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Idaho State University - Annual Operating Report for 2022 Calendar Year
Person / Time
Site: Idaho State University
Issue date: 06/23/2023
Idaho State University, Pocatello
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML23179A109 List:
Download: ML23179A092 (7)


Idaho State University AGN-201m Reactor 2022 Annual Report Page 1 of 7 Idaho State University AGN-201M Reactor Facility License R-110, Docket No. 50-284 Annual Operating Report for 2022 Calendar Year

1. Narrative Summary A. Changes in Facility Design, Performance Characteristics, and Operating Procedures No major changes to the Facility Design, Performance Characteristics, and Operating Procedures were made in 2021. However, several replacement ion chambers were ordered as backups for Channels 2 and 3.

B. Results of major Surveillance Tests and Measurements

1) The period, count rate, and power level measuring channels were calibrated and set points were verified. Channels 1, 2, & 3 were tested on 08/16/2022.
2) Power level (08/22/2022) and period check (08/22/2021) experiments were performed with satisfactory results.
3) The shield water tank was inspected (08/17/2022) and no leaks or excessive corrosion were observed. The Water Level interlock tested satisfactorily (08/17/2022).
4) The Seismic Displacement & Temperature interlocks were tested and found satisfactory on 08/17/2022 and 08/22/22.
5) Control element capsules (cladding) were inspected (08/25/2022) and found to be in good condition with no evidence of deterioration since the previous inspection
6) The control rod drive mechanisms were inspected (08/25/2022) and tested with satisfactory results.
7) Ejection times were measured for all SCRAM-able rods (SR-1, SR-2, and CCR) and were found to be 0.15, 0.15, and 0.15 seconds, respectively. The requirement that ejection times be less than 1 second is satisfied.
8) The reactivity worth of the Fine Control Rod, Safety Rods 1 and 2, and the Course Control Rod were measured. The time to drive each rod fully into the core was measured as part of performing Maintenance Procedure 1. The largest reactivity insertion rate is

, which is less than the tech spec limit of 0.065 .


9) The shutdown margin (SDM) with the most reactive SCRAM-able rod and the Fine Control Rod fully inserted was determined to be 2.215 (at maximum allowable k excess 0.65 . This value meets the tech spec requirement that the SDM be greater than 1 .

Idaho State University AGN-201m Reactor 2022 Annual Report Page 2 of 7 C. NRC Inspections The annual inspection was conducted by Craig Bassett on June 13 - June 16, 2022. No violations or findings of significance were identified.

2. Operating History and Energy Output The reactor was operated at power levels up to 4.5 Watts for a total of 126.67 Watt-hours of thermal energy during this reporting period. A summary of monthly operations for 2021 is given in Table I.

Table I. Summary of Monthly Reactor Operations (1 January 2022 through 31 December 2022)

Year Totals January 0.0095 Watt-hr February 12.5127 Watt-hr March 35.5755 Watt-hr April 16.4035 Watt-hr May 6.5633 Watt-hr June 0.0000 Watt-hr July 0.0000 Watt-hr August 7.8000 Watt-hr September 10.9573 Watt-hr October 5.6632 Watt-hr November 10.1038 Watt-hr December 0.8065 Watt-hr 106.3953 Watt-hr Total 0.1064 kWatt-hr The 0.1064 kWatt-hr consumed 5.4 µgrams of U-235 using Equation (1) 3600 6.2421012 1 1.17 235 1 235 235 235 235 = () ( )( )( )( )( )( ) (1) 1 1 200 1 6.0221023 235 1 235 During the calendar year, several students went through reactor operator training. During the calendar year, four students took NRC licensing exams, one Reactor Operator (RO) and two Senior Reactor Operator (SRO) licenses were awarded..

3. Unscheduled Events and Inadvertent SCRAMS A. Inadvertent SCRAMS and Actions Taken There were 20 inadvertent scrams during this reporting period. Table II summarizes the inadvertent scrams, known or suspected cause, actions taken and resolution.

Idaho State University AGN-201m Reactor 2022 Annual Report Page 3 of 7 Table II. Summary of Inadvertent Scrams (1 January 2022 through 31 December 2022)

Inadvertent scrams Date Time Scram Type Cause Resolution Action Instruct operator Channel 3 1/31/22 14:54 Operator Error to pay attention Restart Low to console Instruct operator Channel 3 2/9/22 16:54 Operator Error to pay attention Shutdown High to console Channel 3 2/14/22 13:02 Electrical Noise Restart Low Channel 3 2/14/22 13:23 Electrical Noise Restart Low 2/17/22 10:55 Channel 3 Electrical Noise Shutdown Bunmped 2/17/22 15:54 Period Restart Equipment Channel 3 3/3/22 15:37 FCR Stuck Repair FCR Shutdown High Instruct operator Channel 3 3/9/22 10:22 Operator Error to pay attention Restart Low to console Instruct operator Channel 3 3/29/22 10:26 Operator Error to pay attention Restart High to console Instruct operator Channel 3 4/12/22 12:00 Operator Error to pay attention Restart High to console Instruct operator Channel 3 4/15/22 14:21 Operator Error to pay attention Restart High to console Channel 2 4/19/22 10:32 Electrical Noise Restart Low Instruct operator Channel 3 4/21/22 10:35 Operator Error to pay attention Shutdown High to console Power 9/15/22 11:37 Power Outage Restart Outage

Idaho State University AGN-201m Reactor 2022 Annual Report Page 4 of 7 Instruct operator Channel 3 9/27/22 17:34 Operator Error to pay attention Restart High to console Instruct operator Channel 3 9/30/22 9:31 Operator Error to pay attention Restart High to console Instruct operator Channel 3 10/19/22 16:46 Operator Error to pay attention Shutdown Low to console Seismic 11/3/22 17:54 Electrical Noise Shutdown Interlock Instruct operator Channel 3 12/15/22 13:07 Operator Error to pay attention Shutdown High to console Instruct operator Channel 3 12/15/22 14:30 Operator Error to pay attention Shutdown High to console

4. Safety Related Corrective Maintenance Table III. Summary of Safety Related Maintenance (1 January 2022 through 31 December 2022)

Safety related Corrective Maintenance Date Performed Description Testing on the potential ability to run down SR1 and SR2 at end of operation instead of scramming to reduce wear on control rods.

2/10/22 Modifications wouldn't meet Technical Specification requirements, so not implemented.

Removed and reinstalled rod drives to test compatability with spare parts 2/15/22 from new rod drive design.

Removed and reinstalled SR1 to investigate SR1 getting stuck on 2 2/24/22 22. Fuse F14 replaced. Lead screws cleaned and lubricated with white lithium grease.

FCR stuck in full in position. Removed rod drive to repair limit switch.

3/3/22 Reinstalled rod drive into reactor.

Investigating Channel 2 low signal. Previous change of plugging Channel 1 Pre-Amplifier into isolation transformer causes errant signal into 8/22/22 Channel 2. Reverted change and all channels return to operational condition.

Idaho State University AGN-201m Reactor 2022 Annual Report Page 5 of 7

5. Modifications A. Changes in Facility Design - None B. Changes to Procedures Updates to OP1 and OP1 Logsheet to be better organized and operator friendly.

C. Changes to Experiments - None D. Reactor Safety Committee As the end of the reporting period, membership of the Reactor Safety Committee (RSC) consisted of the following individuals:

Kermit Bunde - Chair (DOE-ID)

Mary Lou Dunzik-Gougar, PhD - Reactor Administrator (Assoc. Dean, ISU)

George Imel, PhD - Assistant Reactor Administrator (Prof., ISU)

Jonathan Scott - Reactor Supervisor Mason Jaussi - Radiation Safety Officer Robert Boston, PE, CHP (DOE-ID Manager)

Jay F. Kunze, PhD, PE, CHP (Emeritus Prof., ISU)

Benjamin Baker, PhD (INL)

Mark Cox (INL)

Jason Andrus, PE (INL)

6. Summary of Changes Subject to 10 CFR 50.59 Analyses -

ISU-50.59-2022-2 reviews using an immersion water heater in the reactor tank in order to maintain water temperature in cold months.

7. Radioactive Effluents A. Liquid Waste - Total Activity Released - None B. Gaseous Waste - Total Estimated Activity Released The AGN-201 Reactor was operated for 106.39 Watt-hours at power levels up to approximately 4.5 Watts. At this power level Ar-41 production is negligible and substantially below the effluent concentration limit given in 10 CFR 20 Appendix B, Table 2. The total activity of Ar-41 released to the environment was conservatively estimated at 2.2087 µCi using Equation (2). This activity corresponds to the total activity of all gaseous radioactive effluent from the facility. A monthly summary of calculated gaseous releases is given in Table IV.

Idaho State University AGN-201m Reactor 2022 Annual Report Page 6 of 7 Table IV. Summary of Monthly Gaseous Radioactive Effluent Releases (1 January 2022 through 31 December 2022)

Year Totals Ar-41 January 0.0002 µCi February 0.2598 µCi March 0.7385 µCi April 0.3405 µCi May 0.1363 µCi June 0.0000 µCi July 0.0000 µCi August 0.1619 µCi September 0.2275 µCi October 0.1176 µCi November 0.2097 µCi December 0.0167 µCi Total 2.2087 µCi

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C. Solid Waste - Total Activity - None

8. Environmental Radiation survey One environmental radiation surveys were completed in 2022, it was performed on 11/17/2022.
9. Radiation Exposure The Radiation Safety Officer reviews personnel Radiation exposure quarterly. Annual reports of ionizing radiation doses are provided by the Radiation Safety Officer to all monitored personnel as specified in Section 15.4 of the ISU Radiation Safety Manual. Personnel are issued dosimeters by the Radiation Safety Department if they meet the criteria of Section 15.1 of the ISU Radiation Safety Manual. All monitored personnel were below dose limits for calendar year 2022 The 10 CFR 20.1201 occupational dose limits to adults are: total 5 rem, lens of eye 15 rem, shallow 50 rem, and deep 50 rem. The doses received for all reactor laboratory personnel during 2021 are well below the dose limits of 10 CFR 20.1201, and well below ISU ALARA limits (1 rem per year, 0.3 rem per quarter).

Idaho State University AGN-201m Reactor 2022 Annual Report Page 7 of 7 Table VI. Summary of Whole-Body Exposures to the Public (1 January 2022 through 31 December 2022)

None of the 189 visitors to the facility during 2022 received a measurable dose that would exceed the annual 0.1 rem dose limit of 10 CFR 20.1301 for members of the public.

Therefore, the average and maximum doses received by the personnel and the public are within NRC guidelines.

Report Prepared by:

Jonathan Scott AGN-201m Reactor Supervisor Completed: March 03, 2023 Reviewed and Approved by:

Jonathan Scott Dr. Mary Lou Dunzik-Gougar AGN-201m Reactor Supervisor AGN-201m Reactor Administrator Completed: March 3, 2023 Completed: