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License 34-02054-07 for Bf Goodrich Research Ctr, Authorizing Use of 15 Mci Ni-63 in Hewlett-Packard Gas Chromatograph for Sample Analysis
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/27/1978
From: Guinn P
Shared Package
ML20235S554 List:
34-02054-07, 34-2054-7, 85053, NUDOCS 8903070209
Download: ML20235S641 (3)


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Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954. as amqnded, the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (Public Law 93 438), and Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Cnapter 1. Parts 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 40 and 70, and in reliance on


statements and representations heretofore made by the licer.see, a license is hereby issued authorizing the licensee to

- receive, acquire, possess, and transfer byproduct, scurce, and special nuclear material designated below; to use such

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material for the purpose (s) and at the placeis) designated below; to deliver or transfer such material to persons authorized 7

to receive it in accordance with the regulations of the applicable Part(s); and to import such byproduct and source material. This license shall be deemed to contain the conditions specified in Section 183 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, frc. as amended, and is subject to all applicable rules, regulations and orders of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission now or M-

,$,- hereafter in effect and to any conditions specified below.

.. Licensee

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A F. Goodrich Basearch Center -

- 3. License number 34-02054-0,7 .

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'/6.* - 9921 Brecksv111e Road .

g'.. ~ 2' precksville, Ohio 44141 . . March 316 1983 .. ,.


- 4. Exp.iration date >.


5. Docket or No. 34-02G54- 05 Reference
6. Byproduct, source, and/or 7. Chemical and/or physical

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. \N 8. Maximum amount that licensee may possess at any one time

. . . ..  :> < special nuclear material

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under this license


A. N4ckal 63 A. Custom Plated Sources A. Not to exceed 15 milli-(Amersham Corp. or curtas per foil 8903070209 880330 New Nuelanr) in Hewlett- ,'


,:,c REG 3 LIC30 - - Packard Model 18803A .- '


. 34-02004-07 PNU Detector' Calls ~- .,


9. Authorized use .. , . ,

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A. For use in Hewlettr. Parked Gas Chromatograph for sample analysis. .


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.,~ 13. Licemmed material shall be used only at the licensee's address stated

- in Item 2 abcree. .

.77 11. The 11eanses shall comply with the previsions of Title 10. Chaptar 1, Code of W Federal Eagniations, Part 19, "Noticeo, Instruct 1ons and Reports to Workers; 7.nspections" and Part 20 "St=tAmrds for Protectica Agpinst naa stion."

- .e 7t 12. Licensed material shall be used bye or under the supervision of, J. P.Pausch,

~' ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

diH!$hi L P. Lattimer, L L Welch, or John L Born. '

CONTR0t. NO.8 5 0 5 3

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ghw a Supplen entary Sheet License Number 34-02054-07

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CONDITIO3S Docket or M W: Reference No. 34-02054 M27 (continued)

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13. In lieu of using the conventional radiation caution colors (aagenta or purple on yellow background) as provided in Section 20.203(a)(1), Titla  ;

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~ ' ' 10, Code of Fodaral Regulations, Part 20,. the licensee is hereby authorized l to label detector cells and cell baths, containing licensed material and used in gas chromatography devices, with conspicuously etched or stamped

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. radiation caution. symbols without a color requirement..

l P { 14. A. Each chromatograph detector containing Ilickel 63 shall be tested for leakage.and/or contamfaation at intervals not to exceed six nonths.

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  • In the absence of a certificate from a transferor indicating that a test has been made within six months prior to the transfer, a g detector received from another parson shall not be put into use until
,5c,d tested.

d_issu. ,m,.e.s c .

$W.- Da The test shall be capable of detecting the presence of 0.005 microcurie


n of radioactive material on the test- sample. The test saeple shall be

f.'@ k taken frcu the surfaces of the device in uhich the foil is r.eunted or F ,

stored on which one night expect contandnation to accumulate. Records l

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" of leak test resulto chall be 1e t in units of microcuries and maintained I h.'

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for inspection by the Cotmaission.

i C. If the test reveals the presence of 0.005 microcurie or nore of renovable contamination, the licenaea shall imediately withdraw the foi.1 from use

' and shall cause it to be decontaminated and repaired or to be disposed of

,, in accordance wit.h Commission regulations. A report shall be filed within 5 days of the test with the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Concission, Offica of Inspection and Enforcement Kagion III, 799 noosevelt Road, Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137, describing the equipment involved, the test results, 1; f and the corrective action taken.

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g. , D. Tests for leakage and/or contamination ahn11 be performed by the lic.ensee

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"' or by other persons specifically authorized by the Commission or an Agreement State to perform such services.

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Page 3 of 3 Pages



,- Supplementary Sheet - License Number 34-02034-07 g .

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Docket or b Reference No. 34-02054-05 g ,


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(continued) i:

15. Detector enlis containing licensed material shall not be opened or foils I removed frors the detector cells by the licanone.

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%, 16. Except as specifically provided other: rise by this license, the licensee shall possess and use licensed material described in Iters 6, 7, and 8 of this  ;

-license in accordance with statements, representations, and procedures con-  !


tained :la application dated 0.:tober 19.,1977.

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- For the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission b MAR 2 71978 g 8

  • 1 1r*21 Si 8ned 37 7 Date 3[d b d$obddSeaLicensine, Branch

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.. o,i. ion o,ru.i cye.ano

. Material Saf ety og

]j d l AJlg. A Wuhinnenn f1 (' 90ERE W


-8. The training vill be the same as oefore, with one addition. Each user-vill viev the introductory training videotape, " Fundamentals of Radiation Safety" (Appendix III) once a year.

i ITEM #10

10. The radiation safety program vill be the same except for the addition of one monitoring step. Once a month on a regular basis, I will monitor the ionizing radiation level from each Nickel-63 electron capture detector cell. I will use our new Bieron Surveyor 2000 portable survey meter with a thin mica end window detector.


_________________:-_ . _ _ _ _ i

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3 Appendix II Training and Experience of Individuals Responsible for Radiation Safety Program A. John V. Born, Department No. 8506, Payroll No. 0002, Radiation Safetys  !

Officers l l

1. Elgin High School, Elgin, Illinois, Graduated: June 1939. l
2. University of Chicago, Chicago,' Illinois:
a. Bachelor of Science degree, Chemistry, December 1947.
b. Master of Science degree, Chemistry, December 1948.
3. Radiation Training Courses
a. " Radioisotopes in Industry", a two-week lecture course with introductory laboratory experience, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1953.
b. " Radioisotopes in Research", a three-week hands-on laboratory 1 training course in basic radioisotope techniques and radiation safety procedures, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1953.
4. " Industrial Hygiene Measurements", a two-week lecture and laboratory course conducted by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1971.
5. Use of radioisotopes as radiotracers in studies of inorganic and organic chemicals and polymers, BFGoodrich Research Center, 1953-1956.
6. Service as radiation safety officer during the use of heavily-shielded kilocurie Cobalt-60 gamma radiation sources in studies of nuclear radiation effects on rubber and plastic materials (under subcontract for the U.S. Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Program), at the BFGoodrich Research Center, 1954-1963. l B. Albert D. Timpano, Department No. 8501, Payroll No. 232-86-4491, Manager of Plant Security and Guard Services:
1. Morgantown High School, Morgantown, Vest Virginia, Graduated: 1972. I
2. Vest-Virginia University, Morgantown, Vest Virginia:
a. Bachelor of Science degree, Business Administration, 1976.
b. Master of Science degree, Safety Studies, 1977.

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Appendix III-Training and Experience of Persons Vorking with the Gas Chromatograph Containing the Nickel-63 Electron Capture Detector Cells A. Ilmars Sockis, Department No. 8510, Payroll No. 0036', the same training and experience as specified for the last renewal of this license in 1983.

B. Pamela S. Lane, Department No. 8510, Payroll No. 0263:

1. Lakota High School, Vest Chester, Ohio, Graduated:' 1975.
2. Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio; Bachelor of. Science degree, Chemistry, 1979.

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