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Fr Notice Re Receipt of Petition for Director'S Decision 10CFR2.206 Concerning Show Cause Why Facility Should Not Remain Closed
Person / Time
Site: Pilgrim
Issue date: 08/20/1986
CON-#487-5065 2.206, NUDOCS 8712140195
Download: ML20237A013 (1)


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T1 EV -5 P8 06 l i 29728 8eral Register / Vol. 51. No.161 NM h,YM 20,'1986 / Notices E Uw G L:i NUCLEAR REGULATORY '

COMMISSION (Docket No,54 293]

Boston Edison Co.;(PHgdtn Nuclear Power Station); Receipt of Petition for Director's Decision Under 10 CFR

2.206 Notice is hereby given that by Petition submitted July 15,1986, William B.

Golden and otherv have requested that ._

Boston Edison Company show cause .

why the Pilerim Nucleer Power Station should not remain closed or have its

[operatina Ucense suspended by NRC until the licensee demonstrates that the_

tasues raised by Petitioners have been

~Esolved. Petitioners also requeswd that NRC require the licensee to submit a feasibility study related to certain structural codifications.

Petiticatrs assert as grounds for their request (?) numerous deficiencies in -

licensee inanagentent, (2) Inadequacy of the existing radiological emergency response plan and (3) inherent deficiencies in the facility's containment structure.

'Ite Petition is being treated pu suant to 10 CFR 2.206 of the Commission's regulations. As provided by 12206, appropriate action will be taken on the Petition within a reasonable time.

A copy of the Pe:ition is available for inspection in the Commission's Public Document Room.1717 H Street fav.,

Washington, DC 20555 and in the local

' public document room for the Pdgrim Nuclear Power Station located at the Plymuuth Public IJbrary,11 North Street Plymouth,MA 02300.

Dated at Bethesda. Maryland. this 12th day of August 1986.

For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

James M.Taylae.

Director,0ffice ofinspection and Enforcement

, [FR Doc. 86-18772 filed 619-86; 8 45 mm) sumo coes reso.ews h

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