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Weekly Info Rept for Wk Ending 871030
Person / Time
Issue date: 11/04/1987
From: Rehm T
WIR-871030, NUDOCS 8711090066
Download: ML20236K045 (29)


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

, ihr'Pbl November 4, 1987 For: The Commissioners From:. T. A. Rehm, Assistant for Operations, Office of the ED0


WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT - WEEK ENDING OCTOBER 30, 1987 A summary of key events is included as a convenience to those Conunissioners who may prefer a condensed version of this report.

Contents Enclosure Administration and Resources Management A Nuclear Reactor Regulation B

- Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards C Nuclear Regulatory Research D Governmental & Public Affairs E General Counsel F*

Personnel G j Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data H l Small & Disadvantaged Business Utilization & Civil Rights I* l Special Projects J Enforcement K Consolidation L*

Regional Offices M*

CRGR Monthly Reports N*

Executive Director for Operations 0*

Items Addressed by the Commission P Meeting Notices Q Proprietary or Other Sensitive Information (Not for R external distribution) mg

  • No input this week. /

/T. flh U A. Re ,, Assistant for Operations Office of the Executive Director for Operations




HIGHLIGHTS OF WEEXLY INFORMATION REPORT WEEK ENDING OCTOBER 30, 1987 EPA Proposed Ru!a For Ground-Water Protection At Title I Uranium Mill Tailings Sites On September 24, 1987, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a proposed rule for ground-water protection at Title I uranium recovery sites

.(52 FR 36000). These sites are being remediated by the Department of Energy (DOE) mder the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of 1978 (UMTRCA).

NRC has a direct interest in the proposed standards in view of the Commission's role in concurring in DOE actions and licensing the sites for long-term care under UMTRCA. Staff provided their preliminary comments to EPA i

on October 26, 1987, the last day of the specified comment period. In conjunction with their comments, LLWM has also requested 90 days following a public hearing scheduled by EPA for October 29, 1987 in Durango, Colorado, to i provide additional comments. Following the Durango public hearing, the staff will meet with EPA within 30 days to discuss the intent of the proposed

~~ " Ttandards and options to address implementation issues.

Uranium Enrichment IMNS staff has been developing an improved capability for analyzing the effects of inadvertent release of uranium hexaflouride to the atmosphere. Two l ~* ' staff members visited the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's facilities at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, to discuss the development of improved dispersion models. During the week of November 2-6, 1987, one IMNS staff member will attend the International Conference of Vapor Cloud modeling at Cambridge, Massachusetts. The capability developed will be used for licensing review of uranium enrichment facilities, uranium conversion plants, and fuel fabrication plants.

Pilgrim Public Meeting in Duxbury, MA On October 29 members of the NRC staff Pilgrim restart comittee participated in a public forum at the Duxbury High School e ong with Commonwealth of Massachusetts representatives and Boston Edison representatives. The NPC staf' responded to questions on plant design, operations and emergency planning. The primary Commonwealth participants were Senator Golden, Peter Agnes Assistant Secretary for Public Safety, John Judge, representative from Governor Dukakis's office and George Dean, Assistant Attorney General. The meeting was orderly and lasted approximately four hours. Some comments criticizing the Comission's affirmation of the emergency planning rule changes were made toward the end of the meeting by the Assistant Attorney General.

Visit of Soviet Nuclear Safety Delegation During the period October 14-27 a 13-member Soviet delegation on nuclear safety was hosted by the NRC. The group had discussions in Washington with < representatives of DOE, State Department, and NRC and toured a number of nuclear power plants, government laboratories, and private facilities. A joint Protocol sumarizing the visit was signed by Commissioner Bernthal and Deputy Minister Lapshin at the conclusion of the visit.

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For 5-Day Period.of October 23, 1987 - October 29, 1987 1 1

Initial Appeal of I Request Initial Decision l Received This Week 23 1 Completed This Week 22 1 Carryovers From 1986 170 53 Received In 1987 735 94  ;

Granted In 1987 499 28 1 Denied in 1987 254 76 Pending 152 43 ACTIONS THIS WEEK l

Received Joy Donnelly, Requests a copy of the winning proposal under RFP RS-NMS-The Earth '87-005.

Technology Corp.


Ellyn Weiss, Requests four categories of records regarding generic or Harmon & Weiss site-specific backfits.


William Pisano Requests copies of specified records pertaining to radon (87-715) testing and research.

Linda Bauman, Requests records regarding complaints by a named individual Government against Brown and Root since March 1984.

Accountability Project (87-716)

Linda Bauman, Requests records regarding complaints by a named individual Government against-Brown and Root since January 1984.

Accountability Project (87-717)

Lynn Connor, Requests :opies of SECY-86-164 and SECY-87-146.

Doc-Search  !

3 Associates (87-718)

CONTACT: Donnie H. Grimsley 492-7211 OCTOBER 30, 1987 ENCLOSURE A


. Received, Cont'd

.E. Barnett, Requests six copies of the 50-mile EPZ maps for the Yankee.

Yankee Atomic Rowe, Vermont Yankee and Seabrook nuclear power plants.

Electric Company (87-719)

(An individual Requests records maintained in the NRC on himself, requesting information'about himself) i (87-720) l Kennari Samet, Recuests a copy of the abstract of FY87 SBIR Phase I ,

The Small Business anc 11 selectees and proposers.

High Technology Institute

-(87-721) l Marvin Resnikoff, Requests records in 1986 and 1987 regarding the design, )

. Radioactive testing and certification of a plutonium air transport Waste Management or PAT-3 container. .

. Associates l (87-722)

(Anindividual Referral from the CIA of one record for consultation with requesting the NRC.

information about himself)

(87-723) 1 Mike' Johnson, Requests a copy of a memorandum dated June 13, 1979, from NUS Corporation B. Grimes to S. Bryon.


Lyle Graber, Requests the enclosures to (1) NRC letter dated August 31, NUS Corporation 1987, to Oyster Creek requesting additional information (87-725) on GPU Topical Reports TR-033 and TR-040 and (2) NRC meeting sunmary to discuss the SPDS with Northeast Utilities (Millstone Unit 3) dated August 19, 1987.

Libby Wann, Requests records between the NRC and Henry Myers and The Chattanooga a memorandum by Milt Shymlock regarding a telephone Times- conversation with Mr. Myers when Mr. Shymlock was resident (87-726) inspector at the Watts Bar nuclear power plant.  ;

Lynn Connor, Requests records relating to four categories of records. )

Doc-Search l Associates (87-727) l l


_ ___ _ _- _ .b

3 Received, Cont'd Lynn Connor, Requests records to and from the NRC and Henry Myers Doc-Search during 1984,1985,1986 and 1987.

Associates (87-728)

Lynn Connor, Requests records on the NRC Senior Management Team Doc-Search referenced in the Commission Meeting Staff Briefing on Associates TVA on September 12, 1985.

(87-729) ,

Lindsay Audin, Requests records regarding Docket Hos. 71-9044 and 71-9200.

LA Enterprises '


Lynn Connor, Requests all Reactor Technology Memoranda. >

Doc-Search Associates (87-731)

Robert Rebholz, Requests a copy of the abstract for RFP RS-ASB-87-342.

Neal R. Gross and i Co., Inc. t (87-732)

Frank Johnson, Requests a copy of the 50-mile EPZ maps for the Dresden, Commonwealth Zion and Braidwood nuclear power plants.

Edison (87-733)

(An individual Requests copies of files on himself ir. specified Privacy requesting Act Systems of Records. l information about himself)


Jerry Phillips, Requests five categories of records regarding the Pesses J.L. Phillips Company METCOA site, Docket 40-08406, license STB-1254.

Investigative Services '


Linda Bauman, APPEAL TO THE EDO for the lack of response to a request Government for records provided by the DOL to the NRC regarding a Accountability named individual and all other D0L complainants from the Project South Texas Project.



4  ! 4 y s

i 4 1 F Granted '

Michael Keegan , .In a request for records pertaining to (Safe Energy . meetings held on' June 29 July 1, and July 7, 1987,- >

Coalition of between the utility and NRC Region ~III staff regarding Michigan the Fermi nuclear. power plant, made available 10 records.

(87-449). Informed ~the. requester that one additional record subject to this request is already available at the~ PDR.

~ John Miller, In response to a request for eight categories'of Kenney &-Kearney records-related to radon contamination at the (87-533). National Priorities List Site..U.S. Radium Co~rporation, .

Orange, New Jersey, made available six records. Informed

.the requester that an additional record subject to this

,, request-has:been referred to another Federal agency for review and-direct response to.htm. ,

Linda Bauman,' In response to a request for records regarding a July 13 "

Government 1987.onsite inspection staff meeting discussing ASME w Accountability boiler and pressure vessel code compliance, made Project. available four records. Infonned the requester thatLone (87-557) -additional record subject to this' request is already- " the PDR.

4 Joseph Felton, In response to a request for records distributed orz used Huclear Licensing by Messrs.. Briggs, Cotter, Hays Lieberman and Olmstead at the ALI-ABA course on Atomic Energy Licensing and Rep (orts 614). Regulation on September 14-15, 1987, made available five records.

4 Richard Condit, In response to a request for records related to the

-Government decisions to issue a subpoena to Billie Garde and to seek

-Accountability enforcement of Mr. Stello's May-20, 1987 subpoena in Project- Federal court, made available 35 records. Informed the (87-624) requester that previous F0IA requests subject to this request are already available at the PDR.

Geoffrey Brigham, In response to a request for any pamphlets, manuals, or Finley, Kumble, advisory opinions that interpret the conflict-of-interest Wagner, Heine.- provisions of 18 U.S.C. 207(a) and (c), made available Underberg, Manley, two records.  ;

.Myerson & Casey


.(NRCemployee) In response to a request for a copy of the investigative c' (87-637) report related to the granting of an "L" clearance for him, made available 11 records, l 0CToBER 30, 1987 ENCLOSURE A



'1 Granted, Cont'd Donna Sorgi,- In response to a request for records documenting L Commonwealth of utility responses to IE compliance bulletin No. 86-01, .

L Massachusetts including the utility's connaitments, when the commitments

! (87-648) were met, and NRC staff evaluations of utility submittals, made available two records. Informed the requester that eight additional records subject to this request are already available at the PDR.

q (Anindividual In response to a request for a copy of the investigative I i

requesting report related to the granting of an "L" clearance for  !

information about' him, made available 12 records. j l

himself) -

'(87-651) ,


0. W. Ward, In response to a request for records related to the {

Met Lab, Inc. inspection on July 16-17, 1986, at Met Lab Incorporated, j (87-664) made available three records.

Bruce Maxwell, In response to a request for a copy of a report, PCAQ 86-WTOL-TV Toledo 0663, from the Davis-Bessc nuclear power plant, made )

(87-687) available a copy of the requested record.

Lynn Connor, In response to a request for a copy of the speech given Doc-Search by Dr. Denwood Ross to the National State Liaison Officer's Associates meeting on September 9,1987, made available a copy of (87-694) the portion of the transcript containing the speech. q i

(Anindividual In response to a request for records maintained in the requesting NRC on himself, informed the requester that the NRC has information about no records on him in its document control or the security l himself) systems of records.  !

(87-720) )

s Kennari Samet. In response to a request for a copy of the abstract of 1 The Small Business FY87 SBIR Phase I and 11 selectees and proposers, made ]

High Technology available a copy of the requested record. {

Institute 1 (87-721) l l

Denied Linda Bauman, In response to a request for records regarding establishment I Government of an Allegation Review Committee and the Committee's Accountability findings at the June 25 and July 15, 1987 meetings, made ,

Project available one record. Informed the requester that one  !

(87-558) additional record subject to this request is already available at the PDR. Denied seven records in their entirety, 1 disclosure of which would tend to inhibit the open and  !

frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process. l l




. 6

' Denied, Cont'd Richard Condit, In response to a request for records related to NRC l Government . regulations', procedures, guidelices, and policies- 1 Accountability pertaining to. issuance of an investigative. subpoena by  !

Project- 'the EDO or any other NRC employee, made available 19

-(87-577) records. Informed the requester that six additional records subject to this request are already available at the PDR. Denied six~ records-in their entirety and portions of'one record, disclosure.of which would-tend t

'to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process. I 1

Kay Gorman In resporise to requests for copies of SECY-86-164, )

" Proposed Rule on the Important-To-Safety Issue," denied (87-595) and this its entirety, disclosure of which would ,

Mike Johnson, tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas  !

.c NUS Corporation essential to the'delibaretive process. ,

(87-597) ]

Bruce Maxwell, In response to a request for records relating to WTOL-TV Toledo allegations about an incident that occurred at the Davis (87-612) Besse nuclear power plant.on December 31, 1986, infonned


.the requester that his previous F0IA request, F01A-87-224, '

also contains records subject to this request. Denied 11 records in their entirety, disclosure of which would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas  ;

essential to the deliberative process, result in.a clearly  !,

unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, and interfere q with an enforcement proceeding.


Christy Fisher, In response to a request for a copy of 01's report on the Wichita Business Wolf Creek nuclear power plant, denied 01 records in their l Journal entirety, disclosure of which would interfere with an ]

(87-697) ongoing investigation, j


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l OCTOBER 30, 1987 ENCLOSURE A i l

1: _ -_ .______._____-_-___.-__-__D





. On-Call Maintenance for the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Microcomputer and Related Equipment"


The contractor shall provide on-call maintenance to include all necessary maintenance labor, documentation, repair parts, maintenance supplies, tools, test equipment, transportation and other related services for NRC's microcomputers.

Period of Performance: ..- November 1,1987 - January 31,.1989 Sponsor: Office of Administration and Resources Mana Status: A fixed price requirements type Contract No.gement NRC-39-88-170

+ was awarded to Automation Management' Consultants, Inc., in the amount of $52,570.00 effective November 1, 1987.

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ITEMS OF INTEREST Office of Nuclear Reactor Reculation Week Ending October 30, 1937

1. Waterford Steam Electric Station, Unit 3 On October 27, 1987, the staff issued a safety evaluation concerning the surveillance program and confirmatory analyses for the common foundation '

basemat of the Waterford Steam Electric Station Unit 3.

The safety evaluation, supported by a TER by Brookhaven National Laboratory under contract to NRC, documents the staff's review of material submitted by Louisiana Power and Light Company (LP&L), pursuant  !

to License Condition 2.C.17 of the Waterford 3 operating license. This I license condition required that LP&L establish a surveillance program and perfonn confirmatory analyses to establish the sdequacy of the coninon fcundation basemat for Waterford.

The staff concludes that LP&L has satisfied the requirements imposed by ,

License Condition 2.C.17 by (1) providing quantitative data '

substantiating the judgment that the presence of crccks in the common foundation basemat has minimal significance on the structural capability ,

and integrity of the basemat; and by (2) establishing an acceptable surveillance program to be conaucted for the life of the plant. This j issue, therefore, is considered to be closed.

l t

2. U.S. District Court Judge Hogan has issued a ruling on the matter of {

NRC's subpoena of Ms. Billie Garde for identities of individuals with i safety concerns at South Texas. At this tirne GAP /0E00 are attempting  !

to resolve the matter short of issuance of a subpoena. l l

On a separate issue, it has come to the staff's attention that an l instrument thimble tube flow included vibration problem which had been  !

considered resolved at South Texas appears not to be so. Infonnation from Tihange-3 in Europe, which is similar to South Texas in design, indicates highly accelerated wear on the tubec. A design change, also incorporated t at South Texas, appears to exacerbate the problem. South Texas Project, with Westinghouse participation, is urgently reviewing the data to i determine the affect on initial criticality.  !

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4 0FFICE OF NUCLEAR MATERIAL SAFETY AND SAFEGUARDS Items of Interest Week Ending October 30, 1987 SAFEGUARDS International Implementation of IAEA Safeguards at Fuel Fabrication Facilities Mr. Charles Emeigh, International Activities Section, SGL8, will be visiting two LEU fuel fabrication facilities over the next two weeks to implement and maintain international safeguards at those sites. The two facilities are Westinghouse at Columbia, SC cnd General Electric (GE) at Wilmington, NC. 4 At Westinghouse, Mr. Emeigh will meet with IAEA and Westinghouse personnel to finalize procedures for the next IAEA physical inventory verification. At GE he will meet with IAEA and GE peri;onnel to review and verify the information contained in the Design Information Questionnaire (DIQ) provided by GE to the IAEA.

This meeting should provide the U.S. with the necessary data to negotiate the GE Facility Attochment in Vienna, Austria next month. This, in turn, will enable the U.S. to implement IAEA safeguards at GE within the 90 day period

- following notification of selection by the IAEA (currently planned for January 1, 1988).



Low-Level Waste Disposal j


The Division of Low-Level Waste Management and Decommissioning provided 1 instructors for a course on Licensing Project Management for state low-level l waste disposal licensing officials sponsored by the State, Local and Indian l; Tribes Program and hosted by-the State of South Carolina at Columbia. The attendees were state disposal Program Directors and senior management. l Technical Branch staff provided information and led discussions on site I characterization, safety assessment, environmental monitoring, closure and I stabilization, and quality assurance requirements and review procedures.

Operatic ns Branch staff discussed design and operations, and environmental analyses as well as providing information on the licensing process. The States are required by the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Policy Amendments Act l to have licensed disposal capacity available by 1993. Their immediate milestone requires thee to have siting plans in place by this January.


2 Uranium' Recovery EPA Proposed Rule'For Ground-Water Protection At Title 1 Uranium Mill Tailings Sites On September 24, 1987, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a proposed rule.for ground-water protection at Title I uranium recovery sites (52 FR 36000). These sites are being remediated by the Department of Energy

'(DOE) under the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of 1978 (UMTRCA).

NRC .has a direct interest in the proposed standards in view of the Commission's role in concurring in DOE actions and licensing the sites for

.long-term care under UMTRCA. Staff provided their preliminary comments to EPA

.on October 26, 1987, the last day of the specified comment period. In conjunction with their comments, LLWM has also requested 90 days following a public hearing scheduled by EPA for October 29, 1987 in Durango, Colorado, to 1 provide additional ~ comments. .Following the Durango public hearing, the staff ,

. will' meet with EPA within 30 days to discuss the intent of the proposed standards and options'to address implementation issues.


A meeting has~been scheduled with the ALChemIE on Tuesday, November 3, 1987, to discuss their forthcoming application. Representatives of the Department of Energy will also attend the meeting.

Uranium Enrichment IMNS staff has been developing an improved capability for analyzing the effects of inadvertent release of uranium hexaflouride to the atmosphere. Two staff members visited the' National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's facilities at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, to discuss the development of improved dispersion models. During the week of November 2-6, 1987, one IMNS staff member will attend the International Conference of Vapor Cloud modeling at i Cambridge, Massachusetts. The capability developed will be used for licensing {

review of: uranium enrichment facilities, uranium conversion plants, and fuel i fabrication plants.

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, Week Ending October 30,'1987' International Code Assessment Program (ICAP) l At last week's'ICAP meeting, code. improvement requirements for both RELAP5 and TRAC-PWR were discussed. These' requirements were based on the previous i few years experience of the ICAP participants with these two NRC-developed 'j '

computer codes.' LANL and INEL' staff also presented. draft code improvement plans based on.both NRC and ICAP experience... Plans for forming:a; consortium

< to ' jointly. produce'these next, and possibly final, code versions (RELAPS/ MOD 3.and TRAC-PF1/M002).were discussed along with a schedule.for early in CY 1988. Specific participation of KWU in RELAPS  !

.  : development was' discussed in a side meeting,'with a good possibility of  !

joint development being expressed by both sides.

!NRC/ Industry Technical Advisory Group on Once Through Steam Genererator The first' meeting of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for Once-Through Steam Generator.(OTSG) was held at the B&W office in Bethesda, Maryland on October 20,'1987. The TAG for. 0TSG consists of representatives from the H NRC, the Electric Power Research Institute and the B&W Owners Group. .The -

purpose of the TAG'vestigate the technical issues-and data _needs to further the understanding of.the B&W OTSG. During the meeting, a draft  !

' charter for the group was developed. The charter establishes the objective, membership representation, scope of. work, and the framework of the process to facilitate discussion on technical issues among the participants. The .

rest of the meeting was spent on the last item of the charter, the technical-process one would use to evaluate the thermal-hydraulic phenomena associated -!

with the OTSG, their importance in furthering the understanding of OTSG behavior under transient or accident conditions. The next TAG group meeting will be held in Charlotte, North Carolina on November 17, 1987. The final product of. the TAG is to produce a document that will, record all identified OTSG phenomena and resulting technical issues, their resolution with current data base, as well as the need for additional experimental

' data. The ' report is scheduled to be completed by August 31, 1988.



,' l0CTOBER 30, 1987 ENCLOSURE D i

- 2 Soviet Pressurized Water Reactors (VVERs)

A preliminary and not quite complete draft of the contractor report,. i

" Overview of the VVER Containment and Reactor Designs and Safety Features,"

by H. Komoriya'and P. B. Abramson, International Technical Services, has been received for the NRC staff's review and comment. The containment and other safety-relevant characteristics of the two YVER 440s (440 MWe) being built in Cuba are a principal focus of attention. On October 26 staff members (from DOE and NRR and OED0 as well as RES) met with a subgroup of the visiting delegation from the Soviet Union on the subject of VVERs. The ,

Soviet visitors provided an overview design description of the latest models  !

of VVER 440 and VVER 1000 and answered questions from the'U.-S. .  !

participants. Drs. Komoriya and Abramson participated in the meeting, along  !

t with NRC staff.  !

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Visit of Soviet Nuclear __ Safety Delegation L During the period October 14-27 a 13-member Soviet delegation on: nuclear safety was hosteC by the NRC. The group had discussions-in Washington with representatives of DOE, State Department,-and NRC and toured a number of nuclear-power plants,' government laboratories, and private facilities. A joint Protocol summarizing the visit was signed by Commissioner Bernthal and Deputy Minister Lapshin at the conclusion of L '

the visit.

i Foreign Visitors On Monday Mr. Huib Eversdijk, Member of Parliament,in the Netherlands,

. met with Commissioner Bernthal to discuss matters related to the impending _ Dutch decision on whether to continue constructing nuclear power plants. E. Jordan ef_ AE0D and W. Upshaw of_ GPA/IP also attended i~ the meeting.

o0n Tues'da'y a technical team from China's Ministry of Nuclear Industry j


met with the Advanced Reactors Generic Issues Branch, RES, to discuss their consideration of advanced reactor designs and receive a briefing on NRC's licensing review of GA Technologies NHTGR.

During the week Mr. Lars Hoegberg, Deputy Director General of the i Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate, attended the Light Water Reactor Safety Meetings and also met with NRC staff. On Wednesday he-met with Commissioner Rogers and T. Murley. Issues covered during the aforementioned meetings included the Swedish FILTRA containment venting system, political situation .in Sweden regarding future of nuclear power generation, and other broad policy issues. On Friday he met with Commissioners Carr and Bernthal and H. Denton, where some of the same issues were covered.

On Fridcy Dr. Borut Havko, Head of the Reactor Engineering Division of

.the_Jozef-Stefan Institute in Yugoslavia, met with Ed Butcher and Rich Emchlof the Technical Specifications Branch, NRR; Ron Eaton of the Operator Licensing Branch, NRR; Rich Barratt of the Risk Application Branch, NRR; and members of the GPA/IP staff to discuss several topics of mutual interest.



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Program Reviews The Rhode Island radiation control program will be reviewed November 3-5, 1987.

State Training Courses f

A one-week course on Radiation Protection Engineering will be held at Oak Ridge Associated Universities, Tennessee, November 9-13, 1987.

A one-week course in the safety aspects of Well Logging will be held in Houston, Texas, November 2-6, 1987.

Region I: Ginna/New York State Exercise


On October 27, Region I participated in an unannounced off-hours Ginna/New York State emergency exercise with a site and base team. The appointed Director of Site Operations was Tim Martin, Director, Division of Radiation Safety and Safeguards. Two State Liaison Coordinators interfaced with the New York Disaster Preparedness Commission at the State Emergency Operations Center in Albany. In addition, the Government Liaison Coordinator interacted with four State representatives and six County representatives at the licensee's ,

Emergency Operations Facility in Rochester. j l

Pennsylvania Files Brief in Limerick Litig3 tion j Governor Casey filed a brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals, Third Circuit, in j support of a challenge by the Limerick Ecology Action (LEA) on October 26. l The challenge by LEA is that NRC failed to consider several design j alternatives to the Limerick design in the licensing process, in violation of j the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Previously the NRC staff i argued, and the ASLB ruled, that NEPA does not extend to technical design issues but goes to environmental issues.

Pilgrim Public Meeting in Duxbury, MA )

i On October 29, members of the NRC staff Pilgrim restart committee participated in a public forum at the Duxbury High School along with Connonwealth of Massachusetts representatives and Boston Edison representatives. The NRC staf# responded to questions on plant oesign, operations and emergency planning. The primary Commonwealth participants were Senator Golden, Peter  !

Agnes, Assistant Secretary for Public Safety, John Judge, representative from Governor Dukakis's office and George Dean, Assistant Attorney General. The l meeting was orderly and lasted approximately four hours. Some comments

! criticizing the Commission's affinuation of the emergency planning rule changes were made toward the end of the meeting by the Assistant Attorney l General.


t i

l Meetings Scheduled for the Week of November 2-6, 1987 -


j 11/2 Council of Energy Resource Tribes 1987 Fall Conference -

Denver, CO (Virgilio) j L 11/4 PublicMeetingonPeachBotton-Lancaster,PA(Miller) ,

11/4 Northwest Compact Comission Meeting - Missoula, FT Meeting at SLITP with Regions I and III regarding Illincis Resident j 11/5 Inspector M0ll - Bethesda, MD (Young, Lickus & Miller) -l 1

11/6-7 National . Conference of State Legislatures, Assembly on the Legislature-Hartford,CT(Miller) m l

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' Week Ending October 30, 1987 L. l t

l SES Conference The first SES Conference was held on October 26 and 27,1987 at the Belvedere-  ;

Hotel in Baltimore. The Second SES Conference is scheduled for November 9 and  !

10, 1987 at the same location. l Executive Track l

L OP began to' install a PC software program called " Executive Track". When l fully implemented, this_ system will provide comprehensive information about NRC's Senior Executives and effectively assist senior management in executive career development activities.

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Items of: Interest Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data Week Ending October 30, 1987 l

. Division of Safety Programs INP0 has scheduled a workshop for December 10, 1987 in Atlanta, Georgia to review- u I

new plant performance.- NRC has been invited to participate and intends to discuss lessons learned as described in NUREG-1275.

Incident Response On 0ctober 26, the Deputy Director, AE00, Chief, Trends and Patterns Analysis


Branch, and Chief, Incident Response Branch (IRB) met with a delegation from the Soviet Union for a followup discussion on NRC's programs for analyzing and evaluating. operational data from events and responding to emergencies. The l Soviet representatives.were particularly interested in Event Notification j

. followup, the classification system, physical security at nuclear plants, and (

the transportation of high level waste. l On October 28, the Director, AE00 and Chief, IRB met with Sheldon Myers, Director, Office of-Radiation Programs, Environmental Protection Agency, to discuss concerns resulting from the Federal Field Exercise-2 related to the jl lead federal agency for environmental concerns during the recovery phase of a j nuclear accident. An agreement in principle to address and resolve these 1 concerns was reached, and the IRB has lead responsibility for coordination and j implementation of the agreement. j On October 29, a staff member attended the regular. monthly meeting of the I National Response Team to exchange information about mutual concerns. l


On October-20, Chief, IRB and staff provided Executive Team Training to )

Commissioner Rogers and uther members of the Executive Team. The IRB stafi' j also provided incident response training to status officers on the same day. ]

In response to a request, the IRB staff has provided a proposed revision to HR 1570 regarding the Emergency Response Data System.

Diagnostic Evaluation and Incident Investigation The.second Incident Investigation Team (IIT) training course held in Charlottesville, Virginia concluded on October 30, 1987 at which time the class members participated in a simulated commission briefing and were awarded training certificates.


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Preliminary Notifications

The following Prel.iminary Notifications were issued during.the past week.

'a. PNS-I-87-17, Public Service Electric.and Gas. Company (Salem Nuclear .

Generating Station,. Units 1 and 2), Bomb Threat.  :.!

b. PN0-I-87-99,-Public Service Electric land Gas' Company (Salem Unit 2),

. Shutdown in Excess of 48 Hours.

c. PNO-I-87-100,. Eastern Testing and-Inspection' Incorporated (Docket No.

030-05574),. Transportation Accident Involving Radiographic Source.

d _PN0-I-87-101,: Combustion Engineering, Incorporated (Docket No.- 70-1100),

Degraded Radiological: Controls at Combustion. Engineering, Windsor,.


le . PNO-II-87-74,-~ Florida Power and Light Company (Turkey Point: Uni _ts 3 and 4), NRC Ends 24-Hour-Staff Coverage of Turkey Point-Control-Room.

J f. PNO-II-87-75, Florida Power and Light Company (Turkey Point Unit 4),

Reactor Vessel Head Voiding,

g. PHO-iI-87-76, Florida Power Corporation (Crystal River Unit 3), Injured Contract Worker Dies.

' h. .PN0'III-87-136, Wisconsin Public Service (Kewaunee), Homicide Investigation.

.i. PN0-III-87-136A, Wisconsin in Public. Service (Kewaunee), Homicide Investigation -- Update.

j. PNO-III-87-137,. Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company (Perry), Personnel Error (Resulting in SCRAM) and ECCS Actuation.

. k. PNO-IV-87-56, Arkansas Eastman (Agreement State Licensee), Damaged Flow Meter.

1. PNS-V-87-08,. Washington Public Power Supply System (Nuclear Plant No. 2),

Offsite Arrest of Licensed Operator.

m. PNO-V-87-70, Arizona Nuclear Power Project (Palo. Verde Unit 3), Initial
. Criticality.

. n'. -PN0-V-87-71, Precision Castparts Corporation (State of Oregon (Portland I ' Facility, temporary job site only)), Damage to Property in Excess of





o. : '

L 'i

j L.--

l L

i Office of Special Projects .!

' Items of Interest 1 Week Ending October 30, 1987-l f4

. Mr. Keppler and-members of the 0SP' staff met with. staff of.the Dingell

' Committee on October 29.-at their request, to pursue the status of.certain Lissues affecting restart of Sequoyah. They also met with Congressman Cooper,-

Congresswoman Lloyd, and staff of Senator Sasser to give them a status report q

on Sequoyah..




.. l


l } :'



4 1TEMS OF INTEREST Office of. Enforcement

-Week Ending October 30 1987

.-The'following Significant Enforcement Actions were taken the week of October.26,L1987.- j

" '1 .

L A' Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in the l amount of $2,500 was 1ssued October 26, 1987 to the University of


Virginia,-Charlottesville,1 Virginia. The action,was based on violations involving failures to perform the. surveys necessary to,fdentify a high.

  • " radiation area and to take appropriate action to properly post and 1 control access to'the area, and failure to provide written procedures for i
the installation, operation, modification, and surveillance of experimental facilities.. (EN 87-90) 2.- A Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in the amount of $7,500 was issued October 26, 1987 to H & G Inspection' Company, Inc'., Houston,. Texas. The action was based on a radiological overexposure i to a radiographer and demonstrates the need for improvement in management'

. control.over personal exposures.. (EN 87-89)

3. . A Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in the amount of $5,000 was issued October 27, 1987 to Beckley Appalachian Regional Hospital, Beckley,' West Virginia. The ' action was based on

, numerous radiaticn protection program violations-including three which were similar to violations cited in December 1986. The base civil penalty was -increased by 100 percent because of prior poor performance andtheineffectivenessofpreviouscorrectiveactions.(EN87-91)

4. A. Notice of. Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in the

' amount of $5,000 was issued on October 28, 1987 to the University of 4 Missouri,' Columbia, Missouri. The action was based on violations involving an extremity overexposure, and failure to adequately train an l individual and adequately evaluate his qualifications. The base penalty i was increased by 100% because of a prior overexposure. (EN87-92)  !

5. A Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in the 1 amount of $100,000 was issued on October 28, 1987 to Duke Power Company 1 I

.(McGuire, Unit 1). The action was based on an event in which one of two required emergency diesel generators was rendered inoperable for approximately 90.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />. The base penalty was increased by 100% because

~of past poor performance. (EN87-94) l

6. .A Notice of Violation and Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in the amount of $25,000 was issued to Wisconsin' Electric Power Company on October 29, 1987. The action was based on an event in which both main l

steam isolation. valves were rendered inoperable for approximately four hours with the reactor critical. The base civil penalty was mitigated by 50% for unusually prompt and corrective actions. (EN 87-93) p TOCTOBER 30, 1987 ENCLOSURE K L1


. Civil Penalties Paid

1. SystemEnergyResources,Inc.,(GrandGulf)paidtheSettlementof Proposed Penalty Action in the amount of $200,000. The action was based on alleged violations regarding the. training program at Grand Gulf which occurred in 1981 and 1982. The licensee responded to the Notice and after careful consideration and consultation with the Commission, the staff concluded that settlement of the action was appropriate. (EA84-23)
2. - . Professional Service Industries Inc., Oakbrook, Illinois paid the Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalty in the amount of'$2,250. The action was based on failure to secure a moisture-density gauge containing licensed material while the device was stored in the back of a pickup truck in an unrestricted area and was then stolen from the truck. (EA 87-170) 3.- Georgia Power Company (Vogtle Electric Generating Station) paid the Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalt The

' ' action was based on. failure toimplement (1) y in'the adequate amount of $200,000.

compensatory measures,- (2) follow security procedural requirements, and (3) maintain positive access control over the facility. (EA 87-100)

4. Detroit Edison Company (Fermi-2 Plant) paid the Proposed Imposition of ~

Civil Penalty in t1e amount of $75,000. The action was based on an uncontrolled heat-up of the reactor that resulted in a change from Mode 4 (cold shutdown) to Mode 3 (hot shutdown)'in violation of the facility-Technical Specifications. (EA 87-133)

5. Halliburton Company, Duncan, Oklahoma paid the civil penalty of $1,000

. based on. violations including (1) unauthorized use of byproduct material, (2) failure to calibrate survey instruments, (3) failure to properly instruct individuals involved in operations using licensed materials.

-(4) failure to maintain material accountability records, (5) failure to maintain records of survey results, and (6) failure to post documents and notices. (EA87-35) i I


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L l l



'V. Stello, Jr., dated 10/28/87 {

l l The Commission

  • was briefed by the staff on efforts to establish a Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) in  ;

l support of the staff's responsibilities to regulate the nation's high-level radioactive waste programs. l l

Chairntan Zech requested the following from the staff:


1. Information paper on the status of implementing the FFRDC, known as the Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analysis  !

(CNWRA). 1


2.- Status briefing on the CNWRA.

j The General' Counsel recommended that the memorandum of under- '

standing and the Charter for the CNWRA be incorporated within the contract.

l i

l l

1 l

l l

l 1

  • Commissioner Carr was not present.

l l


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