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Certificate of Compliance 5814,Rev 4,for Models NRBK-41, NRBK-42 & NRBK-43.Approval Record Encl
Person / Time
Site: 07105814
Issue date: 07/09/1986
From: Macdonald C
Shared Package
ML20207E235 List:
NUDOCS 8607220284
Download: ML20207E251 (6)


p r x f 2 rax K r z ric5cwx xx.c=r.:?a r s = rsir rs M :=.r2 5x r r r r q xr r.3:rX q 1_a_x y S CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE 3 to CFR ' FOR RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS PACXAGES h 1 a CERTIFICATE NUMBER D REVISION NUMdER c PACKAGE ICE *ef FsCATiGN NLMtf ER d PAGE NOV0ER e TQt AL NuM8EA PAGES 4 5814 4 USA /5814/3( )F 1 4

Jj ,REAustE f]q
3j a This certificate is issued to certif y that the packaging and contents described in item 5 below, meets the apphcable safety standards set forth in Titte 10, Code ,

'( of Federal Regulations. Part 71,'-Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Material" d b This certshcate does not reheve the consignor from compliance with any requirement of the regulations of the U.S. Department of Transportation or other h

[ apphcable regulatory agencies. including the government of any country through or anto which the package will be transpor'ed.

1l d

.dl f l i a Tsis CERririCATE is issuEo ON TsE sAsis OF A sArETv ANAtysis REpoAT OF TsE pACKAcE oEs.cN oR AnetiCATicN k


U.S. Departnent of Energy Safety Analysis for Radioactive Material gl q, Division of Naval Reactors Shipping Cask HRBK-41, 42 and 43 dated t' f Washington, DC 20585 March 11, 1968 as supplemented. E 4, E

%$, /1-5814 E!


$! This cenificate is conditional upon fulfilling the requirements of 10 CFR Part 71. as appbcab,e 39d the conditions specified belo*

a RI E.

3' s 4 P

q (a) Packaging >

Al K.

(1) Model Hos.: NRBK-41, HRBK-42 and HRSK-43 i g

N (2) Description Top loading cylindrical lead shielded 304L stainless steel clad casks for the shipment of irradiated test specimens. Casks have a one-inch .

thick stainless steel plate integral skid welded to the body. In addition,ithey have bolted on, all ' welded, 48-inch sqdare "I" bean skids utilized to distribute ~ the cask load. ~ The cavity of the casks dre formed by l/4-inch' thick stainless steel' surrounded by poured lead 4 shielding with a 1/2-inch : thick stainless steel cylindrical sheet i outer shell. In addition Model No. HRBK-43 cask has a seal welded 3 1/4-inch thick stainless steel outer thennal shield with a 1/16-inch air gap between the primary and secondary outer shield. The physical

{l 3;

characteristics of the cask are as follows:


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8 El l Ii l'

ll 1 .




I 8607220284 e60709 I PDR ADOCK 07105814 I C PDR I

f 1 r i 1 bfEhdahT &33dsdzharass.T&ddh.az22hd#2~dMMddhWWM32EfMN

m == - a - amm -m = m swm a xx.acemxmmm-sstanarsmsw l l .

I 5""" CONOITIONS (cInfinued)

U fiUCLE A9 Eut A TCRY COM'FS; ION I l 3 Page 2 - Certi ficate i!o. 5814 - Revision ilo. 4 - Docket ilo. 71-5814 g{ I I M i  : ,

I l 5. (a)(2) Description (continued) ,

I i l Model No. NRBK-41 NR8K-42 NRBK-43  :

I l Outer Dimensions l

l Diameter, in 26.5 21 .5 21.5 g Height, in 39 24 41 I l l Cavity Dimensions i i I Diameter, in 5 ,_ 8 8 d l length, in 16.

gj r..

a ; c Q,, ,r , , 9 27 y

l . ,,

I Approx. Loaded I Weight,1bs ,'9,000 3,500 / , 6,000 h .v'

3 I Lead Shielding T' 4 l

g Thickness, in c .,

s '10 O

/.g( ,

c "4 6

i Reference .'* 41-0001,'Sh.1,._ v ,. j' 42'0001, Sh.12 43-0001, Sh. 1, 1 Drawings !!os. N- Re:t.: A;andi "? C 3 . J Rev; A and L Rev. B and I

I TBattelle Memorial%?

Sh . 2, '21 / >

i \\Sh.c2, d Sh. 2, Institute) Rev.1B,tofs2 A d * /f Rev ' C, of 2. ;p Rev. A, of 2.

l h* O. MDi ,, _ _ %fW r/l h 6 yMf- '@'r- Nu'o

5. (a)(3) Product Containers l




Thecontenttoftne'packag&f e-us l f[ &

packa9edlin innerproduct containers.

1 The inner product'containerPhfe'.cotistructed in acco'rdance with the following I Westinghouth Electric Corporation Drawing'llos.: Ce l Q


M.; Q ' ' l f g Product Containers 's'" Drawi ng Nos.

g j; y

( IN-41 -

, 9710207, Rev. 3 and 971D201, Rev. 4 1l, Iti-42 9710207 Rev. 3 and 9710201, Rev. 4 '

.4 I ti-43 9710207, Rev. 3 and 9710201, Rev. 4 l

a I!!-43 Melba PR 954F098, Rev. 4 and 904E122, Rev. 2 979C200, Rev. 2 f q

.] PS 979C106, Rev. 2 ip WPS 979C140, Rev. 2 H.

d- T 979Cl45, Rev. 2 )

/8 ZT 979Cl43, Rev. 3 979C155, Rev. 1 Z

4 y ZZ .

979C144, Rev. 1 .



d I

l 4

8 k, e

k<l  !!E l t Ili

S'@CEEM" M w n n 35 212*E"IL222;KYBW2I"1_E rrson n3 Wx2;LW_2 W w rzasa*v"wsmqg

*uv~no .

u Nacau; secuurouy cow.nss:es [

1 5 Page 3 - Certi ficate .No. 5814 - Pevi sion Nc. 4 - Oc:'at 1:o. 71-5914 1 (p j c d Y t I

5. (b) Contents q (1) Type and form of material [

t t I Byproduct and special nuclear naterial contained within product containers

. j listed below. The contents shall be dry and unmoderated (H to X atomic ratio 2) unless specically authorized for the prcduct container.

l y

l 1 [

1 Model No. Product Container Hos.

1 l 3 flRBK-41 Il!-41, PR , PS, WPS, T, ZT, Z, and ZZ a t

) NRBK-42 .. i Pl-42la5d DR ,

J w k

i HRBK-43 IN-43, IN-i3 Mel ba , PR, PS , WPS , T, t 4

,',; 27, Z, and ZZ / ..

7 s d

1 - y g f (2) Maximueluantity of material per package _ ,


f The fbile c t'ents of tSe cask shal[be'limiteh t.o a maximum of 350 equifalent crabs"hf'U-235._ -The r.'ibe'r'of eqaivalsnt grams of U-235 is h[1 4 dete" mined by the"ehuition:Il .0 h.jrhas U-235 +;3 4 i grams U-233 + h 1 1.6 x' grams plutonf ut Tr.e maximcnidecay heat load' per package shall 0 8

not,e'xceed thosen11sted-t410wh'j Y9 ;p;, Il j

r it' -sy y %s ,rf MasiUuMDecay Heat 1. cad ;;u 1

J Model'No.

NRBK-41i  :.

$h a


i: L ,-

~4 45n;! ;00 84 Btu /,HR' g., >

. e. 4; ()

L i

3l .s- nt :g, .; ;


) NR8 K-42' . S' e- / ^2100~Btu /llr C': f 1 .  ; g s%

j' NR3K-43 #7500 Btu /Hr.O..: .

j:g '

J G '; .,q .. y 1 (c) Fissile Class '

II k

3. ., .

!g-1 Minimum transport index to be shown on label 3.2 1 #

, ) 6. The "IN-41" prcduct container may also be used to ship HaK filled capsules provided the following specifications and restrictions are met, fg i

i E

'l (i) The NaK filled capsules shall te placec into a steel or stainless steel $

I container with walls at least 1/4-inen thick, a weldeo closure cn one end 6 l

1 and a pipe cap on the other erd. l 4 (ii) The HaK filled capsules shall fit within the container with a maximum play j of 1/2 inch in any direction. innce fixtures may be used to provice the T indicated degree of snugness. The capsules and container must be thoroughly  :

l dry prior to loading.

i i

1 '



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'll i l MiGrkana?1tawesirkhiswaxxwgsxmm max.raxamsx,2x;azauasanx11


? CONom0Ns (continued) U * * ""* % M M C ^ * " " 'X " tA

. Page 4 - Certificate t'o. 5814 - Revision No. 4 - Cocket tio. 71-5814 i


(iii) Suitable pipe sealing compound shall be placed on the threads of the 4 container top closure prior to tightening the closure.

(iv ) The sealed container shall be placed into an "IH-41" product container with a maximum play of 1/2 inch in any direction. Inner fixtures may be used to -

provide the indicated degree of snugess. Both containers must be thoroughly l i dry prior to loading. .

(v) The maximun volume of NaK in the HRBK-41 cask and associated inner container shall be 50 cc.

(vi ) The fiRBK-41 shipping container may .be_ covered with a wrapping of polyvinyl 5l chloride (PVC) during , shipment provided that the internal heat load of the i shipment does not exceedr1000 BTU /hr ind the shipment is made in a closed d truck. Tne applicable requirements of 10 CFR .$71_87 must be satisfied h prior to wrapping'the cask. /, gj N 's./ El f 7 Expiration date: #Airil 30,1988. <6 El p4 (x A REFERENCES g5, . #

! P E:j

.O 4C ' ' " '


Ll," "%. Q [- / .,f y 6' p Safety Analysis for' Radiative Ma'tbr[al Shihing Cas'UN. ilRBK-4'1,(42 and 43 dated k March 11,1968. Oy9/ f ( t 417 U E

?rf , %QQ&#u,,)l:2-i y g Supplements: Division of NavalEReactors letters'S#:1458;/ dated June 19, 1968, S#

i 1570; dated Septembeh 19,(1968,, S#il597 '

l October ~22,1968, Sh 1681;Tdated.(7,11968,' Ho'leinbe;r[dat&Sep'teinber119,1968, S# l1690; dated Hovember 22, 1968, S# 1658 3

S# 1903; dated Marchfl9,1969,iSt 2000f dated?Juile 2,!:1959 and;S# 2509; dated June 10, p

1970 and Bettis Atomic; Power /LaboratoVle~tter'HAPD-CL(IH)-733,Cdated October 10,


I 1968, and Division of Nival React'crs lette'rlZ#7 85-1605, dated l April 1,1985; S# 86-3305, dated February 3,'1986 and SiF86-3332 dated' June 16, J986, and Bettis Atomic g j Power Laboratory letter ifAPD-D) PAS)-525' dated' June 20, 1986.' l





\ ,

e .

e l' b b; Charles E. M)ac ona d, Chief we p

Transportation Certification Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and l tbterial Safety, tNSS I


Date: ja 0 9 5

< l l

j ir l1  ?

,a 3:!

M'GYMxT5Tb5MMM.225GWdik.tivez;rza.1ynkkdMMMM%M1i;5igRMMkgkhX b l




r. .p WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555

'%,...../ Transportation Certification Branch Aporoval Record Model Mos. ?!RBK-41, flRBK-42, and flRBK-43 Packages Docket No. 71-5814 By application dated June 16, 1986, the U.S. Department of Energy requested i

that Certificate of Compliance No. 5814 be revised to pemit the ilRBK-41

- shipping container to be covered with a Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) wrapping to provide additional radioactive contamination control for low heat load (11000 BTU /hr) shipments. It was also proposed that such shipments be made only in an enclosed truck.

The applicant used the TRUMP computer code to analyze the flRBK-41 shipping container's thennal behavior for normal transport conditions. The surface temperatures calculated for the NRBK-41 cask were based on the assumption that the cask was wrapped in PVC and shipped in an enclosed truck. As per 10 CFR 71.43(g), a solar heat load was not applied in determing whether the cask would meet the requirement that "no accessible surface of a package would have a temper &ture exceeding 180*F in an exclusive use shipment." In addition, calculations were performed using i

the solar heat load specified in 10 CFR Part 71 to ascertain the maximum temperatures experienced by the PVC wrapping during shipment. The results are summarized in the following table:

HRBK-41 Surf ace Temperature During Shipment (*F)

Heat Load PVC Wrap Cask Surface (BTU /hr) Sol ar W/0 Solar Solar W/0 Solar 250 196 113 206 123 500 204 125 221 144 750 213 136 237 165 1000 220 147 251 184

, Although a maximum cask surface temperature of 184*F was calculated for

a heat load of 1000 BTU /hr, it has been determined that this value has a j sufficient degree of conservatism to ensure that the package teets the
requirements of 10 CFR 71.43(g). The conservatism arises from the fact l

that the surface temperatures in the above table were calculated using the assunption that a 500 mil gap separated the PVC wrapping from the cask surface. The actual anendment calls for a gap of only 100 nils.

l Calculations show that a decrease in the gap from 500 to 100 mils would.

result in a decrease of approximately 15*F in the cask surface temperature resulting in a surface temperature of approximately 169'F.





. 1, The naximum temperature experienced by the PVC wrapping during shipment would be approximately 220*F. The applicant conducted a series of tests on actual PVC samples to determine whether softening, elongation and separation, or significant degradation muld occur under expected shipping conditions. The samples were tested to temperatures up to 330*F and no significant problems were reported. The melting range for PVC ranges from 311 to 590*F depending cn the properties of the individual PVC sample . It was concluded fron the above tests that the 12 mil PVC used

- for the wrapping would withstand the temperatures experienced during shipping.

The use of a PVC wrapping would not significantly affect the thermal behavior of the package for hypothetical accident conditions. Under those conditions, the wrapping wul.d be expected to melt and the resulting case would be comparable to these conditions under which the package is currently licensed, i.e., the lead shielding even after partial melting would be adequate to comply with 10 CFR Part 71.

The NRC staff agrees with the applicant that these changes have no effect on the package's ability to neet the requirements of 10 CFR Part 71. The certificate of compliance has been amended to incorporate the latest revisions.

Charles E. MacDonald, Chief Transportation Certification Branch Division of Fuel Cycle and Material Safety, NMSS Date: __

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