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NRC & Agreement State Sunsetted Working Groups
Person / Time
Issue date: 05/01/2022
From: Huda Akhavannik
Download: ML23033A336 (1)


NRC & Agreement State Sunsetted Working Groups May 1, 2022 According to NRC Management Directive 5.3, It is the policy of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission to provide Agreement State programs the opportunity for early and substantive involvement in the development or formulation of any rule, policy, directive or guidance document, as well as participation in any special study or other NRC activity... In alignment with this policy, the NRC includes Agreement State representatives in many working groups which enhance the partnership between the NRC and the Agreement States, facilitate the utilization of expertise that exists in the Agreement States, and support the National Materials Program. The purpose of this document is to provide a complete and concise list of the NRC working groups that have been sunsetted in 2017 through 2020.

Working Group Title Charter and/or Purpose Select Members 1 NUREG-1556 Series Update Project Working Charter: ADAMS Accession No. Hipolito Gonzalez, NRC/NMSS Group Steering Committee ML13101A114 (which is used as the basis for Co-Chair all NUREG 1556 Volume WGs)

Robert Dansereau, OAS/New York State


To update licensing guidance Co-Chair provided in the NUREG-1556 series by incorporating requirements for the security of licensed material, removing information that warrants protection from the guidance, and updating the guidance to reflect regulatory and procedural changes that have occurred since the documents were last published.

NUREG-1556 Volume 5, Self-Shielded


To review and update the technical Kathy Modes, NRC/NMSS Irradiator Licenses Working Group content of NUREG-1556 Volume 5, Program- Team Leader Specific Guidance About Self-Shielded Irradiator Licenses. Jayson Moak, OAS/Mississippi NUREG-1556 Volume 6, 10 CFR Part 36


To review and update the technical Willie Lee, NRC/NMSS Irradiator Licenses Working Group content of NUREG-1556 Volume 6, Program- Team Leader Specific Guidance About 10 CFR Part 36 Irradiator Licenses. Anine Grumbles, OAS/Washington 1 Typically only the working group and/or steering committee chair, co-chairs, and all Agreement State members are listed. This column does not list every working group member.


Working Group Title Charter and/or Purpose Select Members 1 NUREG-1556 Volume 9, Medical Use


To review and update the technical Katie Tapp, NRC/NMSS Licenses Working Group content of NUREG-1556 Volume 9, Program- Team Leader Specific Guidance About Medical Use Licenses. Mary Burkhart, OAS/Illinois NUREG-1556 Volume 13, Commercial


To review and update the technical Robert Gattone, NRC/RIII Radiopharmacy Licenses Working Group content of NUREG-1556 Volume 13, Program- Team Leader Specific Guidance About Commercial Radiopharmacy Licenses. Charlene Graham, OAS/Ohio NUREG-1556 Volume 16, General License


To review and update the technical Vanessa Cox, NRC/NMSS Distribution Working Group content of NUREG-1556 Volume 16, Program- Team Leader Specific Guidance About Licenses Authorizing Distribution to General Licensees. Megan Shober, OAS/Wisconsin NUREG-1556 Volume 17, Special Nuclear


To review and update the technical Jeff Lynch, NRC/NMSS Material Licenses Working Group content of NUREG-1556 Volume 17, Program- Team Leader Specific Guidance About Licenses for Special Nuclear Material of Less than Critical Mass. Jason Kelly, OAS/Texas NUREG-1556 Volume 18, Service Provider


To review and update the technical Jennifer Dalzell-Bishop, NRC/RIII Licenses Working Group content of NUREG-1556 Volume 18, Program- Team Leader Specific Guidance About Service Provider Licenses. Judee Walden, OAS/Kansas Byproduct Material Cyber Security Working


To determine if the potential threats Kim Lukes, NRC/NMSS Group to information systems of byproduct material Chair licensees facilities, or control systems of devices containing byproduct materials Brian Goretzki, OAS/Arizona warrant protection from cyber-attack. The working group will focus on identifying potential cyber security vulnerabilities among medical, industrial and academic users of radioactive materials.


Working Group Title Charter and/or Purpose Select Members 1 Category 3 Source Security and Accountability Charter: ADAMS Accession ML16357A084 Steering Committee:

Working Group Dan Collins, NRC/NMSS


To evaluate and make Co-Chair recommendations on whether it is necessary to revise NRC regulations or processes Alan Jacobson, OAS/Maryland governing source protection and accountability Co-Chair to ensure adequate protection of public health and safety, as stated in the Staff Requirements WG Members:

Memorandum (SRM) for COMJMB-16-0001, Irene Wu, NRC/NMSS Proposed Staff Re-evaluation of Category 3 Co-Chair Source Accountability, dated October 18, 2016 (ADAMS Accession ML16292A812). The Sherrie Flaherty, OAS/Minnesota working groups evaluations and Co-Chair recommendations will be documented in a notation vote paper to be provided to the Randy Crowe, OAS/North Carolina Commission in August 2017.

License Renewal Term Extension Working Charter: ADAMS Accession ML16292A808 Michelle Hammond, NRC/RIV Group Co-Chair


To address and implement Item 37 from Staff Requirements Memorandum (SRM) James Albright, OAS/North Carolina SECY-16-0009, Recommendations Resulting Co-Chair from the Integrated Prioritization and Re-baselining of Agency Activities by October 13, Steve Mack, OAS/Arkansas 2017. The purpose of Item 37 is to standardize a 15 year license term in lieu of the current 10 year term.

Configuration Control Board (CCB) for the


To ensure that the NSTS is Sabrina Atack, NRC/NMSS National Source Tracking System (NSTS) maintained in a manner that is responsive to Task Leader NRC business needs while ensuring sustained compliance with applicable information system TBD, OAS standards and requirements. The primary responsibility of the CCB for the NSTS is to Tom Lourenco, Inc.

administer the review, approval, disapproval, deferral or transfer of Change Requests (CRs). Kelley Richardt, Source Production &

Equipment Co., Inc. (SPEC) 3

Working Group Title Charter and/or Purpose Select Members 1 Joint NRC/Agreement State Working Group Charter: ADAMS Accession No. Aaron McCraw, NRC/Region III Implementation of C-List Item 110 of SECY- ML17024A386 Co-Chair 16-0009, Recommendations Resulting from the Integrated Prioritization and Re-baselining


To address and implement Item Augustinus Ong, OAS/New Hampshire of Agency Activities - Extension of Materials 110 of Enclosure 1 of the SECY-16-0009, Co-Chair Inspection Intervals Recommendations Resulting from the Integrated Prioritization and Re-baselining of Beth Schilke, OAS/Virginia Agency Activities., The purpose of Item 110 is to evaluate the allowance of more flexibility and logical extensions to the inspection interval of materials licensees that will not diminish the protection of public health and safety or security of licensed material. The staff will incorporate changes that will have no adverse impact on the health and safety of the public, but will enhance the Regions' ability to plan and conduct their inspection activities in the most efficient way possible, consistent with NRC's mission, values, and the Principles of Good Regulation.

Management Directive 5.6


To revise the management directive Michelle Beardsley, NRC/NMSS Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation in accordance with current NRC policies and Chair Program (IMPEP) procedures, recommendations from working groups, NRC organizational name changes, and other technical and administrative provisions.


Working Group Title Charter and/or Purpose Select Members 1 Gamma Stereotactic Radiosurgery Units Charter: ADAMS Accession No. Sophie Holiday, NRC/NMSS Differing from Title 10 Code of Federal ML17285A856 Co-Chair Regulations Part 35, Subpart H


To review, evaluate, and determine Eric Perry, OAS/Kentucky if the existing licensing guidance for the Co-Chair Leksell Gamma Knife Perfexion' and Leksell Gamma Knife Icon' should be Janaki Krishnamoorthy, New York amended to change the physical presence requirements for the authorized user. Catherine Perham, Maine Short-Term National Materials Program and Charter: ADAMS Accession No. Duncan White, NRC/NMSS Co-Chair Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation ML19120A309 (Dissolved ML19151A574; Program Working Group June 3, 2019) Julia Schmitt, Nebraska OAS Co-Chair


The working group will formulate Cheryl Rogers, OAS/WA.

innovative ideas and determine: (1) whether adjustment is necessary to the scope, and the Kristen Schwab, OAS/WA.

roles and responsibilities of the Agreement States and the NRC under the National Monica Ford, RSAO Region I Materials Program (NMP); (2) whether there are opportunities to streamline the process for John Miller, RSAO Region I the preparation for and documentation of IMPEP reviews of the Agreement State and Darren Piccirillo, RSAO Region III NRC programs, and (3) if adjustments are recommended, the general areas of focus that Randy Erickson, RSAO Region IV should be pursued in a longer term evaluation.

Paul Michalak, NMSS 5

Working Group Title Charter and/or Purpose Select Members 1 10 CFR Part 61 - Site Specific Analysis Charter: ADAMS Accession No. MLTBD Gary Comfort, NRC/NMSS Working Group Team Leader


To amend 10 CFR Part 61 regulations to require low-level radioactive Mark Yeager, OAS/South Carolina waste disposal facilities to conduct site-specific analyses to demonstrate compliance with Hans Weger, OAS/Texas performance objectives in Part 61. These analyses would also identify any additional Steering Group for Rulemaking:

measures that would enhance adequate Jennifer Opila, OAS/Colorado protection of public health and safety. The NRC is also proposing additional changes to the current regulations to facilitate implementation, and better align the requirements with current health and safety standards.

General License Program Re-Evaluation Charter: ADAMS Accession No. Tomas Herrera, NRC/NMSS Working Group ML18039A443 Co-Chair


The General License Program Re- Angela Leek, OAS/Iowa Evaluation Working Group (GLWG) has been Co-Chair established to perform an evaluation of the existing general license (GL) program to Duncan White, NRC/NMSS ensure that the program results in the Alternate Co-Chair protection of public health and safety. The GLWG will identify recommendations for Joe Power, OAS/New Jersey changes to the provisions of the GL program, as appropriate. Morgan Bullock, OAS/Washington 6

Working Group Title Charter and/or Purpose Select Members 1 Working Group on Yttrium-90 Microsphere Charter: ADAMS Accession No. Katie Tapp, NRC/NMSS Brachytherapy Licensing Guidance ML15355A202 Co-Chair


To evaluate recommendations from Victor Diaz, OAS/New Mexico the Advisory Committee on the Medical Uses of Isotopes (ACMUI) and NRC staff and to revise the licensing guidance for yttrium-90 (Y-

90) microsphere brachytherapy, if needed.

IMPEP Procedures Working Groups Charter Charter: ADAMS Accession No. ML19274C608 SA-105 - Kathy Modes, NMSS, Co-Chair Sherrie Flaherty, OAS/MN, Co-Chair


The Integrated Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP) Monica Ford, RSAO Procedures Working Groups (WG) have been Steve Seeger, OAS/ TN established as Management Directive 5.3 WG. Shawn Seeley, RI The IMPEP Procedures WG will revise the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and SA-106 - Robert Johnson, NMSS, Co-Chair Safeguards (NMSS) State Agreement (SA) David Turberville, OAS/AL Co-Chair Procedures to reflect the revisions to Binesh Tharakan, RIV Management Directive (MD) 5.6 Integrated Christina England, OGC Materials Performance Evaluation Program (IMPEP) and incorporate current practices to Debra Shults, OAS/TN the IMPEP program.

Editorial Board Michelle Beardsley, NMSS, Editor-in-Chief Duncan White, NMSS Lizette Roldan-Otero, NMSS Terry Derstine, OAS/PA 7

Working Group Title Charter and/or Purpose Select Members 1 IMPEP Procedures Working Groups Charter SA-110 - Stephen Poy, NMSS, Co-Chair Shiya Wang, OAS/CO Co-Chair Binesh Tharakan, RIV Gehan Flanders OAS/TX John Saxton, NMSS Elise Striz, NMSS Individual Monitoring Devices Rulemaking Charter: ADAMS Accession No. Ed Lohr, NRC/NMSS (ret.)

Working Group ML19074A174 Amy McKenna, OAS/TN


The Individual Monitoring Devices rulemaking working group Augustinus Ong, OAS/NH is developing draft direct final rule package that would allow the use of digital output personnel dosimeters in industrial radiographic, irradiator, and well logging operations.

Rulemaking plan on Updates to Emerging Charter: ADAMS Accession No. Maryann Ayoade, NRC/NMSS, Co- Chair Medical Technologies ML19309F117 Sarah Lopas, NRC/NMSS Interim Co- Chair


TBD Zubaida Gulshan, OAS/California 8

Working Group Title Charter and/or Purpose Select Members 1 General License Program Modernization Charter: ADAMS Accession No. Tomas Herrera, NRC/NMSS Co-Working Group (GLMWG) ML20002C258 Chair


The General License Program Angela Leek, OAS/Iowa Co-Modernization Working Group (GLMWG) Chair has been established to perform an evaluation of the existing General License Duncan White, NRC/NMSS (GL) program framework to determine Alternate Co-Chair its relevance for the current needs of the National Materials Program (NMP). The Celimar Valentin-Rodriguez, Project GLMWG will Manager, NMSS/NRC also identify areas where the GL program can be transformed into a risk-informed Tyler Kruse, OAS/Minnesota Paul Schmidt, program that supports the needs of the OAS/Wisconsin Sarah Adkisson, OAS/New regulatory Jersey agencies, manufacturers/distributors, and users of generally licensed devices with an appropriate risk focus, while maintaining safety.

Xcision Gammapod & MASEP Infini Gamma Charter: ADAMS Accession No. Katie Tapp, NRC/NMSS Co-Stereotactic Radiosurgery Working Group ML18171A203 Chair


To develop licensing guidance for Tristan Hay, OAS/Washington Co-two novel gamma stereotactic systems, the Chair Xcision GammaPod Model A and MASEP Infini. Karen Flanigan, OAS/New Jersey Cheryl Nitkowski, OAS/Maryland Karen Burgard, OAS/Louisiana 9

Working Group Title Charter and/or Purpose Select Members 1 Working Group on Implementation of 10 Charter: ADAMS Accession No. Steering Committee:

CFR Part 37 ML13218B332 Victoria Huckabay, NRC/NMSS Co-Chair This is no longer a working group but a


The Working Group (WG) on Community of Practice Implementation of Part 37 considers and Lee Cox, OAS/North Carolina Co-decides on the actions necessary to put Part Chair 37 into practice and recommends their incorporation into plans and schedules for WG Members:

action by NRC and Agreement States. George Smith, NRC/NMSS Co-Chair Brandon Juran, OAS/Minnesota Co-Chair Stephen James, OAS/Ohio David Reindl, OAS/Wisconsin Comprehensive Update to Regulatory Guide Charter: ADAMS Accession No. Said Daibes, NRC/NMSS Co-Chair 8.39, Release of Patients Administered ML18129A423 Radioactive Materials Augustinus Ong, OAS/New Hampshire Co-


To comprehensively update the Chair NRCs patient release guidance in Regulatory Guide 8.39 Release of Patients Administered Charma Waring, OAS/Massachusetts Radioactive Material (RG 8.39) to reflect the most up-to-date scientific published patient Rejina Alam, OAS/New York City Jack Priest, release data. The updates will include OAS/Massachusetts incorporation of guidance currently provided in generic communications, as well as updates to the equations and methodologies described in the NRCs guidance for calculating dose to members of the public from released patients.