IR 05000214/1955001

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Amend 4 to License 50-21455-01 for Howard Grey & Assocs,Inc, Amending License in Entirety.Ba Riedlinger 880908,F Browne 880906 & Hj Grey s Encl
Person / Time
Site: 05000214, 03020789
Issue date: 09/08/1988
From: Riedlinger B
Shared Package
ML20247D612 List:
50-21455-01, 50-21455-1, 570825, 70825, NUDOCS 8907250256
Download: ML20247D609 (6)


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p-m _-----mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmammmmmmmmmmmmm-----------

NRC Form 374 L J p 80 PAGE 1 OF 2 PAGES l l . U.S. NUCLEAR RESULATORY COMMISSION l . MATERIALS LICENSE Amendment _No. 4 l Pursuant to the Ato41c Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (Public Law 93 -438), and Title 10,


Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 1, Parts 30,31; 32,33,34,35,40 and 70, and in reliance on statements and representations ,


' heretofore made by the licensee, a license is hereby issued authorizing the licensee to receive, acquire, possess, and transfer byproduct, g i . source, and special nuclear material designated below; to use such material for the purpose (s) and at the place (s) designated below;to l


deliver or transfer such material to persons authorized to receive it in accordance with the regulations of the applicable Part(s). This 1

_ license shall be deemed to contain the conditions specified in Section 183 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and is l subject to all applicable rules, regulations and orders of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission now or hereafter in effect and to any El


j conditions specified belo l


. Licensee I

In accordance with application -

I dated Auaust 26, 1988 I N

Howard Grey & Associates, In . License numler


1- 50-21455-01 is amended in-itsentiretytoreadasfollows:jg


% & _ l

. H Street, Suite 450 P3 a= R i Anchorage, Alaska 99501 D,P[dm i4i4 , September 4. h' piratiortitate 30, 1993 I ([g 5. Docket or 'N '

s 030:20789 l

' -

._ \ Reference N y 6. Byproduct, source,and/or 7. Chemical and/or physical special nuclear material g% form (8. Maximum amount that licensee may possess at any one time a



@ f N, , i' under ~

thislicense 1 l

Cesium 137 Wy


D_ b*NA. g4 Sealed/rM

,j ysources N I

/% ~

1 A.(73 #'10 ot millicuries to exceed l



$ N(d s.1 neutron l )ourcest% T p



1 ?/ A[as( \ k,'if - W


' Americium 241 H sB .1 nSealed /y 8. <Not to exceed I (f) 102

[&,451)h.!;y ["60 millicuries l W g)(TroxlercEwgg(

@ v per source


m 66 j W Mt{}i$[ji l h v

W N y

, Authorized use g q\ b g3g%gj4ggggtg 16 pqpa ,k g g

l l i A.andB.ForuseinTroxlepModel3400Ssries3@MoisturesDensitysgaugest properties of co'nstruction material

(O measure I

' ff n ~* y r) l



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m& p, 4 9 s e g 10. Licensed material may be used at 711 H Street, Anchorage, Ah ska, and at temporary job sites of the licensee anywhere in the United States where the il U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission maintains jurisdiction for regulating the l use of licensed material, p I

11. Licensed material shall be used by, or under the supervision and in the physical I presence of, Patrick Stidmon, or individuals who have successfully complated the I i manufacturer's training program for gauge users and who have been designaced by the Radiation Protection Officer, Patrick Stidmon. The licensee shall maintain l j records of individuals designated as user : 1 Sealed sources containing licensed material shall not be opene p p

13, The source (s) specified in Item (s) 7.A. through 7.B. shall be tested for leakage and/or contamination at intervals not to exceed 6 months. Any [

y l

source received from another person which is not accompanied by a p, certificate indicating that a test was performed within 6 months before the \\ W transfer shall not be put into use until teste gg g 8907250256 880908 ._


Usugusur z w == ="' REGS LIC30 EENIMMLEN' L"NNETEE.N A 50-21455-01 PDR g

. _ _ - - - - _ . _ - _ - - - _ - _ - - - - _ - -


ym m m m mmm m aa mmm mmm mmmm m m mmm m mmm mmmm mmmm m m m mmmmmmmmmm m mmmm1 Ndf orm 374A U.S. NUCLEAU REIULATORY COMMISSION pggg 2 op 2 PAGES I O 888 Ucense number I 50-21455-01 1 MATERIALS LICENSE 3%, ,,g,,, ,,, I


- l




Amendment No. 3 p y


CONDITIONS i l (continued)

l p

3 Any source in storage and not being used need not be tested. When the p 1 source is removed from storage for use or transfer to another person, it I i shall be tested before use or transfe I I I

! The test shall be capable of detecting the presence of 0.005 microcurie of I

radioactive material on the test sample. If the test reveals the presence l g

of 0.005 microcurie or more of removable contamination, the source shall be y

[W j

removed from service and decontaminated repaired, or disposed of in p accordance with CommissjonJrecjulation'sb 'A1 report shall be filed within 5 I days of the date the leak., test result is knoWn 4ith the U. S. Nuclear i Regulatory CommissionbRegion V; Nuclear Materials' Safety and Safeguards Branch; 1450 Maria *La'ne, Suite 210; Walnut Creek, California 94596. The l I

q q

report shall specify the source involved, the test results, and corrective action taken. , Records.of leak test results shall_be kept in units of microcuries ar.d shall'be maintained for the' Commissio g p

p E

i4 Records may beJdisposed of following Commissionbinspectio I ()


i h 4, , l /% -  ;','L The licensee is authorizedito collect leak test samples for;cnalysis by y


y Troxler Electronics Laboratories,jInc. 'or tests,for leakage'and/or contamination p i shall be performed by;personstspecifically < licensed by thelCommission or an p ( Agreement State to perform-such services.; .;- 7" >l


e i ~, 28 -

-g g s



i 1 Thelicenseeshallconducbn, phitical[inv5dt

! for all sources and/or, devicesireceived possessed and Ny,every under tf months to account six (6);ie' licens ll g

} Records of the inveritories shall be maintained ^'forctwo (2) y' ears from the date t g of each inventor >


E .

.. / s ? [

( 15. The licensee may transport licensed materialin ac'cordance.'with the provisions 1 of 10 CFR Part 71, "Packa'ging and Transpo'rtation of Radioa'

, e

'c tive Material". [1]

f 16. Exceptasspecificallyprovideditherwiseinthisklicense,thelicenseeshall ~

y 4 conduct its program in accordance with the' statements, representations, and t ( procedures contained in the documents including any enclosures, listed belo F i The Nuclear Regulatory Commission's regulations shall govern unless the h j statements, representations and procedures in the licensee's application and


correspondence are more restrictive than the regulations, [i h


' Application dated August 16, 1983 Il Application dated August 26, 1988 M L



,1 H q original signed by B. A. Riedlinger M 4DateSeptember8,1988 By j)F

$ Beth A. Riedlinger ih h Health Physicist (Licensing)

i Nuclear Materials Safety Section (f j Region V g


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' $ YbY a

, Docket No. : 030-2078 License No,:. 50-21455-01 Control No.: 70825 Howard Grey & Associates In H Street. Suite 450 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Attention: 'Mr. Patrick.Stidmon

. Radiation Safety Officer Gentlemen:

Enclosed is the NRC license amendment which you requeste Please review the' enclosed document carefully and be sure that you understand all conditions.. If there are any errors or questions, please notify us- so that we can provide appropriate corrections and answer .I Any future correspondence relating to your license 'should specifically I reference your license and docket numbers to expedite your' inquir

Sincerely, Beth A. Riedlinger Health Physicist (Licensing)' '"

Nuclear Materials Safety Section a



Enclosure: Attachment A '

Amendment No. 4 to License No. 50-21455-01

'1 A TiUNS NV i RIEDUNCER g h ge'g


7/ 6/gg i

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SEP -6 N Docket'No..:- 030-20789 License No.: 50-21455-01 Control No.: 70753-Howard Grey & Associates, In H Street, Suite 450 Anchorage, Alaska'.99501 q

Atcention: Mr. Patrick Stidmon l Radiation Safety Officer i SUBJECT: LICENSE RENEWAL APPLICATION  !


This is to acknowledge receipt of your application for renewal of the material (s)licenseidentifiedabove. Your application is deemed timely >

filed, and accordingly, the license will not expire until final action has been taken by this offic Any correspondence regarding this renewal application should reference the control number specified above and your license numbe


Frances Browne Licensing Assistant ,


Nuclear Materials Safety Section / l

, / J 1 ROSELIN)3 I i /

L i



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INFORMATION FROM LTS-BETWEEN:  : --------------------
RECEIVED License Fee Management Branch, ARM 'bC -

and fProfusCgne:2

Sta ram Code: 03121 REG' ION V


Fee Category:
Exp. Date: 19880930
. Fee Comments: __ m _ __
t;;:t@:p :::gl[y;::% -


' ~


. APPLICATION ATTACHED Applicant / Licensee: HOWARD GREY & ASSOC.', IN Received Date: 880830 Docket No: 3020789 Con ^rol No.: 570825

License No.: 50-21455-01 Action Type: -

L ' Renewal l-

) $


. Amount: f a m Check No.:.' M F g


3. COMMENTS-signed /_ / _ .s Date v I(( ly X q- u -

8. LICENSE FEE MANAGEMENT BRANCH (Check when milestone 03 is entered / j ) Fee Category and Amoe t: Y- /2d) Correct fee Paid. Application'may be processed for:


Amendment y Renewa License- CTHER _ _

Signed ~/h, /f Dato pT/&,fW -

' I,






i i



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Tit H sTnEET, susTE 4so ANCHORAGE. ALASKA 905053 dB TELEPHONE (907) 278 6501 AIO: 30


03 AU330 August 26, 1988 q


.c U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, ,


Region V Nuclear Materials Safety Section 1450 Maria Lane, Suite 210 Walnut Creek, CA- 94596 j SUBJECT: Renewal of License 50-21455-01 Gentlemen:

Howard Grey and. Associates, located at 711 H Street, Suite 450, Anchorage, Alaska, would like to renew their NRC license. number 50-21455-0 We have enclosed the renewal Application' for -

Material License, Certificate of Disposition of Materials, and a check for the renewal fee in the amount of $12 .If you have any questions regarding this matter please contact our-Senior Geologist, Patrick Stidmon, at (907) 276-656

Sincerely, HOWAR G EY & ,

TES, IN Howard J ey resident HJG:tj Enc]osure f

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