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Forwards Rev a to Pilot Program Guidelines Document & Forwards Several Changes Re Conduct of Pilot Program Effort Concerning six-month Pilot Program of Revised Reactor Oversight Process for Commercial Nuclear Power Plants
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/18/1999
From: Bill Dean
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
To: Dyer J, Miller H, Reyes L
Shared Package
ML20211F885 List:
NUDOCS 9908310096
Download: ML20211F882 (4)



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/ August 18, 1999 MEMORANDUM TO: Hubert J. Miller, Regional Administrator, Region i Luis A. Reyes, Regional Administrator, Region 11 James E. Dyer, Regional Administrator, Region lli Ellis W. Merschoff, Regional Administrator, Region IV

/  ! /]

FROM: William M. Dean, Chief Inspection Program Branch '

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F-Division of Inspection Program Management Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


UPDATED GUIDANCE FOR USE DURING THE REVISED REACTOR OVERSIGHT PROCESS PILOT PROGRAM A six-month pilot program of the revised reactor oversight process for commercial nuclear power i plants commenced on May 30,1999, at two plant sites per region. The procedures and  !

programs for implementation during this pilot program were forwarded to the four regional administrators by the Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, in a memorandum dated May 20,1999. As we have implemented the pilot program, the need for additional program guidance and procedure revisions has been noted. This memo and its attachments document and forward this additional guidance and are to be implemented during the remainder of the pilot 1 program.

Attachment 1 to this memo provides revision A to the pilot program guidelines document and forwards several changes regarding the conduct of the pilot program effort. All of these changes have been previously discussed with regional and headquarters staff, with a consensus reached on their implementation. Some of the more significant changes forwarded by this revision include revised pilot program evaluation criteria and guidance for updating the plant issues matrix. These changes have been noted by change bars in the margin of the attachment.

Several additions and revisions have also been made to the Significance Determination Process (SDP) during the course of the pilot prograrn. The guidance has been clarified to address how the availability of other systems and trains should be accounted for in the SDP evaluation. In summary, it is not necessary to include the impact of other equipment that was unavailable for routine maintenance and testing when using the SDP to determine the risk associated with an issue. The impact of the likelihood of this equipment not being available is generally included in the licensee's baseline probabilistic risk analysis equipment unavailability values.

Other changes to the SDP include the development of pilot plant SDP Phase 1 and Phase 2 worksheets to provide design specific information for use during the SDP evaluation. These worksheets have been provided directly to the pilot program sites and reviewed with the resident inspectors and licensee staff. SDP Table 2 was modified to allow easy transition from the Phase i 2 worksheets to the cell that establishes the color. SDP Table 3 was added to better describe 9908310096 990818 '" '

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the process for applying mitigation strategy credit in the analysis. The SDP for evaluating the significance of issues related to degraded fire barrier, fire detection, and suppression systems was also added. Attachment 2 to this memo provides revision 1 to Inspection Manual Chapter 06XX, Significance Determination Process, dated 8/10/99, which incorporates these changes.

Several changes to the conouct of the baseline inspection program and the documentation of inspection findings have also been developed during the course of the pilot program. These changes include additional guidance on how to follow-up open inspection items, the conduct of backshift coverage under the new oversight process, the appropriate thresholds and level of detail for documenting inspection observations and findings, and the content of inspection report summary of findings and cover letters. Some of these revisions have been captured in the changes to the pilot program guidelines document, Attachment 1 to this memo. Additional guidance regarding the documentation of issues and findings in inspection reports is also included as Attachment 3 to this memo. All of these changes will eventually be included in revisions to IMC 2515*, Light Water Reactor Inspection Program - Operations Phase, and 0610*, inspection Reports.  ;

The force-on-force aspects of the physical protection baseline inspection program have been temporarily suspended during the pilot program, pending the completion and evaluation of the operational safeguards response evaluations (OSREs). Attachment 4 to this memo provides a revision to inspection procedure 71130, Physical Protection, dated August 13,1999, which incorporates this change.

The fire protection baseline inspection procedure was revised to incorporate specific elements of the fire protection functional inspection procedure and to better clarify the monthly, annual, and triennial inspection requirements. Attachment 5 to this memo provides a revision to inspection procedure 71111, Attachment 5, Fire Protection, dated 8/11/99, which incorporates these changes. j Attachments: 1 Pilot Program Guidelines

2. Inspection Manual Chapter 06XX
3. Additionalinspection Report Guidance
4. Inspection Procedure 71130
5. Inspection Procedure 71111, Attachment 5 cc: Union of Concerned Scientists Nuclear Energy Institute State of Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Distribution:

Public Document Room Central Files PIPB R/F Resident inspectors (9 pilot sites) I Plant Managers (9 pilot sites)

DOCUMENT NAME: Pilot Program Revision Memo.WPD

  • See previous concurrence To receive a copy of this document, indicate in the box: "C" = Copy without enclosures *E" = Copy with enclosures "N"

= No copy OFFICE - PIPB:DIPM l6 PIPB:DIPM j>g/ PIPB:DIPM l l l .

NAME TJFrye T M:- ALMA # N WMQean l DATE 08/ /'6 /99 08/ j // / /9h 98fd ()7 /99 OFFICIAL RECDRD COPY .

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2 the process for applying mitigation strategy credit in the analysis. The SDP for evaluating the significance of issues related to degraded fire barrier, fire detection, and suppression systems was also added. Attachment 2 to this memo provides revision 1 to inspection Manual Chapter  !

06XX, Significance Determination Process, dated 8/10/99, which incorporates these changes.

Several changes to the conduct of the baseline inspection program and the documentation of inspection findings have also been developed during the course of the pilot program. These changes include additional guidance on how to follow-up open inspection items, the conduct of backshift coverage under the new overright process, the appropriate thresholds and level of detail for documenting inspection observations and findings, and the content of inspection  ;

report summary of findings and cover letters. Some of these revisions have been captured in the changes to the pilot program guidelines document, Attachment 1 to this memo. Additional  !

guidance regarding the documentation of issues and findings in inspection reports is also i included as Attachment 3 to this memo. All of these changes will eventually be included in l revisions to IMC 2515*, Light Water Reactor inspection Program - Operations Phase, and l 0610*, inspection Reports. l The force-on-fo'rce aspects of the physical protection baseline inspection program have been temporarily suspended during the pilot program, pending the completion and evaluation of the I operational safeguards response evaluations (OSREs). Attachment 4 to this memo provides a revision to inspection procedure 71130, Physical Protection, dated August 13,1999, which incorporates this change.

The fire protection baseline inspection procedure was revised to incorporate specific elements of the fire protection functionalinspection procedure and to better clarify the monthly, annual, and triennialinspection requirements. Attachment 5 to this memo provides a revision to inspection procedure 71111, Attachment 5, Fire Protection, dated 8/11/99, which incorporates these changes.

Attachments: 1'. Pilot Program Guidelines

2. Inspection Manual Chapter 06XX
3. AdditionalInspection Report Guidance
4. Inspection Procedure 71130
5. Inspection Procedure 71111, Attachment 5 cc: Union of Concemed Scientists Nuclear Energy Institute State of Illinois Department of Nuclear Safety State of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection

Pilot Program Guidelines Attachment 1 l
