & HB Roomson. Q. Porteste opemeing reports & moeted concependence WALT T.D. Carohna Power & Light Cct 96/03/27. Doctanent Control Branch (Doca-ment dentrol Desk). 3pp. 87719:19047719:192. se04240203 Monthly operetng repts for Mar 1998 for Brunswick Steam Electnc Plant.Urvte 1 & 2.W/9e0417 tir HARRISON.F LOPRIORE.R.P. Caroima Power & Lsght Co. 96/03/31. 10pp. P. Opereung Soones stage ' _ & consapendonoe 80006.34348006:352. maaaaaata? App 4caten for amends to hconess DPR42 & DPR-71.renemg TS to show wrote of tecshees to 105% of rated Omrmal power.Propnetary & m _, _ _ _ , ver-Sm Reporteado - - _. LERs & related correspondence esons of GE " Power Uprete SAR tar BSEP ." enctPropnetary GE rept witnheid. CAMPBELL,W.R. Carohna Power & uant Co. 96/04/02. Document Control Branch 9004180198 Forwards Techncel Review Rept AEOD/T96 02. " Target Rock Two Stage (Document Control Desk). 27pp. 8782630147826:091. SRV Performance Update." On Lamenck Unit 1. pilot eac leaka0e resuned en stuckepen SRV & entended reactor blowdown ento h -- pool. .amaananan9 Proposed tecM apocs.aMowmg 105% thermal power uprate. ROSSI.C.E. Dunen of Setety Programs (Post 870413). 96/04/15. SHERON.B W .

  • Carohna Power & Ught Co. 96/04/02. 49pp. 87826S2647826 076.

2pp. 87912334-87912-342.

     -90041802e8 "T                                    SRV Performance Update?

Rock Two-S 1 & 2." WEGNER.M.S, for Analyes Evolueton of Operatonal Deta. Drector. 96/04/

15. 7pp. 87912 33647912342. BALLM E. Generet Electnc Co. HELME.R.E. Carchna Power & UDht Co. NEDO.32466 S01. 96/03/31.15pp. 87826:07747826:091.

I annaseenas LER 9640340 on 980317 dual unit shutdown occurred due to SW pump I a, ^ ^ ^ Repared SWPs & rafa=' corroded boltmg w/MasteNoy mati.W/960416 te0412n075 Appheaton for amends e hcenses DPR42 & DPR.71. mWy, TS 3.0 & 4.0 & bases re apphcabety & SRs.per gtacance in GL 87 09 & N 81' T- ABOR.S, LOPRIORE.R.P. Carchna Power & LJght Co. 96/04/16 9pp. 87992:349- 1433 LEVIS.W. Carohne Power & bght Co.96/04/04. Document Control Branch (Document 87992 357* Coreal Dook).14pp. 87883:00147883:146. annannnens LER %00141:en 980202. planned reactor manual scram 61ses1ed to sg> part start of Unit 2 B212R1 refuehng outage. Caused by accesareted aqpng.New as. -9804120077 Proposed toch specs 3.0 4 4.0 & bases re apphcabety & SR. esmb6es replaced & encreased frequency of morutenn0 performance W/960426 Itr.

  • Carohna Piper & Lsght Co.96/04/04.131pp. 87863:01647863:146.

TABOR.S., LEVIS.W. Carohne Power & Ugnt Co. 96/04/26. Spp. 88066.200 68086.204. 9602200186 Suppl 1 to Genenc Ltr 95 09 to all NRC bconsees re monstonng & trammg o rsnepers & camers of radioactve maus. COOT D.A. Duason of industnal & Mescal Nucteer Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. V. Operator Esemenstlens Boston Edson Co.10pp. 88102:05748102:066. se64040214 PM==*= termmaton of lated reactor operator hcenes due to change m 96041e0002 Apphceton for amend to beense DPR.71.rowsmg MCPR safety brrvta in TS gab functons 2.1.2 from 1.07 to 1.09 for cyde 11 operaton & reveng TS 5.3.1 to reflect new fuel CAMPBEL.L,W.R. Carchna Power & Ught Co. 96/04/01. EBNETER Document Control type GE13 that we be used durmg refusing 10. Branch (Document Cor*ol Desk). Ip.87771:171 4 7771:171. LEVIS.W. Carchna Power & Ught Co.96/04/06. Cc9 trol Branch (Document Control Dook).10pp. 87915:170-87915:196. l DOCKET 50425 BRUB88 WICK STEAM ELECTRIC PLAffT, UNIT 1 -9804160005 Proposed toen specs 2.1.2 revismg MCPR sat hmits from 1.07 to 1.09 i for cycle 11 operaten.TS 5.3.1 to reflect GE13 fues & 'oure 31.51 to reflect i chenpes to pomon mati concentraton noeced to acheve reactor shutdown. i F. Securtty, needical, emergency a fire protect 6an piene

  • Carohna Power & bght Co.96/04/06. 9pp. 87915:18847915:196.

l l se64060190 Forwards pubhc versen of Rev 54 to Plant Emergency Procedure App A, 9004130104 Notifies NRC staff that plant. completed implemenbng MOV program.per GL t " Emergency Reeponse Resources " W/980404 ftr. 8410 l HICKS.G.D. Carchne Power & Co. 96/03/25. Document Control Branch (Docu. CAMPBELLW.R. Carchna Power & Ught Co. 96/04/12. Document Controi Branch j munt Control Dook) 5pp. 87800 4 7800.259 (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 87957.33947957.341. l l

DOCKETEDITEMS 109 9604220346 Nohncaten of 960430 meetog w/util in Rockville.MD to escuss plant R. Portodic operating reports & related -. power uprate.converwon to sensed Std TS & 24. month survedlance. MOZAF ARI.B. .96/04/17.lMBRO.E.V. 4pp. 87955:35747955.361. 9604240203 Monthly operatm0 repts for Mar 1996 for Brunswick Steam Electnc 9604230349 Forwards RAI re ritemal overa atelyse ei950630s@mrttal on IPE mclud. "' mg ar~ ant seouence core camage nequency . , ,. ?_ . rekstukty analyse & RIS"ON F IOR , Carchna Power & Ugnt Co. 96/03/31. 10pp. corrissnment performance analyse. 68008:343 4 8008.352. MOZAFARI.B. . 96/04/18. CAMPBELL.W.R. Carohne Power & Light Co. 8pp. 8797220247972209 g g g ,,g 900424021e Submns response to NRC GL 9H1, "Tesen0 of Safety.Related Logc Cr-cuits." 960418019e Forwards Techncal Revow Rept AEOD/T9H2, " Target Rock Twc> Stage CAMPBELLW.R. Carolma Power 4 Co. (Document Control Desk) 5pp. *- yU'-96/04/18. 338. Document Control Branch SRV Perforrrance Update." On Umenck Urut 1. pilot dec leakage resurted m stuckepen SRV & extended reactor blowdown mto suppreswon pool ROSSI.C.E. Duson of Setety Programs (Post 870413). 96/04/15. SHERON.8 W. 960429033e Responds to GL 9547," Pressure Lociung & Thermal Bmdmo of SR Power 2pp. 87912'33447912'342. Operated Gate valves." CAMPBELLWA Carohna Power & Ught Co. 96/04/26. Document Control Branch (Docwnent Control Desk). 3pp. 88040.33048040 332. -9604180208 " Target Rock Two Stage SRV Performance Update." WEGNER.M.S. Othee tor Analyse & Evakaten of Operatonal Data. Dractor. 96/04/

15. 7pp. 87912:33647912:342.

Q. Inspection reports,IE Dulletins & ~ 9604290054 LER 96 00440:on 960321. standby gas treatment sys charcoal lesung to pre & post swoop temperature not performed. Caused by venoor mterpretaten of Reg 960320021s NRC info Nohce 96018. "Compience w/10CFR20 for Artome Thonum." Guide 1.52.rev 1.C/A: testm0 samples completed on 960326 W/960419 ftr. COOLDA Duson at indusinal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870'29). 96/03/25. TURKALMA. LEVIS.W. Carchna Power & Ught Co. 96/04/19. 4pp. 88045282 Consondated Edison Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 67791:001 4 7791-014. 88045 286. 9003270127NRC into Notoe 96 019. " Failure of Tone Alert Radios to Actrvate When 96 2. tad Edson Co of New York. Inc. Sop. 9604040214 Requests termmation of kated reactor operator 4 cense ches to change en 9003290269 NRC Info Nobce 96 020 "Demonstraton of Assocated Equipment Compli- I b functons. ance w/10CFR34.20.= CAMPBELLW.R. Carohna Power & Co 96/04/01.EBNETER Document Control COOLD.A. Duson of indusinal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04. Branch (Document Control Desk).1p. 7771:171 4 7771:171. Coneohdated Eckson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 87860-28947860:300. 9004140072 Responds to NRC Buliebn 95-002. " Unexpected Clogyng of RHR Pump DOCKET 60 327 SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 1 Swamer Wtune Operatog in Suppresson Pool Mods." HlCKS.G.D. Carokre Power & Ught Co, 96/04/04. Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk). 5pp. 87914.335-87914239. F. Securtty, medical, emergency & fire protection peane 9604220261 h - insprsas50 324/96 03 & $0 325/9643 on 060205 09 4 for-9604000246 Rev 17 to EPtP 1, " Emergency Plan Clasadcaten Matnx." W/960327 fir. ETE . Regen 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/04 CAMPBELLW.R. Carobre Power SHELLR.H Tennessee Valley Autnanty.96/03/27. 36pp. 67815.24747815.299.

      & Ugnt Co. 7pp. Sn35.28647935.328.

9604000132Revned Central Emergency Control Ctr (CECC) EPIPs.melutbng Rev 16 to

  -9004220261 Nouce of violation from insp or' 96020509 Violabon noted licensee failed       CECC EPIP.2.Rev 18 to CECC EPIP-3.Rev 19 to CECC EPIP 4,Rev 21 to CECC EPIP.

to mipiement enemical testin0 y 5 & Rev 11 to CECC EPlP.22. W/960402 Itr.

  • Regen 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/04. 34pp. 87935295-87935:328. BARON.R.R. Tennessee Valley Authonty.96/04/02. 64pp. 6782026147820:314.

9604180418 Forwards inep rept50 324/96 06 & 50-325/9G06 on 960326 26. No vela. 9604150018 Responds to941021 fir whch requested acton w/ regard to all reactor li-tons noted. consees unng Thermc Lag & that atr be treated as Ponton per 10CFR2.206. CHRISTENSEN.H. Region 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/05. CAMPBEU W.R. Carolina RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. CINQUEMANI,D.K. Athhabon Not Assegned. 4pp. Power & Ught Co. 3pp. 88009:07548009 087. 87887:317 4 7887220.

  -9004190426 Insp repts 50 324/96 06 & 50 325/9646 on 96032428.No volanons               96041500$0 Responds to941026 Itr whch requested acton w/ regard to all reactor li-noted.Malor areas ensper ted: review of completed map packages for papeng               consees uom0 mormt> Lag & that Itr be treated as Penton por 10RR2.206.

welds. review of companoon ISI cats w/ PSI records & more. RUSSELLW.T. 96/04/u . BENJAN.R. Affilmaan Not Aswgned. 4pp. 87887:313-BLAKE.J.J. Region 2 (Poet 820201). 96/04/05.10pp. 88009:0784800lt087. 87887:316. 360422C224 Docusses PPR of B'unswmk corWcted on 960229.PPR irwolved participe- 9604150064 Responds to941021 Itr.whch requested acton w/ regard to all reactor li-Don o' technmal evisens m evalualmg mspecten results & safety performance mfor- consees unm0 thermo-leg & that P Barrue ttr be treated as Petton per maton for Oct 1995 to Feb 1996. 10CFR2206 Forwards nonce of "tssuance of Drector Decisen under 10CFR2206 " SHYMLOCK.M.B. Regen 2 (post 820201). 96/04/05. CAMPBELL.W.R. Carchna RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. BIRNIE.P. G.E. Stockhoiders Allance Agamst Nuclear Power & Light Co. 5pp. 87935:1814 7935.165. Power. 4pp. 8788726347887:312. 9604040106 NRC Into Nobce 96 021. " Safety Conceme re Demgn of Door Irneriock Cl'* 9604150208 Responds to postcard dtd941114wtuch requested acton to all reactor li-cult on Nucistron Higr> Dose Rate & Pulsed Dose Rate Remote Aflenomen0 Bracnyth- consees Thermo4ag & that postcard be treated as Peabon por 10CFR2.206.


COOLD Duman of kidustnal & Medcol Nuclear Safety (Post $70729). 96/04/10, 87880 Coneohdated Edemon Co. of New York, arn 9pp. 881C2 06748102:075. 96040603.36 NRC Info Nance 96022. " improper Equipment Settngs Due to Use of 9604230321 Forwards insp repts 50 327/9643 & 50 328/9643. No volabons noted. Nantemperature4cmpensated Test Equipur:nt" FREDERICKSON.P. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/08. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Conschaated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 6pp. valley Authonty. 3pp. 87967.24647967.256. 87800:301 4 7800:306. 9604240248 Forwards into re W Security Plan.Rev 1.Enci withhed. 9604000254 NRC Bunsen 96 002. " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent FuelOver 1, * ** V / /19. Document Control Branch (Docu-Fuel an Reactor Core.or Over Safety-Related Eatspment" TDe"s"k2pp. ' CE~UTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11 Consohdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. 88102:10048102-110. g, y _ 9604240143 Forwards response to NRC 960318ftr re volations noted m inno repts 50-324/9601 & 54325/95 01 on 9601074217.Correctve - - .-.; was per- 9604150018 Responds to 941021 itr whch requested acton w/ regard to all reacior E-formed on any outstaneng discrepancies associated w/DG 11.1. consees unm.g Thomm-Lag & that Itr be treated as Peabon per 10CFR2206. CAMPBELLW.R. Carchna Power & Lsght Co. 96/04/17. Document Control Branch RUSSELLW T. . 96/04/03. CINQUEMANI.D.K. Afreeton Not Assegned. 4pp. (Document Control Desk). 8pp. 88010.2384801&.245. 87887:3174 7887:320. 9604170169NRC Ireo Notme 95023. " Free m EDG Excitars During Operation Fonow- g604150050 Responds to941026 ftr wtuch requested acten w/ regard to all reactor li-mg Undetected Fuse Biowng" GRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/22. Corisohdated Edson Co of New York. Inc.10pp. consees unng Thermo.La{& that lir be treated as Pettion per 10CFR2.206. 88102-00046102 090. RUSSELL.W.T. 96/04/u . BENJAN.R. Athhaton Not Aamgned. App. 87887;313-87887-316. 9504220229NRC Info Notco 9,4024. "Proconebonmg of HoldedCase Circuit Breamers 9604150064 Responds to941021 Itr.wtuch roouested acuan w/re0ard to all reactor in ES 96 .' Conachdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 14pp. 88W7688102089. 220"6 orwa

  • Dire und 1 20 AUSSELLW.T. 96/" ,uJ BIANIE.P. G.E. Stockhoiders Alhance Agasnst Nuclear 9604250172 NRC Info Nahce SV.-025. "Traversmg in. Core Probe Overwithdrawn at La. U"" #E@' O O #6
  • 00 '

seine County Staten.Urut 1." GRIM S. /30. Conachdated Edson Co of New York. Inc. topp. g g ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 9604260096 NRC into Notco 94026. "Recent Problems w/ Overhead Cranos.* 9604220162 Forwards updated hsts for planta.effectve - - GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/30. Consokoeted Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 10pp. BARON.P.R. T _ _ Valley Autnonty.96/04/15. Document dontrol Branch (Docu-88102-121 48102-130. mont Control Desk). 7pp. 87965:171 4 7965.177. l I

i l 110 DOCKETED ITEMS P. Operating econes eta 9e documente & corroependence 9004290167 Forwards safety evaluatum re rehof from ASME code repar requrements for Canopy Semi weeds.for piant unn 1. 9604010300 Requests addlinto to of offans power study (TIA 94421). HEBOON.F.J. . 96/04/24. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley Authonty. 1p. LABARGE.D.E. . 96/03/27 KINGS .O.D. Tennessee Valley Authonty app. 88036:30788m6.313. 87685:1714 7685:174.

                                                                                                              -9004290171 Safety evaluaten approvmg rehof from ASME code reper requrements
  *and=*** Forwards bio requested by NRC dunn0 960220toicon re TS Change Re-                                      p Carmpy Seal Woldsjor plant Unn 1.

Quest 9247.mctudmg TVA methodology for Ostermrung RCS loss <4. flow reactor tip . 96/04/24. 6pp. 88036.30648036:313. setpomL SHELL.R.H. Tennessee Valley Authonty. 96/03/28. Document Cormol Branch (Docu. 9004290112 Informs of asagnment of new prolect mana0e s to Sequoyah & Watts Bar ment Control DeelQ. 5pp. 87815 34447815.348. Nuclear Plants. VARGA.SA . 96/04/25 KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley Authortly. 2pp. manwe2 Forwards nonce of withdrawal of 921116 & 930903 requests for amend to 88036:355 88038:356. lumnaes OPR.77 & DPR.79.respectrvely.per980311 telaarLAmend would have mod-had TS re mm value specified for RCS total flow rate requrement in TS 3.2.5. LABARGE.D E. . 96/03/29. K)NGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley Authonty 2pp. Q. Inspection reports, SE Bulletene & correspondonoe t 877252674 7725.270. 9003200218NRC Into Nobce 96 018. "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Arbome Thonum."

  -9004030387 Notco of withdrawal of 921118 & 930903 remests for amend to hcenses                                 COOL.DA Dmson of Industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/03/25.

l DPR-77 & DPR-79.resper tvoly-LABARGE.D.E. .96/03/29. 2pp. 87725.26947725:270. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 87791$0147791214. ! 9004030134 Informs that hcensee 960304 request to withhold NSDwSG0w1212 from 9003270127NRC Into Nobce 96 019. "Faikre " of Tone Alert Rasos to Activate When i doctosure per 1CCFR2.790. granted Recemng Shortened Activaton I GE.D.E. . 96/03/29 LIPARULO.NJ. Westinghouse Electric Corp. 3pp. CRUTCHFIELD D. . 96/04/02. ted Edmon Co. of New York, Inc. 8pp. 877362404 7736:342. 87791:01547791222. md=*aa Forwards mio requested in NRC951201 RAI re IPE of Extemal Event.per 9004030164 Ack recept of 960226 Itr in*orming NRC of steps taken to correct volations GL 87 20. Suppl 4. noted m 931202 rm.W re FC Smith compiamt of doenmmaton by TVAVolation oc-SHELL.R.H. Tennessee Valley Authartty. 96/03/29. DoaJment Control Branch (Docu. curred as stated. j rnent Control Desk). 447pp. 87802 00147803283. LIBERMANJ. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/02.KINGSLEY,0.D. Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 3pp. 87721:13647721:140.

  **^damma Diamanas termmaton of 860130 order to Quanty Technology Co 9604000234 Ack receipt of 960315 ftr informmg NRC of steps taken to correct woolatons records.Secton V(C) of creer resemded.Secton V(A) reecended when Thoro                              noted m rap rapts 50-327/W26,50 328/626.50-327/95 27 & 50-328/627.

reknquenos all records to NRC & secton V(B) uni become moot QUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/02. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley Authority 4pp- LESSER.M.S. Regon 2 (Poet 820201). 96/04/02.KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vaney 87782:3184 7782 321. Authonty. 3pp. 87793:35247793:354.

  **^dem Provides into re util FFD program per 10CFR26, App A.Subpart A.Secton 960               95090S 960301 nel              rap plan no ear months.

N.R.R. Tennessee Valley Authonty.96/04/02. Document Control Branch (Docu. ment Control Desk). 2pp. 87815:34047815:341. #h. 7 :21 22

  • 9004100179 Summesues 960325 meebng w/util representstrwee re recent operatonal 34 pce . "Denonsraton of Assomated Equipnwnt W performance. Forwards let of attendees,meebng handout & mutualpy agreed to addl COOL.DA Dmson of industnel & Medcol Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04.

SSER.M.S. Regon 2 (Post $20201). 96/04/02. KINGSLEY.O.D. Te  : Vaney Conschanted Eeson Co. of New Yak, n 12pp. 87860:28H7eec200 Autnanty. 56pp. 87812;27247812:327. amadamma Responds to 960316 request that NRC defer asuance of orders W 9004000198 Forwards info assocated w/ analyse performed for canopy seal weld rspar in OL ** ^ * ^ * ' *~ ** on dunng Cycle 7 refuelmg roguested dunng lokan w/NRC. $ % [eecnminenon at pier ts'

                                                         '4           . Docurnent Control Branch h                LIE 8ERMANJ. Ofc of Enforcement (Post 87041'3). 96/04/04. KINGSLEY.O.D. Ten.

Con Desk 9pp 8 803 354 nessee Valley Authonty. 7pp. 87752:035 87752-041. 9004000072 TS Change 9641 to hoenees DPR.77 & DPR 79.aRowing use of nuclear 9004000210Provides response to NRC960214 RAI re insp repts $0 327/9518 & 50-Fuels (FCF). Propnetary & ver- 328/95-18Jncluen0 conoceve actone & scheduie for reeceuten of degraded coneton fuel prowdedg Framanome


SH R H. Te Authonty. R Valley Authertty 96/04/04. Document Control Branch (Docu= ment Control Desk). 3pp. 8782720147829-043. 04 04'. Document Consol Branch > ment Control Desk). 2pp. 87817;23447817:235.

 .mamennyg Proposed toch specs.aRowm0 converson from Westmghouse fuel to fuel                                 9004110083 Provides response to NRC Buliebn 96-001, " Control Rod inserton Prot >

V Authonty 96 04. 86pp. 87827 00447827 089. ON.R.R. Tennessee Valley Authonty.96/04/05. Document Control Branch (Docw l mont Control Duck).19pp. 87856:13347856:151. MT Forwards propnetary Topical Rept BAW.10220P. " Mart BW Fuel Assem. i thy son for Sequoyah Nuclear Units 1 & 2." Propnetary rept withheld (ref 9004230321Fonverds map repts $0427/96 03 4 50 328/96 03.No votatens noted. t 10CF .790) FREDERICKSON.P. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/08. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee  ! TAYLOR.J.H.' Framatome Cogems Fuses (formerly B&W Fuel Co.).. 96/03/05. Docu, Vaney Authonty. 3pp. 87967:246-87967.256. ment Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 396pp. 87827:09047828:121. g 1

 -9004000100 Nonpropnetary TR. " Mark-BW Fuel Assemtdy Apphcanon for Sequoyah                                    reted.Mapor areas inspected:sMecDweness of mgt controls.secunty program plans &

I Nucteer Units 1 & 2y teseng & ment

  • Framstome Cogeme Fuels (tormerly B&W Fuel Co.), BAW 10220NP ROO. 96/03/ STANSBERRY.WW FREDRICKSON.P. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/08. 8pp.
31. 296pp. 87828:122 4 7829 043. 87967:24947967:256.

9004000411 Forwards aNegaton Ril45.A 0078 info for review & appropnate 9004040106 NRC Into Nobce 96 021, " Safety Concems re Design of Door Interlock Cr. actorLRequests that Woos or mvesbgabons be conducted to reasonatWy prove or die. cuit on Nuctetron High Dose Rate & Pulsed Does Rate Remote Afterloadng Bractlyth. prove concems & that NRC be mtormed of resoluson of matter W/o encl. erapy Dowces. MERCHOFF.E.W. Repon 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/04. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee COOL.DA DMemn of Industrial & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/10. t4ehey Authonty. 4pp. 87793:34847793.351. Coneohdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 88102 06748102275. , 9002200108 Suppl 1 to Genenc Lir 9549 to all NRC hcansees to morstonng & trarung 9004060336 NRC Info Notco 96022. " improper Equipment Settmos Due to use of i of sruppers & camers of radmacave mans. ! COOL.DA DMacn of Induetnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. Nontemperaturecompensated Test Equipment" CRt.f7CHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consohdated E mmon Co. of New York. Inc. 6pp. Boston Esson Co. topp. 8810205748102066. 87860:301 87860.306. 9004240200 "' ann 259 NRC Butletin 96002. " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over BARON.R.R. Provides Tennesseeresponse VeneytoAuthonty.96/04/16. GL 9601. "Tesbng of Safety.Related Document Logic(Docu Control Branch Creuits.". Fuel m Reactor Core.or Over Safety-Related Equipment " I I ment Control Desk). 4pp. 88018.33746016:340. CRUTCHFIELD,D. . 96/04/11. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. 88102 10048102:110. 9004250291 Supplemental info for TS Chance 92 07 & provides most current "K" values a== mated w/ reactor contert sys lossef. flow reactor tip functort 9604170169 NRC Info Nobce 96 023, "Fres in EDG Excitars Dunng Operaton Follow-SHELL.R.H. Torinsesse Valley Authonty 96/04/19. Document Control Branch (Docu- rig Undetected Fuse Blowmg." ment Control DeskL 3pp. 88023.27848023:280. CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/22. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. topp. 88102 09048102:099. 9404250407 Informs that hcensee 900404 request to withhold Framstome Cogema Fuees Document BAW 10220PAsv O. " Mark.BW Fuel AssemtWy AppimatKm for 9004220229NRC Info Nohce96 024. "7. .J.;.-.y of Molded-Case Crcuit Breakers , Plant." did War 1996 from pubhc esciosure per 10CFR2.790. acceptable. LABARGE.D.E. .96/04/22.TAYLORJ.H. 3pp. 87998:17847998:180. Before Surveillance GRIMES.B Testing"Conschdated Edison Co. of New York. K. . 96/04/n Inc.14pp. 88102.075 88102:089.

 "d=131 Forwards recpest for rehof from ASME code for replacement of ASME Code Ciens 3 pipwgTVA we raptace psung pnar to start-up from Unit 1 Cycle 8 retw                          9004250172 NRC Into Nobce 96 025. "Traversmg in Core Probe Overwithdrawn et La-4    shng outage & perform ouanerty exams to ensure re further pipe degradatent                                    same County Staten.Urut 1?

SHELL.R H. Ta Valley Authonty 96/04/23. Document Control Branch (Docu. GRIMES.B K. . 96/04/30. Consohdated Edmon Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. ment Coreal Denk). 6pp. 86067:06548067:070. 88102 111 48102:120.

DOCKETED ITEMS 111 9004260006 H. General i-. _ __ GRIMES.B.K. NRC Info Nohce

                       . 96/04/30. 96 026. "Recent Connohdated    Edison Prooieme Co. of New w/ Overhead York. Inc    Cranes." . 10pp.

88102-121 48102130. 9004220162 Forwardr. updated hsts for plants.effecirve immedet . BARON.P R T . _ . Vaney Authorty 96/04/15. Document Branch (Docu. ment Control Desk). 7pp. 87965.17147965.177. R. Portedic operstmg reports & reisted correspondence 9004170081 Monthly operating repts for Mar 1996 for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 & P. Operstmg license etego " _&-. 2 W/9e0411 nr HCiLOMON,TJ., SHELL.R.H. Tennessee Valley Authority 96/03/31. 10pp. 9004010200 Requests adci into to of offerte power study (TIA 94421). 87949 110 87949119. LABARGE.D E. . 96/03/27. KIN .C.D. Tennessee valley Authonty. 4pp. t"aaa**0 Forwards Eighth & Final Annual Rept of ECSP Corrective Acton 6 . - taton for 950101960315 penod.Utd consders ECSP & rotated activebes closed. 90040003s8 Forwwds Wito requested by NRC dunng960220telcon re TS Change Re. BARON.R.R. Tu - Valley Authonty.96/04/03.Docurunt Control Branch (Docu- quest 92 07mesudng TVA methodology for datermmmg RCS loss-of-flow reactor try ment Control Desk). 2pp. 87003:08447803.191. ,,qporig, SHELL.R.H. Tennessee Valley Autherny.96/03/28. Document Control Branch (Docu-

 .amnaam " Eighth & Feel Annual Rept of ECSP Correcove Action implementaton                             enent Contal Desk). 5pp. 87815:34447815.348.                                                '

Calenaar Yr 1995." l

  • Tennessee Vasey Authonty.96/03/31.106pp. 87803 08647803:191. 9004020362 Forwards notice of withdrawal of 921116 & 930903 requests for amend to hcennes DPR-77 & DPR-79.respectively.per960311 telcon. Amend would have mock.

fed TS re mm value specched for RCS total now rate regurement m TS 3.2.5. S. ReporteWe occurrencoe, LERa & retened correspondence LABARGE.D.E. . 96/03/29. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 2pp. 87725.2674 7725.270. 9004120030 Specal Rept 9642 on 960305. fire detector in fan room on Elevaton 714 of aumhery blog nonfunctonal for pened greater then allowed by TS due to mosture. -9004020367 Notre of withdrawal of 921118 4 930903 requests for amend to Econses rukced omdebon on contacts. Fro watch estabbshed. DPR.77 & DPR-79.respecevely. SHELL.R.H. Tennessee Vaney Authomy. 96/04/06. Document Contal Branch (Docu. LABARGE.D E. .96,03/29. 2pp. 87725.26947725270. ment Control Desk). 3pp. 87863:152 4 7863:154. 9804030134 Informs that boennes 960304 request to withhold NSD.SGDw1212 from

 """ LER 96003 00 on 960325 faikre to perform survedience requrements for                                        disclosure per 10CFR2.790. granted.

penetration tre bemer maps as requred by Tech Spoca occurvadr='=M by person- RGE.D.E. . 96/03/29. UPARULO.NJ. Westnghouse Electnc Corp. 3pp. not error.Appropnete chscipimary acton taken w/mdividuals.W/960424 Itr 87736:340 47736:342. BAJRASZESKI.J., ADNEY.R.J. Tennessee Valley Authority. 96/04/24. 7pp. 88066;155 88066:161. ammanm Forwards mfo requested in NRC951201 RAI re iPE of Extemal Event.per CL 87-20.Suppe 4. SHELLR.H. Terressee Valley Authonty.96/03/29. Document Control Branch (Docu-DOCKET 80438 SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 2 ment Control Desk). 447pp. 87802:00147803:063.


ru.m.a== termmation of 860130 order to Quality Technology Co F. Geourny, medical, emergency & Are protection piens records.Secton V(C) of order reecmded.Secton V(A) resended when Thero rehnquehes all records to NRC & secton V(B) will become moot. eaunan*45 Rev 17 to EPIP 1. " Emergency Plan Classficaton Matrix." W/960327 ltr. R W . /04/02. KINGSLEY.O.D. Teressee valley Authonty. dop. gyy SHELL.RH. Tennessee Valley Authonty.96/03/27. 3epp. 87815:24747815:299. 9004000132Revoed Central Emergency Control Ctr (CECC) EPIPs.inchxhnDRev 18 to manaama*** Provides info re utl FFD program per 10CFR26. App A,Subpart A.Secton CECC EPIP.2,Rev 18 to CECC EPIP.3.Rev 19 to CECC EPIP.4.Rev 21 to CECC EPIP- 1.42t BARNR Tennessee Vaney Authany.96/04/02. Document Connel Branch (De Q & Rev 11 to CECC EPIP.22. W/960402 str. ment Control Desk). 2pp. 87815:34047815:341. BARON.R.R. Tannessee Vaney Authority. 96/04/02. 54pp. 87820-26147820-314. 9404150018 Responds 2 941021 Itr whsch requested acton w/ regard to all reactor h- 9004100179 Summanzes 960325 meetmg w/uti representatves re recent operatonal caneses unog Thomx> Lag & tnat str be treated as Petton per 10CFR2.206. pw*ymance.Fwwwds hst of attendees.meetng handout & rnutually apsed to addl

                                                                                                        ,,o Et.lSSELL.W T.       . 96/04/03. CINQUEMANI.D.K. Athhehon Not Asagned. dop.                         1. ESSER,M S. Region 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/02. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tenneeses Valley SW721747887220.                                                                                     Authonty. 56pp. 87812;27247812-327.   .

9004150000 Responds to941026 Itr which requested acton w/ to all reactor 5 "=d27 Forwards amend 211 to Scense DPR-79 & safety evaluatort Amend re-LL. R fflheton N 87067,313- **** "E*****" **#*"*" 87887216. . hRGE.D E. . 96/04/03. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Valley Authority. 2pp. 9004150064 Reeponds to941021 Itr.wtuch requested achon w/ regard to all reactor 8 consees unmg thermotag & tha. P Barue str be treated as Patton per -- ^^'* Amend 211 to beense DPR-79.reviseng TS re survenience requrements & 10CFR2.206. Forwards notice of " Issuance of Drector Decimon Under 10CFR2.206." RUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/03. BIRNIE.P. G.E. Stockholoers Atence Agamst Nucisar D. eses to iricorporate altamate S/G tube pluggmg cntene at TSP meersectant

                                                                                                           . 96/04/03.13pp. 87758:33447758:346.

Power. 400. 87087.26347887:312. I* 9004150206 Responds to postcard did 941114 wtuch requested acton re all reactor li-conness usmg Thermo. Lag & that postcard be treated as Pethon per 10CFR2.206. 7 ' j $7'7"$g 7$g%emond 211 m hcense Dm-79. USS W.T, . 96/04/03. DEBOLT.B. Afflhation Not Asagned. 3pp. 87880 346- 9004000072 TS Ng M to h DPR 7'T & DPR-79% no of e Fuels (FCF). Propnetary & ..v.w.w , ver. fuel providedg Framstome 8 *n " 9004230321 Forwards insp repts50 327/9643 & $0 328/9643.No violations noted. P 1). 96/04/06. KINGSLEY,0.D. T. - @[R Mhom 04/ Propnetary oc nt "Cws ol g 2 (Post rnent Coritrol desk). 3pp. 87827 00147829 043.

 -8004230332 Inso repts 50-327/9643 & $0428/9643 on 980311-15.No violations                                         #*                   "**

by F tome' Cogwna F noted areas supacteMacaveness of mg1 controts.necunty program plans &

  • Tennessee Vaney Authonty.96/04/04. 86pp. 87827$0447827:089.

p g, R W FREDRICKSON.P. Region 2 (Poet 820201). 96/04/06. 8pp. ---

Forwards propnetary Topical Rept BAW 10220P. "MarteBW Fuel Assem.

twy Apphcanon for Sequoyah Nuclear Units 1 & 2." Prepnetary rept withheld (ref 9004240244 Forwards info re Phymcel Secunty Plan.Rev 1.Enct withhold. 10CFR2.790) TAYLOR l.1t.'Framatome Cogema Fuets (formerty B&W Fuel Coj 96/03/05. Docu. De"s"k) 2pp 88 0-un n nri n h (Docu. ment Control Branen (Document Control Desk). 396pp. 87827:09047828.121. 880 312

-9004030100 Nonpropnetary TR.
  • Mart-BW Fuel Assembly Apphcstion for Sequoyah G. . . , corroependence N.Frematome ucasar Uruts 1 & 2." Fuels (formerty B&W Fuel Co.).. BAW.10220NP ROO. 96/03/

Co9ema 31,296pp. 8782812247829243. ! 9004150018 Responds to941021 Itr wruch requested a:: tion w/ regard to an reactor li. l consees usang & that ltr be teated as Peabon per 10CFR2.206. geoe0e0411 Forwards allegation Ril-95.A4078 into for rowew & appropnate i RUSSELL.W T. . 96/04/03. CINQUEMANI.D.K. Afflhataan Not Assegned. 4pp. acton. Requests that maps or mvesti0ations be conducted to reasonably prove or de-l 87A87.31747887:320. prove concems & that NRC be informed of resolubon of matter.W/o encl. I MERCHOFF.E.W. Region 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/04. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee 4 9004150050 Responds to 941026 tir which ressented acton w/ regard to aA reactor li- Valley Authonty. 4pp. 87793.34847793:351. consees unmg Thermo Lao & that tir be tested as Patman per 10CFR2206. CJUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/63. BEWANA Affikaton Not Asmgned. 4pp. 87887:313- 96022001a6 aiuppt 1 to Genenc Lir 9509 to en NRC bcensees re morutonng & tranang 4 G7887:316. of stuppers & camers of radeoeceve matis. ' COOL.D.A. Drvimon of Industnal & Medical Nucisar Safety (Post 87072g). 96/04/05. 9004150064 Responds to941021 Itr.which requested acton w/ regard to all reactor B. Boston Edson Co. topp.88102:057 48102.066. I consees useg thermo.&a0 & that P Brrue ttr be Wested as Peenon por l 10CFR2206. Forwards richce or "tssuance of Drector Decision Under 10CFR2.206." M04240250Provides response tc GL 9641. "Teseng of Safety-Reisted Logic Cacuits." i RUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/03. BIRNIE.P. G.E. Stockholders Ashanos Agenst Nuc4 ear BARON.R R. Tennessee Vaney Authority.96/04/18. Document Control Branch (Docu- 1 Power. 4pp. 47887.26347887.312. ment Control Desk). 4pp. 88016.33748016.340. I t

  . . _ _ . .                                ,  _w     - - - - - . - -                     __ -~            .    . _ . -            - , -                          _                     .

112 DOCKETEDITEMS 9004250291 L . 4 mio for TS Change 9247 & prowdes most current "K" R. Period 6c operating reports & reisted correspondence values assometed w/ reactor coolant sya loswf. flow reactor to functes m"ont Desk 3pp 88023 7888023 0604170061 Monthly operstmg repts for Mar 1996 for Sequoyah Nuclear Plant.Uruts 1 & 2 W/960411 fir. 9804260407 Informs that teensee 960404 roouest to withhold Frematorne Cogoma HOLLOMON,T.J., SHELL.R.H. Tennessee Valley Authonty. 96/03/31. 10pp. Fuels Documera BAW.10220P.Rev O. " Mark 4W Fuel Aasently Apphcaten for 97949 11947940'119-Plant." dtd Mar 1996 from pubhc enclosure por 10CFR2.790. acceptable _ LABARGE.D.E. .96/04/22. TAYLOR.J.H. 3pp. 87998.17847998.180. 9004o00320 Forwards Eighth & Fmal Annual Rept of ECSP Correctwo Acton implemen-i 9004200112 informs of aampnment of new protect managers to Sequoyah & Watts Bar tation for950101960315 penod Unl consders ECSP & related actuties closed. l Nucinar Pharits. BARONfLR Tennessee Vaney Authoney. 96/04/03. Document Cornros Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk). 2pp. 87803:06447803:191. VARGA.SA . 96/04/25. KINGSJY.O.D. Te- Valley Authonty. 2pp. 88036:35548036:356. --

                                                                                                                             ..- "Eighm & Flnal Ann 2 Rept of ECSP Correctwo Achon impiamentation Calender Yr 1995."

g , g

  • Tennessee Valley Authorny,96/03/31.106pp. 87803.08647803:191.

90033e0218 NRC Ireo Notas 94018, "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Artems Thonum." COOL.DA Chwseon of Iridustnal & Mascal Nuclear Seisty (Post 870729). 96/03/25. DDCKET 50 329 MIDLAND PLANT, UNIT 1 Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 87791:00147791$14. 9003270127NRC Info Nota 96419. *Falure of Tone Alert Radios to Ac1Nate When A App #ceton/ . _ etage " _ & cormopondence Shortened Actwahon -  ? CRUT BELD.D. 06/04/02. ted Edson Co. of New York, Inc. Opp. 87791:01547790022. Se02200186 Suppl 1 to Genenc ur 9549 to al NRC ncensees re monitonng & tranm0 of eruppers & camers of remactwo mass. 9004030164 Ack recept of 960226 ttr informmg NRC of steps taken to correct wolatens COOL.DA Dunen of Industnal & Meeca! Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. noted in 931202NOV re FC Srmth compiant of esenmmanon ty TVAviolaton oc- Boston Edison Co.10pp. 88102 057481020e6. curred as stated. N 2 (Post 1). 96/04/02. KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vaney O. Insposeen reports,IE Bunours & correspondence I eamemm Ack receet of 960315 Itr informing NRC of steps taken to ccerer't wolabons noted m map repts50-327/95-26. S328/95-26.50 327/95-27 & 50.328/95-2L eentsnn918 NRC Info Nohce 96418. "Comphance w/10CFH2O for Artoms Thonum." LESSER,M.S. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/02. KINGSLEY,0.D. Tennessee Valley COOL.DA Dmemn of industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/03/25. Authorny. 3pp. 87793.35247793.354. Connoidated Eeson Co. of New York,Inc.14pp. 8779100147791.014. 9004000186 Adwhose of planned inop effort from piant PPR renew completed . f a1 At t hen on 980304for pened =" a'"1.Enci plan for next ex months- Actweban LESSER.M.S. Regen 2 (Post 020201). 96/04/03.KINGSLEY.O.D. Tennessee Vaney CR FIELD.D. . 96/04/02. tad Eeson Co. of New Yrph, Inc. 8pp. Authonty. 7pp 87eue:2154 7806:221. 87791:0154779t022 9003240330 NRC Ir to Notee 96420 *Demonstrabon of Associated Eouipment Comps. 9e0320020e NRC Info Notice 96 020. "Demonstraton of Aa-ted Equipment Conph. i ance w/10CFR3420y ance w/10CFR34.20 COOL.DA Dumon of industial & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04. COOL.D.A. Dmman of industnal & Medcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04. I Coneohdated E& eon Co. of New York, ine 12pp. 87960 28947860:300. Conachdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 87860 28947860 300. eenamm Responds to960315 request that NRC defer issuance of orders impasmg 900404010s NRC Info Nobce 96021. "Setely Concems re Demgn of Door Interlock Cr-cwe pensamos m DOL Case 93. ERA 044 & 024RA419 & 92. ERA 034.Both cases were s@pected to esenmmenon et vanous plants. cult on Nucestron High. Dome Rate & Pulsed Dose Rate Remote Afteriomeng Brachyth-erapy Devas." UEBERMAN l. Ofc of Entorcement (Post 870413). 96/04/04. KINGSI.EY,0.D. Ten- COOL.DA Dumon of industnel & Meecal k her Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/10. nessee Valley Author?ty. 7pp. 8775203547752 041. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York, irm. 9pp. 88102 06748102075. 9004000210Provides response to NRC 960214 RAI re inep repts 50 327/95-18 & 50-328/9518 eduding cortectve Actons & scheesle for resolubon of degraded coneton eenanantes NRC Info Notco 96-022. " improper Equipment Sethngs Due to Use of w/ECES 1hrotus vehes. Mntemperature Compensated Test Ecupment." ADNEY.R.J. Tu - Vasey s sthanty. 96/04/04. Document Control Branch (Docu- CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 8pp. ment Control Desk). 2pn 87817:23447817235, 870eo 30147860:306. 9004110083 Provides response to NRC Bunebn 96401, " Control Rod Inserton Prot > esmernae NRC Bunstm 96002. " Movement of Heavy Loade Over Spent FuelOver Fuel m Reactor Core.or Over Safety 4etated Equement" ARON.R.R. Tenneense Valley Authortty.96/04/05. Document Control Branch (Docu- S ment Control Desk).19pp. 87858:1334 7856:151. g fg'6/04/1t Consom Eeson Co. W h % M N 9004230321 Forwards meo empts 50 327/96 03 & $0-326/9643.No noistons notect $80417010e NRC Info Nobce 96 023, "Fres in EDG Excitors Dunng Operaten Follow. FREDERICKSON.P. Region 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/08. KINGSLEY,0.D. Tennessee ing undetected Fuse Biowng." Vaney Authonty. 3pp. 87967:24647967;256. CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/22. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. 88102 00048102009.

                 ^^^ . - :. .- Insp repts 50327/9643 & 50-328/9643 on 980311-15.No votatons notecLMasar areas snepected:sffectmeness of mgt controls.secunty prograrn plans &

essenqa ment 9604220229NRC Into Notco 96 024. "% -eof Molded Case Crcuit Brookers STANSBERRY.W W., FREDRICKSON,P. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/06. 8pp. Before Surveelance Tesang? 87967:24947967.256- GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/25. Conschdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 88102076 48102089. 9004040108 NRC Info Nonce 96421. " Safety Concems re Demon of Door intertock Cir. cun on Nucestron HW Rate & Pulsed Does Rate Remote Afterloedng Brachyth- 9604260172 NRC Into Nohce 96 025, "Treverung in4are Probe Overwithdrawn at La-sale Stanon.Unst 1." t  ! Dumon of industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Poet 870729). 96/04/10. O " '" Cort **sted Edson Co. of New Yort, Inc. 9pp. 88102-06748102075. S8 0 1 88 20-esmanses NRC Info Noncs 94022, " improper Equipment Settngs Due lo Use of 96042e0006 NRC into Nobce 96-026, "Recent Problems w/ Overhead Cranes " Norsemperature4ompensated Test Equement.- GRIMES.B K. . 96/04/30. Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 10pp. CRt.TTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Coneohdated Esson Co. of New York, Inc 6pp. 88102121 48102130. 87860:301 87880006, 9e04000250 NRC Buksen 96 002, " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel,0ver DOCKET $0 330 AllDLAND PLANT, UNIT 2 Fuel m Reactor Core.or Over Safety-Related Equipment" l CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. i 8810210l>88102:110. A, a rya--aust/ construction stage stocuments a correspondence 9004170109NRC Info Notce 96 023, " Fires m EDG Excsters Dunng Operaton FoBow-i rig Unostected Fuse Blouang" 9002200188 Sepi 1 to Genenc Lir 95 09 to all NRC bconnees re monitonng & Irening CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/22. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. of snepers & camers of remonctwo maus. 88102 090-88102099. COOL.D A. Dusen of induetnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729), 96/04/05. Boston Ed son Co.10pp. 8810205748102:066. 9004220229NRC Info Notco 96 024, "Prm h. eof Molde64ase Cecult Breakers i Before Surve4lance Testmo." GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/25. Coneohdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. Q. inopection reports, lE tulletins & _._ , _..__. . 88102:07648102089. 9004250172 NRC Info Notce 96425, "Travermng in4cre Probe Overwethdrawn at La. 9003200218 NRC info Nobce 96018. "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Arteme Thonurn." sane County Stanon.Urut 1." COOL.DA Dmson of Industnal & Weecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729F 96/03/25. GRIMES.B K. . 96/04/30. Connohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. Consokdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 87791:00147791414. 88102111 48102120. 9003270127NRC Info Notoe 96 019. "Facure of Tone Aert Ramos to Actuate when 9004380806 NRC Info Notco 9642tk "Recent Problems w/ Overhead Cranes? Shonened Activanon " GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/30. Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 10pp. CFIUT* FIELD.D. . 96/04/02. ted Eenon Co. of New York, Inc. 8pp. l 88102121 48102130. 87791:0154 7791 022. l l.

                          .      -                         -              __. .                 _,__n-            ~_            .-          _              _.

l DOCKETEDITEMS 113 I 9603290208NRC Iruto Nobce 96 020, "Demonstraton of Assocated Equipment Comph. 3e0415014e Revoed appicabon for amenci to bconse DPR-49.reworeng request for arE10 w/10CFR3420." consstency w/NUREG 1433.rev 1. CCDL.DA Due.on of Inchastnal & Meecal Nuclear Setsty (Poet 870729). 96/04/04. FRANZJF. IES Utshtes 6nc., fformerly towa Elecmc Light & Power Co). 96/04/09. Coneohdated Edson Co. cl New York, Inc.12pp. 87880-28947a80:300, RUSSELLW T. 8pp. 87888J6447588.278. i 9004040106 NRC Info Nubce 96-021. "Salaty Concoms se Dosagn of Door intertock Cr. 9004150181 Proposed toch specs to recrculshon pump inp mm operable chanrot cust on Nuclotron Hig@ose Rete & Pulsed Dose Rate Remote After1oedng Bractyth-

  • IES Utihtes Inc.. (formory towa Electnc Ught & Power Co). 96/04/09. 7pp erapy Donces." 87888.272 4 7888.278.

CDOL.D.A. Dunen of Industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/10. l Coneohosted Edson Co. of New Yortt, Inc. 99p. 88102:06748102-075. 9504230265 Responds to GL 96 01, "Testmg of Safety.Related Logic Creets " Wk.4pp 79k864

  **maam NRC Into Notco 96022, " improper Equipment Settings Due to Use of                                                                              J8                                                     '

Nc3 temperature-Compensated Test Equipment." CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 6pp- 9604200270 h um snantion m resolve hated incormatencies & remuraces by

     $N.247880M                                                                                           r          UFSAR Secton 91 to more clearly reflect current retuohnD prachces ana-9e04ee02se NRC Buhetm 96002.
  • Movement of Heavy ,Loads Over Spent Fuel.Ove'

[ESSETT IE r lows actnc & Power Co). 96/04/

19. Docurnent Convol Branch Qocument Contml Des 4 2pp. 88033359-88033M UTCHF LD. 96/ 1 ted Co. of New York, Inc.11pp.

8810t10048102:110. 900417014e NRC Into Notco 96423, "Fres m EDG Excners Durng Operaton Fonow. Q. Inspeccon reports, IE Bubeens & concepondence mg Undetected Fuse Biowng." CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/22. Consondated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. Se03200218 NRC Into Nobce 96418. "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Asrteme Thonum" 88102:09CM18102 099- COOLDA Dmson of Industnal & Mooical Nucisar Safety (Post 870729). 96/03/25. Consohdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp 8779t00147791014. 9004220229 NRC into Nobce 94024, "Preconehonmg of Molded 4ase Crcuit Breakers I B8'or Surveillance Testng? 9603270127 GRIM'ES.B K. . 96/04/25. Consohoated Esson Co. ce f4ew Yortt, Inc. 14pp. NRC info Nobce 96419. el " ".Fadure of Tone Anort Raeos to Actnrate W l Roo8M"0 Shortened Actrvaton 88102 076 48102:089- CRUTCHFIELD,D. . 96/04/02, tad Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 8pp. l 0 8 ' 9404250172NRC Into Notce 96025. "Traverwng in Core Probe Overwethdrawn at La-

                                                                                                                                                                    " ' ^ " *     "'P""'

GM / / Consolidated Edison Co. of New Yortt. Inc. 10pp. R34'" W8* *" * " " 88102.11148102 m COOLDA Dmason of Industnal & Meecal Nuctear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04. Conachdated Esson Co. of New York, Inc.12pp 87860.28947860:300. se04ae0006 NRC info f4obce 94028, "Recent Problems w/ Overhead Cranes." GRIMES 04/30. Coneohoated Edman Co. of New York, Inc. 10pp naamn106 NRC Into Nonce 96021. " Safety Concems re Desegn of Door lmerlock Cr-


curt on Nut.etron High Dose Rate & Pulsed Dose Rate Remote Aftertoneng Brachytn-erapy Devmes." COOLDA Dmson of Industnal & Meecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/10. DOCKET 50 331 DUAteE AResOLD ENERGY CElf7ER Conschdated Esson Co. of New York, Inc. 9pp. 88102:06748102:075. F. Securtty, medical, emergency a fire protection piene 9004050336 NRC Into Nobce 96022. *1mproper Equipment Settmgs Due to Une of Nontemperature40mpensated Test Ecupment" B6 0504170024 Corrected Rev 5 to EPIP 5.2, " Recovery & ReF.ntry," correctog rev g /04/11, Consohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 6pp. number on pages 2 21.

  • enc. (formetty towa Electnc Light & Power Co). 96/03/06. 22pp' 9e040e0260 NRC buHetm 96-002, " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over Fuel m Reactor Core.or Over Safety.Related Eouement" 9004190018 Responds to641021 ler wnsch reouested acnon w/ regard to all reactor b. CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consoboeied Edman Co. of New York. Inc.11pp.

consees unmg ThermMag & that str be treated as Penton per 10CFR2.206. 88102:10048102 110. QUSSELLW T. . 96/04/03. CINOVEMANI.D.K. Affiha1pon Not Asesgned 4pp. 9004250279 Forwards map rept 60331/9642 on 9601174308 & NOV. Wolstens of 87887:3174 7887 320. contam her-enas fedyre pggyltgd p pgrtgrmgngg gf mcgnggt mynt ggtyvgbog gn pumpg te04190060 Responds to 941028 Itr which fossested accon w/ to an reactor IL m bom encosons of nver water suppsy sys. consees unm0 Thermo. Lag & that ttr be treated as Pecten per 1 .206. AXELSON.W.L Region 3 (Post 820201L 96/04/12. LIU.L IES Uniches Inc., (formerty RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. BENJAN.R. Afhhaton Not Asagned 4pp. 87887:313 Iowa Electnc ught a Power Co). 3pp. 87995.33947995.356. 87887:316

                                                                                                        -9004290281 Nobce of violaton from map on 9801174308Volaton retedweak con-9004160064 Responds to941021 Itr.wnsch roouested acbon w/ regard to all reactor li-                    tross m hoonnes enyneered mamt acton proossa.sdershed in Sept 1994.

consees unng thermo. tac & that P Berrue ltr be tested as Petiton per

  • Regen 3 (Post 820201). 96/04/12.1p. 87995:34247995.342.

10CFR2.206. Forwards nonce of "tssuance of Drector r *=an Under 10CFR2206." QUSSELLW.T . 96/04/03. BIRNIE.P. G.E. Stockholders Alhance Agamet Nuclear .e004250208 insp rept 50 331/9402 on 9801174308.Violatons roled.Ma!ar areas Power. 4pp. 8788726347887:312. enspectedpiant operatons,mant.survwaance.onene engineermg & p6 ant support. LANKSBURY,R.D, Regen 3 (Post 820201) 96/04/12.14pp. 87995:34347995:358. 9004160206 Responds to pos. cord Old941114 which reesessed acton re as reactor b. conness unenD Thermo. Lag & that postcard be treated as Petroon per 10CFR2.206. 3e04170100NRC Into Notice 96023. "Fres in EDG Eseners Dunng Operaton Follow. RUSSELLW.T, , 96/04/ua. DEBOLT,B. Affikaton Not Assegned. 3pp. 87880:346* 87880:348- sng Unootected Fuse GRl/TCHFIELD.D. Blouang ". Coneohdated Eason Co. of New York, Inc.10pp.

                                                                                                                                 . 96/04/22
                                                                                                            '8 '

9004300111 Forwards Change 34 to secunty plan.Enct withhead.per 10CFR73.21. FRAN2JF. IES Ubirtes tnc.. (formerty lows Electnc Lagfit & Power Co). 96/04/19. 9604220229 NRC Into Nonce 96024. "Proconditenm0 of Molded. Case Crcuit Breakers QUSSELL.W T. 2pp. 88009 35948000 360- Before Survehance Tesung." GRIMES.B K. . 96/04/25. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 14pp. 88102:076 48107089. g ,,,,,,,,,,, 9004250172 NRC Into Notme 94025, "Traversmo in Core Probe Overwithdrawn at La. 9004150018 Responds to941021 Itr which requested acton w/ to all reactor li- seim County Staten.Urut 1." consees unmg Thermo. Lag & that ttr be treated as Ponton per 1 R2.206 GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/30. Conschdaiad Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.10pp RUSSELLW T. . 96/04/03. CINQUEMANI.D.0L AfNienon Not Aeusgned 4pp 88102:111 4 8102:120. 87887:3174 7887:320. Se04250005 NRC Into Nonce 96-028,"Recent Prob 6 ems w/Ovemead Cranos." 9004150060 Responds to941026 Itr which reaussted acton w/ regard to aR reactor h. GRIMES.B K. . 96/04/30, Consoisdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 10pp. coneses unsng Th. ermt> Lag & that Itr be treated as Petton per 10CFR2206- 88102'121 88107130' QUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/03. BENJAN.R. Affikaton Not Assegned 4pp. 87887:313-87887.316. R. Portodic opereung reporte & related . ^ nce 9004150064 Responds to 941021 Itr.which requested acton w/ regard to all reactor IF consees unng tnormt>4ng & that P Bsmse str be Wested as Pettuon per 10CFR2206 Forwards nobce of "tsauence of Drector Decesan Under 10CFR2.206." 9004290358 "DAEC Annual Raeoncave Mat Remase Rept JarvDec 1995." W/ 960426 RUSSELLW T. . 96/04/03. BIRNIE,P. G.E. Stocetholoers Asance Agamst Nuclear Itr. 1 Power. 4pp. 8788726387887.312. VANMIDDLESWORTH IES Utaties Inc.. (formerly towa Electnc Ught & Power Col 95/ ' 12/31. MILLER.H. Region 3 (Post 820201). 284pp. 88037-00146037.284. Da04150208 Responds to postcard did 941114wtuch requested acton to all reactor l> ceneses unrq ThermoLag & met postcard be Wested as Petmon per 10CFR2.206. 9s04170064 h4onthly operahng rgpt for Mar 1996 tar DAEC W/960412 Itr. RUSSELLW.T. . 96/04/03. DEBOLT.B. AfNanon Not Asegned. 3pp. 87880:346- WOODWARD.R., MIDDLESWORTH.G ISS UDifbes Inc.. (tarmarty towa Electnc Ught 87880:344 & Power Col. 96/03/31. MILLEH.HJ Repon 3 (Post $20201). 6pp. 87949120-87949 125. O. Opereeng hcense stage " ._&- 9004290382 Forwards DAE'C 1995 annual radmiopcal envron operatmo rept. 4 v ANMIDDLESWORTH IES Ubirges Inc.. (formerty towa Electnc Light & Power Co) 96/ 9e022001es Sgot 1 to Genonc Lt 9549 to as NRC heensees re monnonn0 & trammg 04/26. MILLER.H. Repon 3 (Post 820201019. 68039 00148039129. at stuppers & camers of redoeceve maes. , CCOL.DA Divinaan of industnal & tAedical Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. N== DAEC 1995 annual radmiopcal erwron operstmg rept. i } Boston Echeon Co.10pp. 88102 05748102'066. HUEBNER.LG. Tenedyne isotopes 95/12/31.128pp. 88039-00248039-129 l I l 1

114 DOCKETED ITEMS l S. Reportatdo , . . -_. LERs & rotated correspondence 9604040106NRC Info Notre 96.C21. "Sofety Concems re Des gr, of Door interlock Cr. i cun on Nucletron High. Dose Rate & Pumed Dose Rate Remote Afterloseng Bracnyth. 9604100100 LER 96 00140.on 960325. core average contros rod scrarn Irvie to notch erapy Devoos " posmon 46 exceeded TS trrut.Ceused by adhesen between the vtlon SSPV es. WOL.DA Dmson of industnal & Methcal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/10. i

             & SSPV seat C/A:eddl SSPV testing wel be performed W/900424 ter.              Consokdoted Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.999. 88102:06748102:075.

SU R.L.. VANMIDDLE.SWORTH IES Utdetses Inc., (formerty lows Elecinc bght & l Power Co).96/04/24. 4pp. 68066:05248066:055 I 9604050336 NRC Info Notice 96422. improper Emspment Settmos Due 9) Use of i NontemperaturoCompensated Test Eauspment" CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consondated Esson Co. of New York. Inc. 6pp. DOCKET $0 333 JAMES A FfTZPATRICK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 87860:301 4 7860.306. F. Securtty, snostcal emergency & fire protection plans 9604000259 NRC Bulleim 96 002. " Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over Fuel m Reactor Cors.or Over Safety-Relathd Emmpment." 9604020219 Revoed EPIPs EPIPt/Vol 2 updata.Rev 5 to EAP 4.1, " Release CRLTTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Consolcated Esson Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. Rote Determnaton" & Rev 14 to 88102:10486102:110. P.142 " EOF Acevation."

  • Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authority). 96/03/27.

15pp. 87727:33447727:348. 9604170189NRC Into Notre 96423. "Fros m EDG Excitars Dunng Operaten Fohow. ing Undetected Fuse Blowmg." CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/22. Coneohdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. g 88102.09048102:099. 9604220204 "New York Power Authartty 1995 Annual Rept." W/960417 Itr " g,, ore T PATAKl.G.E., RAPPLEYEA.C.D., CAHILL.WJ Power Authority of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty).95/12/31. 46pp. 87985.288-47985:333. GRIMES.B.K. . 96/ Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 140p. 88102 076 48102:089. P. Operating Noense stage - _ & correspondence 9604250172 NRC Info Notme,96425, "Traversmg in. Core Probe Owenuthdrawn at La. sane County Staton.Urut 1. 9604010063 Forwards appimeten for amend to imense & proposed TS. supperun0 881 11 102 edopton of pnmary contamment LRT requirenents of Ophon B to 10CFR50. App J at i Pos Authonty of the of ( A crityt 9604260096 96/03/27. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 87695238 GRIMES.B NHC Info Notre K. . 96/04/3 96426. "Recent

                                                                                                                      % Consohdated       Edmon Problems Co. of Newe/Overtwad York. Inc      Cranes." . 10p 87695:302.                                                                               88102 121 48102:13a

-9604010066 Apphcation for amend to imense DPR.50.edoping pnmary containment LRT recurements of Opton B to 10CFR50. App J at plam & clanfos numencal value fL Portodne operattnt reports & related oorrespondence of allowabio contamment LRT as 1.5% per day. the State of New York (New York Power Autronty). 9604290006

  • Annual Summary of ChangetTests & Expenments for 1995." W/ 960419

-9004010004 Proposed toch specs.supporgrig adoption of pnmary comanment LRT re. - eurements of Opton B to 10CFR50. App J at piant & clanties numancel value of al. pp 880 34803 34 ' lowebia contamment LRT as 1.6% per any.

  • Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty). 96/03/11. 9604120062 Monthly operetng rept for Mar 1996 for JA FitzPatnck Nuclear Power 82pp. 8769524147695.302.

9504030155 Submits desenpban of ordne statnlity monitor to be instaned to augment {R C MB.MJ Power Authonty of the $tste of New York (New York Power Authontyt96/03/31. 5pp. 87868.34247868.346. Opton 10 reactor staberty soluton & appicaten to piartt,per GL 9442. CAMILLWJ Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authontyk 96/03/29. Document Control Branch (Document Centrol Desk). 3pp. 87746:336 & Reportande occurrences LENS & reisted oorrespondonos 87746:338. 5802200198 3@pt 1 to Genenc Lir 9509 to as NRC hcensees to monnonng & tramng 9004020160 LER 9640440on 960228. multiple SRV galot solenoid faded due to fore'On of a carriers of reeonceve msut maus. vendor dehosences & procedural errors. Replaced puot solenood volve w/anottwr WO D o Nuclear Safety (Post 870729L 96/04/05 .F Q y B


Authortty of the State of New York (New York Power Autnanty).96/03/28.13pp. 8773320747733219. 9604 00082 response to NRC GL 96-01,"Testng of Seletrastated Logc Cr- ' g CAMILLWJ Power Authartly of the State of New York (New York Power Authontyt era m.both safety evinsons occuned due to desagn or mstalmtion enor. Replaced con-96/04/15. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk) Spp. 87948.343 tacts m taileo crcult breakers W/960412 ftr. 87948.348. CHILDS W V., COLOMB.MJ Power Othonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty).96/04/12. 8pp. 87960 28947960.296. 9604220000 Forwards request for addl oilo related to EDG TS change. Changes bemg maos to revise ACT for angle moperab6e EDG to -.4 on kne ment of EDG. 9e0418D194 Forwards Technmal Review Rept AEOD/T9642 " Target Rock Two-Stage l COTTON.K.R. . 96/04/18. CAHILL.WJ Power Authonty of the State of New York SRV Performance Update." On Umanck Urut 1. pilot esc leakage resulted (New York Power Authomyk 4pp. 87942-18947942192. l m stuck-open SRV & extended reactor blowoown mio suppremacn pool. ROSSI.CL Devgen of Satory Programs (Post 870413). 96/04/15. SHERON.B W. . 9604290062 Submrts implementation of mteam recorvimendatens of BWR Owner Gro@ 2pp. 87912.33447912.342. tory response gro@ re Viton CRD SSPV response eme delay. , l ILL.WJ Power Authortty of the State of New York (New York Power Authontyk ' 96/04/24 Document Control Branch (Document Control Deskt 2cp. 88057:116 - 960410C208 " Target Rock Two Stage SRV Performance Update " 88057;117- WEGNER.M S. Othee for Analysis a Evaluston of Operatonal Data. Drector. 96/04/

15. 7pp. 87912 33647912:342.

amiaa*D5 Forwards esq:hcahon for amend to License DPR-69.retocanno TS 3.11.B/ 411.B " Crescent Area ventunnon" & ====aied bases from controked proondure CAMILLWJ Power Authomy of the State of New York (New York Power Autho'myk DOCKET 50 334 DEAVER VALLEY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 96/04/24. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 88066.252-88066 2 72 F. Securtty, medical, emergency & fire protection plans

 " ^'-"" Apphcaton for amend W Ucense DPR49.resoca                     TS 311.B/411.8
  " Crescent Area Vensdaton" & **=ted bases from TS to co                procedure.

9604090249 Forwards rev 29 to issue 4 of nt Physcal Secunty Plan. Ene: withheid. CAMILLWJ Power Authority of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty). JAIN.S.C. Duqueste Ught Co. 96/03/29. 96/04/24.130p. 68066.25448066.266. Control Branch (Document Con-trol Desk). 2pp. 87831.10447831:105. ower la ( Y Power 96/04/24 960416007 Forw P comtuned msp repts 50 334/9641 & $0 412/96 01 on 6pp. 8806626748066272. CROSSJE. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 9fi/04/09. KEIMIG.R.R. Duquesne Ught Co. 3pp 87887:10747887.121. 6 Inspection reports, IE Bulletins & correspondence

                                                                                        -9604180082 insp repts $0-334/9641 & $0 412/9641 on 960226-29 No votatens

$603200218 NRC Info Notce 96 018. "Comphance w/10CFR20 for Arborne Thonum - reted Maior areas mapected:heensee performance in twentual. full-parbcapanon EP COOL.D.A. Dwison of Industtal & Maddal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/03/25' exercise.riclue actmtwe e all ER facemos. Coneohdated Eeaan Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 87791:00147791-014. UGHL1N.J., IMIG.R.R. Region 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/09.12pp. 87887:110 72 9603270127 NRC Into Notre 96419. "Fadure a of Tone Alert Ramos to Activate when Recomng Srcrlened ACDvaban 9604160300 Revised EPIPs.metuen0 rev 8 to EPP/IP 1.2.rev 9 to EPP/IP 14 & rev 8 to CRUTGHFIELO.D. . 96/04/02. ted Edison Co. of New York. Inc Spp. EPP/IP 1.6 W/960412 ftr. 87791:0154 7791:022. JAIN S.C. Duouesne ugtit Co.96/04/12.169pp. 87915 00147915169 9603290289NRC Wifo Notice 96420. "Demonstratm of Associated ESapment Comph- 9604290318 Forwards 900404 Itr from RA Calvan. FEMA Regen lit, transmtran9 rept on ance w/10CFR34.20." 900227-28.fuB prticpsbon plume exposure pathway exercise. COOLDA DMaen of industnal & Mescal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04. KEIMiG.R R Hegon 1 (Post 820201). 96/04/18. CROSS.J E. Duouesne Lagttt Co. Connoimated Edison Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 8706028947860:300. 2pp. 86027:13248027242.


     -4es43 steri F ,werds te02r7 piurr. - n- . pathway .xerc.e of onens rd'*y-mi amor                   response pluns et peorg.idenehas 11 areas requwmg 90u3an27 Subnam ensivtcei eveumon of meccon eenw.d durmo ren<iescucirve exams of Class 1 austenec ppng. ==r=='e n 0 -- ~- , cmens epocrhed m Sectum correceva acton but no                                                                             m of ASME BoNet & Preneure Code.

CALVAN.RA Federal Agency. 96/04/04. MARTIN,T.T. JAIN.S.C. Duqueens Ugnt Co. 86/04/23. Document Control Branch (Document Con-Repon 1 (Post 820201). app. 7:1 :136. trol Dead 4 20pp. 88067:13048067:149. am-ea7 " FEMA Fmel Emerano Rept." for 900227-20.

  • Federal Emergency Management Agency. 96/04/03.107pp. 90027:19640027242.

Q. Inspecuan reporte, IE Bummune & correspondence L Ptionstalintermogen 9003300t18 NRC Info Notco 96 018. "Comphence w/10CFR20 for Arborne T' anum." COOL.DA Dween of Indusmal & Meecol Nucesar Gesety (Poet 870729). 96/03/25. 0004800394 Fonsords uml com imenaal sentements for 12.monsh pened enen0 Edson Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 8779190147791214. 0 10CFR 40 0 03279127 NRC info Notco 96 019. " Failure of Tone Alert Redes to Acevaie When CLAYYON.DJ. Duquesne ughe t - 96/03/29. 70pp. 87769.26147759250,

02. Edson Co. of New York inc. epp.

87791:016-87791:022. P. Opersens Amanno stage acessments & servangendence eenessmens NRC Into Notco 96020. "Demonerston of Am===*=d Eosoment Comph. 90NMD198 Fonsards BV.1 & 2 Annual Rednecevo E111uent Reisene Rept for 1995 & ence w/10CFR34J0." Onses Does chamewm Manual. COOL.DA Dusen of Industnal & Meecal Nuciner Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04. NOONAN.T P. Duquesne Lght Co. 96/03/18. Document Control Branch (Document Coneohameed Eeoon Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 07000:20047eeo 300. Control Deel4 app. ST706.vu147706:100.

   -40040e0t17 " Beaver Vessy power 8eston Unit 1 & Urut 2 Onese Does rmime,m Manual."

endY *

  • Duewmens Ught Co.96/10/11. 315pp. 87766:10047706 100. JAIN,S.C. Duquesne f.Jght Co. 96/04/08. Document Contal Branch (Document Can.

vol Desk). 20pp. 67896.06147006:000, 9800010908 Forwards amends 197 4 80 to toenmes DPR46 & NPF 73, respectvely & l - ^;. roves heemd TSs & ==mac==amd -

                                                                                                          .004140e74 Forwards EP comtuned inep empts 54334/9641 & S0-412/9641 on estety and    newr TS".17 6   m encordanos w/Opton 8 of 10CFRSO. App J & RG 1.163.. TS 6.9.2                      0&

90022629ho violabons noted BRINKMAN.D.S. CROSS.J.E. i 1 (Post $20201). 96/04/00. KENeG,RA Duquesne Ught Co. 86/03/19. CROSS.J.E. Duqueens Ught Co. 3pp. 87710:199- 3pp. 37067:107 7887:121. SY71&247.

   -808e010187 Amends 197 & 80 to loanees DPR46 & NPF 73.c== fare. wely. revem0 TSs &           tad                     TS 6.9.2 &
                                                                                                          - 041M % rept NM & M2/9641 on Q29h h now TS 3.17Jn acconl-                                           -
                                                                           ' '                                                  actMese m eN ER tecibbes.

STOLZ.J 96/03/19. 40pp. 10 .241. g$,g iMNU"ODNN

  • 9004040106NRC info Notoe 96 021.
  • Conooms to Deegn of Door 1rnarlock Cr-
             . 06/03/19. epp. 87710:24247710:247.                                                            cud on Nudston High Does Rees &              Does Rees Remoes Aftertoedng Orachyth-erapy Doveces."
                                                      & propneenry waroons of SG tube pub date t sup.        COOL.DA Dueen of inedonial & Meecei Nuctuar Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/10.

900demeB4 port of propoemd Forwards OL Change ._, - __Ilmausst 22e m enamese thee pluerng cneene Cor=* dan =d Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 88102 06745102 075. _ ames wanhead per 10CFR2.79theH4). Meis.C Duqueen's ugn,e Co. 96/03/27. Document Convol Branch (Documera Cork Woi Does4 30pp. 87727Je147727.318. 900ete0038 NRC Info Notco 96422. " improper Equipment Settngs Due to Une of 90000eD196 Reedsets approval to senses piant IST propoms to requrements of CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Test Eospment"eson Cor-*'*=a-d E Co. of New York. Inc epp. 87es&.30147960:306. A8ME/AN81 Operemons & Mara Sed OMe-1988 Part 10 for seek rees temeng of con-temment moleben veevek

         . LAIN.S.C Duquesne                                                                              9004000089 NRC Substri 96402. " Movement of Hmovy Loads Over Spent Fuel.Over Co. 96/03/28. Document Controd Branch (Document Cork             Fuel e Reactor Core.or Over Setory Related Equement" Wei Desk). app. 87726                7726.249.

OtuTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Conochdeemd Edson Co. of New York. Inc.11pp.

  *******" Reasones to edeston proposed by NRC dunng a coriterance call on I re g,g Del Dee641p. 87771:

mamm Q 7771:173.

                                                            % TS                Benon (Documera Cork
                                                                                                         **^"""*           anverds ansp repes 54334/9643 & 54412/96 03 on 9002134325.No ESELGROTH.P.'W.              1 (Post 820201). 96/04/19. CROSS.J.E. ht==no Ught tensegno01 ha- issunnoe of amends 176 & e6 to imenses &                                 Co. Sep. se021-             1247.

m tube pomo ecoordance w rept . =00043eetet inep rupts 54334/96 03 & $4412/9643 on 900213-0325.No weletone ises3. nossaMaior areas . -- _ . mant. anyneenng,peont eipport.aoloty es.

                         .D.S. 06/04/01. CROSS.J.E. Dueusene Ught Co. 4pp. e7722142-                                 8 0m 9. & MON-NW 9094000135 Fonseres amend 198 to hoenes DPR46 & esfeey evalueben. Amend re-                            90041791ee NRC inlo Notes 96 023. " Fees an EDG Enoleers Dunng Operston FoNow-vues TS 3/4.4.6 & 3/4.62 & beams to momeen wonm9etamed steam genereint tube                         mg Ur=*=*='*=d Fuse            ."

oneens for tubo asesort passe -' - _ muTCHFIELD.D. 06/04 Corwondoned Edson Co. of New York, Inc.10pp.  ;

                           .S. , 96/04/01. CROSS.JE Duquesne Ught Co. ?,0. 87737202                         38102:00040102-000.

9004380370 Responds to NRC Batsen 96401. "Consol Rod inserton Problems."

 .sesses0140 Amend 198 to leones DPR46,rovemg TS 3/4 4.8 & 3/4 4.6.2 & bases to JAIN.S.C. Duquesne Ught Co. 06/04/24. Document Conrol Branch (Document Cork snamesm ===g= h===d senem generecor DAss reper cneens tur tube mieport plate ele-                    trol Desi4 epp. 38067.18340067:188.

wetons for gueure cycsas of operemon. STOL2.J.F. , 96/04/01,189p. 87737:29547737:310. seemessene NRC Info Notes" 96 024. C - - _ .., of blooded. Case Crcuit Breeiiers

 -4304040141Seesey              evenumann supporantemend 198 to hoense DPR46.                               Be8are Surweelance T
            . 96/04/01. tapp. 87737;311477371zA                                                             GRIMES.B K.        96/04/      Cor=* daw Eemon Co. of New York. Inc.14pp.

88102-07tr48102 000. JAIN DueNeene Cck / Control Cork Wg 96425, 7mverung in Core Probe h et 4 troi Dess4 2pp. 87914 34 7914:314. GRIMES.BK . 96/04/M Ww Edson Co. of New York. A 10pp. 90 e.1 Snepl 1 to t,96. to e. NRC . to - 8 t,arang = =1i= = = COOL.D Dween of Indumenal i NurJoer Setety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. ma^'* manas NRC arWo Notce 96426. "Recemt h w/ Overhead Cranes." Boston Eeaon Co.10pp. 80102 05740102:006. GRIMES.EX . 96/04/30. Cor** dated Eeaon Co. of New York. Inc. 10pp. 88102:12148102:130. 9004118335 Infome that W requeed for withholdmg mio to updated SG Obe puu does.per880307 tr.regocted. BRINKMAN.D.S. 96/04/09. CROSS.JE Duquesne Ught Co. app. 87647:317 R. portedic opereeing reports & roasted corrompendones 87847:320. 9004130338 informs that bonness 9e0327 request to withhcad "EPRI ARC Desabase for """'**"*'1 FcPweitle copy of NPDES monthly rept es submnted to PA dept of Envrork 3/o men & 7/s anch Diemeest Tidnes & Updated ARC Correenon for 7/8 mch Dame. meneer Proesctort ter Times." for puhtc rt=<**=o per 10CFR2 790.yenied. NOONAN.T.P. Duquesne Ught Co 96/03/18. Document Canbol Branch (Document BRINKMAN.D.S. . 96/04/10. KENNYA Elecenc Power Reneerch ineenute. 4pp. Conirot Dook). 3pp. 87746.31447746.318. 8/061.34947961:352.

                                                                                                        -430e030073 NPDES noncomphance nosecoton: EPA escharge 000 exceeded allow-900434e807 Forwards SE accephng une of porbons of letor eeten of ASME Code.                               ente monthly everage of 30 m0/1 tur toesi suspended schos.

STC12J.F. 96/04/19. CROSS.J.E. Duquesne Light Co. 3pp. 8796424747994.255. NOONAN,T.P. Duquesne Ught Co.96/03/21,2pp. 87740.31747746:318.

   - - ^

SE accepeno uma of teamet eston of ASME Code moorporated by ref m 9304000193 Forwen$s BV-1 & 2 Annual ReecacDvo Eftluent Redesse Rept for 1995 & parepeph (b) of secton 50.55e for tankage.rsne toseng of contamment moiston Offene Does Calculaton Manust. weevet

          . 96/04/19. Opp 879D4.25047994255.                                                               NOONAN.T.P. Duodesno               Co 96/03/18. Document Control Branch (Document Convol Desk). 2pp. 87765: 14 7706.100.

i 1

116 DOCKETED ITEMS -9604040206 "Beever Valley Power Staton . Uruts 1 & 2 Annusi P=htrve Etnuent P. Operatin9 scense sts9e documents & w an Release Rept Canender Year 1995."

  • Duquesne Ught Co. 95/12/31.156pp. 87765 003-87765:159.

9604000269 Forwards into copy of apphcanon for renewal of FL Wastewater -9604040217

  • Beaver Valley Power Staban Urut 1 & Urut 2 Ottsste Dome Calculation Pernut.FL0002208did Apr 1996.per Sechon 32.3 of St Luce Urvts 1 & 2 Environ Pro-Manual - techon Ptart
  • Dmuesne Light Co.95/10/11. 315pp. 87765.16047766:100. BOHLKE.W.H. Flonda Power & baht Co. 96/04/03 Document Corcol Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk).142pp. 8781f:01647817:156.

eanda'r'175 Forwards revisson to NPDES Monthly Rept for Jan 1996 t*1CINtE.S.L Duqueste Ugnt Co 96/03/21. Document Control Branch (Document 9604230305 Confrms 960324 telcon between E Wemkam & E Loa re meebng on Control Desk).1p. 87735.27047735.304. 960612to escuss status of progress on performance unprovement program at piant. .mananan190 Revinson to NPDES Dacharge Moretonng Rept for Jan 1996 for BVPS LANDIS.K.D. Region 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/04. PLUNKETT,T.F. Fionda Power & units 1 & 2. bght Co. 3pp. 8795320447953206. t*lCINlE.S.L Duquesne Ught Co.96/01/31. 34pp. 87735.27147735:304. 9604240257 Docusses meetmg head 960329 m Ananta.GA to escuss status of 9804 40032 Monthly operabnD repts for Mar 1996 for Beaver Valley Power StatiorLW/ PIP.Meegng held to sys ES , NOONAN.T.P. Duquesne ught Co. 96/03/31. 9pp. 87891:336-

  • j

[980 2 980

8. Reportahto ocosaryonces LERe & reisted u . _ 9602200196 Suppl 1 to Genenc L9 95 09 to su NRC hcensees to morntonng & trenmg

_ _ W sNppers & camers of radioectrve matis. COOL,DA Divuson of Industral & Medecal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/05. 9604000191 Forwards ads hat of US nuclear facekties to which potenbal defectrue stain- 80830" Ed' son Co.10pp. 88102-05748102:066. soss steel Swagelok tune frtungs suppi to960226 Itr re detects potentially re- j portabie per 10CFR21. 9604220220 Forwards synopse of NRC 01 completed rept re alleged esenmmaton i 1 JOHNSTON.DJ. Crawford Fitung Co.96/04/03. 3pp. 87824:113-87824:115. agasnst weldmg supervoor for mastmg on correct work prachces at plantcase number ' 2-94-016. 9604220203 LER 9640240:ori 960322.TS 3.0.3 was entered due to sonoton of CR LANDIS.K.D. Repon 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/09. PLUNKETT.T.F. Flonda Power & 4 I emergency breathmg er pressurzabon sys. Placed caution tags on RM-RM.21&A & bght Co. 4pp. 87935:18647935.189. AM-RM.2198 to wam to prevent choca source opersbon.W/9tD417 Itr. NOONAN.T.P. Duquesne Light Co.96/04/17. 5pp. 87960:34447960 353. 9604100349 Fonrards amends 142 & 82 to bconnes DPR47 & NPF,16. respectvely & i

                                                                                                                                                   *"'* ' '*d 9304220343 LER 9600140-on 960320,mam steam valve setponts not withm specshcahon. Caused by relatvely small amount or normai setpomt dnfLC/A.mam              [

amp NORRIS.JA . 96/ mioca es S'AR."'* NKETT.T.F. Flonda Power & Ught Co. 4pp. 87917.322-steam safety valve adlustrnant performed W/960417 str. NOOMAN.T.P. Duquesne Lagnt Co.96/04/17. Spp. 87990:35347990 357. g7937346. 9004240369 LER 96403-00-on 960322 ESF actuaton occuned. Caused by power -9604180370 Amends 142 & 82 to teenses DPR47 & NPF 16.respectvely modrfying mamatch.Operatng procedures unu be revoed.W/960419 lir. sweillance requimments reisted to ours sumy & mangrove swamp monitanno & re-NOONAN.T.P. Duquesne Ught Co. 96/04/19. Spp. 88004:35148004:355. s to R pgg 96042o0%8 Docusses util review plan oeveloped m response to GL 96 01, "Tesung of ..Crcuitt" DL miends to prepare 1 LER tar each riocessary & submit -9604180391 Safety evaluabon supparbng amends 142 & 82 to lamses DPR47 4 monthly updates until complebon of GL 96 01 rowwws.LER 9640440 encl 14PF 16.reupacavety NOONAN.T.P. Duquesne Lrght Co. 96/04/23 Document Control Branch (Document *

                                                                                             . 96/04/11. 5pp. 87917:34247917;346.

Control Dest). 2pp. 88045.28748045:290. -9e04290073 LER 96404-00on 960325. relays LRLL-QS1000 & 100D decovered not response 1 9641, esting W Safety Related Logic M" tested at appropnete drequency. Caused by relays not part of matrument channet.thus ret requinng monWy tent Procemros mvuod to melude relays m monWy test BOHL.KE.W.H.'Fnonda Power & Co. 96/04/18. Document Control Branch (Docu. NOONAN.T.P. Duquesne Ught Co.96/04/24. 2pp. 88045.28948045;290. ment Control Desk). 3pp. 87983:3 7983.352. amannrW37 Forwards "St bacio Nuclear Plant Status Meetn9 for Units 1 & 2." DOCKET 50 335 ST. LUCIE PLANT, UNIT 1 BOHLKE.W.H. Flanda Power & lsOnt Co.96/04/23. Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk).1p. 68063:00148063:129. F. Securtty, med6 cal, amer 1#ency & fire protectlan piens -9604300241 "St Luces Nuc6aar Plant. Status for Units 1 & 2."

  • Flonda Power & Leght Co.96/04/18.128pp. :002 48063.129 90040203es Forwards revised Pnyecal Secunty Plan & has deterrruned few wiR not de-crease ettectrveness of piarL 9604300226 Informs effective 960428 both St Lucie PlantUruts 1 & 2 & Turkey BOHLKE.W.H. Flonos Power & Light Co.96/03/27. Document Control 8'anch (Docu- Point Urvts 8 4 4 have been ressagned to FJ Hendon. LA Wens wd! become Project ment Control Desa).1p. 87710.35747710 357. i Manager for St Lucie Plant effectve960428. '

9004160018 Responds to941021 fir wtuch requested acton w/ regard to all reactor IL VARGA.SA . 96/04/25. PLUNKETT,T.F. Fnonda Power & Laght Co. 3pp. 88053 258- i conness usmo & Inst str be treated as Pechon per 10CFR2.206. 86053.260. CJUSSELL.W T. . 96/04/03. CINOVEMANI .D.K. Afhhagon Not Assagned. 4pp. 1 87887:317 4 7887.320. Q. Inspecuan p IE Bunetens & correspondence 9004150050Ressponds to941026ftr wtuch requested acton w/ regard to mR reactor 8 consees usmg T & that Itr be oested as Peacon por 10CFR2206 9604090165 Forwards map repts 50 335/9641 & 50 389/96 01 on 9601074217 & RUSSELL.W.T. , 96/04/ . BENJAN.R. Affmaban Not Asmgned. 4pp. 87887:313- NOV Viotanon of NRC concem because of mdscation of contmund procieme m areas

 $7887.316.                                                                               of procedural cuakty & control.

9604160064 Responds to 941021 fir,whech requested Schon w/ regard to all reactor b. LAND:S.KD. Region 2 (Post 820201). 96/03/18. PLUNKETT,T.F. Flonda Power & consens unmg thermo4ag & that P Barue lir be easted as Petrbon per Light Co. 3pp. 87792:30847792:343. Under DCFR2 SSE 04 B RN E Asunce -9604090169 Notce of violabon trarn map on 9601074217.Violabon noted:hcensee Power. 4pp. 8788726347867-312. 9604150208 Responds to postcard dtd941114which requested scnon re aN reactor b- [ ,,,cn h ,6 s w q

  • Region 2 (Post 820201). 96/03/18. 2pp. 87792 31147792;312.

pn emw by N i connees usmo Thermo. Lag & that postcard be treated as Petinon per 10CFR2.206. CJUSSELL,W.T. . 96/04/03. DEBOLT,B. Afhiston Not Asaqyed. 3pp. 87880:346 -9604090171 Insp repts 50 335/96 01 & 50 389/9641 on 960107 0217. Violations 87s80;348 riotad Mapor areas mspected: operations.mamt. & plant support

  • Region 2 (Post 820201). 96/03/18. 31pp. 8779 .3134 792.343.

G"" - . , correspondence 9604090350 Forwards errata ttr for map repts 5CL335/9642 & $0 389/9602.Facdrty name hated mcorrocoy on first paragraph ime of960318 transmitted Itr. Requests tnat 9604150018 to 941021 ftr wtuch requested acnon w/ regard to an reactor IL enci page be re peaced w/previounty transmitted Itr. coneses uomg , Lag & that ttr be treated as Peabon per 10CFR2.206. BARR,LP Region 2 (Post 820201) 96/C3/21. PLUNKETT,T.F. Flanda Power & Light R;.lSSELL.W T. . 96/04/03. CINQUEMANI.D.K. AfNanon Not Asmgned. App. Co. Ppp. 87806.22647806230. 87887;317 47887220. 9604160050 Responds to941026 fir wtuch requested accon w/ regard to a8 reactor b- -9604100103 Corrects 960318 Itr decusang enop conducted on 96020549. Facety connees unmg 1hermo.La name hatert mcorrectly on frst paragraph of transmrtted Itr.St Lucae. correct facilrty DJUSSELL.W.T. 96/04/gva.

                             & BENJAN.R.

tnat tir be treated as Peabon Afhkanon per 10CFR2206 Not Asmgned. App. 87887:313- rame 87887.316. BARR,K.P. Region 2 (Post 820201). 96/03/18. PLUNKETT,T.F. Fionda Power & Light Co.1p. 8780623047806.230. 9604160064 Responds to941021 Itr.wtuch requested acton w/ regard to an reactor IL coneses unng thermMa0 & that P Barme tir be treated as Petthon per 9603200218NRC Info Nobce 96418,"Compkance w/10CFR20 for Aarborne Thonum.,, 10CFR2206. Forwards notice of "tssuarrs of Dractor Decimon Under 10CFR2.206." COOL.DA Devmaan of industnal & Medical Nuclear Safety N870729L 96/03/25. RUSSELL.W T. . 96/04/03 BIRNIE.P. G.E. Stocknniders Anance Agamst Nuclear Cormohdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 8779100147791:014. Power app.87887 26347887;312. 9804250350 EN-96020:on 960328.nobce of propcsed rnpostson of cnvil penalty in 980415020e Responos to postcard Old 941114wfuch requested acten re aN reactor B- amount of850.000asued to hcensee.Acbon tened on problem ewolvmg overdalubon consees unng & that poetcard be esated as Petreon per 10CFR2206 essen on 960122. RUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/03. OEBOLT,0. Afhisabon twot Asmgned. 3pp. 87880;346- URYC.B. Region 2 (Post 820201L LIEBERMAN J. Ofc of Enforcement (Post 870413). 87880.348 96/03/25.1p. 88031'00548031'005.

DOCKETED ITEMS 117 9604090086 Forwards esp repts 50-335/9403 & 50 389/9643 on 960126-30 & 0208 S. Reportable w a. 1.ERs & rotated correspondence v./ regard to960122 Urut 1 overeluton event Volauons noted. GIBSONAF R 2 (Poet 820201). 96/03/28. HOLZMACHER.G H. Affihaton Not 9604010047 LER 9&O03 00 on 960224.contamment partculate & gaseous morutor was Assigne15pp. 8 773:00147773S70. OOS & resJted m e med h TS M to e error.CAPGM was ed bacec m eve.W/960325 Itr. -9804000100 Forwaros NOV & proposed imposson of csvil pensity in amount of VELLE.S., BOHLKE.W.H. Flonda Power & Laght Co. 96/03/25. 7pp. 87694.292-

  $50.000 re Urut Urut 1 overelubon event wtucn occurred on960122.Determned that           g7694298.

volatons of NRC reataroments occurred. EBNETER.S.D. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 96/03/28.PLUNKETT.T.F. Fionda Power & 9604020315 LER 96004-00 on 960227 madvertent manual start of EDG 1 A inrusted due Leght Co. 5pp. 87773-03747773:041. to personnet error. Procedure change rubated for A&vurustraDve Procedure mclude EDG control cabmetW/960327 Itr. -9604090116 Notice of volaton & proposed rnposition of cui penalty m amount of VAN NOY.M BOHLKE.W.H. Flonda Power & Light Co. 96/03/27. $pp. 87733.239-

  $50.000 based un hcensee failure to rnpeement requrements of operatng procedure          87733243.

1 4250020.

  • Regon 2 (Post 820201). 96/03/26. 5pp. 87773:04247773:070. 9604120261 Unusual or important Envron Event to tan lui in plant mtake canal on 960311. Caused by extreme seawater turtadrty amamated w/ storm conenons,ctoggng 9604020066 Press release 11-9436. "NRC Staff Proposes $50,000 Ovil Penalty Agamst 911 surtsces & suttocanng fish. Wee chionnanon escontreued.

St Luce Nuclear Power Plant" BOHLKE.W.H. Fionda Power & Ught Co. 96/04/05. Document Control Branch (Docu-

  • Regan 2 (Post 820201) 96/03/29.1p. 87823.30447823.304. ment Coreal Desk). 2pp. 87871:3ue7871:354.

9603270127 NRC Info Notoe 94019. " Failure of Tone Aiert Rados to Acevate When 9604230034 Part 21 rept to anomaly n AMETEK/Dixson ProSenes bargraph models Roosung Shortened Activaton " SA101P.SA202P.SN101P & SN202P.Conehon exmts m 1E programmabie bergrapn CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/02. ted Edison Co. of New York, Inc. 8pp. software.New verson being generated to resolve saue.Affected customers being notr 87791 0154 7791 022. fed HUBER.C. Amete6 tnc. 96/04/18. NRC No Detasted Athhston Gwert 5pp. 9603290269 NRC Info Nonce 96020. "Demonstraton of Assocated Equipment Comph. 87992:33947992'343. . ance w/10CFR3420." COOL.DA Divison of industnal & Medical Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 96/04/04. Conachdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc.12pp. 8786028947860:300. V. Operator Esemartettons 9604090483 Responds to NRC 960206 Itr ra SALP repts 50 335/9599 & 50-389/95-99 9604230360 Forwards exam repts50 335/96-300 & 50-389/94300 on 960311 28. for penod from940102-960106. PEEBLES.TA Regon 2 (Post 820201). 96/04/10. PLUNKETT,T.F. Fionda Power & PLUNKETT,T.F. Flonoa Power & Co. 96/04/05. Document Control Branch (Doc- bgnt Co. 2pp. 87955:13147955251. ument Control Desk).1p. 87831:1 7831:130. 9604230364 Exam repts 50-335/96 300 & 50-389/96-300 on 960311-28. Exam 9604040108NRC Info Nonce 9421, " Safety Concoms to Design of Door interlock Cr- resutts an tour SRO canedates passed. cult on Nucietron High-Dose Rate & Pulsed Dose Rate Remote Arvsiosdng Brachytn- AIELLO.R.F, PEEBLES.TA Regon 2 (Poet 820201). 96/04/10.109pp. 87955:133-erapv Devices." 87955 251. COOL.DA DMson of industnal & Medical Nuclear Safety (Post 870729) 96/04/10. Consaadated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 9pp. 88102 06748102 075. DOCKET 50-336 MILLSTONE NUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNIT 2 9604050336 NRC Into Notce 96422. " Improper Equipmert Sethngs Due lo Use of Nontemperaturocompensated Test Eauspment" CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/11. Conschdated Edmon Co. of New York, Inc 6pp. F. Securtty, medicei, emer9ency & fire protect 6on p6ano 87860:301 4 7860 306, 9804000259 NRC Bulletm 94002 ' Movement of Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuet,0ver Fuel in Reactor Core.or Over Safety-Related Equipment,, Y[fio ER 4411.Rev 2 to EPOP 44 Rev to 4404 ev 2 to EPOP 44280 & Rev POP 4428F. 1 CRUTCHFIELD.D. , 96/04/11. Coneohdated Edson Co of New York. Inc.11pp, Northeast Utikties Service Co.96/03/25. 204pp. 87717 00147717.204. 88102 100 48102 110. 9604000346Advmes that 960205 Revs 22 & 23 to physical secunty plan consistent wr 9604220356 Notificaton of 960422 meetng w/util m Rockvdie.MD to docuss SG insp provisons of 10CFR50.54(p) & accootaDie for sw;luson m paart scheduled for upcommg refuelma outage. KEIMIG.R.R. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 96/03/27. FEIGENBAUM,T. Northeast Utikbes NORRIS.JA .96/04/18.IMBRO.E.V. 3pp. 87965.is247965:195. Sennce Co. 4pp. 87814.31947814.322. 9604170169 NRC Info Nobce 96023. "Fres in EDG Exeners Durmg Operaton Fonow- 9604150018 Responds to941021 ler which requested action w/ regard to all reactor h-mg Undetected Fuse Blowmg " consees usmg Thermo Lag & that str be treated as Petmon per 10CFR2.206. CRUTCHFIELD.D. . 96/04/22. Conschdated Edson Co of New York, int,. 10pp. RUSSELL.W.T. . 96/04/03 CINOVEMANI.D.K. Afhhabon Not Asssgned. App. 88102-094 88102 099. 87887:3174 7887;320. 9604300106 Forwards response to NRC 960318ltr re volabons noted in eso repts 50- 9604150050 Responds to941026 Itr which requested acton w/ regard to all reactor b. 335/9401 & 50 389/9601. Corrective actons- 1B EDG Penoec Test & General Oper- consees unmg Thenno Lao & that ter be treated as Petton per 10CFR2.206 atmg instruccons.Rev 22 was reviewed Dy FRG & approved by Plant General Manag- RUSSELL.W.T. 96/04/C3. BEPLIAN.R. Affihaton tuot Asagned. 4pp. 87887:313-O. 87887216. PLUNKETT.TF Flanda Power & Laght Co. 96/04/23. Document Control Branch (Doc-umeni Control Desk). 6pp. 88059-35148059.356. 9604150206 Responds to postcard dtd 941114which requestad acbon to eil reactor 6-consees usmg & that postcard be treated as Potmon per 10CFR2206. 9604300223 Forwards response to NRC ltr te volations noted m map rept 54 335/96 RUSSELL.W.T. , 96/04/03. DEBOLT.B. Afflhaton Not Asagned. 3pp. 87880:346-03 Correceve acions RCS elubon was secured & RCS temp & reactor power restored 87880-348. O within requered limits of 549 F. PLUNKETT.TF Flonda Power & Ught Co 96/04/23. Document Control Branch (Doc- 9604000068 Rev 20 to Mittstone Nuc6 ear Power Staton E Plan. ument Control Desk).10pp. 88064.31748064 326.

  • fuortheast Nucamar Energy Co.96/04/06. 73pp. 877782 7778.319.

9604220229 NRC Info Notce 94024. "Procondrnorung of Molded Case Crcuit Breakers 9604170012 Raouests exempton from 10CFR73. App B re quahficanon & requahficaton Before Survedlance Testm0" requirements for armed guaros.Justificaton for exemption enct.Enct withneid. GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/25. Consohdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc. 14pp- DEBARBA.EA feartheast Nucsear Energy Co. DEBARBAEA Northeast UDittnes Sent. 88102 076 48102-089. ice Co. 96/04/08 RUSSELL.W.T. 2pp. 87899 35447899.355. 9604300431 Submits planned refuehng outage SG map activrbes for Unit 1. 9604300042 Revised EPIPs.inclusng rev 173 to 4000 proc mdex & rev 2 to EPOP 4449. BOHLKE.W.H. Fnonda Power & Laght Co. se/04/26. Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk). 2pp. 8806724848067249 *"U-3 Rx Coolant Northeast Nuclear & Energy LacuedCo.96/04/10 Waste PASS." . 83pp. 88063.22048063.304. 9604250172 NRC Info Nobce 96425. "Traversmg in Core Probe Overwithdrawn at La- 9604170004 Forwards row 22 to phyncal secunty pian.Enci sithheld per 10CFR2.790. salie County Staten.Unst 1 " DACIMOER. Northeast Nuctuar Energy Co. DACIMOAR. Northeast Utilities Sennce GRIMES.B.K. . 96/04/30 Coneohdated Edmon Co. of New % inc 10pp. Co. 96/04/11. RUSS6.LL,W.T. 2pp. 87897.35747897.358 88102 111 48102 120. 9604250052 Forwards map repts 54245/96 01.50-336/9401 & 50-423/9401 on ) 9002040318 & nonce of votaton. 9604260096 GRIMES.B.K. . NRC Into Nobce 96/04/30. 94026. Connohdated "Recent Edman Co. ofProbiems Nov York,w/Overhea1 inc 10pp. Cranes." . DURR.}}