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NRC Comprehensive Records Disposition Schedule
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/31/1985
NUREG-0910, NUREG-0910-R01-S04, NUREG-0910-S04, NUREG-910, NUREG-910-R1-S4, NUREG-910-S4, NUDOCS 8511040062
Download: ML20205E981 (9)


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,6 October 1985 i

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J SUPPLEMENT 4 TO NUREG-0910, REV. 1 "NRC COMPREHENSIVE RECORDS DISPOSITION SCHEDULE" INSTRUCTIONS Remove Insert GRS Schedule 25 Insert after GRS Schedule 24 NRC Schedule 1.8.4 pp. 1.8-3 pp.1.8-3 and 1.8-5 and 1.8-4 1

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I 8511040062 851031 l PDR NUREG 0910 R PDR

> Supplement 4 August 1985 June 14, 1985 NARA Bulletin 85-1 Attachment

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\ I GENERAL RECORDS SCHEDULE 25 Inspector General Records The Inspectors General monitor agency programs and operations to prevent and reduce waste and fraud and to improve agency management. 'The Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended, and other legislation established an Office of Inspector General (OIG) in selected government agencies, while several other agencies have created nonstatutory OIGs. An OIG conducts and supervises audits and investigations; recommends policies to promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness and to prevent fraud and abuse; and reports problems, deficiencies and progress to the agency head.

Statutory OIGs must submit semiannual reports to the Congress.

This schedule covers investigative, audit, and related records created or maintained by an OIG in performing its duties and responsibilities.

This schedule may not cover all records created or accumulated by an OIG. OIG records, including machine-readable records, are not authorized for disposal unless they are covered by this schedule, by another General Records Schedule, or by an agency schedule approved by the National Archives and Records Administration.

Disposition of such records may be effected only after NARA approval of an SF 115, Request for Records Disposition Authority.

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1. Policy and Procedures Files.

Records defining and documenting the policies required for directing, controlling, and carrying out OIG operat. ions.

Also records on 1.lanning and developing OIG policies and procedures. Consist of manuals, handbooks, directives, and working papers,

a. One record copy of each Permanent. Cut off if not included in the when superseded or agency's permanent set of obsolete. Offer to master directives files NARA in 10 year blocks or the record set of when 10 years old.


b. til other copies, oestroy when no longer needed.
c. Working papers and back- Destroy when no longer I <~'s\

ground materials. needed.

V 1

Supplement 4 -

August 1985 NARA Bulletin 85-1 . June 14, 1985 Attachment ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS O


2. Semiannual Report to the Congress Files.

Reports prepared by the statu- {

tory OIGs and submitted to the 1 Congress, and working papers.

The reports summarize the activities of the OIG for the six-month periods ending .

March 31 and September 30.

For details on the composition '

of these reports, see Section 5, Public Law 95-452, as amended by P.L.97-252.

a. Record copy of report. Permanent. Cut off upon transmission to the Congress. Offer to NARA in 10 year blocks when 10 years old.


b. Other copies of the Destroy when no longer report. needed.
c. Working papers. Destroy when no longer needed.

i 3. Investigative Case Files.

k f

Case files developed during investigations of known or alleged fraud and abuse and irregularities and violations of laws and regulations.

Cases relate to agency per-sonnel and programs and operations administered or financed by the agency, including contractors and others having a relationship with the agency. This includes investigative files relating to employee and hotline complaints, and other miscellaneous complaint files. Consist of investigative reports and related documents, such as correspondence, notes, attach-ments, and working papers.


Supplenent 4 August 1985 June 14, 1985 NARA Bulletin 85-1


N Attachment v)


a. Files containing Destroy when five information or allega- years old.

tions which are of an investigative nature but do not relate to a specific investigation.

They include anonymous or vague allegations not warranting an investiga-tion, matters referred to constituents or other agencies for handling, and support files providing general information which may prove useful in Inspector General investigations.

rs b. All other investigative Place in-inactive file

( case files. when case is closed.

) Cut off inactive file

\d at end of fiscal year.

Destroy 10 years after cutoff.


4. Audit Case Files.

Case files of internal audits Cut off file at end of of agency programs, operations, fiscal year after close and procedures, and of external of case. Destroy 8 audits of contractors and years after cutoff.

l l grantees. Consist of audit l reports, correspondence, j memoranda, and supporting j working papers.

S. Indexes to Case Files.

Used as references to investi- Destroy when gative.and audit case files. superseded or obsolete.


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3. Video Recording Files a) NRC sponsored 3/4-inch video Permanent. Offer master and productions intended for one dubbing to NARS when no public distribution. These longer in current distribu-include educational programs pro- tion.

duced by Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory and distributed by the National Audiovisual Center.

b) Off-the-air recordings of media Erase and reuse when no coverage of NRC-related activi- longer needed.

ties and events, or appearances of NRC officials.

c) Original 3/4-inch video Permanent. Break file every recordings of public meetings, five years. Offer master speeches, conferences, testimony and one dubbing to NARS of NRC officials before Congress five years after file break.

and other hearings made and maintained by the Printing and 7 ~s Graphics Branch, Office of r i Administration.

O d) Video productions purchased Destroy and reuse when no from outside sources for tech- longer needed.

nical training of NRC staff and maintained in the Printing and Graphics Branch, Office of Administration.

e) Duplicate dubbings of any Erase and reuse when no recording described in a, b, c, longer needed.

or d above maintained by any NRC office.

f) Experiment and Test records for research projects, as follows:

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i I.8-3 e


Supplement 4 August 1985 Appendix 0231 NRC SCHEDULE I NRC Comprehensive Records Disposition Schedule I Records Common to Most Offices ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS AUTHORIZED DISPOSITION

1. Edited, educational motion Permanent. Offer original, picture film or video- intermediate copy and print recordings on the LOFT or dubbing to the National program. Originals may be Archives when five years old.

maintained by contractors and prints or dubbings main-tained in the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, Division of Accident Evalua-tion, Experimental Programs B ranch.

2. Unedited documentary motion Destroy when no longer-picture film or video needed.

recordings resulting from LOFT experiments and tests.

4. Sound Recording Files (NOTE: Printing and Graphics does not maintain any original sound recordings as originally indicated in item a.)

a) Audiocassettes purchased from Erase and reuse when no outside sources for technical longer needed.

training of NRC Staff and main-tained in the Printing and Graphics Branch, Office of Administration.

b) Oral history sound recordings of Erase and reuse when no NRC officials maintained by the longer needed.

Chief Historian, Office of the Secretary.

c) Telephone recording from NRC Permanent. Offer to NARA when Licensees (Nuclear Power Plants) 5 years old or when no longer alerting the NRC duty officer of needed.

unusual occurrences or events as required by 10 CFR 50.72. Record-ings that result in significant changes in regulatory activities.

I.8-4 l

Supplement 4 August 1985 Appendix 0231 NRC SCHEDULE I NRC Comprehensive Records Disposition Schedule Records Common to Most Offices ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION OF RECORDS AUTHORIZED DISPOSITION and procedures and are the subject of .

Congressional investigations or hearings, or will be of great interest to public.

d) Those recordings that have Retain for 3 years, erase significant value but not the and reuse tape.

magnitude of I above.

3) Those recordings that are of Erase and reuse tape.

routine nature day-to-day.


l I.8-5

U $. NUCLE A2 KEGULATC4Y COMMI55 SON i RtPOHf NUMAER #Au riea er TsOC asa vet No , ,r es,ys yc eORM 3JS E',"d$ BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA SHEET NUREG-0910, Rev.1 sit NirRUci O~ ON T E REvt,,, Supplement 4

(~T ,1 ru A~o Su.riva , u yE,L.N.

NRC Comprehensive Records Disposition Schedule 4 D ATE REPORY COMPLETED MONTM VEAR

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Auaust 1985 6 DAT E REPOH T 155uf D MONTM vtAN October 1985 F PERPORueNG ORGANes4100N NAME AND MAsLeNG ADDRESS ,bietworld Coarf a PHOJEcY.T ASA WOME UNil NUMBE R Division of Technical Information and Document Control , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Office of Administration U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 10 SPONSOHeNG ORGANel ATION NAMt AND MAILING ADDRESS thses v erle Coert sie TYPE CF REPORY NRC Official Records Same as above niennei+ inn Rehodtil ot


D PEsiiOO Lbit'HED stessures aersef N/A 12 SUPPLEMENT ARY NOTES 13 AS$ (R ACT 1J00 words or 'essi In compliance with statutory requirements set forth in Title 44 U.S. Code,

\ "Public Printing and Documents," and in applicable regulation cited in 36 CFR Subchapter X11, National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has published and maintains "NRC Comprehensive Records Disposition Schedule," (NUREG-0910 Rev.1)for records created or maintained by the NRC. Supplement 4 forwards schedules to the General Records Schedules and approved NRC schedules as made by the National Archives and Records Administration for inclusion.

14 DOCUMENT AN ALv515 - e EEvwOPO5-DESCR PTORS 16 A V AILA8'L4T v STATEMENT Disposition Schedule unlimited Official Records ,. steuRITvcLAss,.icATION

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