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Mod 10,increasing Funds,To Radiation Monitoring Program Requirements
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/15/1989
From: Edgeworth E, Toohey J
Shared Package
ML20235N240 List:
CON-FIN-B-8551, CON-NRC-32-83-682 NUDOCS 8903010118
Download: ML20235N251 (10)


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Ten W O) 1/1/89 ' RG5-83-682- dtd 12/8'/88 ' j c.issuco ov ^^""'"""'""*'"""'"'""""

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\ i U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission  !

I Division of Contracts & Property Management l Washington, DC 20555 {

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Department of Social and Health Services Office of Radiation Protection <,u. oA Tco rsEK m:u ni Thurston Airdustrial Center Building 5, MS LE-13 n oA. uOoaicn noN oF con T n AC rfonoco


Olympia, Washington 98504 X NRC-32-83-682 L OU. DAT C O (SEE ITEM 135 cOct p AciuTY CODE 1/01/83 11 Tills I T EM ONLY iPPLIES TO AMENDMEN TS OF SOLICIT AllONS The .ibove numt;cred solicitation is ener*d as sat for t*, in item 14. The hour and date specihed Ior recegn of of fers is ex tended, is not ex.


Of fers must acknowledge reccept of this amendment prior to the bour and date specified in the solicitation or as amended, by one of the followinq nWhods:

(a} Ov compict ng Items 8 and 15. and returnin.) _. capees of the anwndnent (b) Uv acknowled.png receot of this amendm-ni on eaS conv of the of fer submitted. or (c) Or separate letter or idef am wNch includes .. ref erence to the solicitation cod amendment nam!ms F AILUHE OF YOUR ACKNOW1.EDG.

MENT TO OU HECEIVEO AT THE PL ACE DESIGN ATED FOR THE DECElfst OF OFFERS PRIOR TO THE HOUH AND DATE SPECIFIED MAY M(sULT IN hEJECTION OF YOUH OFFCH If by vir tue of this amendment you desire 'o change an of'cr alMy submitted. such r hang may te mm N iWgram nt letter. provided each telegram or lettar m,pa*s referene. ta t' o schcitation and mo amendment, and is received rn.or ta the noens) hour and daa mef Wd.

12. AccouN T 6NC. AN D APPnOPul A T ION DA T A (if ic,;aared) [

APPfLNo. 31X0200.209 BM_No. 920-19-04-02-0 FIN No. B8551-9 03LICATE: $14,000.00



A. T Hlh C6( ANGE On OC n 15 ISSUE D Pun 5U AN T T0: (Spec /y cu t%rs t ) T H L Ct t ANG CS SE T Fo n T H IN I T EM [4 A n L M ADC IN T H E CON-g T R AC T ORDEn r40. IN I TEM tOA.

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, '. Pun $u AN T TO TeiE Au ra tO ni T y or F A n 4 3,3 0 3;n).

  • approprsatenit dat.', etc ) SL T F OR T H IN I T E r.'


C . l H15 5vPitLMl N r A1 AL H L L t'E N I 85 t.N T [ u d D IN T O PU R5U AN T To AU l s.On1 T Y ok :

X Mut.ual agreement of the parties o o 1 Hc n uv cay 1 oc or ,,m.w.m.m .,,,n . ..

E. IMPO RTANT: Contractor b is not, h is required to sign this document and return _2 Copics to the issuing of fiCe

'L5LSC n tP T ION oF AMLNUMEN T(moo lF IC A T ton (organized by UCF sectuon heodmes, sncludmg sohcsta non/ con tract su tnect matter where leassble.)

The purpose of this modification is to 1) extend the period of performance, 2) provide CY 1989 funds and revise Article V, 3) incorporate Attachment A - Revised Statement of Work, and 4) change the accounting and appropriation data. Accordingly, the following changes are hereby made:

1. ARTICLE III - PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE, paragraph A. is revised to read as follows:

"A. The period of performance hereunder shall commence on January 1,1983 and shall continue through December 31, 1991, unless sooner terminated or extended, as herein provided."

Cactot al provided hereau, all terms and conditions of the document referenced in item 9A or IOA, as heretorore changed, remains unchanged and in full force andcffeCt.

IbA. N AMt,. AND Tile 4 OF slGNt n (Type or print) 16A. N AHc AND TI TLE OF CON I 84AC iING oFFICEn (Type or prant)

John Toohey puty Contracting Officer Paul J. Edgeworth n,c. o A Tc siGNto 1su. co 4i iA mos oe e cnc n p >c. om t s GNko ico. ur i sT Aus or Auenicn

~ " ~~ ,L W $ce d idi,a>'~ ~ [1lg) f tw ..r .e nr vce .n . n o... ,w so . ,c,, o J t /

NsN 7540 o titzso70 30105 ST ANDARD FORM 30 (nrv.'10 s h encvious; oinoN uNusAutt j

8903010118 89021b "'3'j7Cl'nyb PDR CONTR NRC-32-83-682 PDC

l Modification No. Ten (10)

Page 2 of 3 'i ,

2. ARTICLE V - CONSIDERATION AND PAYMENT., paragraph A., Consideration, and paragraph B. , Payment, are revised as follows:

A. Consideration "1. The Conunission will provide funds, subject to the availability of appropriation, to the State in the amount of $114,500.00 during the nine (9) yea, period of perfonnance. The rate of payment to the State will be as follows:

CY-1983 - $ 9,600.00 per site, per year / EM program CY-1984 - $10,600.00 per site, per year / EM program CY-1985 - $ 11,700.00 per site, per year / EM program CY-1986 - $12,000.00 per site, per year / EM program CY-1987 - $12,600.00 per site, per year / EM program CY-1988 - $13,000.00 per site, per year / EM program CY-1989 - $14,000.00 per site, per year / EM program

~CY-1990 - 515,000.00 per site, per year / EM program CY-1991 - $16,000.00 per site, per year / EM program

2. The State will contribute, as a minimum, an amount or in kind services equal to the Commission's contribution in 1. above. ,


3. The amount presently obligated by the Commission with respect  ;

to this cooperative agreement for CY-1989 effort is $ 14,000.00. l The total amount obligated since inception of this agreement is increased by $ 14,000.00 , f rom $ 69,500.00 to $ 83,500.00. "

8. Payment,unberitemno.2,addthefollowingsentence:

"In addition to providing copies of vouchers to the above address, the State should also provide one (1) copy of each voucher to the designated NRC Regional Prcject Officer to help ensure timely payment."

h - m-_ _ _ _

Modification No. Ten (10)

Page 3 of 3

3. ARTICl.E II - SCOPE OF WORK, second. paragraph is revised as.follows:

t "The full scope of this co. operative agreement is set forth in


.i Attachment A, STATEMENT OF WORK,. which is attached hereto and  ;

made a part of this cooperative agreement." l

4. The accounting and appropriation data cited in Block No.12 of SF-30 is revised as follows:

APPN No.~ "31X0200.209" B&R No.: "920-19-04-02-0" FIN No.: "B8551-9" All other terms and conditions of this cooperative agreement remain unchanged.


' Sm sre,EE Wwt:WTOM

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. l ATTACHMENT A STATEMENT OF WORK RADIATION MONITORING PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS I. PURPOSE The purpose of this cooperative agreement is to establish a collaborative program between the State of Washington (hereinafter called the " State")

and the Commission to provide independent measurements of radioactivity and radiation levels in the environment around selected Commission licensed activities, and to provide reasonable assurance that a licensee's environmental measurements are valid.

II. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS The Commission and the State vill collaborate in implementing and conducting programs at individual sites within the State in accordance with the followire general requirements:

A. The State, within a reasonable time after the effective date of this cooperative' agreement, will take action to provide facilities, qualified petrannel and/or agencies as may be necessary to The

ccomplish the work described in this cooperative agreement.

State thereafter will maintain for the period of this cooperative agreement, a sufficient level of effort to fulfill the objectives of l the cooperative agreement.

B. Programs will be undertaken at the following sites:

Washington Public Power Supply System Unit 2 Site C. Attachments 1, 2, and 3 show the overall sampling and analyses requirements for facilities. Attachment 2 also gives the minimum detectable capabilities for the samples analyzed. No onsite samples will ne collected pursuant to the cooperative agreement unless specifically requested or approved by the Commission. ,

l D. The State will prepare and conduct a quality assurance program including participation in the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's)

Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory intercomparison studies The results of analysis (crosscheck) program or equivalent program.

of these crosscheck samples shall be included in the annual repor.t.



S FOR IMPLEMENTING AND CONDUCTING THE PROGRAMS A. The Commission's Region V Office Technical Representative will provide technical liaison, as necessary, between the State and th'e licensee, in all matters relating to the program conducted pursuant to the cooperative agreement.

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B. The State will make al.1 necessary contacts and arrangements for -

collecting samples in the.offsite environment, e.g., obtaining access to private property, assistance of State or local agencies, arranging ~ with private firms for services, etc.

C. The' State will make all necessary contacts and arrangements with the licensee to split samples with the licensee, obtain duplicate samples and obtain licensee's data on the comparative samples.

The State will collect samples independent of the licensee's samples.

D. The Commission will assist the St' ate in selecting sampling locations, arranging for laboratory support, as necessary, splitting samples periodically, assisting the State in obtaining the licensee's comparative data, and consulting with the State on matters of mutual concern.

E. The State will notify the NRC Region V office by telephone (415/943-3700, FTS 463-3700) and written confirmation as soon as ,

practicable after it becomes aware of any observed unusual condition, level of radiation, or concentrations of radioactive material measured in carrying out the programs at individual sites.

F. The Commission will make the necessary inspections, investigations, and inquiries to ascertain the status of compliance ay the licensees with license provisions, rules, orders, and regulations of the


Commission and to determine the safety of licensee operations; and will initiate enforcement or other regulatory action as appropriate.

Results of such inspections, investigations, or inquiries conducted in. response to such notification shall be provided to the State.

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,t IV. REPORTING A. The State will provide the Commission with an annual report of all j offsite analyses with comparisons of similar analyses by the respective licensee within 120 days after January 1 of each year. '

The report shall follow the format of Attachment 3. In the event that some results are not available within the 120-day period, I the report shall be submitted noting and explaining the reasons for the missing results. The missing data shall be submitted as soon as possible in a supplementary report. If samples are not ,

available, data analysis is not expected. However, a brief i explanation as to why the sample was not provided is requested. ,

If samples or data are not available because of the reluctance of the licensee to provide them, the NRC Regional Of fice Technical .,

Representative should be notified as soon as possible. The annual report shall also include a summary of the State's EPA crosscheck program results for the past year, a summary of sampling and analytical procedures, and the lower limits of detection followed in the analyses.

l B. The Commission will arrange for the timely distribution of the reports within the Commission and to the licensee, and any other Federal, State or local agencies as may be necessary in meeting the int'ent of the " National Environmental Policy Act of 1969" (Public Law 91-190 Stat. 853, dated January 1, 1979) for keeping affected agencies informed.

C. The Commission will work with the State in making the program findings publicly available as appropriate through special bulletins, press releases, and publication in appropriate technical journals or periodicals, or otherwise, to assure prompt and wide distribution of the data at minimum cost.

D. The State will provide to the Commission on a quarterly basis, a report covering NRC funds expended during the preceding quarter, a total expenditure of funds under this cooperative agreement, and a description of services rendered. This report shall be submitted to the Contracting Officer.

4 i





  • Exposure Pathway Number of Samples Sampling and Type of Frequency and/or Sample andeLocation Collection Frequency and Analysis AIRBORNE: . One sample from Continuous operation Gross beta radio-Particulate location of high of sampler with activity following calculated ground -sample collection as filter change, and level concentra- required by dust load- composite for q tion and in close ing but at least once gamma isotopic l proximity of per 7 days. analysis j licensee's 1



One sample from control location.

Radioiodine Same as One sample per month. Analyze for I-131.



Surface One sample, split Composite sample Gamma isotopic with licensee, monthly, analysis monthly from immediate and tritium area of discharge, quarterly.

(or at nearest downstream drinking water supply) and one sample at upstream control location.


One sample, split Monthly. Gamma isotopic '

Milk with licensee, at and radioiodine the offsite dairy analyses.

farm or individual milk animal at the location having highest X/Q.

a. Some sample media and frequencies may have to be altered to accommodate ,

the NRC licensee's specific environmental monitoring program. Any such {

changes should be coordinated with and approved by the Region V Technical i Representative. .

I l

l i

2-. g Exposure Pathway Number.of Samples- Sampling and JType of Frequency and/or Sample - and Location Collection Frequency and Analysis Fish'or One sample, split Semiannually or in Gamma icotopic-Inverte- with licensee, of season, of edible brates a commercially portions.

or recreationally important species in vicinity of discharge point.

Food Products Two samples split At time of harvest. Gamma isotopic on with licensee, of edible portion.

principal food. Radioiodine products grown near analysis on green point having the leafy vegetable.

highest X/Q or from any area which -

- is irrigated by water in which liquid plant wastes have been discharged or green leafy vegetables at a private garden or farm in the immediate area of the plant.

Sediment from One sample split Annually. Gamma isotopic i Shoreline ' with licensee. analysis.

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Airborne Particulate Fish, Heat Water. or Gas . or Poultry Milk Food Products Sediment Analysis (pCi/1) (pCi/m 3) (pCi/kg, wet) (pCi/1) (pCi/kg, wet) (pCi/kg, dry)

-gross beta 2 0.01 3 330 H

54 15 130 Mn 59 30 260 Fe 58,60 Co 15 130 4

65 30 260 Zn -

95 10 Zr-Nb 2

131 0.4 7x10 1 60 7

_2 15 1x10 130 15 60 150 134Cs,137 Cs 140 ,_g, 15 15 3

a. The LLD is defined, for purposes of these specifications, as the smallest concentration 6f radioactive material in a samp~ e that will yield a net count (above system background) that will be detected with 95% probability with only 5% probability of falsely concluding that a blank observation represents'a "real" signal. It should be recognized that the LLD is defined 'as an a priori (before the fact) limit representing the capability of a measurement system and not as an a posteriori (after the fact) limit for a particular measurement. Analyses should be performed in such a manner that the stated LLDs will be achieved under routine conditions.
b. This does not mean that only the radionuclides listed in Attachment 2 are to be detected and reported. Other peaks which are measurable and identifiable, together with the shove listed radionuclides, should be identified and reported.

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i (Reporting Period)

(Location of Facility) )

I Medium or Split or Location Distance & State Licensee Pathway Sampled Duplicate Sample Name Direction Date Results Results i

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