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Forwards Rept on Assessment & Collection of Annual Charges, Per Section 7601 of Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/07/1986
From: Zech L
To: Dingell J, Stafford R, Udall M
Shared Package
ML20214A282 List:
FOIA-87-196, FRN-51FR24078, RULE-PR-171, RULE-PR-171-FR5R24078 AC30-1-21, NUDOCS 8611190387
Download: ML20214A298 (1)


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.%, . 4 3(-l f bbiNk July 7, 1906 The Menorable Mer'ls r udell. Chairmen Ceumittee en Interter and Insular Affairs United States itesse of Representatives Washington. 9.C. N615 Deer Mr. Chelveen: l In eteerdance with Settien 7006 et the toneeltested hattes andset nocensilletten Art of 1985 I e eatsettleg to the temittee the besleer tegoletery Commisolen's Report en the Asessement and Collection of Annual Charges.


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Inclosure: As stated cc: The IIenere M e ten The genereMe IIensel ISBNflCAL LETTE 4 NIff IS:

Son. Batert f. tegen .

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. or naisting Statutory Autfwity to Anesos and (bilect Annual Chupe 1 C. Amounts Curantly Assessed Uhder Ddsting Authority 2 te. tummary of Prgomed mie 3 E. mecommendations for R>pending the Ddatirey Statutory Authority to Assoas and 0211ect hoe 5 F

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  • tkdtad states maclear Mulatory Ctmnissien Agert on the Assesapumt and CbLloctice of Annual Charges A. Beckertund On April 7,1906, the President signed N.R. 3128 (P.L.99-272) to raka changue in apending and sevenue pewisions for purposes of deficit zwesetkoi and psopresi aquevesumit consistant with the budget process.

Section 7001 af P.L.99-272 repaises the mehr Rapialatory Omanission pect to memet a en the acessammat and =1htien of annual charves tremipersons by the Osundselen pursuant to the Atomie many Act of 1964142 U.s.c. 3311 et seq.) to mese all er part at the activities annessene by the Omudasien pusement to sue ast, apendficany, the suport la to instehs (1) me estant to addait the Omudasian's existing statutasy er sepdatory to esamos me amusst aussel eksegas, inchseing the meestty of to to amenes m e asuest anos pursuant to M T af te W eddless 6 Amt af 1952 (Mahl, la ahpets to atte a munissien to espess and as13 sat sees

- tem es gelse af to humedth seuduued to the 18 senses and the aest es to casatamien af sendering such basants (2) tem amusste cursunnay asessmed and antaasted geseuset to amistamp sestutory er segu-latory authertly and tass suspense der tedsen sush Ames ase asnestads and (3) any h4== af the a==d==h sur egending the endating statutory asteurity to esamos and sollect seas, inekselag the Omudasion's justification sur medi appensian.

e. twtont of Scistins Stattatnew Ansthority to Aamnes and CoM-t Annual Charass Prior to enactment of P.L.99-272, the authority of the tsc to couact fees uns besse en Title V af the offlame intaan Act of 1952 (1044), 31 U.S.C. 403(a) (now find at 31 U.S. . 1). The Isc's puh, the Atmeic hasy candesian (AE), aespeed its first license fee edisealm in the fall 1968. Jhmong other tidnes, en annual see was estab11ahad to esvar the sost af 11annme suerstuunts and riensuals.

On Mase 4,1974, the U.S. Sigemme Omst deeAM tue asses tedd challenged the validitar of ammal 11annes dass semessed by the Federsl Ommesdastians osasiaslan trots and the seemest sener asentasian under authority of the Independent Offlame Appsspriatian Act af 1952 (30h4).

ne sums seses samalted famn the of the lanese ,e in 3ah4 and the M lt ; GS Ciraalar A-35, Ginsges," with sos

' cost / are to be incluend in *.he fee been ser annual fees, pect to teet in test anal Cele '41mielen v. Odtad s<atas, 415 U.S. 336 (1974) and

, Mguer Gast as a v. Iter Bislan6 M1uer _ 415 U.S. 345 (1974),

court resrurIcted the aplicate of to amid an unctmeti-tutional tax. no Court held that a fee nuet tear a relationship to the special benefits given to the aplicant or lionneen tr/ the averwy actics) and that a tan aveultad from the agency's attmpt to rectuer all of its crwts through fees igomed on the svplated irdietry.

Following the guldence set forth in those Sgnene ocurt decisions, as well as C 7 T. decisions interpreting the 20AA issued by the ocurts of appeals, the ocaudasion in 1978 promulgated a revised fee schedule.

Consistuen tdth the judicial Ameislane, pec asassend fees only cn persans see ase ienatifishle seseipts of 'special benefita' confersed by specifi-cally tammatesad astavities of the WC. He tamm

  • 1al benefits" includes asuvises asudesed at the of a socip and all services neas.amary sur the t- et a pasmit,11ounes, appseval, or esmunesunt, er seher ansvians with statutusy to assist a recipient in complying er +"r _ _ unear the cementasion's regula-tier.c. mese the ifiention el the spoeific beneficiary of lec activity is ehesuse, the east of the activity tes not ineleemd in the cost hasta sur ease. With tede seseristeen, the let see not able to recover subetantien *$mmeris' esses asusted by the in services to the mantear assuunt y but theek unge not to a specific l recipisme. In 192, the matute aests Ameleted sash itmo as seemerth

($127.5 milliani, guerts lisensing estivities ($N.4 ad111m), standards esvensammet $$14.2 =stiammt, and onespamuds (87.1 ad11A=) for a miniant total af $!dt.4 adllien, senated to pesar seactor segulation.

Nevertheless, the let has unnaged, the limited authority of 31 U.S.C. FM1, to collast misse f.tamal 1979 Amately

$156 ad111en. The M-A= holleves , trith amouytion of a few collinge en does, it has mundensed see collmetien under 31 U.S.C. 9701.

Sect'on M01, P.L.99-272, augdres that the let assoas and collect "arsmial desges' in addition to other asunsets collected by the Osnaisalan urder prior estaority, i.e., 31 U.S.C. 9701. Whereas 31 U.S.C. 9701 weeks in tamme of earviams er things of value pewided by the Goverwent "to a paream,* the was peerision segnises the collection of asonnel charves by the tec isum its *11ammmens' in gameral, so as the chasyne are

'r M- salated to tese omrvios '

It la en tlw basis of tlia not authority .

the IEC will charge annual Sese tot

!!) the cymretore of 1Amansed manimar senatore tedd are for the pupone of e-.di- ensetricitys (2) the asp 1Amanta $st licenses for power reactere imitar active lac saviamps and 13) the selected pateriala licanames noeur perte 40 and M. Efesotively, this t,ill pgan that the feciarly aMM ymeric sosts ansviens pewidad to licensess w,ill now he recoverable, auch that, inthat are reas attitian to other amounts colleeted by the Osedselen, the asaant will not aseceed 33 yaraant of the let's fison1 year costs. It is anticipated that NBC omsta sa those areas will usually be greater than the statutorily imposed colling.

C. bemynes currently _ Aseessed thier twisting Autivrity Me sedating fee schedula,10 01t Part 170, met out fees for errra twfula-tory servloes that psc prtwides for facility and retarials 11connene.

tw rart 170 fee schedule iglananta Title V of the fr Sefervkt Offitxa A4 prrpriation Act of 1952 (65 8 tat. 290: 31 U.S.C. 9701) (KM). Um I

i autherlaes imC to charge fees for special benefits rendered to identifiable persone seeeered by the "value to the recipient" of the agency service.

Under the Ceneelldeted Omnibus Sedget ReconctItation Act of 1945 (P.L.99-272), the Ituclear Angulatory Commissten is authorized to assess and collest anneel energes free liconeees an anoont no greater than thirty-these percent of the Cemeission's costs for conducting its regulatory settettles.

propeesd le CFR port 171, drafted in response to Section 7601 of P.L. 9D-278, would estahltsh an annual fee to be paid by each person who hee en tag ifcense applicetten under active review by the NRC, each persee- posseseos a license te operate a nuclear power reactor, and each pereen uhe holds a mejor meterials Ilconee issued under le CFR Port 40 or 70.

By leen, P.L.99-272 is more coserehensive than entsting authority under . For FY 1987, under proposed Part 171, the NRC would recover g to $1M al111en in costs. Under existing Part 170, the Nec would recover only an estimated $37 alliten in costs.

O. 9 - - i of Preseted Sole The Commission, in cespliance with P.L. 99 272, has issued for pubile comment a proposed rule that would add a new part to its regulations to prescrite an annual fee for all persons who have an operating Itcense appilcetten under active NAC review, d e held a license to operate a nuclear pewer reacter, and who held a mejor materials license issued under 10 CFR Part # er 70. The annual fee would recover a110weble NAC l'udgeted costs for reacter related and certain meterials-related regulatory services.

The proposed annual fee would recover these costs currently assessed under the authority of Title V of the Independent Offices Appropriation Act of 1952 (31 U.S.C. 9701) and, in addition, generic costs for reactor-related and meterials-related regulatory services not previously recovered under 10 CFR Part 170.

In establishing the basis for determining the annual charge for reactors, a statistical analysis was initiated on fatted agency cost data for regulating individual units and multiple unit sites, in reference to l

autherlaed power level in thermal megewetts. Although preliminary results l show a slight positive correlation between regulatory costs and power level, the large variability in the data does not allow for a meaningful projection. If addittenal analysis shows a statistically significant relattenship between power level and regulatory costs, the Commission will take that into account in determining the form of the final rule. 51nce l no significant predictive relationship exists between regulatory costs and I power level, the proposed rule imposes a uniform annual charge for each as,plicant for and holder of a license for a nuclear power reactor.

I 4-

'the pecyosed rule imposes a modnet annual fee on ease natarials licensene. 'these are predominantly licensees autharized to possess and to use e6pdflosset opnesstities of span:lal nuclear notarial in fuel praa=ama"T aos esbrication, or alydficant quantities of acurce snatarial in the uredemi Asol cycle. ' thens licensees ripresent commercial cyeratisme, and faimmes requires that they bear a fair sharm of their

=palanery easte.

theer part 171, sees will not be collected for costs in the arnas of:

(1) hypseenet notarials other then for omtar fuel cycle regulatory costs casered by part 40; (2) eenetnantion possuh rwimwes (3) topical rwports; (4) pe=1emaammy amt fimal deedyn appresed swimuss (5) 10 m Part 55

"==*a=== and omstiftam*& met and (4) non-pouer reactors. Ptes ar,e onllested sur sepsistase of these asses runw uder 10 CMt part 170.

Reliming sum 11 asterials th of ions is annaistent with fleticri 7601.

'Enking into assoideration the Conssemejanal view, the lasgo muber of smedl th, the selatively small fees todah tsould be collected, and the oeste of mMaistering medi a creaction peo3ress, the commission proposes not to collect annual fees hun small materials licensees.

'the annual fees fcr FY 1M7 would het maclant Pouer remeter $1,010,000 uraniani mael Pubricetjan 45,000 Utenium metafluories Pro &iction 14,500 Ureniten mesi suo 7,000 Advenood maal 350 7,000 ursedian Mc_i ~ Mills 23,000 In mailtion to the appenedi favored by the majority SAich is met forth in the peteceed rule, the c d=imi is also intasestad in roomivinq views on I

en alternative under iddds all beneficiari*e of O==i== son services would pay fees. that the annust diarys for reactors would me Mm1=ted by the net forth in the gruposed Part 171 (with a slight modiflostlen to maa==* for is.W.J fame dimmed meterials lloonsese). Ikasseer, materials 11aaneses and other ree;plante of regulatory earvimos apart fnes seselaar pquer reactor applicants and liounsees would pay the fees presen. tly est sorth in 10 Cnt Part 170 pursuant to the Independent Offices Appropriations Act. 'the secunt collected under this alternative appuendt isould also appronimate one4hird of the hic budget.

Power sweetar applicants or licensees would pay taly $20,000 per year per todt less under this alternative than they wculd in the prt90eal favored by the enjority. Materi. 11onnsees collectively would pey appratientely $2.7 million per year more.

Provided for your inforrution as Attadvent 2 is the Motice of Pinceed pulsenking, implementity the Du4et Reconciliation Act. In milition, it crritains the separate viewe of Chainnen tech, and crraissioners M)erts and Bomthal.

8611190307 031117

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E. n=- - _-Sir =to for Expanding the Existirq Ststutory Authority to Assess l ang Opl3act Peas IsotwithstanAing the above, the Cassaissicn bellemas that ad11tional clarifying legislation should be proposed because the starmlan5s set forth in Section 7601 of P.L. 99"272 aus unclear. Ozets to be ansessed under 20hk home been constased by the courts in a Instrictive fashion. The Agesom Osort has held that a fee ausst bear a relationship to the special benefits given to the er licensee by the aguacy action, kemuse it aspasse that the of claer statutory langenge that deflaitively hl ^ t : Smoties 7601 of P.L.99-272 fnse the 10hA, the legal prtblerns identified by the ageene ocurt in distin laishing 1044 fees fztna taxes may be also possent in amation 7601 of F.L. T 4272.

ly, the Comedaoion W that the Congrees enact clarifying legis , that Congness should identify with greater p w:isim the categories of liconemos that shoald he charged an annual fee, and that Congrees should specify the precise aucunts of the fees to be leviad, or pibe the fossanla try Wdcts the Sees are calculated. The numfseicn believes that legislation zeepnding to thmes conoorns would substantially, if not completely, se& ace the litigative risks to the let in implementirn an annual fee. Der legislative peuposal is pewided as Attadsent 1.

This proposal is the amme as that pewided in the casesission's April 15, 1996 paport on Deer Peas adedtted to the Senate Abacusaittee cm teoclear I Regulation. this preposal was bened on collecting revenues frtzn nuclear l power reacter licanemos to appstadaante 50 percent of 1sc's budget (i.e., l about $200 million). This leal was consistent with the intent of %e '

A&ainistration's pecposal contained in the President's FY 198 /_ Rd; ret of l

_tra thited States ccce._ _.t. In r w iewing this proposed legislation, iI the Congt,mes:

may want to consider esecesing fees based on a miform mnual chartye cm each power reactor instand of roector power levels may went to ocnsider assessing fees to each parnon who has an operating license asp 11 cation under active rwiew by the fact and may went to consider assessing fees to pejor nuclear materials licensees in aaliticn to nucisar power reactor liomnoes.

ATDO9Dir 1 Spart 13GIRArtvr AUm0RITT so amend the Anande mesw Act of 1954, as monded, to Agoes a fee on Mr M planen.

an it aussens by the senses and 1he amuse of Ihpresentatives of the tkdted Semene et Ammu$sa in empuess er that:

1. Se assade hour Ast et 1994, as =semana ris Aarther asunded by adding a saw sustssm ses, as amu suoi "mus. 23. any gemeen ideo, en the last tv of a timos1 year holds a lasumme asumet under See.183 er les.b antimerising that to aposato a tutt18mmedam , amt any gemeen tense ty to gasses umAar sue a 16eemse est home suusted but is la amiguenten en en test ey of a disent seer, dall en the first day of the asut staaet pay to the muuBesten seis am of sin annenr3 flue M per milliam autto of the amens thamme)

, as set het in tem 18 sense, guaridad tens seest themsel of that estadey is in eense of SS milliam tests. seien a

. persen as er er acessmense autheriand to amt en tuhatt of . is to spesets a Basility, the see shall he aesttentes es austi 4 segment poseen. Mose persons subjast to tida mestesa sen11 met he emessess Ases meer 31 U.S.c.

fwl.' appuammes sur spesetasy namaness pensens huesse me we a sets assaaaacasm bassoas afamativel shs11 pur the Mm, pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 9731, all adensgestda costs incursed by the w* An psooonsing tenir applications up to that date.

2. Section 7001 of the consoliduced omdbus Budget stoconciliation Act of  ;

1ses is supeated.


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