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Recommends Specific Changes to Ensure That QA Requirements for Class Items Will Conform to 10CFR50 App B Requirements
Person / Time
Issue date: 01/17/1977
From: Bosnak R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Dobel H
Shared Package
ML20126B025 List:
FOIA-96-214 NUDOCS 7908140207
Download: ML20136B044 (13)


.. - .. .. - . . .

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ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code R. J. Bosnak w M"=

Section III Division 1 and 2 Hechanical Engineering Branch Subgroup General Requirements Division of Systems Safety Office of Nuclear Reactor Reculation



Consideration of Class 3 Quality WASHINGTON, D.C. 20555 i Assurance Requirements AGENDAITEM: GR 76-19 FILE NO.: N/A DATE: Jan 171977 TO: Mr. H. Dobel, Chairman

  • ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section III t' Division 1 and 2 Subgroup General Requirements Babcock and Wilcox Company
  • P. O. Box 1260 .

Lynchburg, Virginia 24505

Dear Mr. Dobel:

'My letter to you of June 8,1976 indicated that members of the Regulatory .

Staff were concerned regarding the quality assurance requirements included in the Code for Class 3 items. It may be helpful if I summarize this concern as a prelude to suggesting a method for resolution. Regulatory Guide 1.26 indicates that the Class 3 technical requirements of the ASME Code should be applied to certain components and systems. Regulatory Guide 1.29 indicate.; that many of these same components and systems should be designated as Seismic Category I. Regulatory Guide 1.29 further states that the pertinent quality assurance requirements of Appendix B to l

10 CFR Part 50 should be applied to all activities affecting the safety-related functions of these items. Our review of the quality assurance .

requirements presentiy included in the Code for Class 3 items indicates '

that not all of the pertinent requirements of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50 are applied. Examples of deficiencies in this regard were included in my '

June 8, 1976 letter to you.

Subgroup item GR 76-19 has been established to address this question of coverage of quality assurance requirements for Class 3 items. During the discussion of this item during the meeting of the Subgroup on General Requirements, it appeared that part of the problem may be classification; namely, should any safety-related item of a nuclear power plant be classi-fied as Class 3. The question was also raised as to whether or not a l

less than " full blown" quality assurance program, but one which .is con- '!

sidered to be adequate for Class 3 items, could ever be accepted by l NRC.

l l

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H. Dobel  !

I The problem with regard to Class 3 f tems may well be one of classification  !

l in that it may not be intended by the cognizant code committees that i

Class 3 requirements be applied to safety-related items of the plant. I I If that is the case the appropriate action for NRC would be to reclassify )

safety-related Class 3 items as Class 2 items. It appears to us, however,

  • that the technical requirements (as opposed to quality assurance require- i ments) not included in the Code for Class 3 f tems are adequate. Reclassi- '

' fyiN these items up to Class 2 in order to correct a quality assurance i l

requirements deficiency would appear to cause the application of more '

stringent technical requirements than is necessary. A more desirable l approach is to attempt to reach agreement on the necessary quality assurance requirements for Class 3 items in the Code.

The answer to the question - Will a less than " full blown" qualit assurance program for Class 3 ftems be accepted by NRC? - is yes,y but it requires some amplification. We agree that differences should i

exist with regard to the extent which the overall quality assurance program requirements are implemented depending upon the importance to

! safety of the covered activity. For maximum effectiveness and efficiency, a graded approach to QA program implementation should be provided.

Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50 recognizes this concept. For example, Criterion II states: "The quality assurance orogram shall provide control over activities affecting the quality of identified structures, systems, and components, to an extent consistent with their importance to safety."

Criterion IV also recognizes that selective application of quality assurance requirements to contractors and sub-contractors is necessary by stating: "To the extent necessary, procurement documents shall require contractors or subcontractors to provide a qualitt a surance program con-sistent with the pertinent provisions of this Append 4x." Therefore, a 1 less than " full blown" quality assurance program can be applied to a safety-related item for a nuclear power plant and still meet the overall quality assurance program requirements of Appendix B.

The quality assurance provisions included in NCA 4000 are basically overall quality assurance program requirements which we consider to i be generally consistent with the overall program requirements of Appendix B. It appears logical to us, then, that within these overall  !

quality assurance program requirements included in the Code, a graded '

approach to the application of the program requirements is not only permissible but necessary and desirable. If some of the overall program requirements are omitted, as they are for Class 3 items, it appears to us that key quality assurance provisions would be omitted entirely. For example, there are no quality assurance program requirements for design control for Class 3 items. As I have indicated earlier, many of these Class 3 items are required to be designed to withstand the Safe Shut- ,

down Earthquake. If there is no requirement for control over the design process, what assurance is there that a Class 3 item was property designed to withstand the Safe Shutdown Earthquake?

1-l l



N. Oobel JAN 171977 We have compared the present coverage of the Code'for quality assurance requirements for Class 1, 2. MC, CS, CB, and CC construction with the quality assurance requirements for Class 3 construction. A copy of this

[- comparison is attached. We have underlined those requirements for Class 1, 2, etc. which we believe are also necessary for Class 3 construction for safety-related components. As can be seen in this comparison, we consider that the overall quality assurance program requirements should be essentially the same for all safety-related items in the plant. As-indicated above however, this does not mean that detailed implementation of these program requirements cannot provide for less stringent measures for Class 3 than for the higher classes.

i I hope the above discussion clarifies our concerns regarding Class 3

' quality assurance requirements. It is requested you consider this item with a degree of urgency.

Sincerely, Ob4 R. f. Bosnak Member, Subgroup General Requirements


As stated cc w/ enc 1:

W. S. Gibbons R. E. Keever 4


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i C L A s s I,l}, M C, c S, c 8, 4 c.t.e class-3

, %nuw Co.eren he.e.:.e em. e.x

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  • MA.41H beenmtrRcTwar.lts-te4;dsue.bems er Ct.AS"o 1 '

j quatlas assvaasci .

c rense w .Mee. .

s eCa-4 8c8 BTtpiltinfels g- .

DCa-4 8 th SGutt set aftLICallLllt .

  • ts) Thf e avstate eets feest she regelee.eese fee yleenteg.
  • . . ord.e. e.4 semanet tep Queller esemesase Preseeme fee seesseilles the geelsey es wee k tee ferewd wease shie Seetlee med the selee seweseles a6e eveleesise of each teoree.o peser se the loosence of Cestilleeses of amaheedsealee fee see
  • I seeste eelee to e.d cc go f... ateissa see Cleetee.3ee.eteesees see pCA-stiaand eed (eeestlea sca-eece. teeroe of tien 8. senesteeseese.

assesial 3. cs, uc.

I e.d sietessel Sepplices En att eteesee of eeessouse see s see DC4-3000. Ceself!aste i es asekeeiseti.e holdete ese edeised te scenelt othee vegeleeless fee quetteg

  • esseeeece e.goleeeent e goveenies ectivielee teleed the eeepe of thte Seetlee.

!+ (b) the deeelled eegetee.cate to be toep$ led eith in felf tllleg ebese resp.s.sibilteles see eelpolesed le this settale. ,

6Ca-41 *8 Mrthlfitet DCa-4524 Seelity asemeente se e... syke. seet i.e. emes s e, ..e- e e. nee

..d erseeese s e are e-o eueesses s e esseede e4ee ... . .eis . .it sheee

. eh.. e r i . ,ie....

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eiraed. e.aee emes ied f ebe tt eerd. osa=E*eteece n i luutkeen la acreegaase Giek the e.lget tht e 5.eei.e. Qvehg_segeme les tadas emelles Caeeggl Teenisseiee 4%Ise, (e.evet ases.eeeeeeeee.

e pCA-4432 Geelley Ceesvol Eneeleetles qweitag coneest seees.eesee eeepele.e the eeeeteettee er the ht reent

  • ehe.e.eee stelii er e easeeTal e esereae.e t er ereme t e.. e e.d the se e net ance t ii&;3isie eee.e eeersiiriGee see;iaeile. tee .. -


.. oCa-4 s a s geetin, ceaseet adeselesees tee t

oesisi, c.. e.I ades.seseeis.e se sh. e,eeeet e.e esee sees.e -

' which es.eeirmi twrapiturvaws, wee areetuviertremr.a est. tr

  • / e* .

sca-ala4 Ideesseisensen eed veelf tsetten .

th. ide.e t ricee se e.e ent riesi tee Frence. shat t e iele e eteene .

ree si,, ,es imi .iT TTime s.e e s ess e e s s i eme s.e * .e ele e., w e i s ie si ges es u.e is..s ie r et eeu e eu e.e one esce re.e **e 'ne s s ** e aes es sai nest sapeets t


_ eT~ lee s s s ee s,e es n egle as ene liee er ense=e p en one set es sie . .

e n.inIW5; NITE . eseen.eeee. e

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g. DC4-4 3 3 5 Aeds t . g  ;

g . . t

  • * * * * ' ' ' * * * * * * * * ' '
  • I d " '" '"** ' ' " ' ' ' * * * 'd"


b penedesee . cheeh i s ere se eevi r'e, s"e e se.<.ee ieee e.' "n sueu.'*. es ."in s ies s

' e.iae.ce. e ne ..,1rTETi Tieme.s e er she eeettie scenee how hue demen.,e s. -

  • eeee.nied, e.d 6.ple ...e se euwseece esik eenis sea reemineenee. ae , edge 6


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____m ._- m -m_- _m_.-_____m__ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-.__m__ _____ _- -* _ . _ - - _ . _ - - - e-- -w- y.w w o__m-, _ -- -----,..,4*w. ,.,'sw--w ,,w e-- .w- ...,_<w.,w-_s. , ,-w-.--%w++.

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  • C C. CLgss 3 i y...........ii........-.....-...............

m .. . a .,

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pCA-4130 46tastetsumut att IserLtal.eTaittu

.Ca-u 3. ......................i DCa-4131.3 (Se. eCa-Met) sca-4133 u f.a...e.. tuesell:e). Dielel.e 3 hCa-4133. 4 (see pCa-leet) .

moa-48 33 8.,,tte... Diet.i.. t .

sca-4 3 33. 8 (s.. tea-3esel DCa-4536 p. u,T. e sa Co.tifice. 2. nee.. ( .

Clee. I, 3. 84. C8. Ce s.4 CC e .tr.ssi ,

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yg apCA-elm.I St g.el t ei l.a f- .

. NA*4tH.1 begewisallen n, em 1 tr sad vapeae866 tier et th.n la ehman of

. Se e ii , a .... . . t e ... .. d e i 6 slees t e e st att enhed a.a e .a.d. . al An etganisallen st. art' ale = wing the telatlanship J , s e c4 .e r ea s s et i+a s te' 8 *' * ****al"*""*""8"*"8'"***'th*" leetwsta manageniset med ens;lneselag's perchamaan.

sveanufacturingi fielel construcIlen, inspe stion, egualHy eso.evel, le reagelsed to refleet Il.e metaal j.g ene sue a =ett-detieed sen asibiller. *=theler, and ergente.elee e. au.  ! ergententlen. The purpose of tble chart le se edeseelty

, .nd ...eanieiin. ... e ..g e.ti a g,.. e nia 41 "'," OM *Ed'~E"%**.* '.a aa ra'i=* '="isa 8e -wh ther e a eice oue.

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,,epe eieree.Lsi.e 6ae bee. **ee. .

p, , ,,,, ,, , g, ,,g ,,g ,p,, g ,,y ,,,, ,,g g,,,, ,,,,, ,g,,,

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ell d e ag.elity .. ,.1 pr.ingem. ..g 8. s, sis. ., ,.. .;4, i.E,ce,ta.tts_isittrduLht* eesie eenaree=t etthe 8 **er .creweGu ettsteti.n_tLatte ut3==

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d the rIItnirst*!MLt*t !!*st!*-l**lt e!**shall h? ' 'i p * .

entreer segl!.1[Ill.ef DeIMet Akildities actit143c f f et t ia ggeel .e . . . . . , . _ _ , . , __

i g g g ebtished. As,-s ence of esat ter tegne s te .anage.e yeeves wt. set

' gem 3 t ee t ha t t he e m Jo va enel es pr e seeiraud the f e sp*** *EU et r .Cnerett en. .

{ s,.e ier c .ee a h iam- *e **' ie, .es a r ima shes se ac t ivie r l'u tee. c are n s is e s...,4, inaceeedi e.t of shtjadAwad=al me er*** di"<1 I ** e8'*** 3 88

  • 888 g,1,.

y,7 6 g ,i *e s erre i f h e t s,6e r, nan'aecess shall reselee .

nd e.g or r o f Il. Fe atres. It. opu e d es resp.eeibitatise .r5 ***** she teenity the st et ese.r*e pu .esemipt s** *g ,g, c,,giggees, e.gaes ehett Sect as the veelew .I ersittee

,, ...,e e a - n., .e .ti un s sia.e ===.ed =sta sh. eat ter a .*e=.

-,,,,e.. .. ..u us e. esse 4.t6.te.


$. sea awan, 5R 75-9,Q^ WM En Jesu.:soou oF SyeswJ chW To Nen - fl3 t.- l 7b Kah.ect ca rers.. a 1 of- Appnadox 6 '

To sacrx myso. -




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e C LMsQ MC, C.S, CB s C.C.

3 ma.. u ne,....e.u. ee..... .

NA-m4.2 . o..Itty centretc pg isrm s.: ^.e s.. . e.e e.i.e e .r . e riene o f a s ,se.i s . 1 un e s, .py t i e e .L.19 e*. 6) . k . s.e r.t l+J d.-s o ng . e e..t .e t i ra . i t .ligg. * * #

a) Thek6em.b #*, Na-lD set 1., shall hee seed snae. atsi

.. e v . . . . . r . e . . . ee ce. Ju c ..e e o.h s , a.e. ee in ne +c ;n ca n e .# e ie. . si . e =*.t e h Se . e.tes e. t e e .e e.o . e r.. e.. . . e ele.Ilty central systssyi which will est.blish ans.e a<ll u, .. he, .w . r * *

  • rec i f ic rt e **.

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. b ic h .. r' e *.< . I . terDL* 1 he er* ** *h

  • l l de f *.e 'ke -hPils.Isideequirements of thle Settlen, inst.J!at e .e 1 m * ' r.

.m, ies ..a .eai t e i. n o.iueisat.ity ee s s.s e.te nish 2* eint O.lJetetthn.u. turl.r.1*. I. hurie g.:_se

n. t.* . ... enaterlate design. fabriention. esarninetion. et.J is.

ins .i ..s d li e. .f c.c- se. f.e shegaj e 4.dand..lf r.. .=4 ..teacegne.e g, g spettgon g11 be met. The a /6 tem that the ed.e+ c,

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[.We f the t .m n t be des = Gel. eesell'i.eert4.. tie y a'. he.h'.'p ?[.t .l .. teses le meet the requirements of th settaen st Il

.6.s h .n it 6. . . ju b..te f.c se .te n s .t Ced, e.rpti u. Th.yytte.. *.

  • 3 d't* 8 3 depend on the c.mplealty of the was ~ perforeneet and on I

.da..!!!u"."e "s 'o**".

t..'d IP'****"I'"'*".""ee*."*id*****.'= i'u.I etekeHe i":e.e*u"g"u. th. sl s e a nd c ompt e r * * . et the _u - e a.

es i . . t echn t, . .c,,p.. ./.

Qg_3 gtgg,es ig m.yli,D,g en ce e .gt;3t. .5 i he el .un . 71 +c3..e epeli c e .tpes t .!a! .

' al Lil** ** ett.nlaalleg A written ele sc ription es 85.e. 8 s .er i m *e 8 ~.i be 4 t he . ..e f eeW " ut m i . i . " " u'6*nWu= system the m ' +a.m _ u: all use to ps o. t

h. s em . .*.11 n-. io for t he .ee... ele eFk ietac e.a. r e sd.e.C-".
6. n s . Ae l .cle . .= t m . u ll ge.aseshtr --=t . b p..L .nt s .* e r d. 's Juct en llem uneler el.e Ctenstle glen of A th ,g,.ggg, cf .ets ieir. .f fect ion octit,
  • ver ..e e ek t, e enjic a e..s .ejd th. .1.f
  • l.all be evallatie for review, e


. . . r. . ,c

. - e,Iu..... D.t..t 6 . jsin e s.efdit.cei d.e e&ai tss. ,

  • d.1G%u e .. ui su *. ,es s eie r h. *uTWiltig ,

b) The wettien descelf dlan of the quality seatrel sysser g . .g n. .is.m....t. . . l i e .. e

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d f+e .re< IW~e.We7.. uns'ura. ,

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  • g d .t i s s i . .t ehe unis e d *

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r M e i e. curetti ft l q =g 3, gebumgg g gg p g,,,,, ,

(b) Ti e Fe cre.. 0.18 re..i f e fee 4.J.c e6..te. ..atr.i.e.g e

the Inspect.r a tes tee.t copy of the writies. des'ce.pel.

.f se e ..a.c n a re f. e s in .e t ivi t ie. a f f u s s.t.s.a lit y .

  • of the qtsality cents.1
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  • 8 8 f** ts.s 88 a..e MS ,.

l the nu.ober of cMWW % d* ""*"'**

t..a 4 7sti Ste..s. es. Inh. B.T. 8008 7 *g .latter defintaE dee of woth sever a wiJ. I

' l:-- , . . . . , . er starsoir rapgs.

,, y

C LA G S  % " ' ' ~ ~ ' ' ~ C 3 i

.. n. s .i..c...t in . tit.e, 8

m im . . ., .u ..

. s r,u.l.,.t.L.t.!!.1t.!r*m**

  • il . !s sun taw!,D,,**r.2.rt.!.8af.

e .


2... o n . . . i u e, e .. . . .u . . .e n i .a .,, ,, . . .n . i...... i... .r e . o .. . . . .. .... s.t.e .m...:... ,.

..f. .r..i.w r. ,e. nn.. .c .. .


.n. . un o.v. .o 4., i . .e . .. . n . . . i r . . n... . ...e . . r . i ,, . ..

p r. i , i i., n i . , i a : .. . , e. ie. e.. . .n . u , .

,,m...n..............e...e.... .. . . . n. . i . i . .m.....-,3. .i.. . . t . . .. : . . . . .

to n n . .u 6 e i .. in. . .. ..i.e. . n.c.a.n. . a 4..e s n.

.o n. .im s,4. su.o ., s6..a 6 m . 6,. 4,..., , ..e e r.,i a

,c. a.r.e e .n a e m. s. m...a in. s.u. n.Iil 1 ._.w

.t L._e..ia .h.!!r.t i h a.n sa in.i t

thina v e. i .** cth i a.

  • 11 he e-vistard ** .c f>. *h. .gn=ribl. dni '


.,s . . .. ... e , iw i . i*.*' .r e...g. 4 . i.6.s.ssta.n it 6.

traitt si si.a thet. tr e sets shut.t*.n.

. .e rie sa.esete.s.ti.c.a s.. . ati,41 ss ea:sia.a.L

.. ng is.a e, a 64. sne s .

(.) .Iggsti.

.h.3 3 3.

. ev ie.e d 6 , . .. . ..c. t R se e .f e.1.

ron.- si.lever e . e.J. e ti..I g . d..f s .: r.e .ee.6e

. _.-dg . e t a r e g i isc e.4 4.e f eel d et.*r. .. .a. i t 6. c. r.e d b y e b. ..e i ee e i.. t h.t p.e f.e. 4 s k.


          • ' '.a


jeg.M. . .L.*i.. .***a-".'e.4 tr .

** ** ' r ' 8 r e.o.'i t be II

  • '.~a irt e.e .11*l.hedl r* * .,'e
e. i e . n . d e . s r .b .a se , ..d

' *6 c i p: t s. e. .ua i


.a .63 de; nt. ,

n e ia.. g.,che ee..... erp. .i u. . . i

. . . s...i . i , 4,. i r . ... e. s .n .

=a-4 e 24. 4 tow =. .t nu t c ar.t be e.t s f.e er.c.g e e.: . f ..te r i.1. , i te.. ..d edc..t r ee t ed .. . fr .g, ab.i t tet stene.t. e. t he e.t e.t .eee...r v t. .e..r e e.e le c.att i :n tita


e .i . SecI. . . Ta e t.e e. .e . . n e . . .. v . ev .c -r e.e. t 4. : .m e. o n t S t e..i s e s o.11.e.

. .i .t e.. ..t h t he e.g..s e.*.1. t . . i e kl . Se.9 6-..

t o te. . .e .i.

i.e 1. 9..i ne r te ttn se ni .t,i 1..e4 e. ....,g_15.e .u .u sma__-'.u migw.. ., ,

macir.11.a r .< f *ren s e it.e.. n. erec e.e. s 1 reg. deje,..ti d ig.e g f ' w. .g.lL,33 ..'*la .t .....T utU.

leg _1L i

  • e.ede.astA&l re .I 4,3..I LI rge.g a n y f .v i.ned b y t t t e.. . .L.a.gtE mle'* -.ppl i e r . e. .e i.. t ..". . s s h.

.n o .e d .. i.

e a.. .r. e ..o r.

sca 4 a n. 3 a 6... . ,,u ea .. . a si .i.e.

ac t i.e e te. . t tu a I 5..e, . N -4IH. 5 U lastru'ctions. Paarcedu,e.. en g f,. 4 ;, .t r..i . . .=11i , .t..t I 6. Icene it.4 6r d===..t.4 .e .. .. .T;G ^' ~r e t . a vre nn .ev .e. a. e m. e in 7A, . - .1 3s .tg.g._gn,t i . ,4 i. .u.s e a . view si.. .. s.. . . cit . . n.e e n . . 4. ..i . n . * -* .s.,

%.g #'i'*"8' ." . f *"*'A gd* *Jr'. A [*^ f*AMa% r

., . .e.

L .u . i ... . ru e ce .. . ., . ..i.e . .* i t sn e.4e .gpere i. . v ei n.ii.. ., ---

O s . i., o s in 6. r., en emi i , . s.en . . -ei.iii..h 6... ..:..rn. - ~ . - . .


. i.r i a , .n e. i s .

.T 6. p 4.

casisa....i.ia.,.m.ta . isue.enu

. . ....: 6, ts . .....: ..a s s., . ..t .: q.. ti, a .. as m. s..

e si.. .: si g tsa, u.w.u. n,.ar . .: ens


sus s. .s.e is. ca.. .% so..s..

a ., e r t he n .... 4.n . 6.i t 6. ..ain e n. si .6t e s.e

.. 6,..u n wis.. ru ..t e s., 6,une s .p. s.r. .

1 e


--e... . . . _ - - _ - ~ ~ - ,--r -~-.-.- _ _ . - . - - _ - - . - _ ~ . . - - - . , . , n n

m 4 ,

. C Ut S S k, i Q 01 C; '- % ' " "--

C 4ss 3 8

i e

l ana. essa.o e t

.e c se.1 -

HA.4114,. cy og,,, 6 ."ge,g4, Doc urne nt. Cent rol ,

s.: w t.-re.. s.c uee .e.. wee e. e. e..i e6, D' 3C ""* 'm+"totte e^s valley centr.1.Ieeem  ;

e 4 4..c eis ia et 4+ ., ev e .


.ch .. e e eks. e orc i f ti egj . . io.e e.e: 6 . er.. *I.all Pro *idc Fratedures ehlste Mll assere that tie latest  :

m ..e.. .. .em ines. i.e t applicable drastegs. design calculatleas,, e sc ene s.r .ni.e. t*e., Mu.e n essk.'ast

.*q t a eere nv er.

not t.dee - .hiche om..stiu

. s an..i.eee c hecti.e g. h

.re ...i..e4 ter edegne, . J e f ee e. lea.e 6r s e s..rTa ce ree. d e4 , and Instreetloses, as seetherised shenges, as e weed ii.e . ik.i ed s e en.e . sed et the metee. .hese theyeeevi6ed sceseier de pee r.y.,re. , 'for construttloa.

(n) , the (.e s lices. .e m ,haris erie mend i'. A . tie r a n.e..c. i ,  ; ;. . .

g u . .


re.r e.. .' at t P'.*ide t "* d*'e* .h irt *il l ***

  • t h at t he l a' ee n e, p t ie st le g

! d* *. iar e . *reci fic evi '*. eaJ 3.** *.rf iae een ired br the tenire 5:ec t rie .eione

.. .: 6. eu. -case.. _. .<si .. no.cenere esueen. .. i.e f.te ic es i . .

.2 .f.e e n t , . i . eese 6 e J 4.esellesi . '

aca-4134. 3 C e..t et r ses.see se.seessi. Is. e see. dees .

e... ..e e . . . ,8 se e.. .. t . ..e. e . .. ..e e , ,.. .ium ,m t s i e It e.a. a.d sa t.ic e s c.a ree. t. the seg. ire.e.t e of s kie 5 eg ,_pase p. .m.n C n.r.i ., r.rci.e med usta riei .nd I, ems. .

phelt i.e t & socae t fie.ei see . ... ...i..c 6 .. .bec e s ..

f.c trecesta lity a.4 cr ee [gga.

.s ee.e. .t g..t ie r fe.n ek e e r t'ie s.e.t d er.

a. .--e . hee . , g h p g ,yp w $ ,9%, g g q%.eby MeM Sept:$ sat:stt $' lisp e..ui...i.. ei s i.e ...r e e . .e s . ...i . e i .. .e e. 4ainer. o e...ree.14e.:. * -

/ --

.e..e s te ... e a t e .: t he e .a r.e e i.. .e i n e a l.s ece s ie . 6.f.n .e. .e e t.

. 'Hi s.. . p.ech.eed ..: n GT7e*Is e .

nca-4134.s ade ittiestien d c seet og n.seetele e.# ti.

NA.413 8. S h. Identification and Centrot of klaterial an I Ile sus Est eie..aee en gtte established f.n te. e s tfotion ud 71.e yl ' s sefwrc%elle. w ^

r ' -

shall include a syeeem of i e es : et se ee d.t end s e e=s. i.e ladas pee eGiir I=,6 ele cted e..n'>li'*. lihe s e s o .re. .sst t .n e=re e het e.+ receivl.g tesetrol ahlth Mll assuto that al e maternal n r.  ;

gee. n. t e e cen t e e . s h. seencehes e i t ctheee ... s t.t!.!n19.srtt.

robese e i. . ... f t

ce ins e t t e t t en. ca calwed is PsePerly (Jent led anel leas elecwnent. lien Entl.**?nse( '  ! gr mm,s uitvs .s ***l L62 8'ai ******i'e Intred reterial corsititations er enate rnal test eepeess . +.

e. . .. 6 den new .r e e neine'ee.g... ne**.e* *e *. ** .i " * * ' 5' r a * .e'3. 5 '.. l .... s e e e 's reslut . red. Tl.e material control system sl.all that i 3 *
  • F" 8 i'* *

(b7 - he mene .e me.e statLg.ludentifigyt! .

earse ehet t be ' only thee latended material, le useel an tenetrutt6en.

  • tre.lis.u..miar tie i ut%de_eatsu sn trie.l.t stish_Jtt.letetig g , - .

seest e IdHTn_en s! met Te . . . . . sa. wa ~. . i.z.tise-e a r ts enieni _ntm.s.shis.h,t

.. h stu. .s.l.s.3te age etsu,7fu.!.99 .shgn u ts.:..=t!!Ls_h s.s t. e T e.e-u 3..d *"eiamts- 4, ad m a. tris s em.iu' -


.n..!ot i.ce ae ileige. 3.3 sii4 ne Se <es ."i.e4 6,le.s_f.h!!Lartur_ta skd!!!' hmad e 't . t -*.:eneseeensuts._1!tourmonte m..s.* .,s.i

. i

  • hti 6 '

.- smtrimest+n ntscT.h,tt e.* tas_tri.11t

.atdia A_'.ltasastca bases.aa:.1 4st.ea Gu tilise t'eseriel .,

.t!!st.2!1n111t;'tLarr4 can 6 t_L'rhtt1** 8. $6' tt!d l 8** e-a (**4thee**.tt s'esatte .e Ctt e t h ,

.steiisis les.t.teseed

.e ( rlie * * * " * * *

  • tvet.itgdt!!i8ste ""d "??t!!al hft 8*** I**** 'ttatt! *ad f ut ' ' 'daas "* u T@"li a W"is'e e n.s..g.'."ee'"**8- 'W's fn ini g'g en e,y 4
  • ere .en .. . g e. et .ael e . ..reena.n To o.agee 6..seesel si-caU Gel.a er d n tes. re- _

t i

.u 6, es.76'tiiWiLIGiril.Tiis71MTi..rT.DelTJe777tutiGT.

  • e 'iTill*6.a.a. .p.ce. r., i.ei .i.. .r e.R.e.e su d T~ileTe. e. .hien .unt.  !

og er e sse e .cee Ist a ef t.ateire. e.In g sle. .e seemy e=3 tete .s st e _ i a nimet eeni certeer.e e ty 1be Certificea e me t ae r e sesessenteelee set for em nenn t sr 's ere. 1*itlete. se et e.e end deve f.* those set t.ittee .nlen .f8 he et ,

_ _ . . _ .. .- . ..s - ^f i

e l

4 88 i

, . - C L/15.S (p b f b W ' " "- C u_s,S .3 l . .

u.- m .. , c....t .: n.

  • e~~-"

n e.e i.. . c n ewo... .w i.n on.a..


. ca.irei .t uan.fau.el.a ..d 8.. anau.n

. s>r,< n e n .


  • _ne (n e i fie se, eksaer kei t +e.e, an . e u ty a,, ,g g,,g ggg, ,,,grol of stem abakt incle.le Prowlsle s"~' .. . ken e . .htr++ee s. c hu n II.e. s e peleri, se .

rs re- a.e e . r"..

.. ear, s;re in.ii e ."4 e et we.e.e aeeeei .ns.t l ed i. -estnes.

'" *

  • e nru i *
  • e e ... man ci ig.....e) Tem.e. *g" 1 aleau mat m leri.: .., ,, et. e,eg3,,me,,3, u_g u a -- .

i e e.iee .s eki. see 6 e4 eve ce=r s a ked 61 gan e sses per==..t ieg g tlet.4 l *IEstilen

    • IX and Salesecilen HIL -

, . FeniJari.*. ,

i G) t et

,ye i t.s.a Icefeeseos

. hat I beobferP*eed.

ste. shestliste, 0*el*J s,er 0.t ae.sessderet.

b d se t . ambu traveltra.d s,,.

b). %c ejuality e-o t eel mystenst aball previel. es.ntes.le l geg y alen,is,p.w... .<.e e.. ..ib ps . ided I.Tierari a.g en I s. g8 8 888Ie Ib78 lb88 t re.Dle als se et'tuired 8.i thi8 l }gg.b.gsc . ries e.e in .i Ja pe i t se *t*_'.**'"'** e hre ne. .g r.Vic iT i~ ..aas.ei;;;-

F.ctlen are asse.l. hirains ab.ll be lae.icated by .


_aMattu te s a . h.t*, d="".t * 'h3 3 3*el.fe.2221" f.e 'b" *inue r egiist.. whlein the in petter can satisfy Mmself it..t it se 1 l f*e t he

  • ,,,,,tt.gere.

eig. awegte.g!tt i e ggggg.e.ut i.t . .e .t ..p7t en .6s L!.g. (n e i t.e neaholdee d ee. .ad i.e d. e ..e ..esi.esle. ..dI.Irec a., .ek heat treaten.e.t rettelt.enente es t aseet. Tl.Is s iaI g ;;;;- ,,,,,,

. g gY revg..r e,I furnace tisa.-tempe r. tere a reerds

. TET- 7,.aty.a nt .h. 'I *< = iis in

  • Le see *atl 8 *6.e= 8. o f .n l.. . , or by other methode.
  • _1sita ttu elastairtsu!!!Ladse "*ur re se.ilea eedinian_JaiiHTTO a c r.disT;Ka f - * '

. .o.,i

_lu,m,t edesm... eLerptril"t tvir 2ta !?i1**lt.1..?.8 eear.

, u..e rene e.adh.iae 8 e. .t r . .i e. .oi.. -

. e se .

t.wa n~n. u. r. ... ...

e a.

. m ..t. .. . o... . t. . t . .. I.e,.o t..e l ..l .a ,i.. e..oem e .a .e.e ...n .. .ee...

"^-a la;yl.atc.7 rai. di~r~o~

,thwes i. .n e . r.e..-. .ish .ree r ei .ei..QT*.%T TienList._si- s.a- n, w.,, -

ee Inc.

g w%mm 9,u,, ,,,,,,,

I ummr

,re w Ja * * * 'e Fa =.e n.e e.i n .e ..., eeTen c.... t. . e ..

ne nn i..

e. in.een

.e . . ..4i.eo es.e . . . mr .- n a ~ =' n u.i a ~~i m a- *um .. i -

,;.i w..
.wi rmea ;un4. ,;r.aemn:r.:. raarmrm; ca gea;wm. .e me.-no ...uio.n v . .ratoe LE * *H ** a ee e e die sen n e a nWILIIIe

..S. Inspeuer to determine mhan specific laspestlans ree21.e.I.*8."n**e e#II'~L' e.gna so','*s*he we t ,eing_ ave rtittb .

I a itie in) are to be performed.

e i~ t.n i., e se on ~. .tecc re, ph.aetp,

. ses. e na s.e..

ny.s tr..p er s aia,!...

e..... . ..regened.s ee n .

Ge,6f.,JeidM e i i. Se lff tM n..lirsthT.~l..el;u b) T1.c sgu.ltty centrol s sicm shallInclude provi.lene t .eJ . , Jhes egQts e;{}@Jgel g e ,.. 8e se[gj,jg guapap . for identifying ner.e' 'strucHva enantinallen pret..

i .*d datej ebe Ceet j tat ste_suMev'uireyeq.tst[ye eed for eh. I.e1e,.e t. 'e s tanee. ,

, _ , a dere s llee " " ' -- - - ' teuerscill g ete win 111tt dieb 6e 1ht e. 7_e3 utelit. .

etena He, .ser n .u.t ri naTwts satt,_!for iM.**us_dil *t JillTh.e Gristad i r ihe -r.t..s viiric. . cufum with Hie rentjemente a4 thle S.cthn.  ;,,,

' lirs.

u.tisnedas_ar_munktueir_m>+i L ._.__ t%f eters t'entreisit_st ett_mit h l ent s,

J,e .n..w!r.s.t.6 :i.the .e t,,s, ee M. des'a eueuua.udes._si f ep rs

en oc.-e.n.a o..eio the.e_s m m.*8

. t nu. sin ters,. held r**.s.


ith t 3sttilistttAlder's artss. , - tus c ares . ,

(d _httirt_t h.llte.ast irz!L !!_ estudace .ith_._wlie.. eue f

' _ ggwea.n. a sen s=.. r*est e et e*? 8 re.-ti ituss. ire e.t . ee TeITein i


('.bl ettlie *ble de tist_h'a' * -

_11: 1 te.sraete t he W 8. tide rt.Yl*(te!_

. preg e3.lgilggjeg 31,3 gissa.lcausea.lttra set theLa(stuett.i.!!! sh2 1. atgementatips.

j dustilante ea ***. eitha res tr egist!.,


_ge,g e._ e 4 &ileg e.. .e.. eeglggegge e.t ewl e.e.e .we.cutzwelietinrJu:t.Insas.eseu.ene.e s he sie. se t e

4 ._!tn.ggl.i 13 gg.j p.e.g n11g.!e.tsseeied. e.l e emi(r...

.co.t cuile.u . e.4 ee s ei . tu 4.n e ee....iii t e.d as eu.e.

I that me.t~Js.> se .a f s e.. e t . 1 u_tsenuu.ti.all_

has hjen s f led t= du=eates sa ent

_ - . .. . ~ . . . - _ _ . . . . . . -

  • C Lass I, Q M C, CS, CB+ C.C-class 3

...x.n c..e t . . . .. ... -e I..t t .. -t na-m i. n c-4 .i . u. . .. a . ., r.,,,,,,n. .

n. u e.m m e..c.. a.r yeu.,

.., ,, .. .e .

.t..t m e .t .n .t.w .w . ,8 e, s. ..., .i u i.. . e . ,, . . ,,,, ,. ,

t e *t i a e

' ins pas!!. aea 7"._ inn-t td +

ssm-tet ed 3 s n' * "<' ' ' *e m 8 ae **-".t . ..d il** rallieratla= *t .a.nination, sn....,s.g, ..e e,,, ,q,3 p, ene ria. . ..

nat. *wed t*4.?' f *l'E*'la!! 'in.U! N' 6' 8 U"t*IL-'"

a t' re 6 4t t e

  • el s ge.Jr"we L
  • 8"*
  • th."iL!*6 E!!_"!p*'tfatits_etern8

'* 9"" '* a-

". a-a, suttw e e . =


, .3% L.v atet leg csieit ie tes. f l.a.Ganass c e ant n littet f.sntre .d tbr.ted e c.l at.letth.albc w Hee es msuteetia.ted te.

StJl- las st.42stal-rea

  • MeJ rre i.J. .e ..- .etg!!.flg !t a_di.t&t3Jf f =! ?t tjiis.e .t l b e atli2ti 2.:fdt*11tS21
g. e.t i...t et w.e J. , der e .rh es J ee d ens t .

stirgtt.t23fi.g.t.2.i 13 t.b gsLp el.f11tF W l iell..

6 o.Lgg[ggig,g.glip l

(e) Ly{r2 een.n e. .W.1 f ~i.i t .#e n ee l . la.e f.e ide.s t i,las l u .8 e e.: 3 t .aJ fee (etz.t..a i=c een sbt .t i.. .t . t .: L . . i -. . ... h i., e e g j._ igg _ge n e bl e t e t re e wTpe.em

, ist 6,8'ct diturtletshti, n33.33.tla. .e twl.g 31 {g._gy,a .

fre f..-J . s .litt er i a . the tees e f deste est J.e .k.l e de t er= i.e a.8 v s ec t en l F 8'" i* l * **!!. . t' Jr !'jf.

t . .tillst 11.EE1"ifi.d i- a.T' $ .nia-en --* s e -'fi**!!! * *'l'dl.!.3**

.J8** u st ?n***e e

t .. 33.eru6t e met.r.!!! we Cees aenite!: ii es tettleag.a.

4,t g3g 2% , , .Gere g t ei,n..ta*.inth.t gitjpyt{u-uauease ogg.

p t Jet ,.. r.get hemy e ,.J ac s hu t . ce e t.. p-t hee,by we.

g .g- t e. de t et.e.e t h.t cetIhr.3}irs.tesielggg).e{u,p sty s9){[.g,gd e s e.

ei.c ee g ac ee. ..e4 l pr.,de.sthe eluee .- .

s gJe et..leed thea set e .cs sed et the t.d._ge ..dner ches eit e3ee.g y.f 7.~3 . ~ C*p"[36 dMMee*Wi@IT

.ee. .u k . . .

57. L.TweJ i. the certif sue. monace . o..iie, a...e..e., .

KA-4 9 34.13 m ell.a. St.e.g., S.f rei.e d

t,  ;,-. .. . .n s. e.t.u.. a t. e.t.. .. n... n o.t., .. . , se , .

l u! **- a P8 8 '"** I"****'d***'*i gn a.li5 *s. nee 's a' e i # E t*3 h.*'n"s et ur .ar e . *e **'"' i'.a. **dt.

  • I "s ee.e.t

" I ' .I d . deterT'iE I g g11w .i er draros 1.. . te... the. n e nar e. .eec t.t e ereee n. . . . ret t. l ewis.e t . e

? q3;

.p Tis rr.iec t ive e.. i.. c.t . .w m u . i.e t us. .ee.. i st .e.

...t.. , ee e , . here .i...

.,e. l u e. . ,e .en i f i.cte

e. e . t e.e. .. .. h.. . . t . .t .e . . ... . . . . n .e .

l u.4in.n .. .. u s.. .t . ... st .t _

7-4IMNIUinstion er Procesa Status .

I l

se et..t.. iG.

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, u nyal.a r. the e. e .. sk. c.a4 3 sa.. ..d *** e.ene rin w e s se -

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. u .e n . e lier an= .teceed. ,

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ennt. ++et. ht t e 64 *i ne rise ilits=L,18r.stJ .4 e i.ees flotte.12.atass.

d.i um ,

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nc. e. g 4.e .... gg$i1552. W. cilg tes91!r.!!!== . Nu.! f t 1!L111.I du.e's ee.lin'. i e -j d.

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