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Holtec CISF Draft Environmental Impact Statement Meeting Presentations August and September Webinars
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/12/2020
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards
Caverly J
Download: ML20225A100 (31)


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Draft Environmental Impact Statement for a Consolidated Interim Storage Facility (CISF) for Spent Nuclear Fuel in Lea County, New Mexico Public Comment Meetings Webinars - August 20, 25, 26, and September 2, 2020 Thursday, August 20, 2020 - 4:00 pm MT (6:00 pm ET) Tuesday, August 25, 2020 - 12:00 noon MT (2:00 pm ET)

Webinar Webinar Event address: Event address:

Event number: 199 831 2299 Event number: 199 973 2733 Event password: HOLTEC Event password: HOLTEC Telephone access Telephone access Phone number: 888-566-6509 Phone number: 888-566-6509 Passcode: 1904459 Passcode: 1904459 Wednesday, August 26, 2020 - 4:00 pm MT (6:00 pm ET) Wednesday, September 2, 2020 - 9:00 am MT (11:00 am ET)

Webinar Webinar Event address: Event address:

Event number: 199 278 6216 Event number: 199 183 5099 Event password: HOLTEC Event password: HOLTEC Telephone access Telephone access Phone number: 888-566-6509 Phone number: 888-566-6509 Passcode: 1904459 Passcode: 1904459 1


Meeting Information and Slides All audio will be through the NRC Telephone line listed in meeting notice Slides will be available at the Webex link at the time and date of the meeting Slides are available on the NRC meeting notice which can be access at: Slides are also available at the NRCs website for the Holtec CISF project at: 2

Members of the Media Please contact NRCs Public Affairs Officer, David McIntyre 3

Spanish Language Staff and Slides Spanish language slides are available at Native Spanish speaking staff available during todays meeting 4

Opening Remarks John Tappert, Director Division of Rulemaking, Environmental and Financial Support 5

  • NRCs Review Process

- Safety Review

- Environmental Review Meeting

  • Overview of Holtecs License Application Overview
  • Public Scoping Comments
  • NRCs Environmental Review Results
  • Information Resources and Ways to Comment
  • Public Comment 6

To receive comments on the DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT PURPOSE OF THE STATEMENT for the MEETING Holtec Consolidated Interim Storage Facility 7

The NRCs Review Process for a License Application for a Consolidated Interim Storage Facility 8

The NRCs Review Process Evaluate the application and determine if a license can be issued.

Not to promote Holtecs proposal or the Consolidated Interim Storage Facility (CISF) concept Safety and Environmental Review of Holtecs application Environmental Review: Evaluate the environmental impacts of building and operating a CISF at the proposed site Safety Review: Determine whether Holtec can safely construct and operate the CISF at the proposed site 9

NRCs Decision Process for CISF Reviews Applicant Submits License Application NEPA - National AEA - Atomic Energy Act NRC Accepts Environmental Policy Act

  • Regulations must be met License Application
  • Disclosure of for licensing environmental impacts
  • 10 Code of Federal
  • NRC impact levels Regulations Part 72 NRC Safety NRC Review Environmental NRC Adjudicatory Review (Safety Evalution Hearings Report) (Environmental Impact Statement)

ASLB Issues Findings NRC Licensing Decision 10 10

NRCs CISF Safety Review Financial Hazards from Natural Operational controls, Qualifications Phenomena (Flood, limits, procedures; Wind, Fires,Tornados, training and qualifications High/Low temps)

Physical Security; Emergency Response Hazards from nearby industrial facilities, pipelines, transportation Geologic features, soil Facility building design; characteristics, seismic storage system design; hazards quality assurance 11

Environmental Review Scenic and Visual Public and Noise Occupational Health Air Quality Waste Management Historic and Cultural Ecology Socioeconomics Water Resources Environmental Justice (Surface and Groundwater)

Transportation Geology and Soils 12

Impact Significance Levels

  • SMALL - Environmental effects are not detectable or are so minor that they will neither destabilize nor noticeably alter any important attribute of the resource.
  • MODERATE - Environmental effects are sufficient to alter noticeably, but not to destabilize, important attributes of the resource.
  • LARGE - Environmental effects are clearly noticeable and are sufficient to destabilize important attributes of the resource.


Summary of Holtec Internationals CISF License Application to the US NRC 14

Holtecs Proposed Consolidated Interim Storage Facility (CISF) for Spent Nuclear Fuel Located between Hobbs and Carlsbad, NM Includes storage facility, related buildings and rail line Licensing request is for Phase 1 of the CISF project Source: Safety Evaluation Report (Holtec, 2017) 15

Holtec HI-STORE CISF - Site Diagram Phase 1 Source: Environmental Report (Holtec, 2017)

Source: Holtec International 16


  • HI-STORM UMAX system
  • Dry, in-ground spent fuel storage system
  • Each module contains 1 canister
  • In-ground Canister Transfer Facility for canister transfer operations Source: Holtec International 17

Umax Canister Hi-Store Design Source: Safety Evaluation Report (Holtec, 2017) 18

Phases and Stages Phase Stage

  • Each PHASE of the project will include up
  • EIS evaluates THREE STAGES to 500 canisters of spent fuel of the project
  • EIS evaluates potentially impacts of up to - Construction 20 PHASES - Operation

- Note that the safety review evaluates Phase 1 storage facility and any other facilities that are important to safety (i.e. transfer building - Decommissioning/Reclamation components)

  • Each Phase has three stages
  • Proposed action is Phase 1 or 500 canisters which includes construction of the rail spur and additional facilities including administrative building and transfer building 19

Public Scoping Comments 20

Scoping Process

  • Scoping Period

- March 30, 2018 - July 20, 2018

- Webinar and in-person meetings held in Carlsbad, Gallup, Roswell, Hobbs and Albuquerque, NM

  • Comments -

- 6,665 pieces of comment correspondence

- Approximately 3,900 unique comments

  • Scoping comment report

- 21

Public Comments

  • Transportation

- Safety/Accidents

- Radiation dose to citizens near

  • Out of Scope - Covered in the Safety Review the rail line

- Potential for flooding, external hazards

  • Location and Land Use

- Impacts from sink holes, stability of the

- Alternate location subsurface

- Impacts of accidents

- Compatibility with the Umax system

  • Geology

- Design of structural elements

- Sink holes

- Integrity of the Umax canister

  • Volume of Material

- Financial assurance

- 500 or 10,000 casks?

- Accident conditions and failure of transport

  • Water Resources casks

- Contamination to playa lakes and ground water aquifer

  • Socioeconomics
  • Small number of jobs
  • External Events - fire, flood 22

Results of NRCs Environmental Review 23

Impact Evaluation License term Groundwater and Surface

  • Impacts were analyzed for a Water term of 40 years for a storage
  • No liquid stored in the Umax license canister, groundwater near the
  • A licensee would be required facility was characterized to remove the spent fuel prior
  • Impacts to playas (lakes) to decommissioning the facility evaluated for sheet flow from the site - overflow is not contaminated 24

Impact Evaluation Transportation Impacts from Transportation

  • Traffic safety and road degradation from workers Accidents and construction vehicles
  • Evaluated doses to first responders, workers and
  • Dose rates to the public and workers along the route members of the public were estimated and found to meet regulatory limits
  • Assumptions of no releases during accidents; NRC
  • Evaluated the movement for the entire 20 phases of rules require spent fuel transportation containers to material or 10,000 canister using conservative withstand severe accidents without releases estimates of representative routes Location of Facility and Land Use

- Proposed by the applicant

- Site selection methods evaluated by NRC staff

- 6 mile radius from the CISF 25

Impact Evaluation Environmental Justice

  • Analysis of the human health and environment follows Socioeconomics guidance from:

- Council on Environmental Quality, Federal Interagency Working Group on

  • Focused on changes in the region from the Environmental Justice and NEPA Committee, NRC Environmental Standard Review Plan (NUREG-1748), and NRC Policy Statement on the Treatment of proposed CISF Environmental Justice Matters in NRC Regulatory and Licensing - Workers who may move into the region and fluctuations in population

- Resources available to the community

  • Region of influence includes 115 block groups - Economic growth and tax revenues generated (geographic areas between 600 and 3,000 people) - Demand on public services, schools, and housing within 10 counties that fall completely or partially within the 50-mile radius of the proposed CISF project Ecology area
  • No threatened or endangered species
  • Identification of potentially affected minority or low- affected income populations and relevant comparisons
  • Vegetation removal within the proposed
  • Evaluated if any minority or low-income populations project area would be noticeable would be disproportionately high and adversely by -

- following guidance for Federal agencies

- Considering all the information presented throughout the EIS including site visits, historical and cultural consultations with Tribes

- Considering any special pathways through which environmental justice populations could be more affected than other population 26

Results of the Environmental Review RESOURCE IMPACT EVALUATION (construction, operation and decommission/reclamation stages)

Land Use SMALL - Proposed Action (Phase 1) IMPACT SIGNIFICANCE LEVELS SMALL - Additional Phases (Phases 2-20) NUREG 1748

  • SMALL - Environmental effects are not Transportation SMALL - Proposed Action detectable or are so minor that they will SMALL - Additional Phases neither destabilize nor noticeably alter any important attribute of the resource.

Geology and Soils SMALL - Proposed Action

  • MODERATE - Environmental effects are SMALL - Additional Phases sufficient to alter noticeably, but not to destabilize, important attributes of the Surface Water SMALL - Proposed Action resource.
  • LARGE - Environmental effects are clearly SMALL - Additional Phases noticeable and are sufficient to destabilize important attributes of the resource.

Groundwater SMALL - Proposed Action SMALL - Additional Phases Ecology SMALL to MODERATE - Proposed Action**

SMALL to MODERATE - Additional Phases**

    • until vegetation has been reestablished Air Quality SMALL - Proposed Action SMALL - Additional Phases 27

Results of the Environmental Review RESOURCE IMPACT EVALUATION (construction, operation and decommission/reclamation stages)

Noise SMALL - Proposed Action SMALL - Additional Phases See Historic and Cultural SMALL - Proposed Action EIS - Chapter 9 Summary of SMALL - Additional Phases Environmental Consequences Visual and Scenic SMALL - Proposed Action SMALL - Additional Phases Socioeconomic SMALL to MODERATE*

  • beneficial on local finances Environmental Justice There would be no disproportionately high and adverse impacts to minority or low-income populations Public and Occupational SMALL - Proposed Action Health SMALL - Additional Phases Waste Management SMALL to MODERATE*
  • for Phases 2-20 for decommissioning and generated waste 28

Information Resources

  • Draft Environmental Impact Statement


  • Readers guide


- (Spanish)

  • Application material and NRC project website

- 29

How to Comment

  • Oral comments at NRC meetings
  • Federal Rulemaking Web Site: Go to and search for Docket ID NRC-2018-0052. Address questions about NRC docket IDs to Jennifer Borges; telephone: 301-287-9127; e-mail:
  • Mail comments to: Office of Administration, Mail Stop: TWFN-7-A60M, ATTN: Program Management, Announcements and Editing Staff, U.S.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001.

  • E-mail comments to:

SUBMIT COMMENTS BY SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 NOTE : The NRC cautions you not to include identifying or contact information that you do not want to be publicly disclosed in your comment submission. The NRC posts all comment submissions at and enters all comment submissions into ADAMS, the NRCs document filing system.


Public Comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement 31