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Insp Rept 99900323/86-01 on 860414-18 & 28-30.Noncompliance Noted:Failure to Assure Establishment & Execution of Nuclear QA Program.Violation Noted:Failure to Rept Part 21 Reportability Evaluation
Person / Time
Issue date: 07/25/1986
From: Merschoff E, Petronsino J
Shared Package
ML20203F048 List:
REF-QA-99900323 NUDOCS 8607300095
Download: ML20203F090 (20)



ORGANIZATION: CONAX BUFFALO CORPORATION BUFFALO, NEW YORK INSPECTION INSPECTION REPORT ON-SITE HOURS: 56 NO.- 99900323/86-01 DATES: 4/14-18 and 28-30/86 CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Conax Buffalo Corporation ATTN: Mr. Robert A. Fox President 2300 Walden Avenue Buffalo, New York 14225-0237 ORGANIZATIONAL CONTACT: Mr. R.E. Farchmin, Quality Assurance Manager TELEPHONE NUMBER: (716) 684-4500 NUCLEAR INDUSTRY ACTIVITY: Manufacturer of electrical penetrations, elec-trical conductor seal assemblies, adapter modules for other manufacturer's penetrations, heat sensing probes, squib explosive valves, and specialized cabling.

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Date J .J. et'rosino,' Rezictive Inspection Section (RIS)

OTHER INSPECTOR (S): P. A. Leeper, Program Coordination Section i

[ 7[er[rc APPROVED BY: .

Date I E.W. Merschoff, f, RIS, Vendor Program Branch (VPB)


A. BASES: 10 CFR Part 21 and 10 CFR Part 50 Appendix B B. SCOPE: This inspection was made as a result of the Standby Liquid Control (SLC) system test failure on February 8, 1986 at the Vermont Yankee (V.Y.) nuclear power station.

PLANT SITE APPLICABILITY: Big Rock Point 1 (50-155); Browns Ferry 1/2/3 (50-259/260/296); Brunswick 1/2 (50-325/324); Clinton 1(50-461); Cooper (Continued on next page) 06073$h h00323


249); Duane Arnold (50-331); Fermi 2 (50-341); Fitzpatrick (50-333); Grand Gulf (50-416); Hatch 1/2 (50-321/366); Hope Creek (50-354); Humboldt Bay 3 (50-133); Lacrosse (50-409); LaSalle 1/2 (50-373/374); Limerick 1 (50-352);

Millstone 1 (50-245); Monticello (50-263); Nine Mile Point 1/2 (50-220/410);

Oyster Creek (50-219); Peach Bottom 2/3 (50-277/278); Perry 1 (50-440);

Pilgrim 1 (50-293); Quad Cities 1/2 (50-254/265); River Bend 1 (50-458);

Shoreham(50-332);Susquehanna 1/2 (50-387/388); Vermont Yankee (50-271);

and Washington Nuclear 2 (50-397).


1. Contrary to Section 21.21 " Notification of failure to comply or existence of a defect," of 10 CFR Part 21:
a. The Conax Buffalo Corporation (CBC) failed to perform a 10 CFR .

- Part 21 reportability evaluation, or to notify its nuclear plant end users so they could cause the problem to be evaluated, or .

to notify the Commission of a deviation in the special " potting" process on several explosive primer chamber (EPC) assemblies shipped to the Susquehanna nuclear power plant (86-01-01).

This is a Severity Level III violation (Supplement VII).

b. The Conax Florida manufacturing facility failed to develop or adopt an appropriate 10 CFR Part 21 procedure which contributed to their failure to report deviations in the EPC's (86-01-02).

This is a Severity Level IV violation (Supplement VII).


1. Contrary to Criterion I, " Organization," of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50 and Section 1.1, of the CBC Nuclear Quality Assurance Manual (NQAM), CBC failed to assure that a nuclear quality assu-rance program was established and executed for the control of nuclear safety-related activities performed at the Conax Florida facility (86-01-03).


2. Contrary to Criterion II, " Quality Assurance Program," of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50, CBC failed to assure that nuclear quality as-surance program indoctrination had been performed for all personnel performing safety-related activities at the Conax Florida facility (86-01-04).
3. Contrary to Criterion V, " Instructions, Procedures, and Drawings,"

of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50, CBC failed to establish adequate procedures and instructions for quantitative or qualitative accep-tance criteria for a special epoxy " potting" process used on the EPC assemblies (86-01-05).

4. Contrary to Criterion VII, " Control of Purchased Material, Equipment, and Services," of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50, CBC failed to perform source evaluations to establish the effectiveness of the control of quality activities at the Conax Florida facility in regard to the trigger and EPC assembly activities (86-01-06).


5. Contrary to Criterion IX, " Control of Special Processes," of Appendi'x B to 10 CFR Part 50, CBC failed to assure that a qualified procedure was established to control the " potting" processes at the Buffalo and Florida facilities (86-01-07).
6. Contrary to Criterion XV, " Control of Nonconforming material, Parts and, Components," of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50, CBC failed to con-trol an EPC deviation found on six assemblies manufactured at the Conax Florida facility (86-01-08). Specifically:
a. Six EPC assemblies were identified by CBC personnel as having voids and spaces around the primers, but no deviation records were generated to control the items.
b. Rew.rk was performed without additional documentation to indicate the serial numbers of the EPCs, specific work performed, testing, or inspection and acceptance activities.
7. Contrary to Criterion XVI, " Corrective Action," of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50, CBC failed to control an EPC potting deviation found on six out of twelve assemblies manufactured at the Conax Florida facility for the Susquehanna Nuclear Station (86-01-09). Speci-fically:


a. No records of management reviews of the deviation were found to indicate that this significant condition adverse to quality was reviewed for root cause identification and that actions to prevent recurrence were initiated.
b. Records were not in evidence to assure that corrective action for the deviation was satisfactorily accomplished, except for a danuary 31, 1984 Conax Florida internal memorandum. This internal memorandum stated that the six out of twelve units were reworked, but did not identify specific information.




Implementation of the CBC corrective actions from the previous NRC inspec-tion report were not verified at this time (reference VPB inspection re

  • port #99900323/84-01). This will be accomplished during a future in-spection.


1. 10 CFR Part 21
a. The CBC Procedure 1.5 relating to the reporting of defects and non-compliances was reviewed. The implementation of the pro-cedure in regard to posting requirements was evaluated by in-specting the manufacturing areas. The posting requirements were in coinpliance. However, several portions of the procedure were founu to need clarification. Subsequent discussions with the QA Manager determined that the procedure was currently being re-vised.

The site applicability of CBC Procedure 1.5 was questioned with regard to the Conax St. Petersburg, Florida (Conax Florida) facili ty. The Conax Florida facility is the location where portions of the squib valve manufacturing processes were per-formed. The CBC facility maintained the raw material fabrica-tion and machining processes. All other fabrication activi-ties could be performed at the Canax Florida facility. It was determined that Procedure 1.5 was applicable only to CBC and not to the Conax Florida facility. Subsequent discussions and a review of records at the Conax Florida facility revealed

l ORGANIZATION: CONAX BUFFALO CORPORATION BUFFALO, NEW YORK REPORT INSPECTION RESULTS: PAGE 5 of 14 NO.: 99900323/86-01 that no 10 CFR Part 21 procedures had been established for or by the Conax Florida facility for use by their personnel performing quality activities. As of April 30, 1986, no pro-cedures have been adopted (see Violation 86-01-02).

b. Two deviations were found concerning the Explosive Primer Chamber (EPC) assembly " manufacturing controls" and "special processes".

The EPC assembly is one of the major components of the Standby Liquid Control (SLC) system squib valve and is considered a basic component. The deviations are as follow:

(1) A customer audit report informed CBC on 2/2/84, that their Conax Florida facility did not have a quality assurance pro-gram that met the requirements of ANSI-N45.2 and Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50, nor had they adopted a proceaure pur-suant to 10 CFR Part 21 (see reference to General Electric

- (G.E.) Deviation Disposition Report below).

At the time of this notification, the Conax Florida faciliky had been performing several nuclear related quality activi-ties in regard to the EPC assembly. Justification of this was given by CBC and accepted by a General Electric (GE)

Deviation Disposition Report, dated January 31, 1984.

(2) During the review of a GE Purchase Order package (reference

  1. 205-83L438,10/20/83, Susquehanna) for 12 Cenax squib valve replacement kits, a January 1984 Conax inte"nal memo was noted concerning a special epoxy (pocting) process devia-tion. The Conax Florida facility internal memo identified workmanship problems on six EPC assemblies. The letter in-dicated that the potting quality was inadequate and some primers were recessed from the face of the EPC, and these were significant problems. Specifically:

(a) Voids and gaps around the circumference of the explo-sive primers were found on six out of twelve EPC as-semblies. The letter indicates no voids or gaps are allowed.

ORGANIZATION: CONAX BUFFALO CORPORATION BUFFALO, NEW YORK REPORT INSPECTION RESULTS: PAGE 6 of 14 NO.: 99900323/86-01 (b). Several explosive primers were found to be recessed back from the EPC front face. The amount of recess (gap) ranged between .060 .122 inches. The explo-sive power output of the EPC is an inverse function of voids or gaps around the device. A primer located

.122 inches back from its ram delivers less explosive power output, than expected (Note: each EPC has two primers).

(c) CBC reworked the six EPC assemblies that were fabri-cated at the Conax Florida facility. Subsequent dis-cussions revealed that the rework and acceptance in-spection had not been documented.

Part 21 reportability evaluations were not performed nor

- were the end users notified so they could cause an evalua-tion to be performed (see Violation 86-01-01).  ;

2. Background The Vermont Yankee nuclear plant recently discovered that both path-ways of the Standby Liquid Control system failed to fire, and had been inoperable for approximately 18 months. The root cause of the failure was due to two problems (


USNRC IE/Information Notice #86-13 and Region I Inspection Report #50-271/86-05).


a. Vermont Yankee had site wiring irregularities in the squib valve firing circuits due to an undocumented field modifi-cation in 1977.
b. The vendor (Conax) had supplied explosive primer charge assem-blies that were incorrectly wired.

This inspection was conducted to determine how incorrectly wired devices, item b. above, were able to go undetected through several tiers of product verifications within the vendor's quality assurance program.

The purpose of the Standby Liquic Control (SLC) System is to shut down the reactor by chemical poisoning, and the functional classi-fication of the SLC system is that of a safety-related system.

ORGANIZATION: CONAX BUFFALO CORPORATION BUFFALO, NEW YORK REPORT INSPECTION RESULTS: PAGE 7 of 14 NO.- 99900323/86-01 One essential-component of the SLC systen is the explosive actuated valve (squib valve). Two squib valves are utilized to ensure that the failure of a single valve will not prevent the SLC system from performing its function. Each valve is a double squib actuated shear plug. When either explosive primer chamber assembly is fired, it drives a ran forward to shear off the integral cap of the inlet fi tting. The extended ram prevents the sheared plug from obstruc-ting flow through the valve by forcing it into a recess in the squib valve body.

The squib valve of the SLC system is a " basic componer.t", under 10 CFR Part 21; that is, a component necessary to assure the capa-bility to shutdown the reactor and maintain it in a safe shutdown condition, and has the capability to prevent or mitigate the conse-quences of accidents which could result in potential offsite expo-sures. Additionally, the squib valve assembly is unique to nuclear Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) facilities, and is not used in applica-tions other than nuclear.  ;

The Conax Buffalo Corporation has been manufacturing and supplying squib valves for the General Electric (GE) Company's SLC system design for approximately 20 years. CBC is the sole manufacturer of the squib valve and its replacement parts kit. The replacement kit contains three of the four main components which make up the squib valve assembly, specifically:

1. The inlet fitting
2. The trigger assembly
3. The explosive primer chamber The fourth main cortponent is the squib valve body itself.

Initially, GE purchased the squib valve assemblies from CBC and in turn sold them to the various plants. The squib valve component drawings and manuals were also furnished to GE, who then control-led the distribution to the various plants. During this initial period when GE was the sole buyer, CBC did not have control of the documentaticn that the end user received.

Subsequently, some of GE's end user customers received approval from GE to procure the squib valve replacement kits directly from CBC. In anticipation of the direct end user procurements, CBC had developed a series of component drawings with unique numbers. The l

ORGANIZATION: CONAX BUFFALO CORPORATION BUFFALO, NEW YORK REPORT INSPECTION RESULTS: PAGE 8 of 14 NO.- 99900323/86-01 new drawings were almost duplicates of the G.E. squib valve drawings except for alpha-numeric part identification differences. All drawings for GE procurements are prefixed by an "N". All other CBC drawings for the squib valve replacement kit, and its compo-nents are prefixed by a four digit number. Typically:

Replacement Kits: 1532-XXX-XX Trigger Assemblies: 1617-XXX-XX, 1532-XXX-XX Primer Chamber Assemblies: 1621-XXX-XX

3. Control of Souib Valve Components The control of activities affecting quality in regard to the squib valve component manufacturing and associated activities was not adequately executed by Conax Buffalo Corporation. This was due in part to a Conax Corporation decision to have all Conax explosive products controlled at one location. That location was the Conax Florida Corporation (CFC) in St. Petersburg, Florida. The nuclear .

quality activities which were performed at CFC during the period of -

December,1983 to April,1986 were not controlled under an ASME/ ANSI N45.2 or an Appendix B program. However, CFC has established a MIL-Q-9858 quality program and MIL-I-45208A inspection program for control of their military explosive roducts. (See Nonconformances 86-01-03 and 04). However, it was noted that the Conax Certificates of Conformance which were provided to the nuclear end users stated that only MIL-I-45208A was imposed for the squib valve components.

The MIL-I-45208A program by itself fails to meet the nuclear quality assurance program requirements, since it only addresses test and inspection attributes.

4 Verification of QA Program Implementation Conax Buffalo Corporation has been the recognized manufacturer, supplier, and ASME B&PV Code Certificate Stamp holder for this component for many years. When the decision to move a portion of the squib valve quality activities to the CFC facility was made, CBC failed to take appropriate actions to continue to control all activities that af fect nuclear cuality.

ORGANIZATION: CONAX BUFFALO CORPORATION BUFFALO, NEW YORK REPORT INSPECTION RESULTS: PAGE 9 of 14 N0.- 99900323/86-01 When the Conax Corporation, the parent corporation to both CFC ar.d CBC, made the policy decision to move all of the explosive products to CFC, CBC failed to establish the effectiveness of the QA program at CFC prior to the first EPC and trigger assemblies being manufactured (See nonconformance 86-01-06).

5. Epoxy (Potting) Special Process The potting special process for the EPC assembly is an essential pro-cess which directs and maintains the power output of the two ex-plosive primers used for each EPC. The direction of the explosive force must be maintained in an outward direction towards the ram.

Voids or gaps around or under the explosive primers will absorb a certain portion of that outward explosive force.

Therefore, a review of the Conax potting process specification, operation / inspection records and other referenced documents was performed to determine what was specifically required. It was found*

that the travelers and other related documents were the same for both the Buffalo and Florida facilities. Subsequent in depth re-views were performed to determine how a potting deviation could oc-cur (reference item E.6 below).

The subsequent review revealed that the only qualitative or quanti-tative acceptance and rejection criterion were contained on the operation / inspection sheets. The operation / inspection sheets are step-by-step EPC instructions for all the operations necessary, starting from cleaning af ter initial bar stock machining through final packaging.

However, it is apparent that the step-by-step instructions are not all inclusive, and lack specificity. The instructions are inade-quate without some type of supplemental procedure which delineates acceptance and rejection criteria, along with other specific Conax requirements (See nonconformance 86-01-05).

6. Potting Inconsistencies General Electric purchase order number 205-83L-438, dated 10/20/83, Susequehanna nuclear plant, required 12 squib valve replacement kits (P/N 1532-162-01). During the review of this P.O. package, a January 31, 1984 Conax internal memo was noted.




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The memo indicated that 6 out of 12 of the Susquehanna EPC assemblies had potting deficiencies and were reworked. These units were assem-bled and potted at the Conax Florida facility and the deviation was observed at the Buffalo facility, where they were subsequently ship-ped and apparently reworked.

The memo indicated that the petting quality was unacceptable due to voids and gaps around the explosive primers. Additionally, the ex-plosive primers were recessed back from the EPC body face. The memo stated, in part: "This was a defect...the power output of the primer is an inverse function of voids or gaps...a primer located .122 back from its ram delivers less power than expected...."

Discussions were conducted with Canax Florida and Buffalo personnel with regard to the memo and what was considered acceptable for pot-ting quality. It was determined that:

Rejection / acceptance criteria were not delineated in .


Rework had been performed, but no records were established.

Reinspection had been performed and the units were acceptable. However, this was r.ot documented.

The power output of the EPC was an inverse function of any voids or gaps.

Therefore, the internal memo, in conjunction with the lack of speci-fic acceptance and rejection criteria for the potting special pro-cess, indicate that the potting quality of the EPCs assembled in Florida are indeterminate (See nonconformance 86-01-08).

7. Squib Valve Component Purchase Orders All incoming squib valve component purchase orders at the Conax Florida facility were reviewed to determine: (a)whatnuclearpower plants had received EPC units assembled at Conax Florida; (b) what the total number of EPCs were that had been fabricated at Conax Florida, for foreign and domestic power plants; (c) what quality as-surance requirements had been imposed on Conax by the purchasers; and (d) what was stated on the Conax's Certificates of Ccmpliance (C of C).

ORGANIZATION: CONAX BUFFALO CORPORATION BUFFALO, NEW YORK REPORT INSPECTION RESULTS. PAGE 11 of la NO.: 99900323/86-01 The document review, in conjunction with discussions with Conax personnel at Buffalo and St. Petersburg, determined the following:

(a) Duane Arnold, Dresden, Limerick, Susquehanna, Shoreham, and Vermont Yankee were the only domestic nuclear power plants that received squib valve components which were potted, wired or as-sembled at the Conax Florida facility; (b) the total number of EPCs manufactured in Florida were 48 for domestic customers and 35 for foreign customers. The breakdown is as follows: Vermont Yankee, 6 units, Serial #552-557; Dresden, 6 units, Serial.# 546-551; Shoreham,1 unit, Serial #668; Duane Arnold, 6 units, Serial

  1. 669-674; Susquehanna, 19 units, Serial #675-681, 686-697; Limerick, 10 units, Serial #699-708; and Norca Machinery Company for foreign use Serial Numbers 299-302 (P0-G-220028), 620-622 (P0-G-220019),

641-643 (P0-G-220024), 729-732 (P0-G-220027), 644, 645, and 647 (P0-G-220031), and 623-640 (P0-0-330001); (c) Each of the above end user's purcha:e orders (P0) or P0 specifications imposed a nuclear quality assurance program and 10 CFR Part 21 to Conax; and (d) the Conax C of Cs generally stated that the squib valve ,

components quality assurance program "... conformed to MIL-I-45208A...." However, the MIL-1-45208 program addresses only test-ing and inspection and does not adequately address all the necessary attributes of a nuclear quality assurance program.

During the review of the P0 packages, it was noted that almost every P0 contained a Ccnax Contracts Definition Sheet (CDS). The CDS is a form which Canax uses as a method to formally document and take ex-ception to a customers P0 requirements. CDS numbers 468, 471, 477, 479, and 485 were reviewed, since they were a part of the PO pack-ages for some of the above licensees. Canax took exception to the customers nuclear QA program by stating that Conax cannot apply its ASME or nuclear QA approved program to the order because the " valve" was originally designed and fabricated under their Government ap-proved quality program to Spec. MIL-I-45208.

Additionally, it was observed that none of the above CDSs had been accepted by a customer representative as evidenced by a lack of sig-nature or initial on the CDS.

A customer's acceptance block is provided on each CDS form, but none of the CDSs reviewed had any customer acceptances in evidence.

At this time, it is not clear whether or not the end user's were aware of the exception taken by Conax to the nuclear QA program requirements.


78. Summary .

The inspector was not able to identify any one specific root cause of the incorrectly wired squib valve EPC assemblies that were found during the Vermont Yankee periodic squib valve testing and were dis-cussed in the NRC Office of Inspection and Enforcement (IE) Informa-tion Notice (IN) #86-13 and NRC inspection report #50-271/86-05.

Instead, a variety of policy decisions, incorrect assumptions, draw-ing revisions, vendor-NSSS supplier communication, different drawing series for the same product, different bridgewire configurations for foreign and derestic nuclear plants, etc. collectively resulted in the above problem. Specifically:

a. The Conax Corporation wanted to incorporate all of their explo-sive products manuf acturing/ assembly at their Conax Florida fa-

- cility. Therefore, they started to relocate certain activities of the squib valve components manufacture starting approximately

  • in December of 1983.
b. Conax Buffalo Corporation incorrectly assumed that since the entire squib valve replacement kit did not require the same ASME B&PV Code controls that the squib valve body did, it would be acceptable to allow the EPC and trigger body components to be assembled and controlled at the Conax Florida facility because:

(i) The Florida facility had a quality program structured af ter MIL-I-45208A and MIL-Q-9858.

(ii) The same " operation and inspection record" travelers were to be used for the trigger assemblies.

(iii)The existing procedures, drawings, and other requirements had been adequate in the past to control the quality of the product.

c. G.E. did not adequately transmit or control the current squib valve drawings at some of the licensees. This was evidenced by two licensee (Susquehanna and Limerick) " vendor manuals" which had Conax trigger assembly drawings which illustrated the bridgewires are between pins 1-2 and 3-4. IE/IN #86-13 states that the bridgewires are supposed to be between 1-4 and 2-3 and the bridgewires between 1-2 and 3-4 are an incor-rect configuration.

i l

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d. The two licensees above did not verify that their Conax vendor manuals were of the current revision,
e. Conax stated that several years ago CBC inadverently issued a replacement kit component drawing which did_ illustrate the 1-2 and 3-4 bridgewire connections. These drawings were sent to G.E. but Conax subsequently requested that they be destroyed. However, these incorrect Conax draw-ings were found to be part of the controlled Vendor man-uals at Susquehanna and Limerick as stated above.
f. Some explosive primer chamber assemblies for foreign nu-clear plant SLC systems, utilize the 1-2 and 3-4 bridge-wire connection. These are purchased mainly by Norca Machinery Co. for foreign distribution. However, these EPC assemblies for foreign use were also assembled and
  • controlled at the Conax Florida facility during the same time period that the domestic nuclear plant EPC were being i assembled.
g. Personnel at the Conax Florida facility who were unfami-liar with the EPC and trigger a.ssemblies were controlling the quality activities without the benefit of documented squib valve component training and indoctrination.
h. A lack of consistency in past EPC connector pin alpha-nume-ric identifications, and bridgewire connection points.

This is in regard to, alpha and numerical sequence call-outs, clockwise and counter clockwise sequencing, and dif-ferent bridgewire configurations for foreign and domestic plants. The different bridgewire configurations between domestic and foreign nuclear plants as discussed in f.

above are the current Conax configurations.

i. An incorrect assembly operation sheet for P/N 1621-186-01 which specified pin locations by alpha in lieu of nume-rical callouts. This had since been revised.


k. Lack of connector pin identification on the connector bodies.

Therefore, the bridge wire deviation identified at V.Y. was a result of the combination of above identified violations, nonconformances and inconsistencies, rather than one specific rcot cause.

However, the hardware defects found at the V.Y. and Susquehanna facilities can be attributed in part to the lack of a valid nuclear QA program at the Conax Florida facility.

The Conax Corporation has taken an aggressive role in evaluating and correcting the many different items which have been identified by the NRC Regional and Headquarters Staff.


  • R. A. Fox, President, Conax Buffalo r*
  • A. E. Haefner, Chief Engineer, Conax Florida / Buffalo
  • R. E. Duiski, QC Manager, Conax Buffalo
  • A. E. Farchmin, QA Manager, Conax Buffalo J. L. Zilbauier, Production Manager, Conax Buffalo
  • L. B. Bean, President, Conax Florida R. Schneider, QA Manager, Conax Florida R. J. Crego, Plant Manager, Conax Florida C. Naab Vice President, Conax Florida
  • D. Nowakowski, R&D Manager, Conax Florida L. Howard, Contracts, Conax Florida V. D. Hilliand, Administration Assistant, Conax Florida J. C. Alessi, Plant Foreman, Conax Florida R. R. Wanek, Applications Engineer, Conax Florida
  • R. L. Duroure, Corporate QA Manager, Conax Corporation D. E. Coward, DC Coordinator, Conax Florida
    • L. R. Plisco, USNRC, Susquehanna
  • J. Houmis, Chief Engineer, Conax Florida
  • Participated in exit meeting discussions.
    • Telephone contact only.

'D- B PAGE / OF 1 REPORT NO. 99900m

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REPORT NO. 99900171




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PAGE 1 0F /s REPORT No. 99900323 C o n o. x Auffa./o Co r.po ra. f}in DOCUMENTS REVIEWED NO. TYPE D0C. NO. DATE COMMENTS tj9 q)rm Re v. G 3/t./gs snrd f,rary An/.,sh @./.?, Prepre= M/* o a /

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PAGE 4 0F [p REPORT NO. 99900323 Conax .Bu na.te, Cor. para.f;;,,


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5 PAGE S OF 6 REP 0RT NO. 9990_O323 C onax .Au /Ta./c) Cer.po ea. files DOCUMENTS REVIEWED e

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l08 $Q._ .205 kN6'/J. &1 tof: 400 *t d2see(A s ) PahadeG6C -/fkne .

to ** /yJJ-sWA *01 Mf4 ~ /-t m e ric l'

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.3 0 Y e 2 t. 44 0 te f.

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.,orss<.vn cuoaer-c.roi nrr."<-

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. PAGE d 0F (o j REPORT No. 99900323 Conax Co r.po ra.fidis DOCUMENTS REVIEWED e


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  • Ao-poen su M* 7a - co .'r l /* f. fy

/AA AO 740STA //&') te4hd - M,//*;c bl.fA4 . Shad./fr.e (Ani/.

,$~ * /6~JA -/t 7 i epturny'W,h .

  • se//o, s A. 4' lAS A 0 3 $~2 WJ d'f saw h s f.16. thf Crohdkt wnTL Afs. A & bhle s f go. abar.2.- e-c.p .' r.,

r w s. '

/M C_p_S. CDs tf97 $/sh Y (n ces r. r 4% t rs Aw/ f.< Ad. Y7% 7(iVst)al S" * /3~32~// 7-of Keta '.' Pr 21 a,ry)k3 -

/M $0. 6 9f63 3 /N!s' N-e/ r .fJ/. /*fvV /N2 /19s/4&,.)

r. . , w . . a . ,i. w ,,...<. ~ i <,.. , ,.

/M Q ,;? 2 f.;2/ 3/37/84 l

sAw Tk *ew A,9...*1/ f//)/1/ ~

/ cc4s A;o rp .. *

/.2 7 3pr_ . Tnt-4 347/94 .:;reet. no .< / -r,< ab. /132-/fr-v P