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Title List of Documents Made Publicly Available.September 1-30, 1993
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Issue date: 11/30/1993
NUREG-0540, NUREG-0540-V15-N09, NUREG-540, NUREG-540-V15-N9, NUDOCS 9312160329
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{{#Wiki_filter:_ ---- _- NUREG-0540 Vol.15, No. 9 Title List of Documents Made Publicly Available September 1-30,1993 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Ofrace of kdministration so aro uy i .)


93 2160 931130


0540 R PDR

Available from Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office Mail Stop SSOP Washington, DC 20402-9328 A year's subscription consists of 12 issues for this publication. Single copies of this publication are available from National Technical Information Service Springfield, VA 22161

NUREG-0540 Vol.15, No. 9 , I Title List of Documents Made Publicly Available September 1-30,1993 Date Published: November 1993 Division of Freedom ofInformation and Publications Senices Office of Administration U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 f - s,,,


CONTENTS Preface .............. .................... ... ..... ....................v Arrangement of Items by Docket Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Alphabetic Arrangement of Docket Items by Facility Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv Docketed Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Low-Level Radwaste Disposal Sites - Docket 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Domestic Licensing of Source Material - Docket 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Domestic Ucensing of Production and Utilization Facilities - Docket 50 . . . . . . . . 10 Standardized Nuclear Power Plant Design - Docket 52 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 Domestic Ucensing of Special Nuclear Material - Docket 70 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 Packaging of Radioactive Material for Transpon and Transportation of Radioactive Material Under Cenain Conditions - Docket 71. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 Licensing of Independent Spent Fuel Storage - Docket 72 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 Nondocketed Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 10 CFR - Commission Meeting Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 ACNW - Advisory Committee on Nuclear Waste . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 ACRS - Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 ADVCM - NRC Advisory Committee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 COMMISSION - NRC Commissioners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 CONTRACT - NRC Contracts and Modifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 FOIA - Freedom of Information Act Requests and Releases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 GEN TECH IS - Generic Technical Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 I&E - Inspection and Enforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 MISC - Public Document Room Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 NUREG - NUREG Repons and Related Correspondence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 ORG - Correspondence with Other Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 PR - Proposed Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 PROJ - Projects-Predocket Ucensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242 PT21 - Nonmmpliance Repons and Related Correspondence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 OA999 - Quality Assurance Inspions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 REGGD - Regulatory Guides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245 RES - Research and Techrucal Assistance Repons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 REVIEW GROUP - NRC Research Review Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 SECY - Position Papers Before the Commission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 STATE PROG - State Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 TOPREP - Vendor Repons and Related Correspondence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 WASTE MGT - Nuclear Waste Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 XPORTLIC - Expon and Impon Ucenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 Personal Author Inder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271 Corporate Source Inder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293 Report Number Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311 Cross Reference of Enclosures to Principal Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313 Appendix A - Definitions of Docket 50 Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1 Appendix B - Definitions of Nondocketed Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1

3 PREFACE The Title List of Documerns Made Pubiicly Available is a Duplicate copies may be obtained for a iee. Standing or-monthly publication. It contains descriptions of the m- dets for certain categories of documents are also avail-formation received and generated by the U.S. Nuclear able. Clients may search for and order desired titles Regulatory Commission (NRC). This informatir.n through the PDR computerized Bibliographic Retrieval includes (1) docketed material associated with civilian System, which is accessible both at the PDR and re-nuclear power plants and other uses of radioactive ma- motely. The PDR is staffed by professional technical li-terials and (2) nondocketed material received and gen- brarians, who provide reference assistance to users. See erated by NRC peninent to its role as a regulatory NOTES at the end of the preface for information about agency. As used here, docketed does not refer to Court reaching the PDR. Microfiche of the docketed informa-dockets; it refers to the system by which NRC maintains tion listed in the Title list is available for sale on a sub-its regulatory records. This series of documents is in- scription basisfromtheNationalTechnicallnformation dexed by a Personal Author Index, a Corporate Source Service (NTIS). See NOTES at the end of the Preface Index, and a Report Number Index. for the complete NTIS address. The docketed information contained in the Title List in- We encourage your comments, criticisms, and sugges-cludes the information formerly issued through the De- tions. In particular,if there are title descriptions that are partment of Energy pub!ication Power Reactor Docket not meaningful, please let us know so that we can cor-Information, last pblished m January 1979. NRC docu- rect the data base. Insofar as possible, we would like this ments that are publicly available may be examind with- document to be a valuable part of your reference out charge at the NRC Public Document Room (PDR). material. DOCKETED ITEMS The listings within Docket 50 are divided into the cate- H. General correspondence gories used for filing and searching in the NRC Public L Financialinformation Document Room.Those categories are dMm K. Utility Final Safety Analysis Reports (FSAR) and A. Application / construction stage documents and am _adments TrtSPondence B. Uuuiy Prelimmary Safety Analys.ts Reports L Ilmited work authorizations (LWA) and related correspondence (PSAR), amendments Utility Emironmental Reports (ER), amend- M. Antitrust reviews and antitmst correspondence C. ments, and correspondence N. Antitrust hearing transcripts, testimony, and brief-D. NRC Draft and Final Environmental (Impact) mgs Statements (DES and FES), supplements and cor- O. Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards respondence (ACRS) reports and correspondence E. NRC Safety Evaluation Reports (SER), supple- P. Operating license stage documents and correspon-ments and correspondence dence F. Security, medical, emergency, and fire. protection Q. Inspection reports,IE Bulletins, Circulars and In-Plans formation Notices, civil penalties, and related cor-G. Legal and adjudicatory correspondence respondence v NUREG-0540

DOCKETED ITEMS (cont.) R. Periodic operating reports and related correspon- U. Congressional / executive correspondence dence y, I.jcensing of operators and related correspondence S. Reportable occurrences, PNOs, PNSs, and related W. Decommissioning stage documents and correspon-correspondence dence T. Transcripts, testimony, and briefings on non. X. Onsite storage oflow-level waste antiinist matters Y. Independent spent fuel storage installations Apper. dix A sets forth those categories and describes that category were filed in the time period of the report. the matcrials available in each. Omission of a categoryin the listing for a docket indicates that no documents in The principal elements of the entries in the list are

  @          P.        Operating license stage documents & correspondence 8907070172        Commends util for exemplary hospitality extended to visiting Sosiet technical working group on 890608.

O @. -@ DENTON, H.R. Office of Governmental & Public Affairs (Post 870413). 89/06/27 CLARK, P.R. General Public Utilities Corp.-GPU Service Corp. 2 pp. 50442:181-50442:182

1. NRC/PDR Document category (see Appendix A). 11. The three-digit portion of this entry is the number
2. NRC/PDR Accession Number (year, raonth, day, of the frame on which this document starts.

and sequence number ofitem). 12. This five-digit number is the microfiche on which

3. Description of information contained in the docu. this document ends. '

ment. 13. Thethree-digitportionof thisentryisthenumber

4. Personal author (s). An asterisk in this position in. - of the frame on which this document ends.

dicates that there is no personal author.

5. Author affihation (NRC, corporate, agency, or .

nonindividual source). The Docketed Items list is arranged sequentially by

6. Date of document described. Dv.ket Number, category, and then by date of principal
7. Recipient of the document. {tems. Entries indented and preceded by a dash are. ,

Items that were submitted as enclosures to pnncipal

8. Recipient affution (NRC or corporate). items. In general, indented items are not in accession
9. Pages in this document. number sequence. If the docketed document has a con-
10. Thisfive-digitnumberistheNRC48Xmicrofiche tract (FIN) number of a formal report number,it will ap-.

designation. pear in the last line of the item following entry 5. NUREG-0540 si



l l l r { l L NONDOCKETEDITEMS. The nondocketed items are divided into the categories QA999-Quality Assurance Inspections- .l used for filing and searching in the NRC Public Docu- REGGD-Regulatory Guides > ment Room.These categories and their symbols are: RES--Research and Technical Assistance Reports - ] I 10CFR-Commission Meeting Records . REVIEW GRP-Research Review Groups .l ACRS-Advisory Committee on Reactor Safe- RM-Rulemakings , guards SECY-Staff Position Papers Before the Commis- l ADVCM-NRC Advisory Committees sion

                                                                   - STATE PROG-State Programs COMMISSION-NRC Comrmssioners TOPREP-Vendor Topical Reports and Corre-                       l CONTRACT-NRC Contracts and Modifications FOIA-Freedom of Information Act Requests-                  SPondence and Releases                                               WASH-AEC-Issued Formal Reports and Corre-                    1

GEN TECH IS-Generic Technical Issues SPondence WM-Waste Management Documents f IE-Inspection and Enforcement Issuances WMRES-Waste Management Contract Docu- l: MISC-Public Document Room Miscellaneous ments NUREG-NRC-Issued Formal Reports and Re- XPORTLIC-Exports and Import Licenses . j lated Correspondence ORG-Organizational File Appendix B sets forth these categories and describes the '

material available in each. Omission of a category in the PR-Proposed Rules
  • listing for a docket indicates that no documents ir that - l PRM-Petitions for Rulemakmg category were filed in the time period of the report. . .

PROJ-Projects FI21-10 CFR Part 21 Deficiency Reports The principal elements of the nondocketed items are f I NUREG-NRC-Issued Formal Reports and Related Correspondence

                                                                     -@                                                        l 8910100307 NUREG/CR-5340 DATA 



                                     @                                          @                                                j  ;

l CSBORNE, M.F-, COLLINS, J.L., LORENZ, R A. Oak Ridge National I.aboratory.'

                                                                                                      -@                            i O                   @         @                   @-                                                                  1 j

FIN B-0127. ORNIIIM-11105. 89/09/30. Division of Systems Research (Post 880717). 69 pp.. _j i 51409:065-51409:134. l ( t Nondocket category. 2. NRC/PDR Accession Number (year, month, day,

1. '

and sequence number ofitem).  ! i I vii NUREG-0540 '

l NONDOCKETED ITEMS (cont.) l l l l

3. NRC Repon Number. 11. Pages in this document.
12. This five-digit number is the NRC 4SX microfiche
4. Title and description of information contained in designation.

the document.

13. The three-digit ponion of this entry is the number Personal author (s). An asterisk in this position in.

5. dicates that there is no personal author. of the frame on which this document stans. )

14. This five-digit number is the microfiche on which
6. Corporate, agency, or other nonindividual source.

this document ends.

7. Contract of financial identification number (Fit'), 15. The three-digit ponion of this entry is the number if any. of the frame on which this document ends.

S. Secondary repon number, if any. The Nondocketed items list is arranged sequentially by

9. Date of document described. .

Accession Number within category. Indented items pre-

10. NRC organizational recipient (or sponsor). ceded by a dash are enclosures to unindented items.

NOTES: 3. The location of the PDR is 2120 L Street, NW.

1. The address for GPO is Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office P.O. Box 37082 The mailing addressis Washington, DC 20013-7082 U.L Nuclear Regulatory Commission Public Document Room To place orders, send check or money order payable to Mail Stop IlA the Superintendent of Documents. GPO Deposit Ac- Washington, DC 20555 count holders may charge their orders by calling 202-512-2249. Telefacsimile 202/634-3343
2. The address for NTIS is National Technical Information Service Telephone 5285 Pon Royal Road Springfield, Virginia 22161 202/634-3273 To place orders for or to obtain price information about To place orders for documents or to arrange for trammg NRC publications at NTIS, either write to NTIS or call on the computer system, write, fax, or phone. When or-the Sales Desk at (703) 487-4650. Specify the NRC re- dering documents listed in this publication, please iden-port number and title when you place your order. Publi- tify the Document Accession Number for each citation.

cations can be charged to American Express, Visa, or Reproduction charges and method of payment, based on Mastercard credit cards; supply the charge card number the current reproduction contract, are obtainable from ) when placing your order. the PDR. l l l NUREG-0540 viii j _a



                                                                                                                                                                                    ^     '
                 & TECHNOLOGY REACTOR                                                                                                                                  50-278  PEACH BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER            '56 50-186   UNIV. OF MISSOURI RESEARCH                                                                                                                        18                       '




    - 3            "        ^



Docket Name Page Docket Name Page i 71-9030 MODEL: SENTINEL-8. -3 & MW-3000, 207 71 9210 MODEU NUS 10-135, NUS CORP. 210 71-9216 MODEU CNS 1-13G, CHEH-NUCLEAR 210 71-9032 MODEL 650, AMERSHAM CORP. 207 SYSTEMS, INC. l 71-9033 MODEU 660, 660A, 660AE, 660B, 660BE, 208 71-9222 MODEL 14-215. SCIENTIFIC ECOLOGY 210  ! ! 660E, AMERSHAM GROUP, INC. 71-9035 MODEU 680 & 680E, AMERSHAM CORP. 208 71-9234 MODEU NCl-21PF-1, NUCLEAR 210  ! 71-9036 MODEU C-1, SOURCE PRODUCTION & 208

                                                                                ^      '

l EQU;PMENT CO., INC. 71-9235 MODEU NAC-STC. NUCLEAR 210 71-9039 MODEL: 715. AMERSHAM CORP. 208 71-9056 MODEU SPEC 2-T, SOURCE 208 71-9239 D ESMGHOUSE 210 PRODUCTION & EQUIPMENT CO., - i 71-9081 MODEL: CNS 1-13C, CHEM-NUCLEAR SYSTEMS, INC. 208 71-9248 y,* L. P S EMENS NUCLEAR 210 71-9098 MODEU Cl-20WC-2 & Cl-20WC-2A, 208 71-9252 MODEL 51032-2, B&W FUEL CO. 210 CINTICHEM, INC. 71-9253 MODEU TN-FSV, TRANSNUCLEAR. INC. 210


71-9256 MODEU YNPS STEAM GENERATOR, 210 l 71-9107 MODEL: 771, AMERSHAM CORP. 209 YANKEE ATOMIC ELECTRIC CO. 71-9108 M N 5, CHEM-NUCLEAR 209 Ucensing of independent Spent Fuel Storage -

                                                        - Docket 72 l 71-9127 MODEU 100,100A. 200 & 200A,          209 AMERSHAM CORP.                                             GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., MORRIS 72-0001                                              210 71-9128 MODEL: C-8, AMERSHAM CORP.           209                                                                 -

71-9133 MODEL- C-10. AMERSHAM CORP. 209 8 50 71-9135 MODEU CENTURY S & SA, CENTURY 209 72-0003 CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT CO. 50 261 211 UNIVERSAL S & SA. 71-9143 MODEL: 920, AMERSHAM CORP. 72-0004 D POWER CO., 50-269, 50-270 & 50- 211 209 71-9147 MODEU 850, AMERSHAM CORP. 209

                                                       ~ 72-0008     BALTIMORE GAS & ELECTRIC CO.,50-        211 71-9148 MODEL: 770, AMERSHAM CORP-           209                       317 & 50-318 71 9153 MODEL: SENTINEL 1S, TELEDYNE         209       72-0009      PUBLIC SERVICE CO. OF COLORADO,         211 ENERGY SYSTEMS                                               50-267 71-9156 MODEU 1R-50, INDUSTRIAL NUCLEAR      209       72-1000      MODEL: CASTOR V/21, GENERAL             211 CO.                                                          NUCLEAR SYSTEMS, INC, 71-9157 MODEU 1R 100, INDUSTRIAL NUCLEAR     209       72-1001      MODEL- MC-10, WESTINGHOUSE              211 CO.                                                          ELECTRIC CORP.







                                         -                  xv 1



                                                               "              ^


                                                                      " ^        '









                                                                   ^      ^


Name Docket Page Name Docket . Page UNIV. OF LOWELL RESEARCH REACTOR 50-223 24 BABCOCK & WILCOX CO., APOLLO, PA 704135 199






UNC, INC., UNCASVILLE, CT 70-0371 201 ZION NUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNIT 2 50-304 77 r UNITED NUCLEAR CORP., ELMSFORD, NY 70-0903 202 ' AP600 STANDARD PLANT DESIGN. 52-003 197 WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORP., 70-1151 WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORP. 203 PilTSBURGH, PA GE ADVANCED BWR DESIGN GENERAL 52-001 195 WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORP., 70-0997 202 ELECTRIC CO. PITTSBURGH. PA , GE SIMPLIFIED BWR (SBWR) DESIGN, 52-004 198 ' GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. Packaging of Radioactive Material for Transport and Transportation of SYSTEM 80+ STANDARDIZED NUCLEAR 52-002 196 Radioactive Material Under Certain POWER PLANT DES Conditions - Docket 71 Domestic Ucensing of Special Nuclear ADVANCED MEDICAL SYSTEMS,INC. 71 0354 205 Material . Docket 70 APPLIED RADIANT ENERGY CORP. 71 0602 206 ARMY, DEPT. OF, DOVER, NJ 70 0622 201 B&W FUEL CO. 71-0506 206 l B&W FUEL CO., LYNCHBURG, VA 70-1201 203 BABCOCK & WILCOX CO. 71-0230 205 l BABCOCK & WILCOX CO, APOLLO. PA 70 0364 201 BARNETT INDUSTRIAL X-RAY 71-0662 206 l


xviii l


!   CORP.

MODEU 14-215, SCIENTIFIC ECOLOGY '" 71-9222 210 U SI GROUP, INC. MODEL-181375.181361, ADVANCED 71 5796 E A , L & M. W & M-059 209 207 O p MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC. MODEL:40G-A, NUCLEAR FUEL SERVICES, MODEL: NUS 10-135, NUS CORP. 71-9210 210 71-9254 210 INC. MODEL: OP-100 INDUSTRIAL NUCLEAR CO. 71-9185 210 MODEU 50CLSU-OP, AUTOMATION 71-9180 209 MODEU PAT 1, ENERGY, DEPT. OF 71-0361 205 INDUSTRIES, INC. MODEU 51032-2, B&W FUEL CO. 71-9252 210 WE ELE I MODEU 650, AMERSHAM CORP. 71-9032 207 MODEU SENTINEL 1S, TELEDYNE ENERGY 71-9153 209 MODEU 660. 660A,660AE,660B,660BE, 71-9033 208 E M MS 660E, AMERSHAM MODEU SENTINEL SS, TELEDYNE ENERGY 71-9205 210 MODEU 6717-B, AMERSHAM CORP. 71 6717 207 SYSTEMS MODEU 680 & 680E, AMERSHAM CORP. 71-9035 20B MODEU SENTINEL-100F, TELEDYNE 71-5862 207 l ENERGY SYSTEMS i MODEL: 715, AMERSHAM CORP. 71-9039 208 MODEU SENTINEL-8,-3 & MW-3000, 71 9030 207 MODEL: 741 & 741E, AMERSHAM CORP. 71-9027 207 TELEDYNE ENERGY MODEL: 770, AMERSHAM CORP. 71-9148 209 MODEU SP-1, SIEMENS NUCLEAR POWER 71-9248 210 MODEU 771, AMERSHAM CORP. 71-9107 209 MODEL: 650, AMERSHAM CORP. MODEU 920, AMERSHAM CORP. 71-9147 71-9143 209 209 h O MODEU STL-201, ST, LOUIS TESTING 71-9024 207 MODEU At 500 SU, AMERSHAM CORP. 71-9006 207 LABORATORIES MODEL: ATR, ENERGY, DEPT. OF 71-9099 209 MODEL: TN-FSV, TRANSNUCLEAR, INC. 71-9253 210 MODEU B-3, CINTICHEM, INC. 71 6058 207 MODEU UNC-2600, UNITED NUCLEAR 71-5086 207 CORP. MODEU BML1, CINTICHEM, INC. 71-5957 207 MODEU YNPS STEAM GENERATOR, 71-9256 210 l MODEU BU-7, GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. 71-9019 207 YANKEE ATOMIC ELECTRIC CO. MODEU C-1, SOURCE PRODUCTION & 71-9036 208 N.V. ENTERPRISES 71 0657 206 EQUIPMENT CO., INC. MODEL: C-10, AMERSHAM CORP. 71-9133 209 MODEU C-8, AMERSHAM CORP. 71-9128 209 MODEL- CENTURY S & SA, CENTURY 71-9135 209 UNIVERSAL S & SA, PENN INSPECTICN CO. 71 0503 206 I . L J


                                                         & 50-281 DUKE POWER CO.,50-269, S0-270 & 50-287 72 4 004  211 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., MORRIS UNKNOWN                              DOCKET       1 72 0001   210 OPERATIONS, 70-1308                                   UNKNOWN                              DOCKET    204 f

i 1 l ll U l i I

1 I I i DOCKETED ITEMS LOD LEVEL RADWASTE DISPOSAL SITES 9mem pespores to 9ms metan re annuai um im e-ma 47s. MOONEY,G WvommD. State of. 93/08/11 ALMAS,WJ. Energy Fues Nuclear. Inc 6pp. 76399257 76399262. DOCKET 27447 COLUMDIA. SC, CHEENUCLEAR SYSTEMS, INC. 9309020370 Ack rece@t of 930719 appicsion tw possession only source fnatena' le conse & forwaras hcense SUA.1558 [309130354 Forwards surface density spacmg anstynes used m s@po't of Barwell la HALL.R E. Uranum Recovry Fed Olc. R4. 93/08/19. Energy Fues Nucaear. Inc,1p. conse renewal actaan W/o enci. 76344:351 76344.354. HCGG.R.C. L?w-Leve! Waste Management Branch (Post 901233). 93/08/07 ( PC1MERA.J U S. Eccogy, Inc. pormany Nuclear Ergreenng. Inc.). 3pp. 76443.225- -9309020380 Lcense SUA 1556 for Ene'gy Fuels Nclear Inc.a.Nionang U & radum 76443228. contammated resm. l HALL.R.E. Uranum Recovery Feld Otc. R4. 93/0B/19. 3pp. 76344:352-76344.354 9309160036 Summary of 930902meetng w/ Chem %cear (CNSf) te efs made m CNS! LLW Chsposal sne actrvmes m NC.PA & IL & status of current 'I 9309100088 Forwards "SCP MarDry & Harney Landfdl Bay County.Mt." escussmg so-opefotons mesudag Bamwee sete & rreco waste cc>generaton paart m TN 1mmes reopested to be pestormed m SCA.Sycs. Inc redonctwo mata icense appts> 1 THOIA1J. Low Level Waste Ma sp;,ement Branch (post 901230). 93/09/08. BELLM. ton submitted m Ad 1993. Low 4evel Waste Mariagement 9anch (Pos! 901233L 2pp. 76479.327 76479.326 { KUYAn A.L.A RUST Enveonment & Infrastructure. inc. (formerly SEC Donohuel 93/ 08/25 PAstRO7TJ. Low Level Waste Maregement Branen (Post 90123DL 2pp. l DOCKEV 27 048 LD'.".kVILLE, KY, U Ss ECOLOGY, INC, 76424.304-76424.321.

                                                                                             -9309100091 "SCP Ha'16ey & Ha'tey Landfs Bay County Mt."

C309P*" Wet Forwards US Ecobgy.ine resologcal operatens Jrgancaten chat as es-

  • RUST Erweenment & Infrast'uctre anc. (tzmerty SEC Dorchue).93/08/31.16pp.

ussea at930836meetmg ei Rockwelle.MD. 76424.305-76424:321 SWIFNERJA U.S Ecology. Inc. (formerly % clear Engmeenng. anc.). 93/08/18. HOGG.R NRC two Detaded Affeaton Gwert 2pp. 76352161-76352161 9309290c72 Fu,waros NRC Form.591 wench exicates no voisions idennfed aunna C WMM M WM EMR sately asp on 93070S 09 of ioense 16-192CS D1. P Fi 5 (Post 02D1L 93/08/20. SCOvtLLE.JJ. Amoncan Ecology DOCKET 40 0017 DOW CHEMICAL U.S.A. (UNTT OF DOW CHEMICAL C04

  =CSD9290066 Safety mse on930706 09of Econse 16-192DoD1.Insp voir-               9309280386 Fnal response to FOtA roo.aest tw occumerfts Forwards app A occuments lors observed.                                                                             umch are bemg mane ovaantee m PDR.

5 (Post 820201)

  • Amencan Ecology Corp. 93/06/18. 19. 76565267- GRIMSLEY.D.R Dwmon of Freedom of WWormaton & Putacatons Servoes (Post 7656 267 89020$k 93/04/29.GILMAN.T. Quaoren Corp. 2pp. 76596.066 76596 079.

9309030343 Forwards SEPA checkhst & deterrmnaten of norwegnrhcance developed -93092s03s3 Package consseng of mat! bcense program coons & hstmg of temwnaten Osmgloorme renewal process actons pendmg posal noms may teofuseful US Ecolog$ Wasungton for NM heerise State bw4evel radweste es-renewar process.

  • NRC- No Delaned Affaston Gwen. 92/11/30.12pp. 76596-066-76596S79.

PO1MER.AJ U.S. Ecotogy. Inc. (formany Ncieer Engmeerng Inc.). 93/0&/25. MC3GA Dwoon at Low-Lever Waste Management &P -; (post C70413) 16pp. 76369.264-76369.279 DOCKET 404299 UtfETCO MINERALS CORP. RIVERTON, WY h$f, " '"Y 'P*

  • 8 E"'*"" E E*9 I 9309030009 Forwaas msp reg 40 0299/9349 on 930701.No volators or Sevistons l HMAC. Low Level Waste Managemere Branch (Post 901230). 93/09/07. noted.

PCAMER.AJ. Amencan Ecology CorF. 2pp. 76443:177-76a43-178. HALLAE. Uranum Recovery Feld Ofc. R4 93/07/16.LYONS.P. UMETCO Mmeratii Cup. 2pp. 76335.123 76335131. DOCKET DOCKET UhKNOWN -920211 Insp mot 404299/9 2 on 93 M M volabsu or owetens roteriMapor areas espected-U mal _ _ _ . ..._ __ -.y actMtes & assocsated safety [ oig, "T *g3 M 3. 7pp. 9338t280386 Feial response to FOA roouest for accumerns. Forwards app A sacumimts E wvich are bemg maos avannone m PDR. @ gfus [ y,2 ,#m #,an,,,y g 76335:125 yg335;33i-GRIMSLEY.D.i't. Dwissem of Fnsedom of informaton & Pubhcators 6ervices (Post 890205) 93/04/29.GILasaN.T. Quadron Corp. 2pp. 76596tt67bb96$79-920202 m w poens W stWf review of 6 auet rum.StaH concludes t'ut

 -82280388 Package canastng of man hconee program cones & hsang of tenanaton
                                                                                                        .D       ruum Recovery      Orc. R4. 93/07/19. Uraruum Recovery Femid Ofc.
            .       taned Affhsten Gwen.92/11/3012pp 76596068-76596:079.                        R4 app. 7631N7634.35a 9                       aphca                  #

k 9 DOCKET 404341 GENE 8 SAL SERVICES ADMIN., WASHINGTON, DC profoct AL*1AS wJ. Energy Funes Nuclear. Mc. 93/C7/19. HALL.R. Uranium Racewery Feld Osc. 8n 2pp. 76399.233-76399.252, 9309200386 Fmal response to FOtA request for gocasments. Forwards app A coquments i wesen are bemg mmos svagable m PDR. I

 -9309000343 Apphcaton for heense to pr==== etore & transport 500 kg U 238. U 235               GRIMSLEY.D.H. Dwison of Freedom of IrWormamon & PWicatons Services (Post a Aero Creelt proiect m WY.                                                                890205). 93/w&/29. GILMAN.T. Quasex Corp. 2pp. 76596266 76596S79.                    I ALMAS.wJ. Energy Fuels Ncamer he 93/07/1918pp. 76399.235-76399252.
                                                                                            -83092003e8 Packege connatmg of man heense program codes & hstmg of teemmaton           .

930 gono 210 Forwares two pages medvenency esti out of apphcaten tar f=--n only acnore pendmg. a tacety

  • NRC . No Detaned Aff&aton Gwen. 92/11/30,12pp. 76596 066 76596S79. j ALMAS.w). Energy Fueis Neisar. anc.93/06/03.KONWINSiC,G. Urarnum Recovery ,

Feld Orc. R4. 3pp. 76399266-76399.268. 1 9309080350 Forwards updated raciamaton tend surety estmate & WY seclamaton per. DOCKET 404501 ALUMINUM CO. OF AMERlCA. ALCOA CENTER. PA i t semance tend form as part af apphcanon for teense to possess source l 933B3a docussort 930,9280386Fmal sosponse to FOLA roouest nor occuments.Fawards app A documerits ALMAS.wJ. E.riorgy Funes %csear. anc.93/06/05.KONWINSKLG. Uranium Recovery ,GsHMSM.a uch are besng maos Feld G c. R4. 3pp. 763992.53-76399255. Dwinson at availatne Freedom m PDR'of kdormaton & Pih Services (Post 89 2 5).93/04/29.GILMAN.T. Quadrea Cup. 2pp. 76596 066 76596-079. S 58 em c Inc - 9309200388 Package conomang of ma9 Icente prog sm codes & hsang of termmaton , [p[h;7 M2 ka AffAaton Gwen.92/11/30.12pp. 76596 068-76596 C79 _,,,,M3 , _E,,,,,on,,,,,,, A,,es,,,,,,L 92,29. Forw.ds cornn.nis on -rm, occornn.s.o,m as . Rome on ,

  • Energy Fuets Nucear, anc-93/06/31. 8pp. 763ad.343-76344.350. '8 L lan"dF' Plan"t Develand works"an Contannawd nAan Badg 65 Wntdaten bys tw ALCOA h 9309020376 Forwards nonce of pubbcaton of fmalincknD of no ognihcant empact for D IC. Docynnbeamrung & Regulatsy issues Bench hst 901234 93/09/ l maumnos of new hcense tor possesmon orWy to Energy Fuels NucemarJnc. Requests DL RYAN.D. Ahmunum Co al Amancau 6pp. 76443.214-76443219.

j Cts notK:e stould be Scrwaroec for FR pubicator 9Y f6 3 b DOCKET 40 1020WNNESOTA Mis:tNG & thANUFACTURING CO., ST. PAUL. ABN

 - 9309020382 Nobne of timbrig of no esp ofcant enpact of miers to anus i           ,       9309280386Fmal respansa to FOIA roousst for documerts,Fywards app A documerits

! over kcense to Enwgv Fuels Nuclear.tric for storage of source man m CampbeR Coe wv. wnsch are bemg maa.e mvaitabie m PDR. omustEv.D.a ov m os Freedom of Wormaton & Putecatens Savnes (Post MCALAE. Uranum Recovery Feld Ofc. R4. 93/06/06. 2pp. 76344:35& 76344.359 890205). 93/Da/29. GlLMANI Cuadron Corp. 2pp. 76596fsf476596:079 93090902E2 hema- conoems se proposed m seu U mne. -4309200388 Package cortsstmg of mag bconee proyam codes & latng of tomaraton MOONEy.G wyommD. State of. 93/DB/11. ALMAS.wJ. Eno gy Fuels Ncier, kic1 actors perrhng 3pp. 76392263-76399.255.

  • NRC . No Dotaded Afhksten Gwert92/11/30.1200. 76596$C6 76596279.

l l 1 . 2

l r




DOCKET 441162 WESTERN NUC&iAR. INC, LAKEWOOD. CO 9309020378 Forwares msp rept 40-2259/93 01 cm 93070102 No violatons ?mteti (

                                                                                                  - MALLRI. Uratuum Recovery Feeld Olc. R4. 93/07/16, NUGENT.L Patntmoer Mees
  • Corp. 2pp. 76319251-76319.360.

9309030319Fomards copy of Erwean Assessmem for Westem Nuclear.We Spla Rock 3 MAWro enct -9309020391 Insp rept40-2259/93 01 on 930701 OtNo monatens noted, Mass areas t HALLR E. Uraruum Recovery Feld Ofc. Rd. 93/07/19. WAINHOUSE1 e**shmgton, State of. 2pp 76337279 76337280. mspectea u truli --- 2 __. no acavmes , HAWKINSI.F. Uranium Recovery Feid Olc, R4. 93/07/13. Bpp. 76319.353-930902tL47 Aovmes of beermee 930G30 results of annual seepage assessment of tail- 76319.360. mas impounamenticepage rates ested Seepage and selated groundwater guakty el- , tects currently tiesng acciressed t>y bconsee ma correctve arson program. 930gge0201 Advmes that Pathfmder docused not to OtHer decorrutussenmg of recove'y m., of other circunk KOhfWINSK!.GA Uranum Recovery Feed Otc, R4 93/07/23 Urwaum Recovery cacurts m Lucky McMe untu after compienon et &_ . i Feed Otc. R4. 3pp. 76334345-76334:347. NUGENT1.L &atnfmoy Mmes Corp. 93/07/20. HALLRI. Uramum Recovery Feld l Orc Rd.1p. 76389:00+76389:009. , 9309300221 Surgmary of 930831 unannounced meetag w/hcensee m Derwer.CO ve re- , evaluaton at veclamahon Oessgn for Spin Rock Md near Je?irey City WY.usted Oesgn 9300020356 Forwyds envron assessment re NRC evaluatori of attemstwes for tadmps C UI8 "" reclamaten arid me cocomtvissenr1D at Lucky McMil! i C0"CO'BY.D1 Urarnum Recovery Famed Dec. R4. 93/09/01. Urarnum Recevyy Field JA GARCIA.eJ. Uraruurri Recovery Feid Dec. Ed. 93/07/23. Urarvurn Recovery Feld

  • l i Otc. R4. 4pp. 76615291-76615294. A R4. 4 76335 057-76335-074.
                                                                                                  -93D9030357 Environ assessment w proposed oecomrnesemng & reclamahon W                         ,


  • 4 I 9309280386 Fmal response to F06A roouest for cocumentLForwards app A documemts 93090B0064 Forwards soplacement pages 2416 & S 3a W &acky Mc mm de.

hv of Informaton & Pubhcations Serwees (Post 89320$k 93/64/29.GILMAN.T. Quadrox Corp 2pp. 76596266 76596:079. Y enes Corp. 93/07/23. HALL.RI. Uraraum Recovery ( Feed Otc R4.1p. 763812Db76381214.

   -93092003e5 Package consstmg of fnat! heense program codes & hstmg of termeraten i

I actorm penomg -83eepe00s7 Rapiscement pages 2 32-3a.3-2,34 & 34a for Lucky Mc ma decomme. e i

  • NRC.No Detaned Affil.aton Gwert 92/11/30.12pp. 76596:D68-76596-079 snarung pearl  !
  • Pathfincur Mmes Corp.93/07/23. $pp. 76381210-76391214.

9309000364 Forwaras 'Oct 1992 Sampeng & Radaeogcal Analysa Magnesse.Thonum Duposai Aree s rynew of beermee proposed rnil: decommasemnqplan. annanenens g> ai THARP IW W Co. 93/06/02 MORGADOS). Graftort. MA. 10 GARCIA,PJ Urarnum Recovery Feed Ofc, R4. 93/06/02 Uraruum Mecovesy Fseid , 76d12'0017641. 1. Otc. R4. 7pp. 76321252 76321258. i

   -9309090387 "Oct 1992 Samping & Rodologcel Analyses MagrmThonum Ots-                                                                                                                          I smal Area"                                                                                  530e030002 Recommends that iconse SUA4721cr Lucky Mc M4 tbsposal area 12
  • GZA GeoEh . Inc. teormony Goldberg-Zono & A-=s. anc. & Goldbe'- amended tir vensmg conomon be as euscasmi ,

93/05/31. aspp. 76412-003-76412 051- GONZAL18.R.O JACOSY.DL Dramum msoovery Feeld Otc. Rd.93/06/03 Urannsm Recovery Fied Orc, M 32pp. 76335275J6335M 93092o0353 Forwards *Apr 1993 Samphng & Radologcol Anatyas for Magnesaum.Tho-

                                                                                                   $13e030077        F           nohce                    am        hce     SUA4        for FR 93/09/21. MORGADO.DJ. Graftori, en ip.                             nr.orm.

e.neros,- s.of .mient .tond am em ctio a.endpori are.nsend THAR,25 m0 ,660,vm,,ar,Mkoroon Co MALL.R I. Uraruum Recovery Felo One. R4 93/0s/05. MEYER.D. Rules & Dwectrves N8"*" Brancm (Post 920323L app. 76335.267-7633S272.

    -9300290355 *Apr 1993 Sampirg & Ruwaagical Analyses for Magnessum. Thonum i

Deposal Area.'- -tage03 bess Nokot of mient to amend boenne SUA472 for lucky Mc Mill to approve

  • GZA Gui;..-.  :. Inc. (formerly Gott93 erg.2cmo & Assocastes. Int & Goldber. , peans for este.

samngs recommeson a sruli J -- 93/09/30. 29pp. 76608290J6eoc294. HALLRI. Urerhum Recovery Feld Otc. R4. 03/08/05. dop. 76335-269 76335:272. T DOCKET 441790wrt - DYMAaseCS CORP IIIDLA8ID, til 9300030061 Sutmets fmdmys of 930416 ALARA auet conducted at Lucky Mc Mil & submmed we hcensee 9.sv524 lar Statt corwenma that bconese has performed somept-93083303e6 Fene! respcmse to FOnA voouest for cocumentLForwards app A docasmerits able ALARA auctiL GARCAPJ. Uromum Recovery Faid Otc R4. 93/06/0tL Uramum Recovery Feed i wncti are tiemg made evadaode m PDFL Osc, R4. app. 76335.222 76335224. GRIMSLEY D M. Dwisson of Freedom of informaten & Pubbcatons Servens (Post 690205) 93/04/29 GILMAN.T. Quadres Corp. 2pp. 7659tt066-76596 079. a*aaa*a Commems on koonnee 930715 sdimmel of component desenpton et cor. ,

     -e3es2803e8 Package consseng of mag heerne program codis & hetng at temuneman                       veceva acton program that s ochve at sea.Laoorse coneman 90 mosfed re ground unter correceve acton program for orpanced evaporeson ers, actors pomerig                                                                                   KONWINSsU,GA Urarsum Recovery Fised Osc. R4. 93/08/16. Uratsum Recovery
  • NRC - No Delaned Afhhahon Gswert 92/11/30.12pp. 76596 068 76596-079.

Fined Olc. R4. bpp. 76309.27176309.275, T DOCKET 442061 won am CHERAICAL CORP, OKLAH004A CITY.OK 93eso30373 As recept of 930715 conectve acean program assenphort Lscense Con-anon no to Lacones SUA472 emensed to emptement compharme monsonng program ' 9309230136 Partal vesconne to FOLA w App O encuments swalable en PDR. App P & to udse henrens Faher Seusent t.wstAmend 38 to noones enci. Oocuments pampv wetmed (ref FOiA E.somanons 6 & 6K etALL.fLE. ureneum Recovery Fised Osc, R4. 93/06/18.NUGENTL Pathhnder Mmes , GRIMSi.EYD.H. Dwieson of Freettom of inlormenon & peiaca*ans Servious (Post Corp. app. 76309276-76309291.  !

         $90205L 93/04/28. GILINSKY.v. Afhhaton hot Aangned. 11pp. 76576:123-76580:168.
                                                                                                    .gageg30377 Arnand 38 to boenes SUA472 tar Pathlheer Mmes Corp, tevemg bconse
                                                                                                         'HA%LLuromum Recovey Fisid Olc. R4. 03/06/18.13pp. 76309279-76309291.                   [
     -430e01e041 t>ma=s & analyzes US Court of AppeanL5eventh Orcuit 830301 enor
                                                            . Ken.McGee Corp Rro Emins Faceny                                                                                                    -6 asori m  Westen  NRC onpoeng Crocago.tL.NRC   togetactwees to .' _ to grera mtormal heyngs W SLAGGIE.E L. Othce of the General                (Post 960701A SE.CY43103. 83/03/15.        DOCKET e42364 Mem E ASNTASULA, OH 49pta 7657e286 76578.308.                                                                                                                                                                '

93essgests Feel respanne to FO6A voeumet ter documentLForwards app A : -

      =.93es23030s Partetty wahheid C ... . . =- paper re CLl4241msthorung NRC to can.                                                                                                             F auct enorman wrmen heenng te Amend 5 to hconse.                                                  wrech we tiem0 moos evadebes m PDft no Sermoes (Post    f MALSCH.uG. Othee of tne General Counset (Post 360701) SECY42472. 82/09/13                        GRasSLEYDx 3s0205t             Diveen ce 93/04/28.GILMAN.T.       Fresoam Queens           of timormaton Corp. app. 7ssea-De6 7e6&   >**="es-079 topp. 76570:057 7657a:066.
      -e3on22nst Permany enhheed C-                     paper se man.McGem soousei tar coneohoe-     .. e enese PacAnge conenemg or mee scanne program codes & heimo of temwehon                  !

t ten os emanno en ernenes s a 6 to meanne. e.cmor, panong. NRC ho Dotaded Afftheten GoverL92/11/30.12pp. 76596066-76596:079.  ; MALSCH.M G Otloop of the General Counsei (Post 060701). SECY42 372A. 82/10/

06. tipp. 76678:067-76578 077.

930e03e310 Intonns hat tsaand on tactam enecated in 930813 ttr. teoussang einennen 830e220229Pa timpy withheld C.,.. . 2- paper se Dept of Justos socpasst for NRC of time to outmet SCP from 930816 to 931022.NRC supsets to recone SCP on or views en Eduwooo vs Kev. tai Gee ' Corp. 8"' General Cournal (Post e807011 SECY42-434. 82/10/25. p 0[3 022- - 5 (Post 9 230h 93/06% h SLA

              ' Eg                     -

MARSMI P. RMI Co. Ip. 763lB217 6389217. t DOCKET 402253ARtRY, DEPT. OF, WATE3tTOWN, MA DOCKET 40 3302 ALLIED 40Ge6AL. INC. GETHOPOLIS. IL 930e070294Dscuseas 920608 meetmD m Walthem.MA se seks of Watertoum Arsenal Steenerma, Fo,wertis Amend 16 to Ucones SUS $26 & SER ve request to recyces con-GSA propony.Ateemoonce het & Arne el GSA halcry erect KINNEMANJ.D. Region 1 (post $202014 93/06/30.REARDON.R.D Army. Dept of, temented PIERSON.R syreishc CaF2BrancrL Lsonnemg tar une tay commercial 93/0B/26. KOS _ EIDER.R. Abed-Signal Corp.19 i Corps of Engmeers.175pp. 76334 001-76334.200. 76389224763e9226. Amand 15 to heerse SUS 426 tar Ame64spnet ene. , DOCKET 40-2250 PATMPSOER aflNES CORP. NFYERTDeL WY PiERsom.R. orancet 93/0s/a. 4pp. 763se.22i 763es2u. l 93 e -o, amend to nee SsA472 nen, coneson 60C - me-nenosa Safety evenuston engiptytnD amend 15 to hoones SUB426 { corporsee esteo seements or correctrue acten peert

  • Once of Nuccear Reactor hogulatorL Desctor (Post 870s11L 93/06/26. 2pp.

HARDGROVE.T.W. Patnhneer havuus Corp 93/07/15. HALL.PmE. urermum Recovery  ; Feed Otc. R4. 3pp. 76389:164-76389116. 763e9J25 763st.'226.


t i r

l DOCKETED ITEMS 3 9309220146Forwams rewsec Rathologcal Canbngercy Plan." m responbe to930617 RAI & that plan be maartied to reflect guacance pronand m Reg Guice 3.67 did Jan 9309090065 Comment on proposed acton to amend 4::ense SUA 917. Errourages cork 9992. seoeranon of attematwe measures mesudmg relocatan dunrg development of new EIS. KOSMfDER.M.D. Aneo Sqnal Corp 93/09/16. LAMASTRA.M. Dwoon of industnat & FOXLZ. Anzona. State ot.93/09/03 MEYER.D.L Rules & Renew branch Methcal Nudear Safety (Post 870729). 2pp. 76523.19f>76523265. (Post 920323L 1p. 76369.16176369161. 6226 Reesed madceoycal Conhegency Piart" HONEYJ.E.. AOSMIDER.M.w. AJieeo-Sgna! Corp 93/08/15 6Bpp 76523 197- DOCKET 40-4492 AMERICAN NUCLEAR CORP, CASPER, WY 76523265 9309090181 Informs that market value a en excess of required bond amountAccortkng DOCKET 4&3453 ATLAS CORP., DENVER CO to moreement.mterest m account will conbnue to accumuiste & ret be estnbuted SHAiFFER.R Wyotreno. State of. 93/07/22. CARPET <TER.S.A. Amercan Nucesar Corp.1p. 763b6.360-76386.360. I 9309090172 Reouests resportse to author concems expressed 0,mng 930525 pubhc meetng re how rappemem was muoe that catastropfuc tallure of taihngs impounament 9309070361 Forwams arnend 50 to license SUWnmeng beense comkbon 16 to would not result m unacceptable event as envron pupact. read as bstett - HANEY.P. 6pp. Grand Countv. UT.93/07/06 MALLR E Urarnum Recevry Fseid Otc. R4. 76386250-76386355. HALLAL Draruum Recovery Feeld Ofs, R4. 93/07/26. CARPEN7ER.S.A. Amer.can Nunear Corp. 2pp 76363.338-76363249. i 9309090219 Dscusses esmanthrg of md & recommenos that records be sem to state -9309070364 Amend 60 to teense SUA4i67 for Amencan Nuclear Corp reviseg 6 tar storage & research access conse corithbon 16 re apety updata. MAR 71N W Utan. State of.93/07/09.HALLR E. Uramum Recowry Feed Orc. R4.1p. HALLR.E. Urarnum Recovery Faeid Otc. Ed. 93/07/26.10pp. 76363240-76363.349. 76395239 76395.339. 9309020331 Forwaros nohce of ettelt to amend Lmense SUA-917 re reclamaban of DOCKET min 40 6500ENERGT. DEPT.OF,CANONSBURG.PA tailings dsposal area. tor pubhcaton m FR.W/o trial fmeng of no agruticant urpact H.M.LR E Uraruum Recovery Field Orc. R4 93/07/13.MEyER.D. Rules & Drectwes Review Bra'icn (Post 923323L 5pft 76334.354-76334.358 $309010009 Forwards page claanges to Buivell.PA Vetwyty Propriy Completon ReptChanges pnmanly rwolve celeting ret to wearuty prteerty CA-530. Changes aut>

  • 9309020410 Advises of ronce of mient to amend hcense & tmal fmdag of no syvhcant '"

eripactPutSc have 30 days m whicti to comment on proposed hoonsmg actort NOF E Dept 93 06 8 f4 Uraneu ecovry MALLRi UramJm Recovery Iedd Olc. R4 93/07/13. ORTON.B., BISSEGGER.M. grae g M23"*."UY 3 4 763W37M11229 Affnashon Not Assyted. 2pp. 76321179 76321:180.

                                                                                              -9309010011 Revised Vols 1 & 2A4ps F K pf "Burrell.PA Veenty Propety Completon             '
    $309020319 Forwa*ds FR notos of antem to amend Lcense SUA.917 & fnal Sndng of                Rept" I

no segmtcant eripact re proposed reclamabon plan for Moab MdLW/o FR resce &

  • MK-Ferguson Co.03/08/26.100pp. 76311:124-76311229.

930707 tir. HALLR E Urarnum Recovery Faeed Orc, R4. 93/07/14. BLUSAUGHAI. Anas Corp. 9309290064 Forwards fmal rewmed "BurretLPA Vcmrty Property Long- Term SurveL 2pp. 76334352 76334.353. I Iance Plan (LTSP)" for rennew & conosrerice. Notifies that ret to vuarsty property CA. E309020404 Forwards EA suppor$ng FONSI re proposed reciamaton plan fcr Moab 800 dested from Burres LTSc.W/one oversore anot. Md:.WIo enci. CHERNOFF.A.R. Ennrgy. Dept of 93/09/23. SURMEtER.JJ. Uramum Recovery Branch (Poat901230). app. 75688.333-7ti688.356. HALLR E Uraruum Recovey Feld Ofc. R4. 93/07/14.SINCLAIR.WJ. Utah. Sune of. 2pp. 76321:183 76321:184.

                                                                                             -9309290093Fmal rewmed "Burrell.PA Vcruty Property Longterm Survedarice Ptart a 9309020406 Forwards EA supportmg Andmg of no symfcant enpact se proposed recta-              W/one     overage    drawmp magori pian for Moab Md!.W/o enct
  • Energy. Dept. of. 93/a . /3019pp 76668:338 76688:356.

HALLR E. Uramum Recovery Feid Ofc R4, 93/07/14.PETERSON.C. Utah, State of. l, 2pp. 76321:181 76321 182-DOCKET 404i622 PAM 98H6ES CORP. SHfRLEY BASIN, tVY 9309030041 Docusses review of land use survey rept for Alas Moab mdi for i 1992. Review ndcated hsted mact poets. 93D9160134 Forwards rap rept 404i622/934)1 on 93382147 & nonce of votabon. WARD.D.C. Uramum Recovery Fe66 Ofc. R4. 93/07/21 Urarnum Recovery Field Otc. HALLRi Regen 4 (Post 823201). 93r09/13. HOPKINS.RJ. PalNhnour Mmes Corp. R4. 3pp. 76335216 76335.216. 3pp. 76454271-76454285. l l 9309070110Unoerstanos that Anas Corp will be suommme receamanon documents for commurrty mew.NRC compowd hchats revow & envron  ; of pro. -93091s0140 Nohoe of ve6 anon from mso on 93082627.volators roted basehne or posed thsposal area rocsamaton pian for MonD MdLWto stated encl Wrmmaten urre samows not ophocted Dom inroe comract workers whose work ac-Derbes cruste from 930708 09,srwoeved potential for exposure. HALLR1 Urarnum Recovery Field Osc. fu. 93/07/28. DENNEY.G. Grant: Coumy,

  • Fsegon 4 (Post 820201). 93/09/13.1p. 76454274-76454274.

UT. 2pp. 76358:190 76358'191 9309030D15 Forwards hated documents re reclamaton of Anas Mit disposal area per -9309160145 9 tsp root 404iC22/9S01 on 93082fL27.Vointens noted.Masar areas reauesLDocuments mceuce:notoe of meant to ameruf heense from FR.NRC E.A sut> 1y eve spected operator traryip & retramng.rakten praesetionJ, i A ~ . W radcoc. j port 9. g imdng of no agrufmant smpact & NRC 930707 memo on 04003453 Wto once mat s.radcactrve waste engtenviron prcnoction & EP. . HALLR.E. Uramum Recovery Fenid Olc. R4. 93/08/03. WILSON.W. Envronmental HAWKIN51.F. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 93/09/10. tipp 76454.275-76454285. Protecten Agamcy. 2pp. 76335:183 76335:184. l 9309020315 Forwardmg ksied documerits pertarung to reclamston of Anas Ma sksposal

  • area located near Moab.UT.W/c enct HALLRi Uranium Recovery Feld Ofc. R4. 93/08/11 DEASON.J.P. Intenor. Dept 9309000353 Apphcanon for amend to beense SUA.551.authorang addl cerrschve acton i of. 290. 76305;350-76305251. '

mod to ag;Fesarveer aosesr h Wmd Rwer sand to comont seepage from tadmgs area. Lab analyses of Masi santf ground water from wees encl. i 9309020342Ach receipt of 930803Itr to fodng of no agruhcant impact m support of j i nonce of mient to amend hoarse, pubhshnd m FR on 93G720.Commem penod wd: not JUDAy.RA Petrotomes Co. (formerly Getiv/Petrotomes CO) 93/06/28. HALLA bt enenond. Uratuum Recovery Fasid Orc. R4.10pp. 76358:228 76358237 HALLR1 Uratuum Recovery Field Olc. R4. 93/06/17. HAZEN.GA Aflilaston Not As-signact 2pp. 76305:352-76305253. 9309020403 Responds to 933628 se roouest to amerid source matanal leerise SUA-551 Ameno would mochty Sturtov Sanm rnswe . .n conoceve acten program to remechste seepage contammaban of Main Wmti Rwer sangt 9309020348 Ack receipt of 933906 Itr to indmg of rio exFufmant enpact et support of nonce of rnema to amend 6conse. pubierend m FR on 930720. Comment period una not MILLER.CORb Uratuum Recovery Feld Otc R4. 93/07/14. Urarnum Recovery to anonontL Feasd Orc, R4. 4po 76320:356-76320:361. HALLRi Urarnum Recovery Fe:d Orc. R4. 93/06/17.BUDLONG.TS Afflhaton Not AssegneL 2pp 76305254 76305255. 9309030329Forwaros amont! 38 to beense SUA.551.reviang conston 47 to read as hated. 9309020359 Ack recast of930730 Itr re fmrtng of no sguf.mant erpact m s@ port of HALLR1 Uratuum Recovery Feld Orc. Rd. 93/07/19. JUDAYA Petrotomcs Co. nonce at ruent to amend bcense, pubished m FR on 930720. Comment pared wd! not flormerly Getty/Fwtrotomes Go.k 3pp. 76337283 76337294. l be MALLR1 extenood'raruum U Recovery Fund Olc. R4 93/08/17. SEIBERT Affikaton

                                                                                            -4309030335teo!Arnend Am 3B to bcense SUA-551 for Peeratomos Co.

i sogned. 2pp. 76305256 76305257 HAn.Ri Urarnum Fectsnry Found Org R4. 93/07/16. 9pp. 76337:286 76337294 ! i 9309010010 Comment oppoeng NRC acton te envron assessment & indng of no ag- 9309020335 Forwards Amend 39 to Lacamme SUA.551;ms result of933225autmattat of l ruficant anpact for amend of kcense SUA 917 tar Moan Me am s.rety upoateh condden 23 rensaci se maint pl NW taance! g 7h 7 273 025 b "'" hALLR num Recovery Feoad Opt. R4. 93/08/16. JUDAYA Petrotonucs Co. (formony Getty/Petrotomics Co.k 2pp. 76308:347-76308257, 9309010032 Comment opposmg NRC esemen re Anas Tadmg sne outade Mosh,Utart MARRISDN R AfMretion Not AssyneCL 93/D9/01. Rules & Ljurectwas Revow B.anch -9309020340Arnered 39 to beense SUA 561 tor Petrotamms Cosenang boense condi-(Pc3t 920323)~ 1p. 76273:057 76273:057. ton 23 m maint of NRO, approved imancel surety a rangement "ALLR E. Uranium Recovery Feesa Otc. R4. 93/06/16. 9pp. 7630s.34a 76308257, 9309150036 Comment oppossng draft proposal by NRC to approve sectamaton plan cappreg Anas U tadmgs tocated near Moab. UT. NATCM,0.G f.enote. 93/09/01. THE CHAIRt4AN. SELIN.L C_.. 9309300265 Pronoes results of rewww of hosmsme 1992 CAP revow tor Srs riey Basm 750119).1p 76430006 76430t006. . . (Post me submstted na 930614 Itr.Conciuoss that approved moos to CAP expected to result sn more ettectwpeter restorabon program. 93n9090076 Commers on proposed reclamanon & closure of Anas Corp U me thsposal MILLER.CORBETT Urarnum Roccwory Fased Olc. R4. 93/09/01. Uraruum Recovery Feed Ofc. R4. $pp. 76615:301-76615205. area.edoab.UTIPA concemed about long. term envrtmmental suks of proposed acton

     & tem of aceQuale & aa>.to.cete altametwas analyss.

DODSON.M M. Envirormientai protecton Agerev. 93r09/02. Rules & Drectves 9309160149 Forwards snap rept 40 6659/93 01 on 930825 &nohce of notatert Renew Branan (Post 920323L 400. 76369184-7636t167 MALLR.E. Regiore 4 (Post 820201). 93/09/13 JUDAy.R. Petronomus Co. (formerly Getty/Perotomca Co.l. 3pp. 76454286 76454.295.


        -9309100152 Notee of volaton from map on 930825 Venatons noted Mar.w a eas                 DOCKET 40-7580FANSTEEL,INC NORTH CHICAGO. IL s%%ma,. notes dunng mitei site tour that specited welts not bemp Re9mn 4 05:               9/ /13 . 64 2 59-            2 -                          9 wM,2803,86Fina,l
                                                                                                          .ch a e oom maos a.a esponse  m PDR      .e @A em 6 mhas an A N GRIMSLEY.D.H Duson of Freedom c4 Infomaion & Putdcatorm Sennces (Post
        -9309160154 insp rest 404659/9341 on 930625 27.Volatons noted Ma ar areas                     890205). 93/04/29 GILMAN.T. Qua:seu Co*p. 2pp 76596 066-76596 079 supacied' operator tranung & retra rung.rathaton protecton.raswaste mgt.enwon pro.

tecton & EP. -9309280388 Pack. age conssbng of mat!Icense program coons & kstmg of terrrunaten HAWKINS.E.F. Regen 4 (post 820201) 93/09/10. 6pp. 76454.29476454295. actions pendng

  • NRC . No Detaned Aff&aton Gwert92/11/30.12pp 76596S66 76596 079.

DOCKET 40 6940 CABOT CORP. BOYERTOWN. PA 9309230203 Forwards FRN re ima! rule on _ _ . . , recordkeepmg & occumentanorussues on 930726 %/c enct 9309280386 Feal response to FOiA reouest for documents Forwards app A socurients SPIRO.R Decommaserung & RegJatory issues Branch (Post 90123C). 93/09/09. wtuch are tming mace avadabee m PDR. HUNTERJJ. Fansteel. Inc. 2pp. 7t447.258 76547259 GRIMSLEY.D.H. Omson W Freedorn of informaton & Pubicabons Sennees (Post 69C205). 93/D4/29 GIJ4AN.T. Quadren Corp. 2pp. 76596:066 76596-O'9. g309220012Forwaras insp Rept 4475B0/93 01 on 930tt1E 17 & notte v violaton. CALLAN.LJ Recon 4 (Post 820201L 93/09/15. HUNTERJJ. Faristeel Metals App.

        -9309280388 Pa:Aage consstmg of mat! bcette program cones & kstmg of te'mmabon               76517:3at-76511.361.

actons penchno

  • NRC . tWo Detmed Affdston Gwert92/11/30.12pp. 76596068 76596 079. -9309220013 Notce W wiommon troen msp on 930016 & 17.Volaton notadicensee faded to cakbrate surwev mstrumem m rea.srod 3 montt' enervat 93090204C2 Forwards ove*hoads preserned to TAC group.per 930818 h=n at
  • Regan 4 (post 820261). 93/09/15. 2pp. 76517.351-76517351.

T Cabot Corp. 93/08/24. MCDANIELK. NRC No Detaned Affilaton +9309220016 Insp rem 40-7580/9341 on 930816 & 17.Volanons noted. Maee areas l Gwen.14pp. 76341:144763a1153. espectea.necommanorung actrvmes re ra$aton safety & cornphence w/Commmason 9309240317 Sanmary et930810meetmg w/ Cabot Co p m Rocainhe.MD re ri--s rules & re9J3 tons & Condsbons of Icense FISHER.W.L Regen 4 (Post B20201). 93/09/14.10pp. 76517.352-76517.361. on beensmg matters portamng to three snet Loensmg Brancit 93/09/22 PIERSON.R.C. Lacensmg Brancts app- 9309240227 Respanos to NRC930915ftr te volatons noted m ansp rept stL7580/93-mM 205-MM 01L/As hcensee hah smce adoptog pracire of senomg ta39es by Unned Parcel 9309290099 informs that as result of bconses concoms expressed charng 930618 meet. dg'[7,.sted Maalt 93/09/20. Document Control Branch (Document Cor> mg m sphnmg Lacense SMB-920 mio enree separate kconses orgnal proposal moe" trol Dest;). 2pp. 76553.353-76553.354. fed to eclude spbt cl Laaertse SMB.920 eno two sepannte hoenses M7 DANIEL 0LK Licensmg Brancts. 93/09/23. GANNON.W. Cabot Corp. 3pp. 76583W658331E DOCKET 40-7604BP CHEMICALS AMEAICA. INC. LJtAA. CH DOCKET 40 7102 SMLELDAL10Y METALL.URGICAL CORP. NEWFtELD. 90 9309290386 F)nal sosponse to FOIA roguest for Occumerits. Forwards app A documents ! whecn are bemg mace avalable m PDR l 9309090312 Informs of vceuntary penton aled for protecton from crodriers in US Bank. GRIMSLEY.D.H. Dusson of Ffeedom of Infomaton & P@lcatons Senaces (Post ruptcy Court ter Southem Demet of NY unoer Chapter 11 of US Bankruptcy Code.W/ 890205b 93ma/29. GLMM.T. Gastpex Corp. 2pp. 76596966 m96M i press somase enci. WAY.N.D. Sneeldallow Metallur@ Cal Corp.93/09/07 COMFORT.G Dwison of Industm -93092903s8 Package consisbng of mati boerme propam codes & bztag of tenanaton I as & Medcal Nucteur Safety (Post 8707291.1p. 76415.346-76415:348. actors pending.

  • NRC . No Detaned Athkaton Gwen.92/11/30.12pp. 76596 066-76596C79.

l -9309090318 Press eseesse re fihng for cowt protecton m croer to com-poete ope'anonal 4 tmarcal reorganaanort $309230001 Apphcaton for ameria to License SUB.908.authartong dimwnl of waters RAPPAPORT.S BANKS.M. Metasurg. anc.93/09/07. 2pp. 76415.347-76415:348. frorn mixed weste pond closure prosect ey deepwee eweccan e place or filtratort WALPOLElW. 6P Cheemcals intomatonal 93/09/06. NAi.LUSWAMt.E. Deccmms. 9309160103 Informs that efteceve 930901 menterstup of tourisee Rachaton Latety sonmg & Regulatory issues Branch (post 901230). 2pp. 76520.319-76520'320. Commmee fevsed as ksted. WAY.R.D. Sheldahoy Metallurgcal Corp.93/09/09 COMFORT,G. Dwasion of Indus#b si & Mooca: Nucasar Safety (Post 970729). 2pp. 76468.350-764G8:351. DOCKET 40 79c2 MOBIEYWELL. If6C, MOPKletS, b018 j SmB200iS3 Forw-as pmpo.ed anni oram that we be pn.en=d m;L Garray for egna. ,,,,,,pu, s,,y ,mp on 930c23 & 25 a noenn Suw1.tnso enenge No vic48 ions l tre m conecton w/930921 he m respect of debtor m - , Imancmg Naeps Mkwi e conect moutons voted dunng anal eisp wirtled. SYSAREe"s"G*oistdo"'&'uanD/MDR c_..

             & Fiegulatory esaues Branch (Poet 901230). Sepp. 76503 007-7650U00.

s ~Mya 7 m s2020t>

  • Ausnt Tectuysans, Onc. 93/06/25.1p. 7642347 9309 40299 "Nobce of Appeararce, Request for Sennae of Papers & Reswvaton of DOCKET 400027 SEOUOYm FUELS CORP. GORE. OK FRIED.P M Affikanon Not Asegned. FRIED.P.M Athhoton Not Asegnait 93/09/14.

3pp. 76591002-76h91:004. 9309200138 FOiA request tar aucuments re 6nso or ewestaanon at mcsdents coownern. ed by NRC croer entitled. "Sequoyah Fuels Corp.Gare.OK Orost emodaymg License? 9309290264 Notce of appearance & request for svc of papers. VIERA.D.E. Affihanon Not AssayiscL93/02/22. GRIMSLEY D. Omason of Feuesom of MARRIS).B. . HARRISJ.B Athation Not Asmgnea. 93/09/20 9pp. 7ti621:274 Ireormaton & Pimwriris Services (Post 99205). 2pp. 76514 001-76514:002 76621282. 9309200142 Partal response to FOLA se pest for documentLPorwards app A docu-93092a0246 Second entsnm order authortono contnuston of critrakred cash mgt sys. monts whch are bem0 maos avadatde m PDR. GARR!TYJ.L U.S. Distnet CourL Soutnem Ostot of New YorIL 93/09/21. 7pp. GRIMSLEY.D.R Dmson of Frescorn of ensormatori & Pubhcanons Senaces (Post i i 76592347-7659tJ53. 890205). 93/04/21. VtERA.D.E. Attitoton teot Aampiad 6pp. 76514:003 76515D52. I 93DB290356 Nobce of appeararce & request for riceces & svc of papers. -9309200151 Root of reirnennow w/CL Couce of Seguoyah Fuets Corp to excavaton of MARCUS.HJ. Cabot Corp. MARCUS.HJ. Ropes & Gray. 93/09/21. 2pp. 78606:352- two buted un- oeryound storage tanks at tacihty 76606J53. DRISKILL.D.D. Olc et erwestganons (post 883201). 90/09/04 Spk 7651400b. 76514:011. DOCKET 40 7455 WHffT AKER CORP, LOS Apartri rt CA .g309200157Rao! of enennow w/MM Nchoes of Seguoyah Fuels Corp re osomon to uroa in two weerground stormae tanks at tacety 93DB290396 Feast response to FOLA ressest for cocumenta Forwards app A cocuments DRISKILLD.D. Cec of Irwestigatons (Post 680201). 90/09/04. 2pp. 76514012-wrech are bemg maae evasatve m PDR. N4fl3-GRIMSLE1.D.H. Covenson of Freeoom of Infomaton & Pubicators Sennons (post 990205).93/04/29.GILMAN.T. Quasar Corp 2pp. 76596:06tr76596 079. -9309200154Repl of enennow w/RL Ksehn of Sequoyah Fuels CJrp se excavston of two unoorground storage tanks at tecsty. 930s290389 Package coroastng of mati bonnee prog am codes & hstmg of temwatun CHAPS 4AN.LD. Olc of 3rwestgehans l Post 980201L 90/09/05. 2pp. 76514916 actons poneng 76514$15.

  • NRC. No Detaded Afuston Gsvert92/11/30.12pp. 76596:068-76596:079
                                                                                                    -83ne200150 84pt td seemerview w/C Couch of Seguoyah Fuels Corp re excavaton of 930907 PDC 2 Responds to NRC 930809tir to meetmg W/B Rusche of Law Snveon inc                two               stomge tanks at tacdny.

on 930729 Meetng secamand tsung of surface sampies si ses.NRC foguests mtg DRISKI IL CHAPMAN.LD. Orc of enwestDators (Post 850201L 90/09/05 3pp. provce request for amstic to 6cerse withm 3G cays. 76514916 76514f19.

  • Whrttar triciustnes. Latt dba Whma Sieel Stnp (tormerty Whrttaker Carpi 93/09/01_

AUSTINJ.M r-i & Reguistory luaues Branch (Post 901230). 1p. -9309200165Rept of ernarview w/DR Knoke of Sequoyah Fuets Corp to escavaton of C.. 76408236 76408:336 two underground storage tanks at tacety

                                                                                                       .">4APs4AN.L.D. DRtSKILLD.D. Otc of 6:wasagstons (Post 880201). 90/D9/06.1p.

93o9290279 Appecanon for amend to Lscense SM41018 . that expruton este 76514c19-76514219. I be emiended hght ested mio. es resporme to '- 1 & 22 dier-ins i between WK Weber. Law & J Copeland.NRC. -9309200170Rept of enennow w/W Mandea of SecMoysh Fuels Corp to escovaton of LOUTTIT.GJ Whittar enoustnis. Ltd. Etna Wrdttar Stool Strip (tormw9, Whmaker two urnierground storage tanks at tocanny. Corp) 93/09/22. AUSTINJ.R Decommasonrig & Regulatorw busues Brancn (post CHAPMAN.LD DRISKILLD.D. Olc os :: . _. (Post 980201). 90/09/06.1p. 901230) 10. 76L9236M6592360. 76514S20 76514C20. 1 l i t l__.._________--


      ~9309200182 Rept of miennew w/SR Fryer of Seouoyan Fuels Ccrp te excavaton of             -9'IO9220184 Rem of renterwew w/RL Cataahan W Seouoyan Fuen Cap fe excavaten two unoerg ound stwage tarms at facekty.

of two unoergrouno stwage ta%s at tacutty. CHAPMAN.LD DRISKILLD.D. Orc of invesDgators (Post 880201) 90/09/06. 2pp CHAPMAN.LD. Olc W swestigators (Post 680201). 90/10/16. 10. 76515:043-76514:021-76514 t22. 76515 040.

      -C309200185 Rept of enennew w/MR Chrtton of Seoucyah Fuess Cap te excavaton of two unoerground storage tanks at talsitty                                         -9309220196Rept of eterview w/CL Taylor of Seguoyah Futts Corp te escavaton of two urdergrouted storage tanks at tacahty CHAPMAN.LD., DRISKILLD.D. Orc c trwesDgahorts (Posi 860201). 93/09/06. 2pp              CHAPMAN.LD. O!c of trwestgat,pris Post 680204) 90/10/26. 3m. MHab 76514:023 76514:024 76515C43.
      -9309200186Rs.A of miennew w/LR Lacey.B of Seguoyah Fuels Corp te excavabon of two unoerground storage tarms at tacWm                                              .g309220211 Rept 01 ptennow w/GL He en:As W Seocyah Foets Corp te excavahon CHAPuAN.LD, DRISKILLC.D. Cec of erwestgators (Post 880201L 90/09/0ti 3pp               e two urerprouro strage tanks at tacshty                                              ;

76biet25-76514t27. CHAPMAN.LD. Olc W meestgabons (Post B80201). 90/10/29. 10. 76515 044 76515:044.

     -9309200            Rept of mt          RJ A        of Seouoyan fuels Corp te excavanon

' 409220213 %pt W enrwiew w/RD Drarn W Seouoyah Fues Cap re escavabon W A L D SKILLD.D. Orc of trwesbpanons (Post 880201). 90/09/07. 2pp. **

                                                                                                   'CHA              b* b"*sh                iPost 6802D4 90/10/29. 2pp. 76515:045-76515-046.
     -C309200196 Rept of enerview w KG                   of Seouoyah Fuels Corp de excavaton
                                                                                              -9309220215Rept of miervew w/R Lee of See.cyah Fuels Corp te excavaton of two
               !               A    AN.LA Orc of erwestgatons (Post 880201). 90/09/07, 2pp                        to           a                                                         ,

s tons (Post 680201). 90/10/30. 2pp. 76515:047 76515$48.

     ~9309210188 Rept of mierverw w/RA Parter of Scouovah Funds Corp re contammated water m excavaton on area next to aoNent ex1racton falo:1                          -9309220217 Reg of miennew ur/JD $rtuth W Seouoyah Fues Corp te az::avaton of CNAPMAN.LD, DRISKILLD.D. Olc of Wwestganors (Post 880201L 90/09/07.1p.                 two unoorgrouna strage tanks at facisny.

76514 033-765s4 233. CHAPMAN.LD. Orc of investigabors (Post 880201). 90/10/31. 4pp. 76515 049-

  • 76515:052.
     -9309210195 Rapt of miennew w/R Graves of Seguoyah Fuels Corp re escavaten of two unoorground starage tanks at facety.

CHAPMAN.LC.. DRISKILLD.D Olc of trwestganons (Post 890201) 90/09/07.1p- 9309020051 Informs that on properabon to stup tour F,2 ceits to A#r 76514 934 76514:034. Products.fmed contanunaten usertwed on CW packet edet f;ange for two of tour colsAodl sarnp6es we be taken of sta$ge from F 2 cets.

     -9309210200 Rept o rmtenaew w/KG Coppm of Segaoyah Fusts Corp re excavanan of                DIETRICHJ.S. Seouovan Fues Corp. 93/06/15. MILHOANJL Repon 4 (Post two storage taras at fa::ahty.                                                          820201) 3pp. 76345.30176345.303.

DR ILLD.D. Otc or trwestigebems (Post 680201). 90/09/10.1p. 7651423S. 7651 C35. 9309030233NRC Staff suppiamental answer to Seouovah Fues Corp mobon for with. orawal of appicagon & temurtshon of haanno

  • W/0erttosie of Sve.
    -C309220089Rept of miennew w/JG Stemmer of Seouoyah Fuets Corp se excavaban                   BACHMANN.R.G. Office of tne General Cournal (PoC660701). #39314251. 93 r08/

ca two unos storage tanks at facikty. 27. Atornc Safety & IJcensmg Board Parist 3pp. 76317.113-76217:116. DR1 K PE . Otc of enwesbgatons (post 830201). 90/09/10 1p. 9309090174 Forwards sem>ennuar efItusqr rept for first half of 1993 & reused repts far frst & second hat! of 1992.

    -9309220091 Reg of miennew w/DH Neto of Seouoyah Fuuts Corp to 6s:evanon of                  DIETRICHJ.S. Seouoyan Fuses Corp. 93/06/27. MILHOAN,JL Regen 4 (Post two .rioorgrouno storage tras at tacday                                                820201L 1p. 76400.357.76408.360.

DRISK;LLD.D. KIRSPELRJ Otc of trwestgatons (Post 880201). 90/09/11.1p. 76314C37-76514:037 -93090901f a "Radcactnmy m Gaseous Effluents for Fast Hall of 1993."

  • SeqJovah Fues Corp. 93r06/30.1p. 76408.356 76408.358.
    -9309220097Flept of enennow w/JS Gabreath of Sequoyah Fuets Corp to excavaten d two unoorprowmo storage tarts at tacday                                           -9309090196 Revsed "Radoactwity m Gaseous Effluents for Second Half of 1992.*

CHAPMAN.LD DRISKtLLD.D KIRSPELRJ. Olc of Investganons (Post 88%!D1).

  • Seouoyah Fues Corp.92/12/31.1p. 7b408.359 76406.3S9
CD/09/11.1p. 76514t38-?6514238.

I i -9309220102 Rept cd mionasw w/R Callahan of Seouovah Fuels Corp re excavaton of -9309090203 Revised "Redcactnmy m Gaseous Effluents tca Fast Half of 1992."

  • Seouoyah Fusts Corp.92/06/30.1p. 76406.360 7643tL360.

two DR g Kstorace tras af .saceny. Olc of pwestgabons Fast 8802D1). 93/09/11,1p. 9309 Fuels Corp response to NRC Statt * . _ -answer.' w/

   -9               104 Testmony of L Lacey re excavaton cf two underground stom9e tanks at      AKELRAD.M Seouoyah Fusts Corp. AXELRAD.M. Newman & Holtonger. #393 14270. 93/09/01. Atorvuc Safety & L1griseig Board Pariet opp.76433.110 76403:113.

, LLCEY,L Sequoyah Fuels Corp-90/09/13. 93co. 76514t4476514:132.

   ~9309220108Rept of rarnterview w/MR Chdton of Sequoyah Fuss Corp to excavaDon 93092900U                    N N m W h m M m m W W e enthdrew eenewas W-C- Z irwohnng bconsed man linuted to cocomms.

or two unoerground storege tanks at taedny & mantainng contro! of entry wito restncied area. CHAPMAN.LD KIRSPELRJ. Orc ce anvestgatons (Post 683201L 90/09/13. 2pp. BER RO.R.M. Office ce Maar Meterial Safety & Sasegardt 93/09/01.ELLISJ.H. 76514 133-76514-134. Seouoyah Fueas Corp.1p. 76583280 76583280. l

   -9309220111 Rept of ruennow w/R Samms & P Synoer.Damun of Sequoyah Fucts                  $309090049 Press #elease announcm0 bcortsee submatal of draft groundwater morWtor.

Corp re excavanon of two unoerround storage tanks at taceny no enenrn measures woruman to erwron protecton apenor & nwesaganon to ester. CHAPMAN.LD. Orc of arwestgatons (Post B80200). 90/09/19.1p. 76514.135 mme need for sne somedsson we be conducted. 76514:135. DUKE.CA. Seouoyah Fuses Corp.93/09/02.1p. 76369-145 76362145. l l -9309220119 Swam testmany of R Graves of Seouoyah Fuss Corp. ! GRQ/ES.R. Sequovan Fues Corp.90/09/21.1Dpp. 76514:13fr76514:154 9309130111 Natwo Amencans for Oman Erwironment & QuartAse Nahon request for eral amont re Seouovati Fuels Corp monon for witncrawal of beanse renewal app 6

   -93D9220125 Swom testmorw of JH Mastepey of Semoyah Fuss Corp.                                caton W/Cartficate of Svc-MESTEPEYJM Seacysm Fuss Corp.90/09/21. 51pp. 76514:155 76514205.                         CURRAN.B. Natwo Amencens fur a Clean Envronment CURRAN.B Hamton. Curran.

Gainegher & Spielberg flormerty HenrM Curran & Touseey). WILCDXENJ.G. Chero-

  -9308220131 Trarac@l 01 901011 caosed rnannow of RL Kahn of Sequoyah Fuets                     koe Naton. F93914271. 93/09/01 Atonne Sataty & Loensmg Board Panet 3pp.

Corp.Pp 134 76433:079-76403-081.

  • Otc of Investgatons (Post 680201L 90/10/11. 35pp. 76514.236-76514241

! gatinago237 htforms snateffecbve933816Dr DJ Monetta succesoed R Dean as Char-

  -9309220138 Tra9scrpt of closed ritennew of TL Jahrs of Segapyah Fuels Corp on                 man of Board tar Seouoyah Fuels Corp.

9D1011.Pp 1& EL.l.t

        ' Oec cd irwtrshgatons (Post B83201L 90/10/11. 35;ip. 76514242 76514277.                3 5,S,,JM gy a $Se,a,eguarOL 2pp. 76410-353-76410:354. cyan Fusts Corp 93/0D/03. BERN
  -9339220143Transcmt of 901012 caosed entenasw of TL Johns of Sequoyah Fuels                93uS1 C MenonNum & Order (Reesent for N Argumeno? Rammsts o$ arg+

rrier't from presHhnD offoer of hatve Ame can tar Caean E'wronmern & Cherokee of t$gabons (Post 883201). 90/10/12.15pp. 76514278-76514295. on 0907 g Board Panet #39J 14278. 93/09/03. 9309220sse Transcret of 931012caosed rnenmow w/LA Tharp of Segmyah Fuels OHics of Ine Gereral Cwnsei Pos! . 3pp. 7640325WD3259. Corp.Pp 132.

  • Dec of investgatons (Post 880201). 90/10/12 32pp. 76514296 76514228. 9309140338 Forwards insp Rept 40 8027/J3-11 on 9T80346 4 W1.No votabo ts or oevispors noted.
  -Cso922017s 1ranscret of 901012 cioned miscwww of S Fryer of Seouoyah Fuets                   CALLANLJ. Regon 4 (Post B20231). 93/09/08. ELUSJ. Seouoyah Fuets Corp. 4pp.

Corg.Pp b48. 76441 234-76441.255.

  • C:c of trwestgatons (Post 880201). 90/10/12. 40pp. 76514329-76515S18.
                                                                                             -9309140347 Insp Rept 40 8027/93-11 on 93083346 & Ok11.No incestons
  -C309270178 Transcnpl of 901012 closed erne view w/G Js:sson of Sequoyah Fues                 vioted.Ma,ar areas rispectec: plant status & cloneout of provousay identhod inolahons.

Corp.Pp 1-18. CAIN.C.L Flopon 4 (Post C20201). 93/09/02.10pp. 76441.23lk76441255.

  • Otc or erwestpanons (Post B802D1L 90/10/12. 21pp. 76515919 76515$38.
  - 9309220181 Root of enennow w/GD Banett of Sequoyah Fues Corp re excavaton of             3309170049 NRC Staff response to enervants3 ressest for oral argumenL' NRC does two unoorgrouno storage tanks at tacany                                                  not beleeve ritervernors have estabhshed any need tar oral argumset to address b.

conene wrtnorawal cf heense verimval appicanon W/Cortsheste of Soc. CDsLPMAN.LD. Cic c8 trweshptDons (Post 8802011 90/10/16.1p. 70515234 76515t39 BACHMANN.R.G. Offes of t%e Genera Counsel fPost es0701L P39314297. 93/09/ D9. Atome Salany & Laconsmg Board Panel. 5pp. 76648C79-76440.063. l

                  .=         -.                                             .. . _ .              - ._ _           _.         . ~                .       -     _ . .                 a .



6 DOCKETED ITEMS 9309*70074 Seouovan Fuels Corp resporee to reouest for crat argument' Smce arpu- DOCKET 40 8602 TOTAL MINERALS CORP., CASPER, WY j ments of NACE & CheroAee tvaton do not wa rant holdmg o' oral a pumenLNeuest 8 ## ELRAD. u AXELRAD.M. Newman & Hoftonger. F393 14314. 93/09/10 Atomc Sately & Lscennmg Board Panel. 6pp. 76544216-76544.222. 8 g , Q,D , 3fg*l* w ,g 7m' 172-76387383. 93DB2302b4 Transcript on930917 hearmg m Bensesda.MD re Seouoyah Fuste Corp Pp 30 44. 9309090052 hityms that Cooems Resources.tnc miones to a;:4. ore as of stock of Total

  • Atome Safety & Licensmg Board Panet.93/09/17,16pp. 76549.339 76549:356 Amen:an on930722.thus becoming new parent corporaton of TAMIN.

PENNINGTONT.W. COGEMA Inc. 93'07/07. HAu RE Urannam Recovery Feid t 3303270N51 Frwards copes of P30216 responses of plant t. NRC staff demand for Orc. R4 2pp. 76381:164 76381185. , i mto BACHMANN.R G Othee of the Gene a! Counsel (Post 860701) #393 143i7. 93/09/ 93090e0121 Dscusses effects of Cogoma Resources.tre stock purcriane of Tow Mmer-

17. GLEASON.JP Ki1NEJ.R. Atomc Satefy & Ucerismg Board Penel 44pp als Cao on mgt of company & trurwig pemuts 76544-086-76544.130. F01.DENAUER.CJ Totai Meeras Corp 93/07/07 SHAFFER.R. Wyomme. State of. ,

3pp. 763t135176381:353.  ! B309*70039 Nobce W aDpearance.' Irdorms of author appenarice m ksted proceedmg te hcerse SUB 1010 W/Cortifcate of Sve. g3ppos0215 Noches W approachm0 clomng of stook p of Total Amencan o General Counsel (Post 860701L #39314326. 93/09/21. 3pp. inng,ene by Cogoma re transacton somwned.per into Notee 8b-QOM S

  • FOLDENAUER.C t. Totat Mmeram Corp. 93/07/07.HALLR Uraruum Recovey Few 9309270059 Memorandum & oroer
  • Denes mtervenor escuest for ora' a*gument te b. Otc. R4.11pp. 76389.326 76389.338. .

consee mDhon for withg awal of bcense venewal apphcabon.CorWWence lo be Cona k oucied on 931007 re proceechng W/Cornfcate of Sve. Served on 930922 9309000101 Notdies & provides vershcahon that wet WW112$ not m aucursen Statut GLEASONJ.P. Atomc Satery & Lscersmg Boyd Panel #393 14325. 93/09/21. FOLDENAUER.C.J Total Mmerais Corp.93/07/22 HALLA Urarnum Recovery Feld  ! Napve Amencans for a Clean Enveonment 6pp. 76544S70-76544:082. Olc. R4. app. 7638670381225. l t 9309070325 Forwards amend 33 to boense SUA.1341,vevemg condson to. 28 & 39 to  ! DOCKET 40 8064 RIO ALGOH JI8884NG CORP. h00AB, UT read as hstoa. HALLRE Uratuurn Recovery Fekf Olc, R4. 93/07/23.FOLDENAUER.C. Total Mmer-

 $30D090006 Appbcaten tar amend to bconse SUA-1119.amondmp condemn 27 to W6                 as Corp. app.76363.314 76363.337 crease a'muel surety uposte. Documents s@ port appiscaton orci D

Olc R4 2pp 76389 i 6389 heense cont 9tonL HALLR.E. U.aruum Recovry Feld Otc. R4. 93/07/23.13pp 76363.318-76363330. g30g03U000 Suppets hoensee use of Snancaaf N tre N mp 10CFR40. App A -9300070344 Dmas Total Mmeral Com stock transk,bonting & excursen prame- ( PARRETT.M.S Re Angom Mmmg Corp. 93/06/09. HALLA Uratuum Recowwy Feld 88' Otc. R4. 2pp. 76389016-76389'017. KONWINSK GR. Uraruum Recovyy Feed Otc. R4. 03/07/23. U*arnum Recovery FioW @c. R4. 7pp. 76363hMM f

 - 83DeotoC12 Asmsts beensee m comptwnD w/NRO fnaritaal assurance r -                - -                                                                                                 g 1DCFR40.L1r sfould not te used for omer pJrpoSes                                                                                                                                     e

, COOPERS LYBRAND . 93/OtW10. HALLR Uramum Recovery Field Olc. R4. 3pp. 93esosDiss Nothes that W stock purchase of Total ummganc ty Cogama 6 76389t16-76389-020. ResourcesJnc occurred on B . FOLDENA JER.C.J. Total Mmeras Corp. 93/07/26.GIURGEVICH.S Wyonung. State  ;

 -8309DB0023 Forwards drott proposed guarmense tw bconsee to NRC of feelamsman 6,           at 6pp. 76395347-76395.352.                                                                  >

armer'y of Lebon taaely.m stated amount & draft cesctors vosoluton to approve name. . PERRY,K l. Re Aaporn Mming Corp. 93/06/22.HALUL Dransum Recovyy Fuend Orc. 930B300217 ardarms met no segruhcarit changes or tronos noted dunng review of beens. [ . Rd.1p. 76389:021-76389:024 se somemuel effluent morutonng tapt submrtled we 930s30 nr.No further acton re. - t ouesa preserev. l-

 $309090242 Fo%aros swotemerital mio se annual tamnps technical evaluatoruser re.           BiONWINSKLG.R. Urarnum Recovery Field Olc R4. 93/09/27. Urarnum Faecovery                    f sneest                                                                                  Feld Otc, Rd. app.76615287-76615:290.                                                        .

FERDINAND.S Re Algom Mvure Corp. 93/07/22. HALLR. Urarnum Recovyy Feld i Otc. R4. 6pp. 76395332-76395.3'16 t DOC 8E7 4D4684 KEastECOTT URA801UIE 00, RAWLiteS, WY ,. CW== eevow of ALARA rept for Lebon Me & hsts maler ponts mdcot-ed from sevow. 9303000135 Appbcaton for amend to hcense SUA.1350.accephr:0 tar whe rnemi en i WARD.D.C. Uraruum Recovyy Few Otc. R4. 93/07/21Re Algom Monmg Corp. 3pp. bweeteater Teknps impoundment.11 tex 2) byproduct mass m course of _ 763B1219-76301221 as Sheep Moumen Partners ton Exchange tecsiny. 93es0Bo314 Fonsuds amust correctree menon plan sevew for taedtv. PAU .OA Kennecott Corp. 93/07/21. HALLRL Uretuum Recovery Feld Otc. i R4. 9pp. 76388:119-76388:127  ; FOSSEY.F.G. Re Aagom Mmeng Corp. 93/07/27. HALLR. Urwuum Recovery Few Otc. R4 39pp. 76396 027-76396 064. [ 93e3090197 Docusses atraemhnmg seguistory overught at U recovery faceshes,per Forwyds nohts of anytt to amend source metenal boense SUA 1119. 930617 contorence call-===a mesmos for speamerung betecL NALLRE Uraruum Recoverv Feld Cec. R4. 93/08/19. MEYER.O.L Rees & Droo. GIBSON.M.H. Kennecott Corp.93/07/21. HALL,RL Urennsm Festd Otc. R4. trves Review Branch (Post 920323) 1p. 76321:051-76321056. app. 76300'101-76308.104 9300030409Notee of enera to amend source matonal hcorise SUA titt to agerove 95""a*"t14 Informs that tevow of annua! surety @dets has toen corvoleted & tound tasemps rectammten piert acceptabee. HAu.RL Uratuum Recovery Field Ofc, Re. B3/08/19 5pp. 76321:051.7632125& HALLRL Uraruum Feld Otc. R4. 93/07/29. GIDSON.M.H. kermocott Ora-mum Co- (formany Menorels Cct) 2pp. 76367.181-76357:192.

 **amama*17 rs.~.- review of pentmaarl amend to hcares SUA-1119 for vectamahon                                                                                                             .
    & ceosure of Re         hhnmg Corp Lebon Mall aar-i area                              93ges30187 Forwarcs tir to WY dept of _ ._ _          _ twakty.aohd weste ($v.veguashng         8 GONZALES.R.O.,              .DA urarmen Reoowwy Feld Osc. R4. 93/06/23.Urarnum           sJthorgskon to fecene captoned rnell                                                         f Recovery Feld Orc R4. 39pp. 76367s12-76387:04                                           PAULSON.OA Kenneceit Corp. 93/06/06. HALL.RL Uraruum Recovery Feld Otc.                     >

930B300364 Recommands ther leonese te focummed to evaluste CAP submnted tua 930727 Itr & propcor mods to correct smuaton where sJtcorn samnenes of water m g300000037 Fywards radaban salety snap rept 438584/93 01 on 930707 & 06.No ino-stortnam assler not bevig focoveract astons y devotons noiscL KONWINb4G.G R. Urarium Recovery Feeld Olc. R4. 93/09/02. Uranium RecovrY HALLRI Urwsum Feld Otc. R4. 9P09/02. PAULSON.O Kennecott Ura-Feed Orc. R4. app 7e615297-76615300 emurn Ca W Minerais Coj 2pp. 76346.34Ih76346:361. t

                                                                                          -930e00eo45 sup rupt 434564/9301 on 930707 & 08.No veistons or sevenons                          6 DOCKET 40 8102EXKOsl COstP HOUSTOst TX                     .

notecLMaar areas mapactedimosses & rachamon assety program.mchahng mgt orparn-zamon & controis,operstons revem & operator trarung ' 9309000000 Attachment 2 to 930111 *1992 Arnaal Rept ce Seepage Megabort" HAWKINS1.F. Urymum Recovery Festo Olc. R4 9b/09/02. 10pp. 76346 3S1 Gecond page mensng from anyna.W/930707 ftr. 76346.361. RANGE.D M. E.xxon Corp 92/12/31. HALLRE LParnum Recovery Feed Orc R4. 3pp 76381204-7638120& DOCKET 404619 STEPAN Cpaarae CO uaVWOOD, DLP [ 930g030372 Roww.rs930111 1992 grounowater correctve schon pmgram review ly HsDniaracts Ma, Program meets obsecove of venustang cemettront cort =*'s-tot tevels to herpts met as attss.artrough - . e fluctuate. 9303300386 Fmal es; serine to FOLA rensest tor cocwnents Forwards opp A documerns MILLE.RCORBETT Regan 4 (Post 820201). 93/07/16. Repan 4 (Post 820201) 4pst omch are temp maos eveeatne m PDR. l 76334.348-76334 351. GRIMSLEY.D.H. Dwison at Freedom of tnlormaton & P@hcatons Serv ices (Post 800205). 93/04/2EL GILMAN.T. Quadrax Corp. App.78596-0a6-76596:079. DOCKET 40 4452 SEAR CREEK UfUuttual CO, CASPER, WY Package cremang of mag 6 cones program codes & hseng of immenaten i actra ponens- -  !

  • NRC No Detailed AfEston Gwert 92/11/30.12pst 76506$80-76506:079.

930W000149 Forwards Bear Creek U arviumi rept on tehngs water mgt sys for review W/ j, o enct i CHASE.G. Unstm Pacelm Resources Co. CHAR Bear Creek Urrmsm Co. 93/07/

06. HALLRE 3 tranum Recovery Feed Otc. R4.10. 763892tiG 76389269. DOCKET 404s81 UtKTCO telefERALS CORP. BLAlele8G. UT i


DOCKETED ITEMS 7 9309220126 Partet response to FOiA reouestApp O documents svagable m PDRApp P 9309300229Retums ongmal documerits of Ltr of Credit S045340 & Amends 1 througn occuments partaHv withheld trer FOLA t.nemptons 5 & 61 to wereto issued on Deftalt of Plateau Resources LtdOriginar Amend 2 to La of GRIMSLEY.D M. Dwisson or Freedom of Britormaton & Pubicntsons Services (Post Credri 4*.345 which was supposed to teve been retumed m NRC 860627 tir also encl. 890205) 93/04/28. GtLINSKY V. Affd.aten Not Assegnea. 1tpp. 76576 123- HALLR E Uranium Recovery Feeld Otc. R4. 93/06/20. Natonal Bank of Detroit. De-76582168. troit, ML 2pp 76615.295-76615296

    -82092D0476 Recommem!s oemat of Energy Fuels Nacea'.tne roguest tcr heanno on ameno        to      Lcense        SUA.1358.Lcensee          submmad        reopested DOCKET 40 8724CHEMEfTION CORP., PROVIDENCE. RI correscondenceAegularons reouire estabhsnment of surety A'rangementL K

General Counsei (Post 86C701). SEC%82-348. 82/08/20. 9309280396, O w,ch we er,gFinal rna:.response evadao to F.e IA reauest for documents. Forwards app A abcuments 9309033020 Forwrds amend 33 to beense SUA 1358 esposai of bypractact GRiuSLEY.DH. Dwis:en of Freedom of informaton & Publicatens Sereces (Post mati generated at heensed m situ teach tacilmes per hstec . 890205). 93/04/29.GILMAN.T. Quaores Corp. 2pp. 76596 066-76596:079. I

HALLAE Uranium Recovery F eld Otc. R4 93/06/02. SCHIERMAN.S.L UMETCO Meerats Corp. 2pp. 7633518576335.205.

I -9309280388 Package consstmg of matileense program codes & hstmg of terminaten

    -9309030028 Amend 33 to lamse SUA 1358 for Umerco Meierals CorpAmend author-actons perdng I

nes thsposal of byproduct mat generated at hcensed m artu teach ta:sisties per ested

  • NRC - No Detaaed Affikaton Gweft92/11/30.12pp 76596SG8-76596 079.

cor'deons'. HALLR.E Uranium Recovery Fesd Olc. R4. 93/08/02.14pp. 76335: 187-78335 200. 93G9130186 Summary of 930831 mgt meetmg w/heensee si Rockvitie.MD to escuss

                                                                                                                               .., asues w/Chemetron representatwesAgenaa & rasolog.
    -4309033035 b...-. trat ascense SUA.1358 be amorced to author:re cksposal                       Chemetron scal              e- .

survey plan enet . of 11e (2) Dyproduct mat at Umetco Wrrte Mesa tacdsty.per hcensee 930520 roovest JONHSON.T C. Ca....; ~.%4 Regulatory issues Branch (post 901230). 93/09/ WARD.DC. Uraruum Recovery feed Orc R4. 93/08/02. Urarwam Recovery Field Otc- 03. AUSTIN.J H Decomrrwsscevng & Reguaatory issues Brarch (Post 901230).10po. He Spp. 7633520176335205- 76427.220 76427240. 9309020352 Nror==s heermee 920831 & 930226 submittal of semannuat ePW .9309130206 Rev 0 to "Ra&o600 cal Survey Plan for Resadenhal.Pubhe,& Commercial monaanng rept nor first & second half at 1992. feo apparent ladops seepage from truli. Pr portes en Vcety of Harvard Avenue Chametron Corp heights.OH. for Jul 1993. sne enpounr' ment & no change m ground warm guamy mr priod wow soview.

  • Chemetron Corp.93/07/31.11pp. 76427230-76427240.

MtL1ER.CORBETT Ura uum Re:overy Fased Ofc. R4. 93r08/17. UraniJm Recovery Feld Ofc. P1 app. 76305.356 76305:361 9309230215 Forwards FRN escussmg imal rule on ew..-.--.y recordkeepng & oocumentaton.asued on 930726 9339130105 Oroer

  • Tene within wtuch Commmason may take to review LSP-9347 ex. JOHNSON.T.C. Decommasonmp & Regulatory issues Branen (Post 901230). 93/09/

j termed unit 930924 W/Gertrfcate of Sve. Served on 930902 10. SARGENT.DA Chemetron L cyp. 9pp. 76547249-76547257 I CHILK.S.J. Offte of the Secreta'y or the Commasert #39314269. 93/09/02. Offee ) ollhe Geriara! Ccunset (Post 660701). 3pp. 76403:076-76403:078. 9309240289Forwros comments on "Radologcal Survey Plan for Resdental.Pubhc & t Commercel Properumt " Fands plan a::ceptable.Recasests rev to paan for moustnal areas writun 30 days. DOCKET 404698 PLATT.AU RESOURCES, LTD., LAKE POWELL UT AUSTIN.J H. r'- _ _ -.y & Re Jiatory issues Branch (Post 901230). 93/09/13. I SARGENT.D. Chernetron Co p. 4pp. p/6587:343-76587.346. T309000356 Forwards latest ALAR 4 rept.m comphance w/Uceras SUA 1371. Corukten 16 93093002t;9 Responds to request for updated status repts on Chemetron & Enveocre SAVIGNAC.N. Rachaton Proiscton Consultants. Ltd.93/06/21.HALLR. Uranum Re- ato 930914. coury Fiesd Ofc. R4 epp. 76358238-7t'358.241. GREFVES.JT. Dwisson of Low. Level Wassa Mana & Decommessaanng (Post 9309090161 Forwarns amended effluent monnonng rept for ta:2fity for 9301010630. 870413). 93/09/16. PLAMA,J.L Assistant for (Post 890205). 3pp. 7se1E pwyn15h6. l MORRILLV Plateau Resources. LttL 93/C7/01. Uraraum Recovery Feed Orc. He 1p 76389N6M279-9309280196 PNO 1493454:on 930917.ast analysis of soil sample taken m vacant lot

   -9309090166 " Effluent Mar *mng skept (1 DIAR 40.65LRept Penod-930101- 0630..
  • Piamtsu flemources. Ltd 93/06/30. 9pp. 76389271-76389279. gr nea d

re'vien'd SEE E

                                                                                                                                             ' ' '          * " ' * '$        P'    "
  • Regon 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/21.10 76552 04476552:040.

9309090090 Forwaros updated ALARA pohey statement i NA N N. 93/07/06. HALLR. Urannen Recovery Feed Orc. R4 2pp. yg g g g 9309050352 Advmes that util proposes to ses all of asued & outstanding shares of cai> aal stoca of Paateau Resources Ltc to US Ene gy Corp of Rwerton.wY. 9303030111 Discimaas 930729teicon exam of actwees conducted under icorne SUC-1380.No reguatory corcems conched. BUCKMAN.F W Coresumers Power Co. 93/07/te HALLR.E. Urruum Recovery Feed Otc. R4.1p. 76374:347-76374;347. HAYSAP. Regon 3 (Post 820201). 934)6/24. Army. Dept ol.1p. 76352211-76352:211. i l 93o90soost Confrms ermany ==nr or scemee to acowe an muista shares of Plateau Resources Umned. owner of Shoonrig Ca uns l for change of ownersrup & conroental trustment en'ryon ct U Mdl.from DOCKET 40 4778HOurCORP,INC LOS ANGI'1M CA LARSEN.J.L U.S. Energv Corp. 93/07/26. HALLR.E. Learnum Recovery Feld Ofc. R4. 2pp. 7638P167-76389231. 93092803a6 Fmal response to FOtA roouest tor cocasmerits. Forwards app A cocuments when are Demg maos avadable m PDR.

  -4309090059 App 6 canon smoor 10CFR2.790 for confidental treatment JL Larsen affe.

navn ote 930726 enct GRIMSLEY.D.H. Ekvisson of Freedom of trearmston & Pthicatons Sennces (Post SVILAR.D.P. U.Ei Energy Corp.93/07/26. 6pp. 76389.169-76389174. 89:1205). 93/ss/29. GILMAN.T. Quadres Corp. 2pp. 76596-066-76596-079.

  -93D9090074Appicatan gar criange of prent camershe of Shootareio Canyon Mill                 -9309290308 Package curashng of mall 60erme program codes & 6stirig of termmaton LARSENJL U.S Energy Ccep 93/07/26 $5pp. 76389:175 76389229.                                  actons pathng.
  • NRC - No Detaded Affdenan Gwer_-92/11/30.12pp. 76596:0f676596 079.
  -93D9090008 Advises that all survedlance hems.recorns emmr & repts win be currertt at 1sme of transter of ownershp of Peteau Resources Umsted from CPC to US Energy Corp Transfer wdl cocur when all ret pomuts translerred & w/NRC consent                   DOCKET 40 4789 ARafyr DEPT. OF. *nAVANNA, IL RERG.RT. Pisteau Resources. Lati 93/07/15. MICHAUD.P.W. Repon 4 (Post a20201). 2pp. 763a923476389.231.

9309300269 Responds to tocasest for updated status repts on Chemetron & Envent.we oto 930914. 930909D175 Confums acton to be taken on 930730 re artrhcste of caposit for Plateau Resources LttL GREEVES.JT. Dwison of Low 4evel Waste me it & r1 . - .s (Post BERG.R T Plateau Resources. Lett 93/07/29. MARSHALLJ. 1p. 76399256- 8704131. 93/09/16. Assstant for tons (Post 8932X). 3pp. 76399.266. 76615.314-76615:316. 93tm90200 h= pending change m parent ownenpup of Pasinau Stoomnng '?3CKET 40 8s01 WEST LAKE COMPANIES, BRIDGETON. MO Carmm U mdi BRAXT'JN.LP. Utah. State of. 93/08/03 LARSEN.JL U.S. Energy Corp. 2pp. 76395.344 76395.341, 93092s0386 Fmal response to FOLA roovest for cocuments. Forwards app A accuments when are tmeng mace avadable m PDR. 9309090301Decusses crackl amond 10 to mcrease cre:st amourtt

  • Plateau Resources. Ltst 93416/06. SMITH.R.D. Uranum Recorary Feld Dec. R4. GRIMSLEYOH. Oswison of Freedom of intormston & Pubicatons Sennons (Post 2pp. 76395:345-76395:346. 890235). 93/04/29.GILMAN,T. Quadren Corp. 2pp. 76596:Ot&765ia6 079.

93D9020326 Docusses Plateau Resources Ltti stock trarmier. surety & roouest to with. -4309280388 Package consstmg of mall beense prog am coces & haimg of termmaton achons pendag. notd occumerus from pubic distzosure. Recommenos that boense contheon 39 of 6 cones SUA.1371 be revned to read as stated to fmancel surety arranpoment

  • NRC . tuo Detamed AfNaton Gwen. 92/11/30.12ra 76696:068 76596:079.

MICHAUD.P.W. Urarnum Recovery Feodo Orc. R4. 93/06/11. Uryuum Recovery Feld c:t R4. 6pp. 763ae.341763ae.346. DOCKET 4thes20 Au*x, sN4 GOLDEN. CO 9309130300 Forwa os amend 12 to bcense S?A 137tArmortang transter of parent ownythip ce Plateau Resources Lemned & replacmg sursty dirwegemorr.,per930726 9309280386 Foal response to FO1A rocasest for cocuments.Forwares opp A cocuments apptcanort whch a o bemg made avadatso m PDR. HALLR.E. Urarnum Recovery Feed Otc. R4 93/08/11. BERG.R.T. Plateau Fe. sources. Last 3pp. 76421017,76421:028. GRIMSLEY.D.H. Dwessem et Freedom of trearmaton & Pubicatons Sonnees (Post 890205). 93/04/29.GILMAN.T. Quesrow Corp. 2pp. 76596966-76596 079.

 -9309130310 Amend 12 to loense SUA-1371 for Pieteau Resources bmned, authortr-mg vanser of parent ovmortrup of company a rep 6mcmg surety arrangement                   -9309200388 Pack 8De consstmg of ms5 bcense program codes & hstmg of termmabon actors pen $ng.

HALLRL Urarusti Recovery Feed Otc. R4. 93/06/11. ppp. 76421:020 76421226.

  • NRC . No Detaded Affilaton Givert92/11/30.12pp. 76596966-76596 079.

l l l l

I i 8 DOCKETEDITEMS i 9309220094 Responds to NRC 930812 ltr dracusamg Amax sete & expedstng transter of DOCKET 4S4903 HOMESTAKE MINING CD, GRANTS, NM sne to DOE. Dept of. 93/09/15 BANGART.RL Duson of Low. Level hesponds to930614 cemand tar mio. Responses prowJed m seogence of j LIGHTNER.R.G. naste ManagementEng& _ . _ _ _ ..,(Post 870413L 19. 76544:001-76544 301. 93,0,9,01,0,1,3,2

f ,,,_;, identifcaton numbers Wtone oversee enct i BARNES.H Homestatehnmg Co.93/06/30. MILHOAN.J.L Regen 4 (Post 620201).


                                                                                           -9309010140 "Docussen of Radon Bamer Destgn for Large Tailmps ;q,.,             .c ,..; at 9309030133 Clanhes lan0uage m approved permit appbcation that pertairs to ground             Grants U Mil" water restoraton actuties Armsed pa0es to permit appbcatun enct.
  • Water, Waste & Land. Inc.93/06/33. 28pp. 76267:183 76287.211 KEARNEY.W F. Power Reso.eces Co p.93/07/01.HOGG.B Wyommg State of. 5pp 76388 10576388 109- -9309010181 "Staterrent of Quahfcanons Hyorciogy/Enwonmental Sves Geotechru-cal /Mmsng Sves."

9309090141 Forwards revised pages OP41.OP 32 & OP 32A m craer inat Secten

  • Water. Waste & Land. tre.92/11/30. 31pp. 76267212-76267.319.

7.52. "Baneime Water Quality Determmsten . Data Cosecten" can be revised to re. fasct changes a basehne mater cuairly monnonng.per J Memmg933607 tir. 93090B0323 Fo. wards 1992 annual "ALARA-Radeton Protecten Program Aud:L" tar KEARNE't.W.F. Power Resources Corp 93/07/02. HOGG.B Wyommg. State of. 6pp. Homestake ursno Co.Grarrts Operatort 76388:126 76388.133. CRAFT.F.R. Homestaxe Mming Co. 93/06/21. GARCLA P. Uranium Recovery Field Orc. R4.1p. 76374.321-76374:346. C309090259 Appbcaten tar amend to hcense SUA.1511.ctungng taasalme monnonng program pages OP-31.OP42 & OP42A m Secten 7.5.2 to retect cnsnges m taasehne ,e30905032s ALARA.Radiaton Protecten Program Audn." Homestake urung water cuanty momtonng. ca. Grants Operaton. KEARNEY.W.F. Power Resources Corp. 93/07/02 HAU R E Uranium Recovery

  • Homestake Mmmg Co.92/12/17,25pp 76374.322-76374.346.

Feed Orc. R4. 6pp 76387'356 76387361. 9309090060 Informs that property m Homestake U Ms not bsted in Natt Repster of He-C309090056Lats areas that bconsee and WY Mmmg Assoc tiebeve could te stream- tanc Praces orther mdedually or as port of datnet,in response to930616ftr.Corcurs knad to prowJe hconsees more operaton femtnier.y & reauce sJpport needs at NRC that arte not ehgee for meduson an Nati Repster.

   .icensmg staff.                                                                            MERLAN.T.W. New Menco. S; ate 01. 93/06/29. HALLR1 Uramum Recovery Feirl HlLDENBRAND.P. Power Resources Corp. 93/07/13. HALLR.E. Uranium Recovery                   Cic. R4.1p. 76381:190 76:.81:190.

FisiJ Otc. R4.1p. 76381:189 76381:189. 9309020399 Forwartf. tendng of no a impact for FR pubicaton 93D9020401 Corihrms recept of econse renewai spohcanon for hcense SUA.1511. HAWKINSiF. Urf thum Recove*y old Oc. R4. 93/07/14. MEYER.D.L Rules & De HALLR E Uranum Recovery Feld Orc. R4. 93/07/14 HILDENDRAND.P. Power Re- rectives Rewsw P anch (Post 92W3r it . 76335-079-76335C83. sources. mc. (formany boerkhng Cny Nuclear Corp.). 2pp. 76320256-76320257.

                                                                                           -9309020400 Notee ce                of no esgewcant empact se rectamaton plan.

C309020405 Comments on Semennual attkett & enveonmental monnonng rept for HAWKINSEF. Uransum Feld 9tc. R4. 93/C7/14. app. 76335.C80 naconst ha!t of 1932ser 9J0216 lir. 76335 083. MILLER-CORBETT Uraruum Recovery Feld Ofc R4. 93/07/14. Urarnum Recovery Feld Ofc. R4. W 7632104476321'050 9309030314 Docusses geoposed amend to source inmenal hearise SUA-1471 tot rectame.norLRecommands that hearine te assued tuy mocrymg acenes condrDon 12 & 9309030337 Forwards request ter adts ello re beenses roguest to amend bconee SUA. Dy adt'mg hcense conomon 37 to emed as stated. 1511 & roguests that resporse to rogues te e forwarned withet 15 cays of Ilr cate. JACOtW.D.L Uraruum Recovery Fased Olc R4. 93107/14. Urannsm Recovery Field HALLRi Urarnum Recovery Femed Olc. R4. 93/07/16.HILDENdRAND.P. Power Re. Orc. R4. 22pp. 76337:210-76337:231. sources, enc. (formerly Sparkhng City Nw 6sar Corp.). Spp. 76337299-76337301. 9309020396 Forwards amemd to lo icense SUA 1471.modityng condinon 12 & addng C3D9000330 informs that Power Resourses requested use of RO make up water tram conditon 37 to read as bssed. unroentrhed now TDS anurce as part of ground water restoramon program.ust noms HALL.R1 Uraruum Recovery Fe6d Ofc. R4. 93/07/23, BARNES.H. Homestake that need to be _  : erior to rnalung 0-i on proposal Mewng Co. app. 76321;259-76321273. INGLE.S. Power Resourtes. Inc. Ocamarty Sparkim0 City Nuclear Corp.) 93/07/29. ME!NievG.J. Power Resources. Inc. (lormony Sparkbrig C3ty Nuclear Corp.). 2pp. -930902o407 Amend 14 to bonnes SUA 1471 tor etomastake MmnD Co. moditymg cor> 76358 224-76358.225. ceton 12 & addag conditon 37 to re ad as kstect HALLRE Uraruum Recoveay Feld Orc. R4, 93/07/2' 1130. 76321263 76321273. 9309090113 Sutimets S engle comments se use of make up water trom unknown acsaner snyoundwater restoraton of A & B wmEhelds 930B020339 Roguests repts documenbng cultural resource steveys of terrow areas to selNING L Wyormng State of. 93/07/30 KEARNEY.B. Power Resources, Inc. po'* tse untrzeo for cover soies for tenerrigs rersematon,per $30eria enicort marty Speridmg Qty Nuclear Corp.). 2pp. 76395330-76395331. HALLR.E. Uraruurn Recovery Fseid Otc. R4. 93/07/26. CRAFT.F. L ' e Meung Co. 2pp. 76334359 75334360. DOCKET 40,B889 BRADLEY THOtfPSON 1DDL CO, SOUTHFIELD. til g300030045 Advmes that staff revow of bconsee 930525 si.itimrital inchcated that Mc> rnestase Meung Co has successfully reduced Re.226 concentrasons m see witfun two 9309 07 Dm==== safety map on 933E20 of noense STB.1463 & forwards nobce of g than std pC. g p R 93/08/02. Uraruum Roopvery Feld SHEAR.GuL Regon 3 (Post 820201) 93/D9/07 HUARD.MD. Bradley-Thompson Otc. R4. Spp. 76335219-76335221. Tool Co.1p. 76443187-76443:189.

 -9309130110 Notes of velaban trom map on 930620 W2aton noemtt mall users & em.             DOCKET 464904 SOH00 WESTERN If4NiedG CO, SALT LAKE A UT playees treguently m proonsamg area not mstructed in specsfed rackanon saiety topcs on annual basso                                                                         g3o3020315 Informs that NRC comp 6sted review of 930201 lir in resporise to930115 SHLAR,G.L Revon 3 (Post 6202D1). 93/09/07. 2pp. 76443:188 76443:199.                       retco of violanon invoewmo tadura O autirrut armust swety update as recured by 6.

conse conomon 25.Nu rechacion in surety amount nooropnstebaned on mio ested. HALLRL Uraruum Recovery Feeld Cic. Re.93/08/16.SCHURTZ.G.D. SOHIO Wes1 DOCKET 40 8902 ATLANTIC RICHFIELD CO, GRANTS,lett om Manmg Co. 3pp. 76305347 76305349. 930epsot36 De===s comments on proposed rule.10CFR40 part 192. DOCKET 464e05 OUtVIRA BflNING CO, ORANTS,00M 2.EGLER.Ri Anonne Roiheid Cc. (AROO). 93/07/19. Envronmernal Piceecton Agency. 5pp. 7639522576395329. 9:a100000117 Apphesnon tor amend to bcense SUA 1473.arnending bconne condmon 22 9309090239Notrhus that in Aug 1993.Inartene wis start ., & reclanrung '-* sisaportna apphcanon enct to increase annual surety Mmmg~~ Co".93/06/25.HAu fd Uranssm Recovery Famid Osc. two at three remamme evaporaten ponos at B awater U ma sne.- FERDINAND.B. Ourewa ItEGLER.R.S Ananac Renheid Co. tARCO). 93/07/27. REBUCKL New Memco. R4. Opp. 7638132ik7tp81.345. State of. 2pp. 76395337-76395:338.

                                                                                            -9309090129Stenwts gasarnee enade on 930621 tiy Rs0 A6gom Ltd on behalf of sub-9309020320                 of 930729 meetng w/ ARCO re vectamaton acerveas si                 esena Ounnra          Co.

Bluewaior Mil near NM. M ULAY.C A., PERRY.K L Re A#gom Mmmg Corp.93/06/21.HALLRE JACOBY.O.L Uraruum Recovery Feld Olc. R4. 93/06/19. Laramum Recovery Feld Urannum Recovery Feld Otc. R4. App. 76381242 76381345. Ofc. R4. 3pp. 76321:18576321:167. 9300000193 Forwards 1933 annual land une survey tor Amtrose Lake tactiety. Survey 9309210035 Forwards insp rept 408902/9302 on 9:40901.No vio6atens or covetus contams mto re land use unthm two of mitt noted LLITHIGER.P. Owvre edruno Co. 93/L6/26. HALLR. t>snium Recovry Fioid Orc. R4. HAu RL Urarmure Recovery Feed Otc. R4 93/09/15. ZIEGLER.Ri Ananbc Rch. 3pp, 76389;325 76309.327. tend Co. (ARCO). 3pp. 76475:188-76476:195. 9309000159 "Hvorologmal MorwtqRept ast F Half 1993.* W/930708 lir.

  -930s210039 insp rept 408902/9342 on 930901.No violanons or or devotons                       LUTHIGER.PJQuivre Mrung Co. U3/06/30. OHRBOM.R. New Memoo. State of. $pp.

notocLMaar areas -.a;...g organtzston & controls.ra:boectrue waste engt & er> 76396:309-76386 313. wron swatectiort HAWFJNSL Urefuum Rernvery Feld Olc. R4. 93/09/10. $pp. 76476:191-764751 95. 930909014e Forwards groundwater nonnonng rept for 9304014630. LUTHIGER.P. Ckevra Meung Co. 93/07/27 OHRBOM.R. New Memco. State of.1p. 93D3300268 Concludes that bearinse performed acceptable ALARA suda, based on 76403.265 76403267. eeview ce 930520 aJtswttal cocumentm0 a muel ALARA aut91 tar Bluewater Ms. GARCIA.PJ. Ura*uurn Recovery Fased Olc. R4. 93/09/23. Urarnum Recovery Feld 9309100364 *Ambrose Lake Opershons Dacharpe Plan 362." Orc. R4. app. 76615:311-76615313.

  • Owwwe Memog Co.93/06/30. 2pp. 7tr403266-76403267

DOCKETEDITEMS 9 DOCCET404907 UNC MIN 6NG & MILLING (DfV. OF UNITED NUCLEAR CORP 4 9309170014 Suagests postponmg scheduhng of conference call to reWy to NRC co r> ments m 930712 itr te tec'nca: Dasas 1or oecommissorung at Camtrege.OH facihty C3D9020325 Advses of frth annua! review of operatons under provisens of 68082E unu sometime, hwetupy m Oct MOU. Document accu ately oepcts apeaty ro!as.No mods 10 document recommelo. WAY R.D. Stuesdatioy Metallurgeal Corp. 93/D9/13 GLENNA Cm, . . -..., & es Regulatory issues Branch (Post 921230L 2pp. 76472.288-76472289. MILHOANJL Regon 4 (Post 820201) 93/07/09 WINKLEJD. Enveonmemal Pro, tecton Agency. 2pp. 76329.36476329 361. 9309200193 Forwards proposed fmal order that wB be presented to JL Garnty for segna-r ture en conneccon w S3DS21 heanng m respect et debtor en possesamg fmancmg 9309090066 Resas on G Kormwsky search for mriutes from 830506 mecono agreement totween Metanoganc & Stueadativ Metanu pical Corp. CQRMAN.S .lusloe. Dept of. 93/08/12. JOHNSON.G.E. Swder & bortis 2pp RASPISARD1JJ. West Gotsna! & Manoes. 93/09/13. AUS71NJ H. C- . . a.., 76381 215-76381 216 & Regulato'y assues Brancri (Post 901230b 34pp. 76503 067-76503-100 C30!I300267 Concludes that Icerisse environ moratonng rept for Church Roce6 Ma for 9309240298 %otte of Appeaance. Request for Servoe of Papers & Reservaton of 1 Je%fune 1993.submrttec via930820 te m accordance w/ucense Cordton 12 cf b, Rghts I cense SUA.1475ho further acton necessary. FRIED.PM Afhaton Not Asagned. FRIED.P.M. Af%ston Not Assegned. 93/09/14. l KONWINSec.G.R. Uraruum Recovery Fiesd Olc, Rd. 93'09/02 Uransum Recovery 3pp. 7659100F7659t004 r Feld Olc. R4. 3pp 76615.300-76615.310. i 9309290284 Nobce of appea ance & roovest for svc of papers 9309300214 Informs tnat p oposed c*iange to slope of smad area at north end of MARRISJ B. . HARRISJ B Afhhaton Not Assigned 93/09/20. 9pp. 7662t274-sae.dscussed m930811 tir acreotabe.FToposed rev to Churcirocet Ms. Recta.enon 76621 282. Pian must be revised & rev proveer m form of LAR. HALL.R.E Uraruum Recovery Feld Ofc. R4 9't/09/23. VELASQUE7.J.R. Uruted Nu- 9309290246 casar Corp. (subs. of UNC. eca 2pp 76611357-7661t356 GARRfTY.JL Second mtenm Court. U.S. Distnet ortler aJthonzmg coritmuaton Southem D:smet of NewofY cent'ots. 93/D9/21alcred 7pp. cash mgt syt 76592.347-76592-3s3. DOCKET 40 8917 AMERSHAM GORP, BURLINGT0al MA 9309290356 Notee of appearance & reasest for robces & eve cf papers. MARCUS.HJ. Cabot Corp. MARCLfa.MJ. Ropes & Gray.93/09/21. 2pp. 76606.352-9309300185 o submrtta;.sece 76606 253. NRC rc longer roQureS timg fee toRetwns cortunny such e m! check 930913 submmaLper in ar'a::unt taloonof to-$150.ancluded w/930811 tween K Wenber & P Mchaud l HALL.R.E. Uraruum Recove v Field Otc. R4. 93/09/14. WEBBER.K US Energy DOCKET 40 4964RIO ALGOh! MNING CORP. OKLAHOMA CfW. OK Corp. 2pp. 76626:107 mis 26:108. l 9309090225 Appicadon for umend to loanse SUA.1548,propoemg propected 1995 corr > mercial start-@ date rather than ongenal 19.,4 target cate que to coranued depressed DOCKET 448943 FERRET EXPLDRATION 00. OF NE8RASKA, DENVER, CO market. FERDfNAND.B. Rn Algom Mirung Corp. F '06/25. HALLR. Uraruwn Recovery Field 93090803a4 Appicaton for amend to 6conse SUA 1$34.revisng Luense Cordtons 10 Otc. R4. 80pp. 76387$57-76287.140.

    & G2 to reflect revised waste water omgaton proposal did 920904.

COLUNGS.S.P Ferret Exploraten Co. of Nebraska. Inc.93/06/07.HALLR. Ura' mum -9309090244 Submits paaramee tiy Ro Umned to tehalt of Rio Algom Mmmg Recovery Field Otc. R4.19. 76352-360 76352:360. Corp to compey w/regtsstons saued by & provide ?*1ancel assurance for ce. 9309090066 Forwarcs results of sad samphng tar Ra 22L m area of snpocton water spdl MAUAMd BUSH.JA Re Algom Mmmg Corp. 93/06/21. HALLR. Uramum Re-of 933111 & locaton map tram samping progrant covery Feld Osc. R4. dop. 76367:137-76367:140. GNODE,R. Ferret Exporaton Co. of Neorasta. Inc.93/06/28. HALL.R. Uraruum Re-vvery Feesd Olc R4. 3pp. 7638t196 7538M96. 930ananm Provides explanston for decrease e tondmg for pemut to Mme 633 for period 1993-1994. Decrease et tordng due to delay a start-up of commercal acav> 9309090520 Forwards satace comamourton avogram & Tabass 4.1 & 4.0 from OA ties at Smrth Ranch as result of oepressed U market, manualueensee cinerely plannng to sistas & noerste yeicecake dryer dwmg Fa3 FERDINAND.B. He Algom Mirung Corp, 93/07/27.JANKOVSKY.M. Wyommg. State 1993. m approved as can of Amend 15 dtd s20519. of. 2pp. 76358226-76328:227. KNODE. Ferret Expearaton Co. of Neorasta. Inc. 93/07/08.HALLR. Uraruum Re- . covery Fiese Orc. R4 Spp. 76381-346 76381-350. 9309090196 Forwards map rept 40 8964/9341 on 930729.No votatons or oeviatons noted.Facdify bem9 operated m deterred producten statut 9309010012 Forwards snsp root 448943/93C2 on 93081412.No volasons or cev> HALLR E. Uranum Flecovery Feesa Olc, R4. 93/09/03. FERDINAND.B. Re Algom anons rosed. Mmmg Corp. 2pp. 76347:331 76347:341. [ HALL.R.E Ura' mum Reco e 93/08/25.COLLINGS.S. Fener Explora. [ cia Co. of Nebraska, anc. 3m'y Feld Olc. Rd. 76273-026-76273:041. -9309090198 Inso rept 40 8964/93 01 on 930728 No volabons or devistons noted.Malor areas mapactettU m situ operabons & raeston safety program encsudmg

 -93090 0021 Insp sept 404943/9342 on 93081012.No volatons noted. Macr areas                                      & controis & coeraton review.

rispactos mgt organaanon & _ _ - . . _. _ review & mant/survedsants tesang E. Urarmum Recovery Feed Olc. R4. 93/09/03. 9pp. 76347:333-76347:341. MCWKINS.E F. Uranium Recovery Feed Otc, R4. 93/08/25.13pp. 76273029 762'.; d41, 9309240129Fo wards msp root 408943/9343 on 933826 27.No votaton roted MALLR.E. Uraruwn Recovery Feld Olc. R4. 93/09/20.COLLINGs.S. Fe ret Explora. CI3 Co. of Nebraska, tnc. 3pp. 76522.3'e4 76522214' 93p090078 Package conssbng of armnancy mvenury. i JO>tNSON.B., CHAVEZ.S. uranum Resources. Inc. 9V06/24. 2pp. 7638t202-

 -9309240132insp rept464943/9343 on 930826-27.No violatons noled. Maor areas                    7638t203.
   ,o,,n nng'p"re"se"cho,                                                                    9309090144Recuests assstance to gather mio needed for EIS for NRI m situ U mmmo HRWKINS,E.F. Regen 4 (Post E23201). 93/09/17. 8pp. 76522307-76522:314.                       maseMyWo hine maarea to conect isted can on as nine anotments m-vo8ved w/ Phase i of proposed m situ mmmg prosect.

TIPPECONNIC.T. Afhbaton Not Aampned. 93/06/28. Affihaton Not Asmgned.10 DOCKET 40 8948 SHIELDALLOY CORP, NEWFIELD, bl 76386220-W 320. ainenennss Fev re. =ee were to ~ en HRi pp.ssa g Open

 $30BI4G386 Faial Miniuitte tu FDA NEAsbel lui Omuhe6rdLForwards a;c A docunerat LEAvlTT.M New Mexico. Sete W93/01/ tl GRIMMJ. Urareum Reixivery Feed A wnicn a ar tems maoe avambe m PDR.                                                           R4. 3pp. 7638t186-7638t188.

GRIMSLEY.D.H. Deson ce Freedom of informaton & pubhcatons Services (Post 890205). 93/04/29.GILMAN.T. Quadrea Corp. 2pp. 76596966 76596S79. I 93D9090064 % explaraton of m>'y contained m anveon sept covenng unit i tease area.ner 930701 NRC ttr l

 -93M290388 Package canasmg of mac iconne program cocles & hshng o? to mmaton                   CLEMENT.R.F. HRt, Inc. (Hyoro Resources. Inc.).93/07/13. HALL.R. Ururuum Recow.
           -     Detailed Affemton Grvert 92/11/30.12pp. 76596068 76596 079.                    ery FmW N R4. 3pp. 7638W3 mn 93097/10211tnforms that C Roman arranged toscon to be hoto m earty Sept to n=rne             I                       p bhc                                     pubhc haanng for HR:

DP m cancetaton, qg 5g NRC correrents ori techrucal bass document (TBD) & of sitenton to ceD NRC tahow.

   @ 933939 meebng w/ canadants to even MD commers                                              LEAVf7T.M. New Meinco. State of 93/07            RIMMJ. Uranum Recovery Feld Otc.

R4. 2pp. 76395:323-76395-324-W3Y.R.D. SteeldaNoy Metaleurgeal Corp. 93/08/23. GLENNA Decommasonmg 1 Regulatory issues Brancn (Pos! 901233L 10. 76322-338-7632130ll 9309090082 Informs that State of NM temporardy ceased review of hoenase thscharge 9309010196 Ferwarcis 930812 etrannoverten0y sent to Repon sti rathe than @ y Tg7u,7E*'"[St7am. 'b CLE h Inc. b peal Corp. 93/08/24. GLENNA Decomrressenmg & Repeatory issues Branch (Post 90123001p. 76322257-76322350. 2pp. 7638t207-7638t208. U09090178 P2ic nowe m em & % of 930810 m W m Wwo Resources,anc dscharge plan applicatorLHeanng reschmaad as 931026 in

 -9309010197 Confrms 933839 telcon between C Roman & C Glenn.ana arms that C Rieman submitted resgnaten as RSO tram coregiany efteceve933813 h that after-                        .N nate RSOJP va6erib wiu 1eaiporanly asssne RSO respons4xilhas.                                                       f 93/07/26. 2pp. 76386W6386257-WAY.RA Stweemanov Mataaurocal Corp. 93/08/12. GLENN.C. Repon 3 (Post 820201L in 76322358-76322358.

i DOCKET 404971US ENERGY COstP., RivERTON, WY 9309090299 informs of voluntasy potton feed tor predocton trom cracktors m US Bank-ruotcy Court sur Southem Detnct of NY under Cnapter 11 of the US Borumgitcy 93D9090073Confrms ongnal verbal anangemem between heensee & US Ene gy Corp

Coom W/ press reiease enct. that wdt show G Worman to act as RSO ce record for Sheep Mountain IX tacihty.

! W3Y.R.D. Stuecanoy Metaburpcal Corp. 93/09/07 GLENNA C--.. . ~..:, & GIBSON.M.H Kennecott Co p. 93'07/15. WEBBER,K. U.S. Energy Corp.10 ! Repeatory issues Branch (Post 90123001p. 76416:307 76416.309. 76381201-7638t201. I l

10 DOCKETED ITEMS 93090sc207 Sutrnits stat rept of Green uountain on exena,ge tae.iity -----.- DOMESTIC UCENSING OF PRODUCTION AND UTIUZATION BBERA US. E Ccvp 93/07/19. MICHAUD.P W. Uranum Recovery Feld FACluTIES Ofc. R4. 2pp. 76387 76387:054. DOCKET 50 2 FORD NUCMAR REACTOR a 9309090183 'heusses mso of heerise suA.1524 on 930'. 07.Expraton date had not teen changed HALLR.E. to refiect Uraruum Recovergcessaton of operatens FeeKI Olc. & _. Rd. 93/07 r29. _ , . hstatukU.S. Energv WEBBE Corc 2pn 76388 06476358 075- F. securtty, medecat, emergency & fire protecten p6aris

                                               -9309090191 Amend 6 to hcense S9A-1524 for US Energy Corp                                 9309130015 Forwai.ts insp Rept50 002/93 04 on 93380913 & nota of weistrort MALL.R.E. UraruJm Recovery Faead Otc. R4. 93/07/29 bok 76388$7176388 075-                 SNELLW.G. Regon 3 (Post 820201) 93/09/01 FLE' MING.R.F. Mehrgan. Urnv. of.

Ann Arbor. Ml. 2pp N25 323-76425.332 93090800s0 Forwards msp rept 4D4971/9341 on 930707 & nobce of volaton. HALLR E. Ura'mian Recovery Field Olc. R4 93/09/C2. WEBBERA U.S. Energv -9309130017 Notee et votaten from mso on 93383St3 Venations voied. health phys-Corp 3pp 76347.241-76347.250 ms procedures were tot fostowed per TS 6 4. SNELLW.G Regon 3 (Post E20201t 93/09/01.10. 76425.322 76425.322. ,

                                               -9309080064 ftrbce el volaten trom risp on 9:0707 Vo6 anon noted Icensee did not                                                                                                     j prowde Comrrussen w/ complete & accurate mto re empeyment of ra$aton safety            -93091:3018 Insp rept 50 002/93 04 on 93080iL13Vesatoris notedMact areas                   <

othcor. mspected orgaruzation. nogs, records, review & au@t funchons/equalsfcanon '

  • Ura' mum Recovery Feld Olc. R4 93/09/02. 2pp. 76347.244-76347.245. trammg. procedures.survemance. esperiments.transportston & emergeracy plannmg CC".C.. MCCORMICK. BARGE Regon 3 Post 520204 93/09/01.10pp. N25.323-
                                               -9309083090 trasp rept 43 6971/93 01 on 930707 Volatons noiod.Maeor areas                    N25332.

mspecteca:*tes & .aaaton safety prog'am. metuang mgt organcaten & coretArnaiaten protecten & raowaste mot & orwron enorutonng HAWKINS.E F. Urarpurn Recovery Feed Olc. R4. 93/09/02 5pp. 76347.246 P. Operstan9 bconne stage oocuments & ._ _ 76347250 9309030056 Informs of plans to condet sertas of oftene penods to evaluate reactor sysprocedures & deswmos. evaluate effluorit pacis from reactor facditteest upgraced DOCKET 40 8976 WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORP., P!TTSBURGH, PA essament & tram operators on osapmerit & to mosty procedJres & manuals FLEMING.R,F. Mictugan. Urinr of. Ann Arter. Mi. 93/08/27. MURLEY.T.E. Offee of ar Reacer Regulaton, Dres N SNM 3pp. 24NW2M 9309070230 Notifeston of toensme meetmg w/Westmghouse on 930908 re status of oecommascring a hconsee sne & sunrey of sne tiy Oss Rege inst for Soonce & Emc. Q. Inspection reports, tE susteams & sonespondence ROBERTS.M., KINNEMANJ.D. Regen 1 (Post 823201). 93/08/30. Repon 1 (Post 8202011. 2pp. 76334230 763Lt.231. 9309130015 Forwards insp Rept 60 002/9344 on 93000913 & notme of violatort 9309280356 Forwards fsve dupicates of feat rept. "Confrmatory Survey of W SNELLW.G. Regon 3 iPost 820201). 93/09/01. FLEMING.R F. Mefum Ursv. of. 7.8.9 & 10A Boomheid Lamp Piart Westmonouse Enseme Corp.Boomfwid.,e Ann Arter. MI. 2pp N25.320-76425.332. ANSARI.a A%ahon Not As.ogned. 93/09/02. ROBERTSM.C. Regon 1 (Post 820201t 10. f6559146 76569244 -9309130017 Nohce of violaton trarn ensp on 93080413 Voistons noted. hearth phy> aos procedures were not solowed per 7S 6 4.

                                                -9308290359 "Confrmatory Survey of Buddagt 7.8.9 & 10A Bloomfeld Lamp Plant                 SNELLW.G, Regen 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/01.1p. 7642N322-76425:322.

Westnghouse Elecmc Corp Bloomheid.NJ? ANSARIAJ. Affhaton Not Assigned. ORtSE 93/H110 93/06/31. Regon 1 (Poes -8309130018 ansp root 50002/9344 on 93380lk13Vesatons noted.Masor areas 820301). 50pp. 76569.147 76569244 mspected.orgaruzatortlogs.recordLeeview & audit funcbons.reguahfessori es.survemance. _ _ _ ._.6. - 1 son & emergency plannmg COX. MCCORMICK4ARGE Regen 3 (Post 3202Dt). 83/09/01.10pp. 76425323 DOCKET 4C.8981 PATHFINDER MINES CORP., MILLS, wy N25332. 9309300098 Forwards safety insp Rapi 50402/9305 on 830907-10.No volatons

                                                $309090004 Grants acoroval to mcorporate mcedental boundary rev at North Brute Mme          notec mto apomved perms as non-sagruhcant rev unoer Chapter KN.                                MCCORMICK. BARGE Regan 3 (posi 820201L 93/09/23. FLEMING.R.F. Mehgan, SHAFFER.R Wyommg, State of. 93/07/30. WICHERS.P. Pathhnder Mnss Corp. ip.                Unnt, cf. Ann Arter. ML 2pp. 76626.293-76626.300.

76389 013 76389913

                                                                                                                                         -9309300103 Dnso Rept 54002/9S'35 on 93090710.No vuoissons rioted. Mapor areas supacted raeston coreops.orwron protecton & bcensee acton on provous sup tmo.

DOCKET 404964MACNESIUM ELEKTRON, INC., FLEMENGTON 04J ag't DRTH.S., MCCORMICK4ARGE Repon 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/23. 6pp. 76626295-70626:30t i 9309243223 Trip rept of 930909 vtsit t) FlotturigtortMJ 10 tamearne hcensm0 profect manager & mcpector wisne & process & to docuss acheduse for sne cha'acternaten Brafictt 93/09/21. PIERSON.R.C. Lconsmg Brancit 3pp V. Gswetor Examinadone 76553.342-76553.344 9309430015 Forwards insp Rapt 60 002/9304 on 93083913 &noems of volanort SNfLL.W.G. Regon 3 (Post 820201L 93/09/01. FLEMING.R.F. Mctugan, Unev. of. DOCKET 404969ENVIROCARE OF UTAH. INC., SALT LAKE CITY. UT Ann Artior ML 2pp. N2532046425332.

                                                                                                                                          -6 sur 130018 Inso rept 50402/9344 on 9308Dik13.Volatons renscLMacr areas 9309210022 FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMEff7 TO CONSTRUCT AND                           espected rgencatrq secuchJeview                   &  auet      functormsecuashcston OPERATE A FACit.!TY 'O RECENE, STORE. AND DISPC6E OF 11L(2) BYPROD.                      rerunprocesses.aurveen.e. expenmems.ransportanon & emergency plannmg UCT MATER 6AL NEAR CLNE.UT No. 40 8989 Erwrocare Of Utah.Inc.                  COK.C ACORMice(. BARGE Repon 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/01.10pp.'N25.323
<                                                   64winMETT.E., ABAT 8L. MULim.A. Ovean sr Lom.Last Wacts Maringsm, ert                    N25.332.
                                                    & Decommrasonrig (Post 8?D413L NUREG1476. 93/08/31. 206pp. Nat:263-N82:102-                                                                                   UW        *wwards Rev 3 of Page 5 et recussheshan               Rev rnakes recNahf>
                                                                                                                                              -nn .v W < . . ac,a m conomient w/resaements of 10CFR55.53 2) re extanced obsence 93D9020233 Forwaads Pages 916 through 9 37 & App a to FSER open tsauet HELLSTROM G W. Envrocare of Utart Inc. 93/DB/25. SURMEtER.LI. Urarmse Re-                c. A tlA. A.F. Merugan. Uruv. of. Ann Arter. Mt.93/09/15 haO4AELS.T.S Offce of covery Branch (Post 901230). 26pp. 76341.255-70341280.                                   for.n r esactor Regwanton, Drector (Post $70411). 2pp. 76583.316-76583-319, 9309290301 Record of telcon w/G Helistrom on 930903 & 090s se draft hoonae re-ounst                                                                                 WCKET $0 3 lWMAN POtNT STATION, UNTT 1 wASTLER.S.L. NRC . No Detaned Affihaton Gewort 93/09/03.1p. 76593.357                                                                                                           i 76593357.                                                                                                                                                                      f F. Security, enedical, emergency & Gre protecten plans 9309130336 Forwards suppl 1 to fmal matety evaluaton rept to rewme of $30727 &                                                                                                    r 0803.11 & 25 revs to acerine appbcatost Respormes to 13 outstaneng FSER open           9309220126 Pytsa! response to FOIA reauest. App O documents available m PDR. App P       '

asues ,acecNate & NRC has tegun preparaton 01 koense tor sauimca. documents parta!ty wftnhold trol F04A Exernpleons 6 & 6L FLIEGELM.H unsruum Recovery Branen (Post 901230L 93/09/07. SEMNANI.KB. GRIMSLEY.D.M Divison of Freedom of Inscymaton & Putdcatons Servees (Post Erwroca'e of UtarL Inc. 4pp. 76443:136-76443:175- 890205L 93/04/28. GILINSKY,v. Affemton Not Assegned. 11pp. 76576:123-76580:161L

                                                 -9309130341 Suppl 1 "Fnal Salsty Evaluston Rept To Lacenne Corist & Operaton of Facdety to Recorve. Store & Dispone of 11E..(2) proseduct Matt Near Orwe.UT."          -9308220279 Parbally anthheld Commissson paper decusamp Commmason optons se
  • Danson of Low Level waste Mana0emont & C . _ (Post SW13). 93/ tacemr.Comrruseon wamng for FEMA re inews on ney preparedresk 09/30. 34pp. N43142 76443:175. PLAINE.H H Othee ce the Generst Counset (Post 660.1). SECY43J07. B3/05/27, 3pp. 76579.345 76578:347.

93n9300050 Forwards techrucal comments on NRC (mal SER did .kre 1993 & Suppl , 1.did Sept 1993 se tadtity desagn & ground water saues concomm0 Envrocere 9309290016 Rev to " Emergency Plan for inchan PomLunns 1 & 2." W/ 930915 Itr & two j 114e).2 esposal one. oversaw d awm9 SINCLAIR,WJ Utatt State of 93/09/24. FLIEGELMJ. NRC . No Detened Athhaton PAAM.S.B. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.03/09/15. 200pp. 76583-001 Gwert ingp.76626247 76626.261. 765&3.269. , l 1 i n

l DOCKETED ITEMS 11 l G Adpudmatory corresponnence 930826D198 NRC mio Notace 93 069. 'Raiograpny Events at Operatmg Power Reac. iors - 9309220126 Partial response to FOtA reovestApp O docurnents avadable m PDR. App P GNME5.C K Deson of Operahng Ficanor Smart (Post 921%4s FAPERIELLO.CJ. oscumer ts patalw untnhec Iref F01A Exemptons 5 & 6y Dwson of andustna' & Meoical Arsear Sawy (post 870729). 93r09/02. Conschdate:f GRMSLEY.D.H Dmmon at Freeoom or imormaton & Put:heahons Senaces (post Edison Co. or New York, mc.11pp. 76499.342-76499352. 6902051 93/04/28 GIUNSKY.V. Afhhatron twot Assgnec tipp. 76576.123 N80166. b309070206NRC ento Notce 93 070. "Deproosuon of Borsfen Neutron Absorber Cop pors "

        " 8110280632Parbally wimhed Comenssum paper re response to Holt FOLA Appeal 81               GRIMES.B K. Deson of Operating Reactor Suppeet (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Cor>

A-1C on NRC records Di Task Force on inteam Operaten of Inradn Posnt sokaaled Ed son Co. of New York. mc. 9pp. 76499.353-76499.361 BICNT.L Ottece c81he General Coursel (Post 860701). SECY.81176. 81/03/18 16pp. 76577.307 76577.322

                                                                                                  $309080104NRC Into Notce93 071. *1're at Chernoppt Unit 2."

GRMES.BK Dmsson of Operabng Rearw Seport (Post 921004193/09/t3. Cork [ -9309220165 Parbal'y witnheid Commasaan paper to artgatrve nsks assocated w/ enter. sok3ated Edson Co. of New York. tt - IN001-76500:013. l en snutoown secnen. B'CKWIT.L 2pp. Ofisce 76577$46 W the Genera! Counsel (Post 860701). SECY-A 80495. B0/07/11. 76577:049- 9309090243 NRC info Nopee BSC72. "2 - n From Recent Sawtocavn Rak & l Outage Mgt Priot Team insps." i i GRMES.EX Dmsen of Operatng Reactry 6_ IPost 921004). 93/09/14. Con-J. insurarre & indemnity information soldated Eeson Co. of New Yortt. tre app. 76L '4-76500-022 9309090465 Aowses that 930730 sutmttal of fnancial mto submnted for 1994 satisfes R. Penode operstm9 eeports & related correspondence reo.rements of 10CFR140.21. B B tedEdson ) inc pp 63880 9309140001 " Semiannual Effluent & Waste Dnposal Rept First Haff 1993." W/930827 B8iAM.S.B. Consoldated Edson Co. of New York. anc.93/06/30.100pp. 76445:001-P. Operstm9 bcense sta9e cocumerer, & m . . _ . . , 76445m 9309010143 Sutmts mio re empleme sabon o Trarung Rule 10CFR50.120 for bconsees **

                   *     ~             proce A C# D'3"ES.B"8L Dm"sson of Operer g Reactor 921004).

GAM SupportBANGART.R.L (Post BRAM.S.B. Consoldated Esson Co. of New York. Irc 93/06/30, Document Contro Dms ori of Low-Level waste W amoement & Decommesserung (Post 670413). 93/06/ Branch (Document Coneot Desk). 9pp. 76443:319J6443.327

25. Afteamon Not Assened
  • vpp.76285;338-76285.348.

9306230099 Suppl 5 to Gnenc Lir BS10 to twesear plant bconsees & CP holders te ' naccuracy of motor-cuirated vatve acrapment. PARTLOW l.G. Aarezate Drector for- (Post 870411). 93/06/28. Conschaat ed Edmon Co. of Paw York. enc. 7pp. 76409-001-76409.006 Q. Inspecean reports, IE Bulletms & . 9309290290 Forv Aros response to NRC 930618 RAI en suport of decommascrung 9309210D58 Responds to NRC Wo Notco 93457. "So rware r ProDiems inwohnng Dortal plan ter face submmed bv 601C17 apohcaton. Coned

  • Requests NRC fogues AECL oessgned a&C sys at Penn State De perms.

BRAM.S.B. Consoidated Edson Co. or New Yor( nnet93/09/20. Document Contred nontsy mo@fied to prevent occurrence of unannesated ved wimdrawals. Branen (Document Control Desk).15pp. 76601:027 76601-041. THURGOOD.B.E. General Atomcs (formerty GA Technoioges, anc/ General Atome Co.). 93/09/0s. GRIMES.B.tL Dmson of Operatmg Reactor S@pon (Post 921004) 3pp. 76504;35S76504.361. l Q. Inspecuan reports. IE Busetins & . l E307160033 NRC Into Nceae 93456 " Weakness an EOPs Found as Result of SG Tube R@ture " R. Portade operstmg reports & related correspondence l 8 - " ofNew inc. 7 .302 64 9309290223 Forwards "Ttwty.E.phm Annual Progress Rept" for 92001 chanoes appbcable to 10CFR50.59. 9307190131NRC Info Notce 93456. "Nonconservatern m LTOP tar PWRs VOTH.M.M 15ennsylvarua State Urvv.. Uruversny Park. PA 93/09/24. Document Con-1 GRIMES.B OL Dmsson et Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Con- Emi B ancn W GntrW M 10pp. M6266261 sohdated Edson Cat of New York. etc 9pp 76447264-76447.272.

                                                                                                -9309290242 "Ther -Eighth Annual Progress Rept.* tar 920701 630630 9307200123NRC Info Notce 93459. " Unexpected Opering of Both Doors m Antock.-                VOTH.M.H., FLINCHisAUGH.T. Pennsynrane State Urev Uroverurty Park,, PA. 93/06/

GAMES.B K Dmmon of Cperahg Reactor Suppcrt (post 921004k 93/07/26. Con- 30. 79pp. 76616189 7ti616269. sobanted Ednan Co. of New York, arc 10pp. 76447273 76447262. 9307260o65 S@pt 1 to NRC Bulletn 91401. "Reportyg Loss of Cracatty Safety Con. DOCKET 5410 DRESDEN prJCLEAR POWER STATION, UNIT 1 m" BURNETT.R.F. Dreisen of Fuel Chcie Salety & Safeguards (Post 930207). 93/07/27. Consobsined Edson Co es New York, enc. 23pp. 76409-009 76409-031. F. Security. meecas, emergeeney & fire protection ptans

      $30"            N C,IrWo Notce BS060. "Reparang Fuel Cycle G Mats Events to NRC                                                                                                    I 9309U0060 Rev 7B p "Comeronwealm E& son Co Nuclear Generanng Staton Emer-                l BURNETT.R.F. Dusam of Fuel Cycde Sarely & Safeguards (Post 930207)                               Plan (GSEPL PAPER!ELLO.CJ. Omson of Inasstnal & Madcal Nuclear Satefy (Post 8707291 93/              FARED.t             _ .~tth Edson Cct93/06/31.10pp. 76443c30J6443:039 C3/04. Consokosted Esson Co. of New York. Inc. topp.764472sS76447.292.

9309160100 Rev 0 to Corporate EPIP (CEPIP) CEPIP,202144,Nomson EOF & JPIC einarrtre00 NRC Into Notoe 93451. "Excessnee Reactor Coosant Lankage Fonovnng Actwatort" i Seal Fadure m RCP or RRP ~ *C---- z. Eeson Co. 93/0s/31.10pp. 76454261-76454.270. l GRIMES.B.K. Deson of Operatmp Reactor $@ port (Post 921004). 93/06/09. Con-t so6 dated Edson Co. of New YortL trc 12pp. 76499.313 76499.324 9309170100 Submits parbany atthherid physcat securtly map repts $0410/9&C3,50-i 237/am & finJan/em rm egna.m g me nne unesive woe.a g tweno ; _ ~ - - 930e030248'NAC Info Ncece 93461. ""hivmai Seabfcaton o' Water et BWR Reactor for escalated erWorcemora actori ~ "' ~ ~~ ~~ ^ ' " ~ ~ vesses".B K t>vison of Operstmg Reactcr Seport (Post NORELiU5.C.E. Regpon 3 (Post 8202011. 93/09/09. DELGEORGE,LO. Common. GRIMES 921004). 93/08/10. Cork wea'm Eckson Co. App.76472 293 76472298. achoaied Eckson Co. cl New York. Inc. 9pp. 76499.325 76499.333.

                                                                                                -9309170103 anup reats SO410/9S03.54237/9525 & $0249/tHt5 on 930825 &

e Dam Matt" 30.volaton 9tnanw274 GRMES.BILNRC DevnenInto Notce SSOC3," ci Operatng improper Reactor Support (Post Use of Solutse 921004). 94 Weed Pwp/05/11 Cork noted.Malor areas ;. _. -_: .. .. of maanquete nearch that resulted m mtroacton of unautncwsred aem as protoceso area.Detads wrmheid soldated Eckson Co. of New York anc. Bpp. 76499.334J6499.341. MADEDA,TJ. Regen 3 (Post $20201). 93/09/08. 2pp 76472297J6472298. Einancrt'r17 NRC Info Ncece 93464. " Periodic Testmg & Preventsve Mamt of Moeded Case Creult BreakerL" 9309270094Fenwards response to reauest tar ackR rdo re proposed generstng staton GRIMES.B K Dmuson of Operasmg Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/08/12. Cork SA" . . plan rev.mcorporatng EOF as meanm EOFper change request 93-1. achoated Edson Co. al New York. arc 11pp 7644729S76447-303. DC.D. Commonwearm Eason Co. 93/09/17. HICeGAAN.I.B. Propect D> rectorate 81h2. 45pp. 76570.250 76570.294 E309090187NRC Into Notce $3465. " Reactor Trips Caused by Breaker Testng W/ Faul! Protechan Bypassed." GdMES.B K. Deson ce Operatng Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/06/13. Con- g, u . - ' - solcated Echson Co of New York, ec 11pp. 76447:304-76447.314. 9309220126 Partaal response to F064 roowest. App O documerns avadable in PDFLApp P E308100006 NRC Into Ncece SS066. "bwetchover to Hot-Leg inpocton Following LOCA documents partsby withhold Pef FOaA Exemptons 5 & 6). m PwRs " GRIMES.B X. Dw' son of Operabrig Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06/16. Con, GRIMSLEY.D.H. Dmascm of Freeaom of Informaton & Pubicairons Servoes (Post 890205L B3/04/28. GILINSKY.V. Aftsabon Not Assegned. 11pp. 76576'123 sohdated Eescm Co. or New York anc. 7pp. 76447.315-76'47321. 76580-168. 9308100248 NRC Into Notte 93467. *Burstmg of Higti Pressure Coolant anpocton ~8110300072 Pa bally withheid Comrrasson paper re petnen for haanng re proposed Steam Lane Rupture Docs angures Plant Persormel" GRMES.B K Dmson of Dperatng Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/08/16. Con- decontammabon of Dresden Nuctear Power Statort schoated Eeson Co. ot New York. Inc,13pp. 76447:322 76447335. PALS >l.M.G Offee of the General kunsed (Post 860701). SECY-A 80-188. 80/12/

02. 86pp. 76577.221-76577296.

l i l i______-.

12 DOCKETED ITEMS D. Operstmg leoense sta9e documents & correspondence -9309170103 Inse repts 50 010/93.C3.50-237/93-25 & 50249/93-25 ori 930B25 & 30 votanem noted Maior a eas eispectedTenew at madequate sese that resotted an

              $11D280664 Pa halty withheld athrmabon SECY that rewests heanngs tPr several pe,,            muoduchon of unaumoTed am m proleemd ama.h unW sons & oroups weregard to ub: proposal to cherrocalar cecontammate plant                   MADEDA.TJ., CREEDJ.R. Regon 3 (Post 820201) 93/09/08. 2pp. N72.297-FrTZGEbALD Othee of the General Counsel (Post 8607010 SECY-81223 81/04/07                  76472.298.

39pp. 76677239-76677277. 9309070206NRC meo Notce 93 070. "Degradalen of Borafter Neutron Absorber Cou. 9309010143 S6awnrts mto te erguementabon of Trammg Rule 10CFR50120 for h:ensees P0"5 " l process GRIMES.B K. Dmson of Operstmg Reactor Sucpert (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Con. of plant en _.. GRIMES.B.K. , dperatog Dusen of Reactor Support (Post 921004L BANGART.R.L solcated Edison Co of New York. Inc. 9pp. N99.313 M99.361. Dmson a Low-Leve4 Waste Management & Decomni aoreng (Post 8704130 93/06/ 25 Affikaton Not Assgned.11pc. 76285.338-76285348. 9309000104NRC Into Nobce 93-071. "Fse at CnemotWI Urut 2

  • i GRIMES.E.K. Dmson at Operanng Reactor Suppoat (Post 921004L 93/09/13. Con-9306230099 Suppi 5 to Genonc Lir 8410 to nuceear plant beensees & CP heoers re schdated Esson Co at New York. Int 14pp. 76500-001-76500013.

noshc scPJcNnent ! maccuracy PARTLOWJ et G motoreparated Assocaste Drectorvane for d ag'Proieets (Post 870411) 93/06/28. Consoldat- 9309090243 NRC Into fdobce 93-072. "Observanons From Recent Shutoown Rak & l ed Eeson Co. of New York, anc. 7pp. 76409-00176409 008. Outmoe Mgt Pdot Team insps." GRIMES.E.K. Omson of Operaung Reactor Sepos (Post 9210D4L 93/09/14 Con-9308200000 Inform Commmason or staM mient to asuo croer apprcmng decomrra sn- soldated Esson Co of New York, sna 8pp. 76500:014-76500-022. . mg pian be Dresoen f%ctear Power Staton (Urut 1) & cw .e n, amend b Le cense DPR.2. TAYLORJ M Ofc of the Executrve Drector for Operatons SECY-93-221. 93/08/13. R. Periode operatmg reports & related -.-- 82pp 76567.008-76587 0B8 9309160035 Forwards MOR for Aug 1993 summanan010CFR$0.59 ovaluatens per-9309240275 Staff recurements memo re SECY 93 221. " Approval of Decommasonmg formed monms of JarwJune 1993.masvenently ommed from earber repts. Plan & Amend of Lcense for Dreseen Nuc6 ear Power Staten.Urut 1. SPEDLG.F. fth Eeson Co. 93/09/14 Document Control Branch (Docu-CHILK.SJ. Othee of the Secretary of the Commisason93/08/31. TAYLORJ M. Ofc of ment Coneot ML 2po. 7H80.225-7M80R6. the Executwe Drector for Operanont10.76548236-76548 236. 4 SM4 ' 9 Forwards request for addl eWo re cerDfred fust handler trarrung program far dson 3 76480 E PIET.P.L C-4..,.-

                                        ;Eeson Co 93/09/01. Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulatert Desctor (Post 870411L 3pp. 76398166-76398:168,                                          g          ,,

Q. Inspecten reports. IE Bulletins & _, ._a $309240296 Notthes that SB Zenmerman no longer rooJred to mamtam operstmg hcorise.ettectve 930916. LYSTER.M.D. Commonwealm Edson Co.93/09/17. Documerit Coneot Branch (Docu. 9307160033 NRC Info Nobce 93456. " weakness an EOPs Found as Result of SG Tube ment Control Desk).1p. 76570232 76570202. Ruppe . GRIMES.B K. Duson at Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/22. Cork solcated Edson Co. of New York. mc.11pp N99-302-76499-312. gg 9307190131NRC Into Nohce 93456, %,-. . __.. m LTOP ter PWRL* GRIMES.B tt Dmson et Operahng Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Corp 9309150089 Forwards order authonung oecommasonmg of plantamond 37 to hcense soldated Edson Co. of tesw York, enc. 9pp. 76447264-N47E2. DPR.2.rgnmun0TS & r hcense to 290410.SEJA s@portng croer & amend & rouce of msuance c4 EA & l. 930* lod 149 NRC trWo Notee 93459. " Unexpected Openm0 of Both Doors L. AetoclL" ERICKSON.P.B. Non Power Reactor & C_. .., Prosact Drectorate. 93/09/ GRIMES.B K. Duson of Operatmp Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/2tk Con- OT FARRAR.D.L C_ . ._ . _-- . Edson Co app. 16434.195-76434E4. schoated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. M47.273-76447262.

                                                                                                        -83091500s7 Oroer authormng -                _ . . _ of tacitety hoenos DPR1 Decomme-9307260065 Suppl 1 to NRC Buhean 91401,"Recortng Loss of Cnacabty Salety Co'>

son plan ewolves ,long term sate storage (SdSTOR) of Dresden 1.unbl after a cent unas wmane n shui down BURNETT.R.F. Dvmon of Fuel Cycle Safety & Safeguards (Post 930207). 93/07/27. MURLEY,T.E. O.fce of Nuclear Reactor Reguiston, Director (Dost 570411). 93/09/ ConsoldatoG Edson Co. of New York. etc. 23po. M39-009-76409 031. 03. C.. .. . _'--. Esson Co. 4sst 76434-199L76434202. 9307290112 NRC Into Nobce 93 bC*. "%cportmg Fuel Cycle & Matts Events to NRC .g309150101 Amend 37 to beense DPR.2.revinng T3 & fenowng hcortse to 290410. Operators CDT WEsSS.S.H Nor> Power Reactor & Cm. . _ . " Propect Directorate. 93/09/03. BURNETT.Rf. Dumon of Fuel Cycle Safety & Sateguards (Post 930207L 48ap. 76434203-76434250. PAPERIELLO.CJ. Dmsen at inaustnal & Meecal Nucsear Sately (Post 870729L 93/ 08/04. Consolcated Edson Co. of New York, enr 10pp. 76447283-76447292 -930e150104Sately estaan amportng amend 37 to hoense DPR-2.

  • Offee of Nuceear Reactor Regulaton, DeeClor (Post $70411). 93/09/03.14pp.

9300030200 NRC into Notme 93461. "Excessrve Reactor Coolant Leakage Foaovnng 76434251-76434264 Seal Fadure en RCP or RRP? GRIMES.B.K. Dwoon of Operanne Reactor Seport (post 921004L 93/08r09. Con- -8309150106 Erivean assessment se order suporamp taanny decommmasonno & solcated Edson Co, et New York. Inc.12pp. M99313-76499324. atend of hoerne DPR2. 9 ananw45 NRC Into Nobce 93462 ' Therma! Stranfcoton of Water n BWR Reactor 76434X 76434EL vessen GRIMES.B K. Dwmaan of Operasng Ranctor Support (Post 921004L 93/08/10. Cork -9309150306 Noboe W tr .ance d W mnt & Fneng W No SgWcant soldated Eeson Cct of New York, tnc 9pp. N99-325-76499333- a@ port croer aJthanang cecommasoneig of Dresden 1,putilaned m FM on

                                                                                                            $339:33 930003o274 NRC Into Notco 93063,"emproper Use et Schele weld                 Dam MatL*        WDSS.S.R Nor> Power Reactor & Decomrrasmonmg Propect Diret.1 orate. 93/06/30.

GRIMES.B.K Dmsson of Operstmg Reac: tor Seport (Post 921004k /06/11. Con

  • 2pp. N76434274' soldated Edson Co. of New York. Inct opp. N99.334-76499341.

gananstM7 NRC info Notte 93464. "Penodic TesDng & PreventNe Maett of Mok$md DOCKET $016 ENRICO FEntal ATOGAIC POWER PLANT, UNtf 1 Case Ceoust Breakers? GRIMES.B K. Dmson of Operstmo Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/08/11 Cork soldated neson Co. ce New tork tria 11pb. it44UWbe4N A ng hoense @ doeurhents & ;4/r" " v;4 9300D90187 NRC Inlo Notice 93465, " Reactor Trse CaJsed tsy Breaker Testng W/ Faust Protecton Bypassed? 9309010143 Submits mio se implementaten of Trammg Rule 10CFR50.123 for Icensees GRIMES.B.K. Dween at Operetng Reactor Sepois (Poet 921004). 93/06/13. Cork of peant m - . . . _ _ p'ocess soldated Esson Co. W New York. Inc. tipp.76447:304 76447214. GRIMES.B.K,w D Dmson a u tevei woon of d.perstmg wasi unna,eme t & r Rea,ctor

                                                                                                                                                                . _-_ ,, (PostSeport   (Post 93/06/
                                                                                                                                                                                   $70413). 9210D4). BANGA 9308100006 NRC Into Notee 93466. "Swechover to knpocton Fonowng LOCA                  25. Affikaton Not Assigrect 11pp. 7C285238 76285348.

m PWRt" GRIMES.B.K Dwson of Operstng Reactor Seport (Post 921034). 93/08/16 Cork soidsled Edson Co. of New York. anc. 7pp. N47215-76447:321. R. Pertoec opermung reports & reisted . 83D8 ON

  • k'9D ' ' '" '"l* "

9 erris Atome Power Plant. Unit 1 Armual Rept sor Jul- 1992. June Das

                 *a"aSus=",",h""4" 7n7"N "* c*"-

a bfy,g[a===' WAm= O~ E- Co. 93/05/= 930s2s019s NRC trdo Notce 93469. "RadoDraphy Events at Operetng Power Reac-NIbES.B.K Dwoon W Operstmo Reactor Support (Post 921004L PAPERIELLO.CJ. DOCetET 5019 VALLECr7DS DOtWNG WATER REACTOR Dmson es Indusinar & Medcal Nucasar Sataty (Post 870729L 93/D9/01 Connoidated Edson Co. Q4 New York, snc.11pp. 76499.342-76499.352. , g 9309170100 S@ mets parteAy untreisad physca! escurny ensp repts SMi10/9303.$0-237/93 25 & $0 249/93-25 on 930825 & 30.One violaton noted & tismg consdered 9309280386Fmal respanne to FOLA voouest tar documems. Forwards app A documents for escasated ento coment actort w%ch are tiemg maae evadable e PDR. NOREUUS.C.E. Repon 3 (Post 820231193/09/09. DELGEORGE.LO. Commor> GReuSLEvD.H Dwmen es Freeoom of antarmaton & P@hcotons Servees (Post wealth Eeson Co. 4pp. N72.2576472296. 890205). 93/04/29.GILMAN.T. O.saeor Corp. 2pp. 765969Ei4 76596:079.


  --93D9280388 Pa3 age co'sstmg of mati heense program copes & Istng 01 termmatron actons pencan                                                                         93,09160169                                                                 --.y   ef-yts at plant.Requests response to hsted mto re damantiement & -.....
  • NRC - No Detaned Aftdrabon Gwen. 92/11/30.12pgt 76596.06&76596.M GJNTER.P. Nuclear informabon & Resource Sonnee KATZ.F. Cmzens Awareness 9309010143 SuDmrts mio re etionsmematon of Trammg Rule 10CFR50.120 tor hee. sees Network. 93/09/02. FAIRTILE.M. Non-Power Reactor & %- _
                                                                                                                                                                   -v Protect Dr rectorate. 2pp. N72.351-76472251 at04antm M .- - promsg GRMES.E K. Danson v            tmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06/25. Afw      9309160332 Forwards peak ground accesoraten & spectal values for New England etcn Not Assegned. Tipp.76285.336 76285.348.

srtes. pee 930714 reauest.Aavnes that sta9 dewetoong NUREG rept wtucti wdl summa- ) 1 rtre 1992/1993 LLNL probandste tazanll wor

  • performed for NRR. i SOBEL.P. Cwd Engmeenng & Geosciences Eranctt 93/09/08. O'HARA.T Yankee i DOCKET Atome Eisetnc Co. 20pp. 76446.316-76446:33E REACTOR 5420 MASSACHUSETTS INST!TUTE OF TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH l 9309150355 Noticaban of $30922 meetng w/uts m Rockwha.M3 to thscuss decomma. ,

sonna plan & upoate on status of ongong plant programs. R. PeritMlt operatmg reporta 4 related corvespondence FAIRDLE.M.B. Non. Power Reactor & Decommessenmg Pro #ect Drectorate. 93/09/ 1 09 WEtSS.S.H. Non Power Reactor & C _.--4 Protect Drectorate 3pp. 93D9070184 ".#T Research Reactor Nuclear ReactJr Lab M:T. Annual Rept to NRC for ' ' Pened 920701-930633." W/930830 itt LAU.E.S., NE'WTON T.H BERNARD.J.A. Mmar+rusetts ersttute of Technology Camtmope. MAL 93/06/30. 320p. 76359246-76359.277. Q. Inspeedon repods. IE Means & conspondence 930716D033 NRC Wo Nota 93 056 " Weakness m EOPs Foune as Result of SG Tube DOCKET 50 27 WASHINGTON STATE UNIV pmaRCH REACTOR (TRIGA) Rupture." GRIMES.B K Dntmen of Operating Reactor Suppryt (Post 921004). 93/07/22. Con-sohdated Edison Co of New YotA inc.11pp. 76499:302-M9t312. P. Operating noense sta9e " . & correspondence 9307190131NRC Info Notre 93-058, "N-.-_.. m LTOP for PWRL" 930923C259 Forwards current admirustratwo promoure for approva!.rev & renew of * ' " SOPS for ref.m response to NRC concems te TS of schon break & change of control g [ew m 7644 264 6447 tdade weWawa: values. hand wrmen m app A of SOP 4' TRIPARD.GE washmgton State Urmr., Pullmark WA 93/09/08. CALDWELL.J.L. 9307200123NRC Into Notce 93C59. "Uriexpected Openmg of Both Doors en Arlocit" Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton. Drector (Post 570411). 7pp. 765.a72.23- NEM h W Operanng Reactor Suppyt N 92% WCW26. N 765472.29. solcated Edison Co. of New YorA etc.10pp. 76447:273 76447282. 9307260065 Sappi 1 to NRC Bullean 91-001. "Repytng Loss of Cnicanty Safety Con-

v. Operator E.xammat ons l'Of5 '

BURNETT.R.F. Desen of Fuel Cyc6e Safety & Safeguards (Posi930207). 93/07/27. 9309220045 Requests to amend reactor staff recuahfcaten program. Consoidated Edson Co of New York anc. 23pp. 76409 009 76409C31 TRIPARD.GL Wasra umerit Control Bra'ich State Uruv Pultman. WA93/09/16.MENDONCA.M. Doc- 9307290112 NRC Into Nobce 93460, "Repytng Fuel Cpe 4 Matis Events to NRC Control Dest). 6pp. 76545248 76545:354. Operatons CW." (309270046 Forwards resurts for operator reguakfcaton exam on 930817.W/o enci. BURNETT.R.F. Dwisen of Fuel Cycse Saterv & Sateguares (Post 930207k 93/08/04 Consohdated Edson Co. of New YorA Inc.10pp. M47283-m47292. GALLO.R.M. Operator sucensmo B ancet 93/09/23. TFilPARD.G E. Washmgton State Uruv Pullmart, WA.10.76570:358 76570258 ggnanirn00 NRC Wo Nobce 93 06t Excm Reactor Coomnt I av Fotiowmg (309270047 Forwaras results for operator rutal exam conducted on 93081617.W/o Seal Fadure et RCP or RRP." GRIMES.B.K Dwison of Operatng Reactor Sepor (Post 921004). 93/08/09. Con-GALLO.R.M. Operalor Laconsmg BrancPL 93/09/23.TkiPARD.G.E. Wastungton State Unw., Pukman. WA.1p 76570-359 76570259.

                                                                                        *1aarntn45 NRC Wo Nobce 93 062, " Thermal Stratfcaton of Water in BWR Reactor vessets" .

DOCKET 50-29 YANKEE-ROWE NUCLEAR POWER STATIOes GRMESA K Dwason of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/10. Con-sohdated Edman % cf New YA mc. 9pp. 76499225 76499333. K General- einernrM74 NRC Into Notce 94063. " improper Use of Sciee Wald P Dam Matt.* GRMES.BA Dwoon at Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). h0B/11. Cors soldated Edison Cct of New YorA ent 8pp. N99334-76499.341. I JO9080308 Expresses appreciaton for speakmg out at930609 peic eneetmg as rap-resentatwo of Cruzen's Awareness Network for volunteenng as contact m NRC evai. emnest?'t? NRC Wo Nonce 93464, "Penocbc Testmg & Preventwe Marit of Moksed unton of ckffcutbes of obtammg documents on plant Case Csoul! BreakerL" F AIRTLE.M B. Nor> Power Reactor & Decomrrussorung Pro,ect Directyste. 93/06/ GRMESAX .')wison of Operstmg Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/08/12. Con.

23. KATZ.D. Crazens Awareness Networt app.76358 216-76358.221. soldated Edson Co. of New Yort inc.11pp. 76447.293-W47:303.

P. Dperating toense stage ^ .__ & n . 9300000157 NFtC Into Nobce 93 065. " Reactor Tnps Caused by Breaker Teseng W/ Fault Protecton Bypassett" GRMES.Bx Dwuon at Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/13. Cork 9309010143 Subrtuts mto re . _ . of Trarung Rule 10CFRSO.120 for toonsees solcated Edson Cct of New YorA inc. tipp.76447204-M47214 R SB Dnnsen of Reactor Sepyt (Post 921004). 93/06/25. AfS. 9309100006,, NRC 1rilo Noeue 93466, *Switchover to Hot 4eg Iripecten Followmg LOCA anon Not Assegneo. 1190.76285.338 7rme r sait m PWRs. GRMES.BK Dnnsen of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Con. 9306230099 Suppt 5 to Genonc L9 8910 to nuclear plant 6ceriseas & CP tease s ce soldated Edson Co. of New YotA 9tc. 7pp. 76447215 W47;321. raccuracy of rnator.cperated valve souspmertL PARTLOW.J.G. Ae=te Drector for (Post 870411). 93/06/28.Conschdat 9308100248 NRC Into Natco 93067. "Burseng of Hsgh Pressure Coolant inpechon ed Edson Co. cf New Yor% mc; 7pp. 76409-001-76409c06 88* L ne Rupture Ducs Insures Psant Personnel" S'RIMEC'.BA Dnnson of Operanng Reactor Support G 921004k (Post 93/08/16$ Cor> 9309000326Forwants documentaton re Downs Syriorome & ;- . ; damaged soldmed Eckson Co. et New Yort intl 13pp. N47222-N47235. nymerestory chao en conceeved m Deerteld Rwer Valley dunng 1983s 1990s. MAT 2.F. Citizens Awareness Netwyt 93/08/12_ FAIRTILE.M.B. Non Power Reactor 9308260198 NRC into fetxe 93469,"Radography Events at Operaimg Power Reac-

   & C- --u w *"gart Dr*ctTT.'t.13m 7EP3ff9 ?$373.332.

g j 9309080329 "Prehrnmary Assessment of Polenhal Human Fewwnes e Rouhne Tnt, soldsteo Echson Co. of New YorA Inc.11pp 76499-342-N99-352. um From Yankee Atomic Electne Co Nuclear Power Facihty Located Near g


MACINTOSH.D.. LUNG.S., TSAl.F. Harvard School of Pubhc Heatth, Bostori, hw 93/ PO'C C3/10. 29pp. 76373212-76373.338. GRMES.BK Danson of Opsfatng Reactor Suppyt (Post 921004). 93109/10. Cork schomed Edson Co. of New YorA enc. 9pp. 76499.353 76499-361. 9 NM emng con ern m on $sks m p=> MURLEY.T.E. Ottua of Nacasar Reactor Regulaton Drector (Post 870411). 93/08/ 930eDe0104 NRC Into Notre 93471. Fro at Chemotyt Unit 2." GRIMES.BX Dwmen of Operating Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Con.

16. MJRRAY.T. Massacfwaetts, t - S ot. 9pp. 78330:277-76330:288. sohdated Edson Co. of New YorA inc.14pp. M00-001-76500$13.

9309010217 Nobfcanon of 930921meetmg w/ute m Rockvihe.MD to present Decomme. 9309090243 NRC Inlo Nobce 93472. "Oteervatys Ffore Recent Shutdown Rsk & 1 l ILE B ea ES B

27. WEISS.S.H. Non-Power Reactor & E--

Prosect Dractorate. 93/08/

                                                          . .y Propect Deectorate. 4pp.

of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/14. Cork sohdated Edison % of New Yort Inc. Opp. 200$W76500 022 ) 76285.299 76285202. q 9309210205 PRESSURI2ED THERMAL SHC"x PROBABluSTIC FRACTURE ME, R. Portec9c oPeraun9 e & rotated _ Cr$ANICS SENSITIVITY ANALYS!$ FOR YANKEE ROWE REACTOR PRESSURE VESSEL C:CKSON.TL CHEYERTON.R.D., BRYSON.1W. Oak Rege Natonal1.aboratory. FIN 930B029181 "Semannuai Effluent Reimase Rept for Frst & Secoad Qua't"s 19E3." WI 930830 fir. B4119 NUREG/CR-5782. 93/08/31. Dween of Engineermo (Poet 6704t3) 114pp. 76464.335-76485:076. GRANT.J.M. Yankee Atome Electnc C4 93/06/30.FAIRTILE.M NonPower Reactor

                                                                                           &P__         _ ., Propect Dhectorate. 200pp. 76307001-76307242.

i l

a 14 DOCKETED ITEMS 9309030027Fo' wards Inness for &*y program pertcemance oats for Jan. June 1993. DOCKET 50-72 UNIV. OF UTAH RESEARCH REACTOR GRAN1J M. Yarece Atome Elecmc Co. 93/08/31. Document Control Brath (Doc # ment Control Desk). 3pp. 76342:335-76342:327 F. Securtty. medecal, emergency & firs protecten ptans DOCKET EM7 ARaft MATERIALS pmaRCH REACTOR 9309010070Aenses tnat 930719 Rev 4 to physcal secunty plan conssient w/prcna-sens of 10CFR5054(p) & acceptable cAgAN.LJ. Regon 4 (Post 820201t 93'08/24. SLAUGH'ER.D.M. Utah, Unnt. ot W. r- . _ , Stage Documents & C-- - Salt Lake Crf. Ut 4pp.16345:177 76345:181. 9309070323 Forwards ksted mio m response to concems to Biog 97, vocad m S30810 -9309010079 Forwa' tis Rev 4 of physcal securny plan.reflectog removal of Door 5 & conversaton between P Cometta & A AdamL mstamaten of enoroved locka & sockguards on outer penmeter of Door 6.Rev NUAGHTONJT. Army. Dept al. 93/08/24. ADAMSA Oftce of Nucesar Reactor witnheic.per 10CFR2.790dKit Regulaton. Drrector (Post 870411).1gk 76373:113 76373.217. SLAUGHTER.D.M Utah. Uruv of. Saft Lake Cay UT.93/07/19.hARTIN.R.D. Regen 4 (Post 820201),1p. 76345:181 76345.181.

 -9309070326 Appicaban for amend to acense R65.recuestmD aJ!hort:ston to not operate nucear rear tor. "Deacevaton Rept of Army Matts Resea'Oh Reactor *' enet                                                                       DOCKET E83 UNIV. OF FL.OR8DA TRAINING REACTOR GILLESPEEJ W. Army. Dept of. 71/01/13. Atoms Energy Commason (Pro 750119).

1p. 76373 it5-76373.143.

 -9309070323Appicatvart for renewal of Lscense 20 01010 04                               F. Security. enedmal, emergency & fee protectson plana GORUMAE. Army. Oept. of.73/04/02. 73pp. 76373144-76373217.

9309030289 Forwarcts Rev 8 to "Umv cf FL Trarmng Reactor Emergency P'an,*' consist-9309280256 Reouests to remove Fore B-1. Reactor Yarc.Page 2 of 48.from Army mg of updates & encor revs to hsted pages. Floor plan updated to retenct new room Maus Technology Research Reac*ar Decommssenm9 tmaI sevey rept.did Mar 1993 rusnbors & osc setup. NAUGHTONJ T. Army. Dept of. 93r09/16. Document Convol Branch (Document VERNETSON.W.G. Flanda, Uruv of. Ganenvme. FL 93/06/02. COHEN.L NRC . No Control Deskt10. 76583.360 76583.360. Detailed Athkanon GWerL app. 76352163-763k191.

                                                                                         -9309030291 Rev 8 to "Uruv of FL Trammg Reactor Emergency Piart**


  • Flonca. Unnr. 01. Gamesville. FL92/12/31.15pp. 76352167-76352181.

P. Operat6ng acense stage encuments & - - DOCKET 50549 GENERAL ATORNCS 93092803e6 Fmal response to F01A roowest for documents. Forwards app A documents wrech a o bemg made avadable m PDR. F. Securtty, medical, emergencv & Are protection p6ans GRIMSLEY.D.H. Dnnsen of Freedom of trWormaton & PutAcatons Servcas (Post 890205). 93/04/29.GILMAN.T. Quadrax Corp. Rpp.76596:066-76596279. ' g309290010 Forwards Wisp repts 50 089/9341.50 163/93 01 8 700734/9344 on 93080346 Non cned volatons sGenuhotL Insp rept partally withhe6d mf

 -9309200388 Package conestng of ma5 kanse program codes & ksang at termmaton               10CFR2.790(d).

actons pombng. PATE.RJ. Regan 5 (Post 820201L 93/09/01. RADEMACHER.R.N. Generai Atomes

  • NRC. No Detailed Athhaton Givert92/11/30.12pp. 76596 068-76596 079 (formwty GA Tectem6 opes, anc./ General Atome Co.). 3pp. 76565$10 76565217.
                                                                                         -9309290011 Portapy wumhead Irisp repts 50-089/93414 50163/9301 on 930803-R. Portodic opermeng reports & rotated            - -                                      06.Norweed viosatons soentrhen.Mayar amas .         -a. u operators.rmnew &
                                                                                            ==* . _ a transoortanon actnntes & EP program & coes
 $309150003 Forwa'as results of TLD drect redisson monnonng at taalny sar Second            QUALLS.P.M., PATE,RJ. Repun 5 (Post 820201). 93/09/01. Spp. 76565 213 Quaner 1993_                                                                            76565017.

BORES.RJ Repon 1 (Post 820201). 93/08/31. MCGOVERNJJ. Cmachem, Inc. op. 76454:100-76454 104. Q. Inspection reports,IE Buteens & correspondence WP - , S1m9e Documents & C- 9309290010 Forwarcis nup repts 50089/9341.5M63/9341 & 704734/9344 on 93380346.Norwsted votatons idenefed. tnsp rept pafbally unthhead ret

 $309090050 Worms that pre--t residual soil corttammaton craena, submitted ina              10CFRL790(dL B21022 ftr acceptabte.Advoes that 6censee Gruhed plan on remachatmg soil at see to      PATE.RJ RecPan 5 (Foot 820201L 93/09/01.RADEMACHER.R.N. General Atomcs comply w/ surface sud kmasJ11 ane 33 be vana*=ari for urrestncted use.                  (formerly GA Technolopes, Inc./ General Atome Co.). 3slp. 76565S10L76565:017 AUSTINJ H. E . _ _          . , & Regulatory issues B erich (Post 901230). 93/06/26.

MOGCh/ERNJJ. CeibchenL trc 134pp. 76411:197-76411:300. .93DB290011 ParbaRy wtthhead into repts 50489/9341 & 50163/9341 on 930803-06.Non.cnea veestons soennted.Masor areas mspectedtreactor operators.revew & , 930s0o0243 Prcanoes cienhcanon re 930715exempton recusans trom roouromants of aucktexpenments. treasportaton actnnbos & EP program & dres. 1 rensea 10CFR20. QUALLLP.M., PATE.RJ. Repon 5 (Post 820201). 93/09/01. $pp. 76565S13- j MCGOVERNJJ. Cmtchem. anc. 93/08/27 Document Control Branch (Dociament 76565217. Control Deskt 6pp. 76394:355 76394:359. (309090266 Respanos to930525 lir re Towrs roguest for status rept on hconsees de- DOCKET 50113 UNIV. OF ARIZONA RESE. ARCH REACTOR __ ___ _--.., prosecLAsvaes that Town Board Mestrig unli -_ - on 930922 & auume or pionneo presentaton we be mausd. g g inc. 93/09/01. DOROZYNSK!AR. Tuxedo, NY.1p' S. Reporteille conurrences, LERs & rotated terrespondence l

 -930 sos 0275 Sugoests that meetng date be set e for Sept to hold - ~s on                930e0203ss traome that on 930eos. Reactor Lab Dructor isomed that on 930616 porte-caoeng or Cmocriam eenctor tacismes.                                                    tae er sampier removed som emergency ktt owng to tamre to accuraiety reproauce DOROZYNSKI.A.R. Tumado, NY. 93/05/25. MCGOVERN.JJ Cmbchem, Inc.1p.                      test performance expectoi1Approonate procedures rewmed.

76411:360 7641136tl Wil.LAAMSJG. Aruana Urev. of. Tucson. AZ. 93/06/27. Document Control Branch (Document Corttrol Desic). 4pp. 76344:321 76344 324. 9309230244 Forwets FRN r8iema**ig 93C726 fme! vule on decommesenng record. LAN:boE & Repetary issues Branch (Post 901230L 93/09/ DOCKET 50>123 UNIV.O(r MtS90Uitt StESE.AstCH MACTORMCs.d 1 14. MCGOVERNJJ. Canacmem. tric.1p. 76546.359 76546;359. 930s29034a Expresses accroceton for J McGovem addressmg Town Board & pcc re L Securtty, ensecei, emorpency a fire protection peans cocommissenmg of Crvichent DOROZYNDKl.A.R. Tuxedo. WY. 93/09/24. MCGOVERNJ. CanbcherrL inc. 13 93D9030347 Forwards Rev 4 to phymcel security p6artinfo enthraidsoe 10CFR2.790ldL 76594:359 76594:359. FREEMAN.D.W. Massoun, Urev. of. Roma. MO.93/08/27. Document Control Branch (Documert Control DeskL 1p. 76433;33476433.336. DOCKET $042 UNfV.OF VIRGINIA RESEARCH REACTOR W. Operator Examinanons l a =ispecoon toports,IE Bu9enns & eorre.pondence 93D9030257 Semas response to etmervatons ch==ari m 930629 toicon durmg F 9309079137 Forwards rap rept 50462/9343 on 93072630.No viotagons or deviatons Colens vmA to facierty e May 1993 to admrister NRC opeestar exams. , FREEMAND W. Mesourt unnr. of. Rota, MO. 93/06/26.MENDONCA,M. NRC - No l seted. Detamed Atresbon GoverL 2pp. 76415D15-76415$16. COLLINS.D.M. Regen 2 (Post 820201k 33/08/18. MULDER.R.U. Vegena. Urer. of. Chartottesvde. VA. 2pp. 76332-19Cb76332.201.

  =4309079140 Duip rept 50462/9343 on 93072430.No violatens er devabons                    DOCKET $0128 TEXAS A&M UBity, SIESEARCH ftEACTOR nossa Mapor areas mapectectoperators of Class I noneower reactor.                                                                                                         )

BASSETT.C.H., MCALPINE14 Repon 2 (Post 820201) 93/08/18.10pp. 76332:192- l j 76332201 P. Operating 9eense etspo documents & _. 4 1 1 I

DOCKETED ITEMS 15 9309090329 Appicabon for amens to Lacense R.63 & hoemmty Ag'eement E-12 to -9309290056 fnse rest 50133/9342 on 930817 20.No veiabons noted Me;or areas adow peater f6exabikty ir, possessson & storage of ra:koactwe matts use to support re. mspected:raowaste mgt.coviron protechon.EP. smppmg & transportaban & occupabon-search & oeveopment witmn Nunear Science Center sne a' exposses REECEw.D. 7exas A&M Uruv., Cohege Staton. TX. 93/06/24 MICHAELS.T S. Nork CILUS.M . REESEaH. Repon 5 Post 820201). 93/06/26 9pp. 76565 183-Power F.eact7 & Decommaswonng Protect Drectorate. 6pp. 76401.141-76401.146 7E565191. 9309290217 Forwa'. tis mse rept 54133/9343 on 930817Ao volates noted DOCKET 50-t33 HUMBOLDT BAY POWER PLAWT UNTT 3 FiEESE.J.H Repon 5 Post 820201L 93/08/26. RUEGER,G M Pacife Gas & Electne Co 3pp. 7fiS67.131-76567;141 F. SecuHty, medical emer9ency & fire protection plans . 9309290220 hsp rept 50 133/93 03 on 930e17.No vioiabons or ceviatons noted Mapr areas mspectexilcensee empsovee concems program. 9309290049 Forwards mso rept $4133 /9342 on 93Df t7-20.No volatons noted ClLUS.M.. REESEJ.M. Regen 5 Post B20201) 93/0b/26. 9pp 76567:134-REESE.J M Fiepon 5 Post 620201). 93/06/26 RUEGER.GM Pacifc Gas & Electne 76567.141. i.,o 2pp. 76565180 76565191. 9308260198 NRC Info Notee SS069. **Raeog aphy Events at Operatog Power Reac-

            -C309290056 InsD rept 50-t33/93 02 on 930817-20.No votations noted. Mator areas                   tors "

mspectea.radwaste mgt.enwon protechon.EP stuppeg & transportanon & accupaten. GRMES.B K. Dmson of Operateg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/02. Con-al exposures sonaated Esson Co. of New York anc.11pp. N99:342 76499-352. CILUS.M., REESE.J.H. Regon 5 Post B20201). 93/08/26. 9pp 76565.183-76565-191. 9309070206NRC into Nobce 93-070. "De7adabon of Borafsen Neutrori ADSorber Cou-pore P. Operating hcense sta9e documents & correspondence GRMES.B K. Dr ison of Ope *atmg Reactor Support Post 921004). 93/09/10. Con. sohdated Ed son Jo. of New York Brc 9pp. N99.353 76499.361. 9309280386Fmal response to FO;A reauest for cocumentsfonvards app A occuments 93D9080104NRC hio fetce 93.C71," Fire at Chemobyl Urut 2" wNefi are be*O mace avanaDie m PDR. GRIMES.B K Desen of Operstmg Reactor Support Post S?1004). 93/09/13. Con-GRMSLEY.D N Duron at Pfeedom of Informahon & Pubhcabons Services (Post sohdated Ed: son Co. cf New YotA lnc.14pp. 76530001-76500-013. GCO205). 93/04/29 GILMAN.T. Quaren Corp. 2pp. 76596t66 76596:079. 9309090243 NRC Info Nobce 93-072. "Observatens F*om Racere Stiutdown Risk &

           -9309290388 Package consastng of mati bcense program codes & kstmg of termmabon                   Outaae Mgt puot Team Irtsps."

arnns pendng GRnJES.B K Deson of Operahng Reactor Support Post 921004). 93/09/14. Con-

  • NRC two Detanied AfNinter Cwen.92/11/30.12pp. 76596 068-76596.079. sohdated E& son Co. of New York, enc. 8pp. 76500.014-76500-022.

9309010143 Suberuts mfo re implementaton of Trarung Rule 10CFR50.120 for 6censees of plant m h-- process GRMES.B.K. Dmson et R. Periodsc operating raports & related correspondence ang Reactor Support Post 921004). 93/06/25. Affiii. Chon fet Ass.gned. lipp.76285.338-76285.348. 9309020313 "Humboldt Bay Power Plant Unit 3. Semiannual Radcactwe Effluent Re-9336230099 Suppi 5 to Generc Ltr 8910 to nuclear plant hcensees & CP holders te macetracy et motor. operated vaeve diaonosne eavoment. p 'P a fG[& Electnc Co.93/06/30.19pp. 76345258 76345:276. PARTLOW.J.G. Associate Dractor for bro,ects Post 870411). 93/06/26. Consoldat-ed Edison Co. of New YorN inc. 7pp. 76409:001-N09.006 y Q. Inspection reports. IE Bunettna & correspondence P. Operating incense stage " & conwapondence

           $307160033 NRC Info Notse 93056 " Weakness e EOPs Fonmd as Result of SG Tube Rupture" .K Dwnson of Operatng Reactor Support                 Post                        9309270064 Forwards fmal rept of "Confrmatory Survey of Boener Reactor Facilefy.Uruv GAMES.B                                                     921004L 93/07/22 Con-
                                                                                              .              of Cahtorrma.Los Angeles.CA Caldated EJison Co. or New York. inc.11pp. N99.302 76499.312.                                  ANSARl,A l. Affshaton Not Assagned. 93/09/09. CILUS.M. Region 6 (Post 820201).

1st 76593:183 76593.233. 9302190131NRC Into Noam 93056 %- e m in LTOP for PWRs." GANES.B K. Dmson et Operatrng Reactor Support Post 921004). 93/07/26. Con- -9309270078 "Confamatory Survey of Boetter Reactor Facakty.Urev of Caktoms at Los sohdated Edison Co. of New YorA arc 9pp. 76447;264-76447:272. Ange6es ANSARI A.J. ,CabfamA" Affihaban Not Asssgned. FIN A-9093. ORISE 93/H 141. 93/08/31. NRC - 9307200123NRC Into Nobce 93459. " Unexpected Operung of Both Doors m Artock" No Detailed Affikaton Gwert 49pp. 76593.1b4-76593.233. GRMES.B.K. Dmson of Operatmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Con-CDhdated Edson Co of New YorA mc.10pp. 76447:273-76447.282.


9307260065 Sepi 1 to NRC Bubetm 91001. "Repor'm0 Loss of Cntcality Safety Con-eaart* BURNETT.RS. Dmsson of Fuel Cycse Safety & Safeguards (Post 930207) 93/07/27. 93092M22 Fonirards OR!SE rept also bomp idenched as NRC insp empt W42/93-Conschanted Edson Co. of New Yort Inc. 23DD. 76439 009.N09-031. 01. Areas sunpeyed appear to meet entena of reg gude 1.86. 7ensnaban of OLS ter l Opera Reactors. 9307290112 NRC Info Notoe 93060. "Neporbng Fuel Cycle & Mans Events to NRC REE

  • M Pegen 5 (Post 820201193/09/03 TAKAHASHI,J. Cahtomia. Uruv. of.

Operations Cn.- Los Angeees, Madcal Schoot 3pp. 76565-046-76565:098. BURNETT.R.F Dumon of Fuel Cvcie Safety & Satep.sards (post 930207L 93/08/D4. Conschdated Edson Co. of New YorA inc.10pp. N47.2SS76447:292. -9309290048 Forwards advance copy of fmel rept of "Confamatory Swwey of Boetter Reactor FaciMy.Unw of CA* Bound inal copes will be mased in appror two was 9308030200NRC WWo Notce 93461. "E.xcesswe Reactor Cootant Leakage Fonowrig ANSARLA.J. Oak Roge Assocsated Unwersrbes. 93/0B/24. CILUS.M. Regon 5 (Post Seal Failure m RCP or RRP.* 02020111p. 76565 049 76565 049. , 1 GRMES.B IL Dmson of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/09. Con. CDicated Edison Ca of New YorA inc.12pp. N99:3t3 76499.324. -8309290060 Fsnal Rept. " Con 6rmatory Survey of Boetter Reactor Facihty.Unrv of Cahtomra.Los Angstes,CA* 9308030245NRC ento Notee 93-062. " Thermal Stratrfcaton of Water in BWR Reactor ANSARLAA. PAYNE t.L. Ook Rdge Associated Unwe'sities. FIN A-9093. 93/08/31. Nesseis " Repon 5 (Post B20201). 47pa. 76565 05476566 098. GRMES.B K. Deson of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 9210D4). 93/06/10. Con-c>idated Eeson Co. of New YotA ec 9pp. 76499.325-N99.333. DOCKET $0146 SAKTDN NUCLEAR EXPER!hlENTAL FActuTV 9308030274 e Dam MatL" GAMES.B K. Deson of Operstmg Reactor Support (PostNRC 921004). 94 Into Notse 93 063. *1mproper Use of Soluble Waid Pirp/08/11. Con-CDhoated Eckson Co. of New YorA inc. Opp. N99 334-76499'341. P. Operating aconse stage oocuments & correspondence g1inensatt7 NRC 1+ We oma. "D=wer Te= hag 8 D **rame Mrtt f t kW Case Csrcurt Bue's" 9AhicPD2ud Fcrwaros %NEJ:C/Gi'U intamal Aftars Oept WilhamsDurg inocient in-resporise to 930810 telcort GRNES.B K. Duson of Opwatmg Reactor Sur bort (Pow 9210041 93/08/11 Con- westioabon pognicogg,;n 89-WIA2.,",,m,al se Pubhc Unhties Co p. - GPU Service Corp. 93/08/31 Docu sokasted Eckson Co. of New YorA snc.11pp. 76 47:2s3-76447:303- . ment Conval Brancti (Document Control Desxt 1p. 76368 00176368:308. 9 87 RC rWo Noys 93 065. " Reactor Tnps Caused by Breaker Tesbng W/ -4 209 "PENELEC/GPU intemal Aftars Dept Wilhamstarg tresserit Irwestigabon CL.NES.B K. Dmsson of Operatmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/13. Con-cnidmed Eckson Co of New fora inc.11pp. 76447.304-76447214- MOLLURA.A.E. Pennsylvania Doctnc Cc.

  • General Pubhc Uhhtsos Coep. - GPU Serv-ce Corp. BS-WIA2. 93/06/31. 350pp. 76368 002-76368:308.

9308100006NRC into Nobce 93 066. "Switchower to Hol. Leg knpseton Followng LOCA CiPWRs* GZNES.B K. Deson of Operabng komtcr Support (Post 921004). 93/06/16. Con- a inspection M IE Bunetins & coneapondence Cnicated Edson Co. of New York. erw. 7pp. 76447.315-76447.321. 9309070200 Forwards "PENELEC/GPU intemal Affars Dept Wdhamsburg incsdent in-9308100248 NRC Into Notu 95 067. "Bwstmg of High Pressure Coolant inpocton vPstgaton BS.W+2." m response to930810telcort Stearn tme Rupture Discs ingres Plant Personnota FORNICOLA it General Pi.cic Ubtites Corp. GPU Sennae Corp. 93/08/31. Oocu-GRIMES.B K. Dmson at Operatng Ros~tc Support (Post 9?1004). 93/06/16 Con- mimt Control Branch (Document Control Desk).1p. 76368:001-76368:308. cphanted Echson Co. of New YorA tem. T3pp. 76447.322-N47:335.

                                                                                                          -33D90702D9 *PENELEC/GPU intamal Aftars Dept Wdbamsburg inccent tnvestgaton 9309290049 Forwards rise rept       ?  ..M'%M on930*17-20.No votations roted.                       89-WM 2 "

REESE.J M Region 6 (Post 62A U/26. RUEGER.G.M. Pacirc Gas & Electnc MDLLUR8JLE. Pennsytvana Doctnc Co.

  • General Pubhc utihbes Corp. - GPU Seni.

Co 2m 76505.180-76565:191. ce Corp. SS.WW.2. 93/08/31. 350pp. 76368 002 76368.308.  ; 9 4 h.

16 DOCKETEDITEMS i R. Periodic operatmg reports & related corresponoence ~9309020166 Rev 9 to *B9 Rock Pom! Rampiogcal Effluent T/S Regured Documents ] ODCM & Process Coritrol Procyam."

'      9309150085 Forwards 10CFR2D 407 personnel exposure rept for 19921ste submrttai as            BJRDETTE A L. MOSLEY.TA CarWma Power & Lyst Co 93/02/16 9900 result of admi*ustratwo error.ioentrhed ty miemal OA as.otCorrectue acton takert          76360.063 76367161.

GOOD.EA Sarton Nuclear Expwnmental Corp 93/09/08 Document ConWW Branch (Documern ContrW Desu 2pp. 76454.138-N54:139. 9309020123 Prowdes changes made to penous response did 893929 re plant mserwee testeg program.per 1986 Edson of ASME Secten Ki & Ge'iene ttr 8944. q DONNELLY.P M. Consumers Power Co 93/D6/27. Document Control Branch (Docu. - DOCKET 5&148 UNIV. OF KANSAS RESEARCH REACTOR ment ConrW DeskL 19pp. 76337.334-76337.352. 9309150037 Informs that 933809 ltr revising scneckle for sutmwltat of IPE tor severe W. A ng Sta9e Documents & C- ~ O' Propect 1111. 93/09'09.DONNELLY.P.M Consumers Power I 9309090238 Forwards "Confamatory Su'vey of Urwy of Kansas Trammg 1 Reactor. Lawrence.KS.* foal rept 930921006s Cmfrms plans mW w/M Phikis re rnge meesng on931001re plant i 20't) 8. 638 282 7638 32

  • I" *** * * * * * "

octad. ore*nwe"m'*aart'& ve weffec" eness of mshaw" ek

      -9309090327 "Confrmatory Survey of Unw of Kansas Lawrence.KS." nnal mpt                       GREENMAN.E G Regen 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/14. DONNELLY.P M. Consumers Power Co.1p. 76503285-76503285.

ANSARLAJ.. BECK.W.L. LAN35.M.R. Oak Ridge Associated Unwerssnes. ORtSE 93/G4. 93/C7/31. 42pp 76389283.76389324-9309290036 Responds to 930629 RAI re NRC tasessment of Big Roc

  • Pomrs Emer- l
  • Conoenser & MS!V. I DOCKET 54150 OHIO STATE UNIV. RESEARCH REACTOR NELLY.P M. Corisumers Power Co. 93/09/21. Documerit Control Brafich (Doo* r ment Control Desk). 4pp. 76583.34176583.344.

i R. Perioste operstmg reports & reteted - ~ Q. Inspecton reports,IE Bute9ns & _.. - I 9 200263 "OH State Unw Desearch Reactor Annual Rept For FY92/93." W/ 930923 ]* SWm3 E W W N. %m m EOPs FW as W of SG Tm CRUZJB. Ohm State Unw., Coumbus, OH. 92/12/31. tipo 76590311-76590:321. 3R v  % BN004193/07M h [ soldated Echson Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. N99.302-N99.312. DOCKET 50-155 BfG ROCK POINT NUCLEAR PLANT 4 9307190131NRC Info Nonce 93458. %__ ._ m LTOP for PWRs." GRIMES.BK Dwason of Opersang F setor Simport (Post 921034). 93/07/26. Con-F. Securtty, mechcot, emergency & Bre protocean plans sohdated Eckson Co. of New YorA inc. 9pp. N47264 76447272. S e Pi in d g able of cornent/ eMec1we GR MES B 'R Support (Po 1 21004). 07/26 Con- f i & EPIP 61. raers 8' 9 E d mw ort. A 20p. N4 282. l WOOSTER.KA Consumers Power Co.93/08/30. Opp 76466.353 76466.360. I 9309170251 Informs that currert few of Vol 1. Procedure 1.1.Sechan 6.9 anobles proco- 9307300065 Suppl 1 to NRC Buhetm 91001,*Reportmg Loss of Cnbcmirty safety Con-

                                                       '"                d        h        I*
                      " sat                          ri st      for use "                               NETT.R.F. Dwason of Fues Cycle Safety & Safeguares (Post 930207). 93/07/27.

OOSTMEYER.LA Consumers Power Co. 93/09/08. Consumers Power Co.1p. Consohdated Ediscm Ca of New YorA arc 23pp. mutokmom m79;319-N79.319. 9307290112 NRC Info Notoe 93460,Reportng Fuel Cycle & Mens Events to NRC I 9309290036 930629 RAI re NRC assessment of Big Rock Pomrs Emer-

                                                                                                               $~              WFei % W &                         N 9302M 93/06/04 Consoidated Edman Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. 76447.283-76447.292.

ELLY.P.M. Consumers Power Co. 93/09/21. Document Control Branch h merit Coneol Deskt 4pp. 76583.34176583.344. 9 nanenann NRC Into Notee 93481, %oessive Reactor Coolant Leekage Followmg Seal Fakre m RCP or RRF." p.Operoung scense sto9e stocuments & correspondence GRIMES.BX Dwison of Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/09. Cork

                                                                                                                                                                                                 ,i soldated Edson Co. of New YotA              12pp. M99:313 W99:324.

9309290135 Pamal response to FOiA reasest for documentLForwards records m App L w* men are withheid prtany for imand reasons. trol FOiA exemptons 5). g3ce0,30,245NRC v,y , g Into Notee 93462 " Thermal Stratficebon of Water m BWR Reactor f MARRtS.CA et Freedom or Informaton & Pubhcotons Senaces (Post 890205). 93/04/12.GILINSKY.v. Affikanon Not Assgned. 8pp. 76677901-76 GRIMES.B K Dwmen of Opersing Reactor G-wt (Post 921004) 93M/10. Cor> sohdined Edson Co. of New York, Wic. 9pp. M99325-N99333. 1M20230 Pamah m aHinnaton M that recomniends Conumamon approv. 9300030274NRC Into Notee93 063. ~4rrgiroper Use of hm thek! Purge Dom Meu" N " " ' ' * * S GRIMES.BX Dansion of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/0h/11. Corw m'a'temra & so60sted Esman Ca of New YorA inc. 8pp 7649933M64MJ41 FTT2GERALDJA Othce of the General Counsel (Post 660701). SECY41-191. 81/ 03/24.10pp. 76677:184-76677:193. l *' Tm& h MWMN 4110330652 Pa tah withheld afhrmation SECY that recommends Commenen approv. Case W BrasherL" a! of anci (Wart croer relemng J Lednaaser monon repuestng conechon of M GRIMES.BX Dwmion of Operatng Reactor Suppnet (Poet 921004). 93/06/12. Cork wroneous N stmismru tact m ASLAP. *'had Edmon Co. of New YorA inc.11pp. N47293 76447:303. FITZGERALD Othee ce the General Counsel (Post 860701). SECY41191A 81/04/ 09.14pp. 76677:194-76677207. 930ese0187 NRC Info Noboe 93465

  • Reactor Trps Caused tsy Breaker Tesang W/

Fourt Protecton BypassocL" 4110290099 Partally withheld notaton vote SECY that mlarms Communen of Appeal GRIMES.B K Dwisen at OperannD Reactor t=wt (Poet 921004). 93/08/13. Corw , Bord deemion. **aama Edman Co. of New York, enc.11pp. 76447:304-76447214. FITZGERALDJA Othee of the General Cou mel (Post 96C701). SECY41303. 81/ 05/13. 6pp. 76678S70 76678117. 9308100006NRC Into Notee 93466 "Settchover to Hot-Leg inpacton Fonovang LOCA 8 sn PWRs" 9306230099 Swipi 5 to Ge enc LS 8910 to muc6 ear plant 6censees & CP hoedys te GRMES.BX Dwimon of Operstm9 Reactor Suseort (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Con-  ; neccuracy of mcnorwarated valve soupment solcated Edison Co. of New York, anc. 7pp. N47:315-76447:321. , PARTLOWJ.G 4*=arate Desctor for (Post $70411). 93/05/28.Ccmsondat-ed Feberv' C* d N==r Y'rk ht ! ?pp 76Eltt0017C432208.


9338109246 NRC kh mwe 834C7. "D.arsknit af Nijih Reesee CmWit lyhun Steam Lme Ruptwo Discs inlures Pirt Personnel" , 9309020066 Discusses rseponse to GL $742.Suppt 1 & recsaasts addl Wito re hcensmg. GRIMES.B K Dwimon of Operatng Rosetor Stepan (Post 921004). 93M/16. Con-boss spectra.NRC agrees that ekstructwe respcree spectra generated tsy either et erwad Edson Co. of New York, me.13pp. 76447:322-76447 335. 7 two acceptoDie grourid respcnse spectra acceptabe ~ OLSHAN.LN Propect Drectorate likt. 93/Of '% DONNELLY.P.M. Consumers Power 9309130019 Forwards inap Rept $4155/9312 on 930ecew13.No violahans noted Co. 3pp. 76305:324-76305:326. SNEU W G. 3 iPost 820201). 93/06/31.DONNELLY.P.M. Conesenr3 Power

  • Co.3pp.76429- 76429.240.

9*annenne Arm,,, gar amend to 6 cense DPR4.revismg 930719 ongnal i change. reflects revac9 to 10CFR50.36 tax 2) re changng repareng reosoment for et. -9309130021 Inso rept 50155/03-12 on 93080913.No v'osatons noisct Masar areas i fluent resseems troen semia*irman; to annual mapectatt'rechokon protection dimrig outage. DONNELLY.P M Consumes Power Co. 93/08/24.OcMument Control Branch (Docu. SHAM.N., PAUL.RA, MCCORM 4ARGE Repon 3 (Post 82C201). 93/08/31. 9pp.  ! ment Cont of Deset opp.76342.214-76342-329. 76429232-N29:240. [

     -830e030076 Proposed toch spoos reflectng sevision to 10CFR$036(a)(2) changmg re-         Senesentes NRC Info Noboe 93469. "Rectography Events at Operetng Power Rese-portrag reQserraert tty effiuent ressenes from semannual to arinuel.                      tors "                                                                                         !
  • Consumers Power Co.93/08/24.12pp. 76342.318 76342329 GRMES.BX Dwmen of Operstng Reactor Swoon (Poet 921004). 93/09/02. Cork 1 sohdated Edman Co. of New York. Inc. lipp. N99342-76499.352.

[ 9309030135 Forwards "Semannual Radoectwe Effluent Resease & Waste Deposai Rept for Ponoo JarwJune 1903 & Rev 9 to Bc Rock Poen Rachologeal EfRuern T/S 9309130083 Raouired Documems CoCM a Process controiDrogram. rioned m msp Ack recac155/9347t rept 50 of 930825 ttr entormm9NRC of steps teken to correct vmiaton DONNELLY.P M. Consumers Power Co. 93/08/26. Document Coreal B'anch (Docu- JORGENSEN.B.L. Regon 3 (Poet 820201). 93/09/06. DONNELLY.P.M. Consumers ,r ment Conrol Dessa ip. 76360:048-76360-161. Power Co.1p. 76427347-76427:347. I l u  ; 5

i I l  : 1 DOCKETEDITEMS 17 93D9130088Forwa t!s inse Rept 54155/93-10 on 930609 20 &retce of wotanon.ptse DOCKET 50156 UNIV. OF WISCONSIN RN4RCH REACTOR twolved renew ed 930706 eve't se two cortamment fmgh pressure sensors outsee alewan6e TS totera'ces due to mstal:aten error.

      .lORGENSEN.B.L Regon 3 (Post 820201L 93/09/06. DONNELLY PM. Consumes                 P. Operat6ng beenne sta9e ~                 _&-._--

Power Co. App.76428.340.N25-350- . 9309070279 informs that turidmg for second yr effort to prepare safety anafvsss data &

   =M30093 Notsw of motaten Dom risp on930809 20.Vsolaten notect twgh pressure                to subrrut safety arirrse for refueing phase of corwersson of uruv nuclear reactor core 19p setport penaccolhr exceeoed trrut W tess than or soual to 2.2 peg w/no resJtmg      to LEU not now avanatue DOE tmpes te make turu9 rig avasatne tiy 940101.

shtR down Deng pedonned. JORGENSEN.B.L Regen 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/06. to. m28.344 76428:344- CASHWELL.R.J. Wsconsm. Uruv. of. Ma:kson, WL 93/CE/20. Document Corttrol Branch (Doasrrierit Cormol Desx).1p. 76393260-76390.360.

  -9309130096 Inso rept 54155/9310 on 930809 20.Voiate s note 1Mapr areas                  g309090089 Submits comments on " Draft Applcation Format & Conten! & Review Plan i
      --       ~.C..- surroundrig 930706 eve'R re tem contamment tagh pressure                                                                                                         j
                                                                                             & Acceptance Crnym for Nor@ower Reactors." Chapte* 14.                                    j Se'uors outssoe aliciwable TS tolerances due to rsed*ws enor.                          CASMEL.I RJ. Waconsm. Ursv. of. 94admon. W1. 93/08/31. Nor@ower Reactor &

TWIGG.R.L. PHid.lPS.M.P. Regen 3 (Post $2g201). 93/09/08. 6pp. 76428.345- 6. . .ig Protect Drectorate. 3;cL *10232-N10.234. i I M28:350. 9309170107 Forwards inso Rept 50-165/9311 on 9307164827.No veticon noted PHILUPS.M.P. Rooon 3 fpost 820201). 93/09/09. DONNELLY.PM Constrners DOCacET 50160 CEORG1A INST 17UTE OF TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH REACTOR Power Co. 3pp. M72253 76472:270. j

  -930917D109 insp rept54155/93-11 on 930716 0827.No violaton nosed Mapor areas
              .- w safety venicanorLESF eys walKoowns. mart & survallance
                           & tecen's:al suoport actmees & surety asseswnent               9309290242 Forwyds rito recewed skmng ^==*nre tunween sepan ll personnes &

PHILUPS. . Repon 3 (Post SP0201). 93/09/09.15pp. 76472256-76472.270. canoerrwst! sickwusaaLEnce witreised fret 10CFR2 790k COLUPWS.DM W 2 (Post $20201). 93/09/14. KARAMAA Georpa Instrlute of 93090'It206 NRC Into Neece 93 070. "Dogradaban of Borahur Neutron Absorber Cou- Tecnnotogy. Ana ita GA 2pp. 76552-192 76552193. pone GQlMES.B K. Dwision of Operanng R *= Support (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Con-sobcated Edson Cct of New Yors. anc 999. 76499-353-76499:361. DOCKET $0163 GENERAL ATDef!CS 9309ut0104 NRC Into Notre 93 071. "Fre at Chemativt Unit 2." F. $ecartty, snee9cW, emergency & Are protecton piens GRtMES.BX Denssen at Operanng Reactor Soport (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Con-solda.ed E:kson Co. cf New Ycrs mc.14pp. 765009D1-76500 013. 1& on 93D9090243 t#C Wo Nohcs SS072. Otmervamons Ffom Recent Shuttbwn Rak & N. m tasons e insp mot M N W

                            *             "                              8 8          "

l 76500 01 0- 6565C1 9309220304Forwyns roouest for acks reo re 930122 Thrd 10.wr Immnra! armervice Irisp -9309290011 Parnspy withheld rap rests $0 0e9/9341 & $4163/9341 on 930903-Pian & requests for remet som ASME tener & premare weasel W.-wi XI m- OS.Nonated wunamorm usare6ecLMaar woes rapacescreactor operamons.fonew & audr:.experrnents. .,- . actmhes & EP program & cHIL N. prosect Dractorate BL1. 03/09/16.DONNELLY.PM Ccrutanars Power QUALLS.PM Repon 5 (Post $20201) 93/09/01. 5pp. 76565c13 76565217. Cct 7pp. 76513 006 76513$14. Q. Inspecson reports,IE DuSetir's & corresponeance Cl Portoinc opereeng reports & reessed _._ e1ne+eo010 Forwards enso rests 50499/9341.50183/93 01 & 700734/9344 on 9309020135 Fcrwarcas Semannual P=har*we Elllaere Release & Weste Nwn==l *3""' '"' Rept tor Penad JewJirie 1993* & Rev 9 m Para P**~mi Efnuoru T/S m a a *= 5$ m'a'*]8/py' cg*,0w,=,"cfgm=' mc,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,. PATE.AJ. ciann Reson 5 (Post 1rsa fecer==e=s, eiuGen-s820201L 91/09/01. Aarnc CoS RADD4ACHERAM. General Ato 390. 7656sciw6565cir. men Coruns DeskA 19. 7E360048-76360'161. mit W weriod rap reps $o499/9301 & SMG3/9341 en nissa.

 -9309020163 "Sermanraani Radehve Efhuent Rebelse & Waste Duposal R81% for                  OE.NorMsted vicesh3ns e$entdedMapar 3 rugs reparM'Bactor cperagons, renew &

L 8 '88=- auckLm p acDwees & EP & crek W J'a*Po'wer & LagNt Cct

  • Crohn 93/05/3414pp. 76360-049-76360962. ouAL.LS.PM. PATEAJ. Repon 5 (Post ). 93/09/01. 5pst 76565C13-76565 017.  !
 -9309tI20166 Rev 9 m " Bag Rock Piant Rachotopcal Etnuent T/S Raoured Docarnents                                                                                                      l ooN & Macass                                                                                                                                                                        j BJRDETTEAL., MOSLEY. A Caroire Power & Laght Co. 93/02/18. 99pp.                     DOCKET so.170 ARalED FORCES RADIOINOLOGY RESEARCH INSTffUTE 76360$C3 76360161.

F. Securtty, aussacal, emergency & Are protocean plans 9309070317Mcrithey opersang rept for Aug 1993 for Bq RocA Porit NLclaur PlanLW/ DONNELLY.PR Conarners Power Co. 93/06/31. 6pp. 763592B8- 935Ho,,tM62 Forwants Rmr 1,m Anned Faroes R% Resere inst reactor tus.

    ,635,m                                                                                     ts ec ~p.1-er                                                     wcm2m                 1 Datense. Dep:. of. Desense sm -
                                                                                                                                                       -. 93/09/09. Document Control

' 1 930 9-7 P,o. ions 19,n aie . ., Ro. Sem in,eg,3,sd Piero,e;,,,, rig smaa c=--"=n a oe= == *33= ' km et open asues a rides e asues. DONNE 11YpM Consumers Power Cet 93/08/31. Documers Coritrol Brances (Docu* mort Caract Desk). 24pp. 76411::DL76411327. V. Operator Examkismore 9309150190 De==aa anymements maae for admriesabon of cperator heerurig E Reportaber occurrences, LERs & reteneg g exams at tacably c6rmg us of 940117Aost rifo ericL CALDWA I .I I Operator Lacanung BrancPL93/09/00.Anned Forces P- g_J j Researest ansatJict 10pp. N3422Sw7643(336 93092000E7 LER 9340741-on 933803.saectic fra purrips s:nsed durrig survallance 1 test as tendt of spurcus supiel parurund weien tecnrwann snad to resent vrockee i teard to get test bgNt e et4> cuLPurrip shut nowrLW/9 K3908 Itr. BOURASSAMD DONNE; Consumers Power Co. 93/09/06. 400. DOCKET 50-171 PEACH BOTToes ATottic POWER STATIOtt, UICT 1 l 7GE.0H.76Eiu.Du. 93092100s1 LER 9300540on 930813.two watts disoowered to have been omitted review of[ W 93091 9300200135 Partal resporise e FOtA teqasest for sacirne'itL$crwards recortas m App L wr ~ a

    ,652, SSm,mmDo,IEh                                     % Cct 93/09/13. .pp.
                                                                                            -s.CA              e- o,c   =,.==sa
                                                                                                                                      . inio me.o.n.o on&P - ra.A - sL,      n   s m.

EL'10205). 93/04/12.GILINSKY.V. Aflikaton Not Assgned 9pp. 7 tic 77:001-76680266. g o,,,,,,,, -.420111015$ Partapy wevised ementon voto SECY that rWoms Corrrussen atout ALAB.654. Appeal Board ame==an esehng w/ tues cycle racson vessase massmort FlTZGERALD lA Offics of sne Genre! Cotreet (post 96C701). SEOY41-589. 91/ 93o3030269 Aovmes that efteceve 930627.L Nariics.Lacense OP 30093.was verreveci ic/Os. app.766792a5-7667925E 1 rom chJtaas as reactor operator than to moverced preyiancy & devesopmrt of thate-trL 930B010143 Sutimes trito se . _ of Trareng Rule 10CFRSO.120 tar heemsees HOLA4AL libnoiL Unw. et Urbana. tL 93/C&/30. ADAhCA NRC. feo Detalad AfE cr clut m - . _- proomss. at:in Gwert 1p. 76399292 7639!h292. $=www $4glpgyt jPggt $71004), g3/Q$/2$, AfE(i. G.Reh4.M a on st K. D,rveWn A.e., ea i c(

                                                                                                                          ?c.i-s i 930:21oots Summry or 93070s Regart 91 annual tronmp managers oorsarence si                                                                                                            1

! Gun EDyrt.3LPurpose et mostrup to prcmde tonen tar name.a==.nn on sov 7 at operator einctinrie9 Stsipf 5 in Generic L9 99-10 to nucseer pturtt beermees & CP hatoers re boeriang exammer sids & 10ha operstar boensrio maueL roccaracy of motor <iparated valve cowspmerit RANGM Regon S (P6st $232D1) 93/09/15. Regon 3 (Post $202011 29pp. PARTLOW LG. Assocane Drector for (Post s70411). 93/06/28.Consolcm-76476 0C&76476 091. l ed Edson Co. of New York enc 7pp. 7640eN01-76409208 '

18 DOCKETEDITEMS Q. Inspectson reports. IE Baltetms & .- _-- R. Periode operstmg reprats & related corresponderme 9307160033 NRC Wo Notce 93-056 " Weakness e EOPS Found as Resutt of SG Tube 9309010285 "Unw of Masam Reseamh Reactor Operators Annual Rept 1992-1993? R@ture " opvenng penod Jul 1992 - June 1993E/930827 le. GRNES B K Dwson of Operatmp Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/22. Con- MEYERWA. MOK$BENJ.C. tAssoun. Uruv. of. Colurntha. MO. 93/06/30. sohdated Edman Co. of New yort , me.1tpo 76499.332-76499.312. WEISS.S H Non. Power Reactor & Decommasonmg Project Directorate. 9Bpp. 9307190131 NRC Wo Notco 93 056

  • Nonconservatism m LTOP for PWRs?

GRIMES.BK Dwison of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Con-sohdated Eeson Co. of New York. mc. 9pp W47264-N47.272. v. Open surr_. 9307200123 9308310261 Forwards embal exam rept 50186/OL43-01 admmetered dunno wk of GRNES.B NRC Into Notco K. Dwmon 93 059.Reartor of Operstng " Unexpected Support Operung of Both Doors fPost S21004). m Aertock,? 93/07/26. Co soldated Edson Co. of New York, mc.10pp. 76447E/3-M47282. 9307260065 Suppi 1 to NRC BAehn 91401. "Reporung Loss of Cnbcakty Sa1 sty Cork []RM B Columtma MO.1p. 76309224-76309.270. 93/08/4 RHYNEJA Mmm Unit of. trois? BURNETT.R F. Dusen of Fuel Cvoie Safety & Sateguards (Pos!930207L 93/07/27. -9309010231 Exam vept 54186/OL-SM1 on 93C726 27 Exam msuns; canadate era Consoldated Eeson Co of New York. anc. 23pp. 76409 00476409c31. [ g]portons _ 9307290112 NRC Wo twotce 93460. "Reporing Fuel Oycee & Mans Events to NRC ate. 93/06/12. 35pp. 76309.227-76309.270. Operanons Cr? BURNETT.R.F. Dwisen of Fuel Cycle Safety & Sateguards (Post 930207). 93/06/04. 9309390222 Forwards OL coeticate for R4 Hartweg W/o enct Conschaated Esson Co. of New York. anc.10pp. 76447253-76447292 BOGER.B.A. Diveen of Reactor Controls & Human Factors (Post 921004). 93/06/25 RHYNEJ.J. Masouri, Ursv. of. Columtza. MO.1p 76387171-76387;171. 9308030200 NRC tnto Nouce 93 0t51. "Excesswe Reactor Coolant Leakage Followng Seat Fanure re RCP or RRP? 9309100279 Forwards admaustanon of vacushtcation exams.NRC rules & Sudance for GRNES.BK Dusen of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06/09. Con- exams & secumy agreements for wrmen exams to be admmstered at facihty on solcated Eeson Co. of twew York. enc.12pp W9t313-N99.324. 931025. CALDWELLJ.L. Operator Lcensing Branch. 93/08/27. Re4YNEJJ. Masourt Urvv. of. 9308030245 NRC Wo Nobce 93462. "Thermat Svatricaten of Water m BWR Reactor Columba MO. 6pp. 76396C96-76396:101 Vesses GRNES ".B K. Dwson of Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06/10. Cork sokdaled Edson Co. of New York, 9pp. M99.325-W99:333- DOCKET 54188 KANSAS STATE UN!V. RESEARCH REACTDR 930a030274 NRC Wo Nocce 934G3 *tmoroper Use of Schele weld Purge Dam Matt" GRNES.BK Dusen of Operanng Reactor Sepeat (Post 921004L 95/08/11. Cork U. Congressional /Esecuttwe C_. . sohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. Opp.76499.334 76499.341. 930a060237 NRC Into Notco 93464. "Penode Testng & PrevenDvs MarR of Molded $30B070011 Resportos to 930810 Itr se NRC assessmers of annual teos to Kansas Case Cacts Breakers? State Unw.Mannattan.KS. GRNES.B #L Dwason of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/12. Core THE CHAIRMAN. SELIN.t. Commasoners (Post 750119L 93/08/27. DOLE.B. Senate. sole 3sted Esson Co. of New York. Inc 11pp. 76447293-76447:303. 1p. 76423258-76423E2. 93o8090187 NRC Info Nonce 93465.

  • Reactor inps rw by Breaker Toshng W/ -9309070025 Expresses thanks tar extenman of deadknas for paymert of 1993 armuat Fault Protecnon BypassetL" toes announced m NRC 930806 Itr oelmembng opnons avadable to non. profit hconses GRIMES.BK Dwison of Operanng Reactor Seport (Post 921004L 93/08/13. Cork se tuimo for 1993 annual tons.

sohdated Edson Co. cf New York, enc. tipp. 76a47;304-76447 314.' VERNETSON.W.G. Karisas State Unw Manhattart KS. 93/08/23.TAYLORJ.M. Ole of the Esecutwo Drector tor Operatens.1p. 76423 060 76423260. 93o810o006 NRC Into Notee 93466. "Switchover to Hot. Lag mischon Fonommg LOCA et PWRs? -9309070030 NRC to favorably canader Kansas State Unw appeal for exemphon GRIMES.BK Dwison of Operanng Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Con- trom hcoremg . schosted Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 7pp. N47:315-M47:321. DOLE.B. Senate.93/08/10. THE CHAIRMAft SELIN.I. Commasoners (Post 750119K 1p. 76423261-76423962. 9308100248 NRC Into Notco 93457. "* Burs 1mg of High Pressure Cookint irgecten Steam Lme Reture Docs treures Plant Personnel" GRNES.BK Dwison of Operanng Reactor Seport (Post 921C04). 93/08/16. Cork DOCKET 54192 UNIV. OF TEI.AS RESEARCH REACTOR soldated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.13pp. N4F;322-76447;335. 9p198 NRC Wo Ncdme 93469. "Rachography Events at Operstmo Power Reac- w.E - . Sense Documents & C . GAMES.BIL Dusson of Operatmg Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/09/02. Cor> 9309090215 Forwards fM rept of conhrmatory survey cf Unw of Texas Tnge soldated Edson Co. of New York, int lipp. 76491342-N99.3&g Reactor. informs that mnar rev maae to craft sept asued m .iure 1993 to rehnct con > 9309070206NRC Info Nobce 93 070, "Dogradabon of Bornhen Neutron Absorber Cou. merits commecated by telephorts. pans? ANSARIAJ. Oak Rdge Asscxanted Uroversties. 93/07/21. MURRAY B. Regen 4 GRMES.BX Dmson of Operstmg Reactor Suocort (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Con. (Post 820201).10 76390001-76390$46. solcated Esson Co. of New YortL ent 9pp. N99;353-76499361.

                                                                                               -9300090320 "Confrmatory Survey of Urov of Texas TrAga Reactor AusbrL TX,* fnal 9309000104 NRC Wo Notem 93-071. " Fro at Chemobyl Urut 2?                                          rect GRMES.BK Dwson of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Corp                         ANSARIAL BECK.W.L LANDLS.MA Oak Rdge Associated Unwersibes ORISE solcated Edson Co. of New York, enc.14pp. 76530201-76500$13.                                     93/G4. 93/07/31,46pp. 76390002 76390$48 9309090243 NRC Wo Notrca 93472, "Observatons From Recent Shutdown Rak &

Outage ugt Psot Team Iruos? DOCKET $c 193 RHODE ISLAND & PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS AEC GRnJES.BK Dwnen of Operaung Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/09/14. Cork soldated Esson Ca of New York int Opp. 76500$14-7650&.022-F. Securtty, medmal, emergency & mre protection piana DOCKET $0-184 NATIONAL INSTmFTE OF STANDARDS & TECHesOLDGY 9309090137 Forwards revised emergerry plartreflectmg corrimonts from recent NRC REACTOR Repon i revow of piamCopy of aid pan sino eret TEHAN.T. Rriode Island. State ot. 93/09/02 MENDONCAMM NorwPower Reactor & Decernmauerun0 Propect Desctorsfe 2pp. W15-030J6415225. S Reportabse occurrences, LERs & related . _ . _ _

                                                                                                -b&hipituuo Nn/msd ime@ert.y p' lait 9309200351 RO on 930910 nonced nuctuatens on power channels due to element $74
  • Rhooe tsaand. State at93/05/31. 50pp. W15-032-76415:225.

sn ponton J-7 becxrmeng urnatched tar ksted reasons Suty elemera rep 6 aced.Special snstructons wiE be proveed to operators on tual tiaric9mg & monitarmg ROWEJ.M Natanal Instnute at Stanoarcs & Tecnrwuogy (tormony Natenal Bureau of P. 4>perstmg boense stage & correspondence Standa 93/09/21 Document Control Branch (Documera Controi Dest). 2pp. 930e090083 Reouests aos mio to contmus revew of appleaton tar amend of OL R-95.per 92t222 submrttat MENDONCA.MM Non. Power Reactor & Decommamonng Prmeet Drectorate. 93/ DOCKET 50-1e6 UNIV.OF MisscURa RESEARCH REACTOR COuJMBIA 08/24. TEHAN.T. Rhooe island. State 01.128pp. 76389937-76389163. Q. Inspection reporta, IE Bubetins & eorrespondence 930s310261 Forwards estial exam rept 50186/OL.9341 admnstered durmg wk of 930726 93092EI118 Fcrwaros suo sept $4193/93 03 on 93081418.No volatons notad. GALLOAM. Operator Lounang Brancit 93/06/12. RHYNEJJ. Masoun, LPuv. ot JOYNERJ.H. Repon 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/17.TEHAN.T. Rruce Island. State of. Columbea. MO.10. 76309.224J6309270. 3pp. 7655221176552217. -9309010231 Exam rept $4186/OL.9341 on 930'2627. Exam resulta canddate -9309200122 Irme rept 50193/9343 on 9308141RNo votatona roted. Maior stems passed wntten & operstmg portorts of exam. mspectett survedLtual shopmg & eetmapt. fuel toedrng & Firtial entcakty. CA1.DWEu J.L. DOYLE.P. Norwpower Reactor & C _. _ - , Protect Drector- MOLMES.S.. DRAGOUN,T., BORES.R. Regen 1 (Post 820201k 93/09/16. opp. ste. 93/08/12. 35pp. 76309227-76309.270. 76552214J6552217.

DOCKETED ITEMS 19 DOCKET $4206 SAN ONOFRE NLtCLE.AR STATION. UNfT 1 9308033274NRC peo teotce 93463. "imsroper Use of SoiJtne Weed Pwge Darn MatL* GRIMES.B K Dmsort of Ope'ayq ReactW Suopo't (Post 971004). 9J/06'11. Com schsaned Esson Co at New York, ant 8pp. 76499.334-76499341. F. Securey, vredcal emergency & Bre protection plans einanst:237 NRC puo Notee 93 064. "Penos: Tesing & Prevrewe Mant of Motoed 9309290136 Rets Icensee 930615 tir forwardng scope & otweetrwes for ptarn annual Case Cccuet Breamert" emergercy psan eserase scheaJese for 930915. Cortcluoes that exercze scope & cD. GRIMESAK Dwison of Operanng Reactor Scoort Post 9210D4). 93/08/12. Cor> ectwas consistern eI emeroencv plan osals & veaurements scissated Eonon Co et New York snc.11pp. 7644729&76447.303 PATE.RJ. Ramon 6 (post 820201193/07/14. Zit&L.W.G. Southam Cakitress Esson Co.2pp. 765&i67 765&M6 9300090187 NRC Info Notce 93465, " Reactor Trips Causett py Bneaker Testmg W/ 3007,5 Anned "Coumy of Oiange Nucsear Power Ptars Ernarparty Pian ser '7M g Dwegn Operanng Reactor Support (post 971004L 93/0s/13. Con-

  • Orange County. CA93/07/31. 300pp. 76425:001-76425209.

93090e0107 Revs 5.4 & s.5 to emergency plart 9308100006 NRC Info Nonee 93466. "Swt:hower to Hot 4eg insechon Followng LOCA

  • Southem Casitoma Eeson Co. 93r08/18, 42pp. 76399.13176399t174. m PWRL" GRIMESAK Dwman o8 Operatng Reactor wrwt (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Con-930H290166 Fonwards msp repts $420t>/9319.50461/9S19 & $0.362/9119 on **= Esson Co. ce perw York, mL 7po. 76647215 76447.321.

930624 4 728 &rceae of violatortVKvanons of concem tier mma commamrits made m LER anvo*vmg moperatukty of enen steam saretv vehre m 1990 met mensmemect $308100248 NRC WWo fence 9&o67. *Bwseng of High Presswo Coolant hpecton VANDENBURGH C. Recon 5 Post 820201L 93/06/26. RAY.KB. Southam Cahtome Steam Lme Ruotwe Ducs rmres Plant Personnet* Ethson Cct 3po. 7656td25-76566253. GRieESAK Dwason of Operanng Reactor Seport (Post 921004h 93/08/16. Cor> -43o9290179 Insp repts $0 206/9119.50 361/9419 & 50 362/SS19 on 930624 O ames W 9309290 % 8 Forwards mgt meetnD septs $0206/93 24.50 3F1/SS24 & 60462/9124 cm 93U29MC serons contnued Nts a classer nonar steam genrap h WONG.HJ. Regen 5 (post 820201L 93/08/24. 20pp. 7mA M76566.353. age m urst 3 & to be more watcritts for riscatons of mere egnehenne correrrt VANDENBURGKC. Repon 6 (Post 820201A 93/08/16. RAY.MA Soutnam CaMomia K Generet _ ., Echson Co.3.10. 7656721-76567:0tZl. 9309030012 Comme a opposmg proposed nae 10CFR2 re revew of 10CFR2206 proc. -43DB290176 Mgt enseeng repts $4206/9S&4.50461/9$24 & $0362/SS24 on ess 93:T/29 Areas osouseactnew orga szehonW Struttre, status of uit 1.arW! 2 steam AXELRAD.M. Howenar' & Haftunger 93/06/27 CHILKSJ. Offee of the Secretary of generator tutse risp reedts & mmowW ci sanstormer easme vestraritt the Commt:acrt 11pg 76318-00176318 011. WONG.HJ. Repon 5 (Polit 820201) 93/05/13. 56pp. 75567:03a-76567:060. 9309290MG Forwres msp repts 50-206/9S19.50461/9>19 4 50362/93-19 on D. Operaung Scanoe stage ~ _&_ 5u062447*3 & m LER rewofwng mooerebbey or vnom sanom safety vehe m 1990 not _-nonce of vein 93D3200135 Portuit response to F06A roouest for documritLFormeros recoros si Aap t VANDENBURGH.C. 5 fpost 820201) 93/06/26. RAY.HA Souttom Calriamma when are wanneed partahy for tsaso reasons. Pef FOA exerrssbons 51 Eeson Co. apst 7'* 7E* i'i HARRIS.CA. of Freedom of WWormmon & Puhlawwis Sennons (Post 890205). 93/04/12. GtLINSKY.V. AfEhabon Not AsmyistL Spp. 7EE77:001-766110-366. -9309290189 Noace of vioiston from rap on930624 0728 Vahhrug note (toorroCINe accons for riopersbee men sleem sehrty valves were not =*==== m prevent MSSV -4201070151Prtesy witnhold attrmaton SECY se ptant Sun Scorse issue. trara riopensne ior tour any peruc BCKWITL Offre of the Genera! Cowmel (Post 860701). SECY-81621. 81/09/01. *Repon (Post $20201) 93/06/26.1p. 7s.a.reta-7mu.n von 2pp. 76679t105-766?St106. - 8201110277PytaBy snthnold Comrrasson fnesang SECY se atent Sus Sponte ensue.

                                                                                      -9 2 9290179 Imip ups N19.50J61W9 & $4362/93-19 on 93M24 BCKWIT.I. Othcm or sne General Ccnrisel (Post 860701). SECY 8142L 81/10/29.            0728 Volstons          m Mawr            areas     etpackt        W            sele 4
                                                                                                                 ' protoceort es:unty.swatusman et meant tras & everstk 15pp. h680$07-7EiG8026.                                                                           -

W"ONG.HJ. Repon $ (PoIt $20201). 93/08/24. 28pp. 76566.329-7aw '" -4201110292 Painfly withheld afirmaton SECY se drsit Corgmaman order on paent hua Spores asus. eineSantse NRC Info Noace 95061L *Rachoraphy Eve as at Opensmng Power Reac-BCKWrT.t Othoe of the General Cournal (Post 860701). SECY41-622A st/11/20. tork" 2pp. 76682037,76680 038- GRPA RX Dwegm of Cperamng Reactor Seport (Post 921004k 93/09/02 Cor> 9309010143 Sidsmrts reo re . ._ of Trarung Rule 10CFR50.120 tar kurenes R RaF* Soport (Post $21004193/06/2S Affi6 ryy,No stan Not Assegned.11pgL N Ah REESEJ.M Repan 6 (Ptst 820201k 93/09/02. RAY.HA Scwthem Caldomia Edson einsmnDS $@el 5 tD Genonc LR 89-10 to nucosar paare hoermees & CP holders se 56E125-76566% ARTLOWJ G. Drecstr tar g70a11193/06/28. Consokans. -3308290033 Insp repts $4206/91,25.54361/SS25 & $4362/SS25 on 93082S27.No ed Eason Co. of New York, eric. 7pgL 7&s09'001-7640t006. oissons or oevanons r we sa== r areas e-r's=+% process & effluent morn-9309290118 Forwyds opteEs of rWo to actwess et plurit & roouests that rdo to re- L Repon 6 (Post $20201) 93/09/0L Sust i vowed & response be premsed wenn 60 covt Encs wahheld set 10CFR2.790. 76565:128 76565:136. i PERKINS.KL Regan 6 (Post $202011 93/08/20. RAY,KS. $culham ColNorne Eason Co. 2pp. 76566278-76566$79. 9309290051Ach reassa of 930823 Itr rearmmg NgC ci steps taken to correct voustons l noten m snar repts 60 236/9511. 66461/93-11 & 50 3C2/93-11. 1 VANDENBJRG%C.A Regan S (Post 820201). 93/09/09. RAY.KB. SaiAhem Cahter. Q. Inspecuan reports. E Bubetins & correspondence rua Eeson Cck 3pp. 76566:192-7656520L 9307160033 NRC Info Notoe 93456,"Wouness in EOPs Found as Result et S3 Tute 93090702o6 NRC Into Nasce 93470. Dag maston of Barafles Neutron Absorber Cou-R.4sture." pans? GReAESAIC Dwman of Operstmg Reactor Soport (Post 921004) 93/07/2 Cork GRmESAK Dmmon of Opermirig Reactor Sursort (Post 921004L 93/09/10. Cork ochdatua Edson Co. el New Ycrt mL 11pgL 76499:302-76499212. erstenwa Eason Cct of New YortL. Inc. SpgL 76499253-76499:3C1. 9307190111NRC kdo Notce 91058. ^%-_ h LTOP tar PWRs." $309000104 NRC Ir.lo itstcm 93471. " Fro at Diamobyl Unit 2 GRIMES.EX Dween of Opermang Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/D7/26. Cork GR3hES.BX Dvmon of Operalrig Rescusr Suecort (Post 921004k 93/09/13. Con-ochdated Eeson Cck of peow Yett Wr ppp. 76447264 76447;272. 1***!m=! Eete C9 ff Starr Yet 8=/ 1W 'agnL'>resasnt> pip 9307200123NRC WWo holKs 95058. "ur== awi Cpenng of Both Doors b ArbeL* GREAES.BX Dvoon of Opersang Amar** Soport (Post 921004k 93/07/26. Con- 9300000343 NRC Info featon 93472. "Obserwahans From Reeera P%undoum Rask & i schos1ed Edson Co. of New Yor1L tc.10pp. 764477/3-76447.2B2. PliotTeam grups?  ! It DNison at Operahng Reactor Sissport (Post 9218, .. 93/09/14. Cor> scicebed Estaan Cak of New York. Inc. Opp. 76500:014 7650022.  ! 93,tr/260065 e Sgapi 12 NRC Butetn 91401. "Reportng Loss of CrtbeeBly Selety Cork BURNETT.R.F. Dwee3n el Fuel Chete Soloty & Salesmeros (poet 930207k 93/07/27. ] Consohdered Edison Co. of New York, ene. 23pp. 7640F009-7640D$31 g, pensche operesing soports & reented serveepondence 9307290112 NRC WWo Notco 95060. *'Repor1 rig Fuel Cycss & Maes Everes 93 NRC Operators Ctr." 9309150222 tA3nthly operseng rept kr Aug 1993 for SONGSounst 1.WI 930914 Br. BJRNETT.RF. Dwmon of Puel Cyoie Saterty & Satepards (post 930207k 93/08/04 RAARSKWA Southem Cottome Edmori Ctk 03/06/31. Document Corset Branch Cor=*=ted Ednan Co. of New York. anc. topp.764472tS76447292. (Docamers Cormat Dee64 7pp. 76454:165-76454:171, e nenirmin NRC kdo Notee 9SC61."Excesswo Reactor Cootart Lankage Follouang GRefES, pr" S. occunences, & related congoneance Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/06/09. Cor>

   ***awi Eeson Co. of New Yort. Inc.12pp. 7t.499213 76499224.

93D9190200 NPDES noncompience ricchcotorcon w*na ==== tem tormmg toom einenertw5 NRC BrWo Notas SS062. "T!wymal Seatte='r=1 of Water in BWR Reactor risowwer'lly r===wi t> Une 1 ywd cram surry trarn tout conoucancLYani Oam purnp vennetL" acaned & saatso w/approm 10 gesons of cotoommte0 erst Grin 4ES.BX Dwuon cd Operanne Reactor Emr*=t (Post 921006). 93/ptr10. Ccr> haARS&WA Southern Cabdomia Eemon OtL 93/uw/Olk Docarnent Contnol Branch ee= tan Edison Co. of New Yent ent 9pp. 7649!t325 76491t333. (Document Corset Dess4 3pgL 76452187-76452189.

j l 20 DOCKETEDITEMS DOCKET $0 213 MADDAM NECIC PLANT O. Inspeiction reports, IE Bunetms & correspondence F. %, mecacal. emergency & Gre prohcDon % 9309150241 Worms of bconse amend closeg SEP Tops IV,2 & forwards firs supportmg closure et open noms docussett at Has2am Neck ugt rreetmg 9309200183 Rev 24 to emergency paart FOA.B M. Northeast utomes Sennce Co. 93/07/19. CALVO.JA Regen 1 (Post S20201k 254). N5137-N51268. ] BUCH.W.H. Northeast f* mar Energy Co.93/08/31.13pp. 76501267 76501280, 9307160033 NRC Wo Notce 93456, " Weakness e EOPs Fourttt as Result of SG T6ee , 9309140278 Worms NRC that Rev 24 to emergency plan emplemnnted on930817.Rev Rupture." umsares achon evel fasen proeJct ta'nor taose to reflect changeL w OPEssAJ F. GRMES.BK Dusson of Operstng Reactor Or-t (Post 921004). 93/07/22. Cork Yankee Atome Power Co. OPEWS. E1rtneast UWees sokdated Edson Co. of New YorA anc.11pp. N99:302-N99.312. 93/09/07 Documera Contof Branen (Documern Conpol Desk) 1.3 76443.32F e 9307190131 NRC Info Nohos 93458, "Nonconservatam m LTOP to PWRs? GRWES.BK Dwison at OperabnD Reactor S@ port (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Con. g, g,,,,.g solidated Edson Co. o New YorA anc. 9pp. 76447:264 76447.272. 9307200123 NRC Info Notice SS059. " Unexpected Openng of Botn Doors in Antock." l 9309230075 Worms NRC of mgt chenpas wahm nuclear organaston effectne GRMES.BK Dansson of Operstmg Reactor Ewport (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Cork 9309:2.Renned estnoubon ksts for correspanoence from NRC enct schdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. 76447:27S76447;282.

OPEKAJf. Northeast Nuedeer Energy Co. OPES %).F. Northeast Jtikbes 93/09/14 I

( j Document Control Branch (Documera Control Desk).10pp. 76520.30476520.318. 930730006$ Suppt 1 to NRC Buheen 91401, "Reportmg Loss of Cntmakty Setety Con. I 4 trots." 1 E Opemung scenu empe documento & BUR j car.N,*ETT.RI. n=ted EdsonDuschCo.ofofFuel NewOrcle Safety YorA inc. & Safeguards 23pp. (Post 930207K 93/07/27, 76409 00km09-031. j 9306230ost Suppt s to Genene ur eSto to nucosar pient keneses & CP Idders m 9307290112 NRC Info Nobce 93 000, "Reporimg Fuel Cycle & Maus Events to NRC 3 maccuracy of motor. operated vene tha eraspment Operatens Ce." PARTLOWAG. Assooate Deector tor (Post 670411). 93/06/28. Consohost- BURNETT RS. Divmen of Fuel Cycle Salety & Saeeguards (Post 930207). 93/08/04. ed Edman Co. of New York,Inc. 7pp. 76409:001-N09-008. Conso6 dated Ecsson Co. of New York, enc. topp.764472s>76447:292.


9309030361 Forwards amend 162 to hconee DPR41 & SCArnend ownes TSs to r> menenenean NRC into Notoe DS061, "Excessne Reactor Cooiera Leenage Fonowng crease shuloown mergm Scron concentremon) m Modes 14 to comnneste for addl l reactety adood tir toran ch6uton overn due to tre 1seon to Seat Folkee m AC3' or RRP. clad opre. GRNES,8 K. Dmeen of Operetng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/09. Con- , WANGAB. Protect Drectorate M 93/08/25. OPEIVuf. r Yankee arm =nad Edison Co. of how YoriL anc. tapp. W99:313 76439-324. Atome Power Co. 3pp. 76306:331-76306250.

              -9303020363 Amend 162 to 6canas DPR41sevieng TSs to screene shutdown mergm                                                 "*          *                           *
  • i omron _..._ .; m Moons 14 to cornpensate for mais sencavny added by bcron GRMES.BX h cut Opwatng Reactor Support (Post 9*1004). 93/08/10. Con-
                  "ST* " $"                       I.4     Os/$ ep'*p;myms                                       goedsted Edson Co. of New YorA anc. 9pp. 76499.325-Me9.333.
              -930t, sJe6 Safety evhmt supportno ameno 162 to boense DPR41.                                 9300030274 NRC Wo Notoe 93 063. "ineroper Use of SoluWe weed                  Dem Mad."
,                          nu o           Reactor Reguteten, Oroctor (Post $70411k 93/06/25. 3pp-              GRNES.BK Divison or Opwenng Reactor Sw (Post 921004).                    /06/11. Cork    -i schdoted Edson Cck of New YortL anc. app.76400.334-W99.341.

r 9309150050 " Core XVm Stortup Physes Test Rept" W/930908 ar. 9M0000337MC ink Notco 93464, h Tweng & Piownbe h at N

                                                                            """**A'""'C           O*' 83# ~

f3 7 3 GRMES K. Devimon of OperetnB Ree::Bor Sgoort (Post 921004). 93/m/12. Cork  !

                                                                                                               *- Etheon Co. of New YortL enc.11pp. 76447:2e3.N47.303. -

9300140051 Forweros amend W to hoense DPR41 & SE. Amend rewmes TS to soliset staff positons & _ _ _ to TS m response to GL 90 06 se saamaan of 9amenc Senanan187 NRC Into Notce 93465. " Reactor Trips Caused tly Breaker Teetng W/

!                meues 70 & 94.                                                                                Fault Protecton Bypassed."

WANGAS. Propect Dractorage M 93/09/02- OPEKAJf. Connectcut Ya'ikee GRitESA K. Dumen of Operetng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/13. Cork Atome Power Co. 3pp. 7642200176422:019. ****=d Edson Co. of New YortL anc.11pp. 76447204-7t447:314 ,

             -930B140066 Amend 164 to hoarse DPR41 revieng TS to rotect staff poemons & en.                 9308100006 NRC trWo Notoe 93456 "Swachover to Hos. Leg inpocton Fosowing LOCA                 ,

provemems to TS m moporme to GL.-90 06 re secoluten of genene seeues 70 & 74. m PWRs." t

                 $TOLZAF. P opocs Drectorate i.e.93/09/02. 9pp. 76422 004-76422 012.                           GRlhESA K Dvimen ad Opereeng Remotor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Cork entdated Edson Cck of New York. Inc. 7pp. 76447315 M4732L                                  (
             -930e140000 Setety evskaton supportm0 ameno 164 to Econee DPR41.
  • Offre of f* *= Reactor Rogueston, Dractor (Post 87D411). 93/09/02, 7pp. 9300100Det NRC Info Notoe 93467. *Suretng of Ptgh Pressure Coolant inpocton 2 22013-76422 019. Steam Lme fhsieure Doce engres Plant Personnel" GRNES.B K. Dumon of Reactor Soport (Post 921004). 93/06/16. Con-i' 830914e061 Fonverds amend 163 to imenee DPR41 & SE.Ameras adds footnote to TS *alam*=1 Echeon Cct et New YortL tapp. 76447.322-M4733L 3.42.2 to allow tesexagon m presourner estety vehepomt toenrance to +3% used lor "es sound" acceptance antarmn for escs wasve eenaneneen Act secuest of 930610 roepense to Bidletn 95002.Inictms that noensee WAN4AB. Prosect Droc:torate M 93/09/02. KA,Jf. Connectcut Yankee f actons re buteen carnpsets Atome Power Co. OPEKA Jf. Ncr1heest Nucteer Energy Co. 3pp. 76421345- WANGAB. Deectorate M 93/08/19. OpfMAJf. Connectmut Yankee 76421.355. Atome Power OPEKAJf. Northeast Nucesar Energy Co. app. 76321241-78321:243.
             -930t140002 Amend 163 to bconee DPR41;edi6no footnote to TS 3.42.2 to atow vo-laxaton m pressurner selety vowe para tolerance to +3%eed for "as totmcr' ac.

330830018e NRC trigo Notoe BS0se. "Reitoraphy Events at Operetng Power Reac-oscannce STOLZJf. ProisetcremenDracsorate scr emis weeve M suo9teennp /02. epp. 76421$48-76421251 ma j GRNES.BK Duman of Operetng Reactor Soport (Post 921004). 93/09/C2. Cork sahanted Echeon Co. of New YortL Inc.11pp. 76499.342-N99.354. Ortoe Nacener Reactor Repdatort Drector (Post 870411k 93/09/02. epp. NRC Info N 93470. "Dogradegon of Scrates W Atmoquer Cou ' GRn4ES.BK Dwason of Operetnp Reactor Swoort (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Cork 930e160032 Forwaros peak ground ecooieraton & apectral wakms tar New England schemed Edecm Co.of New YortL anc. $pp. 76489:35>76e99.361. snes,per 830714 rocsameLAOvmes that stoft oevelopng NUREG rept wrech we euriime-rue ta***1903 LLE IWA" rier. ara tiork peWrrese 6ar NM SOBEd Cove Enprimermo & Gooecuences BrycfL 93/09/06. O'MMWT. vankee 93ser7eset =aa Sno09 mioon re enenpoments to enkow reisasktoston p 4 Atome Ewetnc CL 20pg 78446215-7644623L gram et pient & soeuests that semple plan /toet cultne for summs to tse admnetered tie hrnehacL 88 " '8 * * '* a edtes BETTENHAUSEN.L Repon 1 (Post a20201). 93/09/10. OPEKAJf. Connecteut

  • F8* 0 Yankee Atonic Nwer Cck app. 79543-153-78543:154.

P'"9"20'004 of e 'Com'piele"n Rept l hencemem Proyant i OFEKA,.lf. Cornectcul Yankee Atome Power Co. OPEKAJf. Nortneemt Nuc$es, 93 esse 0104 E No Nomoe 9>0715ee et Chemcw Unn E* 2  ! j Energy Co. OPEKA.Jf. Nortneset Utstes. 93/09/10.Documerit Consol Drurch (Doc. GRedES.S.K. Dueen of Opereeng Remeter Support (Posi 921004). 93/09/13. Con- l ument Consul Dean 10pp. 76468-Oe8 76466 097. sondmed Edson Co. of New YorA enc.1400. 7e60&00176500:013 : , I 9309210113 Forwards asks No to soport olomeout of SEP Tapes 114 & Ilt.4A so wind 930see0343 NRC trito tentes 93472. Oceervetens From Recent Shutdown Rek & ,

                & tomado loachnps & commoo n====== respecevely.                                                             . Pdot Team tustL"                                                              <

OPEKA,Jf. ConnachtaA Yankee Atome Power Co. OPEKAJf. Northeast Uliimes. GR . A Dumon of Operetng Rosetor Soport (Pots 321004L 93/09/14. Cork .

                                                                                                              =*a=** E9 eon Co. of New York, Inc. spg76500:014-79500 022.

93/09/14. Docurriera Corece Branch (Document Corarol Deskl. Spp. 76503.333 l 76s032si. 9300N0051 Formeros *1993 RefusinD SG Tme aner Rept? por TS 4,4.5.$(b). 930ppacM4 Forwards response to rechmet for aos No re 920706.1221. 930115 & STET 2.J.P. Connecacut Yankee Atome Co. 93/09/15. Document Cormal


4 Rept WCAP-10s33. De. Branch (Documore Consol Dook).1p. 70650225-78690200. 042.,3 or amarruttees rmton se G,L 82,s.1 et Coops Co r Re,vo-t1,mcaudng OPEKAJf DEBARBA.EA CornecacsA Yerese Atomic Power Cct OPEKAJf. _ 1 - *1993 Refuehng Outage SG Tube Insp Rept* t Noresnest Ubimet 93/09/1'. Document Control Branch (Document Control Domk). PRtTCHARD.R.W. Cannschaut Yankee Atome Poner Cct 93/09/16. 35pp.  ! i 15pp. 76570.223-76570249. 76550326 76550:300. j l


4. Penothe operatng reports & related correspondence 9309080161 Forwa'os reauest Scr accp mio re util 920922 submrttal of rept entitled.
                                                                                             "Piant ver.sel Mechancs Analysts for Upper Shelf Energy Regurement" 9309020055 "RadcactNe Eftnuents Resease Rept Jan June 1993." W/930830 Itr                  Ads ento snould te submined withm 30 cays of tir nicept CPEKA l.F. Connecteur Yankee Atome Power Cct OPERA.).F. Northeast Utames.                DROMERICK.AW. Propect Drectorate 6-4 93/08/23 BARTON,JJ General Putsc 93/06/30. 35pp. 76328.317 76328-352                                                      Utdmes Co*p. . GPU Senace Corp. 4pp. 76352.312-76351315 9309080126 Forwards semiannual fitness for dun performance cata for Jan June 1993.      9309090054 Forwa os safety evaluaten re mserace program rehef respests for pumps ROMBERG,W.D. Connecteut Yankee Atome Power Co. ROMBERG W.D. Nort% east                   & valvett Nemear Encegy Co. ROMBERG.W.D Ncrtneast Utsmes 93/06/31.Documem Control                  STOL1J F Proiect Drectorate 14 93/06/24. BARTONJJ Generaf Put*c Utdmes Brcnca (Document Control Desn).19:42 76398260-76398.078.                                 Curp. - GPU Sarnce Corp. 4pp 76389232-76389266.

9309210173 MontNy operatmg rept for Aug 1993 tar HNP.W/930915 ltr. BiGALBALM.E $TETZJ.P. Connectcut Yankee Atome Power Co. 93/06/31.10pp. 9309,090062SE re mnennce tesing program requests for rehef. 76511.273-76511 252. o tce W tvucisar Reactor Furgulabon, Drector (Post 870411). 93/08/24. 31pp. 76389.236-76389266. S. Reportutsee N LERs & related ""' 9309140346 Fonnards erwiron assessment & fedmg of no sgnifcam empact ce noensee 910722 request for hoense amend to tense TS 6.2.A 10 cnange current contamment 9309080097 Summary of opeestmg reactors events meetmg 93-25 on 930707.Artere. DR E W 34 02. RTONJJ General Putsc ace'irtcant elemems 014*= tad events & reactor scram staksnes for wt Utilitses Corp. . GPU Sennce Corp. 3pp. 76433.270 76433276. endng 930704 enct

                                          '      8                      E ' ' " ' 

(Po 004) 4 7 -9309140358Erwroru_. ; & Anckng of no servicant impact to proposed amend to rense TS 51A to change cunent comamment crywell pressure of 62 pe, to now 9309080292 LER 9341440 on 930604sressuttrer safety vahe setpomt dntt thscovered Oesgn pressure et 44 pseg ounng survedlance testng Cause unemown. Valves readpassed & satutactonly DROMERICKAW. Propect Derectorate M.93/09/02. 4pp. m33273 764" 276. tested W/930902 Itr MQRINO.M.F., STETZ).P. Connocacut Yankee Atome Power Co. 93/09/02. 5pp. 9309140113Prendes response to request for sodi Info re Rev 1 to GL 92 t, "Reactae 76430292-7643C:097, vessel Structural mtegrity? KEATEN.R.W. General P@he utsties Corp. - GPU Serwce Corp 93/09/07. Docurnerit 9309150056 LER 9341540:on 930816.oetemuned that pronously dmcovered arosen/ Control Branch (Documere Control DesA).14pp. 76437:276 76437:291. i ctLvosson m SW 6frer tioussng cegrassa to moperatWe conds m due to raw twer water l mteracnon w/ carton steet Fdters mspected & repered.W/930939 ftr. 93o9170036 Informs that en accordance w/Commisason poicy approved & est forth m CMSJ3A.R.W.. STETZJ.P. Carmecheut Yankee Atoms Power Co. 93/09/09. 500 SECY 93137,utd planruno to utdtze porten of plant ,6.. - .v tunos for near-76469:004 76469:006. term desenanning & deposal of smapmera from old raowasis tdog at pearit BARTONJJ General Pdde Utdrnes Corp. . GPU Sennce Corp.93/09/10. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 76472290-76472292. 9309160171 Semits results & concLacns of opershonal safeguards response evakaa-930B270002 ha*=s 930909telcon se arrangements to evaluate requaltfcaton prc> ton at plant from 93071215.W/o enct gram at plant & roguests that sampie plan / test outime for exarre to De somrustered VARGA.SA Dnnsen of Reactor Pro,ects .1/11 (Pos' 870411). 93/09/13.BARTONJA be Arrushed. General Pubbc Utdmes Corgt . GPU Sennoe Corp. app.76480 221-

  • 80:224.

GETTENHAUSEN.L Repon 1 (Post 820201L 93/09/10. OPEKAAF. Connectcut Yankee Atomc Power Co. 2pp. 76543-153-76543:154. 9309160207 Forwsds amend 165 to hcense DPR-16 & sately evaluatert. Amend re-vues TS 5.2A & tuunns crangm0 contamment crywell design pressure. W. Propecs dreIctorate M. ff>09/13 BARTONJJ. General Putsc DOCKET $0 219 OYSTER CREEK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT DROMERICKA. UWrties Corp. GPU Service Corp. 4m 7647k323-7H70-342 F. Securtty, ened6 cal, emer9enry & Gro protecton plans -9309160210 Amend 165 to bcense DPR-16.renamg TS 51A & bases to change cur-rem contarnment cesgn pressure 9309150275 Forwards EP map rent 50-219/9314 on 93080245.Corcems expressed te STOLZJ.F. Propect M. 93/0S/16. Opp. 76470227-76470-334. siowness to declare unusual event during 920505torest fre.Adesatto correcDwe so-1Boris takeft 4309160212 Safety evaluabon supporting amend 165 to boerne DPR-16 JOYNERJM 1 (Post $20201). 93/09/03. BARTONJJ. General Putsc Uh4

  • Othee of Nucsear Reactor Regulanon. Drector (Post 870411). 93/09/13. 6pp tes Corp. . GPU Corp. 3pp. 76452169 76452:181. WT0235-N70240.
  -9309150279 EP msp rest $4219/93-14 ori 93083245.Concems reiect Maior areas            -9309160220 Nobes of asuance of Amend 165 to facility OL DPR.16.

manecinctEPIP.acucmentJnspumertaDon & supphet DROMERICKAW. Protect Dractorate M.93/09/13. 2pp. N70-341-76470.341 LQUGHUN.FJ., MCCABE.E. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/02. topp. 764S2-172-W52181- 9309220101 Notificsson of931020meetng w/uts en Rocinnha.MD to **mem status of

  $309210166 Forwards esp vuoi 50 219/93-19 on 930616-20 & nonce of violatort DR        R       W. Prosect Dractorate Hi1. 93/09/1Eu STOL2J.F. Protect Drectorate JOYNERJH. R            1 (Post $20201). 93/09/10. BARTONJJ. General Puthe Utib.         HW 3pp. 76513252-76513254 bes Corp. . GPU           Corp. 3pp. 76476:183-76476-197.
  -9309210172'-Inno rept 50 219/9319 on 930816 20Votanons notecLhangor areas             93D9230129 km $33814 response to GL 9244 & NRC taman 9343 re 6

c:al envron morutarmg proyam & menoorotopcal monrtonn0 pro, ton of assues re raector vessel woner level anscurrematon en BWRLUld resporne to GL unacceptable. Subi matrumentamon should be mocMino skmng next outage. NUCXMEYER.R., BORES.RJ. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/09. 100p. PARTLOWJ.G. Assocante Drector for Proemets (Post 870411). 93/09/20. 76476:1BakW76.197 BARTONJJ. General Putsc Uterbes Corp. . GPU Service Corp apst 76524 251-76524 254. M. General corresponcience $309290143 Informs cif . _ ._ r of four Eastam European Sovt riuclear remda-tory tedes Region 1 for sammg as nucmar power mdustry regulator & tsts 9309070352 Advoes NRC of Changes recently made m plant re enmmal history checlJ names.countnes bsage marribers of guestL l fmgerpnnt authcreatons. MTSCARJA Regen 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/22. BARTONJJ. General PLhic Uts- ! LONG.R.L General Pdhe Utibbes Corp. . GPU Sennoe Corp. 93/08/25. Documerit tes Corp. . GPU Servce Corp. 3pp. 76551273 76552:275. Control Branch (Documem Comrol Deskt 3pp. 76394220 76394222. 9309290339anforms that uti! wel make venctor vessel water level snstrumematon mod dunno psarmed outage actieduled to bepn m Sept 1994;n accordarce w/GL 9244 & L Financial triformation reauests NRC concurrenos. i LOM2.R.L General Pubic Utimes Corp. . GPU Sennce Corp. 93/09/22. Document 833173036 nr4rars Uddi in &wurdiertJs w/Curisontaion poing gppetMho & 6et torth m Canbul Gia. life (Omadriur4 Corslidi Deisk). Epp itiikib.346-reeuio24ik ! SECY 93-137.utit planrang to unkzo pornon of piam oecommessoreng turids for near-t term esmanting & deposai or ocasament tram oid reewane tsag at piam. i BARTONJJ. General Puhic Utdmes Corp . GPU Sennae Corp.93/09/10. Document Q. Inspect 6en reports E Subettne & . _ Coritrol Brarch (Documem Coritral Deskt 3pp. 76472.290.*72291 9307160C33 NRC Into Nobce 93456. "Westmess m EOPs Feind as Result of SG Tube _ & consepondence R ' Opereung Scense state _- G .B.K. Dnnsen of Operetng Reactor Support (post 971004). 93/07/22. Con. 930920D135 Partal response to FOiA reouest for documentLForwards records e App L whsch are wrthneaa partahy for hstec reasorm.(rer FCNA exemptons $1 9307190131NRC Info Notce 93458. 440nconservatem m LTOP tar PWRs" 6660 O ' 9 104/11 GIUNSKY v fdoon W Now inc. 7 264744 71

  -9309220257 Parbaay enthheid info SECY that siforms Commasen of Appent Board esemen                                                                               9307200123 NRC Info Notco 93-059.* Unexpected Openm0 of Both Doors m Autock."

FIT 2GERALDJA Ottee of the Genera! Counsel (Post 960701). SECY.81394. 81/ GRIMES.BK Dansen of Operstmg Reactor $@ port (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Con-E3/26. 2pp. 7t:678288-76678.300. sohdated Edson Co. of how York. anc.1056L 76447273-76447282. 9306230099 Suppl 6 to Genenc Ltr 9910 to nucenar plant iconeses & CP ticklers re 9307260065 Suppt 1 to NRC Bullete 91401. "Reportmg Loss of Crticality Satefy Con. as: curacy of motor.cpesied vahe ocasament vois - PARTLOWJG. A== mate Drector for (Post 870411). 93/06/28.Connohdut- BURNETT.R.F. Onnsen of Fuel Cycle Satety & Safeguartes (Post 93C.207). 93/07/27. ed Edison Co. of New York. anc. 7pp. 76409 00176409008 Consolidated Edman Co. of New Yoi16, Inc. 23pp. 76439 00lk76409-031. I

-. . . --. . _ - - - - -. - ,. .-. . ~ - _ _ _ + - 22 DOCKETEDITEMS 9307290112 NRC Into Notce 93 060. "Reparang Fuel Cycle & Matts Events to NRC 9309280403 Reesests worang mestrig at Cyster Creek Nuclear Generstmg Staten ce Operabons Ctr " 930917 at 10 00 to escims process & ..e.ny.a untees to calerate envven rad > BJRNETT.R F. Duson of Fuel Cycle Safety & Safeguares (Post 930207) 93/08/04 e60ccal marvtors.per recent Regor>Laseo msp. Coriseldated Eeson Co. ol New tork. tre.10pp. 7644728176447292. SAATONJJ Generar Pubic Ububes Corp - GPU Serum Corp. 93/09/10 uARTIN.T.T. Regen 1 (Post 82020n 1p. 76590232-76590332.


9308030200NRC Into tdotee 93M1. "Excesswe Reactor Cootrit Leasunge Fonowmg 4 Sea) Fadure m RCP or RRP

  • 9309000104NRC Wo Notee 93 071,"Fre at Chemoovl Unit 2"  !

GRIMES B K Dmson et Operstmo Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08109. Co* GRiuES.B K. Deson of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004I 93/09/13 Con- l so6 dated Eeson Co of New York. Irc.12pp. 76499.313 76499224. sch:tated Eckson Co. of New York. Mc.14pp 76500 001-76500:013. 9108030245 NRC Ho Notee 93 062.

  • Thermal Strabfcaton of Water et BWR Reactor 9309210050 Forwarcs esp rept $4219/9311 on 930629 0809 & NOV GRIMES.B.K Dmson of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004), 93/08/10. Cor* BLOUGHAR Regen 1 (Post 820201193/09/13. BARTON.JJ Gene *al Puble Uhl>

schoated E$sen Co of New York, me. 9pp 76499 325-76499 333. Des Corp GPU Servee Corp. 3pp. 76475.278 76475.304 9308030274NRC into Notee 93 063. 9mproper Use of Soluble Weld Purge Dam MatL* - 9309210052 Notce of volaton from msp on 930629 0809 volaton noted ort GRIMES.B K Dmson of Operaturg Reactor Support (Post 921004) 93/08/11. Con. 930709.NRC soenDfied condmon adverse to cuahty that had emsted smce 920709 soldated Esson Co. of New York. Irc 8pp. 76499.334-76499 381.

  • Regon 1 (Post 820201t 93/09/13.1p 76475.281-76475281.

O,, ,0g 9344,7enoec Testmg & Pwentwe M of Moced - 9309210055Insp rent 60 219/93-11 on 9306294809.No weistons noted Major areas GRIMES.B K Dusson of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/12 Cork sonsalad Edrson CO of New York, m:;.11pp. 76447293-76447;303 %E Post 02 3 . 53 6475 282-76475 2 04. l 9308090187NRC into twobce 93 065. " Reactor Tnps r=~d ty Breaker Testmg n/ 9309090243 NRC into Nonce 93472, "Otsevatorts Ffem Recent Shutgown Resk & 4 Fauft Protecten Bvoassed." Outace Mgt Poot Team msps." GRtMES.Bx Dmson of Operstng Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/08/13 Corw GRIMES.B K. Omson of Operaung Reactor Support (post 921004). 93/09/14. Cork i schaated Edison Co. of New York. tna #1pp. 76447.304-76447.314. soldated Esson Cn of New York, arc 8pp. 76500$14-76500$22 9308100006aNRC Wo Notre 93466, "Switchover to Hot-Leg inpeeten Followng LOCA g3ag210011 Forwards rew.sabicaton exam rept 54219/95170L admsmstered durmg l m PWRs wk of 930809.All mixteen hcensed operators passed recushfcaton exam. 5 GRIMES.B K Dmson of Operatrng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Con- BETTENHAUSENL Regen 1 (Post 820201L 93/09/15. BARTONJJ General Put*c  : sohcated Echson Co. of New York, mc. 7pp. 76447:315-76447.321. Utdmes Corp - GPU Servce Corp. 3pp. 76475:058-76475 075.  ! 9308100248 NRC Wo Notoe 93467. "Bursung of High Pressure Coolant insecten - 9309210013 Exam rupt 54219/93170L on 93081G12. Exam results-an 16 Iransed Steam Lme Rupture Dscs innres Plant Personnet- , operators passed as portons of exam that was monumstered & all tnme crews pw-GRtMES.B.K. Duson of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Con-sohdated Echsen Co. of New vortt mc.13pp. 76447:322 76447:335. tormed saustacionly m smiutatm. . WALKER.T.E., CONTE.RJ. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/14.14pp. 76475961-  ? 9309010120 Forwards response to roguest for addl mto re ISI prtyarn. W/so oversue 76475275. I enci BARTONJJ General Pubic Unimes Corp. . GPU Servce Corp.93/08/23. Document 93092100e8 Contrms 930927-1001 & 931012-15 dates for OSTI at piant & mforms of I Control Branen (Document Coreal Desa).150pp. 76434:001-76434:193. mgt entrance mesang on 930927 at piant I BLOUGM.A.R. Repon 1 (Post $20201L 93/09/15, BARTONJJ General Pubic Ubir 930e03co37 Porwaras mso rept 50 219/9312 on 930706 09.No votatons noted. has Corp. GPU Servue Corp. 3pp 76475:354-76475:356.  ! DURRJP. Repon BARTONJJ General Psic Utstbes  : Corp. . GPU Senna 1 (Post 820201). 93/08/26 Corp. 2pp. 76362.274-763st281. I 9309230129 >= 930614 response e GL 9244 & NRC buhrren SS03 re e ton of sasues re reactor vessel waw NNel ms1mmentaten en WW response e

          -9309nm89 msp rept 54219/9112 on 93070609.No inolabor's notock Mapor areas gothoensee progress e mcorporunng EQ componert mio mto GMS2 computer                            kgT ['                  "8'**"cto"r Dire                        Post 8      1    93/09/20.

P a Genral ubhc W$es Corp. . W Senace Corg 4m M5242-INO.RJ, RULAND.W.H. Repon 1 (Post 820201). 93/08/26. 6pp. 76362.276- , ,

          $309130042 Forwares insp Rept 50219/9116 on 93072630 of erocon/ corroson                       9309240277 Responds to NRO violabon & imposacn of Cui Penalty a msp root 50 219/9347.Correcove acnons:rockares decontammaton a::tMties De planned througti            .

monrtonng program.per GL 8948. Program DURRJ P. Repon 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/01 & p'.ooram smplenustaten geriorapy pocyt.fsARTONJJ General work mgt sys. Pubhc Utsees Corp. GPU Senace Corp. 2pp. 76443 040-76443047 BART J. General Pubic Ubkhes Corp - GPU Sennce Corp.93/09/20. Ote of Er> torcement (Post 870413). topp. 7655028676550295.

          -9309130044 insp Rept 50w219/9S16 on 930726-30 Maar areas mapectact eroson/

corroman msp program.per GL 39 08. Program & propam empsomentaton generaty L goocL5taff responstwo for program Oevelopment & ... . _ . ., cualified. R. Portadec opereung reports & reisted correspenstence MCBRE. ARTY,RA, GRAY,E.H. Regon 1 (Post 820201) 93/08/27. 5pp. 76443 042-

  • 76443 947 930000011s " Oyster Creek Nuclear Staten 1993-1 Semiannual Efflueest Rept." W/

930826019e NRC Wo Notoe 93069. "Rachoyaphy Events at Cperetng Power Reae. 930827 tir. tors." BARTONJJ General Pubic Utihties Corp. . GPU Servce Corp. 93/06/30. 32pp. GRIMES.B K. Deson of Operatmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/02. Cork 76386:318-76388:349. sakssted Echson Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. 76499342-76499 352.

  • crwants kness W duw senuarmual rept h 1993 mr TWOysm 930915e276 Forwards EP msp rept50-219/9314 on 93080245.Concems expressed te 2 codam unusual W dunng 920505 mrest keAdeckaw conectve ac- LONGk. General Utiletses Corp. . GPU Servce Corp 93/08/27. Documern
            ,ong gg n.

Control Branch (Docurrent Control Desk).12pp. 76362282-76362293. JOYNERJH Recpon 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/03. BARTONJJ. Generai Pubhc Ute-bes Corp. GPU Senace Ccrp. 3pp 76452169-76452181. 9300050367ForwarOs summary of chenpas e sys & prenes descrtped m SAR tor

          -93o9150279 EP mso rept SS219/93-14 on 93080205.Concoms notect Mapr aeas                          pered Jan 1992. War 1993.per 10CFR50.59(bt snspected.EPIP.ecruernent.mstrumentaten & supphus                                               BARTONJJ. General Pubic Ubbtes Corp. . GPU Service Corp.93/08/31. Document LAUGHLfNSJ., MCCABE.E. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/02.10pp. 76452172                           Control Brancri (Docurnent Corseal Desk). 40pp. 76398.12476398:165.

76452 181. 9309070206 NRC into Notce 93 070. "Degracanon of Borafion Neueon Abscrtir h m"""Ih'Fy operstmg rept he Aug 1993 for Orsier Creek Nuclear Generatng

                                                                                                             ' A'l      OOLEYid--         rNJA OEae44; P*iic Ubbhs Corp. 4 GFV Samsw %

GRIMLSh b of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Cork 93/06/31'. 7pp. 76452:353 76452359 solcated Eckson Co. of New Yont Inc. 9pp. 76499'353-76499:361. 9309170009 Forwards results of recuakficaton exams adnurustred on 93081012. ark E Operumr E_.._ > cluthng summary sheets.Itrs sent to operators particepsang m exam & mdutbal rocus. khcaban exam verts W/o onces.

                                                                                    . ener 1Pelic        9300170033 Forwards results of reouabfcaton exams admmanrad on 93081412p>

h Corp ' Corp p 7 72- - ciuding summary sheets.It's sent to operators partcepanng m esam & anduoua' recua. , 9309210166 Forwards map rept 50-219/9S19 on 930816 20 & ronce at e JOYNERlH Regon 1 (Post 820201). 93'09/10. BARTONJJ Genera: Pubic Utab-N S$*R (Post 820201193/09/10.KOWALSIG J. General Pubic  ; Wilies Corps GPU SevKm Corp.10. 76472-30676472h ties Corp. . GPU 6ennae Corp. 3pg 76476183-76476.197. [ 9309210011 Forwards sockahfeston exam sept 54219/91170L admnstered cunng I

          -9303210169 Nobce of volaton trom inso on 930816-2CVolshon roted as of                             se of 930809Ali acGeen loe' Moo oprators maad em**Wei exam.

own m.=ar- -==== measures wre not estabhshed to assure adecNate Quakty was suitappy meluoso e cooumonts for procuremerW of eves. BET'ENHAUSEN.L Repon 1 (Post 820201193/09/15 BAR70NJJ Genral Pubhc Uhlites Corp. . GPU Sennce Corp. 3pp. 76475$58-76475$75.

  • Regon 1 (Post $20201). 93/09/10. 2pp. 76476:186 76476:187. ,
          -9305210172 insp rept 50w219/9319 on 93081&20.Wolatons notedMact reas                           -9309210D13 Exam rept 50'219/93170L on 93081012. Exam results:all 16 heensed                i

nspectoctrachoopcal enveen mondanng progra n & . '. . H monnonng pro- operators pneemre as portons of exam that was admrussered & an Ihree crews per-Orarrt formed satstactoney en aamulator. STRUCKMEYER.R BORES 4.J. Repon 1 (Post 8202C1). 93/09/09. 10pp. WALKER.T.E., CDNTE.RJ Repon 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/14.14pp. 76475061-  ; 76476 188-76476:197 76475-075. 4 1 r f

1 DOCKETEDITEMS 23 DDCKET 54220 NINE MILE POINT NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 1 9308030200 NRC Info tvotce 93-001 'Escessive Reactor Cooant Laakage Followng Seal FaAre m RCP rw RRP? GRIMES.8 K Duson o8 Ope atmg Reactor Suoport (Post 921004L 93/06/09. Cork F. Security medacal emergency & fire protecten plans solcatec Edson Co. of New YonL. mC.12DP. N99.313-N99.324-9308030245NRC Into Notce 93-062. "Themsi Stratifcaten of Water m BWR Reactor  ! 9309020266 Revned approval paces for Rev 0 to EPIPs mersknD EPip.EPP.01.EPip. E PP.02.EPfP-EPP-03.E PIP-E PP-04.EPiP-SPP.05, EPIP.EPP 06.EPip.EPP-07.EPIP. Ves&85 I EPF-08.EPIP.EPP-09.EPIP-EPP-10. EPip EPP-11.EPIP-EPP 12 & EPIP EPP-14.W/ GRIMES.B K. Dnt: son of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/10. Con-930825 far sohdated Edson Co. of New York. me. 999. N99.325.N99.333. DAHLBERGEA. Nagara Mohawlt Power Corp. 93/08/25. 28pp 7G45324-76345.351. 9308D30274 NRC Info Nobce 93 063. " improper Use of Soluble Weto hu'ge Dam Ma!!." GRIMES.BX Dmson of Operstmg Reactor Seport (Post 921004L 93/08/11. Con-9309300169 Revised EPIPs.mcludmg Rev 1 to EPIP-EPP-01. "Classifcanon of Emer- solcated Edson Co. of New York. anc. 800. N99.334-N99.341. Cor@ters.Unn 1" & Rev 1 to EPIP.EPP 02. "Classdcaton of Emergency Unit 2? W/930924 Hr. 9308060237 NRC Into Notre 93 064. "Penods Tesang & Preventwe Mamt of Moloed SYLVIA.E R. Nagara Mohawk Power Co'p. 93/0D/24. 80pp. 76616270-76616:349. Case Cecuit B'eanem? GRIMES BX Dmson of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post $21004L 93/08/12. Cork sohdated Esson Co. of New York. anc.11pp. 76447293-76447.3C3. K General _. ., 9308090187 NRC Into Noace 93 065. " Reactor inps Caused by Breaker Testng W/ 9309030095 proposed rule 10CFR2 re revew of 2.206 process. Fault Protecton Bypassect" Comment WETTERHAMN.MJ. supportfStr.wn.93/08/31.CHILK.SJ. Offce of the Secreta y Weston GRIMES.BX Dmson of Operstmg Reactor Support (post 921004). 93/08/13. Cork of the Commason. 9pp. 76318-055 76318t63 schoated Edson Co. of New Yort. Inc.11pp. N47.304 76447:314. 9308100006NRC Info t otice 93-066. *Switchover to Hot-Leg infecton Followmg LOCA cense stage - _- & ~ -~ GR .BX Dmson of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Con-soldated Esson Co. of New York, Inc. 7pp. 76447-315-76447.321. C306230099 Suppl 5 to Genenc Ltr 8910 to nucisar plant Icensees & CP teiders re > mamacy of motor-operated valve $a etisment. g308100248 NRC Info Notce 93 067. "Burstmg of High Pressure Coolant Inpacten l PAPTLOWJ.G Assocate Drector for (post 870411). 93/06/28.Corrwear. Steam Leie Rupture Ducs Innes Plant Personnel? ed Edson Co. el New York. Inc. 7pp. 76409t01-76409:006. GRIMES.BX Dmson of Operstmp Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93'08/16. Co'> 9309000364 Forwards request for addi info in order to conanue review of utt 910514 " "" "** '""~ reouest to reduce concensanon oscilianon tomos a Une 1 torutResponse requested 26 wimm 30 cays of Itr receipt 9308,g g 0198 NRC Into Nobce 93469. "Raeography Events at Operatng Power Reso-BRINKMAN.D.S. Proesct Drectorate 61. 93/08/26. SYLVIA.B.R. Nagara Mohawk GRIMES.BX Dmson of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/09/02. Cork Power Corp. 6pp. 76388t21-76388t26. sohdated Esson Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. N99-342-N99.352. U 9309070206NRC Info Nonce 93 070. "Degradaban of Barafwa Neutron Atmorber Cou. 1 1 & to"" ES.BX Duson of Operatog Reactor h-t (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Con-Coneos Desk 7636 05 G367 sohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 99p. 76499-353 76499.361.

 -9309070162 Rev 12 to "ODCM "                                                          9 2 9170098 Forwards Svc Water Sys Operaw Pedormance inso Repts N/93-DAHLBERG.KA. TERRY.C.D. Nagara Mohawk Power Corp. 93/06/30. 150pp-                     80 & 50-810/93-80 on 930616 0716.No violatens noted.inr,p assessed adequacy of 76367$77-76367:191.                                                                    actons e response to Genanc Lt 8S13.

9309070168 Rev 11 to "ODCMy HODGES.M.W. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/10. SYLv1A.BA Naagara Mohawk DAHLBERGXA TERRY.C.D. Nagara Mohawk Power Corp. 93/03/31. 150pp. Power Corp. 3pp. 7e,471:146.N71216.

                                                                                        -9309170091Insp septs 50 220/93 80 & $0 410/9340 on 93061618.0626.C702 & 12-9309140142 Informs that ubi updated NRC mm r.mir=4=han based on intest NUREG.             16.No velatons noted. Major areas mspected; programs developed m response to Go-1307 escalaton tactors.per conversatort Anbcpates ensbng level to contmue urag         none Lir 8411 new esectnc rate tevels estabbshed m 1995.                                             PRMDY.LA EAPEN.P K. Amoion 1 (Post 820201). 93/08/30. sapp. 76471:149 PISCUELLLP. Negara Mohawk Power Corp. 93/09/08. WOODS,R. NRC - No De-                  7647121tL j

tailed Affneton Grvert 1p. 76441:187-76441:187. , 9309140272 Forwards response to NRC930722 RAI es:Iressmg utt 921217 submetal GRIMES.BX Desen of Operstng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Con-tar Svc Level A & B toadngs & ubt 930226 submittal for Svc Level C & D loadmgs.m schostsc Esson Co. of New Yo k. anc.14pp. 76500:00176500213. ref to GL 9241 " Reactor vessel ? hahan m Central Files. SYLVIA.BA Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. 93/09/08. Document Control Branch 9309090243 NRC Who Nobce 93472. "Observanons From Recortt Shutdown Rak & . { Document Control Desk).1p. 7643620176436238. Outage Mgt Psot Team insps? l GRIMES.BX Desen of Operanng Reactor tearvt (Post 921004). 93/09/14. Con- I

 -9309140275 "Elaste Plaste Fracture Mechancs Assessment Nme Mme Pomt.Una                  sohdated Esson Co. of New Yort. anc. Opp. 76500$14-76500022-

! 1 Aesponse to NRC RAl" re GL 92 01.

  • Nagara Mohawk Power Corp. 93/08/31. 37pp. 76436 002-76436238. 9309210026 Forwards insp repts $M20/9315 & $0 410/93-15 on 930719-23.Ade-ouste steps taken to asswa correebve & prevereve maaswes to enhance fetabsiny of 9309150024 Noticaten of 930923 meetmg w/uts e RocArville.MD to escuss cuwit g staten offsne power swiply sourcet cenumg usues. DURRJ.P. Regon 1 (Post 82C201). 93/09/16. SYLVlA.BA Nagara Moreek Power j MENNiNGJ.E. Propect Directorate 11. 93/09/10.CAPRA.RA Protect Dructorate 81. Corp. 3pp. 76475:120-76475.134.

4pp. 76442214-76442217.

                                                                                        -9309210030Wuso repts SO.220/9M5 & 50 s10/9315 on 930719-23.No votators or 9309300024 Forwards vetyped TS & bases pages tar amend 142 & revned correlatons           opvators rotecLMamr areas mspectactortsne power suppsy sources for psa a & to tor flow based scram & rod block funcnons for ameno 143 to loanne DPR.63.              review ht1msees correctwo acten on previounty scentifed mso Imdngt SYLVIABA Nagara Mohawk Power Corp. 93/09/24. Docurnent Control Brarch                  BHATIA.R., RULAND.W. Region 1 (Post $20201). 93/09/16.12pp. 76475123-

{ Document Consol Desk). 2pp. 76626264-76626269. 76475:134.

 -9309300029 Proposed nach spectrevismg correlatons for Son biased scram & fod bioc* turictonL                                                                     R. Periodic cPereting reports & related -               -
  • Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. 93/09/24. 4pp. 76626266 ?6626269.

6AfteP0ibu Forwards *Nme We Pomt Nummar htston U ' rut i Semannual $taccacDve Effluent helease Rept JaewJune 1993" & Rev 11 & 12 to "ODCM? O. Inspectlan reports,IE Bullespis & - TERRY.C.D. Nagara Mohawk Power Corp. fV08/27. Document Control Branch (Documom Control Desk) ip. 76367:051-76367:303. 9307160033 NRC Info Nobce 93-056 " Weakness m EOPs Foteid as Result of SG Tdae Rupture." -9309070161 "Nme Mile Pont Nutsmar Stahan Urut 1 Somennual Raeonctwe Efftuera GRIMES.BK Desen of Opeestmg Reactor S@ port (Post 921004). 93/07/22. Cor* Release Root Jan.Jime 1993? schomet' Edison Co of New York. anc.11pp. 76499:302-76499:312,

  • Nagara Mohawk Power Corp. 93/06/30. 2500. 76367052-76367:076. .

1 9307190131NRC Into Notee 93 056. h . _ _. m LTOP for PWR&* -9309070162 Rev 12 ts "ODCM? GRIMES.BK Deson of Operstmg Reactor S@pcvt (Post 921004 93/07/26. Cork DAHLBERG.KA. TERRY C.D. Nagara Mohawk Power Corp. 93/06/30. 150pp. nohdated Edson Co of New York. anc. 9pp. 76447264-76447:272. 76367277-76367:191. 9307200123NRC Into Notoe 93 059. " Unexpected Openmg of Both Doors in Aetock." -9309070169 Rev 11 to "ODCM? GRIMES.BK Dusen of Operatng Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Corw DAHLBERG.KA, TERRY,C.D. Nagara Mohawk Power Co p. 93/03/31. 150po. CDhdatec E$ son Co. of New York, arc 10pp. 76447.273-76447282. 76367:192-76367:303. 9307260065 $@pi 1 to NRC Bulletm 91001. "Reportmg Loss of Cntcality Safety Cork 9 2 9200211 coerstng rept for Aug 1993 for NMPNS.unn 1.W/ 930909 tel tross " COLEMAN D.E LBERG.KA Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. 93/06/31. $pp. BURNETT.R.F. Dmson of Fuel Cycle Satety & Sateguards (Poet 930207). 93/07/27 76501:346-76601:350. Consolcsated E& son Co. of New York. Inc.23@. 7640fr009-76409231. 9309200126 Siemrts sa month torus wat ultrasonc test results for set havs w/ average 9307290112 NRC Into Notoe 93460. "Repor1mg Fuel Cycle & Matis Events to NRC wall thicemesses closets to 0.447 each mm was thc* ness.Advmes that based on enci Opwanors Cir? maamrements.UnN 1 torus m conformance w/NRC SE reousements of 850122. BURNETT.R.F. Orvmen of Fuel Cycse Safety & Sateguares (Post 930207). 93/08/04. TERRY.C.D. Negara Mohawk Power uirp. 93/09/22. Document Control Branch Consondated Edson Co. of fww York. Inc.10pp. 76447253 76447292. (Documera Contros Desk). 3pp. 76686.85&76588 360.

t J 24 DOCKETED ITEU.S DOCKET 54223 UNfV. OF LOWELL pru ARCH REACTOR -9309220078 Rev 2 te -'Dressen Staten 3rd interval IST Plan." Sections 2.13 & 14.pages 21.13-1 to 13-s & 1440.respecDvesy.

  • Commonwearth Esson Co.93/09/10. 600 76517.321-76517.326 9309170177Notif canon of930923 meetng w/utd m Roc 6.&.MD to cbscuss util BWR 9309330031 "Operanng Rept For Urwv of MA towen Reactor for Jul 1992 - June 1993." saiery anaivsm topoal repts to be submated ter stan rev iw as part of uid venoor m-W930827 fir cepencence prcgram & renew scheoute KEGELG Massachusetts. Uruv. of. Lowet. O (formetty Lowell. Uruv. ott 93/06/30 SiEGEL.BL Proect Drectorate HL2. 93/09/13. DYER.JL Protect Drectorate HL2.

12pp. 76342.346-76342.357. 7pp. 76461.249-W61255. 9309230189 Apphcaban for amends to bcennes DPR-19.DPR 25.DPR.29 & 50 237 DRESDEN NUCLEAR POWER STATION. UNf7 2 ettorts to upgrace TS Secten 3/ 4.7 "Contarnment Sys." per 10CF 50.92tcl10CFR5121 & GL 87 09. PIET.PL Commonwealth Edson Co. 93/09/17 MURLEY.TE Offce of Nuclear Re. F. Security, medical emergency & tire protection plans actor Reputanon, Deector (Post 670411). 2?pp. 76547:08576547:194 9309010176 Rev 7 to EPIP 040D.01. " Plant Assembly & Accountav 4." correctng as- -9309230205 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.7. "Contamment Svs " sembry area assgnments & aseng rvio re use of assamtW area stsreacer

  • Commonwealth Edson Co.93/09/17. 82pp. 76547.112-76547.194.
  • Commonwealth Eamon Co.93/08/25. 27pp. 76318192-76318.218.

9309240081 Apphcaban for amords to hcenses DPR-19.DPR-25.DPR-29 & Rev 70 to " Commonwealth Eckson Co Nacaear Generanna 51ston Eme'- feecena efforts to upgrace TS secton 3 6/4 6. "Prwr.ory Sys Sounoary" por

encY Pan (GSEPI 10CM50.90 F ARRAR.D. Commonweafth E& son Co.93/08/31.10pp. 76443:03476443-039- PIET.PL C-- _.... _r. Edson Co. 93/09/17. MURLEY.TL Offee of Nuclear Re.

9309160100 Rev 0 to Corporate EPIP (CEPIP) CEPIP-2321 D4 "Momson EOF & JPIC

                                                                                                                       '           8' alth Edmon Co.63/08/31.10pp. N54261-76454270.                               ~830924 Cor                    C      09I 7[            b 93D9170100 Submns partesy wehead phyncal secwny visp repts 50 010/93-03.50 237/93-25 & $0,249/93-25 on 930825 & 30.One votatoi toted & beng conscered                   $309240257 4phcaten for amends to beenees DPR-19.DPR 25.DPR-29 & DPR-30 re for esca:ated entorcement acnon.                                                                alkweg ECCS moperabdmes w/o mtsunne knu compement at messi generators or M NOREUUS.C.E. Regen 3 (Post 820201L B3/09/09 OELGEORGELO. Common-                                s8te power.

wealth Edson Co. App. 7647229S76472298. PIET.PL C..m 2. Edmon Co. 93/09/17. MURLEY.TL Offee of Nucteer Re-actor Repsaton, Drector (Post 870411).16pp. 76553.279-76553.326. - 8309170103 hap repts 50010/9103.54237/9' 45 & 50 249/9S25 en 930825 & 30 Volaton noted.Mapor areas espectect review of madequate search that resulted m 9309240265 Proposed tech specs 3/4.5. " Emergency Core Coolne Sys." en ooucbon of unauthortrod nem o' protected areLDetails wehead.

  • Cornmonweattn Edson Co.93/09/17. 33pp. 76553294-76553.326.

MADEDA,TJ Repon 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/08. 2pp. 76472297-76472:298. 9309300203 Dmcusses 930927 press conference re J O'Connor annomesment that util 9309270093 Forwards response to mesest for addl Wo re proposed generanng staton setued sex rate matters & appeats betare Ilknow courts & Commerce Commmann ny plan rev.ncorporstmg EOF as enenm EOF.per roouest 931. to rWwid hsted amount to customers over next 12 anontts SA NDO.D. Co..~ .. T. Edson Co. 93/09/17. .B. Protect D" SHI .Y. Propect Drectorate M4 93/09/27. MURLEY.T., MIRAGLIA.F., rectorate llL2. 45pp. 7657025476570294. RUSSELL,W. NRC. No Detmeed Affneten Gwen. 25pp. 76591-012-76591-036, G. A dr"*= tor? - -- - - Q. anspecuan reports, IE Bubeene & correspondence 930922D126 Patal response t FOLA rear st. App O cocuments evadatie m PDR. App P documents paatially wnnneed (nrf 50A E.ampnons 5 & 6L 9307160033 NRC inr o Nonce 93 056 "Weekness en EOPs Found as Result of SG Tube Rupture. GRiMSLEY.D.R Dwoon at Freedom of informanon & Pubhcahons Sonnees (Post 89020$t 93/04/28. GILINSKY.V. AffWaton Not Assegnact 11pp. 76576:123 GRIMEa. A Dvmon of Opersang Reactor Support (Post 921004k 93/07/22. Com 76560-168. schoated Edman Co. of New Ycrk. Inc.11pp 76499.332-76499212.

-8110300072               wrthhold C--      . . . paper re ponton tar haanng re proposed       9307190131NRC Wo Nomes BS058. "Nonconservatam in LTOP tar PWRs" decontamnaton cd               Nucsear Power Statort                                           GRMES.BA Dwason of Operanno Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Con.

MALSCH.M G Othee ce tne General Counses (Pcat960701). SECY-A40188,80/12/ schosted Edman Co. of New Yort encl Spp. 76447.264-76447272.

02. 86pp. 76577.221-76577296.

9307200123 NRC Into Notce 9S059.* Unexpected Openmg of Both Doors in AutoctL" GRIMES.B.K Dwoon of Operatng Reactor S.pport (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Con-P. Operethrsg Ikanse stage '-- _ & correspondence schanted Edson Co. of New York anc 10pp. 76447273-76447282. 9306230099 Suppl 5 to Genanc Lir 8910 to nucsear plant lumrisees & CP hosoers te 9307260065 Suppl 1 to NRC Bubetm 91001 "Repor1 rig Loss of Ontcahty Safety Cc4 maccuracy et motoreparated vehre eaupmerit tratic PARTLOWJG. A*-= Drector for (Post 870411L 93/06/28.Conschdet- BURNETT.R.F. Dnnsen of Fuel Cycle Sately & Setsperds iPcs! BJm7). 93/07/27. ed Edson Co of New YorA inc. 7pp. 76439 DD1-7640H08. Consoldated i1 mon Co. of New Yort. Intl 23pp. 7640HOS.76409 031.. 2W N "' tory Ini t) re Cost Banshcel CR Actons A Let ce anenctees se BVRNETT.R.F.' Dwison of Fuel Cycie $staty & Sate 0uards (Post 933207). 93/08/04. GALB1 Proeset Dractorate llL2. 93/0&/27. Pro,ect Drectorate ItL2. 21pp. Consolcated Edman Co. of New YorA inc.10pst 76447283-M47292. 762862BS76286.333. a NRC WO Nohce,,9>061, h Reactor W Leauge Fotowint 9309130004 Adcresses NRC cormams re schedule ter ansegn change msinsatews re T dmon h09/C2. MURLEY.TE Offee of Nuclear Re, o Dng Reactor Suppon Post 92404b 93/0BM Con-sohdaled Edson Ca of New YorA inc.12pD. 764MONM24. actor Regulaton. Dracsor (Pcat 870411). 2pp. 76427;274 76427;275. 9309140123Notficatan et 930914meetng w/util m Rockvile.MD to decias proposed Swienwe5 NRC Wo Nohce 93-0C2. " Thermal Strathcaten at Water in BWR Reactor altamate approach to periorenmD ndwduel plant exams for extemel events Vesses. C!ECEL21 P": noct Dessa ::: M. 33/03/X. OYUL E FTopct DEE3crato 32.2. GNE.B K Df"*EriP t!' OPF"tttNU Refd E'.1"l*f" fDft 9N193!MO CCS 6pp. 76422:14476422148. - schosted Edson Co. of New Yort enc. 9pp. 76499;325-76499333. 3309160020 hem wema schedule for hee isee resporse to GL 8910. "Satety-Related 930e030274 NRC Wo Notee 93 063. " improper Use et Sok24e Wald Pwne Dern Mati". Motor-Operated Vasco Tessne & Saveaance." - GRMES.BA Dwman of Operenng Reactor Swiport (Post 921004). 91/08/11. Con DYER.JE Protect Drectorate ilL2. 93/09/09. DELGEORGE.LO. 01 J eohdated Eckson Co. of New YorA enc. 8pp. 76499;334 N99241. Edson Co. 5pp. 76 46 30tk76446:312. 9309200015Apohcaten tor amends to Licenses DPR-19.DPR-25.DPR 29 & DPR 30 re-faccen0 erlort to upgrade TS Secton 3/4A Plant Sys." encl 4mg moorporaton of f,, 8 ""U I GRMES.B A Dwason of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/12. Con. P U[. Co. 93/09/10. MURLEY,TE Offee of Nassar Re- m Eeson Ca W h % m N M720NN actor RepJiatorL Drector (Post 87D411).14pp. 76502142 76502227" 9 WW 9 w Tm W/ 2M W 2.27. IME C ng Reactor Support (Post 9210D4). 93/08/13. Cori.

    . '~ ~--                     a     09                50 56                                     sohdated Edson Co. of New YorA enc. tipp. M47:304-76447$14.

9309200213 Determmes roguestmg mfo on SEP Tope HL6 on samme demgn consder- 9308100006 NRC Wo Notme SS066. "Switchover to Hol-Leg tripecton Followmg LOCA abon not useful unti uti compsetes 8PEEE enetyeeLRetsuosts voeporine within 45 cava, STANG.J.F. Pro,ect Drectorsie E2. 93/09/10.FARRAR.D.L C-. '-^ E6 son m PWRs.".A Dwmen of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Con. GRMES.B Co. App. 76502226 76502.329 ===d Edman Co. of New Yort enc. 7pp. 76447215-N47:321. 9309220074 Forwards Rev 2 t)"Dresden Staton 3rd prnental IST Plan,"in response to 9308100249 HRC Wo Noboo 93-067. "Bastmg of High Pressure Coolant infecton NRC 920911 SER re Rehet Raouest RV 23K Steam Lene Ruptwo Dscs kvures Plant Persormet." PIET.PL C_. _ _rr Edson Co. 93/09/10. MURLEY.TE Offee of Nissaar Re. GRMES.BA Dween of Operatmo Reactor support (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Core actor Regnaatorn. Derector (Not 870411). 2pp. 76517319-76517:32ti solcated Edson Co. of New YorA anc.13pp. 76447222-76447:335.

l DOCKETED ITEMS 25 9308260198 NRC mto Notee 93 069 "Ramog aphy Evems at Operaung Power Reac- R. Penodec operatmg reports & related a w GRIMES.B K Dnnsen of Oooratng Reactor Support (Post 921004), 93/09/02. Con- 9309160035 Forwarcis MOR for Aug 1993 summammg 100FR50.59 evaluatoris per-solcated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc lipp N99-342 76499.352- tormed a months of .lar> June 1993.maovertenty ometed from ea=her repts. , SPEDLG.F. onwealm Esson Co. 93/09/14. Document Control B-arch (Docu. i 9309150071 Responos to voiatons re tadore to meet recusrements of 10CrR50 59 & ment Control Desk). 2pp. NBO.225-NSO276. , tanure to perform aseounte post-mod testC/As LAR we be submned to Csamy CCS 1 oesen bass conhguratrn as 1 LPCE/1 CCSw pump. -9309160048 Monthly operatino roots for Aug 1993 for Dresden Pant Urris 1.2 & 3. - LYS7ER.M.D. Commonwearth Eeson Co. 93/09/03 Documerit Control Branch (Doc-

  • Commonwealth Esson Co.93/08/31. 50pp. 76480.227-76480.276.

Ement Consoi Desk). 8pp. 76454.105-76454:112. 9309160020 De*ws schedule for bcensee response to GL 8910. " Safety-Retated S. Reportable -- m-LERs & related conspomsence uoror Operated vake Testmg & Swvemance - DYERJ E. Propect Drecto ate lib 2 93/09/09. DELGEORGELO. Commonwealth 9309030328 LER 92-034-02:en M1023.SGTS tound outside FSAR oesign Smits due to Eeson Co. Sep 76446.308-76446.312, few escrm aoove fortnal ws e aoss of mst ume a ar.Causeo by esecurate onenal SBGT tiow control valve desegn anarysm W/930624 Itr 4 9309170100 Submits pa tiany withheid physcar sooJmv msp repts 50 010/93 03.50 SPhlNGER.B., SPEDLG.F. Commonweaftn Edson Co. 93/06/11. 6pp. *09.283- t 237/9S25 & 54249/93-25 on 930825 & 30.One volahon noted & brmng conscered 76409.287 lor er.caseted enforcemora acrort NORELIUS.C.E Regen 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/09. DELGEORGELO. Common- 9309G70246 LER 93416-00on 930805.HPCI coctared moperabseCaused by surrung wen m Eeson Co app 7647229%N72298. gear engagemem br* age comme apartWork roovest enunted to repar tsrung gear enoaoement kraaoe & temage pm romsta36ed W/930827 lir.

  -C309170103 insp rents SSC10/9S03.54237/9125 & 50-249/9125 on 930825 &                        CdlLIAM., SNDLG.E. Commonwealm Eston Co. 93/08E 500. 76 30.Volaten nciedMaar a ens mspectedreview of manecpate sec:rch Sat resulted m               76409.331 at oduction of unnumonred nem m protected area.Detans withheld MADEDA.TJ., CREEDJR. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/06. 2pp. N72.297-                    9309210290 Forwa ds Rev 1 to LER 93-002.provieng uposte on sma! tocal leakage rate 76472.298.                                                                                  tasang results & correc9ve actons performed Cng D2R13 retual cutage to rocksce leavage from pnmary contamment.

9309200074 92nu1= F.orwards re -r ~Specu,i

                                - eve,  insponTeam   inso Re.

920918 & tae 50 249/92,33 pts 54237/92,33 4,e t- e on $ 39 7 8

    '"**"8*C***'5-                                                                         -9309210296 LER 9340241:on 930121. Type B & C pnmary comanment LLAT ex.

G 93/09/09. DELGEORGELO. Common- caeoed due e seeinge past head cooieng esiet evi va've2-205-24. Summary v we a 647 7 8- repees.adiustments & fined coast rate resists tsted.

  -9309200076 insp repts 54237/92 33 & 50 249/92-33 on 9211341204. Volatons notedMagor areas --aw rod -,~-., whch occurred on920918 &                              9309300001 Forwards              .
                                                                                                                                   . to LER 93412 to change correctwo acton 1.

tadure to prompey root event SPEDLG.F. Commonwealth Edson Co. 93/09/21. Document Control Branch (Docu-i CGLAND.PL CLAYTON.B. Regen ? (Post 8202011. 93/09/C7. 20pp. N73249- ment Conrol Dest 4. 2pp. 766E2271-76682.276. , N73.2ti8.

                                                                                           .g ane- LER BS01242:on 930418.EDG oatput breaker tained to close due to me-
  -9309200079 Forwa os final charter to evacuate cecumstances to 920918 ovent se con,           chancat tadureModifed mstakaton pracaces & evaeusted mstaliaton of casigned 95 trc3 ved trusposrhorung                                                                     age assembly GREENMAN1G. Repon 3 (Post 820201). 92/11/30. HILAND.PL Regen 9 (Post                        THEESFELD;TL C.                  - Eeson Co. 93/05/18. 4pp. 766B2273-76682:276.

I 820201). App. 764732t&76473.272. I ( 9309290103 cuned owe toLER 93back excess 01640 on 930827amit 1/3. operability evaeuston portarmed by sneEDG pressure.Thorougr

  -93092000s4 h*==           920918 event re emerton of wrong coreal tod. Correctrue M~                        sts WALLACE.MJ Commoruwearm Edson Co. 92/11/25. DAVISAS. Regen 3 (Post RA.t 7660m161.

L. . Commonweatth Edson Co. 93/09/2A 4pp. 76609158 820201) 3pp. 76473.27&76473275. W.-y. toontifes mappro-

                                                                                              '     P # '
  -93092000a6 h=*es $20918 event re comrol rod ..

of 1 o procedurar a 9309210095 Summary el 930708 Regon ut annual Samng numagus corderence m waLLACE.MJ Commonwea'th Edson Co. 92/12/03. DAVISAB. Regon 3 (Post Gion Eayn.tLPurpose of noenng to pronde forum tar esa==n on ver 7 ci operator 830201). 3pp. 76473276 76473278. loansmo exammer stds & to escuss operator loensmg ==== i RING.M Repon 3 (Post 820201) 93/09/15. Regon 3 (Post 820201). 29pp  ! 9309070206NRC Into tetoe 95070. "Dogradalen of Borsflex Neutron Absorber Cou- 6M , P ~ $309210108 ha ==== remakhcaban program evaluaten adWGJted for wk of I 1ed E W New inc. 764 .355 36 N " # # "" "* l RINGMA Regon S (Post 82C201). 93/09/15. DELGEORGE.L.O. C .~ l 9309090104NRC into Notce 93471. " Fee at Chemobyl Unit 2 " EJean Co.10pp. 76476 092-76476:101. GRIME 18 K. Deson of Operatng Reactor Steport (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Con-solcated Eeson Co ci New York. Inc 14pp, 76500:001-76500213. 9309240163 Forwards reouakhomaan exam rept 50-237/OL 9341 resultn0 tium exams j aamrustered930726 0802Advmes that paart requahicanon trammg prog'am was oe. 1 9309090243 NRC ardo Nohce 93472. "Observatons From Recent Shutdown Rak & termmen to be eftecws & overall satstactory 1 Outaae ugt Pliot Team insps." FORNEYWL 3 (Post 8202011. 93/09/17. DELGEORGELO. Commonwealth GRilIES.BX. Drnson of Operatng Reactor $upport (Post 921004). 93/09/14. Cork Eeson Co. 3pp. 7 :00 576523:184. Cahdated Esson Co. W New Yort anc. app. 7650rx014 76500022.

                                                                                            -9309240176 Exam rept $3 237/OL-9341 on 930726 09C2 Exam results. erntten & op-9309210314 Suppl response to NRC Bubete 93403. 'Resoldton of issues Related to                entbnp exams were             to me enene als applyng tar RO hoortees & to em snevid-Reactor Vessel Water Level mstrumeritatort an BWRsa                                         uals applymg for SR hoonses.All indinouam passac exams.                                        i' DELGEORGELO. C_ - -- Edson Co.93/09/15.MURLEYTL Othee                       of Nu-          MCNEILD., JORDAN.M.J. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/16.181pp. 76523006-cear Reactor Regulatort Drector (Post 870411). 3pp. 76504215-76504217.                       76523:188.
  • I " " " "

eir*741F F._ _ _ !=e 'e:as M2??/93 211102f9/23.*1 on 3333024C & 16 m ,,,en,, 3o $p 1&Strengms & weastnessa rotea LYSTEPM.D. C- .. -_Z Eeson Co.93/09/17. Document Coreci Branch (Docu-FORNEy.WL Regen 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/16.DELGEORGELO. C-. . : __ - morn M'ai M 1p. 76570.202 76570202. . Eeson Co.1p N76:150 76476:164. 1

  -930921015s trisp repts 54237/9121 & 54249/93-21 on 93000246 & 16-19. No wo-              DOCKET 60-243 OREGON STATE UNIV. fat-wastCH REACTOR                                                 l aatons noted.Masor areas mapectoctenplemematon of GL B910.

F.GEPLOGLE.G St#TKJ, DJNLOPA Regen 3 (Post $20201). 93/09/14.13pp. 76476;152-76476:164. F. Security, enettcal. emergency & flee protectaan plans 9309240011 Confirms plans to hold mgt mechng begmnng930924m teams.IL to es. 9309010191 Forwards rev to Sta1e Unsv Raeston CW & TRIGA Reactor Emer. curs concams soentrhoc dsmg recent msp of raeomspcal protecton prog'am at planL gency Response Piaft" per 1 R50.544q). I GREENMAN1G. Repon 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/17.WALLACE.MJ Commonwealm JONHSONAG. Oregon State Umv. Corvelis. OR. 93/06/27 Document Cornrol Eeson Co. 3pp. 76522 001-76522:003. Branch (Document Control Destt).16pp. 763)9162-76309214. 9309240163 Fcywards remakhcation exam rept 54237/OL-9341 resullmg from exams -9309010195 Rev to " Oregon Str4 Urw Rasabon Clr & TRIGA Reacter Emergency sommsterea9307264802.Advoes inat piant vs.wakficaton tramme program was de- Response Ptart-temuned to be enactve & overali sanstactcry.

  • Oregon State Urev., Carvaths. OR. 93/0s/31. 35pp 7630lt173 76309214.

FORNEY W.L R 3 (Post B20201). 93/09/17.DELGEORGELO. Commonwealth Eeson Co. 3pp. 7 "3-003-76523:188. P. Opereun9 Isoonee stage - & corresporisence

  -41309240176 Exam rest 50-237/OL-93 01 on 930726 0B02 Exam results: written & ap-erstng emms were owen to rune monnouas applyng tar RO ncensos & to em movid.            9309c10203 Forwards response to 930803 RAI se amphcanon tar TS change submitted use appenng sor SRO bcermes.All monnouais r===-i exams.                                      on 930201.

MONEILD., JORDANMJ Regon 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/16.181pp. 76523:006- JOHNSONAG. Oregon State Urw,, Carvalks. OR- 93/06/26. Document Control 76523 188. Branch (Document Control Drn). 59p. 76308;B22-76308.326

1 l


26 DOCKETEDITEMS DOCKET Mk244 ROBERT EMMET GINNA NUCLEAR PLAe(T. UNIT 1 9308030200 NRO mio Natce S3 061. Excesswe hea:: tar Cooiant Lear. age Fossowng Seat Fa4Jre ni RCP or RRP." GAMES.E K Duson of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/09. Con. F. Security medscal, emergency & fre protectron plans solcated Eeson Co of New York, mc.12pp. N99 313-76499.324. 9309270107 Fonwares FEMA exe case rept for 910911.t.Aparbcupaten exercise at 9308030245NRC Wo Nonce 93 062. " Thermal Strabicanon of Water ai BWR Reactor plantNo oetesences noted. Vessem

  • JOYNER l.H. Regon 1 (Pnst 820201) 93/09/16 MECREDY R.C. Rocreester Gas & GRMES.BK Dmson of Operanng Rea: tor Support (Post 921004) 93/08/10. Con.

Eectne Corp. 3pp. 76543.257-76543360 solcatec Eeson Co. os New Yo% mc 9pp. NW325 76499.333.

   -9309100296 " Post-Exerene Assessment of910911 Exercise of Rathologeal Ems gen-                                                                                          e Dam MatL*

cy Preparedness Plans of State of NY. Wayne County & Monroe Coumy for RE Gmna 930s030274NRC GRMES.B.K Dmson Wo Notee 93463. Reactor et Operanng "errgiroper use of(Post Support Solutwe Weed94Purg/08/11. Cor> 921004L NJClear Power Stanon." solcated Esson Co. or New Yors. me. app Wp9.334 76499.341,

  • Feoeral Emergemey Management Agency.93/06'0% 102pp. 7654326CL76543.360.

9308060237NRC into Notee 93 064, "Penos Testmg & Prevenhve Mamt of Monded R Operaung Doense stage m & 6 y g Q'of Operatng Reactor Support (post 921004). 93/08/12. Com p 9306230039 Suppi 5 to Genanc Lt 8410 to nuclear plant teensees & CP holders re

                                                                                              '                       0      **        * ""
                   .J G                      tor                 70411). 93/06/28.Conscical-                       g ed Esson Co. of New York. inc. 7pp. N09 001-76409-006.                                     GRMES.B.K Dumon of Operaung Rea-tor Support (Post 921004L 93/08/13. Coru solcawa Eeson Ca of New Yorg Inc.11m W47Ma-N4m4.

9309000095 Forwarcs amend 53 to h:enne DPR.18 & SE. Amend rewmas snubber vaual JOHN b3 9 30. Y. Gas & $308M0006,, NRC Wo Notee 93464, "Swnchover to Hot-Lag in secton Fohawmg LOCA GR BK Dmson of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Com

   -9309000102 Amend 53 to hcanse DPR.18.renseg snubber wouel rap schedule in TS                  solcated Esson Co. of New York, etc. 7pp. 76447a31bm47221.

tv replacmg et w/atternate vnusi rap scheose per GL 90 09. BUTLER.W R Prcnoct Drectorate M. 93/08/30.14pp. 76352250-76352.271. 9308100248 NRC Wo Notee 93 067, "Birstng of High Pressure Coolarst tryocton Steam Lee Rupture Ducs mares Plant Personnel"

   -9309080109Sawty evaluaton s.coor1mg amend 53 to hcense DPR-18.                                GRMES.BK Dmmon of Opermang Rosetor Support (post 921004). 93/08/18. Con.
  • Once of Mm Reactor Regulaton, Drector (Post 570411k 93/08/30. 3pp. solcated Eeson Co. of New York inc.13pp. N47-322-76447.336.

76352272 76352 274. 930soe00e5 Forweres amend 53 to noense DPR-18 & SE. Amend rewees snubber visual 9309140042 Forwards amend 54 to hoense DPR-18 & SE.Arnand mnovos Cornannet map schedule m TS tw repiecmg a w/ artomate vmuni eso sensdune por Gi 90 09. ' esolaton varve Tabe 3&1 Pom TS N W Drectorate M 93/08/30. MECREDY.R4 Rochemer Gas & JOHNSON.AA Promet Drectoraw4. 93/06/30. MECREDY RA Rochester Gas & Elech Corp. App.76352254-76352.274. Elecinc Corp. Sco.76422024M422048. l -9309080102 Amend $3 to bconse DP5k18.revismg snubher visual msp schedule m TS

    -9309140045 Amend $4 to 4canne DPR-18/emovog Contamment toolston Valve Table                  tw repucmg a wtanonum usus rap scheaune per GL SOM 3.61  trom TS' Propoet Dructorate M 93/08/30,19pp. 76422 023-76422041.                    BUTLER.WA Pregacx Drectoraw4. 93/08/30.14pp. 76352258-76352271.


    -9309140048 Safety evaluaton e-rvtmo amend 54 tz hoense DPR-16.                           9309150D10 Ack receipt of 930823 tir m response to ww=tr=1s noted m rap sept 50
  • Ofhce ce fNr Reactor Regulabon. Drector (Post 870411). 93/06/30. 7pp. 244/93 15 4 422042-
  • 22048 JOYNER.JM Regen t (Post 8202011 93/08/31 MECREDYAC. Rochester Gas &

Eisetnc Corp. 2po. 76450.245-76450249. 9309140373 Notfecanon et 930913 mostm0 w/util m Rockvse.MD to amaan. progam resdts & voot cause analyses to riaperconste rod movement & rod control sys mai- 9308360198 NRC Wo Notee 93469. "Raeogaphy Everits at Operstng Power Reac-tuncnons os 933c29 4 0705.Mosano canoehea. m-JOHNSON.A.R. Promet Drectorate k3. 93/08/31. BUTLER.WA Ptoiset Directorate 4 GRMES.BK Dusen of Operstn0 Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/09/02. Cork

3. 4pp. 76431:347-76431:350. solcated Eeson Co. of New York, mc. itse. *s9.342 N99:352.

9309090069Advmes of 6sted unavor3anie delays m progress t;. level 1 PRA per Gener- Fonrards salsty evauston riformng Bat hcermee Dwd to.yr anerital ISI c L1r es.20. Uni anhcupates compenon of hevel 1 actmnes by and et SepLcompisaan 930,9150264p ogram pianher 2 as sdrmtied 93012S, not acceptable.per 10CFR50.55a of sevel 2 results ty neckNov & PRA tw Feb 1994 411.5 MECREDY.RC Rochester Gas & Electnc Corp. 93/09/01. JOHNSONAR. Propect Dr BUTLER.WA Protect Drectoraw k3. 93/09/06. MECREDY,R.C. Rochester Gas & rectorate k& 2pp. 76410:345-76410.346. Emc ec Corp. Spp.76435 334- 4 435344. 9309150264 Forwards safety evalJeton mtarrrang that beennae twd to.yr anerwal ISt - 9309150267 Safety evetanton erWonung that icerees mird to.yr inwvat tSi program program plan.Rev 2 as submmed 930125, not acceptause,per 10CFR50.55a(g) & TS piavev 2as semmed 930125. unneceptabse per 10CFR50.55alg) & TS 4216. 42 t.s

  • Once of Nuclear Reactor RegJianort Oractor (Post E70s11) 93/09/08. 6pp.

BUTLER.WA Promet Dractorate k3. 93/09/06. MECREDY.RA Rocmester Gas g Enoctnc Corp. 6pp. 76435.334-76435344. N3533M6435344

     -9309150267 Safety evalusten riformmg that boonsee thed 10.yr riservat ISI prog'am        9309070206 NRC Into Nobce 93470. "Depacaton of Borafles Neutron Absorber Coi> submrand930125.unacceptat= por SOCrR5055a(g) & TS 42.1.6.

  • Offe of Nucsear Reactor Repdaton, Drector (Post 870411). 93/09/08. 6pp. para" GRMES .BX Dusen of Operanno Reactor Supocrt (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Corb 76435339-76435 344. soldated Edson Ca of New York. Inc. 9pp. N99.353.N99361.

9309290325 Submets 90 day response to GL.934*. " Rod Control Sys Falkre & With- 930g0e0104 NRC trito Notme 93 071, "Fre at Chemot$ Unit 2." orswal of Roct Control Cluster AssembbeL" Wasanghouse performed eatety arielysa GAMES.BK Duson al Cperanne Reactor Support (Posi 921004). 93/09/13. Cork uomp three danervtonal techruoues se incontroimd asymmetic rocL soldated Edman Co. of New York, enc; 14pp. M500 00176500 Ot3. MEGREDYAC. Rochester Gas & Electic Corp.93/09/23. JOHNSONAR. Propect D> vectorate k3. Spp. 76606S38-76606 042. 93e3000243 NRC Wo Nobce 93472, "Observatons From Rocant Shutdown Rak & Outage Wat Puot Team inspE" 9309290149 Luts 1 staff expectatons for iconsee effecthe execzman of QAP in GRIMESJE Dmuson el Operaung Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/14. Cor> accordanc, w/1 R50. App sohdated Edson Co. of fusw Yom. anc. 8pp. 76500 014-M500222

         & Fue Reprocesong Pums. , B. **Ouality Asasence Crtters for Nucinar Power Plants SET 7EM.AUCC4.L Rep 1 (Pilel ENMil. 54/Ulti21. MtsW.DY,R.C. Hocumer Gas & Encine Corp app. 76552.278-76552281.                                             93092400,38, gg, a ,347,g   Wormsg,,th,at util ISI program wil incorporate Code Case N481 Ref (a),per MEGHEDYAC. Rochester Gas & Electne Corp. 93/09/17. JOHNSON,AA Propect Dr sectorate k3. 2pp. 76556:359-76556260.

Q. lnapecton repo"ts, IE Bediettne & - 9307 NRC Wo feance 33456. " weakness in EOPs Found as Resut of SG Tube R. Portodie opereung rePcirm & rMemd , _ d GRMES.BK Desen of Opratng Reactor Support (Post 971004) 93/07/22. Cork soscated Echson Co. of New Yurs, mc.11pp. 76499202-4499312. 930e090075 *Semenmal Rahr ave Effuent Retase Rept" RE Gams Nucles-PaartW1930827 tir. 9307190131NRC IrWo Nohce 93458. "Nonconsenratam m LTOP sor PWRs MECREDYAC, Rochester Gas & Eiscric Corp. 93/06/30. 16pp. *12146-e GRMES.8 K. Dmsen et Operanno Ronctor $4 sport (Poet 921004193/07/26. Cork 76412161. sohdated Edison 4 of New York, mc. 9pp. 76447.264-76447272. 93cB14017164antray operabng empt for Aug 1993 tar RE Gifna Nuclear Power Plant W/ 9307200123NRC Info Nonce 93459. "Onespected Openmg of Both Doors e Artock.,, g30910 nr GRMES.BE Dmimon et Reactor impport (Pust 921004L 93/07/26. Co'* DODGE.R4, WIDAYJA Rochester Gas & Electnc Corp.93/06/31 $pp. 76437273-solcated Edson Co. of New Yort. topp. M447:273-76447282- 76437 277. 9307260065 Suppl 1 to NRC Bubotn 91401, 'Haportmg Loos of Orthcahty Safety Con-

                                                                                                                 ***"'""'"'         *I ETTAF. Dusen of Fuel Cycle Sately & Sateguards (Post 930207). 93/C7/27.

Consoidated Edison Co. of New York. tric. 23pp. 76409:009 76409211. 930B000111 Nohtcolon of 930913fnestng w/uti! A Rockvtie.MD toear== summafy 9307290112 NRC Into Notoe 93460. "Reportng Fuel Cyces & Matis Events to NRC et test propam reedts & voet cause analyses se mappropnote rod movemern & sad Operstons Ctr." control svs analturctens of 930129 & 0705. B;JRNETT.R F. Dusen of Funi Cycle Sataty & Setoguards (Poet 9302C7). 93/06/04 JOHNSON.AR Presset Drectursts b3. 93/06/31. BU7LER.wA Pro,ect Directorate k Consondated Edson Co. of New Yort mc.10pp. 76447283-76447292. 3. app. 76352.289 763522B2. l

DOCKETEDITEMS 27 E309100258 Notricanon et 930914 meebng w/util m Rockvdie.MD to cbscuss mappropre. 9309080035 Appicate for amend to Lacense DPR41/evismg SRs for ilocat teak rate sie critrol rod movement event testmp mciuoed m TS Soctum 4 7A. "Comamment Sys? to remove 5% L/to kmrt BUTLE8tw R. Protect Drectorate 63. 93/09/07. MURLE'Y.T., WIRAGUAf,. OPEKAJ F. Northeast Nuctuar Energy Cct OPEKMF. Nortneast Uuhteet 93/09/01. RUSSELLW. NRC No Detasted AffAalen Grven. 500. 76424282-76424.286. Document Comrol Branch (Document Control Desk). Spp.76398.307 763&B.318. 9309150384 Correctec notifcaton of 930914meetmg av/uhl in Racervdie,MD fe em -9309090319 Proposed tech specs te ADD J l'acalleak rate testmg DrTae rod movemerit & rod control sys malfunctons of 930629 & 0705.

  • Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. 93/09/01. 7pp. 76398.312-76398J18.

JOHNSONAA P*oiect Drectorate 63. 93/09/07. MURLEY.T., MIRAGLIA.F RUSSELL.W. NRC No Detated Afhhabon Gwen. 5pp. N53349.N53.353. 9309100254 Forwards SE grantmo venet from NUREG4737.ftem ILF.1.6 reaueements for smges-taAre proof comamment hydropen morutor sys & assocasted GL 83 36 fe-9MM228 Summartres escusson re 1W1 reportmg ciantcaton OJeememts for LCO & SRs weexcephon or recundarcy tsepie-tanure) remarement.  ; MECREDYAC. Rochesier Gas & Ewctnc Corp. 93/09/08. JOHNSONAR. Propect D* rectorate 6-3 1p. N53 355-76453.355. ANDERSENJW. Prosset Dreciarste 64. 93/09/07. OPEKAJF. Nortneast Nuclear L Energy Co. 8pp 76424.295-76424.302.  ; m150032 % wards peak W, eten & mi e

  • W @W '

DOCKET 50 245 aplLLSTONE NUCLE.AR POWER STATION. UNIT 1 snes.per930714 requesLAdvisos that staff sevecomp NUREG rept wnch wel summa- . nre 1992/19931.LNL probabshsts hazard work performed for NRR SOBEL.P. Gwd Enprainng & Geosciences Braicet 93/09/08. O'HARA.T. Yankee i, y" II' "'***I' ***'8'"*F0 8 P''*"**3d'"' Atomc Electne Co. 2 cap. N46.316 76446.335. , I I 9309100067 Rev 18 to Corporate Organctaten for Nuclear tricsdents Procedure 9309150021 Acts recept W 930821 poston roouestng EDO to expedne enmediate rw Manual W/930831femase tir. vestganon for wdnw violaton et w protecten per 10CFR60.7 RODGERS.R.C. Northeast Ubbties Sennos Co. 93/08/09. 750p. 76396-189- GRAYJA Olc et Eritorcement (Post 57Ds13L 93/09/10.MARIENAv. Athhaton Not i 7M261. Asesgned. 4pp. 764542116 76454 091. [ l 2309170046Respcmos to 8 commerits on trubat SALP Repts50 245/93-99. 54336/93-99 & 50 423/93-99 & SAU> Board recommendatons On mdrviduai functonal areas tar 9m80025 Ack mapt et 9m penwn reouesang EDO to exteme N

  • ectwibes associated w/ penod 9202116930403 vestgaton for weNul noiston et empoise pmeseton per 10CFR501 .

CPEKAJ.F. Northeart Nuclear Energy Co. 93/09/10. MARTIN.T.T. Regan 1 (Post GRAYJA Ole of Entorcement m s70413L 93/09/m NER@M E Ah . 820201L 15pp. 76472271-76472285. Nm Assywd. 4pp. N54292M4295. 9309150105 Rev de to CONI 1.02.

  • Corporate Ernergency Resporse Organuatort. 930n90392 Provides asidste on trogress en integratng Rev 6 to CONI 4.12. "Pruteceve Acton T ' ~is? 4 Rev 24 to CONI 5.01 resources.per 920604va m of Phase b Conipseton Rept tar E "1 Mat Techncal Suopen TeafvLa hencement Pmgrant RCCGERS.R C.. BLAISDELL.J. Northeast Utihtes Senace Co. 93/09/17. 79pp. OPEKAJ.F. Conneencut Yankee Atomc Power Co. OPEKAJJ. Northeast kdmar ,

7650023476500307. Energy Co. OPEKAJF Northeast Unemmt93/09/10. Document Control Branch (Doo-umora Corwal Desa4 topp. N68 Ot6-76464:097 (L * * * , - - _ _ 9309170215Prmados results of soview so withdrawal of fe@est tor TS few to undeneL detectorLAmend seguest shoisd be withdrawrt E309030200 Ack encosn W penten had on 9306076 that Severny a & RI vmta. KAJI N 'theast ka==r Energy Co. OPEKA.J.F. Northeast Utlhtes. 93/09/10. l mcens be saued agarst utd ospt manager & vaanon a provimons y Docsament Con' trol Brancri(Document Controt Desk). 3pp. 76479: 145-N79:147. 1CCFR50.7.respectweiy. GRAYJ.R. Olc ce Entorcement (Post 870413L 93/09/01. ROSS.AJ. Aftl.aten Not **""*""""" Asssgned. 2pp 76360:328-76360:333. smervelsAar~"vashance re vauma sur regarementLtar amend to boenne DPR41 fevemg TS Srmatier Su ROs4 ERG.WA Northeast Nucisar Energy Co. ROMBERG.WA Northeast Utikkes.

  -93090303s0 FR notos to AJ Ross $30807 postert                   that EDO take esceasted     93/09/10 Document Control Branch (Docsament Contros Doey. 7pp. 76473297-                                ,

entorcement acman wirogard to aheged vannons at Nucteer Power 76473221. Plant.Una 1.per 10CFR2206. .  ! j GRAYJA Orc of Evitortemera (Post 870413L 93/09/01. 2pp. 76360330-76360231. .nsamenn117 Proposed toch specs 3/4 6- & 20 esveno voual surved. . , lance semerements for ermebers. 1 - 9309030317ReeJouts Det escalated ensorcemerit acton authnod in 10CFR2206 tie

  • Northeast Nuclear Energy Co.23/09/30.10pp. W73234-W73221. -[

l taken & . . of 10CFR50.5 d=a*= rete nascoriduct rule w/regarts to hsted aiseoed voetens at smukty. R PA ROSS.AJ. Afhhaton Not Assegned.93/08/07, TAYLORJ. Ofc of the Eaecumve Dreo- 9309270017 re hcenose Nochcanon of asprWicant prensruston on hoensee resuns of enator meetng ope sted onsett valve 930926 en ._Km0

                                                                                                                                                                            ; of Pn'a'ue"t &           >

tar for Operatons. 2pp. 76380.332-76360.333. proposed ocureceve assers.  ! 9309070019 Forwards egned engmal or pegnon tar drector's docuson for transmetral to 9g. osc or FR ter pubiceton.WIo enci. GRAYJA Oec of Ereorcornent (Post 870413). 93/09/01 NRC . No Dotaded Affib- i aton GwerL 1p. 76331227-76331:227 g g g M. Genera! _. 9307140033 NRC Into Notoe 93456," Weakness e EOPs Found as Result of SG Time Ruphre?  ! k 93030300D5 Commerit asiporing proposed rule 100FR2 re revow cg' 22D6 process. GRIMES.BK Dwimon es Operetng Reactor Simport (Post 921004L 93/07/22. Cord WETTERHAHN.MJ Wnrton & Strawrt93/08/31.CHILK.SJ. Ortoe os De Secretary sohdeled Eeson Cct of New YorA Inc.11pp. 76499:302-W99312. of the Commaaert 9pst 76318956-763t8 061 9307190131NRC Info hiotoe 93 058. --- ~ _ . . ._ . m LTOP for PWRs" 930323e078 informs NRC of engt changes wrthin nucesar orgennaton eftectwe GRIMES.BK Dwoon et Operatrrig Reactor $seport (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Con- i 930pt2. Revised estnhunon tats for c:rresponoence trom NRC encs. sokosted Ethson Cc. of New YorA inc 9pgL 76447264-W47272.  ? OPEKAJ.F. Northeast Nucmar Energy Cet OPEKAJ.F. filortheast Uthmet 93/09/14. l . Docionent Carmos Branch (Documeni Coreal Desi410pst 76520.309-76520:318. 9307200123NRC Info Notoe 93459. " Unexpected Openne ed Both Doors in Areact.? - ! GRM4ES.BX Dween o' Operetng Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/07/26. Cork  ; solcated Etheon Cck of New York inc.10pp. M47273-76447282. ' P. Operating Incones sense . & corrompendence 9307300065 Suppl 1 to NRC Bulleen 91401. *1teportng i Loss of Celicehty Safety Con-  ; e?!!EMnn" $2.Tp' i t C- LF 2210 te inctsar Stant 20smme6 & CP hylsiva de pula? 4 rincoracy of motor operated vapve soispment BURNETTAF. Dwoon of Fuel Cycee Satsty & SecepJeros (Post 930207). 93/07/27 l PARTLOWJG. ^=== Drector tar (Post 370411). 93r06/28. Cor=*iat- Cor=renated Echeon Co. of New YorA inc. 23po. M09 009-76409 03A


ed Eeson Cck of New York. enc. 7pp. 76439:001-W39:006. 6 9307230112 NRC Irdo Notce 93460,"Reportng Fuel Cycle & Maths Everes to NRC , 9300020276 Forwards het of all ISAP topcs uti canaders open & NRC stsfl unoer- Operahans Ce? stariding of them.15AP topcs uts carecers caomed but are een unoer NRC sistf revew BURNETTAF. Dmeson of Fuel Cycle Selety & Seleguards (Post 930207). 93/09/04.  !

      & tSAP toots NRC staff           can te closed cul                                        Conschdeled Edson Co. or New YorA Intl 10pp. 76447Je3-76447292-ANDERSONJ W. Prosect                   I-4. 93/08/18. OPEKAJ.F. Northmes! Nuclear Energy Co. OPEKAJ.F. Connecteut Yankee Atome Power Co.14pp. 76321:119-                 9Jesa303eo NRC trdo Notee $3461.*Eaoseawe Raector Cooiera Lankage Fohouang 76321:132.                                                                                 boel Faeure in RCP or RRP?                                                                             ,

GRIMES.BX Dmeson of Opermung Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/09. Con-930e000081 Forwards SE acceptmg beermes proposed resolukon of hyeopen seco"* echosted Etheon Co. of New YosA enc.12pgL M99213 76499.324. tuner reoupement or 1:CFRF50.44. ANDERSENJW. Protect Drectorate 14. 93/08/20. OPEKAJ7. Corr ** Yarmee Atome Power Co. OPEhAJ.F. Northeast Necesar Energy Cc. 3pp. 7NM7- 930e03024,5NRC Info Nohce 93462 " Thermal Serenhcoton of Water m BWR Reacter V8 ** 76352244' GR'm4ES.BK Dmson of Opermeng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06/10. Con-

                                                                                                 *****r' Etheon Co- of New Yot. Intl St@. %99:325 7649t333.

93e90e0085 Satety evatusten = canhng bcensee prrunawart resoluten of hylkogen re-combiner roouremerit al 10CFR50.44.

  • Offica el Nucasar Reactor Repalstart, Drot*ir (post 870411L 93/05/20. 5p0 93ee030274 NRC Irdo Nohce 95063. " Improper Use of Sakete Wald Purge Dem Mat?

76352240 76352J44. GRIMES.BK Dmeen of Operebng Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/09/11. Cork

                                                                                                 ***=*=d Edson Co. of New YotA inc. 9pp. 76499.334-W99341.

930B0e0135 Informs thof NRR has revowed preta= art changes & has no etnecton to procosed wording re TS teses sectons 3/4 34.A.35.B & 3.5n mesonen"7 NRC Irdo Nohce 93464. "Penode Tasang & Peeventwe 64mnt of haoided . AP4)ERSONJW. Promet Drectorate 64 93/06/24. OPEKAJf. Connecteul Yankee Case Creun Breake's? 1 Asunc Power Co. OPEKAAF. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. Opst 76311&-110- GRIMES.BK Dwason of Operstmg Rescsor Support (post 921004). 93/08/12. Cor> i 76398 118 sohdated Etheon Co. of how YorA anta 11pp. W47293-W47:303. l

28 DOCKETED ITEMS 8306090187 NRC mto Notce 93 065. "Renetz inps Caused te Breaker les1mg WI 9309090243 NRC mto Notee 93.C72. htens From Fecerit Shutoown Ask & Fourt Protecten Bypassed " Outape Mot Puot Team inspt* GRIMES.S K. Dusen of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004), 93/06/13. Con. GRMES.9 K. Dmson of Ope atng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/14. Cork schamec Edson Co. of New YcA mc 11po N47.304-76447314. sohdater1 Edson Co of New York. Mc, Spp. 7650D 014-76500.C22 9308100006NRC mte Notee 93-066.

  • Switchover to Hottog inpocton Fotowng LOCA 9309280155 Ack recept of 930113 tir mtomung NRC of steps take1 to correct voletens' m PWRs
  • reted m risp rept 50445/9181 GRIMES.B 4L Dmson of Operatmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06/16. Con" DURRJP. 1 (Post $20201) 93/09/22 OPEKAJ F. Natteast Nelear Ermrgy sohcated Edson Co. of Nee York, int 7pp. 76447J15 76447:321. Co. 2pp. 765* 27476552.Z77 9308100248 NRC Imo Notme 934E7. "Burstmo of Hegn Pressse Coolant anpocton Steam Lme Rupture Dscs ensures Pl ant Persormet" GRMES.B.K. Duson at Opernimg Rear: tor Support (post 921034). 93/08/16. Con. E aperating mwts a maated --~_.

soleasted Esson Co. of New York, me.13pp. N47.322-76447.335. 930*n- Forwa'ds Cornbmed inst Repts 50 2't5/9S18,54336/9313 & 50 423/9S 9309020024 "Ra$oa..1sve Effluents Release Rete JaWune 1993." W/930830 str OPEKAJ F. Nytneast Nuc6 ear Energy Co. OPEKAJ.F. twtheast Utd bst 93/06/30, ' 14 on 9^0614-25 &notme of veinton votaton adoresses sess than acommie & un. 150pp. 76308:00176308121. timMy evaluaton & en ._. . of MOV ovnarrue test resurtL R P 2D1), 93/0s/26. OPEKAJ.F. Nytnaast Ncenar Enew 9309080126Forwares serruannual funess tot duty partymance eats tw Jan 1993. ROMBERG.WD Cormacteut varmee Atome Power Co. ROMBERG.W.D. Northeast 1

         -93090300e8 Noboe of vota1xm from msp on 930614J5 Volanon roted: dyname tests               Nucesar Energy Co ROMBERGA.D Nortneast Utsi1ses 93/06/31. Document Coritrol               )

for sevemeen sarstv.related Movs po'tormed e accoraarice w. test procooJres that Brarch M Cons'on Dew 19pp. 76398 OS476398.07L ed not mcorporate roourements & acceptance Irrut ter esterrrwwig operabety

  • Regon 1 (Post E20201L 93/0B/26. 2pp. 76361:352-76361:353. 9309140174Monmay opermeng rept for Aug 1993 for Mdantone.une 1 W/ 930909 tir.

NE'WBURGH.G.. $0 ACE.51 Nortreast Nuclear Energy Co SCACE.S.E. Northeast

         -9309030052 inno repts 50245/9318.50336/9S13 & $0423/BS14 on 930614                         UteteL93/08/31. 5pp. 76441162-N41-186.

25Volatons nosed.Mapr areas mapactectneti. ======rnent actMbes for MOV pro. gram & unresolved nem 54336/92 2743 to eastrwtons uhed in thrust oplemunahDn. MY L. RA.AND.W. Regon 1 (Post $20204 93/06/1E 7pp. 76361:354 76361.360. W. Operator E.saminanons E309060009 Fo' wards msp repts 54245/9S22.54336/9316 & $0423/9116 on 93000246 Very rasotopca' coneols emptomented for anst 3 outage & work ac. 9309140134 Provces cunook re use=Wied defamencies assoasted w/ one or nem et Imbes seviewed uruts 1 & 2_ boensed operator recuskhcaten trammg conducted an Apr 1993. JOYNERJM Regen 1 (Post 820201k 93/08/27. OPEKAJ.F. Northeast Nelear OPEKAJf. Northeast Nctear Energy . KAJ F. Northeast Uninses. 93/09/03. Energy Co. 3pp. 76346t24-76346.039 Docasmerit Control Branch (Documera Conpol Desk). 7pp. 76437;323-76437:329.

         -9309000012 anno repts50445/9S22.5D.336/9S16 & 50 423/9S19 on 930802-06.No               930917004s Responds to & comments on insbal SALP Repts 50245/93-99. 54336/91              l l            votatens notectsAnor areas              .-e y .m           changes $orge'icaten &        99 & $4423/93-99 & SALP Boaro recommenaetens on andrvidual tsu-tonal areas for statieng.trarrong & manfcators audas &               1                                                                                                                           !

acevitees assometec w/ po'tod 920216-930403. Niun4.R.L. PASCiAK.WJ. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 93/08/27.13pp. 76346:027- OPERAJ.F. Northeast Nuciear Energy Co. 93/09/10. MARTIN.T.T. Repon 1 (Post 76546239, 820201). Vi5pp. N72271-N72285 930903C299 Ack receipt of petton led on930607.rocNestmc that Severity II & 111 vela. '

                                       "" "             "9           ' " ' '" " '               DOCKET $0 247 INDIAN POINT STATIOfE UNfT 2 f0CFR        7 GRAYJA Orc or Ereorcement (Post 870413L 93/09/01. ROSS.M. Afhhaten Not Aampned 2pp. 76360.TS 76360.333.

F. Securtty, medecel, emer9ency & tv, protection peans

         -930e030309 FR nonce re AJ Ross 930807 -              -
                                                                        - that EDO tame escalated arntamment acton wrmgard to aheged weistons et b Naser Power                          9309220126 Par 1ud response to FOLA seoussLApp O cmouments availabes m PDR. App P PlanWnn 1,per 1N GRAYJ R. Otc of Ersorcement (Post 870413). 93/08/01. 2pp. 76360:334763CO:331.           documents parbally     eWiheet   tvet FotA Exemptons 54& 6)' Pub 6catens Senaces (Post GRIMmDM       Divoson    of Freeden    W trommenon
         -9309030317 Roguests Inst escalated enforcement schon outhned m 10CFR2206 De
  • taken & _ _ _ _. e, of 10CFR50.5 descieram nunconduct tum w/ regard to lated f6 167' R AJ. msgned 93/08/07. TAYL.ORJ. Otc of to Execunve Drec. -9309220279 Parliapy withheld Commrsson paper *=~==ng Communen opteris e h tar gar Operatorm. 2pp. 76360.332-76360333. facikty.C ._ wanng for FEMA re views on emergenop propersoness  !

PLAINE.MH Ofhee of the Generas Counsel (Post 960701). SECY.41207. 93/05/27. 9309090039 Forwards ansp rupt 50445/9120 on 930719 23 & 'chce og 3pp. 76579.345-76578.347. vuotstortVelaton ce concem became correctwo actons for ederacal problem ed not , prevent volaton from recumng. 9309210039Forwa tts sa' sty eruc rept $4247/9&19 on 93082347.No asues affectmg HODGES.M W. Remon 1 (Post 920201L 93/09/01 OPEKAJ.F. Northeast %csear pubhc health 4 saiety nor vioistens acnma. Energy Ca 3pp. 76'369132 7636fr144. BETTENHAUSEN.L Hopen 1 (Post 820201L 93/09/13. BRAM.S. Consolcated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 2pp. $75196-76475.207.

         -9309090044 Notme of volaten from mso on 93071D23%oisten nosect meaneses to assure conetons moverne to cluetty not taken to pronippy correct oefconey of tailure -93092100sl Satety emp rept 50 247/93-19 on 93082S27.No asues aflectng pubhc procedures as evdenced by ksted am 10
  • Re'O'p*o*n 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/01.1p 76369.135 76369135. health & asisty nor violaborgs noled Mapr areas stupactedire protechon protr.arfL FINKELA BLUMBERG.N.J. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 93/0e/09.10pp. 7b475:198-
         -9309090D48 Inso sept 54245/9320 on 93071943Volaton noted.Mapor areas                             5m simpactacticarisee corrective acson on provoussy conehod map indinpL CHEUlGL. RJLAND,W.H Regan 1 (Post 820201L 93/08/27. Dpp 7636t136                     9309290016 Rev to " Emergency Plan for Inden PomLurets 1 & 2." W/ 930915 gir & two 636M 44.                                                                              Qj[                       Esson Ca of New York, Inc.93/09/15. 200pp. 76583 001-9308260196NRC Info Notee 93469. "Radography Events at Opersing Power Rome.                 76553 269.

tors *' GRIMES.B et Oswesen of Opermang Reactor h=t (Post 921004L 93/09/02. Cork 9309270099 Forwards summary of 930817 meetmg an eOng of Pnsam.PA tar uni to hnet sohdates Edson Ca of New Ynre, mc.1 ion W99.342 76499 352


N8C ra.g

                                                                                                            .- 3.;a! mii$ On L.sTani Mah Of EE DiD i pam it pwit JOYNERJ.H. Fiegen 1 (Post 820201193/09/16. BRAM.S. Conschdated Esson Co.

9309140134 Provides cuanok se soaritthod calcancsos assocanted w/ one or more of os New York, Inc. tipp. 76553:148-76553:153. hcormed operator seguaktmaton tamrig prograns conducted en Aar 1993. OPEKAJ.F. Northeast Nuclear E Co. 93/09/03. Document Control Brarch (Doc. 9309270103 Informs tot review of 1993 emergency exercee scenano obsecipves erhKA urnent Control Desa4 7pp. 7t#37 76437:329- was submmed on 930621 completed 8 appears to be acceptabe & wiould support 9309070206 NRC Into Nntee 93470 "Dogradston el Borstem Neutron Absorber Cou" 'OERJ.H. Regan 1 (Post 820201193/09/16. BRAM.S. Coruchdated Edman Co. J NMES.9L Dnnsson of Operatng Reactor Sassort (Post 921004L 93/09/10. Cor> of New % Inc. 2pp. 76543265-76543256. soldsted Edson Co of New YortL inc. 9pp. 76499353 76499:381. ! 9309170o46 Responds to & comments on Instel SALP Fispts 50445/93-99. 50-336/93- G"^ r-l 99 & $0 423/93 99 &SALP Board _ - -. ~ . on orievidust functonal areas for actvines assocasned w/ penod 920216 930403 9309220126 Partel resporme to FOLA roguest.Am O cocuments avahable in PDR. App P i OPEKAJ.F. Nztheast Nuclear Enugy Co. 93/09/10. MARTIN.T.T. Regen 1 (Post oocumems pwtmlly womroed Fet FN Excenpeans 5 & EL I B202D415pp. N72271 *72285. GRIMSLEY.D.H Dnnsen of Freedom of informaton & Pubhcoters Gennoes (Post 3309220048 Forwards arap rept 50 245/9141 on 93010812.No veoistons noted-

                                                                                                      '          93/ 4/28. GILINSKY,Y. Affikaton Not Assignea 11pp. 76576:12 1 MARTIN.T M. Repan 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/10. OPEKA,J.F. Nev1heast Nucamar 6    ]68-Energy Ca 3pp M51NEN                                                                 -9110290632 Pytany withheld Commmason paper es respones to Hoft FOLA Appeal 91-
          -9309220D59 lento rept 50445/90 01 art 93010812.Ne viola 1ons noted. Maior areas            A SC on NRC voconts el Task Force on Irvienm Operaton of insan Posnt I              -m..._           or LER SD 22,re FWCi sys sioperatniny escserad on 991117.              BICIW7.L Othee of to Geners' Counset (Post 960704 SECY 81-176. 91/03/18.              j i              TRAPPJ M., DURRJ.P. Repon 1 (Ptsst 820201). 93/08/30. tipp. 76512 328-                  16pp. 76577:307-76577.322.                                                            .


                                                                                                   -9309220165 Parbany esthheld Commason paper te htigstve noks associated w/ener.

9309090104 NRC Irito Notoe 93 071 *' Fro at Chemobyl Uritt 2." arn shutoown Oscaan. GRrMES.BK. Onnean of Operanno P-*w support (Post 921004L 93/09/13. Con- BICKWIT.L Othee et the General Counsel (Post 960701). SEOY.A 80 095. 80/D7/11. soledsted Eeson Co. of New Yorst mc.14m. 76500'001-76500-013. 2pp. 76577:048-76577:049.

i DOCKETED ITEMS 29  ! l P Dperstmg ascense stage documents & corresponoence 9308030745 NRC into Netce 53 062. " Thermal Stratfcaton or Mater m BWR Reactor Vessels." 9303200135 Parhal resporme to FotA teovest for coasmentsForwa'os recoros m App L GRIMES.B K. Dwison of Operatmg Reactor Support Post 921034L 93/06/10 Co& whch a'e witnield parnaPy for hsted reanostret FOiA exemptons 5). sohcated Eason Co. of New Yot. me. 9pp. W99.325 *99333. HARA:S.CA et Frescom of informanon & Putdcahons Sennces (Post Q90205) 93/04/12 GIUNSKYN. Affikaton Not Assgred 6pp. 76677DJ176680-066 9308F30274 NRC Inte Notee 93 063. " improper Use of Solubio Wedd Purge Dam Mat:.,, GRIMES.B K. Dvmon of Operstng Reactor Support Post 921004L 93/08/t1. Com

 -01102s3690 Parhaby witnhey! arfrmabon SECY that responds to setDement proposed              sohdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc. epp M99.334 76499.341.

Dv Dartes BICr: WIT.L Offee of the General Counsei (Post 860701L SECY41247 81/04/20 9308060237 NRC Wo Notee 93464. "Peno$c Tesbng & Preventwo Mamt of Motoec 40pp. 76677.28176677222. Case Csrcuat Breake's." GRIMES.B A. Dwison of Operstng Reactor Support fpost 921004L 93/06/12. Cor* 9306230099 Suppl 5 to Genenc Ltr 89-10 to nucaear piant hcensees & CP hoders se sohdated Eason Co. of New Yort. enc.11pp. 76447:293-76447.303 meccuracy W motormperated wahre eapnostc eatapment. FARTLOWJ G. Assocante Drector tar Proocts fPost 87041tk 93/06/28. Conschdai- 930e0g0137 NRC Into Notce 93465. " Reactor Trys Caused tn Breaker Tesung W/ cd Edam Co of New York,Inc. 7pp 76409C41-76409-008 Faun Protecton Bvpassed " GRIMES.PX Dnnson of Operanng Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/08/13. Corv 9309030368Forwa cis TS pages3.7 7 & 3,74 e:Amored 163 to Lcense DPR.26 Pages solcated Eeson Co. or New York. mc. tipp 76447:304-76447.314 naoveetentiv omrtted from ongre ssuance WILLAAMS.FJ Proenet Drectorate kl.93/08/26 BRAM.S B. Conschdated Esson Co. 4 of New York. arc 3pp. 76388:027-763BB 031. 93,0e1000pwqs NRC ento Notce 93466. "Switchover to Hot 4eg in,ecuo Fohowmg LOCA GRIMES.B K. Dwmen et Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004) 93/08/16 Corw

 -C3os090369Er sta to Amend 163 to Loense$ng TS pages3.7.743.78                    sohdated Eeson Ca of New York, enc. 7pp. 7t 447.315-*47.321.

whch we'e naevertently cmmed from usuance.

  • Pro,ect Drectorate b1. 93/08/26 2pp 6388C3D 76388 031.

9308100244 NRC Wo Nonce 93467. "Burstng of Hgh Pressee Coolant inpocten 9309090395 Forwards succl SE accepano des 8gn */excepton of mstrumernabon asso- 8'g***g g O'"p'e"*a' R"e' actos

    '    w/              ta        & ssurtwee unge steam generator M & new                              dD'"a

Div (Post 921004b 93/08/16. Cork sohdated Echson Co. of New York. enc.13pp. 76447:322-76447:335. m


WlLLIAMS I Dr i. 93 /27. BRAM.S.B. Consodadated Esson C ' 9308260198 NFC trdo Notoe 93469. "Radography Events at Operatng Power Reac-tors *

 -9.809090403Saffy evaluabon re conformance to reg Sude 1.97.Urut 2 design accept.           GRIMES.B.K Dnnsen et Ope anng bactor Support (post 921004). 93/09/01 Cork able wiencepnon of mstrumentaton assocated w/wce               siearn           level    sohdated E& son Co. of New Yont toc. lipp. 76499:342 76499.351
  • Orfice of Nuceear Reactor RepJRRuork Drector (Post 70411L /08/27. 6pp.

76389.353-76389.359. 93D9070206NRC Wo Notce 93470. "Degradaten of Boraflex Neutron Absorber Cou. pons - l 9309300004 Requests manous comtmaton of changes te proposed changes m TS e6 GR MES.B.K Dwmon of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/09/10. Cork ! survoaance misevais to accomonsie 24 month tuas cyces. sohdated Edson Co. cf New York, Inc. 9pp. 76499.353 76499-361. BRAM.S B. Cor==nad Eckson Co. cf New YortL inc. 93/08/27 Document Coritrol Branch (Document Control Desk). 25pp. 76621336 76621:360. 930900C104 NRC Wo Noace 93471. " Fee at Chemobyl Unit 2." GRIMES.B K Dwison of Operstng Reactor S@ pert (post 921004L 93/09/13. Cork 9309000360 Summa y of 930812 rneetng w/util & Westngriouse es Rocdntihe.MD re soldated Edson Co. cf New York. Inc.14pp. 76500901-76500 013. proposed heersmg schedules to suport loadng of wantage plus fuel for 1995 retuek no outage Lat or ttenoses a & vowgraptis enct 9309210038 Forwards safety mso rept 50247/93-18 on 93082347.No assues affectmg WILUAMS.F t Pro,ect Drectorate I1. 93/06/31. Propect Dractorate 41.15pp. putde hema th & satety rer volatons noted 76374.1C3-76374117 BETTENHAUSEN.L. Regen 1 (Post 92C2011 93/09/13. B8 TAM.S. Conschdated 9309290133Forwa'ds psDhcanon for congnued operston in support of roguest for er> torcement escrenon se TS Secton 32.D.1. recmanng reactor rot be troug'il above -9309210045 Sately emp empt W47/93-t$ on 930623 27.fe asues anectng pubhc cold BRAM s'.iutdown unless allEdmon S B. Consoldated WC & Co. Pp5cfzones pressurtred New York. at er above anc. 93/09/13. 47 peso Documerit Congos heatm & sa% nor violabons notedW areas 6 protecton Brances (Document Corstrol Desi410 pp. 766022S76602259. FINKEL.A., BLUMBERG.NJ. Regson 1 (Post 820201L 93/09/09.10pp. 75:190-76475;207 3091 rose, 9309090243 NRC lesio Nobce 93472. "Observatons From Recent Shutdown Rak & l COOPERAW. Region 1 Post $20201K 93/09/15.BRAM.S. Consohdated Edison Co. Ouimoe Pnce Team insos. cf New York Mc 5pp. 76475 053-76475 057. GRIMES. Dwison of Operanng Reactor Gupport (Post 921004). 93/09/14. Cork l soldsted Edson Co. cf New York, anc. 9pp. 76500t014-76500-022. 9309290319 Responds to NRC 930817 tir re 930609 Itr sent to NRC by NY State Dept of Pubhc Svc.whegard to reerpretanon of radographs by ret eidnnoual & fCE venoor rwolved Resuns of uts evaNanon summanrad n enct R. Portodic operating mports & reisted -.. BRAM.S.B. Conschdated Edson Co. of New Yon 6. Inc. 93/09/16.COOPERA Repon 1 (Post 820201k app 76621;283 76621286- 9309140001 "Semannual Efeuent & Waste Deposa! Rept Fest Half 1993." W/930827 Itr 9309290354 Forwards amend 165 to bcense DDR-26 & safety evalustorL Amend re- BRAM.S.B. Conschdated E& son Co. of New York. Inc.93/06/30.100pst 76445:001-vses TS to amend 480 von emergency bus undervottage actuation setpost 76445-144. W'LLIAMS.FJ Provect Drectorate01. 93/09/22.BRAM.S.B. Conschaated E& son Co. 1 of New York. Incl 2pp. 765e1:351-76581.361 9309140117 Forwards fitness forduty prograrn performants data 1or panod Jan. June 1993 '

 -9309290357 Amend 165 to hcanse DDR 26.revemg TS to amend 480 voit emergency                BRAM.S B. Consoldated E& son Co of New York. anc. 93/06/30. Document Coreot      l 93/09/21 app. 76581354-76581257.

kanch (Documera Control M Spp. h3M*4M PRA. oms. 1 9309290360 Safety evaluanon seig amend 165 to hcense DAR46. 930B200129haonthey operstmg rept for Aug 1993 for inden Pont Ursit 2. W/930915 str.

  • Presset Dractorate kl. 93r(Al/2E dop 765812W76581.362. REED.A BRAM.S. Consobdeled Eamon Co. of New YortL inc. 9370E/31. 6pp.

76593:062-76593967 C. InspacCon EspGr~ta,3E Liliefhe & CDftespondencir Ss Reportable occurreraes. LERa & rotated _ 9302160033 NRC Wo Nobce 93456. "Wealcress in EOPs Found as Result of SG Tube Rupture? 9309170210 LER 9340940on 930810.two separate occswrerces of entry ento Tech GRIMES.B fc Dramon of Operstng Reactor Support (Post 921034). 93/07/22. Con- Epoc 3.0.1 & enthaten of plant shutdoom took != A" try tasure of coupimps on solcated Edson Co of New Ycrk, incl tipp. 76499J02-W99:312. Svc Water Pump 21 & EDG 22. Fuses replaced & EDG retessed W/930909 ftr. STONUM.R.M., BRAM.S.B. ConsohGated E*stm Cet of New Yom. inc.93/09/09. 5pp. l 9307190131NRC Irec Notu 93458. ^bw _ _._ m LTOP for PWRs." 76500056-76500t060. GRIMES.B K Dwamn of Operstng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Cork solcaned Esson Co. of New York, snc. 9pp. 76447264 76447;271 9309290241 LER 9341000on 930818.escovered unavailable ruirogen be:Aup flow for AFWS oue to mccrrect kcormee oesgn apphcaton el regulator.Corre:teci rwtrogen 9307200123NRC Into Nonce 93459. " Unexpected Operano cf Both Docru M Ariocet*' backup reguistor ensegn W/930917 ter. l GRIMES.BK. Dwison of OpJratmg Reactor Suos;Jrt (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Cork FRANCESCHl.P, BRAM.S.B. Connoisdated Edson Co. of New York. lac. 93/09/17. i Cphosted E6 son Co. of New Yort. enc.10pp. 76447273w76447282- 5pp. 76682255-76682.259. I 1 9307260065 Swpl1 to NRC Bullenn 91401. "Repcrting Loss of CrtDcahty Seiety Cor>  ; AF. Dween of Fuel Cycle Safety & Sateguards (Post 930207). 93/07/27. t Consobdated E$ son Co. of New York. Inc. 23pp. 7640ko0lk?6409-031. E Securny, enedical, emergency & Sm protecton plans 9307290112 NRC Irdo Notce 93460. "Reporimig Fuel Cycle & Maths Events to NRC Operatens Ctr." BURNETT.R.F. Dween of Fuel Cvce Satety & Safeguards (Post 930207). 03/08/04 9309010176 Rev 7 to EPIP 040041.

  • Plant Assembly & Accountatiihtv? correctmg aar Consohdated f eson Co. of New Yoss. inc.10pp. 7644728576447292. somtsy area asognments & acc>ng mto re use of assemtity ares cararesoer
  • Cornmonwearth Edson Co.93/08/25. 27pp. 76318182-76318219.

9309030200 NRC Wo Nobce 93001. "Exonsyve Reactor Cootant Leakage Fotowing Seas Fadure en RCP or RRP." 9309130060 Rev 4 to % ..- --^ Edmon Co Nuclear Gemratng Stahon Emer. GR8MES.B K. Dvison of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004) 93/08/09. Cork gency Plan (GSEPl? eohdated Edson Co. of New York, enc.12pp. 76499.213-76499-324. F ARRAR.D. Commonwealth Edman Co.93/05/31.10pp. 76443:030-76443:039. l l i i I

30 DOCKETEDITEMS I J l 9309160100 Rev 0 to Corporate EPiP (CEPIP) CEPiP 202144. *Morrmor' LOF & JPIC 93D9230181 Accecation for amerds to iconses DP419.DPR25.DP429 & DPR.3C+ Actwahcrt " fHKatmg efform to ssigrane TS Secton 3/4.7 "Comamment SyL" per

  • Commonwealth Esson Co. 93'08/31.10pp. N54261.N54270. 10'IR50.92tet10CFR51f1 & GL 87-09 d

PIET.PL Cownonweam Essen Co 93/09r17 t#JRLEY.TI Offee of Nuclear ke. 930917D100 Sutirruts partetty witnheso p*vscal secunty msp rects 50 010/9343.50L actor Regulaton Drector (Post 87D411). 27pp. 76547t8k76547.194 237/93-25 & 54249'93-25 on 930825 & 30 One voistxm noted & tiemg conspered for escanated eritorcemem actort -9309220205 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.7. "Comamment Svs

  • i NORELIUS.CE Repon 3 (Post 820201) 93/09/09 OELGEORGE.LO Common.
  • Co.--.--a. Eoison Co.93/09/17 82pp. 76547112-76547.194 i weafth Esson Co. App.76472293-N72298 9309240061 Appicaton for amenos to Icenses DPR.19.DPR-25.DPR 29 &
 ~9309170103 insp repts 50 010/9343.53 237/93-25 & 54249/93-25 on 930825 &                         me.tme efforts to upg ade TS secten 3 6/4.6. "Pnr*.ary Sys Bounoary" pc 30 Vosaton noted Maior reas ms- k . .. of nodoounta nearch that resuhec m                      10CF450.90
     'ntrooucten of unauthorned item m protected area.Detans wimheid.

uADEDA.TJ Regon 3 (Post E20201) 93/09'08 2pp M72:.47 76472.298 PIET.P L Commonweam E$ son Co 93/09/17. MURLEY.T1 Offee of Nucinar Re-actor Regulaton. Director (Post 670411). 20pp. 76545112 7M45220. 9309270098 Forwards response to reouest for accr mto se proposed generatng station ~83092M Prmoned toch specs 04 6. Pnmaw Svs W

       'ner      plan row.mcorporstmg EOF as antenm EOF.per change retwest 93Lt.
    'SA        ANDO.D. Conwnoriwealth Edison Co. 93/09/17. HICKMANJ.E. Pro,ect De.                   b--      -- ' - E#        N #        OON rectorate itL2 45pp 76570250 76570294 9309240257 Aprecaton ter amerds to bconses DPR 19.DPR 25.DPR-29 & DPR-30 se allowng ECCS moperatidmes wie roosnng futi compesmem or eesel generators or oft k'T       Commonwaarth E&aon Co 93@/17 MURLivTI Offa of Nucinar Re-9309220126Pa'bai response to FOia reousse App O accuments svadatde m PDR. App P
                                                                                                 *                  "*                  I documems pa taley withheed trot FOia Lw=nptons 5 & 61 GRIMSLEY.O H Divisson of Freeoom of Ireymaton & Pubhcatons Servees (Post                  ~'.309240265 Proposed tech specs 3/4 5. "E              Core Cooeng Sys.

890205L 93/04/28 GILtNSKY.v. Amhabon Not Assegned. Tipp. 76576 123- Conronweam Eston Cn 93N7. 34 553M6553M 76580-168 9309300203 h-=aas 930927 press corrierenc.e re J O'Conrur rmouncemerit that util

 -8110300072 Parbapy withheld Commesson paper re petson gy he; ring te proposed                  setbed ser rate matters & appeals belore Ninoas courts & Commerce C1         -- tg comntammaton al Dresoan Nucses Poww btanon.                                                  aproomg to rotund bsted amount to customers over next 12 enanthL MALSW.M G Othee of the General Counser (Post 860701) SECY A414188. 90/12/                     SH:RAKLC.Y. Propect Drectorate 14 2. 93/09/27 MURLEY,T. MIRAGUA.F.,
02. 86pp 765*7221-76577296 RUSSELLW. NRC No Dotaded Athhaton Gwert 25pp. 76591012-76591:036.

P. Operatin9 bconee stage : 1 & .. Q. Inspection reports,IE Bullettna a corrompondence 9306230099 Suppl 5 to Genenc Lir 8410 to nucsoar piant iconsees & CP holders re 9307160033 NRC Wo Notre 93 056. "Weatness m EOPs Found as Resun of SG Tube maccuracy or motor <:iperated wahe eouipment Rupture." PARTLOWJ G. a=~=te Director tor (Post $70411). 93/06/28. Cor=reimt- GRIMES.B K Denson of Operamng Reactor Seport (post 921004). 93/07/22 Ccn ed Edenen Co of teew York, fre 7pp. 76409 001-76409908. schosted E&aon Co. W New York, Inc.11pp. N99.302-N99 312. 9309090293Forwaros erweren --- ._..; & Anchng et no sgnewcant arrhet to930514 9307190131NRC Wo Ncince 93 058, %_ . m LTOP tur PWRL" mouest for one.ame schechiar exensman from nest miervati, for Types A.C anat rate GRIMES.B M. Dvinson o' Operstng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Con-tests retNred try 10CFR50. App J STANGJF Propect Dymetorate E2 93/05/26.FARRAR.D.L Commonwestth E&aon sohdated Eeson Co. W New YrA Inc. 9ssi. N47264-N47R2. 3pp. 76388W6308912. 93o7200123NRC Into f#ibce 93459. " Unexpected Opemmp of Both Doors m Artocit"

 -9309090237 Ennron                .. .. & snhng of ro esomhcani impact re schedunar os-         GRIMES.S.It Dwasion of Opermang Reactor Succort (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Con.

soicamd Edecin Co W New Yo% mc.10pp. N47.273-N47282. empton trom roouremerns of 10CFR50 for ha aw tesang Et$ unwyrarsect DYER.J E. Propset Drectorate h2. 93/06/26 5pp 76388.008//6388912. 9307260065 Suppl 1 to NRC Bubebn 91401, %eportrig Loss of Dmcmaty Safety Con-er Buroen Red enon ersha t) or to JR AF. Dwoon of Fuel Cycee Satety & Sateguards (Post 930207). 93/07/27 mg Actors (CBLAkist of anonoses encs Ccmsohasted Echeon Co. of New York. Ire,23pp. 76409009 N09:031. SIEGAL9L Promet Drectorate lib 2. 93/06/27. Protect Dree grate 962. 21pp. 76296.283-76286.303. 9307290112 NRC Wo Notte 93460. "Reportm0 Fuel Cyces & Mans Events to NRC Operatonn Cir." 9309140349 rarwards schnasar exempton from 10CFR50. App J recurements re b. BURNETTAE Dwison of Fuel Cvcde Sately & Sateguards (Post 930207) 93/08/04 ceru.se930514 roguest Connoidated Edson Co. et New Yrk, tric.10pp. N47283-N47292. ROE.J W Dmman of Reactor Protects - IltfV.V (post 901216). 93/09/D1. FARRAR.DL Cm _r. Eeson Co. 2pp. N31237-*3134ti 9300030200 NRC Wo Notice 93461,"Eaoesswo Randor Cooient Leakage Fonowng Seal Fadure m RCP or RRP."

 - 4309140353 Exempeen trom 10CFRSO. App J rocksromants permitang cperaton for                   GRIMES.B t( Dvmion of Operetng Rea::sor Support (Post 921004), 93/08/09 Ctn max ca 190 cavt                                                                              soidstad Echson Co. of New Yort. anc.12pr N99213 76499J24, ROE.J W Dnsson of Reactor Prossets - IlllV.V (Post 901216193/09/D1. Commcn waafth Eckson Co. 7pn N31.344N31346.                                                      einenine45 NRC Wo Notice 93462
  • Therma! Sarathenon of Water ri BWR Reactor Vennes "

9309:30004 Addresses NRC concerns re sche:sute for deegn change matanaton to GRIMES.B K. DMuson et Operetng Reaca:r Support (Post 921004). 93/06/10 Core post.acceent corresusatne Bas controi SYs Bohdated beson Co. el New Ytrt int 95Ek M99.32b76499.333. PIET.PL C.. .. _r Eeson Co. 93/09/02. MJRLEY.T.E. Oftcp et Nutdear Re actor Regulatort Dractr (Post 57D411). 2pp. N27274-N27EE. 9309030274 NRC Wo Notoe 93063. " Improper Use et Solutse Esid Purge Dam Man.". GRIMES.B K Dneon at Opraang Reacar Stsiport (Post 921004). 93/06/11. Con 9309140123Nochcaton of930914rnmetmp */uulin Rockwihe.MD to &=runa groposed soldsted Edson Co. et New vcyk, Inc. top. N9ft.334-N99.341. afiemate engronch to pertornung snendua' ptarn exams for ektemal event E'ECEL*L Nau D=Anais h4 nuebe/Qu. UYER 11 Protect Drectcrate E1 93o90E0237 NRC Wo Ncmoe 93464. "Ponoche Tesung & Proverove Mamt et Maided 6pp. 7642214&764221a9-Cam Camit W*' GRIMES.B It Dansion at Operstmg Rentsor Support (post 921004). 93/06/11 Con. 9309160020 Daousses sche &as for hoensee ressorne to GL SS10. " Safety Related soldatec Edson Co. 01 New York. anc.11pp N47.293.N47J03. Anottsoperstwo Vawe Testng & Survedtanca

  • EL - " "
  • Uh

[ k 5p 744 7 2. NRC 93-005, " Reactor Trips Counod tiy Broahor Testeg WI , 3309200015Appbcaton for amends to Lscennes DPR.19.DnR.25.DPR 29 &,. G ng flectng efecr1 to upymde TS Secuan 3/4.0.

  • Plant Sys." ecauckng encxFporatDn of he 7 2 04 4 '

GLs Ble.014 8749 sTsitamentaton PIET,PL Commonwealth Lemon Co. 93/09/10 t#JRLEYT.E Othee et Nenaar Re- 930910o00s,, NRC Wo Neece 93466. "Settertover to tiot Leg Insecton Fonowing LDCA actor Reputaton Drector (Post 870811).14p0. 76507142-76532.227. {soldinted h Edman Co.Wet %r vontRInc. 7pn N47215-7644mt en 93/06M b 9309200019 Proposed Tecri Specs Secton 3/4 8. " Plant Svt.

  • Commcmweeftn Eesan Co 93/DD'10. 72pp 76502154765012.27.

3309260199 NRC Wo Notte 93469. "Raeography Events at Opersang Power Reac. 930t220074 Forwards Rev 2 to "Dressen Staton 3rd Intental IST Plan," an response to 1**

  • fd4C 920911 SER re Rehet Raouest RV,23H. GRIMES.B #L Danson of Operstng Reactor S soort (Post 9210D4). 93/09/02. Cor>

PIET.PL Commonwedith Esson Co. 93/09/10. MJRLEY.TI Oftco of Nucesar Re. soidsted Edson Co. el New York anc.11pp M99.342 N99.352. actor Regulalon. Director (Post $70411) 2pp. 76517219-76517226. 9309150071 Resportos to violatons se tosiae to rnest voouvements of 10CFRSO $9 &

 -4309220079 Rev 2 to "Drostlen Staton 3rd Interval IST Phart" Sectrris 2.13 &                    taAre to panorm adenmate posbmoc! testCIAs LAR wit to attimatted to cla'lly CCS 14.pages 21.131 to 13 4 & 14-40.respecevosy                                                   coagn taass contguraton as 1 LPCL/1 CCSW pump
    *Co.,..-      2 Echeon Co.93'09/10. 6pp. 765172217651722tL                                    LYETER..M.D. C .._ . 5 Echacn Co 93/09/03. Document Control Branch (Doc-wnerit Control Desk). Opp.76454:105N54112.

9309170177 Ncchcaton et 93D923 meetrig w/util en Rocemlie.MD to h== util BWR sately enstyse topicat

  • opts to tie satirnetted for statt vowow as part et uht venaar ek 9309160029 haa== echedule tar toonnee response to GL 8610 "Saiety.Melated cooennonoe program & review schedule hootaroperated Velve Testmg & bawedience
  • SIEGELBA Proiect Drectorsie h2. 93/09/13. DYER.JL Propect Dractorale RL2 DYER.Ji. Propmot Dractorate 962. 93/09/09. DELGEDRGELO. t z 7pp. N6124476461:255 Ecbnon Co. Spp.76446.309 7644E212 h

i l \ DOCKETEDITEMS 31 9309170100 Submits prtally wrthrend physcal secunty msp repts %C10/9343.50 9309080303 LER SS01S00m 930809.HPCI Turtune faded to reset tonowng inD , f 237/93-25 & 5D.249/93-25 on 930825 & 30.One volaton noisc & tem 0 consoered testCaused try taulty hnut suich.Lerrst swach renusted wip30901 tir. i for escalated enforcement acton. CHURILLA.M. SPEDLG.F. Commonwealtn Edmon Co. 93/09/01. 4pp. 76430:096 , NDRELIUS.CE. Regan 3 Post 820201L 93/09/09. DELGEORGE.LO. Common- 7643D:101 t weatm Edmon Co. app N72.29&N72298 l 9309160007 LER 9341540-on 930811.CCSW punpa A & B prod.ced 6.000 gahors i =C309170103 Irup repts 50-010/93 03.50-237/9325 & 50449/93 25 on 930825 & per trun Cue to mcorrect oemon orawmg tar va've starke.Reptated mecharacal oei po-30 Venston noted Maior areas espectac revaew of madeouaw search that resutted m snon mdcator of valve actumor.W/930908 Itr. mtroducten et unaJthorned nem m protected area Detads wahheld DIGRINDAKIS.N., LPEDL.G.F. Commonwea'th Edson Co. 93/09/08. app. 76486328-MADEDA.TJ., CREEDJA Repon 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/08. 2pp. 76472297- 76486.321. N72298. 9309200042 LER 9341640-on 930816.HPCI outsde of FSAR desgn regumrrnents due  ; 9309200074 Forwards Specm! Insp Team insp Repts 50 237/92-33 4 54249'92 33 on to amatsed turtune es.Necessa y revs to aco'porate steps ano Dresoen instrument 921130 1204re correns rod c . .., event on920918 &taAre to report evern Sunalsance 050003 wilt te nnpsememed W/930913 flr. { per stanon procedures. THEESFELD.T., SPEDLG.F. Cw. _. -- - . Edson Co. 93/09/10, 4pp. 76500-081- r GREENMAN.E.G. Regen 3 (Post 820201L 93/09/09. DELGEORGE.LO. Common- 7650&D64 wealth Edmon Co. app. N73245 76473.278. .

   --9309200076 insp roots 54237/92 33 4 50249'92 33 on 9211301204. Vetatens               V. operator Exammeteens noted.Malor areas .w..-a rod mmoosnonmg wtuch occufred on920918 &

taAre to promptry rept event H' AND.P.L. CLAY'ONA Repon 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/07. 20pp. 76473249 9309210095 SJmma'y of 930708 Repon ill annual trammg managers contorence si 76473.268. Glen Epyn,lLPurpose et meenng to provee forum for h=mann on rev 7 o' operator Iconumg exammer stas & to **a=a operator Innsmg saues. re920918ovent te con. RIN3,M Regen 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/15. Regon 3 (Post 820201). 29pp.

   -C309200078 Forwards 6nal chaner to evaluate .                                       N 76-063-N76-091.                                                                    .

eor rod 7,_ c, GREENMAN.E G Ampon 3 (Post 820201). 92/11/30. HILAND.P.L Regon 3 (Post 9303210108 h-s reguahfacaban prog'am evatunton scheduisd for wk of 820201). app. N73269 76473272. 930131. Proposed 300 performance measure exam for une durmg re'.ahe esam should

   - 9309200064 Dan maae 920918 ovesit to snserton of wrong conrol fort Correctve            to autetted                                                                          ,

RING.M.A. Repon 3 (Post 820201L 93/09/15. DELGEORGE.LO. Commonweafth  ; C . .-M susoonson of five rukaduals penckng compi' Hon of rivestpRaon Edmon Co. topp. 76i76 092-F6476:101. , tiv pwsonnes mospenaere of sianon. WALLACE.MJ C ._ ^~~. Edson Co- 92/11/25. DAVISAB. Regen 3 (Post 820201k 3pp. 76473.273 76473r5. 93esN0143 Forwards ressakfceton exam rect 50 237/OL 9341 resultne from exams admmstered9307260002Aovmes that plant recueirhcatan trammg program was de- ,

   -93052000e6 Docusses 920918 event se control rod maposeonm0 leentfes mappro,              termned to to eNeCDwe & overas eaMerhy.                                              1 pnaie em=-u'ig snaceauste venicaton & tecond venhcaton smor to move-                    FORNEY.w.L R             3 (Post 820201L 93/09/17.DELGEORGE.LO. C -- ^

vrent of Cornrol Rod M1 & tacs of procedurat adnerence. Edman Co. 3pp. 7 ' :003-76523:188. l

      % ALLACE.MJ C . - --- Ednan Co. 92/12/03. DAvtSAB. Repon 3 (Post 820201k 3pp. N73276J6473278.                                                        -930BN0176 Exam rept 50 237/OL4341 on 930726 0802.Emam resutts ernmen & op-eramn0 exams were             to rune andmduals appeyng ior RO teennes & to em rN
    $30e070206NRC IrWo Noboe 93470. "Dogradaten el Borafter Neuron Absorter Cou-             Uels appevmg for          hoenoes.All mduduals fmexams                               e pons?                                                                                 MCICLD., JORDAN M.J. Regen 3 (Post 820201 A 93/09/16.181pp. 76523:006-               !

GRIMES.BK Desen of Opermang R="r= Support (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Core 76523:188. solcated Echson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. N99;353 76499.361. 8 9300NOR95 Nosfes that SB Zimmerman rio longer regused to memten operstng l' 93090e0104 NRC trWo Notre 93071. "Fre at Chernobyl Unit 2

  • bconse.eflectve 930918.

GRIMES.BK Dusan of Operetng Reactor Lemet (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Con. LYSTER.M.D. C_ - . Edman Co.93/09/17. Docurient Coneol Branch (Docu. ', achdated Edman Co. of New York anc.14pp. 76500-001-76500 013. mont Conros Deskt 1p 76570202J8570202. t 930e000243 NRC anlo Notco 93472. "Otsenrahons From Recart Shutdown Rak & Outspe sagt Pdot Tearn ansok" DOCKET $0 250 Tb8tKEY PolMT PLAltT, UNIT 3 i GRIMES.BK Dmsen of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/14. Core  ;

       =+t=*=d    Echson Co. of New Yort. Int app. 76500-D14-76500.022.                                                                                                           !
r. sea =7. .neec=i. e rSoncy & me prs = coon ,== t 930e210314 Suppi response to NRC Bubetn 93403. "Renaurm of issues Related to 9300219057 Fonsonas scope & W W W annual emergency W en- f DEL E. .C. EduTori C 91 /15 MURLEY.T.E. Offce of Nu. erome Wa=N 2 he m on NE. Emenme w invoke m W  :

csear Reactor R==w=% Director (Post 8'0411k 3pp. 76504215-76504.217. respones egennes & semee emergency response personnel.  !

    $30e210137 F                mse septs $4237/93 21 & 54249/93 21 on 930e02 06 & 16-        ,,,,g                     3       h$f6509 493m6.N N.m h                               93003e0161 Fonseeds Rev 6 to ptwocal escurny plan.meluchng rept desenteng rev &         t

[ g,47g

  • cosmos PTNPSP4 through PTNPSP4.Encis wettmed.per 10CFR7321 &

D inop rects50-237/93 41 & 54249/93-21 9 080246 & 1619. No ve- "F lords  % 03/09/14. Domamera Conrol B.anch @ock REPLOGLE.G SurTH.J., DUNLOPA Regen 3 (Post $20201A 93/09/14.13pp. synent Domkk app. Me06202-6%2M6m 93esassess Act recess of 830820 tir wanemsteng Sesipi 5 to Turkey Pont Phracal Se-930tN0011 Confrms plans to hold mgt meetnD teprmmg 930924 m Moms.tL to tbs- cunty PterLCrenges normateft w/prensons of 10CFR50.54(p) & ausplatae er mciu- , FREE Repon (Poes B2"0'2 COLLINS.D 2 (Poet 820231). 33/09/15.GOLDBERGJ.R Ficmda Power & Edson Co. 3pp. 76522901-76522S03. LagNt CtL 3pp. 764 3351J6473253.  ; 930eN0163 Fcrwards rooumhtcanon exarn vept 506237/OL.9kD1 resultng from exams admaastered930726 0802. Advises that plant regunkfcston tarang program was de, K General oormpendence termned to be eNoceve & overas saastactory. FORNEY.W.L Repon 3 (Post 820201L 93/09/17.DELGEORGE.LO. Commonwealth 93es030012 Comment oppoeng proposed rute 10CFR2 se revew of 100FR2.206 proc-EcksonCo.3pp 76523003 76523:198. ena AXELRAD.M. Newman & Hortnnger. 93/08/27. CHILK.SA Ornce of the Secretary of

    -830e240176 Exam rept 50237/OL4S41 on 9307264802 Exam resultis: written & op-              the C-_    _
                                                                                                                 .11pp. 76318 001-76318 011.

erstng exams were omven to tre rutvithase apprymg tar RQ icerison & to so mdmd. uals for SRO noermes.As mckvuimis nomead exams 930e030005 Commers supportng pmar==d ruse 10CFR2 re veview of 2206 process. MCrE . 3 (Post $20201k 93/09/16.181pp. 7652300E 76523:188. WETTERMAMN.MA Wmenon & Stromet93/06/21. CHILK.S4 Offee al tne Secretary of the Communert 9pp. 76318 055-75312 0E3.

14. Portodic operating reports & related correspondence P.Operetng Roonee sempe decismonte & serrespondence 9309100035 Forwards MOR tor Aug 1993 summarong 10CFRSO.59 ovolustons per-l iormee mores of Jan. June 1993,Annovertonuy ortwtied from earher esplE eunsonnene Suppl 6 to Genenc Lir 8910 to t==*= piera Icermees & CP hoksees se SPEDLG.F. tin Edson Co 93/09/14.Ducnament Contal Bramch (Docu- mecouracy os moeor.operoemd verve ocksomerit ment Contros Dese4 2pp. 76480225 76480;276- PARTLOWAG. Wa== Drector tor (Post s70411). 93/0G/28. Cor=didat ed Edman Co. of New York. Inc 7pst 7640fr00176409:006.
    -a3091e0048 Monttdy operanno rests for Aug 1993 for Dramaan Piart Uruts 1.2 & 3.
  • Commonwealth Edson Co.93/06/31. 50pp. 76400.227364e0276. gas,100135 Summary of 930716 meetmg w/util et Regen il ofcs se presentaton on on.

pnearmg autehves et uniVsowgraphs enot MERSCHOFF.E.W. Regori 2 (Post 020201k 93/06/06. GOLDBERGJH Flonda S, Reportable occurrences. LEpis & roasted correspondonoe Power & Lagnt Co. 57pp. 76424:105 76424:161. sano010274 LER 92 034 00cn 921023.SGTS tound outade FSAR dempn imidtLCaeased 93ee130313 rum ms staff enview of uti IPEEE semmals si sepsonne to suppi 4 to Dy maccurate ongmal stan2y gas treatmem er tcw.Operatulity determmaton per- GL SIL20 neued on910626.Advens addl cornerence calls or meetmps may be turmed tened on prehr'enry calculatofLW/930824 tir. to imeare estermmaton of a #nge edMy for abmmoit SPRINGER,B, SPEDLG.F. L _ J Edson Co. 93/06/11. Spp. 76409-057- NORR A., RAGMAVAN.L Prmeet Drectorate d,it 93/06/12. GOLDBERGAH 76409061. Flonths Power & LsgNt Co. 3pp. 76413.216-76413220. I l-_ - .

32 DOCKETEDITEMS 9309090228 Apphcanon for amemos to Lacenses DPR.31 & DPR41.modWymD is 3/ -9309140077 "Ttwd TesYear Irmervce insp P'ogram for Turkey Point N.sclear Power 4.7.16. "Stando, FW Sys" & assomated twanes to ehmmate crankmp DGs Piart Urdts 3 & 4 " PLUNKETT.T.F Fenda Power & Lgm Co 93'09/03. Document Contrtz Branch (Doc.

  • Fonda Power & lspm CO. JPN.ESLPTN.3/4 R00 93/06/01. 200pp N44 005-ument Control Desk). 21pp. 76404.330 4404.359. 76444 198
 -9309090232 Proposed tech specs 3/4 7.1.6. "Staney FW Sys" & assocasted bases           9309290121 Notricaten of agrufcard b::ensee mecamg w/utd on 931005 to has two               )

for ehmmaton of DGk cases of empiovee esenmmatum.

  • Fionca Pows' & 93/09/03. 9pp. N04.351-76404:359. BELISLE G A R' egon. 2 (Post 220201). 93r09/09 Regen 2 Ipost $20201). 2pp l 76b51232 76551233. 1 9309210177 Forwards response to 930624 RAI to support technscal review of utst i 10CFR50 59 evaluabon el RHR check valve fian 9309280132 Confirms meneng arrangements tietween J Geger & J hany se enforce-PLUNKETT,T.F. Faonda Power & Lsom Co 93/09/14.Ocamem Control Branch (Doc. ment contenmce to be field an Atlanta.GA on 921005 to escuss two cases of employ.

ument Coreal Dest). app.76511.354L76511:361. ' se desenmnaton. MERSCHOFF.E W. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/09 GOLDBERGJH. Fionda C309290026 Responds to ente ressested by NRC emng 930720 meetng to USI A-46 ark Power & Lig'it Ca MEYERS.B.L. Bechtel Corp. 4pp. 76551;241-76S51.244. chuhng naranve desenbmg tow safe shutdown wds be , 4-e A propneta y towchart w/regarc to resay . Flowchart withheid.per 10CFR2.71KL $309070206 NRC Irvio Noboe 93470 "DeDradaten of Borahs: Neutron Absortm'r Cow BOHLKE.W.H. Faonda Power & Laom 93r09/15. Document Control Branch (Docu. pone ment Control Desnt 10pp. 7658327476583279. GRIMES.B K. Duson of Opersing Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Com soidsted Edson % of Ne=r Ycrt. Inc. ppp.76499.353-76499.361. Q. Inspection reports, IE Bulletms & corc. - g3ppgyg3g3 3,spanos go NRC ltr re velatons noted dunng msp rept 50 250/93-20 Cor-rectnre actonsas Electrical Marnt Dept Fased Seervoces.Masrn Engmeers & Piermers

  $307160033 NRC Info Notce 93456. " Weakness an E0Ps Found as Result of SG Tube            have anned speahcoton ovemsw                   sesam R@ture "                                                                               GOLDBERGJ.H. Fionda Power & Lget                 93/09/10. Document Control Branch GRIMES.B.K Dunen of Operetng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/2z. Con.             (Document Control Deski. 3pp. 76479.14S76479142.

sohdated Fr6en Cck of New York, me. lipp. W99.302 76439212. 3309090104 NRC Info Nobce BS071. " Fee at Chemobyl Unit 2." C307190131NRC Inte Notce 93458. "Nonconservansm 'm LTOP ter PWRs." GRIMES.B K Dusson of Operanng Reactor Seport (Post 921004) 93/09/13. Car > GRIMES.B K Desen of Operstmg Reactor 6upport (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Con- soldated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 76500001-76500013. sch3sted Eckson Co, of New York anc. 9pp. M472t4W47272. 930e0e0243 NRC Info Notee 93472. 'Observatens From Recent Shutemn Rak & 9307200123NRC info Nobce 91059. " Unexpected Openmg of Both Donrs m AntoclC' Outape hpt P4ct Team inaps" GRMES.B.K. Deson of Operenn0 Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Cork GRIMESE.K. Duwan of Operann0 Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/14. Con-sok1sted Edson Co. of New YortL inc.10pp. N47273.N47282. sobdated Echmon Co. of New York, anc. 6pp. 76500:014-7650:kO22. 9307260065 Sepi 1 to NRC Bubstm 914C1. "ReportnD Loss of CrincaMy Salsty Cork 9309290249 Forwards cmtracted page 13 to eusp repts $4250/9S16 & SS251/93-tro4 " 16.correcing admnstrague error re urcescaved stem armosvmg de ennnaban et ed* BURNETT.R.F Dusen of Fuel Cvcie Sately & Safeguards (Post 930207). 93/07/27. ausey of iconsee surveys los receipt of packages shoped by exclusve use vetucse. Consohdated E&asn Co. et New York, Inc. 23pp. WolM109J6439.031. CLINE.WL Regon 2 (Post 820201). 03/09/14 GOLDBERGJX Fianca Power & LagNt Co. 3pp. 76552-194 76552.197. 9307290112 NRC Into Notco 93460 "Reporing Fuel Cyces & Mans Evgtns a3 NRC Operatens Ctr." _9309290276 Corrected page 13 to map repts 50 250/9S16 & 54251/9S16 ref conect BURNETT.RF. Dusen of Fuel Cycle Sately & Safegaards (Post 930207). 93/08/04 URI W as 50 250251/SN Consondated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.10pp. 76447.293-76447;292-

  • Regon 2 (Pom 820201k 93/09/14.1p. 76552.197-76552197.  ;

emN'00 NRC ardo Nobae 93461. "Excesesve Reactor Coota a Leakage Follows'9 930e290229 Forwards ansp rept 50250/9S214 50,251/9321 on 930726482D 4 Seal Fadure en RCP or RRP." notco of 6 GRNES.B.K Dmsen of Operanng Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/08/08. Co'* SINKULE.ed.v. Regen 2 (Post 820201193/09/17.GOL.DBERG.J.H. Flanda Power & sohdated Eckson Co. of New vork, snc.12pp. N99213-76499224- Lght Co. Spp. 76b53 091-76553110. 930e030245NRC Into idotes 93 062. " Thermal Statticaton of Water in BWR Reacto' -930e200236 % d vioisson Som ensp a 9307244820.Vmaston notede G ES.B K Dvsson of Operanno Reactor Support (Post 921004) 93/06/10. Can 830"* 6" ' 88 '"* "" 'dD* *** "'D'8"'*'***" *~#0'* ' # '

                                                                                                           * ' ' " " ' ' "*          h 9                   N'"'                '

sohdated Edson Co. of New Yorts. Inc. 9pp. 76499.325-N99.333. E Re"gen'2("Po"st $2"02"01).'9'3/09"/1"724

                                                                                                                                  .               "'6 3:0 7'"655'd'9'6  75'53 0"9'5.
                                                                                         ~9309300239 insp repts SS250/9&21 & 50251/9321 on 9307244820. Vetstons K                      Re                  (Post 921    )    06 1.         n=eae,- - ~oc o==n=0 a e-n=P-e- e-7
  • ani dsted Ed.on Co- vw .rm .metorpp. N 99 m
  • 99.341. everns.

N Cmam97 NRC into Notee 93464, "Penoche Testing & Preventnre Marnt of Molded

      - Ce-h                                                   I GRNES.B.K Denson of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/12 Con-sohdated Edson Co. of New Yorth, Inc.1100. 76447293 76447:3:3.

R &M6 emngolgy NRC Info Notre 93465. " Reactor Trps Cmas-j a9 Breaker Teshng W/ Fault Protecton Bycessoc." 93090103E2 Forwartis 9tness>.for<luty proyam pertonnonce cata tor am fnonth pamod GRNES.B K Dumen c eOporanno Reactor Soport (Post 921004). 93/08/13. Cor> endng 930630 sobssaed Edson Co. of New York, mc. Tipp.76447.3D4 76447:314. BOHLKE.WM Flonda Power & Lsght Co 93/08/27. Docwnera Control Branch (Dom >  ; morn Ccmtrel DeskA 7pp. 76328213 76329219. 9309070274 Forwards map repts SS250/93-19 & 50 251/93-19 on 9306264723 Veta. ton not subs to EA 9300030236 Forwards *Tumey Pont Plant Uruts 3 & 4 Semaannual P Aoschvo Effluent se*Le sN Y Reg'ta f !'w P202'") 23' den 3 2C!!.DE! Fleen *:rerer & h.asa flai:" Jaa.M s 13 W f %:526 co20! ma:ua! mai 3r41. ~.a.e Lepm Co. 3pp. 76333:151-7633*s:174. penact No maror cnanges made to band.geneous or schd radwaste treatmerit PLUNKETT.TI. Fionds Power & Co 93/08/27. Docwnertt Corarol Branch (Doo-

   -8309070275insp rests $4250/9119 & 50-251/9S19 on 930626-0723.One nor>cnod                ument Control DeskL 2pp. 763           76399219.

vioannon & no oevatons reend Masar areas snapected'sumsaarse observatoris.masil etee watons. operemonal safety a piant events -930mninesa "Twmer Poms Plant Unas 3 & 4 Serrmannuni Radesebve Efituent Release BUTCHER.R C. TROCINE L., LANDIS,K.D. Repcri 2 (Post 920201k 93/06/13 21pgL Root Jar > June 1993

  • 76333 164 76333 174. BERG.J.E., $TEINKE.R.N.. KAMINSMAS.VA Flonda Power & Laght Co. 93/06/30.

9308100306 NRC treo Nolms SS 066. "5wachover to Hos. Leg inpochon Foaowmg LOCA 5 GR .B.K Dutsen of Operanng Reactor support (post 921004k 93/06/16. Cor> sohdated Edson Co of New York. Inc. 7pp. N47:315-

  • 47221-

CALLANDERA. PLLP4KETT.T.F. Pacdic Gas & Einetne Co. 93/08/31. 9pp. 76500.340 76500.349 93081u0248 NRC Into Nolce 93467. "Basimg of High Pressure Coosant inpuchon Simum Lne Ruptwo Does enwres Plant Pe sonnsL" GRNES.B K Dween el OprainD Reactor Support (Post 9210odk 93/08/16. Co'* DOCKET $0251 TURKEY POlaf7 PLANT.UNfT 4 ephdated Emeon Cat of New York. anc.13pst N47.322-76447:335. s M 1$ ""88 d IsaneCIvo M takSn m respFWe D Du! Wen F. $8curttb InediceL emergency & Gro pmtecten phare 96 003.Leermee repsmoed ae.operstad wahnes wfth MOVs. BERKOW.H.N Prosect Drectorate IL2. 93/06/23. RDSENTHAL.J.E. Reactor Oper-s; ens Analyss BrancrL 2pp. 76387 055 76367956. 9309210067 Forwyds scope & otsiecoves for 1993 annust emergency propstedreous em artmo acheduled to be conchrend on 931215. Exorone we awohse partceston of 930C2GD198 NRC Info Notte SS069. *Radsgraphy Events at OperetnBPower Reac- tocol response agencies & otate response personnel fors.*- PLUNV .T.F. Fkmos Power & Co. 93/09 13. Control Branch (Doo. GRNES.B K Dween of Operstng Reactce Support (Post 921004L 93/09/02. Con- ument Control DenI4 tipp. 76509 76509.308. sointmed Edison Ock al New York. anc 11pp. N99t342-7649t.352. 930920D181 Forwards Rev 6 to physmal enounty pierunchsdmg rept descritong rev & I 9309140072 Forwards "Thed Ten Year Insemco trap Program for Twkey Poeit Nuclear cognos erfMPSP.3 prough PTNPSP4&ncis wemaic,per 10CFR7321 & [ stower Plant Unas 3 & 4 " 10CFR2.790!aK3h PLUNKETT.T.F. Flonde Power & Lagni Co.93/09/14. Documerit Corect Branch (Doo-l PLUNKETT.TI. Fionda Power & L."/R Cet93/09/09 Documerit Corarol Branch (Doc- umore Conent Deskt app. 76606.2sS76606262. ument Control DeskL Ppp. N4421-i6444:193 i l l

DOCKETED ITEMS 33 93D9200096 Ack recec't of 930820 tr transmmmg Supol 5 to Turkey Pont Phymal Se- -9309070275inso rests 54250/9319 & 5>251/93-19 on 930626-0723.One no%csted cunh P;an. Changes consstent w/pronsens of 10CFR50.54(p) & acceptable for inctu- etaten & re newatons noted Maar areas % e .: nce coservatens.masm son ento paart observatorth operatomai safety & plaret eventL COLLrNS.D.M Reoen 2 (post 820201). 93/09/15. GDLDBERGJ.H. Flanda Power & BUTCHER.R.C.. TROCINE.L., LANDIS.KD. Regon 2 (Post 820201193/06/13. 2tpp j Lyit Co. 3pp 7647335176473.353 76333 154 76333 174. g .

                  -._-                                                                  93,08100006NRC
                                                                                            , pwas
  • Wo Notice 93 066. "Sentchover to Hot-Leg inpecnon Followng LOCA GRMES.B K. Dnsen et Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06/16. Con.

9309030012 Commem opposmg proposed rule 10CFR2 se renew W 100FR2.206 proc. sohdated Edison Co. of Nee Vors. anc. 7pp. 76447315-76447.321. ess AXELRAD.M Newman & Hortzmger. 93/06/27 CHILES.J. Ona of t'ie Secretary of 9308100248 NRC Into Nobce 93467. "Burstmg of Hagh Pressure Coolant inpocton the Commessort 11pp. 76318'00176318:011. Steam une Rupture Oscs miures Plant Personnet." GRMES.B K Dnrmon of Ope'anng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 03/08/16. Con-9309030095 Comment soportng proposed rule 10CFR2 re rewew of 2206 procest sohdated Ethson Co of toew York. anc.13po. 76447.322-76447.335. WETTERMAHN.MJ. Wmston & Strawrt 93/08/31.CHILK.SJ. Othee of sne Secreta'y ' of the Commissert 9pp. 76318055 76318063. 9309000218 Discusses sagnrficance of corrective artiprs taken eri resprise to tiulietin I 06 003.ucensee replaced ar opers*ed valves with MOVs BERKOW.M.N. Protect Drectorme N.2 93/08/23. ROSEW7HA: J.E. Reactor Oper-P. Operating leoense stage documents & . atons Analysa Brancts. 2pp. 76387C55 76387:0b6. 9306230o99 Suppl 5 to Genenc Ltr 89-10 to nucsear plant hcensees & CP toloers to 93082W98 W Into Nonce 93469.4adog'as)hy Events at Operanng Power h R OWJG *eate Drector for 70411). 93/06/28. Conschdat MES.B K Dusen of Operanng Reactor Soport (Post 921004). 93/09/02. Con-ed Edison Co. of New York,inc 7pp. 7640P00176409:008. sohdated Ecimon Co. of New YorA inc Upp.7642342-764M52. ' 9309100135 Summa'y of 930716 meeting w/ubi ri Regon 9 otes re presentaton on evt. 9309140072 ForwerO* 'Thre Ten Year imiernce 6nsp Program for They Pont Nuclear i omeenna nuanwes at uin viewgraons encg Power Plam Unns 3 & 4. MERSC> TOFF.E W Regen 2 (Post 820201L 93/08/06. GOLDBERG.J.H. Flanda PLUNKETT.TA Flonca Power & Lagm Co. 93/09/09 Documem Control Branch (Doc-Power & ught Co 57pp. 76424.105-76424:181. umem Comrol Desk). 3pp. 76444-061-76444:198. 9309130313Docusses staff renew of uni IPEEE sdimettais an repsonne to suppl 4 to -9309140077 ~7hed TenTear Inuncs insp Program br Tety Post Nuclear Power GL 90-20.sssued on910628.Aovmes that modi conterence cans or enoetngs rney tie Plant Uruts 3 & 4." necessary to fmattre emermnaton of acceptandrty for submmals.

  • Flanda Power & tsght Co. JPN.ES5 P7N4/4 R30. 93/09r01. 200pp. 76444005-NORRISS.JA. RAGHAVAN.L. Feosect Drectorate H-2. 93/06/12. GOLDBERGJH. 76444:198. l Florada Power & Lignt Co.390. 76413.315-76413 320.

9309290121Notimaton of angrwhcant boensee fneetmg w/util on 931005 to thscuss two

  • 530n090229 Apphcation for amenos to bconnes DPR 31 & DPR 41.modttymg TS 3/ cases of emprovee deonmmatort "

4.71.6. ** Standby FW Sys" & ===eatect ter' to ehmmate cranlung DGs. BELISLE.GA Regen 2 (Post 620201). 93/09/09, Regon 2 (Post B20201k 2pp. p PLUNKETT.T.F. Flanda Power & Co. 93/09/03. Document Corarol Branch (Doc. 76551 232-76551233. i hmera Control Desk). 21pp. 76404. 76404.359 9309290132Confrms meetnD syrangements t>etween J Geger & J Ivany re enforcs-  ! -2309000232 Proposed tech specs 3/4.7.14. " Standby FW Sys" & metrnated tiesses ment corderence to tag held m AtannuLGA ort 931005 to decuss two cases of employ- i for ehmmaton of D(as ce thscnmmaton. I

  • F6onda Power & Laght 93/09/03. 9pp 76404251-76404259. MERSC>tOFFIW. Recean 2 (Post 920201). 93/09/09. GOLDBERG.J.H. Flonda Power & Laght Co. WEYERS.B.L. Bactnel Corp. 4pp. 76551243-76551244.  !

9309290026 Responds to ento remsessed t>r NRC 930720 mesang to USI A l cksdmg na'rative oescribmg how sale snuttewn tie accompimhed & propnetary 9309070206 NRC Wo Nobce 95070. "Dogradebon of Borstles Neutron Absortier Cou- . tiowche't w/ regard to selev .Ftowcha'1 withheid.per 10CFR2.790. pons " i BOHLKE.W.H. Fionds Power & 93/09/15. Document Control Branch (Docu- GRMES.BK Dumon of Operatng Reactor Seport (Poet 921004L 93/09/10. Con- j ment Control Deso topp. 76583 70 76563279. maMme Edson Co. of New Yort inc. Opp.76499253-76499.361. , genenan104 NRC Into fSotus 93471. " Fro at Chemotyyl Urut 2." Q. Arispectson reports,IE Bubettns & -. -- GRIMES.BK Dmmen or Operatmg Reactor Sepo.rt (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Can-sohdated Edson Co. of New Yorer, anc.14pp. 7650000176500213. . 9307160033 NRC Wo Notre 93456. "Weaamess et EOPs Fcuno as Result of SG Tube l Rupture " 9309090243 NRC Into Hotme 93472. *Observatens From Racera Standown Rak & GRIMESE K Dmmen of Operstmg Reactor Sepcrt (Post 921004) 93/07/22. Cor> Outage sagt Pno' Team inaps" l sohdated Eckson Co. of New York, 6nc.11pp. 76499J02-76499.311 GRMES.8K Dunen of Operstmg Reactor support (post 921004L 93/09/14. Card I sohdated Echeon Cut of New York. mc. 9pp. 76500C14-76500-021 9307190131NRC Wo machce 91058, *% _ . _ ._ vi LTOP for PWRs." - GRNES.B K Dmman et Operaung Reactor Seport (Post 921004k 93/07/26. Cork 9309290349 Forwards conscied page 13 to Map repts h250/9S16 & $0w251/93-sohdated Educm Co. of New YotA inc. 9pp. 76447.264-76447271 16.correctng admmmersove error se treescoved nem mwasvng determmshon of ass-ckseev ct boermee survevs for recm6ft of packages shgipso tiv excluswe une vencae. 9307200123NRC Into Notee 93459. " Unexpected Openne et Both Doors in Aetock." CLINE W.E. Repon 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/14. GOLDBERG,J.H. Floncia Power & GRIMES.B K. Dumon of Operatrig Remetor Seport (Post 9210Dak 03/07/26, Cor> Light Co. 3pp 7 tis 52194-76552;197. sohdated Edson Cct et Nem York. Inc.10pp. 76447.273 764472B1 menneens76 Corrected paBe 13 to snap septs $0250/9$16 8 $0 251/93-16 vef conect 9307260065 Suppl 1 to NRC Buhetm 91401. "Reparung Loss of Cracahty Sately Cork URI number as 5G250.251/934942-trts "

  • Regen 2 (Post 920201). 93/09/14.1p. 76552.197-76551187.

BURNETT,RE Dmson of Fuel Cycle Safety & Sateguards (Post 930207). 93/07/27 Consohdated Edmon Co. ce New Yort ancL 23pp. 76409000 76409c31. 9309290229 Foneerds insp vapt 50w250/93-21 & SS251/9S21 on 9307244820 & nonce os violetort 92o7Pentty NRC ento hinture e'Wl'. "stannetw9 Fuel Qfree S $4stin Fwwim w* t!8tC , g (a Operators Ctr " g;gcAE.u.y. Lagnt Co. 3pp.y,091-76553:cc: 76%3: 3:a.;gt}. 110. 30/03/17. C0a,CggRO,,Jjt. Tkytog 4mir & BURNETTAF. Dmson of Fuel Cyc$e Sately & Sategueros (post $30207). 93/08/04. Consohdated Edmon ca ol Ne= vos. tncL 10p0. 76447:25S7644729L en ness No.: tram map on 9307244920seimman notocon 930816AA & 6B ^ - heater tube esde fiorffel/trypass valves 4 20 121 & 4 20-9300030200 NRC Into Notoe 93461. "Famwe Reactor Cootarn Lankage Fenomm9 221 were samen to normal rv'=wwi w/o having ude ouest valves tuhr oport Seal Faeurs m RCP or RRP."

  • Repon 2 (Post 920201L 93/09/17. 2pp. 76553 094-76553095.

GRIMES.B K Duncri of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/08/09. Corm sohdated Edmon Ca c! New rott anc.12pp. 76499.913-76499324. {

                                                                                       -93093bil239 Insp empts $0-250/9121 & 50-251/93 21 on 9307244820. Vnw=wwis                  i E30003D245 NRC tr#o Notoe $S062, " Thermal Stratifcatum of Water m BWR Reactor ont G       S BX Dmson of Operstng Reactor support (Post 921004L 93/08/10. Co'"              76553 09b sohdated Edman Co. of New YorA enc. Dop.76499.325-7649933A 930e030274NRC We Notoe 93463. " improper use of Sokets Weed Purge Osm htatL"             R Ponoq9c opere9ng reports & remad correependene Gl.IMES.B K Demon of Operstm9 Reactor Seport (Post 9210D4L 93/06/11. Cork sohdated Echson Co of New York. tnc. Bap.76499.334-76499341.

9309010392 Forwards fitness.for-duty program performance dets for as tnanth perud genenam? NRC Info Nobce 93 064, "Peroche Testm0 & P'ewsrerve Mamt of Moeded andmg 930630. , Case Croust Breaners." BOHLKE.W.H. Flande Power & Light Co.93/06/27, Document Control Branch (Docu- j GRuES.Bx Dmmon av Operanno R am,r % (Po. 92ico4L w0s/1z Cor> ment Coneoi De it 7pp. 7632e213-76329.2i9. . sohdated Eckson Co. of New YorL enc.11pp. 7644729176447:303. 930B030236 Forwards " Turkey Pomt Plant Uruts 3 & 4 Semiannual Parhaartsve Effluent 9300000197 NRC Wo Notoe SS065 " Reactor Tegas Caused tiy Breaker Teshng W/ Reemene Rept Jar > June 1993.* Process contrci manual townso dam 0 reportng Fault Protecton BypassacL" penod.No maior changes made to houic.a==== or sche raduesse eestment GRIMES.BA Dmsen of Opersang Reactor Seport (Post 921004) 93/06/13 Cor> PLUt#TTT.TE Fi vidst Power & Co. 93/06/27. Document Control Branch (Doc-achdated Edman Co. of New YcrA snc.11pp. 76447:304-76447:314. umerit Corerol Desi4 2sst 76399. 76399:319. 9300070274 Forwards esp repts50,250/9319 & 90L251/9S19 on 9306240723. Vela- l ton suo,io Ex -9300030229 ". Turkey Portt Plant unns 3 & 4 Semannual Parhaartwe EtSuent Rosesse Repi Jaw 1993.- SINXULLM V. Regon 2 (Post $20201). 93/08/11 GOLDBERGJR Fioncia Power & BERGAE., STEINKE.R.N., KAMINSKAS,VA Flonda Power & Lagnt Co. 93/06/30. Lspht Co. 3pp. 7633315176333.174. 25pp. 76399.295-763992t9. l 1



34 DOCKETED ITEMS C309200179 Montmy operatmg repts for Aug 1993 tar Twkey Pontursts 3 & 4.w/ 933914 str 93,09230147 y.~ feoposed with3 rawsswolvec change 911002sewme propoself changesys o* pnmary tar pourcury TS lL6/4 secton

6. *Pnmsy of TSSys Bounda-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                & sun-PLUNKETT.T.F. Pacffe Gas & Esectnc Co. 93/06/31. ppo                      rmtred as pa't of overall TS upgraoe proyam CALLANDER.R 76500240      76500       .349                                                                 SCHRAGE.JL Commonweatth Esson co 9349/17 MURLEY.T.E Ofice of Nucasar Reactor Reguiston, Drector (Dost 870411) 2pp. 76548:055 76548:056 S. ReportatWe occurrences, LERs & related correspondence                                        9309230151 W4ndows 911002 proposed amend for TS 3/4.7,"Comamment Sys.* Pro-posed           swowed rewme of contammem sys secten of TS & submmed as pa't y                                 m stnsek SCHAR bL                     fth E& son Co.93/09/17.MURLEY.T.E Offee of Nuclear centried to tacary State os FL nostat                                                           Reactor Regutahon, Drector (Post 870411). 2pp. 76546.351-76546252.
  • Regon 2 (Post 820201) 93/08/25. IP 76273 043 76273:043 m a eh W6PMN29 & DPRh 9309130279 LER 93 00340 on 930816,TwDme Tro/RT occwred om to personnet error efterts to uog ade TS Secten 3/4.7 "Contamment Sys." per w" g'g " '" f]5 corre og $

MOWRE'Y.CL, PLUNKET7.T.F. Fenos Power & Lsgnt Co.93/09/07. 5pp. 76431.179

                                                                                                          .PL                              93/09/17. MURJY.TE Offee of Nuctear Re-acer Repsatos h Pos1970411L 27pp 76547:085 76547.194.


                                                                                                 -9309230205 Proposed Tech Specs 3/4.7. "Contamment Sys?

Commonwealth Eceson Co.93/09/17. 82pp. 76547:112 76547;194. DOCKET 50 254 OUAD CITIES STATION UNIT 1 9309240081 Aprecaten for amends to teenses DPR.19.DPR.25,DPR-29 & to upgrooe TS secton 36/4.6. "Pnmery Sys Bounoary" per  ;

              .                                  M          P4m                                                             Ith Edson Co. 93/09/17. MURJY,TE Offee of Nuclear Re-P!ET.P.

9309t300s0 Rev 7B to "r'--- - --~. Eeson Co Nacisar Generanng Staton Emer-

                                 -- Eeson Co.93/06/31.10pp. 76443:034N43'039.                       .
                                                                                                                                        / 7[BBpp 764 1 Co 9309160100 Rev 0 to Corporaw EPIP (CEPIP) CEPIP-2021-04, "Mommon EOF & JPIC 9309240257 Appicaban for amends e hconses DPR 19.DPR45.DPR.29 & DPR-30 re                                                    .

th Eeson Co.93/08/31.10pp. 76454.26176454ED.


s C3082M90 Forwards resconse to mensest for acc9 eWo e troposed generanng staton PIET.PL C ... ~ Edson Cc. 93/09/17. MURLEY.TE ONce of Nuclear Re- i i emergency pian few.mcorporatmg EDF as entenm EOF.per change toquest 931. actor Regulaton, Drector (Post 870411516pp. 76553276 76553226. 1 I j SACCOMANDO.D. C-..m . _ T- Eenon Co. 93/09/17. HICkMAN,,l.B. Propect D> rectorate lh.2. 45pp. 7657025476570294. -9303240265 Prcoosed Isch specs 3/4.5.

  • Emergency Core Coolmg Sys."

C - . __. Edson Ca93/09/17. 33pp. 7655324-76553.326. ] P. operatin9 Dome sin 9e oocunents & - 9305300203 Th=*=s 930927 press corteerence re J O'Connor announcement that uts sotned ser raw manors & appenis ceto o umas courts & Commerce C 1 by a to refund essed amount b customers over next 12 months 9306230099 Suppl 5 to Genenc L9 89-10 to inscinar stant beensees & CP teiders re SHI .C.Y. Propect Drectorate llL2. 93/09/27. MURJY,T., MIRAGLIA.F. I macuracy of rreteseperated vnwe ocupment RUSSELLW. NRC - No Detaned Afhhaten Gwert 25pp. 76591$12-76591-036, I PARTLOWJ.G. A==naste Drector ter (Post 870411). 93/06/28.Consohdat-ed Edter n Co. of New York, inc 7pp. N09-001-76409006 9309300196 Responds to recuset for witncrawal of apohcaten for amend ter OL DPR. 29 & DPR.30.Recuest tar amend consoereo wit'KDawrt 93090102116 Summary of $30818 meetmg w/util m Rockvihe.MD fe prehnery results of PATEL.C.P. Prcnact Drectorate 104, 93/09/28. FARRAR.DL C .. 2 Edson Regulatory Buroen p=*m Wuhatwas (RBRI) & sta9 ottort re Cost Eenefcel Lcense Cck 3pp. 76621:313-76621215. , no Actons (CBLA).Last of attenoses enct . SMALB.L Prcnoct Drectorate E2. 93/08/27. Promet Drectorate 142. 21pp. 76266263-76286.303 Q. tnapecuan reporta, IE Bulletins & _ - i E #*9"'h'"9'""***" PIET.PL Co....- . _2 foson Co. 93/09/02 MURJY.T1 Offee of Nuclear Re. 9307160033 NRC Into Notee 93456," Weakness m FOPS Found as Result of SG Tse Rupture l actor Reguianort Drector (Post 870411). 2pp. 76427.274-76427275. GRIMES.BX Dwson of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004k 93/07/22. Con-l sc6 dated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. 76499-302-*99212. 9309140123Noufcatan at 930914 meetmg w/util en Rockvilla.MD to dscuss proposed anemste approach to performmg rievidual piant exams for einema eventt 9307130131 NRC Into Notoe 93458, _. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ ri LTOP ter PWRs,, SIEGELBL Promet Drectorale itL2. 93/09/02. DYER JE Propect Dreciorate BL2. Dween et Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Cork 6pp. 76421143-76422148. soldated Edman Co. of New York, Inc. 9pst 76447.264-76447272. 9309140245 Summemos 930826meetng w/ute ve GL 8tk10 ==== ramed oursno Jul 9307200123NRC Into Notco 93 059 " Unexpected Openmg of Both Doors en Aetock.* 1993 msp (insp Rept50254/9313 4 50-265/9313).Last of ensnoses.NRC tennouts GRIMES.BK Dwson at Operstna Reactor Seport (Post 9210D4). 93/07/26 Cork

    & utt hannouts enci                                                                            soldated Edson Co. of New York,lnc.10pp. M47273-W47262-FORNEY.WL Regen 3 (Post 820201k 93/09/03.DELGEORGE.LO, Co..                             __

Edson Co. 71pp. 76440221-*40291. 9307360065 Suppi i to NRC Bunsen 94 001. "Reportng Loss of Cntcakty Sately Cork poiL" 930D160020 BURNETTAF. Dwson of Fuel Cycle Safety & Sategue/ds (poss $30207). 93/07/27. rh- schecksle Motor <Dperatea for hcens,ee vahe Testng & Surveelaresponse ce." to GL SMO, " Safety-Related Consohdated Esson Ctk of New York. enr. 23pp. 76409 009-76409.031. DYERJE Propect Drectorate E2. 93/09/09. DELGEORGELO. r'_ - l Eeson Co. Sost76446 200-76446 212, 9307290112 NRC Into Nogum 934s0. "Rennrang F$aW OeAs & Mene Evoey SS NstC Operate's Car

  • I 930e200015Appica1on for emends to Liennnes DPR.19.DPR45.DPR49 & BURNETTAF. Dwann of Fuel Cycle Safety & Sateguards (Post 930207). 93/08/04

! tectng eftcrt to upgrant TS Sectan 3r4.8. "Ptant Syn." rusudm0 ricorporaton of Consoldated Esson Co. of New York, pic.10pst m47263-m47292. GLs 8441 & 87-09 enpismentatort PIET.PL C ... J7. Edmon Co.93/09/10. MURLEY,TE Oftco of Nuclear Re- 9309030200 NRC into Notcm 93461, "Excesswe Reactor Coolant Leakage Fonowng actor Regulatort Drecter (Post 870s11L 14pp. 76502142-76502227 Seal Faours en RCP or RRP.* i GRIME.S.BX Dwman of Oberstmg Reacair Sepcrt (Post 921004). 93/08/09. Cork i

 -93D920001$ Proposed Tech Specs secton 3/4.8. " Peace Svs"                                        *****ad E& son Co. of New York,Inc.12pp, W99213-76499.324.                                                                !


  • C_ _ _ . Z. Eeson Co.93/09/10. 72pp. 76502156 76502227 j

! 93Ise030245NRC Info Notoe 934C2,"7hermal Stratifcatan of Water m BWR Reactor l 8309220082 Withcrews 910D30 aophcoton for amerecta to Loonses DPR-29 & DPR vessets? l l 30.revinviDTS Secten SA/43. " Plant f>vL GRIMES.BK Danson of Doorstmg Reactor Support (post 921004). 93/08/10. Cork l SCHRAGE.JL C . .--. Ji Emmon Co"93/09/10.MURLEY.TE Ofhos of soldated Nuclear Ethson Co. of New York, Inc. 9pst m99.325-76499333. l Reactor Repdabort Drector (Pos1870411). 2pp. 76526234-76526235. ' Ssnanen'74 NRC Into Notoe 93463. " improper Use of Solene Wold Purge Dam Ma5." l 9309170177 Noofcanon of 930923 mostrip w/util ri Racivine.MD to escuss uWt BWR GRIMES.BK Demoon of Operetng Reaciar Support (Post 921004). 93/06/11. Cork l safety anstyme topcat roots to De semmed tar staff review as part of ute vendor sn- sohdated Edson Co. of New York, mc. 8pp. 76499 334-M99.341. ' ospenaence program & sowiew scheckse. SIEGELBL Prosect Drectorate tib2. 93/09/13. DYERJL Propect Drectorate til,2. 930e000237NRC kvlo Notoe 93464,"Penade Testng & Preventwo Mant of Molded 7pp. N61249-764612b5. Came Crcuit Breakers.* GRIMES.B et Dween of Operstmg Res1or - Seport (Pest 921004). 93/06/12. Con-9309220157 Prowdes revned cates for sutreuttal of IPEs tor Quad. Cites & LaSalle soldated Eeson Co. of New York,Inc.11pgL 76447293-W47:303. . County Statens & revenet approach to LaSale iPL IPE tar Byron s arrachschae &  ! unt De submmed n Aor 1994.lPEs bosng performed per GL 98-20. 930epec137 NRC Pito Notco $3065. " Reactor Trse Caused tiy Breaker Testmg W/ CHRZANOWSKLD. Commonweafth Eeson Co. 93/09/15 Orhoe of twaar Reactor Fault Protecton Bypassed" RepAston, Drector (Post 670411). 3pp. 7652125P-76521:360. GRIMES.9K Dwison of Operstng Reaciar Seport (Post 9210D4). 93/06/13. Cork i gehosted Edson CCL of New Yor L anc.11pp. 76447.304-76447214_ j SiO9230w withenws 911002propo.ed amend var TS s.5/4.5. tCCs" Proposed change awolved rewnie of ECCS secton of TS & semmed as part of overas TS 44> 9309100005 NRC kilo Notoe 93466fSwitchtwar to Hos-Leg Wyecton Fonowng LOCA M5UE c~...._ 2 Eason Co. 93/09/17.MURJY.TE Offee of Nutsear Reactor Regulatert Drector (Post 87D411). 2pst 76548957-76548.956.

                                                                                                   'R G            IL Dwmen of Operstmg Reactor Support (post 921004L 93/08/16. Cork soldatec Esson Co. of New York, anc. 7pp. m47:315 76447:321.

DOCKETED ITEMS 35 9308100248 NRC mfo Notce 93 307. *Burstmg of Hgh Presswe Coonam anpectson $309250087 LER 9101640.on 930819.operatxhty conce'ns sointAed m Quan-Cdes Steam Lme Rupture Dscs inpures Piam Personnel" App R Procedures & ShJtoown analysisCaJsed tiy mettectwo enance & resource GRtMES.B IL Desen o' Opersing Reactor Suppoit (Post 971004). 93/06/16. Cor> matCurrem process for etnnew of oran documemabon evaluated W/930915 Itr. solacated Esson Co of New Yors. anc.13pp. 76447:322-76447235. NEAL f BAX.R.L Cw. ..., a Eckson Co. 93/09/17. 6pp 76607132-76609:137. 9308260198 NRC Into Notce 93 069.

  • Radog*aphy Evems at Operatmg Power ReaC- S309280099 LER 93 017-00on 930822.HPCI dram pot level switch found isolated due tors " to human enor. Opened 1:2F2399169 exrtaust team pot level switen isolaten valves GRIMES.B K Dnnsen o' Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/09/C2 Cork & Hesgmened Level or Awareness poky wrctertW/930917 tir schaated Edraon Co. c' New York. anc.11pp. N99.342-N99.352. COOK.D., BAX.R.L Commonweafth Edison Co. 93/09/20. 20pp. 76609138-9309080028 Responds to NRC 930730 Itr we non cited volaton noted in inso Repts 50 254/9315 & 50-265/93-15 on 9305184628 Correctwo actons:comprehenssve 3efl- 93092900S4 LEst 93-01500on 930817.sdentified compensatory measures were not asmssment process will tie Oswetoped & impsemented. property estabashed due to maseounte managenal after.1on to oevooping procedJres FARRAR.D. Comfronwearth Edson Co. 93/09/03.Cocument Coneel Branch (Docu' to emplenervt techncal reo6nreme'itLRepasred wire 9 error.W/93D923 ftr.

mont Conteot Deskt 7pp. 76399215-76399.221- GUESTJ., BAX.R.L Commonwea'th Edson Co. 93'D9/24 700- 76682.?t3-0 l C309140245Summarges 930826 meetmg w/ut9 re GL 8910 assues raised dunng Jul 1993 msp finsp Rept 50 254/9313 & 50 265/93-13).Let of attenoses.NRC harcouts

    & util hardouts enca, FOstNEY.W L.                                                                              E Operstwr_ -

3 (Post 820201). 93/09/03.DELGEORGE.LO. Conwnonwealth Edison Co. 7190 .221-N40291. 1 9309210095 Summary of $307D6 Regon ill annual traenng managers contoence m 9309160220 Responds b NRC 930806 ter te votatens roted m msp rupts 54254/9349 Glen Enyn.tLPurpose of meetmg to provide forum for re=*mn on rev 7 of operator

    & 53 265/93 09 & proposed imponnen of cnol penalty.C/As:hcerisee wei ampiament              kenoms exammer stos & to oscuss operator hoensmg Esues Aomnstratwe Tectvucai Reckarements tot safe shutoowrt                                       RING.M. Recon 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/15. Regon 3 (Post 820201). 29pp.

FARRAR.D. C- . c;. Eckson Co.93/09/07 Otc of Enforcement (Post 870413). 76476 063-N76:091. 8pp. 76451-085 N51292. 9309160020 D-*=s schectule tar leensee rersponse to GL 8910. " Safety Related DOCKET 50 255 PALISADES NUCLEAR PLANT Motor 4)perated Walve Testmg & Survedtance." l DYER LE. Prorect Drectorate liL2. 93/09/09. DELGEORGE.LO. Commonwealth Edrscm Co. Sop.7644620lk76446212-F. Securtty, med6 cal, emergency & fire protection piens 8309070206NRC Wito Nohoe 93470. "Deg a3 anon of Boraflex Neuron Abscetser Cou-portr 9309150248 Rev 6 to App D to emergency plan. "EP.* GRIMES.BIL Dnneson of Operanng Reactor Suptiert (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Con.

  • Consunsers Power Co.93/01/09. Bap. N53240-76453.348.

sohdated Esson Co. of New York. anc. 9pp. N99.35476499.361. 9309010038 Notrhes that scenano for 1993 emergency exercne developed & bemg 9309080104NRC into Notice 93471, "Fre at ChemcDyl Urut 2." Wansmmed to RegOrt 011 for review & Commer1L Ccmmerits on toenano sh0W6 be GRIMES.B K. Dmsson of Operanno Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Con- made to mdancksal ksted ty 933927 to show time tar enoas to be maos. schooted Eckson Co. of New Yort anc 14pp. 76500001-76500-013. ROGERS.D.W. Conurners Power Co 93/06/18. Document Control B oncts (Docu-ment Coreol Desa). 2pp. 76307241-76307:342. 9309090243 NRC Info Nohce 93 072. "Obestvatons From Recent Shutdown Rasm & Outaae ugt Pdot Team ensps" 9309130005 Rev 6 to EPIP Eb6.7. "Ptant Sne Meteorologeai Svt* GRih4ES.BIL Dwison of Opersang Raar*w Succort (Post 921004). 93/09/14. Con-

  • Consumers Power Co.93/06/27.10pp. 76425210 76425:319.

Cnissated Echson Co. of New York anc 8pp. 76500-014-76500222. 9309210314 " ' ' "#I'" ' " Suppi Reactor vessei response Water to NRC Bahnnn Level Instrumentanon 95003. "."Resoluten of lasues Related to m BWRs . Consumers Power Co. 93/08/27. Sop. 7642824176428248. DELGEORGE.LO. Cornmonwearth Eckson Co.93/09/15. MURLEY.T.E. Offce of tb csear Reactor Repeatori. Drector (Post 870411h 3pp. 76504215-76504217-

                                                                                                                                             & Drsis?


  • Consumers RnPower 9 M EPIP ELin ",T 8pp. 7 28233-N28240.

Co.93/08/27 9309240130 Forwards nohoe of velaban & proposed ensposthem of cov9 penalty m amount of $125.000 resdtmg from specal satety rap on 93060ELOB12. 9309130008 Rev 11 to EPP Eb3. + -. ._ S Noufmatenk,, MARTIN LB. Recean 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/21. WALLACE.MJ. C ~ -

  • Consumers Power Co. 93/08/27.13pp. 764281e20 76428232.

Edison Co. 5pp. 76522315-76522-324.

  -9309240138 Noboe of volaton & precomed impositen of csv9 penettv in amount of              $309130009 Rev 5 to EPIP El.6A "nw+un & C- .                ' Meteorotogy."
    $125.000.Norcompkarce of930609 6censee taded to promptly correct con-
  • Consumers Power Co. 93/06/27.14pp. 76429.214-76429:227 trhed condrbon adverse to cuamy.
  • Repon 3 (Post $20201). 93/09/21. 5pp. 76522.32476522324. 9309130070 Forwards insp Rapt 50-255/9319 on 9308024lLNo volatons notect CREEDJ.R. Repon 3 (Post 820201). 93/08/27 SLADE.GA Consumers Power Co.

9309300135 Forwards msp rept 50 254/93-19 & 50 265/9319 on 9306294820 & 2pp. 76443.197 76443.213. rence of violanon. GREENMAN.E.G. Repon 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/22. DELGEORGE.LO. Common- -9309130074 insp rept 50 255/93-19 on 930802-DE.No viotatons resed. Macr areas wealth Echson Co. 2pp. 76626.144-7662tt156. mapectacraccess authornston pregam.eduong program a..... &

  -9309300142 Notre of violaton from inse on 933629 0820.Volaten .-N _ _ _ _._ . of HPCI & RCIC sys purnp rooms were riot corisohad & tome 9as analyzer was moper-M                s h ERJ N43:199-76443 213.

VIN 82020 08/27.15pp. able for seven tc6rs

  • Repon 3 (Post $20201) 93/09/213pp. 76626:146 76626:148- 930915c214 Rev 2 to Emergency imp 6amenhng Proomkre Ek151 *Communcatoms
  -9309300144 Insp repts 50 254/9S19 & 53285/93-19 on 9306294820. Voistons otecLMasar areas s .- ----------_ -, satsty venhcatortmonthly mient observanon              I*C'onsumers Power            Co.

93/08/27.11pp. 76451259-N51268.

    & rnonwy saputance obsenranort HILLAND.P. Repon 3 (Post $20201L 93/09/14.10pp. 76626149 76626:158'                                                          Evacuaten/Reassemtdv 9309090119 RevCa4 n/08 Power       to EIP Ek13 "m 4 M352-7M"M 7  fL Portochs operettn9 reports & reisted correspondence                                      9309070319 Forwartss Rev 12 to Palmadas a6atatnhty.trarung & Ouabhcatan plan. Plan wrmheid.

9309010279Forwa*ds hstmg of tacetyprocockre changes, tests & eacperiments recannng W

  • 81' " " '8"h 76433 7 338-SE compieted chang month of .sul 1983. $6snmary of SE Deang reported.per 1COFR50.711e)h...._

SCOTTAM C r. Edison Co. 93/06/18.Documerit Corrtrol Branch (Dccu- 930909011C Rev 6 to Secten 7 " Emergency Fatalmes & Emspment" to site emere ment Coreal Deskt 26pp. 7632421ti 76324361. ff  % % 93'08/n % M WWM 9309140310 Monthsy operstmg repts for Aug 1993 tar Quad Cabos 1 f 2. W/930903 str. SCOTT.A.M. C . _- , Eckson Co.93/06/31. 28pp. 76440 001-76440$2a $309090114 Rev 6 to EIP D.41"Operemons Smport Car Actwatort'

  • Consumers Power Co. 93/06/31.17pp. 76401:185 76401201.

C309150135 Forwards kstmg of tacihty,proced6re changes. tests & experrrierits recueino sataty evaluators completed cunng month of Aug 1993 tar unns 1 & 2. Summa'y oi $309090118 Rev 5 to Etp D.4.1. *Technce! Support Ctr AchwetorL" SE bemg reported si compkance w/10CFR50.59 & 10CFR50.711e).

  • Consumers Power Co. 93/08/31.13pp. 76401:202-76401 214.

, SOCTT.A.M. C..... . . O Edmon Co. 93/09/C2. Documorst Control Branch (Docw ment Controt DeskL 23pp. 76451211-76451233. 9309090105 Revised tee page to Rev $ to App A

  • Agreements W/Oftene inevd =h Agencies & Organczabons? to site emerge'cy plan.
  • Consumers Power Co.93/09/01. 2pp. 76415-342 75415.343.
  $$ Reportabas ocenarrances, LERs & related          .

9309090107 Revned 9te page to Rev 4 to App C. "Popuhtters Datnbuton & Evacu-9309010094 LER 93412-00on 930726.kgrit socket shorted out when operator reset aton Time Estates 7 to see emergency piart HPCI tDpc power. Caused by Short cycWt en bgni SockeLLight socket & blown tuses

  • Consurners Power Co.93/09/01. 2pp. 76415344-76415345.

repsaceo W/930824 tr. OfHHJ., BAX.R.L C .. - _ _3 Eckson Co.93/08/14. 6pp. 78304-18&76334-194. ercy Plan Sechan 9. " Recovery? 9309150218

  • Consumers Rev 2 to Power Co.Sste 93/vvEmerp/01. 7pp. 76451278 7645t:0tb4 9309090017 LER 934134&on 930729.soonbhed devaabon from TS & Reg Guide 1.52 remarements for merthyt sochde of charcoal sampo by tasure 9309210064 Advmes that Sectons 7 & 8.mmor not doorease effectveness of O erveement proper carester testri4 tested by NUCON. emergency plan & acceptable.

HARME.M., SAX,R.L Commonwealth Echson Co. 93/08/27. 5pp. 76430tes. CREEDJ.R. Regon 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/14. SLADE.GA Consumers Power Co. 76430222. 1p 76503360-76503:360.

36 DOCKETEDITEMS C309290408 Rev 2 to EiP Eh15.2. "Commurucahons Tests? mcorporanng estorai 9307190131NRC Into Notice 9S056. "w.musm in LTOP for PWRs? changes W/urntated Itr GRIMES.B k. Danson cf Operating Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Corv ZIELINSKl1 Consumers Power Co 93/09/15.12pp. 76608.217.76606.226. soldsted Edson Co. of New iork. anc. 99p 76447264.*47.272. C309290182 Rev 4 so EPIP El.6.3. "Resease Rate Denemanaton trom Higtv Range El- 9307200123 NRC Info Notce 93 059. "Urwupected Openne of Botn Doors m AeriocA". twrit Morniors " GRIMES.B K. Dnamen of Operetng Reactcr Suppen Post 92m4L 93/07/2tk Con

  • Consumers Power Co 93/09/20.12pp. 76$9430le765te4:317- soldated Eeson Co of New York, Inc.10pp. W4727&M47 282.

93o7260065 Suppl 1 to NRC Bulletr* 91001. "Reportmg Loss of Crficahty Satty Con. P. Operstmg W stage - &a _ w BURNETT.R.F. Dnnson of Fuel Cycle Safety & Save0uams (post 930207). 93/07/27.

  $309200135 Pa'tal response to FOiA reouest for documentLForwards recoros m App L              Consoldated Edson Co of New Yorg mc. 232. 764ue-00rrm09:031.

whn'..h are bemg witnhead pamalty for hsted feasons.tret FOLA exempDons 5t HARRIS,CA Dnnaion of Freeoom of Informaton & Pubhcabons Sernces (Post 9307290112 NRC Into Nobce 9340 "Reporbng Fuel Cyce & Matts Events to NRC 89020SL 93/04/12-GILINSKY.v. Affsabon teot Assagned. 8pp. 76677:001-76684066. Operatens Ctr " BURNETT,R.E Dumon of Fuel Cvcae Satelv & Sate;uards Post 93020?L 93/06/04.

  -81102sc705 Partany ethheld affemanon SECY that makes recommonaanon.                          Consoldaise Eeean Co. of New York, snc.10pp. m4726Sm47.291 FITZGERALDJA Office of the General Counses (Pon 080701). SECY.81264. 81/

05/04. 24pp 76678.039-76678:0tTr ganarnnw00 NRC Irdo Noace 93 061, "Ereesswe Reactor Coolant Leakage Followmg Seaf Fadure m RCP or RRP." 9306230099 Suppi 5 to Genene Lir 8910 to nuttoar piant Icensees & CP hoeders

  • GRIMES.BK Dnnsson of Operstmg Reactor Support Post 921004). 03/08/09 Corv j maccuracy of motor. operated valve oc souipment soldated Eeson Co. or New York, enc.12pp. W99:31SN99224. '

PARTI.OWJ G Associate Desctor lor (Post 870411). 93/0G/28. Consoldat. en Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 7pp. 7640200176409 008-9304030245 NRC Info Nobce BM62 " Thermal Stratifcaton of Water en BWR Reactor C309090420 Forwards amend 157 to iconse DPR.20 & sa$ sty evaluenon. Amend changes survenance interval m table 42 2.nem 2. " Partal Movement of all Control h BX Divmon of Operahng Reactor Suppen Post $71004). 93/08/10. Con- i Rods (Mm of 6"), to once eve *y 92 days. sohdated Edison Co. of evow Yort Inc. 9pn 76499.325-76499331 j A A.M Pro,ect Desciorate E1. 93/06/31.SLADE.G.B. Consumers Power Co. 3pp. 930s030274 NRC Into Nota 93463. " improper One of Soluble Weid Pwpe Dam Matl" 140 76388 150. l GRauES.BA Dween of Opersang Reactor Seport (post 92'004). 93/06/11. Cork i

  -9309090437 Amend 157 to hcense DPR-20.chanang survedlance meervst m table                    soldawn Ednen Co. of New % inc. 800. NM34@RM 4 2. Rom 2. "Parhal Movement of As Control Roos (Mm of 6"L" to orico every 92                                                                                                                                                           j SinanstrPt7 NRC Into Notce 93464. "Portodc Testmg & PreventNo Mamt of Moeded                                                                      '

DEAN.W M. Protect Deectorate Et,93/08/31. app. 76388.142-763tle:145 d of Opsiratng Reactor Suppoit Post 921004K 93/06/12. Con.

  -9309090439 Satety evatusten suppcetmo amend 157 to bcense DPR-20.

soldated Edson Co

                                                                                                                                                  . o'f New York, anc.11pp. 7644729SM47203                                                    '

of uctsar Reactor Regusanon, Oractor (Post 670411) 93/06/31. 4pp. 93000t0187 NRC meo Nonce 94065. " Reactor Tnps Caused Dy Breaker Testng W/ Fauft Protocson Bypassed" 9309000144Provmes annual status update of response to Genonc L9 8840. Suppl 4 GHIMES.B K. Dusion of Operetng Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/06/11 Con-

     "triswsual Plant Exam of Estomal Events for Severo Accident Vulnerabihtiev Devel.         Soldsted Eeaon Co. of New York, mc.11pp. 76447:304 76447.314.

coment of seemc hazare curves expected tw end of Oct 1993. ROGERS.D.W Consumers Power Co. 93/09/01. Document Control Bearch (Doca 9308100006 NRC trdo Nonce 93 066. "Switchover to Hot. Leg insechan Fotowng LOCA ment Consol Desta 2pp. 76409.31676409.361. m PWRs" GRIMES.8X Dunen of Operstng Reactor Support (Post 921004) 93/06/16. Con-9309140071 Fonvaras changes M 930129 appicaton for amend to LJoense DPR- sohdated Edson Co. of New York, arc. 7pp. M47215-76447:321. J 0.moefymg ramal peesung factor kmsts m TS Tatne 3.2S2 to mcorponste approprete amits for moetiec L tuoi assembhes.Rev 1 to Rept.EMA92178 also erect. 3308100248 NRC Info Notee 91067. *Burstmg of Hig% Pressure Coonant Intacton , SLADE.G.B. Consumers Power Co. 93/09/01 Document Control Branch (Ducument Steam Une Ruoture Chacs inpses Plant Personnel

  • 1 Cortt'os Dest 4 2pp. 76436.122 76436254. GRIMES.BA Dusim; ce Operstmo Reactor Separt Post $21004k 93/06/16. Core '

sohdated Edmon Co. of New Yasidnc.13m. 76447222-N47.335.

 -9309140076 Chances to930129appicsten tor amend to ' conse DPR 20. moe'ymg                                                                                                                                                                   i resal peasuno factor kmrts m TS Table 3.23 2 to moorporate appropnate krruts tor       930cce003s Forwards enso rept 54255/9S17 on 930629 0812 No violatons noted mosfied L tuut asserrches reconary nstased m reactor for Cvens 11.                        JORGENSEN.9 L. Regen 3 fPost $20201). 9V06/27. SLADE.G.B. Consumers Power HOFFMAN,D.P. Consumers Power Co.93/09/03. 6pp. 76436:124-76436:129                        Co. App. 76347:006 76347:179.
 -9309140061 Proposed tech specs Table 3.23 2 re rasal peakmg tactor hmits tar Cycae        .g3annante insp rept $0L255/93-17 on 9306294912.No volations notect Mapor areas fConsumers Power Co 93/09/03.12pp. 76436130 76436:143.                                    mapectedtER tollowgxiperanonal safety tenhcsten & rachologcal controts JORGEN5ERBL Region 3 N 820204. 93/06/26.100pp. 76347:01036347179 l
 -9309140003 Rev 1 to *Paksades Cycie it:Depositen & Analyas of SRP Chapter 15              g309130070 Forwards Insp Rept 50255/9$19 on 93080N16 No welanons ra .

Events REEVES.B.A. Seemans Power Corp. (formerty Seemons Nuclear Power Corp, Ack Regen 3 fPest 820201). 93/05/27.SLADE,G.B. Consumers ;wer Co. 2pp. W43:197-76443:213. vanced Nuclear Fuel. EMF-92178 H01. 93/06/31.113pp. 76436:144 7f,436254. 9309160213 Forwards amend 158 to hcorise DPR.20 & safety prakaton. Amend 9309130074 inso rept 60255/9319 on 93080246.No violainons reted Masor areas changes Paasarias TS 3.19 & 42 to delete roourements se toene Renovel Sys He m authorunhan pr***='a**"'' y mmenraseason &

                                                                                                                                                                                                 -' - g -

enzme Storage Tank T.102 & to reammge MSsAAM. Propect Drecerate lib 1, 93/09/09 76461213 71,4f t:227. mourements m uponied tormat G.B. Consumers Power Ca 3pp. 8d'9" T6443:199-76443213. ME E IN. Regmq 820 D1). 93/05/27,15pp. I

 -4309160217 . mend 158 to bconse DPR40.changng Pal =*4=s TS 319 & 42 m                     930e000025 Forwards augmerned map team rept 50 255/9S15 on 930700-20.No vola-romanng recur                    tod forma                                         F N                                               .L Recon 3 (Pos! 820201). 93/08/31.SLADE G.B. Consumers Power Co.

W. Protect Dractorate E1. 93/09/09. $pp. M61216-76461220. 8pp. 76346162-7946.236.

 -9309140219 Safety evaluston supportmo amend 150 to loenne DPR 20                          -93090soO29 Augmented msp team mpt $3455/9S10 on 93070S20.No weistons
  • OHoe & i*'r*** 4encuar heguiasuA Duaw (pusi S*D41*). SS'02/00. 7;:n notad Masar amas ---- --_--J of validskon of escluence of events & hoonese 76461221-764E1227. correceve a:: tors DEAN.W.M., GREENMAN.E.G. Regen 3 iPost 820201) 93/06/31. 68pp. 76346:170w 9309290174 Recasests that hated aos contamment soonaten valve poemon indicaban ca. 76346.231L curts he mciudeo n920430 recurst for oevaton from Reg Gison 1.97 paosnce on 93082 tic 198 NRC Into Notco 93469. "Ra&ography Events at Opersang Power Reno.

9SLADE.G. . Consumers Power Co Document Control Branch (Document 93/09/17. torL" Control Desi4 2pp. 76583.337-76S83338. GRIMES.9% Dunson of Cperatrig Reactor Support (Posit 921004). 93/09/02. Cork schosaed Eeson Co. of New York, mc.11pp. 7649934236499.352. 93DB200039 Forwards amend 159 to hoense DPR-20 $ SE. Amend changes Table resume bmets for noe revoed "L" fuel assemNees & to seeste ref to "t" tual as- 93090e0015 Forwards insp rept 60 255/9S13 on 930614-19 & 0726-30 & nobee of we- 1 sembbes 200 fuel rods ret to be used ei Opele 11. tahon. HS4A.A.H. Propect IIbt. 93/09/21. E4.ADE.G.B. Conmanors Power Co 2pp. RING.MA Retoon 3 (post 820201). 93/09/03. SLADE.G.B. Consumers Power Co. 7656828476568.305. app. 7sasts2f-76369:037.

 -9309280043 Amend 159 to hcorise DPR40.changmg Table 32S2 to hicksde hmits for             ~t30eos0019 Notice of votaton from 9 sp on 930614 0730Vsolaten noted.on                                                                           l new revised "L" fuel assembhos thamp 1993 retuenng outsgo & to omiste ref to "I"           B30616.eisp of auxihary tesowater pump abgriment. activtty emch affected fuel anaembhos corrtasnmg 28 fuel sods nol to t e used m Cycse 11.                         ouality. performed tiy same sidmaual who portormed abanment CEAN.W.M. Propoet Drectorate E1. 93/09/21. 7m. 76568292 76568298.                          RING.MA Regen 3 (Post $20204. 93/09/0L 2pp. 76369025 78369$26.
 -9309200045 Safety evaluation soportrig amend 169 to hcarias DPR40-                        -93090se031 Insp rept 50255/9S13 cm 9306144730Volston reted.Masar aross
  • Ortion of Nucasar Reu: tor hoguiston, Drector (Poet $70411). 93/D9/21. 7pp. repectectaalective exams of processes & representatve romansmnews w/per.

76568 294 76568.305- sonnes & observaten of actrvees e ens NEJFELT,G.M., LANGSTAFF,R.A K ] M. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/01. l tipp. 76369 027-76369W7. 6 Inspecton IEh& 6 9309130140 Forwards trap Rept 50-255/9$05 on 930814 0804.No velstons i 9307160033 NRC Into Nohce 93456. Weekryss an EOPs Found as Result of SG Tube noted. Regen i insp Rept 50@$5/9305 on 93061625tiy NDE mobile Isb team arao i Rupt6Fe " enct GRIMES.B lt Dmson of CFrating Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/22. Con- WRIGHT.G C. Regan 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/07. SLADE.G.B. Consumers Poiner Co. nohctaisd Edson Co. cf New York, anr 11pp. 76499.302-76499.312. 2pp. 76447.32tk76442350. l l i I J


 -9309130546 Int.p rept 54255'93 05 on 93061417 & 29.0701 & 20 21 & 080M4 No             9309130261 LER 93 006 00:on 930804.determmed that Reg Gude 1.97. Category wetatens or penanons notec Marar areas mspected!Si a:twmes meluck g tevice of            1.pressunzer evet m$cator powered from non- safety relatec power supply Caused by procedwes & oohn'vatori of wortt acDv!bes                                   personnei error andcator LiA-0102A powered from ac source W/230903 ftr.

APKERJJ JACOBSONJ.M. Region 3 (Post 820201). 93/09'07. 5pp. MILLMAN.C.T. SLADE.G1 Consumers Power Co. 93/09/03. 5pp. 76447:357 N4233175442.335. N47:361

 -9309130150 insp rept 50 255/93 5on stated cate.No volatons noted. Maar areas           93091403751.ER 93 00241:on 930306.determned potenbal loss of contamment mterm rnspected mdepenoent NDE c4 components & weeds m croer to ascertam accura:y of          ty due to tasure of emergency escape assock valve M/tormed mant on escape amock NDE pegormed by scensee.                                                               mner coor eoualzung valve donng 1993 Refuelmg Ou: age W/930909 ttr.

l MARRIS.R.H . MODES.M C. Regon 1 (Post 820201L 93/07/30.15pp. 76442.336- HidMAN.C.T. SLADE.G B. Consurners Power Co. 93/09/03. 5pp. N52:054-N42.350 N 52$58 9309150371 EN-93 930914.notee of proposed impossbon of owel per. arty m 9309290295 LER 93 006 00:an 930824. tan motor inpped on the mal overload due to snnunt of550.000asued to hcensee.Achon based on930015 event m wtach icens- siaceouate design control & post.marrit testog.Reanatyrec.rewmed & tested tan motor ee tipled to uncoupie one CR pnor to firmoval c1 reactor vessel heati themsel ove'inac settmos W /930924 ltr. GluY.J.. LIEBERMANJ Orc of Enforcement (Post 870413). 93/09/09. 2pp. ROBERTS W.L SLADE.G.B. Consumers Power Co. 93/09/24. 6pp. 76682.265-76452:081-76452 061 76682770 930907D206 NRC into Notoe 93 070. "Degradaten of Braties Neutron Absorber Cou-P "S V. Operatorr - GrtMES.B K Dwison of Ope'abng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Con-stwied Edison Co. or New tork. Ire. epp.76491353-76499:361. 9309210024 Responds to 93052* ttr reoucsung two SRO heerse canddates be admm-stored SRO upg age exam vce SRO Instant exam e uar 1994 9309170250 Ack receipt of 930820 Itr intymmg NRC of steps taken to correct volatons RING.MA Regon 3 (post 820201). 93/09/10. SLADLGA Consumers Power Co. noted in mso rept $1255/9M8 JORGENSENS.L. Regon 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/10.SLADE.G.B. Consume s Powe, 2pp. W4107 76475:108 Co 1p. N79.320 76479;320. 9309210095 Summary of 9D708 Regen til annua l trammg managers confereroe in Glen Elryn.lLPwpose of meetmg to pronoe forum tar e-n on rev 7 of operator 930908044 NRC into Notoe 93 C71. "Fra at ChemotM Unit 2.* ' examns stds & 2 e== operator teenseg asues. CRIMES.B K. Dwson or Operatng Ranctor Sucpyt (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Cord et hdaiec Edison Co. of New Yorit, arc.14pp. 76530 001-76500$13. R'censi ING. Regon 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/15. 41epon 3 (Post 820201). 29pp. 76476 063-W76 091. [309210119 Forwaros satety evaluanon for Owners Group rept CE43E7-P, Rav 1 "Pressunrer Surge Lme Flow Stratifcaton." per bulletm 8& 11. 9309240073 Fawards requalitcanon exam rept 50455/OL 93 02 on 930914.A3 vees HSIA.A.H. Prosect Directwate fil-1. 93/09/13.SLADE.GS Consumers Power Co. 3pp. that prog am evaluoton was not mnducted. N90.318 N90-324. RING.MA Regen 3 (Post 820201) 93/09/16. SLADE,G.B. Consurners Power Co. 2pp. 7C522232-76522235.

 -9309210127SE of tacical rept CEN.387-P.rev 1. "Pressunzer Surge Lee Flow Stranfi-canon.* per NRC buheen SB 11. Concurs w/BNL that methctiology used to analyze el.   -9309240076 Exam rept S255/OL-93 02 on 930914.Exa n e mquaMicaron ent-tects of therma) straufcahor & sinping acceptaDie.                                     1en retake exam was admnstered to one RO.
  • Ohoe of Nuclear Reactor Regulanon. Drector (Post 870811). 93/09/13. 4 pix LENNARTZJ. BMCNT. Regon 3 (Post 82020th 93/09/16. 2pp. 76N 76490.321 76490;324. 7"'"

9309090243 NRC Into Notce 93472 "Observalons From Recent Sts/toown Risk & Outaae ugt Puot Team insps

  • DOCKET $0 259 BROWNS FERRY NUCLEAR POWER STATION. UNIT 1 GRitJES.B K. Dwison of OperaDng Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/09/14. Co:1-sobdrt ' Edman Co. of New York. Inc. 8pp. 76500:014-76500022.

, 93092 . . terwards nohce ed votaton & proposed imposebon of owe penalty m I ar m a a.50 000 re uti tatre to uncouple one corsot rod pnar to removal of reac- w/utt b RockwineMD re proposed cost bens-9309010028,Summry feial secas ty proram Wnws 930803 et Browns spy Nucles pianM of anemsses & meetnD kRTINJ B Re pon 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/1. HOFFMAN.D.P. Consumers Power C6 Spp. 76475$76.N75-064. Proisct Drectwate E4 (formetty TVA Proact Derectorate) (Post BDON

 -9309210D19 Notce of wolanon & proposed enposston of endl penalty m amount Jf 26 n3f g pp 7628
    $50.000.Noncomplance noted: shift supervoor tailed to explan plans proceduns &
                                                                      ""                97*903020s 8tew 7 to EPIP-8. "Persomel Accountahihty & Evac..atert" W/930826 lir.

epon ' ost P ' 4pp ' mALAS.P.Tennelws Vahey Authenty.93/08/26. 6pp. 763t18:179-76388:187.  ; l 9309240073 s;orwaros regushfuaton exam rept 50455/OL-5102 on 930914.Admes inat prom a evanuanon was noi conoucted f.ING.MA Repon 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/16. SLADE.G.B. Consumers Power Co. E M 88'N8P8"E38"8' i i 2pp. 76522232-7tE522235. i l 930e030095 Comment supportmg proposed rule 100FR2 se review of 2206 process.

 ~9309240076E. ram rept 54255/OL-9342 on 930914. Exam results recMairfcaton wm-            WETTERHAHN.MJ. Wnston & Strawrt 93/06/31. CHILK.SJ. Offee of sne Secretary son retake exam was sammstered to one RO.                                              c8 the Commmaiort 9pp. 7631ac55 76318:0S3.                                          '

LENNARTZJ.. BURDICK.T. Regon 3 (Post $20201L 93/09/16. 2pp. 76522234- I 7;527235  !


C309290274trearms that response to notee of volaban wgl be submrtted by 931014 re nearcoment (Post 870413) 1p. 930623m Suppi 5 to Genene Lar 89-10 m W plant h & CP m m SLA . B Power 93/09 mcy et mmeopmand vaw na e j 76606.341-76606.341- PARTLOWJ.G. Assooate Dractor tar (post SW11). 93/06/28. Conschdat-9309280270 Provises uopt resporme to NRC930706Ilr te volabons noted m sisp rept *O 0" "

                  '              "               D                                       9309070119 Subaruts tst c' enegatons recewed cunng trat sur months of 1993. c"rcula .IENKINS.GA Regen 2 (Post R20201L 93/07/14 COSBY.T. Tennessee valley Au-SLADE G.B. Consumers Power Co. 93/09/22. Document Control Branch (Document tra ny. 2pp. 76332109-7N110. Control DesiO. 6pp. 76590297-76590-302. l 9309000282 Forwartis roguest for addl Mto re medium voltage cable Dorid raeus at j

              " *P""""8 "P""' E " # "" '                                                       E DON.F). Proiect Drectorate B-s (formerly TVA Praiset Directorate) (Post 900603L 93/0B/23. MEDFORDM.O. T-                   Vahey Autnerey. 5pp. 76358213-9309100140 Monthly operstmg rept for Aug 1993 tar Paksades Nuclear PlanLW/933903           76358 217.

tir. HANDLOv!TS.S M.. KLUSKOWSKI.PJ Ccmsumes Power Co. 93/08/31. 4pp- 9309070202Appicatrm for amends to Laconens DPR 33.DPR.52 & DDR48. conostmg M16 349 76416.352. of TS 335.srummentmg latest row of 10CFR20. j SALAS.P. Temessee Vahey AJtrarny. 93/0B/27. Document Control B anch (Docu-ment Control Doul4. Sop. 7G37t280 76371.340. p&m- __ l

                                                                                         -9309070207 Proposed toch specs implementng imest row of 10CFR20.

t 9309140157 Summyy of operatmg reactys ever*. moeung 93 26 on 930714.

  • Tennessee Valey Authonty 93/06/27. 58pp. 76371283 76371340.

l CHAFFEE.A.E. Operator LJcensmg branch. 93ro7/20. GRIMES.BA Dutimon of Reac-i tar Ccritrois & Human Factors (Post 921004).17pp. 76422t156-76422.174. 93o9070220Provides addl N for propceed TS 301 to t.aconses DPis,33.DPR-l 52 & DPR48.celehnD Paragraon 32A3 & clantcanon nor Paragraph 3.2.K1.m re-l 930t 150050 Summary of opermang reactors events meebng 9132 on 930825. e ".ae to cuattorts rased by NRC durnp telcons to GL 89 01. CHAFFEE.A.E. Events Assessmert Branch 93/08/30. GRIMES.BA Dwoon of Oper- MLAS.P. Temeanse vahew Autromy. s3/08/27. Docuenent Control Branch (Docu-aang Reactor Seport (Post 921004). tipp. 76442993-76442-104. ment Control Dest 4. 3pp. 76372296-7C372;300. I 9309pB0131 informs NEIC of proposed attomatwe chemcal treatment program for 9309080034 PNO4-93 049Aprmados @date on degra$od neutron absorhmg plates m i sportt feel pool at pla vttoonsee emermmed that suficiere subcnDcal mrgm mam- RHRSW sysan ret to commstment maos m900316 tir m response t) GL 8913. "SWS ! tamed m arsent tush pool $ tate of Mi informect Pfoblerrts Allectmg $31 sty Relaled EGnaPment' !  ! URGESS.B., RING.M. Regon 3 (Post $20201L 93/08/31. 2pp. 76347 001- SALAS.P. Tennessee vaney Aumomy. 93/09/01. Docurr.drit Control Branch (Docu-76347 002. ment Corsot Deskt 2pp. 764153595W15:360. i l

38 DOCKETED ITEMS 9309090148 Forwards ad:9 into re proposed Tech Spec Amend 332 fe survedance fre. 9309080148 Forwards addl mte te proposed 7ecft Spec Amend 332 re survedance tre. crency for emergency eesel gennrator mamt msp from once per yr to once per I4 ouency for emergefry deset generator nemt msp t em once per yr to orce per 24 monthtmciueng sngmeermo evaluaton teot & ProceaJro EuD9314. montns.mciueng engmoenng evaluabon rept & Proceoure EMD9314. SALAS.P. Tennessee VaHey Authomy 93/09/02. Document Coreal Branch (Docu- SALAS.P. Tenressee valley Authomy. 93/L9r02 Document Control Branch (Docu. ment Control Desu 3pp. 76397:305 76397,353. ment Control Desk) 3pp. 76397305 76397.353.

  • Browns Ferry Nuclea- Plant Proposed Tech Spec Amend Desel Genera. .g309080151
  • Browns Ferry Nuclear Plam Proposed Tech Spec Amend Desel Genere-tor Mamt anso Frecuency Change Encpnoenng Evaluanon Rept." tor Mamt insp Frecuency Change Engswenng Evabanon Rept "

Tennessee Vaney Aulnonty 93/03/12. 7pp 76397:309 76397:315.

  • Tennessee Valey Authonty.93/03/12. 7pp. 76397.30476397:315.
                      -9          153 EMD C% Group Procedure EMDD314. *R_                  . ..M Mant Pro. 9309220315 Ack recept or 930619 ftr entormmg NRC of steps taken to correct molabons E                                                                                      notec m ensp Repts $4259/93-25,50-2 tic /9S25 4 50 296/93 25 Duk'e Enyneenng & ServiceL 93/04/16. 3Bpp. 76397316-76397353 CRLENJAKRV. Region 2 Post 820201L 93/09/07 MEDFORD.M.O. Tennessee                               .

C309090159 Forwards reouest for cost benetcal iconamg acton RLA41, *Exempton Vahey Me em 7652W76M4. j Froen 100FR'3.55(dHS)." tar renen & approval  ; ZERIN3UE.OJ Tennessee valiev Autnanty 93/09/02 Document Control Branch 9309150265 Responds to NRC930812tir ve maintons noted m emp repis $4259/91 l i l (Document Corrirol Deskt 16pp. 76390:00176399916. 2W260/92 26 & S296/9126.C/As:ppe cress & pipe topon secton supewmors have twen noufed to increase attenbon to estad to prevent recurrence of everc l C309130065Notifcanon of 930903meetng w/utd an Rocsvdie.MD to d.scuss status a ZERINGUE.OJ Ternwssee Varcy Authorny. 93/09/09. Documem Control Branch i current hcerissng actons & recent hrstory of problemate submrcatt (Document Control Des 4 7pp. 76452.217 7645E223. I ROSS,7 M Proiect Directorate 48-4 flormerty TbA Protect Drectorate) (Post 900603). 93/09/02. MJRLEY.T MIRAGLIAf RUSSELL.W, NRC - No Detaded Attahabon 9309070206 Nt1C into Nobce 93470. "Degieasten of Sorsflex Neutron Absorber Coe Gwert 4pp N13.202.N13205. pons" GRIMES.B K Drnsen of Operstng Reactor Support Post 921004). 93/09/10 Con. 93D9140207 Confwms teicon re mgt meetmg at inniny on 930907 to allow util10 present sohdated Eeson Co. c4 New York, mc. ppp.76499.35SN99.361. reconst*ucton plans for Unit 3. MERSCHOFF.E w. Regron 2 (Post 220201). 93/09/02. MEDFORD.M.O. Tennessee 93090901G4 NRC into Nota 93471,

  • Fee at Chemopyt Unst 2."

Valary Authoney. 3pp. N41:199 N41.201. GRtMES.BK Dusson of Opera 1mg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Con. sohdated Eeson Cct of New York, anc.14pp. 7t400:00176500$13 9309140247e ochcaten of angruhcant meenng w/utd on930907 to escuss present OL certhcates & .-.,,,m,.. sche:kse for unn 3 9309090243 NRC IrWo Nonce 93 072. "Obsentanons From Recent Shutiown Rak & KELLOGG.PJ Regan 1 (Post 8202010 93/09/02. Regen 1 (post 820201). 3pp Outa My Pnot Team Insos,.* N38330.N38332 GR .S.S K Dusen of Opera Reactor Support Post 921004). 93/09/14. Con-solcated Edson Co. N New % . epp. 76500$W65Mn 9309290114Raouests NRC ssuaru ci proposed amend no later than 931202.30 cays SALAS.P.

                         nor         Tennessee Vahey to eneenve        dateAuthonty. 93'09/

of 10CFR20 9mM72 Fowants map mm rule chance' 21. Documeril Control 9 29.E260/9S29 4 N/M29 on 93086 Starwh (Docw t i mem Control Desk). 2pp 76568.356-76588.357* Nomiatons or dmatons noted i JULIAN.CA Pepen 2 Pott 820201). $3/09/15. MEDFORD.M O. Tennessee Valley Authonty. 3pp. 76551:331 76551 340. Q."  ;-- reports. IE BuSetins & m..

                                                                                                             -9309200191 trap repts50 259/9S29.54260/93-29 & $4296/9S29 on 93081620.No 9307160033 NRC mfo Notce 93 056,  weakness m EOPs Found as Result of SG Tube           miatons or combons noteaMasar a'uas mpactedpronous open noms m sate Rupturea                                                                               lated psos supportL GRIMES.BA Duomn of Operstmo R"""r- Suponrt (Post 921004). 93/07/22. Con-               CWA BLAC Regen 2 Post 520201t 93/09/15. 7pp. 76551.1334 76551:340.

sohdated Eason Co. of New York, arc.11pst N99202 76499312, 9309290240 Forwards esp rents SS259/9327.60260/9S27 & 50-296/9347 on I 9307190131NRC Into Noboe 93 058 %, _a _ __ .. es LTOP tar PWRs" 930816-20.No violatons soontitsed l GRIMES.B K Dmson of Operstmg Reacsor Support Post 921004). 93/07/26. Com CLINE.W.E., Reacn 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/15. MEDFORD.M.O. T_ Yahey ! schaated Eeson Cct of New York. anc. 9pp N47:264.N47272. Authority. 3pp. 76553:11176553:123 l 93C720 123NRC erdo Notco 93 059. "Uneapseted Openmg of Both Doors m Artocet." - 9309290245Insp repts50 259/9S27.50 260/93 27 & 50 296/9127 on 930816 20.No l GRIMES.B K. Dmeen of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/2ti Con- votatens n:ned.Mapr areas --~~'*"+'= radwesta handhng & i schosted Eeson Co. of New Yont. Inc.10pp. N47273 76447252. mansportatertoffluem enease monnonng.chenustry parameters & tapurg ! MCNEILL.N G. DECKER.T.R Repon 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/10. topp. 76553:114 " l 9307260065 Suppi 1 to NRC Eagletn 91431. "Reportng Loss of Cnhcahty Safety Co* 76553.123 l l BURNE'1T.RT Duason of Fuel Ovele Safety & Safeguaros (Post 930207). 03/07/27- 9309290161 Foneards map repis 50259/93 28.5S260/93-28 & 50296/9S20 on Cormrerwied Edman Co. of New York. tnc. 23pp. 76409:009 76409-031. 930717 0820 & twshoe el violatons. NRC, Wo Notco 93460. "Reportng Fuel Cycle & Matis Events to NRC f # 7[ '82 6M2 I sl"."'ileR::FC"o?#wMfn'fidp%"%Pe': * "' " -= = - -a - ma - =0ma2=-e on noted:repoments not met for hsted examples soonehad tw NRC anspector etnarr*00 NRC Wo Note 93461.

  • Fur ===we Reactor Coolant Lankage Fotowng
  • N*90 C M 820204 93/09/17. 2pp. 765N76552.287 5eal Fadure m RCP or ARP."

GRMES.BA Dmson of Operstng Reamor Support (Post 921004L 93/DB/09. Con. -930B300196 temp repts 5030/9S28.54260/9S28 4 54296/9S26 on 930M-aohanted Edson Cct of New York. Inc.12pp 76499.31S76499J24, OS20.Vmtatens noted.Mapr areas especesimant & survemance caservaton.cosestunal safety venheaton, & monsismp & test . . . -

                       *=n50245 NRC Info Noboe 93462. " Thermal Stratstceton of Water in BWR Reactor            FAT 7mSAGA M.LLOGG.FJ. Regun 2 Put 620291).' 63/09/03. 14pp.

vesseet" 76552.288-76552 201. GstiMES.BA Dmnen of Operanno Reactor harw' (Post 921004L B3/06/10. Con. sohdated Eeson Co. of New York, tnc. ppp.76499.325-76499233. I R. Portoshc operating reports & retsted conceponsionne t 9309030774NRC treo Nutce SS063, "impeper Use el SokMe Weld Pwye Dem Man

  • l GRNES.B et Dmson of Operstmg Reactor Supcort Post 921004) 93/08/11. Cor* 9309070126 "Semannual Rasoectwo Etnuent Rowane Rept Browns Ferry Nucteer schouled Eeson Co. M New York, mc kpp. N99.334-N99.341. Plant h 1M.** W/9M30 ter.

9 nanomy NRC Wo Notice 93464. "Penoec Testmg & Prevenhve Marit of Maided . T- Mey Aumonty M/06/34110pp.67-76352133. f , I Cane Cecult Breakers " . l GRNES.BA Dneen of Operetng Reactor Support Post 921004). $3/08/12. Con. 93pMW7 *ADUM W Monsonng Rept for Jul 1993." l sohdated Etkaan Cct of New York, mc.11pp. 7t,447293 76447.303. LOUDERMILEA T- Valley Aulhority. 93/07/31. 9pp. 76360.341-76360.349. 9309090187 NRC Wo Nobce 9S065. Reactor Trips Caused by Breaker Testmg W/ 9309200173 MonWy operstmg repts for Aug 1993 for Browrs Ferry Nuclear Ptarit Units Faust Proeseman Bypeased" 1.2 & 3 W/930915 Itr GRNES.BA Dmson of Operstmg Reactor Support (Poet 921004). 93/06/13. Cor, RATUFF.S A ZERIN3UE.O.J. Tennessee veney Authonty. 93/08/31. 11pp. schosind Eeson Co. of New York, arur 11pp. N47;304-76447214. 76600.35476500260. 9308100006NRC Info Nonce 93466, Swelcnover to Hol4Ag Infecten Fabowmp LOCA 9309220040 "Decharge Monitanng Rept for Aug 1993_" sn PWRt"

  • Tennessee Vahey Authonty. 93/06/31. 9pp 76516.349 76516257 GRMES.BA Descre of Operatng Reactor Support Post 921004). 93/08/16. Con.

solamed Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 7pp. N47215-76447;321. 9308100248 NRC Wo Notee 930G7. Burstm0 of H'ph Pressure Coolant Ingecten Steam Lme Rupture Dacs iniures Plant Personriet." l GRIMES.BA Dmmen at Operanne Reactor Seport (Post 9210D4). 93/08/16 Cork F. Securtty, sroodical, enwesenry & are protecton peers schosted Leson Cct of New York, mr 13pp. N47222-76447235. 9309070267 Act racect of 930806 kr mformmg NRC of steps tekem * (1nect velatons 9309010028 Summary of 930803 w/a:El m Rockvma.MD re proposed cost bene. t ' /93-23 ficsal escurny program revs et Browris erry femmar planLLest of eDendees & meetmp noted m map espts GILENJAK.R $4259/rtL23. V. Regen 50-260/SS23 2 (Post 8202011. & 50 29f'MEDFORD.M.O. Tennessee 93/06/20. handouts enct. Vahey Aumonty. 4pp. 7ti333143-76333146. HEBDONM Protect Drectorate 15 4 (formerly TVA Proiset Deectorate) (Post 900603L 03/08/26. Ptopect Desctorate D.4 Bormatty TVA Promet Desctorate) (Post

                       $308280198 NRC Wo Notce 93469. "Resog aphy Evertis at Operabno Power Reno.                900s03).19 pp. 7c285:122-762a5:141.

toriL" GRNES.BA Dwsuon of Operating Anactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/06/02. Cor> 930s030396 Rev 7 to EPIP 8. "Persormel Accountabeny & Evacuaten" WI930826 tir.

  • achosted Eeson Cct of New Yofk. me 11pp. N99.342.N99252. SALAS.P. Tennessee Vabey Authorny. 93/08/2tk 6pp. 763a8:179 76398:187.


i DOCKETEDITEMS 39 , l l H. General - . .___ Q. Inspectson reports,IE Bohelms & w.. l 9309030095 Commem supprimg proposed ruse 100FR2 re revew of 2.206 process 9307160033 NRC Wo Nobce 93 056. "weaknens m EOPs Found as Resuft 01 SG Tube ! WETTERHAHN.MJ. Wmston & Spawn 93/08/31.CHILNSJ. Ottee of the Secretary Rupture " ! of the Conenssen 9m 76318.055 76310:063. GRIMES.BK Dmsen of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 9210D4). 93/07/22. Con soldatec Eeson Co. of New vork, mc.11pp. 76499M76499.312 P. Operstmg house sta9e documents & corresportience 9307190121NRC Into Nobce 93 058. "Nonconservatsm m LTOP for PWRs " GRIMES.BK Dmson of Operatmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Cor> 9306230099 Suppl 5 to Genenc Ltr 99-10 to essclear plant kcensees & CP teiders te soldated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 76447264-76447272. naccuracy of motor.coerated valve eagnosbc eoapment. PARTLOWJ G. Assocate Director for Protects (Post 870411k 93/06/28. Conschdat- 9307200123NRC Wo Nobce 93 059. "Unempected Openng cd Both Doors e Aetocit" ed Eoson Co. of New Yortt. anc. 7pp. 76 409:0017640&OO8 GRIMES.BIL Duson of Operarmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Con-soadated Eeson Co. of New York. anc.10pp. 7p47.273 76447222. 9309070119 Subrats hst of allegabans recewed durmg fest sa months of 1993 JENLINS.GA Regran 2 (Post 820201). 93/07/14. COSBY.T. Tennessee Vaney Au. 9307260065 S@pi1 to NRC Bubeim 91401,"Reportmp Loss of Cnbcahty Safety Cork Inorfly. 2pp. 76332109 76332:110. yetsy BURNETT.R.F. Dmson of Fuel Cvcie Satety & Safegua ds (Post 930207). 93/07/27. t 9309080282 Forwarcs request for ae3 mio re meeum voltage cable band radius at Consohdated Edson Co of New York, snc. 23pp. 76409:009 76409:031. I piant HEBDON.FJ. Pro,ect Drectorate 18-4 (formetty TVA Promet Drectorate) (Post 9307290112 NRC Info Notx* 93460,"Reportmg Fuel Cycle & Matis Evems to NRC CD3603L 93/06/23, MEDFORD.M O. Termessee Vahey Authomy. 5pp. 76358.213- Opwanons Ctr " 76358217. BURNETT.R.F. Dmsaan of Fuel Cycle Safety & Safeguants (Post 930207). 93/08/04. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. anc.10pp. 76447283-N47292 9309070202Appicaton for amends to Lacensen DPR.33.DPR 52 & DPR48. consstag c3 TS 335.smpiementmg aetest row of 10CFR20. 9309030200 NRC Wo Notice 93 06t 'Escessve Reacta Cooism Leakage Fonowing SALAS.P Tennessee vaney Authomy. 93/0B/27. Document Control Branch (Docu- Seal Fadure m RCP or RRP." ment Control Desta 3pp. 76371280 76371340- GRIMES.BK Division of Opwa Reacer Support (Post 921004L 93/06/09. Con-sohdated Eeson Co. of New York. 12pp. 76499.313 76499-324.  ?

  -9309070207 Proposed toch specs enplenuntmg latest few of 10CFR20.
  • Tennessee vehey Authorny 93/08/27. Sepp. 76371:2817637t340, 930s030245NRC Into Nobce 93462. " Thermal Stratrhcaten of Water m BWR Reactor 9309070220 Provides ade kastfgaton for proposed TS 301 to Lcenses DPR.33.DPR- G E BK Dmson of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/10. Cor>

52 & DPR48.oeietmg Paragrapn 3.2K3 & clanhcanon for Paragraph 3.2K1.m re" sohdated Edson Co. of New Yak. 9c 9pp. 76499:325-76489333. sponse to quesbans rarsed by NRC dang istcores re GL 8941. 7 9308030274NRC trito Nobce93 063. *1mpmper Use of Soluthe Wald Purge Dam Matl." 63 2 ' GRtMES.BK Dmason of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06/11. Cor> achdated Esson Co. of New York. anc. app. 7649t.334-75499-341. 9309090131 Worms NRC of prar**' altamatve chemcal trsetment program ior RHRSW sys.m ret to commrtmem maos m900316 fir m response to GL 8Fe.13. "SWS Problems Aftectng Sately Related Equement" 930SOE0237 NRC Into Notxe 93464,"Penoec Testmg & Preventve Masit of Moeded SALAS.P. Tennessee Valley Autnomy. 93/09/01. Document Control Bran::h (Docu. Case Carcua BrennertL" ment Control DesaQ 2pp. 76415-359-76415-360. GRIMES.BK Dmson of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/12. Con-sohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.1190. 79472934447:303. 9309080148 Forwards addl snfo re proposed Tect Spec Amored 332 #e surveelance tre-quency for emergency diesel generamr mamt snsp from once per yr to once per 24 93000110137 NRC Into Notte 93465, " Reactor inps t'w by Breaker Teseng WI montramcludm0 engmoenng evahm rept & Procedure EMD9314. Fault Protecton Bypaspec" SALAS.P. Tennessee Valley Aumontv. 93/09/02- Docwnem Corcrol Branch (Docs > GRIMES.BK Dunson at Opera Reactor Sieport (Post 921004). 93/08/13. Con-mont Control Desk). 3pp. 76397:305-76397:353. schanted Esson Co. of New York. 11pp. 76447:304 76447214.

  -9309000151 " Browns F           Nuclear Plant Stoposed Tech Spec Amend Diesei Gene a. 9308100006NRC Into Notco 93466. "Switchover to Mos4ag insecton FoGowmg LOCA tor Masnt insp Fnsquency             Engmeenng Evaluston Rept*                        m PWRs."
      ' Tennessee Vabey Autrenty. s3/03/12. 7pp. 76397:309 76397:315.                      GRIMES.BK Desen of Opersang Reactor Support (Poet 921004). 93/06/16. Cor>

nohdated Esson Co of Non York. Inc. 7m 76447.315-76447.321.

  -9309000153 EMD Owriers Group Procedure EMD9314. " Recommended Marrit Prc>

gram." 930e100248 NRC Into Notme 93067 "Burstmg of High Pressise Coolarit intacton Duke Engmeenno & Sonnees.93/04/16. 38pp. 76397316-76397:353. Steam Larie Rupture Decs insures Plant Personnel." GRIMES.BK Dusen at Operstng Reactor Steport (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Cor> 9309000159 Forwards reauest for cost benefesal iconsmg acton RLA41, "Exernpton ochdated Esson Oct of New York, anc.13pp. 7947222-76447235. From 10CFR73.554d)(SL" tar review & approvat ZERINGUE.OJ. tennessee Vasey Authonty 93r09/02. Document Coritrol Branch g309070267 Ach recect at 930806 Itr anformmg NRC ci steps taken to correct velatens (Document Coreal Deskt 16pp. 76398 0017639BS16. reted m map repts 6M59/9123. 50 260/93 23 & SM96/93-23. CFILEM,iAK.R.V. Regen 2 (Post B20201). 93/08/20. MEDFORD.M.D. Tennessee , p 9309130065Natifcanon of930903meetnD w/util m Rockvilla.MD to docuss status of Vehey Autnanty. 4pp. 76333:143 76333:146. 1 i currern hconssng accons & recent hasory of problemanc semsttask i ROSS.T.M. Proiect Directorate b 4 (formerty 7VA Frosect Directorate) (Post 900603L 930526019e NRC Into Nonce 91-009, "Rasagraphy Events at Operstng Power Reac-C3/09/C2. MURLEY T MIRAGLIA,F., RUSSELLW. NRC + No Detailed Afhhaton gyg.~ Govert 4pp. 76413.202 76413J06. GRIMES.B st Dunen of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/09/02. Core soldated Edison Ca of New York, km.11po. 76499.342-76499.352. 9mst40207 Conerms teicon re nigt eneetng et taubt, on 930907 to aiion uur in prensa , reconstructon plans for Urut 3. 33aggegt4 pa,waros aos mro re prooosed Tech Spec Amend 332 to survedance Wo- 1 MERSCHorF.E W. Regen 2 (Post 820201L 93/09/02- MEDFORD.M.O. Tennessee ousney tw anw9picy diesef genrator mamt viso from once poi yr to orme per 24 < Umiley Authonty. 3m 76441.199-76441201. montrs.anctueng en0mervig ovatuston rupt & Procedwe EMD9314. l SALAS.P. To vessee valiey Authontv. 93/09/02. DouJmsnt Control Branch (Docu-9309140247Nothcanon of segmficant meetng w/utf on930907to a=== preserit OL ment Control Desk). 3pp. 76397:305 76397353. - certheates & - ..s,.. seriedule ter urut 3 1 GELLOGG.PJ Regon 1 (Post B20201L 93/09/02. Repon 1 (Post 820201). 3pp. 93090e0151 "Browrs F Nuceer Ptsnt Proposed Tech Spec Amend Diesel Genera-7643823476438332- tw Mamt ensp Frequency E Evasunton Hept" ennesses vahey Authonty.93/0312D MN7WSS. 9309210260 Forwards a6 col anto veauested by NRC se TS Table 9.2.Cto revue fia

  • l

! ===a asu === =ma'a raan9 *== =na'r= *

  • nan 9 =an'$ 'on =**=-  !

n0922031s Ac roosipi ce n0e19 ie gNRC ei suips Man io conoci visatons 5- ' ' " "I " ' ' ' ' h

                        "'**4ppT504            765D43 Regon 1)l I /

M ORD.M.O. Tennessee c=== App.catan t. terr y a,r.nd o , ,s. -52.- M p,oposed anange 343T ve TS 32/42-14to ekow spesaft RV warw level snstrumentaten to be 9309150265 Responds to NRC930812ler te volatons reted m Wup repts 5M59/93 out of svc m order to pytorm mods roguested by Buhean 93403. 26.50@60/9246 & 50 296/93 26.C/Aspos stress & pipe support sechon supervisors Watev Authonty 93/09/15. Document Coreal Branch neve been nothed to verame atteriton to deted to pmvent recastronce of event i ZERINGUE.OJ. L- ZERitW30E.OJ. Tennessee vaney Authomv. 93/09/09. Document Control Branch I (Document Ccmtrol Des 64 3pp. 76504:317 76504235. f (Document Control Desk). 7pp. 76452217-764U Prt

   -9309210275 Temporary enange 343T re TS 32/ show specifs RV water novel sistrumematon to be out of svc m order to perform RV water sevel mstrumematon      9309070296NRC Into Notte 93470,"Dogradaten of Borsfien Neupon Absorber Cou-mods reauessed by Buheen 93403                                                       oora-
  • 1ennessee vehry Autnanty. 93/09/15.16pp. 76504320-76504335. GRIMES.BK Dunen of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/09/10. Cork ochdated Edinari Co. of New York, anc. 999. 76499353 76499 361.

930929D114 Reauests NRC mauance of proposed amend no laser than 931202.30 days enor to eNacave date of 10CFR20 nse change. 93D9080104NRC kilo Notice 93471

  • Fee at Chemobyl Unit 2_"

SALAS.P. Tennessee Vahey Authonty 93/09/21. Document Control Branch (Docu. GR#MES.BIL Dween el W Reacts Support (Post 921004193/09/13. Cor> sohdoted Edman Co. of New York. sen 14pp. 76500'001-7650DS13 ment Control DeskL 250. 76588:356-765B8:357. 9309280175 Forwards response to NRC 930804 rat re BFN. Unit 2 iPE.per outwruttal of 93D9090243 NRC Into Notics 93472. "Otmervatons From Recent Shutdown Rek & BFN.Uret 2 IPE on 920901.m accordance w/GL 66 20. Outage Mgt Pilot town insps." SALAS.P. Tennenses vakey Authonty. 93/09/21. Document Corset Branch (Docu. GRm4ES.BA Dmmon et Operstmo Ra** Support (pust 921004193/09/14. Con-mera Control DeskL 39pp. 76589207 76589.245. sohdated Edson Co of New Yort6. trc $pp. 76500:014 76500D22.

40 DOCKETEDITEMS 9309210269Appicaton for temporary amend to hcense DnR.52.conerstmg ce proposed 93D9140383Notificaten of sagenfcam aconsee meetmg w/CP&L on930826 to discuss change $43T re TS 3.2/4.2-14to allow specrtec RV water leved mstrumemahan to tse srhJtdown nSk assessmem for persdmg pla out or svc m croer to perform mods requested by Bubetm 93403. rectwo actons from Evc Water Team mso.'It retueeg outage & lessons teamed & Cor-2ERINGUE.OJ Tennessee vakey Aumomy 93/09/15 Document Control B-anch CHRISTENSEN.H Regen 2 (Post 620201) 93/06/13. Regon 2 (Post 820201) 2pp. (Documem Control Desy 3pp. 76504 317-M504.335. W413317M41334

 -93D9210275 Tempora'y change 3437 re TS 32/ anaw specsfc RV water level                       93D9140293Summanres930826 meetmg m Regen la otes to oscuss shutdown nsk as.

matrumentaton to tie out et suc m croer to perform RV water sevet mstrumematon sessmem for retvelm9 mAage & aessons leanied & conecove actons from Svc Water moas reasesled tiv Buheen 93 003 Operatonal Performarice mso Lan of attenoves & honoouts enct

        *1.        - Valley Aumomy 93/09/15.16po. 76504.320-76504 335.                                   MERSCHOFF.E W. Regon 2 (Post 820201L 93/09M1. DIETZ.C.R Carohre Power &

Lagrit Co. 6pg 76441-05176441.129. 9309290172 Forwaros msp rept 5 259/93-29.50 260/9S29 & $0-296/9129 on 93Ga16-2G No amenure at semmuurw noted -93091403D9 Flev 0 to Plaant Proorams PLP-055. "Outace Rma Mgt." JULIAN.CA Regen 2 (s'ost 823201) 93/09/15. MEDFORD.M D. Tennessee Vahey

  • Caeoima Power & Lsgnt Co 93/06/27. 73pp 76441$57 76441.129.

Aumomy. 3pp 76551331-76551.340 9309140049 Responas to request for addl nio re endive &sai plant exam submmal for HB j

 -9309280181 Inse repts50-259/9S29.50-260/9129 & $0 296/9129 on 930616 20 No                            hotwnsan Steam Esectnc Paant Urut 2.

violatsons or omnatens noted Masar areas mapsactec:prevous open soms re safety 4e- WA'EHS.D B. Caroima Power & Lont Co.93/09/07. Document Control Branch (Doc-  : lated supe supports. .eamat Cert Desk) 83pp 76436 639 4436.121. CNOUA, BLAKEJ Regen 2 (Post 820201) 93/09/15. 7pp 76551.334-76551:340 1 93091600D9 Forwargs rev to TS bass re oefinmg cold shutoown comOone as apphed 9309280240 Forwards ensD roots 50.259/9S27.50 260/9127 & 50296'9327 on to tioik RCS cousant 93081620 two venatons commed DIETZ.CR. Carchna Power & tspht Co. 93/09/09. Document Control Branch (Docu. CLINE.W.E. Regen 2 (Post E20201) 93/09/15. MEDFORD.M.O. Tennessee Vahey mera Control Desky 2pp. 280.316-M480315 Authorvty 3pp. 76553'111-76553123

                                                                                                     -9309160D12 Proposed toch specs cefmmg (mid shutsown condstens as apphed to
 -9309280245Msp repts50259/9127.51260/9>27 8 50296/9127 on 930816-20.No                                 bulk RCS cootarn                                                                    I modatons noted Masor areas mapactec audas,                      raownste handhng &
  • Carchna Power & Lagm Co.93/09/09.1p. 76480316-M450.318.

transwtston eniuem reense monitanng. chemistry parammers & tramma. CNDLLN G., DECKER.TA Regon 2 (Post 820201193/09/10.10pp. 76553.114 9309200120 Apphcaton for amend to bconse DPR.23.regarseng sov to TS anowng sm.

        ' 553.123                                                                                       ptementaten of functorial rose & fesporuutukues or nucosar -        _ .:capt MABERME'YER.H W Carphna Power & LJDht Co.93/09/15. Document control Branch 9309280161 Forwwns snap repts 50 259/93-28.50 260/SS2B & 50296/9S29 on                                (Documem Coneal M.13pk 76474144 7k?C80.

9307174623 & nonce of volanonk MERSCHOFF1W Regon 2 (Post 820201) 93/09/17. MEDFDRC.M.O. Tennessee -.9309200121 Proposed hch specs anowmg enpismemahan W tunctonW role & 6 Vahey Authomy app.76552282 76552.301. a4sesfies of nuclear . . . _a om

-9309280169 Notre of vota1on from insp on 930717-0620.volanon                                                             '#                     ##'             '

notesqueernents not nwt er hsted esamples identhed tsy NRC mapactor 9309200129 Roguests exterman for Comphance w/10CFR$063 tsr H.B. Rotunson Repon 2 (Post 820201L 93/09/17,2pp. 76552.28476552257. asam LW Plam W 2 m and of theimg ounge 15 wnch e Nded to

 -9309280196 trop repts $4259/9S26.54260/9S28 & $0296/9128 on 930717-DI                     Power &         Co 93/09/15. Document Control Branch (Docu-
                                                                                 &    ssvedlance                                              M50W7 0820 co n,a votatons.ra m op      noted M.a,o.r, sate. ent      eispected
                                                     & areas        & les   mar _s                     mWWh TTE               KELLOGG.PJ Regen 2 (Post 820201) 93/09/03. 14pp                        9309200177 Fm m W h som W G p currten Mpe oescnpton.markeo.up FSAR pages & new program Gescnpton.

HADERMEYER.H W. Carphna Power & Lagm Co 93/09/16. Docsenent Control Branch R. Penodic opereeng reporm & reemd . (Documem Control Dersk),37pp. 76501-D01-76501937. 9309210274 Aree=%on for amend to 6corne DPRM- , rev to TS by mcorpo-9305070126 "Sommmuel Radonctwe Emuent Release Rept Browns Ferry Nucasar ranno new presswo-temp cairves covenng plant operatorz Weaugh twenty 4aw ettom Plam Jan June 199F W/933530 m twe fu8 power years. SALAS.P. Temessee Vahey Authomy.93/06/31110pp. 76352.037-76351133. DIETZ.C.R. Carosne Power & Lsphe Co. 93/09/15e Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Dess4 app. 76516-022-76516:050. 9309030017 "ADEM Dacharge Morutonn0Rept for Jul 1993." LOUDERMILKA Tennessee Wakey Aumonty. 93/07/31. 9pp. 76360.34176302.349. -9309210295 Pruposed toch specs mcorporatng new prosmee-temp curves covenng plant operatens treough twomv4aur effectwo tus power

$309200173 Montney operatng repts for Aug 1993 tor Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant Unrts
  • Carchna Power & LAgm Co. 93/09/15. Ripp. M51tt 76516D50.

12 & 3 W/930915 m RA7UFF.S.A 2ERINGUE.OJ T. - Vaney Authonly. 93/08/31 1100 9309200126 Provides notthcoton of proposed schedule ctange for replacmg one 230 76500.350 76500:360 volt ed cetun teesher et swachyard. DIETZ.CA Ceromne Power & Co 93/09/16. Document Cormal Bfanch (Docu-93092200a0 "Dischar9e Morutormo Rept for Aug 1993 " fnern Control Desp4 2pk M500 76500.335.

  • Termessee Vahey Aumonty.91/06/31. 9pp 76516.349-76516.357.

9309210096Forwaras rept WCAP-11104. "Evalueban of survosiance Capsule & Rene s, ReportaMe occurrences, LERs & rested - nor Cavity Dosenstry Form HB Rubensori Urut 2. Cycle 9.* ctd Feb 1967 to .se placed m POR & Cereal Fm TABOADAA NRC . No Detmied Affibanon Gwert 93/D9/17. NRC . No Detaned AfM-930923D112 LIR 93 009 00on "WW RCIC emperable due to occurrence of sten Gwert 1p. M49t167 76499299. unexpected B.roup istienCausrit tw 6 PCl$ personnai osm0 error performance si termmaur.2 of Si totvtest RCIC tugh gernp W/930917 -9309210112 "Evakaston of Swwediates far=da & Reactor Cawny Dosenopy Froer HB HSIEH.C.S., ZERINGUE.OJ Tennessee Vahey Aumamy. 93/09/17,7pp. 76549.014 Hoomson Urut 2.L;vces 9," dtd Feb 1967. 76549K80-

  • Westnphouse Esectric Corp WCAP 11104. 87/02/26. AC. No Detaded Afhhaten Gsvert 130pp. Ma99169-M499299.

DOCKET 60 261 HA RDBetSON PLAffT. UNIT 2 9309290146 Responds to GL 93 04. " Rod Coreni Sys Fa ee & Wahorawal of Rod Consul Cluster Assembhos." DIETZ.CA Caroima Power & Laght Co. 93/09/20. Docum t Coreal Branch (Docu-F. Security, snedical, emer9ency & Gre protect 6on piens ment Comrol Desa4 4pp. 76589.309 765a9.312. 9309290029 Forwards Rev 23 to moustnst sectamy paartRev mcorporates chanpas as. 9309290261 ProvrJes anto re s6sassomhey of Check Wapves Si B75AB & C to be per-socated w/mpt saucture of secumy orperu:ston, new compmem m._ , . . , . formed at Urut 2. Future enaps wel tio per1ormec per GL 9604 recurements. of O&M Bnog a ciner sammeurnovo cha ges Rev wrinneed.per 10CF'R7321. WATERS.D.B. Carchna Power & Leptu Co. 93/09r20. Documern Contrat Branch (Doc. WATERS.D.B. Carchne Power & Laght Co.93/09/13.Documera Conent Branch (Doc. ument Cceeni Desky 1p. 765672ti476687260. umem Coreal Desa41p. 766062841-76606285. 9309290053 Confrms that kstad payment for fourth ouarter mstatement & adiostmem of 9109290097 Rev 9 to EPtP PEP.154. "Radmiogca' Corwol Deector." W/930920 fir. annual too for FY93.per 10CFR171 electromcany transserved on 9*D920 PADGETTJ.A.. FLANAGAN.WJ Carotns Power & Light Co. 93/09/20. 6pp. PRUNTY.R W. Power & LJgne Co.93/09/23. Document Coreof Branch (Doc-76583.306-76583314. umort Comros Desk).1p. 76583 326-76583.326. 9309290002 Rev 7 to Plant Emergency Procockee PEP.355. " Core Damage Assess. morC W/930924 te. Q. Inapectan reports, E Bullettne 4 . - _. FLANAGAN.WJ Carchna Power & Lsght Co. 93/09/24. 55pp. 76593252 76593 306.

                                                                                                                   " O '"'*

9309290003 Rev 0 to Plant Ernergency Procedse PEP 456. "Technmal Analyms Desc. tor W/93092a fit GRIMES.B.K. Dween of Opersing Reactor Support (post 921004L 93/07/22. Ccm-FLANAGAN.WJ Carchna Power & Lagrit Co. 93/09/24.10pp. 76583:345-76583.354- schanted Edson Co. of New York anc.11pp 76 a99.302-71,499312. P. Operating Incense sto9e " 9307190131NRC Info Nohce 93-058. "Nonconserwaham m LTOP for PWRt"

_ & ~ -

GRIMESAK. Dwmion of Operann0 Reacte Support (Post 921004 93/07/26. Con-schosted Eamon Co. ot New York. mc. Opp.76447.264-76447272. 1 Sasipi 5 to Gerienc Lir 9's.10 to ru==r plant lesnsees & CP ticioers se maccurney at motor. operated varve - sempment 9307200123 NRC 9tto Nobce 93459. "Unenpacted Operung of Both Doors en AetoedL* PARTLOW.J.G. A=*ar==te Dreceor for (post 970411). 93/06/28. Oor** Dwison et Operstmg Reactor happort (Post 921004L 93/07/26. Can. ed Echmon Co. of New York, tnc. 7pp. 76a09001-M409.00s ochdated F.& son Co. of New York. Mc.10pp. 764a7:273-764472B2.

l l DOCKETEDITEMS 41 t l l 9307260365 Suppl 1 to NRC Buitetm 91.001, "Reporbng Loss of Cntcahty Safety Con. 9309200179 Responds to NRC fir te voiabons noted m mso rept 50-261/93-301 C/ trois As Corporate Occupahonal Hea'th Urpt wdl revise procedures for Icense appica9pns BURNE71.R.F Dnnsson of Fuel Cyc6e Safety & Satepuards (Post 930207). 93/07/27. & renewals to fully support process of conductng medcal exams. > Conschdated Edraon Co. of New York. trc. 23pp 764W009-76409-031. OT72.C.R Carchna Power & Lsont Co 93/09/15. Document Control Branch (Docu-I ment Control Desk). 3pp. 76500.338-76500:310 9307290112NRC Wo Nobce 93460. "Reporing Fues Cycse & Matts Events to NRC Operabons Ctr

  • BURNETT.R F. Devis on of Fuel Cycae Safety & Sateguards (Post 930207). 93/08/04. R. Penodec operstmg reports & related correspondence Consolestec Edson Co. ol New Yorit inc topp 76447283-76447:292.

9308030200 NRC Info Nobce 93 061 "Excessrve Reactor Coolant Leake"e Followng 9309030217 " Effluent & Waste Dsposal Semiannual Rept Jans lune 1993? W/930830 Seal Fadure m RCP or RRp - ftr. GRIMES.B K. Drvison of Operanng Rea: tor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/09. Con. FLANAGAN.WJ. Carchna Power & Lagnt Co. 93/06/30. 27pp. 7636121576361:342. sohdated Edson Co. of New York, trc 12pp. 7649&;313-76499.324. 9309070232 Forwards semannual fitness for OJt) program pertorrnance data for penod l 1338030245NRC Wo Notce 93 062. " Thermal Stratricaten of Water m BWR Reactor Jarklune 1993. l b essess " PRUNTY.R.W. Carolina Power & Liont Co 93/08/30. Document Caveirol Branch (Doc-GRATES.D K. Dwawn of Operenng fe Support (8'ont 921004). 93/08/n Con. ument Controt Desk).15pp. 76371:341-76371:355. soldated Edrson Co of New york, arc 999.76499225-76499.333. 9309170234 Monthly operatng rept for AJg 1993 tor HB Rotanson Steam Elecinc 930a030274NRC Info Notee 93 063,"Irrgiroper Use of Soluble Weld Purae Dam MatL" PlanLUnn 2 W/930913 ttr. GRIMES.6% Dnnsen of Operaing Reactor Suppen (Post 921004). 95/08/11. Card GROOMSJ, FLANAGAN.WJ. Caroina Power & Ligrit Cc, 93/08/31. app. 76476256-soldatec Ed6Dn Co. of New York, Inc 8pp. 7649&:334 76499 341. 76476.361. 9308360237NRC Into fuohce 93 064. "Penode Testng & Provensve Maint of Molded CrJe Carcutt Besakers? S. Reportable occum LERs & related correspondence GRIMES.BA Dwison of Operanng Reactor Support (post 921004). 93/08/12 Con. sohaatec Eatson Co. of New York. Inc 11pp. 76447.29176447:303. 9 1 s umm 273 Weed M vemon W been operanng 9308090187NRC Into Notice 93 065. " Reactor Trgs Caused by Breaker Testm0 wf on outsade design base of plant due b posinve omsaum mensbaW aus W FaJit Protecbon Bypassed - estore RAB venblaton svs to negatrve pmssum enmW/930830 itr. GRMES.B K Dnnsen of Operaung Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/13. Cor> CROOK.RD, FLANAGA%WJ. Caroina Power & @ Ca MN W soldatec Edson Co. of New York. mc.1190. 76447:304-76447:314. 76430-113 76430.117. 9309140383Notifcanon of agnrfmant beensee meetng w/CP&L on 933826 to chscuss 9309160057 LER 93 009 00-on 930805.24is LCO entered.per TS 3.3.42 ckse to matuisty shutdown nsk assessment for pendmg plant refuehng outage & lessons teamed & car. for SW Purry A to meet acceptance creers of test tar flow. Caused by aquement recove acnons from Svc Water Team msp. tadure.Dograoed SW Pump A removed & spare pump mstahedW/930907 fir. CHRISTENSEN.H. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 93/08/13. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 2pp. CROOK.D, FLANAGAN.WJ. Carokna Power & Lsgnt Co. 93/09/03. app. 76486:355-76441 233 76441 234, 76486 258. 9308100006NRC Into Notee93466. "3witchover to Hnt. Leg inpecton Followng LOCA 9309200148 LER 93 013-0&.on 930814.turbne sunback occurred dunng performa'ce of m PWRs" survestlance test. Caused by normal automate emapment op* sten dunng GRIMES.B K. Dnnsen of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004L B3/08/16. Can. runt ack. Tech Spec revised & coneet rods restored.W/930913 lir. soldated Edson Co. of New York. erc. 7pp. 76447:31 5 76447 2 21. STIRLING.R.E.. FLANAGAN.WJ. Carohna Powse & Lsgnt Co. 93/09/13. 4pp. 76525:001 76525 004. 9308100248 NRC trdo Nobce 93067. "Bwsting of High Pressure Coolant inpecton Steam Lane Ruoture Discs ensures Piant Personnel." GRMES.B K Divison of Opera Reactor S@ port (Post 921034L 93/08/16. Con. 13pp. 76447222 76447.335. Y. Dry Caak Independent Spent Fuel Storage Instahamans sohdatec Edson Co. of New YorN 9309070000 Ack re:ept of 930802 Itr miormng NRC of steps taken to correct votatens 9309200075 Porwards J.Juments on proposed rules.10CFR2 & 72 re mienm storage c4 noted in esc rept50 261/93 11 spent fuel m indepenaent spent fuel storage mstaHaton & sne-specifc bcorne to ouak I VERRELLi.D.M. Aesson 2 (Post 820201L 93/08/17. DIETZ.C.R. Carohna Power & ted appicant l Lsgnt Co. 3pp 76332:052 76332054. REAMER.C.W. Offce of the General Counese (Post 960701). 93/09/14. Document Control Brunen (Document Control Desk).1p. 76487250 76488:100. 930enes4 Responds to NRC ltr re votatens nound m map rept54261/9312.Correc. Dve actons.aommebeutve kmrt rnposed on man pressdre to whch vabes could be --930920D133 Requests Commason approvat of proposed rulemakmg to elsmmate re. throtD80 to ensure wakes mantaneo above min thrortie posstort sarement or pnor Comrrusson approval for specate imense for ISFSI under 10CFR2 & D'ETZ.C.R. Carohns Power & Ls0Nt Co 93/08/27 Docasmont Control Branch (Docu- 72.Notce of proposed rulemaksng & addl eWo encl i mont Ccntrol Desk).14pp. 76352.185 7635219S. PARLER.W.C. Office of the General Counset (Pnst960701). 93/09/14. Commascr> l ars (Post 750119). 35pp. 76487:342-76488 097. I 9309 40293 Summarmes 930826 meenng en Re$pon ti ofcs to ckscuss shutdown ruik as. l sessment for refusang outage & losmans teamed & correceva actons trom Svc Water Operanonal Perwmance insp. List of stianoses & handouts enet DOCKET 50263 MOff73 CELLO psuGIAft GE9 ERAT 1DfG PLAliT i MERSCHOFF.E W. Recpon 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/01.DIETZ.C.R. Caronna Power & Lsght Co 6pp 76441051-76441:129. I" **"P'"*Y I P''***"PI'"'

  -9309140309 Rev 0 to Plant Program; PLP-055. "Ouiage Rak Mpt"                                        '


  • Carohna Power & Lsght Co.93/08/27. 73pp. 75641057-76441:129. i 9309:30207Rewmed EPlPS . Rev 54 to A2 mosa.Rev 35 to A.2 001.Rev 19 to <

i 9308260198NRC info Notme 93 069. "Radography Events at Operatng Power Reac- M-101 & Rev 12 to M-102.W/9 fir. l tant " FEY.F.L. Northom States Power Co.93/09/03.146pp. 7642900176429:146. l GRIMES.B.K Divmon of Operanng Reactor Seport (Post 9210Det 93/09/02. Con-t soldated Edman Co. cf New YorA inc.11pp. 74,499342-76499.352. 9309210004Porwards enso rept 50 263/9316 on 930823 0902.No volanons noted. I CREEDJ.R. Re;pon 3 (Post $20201L 93/09/13. ANTONY.D.D. No them States Power ! s30so70206 NRC Into Psotice 9347D "Deradaban of euralHm Naeon ADsortor cow Co. 2pp.16475:0N-7E,47bh40. I ponL" GRNES.EX Chvison of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/09/10. Cork 9309210007insp rept 50 263/9316 on 930823 0932.No volatons noted, Mapor areas soldated Edison Co. of New YorA l'tc. Bpp. 7649F.353-76499:361. ,%  : ascurny esp ewonano mgt support & shecevenesk R. 4 6pk M N 009280207 Forwartss msp rept 50 261/9316 on 9307104M114 & notoe of volanort $k.ogo' VERRELLI.D M Repon 2 (post 820201). 93/09/10. DIETZ.C.FL Caroima Power & Lig'it Co 3pp. 76552.116-76552135.

  -8309280211 Notes of violanon from map on 9307104814 Violaton notectnoonese              K. UWRy Final SWety W Report (FSAN 4 amends                                                                              j taned to empeme a adeauste measures to marnan easyny or nasciar a.nohary tudg venblanon svs cessyt                                                                   9309220023
  • Respan 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/10. 3pp. 76552119-76552'121. Forwards cluchng summry rept Rev 12 to ".USAR of changes tor Montcellomade tests & expenments Nuclear Generaterig PlanL" per 10CFR50.59.Rev up-er>

dmes rWo for period 920101930326 w/ respect to way USAR edste s managect

  -9305280217 insp rept 50 261/9518 on 930710 0814 Volanons noted. Manor areas                ANDERSON.R.O. Northem States Power Co. 93/08/31. Document Coreo6 Branch etspected:aperstonal sa sty verifcatert savealance obse'vaton & maire observatort         (Document Control Dest 4 93pp. 76560:001-76564:194.

( ORDERS.W T Regen 2 (Post 620201). 93/09/08.14pp. 7 tis $2122-76552.135. 4303220024 Rev 12 to "USAR tar Mormeete f4actear Genera Plant? 930909D104 NRC Into Notre 93471. " Fro at Chemobyl Urd 2? ' # GRNES.BA Divmon of Opersing Reactor Socort (Post 921004L 93/09/13. Cork soldated Edson Co. of New YorN anc 14pp. 7650000176500 013. p, % % g g _g 9309090243 NRC Into Nonce 93 072, "Observators Froen Recent Shutdown Rak & l Outage ugt Pest Team Insos? 9306230099 Sepi 5 to Genenc Lir Stk10 to nuclear paar.t Iconsees & CP holders te ' GRIMES.EK Dnnsen of Ope' sing Reactor Support (Poes $21004L 93/09/14. Cork mecewacy at motor. operated vane eCsaprnent aohdated Edeon Co. of New York anC. Opp.76500'014 76500 022. PARTLOW.J.G. Associate Dr actor tar (Post s70411). 93/06/28.Cordtat-ed Edson Co. cl New York inc. 7pp. 76409:001-76409-008. 9309280222 Ack rococt of 930903 response to NRC nonce of volaton issued on 930730 te evt water sys operatonal portormance map at taciirty.IrWorms that response 9309070094 Resporuss to fWtC 930625 reausst for edcp into re Genanc Ltr 9241.Rev 1 morsts recurements of 10CFR2201 & acceptabe "Roarsor Vessel Strur1 ural Intoyty? GIBSON.M Regen 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/14. DIETZ.C.R. Caroims Power & Lspht ANDERSON.R.O. Ncwthem States Power Co. 93/06/27. Document Control Branch Co. app. 76552-189-7655t191. (Document Cornrol Desk). 6pp. 76359.316 76359:321. I

l l 42 DOCKETEDITEMS l l 9309220098NDDhcanon of 930929 meetmg w/uti m Rockville.MD to discuss mstallaton R. Penodee operstmg reports & felsted -.- -- - of water invel marvtonng mstrismentaban at plant A le til.1 93/09/15. DEAN.WM Pro,ect Drectorate 9309070090 " Effluent & Waste Deposa! Semiannual Rept .la% lune 1993." W/930827 te FEYf t Northem States Power Co.93/06/30. 9m 76359.307-76359.315. 9309030290 Fawards Funess for Duty Data for sa month penod endmg 930630.

25. Docurnent WW &ac D07160033 NRC Into Nobce 93056. "Weakress m EOPs Fauna as Result of SG Tube GRNES.B K. Deson of Operatmg Reactor Support (Post 921004)~ 93/07/22. Cork

hk'"""7['f' $7 schanted Edson Co. ce New vort, me.11pp. M99.302-N99:312. 93p170241 Manwy operahng mpt for Aug 1993 for Montcello Nucisar Generating Plant.w/930914 fir. 9307190131 PAUSTIAN.H.H., ANDERSON.R.O. Northem States Power Co. 93/06/31. 5m GAMES.BNRC Into Notce K Dmson 9345,8 of Oports "Nonconservabstn Reactor Seport (Postsa921004). LTOP sw93/07/26. PWRs.= Con. N79252 76479.256 totinated Edmon Co of New

  • ppp. 76447264 76447272.

9307200113 NRC Into Nobce 93 058 eencpected Openne of Both Cr ors e Artocet" S. Reportatste occurrences. LERs & rotated .-. GRNES.B K Deson at Operatmg Pctor Support (Post 921004). w3/07/26. Con. l sohdated Edson Co. of New YotA r ' Opp. N47.273-764472B2. 9 M @ 9 9307 R RPS W mtem > m 93072600E5 Sept 1 to NRC Bulletits 1001. "Reportmg Loss of Cnacahty Sately Co,, levelCaused W mam condensaw purnp Inp.Corcensate Pu'np 11 mots ed te m. yoas - spected & prevennve mamt we tie pertamed on Conoensate Pump 11 tweaker.n/ BURNETT.RT. Omson of Funt Cycle Safety & Safegurds (post 930207). 93/07/27. 930830 ler Consokdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. 23pp. 7640E009-N09031. ENGELKE.S.. ANDERSON R.O. Northern States Power Co. 93/08/30. 6pp. 76409:33S 76409.338. i 9307290112NRC into Nohce 93460. "Reportmg Fuel Cycee & Matis Events to NRC  ; Operatiors Ctr."  ! BUFtNETT.RI. Dmson of Fuel Cycie $atety & Sategurds (Post 930207). 93/08/04. V. Operatorr ' Consoldated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. N4 2s3.N47292. I 9308030200NRC Into Nonce 93 061* 'S- ' Reactor Coolant Leakage Fotowng 9309210095 Summary of 930708 Regen 111 annual tramng managers conference m  ! Seal Fadtse m RCP or RRP

  • Geen Ea4 Purpose of mophng to provide han tw hw on rev 7 of opwamt  ;

of New ora nc .7 1 6499 4 I O A E# 7 930W330245 NRC Into Notoe 93462. ""hermal Stratl5caton of Water in BWR Reactor vesams " l GRNES.B K. Dmmon of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/10. Cor, DDCIET506265O'JAD CfTIES STATION. UNIT 2 solcated Edman Co. of New YorA inc. 9pp N9132S76499.333. 930003r3274 NRC Ireo Notme 93463. "letswooer Use of Sol @ie Wald Purge Dam Matt " F. Securfty, medical, emergency & fire protection plans GRIMES.BK Dmson of Operstmg Reacts Sepost (Post 921004). 93/08/11. Cork soh3ated Ed son Co. of New YorN enc Sm M9R334-N99-341' 7B e LA un Edson Q W Genom Subon N 9 NR Info Notco 93464,"Penodic Testmg & Preventive Mamt of Motoed Q len pSEP " Edmon Co.93/08/31.10pp 76443 030 76443.039. GRMES.B K. Dmson of Operanng Reactor Suuport (Post 921004). 93/08/12. Cork soldated Echson Co. of teen vorA enc. lipp.76447293 M47203. 9309150100 Rev 0 to Corporate EPIP (CEPIP) CEPIP-202144. "Momson EOF & JPIC Acirvabon." . 9309090187 NRC Info Notco 93 065. " Reactor Tesis Caused tsy Breaker Testmg W/

  • Commonwealth Edmon Co.93/06/31.10m NS4.261-76454.270. 1 F auf! Protechon Bypassed."

GRMES.B K Eavmon of Operanng Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/06/13. Con- 9309270098 Forwards response to roouest tar adcs enfo se precoeed generaing staten soldated Edson Co. of f4ew Yyk, ent; 11pp. 76447.334-76447:314. plan row.snoorporatsng EOF as unenm EOF.per change request 911. LA ANDO.D. C_-- _- z Edson Co. 93/09/17. HICKMANAB. Progect D> 9308100006,, NRC Into Nohce 93466. "Switchoww n Hol-Lag tryoction Fosciwmg LDCA rectorate itL2. 45m 76570250 76570.294 l mPWRK Dmson of Opermang Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/05/16. Cork anidmeo Edman Co. of New Yors, enc. 7pp. 76447315 76447321. P. hcanoe em9e cooumenu & corresponderme 9308100248 NRC Irdo Notce 93467. "Burstmc . High Pressure Cociant Inpacton Steam Lme Ristre Discs Ingres Plant Persaw 9306230099 Sept 5 to Genanc Ltr 8910 to nuclear plant hooneew & CP foloers re GRIMES.BK Dusen of Operamig Reacsor S.c (Post 921004). 93/06/1& Cork maccuracy or motor operated valve compmern soldated Edman ca of New YorA inc.13pp 7b 22 76447:335. PARTLOWAG. h-* Drector for (Post 570411). SD06/26. Consoldat-930826019e NRC Info Nohce 91069. "Radogram Events at Operstmg Power Reac-W 9300010296 Summary of $30816 meeeng w/util m Rocenessa.MD se nrahmmary results of GRIMES.B K Divmon of Operatng Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/09/02. Co'* Reputmory Buroen Reducton inansves (RBRI) & staff efport re Cc4u Benefme! h sohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. N92342-76499.352. Acacms (OBLA).Lat of enanoses oncl. 9309130054 Acti roommt of 930013 Itr riformmg NRC of steps taken to correct violanons ' l noted en rup sept S263/93-13. 62 303. l c, p 7 %86427 46 9309130004 p- es- Adsesses NRC ooe ol om se schedule ter desgn change instaRaton re l (sngo70?ng Nan trip, %, g347p "D,7arpreon of Bornflew f4auron Ahonrhver Cow PIET.PL C ... Z. chson Ca 93/09/02. MURLEY.T.E. Ofhce of Nucesar Re. 1 po,g actor Regunalon, Uracwr (kost 8/0411). 2pp. 76427274.*p27s. GRfMES.BK Dmnon of Operatng Reactor Seport (Post 921004L 03/09/10. Cork l soidsted E.dmon Co. of fuse YorA anc. 9pp. 76499253-76499;361. 9309140123Nottfcation of930914meetne w/utit m Rocimlie.MD to docuss proposed altomate approach to periorrang endettas plant exams ear enemal eventL 9309080104 NRC Irdo Nonce 93471. " Fro at Chemoty! Urst 2." SIEGELBL Promet Drectorate ab2. 93/09/02, DYER.JE Propect Dractorate 614. GRIMES.BK Dmoon at . Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Cork 6pp. 76422.143 76422148. fr**=nad Edson Co. of New Yort 14pp. 76500:0C1-76500 013. 9309140245 Summartres 930826 w/util re GL 99L10 ensues ramed tsunrio Jul 9309210004 Fawards rap rept ScL263/93-16 on 930823-0902.No volatons noted. 1993 snap onso Rept50 254/93 13 & /93-13).Last of anonomes.NRC handouts CREEDAR. Regon 3 (Pcast 820201). 93/09/13. ANTONY D.D. Northam States Power & us handout amet.

Co 2pp. 76475$33 76475940. FORNEY,WL Hecon 3 (Post B20201). 93/09/03.DELGEDRGE.LO. C_ ----_ -


 -.930B210007 trap root 53 263/93-16 on 930823 0902.No votatens roted. Mapor areas
    -a4w              'secunty artsp avolvm0 mgt support & eMeetveness-                    9300140020 (W==** echedule for noensee response D GL 9910' "* ""'- '

Kra T.LE'YJ.R.. CREEDJ.R. Regan 3 (Post 820201). 03/09/13. Epp. m75235- Motsw w Testng & h" M75$40- DYER.JL Propect Drectorste 1162. 93/09/09. DELGEORGE.L.O. C-- - Edman Ca 6pp. M4&3Sm46312. 9309090243 NRC enio Notoe 93472. "Otmervuea Frorn Recent Shutdoorra Rak & ES ( of Operahne Reactor Support (Poet 92:004). 93/09/14. Con. 9309200D15 N tw amends to Leenses DPR.19N25.DPR.29 & DP430je-sohdeted Edman Co of Nmr YorA enc. epp. 76500:014 76500022. 93093000s9 Forweds Safety insp Rept 54263/93-17 on 93090710.No volatons Q hupgrade 3/4.8. "Piant Sys" mciuchng moorporoton of PtET.PL t _ ._ _ __T Entson Co. 93/09/11 MURLEY.TL Orlee of Nuciesr Re-scued. actor Reguianori. Drector (Post 870411).14pp. 76502:142-76502227 SNELL.W Regon 3 (Post s20201). 03/09/23. ANTONY.DA Northam Steles Power Co. 2pp. 76626233L76626.292. ~930B200019 Proposed Tech Specs Secton 3/4.8. " Plant Sys."

                                                                                              *C_           _ J. Edson Co.93/09/10. 72pp. 76502156-76502-227 9309300096 inse Rept 54263/93-17 on 930907-10.No violatons or Devotoris notuo.Maar mens mapactecteoid redweste & traraportanon programs.lmcludrig tram-        9309220032 iMthcrows 910930 appicaton for amerids to LAcunnes DPR.29 & DPR.

eng & ouakfcatons mgt oorurces.QA 4 ergnementaten of waste tym. 30.revemg TS becton 3A/4.8. "Piant Syt" SHAH.N MXX)RhltCK-BARGE Regon 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/21. 9pp. 76626285- SCHRAGEJL Co...._ J. Echman co.93/09/10.MURLEY.T.E. Offee of Nuclear 76626 2 92. R==rw Regulaton, Drector (Post 870411L 2pp. 76526.334-76526;335. I i

l f DOCKETEDITEMS 43 9309170177 Notifcaton of930923 meetmg w/util m Rockves.MD to escuss utd BWR 9308060237 NRC Info Notce 93064. "Penodc Testmg & Preventwe Mamt of Molded hatety anahss topcal repts to te satwnitted for staH remew as part o ubi venoor n Case Cucuit B eakers? oeoendence program & renew scteoute. GRIMES.B K. Deson of Operatmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/12. Cork SIEGELBL Prosect Drectorate 1112. 93/09/13. DYER.J E. Proact Dractorate 14-2 soudated Ecson Co. of New Yot. Inc. 1100. 76447293-76447.E3 7pp. N61249-N61.255. 9308090187 NRC Wo Nohce 93065. *' Reactor Tnps Caused ty Breaker Testmg W/

 $309220157 Prondes rensed dates for submstral of IPEs for Quad 4rtes & LaSalie               Fauet Protecuan Bypassed."

County Stanons & revoed approach to LaSane iPE. IPE for Byron a crescheouie & GRIMES.B K Dwnon of Operatmg Reactor Support (post 92100er 93/06/13. Con-w* be submitted m Apr 1994 IPEs bemg performed per GL 88-20. sohdated Eeson Co. Of New YotA inc.11pp S47.304 76447.314. 1 CHRZANOWSKI.D. Commonweam Eeson Co. 93/09/15. Oftce M Nuclear Reactor Reguiabon. Drector (Post 870411). 3pp. 76521258-76521.360. 9308100006NRC Info Notce 93466. "Switefever to Hot 4eg inge:: ten Followmg EOCA l 9309230144 Withdraws 911002 proposed amend for TS 3.5/4.5. "ECCS* Pmposed m PWRs".K Dmson of Operstmg Reactor Suppo't (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Con. GRMES.B change invtWed rewme of ECCS secton of TS & submmed as pan of overan TS up. l sohdated Edmon Co. of New York, Inc. 7pp 76447215-N47221. 1 R Commonweattn Edson Co. 93/09/17. MURLEY.TE Offce of Nucacar $308100248 NRC Wo Notce 93467. "Burstmg of Hsgh Pressure Coolant infechon Reactor RegulaDon. Drnctor (Post 870411) 2pp. 765481)S7 76548.058. Sieam Lme Rupture Docs ruums Plant Personnel" GRIMES.B.K Dmson of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 9210D4). 93/08/16. Con-9309230147 Withdraws 911002 proposed change for TS 3.6/4 6, *Pnmary Sys Bounda- sohdated Edson Co. of New varit. anc.13pp. 76447.322 76447235. ry Proposed change erwtwved rewme of pnma'y sys toundary sechon of TS & sute mmed as part of overall TS upgrade program. 9309080273 Responds to NRC 930730 ftr to wolators & proposed mipositen of cul SCHRAGE.JL Commonweam Eeson ca.93/09/17.MURLEY.T.E Otfice of Nucacar pennines scied e inse Rept50-265/9312.Correctwo actons. Mod MO4 93403A wr> Reactor RegJiaty.rt Drector (Post $70411). 2pp. 76548:055 76548:056. piemomed to add unoervoltage conta::t et tus It csose topc. Fee pass. 9309230151 withdaws911002 proposed amend for TS 3/4.7. "Contamment SyE" Prt> FARRAR.D. Commonweam Edson Co 93/06/30. Ole of Enforcement (Post 870413L Spp. 76398:179-76398 186. posed rwoeved rewme of commenment sys secten of TS & submrrted as part of overall T program. 9308260199NRC Info Notre 93469. "Radiograpny Events at Operstmg Power Reac-SC1ARGE.JL m E& son Co.93/09/17.MURLEY.T.E. Offce of Nuclear torsy Reactor Rep 4 anon. Drector (Post 670411). 2pp. 76546 35176546252. GRMES.B K. Divsen of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/02 Con-sohdated Edison Co. of New York, me.11pp. 76499.342-76499.352-i 9309230181 Apphcabon for amends to hcenses DPR-19.DPR.25.DPR-29 & efforts to up7. ade TS Secten 3/4.7 "Contamment Sys." per 93090a0028 Respones to NRC 930730 Itr re nonoted volaten noted e insp Rapts 50-10CFA50,92(c).10CFR5141 & GL 67 254/9315 & 50265/9315 on 930518-0628 Correctue actentcenprehenswe sati-PIET.PL Co.. .. Z. Echson Co 93/09/17. MURLEY.T.E. Ofhce of Nuclear Ra' assessment proopss we be oeveloped & wrq)temented. actor Reg 64aton, Drector (Post 870411). 27pp. 76547 085-76547.194-FARRAR.D. Commonweattn Eeson Co. 93/09/03. Document Control Branch (Docu-

 -9309230205 Proposed Tecn Specs 3/4.7. *tontamment Sys."
  • C ..-eii. Eoman Co.93/09/17. 82pp. 76547:112 76547-194.

g30914024S Summanres 930826 meeting w/uts re GL 8910 saues ramad eksing Jul 1993 msp(insp Rept50254/93-13 & 505265/93-13).Lat of atterwees.NRC honoouts 9309240081 Appicaton for amends to bconses DPR.19 DPR-25.DPR.29 &

                                                                                             & uni handouts ou g oftarts to upgrase TS secton 3.6/4.6. "Pnmary Sys Bounaary" per                         FORNEY.WL             3 (Post 820201t 93/09/03.DELGEORGELO. Commonwealth PIET.P.        _ . _ __n Edmon Co. 93/09/17. MURLEY.T E. Offs:e of Nucenar Re-ector Regulaton, Drector (Post 870411k 20pp. 76545:112-76545220.

9309150220 Responds to NRC 930806 Itr te molations noted in msp repts 50 254/9349

 -9309240114 Proposed toen specs 3/4.6. "Pnmary Svs Bounca*y..                               & 5M65/9349 & propated wrcoernon of ovil penalty.C/Althcensee wiu mplement
  • Commonweaftn Edson Co.93/09/17. 88pp. 76545132-76545220. Aammisystrve Tecnncal Reauirements im safe N l F ARRAR.D. C.. .- T Edson Co.93/09/07. Orc of Enforcement (Post s70413).

9309240257Appicaton for amends to hconnes DPR.19.DPR-25.DPR 29 & DPR-30 re 8pp. NSNMSN anowmg ECCS moperabetes w/o recunng tutt -_ .; of 6essi generators or off 9309160020 Dscusses scheck4e for Scename response to GL 4910. *La'ety-Related ET Commonweain Edson Co. 93/09/17. MURLEY.T.E. Offme of Nuclear Re. actor Regulatiori. Drector (Post 87D411L 16pp. 76553278-76553.326. D RJ te 09. DELGEORGELO. C.. -.. ~~~- Edson Co. 5pp. 76446206 76446212.

 -p2                      ieen gsgn c         / 7[33pp                                           9309070206NRC into Notoe 93470. " Dog'noaton of Barafios Neutron Absortier Cou-
                                                                     '6 l 9309300203 De==s 930927 press conterence to J O'Connor announcement that util              GRIMESA.K. Dwison of Opersing Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Con-l settloo su rate menors & appsats bercre Whnos courts & Commerce Commmann spy             schoated Eeson Ca et New York. m opp. N99253 MM26t A          W                 f          27         J         -mmh                I g                                                  ggjoggy, ggfggfig, ca,p sohdated Edson Co. cf New York, Inc.14pp. 76500110176500013.
                            "U                                 "

hYgo g,cy,,,$g, am"*o**d n 9309090243 NRC into Nolce 93472. 'Observatons Paom Recent Shutdown Rak & sam inaps. P TELC P 18 2. 93/09/28. F ARRAR.DL Commorneoalin Eeson g g PWM g Operetng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/14. Con-sohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc, Opp. 76500 Ote-76500 CE Q. L M IE BuSetine & corresponsance 9309210314 Suppl response to NRC Bteetn 93403. "Resoluton of tasues Related to Reactor vessel Water Level metrumentaton in BWRE" 9307 NRC Into Notte 93 056. " Weakness m EOPs Found as Result of SG Tube DELGEORGE.LO. Commonwealth E&aon Ca93/09/15 MURLEY.T.E. Offme et Nu. comar Reactor Repeaton Drector (Post 670s11). 3pp. 76504215-76504217 GRIMES.BIC Dwseon of OperstmD Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/22. Cork sohdated Ednen Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. N99302-N99312- 9309240130 Forwards nceae of volatun & proposed espoonen of cwd pensny m amount of $125.000 resutung from special saisty msp on 933609 0812 0 07190131NRC trWo Nntee 9345R "Noriconaarvakern m (TOP tar PWDs " h


GRIMES 18L Dwouon of Operstmg Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Con. 6SE32 ' ' s aohdated Edson Co. of New Yoret enc. 9pp. N47264 76447.272.

                                                                                          -9309240139 NMme of m & proposed enponnen of ovR penany m amount of 9307200123NRC Into Nonce 93459. " Unexpected Openmo of Both Doors m Aetocit.                st25.000.Noncongbanoe nesect as of930609boerises taped to promptly conect ideck GR!MES.B K. Dumon of Operateig Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Cork schanted Edson Co. of New York. Inc.10po. W47273-76447.282.

W,,, g gpg,8** N f). 09/21. 5pp. 76r."mtE76522.324. I 9307260065S@pi i to NRC Buhetm 91-001. "Reportng Loss of Cnticabty Satsty Con, 9 5 msp men $24/W9 & E265/m9 on N & l NETT.R.F. Dwmen of Fuel Cycle Safety & Sateguards (Post 930207), 93/07/27. GREENMAN.E.G. Regen 3 (Post 820201L 93/09/22. DELGEORGE.LO. Common-Connoksated Echson Co. of New York. Inc. 23pp. 76a0fr009 75409-031. weanh Essa ca 2pp. m26344-M26%B. , 9301290112 NRC Into Notre 93 060, "Repce9ng Fuel Cycle & Matts Events to NRC -9309300142Notee of volakun trorn map on9306294B20 Velaten . ,;.,;_ :. of Operatens Ctr.- W & RCIC sys pump rooms were not conkohed & tome 9as analyzer eras moper- l LURNETT.RI Dwamon of Fuel Cycle Safety & Satopiards (Post 930207). 93/08/04. p for newn hours. Consohdated Edson Co. of Now York. Inc.10pp. 76447263-76447292. Rogon 3 Post 820204 93/09/22. 3pp. M26-146 M26148 9308030200 NRC Into Notee 93 061, "Excesame Reactor Coolant Leakage Fohowing -9309300144 Insp repts E254/9319 & S265/9319 on 9300290E20. Votatens beal Fadure m RCP or RRP.= reted. Maps aircas mapactettoperaimnat sakty venhcoton,mmtray memt observaten GRIMESS et Dween of Operalmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/09. Co,, & nontf sy smemance obsevaan, schoated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 76499213-76499324. MLLANDA Regon 3 Post $20204 93/09/14.10gg. 76G26.1M6626158. i 9109010245 NRC Into Notme 93462 " Thermal Stratifcaton of Water m BWR Reactor GRIMESS K Drvison of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004) 93/08/10. Cor> eohanted Eikon Co. of how York, anc. 9pp. 76492325-76499333. 9309010279 Forwards istng of facety. procedure changes. tests & expenments vooumng SE compoeted dunng mordh of Jul 1993. Summary of SE Demg reported.per 9308030274NRC treo Notre 93463. "Incroper Use of Sc6uble Weid Dam MatL" 10CFM50.71(e). GRtMESS K Dwmen of Operatng Reactor Seport (Post 921004L 9 /08/11. Cork SCOTT.A.M. Commonwealth Edson Co. 93/0n/19 Documemt Control Branch (Docu-ar*w de Eeson Co. of New Yerk. erac. 80p. N99.334-M99-341. ment Control Desk). 26pp. 76324316-76324361 1 l

l l 44 DOCKETED ITEMS 9309140310 Monthly operanng repts for Au01993 tar Quad Caes 1 & 2. W/930903 ttr 9307190131NRC Into Nobce 93 058. "Nonconservabsm m LTOP for Pn%" i SCOTT.A M. Commonweafth Eeson Co 93/06/31. 28pp. M40001.W40028 GRMES B K Dwmeon of Operstmg Reactor EwJppo" (Dost 921034) 93/07/26. Cor> l sohdated Esson Co. of New York. anc. 9pp. 76447.264 M47272. 9309150135 Forwards bsbng of facdrty.proceere changettests & expenments romanng safety evaluabons cornpeted cunng month of Aug 1993 for Uruts 1 & 2.Sirnmary of 9307200123NRC Into twonce 93 059. " Unexpected Operang of Both Doors m Artock

  • SE berng reported m compuance w/10CFRSC 69 & 1DCFR50 711et GAMES.B K Dwson of Operaing Reactor Support (Post 921034). 93/07/26. Cork M pp""g" E 02 Document Control Branem Coc* sohdated Edison Co. W New York, anc.10pp 76447J73.*47.222 9307260065 Suppl 1 to NRC Bullebn 91001. "Reporbng Loss of Cntcassty Satefy Cork S. Deportab6e occurrences. MRs & related c . tros
  • BURNETT.R F Dwson of Fuel Cycse Safety & Sa'eguards (Post 930207). 93/C7/27.

9309200070 LER 93414 00.on 930811.tound HPCI sys outssoe oesign bass oue to m. Conscecated Eesun Co. of New York. Inc. 23pp WD9 009.M09:031. edeounte 1983 cewgn review process intuated engmeenng & construchon procedure D40 OE 401. W/930910 rp 9307290112 NRC Into tecnce 93460 'Reporung Fuel Cycse & Matas Events 10 NRC COOK.D., BAX.R L Commonwealth Eeson Co. 93/09/10. 6pp. 76500 095500.100 Opersbors Ctr " BURNETT.RF. Dviseon of Fuel Cycle Safety & Sateguards (Post 930207). 93/08/04. 930921030s LER 93 016 00 on 930614. locked high radiaton area (LHRA) door to mam Con ~*inted Eeson Co. of New York. anc. topp. M47283.N47292 concenser a'em of turtune tadg tou'ici unlocked & unattenced oue to mappropnate pet. LY tth Esson Co 93 09 3 6S25.057- m80,3020,,0

                                                                                                                                    $ p ,,       NR p       c,
                                                                                                                                                                 ,934M. "Emesame Ream Coolant Leakage Fonowing                 l 652 N -                                                                                GRMES.B K. Dwason of Opersang Reactor $@ port (Post 921004). 93/06/09. Cork                I somonted Eason Co. of New Yorn. enc.12pp. Nw9.31176499.324.

9309210170 LER 93 01koo:on 930815. necked U-2 HPCs mocerabe due to W4 opticency.Tnpped MAC3 katune.Starte procedures for HPCI reamtten snto perme. nent procedures to more accuratesy certme testn0 pt HPCI pumps W/930914 fir 93r*N'45 NRC into Noue 93462. " Thermal Stranhcanon of Water m BWR Reactor COOND,. BAX.R.L G_- - _ r. Edson Co.93/09/14 6pp. 76525:03576525:040 vesser J GRMES.B IL Dwmaan of Operstng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/10. Cork 9309uo103 LER 9341740.on 930824.oetermmed that MSfV room esp was performeo so6 dated Eeson Co. of New York. anc. 9pp. N99.325%99 333. Der recarements or safe shutopwn ananvas oue to amoeauste trommg/ ouahtcatiortRemstalled camera a commenced nouny map W/930917 fe-NEAL.J., EAX.R.L. Co.... _ --r. Ei.bson Co 93/09/23. 7pp. 76682220L76682226. 9300030274 GRIMES.BNRC into Notics K Dween 93463. "emproper of Operanng Use et SolutWe Reactor Seport Weld Purge (Post 921004). Dam Con 93/06/11 MaB.". sohdated Edman Co. of New York. Wm 8pp. 76499.334-W99.341. 93080E0237 NRC Info Nobce 93064. "Penode Tesang & Preventwo Mamt of Mo6ded 9309210095 Summary of 830708 Region 111 annual trairung managers conference m Br G6en Ellyn.lLPurpose of meetng to provioe forum for esemeen on rev 7 of operator ] Opwatng Reacer W (Post 921004). 93/08/12. Con. bcensmg exerruner stos & to thscas operator scenem0 meues. 6 Y 1 W7M76447M RING.M Ro;pon 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/15. Regen 3 (Post $20201). 29pp. 76476-063.W76:091. 9300090187 NRC trno Nobce 93465. " Reactor Trips Caused ty Breamer Testng W/ Fault Protechon BYDassed." GRNES.B.K. Dwisson of Opera 1mg Reactor Support (Pos 921004L 93/08/13 Cork DOCKET E266 POINT BEACH NUCLE.AR PLANT, UNf71 sohdated Esson Co. 01 New York anc.11pp. N47304 76447-314. P. Operating teense stage cocuments & e  % 9308100o06, NRC Into Nobce 93466, "Switchover to Hot inpection Followmg LOCA sn PWRs g[, 8 0 to em plant hoensees & CP homers re tal of New ork, mc. N4 5 N47 _y PARTLOW I G. Acarn=to Drector for osects (post 870411) 93/06/28. Conanhaint. ed Eesori Co. of New York. Inc. 7pp 76409 001-76409-006 930R100244 NRC Info Nobos 9S067. "Bisshn0 of thgh Pressure Coolarit inpochon Steam Une R@ture Discs trgres Plant Personriel" 9309100249 trdorms that adcs sito needed to hconsee response to GL 92 01 rer 1 GAMES.BA Dwaacm or Opersang Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Core HANSEN.AG Proemet Drectorate114 3. 93/081ti UNNR.E. Waconan Doctnc Power schosted Esson Co. of New York, mc.13pn 76447.322-76447.335. Co. 5pp 76396-13576396-139. 930826019e NRC Into Notice 93469. " Radiography Events at Operabng Power Reac-

                                       $309090313Forwartts amenor.141 & 145 to hcermes DPR44 & DPR 27.                      A      targ."

safety evaluaton. Amends change Secton 154 5. "ECCS & Comairenant Cuoem9 GRMESBX Dwumon or Operstng Reactor $@ port (Post 921004). 93/09/02. Cork Tests." to show tesang of satety rwecton avs w/mcnor treakers racketL sohdawd Echson Co. of New York anc.11pp N99:342 76499.352. HANSENAG Protect Drectorate lik3. 93/09/C7. UNKRE WSconam Doctnc Power Co. 3pp M11341.N11358. 9309150017 Forwwds ist of awns Sys Based Insrumentaton & Coraron A Team wel

                                       -930B090319 Amends 141 & 145to hoenees DPR 24 & DPR.27.respectrusty, changing               'oview thmna map schedmod er weeks cut 940HC.24 & 02DE l                                          Seenon 15 4.5. "ECCS & Contairement Cooimg Sys Tests." to allow tesang or satoty         FORNEY.WL Region 3 (post 820201). 93/09/09 UNKRE Wiscorari Doctnc mincnon su wheee momr treakes rocked & operaDa                                           Power Co. 3pp. N54 083.W54965.                                                             .

HANSENAG Pro,ect Drectorate lib 3. 93/09/07.10pp. 76411344-N11353. 9309070206 NRC into Notco 93470,"Degresaban of Boratier Neutron Absorber Cou-

                                       -930e090321 Satety evakaton supporing amenos tai & 145 to honness Opn44 &                   pons "

OpR.27.respectwery. GRthtES.B K. Dwoon of Operatng Reactor $@ port (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Con. i Offete of NJcter Reactor Regulabon. Drector (Post 570411). 93/09/07. 5pp. sohdatec Echson Co. of New York, anc. 9pp. N9tr.353 N99.361. i N11.354 76411:358. C309200033 Submrts canicaton of sommic IPEEE - made en 910G26 re. 9309000104NRC Into fechoe 93471. "Fre at ChemotWI UrWI 2." sponse to $@pt 4 to GL 80-20.w/regarc to scope of coupment to be evaluated & GRMESS K Dwman of Opratng Reacer $@pon M 921004L 93/09/13 Cmw seemc hazare curves to tie used m seisme PSA for reansmng USI A 46. sohdated Edson Co. c4 N4'w Yet. Inc.14pp. NW@0bN00913. UN(B. Wiscunam Doctne Power Co. 93/D9/06. DucaJmera Contml prench iDnr>

                                          #Fatme C&nrcl Desk). 2pp. 7s4732?9 73 473.280.                                        93o90B0243 NRC trWo Nobor 93.C72. Obes<vatons from Recertt Shutdown Rak &

Outage Mgt Psot Team ansps? 9309200048 Forwards response to NRC 930712 RAl re chacrepancies found as renew of GRrd4ES.Il K. Dwman of Operstmp Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/14 Con- & 16.yr tendon sirvedlance repts autrutted on911223.Rev 0 to Cancueston sohdated Echson Co. of New Verk, oc 8pp. N00:014.76500:022. 050.C439 & Calculabon 49SO42 also erri Control 8pp 4 64 21H27 Ack recept W 924M & M5 % % W of steps taken 2 mr. rect moiancrs noted m esp repts 60 266/22-24 & 50 301/9244

                                       -93C3200050 " Tendon .                 Force Lsmrts as Time Functon at Anchorags -          FORNEY.W.L Repan 3 (Post 220201). 93/09/14. UNK.RE Waconsm Emcmc LAE.UNG.S. Bechtal Corp. 0            9 ROO 92/04/04. Sepp M74909 76474:042.             Power Ca 2pp. N75MN75 m
                                       ~9309200052 "Tencen Survedlance Program Prestress SJmmary."
  • Waconsin Doctqc Power Co. N 93442. 93/06/30.14pp. 76474 043-N74256 R. Poitadic operettng reports & retsted correspondence 9309280141 Responds to GL BSO4. " Rod Control Sys Fadure 4 wttherswal of Rod Conpoi Causser Assembasg" 9309140330 64anthly operstmg repts tar Aug 1993 tor PBNP.unes 1 & 2 W/ 933933 lir.

UNKB Waconssn Electne Power Co. 93/09/20. Document Ccntrol Branch (Docu. art 4DLD.R.F UNNB. Wisconem Doctnc Power Co. 93/08/31. 9pp. N37.3% rnent Control DesIO. 5pp. 76582.353 76582.357. N37.358. OB09280042 Ack receipt of930401 10CFM50.54(a) semityl mcorpcratmg changes m auminy assurance program concretort V. Operator F+egson 3 (Post 820201) 93/09/22.UNRR. Waconem Doctnc Power Co. 1p. 76551:05lk765$1:059 9309210095 Summyy of 930708 Regan Ill annual sammg managers cordrerte m Gaon EmyrdL. Purpose of meseng to prende forum for a-mn on rev 7 of operstar Q. Inspection reporta, IE Bullettne & _ _ heerung exammer stds & to checuss operator hoe'em0 mauss. RING.M Regon 3 (Post 520201k 93/09/15. Repon 3 (Post B20201) 290p. i 93071E0033 NRC Into Nobce 93456. "Weatress m EOPs Found as FiesJt of S'l Tube N76:063 N76.091. i Rupture GRIMES ".B K., Dwmaan ef Operstmg Reactor $@ port (Post 9210D4). 93/07/22. Cors mahdated Edson Cct of New York. me,11pp. N99302J6499-312. DOCKET 50 267 FORT ST. VRAIN NUCLEAR GENERATING STATtDN

I J DOCKETEDITEMS 45 F. Socirtty, medscal, emer9ency & f re protecten plans W.r _ Stage Documents & Corresponnence E309D10056 lasue 3 to DPP 52.17M. Monmiv Raouvements of ERP." & tssue 3 to 9309010143 $@mits mio ve emp6ementaton of Trammg Ruis 10CFR50120 for bemees l C*P 5.2.160. "Qua'1env Reourements of ERP." n /930823 Itr. e8 piam m occr - BORST. WAREMBOURG.D.W. Pubisc Service Co or Cuora3e 93/06/23 17pp. GRIMES.BA Duson of.;Mprocess.tmg Reactor Suppcr1 (Post 921004), 93/06/25 Af4 76316 295 76316.311. anon Not Assegnea.11pp,76285.338 76285.348. 1 E309150041 lasue 2 to FPORM *

  • e We* *.1r2.4 t.- 93062300e9 Suppl 5 to Genenc LS 8910 to nuclear plant scensees & CP holars re RUSSELL.D. PuDhc Sennce Co. of Colorado. 93/06/30 3pp 7645t357 W51:360- nostsc ecampment inaccuracy PARTLOWJG. a motor-operated Assocante Drector valve for mag'brc;ects (Post BW11). 93/06/26 Consnhe P. OpwaW h stage documents & 6 ed E$ son 4 c4 New Ye t; trxL 75 7G409.006.Wule LUS.
                                                              '             ^

I a ma P DDCKET 50 269 OCONEE NUCLEAR STATION UNIT 1 l ' GRIMSLEY.Dx Duson or Freedom of informaton & Putecanons Sennces (Post 6:0205). 93/04/29.GILMAN.T. Chadrea Corp.230. 76596 066-76596 073. F. Security, medm:al. emergency & fire protection plana

 -9309280388 Package consistng of man bconse program codes & hstng of temunaten
            -      taded Afhhaton Gwen 92/11/30.12pp. 76596068-76596-079.                           /  70 Cna         O        PO /                       t'o   P       000 Cha      O to RP/0/B/b/19 W/930818 release memo.

Q. Inspection reports. IE BuketIns & correspondence HAM " '" " "" l Como 4 '63 7 M2 l 9307160033 NRC Into Notco 93 056. " weakness e FOPS Found as Result of SG Tube 9309020334Putec verson of Rev 93 04 to vol CEP1 Change O to RP/0/ GR MES.BK Dmson of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/22. Con- 8/ D . hange 0 m W/B m2 & Cnange 0 g'fB 9 l solidated Ethson Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. 76499.302-76499212. h[e w Co. 93/02/1E 58pp. 76321061-76321-118. l 9307190131NRC trito Nobce 94058. *Lw._..mhsm m LTOP for PWRs.* i GRIMES.B K Duson of Operstag Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Com 9309290292 Forwards roovested matt te Keowee Hydro Staton & plants [ sohdatec Eeson Co. of New York. me. 9pp. 76447264-76447;272. enterface. Document states that Keowee Hydro pnmary funcbon to provide emergency tackup power to plants. l 9307200123NRC Into Notce 93 059. " Unexpected Openmg of Bom Doors m Artocit" PATRICK.M. Dune Power Co. 93/04/28. WlENSM Protect Dreiw. 11-3. 30pp. GRIMES.B K Dmson of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004) 93/07/26. Core 76581 217 76581:346. sobdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc 10pp. 76447275764472t:2. 9309020140 Forwards pubhc verman of Vol C to Rev 93-10 to EPIPs, meluckng table of 9307260065 Suppt i to NRC Bubetn 91401. *Reportng unsa of Crthcality Safety Cork cornents.pages 1 & 2 or emergency insophone chrectory.HP/0/B/1009/14. "Ottsste I trots Dose Progectoris." W/930818 rosesse memo. l %URNETT.R.F. Dmson of Fuel Cycde Safety & Safeguards Post 9302C7) 93/07/27. HAMPTONJW. Duke Power Co. 93/07/14. Document Control Branch (Document Consohdated Eckson Co. of New York. Inc. 23pp. 76409009-76409 031. Control Dnsk). 3pp. 76305:148 76305:201. ! 930 90 NRC,into Nance 9S060 "Reporang Fuel Cyce & Matts Events to NRC -9309020147 P he versen of Vol C to Rev 93-10 to EPIPs.mceadmg table et BURNETT.R.F Dwesen of Fuel Cycee SaleTy & Safeguards (Post 930207). 93/06/D4 coments.pages 1 & 2 of emergency toisprene drectoryN/0/B/W4. W Consohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc; topp. 76447283-76447292. 0 7M05 M 7 N L 9308030200NRC Into Notco 43461. "r_. _ Reactor Coolant Leakage Fobouwng Seal Faere m RCP or RRP." 9309290296 Forwards PDR verson of revs to plant emergency pla% mcludm0 rev 9346 GRIMES.B K. Dmacn el Operstmg Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/08/00. Con- to voi B.W/930927 recease memo. sohdated Eckson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 7649921S76499224. HAMPTONJW. Duke Power Co. 93/09/07. Document Control Branch (Document Controi Dest 4 5pp. 76581;296 76581216. 9303030245 NRC Into Nance 93 062. " Thermal Stranfannon at Water m BWR Reactor vesseis? -93092903M PDP verson cd Rev 93 06 to EPtP table contents. Change O to CP/0/A/ ! GRIMES.BK Dusen of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06/10. Cork 2004/o37 & teamt Dreceve 9.2. l sohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 76499325-76499.333- DAVISJM. Duke Power Co. 93/09/03.16pp. 76581201-76581316 l 8 Operanng 921 solutated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. Bpp.76499.334 76499 341.

                                                                       )   /06 11.

Y Is 309 6 nr DAVISJM. hke Power Co.93/09/16.17pp. 76608.241-76608.257. SwnmT7 NRC anto Notco 93464,"Penoche Tesbng & Preventve Mamt of Mo60ed Case Cacun Breahars." GRIMES.BK Dusson of Opersing Reactor Sears ort (Post 921004) 93/06/12. Corw L Financial ktformation sohdated E:hson Co. of New York. anc.11pp. N47293 76447;303. 9 87 NRC Info Nance 93 065. " Reactor Trips Caused try Breamer Testmg W/ e 2W% W g , GRIMES. Bet Dusen at Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004k 93/06/13. Car" sohdated Echson Co. of New York, anc 11pp b47.304 76447:314 TuYMAN.M.S. Duke Power Co. 93/D9/09. Dotsenent Coretel Branch (Document Cores DW 2pp. 764676 9309100006 NRC IrWo Nobce 93466. "Switcreve" to Hon. Leg inpacten Fonommg LOCA e PWRs- -9309160193 "Nor1h Carolma Muredpol Power Agency 1.1992 Annual Rept" GRIMES.B K. Dusen at Opersing Reactor Support (Post 9210D4). 93/06/16. Cork

  • North Carolma Murucapal Power Agencies. 92/12/31. 34pp. 76486.206-76486239.

sonnisted Echson Co. of New York. Inc 7pp. 76447.315 76447:321.

                                                                                       -9309150203 " Piedmont Murucepal Power Agency 1992 Anruel Rept" can910lr/48 N9C PWo Ncere 9W7. "8bretmo ed Me Presmre Centa9t inrectea
  • Pieevient M msqpal Power Agerry.92'12'21. 30pp. 76486240 76486269.

Steam Lme Rupture Discs inpres Plant PersonnsL" GRIMES.BK Dween of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06/16. Cork -9309150219 "Carchne Electne F Annual Rept 1992 *

    -w-' Esson Co. of New York. anc.13pp. N47222-76447;335.                                  Affihaton Not Assagnect92/12/31. 30pp.~76486270 76486;P99.

9308260199NRC Into Nance 93469. *Radography Events at Operanng Power Reac-tors " GRIMES.B K. Duson of Operstm0 Reactor hpart (Post 921004). 93/09/02. Con, P. Operating hcanse stage documents & correspondence sohdated Eckson Co. of New York. anc.11pp. 7649Er.342 76499352. 9309200135 Parbal resporme to FOtA roguest for documents. Forwards records es App L 9309070206NRC Into Nobce 93470. "Dogadaten of Boraflen Neutron Absortier Cou. when are wrthheld portally tot hste0 reasons.trer FOIA exemptons 6). j pans HARRIS.C.A. of Freedorn of Irdarmanon & Puthcatons Senaces (Post f GRIMES.B K Dusen of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Cork 890205). 93/04/12.GlWNSKY.V. Affiianhan Not Asseynect 8pp. 76677 001-76660-066. l sohdated Edison Co. of tese York. anc. 9pp. 76499353-76499:361. j 61242 PartaHY wnhheld notaten vote SECY that eWorms C- . of Appeal l 9309000104 NRC Into Nohce 93471. "Fra at Cherrmbd Une 2 GRIMES.B K Dusson of Operstmg Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/09/13 Con, Board escuen m piants spent tuer ..-. - pmosesng (N4-- sobdated Edson Co. of New York, enc.14pp. 7650D;001-76500.013. MZGENJA. Once of tw General Counset Post e60MA SEW SM 91/ j 10/07,9pp. 76679293 76679228.  ! 9309090243 NRC into Notes 93472. "Observatens From Recent Shutdown RmA & 1' Outaoe Mgt Peat Team insot" 9306230099 Suppt 5 to Genenc Ltr 89-10 to nuclear pearn heensees & CP holders to GolMES.BK Deson of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/14. Cork raccuracy of motordsperated varve eatapment. sobdated Edson Co. at New York. Inc. 8pp. 76500 D14 76500.022 PARTLOWJG. Assochste Drector tor Post 870411) 93/06/28.Cormobodt- i ed Edson Co. of teen York. Inc. 7pp. 7640 lit 001-76409 006. l lL Portadic operstkig reports & retsted correspondonoe 93090e0337 Forwards ovised sept to proposed TS amend.rewntmg Secton 3.7 of TS. MAMPTONJW. Dut.e Power Co. 93/06/26. Document Control Brafich (Document 9309150249 Forwards thrd spansrty 10CFR50.59 rept of charines. tests & expenments Contrat Dest 41p. 76415:349 76415.352. enactmp 1. -

                             ., of piant.ativermg penod9305164815.

WAREMBOURG.D W. Pehc Serece Co. of Co6orado. 93/09/09. Document Cor.arol -9309090344 Revuod suppl W proponed TS.rewnnng Secton 3.7. Branch (Document Control Desk). 6pp. 76452.197-76452'201.

  • Duke Power Co.93/06/26. 2pp. N15350-76415.352.




I 46 DOCKETEDITEMS l l 9309080D93 Forwards resporae to concerns noted m NRC 930614ftr re use of cenval 9307290112 NRC Wo N.Sice 93460. "Reportmg Fuel Cycle & Matis Events to NRC swrtefvard as ottute power sowce. Ope atoas Ctr." HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Cc. 93/08/31. Document Control Branch (Documem BURNFTT.R.F. Dnnson of Fuel Cvete Satch & Satepuards (Post 930207). 93/D8/04. Control Desk) 23pp. 76399-001-76399.023. Consokdated Edson Co of New York anc.10pp. 76447283 76447292. 9309080166Prondes erto re upcommg reDiacement of 1C LPSW pump snotar m uruts 1 9308030200 NRO Wo McT.= skta. Enesswe Reactor Coolant Leakage Followng

   & 2 LPSW svt                                                                          beal Fassure ei RCP or RRP "

HAMPTONJW. Duke Power Co. 93/06/31 Wurnc .1 Cumros franch (Document GRIMES.BK Dnnsen of Operanng Reartor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/09. Com Contro! Deskt h703992S3-7t>J992A soldated Edison Co. of New York. inc.1200. 76499.313-76499 324. 8 orwaros suppl 3 to proposed TS amend revismp Woouency of radobgcal 9308030245 NRC Into Notce 93 062. " Thermal Strat&caton of Water m BWR Reactor j GR:ER.G W. Duke Power Co 93/08/31. Document Control Branch (Document Co* GNS.Bx Dnnsen of Operatmg Reactor Support (Post 921304). 93/08/10. Cork trol Desk) app 76399222 76399.225. j soldated Edson Co. of New York, me. 9pp 7649fr325-N99333 j l 9309220188 informs that AEA Tectmology of UK ei process of completing oevelop. i ment c'l inherently Sate Automanc Tnp USAT) evs for use as RPS on 9308030274 NRC Wo Nobce 93463. " Improper use of Solubse Weed Dam Mall. i LWRs.Instalianon of ISAT components etto Una 1 RPS Channel E expected to begm GRIMES.B K. Dnnsen of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 9 /08/11. Con-en Apr 19h4. soldated Edison Co. of New york, enc. epp.764689.334-76499.341. HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co 93/09/02 Document Control Branch (Document i Control Desk). 2pp. 76549357-76549:358. 9308060237NRC Wo Noece 93 064, "Penode Testmg & PreventNe Mamt of Moeded l Case Cwcun Breakers? I 930915019$ Forwards reouest for and! mio te proposed pressure temp bmns tennew. GRIMES.B K. Dnnson of Opersing Raactor hrat (Post 921004). 93/08/12. Cork WlENS.LA. Protect Drectorate163. 93/09/07 HAMPTONJ.W. Duke Power Co. 4pp. sohdated Edson Co. of New York anc.11pp. 76447293-76447J03 7k42296-N42299. 9300090187 NRC Wo Notee 93 065 " Reactor Tnps Caused by Breaker Tesang W/ 9309150382 Prondes response to veauest for aos mfo re rev to scope of program rec- Fault Protecton Bypassed? ommended by GL BS10. " Safety Related Motor O.arated varve Testng a Survesi- GRIMES.B K. Onasen of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/13. Core lance " soldated Eeson Ca of New York, enc.11pp. N47.304-N47214. HAMPTOMJ W. Duke Power Co. 93/09/07 Document Control Branch (Document Contro: Deski 200. 7MS2.351-76452.352- 9308100006 NRC into Notme 93 066 "Swachover to Hot-Leg Infechon Followng LOCA m PWRs

  • 9309230047 Adnses that reasest by utt for ethhudmg Isropnetary mfo Wom pubic de- GRIMES.B K Dnnsen of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Core cbsure to TR DPC-NE.3003.P. " Mass & Energy Re# ease & Contamment Response achted Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 7pp. 76447215 N47221.

Methocciogy" approved, per 10CFR 2.790(bMS) & Secton 103fb) of AEA. W Promet octorate b3. 93/09/13. TUCKMAN.M.S. Duke Power Co. 3pp. 9308100244 NRC Info Notce 93407. "Burstng of High Presswe Coolant infecten

                                                                                       $1eam Lee Rupture Docs Insures Plant Perzormel.

9309240217 Worms that Keowse auxiberv toad conter transfer mod desenbad m GRIMES.BK Dansen of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Con-93D517 fit & escussed w/NRC m 933623 teicon conyteted on 930909 & Keowee solcated Eeson Co. of New York, M 13pp. N47222M7335. auxskary power sys automate transter cmastry now operatWe 4 m "autornatic." HAMP70NJ W. Duke Power Co. 93/09/15. Document Control Branch (Docunern 9309070254 Forwards msp repts 50 269/93 21.50 270/93 21 & 50 287/9341 on Control Des 4 2pp. 76553.345-76553346. 930627 0724 & nonce of malaten. HERDTAR. 2 (Post 820201). 93/08/18. HAMPTONJ.W. Duke Power Co. 9309Nr" Forwards amends 201.201 4 198 to hconses DPR48. dor 47 & DPR. 3pp. 76333:088 6333:100. 55.respectrvely & SE.Amenos ooiete Table 44-1 " List of Fenetrators w/ 10CFR$0. App J Test Regurements' trom TS.33 be rencansa in Selected Leontee -9309070259 Notee of wotaton from snap on 9306274724Vautaton noted.procockte Comrmtmems Manual TN/2/A/2622/01/CLS re targue ownch bypass mod tar varves 2HP-115.2AS-WlENS.L.A Proeect Orectorate84. 93/09/16 HAMPTON,J.W. Duke Power Co. 2pp. 102.2MS.47 & 2RC 4 anadeasate e that troc! rewred weeve 2RC 4. 76524.102 76524:120.

  • Repon 2 (Post 820204 93/08/14.1p. 76333291-76333-091.
 -9309230066 Amends 201.201 & 198 to beennes DPR48.DPR47.8 DPR.65.                  -9309070262 trap ruots 50-269/93-21.50 270/93-21 & 50 287/93-21 on 930627-respectrvesy.desetmg Table 4 4-1. "Last of Penetratore W/ 10CFR50. app J Tesing     0724Ns:Matons        noted.Mapor    areas   -H.-- H-M        operatons swwediance Reouirements" trorn be relocated to Selected Leanneo C_ _ .1. a Manual        testno.mant actndtes.Kaowse asueume of open noms & reuew or LER.

MATTHEWS.D.B Protect Drectorate ll4. 93/09/16.14pp. 76524:104-76524:117. hARMON.PI DESAl.B.B. POERTNER.WA Regon 2 (Post 820201). 93/08/17. 9pp. 76333:092-76333-100.

 ~9309230068 Salety evatuston sapportng amends 201.201 & 198 to iconaes OPR.

36.D%47 & N55.mspeceveiy 9309070229 Forwards util comments on ruhal SALP rept for planL Comments should be

  • Ottice of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Drector (Post 870411). 93/09/16. Sop. prended h 930827 76524:116 76524:123 LESSER.M.S. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 93/08/20. JOHNSONJ.R JAUDDN.J.P.,

93J9290199 Confrms compienon of testmo upgrade mdentfied as Step 2 in 901101 re- A Regen 2 m 8202m 4 76333W633m W Du Coned M 2pp. 766062W6606m C 93 h' "' anch (Documere 9308260198NRC Into Notme 93469. "Raeography Events at Operstmg Power Reso.

                                                                                       $MES28L Dnnson of Operating Reactor Suroort (Post 921004L 93/09/02. Con-

! 9309230131Contrms anangements made between W Patrx* & F Jape of Regen it re solidated Esson Co. of New York. MC. Upk M99242N99252 l 931021 mestng en Attama.GA to escuss method used Dy ut# to outermine whetner i structure.sys or comporient saw. 9309140200 Ack recect of 933818 Itr Wormmg NRC of steps taken to correct volatoons GiBSONAF Recon 2 (Post 820201b 93/09/22. HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co. noted ri map repts50269/93 20. 50470/93-20 & 50487/BS20. App. 76551237-76551:240. HERDTAR. 2 (Post $20201). 93/09/03. HAMPTONJ.W. Duke Power Co, 2pp. 76441202- 6441203. 9309290251 Forwards response to rewest for a:k9 rito re proposed row to TS p'es-sure/ tamp knutt 9309240232 Roguests Ontts 1 & 2 trww as past of 870407 requested rehef from MAMPTONJ W. Dake Power Co- 93/09/22. Documerit Conool Branch (Document codere test of puntcanon pommerskrers. Controi Des 4 7pp. 76596-344 76596350. HAMPT JW. Duke Co 93/09/09. Document Contro! Branch (Document 9309290245Roguests NRC approval of Topcal Rect BAW.10191P.

  • STAR Svs Corn-

. pchents for house Protiscuon Sys Dylau Upgrames." approm June 1pire m aroer to 9309070206NRC Into Nonce 93 070. "Dograssten of Borafles Neutron Absorber Cuu- [ support planned awtaen schedule. pans." l HAMFTDNJ W. Duke Power Cct 93/09/23. Document Control Branch (Document GRIMES.BL Dnnaan of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Con-Control Des 41p. 76596343 76596343. sohdated Edson Co. of New York mc. Opp. 76499.353-749fr.361. 0 09300259 Forwards propnetavy DPC NE,2007P. " Fuel Reconstrtuton AnaNas Mem" 9309000104NRC Info Notce 93471 " Fee at Chemobyl LPirt 2

  • T [M e Co 09 Documern Conpol GRIMES.BX Drnson of Operaung Reactor keport (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Con-Conrol Des 4 Spp. 76621297-76621301. schosted Edson Co. of New York, Iric.14pp. 76500:001-76500013.

9309210063 Raouests that deadhne of 930925for respondng to notoe of rioncontar-Q. Inspection reports, IE Bulletins & correspondence mance transmitted via NRO930826 ter ce entonood untR 931124. l HAMPTONJW. Duke Power Co. 93/09/13. Docurnent Control Brarich (Document - Control Desk).1p. 76512099-76512-099. 9307160033 NRC letto Neoce 93456. " Weakness m EOPs Found as Result of SG Tube Rupture

  • GRIMES.BK Damon of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/21 Con, 93DW90243 NRC Mio Notoe 93472. "Observatons From Recerit Shutdown Rak & l emm inspL

[ sohdated Edson Co. of New York Mc.11pp. 76499:302-76499212. a [ sciscated Edson Co. of New York. mc app.76500 214-76500 022. 9307190131 NRC Info Nohce SS058. "Nonconservatsm in LTOP for PWRa } GRIMES.B K. Dnnsen of Operatng Fieactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Con. soldated Edson Co. of New York. MC. 9pp. 76447.264-76447:272. 9309220017 Responds to NRC933813 Itr re votatons noted in map rept 50 269/93-  ! 21.54270/9&P1 & 50 2B7/93 21.Correctrve actons; problem swestgabon process - 9307200123NRC Wifo Notice 91059. "Uncspected Openmg of Both Doors m Artock." rWpt 2 093 0558meated to mvenagate problem. I GRIMES.BX Dnnamn of Operstng Rearsor Support (Post $21004). 03/07/26. Con- HAMPTONJW. Duke Power Co. 93/09/15. Document Control Broncti (Document soldated Edson Co. of New York. Inr.10pp. N47.273 76447282. Control Desk). 3pp. 76516358-76516260. l 9307260065 Suppl 1 to NRC Bulleen 91001. *Reportng Loss of Crmcakty Safety Cork 93092902r3 Forwards map ruots 50 269/9522.50470/93 22 8 50-287/93-22 on trots." 9307254828 & ronce of Oeviston. BURNETT.RJ. Onnson of Fuel Cycle Safety & Safeguards 8aost 930207). 93/07/27. HERDTAR. Repen 2 (post 820201). 93/09/17 NAMPTONJ.W. Duke Power Co. Consondated Edman Co. of New York. tnc. 23pp. 76409-009-76409:031. 3pp. 76553:124-76553.138.


 -9309280247 Notce of devutron from esp on 93072MIB28.Devata noted:125 voll dc           9309290292 Forwards reo.sested mati re Aeowee Hydro Stat m & plants ound o                                                                               mter.2e.Documem states that heowee Hydro pnmary fureton to provce emerge'ry fsege.etecien sys on Unn 1 not calor armualy2 (Post 620201L 93/09/17.1p 76553.127-76553127.

tackup power to plants PATRICK.M Duke Power Co. 93/04/28. WiENS,L.A Protect Deectorate ib3. 30pp-

 =C3D9280251 insp repts $0269/93-22.50 270/9322 & 50 287/9122 on 930725-                     76581:317 76581:346.

C228.Devaten noted Masor areas espected:ptam operaborm.survenance testng.masm acevmes, plant asues & mso e open nemt 9309020140 Forwaros pubhc ve sen ro vol C to Rev 9310 to EPIPs ecaudng taNe of HARMON.PL, FELLER.LA.. POERTNER.WK Regon 2 (Post E20201). 93/09/16 cargents.pages 1 & 2 of emergercy teingnone deactory.HP/0/B/1009/18, *Oltane 11pp. 76553128-76553.138- Dose Propectata" W/930019 totease memo. 1 hAMPTONJW. Duke Power Co. 93/07/14 Document Control Brarch (Documert ] 9309270044 Accepts sWrruttai cate o 921124 to respond to rence of nonocntormance Control Desk). 3pp. 76305.148 76305.201. from InsD Rept724004/9347 HAUGHNEY.CJ Transportabon Branch (Post B30207L 93/09/22. HAMFTONJ W. -9309020147 Pubhc verson of Vol C to Rev 9110 to EPiPs.mcludng tatne of I Duke Power Co. 2pp, 76593244 76593245. contents.pages 1 & 2 at emergercy te+ephone deoctory,HP/0/B/1009/16. "Cessie j j Dose Prtnectons" DAVISJ & Engmeenng M. Duke Power Dreceve Co.93/07/13. 61pp5'.i, 76305-95176305.201. R Periodic operstmg reports & rotated correspondence 9309290296 Forwards PDR versen of rows to plant emergency plan, ecludmg rev 9346 9 993 Semannual RadmacDve Effluem Ratease Repr ter Jan- June 1993.a wo W/ 09 relea memo Wk ( ocumem MAMPTDNJW. Duke Power Co 93/06/30. 52pp. 76397.173-76397;224. Control DeiA),6pp. 76581.296-76581316. 9309080297 Forwards fitness.40t duty program for pened of JarWune 1993. -9309290316 PDR verson of Rev 93 06 to EPIP tatwe coments. Change O to CP/0/A/ TUOKMAN.M S. Duke Power Co 93/06/30. Document Control Brancti (Document 2004/037 & Mamt Descove 9J Comrol Desk). 1300. 76398:023 76398-035 DAVtSJ.M. Duke Power Co,93/09/03 16pp. 76581301-76581:316. 9 2 230251Montrey coerstmg repts sor 1993 tar ONS.unns 1.2 & 3. W/930915 ter. 9M2902M Rev 93-14 to Vol C Tme .Tahis of Coments,page 1 & RP/0/B/1000/ WILLIAMS.R.A MOCRAW.E.O. Duke Co 93/08/31. 18pp. 76548209L 19. Tecnrecal Support Ctr Emergency tor Procedure

  • W/930916 Itr. ,

76548 226 DAVISJ.M. Duke Power Co.93/09/16.17pp. 76608241-76608257. S, Reportable occurrences, LERs & related correspondence L Fireancsalinformation 9309010054 PNO.IL93 039 on 930023. reactor tre occurred ckse to loss of power to vita! 9309150141 Forwards 1992 Annual Rapts for North Caroina Muncipal Power Agency panelboardinvestganon teem ekspatched to sne to review root cause & paam 1. North Carohna Electnc Membersrup CooperatNo & Ptedmont Munceal Power resporme State & tocal authormes noched. Agencv. i MILLER.W.H. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 93/08/24.1p. 76273:085 76273 085. TUCKMAN M.S. Duke Power Co. 93/09/09 Document CorWci Bnench (Docasment CorWol Desk). 2pp. 76486204-76480299. 9309030105 Forwards sunwr.ary of renew cf arehmnary acceson' 3eauence precursor Gnayms re LER 2t 9/92-18 concemmg moperabety of emergercy power sourte due -9309150123 " North Carchna Muruccal Power Aperry 1.1992 Annual Rept." to oesgn petoency.

  • North Carohna Muncpal Power A9ernes. 92/12/31. 34pp. 76486206 76486.239.

man 4FTONJ W. Duke Power Co 93#08/30. Document Control Branch (Document Control Des 4 3pp. 76388201-76368.203. -9309150203 "Pedmont Munceal Power Agency 1992 Annual Rept." 9309130297 Updated enenm Part 21 root se euc support structure for comrol red onwe

      . ~ - - . " u londmg concem resolved for an piants & ryssnes resuttng from        -9309150219 LOCA loads for Devin Sense & ANCw1 wahm showatWe hmets
  • Atfahabon T,arohna Electne Cooperatives Not Assegnect92/12/31. Annual Rept 1992." .

30pp. 76406.270-76486299 TAYLORAM simhm* & Wilcot Co. 93/09/03. MOBREARTY,M. Dotaenent Control Branch (Documem Corent Deskt 3pp. 76443223 76443225. l 9309280265 LER 93-D0640on 930823.auss of vnal power panelboard & RT occurred due to emproper actorueck c8 an to dotad & tasure to tonow proceduretumnged procedures.chrecew,ormonenhancements & personnet trammg.W/ 930n200135 Parhal respcmse to F06A roguest for documents.Fcrwaros records en App L C30922 fir. whch are wethheld pattumy for hated reasons.trof FOiA _ . 5). BENESOLE.S.G., HAMPTONJW. Duke Power Co. 93/09/22.16pp. 76609;206- HARRIS.CA cd Freedom et Irnormanon & Pubicatons Sennoot (Post l 8a0205). 93/04/12 GILINSKY.v. Afhlaban Not Asasgned 8pp. 76677:00176600066. 76609221

                                                                                        -8201110142Parbally withhold notaton vote SECY that mtorms c_ .                   of Appent Board occuen m piartis spent fust tranashoment geoosettng tALAB4$1).

Y. Dry Cask lndependent Spent Fuel Storage instaaethons FITZGERALD.JA Othce of the Ganaral Counsel (Post 960701). SEGY41679. 81/ 10/07. 9pp. 76679:2276679.328. 9309010004 Forwards esto re raps at DPC.DPC contractor & s@cantractor conoommg QA activmes w/ regard c NUHOMS-24P cry spent kaal storage centslers, Copy of insp -- -

Suppl 6 to Genanc Ltr 8410 to nuclear plant hoonnees & CP hotoe s es Rept 721004/93-67No enci tot eWo. maccuracy of motor operated vaive ockupment STURZf C Divenor # inckstnal & Modcal Nucaear Salety (Post 870729). 93/06/27 PARTLOWAG. A==r=*te Desctor for (Post 870411). 93/06/28. Consohdab CREEL.G C. Bartrw e Gas & Doctnc Co. 2pp. 76313:277-76313:315. ed Eshson Co. of New YorlL, Inc. 7pp. 76409'001-76409:006.

9309210063 Rooor4ts that cea@ne of 930025 tar respondmg to nohoe el rencantor 93D9090337 Forwards revised suppl to propound TS amena.rewritmg Secton 2.7 of TS. mance Dansmith d vm NRC 930626 Itr De extended until931124. HAMPTONJW. Duke Power Co. 93/0b/26. Documsett Corstroi Brent'n (Document HAMPTONJW Duke Power Co. 93/09/13. Document Cormal Branch (Document Corsot Desk).1p. 76415.sa9-7641!ir38A Comrol Desk).19 76512'099 76512 099

                                                                                        -930s090344 Revend sappi to proposed TS.rewntmg Secten 3.7.

93D9200075 Forwards documents on proposed ruleL10CFR2 & 72 re enenm storage of

  • Duke Power Co. 93/06/26. app. 764152S76416:352. ,

spent fuel m mcsepenoent spent fuel storage mstaliason & srte-specshe beense to 04 1 had apohcant Forwards response to concoms noted m NRC 930614str te use of contral l QEAMER.C W Othee of the General Counset (Post 860701). 93/09/14. Document swachvoro es esNune pnwar pourew 1 Contros brancti (Documant Cormal (Josag.19. 76487;250'76438:100. HAMP7DNJW. Duke Power Go. 93/08/31. Docurnerit Cormal Branch (Document  ! CorWol Desk). 23pik 76391W01-76399.023. ouesment of pnar Comnesson approval for specife hcense for ISFSI unoer 10CFR2 & 9309000166 Prondes odo to upcommg ve?- .: of 1C LPSW pump tre;or m umts 1

72. Nonce of proposed rulemakmg & aos mio arcs & 2 LPSW sys, PARLER WC Orhos el the General Commel (Post 860701). 93/09/14. Commemork HAMPTON4W. Duke Power Cck 93/08/31. Document Coreal Branch (Document ers (Post 750119). 35pp. 76487.342-76488.097. Corsot Desk). 2pp. 7t399203-763992D4.

i I 930927D044 Accepts submittal case al931124 to respond to nobcm of a .. - 93D9000365 Forwards suppl 3 to proposed TS amend revusng frequency of rachoac9 cal tram hsp Rept7243004/93 07 -

                                                          .                                  ethuent rept.

MAUGHNEY.CJ Transportaten Branch (Post 930207). 93/09/22. HAMPTON,J W. GRIER.G W. Duke Dower Co. 93/08/31. Document Coeitrol Branch (Document Con. Duke Power Co. 2pp. 7ta93244-76b93245. sol Desk). 4pp. 76399222 76399225. 9309220188 anforms that AEA Technology of U.K. m procons of completmg develop. DOCKET 50 270 OCONE1 NUCLIAR STATION, UNIT 2 mom et weiererey Sate Automate Tnp CSAT) sys for use as RPS on ) LWRS.InstaAahon of ISAT componoms mto Unit 1 RPS Channel E expected to begm I m Apr 1994. 1 F. Securtty, medscal. emeegency a fps protecten plans HAMPTONJW. Duke Poeur Co. 93/09/02. Document Control Branch (Documern , Control Des 44 2pp. 76549257-76549.358. i C3Ds020314Fewwards pubac verson of rev 93 04 to Vol C.EPIPs. mctuchng Omnge O to RP/0/B/1000/03.Chaque 0 to RP/0/B/100D/04Aange 0 m2 RP/0/B/1000/05 & $309150195 Forwards reouest tor a$ct mto re pmposed ,--. c; " hmets review. Change 0 ap RP/0/B/1000/19 W/930818 vossase memo. WlENS.LA Propect Dractorate4 3. 93/09/07 HAMPTONJW. Duke Power Co 4pp. HAMPTONJW. Duke Power Co 93/02/18. Document Control Bremch (Documerit 76442.296 76442299 i Comrol Desk). 4pp. 76321057.76321:118. I 93D9150382 Provides response to roouest tar acks mio re rev to scope of res>

  -9309020334Pubhc verson of Rev 93 04 to Vol C.EPtPs.melucimg Change O to RP/0/              ommertood by GL BS10. "Satoty44eisted Motor. Operated valve Testmg Surved.

l B/1000/03. Change O to RP/0/B/1000/04. Change O to RP/0/B/1000/06 & Change 0 lance

  • I I CD FIP/0/B/1000/19. HAMPTONJW. Duke Pows
  • Co. DV09/07. Document Control Branch (Document l
  • Duke Power Co.93/02/16. 58pp. 76321061-76321-118. Comrol Desk). 2pp. 76452251-76452:352.




48 DOCKETEDITEMS 9309230047Advmes that reauest tw ubt for utreeksmg propnetay erro from psic de 9308100006 NRC Info Nonce 9S066,"Setchover to Hot Leg injectum Fonowing LOCA esosure te TR DPC-NE 3003-P. " Mass & Energv Reiease & Contamment Response m PWRs

  • Methodology" apprcved. per 100FR 2.790(BKS) & Secten 103fb) of AEA CRIMES.B K Danson of Operating Reactor Seport (Pos1921004). 93/08/16. Con-W: ENS.LA Proect Oyectorate 153. 93/09/13. T'JCKMAN.M.S Duke Power Co. 3pp. sohdated Edison Co. of New YorA inc. 7pp. 76447 315 76447321.

76524-095 76524:097 9308100248 NRC Wo Notice 93067. "BurstmD of Hgh Pressure Coolant invecten 9309240217 Informs that keowee aJI4.ary load Comer transter mod desenbed an Sleam Lne Rupture Dscs inpures Plant Persormel." 930517 ftr & ciscussed w/NRC et 930623 teUon comp 6eted on 930909 & Keowee GRIMES.B K Danson of Operstmg Reactor Suppor1 (post 921004). 93/08/16. Con-sunsha'y cower svs automate tra'ister car =u* y row operaibse & m *automanc

  • solcated Ed son Co. of New York. kc.13pp. 76447.322-76447.335.

HAMPTONJA Duke Power Co. 93/09/15 Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 76553.345-7tJ53.346. 9309070254 Forwards etsp repts 50 269/93-21.50 270/93 21 & $0-287/93 21 on 933627 0724 & nobce of molatsort. 9309230055 Forwartis amends 201.201 & 198 to hcenses DPR,38.DPR-67 & DPR- HERDTAR. Repon 2 (Post 820201). 93/08/18. HAMPTONJ.W. Duke Power Co. 55.respecevety & SE.Amenos oeiete Tatwe 4.+1 ~ust of Peneranons w/ 3pp. 76333 088-76333:100. 10CFR50. App J Test Raourements" from be relocated to Selected 1.scensee Cowntments Manuat 9309070259 Nobce at woiaton from esp on930627-0724 Volaton noted procedure WlENS.LA Prosect Dractorare 18-3 93/09/16. HAMPTON I W. Duke Power Co. 2pp. TN/2/A/2622/01/CL5 re toroue swnch twpass mod for valves 2HP-115.2AS-76524 102-76524.120. 102.2MS-47 & 2RC 4 maosouste m trat mod rewred valve 2RC.4. d'309230066 Amends 201.201 & 198 to hoenses DPR 38.DPR-47 & DPR.55. respectwely.oesetmo Tabie 4 41. "Last of Penetratens W/ 1DCFR$0. app J Tes3ng -9309070262 Insp repta 50-269/93 21.50 270/91 21 & E287/93 21 on 933627-from be relocated to Seected Lscensee Cenmitments Mar *4L C724.volanons nosed.Maior areas mspected piant operatons.survedence Reourements"_B. Protect18-3. MATTHf'WS.D Drectorate 93/09/16.14m. 76524:104-76524-117 testng.mant actnst.esAmcwee asues.msp of open noms & review of LER. HARMON.P.E., DESAi.B.B., POERTNER.WA Regon 2 (Post $20201). 93/08/17  ! 4 3D9230068 Satefy evaluatson supporsng amends 201.201 & 198 to kcornes DPR- 9pp. 76333.092-76333.100. 38.DPR-47 & DPR-55.respecevely.

  • Offa 01 Nuclear Reactor Regulatri. Dractor (Post $70411). 93/09/16. 3pp. 9309070229 Forwyds uni comments on rubai SALP rept tar plant Comments should be 76524:118-7E24:120. proveed by 930027. 1 LESSER.M.S Repon 2 (Post 820201). 93/08/20. JOHNSON.J.R., JAUDONJ.P., 1 9309290199Confrms complebon cd tesung upgrade mosntified as Siep 2 m 901101 re- STOHR,J.P. Regor. 2 (Post $20201) 1p 76333:00176333233. i r;ionse to GL-BS.04, "Guioance on Deveioping Acceptatne IST i HAMPTONJ.W. Duke Power Co 93/09/16. Document Controi (Docasment 9209010157Forwyds Rev 0 to "lSi Rept Unit 2 Oconee 1993 Refuehng Outage 13." 1 Control Desk) 2pp. 76606.350 76606.351.

HAMPTONJ W Duke Power Co. 93/08/23. Docarnern Conent Brancet (Document  ! Control Desk). 2pp. 76315:183 76315.329. < 9309280131 Confams anangements made between M Patrck & F Jape of Repon 11 re 931021 rnoetng an Atlanta GA to r6*'=* method used by ut# to calenune N _g309010159 Rev 0 to "tSi Rept Enit t Oconee 1993 Refusim9 Outage 13." sweture.sys or component safetv.retated.

  • Duke Power Co.93/07/27.150pp. 76315:185-76315 329.

GIBSONAF. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/22. HAMPTONJ.W. Duke Power Co. Epp 76551.237-76551:240. 9309020089Sutmts results of SG time IS: pectormed Unr! 2 EOC 13 retuonng l outeos Quansty of tubes wispected from suet or outlet tsted. , 9309290251 Forwaras response to reauest for acc5 anto re prr==ari egy to TS m HAA4PTONJ W. Dune Power Cc 93/06/23. Document Control Branch (Dccument M ON.J Duke Power Co 93/09/22. Ducasment Conpol Branch (Document U"""' '*

  • Control Desk). 7pp. 76596-344-76596-350' 9308260198NRC Wo Nobce 93469. "Radographv Events at Operatmg Power Reac-9309290245 Reouests NRC approvai Jf Toccal Rept BAW 10191P. " STAR Sys Com. Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/C2. Con-ES.BK Dwouon of ponents sopo, nor 11pp. 76*F*142-76499-352.

r React.or drtM on, chelact.on

                                     . Sys Dgtal Upg"soas." approx June 1994 in order to    sohdated Edson Co. al New Contr De ) p 596 343 76596.343-                                                        SM40209 Ack mcom of 930818 er eWormmg NRC of steps taken to correct volanons noted m risp repts50 269/93 20. 53270/93-20 & $>287/93 20.

I 9309300259 Forwaras propnetry DPC NE-2007P. " Fuel Reconsttuton Anshasa Meth. HERDT.A.R 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/03. HAMP1VNJW. Duke Power Co. l m response to GL 90.n? Wrv 1. Prooneta'y rept witnhold.per 10CFR1790. 2pp. 644 644W , ConpoiD Spp 66 7- 66 . 9309240232 Requests Urets 14 2 ricluded as part of 970407 m@sested she'f hem I code ve pressure el purthcaten _ _ -.. l HAMPTON.1W. Duke Co. 93/09/09. Docisnent Control Branch (Documerit Q. Inspection reports. IE Bulletins & _. , __ Control Des 4. 2pp. 76553351-76653:352. 9307160033 NRC Info Nonce 93456.

  • Weakness et EDPs FoJnd as ResWt of SG Time

N@h'E'S.B K. Dnnsson of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 9210D4). 93/07/21 Con- GRtMES.BK Dnason of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/10. CrFW GRIM sobcated Edson Co. W New York, Inc. 9pp. 76499;353-76491361. sohdatec Edman Cct of New YorA pc.11pp. 7649E302 76499'312. 9309000104 NRC Irsio Notoe 93 071. " Fro at Chemobyl Unil 2." S307190131NRC Wo Noter 93458, _... .. m LTOP for %. GRIMES.BK Drvison of Operatng Reactor Sisiport (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Cork GRIMES.B K. Dngson or Operatng Reactar Support (Post 921004). 93/07/2tL Cor> eohdated Edson Co. or New York, trc 14pst 76500:001-76500:013. achdated Edmon Co. of New YorA mc. 9pp. 76447.264-76447;272 93072o0123 NRC Wo Nobtw 93 059. " Unexpected Openmg of Both Doors m Arlock 922 23 * " ' GRIMES.B K. Dwison at Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/C7/26. Cork rrenw'ned RC 6 m be 93 24. noir 3ated Edson Co. Of New YortL inc.10pp. 76447;273-76447282. MAMPTON.JW. Duke Power Co. 93/09/13. Documerit Control Branch (Document Cormol M 1p. 76512096 76512091 9307260065 Sept 1 to NRC Bubetm 91401. "Reporte1g Loss of Ontcailty Safety Cor> 9309090243 NstC into Noace 93072. "Observanons From Recent Shutdown Rak & NETT.RF. Dnnson of Fuel Cycle Safety & Sateguards (Post 930207). 93/07/27 Consohdated tideon Co. of rese Yo% hw 239 44ap.ruw76499031- NulSYK. o"f Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/14. Cork solidatec h M or rise YpA sc 8pp. 7tt.W.014.76M30.GZ2. 9 N C, Wo Notoe 93-060. "Reportng Fuel Cycss & Mans Events to NRC 9309220017 Raponds e NRC 9308'.3 m m e noted ri rw rept 5029/93-BURNETT.RF. Dnnson of Fuel Orcse Safety & Safegurds (Post 930207). 93/08/04. 2122N9321 & E287/9mConoceve acm problem snvestgaton process Conso6 dated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. 76447.283-76447;292 P' 58 inina *

                                                                                            "HAMPb*W Duke                            /         Documera Conrol M (Docur'ient Des 4. 3pp. 76516N65162 9300030200 NRC Wo Nobee 93461, *Excesswo Reactor Cnosant Leekage Fahovang Seal Fadure at RCP or RRP "                                                            9m280243 Forwards kup mots 50-2HM22N270/93-22 & MN22 on GRIMES.BK Dnnson of Operatng Reactor Support (post 921004). 93/08/09. Cork sois: sated Edson Co. cf New YorA enc.12pp. 76499.313-76499.324.

8[D' 3pp. 65533 24 6553338. 2 Post E20201). 93/09/17. HAMPTONJ.W. Duke Power Co. 91nenin945 NRC Wo Nobce 93 062. "Thermat Stratricaton of Water in BWR Reactor GR ES B K. Oneson of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 92'004). 93/08/10. Con- -em200251 insp mots %2n/93-22N270622 & E28W9322 on 9225-sohdated E& son Co. of New YorL hc. 9pp. 76499.325-76499333. 0828.Denaten mMasar areas evoocietpaqt operatons.suwemance estng.maint actwthes.piant asues & rap pl open soms A M POERTNER.WX Regan 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/16. 9308030274NRC Wo Nobce 93463.1mproper Use of Sokade Weld Pipp/08/11. e Osm Matt. pp y GRIMES.B K. Dnnson at Operstmg Reactor Seport (Post 925004) 93 Cor> ' ' tohdated E& son Co of New YotA kc. 600. 7649R334-76499:341. 9308060237 NRC Wo Nobce 93464 "Periodc Testmg & Proventwo Mant of teoided R Perbdic opemtsnD moorts & miawd _ _ _ _ Case Cacuit Breakers." GRIMES.BK Dnnamon of Operstmg Reactor Seport (Post 921004K 93/08/12. Cork i-- . "1993 Semantiunt Raeonchve Etnuent Release Rept for Jark June 1993." aohdated Eeson Co. of New Yorts mc.11pp. 76a47.293-76447:303 W/93aEI30 fir. NAMPTONJ.W. (Aske Power Co.93/06/30. 52pp. 76397:173-76397:224. 93o0090187 NRC wito Nobce 93465. "Reaclor Tnps N'*n by Breaker Testng W/ Fault Peceschon Bypassed." 93o9000287 Forwyds 9tnest.for dJty prDoram for pared of Jan4Jne 1993. GRIMES.B K. Onneen of Operstmg Reactor Soport (Post 921004). 93/06/13. Corp TUCKMAN.M.S. Duke Power Co. 93/08/30. Document Coreal Branch (Documerit sohdated Eeson Co. of New YorA sne.11pp. 76447;304-76447.314. Control Des 4.13pp. 76338223 76398 035.

l DOCKETEDITEMS 49 9309230251 Monthly operanng reots for 1993 tar DNS uruts 1.2 & 3. W/930915 ftr. 9309020290 FO'wa*0s amend 136 to hcense DPR-28 & SE. Amend renses TS Tab 6e WILL6AMS.R.A MOCRAW.E.O. Duke Co. 93/06/31. sapp 76548.20w a 2 5 strtup rance mener/mtermediate range morutor 5svediance Reogirement for 78548.226. Detecy r No* Fusy insened" **Np tuncton" try replacsng " Note 6" under cakDr w/"N/ A" DORMA 1,0.H. Prtgeet Dweetorate B 3. 93/08/25. REC.DA Vemem Yankee Nuclear S. Reportable occurrences. LIRs & related , ._ Power C ;rp. 3pp. 76306.35176305:360. 9309130297 Updated mienm Part 21 rept re sec support structure for control rod Onve mon. mettaarusms.Sesnyc GDaeng concem resolved for all plants & stresses W m

                                                                                            -93m2m        M 136range ator/mtermediate   m kensemorutorN28.rmnsing     M Table for serve 44ance remarement  4.25     maw rayutly
                                                                                                                                                               Detector Not     6r>

LCCA toads for Daws Sesse & AN>1 wittun ahm h se"tect' "tnp tuncnon' by repacng " Note 6 unoer cahbr.w/"t4/A TAYLORJ.H. Baocock & Wacou Co. 93/09/03. MOBREARTY.M. Documem Control B Pmjact Deectrate 4 93WE em 7m354 635% Deskt 3pp. 76443W644325

                                                                                            -9309020305 Safety evaluanon supportmg amend 136 to beenne DPR-28.

9309170244 LER 93-0C300.on 930810.determmed that SSF reacter coolant makeup sys techrucally moperable Caused in aesgn Oefconey. Procedures revised & cesagn k [ @$' "C# 8# **# # E G P e Power Co $3/09/09. 9pp. 76500.061, mm2M Apphcabon for anand b h N28 W NRC regulabons m e 76500-069. flect gewetopments m pnropies.ptulosophy & scientife knowieoge undenyng rasaton protecton. E309280195 LER 93-004 00 on 930823.dscovered mammum TS surveRanoe mierval 5pp 7 suceeded due to mgt Oefoency.Placed reGtnctons on surveshance tests m suspend B 64 1 .

                      ,,      PT                Power Co. 93/09/22. 7pp. 76609 170          -93m80246 W W specs W W re@M 2 rM hW I

76609'176. m pnnegnespumsopny & scentihe krowseoge unm@mg raeanon p l

  • Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp 93/08/27. 31pp 764101W76410:195. +

V Dry Cask _. . Spent Fuel Stora9e installations 9309090273 Submits addl mto m support of plant comphance w/staten inackout rule. TREMBLAY,LA Vermont Yankee Nuclear Pcwor Corp. 93/09/02. Document Control Branch (Document Comrol Deski 9pp. ?6410:235-76410246. C309010004Forwa' tis mto re raps at DPC.DPC comractor & subcontrar. tor concerrung QA actnntees w/ regard to NUHOMSr24P ory spent tuel storage cWas1ers Copy of Insp 9309090292 Forwards amend 137 to imense DPR.28 & safety avaianton. Amend re-Rect 721004/9%07 also encl tor ento. vues TS 1.0.B to ctanty oefrunon of core afteraten to meluce onry snose components STURZ.FL. Dwnen of Industnal & Moscal Nuclear Safety (Post 870729). 93/08/27. wtuch atlect oore reactwfty. j CREEL.G.C. Bartrnare Gas & Esecine Co. 2pp. 76313.277-76313.316. DORMAN.D.H. Protect Drectorate M. 93/09/03.REO.DA Vermont Yankee teuclear Power Corp. 3pp. 76412.111-76412119. C33S710063 Raouests that deadline of 930925 for respondmg to nonce of noncontor mance transmmed vs NRO 930826 nr be extenced until 931124. -9309090296 Amend 137 to Icense DPR-28;evismg TS 1.0.9 to cienty definiton of HAMPTONJ.W. Duke Power Co. 93/09/13. Document Control Branch (Document core aneaton to mclude army pese companents wnch affect core reactnnty. Control Desk).1p. 76512 099-76512'099. BL/TLER,W.R. Propect Drectorate6 3. 93/09/03. 49p. 76412114-76412117. l l 9309200076 Forwants tbcuments on prr=ww=1 rules.10CFR2 & 72 re mienm storage of -930!t090298 Safety evaluaten supportna amend 137 to hoonne DP428 i spent tuel m mospendent spem fuel storage rietanonn & snMpeafic heense to W Othee or Nuclear Reactor Regidanon, Drector (Post 870411). 93/09/03. 2pp. 1*d apphcant  ; j 76412110-76412119. REAMER.C.W. Offee of the General Counset (Post 860701). 93/09/14. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk).1p. 76487250 76488:100. 9309150169 Forwants SE of IST program for purtse & valves at plant for thrd to.yr enso enterval.

  -9309200133 Reauests Commmann soproval W rroposed . .               .v to ehmmate fe-       DORMAN.D.H. Propect Drectorate3-3. 93/09/03.REOD.DA vermont Yankee Nude-aurement of pnar Commesen approval tar specahe hcense for ISF$l under 10CFR2 &           ar Power Corp. 5pp. 76a46.217-76446.294.

72.Nobce of proposed runematung & and mio enct PMILER.W.C. Offce of the C eneral Counsel (Post 960701). 93/09/14. C_ _- 9309150171 Safety evakaton of IST rehef requests for pumps & valves for ers (fMat 7501191. 35pp. 76487:342 76488:097 Furd 10 yr snso eiterval. Offee of Noctorr Reactor Regulaton, Drector (Post 870411). 93/09/03. 24pp. I ' 76446 222-76446.245. DOCKET 50-271 VERMONT TANKEE NUCLEAR POWER STATrDN I

                                                                                           -9300110246 "'TER Pump & Valve insenace Tesbng Program Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Staten.

F. Securtty, moscal, emergency & fire protectinn plans RANSOM.C B."EG&G Idaho, Irc FIN L-2594. EGG.RTAP-10778. 93/06/30. NRC . No Detasted Affesion Gwert 50pp. 76446246 76446294. I yy,. k dd"

  • Yankee Atomc Electnc Co.93/08/23. 66pp. 76474265-76474.330.
                                                                           ""    I""'

9309150032 Forwards peak ground acceleraten & spectra' values for New England

                                                                                                 *E P 8#" E" Y-.:n that staff Oevesopsng NUREG rept whch wie summa-i i

i n'"ze 19'9'2/1993 LLNL probabeste hazartl work performed for NRR 5309010213 Change 121 to EPIPs.mcludnD Rev SOBEL.P. Cws Engmeermg & Geosciences 9ranctt 93/09/06. CTHA%T. Yankee Rev 7 m OP 3531. '"E Calken MN.13 to OP 3500. " unusual Event" & Atome Electnc Co. 20pp. 76446:316-764a6:335. Yankee Atomc Elecinc . 93/06/24. 31pp. 76318.277-76318:30?. W 930920 W le- m M7 m Kmg of 9309140362 Fcrwards Opernnonal Sately Team insp Rept 50-271/9340 on 930607- Pnaisia.PA 2

  • manatwes.
                                                                                                                               $20201L 93/09/08. Regon 1 M 820201L 2pp.

01C2.insp conducted as result or absorved occhne m panormance dirmg SALP pened Mar 1991. Jto 1992 m hsted areas. R. Y Md on (Post '020 L 93/39/08. RED.DA Vermont Yankee Nucle-9309140381 Provmes status & pod p m for mod of W buskt root vent decharge. IER,J.P. Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. 93/09/10. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 76441235-76441:33tk E AdA L . l 9309270iis uomorane,n & order c.uS3 20).* Reverses Board conciuson tnal NRC 9309,200141 to e.of.cacieniForwartis Amisem propnetary toerong Ar Rev 1.ofnYAE,C1547P-A,

                                                                                                                                          !ysis   eoe for meo per" Vermont 930328 somYankee BWR Sr$f inebun had effect of temunating prorzeerg W/Cortfacala 01 Sve. Served on             ment                                                                                          i l    d30916                                                                                    TREMBLAY.LA Vermorit Yankee Nuc6 ear Power Corp. $3/nG/13. Document Controi                    '

CHILKAJ Offce of the Secretary of the Commasort #3931431193/09/16. Ofhoe Bronch (Document Consul DeskL 3pp. 76509283-76509.285. of the General Coureal (Post 860701). 6pp. 76553:157-76553:162. 9309210250h=%wmes ichowup visit to plant on status of bcensees NUREG 1220 auet prooress sent to NRC tar soview. P. Operating license stage documenta 4 sorrespondence MEftVINE.M.L Vermont Yankee Nuctear Power Corp. 93/09/17. Document Control Branch (Document Controt Desk).1p. 76512-36476512'360. . 9306230099 Suppl 5 to Genonc L9 eskio to nucisar plant bcensees & CP holds's to raccuracy of rrotor. operated vaive degroste eaugment 9309290299 Forwards response to roouest for ads info to Generc L9 9241 " Reactor PARTLOW.J.G. Assocate Director for Proocts (Post 870411). 93/06/28. Consohdat. vesset Structurar smegrny." ed Eeson Co. of New York. inc. 7pp. 76409-00176409008. TREMBLAV.LA vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. 93/09/24. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 71pp. 76601042-76601:112. 9309130309 Forwards safety evaluaten acampimg Iconsee short-term actons a re. sponse to IEB 93403. "Resokman C# hanne Re RV Water Level instrumoritahon IN gwse a kispecuan reports,IE Bulletins & _. DORMAN.D.H. Pro,ect Dractorate 63 93/06/12. PELA.ETIER.LP vermortl Yankee Nucasar Powse Corp. 3pp. 76413:313 76413.317. 9307160033 NRC Into Notee 93456. " Weakness en EOPs Found as Result of SG Tube

  -9309130311 Safety evatuston accepang Ice isse reasons gwen for celay in complet-           Rupture.".B GRIMES          K. Dnnsen of Operstmo Reactor Support               (Post93/07/22, Cork 921004).

eng actons roouested as itS 93403. "Rescounon 01 issues Re To RV solidated Edson Co. cf New Yoriq., me. Tipp.76499202-76499J12. Water Lovet instnrnentaton an BWRs."

  • Offee of Nucica- Reactor Regulaton, Dractor (Post 870411). 93/08/12. 2pp. 9307190131 NRC into Notice 93.C58 Nonconservansrn m LTOP tor PWRs."

76413:316 76413317. GRIMES.B.K. Owumon of Operating Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Cork solosted Echson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 76447264-76447:272. 9309020362 Responds to 930625 ter expresang concem re cracks on eska of tow pres. sure turtunes at plant. 9307200123 MGALEY.TI Offee of Nur4==r Reactor Regulatert Drector (Post 870411). 93/08/ GRIMES.B.K. NRCOmson Info Notee 93459. "Reactor of Ope'atmp Unexpected Opereng Support (Post of Both Doors 921004L m Anto&". 93/C7/26. Con

16. MuRRAY T. kassachusetts. Commonwestth of. 9pp. 76330277-76330-288. soisested Eeson Co. of New York, inc/1Dpp. 7t.447:273-76447:282.

1 i i

50 DOCKETED ITEMS I 9307260065 Suppl 1 to NRC Buhetm 91@). "ReporDng Loss of Cntcahty Safety Cork 930D380104NRC Into Nonce 93471, "Fre at Chernobyl Unit 2

  • trois " GR!MES.B K Deson or Operstap Reactor Suppoc Fes* 921004) 93/09'13. Con.

BURNETT.R F. Dmsson of Fuel Cycle Safety & Sateounds (Post 930207). 93/D7/27 solcated Edison Co. of f9ew York. Irc 14pp 7650&001-76500913. Conhohdated E:kson Co. of New York. inc. 23pp N09.009.N09:031. 9309090243 NRC Info Noice 93472. "ODservadons From Recent Shutdown Risk & 930721K112 NRC Info Notice 93 080. "Reportmg Fuel Cycle & Maus Events to NRC Outage Mgt Pdat Team insps

  • Operstms Cir "

! GR'MES.b K. Deson of Operatmg Reactor Support (Posi 921004). 93/09/14 Cork j BURNETT.R F. Dntmen of Fuel Cyc6e Safety & Safegurds (post 930207). 93/0R/04 sohoated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. Bpp.76500-014.76500:022. t Cormohdated Edison Co. or New York. int 10pp. 76447283 764472D2. 9308 30200 NRC nto 10059 Requests that NRC tonsoer datomng schedule for NRC SWS operatonal

                                     ,93-061. Excesswe Reactor Coolant Leakage Fonowng     9309,2,ormanco p               mso unts later m 1993 & opporturuty to make proposal re performmg self assessnent of SWS operstonal performance          e4 of 931018.

GRIMES.B K Deson of Opwatmg Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/08/09. Con. . 93/09/14, Document Controf soldated Eason Co of New York me 12pp. 76499.313.M99.324- PELLETIER.J.P. Vermont Ya'skee Nuclear Power Branch (Documeni Control Desk) 1p. 76512100 76512100 910803U24,5 NRC 6rno Notce 934 2. "Thermai $1rentcaton of Water m BWR Reactor 9309270090Notifcaban of 930921 sagrufmant kcembee meetmg 93122 m Vemon.VT to E.*dNson~Ef"or' NUo'"k.'ere". " **** Bpp 76Y43259 E* " " " yk$E p 5. Ngen 1 N 82 M 2pp. l 9308030274NRC info Notme 93463. " improper Use of SokJtale Wald Dam Mati." I GRIMES.B K. Dmson of Operasng Reactor Scopon (Post 921004) 9 /08/11. Con-t schoated Edison Co. of New York inc. 60p. %99.334-M99.341. R. Periodic operating reports & rotated -._ . I l 9 NRC Notce 93 064. *Penode Tenang & Preventnee Maint o Molded $309010287 "Etnuent & Waste Disposa! S.irrmannual Rept for Frst & Second Quar-GRIMES.B K. Omson of Operanng Reactor Support (pos! 921004). 93/08/12. Cork TR Yankee Nucios Power Corp 93/06/30. 62pp. 76345:117-sohdated Edison Cc. of New York. Inc.11;F M47293 76447.303. Y 76345.176. 9309130309 Fo' wards safety evaluston bcensee short-term actons m re-sponse to IEB 93 003. "Resoluton Of issues RV Water Level irstrumentaban IN SN Forwards Atness for M Program data for penod mmM gwqs" WANCZYK.R.J. Verrnant Yankee Nucosar Power Corp. 93/08/31. Document Control DORMAN.D.H Pregut Drw;torate 43 93/08/12. PELLET 1ER.J.P. Vermont Yankee Branch (Docunwn! Corwol Deskt 3pp. M10225.*10228 Nucees Power Corp. 300. M1331SW13:317. 9309170235 Monthly operatnD rept for Aug 1993 for Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power

  -9309130311                                                      ven for delay m compiet. Staten.W/930910 lir.

l Safety eng short-term evaluanon a: tons requestedaccepen0 6censee in IES SM103 reasons t===

                                                          "Resoluu        O'nn OfRe To RV      WALLfN.GA, REID.DA Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. 93/08/31. 6pp.

i IVater LevelInstrumentaton in BWRs." 764792467647D251. i

  • Ottee of Nuciear Reactor RepJiatorn. Drector (Poet 870411). 93/08/12. 2pp.

76413316 76413.317.


9305090187 NRC Info Notee 93 065. " Reactor inps Caused tiy Breaker Testmg W/ l Faurt Prosecton Bvpassed? l GRIMES.BK Dmson of Operatng Reactar Support Fist 921034). 93/08/13 Corv 9309000149 LER 9341SCOon 930833.les protecton valve V76 420 has not tieen soldated Edison Co. ot New York. 4nc.11pp. M47.30*46447214. cycled throuch complete cycss of tun trewear TS 413.B.d. Caused try human errorAppicatue survedlance procedure esmsed to mclude V76 420.W/930831 Itr 9308100006NRC into Notre 93 066, "Switchover to Hot. Lag inpochon Fonowrig LOCA WANCZYK.R.J. Vermont Yankee Nuc6sar Power Corp. 93/08/31. 4pp. 76430 039-m PWsts " 76430 042. GRIMES.BK Dunon of Operatrig Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/08/16 Cork schoated Esson Co. of New York, Inc. 7pp. N47;315-76447.321. 930913o053 PNOwl-93449am 930903. fuel assemtdy cropped verhcal estance of appros 5480 mches causmg grapplecmsed mecanon on refusing tmdge to stummate.No ra. 9300t00243 NRC trWo Nohce 93467. "Swstm0 of High Pressure Cociant Ingecton eaton alarma recorved.Lacensee oonductmg ewestigaton ot avent

     $1eam Lee Rupture Duca insures Plant Pysonnel?                                           KELLY.G. Repon 1 (Post 820201L 93/09/03. 2p0. 764Z7.278 W27.279.

GRIMES.BK Dumon of Ope anng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Corv j solcated Ethson Co. ch New Yort. inc.13pp. N47:322 76447:335- 9309150332 PNCL143-051 on 930909, fuel assemtdy lowered & impacted on tilade < Suede muerted at nuddle of reactor core.Caimed tiv operator error. Fuel hfied & trans-9309 tab 0015 Forwards eso rept $4271/93-14 on 930627 0807 & nobce of ported io ecom0 wea ct fuel pool. Area states noefied. weistson.Concemed that mgt et mamt contractor $manshed as evidenced tiy creatmP KELLY,G. Regen 1 (Post 820201L 93/09/09. 2pp. 76453;314 76453.315. of mod condmon on artamate snutdown sys. UNV1 C. R 823201). 93/08/27. RElD.D. Vermont Yankee Nuclea' Power Corp. 3pp. C4676346 064-9309290267 has intangs & conecbwe achons that we tie implemerned pnor 2 resuming tuait t was Schowup a remre escusssons w/NRC Region a re

   -9309000016 Nobce of weiston from map on 930677-0807.Volaton notettaltamate snuidown by additen of ==== panel that proverned oper.              h             annom" Y       e           Poww Corp 93/09/M Document Coreof Branch (Document Cor$ol Deskt 2pp. 76592358 76592359.

ston or mouement carecis

  • Regen 1 (Post 820201). 93/08/27.10. 76346 04S.76346.049.

9309290147 Forwards uts correcDve acton pians to grevent recumence of refuehng mco

  -93090a0019 insp rept S0-271/9514 on 9306274807 Volaterts reted.Masar areas                 Qg                             at WO96 Document Coreal M           1 (Post              3/08 71       76346$5476346 064               Branch (Docwnent Comrol Deskt 5pp. 7676 9308260196 NRC into Notsce 93409, "Radography Events at Operstmg Power Reac-              930S300025 PNO-i-93451A.on 930924.hcenses reswried fuel handhng operatens loi.

tore towng ksted events on 930903 & 09 due to human error. Revs rnade to tual handimg GRIMES.B K. Dmmon at Operstrig Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/02. Cor> procedures & tranwiO of as statt sweeved m tuoi conductact soldated E& son Co. of New YoriL anc.11pp. 76499 342-76499352. KELLY.G. Regen 1 (Post 820201) 93/09/24. 2pp. 7 1322-78621323. 9309150169 Forwards SE of fST pmgnem far pware & vah'es at pts !! tar t'W 14yr mso ruevai v. Operator e-DORMAN.D.H. Protect Directorate 83. 93/09/03. REOD.DA Vermont Yankee Nucle a op U. 6446294 93090201E2 Raouests that bsted conditen tie removed 90m LP Anwault Laoense SOP

           '                                  program mhef roouests for p & m for 3              %
                ,, ,,,,y,aluaton       er                                                          NC2YK.RJ. Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. 93/08/27. Document Control Branch (Document Wntrol Des 4.1p 76345277-76345277.                                     '
  • Orf ce of Nucaear Reactor Regulaten. Drector (Post 870411). 93/09/03. 24pp.

76446222-76446 2 45 . 9309020173 Raouests that Leense SOP 11126 for WF Pati tie termmated due to ap- 1

  -4130811D246 TER Pump & Vehfe Insennce Testmg Program Vermont Yankee NuCimar              prDved teeve of abbenC2                                                                 j Power Staten,"                                                                           WANC2YK.RJ vermont Yankee Nudeer Power Corp. 93/08/27. Docnenent Control                j RANSOM.C.B. EG&3 laaho. Iret FIN L-2594. E3G-RTAP-10778. 93/06/30. NRC . No              Branch (Documern Coreal DeskL 1p. 76345:317 76345317.

Dotaded Aftdraton Gwert 50pp. 76446246-76446:294. j 9309140362 Forwards Operat: mal Satety Team insp Rept 54271/9380 on 930607 conne SOP.10aS9per estemunaton that900411 Itr aerandy sent & amend to subs b-0702Insp conducted as result of observed cockne m performance durmg SALP pened conse amma=re.Propnotry documematon enct.Documentaton withhead. War 1991 - Jul 1992 m hsted areas WANCZm.RJ. Vermont Yankee Nuc6 ear Power Corp. 93/09/17. Document Control COOPER.R W. Regon 1 (s'ost 823201). 93/09/08.RE!D.DA vermont Yankee Nucle- Branen (Docwent Control Desk).1p. 7t 606335-78506:335. ar Power Corp. 3pp. 76440292-76442.340.

  -9309140369 Insp Rept $4271/9340 on 93060747D2.Unrowpved noms noted.Maro'                 DOCKET S0 272 SALEAR NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1                                    l areas empactoctoperatens.mant & survediance e'igmeermg & techrucal support &                                                                                                     l proessnes & correcDwe acters.                                                                                                                                               1 RKAMP.D R. Regen 1 (Post $202011 93/09/07. 46pp.             7, g,,,,,     ,,,g                  g g,             ,,,,,,                               j 930907trt06 NRC Into Notee 93070. "Dogradaten of Bormfles Neutron Absorber Cou.           930aD10279 Revoed EPIPsJndudm0 Rev 1$ to EPIP 3023.Rev 7 to EPIP 906S.Rev 5 porv                                                                                      to EPIP 3068 & Rev 40 to table of contents.

GRIMES.BA Dween of Operenne Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/09/10. Cor>

  • Pubhc Sennce Electic & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 93/06/12. 64pp. 76310219-aondaned Edson Co. of New York. Inc, ppp. %99.353 76499:301. 76318 273.

DOCKETED ITEMS 51 93C 240327Rensed EPips.meludmn Rev 11 to table of comems terms. Rev 7 to EPIP 9309020271 Responds to reouest for enforcement escreton from prcnnsons of TS sur-801.Rev 7 to EPIP 802.Rev 6 to fPlP 803 Rev 4 to EPIP 804.Rev 6 to EPlP B?5 Rev vedlance recurremem (bH1) for mannetual cel! 47 voltage on 1C 125 vort bat-3 to EPIP 806 & Rev 3 to EPIP 807. tery for 7- oav penoC! begnrvrq 9 04 AM on 930624

  • Pubhc Sennce Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 93/06/18. 91pp 76550 059 HAGAN.JJ Pubic Servce Electre & Gas Co. of New Je sey 93/08/25. Documem 76550:146. Control Branen Document Control Dest). 34pp. 76341202-76341235.

93D9290291 Remed EPIPsmcludmg Rev 37 to taber of contertRev 7 to EDIP 9309090440Forwaros SE conciuckng that NOTRUM code cam be used to oemonstrate 2003.Rev 12 tc EPIP 1006.Rev 11 to EPip 1007,Rev 8 to EPip 1008 & Rev 8 to EPIP comphance w/re:parements m 10CFR50 46 tar plant. 1009 KTONEJC. Protect Directorate k2. 93/05/25 MILTENBERGERS Pubic Servce

  • Pubhc Senace Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey 93/06/18.125pp. 76603232- Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 3pp. 764032t&76403273.

76603:356. 0443 Sa% waluaten ampng h M break M a6 M 9309080031 Forwards srutial SALP rects 50-272/91-99.54311/91-99 & $0354/91-99 f EConcemed w/ aoemacy & 9mekness of ums mgt re' oTt[arTeactcr Regulaton. Drector (Post 870411). 93/08/25. 3pp. MARTIN.T.T. Regon 1 (Post 820201L 93/03/01.MILTENBERGERS Pubic Sernce 0327M603273. Electne & Gas Co. of New Jersey 6pp. 76346.25476346.304. 9309070182 Discusses 930824 & 25 Itra requestmg NRC to exercse anscreton not to

                                   ~9309080033 Inshal draft SALP repts $4272/9199.54311/91-99 & ts0-354/91-991o,                   emwce comphance w/certam reQuwed acions m facety TS LCO tot e6pcinct power Sys.

911229 930619.

  • Regen 1 (Post 820201). 93/07/29. 46pp. 76346.25676346.304~ COOPER.R.W. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 93/08/26.MILTENBERGERS Pubhc Senace Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey bap.76332.306-76332-310. .

9309140411 Revned EPIPs.mciudmg Rev 11 to EPIP 901. "Openmg of TSC." Rev 11 to EP!P 902. "Accountaherty/Evacuaton" & Rev 17 to secumy unpemereng proce 9309140271 Forwards amend 143 to beense DPR-75 & safety evaluaton. Amend re-table of coments. vues ECCS surveilance test acceptance cmena for f60ws, pump performance & up

  • Put*c Senace Electne a Gas Co. of New Jersey. 93/09/07. 43pp. 76440 029- dates bases sectort 76440 071. STONEJC. Proiect Drectorate 1-2. 93/08/31. MILTENBERGER.S Pubic Senace Doctnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 3pp. 76431.255-76431272, 9309240328 Rensed EPIPs.mcludmg Rev 41 to table of coments terms & Rev 23 to EP:P 204S. "Emeroency Response Canout' Personnel Recall. -9309140273 Amend 143 to heense DPR70.rewmeng ECCS survemame test accept-
  • Pubhc Servce $2ctnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 93/09/13. 57pp. 76550:001- ance ernena. tor ECCS flows. pump pertonnance & edating bases sectort 76550'J58. DOYLE.M.L. Prornet Drectorate F2. 93/06/31. 6pp. 76431.258-76431264.

9309290234 Rensed EPIPs,mciueng Rev 10 93 taba of contents.Rev 2 to Procedure -930940276 Safety evguaton 6 amend 143 to hcense DPR 70 11.0 to 17.0 Rev 2 to Procedure 2 0.Rev 2 to Procedure 4 0 & Rev 1

  • Office of feuciear Reactor Regulaton. Drector (Post 870411), 93/08/31. 7pp.
  • Put*c Senace Emetne & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 93/09/15. 69pp. 76601256-C 9309140405 Advnes that justrhcatons prended by utii m 921013 lir acceptable for reas-9309300156 Rewsed EPlPs.mclu&ng Rev 38 to table et coments torms & Rev 25 to cormetwo actons tw 20 cf 21 NEDs ret conocmf w/ stated understaneng.

EPlP 1013. "Emeroency Response Temphone Ls:.~ STON .C. Pro,ect Drectorate F2. 93/09/02. MILTENBERGERS Pubhc Sennce

  • Psic Servum Liectnc & Gas Co of New Jersey. 93/09/17. 23pp. 76611219 Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 4pp. 76433290 76433.293.

76611 341. 9309160028 Forwards remost for addl ano re 930428remest to restaR new storage 9309290107 Forwards risp repts 50 272/93 20.50-311/93-20 & 50354/93 20 on racks to pronce addi storage capacity. Response requested utnm 60 days of Itr re-eNN No molatons noted.Actons snould be taken to assure that uhl responds teol apropnateiy & promptry to condsons rwolang ochcere sys performanca. STONEJC. Pro,ect Drectorate b2. 93/09/13. MILTENBERGER.S. Pubhc Sernce COOPER.R W. Regen 1 (Post 820201193/09/22.MILTENBERGERS Pubhc Sennce Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. Sop.76470343 76470347. Electnc & Gas Ca. of New Jersey. 3pp. 76551:172-76551203. 9309160037 Fywards envron _ .; & fmdmg of no msgewfcam rnpact to address

                                   -9309290110 insp repis 50-272/9520.54311/9520 & 50 354/93 20 on 930725-                         urvenewed safety cueston ===rnated =/ rod coreal sys for Fst r=**r = tort 0904.No volatons notsc.Masar areas mspectact opera _ve? controls.mamt                        STONE.J C. Protect Drectorate 62. 93/09/13. MILTENBERGER.S. Pubhc Sennce
                                      & survemance tesing.or isrgency preparedness & secunty.                                      Electnc & Gas Co. of tvew Jersey. 3pp. 76470.348-76470'354.

WHITEAR. Regon 1 (Post 820201193/09/22. 29pp. 76551:175 76551203. 9309290041 Rev 23 to EPip 204H. " Emergency Response Canout/Personne! Recall * & questo'ns.

                                                                                                                                             .      rosect Dructuate M MN3. 4pk WW-MMR Put*c             Elecmc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 93/09/27. 56pp. 76594:197-9309290244 Submits suppl to 930611 request for amend te baron --..m-. response to NRC concems for bases used to calculate baron concentra. l g General _' ton m RCS at pven temp.Cormentraton based on kstad WCAP topcal repts. i


hAGAN4J. Puhic Servce Electne & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 93A9/16. Document j I 9309160192 Responds to 930813 Itr to Charman Selm requesang NRC to acktess con- [gone c8 consinuents e sciental mondown creat usulting from power -9309290252 Updated page A44 of "Bors Acuf Concentraton Rockston Ettort Techn TC4Y OR.J M. Of'c of tne Executwo Dweetor for Operatont 93/09/07 HUGHES.WA *#I House of Rep. app.76461.20& 76461209. [**** A ***"*' *~ N D " # E Nclear Fuel W h WW M

                                   -9309160197 Forwards R Funer                           for ret re pcnonhal meltdown threat                   ROO. 9326. Ip. 76602347-76602347.

resuttmg from power atBWR .,4 HWlHES.WJ. House of 93/08/13 THE CHAIRMAN. SEUN.L Commasenerrs -93092902S7 Proposed toch specs pages S/41-1ha) & 3/41-12(a), snectmg additon (Post 750119).1p. 76461207-76461.209, of terrunel measured vol m tonc acid tank as partcen: age to grapet Pubhc Sennce Elecinc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 93/09/16. 2pp. 76602348-76602249. P. Operating Stense stage "-- .&-_

                                                                                                                                 $3DS290297 Pronoes runetv<1av response to GL tonowsp to inrtial response C309200135 Partial resoortse to FOIA recuest for documents. Forwards records m App L            to a        genere str on 930729.ricauchng sta1us of compensatry actons detamed m wtuch are        withheld partiaky tar ksted reasors.trof FOIA exemptons 6).                 93061 request im emerDency amencL of Fmedom of informston & Pubhcotons Sennoes Post                  LABRUNAi Pubhc Sonnee Enoctnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 93/09/21. Document MARR15.CA                                                                                   Cortirol Branch Qocumem Control Desi410pp. 76606:08476606:089.

89C205). 93/04/12 GILINSKY.v. Affihabori Not AswJnecL bpp.76677:001 76680-066.

                                   -4110160486 PartaDy withhc'd affamaton SECY that recommends that Commason                     9309290361 Forwards amends 144 & 122 to hcenses DPR-70 & DPRNS. respectuely &
saue enct order clanfing essestonable language m ALAB.650 & oonymg Townsrup SE. Amends consist of changes to UFSAR to acktress potental smgte faAre m rod i Lowes Akowavs petrion tar rowow. control sys riot entrun currera hcensng bass for plant 1 l

FIT 2GERALDJA Offce of tne General Counsel (Post 96C701). SECY-81575. til STONEAC. Pro,ect Drectorate b2. 93/09/22. MILTENBERGERA Pubhc Sernce 10/05.10pp. 76679194-766'9.2119. Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jo sey. 3pp. 76569267-76569.276. 9306230099 Suppl $ to Genrc Ltr 8910 to nuclear paant bcensees & CP habers re -9309290364 Amends 144 & 122 to iconsas OPR-70 & DPR-75.respectwely revisng maccuracy or motor-operated valve degnostc eatspment vanous UFSAR sectons to address potenbal smgle taAre m rod control sys not withm PcJtTLOWJ.G. Assocante Drector for Protects (Post 870411). 93/06/28.Conschdat- current hceneng basis of piam. ed Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 7pp. 76409 001-76409008. BOYLE.M.L. Proyect Drectorate k2. 93/09/22. 4pp. 76569270 76569E/3. C309290322 informs NRC of finalcorg .w. _. e area of general emp4oyee tre _g309290367 Safety evaluaton supportng amends 144 M 122 to teenses DPR 70 & ing Dv 930720. THOMSON.F.K. Pubhc Sennoe Electne & Gas Co. of New Jo sey.93/07/19. WHf*EJ DPR.75.res,pecevely.

  • Orace o Nucsear Reactor RegJaton Drector (post 870411). 93/09/22. 3pp.

Regon 1 (Post 820201). 2pp. 76589235-76589.336. 76569274-76569.276. 9309010079 Appbcanon for amenc to Lscense DPR 70.recuestmg ertforcement chscre. Tech Survestlance Ret;urement (BH1). tor mdwidual ceti vattage l Q.Inspec h IE Bumenne & _ HAGAN.J.J. Putme Senace Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey 93/08/24. Documerit Control Branch (Document Contres Desk). 3ip. 76312.30S76312234.

                                                                                     ,                                            9309220126 Parbal response to FOLA roguestApp O documents evadatne m PDR. App P occuments partally unthhotd (fot FOLA E.nempsons 5 & 6).
                                    -9309010082 Proposed Tech Specs 4.82.32 re enforcement decretort                                 GRNSLEY.D.H. Dwson of Freedorn of irwormaton & Pubhcatons Services (Post
  • Putsc Senace Electnc & Gas Co. of twow Ja'sey. 93/08/24. 29pp. 76312.306- 890205). 93/04/26. GluNSKY.V. Affshaton Not AaegnecL lipp. 76576:123-76312 234. 76580:168.


 -8309220266                                                                               9309280107 Forwards msp repts $0 272/93-20.5S311/93 20 & 50 354/93 20 on PLAINE.H.MPa'nce O       of the General Courisel860701).

(Posttally wrmhed Commisson SECY.63166 E3'05/03 paper re erstoroement 930625 0905.No mo;atonspackage noted.Actons should be tar.en to assu e that u responds 2pp. 76578 32CJ6578221. approcnateer & prornptsy to condstons ewohmg nefoent svs pectormance. COOPER.R W. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/22 MILTENBERGER.S. Pubke Senace 9307160033 Electre & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 3pp 76551:172 76551203. Ruptse ~ NRC Wo Nobce 93456. " Weakness m EOPs For.d as Result of SG Tube GRMES.B K. Divisen of Opera 1mg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/22. Con- -9309280110 ansp repts 50272/93 20 4311/9S20 & 50 354/93 20 on 930725-sohoated E& son Co. of fuew York. inc.11pp. W99 302-76499 312. 0904.No votatons noted Mapor areas o' acted oprator*f="a4 controis.mamt

                                                                                             & surveellance teshng, emergency prepart oss & securey 9307190131NRC Into feobce 93-058 h ._:A... m LTOP for PWRs =                                WHr7EJR. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 93/0e/22. 29pp. 76551:175-76551203.

l GRMES.B K Dnnsen of Operabng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Con-soldated Eason Co. of New Yort, mc. 9pp 76447264-76447272. EL Perio&c operattng reports & related correspondence 9307200123NRC Wo feonce 93 059. " Unexpected Openmg of Bom Doors in Aetock

  • GRMES.B K. Dwisen of Operatog Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Cork 9309060322 "Samm Generating Staten Semannua' Radcactwe Effluent Release Rept sohdated Eeson Co. of New Yort enr.10pp. 76447273-76447262. SGS RERR 34."

HAGAN tJ Pubbc Sermee Enoctnc & Gas Co, of New Je'sey. RERR-34. 93/06/30. 9307260065 Suppl 1 to NRC Buhetm 91001. "Reparang Loss of Cnucakty Safety Cork E9pp. 76392:27176392 331. troise BURNET 1.R.F. Onnson of Fuel Cycle Satefv & Satepuards (post 9302C7). 93/07/27. 9309010085 " NPDES Discharge Monstonng Rept for JJ 1993 tor Salem Generabng Consch0ated Edson Co. of New York, snc. 23pp. M09:009-WO9S31. StaberAkuts 1 & 2 " W/930823 far. VONDRA.CA P2hc Senace Elecmc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 93/07/31. 9307290112 NRC Wo Noboe SS060. "Raportng Fuel Cycle & Mans Events to NRC CAPORALE.G. New Jersey. Staie of. 24pp. 76312.235 76312-357. Operanons Ctr? BURNE77.R.F. Onnsen of Fuel Cveae Sately & Safeguards (Post 93t't207). 93/06/04. 9309150400 Monthly operstmg rept for Aug 1993 for Saiam Generatng Stapon Umt Consohdated Echson Co. of New YorA inc.10pp. N47253-76447292. 1.W/930913 fir. SHEDLOCK.M.. HELLER.R., VONORA.CA Pubhc Senace Eiscine & Gas Co. of New 9308030200 NRC Wo fecta! 93461. *Excesswe Reactor Coolant LeaAnge Followmg Jersey. 93/08/31.15pp. N52:239-76452253. Seal Fadure m RCP or RRP." GRMES.BK Dwoon of Operanng Reactor hwt Post 921004). 93/06/09. Con- 930917006? " NPDES Discharge Morutonn0 Rept for Aug 1993 for Sa'om Generstmg sohdated Esson Co. of New Yort, Inc.12pp. 76499213-W9t.324. Statort" IN '930906 tir. i VONDRA.CA Pubhc Senace Electne & Gas Co. or New Jersey. 93/06/31. 1 Smw45 NRC into Nonce 93462. " Thermal Stratifcabon of Water m BWR Reactor CAPORALE.G. New Jersey. State of. 24pp. W72.230 76472252. vessets " GRMES.BK Dmson of Operatng Reactor Supoort (Post 921004). 93/06/10. Cork I sohdated Edson Co. of New YorA am 9pp. 76499225-76499:333. S. Reportable occurrences, ERs & roteted - . 9308030274 NRC Into Nobce 93 063. *1niproper Use of er* hie weed Purge Dam MatL" g309030256 Forwards Rev 1 to LER BS014 re 4 kV vital bus second level undervoltage I GRME.S.BX Danson of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06/11. Cork protecton dropo a setpomt concem to correct editonei error m abstract of onynal soldaiec Esson Co of New YorA enc. BMt M99;334-76499241 submrttal VONDRA.CA Pubhc Service Esectnc & Gas Co. of feew Jersey. 93/08/27. Documere 9308060237NrtC Info Noboe 93464, "Penoec Tashng & Provensve Mamt of Molded Controf Branch (Docurrent Control Deck).1p. 7640t.229 509234. Case Catxat Breakart" GRMES.B K. Ownen of Operatng eteactor Swiport (Post 921004). 93/06/12. Cor> sohdatec Eeson Co. of New Yortt. enc.11pp. 76447:293-76447.303. .4309030259 LER 93414 01:en 930722.concem famed re 4 kV vftal bus seconc! level undervottage protecton dropout selpcuit due to a== aa asa =ist/rstaDatortAnalyss of event congnuirs Suppi LER was be serrutted. 9308090187 NRC Info Nohce 93465. *Raar+w Trips Caused by breaker Tesang W/ PASTVA.M). Pubbc Sennce Enoctne & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 93/06/27. 5pp. Fault Protecten Bypassett" 76409.230 76409.234. GRMES.B st Onnmon el Operanrig Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/13. Cork sohdated Edson Co of New York. mc.11pp. N47:304-76447:314. 93090e0333 Provides asidste of WOG actwebes & escassoon of proposed strategy for resoluton of Sarem rod control sys taikse event.per GL SSO4. 9300100006NRC Into Notice 93 066, "Switchover b Hol-Leg insecton Following LOCA NEW70N.RA. WALSH.L.A. Westrighouse Operstmg Paants Owners Group. 93/09/ m PWRs." 03. THADANIACL NRC . No Detamed Af1ihamon Gwert 10pp. 76416256 76416;265. GRMES.BA Drvmon of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06/16. Cork schaaled Eeson Co. of New Yort6, anc. 7pp. 76447:315-76447221 DOCKET $0-275 DIABLO CANYON NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1 9308100248 NRC Wo Nohce SS067. "Burstmg of f.hgh Pressure Coonant insecten bteam tme Risiture Discs ensures Plant Personnel" GRMES.BX Dwison at Operstng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06/16. Cor* F. Securtty, snedicr' Juergency & fire protection piens schosted Eeson Cck of New York, Inc.13pp. 76447:322-76447:335. 9309150239 Responds e 930607 fir to nohoe of veoistens noted m map repts 50-272/ 9309200135 Partal response to FOIA reausst tot documents. Forwards recortis m App L wruch are wrmheid portany for tsted reasons trof FotA exerrsrtons SK 9345.W11/9S06 & B354/9346- MARRtS.CA COOPER.R W. Regen 1 Wst 823201t It3/08/30. utLTENBERGER.Sm P2hc Senace of Freedorn of Informaton & Putshcatens Sennees (Post Esectnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 6pp. 76461234.W51246. 890205). 93/04/12.GlWNSKY.V. Afhhaton Not Asegnect 8pp. 76677:001-76677:183. C3090e0031 Forwards rutaf SALP repts 50 272/L '.99.50-311/9199 & 54354/91-99 =8201110099Pa' tally withheld affrmaton SECY ve peint seysucal secunty & Govemor Brown moton sor as:s cenroel & secretaty. for penod of 911229-930619.Conoemed w/ acepcy & tmelmess of ubis mgt re-sporse to sg whcant eventL FITZGERALDJA Offee of sie General Counsel (Post 960701t SECY41-566. 91/ MARTitiLT.T. Repon 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/01. Ml. i.slBERGER.S. P2hc Senace 09/25. 3pp. 76579.191-76679-193. Elect'ic & Gas Co. of New Jersey. Epp.76346.2 S 70346 304. 9309220126 Prbal response to FOtA reauesLApp O docasments evelable in PDR. App P 9309 nann" intbal traft SALP repts 50 272/9199.5D.311/91-99 & 54354/91-99 for documerris partaiv wimriend (ref FOLA Emerrgeons 5 & 6L 911229-933f:19 GRNSLEYAH. Dinsam of Freedom of kvlormation & Pubhcanons Sennoes (Post

  • Regan 1 (Post 820201). 93/07/29. 48pp. 78346.256-76346:304. (>90204 93/04/28. GiUNSiW,V. Aih=n feat Asasynect 11pp. 76575:123-l 7E580:161L 9308260198 NRC Into Notoe 93 069, "Rachography Everits at Operatng Power Reac- _9309220221 Partially withheid Commesson paper re 820729 order eifamong partes of tort" GRNESS K Dwnson of Operstmg Reactor 4-vt (Post 9210D4). 93/09/02. Con- mierman to expunge classthed mas from ALAB.653 & undersyng records per 10CrR2.913.

sohdated Edson Co. of New York stic.1100. 7be99.342-76499-352- MALSCH.M G. Ofhoe of the General Conroel(Post 860701). SECY,42.,383. 82/09/17.


9309140204Notrhcanon of egneficant hoensee meetng 93-114 w/util on 9309 7 to es-cuss SALP for pared enchng 93C619 9309210196 Parhat resporme to FOLA retssest for documents.Fcrwards documents nsted W47EJ.R. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/07. Repon 1 (Post B20201). App. m App O whch are bemg made avaulaba at PDR. Documents hated an App R are par-76440:35S76440t356. bahy vnthheid (ref FO6A exernpton 5). 9309070206 NRC into teotice 93 070 "Dogradaten of Boraflex Neuron Absorber Cow

  • Dwmen of Freenom of Informaton & Petcanons Senaces (Post 990205). 93/05/

pans." 04. GIUNSKY,V. Affikaton Not Asagnett opp.76595:208-7659tkO64, GRNES.BK Dwreen of Operetng Reactor Suppcrt (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Cork -93o9220331 Partany detened Comtmsman paper te rewmott Doblo Canyon order. schasteo Echann Co. of New YtrtL, Inc. 9pp. 76499.35S76499.361 FITZGE'RALDJA lbthee or the General Counsei (Post 860701). SECY A.80 578. 80/

 $309210312 Provises response io veonators noted m insp Repts S272/93-19 & 50-311/BS19.Correctwo             ,,, ,_nc venctor snp occurred due to man turbme Sip   9309150066 Forwards pubhc versen of revoed Corporate ERPIPs htchp9ng rev 12 to from low conounser vacuurrt                                                             1.1 pew 5 to 3.1pov 7 to 3J & rev 11 to 4.9.W/930910 release enamo.

HAGANJJ. Pekc Senaca Doctnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 93/09/10. Document Coritrol Branch (Doo6rnerst Control Desk). Opp.76504:156-76504:166. SEXTONJA Pacac Gas & Electne Co.93/08/17. Document Control Branch (Doco ment Control Desk). 6PP. 76442-018-76442:073 93090s??94 marc Wo Nonce 93471 " Fro at Chemobyl Unit 2? -9303150072 Revned Corporate ERPIPs mciutkng rev 12 to 1.1 rev $ to 3.1,rev 7 to SJ GRWESEX Dween or Operetng Reactor Support (Post 921004k 93/09/13. Cork & row 11 to 4.9. sobdated Eeson Co. of New Yorti anc.14pp 73500:001-76500 013.

  • Pac 6c Gas & Electnc Co. 03/08/17. 50pp. 7644.tD24 76442:071 9309090243 NRC Wo Nomoe 93472, "Otinenratons From Recent Shutdown Rok & 9309290225 Forwaras snap repts 50w275/93-15 4 50323/93-15 on 930520- 0812.No Omage Mgt Pilot Team trusos? violatons reted.

GFtNES.E K. Dwoon or OperetnDR* Support (Post 921004L 93/09/14. Cork PATE.RJ. Regan 6 (Post 820201). 93/08/24 RUEGER,G.M. Pacihc Ga3 & Elecmc schoste1 Eeson Co. of New Yores Iric. Opp.76500 014 76500 022. Co. 3pp. 76567:162 76567:169.


 -9309290227 Ittsp repts 53275/93-15 & 50-323/9315 on 930520-0812.No votatens           9309270075 Responds to Kimes commems on hearmgs aDout kstemng to extwnt after                           )

regen Mact areas mspected' revs 14-19 to eme gency procedure EP G-1. "Acceent extutzt of evoence w'o any accornpanymg arguement v sogca! tramewom of cow

  • Classdcaten & Emergercy Pian ActwatorL" W/cerDfcate of svc. l GOOD.G M., PATEAJ. Regon 5 (Post 820201). 93/08/24. 5pp 76567:165- BUECKERJ Athhaton Not Assigned. F39314315,93/09/22.Docketng & Ss.vces 766S7:169. Dranch. 7pp. 76544J.23-76544.229 l

9309150051 Forwards pubic versons of revised SOP 111.05. " County health Agurcy" & ' SOP Ill 06 HP-3. "Errergency Erwron Mormormg." W/930913 remase memo. P. Operatens hcense stage oocuments & oo. ,-a..- i SEXTONJA Pamfc Gas & Electne Co 93/08/25. Documerit Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk).1p. 76447001-76447:122. 9309200135 Parbal response to F06A reousest for occuments. Forwards records in App L l

 -9309150057 Pubic verson of rewmed SOP fft.DS. "Courey Heafm Agency."                     whch a e bemo wittihe6d parba% for bsted reasons.(ref FOaA exemptons 5).
  • Pacifc Gas & E6ectnc Co.93/03/02. 59pp. 76447$0&76447:062. HARRIS,C.A brnson of Freeoom of into maton & Pubhcatons Sennees (Post 6902uSL 93/04/12 GIUNSKY.V. Affaston Not Assgned,8pp 7M77:001-76680-066.
 -930916012t Rensed SOP 111.06 HP-3. " Emergency Erwron Morstonng"
  • Pacife Gas & Electnc Co.93/05/31. 57pp. 76447-003-76447:122. 4201070088 Partally wHhheld mfo SECY that mtorms Commason of Appsat Board 9309210098 Informs that bconsee 1993 EP exencae manual appears apprognate to g7;hALD) A Offee of ine Genera! Counset (Post 8607D1). SECY-81479. 81/

mm mooney plan goals & reo6arements 08/12. 2pp. 76079-C'.r9 76679.104 PATE RJ hooon 5 (Post 820201). 93/09/03. TOWNSENDJD. Pacife Gas & Electne Co.19. N75.36176475.360.

                                                                                       -4201110227 Partally emheid attematon SECY vequests Commason approval of enct 9309210193 Rensed EPIPs.mciudmg Rev 8 to EP R-3 "Reesase of Radcactwe Lao-urds" & Rev 9 to EP Re-16:B, " Post-Acceent Samphng Sys Stnppen. Gas & Dduted          D'O'M'T.L.

BIC Once of the General Cmnsel Post 660704 SENW SWO/2t RCS " W/930916 tir. 3pp 76679.356-76679358 SEXTONJA Pacite Gas & Emetne Co. S3/09/16. 37pp 76511:236-76511 2 72. 9309220126 Partal response to FOiA reauestApp O documents avadatne m PDR. App P da:dments partab weihead (ref FORA Exempeons 5 & 61 CL Adfudcatory -. .  :- GRIMSLEY.D.H. Dumon of Freedom of informabon & Pubhcators Servces (Post 890205). 93/04 r28. GILINSKY,V. Affaanon Not Assgned. 11pp. 76576:123-9309220126 Parnal response to POLA reaues1. App O documents avadabee en PDR. App P 76577296. Occuments partany witnhe61 Pef FO!A Exemptons 5 & 6). GRIMSLEY.D.H DNison of Freeoorn of informanon & Pubbcatons Senaces (Post -8309240007 Parbapy witnheid Commason paper preseneng supplementary evaluaton 890205). 93/04'28. GtWNSKY.V. Affikaton Not Assged. 11pp. 76576.123- et heense suspenson. 76583:168. ZERBE.JE. Ortce of Poicy Evaluanons (Pro 860930). SECY4M38. 83/10/26. 100pp. 76579206-76580233

 -9309220221 Partapy witriheld Commason paper te 820729 order informmg paints of umnton te e@unge ce mall from ALAB653 & undenying recores per                      9306230099 Suppl S to Genarc Lir 8410 t nuclear plant -                 & CP holders re G. Otfoe of the General Counsel (Post 660701). SECY42 383. 82/09/17-             OWJG socese                               Post 70411). 93/06/28. Conschdat-4pp. 76578:064 76578.067-ed Echson Co. of New York, Inc. 7pp. 76409 001-76409:006.
 -9309220226 Parbally withheld Commason paper tmnding Ole of Pobey Evaluanon im-mahate ettectweness anaivsm o' Oconsang Boro m m                                   9309020297 Summary of 930810 meenng w/uts a Rockvihe.MD to oscuss beensee KENNEKE.A.P. Oftco of Poicy Evaluatons (Pre 860930). SECY-82429. 82/10/21.            proposed eagoe 21 process protecten sys @pade & Owersty San ATWS @

26pp. 76578:093-76578:118 8V8 7 g 9309030210 ".A..-. m & order (proposed frukngs of fact /conchasons of new)? Es 76321:188-76321 192. tabhshes ksted schedule lor outmasson et proposed findmgs of tact & conclusons of law W/Cartrheate al Svc. Served on 930826. 930ivit30203 Forwards replacement pages for LAR 92-05 re sov to TS & associated BECHHOEFER.C. Atome Satery & Doerumg Board Panel #39314244. 93/08/24. bases to reflect Eagia 21 process protecton sys upgraoe.eirvanaten at bypass man

  • Offee of the General Counset (Post 860701). 4pp. 76317261-76317:064. toads tar reactor scolant sys RTD & assoaated oriherumments.

FuJIMOTO.W.H. Pacrhc Gas & Electnc Co. 93/D8/27. Document Coritrol Branch 9309030180 Pacinc Gas & Electre Co resporee to monon to amend Praisetwo Chaer? (Document Control De:IS 2pp. 7637322476373242-Statt ans tnat protectwe Oroer be clanhed by anding new Bootnote to pa ayaph 3 of Ormr W/Carnfcate of M -8309030212 Proposed toch specs replacement pages to tenect Eegie 21 process pro. REPKA.DA Pacshe Gas & Electnc Co. REPKADA Wmston & StrewrL #39314261. m sys upgradah of bypass marntoms for reactor couent sys RTD & as. C3/08/30. Atome Safety & Lacensmg Board Panet 5pp. 76317 001-76317:005. socated enhancements. 9309170047 rm,== correenons mode to transcnpt to Thermo Lag compensatory " Pactre Gas & Eser.1nc Co. 93N27. N M23M6373M measures cornennort f.EPhA.DA Pubhc Senace Elecinc & Gas Co of New Jersey. REPKA.DA Winston & 93090302e0 Forwards scripropnetary & proonetary verson of rests. "E% o 21/AMSAC Strawri. 7 393 14284. 93/09/07. BECHHOEFER.C KLINEJ.R. SHON.FJ. Atome Dwsty Evuuston" to s@pon NRC revesw o'920921 LAR 92 0$ re Eagle 21 proc. Satety & Lcensm0 Boarc Panet 2pp. 76448277-76448$78. C18 888 FLulMOD'0"TO.W".M. Pacshc Gas & EJactnc Co8Y8 @9'ade 93/06/27. & RTD Document bypass Contml ehmmaton.Propnetary Branch 9309170052Forwa'ds for ihn0.a*hdavits of .c ^ -- o por Board 930803protectue (Document Control Desk). 4pp. 76371085-76371:168. oroer re access to rept prepared by INPO. Doctaran"on of nonmrw=e msgned by Cuwan also enci -93090302S5 Roguests that prepnetary fept, WCAP-13821. "Tagle,71/AMSAC Dwersrty REPKA.DA Wmston & Strawrt $393 14295. 93/02/09. BECHHOEFER.C, Evaluaton" be withheid.per 10CFR2.790 KUNE.JA. SHON.FJ. Atomc Sataty & Lcerisng Board Panel 2pp. 76448CB7 UPARULO.NJ. West E6eetnc Corp. 93/08/19 MURLEY.T. Document Con. , 76448-100. trol Branch (Document Desk). 9pp. 76371289 76371-067. 3

 -9309170069Afhdavit of norHhsclosure si suppon of m*=== to excerpts from rept pro-      9309030286                  , "Engio.21/AMSAC Dwarsity Evasunton.

pa'ed by INPO re mamt & survemance actnnbes at planL L.- , MURPHY,H.J. Wesangnouse Easesnc Corp."WCAP 13822. 93/ DOYLEJP ERIN.LE. MINOR.G.C. mstitJte of Nucanar Power Operatorei MINOR.G.C. MHB Techncal A6 08/31. 70pp. ?C371:098-76371:168. sociates. 93/08/D4. 2pp,76448:089 76448-090.

 =$309170U73 Afhdavit of norHkEctosure m s@ port of access to excerpts from INPO       Sm30W $cewaos amends 82 & 81 to h N & N respec1woh &

rept se mant & survemance actwess at prant SE. Amends evne TS 3J.4. " Reactor Tnp Sys trisN" m mactor protecton eace. 06 04 2pp 6448 1- PE R Dr 93 08/31.RUEGERAM Pacife Gas & Elec. Inc Co. 3pp. 76413.270 76413.282. 9309170077 Athdavit of norHhsc80sure m support of access to excerpts trom INPO rept se marrut & servemance actwthes at piant -9309130158 Amends 82 & $1 to bcenses DPR40 & DPR42pespecDvely, revissnDTS PETERSON.S.R. irtsttule of Nuc ear Power Operators. PETERSON.SA Othee of 3.3.1. " Reactor Trip Sys Instrumeritaton." re teactor protecten oys to correct typo m Nac6 ear Rea:: tor Regulaton. Drector (Post Sh411). F39314295. 93/08/09. 2pp. Tape 3.31. Acton 26. , 76448:093 76448-094. QUAY.T.R. Propect Drectorate V.93/08/31. 7pp. 76413.273-76413279. 1

 -9309170078Affcavet     of norHhsceosu,re                                             - 8309130165 Satery ovaiuston supportng amends 82 & 81 to beenses DDR.80 & DPR.

mum & survemame acevees at paa t m s@ port of access to excerpts from INPO 't 82.respecimeiy. MODGDONAP. enstture at Nuctaar Power Operatonk HODGDONAP. Offee of the

  • Othee of Nuclear Reactor Regutabon, Drector (Post 870411). 93/06/21. 3pp.

General Counsel (Post 860701). 93/08/05. 2pp. 76448:095-7644899fi 76413 280 76413282-

 -4309170001 Afhdavtt of rorHhsclosure m s@ port of access to exce' pts trarn INPO 93091403a0 Forwards SE fe mdcatons m safety meneton accumulator tonks. Flaws
                                    /05,               76
                                                                                                                          ""'*       3      2. MERGM M Gas & N
                                                                                           ,,                               56 l -93091700       D, cts,s.on , ron.d.c.osu,e ,n s@po,i , acoesno esoe, pts 1,or.oNPO I    rept se mamt & suncedlance actwees at ptant                                         -9309140387 SE se endestens m satory meschon accumulator terms. Eastmg mdce-CURRAN.D. San Laas Obspo Motne s for Peace. 93/08/17. 2pp. 76448:09g5                  tors m stammes steel asaddmg al salety mpacton accumulator tarts can be esft as s 76448:100.                                                                             w/o grridmg or mose.
  • Othee ce f+.acnear Reactor Regulaton, Drector (Post 870411). 93/09/02. 3pp.

9309170093 NRC Staff recev to PG&E response to Staff moton to amend p'oisetwo 76431:354.76431:356. 1 order.' MRC Staff moves Bond to adopt langsage requested m 930817 mobon as  ! stated W/Carthcate of Svt. 9309150185 Fcrwards appicaton for amends to toermes DPR40 & DPR42 vevismg TS HODGDONAP JORGENSENAA. Offee of the General Counsel (Post 8607D1). 144.3/4.11.E.14 & y.-  ; & aJmrustratwo changes. W39314300. 93/09/14. Atomc Estety & Lscenssng Board Panel 6pp. 76448.302 RUEGER.GM Pacshc Gas & Easetnc Cct93/09/06. Document Control Brarch (Docu-76448 307 ment Control Desk). 2pp. 76451093-76451117. l l I


 -9309150196 Appicanor' for amercs to hcenses DPR40 & DPR-82 revismg TS 144.3/                -9309290175 msp repts 50-275/9349 & 50 321/9319 on 930719 23.No voiabons 411114 &organzanonal & adrmnst atwe chanoes,                                                  eviteo Ma;or areas mspectee beensee prog-am to meet commrtments te GL 8913 &

RUEGER.G.M Pamhc Gas & Electnc Co 93/09/06. 7pp. 7645109576451:101 toiowup or prevous open nems ANG W P. Region 5 (Post 820201). 93/08/17. 3pp 76567:064.76567:0B6

 -9309150202 Proposed tecf* specs revamg TS 144.3/4.11114& organcatonal & ao.

rmrustrative chanoes. 9309290225 Forwa as msp repts 54275/9315 & $0-323/9315 on 930520 0812.No

  • Pacite Gas & E*soctnc Co.93/05/08 %pp 76451'102 76451117. votators rated.

PATEAJ Regeon 5 (Post 820201t 93/08/24 RUEGER.G V Pamf.c Gas & Electnc 9309150330 Promdes comrnents on mtenm rept on potennal for madeounte eeeetrea' Co 3pp 76567:162 765t;7169 shotabon en certam 12}V AC power circuns for pla9Lsubfrvited by ubl Itr dtd933406 PETERSON.S.R Proect D ectorate V 93/09/38 RUEGER.G M Pamfc Gas & Esec- -9309290227 msp repts 50 275/93-15 & 54323/93-15 on 930520 0812.No votatons tnc Co. App.p 76442.23576442238. rioted Mapor areas mspectec revs 1619 to emergency procedure EP G.I. *Accioent Classrhcanon & Emergency Plan AcDvabon." 9309200187 Fywards WCAP-13750. *Analyss of Capsule Y From PG&E Diablo GOOD.GM FATE.LI. Regon 5 (Post 820201). 93/08/24 Spp. 76567-165-Canyon Urut 1 RV Ra$abon SJrvedlan.x Procyam " 76M7.'69 RUEGER.G M. Paate Gas & Electnc Co 93/09/15 Document Controf Brance (Docu-ment Control Desm 2pp 76502:001-76502141. 9309290001 Forwards mso repts 50-275/93 21 & 50 323/9121 on 93072&30.Nor> cned molabons soentsted.msp re.sts with*ed in entretv ret 100FR73.21.

 -9309200201 Non.propnetary WCAP-13750. "Anaivss of Capsuae Y From PG&E Diable                   PATE.R.J Regon 5 (Post 82C201). 93/DB/27. RUEGER.G.M. Pamfc Gas & Electne Canven.Unst 1 RV Rad.aten Surved.ance Program."                                              Co. 3pp. 76%5-00176565 003.

MEVER.7.A., TEREK.E., ANDERSON.SL Westmghouse Electnc Corp WCAP-13750 93/C7/31.140go. 76602:003-765C2141 9309080233 Respords to NRC 930730 ftr re volatons noted m inso Repts $4275/23-16 & 53323/9316.Correctrue actonsOP B-1 A. Kill rewmed & retrtied to iresuce m. 9309270035Provm:les response to Gene.ic Lt' 93 04. " Roc Control Sys Fadure & With. struenons for all CVCS comme altrers crawa! of Rod Control Cluster Asserrpes.10CFR50 540).* FUJIMOTO.W.H. Pacsfe Gas & Electnc Co 93/08/30. Document Control Branch RUEGER,G.M Pacsfac Gas & Esctnc Ca 93/09/17. Document Control Branch (Doce (Document Cont ol Desk) 6pp. 76397225 76397.230. ment Cont'ol Desm Spp 765'3 304 765'3.308 9309290096Fywarcs msp repts50 275/93 25 & 54323/9S25 on 93081420.No voie-9309280257 Forwards amends 83 & 82 to konses DPR40 & DPR42 & SE. Amen:ss tons scentfed. remove ret to suppementai vrtal mve ters m TS 3/4.8.2. "Onsste Power Dstnbunost" REESEJ.H Regon 5 (Post 820201). 93/08/30 RUEGER.G.M. Pa::sfc Gas & Emetnc PETERSON.S R Proect Dweetorate V. 93r09/17 RUEGER.G.M Pac.sfc Gas & Elec- Co. 3pp. 76565.304-76565.315. tnc Co 400. 7656e 103 76568120.

                                                                                             -9309290102 msp repts 54275/93-25 & 50-323/9525 on 93081&20.No votatons
 -9309280260 Amends 83 & 82 to hcewes DPR 80 & DPR42.respecove+y removmg                        rated Ma,or a/eas espected exposJre controls. estema! exposure.cortirol of ra$oaC*

teve maus.contammaton contrues & radrosogca! postegs & surveys rers to TA OUAY supplementar vitat inverters Protect Drectorate m TS 3/4 76568107.76568.117. V.93/09/17.11pp 8.2. ". Onsste Power DstntMbort BREWER.R K., BOCANEGRA.R REESEJ.M. Regon 5 (Post 820201). 93/08/30. 9pp. 76565 307-76b65:315.

 ~9309280262 Safety evaluanon s@ poring amends 83 4 82 to heenses DDR40 & DPR.

82.respeceve'V- 9308260198 NRC ento Nobce 93469. "Radograpny Events at Operaung Power Reac-

  • Orfce of Nuclear Reactor RegulaborL Director (Post 870411). 93/09/17, 3pp tors."

76568 114 76568.120. GRIMES.B.K. Dreson of Operotmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/02. Cork sohdatec Edson Co. of New York, trat 11pp. 76499342-76499.352. Q. Inspecton reports. IE BulWttris & correspondence 9309290039 Forwards mso repts 50-275/9S26 & 50 323/9S26 on 93381&20D volib tons or osmatons noted 9307160033 NRC into Nobce 93450 " Weakness m EOPs Found as Result of SG Tube MILLER.LF Regon 6 (post 820201) 93/09/08. RUEGER.G.M. Pacdc Gas & Electnc Rapture - Co. 2pp 7656515476565:163 GRIMES.B et Divissan of Operstng Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/07/22. Cran-soidrated Edison Co. ot New York. enc.11pp 7641rt.302-76499312. -9309290046 insp repts 54275/93-26 & $4323/9S26 on 33081520.No volatons noted Masar areas mapectac-oesaget moeheato 1, 9307190131NRC brita Notre 93458. "Noncroservabsm in LTOP tor PWRs? ANG.W.P. Regon 5 (Post 820201). 93/09/08. 6pp. 76565-15&76565:183 GRIMES.B K. Dwison of Operatng Rea:: tor S@ port (Post 921004). 93/07/26 Con. solcatec Edison Co of New York. Art. 9pp. 764472667M47271 93090,70206NRC pan Into Notu 9S070. "Degradanon of Borafles Neut on Absorber Cow 9307200123NRC Into Notoe 93459. "Urexpected Openmg or Both Doors m Anock? GRIMES.B IL Dnnson of Operaimg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Cord GRIMES.B 8L Divmon o' Operatng Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/07/26 Cord solcatec Edeon Co. of New York. ent 9pp. 76499:353 76499-361. soldatec Eeson Co. of New York, Irc. topp.76447.273 76447282. 9309000104 NRC into Nobce 9%C71." Fee at Chemotryl Urut 2 " 9307260065 Suppt 1 to NRC Balaetm 91001. "Repor1mg Loss of Cracahty $stety Corw GRIMES.B.K. Dnnscm of Operanng Reactor support (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Con-trots ~ solcated Ednen Co. of New YortL inc.14pp. 76500001-76500 013. BURNETT.RF. Dnnson of Fuel Cvcie Satety & Sateauards (Post 930207). 93/07/27. Consoldated Eeson Co. of New York, mc. 23pp. 76409-009 76409-031. 9309090243 NRC ento Nohce 93 072. *Observanons From Recent Shutdowri Risk & Outage togt Psot Team insps? 9307290112 NRC 1 sto Nobce 93460. "Reporbng Fuel Cycle & Matts Events to NRC GRIMES.b.K Danson of Operatng Reactor Seport (Post 921004k 93/09/14. Cork Oparannns Ctr " solcatee Edison Co. of twow York. Inc. 8pp. 76500014-76500021 BURNETTAF Dnnson cd Fuel Cycee Satety & Sateguaras (Post 930207). 93/06/04. Corisohdated Edson Co. of New York, mc.10pp. 76447253-76447292. 9309280188 Provides sept eesponse to volatons noted en map repts 50-275/92 17 & 60-323/9217.C/Asinchand ecreassnB piarit Sys Engmeanng sta?t try su posstons & 9308030200 NRC Info N7Dce 93461. Wrww=ve Reactor Coolant Laakage Fonowng ensung Program Directue that smoroves cefmmoe of roses of escaphnes Seat Fasse in ROP or RRP " RUEGER.G.M Paeste Gas & Edecmc Co 92/09/16.Docrient Corarol Branch (Docw GRIMES.B et Dnnson of Ope atng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/09. Core merit Control Desk) 17. 76590:354-76590:354. soldatec Esson Co. of New York me.12pp 76499.313-76499 324. 9308030245NRC into Notce 93462. "Thermat Straticaton of Water m BWR Rwenr R Perte@c operettng repe=ts & retsteg cvwh ve m " GRIMES.B et Danson of Operstng Reactor wrwt (Post 921004). 93/08/10. Co'* 9309030219 Forwards FFD Performance Rept for 9301014630.sncsudno performance solcatec Edison Co. of New YortL inc. 9pp. 76499.325 7tr499.333. cata compned by NUMARC & anaNss of oata. Tests comosso per 10CfR26. 9308030274NRC into Notice 93463. " improper Use of Soldbee Wold Purge Dam MatL" of Sop 7 7 ~ GRIMES.B.K Danson of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/11. Cork solcatec E& son Co. of New York mc. 8pp. 76499.334-76499341.. P ~ " ' " " ' ' ' * " "* * '"*' 9308060237 NRC Into Notee 93 064. "Penode Tesang & Proventrvo Mant of teamed Case Cercuit Breakers" GRIMES.B 8L Dnason of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/12. Cor, 9309280357 NPDES riancomphance notrhcanorton 930916.hy0 aulc fuel spor at mtske schoatec Esson Co. of New York, mc.11pp. 7t.44729576447.303. cove occurred when hyorauhc hose mptured on 16elp harves1mg vessolvessel shut i oown & toom placed around vessel at cock to prevent spread of tuet l 9308090187 NRC Into Nonce SS065 " Reactor Tnps Caused Dy Breaker' Testmg W/ TOWNSEND.I.D Paarfc Gas & Esectnc Co. 93/09/21. LEONARD.WA Caistomea. l Fauft Protecton Bypassed- State of. 2pp. 765B9.347-76589.348. GRtMES.B K. Danson or Operetng Reactor % port (Post 921004). 93/08/13. Con. soscated Eeson Co. of New York. arc.11pp 76447.304 76447:314. 7 9308100006NRC Into Notce 93466. "Sw1chover to Mot. Leg Pipechon Fohowns LOCA en PWRs " 9309220126Parhat resporme to FOl4 feouestApp C oocrients avadable en PDR. App P GRIMES.B K. Dnnson of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/16 Con. Documents paftapy wimheid les4 FOLA Exemptons 5 & 6L sohdatec Eeson Co of New Yoru tre. 7pp. 76447315 76447221. GRIMSJY.D.M. Dnnson o' Freeoom of informaton & Pubhcatons Servces (Post 890205) 93/04/28. GILINSKY.V. Af%aten Not Assignes. Itpp. 76576 123 9308100248 NRC Irito Nobce 9J 067. "Bisstmg of High Pressure Coolant inpecton 76577 296, Steam Lee Reture Discs tropes Plant Nrsonnet" GRIMES.B K Dnamon of Operetng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/05/16. Corw -9309240007Pafhany wittmeld Commesson paper presaritng - . i ry evaluaton solcatec Eeson Co. of New York. tric.13pp. 76447222-76447235. of hearise auspemsort. 2ERBLl1 Offsce of Poicy Evaluatons (Pre 860930). SECY43-s38. 83/10/26 5309250170 Forwards snap repts 5CL275/9119 & 50 323/93-19 on 930719-23.No voia. 100pp. 76579206-76580-033-aors notecLNRC concemed that ential corrective actons ed not soorttity root cause for tadure onor to retummg MOV to swc. 930902o059 Traensenpt of930823 meetng m San Lus Obspo.CA se tacihty.Pp 1.925-Mil.1ER.LF. Regon 6 (*ost 820201). 93/08/17.RUEGER.G M Pacsfc Gas & Esectne 2.024. Co. 3pp. 76567 06176567 086.

  • Atome Safety & Loensmg Board Panet93/06/23.100pp 76323217-76323223.


l i i DOCKETEDITEMS 55  ; 1 9309170040 Frwards NRC proposed transcnot correctors -9309020D49 Rev 0 to Ra&100. "Solc! Raowaste Svs PCP." Processe MODGDON.A P. Offee of the Gene al Courisel (Post 86::701). #39314'c1 93 'D9 7 supe wdes Avb-800 at LG5 & RW 120 & RW 121 at PBAPS.

14. BE0HHOEFER.C.. KLINEJ R., SHONJ.J. Atornc Sa'ety & Ucensmg Boaro Panm.
  • Ptwaoelptua Electnc Co.92/12/26.13pp. 76351244-76351256.

9pp 76448:012 76448.020.

  • 9309080304Forwaros suppl to 9302.25 TS Chanoe Request 92-19 to bcenses OPR44 9309370043 San Lus Otuspo Mothers for Peace Proposed Correctons to Heanng Tra4 & DPR.56 revsng tr'st sentence m TS 6.92.hl26 on page 259 re radoactive effluera script" Lsteo errurs m transenpt shound be corrected W/Cortracate of Sve. reaesse read as hsted m response to NRC request CURRAN.D. Harmon. Currart. Gaaaghe' & Spielterg (formany Harmon. Cur'an & HUNGER.GA Pfwaoelptua Elecer Co 93/09/01. Document Coritrol Branch Cocu-Tousiey). #39314320. 93/09/15. 9pp. 76544 040-76544 048. ment Controt Desk). 2pp. 7639812176398:125.

from f7 2 C'ertf S"8 ve "P' 8P **"98 h ' 6 " l '8 '8P -9309090306 Proposed Tech Specs 6.92.h(2) re armual ra$oactwe e'ftuent release P WCRNER CJ. Pactfc Gas & Electnc Cc. #39314321. 93 09/15. BECH* TOE'FER.C '.*p[uiaoelptua Elecmc Co. 93/09/D1. 3pp. 76398: 123-76398:125 CCLINEJ R., SHONf4 Atomc Satety & tscensmg Boafd Panel 3pp. 76544131-

            ^                                                                               9309140413 Summary of 933809meetmg w/uhl m Wayne.PA re vaNous icensmg activi 7py3gE
  • pd$5 gp
                         ,ectms e t anscnpts of proceeengs hem at San Laas Otuspo kom M33294 764332@.

Protect ectorate L2. 93/09/02.Propect Dwec* grate 8 2. 7pp.

  • Georgia Power Co 93!09/15. 22pp. 76544.134-76544.155.

93D9130216 Notries that as renuested es NRC 930520 str saamg TS Amends 174 & DOCKET $4277 PEACM BOTTOM ATOMIC POWER STATION. UN!T 2 177.utd tufy enpiemonted amends HUNGER.G.A. Prutadet*ua Enseme Co. 93/09/C3. Document Control Branch (Docu-F. Secnetty. mediial, emergency a fire protecuan plans 930915016s Advmes that Rept EMP-93-115(P).

  • Peach Bottom Urut S 9x9-A Lead As.

C309020103 Fcrwards putdic ve son of Rev 24 to ERP 110. App 1.Rev 21 to ERP. samtWy Satety Anstyus Rept." tall be enthheed traf 10CFR2.7902)($1per 930833 re-110. App 2 Rev 7 to ERP-315 Rev 0 to ERP-325.Rev 2 to ERP 800 & Rev 97 to Guest et3exW/930818 re+ ease memo. SHEA.J W. Protect Directorale L2. 93/09/13. COPELAND.fLA. Gemens Power Corp. HUNGER.GA Ptulaoedptua Electne Co. 93/05/10. Document Control Branch (Docu. (formery Semens Nuclear Power Corp, Advanced Nicioar Fuet 4pp. 76479257-ment Control f askt300,76334 280-76334223. 76479.360.

 -9309020109 Pubhc venson of EPIPs.rict                 Rev 24 to ERP-110 App 1. Rev 21 to  9309280219 Apptcanon for amend to beense DPR44.proposrig Safety LimlLSactaan ERP-110. App 2Aav 7 to ERP-315.Rev 0 to RP.325. Rev 2 to ERP-830 & Rev 97 to               11 A " Reactor Pressure," be revsed to reflect kmits for GE111ust.

moen. HUNGER GA Phdadetohe Electnc Co 93/09/15. Document Control Branch (Docu-

  • Prundepha Elecinc Co.93/04/21. 38pp. 76334.283 76334.320. morn Control Desk). 2pp. 76591:328 76591 236.

9309020162 Forwards pehe verson of revned EPIPs.mcludng rev 7 to ERP-110- -.9309200232 Proposed tech specs revamg Safety Lrnn Secton 1.1.A to reflect brruts

    *1mergency Notrhcstore.J rev 28 to ERD-11C. App 1, rev 24 to ERP 110 App 2.rev 9           ter GE11 twel to ERP-140. " Emergency riesponse " & rev i to ERP,2t.4.W/930819 release memo.
  • PtWaoetpru a Electnc CcL 93/09/15. 2pp. 76591235-76591.336.

HUNGER.GA Phuaoelptua Esectne Co. 93/06/05. Documers Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk). 3pp. 76305.2C2-76305260.

 -9309020156Pubhc verson of revned EPtPs.mctuchno rev 7 to ERP-110. "Emer9erry              4                 espons IE Buurens & comepondence NohtacatonL" rev 28 to ERP-110 App 1 rew 24 to ERP-110. App 2.rev 9 to ERP-140,
     Emergency Responsa Orga'azatron Call Out" & rev 1 to ERP-206. " Support "            9307160033 NRC Into Notce 93456," Weakness in EOPs Found as Result of SG Tube
  • Phuaoelphia Electnc Co.93/07/21. bepp. 7E335.207-76305260.

Rupture GRMES.B" .K Dnnsen of Operstmg Reactor Suppoit (Post 921004). 93/07/22. Con-9309230059 Forwards safety evaluabon concsudmg that safe stmadown ar**ty at sobdated Echsan Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. N99.302-76499212. plant re fire protectori grogram sanshes recurements of secton m G & tlLL cf app R to 10CFR50- 9307190131NRC Into Notme ~3 058. "Noreonservatum m LTOP for PWRs.* SHEAJ w. Protect Dractorate L2. 93/09/16. HUNOER.GA Ptuladelpha Electnc Co. GRMES.B.K. Dwmen of Operatng Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/0//26. Co+ 3pp. 76524:12176524:137. sokdated Edson Co. of New York, m 9pp. 76447:26&76447272.

 -93092300s2 SER conciuong that safe shutdown arsty at plant satsfes roomre.                9307200123NRC into Nobce M. **Unected Openmg of Ecri Docrs m Artock."                    I (Post 870411L 93/09/16.14pp.      6                         '                                       b'          '
                                                                                                      ,E,Igp 8          ag'Mw        m          7    ;27 9309270079 Forwards eup repts50 277/9&10 & SG278/9310 on 930629-30.No exer.                9307260065 Suppi1 to NRC BuNeun 91M *%ortng Loss of Cntcamy Wy Cc&

case weaknesses notea $ JOYNERJ.H. Respon 1 (Post 820201k 93/09/16. SMfTH.D.M. Phmadelptua Eiectne 8'o'RNETTAE W W of Fuel Cp Saleny & Saw (Post 930207L 93/07/27. Ca 3pp 76543:221-76543235. ConeJidated Edson Co. of New York. M 23pp. Noe 009.NM1.

 -o309270081 trap repts53-277/93-10 & 50-276/9310 on 930628-30.Onsas resporne               9307290112 NRC Into Notce 93 060. "Reportmg Fust Cyce & Mats Events to NRC to exertzee scenarc verv tood.Ma,or areas mspectectJnraal. partal.pertceston               Operatons Cr."

9preparecmens exerces.

                .                                                                              BURNETTA.F Divison of Fuel Cvels Satsty & Sateguards (Post 933207). 93/06/04.

LALaHUNJ., MOOAtlE.F. Regori 1 (Post 820201k 93/09/16.12pp. 76543224 Conschdated Edman Co. of New Yort6. anc.10pp. 76447;263 76447292. 76543235 9300030200HRC ento Noteo $3461. "Emoesswe Reactor Coolant Laakage Fonowmg Seal Fadure m RCP or RRP." P. Operating Scense stage documents & _. - GRMES.B K Dnnsen of Operstmp Reactor Support (Poet 921004). 93/06/09. Con-aoidated Edson Co. of New York. anc.12pp. 76499t313-76499.324. I 9309200135 Partel response to FOLA renuest for documents. Forwards records an App L e a rt s's ur'tN*4 parnaDt IF Aiited misons$at FChA enempisure 5). 93GainiU244 HRC shio hoaca neb 2. *Tnetina: Sinnmcanon of DVater a BwR Manctor HARRIS.CA cf Freeoom of Britarmaton & Pubhcstons Services (Post Vessets." 890235). 93/0er11. GLmi3KY.v. Athhaten Not Assynd. 8pp. 76677:001-76680:066. GRIMES.B.K Dwmen of Operetng Reactor Seport (post 921004). 93/0s/10. Com sohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 9pp. 76499225-76499333. 8201110155 Parnally wrthheld notaten voor SECY that informs Commmeon abcha GLAB454,4ppea! Board osemen deahng w/ fuel cycle radon release cuestort 9309030274 NRC Into Nohce 93 063. "amproper Use of Sotiene Wald Purge Dam MatL* FIT 2GERALDJA Office et the General Courmei (Post 860701). SECY 81689. 81/ GRMES.B K twison et Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 63/08/11. Con-10/09.4pgt 76679.345-76679355. soldsted Edson Co. of New York. Inc. Opp.76499334-76499.341. 9306230099 Suppl 5 to Genenc Ltr 8910 to nuclear plant beensees & CP telders to 91nenarrM7 NRC Info Notco 93464, "Penoche Tesang & Prevenbve Mamt of Moeded I macc6sacy of motor operatest valve chegnoste eaugment Case Crcurt Breakers." PCRTLOWJ.G. Associate Drector for Prossets (Post 870411). 93/06/28.Consoida1 GRIMES.BX Devmon of Operstmg Reactor Sicpcat (Post 921004). 93/08/12. Car > ed Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 7pp. *09 001-76439-008. ac* dated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. 76447293-76447.303. cf Break 2/ por enf 93465. %ctor Tnps Caused by Breaker Testng W g GRIMES.B K Dwison of Operstng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/13. Con-EAJ W Protect Esectorate k2. 93/08/23. KLAPPtO'HJ.F. General Electne Co. soldated Edison % W Nem % Inc. Upp. 7644NN4W4. app. 76374252-76374255. C30901tP29 Notificaton of930902 meetmg w/util in Rocatville.MD to chacuss planned 9309100006,, NRC into Noboe 93466. "Switchover ID Mce4.og inpocton Followmg LOCA mstasaton ce certasn analog to dgrial retrofzt modifestons dunng refusing outage

  • PWNS- I sensduced to begn 930918. GRMES.B K Dween of Operann0 Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Con- l i

SHEAJ W. Pro,ect Drectorate L2. 93/06/26.MURLEY.T., MIRAGUA.F., RUSSELL.w. schoaied Eckson Cck of New York. Int 750. N47315-*47221. NtC - No Detamed Afhisten Gwerk Sop. 767.85.31176285315. l t 9309100249 NRC Info Notmo 93467. Burstng cf Hsgh Pressure Coolant infectcet - 9309020039 Ferweres "Somennual Effluent Retsnow Rept 35 for Jor> June 1993 for Steer's Lme Rupkre Discs ensures Phmt Personnel" l l PBAPS.Urvts 2 & 3." Rev 5 of "OON sor PBAPS.Urmts 2 & 3" & Rev 0 to Procedure GRMES.B.K Dwacn el Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921tX)4). 93/06/16. Con- I RWC100. "Sohd Radwaste Sys PCP." soldated Eckson Co. Of New Ycrk. Inc.13pp. 76447322-76447235  ; MILLER.D.B. Phdadelptua Bectne Co. 03/08/26. Document Control Brancti (Docu.  ! ment Control Desk).1p. 78351:180-76351256, 9308260199 NRC Into Nohce 93469. "Radography Events at Opersang Power Reac-tort"

  -910902004S Rev 6 of "ODCM for PBAPS.Uruta 2 & 3."                                             GRIMES.B.8L Dwison of Operstmp Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/02. Cor>         i
  • Phundespr u s Electne Cct 93/07/01. 4 app. 76351:196-76351;243. sokonted Ed son Co. of New York, mc.11pp. 76499.342-76499.357.


56 DOCKETED ITEMS 93,0,90,73.206NRC

          ,                  trdo tuotee 93.C70. "Degracatxm of Borates Neutron Abarber Cou. DOCKET 54278 PE.ACH BOTTOM ATOMK: POWER STATION, UNfT 3 l        GRIMES.B K. Danson of Ope atm9 Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Con.

j schaateri Esson Co. of New York, src 9pp. 7641r9 353-76499.361-F. Secunty, medcal, emergency & fore protectson plans 9309080104NRC into f40 toe 93 071. Fee at Cne nobyl Unit 2

  • GRIMES.B K Dwmon or Opersimo Reactor Suppo't (Post 9210DA). 93/09/13. Con. 9309020103 Forwrces pene verson of Rev 24 to ERP-110. App 1.Rev 21 to ERP- .

i sohdatec Eeson Co of New York. me.14pp. 7M000D176500913. 110. App 2 Rev 7 m iRP 315 Rev 0 to ERP-325,Rev 2 to ERP-800 & Rev 97 to 1 l ennen w/930818remase memo. C309090243 Outaae %1tNRC Pilot Wdo TeamNoboe inspL"93472. "Observatorm From Recent SrWtoown Risk & HUNGER.GA Phdasetpha Esectne Co. 03/05/10 Documem Control Branch (Docu- , ment Control Deskt Snp.7633428470334.320. I GRio2ES.B K Dnamon of Ope +atmg Reactor Suppo't (Post 921004). 93'09/14. Con- ' i sohdated Esson Co. of New York, enc opp.76500 014-7t 500 022. 9309020109 Pubic vo son o' EPIPs.mcius Rev 24 to ERP 110 App 1. Rev 21 to s l 9309170D79 Forwarns ES-501-2, power plant boonmng exam results summry & ES30S 1 m o m MM % 2 m WM & % F m i 0 l g3[ Qph [ p,. n gon ental exam conducted on

  • P%asesphia Eaectnc Co.93/04/21. 38pp. 76334.283-76334.320.

BETTENHAUSENL Repon 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/14. STANKIEWICZJ. Phdade& l I ' pha Electne Co 2pp. 7t,47t352-76471?53' 93D902D152 Forwaros p@ic versen of revised EPIPsJnctueng rev 7 to ERP 110 l

                                                                                                 " Emergency Notifcators." rev 2e to ERP-110. App 1. rev 24 to ERP.110. App 2,rev 9        ,

9309210021 Forwaros msp repts $4277/PA-93 01/NRC 9122 & 50 278'PA.9341/ to ERP 140. " Emergency Response " & rev 1 to ERP-206 W/930819 release memo. j NRC.9122 on 930"27 28 & 920826 tranamnial ttr.No vetatons or oeviatoms noted. HUNGER.G A Prmaaeiprua Enoctne Co 93/08/05. Document Control Evanch (Docu. JOYNERJ H. Regon 1 (Post 820201L 93/09/15. SedlT7H.D M Phdadesprua Eecmc ment Control Desa4 3pp. 76305.202 76301200. Co. 3pp. 76606.32176606.33=.

                                                                                             -9309020156P@lc verson of revesd EPIPs.motudino rev 7 to ERP 110. " Emergency l    -9309210023Fowards msp repts 505277/PA 9341 & 54276/PA-9341 y 930727-28                     Notricatorm/' rev 28 to ERP-110. App 1.rew 24 to E'RP-110 App 2 rev 9 to ERP 140.

tor aoeketmo.estnounon & any ce=r Eton may deem necessary.No volanons or no "Emygency Response Orgawanon Cab Our & rev 1 to ERP.236. "5upport " vistens noted

  • Prmacetprua Electre Co.93/07/21. 54pp. 76305207-76305260.

DORNSIFE.W.P. Permsvivarna. C . - 2 of 93/08/26 HEHLCW. Regen 1 (Post B20201L ip 76606.32E 76606.326' 0309230059 Forwards safety evaluaten corictudmg that sale shutdown mpety et I

    -9309300188insp repis $4277/PA-93 01 & 54278/PA-93-01 on 930727,28 No viola-                8*"'  ' #*C" P'09* ""


                                                                                                                                            '"#***"          **C'"             # "E l       tons or oeviatone noted Macr a eas mspected. boensee low tevel rad-eve waste I

shipment to bunas sne ecludng snippmg a -. . A packags msp SH .J W ropect Deettorale L2. 93/09/16. HUNGER.G.A. Pfusadelphaa Electne Co. l MAINGLS P.. DORNSFE.W.P. Perway1varma. Commonwealm of. 93/D6/26. Spp. 3pp. 76524121-76524:137-76606.327-76606:334. l ~9309230062 SER concludeg that sate srsstdown renaM'ty at plant satsfes reckare-l 9309270079Forwatos msp repts54277/9310 & 50-278/9110 on 930628 30.ho one,. mems et Secton litG & tiLL of App R to 10CFR50 l case weannesses ncnoa.

  • Offee of Nutdear Reactor Regulatch, Director (Poet 870411). 93/09/16 1400 JOYNERJM Regon 1 (Post B20201). 93/09/16. SM:TH.D.M Philadelpha Electnc 76524:12 6 76524137.

Co. 3pp. 76543221-76543235.

    -9309270001 Insp rupts50 277/9310 & $4278/9S10 on 93062f-30Onsne response                9309270079Forwaras msp repis50 277/93-10 & $0276/9310 on 930F2640.No exer-                  ,

to exercase scenano we'y tpod,Malor areas cue waknesses noted ' emerpency preparouness exercse. JOYNER tH. Regen 1 (Post $20201). 93/09/16. SufTH.D.M. Prunasesprua Eiectne Co. 3pp. 7 tis 43.221-76543235. LAuuMLIN.J 6eOCASE,E. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/16.12pp. 76543.224 76543235.

                                                                                            -9309270001 Onep repts50 277/9510 & 54278/9110 on 9-* rwa resconee 9309280090 Fywstes msp repts $4277/9S17 & 50278/9317 on 9308034913.No                      2 exercme soonere vry gced Major a*sas m-* 6 hon vrdatons retect                                                                                      D' OE'80 88     C**

WErONGER.E Repon 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/22.SM'TH.D.M. Ptutamesprua Easetnc Cc. 3pp. 7655t15176551:171. LA WN.A'ReDon'1 P"o's't 820201). 93/%/16 % 76543224-76543235. 1 -930:200097 Inso repts $4277/9S17 & $4278/9317 on 9308034*13.No votatens P. Operstm9 hcense stage stocuments & consapendence i notettuator areas mspected uni staft & mgt response to plant evenis to vertly proper i RS J Flagen (Post $20201). 93/09/22.18pp. 7655t154.76551-171- 9300200135 Parbal response to FOIA roovest tot documems Forwards records m App L I wtuch are bemo untnneid perhalty tar immed reasonsaret FotA exemptors 5). HARRIS.CA Dwmion of Freedom of Interrnaton & Pdecanons Servees (Posi gg, pe,toggg opergtgig ,eports & related - 890205). 93/04/11GILINSKY.V. Afhlaalon Not Assigned. Opp.76677 001-76680:066. 930 iso 20039 Fwwards "Semannual Effluorit Re6 ease Rept 35 for JanJune 1993 tar -8201110155 Partally withhoto notanon voie SECY that mtorms Commiseen about PEAPS Urvis 2 & 3." Rev 6 of "ODCW tar PDAPS Units 2 & 3*" & Rev 0 to Procedse 54, Appeal Board oscison osalmg w/ tuel cycee radon reiease mm Rir/.Ca00. ".$chd Radoesw Sys POP.- FITZGERALDJA Orhce of the General Counset (Post 8607016 SECY 81-589. 81/ MILLER.D.B Ptuleoelphe Esectne Co- 93/08/26. Document Control Branch (Docu. 10/09. 4pp. 76679345-76679-355. ment Cortirot Desa41p. 7635t150-76351.256. 9309200386 Fmal resporise to FOIA roouest for cocumentsFtrwards app A docaenents

   -9309020042 "Semsarertaal Effluern Resanse Rept 35 tar Jar
  • June 1993 tar which are pong moos av=Ma m PDR.

PBAPS.Uruts 2 & 3? ODELLAD. PtwaoerpNa Electrr. Co. 93/06/30.15pp. 7635t181-7635t195. CRIMSLE'Y.DA Divacn at Freedorri of kilormaton & Pthhcanons Services (Post 890205). 93/D4/29. G:LAAAN.T. Quadron Corp. 2pp. 76596 066 76596:079.

   -93080200s5 Rev 5 al "ODCM tw PbAPS.Unns 2 & 3 "
  • Prutadelprus Elecine Co.93/07/01. espp. 7635t196 7635t243- -93092e03s4 W connabng of mas noense proyarn codes & kseng of tunanaton actions pending .

9300020049 Rev 0 to Prormare RW4100. "Solarl Rertweete Sys PCP" P1 cedde I ' l lectric 9 12 6 12447 t256 9306230099 eric L Su, ppl

                                                                                               - oenoto op-a        &,to Gen,od   veva,tr SE10-to nucesor plant hoonness & CP holders se 9309030244 Forwards Stness for cuty artx7arn pertormance data for Jan Jime 1993.            PARTLOW.J.G. Associate Drector for                 (post 870411). 93/06/28. Consohdas.       .

HUNGER.GA Ptwadelorus Easeme Co e3/05/27, Docurnent Control Branch (Docu, ed Echson Co. of New York. Irs. 7pp. 76409r001-76409 008.  ! ment Control Dessa 130p. 76363212-76363223. I 9309030040 Forwards amored 183 to boense DPRS6 & sakty evaluston. Amend re-9309170259Monmey operanno repts ter Aug 1993 for PBAPS.uruts 2 & S W/930915 It. l JEFFREY.WJ 64tLLER.D.B Ptwadelptma Emetnc Co. 93/06/31.14pp. 76479.162- vues safety emst rrnn enecal power rate tar two reorcutaton4aop & singe recucula- l torNoop opercion to 127 & 1.08.respecevesy. 7647R175. SHEA.JW. Pre,ect Drectorate OE93/06/18. HUNGER.GA Phita;sespras Encine Co. 3pp. 76335.20ti 76335215. S. Reportabe occasnences, LERs & reisted correspondence

                                                                                            -9309030044 Amend 183 to heerise DPR-56/overig safety kndt nun crthcal power rate 9309070255 Special repton 930803,decovered that evender on 2-EDG tower than                 for two recrouleter>4oop & amgie receousanorwoop operanon to127 & 1.08.respec-tvey normat operatr'0 tertpkCaused by fuel pm on cybnder meector pump rnt tully e*            BOYJ ML Propect Duectorate6 2. 93/08/18. app. 76335:209-76335.212.

ARDS.G D. Phsaoetprus Electne Co 93/08/27 Documera Control Branch (Doc"" ment Contro1 Deskt 2pp. 76394.323 76394.324. - 930903a047 Satety evaluation W amend 193 to 6 cense DPR 56.

  • Orhoe el Nuclear Reactor hegulaBon Drector (Post 870811A 93/08/18. 3pp.

76335213 76335215. V. Operator Esamtrtatione 9309080002Fe, wares erwron - nt & frnthng of no twgrwhcant impact se request 9309170079Fywards ES.5014. power plant beenema exam isutts summary & ES-303- m 10 J 1 & 3012xiperator toonsorg exam rept for appacants ce. . thal exam conducted sm 'g" Tp,,to,g, certain focuQome

                                                                                                               ,                    g3       g               AN            Ehem Co' 930821 25by NFtC at facWty Enct wehheld.per 10CFR2.790                                   3pp. 76374h76374M BETTENHAUSENL Repon 1 (Posi 820201). 93/r"J14. $1 ANKIEWICZ.J. PNanook plus Esectnc Co. 2pn 76471:352-76471.353.                                             -93090e0209 Emnron -            ._ .; & fachre cd no esgrutcom enpact se inauence of on-l                                                                                               empson from certmun reg aremerits of 10CPR50. app J.

i 9309220103 Summary or 930824meseng wiuti re - -. .._ .-non av dunvene sener BOnEML Pro,ect Drectors= 6193/Os/10. app. 76374m7-76374:32c. l reactor kmned to tuoi handimg (LSR) program.Let of meetag stianoses & meenng hanaouts enet 9309090479Erwron assessmra & endng ce no segruncant enpoet to esempton from bHEA.J W. Proeect Drectorate b2. 93/09/15 Propect Dructorste L& 18pp. certam roouremems et 100FR50. App J ao uts for PBAPS. Unit 2 EIS not retsarett

76515225 76515242. BOYLE.uL Prosect Dractorate kt93/08/19. 4pp. 76410.311-76410-314.

1 1 1 1

4 l DOCKETEDITEMS 57 1 1 8309080 02 Approves 930715 athGavf! reQuestmg mthhot of . kit 1993. "Statstcal 9308030200 NRC Into Nohce 93 001 Excesume Reactor Coolant Leakage Followng Qnaivss of Smas Break LOCA Upper Bound PCT for each Bottom 2/3." per Sea:Fadwe m RCP or RRP *  ! l 10CFR2.790 GRtMES.B K. Duston of Cperstng Reactor Suppon (post 921004L 93/08/09 Con-t SHEAJ W. Propect Drectorate L.2. 93/08/23. KLAPPROTH,Jf. Genera! Esectre Cc solcated Edison Co. of New vos. Inc.12op. N993 3 76499.324 l Opp. 76374.252-76374255. 9308030245NRC Into Notee 93-062. " Thermal St athfeabon er r9ter m BWR Reactor 9309010229 Notificanon at 930902 mnetmg w/util m Rockvile.MD to docuss planned vessels " mstallaton of certam analog to digital retrotn moddcatons durmg retweeng outage GRIME.S.B K. Dmuon of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004) 93/08/10. Cork schedJhed to tegm 930916 soksated Edson Co. of New Tom. Inc. 9pp. N99.32f>N99.333 SHEA.J W Prorect Dweetorate L2. 93/06/26 MURLEY.T., MIRAGLIA.F., RUSSELL.W NRC - two DetaHoo Affilenon Gwen 5pp. 76285311-76285.315. g303030274 e Dam MatL" GRIMES.BNRC Wo Nota K. Duson 93 063.Rea:: of Operstmg " improper use(Post tor Seport of Solutwe Weld 921D04). 94 Purp/05/11. Cork 9309020039 Forwards "Semennual Effkiem Release Rept 35 tar Jan. June 1993 for sohdated Eckson Co. of New vyt enc. Bop.76499.334-76499 341. i PE,APS.Oruts 2 & 3." Rev 5 of "OOCM for PSAPS.ursts 2 & 3" & Rev 0 to Procedure 8 B Pnda C 93/06/26. Document Coreal Branch (Doctu mem Control Desnt 1p. 7635t160-76351256- GRIMES.BA Dmuon of Operstng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/12. Cork schoated Emon Ca W kw h mt Upp. WWWM3-1 -9309020045Rev $ of "ODCM for PBAPS.Uruts 2 & 3

  • Ptwaoelpne Electnc Co.93/07/01. 4Bpp. 7635t196-76351243. 9308090187 NRC into Noice 93465. " Reactor Tnps Caused by Breaker Teshng W/

l rseces R 400 at R 1 & RW- t S ung Reactor Suppon hst W6 93MM h

  • Phdaoeiphe Electrc Co.92/12/28.13pp. 7635t244-7635t256. 'O dated Edson Co. of w, Yort m N M7W644m4.

t l 9309130290 Fonwards exempbon permittmg one-bme 6Scay estenson of test penod for 9308100006,, NRC Into Notce 95066. "Switchover to Hol Leg infecton Foltomng LOCA l B C tests ear co tam contamment penetrators des::nbad m utd $30611 & 26 GR .B K. Dmson of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Carr SHEA.J W. Proguct Directorate M93/06/30. HUNGER.GA Philaaelprma Electre Co. sohdated Edman Co. of New Yor( anc w 7644N76447321. l 3pp. 76421$0176421St6. 9308100248 NRC Into twotus 93467 "Burstmg of Hgh Pressure Coolant inpochon

 - 9309130286 Exerroton trorn roourements of 10CFR50. app J.Exempton pomuts one-              Steam Lme Rupture Ducs Ingwes Phnt Persormel" tme 60. cay extenson el test penod for type B & C tests for cctam semanment per>          GRIMES.BA Dneon of Operatn0 Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06/16. Cor>

erah.we m 930611 & 26 firs schanted Edson Co. of New YorA anc.13pp. N47.322 76447:336. VARGA.SA Dmson of Reactor Propsets 8/if (Post 870411). 93/08/30.Phdaselpha Electnc Co. 7pp. 7642t004 7642t010. 9308260198 NRC into Noboe 93 069. "Radography Events at Operstm0 Power Reac-tors."

 -C30913C287 Safety evaluaton supportng exemphon from roourements of                          GRIMES.B K. Dumon of Operanno Reactor Supnort (Post 921004). 93/09/02. Con-10CFR50. app a                                                                            sohdated Edson Co. of New YorA mc.11pp. NW9-342-76#99.352.
  • Oftce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Drector (Post 870411). 93/06/30. 6pp.

76421C11-76421016- 9309070206NRC Into Notee 93470.*' Degradation of Borsfies Necon Absorter Cou. 93090s0304 Forwards sLopi to 930225 TS Change Raouest 92-18 to beanses DPR-44 ES.BA Devmon of Operanng Reactor Succort (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Cork

    & DPR-56.revemg trst semerice m TS 6.9.2.h.(2) on page 259 re radoactrve emuerst          sohdated Edson Co. of how YorA mc. 9pp. 76499.353 76499-361.

reenase read as hstoa m response to NRC reouest HUNGER.GA Phnaaesprum Emetne Co 93/09/01. Document Control Branch (DocL" 9309080104NRC mio Notce 93471. "Fra at Chemotwf Unit 2." l eners Control Dest 4 2pp. 76390:121-76398:125- GRIMES.BA Omson et Operstmg Reactor Sursort (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Cork s 6 dated Eeson ca W me M inc.140p. mWN3.

 -9309080306 Proposed Tech Specs 6.92.h.(2) re annual rabactwo attluern enlease I

Phdadepha Doctnc Co.93/09/01. 3pp. 7639812S76398:125. 93M243 MC m Netz p472, hh h RM Shumn M & Mgt Pilot Team inspL 8 " 93091404 30809 meetng w/util m Wayne.PA re vanous 6censmg actav> hBg g'

                                                                                                                                           "'M               #h 02 .

LDI EAJ W. Fiopect Dractorate k2. 93/09/02. Propect Drectorate L2. 7pp M79 F EWh M W m e mn & ES-33 14 3r)3 2. operator hoennmg exam rept tor acpicants on subal exam conducted on 9309130216 Noches that as - ' m NRC 930520ftr emang TS Amends 174 4 930n2S25 tw NRC at taality.Ence winneed.per 10CFR2.790. 177.ut8 mpemerned amenGL BETTENHAUSENL Repan 1 (Post 820201K 93/09/14. STANKIEWICZ,J. Philadel-HUNGER. Phdadesprua Electne Co 93/09/03. Document Control Branch (Doci, phia Doctnc Co. 2pp. 7647t352-7647t353. i enere Controi Desk). tp.76429.344-76429-344. ' 9309210021 Forwards ensp forts 50277/PA B341/NRC-S3-22 & 50278/PA-9341/ NRC.9S22 on 930727,28 & 920B26 Ransmmal Itrho volatons or opwistons rioted. 9309160168 Advmes that Rept EMP-9S115(P). " Peach Bottom Uret 3 9x9-A Lead As. JOYNERAM. 1 (post 820201). 93/09/15 SMITH.D.M. Phnadelphe Doctne semtny Salety Anniyss Rept." we tie ethneed (ret 10CFR2.790(b)(5)),per 930003 re ouest Co. 3pp. 76606 76606.334. SHEAJW. Proiset Drectorate R 93/09/13. COPELAND.RA Seemans Power Corp , (formerw Semens Nuctear Power Corp., Advanced NJcisar Fuet opp 76479.35/. -9309210023Fowards map repts 50277/PA-9341 & 50-278/PA-9S01 on 930727 28 l 76479.360. tur dockstrip,dstrt>JIon & eny other acton may deem necessaryho violatons or oe-viators noted. 930923D202 Forwards amend 184 to 6conse DPR-56 & SE. Amend . . a espond- DORNSIFE.W.P. Pennsyhrania. Commonwealth at 93/08/26. HEHLC.W. Regnun 1 eo power-to-flow operanng comam on Urut 3.eflectne upon startup trarr! Refuetmg (Post 820201).10. 76606.326-76606-:12ti Outage 3RO9.Recuests that uhl riotrty NRC when prowesons of amend enpleme'eed SHEA.J W. Proiect Drectorate M 93/09/14. HUNGER.GA Philadelphen Electnc Co. -9309300199enso repts 50 277/PA 9S01 & $0278/PA 9S01 on 930727 28.No viota-app. 7E26 001-76526.045. nors or opvatans noteaMasar press merweted treneee inw leven rarknectswa weste stupmerit to tkmat srte helJding Stufipmg M.h" O DOChage irlsD.

  -9309240058 Amends 164 to hconae DPR-56 enplementmg espanded power 40-flow op*              s4AINGLS.P. DORNSIFE.W.P. Perirtsylvania. Co.. .- -- . of. 93/06/26. 9pp.

eratno domam on Unn 3.eflecewe upon sta tup tem Retucang Outaos 3R09. 76606:327-76606.334. Pro,ect Deectorate R 93/09/14. 32pp. 76526 005 76526$36. 4309240059 Safety evaluaton sapportng amored 164 to boense DPR.56.

  • Offee of Nuclear Rea:: tor RegJiaton, Director (post 870411K 93/09/14. 9pp. JOYNER.J.H. Regen 1 (Domit 820201). 93/09/16. SMITH.D.M. Phnadelptus Electric l 76526C37-7E26-045- Co 3pp. 76543221-7543.235.

I 1 I 77 Q. Inspection reports,IE Bubetans & _ ._

                                                                                                     , ,,      en,         re, pts 5,0,1,yareas ood.Mapor  g/9310    & $0 27&/ES10 anspected.anrmat        on 930628 30.Onsne resp rarte+.prtcupanon 9307160033 NRC into Notce 93456 " Weakness m EOPs Found as Result of SG Tube RuptJre "

7LIN.J 76543235. E.E. Repon 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/1&.12pp. 76543224- l l I i GRIMES.BK Dumon of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/C7/22. Cork i l schoated Esson Co. of New Yort me. tipp.76499.302 76499:312. 9309290090 FM esp repts SS277/9117 4 54278/93-17 on 9308034913.No { 1 mcnators noted. 1 9307190131NRC Info Notee 93-058. ^^^ -- _ m LTOP for PWRs." 'fENZINGER.E Regen 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/22.SMiiH.D.M. Philadeiphe Doctnc I [ GRIMES.BX Dmuon or Operstmg Reactor Sapport (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Cork k 3pp. 7655t151-76551171. ! solidated Edmen Co. of New yart #ric. 9pp. 76447.264-76447:272. I

                                                                                         .  -9309290097 inno repts 50'277/9S17 & 50278/9S17 on 930803-0913.No wiolatons W stan & mgt w m plant eents to veny per ES.B                         Reactor Support        921004)       07/26 Cork       ",",*",,M,,a
                                                                                               , ,,              rgg,                                                                          .

schonted Eenon Co. of New Yore ent 10pp. 76447:273-76447.282. ANDERSON.C.J. Regen 1 (Po e2ll201k 93/09/22.18pp. 7655t154 7655t171. l i 93,0,7,2,60065 Suppl 1 tu N14C Butietm 91401. "Reportmg Loss of Cnhcakty Safety Con-BURNETT.R.F. Dumon of Fuel Orcie Sataty & Safeguards (Post 930207). 93/07/27. R. Period 6c operating reports & rotated 6 1 Corisohdated Edson Co of New York inc. 23pp. 76409:00D.76409 031.  ! 0309020039 Forwards "Somennuat Fffluent Release Aspt 35 for JanJune 1993 tar 1 9307290112 NRC IrWo Nance BS060, *ReportnB Fuel Oyce & Mats Events to NRC PBAPE.Uruts 2 & 3." Rev 5 of "ODCM for PBAPS.pruts 2 & 3" & Rev 0 to Procedure l Ope stons Ctr." RWC100. "Schd Radwaste Sys PCP." l l BURNETT.R.F. Dumen of Fuel Ovcee Safetu & Safeguards (Post 930207). 93/08/04. MILLER.D.B. Pnsatteiprus Electne Co. 93/08/26. Documerit Control Branch (Docu- ' Coneohdated Edson Ce of New York. Inc topp. 76447:283 76447292. ment Control Desk) 1p 7635t1s>7C351256. I i l l l l 1


  -9309020042 "Serruannual Etfkent Retease Rept 35 tor Jarh.fure 1993 for                    ~9309140033Amemss 182 to icenses DP432 & DPR47 respectwety, ehminatmg sp>

PEAPS.Umts 2 & 3" ODELLAD PnemmelpNa Eectre Co 93/06/30.15pp 76351-18176351-195 ufe mam control room & emergency omtchgear room ar conomonmg cruiser ule'itr4 caton teom TS & soccdvmg ame kmn lo restore one of twc ctaners E.E.RKOW.H lt Prorect Drectorate16 2. 93/09/01.10pp 7e421:319-N21.327 J309030244Forwa'tss trriess for $Jty program portarmary.:e data tar Jan June 1993 6fuNGER.GA PndaOelptha EWctrW (4 93/OfV27. DDcumem Control Brarret hcu~ ment Contra # Desu tapp 763t;32t2 76363.223 -930,9,140035.S,,ately evaluahon supportmp amenos 162 to beenses DPR-32 & DPR-

37. gpect. .

9309170259 Monmiv operstmp roots for Aug 1993 ter PBAPS.u uts 2 & 3 W/930915 ter " JEFFREY.W.I., MILLER.D.B Pnnadetptua gauctnc Co. 93/06/31.14pp. N79.162- 7642 I3 7 0' N7th75 9309090270 Foneuros amenosi 183 to Leerises DPR-32 & DP437.respectwely & setely evaluaton.Amenos perrrut operaton w/9ree oogree errease e svc water temp 6mn S. Reportatile occurrences. LERs & rotated -' tar contammem er pa<tial pressure of 9 t92 & 925 pius & N W-BUCKLEY.BC Proeect Dractorste162 93/09/07. STEWART.WL Vrgrua Power Ne-C309070265 Specar repton 930803. discovered Inst cvhnder on 2-EDG tower than pensa Em & % Ce bp N12MMN operstmg ternps. Caused by fuel pm on eylader mgector purnp rot tuky erF 4 A WM WM & DPR47W. W coe - bDWARDS.G.D. PhsadelpNa Electne Co ateun w/tives oegree mcrease m ove water temp knut scr contamnent ar partal pres'- 93/08/27. Document Cont'ol Erarich (Docu. ment Control Des 4 2pp. 76394.32176394:324' sures of 91.9.2 & 9.35 pse & conectmp typos BERKOW.H.N. Propect Drectarate112 93/09/07. Opp. N12:055.*12 062. 93090s0247 LER 93 00000:en 930730.sanulated low steam Sow sag'ial to recomtaner enmated isolatum segnal to oft gas secombeer, causmg mam carussemer vacuum to -93090bO264 Satery evatuston supportmg amends 183 to Laconnes DP432 & OPR. tiegen osc massig Soncei Prococure SP-1438 revoed W/930830 ftr 37.respectweev. WASONGAJ w*ARDS.G.D. Pruladelptua Easet/c Co. 93/08/30. $pp. W30$79

  • Offue of hucinar Reactor Regulataan. Dractor (Post 870411L 93r09/07. 3m N3Lr0B3 76412:063-N12:065.

9309130237 LER 9340500.on 930839.HPCI evs sectared moperat9e due tD ostectNe tow contmner.Fiow controher removed.all potentometers & tearcs cienned. tow cork 9309560094 Surnmary O!930825 meetrig w/ubt in RocIwsleMD re docussers on mis-trohe' rortetalsed & necessa v teseng & tunng Dettormoc W/933903 Itt grated trorukng program.TS kre nem rnprovement.reputatory regurements margral to safety & Surrey See protecton TSkust as attendees enct. MASONG.AJ EDWARDSAD. PrasoelprWe Electnc Co. 93/09/03. 5pp. 76447:350- BUCKLEY.B C. Proect Directorate 162 93/09/08. Prosect Drectorare 112. 24pp. 76447;354 7pb4:237-76454;260. 9309130349 LER 9340t>0&on 930814.LPCI sys tascame moperable when tnpie low water level simulated on una 2 RWL inseumernatem LT.728 valved out of avc 8309279129 Provides resporme to GL 9344. " Rod Control Sys Fadure & Withisrawal of gg g yggp p g

                   .EDWhAR          .D               Ytectnc C 93 09 03. 4pp. 76431:194                 "                  ***'

g 7 g3["34 hfe#0 9 9290% R.oussis inat proposed io, .dwr o, reanalys. 6e p, wi.e. U. Operator Exammathons witrun 30 days of recept at Itr Sdwnmar re emergency ccwe cookng water anaWas. BUCKLEY.B.C. Proiect Drectorate162. 93/09/23. STEWART.W.L. Vrges Power Ore-9309170079 Forwards ES.5012. power piant toeneno exam results summa'y & ES303 goe Esecinc & Power Col 2pp. 76569254-76569255. 14 303 2. operator tcenong exam vapt for apsmcants on rutal exam conouctea on 93082S25 tiv NHC at tacdtty. Enol orthhalo.per 1DCFR2.790 9309290410 Foneerds response to recuest for asst mto m response to GL 92-01.Rev 1 BETTENNNSENL Regen 1 (Post 820201L 93/09/14. STANKIEWCZJ. Prutadel, re nema to essess constance w/reourements & . ._ vogardmg reactor phis Electnc Co. 2pp. 76471352 7t>471253 vessel meegrity. STEWART.WL vagine Power (V Esectne & Power Col 93/09/23 Document 9309220103Surnmary of $30824 meetng w/ut! ve . . c ~. of dual sne eener Control Branch (Docarnent Control L 12pp. 76589.323-76589-334. reactor kmned to tual harusmg (LSR) program.Last of mostrig anonomes & meegng hanoouts occi. SHEA.J W Prosect Drectoraw 42_ 93/09/15 Prosset Drectorate B2 18m 76515.22576516242. Q. anspection reports, IE Bubettns 4 sorrespondence 9307160033 NRC Into NoDce 93456 " Weakness an EOPs Found as Raoult of SG Tde DOCKET $0-200 SURRY POWEft STATION, UNrf 1 Rupture " GHMES.B IL. Dwison of Opseatng Reactor Learitt (Post 9210D4). 93/07/22. Con-schoened Edson Co. of 9% York. anc.11pp. 76499:30SW99.312. F. Securtty med6ceL. emer9ency & fire protecten piens 930719D131 NRC Into teobce93458. 7_-____ _. m LTOP inr PWRs" 9309030165 Rev 20 to EPIP401,"Nottlicaban of State & LDcal Govts

  • W/930C27 ttr. GRMES18L DMann o' Operairn0 Reactor Seport (Poet 921004). 93/07/26. Cork BOWLING.ML Vrepua Power Us1pnas Elecmc & Co4 93/06/27. 22:$. achanted Echeon Co. of New York. Inc. Opp.76447.264-76447 272.

76362.32576362 % 2 9309140252Forwarns Sunal SALP Repts 50 280/9S16 & 50281/9S16 trorf: 920405 9307300123NRC trWo Notoe 93459. " Unexpected Openmg of Both Doors m Artocit" 930703.Repts we tie Oscussac at peic rnsetmg at tacihty on 930914. Dwason at Operstng Rosetor Seport (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Cork EBNETER.S.D. ecesated Edmon Co. of New Yort . mc.10pp. *47:273-W47;282. 2 (Post 8202D1L 93/09/01. STEWART.WL Vrgma Power Nygrus Essemc & - Col app. M412n*4t207. 9307290066 Sept 1 to NRC Buhstm 91-001,"Reportog Laos of CnDcahty Sotely Corb

 -4 309140254Iruta! SALP Rept 54290/9S16 & $0281/ES16 tar penod from920405                    trois
  • BURNETTAF. Divison of Fue @cie Salety & Sateguarns y 930207L 93/07/27.

2 (Post 820201L 93/09'01. 24pp. 76441284-7644t307. f# # ** 9309160094 Summary of930825 meetm0 m/uta in Rocsvitie.MD ve ri=^==.a=is on snes 9307290112 NRC leito Notco 93 060. *Reportng Fuel Cycse & Matts Events to NRC grated anmchrtD program.TS kne nom rieprovement.regJlatory recparements margmal to Operatorm Ctr." safety & Survey tre protecten TSs. List at attenosses enci. Post 930207L 93/011/04 BUCKLEY.BA Promcf Deectorate 8 2. 93/D9/06 Propect Drectorate B.2 24pp. BURNETT.R.F. Corisohdaned Dwoon Echson Co. of of NewFuel Cvcae York. 5.stety tric.10pp. & Sateguards 76447JSS (M47292. 76454237 76454 260. 9309030200 NRC Into Noboe 93 061. Txcesswo Reactor Coolant LeinkaDe Follown0 See Fassure en RCP or FIRP.* P. Operstme Scense sto9e - _& _ omeon of Operstmg Rea::tcy Seport Post 921004L 93/06/09. Con. solosted Eckson Co. of New York. enc.12pp. M99.313-N99.324. 9306230099 Sappl 5 to Gerienc Lir 81L10 to nucomar ptarit imensees & CP honours re anaccuracy of rnator.operenso vahre the souspment. PARTLOwJG. Ammar==te (Arector for (post 87Ds11). 93/06/26.Corwenat. 9309030245NRC Into 0400ce 93462. " Thermal Stratfcanon of Water in BWR Reactor vessels." ed Eckson Co. of New York,inct 7pp. 7640fr001.m0MKas GRNES.B K. Dwman of Operstmg Reactor Seport Post 921004) 93/0B/10. Cork solcateo Edson Co. of New Ypret enc. Spp.76499225N9fr.333. 9309020358 Peorms inst heensee 920918 resporise to suppl 4 to GL B&M, acceptanae.per Ducance prouced et NUREGr1407. BUCKLiY.BC brorect Drectorate 16 2. 93/Ofi/18. STEWART.WL Vapmm Poser (Ve- 93nanw74 NRC,Into Notco 93463 "Imgrocer One of (Poet Solete921004). Weed Purge DamCork Mat!" grua Etscee & Power Cc4 3pp. 76321.249 76321:251- GRME.S.B #L D vison of Operstmg Reactor Support 93/Ob/11. solcased Eceman Ca of New YortL inc 9pp. 76499.334-76499:34L j 930903014G Raouests for permit te vnociffy plant try ristalbng emer9ency a'aner geeses PDworod generator. 9300000237NPIC Into Notoe 93464, "Penode Testng & ProvenDve Marit of IAotood i M Case Croun Breasuers? l vADDERAW. Vrgnea. Powe,r 9,R 6ecin.c 0e

                                                          &.Po.wer Col 93/0G/30. WILLIAa45.v.                Dmeen Ope                                                                     l GR,,M,e,ES.8 et,on Co. o,o,f,ew _rsang no      ed m                                   m., Re,a,c, tor Suppo,rt (Pner9,2,100,4) 93/06 9,    4    0.

3309b90197 NRC into Notco 93405 " Reactor Trps Caused try Breaker Testng W/ j MADDERAW. Vrprue power Nayree Ennetne & Power Col 93/08/30. Faust Protecton Bypassed." J CLAYTON.GL Vrpsma. Cr._ _Z. of.19pp. 75360001763SOM1 GRMES.B et Devmon of Operstmg Resciar Support (Post 921004). 93/08/13. Cork oohosted Edman Ca of New York, enc. Tipp.76447:304- % 47214. 93o9140032 Forwarns amenos 182 to hoorn.? DPSL32 & DPR47. roepectvely & SE.Amoruss esimrate specrfc men contrar room 3 emergercy swetohgear room ar 3309190006NRC Info teobco 93466. "Swid= rover to Hot L9g irgscten Fotowmg LDCA mrusrberung crisser -- tram TS & specay eme isma for restoratort ei PWRs

  • BUCKLEY.BC Proesct Drectorate86 2 93/09/0L STI' WART.W.L Vrgma Power (Vr. GRIMES.B el. Dmeon of Opersang Reactor Seport (Posi 921004L 93/08/1E Cork gram Elecinc & Power Co1 app. 7642121576421230. schasted Edecm Ca of New Yont incl 7pp. 76447:31576447:32t i

1 l

DOCKETED ITEMS 59 9308100248 NRC into Notee SS067. *Ekastmg of Hegh Prestare Cuoiant kisecton 9309270069 LER 93007-02.on 930823.centted mmved surveillance due io not pr. Steam tme R@ture Dmes trgures Plant Personnel? formm0 auxdiary needwater chrmal check pnor to certam startugs Venfed that Unst 1 GRIMES.B IL Dmson of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004) 93/08/16. Cord had been furry tested. w/930915 fr. solcatec Eason Co of New Yort me.13pp. 76447.322-76447:335. AAN5JR.M R. Vagna Powen (#gna Electne & Power Co.) 93/09/15. 6pr. 9309140252Foswa as Wuba; SALP Repts50 280/9S16 & $0 281/93-16 from 920405 930703 Repts we be rhwad at pubhc meetmg at facery on930914 9309270085 LER 9M10 00:on 930B21.urut 1 snutdown for psa'med mant to repar EBNETER.S.D. Regon 2 (Post 820201t 93/09/01. STEWART.WL Vegma Poser soakage on *E'" SG charmel head caused by crack >ng of weld mamated w/*B" SG Wagna Emetnc & Power Co.). 4p5. 76441280-76441307 cha mel head drain kne.Petorvred RCS leak rate W/930916 fir. KANSLER.M.R. Vapaa Power (Vrprua Eisetnc & Power Co.) 93/09/16. 8pp.

 -9309140254 inmal SALP Rept50 280/9316 & 50-281/9S16 for penod from 92040k                   76596.109 76596:117.                                                                      +


  • Regen 2 (Post 820201193/09/01. 24pp. 76441264.76441307.

V. Dry Cask ^ ^ Spent Fuel Storage instakahons

 $308260198NRC into Notco 93 069. "Radsography Events at Operatng Power Reac-IMES.E K Desen of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/02. Con.           9309010087 Forwa ds,"Semanttuai Radoachve Ef!tuen,t Resease Rept Surry Poww Sta-Nw o A               03 solcatec Edson Co of New York me. tipp.76499.342-76499.352.                               yda                                                                 g 9309140260 Forwards msp repts 50-200/9120 & 50 281/9340 on 9307044608.No                     Comot Branch (Document Control                 1p. 7631N-% 0153.

vaaterm or deviators noved. SINKUd M V 2 (Post 820201L 93/09/02, STEWART.WL Vrgna Power 9309010092 Change P2 to Rev 4 to VPAP-2103. "ODCM " (Vt9ns Emetnc & Co.). 2pp. 76445293-76445:305. Pows Nagnus Electnc & Power Co). 93/02/1t mpp. 7C310SS 7631 -153.

 -9309640233 insp rests SS280/9S20 & 50-281/9S20 on 9307044008.No volatons or newsbors nmed.Maior areas rispected.piant stabs.cperanonal saiety                   9309010138 Summary of 930812 meetng w/util & Transrruclear.pc m RoclMile.MD re               i vermcaton.marit nsosamons on previous mso noms & heermee evere revow.                     CASTOR U33 cas4L BRANOM.M W., TINGEN.S.G., BEUSLEGA Regen 2 (Post 820201) 93/09/02. ppp.                   SCHNEIDER.J.F. Dnroen of ane.mtnal & Medcal Nucisar Sataty (Pom870729L DJ/

76445.295-76445 305 08/26. HAUGHNEY.C.J. Omson of moustnal & Modcal Nacisar Lasety (Post 870729). 7pp. 76345:110 76345:116. 9309070206NRC Into Nobce 93-070. "Degradaten of Boraflex Neutron Absorber Cou-pors.* 9309200075 Forwards documeras on proposed rules.10CFR2 & 72 re sitenm storage of GRIMESAK. Dmson of Opwatmg Reactor Support (Dost 921004). 93/09/10. Cork spens fast m andepercent spent tsel storage estananon & ane epecmc hearme to cuah-soldated Edson Co. of New Yor16. mc. 9pp. 76499.353-76499.361. ted apphcant RE. AMER.C.W. Offce of em General Counsel fPost 6607011 93/09/14. Documera 9309000104 NRC Into Notre 93471. " Fro at Chemabyt Unit 2? Control Branch (Document ConFol Desil).19 76487250 76488:100. GRIMES.B.K. Dwmen of Opranng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Con. soldated Edson Co. of New York, tnc.14pp. 76500001-76500-013. 9309200133 Repuests Commason approvst of proposed ruiemnkmg to sicunste re-ouvement of pnar Commason approval for spec 4c hoetse for ISFSI immer 10CFR2 & 9309090243NRC Into Notes SS072. "Otmervanorm From Recent Shutdown Rak & 72.Notee of proposed ; ' - & ads sWo enct Pikst Team Insos? PARiiR.WC Orhce ce the Gerioral Counsel (Post $60701). 93/09/14.Comrnssork GR .B.K. Dwoon of Ope!atmp Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/14. Cork vs (Post 750119L 35pp. 76467342 76488.D97 solomeo Edson Co. of New York, anc. epp.76500214.76500:021 l 9309280 Forwards msp repis 50 280/9S21 & 53481/9S21 on 930816-20.No e DOCKET 50 281 SURRY POWER STAT 40fL UNIT 2 JUUAN.CA 2 (Post 820201L 93/09/17. STEWART.WL Vagma Power (Vr-9me Enocmc & Co.). 3pp. 76551:302 76551318. F. , owcal emergency & tre protechon pism .

  -9309280171 Insp repts SS280/9S21 & SS281/9S21 on 930816 20.No volatons noted.Maior areas mapactedhcensee EDS to assess correcove Schons taken or             9309030165 Rev 20 to EPIP 2.01. "Nctiftston of State & Local Govts* W/930B27 tir.

pinnned ri response to conshed - htermes seit . f.c. BOWLING.M.L v Power (Vegma Electnc & Power Co.). 93/0B/27. 22pp. SHYMLOCK.M. JUUAN.C. 2 (Post 'O/09/17.14pp. 76551305 76362:325-76?62

  • 76551 318.

9309140252 Forwards ental $ ALP Repts506280/9S16 & $0481/9S16 frorn B20405- t hea-ad at pubic membrig at tacdiny on930914. G Portode operstent reports & rotated correspondance 930703.Repts Rega EDNETERAC unu be 'n 2 (Post $20201L 93/09/01. STEWART,WL Vrpres Power l (Vrpms Eectnc & Power Co.K epp. 76441:280 76441:307. I 9309010087 Forwards "Semannual Radcactrue Effluent Resense Rept Surry Power Sta-l ton Jar > June 1993" & Rev 4 to VPAP-2103. "ODCM? -9309140254 intbal SALP Rept 5S280/9S16 & SS281/9S161ar penod from 920405-BOWUNG.ML Vryrna Power (V Electne & Power Co.L 93/08/2ti Document 930703. Control Branch (Docasmerm Cornrol ).1p. 76310:001-76310-153.

  • Regen 2 (Dost 820201). 93/09/01. 24pp. 76441:264 76441-307
  -9309010090 "Senuannual hadoective Effluent Resease Rept Surry Power Staton Jark         9309190094Summry of 930825meetng w/utit in Rocannho.MD re eh=a==~m on sne.

June 1993." grated trendmg propam,TS kne morn . _ _ _ _ _repidatory rockarements margmal to LASAU.E.R.I Vrone Power (Vrgma Electnc & Power Co.). 93/06/30. 16pp. safety & Surrey are protecten TSs List at attendees enct 76310 002-76310-018. BUCKLEY.BA Prosect Drectorate (LE 93/09/06. Progoet Drectorate ik2. 24pp. 76454.237-76464200.

  -9309010092 Change P2 to Rev 4 to VPAP.2103. *ODCM *
     ' Vevne Pow 9r (Vegens Der:Inc & Power Co.). 93/02/11.100pp. 76310:019-7631r/153-                                                                            P.Operaeng hcense stese "                      &-.

9309010200Forwyds sommarmust tieness nor duty proyam purtormance data rept for 9301014630 per 10CFR26.71(dy 9306230099 Suppt 5 to Generic Lt 81kto to riucisar plant leenmees & CP holders se BOWLING.ML Vrgne Power Nr nosne soupment Eiectnc & Power Cet 93/08/27. Document maccurney or motor <ipermied vehe Control Branch (Documem Conrol ).15pp. 76318:317-76316.332. PARTLOWJ.G. Assocate Drector foremp#dropects (Post 670411k 93/05/28.Cor=hrtat-ed Edson Co. of New York, enc. 7pp. 7640er00176409:006. 9309170199 Monthly operstng repts for Aug 1993 for Surry Power Staton. units 1 & 2.W/930910 ter 9309020358 anforms that hosmose 920919 response to 6 4198 4 to GL 68-20 MASON.D.. STEWART.WL Vrpras Power (Vrgme itectnc & Power CD.) 93/08/31. ecceptatee,per noe proveed m NURES-1407. 19pp. 7647lt04ik7647Et067. BUCKLEY.BA Dractorate94. 93/08/18. STEWART.WL Vrgrus Power (Vr-pna Esectnc & Power Co4 app. 76221:249 74321:251.

  $m Reportable occurrences, LERs & rotated sorrespondence                                  93D9030146 Requests tur perrvdt to rnoWy ptaril tiy mstalkng emergency standby theast powered gererstar.

9309130271 Na*== turtune Inp/ reactor 1rs> that occurred from 100% power on MADDERAW. Vrgnio Power (V Electne & Power Co4 93/08/30.WILUAMS.V. 930416. Requests evaluaten & cor=ws of two human tactor maues coormtad m V'IP*' E - - pl. ' Yp. 6360.022-76360 042. human porturmance study rept on 933418. BERKOW H.N Protect Drectorate h-t 93/08/16. ECKENRODE.RJ. Human Factes $309030155Reouests for permit to enockey plant by retalkn9 emmgency stanctiy desel J BrancrL 2pp. 76413.30fr76s13308. Dowesed generator. MADDERAW. Vrgrus Power (Vrpme Eaectnc & Power Co.k 93/08/30.

   -9309130295Provees fuenan prtarmrra stuoy rept tar facihty Na- two maues                    CLAYTON.GL Vagma. Commonwealth of.19pp. 7636tr001-76360-021 morefed Dy rept envuevmg reperarue way teedwater sys & markmachme sniertace weenness.                                                                             9309140032 Fywards amends 182 to hemnnes DPR-32 & DPR47. respecevey &

JORDAN.E t. Ofice for Anatyss & Evaluaton of Operalmnal Data. Drector. 93/07/ SLAmenos etrrunste specife mam control room & emergency omschpear room ar 02 MURLaY.T E. Offee of Nuclear Reactor RepuRBforL Dractor (Post $70411). condmoning cruber IouretCaton from TS & epecsty eme kmn for restoratort EBNETER.S.D. Regen 2 (Post 82020111p 76413.308-7641330s. BUCKLEY.BA Prosect Dractorate ik2. 93/09/01. STEWART.WL Vapran Power (Va-gme E.aecinc & Power Co4 3;p. 7642 ?16 76421:330. 93090100a1 PNO ILSS037:en 930620. unscheduled shutoown m =r== cf 72 h oc-curred due to need to repar Isak m tantt on SG B. ROS temp rethmed been 200 -9309140033 Amends 182 to loenses DPR.32 & DPR 37 respectively eingnetnD spe-oogrees F.Lacensee to mapset sae valve assemtpos on SG4 tate at VA ncmhett cete mem control room & emergency weetchgear room er concemorung ctuher zientih-j BEUSLE.GA Regon 2 (Post 8202011. 93/08/23. 2pp. 762731166-76273:069. caton from TS & speca9m0 tyne bms to restore one of two c*uhers j BERKOW#LN. Protect Drectyste84. 93/09/01.10pp. 76421318 76421:327. 9309140188 LER 9300940on 930811.found mecharucal agusrnent room 4 door Diocated open due to personnel errorcaosed 2 BS.DR.10 & maued essaan alertW/ -9309140035 Setsty evatunton supparbng amends 182 to hoemmes DPR 32 & DPR. I B30907 te. 37 respecbveny. CIANSLER.ER Vryfue Power (Vrgma Ensetnc & Power Co.). 93/09/07. 6pp.

  • Ortoe et >-a= Reactor Regulaten. Dracts (Post e70411). 93/09/01. 3pp.

76452-047 76452 053. 76421:328 76421.330. l l l

60 DOCKETED ITEMS C309090270 Fonwaros amends 183 to boerses DPR 32 & DPR.37sespectwely & safety $308260198 NRC Wo Nobce 93 069. "Radogwthy Events at Operstmg Power Reac-evalaatoitAmends pomst operabon w/three doyee mcrease a svc water temp bnut tors " tar comammem aa parbal pressee or 91.9.2 & 9 35paa & correct typos GRNES.B et Deson of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/02. Con. BUCKLEY.B.C. Proiect Drectorate Il-2 93/09/07. STEWART.WL brprua Power Wa- schoated Eason Co ct New York. Inc. tipp. N99 442-W99 362. 9 rua Electnc & Power Col 3pp. W12CS2-W11065 9309140260 Fo# wards map repts $4260/93-23 & $0-281/7340 on 930704-080$ No -93D9090277Amenos 183 to Lacamses DPR.32 & DPR47/espectwely, ppmstung opm- wolabons or oenators noteect tuon w/trirse oegree mcrease m svc water temp arrtut for comamment aw parhai prek SINKULE.M V, Repon 2 (Post 823201) 93/09/02 ETEWART.WL Vrprua Power sures of 91.92 & 9.35 paa & correctmg typos (Vrprua Doctnc & Power Cc4 2pp. 7M45293 76445.305. BE stKOW.H N Prosect Drectorate h4 93/09/07. 8pp. 76417055-76412062.

                                                                                     -9309140283 Insp repts 60 290/93 20 & $0-281/9120 on 9307044808.No molators               .

264 Sately evabaton supportng amtmos 183 to utenses DPR 32 & DPR- or oemabons noted Maior areas supecteapiant status.cpershonal salety j C# verthcaton.mant wsps.acions on precous mso nems & heermee event revew.

      "'"e ic   o Nucsear Reactor Regulaton Drector (Post 873411). 93/09/07, 3pp           BRANCH.M W TINGEN.S G., BEUSLE.GA Repon 2 (Post $20201 A 93/09/02. 9pp.               I 76445295-N4fL305                                                                      !

9309160094Summey of930825meetmg m/utd si Rocswita.MD re tw mns on mte- 9309070206 NRC Wo Nonce M470. "Degradaten et (soraf6es Neutron Absorber Cou- i grtted poneng program.TS kne nem priprovemem.reputatory reawoments trarpnao to - i satew & Sarey We protecton TSsw cf atterones enct QMES.BK Desen of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/09/10. Con-Y Drectorate n-2. 93/09/08 Proiect Drectorate 18-2. 24pp. soldated Eoson Co. of New Vork. anc. 9pp. N99.353 76499.361. 9309000104NRC Wo Notee 93471, " Fee at Ctiemotiyt Urut 2

  • j 9309270178Prondes response to GL 93 04. " Rod Controt Sys Fadure & Withchawal of Coitrol Rod Assenthes30CFR50 546)" GRNES.B.K. Dwson or Operatmg Reactor Support (Post 9210(84L 93/09/13. Con- j STEWART.W.L Vrgrua Power (V Electne & Power Col 93/09/20. Document msated Esson Co. W New % m 14pp. WW6m4  ;

Coneal Branch (Documerst Control ). 7pp. 76593.234-76593.240~ ) 9309090243 NRC Wo Noboe 93472 *ODservator$ From Recent Shuidown REk & 9309280344 Requests that proposed schedule for submittad of remnalyss be prowded Optage Mgt Pilot Team insps"  ! witron 30 ones or recent of tir.Semmal re e argency core coohng erster anarynsk GRNES.B.K. Dwmen W Operahng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/14 Cork BUCKLEY.B.C. Psosect Dracto*ata 162 93/09/23 STEW ART.WL Vagma Power (Vy. schonted Eamon Co. o New York. Inc. 8pp. 76502014.76500$22. gne Decinc & P mer Co4 2pp. 76569254 71469255. 9309200163 Forwards pop repts 505290/9521 & 50-281/93 21 on 93081th20.No mola-9309290410Fonwaron resporme to request for most No m response to GL 9241.Rev 1 tons noted te need to assess comphance w/regurements & comrvutments regart>ng reactor JULIAN.CA 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/17. STEWART.WL Vapne Power (Ve-vesset an*gmy. game Electnc & coa 3pp. 765*1202-76551216. STEWAR1.WL Vrprua Power (V Eleetnc & Power C03 93/09/23. Document Coneol Branch (Document Control .12pp. 765fl9.323-76589.334. 9309260171 Insp repts 50-280/9321 & 50281/9341 on 930816 20.No woolatons noted.Maar areas - .__ ' - - . EDS to assess correctve actors taken ce


pearmed m resporise to soontrhed osmp Imensee self assessmerits. Q. Inspectson reports. IE Buhetens & -. SHYMi.OCK.M JULIAN.C. - 2 (Post B20201). 93/09/17.14pp. 76551205-76551.318. C307160033 NRC Wo Notce 93456. " Weakness e EOPs Found as Result of SG Tube Rupture

  • GRNES.B K Dnuon at Operstmg Reactor Smoort (Post 921004L 93/07/22. Cork R. Portadec operstlng reports & related corresponeence solcatec Ed.non Co at New York, Inc. lipp. N99276499.312.

9307190131NRC Wo Notta 93-068. "" m LTOP for PWRt. 9309010087Fonarards "Senmannual Radoactve Muen,t Release Rept Suny Power Sta-


e n Jandune 1993" & Rev 4 to VPAP-2103, 'DDCM GRIMES.B *L Dmmon of Opermang Reacmr Support (Post 921004L 93/07/26. Cm. solcatec Leson Co. of New York, tric. 9pp. M47.264-W47272. BOWUNG.ML Vrprme Power (Vrpnas Electne & Power Cc4 93/06/26. -1 acutistit Control Branch (Document Coreal Desk).1p. 76310 00176310153. 9307200123NRC Peo Nolme 91059. "Unseected Openmg of Both Doors en Aetacet" 3 GRNE18 8L Dmson of Operstmg Reactor Eupport (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Con. -9309010090,* Semiannual Radoactve Effluent Release Rept Surry Power Staten Jar > sohdated Edman Co. of New York. Inc.10pp M47273-76447222. June 3

                                                                                                                                            &          C4 93/0N 16pp.

9307260066 Sgpl 1 to NRC Buhetn 91401,"Reportng LDes cf Ontempty Satsty Co,, 76310002-76C10 018 1rois " BURNETT.R.F. Dmsen et Fuel Cycle Sa% & Sate 3uards (Pos1930207). 93/07/27. 9309010300 Fonrards senu.anrael fimess for duty program performance data rept for Cormohdated Edman Co. of New York. Inc. 2'4pp. N0920lL76409-031. 9301014630 per 10CFR26.71(cn BOWuNG.ML Vagmas Power N Doctnc & Power Cc3. 93/06/27. Documetti 9307290112 NRC ento Notee 93460, "Reportmg Fumi Cycee & Matts Evems to NRC Coneal Branch (Document Cormal 15pp.76318217 76318232. Opersions Ctr." BURNETT.R F. Dmoon of Fuel Cycas Safety & Sateguards (Post 930207). 93/08/04. 9309170199 Monthly operstng repts for Aug 1993 for Surry Power Staten, units 1 & Ccesso6 dated Edmon Co of New York, anc.10pp. 76447283W47292. 2 W/930910 Itr MASON.D.. STEWART.WL Vryne Power (Vrprun Electnc & Power Cc4 93/05/31. 930e0's0200 NRC Into hohce 93461. " Excessive Reactor Coosant Leakage Foliovang 19pp. M79$49676479D67. Seal Fadore an RCP or RRP.* GRIMES.B K. Dmmen et Reactor Support (Post 971004). 93/08/09. Cork soldslec Edmon CD of New Yort. 1299. N99.31S76499.324 $5Reportalde - , LERS & fotsted . 64usc30ie6 NRC trdo Noboe 93452. " Thermal Stratrhcanon of Water an BWR Reactor VesmerL" $309130271 rhrn== turtune Sip / reactor inp that coeurred from 1001 power on GRNES.B.K. Dmmen of Operahng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/10. Co,, 930e16.Recuests evaLaatson & concsusens of two fiuman tactor assues soonthod en soidsted Edman Co. of New YortL Wic. 9pp. N99.325.W99.333. human performs'ine stuov rept on 930418 Pro,ect Caractorate 62. 93/0s/16. ECKENRDDE.RJ. Numan Factors

                                                                                                     ,; BrancrL 2pp. 76a13.306 W13.308
                                                                                          ^                                                                                   5 9300030274 NRC Info Nobcs 93 063. " improper Use of ha Wald Purgo Dam Matt" GRIMES.B K. Dvuon of Operstng Reactor Support (Pont 921004). 93/08/11. Cor>

eolcated Edson Co. of New York, anc. Opst W99.334-M99.311. 9309030222 LER 9"'8?N reactor anp oczurred due to low maarn generator water level comcasant w/siasm/ tesowster flow mamatch resdang 9300060237NRC treo Notco 93464 "Penoche Testng & Preventve Marit of Molded from spunous csosure et man toeswater regulatng vesve A.W/930627 nr. Case Csrcuit Breamers." KANSi.ER.M R. Vrgerna Power (Vryne Esectnc & Power Co.). 93/08/27. 700 GRIMES.B.K. Dmeen of Operstmg Reactor $ sport (Post 921004193/08/12. Con. 76409213.

  • 09219.

soldated Edson Co. of New Yort, enc.11pp. M47 2WSm47203. 93r1280047 t.ER 93 004 00-on 930823. reactor troped ekse to turtwo . generator 93090s0187 t4RC Ireo Notco SS085. " Reactor Tnps Naad try Breaker Testmg W/ inp. Caused try cons et sisso emisy. Reactor inn tweakers vanhed open & control rods Fault Protecton Bypassed" venhed rimoned snD core W/930920 lir. GRIMES.B DL Dumon at Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/13. Cork KANSLER.M R. Vrgma Power (vryne Doctnc & Power Co.). 93/09/20. 7pp mobctated Edman Co. of New York. Inc. tipp.76447204 76447214. 76609.198.-76809194. 9308100006 NRC into Nobce 93466, Switchover to Inpacton Fobowmg LOCA R .B K. Dmmon el Operatrig Reactor Suppo*t (Post 92100*). 93/08/16. Con-seedsted tiamon Co. of New York, trac; 7pp. N47215-76447221. 9309100248 NRC Into Nobcs SS067. *$urstng of High Pressure Caolant inpochen ten Jer> Jure 1993" & Rev 4 to VPAP,2103. "ODCM " Essam Une Reture Dacs ensures Plant Personned a BOWUNG.ML Vrprue Power (V Elecinc & Power Co). 93/08/26 Document GR!MES.B K. Dween of Operstng R== rear Support (Post 921004). 93/06/16 Cork Contras Branch (Docurnertt Coreal 11p, 7631000176310153. soldated Edman Co. of New Yo% encl 13pp. 76447222.M47.335.

                                                                                      -9309010092 Change P2 to Rev 4 to VPAP.2103. "ODCM."

9309140252 Forwards trubai SALP Repts50280/9S16 & $4281/RS16 Dom 920405

  • Vagmia Power Wayne Esectne & Power Cct). 93/02/11.100pp. 76310919 93'3703 Repts urs' be oscunned at putac meebng at lade on 930914. 7C310153.

EBNETER.S.D. R 2 (Poet $20201). 93/09/01. ' ART.WL vennes Power 0/vy se Eisctnc & Col app, Na1280 76441207. 930901013e Summary of933512 meetng w/uti & Tranonuccesr,tne en Rocsiville,MD re CASTOR 1/33 caA

 -9309140254anmat SALP Rept50 280/9316 & SS281/9S16 for period from920405                  SOHNEIDEP.J.7 Dusen of IndJstna: & Mechcst Nemar Safety (Post 870729) 93/

93C703 08/26 HAUGHNEY.CJ. Druimen of snoustnal & Medcol Nuclear batety (Not 570729).

  • Regen 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/01. 24pp M41264 76441207, 7pp. 76345:110 70345:116.

DOCKETEDITEMS 61 9309200075 Forwards documems on propossd rules.10CFR2 & 72 re mienm storage of 9309270094 Confums results W chscussens on930913 re reoues: for exerces W er> spem fuel m moepenoent spent tus storage mstallaton & site specifc scense to cuah. torcement escreton for narcomphance wtacten statement contamed m secton l'ad appicant 3 7 E 6 of TS REAMER.C W. Offee of the General Counsel (Post B60701). 93/C9/14 Documern AtOERSON.R O. No1 hem States Powet Co 93/09/14 Document Control Branch Control Branch (Document Comrol Desk). Ip.76467.250 76488 100. (Document Contro' Desk) 4pp 76570.351-76570354.

 -9309200133 Reauests Commssson approva' of proposed rulemakmg to ehmmate re.         9309220168 Forwards compiamt apamst Westmg50use.cimmmg breach of ouvement W pnor Commsson approva' for specsts acense for ISFS! under 10CFR2 &         contract.neghpent merepresematon & t'aud.m response to NRC B30819 request 72 Notce W pmposed fuiemakmg & aos mto enct                                           ANDERSONAO. Normem States Power Co 93'09'15. Document Control Branch PARLER W C Oftme of the Genera' Counsel (Post 660701). 93/09/14. CommascS             (Documem Comrot Des 4 859p. 76516.265-76516.348.

ers (Post 750119). 35pp. 76487342-76488:097 9309270064 Submns response to GL 93 04. " Rod Control Sys Fadge & Withdrawal of Rod Controt Cluster Assemphes." DOCKET 54282 PRAstlE ISLAND MUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 1 ANDERSONJLO. Nortnem States Power Co. 93/09/20. Document Contof Brarch ' (Document Corirol Desk). 5pp. 76573113-76573'117. F. Securtty, snedical emer9ency & fire protect 6on piens Q. Inspect 6cn reports. IE Bu9-tens & -- _ 9309010116 Revised EPIPs.meludng Rev 76 to F3 tante of coments.Rev 11 to F3-1.Rev 21 tc F3 4.Rev 10 to F3 6.Rev 7 to F3-9 & Rev 14 to F3-10 W/930623 Itr. 9307160033 NRC mfo Nobce 93456.

  • Weakness e EOPs Found as Result of SG Tube FEY.FL Northem States Power Co.93/08/23.122pp. 76311:001-76311:122. Rupture."

GRMES.B K. Dwson of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post $21004). 93/07/22. Com 9309030173Ac* recect of 930723 response to votatons noted m trap Repts 50 282/ sohdated Edson Co. of New York, thc.11pp. 76499.302-76499J12 W19 & 50 306/90-20 re fitness for outy asue wwoewmo secunty otheer. SNEM W. Regen 3 (Sost 820201). 93/OS/27. ANTHOkY.D.D. Northam States Power 9307190131 NRC 6nto hohoe 93458, "Nonconservahsm m LTOP tor PWRs." Co.1p. 763G2?S-7642308. GRIMES.B.K. Duson of Operahng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Con. soimated Eckson Co. of New York shc. Opp. N47264 N47272. 9309210051Fomards e dorcement conference repts50-282/9318 & 50 306/9318 on 930901.No velatons noted. 9307200123NRC Into Nobce 93 059. "Unexpe:ted Openmg of Both Doors m Aetocit" GREENMAN.E.G Regen 3 (Post 820201) 93/09/10. ANTONY.D.D. Northam States GRMES.BK Dmson of Opersang Reactor Support (Post 9210D4). 93/07/26. Cork Power Co. 3pp,76475 305 76475 323. sobdated Edison Co. of New YorA tec.10pp. 76447.273-76447232. I l -9302210056 Entorcement conference repts 50-282/93-18 & $0 306/9318 on 9307260065 Suppi 1 to NRC Bubetm 91001, "Reportmg Loss of Crltcalfty Safety Con-9fD901 Macr areas damamtpotenbal "ctwing eftects" from compiamt feed w/ Dept trois." of Labor ahegng that secunty guard wrongfulty termmated for comactmg NRC. BURNETT.R.F. Duson of Fuel Cycre Safety & Saseguards (Post 930207). 93/07/27.

   .lORGENSEN.B.L Regen 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/10.16pp 76475208-76475223.               Consohdated Edison Co. of New YorA inc. 23pp. 76409@09-N39:031.

9309290107 Fonwards emergency preparedness enerose msp repts 50 282/93-16 & 50 9307290112 NRC, Info Notee 93460. "Reporarig Fuel Cyces & Mans Events to NRC 3C)/9316 on 930830 0902.No maahans traect Operatens Cir. I SNELLW Regon 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/20. ANTONY,D.D. Northam States Power BURNETT,R F. Omson of Fuel Cycle Safety & Sateguards (Post 930207). 93/06/04. ! Co. 2pp. 76566:00176566:045. Comohdated Esson Co. W New Yort tac.10pp. 764472s2447292.

 -9309290116 Emergency preparedness exercise asp repts 50782/9316 & 50.306/93         9308030200 NRC Info Nonce 93061. "Exceserve Reactor Coolara Leakage Followng 16 on 933830w0902 Mapr areas ~~~ want annual emergartcy preparedness es.             Seal Failure m RCP or RRP."

GRMES.BK Dusen c Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/09. Con-

                                    ~          ~

arose CON C.. REIDINGER.T SIMONS.H Repon 3 (Post $20201). 93/0fr/20. 44pp. sohdated Edison Co. of New YorA inc.12pp. 76499$13-7649tt.324. 76566:003 76566-045. l

                                                                                      $snenm45 NRC Into Nance 93#62. " Thermal S:ratricaton of Water m BWR Reactor vessess" D. Operating bcense stage documents & -..                                              CRMES.BK Duson of Operaung Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/10. Cor>

sohdated Edsor Co. of New York. anc. 9pp. N99.325-76499-333. l 9306230099 Supp 5 to Genenc Lar 89-10 to nuc6eer plant scensees & CP todars re gwniri,74 NRC info P eace 93063. " Improper use of Soluble Weed Puroe Dam MatL" l maccuraw of netsmed valve diaoreste compment GRMES.BK Dmsen of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/D8/11. Con-i FARTLO%LG Associate Drector for brosects (Post s70411). 93/06/28. W. sokdated Edson Co. of New YorA inc 8pp. N99334-76499341. ed Edson Ca of New tcrA inc. 7pp. 7640990176409'.008. 9309090072 Reouests comptamt offcelly filed by uti' agamst Wesentmune ao that NRR can remew edo on case GRIMELBK Dunen of Operatmg Reactor Support (Fast 921004) 93/06/12. Cork DEAN,w.M Proect Directorate lil1. 93/08/19. ANDERSON.R.O. Northam States sohdated Edson Ca W New YorA inc. lipp. 7M47293-764473;E Power Co. 2pp. 75389267 76389268. ! $300090157 NRC Wo Nutee 93 065 " Reactor Trips Caused by Breaker Testmg W/ t 9309090162 Forwards " Environ Assessment & Fedmo of No Segrohcant impact" for Fauft Protectan Spaman." pearst te 9306t1 appicaten to meresse max tuel ennerrnant GRIMES.BA Dmsen of Operahng Reactor Sucport (Post 921004) 93'.16/13. Con. l GAMBERONI.M. Prosect Drectorate Ilh1. 93/06/24. ANDERSON,R.O. Norinam sobdated E.dmon Co. cl New YorA Int 11pp. 76447:304-N47$14

States Power Co. 2pp. 76386.314-76386.319.

9308100006NRC Info Nobos 93466. *Switchover to Hot. Leg inprenan Followmg LOCA i ! -93090s0171 Envronmental ? .; & FONSI supportmo proposed rev to TS to e pwRs." Pc'pase mar tues entsmenern to 5 twint neroarri LL735 CnMES.B K. Dh -on of C-.y flanctor Seput (Post $2t004). 93/06/16. Cork i DEAN.W. Propw E Drectorate116 3. 93/08/24. 4pp. 763a6.316-76396219- sohdated Edson Co. of New Yort anc. 7pp. 75447315 N47.321. i 9309020159 Forwards "Prame Island Nuclear Generatmg Piart Uruts 1 & 2 IST Program $309100248 NRC Into Nobce 93467. "Burstng W High Presswa Coolant trycten l Manual " Steam Lyse Rupture Dscs ensures Plant Persormet* 1 ANDERSON.R.O. Northem States Power Co. 93/08/25. Document Control Branch GRNES.BX Dwmen of Operatmg Reactor S@ port (Post 921004L 03/06/36. Cork , (Cacument Control Dess). 2pp. 76309:001-76309161 schasted Edrson Co. of New Yort anc 13pp. N47.322-76447235. l

 -9309020160 Rev 2 to "Prane latand Nuclear Generstmg Plant Unds 1 & 2 IST Pro *      $3090301$9 Nonfes NRC of z          . c not comoisted withm schedule commmed to                                  l pm Manual"                                                                           m Reauakfcaton Exam Rept 50282/OL4202 tar Unas 1 & 2Cause of fasture to                                        j 6.D W.. MILLER.G., ALBRECHT.KJ. Northem States Power Cc6 93/06/20.                   most cate a madecancy of commrtment tracsung evs morrthly recortn9 10$pp. 76309 003-76339.161.                                                                                                                                                                         l ANDERSON R.O. Northam States Power Co 93/06/24. Docwnera Control Branch                                       i (Document Control Desk). app.76363 204-76363206.

9309000120 Forwaras NSPNO930034 "Prame taland.Orins 1 & 2 Transeent Power l Disinbunon Methodology." per SER did 930716 apprcung iopcal NSPNAD.93003. 9309030173Ack recept of 930723 response ta violatons noted m trisp Repts 50'282/ l QNDERSON.R.O. Nortrem States Power Co 93/09/02. Docunent Corttrol Branch 90w19 & 50 306/90w20 to frmess for duty asue ' escurny Whcar. I (Documem Control Desa).1p. 76397246 76397304. SNELL.w. Regon 3 (Post 820ml). 93/0B/27. . Y.D.D. t ortham States Power I Co.1p. 76362.306-76362338.  !

 -9309000127 *Prame islanc. Units 1 & 2 Transeent Power Dstnbubon Methooology"                                                                                                                         !
  • Nortnem States Power Co. NSPNAD.9300M 93/04/30. 5 app. 76397247- 9309140333 Ack U91930817 ttr docussmg contamed poteve test for alcohoLPoseve 1 76397.304. test a violanon of 10CFR$5.53@ Ntace c4 weiagon enct i MARTIN.LB. Repan 3 (Post 820201). 93/0b/30. INGALLS.S.D. Affilaten Not As. I
 $309150023 Forwards amends 108 & 101to bcenses DPR42 & DPR40 respecovely &              segnact 3pp. 7be43292-76443295.                                                                               l l   SE.Armenos revise TS to acrease fusi enncernera to 5.0% & to allow 5.0% U-235 fuel                                                                                                                  :

1 O be stored m new fuel vault & operit twee pool & used m core -g309140371 Nobce of volaton trarn930817 alcohol test %otaten notedpastormed E- ) i GAMBEROHLM Proect Drectorate lik1. 93/09/03. ANDERSON.R.D. Nortnam conned dunes unoer enuanoe of alcanol. l States Power Co. 4pp. N36,305-76436257.

  • Regen 3 (Post $20201). 93/06/30.1p. 76443.295.76443.295. '
 -9309150029Amenos 108 & 101 to bconnes DPR-42 & DPR43.respectruely. fewang           $309000219 Ack RO Anderson 933824 Itr revismg commaments associated w/reQuahf*

TS to increase fuel ervumment to 5.0% & to ahow 5.0% U-235 fusi to te stored m caton exam rest 50 282/OL-92-02 & msp repts50 252/92 22 & $0L306/92-22. j new fuel vault & spent tuet pool & used in core. FORNEY W.L Regen 3 (Post 820201). 93/08/31. AN7HONY.D.D. Northem States a DEAN.W.M. Propect Drectorate likt.93/09/03. 42pp. 76436309-7W W Power On. 2pp. 76347.350 76347.354. '

 -9309150040 Safety evahmten etsspo'ing amenos 108 & 101 to hoennes DPR-42 &          9308260198 NRC wo Notce 93469 "Radography Events at Operstmg Power Reac-DPR.60.respectue4                                                                    iors."                                                                                                        ;
  • Othee or Nuclear Reac!ar RepAston, Director (Post 870411). 93/09/03. 7pp. GRMES.BX Dmson of Operanng Roactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/09/02. Cork ,

76436.351-76436 357 noicated Edson Co. of New YorA ent tipp. 7t.499342-76499352. 1 i 4

62 DOCKETEDITEMS 9309080141 Responds to NRO930834 tir re volatorm noted m mse rept 50-262/9310 9309080219 Ack RO Anoerson930824ftr revamg cor'vwtments assocated w/reguahfe-

      & 54306/93-1C.Correcta actons review of me$ cal records performed to octemune            cation exam rept 50-282/OL-92-02 & msp repts53 282/92 22 & 50 306/92-22 comphance w/ repwatertLSubt operator recewed meecai exam on 930401.                      FORNEY.W L Repor. 3 (Post 820207) 93/08/01. ANTHONY.C D Northem States ANTONY.D.D. Northem States Power Co.93/09/02. Document Control Branch (Doc.              Power Co. 2pp. 76:h47J5476347254.

umamt Control DesA) 3pp 76410224N10222. 9309210095 Summary of 930700 Repon til annual trammg managers conference m 9309070206NRC mio Notoe 93470. "Degradabon of Borafles heJtron Absorber Cou- Gen Etsyn.[LPurpose of meetng to pnMoe forum for $ Nun on rev 7 o operator P0"5 heersmg exammer stas & to escuss operator heensmg asses GRIMES.B K Dnnson of Operetng Reacer Suppon (Post $21004). 93/09/10. Con- RING.M Rapon 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/16. Regson 3 (Post 820201). 29pp cohcated Edrson Co. of New York. me. 9pp,7t.4991153-76499.361. 76476:003-N76:091. 9JO921P51 Forwards enforcement cort 6erence repts 50 282/93-18 & 50 306/9318 on 933901feo votatons noted. DOCS (EY 54285 FORT CALHOUN STATION, UNIT 1 GREENMAN.E.G Repon 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/10. ANTONY.D.D. Northem States Power Co. 3pp N75.305-N75 323.

  -9309210056 Entorcemem conference repts 50 282/93-16 & 50 306/93-18 on                    F. Security, medical. emergency & fee protecten plana 930901.tAacr areas OsoJssedpotenhal "ctulkng effects" from complant fiaed w/ Dept W    Labor alte9PngRegon that secunty                                                    93D9150320 Forwares RERP mge 1 asued 93083tRERP+Seebon B.Rev JORGENSEN.BL                3 (Postguard  wroryapr 820201).        termnetedN75.308-76475 93/09/10.16pp. for comactmg NRO .323. 16. emergency pian torms mdex. pace 1.maued 930823. es:sudng Rev 1 to Form FC-     i EPF-2 & Rev 4 to For FC-EPF4. EPIPs 2.msued 930626 & Rev 8 to EPIP. 1 C309080104NRC Into Noboe934171. "FFe at Chemobpl Unit 2..

9 3. b S W.G. Omaria Pubhc Power Dstnct93/09/03 Dotarneru Control Branch (Doc-iOE o New ora m 7 0 - umern Control Desk). 3pp. N54:04176454C75. Mgt P

                                                                                            -9309150326 Rewsed radolopcal emergerev resporse plan (RERP). metueng RERP msos                                                  1.ssued 930831 & % 16 m p. Secten B. "Orgamratonal W W GRIMES.B K. Dwoon of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/14 Cork schaated E& son Co. et New York. Inc. Opp.76500$14-76500 022.                            E 9mm            7M4M76454-063.

0309290107 Forwards emergency preparedness exerces risp repts 50 282/9316 & 50-336/9316 cn 930830 0902.No velatons ected. -93o9150340 Rewmed emeroency pian forms (EPF).actueng EPFs moex. msued

      $NELLW Recpon 3 (Post 8232011. 93/09/20. ANTONY,0.D. Northem States Power                930823 Rev 1 to EPF FG.EPF-2. "Ottsme Morutonng Log" & Rev 4 to EPF FC-EPF4 Co. 2pp. 76%6 001-76566:045.                                                             "Sampe Wortosriset"
  • Omaha Pubhc Power Dstnct 93/08/23. 4pp. N54$64-76454:067.


   --9309290115 E           - preparedness exercise msp repts $4282/9316 & $4336193 i      16 on                 MarJr areas mspec18& plant arrsJal emergency preparoonegs ex.  - 9309150343 Rev 8 to EPIP.RR 17A. "TSC Admmistratwo Logstes Coordmator Ac-

! tons." n/EPIPs moon page 2.asued 930826. ercse ., REIDINGER.T., SIMONS.H. Regron 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/20. 44pp-COX.C CHRISTENSEN.W. Omaha Pubhc Power Dstnct 93/Ots/27. Spp. 76454$68-76566.003 76566 045. 76454:075. i voiec inso repts 54 / JOR ENSL .B N 9f1 P 9309170068 Requests ads two supportmg changes to Fort Camoun Radologcal Emer-l 3 (Post 820201) 93/09/24. ANTONY.O.D. Northem States Post ) 09/ 0 PATTERSON.TL Omaha Pubbe Power Demet. 5pp. 76471345-76471.349. l R. Portodsc opersting reports & reisted - 9309240029 Forwards sophannon for amend to bconse DPR40.vooueshng TS m appen-Om A te amended to suplement t.fianpes that move fire protecton program recure-9309030290 Forwards Ftmens for Duty Data for am month penod eneng 93063'). rnents from TS mto USAR m accorttance w/GL 86-10 & GL 8612 CNDERSON.R.O. Northom Stmas Power Co. 93/OS/25. Document Corstrol Branch GATES W.G. Omaha Pubhc Power Demet 93/09/15. Document Control Branch (Doc-(Ducmwrn Control DeskK 7pp. 7635215176352:157 ument Control Desk). 3pp. 76573:195 76573255. 9309C Fuo61 Forwards "Efnuent & Waste Deposal Semiannual Rept Jar > June 1993" & -9309240020 Appecaton tor amend to hoense DPR-40.requestmg TS et appends A be tevand repts for 19i59.1990.1991 & 1992. amenood to empsement changes that enove fire protecnon rogurements from TS mto FEY.F.L Northem Sta'es power Co.93/08/27. Document Control Branch (Documerit USAR en accorcanos w/GL E10 & GL 88-12. Cararol Desk). 19. 7635t185-76359219 GATES W.G. Omaha Pudic Power Dsmet93/09/15. Documeni Control Branch (Doc.

    -9309070063 " Effluent & Waste Disposal Esmiannual Rept Jan. June 1993.*
  • Northom States Power Co.93/06/30.17pp. 7635t186-76359.202. .g7)S240031 P oposed tech specs empemenbng changes to move tre protechan pro-
    -9309070066Rowned "Quenerty Roomane Rept for Fast & Second Quarter 1989?                    Pm   rerkaements Omaha               framDstnct Pubhc Power     TS mto  USARMpp.

93/09/15 m accordance e/Gi 8610 & GL 80-12. 7657320476573255.

  • Nortiem States Power Co.89/06/30.1p. 76359203-76359.203.
    -930907 ansa Revnad "Qua terey Reemase Rept for Thad & Fastn Charters 1989 -             $3H290070 Forwards msp rept $4285/93-18 on NNNo vio4abons noted CALLAN.LJ. Region 4 (Post 8202011. 83/09/16. PATTERSON,TL Omano Pubic
  • Northe m States Power Cn89/12/31.1p. 76359204-76359.204. power Demet opp. 7m* M7-76565264
    -930907t'069 Revised "Ourterk Remase Rept Frst & Second Quarters 1990."
  • Northum States Power Co.90/06/30.1p. 7635920$ 76359205. -9309290074 Partally watmold snso rept 54285/93-18 on 930823-27 (ret 10CFR7321).No weistons notoc.Magar areas ownerwt piarmJirocedurse.austs. lock
    -41309078W1 Revised "Charterty Release Rept Tturd & Fourth Quaners 1990."                   & key cartrol & vesi ares bemers norem.*i States Power Co.90/12/31.1p. 76359206-76359J06                              MURRAY.B. Regen 4 (Post $20201). 93/09/06. 2m. 76565263r76565264
    -9309070075Revoed "Sermarmuel Rept for Fast & Second Quarters 1991."

Northam States Power Co.91/06/30.1p. 76359207-76359207. P. Opersung hearine stage ! -&_-

    -9309070078 Revised "Quarterey Release Rept Thrd & Fourth Quarters 1991.-


  • Northom States Power Cct 9i/12/31.1p. 76359208 76369206. 9306230099 Suppl 5 to Genenc Lir 89L10 to nutsaar plant hcensees & CP todrs re I macuracy of .- .-U vates eauspmerit 1 -3309070079Rowned "Semannual Rept Fest & Second Quarters 1992? PARTLOW.J.G. Associate Dractor for (post 370411). 93/06/28. Cor= alm

! " Northam States Power Cet 92/D6/30.1p. 7635920lL76359209. ed Edrem Cc. of New York. enc. 7pp. 7640F001-76409-006.

     ~8,309070m Revised "Seneannual Rept herd & Farth Quarws 1992?                           9309030094 Forwards topcal rept evoluse:m of Rev 4 to OPPD.NA.6303. "'Trarsserit &

Nortram States Power Cct92/12/31.1p. 7G35921476359210. Mepeds & verm" Proposed Wanges accepele exospt for me W CmTS conwer code honneent anaymes. 93D9070063 *Emuerr Semiannumi Rept9207 5 930103?sunniemental neo.

  • Northem States Power Co.93/01/03. 9pp. 76359211-76359.219 .SA Pmiect Dmicwate M 93/08/18. PAMMSON.R Omana Pubhc

(, Power Demet opp. 76336-306 76335:311. C309140327 Monthly operstm0 septs for Aug 1993 tar PtNGP.uruts 1 & 2. W/930907 Itr. ANDERSON.R.O. Nortnam States Power Co. 93/08/31. 9pp. =4309030099Topcal rept evaluston at Rev 4 to OPPD NA45303. "Transsent & Acos. D'JGSTAD.D cent MethoGs & VerthceborL" Proposed crian9es m Rev 4 acceptatue except for use 76441;337 76441:345. of CEtCS cornputer code tar transent aratyees.

  • Othem c8 Nucosar Reactor RepAstori. Drector (Post 670411). 93/08/16. 2pp.
     & Reportabee occarveness. LIRs & rotated correspondence                                     76335-31476335;311.

9309000193 Forwards reauset for add!into re util $20706 & 930716 responses to Rev 1 9309010209 LER 93 010 00 on 930729montrol room ar hanser was rarnoved from svc tor preventive mamt oue to persarmel error.Revuied DG survessance test to GL 92 01. Reactor vessel Sauctivat meegnty? Resporme roguested withm 50 proceeures W/930623 Itr anys. etJNSTADAA ANDERSON.R.O. Nortnem States Power Co. 93/0B/23. 4pp BLOOM.SA Propect Drectorate tv-1. 93/0B/20. PATTERSON.T.L Omaha Pubhc 7640ft:048-7640lE051. Power Demct 4pp. 7m? 't?e-76352:331. 9309160158 Forwartts apphcsten for amend to Laoenas DPR-40.revismg TS to refect W. Opersta, r- - new 10CFR20 & suppes 930f21 apphcatort ' GATES.W.G. Omaha Pubhc Power DstrcL93/09/10.Documerit Coritral Branch (Doo-( 930903D159 Netsfes NRC of commitments not cornpleted wrthm schedule conmutted to umem Coritrol Desk) 2pp. 76454:319 76454:332. sn Reaunkhcanon Exam Rept $4282/OL-92432 tor Unr5 I & 2.Cause of tueure to meet ome e aindeouncy of commamera trackm9 sys enanthly reptriing -9309160161 Appecaton tar amend to (Annee DPR40.revissne TS Secten S.9111 & ANDEFtSON.R.O. Northum States Power Cc,. B3/08/24. Documerit Control Branch 5.16 to refisct new 10CFP20 & anmmstrasve changek (Document Ccritral DesI@ 3pp. 763G3204 76363206. GATES.W G. Omaha Pubic Power Demet 93/09/10. 2pp. 76454:321 76454:322. I r


 -9309160162 Proposed tech specs & 5.16.refiecimg rew 10CFR20 & admnus.                   9308060237 NRC into Notce 93464. "Penoec Testmg & Preventive Mamt of Molded tratrve charges.                                                                                  Case Crcurt Breakers?
  • Oma%s Pubic Power Dstnct93/09/10.10pp. N54 323-76454.332 GRIMES.B K. Omseon of Operstmg Reactor Support / Post 921004L 93/06/t2 Con-sokaated Eeson Co. or New York, snc.11pp. M47293.N47.303.

93D9160204 Forwards summary of trgt meenng w/ute on 930909 se abamans on an overview of goals estaDkshed & actmtes plarmed tar outage & shutdown nsit assess- 9308090187 NRC Into Notee 93465. " Reactor Tnps Caused by Breaker Testmg W/ ment pe'tormed.Lst of attenopes & Icensee presernahon enci Fault Protechon Bypassed" BEACHAB Reacn 4 (Post 820201) 93/09/13. PATTERSON.TL Omaha Pubic GRIMES.B A Dnson of Operatmg Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/06/13. Corw Power Dstrct 3bpp. 76454174-76454210 schoated Eeson Co. oi New York, snc. Itpp.76447.304-76447:314 9309210216Recpes1s that NRR prov=3e review of concem te beensee TS acton state- 9308100006NRC Into Nobce 93466, "Switchover to Hot-Leg inpocton Followmg LOCA ment Ior moperante cnannel tor SIRWT tevel to ostomune el e is appropnate to re- m PWRs." ouest change t e avbated to plam TS. GRIMES.BA Dnasen of Operatog Fieactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Con. BEACHAB. Regon 4 (Post 820231). 93/09/13 ADENSAM.E. Assistant Dractru for solcated Esson Co. of New Yom. Inc 7pp. 76447.315 76447.321. Regon IV/V Reactors (Post 901216). App. 76511254 76511:357. 9308100248 NRC Into Notce 93467. "Burstmg of High Pressure Coolam infecton 9309243029 Forwards apphcanon for amend to hcense TS e apper* Steam Lee Rupture Docs mpares Pant Personriel? es A be amenced to snpernem changes that move fre protecton program reuure. GRIMES.BK Dnnson W Operatmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06/16 Con-mems from TS mto USAR in accorcance w/GL 86-10 & GL 81L12 sohdated Eeson Co. o New York. Inc.13pp. m47322-76447;335. GATES.W.G. Omans Pubic Power Osmet93/09/15 Document Control Branch (Doc-umem Comrol Desk). 3pp. 76573195-76573255. 9309010036 Ack receipt of 930813 Itr mtormmg NRC of steps taken to correct molatons rioted m msp rept 50285/93-05 on 930713.

 -9309240030Appicaton tur amend to Icense DP440/ecuestmg TS in appen$w A be                          CEANLJ. Regen 4 (Post 820201t 93/08/25. PATTERSON.TL Omaha Pubhc amenced to impemerit changes that move fre protecton recurements from TS rno                      Power Ostnct 4pp. 76278:184-76278:191.

USAR m accordance w/GL 8610 & GL 8812. on Deskt 765 1 96- 73 99 93082m98 E Into Notce 93469. *m Ewns at Opsanng W h tors. I t

 -9309240031 Proposed toch specs impiemenbrg changes to move tre protecton pro"                     GRIMES.B K. Dnason of Opera 1mg Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/09/02. Cor>

sohdated Eeson Co. of New York, mc.11pp. 76499.342 76499.352 7am vequrements trorn TS sito USAR m accordance w/GL 6610 & GL 8812 Omaha Pubic Power Detnct93/09/15. 56pp. 76573200'76573255. 9309140316 Informs that 930611 response to NRC buhehn 9$002. acceptable. 9309230127 BLOOM.S. Proiect Drectorate tv 1. 93/09/02.PATTERSON.TL Omaha Pubhc Power bhng currentForwaros appicanon coreguranon of tues for air amend to hcense sys lor EDGs DPR.40.revusng to meet Spec 2.7.ena,- capacnv recurements o astnet 3pp. 76431:32S 76431 230. IEEE-308.provickng fuel for 7 cays of DG operanon after most mornoent GATES.WA Omarm Pehe Power Dstnet 93/09/17. Documem Control Branch (Doc. 93090M011 Respcmds to NRC B30803 ltr m malatons noted m map mpt W2W9S12 ument Control Desk). 3pp. 76547271-76547288. on 930624 0716.Correceve aJ-..._ _ r procedwe NOD.OP 36. GATES.W.G. Omaha Pubhc Power Dstnct 93/09/03.Docurnent Control Branch (Doc-

 -9309230138Apphcaton for amend to hcense DP440.revismg Spec 2.7 to enable cur.                     umera Consoi Deskt 6pp. 7639PC17 76398-022-rent confgursion of fuel oil sys 1or EDGs to meet capa:: sty recurements of IEEE-308.provioing fuel tar 7 days at DG operaton tohowng most imunng accsonnL                      9309100124 Forwards risp rept 50485/9S17 on 9307264813 Volatons rioted but not GATES.W.G Omaha Pubhc Power Detnct93/09/17. 2pp. 76547J74-76547;275                              cried re mdnadual           across posted conta musel area bouncary.

COLLINS.S.J. Repon 4 t 820201t 93/09/0E PATTERSON.TL Omaha Pubic i -93DB230141 Proposed toch specs 2.7. 'Electncal Sys." enabhng current cxrmgaramon Power Distnct 4pp. 76424.346 76424.359. ! of fuel ont sys for EDGs to meet capacsty recurements of IEEE 306 as bemg capacie of prowamp tuel tor 7 oays of DG opernhan sollowng most kmeng accsaent -9309100126 Insp rept 50285/9317 on 9307260813Volabons noted but not

  • Omaha Ptg>he Power Dstnct93/09/17.13op. 76547276 76547;288. csted.Mapor areas 6rnoectectoualecalon of bcensed operator & evaluuton of recuakf>

9309240267 Forwards ronpropnetary & propnetary response to NRC 930820 RAI on unt (Post $20201). . 39/03.10pp. 764242S76424.359. l response to Queston 2a of GL 9241.Rev 1.tnto nevoed to assess comphance to App i G of 10CFR0 & comnstments made m response to GL 8411.Propnetary resporue 9309140282 Summanzes 930819 meetmg m Regen IV etc per results of specal map t wanheid 50 285/9312. Attendance kst & tecensee presentaten enci GATES.WA Omaha Pubhc Power Dstnct93/09/17. Document Control Branch (Doc + BEACH.A.B. R 4 (Post 820201A 93/09/08. PATTERSONT.L. Omaha Pubhc j ument Control DeskA 14psx 76553;264-76553277. Power Detnet 1 . 7M38212 76438.329. l 9309300017 Documents change m cor9mnment made m 930211 response to Genanc 9309150006 Forwyds insp Rept E285/9S16 on 930718 0828 Votahans noted Ltr 8742 re USAR. App F ekstructwo response spectra & anemate searrec cmre &

                 .w regans w ann                                                                    BEA,C,H.A.B.

pp ReDon 4 (Post 820201). 93/09/09. PATTERSON,TL Omaha P4he Dutnet opp.76451.269-N51:288. pg ument ConeW Deskt 3pp. M26270-76626272-l -9309150007 Insp rept 50285/93-16 on 9307184828Volatons nosed.Maor areas 9309300019 Provens curvicatons el & revs to certam imensmg bass commnments as- "* **"' "P


e n & fonoms a "nawrer a o NU EG 0 Inom i B.3

                                                                                                                 .R   egen 4         82020n. WM 16pp. NSWN51288.

4- '"' C ). 7662 22 66M 9309070206NRC Into Notop 93070, "Dogradalon of Borsfies Neupon Absorber Cou-GRIMES.BX Divison of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Cork 4- reports,IE Buteens & a sohdated Edson Co. of New YortL Inc. 9pp. N99.353-76499.361. 9307160033 NRC Into fuobce 93456," Weakness m EOms Found as Result of SG Tube secon Rupture " ' GRIMES.BK Dansen et Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/22. Co'* GATES.W.G. Omaha Pubhc Power hatnct93/09/10. Document Control Branch (Doc > umern Convol Desk). 6pp. 7647422k76474234. l sohdated Edson Co. of New 1ork, Inc. tipp. M99.302 76499J12. , 9309090104 NRC Info Notee 93471, " Fee at Chemobyl Unit 2." l 9307190131NRC trito Nobce 93458. "Nonconservatism en LTOP for PWRtL" GRIMES.BK Divoson W OpeaDng Reacer Support (Post SM004L 93/09/13. Cco. I GRIMES.B #L Divoon et Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Cce> sohdated Edson Co. of New York, enc.14pp. 7650D$01-76500013' I aih3ated Echson Cct of New York. Inc. 9pp. 76447:264-76447272. 9307200123HRC Info Notoe 93 0C? " Unexpected Ocenmg of Both Doors ei N 9309090243 NRC Into footrae 93 072. "Otmervatons From Recent Stutdown Rak & pl New enc. .7 273 ke 282. G ES I Dwason et Operstmg Reactor Support (Pott 921004). 93/09/14. Cork sohdated Echson Co. of New YortL dre. Bpp.76500914-76500 022. 5 Suppl 1 to NRC Buttetm 91401. "Reportng Loss of Cracakty Safety Cork 9309160183 Forwards snap rept SCL285/93-19 on 93082S27.No votebons noted. BURNETT.R.F. Dansson of Fuel Cycle Safety & Sateguards (Pos!930207). 93/07/27. CALLAN.L.J. Regon 4 (Post 8202D1). 93/09/14. PATTERSON.TL Omaha Pubhc Consoimated Eckson Co. of New York. inc. 23pp. 76409009 7640it.031. Power Datnct 4pp. W68305-M68219. 3307290112 NRC Into Nobce 93060, *Reportng Fuel Cycee & Mans Events to NRC -930ME0193 ansp rept 50-285/9S19 m 930823-2N Worm noted Map amas 1 Oprators Ctr? =m. -non protecton pregamJncluckng auckts & appraman.tramng & ' EURNETT.R.F. Dnneson of Fuel Cycle Safety & Safeguares (Peet 930207). 93/08/04. expoowe coneos & C/As for prevously idenoted nons. Cartookasted Eckson Co. of New Yoret Inc.10pp. 76447.28SN47292. MURRAY.B. Flagon 4 (Posi 820201). 93/09/10.11pp. N68309-76468219. Swie00 NRC into Nobce 93061. "Excesssve Reacts Coosant ' ==vana Fohouang 9309290061Ack receipt of 930903 ttr irvformmg NRC of steps taken to correct violatons heal Fas!we m RCP or RRP? noteo en ervan rept SS285/9S12. i GRIMES.BK Deveson of Operstmp Remetor Support (Ptst 921004). 93/08/09. Cork BEACMAB. Regen 4 (Post 820201193/09/1E PATTERSON.T.L Omahm Pteihe I solcated Ethson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. N99313 76499324 Power Disinct. App.76565;240 76565249. )

  $=rN45 NRC into Notas SSOG2.
  • Thermal Seatifcaton of Water m BWR Reactor 9309290276 Aok receipt of 930830 Itr mtorreeng NRC of steps taken to correct violatons i vessets " noted m eso repts50 275/93 16 & 50,323/93-16. )

GRIME.S.B.A. Divsson of Opranng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/10. Cor> VANDENBURGH.C.A Feoon 5 (Post 820201). 93/09/15. RUEGER.G.M. Pacdc Gas 1 sch3sted Ethson Co. of New York, Inc. 9pp. N99225-*99.333. & Elecenc Co. 3pp. 76567219-76567227 9308030274NRC Into Notce93 063. *1mproper Use of Solut>6e weed Purge Dam MatL" 9309290070 Forwards esp rept 50 295/9S18 on 93082127.fvo violatons notstL GRIMES.B K. Division of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/11. Cork CALLANLJ. Regon 4 (Post 820201L 93/09/16. PATTERSON.TL Orrsha Pubhc molcated Eckson Co. of New York, mc. Opp.76499334-

  • 99.341. Power Datnct app.76565257t/6565264 I

i l


    -9309290074 Partaal'y wthheld msp rept 50 285/93 18 on 930823 27 (ref                       -9309280115Insp rept50-286/93 21 on 930830 0902 No molatons floted. Malce areas 10CFR73.21LNo notatens rote 1Mapt areas mspectevi plans.procemees,auditsjock                  mspecteenet support & sudits. protected & wtal area physscai bame%oelecten & an-
  • & key comrol & vital a<aa bamerk sessmers aids & protected wtal rea access control of personnet MURRAy,B. Repon e (Post S20201). 93/09/08. 2pp. 76565263 76565264. KINGLE.. KEIMIG.R.R. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 93/09 r17. 7pp. 76551;2 5 76551.222 9309290235 informs that Icensee we autmet reouested mto by 931222 te IE Butiebn 68411. "Pressunrer Surge Lme Therman Stratrfcabon."

S309290125 Forwards new page 20.rev 12 of secumy plan oue to rev 12 copy spillover GATES.W ument G.Desk) Control Omaha Put9e Power Ds1nct 93/09/23. Document Coritrol Branch (Doc- trom page nmeteen rev 13 additmns Page wthheld 1p. 76606.342-76606'342

  • Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authontyt 93/09/24 Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authonty).1p. 76602:36G FL Portodm operating reports & related .,.. . . . . -

9309030232foneards Fort Calhoun Staton Performance indcators Rept." Jul 1993. G. Ad.nachcatory correspanoence JONES W.C. Omana Pubhc Power Datnet93/06/27 Document Control Branch (Doc-ument Control Desk).1p. 76361:001-7636t096. 9309220126 Parhal response to FOIA requestApp D cocumenta avanable e PDR. App P

   -9309030235 " Fort Calhoun Staten Performance todcators Rept" Jul 1993.                          cocuments partally wthheid (ref FO1A E.nemptons 5 & 6L
  • Omahs PutAc Power Dstret93/07/31, 97pp. 7G36 t002-76361996. GRIMSLEY.D.H Dnasen of Freedom of informaton & Pubicatons Servces (Post 890205). 93/04/28. GluNSKY.V. AffAaton Not Asegnea 11pp. 76576:123-9309150221 Monthly coeratmg rept 1or Aug 1993 tor Fort Calhoun Staten Urut i W/ ~

930914 Itr HOWMAN.MA. GATES.W.GL Dmaha Pubhc Power Dstnet 93/08/31. 8pp -8110280632 Partalty withheid Commssson paper re response to Holt PotA Appeat 81-76449.341-76449.348- A.1C on NRC recoras of Task Force on intenm Operaten of trusan Pomt BICKWrT.L. Ottee of the General Counsel (Post 860701). SECV 81-176. 81/03/18. C309290312 Forwards " Fort Cathoun Staten Portormance Indcators." for Aug 1993. ' EE' ~ GATES.W.G Omaha PutAc Power Detnct93/09/24 Document Control Brarch (Doc- -93092201&5Partally wthheld Commesson paper to htgatwo naks associated w/mter. ument Control Desk). 87pp. 76602242-76602.337 en ohumown m

   -C309290315 " Fort Calhoun Stalmn Performance trutcators." for Aug 1993.
       ' Omaha Pubic Power Detnct 93/0B/31. 95pp. 76602243-76602337.                                    ' h f65
  • 049' S Reportatue occurrorces,LERs a related correspodence P. Operaung scense sta9e ' _ & correspondence
   $309000341 Forwards LER 90420.Rev 1.updanng status of correctwo actons & Mclu$.            3309200135 Partal response to FOIA roouest for cocumems. Forwards records m App L         i m0 other mmor edaona: crianges. Mod roouest evnated to roniace or upgrade DG voit,           whch are          wrmheid partally for kstad reasons.(ret FOtA exemptons 5).

ege requister due to inck at spare parts ava%' not reCgyeg HARRIS.CA l of Freedom or trearmaten & Pubacatums Semces (Post  ! GATES.W.G. Omaha Pubic Power Datnet93/06/31.Docwnert Control Branch (Doc. 890205). 93/04/12.GIUNSKY,V Afflhaton Not Asssgned. 8pp. 76677:00176680:006. ument Control DeskL19. 76430-107 76430 112. 4110200590 Parbahy withhrid affirmaton SECY that resportos to setesment proposed

   -9309000347 LER 9042041:enrr              'tr*     regulator ==*ra=le                          by parnes.

Gunng tun load teatre oue to parnalw faned'irannsstor m state =r,d w/EDG 1 tailed nar cecasLCatunet BICKWIT.L Office of the Generaf Courtbol (Post 860701) SECY-81247. 81/04/20. venateten sys mstaned to provice aanguate coonrg. 40pp. 76677283-76677322. BUELLD. Omaha Putec Power Dstnct 93/06/31. Spp. 76432108-76430112. 9306230099 Sepi 5 to Genenc Ltr 89L10 to riuclear plant ncensees & CP holders re 9309080318 Updates status of conectrve acton m LER 1.dtd 930226 se m. maccuracy W motorgperated verve etso ment stahaton a hre pump backpressure control vaiva. Schedule for resoluton of aem re- PARTLOWJG. Amarame Drector for (Post 8704 tty 93/06/28. Consohdat-weed kom 930901 to 940151. ed Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 7pp. 76409201-76409$08 GATES.W.G. C>naha Pebe Power Detret93/09/01.Documera Control Branch (Doc-umera Control Desk). 2pp. 76399.32th76399221. 9309140164 Requests a&2 mso for revow of una response to CL 92 01. Rev 1. *RV Structural imognty." Raouests renamahon of RT(pts) for evaluaton of pressurtred 93D*'rei Special repton 930823 & 28 Fee Protecton imparmert Permns 3364 & enormal shocst for tacihty.Evahnwi enet. 3374 outated tar fre tamer penetratens814-17 & 564 234, support CONICELLA.NI. Protect Duectorate11. 93/08/12. BEEDLERE Power Authartty at mant im portatwo water sys.Penenatens aetwned to service on 930907. the State of New York (New York Power Authontyk 6pp. 76422175 76422.164. GATES W.G Omaha Putte Power Dstnct93/09/24. Document Coreal Branch (Doo-umera Corrirol Deskk 2pp. 76626226 76626227. -9309140166 SER advemg that bcennes fney need to implement accl Suu reducion to enstee that RT(pts) value does not exceed PTS screenng creanon et expranon of econse. V. Operatorr. _a

  • Offre of Nuclear Reactor W Dractor (Post 870411). 93/08/12. dop.

7642E180 76422184. 9309100124 Forwards map rept 5(k285/9317 on 9307264813.Volatons noted but not cnod re mchaduni reachmg scrosis posted contammeted area 93090002e6 Forwards _; . J safety evaluston re 921112 anomshes noted M COLUNS.SJ Regon 4 (Post 820201L 93/09/06. PATTERSON.T . Omaha Pubhc NRC 920810 safety evabanon of 900117 second 1(kyr enervene testng program & Power Dstnct opp.76424-346 76424 359 P=memand rebet roguest. Actons adequatofy antkeus connerra of n ' _ CAPRA RA Propect Drectorate k1. 93/06/20. BEEDLE.RL Power Authomy of the

  -9309100126 Insp rept 5th2BS/93-17 on 9307264813.Volatons noted but not                        State of New York (New York Power Autnantyt 3pp. 76374259 76374:269.

catetMasar areas mspected;quahtcaten of toensed operator & evaluston of tw=4 canon progrant -9300000290 Supplemental safety evaluaten accmpan0 921110 response to anomshes PELLET,J.L - 4 (Post 820201). 83/09/03.10pp. 76424.35(k76424:359. noted m NRC 920810 safety evatuston at 900117 second 10-yr enerval meervce test-M9 Drogram. DOCKET E4296 INDLAN pol 8f7 STATION, UNfT 9

  • Othee of Nuclear Remeter Regulatkes Deector (Post 670411A 93/08/20. 8pp.

76374 262-70374269. 9309020014 Forwards "Etnuent & Waste Deposal Sentennual Rept Jan June 1993," F. Securtty, fnethcal, emergency & fire protection penne Rev 2 to "Schd Radwaste PCP" & Rev 8 to "ODCM? GARRITYJ Power Authortly of the State of New Ycvk (New York Power Authontyl 9309220126 Partal response to POlA recussLApp O documents available en PDfLApp P 93/08/27. MARTIN T.T. Repon 1 (Post 820201) sp. 76323-001-76323215. Oocunents parnally withheld traf FOiA Epomptons 6 & 6L Grin 4SLEY,D.K Dwison of Freedom of trearmation & Pubbceters Sennees (Post -9309020020 Rev 2 to RE-PCP. "Sohd Radweste PCP? 890206t 93/04/28. GIUNSKY,V. Afhhabon feat Assigned 11pp. 76575:123

  • Power Aumorny of the State of New York (New York Power Authontyk 93/05/11, 76580 168. 31pp. 76323 023 76323954.
  -9309220279 Partally withheed Commason paper skars= swig Cw._                 ophons re    =8309020021 Rev 8 to "ODCM?

tacinny.Commmann warang ter FtIMA to inews on amorpency pregeredness. KERNS.M. Power Author . of the State of New York (New Ycrk Power Authonlyk 93/ PLAINE.H.R Other of the General Counesi (Post 9u0701). SFCY-83 207,83/05/27. 07/14.200pgL 76323:055 15. 3pp. 76578.345-76579:347. 9309130061 Forwards amend 138 to toense DPR44 & safety evaluatort Amend to-9309010215 Revesd emergency plan.mciuttnD tatue of cornents.EP-Forms ennen & EP- vises 6echon 4 6A2 to charige frequercy of emergerry dessel generator capacny Fcrm 5.19.27 & 48. - to accommoosta operamon on 24 rnanth tusi cycle.

  • Power Aumorny of the State of New York (New York Power Authorny). 93/08/25. CON NJ, Protoci Drectorate kt, 93/08/31. BEEDLERL Power Authonty of 9pp. 76318.308-76318.316. the State of New York (New Yo'k Power Authonly). 4pp. 76422187-76422:198, 9309200162 Forwards asxaste to security piarunedudmg table of contortts.Rev 13 to -9309130064 Amend 138 to heense DPR44 revemg TS Sachon 4 6A2 to change tre-18.19.21 & 24 & Chaotor 11&nce wanhold. auency of emergency chosol generator capocrty tesung to ___ - - operatons Authorny of the State of New York (New York Power Authertty). 93/09/16. On 244honth 1944 cveta.

PJwer Aumomy of the State of Pew York (New York Power Autterstyk 1p. 76601:3Sik CAPRA RA Propect Drectorate M. 93/08/31. Epp. 76422191-76422t195. 76601:359.

                                                                                             -9309130071 Sataty evaluaban etsiportmo amend 138 to Econee DPR44.

9309270023 Re0uests that tac 2ty hoermee tumssh NRC w/ttoms ksted in enet 1. " Refer-

  • Oftes of Nucenar Reactor hogulabon, Drector (Post 870411). 93/08/31, 3m enee sean r - u? Io prepare annousteer for piant tre protecten & App R etsp. 76422 196 76422198.

BETTENHAU5EN.L Regart 1 (Post 820201L 93/09/17. GARRITY J.K Power Author-Cy of #se State of New York (New Ytyk Power Authortly). 4pp. 76b43;195 76543:188. 9309170010 informs that addl htfo roguested #e heerwee 930521prms for proposed 93092a0113 Fonwaroa map rept 5tb286/93-21 on 930830 0902.No vuointons ented TS change extendmg ESF nasang 33 accommoomto 24 month operanno cycse for face-ty JOYNER.J.R Rogpon 1 (Post 820201L 93/09/22. GARRITYJR Power Authonty of CONtCELLA.NJ. Propect Drectorate 31. 93/09/14 BEEDLE.R1 Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authontyk 3pp. 76551213-76551221 the State of New York (New York Power Aumorttyt app. 76463:171-76463:174.

DOCKETEDITEMS 65 4 9309270056 Nottcaton of squhcant Icensee meetmp on 930927 s; Kmg of PrussaP/- 1309070206NRC Into Noim 93470. *Deg'adatum of Boratlex Neutron Absorber Cou. m mg: mecono to c.scuss OA pons.- ESEL.GROTH.> W. Region 1 (Dost $20201). 93/09/15. Repon 1 (Post 8202b f). 3pp GRMES.B K. Denson of Ope'atng Reactor Support (Post 921004t 93/09/10. Con-76543.213-76543 215. schoanic Eo son Co. of Nee York, mc. 9pp. W99.353-76499.361. 9309270100 h".a= 930525 meenne w/utd to assure Board was aware of NRC con- 9309080104NRC into hotee 93471. " Fee st Chemotyl Unit 2 " corns & commmed to reprovmg performance Detwe aos nuclear satety prctdems GRMES.B K. Drasson of Operstng Reactor Supper (Post 921004t 93/03/13. Con. I omop Ls1 of meenng attendees ere!. schoated Eamon Co. W tvew York. me.14pp 76500 001-76500.013. l MARTIN.T.T. Regen 1 (Post 8202C1). 93/09/15. BEEDJ..R. Power Authomy of the State of New Yoni (New Yort Power AJtruntyl 5pp 76543250 76543254 i 9309090243 NRC 2 Notee 93472. "Otarvatons From Recem hm Risk & 93092 ym7 tnat upon completors of renew of 10CFRho.71 subrnatatutH wel te [g"g3 '[' #'

                                                                                                                   '"e",'Operanng Reactor Smoort (Post 921004) 93/09/14. Con.

BETTENHAUSEN.L. Re:pon 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/17.GARRITYJ.H Power Author- ed Echmon & W h M mc- W MMMN sty at the State of Neo york (New York Power Aethority). 3pp. 76552.343 76552.345. 3ng %

                                                                                                       ,         ,            g,,p, ,, 933,gg l 9309230116 Responcs to GL 9304. "Roct Control Svs Fadure & Wethdrawal of Rod            weakness otmeeve'd m radoogical s'oa posung & contawanaten control.

Controi Cluster Assembbes? w/ regard to appicszudy of WCAP.13803. "Gerenc As. JOVNERJ.H. on 1 (Post $20201). 93'Ois/14. GARRITYJ.H. Power Authonty of sesst'ent of Asymmetnc Rod Cluster Contror Assembly Withdrawata the State ed New ork (New York Power AutnomyL 3pp. 76475.104N75:119. BEEOLE.R.E. Power Authonty o' the State of New York (New York Power AJthomvt 93/09/21. Document Control Branch (Document Contot Desk).14pp 76582.339- -9309210029 Insp rept 50-286/9319 on 930816-20.No votatens noted Mapor areas 76582.352. -- rur. anon & sis'tmD.QA & enemat a mtsman oos metrv NICKJ P ^ .W. Reger) 1 (Pos1820201). 93/09/14. Opp. 76475112 76475-119. Q. Inspection reports, E Bulletins & _ __ -- - 9309210093 Confens dates of $3110105 & 1519 for svc water sys operatonal per-formance msp at taalsty & requests mto tsted m enci dunng pregnsp vs6 scneeded 9307160033 NRC into Nots;e 93456. " Weakness m EOPs Found as Result of SG Tube for wk of 931018. Ruptre." DURR LP. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/15. GARRTTYJH. Power Aumority of the GRMES.B K. Dwrmn of Operrmang Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/rl7/22. Corp State of New York (New York Power Authonly). 6pp. 76476.057 *76:062. sokaaled Eckson Co of New York, mc lipp. N99:302-76499.312. 9309270023 Raouests that tamhty Iansee herush NRC w/nems hated m enct 1. " Refer-t307190131NRC meo Nance 93 058, "Nonconservansm m LTOP for PWRs? enm Matl Guoeknes? to prepare acecMately for piam fre prolscion & App R msp. GRMES.B K. Dwison of Opersang Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Con- BETTENHAUSEN.L Regan 1 (Post $20201). 93/09/17.GARRITYJ.H Power Author-soboated Echson Co or New York. Inc. 9pp. 76447264-76447.272. ny of the State of New York (New York Power Aumonty) App.76543:185 76543 168.

 $307200123 NRC Mfo Notee 93059, " Unexpected Opereng of Both Deres m Aetock."        9309280029 Responds to NRC ter re volatons noted m insp rept 50 286/93-13 on GRMES.B.K. Dwmen of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Cork            9306014719 Correctrve actons:Survemance Test 3PT 3Y1 renewed & rensarl by soldated Edtsen Co. of New York, me lopp. N47.273-76447222.                          931031.

GARRITYJ.H. Power Authomy of the Sta1e of New York (New York Power Authontyl f3072sOOG5 Sept 1 to NRC Buheen 9%001. " Reporting Loss of Crthcakty Sately Cor* 93/09/22. Documera Corural Branch (Document Coneol Desk). 7pp. 76569.264-E7.R.F Dwoon of Fuel Cyese Safety & Sateguares (Post 930207). 93/07/27 Consolcated Ecnnon Co. of New York. anc. 230p. 76409 009-76409-031. 93092s3113 Forwards mso rept 50 286/9121 on 9308304902ho notatens notetL 9 Into Nohce 93 060. "Reportmg Fuel Cycle & Matts Evems to NRC * '( '

  • Sta New o"rk (New York 3pp 65 37 222 BUMr ETT.R.F. Dwoon of Fuel Cycie Safety & Sateguards (Post 930207L 93/06/04.

Conschdated Eckson Co. of New York, snc.10pp. 76447253-76447292. -9309290115insp rept 30-286/93 21 on 9308304902.No violatoris noted Maior areas mapacted:rngt support 4 -~ - & vaal area physcal bamers.oetecten & as-9308030200 NRC mto Nobee 93461. "Excesswe Reactor Coolant Leakage Fotowmg sessment nos & protected vital area access corwoe of personnet Soai FaAre en RCP or RRP.= KING.E.B.. KENG.R.R. Regen 1 (Post 820201L 93/09/17. 7pp. 76551216-GRMES.B K. Dwoon of Operstmp Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/09. Cory 76551:222. j t soldaisc Edson Co of New York, en 12pp. M99.313-76499:324. 53,08030245 NRC into Nor 93062. " Thermal Stradfacaton of Water en BWP Reactor R. Portoche operating reports & related correspontience s ec GRMES.B K. Dumon of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06/10. Con-solcaled Edson Co of New York enc. Opp. N99325-N99 333. 93 020014 Forwards "Emusm & Waste1N -1 Se,n,uannual Rept Jam M M Rev 2 to "Schd Radweste PCP" & Rev 8 to "ODCw4. Maar=74 NRC into Notee 93453. "6mproper Une of Sakible Wald P Dism Many GARRITYJ Power Appenty of the State of New York (New Yort Power AupontyL GAMES.B.K. Dwoon of Operstmg Reactor Support (Pont 921004L 9.,!08/11. Can. 93/06/27. MARTINIT. Repon 1 (Post 8202ML 10. m23N7M2324 soldated Edson Co of New Yort, arc 90p. N99.334-N99:341.

                                                                                      -930902001$ " Effluent & Waste Dept sal Serrmannual Rept Jar >Jurse 1993."

9309060237NRC Into Notce 934G4. "Penoche Testng & PrevenDwe tPati of Molded

  • Power Authomy of the State of New York (New York Power AuthomyL 93/06r30.

Cese Creun B eas6ers" 21pp. 76323932-76323:022. GRMES.B K. Dwason of Operstmo Rea:: tor t-et (Post 921004L 93/98/12. Cork solcaled Edson Cu et New York. mc. tipp.76447.293-76447:303. -9309020020 Rev 2 to RESCP."Schd kJwaste PCP."

  • Power Authort., a4 the Staae of New York (New York Power Authorityk93/05/11.

9308090187 NRC into Mohce 93465 " Reactor Tnps famart by Breaker Testmg W/ 31pp. 76323-023-7tw23 054. . Fauft Protecten Bypassect" GRMES.B.K Dwson of Operanng Reactor Seonte (Pest 921004). 93/08/13. Con" 9300020021 Fiev 8 to "ODCM " schosted Edson Co of New York, mc.1100. 76447:334.76447:314- Power. of the State of New Ycue (New York Power AuthontA. 93/

 .010          we ,,,       ioe 9,0 6. Swicho.e, to soi-teg in,ec n       wmg toCA c" === 752='** a2'25 m  P@s".K. Divmon of Operanry Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Corv 9 GAMES.B O Forwards Masuty personnance repts tw Jah kr JA Watnck somented Edson Co of New Yorsi, ec 7pp. N47:315 76447:321.                           8                         N""*
                                                                                                                                           ,, g, y,g g y,,g %

9308100248 NRC into Nntee 93067. "Burstng of High Pressure Coolant litectan Docsanem Cwwol &anch (Documem Cywel DeskL 12pp. 76363192 Stsam Laie Ruotare Dscs esses Plant Personnet " f - GRMES.B K Dwmon of Opersing Rea:: tor Support (Pcat 921004L 93/08/16. Cork soldated Eckson Cct of New Yort6, ern 13pp. M47:322 76447:335. 9309070305 Monthly operatng rept for Aug 1993 for Intban Posnt 3 W/ 930932 ar. ORLANDO,T, GARRfTYJ.M. Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York 9309010008 Confrms 930820 taloon re 7<kry ecgreson of 9me for respondmg to nobce Power AuthomyL 93/08/31. 5pp. 76359294-76359.298. or veianon & sraposed enrmion of cwe penanv. MARTIN.T1 P.egon 1 (Post 8202D1L 93/08/20. BEEDLE.R. Power Autronty of tne Staie of New Yort (New York Power Auronly). 3pp. 76273C23 76273222. S. Reportable occurrences, LERs & reisted correspondence ! 9309010239 Respords to NRC 930721 Itr we volatitms & ewt penstbes assocated w/ ensa Repts 60286/92-28,53286/S3 03 & $D486/93 09.Correcewe actonsAMSAC $3224M36 LER 93.C2940.on 93084dentfud reparabie ponerston tim seats & hm l bamers maad by speedied penetraton mas not being estaNed per design

    $nrvemance Test wG be revsed & AMSAC sys wel to recesepied. Fee pad.

i GARRITv).H. Power Authortly of the State of New York (New York Power Authony). flected he seal assemtakes mothhed.W/930916 kr ! 93/0B/27. LIEBERMANJ. Otc of Enforcemora (Post 870413). 36pp. 76324214- LAUR R.. GARRITYJ)t Omaha Ptealc Power Datnet 93/09/16. 9pp. 763R249. 76591kt70 76596:178. i 9308260196 NRC Info Ncatoe 93469, Rathography Everits at Operstmp Power Reno- 9309240228 LER 9241641:en B20823, damper for exhaust in ED3 voom failed to csome tore upon tan shutdown she to tanure of plant statt recognumg that event rec 3ared TS GRMES.BIL Dwison of Ope aing Reactor Stoport (Post 921004193/09/02. Con, concensatory actonsTramed operator on CO-2 FPS W/930916 te. sossated Edson Cn of New verk. trc tipo. Nye.342.M99;352. O'BRIEN.D.W., GARR!TYJ.M. Power Authortiv of the State at New York (New York Power Authontp.93/09/16. 7pp. 76573;350 76573.356. 9309080236 Informs Commmeon of cur'ent practoes re commstment made m response to insp Rept50-286/8018.Contrats tar commetry have been upgradhd at access corw 9309200054 LER 93430cDan 930820.cletameriod that valve overttrust condrton omst-708 points ed tar 2 MOVs che to po'scrinal error valves AC.MOV-784 & ACMOV-786 enu be GARRfTY).H. Power Authorny of the State of New York (New York Power AuthorRy). traochfisci pnar to startup to correct valves overtnrtasi condmorLW/930920 Itr. 93/09'D2. Docume1t Corent Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 76398'193- MARTSEN.F GARRITYJ.M. Power Authonty of the State of how York (New York 76398 194. Dower Aurorayt93/09/20. 9pp. 76609:197 76609205.

66 DOCKETEDITEMS 9309300051 LER 93431.00-on 930827.oetemuned inean Point 3 m ~~. w/ 9309150195 Fmwa$ request for add; mio re croposed press,ee-temp puts rewcw. 10CFR50 46 & 10CFR50 a:sendu R oue to las o' ag. proved exempton for pa tcular Wl ENS.LA Propect Dructorate 43. 93/0Pr07. HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co. 4pp 1 postulated fre. arre ved . process W/930927 lir VENSTECT.KJ., w NRITYJ.H. 76442.296-W42299 Authomy of the State of hew York (New York ] Power Authonty). 93r09/27.10pp. 76682282-76682291 9309150382 Provces response to reouest for as:S se w rev to scope of prog am rec-i J ommerced ty GL 6k10. " Safety-Reinted Motor- Operated vaeve Tesang & Surved. j DOCKET 50 287 OCONEE NUCLEAR STATION, UNf7 3 sance-MAMPTONJ.W. Duke Power Co. 93/09/07 Document Coreal Branch (Document Cornr$ Deski 2pp. N52.351-76452252. F. Securffy, medical, emergency & *e protecton piarts 930923D047 Advses that reamst tw uta for wimno@ig propnetary mfo from pubhc des-caosure re TR DPC NE.3003A " Mass & Erwrgy Remase & Contamment Response 9309020314 Forwaros putsc verson of rev 9504 to Vol C.EPPs. encludeg Change O to Metho&mogf approved. per 1DCFFI 2.790rDH5) & Secten 103(t9 of AE8L R&/0/B/1000/03. Chance O to RD/0/B/1000/04. Change O to RP/0/B/1000/05 & WlENS.LA Propect Drectorate164. 93/09/13. TJCAMAN.M.S. Duke Power Co. 3pp. Chanoe 0 to RP/0/B/1000/19 W/930818 release memo. 76524:095 76524:097. HAMATON.J.W. Duke Power Co 93/02/18, Document Control Branch (Document Contr$ DesA) 4pp. 7632t05%7632t118. 9309240217 Informs that Keowse auxary load cerner wansser mod described in S30$17 le & thersaemo w/NRO m 930623 teicon comread on 930909 & Keowee -9309020334Put$c verson of Rev 9344 to Vol CEPIPs.mcludmo Chanoe O to RP/0/ aux 6ary power sys automanc I afster crcunry now operable & in " automate." B/1000/03. Change o to RP/0/B/1000/04. Change C to RP/0/B/1000/05 & Wnge 0 HAMPTONJ.W. ' Dune Power Co. 93/09/15. Doownert Control Branch (Document to RP/0/B/1030/19. ContrW Dest). 2pp. 76553:3676553:346.

  • Duke Power Co.93/02/18. 58pp. 76321-06176320118.

C309290292 Forwards recssessed mati re Keowee Hydro Staton & plants 9JD9230055 Forwards amends 201.201 & 998 to toenses DPR-38.DPR-47 & DPR. rnenaos.Documers states that Keowse Hydro pnmary furtten to provee emergency 55.respectweiy & SLAmends omete Tatne 4.4-1 "Lst of Penetratons w/ backup power to plarr& 10CFR50 App J Test Reguremerits" from TSto be velocated to Selected LKensee PATRICK.M. Duke Pows Co. 93/04/28. WIENS.LA Propect Drectorate 113. 30pp. Commitmens Manunt 76*S1 217-76581:346. Wl ENS.UL Pro,ect Drectorate183 93/09/16. HAMPTONJ W DAe Power Co. 2pp. 76524 102-76524 120, 9309020140 Forwards pehe verson of voi C to Rev 93-10 to EPIPs mchJdmg table of coments.pages 1,,& 2 of emergency tosophone threctory,HP/0/B/1009/18. "OPste

                                                                                                                      +930S230066 Amends 201.201 & 198 b loereas OPR.38.DPR47.& DPR-55, Dose                                           . W/930818 fedease memo-                                                respectivety.Deletng Table 4.41. Last of Penetratons W/10CFR50. app J Tesang imm be somcated to Secocted Lcommee Commnments Manual.

HAMFTONJ W. Duke Power Co 93/07/14. Document ContrW Branch (Docunent Control Desk). 3pp. 76305:148 76305.201. Rommements".B. MATTHEWS,0 Propect Desceorate E-3. 93/09/16.14pp. 76524.104-76524: 117. -9309020147 Puble verson of Vol C to Rev 93-10 to EPIPs.etcludmg table of 93092300s8 Satety evaluaton supportng amends 201.201 & 198 to teenses DPR-corneme r='== 1 & 2 of emergency telephone erectory,HP/0/B/1009/18. "Offsne 36.DPR47 & DPR-55.vespectwely. Dose Prosertons" & Eno.meonno Desctve 51

  • Orlece of Nuclear Reactor Regulaten, Deector (Post 870411). 93/09/16. 3pp.

DAVE $,J.M. Duke Power Co.93/07/13. 61pp. 76335:151-76305.20t 76524:118-76524:120. J309290296 Forwards POR verson of revs b plant emer9ency plan. includeg rev 9346 9309290199 Conhrms completon of testmo upp ade andentified as Step 2 in 901101 vo-e vca B W/930927 reease memo. sparse to Gv69A sucance on Deveesang Acceptabas isT " HAMPTOfu W. Duke Power Co. 9349/07. Document ConrW Branch (Documert HAMPTONJ W. Duke Power Co 93/09/16 Document Control - (Document Control Deskk Sost76581.298 76581216. Cornrol Desk). 2pp. 76606:350-76606:351. -93D9290316 PDR verson of Rev 9346 to EPIP table cornents. Change 0 to CP/0/A/ 9309290131Contems arrangements made between M Pavut & F Jape of Regen il re 2004/037 &Mant Desceve 9.2. 931021 meseng m Amerita.GA to 4= men metnod used by util to cetermee whether DAVIS.J.M. Duke Power Co.93/09/03.16pp. 76581201-76581216. seuctwo.sys or component safetvestact GIBSONAF. Repon 2 (Poet $20201) 93/09/22 hAMP7DNAW. Duke Power Co. 9309290264 Rev 9314 to Vol C 'me Paoe. Table of Cornerns.pnge 1 & RP/0/B/1000/ 4pp. 76551237-76551240.

19. "Techncal Support Car (!mergency Coordnetor Procedure." W/930916 Itr.

DAVIS.J.M. Duke Power Co.93/09/16.17pp. 7660824176008.257. 9309290251 Forwards response to re0uest for acks eso re proposed rev to TS pres-surertemp lerutt L Financial information HAMPTONJ.W Duke Power Co. 93/09/22. Docurtent Control B+anch (Document Control Desk). 7pp. 76596.344 76596.350. 9309150141 Forwards 1992 Annual Repts for North Carchna Muruccel Power . 9309290245Raouests NRC approval of Toccal Rept BAW-10191P " STAR Sys Com.

1. North Carotria Ensetnc . ,, Cooperative & Pedmont Mum:apai ponerits for Reaciar Proeschon Sys Dgetal upgraoss," apprin June 1994 m order to Agency supportpa,nad enstakaton schedule.

TUCKMAN.M.S. DiAe Power Co. 93/09/09. Document Coppol Branch (Document HAM 77JU.W. DAe Power Co. 93/09/23. Document Con 901 Branch (Document Control Desk). 2psk 7648620416486299. Control Dest 41p. 76596:343 76596.343. -9309150183 "Nor1h Carolme Munapal Power Agency 1.1992 Armual Rept" 9309300259 Forwards propnetary DPC NE-2007P. "Fust Reconstituhon Analwses Meth-

  • North Caroima Murucapai Poser Agences-92/12/31. 34pp. 76486206 76486.239 ." m response to GL 9Gro W 1. Propnetary ript wnnheicLper 10CFR2.790.

TUCP .hiS. Duke Power Co. 93/09/23. Documerit Control B arch (Document -9309150203

  • Piedmont Muru::spal Power Agency 1992 Annual Rept" Cormat Desk). Sgy. 76621297.76621:301.
  • Piedmont Muncipal Power Agency 92/12/31. 30pp. 76486240 76486269

-9309150219 "Carcina Eectne CooperaDves Annual Rept 1992." Q. Inspecten reports, tE Bucetes & _ _

  • Afhhaton Not Asmgnact92/12/31. 30pp. 76486270 76486:299.

9307160033 NRC Into Notme 93456 "Waakness in EDPs Found as Result of SG Tee P. Wenng toenne stage m & correspondonoe G 7E BX Dwison of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/22., Con-soldsted Edson Ca of New York, incl 11pst 76499302-764992t2. 9309200135 Pa*tial response t FOIA recruest for documentLForwards records in App L wtmen are witnheid parthally tar hssed reasons tret FOLA exernplons 5). HARRIS.CA of Fvsedorn el intorrnaten & Pubhcatons Serwees (Pos*, g307190131NRC Info Nobce 93458 "L , _. in LTDP tar PWRs." 890205A 93/04/12.GILANSKY V. Affikaton Not Assgnosi Spp.76677:001-76680 06& gettMES.BK Dnnsen et Operatng Rometor sureert (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Con-soldsted Edson Ca of New YA enc. opp. 79472H-7M47272. -s201110142Partany withhold retaban voie SECY that mtorms Commamon of Appeal 9307200123NRC Into Ncece 93459. " Unexpected Operun9 of Both Doors m Aetock? 88'Z'8 8'C' son m plants spent tual t ansstwoment p'ocemeng (N4 GRIMES.BK Dwson et Operstng Reactor Segport (Post 971004). 93/07/26. Con-FIT GERALDJA Once or the General Counsas (Post 860701). SECV 81579. 81/ sdonwid Edson Ca of New % Wu'.1Dpp. 7p47273-76447282. 10/07. 9pp. 76679290-76679328. . ew+ inn 99 Suppi 5 to Genenc Lt 89-10 to nucesar plant hoensees & CP holders re 9307260065 $@pl i lo NRC Bubeen 9% "Reponmg Loes of Cnticainy Safety Con-f.- LOW IG Assoce Drector for 70411k 93/06/28.Conschdat- URNETTAF. Dwmen of Fuel Cycle Safety & Saloguards (Post 930207k 93/07/27.  ; ed Edman Co. of New York. Irc 7pp. 76409t01-7H09$08 Corwe=ted Edson Cct of New York. Inc. 23pp. 76409$0S.76409 031. 9309090337 Forwards revised empt to prw-d TS amend.rewntem Secten 3.7 e' TS. 9307290112 NRC,,into Notme 934tiO. "Repcrtmg Fuel Cycle & Mans Events to NRC HAMI*TONJ.W. Duke Power Co. 93/06/26. Document Conne are% C3soumont Operatam Ctr. Control Dooky 1p. 76415349-76415'35g BURNETT.R.F. Drvison of Fue' Cyde $stety & Sateguards (Post 930207). 93/08/04 Consoordetod Echson Co of New York, kc 10pp. 7k47.283 76447292. -9309090344 Revised suppl to proposed TS.vowrflung Sachen 3.7.

  • Duke Power Co. 93/08/2tk 3pp. 76415.350-76415352. *""an NRC Into Nobce 93461. "Encosome Reactor Cootant Leakage Fouowng Seal Fadure in RCP or RRP?

9309090365 Forwards suppt 3 to proposed TS amend revimmg treguency of rachotDDcal GRIMES.B tl Dnnsen if Operstmg beer Seport (Post 921004). 93/015/09. Cen-emuera rept. nokalmed Edson Co. of New York, tnc.12pst 76499213 76499.324 GRIER.GW. Duke Power Co 93/08/31. Document Coritrol Branch (Document Con-rol Desk) app.76399.222-76399225. 930903024$ NRC trdo Nohtm 934C2. "The'me! $1-ahficaton of Water m BWR Reactor vesses? 9309220198 informs that AEA Techrntogy of UK s$ process of completmg cowesop- GRIMES.BK Dween as operenne heactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06/10. Con-vnert of inheroney Sate Autometc Trip (ISAT) ovs for use as RPS on sohdated Edson Co. ot hew York, inc. 9pp. 7649fr225-76499333. LWRs.instatiston at ISAT components into und 1 RPS Channel E expected to began u Apr 1994. . 9308030274 NRC Info Nobce 93463. *1mproper Use of Solutile We6d Purge Dem Ma5? HAMI' TON.,LW. Duke Power Co. 93/09/02. Documorit Control Branch (Document GRIMES.BK Danaan of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921304). 93/08/11. Con. Cornrol Desk). 2pp. 76549.357-76549.358. schanted Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 9pp. 7649b334-76499:341.

DOCKETED ITEMS 67 93 mm7 NRC Wo Nonce 93-064. ~Penome Testng & Prevemwe Mant of Molded Y. Dry Cask :..--..L; Spent Fuel Storage - l Case Cecua Breake's" GRIMES.B.K Deson of Operanng Reactor Suppen (Post 921004). 93/06/12 Con. sol.cated Esson Co of New York. Inc.11pp. N47.?93 76447:303. 9309010004Fowaros Wo a msos at DC.DPC comram & Nacts e OA actmbes a 'S to NUMOMS24P o'y spen.1 fuel storage canisters. Copy of Irisp 9304090 NRC int chce OS065. " Reactor Tnps Caused by Breaker Testmg W/ C o & NcJear Satety (Post 8'0729L 93/06/27 GRIMESE K Dmson of Operasng Reactor Suppo't (Post 921004). 93/08/13. Con. CREELG.C. Bartmore Gas & Electnc Co. 2pp. 76313.277-76313.315. l schoated Esson Co of New York,Inc.11pp. N47;304-76447.314. l 9309210063 Reouests that deadine of930925 for responding to nonce of rio'icoritor- , 9308100006 NRC Wo Nobce 93466. "Sw4chover to Hot-Lag inpocton Followng LOCA mance tra'attuttec we NRC930826 ftr be emended unal931124. m PWRs? HAMPTON IW. Duke Power Co. 93/09e 13. Documem Control Branch (Docu'nent GRIMESSX Deson of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Cork Control Desk).1p. 76512099-76512 099. sokaatec Edson Co. of New Yorg,inc,7pp. 7644/:315-76447:321. 93D9200075 Forwards cbcuments on proposed rules.10CFR2 8 72 re miemt storage of 930810D248 NRC Wo Notee 93 067. "Burstmg of High Pressir's Coolant inpecten spera fuel ei moepensem spem fust stcrage eistattsbon & sne-spec 6c Icense to quab-Steam Ruptare Daa insures Plant Personnel? hed appkant. GRIMES.B K Desen of Operatrig Reaciar Supp&t (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Con- REAMER.C.W Offee of the General Counset (Post 960701) 03/09/14. Document sohdated Eeson Co of New Yorn. inc.13pp 76447322-76447335. Control Branch (Document Coneol Desk).1p. 76487250 76488.100. 9 Forwards etsp repts 50269/93-21.50270/93-21 & $0-287/93-21 on

                                                                                        - 9309200133 Requests Comenssen approval of proposed rutenelung to earrrunate re.

30627-0724 & W of volaten carement or pnor Corrimason approval tur specsc teense for ISFSi urrder 100FR2 & FERDT.AR. Re on 2 (Post 820201). 93/08/18. HAMPTON 1A Duke Power Co. 72. Nonce of proposed rutemelung & addi nto enet. 3pp. 76333N 6W00. , PARLER.W.C. Cptfce of sne General Counsel (Post 860701). 93/09/14. Commasen. I -C3D9070262 Insp repts 50 269/93 21.5CL270/OS21 & $0 287/9S21 on 933627- ** ( C724 Volanors rioned.Maior areas mspectec plam operatasurvosance i testmetmamt actmbes.Keowee asues nse of open aarns & review of LEFL l HARMON.P.E., DESAl.B.E., POERTHER.W.K Repon 2 (Post 820201) 93/08/17. DOCKET 50 289 THREE MILE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 1 9pp. 76333:092-76333.100. 9309070229 Forwards uti comments on inmal SALP rept for plant Commertts shosed be F. Securtry, mechcal emergency & fee protection plans powded tw 933B27. LESSER.M.S Regen 2 (Post 820201). 93/08/20. JOHNSONJR., JAUDON.J P., STOMRJP. Regen 2 (Post 820231).1p. 76333:001-76333 033. 9309220126 Parbel ms>Eise to FOLA roouest. App O documems avadable n PDR. App P documems patalsv witnneld fret FOIA Exemptors 6 & 6L 930826019s NRC Wo Netce 93069. "Radom* Events et Operann9 Power Reac, GRIMSLEY.DM Dmson of Freedom of informaton & Pubicatons Servces (Post torsy 890205L 93/04/28. GluNSKY.v. Af2 anon Not Assigned 11pp. 76576:12 S GRIMES.BK Dmson of Operatng Reactor Stepart (Post 921004). 93/09/02. Cork 76577296. C3hoated Eeson Co. of New York. anc.11pp. 76499.342-76499.352. 4 309220296 Pa'thally unthheld Commason paper te TMi1 restart hardware /desgn 9309140209 Ack racect of 930818 fir miomang NRC o' steps taken to correct velatons seoaraton of urets 1 & 2 & emergency piarmng saues. rtstec m ano repts SCk269/9120. 5L270/93-20 & 50-287/9120. ZERBEJE. Orhce of Pokey Evaluatens (Pre 860930). SECY.8S281. 23/07/13. 3pp. HERCTAR Repon 2 (Post 820201), 93/09/03. MAMPTONJW. Duke Power Co. 7657t117 76579:119. 2pp. 7644i202 76441:203. 9309010096 Rev 2 to EPIP-TML.28. *Activekon of Techncal Support Ctr." 93D9070206 NRC Into Notce 93470. "Degradanon of Baranes Neutron Absorber Cou- BEAVERJ General Peac Unkbes Corp. - GPU Servios Corp. 93/08/25. topp. MES.B K Dumon of Operanng Reactor Suppet (Post 921004193/D9/10. Cork solcated Eesort Co. of New Yort, McL 9pp 76499353 76499.361. 3309090477 Accepts changes to TM1 Madried Amended Physcal Sectssty Plan.Rev 93090s0104 NRC mio Nokos 93471,"Fre at Chemopyl UnN La 29 Changes conssterm w/10CFRhg GRIMES.B K Dmson of Operung Reactor hrert (Post 921004). 93/09/11 Cork JOYNERJM Regen 1 (Post $20201). 93/08/26. LONG.R.L General Pubic Utihbes caboated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc.14pp. 76500 001-7650&O13. Corn .GPU Service Corn 4pp. *10337-M10340. 9309210063 Reauests Inar ~a ne of9309251or respondng to nonce or noncontar- 93090e0110 instruenan mene re TM1-950049 to EPl#-TMI. 28. mance transmmed vs NRC 930826 fir be extended unts931124.

  • General Pubic Ubimes Corp. . GPU Senace Corp. 93/08/30.1p. 7639335S NAMPTON I W Duke Power Co. 93/09/13. Document Comrol Bearich (Document 76393.353 Control Desk).1p. 76512:099 76512-099.

9309090243 NRC Info Nobce 9&C72, "Observators From Rece'il Shutdoum Rak & 9309140412 Rev 3 to EMP-TMk19. " Emergency Doswnetry/Secunty Badge tasaance." Outaoe ugt Pilot Team Inst *

  • General P2hc Ubknes Corp. . GPU Sa'vce Corp. 93/06/3L Spp. 7644330Ch 76443307 GRih3ES.B K Dumon of Operahng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/14. Cork schosted Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 8pp. 7650&D14.76500:v22.

NN F p W h & PA Em W W m N 9309220017 Responds to NRC B30613 tir re violatons noted m rup rept50-269/93 rezoonse to 930.207 see emergency necem at W tar nb 1 proceern rwastgaton process CONGELFJ Dsvison of Radiakon Safety & Sateguards (Post 921004). 93/09/01. 2,ep.50-270/9S21 & 5(L287/SS21.Correctrve t 2-0910554 rimated to rwesagate p achons: WINGO.C1 Feoerai Emergency Management Agency.1p. 76422.36:k76422.360. l sAuPTON tW. Dume power Co. 93/09n5. Ducumem Controi Branch cDocument Control Desk). 3pp. 76516.358. 76516.360. 8309140127 Expresses apprecaton for receipt of State at PA Emergency Mgt Agency rept te offsne response to sne arms emerDency event et plant on 933207, 9309250243 Forwards rap repts 5:L269/93-22.50 270/93 22 & 502S7/93-22 on CONGELFJ Dmson el Rademon Satety & Sa aguares r (Post 921004). 93/09/01. 9307220B28 4 nonce of aeviaton LAFLEUR.J.L Pennevivant C .~ _T. ot.15 76422.359 76422359. HERDTAR. Repon 2 (post 820201). 93/09/17. MAMP70N.J W. Duke Power Co. 3pp. 76553:124-76553:138. 9309170166 Rev 3 to EPl> 641thADM 1300.01, "Maraanng Ernergency Prepared-ness " 4 309280251 Insp roots 5Ch269/9S22.50270/9S22 & 50287/9S22 on 930725- BROWN.Y. General Ptbic Utilmes Corp. . GPU Servce Corp. 93/09/01. 26pp. 0825.Devoton noteaMapr areas rapectae: plant operatiois.survemance tesang.mamt 76479288 76479.113 actmens.peant e = ; r.ap at open nernL gP gg POERTNER.W.K. Repon 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/16. 3309140121 Forwards E J., 7 Contorer 930

                                                                                           - co y m caedt I e- respo,.oe Rept50       e - 298/9,34,8 on e in o,nc.ewe .824    t.ones-mrus     on 930207 % safety marutcarme of augmentaten cemy a per6ac9c operatsnB reports a reinted sorrespondence                                    JOYNERJM. Regan 1 (Poet 820201). 93/09/03. BROUGHTDN.T.G. General Pubhc Ubhbes Corp. . GPU Sennos Corp. 3pp. 76439.3Z2-76439-349.

8309080096 "1993Semannual Radoache Efilue'it Release Rept for Jark June 1993." ( -9309140133 Enforcemera Conference Rept SCL289/9S08 on 930824 to escuss celey MPT Vb. DLAe Power Co.93/06/30. 52pp. 76397:173-76397:224. 'g"g*g"g'*d g ,a 7n """"8 $2020 /09 U.325-93090002E7 Forwa'tts titness-for Odtv p.cgram for penod of Jar > June 1993. TUCKMAN.M.S. Duke Power Co 93/08/30. Document Control Brarich (Doctanent Corgot Desk).13pp. 76398 023-763984 35. 9309170216 Responds to NRC ltr m velatons noted in risp rept 50-289/9348.0/ As hcensee has confrmed that no other tre doors have locks not UL rated Cr spec 3h* 9309230251 Monthly one'atrig repts for 1993 tor DNS.unna 1.2 & 3. W/930915 ter. cany approved tar =% WtuAut.R.A MCCRAW.E.O. Duke Co. 93/DB/31. 18pp. 76548209 BROUGHTON.TA General Pele Uhlmes Corp. . GPU Sennce Corp.93/09/10. Doc- ! umera Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 76474:351k?6874361-76548.226. l 9309240134 Revised EPipunckxhno rev 2 to EPIP-TMQ7 Opera 1xns S. Reportabte accurrences. LERs & reisted correspondence Faoiny." & rev 4 to EPIP TMl .32. *Actwaton of Technscal Sisiport ."

  • General Pehc Ubiibes Corp. . GPU Sennce Corp. 93/09/20.125pp. 76558239-9309130297 Uposted smenm Part 21 rept to svc support structure ter corarol rod any, 76558 334.

mechansmL5emmc tom:kng concem resolved for all ptaras & stresset resutbng Som LOCA loaos for Dave Besse & ANCM wenn aRowable kmnt 9309290342 Cancehad Temporary Chance 1-9$0048 to EPIP TMd7. TAYLORJ.H. Babcock & Wecos Co. 93/09/03 MCBREARTY.M. Document Control

  • General Pubhc Utilmes Corp . GPU Servits Corp. 93/09/23.1p. 76608:230-Brarich (Document Coreat Desk). 3pp. 76443.223-76443.225. 76608:230.


i I l 68 DOCKETEDITEMS (i Adjudcatory correspondence 9309240015 Partialty witnread Commase paper te UCS memon tw seave to paMack pate in 831205 Commis!non meetmp 1309220126 Partal response to FOA reouest. App O escurnents avadat9e s- PDRw P Pt.AINE.H.H Oftce of the General CoJrise! (Post 860701). SECY4H89 83/12/01. documents pwbapy withheld tref FOtA Exempto*is 5 & 6L '3M 4# &DMUSI GRIMSLEY.O H Dmsson cW Freeoorn of trWormatice & Putilcabons Senaces (Post 99020f t. 93/04.TS. GIUNSKY.V. Affd.atiori Na: Assigned. 11pp 76576 123 9306230099 Suppe 5 to Genrc Lir 6910 to nucser piant lansees & CP hosows re 4580168 naccuracy of notareperated valve souspment PARTLOWJ G. Assocate Oractor for cts (Post 87041t). 93/06/28 Consolsdat- -8201070133Pa'tiati, withheld Cornmsson paper to a="~ws impacts e TMs.1,e. ed Edson Co of New York. Inst 7pp. 76409:001-4409-038 start proceschno. BiCKWr7.L Oftee of the General Counsel (Post 860?c1h SECY41501 8 U08 /21. $309070194Notifcaton of aguficant bcensee meetng 93109 w/uht on 933824 to ds-Ibop. 76577.34176577.355. cuss oesay in caheJi of eme gency response orgaruzaton during vencie etnison on 930237. 4309270163 Pa'tWy withheld Commason paper to Consumer Advocate of PA petmon ROGGEJ. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 93/06/16 Region (Post 820201). 3pp. 10r NRC twoomq of expert witne*4cs cahed tiy ntervenors in TML1 restad emanno 76332.334 763u.336. BICKWIT.L OHer of the General Cournes (Post 86C7C1). SECY-AM054. 80/04/15 73pp. 76576.335 4577 047. 330gi40082 Forwards EE cenemg beensee 930216 & 0416 reauests for reset trom cer-tam roourements of ISI pro 0'am. -9309220171 Prhally enthheid Comensson pape se crtificaton tTm Lscensmg Board STOi.2J.F. Pro,ect Drectorate64 93/09/01. BROUGHTOft.T.G General Pubic Utilu

  • TM' restan procoudmg re procedural assstance to mienrencrt ses Corp. - GPU 5enace Corp. 400 N31220 76431.238.

BICKWIT.L Othee of the General Counsei(Post 8607 CIA SECY AM119 80/06/12. 10pp. 765'7 050-76577:059

                                                                                                 .,9309140006 SER derivmg econsee 93021f & 0416 voguests for raket from certam re-

-930922020s Parbally wrtwout Commasen paper provieng Ole of Pokey Evaluanon ana yss o' restan tomra partal inmal oecrason on cheatmg & response to entweemem Q",,#Mh g,ggianon, p,,c,, gppst 37o411) g3/09 ret 7pp. pian 7643W76431M v.ENNFKE.A.P. Ottee of Poicy Evacuatons (Pre 860930L SECY42-353. 82/08/20-27pp. M405NMN 9309140036 sawyds amwid in to h CPR-50 & SE.Arnend rakscos min now for Auntiary & Fuel Handirig Buitdrig Venciaban Sys to 100.580etm & removes ret to

-9309220223 Pa'teNy unthheid Commmacq paper se823910moeung on TMF1 restart                                          N W                     M. 93/09/02. BROUGHTON.T.G. General Pubic Q oscisen that Lac 6nang Board did rol hows smsdicton 2 enpose                               Ubimos Corp - GPU Servee Corp. 3pp. *21:331 76421.344.

B O' fee of the General Counsel (Pots 8607011 SECY42489. 82/09/22. - 177 m W50m nwi W tw W & W hr> cihng t*s0 weresabon sys to100.560 ctm & removing ret to tem recurcer FR 151 from

-9309220225 Pa1 any withheld C_..               . _ . paper to oral IFeDontabors on TMi restart      TS.

BICKWIT.L Othoe of the General Counsel (Post 660701). SECY42494. 82/09/28. STOLZJ.F. Protect Croctorate M. 93/09/02. 7pp. 76421:334-N21:340. 2pp. 76378:091-76578 092.

                                                                                                 -9309140040 Soloty evaluaton supportno sw 177 to icerse DF%40.
-930922th 42 Partially withheid Comrrusson paper to revow of prenant status of PANE
  • Offee o Nacieer r Reacsor hepuistor Ihrector (Post 870411). 93/09/01. 4pp.

Waganon \ to sovise Commmaon of optons 76421:341 76421:344. MAI SCKAG Othee of the General Cournal (Post 860701). SECY43 010. 83/01/07. 30pp. 7657d49-76578.179. 3309150064 Resporects to stated memo re echadues for staff actons to address NT tino-engs for unauthorned toroso erwy mto trolooed wee on 930207 at

-93092202S4 Patany withheM L                       -- paper idenktymg & evaluatmg mio of poss> Otc of the Execuhve Drec.1 or for Operatont 93/09/09                                            CHAIR-tee agshcance for restart oscison & prove'ig evaluanon of Inal transcrvt for seDe-               MAN. SEUN,t., ROGERS Commmaoners (Post 750119L 12pp. 76446295-76446.307 Don purposes 2ERBEJ.E Offce of Poicy Evaksators (Pre 860930). PLAINEMH Offee of the Gen.                  9309150392 Forwards amend 178 to Icense DPR-50 & SE. Amend rewmes TS to reflect eral Counsel (Post 860701k SECYM245. 83/06/2113pp. 76578;351-76579003-                           anctusen et Sadowin<earue m hasi rod design essenpton & rewmas terstad water stor-age tank toron concerwanon hmits & placme ret m TS to BAW-10179P.

MLRNANAW, Prosect Drectorstr64. 93/09/10. BROUGHTORT.G. Generas Pubic K General correspondence Utenes Corp. . GPU Senace Corp. 3pp. 76a42:153-76442:168 93D90703S2 A0vmes NRC of changes f1i:enpy mese m plant se enrranal hatory chectL/ -9309150393 Amend 178 to hcarine DPR 50sevisng TS to softect mciumon of Dadolna-tm9erperit authornatons- urene m tuel rod congn desenpaon.reveng torated storage tank toron concurrtranon LONG.RL General Pubic Utdees Corp. . GPU Senace Corp. 93/06/25. Docurrent tmrtLcsantying TS Base asemons & piscmg vet m TS to BAW-10179P. Corset Brafch (Docasmant Coreal DeskL 3pp. 76394.320 76394.322. STOLZJ.F. Propect Drecearate1-4. 93/06/10. 9pgk M42156 76442-164

                                                                                                 -9309150395 Saeety evahmton supportno amend 178 to hoorme DPf450.

P. Operanng Icarine etape m ._ &_. Ornce of Nuclear Reactor FiegulatorL Dractor (Post 870s11). 93/09/10. 4pp. 76442'165-

  • 42-168.

9309200135 Partet resporna to PotA rocesamt for documents.Forwres recortas in App L unch are withheid pa tany for hused resmans.tret FotA exemotons SL 93092e0138 Forwards TS change request 235 & carlhcate of eve TML1 7S HARRIS.CA or Fresearn of Informaton & Pdemmoris Servions (Post te sevmed to rehect parts reorgenatori eftecbve weien TML2 emes S rrede 890205L 93/04/12.GluNSKY,v. Afhiston Not Asmgned. Opp.76677-001766800E BROUGHTORT.G. Geners P2hc Unisms Ccrp. - GPU h h93/09/20. Doc-

                                                                                                      #                                                                                 88
 -42011101$5 Partimer witmeld notaten vote SECY that moorms Communen atmut ALD     .A. Offre                               (Post 56070 SE             9. 81/                   A hcanon                                                                                '
  • rened tics tenTM nada 1N % M79345-N7R355. BROL.fGH70N. General P@ic Unhines Corp. . GPU Servce Corp.93/09/20. 200 8
 -820111040$ Patapy withheld mio SECY that mtorms Commason of Appeal Bord RALDJA Office of t*ie Generat Coinset (Post 8607011 SECY41464. 81/                   -930e200147 Proposed noch specs to ohect petal reorgannaten sheCbve ofen W 2% 2pp. 7N76                                                                                   PGeneral Pubic Utileas Corp. . GPU Service Corp. 93/09/20.14pp. 76588:316-
 -4201110472 Partapywithheld notaten voor SECY that forwaras draft oroar for oorisid-                 mas a eratort BICKWTTL Othee of tne General Counsei (Post 860701L SECY41491. 81/12/10.                     3309270055 Responds to Genenc La BMO.Sacol 6.Lacermee movakasted at 28 vehies 2pp. 706800b5-76680 066                                                                          8 8etermned that vawes able to pertorm *eoumed setety hmenon.

BROUGH70N.T.G. General Pubic Uteties Corp - GPU Senace Corp. 93/09/21. Doc-9309220126 Pa*tial response to FOta roouest. Age 0 encuments available tri PDRApp P ument Control Brarch (Documeru Control Deski 3pp. 76570;355-76570.357. oocurnents prtaDv withhold tre! FOLA Erenenors 5 & 6). GRIMSLEY.D.H Dmacn of Freedom of informaton & Pubicabons Seewcet (Post 890205) 93/04/28. GILINSKY V. Affiliaton Not Assignact 11pp. 76578:123- CL 9tspection reports, IE Dubettna & __ 76582166.

                                                                                                   $309220126 Partal response to F064 request. App C eocuments avadable in PDRApp P
  -9309220270 Petaby withheld Commesscn paper to enmediate effectuarians steps to                      ebeumonts partaHy withheld (ret FORA E.nemptons 5 & 6L TMs A

P .acy E." _ (Pre 860930). SECY43-168. 83/05/04. 3pp. mna Asesgnea pp 76

  -930R220287Partapy withhnid Oomnunson paper so TMi Aaert.inc830519 request for on util 830509 vecsayst for amima to teense se SG tee repart                         -4303240005 Partany withheld Comnusson paper m FOIA Appeal p11 var 01 mves-
               .W.G Office of the General Counset (Ftist esc 701). SECY43247. 83/06/23.                        apt about sheganons of 32pp 76579:004-7657R035.                                                                         F. Soa'RALDJ.A GE             Othee os the General es hnng          at TML (Poet  060701) SECY43-375. 83/

09/13.13pp. 76579186-76579.200.

  -9309220296 Parhany wtthheld Commisamn piaper se TMi.1 festart hereware/0esign -

separaten of uruts 1 & 2 & emergency asues 9307160033 NRC trnc Nohce 93456. " Weakness m EOPs Found as Result of SG Tube ZERBEJ.E Othce of Poicy Evatustons (Pro . SECY43 281. 83/07/13. 3pp. Rieture " 76579-117 76579:119. GRIMES.BK DMmon of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/22. Con-ochdated E.dman Cct of New Yort, me. tipp.76499.302-m99.311

  -4309240012 Prtally witnheid Commason paper se FOLA 83 4 330 se TMi restart oocuments                                                                                     9307190131NRC into Nok::e 93458. *Noncortnervabsm m LTOP for PWRt*

FfTZGERALDJA Orface of the General Counsel (Post 660701L SECY43467. 83/ GRBAES.B.K. Desion of Operatng Reactor Support (Poet 921004). 93/07/26. Con-11/16.15pp 76560.037-76580-050. aohdated E.thson Cck of New Yort. Ins; 9pp. 76447.264-W47.271

    - . _ _ _ . _ _               _m                                                                                                     _

4 l DOCKETEDITEMS 69 i j E307200123NRC Wo Notee 93453. " Unexpected Openng ce Both Doors en Autock." R. Penode operstag reports & related .. = GAMES.B K. DNsam of Opratog Reactor Suppcet (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Con- i 4 soldated Ethson Co. of Nem YorA ec.10pr. 76447273-76447:282. 9309030036 Forwards fitness for dJty sem.anrsaal rept .:arxAme 1993 for TMLOyster j 9307260065Suppi t to NRC Buhetm 91001. *Reporang Loss of Crecahty Satety Con-BURNETTAF. Onnsen of Fuel CYcie Satety & Safeguras (Post 930207). 93/07/27. ( leaosuaq g Corp . GPU Sennee Cerp 93/06/27. Document Control Branch (Document Cor$ol Desy.12pp. 76352.202-763C2.293. ] Coracidated Edtson Co. of New Yo n inc. 23pp 76439 009-76409.031-i 9309170221 Maritter operatmo rect 5 Am 1993 for TMI. unit 1 W/930910 Itt ,i S 9307290112 NRC Into Notee 93 060. "Reportmg Fwei Cycle & Mans Events to NRC HEYSEK.W.G., BROUGH7dN.T.G. Gerie-al Pudic UWhes Corp. . GPU Servce Corp. j Operatons Ctr? 93/08/31. 9pp. 76479:146 76479 156. BJANETT.R F Dnnsen cf Fuel Cycle Satety & Sategards (Post 930207). 93/DB/C4 , j Corsc6 dated Edson Co. of New York. ent topp.76447283.m47.292. - j S. Reportatsle occurrences, LERs & rotated corresponderee 4 , 9300030200NRC Into Nobce 93 061. "Excessnee Reactor Coolant Leaknpe Foiburmg  !

.        Semi Fanure m RCP or RRP7

( GRIMES.B st Dansen of Operatog Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/09. Com 9309130297 Updated intenm Pa121 rept te svc s@ port structure 1or corttrol rod dnve , saktated Eamon Co. of New YotA inc 12pp. N99.313-76499.324. macriatusms.Seswc scadmg concem msowd for su pants & simsm s resm 9am ]' LOCA loads for Dave besse & ANOL1 untrvn allowabee kmrts

    $308030245 NRC Into Noboe 93462. " Thermal Stratrhcaton of Water m BWR React,                  TAYLORJH. Bateick & Wdcox Co. 93/09/03 MCBREARTY.M. Documemt Control              l vessets"                                                                                 Branch (Document Cormal Deskt 3pp. 76443223 76443.22E

, GRNES.B K. Dnnson of Operatmg Reactor S@ port (Post 921004). 93/08/10. Con- f soldatec F.dson Co. of New YorA Inc. 9pp. N91t325-76499.333. l 4' T. Neartng transcnpts en nordenstrust matters t 9mw?4 NRC Wo Notce 93-063. " improper Use of SoLete Weld Dam MatL" l a S

         ?!"E5d:scM*",",Jw rt,Na% m 2"R' f9d' '# ' *'" c *                                     =9== Pr-- r= ~- *p acon-nis === m = APP cocuments parnasy ent'ineid (nri FO!A Exemotors 5 & 6t

. g mansn r7 NRC trito Nonce 93-064. "Peruxte Testmg & Provereve Mamt of Molded GRMSLEY cx Dnnsen of Freedom of iniormehon & PutAicatens Syvens Post . 4 Case Circue Be" B00205A 9'l/04/28. GluNSKY.V. Athleton Not Ansgned. 11pp. 76576:123-GRMES.B1 Dnnsen of Operanng Reactor S@ port (Post $21004) 93/06/12. Con. 76577 296. sobdated Edson Co. of New YortL inc.11pp. 7644729176447;303.

 'I                                                                                              -9309220295 Parnally withheid Commasen paper prowding proposed dsposebon of
'   9300000187 NRC Into NODce 93-065. " Reactor Tnps Caused tiy Breaker Testeg W/                  closea meetng tryiscripts responswe no FOsA 83-320.

Fault Protecton Bynaeamrt " FIT 7GERALDJA Othee of the General Counsel (Post 860701). SEC%83-268. 83/

;         GRIMES.6L Dansen of Operstmg Reactor $@ port (Post 921004k 93/06/13. Con-                07/05. 70pp. 76579.051-76579:116.
soldated Edson Co. of New York. ent tipp. 76447

i 9308100006, NRC Into Nota 93466. Switchover to Moi. Leg invechan Foeounng LOCA DOCKET 90-253 PILGNU DIUr t rast POWER STATION, UNIT 1  ! m PWRs GRMES.BK Dnnsen of Opersang Reactor $@ port (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Con-soldated Eckson Co. of New YorA me. 7pp. 76447:315-76447:321. f F. W5 medical, eniergerg & Gre p pinio ,' 9308100248 NRC Into Nohce 93-067. *Burseng c1 High Pressure Coolant inpocton Steam Lme Ruptise Decs insures Plant Personnel" 9300070049 Noghes of 931207 full partreamn Emergency Exertzee w/ Commonwealth i GRIMES.B K. Dnneen of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Con. of M ===rmusetts & State of Rnade tuand. Forweros scope & otnecavesW/o encl solcated Edson Co. of New YorA inc.13pp. 76447;322-76447235. BOULEUE.E.T. Boston Ethson Co. 03/06/30. Document Conrol Branch (Document Corarol Desk). 2pp. 76371:356 76371257 <. 9309150011 Ack recept of 930521lir mformng NRC of slaps taken to correct votatens { R. egen (Post 820201). 03/08/31.BROUGHTON.T.G. General Ptehe Utdines Corp. - GPU Sennce Corp. 2pp. 76454 076-76454 080. ((" App. 76332-134 6332189. Post $1f % T Booth Edson Co. C309100244 Forwards msp rept 50 289/9315 on 930727-30.No weistons fioned. l

.         DURRJ.P. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/01.BROUGHTON,T.G. General Pubhc Utig.            =9309070147 SALP re,50 293/91-99 tor 910929-9303t3                                  .

9 i Ibes Corp. GPU Service Corp. 2pp. 76433:326-76433235.

  • Regen 1 (Post 820201). 93/04/28. 29pp. 76332139-76332189.
    -C309100251 Insp rect SMB9/93-15 on 930727 30.No violatons or deviatons                      $309290303 Forwards udl second status rept on replacement facArty for Weisesley Re-roted.Masar areas - __              ._.. of hoerinses C/As of three proveusly dersfied   mpton Carner.conashng of achons tmdertaken Dy uti m support of MA Emergency       ,

EDSFs & tollow.@ of amrensved esm wruen resuned m nor> cited Welshort wruch a responnele for RERP m MA. s KAY.LM., RULAND.WK Regen 1 (Post 820201). 93/06/27. Opp. 76433:328 T. Boston Ec9 son Co. 93/09/22. Document Control Branch (Docarnent 76433.335. Convol Desk). 7pp. 76596.323 76596229. 1 $3091400s2 Forwards SE derivng 6consee 930216 & 0416 regasses for sehef from cor- 930mannsne Fwwan scenano pockege for evaluened exwcme scheduled for tam reaJirements of IS: progrant 931207 Wto enct STOLZAF. Propect C>ectorate14. 93/09/01.BROUGHTON.T.G. General Pubhc Utih* bes Corp. - GPU Servce Corp. spo.76431228-76431:238. BOULETTE.E.T. Boston Eenon Cck 33/09/22. Document Control Branch (Document -

Conrol Desy. 250. 76600
336 76d08337.
 ~                                                                                                                                                                                   (
    -C309140006 SER denying icerisee930216 & 0416 reOuests for rehof from certam re-                                                                                                   I
$                       cl           Reactor RepJiaton, Drector (Post 870411). 93/09/01. 7pp. C. M              consapendenne
  • 76431 232-76431:23tL j gunnuanas Forwards Commonweaftn of 14A atty general unthdrawal of rnoton to ener-a 9308260198 NRC Info Ncece 93469. *Radeg'aphy Events at Operamng Power Rome. vene 6 recpest for heenrg
 ,        lors."                                                                                   ROGER $J W. '          2  -"-

C-. . 2 00 #39314247. 93/06/26.Docketmg GRIMES.BA Dnnson of Operstmg Reactor Seport (Post 921004L 93/09/02. Con- & Servoes Brancit 1p. 76317:055-76317:057. i I sohdated Eckson Co. W hw YorA re.11pp. 76495t342-76499252. ] 9309140121 Forwards Entorcement Conference Rept 50 298/9348 on 930824 to de-cuss ceiay a callout of omygency response orgiarnston dunng vehcle mrusen on ROGERSJW. - W of Svc. _-_ - C_ . ._ . _2. et. 93/08/26.Atome Setety & Lacons. YN .H. Post 82020 mg app. MNWM 09 BROUGHTON.T.G. General Pubhc 3 Unlibes Corp. . G Service Corp. 3pp. 76435222-76439:349. 9309N30 NRC W rupeu m W any pd N of mobon m enwwww & 8mm En,or rnent Con.wence Re, Sn.9m.0. on 9=24 io r.- deia, --= esann9 NRC aos noi =eci = em n--'-a aB Bo-d 1 LA HUNJ E.E. Regen 820 1 09 25pp. 6439'225 00GDONA Onico sw L #393 M272. 93W { 76439249. 02. Atome Sately 4 Laoenomg Board Panel 6pp. 76403'104-76403:109. 4 9309070206 NRC Info Nobce 93470,"Dogradston of Boraflex Neutron Absorber Cou- 9309270000 Memorandurn & order (temunshan of proceedmg)? trdorms of pettoner pons.* withdrawal of monon to enervene & reesset tar hem mD.theretore Board termmetas & G.41MES.BA Divmen of Operstmg Reactor Senort (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Ccm- thanumees praa=6ng hweetW/Carsecame of Svc.5erved on 930914.

  >       eoncated Eckson Co. of how YorA rc. 9pp. 76499.353-76499.361.                             GLEASONJ P. Atome Saisty & Uueriseg Board Panet #393 14307, 93/09/13. .
 '                                                                                                  Boston Edson Co. 3pp. 76544283 76544 085.

9309170216 Responds to NRC ltr re volatiorts resed m ensp rept 50 289/9348.C/ As:Acertase has confomed Dust no other hre doors have locks not UL rated or spectfe 9303270111 Memorandum & order (Temmaton of Proceedmg)* W/ Certificate of approved for applcanon. Svt. Served on 930916.

                      *4 TON.T.G. General Pubic Utillhes Corp. - GPU Sennce Corp.93/09/10. Doc-                                                    Bowd Panel #393 u311. 93/09/13.

ument Corarol Branch (Document Cormal Desk). 2pp. 76474259 76474:361. GL2.AS,ONJP. Othce the Genwal Atome Setety Counnet & 380701 3pp. 76553:154 76653:156. (Post 9300000104 NRC Into Nobce 93 071. " Fee at Chemobyl Unit 2 " i. GMMES.BA Deveen of Operanng Reactor S4soort (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Corw g g ,, ,,,**"**P8"8888' soidstad Echson Co. of New YorA inc.14pp. 76500001-76500-013. 3300000243 NRC Into Notee 93472, "Observatons From Racera Shutdown Rak & 9308240356 Responos to 930604 Itr empreammg concem re instrumernaton for RV Outage Mgt Peet Team Insos? water invet & orects on eksks of low psessure tastmes at plant GRIMES.BK Dnnsen of Operstmg Reactor Socort (Post 921004). 93/09/14. Con- CHAIRMAN R _ . (Post 750119). 93/06/04. MulRHEAD.D.M., OTT,M.C. tohdated Eckson Co. of New votA enc spp. 76500c14 76500 022. Citmens Urgmg Responsele Enygy. SofL 76309:200-76363214. l i


 -930824C340 pro.sp corrern atmut safety enphcatens of tasty reactor water   9308100?a8 NRC Into teobce 93067. "Burstmg of Hgh Pressure Coolant inpechon icves estrumentadon s' plant & reasests mvestgaton mio alopanons re iurtune             steam Lme Rapture Docs ensures Plant Persormet" D'acks                                                                                  GRIMES.B K Demon cd Operstmg Reactor Supptwt IPost 9?t004) 93/08/16. Core MUIRHEAD.D u.. CTT.M C. Citrzens Urgmo Respons4we Energy. 93/06/04 THE                  schoaied Edson Co. of New York. inc.13pp. M47.322 76447.335.

CHAIRMAN. SELIN.L Commrsseners (Post 750119). 3pp. 76369212-76369214 9309070130 Forwards feal SALP rept of plant for pened of 910929- 930313 9309170203 Forwarcs hsted ano.m response to 930'27 ftr ashmg NRC to address MARTIN T T Rerson 1 (Post B20201) 93/08/3D. BOULETTE.E.T. Boston Esson Co msues rarsed et tL'1rofr consttuerit ME Lampert re prontems at Peorim.wiencephon of app. 76332134-76332189. msue of toss ca power & FPC. issue of esa of ottino power & FPC venalec to SSES TAYLOR.J.M. Olc of the Execulwe Drector for Operations. 93/09/10 STUDDS G.E. -e309070147 SALP rept $0293/9199 tar 910921k930313 House of Rep. 5pp. N76.346 76476.357-

  • Regon 1 (Post 820201K 93/04'11L 29pp. 76332.13476332:199
 -9309170212 Reo.sests that NRC ad$ess asues raised in consutuont ME Lampert str re protwems at Pagnm.w' regard to safety of FPC sys when plant exponences loss of    9309150015 Ack receipt of 930813 ftr eftwmeng NRC of steps taken to correct volatsons Pi*er tautiv MDvs & BECO rents to Ma tosio nng tast two emergency entut                 nmed ri esp rept 60-293/93-12 STUDDS.G E House of Rep 93/07/27. RATHBUN.D A NRC . No Detaand Afhhaton                .lOYNER.J.H Regron 1 (Post B20201). 93/08/31. BOULETTLE T. Boston Esson Co.

Gwert 7pp 76476 35176476.357 3pp 76451035W51040' 9308260196 NRC Info Notee 93 069. '%deog aphy Everra at OperannC Power Reac-P. Operating licerme sta9e eacuments & _. ~.

                                                                                          'Cr5 ~

GRIMES.BIL D!visen or Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921034), 93/09/02. Con-4 a hosted Eenon Co. of New York, eie.11pp. M99.342 76499.352. 9306mm $4a s m Genene ur SMO to nucsear punt hcesses & CP fx*sers re OW G Asbociate Dr 9309210069 Forwards map rept50'293/93-14 on 930713 0816 No viotatons noted. for Prtnects 04111. 93/06/28.Connohaat ee Eeson Co. of Nee York, pc 7pp. mo9:00176409006. LINVILLE J. Royan 1 (post C0201). 9mm BOULETTE17. Bosen Eeson Co. 3pp. N75.332 76475;353. 9309020 to 930625 Itr scenarig concem te crccks on disks of low pres- 1 g gg MURLEY.T.E. Othce e,f Nuclear Reactor Regulaton. Derector (Post 870411). 93/08/ mspecteD: plant operatorm.marmwnance & survernance.orgyneenng & ptant support 16 MURRAY.T. Massachusetts. Commonwea'th W Sop. 76330277J6330288. KELLYi Repon 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/06.19pp. 7647t-135-76475.353 93t'9020345 Forwards ressest for adcs mio re hcansee930211 subnwital concorrung sw 9309070206NRC Brilo Nabor 9344 "DegradaDon of Borafer Neutron Atuorber Cou-crease allowed tusu assembly storage. parits" EATON.R.B. Propect Drectorate 6 3. P4/08/17. BOULEfTELT. Boston E& son Co, GRIMES.BX Dwmen of Operatmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Con-typ. 76321244 76321248. soldated Edson Co. of New York. anc. 9pp. 76499353-76499 361. 9309070332 Responas to 93071 RAI re GL 92 01 on USE for betthne weects. 9309080106 NRC Into Nohce 93471,"Fra at Chemotwf Unit 2.* BOULETTELT. Boston Esson Co. 93/Dar t0. Docasment Contra Branch (Document GRIMES.B.K. Dwmon of Operman0 Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Con-Control Desk). epp.76391 2274 6391 330. soldatec Echson Co, of New York. Inc.14pp. 76500.001J6500-013. 9309160032 Forwartts peak ground acceierabon & spectraf wakses for New England 9309000243 NRC Into Nocce 93 072, "Obsenratons From Recent SruJtdown Rask & sites.per930714re@sesLAdvmes that stafr sevelopmg NUREG rect utsch we summe- Outage Mgt Pilot Team truos " fire 1992/1993 LLNL probabastc hazaro worti performed for NRR. GRIMES.B K. Dween of Operanng Fieactor Support (Post 221004). 93/09/14. Q1n-EOBELP. Cwil Engmoenng & Geosoonces BranctL 93/09/06 O HARA.T. Yankee soldated Eescri Co. of New York, me, Bpp.76500-014-76500 022. Atorruc Electnc Co. 20pp. 76446216-76446.335. 9309200085 Ramsests apphcatan for exerretran Rom App B to 10CFR20. Table' R. Pm oper.aung reports & colated _ Cir-if9 & Ka137 cerwed at corumreatens for postng fossroments.per 1DCFR201902nd). BOULETTE.ET. Boston E& son Co. 93/09/13. Document Control Branch (Documere 9309030265 "Raenactwo Effluent & Waste Disposat Rept Ormiuchng _ _ .- Data Contof Desk). 3pp. 76474219 76474221. Jan June 1993." W/933830 str. SEJKORA.K.J.. KRAFT.E S. Bacton Eeson Cet 93/06/30. Sepp. 76369 281 76369.334. Q. Inspection reports. IE Bahetens & corresponesence l 9309000146 Forwards samarmuel long-term program update per Sechon v.A of " Plan 9307160033 NRC Into Notce 93456 " Weakness m EOPs Found as Reedt of SG Tutre for LongJerm Program. Palgren N6scoear Power Stanort" mchsdmg scftedules for A & Rupture.- B regula noms & commitment cescrptons & progress amco less update. GRIMES.B et Dwison of Operan9s Reactor hr-=t (Post 921004). 93/07/22. Cork BOU 17. Boston Edson Co. 93/0s/30. Documerit Coniros Branch (Documerit Cnidated Edson Co. of New Ycru, mc.11m W99.302 76499:312. - Contras Dest). 63pp. 76401001J6401263. C307190131NRC Fito Notco 93 058. L. etsm m LTOP for PWRs" 9309150233 Monthly operstmg rept for Aug 1993 for Pugnm Nucesar Power Staten.W/ GRIMES.B.K. D= men of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/2tk Con- 930913 tir. CDMated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 76447264-76447272. MUNRO.W., KRAFT.E.S. Boston Edson Co. 93/06/31. 7pp. 76451022 76451226. 9307200123NRC Info Notes 93 059," Unexpected Openmg of Both Doors e Aetccit* GRIMES.s at Dvuon of Operstmg Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Cork S Reportable occurrences, LERs & retetod corresponsience soldated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. toop. 76447271 76447282. 9307260065 Suppl 1 to NRC Beatn 91001. "Repor1mg Loss at Cnicality Satsty Cork 9309170083 PNO4 03 052:on 930910.fi0htrung smte en owstchyard resulted m loss of bdh 346 kV auppry knes e sne. Reactor wppoS as expected.AE sys responood as JRNETT.R.F. D=sen of Fuel Cycle Satefy & Satopmards (post 930207). 93/07/27. . epon%N 82020 ConscHensted Eeson Co. of few Yort. Inc. 23pp. 76409.009 76439 031. 2m N76472287. C307290112 NRC Info Notce 93 060. "ReportnD Fuel Cycle & Maos Events to NRC 9mmt73 LER 93 02 Won 930824. unplanned autonC - wnon of ROIC porton operatons Ct.- of PCIS occarred owe to RCtC tutsie steam s@psy kne f< *.ew signat. Personnel wm BURNETT.R.F Dween of Fuel Cycae Safety & Sategaards (Post 930207). 93/08/04. evatuste setpost for ROIC sys steam noww/933922 nr. Consohdated Eeson Co. of New Yort. #c 10pp. 76447283J64472P2. CALF A.J.P. BOJLETTEET. Edson Co. 93/09/22. 7pp. 76682.233 76682238. C=awco NRC trdo Notre 93461. "Excesswe Reactor Coolant Leskage Followng Seal Fadure m RCP or RRP." l GRIMES,8 et Dwraon of Operstng Reactor Sue (Post 921004k 93/08/09. Con. DOCKET 50 295 Z)ON BfUCLE.AR POWER STATION, UNf71 cnhanted Eeson Co. of New York, arc.12pp. W99.31346499324. 9mn*45 NRC trdo Notoe 93462. "The= mal Straufcanon of Water m BWR Reactor F. Securty, enedical, emergency a are protection piens vesses-GRIMES.B K Dwunn of Operalmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06/10. Co'* 9309090155 Revned Page 3 m EPIP e@ex.correctnD typo. sohdaled Eason Co. cf New York. enc. 9pp. 76499.32576499.333. EGGER,0. C ..._ . . Eeson Co.93/06/23. 3pp. 76412.336J6412 340. 9300030274 NRC Into Notee 93463. " improper une of ScoutWe Weld Purge Dam MaB ~ 1 GRIMES.B K Dwoon of Operstmg Reactor $@ port (Post 921004). 93/06/11. Con. 9mmm Change Raouest, A-93445 to Rev 0 m W N. 7N Dredoc soidsied Edson Co. of New vort. me. am 764n334J649924t MONEW _ _ Edman Ca 93/08/27.13m 76399238J6399250. l

                                                                                       -~~           EC wards safety evaluaton on util 910318 8 921222 e@rmttais of addl kWo f 930ananM7 NRC BrWo Noboe 93-064. "Penode Testmg & Prewontwo Mant of Molded Case Carcun Breakers.-                                                                on admrustra'sve coreal of combusttdes. pre tre stratepes & actons to be taken tsy  j GRIMES.B K. Dwson of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 03/06/12. Corv           '*1wimasi decovenng tre. Responses ecceptabee.

sohdated Esson Co. of New York, anc 11pp. 76447:293 76447:303. SHIRAKl.C.V. Proiset Drectorate 1162. 93/08/27. FARRAR.O.L. Commonwestth Eeson Co. 3pp. 76388942J6388:047 9300090187 NRC trWo Notoe 93465. " Reactor Trips Caused t y Breaker Testmg W/ Faun Protecton Bypassed a -4309090433 Catety evalAort re fee protecton open items from Secton 32.1 of GRIMES.B E Dwmon ce Operming Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06/13. Cork 763310 safety evaluatort soldased Edmon Co. cf New York. anc.11pp,76447:334 76447:314. Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulabon. Drector (Post 8704 1). 93/08/27. 3pp. 76388:045J6388:047. 9308100006NRC Info Notte 93466. "Switchover iD Hol Leg inpocton Foaowng LOCA CiPWRE" 9309130060 Rev 78 m t - z. Eeson Co Nucsoar Generanng Staton Emer-GRIMES.B K. Owe.on of Operaung Reactor Support (post 921004). 93/CE/16 Corm genev Phar. (GSEP)?' sahdated Eclean Co. of New York. inc.700 76447.31 576447:321. F ARRAR.D. Commonwealth Edson Co. 93/08r31.10pp. 76443&o.76443C39. I

i L DOCKETEDITEMS 71  ! 9309130196 Fowards SE oenyng and: exempaan from fue prenacten semmremeres of 9309300203 New==s 930927 press conference to .1 O'Cormor -.~ - ; that util 10CFR50. App R. Current piant cont;g.sanon sic witra n acceptable pararneiers of exst. setDed sm Fate matters & appeals before lHmots couis & Commerce Commason by  ; mg fre protecton m each areaprevous conclasens remam valc eyeeing to rotund isted amount to customers over next 12 months. SMRAKLC.Y. Propect Drecto-ste E2. 93/09/27.MURLEY.T. NRC No Detaded Affile- l SHIRAKt.C.Y. Proinct Drectorate in.2. 93/06/31. FARRAR.D.L Commonwealtt. Eeson Co 3pp. M13292-76413.301 anon Govert 25m 76591:012 76591 036.

 - O 309130204 Satety evaluaten eenymg addt exeriphons tram two protectora reswe.

ments of 10CFR50. app RConctusons reached when grammg esemptons e 830307 Q. Inspection reports. IE Bubetms & correspondence

      & 880607 SEs stdl valc.
  • Oftce of Nuclear Reactor Regulabon, Drector (post SN11L 93/08/31. 8@ 9307160033 NRC Info Notse 93456. " Weakness e EOPs Found as Result of SG Tube 76413295-76413:302- Rupture." .

GRIMES.BX Desen of Operstng Reactor Seport Post 921004). 93/07/22. Con- $ 9309160100,Rev 0 to Corporate EPlP (CEPIP) CEPtP-202104. "Momson EOF & JPIC soldated Eeson Co, of New York. anc.11pp. 76499.302-76499:312. l Acwatort

      *C         ..a Eeson Ca93/06/31.10pp. N54261-76454.270.                                3307190131NRC Into Notce 93056. %.w._absm m LTDP tar PWRs."

GRIMES.B K Demon of Operstmg Reactor support Post 921004L 9J/07/26. Cork

                                                                                                                                                                                      .!l 9309150342 Notifcaton of930920meetirg w/util m Rocimis.MD to escuss proposed                  soldated Eeson CCL of New York. tre. 9pp. N47.264-W47272.

Oectrone Fye Detecton Sv1L SHIRAKl.C.Y. Protect Drectorate 111- 2 . 93/09/13 MURLEY.T. MIRAGLIA,F" 9307200123 NRC Into Notee 93 059. " Unexpected Opemng of Both Doors m ArtorA? l RUSSELLW. NRC - No Detaned Afhkaton G= ort opp. N53:329 76453:332. GResEEB K Desen of Operatng Reactor Support Post ev004). 93/c7/26. Con - l 9309270098 Forwards response to reauest for addl ento re proposed generatog staten soldated Eeson Ca of h M mc. % WWNM . NDO.D 09 D> rectorate 186 2. 45pp. 76570.250-7657D294. gggg.TTAF. Demon of Fuel Cycte Satory & Satogaards Pont 930207) 93/07/27. Consoldated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 23pp. MOF00476409:031

    *                        "'"              '""'                                           9307290112 NRC Info Notce 93460. "Reportmg Fuel Cycee & Mans Events to NRC C309200100 Forwares SE se reief requests for second ten yr intaval IST plan fo'                            .R. Desen of Fuel Cycle Safety & Satown es Post 930207). 93/08/04.

ERJ E Drectorate E 3 KOVACH.TJ. C-.-- _T Esson ad Edson Ca W h % A h N4NW2E Co. app. 76473.32SM73244 930e000062 Forwards Ion Statenmaar=as Rept on SG insp acemtes sor 1992 Unit 2 0 309200109 Safety evaluaton gransng sehet requests to nconnes DPR.39 & DDR 88 ANN 93/08/04. Docurnent Controf Branch re second 10.yr siterval meervce tesang pian for pumps & vaMrs. (Document 'diontrol Desk) 40pp. 7640021176400:358'

  • Once of rocsoar Reactor Reg 6sabort Director (Post 570411). 93/03/24.12pp.

N73233 W73244. 99nnaensen NRC Into Notem 93461,"Excesave Asoctor Cootant Leakage Follommg l 9306230099 Sept 5 to Genonc Lir 89-10 to nuclear plant hoensees & CP holders to G ES ." Reacw W (Poet 98004L 93/08/09. Con. Esson Ca of h M inc.12pp. NMMW.324. LOwJ G. Associa Drector for Preisets 70411) 93/06/26.Coraahrts' ed Eeson Co. of how York. Inc. 7pp. *09901-76409906 9M NRC W Nohce M 7hrmal Seaticaton of waar m BWR Reacw

                         *                                       " #                                                  of New         inc.      764 2 25     99 333.

C la

      #                                                  8         "I           -

9300030274NRC into Noece 93463.*Incroper Use of Sam Wald Purge Dem MatL" 76394 001-GRIMES.B.K. Dmmen of Operahng Raarw Senort (Post 921004L 93/06/11. Cork solcated Edson Ca of New Yo% mc. Opp. NMNRW. 93090B0092 Errats to Chapter 12 to *CDCM." rictudrq revised Table 12.2 1.122 3 &

                   - r Eeson Co. 93/06/20. 5pp. 76399176-76399-180.                          9300000237 NRC info Nance 93464 "Penoec Testng & h M of Maided Case Cecun Breakas.

9309010206 Surnmary of 930818 meetng wiuto m Rodmile.MD re preimunary results of GRIMES.BX Omason of Opereeng Raarw Soport (Poet 921004). 93/06/12. Cork Regulatory Burden Reduchon trwtanvas (RBRI) & stuft oftart te Cost Benetical Lacerts, sohdated Edson Oct of New YoA int 11 pit N4729FN47203. t I mg Actors (CBLA).Lst of attanoses enti SIEGAL.BL Prosect Drectorate ils 2. 93/06/27 Propect Drectorate lik2. 21pp. 93e30e0187 NRC Into Notre 93465, " Reactor Tres Caused try Breaker Tesang W/ 76286263 76286:303. Fault Proeschon Bypassed. GRIMES.Bx Dunen of Operahng Reactor Support Post 921004L 93/06/13. Cork . 9309070192 Forwards " Pump & Valve insonnce Tesbng Plan for Zon Nutdoor Generat- "'M=w' Eeoon CcL of New York. anc.11pp. N47:304-76447214, i Staten Uruts 1 & 2? Si .T.W. C., .. .- -_T Edson Co. 93/08/31. MURLEY.TE Office of Nuclear 930910eest NRC info Notce BS066. "Swachever to Hot-Leg inpochon Fotowng LOCA Reactor Reguiston, Drector (Post 670a11).12pst 7637090176371084. g

  .-9309070195 "Pune & Valve Wearwice Tesang Plan for Zon thcieur Generstng Ste,               sohdened Eeson Co. of New York, me. 7pp. N47215-N47221.                                  -

ton Units 1 & 2?

  • Cw . .. _T. Eeson Co.93/06/30. 600pp. 7637001S76371:064. 9300100348 NRC into Noame 93067. *1banang of High Presswe Coolarit inpocton Sesam Lme Reture Decs argures Plant Personnet" .i*

9309000177 Forwards summary raptoernommeatng facikty reactor vessets so not GRm4ES.B.K Dwaman of Operahng Reactor Seport Post 921004). 93/06/16. Con-eh entles.ine FTS screerung cmora *a'"lami Emoon Co. of New Yort6. mc.13pp. 76447222-76447:335. SIMPKIN.T.W. C . ._ _ _T Lomon Co.93/09/01.MURLEY.TE ONce of fmar Reactor Regulatort Drector (Post 670411).10po. 7641234676412355. **"****198 NRC Into feonce 93469. "Radograpfm Everes at Operstmg Power Reac. , ers. < 93091410123Nobhcanon of 930914enoseng m/utt m Rocntvihe.MD to docuss proposer 3 GRlMES.B.K Dumon of Operalmg Reactor hrat (Post 921004h 93/09/02. Cork j anernste approach to pertorrrung mdudual plant exams for automal eventt *'Maud Edson Co. of New York anc.11pp. N9t342-764sp.352. 3 SIEGELBL Proect Drectortue ill.2. 93/09/02. DYER.JE Protect Dractorais til.2. < 6pp. 76422.143-76422148. 9309150300 EN-93486-on 930909.noece of proposed enpoelten of twt pensity in amount of $50.000 eeued to iconsee.Acton tened on Aug 1999 tense to portarm j 9309170246 Lir contract. mod 1 to task aroer 17srtmtkng?mcremental twidng in hsted 10CFR50.59 SE for to plant as asoczend m FSAR. i COBLEICZl . Otc of E -_  : (Post 870413) 93/09/03 in amoura to ".lPE Reverws.intamal Events Fforn4nd OnsyFIELDSJ.A Dusen or Contracts & Property Management Post 8902D5). FIN B-76452 070-76452:078. d


E767. 93/09r08. COLINA.L Saence & Engneermg Assocates. Inc. 2pp. 76463-170-76463:170. 9309190003r%-==== map repts 50,295/9%DS.50-304/9&OS.50 295/9314 5S304/93- l 14 on 920727-9J0323 & forwards statoe of volaton & proposed errgesiten of csv6 ' l 9309180020 D=rmaan schedule for Econsee responst ID GL 8910. "Satsty.Renated penarry m amount of $50,000. MARTINJ.B. Repon 3 (Post $20201). 93/09/09. WALLACE.MJ. Commoriwealth Motor Operated DYERJ E. Pro,ect valve Testmg th-2. Directorate & Saveillance." R3/09/09 . DELGEORGE.LO. C_ z Eason Co. 5pp. 76454.t 54 76454.163. Edson Co. 5pp. N46.306-76446212.

                                                                                             -9309150103 Notee of voisbon & proposed imposson of ovil penaHy in amoura of
    ------             Forwards results of reanstyss of fuel hancRmg accident m                 S50.000.Acton based on leend volanons mckshng open coor to laundry tacety cresi-corsamment.mcluchn0 apprognate trier afloency tar orgeme soene spacesser Reg                 potenhal unmarutored release patPL                                                  l
                                                                                                '           3 (Post $20201). 93/09/09. 5pst 76454159-76454:163.

Goose 125 & reducton of assumed pre ehutdown power from 104.5% to 100%. , SIMPKIN.T.W. C_ -- _ . _T. Esson Co. 93/09/13 MURLEY.TL Othee of Nuc6 ear Remetor Regu abors Drector (Post 670411).14pp. 76517-200-76517:306. 9309100080 D=a= mas schedule for fmanese response to GL 8910. " Safety Reested Motor Operated Valve Teetn0 & Swweeerce? 9309240242 Supp6s 930004 response to GL 9344srovidng mamawnent that de==== DYERJ.E. Propoet Drectorate til.2. 93/09/09. DELGEORGE.LO. r1 _- comphence to GDC 25 as well as uiD commnmers to review emeeng ouners oroer sw- Edson Co. 5pp. 76446:300-76446.312. vomances m pace at up PWRL CHRZANOWSKI.D. A _T Eenon Ca 93/09/16. Ofice of Nuclear Reactor . 930B070306 NRC Info Notco 93470. "Dogradekon of Borster Neuron Absorber Cou-Retassers Drector (Post 870411). 5pp 76573190 76573:194. pons? GRIMES.BK Drveen of Operatng Reactor Support (Poor 921004). 93/09/10. Con-9309230293 Forwards sopi info retsted to PWR reloast salsty analyss methods to doc- schdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. N99.353 76499.361. umers salera ponts of930629 & 0921 tetcorg m response to NRC 921008 RAI to tacamate review of util Topmal Rept NFSR4069 9309030104NRC Into f4ptco 93.C71

  • Fro at Chemobyl Unit 2?

SIMPKIN.T.W. C_. . _ . - -_ Esson Co. 93/09/23.MURLEY.TL Othee of Nuclear GRIMES.B.K. Dunen el Operetng paar*= S@ port (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Cor> Reactor Regutalort Drector (Post 8704 51). 39pp. 76594252-76594290. sohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 76500t001-76500$13.

s 72 DOCKETED ITEMS 9309090243 NRC trdo Nonce 93472. "Observatens From Receen Stiut:s:wm Ram & 9309070202 Appicaten for ameruss to Lacernes DPR.33.DPR 52 & DPR48 conesing CAAmoe Mgt Pdot Team traps." of TS 335.fmplementmg lotest rev of 10CFM20.  ! GRIMES.S K Dwoon cW Operatrig Reactor Support (Poet 921004) 93/09r14 Cor$ SALAS P. Tenressee vehey Authorstv. 93/06/27. Document "M Branch Cocu- j solutated E$ son Co. cf New Yo1L mc. 8pp. 76h01014-76500$22. ere Jneol Des 4. 3pp. 76371250 76371:340. 9309240051 Forwerds map repts $0295/93-15 & $0-304/9S15 on 9307214901.No -9309070207 Proposed toch specs emplemereig intest few c41DCFR20. votatons noted. - 1ennessee Vahey Aumorrty.93/06/27,58pp. 7637128S7637tS40. FARBER.MJ Recpon 3 Post $20201). 93/09/14 DELGEORGE.L.O. Commonweatm 4 Edson Co. 2pp. 76522.0$$-76522.1866. 9309070254 Forwards descnonon of completon of Line 3.hoonse conaton to NUREG. '1 0737 (Twi Acton Plan).nems 115.1.1 & ILF.12 concemng noble gas rrorster &  !

 - O109240056 pasp repts50295'9315 & $0 30s/93-15 on 9307214901.tvo wasatons                 sockne/parbculate enorstor.respectweiy ftoteNLMasor a eas espe':letthob see acDon on previous map inongs. summary of             GALAS.P. Termessee Vauey Autnanty 93/06/27. Document Control Brefich (Docu. -                 l oce'eteris.operatornar saety & vernceton & erwprisered satety feebJre sys.                ment Cr***'ni Desk). 6pp. 76372306 76372'311.

FaRBER.MJ Regen 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/16.12pp. 76h72.057-76522268 9309070220prus addl jusatcahon toe proposed TS 301 to Ucenses DPR 33.DPR. 9309210071 Forweros map repts 50 295/9317 & 50304/9317 on 933617,20 No woh. $2 & DPH48.courtsnp Peregraph 32.43 & clenicaten for Po agraph 31K.1.e1 re-Cxns noted. sponse to cuestens rersed by NRC dunng toscons te GL 8941 1 KOZAK,T4 Repon 3 (post 820201). 93/09/15. DEL. GEORGE.L.O. Commonweefth SALAS.P. Tennessee Vancy Authomy 93/08/27. Document Coreol Branch (Docu. . Edson Co 2pp 76476.001-76476C14. ment Corgrol Deest 3pp. 76372290-76372.300. j 4 309210074 Insp repts $3295/9317 & 50304/9317 on 93081740.No velatoris 930ece0131 informs NRC of proposed eMemstwe chonucal tretnmera propam for t noted Mapt areas . - - ---- -6 b prograrrLlad orgaruzabory:anhrmatory [ RHRSW sys.m ret to commcmom rende si 900316 ftr m response to GL 9913. "SWS measwoments.aud%. assurance & ra$osogmai ortween r,iorutonng propant Probems Anectng Sesety Related Eempment" HOUSEJ E. ORTH.S - ? NTJ Regen 3 (Post 823201). 93/09/15 1200- SALAS.P. Tennessee Vatiev Autnorny. 93/09/01. Document Control Branch (Docu .. i M76203-76476$14 ment Conpot Desk). 2pp. 76415.359-76d15.360. E Portothe cPemteng NPenis & rehted - 9300000148 Forwards addi ordo re pmew Tech Spec Amend 332 re surveihence fro-opency tar emergency desel generefor ment esp from once per pr to once per 24 i months.mchahng enguisereig evalueton rupt & Procedmas EMDB314 9309220072 "Decharge Rept for Au01993." W/930917 eir. SALAS.P. T_ ._ Valey Authority. 93/09/02. Document Control Branch (Doc + ROTHERT.W.C. Boston Edson . 93/08/31. 9pp. 76517.310 76517:316. ment Control Deskk 3pp. 76397:305-76397:353. s 930B230142 Monthw operatng rept for AuS 1993 tar Zion. unit 1 W/93DD10 ftr. 9300000151

  • Bro =ms F Nucsear Platal Prrma==rt Tech Spec Amend Diesel Genere-  ?

, CYGAN.J., BROCCO O.E.A. Co.- r . Edson Co. 93/06/31.14pp. 76546.333- tor Mesnt enop Froopency Engnostmg Evolushon Rept? l 76546.346.

  • Termosese Venry Authomy.93/03/12. 7pp. 76397:309 76397.315. {

9309210318 'orwards Eagse 21 process protecton eys penodic sys performance rept g30e0e0153 EMLS Osmers Groe Procedure EMD9314. ~ - Maest Prt> tio mien- 930516.ceis, l SIMPKrt .W. Commonwestth Edson Co. 93/09/16. htuRLEY.T.E. Offee of Nw: sear Em.- Duke Engmeanng & Sennces. 93/04/16. Sepp 76397:316 76397:353. Reactor Repdatora. Drector (Post 670411L 6pp. 76516 058-76516262. & 930ese01ee Forwards resseet for cost tenshool hconomp acton RLA41 "Enernpton i Froen 10CFR73.55(dNS)." for review & unprovst j, E Reportseer occurrentes LERs & mooted oormapendence Vehov Aulhanty 93/09/02 Document Corent Branch ZERINGUE.OJ T_  ; (Document Corent Dese416pp. 7639t$01-763eeS16.  ; 9309030322 LER 9241941mn 921008.autostert of ESF cornponents occurred thsmg + sateguards tesbngCoused by procedurst estimency. Incorrect sentches repeaced a 9300130856Nothcotori of 930003 meshng w/uti el Rockvihe.MD to docuss status Of  ; techncel staff misetncel powp performed visual map of otner switches ctevent beeneng sceans & racerit testory of protoemenc autmellest , HEIM.M.L. JOYCE.T#. Commonwealm Edson Co. 93/06/13. 5pp. 76409.263- ROSS,T.M. Propect Drectorate 18-4 TVA Prosect Deacocrate) (Poet 9006036 N 09267 93/09/02. MURTY.T., neRAGLIA,F. R W. NRC No Detened Afthotr3 9308200063 LER 9041641mn 900726.aoentrhed togh flood sewed caused tnr caceed olf Gwert opp N13.202-Nt3:205. f mcore shaft area.Ragw termnal tNocks & removed sectons of asek agni encean6re 9300140307 Conhems inscon re engt meetnD at locacy on 930907 to abow ugl to presenit  ! Onund ncore shaft area W/933907 lir. _ , h . piers for Unit 3. L BEUTEL.D., BROCCOLO.EA C--- - . Eckson Co.93/09/07. Opp. 765000B5- MERSOHOFF.E.W. Regen 2 (Poet 920201L 93/09/02. MEDFORD.M O. Tennessee  ! 76500 090. Vaney Aumority. 3pp. 76441:199-76441.201. I E Operator Ezeminettens 9300140347 Nothcoton of agehoont momeng w/uti en 930907 to docuss preeerit OL i certfuznes a reconeeucton seriedue nor neut 3  ! KELLOGG.PJ 1 (Not 820201k 03/D9/02. Repon 1 (Post R20201h apr.  ; 9308210005 Summary of 930708 Repon BI annumf trasrung enenegers conference m 76438.33G.76438:  ; Gaon EnyttiL. Purpose cf meetno to provide torten for ame- i en rev 7 of operstar t Cnenseng exemner stos & to thacues operator tooneng neues. 930030114 Rocksmets NRC decuance of propoesd amend no later than 931202.33 days i PING.M. Repon 3 (Poet 620201). 93/09/15. Repon 3 (Post 820201k 29pp. i 764769G3-N76 091. pnar to efteceve SALAS.P. asseVossy Torinsesse of 10CFR20 Auptoneyrule 93cq/wh

                                                                                                                                               . Document Control Branch (Docu.    !

morn Conpol Dest 4 app. 76588.356 765e8.357 DOCKET So.296 9ROWiss FERRY NUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNIT 3 . Q. Ir-P=* esperta, IE tubettra & servempendense  ! E , snurpency & Gro Protecten piene 93071e0033 NRC Info Notoe 93456, " Weakness m EOPs Feind as Result of SG Tube  ! Rupmes " 9309010038Summry of 930803 meetng w/util m Roctuus.MD se proposed cost bons' GReES.B K. Duason of Operetng Reactor Support (Poet 9210040 93/07/22. Cor> i fiool societty program revs at Broums Ferry Dumar planLLut of amendees & meetnB j ochdoted Echeon Cm of New York. Incl 11pp 7649pJ02-N99212. handouts erect r HEBDONfd Propect Drectorate 54 (formerly TVA Propoet Drectorate) Post 9307190111 NRC into Noece 93464, L _ ___ . an LTOP iar PWRs" , 900603L 93/06/26 Prosset Directorate h4 (formerly TVA Propect Drectorate) (Poet GRIMES.B.eL Demson et Opereeng Resetor Eiseert (Poet 921004k 93/07/26. Cork C30603).19 pp. 76285:122-7t285:141. ochdeasd Eteon Co. of how York, Inc. app. 76447J64-79447:27E t

 **'"a*=        Rev 7 to EPIP4, "Pe.connet " .. , & Evarume =t* W/930826 ter,                                                                                                          T SALAS,P Tennessee vahey Aumonty.93/06/26 6pp. 76388:1796763 Sit 187.

930730D123 NRC Wito Notee 93 059. "Unaspected Openne of Beth Doors in Artocit" [ GRIMES.B.K Dumen of Operenne Reactor GiosMet Post 921o04L 93/07/26. Cork { achdened Edson Co. of New YortL enc.10pp. 76447;27S76447282. t K General 93073e0e66 Suppi 1 to NRC Bussen 91001. "Reportng Less of Crincehty Safety Cork Dols? f 9*aarmans Cornment supptrang croposed rule 10CFR2 re renew of 2206 process. - BURNETT.RS. Dwmen of Fuel Cvole Sately & (Post 330207h 93/07/27.  ! WETTERHAMN.MJ Weiston & Straunt 93/06/31. CHALK.SJ Othce of Wie Secretary Cor=aa=*=aad Edson Co. of tesw York, ena 23pp. . 006 76409-03t of Sie Commesert 9pp. 7631BD$$-76318263. } 9307330112 NRC Into Notes 93460,"Reparung Fued Cycee & Ms9s Events to NRC ' Operemons Ctr? P.Opereen9 boenee misse - _& . SURfETTA.F. Dumon of Fuel Orcie Sately & Seloguards (Poet 830207). 93/08/04. Cor=aMa*=d Edman Co. of how York. Inc.10pp. 76447283 76447292. 9*memaan Suppl 5 to Genene Lt 99L10 to rar*==r plant hoe' eses & CP tenders te  ! emenency of - _.-volve sbc equement. **-aa NRC ledo Notoe 93461. "Esosasse Reactor Cooient Leskoge Foltomang Seal Faskee m RCP ar RRP? PCRTLOwJG. Amarnate Drector for Posi 870811). 93/06/28.Consoldat. od Edson Co. of how York. Int 7pp. N09$01-76409-006. GRIMES,B.K Dusan of Opereeng Reactor Sieport Post 921004E 93/08/09. Cork .; sohdated Essen Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. 76499213 7640s.324. . f ret se mores of 1993. t C30e070119 Suteruts het of enegatons recewed asin0 . .

   .lENKINS.G.R. Regen 2 (Dost 820201k 03/07/14.COSBY.T. Torinsesse valley Ap.           **ama"' NRC Info Nahoe 93462. " Thermal Sermaar aw=i of water m BWR Reactor                    ;

anorny. 2pp. 76332.109 76332110. Vessels" l GReMES.B .K. Dumon of Operahng Reactor S sport (post 921004193/Da/10. Cork


emanasone Fo,werds rog,seet for ocks odo re medium votiege cable band redus at enks?ve Edson Co. of New YortL, Inc. 9pp. 76499.325 76490233. DONfJ Prosect Drectorate 16 4 (lormerly TVA Promet Drectorate) (Post 3300030I74 NRC info Notte 93463, *lrrgeoper une of Soluble Wald Dem Molt" 93/06/23. MEDFORD.M,0. T.. Veney Autnority. 6pp. 76358213- 921004) 06/11. Cork 900603,L,7. N58. GR104S.B K. Dum.on schootomeon C 0 -te ,el

                                                                                                                                . enm 0.Re.a,cter N9        Seapo.rt.(. post N99,1.

3 I t

i DOCKETED ITEMS 73 9308060237 NRC into Notce 91064. *Penode Testmg & Preventwe Mast of Molded 930903D017 "ADEM Dscharge Morstormg Rept for Jul1993

  • Case CacWI Breake's" LOUDERMILKA Tennessee Vasey Autnamy. 93/07/31. 9pp. 76360:341-76360.349 GRIMES.B K. Dwson of Operatog Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/0e!12 Con-solcated Edescn Co. of New YorA inc.11pp, 7644729S76447;303. 9309200173Monthty operstmg repts for Aug 1993 for BrowM Feny Nuclear F1 ant Ursts r

1.2 & 3 WfB30915 tir 9308090197 NRC into Nobce 9S065. " Reactor Trps Caused tiy Breaker Testmg W/ RATUFF S A.. IERINGUE,OJ. Tennessee Vanev Authonty. 93/08/31 1190, ( Fauf! ProtectsF Bypassed " 76500:350 76500 360. GRIMES.B.K. Dmson of Operatng Reactor Suoport (Post 921004). 93/06/13. Cork soldated Edson Co ce New Yor( me.11pp. 76447.304-76447.314. 9309220040 "Discriorge Morutonng Rept for Aug 1993?

  • Tennessee VahetAuthonty 93/06/31, 9pp. 76516349 76516.357.

9308100006NRC into Notme 91066. "Swe: hover to Hon. Leg inpacten Fotowng LOCA en PWRs? GRIMES.B K Desen of Operstmg Reactor Support (post 921004). 93/06/16. Con- DOCKET 9%297 NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIV. PULSTAR REACTOR soldated Edson Co. of New Yort enc. 7::st 76447.315 76447:321. 9308100248 NRC Into Nonce 91067. "Bursang of Hegh Pressure Coolam inpectii,in R Penods operstmg reports & related __.. Staam Lee Ruoturt Oscs insures Plant Personriet" GRIMES.BK Dmson cd Oporstmg Reactor Sup&v (Post 921004193/06/16. Con-ead E6 son Co. of New York. me.1330. 7t/ on2 76447:335 9309020030 "Puistar Reactor Annua! Rept for Penod Jul 1992. June 1993. W/930831 te 9309070267 Ack recept of 930606 Itr mtorrrung NRC of steps taken to correct volasons PEREZ.P.EL. MAYO.C.W., DUD 21AK.DJ. North Carchna State Uruv Ralecgh NC. 93/ stated m insp repts50 259/9123. 50-260/9123 & 50'296/E123 06/30. 43pp. 7634t316-763s1356. l CRLENJANR.V. Repon 2 (Post 820201). 93/08/20. MEDFORDXQ. Tennessee l Valley Authonty dost76333.143-76333:146. l DOCKET 50-298 COOPER NUCLEAR STATION I 9308260198NRC Into Notee 9S069. "Radography Events at Operstmg Power Reac- , tore l GRtMES.B K Dmson of Operatmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/02. Cors F. Security, medical, ernergency & fare protection pears schoated Edman Co. of New York. enc.11pp. 76499.342-76499.352. 9309130283 Descusses status of offsne preparedness for planLEmstmo 9309080148Forwarns a$:9 mto re proposed Tech Spec Amend 332 re surve41ance fro" plans are appKable 1or toth states Necraska Masoun an event of en emergency at quency for emergency desel generator mamt msp trem once per yr to once per 24 plant mont'isJncludmg engmeenng evaluaton rept & Procedure EMD9314- CONGELFJ Dmson of Radston Safety & Sateguards Post g2100al. 93/07/29 SALAS.P. Tennessee Vabey Aumarrty 93/09/02. Document Control Branch (Docu- WINGO.C.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency. 2pp. 7642t112-7642t113. ment Control Dessa. 3pp. 76397:305-76397253.

 -9309080151 " Browns Ferry Nuc6 ear Plant Proposed Tech Spec Amend Dese' Genera-       9 08002 Ack mcapt of 930617 kr m W enwgency 6 m sco-T           Vaney Authority    /                       7   97:315.                                           M fp,7            76273 006 '

rtplac m insp R 50-25 5 50- '91 50 296 9 9309020277 Rev 8 to Eple 5.7.14. " Staple todme Thyroid Biodung (KO." W/930825 Itr. CRLENJAKAV. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/07 MEDFORD.M.O. Tennessee HORN.G.R. Netwasta Pulse Power Dstnct 93/06/25. 6pp. 76360:335-76360.340. Ualley Authonty. App. 76521:311 76521.314. 9 F 6/M W W W MMW4 & 9309150265 Responds to NRC930812lir te vuoistons noted m rap rep:s50 259/9S sutats mio m SALP mot ! 26.5S260/92-26 & 50 296/9S26.C/Assupe stress & pipe support secten suoennsors MILHOANJ.L Repon 4 Post 820201). 93/08/27. HORN.GA Nebraska Put*c Power l have been notmed to acrease atteriton to data I to prevent rewrrence of event. Dstnct 16pp. 76332 069-76332100. i ZERINGUE.OJ. T_.. _ Valley Authorey. 93/09/09. Document Control Branch (Cacument Control Dest). 7pp. 76452217 76452223. 9309210309 Rev 15 to EPP 5.7.22. "Communcetons." W/930910 lir. ! HORN.GA Nebraska PutAc Power Dginct 93/09/10.16pp. 76504266-76504281. 9309070206NRC Into Nohce 93470. "DepadaDon of Boraflex Neutron Atmorber Cou-pone 9309170063 Rev 24 to "Emerosney Plan for Cooper Niciaar Statort" W/ 930914 lir. GAfMES.BK Desen of Opersang Reactor tarent (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Corg KRUMLAf4 DAM GARDNEAAL. HORN.GA Nebrassa Putsc Power Distret 93/ sohdated Ednan Cct of New York mc. 9pp. 76499:35S?6499.361. 09/14.100pp. 76471:006-76471:145. 9309080104 NRC Into Nocce 93471. " Fro at C2iemotst Urut 2." $309220127 Announces egent e coraket OSTt dang penods 931101 45 4 1115-GRIMES.BX Dmson of Operstmg Reactor Support (post 921004). 93/09/13. Cork 19.per gudance m NRC trasp Manuel 93802. Informs that map team unit condst pre-sohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 76500-001-7650&O13. map visst on 931012 13 to cotam access warneg & be badged for unoscorted sne access. 9309090243 NRC Into Nosoe 9S072. "Otmervatons From Recent Shutdown Rak & BEACHAB. Repon 4 (Post 820201). 93/09/15. @RN.G R. Netraska Putse Power Outage ugt Psot Team ensts? DstrcL 6pp. 76528 035-76528939. GRIMES.BK Deson of Opersing Reactor tenrwt (Post 921004). 93/09/14. Cork sohdated Edson Co. of New York. Int 8pp. 7650&O14-7650&D22 9309280172 Forwards bisp rept 50 259/9S29.50260/9429 & 50 295/9S29 on

            .CA Remon (b                 )     09/15. htEDFORD.M.D. Tennessee Valley                                        " P        *    "'"P"*"      * * '            '"

Auttenty. 3pp. 7655N76551340. ha NE HORN.G.R. Neeraska Pleic Power Dstnet 93/08/27. Document Control Branch

 -9309280181 enso repts50 259/9129.5S260/93-29 4 50 296/9529 on 930816-20.No                         nt        Deskb 1p. 76363.22M6363226, weistons or oevistons noted.Mapr areas mspected. previous open esms re safety 4e.
                       . Regon 2 (Post 820201E 93/09/15. 7pp. 76551:334-76551:340.                              stese docunwnts & conspondence 93n92s0240 Forwards inso rents 50 259/93 27.5S260/9h"7 & SS29s/SS27 on                 $3062300e9 suppt 5 to Genene Lir 89-10 to nuclear plant hcensees & CP holders re 930ft16-20.No votatons contdied.                                                       maccuracy of motoreperated vahe               ocupment CLINE.W.E. Repon 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/15. MEDFORD.M.O. Tennessee Vahey               PARTLOWJ.G. Assocate Drecict for               (post 870411). 93/06/28.Conschdat-Authonty. 3pp. 76553.111-76553:123.                                                    ed Edman Cck cd New York, et. 7pp. 7640920176409006
 -9309200245anse repts50 259/9S27.50 260/9127 & SS296/93 27 on 930816-20.No             $309130303 ha=*a= shswnent of Cooper soc 6sar $1ston RV closure stud staty violatons     noted.Maior     areas     r***".              fadwaste handimg &         tatae endcatan dJnng Letrasonc tesbng performed by GE to BNL tar exarrLNRw we 6-             e%sm release morutonng.chemstry parameters & trarun9                    forward knal rent when avadable.

MONEILL.N.G DECKER.TA Regen 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/10.10pp. 76553:114 CONNALF#' 4TONA Pmmer Drectorate TV-1. 93/06/10. HORN.GA Nebraska Pubic 76553:123. Power Detnct opp.76413.30476413:312. 9309280181 Forwansa map repts 50 259/93 28.50 260/9328 & 50496/9&20 on $309010188 Forwards somrarmua! 6tnesaFlor. duty performarce rept for 930101-930630 930717-0820 & notus of violasons w/ corrected rept ter 9207D11231. MER$CHOFF.ELW. Regen 2 (Post 823201). 93/09/17. MEDFORD.M.O. Tennessee HORN.GA tweDraska Pubic Power Dustnct 93/06/25. Documert Coritrol Branch Vabey AJthonty. 4pp. 7t4*>PR9-76552.301 (Document Coreal Desk). 5pp 76308:330-76338:335.

 -9309200169 Notre of votaten from map on 930717-0820 Votaban                           $309020252 Forwards rev to TS tms to reflect opersbonal & design changes made to not e w: .;. not met for hsted exampes idermhed tiy HRC mapector                       CNS ove water sys ourmg 1993 og sisng outage.
  • Regen 2 (Post 8202010 93/09/17,2pp. 765S2.286 76552.267. HORN.GA Netranka Pubhe Pon e diestnct 93/08/25 Document Ccetrol Branch (Document Conerts Desk). 2pp. 7630298-76342.301.
 -9309290184 ansp repts 50259/9128.50260/9128 & 50296/9S28 on 930717-0820.Velabons        noted.Mauer      areas     mapacts<t mara      &     survenance observatum.operstonal sately vanhcotert & measunn0 & test souement 9309020205 Proposed isch spect tiases secten to reflect operatona! & tiesgn changes made to CNS ove water sys cunng 1993 retushn0 outage POT ERSON.C.A KELLOGG.PJ. Regen 2 (Post 820201L 93/09/03. 14pp.
  • Nebraska PutAc Power DstncL 93/06/25. 2pp. 76342.300 76342;301.
   % 552288-76552.301.

93090302s7 Proposed Chrige 106 to teense DPR.46.revismo TS Sectens portammg to staruby gas treatment sys & seconoary & pnmary contamment moeston ve# wet FL Periods opereung reports & related ocemopom$ence HORN.G.R. Nebraska Piele Power Dstnct 93/06/31. Dorument Control Branch 9309070126 "Semannuat Radcactrve Efnuent Release Rept Browns Ferry Nuclear Paru lan June 1993

  • W/930830 ter. -9309030295 Proposed TS re pnmary & secondary contamment mtegnty.

54.AS.P. Tennessee vaney Autnanty.93/06/30.110pp. 76352 037-76352:133.

  • NeDraska Pubhc Power DstncL $3/08/31. 43pp. 76362201-763h2.243.

74 DOCKETEDITEMS 9309030303 Proposec Change 120 to Lcense DPR-46.adchng recurements tcr pnma*y 9308260198 NRC Into Notace 93 069, "Rasography Events at Operatog Power Reac-contammerit soraton of Wywet er samptmg sys lo clanty recurements for snstrumer> tcirs. " tanon to ruhate pnmary con:amment esotaban sgnats GRIMES B K Dwason of Operatmg Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/09/02. Con. HORN.G.R NeDraska Puttc Power Distnet 93/06/3i. Document Control Brancti sohdated Eescri Co et sven York. mt 11pp. W99.342 76499.352, (Document Control Deskk 3pp. 76363254-76363281. 3309070206 NRC trdo Nonce 93 070. "Degaadabon of Boraf6en Neutron Absorber Cou. -9309030308 Proposed TS ve pnma,Y comammoni sotaten vane sabies. pons "

  • Nebraska Pttnc Power Dstnct93/08/31. 25pp 76363257-763632P1. GRIMES.B K. Duson of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/Ofr/10. Com soldated Eeson Co. of New Yot. mc. 9pp. N99:353 76499.361.

9309150369 Noticaton of930921 meetmg w/Uhl m Roemnbe.MD to docuss organca. tonal chanoes desgned to bnng anout ynproved performance 9309080104NRC Irrio Nobce 93-071," Fro at Che*nntyt Unst 2 " CONNAUGWTON.0L Protect Drectorate tv-1. 93/09/09. ROOD.H. Proiect Directorate GRIMES.B.K. Omson of Operatmg Reactor Suoport (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Cors rV-1. 4pp. N42:224.76442227. soldated Eeson Co. of New Ycrk, mc.14pp. 76500 00176500-013. C309220162 Forwards proonetary RV belthne mat! mio.per utd930702 response to RAI 9309090243 NRC Mio Nonee 93-072. "Ouservatens From Recent Shutdown Rsk & re GL 9241.Rev 1 & 930630 submittal.tntorms that USAR we be revised to mccroc- Outage Mgt Pdot Team insps." rate une of analysis gNen m NEDO 32205.Into weirienc.per 10CFR2.79a GRfuESE K Duston of OperstmD Reactor Support (%st 921004L 93/09/14. Con. NORN.GR Nebraska Pubhc Power Dstnet 93/09/16 Document Control Branch sohdated Ednon Co. of New York. Inc. Bpp.76500-014-76500t22. (Document Control Des 4 7pp. 76544:353 76544.359. 3309220127 Annowuss entent to conduct OSTI Arrno penods 931101 05 & 1115-D09290248 informs that acceptance entena for statup physses tests have been met for 19.per pucance m NRC Inso Manual 93802.tntorms that esp team will conduct pre-recent evcie 16 staa ts:. msp voit on 931012 13 to obtam acess trarrsng & be baoged for unesconed arte HORN.G.R Netraska PutAc Power Distnct 93/09/20. Document Control Brarch access. (Document Control Deskt opp.76532:354-76592.357. BEACHAB. Repon 4 (Post 820201). 93/09/1$. HORN.GA Nebraska Pubhc Power Ostnct 6pp. 76528$35 76528$39. Q. inspection reports. IE Bullettna & _ , 9309280360 Responds to NRC ttr re volatsorts noted r risp repr 50296/93-22 on 9306064717. Corrective actons reexamme LER.NCR.DR & form correceve action ?307160033 NRC trito Notre 93456 " Weakness m EOPs Found as Result of SG Titie  %$fNeeraska ubie Power Disinct 93/09/20. Do:simera Control Branch G .S.B K Duson of Operatmg Reactor Suppon (Post 921004). 93/07/22. Con. sodated Eeson Co. of New York, artc.11pp. 76499-302-m99.312. 9309290226 Ack receet of 930805 ttr intornung NRC of steps taken to correct volatons roted m map rept 50 298/93 19. Suppaemental response smould spenpay wnch ade 1307190131NRC Wo Nobce 93 058. "Nonconserva:mm in LTOP for PWRs" tuoi movemera cxintots utazes GRIMES.B K. Dmson of Operstrig Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Co'* BEACHAB. Regen 4 (Post 8202n1). 93/09/24. HORN.GA Nebraska Pubhc Power solcated Esson Co. of New York, inr 9pp. 76447264-76447:272. OstncL app. 76567:265-76567:274. 9307200123NRC Info Notu:e 93459. "Unexpoeted Operuno or Both Doors in Arioc4L* GRIMES.B K Duson of Operaung Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/07/2tk Con

  • R. Pertesc operaurig reports & related sorrespondence sohdated Eeson Co. of New York, smc. topp. N47.273 76447.282.

930903D022 Forwards Tooper Nuclear Staton Senuannual Oparatng Rept Pah-9307260065 Suppl 1 to NRC Buhetn 91401, "Reportmg loss of Cntcahty Sately Con. twe EffW_." A- 1993." entorms that hema == of floodmg wtuch occurred yong.a BURNE7T.R.F. Duson of Fuel CyrAs Safety & Sateauards (Post 930207). 93/07/27. around pianLoonsus of conebors of frst half of 1993 not taken. Consohunted Eeson Co. of New York. anc. 23pp. 76409009 76409 031. HmGA Netraska Pubhc Power Distnet 93/08/25. Document Control Branch (Cacument Control Deskk 1p. 76362:001-7636?197. C N C, trdo Nohce 93460. "Reportog Fuel Cycle & Matts Events to NRC S son hl Opwanng % R*W BURNETT.R.F. Dmson of Fust Cvcie Safety & Sateguarcas (Post 930207). 93/08/04 Emuents.Jan Ame 1993."

                                                                                        " Nebraska Pubbc Power Dainct.93/06/30.197pp. 76362-002-76362197.

Consomonted Eeson Co. of New York. anc.10pp. N47283-76447.2B1 9*8tionw00 NRC trdo Notca 93461. "Excessve Reactor Coolant Laakage Fotowng 9309140184 MonWy operahng rept for Aug 1993 for Cooper Nuclear Staten.W/930909 Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/09. Co,, EELER.S.C GARDNER.R.L Nebraska Pubhc Power Detnet 93/08/31. $pp. iMES e of

  • 38254-76438.358.

sohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. W99213-76499.324. 9 45 NRC Wo Nobco 93462. " Thermal Stratihcanon of Water m BWR Rear.1or &WW 6 GRIMES.B K. Deson at Operatng Reactor Larrvt (Post 921004). 93/08/10. Cork soldated Ednon Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 76499225.W99;333. 9309070337 Summary of operstmg reactors events meetmg DS30 on 930811. C>AFFESAE. Events ? . J. branch.93/08/13. GRIMES.BA Dusson of Oper-aang Reactor S@ port (Post 921004). 26pp. 7G373243-763732ti8. 91neMn274 NRC Into Notco 93463. "tmoroper use cf C*Na Wald Purge Darn MatL". GRIMES.B K. Deson of Operatmg Reactar Support (Post 921004). 93/06/11. Con sohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. Opp. ND9234-76499241. 9309290401 LER 9343240:on 930708.125 voit battery chsconnect switch fuse tailure occurred. Caused by ndg detecLDeteceve fuse replaced & banary retumed to svc.W/ 930eo60237 NRC Wo Nobce 93464. "Peredc Testmg & Preveneve Maint of Molded 930922 tir. Case Creut Brieakers." REEVES.D.L CARDNER.R.L Netraska Putdc Power Dustnct 93/09/22. $pp. GRIMES.B K. Dmson W Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/12. Con. 76609:183-76609:187 sohdated Eeson Co. of New York. inc.11pp 76447293 76447:303. 930B090187 NRC Wo Nobce 93465. " Reactor Tnps Caused by Breaker Testng W/ DOCKET 50-301 POINT BEACt1 NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 2 FaJt Protecton BypassacL" GRIMES.B K Dvison of Operaung Reactor Support (Post 921004) 93/08/13. Cork sohdated Edson Co. of New Yort. Inc.11pp. 76447-304 76447214. P. Operating Sconse sta9e _^ _ & correspondence 9308100006 NRC Wo Nobce 93466, "Switchover to Hot-Log tryocton Fabowmg LOCA g308230099 Sepi 5 to Genanc LS 89-10 to nuclear plant bcensees & CP hoklers te en PWRE" snaccuracy of motor operated vane caugment. GRIMES.BA Dmson of Operatmg Reactor S@ port (Post 921004) 93/08/16. Cork PARTLOWJG. Awrmate Drector for (Post $70411) 93/06/28.Connohdat-ochdated Edison Co. of New Yort., Inc. 7pp. 76447215-76447221- ed Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 7pp. 76409001-7640P908. 9308100248 NRC Info Notco 93067. "Bwstmo c' High Pressure Coolant inpocton 9309100249 Inferers that acks info needed te hoensee response to GL 92 01/ev 1. Steam IJrie Reture Oscs infures Plant PersormeL" HANSENAG. Proinct Drectorate m-3. 93/08/26. LINK.R.E. Waconsm Electne power GRIMES.BIl Dmson of Operstmg Reactor Sepcyt (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Co'> Co. 5pp. 76396-135 78396:139. sohdated Edison Co. of New Yortt tric.13pp. 76447222-N47235, 9309090313 Forwards arnends 141 & 145 to DPR 24 & DPR.27 & 9309010106 Forwarns ownmary of enforcement conterance mostmg en 930813 in safety " ~ 1._ z change Secton 16.4.5. "ECCS & Contasnment Coolmg

           - TX re actvrees aulhartzed by inense DPR-46. List of attendees encl          Tests? to show testng of satsty unpocton sys w/ motor treakers racked
         ' AB Reacn 4 (Post 820201) 93/08/26. HDRN.G.R. Netraska Pubbe Power             HANSENAG. Propect Dyectorate 24. 93/09/07.LINKAE. Waconsm Electnc Power Detnct 103pp. f6273126-76.". 3240.                                                    Co. 3pp. 76411$41-76411258.

9309090200 Ack reempt of $3061024 & 0809 responses to NRC Bobstm 93402. 9309090319 Amends 141 & 145to boenses DPR,24 & DPR 27pespeenwely. chan0mg "Detts Pluggrng of Emergency Core Coolmg Suchon St amert" Util rempormes ao- Secton 15.4.5. "ECCS & Cantomment Coobn0 Sys lasts" to ainow testr'g of safety captabia. eyectan sys while motor treakers racked & coerable. CONNAUGd70N.K. Proiect Dructorate Iw1. 93/05/26. HORN.GA Netraska Pubhc HANSENAG. Protect Drectorate 1114. 93/09/07.10pp. 76411$44 76411253. Power Dainct app.763882101-76388 004.

                                                                                      -9309090321 Satsty evaluehon supportng amends 141 & 145to hconses DPR-24 &

9309070112 Forwards fmar SALP rept S0298/93 991ar penod et 920119-930424 & DPR.27.respectwely. submrts into re SALP rept

  • Ofhce al Nucsour Reactor Regulabon, Drector (Poet 870411k 93/09/07. Spp.

MILHOAN.I.L Repon 4 (Posi 820201). 93/08/27. HORN.GA Netraska Putshc Power $11.354.76411258. Dstnct 16pp. 7633r060w76332-100. 9309200033 Submits clanhcaton of somme IPEEE commenents made in 910628 re-9309070225 Prcupes Wo m response to commitment made dunng 930813 enfortement sponsa to Swpl 4 to GL 98 20.w/ regard to scope of ecsuoment to be evaluated & conference se trap Rept 50 298/93-17. Somme hazard cwves to be used m seesme PSA for resoNing USI A-46. HORN.GA Notraska Pubic Power Dstnct 93/08/30. Docasment Corttrol Branch LINK.B. Waconse Enoctne Power Co. 93/09/08. Document Control Branch (Docu-(Docwnent Control Desk) 4pp. 76372201-763722D4. ment Control Desk). 2pp. 76473.279-76473:290.



l 93CL200044 Forwards response to NRC 930712 RAI re escrepancees found m renew of R. Pertodec operstmg reports & related correspondence & 16 vr tendon survedlance repts submrted on911223.Rev 0 to Caculaton , 050 4 039 &Calcuatson N-93442 also encl. 9309140330Marrthly operatmg repts for Aug 1993 for PSNP.uruts 1 & 2.W/ 930903 tir. j UNK.B. Omaha Putdc Power Distret 93/09/13. Doctame it Control Brarch (Docu- ARNOLDAF., UNES. Wescortsm Eiecine Power Co. 93/06/31. 9pp 76437:350-ment Control Desk). 800. N74:001-N74:056- 76437:358

 -9309200050 " Tendon Prestressmg Force Lendts as Tame Functon at Anchorace."

SAE41NG,5. Becmel Corp. 050.C439 ROO. 92/04/04. 34pp. 76474 00476474:042. V. Operator Exammations 3M2M52 7endon Ssvedlance W Pmstmss Summary" 9309210095 Summary of 930708 Regen til annuai trammg managers cotitorence m Wacoram Eiectnc Power Co. N-93 042. 93/08/30.14pp. N74:043-76474:056. N Ea4W of meebng a prowde torum tor docucson on rev 7 of operator 9309 4 L 9344. " Rod Controi Sys Faihire & Withdrawal of Rod ( at 82020 ) b/ . (Post 820201). 29pp. LINRB. Wisconse Electnc Power Co. 93/09/20. Document Control Branch (Doew l ment Control Desty 6pp 76582:353-76582.357 ' 9309280042Ack remot of930401 10CFR50.54(a) stemt:al incorporating changes m cuakty assurance program desercoort RING.M A Repon 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/ 2. UNKA Wisconse Emctne Power Co. F. Security, medical, emergercy & fire protecnon pians

10. 76551:059 76551:059 9309080345 Rev 11 to Annuncestor Response AR-304. "ESD Anrunciator Response."

Q. Inspecten M IE Bulleens & _ . Rev 17 to AR-402. "PSA G Arriunciator Response " & Rev 12 u AH-504. "tCS L i Aftnunciator Responsa. 9307160033 NRC Into Nobce SS056 " Weakness e EOPs Found as Result of SG Tube Ruoture " 9309090091Revned EOPs.- Rev 1 ic EOP.02.Rev 1 to EOP43 Rev 1 to EOP-GRIMES.9X Deinsen of Operatng Reactor Sgocrt (Post 921004L 93/07/22. Con- 04.Rev 1 to EOP.05.Rev 1 to E 46.Rev 1 to EOP47. Rev 1 to EOP49 & Rev 1 to soisdatec E& son Co. of New YorA erc.11pp. N99.302-76499.312- EOP-13. C307190131HRC Into Notes 93-056. " a_ __ m LTOP ter PWRs." GRIMES.BL Dwsoon of Operatog Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Con- 9309280209 Forward map rept $3 302/93 21 on 930711 4814 & nonce of solcated Edrs.:m Co. of New YorA inc. 9pp. N47254-76447:272. votatortvolanon of concem tiocause short term conectwo achons e response to provous event & violanon madeounte. 9307200123NRC Info Nonce $3459. " Unexpected Operung of Both Doors in AeM" SINKULE.M.V. Roomn 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/09. DEARD.PM. Fionda Power Corp. GRIMES.B K. Dwison at Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Con- 3pp. 76552136-7'6552151 solidatec Eeson Co. of New YorA inc.10pp. 76447273-N47;282.

                                                                                       -9306280220 trup rept 50402/93-21 on 9307114814.Vetstens noted. Maeor aneas
 $307260065 Suppl 1 to NRC Buhetn 91-001. ' Repornng Loss of Cnbcality Sataty Con.        . . - : ?- -i operatons.necunty.radosogcal controis.mamaanance.surve mee &

trols." LERs. 8.'URNETT.R.F. Dwason of Fuel Cycle Safety & Satepards (Post 930207). 93/07/27. HOLMES. RAY.P SCHIN.R., LANDIS.K Fiepon 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/09.11pp. Consohdated Esson Co. of New Yet. Inc. 23pp. 76409009-76409S31 76552 141 76552-151, 9307290112NRC Info Noboe 93460. "Reportng Fuel Cycle & Matts Events to NRC $309170171 Responds to 930607 Itr requesteg --- to c4 colischon requrements Operatons Ctr." of App R.secten ilLO. SURNETT.R.F. Dwison of Fuel Cycle Sotery & S=topads (Pcat 930207). 93/06/04. SILVER.H Pro,ect Directorate 1 4 93/09/10. BEARD.PM. Fionda Power Corp. 3pp. Consoldateo Esson Co. of New YorA sric.10pp. N47:283-N47292. 76461-230 76461;232. e enanwS00 NRC Info Notee 93401 *Escessive Reactor Coolant Laakago Fotowmg 9309200135 Advises that redatopca! emwgency plan N chanond.would conhnue to Seal Failure si RCP or RRP." meet stos of 10CFR50.47(b) & recurements of 10CFR50. GRIMES.8X Dwison of Operstng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/09. Con. CUNE.W E. 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/14. BEARD.P.M. Fionca Power Cr#p. solcated Eeson Co. of New YorA inc.12pp. N99$13-76499.324. 3pp. 76551;24 6551 247. 9 anan arts 45 NRC Into Nonce 93452. " Thermal Stratifcation of Water m BWR Reactor dessets

  • K General correspondence GRIMES.B K. Dwison of Operatrng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/10 Con.

sohdated Eeson Co. of New York. enct 9pp. N99.325-76499-333. 9309000032 Cornrnent on wtusgebtower protecton asue. WOLLE.SEN.EA Athhalon Not 93/08/27. Rules & Direcirves Review 930e030274 NRC Into Nonce 93463 "Irnproper Use of Schele Wald Matl." Branch (Post 920323). 44pp. 76346 76346.348 GRIMES.B K. Chveson of Opersing Reactor $sasport (Post 921004k 06/11. Con-sohdated Esson Co. of New YorA leic. Spn N99.334-7649P;341. 1 P. Operating 6 cense etape docurnents & .,__ _ _ 930e090187 NRC 6nto Notre 93465. " Reactor Tnps Caused tiy Breaker Tesang W/

  • D"' I **

G MES Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06/13. Con-soldated Eeson Co. of teerw York anc. tipp N47:304J6447:314. , PARWJG. Mme Drector br M8# # ""C' (Post 870411). 93/06/28. Conschaat-930.,00006NRC into ce 9,0 6. Switcnove, . t.,t.teg in,e= on , wing tOCA a na Da ca a' a var * 'ac. 7Pa 75'o*$o'36ao'-oo* I GR A Dwmon of Operstng Reactor S6cport (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Con-solcated Eckson Co. of New YorA enc. 7pst 76447.315J6447:321. W & Catse T Lom$g m BERKOW.H.R Proiect Drectorate Ib2 93/08/17. BERUNGER.C.H Elecincal Eny-9308100248 NRC Info Notce 93467. "Burstmg of Hsgh Presswo Coolant inischon Steam Lane Risstwo Dscs treres Plant Personnel" 93agnan'9s Roguests addl mio re util response to GL 92411ev 1. " Reactor Vessel GRIMES.B 8L Dwnion of Operaterig Reactor %e wwt (post 921004). 93/08/16. Con" Structura! Insegnty.10CFR50.54(f)." Response regured wenn 60 days of str date, achdated Eeson Cck of New York. incl 13pp. 76447.322-76447:335. SILVER.R Propect Drectorate 8 4 93/06/19. BEARD.P.M. Flanda Proyess Corp.

  $306s60198 NRC Into Notco 93469. "Rachography Events at Opersing Power Reac-lonL "                                                                              9309070257 Rev 17 to Annunciator Response AR-501. "iCS I Annunciator Response."

GRIMES.BA Dwoon of Opersing Reactor Suppon (Post 921004). 93/09/02. Con. Rev 18 a> AR 503."lCS K Annunciator Resporse" & Rev 9 to AR-SC2. "lCS J Annun-sohdated Echmon Co. cl New York, inct 11pp. N99:342-76499.352. custor Response." 9309150017 Forwards hst of items Sys Based Instrumentaten & Corealinsp Team wm review ounng snap sches, sled for weeks of 94011024 & 0207. 930e070249 Rev (2 m Annunestor Respcnse AR 301. "ESA Annuncestor Response" & FORNEY.W.L Reqpon 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/09. UNK.R.E. Waconam Electne Power Co 3pp. 76454 083J6454 085. Rev 10 to Aramciator MARSHALL' 4. FlandsResponse AR-703. "$$F R Annuncetor Power Corp.93/08/24.122pp. Response." . 76359063-76359164

  $309070205NRC Into fetco 93470. "Depadaten of Boraflex Neutron Absorber Cou-          9309020078 P400hcoton of $30909 meetmg w/util m Rockvme.MD SD escuss und rept on pons."                                                                                stearn puner.ator tube exam & plans for operaton & further rap.

GRIMES.BA Dwison of Operstng Reactor Sisart (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Com StLVER.R Prorect Drectorate 16-2. 93/06/26. BERKOW.H.N. Protect Drectorate B.2. soh3sted Eckson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. W99.353-N99:361. 'I 3pp. 76305:335-76335:337 9309090104NRC Into teonce 93471. "Fre at Chefficbvl Urilt 2 " 930g070175 Forwards "Techncal Bass for Rwer Unit 9 Plant Specific Proco. f GRIMES.B.K. Dwson of Operstmg Reactor Lewwwt (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Con

  • Cure to Resc6ve NRC Genenc La $7 02" & Power Corp Ptarit Specihc Proce.

solcated Echson Co. of New YorA enc.1 opp. 76500-001-76500013. dure for Sesmsc Venicahon of Nuclear Plant EmmpmenL" Rev 0. BEARD.P.M. Fionda Power Corp. 93/06/27. Document Control Branch (Document , l $309090243 NRC Into Notce 93472. "Observatons Fforn Recent Stwtdown Rak & Conrol Desk). 3pp. 76366-001J6367950. i i Outage Mgt Puot Team Inspt" GRIMES.B K. Dwemon of Operatng Reactor Seport (post 921004L 93/09/14. Com

  • fechracal Bass for Orystal Rwer Unit 9 Plant Specific Procedure 2 Re- i i soldated Echson Co. 01 New York enc. 8pp. 76500$14J6500 022- srWwe NRC Gerienc L9 87 027 1
  • Fiones Power Corp.93/06/27,77pp. 76366:004J6366 075.

C309210027 Ack receipt of 930430 & 930715ttrs reornwn0NRC of steps taken 90 cor-I rect veoisters noted m map repts50-266/92-24 & 54301/92-24. -4309070183 "Florda Power Corp Plant Specthe Procedure 1or Samme Venfcation of FORNEY.WL Regon 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/14. UNK.R.E. Wmoonsm Electne tvucasar Pant Easpment." Rev 0. Power Co. 2pp. 76475:138J6475154.

  • Flonda Power Corp.93/08/17. 300pp. 76366 076463C7 050.  !

l l

i 76 DOCKETEDITEMS 9309080176 Summary of930526 meetn0 w/util m Rocennlie MD re FPC ppm to re- 9308090187 NRC enlo Notee 93-965,

  • Reactor Tnps Caused b Bre.ker Testmg W/

sone USI A-a6 (GL 87 02) & iPEEE sesmc astues for CR.3 Let ce mecing attenoecs F auit Protecten Bvpassed " efc! GRIMES.B h Dnnwon of Operatmg Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/08/13. Con-SILVER.H ProseCl Directorate li 2 93/06/30 Propet Drectorate 102 app 76352.324 soldated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. tipp. N47.304-N47.314-786352 327 9308100006NRC Into Notre 93 066 "Switchover to Hot-Leg Infecton Fohowng LOCA l 9309150124 Forwaros response to 5 of 6 Rats m NRC 93C709 ftr to floor response m PWRs? l spectra tot resceuhon W USl A.e6 Floor response spectra for upper two floors m reac. GRIMES.B 8L Desen of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/08/16. Con-tar m process of covelopment & wm to provioed by 931015 soldated Eeson Cn. of New YotA inc. 7pp. 76447.315-76447.321. BEAR .P M F4onda Power Corp 93/09/07. Docurnern ConVW Brarch (Documers Control Desa). 4pp N5t134-M5t169 9308100248 NRC into Notee 93 067. "Burstmo of High Pressure Cooaant Pippetron Steam Lsne Rupture Discs kvJres Plant Pertennel*

 -9309150129 'Sernmc Anayss of Eque.msen Moumed on Manwww Structwg'                         GRIMES.9 K. Deson of Operstmp Reactor Suppo'1 (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Com BIGGSJM.. ROESSETJ M Massam.ssts iretitute of Technology Cambroge. MA                    soldated Edson Co of New York, enc.13pp. 76447.322-N47.335.

69/03/3132pp W51131kW51.169 9309020078 Notifcaton of 930909 meetm0 w/utd in Rockvste,MD to escuss utd rept on 93D9150099 Notifes of miere to enpement 10CFR20.Sectons 201001 through 20.2401 steam ponerator tube exam & plans for opermison & fu ther mso

   & assoaated apps t"t931001.                                                              SILVER.H Peorect Directorate li 2. 93/06/26 BERKOW,tLN. Protect Dractorage 112.

BEARD P.M Fionda Fewer Corp 93/09/10 Ofice of Nuctuar Reactor Regulaten. De- 3pp. 76305.335,.76305.337 rector (Post 870411).1p M54.164-W54164. l 9309030249 Responds to NRC 930809 ftr re volatons noted ei insp Rept50 302/9 1 i 9309200027 Summanres current astusion te voltage c45: eitponenced dunng b6ack 17.Corrachve a .a, a for regulator was resumed to 10 paig untd tegher allow- 1 toaeng cri EM= www.menano 930616 ftr whch mceuned esta tram tes1mg able presstes could De setermmed  ! concheted m pnng 19930sta tram tesano conducted en Nov 1991 enct EEARD.PM. Fenas Power Corp. 93/08/26, Document Control Branch (Document . BEARD.P M. Florca Power Corp 93/05/10. Document Control Brarch (Document Controt Dest 13pp. 76361.346 7f 36t348 i Control Desk). 5pp. 76473120 7 tid 73244, i 9308260194 NRC Into Noixa 93469. "Radography Events at Operstng Power Reac- ,

 -9309200330 Rev 1 to Performance Testmg Procedae PT 340 "EDL1A & 18 Block                 tors -                                                                                      '

Loadmg vattage Drop vahdaton? GRfMES.B K. Dwamn of Operetng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/02. Cork

  • Florda Power Corp.91/10/29.120pp. N73125-76473 244. sohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Mc.11pp. m99.342-W99 352.

9309290184 Confirms 930907 temon to meetmg to be held in Atlanta.GA to escuss 9309220160 Ack recespt of 930826 Itr alormm0 NRC of steps taken to correct volatons pant sett. assessment noted m risp rept 50 302/93 17. Imptomentaten of C/As wiB be exammed cunng MERhCHDFF.E W Remon 2 (Post 820201L 93/09/13. BEARDS.PM. Flonda Power future hsp. Corp. 400. 76551.358-76b5t3ti1 SINKULE.M V. Repon 2 (Post $20201). 93/09/08 BEARD.PM Fionda Power Corp. 2pp. 76521.215-76521216. 93092901B9 Notfcaton of egnificant hcormee moeing w/uts on 930321 en Atanta.GA to docuss plant oost L..-..a 9309150229 Responds to IES.93 002. "Debns Pluggmg of ECCS Stramers

  • Ventlaten LANDIS.KD Regen 2 (post 820201) 93/09/13. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 2pp. foters m Lmet 3 bedo removed.

76552 021 76552-024. BOLDT.GL Flonoa Power Corp. 93/09/09. Document Control Branch (Documerit 9309210287Coriferra that topcal repth BAW.2192P & BAW.2178P wiB be used as b cename bases to osmonstruie that bestime wetds we meet tracture toutrines regare- 9309170155 Informs that change to Al.500.w/ regard to weekly staton self -ment ments of 10CFR50. App G. m resporne to NRC 930819 RAI re GL 9241. Row 1. checks bas been . . . 1 to ensure trat tus 6nk verWicaton we occar.m vet to BEARD.P.M. Fionda Power Ccrp 93/09/14. Document Control Branch (Document 930730 response to vioiston noted en insp Rept 50 302/93-13. Contml DeskL 2pp. 76504.357-76504.358 BEARD.P.M. Ficyds Power Corp. 93/09/09 Document Control Branch (Document 93093o0227 Responds to Commason recuests ear mto cr. costs & benehts of erp merution of enproved STS- 9309290209 Forward ansp rept 50-302/9341 on 930711 4814 & nohoe of TAYLOR.J 64. Orc of the ExecuDve Drector for Ope abons. 93/09/17. NE CHAIR- vioaaten.Volaten of contam because setort tonn correcDve actons a response to MAN Commasoners (Post 750119).10pp. 76615327-76615.33tk provmus evera & volaton snar*scante SIN #CULE.M.V. Regan 2 (Post 820201). 03/09/09 BEARD.PM Flors.ta Power Corp. E309290250 Appicaton for amend to hoarue DPR 723mamg structural meagrey enso re. 3pp. 76552.136-76552151. Ourements tar contamment tendors. & adsacont concrete surfaces t) adapt methoos of 1989 edman of ASME Bouer Presswa vesselCode 9309290218 Nance of violaton from mso on 9307114814 Velaton ..u d.. _ - ed BEARD.P.M. Flanda Power & Cck 93/09/20. Dotasment Conrot Branch (Dec1F nca assise ccurectsve accons prochee reparabon of reactor cootant sys overopoling merit Control Des *J. 6pp. 76601- 1-7660-t:357. evern of 930305.

  • Repon 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/09. 2pp. 76552-131k76552140.
 -93D9290250 Proposed tech m- . .; structural miscrity map rocasroments for

! comariment tenoors. anchorages & adacerit contyrte surfaces to ack3ot metnoos of -930929022D Insp rept 50332/9S21 on 9307114B14Venatons notect Maior areas l 1989 ockton er ASME Boser & Pressure Wessel Code.Secton !K.Subsecten lWL. ympactedstant operators.necunty.rasologmal coritrols.mamtenance.aurvedlance & i

  • Ficnos Power & Lsgnt Co.93/09/20,1p. 76601:357-76601:357 LERs.

MOLMES. RAY.P., SCHIN.R LANDISK Regpon 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/09 11pp. O. Inspection reports,IE BuSetine S 76552141 76552-151. 9309070206 NRC Info NotKe 93470. "Degradaten of Borsfles Neutron Absorter Ccm> 9307160033 NRC into Notco 93-056. " Weakness m EOPs Found as Result of SG Tube poruk" GRIMES.B K Dwinon at Operatng Rea: tor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Core RupLre GRIMES ".B K Dwinson of Operatng Reactor Suppost (post93/07/22 Co+ 921004) . sohdated Edson Co. o' New York, arc. 9pp. 76499353-76499.361. sohdated Edson Co. of New York. anc.11pp N99.302-76499212. . 9309220001 Forwards tnso Rept 50302/931s on 9306284730 & nonce of i 9307190131NRC Info Notsae 9S05a. "Nonconservenam m LTOP for PWRs

  • votatortinsp assessed capacey of etectical ekstributen sys to pe1orm intended hmc-l GRIMES.B K. Dusson of Operahng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Com Don i

sohdated Eckson Co. of New York, anc. 9pp. N47.264-N47:272. GIBSONAF. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/10. BEARD.P M. Fionde Power Corp.

6pp. 76517245-76517282.

l 9307200123NRC Into 140 toe 93459 " Unexpected Openrig of Both Doors e Arbore f GRIMES.DX Dween of Operatrig Rametar Seport (Post 921(04). 93/07/26. Core -9309220002Nobce aohosted Eamon Co. of New York, mcL topp.76447273 N47282. trat measures had c' notvoleton assured kom risp bases owegn on 93062ELO730.Votabon noted. were propsrty trannheted miodesign con. nun termr nel voltage specdhed by tettery eve test survosance procauure SP-523.Rev 28. 9307260065 Sgpl 1 to NRC Bunstm 91401."Reportm0 Lsse of Crtbemisty Satety Cork

  • Regon 2 (Post 820201k 93/09/10. 2pp. 76517250 76 fit 7251.

trots " Bk.PINETT.R.F. Dwinori of Fuel Cyese Satery & Sateguards (Post 930207). 93/07/27. - 9309220003 trap rept 90 302/9S19 on 9306250730.Velatons veteauapor areas Coruchdated Edson Cct of New York. Inc. 23pp. 764090047640E031. .

                                                                                                   ---        _ ..a or capocrty of electncel dstribubori sys to perform emended Arictons.'

9307290112 NRC Info Notce 93463, "Reportng Fuel Cycle & Maths Events to f4RC GIRARD.E., JULIAN.C. Regen 2 (Post $20201). 93/09/10. 31pp. 76517 252-Operatons Cir." 76517282. 80RNE7TA.F. Dwumon of Fuel Cycne Sataty & Safeguards (Post 933207). 93/06/04. Coruchaamd Edson Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. 76447.283-*47292. 930 toe 0104 NRC Into Notco 93471,"Fke at Chemobyl Unit 2." GRIMES.B.K. Omsson c.t Operstmg Reactor support (post 021004). 93/09/13. Cori-9300030200 NRC ento Notice DS061. 'Excesame Reactor Coolant Laakage Followng schosted Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 7650m001-76500:013. Seal Fasure en FICP or RRP." GRIMES.B tl Dwinon of Operntng Reacter Support (Post 921004K 93/08/09. Cork 93DB090243 NRC Into Nonoe 93 072, *Cbeenrators From Recent Shutdown Rak & I mohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. N99.3157649k324. Outage Mgt Pdot Team Insos." GRIMES.B K. Dusson of C"wratmg Reactor $@ port (post 921004). 93/09/14 Cork 9300030245 NRC ento Notee 93402. "'hermal Stratlhcaton of Water m BWR Reactor aohanted Eeson Cck of New York, anc. Opp.76500 014-76500'022. veneens" GRfMES.BX Dmacn of Operann0 Hametor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/10. Com 930e210206 Forwards ISI Rehet Raouest 93-20.propoemp use of attomatwo exam re. tohdated Edson Co. of New York, ent; 9pp. 76499.325 N99.333. ouremerits of Coos Case N-491 tar notecang componerns ourmg exams to be per. l tormed m nenn outage scheduced to m Apr 1994. I 930e030274NRC into Nobce 93463. " Improper Use of Schele Wold Dam MatL" BEARD.P.M. Faonde Corp. 93/09/14. Control Branch (Document , GRIMES.B Ir Dunen ad Operstng Reactor Support (Post 921004). /98/11. Cork Control Desk). 2pp. 76512349 76512.350. l achdated Echmon Co. of New York. anc. Opp. N99.334.N99.341. I 9309290005Rettuosts inservice insp (tSI) progranwechared volurr.atnc NDE of tour 6.en r 93oa060237NRC Info Notoe 93 064. "Penoec Testmg & Proventrve Mamt of Molded wok 1s e**raetod w/vawes MSV-65 & be to performed cunr'g next appropnete Case Cacust Breakere schedused plant outage & NRC to to notthne of reeutts of exam. GRIMES.B.K. Duason of Opstatmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/12. Cork DERMOW.M.N. Prcumet Drectorate 102. 93/09/14. PEARD.P.M Fionde Power Corp. schanted Eeson Co. of New York, mc. tipp. N47.293-N47.303. 3pp. 76568257-76568.359. i 1 { i l

DOCKETEDITEMS 77 9309290250 Appbcaton for amend to hcense DPR 72.recsmo structsal mtegmv mso re- P. Operstmg bcense sta9e documents & - --- ewements for contanment tendons. a'crormoes & a4acent concrete sataces to EARD 20 Docu of E$ anch ( 93092pm' % yds E yW remness er e e yr cW U #an W ment Control Desu. 6pp 76601.351-76601.357

                                                                                               %E Co. 4m M73229M1344.
                                                                                                                     $bte                 3 03     KOVACH.T.J. Comnonwearth Echson
   ~9309290258 Proposed tech spectrevsmg stnactural mteg11y msp rommements for contammerit 1enoons.a*c'erages & a$acent concrete surfaces to adopt methods of 1989 edmon et ASME Boder & PressJre Vessel COce $ectcn fY he tWL                      -93092P0109 Satety evaluaten gra'$ng rehef reouests to icenses DPR-39 & DPR48
  • Florca Power & LagM1 Co. 93/09/20.1p. 76601.357 76601.357. e second 10-yr mtervat meervce testmg plan for pumps & vatves
  • Crice of Nuc4 ear Reactor Regulaton, Drector (Post 87Da11). 93/03/24.12pp.

76413.333.W73 344. Q Penodic ope'atng repnets & retsted m _- 9306230099 Suppl $ to Genene Lir Ni-10 to nuclear plant hcensees & CP holders te 9309080380 Somermual Ramoactrue Et'iuent Release Rept. Crystal Rwer. Urut 3 for maccisacy of motoroperatM valve ea(reste coupnent. Jarbhne 1993 " W/930827 ftr PARTLOW.J G. Associate Dr eetor for crosects (Post 870411). 93/06/28.Consohdat-WIDELLR.C. Florca Power Corp.93/06/30.1200. 76398.338 76398.349. ed Eeson Cc of New YorA inc. 7m MW6. 9309200175Monthiv operstmg reot for Aug 1993 for Crystal R=er.Orvt 3 W/930910 tr. 9309090112 Forwards SER approvng Eagle 21 e;ptal I&C sys retrotri for Zen Nuclear SMrTH.R., BOLDT.G.L Flanca Power Corp.93/08/31. 6pp 76501:356-76501:360. Power Staten.per reouest amng 930623 mechngNRC markup & comments on 930927D049 Forwards fcness-for-duty program peatormance cata for pnnod of 930101 NUMARC. WERMIELJ".Gueshne tar MDigrial S. Instrumematon ESCBranch.

                                                                                                                                    & tarcots  Upgrades"   also efuSSTMLF*LM Germany 93/07/16.

0630 Democrats Reput2c.10. 76394 001.W394 001. BEARD.P.M. Fionda Power & tmht Co. 93/09/15. Document Control Branch (Docu-ment Control Des 4. 7pp. 76570:$11-76570217. 9309090092Errate to Chapter 12 to "ODCM." mchisng revser; (able 12.2-1.122 3 & l 12.5 1. l

  • Commonweettn Eeson Co.93/06/20. Em 76399:176-76399:160.

S, Reportable occurrences. LERs & related - . - see 9309010296 of 930816 meetmg w/util m Roolmlie.MD re prehmmary results of

   $309130297 Updated anonm Part 21 rept to svc s@ port structise for control rod Onve        Regulatory Buroen          Jebon Inrbatrves (RBRf) & staff ettort to Cost fienefcaal Lscens-mechansms.Semmc loadm0 concem resolved for all plants & seesnes resultmg from           mg Actons (CBLA).Last of attendees enct l      LOCA loads for Daws Besse & ANo1 untran anowabee brruts-                                SIEGALB.L Proiect Drectorate ill-2. 93/08/27 Pro # set Drectorate itk2. 21m i      T AYLOR.J.H. R=rv** & Wecox Co 93/09/03. MCBREARTY.M. Document Control                  762M;283 76286;301 1      Brancti (Document Controi Des 4. 3pp. 76443223-76443225.

9309150116 LER 92415&on 920717. emerge Yy feedwater actusbon occurred due to unas g i bw OTS3 level Replaced vatve packmg & changed proceduresW/930903 itr. hPKIN.T.W. Comnenwealth Edson Co. 93/06/31. MURLEY.TE Ornce of t+aclear l E.E BDLDT.G.L Flanda Power & tsgnt Co. 93/09/03. 5pp. N009- Reactor Regulanon, Drector (Post 870411).12pp. 76370:001-76371:084. 9309290221 LER 8943SMon 890906.detemuned safety related components were ed -83 195

                                                                                              #D" Ursts       12.&y & vaive h Teshng Man W Ian Nuclear Generatng h posad to vertages m excess of meg statea voltage retmos oue to madeounte control of I     oesgn process. Rec 4 aced reparable noms w/ragh vonage componerns W/930920 lir.           C ""~" - . Edson Co. 93/06/30. 600m 76370 01N1084.

l FROATS.EE BOLDT.G.L Fionaa Power & Lsght Co. 93/09/20.16pp. 76662.239-766822 % $309090177 Forwards summary rept.demonstratng tacierty reactor vessels do not . exceed en6cMiss PTS acreerano enterat l SIMPKIN.T.W. C_ . _ _ n Echson Co. 93/09/01.MURLEY.TE Othee of Nuclear

U Operatorr- Reactor Reg 6Aabon. Dractor (Post 870411).10pp. 212;346 76412:355.

9309070028 informs of - . vnade for admmstraton of RO & SRO G309144123 Not6catan of 930914 meetng w/utilin Roctutte.MD to escuss proposed l . alta w approacn to pecormmo mdudosi piani aans for ammai mnis i nams at piani & rocssesis snat apphcatens & waver roguest t.e earnated at e'a"s"t 38 r cavs estore fria exam cate SIEGE B.L. Propoet Drectorate llL2. S3/09/02. (NER.JE Propect Drectorate ill-2. PEEBLES.TA Recon 2 (post 820201L 93/Ol>/27. BEARD.P M. Flonde Power Corp. 6pp. 7C2.143-76422148. 4pp. 76331250 76331253. 9309170238La ':entractmod 1 to task order 18.provedn0 moremental fundmg m asted "lPE Review.irvismal Everits. Human Rehaosity Annives only? DOCITT50 304 23ON NUCLE.AR POWER STATtOst, UNIT 2 FIELDS.JA Dveson of Contracts & Property Melagement (Post 890205L FIN L 1934. j 93/09/08.HAAS.P.M. Concord Asacciates, Inc. 2pp. 7649lt147 76499:147. I ! F. Securty, rW emergency & ftre protecnon plans $309170246Lir contracLmod 1 to task order 17Jrovidmg heremental fundng m asted _ J . .a Events Frare.End Oney? 9309090155 Revnad Page 3 to EPIP moex.correchng typo. amount FIELDS.J.A to Dwison

                                                                                                               ".lPE E_    ._

of Contracts & Property Management (Post 890205). FIN B. ! EGGER.D. C-.. _ . Edson Co.93/06/23. 3pp. 76412-330-76412240. 5767. 93/09/08. COLINA.L Science & Eng.neenng A=* rwa =tes, Inc. 2pst 7646317D-l 76463:170. 9309090122 Change Rossest A 93-1745 to Rev 0 to EPIP 13061 "Technscal Drector? MAHONEY,ilC ~ Edson Co.93/06/27,13pp. 76399:338-76399'350. $309160020 DescaJsses scris&te for beermee resporme to GL 8910. " Safety.Aelatisd Motor. Operated valve Testng & Surveesnce? 9309090425 Forwards safety evahJaton on util 810318 & 921222 memstrais of aif irdo DYER.J.E. Propect Drectorate 81LL 93/09/09. DELGEORGE.LO. Conwntwiweaten on admnstrasve opntrol at ~~~_=e-fre stratopes & actons to to taken t>F Eeson Co. 5pp. 76446.30lF76446:312. endsvidual chscovenng tre.Respormes acceptaber. SHIRAKLC.Y. Propect Dractorate 1162. 93 08/27. FARRAR,D.L C .._. r 9309220080 Forwarns resuns of reannyas at tual handing accedern m Eeson Co. 3pp. 76388D42-76388 047. ete Snor eHm for organse echne specsesp Reg Gusoe 125 & techseton of assormed pro-afrJtoown power from 104.5% to 100% <

   -9309090433 Safety evakaaton re tre protecton open items from Section 32.1 of               SIMPKIN.T.W. Commcrowaaftn Edenn Co. 93/09/13 MURLEY.TL OHoe of Nuclear 1

Reactor Reguls%. Diructor (Post 870411). 93/08/27. 3pp. U"'C'" 8* * # O' 300 9309240242 Sup:ns 930904 response to GL 93 04.prtm6ng assesament that am==a-93091300E0 Rev 78 to "Commonweaftn Edmon Co Nuclear Generahng Staton Emer. conehance as GDC 25 as was as sibi consutment to raiew eastng cismni order sur-vemances m place at utb PWRs. p Plan (GSEP)- CHRZANOWSKI.D. Commonwealth Edson Cet 93/09/16. Ofhce of Nuclear Reactor e ARRAR.D. Cw..i i Edson Co.93/06/31.10pp. 76443-03L76443239. Regulaton, Drector (Post $704111 Spp. 76573.190-76573194. 9309130196 Forwards SE denyng adct exempton from fre protecton rocksoments of 10CFR50. App R. Current plant conhgurancm shB withm acceptatne parameters el east. 9309290293 Forwards suppl mto related to PWR reload safety anssysm methoos to doc-an0 fre prosocison m ens area.prevous conchnens remam vahct isvient sahent posnts of 930629 & 0921 teacxms, m response to NRC 921006 RAI to SHIRAKLC.Y. Propect Drectorate 1862_ 93/06/31. FARRAR,0.L Commonweafth tac

  • tate mvew of ulil Topcal Rept NFSR-0069.

l SIMPKIN.T.W. Cw... . Edson Cet93/09/23. MURLEY.T.E. Othee al Nuc6sar Echson Co. 3pp. N13292-76413202 Reactor Regulatori, Drector (Post 870411). 39pp. 76594:252 76594290.

    - 9309130204 Safety .             . cenymg acks esemptons from tre protecten vocase-monts of 10CFR50. app R.Corwhvts teached when punting exemptons m $30307              9309300203 Demanas930927 press conterence se J O'Connor annewicement in':: util
       & 88o607 SEs stil vald                                                                   setued su rate matters & appeals tietore Stros courts & Commerca %vnesen try                )
  • Orhoe oi Nuclear Rea: tor Regulaton. Drector (Post 670411). 93/06/31. 8pp. . to retund hsted amount to customers over next 12 months. 4 76413295-76413:302. SHI .CLY. Propocs Directorate Hl.193/09/27 MURLEY,T. NRC . No Detailed Affil* i shon Given. 2$pp. 76591:012-76591936. 4 9309160100 Rev 0 to Corporate EPIP (CEPIP) CEPIP-2021-04. "Mommon EOF & JPlc 1 Activatort "
  • C. .. .m _r Esson Co.93/06/31.10pp. NS426176454.270. Q. Dispection reporta, IE Bu9eures & correspondence 9309150342 Natifcaton el 930920 meetmg w/util m Rockwels.MD to decuss proposed Electrone Fra Detecton Sys. 9307160033 NRC Into Nobos 93 066,"Weatmess in E0Ps Found as Result or SG Tute SHIRAKl.C.Y. Pro,ecs Drectorate ill-2. 93/09/13 MURLEY,T,, MIRAGLIA.F., Rupture?

RUSSELLW. NRC No Derweed Attihanon Gwen. 4pp. 76453.329-764S3.332. GRIMES.BX Dwason of Operstm0 Reactor S@ port (Post 921004). 93/07/22. Con-achdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. N99:302-76499-312. 9309270098 Fcrwards vWienne to foouest for addl mio se proposed generstmg staten plan rev.sncurpcratmg EOF as mienm EOF,per change roouest 931. 3307190131NRC ento Nohce 93458. L~.-_.. m LTOP for PWRs? ANDO.D. CorryvwJnwealth Edson Co. 93/09/17. H6CKMAN.J.B. Propect Dr GRIMES.BX Desen of Ope stmg Reactor Support (Post 92100s). 93/07/26. Con. rectorate 1862. 45pp. 7657Ct250w76570294. sohdated Esson Co. of New York, int 9pp. 76447264-N47;272. l 1 l l l

78 DOCKETED ITEMS 93J7200123 NRC into Notee 93 069. " Unexpected Openmg of Both Doors es Ariock? -9309210074 inse repts 50295/BS17 & 50-304/93-17 on 930817-20.No volations GRIMES.8K D'vmon of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26 Cork noiec.Ma or areas mspected:rasochemstry program. tab orgawanon.conhnnatory schaattsd Esson Co of New Yort mc.10pp. 7644727S76447282. measurements.auets. oaanty assurance & radoeoycal ernron momformg program HOUSEJ.E.. ORTM.S., A02.AK.TJ Regon 3 (Post 820201). 93 09/16. 12pp 93072600til Suppl 1 to NRC Bulletn 91-00t "Reporing Loss of Crmcality Safety Cork 76476.00S76476$14. trols? BURNETT.R R Dmpon of Fuel Cycle Safety & Satepuards (Post 930207). 93/07/27. Cc?nschdaterd Esson Co. of New York, Inc. 23pp. 76409:009 76409$31. V. Operator Exarnmatens 930729D N mto Nocce 93460. "Reportng Fuel Cycle & Mans Events to NRC 9309210095 Summary of 930708 Regen til armual trammg managers conference m BURNETT.R.F.' Dusen of Fuel Cycie Satety & SaterJuards (Post 930207). 93/06/04. 'PD" # #"9 D 8 '# * '" * # Consol< lated Esson Co. of New YorA inc.10pp. 764k7283-76447292. pY ' Pos I 820 3 09, (Post 820201). 29pp 9309090362 Forwards 2en Staten Spooat Rept on SG msp actuhes for 1992 Unit 2 N76$63-764762R Refuehng Outage re TS 4.3.1.B.5 & 6 6.3.Bikt LOHMANN.M.E. Commonwearth Esson Co. 93/08/04. Document Control Braich (Cocument Control Deski 48pp. 76400.311-76400358. DOCKET 50 305 KE'WAUNEE NUCLEAR POWER PLANT 9300030200NRC Info Notce 9S061, *Excesswe ReactJr CoCdant Leakage Fotowng l 5,eal Fadure m RCP or RRP.- F. Securtty, med cal, emer9ency & fire protecten plans j GRIMES.BK Dmson of Operanng Reactor Support (PorA 921004). 93/06/09 Cork 1 soldated Edrson Co. 01 New v e. =* ancL 12pp. 76499.313-76409.324. 9309210042 Forwa ds mso rept 50-305/DS18 on 930823 31. Apparent violaton bemg , consde'ed for escalated enforcement schon i 91 nan ms45 NRC Into Notce 93 062, " Thermal Stratificaten of Water m BWR Reactor NOREUUS.C.E. Regon 3 Post 820201L 93/09/10. SCHROCK.CA Waconsm Pubbc veners? Servce Corp. 2pp. 76475:21576475222. j GRIMES.B Km Dumon of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/10. Cork soldated Esson Co. of New Yor(inc. 9pp N99:32sN99.333. 93o9210047 artsp rept 50305/9118 on 93082S31.Appmerit violsbon bemo consid-I ered for escalated enforcement acton.Masar areas mapacied:rempe of h.-- i 9300030274 NRC into Notco 93463. " improper Use of Soluble We6d Purge Dam Man." ewoivn ene storage of sategurds etto of heensee cotDorote otc. GRIMES.BK Dueon of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/06/11. Cork BELAN ERJ.L., CREEDJA Repon 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/09. 6pp. 76475217 I soldated Esson CA of New YorA mc. Opp.76499.334-N99.341. ' N75.222.

 '             N                        ,*        Tes ng Prwentwe M of Mowed
             ,,,      nic er'
  • 9309240098 Forwards SALP rept to for plant.covermg pened 92030193C731. Expresses
  • 8 GRIMES.BK Dwoon of Operstmg Reactor S@ port (Post 921004). 93/06/12. Cor>

CDidated Esson Co. of New Yort,. inc.11pp. 76447:293-76447:303. (( "Re" gen ost 820 L W % % 7mM7652M7L 1 S HARDT.C.R. Wisconsr. PitAc 9300090187 NRC trito NC'hce 93465. " Reactor Tnps Caused by Besaker Testng W/ Fault Protechon Bynaemari- -9309240093SALP rept 50.305/93c1 tor 920301930731. GRIMES.B.K. Dmeon of Opersing Reactor S@ port (Post 921004). 93/08/13. Cork

  • Repon 3 (Post 820201). 93/07/31. 8pp. 76522264 76522.271.

Cnidated Edson Co. of New YorA irc.11pp. 76447.304-76447214. C3091nnrm NRC into Noboe SS066. "Swrtenover to Hot tryma.,n Fonomng LOCA P. Ops stin9 boense stage oocuments & correspondence m PWRs? GRIMES.8K Desen of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Cor> g306230099 Sand 5 to h Lv 89-10 to riucier plant noensees & CP holders te soldated Edison Co. of New YorA me 7pp. 76447315-76447221. maccuracy of motor <perated vatve equ4 ment PARTLOW t.G. M*-te Drector tar (Post BN11). 93/06/28.Consoldat-9308100248 NRC Into Notce SS067. 'Tsurshng tg Hgh Presswo Coolant inpeeten ed Edson Co. of New % mc. 7pp. 76409-001-7WR Steam Lme Rupture Deses truures Plant Personriet 9 6/16. Cm. 930913030 staratted m920918 ter M vesponse to GL 68-20 re of New ora inc 7644 .322 64 : LAUFE 93/06/3t N.,CA Waconan W 198 NRC Info Notce 95069. "Rasograpny Events at Operanng Power Reso. GRfMES.BK Dwison of Operstmg Reactor terwt (Post 921004). 93/09/02 Con- 9309100271 htcrms that 930727 hr prendes ademan bass tz W to dscentnue sohanted Edman Co. of New Yort are tipp,76499:342-76499251 any tarther rewww of 920910 request tar NRC approval of proposed thytai RMS gnor 9309150360 EN-63486:en 930909. notre of proposed imposrbon of cwe penalty m to mstallaton, amourit of $50.000 assued to iconseaActon based on Aug 1989 tadure to parearm LAUFEPsRJ. Propect Drortorate IMil 93/09/07. SCHROCK.CA Waconam Pteic 1COFR50.59 SE tar piange to ptant as oesoribed m FSAR. 38'V'ce Corp. 2pp. 76423.358-76423259 CDfM ENTZ.L. LIEBERMANJ. Orc of Enforcement (Post 870413). 93/09/03.1p. 79.E2 079-76452:078. 3309210236 Appicaten for amend to boonse DPR4,sicorporahng technd & admme-1ratwo changes to TS 4.5, "ECOS & Contamment Ar Coolm9 Sys Tests" & 4.7 9309150093Dncusses hsp repts 50 295/9h09.SNB04/93 09.50 295/ Bate SD304/gS *1dSIV" & Tan 6e 1-3. "Mm Frecuencies for Eoaoment Tests? 10 on 920727-930323 & torwaros nobce of vesaton & proposed amposton of mil STEINHARDT.CJ Wmoonam Pubic Sennoe Corp 93/09/17. Documerit Control penalty a amcunt of $50.000. Branch (Docisnarm ContrW Desk).17pp. 76515298-76515230. MARTIN,J.B. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/09. WALLACE.MJ. C-.- ___ Edmon Co.590.76454:154-76454:163 -9309210240 Proposed tech specs 4.5 4 4.7 mcorporatng techncut & admenstratwe , changes.

 -9309150103 Nohce of votaton & proposed unposton of cwt penalty n amount of
  • Waconsm Pitte Senace Corp. 93/09/17 16pp. 76515215 76515230.

550.000.Acton ta ad on tseed weianons mesuomg open door to anunary taedny creat-

   * 'potorcel unmorutored reemase patri                                                   9309290074 Responds to GL 9&O4, " Hod Control Sys Fadure & Wrthdrawal of Rod 3 (Post 520201). 93/09/09. 5pp. 76454156 76454-163.                             Comrci Ckster Assembbes? Condudas that hoensmg bass sanshed tar GDO 25.

STEINHARDT.CR. Wmoonem Pubhc Sennoe Corp. 93/09/20. Document Conool 9309160020 Dwame schedule tar heensee response to GL 89-10. " Safety 4 misted Branch (Document Control Desk). 7pp, 7mam76582238 Motoroperated VaNo Testng & Survenance." DYER.,i.E Protect Drectorate lil-2. 93/09/09. DELGEORGEa O. C-..~ l Edson Co. $pp.76446 338-76446212. Q. Inspecuan reports, IE Suestins & . . 93M70206 W % W 934% Mnon of W Neutron N Cm- 9307160033 NRC Irtto Nohce 93456,

  • Weakness in EOPs Found as Result of SG Time
                              '       "'                              8                 '"

E BK Dwmen of Operstmg Reactor Siccort (Post 9210D4). 93/07/22. Con-  ! SEiison'E"aNewEi d dYm$ND99 soidated Edson Co. of New Yortr, enc.11pp. 76499.302 76499 312  ! 9309090104NRC Irito Notre 93-071," Fro at Cherncbg Landt 1"  ! GRIMES.9K Dmsen of Operenng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Corp 9307190131NRC Into Notce 93458, % _ _ _ _ m LTOP tar PWRS? i sohdated Esson Co of New YorA enc.14pp. 75500 001-76500 013. GRIMES.9K Dmson of Operstng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Con- j solcated Edson Co. of New Yoett, enc. 9pp. 76447264-76447:272. 1 ! 9309090242 NRC mio Notcm 93472. "Observatens From Racert shutdown Rak & j Outape 64gt Psot Team anage 9307200123NRC Info Notee 93459 " Unexpected Operung of Both Doors e Artocat" GRIMES.BK Dmson of Operstng Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/09/14. Corp GRIMES.BK Desen of Operann0 Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Con-sohdated Edson Co. of New York. anc epst 76500 014-76500022. sohdaisd Edson Co. of New YotA inc.10pp. 247273-76447282. 9309240061 Fonwards hap repts 50295/93-15 & 50304/93-15 on 9307210901.No 9307260065 Suppi 1 to NRC Bullebn 91401, "Reportmg Loss of Crticolay Safety Cork veinters noted. Iroas? FARBER.MJ. Regon 3 (Post 820201L 93/09/14. DELGEORMI O C Z . BURNETT.R.F. Dwmen of Fuel Cycle Safety & Safeguards (Post 930207). 93/07/27. Edson Co. 2pp. 76522-0557652206s Conschdated Esson Co. of New YorA inc. 23pp. 76409:009-76409031.

 -9309240056 insp rents 50 295/9515 & $0 304/9315 on 9307210901.No volatons                9307290112 NRC Into Notce 93460 "Repcrtng Fuel Cycle & Maas Events to NRC nomauasar areas mapectee-boonses acnon on provous mup enenos. summary of                  Operanors Cir?

operanons.operatonal safety & verticaton & engmeered sa'ety feature avs. BURNETT.R.F. Dmmon of Fuel Cycle Safety & Sategtards (Post 930207). 93/08/04. F ARBER.MJ. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/16.12pp. 76522-057-76522 066. Consoisdated Eckson Co. of New Yoret, Inc.10pp. 76447283-m47292-1 9309210071 Forwards snap repts50-295/93-17 & $0 304/33-17 on 930817-20.No vela- 9mnman NRC Info Nobce 93461,"Excessve Reactor Coolant Lankage Followng I I tons noted. . Sen! Fanure m ROP or RRP? KCZAK,TJ. Regen 3 (Post 820701). 93/09/15. DELGEORGE.L.O. C . J^ . GRIMES.BK Dmson of Opersarig Reactor S,coort (Post $21004). 93/08/09. Cork l Edison Co. 2pp. 76476:001-76476914. soldaled Edson Co. of New Yort enc.12pp. 299:313-76499224. i l 1 l I

DOCKETEDITEMS 79 9 mamt45 NRC Into Notce 93462. " Therma! Stratfcaton of Water m BWR Reacts 9309020184 Forwards "Semamual Effluent Reiaase Rept Jan Juw 1993

  • June 1993 Vessets " proportonal compasstes for grass alpha.Sr.89 & St-90 not avadabee at time rept wm-GRIMES.S K Deson of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004k 93'08/10 Con. ten & =di be sent as sucotememal rept holdatec Eo: son Co. of New York. anc. 9pp 764W.325-N99.333. SCHROC(CA Wraconsan Puche Senace Corp 93/08/30. Document Comrol Bra ch (Document Control Desk).1p. 76322-001-76322.233.

9308030274NRC Wo Notce 9S063.

  • improper Use of Solutde Wold Purae Dam Mati.*

GRIMES.BK Dumon of Ope anng Reactor Support (post 921004L 93/08/11. Com -9309C20187 "Serrmannuar Effluent Reiease Rept Ja% lune 1993." sohdared Edison Co. of New York. anc. 8p0. W9F.334-N99.341.

  • Waconse Pubhc Senace Corp.93/06/30. 200pp. 76322 002-76322.233.

93080G0237 NRC Wo Nobce 93 064. "Pencoc TesDng & Preventrve Mant of Molded 9309140372 Monthly operabny rept for Aug 1993 for KNPP.W/930910 ftr. Case Creud Breakers!' ANDERSON.M.L SCHROCK.CA Waconse Putdc Sonnce Corp. 93/08/31. 5pp. GRIMES.B et Dmmon of Operaung Reactor $upport (Post 921004L 93/06/12. Com 76438:349-76438.353. schdated Esson Co. of New York, anc.11pp. 76447293 76447:303. 9308090187 NRC Wo Nobce 93465. " Reactor Tnps Caused try Breamer Testeg W/ V. Operator r Fault Prcuctan Bypassec" E of New inc 1 7 204- 44 $309100240 Informs snar GH Rurter SRD has been reassgried to posrbon that no longer ressnes OL. 9308100006 NRC Dito Nobce 93466. "Switchover to Hottog inpacton Foliowmg LOCA p C n Cwo y64301353 of New ork. Inc 7pp. N4 5 644 ' 93092 2 095 Summary cW 930708 Regen m annuaf twing managers conWenn M G en EDyn.lLPurpose of moeung to prowde forum for haam on rev 7 of ope ator 8 000" I"n,,D'*'g

                                   ,n ,3,#,,l, p          [ N9h                                           I Regon 3 Post N76263-N76M
                                                                                                                                                                    )     /            (Post 82020fL 29pp.

GRIMES.B K. Desen et Operanng Reacier Support (Post 921004). 93/06/16. Cork sobdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc.13pp. N47:322-W47.335. 3309090070 Forwards msp rect 50 305/93-12 on 9305284731 &notee of volabon. DOCKET 54306 PRAIRIE M NN STATM M 2 GREGER.LR. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/01.SCMROCK.CA Waconam Putac Sennce Corp. 2pp. 7636t162 76362183. F. Securtty, medecal, emergency & flre protection phms

  -9309090079 Nance of volaton tram mso on9305264731Yetaten retetSER.rev 0 did 910308 tar DCR 237S2 de not contify that change created possib9ty of different type et martuncbon tnan provousty evausted m SAR-                                    9309010116 Reveed EP Ps.erMnD Rev 78 to F3 tatde of contems.Rev 11 to F3 GREGER.LR. Repon 3 (Post 820201). 93/06/31.1p. 76369164-76369164.                       1.Rev 21 se F3 4.Rev 10 to F34.Rev 7 to F3 9 & Rev 14 to FS 10.W/930823 Itr.

FEY.F.L Northam States Power Co.93/08/23.122pp. 76311001-76311-122.

  -9309090064 insp rept $4305/9312 on 9305264731V=wm noted.Mapor areas                     93rs9030173 Ack recesst of 93c723 response to volahans noted m trasp Repts 50 282/

e ~.,.h m operabons.ESF actuaten.mant, survedienceengmeenng & techitcal Mt & SE prooram. 9019 & 54306/90 20 re fitress for dJty asue twohnng secunty offeer. GAVU1AJA hegon 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/01.19pp. 76369:16576369:183. $NELLW. Repon 3 (Post 820201). S3/08/27. ANTHONY.D.D. Northem States Power Co.1p. 76362.3047636t308. 9308260198 NRC Into Notce 93-069. "Radography Events at Operstng Power Reac- 9309210061 Forwards ordorcemern conterence repts $4282/9318 & 50 306/9318 on ES.B K Desen et Operatmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/02. Con. G soidaled Edson Co. of New York, mc.11pp. N99-342-N99-352. (Post 820201). 93/09/10. ANTONY.D.D. Northam States Power Co. 3pp. 764 .305 76475:323. 93D9070206NRC Into Notme 93470. "Dogmrhrm of Baraflex Neutron Absorter fo* port" -9309210056 Enforcement . repts 50282/93-18 & $0w306/9318 on GRIMES.B lt Dmson of Operahng Rnactor $@ port (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Co'* 930901.Mamr areas docunasepotereal *chdang effects tram comptamt filed w/ Dept solcated Edson Co. of New York, inc. 9pp. N99'353-W99261. ct Later anegmg snat ascarny guard wrurytuhr termmated for contactng NRC. JORGENSEN.B.L Regon 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/10.16pp. N75:308-76475223. 9302210042 Forwards msp rept 50 305/9116 on 930823 31. Apparent venaton bemp cormdered 'or escanted emarceneni acnort 9309290107 Forwards emergency preparadress exercee insp repts 50-282/9316 & 55 NORE1.luS.C.E Repon 3 (Post 820201L 93/09/10. SCHROCK.CA Wacorum Putec 306/93-16 on 9308304902.No volanons noted Senace Corp. 2pp. W75215-76475.222. SNCLLW. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/20. ANTONY,D.D. Northem States Power Co. 2pp. 76566-001-76506-045.

           ,['          '

8N3u"[,or '.^ *". rwowrm madecuate storage of easeguards rito at hearisee corporate etc.

                                                                                          -9309290116 E 16 on preparedness exercee insp rects 50 282/9S16 & 50-306/93-4.Masor areas eispecteeptant annus emergency preparedness ex.

N R,J.L. CREEDJA Regon 3 (Post 820201) 93/09/09. 6pp. N75217- [C, MCCORMICK BARGE Regon 3 (Podt 820201). 93/09/20. 44pp. 76566:003 76566:045. 93090B0104 NRC Brito Notre 93071.*Fre at Chemooyt Unit 2_" GRIMESEA Deson of Operstng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/OS/13. Con soldated Eason Co. of New York. inc.14pp. 76h00:001-76500213. P. Operaune beenze stage doc 2Nnents & 6. . . 9309210001 Dscusses arrangements made for enforcement telcon on930923 to es- 9'ar*09 Swol 5 to Genene Lv 89-10 to nuclear plant bcensees & CP holders te cuss frKhngs of B3082130 msp imchnos moocwacy of rrotor operated valve degnoste eQupmenL  ? GREENMAN.E.G. Regen 3 (Post 8202011. 93/09/13. SCHROCK.CA Waconsm PARTLOWJ.G. Amermte Drector sor Proects (oost 673411). 93/06/28.Consoldat-P2ic Servoo Corp. 2pp. 76475 001-76475202. ed Edman Co. of New York, tic. 7pp. 764091:01-N09-008.

 $309090243 NRC Into Notce 93472, *Dtmervators From Recent Shutchswn Rak &                9309090072 Regunsts ccrnplemt of6caasty Glad tiy ubl agamst Westmghouse so that Oute7e Mgt Pilot Team InscE"                                                            NRR can review snto on case.

GRIMES.B K. Omson of Operatmg Reactor Seport (Post 9210D4). 03/09/14. Con- DEAN.W.M. Prosset Drectorate 141. 93/06/19. ANDERSON.R.O. Nor1 hem States solcated Edman Co. of New York, arr_ Spp.76500 014-76500:022. Power Co. 2pp. 76389267-76389268. 9309240088 Forwaids SALP rept 10 for piantoevenng penod 920301930731. Expresses $309090182 Forwards "Envron A-morn & Frutng of No Segnifcant impa:t" for wow that hcarmee corduct of nuclear actrvnes was plant to 930611apolcaten to mcsease mas tual ermchment MARTIN.J.F. Regon 3 (Post 82C201). 93/09/15. DT.CA Wooonsm Psic Senace Corp. App.76522.260 76522271. Protec!t Drectorate lh 1. 93/08/24. ANDERSON.R.O. Northem States Power Ca 2pp. 76386214-76386219.

 -9309240093 SALP rept 50 305/9341 for 920301430'31.
  • Regan 3 (Post 820201). 93/07/31. Spp. 76522264-76522.271. -9309090171 Envoonmental Assessment & FONSI seportmg proposed rev to TS to screase max fusi ennchmern to 5 wae0Nt percern U-235.

DEAN.W. Proyect Directorate IH.S. 93/08/24. App 76386216-76386219. 9309240240 Responds to ouestons re Reg Gude 1.97 acccert monnonng

    . 6 .           ,per commitment dunng de"emms w/NRC emng msp performed on 920226 26.                                                                            g309020159 Forwards *Prare Island Nuclear Generstm9 Plant Unns 1 & 2 IST Program Manual" SCHROCK.CA Wacoram P2hc Service Corp. 93/09/16.Documers Contret Branch (Documern Corarol Desk). 3m. 76587:333-76587:335.                                        ANDETLSONAC. Northem States Power Co. 93/06/25. Docastrant Control Branch (Documore Conrof Desk). 2pp. 76309-001-76309-161.

93092M1085 Respond to NRC 930819Itr re volaten noiad in insp Rept 50 305/9311 concamme SE pertarmed in 1990.Correcove a.6 Irammg on performance -9309020160 Rev 2 to "Prame Island Nuclear Generatng Plant Units 1 & 2 IST Pro-of SEs tornatively schecluied to coeur withm next 6 months. m laanual" SCHROCK.CA Waconam Putile Servce Corp. 93/09/17 Document Control Branch RLSON.D.W MILIER.G ALBRECHT.K.J. Ncrtham States Power Co. 93/06/20. 105pp. 76309:003-76309:161. (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 76526236 76526:338. 93D9090120 Forwards NSPNAD-9300SJL "Prame Islans. Units 1 & 2 Transern Power R. Perlocec operaung mports & related oormapandence Detreuton Methodology." per SER did 930716 approvm0Topcal NSPNO93003. ANDERSONAO. Nortnam States Power Co. 93/09/02. Documern ConDol Branch (Docur9ent Control Dese41p. 76397246 76397204. 9309070173 Forwartis fitness for duty progam performance data for su month pared andmg 930630. -9309090127 "Prame Islant!. Units 13 2 Trmsomt Power Distritiuten Methodology." SCHROCM CA Waconsm Pebe Service Corp.93/08/27. Document Control Branch

  • Northam States Power Co. NSPtdAD4300SA. 93/04/30. 6Bpp. 76397247-(Documerit Control Desk). 4pp. 76394225-76394228. 76397:304.

I i

80 DOCKETEDITEMS a 9309150028 Forwads amenos108 & 101 to beenses DPR-42 & DPR40 respectvewy & -9309140371 Notce of notaten from 930017 alcohol testWolaten notedperformed 6 SE. Amends reme TS to merease tues annchment to 5 0% & to aHow 5.0% U-235 tuel certsed sabes urcee mfivence of accret. to be stored m new tuet vault & spem fuel pool & used m core

  • Regun 3 (Post 620201) 93/08/30.1p. W43.295 76443 295 GAMBERONI.M Proect Drectorate likt. 93/09/03. ANDERSONAO. Northem States Power Co App, N36.305.W36.357. $309090219 Ack RO Anderson 930824ta tenseg commtmerits assocsated whequah6 caton exam rept 50 282/OL-92-02 & esp repts E282/97-22 & SMD6/92 22
  -9309150029 Amends 108 & 101 to 6 censes DPR-42 4 DPR4io.respectve8v, re*smo                 FORNEY.WL Rocco 3 (Post 820201). 93/08/31. ANTMONY.D.D. Narthem States TS to mcrease tuoi ennchment to 5.0% & to allow 5.0% U-235 fuel to te stated an            Power Co 2pp 76347.350w76347.354 new fuel vault & spent tuel pool & used m core.

DE.AN W.M. Protect Directorate ilL1. 93/09/03. 42pp. 76436.309-76436.350. 9308260198 NRC Into Notee 93 069. "Radography Events at Operstmg Power Reao-tors."

  -9309150040 Satety evaluaten s@portmg amen $s 108 & 101 to hcenses DDR-42 &                 GR MES.B K Dwmen of Dperstmo Reactor S6siport (Post 921004L 93/09/02. Con-5    DPR40. respect =e6V                                                                       sohdated Edson Co of New York. Inc.11pp. 76499 342.N99.352 Orfee ce Nuclear Reactor Regulaten, Drector (Post E70411). 93/09/03 7pp.

76436.351 76436.357. g3g,0s0141 Responds to NRC930804Itr te volatons noted m esp rept 50482/S$10

                                                                                              & 50 306/93-10.Correctve actors: review of medcal records pywmed to ceterture 9309270094Conhrms results of h=ais on 930913re reasest for exercise of e'*                  e w/ regulatorm SA operator receved medcal exam on 930401.                             '

forcemem demoten for norcompience w/acnon statement contamed m secten ANTONY,0.D Northem States Power Co. 93/09/02. Dchument Comrol Branch (Doc-  ! R.O. Northen States Power Co 93/09/14 Document Comrol Branch I (Document Control Dew 4pp 76570.35176570:354- 9309070206 NRC Info Notee 93-070. "Degradalen of Baraties Neutron Abarter Cow C309220168 Forwartis compiant aganst wesinghouse.camerung treach of ES.B.K Dneen af Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Con-AQR,ent (Docur Control Dew w' s" '"N 76516.265-76516.346-65pp w [ sohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp Nv9.353.N99 361. 9 2 9210051 Forwards N conteence mots 50td2/9118 & $4306/9318 on 9 27 response ,GL 9344. " Rod Control Sys Fadure & Withdrawal of t fG (Post B20201). 93/09/10 ANTONY,0.D. Northem States Power Ca 3pp. 76476.305-76475.323. ANDERSON.R O. Nortram States Power Co 93/09/20. Document Connel Branch (Docume a Control Dow 5pp 76573.113-76573:117. 4 m W82/9318 & E306/9S18 on 930901 Maar areas 1- . ;- .-m ;"cNihng effects" fro a compiamt toed w/ Dept

. Q. Inspect 6an reports, IE Bubettna & w..                                                   of Labor alempng that security gua*d           temensted for comactmg NRC.

JORGENSEN.BL Regen 3 (Post E2020 93/09/10.10pp. 76475:30476475.323. 9307160033 NRC Wo Notco SSOE " Weakness m EOPs Found as Result of SG Tube 930900044 NRC Wo Nobce 93 071. "Few at W UnR 2* GR S.B K D= mon of Operatmg Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/07/22. Cork GRIMES.B.K Dween of Operatmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Con. soldated Edson Co. 01 New YorA mt 11pp. N99.302-76499.312. soldaW Eh Ca of M % inc.14E 762@ MN4 9307190131NRC into Natus 93458. *b _ __ ; c - . m LTOP tor PWRs. 9309000243 NRC Into Nonce 93472. *0teervatens From Recent Shutdowri Rak & GRtWES.B K Dwsman of Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Con. Outa Psot Team insos schoated Edson Co. of New York. 9pp. 76447264-N47:272. GR .K Dwiscn of Operstmg Reactor 4-vt (Post 921004). 93/09/14 Cork solcated Eeson Co. of New York, anc. 8pp. 76500:014-76500'022. 9307200123 NRC Wo Notre 93459 "unsupseted Openmg at Both Doors en Ariock? , GRrMES.B K Dneen of Operanno Reactor Soport (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Corv 9309280302 Responds to NRC930819 ler te velabons reted m esp rept E306/9S sc6cated Ec9 son Ca et New York.lnc.10pp. N47.273 764472B2. 15.Carrectwo actor =="=r "Operanons Note? statng D5/D6 WAC sys esaantal smoort sytL 9307260065 Suppl 1 to NRC Bunsen 91401. "Reportng Loss of Crticahty Safety Corp ANTONY.D.D. Northem States Power Co 93/09/20. Document Control Branch (Coc-tmes? umem Control Desk). app.76589:319 7658t322. BURNETT.R.F. Dnsison of Fuel Cvede Satelv & Saloguards (Post 930207). 93/07/27. Coneohdated Edman Co. of New YorA enc. 23pp. N02009 76409 031. 9309290107 Forwards emergertcy preparecLess exerces inep empts 50482/93-16 & $0-306/93-16 on 930lLE0902.No volatons roted E307290112 NRC Into Notce 93460. "Reportng Fuel Cycle & Mans Events to NRC SNELLW. hegon 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/20. ANTONY.D.D. Northem States Power Operators Ctr." Co. 2pp. 76566-00176566:045. BURNETTAF. Dwmon ci Fuel Cvcie Satutv & Sateguards (Post 930207). 93/06/04. Co isoidated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. topp.7644726 S76447 292. -9309290116 Emergency preparedness emercee mcp empts 50 282/9$16 & E306/93-16 on 0300030200 NRC trdo Notce 93461. "Eacesswe Reactor Coonant LeakaDe Fohowng ene==. 9308304902.Masar areas mapectedplant armual emergency preparedness s+ Sean Fanure m RCP or RRP? COX.C., REtDINGER.T., SIMONS.H Rogert 3 (Post $20201). 93/09/20. 44pp. GRIMES.B.K Dwison of Operstmg Reactor Saccort (Post 921004). 93/06/09. Cork 76566 00 S 76566:045. sohosted Educe Co. of New Yor% enc 12pp. 76499:313 76499 324. 9309200032 Ack receet of 930902 Itr miormmg NRC of steps taken to correct volatums amare45 NRC Irdo Notco 93462 " Thermal $1rshfcalen et Water m BWR Reactor noted m map repts50-262/93-10 & E306/9310. vesseev XiRGENSEN.B.L 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/24. ANTONY.DD. Northem States GRIMES.B.K Drasen of Operatng Reactor Saport (Post 921004). 93/08/10. Cor> power Co.1p. 765 -76552:332. solcaisd feson Co of New York, mc. pop. N99.325 N97.333. 930e030274NRC anto Notco 93463. *lmproper use of Solstine Weed Purge Dam Ma1L" GRtMES.B et Dinson of Open ores Reactor h-et (Post 921004). 93/08/11. Cork operatin0 reports & sotated conospondence eoicated Edman Co of New York, enc. 8pp. N99.334-7649R341. 9309030200 Forwards Fitness tar Duty Data tar su month permd endng 930630. 9300060237NRC imo Nonce t>064 "Penode Teshng & F*evenevo Mamt of Mo6ded ANDERSONAO. Northem States Power Co 93/Ofkr25. Docunent Control Branch Case Cetwt Bronkere (Document Control Desk). 7pp. 76352:151-76352 157. GRIMES.B.K Dwman of Operstmg Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/06/12. Con-achoated Edrin Co. of New Yort, intl 11pp. N47293 76447:303. 9309070D61 Forwards

  • Effluent & Waste Deposal Semannual Rept Jenstune 1993" &

rewaad repts car 1989.1990.1991 & 1992. 9300000187 NRC into Nobcs 93465. " Reactor Tres Caused tiy Breaker Testng WI FEY F.L. Northern Steins Poser Co.93/06/27. Document Cormal Branch (Document Fourt Protecton Bypassed." Control Desk).1p. 76359:185-76359.219. GRIMES.B K Dnnsen of Operenng Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/06/11 Cork soldated Edson Co. of New York, tnc.11pp. 76447.304 76447314. -930g070063 *Efnuent & Weste Deposat Semanrame Rept m 1993.* 9309100006 NRC irito Notco BS066, "SwItchover to Hos. Lag tryocton Fonowmp LOCA m PWRs " -9309070066Rowned " Quarterly Reisese Rept tar Frst & Second Quarter 1989." GRIMES.B K Drveen of Operaung R- Suomrt (Pcet921004). 93/06/16. Cork

  • Northam States Power Co.89/06/30. ip. 76359203 76359M soittated Edson Co. of New Yort et. 7pp. 76447.315-76447;321.
                                                                                           -9309070068Rewmed "Quarterty Reimase Rept tor Thed & Fourth Out*ters 1989'*

9308100248 NRC Into Notoe SS067 "BurstnD of High Pressure Coolant insecton Northern States Power Co.89/12/31.1p. 7635920d 76359204. l Steam Une Ruptiss Docs arasas Plant Personnst. . E of New a . 7644 :322 644 "'.30e070069 based %mnerty Reetano Rept M & Second Qua.1ers 199P Northem States Power Co.90/06/30.1p. 76359205 76359205.' 9309030159 fooDhes NRC of commitments not completed etthm schockde commrtled to m Feocualtfeston Exam Rept p252/OL-92-02 sce Units 1 & 2Cause of tasaure to -9309070071Rowned W Reimase Root M & Fwth Quaners 1990? rnest cate a madopey of commamera vacsung sys moe reportng.

  • Northem States Power Co.90/12/31.1p. 76359206-76359.236.

ANDERSONAO. Northam States Power Co. 93/05/24. Documora Coreal Branch -9309070075 Revoed "Senuanttual Rept for Fest & Second Qua'1ers 1991? (Document Coreal Desk). 3pp. 76363204-76363.206. i'

  • Northem States Power Co. 91/06/33.1p. 76359207-76359207.

9309030173 Ack recnet et930723 response to velabons reted an trap Repts $0282/  ! 90w19 & 50-306/90 20 re 6tness tor duty maue securfty officer. -9309079079 Revned %uarterty Release Rept Thed & Fo6sth Warters 1991? SNELLW. Regson 3 (Post B20201). 93/06/27. Y.D.D. Northem States Power

  • Nortnem States Power Co.91/12/31. Ip. 76359206 76359.208. '

Co.1p. 76362.306-76362:306.

                                                                                           -9309070079 Revoed "Semannual Rept Fest & Senand Qua'ters 1992?                           l 9309140333Ack Utd 930817
  • Northem States Power Co. 92/06/30.1p. 7635920lk?6359:209.

Itr ^""n"ce of vmeston enci9 contemed pnseve test for alcohot.PosrDve test a volaton of 10CFR55.53{4 Na MARTIN l.S Repen 3 (Post $20201). 93/08/30. INGALLS.S.D. Affihaton Not An- -9309070081 Revised "Semannual Rept Thed & Fourth Oummers 1992? , signed, 3pp. 76443292-76443295.

  • Northem States Power Co.92/12/31,1p. 76359210L76359210.



  -9309070083 "Etnuent Serrmannual Re:t 920706-930103." sup:nementa' mfo.               9307290112 NRC Into Notce 93460. *Reportmg Fuel Cycle & Matts Evems to NRC
  • Northem States Power Co. 93/01/03. 9pp. 76359211-76359.219. Ope stons Ctr."

BURNETT.R.F. Dwison of Fuel Cycle Satefv & Sateoga os fpost930207) 93'08/04. 9309140327Mowwy operstmg reDts for Aug 1993 for PINGP.truts 1 & 2 WU930907 ftr. Consohdated Eeson Co. c4 New York me. topp.76447263.W47292. DUGSTAD.D.. ANDERSON.R.O. No'them States Power Co. 93'06/31 9pp 76441.337 76441.345 9'narnrWO NRC Into Nobce 93 061. "Excessrve Reactor Coolam Laakage Fohowng Seal Faere m RCP or RRP

  • V. Operator Exammatens GRIMES.B K. Descri of Operatmg Reactor Support (Port 921004). 93/08/09. Con-solcawo Edson Co. W W York, mc 12pp. 76499.373 76499.324.

9309030159Notifes NRC 0* comr'utme sts not comp 4eted withm scheduse commetten to m Peouakfeason Exam Rept 50-2E2/OL-9242 tor Urvts 1 & 2.Cause et tadure to 930,9030245NRC y ssa- trito Noter 93 062. " Thermal Stratifcaton of Water m BWR Reactor moet onw a madmacy of comtmem tmckmg sys monthly reportmg GRNES.B K Duson of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/10. Cors l ANDERSON R.O. Northern States Power Co 93/08/24. Documem Control Branch sohdated Edrson Co. of New Yo's mc. 9pp. 76499.325 N99333. (Documem Cor' trol Det.k) 3pp. 76363204 76363206. 9309210095 Summary of 930706 Rooon lit ernual tramng managers conference m 9308030274NRC in'o Notre 934C3. " improper Use of Soluble Weld Purae Dam MatL" Glen Purpose of meetmg to crovide forum for a=== win on rev 7 of operator GRNES.BX Dmson of Ope stmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/11. Con-1:enseg exammer stos & to oscuss operator hcens,ng ssues. sohdated Edrson Co. of New York, anc. app 76499.334 76499.341. RING.M. Regon 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/15. Regson 3 (Post 820201). 29pp. N76:063.W76:091- 9309060237NRC Into Notce 93 064. "Peno$c Testmg & Prevensve Mamt of Molded Case Crcuit Breakers." l GRNES.BX Dwison of Operstmg Reactor Support (post 921304). 93/08/12. Con-DOCKET 50 309 MAINE YANKEE ATOMIC POWER PLAK7 sohdatec Edson Co. or New York. Inc.11pp. 76447.293-N47203. F. Securtry, med6 cal, emergency & fire protection ptans ' 65 %enew Tnps W W Bmaker hstng M g af[o GRIMES.BX Dmson of Operstmg Reactor Support (post 921034). 93/08/13. Corv 9309070103Advnes that930729 temporary changes to phyncal secunty piar consst- sokdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc tipp.76447.304 76447214. ent w/provasons of 10CFR50.54(p) & acceptatue for encsusen rito paart JO RJ 1- 3/08/13. FRCZLE,C.D. Maine Yankee 9308100006, NRC W W 9% Switw 2 Holtag insecton Fohowing LOCA m PWRs 9309130200 Advues that on930819.utd added alarm setpomt to ERDS stabikty class GRES.B.K. Dmsen of Operstm0 Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Con-1 N (STAB CLASS) & war setposm so inm alarm receeved e ondta temp a kaated Edman Co. of New York. me. 7pp. 76447.315 76447221. L Cxcesos +5 or-5 oogrees F. HEBERT. J R. Mame Yankee Atome Power Co. 93/09/03.Documprit Control Branch $308100248 NRC Into Notee 93467. "Burstmg of Hgf1 Pressure Coolant inpocton (Documem Control Des 4.1p. 76429:338 76429:338 Steam Lme Rupture Discs snpures Plant Pe sonnet" QRNES.B K. Dmson of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/08/16. Con-9309220320rw- vesponse to GL g2 0s, *Thermo Lao 3301 Fre BamerL" solcated Edson Co. of New YorA inc.13pp. 76447222 76447;335. TRCTTIER.E.H. Propect Drectorate 83. 93/09/17. FMZZLE.C.D. Mame Yankee Atomc Power Co app.76513$18 76513.021. 9308260198 NRC trdo Notee 93469. "Radography Events at Operstmp Power Reac> tors? l G Operaung Beense stage docunwnts & - GRNES.BX Dusson of Operstmg Reactor $@ port (Post 921004L 93/09/02. Cork schdated Eason Co. of New YotA snc.11pp. 76499242-76499.352. C306230999 Suppi 5 to Genanc Lir 8910 to re plant boensees & CP ho6ders te otaccuracy os motor <iosrated valve cha ocumpment 9309070206NRC Into Notce 93470. "Degradaten of Borafles Neutron Absorber Cop 1 PARTLOWAG. Associate Director toe (post 870411). 93/06/28.Consaksat- @ES.BX Divmon of Operatng Reactor Suoport (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Cor> I ed Edrson Co. of New York. Inc. 7pp. 76409 001-7640ft008' sohdated Eckson Co. of New York,1nc. 9pp. 76499:353 7M99.361. j 9309170028 Ltr cont'acLawartbng Task Order 27, "Nondestructrve Exam Support at Mame Yankee Atome Power Corp.* to 9309090*04NRC Info Notre 93471. " Fire at ChemoDyf Und 2.* SCOTT.ML Contract te...e.- Branch 1 (Post 900603). NRC-03-90426. 9308/ GRIMES.B K. Dusen of Ope anng Reactor br-et (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Con-

09. GLOYERA TET. anc. 2pp. 76463230s76463231. solcated Edson Co. of fuew York. anc.14pp. 76500 001-76500$13.

9309070330 Forwards corrected amend 140 e iconse DPR-36Japlacing page 4.51 of 9309090243 NRC Into Notoe $?472. "Observatens From Recerit Swtdown Rak & TS. Outaae Mot Pnot Team inspt" TROTTIER.E.H. Pro,ect Directcrate B 3. 93/09/01. FRt771 r e n. Mame Yankee GRiedES.BX Duson of Operatog Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/14. Con-Atomm Powse Co. 3pp. 76363.353-76363.356. schonted E& son Cct ce fuse York, anc. spp. 76500$14-76500-021 4 i Dreemrate 63 93 09/ p 76363 3 7 9309210003 Forwards insp sept 50 309/93-16 on 9307284829 No motatons noted. LINVILLEJA Regen 1 (Post 820201) 93/09/14. FR2ZLE.C.D. Mame Yankee Amme Power Co. 3pp. 76475$10 76475$32. 9309140143 Responds to 920331Itr te staten essetncal q & ckstreutiart TROTTIER.E.M. Protect Drectorate 63. 93/09/02. FRL.ZLE.C.D. Mame Yankee Atome Power Co. 40p. 76431:244-76431.247 ~9309210005Insp rept50 309/9318 on 9307284829.No violatons noted. Mapor areas mspectonoperatons.mant/arvedlance. engmeerrg/tectincal support & plant s@- C309160032 Forwards peak gromd accensraten & spectral values for hem England port setosser 930714 voouestAdvises that staff covempng NUREG rept wnch we summa. LAZARUS.WJ. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/14. 2000. 7647S$13-76475 032. ri2e 199211993LLNL probaDiksac hazard work performed for NRR. SOBEL.P. Cui Engmeerng & Geoscences Brancit 93/09/06. O'HARA.T. Yankee 9309290248 Notifies NRC Una! util completed ISI of af Free SGs tiy $30914 & Sat ass Atomc Electnc Cct 20pp. 76446.316 76446.335. mio se reap of $3s win tie mcksted m ISI summary rept scheduled to be compieied py Jan 1994 9309220332 Forwards evaluaton of response to NRC tempanson betosen seeme HEBERT).R. Mane Yarnae Atome Power Co. 93/09/22. Documerit Control B-anch maripn,, assessment & Uss A-4A "Semme Quahfcaten of Equipment m Operstmg (Document Cont'ol Deskt10.76606343-76606343. Plants. TROTTtER.E.H. Pro,ect Drectorate L3. 93/09/17. FRIZZLE.C.D. Mame Yaikee i Atome Power Co. 7pp. 76513267-76513273. I ft Periodic OPerster 9 repottm & related _.. . l c309290402Docusses revow of utd methodoeogy usmo stats 1 cal combnaton i et uncertambes.vol 3. " Bases tar uncertarmes Inctuoed in Stanstcal C*a"m" 9309070120 "Santannual Rasoactwo Effluent Release Rept Jan. June 1993." W/ TTtOTTIER.E.H Propret Desciorate 6 3. 93/09/22. FRIZZLE,C.D. Mame Yankee l ciome Power Co. 4pp. 76569286-765692B9. 930831 fir HEBERTlR. Mare Yankee Atome Power Co. 93/06/30. 110pp. 76395:194 ] 76395:309 i Q. Inspection reports,IE Bulletins & . I 93091702G6 Montmr rept for Aug 1993 for MYAPS W/930910 lir. " C307160033 NRC trWo Notce 93-056. *Weenness in EOPs Fomo as Result of S3 Tde ' * ' " Y"* ^ * ' ' l Rupture. 4 64 GRIMES.B K. Desen of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/22. Con-l sokssted Echson Co, of New York. Inc.11pp. 76499202 76499312. , I l S. ReportatWe occurrences.LERs & related correspondence i' l' 9307190131 NRC Into Notee 93 058. "Nonconservatism m LTOP tar PWRs" GRIMES.BK Dmsen of Opera 1mg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Corw sobdated Edson Co. of New York Inc. 9pp. 76447:264-76447.272. 93n140175 LER 93 0164h Ser- 480 vot tireaker mps occuned h to  ; HMS-9 cevce not bomp actuated. installed RMS-9 cevces e aB AK-25 treakers.W/ ) 9307200123NRC Into Notee 93459. " Unexpected Operung of Both Doors an Artocet. 9M2E GRIMES.B K. (hvason of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/07/26. Con, MCDOUGOLD.D.P., HEBERTJ.R. Mame Yankee Atome Power Co. 93/09/06. 4pp. soldated Eckson Co. of New YorA snc.10pp. 76447.273 76447282. 76452-043-76452-046. C307260065 Suppl 1 to NRC Buheim 91001. "Repor9ng Loss of Cntcairty Safety Cork 9309290168 LER 93 01740 on 930815.dscove ed EDG serismg estav omng ckscrepar> trois." cy oue to plants anomal anagn.implememed mod to cossgrLW/930920 nr. BURNET 7.R.F. Dumon et Fuel Cycle Satety & Safeguards (Post 930207). 93/07/27. EBERT,P.T., HEB8RTJ.R. Mame Yankee Atome Power Co. 93/09/20. Spp. Corisolcated Eamon Co. of New Yort Inc. 23pp. 76409-009-76409031. 76609-167-7660lt169.

82 DOCKETEDITEMS DOCKET $0-311 SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 2 9309070355 Forwards resce of consderaton of msuance of amend to icense DPR 75

                                                                                                      & proposed NSHC determmaton & opportunity Sor heanngProposed amend wound mosov TS for ac power sources on one time tasas to sitoa conrecten.

F. Security, medmal, emer9 enc 7 4 fire protectson plans STONEJ C Proiect Drectorate I-2. B3/08/26. MILTENDERGER,5 Pubic Semnce Electnc & Gas Co. of Peew Jersey. 3pp. 76348213-76349224. C309010278 Revised EPIPs.mekxhng Rev 15 to EPIP 3025Aev 7 to EPtP 3365.Rev 5 to EPIP 3085 & Rev 40 to taDie of comems -9309070359 Nota of considerston of a.suance of aawnd to Icense DPR-75 & pec-

  • Pubic Servce Eacctne & Gas Co of New Jemey 93/06/1E 54pp 76318.213 posed NSHC oetermmaton & opporturwty tor neanng. Proposed amend would moddy 76319.273 TSE tar ac power source on one sme bass STONEJ C. Proact Drectorate kE93/08/26. 9pp 76348.216-76348224 9309240327Revned EPIPLmetudmc Rev 11 to table of coments forms. Rev 7 to EPIP 801.Rev 7 to EPIP 802Aev 6 to CPIP B03.Rev 4 to EPIP 834.Rev 6 to EPIP 805.Rev MM090126 App 4caton for amend to teense DPR 75.replaamp mam teedwater consol 3 to EPIP 836 & Rev 3 to EPiP B07. A control typass valves w/mann seeowaar stop choca valves sor comamment note-
  • Pubic Serva Electre & Gas Co of New Jersey. 93/08/18. 91pp. 76550-059- ten functon 76552146. MAGAN.JJ. Put*c Serva Electnc & Gas Co. of New Je sey. 93/08/30. Document Control Branch (Document Control Deskt 8pp. 76401242-76401:253.

930929C291 Revned EPIPs.mcludmg Rev 37 to tatue of contentAev 7 to EPIP 1003Acv 12 to EPIP 1006.Rev 11 to EPIP 1007.Rev 8 to EPtP 1008 & Rev 8 to EPIP -93f'M128 Proposed tech ena'=faa'M mam feedwater coreci & Control bypass 1009 w/mam teedwater stop check vafves for contamment solaton functiort

  • Pubhc Servce E4ectne & Gas Co. of New .iomey. 93/08/18.125pp. 76603.232-
  • Puche Servce Electne & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 93/08/33. App. 76401.254 76603.356 76401 253.

9M40405 A&mes hat psecatons provced by uts in 9M3 Nr acceptable er mas-93 1 w of "9' r se correcuve actiors for 20 of 21 HEDs not corrected w/ stated unoirstaren0-

  • span,, go p % " " " " " " " * * * ~ "

( l Mn'c"M an',J"w a a W=SJa"S *~ fe,T20 ET,cdaT. oJ' e"w'.*a*n'*y'fi.*Eas.290 e #23I3 9309160028 Ftrwards recpest far ad:ll mto se 930428 request to estall new storage

       -93090a0033 initial d1rft SALP repts $4272/91-99.50311/91-59 & 50454/919910,                   ra*s to provior addr storage capacsty. Response requested withm 60 days of str so-911229-930619.                                                                             ceo
  • Regon 1 (Post 820201). 93/07/29. 4 Bop. 7634625&76346.304.

Elecinc & Gas Co. of New Jamey. Sop.76470343 76470.347. CD0914ca11 Rewsed EPIPs.encludng Rev 11 to EPIP 901. "Openm0 of TSC? Rev 11 e EPIP 902.

  • Accourttabdtty/Evacuabon" & Rev 17 to secumy enplememmg procedures
                                                                                                   $309160037 Forwards envron assessment & tndmg of re agrufcam enpact to accBess tatue of coments                                                                           unrowwwod safety cuesten ====ted wr vad comrol avs icy FR pubicaton.
  • Pubhc Serva Electne & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 93/09/07. 43p0. 76440929 7644&O71. 570NEJ.C. Protect Drectorate 32. 93/09/13. MILTENBElitGER.b. Pubic Service Electne & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 3pp. 76470248-76470254.

C309240328 Revned EPIPs.mcluchng Rev 41 to table of contents forms & Rev 23 to EPsP204S. Response CaAout/Personnet Recall. -9309160049Enveen .; & fnding of re agrafcant usinct m rod corarol sys

  • Pubhc Servce . & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 93/09/13. 67pp. 76550901- urroviewed safety questens.

STONEJA Protect Drectorate 4 2. 93/09/13. app. 76470.351-76470 354.  ; 76550C58 9309290234 Revned EPIPs.inckeng Rev 10 to table of CornentLRev 2 to Procedure 9309290244 Siernrts s@pl to 930611 teOuest for amend se toron e.--. 11.0Asv 3 to Procochre 17.0.Rev 2 to Prrww*=e 2.0Aev 2 to Procedure 4D & Rev 1 reducterte response to NRC cxmosms ter bases used to caeulate baron concentra-CD Procedure 6.0 9en m RCS at yven temp.Concentremon basec on hated WCAP tapal motk

  • Put*c Senace Electne & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 93/09/15. 69pp. 76601256- MAGANJJ. PubW Sennce Electre & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 93/09/16. Document 76601.323. Canyol Brancn (Document Corurol Desk). 4pp. 76602:343-76602-349 9309300156 Revned EstPs.mciudng Rev 36 to table of contoms torms & Rev 25 to -9309290252 Updated page A4-4 of "Bonc Aad Concertaton Reducten Effort Tectre-
                                                                                                                                                          '* " * ' ^ " '            ^ '

iecmc New Jersey. 93/09/17, 23pp. 76611219- h* ABB end a N Corrt=Jsten Enyneenna Nuclear Fuel parmorty Combusten Engmeanng. Irte.). CEM R00 93/09/IE 1p. 7m2347-7660E347 9309290107 Forwards neo rents $42'2/9320.50-311/9320 & 54354r9320 on 9J06254905.No venanons notec.Actone should be taken to assure that unl sospanos ~9309290257 Proposed toch specs pages 3/4117(a) & 3/41-12(a), reflectmg add tion approonately & prompey to cordeons eworvrig cohoorn sys pertorrnance. of nonunal measured vol m bore ace tank as partcentage to paph. COOPER.R.W. Repon 1 (Poet $20201L 93/09/22.MILTENBERGER,S. Pubhc Sennce

  • P bic Serva Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 93/09/16 2pp. 7M2348-Elecinc & Gas Co. ct fusw Jersey. 30p. 76551.172-76551:203. 76602
        -9309290110 Inep tapts 54272/93-20.54311/93-20 & 506354/9320 on 930725-                     $309290021 Otters nb comments on uhl 930824Leertne Diange Raouest 93-01.Rev i 0904.No vcLatens reted.Masar areas mapacted operators.radclopcal cortols.mamt to Lcense DPR-75artenchng ACT that tacaty may operate w/one erspecable oftsne 4 survenance tasarg emergency preparemens & secuntv                                        Power d'rcun to aliew owncnyard mods & modiNmgtDG tasang reoupementt                 ,

WHITEJ.R. Repon 1 (Post 520201). 93/09/22. 29pp. 76551:175 76551:203. TOSCHX New Jersey. State of. 93/09/20. Document Control Brarch (Document 9309290041 Rev 23 to EPIP 204M. "Emergercy Resporser aume/Pe sonnel Recalt & Control Desk). 2pp. 76583:334 76583:335. revned table of contents. 9309290297 Proindes eesponse to GL fonow up to ental responne

  • Pubhc Senace Eascinc & Gas Co. of twow Jersey. 93/09/27. 56pp. 76594.197-76594.251. to sube genene ser on 930729.mcluding etstus of comparisotory acteris estased an 930617 roovest for emergenew amend. I LAB 80NA.S. Pubhc Sonnce 8anctnc & Gas Cct of New Jersev 93/09/21. Document D.Operaterig kenes state : 1 & correspondence Control Branch (Documem Coneol Deskk 10pp. 76606 090 76606:089.

93D6230099 Suppl S to Genonc Ltr 8910 to nuclear plant iconsees & CP holders te 9309290361Forwares amends 144 & 122 to loanoes DPR-70 & DPR 75. respectvely & rimacuracy or motor <perarad wasve de SE.Amenos cornast of changes to UFSAR to address poternal smgie tasure m rod acuswnent PAR 7LDWJ G. hm Dyector for (Post 870411). 93/06/26 Conscidst. emmel sys not wrthm cunerst scenemg bass for piarit ed Edison Co. cf New York. inc. 7pp. 7640!r001-76409:006. STONLJC Protect Dractorate b2. 93/09/22. MILTENBERGER.S. Pubic Servce Elecinc & Gas Co. et New Jersey. app. 76569267-76569276. 9309290322trearms NRC of finsiczng w_ _..a es area of general employee trar*

                                                                                                    -93095ar=A Amends 144 & 122 to hcenses DPR 70 & DPR-75.respectwely. rowsmg cw tiy 930720.                                                                              vanous UP&AR seenons to ad 9ssa patonnat smgie taikre en too caritrol sys not withm THOMSON.FX Putae Servce Eiscine & Gas Cck of New Jersey. 93/07/19. WHrTE 1 Regen 1 (Post 820201). 2pp. 76589.33!*.765B9.336.                                          current iconome bass of piant BOYLE.M.L Protect Drectorate12. 93/09/22. App. 765697/0 76569273.

9309020362 Responds to 930625 le expressmg concem a cracks on cbsks of low pree-sure estunes at plant 9309290367 Safety evatusbon supportng amends 144 & 122 to noenses DPR-70 & MURLEY.Ti Orfce of tw*- Reactor Repasten. Drector (Post $70411). 93/06/ DPfL75.respecevesy. 16 MURRAY T. Massacriumetts. C. _ _ . n ot. 9pp. 76330277-76330288.

  • Ofice ce Nuclear Reactor Repaanon, Drector (Post 370411). 93/09/22. 3pp.

76569.274-76569E6. 9309010125 Apphcaten for amend to Leerse DPR-75.exteru9ng allowed outage tme for rinparable attsne power crctet trorn 72 h to 120 h tar separate acton statemerit erttnes to allow swacnyard mods. O. Inspection reports, IE Sulletine & w . HAGAN.JJ. Putic 5ennce Electne & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 93/06/24. Document Coneol Brarch (Document Corwol Desk),16pp. 76310:316 76310.334. 9309220126 Parbal response to FORA reowest. App O documents avanable m PDR. App P coaaments pa tially enthheld (ref F06A Exarruzeorm $ & 6).

         -930o010126 Proposed tech specs to ac power reouvemorus dunng ownchyard mods.
  • Pubhc Senace Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 93/06/24. app. 76312.331 GRIMSLEY.D.H. Dwnen of Ffescom of enlarmanon & Piddr~ms Sonnees (Post 890205). 93/04/28. GtLINSKYE Affdsagon Not AsegnacL 11pp. 76576:123-76310334. 7658:t168.

9309090440Porwards SE corckxt tnet NOTRUM code can tie used to comonseate -93092202E4 Parnelly wanheit! C, .... _ . paper te enforcurrient package. comphance w/recurernents s11 e6 tar plant PLAINE.M.H. Othce of the Gerneral CounDei (Post 960701) SECY43166,83/05/03. STONEJ.C. Prosect Dractorate L2. 93/08/25. MtLTENBERGER.S. Pitile Sonnce 2pp. 7657822476579:321. Enoctnc & Gas Co of New Jersey. 3pp. 76403268-76403.273.

          -83090n0443 Safety evaluston acceptrig heermee sman tweak LOCA anatyas unmg                9307190033 NRC trdo Notts 93456 " Weakness m EOPs Found as Result of SG Tube NOTMUM carrysuter coce.                                                                    Rupture "
  • Ottce of Nucusar Reactor Reguiston, Drector (Post $70411k 93/08/25. 3pp. GRMES.Bx Dwmen of Operetng Reactor Support (Peet921004). 93/07/22. Cork 76403El-76403ES. achosted Edson Co. al New Yorts, tric.11p0. 76499.302-76499.312.

i i DOCKETEDITEMS 83 i i 9307190131NRC Wo totce 93-058. "%- -,. e m m LTOP for PWRs." R. Persade operstmg reports & related -. . 1. , GRIMES.B *L Deson of Operatmg Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Core schoated Eeson Co. of New Yortt. anc. 9pp N47254-76447272-9309080322 "Salerr: Generstng Staten Semarmual Radometwe Efouent Reiease Rept 9307200123 NRC Into Notce 93459. " Unexpected Openna o Both Dows an Am" h EW & Gas Co of New Jersey RERR-34. 93/06/30. GRIMES.BIL Dmson of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Cork sommated Edson Co of New Yo% enc 10pp. 76447.273-76447282. $9m 7G92271-76392231~ 9 8 '* "' " Supp! 1 to NRC Buhetm 91401,Reporing Loss of CntcaMy S. arty Cork 83"$0'8 u vt " E "tv "" ""8 ' 8 BURNETT.R F. Omsen of Fuel Cyese Safety & Safeguards (Poet 930207). 93/C7/27. Consokdatec Esson Co. of New York. nnc. 23p0. 76409:009 76409-031. POR G. m tate pp 7 2 76312.357. 9307290112 NRC Wo Notte 93460 "Reportmg Fuel Cycae & Matts Eve 9ts to NRC 93Mm394 MonWy operstmg rept br Aug im tw W Genpotng Staton Unn Operatons Cy - 2.W/930913 Itr. BURNETTAF. Dusen of Fuel Cyce Safety & Safeguards (Post MIO207). 93/08/04. SHEDLOCKM., HELLER.R VONDRA.CA Putdc Sennce Elecme & Gas Co. of New 5 i Consomonted Edson Co. of New York. inc.10pp. N472cS76447:292. Jersey.93/08/31.11pp. N53.303-76453213 t 9300030200 NRC Wo Notre 93461. "Excesswe Reactor Coolant Leakage Followng 9309170061 " NPDES Dacharge Morutonng Aept for Aug 1993 for Salem Gene etmg ' 5 eat Fanare m RCP cr RRPy Staten." W/930908 Itr. ' GRIMES.B K Dumon of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08'09. Cork VONDRA.CA P2hc Senace Elecmc & Gas Ca of New Juney. 93/08h l sohoated Edson Co. of New Yorn inc 12pp. N99.313 W99.324, CAPORALE.G. New Jersey. State of. 24pp. 76472234N72252. l 9300030245 NRC Info Notre 93462. "7hermal Stratifcaton of Water in DWR Reactor I l Vesses? $. Reportelste acesarronces. LERs & rotated corTeeponalence 6 GRMES.B St Dmson of Operatng Reactor S oport (Post 9210D4). 93/06/10. Cork sohdatec Edson Co of New York, enc. 9pp. N99'325-N99.333. { g309030248 Forwants Stev 1 to LER 93410 se TS 3.0.3 anmes due to moperatukty of ' 9300030274 NRC Wo Nobce 93463, " improper Use of Sot @le weld Purge Dam Mat? GRMES.BA Dusen of Operatmg Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/08/11. Can' [,, d" "g . VONDRA.CA Pubic Senace Electne & Gas Co. of New Ja sey. 93/08/26. Document schonted Edson Co. of New Yont, ent. 8pp. N99.334-76499.341. Cwwol Branch (Document Coned Desk).1p. 76409224.N09.226. 9Mam7 NRC Into Notce 93464 "Penose Testmg & Preventwo Memt of Moloed 4-W LER 9306 on 930629 & 30.75 3.02 entred due # rnwe van one IL Desen of Opera 1mg Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/08/12. Core E * " soldsted Edson Co. of New York, anc.1190. 76447293 76447:303. "uPm"'du"les o of othetec rods MA.MJ. Pubic Sennce Emetnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 93/08/26. 4pp. 9300000187NRC Into Notre 93465. " Reactor Tnps Caused by Breaker Testmg W/ N M22b N 092m Fauft Protecten Svpasaec" t GRMES.E st Desen of Operatng Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/08/13. Con- 930mamati Forwards Rev 1 m LER 93408 es rod control sys cesgn Dams concen to  ! soldatec Esson Co. of New York, mc.11pp. 76447:304 76447:314. ONDR tectne Gas Co. of New Jersev 93/06/26. Document j 9308100006 NRC Wo Notce 93466. "Swnchover to Hot Leg inpocton Fobounng LOCA Corwol Branch (Documwn Conpol Desk).1p. 76409.256-76409262. m PWRs." , GRIMESE K. Dwson of Opereeng Reactor Seport (Post 921004k 93/08/16. Cork -9'annut*** LER9340641:en 930527.contro fod 1SA3 wipeew to alpprox 15 sups  ! sohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 7pp. 76447.315-76447221. from fully ensorted m vonponne to mermaal emertum commend due to tesure of antegret- y ed arcus cr= ' cw beense amend esa m on 930617. t 9308100248 NRC Int: Ncoce 93 067. "Burseng of High Presswa CoWra insecton PASTVA.MJ. PLesic Sennce Elecinc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 93/08/26. 6pp. l Steam Lane Dscs Insures Plant Personnnl" 76409257 7640lt262. t GRNES.B.8L Dunen of Operstng Reactor Support (Post 971004). 93/08/16. Cor> soldeted Ecean Co. ct New Yorit anc.13pp. N47222-N47:335. 9309200150 Specmal rept 934:en 930910.reeston morutormg channets 2R45B & 2R45C anoperetne grosser then seven Osys. Ceased by coegn oefusency. Corrected by 5 9309150239 Responds to 930607 ftr ee nohoe of vetetens noted m msp repis 50 272/ espereeng morators re9erence & choses . 93 08.54311/9348 5 50 354/93 06 Co. of New Jersey.93/09/17. Document  ! VONDRA.CA Puhhc Sennee Esectne & 3 COOPER.R W. Regan 1 (Post 820201). 93/08/30 MILTENBERGERA Pubic Senace Control Branch (Documera Conent Desk). app. 765e8.33476588:332.  ; Elect c & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 6pp. 76451234-N5124dk 9300000031 Forweros mutal SALP vapts 50-272/91-99.5 4 311/91 89 & 50.354/91-99 DOCKET 505312 RAIGCHO SECO 88UCLEAR GE8ERATING STATION i tar pared of 91122S.930619.Ccmcorned w/ edeouecy & tmainess of uhts mgt re-  ! sponse to sigauhtant eventt ' MARTIN.T.T. Regon 1 (Post $2C201) 93/09/01. MILTENBERGER.S. Pele Sennce ' g, - > ',,,,,,,, Electne & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 6pp. 78w M76346.334 i

       -830anaam trutal drott SALP vapts $4272/91-99.50411/9199 & 50354/91-99 for             930913D142 Nohce of prehearmg conference? Nothes of 930921 preheerng conter-91t22S930619                                                                         ence m Bethea .%.MD to chacues proposed oecommmeonmg of peeriLW/Cartshcote of                         j
  • Regen 1 (Post 820201). 93/07/29. 48pp. 7634625ti 76346:3Ds. SetServed on 9' .MID1.

BECHHOEFER.C .' tome Sately & Lcenomg Board Penal #3931426tL 93/08/31, 1 9308260198 NRC Into Notee 93469. "Redography Evems et Operstmg Power Reec. 3pp. 76403:247-7640M49. ere GRIMES.B.el Dnnson of Operetng Reactor S@ port (Post 921004). 93/09/02. Cork 9309179064Laconese moton tar summary deposeon of Ermron & Resources Conser. I soldsted Edson Co. of New YortL mc.11pp. 76499342-76499352. venon O'genuaton engnet kop consenmon? Achness that comenton presarits no sede of men tact to be heard & enould be chemeestl 9309140204Wa- t at segrufcont hcansee mectng 93114 w/utB cn930917 to es- R.TA. SCHORLJ. Secremenso Muruceal Usinv Dutnet BAXTER.TA Show, cuss SALP tar panod endng 933619. Petimen. Potts & Tfowtmoge. 9333 14285. 93/09/07 Atoms Setety & Lscensmg WHTTEJ.R. Regan 1 (Post $20201). 93/09/07. Repon 1 (Post $20201). dop. Bcerd PeneL 7pp. 76448:104-76448:114. 76440:353-76440.356.

                                                                                             -9309179050 L&oensee                   ._ .; of mas lects as to whcft there a no genume usue to 9309070206 NRC Info Notce 9S070. "Dogradeton cf Borehex Neupon Absorber Cou-             be heard (Envson & Renowces Careervaton Orgenueton onprat loop cornennon)?

porm " Advoes that ooreenhan no longer met meue.W/Cetificate of SvC. GRMES.BA Dnnson of Operetng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Con- BAXTER.TA. SCHORLJ. Sacrorreto afurucupes Utary Osmet BAXTER,TA Show, echented Esson Co. of New Yorit one Spp. 76499353-76499J61. Pittmart Potts & Troutmage.93/09/07. Atomc Sesety & Lacenesng Board Penel 4pp. 76448:111-m48:114. 9309210312 Ponoes response to velatons noted in insp Repts 50 272/BS19 & 50-311/93-19.Correceve - - --- ---- =tc venciar tnp occwred due to men astre tnp 9309170058 L. _-- 4 Order CLk9319? Informs est turthy nuestons of Boyd 1 rom now condenser vacuum- se eflect of C hoichne m neues CLbS3 3 & CLi-SS12 should be NAGANJJ. Pehc Sennoe Eleetne & Gas Co. of New Jersev 93/09/10. Document carsted to NRC. per 10CFR2.718(i) W/Carthcese of Served on 930910. Control Branch (Document Corient Dest 4 9pp. 76504:156-76504:1ti6. CHII.K.SJ. Ofhoe of the Secretary of the C_ . F39314294. 93/09/10. Com-93090e0104 NRC Into Notce SS071. Tee et Chemotyl Unit 2? GRWES.B.K. Dwson ci Operetng Reactor Separt (Poet 921004). 93/09/13. Cork ochdeted Eeson Co. of New Ycy16 arc 14ap. 76500:001-76500:013. P. Operating moonee stage :- 8_ {- NRC Into Notee 93472. "Otmervatons Frorn Recent Stuadown Rak & Outepe Mgt Peat Team enops? 9300010143 Submits meo #e _ _ _ _ __ _ of Trommg Rule 10CFR50.120 for boensees J GRNES.B K. Duson of Operstmg Ree:: tor Suppcrt (poet 921004). 93/D9/14. Cork 01 Ditnt * - - - - - - process-soldened Esson Co. cf New Yorts enc.800. 76500-014-76500.022. GRMES.BA Dnneen of Reactor Seport (Poet 921004). 93/06/25. Affsh-ekon Not Asegned.11pp. 76285- 76285348. 9309200107 Forwards sup repts 50 272/9520.54311/93-20 & 54354/9S20 on 9306254905.No voletons noted.Actons eriould be taken to moeure that up respontes gwmnae Sepi 6 to Genere Ltr 91ki0 to rusolaar plant noensees & CP holdes te appropnetely & promptly to conetors swohnng estoont sys pertormance, meccuracy of motor-operated valve coupment COOPER.R W. Regon 1 (Poet $20201). 93/0b/22. MILTENBERGER.S. Pubhc Sennae PARTLOWJ G. a==~aa Desciar for (Poet 570411). 93/06/28. Connohdet-Esectne & Gas Co. of New Jersey app.76551:172 76551;203. ed Edson Co. of New YortL inc. 7pp. 76409 0017640lH108

       -9309200110 Insp repts $4272/9520.50311/9S20 & 50354/9S20 on 930725-                   9309140019 Forwards onwearimentei                             ^ & FONSI re exempton Pom recuse-0904.No voletons noted.Mosor areas mapected operatom tedologcol coritrois.maint      monts of 10CFR50.120 et plant
            & surve4ience testag emergency propersoness & secumy                                 BROWN.S W. Nor> Power paarerv & E- _                             ., Pro,ect Drectorate. 93/09/02. i WH'TEJA Regen 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/22. 29pp. 76551:175-765$1203.                  SHETLERJA Secremento Muncqast Ubirty Demet. 3pp. 76421:180 76421:196.                                I i

i l


       -9309140022Enwonmerital assessment & FONSI re exempton from ramng program                T. Hearmg transcrets on nor> antitrust matters estaDhshmentrrper utaten & mant resseme91s of 10CFR50.120.NRC conssoenng N

SS H Reactor & C-. i ., Propect Deectorate. B3/09/02 93.D924C207 Transenpt of 930921 heanng e BethescaWD.Pp iP1386 Atomic Sately & Lcensmg Boaro Panet93/09/21. 207pp 76557:001-76557210.

                                                              """     "P  '

See P'a er en A S ty Lac boa mr 9 200pp 7 DO 7 196 S tETLERJ.R. $mramento Murvcapal Uhtriv Datnet. 93/09/15. WEISS.S. Document Canto; Branch (Document Convol Desk) 60pp. 7652624S76526.308. g , y, l Q. Inspection reports IE Bubetins a correspondence F. Securtty, sneJeat, emer9ency & tere protectson plans C307160033 NRC trdo Notca 93456 " Weakness m EOPs Found as Result of SG Tube Ructure " 9309020084 Pubhc verson of Rev 24 to EPIP 1903.061. *h- Gouoment GAMES.B K Desson of Operaung Reactor Support (Post 921034). 93/07/22. Con- Tests? soMiated Edmon Co. of New Vork, me.11pp. N99:302-76499312

  • Ernergy Operatons,Inc.93/02/02. 24pp 76335:006 76335:110 l

l 930?190131NRC trdo Nobce 93458. *L-. m.tism et LTOP tar PWRs? g3cgogo114 Revised EPips,mctuchng rev 1$ to 1903.042. "Dubes of Emergency Me& cal i GANES.B K. Davison ce Operanng Fieactor Seport (post 921004L 93/07/26. Ccm- Team" & Rev 9 to 1903.034. "Emeroency Opersions Facerhr E vacuatort" solvwed Ffhton Co el New York. Inc. 9pp M47.264-76447272.

  • Arkarnas Power & Lagnt Co 93/06/04. 31pp. 76393228-76393.256 9307200123 GRNES.B et Deveson of Opermang Reactor $wport (PostNRC 921004). Into Notee9309010077 93/07/26. Co Aduses thatOpemng 93459 "Lmespected rev 16 to of emergency plan in Both Doors conssient Am,," w/ prowessons of scicated Edson Co. of New York, mc.10pp. N47273-76447222. 5 .54 &a Post 820201). 93/06/26. YF VERTONJW. E'nergv Oper-93072s006$ Suppl 1 to NRC Bubeim 91-001. "Reportng Loss of Cntcapty hatety Con- anons. Inc. 6pp 3D76273:112.

Fols BURNETT.R F. Dmsson of Fuel Cvene Safety & Seteguards (Post 930207). 93/07/27. 9309140213 Forwards propmed cost benehcaat hee" N changes to smauetnal Consoidsted E& son Co. of New York. Inc 23pp. 76409 009 N09031. aucurity plananowsig added fenesiny to ostem. al seem anpensatory rnessures based on plant actrvibes. Proposed changv3 a .4.per 10CFR7321. 9307290112 NRC Info Nobce 93 060. "Reportng Fuel Cycle & Matts Events to 4RC YELVERTONJW. Entergy Operatons, me. 93/09/04. Jucument Ccntrol Branch Operatons Ce " (r- .: Control Deskt 3pp. 76433.347-N33349. BURNETT.R.F. Dumaan of Fuel Cycle Sa'ety & Sateguards (Post 930207). 93/08/04. Consolcaind E& son Co ot New York. Inc.10pp 76447283 76447:292. 9309140399 Forwards Insbal SALP Repts 60313/9399 & $0-366/93-99 for penod 920301-930710. SNN90 NRC Into Nobce 93461. "Excesssve Reactor Coctarit Leakage Fonowng MILHOAN.J.L. Regon 4 (Post 820201). 93/09/06. iTLVERTONJW. Entergy Oper-Sea ~ Fanure m RCP or RRP." aDons, Inc. 600. N41.211-76441:233. GAMES.BK Dmmon ed Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06/09. Cork sohtlated Eckson Co. of New York, mc.12pp. N99:313-N95t324. 9309140406 ansbal SALP Repts $0313/9S99 & S0368/9399 for penod 920301-930710.Protnems noted te taiture of workers to tohow proper fa&aDon protecton re-930a330245NRC Into Nobce 93462," Thermal Seaufcaton of Water m BWR Reacto' curements.

         "*525 *
  • Fuyon 4 (Poet $20201). 93/09/06.18pp N41216 76441233 GRMES.B K Dmmon of Operanng Reactor S@ port (Post 921004). 93/08/10. Cork spicated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 9pp. N9922SN99.333. 9309210319 Rev 13 to Procedure / Work Plan 1903.033, " Protective Achon Gudehnes
       $3o8030274NRC Imo Notes 93 063. " Improper une of he Weed Puroe Dam Mat."

GRMES.BK Dunen at Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/Os/11. Cork EEmergy 09 14pp 504 216 76504231. schoaind Edson Co. of New York enc. 800 M9Et334-76499341. 9309220153 Rev 9 m h/ Work Plan 1903.065. Emergeney Resporme Facky-

                                            *           *"O                                                                     93/09/10. 66pp. 76521217 76521:282.

GRMES.BK Dmsen of Operstng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06/12 Cork sancated Edson Co. et New York. Inc.11pp. N47293-76447303. 9309290014 Rev 16 to EPIP1903.002, *Asagnent of Plant Emergency Team / Group Members." 9309090187 NRC Into Notce 93 065 " Reactor Trips py breaker Toseng W/

  • Ernergy Operatons. Inc. 93/09/17.14p0. 76600:338 76600.351.

i Fault Protecten BypassetL" l GRMES.B.K. Dmson of Operaung Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/13. Corv 9309290015 Rev $ 2 EPIP 1903.021, *ARKLA Nakea! Gas Lme Rupture." l sohdatec Eckson Co. of Noe York. Inc.11pp N47:304-76447:314.

  • Entergy Operabons, Inc.93/09/17. $pp. 765D4252-76594256.

9308100006 NRC ento Nobce 93466. "Swnchover to Hot-Leg injecten Fabowng LOCA onPWRs* g. Utgity Rnal Setety Analysis Report (FSAR) & amende GRMES.BK Dmson of Opwatng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06r16 Cork aboaind Esson Co. of New Ycrk. Inc. 7pp. N4731576447221. 9309150300 Revasued pages14.2 9 & 14.2-10of Amend 11 to SAR for ANO. Unit 1. 9308100249 NRC WWo Nobcs $3467. "Bse5Dng of Higri Pressure raremrft injecton

  • Eme'gy Operatons,Inc.93/08/18. 3pp. NS3337-N53339 Steam Lme Rupture Docs annres Plant Persormed."

GRMES.B It Desen et Operstng Remar $@ port (Poet 921004). 93/08/16. Cork adamo Edson Co. of New York. Inc.13pp. N47222-76447:335. P. Operating ternmoe stage docasments & -. 930826019s NRC kdo Notme 93469, "Radograpny Events at Operabng Power Reac- 9306230099 Suppl 5 to Genenc Lir Stk10 to nucteer plant beensees & CP hosoers re tDrE" maccuracy of motor. operated va*ve de etaspment GRMES.B K Divison et Operstng Reactor Seport (Post 921004) 93/09/Ok. Cork PARTLOWJ.G. Assocaaw Dractor for (Post 870411). 93/06/28. Conso6dat. sancated Edson Co. of New York. anc.11pp. 76499342-76499:352. ed Eeson Co. of New Yost. Inct 7pst 7640ir001-Nolt008. Forwards esp rept 50-312/9346 on 930819.No votatons or Devet,ons

                                                                                                $309090061 Forwants SE a:ceoeng beensee 920916 response to GL 8742. suppt 1.

REESEJ.H. Regon 5 (Post 830201L C3/09/01 SHETLERJ Sacramento Munapal AN 93/05/19. mWRTONJW. Eniergr Oper-

                                                                                                   ,B             PP' g

Utiny Disinct 3pc. 76565:137-76565:145. -

       ~9303290033 Insp rept 54312/9346 on 930819.No volatons or Govuteru                       ~ -.            ? Safety evajusten acceptmg boensee 920918 response to GL 8742.sepl noted htmor areas .--- : -          emploree concems pro; ram.                           1-QUALLS.P., REESEin Regen 6 (Post B20201). 93/09/02. 6pp. 76565-140-
  • Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulatort Drector (Post 870411). 93/08/19. 3pgx 76565.145. 76352226-76352.228.

1 9309070206 NRC Irdo Nobce 93470. "Dograduton of Borafnes feeJtron Absortler Cou- 9309090361 Forwants regest for mott mio in order to conhnue rev ew of utd 920701 pans " respanne to GL 02-D1. " Reactor Vessel Structural Integnty." Response roguesned GRMES.B K Demon of Operetng Reactor Support (Post.921004). 93/09/10. Corw withm 60 cays et lir recept Ohdated Edson Co. of New York. mc,9pp. M99t353 7649tt361. BEVAN.R.B. Proinct Drectorate IV.1. 93/08/23. YELVERTONAW. Ernary/ Oper-anons. Inc. 6pp. 76352;351-76352356. 230eD90104 NRC into Nobce 93471. " Fee at Chemobyl Unit 2_" GRMES.BK Dmaan of Opermang Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Cork 93090902616 Forwards salsty evaluaten re ubi 920724 serruttal of results at further schosied Edman Co. of New Yort,. anc 14pp 76500001-76500 013 renew on remamng neogn 4 ountriscaten omena contamed m Tabe 1 et Reg Gude 197. Row 3 93090B0243 NRC Into Notoe 93472 "Otmervatons From Recent Shutdown Rak & BEVAN.R.B ALEXION.T.W. Protect Drectorate IV-1. 93/08/23. YELVERTONJW. Outay hegt Peat Team annosL" Ernergy Operatons. Inc. 4pp. 76'458:192 76358 198. GRMES.8% Dmsen of Operaung Reactor L=rvt (Post 921004). 93/09/14 Cork schosied Echeon Co. of New York. Inc. Opp.76500 014-76500 02% 9309090268 * . . _

                                                                                                                                -.! satety evalusten se contormance to seg guide 1.97.Ptant oewgn an corpormance w/pasanced subs reg guide.


  • Othee of Nuctuar Reactor RepJinters Drector (Post 870411). 93/06/23. 3pp.

G Periodic opereeng reports & related ., .. 76358:196 76359:198. 9309G70037 "Semiarmuel Rathoachvo Efflusen Rolsase Rept Jar > June 1993." W/ 93090B0198 kWorms that propoedd schethane for corrs)lsten of IPEEE/A46 efforts for 933830 str. . teth ursts.though later pian stat woukt have pretenecacooptable per 920918 ter SHETLERJ R. Sacramento Murucipal Ubirty Dutnet 93/06/30. FAULKENBERRYE ALEXION.T.W BEVAN,R.B Patw.ct Caractorate tv-1. 93/08/24. YELVERTONJW. Regon 6 (Post $20201L 24pp 76359.337 76359.361. Entergy Operatens. anc. pp. FE'nDe 085-76388$89. l

DOCKETED ITEMS 85 9309150396 Fovaros ameno 168 to iconse DPR-51 & SE. Amend anows ncensee to -9309140406 wuhar SALp Repts 50 313/93-99 & 50 368 r93 99 tar penod 920301-

   'econstituw fuel assemobes ty replaang k'naed rumber of damaged fuel rods w/               930710. Problems noted te fanure of workers to tokow proper rachsten protechan re-star anss steel fuer roos.                                                                 ousements SEVAN.R.B Proeect Drectorate IV-1. 93/09/07 YELVERTONJ W. Entergy Oper.                    ' Regon 4 (Post E20201). 93/09/08 18pp 76441.216 N41233 atoms. anc. 3pp. 7644216b76442-177.

9309070206NRC ento Notce 93470. "Degrasaten of Borahen Neuron Atmyter Cow e

 -C309150398 Ameno 168 to leerse DPR-51.nhowng bcensee to recxmst:tute fuel as.               pons "

sernbi'es by replacmg km4ed number of camaged tuoi rods w/staeniess steel filier GRIMES.BK Dwauon of Operstmg Reactor Suppo'1 (Post 921004) 93/09/10 Cork rods sohdated Edison Co. of New Yors. anc. 9pp. N99:353-N99.361. ROOD 3t Protect Drectorate fy1. 93/09/07. 4pp. N42172-76442:175. 93091303110 Forwards msp repts 50 313/93 0' & 50-368/93 07 on 9307114B21 &

 -C309150399 Safety evaluaten supportmo amend 168 to bcense DPR-51.                          notce of wolaton.
  • Oftce of Nuciear Reactor Reguianort Drector (Post E70411). 93/09/07. 2pp BEACH.A.B. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 93/09/10, YELVERCNJ W. Entergy Oper-N42.176-76442177. stons, &c.1p. 76429286-N29.308.

[309270029 Forwards orie year response to NRC safety evabaton for sectmd ten yer -9303130334Notee of from msp cm930711 4 821Voston .6 6. a per-IST program & program resubmmaWm agrees w e cenctesons of sately evaluaton w/ tormed proceoural steps out of sequence, wncti resuhed m mabsty to open scienoid cme ksted exceptort sys KING.RJ Entergy Operabons. anc. 93/09/21. Documerti Conrol Branch (Documen vWwe

  • Regento4postaccdem (Post 820201say)93 09/10. 2pp. 76429.29b76429294 Contror Des >4 200pp. 76581077 76581.271.

i ~9309130337 anse repts 50313/9347 & 50.368/93 U7 on 930'114821. Volations I note 1 Macr areas mspected:rescent srap andressed criste ovem tohowup,operatonal Q. Inspection reports,IE Bumetens & .. safety venfcaton. mom % ment observaton & somew of LERs. < STETKA.7J. Regen 4 (Post 820201). 93/09/10. sapp. 7642935-76429.308. y N90 into Nolce 93456. " Weakness m EDPs Found as Resut' of SG Tube 93090B0104 NRC Info Notee 93471. "t~ee at ChemotNI Unit 2." GRIMES.E W Dmson of Opersing Reactor Support (Post 921004) 93/09/13. Coru GRIMES.8L Dusen o Operatmg Reactor Esport (Post 921004). 93/07/22. Con- ! CDidated Edson Co of New 4ork. Inc lipp. N99.302-N99.312. sohdated Eckson Co. of New York. Inc. topp 7650&001-7650&O13 1 9307190131NRO into Notee 93458. "Nonconservabsm m LTOP for PWRt. 9309090243 NRC ento Nonce 93472. "Observatons From Recent Shutdown Fusk & 2 MS"s%Mo'f Op-as- "* Reactor Suomrt iwi 92 4L 93/09/u. Cork


a 4 **' 7/2a C** schanted Edman Co, of New York, me. 9pp. 76500:014-76500022. 9307200123NRC trito Notce 93459. " Unexpected Openmo of Both Doors tri Aetocit" GRIMES.B K. Desen or Operoung Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Cork i sohdatec Edson Co. of New Yori mc. topp N47:273 76447.282. R. Portodic operaung reports & retened correspondence f 9307260065 Suppi 1 m NRC Bulleen 91001. "Reportmg Loss of Cnhenkty Safety Corp 9309210168 Montney coerstmo rept for Aug 1993 for AfJO.und 1 W/930915 lir. tross " rtAYES.K.R., FISICAROJJ. Ernergy Operanons. Inc. 93/08/31. 7pp. 76509353-Bu 4ETT.RF. Dmman of Fuse Cycle Satety & Sateguards (Post 930207). 93/07/27. 76509.359. Cansoldated Echson Co. or New York, enc. 23pp. N09 009-N09:031. 9307290112NRC Wo Nohce 93460. "Reportmg Fuel Cycle & Maths Events to NRC S. Reportamie oocurrenoes. LERs & roasted correspondence Operanons Ctr." , BURNETT.R F. Dwoon of F;sel Cycie SaNty & Safeguards (Poet 930207). 93/08/04. 9309130297Updmed Meerwn Paft 21 sept te ave support stucture for contal rod t>we l Consohdated Edaon Co. of tww York, anr 10pp. W47283 76447292. enschanums.Samme meding concern resoewed for as piants a stesses resang trom i LOCA baas for Davs Basse & ANO 1 withm ahowabie kmrts j e"10200 NRC Info No6ce 93461. Tv=wwe Reactor Coolant Lammage Followng TAYLOR.J.H. Rarertch & Witoca Co. 93/09/03. MCBREARTY.M. Document Control l Seal FaAre m RCP or RRP." Brancn (Document Corttrol Desk). 3pp. 76443.223 76443225. j GRIMES.B K. Dmson of Opersing Reactor Simport (Post 921004). 93/08/09. Cord sohdated E* son Co. of New York, mc.12pp. N99.313-76499:324. 9mermt>45 NRC Into Noirm 93462 " Thermal Strattcanon of Water si BWR Reactor vessem

  • GRIMES.BIL Dmson et Operstmg Reactor Succort (Post 921004). 93/08/10. Cork 93m7Do62 % eup repts SM13%25 & $M68/9S25 on 9308024 soldated Echsan Co of New York. anc. 9pp. 76499.325N99.333. COLUNS.SJ. Regon 4 (Post $20201). 93/08/20. YELVERTONJ W. Emergy Oper-anons. Inc. app.76332 001-76332:013.

gmam74 NRC trdo Nasce SS063. " improper Use of Sokele Wald Purge Dam Ma1L" GRIMES.B st Dmmon et Operstmg Reactor &coort (Post 921004). 93/06/11. Cork -9309070073 trap repts 50413/9125 & 50368/9S25 on 93090216.No violabons sohdated Eoson Co. of New York. Inc. Bpp. N99-334-W99.341. noted. Major areas mpactodesakficaton of imensec operators & evalusten of Paring D'ogram. 9309060237NRC Into Notre 93464. *Penoche Tessmg & Preventwe Mamt of Monded pes.L Rogon 4 Post 820201K 93/08/30. 8m 76332906-76332-013. Case Cacus Bmakers.* GRIMES.B.K. Omson ce Operatng Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/08/12. Corp 9109130234 Responds to velatons noiad in insp Rept SM13/9S06 on 930530-soldated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. N47:293-76447:303, 0710.Conachvo acsonsvane FNt2At piaced m cioned pombon & rer>toermed oper-ators unit be tramed on commiricators m uporeveng secssakficanon cycle 9308090187 NRC Wo Nobce 93-065. "Reactar Tnos Caused by Breaker Testmg W/ FISICA8tOJJ. Ernergy Opershont Inc. 93/09/03. Docurnorn Control Branch (Doew enent Conrol Dess410pp. 76429:346-76429:355. Fault Promicton SM-GRIMES.B K. Dumon of Opersing Reactor Simport (Post 921004). 93/08/13. Card caldated Esson Co of New York. me.11pp. 76447:304 76647314. gg g, ,,, 9308100006 NRC Into Nonce 93466. "Swncrover to Hot. Leg Infecten Fo8pmng LOCA mPWRE GRIMES."9 K Dmson of Oper:1ng Reactor Seport (Post 921004k 93r08/16. Cor>F. Securtty, usedical, emergency & fire protechen plans sohdated Edson Co. of New York, me. 7pp. 76447315-76447:321. 9309290298 Ack recesst of util tir t'ansmittng Rev 25 to DC Cook physcal secunty 930810(t244 NRC Info Noace SS067. *Barstmg of t6gh Presswo Coolant inpoet,on plan. Changes consanern w/prcmsons of 100FR50.54(p) & -~ ~--* as Steam Lme Rupture Dacs insures Paant Ponennet" voted m once al nr. End othhem. GRIMES.B et Divmon of Operaing Reactor Supacet (Post $21034). 93/06/16. Cork SNELLW. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/24 FITZPATRICK.E. Indens Merngan (shoated Edson Co. of New York. Irc.13pp. 76447:322-76447:335. Power Co. (tormody indana & Merugan Electnc Col 3pp. 7659035576590.357 9309070062 Forwards esp repts50,313/9S25 & 53366/9125 on 93080216. COLLINS.SJ. Regen 4 (Post 220201L 93/08/30. YELVERTONJ.W. Entergy Oper. P. Operating bcenae stage documents & corr abons. Inr. 4pgL 76332001-76332.013 9306230D99 Sept 5 to Genanc L9 89w10 to nuctear plant Icersees & CP hoideas re

 -9309070073 Insp repts 54313/9S25 & SM68/9125 on 930002-16.No voetons                       macxarney of motor. operated wasve             ecsement.

noted areas mspected:aunhhcaton of icefined operators & evaluaten of trarung PARTLOWJ.G. Assocate Director for - (Post 870411). 93/06/28.Consolidat-progra e$ Eeson Co. of New York. Inct 7pp. 76409201-76409t006. PELLET 4 Regan 4 (Post B202D1). 93/06/30 8pp. 76332 006-76332$13. 93D9020306 Docusses plB response to Sept 1 to GL-87-02. "Sesme Quahicebons of

  $308260198 NRC into Notre 93-069. "Radography Events at Operstmg Power Reac.                Meenanical & Enoctncal Ecucmient m Opersing Plants "

tort" WETZEL.BA Prosect Directorate E1. 93/08/17. Fr'ZPATRICK.E. Indena Merugan K Dunion of Operstmg Reactor wrat (Post 921004). 93/09/02. Cord Ftmer Co. (tormony Whens & Metzgan Enoctnc col 3pst 76321:19S76321:195. Olsclated Edson Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. N99:342-N99352. 930:130234 Respords to veisters reise ei inso Rapi Sa313/934s on 930530 9309D101,09 benuts a,chedule commitments for enoddyng escrepent pipmg as resuh of piarn ia ge tsore pse g ioconsmuten program enneynes 0710.Comschve actonsvalve FOL92A1 peaced m ceased ponrbon & non4cemsed oper- FITZPATRICK.E. andens Mcrmgan Power Co. 93/06/25. MURLEY.T.E. Orfce of Nie stars will tie tramed on cumrnuncators e upcommg secumistcanon cycia. cioar Reactor Reg.alatert Derector (Post 870411b 3pp. 76299359-7ti289.360. FISICAROJJ. Emergy Operabank inc 93/09/03. Docurnerst Control Branch (Docu-mera Corarol Desk).10pp. 76429.346 N29355 930anann" Re trariamns At;achment 5 to 911000 submittalwhch reouested NRC ap proval per 10CFR20302 of onste espassi of turbse room surrup absorphan pond

  $309140399 Forwards trutal SALP Repts 50 313/93-99 & 50 368/93-99 for pared                 at      at piariLOngmai submrtsat memng samma specirurii anatyset 9203D1-930hD                                                                                 i PATRfCK.E. anchans Mchigan Power Co. Octmarty endena & Mchegan Electne M!LHOANJ.L Regen 4 (post $20201L $3/09/06. YELVERTONdW. Entergy Oper-                     Co.L 93/09/03 MURLEY.T.E. Document Control Branch (Document Control Dess4 stans,Inc SpgL 7t441211-W41233.                                                           84pp. N00227-76400310.

l l l

86 DOCKETED ITEMS 9309210219 ResDorios to GL 9344. " Rod Control Sys Fadure & Weut'awat of Rod 9309210213 Respords to NRC930817Itr re volanons noted m Safety insp Repts 50-Cont of Cluster Assemtees" 315/9316 4 50316/93-16 on 930616-C727. Correctve actersTemporary Mod Pro- , FTZPAmeCK.E Amencan Dectne Power Servce Corp 93/09/17. MURLEY.T E ceckre PMsi 5040 MCO.001 w41 tie revehed to ackade pror.autsons re poter'tc mods. l Document Control Branch (Documera Control Desk). $pp.7650420t-76%42DL. FrTZPATRi'.,KL ancharia M n Power Co. (formerty arnana & Mcnegan Decmc i Co L 93/09/16. Document Branch (Document Coreal Desk). 10pp. j 9309240082 Ack recect of 10CFR50.54(a) suteruttat dtd 930510. erriorporatng changes 76511.342-76511.351.  ! m OA program oescretonConchoes that revs conimue to meet rockarements et 10CFR50. App B & are tnerertore acceptat>6e Rif4G.MA Reacn 3 (Post 220201L 93/09/17. FITZPATRICK1 truhana Mehegan R. Penodec operstmg reporta & touted correspondence Power Co (formeny inthana & Mchegan Emetnc coa 10. 76522.23& 76522.238 9309010067 Forwards f:tness for chrty program performance data for six month epwts. E h a cowsponnence A AygK. Menspan Power Co 93/08/25 MURLEY T.E, Office of Nw C307160033 NRC Wo Notce 93 066. " Weakness m EOPs Found as Result of S3 T2e

                                                                                                              *P**'"8 * # Ad8                  *             "

G S B K. Dwison of Opersing Roactor Support (Post 9210th). 93/07/22. Cork schonted Edsort Co. of New York. Inc.11pp. m99202.m99.312. $$$ ANtSSE.J.D BUNDAA inchana McNoen Power Co. (formerly indent & Mchsgan I C307190131NRC Ir'to Notce 93-058. "Nonconsenretism m LTOP tar PWRs.. Doctnc M wm 6m 76521.302-2 3R GRIMES.B K. Dwman at Operaung Reactijr Seppnet (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Cork solci:.tes Edison Co. of New Yort enc 999. N47264-m47272. gp ag 9317200123NRC Wo Notice 93 059. " Unexpected Openm0 of Botn Doors en Aetock? GRIMES.BE Dwmen rf Operstng Reactor Suppon (Post 921004) 93/07/26. Con- 9309100036 Special repton 930610.Contamment 650 Devaten %gh Range Tram A i schantac Edison Co. c4 New YorN mc.10pp. m47273-764472tl2. Area Rao,aten Detector 2NRA-2310 decered moperable due 10 matnerty to perform channoi enecks.Rapair work completed on930729 & detector oeclared operable. i 9307260065 Suppl 1 to NRC Buhetn 91-001. " Reporting 1.oss of Crticality Safety Con- BLtND.AA texhana McNgan power Co (formony enchana & Mchgan Esectnc Cck trois " g3 fps,26 Document Convol Branch (Document Coritrol Deskt 2pp. 76433.322-BURNETT.R.F. Dwason of Fuel Cycle Satefy & Saloguards (Post 930207). 93/07/27. 76433223 Consoliaated Eoison Co. of New Yort mc. 23pp. *09t009-76409-031. 9309090071 LER 93 00341 ori 930702.neted that tre detecten morutor alarm owrich 9307290112NRC, Wo Notco 93 060. "Reportmg Fuel Cycee & Matts Events to NRC Operatens Ctr. pia,c,e,d,&,

                                                                                          ,,        p te,tt. son *nel ewasved re attennon to utad.W/930902 lern 0fr - N~ ty persorne BURNETTAF. Dnnsen of Fuel Cycle Sately & Sateguartas (Post 930207). 93/08/04                            .SA BUNDM hkana Mchgan Ptswer h Porrverty intkana &

Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inct topp.76447 2 83-76447 292. RN,gan Enseine coa 93/09/02. App. 7643019576430-196. ucn 9308030200 NRC Into Noise 93461. "Excesswe Reactor Coonant Lankage Fonowng Seal Fadure m RCP or RRP." GRIMES.S.K. Dnnsen of Operstmg Reactor Lewt (Poet 921004). 93/08/09. Cork V Operator N sohdated Edison Co. of New York. mc.12pp. 76499213-76499.324. L 9305210095 Summary of 930708 Regen Hl annual trurung managers conference m 9308030245NRC into Notre 93 062. " Thermal Stranfcaten of Water m BWR Resctor Glen ERyn.tL. Purpose c8 meetmg to previos tarwn for rharu==nn on rev 7 of operator vesses" imensmg examner sids & to thsecos operator hcansmg esaues. GRfMES.B K. Onnscr. of Operanns Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/10. Cork RING.M. Repon 3 (Post 820201L 93/09/15. Regen 3 (Post 820201L 29pp. sohdated Edson Co of New York, anc. 99p. Nest 325-m99.333. 76476 063-76476 091. , 9"n"74 NRC Into footco 93 063. "Irrotoper Use of Soluble Weld Purge Dam Matt? 9309290025 Fm summary of overaR examsnston results.mdividual resultswnnen GRIMES.BE Danson of Operanng Reactor Onrnet (Post 921004). 93/0B/11. Cor> exammaton & answer sheets te ruhat exarrenaten corwheears on 930823 27.We s i sohdated Ethson Co. of New YA ent $pp. 76499:334-76499241 ecclE Sinansm7 NRC Wo Notee 93464. "Porede Testmg & Prevensve Mant of 14 aced y hg

  • Case Cecun Breaners GHfMES.BE Dwman of Opera 1mg Reactor Seport fPost 921004k 93/08/12. Cork erw=d Echson Co. of New YorA inc.11pp. 76447293 76447:30:L DOCKET 50 316 DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT UNIT 1 9300090187NRC Wo Nonce 93466. " Reactor Tres Marl tiy Breaker Testng W/

Faun Protecten Byre =ad

  • GRIMES.B( Dnason of Ope stmg Reactor Supcort (Post 921004). 93/06/13. Cork F. Securty, medcal wnergency & Gre protection pimns erwad Eckson Co. of New York, anc. tipp.76447204-76447 214.

9309160117 Change 4 to Rev 1 of ERPIP 503. " EOF Drector." replacmg pages 12 4 9308100006 NRC Info Notco 91066. "Swacrever to Hes. Leg in,seson Fomowing LOCA revowrapprovai paese. m PWRs

  • Banrnare Gas & beetnc Co.93/08/30. 6pp. 76480215-76480.220.

GRIMES."E E Danson of Operstng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/04/16. Cork schoened Edison Co or New YorA me. 7pp. N47215-76447221- 93DB290298 Act recess of up nr tranammrig Fev 25 to DC Cook physcal secunty 9308100248 NRC Info Netze 93 0t>7. "Burstng of Hgh Coolant brusetDn " ' gp Steam Lme Rwtse Discs answes Plant Pesonnet" SNELLW. Recon 3 (Post 8202011. 93/09/24. PTT2 PATRICK.E. Inchana Mehgan GR!MES.Bx Dwison of Operatirig Reacer Support (Post 921004). 93/0S/16. Cork Power 4 pormony Indens & Metegan Elecnic Co1 apst 76590255 765903S7. erar%d Eckson Co. of New YorA 6nc.13pp. 76447222-76447235m 9309230216 . & Control Lir contract.awardm0 task order 52. ".Sys Based ; .c.-. P. Opersang toenee san 9e documents 4 -._ enso . UC Cook? unoer czmtract NRC.03 8bO27 SCOT 7.ML Coreact " .- - Branch 1 (Post 900603). FIN L-13423. 93/08/20. LOFY,RA PARAME (ER, enc 8pp. 76525.195-76525.202- 930s230099 Sept $ to Genonc L9 8910 to nuclear plant boensees & CP folders re roccumey or motor-operated vatve esgnoots somoment. 930909M25 Responds to nobce of violaton & proposed impossten of cndi penaRy & PARTLCPuG. hare == Drector tar proiscts (Post 8704111 93/06/28. Consoldal-demand tar mfo w/ respect to DOL Case R2-EP.A.37. ed Eckson Cst of New York. Inc. 7pp. 7643900176409008 FTTZPATRICKL inchana Power Co. pormerty inchans & Mchigan Electne Col 93/09/01. MARTIN LB. Cornrol Branch (Docirnern Control Deskb 93DBC20306 rhe'imaa= um response to Suppt 1 to GL.&7 02. "Samme Qualifcanons of Sapp. 76412219-N12272. Mechancal & Easetncal Eaupmerit in Operstmg Plants? 1 WETZEL.BA Pro,ect Drectorate Hkl. 93/06/17. FlT2PATRCK1 Indians Mehegan 9308260198NRC freo Notre 93469. "Raeography Events at Opersing Power Reac" Power Co. pormany endena & Mchgan Ensetnc Co.). 3pp. 76321:193 76321 195. in led E of New Irict .764 -34 M 99.35E 9M.a,e WW N commments W poing as M W p tore - - - e, sir.ea 9309140055 Responds to NRC 933809 tir se volshans noemd in risp repts 50 315/9315 FnZP47RM ineens Mctugan Power M93/08/25. WM.LE. of Nu.

  & 5M16/93-15 on 930607-18.Correenve actons' changoo mare head mstucton to                clear Reactor Regulatori, Drector (Post 870411k 3pp. 76299:359 76289:3 allow use of pob oroer c.irrpeston case for scheduhng next PM tasit Power Co. (tormany indena & Mchigan Enoctne     93090e0022 Re-trenemns Attachment 6 to 911009semitta!.whch rocasested NRC ag>

FITZPATRICKL inchana proval per 10CFR20M of crane depose l of tistire room aump acoorphan pond Col 93/09/07. MARTM.J.B. Control Brancd1 (Documera Congol Desky 12pp. 76437292-76437:303. sqpe at planLOngmai sahmrttas mesmg gamms spectnan anatreet FmPATRICKE indena M Power Co. (formany anchana & Metscan Electne 9309070206NRC into Notre 93470. "Dogradsbon of Borsflex Neutron Absorber Cou. Col 93/09/03. Ep.TL Ccmpol Brarch (Documerit Control Deskt pons- 64pp. 764002i'7-76400.310. GRIMES.BX Dwesen of Operatng Reactor Suppoit (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Corm armed Echson Co. of New YorA enc. 9pp. 76499 353 76499J61. 9309210219 Responds to GL 9344. " Rod Control bys FeRure & Wah$rawal of Roc Control Causier AssembbeL" 93090aD104 NRC Into Notre 93471. " Fro at Chemobyt Ure 1" FUZPATRCKL Amancan Electne Power Servce Corp. 93/09/17. MURLEY,TE GR1MES.BX Danson at Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/09/13. Cork Documerit Corect Branch (Docasmant Conrol DeskA 6pp. 76504:201-76504205. saisosted Extson Co. of New YorA Inc.14pst 76500201-76500-013. 9309240082 Act recept of 10CFR50.54(a) sdimittal otd 930510. &corporatmg ctanges 93D9090243 NRC trdo Nonce 93472. "Obsentanons From Recent Shutdown Rok & m OA program descr=*= N"- that rows consnue to rnest recurements of Outape Mgt Pilot Team insus? 10CFR50 Apo S & are theretore ecceptaDe. GRIMESS K. Dwoon of Operatrig Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/14. Cork RING.44A Regon 3 (Post 820201L 93/09/17. PITZPATRCK1 inchene tecrugan soldstad Edson Co. of New YcrA incl Sop.76500:014-76500C22. Power Co. (formerly indens & Msciugan Enocenc Cc41p. 76522.238 7mM38.

l DOCKETEDITEMS 87 O InSpett'on reports,IE Bulletins & . - . .--- R Penodec operstmg reports & related ....- .. E307160G3 NRC Wo Nobce 93456, " Weakness m EOPs Found as Rew!t of SC Tuw 93090100G7 Frwards finess for d.aty p ogram pensmance data for sta month Ruptwe

  • penod from Jan. Jane 1993 GRMES.B K. Dnason of Operanng Reactor Support qPost921004L B3/D"/21 Com FIT 7PATRICKE. Insana Mctugan Power Co 93/06/25. MtJRLEY.TI CMfee of Nu.

soldated Esson Co. of New York. Irc 11Dp 76499.302-76499.312. clear Reactor Regula' Jrt. Drector (Post 370411) 7pp. 76316.316-76316.324 E307190131NRC Into Nonce 934$8, "Nonconservatsm en LTOP for PWRs" 930922D197 Forwards montmy operanng rept for Aug 1993 tor DC Cook Nuclear Power GRNES.B K. Dusen of Operaung Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Con. Piant.Una 2 & rensed repts for June & Jul 1993.Rensed rep:s ref.ect changes et re-soldated Edson Co. of New Yort6, Inc. 9pp. 76447.264-76447:272. pried max cepensable capacnv & una capacity tactor BLINDM mchana Metsgan Power Co permany enraana & Mctugan Feectre Col E307200123NRC Wo Notre 93 0$9. " Unexpected Openmg or Both Dcors m Aetog.= 93/09/06 Document Control Branch (Documem Control DesAL 1p. 76521334-GRNES.B K. Omson of Operanng Reactor $tscort (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Cork 76521.344. sohdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc 1000. 764472 73-76447281

                                                                                         -9309220198 Monthly coe*abng rept for Aug 1993 for DC Cook Nuclear Plant.Urut 2.

9307260065 S@pt 1 to NRC Bulletm 91001. "Reportng Loss of Cnbcality Safety Con- JANISSEJ.D. REYNNEu.S.R D., RUSSO.ML mdiana Meriscan Power Co. (formeny trots " inmand & Mernpan Esectnc Cc193/08/31. epp. 7652t335-76521:342. BURNETT,R.F Dusen of Fues Cveie Safety & Sateaua-os (Post 930207). 93/07/27. Consolcatec Eeson co. ot swew Yort. tnc. 23pp. N09 000-76409 031, -9130922c200 Reesed monthly operstm9 rept for June 1993 for DC Cook km Plant.Urut 2. 93Dff90112 NRC Into Noboe 93 060. "Reportmg Fuel Cyc6e & Mans Events to NRC TURNER.D G., JANtSSE J.D. Insana McNgan Power Co. (formerty aneana & Merm. Operatons Ctr " gan Electne Col 93/06/30.1p. 76521:343-76521:343. BURNETT.R F. DMson of Fuel Ovcie Safety & Saieguards (Post 930207). 93/08/04. Consoidated Eeson Co. of New vorit. Mc.10pp. 76447263 N472B2. -93092202c1 Revned monthe r operatng rept for Jul 1993 tar DC Cook Nuclear Plant.Unn 2. 9'N'*200 NRC Into Notee 93461. **Excessve Reactor Coolant Leakage Fonowng JANISSE.J.D. Indiana Mehigan Power Co. (formerty Indwai & Mehspan Electne Col Edsal Fadure m RCP or RRPy 93/07/31.1p. 76521:344 76521 344. CRIMES,B K. Onmeon o' Ope anng Reartor Support (Post 921004) 93/08/09. Cork arondated Esson Co or New York, mc.12pp. N99313 76499:324. S. Reportable occurre' ices. LERa & related ~. - 9308030245 NRC Into tuotte 93062. " Thermal Stranfcaton of Water m BWR Roador vessets." 9309100036 Speoal recton 933610.Contamment 650 Enevaton t+gh Range Tram A GRMES.B K Dusen of Opermang Reactor Suport (Post 921004). 93/08/10. Cor> Area Ramanon Demetor 2-VRA 2310 omared empwam cue to em to petarm solcatec Eeson Co. of New Yort, et 9pp. N99.325-N99333. channel chectsAecee work completed on 930729 & ontseter ceclared operaDie. BUNDM insana Mctugan Power Co (formetty mdans & Mcrugan Esectne Col 9308030274 NRC Wo Nation 93463. " improper Use of Setubte Wold Purge Dam Man." 93/08/26. Documera Cornrol Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 76433322-CRNES.B.K Dmson of Operatng Reactor Sigeort (post 921004). 93/06/11. Cork 76433323. soldated Edison Co. et New Yorg. mc. Bpp.76499.334-N99 341. 93090n0345 LER 9340740.on 930902. Unit 2 reactor troped. Caused by spimous actu- l 9309060237NRC Into Nobce 93464. "Penode Teseng & Prevenhvo Mamt of Molded anon of turtune exhaust hood tugh temp sweenesAutomanc main tustune inp 1 rom Case Cacun BreakertJ' twin exhaust hood temp esaD6ed a replacedW/930901 nr. GRMES.B K Desum of Opersang Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/12. Cork WLSER.GA. BUND.AA enmana Merugan Power Co. (formany insana & Mctwgan schaated Eeson Co. of New York, snc.11pp. N47293 76447303. Electnc Col 93/09/01. Spp. 7643&171-76430t175. 930aoe0M7 NRC trWo Notes 93 065. *' Reactor Trys Caused by Breaker Tesang W/ l Fault ProtecDon Bypesaad" V. Operatorr

GRWES.B.K Divaan at Operanng Reacw Seport (Post 921004). 93/08/13. Cork soldated Ethson Co. of New yart. 6nc.11pp. N47
304 76447314.

g , j ,, g ,

                                                                                           *D                                            *"'

I 9300 NRC Into Notee 93 066. "Switchover to Hot. Leg inpacton Following LOCA gD"dO ,,, $7 "" * # # # l GRIMES.B et Dmson of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06/16. Cork 8 ' acuoated Eeson Co. at New York, anc. 7pp. 76447315-76447321. 76 ' 9309100248 NRC trito Noice 954s7. "Bursing o.f High Pressure Coolant Iripecton 8 # "* E mam W W Dacs mpures Plant Pysaw exammaton & answe"r sheets te embal exammanon conducted on 93"0E2347.W/o9 . GRIMES,B.IL Dmson et Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06/16. Co'* flNG.MA Regen 3 (Post 820201). 03/09/24. CARTEAUX.P.F. lumos Power Co. soldated Eeson Co of New Yrt,Inc.13pst 76447322-76447:335, 2pp. 76552h76551329 ) (309230216Ltr contract.awardng task order 52. "Sys Based instruuntaDon & Coreal SCOTT A 900603L FIN L-13423. 93/DB/20. 4317 MM N POW N. M 1 LDFY.RA PARAME"ER. me. Opp.76525-195 76525202. 9309090125 Responds to rence of violanon & proposed imposacn of cive penalty & F. Securhy. mm9 cal, amer 9ency & Gre Protecton plans osmand for meo wtrai-* to DOL Case 92-ERA,37. FTT'ZPATRICK.E means Power Co. (tormerly indens & Merngan Elecmc 9309rms Pubic versen of rewmed ERPIPunctueng change 6 to rev 0 to ERPIP. Col 93/09/01. MART 1NJ.B. Corarol Branch (Docurnera Control Desak 201.cnange 9 to rev 0 to ERPIP 301. change a to rev 0 to ERPtp.401 Ahange 10 to rev 64pp. 76412.219-N12272 O to ERPlP-703 & rev 51 to ERPIP.1.1.W/930904volanse memo.

  • Balkmore Gas & Electnc Co.93/07/12. 46pp. 76320308-76320254 9308260196NRC Into Notce 93469, "Raeoriiphy Everas at Operanng Power Reac-tors " 9309020237 P26c versen of rewmed ERPIPs.metudmg ERPIP 005.rev 0. change i GRIMES.B.K Dmson of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/01 Con- 8.ERPIP-106.rev 0. change 1ERPIP.206.rev 0. change 2. rev C. change RERPtP-315.rev l soldated Edison Co. at New Yort6. mc.11pp. N?9.342-7be99352. 0. change 2ERPIP416.rev C. change 1 & ERPIP-503/ev 1 Anange 3.W/930815 re.

I lease memo. 9309140o55 Responds to NRC 930B09 Itr se violations noted in map rents 50 315/93-15

  • Balamore Gas & Elecmc Co.93/07/28. 47pp. 76319299 76319:347.
     & SS316/9S15 on 9306C7-16 Correenve acborir changed mamt head ristrucbon to allow use of pob order completon date ter seneckeng ner.1 PM task                   9309160099Revoed EPIPunclueng rev 0 to ERPIP 311. ' Emergency Response Plan FITZPATRICNE. Means                Power Co. (formerty eresans & Merupan Electnc      trnpiementaten Procedure." & Rev 2, ERPIP-900. "Preparaten of Emergency Re-Col 93/09/07. MARTINJ.B.                   Control Branch (Document Corttrol Desk). sponse Plan & :           ___ _-- Procom.res.

12pp. 76437.292-N37303. WENDELL.R. Batamore Gas & Enoces Co."93/06/25. 9pp. 7645424176454357 9309070206 NRC Inlo Nobce 93470. "Doradaton of Bormflex Neutron Absorber Cou- 9309150172 Ack receipt of 930611 Itr NRC of steps taken to correct volabons pans? reted en map repts50 317/9S03 & 54319/ .Achon acceptable re sustifceton for GRNES.BX Demon of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Cork ehmmaton of rnatule labs from emergency response pten. soldated Essen Co. of New York, mc. 9pp. N99:353-76499361. JOYNERJ.H. Repon 1 (Post 820201). S3/06/26. DENTON.8LE. Baltimore Gas & Esectne Co. 3pp. 76451:195-76451201. 9309080104NRC Info Nohce BS071. " Fee at ChemotY. Unit 2

  • GRNES.BK Dmson of Operanng Reactor Suppyt (Post 9210Ds). 93/09/13. Cork 9309190117 Change 4 to Rev 1 of ERPfP-503. " EOF Drector," replaamg pages 1.2 &

soldated Edison Co. c eNew York. encl 14pp. 76500'JD1-76500C13. remsw/ approval paon.

  • Batamore Gas & Caectre Co. 93/06/30. 6pp. 76480215-76480.220.

9309090243 HRC Into Nohce 93472. *Cbservators Fn#n Recent Snutdown Rak & , Outage upt Piaat Team insps" 930909n008 Rewmed EPIPsJncludaqChange 1.Rev 0 to ERPtP-005. ERPIP.201.ERPIP-GRfMES.B K. Dmsion of Opera 1mg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/14. Con- 301ERPip-401.ERPIP-700,ERPIP.720. Change D. rev 2 to ERPIP 750 & Change 20 to l schaated Esson Co. of New Yerk, anc. bpp.76500-014-7650DC22. Rev 4 to ERPIP.A.2

  • Bathmore Gas & Esectnc Co.93/09/01.107pp. 76399-027-76399132.

93092102t3 Responds to NRC930817 Itr te vetabons noted m Satsty insp Repts 50 315/9S16 & 50 316/9116 on 9306164727.Correceve actors: Temporary Mod Prom 9309090118Resoorids to NRC 930602tir re unresotwed Items noted in Operator Exam cedure PMP $040 MOD.001 vnh be revoed to anctuae precaubons re potenhal mods. Repts 54317/93-11(OL) & 54316/9S11(OLA Lesson plans for RCS mstrumentaten FfTZPATRICEE. Indiana (CR Operator Trammg & EDP 2 rewmed. Col 93/09/16. Documers - Power Co. (formony B anch endenaCormat (Document & Menigen Desk).Eaecinc 10pp. DENTON.R E. Estamore has & Elecme Co. 93/09/03. Document Contml Branch 76511 342 76511 351. (Document Contrat Desk). 7pp. 7641&.355 N10361. l l

l l 88 DOCKLTED ITEMS I l i 0309150166 Reouests Onefmg e Regon I ote m two weeks re emergency 9309280291 Fcrwards SSER acceptmg hcensee 930707 response to staten tuacitout 1 organcaton.tacalibes & proteaures m preparabon for emergency prepre:Iness exer. rule.per 10CFR50 63. cse sche:tsed ty wk or 931025 MCDONALD.D.G Proce? Drectorate L1 93/09/22 DENTON.RI. Batamore Gas & HEHLC W. Repon 1 (post B20201). 93/09/03 DENTON RI. Batamore Gas & Earc. Ele:tne Cc. 3pp. 7656826t> 76568.272. Inc Cc 4po. NbO'3SD 76450.353.

                                                                                         -9309280293 SSER accepting beensee 933707 response to stabon blackoJi ruie.per C Adjudcatory            .'- ---- '                                                       *10CFRSCWh   63         Rea                  Drem (Post 870411) 93/09/21 4pp 76568 269 76568.272.

C309270063 intoms that tme prowood ty NRC regdaton wnthm whch Commssor may act to reinew chrector Oecssen si clocket has expred? W/Cortrfcate of Sve Served on 933920 ' ~ ' ~ ~ " CHIL8LSJ. OHee W the Secretry of the Commasort #393 14315 S3/09/20. OCHS.R. Ma'ytand Sate Energy Coanton. 2pp. 76544156-76%4157 9307160033NRC Into iniobce 93 056. "Weanness m EDPs Found as Result of SG Tube Ftuptse " P. Operstmg Scense sta9e documents & correspondence GRIMES,B K Dmson of Operanng Reactor S@ port (Post 921004). 93/07/22. Con. sohoated Esson Co. of New Yort, snr.,11pp. N99.302-76499312 9309280340 Forwards Sept 3 to CENPD-279. " Annual Rept on C.E ECCS Codes & Methods for 10CFRho.46." 9307190131NRC Into Nobce 93056, %%_ _ ___ m LTCP for PWRs CREELG C. Batumore Gas & Emetne Co. 92/05/13. Document Control Branch (Doc- GRIMES.B K. Dmson of Operstmg Reactor S@ port (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Con-wmmt Control Desk).10.76596 286-76596296. schoated Edson Co. of New York, mc. 9pp. 7k472667M47272. ! -9,309280342

  • Annual Rept on C E ECCS Codes & Methods For 10CFR50 46." 930?200123NRC Info Noboe 93459. Unexpertea Openm0 of Both Doors in Assoc 6t*

l G-E Operstmg Plants Owners Group.92/04/30. app. 765962B9-76596.296 GRIMES.BK Dmson of Opermang Reactor b@ port (Post 921004) 93/07/2C. Con-93o6230099 Suppe $ to Genene Lar 89w10 to nuclear plant beernees & CP fesoers re se ated Em Ca W m % A m 444WW282. 9307260D65 $@pl 1 to NRC Bullenn 91401. **Reparing Loss of Cnicanty Safety Com ARTLOWJ G

  • Drector tar IPost 0411). 93/06/28. Cornoimat-ed fdson Co of New York, int 7pp 76409901-76409008.

GE W Fw % em & SW M M 93/07/27. 9309010201 Advses that schedule for completon cate for IPEEE ter severe accioent Ccesolcated Edson Co. of New Yorit anc. 23pp. 76409 009-76409 031. vulnerabstes acceptaose.per GL B8-20. s@pl 4. MCDONAAD.G. Pro,ect Drectorate F1. 93/06/12. DENTON.RI. Balumore Gas & 9307290112 NRC Into Notco 93460. *%eportmg Fuel Cycle & Matis Events to NRC Elecmc Co. 3pp. 7E296.322 76286324 Operators Ctr." BURNETT.R.F. Dmson of Fuel Cvese Saiety & Sateguares (Post 930207). 93/06/04. ! 9309010124 Forwards "nnstrumentaton & Corwol Sys Dessgn Repr" for Emergency ConscMate0 Edson Co. of New York, anc. topp. N47283-76447292. Desel Generator Prosect to ad:p safety & normatety related generators. I DEN 70 NAE. Bafamore Gas & E6ectnc Co. 93/08/25. Docurnent Corwol Branch g anenes00 NRC Into Notee 93 061, " Excessive Reactor Coolara Laaisage Fobosang (Document Consul Desk). 3pp. 76313.316 76313359. Seaf Faouro m RCP or RRP." GRIMES.BK Dmson of Operatmg Reactor t=rt (Post 921004). 93/08/09. Con-

  -9                 'Instrumentaten & Control Sys Dengn Rept " inr Emergency Lesel G*      nohdateo ritarm Co. of New York, aric.12pp. N99:313-76499324.
  • Baltmore Gas & ElecW Co 23M/25. 41pp. 76313319-76313-359.

9300030245NRC Info Nation 93462. "ThomW Strantcubon of Water m BWR Reactor tuv hsts tro per 48 G ES BX Dansen of Operstmg Reactor %=mt (Post 971004) 93/08/10. Con. scindated Edson Co of New Yort. Inc 9pp 76499:325-N99333 l DENTONAE. Bafamore Gas & Elecme Co. 93/06/27. Docanent Control Branch (Document Corect Desi4 app. 76324.282-76324215. 3300030274NRC into teonce 93463 "emproper use of Sokbw Wald Purge Dam MatL" C309010214 Apphcaton for amends to boenses DPR-53 & DPR49 norporahng GRIMES.BX Dusen of Operatmp p-*= Support (most 921004). 93/08/1t Con-chanoes tw removmo component ksts from TS per GL 9108 solcated Eckson Co of New York. Inc. Spo.76499.334 76499.341. DENTONA.E. Bathmore Gas & Electnc Co. 93/08/27. 4pp. 76324282 76324K Ssnenanny NRC Into Nonce 93-064,"Penode Teshng & Preventive Mamt of Molded

  -9309010220 Proposed noch specs mcorporatng changos to remove componer4 tsts              Casa Crcsst B eakers."
      ', rom TS per GL 9108.                                                                GRIMES.BX Dmson of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06/12. Con-Baramore Gas & Enocinc Co.93/06/27. 30pp. 76324286 76324.315.                     said41po Eckson Ca W New Yoru. Ric.11pp. 76447293 7M47:303.

( C309140140 Natitcanon of 930929 eneebn0 w/uti' to ^=nat propcmed approach for 9309090187 NRC Dito Notce 93 065, " Reactor Tnps Caused by Breaker Tesang W/ l Ros Type Repens on pressunrad heeler pencestons for plant MCDONA D.D.G. Proesci Drecsorate b1. 93/09/02. CAPRAAA Propect Drectorate b FaJt Protecten Bymew" l I t 4pp. 76422149L76422152. GRIMES.BK Dnnsson of Operatng Reactor A =wt (Post 921004). 93/08/13. Con-solidated Edmon Co. of New York, anct 11pp. 7M47:3D4-76447314. i 9309090241 LAR ter hcense DPR.53 revemg heatap & cooedown cunes & LTOP con-ones for urut 1. 9309100006NRC Into Notee 93 066 "Switencrver to Hot. Leg inpocton Fotownig LDCA DENTON.R E. Bathmore Gas & Elecinc Co. 93/09/03. Docwnent Control Brane$ m PWRt" (Document Control Desk). 9pp. 76401.262 76401.30t GRIMES.B tC. Dmson of Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/iti Con-sohdated Fit =nri Co. of New York. 7pp. 76447;315-76447.32t

   - 9309090254 Proposed tech specs fevemg heatup & cooldown curves & LTOP con-tes for una t                                                                       9306100249 NRC Into Notcs 93067. "Burseng of High Presswo Coolant Inpocton
  • Barnmore Gas & Electnc Co 93/09/03. Stop. 76401.271-76401:30t Steam I.Jne Rupture Discs insures Plant Pe sonnoL"  ;

GRIMES.B el Omsson of Operatng Reactor Sisiport (Pos! 921004). 93/08/16. Con- i l 9309160D10 Forwards rev to LAR es onsne power dstnDuton DetritaulmOperat- aohdated Edman Co. of New York, anc 13pp. 76447322 76447335.

                                       '                                     "    'h    9309030059 Forwards etsp repts 50 317/9344 & 60 318/9524 on 93071923 & 28-Desk)     7647         7 t

30.No violatons noted 9309290045LAR to bconses DPR-53 & DPR49;mplementos ficomp andsbon of GL DURR LP. 1 (Post $20201). 93/06/26.DENTON.RI. Battrmore Gas & Ease-l inc Ca 2ptA 7 54 6342342. j ! 8816 & remcung cul<t.ned renerences a power operanort 1 DENTONAE. Bal:rnare Gas & Esectne Co. 93/09/17. Docwner Coreal Branch -9309030D$9 Inso repts50 317/9524 & 50 318/93-24 on 93071925 & 28-P No ino-(Documers Coreel Desk). 27pp. 76602-001-76602:241 latons note 1Maor areas erspectecanutaber & p@e support exam & surveilinice pro-

   ~9309290064 Proposed noch specs argeomantmg ; -_- _ ;.non of GL 9816 & re.                    m for is & iST roourements & snctura' concrete pacement frovmg cul dated roterences to power operascro                                                   RY,S.K GRAYK.R Repon 1 (Post 820201). 93/06/24. 60p. 76342337
  • Batumore Gas & Ensetnc Ca 93/09/17. 300pp 76602-02tb7660224t 76342342, 9309240216 Forwards amenos 182 & 159 to hoenses DPR-53 & DPR49 & safety 9309150172 Ack recect of 930611ter mtormmy NRC of steps taken to correct inotagons avah=wm. Amends pronos changes & clanfcatons when esperate reourements for noted m msp repts60317/9343 & $0 31E/9S03.Acton acomptable re tustifica1on for torated water scs.rces & tow patns needed m Mode 1 above 90% of rated thermal ehmriston of mobele ints from emergency response peere power. JOYNER.J.R Repon 1 (Post B20201k 93/0B/26. DENTON.RI. Baltanore Gas &

uCD0% D.D.G. Prtwoct Drectorate bt 93/09/20. DENTON.R.E. Balamore Gas & Electne Co 3pp. 7645t195-76451201. Electne Ca app. 76556.214-76556243. 930enann r Forwards eso septs 60317/9323 & 5031&/93-23 on 93070649)ao

    - 9309240218Amenos182 & 159to hoonses DPR.53 & DPR49.respectmity, prendinP                common root cause tor events that ecowred dunng930608 4 0701 & util renews &

chenpas & clanbconcrs whch separate foourements far torated water sources a proposed correceve ectons appropnete. h pah nosood si Mode 1 above 80% W rated W power. BETTENHAUSEN.L Regen 1 (Post $20201193/06/3t DENTON,RE. Batumore Gas CAs%A.R.A. Propect Drectoren kl.93/09/20. 22pp. 76566210 76556;239. & Enocene Co. 3pp. 76346:144 76346:16L

    -8309240220 Safety evalusion supportng ameries 182 4 159to hcenses DPR.53 &

Dpn49,respecevesy. -93090a0026 Insp repts 50 317/93 23 & 50 31B/93-23 on 330706 30.No velatons

  • Office c8 Nucsear Reactor Regulatorn, Dractor (Post 870411). 93/09/20. App. noted.Masar areas snapacted'pertorial rnormsws & orncene observekonE 76556240.76556243. BRIGGS.L.E. MEYER,Gw. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 93/08/30.13pp. 76346-147-76346:16L 930524D199 NobfceDon of 931019 membn0 w/utt m Gatthersburg.MD to jarlorm casgn auct! of new emergency themel generator knog. mcsuding e-red $3 wings & calcula- 9308290199NRC Info Noboe 93 063, "Radegraphy Everits at Operstmg Power Reno.

teorm used m demon of anchor tests & supports for beams & columns. tors " hCDONALD.D G. Prosect Drectorate I t 93'09/21. CAPRA,RA Protect Drectoram 8 GRIMES.BK Dumon of Opera 1mg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/02. Con-

1. !@p. 76625210 76525.314. sohdated Edson Co. of New York, arc 11pp. 76499242-76499;352.


l i l l l t DOCKETEDITEMS 89 9309090058 Responds to -.Mw exam msp repts50 317/9114 & SS318/93 9309020237 P@c verson o# rensed ERPIPs.mclueng ERPIP405.rev 0. change 14 Correctue actors:trs1na$on 159 rev: sed to ca1r expectanons re use & approval 8.ERPIP 106 rev C. change 11RPlP 208.erv C. change 2. rev 0. change 2 ERPip.315.rev of ovrtime c.enance 2fRPIP-316.rev C. change 1 & ERPjP.503.rev 1. change 3 W/930818 re. ( DINTON R E Bartimore Gas & Eectne Co. 93/09/03 Document Control Wanch sease enemo i Dccument Con.'ol Dest). 4w 76410.341-76410.344.

  • Sarumore Gas & Dectre Co.03/07/28. 47pc. 76319299-76319347.

9309090118Respores to NRC930602 ft te ureesolved items reted m Operator Exam 9309160069 Remsed EP!Ps.ncueng rev 0 to ERPIP-311. "Emrgency Response Plan Repts 50-317/9311(OL) & 50.34/9S11(OLL Lesson paars for RCS estrumentaton impsementaton Procedure" & Rev 2. ERPIP.900. "Prepa anon of Emrgency Re. (CR Operator Traming Pr ) & ECP-2 revnett sponse Plan & :... - ._.. Procedures DENTON.R E Battimore - 4 Decue Co 93/09/03. Documean Contro: B anch WENDELL.R. Bammore Gas & Dectnc Co.93/08/25. pop. 76454.34176454.357. (Document Control Des 4. 7pp. 7641&.355 76410.361. 9309150172 Ack receipt of 930611Itr edarmmg NRC of steps taken to correct velatons 9309210241 Ack recect of 930B+8 t:r encrmmg NRC of steps taken to correct voiabons toted m rap rep:s 50 317/93 03 & 54318/93 03.Acton acceptabie te psatcanon for entec m mso reots 50 317/SS18 & %318/BS18. etrunaten of mob 4e labs frorn emergency response man BETTENHAUSEN.L Regon 1 (Post E20201). 93/09/07 DENTON.R1 Balumore Gas JOYNER.J.H Regen 1 (Post 820201). 93/08/26. DENTON.R.E. Baftimore Gas &

      & Doctre Co 2pp. 76612.339 76512-343.                                                     Eectnc Co. 3pp. 76451;195-76451201.

9309070206 NRC wo Ictee 91070. " Dog adanon of Barates Neutron Absorber Cou- 9309080008Reveed EPIPtericludr9g Change 1.Rev 0 to ERPIP-005 ErtPIP-201.ERPip. I P'O " 301.ERPIP-401.ERPiP-700ERPIP-720. Change O. rev 2 to ERPIP.750 & Change 20 to i GRIMES.B K. Dween of Operanng Reactor Sumort (Post 921304). 93/09/10. Con- Rev 4 to ERP:P-A.2 I sohanted E$ son Co. of Nee York me. Spp.76499.353-76499.361.

  • Galtprnore Gas & Doctne Co. 93/09/01.107pp. 7639P:027-76399-132.

C3090a0104 NRC Into Nonce 93471. " Fee at Chemopyl Unit 2

  • 9309090118 Respords te NRC 930602la te unresolved nems reted m Operator Exam i GRIMES.B K. Dwoon of Operatrig Reactor Sumort (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Con. Repts SD 317/9311(OL) & 50316/9S11(OLL Lesson plans foi RCS eistrumernaton j sokdated Eason Co of New York. ec 14pp. 7650&O01-76500213

' (CR Operator Trainsng . ) & EOP-2 rewmed. ! DEMTON.R E. Batemare s & Eisetre Co. 93/09/03. Document Control Branch 9309C90243 NRC Into Nobce 93472. "Observatons From Recent SAitdonm R<sk & (Documem Contro Desa4 7pp 7641&.355-76410.361. l Outaos ugt Psot Team insps i GWIMES.B #L Dimaan of Ope atng Reacts Support (Post 921004). 93/09/14. b 9309150166 Roguests bnefrig in Recon I ole n two weeks se emergency l soldated Eeson Co of hem vont ine 8pp. 76500 014-76500 022-organanton.taci6bes & procedwes ti preparamon for emergency preparedness exer-l 9309200105 Forwards eitenm response to t'aree actons reauested by SER on EOG Rept CEN.387 P.Rev 1. "Pressuruer Surge Lee Thermal Straticatun Evaluanon," m $ $ g#pa"si h1). 93/09/03. DENTON.RE Barbmore Gas & Dec-tz Co. App. 7W&M7m&353. cccordance w/NRC Bubenn 81L11. DENTON.RL Batumore Gas & Electne Co 93/09/14 Documorit Coreal Branch (Caument Control Desy. epp.76502:336 76502339. G, Adjudicatory - 9309290041Forwaras map repts 50 317/9S27 & 50 318/9S27 on 930907-10 No moie-tons noted. 9309270063 Informs that Sme prowded tw NRC regulaten withere whcts Cw . . . , JOYNER.J.H. Reoen 1 (Post 820201) 93/09/22. DENTON.R.E. Barnmore Gas & mey act to renew drector decisen s1 docket has expred? W/Ce*Dicate of l Elecine Co. 3pp. 7655233S76552.340. SvtServed on 93092D. t CHILK.S.J Oftce ce the Secretary of the Commaston ar39314318. 93/09/20. I

   -C3092900s4 Irep repts %317/93-27 & SS318/93-27 on 93090710.No volatens                     OCHS.R. Maryiand Safe Energy Coaktort 2pp. 76544:156-76544:157 l      noted.Mamr er .as enspected:mgt orgsruzatort assurance ut cuakty.radiaton controf i

dunng normal operatons.ALARA & .% _ _ ub of programt FURiA.J., PASC1AK.W. Regen 1 (Post $20207). 93/09/14. 5pp. 76552.336- P. Operatin9 hosrase stage : ._ & correspondence 76552.340. 8 E ards 3 to CENPD 279.

  • Annual Rept on CE ECCS Cooes &

9309300213 Forwards map repts 50.317/9S21 & 318/9S21 on 933626470;L Non- gfg CU R Regan (Post 820201). 93/09r23. DEN 70N.RL Balbmare Gas & Eoc. CREELGA Barnmore Gas & Doctne Co.92/05/13. Document Coreal Brarr loc-trtc Co. 3pp. 76608.338 76608351. ument Deskt 1p. 765962M6596296.

  -9309300218Inso repts50 317/9S21 & 50 318/9121 on 930628 0702.Nor>casd me-               ~'.309290342 ' Annual Rept on C4 ECCS Coses & Methods For 1N.46."

tatmis noted.Maar areas --; --J _ ._ of hcensees correctwo actons on preve C E Operanng Plants Owners Group.92/04/318pp. 76596.28W96296. T LAND .H. (P 82020 /22.11pp. 76608.341- 9306230099 Suppl 5 to Genanc Ltr 8910 to nuctuar plant bcensees & CP holders re 76608351* mccuracy of motormed valve noshe oppmert PARTLOW.J.G. Assocutte Duector for . (Post 87D411). 93/06/28. Consohdat-ed Edman Co. of New Yort6. Inc 7pp. 76409:001-7640&OO8 E 9309010201 Adeses that scheckAe for completon date for IPEEE tar severe acodont vulneratzknas accootaDie.per GL 88 20. suppi 4 9309210165Monthsv operanno repts for Aug 1993 tar CCNPP.unfts 1 & 2. W/930914 ttr. PLAZZA.F CRUSE.C.H. Barnmore Gas a Doctre Cct 93/06/31. Tipp. 76512'049 MCDONALD.D.G. Proiset Drociarate F1. 93/08/12. DENTON.RL Bathmore Gas & 72512 059. Electnc Co. 3pp 76286-322-76286:324. 9309020346 Forwards amend 158 to boonse DPR49 & SE. Amend revises TSs 3/4.2. E Operator Emanninanons " Power Danibuten Larsts" & 3/42. "instrumentauon" to retar reaurements for numoer & dstntiuten of operstne e> core asiectors 8309090118 Responds to NRO 930t"9 Str to presolved asms noted in Operator Exam MCDONALD.D.G. Proect Drectorate b1. 93/rs/23. DENTON.RE Bathmore Gas & Eectnc Co. 3pp. 76306:264 76306230. Repts 50-317/9311(OiJ & 54318nrS11(OL). Lesson plans gar RCS ..~ _ . .a . (CR Operator Tromm9 ) & EOp-2 revneo.

                                                                                           -s3D9020351 Amend 158 to heense DPR 68;ensrig TS 3/4.2 " Power Detribubon DENTON.RL Bartmore               & Doctne Co. 93/09/03. Document Control Brarch          units" & 3/4.3.";r w.- 6." to rosas reaurements for number & distnbubon of (Cnument Coreal Desk) 7pp. 76410.355 76410.361.

operable ev. core omectors for remasnoer ce Operetng Cycle 10. CAPRA.RA Propoet Drectorsie F1. 93/08/23 38pp. 76306:287-76306;324. , V. Dry Cask - 12 Spent Fuel Storage gnstaltebens -93D9020353 Salety evalumban supportng amend 158 to 6 cense DPR49.

  • Offee of Nucasar Reactor Regulanon. Drector (Post 870411). 93/08/23. $pp.

3309010004 Forwarcs esto re msps at DPC.DPC contractor & autxxwetractor concernmg 76306:325 76336230. OA acevmes wir to NUNDMS.24P dry spent tual sturage cansterLCopy of hisp Rept 721004/ 7 also onci tsr anto 9309010124 Forwards -'6. .-;-.. & Uoritrol Sys Dessgn Rept" for Emergericy STURZ.F.C. Divison of tr& sine' & Medcal Nuclear Satety (Post 873?29). 93/08/27. Denel Generator Protect to a33 satety & noressiety sotated generatort CREEL.GL Bartenore Gas & Doctnc Co. 2pp. 76313277 76313315. DENTON.RL Baltrnore Gas & Dectic Co 93/08/25. Documera Control Branch j (Document Cormal Des 613pp. 76313 316-76313259. j 9309200075 Forwards documents on proposed rules.10CFR2 & 72 re pnerrn storage of 1 spore fuel es mospemosmi apent tuel storage ristalatum & enHpecthe hoense to quatr 9309010128 *1nstrumentaten & Control Sys Design RepL" tor Emergency Dessi Gen-  ! iiso apohcant erstor Praiset RF. AMER.C W. Otfoe of the General Coursel (Post 8607D1193/09/14. Document

  • Bathmore Gas & Doctnc Co.93/08/25. 41pp. 76313219-76313259.

Coreal Branch (Document Consol Desk).1p. 76487250 76488100.

  -93092000tt2 Stan regurements memo re SECY-92 366. " Proposed License. Unoer              9309010214 Apphcaten for amends to beernes DPR.53 & DPR49, hocrporahng manges by remcmng corvisonent bats trom TS per GL 9148 10CFR72.For Dry Concrete Module Storage Of Spent Fuel At BGLE Catvert Carffs Nu-ciaar Power Piani Sae."                                                                   DENTON.R.E. Bammare Gas & Doctnc Co. 93/08/27. Document Cormal Bronch (Document Corgul Deskt app.76324.282-76324 215.

HOYLE.JA Othee et the Secretary of tre Comrrussert 92/11/23.TAYLDR.JM Orc of the Executwe Director for Dporatons. PARLER.W.C Offus ce sne Generar Courser (Pc's $60701k 1p. 76487251-76487.251.

                                                                                           .g309010220 Proposed toch specs encorporatng changes to remove component bsts Dom TS per GL tietL                                                                                 ,
  • Bartrnare Gas & Doctnc Co.93/06/27. 30pp. 76324286 76324215 4 DOCKET 50-318 CALVERT CUFFS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 2 9309:40140 Notrhcston of 930929 meeting w/util to daruma proposed approacti for Roe Type Repers on pressurnac heater penetratons for piart F. Securg med6 cal. emergency & tire protecton plans MCDONALD.D.G. Propect Drectorate kl. 93/09/02. CAPRA.RA Propect Drectorate k j
1. App. 7t.422:149-76422:152. J 9309020355 Pubhc verson of rewned ERPIPs.mcludnD change 6 to ter 9 to ERPIP. 9309160010Forwsrds rev to LAR re onene power Ekst2ubon Dutribubor4perat 201. change 8 to rev 0 to ERPIP 301. change 8 to rev 0 to ERPIP.401. change 10 to rev ang 0 to ERPnP-700 & rev 51 to ERP1P-11.W/930834 release memo. DENTON,RE Balbmare Gas & Doctnc Co. 93/09/06. Document Coreal Branen '
  • Balhmore Gas & Electnc Co. 93/07/12. 46pp. 76320:306-76320:354. (Document Control Desk). App.76472:329-76472:332. j 1

l l l l l

90 DOCKETED ITEMS 9309290045 LAR to heenses DPR.53 & DPR49.smplementmg recommerusaten of GL -93C*A30059 insp repts54317/9124 & $1318/9L24 on 930719 23 & 20-30. No ve. 8M6 & removmg out cated reie'ences e power operators lators noted.Maor areas espected snubte & pipe support exam & saveshance prcr DENTOf(R E. Sattmore Gas & Electne Co 93/09/17. Document Cont o! B'ancr. gam for IS' & 157 reopements & structura' concrete pacement (Docenent Controi Des 6.) 27pn 76602.-00176602.241, vHAUDHARY.S K.. GR4 Y1.H. Regon 1 (Post E20201). 93/08/24 6pp. 76342.337-76342.342 43D9290064 proposed toch specs .m. .% recommendamon of GL 68-16 & re. newng peoawd rete'ences to power operator' Bathmore Gas & Emetne Co.93/09/17. 330pp 76602 028-76602241 93D9150172Ack recespt of 930611 ft' mtormmg NRC of steps taken to correct violaboris noted m risp repts50 317/93 03 4 50-318/93-03 Aeton a::ceptatue re sustitcanon for ehrrunaten of motme tabs from emproency response plan. 9309240216 Fo' wards amenos 182 & 159 to kcenses DPR.53 & der 49 & saiety JOYNER.J.H Recon 1 (Post 820201). 93/08/26 DENTON.R.E. Balberorv Gas & eva#uaton A'tiends provce changes & clanfratons wruch separate recurrements for E6ectne Co 3pp. 76451.195N51201 boraled water sources & flow paths neeoed m Mooe 1 above 80% of rated thermat power MCDONALD.D G. Proiect Dreetorate k1. 93/09/20. DENTON.R E. Baltimore Gas & N09080023 %ards map reps M17/n23 & W186 on 933MM  ! Electne Co. 3pp. 76556214.76556243' cornnon rocn cause w mnts Sw occuneo aunng M6 & W & Wil ms & pmposed correctve actors appronnate

  -9309240218Amenos182 & 159                                                                                                                                                 '

h# - [634 changes & clarticabons e*uch separate requrements for torated water sourcesto heanses DPR-53 & DPR49.respeenwesy.

                                                                                                         -      7                        prowdi) fow pates needed m Mooe 1 ateve 80% of rated thermal power.

CAPRA.R A. Propect Drectorate51. 93/09/20. 22pp. 76556.218-7655C239. -9309000026 insp repts 50-317/9123 & 54318/9123 on 33070630.No volatons note.d Mapor areas inspected.personai mierviews & orkscene observabons

  -9=9240220 Satety evaluator'supporang amenos 182 & 159 to learnes DPR43 &                 BRsGGSLE., MEYER.G W. hegon 1 (Post 8202011 93/08/33.13pp. 76346:147 DPR 69.respecoves,                                                                     76346 161.
  • Othce of NrJear Reactor Regulators, Drector (post 870411). 93/09/20. 4pp 76556240L76556243 9308260198 NRC into Notce 93469. "Radography Events at Operatmg Power Reac-tors "

9309240199f c:rfcaton of 931019meetng m'gul m Gartnersburg.MD to pertorrri newan GRIMES.BX Desen of Operstmg Reactor Support (Pos! 921304). 93/09/02. Core aude of new emergency mese, generator twog. mceuchng seected drawngs & calcula- sohdated Esson Co. of New YorA enc.11pp. W99.342-N99 352. nors used m design of anchor bolts & supports for beams & coeumru. MCDONALD.D.G. Prcect Drectorate81. 93/09/21.CAPRA.R.A. Protect Drectorate k $309090058 Responds to noncestruceve exam mso repts 50-317/9S14 & $4318/9% 1 5pp 76525 31476525.314. 14.Correctve marmiucson 169 row to cianly expectanons te une & approval 9309280291 Fcrwaras SSER a::cepang ncensee 930'r07 response to s:ston tnackout

                                                                                          #NME. Bathmore Gas & Eascine Co.

D 93/09/03. Document Connot Branch D. Desu app W e b N m Promet Drectorate 8-1. 93/09/22 UENTON.R.E. Balbmare Gas & Eectnc Co. 3pp. 76568266-76568.272. 93090D0118 Responr1s to NRC 930602 tir to urresolved mems notad m Operator Exam

  -9309290293 SSER accepbng 6censee 930707 rr Jponse to staten tsackout,          Repts $4317/93-11(OL) & 54318/9311(OL). Lesson piarm for RCS mstrumernaton 10CFR$cE3                                                                             (CR Operator Trammg          - m) & EOP-2 rewmed
  • OMee o Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Dre (or (Post 870411). 93/D9/22. 4pp. DENTON.R E. Barbmare & E,ectnc Co. 93/09/03. Document Control Branch 76568 2 64 76568 272, (Documera ContrW DesA) 7pp. W10.355-76410.361 9309210241 Ack receipt of 930818 Itr mtormmg NRC of steps taken ID correct violagons Q enBpection reports. IE Bubetms & corretpondence noted m map vepts50417/9118 & $0 318/9S18 BETTENHAJSENL Ragon 1 (Post 820201) 93/09/07.DENTON.R.E, Battricre Gas 9307160033 NRC Into Nobce 93456. " Weakness m EOPs Found as Result or SG Tube & E6ectna Co 2pp. 76512.339576512343.

Rupture ~ GRIMES.B K Deson of Operatng Reactar Support (Post 921004). 93/07/22. Cork 9309070206NRC Irito Notce 93470. "Dogradaton of Boraflex Neutron Absortier Cou-sch0 Bled E& son Co C8 New York, enc.11pp. N99-302 N99.312. porgt" GRIMES.B et Dusen of Operatng Reactor Sisoort (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Cork 9307190131NRC Into Notce 93458. "Nonconservansm m LTOP lor PWRs." sohdated Eeson Ca of New Yort, enc. 9pp N99.353J6499.361. GRIMES.BA Dnmuon W Operstng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Cork sohdated Edson Co. of New Yorn. anc. 9pp. N47;264-N47272. 930o000104NRC Into Nobce 93471. "Fre at Chemotsyl Urut 2 " 9307230123NRC trWo Notco DS059 " Unexpected Openrng of Both Doors m Artocit" GRIMES.B BL Dmmen of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Core sohdated Edson Co. of New York. anc.14pp. 76500001-76500t13. GRIMES.E K Dnroson of Operanng Reac1or Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Cork sohdated Esson Co. of New Yortt mct 10pp N47:275 76447282.

                                                                                       ,                                                                               gg 8

5 Suppl 1 to NRC Buletm 91001. "Reportmg Loss of Cnacahty Safety Cork BURNETT.R F. Chvisen of Fuei Cycse Sately & Sateguards (Post 930207). 93/07/27.

                                                                                                                  *f            R mahdated E& son Co of New Yont Inc. 8pp. 765M4 7650H22.

(Post SNM 93/09/M h l l Conschdated E& son Co. of New York, inct 23pp, 7640990F76409031. 9309170138 Forwards "tSI Rept for Calvert Cbtts Urut 2." "Repar & Replacement Rept i l 9307290112 NRC hito Notte 93060. "Repo1ng Fuel Cycie & Matts Events to NRC for Qavert Ch is Urut 2" & vois i Frough V W *Inservce Exam of Seweted Class Operatons Ctr " 1.Qass 2 & Class 3 Components at Calvert Cktts. Urtrl 2" fnai rept for 1993. BURNETT.R.F Dueon of Fuel Cycee Safety & Sateguards (Post 930207) 93/08/04. CRUSE.C.H. Bartmore Gas & Esc 1nc Co. 93/09/14.Documera Corarol Branch (Doc. Conachdated Eeuon Co. of New York, eu; 10pp. N472BS76447292. urnera Contro Desk). 2pp. N91$01-76499146. 9305030200 NRC trWo Notics 93 061, "r--  : Reactor Cocsant Leekage Fonowmg

Seal Fasttre m RCP or RRP." 930g170140 "tSt Rept for CaNort Chtts Unn 2." rusueng summary of repar & replace-l GRIMES.B *L Dmsson o' Operstm0 Reactor Succort (Doet 921004) 93/08/09 Cork mort SN sohdated E& son Co. of New York. Inc.12pp, N99
313 76499:324.
  • Barbmcre Gas & Esect ic Co.93/09/09 200pp. NB100S*91:217.
                                                                                       -9309170145 Vols 1 V of 1993 fmal rept. "Insonace Exam of Selected Class 1.Cians 2 &     I 930,80,3,0,245NRC y,     p           Into Notce 93462, " Thermal Stratricanon of Water m BWR Reactor    Class 3 Ccwonents at Calvert Cir'th Nucmar Power PlanLUnst 2                          '

l GRIMES.B et Dumon of Operanng Reactor SuppcF1 (Post 921004). 93/08/10. Cork TEEMS.M.F., ROSOW.D.F. Southwest Research insplute. 93/09/33. 3.000pp. sohdated Eeson Co of New Yor L enca 9pp. N99t325-76499.333. NM18-WW46. 930803D274 NRC Into Nohoe 93 063. *knproper Use of Solutne Wekt Pirpe Dam Matr 9309200205 Forwares rnenm response to Free acions roouested by SER on CEOG GRIMES.B #L Dmmon of Opersang Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/11. Cor> Rept CEf&387-P.Rev 1. "Pressureer Surge Lme Thermal Stratitcanon Evauston," m sohdated Edison Co. of New York. anc. 8pp. N99.334-N99.341. eccorcarts w/NRC Bubebn 8611 DENTON.R.E. Baromore Gas & Esecte Co 93/09/14. Document Control Branch 9300060237NRC into Notce 93064,"Penode Testne & Preventive Mamt of Motood (Document Control Desk). 4pp. 76502.336 76502:339. Case Creun Breakerv l GRIMES.B 8L Dusen of Operstmg Reactor Sepon (Post 921004). 93/08/12. Cork 9309290041Forwares snap repts50 317/93 27 & $0318/9S27 on 93390710.No vois-I solcated Eeson Co of New York, Inc.11pp. N47 iil3-76447:303. tons noted. JOYNERJH Reocn 1 (Post $20201). 93/09/22. DENTON.RE. Batanore Gas & 9300D90187 NRC teWo Notice 93465 " Reactor Trips A*"wl by Breaker Testmg W/ Electnc Co. 3pp. 76552.33S76552:340. Fault Protecton Bypassed

  • GRIMES.B K Dumon of Operstmg Reactor Sumort (Post 921004). 93/08/13. Core sohdated E& son Co of New York, Inc.11pp. N47:304-76447.314. -9309290044 ansp repts 53317/9S27 & 50 318'9327 on 93390710.No volatons
                                                                                          #mma          areas                  orgam - of Whton m 9308        , NRC Irdo Nonce 93 066. *Switchover to Hot-Leg insecten Fohowng LOCA       lyT4,],,hsLW.              Repon 1 (Post          'O$L      09 14 5pp. 76552.335-GRIME 55B DL Desen of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Cork          N52M achantee Edman Co. of New York, inc. 7pp. 76447:315 N47.321.

9309300213 Forwards insp repts S0 317/9S21 & 318/9S21 on 9306284702. Nor> 9308100249 NRC Into Notes 93467. "Burstmg of High Pressure Coolant insecten ened votaDorm noted. Stearn Ure Ret re Dscs insures Piant Personnet." DURR l.P. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/23 DEN 70N.RE. Ba?umore Gas & Enc-GRIMES.B K Dmsen at Opermang Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Corp inc Co. 3pp. 76608:338 76608:351 sohdated E& son Co. of New York, enc.13pp. 76447:322.N47.335.

                                                                                       ~9309300218Insp repts50317/93 21 & $0 318/9S21 on 9306284702.Norgned vm-9309030058 Forwardr. map repts 53.317/93 24 & 50-318/9124 on 93071D43 & 28-              latons noted Maeor areas inspected:recew of hconnees correctrve actons on prev >

30 No victatr ms reisd ousiv spentned emetreal dstnouton sys funcionai map fmongs-DURRJP. Regen 1 (Post 820201) 93/08/26. DEfff0N.R E. Bartrmore Gas & Elec- B*tATIA.R., RULAND.W.H. Regon 1 (Post 820201L 93/09/22.11pp. 76608.341-Inc Co. 2pp. 76342.335 76342.342. 76608.351.

t I o DOCKETEDITEMS 91 j R. Periodic operstmg reports & reteted ..- -9309220156 Parte >y warmeld Commssson paper recommencabons se Sus-cuenarna valley a! vs TMI si Cwd Action 79458 {* 9309210165 Montmy operstmg reps for Aug 1993 for CCNPP. units 1 & 2 W 7930914 tP EfLPERIN.S.F. Othee of the General Counsei (Post 950701) SECY-A-83 050. 80/04/ PnAZZA.F.. CRUSE.C.H. Ba!bmare Gas & Electnc Co. 93/08/31.11pp. 76512:049- 04. 45pp. 76576.23S76576.283, i 76512.059. '

                                                                                        -9309220296 Pa* tally withheld Cervimissen paper te TMi1 resta't hardware / design separaton of uruts 1 & 2 & emergency plannep asues V. Operators-        _ _

2ERBEJ E. Offee of Pokey Evauntums (Pre 860930). SECY43-281. 83/07/13. 3pp. . 76579:117-76579.119. j 9309090118 Respanos to NRC930002 ter re unresolved nems ented n Operator Exam Repts 50 317/93-11tOL) & 50318/93-11(OLL Lesson ptans for RCS mstrumernabon ~930924001$Partany wfthheld Commesson paper te UCS rnomon tar leave to partick i (CR Operator TrarunDProoram) & EOP-2 rensed pate m 831205 Commason moetog  ; DENTON.R.E. Batamore has & Eeectre Co. 33/09/03. Document Control Branen PLAINE.H M. Offee of the General Counsel (Post 860701). SECY43 489. 83/12/01. 1 (Document Control Des 4 7pp. 76410-355 7W13.361. 43pp. 76580-0!3 76500 097 e 9309010143 Sairrsts mto re implementanon of trammg Rule 10CFR50.120 tar hcensees  ; i

7. Dry Cask ' .LJ Spent Fuel Storage Installetsons n . ocess l abon Not Assgnett1100. 76285.338-76285:348 ,

9309010004 Forwa os mfo se msps at DPC.DPC contractor & subcontractor m "9' 9306230099 Suppl $ to Genenc LF 8910 to nucesar piarit beensees & CP holders re 004 STUR7.F C. Deveson of Indusmal & Medcal Nucsea* Safety (Dost870729). 93/05/27. snamaracy of motor-operated vehe couement CREELG.C. Bartmore Gas & Doctne Ca 2pp. 76313277-76313$15. PARTLOwJG. Associate Director for (Post 870411L 93/06/28.Cor ohdat-ed f taan Co. of New York, trc. 7pp. 7640ir:001-76409.008. 9309200075 Forwards documents on proposed ruies.10CFR2 & 72 to eteryn storage of I spent twee m moepenoent spent fuel storage mstamaton & sne hcarus to guah. 9309010052 Reouests Commmeca approval to assue TMI Unit 2 possesson orey 6 l fino apphcant cerise amenet .?j REAMER.CW. Offra of the General Counsel (Post 860701). 93/09/14. Document TAYLOR LM. Orc of the Executrue Drector for OperatonL SECY-93-238. 93/08/24 , Control Branch (Document Control Desk).1p. 76487250-76488:100. 22pp. 76564209-76564230.

 -930e200082 Staff retsaroments memo re SECY-92,366,  Proposed Latanse. Unoer        9309240287Notanon voie approvmg.SEC%93 238. "Three Mee tstand Nuclear Statort 10CFR72.For Dry Concrete Module Storage Of Spent Suot At BG&E Carvert Cirfts Nu.      Urut 2 7            Only Leonee AmentL" clear Power Piant Sne."
  • Commmasoners (Post 750119L 93/08/26 CHILK.SJ Offee of the Secretary of the MOYLEJC. Other of tne Secreta y of the Commessort 62/11/23. TAYLOR.J.M. Orc Commesers 1st 7655629476556.290. +

of tne ExecuDve Drector for Operatens.1p. 76487251-76487.251. 9309240293 Notaton vote approves.SECY-93 238,"Three Mde island Nuclear Staton I urst 2 7 Only Lauriae Amend" ' DOCKET 50 320 THREE MILE sti M NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 2 DE PLANOUE C_. _1 a fPost 750119t 93/08/30.CHlist.S.J. Office of the Sec ' retary of the Commenert 1p. 7 arm >94J6556.294. i F. Securtty, medual, emergoney & fee protectmen piens 9309240390 Notaton vote m.SECY-93 238,Ttwee Wee M Nucteer Staton una2r a. Orey teense Amena-9309220126 Parbal response to FOsA reouesLApp O occuments available in PDR. App P ROGERS.K.C. C-_ -. (Post 750119). 93/06/31.CHILK.SJ OHice of the Sec-cownents parDany witnheed Pef FOLA Exemptons 5 & 6). retary of the Commessort 1p. 76556:291J6556291. GRIMSLE'Y.D.H. Drvisson of Freedorn at Informaton & P+89aans Servees (Post 890205n 93/04/20. GILINSKY.V. A fileton Not Asmgnea. 11pp. 76576-123- 9303240292Notabcin vote appemeng w/commern.SECY 93 238,"Ttwee Mde taasnd Nu-76577296. clear Staton Uret 2 7 . Orsy Lacense Amend" REMICK C_ --- . (Post 750119t 93/09/01. 011LK.SJ Office of sne Secretary

 -9300220296 Partany withheld Commason paper se TMb1 restart hardware /desgn              of the Commeszyt 2pp. 76556292-76556293                                                          ,

separaten el unns 1 & 2 & emergency pas maust  ; R .E. Pokey Evaluanons (Pro ). SECY42 281. 83/07/13. 3pp-


930e240282 Staff w marrio re apprmral of m of una 2 ; = ordy j hoense ameno.  :

                                                                                                                                                   ,M           A       M'     #

9309010006 Rev 2 to EPIP-TMI-28. "Actnraton of Tec$wecal Seport Ctr." BEAi/ELI. General Pubhc Uthmes Corp. . GPU Senace Corp. 93/08/25. 1000 [ '"' 9300140302 Notfes of 930923 achnsory penet mesang m Hamoturg.PA [ 93090e0477 Accepts changes to TMI Modified Amended Physcal Security Pten,Rev 64ASNIKM.T. Non. Power Reactor & Decommemomng Prolact Directorate. 93/09/03.  ;

39. Changes conostent w/10CFR50.54(p). WEISS.S.H. NomPower Reactor & Decommenenng Propect Drectonne. 9pp.  !

JOYNER ix Repon 1 (Post 820201). 93/06/26. LONG,RL General Pubhc Utikties 76433.291J6433289. Corp. - GPU Servce Corp. 4pp. 7641&.337-76410:340. 9300100199 Forwards acks mio se potereal seenbcoiNy at TMl Unit 2. ei response to

  • 9300140120 Forwates rept prepared tsy State of PA Emerponey Mgt Agarry on oftsrie emel cocument enteed. "Can The Go Ortcal Agost* by M Kaku of Csty Umversity of ,

resporme to 930207 sne emergency mcudent at facuisty.1or rito. NY.Aasertons m occument should not pneclude moulmoe of POL to TMi Unn 2. . CONGELFJ Divison of Ad=wn Setety & Sateguartis (Post 921004). 93/09/01 TAYLORJM. Ole of the F==ria=e Drector for Operamons. 93/09/07. THE CHAIR- { WINGO.C.S. Feoeral Emergency Management Agency.1p. 76422:380 76422:360 MAN. SELIN.L. ROGERS C__ a (Post 750119). 26pp. 76564:300 76564225. l 9300140127 Exprotees apprecaton for recept of Stee of PA Emergency Mgt Agency 93e0210273 rorwards Rev 6 el "Solaf Weste Stagmg Factity Sys Desenpeon." per l root re offsne response to see area amargency overn at piere en 930207 NRC 820204 fir. ' CONGELFJ Divuon of Radsten Setety & Setegnaros (Post 921004). 93/09/01. LONG.R.L General Pubhc Utsees Ccep. . GPU Servce Corp. 93/09/13. Document LAFLEUR 11 Pe inoylvana. C .. . - . of.1p. 76422259 764mn. Coritrol Branch (Docurnent Control Dona 0 10. 76516:001-76516:021.

                                                                                       -9300210276 Rev 6 of "Schd waste                  Faceny Sys Descrumort" H. General -
  • General Pubhc Utintes Corp. . GPU Ctyp. 93/09/02. 20pp. 76516002-76515:021, 9309070352 Advees NRC of changes recently made en plartt re enmrial hatory check /

enceronnt amharastone, 93es240302 Forwards methodology for ashmstng Q loachng of ThS.2 aunihary & fuel LONG.RL General Pubhc Utilmes Corp. . GPU Servus Corp. 03/06/25. Docasmern handhng teog r=*==== 4 cener areas.Rev 0 to Fahd=wm 4240 3233 934201 Rev to i Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 76394220J6394222. Pahd=*rm 4240 3233 response to PDMS SAR.Sisigs afhamawm 1. LONG.R.L General Putec Unless Corp. . GPU 5enace CorL 93/09/15. Document Control Branch (Docurnent Control DeanG. 5pp. 76545221-76545:314. P. Operating amenee stage - . & corroependence

                                                                                       -93ense0305 TH109/FH300 0 Estrnets."

930s200135 Parbal response to FOLA recsjest for documentLForwards records si App L BROSEY.B. LODDEA General Pithe Ubbhos Corp. . GPU Servme Corp. 4240 3233-wtuen s's wahneed pa'tany tar based reemons. pet FOiA _ _ 5). 93420 ROD. 93/06/27. 35pp. 76545.226 76545260. HARRIS CA of Freedom of informaton & Putscehons Sennces (Post 890205). 93/04/12.GtuNSKY.v. AfRhaton Not AsegnacL spp.70677:00179tico-066. -93es340211 *AX114 & AX115 O Laertng." BROSEY.B LODDEA General Piele Utibbes Corp. . GPU Sennoe Corp. 4240 3233-

 -.4106100002 ParteNy withheld a*frmaten SECY 1 hat seeks approvat of encl craft           93415 R01. 93/09/10. 54pp. 7654526176545.314.

memo & order canying General Pienc Utils 301208 tort clean for property camages at ICKWrT Orhoe 8*"'"' Counsel (Post 360701). SECY41315. 81/05/19. app. 7=7.=J-7.t,he 57. TONG.Rt Go, oral P o C ,,. . G.O Serv.e Co,p. 93,09,15.

 - 8201110155 PaneRy wtthheid rotanon vote SECY inat ensorms Communen about QLAB.654.Appea: Board Oscimon asehng w/ fuel cycle fa33n release clufesort ITZ E         A                 General Counsel (Pos1860701A SECY-B1-589. B1/     Q. Inspecten reports. E Simeone & sorrespemeense 9309220126 Partel resporise to FOLA recameLApo O docun.ents available in PDfLApp P    9300230136 Portal response to FCtA ruousetApp O documents avainebte in PDR. App P -

occumerns porteley withheld (ret FOlA E.zemptons 5 & 6). Oscuments pertally wunhold (re! FOLA Exemptoris 5 & 6). GRNSLEY.D.H. Dwmen of Freedom of intermaton & Pubhcseons Senaces (Post GRNSLEY.D.H. Dween of Freedom cd trearmohan & P'8hms Sennoes (Pcst 890205L 93/04/26. GIUNSKY.V. Affihaton Not Ausgned. 11pp. 76576 123- 890205L 93/04/26. GIUNSKY.V. Afidatan Not Aemgneg. 11pp. 76576'123-76580-168. 76577296.


 -9309240005 Parbally wanhec Commasson paper re FOiA Appeal 8? A11 tz 01 awes.             9309030029 Comment supportng proposed rule 10CFR2 re renew of 2.206 procest tgatKm rept anout allegabons et enpropne'y en fwng at TMI.                                MCCOYIK Georp.ia Power Co 93/08/27.CHILK.SA Orfce of the Secretary of the MTZGERALD.J.A Othee of the Genera! Counsei (Post 860701t SECY43 375 83/                   Comrmssert 8pp 76316C19 76318 026.

09N3 13.70. 76579188-76579200. 9309290191 Comments on proposed rule 10CFR20 re radelogmal cntena for Oscom. C307160033 NRC hto Notice 93456. " Weakness en EOPs Found as Resuri of SG Tube msseneng W NRO-heensed tarstrues.GEIS for ruiematng AJpture " . BECAMAh.J.T. Georos Power Co 93/09/20. CHILK.SJ Docketng & Servces GRIMES.B K. Dwesion of Operaung Reactor Support (post 9210N) 93707/22. Cork Brancft 2pp 76567:107-76567.108. soldated Esson Co- of New YorA mc.11pp. M99 302.m993i2. C307190131NRC info feonce 93458. "N~ ..ww. m LTOP for PWRs" P Operstm9 h sta9e " & corresponeence GRIMES.B K. Dwison of Operstmg Reactw Support (post 921004). 83/07/26. Con-soidmed Eeson Co. of New YotA inc. 9pp. N47264.M47.272, 9306230099 Supp! 5 to Gener:c Lar 8910 to nucisar piarit 6censees & CP hotows < 9307200123 maccuracy of motor. operated valve noste souipmarrt GRIMES.BNRC Imo Notree K. Dansen 9%$9. "Reacts of Operstmg Unexpected Operung Support of Both Doors (Post 921004). m Artock". 93/07/26 Con PARTLOW.J G. Associate Drector 1or (Post 870411). 93/06/28 Consolidat. soimated Edson Co. of teen YorA inc.1000.76447:273-76447282 ed Edison Co. of New YorA enc. 7pp. N09-001-*0E008. C307260065 Suppl 1 to NRC Bohetm 91-001 "Reportng Loss of Criticauty Sa$ety Con. 9309020291Forwa os amends 188 & 127to temises DPR 57 & NPF-5 4 SE. Amends URNETT.R F Drasen of FJet Cycle Satefv & Safeguaros (Post 930207), 93/07/27. $7ste em"e tri Consohaaied Eoson Ca of New York. Inc. 23pp. WOR 009J6409 C31- JABBOUR.K N Prosect Drectorate D-3. 93/08/17.BECKHAMJT. Georpa Power Co. i 4 app. 76321:137-76321:178. l 9307290112 ffRC Info Notee 93060. "Reportng Fuel Cycle & Matis Events to NRC Opersbons Cu " BURNETTAFI Dhnsen W Fuel Cecte Safety & Safe 0uards (Post 930207). 93/08/04- -9309020258 Amends 188 4 127 to beenses DPR-$7 & NPF.$ respectwely, onentrng Cortsoldated Edson Co. W New YorA Inc. topp.76447283 76447 292. man steam mosaien e cesureJeactw scram & contrW toom pmssunzanon func-bons al mam stnam Dne ra&aten mornfors. 9308030200 NRC Info feasice 93061. "Escesawe Reactor Cootant Leakage Followng MATTHEWS.D.S. Protect Drectorate D-3. 93/08/17. 34pp. 7632114176321:174. Seal Failure m ROP or RRP " GRIMO.B K Dwison of Opermang Reactor Support (Post 921004) 93/08/09. Cork -9309020292 Safety evaluaten supporang amends 188 & 127 to 6cenres DPR.57 & solde so Esson Co of New YotA anc.12pp. N99.313 76499.324. NPF-5.respecDwety

  • Offre s? Nucinar Reactor Reguiston. Drector (Post 870411k /3/08/17. app.

C30ft03 245 NRC Into Nubce 93462, " Thermal Straefcanon of Water m BWR Reactor 76321:175 76321 178. Wesat es." GRMIS.BK Dansen of Operstng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/10. Con. 9309150217 Discusses review of utR response to suppl 4 2 GL 88 20. "IPEEE." Ad-soldat to Eeson Ca of New YorA inc. 9pp. 76499.325-7649R333. wees that ubi scheduled completron Oate. acceptable. JABBOUR.K. Pro ect Drectorate lh3. 93/09/07. B5CKHAM.J.T. G orpa Power Co. C30a030174 NRC Info Nobce 93 063 " Improper Use of hee Wald Purge Dem Matl." 3pp. 76442293.N42295-i GRIME;,BK Dwison of Coeranng Reactor Support (post 921004). 93/08/11. Con-i soldated Eeson Ca of New YorA int; Sm. M99 334 W99.341. 9309150298 Mforms hat staff trids that current categonzation & testng nsaurements 9 p 93 H. Teseng & Preventwo Maint of Moced jgg"M$ "Propect octors 1393 0 B Car  ;[h power Co. GRIMES.BK Dween of Operstmg Reactor Support (post 921004). 93/06/12. Cor* app. 76442286J6442289 Oldated Eeson Ca of New York. Inc. tipp.76447293-

  • 47.303 9309210262 Stah reguFements memo re SECY-93 253
  • Rancho Seco Decommmeer>

hr . Oftme of the Secretary of the Commessen.93/09/16. BURNS.S.G. Offee el Commiseen Appokste Adiudcaten (Post 910701).19. 7F486317-76486.317. GRIMES.BK Dween of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06/13. Con, aminted Esson Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. 76447.304J6447:314. 93D9290396 Appicaton for amimos to Loormes DPR-57 & NPF-5.revemo TS.proposme 9308100006NRC Info teobce 93 006. "Switchtwer to Hos. Leg inpocton Fotowmo LOCA that freousncy of crermet tunchonal test for SDV Boat type level swncties be en-OPWRs" tended from quarterly to once per enghteen fnonths.GE Rept GENE 770 251091-1 GRIMES.B K. Dwmen of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004k 93/08/16. Con. enct soudated Eeson Ca et New York anc. 7pp. m47315-m47.321. BECKHAMJT. George Power Ca 93/09/20. Document Corttrol Branch (Document Control Desk). 7 0 0. 7659021646590258. 9308100248 NRC Info Notce 930E7. "Burstng of High Prsssure Coolant inpochon GR ES K Dwmen ng Rea Support (post 921004). 93/09f16. Cord aidated Esson Co of New York. Inc.13pp 76447:322-76447:335.

  • Georpa Pows' Co. 93/09/20. 9pp. 76590:223J6590231.

9304260198NRC Info Nobce 93469. "Raeog'aphy Events at Operstmg Power Reac- 4 1 & 2 m W W W Test Werval MES.BK Dwmen of Operstmg Reactor Support (Pest 921004). 93/09/01 Cork soldated Eeson Ca of New York. anc. lim W99 342 76499.352. Tdg g jM h GENE 7702M092-t $3/09/ M 27pp,7E90232 76590256. 9309070206NRC Info Nonce 93 070. "Degradaten of Borsfier Neutron Absorber Cou-SR MES.B K Dwmen of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Corv Q. inspecmon reports, IE Bu9eena & cormopondence soidated Edson Co. of New YorA inc. 9pp. N99353J6499.3GL 9309090104 NRC 6nto factet 93471. " Fee at Chemobyl Unit 2." ' GRIMES.B K. Dwmon at Opersang Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Cork GRIMES.BK Dnneen of Opersang Reactor succort (Post 921004). 93/07/22. Cork soidsted Eeson Ca of New YorA enc.14pp. 7650(/.001-76500-013. aohanted Edson Ca of New Yoru. anc.11pp. 76s99:302 76499.312. sam m 9307190131NRC Into Notoe 93458 Nonconservatsm m LTOP tar PWRs." GRiuES K. Dwison of Operanng Reactor hrmet (Fost 921004). 93/09/14. Co,, GRIMES.B K. Dwmen of Operstmg Reactor hwt (Post 921004). 93/07/26 Cor> sohdatec Edman Co. of New Yorti, enc. 9pp. 76447264J6447;272. sahcksted Eeson Ca 01 New YorA Inc.900. 76500014J6500 022. 9307200123NRC Into Notes 93459 " unexpected Openne of Both Doors in Antocit" CL Portoc9c opereung reports & rotated sorresponeonce GRIMES.BK Dween of Operstm0 Reactor 54mport (Post 921004L 93/07/26. Cork soldsted Edson Co. of New YorA tr.c.10pp. N47:273J6447.262. Sp 'ta Forwants duty esmerinual rept Jarhawne 1993 for Tul. Oyster , , g , g g LONG.RL Generat Pubic Uhknes Corp GPU Sennae Corp. 93/08/27.Documerit tross Controi Bronch (Documore Coreal DesB412pp 76362262-763C2293 BURNETT.R.F. Dwison of Fusi Cyoto Safety & SetepJerds (Post 933207). 93/07/27. Cona* mind Eeson Ca of New YorA Inc. 2' app. 76409 00946409 031. DOCKET 50 321 EDWIN L MATCH NUCLEf R PLANT, UNIT 1 9307290112NRC Wo Nohce 93 060. 'ReportnB Fuel Cycle & Maes Events to NRC Operatore Ctr." BUANETTAF. Dween of Fusi Cycle Salsty & Setopuartts (Post 930207). 93/06/04. I F. Securtty, medbcal, emer9ency & fra protocean plano Coneohdated Edson Ca of New York. Inc.10pp. m47283-N47:2s2. 9309290164Contens anangements made to feed meeang on930920 Wi AtlantawGA to 9:viernn890 NRC Wo fence 93461. *Excesswo Reactor Cootant Leakage Fotowmg escuus general haanh pnysses prachoes at pienL Seal Fasture in RCP or RRP."  ! uERSCHOFF.E W. Repon 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/09 BECKHAM.J.T. Georpa GRIMES.BK Dween of Operatng Reactor Support (Pout 921004). 93/08/09. Cork l Power Ca app. 7655121946551:321 sohosted Eeson Co. of Noe YorA inc.12pp. M9931346499.324.  ! l l 9309030245NRC Wo Nobce 93 0C2. " Thermal Seatfmaton of Water m BW'* Reactor l H. General _ vesseis." GRIMES.BK Dwisen of Operanng Reactor Support (Aost 92100s) 93/08/10. Cor> 9309030140 Comment on proposed GL 96-10.suppi 1. " Fee Endurance Auosotance (h schosted Edman Co. of New YorA Inc. 9pp. 76499.325 *99.333. tens ter Fee Bamer Sys Used to Separate Red.mdant Sate Shuloown Trasns Wehm Same Fra Area." Uti m total agreemera w/fJUMARC. 930a030274NRC nnlo Notce 93463. " improper !que of Sokele Wold Purge Dam M of. ' l BECKHAM.JT. George Power Co 93/08/23. CHILK.SJ. Offee of the Secretary of GRIMES.BK Dwmon of Opermang Reactor Suoport (Post 921004). 93/06/11. Cork the CommmacrL 2pp. 76319.137JC319138. soldated Edman Co. of New Yorti. Inc. Opp.76499.334-76499'341. j l l l l

DOCKETEDITEMS 93 9308060237NRC anto Notce 93464, "Penot4 Testmg & Prevenhve Mant of Motded R. Periode opetuing reports & rotated . _ Cose Circuit Breakers "

  • 1 E Co of tven mc 1 7 2P 64 wa p wpts im M M W El Ham war Pm 1 &

3 9308090187NRC Into Notce 33465. "Reactr# Trips Caused by Breaker TesDng W/ E" Fauft Protechon Bypassed " 79

  • GRIMES.BA Dmson of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/13. Con.

sohdated Eeson Co of New vont, enc.11pp N47.304 76447.314- S. Rep r m LE'Rs & reteted R 9308100006 NRC into Notce 91066. "Switchover to Hot-Leg insechon Fattowmg LOCA m PWRs? 9309080162 Speczal Rept 1-93404:on 930512. discovered that catee troys TFOSS1 & GRIMES.B K. Dmson of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/16 Com TFR341 were not enclosed m Thermo Lag 3301 fee t> amer matt.per safe shutcown armivss reptCaused by madeouate .Appropnate fire setectors vented i sohdaled Edison Co. p New Yor( anc. 7pp 76447;315-N47:321. BECKHAMJT. Georgia Power Co. 93/JB/30. Document Control Brancit .' Document 9308100248 NRC irito Nobce 93067. "Burstmg of High Pressure Coolam in,ectron Conpot Desk). 6pp. 7t;399191-76399196. Steam Lme Rupture Discs inluies Phant Persormei? GRIMES.B K. Dwison of Operanng Fleactor Support IPost921004). 93/06/16. Con. 9309300157 Suppis 930216Potental Part 21 rept se NNB.R neutrais supphed to GAP sohdatec Esson Co. cf New Yont aric.13pp. 76447.322-76447:335. on 910510 Part numt,er (P/N1 cuakted & row cocumented as Bussmarm Neutra! P/N NNB & GAre gyrrushee w/ ,ewsed COC cocrentmg correct Bussmann Neutral P/N 9309070160 Forwards map repts 50w321/9S14 & % 366/9114 & nonce of NNB. venaten.NRC rassed corcem re lack of evatuaton of 3,10V test Cata dunng msp of GL BATES.D K. Wyle Laboratones 93/09/21. Document Control Branch (Document Core CS10 program m Feb 1992. trol DetAL dpp.76608,324-76608;327, "ilBSONAF. Recon 2 (Post $20201) 93/08/30. BECKHAMJ.T. George Power Co tem 76333.22S76333:2=4. DOCKET 50-322 SHOREMAM NUCLE.AR POWER STATION 4 309070191Notxe of votaten from map on930726 30 Volanon noted, dyname tests of MOV withm scope of GL not moorporate rosarements & acceptance b'mts for determmma operability pnor to retummg testec MOV Dack to syc. F. Securtty rnadical, emergency & fire protection plans

  • Repon 2 (Post 820201). 93/06/30. 2pta 5e333.227-76333.226.

9309220126 Partalsosponse to FOLA reasosLApp O documents evasatue m PDR. App P

 -9303070190 trisp repts 50321/93-14 & 50 366/9S14 on 93072fr30. Volators                documents parbahy minneld (ref FOIA Exempnons 5 & 6) role 3Masor areas eispected:oesign calculabons test packageSJhagnoste segnatuN 1 aces & tohowup assues from prevous NRC mso el MOV program m Feb 1992                GRIMSL.EY.D+t. Dmson of Freeoom of Britormaton & Publicators Servees (Post WtSEMAN.G R. WM!TENER.H.L., SCARBROUGH,T. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 93/08/              890205L 93/04/28. GtJNSKY.V. Af% anon teot Assignect. 1190 76576:123-30.16pp. 76333229-76333244.                                                          76580:168~

9309140193 Forwards kup Repts 50321/9113 & B366/9S13 on 930704 0807 & ~'g a% thwd C mmason escussmg W mswes & W e A 820201L 93/06/30. BECKHAMJ.T. George Power Co 87309-58:35

 -o09N194 N             o, voa on 1,om map on 93       44.07. -roted.e.o. _ e         9-= a- ==1 ar m e-- - - -

procedural gueance for mant actutres on pnmary comenment notatort valves 2B31- .Guad Taming & haan N N as Rn 6h consamni w/N d

                                                                                          .DCFR$034W & accepisole for mchaion snm plea F019 & 28314020
  • Regen 2 (Post 820201). 93/06/30.1p N37:307 76437:307 JOYMERJ.H. Repon 1 (Post 820201). 93/06/26. HILLL.M. Long talared Leghnng Co.

3pp. 76410:217-76410219. ai'eas espected i 9309090463 Accmpts to Saloguards Cotrbnguncy Plan adenUhed as Rev monit sousemant a revuse of open esims 6 Crmnoes consstent w/1 .54(pt WERT .. CHRICINO7.E.F., HOLBROOK B.L Repon 2 (Post 820201). 93/06/27. JOYNE8t.J.H. Recon 1 (Post 820201). 93/08/26. HILLL.M. Long Island Lighlmg Co scpp. 76437;300-*37.322. 3pp. 76416:283-76416281 , 9309140163 Ack recent of 930816 Itr edormma90 of steps taken to correct woulanons 9MB230145 Forwards EA & Findmg of No S grutcant impact in response to 93'7t26 re- .i noted m mso repts50-321/9311 & 5 366 h 1. asest for exempton from emergency preparetmess reousemertts of HERD 7AR Repon 2 (post 820201). 93/ s. a. BECKHAMJ.T. Gorge Power Co. 100FR$0.54(g).trdarms that atter EA & FONSI petoined en FR.exemphon can to 3pp. 76441:26176441263 nted IGUO.C.L Cew . .- ., & Regulatory tasues Brance (Post 901230). 93/09/ 9308260194NGC into Noter SS069. "Radayaphy Events at Operstmg Power Reac. 14. HIU L. Long Isa id Power Authonty. 3pp 76547206-7654721E mrt GRIMES.BK Dumon of Operaung Reactor kse,rt (Post 921004K 93/09/02. Con. -93092301st EA & FONSI re teensee request for amarrpton from emergency pro-schaated Edson Co. of New York. mc.1100. N99342 N99:352. paredness recueements of 10CFR50.beic0 AUSTIN,J.M. Decommmaenmp & Regulatory issues Branch (Post 931230). 93/DD/14. 9309140288 Forwards map rept50321/9S15 & 50 366/9315 on 93080246.No vioia. 5pp. 7654721176547215. { Ons or Otmatons notes CUNE.WE Regen 2 (Post 820201), 93/09/02. BECKHAM.J.T. Georpa Power Co. 9309300174 Forwards Rev 3 to secunty plan for long term outuesed conditon.tuel stor- I 3pp. 76450-04476450 002. age m opent tual pcot.retectng changes m marr ressrements & paagt configura-withhead.per 13CFR7321. l ton whch rosatted tram osc9mrrussorung acimmet  !

 -9309140296Insp repts 50 321/9S15 & 50 366/9S15 on 93080246.No volatons or              BORTZA Long Island Power Authonty 93/09/28. Document Congral Branch (Docie osmatoris noted.Masar areas ertspectact rathoacave effluentLradcogeal envron          more C4aritrot Deel41p. 76606:316 76636 216.

l monitanng.waier enomstry namng & vanowe: on provous sup 6ndmpt JONES.D.W., DECKER.TA Regen 2 (Post 520201). 93/06/29.11pp. 76450052 7b5&O62. G. Adjudicatory ._ B309150285 Act recept of util response to NRC buheen 93432. "Detms Pluggmg of 9309220126 Parbal response to FOIA requesLApp D documents avaitable m PDR. App P ECC Action Semnors." Ubi actors cornoered conosete occuments parteDy wrthheed (ref FOLA Exerrsmons 5 & 6L JABBOUR.ILN Prosect Directorate u.a. 93/09/07 BECKHAMJ.T. Georpa Power Co. 3pp 76442.290J6442-292- GRIMSLEY.D.H Divison of Freedom of Inrormaton & Par atoris Servoes (Post I 890205) 93/04/21L GIUNSKY,V. Af6haton Not Annegned. 11pp. 7t6576:123- I

 $309070206 NRC into Nobtm BS070, "DepadaDon of Boraflet Neutron Apsrber Com                                                                                                  j M S.BA Dmeson of Opersing Reacsor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Con-                                                                       Y **"             #

sohdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. N99:353.N99:361. m p,ng.y % l PLAINE.H.H. Offee or tne General Ccasisel(Post 660701). SECY41124dL 83/04/05. I 3309280225 Forwards arisp rep's50-321/9S16 & 50 366/9S16 on 930B0913 & rence 7pp. 76572309J6565. or votatonViossmon of concem sw*ma tasse to sace access pawa yao posteo very rugh radaton area coutcl result n unnecessary exposiset CUNE.WWE Repon 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/10. BECKHAM).T. Georpa Power Co p. Operaung noense ess9e doeurnents & _ . - app. 76552164 76552186. 9309200135 Parbal response to POLA recraest for cocumentLForwards records m App L

 -93DB28tM Notc& of votaton tram snap on 930608-13Volahan noted bcensee laded            whch are         wrtnheid partm#v tar isted reasorn.tret FO.A exemptwa 6L to sock access penre to Urut 1 TIP.                                                   HARRIS.CA               of Freedom of informaton & P@lcators Servees (Post
  • Regen 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/10. 2pp. 76552.167-76562168. 890205L 93/04/12.GIUNSKY,V. Affnston Not Assapied. Opp. 7 tic 77:0D1-766B0:066.
 -930928023e anop repts 50 321/9S16 & %366/9316 on 930113913. Volatons                -8110290190 Paabahy withheld affama%on SECY that requests plant opponemts coal nosed.Malor areas rispected'hcensee efforts for mantammg occupanonal radebon mm.      ton to rutitute teanng on apploat M of Long Island Lghtmg Co tor extenson of ptsawALA,a                                                                            const pemot PmRRE.B., BMNDAT. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/10. 21pp. 76552:169                    MALSCH.M,G Ofhoe of the General Counsel (post 860701). SECY.81428. 81/07/20.

96562:186. 3pp. 76679053 76679 055. 9309o00104 NRC Info Notco 93471, " Fro at Chernotyl Unit 2 * $309290386 Fnal response to FOLA reouest for documentLForwards app A accuments I GRis4ES.BA Dmson of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 9210D4). 93/09/13. Can, wruch are tiemg made avadable es POR. nahdated Esson Co. of New Yori6. mc.14pp. 76500001-76500$13. GRIMSLEY.DH. Dmson of Freedom of Informaton & Pubicatorm Services (Post i 890205). 93/Da/29. GILMAN.T. QuotPen Corp. 2pp. 76596966-76596279. I 930soe0243 NRC Info Notta 93072, "Otr.arvatons From Recent Shutdowm Rak & ( Outape upt Pnot Team msps? -9309280388 Package consstmg of man Econse program cases & kstng of termmaton i GRIMES.6 F. Devesnm M Opwanng Reactor ksoort (Post 921004). 03/0D/14 Cork accons pencing. i

   **=t='     Essna 4 W New York mc. app 76500:014-76500$22.
  • NRC No Detaded Affdston Givert92/11/30.12pp. 76596$tia-76596 C79.

l l l

i I 94 DOCKETEDITEMS i Q. InspPctaan reports. IE Buketmo & , .. _.ce 9309090413 Foswards imar rept eriticed. *Corifumatory Survey' of Turtime Interral i Components Shoreham Nuclear Power Statzm. Brookhaven.NY I 9307160033 NRC Wo Nobce 93 056. "Weanness e EDPs Found as Result of SG Tube VITA.US.T4 Dak Rope A** rated Uruversees. 93/08/20 FAUVER.D. Dvmion of Ruoture

  • Low 4evei Waste Managemem & Decwon y (Post $70413).1p. *1!.229 GRIMES.B K Danson of Ope atmp Reactor Suppon (Post 921004). 93/07/22. Con-
  • 15.319.

soldatec Edison Co of New Yors, mc.11pp. 76499.302.$99.312.

                                                                                         - 9309090459 "Contematory Survey of Turtune entemal Comporumts S'icrettam Nuclear 9307190131NRC Wo Nobce 93458. % _;.-. tam m LTOP for PWRs "                                 Power Staton Broomhaven.NY." fma' rept GRNES.B K. Dvisen oc Operatmg Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/07/26. Con.                VITKUS.1J.. BECK.W.L., LAND:S.M A Dak Ridge Associated Unwerssties ORISE 93/

sohdated Edson Co. of New York, inc. 9pp. 76447:264.$47.272. G 46. 93/07/31. 89pp. 76415.23476415:319 9307200ft3 NRC Wo Nobce 93459. " Unexpected Openne of Both Doors m Assock." 930B070237 Notrheaton of segm6 cant hcensee meenng 93113 w/utd on 933908 to de-GRIMEh.4 K Dnnson of Operatng Rea:: tor Seport (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Con- cuss transser of fuei from Shoreham to Lsmenck. sohdatec Edison Co. of tww York. Inc.10pp. 76447:273-76447.282. PASCIAK.WJ.. ANDERSON CJ. Regen 1 (Post $20201). 93/06/25. Regon 1 (Post 820201). $pp. 76333.327-76333.331. 9307260065 Suppl 11c NRC Buheen 91401, "Reportmg Loss of Cntmanity Safety Con-trois " 930917D198 Mod 1/overng estimated completon "Accpesman of Shoreham BURNETT.R.F Dwoon of Fuel Cve6e Safetv & Setapards (Post 930207). 93/07/27. Sanulator." Consohdated Edison Co. of New York, inr_23pp. 76409-009 76409:031.

  • Lono island Power Authorey. MACE.M M Dwson of Contracts & Property Manage. i ment (Post 890205). 93/09/07.1p. 76461:332-76d61.332. l 9307290112 NRC Wo Nonce 93 060. "Reporbng Fuel Cycle & Mans Evems to NRC i Opershons Ctr " i BURNETTAF. Dwmen of Fuel Cycle Salety & Safegurds (Post 933207) 93/08/04' Consolcated Edmon Co. of New York, anc.10pp. 76447.283 76447.292. DOCE'T M23 mm OmVM NN POWER Pu% M 2 l

I " mR R F Securtty, medical, omorgency & tre protecten Plans ) GRIMES.B K. Dween of Operabng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 53/08/09. Cork i soecated Edman Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. N99.313-76499.324. 9309200135 Parbat response to FOIA reauest for documentEForwards records m App L 1 which are wanheid pa gally for hsted reasons.tret FOiA exemptons 5). i 9300030245 NRC Into Notco 93462. " Thermal Strat6caton of Water m BWR Reactor HARRIS.CA of Ffeedom of informaten & P6tsicators Servoes Post vessets

  • 89C20$L 93/04/12.GILINSKY,V. Af6haton Not Aassgned. epp.76677:001 76677:183. I GRIMESS K. Dnesson of Opersong Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/1(L Cork soldated Edman Co of New York, ont 9pp. N99.325N99.333.
                                                                                        -82011100B9 W wthhuid aNemate SECY re plant physcal securny & Govemor                   l SmW74 NRC Wo Notee 93463. "imprcrer Use of Soluble Wold P6ege Dem Matl."

GRIMES.B K. DMoon of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/D8/11. Car" f09/25. app. 76679-191-76679:193- [A Offee the Counsei (Post 06't701). SECY.81-566. 81/ . sohdatec Einson Co of New York. Inc. 8pp. N99.334-76499 341. t I 9"En237 NRC Into Nobce 93 064, "Penodc Testmg & Preventwo Mamt of Mowed 9300220126 Parna1 response to FOIA reauestApp O cocuments available in PDR. App P Case Circun Bremerta cocumems partaley withhed (ref FOiA Exemptons 5 & $1. i GRtMES.B et Omsson of Operatng Reactor Support (post 921004). 93/08/11 Corp GRMSLEY.Dx Dmson of Freedoni of wormaton & Pubhcatoris Servces (Post sohdated Edmon Co of how York. pnc.11pp. 76447.293 76447:303. 090205L 93/04/26. GtUNSKY,V. Afhhstion Not Assagned. 11pp. 76576:123-76580166. 93000DD187 NRC Info Notee 9346$. "Reactar Trtps Caused by Breaker Tesrng W/ l Fault Protecten Bypassed" -9308220221 Partally withheld Commenen paper se 820729 order egormmg partes cf GRIMES.BK Divmon of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/13. Cork rnemon to supunge claseihed mati tram ALAS 453 & undenymg encords per , noidateo Echman Co. cf New York, Inc.11pp. 76447-304-76447214. 10CFR2.913. i MALSCH.MA Othee of the General Counnel (Post 060701). SECY.82 383. E2/09/17. - 9308100006 NRC into Nossa 93466. "Switchover to Hot Leg ensecten Fotowmg LOCA 4pp. 7657s:084-76576S67 I en PWRs" . GRIMES.BK Dwmon et Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06/16. Cork $303210198 Partal response to FOLA teowest for documents. Forwards documeras tuted sohansac Edam Co. of New York. arc. 7pp. 76447:315-76447:321. l m App O whch are bosng made evassole et PDR. Documents leend m App R are par- l haky unthheld trot FOlA esempton 5). t 9308108243 NRC Info Notco 93467. *BurstnD of N'gh Prcamre Coolant insecton

  • Dwison of Freedom of informaton & P6tacatons Sennons (Post 89C205). 93/05/ j Stamm Rupture Decs insures Ptart Persarmet" 04. GILINSKY,V. Affeston Not Asmgned. 4pgL 76505.206-78696M4 i GRMES.BK Dueen of Operetng Ranctor $wport (Post 921004). 93/06/16. Cork t schosted Eamon Co. of New York, enc 13pp. 76447.322-76447-335.

N Pstah calmed Correname paper w revned Dissio Canyon crest  ;

 ***198 NRC Into Notco 93469. "Radography Events at Operanng Power Reac*


06. 6595:272 GRMESAK Dmser* of Operstmg Reactor S@ port Ptast 921004), 93/09/02. Cork i sohdated E$ son Cct of New York, anct 11pp. 76499.342-76499:352. 9mm5 Forwenns pubic verson of revoed Corporate ERPIPs anchskig rev 12 to t 1.13ev 6 to 3.1/ev 7 to 3.3 & rev 11 to 4.9 W/930910 rolassa  ;

9300070206NRC Into Notee 93470,"Dogradston of Borghes Neupon Absorber Cou, SEXTOluA Pacts Gas & Eiscine Co. 93/08/17. Document Control Branch (Docie , pon - ment Cornrol DeskL 6PP. M42:016 76442273.

  • GRMESAK Dwisscm of Operstmg Reactor Seport Post 921004). 93/09/10. Cork soldated Echson Co. of New York, mc. 9pp. 76499-353 76499:361. *030D15e072 Revned Corporate ERPIPs entsudmg rev 12 to 1.1pov 5 to 3.1pov 7 to 3.3
                                                                                            & rev 11 to 4.9.

93000801M NRC Info Notes 93071. "Fra at Chemot>/l Unit 2."

  • Pacsic Gas & Elecinc Co 93/06/17. 50pp. M42224-76442 073.

GRMESSE Dween of Operstmg Reactor Support Post B21004). 93/09/13. Cork  ; sohdated Eeson Cct of New York,Inc.14pp. 76500-001-7650tr013. 9309290225 Forwants map repts 50475/93-15 & 50w323/9315 on 930520 0812.No  ! volatons maled. 93090B0243 NRC Wito Notce 93472. "Otmervatens From Recent Shutdown Rak & PATE.RJ Regen 5 (Post 820201). 93/06/24. RUECER.G.M. Paczhc Gas & Elecenc Outage Mgt Pilot Team inops." Co. 3pp. 7ti667:162-78667:160. GRMES.BK Dwoman of Operstmg Rosetor Seport Post R71004). 93/09/14 Cork sohdoted Edson Cet of New York, yc 8pp. 76500 014 76500:022. -9300300327 Insp rupts 50-275/9315 & 50.323/93-15 on 930520 Oet2.No volanons nosecLMaser areas 1 -. u19 to omargency procedure EP G.1, "Accupent Cimas4 canon & Ernergercy Pian Actwenon." Ss ReportmMe sosisrrences, LERe & roteteel corresponstance GOOD,G.ta Regon 5 (Post $20201). FL/06/24. 5pp. 76567:165-76567:169. 9309270076 PNO4 93453:on 930922. State of NJ will make pimic enent to request re- 93D91$0051Fcywards puolc versums of rewmed SOP 111.05.

  • County tenarth Agency" &

str croer profitieng util from snmoing praistec fuel from plarit to Lanerick SOP ttLO6 HP 3.

  • Emergency Emnron Monnormg" W/930913 reisene enamo.

Staton. arguments uns address environmerital issumE SEXTONJA Pacshc Gas & Elecine Co 93/08/25. Documorit Contal Brants (Docie PASCIAKWJ., JOYNERJM. Regan 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/21, 2pp. 76543219 mont Control Desh).1p. 76447:001-76447:122. 76543220 l

                                                                                        -9300150057 Pahic verson of sovised SOP 111.05
  • County Hesith Agency."

I g

  • Patzsc Gas & Electne Co.93/03/02. 60pp. 76447:006 76447:062.
                                                                                        -93091e0121 Revned SOe GLOS HP.S. 'Tmorgsmey Envron Mannonng" 9309010143 Sutmuts mto se smolementaton of Trarung Rule 10CFR50.120 tar icumsees
  • Pacute Gas & Eiermc Cet93/05/31. 57pp. 76447 063-76447:122.

os piam e process. b a 1 7628 348 93092100e8 hiforms that Icensee 1993 EP exencse manual appears appropraste to meet pian goals & remeromemt 9306230099 Sept 5 to Genonc Ltr 89w10 to emcesar plant booneses & CP holders se PATE.RJ - 5 Pausm24 93/WO3MOWNSENDAD. Pacine Gas & Electnc amecuracy of motorm vote chagnoste soussmrt Cet ip. 76475.360 76475:360. PARTLOW LG. Amarnate Director for Prosects (Post 8704111 93/06/28. Consolidat-ed Edman Co. of New York,Inc. 7pp. 7640lt00176409908 9309210193 Revend EPips.mchstkig Rev 8 to EP R.3. "Reneene of Rathoechve Lat> uds" & Rev 9 to EP RS 15.B. " Post-Accadern $smphng Sys Stnpped Gas & Diluted 930000D425 Forwarchs commerat on 930701 correspondence tros.i LM Hui to R Bemero RCS " W/930916 nr. tor consmeratort SEXT0ptJA Pacutc Gas & Etscenc Co. 93/09/16. 37pp. 76511:236-78511:272. VITKUS.TJ Omit Rege Amarmted proverssbet 93/08/16. FAUVERIL Dumen of LOM Waste Management & E _ _ -., (Post 870413). *.;ip. 76390955 76397056. G. " - , eerrespondence l I

I l l t l l DOCKETED ITEMS 95 . 9309220126 Partai response to FOIA reaaestApp O occumems avadable m PDR. App P -9309240007 Partally wmheid Commomon paper presentog supplementa'y evaluaton OJeuments partelty w@heid Pe' FOi A E.nemptors 6 & 6). of icense sustemuon GRIMS$Y.D.H. Drvoon et Freedom of informanon & Pubicatons Sereces (Post ZERBEJE Ottee of Poicy Evaluanons (Pre 860930) SECv43438. 83/10/26. 090205L 93/04/26 GILINSKY.V. Afhhabon Not Assegned lipp. 76576 121 100pp. 76579206-76581033. i 7653D.168 l M06230099 Suppi $ to Genenc Ltr 89-10 to nucasar paarit scensees & CP holders re 1 [ -9309220221 Pa' tally withheid Commsson paper te820729oroer mformmg partes of maccuracy of motor-operated vatve diagrroste eg.npment. ' mienten to expunge classthed mati from ALAB453 & undertyng recoras per PARTLOWJG. Assacesie Director tar Pro,ects (Post 87D411) 93/06/28. Conschdat-1DCFR2 913 ed Edson Co. of New Yort inc. 7pp. N09 001-N09:008. MALSCH.M G. Offee of the General Counsel F'ost860701). SECY42 383. 82/09/17. cop. 76578:064-76578:067 9309020297 Summary of 930810 meetag w/ute m Rockvine.MD to discuss scensee

 -9309220226Pa' bally withheld Conotussen paper providng Ole of Pohey Evaluaton im-                       8* D    8'*****            'V' #8 ' " " ""
  • mesw enactneness annivsm of tscenseg Ecars meal oeceen.

KENNEKEAP. Oftce of Poicy Evsuatons (Pre 860930). SECY42 429 82/10/21.

                                                                                            ,7    .S.R.

PETERSON Protect DeeClorate V. 93/08/18. Pro;ect Drecteate V. $pp. 26pp 76578.063-76578:118. 7632N76321-192-9309030210Memorar'dum & orser (proposed fmongs of tact /conclusens of lawt* Es- H09030203 Fawards replacement pages for LAR 92 05 fe rev to TS & associated tabbshes lated schecuse for autmsson of proposed trusngs of tact & conclusens of bases to reflect Eagle 21 process protecton sys upgreae.etrminaban of bypass man > iam W/Cartrheate of Sve.Servec on 97J6m fotos for fenctor cooiant sys RTD & metrw inted enhancements BECHMOEFER.C. Atome Safety & Ucensmg Sord Panet. #39314244. 93/08r24 FUJIMCTD.W.H Pactic Gas & Electre Co 93/0B/27. Document Corttrol Branch Ottee of the General Counsed (Post 860701) 4pp. 76317:061-76317:064. Cocument Control Desat 2pst 76373:229'7E373:242 9309030180Pacdc Gas & Eectnc Co response to motron to amend Protechve Droer? -9309030212 Proposed toch specs replacement pages to refiset Eagle 21 process pro. l Staff asks tnat protectwo Oroer be clanhed by addmg new footnote to paragraph 3 of tecnon svs egemoe.ettnmoton at bypass manriolos for reaciar cooiant sys RTD & as. t Order. W/Certrtcate of Sve. socated cihancements l REPKA.DA Pacdc Gas & Electne Co REPKA.DA Weston & Srawn. #39314261. - Pacefc Gas & Esseme Co.93/08/27.12pp. 76373:23176373.242-93/08/30.Atome Safety & Lscenssng Board Panet bpp.76317:001 76317 005. ! 9309030290 Forwards , . ,r & proonstyy verson of repts. "E.a 21/AMSAC i 1309170047 Dtscusses correctons made to wanscnpt we Thermo4ag - im Divesny Evaluaten," to support NRC review of 920921 LAR 92 05 re 21 proc-l measures contentort ess protecton sys wgrace & FtTD bypass eirmnaten.Propnetary rept witnheld. REPKA.DA Pubhc Servce Electre & Gas Co of New Jersey. REPKA.DA Wnston & FUJIMOTO.W.H. Pacdc Gas & Ese::me Co. 93/08/27. Document Carttrol Brarch St' awn. #393142B4. 93/09/07. BECHHOEFER.C.. KLINEJ R., SHON.F L Atoms (Dncument Control Desk) app. 76371:085-76371:168. Safety & Leenang Board Parel 2pp. 76448:077 76448:078.

                                                                                        -9309030285 Requests that propnets'y rept. WCAP.13821. "Eagne 21/AMSAC Dwersity 9309170052 Forwards for tiing.afhdavits of norwsmeiosure per Boyd 930803 protecsve         Eymumon" be withheld,pw 10CFPN weer e access 2 mpt preparea by N hton et noneha*=i=e signed by                         LIPARULO.NJ. W                  Elecmc Corp. 93/08/19. MJRLEY.T. Document Cork P                                                                                           '"

A wnston & Strawn. #393 14295. 03/09/09. BECHHDEFER.C.. NE ., SHON.FJ Atomc Safety & Lcensmg Board Panel 2pp. N48'087- /AMSAC Divwsny Evmuaton "

                                                                                        -93090302e6         h *'Ea@J.

DOYLEJ.P ERIN.L.E., WesDnghouse Enscmc Corp. WCAP-13822. 93/ MURPHY.H

 -9309170069Afhdavit of rWrMisclostse m support of act4aes to encorpts from rept pre.      OB/3t Mpp. 7637676371m pred ta/INPO re memt & survedlance a"tNfbes at plant MINOR.G.C. Institute pl Nuciear Power Operamons MINOR.G.C. MHB Techrscal As-        930N154 Forwarcs amends 82 & s1 to learnes DPR40 & DPR42 respecbvWy &

sociates B3/08/Ds. 2pp. 76448:08476448 090. SEAmenos revne T$ 3.3A " Reactor Tnp Sys Instrumentaten," se teactor protecton svs to conect tvpo in TaDee 3.31.Acton 26.

 -93091'x73 Aflodavit et non.rhe*ame m support of
  • r*** to excerpts irorn INPO PETERSON.SR. Proiect Directorate V.93/08/31.RUEGER.G.M. Pacdc Gas & Enoc-w e w.mnt & survediants acevities at piam. Inc Cct 3pp. 764132704413282.

ZwU.2 trmistule et Nuttear Power OperasonL ZAMEKJ. San Lsas Obspo Mothers for Pea::e.93/06/04. 2pp. 7fA48:091-76448 092. -8309130158 Amends 82 & 81 to boerises DPR40 & DPR42.tespectwelv. reviang TS 3.31. " Reactor Tnp Sys ms1rumentamon." re teactor protecton sys to conect typo m

 -9309170077 Afhdavit of norMhsclosure en support of access to excerpts from INPO          Table 3.31. Acton 26.

rept ee mamt & survedlance actwrbes at otant QUAY,T.R. Propect Dractorate V. 93/08/31. 7pp 76413273 76413.279. PETERSON.SA restute of Nucinar Power Operstont PETERSOft.SR Offce of Nucasar Reactor RegLaatxm. Drector (Post 8'Os11L W39314295. 93/08/09. 2pp. -9309130166 Sa'ety evaluanon si.pportng amends 82 & 81 to imenses DPR40 & DPR-76448:093 76448:094. 82.respectweer.

 -6309170078Affidavn of forwlmctosure m sJpport of access to excerpts tryn INPO re 764          764 3:282 mant & suodtance accumes at plant HDDGDON.A.P. Wstitulo of Nucesar Power Operatunk HODGDONAP. Office of the General CoLinsel (Post 860701) 93/08/05. 2pp. N48:095-N48:096.                      9309mo Fnwas SE se mdcahons M safety p p tankLFlaws propwey disposmoned W to ASME Code _

l -93091700s1 Affidavit of non-ther**~e m support of access to extstpts from INPO PETERSON,5 R. Propect Dractorate V.93/09/02.RUEGER.G.M. Pacrfc Gas & Elec-I rept te maint & survesainee of acevnies a plant tre Co. 3pp. N31-351-76431356. REIS.EJ. Wistitute of Nucsear Power Operatens REIS.El Othoe of the General CoJnbal (Fost 6607D1). 33/08/05. 2pp. 76448 097-*48 090. -9309140387 SE re endcatoris a satety ripecton accumulator tenas Exstmg mdca. aons m stariness steel cIsodmg of sately irgecten accumulator tanks can be erft as s

 -93091700e4 Daciaranon cf nurwksclosure e support of =rr*== to excerpts from INPO         */* -          or reper.

rept se masnt & survedlance activmes a planL Nucsoar Reactor Regulaten. Dractor (Post 870411). 93/09/02. 3pp. CJf' IRAN.D. San Las Otuspo Momers for Peace. 93/08/17. 2pp. 76448:0gg N31:364.W31:3E N48100. B309150185 Forwards aspicaton for amends W bconses DPR40 & DPR42 reviarig TS l 9309170o93 NRC Staff repsy to PG&E response to Staff moton to errand protectrue 144.3/411.6.14 & orDanannonal & adnerustretwo cnanget I orcer.* NRC Staff moves Boyd to soapt lanpJage requested m 930817 moten as RUEGER.G M Pacife Gas & Ekoctne Co.93/09/08 Document Control Branch (Docu-stmed W/Cartrfcate ce sec mont Comrat DesA). 2pp. 76451093-76451:117. HODGDON.A.P.. JORGENSENAA Othee of the General Counsel (Post 860701) P39314300. 93/09/14. Atomc Sately & LJconang Board Penet. 400. N48.302- -9309150196 Apphcenon for amends to boonses DDR40 & DPR.42 rowsmg TS 1.44.3/ M48.307, 411.6.14 & crpanuatonal & admrusranve changes. RUEGER.G.M. Pacite Gas & Electnc Co.93/09/08. 7pp. N51-095-N51:101. estutst of evnence w/o any _ g, arguement of topcal tramewort of casa? 9309150202Pmrv=M tecri specs rowsmo TS 1 A4.3/4.11 A14 & -e L.,; ; & as. W/cerstoate of svc. mensratve chances. BUECHLERJ. Affe. atop Not Asmgnnd. #39314315. 93/D9r22. Docketng & Senaces

  • Pacdc Gas & faseme Cck93/09/08.16pp. 76451:102-N51:117.

Branch. 7pp. 76544.22F76544J29. 9309150330 Provides commerits on anenm rept on potentual tot enadeo.ste electrical Opwanng acense M m a e notaton m certam 120 tr AC power cecists for plant.submrtted by uni far did930406 PETERSON.S R Pruiset Drectorate V. 93/09/Olk RUEGER.G.M. Pacefe Gas & EAso. 33a9200135 Partal fesponse to FOLA rechsest for documentLFcmrards records m App L eruch we wanneed patasty for tsroo reasorsaret FotA exemptons 5) HARRt$.C.A. of Freedorn of informauon & Pddcatorm bonness (Post 9309.awas ot Rod Coneol Chmer AsseWeL 1N.54M g,270035 Prtwees response to Genen 890205). 93/04/12.GIUNSKY.V. Affikaton Not Assegned. 8pp. 76677 001-76677:183-RUEGER.G.M. Pacefc Gas & Elecmc Co.93/09/17. Docisnent Conrol Brare (Docu.

 -8201C70088 Parterly withheld mfo SECY that mtorms Commason el Appeaf Board                nunt Control DeskL 6pp. 76573W69328.

F RALDJA OHee of t%e General Coursel (post 860701). SECY41479. 81/ 9m9257 Forwards amends 83 & 82 to Iormes DPR4D & DPR42 & SE. Amends C3/12. 2pp. 7667909476679:104. remove set to suppemental vnal enverters m TS 3/4.82. "Onene Power Distnbubart PETERSON.S.R Fvoinct Drectorate W.93/09/17.RUEGEP,GM Pacefe Gas & Dec.

 -.8201110227 Parbapy weihned attrmaton SECY voguests Corrrrasson approval of rel           Inc Cct opp.76568.103-76568.120.

order. BtCKW!T.L Offee of the Gene at Counsel (Post 880701). SECY41404. 81/10/21. -9309280260 Amenos 83 & 82 to 6aenses DPR40 & DPA42 respectivefy, semovmg 3pp. 76679.356 76679:358, fots 3D "-_ . _ J.-. vital evefters m TS 3/412. "Onone Power DEmbuDon." OUAY 7.R. Pro,ect Dractorate V.93/09/17.11pp. 76568.107-76568:117. 9339220126 Parhat response to FOla reousstApp O documems avadatso m PDR. App P cocume ns parnany w'innoid Pet FOIA Exemptons 5 & 6). -9309280262 Salaty evaluaton suppor9'y amends 83 & 82 to heernes DPR40 & DPR. GRIMSJY D.H Dwieson of Frescom of Informaton & Pubicalons Sonnees (Post 82.respectwesy. 890205) 93/04/28. GILINSKY.V. Afhhaton Not Assegnert tipp. 76576:123

  • Office of Nuclear Reactor Regula1on. Drector (Post 870411L 93/09/17. 3pp.

76577296. N68:110-76568:12C. l

96 DOCKETEDITEMS i i O Inspection reports. IE Bubetans & ,_. 9309290039Fwwards aw.p rep's50-275/9326 & 50 323/9126 on 930816-20 No ww bons or oewitons noted 9307160033NRC into Nobce 93 O%. " Weakness m EOPs Found as Result of SG Tube MILLER.L F Recon 5 (Post E20201). 93/09 r08 RUEGER.G M. Pacrfc Gas & E6ecuc Rupture " Co 2pp. 76565.156-76565163 CRtMES.B K Duson of Operatmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 03:'07/22 Cord solcatec Eeson Co. of twew Wm loc 11pp 7t 499.302 7f,499 312 ~9309290046 Msc repts 50 275'9120 & SM23/9126 on 93081420 No wolatons j rotec Maor areas mspectec design modacatons 9307190131NRC Into Noice 91058. "Nonconservatism en LTOP for PWRs

  • ANG W.P. Regen 5 (Post B20201). 93/09/06 6pp. 76%5158 76565163.

GRIMES.B K Dmson of Operatmg Reactor Support (Post 921004t 93/07/26 Con-noteateo E& son Co of New York me. 90s 76447.264-7M47272. 93D90,70206 NRC Wo Notoe 93 370. *Degracaton of Etorahen Neutron Atssorterrr Cou. pon 9307200123NRC Wo Notce 93 059. Unexpected Openm3 of Both Doors m Arrtocat" GRIMES.B K. Desen o Ope atng Reactor Support (Post 921004) 93/09/10. Con-GRIMES.B K Dmson of Operstng Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/07/26. Con. Sohdated E& son Co of New York. anc. 9pp. 76499.353 76499.361. schoatea E&sor. Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. 4447 273 76447282' 9309080104NRC Wo Notce 93471 "Fre at Chemobvl Urut 2 " i 9307260065 Suppi 1 to NRC Buhetn 91401 "Reportng Loss of Crmcairly Safety Con. GRIMES.B K. Desen of Operstmg Reactor Support (Posi 9?1004). 93/09/13 Con-trois " schaawd Edson Co. of New York. Mc.14pp 76503:001-4500.013. BURNETT.R.F Dmson at Fuel Cycee Safety & Satopuarets (Post 930207L 93/07/27 l Conschaatec Esson Co. or New York. inc. 23pp. 4409-00S76409 031. 9309090243 NRC Wo Nobce 93472. "Observatens From Recent Stwtdown Ron & Outaoe Mgt Psot Tearn msps

  • 93J7290112 NRC mfo Notee 93 060. "Reportng Gol Cycle & Matis Events to NRC GRilAES.B K. Dmson of Operaimg Reactor Support / Post 921004) 93/09/14. Con.

s Ctr." soldated Edison Co of New York enc. 8pp. 7(400014 76500.022 Operatec'T.R.F BURNET Dmans of Fuel Cycae Satory & Sateouards (Post 930207). kUO6/04 Consohoated Edmon Co of New York, enc 10pp. 764' 4 72sS76447292. 9309290276 Ach receipt of 930B30 Itr mtormmg NRC of steps taken to correct violanons noted en mso repts SD.275/9316 & 50 't23/9316. 9308030200 NRC Into twobce 93461. "Eacessnre Reactor Cooiant Leakage Fotowing VANDENBURG*t.C.A Regon 5 (Post 820201). 93/09/15. RUEGER.G.M Pacifc Gas Seal Failure m RCP or RRP * & Elecinc Co. 3pp. 7656?.319 76567.327. GRlMES.B K. Dmson of Operaung Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/06/09. Can.- soldatec E$ son Co. of New York. mc 12pp 76499.31S4499.324. 9309290188 Provces nappe resporse to votators noted m nur rents W75/9247 &

                                                                                          $0323/9217.C/Asmciudad mcreasmg plant Sys f.ngensenng staff Dy su posrbons &

9308030245NRC mto Notce 93462. "Thermat Stratitcaton of Water in SWR Reactor assung Program Direenve that s'1 proves dehnston of roles of orscsknes. veshets." RUEGER.G.M Pacshe Gas & Einctqc Co. 93/09/16. Docunwn! Corrtrol Branch (Docu-GRIMES B K Dmason of Ope atmg Reactor Suppon (Post 921004). 93/08/10 Con- ment Control Desk) 1p. 76590354-76590.354. soldatec E& son Co. of twow York, its 9pp. 76499.32b76499.31J. 930s030274 NRC mto footce 93&3. " improper use of Solutze We6d Purae Dam Matl." R. Porto&c operstmg reports & related _ GRIMES.B K. Dmuon of Operabng Reactor Suppcet (Post 921004). 93/06/11. Cord soldated Edson Co W New York, mc. dipp.76499.334-76499.341. 9309030219 Forwards F 3 Pertormance Rept for 930101 4630 performance data compeed Dr NJt. tRC & aftaryses of oara Tests carrymed per 1 R26 930s060237NRC wo Nobce 91064 "Penodc Testng & Prevereve Mamt of Motood RUEGER.G M Paesfc Gas & Elecmc Co 93/08/23. Document Control Branch (Docu. Case Cercur' Breakers' rnent Control Desu 5pp. 76372.3S76372-360. GRIMES.B K. Dmman of Operatng Reactor Supp/t (Post 921004) 93/06/12. Cors soldated Edson Co. of New York,irr 11pp 7644729176447-303

                                                                                       $6 Reportaber occurrences, LERs & re6ated correspondence 9308090187 NRC Irdo Notte 93465. " Reactor Tngs Caused by Breaker Tesang W/

Fau'l P'otecton Byrert

  • GRIMES.B K Dusson of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004) 93/06/13. Con- 9mm45 @ Nesn WM M M was nWaW p m a@ W sohdated E& son Co. of twow York, enc 113:p 76447:304-4447:314. wnwaton en mapuW caused W map wak whW m taset W/930907 ftr 9108 93/09/07, toge. 76469019w
             , NRC ento fWotee 93 066. "Switchover to Hot Leg insecton Fonowng LOCA       $g RUEGER.G.M. Pacife Gas & Electnc Co.

t of New 7644 5 6447 9309150157 down . ni LER SF00342 on ,operor

                                                                                                                           *** had unus.ual
                                                                                                                                    ,.g re event    therefore, stop m,anual   shul-inc                           -

mm enact oue to swo - ve Rev ed 8

 'S                      "
               "RM"'*p,,c,'"n,,",, pi),'MW Hegn P'esswe Coceant Inpocton GRIMES.B.K. Deson of Operatng Reactor support (Post 9210D4). 93/06/16 Corw
                                                                                             $K 76469-D45.

UE R M. Pacisc Gas & Enoctnc Co. 93/09/07. 7pp. 76469-039-schasteo Eeson Co. of New York. Inc 13pp. 76447.322 76447.335. 9309150277 LER mon 93D419hoovemd W Mc sepwamd from m M 9309290170Forwartes map repts SS275/9S19 & 2323/9S19 on 93071S23.No v oia. due e conosson as result of manutacW'O enor Renewed cunent quakty progmm tors noied NRC uncemno that snetaal correctrve actons ed rot soerety root cause for & replaced sme unn 2 CVCS seal mescton hon control valves W/930907 le taawe onor e fetumsng MOV to svt. SISK.D.P., RUEGER.G.M. Pacshc Gas & Easetnc Co. 93/09/07.10pp. 76469C94 MILLER.LF Regen 5 (Post 820201). 93/08/17,RUEGER.G.M Pacsfc Gas & Electre 76469 103.

                    #'    0 #

9309290357 NPDES noncomphance reshcanon:on 330916.fvoraute fuel spdl at entake

 -9309290175 insp repts M275r9S19 & E323/9S19 on 930719 !'3.No votatens                   cove acowred when rytsraube tese ruptwed on keep hamesang usael vessel sw n                                     Pogram 2 mom conenent to R M &

f0WNSE .J acfhe Gas Co 93 2 .W.R. Califortta. I ANCiW.P. Regen 5 (Post 820201) 93/06/17. 3pp 76567:064 76567-066. State of. 2pp. 76589.347-76589 348. 9309290225 moingang noiFo,rwards a eisp repts50 275'9S15 & 50-323'93-15 on 930520 0812.feo T. Hearing transcripts on ::n _ . _ metters PATE.RJ Regon 5 (Post 820201193/08/24 RUEGER.G.M Pacefc Gas & Enoctre Co 3pp. 76%7.162-76567;169 9'JD922D126 Partras response to FOIA reauestApp O domsments avadatae m PDR. App P tbcuments partativ withneed Pef FOIA E.nemptons 5 & 6).

 -9309290227 inse repts 54275/9S15 & E323'9S16 on 93062t>O612 two votators                GRIMSLEY.O.H. Dusson of Feeedom or informaton & Pubicatons Sereces (Post noted Maar areas micactecrevs 14-19 to emergency procedure EP G 1, *Acceent            890205) 93/04/28. GIL.INSKY V. Afteaton Not Assagnea 11pp. 765M 123-Classstcanon & Emeroency Plan Actnratort*                                              76577 296.

GOOD.G M., PATEA.J. Regon 5 (Post 820201). 93/08/24. 5pp. 76567:16fr 76567.169. -9309240007 Partially wethheld Commesson paper presentmg * ,

                                                                                                                                                                ..-, evaluabon l                                                                                          of scorne susperusar i 9309290001 Forwaros mso septs S275/93 21 & 50423/9121 on 930726-30.Norv                  ZERBEJE Othee of Pokey Evalumbons (Pro 660930). SECY.83-438. 83/10/26.

I cried moimboris soenghed.msp repts wit %need m entrety ret 10CFM7321. 100pp 7657920tr76580.033. i PATE.RJ Repon 5 (Post B202D1). 93/08/27. RUEGER,G.M Pa%c Gas & Electnc i Co. 3pp. 76565-001-76%53XS 9309020059Transenpt of 930623meetng m San Lias Obspo.CA re tacihty Pp 1.925-2.024. 9309080233 Responds to NRC 930730 to te volatons noted en inse Repts $4275/91

  • Atomc Safety & boenssng Board Panet 93/08/23.100pp. 76323217-76323:323. i i

16 & 54323/9316.Conoceve actors:OP B-1AXill revoett & fetted to mctude e> l l souctors for all CVCS compuersicrets - 9309170040 Forwares NRC proposed transenpt conectons FUJIMOTO.W H Peofc Gas & Eaectre Co 93/08/30. Document Coreal Branch HODGDON.AP Orfoe of the General Couriset (Post 860701L #39314301. 93/09/ (Document Control Desk). 6pp 76397.225-76307.230 14. BECHHOEFER.C KUNEJR., SHON.F.J. Atomc Safety & Lscenerng Board Panet. 9pp M444212-76448 C20. 9309290 Des Forwaros msp repts50775/93 25 & %323/9125 on 930816-2C.N0 mola-tons contihed 9309270043 San Les Obespr> Momers inr Peace Proposed Conectons to Heanng Trark REESEJH Regen 5 (Post 820201). 93/08/30.RUEGER.G M. Pacefc Cas & Electnc senpt

  • Lasted errors m trariscret snodd be conected W/Cathcate of Svc.

Co. 3pp 76565.304-76565.315 CURRAN.D Harrnon. Cunan. Gahagher & Spesiberg (formerly Harmon. Curran & Tousley). #39314320. 93/09/15. 9pp. 76544D40-76544-048.

 -9309290102 Irap repts 50 275/9125 & 50 323/9125 on 930816-20.No volatorm notec.Malor areas mspected exposure cont oes. artamal exposwexontrol of radcac-    930927D062 Forwards conectons to transcrets of proceedmps held ar San Lus Ot'apo teve manszentammaison contrats & fadologeal pnsangs & surveys.                        from 930817 to 0824 W/Catfer: ele of Svc.

BREWERR K., ROCANEGRA.R REESEJet Repon 5 (Post 820201). 93/08/30 WARNER.CJ Pacphc Gas & Enoctne Co #39314321. 93/09/15. BECHHOEFER.C 9pp. 765652107-76%5:315. KUNEJR., SHON.FJ Atome Safety & Lcenssng Boarc Panel. 3pp. 4544:131-76544-155. 1 9308760198NRC ento Notce 93069 *Radography Events at Operetng Power Rese- J tort " . 430927DD65 Conectons to transcripts of proceedngs held at San Lue Obsspo Pom 1 GRIMES.B K. Dmson of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/02. Cor> 930817 to 0624? I sohdated Edson Co. of twow Yors Inc.11pp. 4499:342 76499.352.

  • George Power Co.93/09/15 22pp. 76544134-76544:155.


DOCKETED ITEMS 97 l CN $0 324 BRUNSWICK STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT, UNrf 2 9309200169 Forwa".ts s.snmary of ettererees from avhat QA program

cesenaton.cunent change casenphon.mameO4 p FSAR pages & new program ces.

l s.cnoton F. Secunty, medk:at, emer9ency & fire Protection plans HABERMEYFR.H W. Carchna Power & Latim Co 93/09/15. Document Control Branch (Documem Caitroi Desk). alpp.76501:135i 76501 179. 9309010275 Rensed Plant Emergency Proce&res (PEP).mckdng Rev 7 to PEP-C3 6 3Aev 12 to PEP C.06.Rev 43C to PEP-App A & Rev 25 to PEP 42 6.21.W/ 93m10235 Fewards mppi into re estng c1 M A logic m e assst team W 03tT3 Rr EDGs for toth uruts BR Co 93/08/23. EBNETER.S_D. Regen 2 (Post

  • De 04-3 O 9309210301 Forwards mso repts50 324/93 36 & 50 325/93-38 on 930816 20.No vola. 9309290111 Fawards TS pages to 921225 apph::ston fa amends to Icenses DPR.71
   % W Oevators raed                                                                         & DPR42 te SLCS & NUMAC egnal steam teak cetecton matrumentatort GIBSDNAF. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 93'09/10. ANDERSON.RA Ca ohna Power &                   ANDERSON.RA CaWina Powe & Lgnt Co. 93W2t Docunent W Mnch Lgni Co, app.76504.34S 76504.356.                                                                                  . 2pp. M23WW234
 -9309210304 Insp repts 50-324/93 38 & 50-325/93-38 on 93081&20.No votatens or            -9309290117 Proposed tech specs for SLCS & NUMAC egna! steam teak cetecton m.

I censbons noted.Masor areas espectocfre protecton relatoo restart . muss tr;ksomg ftnnnenraton. repars to unn 1 tre bamer masarvy Dock wans gaps & penetraton seats Carohna mwor & Lgnt Co.93/09/21. 24pp. 76592;311-76592334. l l WI M G.R., CASTC.C. Regon 2 (Post 823201) 93/08/31.10pp. 76504347- g g g ggg3 g g , annual bc fee for FY93.per 10CFR171 electronzaHy transferred on 930920 PRUNTY.R W. rohna Power & Lgnt Co 93/09/23. Documem Coneol Branen (Doc-M. General corresaondence ument Control Desk).1p. 76583:326-76583.326. 9309300236 Forwards amends 1td & 196 to icenses DPR.71 & DPR42 & SE. Amenos

 $309100045 Responos to 930707 request re anati teouested from constnuenLRE                 cranne TS to opete operatona: condston 5 from apre**ty recurements of TS Snackenard.Forwarns P2hc Worksnap Mat & SECV-95 028.                                          ,

315 & remove associated acton ;latement for operatonal constion 6. TQYLOR.J M. Otc of the Exemmve Drector for Operatons. 93/08/04. ROSE.C. MILANO.P.D. Protect DreClarate 41. 93/09/23. ANDERSON.RA Carghna Power & kDuse of Rep. 6pp. 76433.31046433.320 Lgm Co. 4pp. 76591-145 76591:1C3.

 - 0 309100059I>-==s proposed crunges m regulatory regusements by NRC & out.             -.9309300241 Amon@ 165 & 196to bconses DPR 71 & DPR42.respectwely, chanpng knes posman re osysoston of margris safety recurements at Brunswick 1 & 2.              TS to coaste operatonal coneton 5 frorn apphcatuhtv recuremems of TS 3.15 & re.

SHACKELFORD.R. Athhatr,n Not Assgned.93/05/11.DEY,M. NRC . No Detaned Af- moneg associated acton statement for operatonai condman 5. tdiakon Gwert app. 76433:316-76433.320 BA,fwA.S.S. Progect Drectorate41. 93/09/03.12pp,76591:149 76591:160.

                                                                                         -9309300243 Satety evatuston supportng emends 165 & 196to amenses DPR.71 &

P. Operating Sceirse sta9e ^ ._ & correspondence DPR w .

  • Ornce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Drector (Post 470411). 93/09/23. 3pp.

! 9306230D99 Sept 5 t Genanc Lt' 8910 to riuctear piarit boensees & CP holders re 76591:161-76591:163. I maccuracy of motor <operateo vante so.mpmanL PCRTLOWJG. Associate Drector for (Post 870411). 93/06/28.Consaktab ed Edmon Co. of New YortL Inc. 7pp. 76409 DC1-N09 005. Q. Inspectlen reports. IE BuBetins & .. _ 93090a0281 Forwar3s envron assessment & fineng of no sgrwhcam empact to 920914 9307160033 NRC Into Notoe 93 066. " Weakness in EOPs Found as Result of SG Tube C]neno reauest to rense TS to refacer replacemem of emstmg Raey.GEMAC & Fenws! Ruoture." steam lean oetecten soapmera w/GE NUMAC lank cetectron agrpment GRIMES.B K. Dneson of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/22. Con-MILANO.P.D. Prosset Drectorate 181. 93/08/18 ANDERSON.RA Carahna Power & soldated E& son Co. of New Yort, Inc.11pp. NS9332-76499.312, Ugm Ca 2pp. 76356:20576358:212. 9307190131NRC Wo teocce 93 058. %.- ansm m LTOP for PWRs *

 -9309090285Envron assessmem & 1mdmg of no sgrdcant enpact re util request to               GRIMES.BE Dmson or Operatre Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Con-rewme TS to reflect reusa ement of emstmg Raey.GEMAC & Fenwn! Steam leak omec-          schosted E& son Co. of New YorIL anc. 9pp. 76447:264 76447.272.

I ton souspmern w!GE NUMAC teak catecton soupment BAJWAS.S. Protect Drectorate N 1. 93/06/16. 6pp. 76358.209 76358:212. 9307200123NRC Wo Notce 93459, " Unexpected Openmg of Both Doors e ArtoclL" GRIMES.B4 Dunson of Operstmg Reactor Support fPost921004). 93/C7/26. Con-9309020096 Notfes NRC of computon of Rems regured to enpiemord stabtm blackout totdated E$ son Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. W47273-76447:262. ratherements at plant q LEVIS.W Caroires power & LagM Co.93/08/23. Document Control Branch (Document $3072600G5 Suppi 1 to NRC Bulistm 91<001. "Repornng Loss of Crecahty Safety Con- . Control Desk). 2pp. 76344J00-76344.309. trait" BURNETT.R.F. Dwison of Fuel Cyese Sataty & Sateguards (post 930207). 93/07/27. 9309090379 Forwards voguest far addl anto re utrl 930125 roouest for amend to TS Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 23pp. 76409 D00 76409 031, 31.34 to allow operaton w/more inan one snooeratne cnritriz rod scrum accumulator. MILANO.P.D. Prosect Drectorate 11-1. 93/08/26. ANDERSON.RA Carchna Power & $3C7290112 NRC Info Notce 93460. "Reportmg Fuel Cycle & Matis Events to NRC Lerit Co. 4pp. 76388 03576388938. Operatons Ctr." BURNETT,R.F. Dmson of Fuel Cycle Sately & Sateguards (post 930207). 93/08/04. i 9309070331 Provces adcs edo re nourron fLa morytonng mstrumentaten at to:dmes.m Corschanted Edson Co. of New York. Inc.10pp. 247283-76447292. I resaonae to GL 82 33.Suppe 1 to NUREG4737.recurements 1 LEY:S.W Carokra Power & Ught Co.93/08/30 Document Control Brancti (Document #1amaSrn00 NRC Wo Nobce 93461, "Excessve Reactor Cooiant Leskoge Fohowmg


Control Desk). 4pp. 764083447640P;349 Seal Fanure m RCP or RRP." GRIMES.BA Dmson of Operstng Reactor hr-wt (Post 921004). 93/08/09. Co&

 $309090066 Worms N.        f Tange m sanutator mo$fcaton schedule prended in car-          soldated Edson Co. of New Ytes. Inc.12pp. W9t.313-76499-324.

etcanon pa for Mant Referenced Sanulator. HINNANT.C.S. Power & Lagri e Co.93/08/31.Documerit Coritral Branch (Doc. einenern45 NRC Wo Notee 93462. " Thermal Siraticaten of Water m BWR Reactor ument Control Desk). 2pp. 76409:35k76409.356. vessets.* GRtMES.BX Drnmen of Operanng Reactor Seport f osi 921004). 93/08/10. Cc4 9309170163 Informs that HWC sys for Una 2 retwned to ovc on 930827. Urut 1 HWC s solcated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. 76499.325N99333. to te placed m svc at compwton of current refuehng outage.frdo sutsutted por NRC l 91n701 asuarics of summary of 910619 meetmo on uti exponence w/HWC. 9300030274NRC Wo Nohce 93463. "tersroper Use of Soktile Wald Purge Dam teatt." e 4NNANT.C S. Carchna Power & . Co. 93/09/14.Documer4 Control Branch (Doc. GRIMES.B K. Drnsen of Operstmg Roretor Support (post 921004). 93/08/11. Com ument Comrol Desk).1p. M79- 76479.325. sohdated Ethson Co. of New York. Inc. Spp. 76499:334 7649t.341 t $309170187 Forwards amends 164 & 195 to brzmses DPR-71 & DPR 62. respectruely & einanr.tvrty NRC Wo tuotte 93064 *Penode Testng & Preventwo Mamt o' Molded l SE.Amenos rewme number of NSWP regared m TS.rense acten statements re svc Case Creuit Breakers." waier svs pump -.W & change survenance foourementL GRIMES.BK Dwison of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/12, Com MILANO.P.D, Protect Drectorate 83 1. 93/09/14. ANDERSON.RA Carchna Power & solcaind Edson Co. of New Yorts Inc.11pp. N47293 76447:303. Lagril Co. 3pp. 76462.317 76463908. 9309090187 NRC into Nohta 9346S. " Reactor Trips Caused tsy Breaker Testmg W/ I

 -9309170192 Amenos 164 & 196to loonses DPR.71 & DPR.(2.rimpactwely, revissng                Fault Protecton Bypassed."

stwreer of NSWP recueed m TS. actor: etatements te eve water sys pump conhgura- GRIMES.BX Dmuon et Operatrig Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/13. Con-tons & chanomo survenarios reguremerits et TS 3.712 & 4 7.124 molcated Edison Co. of New Yorst Inc.11m N47:304-76447:314. BMWA.S.S. Vogect Drectorate141. 93/09/14. App. 76462:32476462359. i 9308100006NRC Info tuotes 93406. *Swit:tever to Hot Leg irgecton Followmg LOCA i -9309170194 Safety evaluaton supportmg amenos 164 5 195 to bconses DPR-71 & si PWRs." DR 62.respectwery. GRIMES.9K Dwhen of Operatng Reactor Support (Post D21004) 93/08/16. Cork (

  • Offee of Nucasar Reactor Regssaton Drector (Post 970411). 93/09/14.10pp soldated Edsscri Co. of tesw York, mc 7pp. 7644721bN47.321.

t 76462.360 76463 008. l l 9308100248 NRC Wo Notce 93067 "Burstng of High Pressure Coolant irgocton . i 93DB200111Appicaten for amenos t) hoenses DPR-71 & DPR42. recnsosang rev to TS Steam Une Rupture Duca insures Plant PergonnsL" anowmg empiemematon of tJnchtmai role & responstnhtes of nucsear -  ; GRIMES.BX Dmson at Opermang Reactor Support (post 921004). 93/08/16. Con. i ospL Soldated Edson CQ, at New York, tract 13pp. 76447.32.2 76447.335. 1 HABERMEYER.H W Caroire Power & Lagnt Co.93/09/15. Document Coreal Branen (Document Ccritrat Desk).13pp. 76503901-76503:066. 9309070152 Forwards 4risp repts60-324/93-30 & $432',/93-30 on 930703 31 Actwites that votsted NRC recurements soerefed tiut not eutgect to EA because imprese

 -9309200114 Proposed tecft specs allowing mipsementaton el funchonal role & respom           coentheo &/or corrected inotatons.

sednes of nuctuar - _ .. onpt MERSCHD84.E.W. Repon 2 (Post 8202D1). 93/06/24. ANDERSON.RA Carcime

  • Caronre Power & Ugn Co.93/09/15. S2pp. 76503014 76503:066. Power & Lagtn Co. 3pp. 76332249 76332276.

l l


 -93090701b6 Inno repts 50-324/9S30 4 50-3:'5/93 30 on 930703 31No volaters                          9309080157 LER 92-001-01:on 920202.wut 2 voactor scram occurred ourmg mam tw-noisdMapor areas espectenmant observahon, survedlance observaton.operatuinal                       turw coteral vaswe testng due to trapped swogen m TCV 'ast closure safety venticaton & Urut I cutaae/ restart                                                         ine DisassemtWars EHO accumalators A & B W/930901 m.

PRE'V ATTE.R.L., CHRISTEN 5hN.M. Region 2 (Post 820201). 93/08/12. 24pp. MC30m ANJF., DROWN l.M. Caroima Power & Lsgni Co 93/D9/01. 5pp. 76446.356-76332252 763322 % 4 446.360. 9309030320 Provides response to veistons noted m insp Repts 50 324/93-27 & 50- 930gnanna L ._ .; ' LIR 9240141:en 920202.urut scrammed dunng main sur-325/93 27.Correctwo actorm.icensee taWed to impsement procedure & control wort- tune control" valve tes1mp Cassed by excessrve evchng of turDme control ]- an0 m tacety statt who penorm safetydetsted functors. vanes.Mydrauhc accumulators A & S disassemtwed W/930il03 ftr. HINNANT. . Carokna Power & Lapts Co. 93/06/30. Document Control Brancfl (Doc- MCGOWAltJ F WARREN.C.C. Caroima Power & Lsght Co. 93/09/02. 5pp. j ument Control Desk). App. 76369:355 76369.361. 4 430.120 4 430:124 9309140217 Ack recorpt of 933816 ftr erWormeng NRC of steps taken to conect notatens AN.C ( 20 1 ' ANDERSON,RA Carolma Power 4 25MNMM2MN MW.M1 1 Lsght Co 3pp. %441:190 76441:1 92.  ; 9308260198 NRC into Notice 91069. '"Rasography Events at Operstmg Power Reac- F 888""'Y' *****l' '"9'"*7A "* P'otecten plans j tors ' l GRIMES.B st Dnnsson of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/09/02. Con- 9309010275 Revned Plant Emergency Procedures (PEP).mcaudeg Rev 7 to PEP. j sohdatec Eeson Co. cl New York. anc.11pp. 76499.342-76499.352L 03 8.3.Rev 12 to PEP 4.06.Rev 43C to PEP App A & Rev 25 to PEP.02.6.21.W/ 930823 lir 5 9309070206 NRC Info Nohce 93.C70. "'Degencaton of Boreflex Neutron Absorber Co* BROWNJ M Carohna Power & Lsght Co. 93/08/23. EBNETER,S.D. Regon 2 (Post i PD E- 820201) 88pp. 76324:027-78324 114. GR"IMES.B.K. Dwason of Opersong Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Cork scedeted Edson Co. of New York inc. 9pp. 7641R353 76499.361- 930e210301Forwartas risp repts $0 324/93-38 & 50-325/9S34 on 930816 20.No viota-9309210301 Forwares msp repts 50-324/93 38 4 50 325/9138 on 9308164D No vois-mons y covetens med

                                                                                                        g""sh7 ""                 Post $20201L 93/09/10. ANDERSON.RA Carphna Porst &                            '

GIBSONAF. Repon 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/10, ANDERSON.RA Carchna Power & Leght Co. 4pp. .34S 76504.356. Lsght Ca app. 76M43-4504356. 9300210304 Insp repts 50 324/9338 & 54325/93 38 on 930816 20.No votatens or , 4 309210304 insp repts50-324/93 38 & 50 325/93-38 on 93081&20.No violatons o, oevamma notedMais woes aupactedte protecton rutand russert issues mc6 ming cavatons noted.Masar areas mspectee.fre protecten reisted restart susues mctudmg

                                                                                                                                                                      & poweston som "P'E's  to unn 16ro WIS MAN.GA      Repon   earner 2 (Postmasyvy 820201).teock  waus 1.10pp. 76504.347-76504:356.

93/06 repers to unn 1 fire barner masorry block watts gaps & penetraton seals. WISEMAN.G.R., CASTO.C. Repon 2 (Post 820201). 93/0B/31.10pp. 76604247-76504.356. i> St. General -

  $300o00104 NRC Info Notme 93471.*'Fra at Chemobyl Urut 2 *                                                                                                                                                     ,

GRIMES.8 K. Dwuuan ut Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/D9/13. Con. 9309193045 Responds to 930707 roguest se mat! requested tram LRE r sohdated Eeson Co. of New Yors anc.14pm 76500t001-76500213- Steckenord.Forwaras Put he Workshop Mas & SECY-93428.

                                                                                                        '                       '                                      P *      "$'                 $

9309080243 N No 93472. "Otmervatens From Recent Shutoomm Ask & k k '76433 b* ' ' I ES K. Dwason of Operstmo Reactor Support (Post 621004). 93/09/14. Con- + sohdaiad Eeson Co. of New York anc. Opp.76500-014-76500 022. -930e10 eon h==== proposed chen9es h mgulatory mouirements by NRC & cd enes poemon to of vne1pnet estety voeurements at Brunswick 1 & 2. 9300230133Forwarns inso repts 50 324/9S34 & 50325/93 34 on 930816 20.No viona- Not 93/05/11. DEYM NRC NO Dotaded Af- + tons or oewiatons noteg thaban Gwert opp. 76433:316- - GIBSONAF Regen 2 (Post $20201). 03/09/14. ANDERSON.RA Carolma Power & Lagen Co. 4pp. 76521:345-76521.357 P. Operatene boones sense escuments & omtrempensense  !

  -9309220145true repts 50424/93 34 & 50-325/9S34 on 930tl1420.No voletens u                                                                                                                                     a opviations noted Macr areas einpocted review of e> vessel veuel esams tw urut 1 vo.                                                                                                                       1 actor core n-t snroud & core spray sparger pomo.                                               93062300pt S,,uppl,5,m
                                                                                                                       ,,,             Gwienc,,L,,B,8940 m vmaser peste beennees & CP hoedes to COLEYJL., SLAKE.JJ. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/06. Opp. 76521249                                   N J G. > = Duecer                                                                                     h MmSt                                                                                                                                                    (Poet'870414 93/06/28.Consohdat.                    '

ed Edson Co. of New York anc. 7pp. 7640900176409'008. . 9 Forwards map repts 54324/9S32 & 50425/9132 on 93061620.No vuota-  ;

                                                                                                     ,,,,,,         p                                  g           g                           ,,       ,

IAERSCHOFF.E w. Repon 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/1$. ANDERSON.RA Carchna amenc roguest to revne TS e seltect . . _ of asseng Remy.GEt4AC & Forwral Power & Lagni Co. 3ptL 7655t349 76552:361. steem leen ostecton amasunent w/GE NutAAC emak detachon agapmert MILANO,P.D. Prosect Drectorate E1. 93/08/18. ANDERSrlN,RA Carchns Power &

  -930esmene insp roots $4324/SS32 & 50425/9S32 on 930816 20.No violations                              Lagrit Co. 2pp. 76358205 753S8212.

notedMaior areas anspectodewwaMhnns & standen$s.nener mgt swolvernent.overas A consol & commuracamons. Envoon & imdr 0 of no impact to uts seesest to e ROLLR.E., CHRISTENSEN.H. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 03/09/15. 10pp. reves TS to renect vastacament of sessung Resy.G & Fenwel steam taak cotoo- , 76552.352-76552261 ton ocupment w/GE NUB 4AC teen am-rean emapment p BAJnA,$.S. Pmtect Dructorate61. 93/08/18. top. 76358J00 76350212.  : 930ese0250 Ack receipt of 930830 ter NRC of steps taken to correct violatons 4 noted m mso mpts 506324/93-27 & 50 325/ . 93sanennen Nosten NRC of morngeston of mems regured to sigiloment staton *dar*a 8 i MERSCHDFF.E W 2 (Post 820201L 93/09/16. ANDERSON,RA Carolme recurements et ptet Power & Lagnt Co. 2pp. 6553:139-76553 140. LEVIS.W Carooms Power & Liqpit Co. 93/08/23. Doczament Connel Branch (Document i 930e300185 Forwares map repts $0424/9340 & 50425/93 40 on 93082347.No votaJ 8N 9300000378 Fonwards farnas' for adif atto se util 930125 seauset for amend to TS 80"8 GIBSONA8' 88'F'880" Re goon 2 (Post 820201), 93/09/21. ANDERSON.RA Carchna Power & 31M 2 abow operston w/more sum wie - conta reo scrmn docurnulator. Lsght Co. 3pp. M552$15-M552222- MILANO.P.D. Proiect Drectorate ti1. 93/06/26. ANDERSON.RA Caronna Power &

   -tage3e0190 inap septs 50 324/9340 & $0 325/93 40 onminnPL27.feo violatons or                         Lairn Co. 4pp. 7630s235 m08 038.                                                                        !
                   ,,       I,*,,",,",,*g*m'       venctor wour                                       9300070331 Provutus adtf mio re neuPon Stur enonsonn0 g                               at taoimesJn          h 82 a

R L.b SHYMLOCK.M. Regran 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/06. top. 76552216 g to Corent Dest). 4pp. 76408.346-76408.349. R. Portoshe cPersteng reports & rolsted correspondenne 93000sege6 Informs NRC of change in smuistor nedihcahon Sciedute provided en cer- ' sluatort for Peart Reserunned Simmstor. t 9309010054 **Brunemck Steam Electnc Plant Effluent Rept for Jer> June 1933? W/ HINNANT.C.E. Power & Co. 93/06/31. Document Cortiroi Branch (Doc-unem Coreral Desk). 20p. 76s00 76409Jt6. 930825 ter HINNANT.C.S. Caredene Power & (JIPit Co.93/06/30. 32pp. 76315.33476315.361. 9300230838 Summary of 930826 enestrip w/ubl h Racewths.MD fe status of actvites t 9309070232 Forwards temannual 9tness for duty program portormance note for period ewolvmg Unn 1 outage etenum. cracks a enre ehrouds & tarey epsger & enstal tumungs

       .far> June 1993.                                                                                  tound in fuel 1_ - :~ . Last of meetmg amenomes & shoes enct PRUNTY R W. Carohne Power & Laght Cct 93/08/30. Document Control Brarsch (Doc.                    Mll.ANO.P.D. Propect Drectortes IL1. 93/09/09 Propect Drectorate Ikt. 67pp.

ument Control Doesa 15pp. 76371.341-76371255. 76524:022 76524 289. 930t160101Monthey repts for Aug 1993 tar BSEP unns 1 & 2.w/ 930902 ttr. 9309100043Prowans soveed scheskabe tw ennsmoonient of portons of electncel estr> ! RUMPLE.R., BROWNJM. Power & Lagnt Co. 93/08/31. 7pp. 7645429t> bunon sys.per reme====q w/NRC ounn0 930819 musen9.tesw 5.C10 amp norbeegro-l 76454.302 gated i.Evs.wbusC e,uct onnatemp Po. &pu.mned unnt Co. for93/09n0. entmannon Doc skan0

                                                                                                                                                                          .re ci B,,ich (oooumont i

Control Dome 4 2pp. 76451;261-79451262. S. Reportshie -- . LEhe & reented serveePandence 93D9190347 Provides NRC w/ copy el BSEP. Unit 1.Refuehne Q'nSnw acevees masam , 9300130$$$ PNO.tk33 D42on 930830 NRC ereored enoretormg mode, veepondmg to stod w/NUREG4313.Reir 2 mass at -

                                                                                                                                                                    .        to                 woests per          '

Humcene Emdy.kusted SE o8 -- Ptarn enspectors oboarvmg hearisse ory snap =ceare dunng ami suuse EG o313 & GL e641 telma. caemp$.w Caroens Power & Lagrit Co.93/09/10. Document Control Branch (Document preparatons. Regen il eWomeed States of NC & VA at acevny. LEvt BARR.K. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 93/06/30.1p. 76427245-76427$45. Control Dank).11pp. 76452224 76452.234. l

DOCKETEDITEMS 99 9309170163 Informs that HWC sys for Unt! 2 retumed to svc on 930827. Urut 1 HWC s 930B030274NRC Into Notee 93-063. " Improper Use of Schble Weld Purge Dam Matl." to be placed m svc at completon of current retuehng outage.Wo submmed per NRC GRIMES 9 K. Dusen of Operstmg Reactor Sxpon Post 921004L 93/08/11. Cor* 910701ar.uance of summary of 910619 meepng on utti expenence w/HWC. bohoated Eescri Co. d New York. Inc. Bpp. N99hW99.341. HINNANT.C.S. Carohna Power & Lufn Co.93/09/14. Document Control Branch (Doc-isment Control DesAL 1p. 76479.325-m79.325 9308060237NRC Wo Notee 93-064. *Pereadc Testing & Preventrue Maml Of Moltled Case Creuft Breake s" 9309170187 Fonwaros amends 164 & 195 to beenses DPR-71 & DP;W;2. respectrvely & CRIMES.B K. Dmson of Ooerstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/12. Com SE.Amercs rense number d NSWP remared m TS. revise acton sistements re svc spicawd Eeson Co of New York. snt 11pp. 76447.29176447.303 water sys pump conhguratiors & change survediance remsrements M LANO.P te 1. 93/09/14. ANLIRSON.RA Carchna Power & 93 090 into ,e 93465. Reactor 7tes Caused by Breaker 7esteg W/

 -9309170192 Amends 164 & 195to hcenses DPR 71 & DPR-62.respectrsely, revuung                    E9                o                                   92      MB/13. Con-g                        y          ggy rumber of NSWP reased m TS. action statements re svc water sys pump configura-tons & chantung surveillance requirements of TS3.7.1.2 & 4 7.12.c.

JAJWA.S S. Pro,ect Drectorate H.1. 93/09/14 4pp. 76462.320676462:359. 9308100006NRC Wo Notoe 93 066, Switchover to Hot-Leg insecten Fotowng LOCA moWRs "

 -93091701M Safety evaluaton supparung amenets 164 & 195 to hcenses DPR-71 &               GRIMES.B.K. Dmson et Operstmg Reactor Support Post 921004L 93/08/16. Cork DP462.respecovely.                                                                     solcated Echson Co. of New york, mc 7m m47J15 W47:321.


  • Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. Director (Post 8704111. 93/D9/14.10pp.

76462.360-76463D08. 9308100248 NRC Into Notee 91067. "Burstmg of Hg% Pressure Coolant injecton Steam Lne R.ptwe Dses meures Pia il Personnel." C309200111Apobcaten for amends to hconses DPR.71 & DPR42. requestmg rev to TS GRIMES.B K. Dmsen of Operstmg Reactor Support Post 921004L 93/05/16. Cork atowng amplementaban of functonal role & responsceties of ruclear assessmerF sokostod Eeson Co. of New Ycrn mc.13pp. W47222-76447235. Sept HABERMEYER.H W Carchna Power & Lsght Co 93/09/15. Domsment Coreal Branch (Document Corrtrol Deskt 13pp. 76503 001-76503-066. 9309280250 Ack recept W 330830 ter etwmmg NRC d steps taken to correct velatons noted m eso repts50'324/93 27 8 50 325/83-27. MERSCHOFF,E W. Regen 2 (Post $20221). 93/09/16. ANDERSDN.RA Caronna

 - 9309200t14 Proposed tech specs allowmg manoihentaten et tunctonal fo6e & respo*        Power & Lsg*it Co. 2pp. 76553:13F76553:140.

sedrbes # rer assessment cept

  • Carchna Power & Lagnt Co.93/09/15. 52m 76503-014-76503066.

N7m Fw w M4/m3 & W25/93 30 on 93070S31.Actvines

 $309200169 Forwards summary of differences from estial QA program                        that volated NRC remarements cenphed but ret SM to EA because noensee cwent change descnpton.markeoup FSAR pages & new program de-              My            .E   .

on 2 Post 820201). 93/08/24. ANDERSON.RA Carchns HABERMEYER.H.W Carchna Power & Laghi Cr> 93/09/15. Document Control Branch PO**' & l'ght Co. 3pp. 6332249J6332276. (Document Control DesAL 41pp. 76501:139-76501:179.

                                                                                       - 9309070156 Insp rests 50 324/9S30 & 50 325/9S30 on 930703-31.No volations 9309210235 Forwards suppi mte re testmg of 2X LOCA loge m set asset teature of           noiecLMact areas inspected-mant oceervaton, survedlance obsenth~~"*.'

EDGs for totn unns. safety wentcalon & Umr i autmetrestart LEVIS.W Camhna Power & lsght Co. 93/09/17. Document Corect Branch (Document PREVATTEAL. CHRISTENSEN.H. Repon 2 (Post 820201). 93/08/12. 24pp. Control Desk). $pp.76504236 76504240 76332 252-76332.276. 9309280111 Fonswds TS pages to921228apphcaten for americts to 6connes DPR-71 9309030320 Provides response to violators roted m insp Repts 50 324/93-27 & 50-

    & DPR42 m SLCS & NUMAC digita: steam seek oinacton N                                  325/9S27.Correcthre ae a                 taned to emplement procedse & control work-ANDERSON.RA Carchns Power & Lignt Co 93/09/21. Documora Corsol Branch                 eng h of     taedny statr wre partym satW tuncbons.

(Document Corwol Desk). 2pp. 76592.30476592234- HINNANT. S. Carokna Poww & Lag %t Co.93/06/30.Deasrient Control Branch (Doc-

 -9309230117 Proposed toch specs for SLCS & NUMAC tbgital steam leak detecten ew          """                      #                    ~

Power & LagNt Co. 93/09/21. 24pp. 76592311-76522-334. N40217 Ack scept of 926 Hr NRC W sups taken to caract votatens noted m emp repts 50 324/93-29 4 50 325/ 29. C309290053 Confrms that ksted payment tw fourth nuwter retallment & ediustment of JULIAN.CA Regen 2 Post 820201). 93/09/01. ANDERSON.RA Carolma Power & cnnual heensi see for FYS3per 10CFP171 electmrmcally transferred on 930920 Lagnt Co. 3m 7k4N76441ME PRUNTY.R.W. Power & Lagnt Co.93/09/23. Document Control Branch (Doc-ument Controi Dessa 1p. 76cJtiv>tk.76583:326 LM9196 NRC Wo Nobca 9&O69. "Radography Events at Operstng Power Reac-tors ' 9309300236 Forwards amends 165 & 196 to boenses JR-71 & DPR42 & SE. Amends GRIMESSE Duman of Operstmp Reactor Support Post 921004). 93/09/02. Cork change TS to estate operatonal cond: ten 5 from appbcabdrty recurements of TS sohdated Edson Co. of New York. anc.11pp. 76499.342-7649tt.352. 3.1.5 & remove assocated acton statement for operatonal condrhon 5. MILANC.P.D. Pro,ect Dractorate 181. 93/09/23. ANDERSON,RA Caroina Power & g30g07D206 NRC Inlo Nobce 93470. "Degradatan of Baranex Neutron Absorber Cou-Lsgnt Co. 4pp. 76591:145-76591:163. pans " GRIMESSK Dmsen of Operating Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Con-

 -9309300241 Amends 165 & 195 to hcenses DPR.71 & DPR 62.respeenveey, changmg             sohdated Eckson Co. of New Yors. Inc. 9pp. 76499:353 76499361.

TS to desete operatonal condmon 6 trom nie =mty recharements of TS 3.1.5 & so-newng assocated acion stamment tw operatonal consnon 5 BAJWA,S.E Propect Drectorate p-1. 93/09/2112pp. 76591:149 76591160- 9309150247 Prcmoes NRC w/ copy of BSEP.Umt 1.Refuehng 8 ackwit es assoc > ated w/NUREW4Rev 2 emps d m to E 6 L

 -9309300243 Safety evaluanon supportng amends 165 & 196 to boonses DP471 &               Q,                  p, aubs g          9 / 9/10.           Cwwol Bra ' (Document      (

utsear Reactw Regutaton, Drector (Post 870411). 93/09/23. 3pp. Control Dese Upp. 7645222446452 234. j 76591:161 76591:163.

                                                                                       ,             p                          y         g,          ,,

nors or devoters ncnoc Q. Inspection reports, IE Bubetans & -.. GISSON,A.F. Regen 2 Post 820201). 93/09/10. ANDERSON.RA Carokna Power & Lag %t Co. 4pp. 76504241765042E 9 NRC into Nobce 93 056. "Weanness m EDPs Found as Result of SG Tube , , , GRtMES.BK Duseon of Operatng RJactor Suptmrt Post 921004). 93/07/22. Cork cenatons nomaMacr amas eispecuc*e protecten ,easted vastart asues actuong sohdated Ed son Co. of New YortL mc.11;ip. 76499.302 76499212 repers to umt 1 fue bamer masomy block waits paps & penetraten semis. WISEMAN.GA. CASTO.C. Regen 2 Post 620201). 93/08/31.10pp. 76504247-9307190131NRC into Notee 91056 "Nonconservatam m LTOP tar PWRt" 765042 % GRIMESSK Drvisen of Operetng Reactor Support (Post 921004k 93/07/26. Cork sohdatec Edison Co. of New Yrk. Inc 9pp. 76447264 76447;272 9309000104 NRC W1to Nobce 93471. "Fre at Chemotyl Unft 2." GRMESEX Duson of Opersang Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Cork C307200123NRC Wo Nobce 93-059. " Unexpected Opeemng of Both Doors m Associt" sohdated Edson Cct of New York anc.14pp. 76500:001-7 tis 00.013. G4MESSA Dupon of Operatmg Raactor Suppon Post 9210D4). 93/D7/26. Cors sohdated Edson Co. of New York. anc.10pp. 7644727S7t447282. 930,000243 NRC into Nc ece 93472. "Obsentatons From Raceret Shutdown Rak & Outaos ugt Psot Team insus." C307260065Sapii to NRC Bubetm 9401. "Reparang Lass of CrecaMy Safety Cork GRlh4ESSK Dmman of operannD Reactor Support Post 921004). 93/09/14. Cork


EUR'NETT.Rr.Dus Conaohdawd E -n C omrwn.ce vo ionFuei 23pp.Cve,ie Saiety930207). 76 09209-76 & sate.0uards c31. 93/07/27 ( 9,0,2,,,,, ,,w,,,, ,,, ,e,,, ,0 3,4,,,34 & m2,,,, on ,309,mNo 93:7290 N C,Irflo Nobce 93460. "Reportng Fuel Cycie & Mans Events to NRC yy"'** Pom 820204 93/09/14. ANDERSORRA Crohna Poww & BURNETT.RK Dusen of Fuel Cycle Safety & Sateguards (Post 930207). 93/08/04. Laght Ca app. WW6521257 Consolcated Esson Co of New YortL inc.10pp. 76447.283 76447292. g 930e030200 NRC trito Nob:e 93461. "Excesasve Reactor Coolant Leakage Fonowng omnatons retedWamr areas . __ . - i - . of swvessei vmual exans for umt 1 m-beal Faskre m RCP or RRP- ector acre supowt s*roud & core spray spurgy psmg. GRIME 5.BX Dmason of Operatng Reactor Support Poot 921004). 93/08/09. Cork COJYJL. BLAKEJJ. Regon 2 Post 820201t 93/0m. 9pp. 7652134k solcas 23 Eckson Co of New Ywn. encl 12pp. 764992tS76499224. 76521 257. ginanm45 NRC into Nohce 93462. "TNrmal Straufcatan of Watw m BWR Reactor 9309290226Fwwards map rests 53324/9S32 & 50 32h/9S32 on 930816,20.No vola-vessets" aons ncned GRIMES.B et Desen of Operatng Reactor Suppet Post 921004) 93/08/10. Cork MERSCHOFF.E.W. Repon 2 Post 820201). 03/09/15. ANDERSONAA Carchna sohdated Edson Co. of New York. enc. 9pp. 76499.325-76499.333. Power & Light Co. 3pp. 76552:349-76552261. l l

l 1 l 100 DOCKETED ITEMS i -9309280234 insp rents 50 324'93 32 & 50 325/93-32 on 93081&20 No violabons P. Operstmg bceitse stage docurrwrits & - -- - - - I notec Mapor a eas mspectec expectatons & stavirds. senor rn;P mvwemw"tove all l CR OL RE TE EN H Region 2 (Post 620201) 93/09'15 10pp '" snaccuraw of moter operated waW ma wste"eo"*p"' m i

  • 6552:352'7E552'361 F'ARTLOW,J G. Ar.sociate Drector for i
                                                                                                                                            . (Post 570411) 93/06/28 Conschdat.

9309280185 Forwards a sp repts50.324/93-40 & 54323/93 40 on 930823 27.No vicea- ed bsp M W W % A W N MWN tsons or oeviatrms noted GIESONAF. Repson 2 (Post s2020t). 93/09/21. ANDERSON RA Caroirre Power & 9309070119Subimts hst of aliegatons recewed c.mng W sm 6 d W Leght Co 3pp 76552:01530552.02L JENKINS.G R Reypon 2 (Post 620201). 93/07/14. COSBY T. Tenressee Valley Au-thomy 2pp 76332109-76332110.

 -9309280190 insp repts 50 324/93-43 & 50 325/93 40 on 9338.'.'3-27.No incdatons or oenatons noted Masor areas snspected kcensee response to NRC bubetm 93-003 re         9309070111 Discusses restrt ptan sobrnetted on 930520 Pian found acceptable resolubon at asues related to BWR reactor water level mseurnersbon                       EONETER.S.D. Regen 2 (Post s20201) 93/06/03 MEDFORD.M O. Tennessee RUDISAILS., SHYMLOCA.M Regon 2 (Post 620201). 93<09/06 Spp 76552218                      Vahey Authonty 3po 76332:066 76332 066                                                       ;

70552 022 9309100185 Summarszes 930005 neetmg w/ubt al Seoevah Trwung Ctr re restart , 9309240157Noctcabon at 930923meebrq w/ubi en Rockwine.MD to d*scuss mspecton plan.rea.1 mess actrvibes. post restart assessment & seneouse Vieworaphs enct i actwebes m-aled w/taakty core srvouct CRLENJANR V. Regon 2 (Post $20201) 93/06/16 MEDSO4D.M O Tennessee MILANO.P.D Protect Drectorate H.1- 93/09 22 MURLEY.T.. MiRAGUA.F., Vahey Autrorry 63pp 76424193-76424255. RUSSEM W. NRC - No Detaded Aftmahon Gwert 4pp 7652524176525244 93D9020204 Discusses mto re ANSLN181 w/ respect to operabons manager i 9309280347 Provides response to NRC Bubebn 94001.Arppi 1. " Loss of Fe Od m posebon.Trarung pigram bemg devesored & implemertted for meumbers to obtam j 1ransmitters Manufactured By Rosemount" Utd commeriod to remove & replace 14 SRO levet of knowieoge j Rosemount panstiutters to te m comphance w/buinebn swol pnar to stalt@ FENECH.R.A Tennessiee Vahey Authonty.93/08/25. Document Comrol Branch (Doc. LEVIS

  • Carchna Power & bght Co 93/09/23 Document Conrol Branen (Document amem ConFoi Desm 2pp 7t.344.310-76344:311.

Comroi Desso. sp. 76591.314 76591.314 9309100220 Forwards amends 170 & 160 to hcenses DPR.77 & DPR-79 & SE, Ameros mcrease max voltage hmit specrhed in TSs resurbng from fuiWoad repecton surven-R. Perkdec operating reports & related correspondence tarice test of emergency diesel generators. LABARGE.C E Propect Deectorate u.4 (tormer*y TVA Proeect Deactorate) (Post 930901005s "Brunswck Steam E6ecmc Psam Effluent Rept for Jan June 1993

  • W/ 900603} 93/08/27. MEDFORD.M.O. Tennessee Valsey Authonty. 2pp 76397-001-930825 tir 76397:013.

HiNNANT.C S. Carohna Power & Lagm Co 93/06/30. 32pp 76315:33476315:361.

                                                                                         -9309100224Amercs170 & 160 to beenses DPR 77 & DPR-79.sespectwety, mereasmg 9309070232 Forwards semmfmual frtness for cksty program petormance data cor penod          maa votiage irrut specsfed an TSs resutbng from fulHoad re,ecton survehance test of 1993                                                                             emeroency chesel generators PRUNTY.R W. Carohna Power & bgnt Co 93/08/30. Document Corvrol Brancn (Doc-             HEBDON.FJ. Prosect Drectorate 114 (tormerly TVA Propect Directorate) (Post ument Control Des 4 15ge 76371.34176371.355.                                            900603) 93/08/27. 7pp. 76397:004-76397.010.

9309 4 0101MontNy opera repts for Aug 1993 tar BSEP.uruts 1 & 2 W/ 9309C2 ftr -9309100230 Safety evalumbon supportng amends 170 & 160 to bcenses DPR-77 & RUMPLE.R., BROWft).M Power & bgnt Co 93'06/31. 7pp 76454 296 DPR-79,respectvely. 76454.3C2.

  • Oftce el Nuclear Reactor Regulators. Desctor (post 870411). 93/08/27 3pp 76397-011-76397:013 S6 Reportable occastronces. LERs & rotated 9309020206 Forwards Rev 2 to "SeQJovah Nuceear Purit Restart Plan "

l .- - - - i FENECH.RA Tennessee Vahey Authoney. 93/08/30. EBNETER.S.D. F.epon 2 (Post i 9309130266 PNO4 93-042on 930830 NRO entered morwtonng made, respontbnD to &20201). 2pp 76308122-76308296 l Humcene Emmy.aocated SE of Brunsws:2 Plant inspectors observng teensee l preparatens Regon ll enormeo States of NO & V A of actnmy BARRA Repon 2 (Post 820201). 93/06/30 1p 76427:34576427.345. -930902C210 FENECHAA.Rev 2 to "Sequoyah Tennessee Nucasar 93/08/10.150pp. Vahey Autnanty. Plant Restart Plan" 74 ,30lL124 76300296. l  ! I 9309220033 LEM 9340141 on 930121 Ascovered contammes atmosphenc control re- 93090a0173 Provides suppi edo re TS Chan0es 9213 & 9247 se RCS mm flow rate cebon morutors not semmoapy F""~ by tamee to cenirly & ciamy nacce requeement reducson & RCS toes of flow reactor inp setpoint allowabe value rate SER statement Morvaars modified n/930916 ftr escrease.respectwissy "R2 Flow Camrenetne .* encLPropnetary witahoto JONES.T M., BROWNJ.M Carolma Power & Lagt:t Co. 93/09/16. $pp. 76548 016 FE.NECH.RA Torinessee Valley Authonty. 93/09/03. Documem Esranch (Doc-7f>548:C20. ument ComrW Des 4410pp. 7639819576398.215. 9309290324 LER 92402 C1;cm 920716.RPS Bus A Inpped dJnng voltage adsastmerd 3309D90177 Requests that propnetry RCS Flow Cannnmetnc tristrumentaton thcor- , due to detectve processe & pe sainsi error Preventative masni program reveed & taeny TatWes for Normato:abon to Asngle RCS Flow Canonmetnc." be withheid per I traearig conckscted for operanons stuft personnes on eventw/930923 tir 10CFR2.790(t$4). l MCGOWANJ.F. BROWN,J.M. Carohne Power & Lagnt Co.93/09/17. Spp. 76609242- LIPARULO.NJ.~ W Electne Corp 93/05/05 MURLEY T. Document Corv , 76609246. trW Branch (Docurnent Des 4 tipp. 76398.20576398215 93091400s5 LER 9241741:on 920601.oiscovered mcornpiete closwe at ITE type K-3000 breaker contacts stue to mmnwet contact presswo adsastments & mcreased 9309230219 Forwards Rev 1 to "Seespyah Nuclear Plant Urut 1 Cycle 7 Core Operatmg i movmn pris reesstance Contact presswe reedsassed w/s30909 re. Lenns Rept" renectng redesigned core Oue to thed tuoi assembly Mt 4 dwmg core onmad TABO4.S F, BROWNJ M Crohna Power & ugnt Co. 93/09/24. 9pp. 76452035- FENECH.R.A T_ Vasey Authoney.93/09/17 Document Control Branch (Doc-76452041 umem CornrW W 2pp. 76547.347-76547m 9309220001 LER 93 01641 suppe 1 on 920812. units 1 & 2 were ei cold shuttbum due to seismc concorra w/DG taaldmg whasrs..r-8 by coarp rear & pre-operstonai ~9309230220 Rev 1 to "Somsorah huclear Ptaft! Unit 1.Cycte 7 Core Operstng ismits Rept tesimo CiAs have not been osiermered wi9309i6 te. JONES.T.M., BROWNJ.M Caroima Power & ugni Co 93/09/30. 7pp. LEMONS.1F. Tennessee Valsey Authomy.93/06/19.13pp. 76547-349-76547:3E1. 9309230192 Provmes response to GL 9344. " Rod Control Sys FaAure & Wahdrawat et l DOCKET 50 327 St.QuoTAM NUCLEAR PLAlfT. UNTT 1 Rod Control Cluster Assembhot" SCHOFIELD.B.S. Tennessee Vaney Authority. 93/09/20. Documeni ContrW Branch l (Documem Control Deskt 7pp. 76647216-76547.222. F. Securtty, enechcal, emergency & t'e s protection plans 93092a0179 Forwards inse repts 50 327/93-35 & 5xt26/93-35 on 930812 20.No vioia. "'"P"''"8""'*"""-~- ' l bons noted JUUAN.CA Regen 2 (Post $20201). 93/09/17. MEDFORD.M.O Tennessee Vehey 9307160033 NRC into Notte 93456. " Weakness m EOPs Found as Result of SG Tube l Authonty. 3pp 76552:00176552-014. - Rupture.".B GFiiMES K Dwauon of Operstmg Reactor Suppon921004). (Post 93/07/22 Con. I

  -9309280163 map repts $4327/93 35 & 54328/9345 on 930812-20.Ne wecuatons                   sobdated Edison Co. of New Yor(inc 11pp. 76499.302-76499312.                                 j noiecLMamr areas mspectocemergency essetncat asues on hsted sys mchackng mam                                                                                                        ;

teodwater control & mam generator 9307190131NRC Into feonce 93 058. "Noriconservetum m LTOP tar PWRs" ' MACDONAL.D.G.. SHYMLOCA.M.B. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/16. 3pp GRIMES.B 8L Dnnson of Operaung Fienetor Seport (Post 921004L 93/C7/26. Con-76552.0D4 76552 014 ochdated Edrson Co. of feew YtetL inc. 9pp. 76447.264-76447272 9309300100 informs of plans to restart wut 2 on or about 931004 tonovnng seven 9307200123NRC Into Notce 93459. " Unexpected Openn0 of Both Doors m Aetacet" rnanth outage.Urvt i romans shut oown & not expecied to tue rea$y for restart untd GRIMES.E K Dnneson el Operstng Reactor Suppon (Post 921004L 93/07/26. Con-perhaps Dec 1993 schosted Edson Co. of how YorN mc.10pp. 76447273-76447282. EttiCASON.RA Emergency Preparedness Brarut 93/09/29 HEPLER.M. Feoeral Emergency Management Agency.1p. 7667D.333 76670.330. g307260065 Suppt 1 to NRC Buheen 91401. "T4eportng Loma cf Crthcakty Safety Con-iram " bdRNETTA F. Divuison of Fuel Cyce Salsty & Sereguards (Post 930207). 93/07/27. H. General - Corisohdated Echnori Co. of New YorA is 23pp. 76409 00lk76409031. 1 93090900b3 Undated commerit on w%susblower protmeten mausAuthor desatshed w/ 9307290112 NRC trdo Notco 93460. 'Tieportrig Fusi Cycee & Matis Ewerns to NRC j NRC prograrp for hariding eusastenwo compamens at piamt Operatons Ctr." SM!THA Afhhston Not Assgned.93/09/02 Ruses & DescDves Review Brancf1 (Post BURNETT.R F. Dsvison at Fuut Cycse Satefy & Sateguards (Post 930207) 93/08/04 920323). 2pp 76347.196-7t;347:199 Conachdated Edson Co of how Yorit Inc.10pp 76447283 7t.447292. l

DOCKETED ITEMS 101 9308030200 NRC Info Notee 93 061. "Excessrve Reactor Coolant Leakage Followmg 9309280204 Ack teceipt of 930923 ltr storming NRC of steps taken to correct molatons Sea:Fanse si RCP or RRp " . roted m msp repts 50-327/93-28 & 50 328/9128 Recon 1s wdt t e adpusted to refue::1 GRIMES.E K. Duson of Operstmo Reacto' Support (Post 921004L 93/06/09. Con- that no cned voadon occurred te volaten 54327.328/9126 C2 solcated Edson Co 01 New York. ec.12pp 76499;313-76499.324 CUNE.W E. Region 2 (Post 820201), 93/09/09. k NORD.M.C. Tennessee Vahey 9308030245 NRC Into hatce 93 062. "7hermal Stratifcaton of Water m BWR Reactor GR $ B K. Dmson of Operatmg Reactor Support (Post 921DD4L 93/06/10. Con- pcm sohdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp 76499.32S76499.333. GRIMES.B.K Dmson of Opwatmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/10 Con-93080302'4 MRC Into Nobce 91053. "amproper Use d Solutne weed Matt." GRIMES.B K. Dmson of Operstmg Reactor Suppon (Post 926004). 9 /06/11. Con- NRC inb Notice M. .M I CW Und 2.. sobcated Esson Co. of New Yort' Inc. SpD.76499.334-76499.341' 93 8 GRIMES.B K Desen of Operatmg Peactor Sosiport (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Co+ solidated Esson Co. of New York. Inc.14pp. 76500 0017 tis 00:013 93080s0237 NRC Into Notte 91064. "Penode Testmg & Preventwe Mamt of Moided C%e Cercut Breakert." 9309210252 Responcs to NRC 930812 tt re volatons noted m map rept 50427/93-34 GRIMES.E K. Dmson of Ope stmg Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/08/12. Con-schcated Eason Co. of New Yort lic.1100.76447-293 76447-303.

                                                                                              & 50-328/93-34 Correctwe aa-.~M obsolete forms mcorrecay cooed ensur-cards reenwed FBI trgerpnnt classificancet 9308250098 Forwards map repts 50-327/93-27 & $4328/93-27.No molatons or dem.                   F         .RA Tennessee Valley Autrorny. 93/D9/13. Document Control Branch (Doc-anons noted.                                                                               ument Control Deskt 5pp. 76515.332 76515.336.

JUUAN.CA Regon 2 (Post $20201). 93/06/12. MEDFORD.M.O. Tennessee Vahey Authonty. 3pp. 76352'134-76352:144 9309090243 NRC Into Notce 93472. "Observators From Recent Shutdown Risk & Outage Mgt Puot Team insps." -C309070012 Insp repts 54327/93-27 & 54328/9S27 on 9306214723.No volatons GRddES.BIL Dmsson el Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/09/14. Con-stated.kasor areas mspected: heater crarm & vents.extracton steam & mam turtune sohdated Eeson Co. of New York anc. Spp.76500:014-76500:02E eleceo-hytraulc control.

                 . SHYLOCK.MA Regon 2 (Post 820201). 93/06/12. 8pp. 76352137-                               ecuss
               -                                                                           9309210139
                                                                                              -1    concems of open assues msurnng from opwatonal reaeness as-C3           97          nb         93461 " Reactor inps Caused by Breaker Testmg W/           [h           MO                v                  pp 7           7649        .

GRIMES.B K. Duson of Operabng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/13. Con- 9309290151 Forwards msp repts50 327/9S41 & $0 328/93 41 on 930916 20.No vola-soi. dated Edison Co or New York. mc.11pp. 76447:304.76447.314 aons noted. 9308100006 NRC Into twece 93466. "Switchover to Hothg injecton Fobowmg LOCA JUUAN.CA Regon 2 (post 820201). 93/09/16. MEDORD.M.O. Tennessee valley in PWRs " Authoray. 3pp. 76551277-76551291. GRIMES.B K. Omson of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06/16. Con-soldatect Edison Co. of New York, mc. 7pp 76447:31576447.321. -9309280154 ansa repts 50 327/9S414 50326/93-41 on 930016 20ho colatons roted.Maior areas mspected:drawm0 control. drawng tacklogs & fonowup on prev > 9308100248 NRC Into Notte SS067. "Bastmg of Mgh Pressee Coolant entacton ausly adermfied control waa== Staa n une Rupture Docs Irgares Plant Personnet." WHITENER.H.L. O.C. Regen 2 (Post 820201L 93/09/15.12pp. 76551284 GRIMES.BA Dmson of Operanns Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06/16. Con- 76551291. schaated Eeson Co. of New York mc.13pp. 76447 322-76447;335. 9309140226 Forwards insp Repts 50427/9S32 & $0 326/9332 on 930628 0702 & noted' 12W & notme of volaton. JUUAN.CA Regon 2 (Post $20201). 93/09/16. MEDFORD.M.O. Termesse" vainey JUUAN.CA Regon 2 (Post 820201). 93/05/20. MEDFORD.M.O. Tennessee valley Autnanty. 3pp. 76552-152 76552163. AJthonty. 50p. 76439117-76439147. ,

-9309143231 Notoe of volaton from insp on 930626 4702 & 12-23. Volatmns                    -9309250214 insp mpts SS327/9S36 &,54328/9S36 on 930809 2m votatens or oenanons noted. Macr areas                         at paara actnsbes to assess beense C/

noteeprocedures covenng test actwees orsafety retated souipment fot implememed, A bemg taken m esponse m emnoment that has t een unrehable.

  • Regon 2 (Post 820201k 93/06/20. 2pp. 76439.122-76439:123' THOMAS,M., CASTO.C. Regon 2 (Post 820201) 93/09/14. 9pp. 76552155

-9309140233Insp repts50427/9S32 & $0328/9S32 on 9306284702 & 12 23 Vote. 76552-163. nons noted.Maar areas mspectedaalanceWiant sampmert & sys & conectwe ac-tnns m response to emapment unrehaDia. 9309290179 Fcmarards map repts $4327/93,35 & $4326/9345 cm 930012-20 No vois-THOMAS.M. CASTO.C Regran 2 (Post 820201). 93/08/18. 24pp. 76439:124 tons noted. 7643Sr147. JOUAN.CA Regon 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/17. MEDRORD.M.O. Tennessee Valley Authonly. 3pp. 76552:00176552-014. 9309230212Ltr contracLMod 3 to task order 49.decransmo level o' aftart to one ape-cabst for on erle msp.lo "Operatons ReadruBss AssessmerM Team Insp 6equoyah 1 -9309280183 insp capts SS327/9S35 & 50 328/9345 on 930812 2C.No volatons

            .ML Coneact Admeustraton Brancri 1 (Post 900603). FIN L.-13423. 93/06/24.                     conect &

LOFY RA PARAMETER. snc 3pp. 76525:192-76525:194 MACDOf4ASG SWMLOCK.M.B. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 93D9/16. 3pp. 33090B0021 Respondh to NRC 930721 Itr te molabons noted m msp rept 50 327/9S26

    & 50 328/9346.Conective -.               W 6 fpaV current transformers repeaced ei      9309230154 Resunds to NRC 930723 IF m maahans fated m esp repts 50-327/9S29
                                                                                               & $0 32u/9S29.C/As:an technnans w/ PASS masonsoony have mMir onr>

EH V 93 . Document Control Branch (Doc. * ^S

    ~ c-
  • o a == ==6388= 17Nb'*UTe="s."e'2se",'A 4$ nt *"y"a"#2M:T?o,70 "B,anch (D 9==01. NRC in,o co 93469. -Radog,apn, Evenis .i 0, ng Pow. Re - C- =Dee - = 76= = i tonL" 9309290304 Prowdes response to viciatons noted m insp Repts 54327/9132 & 50-GRIMES.BA Dwison of Operstmg Reactor Sapport (Post 921004). 93/09/02. Co,w sohdated Edmon Co. or New yont err 11pp. 76499t342-76499t351 328/9S32Croctwo acnons.asr quaisty test completed on 930G28 & sarripses op-tamed 4 sent to lab for annsyss.

9309140203 Ack recect of 930817 ftr sntormng NRC of steps tanen to correct votatons FENECH.RA Tennessee vehey Asthartry.93/09/20. Document Corttici Branch (Doc-roisd in mso repts $0427/9S23 & $4325/93-23. ument Control Desk). 6pp. 76589;313-76589 318. . CRLENJAK.RV. Regon 2 (kost $20201). 93/09/02. MEDFORD.M.O. Tennessee vahey Authorny,3pp. 7644t204 764412%


930914016e Forwards insp Repts 50-327/93-33 & $D428/93-33 on 930711- 0807 & nonces at violaton & devatorL 9309210196 Monthly operatmg repts for Aug 1993 fce Sequoyah Nuclear PlanLunas 1 & CRLEFUAK RV. N,gon 2 (post 8202011. 93/09/03. MEDFORD.M.O. Torinessee 2 Valeey Authomy app. 76436.255-76436:304. .. FENECH.RA Tennessee vehey Autnority. 93/08/31. 10pp. aC309140170Ncece of votanon from map on930711-0807.Volaton notect.hcensee en. 76503-32S76503-332 j i piemomed desegn change outssee est4Disshed Design control maasses & sys & com-ponents found mcorrect y transisted eno tsued category.1 oraweeg j

  • Repon 2 (post 823201) 93/09/03. 3pp. 76436259-76436261, S. Reportabte -... LIRA & re*sted .
 -9309140173 Notice of donaton from siop on 930711-0807.Devinhon noted. actual              92100101 Sunimary of operanno reactors evets meetmg SSPS on 930728.

pnysca.l CHAFFEEAE. Events .w.drnt Brantm.93/08/05. GRIMES.BA Dween of Oper-sys deft edconhguraton from F5,AR. & operaton of process sanemg sys & nuclear mseumematon atmg Reactor Support (Post 921004).16pp. 76413056-76413-071. j

  • Regon 2 (Post 823301),93/09/03 2pp. 76436.262 76436263. i
 - 9309140179 anse repts54327/93-33 4 50 328'9343 on 930711-0807. Votatons &                9309090027 Specal rept BS08;on 930820.LCO eras emered thae to inoperable cewators voted Mapor areas mspectoctplant apostontmant.ssveillance.svatunton               vane work roovest enbated m mapact & conect vaNo probeerrtretvo cycJed & re-turned to oporubie status.

of icennes self i ._ .. capabety & LER csomeout HOLLAND.W.E KELLOG.P L Repon 2 { Post 820201). 93/09/03. 41pp. 76436.264 FENECH.RA Tennessee Valley Authomy.93/09/01. Document Conrol Branch (Doc- l ument Comrol Desk). 3pp. 7641t194 76411196. ] 76436 304. , 9309130256 Informs that functon of normal &/or aftsmate chartpng line wE be reve sed 9309130274 LER 9342240 on 930805.oetermmed that potental for situaton to most at i before restart 1 rom Urut 1 Cyces 6 retunimg outageJi ret to NAC Buitetm 85408.Uret 2 g4 ant where ABGTS tait to tunegan as re3ered manLCoused by mod comploted. , tanure to assountely tacular OesegrL vovestLW/ 7 Itr. FENECH.RA Tennessee Vasov Authomy. 93/09/06. Document Cortol Bra ach (Doc- WHITTEMDRE.C FENECH.RA T.. . Vahey Authonty. 93/09/07. 7pp. j ument Control Desky app 76429:334 76429:337 7643t172-76421178. i


 #309210070 Fwwards Rev 1 to LER 92-017 re ESF actuaton as resutt of masvertem               -9309020210 Rev 2 to "Sequovan Nucmar Piant Resta't Piart"                                            !

auto sta't segnat from Cemntugal Chayng Pump 1B B urcervortage aard.a'y FENECH.RA Tennessee Vancy Authonty 93/08?10153pp 76308124JS336296. I relav Rev provdes event cause as oetermned tiv recently tempeeled wortt cocument. FENFCH.RA Tennessee Vasev Aufnonty 93/09/13. Document Comrol Brancn (Doc- 9309080173 Prondes suppl mio te TS Changes 92 12 & 92 07 re RCS tmn flow rate urnent Controi DesAl 2pp. 76525 017 76525 022. recurement reducten & RCS toss of t ow reactor inp setpont ahowable value merear e.respeceve4y "RCS Flow Calonmetoc .? emetpropneta y porton witnheid

 -9309210079 LER 92 0174 ton 920631.oreovertent auto start sgnal to CCP 18.B ani1F              FENECH.RA Termessee vahew Autrenty 93/09'03. Document Co* trol Branch (Doc.                       I ated whom cha'grng pump undervt* age u=y retav latchmg mechansfn unsatched                   ument Control DesA) 10pp. 7639819576398215.                                                        I due to persormet error Wyk request wrmen to examrne relay.

BORAS'EWSFJ.J. Tennessee Vahey Authonty. 93/09/13 4pp. 76525019- ,93090s0177 Requests that propnetary "RCS Flow Canonmetnc Instrumentaten Uncer. 76525.022 tany Tabees for Normakzaten to Sngle RCS Few Caenmetnc

  • be withreid per S309280346 LER 93423 00.or) 933821.oetermned that vinous f re ocors m piant e* 10CFR2 790(bH4)

LIPARULO.NJ W Eiectnc Corp 93'05/05 MURLEY,T. Document Cori-stahed Wtunges that do not rneet Natt Fra Prosecten Assoc 80 al Deskt 11pp. 76398235-76398215 regurementLArcrutectural coor orawngs will be resised W/930920 fir. Sol Branch (Dccumem 1 S FENECH.RA Tennessee VaNey Authomy. 93/09/20. 7pp. ' 9309150242

                                                                                                 . ance -o  TSnem C,hange  93-12 mt ~als   toto-nc La: ens.e DPR-79.**'c*"#

w/Ur 2 Cy . certam TS 18 month sur. ouiage 9309280076 93 ey y A 9 9/0& Document w.MrWtB ana LER,yss.02443:e,n ou, io aA 9,30824.repnrted e of .- - - to acosent scenanor u,e inst vN,0 assoc CH[A Tennessee V assumptons were used m anaeyss Performed evalaanortW/930923 Itr MEADEAE FENt:CH.R.A. Tennessee Vahey Autnanty 93/09/23 7pp. 76609-11g. -9309150245 Proposed TS re one.1me eensen c818-nonm s'awance recurement 76609 124' mtervals.

  • Tennessee Valley Authonty.93/09/08.12pp. N51046-W51057 9309290318 LER 9S02540.on 933825.oeterrmned ASME secton XI boring msp was not po'tormed due to personnet error.Pertormed exam per siservice map reaurements 9309230192 Prowses response to GL 9344. " Rod Control 1%f s FaAre & Wrthdrawal of for second-stnoe bolts W'930923 Mr Rod Control Cluster Assembhet.**

WRASZEWSKl.J., F.NECH.RA Tennessee Vahey Authonty 93/09/23. 7pp SCHOFIELD,B.S. Tennessee VaNey Authonty. 93/09/20. Document Comrol Branch 76609235 76609241 (Document Control Desk) 7pp. 76547216-76547222. DOCKET 50-328 SEQUOYAH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 2 g enspecgon ,, ports, IE Bubetem & - F. Security, medcal, emergency & fee protecton peans $307160033 NRC Into Nobce 93456. Weakness m EOPs Found as Result of SG Tube Rupture

  • 9309280175Forwaros msp repts50 327/9S35 & $0 328/93 35 on 930812-20.No d. GRIMES.B K Dumon of Opersang Reactor Soport (Post 921004). 93/07/22. Cork bons noted sole 2ated Edison Ca of New York, int 11pp. N99:J02-W99212.

JUUAftCA Regen 2 (Pos! 820201). 93/09/17. MEDFORD.M.O. Tennessee Vaney i Author *ty 3pp 7655E00176552014. 9307190131NRC Into Nohce 9&OSE. %-- ___ m LTOP tar PWRs? GRIMES.B K. Onnsen of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Cork

 -9309280183 Inso rests SS327/9S35 4 50 328/93 35 on 93081240.No notaiens                      schaated Edson Ca at New York, me 9pp. 76447264-N47:272 rotaaldasar areas mspected.emerger'cy electncal asues on hsted sys mcludng man tesowater comrol & mam ponerator                                                        9307200123NRC Into Notee 93 059. " Unexpected Openng or Bom Doors m AskxA?

MACDONALD.G. Repon 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/16. 3pp. 76552 004-78552$14. GRIMES.BA Dnnsson of Operanng Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Con-sohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc,10pp. 76447:273-76447;262. 9309300190 informs of plans to restart urut 2 on or about 931004 toRounng seven montn outage.ura i romans snur oown & roi expectos so te resay tor restart unnt 93072s.0065 Suppi 1 to NRC Bubetn 91401,"Reparang Loos of CnbcniPy Safety Cork perhaps Dec 1993 gogg ERICKSON.RA Emer9ency Preparedness Branch 93/09/29. HEPLER.M. FederRI BURNETT.R.F. Dnnsson of Fuel Cvcie Safety & Satomaras (Posi930207). 93/07/27. Emergency Managemers Agency 1p. 76670;33S76670.330, Consobcated Edson Co. of New York, snc. 23pp. 76409909-76409 031. g g ,,,,,g _ 9307290112 NRC, info Nance SS060. "Reparung Fuel Orcse & Mans Events to NRC Operasons Cir. BURNEM.R F. Onneon of Fue' Cvcee Soloty & Saloguards (Post 930207). 93/08/04 93090B0053 Uncated comment on m%suebeower prosecton asue. Author ensanshed w/ Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Ine 10pp. N47:2n3-76447292. NRC program lor handhng wrvstlebtower complants at plants 9309030200NRC Info Notics SS061,"Excessne Reactor Coceaat Leakage Fobowmg 7 [/09/02. Rules & Desctwes Review Branch (Post Seal Fadura m RCP or RRP. GRIMES.B K. Dansen of Operetng Reactor Sepost (Post 921004). 93/08/09. Cork P. Opersteig bcense stage : achanted Edson Ca el New Yors anc.12pp. W99213.W99.324. 1&_ 9 W 45 NRC Into Notcs 9S062 " Thermal Stratificanon of Water m BWR Reactor 9306230099 Sepi 5 to Genene Lir 8910 to nuclear plant beensees & CP hotoers re GRIMES.B K D%nson of Opermeng Reactor Succort (Post 921004). 93/08/10. Cork RTLOWJG Associa Dr for 0411). 93/06/28. Consols3ai- a hosted Edson Ca of New Yort, sic. 9pp. N9t.325-N99 333. ed Eeson Ca of twow York, enc 7pp, W09 001.N09006. 9309070119 Submrts tst of theDatens recewed eJnng trut sa months of 1993 9'8narran974 NRC into Nonce DSOC3 " improper Due of Soluble Weld Ptene Dam MatL" JENKINS.G.R Ro;ison 2 (Post 820201). 93/07/14. COSBY T. Tennessee VaRoy Au,, GRIMES.B K. Divisson of Opratrig Reactor Support (Post $21004). 93/08/11. Cork thonty. 2pp. 7633210lL76332:110. suhdated Edson Ca of New York, Inc. Opp. N9t.334-76495r241. 9309070111 Discusses restart plan submrtted on 930520. Plan found acceptabe. 9309060237NRC Into Noboe 93464. "Penoec TestnD & Provensve Mant of Molded EBNETER.S.D. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 93/08/03 MEDFORD.M.O. Tennessee Case Certast Breakers" i Vasey Authonty.359. 76332:066-76332tG8. GRIMES.8 K. Dnnsen of Operanng Reactor Support IPost921004). 93/08/12. Cor> sohdateo Edson Co. 01 New York. inc. lipp.76447.293-76447:303. 9309100185 Summanres 930805 meeang w/utt at Secpoyah Tranno Ctr te vestart plan.readness acovibes.posivestart ==== ament & scriedute v . enct 9305250098 Forwarcs msp repts $0427/9127 & $0328/9527.No vicsatens or dev* CRLEN.lAK.R V. Regen 2 (Post 820201) 93/08/16. MEDF .M.O. Tornessee anons noted. Valley Authorrey. 63pp. 76424.19&N24255. JUUAN.CA Region 2 (Post 82C201). 93/08/12. MEDFORD.M.O. T... Vauey Authoney. 3pp. 76352.134-76352144. 0309020204 Darunas info re ANS6W181 w/ respect to operatoris manager ] posrborLTranng program bemg deveeoped & smplemented tar encuntient to obtain 9309070012 trisp rents 50 327/93-27 & S05328/9127 on 9306214723.No tnolamons )

   $RO wved of krowlooge.                                                                      noted.Maror areas snepected:tienter drams & vomis.extratton steam & marn turtime                     i rENECH.RA Tennessee Valley Authcmtv.93/08/25. Document Control Branch (Doc-                 emetro.hvirauhe conent ument Control Desak 2pp. 76344210 76344211.                                                                                                                                                     l MOORE.R SefYLOCK.M B. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 93/08/12. 8pp. 76352.137-9309100220 Forwards amends 170 & 160 to hcareas DPR-77 & DPR-79 & SE. Amenos mcrease mas voltage knut specshed en TSs renunsig Som tulbaoed re,ecton surveL           9309090187 NRC Into Notce 9346$, " Reactor Trps Naad by Breaker Teshng W/

lance test of emergency essel N Fault Protecten Byn===M " LABARGE.D.E Prcnoct Drectorate 16 4 (formerly TVA Pro, set Drectorate) (Post GRIMES.9A Dwoon W @atng Reactor Support (Post 92mE 93/08/4 Corv 900603L 93/08/27. MEDFORD.M.O. Tennessee Valley Autnority. 2pp. 76397201 76397$13. N Edson Ca cd New YA m 1M 76447204-76447214.

 -4309100224 Amends 170 & 160 to beenses DPR-77 & DPR-79.respecDvely sncreasing             9309100006,, NRC into Netos 93466,"Swilchover to Hol-Leg inpacton Followng LOCA E              I                                    ""' #

FJ Propiect Drectorate 16 4 (formerty TVA Proyect Dre::torate) (Post GR MES.B K. Dwison of Operatng Rea::sor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/16, Cork sohdated Edson Co. of New Yort. Inc. 7pp. W47215 76447221, 900603). 93/08/27. 7pp. 76397 004-76397 010. 9308100248 NRC Into Noace 9S067. "Eks'stng of High Pressure Cootant anpacten

 -9309100230 Safety evaktaton aupportng amends 170 & 160to hconses dor.77 &                    Steam tre Rupture Dncs inpures Plant PersonnoL" DPR 79.respectweey,                                                                         GRIMES.B K. Dnneen et Openamng Reactor Support (Post 921004). E3/08/16. Cork
  • Office of Nucemar Reactor Regulaton, Drector (Post 870411). 93/08/27. 3pp. sohoaisc Edson Ca of New York anc.13pp. 76447.322-76447235.

76397$11-76397$13. 9309140226 Forwards Insp Repts 50327/9S32 4 50 328/9S32 on 930628- C702 & 93D502020s Forwards Rev 2 to "Soouoyah Nuclear Plant Restart Plan." 12 23 & nonce of volanort FENECM.RA To mesame Vanew Authonty. 93/08/33. EBNETER.S.D. Rogson 2 (Post JUUAN.CA Regen 2 (Post 820201). 03/08/20. MEDFORD.M.C. T..- - Vaney 820201). 2pp. 76308:122 76308296. Authartty. Spp.76439 117-76439 147



i  !

 -9309140231 Notce of votaten Wom map on 930626 0702 & 12-23. Volatorm                     -9309280214 Insp repts 50427/93 36 & 50w326/93 36 on 930809 20.No votamons or l    rtsted: procedures covenng test actubes of safetr< elated eauoment tot implememed          denatons noted Mapor areas . .. . z ':-- of plant actutes to assess iconse C/
  • Regen 2 (Post B20201). 93/08/20. 2pp. 76439.122-76439123. A being uiken en response to egupenent that has been unrehabie.

THOMAS.M CASTO.C. Regen 2 (Post E20201). 93/09/14 9pp. 765$2:155-

 -9309140233insp repts 50 327/93 32 & 50-328/9S32 on 930626-0702 & 12- 23Vota.                 76552-163.

tons noted.Mapt areas mspected. balance cl+iant eqtaprnent & sys & correctwo ac. tons en response to so6apment unret,abe 9309280178Fonwards msp repts 50 327/9S35 & $0426/93 35 on 930812-20.No vois-THOMAS.M., CASTO.C. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 93/08/18. 24pp. 76439:124 Ions roted.  ! ( 76439:147 JULIAN.CA Regon 2 (Post 820201L 93/09/17. MEDFORD.M.D. Tennessee Vaney Aginonty. 3pp. 76552-001-76552:014. l [ C309330212Ltr contractMod 3 to task croer 49.decressmg level of ettort to one spe-  ! caahst tot on sne "Operanons Reathness Assessrnent Team insp Sequoyan 1 -93093e0183 anzp mpts 50-327/93-35 & 64328/9S35 on 930812-20.No volatons

    &2~                                                                                       roledMapr areas espectedemergency electncal issues on hsted sys meksing man SCOTT.ML Contract Admmstraton Branch 1 (Post 900603). FIN 113423. 93/08/24.               teedwater conuts & mam genemtor.

LC7Y.RA PARAMETER. inc. 3pp. 76525:192-76525:194. MACDONALD.G SHYMLOGNM B. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 93/D9/16. 3pp. , 76552 004-76552 014.

            8/93-26               ,,       b ser to ensurs that proper omtalianon hac occurred.

cur ont Sans, 9309230154 Responds to NRC 930723 ftr te votatons noted in msp reprs $4327/93-29

                                                                                              & $0-328/S"L-29.C/As.aB tectmicians w/FASS responsstxhty have successfully corm FENECH.RA Tennessee Vaticy Authernv. 93/08/31. Document Coreal Branen (Doc-               pieted trainns m orcer to etam PASS samples within reauesa ammann Onent Control Desk). 2pp 76388:359 76388.360.                                             FENECH.RA Tennessee vaney Authonty.93/09/20. Document Cortirol Branch (Doc-ument Corsol Dest (). app.76548 187-76548'190.

9308260190 NRC Into Nobce 93 069. "Radograpny Events at Operstmg Power Reao- 930s2e0304 Prondes response to votahons roted m insp Repts 50327/9342 & $0-NIMES.BA Dmson of Operatng Reactor S@ port (Post 921004). 93/09/02. Con-achdated Edrson Co. of New Yorst. Inc.11pp. 76499.342 76499.352. f go, FENECH.RA Tennessee vasey Authonty. 93/09/20. Document Control Branch (Doc-

                                                                                              "'"'"    U" "'
 'C309140203 Ack receipt of 930817 ftr mtonrmg NRC of steps taken to conect wotations r: Died m msp repts 53 327/9123 4 54328/9S23.

CRLENJAK.RV. Regen 2 (Post 820201% 93/09/02. MEDFORD.M.O. Tennessee R Portodic operatin9 eePorts & retened corrompendence vaney Authonty_3pp. 76441:204-76a41.206. s30914016e Forwaras inse Rapts $4327/93 33 4 50 32s/9133 on 930711- 0807 8 9300210196 Monthly operstng mpts lor Aug 1993 for Sequoyah W Rantunns 1 & NNAK, 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/03. MEDFORD.M.O. Tennessee

                                                                                                                . FENECH,RA Tennessee Vaney AuSents 93/08/31. 10pp.

Vaney Authonly. 4pp. 76436:255-76436.304. 76503.323-76503:332.

  -9309140170Nobce of weston from msp on 930711.0007.Votaton roted bconsee en-piemonted design change outsde estabinned deogn control monstros & sys & cosm         E k,wtotde occupences, h & rotated oormependonoe pnents tound mconectry transtated rno hsted category 1 drawing.
  • Regen 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/03. 3pp. 76436.259-76436.261. 9300000027 Specsal rept 934 Bon 930820.LCO was enlared due to moperable wafwe. Work reouest mihated to mapoct & correct valve probiontvalve cycsed & re-
  -.9309140173 Nobce of densbon from map on 9307110807.Dewaton noted: actual                  tumed to operatne status.

pnysscal confr.praten & operanon of grocess sanpimg sys & nuclear mstrumentaton FENECH.RA Tennessee Vatev Authority. 93/09/01. Document Control Branch (Doc- , sys skftered from FSAR. ument Control DeskL app. 76411:194-76411:196.

  • Regen 2 (Post 820201L 93/09/03. 2pp 76436.262-76436:263. g, 4 309140178 Insp repts 54327/9S33 & $4328/9343 on 9307114807. Volatons & HPFP water swpresson flow patte moperstne upon vatwo todure of armel sirvel-covetons roted.Mapr areas mapecteo:pamt operatons. marc . - - e%saton lance operetnerty inst WR wntion to mooocLreper or repleer valve.

of hoensee son. a ranahety & LER closooul FENECH.RA Tennessee Vasey Authoney. 93/09/02. Document Control Branch (Doc-

     >lOLLAND.W.E., Khu.OG.P.I. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/03. 41po. 76436.264              ument Control Destk 3pp 76623300-76523301 l

76436.304. 930D130256 Informs that functon of normal &/or ehemste bne we tre reverned DDCKET mate MIDLAffD PLAffT. UNIT 1  ! Delore restatt from Unit 1 Cyce 6 retuohng outage.m var to 08-008. Unit 2 -{ mod co noisted. & concependence FENECH.RA Tennessee Vahey Authonty. 93/09/08. Document Coreal Branch (Doc. A

  • f?"""l/ - stage f ,

ument Coreal Desk). app. 76429:334-76429337. l 9306230099 Suppl 6 to Genene Lir 9910 to nucieer spent loensees & CP hoioers re  ! 9300330204 Ack recept or 930923 tir enormmg NRC of steps taken to correct votshons meccuracy el .. - volve echaement roted m map repts 54327/93-28 & $0428/9348.Recores win te adlusted to reflect PARTLOW.JA Assocess Drector for (Post 870411k 93/06/28.Conschdet-113 no caed volaban occurred re violaton ed Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 7pp. 76409:00176409 008. CUNE.W.E Regon 2 (Posi 820201). 93/09/09. 54327.328/93-2s.02.O. MEDFORD.M Tennessee Vaney Aumonty. 3pp. 76552111-76552113. CL M M -. , ! 930e0702o6 NRC Wo Nohce 93470. "Dogradatan of Baranes Neupon Absortaer Cou-l pons " 9308220126 Partal resporse to F04A roouest. App O documents avadetne m PDRApp P l GRIMES.BX Dueen of Operstmg Reactsr hyrvt (Post 921004k 93/09/10. Con- documents partesy witnheid fret FORA Exempaans 5 & $1.

sohdated Edson Cn of New York,Inc. 9pp. 76499.353-76499361. GRMSLEY.D.H Dumon et Freedom of trearmehon & PhmMrs Sennces (Post i B9023SL 93/04/28. GluNSKY.V. Afhhaton Not Assymect 11pp. 76576123-j menen104 NRC Into Notco 93 071 "Fre et Chemopyl Unit 2." 76580 168.

GRNES.B K. Omsen et Operstmg Reactor Soport (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Cork sohdated Ethson Co. of New York, mc.14pp. 76500:001 76500 013. e303220246 Partally withheld Commason paper re FOiA Appeal a2-A.20 T5tuBATCH.S.L. Citme of the General Cournal (Post 860701). SECY-83428. 83/01/ 9300210252 Responds to NRC 930812 Itr se violatons rated in rap rept 50.327/9344 20. 62pp. 76578:200 76578.251.

     & 50428/9344.Correctve scions costroyed cosoitte forms mcorrec9y coded ensur-Ingerpnnt cards recewed FBI             claseshcatort NECH.RA Tennessee vasey                 93/09/13. Document Control Branch (Doc. P. Operatens hoenas essee ^              . & correspondentie ument Control Deskt 5pp. 76515:332 76515236.

9309300135 Partal response to FOIA reouset for documents. Forwards records m App L 930B000243 NRC Info Notce 93472 "Dtiservatons From Recent Shutopwn Rak & which are wanneid partesy for toned russons. trol FOiA exempeans $b Outage Mgt Phat Team insps." HARRi$.CA of Freedom of Informehon & Phrmuns Senaces (Post GRNES.B K. Dmson of Operstmg Reactor Support (post 921004). 93/09/14. Con- 390205). 93/04/12.GIUNSKY.V. Afhhston Not Asugrad. Opp.76677:001-76680 Oti6, sohdated Edson Co of New York. Inc. Bpp. 76500914-76500222.

                                                                                            -8110200566 Partasy withheld into SECY that informs Commmeon of Appeal Board 930e210139 Demms conooms of open asues resufDng from operatonal readmess as-                decmon.

seusment team risp. FITZGERALD.JA Offee of the General Counsel (Post 800701). SECY41429. 01/ VARGA.SA Dumen of Reactor Prenects - t/11 (Post 870411). 93/09/16. 01/14. 8cp. 76677:01476677:017. MEDFORD.M.D. Torinessee Vahey Authonry. 2pp. 76490:325-76490226. 8110290032 Partally withheid rilo SECY that intcrms Commason of Appeal Board 9309300151 Forwards map repts50 327/93 41 & 50428/03 41 on 930816-20.No vola- decmort CID noted. FTTZGERALD Othee of the General Ccnnset (Post 860701). SECY41-154. 81/03/11. JUUAN.CA Regen 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/16. MEDFORDMO. Tennessee Vaney 15pp. 76677:1697977:183. Authonty. 3pp. 76551:277 76551.291. 4 309290154 Insp repts 50427/9341 & 50428/93 41 on 900816 20.No violatons Q. Inspection soports E Dunstens & corresponeenne noted.Maar areas repectactdrewmg corsot. drewmg tiacklogs & tolowup on prev > ously saentihed contnN esues. 93071g0033 NRC Into Notco 93056. "WesKness m EOPs Found as Result of SG Tutie WH!TENER,HJ CA O.C. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/15.12pp. 76551:280- Rupture." 76551.291. GRNES.BX Dunen of Dperann0 Reactor hr=1 (Post 921004). 93/07/22. Cork schemed E.deon Co. of New York, Inc.110p. 76499.302-76499.312. 93ceae0210 Forwards wep rept $4327/93 36 & 54328/93-36 on 930001M0. No viola- . tons or devotons roisc 9307190131NRC Info Nohce 93 058. h _ m LTOP tar PWRt* JUUAN.CA Regen 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/16. MEDFORDRO. Tennessee Vaney GRMES.BX Dtvmon of Opermang Reactor Soport (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Cork ' Authonty. $pp.765$2152-7ES$2163. sohdated Echeon Co. of New York. Inc 9pp. 76447:264 76447:272. 1

104 DOCKETEDITEMS 9307200123NRC inte Notee 93459 " Unexpected Operung W Both Doors m Amce Q. Inspection reports. IE Buhetms & corresponoence GRIMESS K Dmson of Operatmg Reactor Support (Post 921004) 93 '072 Con-schanted Esson Co. of New vort mc topp 7b447273-N47282. 9307160033NRC Mto Nobce 93456. " Weakness m EOPs Found as Result of SG Tube 9 260065 Supp 1 to NRC Bohetm 914D1. "Reportmg Loss of Cnbcahty Safety Co'> GiR MEfS.B K. Dmson of Operaung Reactor Suppyt (Post 921004) 93/07/22 Con. BURNETT R F Dnnsnon of Fuel Cvcie Safety & Saleouares (Post 930207 93/07/27. sousaw 6 son Co W h M inc. N W302NH2 Conschdated Esson Co of New iors, anc 23pc 76409 00&N09-031 9307190131 NRC mio Nohce 93456 "Nonco eservaustn m LTOP for PyvRsa 9307290112 NRC Wo Notce 93 060. *Reporbng Fuel Cvcie & Matts Events to NRC GRIMES.B K. Dmson c,f Operatng Reactor Support f*ost 921004) 93/07/26 Cork Operatens Ctr " sokdated Edson Cc of New Yors. m 9pp N47264 75447272 BURNETT.R F Dms on of Fuel Cycle Safety & Sateguaros (Post 930207) 93/08/04 9307200123 NRC into Notce 93459. " Unexpected Opening of Both Dws m Asock


Consoursated Echson Co. of New York,Inc 10pp. N47263-W47292_ GRIMES.B K. Dumon W Operanng Reactor Support (Post R21004). 93/07/26. Cork 9308030200NRC Into Notce 93-061. "Excessrve Reactor Coolant Leakage Followmg soldavec E@ son Co. of New YonL Inc.10pp N47.2?3 76447282 Seal Fadure m RCP or RRP

  • GRIMES.B A Dmson et Operstmg Reactor Seport (Post 921004) 93/08/09. Crw 9307260065 Suppl 1 to NRC Buliebn 91401, *Reportrig Loss of Cnbcairty Safety Con.

schGated Esson Co. of New York. mc.12pp N99.313-N99-324 trois " BURNETT.R F. Dmson of Fuel Cycle Saiety & Sateouards (Post 930207). 93/07/27. 9308030245 NRC Wo Nobce 93462. " Thermal Stracticaton of Water m BWR Reactu Consohdaiec E& son Co of New York. tre 2Jpp. 76439 00476409.031 Wessets " GRIMES.B K Dmson of Operstng Reactor Support (Post 921034). 93/08/10 Con- 9307290112 NRC into Nouce 93 060. "Reportng Fuel Cycie & Matis Events to NRC sohdatec Esson Co of New York. trc 9pp 76499.325-76499.333 Operatons CF

  • BURNETT.R F Dmson of Fuel Cycie Safety & Safeguards (Post 930207). 93/08/04 9308030274NRC Into Nobce 93 003. " improper Use of Solubie Wold purge Dam Mat!
  • knssdatec Eeson Co of Naw York. 6nc.10pp. 76447283-7t447292 GRIMES.B A Dmson of Operabng Reactor Support (Post 9210D4) 93/08/11 Con-solcatec Esson Co of New Yors. Inc. 8pp N99 334-N99.341- 9308030200 NFtC Into Notee 93461. "Excessere Reactor Cootent Leakage Fohowng g'" ,' or 9 7 NRC into f4once 93464. "Penoec Testing & Proventne, Mamt of Moloed g am h Sepst (Pos- 921004L 93/08/09. Con-M of Operating Reactor Seport (Post 921004) 93/08/12. Cork sMdaw E& son M of Nw M inc 12pp. 44WWW GR MES schaated Esson Co of New York, anc 11pp N47293-W47:303' 9308030245NRC Wo Nonce 93402. " Thermal StratibcaDon of Water m BWR Reactor 9 7 int 93465. " Reactor Tnps Caused tnr Breaker Tesbng W/

{sedated $ W N E& son Co. of Ww M M 9pp. N 325-MM33. 9MM 93/08/11 Con-  ! GRIMES.B k Dmson of Operanng Reactor Suoport (post 921004) 93/08/13 Co,p schaated Edrson Co of New YorA mc.11pp N47.304-76447;314. 9308030274NRC mte Nobce 93463. " improper Use of Soluble Wold Purge Dam Matl." 9308100006NRC Wo Nobce 93466. "Sweichover to Hot, Leg inpocton Foaowmg LOC 4 GRIMES.B K. Dmmon W Operanng Reactor Support (post 921004K Sa/08/11. Cork n* PWRs " soledated E& son Co. of New York, enc 8pp. N99.334 76499:341. CRIMES.B K. Dmson of Operatng Reactor Swoort (Posi921004). 93/08/16 Cork soldated Esson Co. of New YorA anc. 7pp N47.315-N47321 930806C237 NRC into Nobce 93 064,"Penosc Tesing & Prevennve Mamt of Molded Case Cecurt Breakers" 9308100248 NRC Into Nohce 93-067. "Bursbng of Hegh Pressure Coc6 ant insectort GRIMES.B K Divison of Operanng Reactor Support (post 921004). 93/08/12. Cork Steam Lne Ruoture Discs snpres Plant Persormul." soldated Edson Co of New YortL me.11pp. 76447293N47.303. GRIMES.B DL Dmmon of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Cork schaated E& son Co of New Yorst inc.13pp. N47:322-76447.335. 9308090137 NRC into Nobce 93465. " Reactor Tnps Caused try Breaker Testng W/ Fault Protec1cn Bypassed " 9308260198NRC Wo Notce 93469. "Rs'egrapny Events at Operatng Power Reac- Dmson of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/11 Cork MES.B K Dmson of Operatng Reactor Suppor" (Post 921004L 93/09/C2 Cork schoated Edisori Co of New YotA enc.11pp M99:342 76499.352. 9308100006NRC Into Nobce 93 066, "Switchover to Hot Leg inpoeten Followng LOCA 9309070206NRC into Ncece 93470. " Dog adanon of Boranen Neutron Absorber Cou. .B.K. Dmson of Operanng Reactor $@ port (post 921004) 93/08/16. Con-GR NMES.B K. Desen of Operstmo Reactor Support (post 921004). 93/09/10. Cor> a idated Esson Co W Mw M M 7pp 4447MW42 sohdated Esson Co of New Yort tre 9pp. N99.353 M99.361' 9308100248 NRC Wo Nobce 93467. "Burstmg W High Presmre Coolant insecton I 9309080104NRC into Nobce 93471. " Fro at Chemobp Urvt 2 - Steam une Ruptre Discs irgures Punt Personnet" GRIMES.B K. Dusson of Operatng Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/09/13 Cor> GRIMES.B K Dmsen o; Operstmg Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Cork l nedated Leson Co. of New Yort 413pp. M4NW4N I sohdated Edison Co of New YotA inc 14pp 7650&00176500013. I 9309090243 NRC into Notoe 93472, "Observatens From Recent Shutdown Rusk & 9308260198 NRC into Nonce 93469, *Radography Events at Operatng Power Reac. Outaoe Mat Pdot Team insot" tors" GRIMES.EiK Dmsca of Operatng Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/09/14 Con. GRIMES,B K Deveen of Operatng Reactor Support (Fdst 921004)_ 93/09/02. Cork schosted Esson Co W New York. Inc. Spp. 7650&O14-76500.022 soldated Esson Co of New York inc lim M99 342-W99.352. 9309070206NRC Info Nobce 93470. "Dogradalen el Baranex Neuron Absorbet Cou-DOCKET $0 330 MIDLAND PLANT, UNIT 2 pons " GRIMES.B et Desen of Operstmg Reactor $@ port (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Cork soldated Esson Co. of New York Inc. 9pp. 76499353-76499:361. A. Applicatamn/--- stege documents si - _ a 9309000104NRC into Notu 93.C71. "Fra at Chemooyl Unit 2." 9306230099 Sepi 5 to Genenc Ltr 89-10 to nuclear piant hoensees & CP tosaers se GRIMES.B K Dmson of Operstmg Reactor Sepost (Post 921004), 93/09/13. Cork maccuraev og motor. operated valve &a aquipment sohdated Edson Co of New Yor06 inc.14pp. 76500 00176500 013. PARTLOW IG Assocsate Drector sor (Post 870411). 93/06/28. Cormohost-ed Edsson Co of Nee York enc. 7pp. Nott001.M09'008. 9309090243 NRC Into Nobce 93472. Observatens From Recent Shutsown Ask & Outage ugt P40t Team Insos." GRIMES.B lt Dumon of Operanng Reactor $@ port (Post 921004). 93/09/14. Cork G. Adluscatory corresporuterice soldated Edison Co, of New York. anc. 8pp. 76500:014-76500-022. 9309220126Parbal response to FOLA raouest. App O documems avadable m PDRApp P cocuments pa basty witnnend (ref FOLA Enerrotons 5 & 61 DOCKET $0 331 DUANE ARNOLD ENERGY CENTER GRIMSLEY.D.H. Dmson o Freedom of informaban & Publicahons Serveces (Post 890205). 93/04/28 GILINSKY.V Affeleton Not AsasgriscL lipp. 765761 23-

   "iE580168                                                                           F. Securfty, enedical, emergency a fee protection plans
 ~9309220245Pa+taliv witrihead Commessen paper te FOta Appeal 82-A.20 TRUhATCH.S 1. Office of the General Courinel (post 860701). SEC143 c28. 83/01/      9309020126 Forwaros pubhc worsen W Rev 36 to "Ernergency Tenophone Book." W/

20 5?pp. 7657820476578251' 930M6 retease memo SERRA.PL lowa Eisetne bgNI & Power Co 93/04/06. Document Control Branch (Document Coneol Dem) 3pp. 76330165 76330.240. j P.Operaun9 beense ste9e J _ & correspanoence i

                                                                                       -9309020132Pubhc vesen of Ftew 36 to "Emnegerity Telephone Book."                  l 9309200125Pa bas response to FOIA roovest for documentLForwaras recmos in App L
  • towa Electnc Ugm & Power Co.93/04/06. 73pp. 7633467633M40. j which are withhend parnally for hsted reasorm.(ret FOIA euernpuoru 5). i HARRIS.C A of Freeoom of informaban & Pubhcators Serves (Post 930910tt173 Forwras pubhc worson W rev 37 to emergerry phone bccet W/930831 l 890205) 93/04/12.GIUNSKY.V. Af6maton Not Assegned 8pp. 76677:001 76687066 release Itr. ,

SERRAP1 lowa Electne Lagm & Power Co. 93/07/19. Document Control Branch 1

 -4110280556 Partaih withheld into SECY that intones Commesson of Appeal Boarg            (Documeit Control Desk) 2pp. M08186 76408.26'A oscamn FTTZGERALD l.A Office of the General Courihel (Post 86C701). SECY41429 811          -93091000e0 P@he verson c4 row 37 to emergency teeephone took D1/14. 8pp 76677:C10 76677.017.
  • lowa Easetnc Lsgnt & Power Co.93/07/14 74pp. 76408.189-76408265.
 -4110290032 Partafy withheld gnto SECY that informs Commrsson of Appeal Board          9309090168Forwaros pubhc versen of revs to p6ers EPIP.meeudwig rev 9 to EPIP 31 &

oneisen rev 37 to DAEC emergency tenophorse teoitW/930823 reemase memo. FITZGi RALD Offme c4 the Generan Counsen (Posi860701) SECY41154 81/03/11. SERRA.P.L. towa Electnc Ugm & Power Co. 93/08/11. Document Control Branch 15pp. 76677:169 76677183. (Document Control Desk) top.76386-321 76386.349.


  -C309090202 Pubic versson C4 revs to plant EPIP.mclueng rev 9 to EPIP-31 & rev 37         -9309300130 Safetij evalunnon 9"antmo requested rebef from ASME code repar re.

to emergency temphone boon ouvernents for swant D outocarc MSrv.

  • lowa Dectnc ught & Power Co.93/04/27. 24pp. 7638622476386.349
  • Offce of Nuc6aar Reactor Regulaten. Drector (Post 870411). 93/09/24. 7pp 76591-19476591202.

H. General corresponderace


9309030012 Comment opposmg proposed rule 10CFR2 re renew of 10CFR2206 proc-XELRAD.M. Newman & Holtzmger. 93/06/27. CHILK.SJ. Offce of the Secreta'y of the Commesson. tipp.76318 001-76318:011. TGRIMES.BK Duson of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/22. Cork soldated E6 son Co. of New York. anc. tipp. N99:302 76499312. I 93D7190131NRC Info Nohce $3-058. L ,..-.atism m LTOP for PWRs." GRIMES.BK Dmson of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004193/07/26. Cork 9309090264 Forwards amend 193 to bcnnse DPR49 & salety evaluanon. Arnand re schoated Eckson Co. of New YorA inc. 9pp. 76447264 76447272. vues TS DV mcorporatrag extended allowame 001.o8. svc 1rmos & survedlance test ew FE 1e 1 9 /04/14 UUL nowa Electnc Ught & Powe'

                         *                                                                  %NES B.                                  R to                   2          0 /26 Cor*

sokaataa Esson Co. of New York, mc.10pp. 76447273-m47.282

 -C309090274 Amend 193 to bconse DPR.49.revemg TS by mcorporatmo extended aL towable outes.svc ames & surveinance test intervais for RPS.ssolaton actuaten          9307260065 SupW 1 to E Bunebn 9W. %em W W CnbeaW Sakty M sys.ECCS & ccrvirol rod twock tunebon mstrumentaton                                         l'O'S PULSIFER.R.M. Proiset Drectorate itL3. 93/04/14. 730p. 76387:199-76387271.                  BURNETT.R.F. Dnnson of Fuel Orcle Safety & Sateguards (Post 930207). 93/07/27.

Conachoated Ecason Co. of New YorA mc. 23pp. 7640ft:00476409231.

 -C309090278 Safety evaluabon suoportmg amend 193 to icense DPR.49.
  • Oftr.e of Nucasar Reactor ReDulabon, Drector (Post 870411). 93/04/14.17pp. 9307290112 NRC Info Nobce 93460. "Reportng Fuel Cycle & Matts Events to NRC 76387:272-76387 288. Ope stens Ctr."

BURNETT.R.F. Desen of Fuel Cycle Safety & Safeguards (Post $30207). 93/08/04. 9306230099 Sumi 5 to Genenc Ltr 8410 to nuctoar plant hoensees & CP toders te Consohdated Edison Co. of New YorA inc.10pp. M47283 76447292. cisa:uracy at motor <perated valve tha souonent  ; PQRTLOwJ.G. Awate Director for (Post 870411) 93/06/28.Consoldat. 9308C30200 NRC Into Notee 93461. "Excesswe Reactor Coolarit Leakage Followmg ed Echson Co. W New YorA enc. 7pp. 76409'001-76409 008. Seal Fadure m RCP or RRP." GRIMES.BK Desen of Operating Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/09. Cork 9309170137Ltr contract NRC43-93 031. task croer 6. " Pro- solcated Echson Co. of New Yort enc.12pp. *99:313-N99.324. posed Changes to TS for Contamment at Duane Amoid ." SOOT 7.ML Deson of Contracts & Property Ma'tagement 890205). 93/08/13- 9300030245 NRC Info Notre 93462, Thermal Stratifcabon of Water et BWR Reactor AF ABLE.S SCIEN7ECH. anc. 3pp. 76463J71LN63.279. vesseis-l GRIMES.BK Dmson of Operatng Reactor Support (post 921004). 93/08/10. Cork 9309030090 Advses that util 921124 lir se iPEEE mJbmittal schedule of 951121 date solcated E$ son Ca of New % inc,9@. W9932SMMM i azeotatue.per S@pi a to GL 68-20 & NUREG-1407. PULS E M 1e 11L3. 93/08/18 UUL lowa Electnc Lagnt & Power l ' 930e030274 NRC Info Nobce 93 063. " improper Use of Sahele Wald Purge Dom Matl." l CRIMES.BK Desen of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/11. Cork 9309020057 Informs that ubi modtrying weed msp schechie for cunent refuehng outage sobdated E& son Co. of New York. Inc. 8pp. N99.334-76499.341. (RFC 12J by oc4emng porton of exams urel RFO 13. Change we resun m cose hav-mgs d currers outage & tuky saasty NRC posacn e5 GL 8841. *"*^""'nt37 NRC Wo Nobce 93464. "Penoche Tes1rg & P eventive Mann of Moeded FRANZJ. . Iowa Electne Lignt & Power Co.93/08/24.MURLEY.TE Offee W Nucie. Case Crcuit Breakers

  • O Reactor Regulaton, Drector (Post 870411k 2pp. 76323:3Sik76323:360. GRIMES.BK Desen of Operatng Reactor $@ port (Poet 921004). 93/08/12. %>

soldated Edrson Co. of New YorA enc.11pp. 76447293-76447.303. 930902D412 Informs NRC of several changes made in LOCA analyes potenbal to result in net change m fuel peak claading temp m extmas of feparang cmene of 9300090187 NRC Info Noboe 93465. " Reactor Trps Caused by Breaker Tee'eig W/ 10CFR50.46 tan 3). Fault Protecton Bypassect" FRANZ).F. Iowa Electnc Lsght & Power Co.93/08/26. MURLEY.TE Othce of Nucle- GRNES.BK Desen of Operetng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/0U13 Con-O Reactor Repdaten. Dreciar (Post 870411). 2pp. 76337:36c 76337.361. vohoated E$ son Co. of New York. inc.11pp. N47:304-76447214. 9309030323 Responds to NstC GL SIL14,regueshng heerisse review NUREG1275.Vol 9308100o08 NRC Info Notce 93466. Switchover to Hot Leg inpocton Foaowmg LOCA

2. Operanns Exponence F -*-+ " & periorm osman & operanons ventcanon.Uts mpWRs-twwwed status of smaker consonants & assigned plant nunmers. GRIMES.BK Desen of Opera 1tng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Cork YOUNGKD. Iowa Doctnc LJght & Power Co. 93/08/27. MURLEY.TE Office of b soimated Esson Co. of New York, Inc. 7pp. 76447215 76447221.

clear Reactor Repaston. Drector (Post f 70411L 2pp. 76388:181L76388:189. < 9309140418 Informs of hcortsee pian to sutmut sto requested in Suppl 6 to GL 8k10, 9308100248 W 1rdo Nobos 9346% *Burstng of High Pressure Coolant Wecten compeenon W cfrers'

                                               ' " *                                  "'              E                             Remesor          (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Cork FRANZJ.F. towa Elecinc Lagnt & Power Co.93/09/08.MURLEY.T.E. Offee of Nacio-              soldated E& son Co. of New YorA inc.13pp. 76447222-7t>447335.

l O Reactor Reg 6aaton, Drector (Posi 870411L 2pp. 76s43259-76443:360. 930920011$ Advmes NRC of ais$ change to Q4 progam 1esenphort h==n of (RFO 12) by ceremng porton of exams unal RFO 13 Change wdi resLet a como saw-craanges m QA pescripnon enct current outage & tuby satsfy NRC fmsmon m GL 0441. FRANZ).F.10wa Lagnt & Power Ca93/09/06.MURLEY.TE Ofnce of Nacie, . aowa Eseceic Lag *a & Power Co.93/08/24 MURLEYTE Offme o Nucia-O Reactor Repaston Drector (Post 870s11) 6pp. M74222-76474228. er Resctor Regulaten. Oractor (Post 870411) 2pp. 7622325Ek76323260. 9308210218 Summenzos 930907 5 09 tercons to espos# ton of wwe=f*=Na mdca. 9309090248 Ack reewpt of 930720W.o to NRC Bubete 93 003 "ResokJton of tons found on MStV Outboard DJS@portrng mio for Rehel Roguest RA-002 & Rehef tasues Re Reactor Yessel Water Lever Instrumentaten m BWRs.* Rosponse accepta-Roguest RR 002 tor MSfV Outboaro D erict bee. . FRANZJ.F. Iowa Doctnc Lsgre & Power Co.93/09/11.MURLEY,TE Offee of Nude- PULS8FER.R.M. Proect Drectorate ilL3. 93/08/25.UU.L. towa Doctnc Lsght & Power O Reactor Regutsbon Dructor (Post 870411).15pp. 76503:344-76503:359. Co. 4pp. 76387:193-76387:196. 93092200ti3 Responds to NRC 930729 RAI re util roovest tur amerse amend pomuttng 9309230195 expanson W spare fue! pool capacsty at Duane Amolct Ltr coritradawarthng

                                                                                              . Duane Amold"                     tank order027 unoer contract NRC4349     63. '.Engensonng & Techncal $@ port Irisp FRANZJ.F. town Doctnc Lagnt &             Ca 93/09/15. MURLEY.T.E. Ofhee of Nucto-        SCCrTT.M.L Drvimon of Corn acts & Property Manmoemert (Post 890205). 93/09/01.

O Reactor Regataten, Drector (Post 370411). 28pp. 76517;217 7fs517244. LOFYA.A. PARAMETER, arc. 6pst 76526234-76626239. C309290306 Informs of antenbon to mo@fy DAEC under 100FR50.59 by nucro" 930a260198 NetC trdo Nobce 93469 "Radography Events at Operatng Power Reac-l processors to analog creurts.m ret to NRC 910701 memo.Tfedani to VarguL orsfi grg - genene str.rR 36e89. dta 920814 &NUMARC draft gkaoehne on did War 1993. GRMES.9K Desen d Opwatng Reactor Support (Pom 92M 93/09/02. Cork YCUNGKD lowa Electne LJgnt & Power Cct 93/09/15. PULSIFER. Othoe of h sohoated Edson Co. of New York. inc.11pp. M99242 76499.352. cear Reactor RepAanon. Drector (Post $70411). app. 76593.353-76593.356. 9309300149 Forwards revised rehof request whch supersedes roouest of 930911 se 9309130079 Responds to violatons noted in insp Rept $4331/9313. CorrecSwe "D" Outboard MSfV actorrstaridby eenal pensator cowawy test pmcosse revised to segure engme mespeed Inp macrunam be ress twica FRANZJ.F. Iowa Doctne Lignt & Power Co.93/09/18. MURLEY.TE Oftco of Nucio. O Reactor Regulatort Drector (Post 870411). 45pp. 76626-053-76G26997 FRANZ .F. aows Elecinc LJg'il & Power Co.93/09/03.MURLEY.TE Othee of Nucto-( ar Reactor Regulaton, Drector (Post 870a11). 6pp. 7642725176427:356 C309290262 Forwards Rev 0 to 13 COLR" & gropnetary Suppl 1 to NEDC. 31310P. "DAEC SAPTrM/GESTR LossdCoolant Acadern Analyss." prowdog 9309070205 NRC Into Nonce 93470. "Dogradaton of Baranax heutmn Absorts Cou-results of ro.anatysis %f LOCA brW 1 to NEDC.31310P witnholtL PO"L FRANZ).F. towa Doctnc Lag 9I & Power Co.93/09/21.MURLEY.TE Offee of Nucle. GRIMES.BK Dmmon of Operanng Reactor Suppost (Post 921004). 93/09/10 Con-O Reactor Regutaton, Drector (Post 870411). 2w. 76590297-76596322. sohdated Eeson Co W New YorA Inc. 9pp. 76499.353 76499.361.

 -9309290264 Rev 0 to " Cycle 13 COLR a                                                    930eoe0104 NRC Into Notes 93471. "F'r e at Chemotnt Unit 2?

MOPKINS.B. Iowa Doctni: Legrit & Power Co.93/09/30. 24pp. 76598.299L76596222. GRIMES.BK Dwuon of Operatig Reactor Lemnet (Post 9210D4). 93/09/13. Con-sauw Edson Co. of New York, enc.14pp. 76500001-76500$13. 9309300125 Forwards SE granung uMI rehef 1 rom ASME code.sectan 30 recurements tar plant non code repar of "D" outboard MS!V. 9309210033 Forwards snap rept 50 331/93-10 on 93070EkOB23.No violatoris notect MANNONJ.N. Profect Drectorate lit 3. 93/09/24. UU.L lowa Doctnc LsgNt & Power LANKSBURY.R.D. Regen 3 (Post 820201k 93/09/13. LIV.L towa Dectnc Lagtit & Co. 2pp. 76591:194-76691202. Power Co. 2pp. M75.162 76475:187,


           -9309210037 inso rest 50 331/9310 on b3:1706-0823.No vicedtsorts noted. Maior areas           -9309150:15Exemphon from reosaremerits of Sectum IV.A of App J to 100FR50 whech mspectec totowup W events.operatonal             safety,  mant.survedlance.regonat            regses that Type A.B or C leat rate test ce peMormed tolanwmg maior mac or re.

reques's. mat meebngs & rept revews placemem of component whsch a part of pnmary caviainment bounoary LANASSUMY.R.D. Regeri 3 (Post 820201) 93/09/13 24pp M75.164 76475:187 WA8tGA.S.A Proiect Drectorate F1. 93/06/30 Power Authorrey W the State of New York (twcw York Power Autauntyt 7pp 76435 327 76435.333. 9309090243 NRC trito Notce 93.C72. "Obse*vabons From Recent Shutdown Risk & Datape M;rt P40t Team insoC 9309100217 Forwards FR nobce s'inouncmg that Commesson g anted Icensee 930819 GRsMES.B K. Dews.on W Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004) 93/09/14. Con. reouest to witharaw porton of 930616 appecanon for amend to beensa sahoated Eckson Co of New York, arc 8pp 76500 014 76500E2 suppl 930730. MENNINGJ.E Propect Drectorate 31. 93/09/07. BEEDLE.R E Power Authomy of the R. Periods operatmg reports & related u. _ ince

                                                                                                         ~9309100223 FR nobce anriounem0 that Commissson g anted igeribee 930819 request 9309080336 Forwards fitness for duty prosram performance data for sa month pemod                 tw withdrawai of porton pl930616appkcaton for amend to bcense suppi Jan. June 1993 breakdown of conhrmec posttrve tests for specife substances & sum.             930730 mary rept                                                                                     MENNINGJE Prote::t Drectrate 41. 03/09/07. 2pp. 7642326 m23.327.

WILSON.D L. towa Electne Ught & Power Cc 93/08/31. Documera Connol Brarch (Documerit Control Desk) 5pp. 76398233 76398237. 93D9170042 Forwards amend 197 to icense DPR.59 & safety evaluabon. Amend 197 revises TS 3 7.A & bases speerrying een & man water sovels En tons-9309230233 Monthly operatng rept for Aug 1993 for DAECw/930915 ttr MENNING 11 Prornet Drectorate61 93/09/09. BEEDLE.R E. Power Authonty of the WOODW ARD R.L. WILSON.D town Electnc Leht & Power Co 93/08/31. State of New York (New York Power Autnorsty) 5pp 76474.33176474.344. MARTINJ B Regon 3 (Post 820201). 6pp 76547:195-76547 200

                                                                                                        -9309170044 Amend 197 to hcense DDR-59.revamg TS 3.7.A & Bases mm 4 mammum water seveis an torus
           $6Reportab6e occurrences, LERs & related correspondence                                         CAPRA.RA Prorect Drectorate61. 93'09/09 6pp M74.336 m74.341.
                                                                                                        -93091M Sakty 4'vahmten suppanng a.nend 197 m license DPR49 9309170043 maoooualeLER       9340t,.00.on wntten  '.tal
                                          & verbal     ~ . a- PCIS     Group E vent   wel 3benotaten occurred reviewed   by  due to
  • Offee of Nuclear Heactor Regulaton. Drector (Post $70411). 93/09/09. 3pp en:pneenng. ope-atiors & marnt by 931201 to stress need for good N74.342N74.344.

communcanons W/930909 str KERRJ.D., WILSON.D.L aowa Electnc bgm & Power Co. 93/09/09 app. 76487 071 9309280050 Informs that upon comp 6 ebon of review of 10CFR50.71 sobrirttaLutil will be 76487.074 roched of results BETTENHAUSEN.L Region 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/17.SALMDN.H.P. Power Author-sty of the State of New York (New York Power Authority). 2pp. 76552.34176552-342. V. Operator Examinanons 9309300087 Forwards apphcaten for amend to hcense DPR.59.malung truscekaneous changes Wpos & t 9309210095 Summary of 930'08 Regen til annual tramng managers cornerence m Geen Emyri.lLPurpose ec meetmg to prowsoe forum for escussen on rev 7 os operator lQ  % g pw yg yyg ppwy A, 93/09/24. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 76626:001-y boonseg exammer stos & to oscuss operator heensing sawes. RING.M Regen 3 (Post 820201) 93/09/15. Regon 3 (Post 820201). 29pp. 7E26 052-66N76291

                                                                                                        -9309300093 Apphcahon for amend to bcense DPR.59.makmg y               . _ . . - - admms.

tratrve che re typos & editonal correctons to TSs. DOCKET 50 333 JAMES A. PfT2 PATRICK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT BEEDLM . Power Autrony of Fe StaW oi Mw M (New Ywk PowW Nd 93/09/24.1p. 76626.003 76626203. F. Securtty, med6 cal, emergency & fire protecnon ptans 4 1 *""9 *'" """ T

  • Power Authortly of sw Stats of New York (New York Power Authonty). 93/D9/24.

93D9070167 Forwards response to 10CFR50.54(f) request for addl into to fee bamers 50pp. 76626:004 76626-of.2. me tw Thermat B E.R1 Power Aumonty at the State of New York (New York Power Authontvt 9309300155 Fwwwos apphcaton tw amend to hcorne DPR.59.revemg TS table 42-2 93/08/f7, Document Contrat Branch (Documem Corarol Desk). 8pp. 76390JSt. m aimove usang regurement tw contamment cochng subsystem. 7"" BE(11LE.R.E. Power Aumortty of tne State et New York (New York Power Authonty). 93D9210(182 Forwar2s Fma! SALP rept50 333/92 99 for penod of 920414933417 hg'g' MARTIN.T.T Regen 1 (Post B20201) 93/09/13.BEEDLE,RL Power Authonty of tre State of New York (New York Power AuthorityL app. N76915-76476954-409300W Appicah tw aned 2 hoenae DPR.59,sevnag TS table 42,2 to

           --93DB210D92 Fmal SALP rept
  • Regon 1 (Post E202011. 93/06/02. 30pp. 76476$1D M76.050 333/92-99 for 920419 [DLE' 930417' 54P'ows" Autr"e of of York Power Authw5ty).

93/09/24.1p. 76611.311-721131 t

            *                                                             ' A              " "' '

T $6

                                       *[p',",                                                          -9309300165 Propnsed toch specs revem0TS tabis 4.2 2 to remove tesurg regure-MENNINGJ E. Preiset Drectorate k1 93/09/20.BEEDLE.R E Power Authonty of the                 ment tw contamment cookng subsynom.                                                    ,

State et New York (New York Power Autnanty). app.76525201L76525211 ***' 7,p gj [$3 State el Nnw York Ww Ywk % Authon% WM P. Operating hoenee stepe stocuments & _.. O. Inspecnon reports, it sometens & - 9306230099 Suppl 5 to Genene Ltr 8910 to nuctuar plant bconsees & CP hotoers te maccuracy of motoreparated valve chagnoshe sousument 9307160033 NRC Into Notre 9 SOS 6," Weakness an EOPs Found as Result of SG Tube Ruppe

  • PARTLOWJ.G. Associate Dunctne ter Proemets (Post $70411). 93/06/28. Conschdat ed Eeson Co. of New Yortt, Inc. 7pp. 7640920176409.000. GRtMES.B K. Onnsson of Opera Reactor Support (post 921004). 93/07/22. Con.

sobdated Edison Co. of New York. . Tipp. M99.302 76499.312. 93D9000277 AcA recept of ubt 930713 tir waremrtung Rev 7 of plant second mterval msonace tasang program tar pumps & valveLuse of ' ;i, & arup as cancribed 9307190131NRC Into Nonce 93458,"L--.etam m LTOP for PWRs." m Rehef Request V32 approved per GL 3944 GRIMES.B K. Dnnnon of Operstng Reactor Support (Post 921034). 93/07/26 Con. MENNINGJi Pro,oct Drectorate Lt 93/08/24.BEEDLE.R E. Power Authorfty of the schaated Echson Co. of New Ywk. Inc. 9pp. 76447.266N47.272. State of New York (New York Power Autnanty). 3pp. 76368202-76358JD4 9307200123NRC ardo Nohce 93459, Unexpected Opererig of Both Doors in Asrtock" 9309330013 Informs that util plans to une GE RepL *BWROG TR on Upper Sheff GRIMES.B K. Dnnson of Operstmg Reactor Support (Dosi 921004L 93/07/26. Ccn-Energy Eguwaient Margm Anaryse" as hooneng bases to demoristrate that bertiae sohdated Edrson Co. of New Yortt. Inc topp. 76447J73-76447282. wesos have sufficsont safety mar 9mLResponse to RAI re GL 92 01.Rev 1 enct BEEDLE.T.E. Power Authonty as the State of New York (New York Power Authomy). 9307260o65 Suppt 1 % NRC Bubetm 91401. "Reportng Loss of CntcaMy Safety Cord 93/08/27. Documern Control Branch (Document Control Desk).14pp. 7636030E- Woes " 7636Ct322. BJRNETT.R.F. Dwison of Fuel Cycle Safety & Safeguards (Post 930207). 93/07/27 Corar**m Eckson Co of New Yont. #ncL 23pp. Noe 009-76409s31. 9309090436 Informs that until further nonceJE Merwung we consnue to be assgned Achtjl Prosect Manager tar plant. 9307290112 NRC Into Notee 93460. Reparung Fuel Cycee & Mats Events to NRC cam /(RA Prosect Drectorsie 81. 93/08/27. BEEDLERL Power Authartty of the Operatons Ctr." State of New Yorm (New York Power Authomy) 3pp. 76388169-76388:171. BJRNETT.R.F. Dnamen of Fuel Cycss Satefy & Safeguares (Post 930207). 93/06/04 Consondated Edson Co of New York. Inc.10pp. 76447283-76447292. 93D9150098 Forwarins arnend 196 to bcense DPR-59 & safety evaluatort Amored re-vises TS 4.7.A2.8 to ehmnaie recurement to perform Type A.B or C emati rate sost 9306030200 NRC Into Notee 93461. " Excess #ve Reactor Coolant Leakage Fobowmg tolowng corweston of planned repairs to secnons of Core Spray Sys mm flow kne. Seal Fa4ure m ACP or RRP." MENNINGJ1 Pro,ect Drectorate M. 93/DB/30. BEEDLE.R E. Power Authorny of the Danson of Operstn0 Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/09 Con-State of New York (New Yrk Power Authorsy). App. 76435:316-76435-333. sohdated Edson Co. et New York. Incl 12pp. 76499.31576499.324.

            -93o9150107 Amend 196 to beense DPR.59.revemD TS 4.7.A.2.f to otrnrate recure-               9300030245NRC treo Nohce 93462.* Thermal Stratificaton of Water m BWR Reactor ment to perform Type A B or C teak rate test sollowng corripteten of planned repars          Vesamts "

to sectons of Core Spray bys met tkiw bras GRIMES.B K. Dnamon of Operstmg Reacsor Simport (Post 921004). 93/08/10. Core MENNINGJ1 Protect Directorate b1. 93/06/30 4pp. 76435320-76435223. schosted Edson Co. of teew Yor( ancL opp. M99325-76499.333.

            -9309150110 Safety evskaton muoportne amend 196 to beense OpR 59                             9308030274NRC Info Notco 93463, " improper Use of Sokste Weld Purge Dum MatL"
  • Offee of Nucosar Reactar Regulaton, Drector (Post 870411)c 93/06/30. 3pp. GRIMES.BA Divisen of Operstmo Reactor Support (post 921004). 93/06/11. Con-7643632476435.326. schosted Edson Co of New Yort enc. Opp.76499334.N99.341.


I i DOCKETED ITEMS 107 i i 93060f>0237 NRC Info Notre 93464. "Penoac Tesang & Preventwe Mamt of Mo6ded 9309230241 Forwards Rev 19 to tssue 4 of BVPS physcal securny plarL prr li Case Cacuit Breakers. 10CFR50.54(pK2). Pian emheid.per 10CFR2.790@ & 10CFR73.21. i GRtMES.B K. Oms.on of Operatrra Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/06/12. Co THOMAS.G. Duquestar Lagnt Co. 93/09/16. Document Contros Branch (Document I sohantec Edman Co. of New york, anc.11pp. N47293-N47:303. Control Deskt Sp.76601260- 4 601:360. l 9308090187 NRC Into Nobce 93465. " Reactor Tnps Caused by Bre4ker Testmg W/  ! Fault Protectron Bypassed

  • R General correspondence GRIMES.D K. Dusen o Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/13 Con. l schoated Edison Co. of New iors anc.11pp 76447:304-76447.314 9309210124 Informs of chance ei medcal status of heensed operator per 10CFR50 74/ I 9308100006NRC Into Notme 93466. "Switchover to Hot. Leg enjecton Following LOCA 10CFR55.25.LG Schad oetermned to have veon outssoe acceptable ham & reQures in PWRs " correctwe tenses.

GRIMES.B K. Dwoon of Operatmg Reactor Support (Post $21004). 93/06/:6. Con. SIEBERJ.D. Duquesne Ught Co 93/09/09. Document Control Brancti (Document scuoated Esson Co. of New Yort anc. 7pp. M47.315.N47.321. Control Deskt 3pp. 765C2.351-76502.353. 93D8100248 NRC Irno Notce 93067. *Burstmg of High Pressure Coolant infecnon Steam Lane Rupture Dscs insures Plant Personnet' P. Operating license stage ; &-.4-- - GRIMES.B K. Dwmon of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06/16. Con. soldatec Edmort 7. of New York, enc.13pp. M47:322-76447335-m W $ e Genenc b 8910 to nussi. piara h & CP holders = i 93090a0277 Ack recept of ubl 930713 Itr transrmttng Rev 7 ci plant second amenral '* cuervice tesung program tot pumps & valves.use of esassembly & msp as desenbed QR G Dirm p'r tor P 70411). 93/06/29. Consohdat-m Releet Reouest V32 approved per GL 8944 ed Edison Co. of New Yors, inc 7pp. 76409:0017640900s. MENNINGJE Promet Drectorate4 1. 93/08/24 BEEDLE.R.E. Power Authomy of the State of New York (New York Power Authorrtyt 3pp. 76358202-76358204, 9309130118 Forwards amend 176 & $6 to bcenses DPR46 & NPF-73. respectwely & SE.Arnends rewme TS re SG tidung.TS 4.4.54 to rettect saaewmg opbon 4 makes 9308260198 NRC Into Nohce 93469. "Rasography Events at Operatmg Power Reac. mmor ednorial correedons. tcC EDtSON.G.E. Prosect Drectorate83.93/08/30.SIEBERJD. DutNesne Light Co. App. GRIMES.B.K. Dwsen of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/02. Con. 76413246 76413 264. mascated Edson Ca of New York. anc.11pp. 7e 497.342 76499.352.

                                                                                        -9309130125 Amends 176 & 56 to koonses DPR46 & NPF-73.respectwety, revismg TS 9309070206 NRC into Nonce 93 070. "Degradabon of Boraf ex Neutron Absorber Cote           re SG tutung.TS 4.4.6 4 to retiect sioevmg opbon & makmg mmor ednonal cormchons.                   j ptrtL '

BUTLER.W.R. Protect Drectorate6 3 93/08/30.10pp. 76413250-76413259. GRIMES.B K. Drnsson of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Con- l sobdated Edsc'n Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp. M9935L76499261. 9309130135 Safety evaluaton supporang amends 176 & 66 to 6 censes DPR46 & 93090B0104 NRC Iree Nobce 93-071. " Fro at Chemobyl Unit 2." GRIMES.B et Dwmon of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Con. O ce Reactor Regulaton, Drector (Post 870411). 93/08/30. 6pp. sohdated E$ son Co. of New York, nnc.14pp. 76500:001-76500 013. N13260676413264' 9309210082 Forwards Final SALP rept 50 333/92 99 for pered of 920419 930417. 9M50259 Forwards nohce of consmeraten of ensuance W M to W M & Po MARTIN.T.T. Regen 1 (Post 520201L 93/09/13.BEEDLE.R.E. Power Authonty of the posed NSHC & opportunny for haann0 m fesponse to TS cha ige recpest 23l: re stor. State of New ) ork (New York Power Authonly). 4pp. 76476:015 76476 054. y

  • p,,,,,, 3"gffh/ St E .D. Ducpesne Laght Ca app.
 -93o2210092 Fmal SALP rept 50-333/92 99 tar 920419-930417.                                76435:345-76435:359.
  • Regon 1 (Post 820201). 93/06/02. 30pp. 76476t19 76476:054.
                                                                                        -93091s0261 Notee of conoderaton of msuance of amend to beense DPR46 & pro-9309090243 NRC Irvlo Noboe 93 072. "Otmarvatons From Recent Shutdown Risk &               posed NSHC oeiermmaton & coporturwty sor haanno. Amend would modify App A TS Outage Mgt Peat Tearri insos.*                                                          to oilow for meramang nurreer of spent tuoi assembbes for storage m SFP.

GRIMES.B K. Ownsson et Operating Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/14. Ccp EDISON.G.E. Proiect Drectorate64. 93/08/01,12pp. 76435348 76435359 Caldated Eckson Co. of New York. enc. Bpp.76500-014 76500:022. 9309130229 Provces clanfeston of into submmed on 930816.wrisch respanoed to NRC 9309290149 informs inst util we ru1all back4D mod on all fwe matrumercation ref legs 930713 RAI,m response to N Wagner request te control of heavy loads & thermal /

   & compeete pre start ts tesang tkmng 1993 fah mant outageper NRC Bdetm 93403            hvoreubc parameters associated wi.-. '         -of ooent tuut pool storage racks.

to soaress NRC concors SIEBERJ.D. Duquesne IJoht Co. 93/09/03. Document Coreral Bra 1cti (Document BEEDLE.R.E. Power Authonty of the State of New York (New York Power Authontyl Conrot Desk). 4pp. 76429.358 7642tJ6L 93/09/20. Document Goretrol Brancti (Document Control Deskt 2pp. 76583:320- ' 76583.321. 9309170097 Forwards tenue 2.Rev 10 of "Urut 1 IST Program for Pumps & Valves." a* accoroance w/GL 9944. E ""8 *P88"9 "P"18 0 'd

                                            ""'                                            SIEBERJD. Duouesne Lmht Co 93/09/07. Doctenant Control Brarch (Document Control Desk). 3pp. M72;001-76471202.

9309030253 Forwards fitness 4cr<luty performan:s repts for Jan. June for JA Fst Patnck -9309170099 tasue 2.Rev 10 of "Urut 1 IST Prooram for Pumps & Vahes." BEEDLE. Authomy the Sta of New York (New York Power Authorey). S . uguesne @ Ca 93/06.n 230pp. M7NN72202- ,

           /     Document Coritrol Branch (Document Control Desk).12pp. 76363:192-                                                                                                              '

9309210220 on Qanfos Donn9

                                                                                                 <= Procauions    utli posnon Dwin re.empleme.maton Dp-aon 0-n pMnnedofspenouApp A e  of .Reg m   Gud.e $.38 "Re6-  i
                         """*"U "P'         ^"O          #

EBERJ.D. Duouesne 1;ght Co. 93/09/06. Document Control Branch (Documem HLADrK.R. SALMON.H P Power Authomy of the State of New York (fuew York Power Convol DeskL 19. 76515%I1-7651523t Autnantyt93/08/31. 6pp 76479:157 76479161, Vessel Stnetural amegray," w/ regard to upper- shalf en-gy values for gurcumferennal  ; S. Reportable occum 1.ERs & rotated correspondence waso 11.714 & tower shot azaal wond 20 714. SIEBERJ.D. Duouestie Ls Fit Co. 93/09/10. Documerit Control Branch (Documerit I 9309o90272 LER 93 01740 on 930729.doctared APRM dowitscam.comperson IRM ups- Control Desk),6pp. N79-068-W79 073. case moperable due to . _. .,_., of SR Inrhasea plant enutteen & declared i unusual evem unbf Inn was correctacLW/930830 kr. 9309170116 Forwards SE = mhet mesest for IST of reactor plant comportent cootng MOGUIRE.P., SALMON.M.P. Power Authority of the State of New York (New York womr punes of peariLReid mesest grarstect Power Authontyt93/08/30. 5pp. 76430206 76430212. BJTLER.W R Pvtwect Dractorate 53. 93/09/13. SIEBERJD. Duouesne Lsght Co. 4pp. 76469207.W69217. I 9309200202 LER 93 018 00.on 930812Jdentrhed that portens of carton cboude fire l suppresason sys los south emergeticy ownchocar roorn not bemg tested by arq;iroved -9309170110 Ss sty evaluaton pantmg rehef for IST of reactor pharit componerit coc4 l It act onal test procoeure Test proceoures revowed & revoed.W/930913 ttr. mg water pures of piant ! SaWPSON.D., SALMON.H P. Power Authomy of the State of New York (New York

  • Othee of Nuceeer Reactor Regulaton, Director (Post 970a11). 93/D9/13. 7pp l l Power Autremyk93/09/13. 5pp. 76525:005 76525:009. 76469211-76469.217.

9309240042 Ack roomet of930723suhmittal of Rev 11 to QA progam descriphon ew DOCKET 50-334 BEAVER VALLEY POWER STATlDN, UNIT 1 corporated m todated FSAR NRC we needs anDther 60 Gevs to cornplete review. BETTENMAUSEN.L Regan 1 (Post $20201). 93/09/17.SIEBER,JA Du4sesne Lsght Co. 2pp. 71422-069 76522970 F. Security, medical, emergency & fire protecuon piene 93092a0299 Forwards resporee to GL 93 04. " Rod Control Sys Fauure & Withdrawal of 9309070107 Advises that930707 Rev 18 to pnyecal escanty plan consste it w/ pro

  • Rod Control Cluster Assemches" sons et 10CFPSO.54(p) & acceptante for enchamn rito ptart SiEBERJD. Duouesne Lsgen Co. 93/09/20. Documerit Control Branch (Document j JOYNERJ.M Recon 1 (post B20201L 93/08/11. SIEBERJ.D. Duquesne Lsght Co- Cont /ol Desk). 6pp. 76589295 76589.300. '

3pp. 76372340 763'2.341 9309140351 Forwards insp Repts 50 334/9318 & 50412/9319 on 93080k 13 No 9309200244 "BVPS.Unn 1 Cvene 10 Startup Physacs Test Rept" w/930923 far. safety concems or violanons noted. SIEBERJ.D. Duouesne Lspnt Co. 93/09/23.1p. 76591:341-76591:354. JDYNERJ.M. Aegon 1 (Post 220201). 93/08/31. SIEBERJ.D. Dussonne Lsght Co. 3pp. N40:343.M40:352. j 4 Inspecton reporA tt Bukenns & carvenponderme z

 -9308140355Inso Repts $4334/9S10 & 53412/9S19 on 93090413.No maisfy cork                                                                                                                      I corns or vicestons noted Mamr areas snspected mgt supporteudits & secumy pro-         9307100033 NRC Into Notme 93 066," Weakness m EDPs Found as Result of SG Tube                         !

1mem p4ans. protected & vitat area gmysacal bamers & omocton & C es:Is. Rupture " bMfTH.G.C KEIMiG.R.R. Regen 1 (Post $20201) 93/08/33. 7pp m40246- GRIMES.9K Dwisson of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 9210D4). 93/07/22. Cork i 76440.352. sohdated Ethson Co. of New York,Inc.11pp. 76499:302-W99312. i l

108 DOCKETEDITEMS 9307190131NRC Into Nohce 93458 "'Nonconsenratam m LTOP for PWRs " 9309220222 Forwards "lS! Nmety-Day Rept. beaver Valkry Powe. Station, Orvt 1 Outage GRIMES B K Deson of Operaung Reactor Support Post 921004) 93T7/26 Con. 9 for 1993 From 911209 930613 " sobdated Esson Co. of New Yrk, mc. 9pp 76447:264 N47272. SIEBER.J.D. Duquesne Oght Co 93/09/13. Documemt Contros Branch (Documerit Control Desk).1p 76527-Ow2-76528 028 9307200123NRC Wo f40 tee 93459. " Unexpected Openmg of Both Doors m Amock." GRIMES.B K Dmson of Operatng Reactor Support Post 921004L 93/07/26 Co'" soldawd Eason Co. of New York toc.10pp. N47.273-N47282 -9309220228 "tSt Nmty. Day Rept BVPS.Orut 1 Outage fr for 1993 From 911209-g3g 9307260065 Suppi 1 to NRC Buhetm 91001. "Reportmg Loss of Cntcahty Safety Cor' " * ~ 28 0 BURNETT.R F Duson of Fuel Cycle Satefy & Saieguards (Post 930207). 93/07/27 Consolcated Echson Co. o' New York. lnc. 23pp. 76409:00kN09-031. 93D9090243 NRC into Notace 93472. "Otmervabons From Recent Shutdown Risk & Outaoe Mg! Pdot Team insps " 9307290112 NRC into Notce 93 060. "Reportng Fuel Cycle & Maus Events to NRC GRitJES.B K. Dmson of Operstmg Reactor Suppcri (post 9210M). 93/09/14. Cork Operatens Ctr

  • solcated Eeson Co. of New Yrk. anc. 8pp. 76500-014-76500:022.

BURNE'TT.RJ Dmsson of Fuel Cycle Safety & Safeguards (Post 930207). 93/08/04 Cormaldated Eoison Co. of f*ew York. Inc.1006 N47283 76447292. 9308030200 NRC Wo Nobce 93461 Excesswe Reactor Coolant Leakage Fohowng "P* '"U ' *~ Seal Fadure et RCP or RRP." GRIME 5.B el Dusson of Operstng Reactor Seport Post 921004 W3/0&/09 Corv 9309070046 Forwards "Serrmannual Ra$oactwe Etnuern Release Rept for 6-Month solcated Edson Co of New York. tnc.12pp M99.313-N99.324. Pered Jan. June 1993" Rept contama mfo roosred by Reg Gade 121.Rev 1 & TSs.One abnormalBaseous release reported dunng penod on B30329 9308030245NRC Into Notee 93462, " Thermal Stratifcaton of Water m BWR Reacts SIEBERJ.D Duauesne ugnt Co 93/0s/25. Document Control Branch (Document b ets*5 " Control Desk). 2pp. 76365:254-76365.355. j GRIMES.B K Dmson of Operatmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/10. Con- , i sohdated E3 son Co. of New York mc. 9pp. N99.325J6499.333. e9070047 " Semiannual RasoacDve Etnuent Resease Rept tz 6-Month Penod Jark ( 9308030274NRC trWo Notco 93 063. "trvoroper Use of Sol &ie Wald Dam Matt" 1983

  • I GRIMES.B K. Dusen of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004 08/11. Con-Jd"'gisesne Du Lsphi Co.93/06/30.100pp. 76365.25&76365355.

soldated Edison Co. of New York. enc. 8pp N99.334-N99.341. 3309150215 MonttWy operstmg repts for Aug 1993 for Beaver Vahey Power Staten 9308060237NRC IrWo Notte 9S064. "Penoche Testmg & Preventwe Mamt of Molded Units 1 & 2 W/930909 ftr Case Crcun Breakers." JONES.D T., SPOERRY,D.E. Duquesne Lspht Co. 93/08/21. 9pp W5106S GRIMES.B K Dupon of Oprating Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/12. Cork W51:077 sokosted Eescm Co. of New vyk. anc.11pp. 76447;29176447303. 9308090187 NRC Into f40 tee 93465 " Reactor Trips Caused by Breaker Tesung WI 9309200207 " NPDES Dacharge Mystormg Rept for Aug 1993 tar Beaver Vahey Power Fauri Protecton Bypass.ed " Stanon.Unris 1 & 2." W/930909 ttr. GRIMES.B.K Dmson of Operanng Reacts Support (Post 921004). 93/08/13. Con. SPOERRY.D.E. Ducksenne Ught Co.93/08/31. 34pp. 7650103b76501071 sohdated Edson Co. of New Yak enc.11pp. 76447304-76447314 9308100006NRC snio Iwotts 93-066. "Swrtchover to Hot-La0 IAlecten Folowmg LOCA E Operstar Examenatsons e PWRs " GRIMES.B K. Dmmon of Opptog Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Cork sohdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc. 7pp. N47315-76447.321. 9309070198Notsficaton of segndcant hcensee meenng 9MM w/utd on 93m2 2 de-cuss piani operator trammg program 9304100248 NRC Into Notte 930E7. "Burstmg of High Pressure Coolant insechon LAZARUS WJ Recon 1 (Post 820201). 93/08/23. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 2pp. Steam Lme Rupture Dsses Irwures Plant PersorrwL" 76332.'337.76332-338. GRIMES.B K Dwason et Operstmg Reactor S@ port (Post 321004). 93/08/1tt Con. soc 1et!Eeson Co. of Noe York src.13pp. 76447322 76447335. 3309150038 Forwards Recualifcaton exam rept 54334/9&t9(OL.RO) conducted 330907G154 Provides response to veestons noted insp Repts $4334/9S11 & W12/ week of 933823. B NHAUSEN.L Regen 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/03.SIEBEN.D. DLciuesne ught 9112.Correcsve w.- operated valve tosing not partymed m accordance w/ Co. 3pp. 76451.306-W51.327. wetten test procedures as evdermed ty hated examples. Dss 4 637 .356 6371 1500 1xarn res

                                                                                               -92.,e w      exa,73 rm.dExam   reg 50434/9S16
                                                                                                                    & Sve   e.aluated -OL40& or on was93m2,ound unsault, s acior sax aseoS,R.O h.

9309140351 Forwards armo Repts 50434/9318 & 50.412/9&19 on 930Dok 13 No rensaweiami partzmance ochciencies. sataty concems y vaatons row TEMPS.R.R MEYER.G.W. Regon 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/02. 6sn. N51309-JOYNERJH Regon 1 (Post 820201) 93/08/31. SIEBER.J.D. Duaumme ught Co. 76451 314 3pp M40 343 N40:352.

                                                                                               -9309150178 Provides results of evaluaton of bcensed operator regualifcaton exam at
 -9309140355 Inso Rapts $4334/9S18 & 50412/9S19 on 93080S13.No safety cork                        urut 1 contacted dunnD week of 930823.

cems or votatona roted.Masor areas mspected" mgt support.audns & secunty pro- SIEBERJD. Duouesne bpht Co 93/09/02. BETTENHAUSEN.L Regme 1 (Post _.;act $20201),1290.76451315 W51327 pMITH.G.C J KEIMiG.R R.m Regon plans. protected & wrtai area 1 (Post 823201). phyncal7pp. 93/06/30. bamers & detecton & - 76440.346-76440:352. 25 DOCKET $0 335 ST. LUCIE PLANT, UNrf 1 9308,g g 0198 NRC IrWo Notas 9S069. "Radrography Events at Operanng Power Reac-GRtMES.9.K Dmmon of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/02. Cor* sob:tated Eckman Co. of New York, anc,11pp. M99342-76499:352. F. Securtty. Inedical, emergency & fee protechen piens 330915o03s Forwards Recuatreston exam rept 50 334/93-19(OL-RO) conducted ciume week of 930823 9309070054 Fewards msp repts 50335/9S18 & 50 389/93-18 on 933627-0731.Nork BETTENHAUSEN.L Re@on 1 (Post 820201L 93/09/03.SIEBEND. Duquesne bgnt cited vwxatons centrhed. Co. 3pp. 76451306 76451327 SINKULE.M V. Recon 2 (Post 820201). 93/08/27 GOLDBERGJ.M. Fionda Power & ught Co. app. 76331312-76331:327.

 -9309150073E.xam rept 50 334/9S16 OLAG on930902 Eaam resultsais SRO fis.sns we'e exammed a five evaluated sakstactory & one was tomd unsanstactory based on               g309070059 trap rags $4335/9118 & 50-386/9S18 on 9306274731. Norwceted vio-nonsamv.reisted pererenance cebenoes TEMPS.R.R., MEYER,G W. Regon 1 (Post 820201L 93/09/02. 6pp. N51339-                            tanons soentrhed.Masar areas mspected:ptant operators review.survedaance & rnant observatms & fre proincton review.

W51314. ELROD.$A. SCOTT.M.A LANDISKD. Region 2 (Post 820201L 93/08/27.13m. 9309070206NRC Info Nobce 9S070. "Degradabon of Bornhex Neutron Absortier Cou- ' pong GRIMES.B K. Dmmon of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004) 93/09/10. Corp 9309220004 Advmes that NRC wm not entorte compharoe w/reguead actons for l

     **m= Eason Co. cl tvew York. enc. 9pp. 76499.35SN99361.                                       searches spe:sfied m Sectoris 3.2 & 3.3 of phyacal securny pian for930831 ime tv toregn doratanet 9309210002 Ack receipt of 933d10 ter mlormrng NRC of steps taken to correct volanons             E.BNI'TEl'i.SD Repan 2 (Post 820201193/06/27.GOLDBERGJ.H. Fionde Power &

noted en eup repts fG334/9S12 & W12/9&t3 Lsght Co. 3pp. 76517230 76517332. UNVILLEJ C. Regen 1 (Post 820201L 93/09/10. SIEBERJ.D. Duoseene bght Co. 3pp 76475fl03-N75 009. 93D9140206 Forwards Rev 38 to prwacal plan.Copees PSLPSP-R3843 through 9309210048 Forwards artsp repts 50 334/93-16 & 50 412/9S17 on stated cato.Two PSLPSP-R3646.Cooes PSLPSP-R3841 & LPSP-R3802 bemg forwarded to Recon fl Eness witnneut per 10CFR7321 & 100FR2 790(a)(3A rm'wated votaton rated SAGER.DA Flands Power & Co. 93/09/08 Documerrt Ccntrol Branch (Docu-UNVtu.EAC Regon 1 (Post 823201). 93/09/10. SIEBERJ.D. Duguesne Lsght Co. ment Coneal Des 41p. 764333 N33350. 3m. N75.232-N75365.

  -9309210061 Inse repts 50 334/9116 & 50 412/9S17 on stated aste. Voiabons                     3309210194 Forwards pele versson of rev 57 to paarn EPIP 2100023E.W/ 933916 re-nre.           . plant         & sasety             'taan   eWoe                      SA E A Flords Power &              Co. 93/09/08 Documerit Control Brarcri (Docn>

LAZARUS.WJ Repon 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/08. 31pp. N75.235-N75265. morn Control Desk). 3pp. 76490 27-N90.355. 93D90SD104 NRC IrWo 140tce 93471. " Fee at Chemobyl Urut 2? -9309210203Pubhc verson of rev $7 to EPIP 3100023. *0russte Emer9ency Or9aniza-GRIMES.B.K. Dmsson at Operanne Reactor support (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Cars ton & Call Drectory? soaoswd Edman Co. of New vors. em.14pp 765ao.001-7e500c13. BOiSsY.Ga Fionde Power & bght Co.93/08/12. 27pp. 76490-329 76490355. >

P I DOCKETED ITEMS 109 P. Operstmg beense stage documents & correspondence 9308030274NRC Info Notce 9%063. " improper use of Solube Weld Purge Dam Matl" GRIMES.B K Dwson of Dperateg Reactor Suppyt Pcw 921004) 93'06/11. Cork S306230099 SJopf 5 to Generc Lir 8910 to nuclear plant Icensees & CP hot 1ers re sonasted Edrson Co. of New vot, inc. bpp. N99.334-N99.341. etccuracy of rnator operated vawe o.agnostc emapment PARTLOWJ.G. Assocale Drector for brosects (Post 870411) 93/06/28. Consohaat. 9309060237 NRC We Nobce 93464. "Penodc Testmg & Preventwe Mamt of Molded ad E& son Co. of New Yom. Inc. 7pp. 76409.00176409:006. Case Cacurt Breakers." GRIMES.B K Dreson of Doeraimg Reactor Suppon (Post 921004). 23/08/12. Cor* C30910D135 Surnma y c4 930716 meetng w/utd an Regen 11 ofes re presentabon on em sokcated Edson Co. of New Yort anc.11pp. 76447293-N47.303. pneenng enthatrves at ula Vewgraptis enti. MERSCHOFF.E W. Repon 2 (Post 820201). 93'08/06. GOLDBERGJ.M Ficooa Power & Lagnt Co. 57pp N2410576424161- $303090187 NRC Wo Notce $3-065. " Reactor Tnps Caused by Breaker Testing W/ Faust Protecton Bypassed " 9309130313 Dscusses staff renew of obl IPEEE sutmuttats m repsonse to suppi 4 to GRIMES.B K. Dwoon of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921094). 93/08/13. Corw schoated Edson Co. of New Yorat. anc.11pp. 76447.304-76447.314 GL 8820.msued on 910E28A$nses flat addl conference cans or fneetmgs may te necess ary to fmakre determmaton of acceptabsarty te submntals. NORRISSJA RAGhavANL proeect Drectorate 42. 93/06/12. GOLDBERGJH 9308100006, NRC Wo Notoe 9%366. "Sentctiover to Hon. Leg insecton Followmg LOCA Ficnda Power & L'Ont Go 3pp. N13318.Nt3J20 GR kB K. Divuuon of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/08/16. Con-9309080201 Forwards saterv evaduaban acceptmg utd 901220.911206. 920511 & 1009 soledated Edmun Co. of New YorA inc. 7pp. 76447.3SN47:321. [ responses to GL 90 06. Power Operaseo Rehet valves & Biock Vatvo Rehab4ty & I Cak9 Low Temp Overpressure Protecton ter LWRs

  • 9308100248 NRC Wo Notme 9%067. "Burstng of Hgt) Pressure Coolant infecten l NORRISJA Prosect Drectorate 16-2 93/08/20. GOLDBERG LH Fionda Power & Steam Lane Rupture Dscs insures Pant Personnet Lgnt Co. 2pp. 76352-33476352:340. GRIMES.B K Dwison of Ope atm0 Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Cork sohdated Edson Co. of New YorA inc.13pp. 76447.322-76447.335.
 -9309080208Sirtefy evasuaton acceptng UJi respornes to GL 90 06, " Power Operated Remet Vaives & Block Vawe Rehabdny & Ad$ Low Temp Overpressure Protecten for LWRs.                                                                                   9309070D54 Fawards msp repts 50335/9318 & S389/9318 on 933C274731.Nw>
      " Offee of Noctear Reactor Repsistscri, Descto- (Post $70411). 93/08/20. 2pp.              cned wolabons acentifed 76352mM341                                                                                  SINKULE.M V. Rooson 2 (Post 820201). 93/08/27.GOLDBERGJ.R Flonda Power &

Lagnt Co. 3pp. 76331.312 76331:327. j 9 600 Responds g28gresponse to GL 9241 Rev 1 " Reactor vessel -9309070059ansp repts50 335/9318 & 50 399r9%18 on 9306274731.Non. cited va> SAGER.DA sonda Power & Ls9nt Co 93/09/10. Document Control Brancti (Doew natsors soenntedMa,or areas rispectedplant operators rowew.surveinance & maint ment Control Desk).1p. 76479326-*79-326' observatens & fre protecDon remew ELROD.SA. SCOTT.MA, LANDIS.K.D. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 93/08/27.13pp. 93D9160160 Forwards "$t Luce Urut 1.Cycie 12 StartJp Pnyscs Testng Rept" 76331:3 4 76331227. SAGER.DA Fionda Power & Laont Co. 93/09/10. Document Control Brancts (Docw ment Control Desm.1p. 76&68:022-76468:038. 9308260198 NRC Into Notce 93-069 *Radography Events at Operstmg Power Reac-tors "

 -C309160163                                                                                    GRIMCS.BX Dwmion of Opersang Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/02. Cork WACHTEL.P ".,$1      Luce Last MEAD.WD..         1.Cycie Flords JIMENEZ.M. 12 Startup PowerPhysses    Testmg
                                                                & Lagnt Co. Rept."

93/09/01.15pp sohdated Eeson Co. of New Yor% inc.11pp. W99-342-76499.352. 76468.023-76468 038 i i C309290026 Responds to rWo requested by NRC 930720 meebng re USI A-s6.s.r* 9309130214 Informs that CEOG Rept CEtk387#.Rev 1.apphcable & bounds plant & cheng narabwe oesenbmg tow safe sNstoown te accompasned & propnetary except for NRC Bohetm 88411.Acton item 1.d. updatnD of plant spectic stress & flowenart w/ regard to relay functoraktv Flowcnart w:tnhe6d,per 10CFR2.790. la analyses.achons m buheen compete. item to be complete by 940131. BOHLKE.W.H Feonom Power & Lp Co 93/09/15. Document Control Branch (Doc > SA ER.DA Flanda Power & Lsgnt Co. 93/09/07, Document Control Branch (Docu. ment Control Desk).10pp. 76583.470L76583279. rrern Cormd Desy.10. 76422342 76429M 9309280062 Fywards SE se anomotes asentAed m 923226SE rwainne sehet requests 9309070206NRC Wo Nohce 93470 "Degranaton of Scrafiax Neutron Absorber Com tcp Urvt 1 msennce testng m for pumos & vakes. Staff approves rehof gramed pors " for Rehef Reapests VR-22 & 11 m accordance w/GL 8944. GRIMES.B K. Dwamn of Operstmg Reactor Stecort (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Corw BERKOW.H.N. Propect Dweetorate IL2. 93/09/17. GOLDBERGJ.H. Flonda Power & soleoated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. Bpp. W99JS3-76499.361. Light Ca app. 7tces.a+4 7tc6a.351. 9309000104 NRC into Notice 93471. "Fre at Chemobyl Unit 2."

 -9309200063 Sa41y evesuston supportng closure of TAC M863t? & approvrig rehef                  GRIMES.B K. Dusen of Operann0 Reactor Suppon (Post 921004L 93/09/13. Cork granted for Rehet Reesests VR-22 & 11 for Urut 1 enerwce teShng program for                 soisdated Esson Co. of New vet, enc.14pp. 76500-001-76500 013 pumps & vawesser GL Skoa & 10 CFR50.5Sa(f)(4)(w)
               ,ol        r Reactor Regulaban, Drector (Post $70411). 93/09/17. Spc.

9309090243 NRC into Nobce 93472. "Observatons From Recent Shutdown Rak & Outige Mgt P40t Team Innes." 9309230253 Forwards st*ed sample results anaryted by util m response to NRC GRIMES.BX Dween of Operatp0 Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/14. Cork 930728 ter.Results back decay corrected s) 911010. soldated Eeson Co. of Nar YorA enc. Opp. 76500MM022 SAGER.DA Fearma Power & LagNt Co. 93/09/21.Documera Control Branch (Doca ment Control DerA). 2pp. 76593068-76593:069 9309170226 Fawart's Rev 0 of "Second tSi amerval Second Insp Panod Second Outage 1993 Summary Rept Subr uttaL" Rept provces rito requesd to be mcluded m 9309290409 Forwards response to Supse 6 to GL 8b10. "anaccuracy of Motor Operated SG tube ISI special root valve Degnoste Eauement." for Units 1 & 1 SAGER.DA Flanda Power & LaDnt Cet93/09/17. Document Control Branch (Docu-SAGER.DA Flonoa Power & Lsgnt Co 93/09/24. Docuraant Control Branch (Docw mera Control Desu. 2pp. 76488:101-76488.352. ment Control Desk). 4pp. 76591:357 76591-360.

                                                                                            -9309170229 Rev 0 to "Second IS! tnterval Seccrid ensp Pered Second OutaSe 1993 Summary Rept Submsttal
  • Q. Inspection reports, IE Bulletane & cormspondence
  • Flonda Power & Lagnt Co. 93/09/06. 200s0. 76488:103 76488 252-930F160033 NRC into Notee 93456. *Weakress m EOPs Found as Result of SG T@e ES B K Dwason of Operatng Reactor h=rt (Post 921004). 93/07/22. Cork
                                                                                                           'P'*"8 '*P"             "'"

CDhoated Eckson Co of New York. oc 11pp. M99302-W99:312. 9309010292 Forwards fitness for<luty program pealermance cata for su month penod 93GP190131NRC Into Nobce 93458. "Noncernervatisrn m LTOP for PWRs." endmg 930630. GRIMES.B K. Onnsson cp Operatmg Reactor S. sport (Post 921C04). 93/07/26. Con. BOHLKE.W.H. Flonda Power & Lagnt Co 93/06/27. Document Control Branch (Door ar'htsated Eeson Co. of New YorA inc. 9pp. N47264-76447;272. ment Control Desu. 7pp. 76326.213-76328.219. 9307200123NRC Info Notee 93459. "Uneweeted Opereng at Both Doors m Asrtoce;" 9309170236 Montney operanno repts for AuD 1993 for St Luce. units 1 & 2.W/930913 ter. GRIMES.B K Drnsen es Operabng Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Co'* WHITE.C.. SAGER.DA Faonoa Power & tsgni Co. 93/06/31. Opp. 76479,232-sobasted Edson Co. of twow York. anc. topp. N47273-76447282. 76479240. 9307260065 Supp31 to NRC Bulletm 91-001. "Reportmg Loss of Crfbcakty Safety Corw trom " BURNETT.R F. Dnreson of Fuel Cyc6e Safety & Safeguards (Post 9302071 93/07/27. DOCKET SM36 081LLSTONE NUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNff 2 Cor=*ated Edson Co. of New York. trc 2Spo M091309 76409 031. 9307290112 NRC into Notte 53460. "Reporung Fust Cycle & Matis Events to NRC F. Securtty, snedical, emergency & fire protecnon plans Operations Cir." BURNETT.R F. Dnneson of Fuel Cycee Safety & Sateguards (Post 930207). 93/08/04. 1 Osnsondated Edson Co of New YorA trc topp.76447.283 76447291 9309170046Feesponds to & comments on irstaf SALP Repts $0 245/9349. $0 336/93- i 99 & $0 423/93 99 & SALP Boere recommendatons on metedual functonal areas for j 91nemen0 NRC Into Notce 93461. "r- - Reactor Coolant Leakage Followmg achetes assocated w/ penod 920216 930403 j Seat FaAre m RCP or RRP.- OPEKA.I.F, Northeast Nucaear Energy Co. 93/09/10. MARTtN.T.T. Regen 1 (Pos! ' GRtMES.B.K. Drnsson of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06/00. Corp 820201).15pp. 76472271-M72235. sohdated Edson Co. of New York, enc.12pp. N99313 76499.324 93D9160105 Rev 46 to CONI 1212. " Corporate Emergency Response Organtaaten." 9309030245NRC Into Notme 93 062, " Thermal Stratificaton el Water m BW4 Reactor Rev 6 to CONI 4.12. "ProtecDve Actson Recommend 4torm," & Rev 24 to CONI 5.01 WowAls " "OrwCas Tecteucal Support Team.** EGtMES.B K. Dnneson of Operatng Reactor Suprert (Post 921004). 93/06/10, Cork RODGERS.RC., BLAISDELLJ. Netheast Utbirbes Servee Co. 93/09/17. 79pp. suhdated Edson Co. of New vorA etc 9pp N99325 *99333 76500:230-76500:307 i 1 i

110 DOCKETED ITEMS G. Adiudacatory .~ Je $307200123 NRC ento Noace 93459. "Onexpecteif Openmg of Bom Docrs e Aerioce GRMES.B K. Dwtson of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 9210D4) 93/07/26. Gork 9309070019 Forwar0s sogned arrymal of pettson tar erector *$ Oecumm for Fansmmai to soMaw Em M 04 % YR mc h WN644W cdc of SR for putHeatortW/o enci GRAY.J R Orc of Ernorcemem (Post 870413) 93/09/02. NRC - f40 Detaned Af%. 9307260065 Suppl 1 to NRC Buitetm 91001. "Re:xytmo Loss of Cntcanty Salety Con. abon Gwen.1p 76331.227 76331227. troik

  • BURNETT.FLF Dwisen of Fuet Cycie Safety & Satepaards Post 930207) 93/07/77 ,

9309130136 Oroer? Tene wenn when Comrmsson may on as own moton grarn reve. Connohdated Esson Co of New York inc. 23pp,76409:009-N39.031. ' of ASLB orner W/Certricate cet Sve. Served on 930907. CHILK.S.J. Ottste of the becretary of the Commessen. #39314277. 93/09/07 Ottce 9307290112 NRC into f9ence 93460. "Reportng Fuel Cycle & Matik Ewents to NRC of the General Counsei(Post 860701) 3pp. NO3.244-M03246. Operatens Ctr" BURNETT.RJ. Dmrmen of Fuel Cycle Gatety & Sateguards Post 930207) 93/08/04 Consobcated Eason Ca of feew York. anc.10pp M47283.N47292. H. General .. e I

                                                                                       $30$030200 NRC into Noeme 93461, "Excesene Reactor Coolant Leakage Followng 9309030095 Comment sepstmg proposed rule 10CFR2 re remew of 2206 process                   Seal FaAre m RCP or RRP
  • WETTER >tAMN.MJ. Wmston & Strawn. 93/06/31.CHILK.SJ Othoe of the Secreta'y GRMES.B K. Onnson of Operstmg 8teacto* Suppet (Post 9210D4) 93/06/09. Con.

Of the CommsacrL 9pp. 76318-0557ti318:063. sokosted Esson Ca of New York, mc 12pp. N99.313 76499.324. 9309230078 anforms NRC on mgt changes wittun nucma' orpartzston effectwe 9308030245NRC Into Noboe 93462. " Thermal Stratitcaten of Water m BWR Reactor 930912 Rewned esetauton Ists for w. . w a.m. from NRC onct. OPEKA.J F Nytnnast Ntchaar Fnergy Co. OPEKAJf. Northeast Utstes. 9",/09/14. $$'LB K Dwmion of Operabng Reacer Suppwt Post 921004L B3r08/10 Cor* i Docume il Control Branch (Document Control Desk) 10pp. 76520.309w76520:318 med Edson Ca of New York. HE ppp. 7M99.32k7M99M I l 9300030274 NRC Into Notce 93463. "trnproper use of Sedutse Wold Purge Dam Matt" ] P. Operating Icense sts9e encuments & correspondence GRMES.B K. Dwauon et Operstng Reactor Support Post 921004L 93/06/11. Corw solcated Eeson Ca ed New % tre 8pp NR33WM4L j 9309100294 Forwards a$dl mto nosood to comp 6ete renew of 921026 appicaban for I omend to aconse. 9309060237 NRC Into Notce 93464. "Penode Tesyip & Preventwo Mont of Madne , OPEKAJJ. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co 92/12/04. Document Control Branct) (Doc-umerit Control Desk) 2pp. M13:151 N13163. Case Cecun Breakers? GRMES.B.K. Dwienn of Operstn0 Reactor Support (Post 921004193/08/12 Oorw sohoates Eeuan Co. of New York, anc tipp. 76447.293-7M47:303. -9309100300 Proposee toch specs.changmg toedny mam steam kne treak desgn 6 mas.

  • Nortteast utsees.92/12/31.11pp. 76413:153 N13163 9309090187 NRC Info Nobce 93 065. " Reactor Tnps Caused try Dreaker Testmg W/

9306230099 Suupt 5 to Genenc Le 89-10 to nuc6 ear plant bconsees & CP hoeders re Faun protecten Bypassed" maccuracy or tretor<iperated wante es erupmera GRIMES.B K. Dwmen et Operabag Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/08/13 Cork PARTLOWJG Assocsate Drector for . (Post 570411). 03/06/26 Conso6dat- enhdated Eeson Oct of New York, trc 11pp. N47.304-76447.314. oc Eeaan Co. of New Ycett inc. 7pp. N09:00176409906 9309150217Sammame renew ct util response to sept a to GL B&40. "lPEEE." A4 wees m a seneauisa con 1pieten date. ecceptan* YGRMES.BK Dannen of Operetng Reactor Support Post 921004L 932/16. Cork JABBOUR K. Prmect Drectorate INB. 93/09/07. SECKHAMJT. George Power Co- achdatec Edson Co. of New York. Mc. 7pp. N47315-76447.321. 3pp. N42293 7M42295. 9309160032 Forwards peak 9round acceieinton & specnal watues for New England 930smes NRC in6 Nobce 93M7. "Birstmo e,it Hgh pressee Coo 4 ant infecten t 8 L

  • Ruph s Ducs Irmres Plant Personrud >

snes.per B30?se - ^- that stan cowstopmg NUREG rept whcti we summa- G'R*ES".B M K. Onn'sen of Operatng Reactor Soport (Poet 921004). 93/08/16 Cork rue 1992/1993 LLNL probatutmac hazard work performed for NRR. sahanted Eston Co. of New York. Inc.13pp. N47;322-76447:335. SOBELP. Cwd Engmagemp & Geoecsonces BrarcrL 93/09/08. O'HARA.T. Yankee Atomsc Elecinc Co 20pp N46.316-76446.335. 9309030043 Forwards Comtuned trisp Repts $3445/9318.53336/9313 & 60423/93- , 9309160021 Acks recesst of930621 patrien eeouestm0EDO to expedrie epiteente irk 14 en 930614-25 & nohce 04 wqolaton Volston adtkesses tees tien edeSaste & grk vestgaton for enittui veistmn at empiowees protecton per 10Cntbo.7. amety evaluanon & cocumentaton of MOV dvnsme test results. GRAv4.P Orc of Enforcement (post 8'0413). 93/09/10.MARIEN.C.V. Afhhoton Not DURRJ P. Repon 1 Post R20201). 93/06/2tL OPEKA.JJ. Northeasi Nuctear Energy Aansgned app. N64ts&N54;D91. Co. 3pp. 76361:349 75361:300. 9309150025Ack receipt et930821 petton veaussen0 EDO to expoete enmedete ark -9309030045 Notice of velaton from insp on 93061425.Veolaton noted- dyname tests westganon for wetul weotston as employee protecton por 10CFRSD.7 ' for seventeen satetydeleted MOVs performed in accordance w/tess procedures that GRAf4R. Ole of Ereorcement (Post s70413). 93/09/10. NERICCIO.M W. Aftilisten ed not encorporate renuremeras & acceptanor lynN for cetermrsng operatulity Not Aam0nea epp 76454:092-76454295.

  • Fieyan i post g20201). 93/08/26. 2pp. 76361252-76361:353.

9309160195 Forwards Rev 0 to Rept TR44CC 276. "Evaluaten of Unrradated Charpy ~9309090052 ansp repts $M4' d SMSN/9M3 & 5M23/9M4 on 910614.- M PV intermodate Sneu Coisse Plates." si re- 25.volatons smeedN areas rapacteamt a actvees for MOV W gram & M nem NmW = assunsus M an w mton. OPEKA.J.F. Northeast Nucseer Energy Ca OPEKAJJ. Northeast Utilmes. 93/09/10 WL N . Regen 1 Post S202MA MB/16. 7pp. MMNN Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 7pp. 76468:0396N66:0117

-9309160200 *Evaluston of unrrasated Charpy Upper Shelf Energy of Mastone.unn 2        930ece0009 Forwards msp topts 50245/93-22.50436/9M6 & so.423/9MS on RPV Intermedate snell Courne Platea."                                                  930ll02Mery pood radmiogcal spricots impamomed for irist 3 outage & wo* ec-KURDZIELEP. ABB Comtxston Engrisonng Nucleat Fust (formerly Combuston Er>              tvmes feviewed wr unrts 1 & 2.

gmeenng trc.). TR-MCC-276 R00. 93/06/30. 42pp. 7646tt046,76468287 JOYNERJ.N. Fiepen 1 (Post 820201). 93/06/27. OPEKAJJ. Northeast Whr Energy Cct 3pp. 76346024-76346$39. 9309160202 Promoes update on progress ei anagratmg engmeenno actwebes & 920604 ransmr' tai of Pname 11 Completon Rept for Performance Er> -43090e0012 Insp repts So.245/9122.54336/9315 & S0 423/9MS on $30B0246.No nuncemem Progrant veistons notec.Masar areas -,w .m changes.organcraton & OPEKAJJ. Connecteut Yankee Atome power Co. OPEKAJJ. teortheast Nuc6 ear .trarung a cuahhcatens. auttts & - . , _ Energy Co OPEKAJJ. Northeast UbittretL 93/09r10. Docarnerit CoreUI Branch (Doc- NIM .R.L. PASCnAK.WJ. Regen 1 (Post $20201L 93/06/27,13pp. 76346.027 ument Control Desk) topp. N68:088-N68:097. 76346.039. 9309270082 Notfcaten of $30924 magnetcant imennee meetmg 93-119 m King of 9308260198 NRC Into Deance 93489. "Raeopuphy Events at Operetng Power Reac-Prusssa.PA 1D escuss vesJts of snoepensent review team. gn DDERFdtN,LT, Repon 1 (Post $20201). 93/09/10. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 3pp GRMES.B.K. Dnneen of Operenne Reactor Suoport (Post 921004t 93/09/02. Cor> 76543 236 76543236- sobsated Edson Co. of New York, sic.11pp. N99:342-76499J52. pn ,, d ,,,g,is snoepe"ndr"u RFLEIN LT. Regan 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/17. Regen 1 (Post $20201) 3pp. 0309140134 Provides autook se soentihed esioeneses assocated w/ one or more of hcreed comutar repachesten hrwig prolymms conducted m Apr 1993 OPEKAJJ. Ntrthsast Nucener E Go 93/09/03. Document Congol Branch (Doc-76551:124 76551:122. ument Coreal Deskk 7pp. 76437 ' ,76437229. 9309270106 Confrms reorrect TAC M69401 to correct TAC M69461 & crest to Urut 2 account 9309180118 Responds to 930726Str rilomeng NRC of steps taken to conect violatons OPEKAJJ. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. OPEKAJJ fourthesst Utimes. 93/09/20. noied m rup rept 50 336/93 91. Correctve actons we De exammed dunng tutire T5 TEMPER.L Lacense Fee & Doot Co66eeton Branch (Post 990827). 2pp. 76570 360- rap 76570:361. DURRJ.P. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/09.OPEKAJJ. Northeam Nuc6 ear Energy Co. 2pp. 76454233-76454.340. Q. Inspecten reports. IE Buitetins & . - 9309070296f(RC trito Notoe 93470. "Dogradalen of Borattes Neutron Absortrer Cou-pons " GRIMES.B.K. Onneen of Operann0 Reactor Seport Post 921004K 93/09/10. Con-930716o033 NRC Into Notco 93456 " Weakness m EOPs Found as Result of SG Tutie sokosted Edraon Ca of New York. Inc. 9pp. 76492.353-W99.361. Rupture.* GRIMES.S Il Dnnsen of Ope stmg Reactor Support (Post 92 004). 93/07/21. Cor> notdated Edson Co of New York. anc 11pp. M99J02 76499.312. 930D160209 Responos to NRC930722Mr ve vio'etons noted in insp Rept 5C-336/93-11.Conectve actonsyneaten monstar enmedstesy ; & retumed to evc & 1&C 9307190131NRC Info Notce 93458. "Nonconaarvutern m LTOP for PWRa" tecnnaarm wwoeved escaphned 4 counseled GRIMES.B.4L Danson el Operstmg Finactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Cork OPEKAJJ. 940rtheast Nucseer Energy Co. OPEKAJJ. Northeast Utlees. 93/09/10. sahanted Eeson Co. of New York, enc. 9pp. 76447.264-76447:272. Documern Control Branen (Documera Control Deskk 10pp. 76454-21176454.220.

t l l l DOCKETEDITEMS 111  ; J l 9309170046 Responds to & comments on trubal SALP Repts 50 245/9S99. SS336/93- 930917D046 Respends to & commems on Putai SALP Repts50 245193-99. 50-336/93- l t 99 & 50423/93-99 &SALP Board ._ .._ ;aons on mdnnous) tunctona: areas for 99 & 50 423/93-99 & SALF f$oard recommemnators on m$moual functumat areas for octMtes awated w/ Denod 92021trS30403. actMhes assoasted w/ penod 920216-930403. OPEKA IF. Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. 93/09/10. MARTIN.T.T. Regen 1 (Post OPEKA.J F. Northeast Nutwar Energy Co. 93'09/10. MARTIN.T.T. Regen 1 (Post  ! B20201).15pp. 76472.271-764722B5. 820201) 15pp. W7227176472285. 930e000104NRC Into Nobce 93471. "Fre at Cherrebvl Urut 2,* GRIMES.B K pnnsen of Operatmg Reactor Support Ipost921004). 93/09/13. Cork DOCKET $0 338 NORTH AttitA POWER STATION, UNIT 1 sohdated Edson Co. of New York. mc.14pp 76500.00176500 013. 9309000243 NRC Mio Nobce SS072. Observatens From Recert Snutdown Rak & F. Security, medcol, emergency & fire protectaan piens j Outaae Mgt Puot Team insps." GRIMES.B.It Onnsen or Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/14. Con"  ! ochdated E& ton Co. of New York. Inc. 6pp. 76500:014 76500022. 930pe0156,Fawards Rev 24 m EPIP-@1. " Emergency Manager Comrollme Proco-ay,, g g eft Rev 15 to Am 10.112 of

  • North Anna Emergency Plan l as aper C3093e0057 Notricaton of agrwficant beenmee meetmg SS124 w/uti on 931001 to de>

cuss veintests identfad m ensp rept 50-336/93 18 se sper actMhes of letdown prgruah Y 93/09/21 Documerd Coreg Branch f Contot Dent M 76593 001-765032t  ; DOERFLE T. Retron 1 (Post 620205). 93/09/17. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 3pp. 9309290159 Rev 24 to EPIP-1.01. 'Emergenev Manoper Controsmg Procedure " 552.34 6552:348. l KEMP.P Vaprua Power (Vrpne Ememe & Power Col 93/09/14. Mpp. 76593 004-9309290337 Forwards insp root 54336/9S18 on 930802 0917.Voleters noted but not 7623M j

                                                                                                      ~9303200162 Dmu Rev 15 to App W1.pnge Wu of w Anns Em                                                    f j               R.R W. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/22 OPEKA.J.F. Northeast Nuclear l

Energy Co. 3pp. 7659423S76594:351 rgme Power (Vagnus Electnc & Power Col 93/09/221p. 76593:06176593 061. 'f

  -9308200338 insp rept 50 336/BS18 on 930e02 0917 Velatons reted. Masar areas
              "                              "                      '**"8"*I"*""""I'                  P, Opereeng 4 cense stage -                             . & correspondence                                .

I n l DOERFLf.INAT. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/22.18pp. 76594.33S76594251. l 9306230000 Suppl 5 to Genorc Ltr 0910 to saucteer clers boensees & CP holders re te aquement * . 93002903a6 Siemre revned schedule for resoluten of urremotved hems re Insp Rept meccuracy of motorgperated veMr I SS336/93 81. PARTLOW.J.G. Assocuste thractor for (Post 570411k 93/06/28.Conschdat-OPEXA.J.F. Northeast Nucsear Energy Co. OPEKA.J.F. Northeast Uthmos. 93/09/22. . ed Edson Co. of New York enc. 7pp. 76s39-001-76409 006. l Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 4pp. 76806.344-7e806-347 t 930esen301 Informs that uti 920918seaponse to GL et.20. suppl 4. "lPEEE," accepte .  ! 930mian++9 Notifceton or sagruhcent hconsee eneetng 9S124 & DS119 w/ubt on tue. [ 931001 to dncuss enforcement contorence & speede vetstons userehod m rap rept ENGLELB. Propect Draceorete102. 93/08/18. STEWART.WL Vagrus Power Wrge- , 50 336/9S18 re reper actutes of astoown vesve. m Essetnc & Power Co4 3pst 76374256 76374258. , DOU.FLEfM.LT. Regron 1 (Post 820201) 93/09/23. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 3pp.  ; 76611:336 76611206 teamanamat Responds to ubi 930707 tir rebueng volatons of Vrgme Nazarcous ' wasee Mgt Regulatons cned m 930807.  ; BURTON.R.N Vagma.Commonwesen el 93/08/20.MARSHALLB.M. Vergrus Power i fL Portade opereeng reports & reisted correspondence (Vrpne Essetnc & Power Cc4 3pp. 763S2182-76352-134. i 930e030024 Rachoschve Effluents Release Rept Jandune 1993 " W/930830 Itr. 9300030219 Sidarbs revned arvedience Capewee sendrawal schedule for UnN 1. OPE %A.J.F. Northeast Nucosar Energy Cct OPEKA.J.F. Nortneemt Uthnes- 93/06/30. STEWART.WL Vrgmes Power & Enctnc & Power CoJ 93/08/26. Document 150pp. 7630s:001-7630s.121. Contros Branch (Ducurnere Control app. 7s341:350-76341.361. 93o00e0136 Forwards semannual fitness tor performance data for JanJune 1993. 9300100061D=a=aas caossout of GL elkte," Request for Acton se Radaan of UrF l ROMBERG.WD Connecacut Yankee Atome Co. ROMBERG.W.D. Northeast resoeved Setegy assue A47.5essly Ingsliceton al Canyol Sys m LWR pamar Power , Nucsear Energy Co. FtOMBERG.W.D. Normeest Utumes 93/08/31.Domrnent Control ] Branch (Documerte Coreal Desa419pp. 76398 060 76398:078. Piants. ENGl F tPLrsuant to 100FR50M". R Proact Drectorens li 2 93/06/27. STEWART.WL Vrgrus Power (Vryn- i es Esmetnc & Pow % Cct). app. 78395 356 76395250. , 930eceptic unnthiv operegno rept tar Aug 1993 for Mestone Ure 2. W/930002 Itr.  ; DOBOE.S SCACE.SE Normeest Nucteer Energy Co. SCACE.S.E Northeast Utimet- 93ee14es36 Fonsords amends 172 & 153k) loonses NPF4 & NPF 7. respectuely & 93/08/31. 5pp. 76396 079 76398:083. SE. Amends esperose contamment - . eprey subsyneems rito two core - mont - _ aprey trams conneemm w/STS ENGLELB Proinct Dractorene102. 93/09/02. STEWART.WL Vrprus Power (Vapn- l S. Reportette escurrenoon, LERe & related corrompendemos e Esselnc & Power Co4 3pp. 76421:187-76421;202. j 930eceo601 Summary at 930e18 operstng reactors events meeting.Lat of anonoces **30014eD39, Amends 172 & 153to imenses NPF4 & NPF-7.respectvely esperatrig aprey supeyggems mio two conterwnent sprey

                                                                                                                                                                                                              .l enci.                                                                                      -
                                                                                                             . . - _ . _ _ .                                                                                     j CHAFFEE.AE Fvents -              . 7 Brancto 93/08/19. GRIMES.BK Dansen of Oper-                    warm conemannt w/STS                                                                                    i stng Reactor Support (Post 921004).17pp. 76403274 76403290                                           BERKOW#t.N. Propect Drectorate 9193/09/02.10pp. M21190576421:199.                                     1 9300o30197 LEP 93416 0Dmn 930729.reponatuhty determnemon made se snelyse for                       ~t309140030 Soloty _                               eupportng amends 172 4 153 to imeness NPF 4 &

teron deuten evenLCoused trr r-n=rP** review of remuns of teron douton re reis. NPF-7.respecovety. l non to pasen coeretng condooreLboron results rsweed W/930827 ter.

  • Othoe of Nutsmer Reactor Regummon. Drector (Post 870411L 93/09/02. 3pp. i COBOE.S SCACEKE. Northeast Nucemer Energy Ca SCACLE.C. Nottisest Uthhes. W21;200w76421:202. ]

93/C;,/27. App.76409.243 76409.246. l 9358050336 Forwards amend 174 & 155 to hoeness NPF4 & NPF 7. respectvely & l E30ege0412 LER 9S00841mn 930505.dociered c%ereng pumps anoperatWe due to low enesty : "- -_ ; 3 wuresee abonable es.found men essem estety vesve set-noneral power voltopsistabished ~ . ... . : coreos & enstehad meerpoeng relay porn tolerance from 1% 10 3%. wear "C" cheryng pump corent orculLW/930002 lir. ENGLIAB. Prosect Drectrene9 2.93/09/07. STEWART.WL Vagrue Power Nryn-DESLANDES.K.D. SCACE.SE. Northeast Nucemer Energy Co. SCACE.S.E. Northeast a Eiectnc & Power Co1 app. 76412.273 76412.296. Utsees.93/09/02. 4pp. 76430176 76430179. _ T Amends 174 4 155 to teenees NPF4 & NPF-7;=anarwooly, mcrasemp 9*a===a*** LER 9341600on 930805.letdoum manuel noiston vs'.ve 2.CH442 devel- =ar==* ma es.cound neem ensam asisty vesve essent toserence trom 1% to 3%. coed seek wNch excesood TS berets. Root cause las not toen estermmedYelve n> BERKOW.M.N. Propect Drectorale15 2. 93/09/07.1990. 76412.276-m17.293. aman =d & ell code resured post mtematon tests w-=%2r - . W/93DB03 ler. TEMPLE.W.J., SCACE.SE. Ncrtheast Nucteer Energy Co. SCACE.51. Northeses Utir -* Setety evetuskon signporeng amends 174 & 155 12 hoenses NPF-4 & tes. 93/09/03. app. 76430.257 7643D.260. NPF-7, . . . . _ , .

  • Othoe of Nucener Reactor Reguiston, Drector (Post 870411k 93/09/07. 3pp. 1 E3DD17J019 LER 9341900mn 930412soector tnp comprod due to low SG M12294 76412.296.

level. Conducted stuft tmofng of event to T " .y-ricaused hstad recuromonts tor s6tmoouero eruft aten up whde assunent W/930910 ar ". memamana = Forwards amends 173 & 154 to heumos NPF-4 & NPF-7 i TEMPLE.WJ SCACE.S E. Northeast Nucesar Energy Co. SCAW $.E. Northnost Utab- respecevely.Arnenes revue TS 3/4.6.12 try removmg scheogir resurements tor Type  ! test 93/09/10. app. 76600:023-76500 026. A toets to be performed at 40 plus or ennus 10 mongh mgantals. ENGLELB. Progect Dractorate0 2 93/09/07.ETEWART.WL Vrguedi Power (Vrpr> 930e300071 Forwards trenpondent Revow Tasm Rept re May 1993 leek developmg m a Electnc & Power coa 3pp. *10.200 76s10310. - baar to tennet paru of letoown volve 2 CH442 on Urut 2. I OPEKA.J F. Northeast Nucesor Energy Co. OPEKA.I.F. Northeast Utiliten-93/09/10 -93000e0352 Arnands 173 & 154 to hoeness NPF4 & NPF-7 respechwety, surnowmg l 44ARTIN.T.T. Repon 1 (Post B20201). 5pp. M74 057.76474:105. och63 user recadrements for Type A esses to to portormed specshoser et 40 plus or renus 10 fnonth enterve; & mased set Type A aseeng per 10CF9t$0 App J. . 93ebses081 "thitstorm Nucteer Power Statert. Unit 2.tnesperulent Renew Team BERKOW.H.N. Propect Dractorate A2. 93/09/07.14pp. N10.293-76410.306, I aspe DEBARBAE.A., AHERN.M.F. CALLAGHAN.P. Northnest Ph.a==r Erstgy Co. 03/09/ . Selony evelumbon supporing amends 173 & 1$4 to leoness NPF4 & J

09. 44pp. 76474 062-76474105. NPF-7.respectivssy, i
  • Offee of Nutdoor Reactor Regulamon, Drector (Post 370411L 93/09/07. App.

76410:307-miO210. Enemieussioem 930918ee94 Summary of 930e25 mostne e/ulli m Rockwes.MD re " _ on enter 4 93091e0134 Provates cunook re asenthod detooncies sesonated w/ one or more of grated trorutng pograntTS ime som unprovernentregulatory remarements energmal to  ! hoensed operator remashhcoton trommg conductee m Apr 1993. eessty & Surrey tre protecton TSs.Last of esemdoes enet. 1 OPEF.A.J.F. Northanet Nucaner .F. Northeast Uammae 93/09/D3. BJCKLEY.BC Prosect Drectorate b 2. 93/09/08. Prosect Drectorate ti,2. 24pp. Docurrient Control Branch (Document Desk). 7pp. 76437:323 76437:329. *b4.237-76454:200. j l I

112 DOCKETEDITEMS 9309240320 Forwaros SE toe mservce testng program rehef reqJest for peps & 9309070206NRC tnto Nobce 93 070. "Deg-adaten of Borafles tveutrori Absorber Cou-vawes.per GL e9 04 pons - BERKOW.H.N Propect Drectrate n.2. 93/09/17 STEWART.KL Vrperina Power (Vr- GRIMES.B K. Deson of Operatng Reactor Sepri (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Con-9na Electnc & Power Ce t 3pp. 76559109 76559199. sohdated Eeson Co of New Yorn, mc. 9pp. 76499.353-76499;361.

   -9309240322 Safety evaluation re msennce testtag pr        m reasests for rehe'               93090B0104 NRC Into Nohce 93471. "Fre at Chemooyf Urut 2."
  • O' fee of Nacica' Reactor Regatahon. Drector ( ost 870411) 93/09/17 1Bpp. GRIMES.B.K. Dmsson of Operahng Reactor $@pon (Post 921004L 93/09/13 Corw 7655911k76559129 sohdated Edson Co. of New twA orc.14pp. 76500 00176500:013
   -9305050175 " Pump & Valve IST Prog'am.fvorth Anna Power Staton. Units 1 & 27                 9309280112 Act receet of 930901ftr ritornung NRC of steps taken to conect votakens TER                                                                                            roied m mso repts50-336/93-19 & 50-339/9 %19 CAINAS. EGSG idaho. Inc FIN A 6B12 EGG RTAR.10520. 93/04/30 Meenancal                          SINKULE.M V R           2 (Post 820201) 93/09/13. STEWART.WL Vwgerna Power Engmeenng Brancet 70pp 7655913476559199                                                        (Vngma Electne &           Col 2pp. 7655220S76552210 9309270128Provides response to GL 9344.  Rod Control Sys Fadure & Withdrawal of             9309090243 NRC Into Notee 93472. "Observatons from Recent Shutdown Rmk &

Control Rod Assembbes.10CFR50.54(r)? Outage Mgt P40t Team msos*' STEW ART.W L V9tua Power (V9fua Doctne & Power Col 93/09/20. Document GRIMES.B K Dmson of Operatmg Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/09/14 Cora Control Braren (Document Control DesAt 7pp. 76593234 76593240. soldated Edson Co. of New YorN inc 800. 76500 014-76500:022 9309280130 Forwards response to NRC930729 RAI fe uht 920C29 response to Rev 1 9309280022 Forwards esp repts 5 338/93 20 & 50 339/9320 on 9307164821.No of GL 9241 w/ regard to compeaance w/recurements & cornmrtments se teacts eteg. velabons or oeviatons noted. nty SINKULE.M V Regen 2 (Post 820201t 93/09/17 STEW ART.WL Vrpmia Power STEWART.W.L Vgram Power (W De&ic & *ower CoI 93/09/23 Document (Vagna Elecmc & Powse Co4 3pp. 76552.315 76552.327. Control Branch (Document Coritrol kl. stop 7f 48.341-765BB.355

                                                                                                -9309200025 insp repth 50-338/93 20 & E339/93 20 on f 30718-0821.No votatons retec.Mapr areas mapected pearnt statas, operatonal safer. venfcaton.mant ooserva-Q. InspectsDrl reports, lE Bulaettris & a ..                                                     tuon survesliarice cbservaterL & Scison on prevous insp Ilems.

YORK t W TAYLOR.D.R. BEL.2SLE.GA Regen 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/17.10pp. 76552:318 76552:327. 9307160,033 Rupio e - NRC mfo NoDce 93 056. " Weakness m EOPs Found as Result of SG Tube ) GRNES.B K Desen of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/22 Co,p 9309280173 Provides rev to esp repts 50 338/80-38 & 2339/80 36.C/As: Design soudated Edson Co. of New York. mc tipp.76499 302-76499-312' Control Prog'am has been enhanced b ensare M pronty N k updated pnor to new & madrhed s*ructures.sys & coniponents operable W/o ences

   $307190131NRC into Notce 9S058
  • Nonconservaksm m LTOP for PWRs. STEWART.WL rgsma Power N Doctm & Pows Cc4 93/09/20. Docunient GRIMES.B K. Dusen at Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Con. Cond Branch (Document Cm L 2m 7658u60MN sohdated Edison Co of New York. Inc. 9pp. 76447264-76447272.

9307200123NRC Into Nobce 93459. " Unexpected Openng of Both Doors ai Aricek R. Penods operating reports & related . GRIMES.B K Dumon of Operatng Reactor Suppon (post 921004). 93/07/26. Con. soldated Eason Co. of New York. anc.10pp 76447.273 76447282 9309070308 "Radoachve Effluent Reiesse Rept North Anna Power Stabon Jar > June 1993 W/930901 ftr. 9307260065 Sept 1 to NRC Bubebn 91401,"Reportmg Loss of Ontcahty Safety Can. BOWUNG,M L V Power Wrgna Doctne & Power Col 93/06/30. 27pp. tros 76371211-7ti371" 7. BURNETTAF Dmson of Fuel Cycee Safety & Safegurds (Post 930207). 93/07/27. Consohcated Eason Co of New York, Ort 23pp. 76409 00476409031. 9309010200 Forwards serm. annual fitness for duty program performance data rept for 9301014630 per 10CFR26.71(d) 9307290112 NRC Into Notce 93460, "Reportng Fuel Cycle & Matts Events to NRC BOWUNG.ML Vrgna Power Wapna Electre & Power Col 93/06/27 Document Control Branch (Document Control sesa).15pp. 76318.317 76318.332. OperatonsF Ct'."Dmson BURNETT.R of Fuel Cycae Satety & Sateouards (Post 933207) 93/08/04 Consoboated Eeson Co. of New Yprk Mc.10pp. 76447253-76447292 9309170232 Montmy operstmg repts for Aug 1993 for NAPSaanits 1 & 2 W/ 930913 ttr. KANE.G.L STEWAR7.wt Vrgna Power (Vrgna Elecinc & Power Col 93/08/31 930s030200NRC Inlu Niu,33401, T asswo Reactus Coolant Lankage Fobowng 12pp. 76479.208 76479.219. Seal Fanure en RCD or FIRP." GRMES.B K. Dmson of Operstng Reactor Support (Post 921004) 93/06/09. Con. so4 dated Eeson Co of New York, me.12pp 76499:3117M99-324. $ Reportabes occurrences. LERs & rotated _ _ 9mnarnrn45 NRC into Notce 93462. "hermal Stratstcaton of Water m BWR Reactor 93D9130271 rhe=== turtune Inp/ reactor gnp that occurred from 100% power on vessels " GRIMES.B K Dusen of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/08/10 Con. ,930416.Rechsetts evaluaton wrnan portormance stuoy rept on&930418 card-a of two human factor maues ameritshed m soldated Edmon Co. of New Yort.,inc. 9pp 76499.325 76497.333. BERKOW.H.N Propect Drectorate 82. 93/0B/16 ECKENRODE.RJ Human Factors

  $308030274                                                                 e Dam Matl."

GRIMES.B K Desen of Operstng Reactor Seport (PostNRC 921004). vJ Mio Notce 93 0G3. " improper Use of boluble Weed Purg/06/11. Cww schoated Edson Co. of New Yorn., Inc. 8pp. 76499334-7M99:341-DOCKET $0-339 NORTH ANNA POWER STATION. UNTT 2 9'rmn237 NRC mfd Notcp 93464. "Penodic Testng & Preventwo Marit of Molded ME K. Desen of Operating Reactor Support (Posi 921004L 93/08/11 Cork * * """ # soldated Echman CD of New York, enc.11pp. 76447293 7M47.303. p g . 9300090187NRC Mto Notce 93 06$. " Reactor Trps Caused by Breaker Testmg W/ 8k8'e" & draft Rev 15 to App 10.112 of " North Anna Emergency Pan Fault Protecton Bypassed - (NAEP)" as H wis appear e nem row to NAEP. GRIMES.B K. Omsen of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 9210D4). 93/08/13. Con. *V cum'sa

                                                                                                   @'    7      Power Desa).

(vrgma3pp.E ectne & Power Co). 93/09/22. Document Cornrol Branch solcated Eeson Co. of New YorA irt 11pp. 7t447.304-7M47314. ent Cont'ol 76593h76593S61. 9308100006 NRC Into Nobre 93466. "Sanchover to Ho% Insecton Fonowng LOCA -93092o0159 Rev 24 to EPIP-1.01.

  • Emergency Manager Controlhng Proce&re."

e pwgg.~ KEMP.P. Vrgrua Power (Vrgna Electnc & Power Col 93/09/14. 56pp 76593004-GRIMES.B K Dmson of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06/16 Cork 76593 060. soldated Echson Co. of New York, erc. 7pp. 76447215-76447.321. 4  % Em 9308100248 NRC mio Notce 93-067. "Burstog o.f High Pressure Coolant inpochon Plan." Stearn une Ructure Ducs empures Plant Personnel

  • Vrgna Power (Vrgrus Elecinc & Power Col 93/09/22 1p. 76593:061-76593 061, GRIMES.B K. Omson of Operstmg Reactor Sepo't (Fost 921004). 93/08/16. Cww soldated Edson Co of New York enc.13pp. 76447.322-76447.335. _.

g 9309070092 Ack recept of 930B09 itr mtymm{NRC 01 steps taken to cor act violatons noted m enso repts 50-33B/9S18 & 50 339/v>18 9306230099 Suppl 6 to Genanc Lir 8910 to nuclear plant boensees & CP holders re SINKULE.M V. R 2 (Post 820201L 93/08/25. STEWART.WL Vrgrua Power raccuracy of motormperated verve ocampment (vryma E6ecinc & . coa 2pp. 76332057-76332-058. PARTLOWJG. Assocate Drector for (Post 570414 93/06/28. Corsolcat ed E6 son Co. of New York. Inc. 7pp. 7640&OO1-76409.008. 9309080008 Responds to NRC 930005 ftr te volatons noied m rap rests 50 338/9319

    & 50 339/93-19 on 93062047174orrectrve actons. opened EDG murfler t ypass vawe             9309000301 Informs that util920919 response to GL 88 20.nepi 4. "lPEEE? a:cepta-            l to tuli posmor,.                                                                               tWe                                                                                    J i

STEWART.WL Vryms Power (V Electne & Power Col 93/09/01. Document ENGLELB. Propect Dructorate ti 2. 93/08/18. STEWART.WL Vrgma Power (Vrgr> i Control Branch (Document Centrol ). 5pp. 763882t576388.3t7. e Elecinc & Power Col app.76374 256 76374 258. i 9308260198 NRC Into Notce 93 069. "Radoyapny Events at Operstmg Power Reac- 9309030093 Responds to ugl 930707 Itr rebutang votatons of Vrgna Hazarcous tors " Waste Mgt Reguialons csten m 930607. GRIMES.B K. Dmeon of Operstmg Reactor Seport (Post 9210D4). 93/09/02. Cr> BURTONAN. Vagna Commonweatm of. 93/08/20 MARSHALL.B.M. Vrgme Power sohdatec Esson Co of New York, enct 11pp. 7t 499:342 76499.352. (Vrgne Eisetne & Power Col app. 79' 12:182-76352-164. 9309170031 Documents unoerstandmg that.due to current wortdoods at agencypeapent 9309100051 Charmaan ciomeout of G6 6919. "Recuest for Achon re Resoluten of Ur> will not be evasistne for meetmo ure atter and of Sept.per930820 per m ret to contest. resoeved Safety lasue A-47.Satoty,impecation of Corarol Sys et LWR Nucinar Power ed Imdmgs al 930518 RCRA rap at plant Piants. Pwsuam b 10CFR$0.54m. MARsHAa B M. vryne Power ivrana E octne & Power Cc4 93/09/08. BAD.Y.T. ENGLELB. Propect Dractorate ti-2. 9FDB/27. STEWART.WL VagmW PowW (Vrpr> Vegna. C .- T of 2pp. 764t229476472:300. m Elecmc & Power Col 2pp. 76395.358-76395:359. t

DOCKETEDITEMS 113 9309100233 Forwarns amend 152 to icense NPF-7 & satety evabanon. Amerd abows 9307200123 NRC into Notee 93 059. " Unexpected Opemng of Bom Doors m Ardock" reoucton m measured reacter coo.a91 sys tiow rate to accommooale sys enects GRIMES.B K. Omson or Operstmg Reactor Sappor* (oost 9?1004) 93/C7/26. Cork cried w/mcressmg steam generator tube pluggirog sohdalec Eosson Co. of New YCrk. arc.10pp. N47.273.N47282. i ENGLELB. Propset Drectorate42 93/08/3a STEWART.W.L Vrgerna Power (Vegm. i e Decmc & Power CoJ 3pp 76397:014-7E397:030. 9307260065Suppi i to NRC Sullebn 91001, "Reportmg Loss of Cnticality Satety Com trols "

 -9309100236 Amend 152 to acense NPF-7.allowmg reduchon m r'easurad reacty coo 6         BURNETTAF Duson of Fuel Cveie Sa+ety & Sarequards (Post 930207). 93/07/27.            3 Ent sys flow rate to accommodate sys eflects associated wimcreasmg steam periera      Consohdatect Edson Co ce New York. Inc. 23pp 76 09-009 76409:031.

tor tube puggmg BERKOW.H.N. Prc1ect Drectorate102, 93/08/30. 7pp. 76397.018 76397-024. 9307290112 NRC Into Notce 93460. "Reportng Fuel Cycw & Matts Events to NRC Operations Ctr? 4309100239 Safety evaluabon suppor1mg amend 152 to iconse NPE-7. BURNETT.R.F Dmson of Fuel Cycle Safety & Sateguaros (Post 930207). 93/08/04.

  • Oft ce of Nuctear Reactor RegulatorL Directy (Post $70411). 93/08'30. 6pp Consohdated Edison Cn of New Yortt. Inc.10pp. 76447283 M47.292.

76397:025-76397:030 9308030200 NRC Into Notre 93 061. " Excessive Reactor Coolant Leakage Fccowng 9309080150Frovces clanfcabon re use of postweld heat treatment see Westmfiouse Seal Fagure m RCP or RRP? laser seemg dscussac s= Westm7mune proprietary & norgropnetary GRIMES.6 K. Desen of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/09. Con-rects WCAP 13088. Rev 2 & WCAP-13069.Rev 2,respectivesF- mokdated Edson Co. of New York. inc.12pp. 76^99.313-76499.324. STEWART.WL vrgma Power (Vronia Enoctne & Power Co.) 93/09/01 Documerit Control Branch (Document Control Oesk). 2pp 76398.360 76398.361. Smnanin+45 NRC Into Notee 93462, " Thermal St"atefcaten of Water m BWR Reactor vessets? 93D9140026Fcrwards amends 172 & 153to iconses NPF-4 & NPF-7, respeenvoW & GRtMES.B K. Osvmen of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06/10. Con-SEAmends separate contamment recrculaton spray subsystems sito two contam. solcated Edson Co. Of New Ypret, snc. 9pp. N99:325 76499 333. merit rocerculaten sway trams consstent w/STS EN3LELB. Propect Drectorate162. 93/09/02. STEWART.W.L Vapma Power (V9* 9300030274NRC Into Notoe 93 063. " improper Use of Solubie weed Purge Dam Matt" e Electne & Power Co.). 3pp. M21187-M21.202 GRIMES.B k. Duson of Operatng Reactor Sucport (Post 9210D4). 93/08/11. Con-sohdated Edson Co of New York. anc. 8pp. 76499.334 N99341

 -9309140029 Amerds 172 & 153 to 6conses NPF4 & NPF-7,respectvely, separatmg contamment rewculaton spray subsystems mto two contariment recrculalon spray       9300060237NRC into Notee 93464. "Penodc Testmg & Pieventrve Mamt of Molded trams consistern w/STS BERKOW.M N. Propect Drectorate10193/09/02.10pp. 76421-190 76421:199.                 Case Crest 8 makers
  • GRIMES.B K. Dnamen of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004) 93/08/12. Con.
 -9309140030 Satety evaketon supportm9 amends 172 & 153 to kcenses NPF-4 &                        Ob uclear Reactor Regulatert Dractor (Post 870411). 93/09/02 3pp-     8          '8                                                                    "

6421204M21201 Pro bo B i GRIMES.B K. Duson of Operatng Reactor Lpport (Post 921004). 93/06/11 Corp 9309090336 Forwares amord 174 & 1S5 to hcenses NPF4 & NPF-7, respecevety & sohdated Dison Ca W h M. Inc. upp. 7644NN4W

                                  * * '             ""         '      D ' * ' "
               "u' r                                                                      9308100006, NRC Into Notce 93466. *Switchover to Hot tycnon Fotowng LOCA E                Co             2      64                                        GR E BX Desen of Operstmg F.eactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06/16. Cork soldated Edmori Co. of New York, enc. 7pp. N47:315-76447:321.


 ~9309090340 Amends 174 5 155 to bconses NPF4 & NPF-7pespectvely. mareasmg I

s.liowatWe as-tound mam steam safety vane setpomt tolerance from 1% to 3A 9308100248 NRC Info Nohce 93467, "Bngng g Q h W Inpocton BERAOW.H.N. Propect Drectorate16-2 93/09/07.18pp. 76412276 N12293 Steam Lee Rizwure Desca insures Plant Persormet GRIMES B IC Dvason of Operstmg Reactor S.czort (Post 921004). 93/Ce/16. Con-

 -9309090342 Safety evaluaton s@porung amends 174 & 155 to noenees NPF4 &               sohdated Ediaan Co. of New Yort enc.13pp. 76447222-W47235.


  • Office of Nucear Reactor Regtenbort, Drector (Post $70411). 93/09/07. Sop. 3309070092 Act rocact of 930809 ler miomwng NRC of atops taken to conect velatons N12294 M12296' notec m map repts 50-33&iD318 & 50 339/93-16.

i SINKULE.M v. 2 (Post 820201). 93/08/25. STEWART W.L Vrgma Power l C309090348 Forwa-as ameres 173 & 154 to lanses NPF-4 & NPF-7, (Vrpne Electnc & coa 2pp. 76332 057 76332:058. respecDveer . Amends revne TS 3/4 6.1.2 by removmg sensdular vessements for Type A tests to be performed at 40 plus or nunus 10 monin emervals. 9309000005 Responds to NRC 930805 ftr te volatons noted an rap repts 50 338/9319 ENGLE.L.B. Prorect Drectorate IL2. 93/09/07.ETEWART.WL Vrgma Power (Vr~rs '

                                                                                        & 50 339/93-19 on 93062047174;crrecDve acaprm: opened EDG rnuffler bypass vetve i   e E6ectnc & Fomer Col 3pp. 76410.294N10310.                                          10 'ule passtart

! STEWART.WL Power Electne & Power Col 93/09/01. Document j -9309090352 Amends 173 & 154 to aconnes NPF-4 & NPF 7/espeenvely, removmg Control Brancti Controi . Spp. 76386:313-76388.317. i seriedular foourements for Type A tests to be penormed speatcapy at 40 paus or l manus 10 month meerval & mstead ret Type A testmg per 10CFR50. App a 9308260196 NRC Into Nobcir 93469. "Radography Events at Operanng Power Reac-BERKOW.H.N. Propect Dractorate fl 2. 93/09/07.14pp. M10293-N10'306. tors? GRIMES.B.9L Divuon of Operstmg Reactor Suppon (Post 921004). 93/09/02. Con-

 -9309090355 Safety evalusten supparkng amenos 173 & 154 to 6connes NPF 4 &             soldatec Edson Co of New York, Inc.11pp. 76499242 7649W252-NPF-7,respechwely.
  • Offa of Nucemar Reactor Regulators Dractor (Post 87D411). 93/09/07. 4pp- 9309170031 Documents understanting thstage to cwrera wonuoads at ageracy.receert M10:307-76410-310. wel not be avenable for meetmg unni after end of Sept per 930820 ter m sof to co nest-ed tmdegs of 933518 RCRA map at paanL
 $309160094 Summary of 930825 meetng w/ug m Rocannits.MD re docuanons on ente.          MARSHALL.E.M. Vaprua Power Naprua Enoctnc & Power Col 93/09/Olt BAO.Y.T.                ,

gmted trorukng program.TS bne nem rrerovementregulatory requrements merynal to Vapraa. Commonwealth of. 2pp. N72299-76472300. 1 safety & Surrey are protecton TSs.Last of attatomes encl l LUCKLEY.B.C. Proect Drectorate 1L2. 93/09/08. Protect DirectrJrate Ibt. 24pp. 9309070206 NRC trdo Notce 93470, "Depadaban of Bormflex Neutron Absorber Cow M54.237 76454260. pons *' GRIMES.B.K. Duson of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/09/10 Cork l 9309240320 Forwarns SE sar mservice testmg program rehof ressest for pumps & sohdated Eckson Co. of New York, enc. 9pp. 76499-353 N9&.361. varves.per GL 89 04. t.ERKOW.H N Prolact Directorate 11-2 93/09/17. STEWART.KL Vrprue Power (Vr- 9309000104 NRC Into Ncece 93471 "Fra at Chemot$ Urst 2? pnea Eaectne & Power Co13pp. 76559:106 76559-199. GRIMES.B K. Divisen of Operanng Reactor $4eport (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Cork


i soldated Eckson Co. of New York,inc 14pp 76bO0fl01-76500 013. 1

 -9305050175 " Pump & VeNe IST Program, North Anna Power Staten,Uruts 1 & 27                                                                                                    i TER-                                                                               9309280112 Ack receipt of 930901Itr rWcrrvung NRC of steps taken to correct violatons     i CAINAS. EG&G idaho. tre FIN 4 68t1 EGG-RTAP-10520. 93/04/30. Mechancat               noted m rap repts 50-336/93-19 & 64339/93-19.                                            l Engmeenng Brancet 70pp. 7655913476559199.                                            SINKULE.M V.            2 (Post 8202011. 93/09/13 STEiNART,WL Vrgma Power (Vapne Electnc &          coa 2pp. 76552.209 76552210.

9309270128Provioes response to GL 93 04," Rod Control Sys Fadure & With*awal of 1 Control Rod Assembhes.101FR50.54(f)." 930g090243 NRC Inlo Nobce 93472. "Observabons From Recent Stustdown Rak &  ! STEWART.WL vrgma Power (v Electnc & Power Col 9J/09/20. Document Outage Mgt Puot Team insps? I Control Branch (Documetti Corttrol . . 7pp. 76593234-76593240- GR!ME.S.B K. Deveen ce Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004k 93/09/14. Corb  ;

 *109290130 Fwwards response to NRC930729RAI re util 920629 response to Rev 1 of GL 9241.w/regarts to comphance w/ : .- _ _ & comnrtments re reactor rneg-      9309290022 Pawards insp rests 50 338/93 20 & 50 339/93-20 on 9307164821.No
  • vuotagons or ceviatens noted.

STEWART.WL Virgmia Power ma Electnc & Power Col 93/09/23. Document SINKULE.M.V. Repon 2 (Post 820201) 93/09/17. STEWART.W.L Vrprua Power Control Branch (Document Control E 15pp. 76588:341-76588255. Negma Emetnc & Power Col 3pp. 765$2;315-76552:327. l

                                                                                      -9309290025 Insp septs 50338/93,20 & 50 339/93 20 on 9307184821.No veiabons O. Inspechon reports,IE B'Amtum & - -                                                   ntnacLMapor areas rapectettplant status, operatonal safety venfmahnrunamt atmerva-ton. surve46ance caseervaton & acton on provous rap noms, 93o7160033 NRC info Nobce 93 056. " Weakness an EOPs Found as Result of SG Tube         YORK.J W., TAYLDR.DA, BEUSLE GA Repon 2 (Pcat 820201). 93/09/17.10pp.

Rteture ~ 76552.318-76652.327. G;.tMES.B K. Dmsen of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/22. Cork sohdatec Echson Co of New York, Inc.11pp. N99.302 76499.312. 9309290173 Provides rev to snso repts 50 338/90-38 & 50 339/80 36.C/Aa- Design Coneed Program has been enhanced to answo that pnorny oocuments be updated E307190131NRC IrWo Nobce 93458. "Nonconservansm in LTDP tar PWRE? pnor to coca new & modshed structres.sys & componsrus operab6e W/o encts. GRIME 18.K Divmon or Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Cork STEWART.WL Power (V Elecinc & Power Co.) 93/09/20. Document sosdated Eckson Co. of New York, anc. wpp. N47.2t 4-764472'2. Control Brancst (Document Control 12pp. 76589.36476589.361. l l l f l

_ m_ -_ -_ _ . _ - _ _ . ._ 114 DOCKETEDITEMS IL Penodse oppretmg reports a teleted m., - 93090B0346 Not fuston of930913 meetmg w/uul in Rockville.MD to rhm corcems e themal tunsing & pressure tockmg & twnon0 et plant 9309C70308 "Radcactme Effluent Reacase Rept North Anna Power Staten JarWun, cot. BURN T.G Proiset Drectorate liti.93/06/31.DEANAM Propect Drectorate 111. . 19iB3 W/930901 Itr. 1. 3pp. 76374:121-7637a:123 BOWUNG.ML Vrorna Power Nrgrua Eeectnc & Power Co). 93/06/30. 27pp 76371 211-76371.237. 9309230020 Fonrards amend 92 to beense NPF43 & SE Amend oeeetes scense conde sons & other provisens of Facety Operstmo Learne aremoy cornpacted. staff ed not

   $3De010200Forwyds nom annual fitness for duty program pertormance data empt Ior                  approve eseman ce ucacse Condrnon 2 C.(1). Attachment 1.tiems 1 & 2                       2 9301010030 per 10CfR26.7)(d)                                                                  COLBURN.T.G. Pro,ect Drectorate ill-1. 93/09/07. GlPSON.DR. Detrtut Edison Co.            !

BOWtlNG.ML vagiriin Power (V Electnc & Power Co) 93/06/27. Documerr 3pp. 76520.321-76520.342. Control Branch (Docimioni Cantoi .) 15pp 76318.317-76313332. 9309230022 Amend 92 to imense NPF43.desetmg & cense corssitons of other prtw-93D9170232 Monthly operetng fepts for Aug 1903 for NAPS urutt,1 & 2 W/ 930013 ar. saans of F acetty OperstmD tacerine atteady completeo.Staf' did not approve ceieton of KANE.Gl.. STEWART.WL Vrgtrus Power (vrgrwa Electne & Power Co.). 93/Os/31. Loense Condson 2.C.(1). Attachment 1,nems 1 & 2 12pp. 7647920tL*79219 DEAN.W.M. Protect Dractorale lil 1. 93/09/07. app. 76520.324 76520.327-

                                                                                                .-9300230025 Safety evaluatiert supportng amend 92 to boense NPF.43
5. Reportatte occurrences, LIRs & reisted . -
  • Othee et Nuclear Reactor Regunabon, Drector (Post $70s11193/09/07.130p 76520:328-76520 340, 1309130271 De=s turtune inp/ reactor top that occurred from 100% power on ]

230416Aosuests evabaton & conclussorts of two human factor maues esenched m -9309230026Notco of pa'tal comat of amend to Icense remove compimed human pertormance stuov rect on 930418 heense conditons from hConse BERKOW.M N Pro,ect Drectorate n.2. 93/08/16. ECKEM40DE,RJ Numan Factors DEAN.W.M. Propect Dractorate1141. 93/09/07. 2pp. 76520:341-76520.342. AssessmeriBrereft 2p N13.306 76413;306. 93o923o256 Recuests deciononary enforcemere w/sespect to eegurements pt TS i l -93D913C05 Provides human po'tormance study rept ice tacsiny.fhas two asues actnn statement 3.8.31.a "Onene Power Distnhuton Sys " i j iormehad by rept emohrmo moperacee aushary tesowater sys & man mactune sneerface GIPaiON D.R Detroit Eeson Co. 93/09/07. MARTINJB Regon 3 (Post 8202011 woestness Spp. 76546;353 76546:357

       'ORDAN EL Ofice for Analyse & Evaqueton of Operstonal Data. Drector. 93/07/

02 MuRLEY.TL Offce of Nmenar Reactor Regulaturt Drector (Post $70411). 93o9140107 Agrees to exercise escreton not to enforce coneheece w/TS 3 8.31.a. . EBNETER.S.D Repon 2 (Post 820201).1p 76413 3D8-76413.30s. "Onsae Power Destnbuton Sys." resenng moperable power estnbuton sys restored l withm eght tiourk GREENMAN.E G I 3 (Post $20201) 93/09/08. GtPSON.D.R. Detroit Edson DOCKET 50 341 E91RICO FERMI ATOtflC POWER PLANT. UMfT 2 Co. app. 76436.345- :348 9309140290 Ack recept of 93051410CrR50.5d(a) submittat emorporstmg changes e r F. Securtry, sneecet, emorpency & fire protecten piens OA program coscnpton ' RING.MA Repon 3 (Post $20201193/09/06. GIPSON,0.R. Detrost Edson Co.1p. . 2309210117 Forwards inop rept60 341/9316 on 9307274909. Good plant portormance 76443:320 W43:328. l comonstrated Wenanens spenthod eunng frwwetcet  : ! .lORGENSEN.8L Region 3 (Post 820201) 93/09/16. G1PSON.DA Detrost Edmon 9309100049insorms that revs to v. ^n " Loss of Ostsee & Oneite Pomer" & "Pn.  ; Co. 3pp. 7t.470%M't,:t33. mary C_1 ^ teoeston Sys" comsneced on 92c731.m .esponse to NRC s@pl l salsty evefusaon re implemensaton of S80 Rule.10CFR50.63 did 92061E ' t

   -9303210125 ansp rept 50 341/9316 on 9307274909.No votatons noted One non-                     GtPSON.DA Detron Edoan Ca 93/09/08. Document Control Drerch (Document                     -

coed umsanon noemd Mesor armes mapocted. operemonal saesty venicetortESF Control Desk). 2pp. 76453J59 76453:300. sys.orusse event follow %ip.secuny.regorus voouests & sately -- . ._ t PHILilPS M.P. Regen 3 (Post e20201L 93/09/15. 26pp. 76476:108-76476:133. 9309140189 Apphcoton tar amend to Leonee NPF43.rotocatmg audit program t'sousm- '

                                                                                                                                          & propoemp conosponding change to QA pro-       '

cv gram esswoment from m becton 17.2 TS ma nO.A of mwe p l E ' M"*""Y -- GtPSON.DR. Detron Edson Co. 93/09/13. Document Control Branch (Document Control Dook).10pp. 764ee.2s3 76eteJos 93pe230136 Parnet sosponse to FotA renuest. App O documents avadata= m PDR. App P , oocumwits portasy artnnets trof FOLA Esemptons 5 & 6L -93este01e0 Proposed toch specs refencen0 shnunaten of treousney segurements for GRIMSLEY.D H. Onneen or Freedom of triforrnanon & P *u ras ==ns Eennees (Post ausert propervt 890205L 93/04/26 GlWNSKY V, Af9haton Not Asegned tipp. 76578 123

  • Detron Edson Co.93/09/13.13pp,76488.293 764e8.334.

76Se&164. 9300270010 Fonments Rev 1 to " Forms 2 andnnhaal Plant Esem Oncemel EventsL" per i,

   -9303330238 Pa'tselly wiveised Commenen paper providmg Dec of Pokcy Evoluston em.              Generc Lir 66 20.seess 1#nmary piepoos of sow to currect Tatue 4.6 5 & some levet i     rnadete enoceveness enefyess of $21029 awert                                               2 epkt tracton tulos & auoply mnemp == man 3 rets.

ZENBEJ.E. Othoe ce Pokey Evalustens (Pro 360930). SECY.82485. 82/12/10.13pp. GIGSON.DA Detron Etape Co 93/09/22. Document Coreral Grench (Docwnent 7657e 13G.76579'148. Contal Dook) app.70621001-7e621273. ,

                                                                                               -930827eNO Rev 1 to "Feme 2 Inewedual Plant Enem (Ingemel EventsL*

P. Opereen9 bonnes stage . &- PAGE.E% .IONDLF~.D.D. RAheRE24V. Devost Ede Co. 93/04/26. Stopp 79621 004-78621.273 E309300386 Fnal response to FOsA seesest for ekscumente Forwards opp A documsens emsen are boms made avaletwo an PDR. 930e300187 Forwards Oett GE-NE.5231000893.

  • Bees for GE R7 NDT Estmoton GRIMSLEY.D.H Deveen ce Freedom of Informaton & Pubhcotons Servces (Post Method." m seapones to NRC 930721RAI re estl 920830 response to how 1 to GL 92-890r4. 93/04/29.GILMAN,T. Quadres Corp. 2pp. 76596:Ob6 76696 079. 01. "Reachir vessel Seuchael snemgrey "

GIPSON.DA Devast Edman Co. 93/09/22. Document Control Branch (Document

   -43093e03e8 Pech.ege conmebng of rnell hoense program ondes & teeng of termmsten               Congol Deer 4 app. 76530:33tk 76500t353.

actons poridyg *

  • NRC No Detailed Affdeston Gwen 92/11/30.12pp. 705910068-76596:079. -8300380193 Draft " Bases for GE RT NDT Estmehon Method."

CAINE.TA MENTA.M.&. E IGANATN.s. Generet Elecenc Co. GE.NE423109 930623o009 Suppl 5 to Genens Ltr 91110 to nucamer piant nooneses & CP holders se 0893. 93/09/22.13pp. 7659b.'41-76500:353. meccuracy of motor. operated wasve ocupment PAR 7LOwJG. Ammaenete Drector tar (Post 870411). 83/06/26.Conmohost. ed Edson Ca of New York. Inc. 7pp. 76409201209 008. Q. Inapection reporte. IE Diestins & _. 930eo " " ' rani n ervu '

  • une for W revned 10Cp" $ 9307160032 NRC Info Nonce 93-056. "Weaknees m ECPs Found as Result of SG Tube f

G S.B.K Dansen of Operetng Reactor Eupport (Post 921004). 93/07/22. Con-

                .D   Droon Echson Co 93/08/25. Document Control Brancre W                         sohdated Eeoon CE of M York. Inc.11pp. MD9302 764M12.

Control Desk). 6pp. 76310.357 76310.361. 9303100252 Forwards notes of connederston of neuence of amend to OL & opportunny 9307190131NRC Info Nohce 93 058. - h..__. m LTOP tor PWRs" for heenne te appiceton tar amend aftd 930524. GRIMES.8 K Dnneen of Operetng Reactor Inssert (Post 921004t 93/C7/26. Con. COLilVRN,T.G Propoet Drectorate 1061. 93/06/25. GIPSON.DA Detron Echeon Co. sohdated Edson Co. of New York, enc. 9pp. m4NMa7.272. 9307300123NRC anlo Notch 93-059. "Urnexpected Operung W Both Doors in Aetock."

    -9309100263 Notco of conmemoraton of neuance of amend to OL & opportunny for                  GRihESAK Dwmion et Operenn0Reecear $isisacwt (Post 921004). 93/07/2Et Cork hen wigProposed amend se changes to overnme amn vestnciens & sentros regere.               sondessa Eeoon Co. of New York, pc. topp. N47.273 76447282.

vnents socated m TE 6.0. < DEAN.W.M. Profact Drectorate NI-1. 93708/25. 5pp. 76399229-76399232. 930?$e0865 Suppl 1 to NRC Sulisen 91401. "Reportmg uma of Criteamty Setety Con. woes " ] a 9309100291Forwares er,and 91 to hoense NPF43 & estety evoluston. Amend rewmes BURNETT,R.F. Dnneson of Fuel Cycle Setety & Seteguards (Post 930207). 93/07/27. sutmvttel frequency of Partaarove Etnuent Reneena Rept from sommermust to annual Con =ahreated Edson Co. of New York anc. 23pp. 76409$00-76409031. COLBURN.TA Pmenet Drectorate til1. 93/08/27. GlPSON.DA Detroet Echeon Co.

  • Sop. 76408206 76408277 9307790112 NRC knto Notee 93400, "Reportng Fuel Cycle & Metis Events to NRC Operatons Cy "
    -93001002e8 Amend 91 to heense NPF43pownin0 autsettel troqueracy of Rathoactive                BURNETT.RJ. Dnneson of Fuel Dvces Satety & Gatopuerds (Post 930207L 93/06/04.

Efouers Rosesse Re;it trorn eenuennusf to e riumi. Conachdeted Edson Co. of New YortL enc.10pp. ma?.25346447;292. DEAN.W M. Propect Drectorate 881. 93/08/27. 7pp. N08261L76408.276 93e0830300NRC Into Nohne 93461. "Framaave Remeter Consent Leekage Folltmmg

    -93ctie0301 Setety evoluston stepartno amend 91 to hoense NPF43.                               bem Feese m RCP or RRP."
  • Onses of Nuc2eer Reactor Regulomort Desctor (Post $70a11L 93/08/27. 2pp. GRIMES.B K Dnnamn of Opereeng nosctor Skepart (Ptet 9210Ds) 93/08/09. Con-  !

76406.276 76406 2 77 sohdated E.dmon Co. of New YortL inc.12pp. *#9.313-NDB224. o I



DOCKETED ITEMS 115 9308030245NRC vessets *' into Notce 93462. "Thermai Strabicaton of Water m BWR Reacto- DOCKET $0-344 TROJAN NUCLEAR PLANT GRIMES.B K Dwison of Operatng Reactor Sapport (Post 921004). 93/06/10. Cor* stdcated E& son Co of New York. Irc. 9pp. 76499.325-76499:333. F. Securtty, medcal, emergency & fre protection ptans

  $308030274NRC into Notice 93463. "INExoper Use of SolutHe We6d Purge Dam Matt "

GRIMES.B K Dwmon of Operating Reacts Support (Post 921004). 93/08/11. Corv 93091$0112 Rev 0 to EPIP EP 502. "Tabie of Contems

  • s: moated Edson Co of New York inc. Bpp. N99.334-76499.341, Portland General Electnc Co 93/08/25 1p. 76451020 76451.021.

9308060237NRC into Notce 93 064. "Penose Testmg & Preventwe Mant or Motoec M150114 Forwards nobce of cormderaten W mauance of anend to Icense N%1 & CCse Crcun Breakers- proposed NSHC optermnabon & oppoatunity for haanngAmend to revne TS re fue GRIMES.B K. Dmson of Operstmg Reactor Support Posi 921004) 93/08/12. Co,, protecton program sobcated E2 son Co. of New York,Inc. lipp.76447.29 S76447:303' MASNIK.M T. Non. Power Reactor & 0-. . ,, Prr#ect Drectorate. 93/09/09. CROSS.J.E. Pytsand General Enocirc Co. 3pp. 76442:074J6442 006 9 090187 Int 93465. " Reactor Tnps Caubed by Breaker Tashng W/ p W W ma W ed 2 W NPF4 & N GRIMES.B A Dwmon of Operating Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/13. Corp pcmed NSHC oets tonaten & opportunny for heanng. Amend revises TS re fre protec-souated Edmon Co. of New York. mc.11pp. 76447.304J6447.314. 9308100006NRC Into Notce 93 066. "Swnchover to Hot-Leg ensecton Fotowmg LOCA Q*W 9pp. 7644tC78J6442N R & m Propect Dreewate. 93!08/27, m PWRs

  • CRIMES.B.K. Dwmon of Operahng Reactor Support (Post 921004) 93/08/16 Co,, 9309210065 Informs that euere se ob,ectwes & hmnatens for 1993 exercme appear to nohdated Edison Co. of New York. Inc. 7pD. 76447:315-76447:321. De consstent w/ current emergency plan regumments & piam condeorts.per 930826 Itr
  $308100248 NRC Into Nobcc 93067, "Burstmg W High Pressure Coolarn antacton               PATE R.J. R       n 6 (Post 820201). 93/09/13. CROSS II. Portland General Emcrne Steam une Rupture Dscs insures Prt Personnet                                          Co. 2pp. 7647 .326 76475.329 GRIMES.B K. Omsson of Operatmg hemetor Suppet (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Cork sohdated Edmon Co. of New York. anc.13pp N47:322J6447.335.                          9309210191 Forwards tatso ment #ymg changes agreed upon tw uN & NRC donng 930908 teicxm re util 930309 request for exempton troen 10CFR$0 recuirements for 9309080072 Responds to NRC 930030 tir te enspector fJikmup som m insp Rept So.          emer        . planra 4 341/9310.Correctwe actons: plant mod scope we be evanuated.prevenave ment            CRO SJ E QUENNOZ.SM. Pornand General Electre Co. 93/09/14. Decumerp group unts generate flowenart & enbre mod process berig reengineered.                Control Brarch (Documern Cattrol Desk). 6pp. 76511:164J6511:169.

GIPSON.C R Detron E$ son Co 93/09/01. Document Control Branch (Document Corrtrol Deskt 2pp. 76410.223-76410224 9309220323Noahcaten of 93092d mostrng w/utilin Rocensha.MO to tkscuss status of I accomrmsson actwebes & physcal secunty. 9308260198NRC into Nobce 93469, "Radography Events at Operating Power Reac- MASNIK.M.T. Nor> Power Reactor & C ....___ -, Propect Drectorate. 93/09/16 l trcL* wE!SS.S.H. Nor> Power Reactor & Decommascrurg Propect Drectorate. app. GRIMES.B K. Drasen of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/02. Cork 76513:036J6513S41. sohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc tipp. N99.34246499.352. i 9309290361 Forwards PGb1008. "Tropan NJctear Plant Permanently Detuosed Emer. l 9309070206NR'*, into Nance 93070,"Degradanon of Boraflag Neutron Abscrber Cou- gency Plan," for Sept 1993. INE ' i GRIMFS.9.K. Dmsen of Operaing Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Cork uJENNOZ S.M. Portland General Electnc Co. 93/09/23. Document Control Branch sohdatec Edson Co. of New York, enc. 9pp. 76499.353-N99.361. (Document Conpol Desk). 20pp. 76601:198J6E01.255. l l j 9309200099 Requests oathdrawai of request on NOV 93410 06 from insp Rept 54341/ -9309290362 "Troian Nucsear Plant Permanentry Defueled Emergency Piart" 93-10

  • Pornand General Enocine Co. 93/09/30. 3Bpp. 76601218 70601255.

GlPSON.DA Detron Edson Co. 93/09'10. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 7647421476414211-L FmanctW informanon 9309000104 NRC Into Notes 93471. " Fro at Chemobyt Unit ?? GRIMES.BX Drasen of Operstmg Reactor Suppon (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Coru 9309070292 Forwards 1992 annual fmancial repts of Ponsand General Corp.Eupene solcatec Edson Co. of New York. anc.14pp. 76500:001J6500:013. water & Electnc Board & Pacife Power & Lagnt Co (PacdCorp). CROSS.J E. Pyttand General Emetnc Co. 93/08/31. Document Control Branch (Doc.

930917Ree wronoes response to venators notsd m Insp Rept 50-341/93-12.Coneenn ument Comrol Desk).1p. 76423

I actonstwo cnannels of wee range drywot pressure poss-acceent monnormg sraeu. I mentaton svs snoperatse trom 921104. -9309070294 " Portland General Corp 1992 Annual Rept? GIPSON.D.R. Detron Edson Co. 93/09/13. Document Control Branch (Document HARRISON.K L. Portland General Corp. 92/12/31. 52pp. 76423:064J6421117. Csntrol Deskt1000. 76471t186 N79:195.

                                                                                       -9309070287 "EuDene Water & Eauctnc Board 1992 Annual Rept?

9309090243 NRC Into Noboe 93472. *Obsenrataons From Recent Snutsown Rak & SMOTH.S.L Eugene water & Eie::ine Board. 92/12/31. 37pp. 76423116 76423.156. Outage Mgt Peat Team armos" GRIMES.B tt Dusson of Operanng Reactor Suncert (Post 921004). 93/09/14. Con. sohdated Echson Co. of New York. ant Bpp. 7650D$14-76500:022. -9309070290 GLEASON.A".M.PacMCorp PacshCcrp Armual ReptPacssc (tormerly 1991" Power & Lspnt). 92/12/31. 62pp. l 76423:157J6423219. 9309210117 Forwards insp rept 54341/9S16 on 9307274909. Good piara pertormance osmonsrared Weakness consfied dunno frewatert JORGENSEN.BL Regen 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/15. GtPSON.D.R. Detron Edson P. Operatin0 bonnes stage - _&e. Co. 3pp N76:105.N76:133.

 - 9309210125 Irap rept 50 341/93-16 on 930727 0909.No volanons noted. One non.        930920M35 Panaal response to @A roouest Mr documentshwards mcoms en App L cned woiaDon notetLMaior areas mspected- operatoral_ safety verthestort,ESF                 R M                                                & Pubicatiers[             (Post P II.L1 M R              (Post E20201 93/09               6476108-76d6:133.           890205). 93/04/12.GILINSKY V. Aflikaton Not Aussgned. Opp.76677 00176680$h6.


                                                                                       -4110290610 Parbally withheld snio SECY that eiforms Commesen of Appeat Board E"    '""**                                ~

ERALD.JA Offior c8 the Genered Counsel (Post 860701). SECY.81467. 81/ 9309M0180 MontrWy operstng rept for Aug 1993 for Fewm. Unit 2 W/ 930915 ltr. ' l STOME.BJ., PIRKLEA Detron Edson Co.93/06/31. App. 76501:311J6501:314. 9309010143 Submns mto se enpeementaten of Tramsng Rute 10CFR50.120 for leemees l Of plant m decomenmacnmg process. l 4 Reportaba occurrences. LERs & mented - GRIMES.B.K. Dmson of Operatnp Reactor support (Post 921004). 93/06/25. Af51i- . aten Not Assagnett 11pp. 7t;2B5.331k76285:348. l 930917D264 LER 9341000on 930e13.nucmar power plant operator nonced presswe { O e nuclear piant teensees & CP hoeders re l l some on mieumem B2i R0049 & t=are scram per v=ves ventCoused oy par =nnei 930G230099 inaccuracy ai Suppl Genanc mow pera=d va d Lar SMg, osse eauoment l , error. Lessons lommeo wel be eriuoed in prograrns.W/930913 ttr. TtBAl iA., GtPSON,DA Detroit Edman Co.93/09/13. 9pp. 765000704650D$80. PARTLOW IG. Assocante Deector torcrosects (Post 870411). 93/06/28.Conschdat ' ed Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 7pp. M109.001-76409$08 9309290268 LER 93411-0, hon 930824.docovered medvertent esotaban of B31.F016A 9309010131 Forwards "Sonnannual 0/.Joactrve Effluent Release Rept Jan June 1993' Eccurreti due to tMown tuse.Instahed star lugs W/930923 tir. & Rev 9 to l HARE.EA. GiPSON.DA Detron Edson Co. 93/09/23. 5pp. 76609222J6609.22'. CROSS.J.E."ODCM " Esectne Co 93/06/26. Document Control Branch (Doc. j Pornand General ument Control Desk).1p 7631222146312:302.

 % Operatorr
                                                                                       -9309010135 Rev 9 to "O3CM?
  • Portland General Electnc Co. 93/08/26.13pp. 76312290J6312:302.

l 9309170032 Lir contract. mod 2.termina9no task order 206. " Reactor Operator Laoensmg Recuabhcaten Exam at Femt Nuclear Power Plant" to proves for no. cost setnement 93D9290063 Informs that statt wDI deter further review of teenmee proposed rev to plam aq eemeest GA program untu NRR has cornpleted evaluaton & TS cnanpes have br en approveti SCOTT.M1 Cornract Admmstraten Branch 1 (Post 900603). NRC.03 89431. 93/06/ PERKINS.K.L R $ (Post 820201). 93/09/03. CROSS.J.L Portland General Easc-

16. PETERSON.LR. Sonalysts. Inc. 2pp. N63232J6463233. Inc Co. 2pp. 76 250J6565251. l l

1 9309210095 Summa'y of 930708 Regen til annual 1 amm0 manapers corWerence m 9309150114Frwards nahce of consderston of assuance of amend to hcense NPF-1 & Glen Elryn.lLPurpose of meetmo 1D prowde forum sof drScussion on rev 7 of operator proposed NSHC determmaton & opporturu'y for hearing. Amend to rewme TS re tre beenem9 exammer stds & to - opermor acensma mans. proracuan program. RING.M Regon 3 (Post $20201). 93/09/15. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 29ap. MASNIF M.T. Nor> Power Reactor & C .. ,, Promet Directorate. 93/09/09. 76476 063-N76-091. CROSS.J.E. Pornand General Eiectre Co. 3pp. 76442$14J6442:086. r I i i 1


  -4 309150117Forwartit. notce of consde abon 01 asuance of amend to beerse NPF.1        R. Penodc operetmg reports & related correspondence
    & proposed NSHC oetennmabon & opportunrty tar neanng BROWN.S W Oltce of Nucavar Reactor Regulanon. Desctor (Post 670411) 93/06/

27 PutMahons (Post 920323).1p. N42.077.76442:077. 93090,10131 g g ,9 m ODCM Forwards

                                                                                                               '     "Semannual Resoactwe Ettluent Release Rept Jar
  • June 1993" l

f -C309150121 Notee of consmeration W msuance of amend to hcarne NAF-1 & pro" CROSSJ.E. Parnand seneral Electne Co 93/08/26. Document Control Branch (Doc. umem Control DeskL 1p 76312.22176312.302 posed NSHC omermmaton & opportunny for haanng. Amend renses TS re fee protec-bon Nam -9309010133 " Semiannual Ramonctwe Eftluent Remase Rapt JarwJune 1993? EB K eactor & Decommmaenng Propect Deectorate 93/06/27.

  • Pw6and General Emetnc Co.93/06/30. 68pp. 76312.222 76312289.

9309 trhcaten o 9 mee w/uhl m Rockv46e.MD to escuss status et ~8 a etnc 93/08/26.130p. 76312.290 76312.302. MASNIK.MT. Non-Power Reactor & Dem . . ~..% Protect Directorate. 93/D9/16. WE!SS.S H. Nor> Power Reactor & f ---* Protect Dowtorate 4pp. 9309010224 Forwards reveed portons of 1986-92 amual repts.reflectng corrected 76513 038-76513 041' values m sohd wasm & erseamd W shpmems taNes-CORSS,.li QUENNOZ.S M. Pwtland General Easetnc Co 93/08/26. Docurnernt Comrol Bianch (Docunent Coneol Desk) 2pp. 76324.250 7&324.281. 9309010227 Renned annual rept for 1988.correchng vaiues m sohd waste & era $ated tupments Tables 9 & 10. l' 9307160033 NRC Info Notco 93 056. "weakress e EOPs Found as Result of SG Tute fusi pa s,tland General Elecmc Co88/12/31. 6pp. 7&3242$2 76324257. ' Rupture. GRIMES.B K D= mon of Operarcio Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/07/22. Con-soldated Edmon Co of New York. Inc.11pp M99.302 76499.312. -9M20229 W amuW g W 1989mchne Wues m sohd wasm & erassed fust stupments Tables 9 & 10. C307190131NRC Into Notre 93 058, ~6,,, . ; ;;.m LTOP to* PWRs" GRIMES.S K Danson of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 92%ue). 93/07/26 Con. sohdated Edmon Co. of New York. anc. 9pp. W47J64 7644M72- -9309010230 W amus g for 1990.cor ectng Wues m solid wasm & era &ated l W ENpmems Tabes 9 & 4

  • nd hl Electnc Ca M2% 6pp. N24WWN

( 9307200123NRC ento Nonce 93459. " Unexpected Opeong of Both Doors m Aetocit.

                             ' a "sa" .Sa*JT"W"New                      ;*,""La 5

2 7=rA' "M "'"*"- -9==22 a- ma+ =i- n9 ~-""a -== * =*~ bel stupments Tables 9 & 10. 0307260065 Suppt 1 to NRC Bubete 91401. "Rarareng Loss of Crfbcakty Sately Con. nd Gerstal Electnc Cn M2/R bp. WNOM eois - BURNETT.R F Dwtoon of Fuel Cyck Sate *y 4 Sato0uards (post 930207). 93/07/27. -9mm34 Reinsed annuW rept h 1992% values a m wasm & meaad Consoldamd Eeson Co. of New York. N 23p p. 76409:006 76409031. tuot DM2/R @ 763NM76324281. 9307290 N C,into Nobce 93460. "Reportmg Fuel Cycle & Matts Everrts to NRC 9309070302 operstmg rept for Aug 1993 tar Troian Nuclear PlantW/930902 ftr. BURNETT.R.F. Duson of Fuel Cycle Safety & Sategnatos (Post 930207). 93/06/D4. MUGO.B R, OUENNCZ.S.M. Poruarid General Emetnc Ca 93/08/31 600 l Consohdated Eeson Co of New Yorst Inc.10pp. 764472ss.76447292. 76391-331 76391.335-l 9300030200NRC Inlo Noboe 93461. "Excessnee Reactor Coonant Leakage Fonowmg l Seat Faoure m RCP or RRP.a S. Reportable scoupances. LERs & reisted _ . m GRMES.B K. Dunen or Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06/09. Con-soldated Edson Ca of New York, enc.12pp. M99.313-76499.324. 930eos0298 Specal Rept 01-93:an 930604. Deluge Sys 19 escovered snoperab6e duna0 saveillance testmg. Caused by faaure of detage vahe due to normal wear.Regared tes E30e030245NRC Into Natum93 062,"7hermal Stratrhcatan of Water m BWR Reactor watches estabksted & mantamed unti sys restored. Vessels? OUENNOZ.S.M. Parnand General Doctne . 93/08/30. Document Control Bmnch GRNES.B K. Dnnsen of Operanng Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/08/10. Con- (Documem Contros Desa41p. 76399-325-76399325. soldated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc 9pp. N99.325-N99 333 9309210197Specal root $342tm 930831.dscovered *A" wmd apsed matrument chan-930e030274 NRC Into Nonce 93463. "Irreroper Use of Sotubie Wald Purge Dam Mati? nel to have intermmera tauft at now speed me to unknown cause.Reptaced wnd GRNES.B.K. Dnnsen as Operatog Reactor $@ port (Post 921004). 93/08/11. Cork speed processor card soldated Edson Co of New York. anc. Opp.76499.334.W99341. QUENNOZ,$ M Portland General Weetne Co. 93/09/16. Document Comrol granch (Documem Comrol Deskk 1p. 76512351-76512:351. 9308060237NRC Into Nonce 93464. "Penoec Testng & Preventwo Mamt of Molded Case Cecist Breakers? GRIMES,B K. Dnnson.r4 Oswsteg Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/08/12. Cork DOCKET $0-346 DAVIS.DCSSE NUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNff 1 sohdated Eeson Co.

  • W Y. *k, Inc.1 tpp. N47293-76447:303.

9300000197 NRC inL ..umco 93465. " Reactor Tnps r.===d by Breaker Testng W/ F. Securtty, snedscal. emergency & Are protecuen plans Faun Protecton Bypassed GRNES.B K. Dnnsen of Operstmg Reactor Sugeort (Post 921004). 93/06/13 Cork sohdated Eeson Co. of New York. et.1 tpp. 76447;304-76447214, 930 tee 0145 Rev 6 to EPIP HS EP.02110. "Emurgency Not& canon? GORDON.DJ Ceraenor Energy. 93/0s/13. 24pp. 76398:036-76398;059. 9308100006 NRC ento Notte 93466. "$untchover to Nos. Leg inpoeten Foraowmg LOCA en PWRs" 9309000212Forwarus Swhal SALP rept 50 346/9341 tar 911201930630 Overall per-GRNES B K. Dmsen of Operstmg Reactor %-t (Post 921004). 93/06/16. Con, brmance orproved sohdated Edson Co. of New York. anc. 7pp. 76447215 76447;321. MARTINJ.B Repen 3 (Post 820201k 93/08/27. STORZ LF. Comorer Energy. 5pp. 76348D0176348:022. 9308100248 NRC Into Nobce 93467. "Bwstmg af Iagh Pressure CootarR inpecten Steam LJne Rupture Discs insures Plant Personnel -93000002ie SALP rept 50<346/9341 for 911201930630 GRIMES.B K. Dnamen at Operann0 Reac1or Support (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Corw

  • Rogon 3 (Post 820201L 93/DB/27,17pp. 76348-006 76348:022.

soldaiad Eeson Co. of New York. anc.13pp. 76447;322 76447:335. 9309150253 Rev 6 to EPIP HS.EP42250. "Raeston leonstormg Teen' Sunerys."

  • Cameror Energy 93/08/27. 20pp. N66;306 76466.344.

93,08,,260196 NRC Into Notte 93469, "Radmgraphy Events at Operstmg Power Reac. GRNES.B K Dnnmon of Operstng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/02 Cork sohdated Edmon Co. of New York. Inc. Ilpp.76499342-76499t352. N. General _ 9309290138 Forwards esp rept 50.x44/9511 on 9307064816.No violatons or dev" 930tosotest Raoussis kamo che e eve hst due e racere or0erstebonel cha NDE BURGH.C. Regon 6 (Pt Gi 820201). 93/09/06. CROSS).E. Portland General Electre Co.390 76566.189-76566.202. [Mh 76409 ' 354

  .9309290143 insp sept SD.344/9S11 on 930706 0816.No velatons or dreabans reted.Mapor areas mapoctoctoperatonal satety venhcztr3rl.mant.aurvastance & follow-                          'I'I' .        --

EU"**E*"O#' up of prevously corinted noms.

    .lOHNSON.P H. Regon 5 (Post 820201). 93/09/03.11pp. 76566:192-76566;202.             93062300e9 Suppl 6 to Generic Lir 8910 to rsectear piara icennees & CP hotoers se maccuracy of motor operated valve          hesoapmem.

9309070206 NRC Into Notco 93470. "Degradamon of boraflex Neutron Absorber Ccue PAstTLOWJ.G. Aa== Drecear tar (Post 870411). 93/06/28. Conachdat-poema ed Eezon Co. of New York, anc. 7pp. 7640lr00176409:008. GRIMES.B K Dween of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Core soidsted Echaon Co. of New Yort. anc. 9pp. 7645t9;353 N99361. 9303030105 Forwards sataty evutuaten acceptng um 930408 response to Anorrely 9 utentfied m NRC 911202 satety evaeuston re msonace teseng program. 9309090104NRC into Nonce 93471, "f'oe at Chemobyl una 2." HOPKINS).B Proiect Drectorate lik3. 93/06/18. STORZ.L.F. Toledo Eeson Co. 2pp. GRIMES.BIL Dnroon of Operatoio Reactor Support (Post 921004k 03/09/13. Con. 76335.315-76335:319. sohdated Eclean Ca of New York. inc.14pp. 76500001-76500.013

                                                                                        -9309030110 Sately evatusbon re resonnes toshng progrAn reauests for sehetLcensee 9309090243 NRC Into Notes 93472. "Observaimns From Recent Shutdown Rak &                  maos changes to suta program to snceude eurciang d taMase testng of auxthery Outape Mgt P4at Team maps?                                                              iseowater wahres AF4451 & A84452.m response to TER Anomaly 6.

GRindES.B K. Dnnmon of Operatng Reactor Support (post 921004). 93/09/14 Con-

  • Othee of Nuclear Reactor Regulatork Drector (Post 570411). 93/0B/19. 3pp.

arer'ated 0$ mon Co. of New York ma top.76500 014 76500 022_ 76335:317-76335;319-

I J DOCKETEDITEMS 117 9309090432 Adases that based on renee of 920918sutrruttaUPEEE submrtial sched-une of 950930 acceptatde 9308100006NRC Info Nobce 93-066. "Switchover to Hot-Leg #4 ecten Folknving LOCA i e PWo s i HOPKINS.J B. Proect Jrectorate 1113 93/08/19. STORZ.LF. Cemenor Energy. 2pp. GFt MES E ".E Dusen o Operstmg Reactor Supocet IPost 921304). 93/08/16. Con- l 764032647b403.261. sohdated Esson Co. of 6,ew York. anc. 7pp. 76447$15 76447321 9309140111 Forwards SF re second 10 vr mierval mservce msp program plan & assoc > 9308100248 NRC Info Nobce 93467. *Bursbng of Pegh Pressure Coolant inrecton sted reouests for rehef from ASME Code reowements.NRC will not ename conclusen Steam Lme Rupture Oscs iniures Plant Personnet." se plan u'1hl aher meenng scheduled for 930923. GRIMES.B.K. Deson of Ope *anng Reactor Support (Post 921004) 93/08/16 Cork HANNON.J.N, Proect Dunctorate m.3. 93/08/20. STORZ.LF. Centenor Service Co solcated Edson Co. of New York. inc.13pp. 76447222 76447335. 3pp 76422'05176422113. 9309140111 Forwards SE re second 10.yr miervat nsenace msp prog am plan & assoc

  • 1
   -0309140115SE conclueng that secord 10-yr mterval emernce mso program plan fo'                      ated rtguests for rehet Pom ASME Code reosremerits.NRC wdl not make conclusen piant has unacceptable exam sampe as escussed m e'act INEL TER.                                  se pian untt after meetmg scheduled 1or 930923.                                    l
  • Othee of Nuclear Reactor Fur;ptanon. Drector (Post 870411). 93/08/20. 6pE HANNON.J fi Propect Drectorate llL3. 93/08/20. STORZ.L.F. Centenor Senace Co.

N22054.M22:059 3pp 76422:051-W22113.

   -9309140125 "TER on Second 10.Yr mierval ensonnce insp Program Ptarr Toledo                     -9309140115SE conchasng that secord 14yr mie vat viserwce msp program pian for Esson Cornpany. Dam.Besse Nucmar Power Statum. Unit 1 "

plant has unacceptable exam sample as descussed m once INEL TER. BROWN.B.w C.ALBRAITH.S.G PORTERAM EG&G Idano. Inc. 92/07/31. NRC *

  • Office et Nuclear Reactor Fiegulanon. Drector (Post 870411) 93/08/20. 6pp.

No Detapted Affeaton Gwen. 54pp. M2206476422:113 76427054 76422:059. 9 117 Forwards LAR rensng TS 3/4 6.4.3 re contamment hydrogen etunon sys

                                                                                                  -9309140125 "TER on $econd 10.Yr Imerval Insannce inso Program P:a'r Toledo a

0* p, "U' 99.Eg -

30. Docunent Commt Branch W Con- B[WN [ AIT $POR G&

No Detaned Affshabon Gwert 54pp. 76427060.76422113.

                                                                                                                                                                 . anc. 92/07/31. NRC -
   -9309080          LAR for Ironse NPF-3 revamg TS 3/4.6.4J re contamment hyorogen 6-9309080212 Forwards eithal SALP rept 50 346/9341 for 911201-933630. Overall per-STORZ.LF. Cernanor Energy.93/08/30. 6pp. 76399183-76399:188.                                            C "N'              3 N 820201193/08/27.STORZLF. Camerer Energy. 5pp.
   -9309090125 Proposed sech specs rewtsmg TS 3/ re corruunment hva egen ek,                   7634am-763482 bon sys & manrwated bases
  • Gentenor Energy.93/08/30. 2pp. 76399-189-76399190. -93M0MH4 SALP rept 54346/9341 for 9M201930630.
  • Regon 3 (Post 820201). 93/08/27.17pp. 7C348-006 76348 C22.

3309140301 Provides results of special auc91 of control pror. esses for commrtments that affect current hcensmg basis for piart on S30517-21.tntorms that comrrutments besng 9309090057 Forwards msp rept 50 346/93-13 on 9307010813 Velater:s enpiemented & mantaned at plant reted.Velaton inli not be suty to enforcemerit acton because ettorts m identrying & HOPKINS.J.B. Proect Directorate ll13. 93/09/01.STORZLF. Comenor Energy.16pp. correenng woianon meet cmens specsfed m Secton VilLB.2 of hsted pahey. 76423:C13-M23:028. LANKSBURY.R.D. Regon 3 (Post 820201). 93/08/30. STORZ.LF. Comenor Sennoe Co. 2pp. 7636t148-76369:160. 9309150240 Fonwards suppi response to GL 89w13 se senace water sys protnems at. tectmg safetyeesated soutpment -9309090063 insp rept 50346/93-13 on 9307014813Yeonatens noted Maior areas STORZ.LF. Centenar Enegv 91/09/09. MAoTIN,J.B. Reipun 3 (Post 823201).13pp. mspected LERs.operatonal safety.survedlances & mamt N51247-76451259. LANKSBURY,R.D. Regan 3 (Post $20201L 93/06/30.11pp. 76389:150 78369:160. 9309160083 Forwards amemd 180 to hcense NPF 3 & safety evaluatort Amend alows $308260198NRC Into Nobce 93469, "Rathography Events at Operanng Power Reac-usage of contammerit atmosphere gaucous rahtrvrty monnormg sys as altemate tors." metnod W oetermmmg presence of RCS leakage. GRIMES.B.K. Dnnson of Operahng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/02. Con-l HOPKINS,J.B. Promet Drectorate 1143. 93/09/09. STORZ.D.C. Centenor Energy. 3pp sohdated Esson Co. of New Ycrk, Inc. tipp. N99242-76499.352 j 76472310 76472.322. I 3309070206 NRC Into Nohce 93470. "Dogradason of Bormflex Neutron Absorber Cou-

   -9309160098 Amend 180 to hcense NPF 3.allowmg usage of contamment atmosphere                      para                              .

9assous radonctwity nionstonng svs as artomate metnod of ostermmmg presence of GRNES.B.K. Dnnsen of Operahng Reactor Support (Post 921004) eM9/10. Com i RCS teakage & clarWymg ahdrty of TS 4.0 4 exceptons sohdated Edson Co. of New York, ant 9pp. 76499.353-76499.361. j HOPKINS,1B. Pro 6ect Desctorate III,3. 93/09/09. 7pp. N72313 *72:319. 33090s0104 NRC Info Nohce 93471, " Fee at Chemobyt Uret 2." ( -9309160090 Safety evaluabon supportmo amend 180 to hcanse NPF.3. GRIMES.B.K. Dwison et Operatmg Reactor ErJpport (Post 921004) 93/09/13. Con.

  • Othee et Nuclear Reacter kogulaton, Deector (Post 870411). 93/09/09. 3pp- sohdated Esson Ca of New Yort6, Inc.14Fp. 76500 0017650&O13.

N72 320 76472322. 9309090243 NRC into Noboe 93472 'Vbeervatons From Recent Shutdown Risk & Q. Inspect 6on reports,IE Bubettns & _ . -----. 06nage ugt Pact Team insps." GAMES.B.K. Danson of Operanng Reactre Support (Post 921004). 93/09/14. Con-l sohdated Edson Co. of New York, mt Opp. 76500:014-76500m 9307160033 NRC Into Nohce 93456. " Weakness m EOPs Found es Result of SG Tube Rwture." 9309210041 Forwards insp rept 5S346/9315 on 930823-26.No velabons noted. GRIMES.B K Dnnson of Operatmg Renciar Swoort (Post 921004). 93/07/22. Cork sohdated Edson Co. of New York. anc.11pp. N99202-W99.312- WRIGHT.G C Re9cn 3 (Post 820201) 93/09/15. STORZ L.F. Centenor Senace Co. 2pp. 76475208-M75214. 9307190131NRC Info Nobce 93458. "Nonconservaham in LTOP for PWRs." .g309210043 Insp rept 50 346/93-15 on 930823 26.No violatons acted Maior areas GRIMES.B.K. Dnnson or Operaeng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Cork ! soldated E.6 son Ca al New York, enc. 9pp. N47264 M47:272. espectedpronoussy sdenafied EDSFI andngs a scoordance w/ temporary instructen 2515/111, 9307200123 GRIMES.BNRC Into Noboe K. Dnnson 93-059. at Operanng " Unexpected Reactor Openeto Support (Post of Both 921004). DoorsCon 93/07/26. en Aetock.". hNk.i6475 4' sohdated Echsen Co. of New York, aric 10pp. 76447273-76447282. ' 9307260065 Sepi 1 to NRC Bubetm 91401,"Repor1mg Loss of Cnbeakty Satety Con- R. m opersen9 reports a rested _ _ 1 roars" l BURNETT.R.F. Onnson of Fuel Cycle Safety & Sateguards (Post 930207). 93/07/27. 9309150211 Montruy ciperanng rept for Aug 1993 for Davis.Besne Nuclear Power Sta-l Conschdated Edman Co. or New Yon 6, Inc. 23pp. 764u9009-76409'031. ton Uruf 1.W/930914 tir. , DAVIS.B., WOOD.JA Toledo Edson Co.93/08/31. Spp. 76450.326-76450232. 1 9307290112 NRC into Nohce 93 060. "Reportng Fuel Cycle & Matts Events to NRC -  ! Operatons Ctr? 9309210199 "Wastewaior Rept for Aug 1993 for Daws Besse Nuclear Power Pent. Unit l i BURNETT.R,F. Dnns on of Fuel Cycle Safety & Safeguares (Post 9302C7). 93/08/04. 1? W/930913 fe. , Consokdated Eckson Co. of New York, mc.10pp. N47283.N47292. WOOD.1x Toiado E& son Co.93/08/31. 7pp. 76532-354 76502260. l 9305030200 NRC Into Nobce 93461. "Excessrve Reactor Coolant Leakage Followmg Seat Fadure e RCP or RRP " SS Reportable _ , .m 1, irs & reisted .. GRIMES.BK Dnnson of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/06/09. Cork sohdated E& son Co of New York, me.12pp. *99-313 76499224-93090204H Provides updam of mgt acbons taken ri resporme to swivaitern t'ansfer W I 9 an*M45 NRC Info Notce 93 0E2," Thermal Strabfcanon of Water m BWR Reactor [N) 76337M6337255. 93 23. 3 ost 820201). 3pp. G S.BK Desen of Opersing Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/10. Cor* sohdated E& son Co. of New York. me. 9pp, W99225 N99.333. l l 9309130297 Updated rnenm Part 21 rept to svc support struckee for controf rod erwe ' 930B030274 mecharusms.Semme loackng concem resolved for all phartts & stresses resuftmg from ' NRC trWo Nobce 93 063. " improper Use of Soluble Wald

                                           "                                   "'"Pu*me
                                                                                      ""~ Dam Matly                '

2"MSMJ"E""/, w'"'**"'ino'E"'m'iff3'1'sa9E'" MN 2""'cOM  ? ="""J'" "Ea'*sa"'=a co-n ni ca=f Brancti (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 76443:223-76443225. 9308060237NRC Info Notre 93064 "Perode Testmg & Proventwo Marit of Motoed Case Cecun Breakes* GRIMES.B K. Drnson of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/12. Con. V. Operator Examinselons sohdated Esson Co. of New York. me. tipp.76447 293 76447203. 9309210095 Summary of 930708 Region ill annual trorung mariagers cxmterance m 9300080187 NRC Info Nonce 93-065. " Reactor Tnps Caused by Branker Testng W/ Gaon EDyrVLPurpose of meseng to provute forum for d's-nn on rev 7 of operator  ! l Fault Prosecten Bypansed

  • boenomg exammer stds & to encuss operator hcensmg issues.

GRIMES.B.K. Danson of Operstog Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/13. Cork I RING.M. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 93/09/15. Regen 3 (Post 820201). 29pp.  ! sohdated E& son Co. cf New York. Inc.11pp. 76447204 76447214. M76:063L76476,091. j i

118 DOCKETEDITEMS DOCKET 50448 JOSEPH M. FARLEY NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 1 -9309220037 Requests that propneta'y rept WCAP.13807. "Ehmmahon of Low Feed-water Revtor Tno wa implerrwmtatran of Median Sgnat Sesector (MSS) at Faney Umts 1 & 2 be wahhenc. we 10CFR2.790. F. Securtty, modca!, emergency & fre Protecten means LIPARULO."NJ. W Electnc Corp. 93/08/17 MURLEY,T. Document Con. tros Brarett (Document of Des 4.10pp 76517 032-76517:041. 9309080340 Responds to NRC 930511 Itr te wolabons noted m msp rept54348/93-05

    & 50364/9305Correctwo acDons: Corporate 6ecueny Procedure 005 enhanced to             -9309220039 Requests that propnetary rept WCAP.13751. "Wesbrghouse Setpomt corrwtty oocueit recorok                                                                 Methodology for Prosecuan Sys.Southem Nuclear Oswraung Co Friey Nuclear MOREY D. Soutam Nucmar Operating Co 93/09/02. Documere Con 1rol Branch                   Pumt Uruts 1 & 2" be wv? rela, per 10CFR2 790 (Document Contron Deskt 4pp 76398.350-76398.353                                          LIPARULO.NJ. We                 Electnc Corp 93/08/05 ML9tEY.T. Docunwnt Con.

930928004&Forwyds rap rept 50 348/93-20 & $0-364/93-20 on 930823 2ti Woldtens p W

               .D 655 6 2 (Post 620201). 93/09/23. MOREY.DR Alabams Power Co         13"             gan          sk "o"$r5S$F[@ I2 SPAN.R M Westmphouse Esectre Corp. WCAP 13808 93/08/31. 26pp 76517:055-
 -0309280052Pa* bally withheld rap repts50 346/9120 & 50 364/93 20 on 93082326               76517:080.

trot 10CFR7321).honcited violabon noted Mapor yeas empeCled.alam sys.aumts & safeguafos mto -9309220047 Nonproprietay "Westnghouse Setposit M for Protectrort THOMPSON.D., MCGUtRE.D. Regon 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/23.1p 76551063 Sys. Southern Nuclear Operatng Co Faney Noaa PlanLUmW 1 & 76551:063. ANDRE.S v. Westnghouse Electnc Corp. WCAP.13752. 93/06/30.110pp 76517:062-765 t 7.190. K General " 9309220099 Responds to GL 93 04. " Rod Control SFs Fadure & Wythdrawal of Rod bass satsfed GDC 25. 9309030175 Comment on proposed GL esto.suppt 1. "Fre Endurance Acceptance Cr> Control Cruster MOREY.D Assembhes

  • Conclunes fwucsaar Operanno that beeramp/17. Document Comrol Branch Co 93/up tena for Fae Samer SVs Useo to Sepantle RooJndant Safe Shulcown Irasf5 Withm (Document Control Desk). 5pc. 76544448 76544.352.

Same Fee Area." Uta en totai mysement w/NUMANC. MOREY.D. Southem feucasar Operatng Co.93/08/23.CHILK.S.I Offre of the Secm- 9309280266 Fywards amends 99 & 91 to bcenses NPF,2 & NPF.8 & SE. Amends tary a the Commesson. 2pp. 76318-14CL76318141. change TSs to retocate procedural detads of radmicocal effluent TS to ODCM & pro. 9309030023 Comment s@potDng proposed rule 1(CFR2 re rowow of 2206 process. MOREY.D Southem Nucmar Operasng Co.93/08/27. CHILK.S.J Ottum ol the Sacro- ( T 9 09 20 .D.N Southern Nuc6sar Operat. tary of the Commmason. 2pp. 76318:012 76318 013. '"O Co' D 76568.121-76568'243.

                                                                                         -9309280269 Amends 99 8 91 to bconses NPF.2 & NPF-.8.respectwely.                    TSS C3. Antitrust corfespondence                                                               to relocate procedural detans of radmiogcal effluent techrucat spectfcatons to
                                                                                            & procedural ostads tor sohd radcactwo wastes to PCP.

9309220126Pa tal resporme to FOIA request. App O documents avadatae m PDR. App P BMWA.S.S. Prosect Directorate 81. 93/09/20.115pp. 76568:125 76568.239. documems partany withheed (ref FOiA E.somptons 5 & 6L GRIMSLEY.D H. Omson of Freedom of antormaton & Pehcatons Sernces { Post -8309200272 Safety evaluaton supportng amends 99 & 91 to hcenses NPF.2 & NPF. 890205) 93/04/28. GILINSKY.v. Aff*aton Not Asssped 11pF,. 76576:123- 8.respectwely. 7658&168

  • Ottee of twuclear Reactor Re9utabon. Drector (Post 870411). 93/09/20. App.

i 76568244 76568.243. i -9309220291Pata!>y entreeto Commessen paper te renew of ALAB446. PLAINE.H.H. Ottce of the Gene'ai Counsel (Post 860701). SECY 83-255 83/06/27, 9309m9 Fowwds mods 100 & 92 m hee'es NPFJ & NPF4 W & 15pp. 76579-03tk76579050. SEN change TS w implement rewmed 100FR20, Stds for Protecnon Aganst Radsters" P. Operstang hoerme state doeurnerets & _ REED.T.A. Prosect Drectorate li-1. 93/09/21.MOREY.D.N. Southom Nucinar Operal-eng Co. app.76568 306 76568.339. mWL HARRIS.C [ "" ,, h [wwards -9309280058Amunds 100 & 92 to hoenses NPF,2 & NPF4.respectNeeg. changng TS to enplement revised 10CFR20, "Stds tur Protecten Radsten. of Fewedom ce trnormaton & Pubhcatons bervices (Post BAJWA,S.S. FTopect Dractorate161. 93/09/21. 24pp. 568390 76568 333. 89020$L 93/04/12.GILINSKY.v. Afhaston Not Asasgned. 8pp. 76677:001-76677:183.

 -8109230074Pertasty withheed affrmaton SECY that secommemos that Commmann me.           - 9309200060 Safety evaluaton supporang amends 100 & 92 to bconaes NPF-2 & NPF-chne to review tactly arrtnrugt norsmann & cany und request that ASLAB810620 dec>       8.respectwely.

son (ALAS 446) De stoyed augubon.

  • Othce of Nuclear Reactor Regulatort. Dracts (Post 870411). 93/09/21. 6pn FITZGERALDJA. Othce of the Counset (Post 060701). 01/09/10. 27pp. 76568 334-76568.339.

76679 124-76679 150. 9306230099 Suppi $ to Gerienc LF 8910 to nucomar piard bcensees & CP Neders se R inspection reports, IE Bubetena & - mecaracy os motor < operated vawe dia ocupment. PARTLOWJG. Assocata Drector (Post 670s11). 93#06/28, Consohdat-ed Edson Co. of New YorA Inc. 7pp. 76409.00176409:008. 930716o033 NRC Into famos $3456. "Weatmess in EOPs Found as Result of SG Tube Rupture." 9309000262 Forwards SE acosptno bcensee meervice sosing program rehof roguest,per GRIMES.B K. Dween of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/22. Corv 921217 response to NRC SE did 920917. achdated Eckson Co. of New York. Inc.11pp 76499.3tW76499312. BAJWA.SS. Prosect Dr octorate 161. 93/08/23. MOREY,DR Southem Nuc4 ear Oper-aung Co. 2pp. 76374235-76374.241. 9307190131NRC Into Nonce $3458. *Nonconservensm m LTOP for PWRs."

 -93090B0269 Safety evanatum accecMmg hcensee 921217 response to NRC920917                  GRIMES.B K. Dwmaan of Operstmg Reactor Esport (Post 921004). 93/07/26 Cork aohdated Edson Co. of New YurA inc. 9pp. 76447264-76447.272.

SE se maenato tesang program rehof sequest. Reacect RepJtstork Drector (Post 870411193/08/23. 6pp.

                           '                                                             2720m3           W W W 9W9. w W of M h m h*'

GRIMES.B K. Dwisen at Operann0 Reacter Supp;pt (Post 921004L 93/07/26. Cork 9309020165 Forwartts propnetry repts documentmg correctwo actons by SnuthKime & solidated Edson Co. of New YorA inc.10m 76447273-76447282. EISohly Labs re decrepancy e tend pertormance test specimens mchzhng arr>het. anunes & cannanmosas Repts entnneed. 9307260065 $@pi i to NRC Bulletm 91001, *Reportmg Loss of Critcality Satoty Cor> MCCOY.C.K. Georpa Pourer Co. 93/08/26. Document Control Branch (Documerit trois

  • Contro' Desk),17pp. 76344287-76344.303 BURNETT.R F. Dnmuon of Fust Cycle Sately & Safeguards 930207). 93/07/27.

Consondated Ed son Co. of New York, Inc. 23pp 7 09%I31. 7 , Beechnen W Labs & EISohry Labs re mpt unsaussactmy performance 9307200112 NRC Irrio Nohce 93400. "Reportng Fuel Cycle & Matis Events to NRC NY.DY N Nuclear Operaung Co. 93/08/30. Docuenent Control Branch CWeson W Fuel Orcle Sa%ty & Gasegurds (Post 930207). 93/08/R ! (Document Control Deskt 17pp. 76398216-76398232 Coneohdated Edrson Co. of New Yort Inc.10pp. 76447283-76447292-9 Fwwerda schedule for future TS Arreend retNests & kst of TS changes

                                                                                                                                                                         ,          ]

MOR% - N tea, op.rann0 Co w=/n Docu,ne,i cor. Bra,,cn 6e- aAsemaCPm aRP.-  ! (Dacument Cont ci Desk).1pp 76399200-76399202. GRIMES. bit Dwinson of Operatmg Reactor Seport (Post 921004L 93/08/09. Con- i schasted Edson Co. of New Yort,. inc.12pp 76499.213 76499.324. J 9309200061 $6brnets (ST Program cesenpaon anck;thng detads of documents used.rnethod osiermmme component romanng IST & taases for tesano a naponse 62 930e030245NRC Into Mrshoe 93462. " Thermal Straefcanon of Water m BWR Reactor NRC 920917 SE/TER Vessels " MOREY.D. Southem Nucinar Operetng Co. 93/09/13. Document Coreo' Branch GRIMES.B K Dwmen of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/10. Cork (Document Control Desth 6pp 76474.235 7#,474239. achosted Edson Co. of New VyA mc. 9pp. 76499325 76499.333. 9309220030 Appbcaten for amords to Lcanoes NPF,2 & NPF4.reveng TS to ehmmate 9300030274NRC Info Notee 93 063. " improper une of Schele Weed km FW flow reactor inp & to enange low 4nw SG towel setpoenLWeshngrouse e Dam Mas " GRIMES.BK. Dwisen of Operstmg Reactor Support (post 921004L /08/11. Cork MOR Y Nuclear eng . 09 Centrol Branch sohdated Eckson k or New Yort enc. Bpp. 764MW6499241. (Documora Control Deakh 4pp. 76517:001-76517216 7 g

  -4309220035 Proposed tech specs renectmg ohmmaton of low FW tow reactor inp &              Case Carcurt Breakers."

change to sow tow SG tevel settment. GRIMES.B.K. Dnneen or Operatng Reactor Support (post 921004). 93/08/12. Cork

  • Southem Nuclear Operetng Co.93/09/13. 27pp. 76517.005-76517.031. achdated Echson Co of New YorA mc.11pp. 76447293 76447303.

I t

i DOCKETEDITEMS 119 93D9070278 Forwar.1s esp repts 50 348/9317 & 50 364/9S17 on 930629 0730.No S. Reportabe occurrences, LERs & related c_ ,-. -- vicaa' ens or demahons noten VERRELLI.D.M Regon 2 (Post 82C201). 93/08/12. HAISRTON.W G. Sout+em Nucts. ar Ope anng Co.290. 76333:17176333.165 S309150132 LER 93-002-00-on 933612,oetenruned that TS 3.8.11.c was vaaled due to enmoper cakbrahon 1ecttncues for DG tuet od stoiage tank leven macators Revised

   -9309070280 inso roots SS348/93-17 & 50 364/9317 on 933S29-0/30.No vosabons              cahbraten inst'uctons on PM task.W/930910 Itr.

c7 devatons norec.Masar areas mspected operatores.mamLaurvedlanceandastry @ Mid.R.D, MOREY.D. Southem Nucsear Operstmg Co 93/09/10. 5pp N69 014-fucal asue & fonowar on taedny events 76469:018 MWELL.G.F, MORGAN.MJ. Repon 2 (Post 820201). 93/08/10. 9pp 76333:177-76333.185. V. Operator Examenatens 9 87 Int otee 93-065. " Reactor Tnps Caused by Breaker Testmg W/ 9309300168 Netites that ksted mduduals no longer have need to mantam an operstmg GRIMES.B K. Dmson of OperannB Reactor Sport (Post 921004). 93/08/13. Con-sohdaied Ed son Co. of New Yortt. mc.11pp 76447.304-76447.314. $$$ 82cm 4 7m1M76615 M2 hh Operahng Co 93/09/24. EBNETER.S.D. Regen 2 (Post 9308100006NRC Into Not ce 93 066. "Switchover to Hot-Leg miecten Follomng LOCA l GR 8L Deson of Operstmp Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Corw DOCm 4349 NNM MW N 2 sohdatec E& son Co. of New York. MC. 7pp. N47:315-N47.321. 9308100248 NRC Into Nobce 93067. "Bursbng of Hegh Pressure Cooiant infecten Q. Inspecten reports IE Buhetms & correspondence Steam Lme Rupture Dscs aneures Plant Personnet " GRIMES.BX. Dmson at Operatmg Rea:: tor Seport (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Con. 9308100248 NRC trWo Nobce 93067. "Bisstag of Hgh Pressure Coosant insecten sohdated Edson Co. o fee York. me.13pp. N47.322 N47:335. Steam Lee Ruoture Dscs insures Plant Po' sorrel" i GRIMES.B.K. Desion of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 621004) 93/08/16. Con-t C308260198NRC into Nobce 93-069 "Rasagrapny Events at Cperating Power Reac- sohdated Esson Co. of New York. Inc.13pp. N47.322-76447.335. tors? GRIMES.B st Dmson of Operatmg Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/09/02. Co+ sohdated Edson Co of New York,Inc 11pp N99.342-N99.352. DOCKET 50 352 UMERICK GENE. RATING STATION, UNIT 1 9309083340 Responds to NRC 933511Itr te violatons noted m emp rest 50 348/9S05

      & SS364/9305.Consenve actors: Corporate Secunty Procedure 005 enhanced to         F Security, rnedecal, emergency & fire protection pears conecay documem records.

MOREY.D. Southem Nuctsar Operatmg Co. 03/09/02. Document CorarW Branch (Document Control Desk). App.76398.35 S 763982 53. 9309020090 Forwards pubhc verson of Rev 2 to ERP400. "Persoreel Safety Team." Rev 3 to ERP4'xt " Damage Repse Team" & Rev 13 to moet 9309130265 Responds to NRC tir te volatons reted in ansp repts50 348/9116 & 53- stick.G.J. Phdadelprha Electnc Co. 93/03/02. Document Coreal Branch (Docume'1r Control Des 6;). 3pp. 76335906.76335:035. 364/9S16 on 93071216.Correctne actors contamars soentthed were labeled per i FNP 0 RCP-57 & detaped walk cown of RCA was performed. l MOREY D. Southem Nuclear Ope'anng Co. 93/09/08. Document Cormer Branct- .g30BC20093 Revnad EPIPs.mciudmg_Rev 2 to ERP 600. " Personnel Safety Team." (Cacunent Control Desk). 3pp. 76429.339 N29.333. Rev 3 to ERP-600. " Damage Repaa Team" & Rev 13 to mdet l

  • Pleadetpha Electne Co.93/02/06. 2Bap. 76335209-76335:035.

9309220005Ack recept of930820 response to votatens roted m map repts S348/ 93-12 & 50 364/9112. 9309020127 Forwards putte verson of rev to ERP andex tor pianLW/ 930817 release CUNE.W.E. Recon 2 (post 820201) 93/09/08 WOREY,D.N Southem Nuclear Oper- memo anng Co. 2pp. 7651733S76517:334 HUNGER.GA Pndadetprua Electne Co. 93/08/04. Docwient Control Branen (Docu-ment Conpol Desk). 3pp. 76330'00176330164. 9309070206NRC info Nobce 93470,"Dogradaten of Boraflex Neutron Absorber Cou-pns

  • g3pgD20157 Pubhc versen of revs 26 & 27 to ERP index for plant GRIMES.B.K. Omson at Operabng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Con-
  • Phdadelpfha Emetne Co.93/08/04.162pp. 76330003 76330-164.

schasted Edrson Co of New York, enc. 9pp. N99.353-N99.361. g30g090005Forwyds esp repts SS.352/91114 50 353/SS11 on 930524-27.No veia-i 930908D104 NRC Info Nobce 9S071. "Fre at Chemobyl Urut 2.* mons roted. j CR:MES Bit Dmson of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Con. JOYNER,J.H. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 93/08/27. SurrH.D.M. Prwadesprua Doctnc i sohdated E@ son Co. of how York anc.14pp. 76500$01-76500$13. Co. 4pp. 76346 008 76346-023. i j 9309290191 Forwards esp repts 50 348/9S19 & 50w364/9319 on 930730483C & -9309000007 Irmp repts 53352/9S11 & 50353/9111 on 930524-27.fwo velanons ! nonce of velatert noted.Masar areas to emergency plan & . -;.. , p,r_---- an,,spected.cnanges cgi,es. eowpment.eseumontaten & supplies MERS:> TOFF.E.W. Reczon 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/13.MOREY.D.N. Southom Nucie- LAUGNUN.J., MDCASE.E. Regan 1 (Post 820201). 93/08/27.12pp. 76346'012-Cr Operanns Co. 3m 76552-025 76552039. 76346:023.

 -9309280tt4 Nonce of votaten troen eup on 93C730 0630.Voisten ncsar+*nt sys op-      93D9130003 orator & hcermed snrft soreman erroneounty mosated consonant cooing water to sec-                 Revnad EPIPs.mciudegRev 2 to ERP.120. "Stanon Evacuatens." Rev 3 ondaev HX loadt                                                                      to ERP440 "Feeld Survey Gro@. Rev 5 to ERP 500. "Secunty Team" & Rev 1 to                   ,
  • Fiegor' 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/13.1p. 76552-02476552 026. ERP440. " Emergency Response Faciety Habitatnkty W/930902 ser j

HUNGER.GA Pndadelpfua Electnc Co. 93/09/02. 49pp. N27.280-N27:328. l

 -93092e0197 inso repts SS348/9S19 & $0364/9319 on 9307334830. Velatons                                                                                                              .

noted.Maior areas --- - u - _ _ mamt, survemance & tonowup of inceny 9309240291 Responds to 930720 lir re changes to umenck Generatng Staton prefscal securny plarLCrianges consstant w/ provmons et 10CFR50.54(p) & acceptaba for an- { events. I clusson anno paart MORGAN.Ml. SCOTT.MA. CANTRELL.F.S. Regon 2 (Post $20201). 93/09/13. ' 11pp. 76552 02776552S39. JOYNER,J H Regen 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/09. HUNGER.GA Phdadelptua Electne i Co. 3pp. 76547:347 76567.349. 9309090243 NRC into Notoe 93 072. "Observatons From Recent E2msdown Rak &


Outage Mgt Pnot Team Insos," 9309210006 Forwards ansp repts 50-352/93 20 & 50 353/93-20 on 930816-20.No wona. I i tons otmerved. GRIMES.tLK. Dutson of Operanng Reactor Support (Post 921304). 93/09/14. Con- I sohdated Edson Co. of New York eg. 8pp. 76500:014-76500$22. DURR.J.P. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/13. SM:TH.D.M. Phdadelphe Doctnc Co. app. N75241-76475052. i 93092802D5 Notrficaten of sigmf cant hcermee meenng w/uts on 931013 to daumans -9309210010 Insp repts 50352/9S20 & $0-353/9S20 on 93081420.No wolabors l SALP performance of tacdrty cunng panod 9205314925. CANTRELLF.S. Retson 2 (Post 820201L 93/09/15. Regen 2 (Pest 820201). 2Dp. noted.Masar areas mat.- -- 1.._' support of piarit operauons.confguraDon 76552 114-76551115. , PEP.ESW & residual aviarovement prog.amt RASCO.J.E, GRAY,E.H. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/09. 9pp. N75044-9309290255 Ack recent of 930908 ter mformmp NPC of steps, taken to correct votatene N75 052. esied m msp repts 5CL348/9S16 4 50-364/93-16. I CUNE,WI. Regen 2 (Post 820201). 93/09/20.MOREY.D.N. bouthem Nucsear Oper- 9309280295 Rowned EPIPtnt*x6ng rev 29 to emergency resparme procedses i anng Co.239. 76553-141-76553.142. anoex.rev 7 to EPIP ERP-300. "TSC/MCR Dose ; _ .; Team, & rev 6 to EPIP-800, " Damage Repee Team " W/933916 Itr MurdGER.GA Pminoelpne Electnc Co.93/09/16. 38pp. 7656817576588215.- 9309280046 Forwards msp rept 50348/93-20 & 50 364/93-20 on 930623-26.Voiators noted tiut not oned. , COLUNS.D.M. Regen 2 (Post 820201) 93/09/23. MOREY.D.N. Alabama Power Co. P. OperatinD boense sta9e - ._&,;. i 3pp. 76551:06S76551:0C3. I

 ~9309280052Partally weheld map repts50'348/9S20 & $0364/9S20 on 93082S26                              @p 5 to                69 to rssclear plant             & CP h m trof 10CN7321).Noncried votaten noied Major areas - a_. sys.austs &                                                                                                               l jG              D        for %"
  • 70411). 93/M/28. Cormohdak HOM MCGUIRE.D. Repon 2 (Posi $20201). 93/011/23.1p. 78551063 W Co. W 7pp. M01 D06.

765M3. 3309030179TS Change Recuest 93414 to beanses NPF.39 & NoF45. reveng TS Survedlance Requeement 4511o reduce frequency for ventm9 ECCS pomg from opemUnB reports & reteted ~_ " - every 31 deys to every 6 months. l HUNGER.G.A. Phdadeepha Eteeme Co 93/08/25. Document Control Branch (Docu- 1 ment Control Dest). 2pp. 76372:346-76372 355. 93092o0206 Montney operstmg repts for Aug 1993 for JM Faney Nutdear PlanLW/ 930914 tir

                                                                                      =9309030187 Proposed TS Surveitiance Recuarement 4.5.1 to ree,sce frequercy for HILLR.D. MOREY.D. Southem Nocear Opermeng Co. 93/08/31.11pp. 76501:31 5               ventmg ECCS pomg troen every 31 cays to every 6 months.


  • Phuadelprua Eiectnc Co.93/08/25. 8pp. 76372:348-76372.355.

l t

120 DOCKETED ITEMS 9309070237 Notsteaton ce segriefcan'icensee meetng 91113 w/uhl on 930908 to ds. 9300030245NRC into Nobce S3462. "Thermat Stratifcanon of Water m BWR Reactor cuss transfer of fuel from Snorenam to LamencK Vessem " PASCIAK.WJ ANDERSON.CJ Repon 1 (Post 820201) 93/08/25 Fwpon 1 Post GRIMES.B K Dmsson of Opersang Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/10. Con. 8202D1L 5pp 76333.327J6333 331. schoated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 9pp 76499325-76499.333 9309070263TS Change Reouest 9S114 to Lcenses NPF-39 & NPF45. revsmg TS 9300030274NRC Into Notce 93463. " improper Use Of Soluble Wel) Purge Dam Mat!" Secton & Associated Bases 3/4.3 7.8 re mam control room tome gas detec- GRIMES.B K Divison of Operstmg Reactor Support Post 921004) 93/08/11. Cork ison svs sohdated Edrson Co. of New York, mc app 76499.334-M99.341 HUNGER.G A Pndaceipn > "sectne Co 93/08'25 Document Control Branch (Docu. mert' Control Desk).2; /4 .1 2 58 76371.274-930o060237 NRC Into Notce 93464. "Penodic Tesbng & Preventwe Mamt of Moloed Cane Circuit Breakers."

            -9309070270 Proposed Tech Soecs Sechon 33.7.82 & Associated Bases 3/4.3 7.8 to           GRIMES.B K. Desen of Operstmg Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/08/12. Cor>

moddy mam control room tour pas ortecnon svs alarm looc. sohdated Esson Co. of New York. me.11pp M47293-7k47.303.

  • Prelaaetpfha E ectnc Co.93/06/25.1bpp 763712W76371274 9300090187 NRC Into Notce 93 065, " Reactor Tnps Caused by Breaker Tesbng W/

9309000260 TS Charge Reauest 92130 to bconses NPF-39 & NPF45. moddying SR Fault Protechon Bypassed " 4 7.1.3 to remere inat au sway pond spra < network papap above trost kne De cramed GRIMES.B K Desen ce Operatmg Reactor Seport (Post 921004). 93/08/13. Con-withm one ti after bomo used only wnen a1tbiem a:t temp beaow 40 F. sobdated Edison Co. of New York, mc.11pp. 76447:304-76447314-HUNGER.GA Pndaceiptwa Emetre Co. I t/08/25. Document Control Branch (Dow ment Control Desk). 7pp. 76398.169 7639 c178 9308100006NRC info Nobce 93466. "Swnchover to Hotug trpetron Fouowmg LOCA

            -9309080264 Proposed Tech Specs SR 4.*.1.3 re sprav tend                                 en PWRs "
  • Ptniacetptma Elecinc Co.93/08/25. 3sr4 76398-176 76398:178. GRIMES.B K. Dmson of Ope atmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/16 Cork sohdated Edson Cu. of twow York. Inc. 7pp. M47215 76447;321.

93D9020039 Forwards *Semennua iffluent Release Rept 35 for Jar > June 1993 tos PBAPS.Uruts 2 & 3." Rev 5 of "COCM tor PBAPS.Oruts 2 & 3" & Rev 0 to Procedure 9308100248 NRC IrWo Nonce 9S067. "Bursan0 ff H'gh Pmssure Coolam W RW.C 100. "Sohd Radwaste Sys PCP " Steam une Rupture Drscs mares Plant Personnel. MILLER.D.B Ptwiadsphe Electnc Co 93/08/26 Document Convol Branch (Docu, GR!MES.B.K. Dusson of Operenng Reactor Support Post 921004). 93/08/16. Cor> ment Control Desy 1p. 76351180 76351256 sohdams Edson Co. of New York, me.13pp. M4NM47331

            -9309020049 Rev 0 to Processe RW-C 100. "Sobd Radwaste Sys PCP? Procedure            9309000005 Forwards mso repts50-352/9111 & n353/9311 on 930524-27.No viola.

superseces RW-800 at LG5 & RW 120 & RW-121 at P6APS. torts noted.

  • Prulaceiphe Electne Co.92/12/28.13pp. 76351244-7635125(L JOYNERJ.H Regen 1 (Post $20201). 93/08/27. SMfTH.D.M Phdadelpha Electnc Co. 4pp. 76346 008-76346:023.

9309030178TS Change Reouest 9248 0 to Lgenses NPF.39 & NPF45, revesmg TS re ca6culateo pean tues ciad3mg temp.GE propnetary Repts NEDC32193P.Rev 1 & -9300000007 trasp repts 50352/9S11 & 50353/93-11 on 930524-27.No votatons NEDC-3217DP.Rev 1 erci m support of change requestRepts withho6d per noted Mapor armas napoctectchanges to emergency plan & amplementng 10CFR2.790. procockres; tecdebes, egapment.mstrumentaton & supphet HUNGER.GA Paulaceipha Electne Co. 93/08/27. Document Control Branch (Docu- LAUGHLIN.J., M E.E. Regen 1 (Post 820201). 93/08/27,12pp. 76346:012-ment Control Desk). 20pp. 76414267 76415-014. 76346:023.

            -9309030164 Proposed toch specs supporimg change in calculated peak fuel claddmg     9308390196 NRC into Notre 93469. "Rathography Evems at Operanng Power Reac-temp.                                                                                 tors."
  • Phdadespn.a Esectnc Co 93/08/27. 88pp. M14287 76415.014. GRIMES.BK Dumon c4 Opeestmg Reactor Soport (Post 921004) 93/09/02. Cork sohdated Echson Co. of New York, mc.11pp M99:342-76499.352.

9309140413 Summary cf 930809 moetng w/utd m Wayne.PA re vanous bconsang actnre. tes m FantLLat of attenoses enct 9309140225 Forwards eram repts 50352/9S180L & 50353rBS180L on 93071623. RINALDI.F.. SHEAJ W. Propect Drectorate I 2. 93/09/02. Protect Drectorate 12. 7pp. BETTENHAUSENL Regen 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/02. SMITH.D.M. Prstadelphe M33294-76433300. Ensetnc Co. 4pp. 76438-001-76438.238.

                                                                                          ' "    -930014023e Exam rept 50 352/9S180L & 50353/93180L on 930719-23. Exam ASM                 25Dr(2       end           " fuel cyc"se tar r'*em"o al eg,pg p,,t                                                                           resuns:exarroners noted that fr.ati comston of piant was pood & observed excettent BO                                                                                                I Proinct ectorate L2. 93/09/07, HUNGER.GA Phdadelpha Elecinc Co.         Qg*" Q"p,",,n 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/01. 200pp. 76438:005-76438238.
            -9309100248 Safety evouston pe             use of 1989 Edman of ASME Code Secton KUWA 5250(a)(2) unts enc of currem        cycse tar remova of botDng from fienged 9300173080Notrhes utd or pomkng reaumbhcaton program map sche & sled for week of
              ,a,qt                                                                                 931025. Requests uts fuman sample plan / test ouane for exam.
  • Offce of Nucnear Reactor Regulaton. Owector (Post 870411). 93/09/07. 2pp. BETTENHAUSENL Regert 1 (Post 82C201). 93/09/03. SMITH.D.M. Ptmladelche 76423.333 76423.334. Eisetnc Co. 3pp. N72:301-76472303 9309210204 Forwards response to NRC 930505 RAI re 920901 TS Change Recraests 9309179351Summanzes 930818 mootng w/PECO docussmp NRC esos 50.352/9344 92424 & 92434 re changes to SRs pawaned w/ setemed staton benenes & $$353/9344 re personnet performance HUNGER.G.A Phnadesprus E6eetne Co. 93/09/10. Document Consol Branch (Docu. HEHL.C.W. Reg on 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/07. SMITH.D.M. Pt**w r*ua Ensetnc Co.

ment Control Desk). 6pp. 76515256-76515361. 4pp. 76479-182-7647st185. 9309270006 NoDfeston of 931001 asgnrhcant 6censee meetmg SS125 m Kang of 93e9070306 NRC into Notce 93470. "Dograoston of Borator Neutron Absorber Cou-Pnssa.PA to docuss 1310/ cable taun ounng excavaton on 930907 pors " ANDERSON.C.J Remon 1 (Post 820201A 93/09/17. Repon 1 (Post 820201). 2pp. GRIMES.9 #L Duson of Opersing Ranctor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/10. Cork 76543241-76543J4f. sohdsaed Edmon Co. Of New York. Inc 9pp. N99.353-N99 361. 93D8210006 Forwards msp repts50 352/93 20 & $0 353/93-20 on 930816 20.No viola. Q. Inspectson reporta,IE Dune 9ns a _.. tons obserwect DURR.J.P Reson 1 (Post 82020t). 93/C4/13. SMITH.D.M. Prmladesprua Esectne Co. 930e000104 NRC Into Notee 93471. " Fee at Chemobyt Urut g* 3pp. 76475 041-76475 052. GRIMES.B K. Dmson at Operaung Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/13. Con-schoated Edison Co. of New York, trC 14pp. 76500201-76500213 -9300210010 Insp repts 5S352/9120 & 5S353/9320 on 93081620.No violatons noted Masor areas mapseteciochncal support of pharit operatons.configuraton 9307160033 NRC into Nobce 93456. "Weakriess m EOPs Found as ResJt of SG TJse mgt. PEP.ESW & remGuai amprovernnni R@ture " CARRASCO l.E., GRAY.E.H. Regon 1 820201). 93/09/D9. 9pp. 76475:044 GRIMES.BX Dumon of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/22. Con. 76475 052. schoated Etion Co. of New York. Inc.11pp M99.302 N99.312. 93D3000243 NRC Into Nokoe 93 072. "Obsentabans From Racerit Shutoown Rak & 9307190131NRC trWo Nohts 93458. "Nonconserwaham m LTOP for PWRs

  • Change Mgt Psot Team inspL" GRIMES.BX Durmon cd Operstmp Reactor Support (Post 9210C4 93/07/26. Can. GRIMES.B K. Dumon of Opersang Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/09/14. Core soldates E& son Co. of New York, Inc. 999. N47.264-76447272. sohdassa Edman Co. of New York, Inc. app. 76500 014-76500:022.

9307200123NRC Into Nance 93459. " Unexpected Operuno of Both Doors m Aetock." 930917e079 Forwares ES-501,2. power plant beenung eram results summary & ES-303 GRIMES.B K. Dmmon of Operenng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Cork 1 & 30S2. operator heerrmng exam rept for apphcants on outel exam conthJeted on schoated Eason Co. of New York. arc 10pp. 76447:273-76447.282. 93082S25 tw NRC at tacshty.Ence withneid.per 10CFR2.790 BETTENHAUSEN.I. Repon 1 (Post $20201). 93/D9/14. STANKIEWICZ.J. Phendel-9307260065 Sept 1 to WC Bunebn 91401. "Reparang Loss of Cracahty Safety Con- pha Electne Co. 2pp. 76471252-N71353. trots." BURNET 7.R.F Demon of Fuel Cycte SateiY & Sateguards (Post 930207). 93/07/27. 93D9300049 Notiicaton of930914 rnoseng w/utd m Rockwine.MD to docuss uhl work Consondated Echson Co. of New York. inc. 23pp N09-00S76409231. on Bukehn 9342. CLARK.RJ. Pro,ect D.<ectoraie 52. 93/09/14 MURI.EY.T., MIRAGLIA,F, 9307290112 NRC Info Notxe 9344i0. "Reporung Fuel Cycle & Matis Events to NRC RUSSELL.W. NRC . No Detamed Affikaton Gsvert 5pp. 76474254-76474258 Operators Ctr." BURNETT.R.F. Dmson of Fuel Cycle Satsty & Safeguards (Post 930207). 93/06/04. Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York, tric.10pp. 76447.283 76447.292. R m sporenng e & rWomd - 9300030200 NRC ento Nobce 93461. "Exocamwe Reactor Coolant Laemage FollowmD Seal Fadure an RCP or RRP." 93090300$$ "Semsarmual Efftsent Release Root 18 h 1993." W/ 930818 Itr. GRIMES.BX Dwason of Operstmg Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/09. Core BOYCE.R.W., HELWIG.DA Phdadelpha Electnc Co. 93/06/30. 35pp. 76362244-schosted Edman Co. of New York. Inc.12pp. N99.313 76499224. 76362.272.

I DOCKETED ITEMS 121 9309030244 Fornaros inness for OJry proyam prtoanance cata is Jan. June 1993. 9300130003Remsed EPIPsarciu:hng Rev 2 to ERP-120. "Staton Evacustons? Rev 3 HUNGER.GA Prwaoeiprua Dectnc Cu 93/06/27. Document Control Branch (Docu- to ERP-340 "Feead Survey Group." Rev 5 to ERP-530. 'Secunty Team" & Rev 1 to ment ContrW Desel 13pp. 76363212-76363223 ERP440. "Emerooney Response FauJrf Mabitab4ety " W/93J902 ft . HJivGER.GA Prwadesptha Eeect c Co 93/09/02. 4Bpp. M272BS76427;328 9309150204 Monwy operatmg repts for Aug 1993 tor Lanenck Generant, Stabon Uruts 1 & 2 W/93043 nr 9309240291Responos to 930720 Itr re cranges to tamente Generanng Staton physcat MECK.K MurrIJA Phdadelphe Dectnc Co. 93'08'31. 12pp. N50.338- secunty paartChanges consste it w/ provuwons of 10CFR50.54(p) & accepta96e tar m. N50.349 cusson mto plan. I JOYNERJ M Repon 1 (post 820201). 93/09/09 HUNGER.GA Phwielprma Electnc l Co. 3pp. 76587;347-75587-349. [ S. Reportable occurrences. LERs & related correspondence i 9309210006 Forwa ds nsp repts 50-352/93-20 & 54353/9120 on 930216 20.ho vota-l 9309030075 NPDES .- b. noshcanon:en930710.13.14 & 25.Waier Prm hans observed. I no Fecefy (WPF') thscharge temp exceeoen man kmrtaton of 74 cecrees F.Rev to DURRJ.P. Repon 1 (cost 820201). 93/09/13. SM:TH.D M P%danetphe Dectnc Co ( NkDES pemut.removmg armp hmits apprewed & WPF chmers ermoved from svc 3pp. 7647594176475052. [ BOYCE.P W. Pheaceiprma Electnc Co. 93/i'27. 943u P.G. Pennsy%rama Common-

wealth of.500. 76360.323 76360;327.

9309210010 anso repts 50452/9320 & $0.353/93-20 on $33816 20.No votatons I nosec Mamr areas . ~e.h support of p6 ant operatons.contguraton ! 0309030238 Forwaros Rev 1 to LER 66433 rs n Wm of PWCU sys ori rug % differen. mptPEP.ESW & resskal anprovement prorams. tar fio= to clafev of event 4 to revne cohm actons ! BOYCE.R W Prmadelphe Doctne Co. 93r0B/27. Document Control Branch (Docu. CARRASCOJi Ry 1 (Post 820201). b3/09/09, 9pp. 76475944.N75:052. . ment Control Dese410. 76409220 76439223. g309280295 Revned FTPs.rcluomo rev 29 m ernegency response procedures l

!           -9309030245 LER 8643341-on 860705.RWCU sys sotated on tugh differs 9tal flow

[ oue to colspse al vods m pipmg.caussro sp*e e RWCU eust flow rate.Sys Proceoure e Te W/ 09 nr 544.4A "RWCU Sys Saowoown Ussng 4WCU Recrculaten Pumps

  • rweed. HUNGER.GA Praiaoelprua Doctnc Co.93/09/16. 38pp. 76588.175 76588215.

KANTERJ.L Pnsaset:eas Doctre Co. 93/08/27. 300. 76409.22176439.223. 9309130209 LER 95482-02 on 851014.RWCU esolated due to ingh @fterer el P. Operstmg kcense stepe : _&- tiow. imp 6ementact mac 66 933 m May 1987. W/930a :3t KMTNENL BOYCE.RA. Phsadelp*t Ninc Co. 93/0998. app. 247.342- 930623u099 Suppl 5 to Genenc Lir SS10 to nuclear paarti beenmees & CP hotoers se N47.345 maccurtcy of motor-ocerateo vaive easpment PARTLOWJ.G Assoczate Drector tor (Pv91870411). 93/06/28. Cor*w 9309130199 LER 93009-00xm 930810.madvertent actuatens of underfregaency relay ed Edson Co. of New Ycrk, inc. 7pp. 76409 001-7t,.02906 cccurreo Se to personnel error. Counse6ed envtyvec techncians & Cleaneo dSGolored

               & tamm%ed snortmp hee $/930909 fir-KANTNERJ.L., tsuYCE.R.W. Presoelptua Eisetnc Co. 93/09/09. 6pp. 76447336-                                9309030179TS Change Reauest 93414 to Lcenses PF-39 & NPF45 rowsmg TS 76447:341.                                                                                                 ,Swv,y 31 oeys to every 6 anonDis.,, emance Rotwement 4.51 to reduce treguency for ventm i            E309270031 LER 9341040-on 930820. exhaust plenurn tagh rachsien monam spuncm-                                 HUNGER.GA Phamoeptua Eeneme Co 93/06/25. Document Cont.oi Branch (Docu-Iy tnppec.Cause not ostamaned.Creective accons we to oeves:ved tesso on concu.                             mera Convol Des 4 2pp. 7S37E346-76372.355 RJ          C                                 Co. e3/09/20, 500. 76596997'                          entrip f
                           '                                                                                                                          eveY os s 2
  • Phnadesprus Doctnc Co.93/08/25.8pst 76372:348-763'2256.

W. Operator Examenettons $309070237Notfcaten of sgmfma*11 bcensee meetng 93-113 w/uts on 930906 to de-cuss Wansfer of tuoi from Srmrenam to Lsmarc4L 93o914C225 Forwaros exam repts50-352/91180L & Sr#353/SS180L on 930719-23. ~ BETTENMAUSEN.L Regen 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/C2. SM'TM.D.M. Phsadelphia 82020 ) ~7 327 33 ' ectnc app. 38mm38238. 9309070263 TS Change Reoaest 93114 to LJcenses NDF49 & NPF45. revarig TS

            -9309140239 Exam rept 50 352/911BOL & SO.353/9S180L on 93071923. Exam                                         Sec9on & Assocsatec Bases 3/ re mam contrar room a:nue gas ociec.

N, g

  • Nafr"'om'"cm o "I N * *l "'"
                                                                                                                                     .GA Pnisacelptum Doctne Co. 03/06/25. Documers Control Branch (Docu-WilllAMSJ.H., DOPCT RJ. R1gon 1 (Post 820201L 93/09/01. 200pp. 76438:005                                   morn Conpol Des 4 2pp. 76371258-763711/4.


                                                                                                                       -9309070270 Proposed Tech Specs Secten 33.7.82 & Assocated Bases 3/ to 9309170060Ncmfes utd of pondsno vosamhfcaton prog sai rep schechaled for week of                              me mam r contros acom some pas ostecton avs alarm E'310?5.heauests uts tumssh sample guan/ test outune tor exam.
  • Ph.las etshra Decinc Co.93/06/25.15pst 76371260-7 :274.

BETTENHAUSEN.L Regen 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/03. SW7H.D.M. Phdaoelphis Doctne Co. 30p. N72 3017647E303. 33090ehua TS Change Request 92134 to Licenses NPF49 & NPF45, moditymg SR , l 4.7.t.3 e roousre that aR spray pond spray networt supung above trost hne te c9amed i , 93D917o079 Ftrwards ES-501-2 power ghant icorung exam results summary & ES-303- watrun one t. sifier hang used onsv when amtuent er temp temw 40 F.

1 & 303 2. ope ster heensmo exam rept for apph: ants on rstal exam ope =*aari on MUNGER.GA Prulacetpha Einetne Co. 95/08/25. Document Control Bre ich (Docu-t 930823-25ter NRC at ta:ahty.Enct urethhe63.oer toCFR2.790. enent Ctresci Desi4 7pp. 76398-169-76398:178.

i BETTENMAUSEN.L Regon 1 (Post 820201). 93/09/14. STANKIEWICZJ. Phna$el. , prua Electre Co 2pp. N71352-W71:351 -930ece0264 Proposed Tech Specs SR 4.71J re spray potut

  • Pr** anus Easetnc Cet93/08/25. 3pp. 76390:176-76398:1'8.

9309220103 Summary of 933824 meetagt w/util re m. _ . e of d.akene wner reactor krmteo to tves hardhng (LSR) program.Lat at meetmg attenaces & meetmg g30,020039 Forwards "Senuannual Effluent Reisese Rept 35 ter Jar > June 1993 tar handouts enct SHEAJ W. Pro,ect Drectorate 4 93/09/15. Protect Directorate L2 18pst PSAPS.Unsts 2 & 3." Rev 5 of "ODCM tar PSAPS.uruta 2 & 3" & Rev 0 to Procochire 76515225 76515242- pw4100. ".Sohd Racewaste Sys PCP." wtLER.D.B Phnadetitua Electne Co 93/08/26. Dochemett Cor. trol Branen (Docu-ment Control Desta.1p. 76351.180-76351256. DOCKET 51353 LalERICK GENERATING STATIOOL UNIT 2

                                                                                                                       -9309029049 Rev 0 to Procedure RWC100. "Sohd Radwaste Sys PCP." Procedure supersaaes RW400 at LGS & RW-120 & RW.121 at PSAPS.

F. Securtty. medcot, m & Bre protecnon plans

  • Prataaelptua Doctnc Co.92/12/28.13pp. 76351244-76351:2%.

9 s TS Change Recuest 92 064 4 Lasnses NM49 & E85, wang TS m 9109020090 Forwards pubhc verson of Rev 2 to ERP400 "Personnet Safety Teant. Rev 3 to ERP400. "DamaDe Repar Team" & Rev 13 to roeit caicuested peak w c acung temoLE propnetty Repts NEDC-32193RRw 1 &

              %ECK.GJ. Ptmacelptua Decmc Co. 93/03/02- Document Conttd Brard (Doc > ament                                                AW i enci e support of C ange mouesmepts withheW pe Conpoi Das4 3pp. 76335W6335931                                                                                        7                                                                                    j HUN 3ER.GA Philaomprua Doctc Co. 93/08/27 Document Corarol Branch (Docu.
           -9309020003 Revned EPIPunciudmg Rev 2 to ERP400. " Personnel Gatety Tearn                                      ment Conpot Desk) 20pp. N14267 N15214.

Ri w 3 to ERP400. " Damage Reper Team" & Rev 13 to snosit

  • 1%Indelptus Doctnc Co.93/02/06. 28pp. 76335:008-76335235. -9309030164Prososed toch specs supportmg change jn r***1od peak fuel cino$ng temp.

9309 tat 27 Forwards pubhc ve'sen of rev to ERP inoen for plantW/ 930817 re6eaue

  • Nadelphe Doctnc Co. 93/08/27. 88pp. 7sd14287-76415914.  ;

2nemo l HUNGERA.A Philaseeprua Doctne Co. 93/08/04. Document Control Branch (Docw 9303030273AppA:ston for amend to beense NPF45.conssimg of TS Change Reauest morn Control Desk). 3pp. 76330-001-76330164. 8NJextendmg ACT for RHR sve wsw evs as esell as o@sressen goal spray & suppremacn pool coohng mooes al RMR to 258 IL

           - 93D9020157 Pubhc verson of revs 26 & 27 to ERP mdex ter plant                                                HUNGER.GA Protaaetprus Emetnc Co. 93/08/27 Documemt Control Branch (Docw
               " Prwas.Aphe Dectnc Co. 93/08/D4.162pp. 7633*;00346330:164.                                                ment Corvol Desk).16pp. 76369.337-76369357.

l 9309000005Forwarcs rap repts5%352/93-11 & $0 353/9511 on 93052627.No vota. -9309030279 Proposed noch spec change 93-14 2.extenchng AOT tar RHR ove water j for s noted sys as weg as w . pool spray & suppresamn pool cookng modas of RHR sys JOYNERJ.H. Regen 1 (Post $20201). 93/08/27 SMTH.D.M. Pruinostphia Eiectne to 288 tt Co app 763a8008-76346223.

  • Prutadelphe Doctnc Co. 93/06/27. opst 76369.354-76369.357
           +.                temp repts 50352/93-11 & 56353/9311 on 93052ACNo votatens                                 9309140413 Sumrray of 930809 meetmg w/util m Weyne.PA re vanous nee ismg actrv>

noted.Mator areas mspected: changes to emergency plan & -----.v . tes re ptants Last or attendees enct proceoures; emergency tacdmet. e:mmoment.mstrumentaton & supphes. RINALDLF. Propect Dractorsie 4 93/09/02. Protect Dre:torate 02. 7pp. 76433294- i LAU3HLINJ. Repon 1 (Post $20201). 93/08/27.12pp. 76346912-76546023. 76433.300. '

122 DOCKETEDITEMS 9309210264 Forwards response tc NRC930505 RAI re 920901 TS Chame Recues!s $309080104NRC imo Notce 93-C71. "Fre at Crernobyl Urut 2 " 92<2 0 & 92434 re chanoes to SRs assocated w/ safety 4 elated station twttenes GRIMES E K. Dmson of Operatirg Reactor Support (Post 921008) 93/09/13 Con-HUN 3ER G.A PrulaaetpNa Eiectnc Co. B3/09/10. Document Contros ivren (Docu sohdated E$ son Cc or New 1os me 14 sip 7E.500 00L76500 013 ment Control Deski 6pp. 76515.356-765152t1 6 Forwartis insp repts50 352/93 20 & 50 353'93 20 on 930F1420.No vola. 9309270086 Notrhcaton of 939001 sgnrfearn licensee meetme 91125 m Kmg o' 930921000,erveo tions on P uss+aS A Ic escuss 13 K'v cabie fau't o.mnc excavaton on 930907 DURR.J P Regon 1 (Post $20201) 93/09/13 SM:TH.D M. PhdadelpNa Emetnc Co ANDERSORCJ Regon 1 (Post $20201). 93/09c17. Regon 1 (Post E20201L 2pp 3pp. 76475 041764?SC52. 76543 241 76543242

                                                                                      -9309210010 insp rects %352r9S20 & 50 353/93-20 on 93081&20 No violatoms notec uapr areas espectec1ecimal s,cpat of piant operatons.confguraton Q. Inspectson reports. IE Bunctms &         .     .h                                        pes.ESW & resouar improvement             ms
  • 9307 se0033 NRC Into Notce 93 056. " Weakness m EOPs Foiria as ResJ: of S3 Tube 7647 eumure 9309090243 NRC Wo Nobce 93.C72. "Observatons From Recem Shutoown Risk &

t of New or Inc 1 p$ ' 30 64 3 Outage Mpt Post Team insps 93C7190131 NRC Wo No!'e 93458 %.-,.; m m LTOP 97 PWRs- GRIMES.F K Dmson of Operatng Reactor Supacre (Post 121004). 93/09/14 Com solcated Eason Co. et New Yo% mc. 8pp. 76500$ 84-76500022. GR!MES.B K. DMson of Operaing Reactor kepet (Po.t921004) 93/07/26. Co, schoatec Ecesan Co of New Yoret Inc. 9pp 7M47264-76447272. 9309170079 Forward, ES-5012.ptwer 04 ant Icensmg exam resurts summary & ES-303 9307200123 NRC Wo Nohce 93 059. "Unexpectad Openng of Both Dacrs e Ariock " 1 & 30.12. operator heensng exam ecpt for apphcants on mtbal exam conoucted on GRtMES.B K. Desen of Operaung Reacts Suppet (Post 92'004L 93/07/26. Con- R3082125tw NRC at taohty.Efel withneid.per 10CFR2.790 schaatec Echson Co. of New Yo% mc.10cc 7td47273 7ka72EE BET *ENHAUSEN.L Regon 1 IPost 820201). 93/09/14. STANKIEWIC24 PhilaceL pNa Esctnc Co 2pp. 76471.352-76471253. 93072600F Suppl 1 to NRC Ewhetn 91001. "Reporuno Loss of Cnbcanty Satefy Con-

  • 9309200049 Notrfcahon of 930914 meetrig w/util m Racewhe.MD to esctrss ubl work BJRNETTA F. DMson of Fuel Cw:e Sat +v & Sateouams (Post 930207). 93/07/27 on Menn 91C2 Consoh3atec Echson Co. of New vcrk. mc. 23pp. 76409-00476409-031. CLARK.RJ Proect Directorate 52. 93/09/14 MURLEY.T., MIRAGLIA.F.,

9307290112 NRC info Notsce 9%060. *Reportng Fuel Cycle & Matis Events to NRC Operatens Ctr " BURNETT.R F Dvisscn of Fuel Cycee Safety & Sateguyos (Post 930207). 93/08/04 R w operaung repats & mated conupondence Consohdatec Echsen Co of teen vork. Inc 10pp 764472B176447.292. 9308030200 NRC Wo Noece 93 061. "Excesswe Reactor Coolant Leakage Fobowm9 9309020058 "Sennarmust Effluent Resease Aept is Jan June 1993 " W/ 930818 ftr Seal Fanure wi RCP or RRP " BDYCE.R W., HELWIG.D.R Phdaoeipfma Eocine Co. 93/06/30. 35pp. 76362.244-GRIMES.BK Desen of Opersang Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/09 Co* 76362272 scusatec Esson Co. of New verk, mc.1290. 76499.313-76499224 l 9 45 NRC info Notcm 93 062. " Therma! Sentrhcaton of Water in BWR Reactor E \ mem Control Deskt 13pp. 763632124W223. 3/ B i CRIMES.B K. Omson of Ope anng Reactor Support (post 921004L 93/06/10. Con-i schdated E& son Co. W New York. mc. 9pp. 76499225-76495.333. g g, I 1 & 2 W/930903 Itr l 9308030274NRC Into Nonce 9S063. tmoroper Use W Soluble weed Purce Dam Matt". GRIMES.BK Dmson of Operamg Reactor Supptw1 (Post 92124). 93/06/11. Con MECKK. MJNTZJA Pndadelp%a Electne Co 93 r06/31. 12pp. 76450336-schosted Echson Co. of New York me. Bpp.76499.334-76499241, 76450J49. 930B060237 NRC Wo Notce 934b4. "Penode Toshng & Preventwo Marit of Motood Case Crcuit Ersakers* S. ReportaD6e occurrences. LERs & related .._. GRIMES.BK Dmson of Opratng Reactor Suppcyt (Post 921004). 93/08/12. Con-sohdated Esson Co of New YorN mc.11pp 76447.293 76447.303 9309030075NTIES noncompharme nottficanorton930710.13.14 & 25. Wate; Process. l 9308090187 NRC Wo Notce 93465, " Reactor Tnps Caused toy Breaker Tasang W/ no Facskty (WPF) oischarge temp exceeond max kmrtanon of 74 oegrees F.Rev to Fauft Prorectort Bypassea - NSDES pemut.remonng temp hmrts approved & WPF cruhers removed from svc. BOYT;E.R W Pndanetprma Esectne Co. 93/06/27 NOLL.P.G. Penrsylvania. Common. GRIMES.B st Dmmon of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/13. Co,, soldated Eason Co. of New Yoret nc.11pp. 76447304 76447:314. weafth of. 5pp. 7m32S76%0327. i 9308100006NRC Wo Nc'hce 93466. "Swrtchover to Hol-Leg Irigacton Fonowmg LOCA l sn PWR5* V. Operatorr. l GRIMES.BK Drvemon of Operatng Reactor Support (post 921004). 93/05/16. Con. sob 3ated Esson Co. of New YorA me. 7pp. 76447215 76447.321. 9309140225 FM m m WMWR & 'N%M m 93071m BETTENMAUSEN L Reacn 1 (Pos1620201). 93/09/02. SMITH.D M. Phdadelprua 930810024A NRC Wo Nohoe SS067. "Bu'stng W High Presase Coolant inpocton Eaectnc Co. App 76438-001 76438 2 38. Steam Lsne Rziture Discs insures PWnt Pe* sonnet GRIMES.B K. Dmson of Operanng Reactor Support (fest921004L 93/06/1&. Cork - 9309140239 Exam rept 50 352/SS180L & 50 353/9S160L on 930719-23. Exam sohdatec Edson Co. of New V:yt enc.13pp. 76447.322-76447.335. resup==meners noted that mat: concknon of plant was good & opsarved excehent 9309090005Forwa'Os map repts E352/9311 & 50 353/9311 or! 930524-27 No mola. mmmuncanon tv mntrol room crews. tnns note:1 W'LLAAMSAM., CofrE.RA Regen 1 (Poal 820201). 93/09/01. 200pp. 76438:005-JOYNET.AH. Repon 1 (Post $20201L 93/08/27. SMrTM,DM Prum$elp%a Esectne 76438238. Co app. 76346 036 76346:023. 9309170060Notfes ubl of penchng reouahfcaton program msp schemed for week of

   -9309080007 inse repts 50352/9111 & E353/9311 on 93052WNo votatons                     931025 Regaests uts fumssp sampe pian / test authne for exam.

rotec.Maar areas mspectea changes to eme tymey pian & enpiementmg BETTENMAUSEN L Regon 1 (Post 820201t 93/09/03. SMITH.DM PhdaselpNa prococh y y tacsknes, campmentanst'umentaten & supphak Eaectre Co. 3pp. 76472201-76472303. LAUGHLIN l MCCABE.E. Regen 1 (Post 820201t 93/08/27.12pp. 76346 012-76346 023. 9309170079 Forwards ESr501-2. power piant Iransing exam resurts summary & ES-303-9308260198 NRC Info Narhoe 93 069. "Radography Events at Operenng Power Reno. j5' s .E 90 MES.B 8L Dmson of Operaung Reactor Scocvt (post 921004). 93/09/02. Cord ETTEN U Rg i ~ 1). 93/09/14. STANKIEWICZA Phdadel-saboated Echson Co. of New vcrtL inc.11pp 76499.342 76499.352. l 93 3 220103 Summa'y of 930824 meebng wM re enpseme'ntalen of ouai-see sener l 9309140225 Forwards exam repts 50 352/9S1BOL & S353/SS180L on 930719 23. BETTENHAUSEN.L Regon 1 (Post 820201t 93/09/0E SWTM.DM Phdaoetprua reactor hated to tuoi hamlhng (LSR) prt gram.Last of meetng attenoees & meegrg Easetnc Co app.76438-001-76438 238. hancouts enc

    -9309140239 Exam rept E352/9S1BOL & $0053/93180L on 930719 23. Exam                    76515.225 76515242.

resultsexamme's reted that man conomon of plant was good & otnamed excalaent communcaison tur control room crews DOCKET 50 354 HOPE CREEK NUCLEAR STATION, UNf71 WILLLAMSAH Repon 1 (Post 820201L 93/09/01. 200pp. 76438:005 76438.238. 9309170060 festries utd nf pendng recuakhcanon program map scheeJted for week of 931025.Recuests ute sumash sarnpee p6an/1est outwe for exam F. Securtty, medical, emergency & fire protection penna BETTENMAUSEN.L Rooon 1 (Post 820201) 93/04/03. SM'TH.DM Phdadetpraa Enctnc Co 3pp. 76472.301-76472.303. 9 2R EPNW% b M M m W mmb Q 2 EPIP 930917D261 Summaraes 933819 meebng w/PECO escussmg NRC maps 50-352/9344 302H.Rev 8 to EPIP 306M.Rev 5 to EPIP 308H & Rev 2 to EPIP 314H.

  • Pubbe Sonnee Essetnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 93/08/13. 67po. 76360241
       & m353/93-04re personnel pertormance HEHLC W. Regen 1 (Post $20201). 93r09/07. SwtH.DM PhhanetpNa Electne Co             76360207 App. 76479182-76479.185.

9309240327 Ramsed EPIPLmcaudng Rev 11 to tante of comems forms Rev 7 to EPlF 9309070206 NRC Wo teobce 93470. "Degra3aten of Brahez Neutron Absorber Cow 8C1.Rev 7 to EPip 802Aev 6 to EPIP 803.Rev 4 to EPip 804Aev 6 to EPIP 805.Rev porm " 3 to EPIP 806 & Rev 3 to EPIP 807. CRIMES.B K. Ownen of Ope anno Rea:tm Support (Post 921004L 93/09/10. Corw

  • Pubhc Senace Eisetnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 93/08/18. 91pp. 76550259-scheatec Ethson Co. of New YorA me. 9pp. 76499253-76499.341. 76550 146.

DOCKETEDITEMS 123  ; d 9309290291 Revsed EPIPs.mcludmg Rev 37 to tatue et comenLRev 7 to EPep 93D9070351 Appication for amend to Lcense NPF.57.rensmg TS Table 3 8 41-1 to 1003.Rev 12 to EPIP 1006.Rev 11 to EPP 1007.Rev 8 to EPIP 103B & Rev 8 to EPip oc#ete Breamer52 263022 & 31127 to change raeaariraty rate urvts to uCi /see m. 1009 stead of mCusee for Consstency w 'chemsPy repts.RMS oals & other TS.

  • Pubhc Serace Electne & Gas Co of New Jersey 93/08/18,125pp. 76633232 MAGAN.J4 Pubsc Sernce Electre & Gas Co. of New Jerser 93'0E/30. Doc 6pnem 76633.356. Conpol Branch (Documem Ccmtrol Desy. 6pa 76359278-76359287 9309o80031 Forwards cutsat SALP reots 50 272'9*-99.50-311/91-99 & 50 354/91-99 -9309070353 Procomed tech specs Table 3.8 4.1-1/eheetmg neieten of Breanter 52-tcr penod of 911229-930E19.Concemed w/ acecMacy & timelmess 01 utes mg! re- 263022 & 3112.7.changmg ramoactwey rate units to uCc sec mstead of mCvsec.

sporse lo sedcam events

  • Pubi Servce Electne & Gas Cc of New Jersey 93/08t30. 3pp. 76359285 MARTIN.T.T. Regon 1 (Post $20204 93/09/01. MILTENBERGEFnS. Puble Sennce 7C359287.

Electne & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 6cp. 7034E250 76346.304. 9309090134 Appleaton for amend to beense NPF-57pevem0 composshon of Station

                                                    -9309080033 Inshal 6att SALP repts 50 272/9199,50 311/9199 4 54354/91-99 tar               Operatoris Remew Commmee & erreasmg submma: eterwar of raeologcal efftuent 9112216930619.                                                                         release rept from sememuany to anrwany.
  • Regon 1 (Post $20201). 93/07/29 48pp. 76346.256-76346-304. .

HAGANJJ. Pubic Serwce Electne & Gas Cc. of New Jersey 93/08/30. Document Control Branch (Documem ContrW Desk). 7pp. N11162 76412'181. 9309140411Reesed EPIPs.mciuenc Rev 11 to EPIP 901. "Openng of TSO7 Rev 11 to EPIP 902.

  • Accourraberty/Evacuanon" & Rev 17 to secJnty enplementmg procedures -9309090139 Proposed tech specs.remang composson at Staton Operatens Renew table of comems Commrttee & rrereasng interval for ramoso9eal effluent release rept from as mannual
  • Pubic Serwce Electne & Gas Cc of twow Jerses 93/09/07. 43pp. N40029- to annual M40 071
  • Pubbc Sernce Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 93/08/30.13pp 76412.169 N12:185 C309240328 Reesed EPIPs.mciueng Rev 41 to tabie of comems forms & Rev 23 to EP6P 20aS. "Emer Response Cahout/Persormai Aecast $309130108 Forwards amend 58 to cense NPF-57 & safety evaluaton. Amend renee-
  • Pelt Seruce c & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 93/09/13. 57pp. 76550001- TS & Survedlance Regremem 4.1118 tot ramoactwo entuents ventmg or 76550958. purgmg to allow comamment drywelt to be womed tnrc>>gn torus vent DAVIS.M.J. Proiect Directorate kt 93/08/30. MILTENBEstGER.S. Pubhc Serwoe 9309290234 Rensed EPips.mclueng Rem ta ao table of comems. Row 2 to procethse Electne & Gas Co of New Jo sey. 3pp. 76421029-M21:039 110.Rev to 3 to 6.0.

procedure Procedure 17.0.Ree 2 to Prowedure 2.0.Rev 2 to Proastkee 4.0 & Rev 1

                                                                                                                                           -9309130114 Amend 58 to bcense NPF.57.revismg TS 3.112.5 & Surveillance Raouce-
  • Pubic Senace Doctnc & Gas Co. of New Jo sey. 93/09/15. 69pp. 76601256-76601.32't mems 4.112.8 for raeoactwo efhuents vening or prpng to allow comamment geywrI to be vented inrough hardened ttrus verft.

BOYLE.M.L. Propect Drectorate Nt.93/08/30. 5pp. N21032 76421036. 9309300156 Revned WPiPuncludmg Rev 39 to tabas of coments torms & Rev 25 to EPIP 1013. *Emeroency Desponse Teleptione Lastr -9309130119 Sa41y evatumbon suoportng amend 58 to beense NPFM

  • Pubhc Sonnee toectnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 93/09/17. 23pp. 76611.319-
  • Othee os Nuc6 ear Reactor Reguiston Drector (Post 870411L 93/08/30. Spp.

76611.341. 76421:037 76421:039. 93092a0107 Forwards msp repts 50 272/93-20.50 311/93 20 & % 354/93 20 o- 9309100131 Responds to recpests for addl meo on EDG on any ser* & fusi oil storage 9306254905.No molanora noted.Actons snould be taken to asmae that uti respanos tanks.Laconsee criit rewme currera ranseer purre start levet to tevel that will promoe for aporopnately & tromppy to condmons mvtyvmg ochcsem sys pertortnance. appros 55 60 rnms of EDG operaton at tuu load m heu of 66 met COOPER.R.W. Repon 1 (Post 820201) 93/09/22 MILTENBERGER.S. P4hc Sernce LABRUNA.S. Pubic bornce Electne & Gas Co. of New Ja sey. 93/09/03. Document Esectnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 3pp. 76551:172 76551201 Comrol Branch (Document Control Desio esa 76416.353 N16.358.

                                                    -4309280110 anso repts SCM72/9S20.54311/93-20 & So.354/93 20 on 930725-                9309290158Oners bstad commems re uhl933521 Ocense                       Reauest (LCR) 92-0904 No violatons noted.Mapor areas espec1ect operatore"W controls.mamt                06.renang SRV testmD reoucemerits & Itr to               9246 retNesung
                                                       & survedlance tasangemergency preparooness & necumv.                                   enempton to tST program ASME Boner s Pressure vesset Cooe reainemems.

WHITEJ.R Repon 1 (Ptst 820201). 93/09/22. 29pp. 76551:175-76551:203. TOSCH.K. New Jerssy. State of. 93/09/20. Documers Control Branch (Document Corst ol Desk) 3pp 76583.328-76583 330. 9309290041 Rev 23 to EPIP 204H. " Emergency Response Cancut/ Personnel RecaD" & rensed table of comems.

  • Pubne Service Lectnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 93/09/27. SGpp. 7o594197 Q. kampection reports. E Bu9etes & correspondence 76594 251.

3307100033 NRC Into Notee 93456.

  • Weakness e EOPs Found as Resun of SG Tube K W 8"8P8"'*"*'

GR ES.BK Dwuuan of Operatng Reaciar Support (post $21004). 93/07/21 Con-schosted Ethson Co. of New York, Inc.11pp. W99302-76499.312, 930s030095 Ccmimera supportmg proposed rule 10CFR2 se renew o# 2J06 procest WETTERHANN.MJ Wrston & Srowet 93/08/31.CHILNSJ. Othee of the Secretary 9307190131NRC Into Netce is3458, "Nonconservansm m LTOP for PWRs." of the Comrimson 9pp. 7:5318 055-76318S63. GRIMES.B 8L Dmeon of Operatng Reacter 5.setyt (Pots 9210D4). 93/07/2Ei Con-solcated Esson Co. of New York, anc. 9pp. 76447:264-76447;272. P. Opersang ascamse etepe ' . & conospondence g307200123NRC Info Nobce 93459. "Uriexpected Operwig of Both Doors M Artock." GRMES.SK Dwaam o Operatngr Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/07/26. Con-9309200135 Parkal resporme to FOtA roouest ter documentsforwa os records m App L schonted Edison Co. of New York. inc.10pp. W47:273 76447:282. wnch are untntead pa'uany nor hsted reasoris,tret FOiA exemptons 5L HARRIS.CA or Frescorn at sntormaton & Purahcotons Sonnees (Post 9307260065 Suppl 1 to NRC Suketm 91401. "Repryting Loss of Crthcakty Salety Cork 890205). 93/04/12.GluNSKY.V. Afhhaton Not Asegriod. 8pp. 76677 001-76677:183. sott" BURNETT.R.F. Dwoon of Fuel Cycle Sarcty & Satopuaros (Post 930207). 93/07/27.

                                                   -8201110155 Partalty withhatt notaten vote SECY that mtorrns Comrmsacn about               Cor=mtad Esson Co. of New Yort. inc. 23pp. 76409009-76409S31.

ALAB.654. Appeal Boaro % osamng w/ twel cycle radtm release ouestort FITZGERALDJA Othee ce the Gene as Counsas (Post 860701). SECY41-589. 81/ 9307290112 NRC Into Notce 9S060. "Repor1rng Fuel Cycee & Mans Evems to NRC 10/09. 4pp. 76679.345 76679:355. Operatums Ctr? BURNETT.R.F. Dwison of Fust Orcee Sately & Sateguards (Post 930207). 93/06/04. 3306230099 Simpf $ to Genenc La BIL10 to nucsear plum hcensees & CP holders se Consohdated Eoson Co. of New York. tre topp.76447283-76447.292. Cieccuruy of ...a --W vatve Gagnoste onuspmerit PQRTLOWJ.G Assocarte Dractor for Prosects (Post 870411). 93/06/28.Consobsal. 9300030200 NRC Info Notice 93461. "Excesswe Reactor Cooters Lankage Fotowmg ed Echsan Co. of New York. Inc. 7pp. 76409201-76409c08 seal Fasse m RCP or RRP." GRIMES.BK Dwmen of OperetnD Reactor Support (Post 921004L 93/06/09. Con-9309030003Forwaros Amend 57 t> LA.erise NPF-57 & salety evatustorL Amend ehms- soldated F4nrwi Co. of New York. Ific.12pp W99.313-W9Et324. fCses securemerit to place filtraten recurculaton & venetaten sys m operaton when reactor vesset sever ..& _ . ~ . exmarable. genan1a'45 NRC Into teonce 93 062. *Therme! Statihcatan of Water si PWR Reactor DEMBERS Propget Drectorate 4-2. 93/06/18. MILTENBERGER.S. Pubic Service vessets." Emetnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 3pp. 76335:111-76335:122. GRMES.BK Dwason of Operstmg Rector Support (post 921004). 93'08/10. Con-sokosted Edmon Co. of New York tre 9;o 76499.325 W99.333. aCSD9030DD4 Amend $7 to b:ense NPF-57.ehmmalmg recuremerit to place tiltraton re-coculaton & ventsaten sys m operaten wnen reactor veomet level eistrumemnton m. toerante. Surmr74 GRIMES.B NRCKInto Nohce Dwison 93463. " Improper et Operatrng ReactorOne et Soluble S secrt Weld Purge (Post 921004). Dam Matt.". 93/08/11. Con , BOYLE.ML Propect Directorate kg.93/05/18. 6pp 76335:114 76335:116. solosted Eeson Co. of New York, etc. top. 76499:334-76499:341.  ! I

                                                   -9309030005 Safety evaluaton supportmg amend 57 33 heense NPF-57                        9300060237 NRC Info Noboe 93-D64 "Percec Testng & Pieventwo Mamt of Motood                     i
  • Othce et Nucmar Reactor Regulaton. Drector (Post 870411). 93/08/18. 4pp. Case Cacult Breaker 1" 76335:119-76335:122. GRNES.B K. Dwison of Ops stmg Reactor S< soc.t (post 921004). 93/08/12. Con-tohdated Eeson Co. of New York, tric.11pp. 76447293 76447:303.

33D9000227Prondes results of930306 12special aucht of control processes for com. nutmoru that attect current iconsmg hans at tacihty.Overalt,nsam tounc anat comrmt. 9308090187 NRC Info Nohce 93-065. " Reactor Tnps Cataed tpy Breaker Testmg W/ mems eflectng piant current hcanssng bemg enplemented & mantamed. Fault Protecton Bypassed" DAVIS.M.J Protect Drectoram b2 93/08/23. MILTENBERGER.S. Pubhc Servce GRIMES.BK Dmson of Operalmg Reactor Sistiert (Post 9210D4). 93/06/13. Cork Enoctnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey.15pp. 76374:220w76374.234. so4cated Edson Co. of New York. Bre.11pp. 76447:304-76447:314. 8309090046 Informs that proposed schaouse changes of Apr 1994 for subemteng (PE 930e100006NRC Into Notee 93-066 "Santchover to Hot inpocton Fahowng LOCA summa y rept & Feb 1996 for stemattp.s IPEEE replacceptable m PWRs

  • DAVtS.M.J. Pro,ect Drectorate FE 93/08/25. MILTENBERGER.S. Pubic Servce GRNES.B K. Dmson of Operstm0 Reactor Support (Post 921004). 93/08/16. Corw Elecire & Gas Co. of New Jersey 3pp. 76381:131-7s381:183, schoated Eeson Co. of New York, tre. 7pp. 76447.315-W47.321.

124 DOCKETEDITEMS 93n6100248 NRC imo Notee 93 007. "Bssung of %gh Pressure Coolant aniection Steam Lene Ruptre Discs erwres Plant Feesonnel" -8309120038 Recommeruns Commmwor9 approve remase of Otc of investgutsms bacb GRIMES.B K. Dwason of Operatng Reactor Support (Post 921034k 93 W16. Cork irmew coeuments deseted per DPv,ne FOiA 4pg B3.A.13 soldated Echson Co. of New York mc.13pp. 76447.2.2.2-76447:335. f'T2GERALDJ A Ottce of sne General Counsel (Post 860701). SECV-83-296A. 83/ OB/30. 2pc. 76579137-76579.138 9309150239 Responds to 933607ftr te nobce et volabons noted m esp feats 50-2727 93 08 54311/9346 & $3 354/93 9309240001 Partialry enthhead Commason paper on FOtA appeal 83 A.10 re Zimme COOPER.R W Regen 1 (Post 820201). 93'06/33 MILTENBERGER.S. Pubhc Se' vee Nomear Piam Electne & Gas Co. of New Jersey 6pp. 76451.234-76451146. Fl?? GERALD.J.A Offee of the General Counsei (Post 860701). SECY 81298 83/ 07/25.17pp. 76579120 76579136. 9309090031 t Forwa os rubat SALP repts $4272/91-99.50-311/91-P9 & 54354/91-99 et 911229-930619 Concemed wi adeouncy & tmeeness of utus mgt re-DOCKET $0 361 SAN}}