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Title List of Documents Made Publicly Available. January 1-31,1987
Person / Time
Issue date: 03/31/1987
NUREG-0540, NUREG-0540-V09-N01, NUREG-540, NUREG-540-V9-N1, NUDOCS 8704060097
Download: ML20205Q865 (342)


{{#Wiki_filter:-_ - - - - - NUREG-0540 Vol. 9, No.1 Title List of Documents Made Publicly Available January 1-31, 1987 02LU$f,"N$'u'Isr" commi.. ion (N) 2 HR428H?S' 0540 R PDR

et Available from i Superintendentof Documents U.S. Government Printing Office Post Office Box 37082 Washington, D.C. 20013 7082 A year's subscription consists of 12 issues for this publication. Single copies of this publication are available from National Technical information Service, Springfield, VA 22161 r i I J l J j

NUREG-0540 Vol. 9, No.1 Title List of Documents Made Publicly Available January 1-31, 1987 Date Published: March 1987 Division of Publications Services Office of Administration U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 I i


CONTENTS Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... ..... ................................. v Arrangement of Items by Docket Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix Alphabetic Arrangement of Docket Items by Facility Name. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv D oc k et I t em s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Low Level Radwaste Disposal Sites - Docket 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Domestic Licensing of Source Material- Docket 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Domestic Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities - Docket 50. . . . 5 Domestic Licensing of Special Nuclear Material- Docket 70 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 Packaging of Radioactive Material for Transport and Transportation of Radioactive Material Under Certain Conditions - Docket 71. . . . . . . . . . . . 203 Licensing of Independent Spent Fuel Storage - Docket 72 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 N ondocket ed i tems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 l 10 CFR - Commission Meeting Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 ACRS - Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 ADVCM - NRC Advisory Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 COMMISSION - NRC Commissioners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 CONTRACT - NRC Contracts and Modifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 FOIA - Freedom of Information Act Requests and Releases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 GEN TECH IS - Generic Technical Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 I&E - Inspection and Enforcement . . . . . . . . .......................... 224 MISC - Public Document Room Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . < . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 NUREG - NUREG Reports and Related Correspondence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 ORG - Correspondence with Other Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 P R - P ropos ed R ule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231 PRM - Petition for Rulemaking. . .............................. ... 234 PROJ - Projects - Predocket Licensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 PT21 - Noncompliance Reports and Related Correspondence . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 QA999 - Quality Assurance Inspections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 REGG D - Regulatory Guides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 5 REVIEW GROUP - NRC Research Review Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 SECY - Position Papers Before the Commission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 STATE PROG - State Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 TOPREP - Vendor Reports and Related Correspondence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240 WASTE MGT - Nuclear Waste Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242 WASTE RES - Waste Management Research Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 XPORTLIC - Export and Import Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 Personal Author Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 Corporate Source Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 Report Number I ndex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295 Cross Reference of Enclosures to Principal Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297 Appendix A - Definitions of Docket 50 Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 1 Appendix B - Definitions of Nondocketed Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1 lii

PREFACE Re Title List of Documents Afade Publicly A vallable is a monthly publication. It contains descriptions of the in-formation received and generated by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). This information includes (1) docketed material associated with civilian nuclear power plants and other uses of radioactive materials and (2) nondocketed material received and generated by NRC pertinent to its role as a regulatory agency. As used here, docketed does not tefer to Court dockets;it refers to the system by which NRC maintains its regulatory records. His series of documents is indexed by a Personal Author index, a Corporate Source Index, and a Report Number index. He docketed information contained in the Title List includes the information formerly issued through the Depart-ment of Energy publication Power Reactor Docket Information, last published in January 1979. Microfiche of the docketed information listed in the Title List is available for sale on a subscription basis from the National Technical Information Service (Nils). See NOTES at the end of the Preface for the ccmplete NTIS address. We encourage your comments, criticisms, and suggestions. In particular,if there are title descriptions that are not meaningful, please let us know so that we can correct the data base. In so far as possible, we would hke this docu-ment to be a valuable part of your reference material. DOCKETED ITEMS The listir gs within Docket 50 are divided into the categories used for filing and searching in the NRC Public Docu-ment Room. Rose categories are: A. Apphcation/ construction stage documents and correspondence B. Utility Preliminary Safety Analysis Report (PSAR), amendments C. Utility Environmental Report (ER), amendments and correspondence D. NRC DrafI and Final Environmental (Impact) Statements (DES and FES), and correspondence E. NRC Safety Evaluation Report (SER), supplements and correspondence F. Security, medical, emergency and fire-protection plans G. Adjudicatory correspondence

11. Generalcorrespondence
1. Financialinformation J. Insurance and indemnity information K. Utility Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) and amendments L. Limited work authorization and related correspondence M. Antitrust correspondence N. Antitrust hearing transcripts O. Advisory Committte on Reactor Safeguards (ACRS) reports and correspondence P. Operating license stage documents and correspondence Q. Inspection reportr . IE Bulletins and correspondence R. Periodic operating reports and related correspondence S. Reportable occurrences. LERs and related correspondence T. Ilearing transcripts on non-antitrust matters U. Congressional / executive correspondence V. Licensing operators and related correspondence V

W. Decommissioning stage documents and correspondence X. Onsite low-level wastes storage Appendix A sets forth those categories and describes the materials available in each. Omission of a category in the listing for a docket indicates that no documents in that category were filed in the time period of the report. The principal elements of the entries in the list are:

      @      P.      Operating license stage documents & correspondence O              G 8411270362 Submits renewed, amended & updated petition under 2.206, urgirg NRC to re-quire that util provide Commission full disclosure of intended sources & environ conse-nces prior to issuing full power OL.

4 SUGARMAN, R.J. 5 Sugarman, Denworth & Hellegers 6 84/11/21 h Denton, H. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Director 27628:3S6:27628:357 2pp. 1. e bee b NRC/PDR Document category (see Appendix A).

2. NRC Accession Number (year, month, day, and sequence number of item).
3. Description, of information contained in the document.
4. Personal author (s). An asterisk in this position indicates that there is no personal author.
5. Corporate, agency or nonindividual source.
6. Date of document described.
7. Recipient of document and NRC or corporate affiliation.
8. Pages in this document.
9. This tive-digit number is the NRC 48X microfiche designation.
10. The three-digit portion of this entry is the number of the frame on which this document starts.

II. The five-digit portion of this entry is the number of the frame on which this document ends.

12. The three-digit portion of this entry is the number of the frame on which this document ends.
13. If this space is blank, the document is available to the public only in the NRC Public Document Room,1717 H St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20555. If this space is filled, it gives other sources for copies of the document. The entry may be "Available at NRC" for sale; "Available at NTIS" or "Available at GPO."

The Docketed items list is arranged sequentially by Docket Number, category, and then by date of principal items. Entries indented and preceded by a dash are items that were submitted as enclosures to principal items. In general, indented items are not in accession number sequence, if the docketed document has a contract (FIN) number or a formal report number, it will appear in the last line of the item following entry 5. NONDOCKETED ITEMS The nondocketed items are divided into the categories used for filing and searching in the NRC Public Docu-ment Room. These categories and their symbols are: 10CFR-Commission Meeting Records ACRS-Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards COMMISSION-NRC Commissioners CONTRACT-NRC Contracts and Modifications DISCLOSURE-Financial Disclosure Information FOIA-Freedom of Information Act Requests and Releases GEN TECH IS-Generic Technical issues vi

I&E-Inspection and Enforcement MISC-Public Document Room Miscellaneous NUREG-NUREG Reports and'Related Correspondence ORG-Correspondence with Other Organizations PR-Proposed Rule PRM-Petition for Rulemaking PROJ-Projects-Predocket Licensing PT21-Noncompliance Reports and Related Correspondence QA999-Quality Assurance Inspections REGGD-Regulatory Guides RES-Research and Technical Assistance Reports REVIEW GRP-NRC Research Review Groups R)1-Rulemakings SECY-Position Papers Before the Commission STATE PROG-State Programs TOPREP-Vendor Reports and Related Correspondence WASH-Regulatory Publications-Pre-NUREG Series WASTE MGT-Nuclear Waste Management WASTE RES-Waste Management Research Reports XPORTLIC-Exports and Import Licenses Appendix B sets forth these categories and describes the material available in each. Omission of a category in the listing for a docket indicates that no documents in that category were filed in the time period of the report. The principal elements of the nondocketed items are:

     @ NUREG-NUREG Reports and Related Correspondence O                   G 8203      207"NUREG/CR 1672 V02'
                 %!SK ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY DEVELOPMENT FOR WASTE ISOLATION IN GEOLOGIC MEDIA. Technical Review of Documents h<        NUREG/CR-1262, NUREG/CR 1376, NUREG/CR-1377. NUREGICR-1397 &

sNUREG/CR 1608. 6 h STEVENS, C. A., FULLWOOD, R. A., BASIN, S.L. Science Applications Inc.

         @         FIN B-6694. sal-262-81-PA. 82/07/28. Division of Ris Analysis.

123p. 44Available e6e44 at NRC." $6.00.o 12176:217: 1

1. Nondocket category
2. NRC Accession Number (year, month, day, and sequence number of item)
3. NRC Report Number
4. Title and description of information contair.ed in the doc'. ment
5. Personal author (s). An asterisk in this position indicates that there is no personal author.
6. Corporate, agency or oth nonindividual source.
7. Contract or financial (FIN 1 number (if any). If the document has a secondary report number, it will appear following this en'7
8. Secondary report number assigned by originator.
9. Date of document described.
10. NRC organizational recipient.

II. Pages in document.

12. All NUREG series doucuments are available for purchase at NRC. Information on ordering documents is given below. All NUREG series documents are also available at NTIS. Information on ordering from fiTIS is also given below.
13. Price for which NRC sells the documents.



14. This five<ligit number is the NRC 48X microfiche designaten.

15.1his three-digit portion of this entry is the number of the frame on which this document starts. j 16. This five-digit number is the microfiche on which this document ends. . 17. This three-digit number is the frame on which this document ends. i

!     The Nondocketed Items list is arranged sequentially by Accession Number within category. Inden:ed items i      preceded by a dash are enclosures to unindented items.

l NOTES. t

1. The address for NRC is:

Director Division of Publications Services U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission j Washington, D.C. 20555 l To place orders, send check or money order, payable to the Superintendent of Documents. GPO j Deposit Account holders may charge their orders by calling (301) 492-9530. 1 i 2. The address for NTIS is: i Nanonal Technical Information Service ] Springfield, Virginia 22161 3 To place orders for or to obtain price information about NRC publications at NTIS, either write to j NTIS or call the Sales Desk at (703) 487-4650. Specify the NRC report number and title when you place your order. Publications can be charged to American Express credit cards; supply the charge j card number when placing your order. i 3. The addre .s for the PDR is: 1717 H Street, N.W. l Washington, D.C. 20555 To place orders, either write to the NRC PDR or call (202) 634 3274. When ordering documents listed in this publication, please identify the Document Accession Number for each citation. Paper copy and microfiche of the documents listed in this title list may be purchased. Reproduc. tion charges and method of payment, based on the current reprodu-tion contract, are obtainable from the PDR. i s i u

>                                                                                                                l l

1 l 1 i



    $0108    KANSAS STATE UNIV. RESEARCH           11 REACTOR                                    50 200   SURRY POWER STATION, UNIT 1 1                                                                                                        47 j   SG 100   MANHATTAN COLLEGE RESEARCH            11      50-201   SURRY POWER STATION, UNIT 2         de i                REACTOR 50-282   PRAIRIE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION,     de 60 208   SAN ONOFRE NUCLEAR STATION, OhlT     11                     UNIT 1 1
                                                           $0 205   FORT CALHOUN STATION, UNIT 1        SO 1


   $0237    DR        N NUCLEAR POWER STATION,   16 i


,  80-260  TURKEY POINT PLANT, UNIT 3                    50 306 23                kEWAUNEE NUCLEAR POWER PLANT       64 i   80-251   TURKEY POINT PLANT, UNIT 4


                  ^      '   '


                  ^     '


                                                         $0 321   EDWIN 1. HATCH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT  78 1 60-271   VERMONT YANKEE NUCLEAR POWER         39 t


Docket Name Page

,   Doetiet      Name                                   Page 50-387     SUSOUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC                    132 50-324      BRUNSWICK STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT,           85 STATION, UNIT 1 UNIT 2 50-366     SUSOUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC                    134 50-325      BRUNSWICK STEAM ELECTRIC PLANT,           86 STATlON, UNIT 2 UNIT 1 50-369     ST LUCIE PLANT, UNIT 2                        135 i


]                                                                                  1 60-344     TROJAN NUCLEAR PLANT                     110      t,0 417    GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STAMON, UNIT                152 112 2


!                                                                                  UNIT 2 I     50 353      UMEHICK GENERATING STATON, UNIT          116 2                                              50-433     UNIV. OF CALIFORNIA AT SANTA                   160 BARBARA RESEARCH REACTOR l      50-354      HOPE CREEK NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT         117 1                                            STN 50       FLOA1ING NUCLEAR PLANT                         161 437 50-356      UNtV. OF ILLINOIS RESEARCH               118 REACTOR                                                   BELLEFONTE NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 1               161

} 50-436 l 50-356 W1 A .1 ER NUCLEAR 118 50-439 BELLEFONTd NUCLE AR PLANT, UNIT 2 161 50-361 SAN ONOFRE NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 119 9

2 E '





     .                                                                        C STN50     CALLAWAY PLANT, UNIT 1                     189
     .                                                                        CA STN                                                       70-0620       UNITED NUCLEAR CORP., WOOD RIVER ' 201 sol'TH TEXAS PHOJEOT, UNIT 1               190                      JUNCTION, RI 400 STN   SOUTH TEMS PROJECT, UNIT 2                 192 V


                          '                         137 REACTOR 70 1703       EASTMAN KODAK CO., ROCHESTER, NY       202 STN 50-   fAAR8t E H:LL NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT        197 546     1                                                70 1730       TRI-STATE MOTOR TRANSIT CO.,          202 JOPUN, MO STN 50    MAR 8LE KLL NUCLEAR STATlON, UNIT          196 547     2                                                70 & 79       TRANSNUCLEAR, INC., FALL S CHURCH,    202 yA STN 30-   BLACK FOX STATION, UNIT 1                  196
    $$6                                                      70 2593       TRANSNUCLEAR, INC., FALLS CHUROH,     202 yA STN 50-   BLACK FOy STATON, UNIT 2                   196      70-3041 557                                                                    INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT                 202 FORWARDERS, INC., ATLANTA, GA 50401   RESAR SP/90                                198 50-802                                                      Po         e8 Redleestive hetortel for UNIV. OF TEXAS RESEARCH REACTOR           196                 and r,_ _ M .of ReGeestive Under Cortsin_C andigene . Doohet 71 Matermi                                                       71 0036       ITT GRINNELL COAP.                    203 70 0025   ROCKWELL INTERNATIONA'. CORP ,             198 7 371           A , DEM, &                          W CANOGA PARK, CA 710385        NAVY, DEPT 6OF                        201 704027    BABCOCK & WILCOX CO., LYNCH 8URG,          168 VA                                               11 0444       NATIONAL INSPECTION &                 203 CONSUL.TANTS, INC.




                   .          DE                                       WESTINGMXPA-HITTMAN NUCLEAR 71 5939  MODEL: GE 1500, GENERAL ELECTRIC      204                 MODEL NUPAC 14/190L, M & H,         206 71 9159 CO.                                                       NUCLEAR FACVAGING, IflC.

i 71 4066 MODEL: 0-36 OAK R10GE NATIONAL 204 MODEL: 664, TECH / OPS, INC. 206 71 9166 LA8 i 71 9166 MODEL: CNS 61208, CHEM-NUCLEAR 206

 ; 7i 6400  MODER 6400 WESTINGHOUSE               204                   SYSTEMS, INC.

ELECTRIC DORP. 71-9195 MODEL: 2000 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO, 206 71 6574 M10EL: HN-200, WESTINGHOUSE- 204 HITTMAN NUCLEAR, INC. 71 9200 MODEL: 125 P, ENERGY, OEPT, OF 206 71 4613 MODEL: 702, TECH / OPS, INC. 204 71 9203 MODEL: OHTF, BABCOCK & WILCOX CO. 206 714 717 MODEL: 6717 8, GAMMA INDUSTRIES, 205 71 9204 MODEL: CNS 10-1608, CHEM NUCLEAR 206 I INC. SYSTEMS, INC. 71 9010 MODEL: fdu 1/2, NUCLEAR ASSURANCE 205 71 9792 kNL: DIG C8-TS, ENERGY, DEPT OF 206 CORP, j

   's1 9019  MODEL: SU 7, GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. 705    ,g,y in :4 2..: Spent Fuel Storage 71 9032  MODEL: 650, TECH / OPS, INC           205 72    1    MORRIS OPERATIONS, GENERAL          208 71 9033  MODEL: 660 & 660E, TECH / OPS, INC. 105                  ELECTRIC CO.

71 9035 MODEL: 680 & 660E, TECH / OPS, INC. 205 72 U003 CAROUNA POWER & UGHT CO. 206 1 r x11l 1


  • WESTERN NUCLEAR, INC., LAKEWOOD, CO 40 8684 4 WHITTAKER METALS, LOS ANGELES, CA 40-7455 2 AL ED CHEMICAL CORP., MORRISTOWN, 40-3392 1 WYOMING MINERAL CORP., LAKEWOOD, 40-8502 3 CO AMERICAN NUCLEAR CORP., CASPAR, WY 40 4492 1 ANACONDA CO., GRANTS, NM 43 8902 5 Domestic Licensing of Produceen and ATLAS MINdRALS,INC., DENVER, CO Utilisellen Feellitsee Docket 50 40-3453 1 CLEVELAND. CUFFS IRON CO., CLEVELAND, 40 8714 4
  • OH R GT E.L DU PONT DE NEMOURS & CO., A AR NIT 1 W 24 154 40 6515 2


                                                                                     ^   '      '





       '                                                    UMERICK GENERATING STATION, UNIT 1      50 352  114 DIA8 CANYON NUCLEAR POWER PLANT,         50-275     41 UMERICK GENERATING STATION, UNIT 2      50-363  116 DIABLO CANYON NUCLEAR POWER PLANT,                           MAINE YANKEE ATOMC POWER PLANT          50-309    06 50-323    63 UNIT 2                                                     MANHATTAN COLLEGE RESEARCH              50 199    11 DONALD C. COOK NUCLEAR PCWER              50-315    71         REACTOR PLANT, UNIT 1                                             MARBLE HILL NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 1 STN 50-546  197 NUCLEAR POWER           50 316    72       MARSLE HILL NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 2 STN-50 547  198 DOW CHEMICAL CO.                          50 264    33           hkh hMCHR ACTOR DRESDEN NUCLEAR POWER STATION,             50 10      6      MEMPHIS STATE UNIV, RESEARCH            50-538  147 UNIT 1                                                      REACTOR DRESOEN NUCLEAR POWER STATION,            50-237    16       MICHIGAN STATE UNN. RESEARCH            50-294    57 UNIT 2                                                       REACTOR DRESDEN NUCLEAR POWER STATION,           50 249    21        MIDLAND PLANT, UNIT 1                  50-329    99 MIDLAND PLANT, UNIT 2                  50-330    99 DUANE ARNOLD ENERGY CENTER               50-331    99 MILLSTONE NUCLEAR POWER STATION,       50-245     19 EDWill L HATCH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 1     50 321     78         UNIT 1 EDWIN 1. HATCH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 2     50-366   122        MILLSTONE NUCLEAFt POWER STATION,      50-336   104 ENRICO FERMI ATOMIC POWER PLANT,         50-341   107 UNIT 2                                                     MILLSTONE NUCLEAR POWER STATION,       50-423   153 FLOATING NUCLEAR PLANT               STN-50-437   161 FORD NUCLEAR REACTOR                        50-2      5         L T FORT CALHOUN STATION, UNIT 1             50-285     50       NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS           50 164     10 FORT ST. VRAIN NUCLEAR GENERATING



Blume Seekst PeSe llame Doohet Pete PEACM SOTTOM ATOtac POWER STATION, 50 171 10 SUhRY POWER STATION, UNIT 1

         '                                                                                               50-200    47 SURRY POWER STATION, UNIT 2                84381     48 PEACN SOTTOM ATOtmC POWER STATION,        90 277      44 UMT2                                                      SUSQUEHANNA STEAM ELECTRIC                 50 3s/   132 STATION, UNIT 1 PEAOf SOTTOM ATOtmC POWER STATION,        30 278      46 UNIT 3                                                    $USOUfMANNA STEAM ELECTRIC                80-300    134


                                                                                            ^    '




          ,-     m g menetes Deend                                                  INSPECTON SERVICES                      71-0620    204 ITT GRINNELL CORP.                     71 4036    203 BABCOCK & WILCOX CO., APOLLO, PA           70 0135    199 70 0364    200       KANSAS, UNIV. OF                       71 0656    203 BABCOCK & WILCOX CO., APOLLO, PA MAINE YANKEE ATOMIC POWER CO.          71-0466    203 BABCOCK & WILCOX CO., LYNCHBURG, VA        704027     196 BABCOCK & WILCOX CO., LYNCHBURG, VA 70 1201           202       METHODIST HOSP. OF INDIANA, INC.       71 0623    204 BABCOCK & WILCOX CO., LYNCHBURG, VA        70 0624    201       MINNESOTA MINING & MANUFACTURING       71-0466    203 CINTICHEM, INC., TUXEDO, NY                704667     200 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING,INC.,               70 1100    201 WINOSOR, CT                                                  MODEL: 2000. GENERAL ELECTRIC CO.      71 4195    206 COMBUSTION ENGINEERING,INC.,               70-0036    199        MODEU 6400, WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC      71 6400    204 WINOSOR, CT                                                     CORP, OUQUESNE UGHT CO., PITTSBURGH, PA         70 1621    202        MODEL: 650, TECH / OPS, INC.           71 9032    205 EASTMAN KODAK CO., ROCHESTER, NY          70 1703    202        MODEL: 660 & 660E, TECH / OPS, INC. 71 9033    205 EXXON NUCLEAR CO., INC., RICHLANO, WA 70 1257        202        MODEL: 6717-8, GAMMA INDUSTRIES, INC. 714717     205 GA TECHNOLOGIES, INC., SAN CIEGO, CA      70 0734    200        MODEL: 660 & 66CE. TECH / OPS, INC. 71 9035    206 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., PLEA 3ANTON, CA 70-0754        201        MOOFl 702. TECH / OPS, INC.            71 4613    204 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., SAN JOSE, CA        70-1306    202        MODEL: 664, TECH / OPS, INC.           71 9166    206 GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., WILMINGTON, NC 70 1113         201        MODEL: BU 7, GENERAL ELECTRIC CO.      71 9019    205 HURLEY MEDICAL CENTER, FUNT, MI            70 1393    202       MODEL: C 1 SOURCE PRODUCTION &         71-9036    205 INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT FORWARDERS,          70 3041    202 INC., ATLANTA, GA                                            MODEL CENTURY S & SA, GAMMA            71 9135    206 KERR.MCGEE NUCLEAR CORP.,                  70-1193    201 OKLAHOMA CITY, OK                                            MODEL: CNS 10-1609. CHEM-NUCLEAR       71 9204     206 MtSSOURI, UNIV. OF, COLUMBIA, MO           704270     200 NUCLEAR FUEL SERVICES, INC., ERWIN TN 70-0143         199               E S IN ROC        LL     En ilONAL CORP.,         70-0025     196      MODEL: D-36, OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LAB     71 4066    204 TRANSNUCLEAri, INC., FALLS CHURCH, VA     70-2479    202 TRANSNUCLEAR, INC., FALLS CHURCH, VA       70-2593   202 TRI. STATE MOTOR TRANSIT CO., JOPUN,       70 1739    202 MO                                                           MODEL: HN 100 EERIES 3,                71 9151    206 UNC NAV AL PRODUCTS, INC., UNCASVILLE, 70 0371        200 GT                                                           MODEU HN 200 WESTINGHOUSE HITTWAN 71 4 574        204 UNITED NUCLEAR CORP., WOOD RIVER           70 4820    201 JUNCTION, Rt                                                 MODEL: HN-600 & NUPAC 100,             71 9060    206 WESTINGHOU3E ELECTRIC CORP.,               70 1151    201 COLUM01A, SC                                                 MODEL: MO 1, WESTINGiOUSE ELECTRIC     71 4369     205 WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CORP.,               70-0696    200 P1TTSOURG 4, PA                                              MODEL: N 55, NUCLEAR PACKAGING, INC. 71 9070     205 Peek T

of Hedioective Meterial for and Treneportetton of k ' Medlesettve htorial Under Certain MODEL: NPl-20WC4, NFUTRON 71 9102 206 Condettone . D schot 71 PRODUCTS, INC. ARMY, OEPT. OF 71 0613 203 MODEL: NUPAC 14/190L, M & H, NUCLEAR 71 9159 206 f ACKAGINJ,INC. CAurORNIA, LINiV. OF, GANTA DARDARA 71 0561 203 g g g g ,97, EGGERS, AIDlHALGH PARTHERS,INC. 71 0619 203 HitiMAN NUCLEAR xvii

h Docket Page Name Docket Page MODEL: OH-142 SERIES, NUCLEAR 71 9073 205 PA OKAGING, INC. NAVY, DEPT.OF 71-0622 204 MODEL ORNL LOOP TRANSPORT L ASK, 71-5753 204 ENERGY, DEPT. OF NA'.t, DEPT.OF 71 0447 203 MODEL: RA 2. RA 3, RA J, GCNERAL 71 <986 204 ELECTRIC CO. POLAROID CORP. 71-0621 204 MODEL SENTINEL 25A, TELEDYNE 71-4888 204 ENERGY SYSTEMS MODEL: SPEC 2 T, SOURCE PRODUCTION 71-9056 Lkeneing of :..f:;::A.t Spent Fuel 205 Storage . Docket 72




                                                                                                                        .niis 1 Pro e .n.n.e .om e,mue, to.f c. ev.uetor, of on,n 4 er ar.mer.

DOCMET 27430 SHEFFtELD,IL.U.S ECOLOGY,INC- se portarmanc,e

                                                                                                                           - senees Ot,e,e.rv.=atone           s. notod
                                                                                                                                                                      - mo   np rap on smwesee,.m.o, corestort elope appears to be sound &

JtERREE.C C, PETTifNGILL.H J. Uraruum Recovery Fssed . ee/12/IF. Urenne 3 "t $70123016,ed nionos ii,hnom Facdsy Trendt 14 Morulonng Record for Penod Oct@ec toeg.* Recovery Feed Omce. 4pp. 3e294 Cee-3sae4 Cor. BOWEN.M A. U S E;ciogy. anc. (formerly Nuclear Ergneenrg inc). M/12/31. SHAFFNERJ. UMaion of Weste Menegement. 2pp. 39358 220 39358 221. 37011 tease Responde to Sot 205 request tar Wiso & commente re use of Teenge Ponde 1 & 2 Dr of typical oroes ser; tone of Deneene A & 8 enct f pr "* be6 06/12/19. JIERREE.C. Uranen Recovery 0701270tM mate ~RC Requests con reeduton

                                - sn       o,i.ed".'t. we"i,e e            ,e.Sta,te
e. of IL becomes e acuton H.A.Rd of e ,se. Ayeo. ment F = T W Peeender me4 05.h.ones.03. Corp.

ment tor War 1967. WETTERHAHtt M J. U S. Ecology inc. (formerly Nucteer E- Inc h WETTERHANN M J Career & Wetterhahrt a1e7 2249 67/01#1 CO .R.9 P, DOCKET 40 3302 RLaED CHEMICE CORP, WM IU KUNE.J R , LUESKE.E A. Alomic Safety and Leonomg Board Penal. 2pp. 39364 326-

  "*-                                                                                                                97.i.e         Rev.ed-A                               ,iec W,-tm .

HONE Y.J E , SiSHOP.J Corp /03. GIOW.W T. Uranhan Fuse Ucenoeg DOCKET 27447 SARHWELL. SC, CHEtH8UCLEAR SYSTEast IsoC. Broncet 73pp. 3e362.153-39302 225. 4701000067 Advmes that asme renewal of utense 12 1353401 for Bemwee 8791140400 Fonserde roepones to NRC estt te nr te veosecon noted in Ines Rept 40-ene,arMron nervionna procochsee we be evenuated & changes we be recommended 3392/0406 Correceve actons.rmeaaageal conengency pian modeed to provede more for conost w/ 10CF R61. k.._- tem program for emergency respones teameL JUSTUS.P 3. aced Branch (Post $J1001). 86/t1/25 KNAPP.M R. Lowlevel B4 SHOP.J C Amed Corp. 86/12/18. 8HAFER,W Q. Repon 3. Once of Director. 7pp. Weste & Urernum Recovery Progects Brancit 2pp. 391$5.112 391SS,t13. 39271.227 30271 233. 87912M194 Forwards revised r=eadagraa pianChanges kicorporated into DOCRET 27440 RICH 6AND, WA, U.S. ECOLOOT INC. by Repon personned W enprovemente of CROW.W T. Uraruum Fuel Licenang Brand epp. 87010000s SH m ~ER t Forward.e u o 4 v. t.ip " s U ane,n t12,.14 vist to Oym,, pie /,ee.WA. Pro, c s .DeSH.OPJ R. cove ,and wit. 7 .177 C.Am.ed..C.orp.

7. .

08/12 ST ARMER.R J. Low level Weste & Uraruum Recovery Pryocts Brancft tp.

   ,e164 21539154.221.                                                                                                  470s14elas cor*me tescon re fanse to provide impiamenesson oce. cue on lessene mpt WUREO MSgsd 1) by regseemd due Soweh we be lensweed by 4701000070 fp rept of est t1214 vist to Dynume/Seetue.WA re Hanford LLWDF 4
                  .J A. ow evd W                        Recovery Protects Branch. 06/1t/26.

r . Uraneam Fuel W Srend W 00* Lawlevel Weste & Ureruum Recovery Projects Brancft 2pp 39154 22039154 221 8701000006 Forwarde montrey SNM reregt 4 bunal rept for Nov 1986.per Condman 8 Oft 1000304 Forwarde inep Rept 443302/0647 on se121618 No violomone noted. of Lrense161920441 Rept of motopic ecovey requred by State of WA eteo enct W/ $HAFER.W D Repon 3. Omco of proctor 87/01In BeSHOP,J C Aasd Cheneoal o ences Corp. 2pp. 30213 31430213.321. RiTTENRERo R e u s Ecooay. ine normerly Nucteer E ine) e6/t2/0s. BROWNING.R E. Low Loves Weste Leeneng Brancft tp 164 39164 3e0. .gregegeseg enen Rege 443332/etc7 on 46121618 No violeeont deemanaos or de-87012301S4

   - m ne. F.orwervi.e,Dec    9= 1        1986.",*ep",*J.S.NM pic - W e e,                      recept & bu,nal rf regsod by Cone                                                      Re,,o,, ,, Omco e, o,ec o, .,,,,t.

Ririt etRo.R e u s Ecosogy. irw pormerly PAacten E ine t a7/ot/07. W,_

                                                                                                                            , oppN.,0.

m,3 ,0,,3 3,s.33ai.rER2 ,rT R 0, kNAPP.M Low Level Weste a Uretuum Recovery Propecte Br 1p. 39350 265-

           #                                                                                                            0701194122 ftp rept of Reqpon 3 4 Senee of IL Ii==ca=a Toern inep es4s ening woi of est103       esem ctooed 32 of 41 poveaussy open some uceness has tenen ocean DOMESTIC LICENSING OF SOURCE MATERIAL                                                                                      j"EUedrOMa*ne*n"t'"* '**M"'*      um ~einhoft e7/01 Ca ureru"nn7u*m"" Leone.

mg Broncet 4ry. 3029414302941$0. DOCKET 404104 G.T t. PRODUCTS CORP, TOW ANDA, PA OOCRET 40 8448 ATLAS IIIIstPALS,INC OtteveR, CO t?0102o0M Reeeests gudence re tcenong regnements of 10CFR4J t 3(cH4) for ther-

    "                                              * *""""                            *"'Y"               #*

[""E' *",','p*,*, $70t140t14 Appeceton tar amend to utense SUA--et7 orgereremonal stue-RJH Q '"'e **"actor 1 .*06/12/2 4 L. Wetenele utenoeg MILLER.V tae g 88000 Ir

                                                                                                                                                                            , p se r d Ome.>,. m.,2,                 nI m DOCKET #4290 UNION CAmetOE CORP,0RAteO JutoCTIOes. CO                                                                    070130eeT7 Appeceson for amend to Lkenee SUA 017.edeg poemon of oseromans manager a auseene IPwee cear poeRana. eduerg Most opereenne e                arm re            eter           ten downsee                                inactive                                                                  2/M PETTENGELL.HJ beepa Recovery es,, nee, ,,e e,eo sr. view on                                                                                          . 0,0- 3,p .e.s.e.M.mer         .m.

LYONSPJ UMETCO RAnermo Corp leube of Urmo Certado Corp 06/12/06. PE TTENGILLH. Uraruum Recovery Feued Omco 19pp. 3929411139294 )al. i 4701100007 A& tees 9%et dele to parental cong any guerentes for sureep ar-rangement ed not meet teet ressemanen Lacei os NRC approved sisesy crey mas,r enes enamene neuence os rerused Lunnes 7. DOcut? 442041 NEAR.tecott CHERMCAL CORP, WEST CHeCA00,lL ta SMITH.A e m ipp -0. L> arm.a.n 04,as omeo. est12/31. SLUGAUGH,R E. Amos herur-t 7euer.e 1t-n, .in.o,rm_s .e o e to orner,te,s oE. .e .e_, e,m. M.,E . of e, deper R.v,s.,d 1'

    - e        n.M..itu,ee  e            .- cue of oE.1 meu Re "ao.f ,. d -                     OOC.T44 2                   R.C    .UCuAReO           ,cA.,AR..?

L t Wis.8 H. Assetere General counsel for Hewings sier 2124 eriot/n R H. Hf 7 H MORR64.P A. Atomic safety and treneeng Board 8791196480 A& eses that Amarecen Nuceerr Corp tot tot een proseeed to move River. toncesnecaman teenge to oes Heemesponsi as eene esosto es ene,shram memors to emcasey doespnosed me siquportrg mee 470113ee76 Menorerstm a order

  • Licensee sei12t moenn enr reconodorenon or re, forrel of ASLA8 941113 memorerwhan 4 errter hoeding recA4y decordereducon pro 80'DRUS.N AN J American Nucesar Corp e4#12/20 Sent/H,R D. Denhan Recovery Fleid eseang m areyance deamd served on arotos Omce. sp seeseop13en4oe1.

SHOI WAAf R C.J Morvue Serely erut Latemeng Board Panel f187 at0e 47/01/07. kort GAcOce Chernecaf Corp. toes of kerr McGee Corp k epp. 39244 259 39244 264 DOCNET 444000 SNSRGT,08,T. 0P. Cafe 00e00Une. PA 70ii ii. r.o,.e,. ,se,r.m,ePm-o.n,e se w,me,e.of,o,

                                              %i ei~ . L.o,n, 74.                                -eA.,ee.

g ior er-n. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.c,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,c,,,,,,,,,, Re# 4 Anes eum regiuor revow comment & conownence Rememog estidt ese-LUtt(NAU,J O. Ammetent 47/01/13 BM R Record 6ennce,tweetar for State Agranch (Document ol Joekk 2p> StA* bsements 001 Progremt O~e,t Q,,pQm7.oeb%i. C**' 8' jQ , y g,g 4709160120 Forwarde kerr Meee roepnnes to evihar lir to Joruments on propneed spee one Response to part Meoes we to eenae 4791270929 Vol 4 to *Cenonstiurg U hAs Tedmgo $4e Remeesi Acton Congdeten 06/01/07. LUGENAUJ NRC . No De. Rept." 7mei meet rept ord We t t oversee eenvg , LEWittS NRG Osven. todad Affhiston . No Dota,ded 2s 392 4 AfNieson 004 39292 G#ven 011.

  • Moderpsean Co. estos/I t. 437pn 39374 oi%,479 991.

l 1

2 DOCKETEDITEMS r 4701270237 Forwards.for rewow & approwel.ete calculations,eawmos & Spec Secten DOCKET 4045t8 E.L DU PONT DE NEMOURS & CO, WILastNGTON, DE 01270 esmage & oromon protecton changes escussed esme 860515 meeeng m San renmeco.CA D' ANTONIO.J R Energy. Dett of 86/07/03.GNUGNOLI.G N. NRC No Dotamed Af- 4701270212 Responds to FOIA request for documente re defernon of byprosact Rhenon Gfvert 119pp. 39378 012 39378130. moti.metueno ation of defruton to kerr McGee westes End App A ducurnente eleo avesiatWe m . 4701270447 Press reisese secusano cornpienon of Canonetmag.PA taengs este GRIMSLEY,D H. Davieson of Rules and Records. 4F/01/t5. HENRY,S N. Stuart N.

  • Energy, Dept of 86/01/06. tp. 39373 29439373 298. Henry & Assooetes. 2pp. 39375.162-39378 009
                                                                                           -4701270378 Responde to requests re euernpton 4 teeneng statue for inantum beann0
                                                                                                                                       '"'O    ** "            "

per esta equest O all not expected to be egrvficency affected Review enct W/e enc 6 slux om hga"*, n, g # "' l NAfanAJA M S Eryneenry Brancn (Post 63100th 86/01/10. MARTIN.D E. Low- FONNER.R L. Done Divison 64/11/02 JOHNSON.G.V, E.L du Pont de No-Level Weste 4 Urarwm Recovery Progects BrancfL 1p. 39378141-39378141. mours & Co Inc. . 39378 002-39378 003.  ! l 8701270312 Adwees that no conceme or protisems identified in remesaf acton l DOCKET 464422 PATHFINDER MINES CORP, SHIRLEY SASIN, WV gMod 3. " Attachment 1. Mod to Rammiel Acton Plan sor Statzkraton of inactwe U KNAPP R ec 8, 1001 /01113 HIGGIN8OTHAM,L 4701150365 Responds to rectiesn1861118 request for extensson to respond to NRC re. Low.Lowei Waste & Urantum Recovery Propects Larancft tp. 39374 Ce1-39314 Ce1. quest for mfo re racismenon pien repred by 10CFR40 31 & 10CFR40, App A. info re. 4 sed weten 45 days of IIr recept. 0701270427 Forwardo Reaa TV Reports pne wanw of program "80 umutes* on PETTENGILLH.J. Uransum R Feed Office. 87/01/07. HOPKINS R PathAnder ee0t12 re redweste m Canonoburg.PAVideotape determrod by Fouchard to be too Mmes Corp. 2pp. 39294 042-39294 3-

              .F       e            er 86/01/14 GNUGNOLt.G Divison of Waste Man-DOCKET 444459 OETTY OtL/PtTROTOtHCS CO, SHIRLEY BASIN, WV 8701270211 Advenes that branch rowow of Mod 2.Rev t to                    .PA U me tae. 4701180324 Forwards commente re updated groundwater hveology of Petrotorrece tae.

e remesel acton pian mcorpriranng roeosuhone to NRC s outmveted to in0s ares Restnraton stds for youndwater affected t enpourwknert by 861122 IIr.cornpleted, Branch concurs a proposed mods lo plan m Mod SHAFFER,R Wyommg. State of 86/12/10 SEN ,M e Co. (sormerty 2 Row 1 Getty/Petosomics Co) 6pp. 392913S439291.380. KNAPP.M R Geotocevucal Brancti (Post $31001) 86/01/21 HIGGEN80 THAM,L Low. Level Waste & Uraruum Recovery Protects Branch. tp, 39373 284 39373 280. DOCKET 464640 RAWECKl DERYLCO INOUSTRIES, iteC, OOYERTOWN, PA 4701270904 Press reease adviemo that DOE we hold meeting on compasson of reme-del acton at CanonetiurQ.PA U pose tegene on Sfl0204 0F01140441 Informs met everage Ituartdo concentrason on lorage crops for are earnpfes

  • Energy. Dept of 86/0f/21. to 39373 we 39313 204.

esceeded 40 ppm,per Ucense SMS 920 Analytse petermed by Enwron Stalogmes.Inc 470127019e Docuenos rowiew of 'Reveeed Mod 2 and 1985) to Remedal Acton Plan sor Stehoushon of inacewe U Ud i Seta et PA " Iseues resed m JT HIGGINS 8 J Cabot Corp. 86/12/19 HORN.M. Uraruum Fust Ocenemg OrancfL opp. Greevee 96 to18 memo to L8 Higgvtr eMessed m revised document 39219.170 392711 T3' NAYARAJA.M S Engmeenng Branch (Post 831001). 06/01/22 MARilN D E. Low-Level Weste & Uraruum Recovery Protects Drench. tp 39370 320 39378 328 DOCKET 4067455 WHITTAKER teETALS, LOS ANGtLt? P4 m P tar 1 30 8701100063 " Aunt et conrent 0 34 to 10 p=ancunse per ever 4 onete reaved from 0 53 tr> 2 e enged eram Metase Greenwee.PA ,Reptof Radioactwo Mat Located feest to Groomnne JE NMINS.P H. hMnsento Reneerch Crvp 96/01/20 MARTIN,0 NRC . P40 Duased MitLER F L Wtuttar Steel Stnp (sormerty WTwitaher Corp k 06/12/t$. 25 39274 3196 Amheton O* wen tp 39370 284 39378 293 39274 320. 4 70200 Progreit. Summary of Canonoturg Offsto 4 Onete More DOCKET 444027 KtRR40Cott NUCLEAR CORPwORLAHOttA CITY, OK

  • Monsenen Reneerch Corp eli10/30 7pp 39378 287 39370 293 4701270173 Trenecnpa of 870112 kmned appserence essemn vi Selbsaw OK Pp 124 0F01270791 Forwarde DOE recornmervied survedance 4 meni plan tar Canonstmag PA UMTRAP ene Plan eso contame legal deer.mpeon of fines taengs deposal ste Plan

{44 Anomac Safety and Ucenemg Goerd Penal 87/01/12.12tpp. 39363 35439364110 beoed on NRC 49Ite comments 4 state of PA commente W/o enct THt MEllS,J G ( Aergy, Dept. of 00101/20 CROW W T. Drwison of Sere guards tp 87013F0649 Tranecnpt of 870113 hearme m SasheawOK re sequoyah UFO to UF4 39370 1 4 30378 154 facety Pp f49-680

  • Atorruc Sare ty and btenemo Board Penal 87/01/13 32tpp. 39367 004-39367 324.

8701370246 Formense Canonstmsg reeston task torce & State of PA Dept of Environ Reenurme commente on esft canonsensg PA esw narre 4 ment pen 8701270228 frenecript of 870114heenng en Salheam.OK.Pp 8t1732. Suppareng docie THE ME L19,J O Energy. Dept. of 14/02/ t 3 HIGGsNtM)fHAM L Lowtowel Weste 4 montaton enrA Uraruum Recovery Protects Branch 6pp 3931816139J18 fee

  • Atonec Safety and Ucenomg Board Panel 8F/01/14 #Popp 39363 062-39363 331. 1 0101270420 Forwarde tour ongmat e.gnesiae pegne erwA we be pieced mio final Al- 4701270000 frenecript of 870116 heenng m Sadheew.OK re Sarasoyah UFe to UF4 techment 1. Mod 3 to CanoneDurg eemessi e. ion pen. tor egnekro State m concur. far.sidy Pp733 030 renne w/ mod W/0 and.
  • Atomic Safety and Ucenomg Board Penal Of/01/tS. 207pp 39382167-39363 003 THtWELIS,J O ineray Dept of M/02/N GERUSKY,7. PennsyNerve Common woefth of 1p 39318 E4-39J10 334 M130402tt Forwards ses rewswe of NURF4t189 4 NUntG tt79 on en0104 accb dont et Serssoyah Fuele U proceeeng tecdWy Ocre.OK, per request Cernecate of Swe GP01270306Requeste egnense on once .iegee whm.h em be paced m final Attachment end 1.uwt 3 to remedes atenn pian COSTNER P Ne%nel Water Omter 86/t1/tt CUNNINGHAM,R E. Oswieman of Fuel THEMf LIS.J G Energy. Dept of M/C1/12 HIGGNnOTHAM.L Lowlevel Weste & CKee 4 Meignal gefety #pp. 3e29132439291344 Urer%m Recovery Protects Branch 2pp 39376 263-39370 264.

0F91270314 Forwarde comment on eeft survemance 4 meet pien.per fechrecal Asset. ~4701194303Reveee,commente 4 recommendstone on Vol t of NUREO.1179, "fhg> has of Modet 44y t#4 Cyhnrter & Renseee of U Hesethamde " ent Herp;eet 04140 Ratonese for eeteng comphence mondanng critene neste to be COSTNE R,P. Netonet Water Center 06/07/00 Spp 39/91330-39299 335 Oeesctuwel Branch (Post 8 M/0 iend roview c t-swe,RWeste 4 U,- R- Pro,.3 t001).rench oe 3/ t3ppHIG.G,iN.DOTH.AM.L. 3937 1 39u =47011,60311Rev, I1 Asesee ofNoenn Pute.ommente ir ea ,,orr 4,recomma,ndstinne.en ames.r Re of u et Se. voie t.4 8 of,N.U oh Fuese Corp Pealwy at Gore.Oet

  • 870t37041i Reeced of teamn e/DW Fuoechwerdi on 04n321 re nonfiremon of DOJ re TNER,P. Netonal Weter Corner 06/10/2013re 3929133439291344 eny arton tenen try NHC m turm of ruiemenmg or any other penromang GNUGNOll,0. NAC = No Dotadet Arteesun Orten 06/03/4t. #pp 39379004 47011403t4 Apptcetion one amend to Lkenee SUE 1010igmte rows proveriwefy eut>

39319 006 rroned to NHG on $408J0 4 #7 to reflect rocere or atonal charigee et te eN revies romeremente kw manager QA 4 to correct W 470t0302 4 Dierxasese Commermeefth of PA interort m retemmg Aree C Hwtan of S t Adtg R.J C. seeparen Pus 8e Orp tede of kort aA.o.e Nurtear ras k 04/11/#4 ede per ett107 request Reeterte;ne ereukt be pieced on CROW.W f. Uransum Pwei Latenesty GeorwA app 39212.100 3e372166. Canonetiurg innd une to prevent procesem0.enste ea e neuem 4 proted wee meegnty MAR flN D E toie Level yveste 4 Uransure Remwery Proserte Grench OGIl t /f6 8701190066Former to pmpteed rev to Cornmitrnent t4 m CPsapter 4 of trence opphre. Yht Mtus,J G Energy. @ of top 3et49 37439149 22t enn no r gust eme estervet Up 4 cyander sootrg etenee nel tie caste tub trmmg et authartsstem $P910e0004 ForwerJe phite of eagdes ernante mesesel et flurret ene prougri WO270 S T AtJfl A J OL DHAM J O MR f egpienn Co te/ tt/06 k NAPP M R , SMykOyr$mi.E NHC . No CRUW W f. u'iersum Fuelltener9g tfrene opp 39J7t 03439214 031. Seoucyon f uss Dotaded Artetre Givest #2pp $91$4 3)&39t%4 3S$ 4701830047 Forwarde #1 sheets presenting pkde of eerdecemente meseured at Sierell 4799144410 Confirme esRC Mi0t0 werbes essmves af teknn rarasset hs estateen ete> piemental storage eres tw ign to 115 eeena=1 ete onard contenere lueled e/ drummed ede thrrnagn fie1it8 A49 reeenge se te edsmdted when evaderde yeenecebe Autrwe energelee need tot etnrage aree thtqugh teele Ot.OHAM.J G MR Perphon Co se/ tf/21 WNAPP W R, $M rMQW$kl,$ PelC

  • NO S t Au fl R J Dettled Af%ehun Orwert #tpp 3e151pe4 3018 7 30s CROW,W Y.C. Serpaugeh Urensum Pi. ele QFp Puut Uueneeng lede4pp.

Deeru.t. af Fen 392/tEhee Pesteer Cap) 34/tj/10 354 39211351. 370f040000rerwede emmmarweenh of PA foiseau of Re ta+on Prese tkyt 64til1 lir Gret310049 Reepenee of CA Oourd PhD areteering conferenre rerpseet try Jur*Je ope 9ng tesress moentmre to peere toetridmee on ese s er easse 4 mee tem acnte h Frye

  • A >>eseee eroes of reparemente e iersteled et preheartrq eunference to Se, emeeng mnrwkwing mee m Aree G nf Carwynetweg UM f p'A este agarrych f usee Dwp sten ropte. Uu'trie of les ilmes*y 4 set of gaseerme T ht Mt O4 J G % .ergr, DegW of e4/ t4/84 MARttN D. Urgreurn betegory (Reneing OWetDC A Amheenn $due Aeuvred f18 P #2i9 98/12/12 Atonne Safety and Lk BrentA 3pp 30 tSS wuI 39I66 003 cenemg Boent Penal opp 39316 139 39314 14#

DOCKETEDITEMS 3 4701140e42 Forwarde of updated e61204 rev to SpeciesrevProcess to PageComfrutment i S3 of Chamer 14 ree caler of trense Sus.1010 of ocelee or 8701150290 useon of ene PNGW47402 io coid vapon 870110.eps ca~a- of approm b, ioo ouco ope no1/2,.R> of,estng n vaive uF eveo.- e cyondere granted ti, WT Crow on estea eyendwo me not tm need wel necessary two a repare mode. E .S D. kerr ucGee Corp. e6/12/17. Kerr.ucGee Corp. 4pp. 39271.164- FISHER.W L Region 4. Office of Drector.81/01/12. 2pp. 39286.3S9 39286.300. 39271.167. 4701200181 Informe met stalt received almos kom betad meervenore. per 800522 It to rept re Lcense un

                                                                                                                                         '                *** '"U' E" U"**8 ""            3            """*

for ept ea. *e one tonng wolle 4 evaluates 1966 poundwater data & Sept 1966 eleceomagnetc survey- LEWIS.S H. Asastant General Couneet for Hearinga #197 2211. 87/01/12. ST AUTERJ C Sequoyah Fue's Corp. (e es. of Kerr McGee Nuclear Corp 186/12/19. FRYEJ H. Atoms Safety and ucenang Board Penet 2pp. 39304 24249304.243. CROW.W f. Urmuum Fuel Lzename Branch. 3pp. 39271.317 39271347. 4701140400 Update for Uned S Pond AresL. 4 2 41 Re@ed is actedhg order

  • Lkenese proposee met promen0 aftcar
  • Kerr-ucGee is 2spp. 39271.32dtor71.347. nad

spo,w .887m co,'7 weans Sv.oye,-e70227 & met noensee to aumonrad to me re-4701180104Conerme 06121t teican w/S Pennrgton re repiecoment 4 abandonment MEGERVE.R A. & Buriing MESERVE.RA Sequoyah Fusie Corp. (mes. of of fecery marvtor wone Marutor Wed 2301 removed & replaced w/Wese Narr-McGee > ^*** 1. 8181 2251. 87/01/20. Aname Safety and trenung 230t A & 23018 Wet 2302 reptsced w/2302A & 23025 eagrams enct Board Penet 4pp. 39361. IS39361.322. ST AUTER,J C. Sequoyen Fuele Corp (mes. of kerr McGee Corp I 86/12/10. CFIOW.W T. Urennan Fuel Lconung Branch. Opp. 3927E177-3927S 1SS. 3701290214 Ace recept of 861210 ler re error noted in 8611to inep Rept 448027/06 12 Fret peregraph m nern 2 of detale escean changed to reflect enct amended Page 4701010143 Forwarde perne#y withheld rept of inves tion to allegations of trascon* 3 to mecato sist procedure rot.not descreed.ctosure of nonemetent velve. duct try Reqpon IV mgt concenun0 Comanche Peak Pe staff takes no view as to red- FISHER.W L Region 4. OrRee of Drector. 87/01/21 STAUTER.JC Sequoyah Fuste evence to ar*y compiamt m Serpoyah Fuste UFG to UF4 procesen9 Corp. {eube of Kerr-McGee Nuclear Corp 4 2pp. 39306.04139380 045. HOOGOON.A P Assetant General Counsel tar Hoenngs. fler 2061. 86/12/24, FRYEJ H. Atorruc Safory and uteneing Board Penei. 50pp. 39147 01949147 068. -4701290575 Amended Page 3 to insp Rept 404027/9612 Fket pereyaph of item 2 4701150000 Forwards "Erwron Swwey at Sequoyah Fuste Corp Site Gore.OK," final r mecate mal procem v metead of "desenbaar closum of velve met g RGER.J D. Oen Ridge Assocasted Urove 86/12/24. CROW.W Uraruum Fuel Lp

  • Regen 4, Omce of Dirochar. 81/01/21.1p. 3M68 04349388041 cenang BrancfL 2pp. 39274 325-39275 022

-470115c006 Ermron Survey et en Fuele Corp S to.Gare.OK." final rept noted Unresofwed seem noted. BERGER.J D Osa Ridge Assocated FIN A-9093. 86/12/31. DMoon of Fued FISHER.W L Region 4. Omco of Drector. 07/01/22. STAUTER.J C Sewayah Fuseo Cycle & Matenal Safety $8pp. 39274 326 39275 022. Corp. (mes. of Kerr-McGee Mdaar Corp t 2pp. 39427.214-39427.226. 8701060314 Forwards inep Rept 448027/6&tS on 66110314 No inoistione or devi" -4701290064 Insp Rept 408027/8614 on 86102431 No violetone or deviaeone een noted. Maior areas inspectedacevibes performed in preparaton for restart of FISHER W L Region 4. Ornce of Drector. 86/12/29 STAUTER.J C Sequoyah Fuele noted,y face u,venosved stem noted to mure.etage sempang eye used on HF onges etack. Corp. (mes. uf ften McGee Nucisar Corp ) 2pp. 39158 237491$6 247 WILBORN.L. RICKETSON.LT., NICHOLAS.J 8. Regpon 4, Omco of Director. e7/01/ -4701060327 Ineo Rept 40-8027/06 16 on eett0314 No vio6anone or oeviesone OE Mpp #427.216 39427.22t noted Mapr areas mapectedprocese actmeos, presterne creparstionsoperator sanng poceese welkoowne 4 rev ew of mdspendent overaght leem acevees SPIMBtRG.0 0. EVERETT,RJ. Region 4, Omce of Director. 86/12/23. 9pp. DOCKET 444102EXION CO, USA, HOUSTON, TX 39158 239-39154 247. 4701130480 (4nfirmaeon of telecopy escusano Seguoyah Independent Overught Game 861126 rest te eglementaton of temporery opere proceduree Rev 1 to G' "h,"n* **

                                                                                                                                               "","0Y620             of creet vend            e
  • aslomaec edenmon provisen.


  "'#SO"N' M
29. MARflN.R "D"$'"@'" D.'".is d Regenf ector. 4.

3ppOmco 39253152oyn'"e392S31$4.!,f","e'rr'iNee m,a,yg,,c;gg=2/R PETTENGu,u Urm Rg Reid "a'a,*"fe6/12/ 470f000000 Nosflcanon met as of 8412'I0 author not served w/tcensee corgrehenswo erert weste esposal 4 storage pian Omnes eve het encs Reisted corteepondence DOCKET 444300 MOCKY MOUNTAIN ENERGY CO, OROOteFIELD, CO BURTNER.D E Bwiner, D.S. #147 201r5. 06/12/30. 2pp 39219 292-39219 293. 4701130004 Response of Cherotes Nanon of Oklahome to comprer,enerve resosogical 4701050234 PNCEN.86-038 on 661219.U imid Ofc noefied tiy State of WY of sohd weste mgt plan (rewteed)

  • Requeste met $equoyah Fusie cubr'ut more cela4ed preten e of U byprmW med at ed locaemCaused by unauthor.

E J P anon W N O en & p187 3 86/ $MI eld e6 2pn 391630674916305& 12/30 Comrruemonerg opp.39244 274 39246 273 4701040443 Momurenchm and order trulin0 on new complemte & to lor info).* DOCKET 40-4452 ROCKY MOUNTAIN ENERGY CO, OROOteFIELD, CO Nas water Ce requeste tar unaccounted motvtonng ropte a mso to 104 accident N io

   -   JM     Ye,a.r*ic san YaC      enutpp.en inw. #ta d ,LNe g EUs sE.,49,2 0it*Y2Y0e"i e                                                      870-tisc= 030sur-[ tNeenve Corrected c
  • F/0 Table t. Pep /151a =>= 0=*2= ==2 to e er creen U una decommismonmg peart 8701130064 Advises met noted intervencre have filed new or ernanded carglante 4 rerweets tor furtner eso tom Sequaveh F isie Corp & NRC m response to e6112S DOCKET 444802 WYOM6NG teINERAL CORP, LAKEWOOD, CO conference order yMWIS Lt S Accesant General Counsel for Heannge #197 2110 96/12/31 F RVE) H. Atome Safety and Lscenang Board Perus 2pp. 39250 03749250 038 4 to "Envron Orgact.Tergarary Suspension of

.7010 42 ,

  • 8701,20c004
                                                                                                                         -- ~a e a=e a -d e-Forwarde rewleed/~aC g, ung at Ingway PropectM04                             P[ per= t6t106 owdes forcornmitreenLReJv 1 ~ P-*

leev50 FRVI,J H Alorruc H.enn. .o,eLicenomg Safety and h.M .70H,.t. BoardmPenee sa.s.e#187Ox ser,., cre .70102; 2076 81/01'02. Sp RUTLEDGE,C. Wesenghouse tiectic Corp.a -e-5 8MITH R D Uranium Recovery 06/11/07. , . 39156 M39t Se pg Feld Office.1p 39323 27439323 277. 4701130tM intarme met once Posewe Amentane for Cloen Envvan terwent tar mio re ~4701200oe0 Revised Pope 4 to, " Environ impTemporary Suspenmon of Mmmg at 860104 ingerey Protect 4IO421 accident denied,m eve e procemeng ASLS set shouk no longer 211 memorarukan & ceder.aftWavit tot poemble be tonedered

  • Westeghouse Elect'ic Corp. 06/11/15. Ip. 39323 27749323 277.

Lf Wts.S H Aom Geners Couneet ear Hearings #107 2129 87/01/02. FRYEJ H Atoms.erent Sator y and La:enang Board Penet 1p 39247 317 39247 317. 8701160304 ConArvne 861212 telcon w/C Jherree re yenowcake *yer at Myeray & otecti $701370414Reeponde to telcon revest to ciertflcation of data contened et Vol 2 App emisemne cakmleisonsQuareties of return.shrmum a lead m toed to ayer provided S 4 2 of NURE.G.1109, " Aeessement of Putec Heesm Irgect From Accadental Release tor JdOsc 1979.JeMare 1980 4 Jul.Dec 1980. RUTLE DGE.C. Westmghnuse tinctne Corp. se/12/19 SMITH R D. Uranium Recovery of Uf 4 et $*woveh Fusie Qrp .," concetrung onste reensente Fend Omce. 3pp. 39294 07439294 086.

   $f AufIR,J C. Respr yeh Fuese Corp toute os Narr McGee Hurteer Corp ) $7/01/02.

CROW W f Uranswn pust Lareneng Starcet 3pp. 39370 347,39J78 360' J SaH66403 Fmde est ce wm to poseh hnehr of Mgway mine to W { sFoii30iet suppinnentas senuoyah ruwe Corp toeponse

  • Carene A ton nw s se Raasca Co Mai mecas quaion concene tavsng baeng r wntet i Enwwon queetune re omseten or ref n revised appew: aeon re conhng meter emergency WICHER1 D L Malaper ResourGee 06 se/12/23. GUlRGE etch.8. Wyomeg State 1 eye & to goe couiere eenmeed W/Carencate of evs. of. #pp. 33294 04449/94 049.

ME 58 Rv1.R A partMcuee Chemical Grp see of kerr MrAme Corp $ Mt 54 Ryt.R A Cowthuhst a fkseng #147 2I07 (e7/01/07. Atorvuc Satory and Lk coneng goerd Penet fSop 19249 251 39249 2ss DOCKET 444441 UteETCO leit4ERAL8 CORP,0 RAND JUNCTIC48, CO v e se

   -seure of " ease,          7h4~e.e, e,rv,e                  er-        el meer                                      4701Imed,Reconwnende
                                                                                                                          - yb set isemos      - r -eeumce m Corwtbene           of Amend 3 to license SUA.1398. 6. -A mt-Ce-ca-9eae*noa 25 4 42 shouk, be rensisted - na SANGARf,R L hegmn 4. Omre of Dirsttar 8feoI/07 i ME R9ON S D temsoveh                                                  whenkneev Fuele Core feube of flerr McGee Peurkar Corp) LMt R$0N S O kerr McGee Corp                                             DRG R F . Pt TitHustLHJ Urerern #4ecowgry Feld Omco se/12/17. Uraream Frp 39247 306 39247 306                                                                                                flecovery F e=1 Ottice app 39434 358439434 381.

670113co64 pol 4 request fleed in Se+rven proreeding.Dothet 40 4027 MLAASLpp 870 t290103 Forwardo Amend 2 to Urence SUA tsse.ranstanng Contpeone 21 & 42 494t3MML' Repest confered m Fage e of E Honehoe statement to deep wet erhir;h were matvertonity changed w/ Amend 2 4 ct'angng Cardean 4 ' to emplement injet non W/e ente Served en a 70100 proyom kw prevenene of reisees of moti due to &lt hne ageure f ruF J H Atomie Se and tweneing Boertf Perei ft47 2147 87/01/0g SMrTH R C. Urerisum isecchery Pield Omce e6/12/18 $P U4 LING.b. 06tET00 Miner. MoniPe3ON L DMaon of e and Rer'orde ip. 3924419t> 39244190 ele krp im46 of Urnon Cartmte Corp ) 2pp. 39434 2334M34 266.

4 DOCKETED ITEMS -4mimi14 Amand 3 = treno suA-13steue=nroecomenMoon oe no,em ior ooCKET 4e efw mERR-mCOEE NuctEAR CORP, OKtanOuA C:TY, Ou prevenson of reisese of mes due to S X ene neture. ' Guuseense tar Decorwemmenon of Farehema ,,* g pgggled dlME#nentenon enCO. SMITHAD. Urenean Recovery Feld Ornce.06/12/14.1 top. 39434 235 39434 261 4701190430 Act recept of 861201Ik infornene NRC of slepe taken to conect vlotesons noted in insp.ucenese adequatesy ;_ . _ : potented estiamo concentenons pnar to work n yeaowceke prese erest DOCKET 464004 WESTERet leUCLEAR 38C, LAKEWOOO, CO WK E.F. UrareJm Recovery Field OfAce. 08/12/18. despoyah Fusto Corsk (auts of Kart.McGee fer4aar Corp) 2pp. 39294.14M9294.147. 67013eeset Fonvense "Restoraeon & C .._ .,, Plan for Meisped Resources Co Cressereen Ranch R&D Woom Creek Prefect." Reve to Ucense Concheone 12.27 4 2e e.waramars tiesed on ested reesorm DOCKET 40 4778100LYCORP. Nec, LOS ANGELES, CA WO4EHS.0 L Meiepas Resowces Co. 06/10/11 SMITHA D. Uraruum Recovery Field Omco. 3pp. 39 Joe.18139308.200. 4M1U0212 ReepoMe = FM 6 for h to h of W -4791300$00 "Restoreson & C _ _ . _ _ _ .,, Plan lor Malapel Resources Co Chne, mes.mclucang son of deGnison to Kerr. McGee westesEnci App A documents

 ?"Mee,a,Taca Res ,         a*fe,*g ,,t;';,N ,306 ,.u9306.                                                                         ER M'G
  • Dv mn . R.e and Recorda .7/0ilii mHRv,aa Sius,i n Henry & Amaar4=let 2pp. 39375.162 30370.000.

0791140900 Fonsards Aret speerterty & ALARA autst ropte for Jul . Sept 1986 for Wisow Creon R&D -4701270343 Forwards MofycorpInc 0e0601 comments en prapan=4 nde 10CFR20 re SHOWN.R ICHERS.D L. Meispel Resources Co. 06/10/30. GRACE,1 Uranham sede for prosecuan e9amot recesson.Prar====4 oree or concertesse used as row med Recovery Feld Omca 3pp. 39262 00139202'136. must be scensed N source med conceresson exceede 0 06% tsy weight MILLER.V L Metanofs Ucenem0 Greru:ft88/09/22. NUSS8AUMER uA Asessterit OL ~4701?S0300 "Fket Oeerterty ALARA Ausst for Jul . Sept 1968 for Wisow Creek R&D rector sor saato eemente Progama JOYNER.JA Region 1, Orace of Director. 2psk Resources Co. 88/06/30. t 7pp. 3928206349262 078 ~47011964et Test Quarterty Operemone Rept tar JiA . $spt 1666 for Wisow Creen -4701270300 Forwards 90060f commente on proposed neo 10CFR20 re R&O Profact" One ove eare ligwe enct nse for protecton soormt reenmonfrocessed cres or concerwetos used es a mes

  • Melopes Rescutes Cct 06/ve/30. Sepp. 39282 079-39262.136. must 8* **

D A w' **m" *"* tor S" tate 86/10/06. 4 8701196403 Forwards est of queesone re posse)ie tenster of trtgaray nune to Malapel fleston Not Assigned. 2pp 39377.345 30377.346. Resowces Co Most tracel meston concems tiondng Moseng re@entesi WICHERS.0 L Metapes Reso,stee Co. 86/12/23. GutRGEvlCH,8. Wyommg, State .e701270414 Dbaa=aae Mofycorp.tne comments on proposed rule 107R20. Proo-of. 2pgL 39294 044-39294 046. eseed ores or concentelee used as row mee must be scensed N couco med concer> tenon exceede 0 05% by wenght 8701200079 Descnamese 860926 appecanon to amend Ucense SUA-1337 (Amend NUSS8AUMER.DA Anwetene Drector lor State Ageomonte Propams. $$/10/06.

7) Charqlee to etenee condmons seted.Ae other condmone wie remsen unchen0ed. WARD,J.O. Coelamie, Siete of. 2pp 39378 00Er30373 007.

GRACE.5 R , HAWKINS.E F. Uroruum Recovery Fleid Office. 06/12/30. Uranium Re-covery Field Othca 9pp 39434.349 394M 357.

                                                                                                                          -4701270448 f naaaaama                .tnc comments on prcmeed nde 10CFR20. Proo-8701teette Re@eets #reponse to ence commente re 061030 outirrettet on ucense                                                  seced ores or concertesse           es row mee must be econeed N emace mes coan-
                                                                    " ' ' * " ' '**E"**"
     "'" "sh[ ***"*" "

INS.E F. Uraruum Recovery Fieed Ofnce. 07/01/06. DEASON.C Malapel Re, R. Drector for State HAZLEAJ. Coeorado, State at 2pp 39378 008-3937 000. eements Programe. 08/10/0E sources CE 2pp 39294133-39294.134. 0701200010 Forwards Amend 7 to Ucense SUA 1137.per 860926 enort Based on DOCKET 44 4794tIOLYCORP. WeC, LOS ANGELES, CA ocense condmone mo@ned es ested. License 480 not cherysd due to uneenerectory pond level SMITH,R D. Uranium Recovery Fisk8 OfRce. 07/01/06. DEASON.C. Malapel Re- 8701270212 Responds to FOLA re@eet tar Mcumente re deArvean of tryproesce sources Ca 7pp. 39434 30139434 327, mee.mcludh0 anon of defkvean to Kerr McGee westes Enct App A docnements esto evadebte m ( -4701200067 Amend 7 to Ucense SUA 1337 for Metapel Resources Co, sulhortong GRIMSLEY.DH Divison of Rulee end Recorda 87/01/11 HENRY,S N. Stuart N. use of 2.272 ke naasel U for from pregnant emment Henry & Associates 2pp. 39375.162-39375:163. SMITH.R O. Uretuum Recovery Feld 87/01/06.15pp. 39434 308-39434 327.

                                                                                                                          -8701270243 Forwards Mopycorp,tnc060501 comments on proposed nde 10CFR20 re DOCKET 40 4000 PLATEAU RESOURCES, LTD, ORANO JuleCTIO84, CO
                                                                                                                             $     N8 O'         ,

MILLER.V L Motortade Ucenang BrancfL 86/09/22.NUSSBAUME oYt,,"* A Asestant D. 4701200000 Forwards Amend 2 to Ucense SUA.1371, chang ng Condleon 25 re technk rector enr State Agreemente Proyama JOYNER,J.tL Region I, Office of Deector. 2;in cel evalueton of crose-weesy berm 4 - dem. 39377.343-39377.344. SMITH.R D. Urargum R Fleid 06/12/18. THAMM.J K. Pieteau Re-tourcee, 2pp 394M 324 H 34&

                                                                                                                          -4701270200 Forwards 060501 comments on proposed rule 10CFM20 to g ,h,,                  g ut               371 for Releau h M eumonzmg                                                   ",,,,hbe           #

SMITH,R O. Uraruum Recovery Feed Ontce 06/12/14. Opp. 39434 33439434 344. Ayeomente Proyama to/10/0& AB. Nu, gg y 4701290128 Recommende approval of Amand 2 to Lkenee SUA-137t changin0 Ocense Conenon 25 to desote re@rement tar annual technecas eveauseon on crose-weesy -4701270414 tha==== Mofyecrp.ine commente on proposed rule 10CFR20. Proo-berm a teihnge dem dunng narent shutdown pened seeed oree or Concertetes used es row mee must be scensed N ecurce mes concer> BHICH,R F , PETTEPeGILL.HJ. Urarewn Recovery Feld Offica 86/12/14. Urateurn escon ence*1e 0 06% try Recovery Field Omcm. app 3944s 33e 3944s 33e. NUsseAUMER,0 A. Asem Drector for State Ayemments Proyems. 06/10/06. WARD,J Q Castortue, State at 2pp 39378 006 39370.007 OOCKET 4c 4714 CLIVELAND. CUFFS IROff CO. CLIVELAND, OH

                                                                                                                          -4701270446 Dlaa'amas Mdycorp.Inc commente on proposed rule 10CFR2a Proc =

8701100022 Summary of861212 meetog to Comne Drew Prole.tState of WY recom-non monde use et tecksctant to tower senerwum levels Addl restoreton wome reverse como- NUSSBAUMER.DA Director tar State emmente Programa 06/10/0& SH R LAND.W . WOOO.R. . State of. 06/12/17. LOWERMT. m iron ca W N ME 0701270402 Confirme 061222 converesson re tenefer of rare earti proescs tem e70iie0Me Comments on een anan0 e no e9,.acene impact to Comns Dre. **.PA to weerun0'ortPA pien"or ace's t=e Protect Ammorne leech solutone used et one Due to Ion dieerpitinum,restoreton et, BARNUM,E C Musycorp. Inc. (suba of Unsun CeWomie).'s 06/12/30. CROW.W.T. inrte could furiner doyede groundester wenty Uretuum Fuel Ucenang Bred 3pp 393790439379 01E STRAW H F. 80HIO Westem henma Ca 06/12/14 SMITH.R D. Dernum Recovery eised Orace app. 39a4 ces.39n4 Obe DOCKET 40w4028 FERRET EXPLORATIOft CO. OP 8sEBRASKA, INC, CRAWFORD, 8701160344 Comments on esft finding of no eigruficant impact kom Comme Dree sef ProgoctPnor to in emu mrun0 eter m reune gone e@ifer not estable for NO9fE As cien rt / 2/ 3 H Uraruum Recow. 070129eis30 Applicellon for amend to Ucense SUA 1441,autiortain0 Pa*****"I C8 ery Fmed OrAca 046 294 044. '8180 eg reeured U Fee part f.OlllNUS S P. Ferret Empicroton Company of Peebreake. Inc. 06/09/J0. 0791190321 Comments on ens firdng of no engraficent Irwect for Clevelervt Chae Cok OONZALEd R. Urarmsm Recovery F' mad Ofnce ip. 3944S 30e 39445 300. Ine Cree m e4e lance operenun Poet <esteronan younc*eeter tonne ese to esternum tevole of 2 Cnmrue tarvey for irrestate 0 02 pprn W9uO.R. State of es/12/29. KONWIN5r10. Uraruum Recovery Fised OOCKET 444eH OOLDF ARS COtsPANY,INC, WOOOGRIOGE, NJ Of'tca 2pp. 39294 39294 041. 97011e0387 Commente en deft tidity of no esymficent arrtect to termineenn of Lk 47010200M Requeste psidence to aceneing requiremerte of 10CFR40 93(34) for tior. cense SUA 1362 for Lamne Drew Pmtect Proestaan mone youndwever did not meet isted tun 0 sten seoys comaming lose ther. 4% thoraanDiecrepescy kt definmon of " fir > 8ederal esame water side onrv to in eau maung. immed orcreact or part" tdecenei AHO.G D. Clevatend e La e//01/02. SMITH.R D. Lkennan Recovery Field JOYNI.A J H. Repon t. OMIce of Dkector.96/12/24 Miller.V.L Malenele Ucenstry Omoe 2pp 39294 05139294 062 Brsich Ppp 3914S021-39Ie6022

i i

1 ) j oocusTso iTsass a I ggggy egge ANA0WWA 94 MAAf41. Opetteeget Omousses esoness Chweh Rot *,Peu ens . _ _. amassy. NRC fine 1 enenseem to answgeamenos ensgemene ce pommune elsews mase & es pseus. E8E' . th,eassen W ReeWapes 3.see T e giuermer teessa / 1 Same of. Suk

~ ~Uesen
                                             ~ ~ Rossuery 2:*."a'"."e"a"ll"alllril"e"'                 '."m aitWilt

{ Ptses Ocea 4pt 30Mt000 30M4'JK . y,,,W,,, engweofsubne "* en Wem""e esN 8 * "

  • es"e"d".

Inden Apers. 08/12/88 TONC,V.F. Useed Desileer

                    ,,ggym Seuemmer ter Rossensen Plan =
  • siesner, l Casp le.a Reeswess, Wic4 45 3000steb3000400k
  • Anesends Ca emma of Anges ftsfiAsad Ce) 08/tt/M 19 top 30Mt006 Sptttmeet Dammene #eusse of emuent meneering rest ter (Amed Numiner Cup m aiempassenen of Ressespeel towoo Tom et thsogear Me Ses? Tue Otwafseek GM Genuannues augusess of results of enveen menestig us he regeed gir & Empioenng Cup urennsn Pield Olese. 08/12/R Uwasn Rosevery Pluid
                    =4f9tM0100 *Anaffels of Teufgesellenses Roems.nsn Pten et ghmuseer Me See ter
                                     &        OS/11/10.197pgL 3044110HOMS.306.
                                         ,,e    ,,,eas.e,            s,e         .e,Res,.nees,.        o.a. -       0 = = = A             a n i - - = esn- a .er = n                                             :      l

! f ** " ' f  !*e' """""*""*gh'*"'s,***,",Jg*,,, . 3. Ma ma .23e W.5'llEe"nMJa'EE"30"n"*a=Imm"a"P iMe"n E espery Plass Omos. Ip. sesteesNestetX l l ' 4f0tM0tte " Quasir Roues.Shmuseer Mel & Vienney Deser Grants,leM 4' ter Anements tenselo

  • Omnes & essera 08/09/R 1 Heat Stus 337 30M4.100. m M W M M UTMAM L
                    -8599000188 "O,eunemoner Weemr hiseul                                                           E
                                          **                              Above>4rede Tg hupewienenL E S"esemaeIISY E 30eEi U30eM U                                                                                                                                                                   l
                                                 .,eu            an = , es               e - U - = or ser Anemones               Ca" W ,se ans suceso enet t
  • Damse & hesera08/08/31. 87pp. 30eMM130M6 01a. P. Seeurer. sessen emergency & to pseesseen pluss has lef ler Anosends / essene ees- Oft Asusses met tau plan  !

uleen T,G.W. Ommes & edema 30/09/10. 7pm 30M4010 30Ms.ess. g90ler _ _ i heefugen, Uner, ef Afm After, Mt. 3pp ^ ^ ^^ .. . - ' OSCEST 404000 00DMAllE WWWIS 00, Staff 41. i

                                                                                                                    & Inspengen seperen IE Smete a eenospendense

) efttegNS Peruanes Rev 0 to "Teswige Statemenen & See flessemason Pist" e6 some see. nee a new on omsherge seasses & suneuneng ereenper 7g,,,gg,ed. p

                                                                  , ggf,
                                                                                            ,                                       Fonserde Safety insp flept 00400/0Hf en 091800 ttJere stelesens Pised Omaa en 30433.801                   SOE                                                                           en 3. Omee of Ouester.08/12/30. NEfWI,W. RAeNgen, L48r. ef, WafueCK,ft
                                                                                                                      #""  A'*"' " 88" F. Rep #"#0'#
                    =4f99NO074 Rev 0 to "Tedwigs Sasumenen & See Reelemassa PterL" W/ eve overuse AM. MuhnL AwK. JENIGNS,W E. Jaredne, W.E. 80/12/01. Icepp. 30433.300-             "88*E' ""P An,,0,         0         /

en upm p nums_Menn PdfwEt hopen SE Oggt u 04178. 4HOS41880880077 00Rp/L44R ultAlliuW PACILITY, SALT LAIEE [ 0918885000 Formeres "L4er Restensson & Osews Plan," for rouess & Plan espesses as ses efticeOEBF Forwards Sassey insp Rept SHet/0048 en 001sg>1tJee geslagens g rememason * & essewe of sessay. I. #E"G"M"mennefoe cup 00/IcI/0fP"EM uranswn Removery Piend fafusout P. Regen 3, omne of onesser. at/1s/3a MeRR.W. tesNgen6 Ultr. et, et Omaa tp. se00ta313000ften. Ann Astor, het epk 30tnief.30104.1FS. 4fe1100171 App A to "L.aer U none & 4111 Reelemseen & Osews Plan," conseerig .efstegsges inep Rept God' /0048 en 0918061tJes -nennt taggr sees D,ese ter Senteer Enhenemment," ser temigo dem,L4er U - w & Ntf overemo temags. _ & sagegen es.eL Apponenen Genoudeng Eny. ore, Inc. 80/12/31. Seeps 30000.23530001000. P6fWSY,W.L. Regen 3, of . 12/3E Ipp. 301MtGH01M173. Oftm0 BIG Asse.nue luglemanessen of A,et phens of m300 assest tdo ausse sehs6

                                                         **                           "               '~'*""        gyg,ggggge Cordhme usenen & eraf epareser & senter g'=a'
                                                                                                                                                                            ;r,"=**                        'a=* "

lllJ"t rr .um mme.,n=r,4 Rees C s.e%:k"'*E""c"er.d,'at

                                                               .y ,=                 ma & :",Ji.t'"        s.o.En'a   ** * ':
  • rc*,,',*ga,o.=, , ,~.,,s.,,0,,0's ,

grc% ,,, . om e o, . Ww u, .,. A,s, Corm Sm Soste Geneste400- Astor, ut. 7pm .30s Seestme. f me. Namesens COMP /eusma m e 0% OHLAMous OffY, 300857 ske untAII pessf stattest, WINT 1

e. =s - 4.e .e==n e ar=*,,::: - age,,,, :;;;;o':ye=e=,,1l:a: ,' ,a,, g;;::

I d,sJ. g.g*,3me, .mit a g .y,P,ag ;,;s.= essa,

u. consessme
                                                                                                                                                                            % 4.s              ri     ois ===.,

1,onew Omme.d . i e.,en cet , seen ven, ina st/ts/ot. uuRLavt.s. 30me30+auseset Seti g asAs, g , g Pmee.= yrun a g

II" as e C. .mte mee. .,.47 r. "?.l,'tl= l='.* *ENe,*t3t.".Cr,"s.'s'e"l
ur"."."imtWrt i, .,s,e.m t

1.m or, s.e.s use*e .s.soes.a. of rM ,.,. eer.o.e .-4emes.s.or, e,e s.i e. e.nor 2%.o,, Ms t.neo.eenee.,.1, oo. . v 0.e.e

                                                                                                                                                                                              ./         uufuv.u.

i Smti esense esos nm aumense use e estes suusena tesGeo Corp T C. Cet Sp. !1 eesse.n p 1

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                    .0           T          u                   Ac=ir.         ,rga.=                                  "g'f,"_omes Re 0,es          .0t
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                    .11            .. Re     e. - is                  er. .es.e,. r,s. u o .               , een.    .11 . Re                                                    =           Re . . s-., one Aa.

of lande a wounoy of Desch Reak snes se to enounwit Messi 1"to IP.1006, Peseannel Engemst" , g UC .:""/motus e 1,=0mm. *g'a,(gggs C e 0.en o. , as. ,s., m. 1 - - - . - _ . - - . - _ - - _ - - - _ . -.- . - - - _ _ . _ - .

e occuatro nanas a mm a me.-a, ,.o , m.0n O. a o n E, n . Eu. . .. e,p en.n /o s.n.s n ... o es E n. -

                                                                                                                                                                                      ,. .n    C m s.e 0aa.t.u.a.P         O.y u as a Ens.
               ,iss s k.4.                 07,0,,. o.eru o 7  e. NEun.       C  n  e  me a   r+4 Iwpp a nautu
                                                                                                                          ,;.3. .00,m o

of o. .e mr. 07/01,tt ,IEED.C. C.r _ - E tER.,JG,,. C 3 < o .t.r. 7pgL 000 30006 300. an.. "'"'""""*""*"""'"*'"

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g,'sa%d"C' * :llltrr w , J in"'es"p"."."" W 0.

. g g g . ,.,.,.g. g i. ana w 0,       C       o ,          .       . g egg.,,,.g.,0;.i. = v                                                C        o           .
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v ni"*"1ha%i"J" .'ill:E"P.h.n'J.T::*f="p" Hit.M 3001 7. mu . . a u ,, 0 - , oi . 0, g ;. . . 0 .

g. 004,0, Bi:M"il:"'lll"<llC.n.Ts".".'e 000100L 07/01/13. e "e".,.C2*.".

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30001453. 07/01,00. NEPPLEfuG. R.y.n 3, O

                                                                                                 .TUR.B.A.s fo              .MA C 30E00 300.

e.r. tp 30000:30 SPDH00000 . .ie. ,0 e 47403, "S.p.g.0.n .f H u. 4 L L.v.I R.d. SMt100000 IE Inf. ,0 0 0140f " d.0u.a. S rile W f pn

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Ae.n.c cQiy El iCa 44 ppt .112. %30004""." , """""o".".llll*a ",0ita vai,

                                                                                                 #'*7 0                                                                      80s,. 30004 006 V. Op.r.t.r Ea t e.n.

.ocetti S.te onsteen a== .a= Poweft STAfl0N, WINT 1 gy0100000F G.n.He Lt 07411. .I p.m.r co.r R n & . ppt ne. 9 r OL g=gr g"""o".". "

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                                   =47010001. SALP                  e0 00/4e 80 ter Feb tee 6.oct iest                                        & h.poumon speses6. Oi. ness & emmagendenes
  • Regen 1, omos of . 08/12/30. 67pp. 30100 21440108.270.
                                    .t c n.o 1. .r. M.7g1.

Y.ees once.C. == 1300,m,e,.IE teses 7 Ms hit.e

                                                                                                                                                                                .- . 7 10.e,e",Erey en,.              hito PWR Covey W/Retectems in.Cose Oe.
1. to rear ,~ iiMio -neer.. g.Egga gng.g,R por.e mi.tRe ttt App .,0 , .

11 *'%c Elecess

  • Yanhas Asen #7/01/31. 24p> 3e244t30s 3eH&331.
                                                                                                                                              .,tasm     . Into                          'hg==.d==== , ftCS Preamse Bassed.y %

rem Gesec AeldIMass Canenter,Em,

                                                                                                                                                                                 " Sus est ansL A in.senes 4 bed.mey Infonmem                                                                                           gh,                                              pg,,' y
                                    ..                 e,s       E.              : . to MAnu Poe., Mr..E.=                      : m no           ===.

PF ME. _- ^ F to MAELU Cereessee M-4 & Enterosmore F to ggggggg g w, pesene 86100,"oespfmagm Fehoe bi Scram Oimmt Wasse causbeg 2"tp "li$.".e."%"* "'"" "* "" " *" '*'""' g"" ,iEon: man,',',7, *-4ut":N r==.m ao,- - o- . e-resp-a-o

                                                                                                                                              . ,,,,,. ,e
                                                                                                                                                                           . ,.sg h, ""'*'               " " " ' " " " " ", ,e. '""""*""E*'

1 . . o ,t . ,M,. g e7et14ess.e.POIA " erg.,f,or,NRC respones eer to.um061015 requod for nuame.m.

                                                                                                                                      - peen. tem 0c m            e                  em Am                     =-                                        Mo.EYN'"'8"=*=a'sse
                                                                                                                                                = * *                                 ==                , o.e ,. .tu. .E.Rm v es Asen.

o EMp'&"jirA"m'.",,'2**.,tum oR, Lema o, on , R se er. Reo ====== 7

                                    .,es             ,or             17 to YooAm, o,er.aor oA ,.,o,e,,,,                  - o,.                     ase=t. '. o="   .,="T==.r se t. . o..=========2=

ARD sfVereofAtomac Co. 08/12/14.MURLEY,TI. Reglen 1, Qat. 00h3 0,49 ende et 8, Anasulous Bef. uter of Reebendmeon Loop Femur h 7' Z"o."7 to C"A PETERSON.W K SHEPARO.A M., oA P,cere,,,- P. Verees Aeonec ElecMc Ca 88/12/ k-etbiM"C n2l2:"Es'."'E*"J' tt"*%"""."." 2' a i = = === = = .t e.e ., ,, R,.I vs.,e e.e ,s u se on un , 8791180014, reesset for ess .o re ved 800020menuseal of revened rest on ECCSb , N "SuenemL, . . e o'*n h."stfeesponse sleet so of recept. O New Y Oh M. PW t. 08/12/24. PAPANICA Yerees Atoneo 3881

                                       =="*= #R" = = -                                                                                        ..                 e.7           i     ese           n.~.-,e.,,                  se SMtes.08 Fos.orde                            kom consul scom                       ressements of                       Mus.mmesse Maestig &,                            ese es.L is""u*, m,*,,,sesTo."".e=sr"Ws" ecto,                                            "':it,. .               .,       . . hoi"/3'" *eai'3"A.o., o. , ,es.* v'."I""*b""""" T 12/39 APANICA Yerees Atenac DecMc Co. 3pg                                         123,                  3000         .
                                    -.791ee0947 Esempeen kom consel #com operetsesy regdrements of                                            8791990000 Ask reente el SALP sept ter 880001 0100EFouerable seassement & con-of                     eter Reactor ucenung . A (post 061125). OS/                      .L.         e      Assute                        /14. Record Serunges Greneh 12/20. Yansies Aeonec Elseste Ca Opp.30821.123 30221:125.                                               ment Cannes Ossee. edIREY,T.E. Regen 1, Omos of Emesaur.1p,                                       een.

efsteesseg , SER ull 031106 4 060700 to Genenc Lv Mc Nx purr Y2'3a IV ' AeonE ese o'ne"t'*" EMcMc Ca 3pp 3e221.1 30mm "M"".e Response IPest

                                    -47ette0000 SER                     um 031106 4 060700 responses to Generic Lt 03L20.leem                    3,gge fgg,                                                                                            i INS oseness Ameson                              ee'/N3pp"3N2                        134.

87ettestet ,ansense Amend tot to uonne OPR4 a sessey evenumeort Amend e R. pweses opemmig nyeres a namens earmspendenso venne Tech Space to meresse eme pened that vesve C8 Mov.532 may be open from 30 neuses/se to 120 mmusse/ met e7etseeses rope ser oct teetw/Sei10e er. g E PWR Deectorate 1. 37/Ot/ns. PAPANIC,G. Yerese Aeonec S HE arese Aeonec Bucesc Ca 88/10/31. epp. 30431:346 tot to ucense oPR.3.chenqpng Tech Space to mcrease eme

                           Am                  v                                                                        V.Opemeer Eareinseems e t Ve've     C&4do,ogn-632 M. PWR     P et Onctorate1. ener 07/01/06.

be open tem 4pp.30 mmunes/uk is 120 nenusse/uet 30thk3124024315. E ** '

                                    =4791,40.,S,e.loly o cos

s or R. ewekse. c son 'CAAmend otoco o 101 t.ot1 o.ce.nes 7/w.o.PR.S 3,. hY,,[ Yses ,' s.

                                                                                                                                                 . seLEY
                                    .1=              .             n.r         M o.,aesn,           === = =                              ===, o.see.,. ., .E.Rm v se AMN.
                                       = re. p-e - RC. - e               m,s .,u.or.e eso oPR4..

no., er .e en se , , , , , , , ,,,. .,t,,,e,,,,,..o,,,,,, E Proeect otectorate 1. 87/01/07. PAPANIC,0. Yanhoe Atomic

  • Reg.1,0 n of . Wm3% $7pp .mJMM2m
                                       =c              ==7'=="'=                                                                              .t               .or. rect 7 1to. - ,eeceo,e espeos                              .o,a.,e of Nfl0 operaser              enom gasseen b.t. Sue est ensL
                                    -47011408M   poseAt  tosend   102 toOrcen he remtrued     ucense        DPR estng veDwee    3,mosfyin.g    Tech r rmal plant op esono      RCS vent eye byELene uuMTON.M.R.                af Mustuer                           (West. Dost OS112el. 07/01/

MCR .M. PWR Propect otectorene1. 07/01/07,6pp. 38271238 30271240. OE Aeuse Oly Bueno Ca 44pm See04 112.

                                    -47911400F.8 o e            sueS,else.y
o. Reac o,vehssco.n 'CAAmend otecMr oo 102stt.o uce.nse w0,= oPR.3 .p. .ac=T n 30t78 2414et71J46.

SM1140134 Fonserite testeemd App 8 escean of Rev 17 to YCQAP.t.A, '"Yortse F. Seeerter, mesent, emess.esy & gre preessmen phone Atomse EnocMe Co Operemonef QA P,oyam" 4 of cheness SHEPAflO.A tit Yerees Aeomic Decetc Ca07/01/00. Servicae Branch (oce> gyggggggg Adgasse stel 881001 saw to socisey plan consenterd w/provielene isnent Corged osakk app. 30240ee-3027tk113-of 10(71400 Sepp 4 74kg4 N[ggMkgg, ' " #" "

                                    =4701140141 a                  R.ev   17 to Y.O,QAP.1.A, "Yenkee Aeonec DecMc Co operemonal QA
                                       *Y                    Seesec Ca 06/12/36. Iden 302M10430270:113.                                       gyggg,00. Adutone5 8881001 row M                        - ensu.ey pt.1 condament w/petruessne 3791teueSt f*ama~aast el J
  • W=' Fro;""o"to"cea"re'ne'1 870114 meseng " *w/ues m Seqheede.MD to secues schendo 0'Th mR.a f. P.R Pro
                                                                                                                                                  < = =

T - m = == =74a"= of h .et/1 Fat N W A W km

                                                                  ,                                                                o.e.

torate 1. 3pp, 38274 316 4sr74.318. SM1900100 enforme tiet ,Yg7 e.rtere rpaymente shouki not tie made for plant ung A insuranos a badmi.y bifumamen E.7Y".c.2 n.ouCun Y e Ar .ocer o,ec ouo Av ree Ca t 3 osc Mone.itm 6,a.nch.m.o.

                                                                                                        . o 6m m.or.wwm           e7et t,s,e444 Forme.nn.E.nsom.smen.t,e no  MAN.2.M
                                                                                                                                                  . ease.      u or seR M
                                                                                                                                                                         . mar.L. ore .o.r      i4 to.NE.UATu t..n W NF.206, As         oec=

_. . _ . . _ _ . . . _ _ . _ . . . . _ . _ _ m __. _. _ _ . _ . . _. . _ _ - . . _ . _ _ . - _ 8 DOCKETEDITElfS P. Spammig esense suas deseemenes & eeneesendense DOCeET se 100 N B&V PoWWI FLAfff.1887 e SMtem17 Permords Ier ade No to conDess rousse of e00010 ter to corwet Dom hem to toe ennened U sued re- F. Sossemy, emassak emnergeney & to pmesesen plane

+                   ne later ser 80 days inna e does.

Dio. W Mik 2 S4 - SM1 Permerds 4.smet ter ad nner bile se esnesy# . g =0e04 4 ==i2 - - ter .SAPST.O.R,5, 4 a aspe=n re- = ===e & es e.penames E: :BL"Dee.""*es"P."."s. i .'p',L ft.'atf.1.,"r'"' e app 114eens Pereerde sessey inep Repte s0464/0844 4 704e07/8646 on M130e48 gygigggg pensesde 801800 possuet ter med Me en emesgancy plan

            * "r.Jr"R"e,",e'ri t. Omos of - .7,w. .i ee                                                                                                                         maig ucune 4. sos.1:'=resa.d esse.,                                                                  m J            ledIL of "" . - Inct 3pp 3esed 2634eeSe306.                                                                                nient careef Osmag. east 3sest174.asese 17s.

d 4791140ess Nemos of wiedemon hem irus on 88130946.

  • Reenn 1. Omos of oneuer. er/01/0L 1p. 3 esse 2eS300e4.2es.

g % ,,,,,,,,,g,,,,

        -4701140000 Wup Roses 90464/0044 & 704087/8848 on 08130848. Vhemmen noemetnewe to imbus ressensus nies.                                                                                      eM191W00 Jelne Interweiere het est of                                esepeunded to esensee Peed.*

WuAoOcxA. mAamNeu.u sHAneAKY,M. Resen 1, Osene of Obscour. 07/01/0s. Phu em of senneeneses sever spere sual . ._- maydhes&ese m ao-L hennesiere . Huseste Ser. PELIMR,SL Ptsleur. S.L #187 223e. 8F/01/13. PasAc Gee & Elsesto Cet espot 3e014JS14es14.318.

!       ootset sees usev. oP PtoRea TRamone RaACTom J                                                                                                                                    *L eenere eastempendones 4        c, Reportunes                      .. LaRe & reameed earrespondense 87eteessee moon es1211.een.seen of e-m enorm & eueassoon eterm/cose vent sys enemnoces occwred ones sencei count rees                       300 potenauf teelmeen of                                             osenes'e YrseRC esTris er so semas" ass'e!ssY esense esp numIntesey assemoed to JO Safests.

Tesfi Cease not vent as to et to go 88. SHIPPER.J.D. Peemo Gas & essees Co. 87/01/12.Rosesd Senesse .ensh pom> W 0, Unse of Gesneeves, FL08/12/10. JM. Reelen 2, a

Once of Dractor. 3pp. 30s04.te7 3er04.tes. ment Consed Deelg.1pt emene ememessons 1

DoCIET e640 esseflAL AfoWC Co. & Insposeen meerg E Bussage 4 essmagendenes i S, floportable estesseset E neo essene eSto7. "Eney ines PWR Casey w/Remesamme hense oe- i f .-_ LERe & feested eerrespondense teeter flesesse WIstemen," Sus out eneL ' i i SM100e873 Moon 870106.eassey end ed not esp eher temsiesen of cLesomer hede. e1 Nee Y OWpt J een a reactor scram himah screen preescene rod herred kom duens escovered to tie 3000&1 R  ! N f Co 47/01/00. DENTON.H R. Os130m IE tree Deseos eS108 *13sysensen of RCS Pluense Setem Rumeg  ; Osmos of Nucteer Reactor fGydee% Oractor gnoet 061126). 2pp. 33307S03- Poem geste Acid Conestist* Sue est eneL e1 New Y Odept

                                                                                                                                      . 72 7.

DoCIET e6133 usefW. OP hacerMaIql pote&8tCN REACTOfl4tOLLA j 8013sesses IE Into Noene 80100,"Dispfveyn Patse m Berem Ouest vesse Commig Red inmersorL" Suc set mes. 1 P. Oseurey, meesel asnergency a fire preemetten panes .E

                                                                                                                                           "                                                                           Respenas g
        .11481. For e ,meri.e., reg to ~RC .i202 notes of o so,, to u.
                                                                                                                                      =Jer-                                                                                                                         !

ARNE Unnt . Rome h80. eb12/2e. AXELSON.W.L fleglen 3, eB13se0141 E Into Noeme 80110, "Anomsfous Boheuent of Massouisessi Lasp Flow bi l Omos of Orector.1p. 30206.264 30206104. Jet Pung WWR PtereIL' Sec est engL

       . is,apsese , reporte. .                se,. S ee.respen nee                                                                   - l=         1                                egen             fe                             Seesk 8701140100 Formerde proenstory                               to NRC 081202 noece of violomon to U.                          hE''k'"'*g m                           h401, *ftHR Vefve beeneyesent Comes Oeyedsmen of

, ARNE L Unn, Roes. e80. sh12/29. AXELSON.W.L fleslan 3, 1 Omco of Orector.1p. 302es.264 30206 204. agg8'7,h0 fase Y Oopp 23

ooen:T .1= Texas a&m u=v. Ree:ARCN ReaCTom guess,g, d,.,,ggm w$mm ,,,eg;.,.,,,,ommemn w emphmen i

' .E.L Ohdalen & Redpenge 4 Insposeen reporte, E Bummens & serveepondense 830 7/01/13. of Neur Inc.

                     '                                                                               d
       '"A*"Oo"8 r :"".o' *" DE"rg'of':lllW"p"ro"p'oe*st.".*."o".' eon 0" e'"l:                                                    =. = r a,,=,,,,,,    =                   P s "*= * = =a * - " - '- '**

o Post ik 07/01/12. ( ftICHARO90N.H.H. Tomas ASAd Univ., Conege Samson, TX. 3pp. 38271 Joe- h7h0 See84 eM- , 38271 212. 30N4.112. I ' W fL pertese opersang seports & minInd essuspendense e.EF."u"p'm,.000,i TAYLOR.J M. Omco of no C .n.otoe.n ies 4 nor31'i"

                                                         & Ensorcement. Oractor (Post 880301) 87/01/12.                            37eigasses                               rept gar Sept lesEW/eStone W.

Tense ASAs Unnt., Cosego , TX. 7pp. 3827120s.3027121E MWOK.C.C., T. Gee & Smetto Cet 88/09/30. opp. 301#e01 e7e10 esses Ensoresment pa amm EN.86457A. order ceve m re-m' chased amourW of 8833 neued tiesed on ue P% for geomeen "allf,4ti:" W Cam". As,s.n & E,do,ce,- o.eces, com enom en $79130005 "'f"='k*b""t"brest for Out teetW/801100 W. a=""'=c=a*""*** 01/12. Ip. 30432-014-30432-014. S Reportable __ LEfte & related termspondence & Reportgels geourmness, LSAs & minInd earmgendelles speteesses PNOwlV.0843 son es1218.tves saadant orkers becemo - _ _._ 87913es005 LER *= mon GStatt. spent basi peed ener ens level amended sened dwene removed of oness tom reconey irredened Br42 sempses.Adrtiome moneere handCease tiy conomen of temie in air supply to husbetrLevel moreofbig spe se. stormed a reactor avecusse LSeadente _- -___.C & unter tom ener to resense levetW/070133 It. l AdURRAY S., HUNTE Repon 4 Omco of Dnector. 08/12/19. Ip. 301433e6-3r43.se6.

                                                                                                                                              . T.K.,                       Paesc One &                 Co. 07/01/28. epp. Sent301 3eset-30s.

i t i I l

   .                  .                 ,           . . - _ . - _                       , _ ~ - . .                         , __ _               _ .                                                                                   . . _ _ _ _ _ , _
            ~-- ~~.~                         -.n_.~.                        _        -- .                      . - -- - . - -                               .      ..              .                  --. . . .- _

4 i } 4 ! DOCKETEDITE888 9 4 0791130000 Advens Wet um 8003214 0701 mesumes se summmy of motiods & sye - W.Opemeer Emesdnessus to to used to edesve & monism ease armadoun conemens tesoung to a see een

                                                                              """                                                                           2pp. m h
08. Asenac Osy Etscesc Co. 44psk 30004="a':112.

Osector 25 0 0 esaus NuhEG-0 team gWde-enes e oEg 8001:57 001M WORCESTER POLYTEC88WC INSTmpFE RESEARC00 REACTOR W Mauer W Deector poet 001120k 4pp. 30000A3530000:30s.

                     ""                                                                                                                     -.0701130819 Rev 0 to "E                              Preonese,Tramme Preyam."
  • Consumers Pouer Co. 30. 23740E50943. j

, gy,,g W Rept for 1000 !- ER Eser"R"e's'm"an"onD.poYst2Ns"' 30 3Y0 EY20 -engr,e,v 0,m, CDa.OP""'***'"""P"***"'~ - DOCKET 00=140 SANTOII 18UCLEAR ERPMAL PACILITY -0,78 Rev seg Processa Proenese." 9 -4791130000 Rev 0 to *Peent.Spacec Wreers Guide for Emergency Operenig Prose-M Genord espeependenes eksest"

  • Consumere Power Co. 08/12/30.10pp. 300$007140900400. l 07010N048 mlerms 9et gues proposed names reespied on NftC meen0 est for E ""'*""""'"**"* & dessoton of pont anal l j *""*"o*s',"e",es".n*'t'm"e"n,'%l"e"na.
  • e **""""'" -07eit:30m Consumere-Tean=ce owdennes.-

Po or Co. =/i2/30. 2 Opp. Desegior 300. ERx'o"'W.s.N.1 --- 4 specie, Pro,sce D.eceo,ess. 00ii2iit. TvDEuAN,a. 4 Afteson Not Aes0ned. 4pp. 30100.215-30100.210. ON100M04 Fonseres Sessey inep Rept 80150/0010 on 00130412 & riosos of viele-07ess00010 Adness set proposed ennen0 set ser sesmy conessondence moorporated mark 4 recesses magHoused documenes. SMAFER.W D. 3. Oftsw of Descear. 07/01/06. BUCetAAN,F.W. Corsioners i pWIR ove est.Seston Comnumey Larery 90- Power Ca app. .22240000J34 } Et gRT,140/0042 & 1. ends sent Osece of to suc est Drecent. 07/01/20. IEWARD.R.W. Sassort Nu-cesar Egenmened . 3pgL 30427;170'30427:191. -07e1000003 Notes of wtatsman tem inep on 001300-12. - SHAFER.W.D. Reglon 3. Oleos of Descear. 87/01/00.16. 'seene sea emana.eas-l 6 buyostu moorte,IE Bugeens & sernependues -e791000000inep Rept 00L190/0010 on 00130012.Veslagens noose pm-j 0791100100Fonsents response so vioissons noted in insp Rest $4140/00 02.Correc- FOOTE J., H. of . 08/12/30. ove assonsuse of esseng proceeses govemme control of regalatory consapendence topp. 30300J26-30300234. c

                        & consol egsamented.                                                                                                                                                                                                       i

' HEWARDAW. 8essen Nudeer Egenmental . 07/01/00. Record Services g3:190179 Foreenes conoceed 2 to 001230 ler psessenes j granch (Documert Consol Deshk app. 30200.31 :315. een Sanamme seest be N Inompsesse l 0701300e10 Adames shot proposed meene est sor sedeny conospondence inczypermoed coneae Deseq. :3 30e4 3 t meo NRR suc est$ anon Communay Larary fecesvos regHeissed documenes,

                                                                                                                                            -ON1              Cenuhd Page 2 to M2m er W uusgmuy pmueses p 3                        MRY.           C.                 . Onco 5 Dr"e[87/01/20. HEWARDAW. Season Nu-
                                                       . 3pgL 30427:170 30427;191.

8 *8 j csear Egenmental Coneusn"ee Pomer Co. 08/12/30. flacard Sensecos M M Canal

  • Does@.1p. 30841:310-30041.310.
                     & Report e                           .
                                                                   &           sermependuce                                                  GN1100100 Nostas of pionned rapiscoment of deser he                             eeuer,           to
!                                                                                                                                                          m [gg"              =        ,e,es,    f                  ,e,,,a,, ,,e,,,, ,,,s,,,,

on0.r ees ring.towti eartesty insp.redloeceve RO.ones,01107,e. Wees, emotor e se==-e.d,,0,.,00,<,, sm.i- Co,,u,,,,s ,c:'Co. 07,o,,00. 1 070127,0001 iscar -g T. Repen 0

                                    .'R                 Nudeer Egenmaneel Corp. OS/ 2
1. Olece of Drector. 4pp. 39371.317 30371.310' 0701210070 M of & W for 1997 W
                                                                                                                                                                                 ' 8*'                      " '* 8*'*"*""         *F 0791270040 ftCkdunne mesmal review of records for Fret Quereer 1000, decovered leg.                                       Q                   &S         fA 00,(On Cor.u.a.s.oe ,A.s.e,Ca07,0um Roco,d.e, e..m                                   ,me,.

> - = Gm-_rau aar - =0= - - m c-asu ,,0 Consul Dee4 4pIL 30MedN:127. ! ARD ili.~ deston genmaneel Corp. 08/12/22. ELSASSER,T. Region

1. Omce of Deector. app. 39371:344 30371-340. ,,,,,,,, ,, g g R re of cotesson eye to see on seesculseen passgeAAer enor DOCutT u 140 ulam NANeas RusEARCN REacTon 7 W,7 '"8e m,,,,,,,, ,, ,7,,,,,,, ,,,,y,,,,, e,,,,,,,,

Power Ca app. 304403na as 313. 6 insposeen reporte,it auseens & eenuependense aampeen trose 10tFvt00, App n so '

                                                                                                                                             -e7ets00em sesser evenadon
  • 07/01/10. %p.

07e130373 Responds to peRC 001223 ler re violemons nceed in inep Rept 54140/00- of" Reecear Reguisserk Dessaar 01.Conocese fursier _ . _ _ _ J. us occur w/o proper euttorey a regu" 30446:31140eek313. I documents us not tie removed kom reactor hoy tussen heard. I R Keness, Urev. of. l.serence KS. 07/01/13. edARTH,R.D. Region 4 Office of Deector. 2pp. 30427200 30427207. P. Opossung geense sage destements & serveepondense ' OOCHEY 00101 UIEW. OF ILLIIIDIS p888-4 REACT 0ft 0791000100 Fonsards seaponse to 001015 reeuset for seconstemeten of & ses ines se ' cenem reenf veesses consomme pwnp & vafvo guarutos propenLF-ct Wienged to once overy 3 suongiaLReuesed sequegh to l P. OpereIIng geense sesgo deoenenes & serveepondonos RA Power Ca 08/12/22. OItoo of Nuclear Reester Repdeseg Director (post 061126k 36pp. 30142:100 30142230. 0791000001 aft rawi for amend to Ucenes f4115.reveng Tecfi Spec Secean 0 re h l 17  : coreals'""o7" e depe & duecer to change me. in sessus os nucesar engneenng som SN1979471 Infomus of dodelon.dme visinot so plan hel Y."e' for

21. Search for ese=ence
                                                                                                                                                                            ' fust pins pior to am at mined not 9

et as

                                   .C.S., WI                .G, hieCKUCH,0J. Iemma, Univ. of. Ustions, IL07/01/00.                                                                   Ctk ser12/ Oltos of NucIsar Reedor Repdedag Oftoo of Nuclear Reactor Regdemon, Osector (posi 06112Sk 20p. 30210221                                                              A Consumers Deuctor (post 061125k epsk 30003:13340000-130.

30210430. l -0791000000 Proposed Tecdi Spec Secean 9.revialn0 _ _ consols. SN1970008 Raymans amongitan tom ineestemon of eRemens sed htsseen

  • lanos, Unhr. ct, UrDene,11 07/01/00. Opp. 30210.023 30210920. sys.CapeAly or egypeessiO IME eleam Bow psevenne occurence of Igt reasser psee-swa conssons & acosson of sessey roast vesveaFee paed.

FRISCM,RA Consumers Power Ca 08/12/20. OItoo of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, l- Otractor (post 001120). 4 ppt 30003000630003400, t DOCIEET 00100 OIS ItOCK p0 INT NUCLEAR pLAff? 0791000001 Fonsents appesagen to amend ucense DPR4,changmg Tecd1 Spoos to in. F. Beauptly, messeek emergency & are proteamen piene duds second enem esus teres vent & een wafvo. Foo SERRY.K.W. Consumers Power Co. 08/12/30. OItse of Nuclear faaector _ _ _ noted in Insp Rept 50156/etL22. Conoceve Regulaeog Descear poet 061125k isk 30100:17440100:170. 0701000070 Responds to , I 1rcen 10Cile56. App R, Secean m.G.2 reposeed & new hanense for 0h aghes encased.Conoceans to a comments on enct -4701000002 for unend to Ucones OPR4,changng Teuft Speso to inchade SERRY W. Power Co. 08/08/0il KEPPLER.J.G. 3.Omos of Ok eenond seem tardivent & euen vulva vector. Opp. 30213:322 30213 320. BUCMhAAfe,F.W. Consumere Power Co. 08/12/30. Sp. 30100:17S30190:1N. I 1


 -8701080844 Proposed Tech Cpecs adang second scram dump tank went & dram                          8701290300 MontNy           strig rept for Oct 1986 W/861103 nr.

valve. BIELINSKI.M.J.,

  • Coneianers Power Co.86/12/30. 2pp. 39158.177-39158:178.

FMAN.D P. Consumers Power Ca 86/10/31. $pp 39431:129 39431 133. 8701210447 Informs that effecsve 870105CS Hinson replaced T Rotees as NRR manag Ma=, er Power for BegStatort Rock Pomt Pier LRotona now lead protect manager for Quad S. Reportatste occurrences, LERs & related e.n - __ __ ZWOUNSK!)A BWR Propect Drectarate 1. 87/01/15. BERRY,K.W. Consumers Power Ca 2pp. 39353.097 39353 098. 8701280344 LER 87401h 870102.W % o wpecale/ his re. actor protecten sys actuaten occwred Caused ty e,o:tncal nose inherent at low 8701230188 Documents 870100toicon w/uts te nucisar parameters for instaMation of power imes Piccarneneter 2 we N repered & tested H/870123 tir. coread rods dunn0 earty 1987 refusang outa0s.contamed in 861205 Tech Spec ^L . J HNSON.M Consumem W Ca 67/M/23. 3pp. 39389904

                                                                                                       , 0 .                                                                                  ;

ost of - enct HIN .C S BWR Protect Drectorate1. 87/01/18.HODGES.M.W. Reactor Systems Branch (BWR). 2pp. ava57:117 39357:118-V. Operator Examinatione 4791270000 informs 9 tat second quarterey payment & aut>esquent FY87 . pay. monts of 10CFR171 annual fee requrements shoiAd not be paid unts 8701000607 Genenc Ltr 8741 to all power reactor teensees & apphcants for OL re noece.per 861107 request for exempecat pubhc ev - HOLLOWAY.CJ. L,conee Fee Management Branch (Poet 861123). 87/01/16. of NRC operator bM. exam queston bank.Svc het onct. BERRY,KW. Consumers Power Ca tp,39373 196-39373.198. DENTON.H R. of Nuclear Reactor Hegulanon. Drector (post $51125). 47/01/

08. A5 antic City Electnc Co. 44pp. 39304.069-39304.112.

8701380428 Extends invitanon to participate in 870129 workshop in CNcago.tL on NRC 8701280349 Nohflee that wntten & oral exame for operators /sener operators scheduled PPLER,3 G. 7/01/16. BUCKMAN.F.W. Consumers [,N " ** # Power Ca 2pp. 3 .33&39388 337 HEHL.C W. Regon 3. Office of Drector. 87/01/21. BUCKMAN.F.W. Consumers

 $701270008 Forwards response to NRC                  for add info re uts 861205 apptcahon           Power Ca 7pp. 39389175 39389.181.

to amend License DPR4, changing Tech to reflect use of hafnium hybnd cork NSCH R.R. Consumers Power CoDocument Control Branch (Document 87/01/20. U Em M M M N MSEM WN Control Dook). 40pp. 39370-00139370440. P. Operating Scense stage documents a corroepondence 6 InePecoon reporta. IE BuBoune & . 8701050205 Informs that federal fundng for converson of facikty to low enttchment fuel 8701080375 Responds to noncomptances noted in inep Rept50155/85 22. Correcove we not be avadable dunng FYS7. actons exempeon from 10CFR50 App R. Secton llLG.2 requested & new bettenes for CASHWELL.R.J. Waconsm. Urw. of. Masson. W1. 86/12/29. Record Sonnces Branch 8h aghts anstaned.Correcnons to 4 comments on r enct (Document Coread Desk).1p. 39164.056 39164 056. BERRY. W. Power Ca86/09/02.KEPPLERJ G. 3. Office of Di-rector. Opp.39213.322-39213.329. DOCKET $0183 GA TECHNOLOGIES 8701130300 Advises that ute 880321 & 0701 eA)mittels to summary of methods & sys to be used to actusve & memtan safe shuldcen condtone fotowin0f ire & ads info m equipment actaanon.respectively.accepta*:le.per Aco R inaps. P. Operating Scense stage documents & m.., INSKlJA BWR Propect Drectorate 1. 86/12/20. Bl!RRY.K.W. Consumers Ca pp. 9 2R 8701020142 Forwards request for add mio re860520 appbcahon as supplemented on M12230000IE Info Noece 86107 "Erey into PWR Cavity W/ Retractable IrvCore De. 860520 tar amend M Lscense R47Reponse ted womin 30 days of Mr det lector Trumbles Wahdrawet" Svc hst enct CARTER.R.E. Standar$zaten & Special Drectorate. 86/12/23. JORDAN.EL %sion of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post ASMUSSEN.KE. GA Tec+mologies, irc/ General Atomsc Co. 4pp. 39149:018 830103) 86/12/29. Connor:la's.1 Edson Ca of New Y Inct 08pp. 39205.031- 39149.021. 39205:138. 4701200071 Forwards response to 861223 request for add info re 860520 apptcanon 8812230901 IE Info 'eonce 86108 Degradanon of RCS Pressure Boundary Resufbng for amend to Lscense R47.hilo deegnanon of TRIGA low ennched From Borte Acad Corroecn." Svc tot enct U.contarung 30 percent s RIGA fuel. JORDAN.E L Dhasen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Poet ASMUSSEN.K E. Technologies. Inc1 General Atomac Co. 87/01/22 Office of Nuw 830103). 86/12/29. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New Y Inc. 04pp. 39167-093 clear Reactor Regulation, Drector (post 851125).17pp. 39385:148-39385:164. 39187:197. 8812230003tE Info Notco 8&t09, " Diaphragm Facure in Scram Outlet Valve Caussng DOC %ET 50171 PEACH BOTToes ATOMIC POWER STATION, UNIT 1 Rod insernort" Svc het onct JORDAN.E L OMoon of Emergency Preparedness & Engineering Response (Post 830103). 86/12/29. Coneohdated Edson Ca of New York, Inc. 94pp. 39205.234- W. Operator Examinations 39205.327. 8812280141IE Info Nonce 86110. " Anomalous senary of Recirculatran Loop Flow in 870M80807 h * "* r Lm Jet Pump BWR h" Svc not enct of amr *' '** *'ues* q ton'

  • Svc DN of Nuclear Reactor egulabon, Drector (post 851125). 87/01/

1 8 1 Co. N 9'pp. 20 06. Atlante City Electnc Ca 44pp. 39304:069539304:112. 39205.233. 8701080434 Forwards Safety insp Rept50155/8615 on 86120&12 & nonce of viom DOCKET 50184 NATIONAL SUREAU OF STANDARDS REACTOR ton. SHAFE W g of Drector. 87/01/05. BUCKMAN,F.W. Consumers P. &6 -8701080462 Notice of violanon kom insp on 86120812. SHAFER,W.D. Region 3. Office of Drector.87/01/05.1p. 39206.224-39206.224. 8701050082 Forwards request for add tifo re860919 apptcation for unsque purpose exempton. including demonstronen that reactor core cannot perform intended functon -8701080488 Ingo Rept 5&155/8&15 on 86120812.Violatons noted- w/o use of high ennched U fustR requested within 60 days. pre. DO3A.J. Standarezation & Special Drectorate.86/12/30. CARTER,R.S. Com-OS R.J PETE SON H. 3, Office of . 2/30. 10pp. 39206.225 39206.234. 8812380181 IE info Notice 87 001, "RHR Valve Misangnment Causes Degradaten of ET 60-185 PWM N REACTOR - MOCK-W , ECX S in pWRE" Svc Ast end. 1 70 deon New Y 03pp 6 OpereW h stage docurnents & cormepondence 39217457. 8701230001 Forwards Amend 3 to Ucense R 93 & safety evaluatwAmend resemds 8701120088 IE Info Notco 87402, " inadequate Seistruc Qualificaton of Diaphragm 810526 order authonang esmanthng of facikty & espoeshort of carryonent Valves Mathemental Modeeng & AnalysteL" Svc het enct Resnatatement & renewal of hcense authonzed.FR nobce also enct

               .E.L DMeson of Emergency Preparedness & Engm' eenng Response (Post                            . Standardraten & Special Project Drectorate. 87/01/12.RICHLEY.EA No.

830103). 87/01/13. Consondated Esson Co. of New York, Inc.107pp. 39300-308 tional Aeronautes & Space Aefun. 3pp. 39359:023-39359051. 39301 053. 8701130002 IE info Notce 87403, "Segregebon of Hazardous & Low Loved Rad- -8701230108 Amend 3 to Ucense R.93.resandng 810526 order authartzing damenthn0 of facety & espoorbon of component parts. Remstatement & renewal or bcense air wesisa" svc ast enct inanzea JORDAN E.L Ofwlsen of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeering Response iPost MIRAGLIA.F.J. Divison of Pressunrad Water Reactor Ucensing - B (post 851125). 830103). 87/01/15. Coneoedsted Edloon Ca of New Yort, Inc. 85pp. 39324 025- 87/01/12.19pp. 39359.02439359044. 38324:112.

                                                                                                 -8701230118 Safety evaluaton supporang Amend 3 to License R 93.

R Porteese operating reports & related

  • Office of Nuclear Reactor Hegulation, Drector (post 851125). 87/01/12. Sop.

39359.045 39359.049 8701080181 Monthly sung rept for Sept 1986.W/861002 Itr. BIEUNSKI.M.J., -8701230122 Nobce of remstatement & renewal of Ucense R-93. FMAN.D.P. Consumers Power Ca 86/09/30. $pp. 39167263- BERKOW.H.N. Standar$zanon & Special Protect Drectorate. 87/01/12. 2pp. 39187267 39359 05& 39359-051.

DOCKETED ITEMS 11 DOCKET 54184 UNIV. OF MISSOUR1 RESEARCH REACTOR-COLUtdStA J. Insurance & hdemnfty informenon 8701280311 Forwards E.a.1 J & 6 to NEUA Polw;see NF-146.NS-R Opereung Scenee stage documente & a ~ ~~~~- 282.Nw10.N41 & N47/eepocevely & Endorsements 101.8.7 & C em MMLU Pohcese fo r 880926 pptcanon for unique purpose B Co. 87/01/15. DINIT2.L C_--- w 870100,0001 e or eon.-= Forwa,rds request .fo,r add in,eec=e

                                                     -e caa, mot perio,m .ntended func.on vernoes. on inet rto veng hgh enrood u sueunfo requested wenn 80 days.
                                                                                               ,0,,.      9, 34 3939, 349.

CARTER.R E. Standen2zanon & Species Propect Directorate. 86/12/30. BRUGGER.R.M. Mesourt Unnt. of. Columtue. MO. 4pp. 3915500449155 007. P. Opereung 8eense stage r .4-.. C inspec#en reporte. IE Susenne 8 -. - -- 8701080488Forwarde EGG-NTA.7167,'Conformance to Reg Guide 107. San Onofre Nuclear Generetng Staton.Una 1," techrucal evalueton rept.did Jul response 8701280184 EN47401 on 870115,noece of violaton & proposed of cive pen- to 851216 outwruttal. Apparent devistons noted for resoluton. alty in amount of $4,000 was be issued based on violanon of requrements re DUOLEY.R.F. PWR Protect Drectorate 1. FPI A4483. 86/12/22.BASKIN.KP. South-evironwy overeuposure & inadequate reestion hazard evalumnon. em Capome Edson Co. 2pp. 39218 23439218269. FLACK.E., AXELRAD.J. Omco of Inspecnon & Ensorcement. Otractor (Poet 820201). 87/01/12.1p. 39432205-39432:205. _ _ _ _ _ l ^^ "Cordormance to Reg Guide 197. San Onofre Nuclear Generseng 8701210257 rhaa=*es Safety inep Rept 54186/8&O3 on 8806241003 & forwards OF"F'E EG4G Idaho, Inc (oute. of EGAG. Inc k FIN A4483. EGGWTA.7187.

                      *            ' a   :'%'"#@a'MG"J' 'RT Me.ou,t,                          **'o7/st aac ~~~ d ^=a*a - $*3*2'* 2224a2*2a-
     ~ ~. c~ a*' *"O."c"e          =2"a>== =                                               87011 01 , o.cuswooi.e.on o, hoste,. . ,oom                           anntak. to irnprove hunusty conDol. Heaters wiB be nonseWe6ated to                 taRaton dunng
  -8701210247 Nodce of violanon 4 proposed Irewooraan of csve panelly in amount of
     $4,000 Noncompaaras notedpersonnet recemrod 115 rem to hands atule tenefattng            frud<ycle outage implementaton wdl be replaced w/lorg.1erm upgrade.

MEDPORD,M.O. Southam Caktorrue Edson Co. 87/01/07. Record Services Brandi Ts>170 penets & fadure to adequately perform surveys re release & esposal of mati. (Document Contot Deskk 1p. 392e6467 39266.087. KEPPLER,J.G. Region 3. Omco of Drector.07/01/15. 4pp. 39328:33&39328.339. 6701210014 Forwards Change Noece 19 to Amend 9 to QA Program Topical Rept SCE-DOCKET 50144 KANSAS STATE UNIV. RESEARCH REACTOR 1-Afeflecung changee m organizanonal structure & responsdzkty of QA em Change nonce wie be incorporated in next amend. E ORD.M.O. Southem CaMomia Eenon Co. 87/01/14. Record Senrices Brantt Q. Inspecean reports, IE Butetine & w. : , - -- (Document Coreol Desk).1p. 39315:14&39315:155. 4701000278 Ack receipt of 861117 Ilr irWormng NRC of steps taken to correct violations 3701210018 Change Nonce 19 to Amend 9 to OA Program Topw:el Rept SCE-1 A noted m inep Rept50 188/8602.

  • Southem CaWome Edson Cet SCE.1-A A09 R19. 87/01/14. 9pp. 39315:147 GAGUARuuJ E. Region 4. Omco of Drector. 86/12/24. FAW,R E. Kansas State 39315.155.

Unfv., Manhattan, KS 1p. 39157355 39157.359. 4701210033 Fonverds Osange Notce 18 to Arnend 8 to QA Topical Rept SCE A mnacung approonate pmgram conroes er can of pennanent plant DOCKET $0188 MANHATTAN COLLEGE RESEARCH REACTOR equement.measunng & test equipmert & ret stds. Change wis be incorporated in next rept amend. C Inspecten reporte, IE Susenne & corroepondence MEDFOr4D.M.O. Southam C.wfome Edloon Co. 87/01/14. Record Services Branch (DocurNnt Control Dookk 1p. 39316-09S39318:101. 870 1801gForwards Exarn Rept 54199/8643OL of portal wntten exam admmistered 9 TW w mA BASKIN.K.P. Southem Canfome Esson Co. SCE.1.A A09 R18. 87/01/14. 8pp. WENZ1NGER E.C. Region 1. Omco of Director. 87/01/09. BERUN.R E. Manhattan Cosege, Rarordaie. NY. 2pp. 39301:11139301.140. 39316.094 39316 101.

  -8701100153 Exam R 50199/8403OL or* 861203 Exam resups.servor reactor oper-              8701210318 Forwards epptt atlon for NPOES perma renewal ator canedate          wntten retake exam & esued license                                MORGAN.H E. IP.aem Cakfamia Eeson Co. 87/01/14. Record Services Branch COE.D., KELL R.R. COLUNS.S. Regan 1. Omco of Drector. 87/01/06. 22pp.                    (Document Cer me a *). 24pp. 39326:173-39326:196.

39301.113 39301:140.

  -4701180157 Fo eards comments on answers to Questions H.01 & H.11 cf Secton H,           Q. Onepection reporta, lE Sunetine & e. .           lm
     " Reactor Theory," re test admrustered to R Bertrt KANE.G. Marmattan            . Rwerdale. NY.86/12/10.COE.D. Region 1 Omco of Dl.

rector. 7pp. 39301.13 1.140. 8701060311 Forwards inep Repts $4206/86 42.50 361/8431 & 54362/8&30 on 86102741 & 111414 & notco of violatiortResponse to nonce of violation unneces-sary due to correceve acnon & commitment to procedural r*7 M. W. Operator Examinatione SCARANO..A. egion 5. Omco of Drector. 86/12/17. IN.K.P. Southem Cahtor-rua Edson Cct 2pp. 39162-345 39162 361, 6701100145 Forwards Exam Rept 50199/8643OL of partal wntten exam admrustered cr* 881203. -8701050317 Nobce of violation from insp on 86102741 & 111414. WENZINGER.E.C. Region 1. Omco of Director. 87/01/09. BERUN.R E. Manhattan SCARANO.R.A. Region 5. Omco of Drector. 86/12/17,1p. 39162:347 39162:347. Conego, Rnrerdale; NY. 2pp. 39301:111 49301:140.

                                                                                           -8701050324Insp Repts $4206/8642.54361/86314 54362/8640 on 86102741 &
  -8701100153 Exam            54199/8643OL on 861203 Exam twoutts-servor reactor ope'-         111414. Violation noted:fadure to label contamars of licensed redoacave med as re.    '

ator can@date pa wntten retake exam & moued llcanse-COE,0., KELLER.R., COLUNS,S. Region 1. Omco of Drector. 87/01/06. 22pp- quired NORTH,H.S per 10CFR20.203(f)l YUHAS,G P JOHNSON.A.D. Region 5. Omco of Drector. 86/12/12. ) 39301:113 49301:140. 14pp. 39162.348 39162:361.

  -8,70        5            comments                  Questons H.01 & H.11 of Sechan H, 8701000007 Forwards Exam Rept 50 20610L46 02 of exam admrustered dLrtng wk of anh                       . NY. 86/12/10. COE.D. Region 1. Omco of DL              '               8g" D'OIF,',"

es nstaciary 06 p g So em CaWome Edson Co. 2pp 39170:09139170158. DOCKET 54208 SAN ONOFRE NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 1 -8701000013 Exam Rept $4206/OL4642 on 861118-20. Exam results.aB partcipants passed as porbons of wntran exarn. JOHNSTON.G W.,0 BRIEN.J P., MEADOWS,T. Region 5. Omco of Director. 86/12/ F, securtty, enedical, emer9ency & fire protocoon piene 08. 64pp. 3912093 39170158. 8701080648 Notfies of completion of post 4mplementanon review of TMI Achon Plan 8701200417 Forwards pages omitted from inservice insp rept transmetted w/HE Morgen ttoms MA1.2 & tal A.2.2 re emergency response facihties & meteorological data t@- 861023 lir. orede. MORGAN,H.E. Southem Califome Edison Co. 86/12/21. MARTIN.J.B. Region 5. OUDLEY .F. PW Proiert Drectorate 1. 86/12/30.BASKIN,K.P. Southem Califome Omco of Drector. 24pp. 39327-074 39327C97. Edson Cet 3pp. 39216 61249216:114. 8701130287 Advoes that mnet portions of Rev 2 to 830830 safeguards contngency plan 86 201 bore inconastent w/10::FW4 54(p) & unacceptable Pages of plan should be restemrtted CHAFFEE.A E. Repon 5. Omco of Director.86/12/23.BASKIN,lLP. Southem Camor. '

    > mwntain plan integnty Encl withheid (ref 10CFR73 21).                                    rus Edson Co. 2pp. 39242.028 39242:036 4CARANO.RA Region 5, Office of Drector.87/01/09. MORGAN.H.E. Southem Calb                                                                                                         i' tomie Edson Co. 4pp. 39255:10149255:101.                                               -4701120287 Safety inep Repts $4206/86 46.50-361/8435 & $4362/8434 on 1 ^     ., procedures,inclueng Rev 0 to        86120145.No noncomphante or deviatons noted. Major areas inspected.hcenses cor-I  8701200308 Rivlsed                   plart L ectve accons on previous nnenge resultmg from envron quahncanon map.

l S0123-Vil4302, " Annual of h._..e Emergency Evacuanon Sys " moorpo- 'BURDOIN.J.F., MENDONCA,M M. Region 5. Omco of Drector. 86/12/23. 7pp. i raung Temporary Notce TCN 41 W/870112 Itr. I ZINTL.W G. Southem lifome Edson Co. 87/01/12. MARTIN.J.B. Region 5. Omce 39242930 3924293tL l cf Drectar. 71pp. 3931124&39311.316. I 8812230088IE Info Nonce B&107. " Entry into PWR Cavity W/ Retractable IrbCore De- . 8701280188 Forwards Sateguards insp Repts 50 206/8448.54361/86-37 8 50 362/ tector Thimbles Withdrawn." Svc list once. 86-36 on 86121519 No violanone noted Repts withhold (ret 10CFR2.790 & 73 21). JORDAN.E.L. Civision of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Poet MONTGOMERY.J L Region 5. Omco of Drector. 87/01/16. BASKIN,K.P. Southam 630103). 86/12/29. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New Y inc. 06pp. 39205.031 Cahtome Edson Co 2pp. 39428006 39428907. 39205;138. I

     . _ . - _ . . .__-                 . _ _ .- -                                                                   .                    .-             ._ - - . - . - -                              . . . . . . - ~                  -.


                         .tami E Info Noene 0610F,"Depadesori of RCS Preamse Boundary Roman 0                                                SM10000M Regasses too for reteow of 001031 adsideal re longterm raademi of F#em Bene Aced Corvosesta Sn het ansa.                                                                              ensues sendeng som tense of PT-400 on 800730.Iressen poeRan esseussed h Pro-                                           l t

JDfmAN,E.L. Olvimon of Emessency Properuchess & Restees (Post C3tenge 106 ed 001112 conadered se esperses issue. 030100k 08/12/20. Conocedened Engeon Csk of New Y Inc. 04pp. 30107203 R.M. Uoonso Fee beenagemert Branch 301133). 07/01/Ok 197:197. SA8Kpt.0LP. Scietern Cessorres Ecsson Cet 1p. 3081t1 14103. . 0813300000 IE Info Nogee 04100. "Dispfwayn Fehse in Scram Ouest Velve Casdng em YonNe Neap"p."3"0"0s5 37 i 0

                                                                                                                                             .1000.                    r.or. Es.n Rest 84            ,OL                 . in aes      se.e., es ng . of 4

1 0 of - of s.n.r.0eri re s. , mn"- T 301m001,30170150L ,'c'::"itel::'*.*, O t,"7'u;tTs ,n CeBlo, launs NBA12 & No.A.22 re emergency fesponse te.nes & metacrolo0Aco.ri leal esPie,i 60- gassen Ca P 0 88 I 3 EA8' E 8' " '8""" -4701000018 Emun 006a00/OL4042 on 001110 20.Euesa seas perSolpues Co 302 300

                                                                                      - Bahnder of Reckoulaten Loop Plow in                                                   N 081 3 00141IE Into Neeco 00110. ".^.                                                                                    08. Sepp. 301m00S301mt.A MEADOW 8J. Regan 5. Olsos of Deunor. 08/1 Je peup 50fR PtereL" Sue On end. -

870100000F Genene Ler 0741 to et power sensor toeneses & appAomes for OL re I geht Mew 00pgL 30000. 30-Murdear Reactor DDector 061 30). 07/01/ BM1300000 Fonsuds inep Roses 54300/06 44.54381/06 33 & 50 302/0632 en 08. Aeonec Oay Elecetc Cet 44p0L m._- ^^ 1112. 001117-1210 No venessons noemt OtAPFEEAE. 6. Oleos of thermor.07/01/02.BASIGN,K.P. Sou#iern CeNor. I rue Entoon Co.1p. 130 3930t143. IbOCHET 00'.318 DIADOAM ISCIE PLAff?

                         -.0M1300000 Insp Repes 84300/0b44,54381/0k33 4 50 308/00 32 en 001117-P'roceeses 30 &                                                                       F. Sesertly, modoel, essergency & Gro pressenen penso
                                               .                  X flegion 5. Olsee of Director. 07/01/0E. 4psk
                             == i 3*== =                                                                                                     - 10             7 Co,i s.e              n        u24 re                 .o,      v. .         e.n        r.

i .es er enseigner room % sys mods W es no Imu 9.n P of M 0813M101 E Info Noeos 07401, "RHR Vefue beseApunent Causes Depedagen of t Aeonic ElecWc 30t t i New Y 03pp. Sett 7.

                                                                                                                                             .,0                  . e. a.m.m.t to is see . .ees,                      0o.n Per.0.or P40 SM1M0007 Peruants inep                          54200/00 46.50301/00 34 & 90302/00 33 on                               Ipy m tderet Osnge,f                             ,dwing nest keepsendTempt ~ese tese,per vesseet 001115 1230 & naeco of                         Une 2 001210 ressaar Otp hvolved issues of                           et 800014 meseng to um 10CFR00                       J esengeon requesak f ^^ heraper tensfer of isweempelo power                                                                    hNIOCZMA.EJ. Connessoid Yanhoe                               Pomer Cet 08/12/22. GRaspel w 04APFEEAE 4epon 5, CIOoo of Deector. 07/01/00.                                .P. Soutiern CeBlor-                  areasson & Speeled Prosset Desceareas.1p. 30147204 30147204.

nea Edson Cet 2pgL 30306:100 39306-106.

                                                                                                                                              .M00001 Sidmes add info m emongeon requod per 10CFR App R tw aspengen
                          -.0701N0070 Noece of viotomon Som hap on 0611151220.
  • bdar

, JOHNSON,PX Region 5. Olsee of Dwector. 07/01/00. 2pp. 30306:187-30306:198. *'Adsc'*at"e's i M" sun 8"abh' c die"ymm end'. EJ. Connocecid Yanhoe Pouer Cet 07/01/00. Recent Servlees ! -ON1000000 hop 50200/06-46.50301/0634 & 54302/00 33 on 061115- Sanch (Docasnent Conect Dest 4 %gk 30210232,30210234. .

!                            1220.Vtosecon             ,          to comply w/ season procedwes for caer of redemon TJP., TATUM.J.E. Regan 5. OIOco of Director. 07/01/00.17pst                          370113m         Revised tendo ofcomorees         opgentasson           for viusdner     Winidents     soones.ines,inclueig 30306:100 30305;1966                                                                                                Rev 30 to                     contenes &    Rev 23 to 00881.0t            re cosporeso     esger ason for fiu-cseer incessnes. W/070107 Or.

SM11m000 IE trdo Notte 07402, "tnesloosses Seismic Quealiceman of Desplireyn eftOCZKA.EJ. Nortisest Nutteer Cet (site. of $dortteest Y iO & AnasyesL" Svc est once. h5tOCZMAE.J. Connecanid Yerese Aeonec CcL INIOCZMA E.J. Norgiesst g Mathemental madh 030103k 7/0 isson New Y 07 30304 3mH61 SM13 13 Rev 7 to Plan ' _ _ Pocomese EPSD 1.011," Person-

                                                                                                                                                        **"e Co,J:;rietov 3 #Pti""Cfr.'.***,o"mCC'allll'a".,""J l                          0=,=lPJ,,=,a,y==e         s                 074= -se e0=a o=e-ai & - as4                                                "A"cc."

C.E Connocecid Yanhesiende Power Ca 07/0M Mpp6

                                             /0                              eson                             06pp. 30324                                                   7 BM1300108 Forwards 8sfoguer1s inep Repes $4206/06 40.54301/0437 8 54302/                                             BM1300015 Rev 14 to Emegency Plan                                           Procedwo EPIP 1.51, "Emesgen-30 30 on 00121510 feo vuolagons notest                      uWiheid trof 10CFR2.790 & 7321)
                                                                                                                                                                          ^F           ___ of Reportstay incident OsseWoodon & inmedan of MONTOOMERY,J L Reqpon S. Ofeco of                              . 07/01/10. BA5 KIN.K.P. Soutism                                                    " W/9 wee oversee eenen0s & $70116 W.

4 Cameomia Eisson Cet 2pp. F** " *"**207 C.F. Connoceed Yerese Atondo Power Oct 07/01/15 Sepp. 30307201-39307200. j R. PWesec operaung reports & mheed eermeposidense 8701300m Prtsvides euhlektes to tuo used for adunital & review of W & Sco-rurto lo enheduled 070617 emagency emerales. OM1000131 rept for Sept 1000.W/061010 k. J. 1, Olene of Caecear. 07/01/22. AflOCZKA,E.A Connoogout f SlACOR,EA, .E. Sonatom Cassume Eisson Cet 08/09/30. 7pp. Yentes Aeonde Cc6 3pp. 30430ma =*a202. j 30100:324 30180230. Cet 08/10/31. Opp. H. Guersi sognependano E 30430 272 30430.200. ! SM1910074 Infome of udedn rngt stucese utecit effecto detElueen goes for I 8E *".""e"[wun foodmeter m *'" 07010 I4UllEG 0737 S'riedsguste core bdROCKZA.EJ,.'9EARO.C.F. Connocecut Yates Aeomic Poser Cet edEDPORD.M.O. Soustom Cassome E Co. 06/12/26. LEAR.G.E. PWR Project powenes pousses Co. imme. of Netment . 07/01/14.Racess Dweetorate 1. 2pp. 30104:040-30104260- Ices Broncet (Duncirnant besk). app. 30327. 200. SM1310827 rept for Dec 1808.W/070114 ler. Soutism Ceefomie Edson Cc6 08/12/31. OpgL 7 &MM

s. Repamen . Lane & mand emmependen.


                                                                                                                                                                                               - upoi,se $ m" MAELU Poen
                                                                                                                                               #NMem Fome. EiT        ,

0 I"6 SM1000064 Final respones to FOIA resseetApp A _ _." " H Denson l howWi & McLarinen, Inc.08/12/20. D#NTZ,L Asement Obems tw ., OmM7 rnemo to y Seneo re usew hemmer occurrences erice CYST & Derson Same & m m spp. m17t274m17t204. 1 001020 rnemo re molnt & survedlance proyem pien.encs & pieced in POR. nd h M2/3t M JRA M 3701070800 Forments Endorsement te to NEUA 161. Endorsement 80 to l 30 71 50-30 7 200' MAELU Poecy MF-30 & L '_ ^ 7 to fEUA N 11 & MAELU Corte-1 event NU 0 90 Weser hemmer event .D.J. MarWi & Meiennen, Inc.08/12/30. D##TZA Aselesent Obesta for ageson San UrWt Same & Uconome Redemonet 6 ppt 30E02-340 30202 344. not resist in near trues to core men acadent. DENTON.H.R. Ofeco of feucoser Reactor R=7dashwi, Director (poet 061125). 06/07/ i 07. STELLO.V. Of0co of we Enocueve Dwecsor for Operemons. 2pp. 30173:150- ! 30173:100. P.Opereung Soones stego ' _ & earrespondenso

   ,_..__ _ - _. - - - _                                               . ~ . - . .               . _ -             .-            - ,- ._.                                                          . -- . . - . -                                                   --
                       . - . ~ . - - - - .                                  - - .-.-                             -      -       -                .-.                                   -      .. -                            .

DOCKETEDITEMS 13 SM10N000 Ashless pint no _ _ _ . _ meues ===aa w/ inade Nese core 0813030000IE grdo Notee 80-100, "Deptre0m Feeure h Scram Ouest Vehe Ceuung -

: -_ _ _ - . sye perhel nem a F2Two issues '=a='8 m/sem se Tech Rod insereon." Svc est once. l SPDS us tus reached in esperses reness. JORDAN.E.L Duman of Emergency Preparedness & Engnooring Response (post I
                                                                                           .: Progect Drectorese OS/12/10.

F. 330103). 08/12/20. Consomessed Estoon Co. of New York, Inc. Sepp. 30206.234-emOC2KA.EJ. Yanese Power Co. 3pp. 3015010&3015t201. 30206.327. l 370100000s Aspecaton to amend bosnee DPR41 Tech Secten 3 8. 8701070037 Formerds inep 56213/00 25 on 001021-24.No wolstons noensi

                  " Cape Coseng eye," to reposson & teoces Feoer                                               700 m Secuted          EONETER.S.D.                              of Dractor. 06/12/20. OPEMAJF. Connachcul I

l romander of 14 operemon. Fee pad. Yankee Atonec Co. 2pp. 30100:130-30100150.

                                           . Connoceous             Aeonse Power Co. 08/12/17.GResES.C.I. Ines-
 !               yoems Selsey Assessment Progest Drectorees.14pp. 30142200-30142424.                                               -4701070000 Insp                 50 213/0425 on 001021-24.No vuoisson noemd.Mager areas of                      & eunesquent enssyms & mods of masonry
              -0701000007 Proposed Tech 8----.                       _ - Secmon 3 8. " Core                   Sya"                    webs a response to IE Simeen             11. masonry was demgn & #evise of work
  • Connocacut Yanhas Atonec Power Co. 50/12/17. Opp. 3014201 142 024. VARELA.A.A., STROGNIDERJR. Repon 1. Ofilos of Dweetor. 80/11119. 1 30100 141 30180:150.

0701000001 Formente ese into 217 proposed amend to Ucense DPR-et Tese Spoos to & teocsant of nos control vehe to 8613000141 IE Into Noaco 00-110. " Anomalous Behautor of Recoruiston Loop Flow h ensure in event of pa=am=d poo tweak m core Jet Pump OWR Plants." Suc est enct MROCZKA. J Yanhas Atonec Power Co. 08/12/10. Ines- JORDAN.E L Danson of Emogency Preparedness & Enynamme Response (Post yesed Safesy ." Peclect Drectorene. 00pp. 30104.234 30104.302. 330103). 80/12/31. Cor'aan=ha=d Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 06pp. 30206:130-

'                                                                                                                                    30206J33.

SM1000100 Forments Amend 30 to Ucones DPR41 & safety evaluesort Amand usued sessenen pasnt cone s smoon asseh answes that edeouses comang we be rranenned


08130001st eE info Noace 07401,"RHR Vehe Mushymient Causse Depedston of angle seawe regerement. ECCS in PWRs." suc est ensi

<                              CL inespeged                                        .- Propect Deectorees. 80/12/24.                  JORDAN.E L Divison of                         Preparedness & E                   Response iPost OPEMA,J.F.Connecacut Yanhoe                              Power Cck 2pp. 30140.332 30144:361.                        030103). 07/01/00. Coneohdened canon Co. of New Y                       Inc.         30210.316-30217267.
             =47010N100 Amend 80 to Ucones OPR41.asasheshng plant conA wesen assunne tiet edeouser cocen0 as he rnanamned dunng eump .__ ^ 0. whee sesefymg                                           SM1140001 Responds to nonce of vielsson & propoemd hoosson of cive paneless re-regerement                                                                                     suleng som inep Repee 50-213/0017 4 50 213/06 22 on 80001&20 & 0722 25 re S.C.t enssynned Sassey .                              : Progect Drectorees. 80/12/24 $pp.                 mama =imi whose                rememon epoewe h amones of                     onut 30140:334-30140.330.                                                                                                MROCZMA.EJ                     .C.F. Connececut Yanhoe                   Power Co. 87/01/00.
 ;                                                                                                                                   TAYLORJM. behse of inspecean & Enforcement, Dractor (Post 020201). 30pp.
             -4701000100 Sesesy evaluason sieporeng Amend et to Ucense DPR41.                                                        30270:184 30270.221.
  • Ofsco of Nuclear Reactor Reguisson, Drector (post 061125). 08/12/24.13pp.

30140.330 30140 361. 37011s0000 IE inic Net.e 07402, "Inadeousse Smense ts.ns== mat of Daphragm vehen av esememences & Anasyma" suc as anot j

             $701000110Formense "r anish-e Rod Queser Consci                                           lROCA) Weer at PWR            JORDAfd.E L Dmamon of                                           4      - - Respones (Post Piones" anymeanne evalueton reptNRR shoukt consager                                        tiere e need to          830103). 07/01/13. Conocedoned Edson Cct of Near Y                      inc. 07pp. 3030t.300-eensbeeh penoec inspe of RT.As a asesse lassapely of feecear mener                                                  30301 063.

GROWN.EJ Reasser Operemons Analyms granch. 08/12/20. RUSIN S.D. 1 Operemons Anasyns Brenen. 2pp. 301E203-30156:300. 3701130000 IE Info Nomos 87403, "Sepegemon of Haamreous & Low Level Red-mesess." svc est enct j -8701000127 Fonsents "I acam-i Rod Causser Consol Assember(ROCA) Wear et PWR JORDAN.E L Dhnson of Emergency Preparedness & Pienes" evesueton repLIE info notes should he mound to alert econesse 330103). 37/01/16. Conseedmond Edson Co. of New Y Inc. 30324426-ADON.FJ Dwector's Ofice.08/12/20. JORDAN.E.L Devimon of E i cy Preparuukiens & Enyneenng Respones (Post 830103). 3pp. 3015620630 gygigggges enforme Wiet enep fees rioted in ensi invece romened to Cec of Reecisos

            -4M1000142 "I-E-r Rod Causser Consol Assamlify (RCCA) West at PWR Plants,"                                                            EJ, SEARS.C.F. Carmocanid Yankee Atomic Power Cet 87/01/15.

Ofece. 06/12/23.12pp. 30156.200 30156.300. SM1300007 Conedudae Stat supeansed.inep for mastery bios re-SM1000100 Aspacemen for amend to unenes DPR41 Tech Spec Figure 2.2-2 soeves se conceme re enveen spaana ma.i enelemak issues & to resect reaues of eveo loop flow .. _ _ conihmend Cyces 14 eterte & . Summary of hems for a plus ensi. TeWi 3 20, "RCS Flow,Tenip & Preemee." Foo EJ, FJ Devimon of Weser 9 126). t .C.F. Connececut Yankee Aeonuc 08/12/31. 07/01/27. MROCZKA.EJ Connocacut Yorthee Atenac Power 30446:164-j O*!MES.C.L ineopened Safety Aenessment Propect Drectorees. Spp. 30100:146- 30446:154.

 .              30100-152.
            -e701000000 Proposed Tech Spec                                        Tech Spec 3.20, "RCS Flow.Teny &

Prenews" to incsude three loop operemon n, paygodle sporeshag reports & rehted correspondense roodroment & Tech Spec Figure 2.2-


SM . Aeonuc ct 88/12/31. 3pp. 30106.150 30100:152. Og y 600, 0 i I 8701140108 Ack recept of invoces for escond instagment of annual leasJper 30170:200 30170.215. 10CFR171. Fee were on 130 in payment of mucess.Invaces & { , y g } EJ. Norsteest Nucteer E Co. (sube. of Noretemet Utenes). DEAN.C.S., GRAVE Yarese Anort Power CcL 08/10/31.10 ppt heROC2KA.El Northeast Uemese. El Connocecut Yankee Aeonec Power 30432310-30432320. Co. 07/01/07. Record Services Branch (Document Conect Desk). 7 ppt 38270110-E Reportale . LORB & rehead sorrespondeses s791210000 Fonsents commenes on NRC Ones esft renew of Northemet Uses 8vc Co esfesy gyggG00108 LER ma naa nrhon ea on 800331, es part of plant ISAP eNort,e,,,, g

                ,e,,,,,e,,,is ,geubnesed                    ,,,,,s          g=r,,, ,,,,,g,,gj;/m/x                                          ,, e
                                                                                                                                    .ooed,po,,,m,,o,rves 001130.seedesear conned value tur locp 3.Isted 0 e ame c r,e,e,c,e,,gg
                                                                                                                                                                                    ,                  gr .iede.mio o-           - h 1

ANFOROJ, Yankee Aeonec Pouer Cet 90/12/30. Wp.

                                                  ,                                                                                 30154470 30164 277.

3701M Summary of Operenne Reactors Events Ideseng 0846 on 001232 se , eM10002=0 Sidinees noserued response to IE BuAmen 08403. "Potensef Fesse of haul, evenes usiispi ocawred epico imot mostoit on 001215.Let of essendees & elpeement i Wie ECCS Purnpa Due to Feeure of Ar Operates Velve m hen Flow Reckoute. esemanes of events escuamed enol j enn une." meeresen0 ueI SS 20 er. HOLAMAN.G.M. Resteore Assuemment Seeft goat 061126k 08/12/3tL i MROCZKA.EJ Connocacut Yentes Atomic Poser Cet amOCZKA.EJ Norteest Nu- DENTON.HA of Reactor Regm Deector gest 001126k 13pp. I dear Co.jadas. of Nortieset UWesek MROC2KA.EJ Norsteere Usene. OS/ 30231 478 30031 400. 12/17. .T.E. Repon 1. Oface of Dirocecr. Opp. 30171:304 30171:312. S791070010 LER 8604440 on 001204.- _ _ . praesseon sys regel vegves opened 8701140000 Responds to NRC 001120 ler te vioinhons noemd in inep Rept 505213/00 27 fotoanie inadvareent pressure este in fiCS. Caused by not reRef velves on 001001-1117.Conoceve _ _ _ _ Z #eemet for Tech Spec em to - - - - 701t*1 It. i adsmdsed to esaw openne of Vefve CC v404 as use es omer adeneaed after DRAG_OJP.,' heei5%eressure to esp.Yanhos D.B. Connectout Reams valuePouer Atomic resesCeta 87/01/04. Spp. i l J Connecteut Yanhos Aeonuc Power Co. 08/12/24.WENZWIGER,E.C. 30002 306 30002 300. Regen 1, of Descear. 3pp. 30304.207 30004.200. i SM1180000 LER 8604740on 001207 4 00. reactor coolant Loop 1 Died up w/ loop ' 0813000000 #E info Noeos 08107, "EneY into PWR Covey W/Retectable in Core De- stop vafves open & reestor content pump shut domst - ^ ^ emeter flieveses Wittenert" Suc act onet conggurescrLCaused tpy feAwe to tensasse segungeons into W/076107 0 1 egen New Y 00pp. 30006 LAPLATTEY,JJ, hALLER.D.B. Connoceout Yankee Atomic Power Cet 07/01/07. Sep. 30005-130. 30041:330w30041243. 0813000001 IE Info Nameo 80100. "Depedemon of RCS Preeswo Boundary Resuden0 SM1130105 LER 3604440on 001212.decovered Sist edeemes core contg, could not From eone Aad Corramon." Svc set enet no inewed ser ineonnadeem teenn LOCAy m core duou0s ayaCoused my mi-OS 1 eson New Y 04 ppt 7 R s. Connecacut Y Atonec Power Cet 07/01/12. 30107:197. Opp. 30064:389 30054.334. t

     - .,-                                                             --            ,e-
  .             -                                         _                      _ _             .. _                             .. . .--                                                                                      . ~.                      .         . .                 . - . . .


14 DOCKETEDITEMS i e7ete191ee LER es 0eb01
en 800e10.soh8eser room Halon eye dadored efetiteets Requeens fue for se0017 maPer= awn restow of eveheson of e
                                           . Caned by smewe to pertarm edeemes aseset. Composeon of sangrearm cor.                                                     possessed          ensrey one treek in emergency                            penstementFee requese.

mod essened uns 1987 rehmene ondese W/e70110 ler, ed amen 15 BRAHeFIELO.TJ emLLER.D.B. Connececut Venene Aeonec Power Co. 87/01/16. DIOG6.R M. Laom.e Fee Meneesmans Brene Post se1123K e7/01/13. epgk 3038e264 3eset:3es. FIEDLER,P.S. Generet Peac Ulmene Corp. . GPU Soruce Corp.1p. 30363:106-30363.106. ! e7stm LER esee641:en es1304_ . _ , __ _ pre eye reest vehee opened . & Snead to passet headvenant presswa m RCS.Camed try inadeemse e7e13 esses Summmy of as121e Dud meseng w/uel in Solheads.MO #e conomon of

a:' *v " *" * ~*"' -**a '"' ~

i C",s""em"e"s',"de'n,o,;"fo.e, Co mma - E.*e*."L&"a .0= Do co,EWJx e.R w o ectore,e . mmu. e.R P,o o, i. 12epp. Se360124 3 esse 240.

v. Opemaer smemmemmes ersteesse7 emede ur e741 to es power remotor soonasse & espeannes nor CL =

fe 1 ask e7/01/ m=0. R. esp,on, N.RC M e12. H7 WCorrecome m W.seen e_-noemd kimEnforcemere

                   . ,,,,,m,,                     E,,,,,,        C,s.sne,r,Reensor e                                     ,,O,beonor
                                                                                                                                                                      -               8           i2                                      -                dere d toCo.nsor.

General Corp ' Corp. 08/12/te. 00CIET et010 OTUTER CIggg asses man POWER PLAfff MURLEY T.E. Repon 1. Oleos of Dwassar. 3pp 3e147:244 30147247. . i l

>                                                                                                                                                                  07013700ee Forments revised respones to leem e of E Suesih e6003. " Motor                                                             j

' es velve Common Mode Feewes Dunno Plant Trenmanes Due to improper P. genusey. meesel, essergoney & tro protesten penne g" Routem & conocese ocean us be congested by e71115. Clemk Nu. mar i

            "MF'""'8'_                                                                                                 Seto,n ,S,e,.

te KANE.W .fimpon 5 Om Deector Sep. 353.

                   "ar"s'aEar"an'eu"s o". Feem".'*"'

n ee/ a"Y's'Ni.Lo.v. estaessees E info Notco e8107. *Enty into PWR Covey W/RowacenMe h4 ore Oe. osene of sie Emeousse Obeator 1p. See ,3e007.319. tocar Timedes miesert" suc set encl JORDANEL DMmen of Emergency Preparedness & Response Post

            .speggeesee opes, o sk 84eener Gonsumis season age asesse Reg                                                                                             e30103). ee/12/2s. Corma=aad Eeson Co. of New Y                                  Inc. Ospp. 30206.031-                            ,



Aamrt & pa== -ami s Emugency esannesment Agency es/1gon . Stepp Aansonne3ege7200,30ee7318.ventoseen.- 3es06:13e. e7ettesese Addsos eies of esoned Rev to to phymcas esswer pian connement F om eenc Anw Canonen." suc est encl w/ provisions of 1 .6400 & esempenses. UrP poreans must be revesed JORDAN.E.L OMoon of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Poet

                   & eenmed emet 30 espe.                                                                                                                             830103). ee/12/2s. Coneohlmend Edson Csk of New Y                                Inc. 04pp. 3ste72e3 T.T.             1. Omos of Obestor. 06/12/31. FEDLER.P.E Generaf Pidlec                                                     30167:1e7.

i Um - Senece Colp. 3pn 3eest:208-3ege1Jeo. e7 ente sRevised ADeb1310.03 ro phri - _ & Row t to 8430.adp ' ' - Ret o m een re offete

                                                                                                                                                                   **b"8"                m' Noece e610s. "Diaphreem F9we in Scram Ouest Vetse Cousine JORDAN.E L DMann of Emergency Preparedness & Enynoortne Response (Poet u r'C'"or,               "              ""W .m,eoefg'1500.07
                   ".2."o',%"""."."sta                                                                                                     h               p.         =e*;".A"'" a"=aa"' 5'"a * * ~ ~ * *                                                             ="2*-

me -1 este e141 E enio Notco e6110. ".-- - echawlor of Rocinadomon Loop Flour h P. Opsumes emense sense comuniones & eormependense

!                                                                                                                                                                     JORDAN E Devedon                                       Preparodiens & Enskisanng Response (Post o                                                                                            =;".)."'
                                                                                                                                                                      .e               -                            -"**~~aa****

n.e==0.e.smenmd.r e mos ,, , ..,s. e ., E-m - .o.i.,,e

                                                                                                                                           .o mco,rro.,,

e ses o, i smi TWR ,W. o,es,o*e,r;'.,M.'*WR  ?,e, set o,ec,o,e,e ,. =';=, e = Fanrapne in a=' * =*'s = === ma= - - ! = =====ia

  • MARTo .T. . 8E"lro co. mme riEoLER.P.a os ,.ec mi A se .t. . .e, e,c.e ti seas ori, eves., u'==o a- ==r '== carp ==P. **247 *o* =47-*'s-
of e es0st7 & inas me & ses odo re sie en isoisson condenser -47e1== Muerig Rept 50-21e/eSt3 on ee00N.No viciatons noted.MWor F '"" 0 Region 1 DWector. ee/12/31. 3pp. 30047:311-
                                               .koPu" serve'n'e'" Carn                                    3 5 0927LER.P.E General Pdec

noe a e* o3' ..'a,t.e,;: taa,,

                                               .u        Re.c.os    n
                                                                                .,             ,,AR d'=

o eceer *f,'o'.A.,*,P.. . ,m2. Pad 3 '- . .e E E==mP = esc--* omos e740i. R,. ve,ve Moses,.nord Cam o.m born o, Seese025-sege0ggy JORDAN.E.L OMoon of Emergency & E Response (Post Conocedmond Edson CcL of New Y Inc. 03pp. 3ette:Ste- . =ea k. 87/01/06. 8301 i n.ote . No.n.e,sor . - - cf.,me -

                                                                                            .,.,o. r .o sori        - --to m     -
                                                                                                                                 *m I                  Geis.R.i           ev 2 of &           mess & ser                      eso nomeen vesses ouesde co,essenent.                                     e7e13 estro Responds to NRC 00000s Mr se unresofwedhpon tems noted in Insp Rept OONODEWJX                               Pregnet Obestorale 1. 08/12/2s. 2WOUNe00JA eWR Project                                                      5421e/e&Os on e70304-27.Conoceve oceanseuet me revised to document meet-

'! Obeatorale 1. Sep. 301os.r14-SetSS:216. anos of reest vesnes on eHected Lamoripse & T emins Instuesd j R.F. General Peac Unass Corp. . Service Curp. e7/01/Os.

erstessese Nossomeon of e70115 w/imte m eestanda ur'i to encues Mark i HEIGHMAN,R F. Vendor Ptoyam granch, topp. 3e368

j combusete coreal eye , OONODEWJX SWR Obessoraen 1. 12/2o. ZWOuM66uJA BWR Project e7etteeses Forments special Elechtcel Team hiep Rept $421e/0437 on e81117-21 & 3 theotorate 1. 3pp. 301 150.288. noene of vaudemon. , EBMETER.S.O. 1. Oleos of Okeetor. e7/01/12. FIEDLER.P.B. General Peac ' 4 e7et13etta Foreerde evolussen meseeing that eywee has rnar- Utsune Gorg . Senece Cork 2pp. Se31022e-3e310282. $ pis for operegon 12.UW shes provuse congeeheneeue for

eenemus m shee by 870estL .gygtm Nasce of vicismen trem on es1117-21.

Ag ,g g .E General Pdec

  • Regon 1. Olsos of Dbassor. e7/01/1 2pm 3e310231 Se310.232.

l 1 .qyggggggge Safety evalueton re caerodon of -47et30e007 Special Team inep 50 21e/0437 on es1117-21.Vloimmon i eso pimens not teesk may mkicon-m ",*",*T,,,,

                                                                                                                                                                      , , , ,                                 ,,,,,,,,,,8,",,",",'L"*',,,,,,,,,,8,*M i                 condanner.g"org:"for T        ",f Nu.4 Renc.                                                Cyces 12 esse w/"R'*A'"o'."e'ro',"Bo'".an"i%ah                              =g&#,T T Pauurz r opp.                       a == ' o'a== a' o =a r **/1=/=' saaP.

1 3ese0013-Sege0$f1. i Respacet 140 to leeues 8=W888.lE_, Info Noeos e7402, "inadaguses Seemic ^% of Olegdwegm j erste incheeng tes Foreenis tecfinicef SEP Togec reviourWofConeogances XV-16. ud Tech Spec OterYFeews of Smee unos Vefwes tiy __ _ Mossens & Analyue Svc not enct

                                          " NRC response eG provede begs for seate contmorence.                                                                       JORDAN.EL DMoon of Emergency Preparedness &                                                 Respones (Post T                      K. Near                                                                                                                       mm 87/01/13. Conocedmed Edson Cat of New Y                                       Inc. 07pm 3030k300-

, Remotor (9WR)

                                                            . Sines4p. 301  of. e.S/12/31.
117 3e160122.DONOMEWJ. Deveson of Basing Water 3e301263.

! GE 1 erettaesse cuomeo endys ownmary & son of se1210 mr Nw/impenomre Moheek Poeurre conomon e of e701210see outer omenonsurtece Forwards remed m inse&'p" lept s421o/es44 re -Rept 5421e/e&33.Rept cIey --~ of hyeeues coreos documente unn faces m , shos.unt of ____ ^ _-_r mesens nonce a scenese handour enct les semel bosom mesort '- i Messioum be OONOMEWJ.M f. e7/01/05. BWR Progoct Deectorate 1. MANE.W.F. 1. Olsce of Desctor. e7/01/13. FIEDLER.P.8. General Pubec tJte-Agg,3satt 1 . ens Corp. - Service Corp. 3pp. **" *** "**2e1. e7019esese Man-masi of e70120 m.eseng w/uess in Beshoode.MD to escuss Mark 1 -47e121eee? Insp Root 5421e/eS.33.on l . carenwement coneuseen see core era edet Mosens reewisaded som e701 s. mounerie of e0 of 137 meccone unas: es102s. Facts T a==ad=aad  : nem w/se inadeusmes genanc . 1 i 00NODEWJX BWR Pte} set Obecaorate 1. e7/01/13. 2WOLMIGJA SWR Project emfety concoms reisung openest l Obsoameno 1. 4pp. 248. BLOUGHAR. Regon 1. Olece Desceor, eS/12/15. 3pm "an ***~Jo1. j i l i 1

    - . , _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _-                                                             - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ ,                                     m      .__         .. . _ _ , . _                 __               _      __,__.,m                  . _ _ _ _ _ , . -

DOCKETEDITEMS 15 1 8781138082 IE Info Notice 87403, "Segregaton of Hazardous & Low Level Rad. J. Insurance & Indemnity informoeon westes svc not enet 70 duon Co. N 8 4 8701073417 Forwards Endorsements 100.7 & 2 to NEUA NF-181 & NEUA Cergf. 39324;112. Icetes 412 & N.105 respecth'e4 & Endorsement 84 to LU Pokey MF.48 & En-dorsements 7 & 2 to MAELU Certficates M.12 & M-105 resoecovesy O'CX)NNOR.D.J. Marsh & Met.onnan. Inc. 86/12/30. OlNITZ,L Assistant Director 9ar fL Periodic operating reporte & reisted correspondence State & h h 7pp. 39201251-39201.357. 08/30. 8pp. 30188-31838188:323.

                                                                        .'GPU Service Corp. 86/     P. Operating Goenee steSe ^                 . & 6. .

8701180421FOIA request for documents re S Garabeden or anonymous Indv.dael who 8781288438 Monthly operahng for Oct 1988.W/061118 lir. fred aBogatone in Apr 1983 ogenet $4W at fecdmet NOTIGAN.O V, BARAN.R., FIE R.P B. General Pubac Uthties Corp. . GPU Service DAvlS.L.R. Onnker. Base a Reatrt 86/03/03. Ptelic Docisnent Brancet 1p. Corp. 08/10/31.Spm Sa m " AadP-040. 39294.173 39294:173. 870103e001 Romits fee for 861211 ottmattal re CRO stub ksbe penstaCl leakage O M&M6 RANCISCO.P E. Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. 06/12/29. ZWOUNSKl.JA BWR 8781888871 Specisi Rept 88-15on 881110.peneratens floor of 4160 voit Protect Directorate 1. fp. 3914320&39143:0056 emitchgoer ID veAt a floor of motor generator set room degraded.As of 7 861117,penotregone not restored to 1Lmenonal condtortHotsty fire watch patol inset- 8701130078 Forwards Amend 90 to Ucones DPR43 & safety evaluaton. Amend mod-IEDLER.P.S. General Putic Unites Corn . GPU Service Corp. 06/12/16. e 3 P MbRLEY,T.E. Region 1, Office of Drecs1r. 3pp. 39204 23&39204.232. on E on A BWR Project 1. 06/12/29.MANGAN.C.V., SCIDERT,C.R. e, ween mo,=, & coni,d a=9-* "oa

  • Pa ' c= 2PS #2528o*a252-8'7.

en1888yRe,i mil 2u,e b.,ne, doo, E FIE to restored 86 B. General Putsc Unemos Corp. . GPU Service Corp. 86/12/17.

                                                                                                   . 8701130082 Amend 90 to Ucense DPR43. modifying Tech Spec Sec1 eons 6 22.6.3 &

Table 0.21 to renect changes requred to conform to Genarte Lt 8604, "Pohey Steis-MURLEY,T.E. Region 1 Ofnoe of Oractor. 2pp. 30213.35749213.358. ment E Shift 878,1 08. se to repiece fau.t, cc ,vne,. mees are=fehaa.per tanamant vafves in.t us. of b.nd ep.d.cle anod in RevSen.R 2 to u 84 031 re enmmation of man -8701138088 Safety evsk.ation Amend 90 to Ucense DPR43'. steem condensate dram vefves functon because of 841205 future to operate.

  • Omco of W4 mar Reactor ton, Orector (post 851125K 86/12/29. 2pp.

DONOHEW.J.N. BWR Propect Directorate 1. 88/12/24. FIEDLER,P.8. General P6tsc 39252.318-39252 317. Ulstes Corp. GPU Service Corp. 3pp. 39252218-39252320. 8701880171 Forwards corrected Tech Specs.conastna of typo a pe0e nurnbar 8701880100 Summary of 861215 Opereeng Reactor Events Moseng 86-44 w/ ofc correceansRetyped verson reviewed agenet Amend 89 approved on drectore 4 . - '_ _ re fature of man : - _- pse. update on g - og lipres unnecessary. eheE corremorugidate on untpuebhad cable aplice & improper valve poeshonm9 (lv. Nie0 era Mohawk Power Corp. 86/12/30. ZWOUNSKlJA BWR

                  .G M.               Reactors ?               Staff (post 861125). 86/12/29-         Project Drectorate f. 420pp. 39151201-39152.060.

DENTON.H.R. Oface of Reactor RegulatorL Oroctor (post 851125).19pp. 39166.324 4 9186 342. 8701200481 Forwards revoed NSHC analysis for proposed core power vs Sow Tech w T . 8701870282

      - condens-row   PNO4-88-100,cn.861230.stearn ed ced to -nan 5*leak             & identned
                                                                          - - ped    kom beuows con.necton at y showed tiet groes fakre of bellows ca:urrecLUnit shut down for 1 wk to repiece                  (oo.,,,en, Con,'%c,,,,. 39m,85h01/15. Record Services Branch lows.

TEMAN.W, 8 LOUGH,A. Regan 1, Orace of Oractor. 86/12/30,1p. 39179.062

                                                                                                                              ,             g 8701138338 LER 8642940on 861206.potoneal for inoper                      of core spray /emer-lloney ac wetn pumps due to tudequase domip                           pmcedse reviews        8701130424 Forwards insp Rept 5&220/8612 on 86001412 & 1519. Concems remed escovered Pa aa'* by thermal overcurrent relay am prevenhng immodelo                           re inadequacy of contot of operemons, survasance.mant & mod actMmes.Actone to contros vendor tactinacalinfo not            - to Geneste ur 83-28.
                      . I DLER.P B. General PutAc Utigtise Corp. . GPU Service Corp. 87/                                                                                                   '

01/05. $pp. 39257288 39257:072. 2p& 39 8701100187 LER 8603040on 661210.iecletion condeneer A isolated on high flow -8781130433 Rept 5&220/8613 on 86091019Violatons identined failure to con-agnal from condensele return ano now eenoor due to prosaure bne leak.r%=ari by Irel mesmaing test future to control safety <etated meerd actwhee & tes-sal . Processe wie be revised W/870109 ar. ure to implement procedures.

                    .P., FIE      R.P.S. General Pubile utstes Corp. . GPU Service Corp. 87/         NAPUDA.G, CAPHTON.O L, HUNTERJ.G. Repon L Office of Director. 06/10/21.

01/09. 4pp. 39307-24&39307:249. 38pp. 39257248-39257205. 4701270430 LER 8403140 on 861218 reactor bedo closed cochng water flow to dywet 8812230008IE Info Nobce 8&107, *Eney into PWR Cavily W/Retactable in Core De-mainted on k>to lo reactor vesaal water level egnale cauen0 prosaure opske on instru. tector Thimbles Wetheawn." Svc kat erid. mont eenogline Caused by personnel error.W/870119 Nr. JORDAN.E.L. Division of Emergency Preparedness & E ' Response (Post LEITMAN.Lw.. FIEDLER.P.B. General PIAshc Utimee Corp. . GPU Service Corp. 07/ 830103). 86/12/29. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New Y inc. 08pg~ 39205.031-01/19, 8pp. 3936912430389130. 39205 138. 8701280212 PNO447404 on 870126.radioacave watw escovered lealung kom con-denamie storage tank (CST). Caused by cracked CST 4.mch dram valve urusolable 88122,30001 IE Info pro n Boric Acad Notice SE108. Corroman." Svc hat"Dogradation and, of RCS Pressure Boundary Resuleng kom CST. Water recycaed unti source of leak

  • Regior11, Office of . 87/01/27.1p. 39430: JORDAN.E L. Cuvienor of Emergency Preparedness & Response iPost 830103). 86/12/29. Consondated Edson Co. of New Y Inc. 04pp. 39167293 39187;197.

0812230083 IE Info Notice 8&109, "Dephragm Fature in Scram Outlet Valve Causing Rod Inserton." Svc het enct 8701080807 Generte LW 8741 to aN power reactor Econsees & apphcants for OL re JOROAN.E.L DMoon of E.mergency Preparedness & Engineering Response (Poet R opAston, 1 ). 87/01/ y

08. Agente City Electic Co. 44pp. 39304.069 39304.112.

i 870imiOO wo, s of int.nt to ose ASME Code Cam N409. "Pnicedre & Persorval ' DOCKET 00 220 NNtE MILE POINT NUCLEAR STATION, UNIT 1 Oualificaton. W an,gemet NDE

                                                                                                                           ,.                     he
  • ns"ervice' " m*' '"

M.C.v. feegere Mohawk Power CorA 86/12/29. A BWR l F. security, W easierswicy & nre praecean plane Protect Dwectorate f.19. 3914740149147:018. ' 8701150201 Adv6ses of naamterpretaton of 861206 Itr to new flux monitoring instrumen-toman renected n NRC 861119 safofy evaluston of facety emergency response cape- **$# CRD Return une 0"'

  • wnen o'"f Craciung" Vleuel 9, *'BWR eedwelu p6anned for 1990 .
                                                                                                        ^" ^"                                              * '         ""            *8' "

Power Corp Propect Drectorate .1p. 39282-22349282W3. 1/09. 2WOUNSKlJ.A. BWR Office of b 49 0 '


8701288282 Rev 8 to Emergency Plan Invismeneng Procedure EPP-20, " Emergency -8701020111 "Nine Mile Point Unit 1 Feedwator Norzte inservice insp.1986 Refueh'no ' Notacetoney Outage." providing Ho required by NUREG4619, "8WR Feedweler Nozzle & CRO LEACH.EW ORA.R F., BURGESS.L Nia0ere Mohawk Power Corp. 87/01/15. 6pp. Retum Une Nozzle Cracking" l 39382 341 4 9382 346.

  • Negara Mohawk Power Corp.86/12/23.16pp. 39147:00349147:018, 8701280258 Rev 8 to Emergency Plan Inglementing Procedro EPP.17 "Communica- 8701070388Fonverde Radiological Controis insp Repts50 220/8& 25 & 50 410/84 63 ton Procedures." on 861117-21No violatons noted.

LEACH.E.W. ROMAN.TW, SAL,A.M. Nie0ere Mohawk Power Corp.87/01/15. 8pp. MARTIN.T.T. Region 1. Othce of Drector.86/12/29.MANGAN.C,V. Niagara Mohawk 39383.17S 39383:186. Power Corp. 2pp. 39180412-39180-024. ) w

__ _ __ - = - -.- - _ _ _. - 4 d it DOCKETEDITEIAS

          =0791070000 trop Repe 942:0/06a0 & 04410/0043 on 001117 21 No vloiemens                                                   0791100100 LER 8043640an 001211. Door 4137 ed not reenlet oosses te ene w/

otesgen neestMater areas inspaceseesson on p=Wous enames.acean on tussene cmoders & yesear een 1.000 neem /stCaused er cepen enercore myinresagen p/070100 ! & _ _ _ of coneotvo actoret superdoor.XR key core in Door OL137 sudshed m/H hoy Oste G 11;sr

                                                  )sts. Regen 1. Omos of Deector. 08/1U24. tipp.

MMRZ.R L. er. RANDALL.R G., n4ANGAN.CV. tengere Moheek Power Carp. 07/01/00. OppL 30100 0:4 3010e004.


f 8013000141 I.E Into oN,eene eve i06110 ena *Anonudeus Geheder of Rocholdemon Loop Ploer h ' gt R as

                                                                                       '  ttT.'t, '".'""0ai'                         = == -

0,,00,ggstim""Ctr.m"reeWr,'te j ,00 L. 741. e. - r.seen, une,. sea apptes,.s .e, .e

paese avedeneair of feeC operesor samm eseason benIL$pg Get ensL
  • 0701000000 Perusses Sassey inep Repte 84230/0427 & $0410/0040 on 001301 Obenmor Ipost 001130k 07/911 t 00 No vesessons amenvaa DENTON.H.R. Omos of feedser Reactor
08. Ausnac Oer Elecesc Cet 44pp. 30004. 112.
esARTIN.T.T. Regen 1. Omos of Obeoner. 08/12/31. MANGAN.CV. Peetere Mohauk

,' Puser Corp. 4pt 30 tit 300-30000$11.

           -47e1000000 inne Repes 80w2s0/00 27 & sS410/Os40 on 001a0140.No viologene                                                 00Cet07 00 804 UInv. 0F CAUPom04 "mema'a' REACTOR noseansepare emes                                                          wesenenesson/coneoson of inspacentpees.

a h of osecear. 08/ta/30.14pp. & Reparente . LORs & russend servangendesse f 0701130079 Congesed PNOLV47404A on 870107, Region V nested est m- I i 07o1000001 Pereense inn, Rest e42 0/00 24 on 00110347.No vlotagons , of . nemt a j cenerveaRepe esersmas ads eseness of concem re lems of consorenonce to approved aussend toerd of regone to approve Ament ser - v peraney Aspf GN30/00Lt3). reactor unenese neued seems release re piens ter - i t'e i ne M., G.P. Regan 0, Olmos of Obensor. 07/01/00.1p'30000:130-i .s.o. Regen 1. Omos of omeceor. 07/01/0e. MANGAN.CV. testore l

neoheum Poser Corp. app. 30es0$12 30eaceSa 30202ist.

i -4790000ND hop Rest 50 220/00 24 On 00110347.No violetons notat Major emes esGMTT.P, W ., JOp#800NJ. Repon Omos of Obector. OS/12/00. 7pp. } 30es0414 30030e00. P. Somsey W emergenoy & to pamegn steen 8013000101 IE Info Notes 07401, "RHR vafve nessegnment Causes Oeyedemon of

.              E(X:S in PWRa* Ove en enet                                                                                            079113003F Ponsents ensurer plan ?                              -^ physteel & pseasesel sesempet to JOROAN.E L Ohemen of Emergency Prepareihees & E                                            Respones (Post inc. 03psk 3081t310                         prevent Wieft of ressaar fuel & estosets lo esmael langly# ten undials Def j              0301031 07/01/00. Conocedeled Edson Cat of Near Y 3

30817ve7 . j 73

  • 0791130000 IE trdo Noteo 07402. "inadegumes Selenec a% of Duphragm 23. MARTIN,f.T. inepon t, 1 33H 004 St '

l Vehen av hemmamencel tandesne & Anosyas. suc see anot JOROAN.E L Danson of Prepareenons & Response (Post 030 7/01/13. Cor='a'8aaad enon Co. of Nou Y inc. 7pp. 3030&300* P. Operamig geense sage dessesselt & esseenpendense ! 07etisegee IE Into Nodos $7403 "SoyeSanon of Herentous & Lou Level Red, 0791130813 Forments resseet for add Irdo re 001000 propeast to convert seacter esse

 '                                                                                                                                         to leur erstened U tseLReessets respones umet 30 days of er dela messon' Suc tot anot                                                                                                        D00AJJ. -- _ ~ _ -                    4 Special Pre                             07/01/00. HARRIO,0.R.

JORDAN.E.L Olvimon of Ernergenor Preparedness & E Respones (Post inc. 06pp. 30324225- Renseemer Posytectrec ineende, Troy, NY. g Obeonormes.upgr. 30002144 3000 430103k 07/01/15 Cor==**e=*=d Edson Oct of Near Y 30324.112. I i 0701279000 Proposes to adsedt add remet reassets & furtier cisneceton to inserwoo 00Cet07 GH30 AGROTEST RADIOWIAstf7 & IWMARCelIWACTOR i enep propam plan tur 070331 Insemed of 801f31 Reviser of suced piene esenamed osv* 1 eral areas nacier conocean or ciennesson, h0ANGAN.C 4 y, generley, medleal, amargenoy & Ibo protesten plans s,et g , ,0,7/01/1R g Record Serden trench 1 0?ginessee Adueses of actone to eseedes vendemon procoes of vendor technic,g 0701300413 Fonmente revloed pion.Pten identeel menmed & ap-manuals a response to resseet in inep Rept $4220/0013 Propam for penoec must NRC in tete. to stutiste esses } of vendor enefiraces manuela W per Genene Ltr 03w20. nunear of howe In I& MANGAN.CV. hAchemet Pouer Corp. 07/01/22. Doowriard Conted Grench DEWACPECeULL Aerotest Inc. 07/01/2 . of fendeer Reester 1p. 30432200 30431200. Reguisson, Duestor (post 061 aggL 3043130S30481:300, (Document Conect 07e1300031 Resiusses reest som AaME tener & Preneure vessel Code. Secean XI re -07e1300410 ReWeed peut i waarvios map hr e esesse prenewe instem moperene swape & canonus oper- HASKW80J., NEW Aerotest OperatonsL Inc. 07/01/10. 31pgL 39801:300-i econ of MXe una Spnng tese refusang & meet outsee. 30431:330. ! heANGAN.C.V. Idaheek Peuer Corp. 07/01/22. Docannent ConWol granch I (Document Coreal ). 3pp. 30427.182 30427:104. I' 0791300877 Fonmente inep Repes $4220/0617 & 54410/0401 cri 800025- 20.No v6o-genone noemd.Propommenc _


m noemd & should to edesesed Erdorcement conferenos us to 2 esperent Wohnens & p, g,,,,ggy, ,,g,,g, ,,,,,,,,, g g,, ,,,g,gg,, ,g,,, I KddE w F. Regen 1. Omos of Duector.07/01/22. MANGAN.CV. feague Moheek l Power Corp. 3pp. 30430-31430431204. 0791130100 Con $rms P Ml710 meetig m/98tC to escuss task less somesenentegens ' re vessemeno noemd in Fee Prosessen Insp Repes SH37/0HO 4 GHet/06Etteel. 1 -0701300004 Inne Repes $4230/0617 & 60410/0041 on 800026 20No vloissons um IWel 300710 commmuentnesseng anot ) F .L. Commonuesem Eemen C6 7/01. IEPPLEIUA Regen 3. Omso i [ nonstMelor areas rupact,ed.opagesono re technscei tenues.A0perent & proposed ven- of Dheceor.2pp.3004230H0242300.

tenons idoneaed & um to e a==d at enforcement consorence.

CX3LLING.S, MANE.W. Regon 1 Omes of Drector. 07/01/22. 50pp. 30430:310-(

                #*8 ' *' 2.                                                                                                             07 30041,Rowned genanc, samen                                                   g, j            -07013g33g3 runn- 3g0711.14.22J3.20 & 31                                    ..Z      i re enegatons egebiet                                     of (nwerone (froup Accument" Tels of conteres me ang

{ g tumsment conto degn acaceaComment or conoceans to KENEALY.D.M. Commonneefm Eeoon Oct 08/12/31,100pgL 30010:N7 300112K i uf=EJ 3888

  • 8'8888' C aug i. Ofmee , o. ecto,. ."Whomon N. Ansp.t ip.0,,,,,,,,4 A., ,e e, e, .,0,, ,,,

ou plan to tie ingsenenend a Felt 1987. R, 0 t, to Tels ^ 1 re met of

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      ,,,0,n, f

el -=mi une essmate Irdo shobig


I onocer. 07/01/Ok RuD.C 6 - asRepareasse . LERe & ressend eerressensense @ggy,%8,'g 1 0791000e17 LER 000334&on 001121seactor 1880 cioned loop coolkig MX fated in- 0791100001 2 470100 hecon m Walemene rend h hep SH W OSM on 80Nat Ene mapues mAus esasty phn to steel u H under / Mr [ #g ,, , y ,' - g' MPGES T.E. Negere Moheek Corp 08/12/21. Opet TUROAK.M.S. Commonwealti Edson Cet07/01/00.MEPPLEIVA RsWen 3 Omos of Osector.1p.30000:30H0000:30k 0791000000 LER 80434 00on 001200. loss of stock nas moneerine esperienced when 1 resoec0ve gaseous efeuent rnoneonng eye shut down eye eengse apply 0791930004 Fonsuds Selsey inep Repes 04337/0HG & SH40/0H4 en 001817-I 10 80s naissono nosotumeesfuod earn encumend a sept

;                                    caused                       in stessi moneartn3 swa safemers W/070100 Mr.                                                             3. Omos of Obessor. 07/01/07. REED,C CensusnuseNi LE           S.T.E. tangere nachemet flower Corp. 07/01/0k 5pp.                                       SHAFER.W D.

Eeson Co. app. 7404-30007231. ! 30324.304 30824.300. i 0791100003 LER 8643400on 001210.socoratory conemnment longeree r treached -4701130010 Insp Repes 84237/0420 & 00w340/0634 en 0012171&No vielsgens 4 when sensey paens opened er lock door.Ceuset hv poreannel enor.Qanlicemen of nosotMater arese . emergency preparoeines pseyen.Urugeefund een se

ndes for to storms et er lace doore leeuedW/070100 lir, emergency plui sessusset f RANDALL. O, .CV. Peetere nacheen Power Corp. 07/01/00. App. PLCRI,T.J., SadrTH.MJ., SNELL,W. Region 3, Omos of Obesser. 07/01/0E tet 30000.21 430000.213. 30267 000 30007.201.

l l

                                                                                                               ~ _ _ .         . , , _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . _                                             . _ _ . _ . _ . _ .                               __- -

l l DOCKETEDITEMS 17 8812230089IE Info Nocco 86-107, " Entry into PWR Cavay W/ReWactatde in Core De-8701130184 Rev 3 to Emergency Personnel Decontammenort" W /procedtsee mden. Plan impeementm0 Procedure EPtP tector 300-7, Trumbles "Routme Wtthdrawn." Svc Est anci

  • C- ._. _r" Eeson Ca87/01/08.17pp. 39256.312-39256 328. JORDAN.E L. Dmson of Emergency Preparedness & E Respones (Post 830103). 86/12/29. Coneohdated Eenon Ca of New Y inc. 08pp. 39205:031-8701270217 Revoed procedures.inclueng Rev 3 to E Pian t , _ _ J Pro- 39205:138.

cedure EPIP 200L20, "Intenm Control Room Evocua Safe Shutdown. " & Rev 0 to Sale Shutdown Procedtre 100.C " Hot Shutdown Procedtse Path D "

  • C_ _ . Z Eeson Ca87/01/16.131pp. 39368 001-39368.131. 88122,n pro Bone Acid Corroecn." Svc het enct30001 IE Info Nonce 86-108. "Dogadanon of Pg JORDAN.E L. Dmeen of Emergency Preparednes s & E Response (Poet
03) 12/29. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New Y Inc. 04pp. 39167203-g g 8701280400 Forwards Endorsements 2.4 & 5 to NEllA Certificates N-101. N.93 & N43 8812230083IE Info Notce 86109. " Diaphragm Fedure in Screm Outlet Vafve Coupwg
   & Endorsements 7 to NELIA Certficates N-1,N.2. N-3.N-29.N-30,N-42.N-43,respec-                Rod insertorL" Svc het once.

8 Endorsements 2.4.5 4 7 to hated MAELU certificates- JORDAN.E L Dhneen of Emergency Preparedness & Engmoenng Response (Poet OS R.J. C . . - _T. Echeon Co. 87/01/12. DINITZ.L Assetent Drector for State 4110103). 86/12/29. Coneohdeted Echeon Co. of New York. Inc. 94pp. 39205.234-

   & Licensee RetanonlL 21pp. 39387.335-39367 355.                                               39205:327.

8812280141IE info Notco 86110. " Anomalous Behavior of Recirctdanon Loop Flow in P. Operating Scanoe stege documente & -. ..._ - Jet Pump BWR Plants." Svc not enct JORDAN.E.L Dusen of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeerng Response (Post 8701080540 Forwards safety evaluston ecceptmo util851213 & 31 nmew of electncal 830103). 66/12/31. Coneohdated Edson Co. of Now.Yors. Inc. 95pp. 39205:139-cbstnbunon sys & related Tech Specs for comphance w/GDC 17. App A to 39205 233. 10CFR50bcones amend allomng cross-be between uruts for Bus-Tie 24-1/34-13 ZWOUN .JA BWR Protect Drectorale1. 86/12/16.FARRAR.D L Cw..-~. Edson Co. 2pp. 39216 079 39216:065-b s Svc an f JORDAN.E L Dmeon of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post 87/01/06. Conschdated Echeon Ca of New Y Inc. 03pp. 39216:316-

=4701080549 Safety evaluanon emportn0 correcevo accons to automatic trenefer of power foods & abgnment of transformers to same offsste bus Plant m comphance w/                3            -

of Nuclear Reactor Regulanon, Drector (poet 851125). 66/12/16. $pp. 4701150261 Responds to870106toicon te violatlone noted in inop Repts 50410/06-Of 39216.08149216285. 07M23H86 25 & 54249/8&30 on 8622423. Enct roeponse refers e escunty plan

                                                                                                 & wnhheid (ret 10CFR73.21k 0701140047 Requests outwruttal of info demonstratmg                         of tsted ATWS        TURBAK.M.S. C-~. _Z. Edson Co. 87/01/0eu KEPPLER.AG. Region 3. Office components.per 10CFR50.62(cx6) by 870331.BWR Owners                              rept may      of Director.1p. 39286.35849286.358.

be roterenced to support sutwruttat Topical rept evalueton of NE -31 enct 2WOUNSKlJA BWR Protect Drectorate1. 86/12/17.FARRAR.D L C- .~... 2 8701130304 Forwards Safety inep Repts 50237/8629 & 54249/0&34 on 861217-Edson Ca 2pp. 39261.089-39261.114. 18.No violatone noted. Unresolved item h ==ad in rept. SHAFER.W D. Flegion 3. Office of Drector. 87/01/07. REED.C Commonwealth 6701150004 Forwarde safety evalueton & techrucal evaluenon rept re structural integnty Emeon Ca 2pp. 39257 02449257:031. of vacuum breakers. Breakers will prowde adequate mergn of safety under feweed loachngs for Mars I contamment & do not requre mod. -8701130318 Insp Repte 50 237/86-29 4 54249/8644 en 86121718.No violetons ZWOUNSKlJA BWR Protect Drectorate 1. 06/12/19.FARRAR,D L Commonwealth noted.Maior areas hopectodemergency preparednese progrern.Unroeceved llem re Edson Co. 2pp. 39273.335-39273 358. plan ocevanone ear ===ari

-mumii Saw, eva>uanon - soucio,emi.gnt, of -cuuro,ea-
  • Omco of Nuclear Reactor Regulanon. Drector (post 651125). 86/12/19. 2pp.

0257&'i92 7%"' * ""'" "***" * *"' "'* '" " ' * 39273.337 49273338. 8701150278 Forwards Safety inep Repts 54237/0627 & 50249/0632 on 861215-

                        '                                                                          EHL.C        Re          Office of Drector.87/01/06. REED.C Commonwealth Edson tat on         2 3.                                    non T        .SJ    CON.V.N., CARF AGNO.S.P. Cartspen                                             Ca 3pp. 3929&3474928&357.

(ses. Arwn industnes)

  • 5 0"DLA"""3G"'%"s*#ML%"#f32 * * ' "' "" "" - -mi== iana aeois54237/8427 & $4249 8432 oa 86i2i5-i8 No vtoie.oas or dowenone noted.Maior areas inspeclect eftocevenees of teensed operstar toreng (IE 8701150074 Forwards safety evaluanon & techrucal evaluabon fmdng DCRDRs Mochas 41701) & of nonhcensed st4H Wemm0 (IE Moede 41400k ancomplete Resolueen of concerns to cancened human engmoenng escrepancies & BUTLER.D.S., PHILUPS.M.P. Repon 3. Office of Dractor.87/01/08. Opp. 39286:350-sesecnon & venficanon of desagn unprovements must be completed. 39286 357.

ZWOUNSKI.JA BWR Protect Drectorate1.86/12/19.FARRAR.D.L C-; _ Z. Edson Co. 3pp. 39275:08749275.149. 8701120088 IE Info Nobce 87402. " inadequate Saeemic @ellficaton of Diepfragm Valves by Mathematical Modenn0 & Metress." Svc tot enct -8701150001 Safety evaluanon findmg DCRDRs incormlete Concems re human engi. JORDAN.E L Dunson of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post noenn0 escrepancies & seiecnon & venflcanon of design im _;. enust be re 830103) 87/01/13. Coneohdated Echeon Ca of New Y Inc. 07pp. 39300308 solved. 39301.053.

  • Omco of Nuclear Reactor Regulanon. Drector (post 851125). 86/12/19. 9pp.

39275:094 39275.098. 8701130002 IE Info Nobce 87403. "Segreganon of Hazardous & Low Level Red-wastes." Svc bet enct -8808110151 "Techrucal Evaluanon of Comm Ed DCRDR of Dresden Staten. Units 2 & JORDAN.E L Deneson of Emerpmcy Preparochess & Engneermg Response (Post Science App 4canone intomatonal Corp (formerly Science App 6 canons. Inc.). NRC. f112 0342496. SAIC46/1144. 86/09/03. NRC - No Dotaded Amhanon Given. 51pp. 39275 099539275:149 8701270281 Provides pr results of Winter 1986 recircadetion sys pipin0 of 8701050284 Notficanon of870115 w/utes in Bethesda.MD to r6=~== Mark I two weus.per 87N teicon we oonenue to prwde NRC w/ info re resuRs of JNR " Dr Drectorate 1. 3pp. 391 54 4 9156 256.

                                                     /1        2WOUNSKlJ.A. BWR Protect
i. - 2 Edson Co.87/01/18. DENTON.H.R. Office of Nun cieer Reactor Regulam Ducw (poet 65H25). 2pp 3936009449361:005.

8701150200 Prewdes commitment to resolve Sectons 4.24.1 & 4 24 2 cf SEP Intergrat- 8701280448 Forwards inep Rept54237/8745 on 861201470108.Mgt meetng we be ed Plant Safety _; Rept Topec Vil-1.A. " Iso 6snon of Reactor Protecton Sys escuss OL ve nons 86 & g 8 01/16. REED.C Co....~.. 2 WCLINAR J. Cu - ..... _ r. Esson Ca87/01/09 DENTON.H R Offlce of b Edson Ca 2pp. .323-39382 327. clear Reactor Regulanon, Drector (post 851125). 4pp. 39282:204 39282.208.

                                                                                              -870120C A88 insp Rept50 237/8745 on 861201470108.Vlo6 sten noted on 861128 &

8701180300 Nobfication of870120 meenng w/uble in Bethesda.MO to escuss Mark i 29 slant operated for over 24 h w/dywen to suppreseen charrear enerental pree-contamment combustele Oas controf sys ofo. Meetmo reecheduled from 870115. sure aoss than 100 paid. DONOHEWJ.Pt BWR Protect Drectorste1. 87/01/13.ZWOLINSKt).A. BWR Propect WRIGHT,0.C Regen 3 Office of Drector.87/01/16,3pp 3938232549382:327. Drectorate 1. 4pp. 39304 043-39304.046. 8701290188 Remits apptcanon fee for renew & approvst of RCPB eys inno 8701280437 Estends invitation to perncipate in 870129 workshop in Crucago.tL on NRC .sterrutted on 860827,per 861217 roouest incident investgation Program.Wto stated encts. IJ. Co. i~.. . . _r. Edson Co.87/01/22.DIGGS.R.M. DMeson of Ac-KEPPLERJ.G. Regen 3. Omco of Drector. 87/01/16. REED.C C-- - _ r. countng & Fmence. 2pp. 39431219-39432 220. Edson Ca 3pp. 39391.152-39391:154. Q. Inspection reports,IE BuSetine & c . . 8701120183 Confirms 660716mesang w/NRC to escuss task force recommendanons re violatone noted m Fire Protecnon insp Repts54237/85-33 4 54249/85 29 Meet-39296.044 39296.071*

                                                                                                                         $'E                                            Ca 86/12/31. 32pg MO we fulfe 860710 commstment.Meeeng agenda enci FARRAR.D L C--~ .r. Eeson Cu 86/07/01.KEPPLERJ.G. Regon 3. Office of Drector. Ppp.39242.355 39242:356.

Sw Reportatlie occurrences, LERe a reisted correspondence 8701080240 Discusses unresonne test results of eywed trischness inaps performed on Mart I eywed contamment m response to repts of potenbal corrosortNo detectable 8701120223 Forwards wrttten rept of Occurrence 36 in response to ConArmatory Actlon evidence of drymed corrosion founct tw 8544 re masn steam kne anubber morutonn0 8Ye. JOHNSON,1 M. CDrector

                         , . ... _2. Eeson 86/12/17.DENTON.H.R. Omco of Nuclear Ca 2pp. 3921413549214.136.                         EENIGENBURG.E. Co..- . _r. Eenon Ca 86/11/05. KEPPLER,J.G. Regen 3.

Reactor Regulaton (poet 851125). Omco of Drector. 2pp. 39245$5249245053.

_ - _ . _ m--.. _ _ _ . . . . . ._._ _ _____m . . - . _ _ . _ _ _. - - 1 i i 18 DOCKETED ITERAS l , 'I ONtWDt70 LER 000004 ten 001120Artney conamnenent demorted more tien 24 h G. hieposeen reports, E Suestie & servespendense ! preer e shuesomn.Ceused by personnel ener.8peR nested & shutdown E. ' Co. 08/12/20. Spit 8N Tg,,,, M ,%,

0,95,W.0000.,_0 0, d..v e.n.f - = ne.3m h ,3 - - - ---
                                                                                         "                                                   *0N1000073 Safsey eveheemn suppareng wel responess to IE tussen 40w11 se meson-6                                                                           00/                  3003 3003k200.                                                                                                                            7g0moe poucceer Reestor ReOuisson, Duector gioet 061126). 08/12/12. app.

}. 2 24 i spet00N64 LER 8040740mn ett130. Surwomanos 44041, conesinment cocene

            '                                      8"'"                 #            eu 8 DF k              epnn0 un-                      -8000100110 "Memorey weg Deelyt,RE Gene Nucteer Power Plant " teefsessi auche-g,,'8,,8,", ,',","g',',',",",            yfgg't 230                                                                                                                                                                                   ,
l. A Ca Osh2/3R 3pk
                                                                                                                                                 $ f CARFAGfeO.SP.                                   (subet Arthi Inemeten) Freden Roemende
3010k30M0100.310. h feRC.030113e OS/06/OS PdqC - peo r ime is m f 87911W010 LER 0040040sn 001200.TeWi for HPCI ares temp smashes j ty M espoint Smasus recent 2 tip poet 0813000000 IE Info Noene "80107 "Ency into PwR Covey w/Retecestdo trWore De-amendet,gg y Commonmesah EeSean Ca 08/12/31. 3pp.

b Deutumi E *"Pr'ssubien & 330103). 08/12/20. Conocedoned Eiseen Ca of New Y e Reaperms (Pen Inc. 00ppk 30005201-0791tm LER 360004 ton 001214.M0fV 2 203-30lesend in esoses of Tedi Spec

!            3. A2.b hee.Ceuesd by                     leek         2-203L28 velve Vefve refeme & local leek                                  Nf3000001 IE Info Noace 98100, Dayeesson of RCS Prenewe boundary Resulent urr W h e '                                                       - Einson Co. 07/01/0s. 3pp.                                       From seric Aces Conomen- sec est erut 8 1                                              Neur Y               04pp.         87 470stm LER 0040600sn 001213                                        squld consul resef valve A towul to open                      Coused by utpunt                                were espant M &

g y 0012300000E , Info Noeos 80100. "Olephreem Femme in Scram Ouest Velve Cousing 30008. ,,,E, h 8 *

1 y gg,',', 30
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              '"000 I*

0f01140117 Pernal response to PCIA request.Formands clocumenen essed on App J re !, *$*f"h%,',9, fn3Ea"r'ab=aPa-- a "fe'."".p"a.c^m.'.sO.llel=s teridos o.uf ece "0 ta.rido,. t.o- .e .".#5',':::"03 %"2::". s ia s .e enos. 0.Ni.t.N n-

                                     .nps.srenerd,mor, epare         omose   of t.i pe.,.i.a&s,es e os       .,im.o es riended.a.nees /p.en.      -
                                                                                                                                                 ==,,tg ga;'r,Pa=t=41 "gnog^* a=a='

i egno I

                          .R                              of                             JORDAN.E.L. Davison of                               W19000W E ine Nomoe GSM r _                                - BWaves of m Loop Rimr m j
                            " " . _ - _ _ & Engneuring Response (Post 430103). 2pp. 38271212-                                                    J8

[ " 8"' g Preppedimos & Englemortg Memposes (post 030103). 08/12/31. Conocedmand EaSean Ca of Poes York. Inc. Sepp. 3000&130-1 30006233. . j w opener samanumens ests000tst E Inso Noems 07401, "RHR Vefve temagenment Cases Depedston of a ECCS m PwRIL- suc en end. - l 0791000007 Generic Lt 0741 to og power asocer sceneses & appe. anes for OL re JORDAN.E.L. Dhamon of Emergency Preparecians & Response (Post

!                                 of 88tC eparesor                            esseman heretSuc est end.                                          430103l. 07/01/05. Conocessted Etsson Ca of New Y                              Inc. 00pk 30214310-i                       H.R.              of pounteer Reecear                       DDector (post 061125). 07/01/                                  30217457.

I 08. Amenec Chy Elecetc Co. 44pp. 30304. :112. SMt100NO Ack recolgt of 001 10 er infoment NRC of sosps tehen to conect vielssons ONttWO70 Forments Safety inep Repes 50237/0427 4 54240/06 32 on 001215- noemd m inep Rept 90w244/0012. it.No vemissons noget T.T. Regon t Omos of Dwector.07/01/07.KOSERAW. Rocheeler Gas & HEHL.CW. Regon 3. Omos of Obector. 07/01/0P REED C Commanusefft Edson Electic app. 3000t252-30000.25T. Ca Sp. 3000t347 30005.357. t e legno cuent 4 -8701tW800 inep Repes 04237/90-27 & S0 248/0432 on 00121510.No veoissons or SM113N00 per E eussen Adulees 00400.Umof longterm correceve um resteos sei pour ocean for f=m=d ene Vetues se'np& AOV400 w/ AOW40r

!            deuteenne nosed. Mater mens insposese esentsenses of moormed operuant wesene (IE                                                                                 moeor<spersand wafvent
esadulo 41701) & of noneaanned enen venen0 fiE Moshde 41400). KOSER. . Rochooser Gas & Bestic Corp. 07/01/00. MURLEYT.E. Region 1 j EUTLER,0.0 PHILUPS,M.P. Regen 3, Omos of Dwector.07/01/00. Appt 3000t360- Omos of Descear. 7pp. 3000m10S300st100.

3000t367. 07013:0000 Responds to 9WIC er re vlotamons noemd h inep Rept SG 244/0630.Conen- ! 00cetET 00>004 Roesert sensET essen =r's == PLasif, uistf 1 rnenes us to remmed to 4 j NOGERAW. Roosteater Geo Eleastc IdEAR,G. PwR Plessel Dese-

torees 1. Spek 30027J04 30erf.att 4 P. Seeway, ==e==8 essergency & the preemenng piene i GNtt30000 IE Info Noeos "1nedeemes Seisme th% of Dispfesyn li a " """*' %E Lei ReivWac.233 M& R ' "o
                             -                                                                                                                                  E Dhesen of Emm0sney                                    &               Respones (Post SmN"YR eremon          ev 8 to sc.421. oenemeumon of loane or Parenulses. w/070i071l~ 3000t WECTER. Sea, KOBERAW. Rodisseur Gee & Elecesc Corp. 07/01/07. LEAR.G.

03010ger/01/13. Corusedmed Eenn Ca of New i Wic. 07pk 3000ka00 l

                                                                  '                                                                            0FetN0000 Fonsuds inep Rept $4244/0621 on 001100470100.No weetmeens notes 2                                                                                                                                                 ESELGROTH.P.w. Regen 1. Oftee of Duestor.07/01/14. MONRAW. Roehester j         J. Innesense & medsander sigenesson                                                                                                      Gas & Eteeme CogL app 3031ta04 30sttJes.

37910700F4 Formeds Endorsement t15 to NEUA Posey NF 170.E#ularemment et to I 'o"n routes i eAAELU Posey IM-47 & Endorsement 7 to MAELU Cereti, des M 14 & PELIA Ceres

  • _ . J eolely 6 eunremstos mard.
             **de'abR.DA        March & McLennen, Inc. Os/12/30. Dest 2.L Assement Duecear ser                                                                # "" k 0"" # U**""' '## # "                               """***8" l             oo sum a usenen Res0ana son 3W0t10SN003m3.                                                                                           Speits0000 IE meo Nomoe 07400, -sayatseen of Heemdous & Law Level Red-l                                                                                                                                                  unseea" Suc est encl P, Operemig messes semes desweenes &                                                                                                     hyh0                                                N                  Sepp 30004 6                                                                                                                                                  30004.112.

j eft 1140000 Fereerds 90ER bened on routse of ud 861110.000615 & 1120 a.mmels 1 4 0000m.0010 & 30 setoons se Genanc Lar 8530 leem 4.3 ' resseor utp OM130000s Persenes asfesy inep Rept 56244/0422 on 00121510.No vesissene D t /0 W Gas & EOFETER,8 0. 1. Once of Derector. 07/01/1& KOBERAW. Rochoseer Gas Elseste Corp. SpL 71 & Essettc Corp. 30439004 3043t010. l 4991140007 SSER re Genanc Lt Stat, hem 4J conoemsg reactor etp leseher auto- =4F91300000 Selsey inep Rept 96244/0622 on 06121510.No timessons or deutseene I menc chunt ein.A0 issues sound sonagesese emeest ser menesman of prosesed Tecn nessansesor suas >=P===*easnese insponse to proueous ines Onents & eneetve-l W cheness ter roussur. noms of sognese car'emmen esmon i

  • Onse el sausager Reesear Raydemon, Onecear (post 0612sk 07/01/00. 7pm PRELLJ., JOHNSON,J. Regen , of DWecear. 07/01/10 Sep 30436000-

+ 3007t007 30072073. 30436 010. I I i I - - . ~ _ . , _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ ~ . _ = _ _ _ - - _ _ - - - -

l 1 l 1 DOCKETED ITEMS 19 R. s8stlosse operating reporte & related -. 8701130188 Apptcation for amend to Ucense NPF49. Tech Spec Sections 3.4.13 & 3/44.1 re linsting condrhon for operanon for of reactor cooient 8701070132 MontNy ogersong rept sor Sept 1986 W/8610n7 lir. loops in operanon einne hot shutdown condmons Fee paed. MCNAMARA.A E KOBER.R.W. Rochester Gas & Electnc Corp. 86/09/30. 8pp. MROCZKA.EJ Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. (outm of Northeast UtSeesk 39178.189 39178:194. MROCZMA.EJ Nor1heset Unireet 87/01/05. Record Semces Branch (Document Conirce Desk). 4pp. 39256 007 39256013. 8701280448 MontNy operegno rept for Oct 1966 W/831111 Itr. MCNAMARA.A E.. KOBER,R W. Rochester Gas & Electric Corp. 86/10/31. 8pp. -8701130188 Proposed chen0es to Tech Spec Socions & 3/4.4.1 re Imeno 39432:329-39432.334. condson for operston por number of reactor coolant loops in operaton estng hot shutdown condsons.

  • Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. (stest of Northeast Utilems). 87/01/05. 3pp.

S. Reportable occurrencee, LERe & rolsted _. , - 39258:011-39256 013. 8701280487 Forwards Rev 1 to LER 46409.changin0 word, '"necators* to "Indcanon" 8701140108 Ack rw of imaces for second instemnent of annual fase.per

     &              certan nunters in safety assetermnt secton .se to use of mcormct rod      10CFR171. Fee wiS be wire teneferred on 870130 h payment of invoeces.Invascoe &

poeston tar nunter. for electronic tanshsr of funds enct KOBER.R.W. Rochester Gas & Electnc . 87/01/14. Record Services Branch .,ZKA.EJ Northeast Na clear E Co. (outm of Nor1heast Utdilles). (Document Control Desk). LEAR.G. PWR Drectorate 1.1p. 39392-131- MROCZKA.E.J. Northeast Utenea MROCZ .J. Connectcut Yankee Alomic Power 39392 178. Co. 87/01/07. Record Semcas Branch (Document Conkol Dook). 7pp. 39270:118-392 W 23. s

  -8701280510 LER 86-00941 on 881026.whlie unit operaung at 100% power. conkel 8701180311 Documents 861231 teicon re anomalous p6 ant data et Caseway & Wolf Specs Caused                    inadequacy Rod           ,

Gas & Electnc Corp.87/01/14. 5pp. 39 2-172-39392.9/6. Osettimestgebon irwhated Data specs for McGwe, Catawba & Miestone wi8 be BACKUS.W.H. tenenuttad. JOHNSON.W J. Wesenghouse Electric Corp. 87/01/07. NOVAK.T. Aaentent Director V. Operator Examinettone for Techracel S@ port (PwR-Ah 2pp. 39301.224-39301J225. 8701080807 Generic Lir 8741 to a8 power reactor Econsees & apphcante for OL re 8701280110 Responds to NRC 061124 request for add info re ut8 response to Generte putsc av of NRC operator hcensmg exam Oueston banetSvc nJe enct Lt 83-28. Rom 2.1.2 concommg documentanon of method for assunng that tecshty re-DENTON.H.R. of Nucteer Reactor Regulaton, Drector (post 651125). 87/01/ cerves enant & techrucal mio kom GE.

06. Atienec City Electric Co. 44pp. 39304.069 39304.112. MROCZ EJ. SEARS.C.F. Northeast Nucteer Enorav Co. (etbe. of Northeast UtB-Des). MROCZKA.EJ Northeast Utdmee. 87/01/16. Record Services Branch (Docu-ment Control Desk). 2pp. 39388:166-39308:189.

DOCKET 54245 MILLSTOffE NUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNIT 1 E F. Securtty. rnodical, emergency & fire protection piane 8701150370 Notifles that 860711 Rev 2 to physcal secunty plan conentent w/prowd. 87 1080280 Sutsuto notartzed response to IE BuiPetm 86403. "Polential FaRure of Mul-esons of 10CFH50 54(p) & acceptatne. apie ECCS Pumpe Due m Fadure of Ar Operated valve in Mn Flow Recrotde-MARTIN,T.7. Region 1. Office of Drector. 06/12/31. OPEKAJF. Northeast Nuclear hon Line." supersedn0 unt 86 120 lt. Energy Co. (auta of Northeast Uhlmesh 3pp. 39291:048-39291 950. MROCZKA.EJ Connecacut Yankee Atomic Power Co. MROCZKA.El Northeast Nu-clear Energy Co. (auta of Northeast Utdmesk MROCZKA.EJ Northeast unhees. 06/ 8701130203 Revned corporate orgarszaton for nucieer incidents procedures.inciuchng 12/17. MURLEY T.E. Region 1. Omco et Drector. 8pp. 39171004 39171:312. Rev 39 to table of contents & Rev 23 to CONI-1.02 re corporate organizanon for nu-cieer mcidents. W/870107 lir- 8701080146FOIA request that oncis to inep Rept 54247/8626. semiannual re-MROCZKA.EJ Northeast Nuclear E Co. (subs of Northeast Utimes). <noscovo emuent rept & Minstone 1 & 2 SALP be placed in MROCZKA.EJ Connecacut Yankee Atomic Cct MROCZKA.EJ Northeast Utb GRABER.L LN Technologies Corp. (formerly Corp.). 06/12/19.DMeion of Rulee thes. 87/01/07. $1pp. 39249114-39249.164- and Records.1p. 39220192-39220192.

50. App regarements I cable to pro a 8701070371 Forwards insp Repts $4245/8&25.50336/8640 & 50423/66-37 on g' E Northee " of  ; N E .S egion 1 Omco of Drector.86/12/24.OPEKAJF. Northeast M==

MROCZKA.EJ Northeast 01mbes. 87 0 Energy Co. (sube, of Northeast Uthbest 2pp. 39180 03149180236.

7. Record Services Branch (Document Cor trol Desk). 3pp. 39256.222-39256.224.
                                                                                           - 8701070300 Insp Repts $4245/8625.54336/0430 & 50423/0637 on 861201-8701210202 Reaests exemption trorn 10CFR50. App R,Secton tilG 2 b recurements               05ho vioistone or deaanons noted.Maior areas inwectedoffete review _ - ^^

re 20-ft bon between redundant components.per IE info Notce 86435. "Fra m (nuclear review boards) acewmos. Ma8 of Dresden.Urut 3." Related info enct. Fee pazi WINTERS,R W., EAPEN,P.K. Region 1. Omco of Drector.86/12/24. 4pp. 39180933-MROCZKA E J SEARS.C F. Northeast Nucteer Energy Co. (ses. of Northeast Utdi- 39180:036. Des). MROCZKA.EJ Northeast Utdmes. 87/01/14. Record Services Branch (Docum ment Consci DeskE 5pp. 39326-29439328 302. 8612230089IE Info Nobce 8&107. " Entry into PWR Cavity W/Retectable tr> Core De-tector Thimbles Withdrawn." Svc est enct 8701200477 Rev 2 to Emergency Plan implementin0Procedare EPtP 43058. "Emergen. JORDAN,E L Divison of Emergency Preparedness & Response (Poet cy Operanone Facdstv/Technscal S@ port CW Time Shanng Opton Computer Tenmnal 630103). 66/12/29. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New Y inc. 08pp. 39205031-anon. W/870115 ftr 39205'138.

              .S E., MROCZKA.E.J. Northeast Nucteer Energy Co. (subs. of Northeast Utit-tes). MROCZKA.E.J. Northeast Utilmes.87/01/15. 2tpp. 39307.309-39307.329.

M 1IEWhWEWWWW6 h W W From Boric Acid Corromart" Svc het enct H. General - ,,, JORDAN.E.L Dumon of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Poit 830103). 41/12/29. Coneohdated Ecteon Co. of New Y Inc. 04pp. 39167293-8701210274 Informs of change withm mgt structure wtuch affects estribubon Ests for 39167M7. correspondence from NRCRM MacICh replaced RT Laudenat as manager.0eneraton facemos econeng. effective 870101. 8812230J93 IE Brdo Notco 8&t09 " Diaphragm Fahre h Scram Oudet Valve Cauung MROCKZA.EJ. SEARS.C.F. Connectcut Yankee Atomic power Co. MROCKZA.EJ Rod insertion" Svc Ilst enct Northeast Nuclear E Co. (suta of Northeast Utdmes). 87/01/14. Record Serv. JORDAN,E.L DMeson of Emergency Preparedness & Enyneering Response (Poet Ices Branch (Document trot Desk). 2pp. 39327.355-39327.356, 830103). 86/12/29. Consomdated Edson Co. of New Yorti. Inc. 94pp. 39205.234-39205.327. P. Operating Scense sta9e documents & en .-- 8812290141 IE info Notice 84110, " Anomalous Behavior of Rearculation Loop Flow in Jet Pump BWR Plants." Svc not oncl. 4701210134Appbcahon for amend to License DPR-21.reviang Tech Specs by chan0mg JORDAN.E.L Dhasson of Emergency Preparachoes & Enginsonng Response (Poet setpoents on man steem kne rechation marvtors & steam tannel ventdaban radiation 830103). 86/12/31. Cor**+ated Edson CcL cf New York. Inc. 95psk 39205:139-marvtors to facetate imptomontanon of byeogen water chemsstry testFoo pazL 39205 233. MROCZKA.EJ Northeast Nuclear Energy Co. (suta of Nor1heast Utdibest MROCZKA.EJ Northeast Unkbee. 86/12/16 GRIMES.C.L Integrated Safety Assess- 8812300151 IE info Notice 87401. "RHR Valve Messagnment f%= a Degradston of ment Protect Drectorate.800. 39318:118-39318.130. ECCS in PWRs" Svc het enct

 -8701210143 Proposed Tech Spec changes to man steam Ene rachation morwicts &                [303       h7h0                         eson          New Y             03pp.       6 steam kannel venciation redanon monriors.                                                 39217:057.
  • Northeast Nuclear Energy Cct (subs. of Northeast Utahtes). 86/12/16. 7pp.

812 W N 8701000180 Final response to FOIA request to inap R 54 247/8& 26. Byron serruen-8701080336 Applicanon for amend to Ucense DPR.21.eutendng exprahon date to nuel redoectve eMuent release rept & Minstone 1 2 SALP reptForwards App B 101006 Pn te change. safety evaluation & ormron assessment & envron p 6

                                                                                                                                 ,a,a,   miable KA.E J . SEARS.        Northeast Nuclear Energy Co (suta of Northeast Uht. ogies Corp. (formerly NUS Corp 4 3pp. 39220'193-39220-216.

test MROCZKA.EJ Northeast Utebes. 86/12/22. GRIMES.C.L Standardranon & Special Project Drectorate 39pp. 39219107 39219145. 4701160280 Romits 10CFR170 inep fees for review of utd ettmittelsLUrut 3 Scense number on invoice 0559A should be NPF 49 4 not NPF 44.usted rwosces & Repcn 1 8701050268 Notfication of870115 w/uhle in Bethesda.MD to 4=== Mart i esp tee summary rept enct contanment combusobee gas control sys LOCA. MROCZKA.E.J. SEARS.C.F. Northeast Nucteer Energy Co. (auta of Northeast Unit-DONOHEWJN. BWR Protect Drectorate 1. /12/29. ZWOUNSKI,J A. BWR Protect ties). MROCZKA.EJ Northeast Utimes. 87/01/12. Hecord Services Branch (Doua. Directorate 1. 3pp. 39156 254 39156 256. ment Control Desk) 11psk 39296.10439296.116. I t

1 4 1 I J 20 DOCKETEDITEMS I 07911NM8 IE We leseos 07408 "enedeemio Smenac hi of Depleetm =.07911400N ulNised Phyesef Geoway ense Repe GM47/0HO en 00111741 pip & enges-4 - suc est enet pas 10&R73.ait viesseens neemt seen - i vesuen t ohemen of & Response # Post poemdwen essway essensend eses

 !'                                                                                 Cik of New Y         Inc.        7pp. 30000 300-                                  WJ., IEndeS.RJL                           1, Often of Chanter. 07/01/07,4p. 30004:347 00010 S_ 07/01/13.

3N01ssa. 30N4JM. tem 10&R30. App R.Secean llLG Ret 2 to IAP 4,"Does As-  ! 0791310= 07911001N RaulsedMM"w i to irut000, passanes EgensuL- .

                           = ma e

esameen redwidem commenoresser edes of headstune 3." Reasted Me ensLFee past 00 iE Inno Nomo ensamme26 NNeem W/070113 W. e i Ca (mas of feerfaseet Um. a sen see.g.N., use s ma l MLMAN.M. Osnesedmond Edson OeL of Dessp Yesh, bie. efedC21LAEA MARECF. 00erBuest teuclear seap. edROC2NAEJ Norgieset UeE0ea 07/01/14. Servicae Grendt (Docu- 07/01/13.13 ppt 3000ke01-30000413, i

,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              t j                           ment Cental Oest4 Spet 3000t20H000t308.

Swis00000 uses ,$deense = no used ser manam & -do. et eteneres & essens

;                      07e1100000 eE Inse sesene 07400, -SeyeSemen of Hasentous & Low Level Red-                                                                                  m senseded 070si3 emagency a- -*= w of sempesteness a                           unessa- sue as sial                                                                                                                              emesses
  • i i 7/0 00pp. 30004 Co. of New eli bic. 111 l

j 30004:112. i ,L ,erte.s e, ,e,ar. 4,semand eerres,

                                                                                                                                                 **======a=="--==*-======                                                                                                                      .

SM1000NO Fonsues WR & tesledeel eusessBan sept uppstig We 001104 I M 18888EI [# 88% #88' h to Geneses Lk SHIJemm 2.1 Put 4 se vender inemeses psegun for someter of Deutend i UM R0eekfeG.W.D. Moreuset Umses 08/08/30. Sppt attuA7440177 07E R PWR Pietest Onesesses 3. 08/12/30. MLMAN.R Conesadened Edgen 0791M0010 rest for Oct 1000.W/001110 lir.

                                                                                                                                                                                                        "U             "                                """ M E"I O "

UM OS/ 31 l =,=0. 8tG.W 0. As, e , d to us e o,R ,-er n3 .e m., .se . aac 2 M =8- ~ /= * = 1a = = a'= e===,,== aa0=a'r - - - * - 1 1. no, =R.See,e, ,e

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ,        en u s 1 &                                  se Unse 1 & 2.                                Una (Camete                                                               4 Spe                j i                                                       SEARE                                                    of Norsteest US, l                           CJllllllJse' 8"",M'                    =NorWieset   13'          NusdeNer E 3"Ca P"d'"
                                                                                                                                                     ,,a,                    "M,56*$"f"%,",,g",Usen                                      g ,1l=la,,,5=         1 &= 7a7-                       l 1

sesent cepenas (suba of Nortment Ug. 0701100NF Fonsees fear 4 to QA , , f e meet of j meek OCACE.S.E. Moreteest Useen. 08/12/31.1 pp. 12:00740012977. f SELMAN,E Conessassed g - -- , Cet se pesar vest. SG13/m. IANEEY,T.S. } Regen 1, Omos of Obscaer. 4p 3000k121.samenig

!                       & Reportete                                . L5es & related eerrompendense SM1000100 LER 0042740on 001130, reactor moremmed ese to man tensfonner                                                        ."                            dO"a Cfees Yet. Ins 08/11/10 0705 3000k1530Nkt10.
                                                                                    ""             ""I " "'*""'

! "m'a'd",., 4 h. 'L**:"e*e.ts.est t Nor es E rm, Ca T!s;"ines of ,co

e. U.usek ==== - - = 'eC at -. = 8 aa0of soaigegenal = = =1=r messen=r es-GCACE.8 E. Normeest Umges. 08/12/at. 3pek 35'153.327 30t53.330. C888" '8' """8(u,m,e,nse g l Comadend Eamn Ca Non nic. 08/1a/31. ainneneum 07e1970000 provides ses wo = esi 23 reps ce demate sound on i.o ,e. PWR Puolus Omostren & 7pp. 3010kO1mekett.

)' loosted on man ensam peangNo seport lamenga en eecess of demgn Imede valuesof mf

                                                ** Cap     '*".C'I. Normeest m. mar E L, SEARS                                                     of Normeest Ug,                0791310141 Permeds add We en 800132 subneed e ament &

l El Nortisest UWest08/12/31. S, insoposed Safsey As- temp ter reassesed Wiennef episist for reester vesent Itemte too pm- } essement Propect Deectorate. app. 3010021030100211. pW suesesL Grench Coreel DesI410ppL 30027 7:1E f 87s1130We LER 004000&on 001200. reactor hide venosamen montor tgiped 1 upacess, in saamm tunnel & W & auenmenc trummann of et fem $en Fhat Leuses & SurveEense Capade L4ed PeelWe ler i sessment era famed eenoor/convenerConquenent replaced.W/070 Nr. =0791310140 " j Inden pen Unit MURPHY.KE Normeest Nucesar Ene Seek SCACE.EE.Normenet Useaa 07/01/06. MC3pp.g

. Zm. CojoubeL of NorWienst UW- ANDER000s 8L WestiWiouse Enesels Cesk 79/07/31. 30ppL 300ft.11H00EF:141

] of Neuben Fns Lausts & Swwesense Capade Lead Fessem ter

!                       07e1100000 LER 864040&on 001203.rousne mswesence revealed Swee out of leur                                                =0791210M omeches tesed to annot Tecsi Spec sospont remmemonesCoused try prob.                                    Insen point Uret                                       Lou             Cera" w/Sowdon the prenewe -== t *+ise roost & tested.W/070106 fir.                                                   ANDERSON,S.L. Weseipiouse                                            08/07/31. m 300tF:14HANT.1E YEE.O.V SCACE,8 E Normeest Nutteer                               Ca (mes of Normeest UWesek j                            SCACE.S.E. Normeest Usees. 07/01/06. 2pp.                         741r.30tS7410L                                                                                                 eeseen too ter 640010 sodsed beervies 07e1300011 Rogueses Casse tu esp                                 &

resNested ream tem emessi A30sE 0"" #' y,j,p

v. operseere- DeG Cor.os o seedE R.m Le.ones senCa feenYo,enegam,e.nt
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ,m 1.

Omn,eh poet 001100k 07/01/13. O quaseon vc enst to OSR #e planeeposes ATWS nag = e. nO'N'"a"go e, Reecoo, Desce. - iim emi/ 0791310004 om an w- iaForceds '"Tf,,,o, gn === i e,=gg,.amig beens 0 As--Cey c Ca of au==a app. a12. - - ima,===,,,,,,c,,,,,,,,"b,,,,,=,,,,,,,,,,,,d,,,,,,, c

                                                                                                                                                       e'n"n %ese C-e. On.k sip. =1* =

a i, ors n es o.m & serres.esi.neen l P. Goourtly, seedsel, emergency & pre preamsten piens  ! ri. to NRC .11,. . = ,.e ori eed . Re,s 7/., '

                                                                                                                                                   =10.=       Resp 3.Consuevo eenenGAD10 besig roulsed to on 80001910                                                                                             segsament ter j                        0701300011 Forments rev to escutly force polning & ny-aershi pierLRer utmheid traf                                                                                    . _ _ _ of anages for e3 condesneL 10CFR2 700 & 73.21g                                                                                                                      &__

i E Consondated ca of New tre. 08/12/10. COLLNG,SA i SELMAN.M Conocedoned Edson Ca of New Yorti, Inc. 08/12/00. MURLEY.T.E. Repon 1, once of Drector.1st 30432.2e440432204. Reglen 1, Omne of Otector. 4 ppt 3016t2005301 ,i one. SPs1000140 FOGA vuesset fist anale to insp _Rept 06847 enmismead so-3701130100 Fonsents 34 of Rev 9 to he pleoed M ted from 001110 per 10CFR50. & 10eaceve olhaent rept 4 4Astone 1 & 2 EnLP Petes jret 1 GRAGER.L LN T_ .. - - Sonnuey Casyt) N/12/10. Ceslainn of ftdes 73 2 SE ,M Cor.cedeled Edson Co. of New Yorit, Inc. 08/12/23. IfuRLEY,T.E. and Rooores IgL 30000 40 let. Repen 1. Omco of Oreciar.1p. 3023220240230202. 0010000000 sE Info Netoe $4107 "Eney bdo PWR Ceuty W/Retestbis hCom De- ! tassor Thenmies WIstemerL" Suc est enet 0701000100 Roussed proceenes documents.mctudre Rev 1 to IAP.12. 4

                            Weeni Redsson                              schnman (RPTk" Rev 1 to IAP.11, "Consol Room                                  JORDAN.E L Devisen of                                                                                                       Pest j
                                                       " & Row 1 to IAP.10 " Senior Weech Sgsarvisor (SWS)." W/070102 Nr.                               330100k 08/12/39                                                      of pees Y               Inc.             3M1+

j LMAN.M Edson Ca of New York. Inc. 07/01/02. MURLEY T.E 3000t130. Repen 1, Once of Orector. 21pst 30100.125 30100:144. 081300=1 IE Info Nonne 04100. "Dayedenen of RCS Puense Sessiery Rammig 0701140004 Forwense Seseguards inep Rept 50247/0430 on 001117 21.No vloissons F#em Soric Acad Conosaan." Suc est anot i TIN.T.T. Repon 1. Osete of Desctor. 07/01/00. SELMAN,K Cor=au.a.d h12/ New 04pp. OF I EiBoon Ca of New Yorti. Inc. 2pp. 30204246 30304.252. 30107.107. 4 4 I 4 + _.,w,--y,-.-----mw-.-,-.-w--,--- ,-w.,+re-e.,m.-, -

                                                                                                                                          -e.m3-         w--.,       -.,, ,, m , . , - . - ,                            .,,-,-w              ,,,q.,,        u.--.--+  ---r---,-vy---     , - -

DOCKETEDITEMS 21 0812230003IE Irdo Notice 86109. ' Diaphragm Fadure in Scram Outlet Valve Causmo 0701210320 Advises that plant wre termmatone we be inspected.per 861209 Rod inmersort" Svc hat once. comnvtmortensp am we be issued by070302 & we mclude necessary torque JORDAN.E L Dween of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Poet e ements & future map toquencies. 030103) 86/12/29. Conachdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 94pp. 39205 234-

  • ied Geon Co of New York, Inc. 87/01/16. Record Servmes Branch 30205.327. (Document Control Desk). 2pp. 39326197 39326.198 0812300141IE Info Notco 06110. " Anomalous Behavior of Recrculaten Loop Flow in of Preparedness & Engmeanng Response (Post *P* "U #

JOR .E 030103) 86/12/31. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 95pp. 39205.139-39205.233. 03 Forwards monthpy operahne rept for Sept 1986 & reveed unit shutdown & 07010002,educnon m p.0e for Aug 1986 monow opersong rept. ' 0701300210 Responds to Violations A & C noted in speaal opersbonal sat inep con- SELMAN.M Consondated Eeecn Co of New yea, Inc. 66/10/15. Office of Re-I ducted on 8007214801.Correceve actons- contamment clossout check hst devel* source Management, Drector.1p. 39177.117-39177;124. oped to ensure contammene left m acceptable conecon. l SELMAN,M Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New Yort. Inc. 07/01/02. E8NETER S D. -8701070002 MontNy operatna rept for Sept 1986. Region 1, Office of Drector. 3pp. 39305.0%39305 052. KRIEGER.K. Coneohdated Ecleon Co. of New Yorti, Inc. 86/09/30. 6pp. 39177;110 39177.123. 0701140021 Forwards Insp Rept 54247/86 28 on 861014-1121 & nonce of n etect tha violeeo,y Concem , expressed that tesang

         .ui.he                                                . after s mods eu fad.ed,.to d,i of mod.t capabihty  -emi0nenofaev ed una shuidowns & power -ducaans pa9e = Aug i90 monar KANE.Wfeedwate  R     s,o had been
                                 ,        o   wgnecano,   / dog,ded. SELMAN.M. Coneohdated Edson                  gegrept.Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New Yorti. Inc. 86/08/31. tp. 39177:124-39177.124.
      -07011400N Notco of v             on from map on 661014-1921.
  • Regen 1,Ophce of Drector.07/01/05. 2pp. 39264-179 39264180. 3701200432 a for Oct 1986.W/861115 It.
      =0701140040 enep Rept 54247/86-28 on 06:0141121Velaton noted fadure to per.

form test confrmmg that mod produced espected results & that mod ed not reduce 30 7h30N2 R . NORRHOLM,L Regen 1 Omco of Drector. 66/12/23. 28pp. S. ReporteWe - LERe & reisted terreepeneense 8012300161 IE Info Noece 07401, "RHR Valve Maahgnment Causes Degradation of 8701200104 LER 864394&on 861217.contal rod (ROD) 806 in control tank O found ECCS m PWRs" Svc het encl. menangned from demand poorean by 20 steps for 16 h pnar to encovery.Cause JORDAN.E L Dmeen of Emergency Properedness & E Response (Post unknown. Personnel counested on meet of monnor W/070114 lir. 830103). 07/01/06. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New Y inc. 03pp. 39216.316- TRAPP.J., SELMAN.M. Coneohdated Eeoon Co. of New York, incl 07/01/16. 4pp. 302t ?N- 39307.254-39307.257. 0701000061 Noeficanon of 870113 meetn0 w/utt in Bethesda.MD to escuss reactor PWR Drectorate3. 87/01/06.VARGA.SA PWR Profect Droo- V. Operater Eneminseene torate 3. 2pp. 39216 39216.111. 0701000100 Fnal respones to FOtA request to inop 54 247/06 26 Byron semen- SM 000 Inno $ '8$ OtA,epg 2 nual resoeceve erriuent release rept & Md stone 1 2 SALP rept. Forwards App 8 documents. App A & 8 clocuments eleo evadatpe m POR. GRIMSW,D. Dusen W Ruise and Records 87/0H06. GRABER,L W TN

                        ,D                    a       ocords 7 /06. GRABER,L LN Technos.                          opes Corp. (1ctmorty NUS Corp k 3pp. 39222193-3922@216.

oqpse Corp. (formerly NUS Corp ). 3pp. 39220' t 93 39220.216.

      -87010001M inep Rect $4247/06 26 on 86082428 Mafor areas hopected requahnce.                              =0701000106 Insp Rept 54247/8626 on 86082426 Masor areas inspected requehAce-ton & Insted hcenomg                          for heensed operatorsNo teclung sys for as-                 ten & rvtal hcenomg temme                                     for hcensed operators.No Waciung eye for as-comphence w/10CFR               requrements.                                                                 comphance w/10CFR5                  requrements.

Y.N F., KELLER.R M., KIST R.H 8. Regen 1. Omco of Drector. 86/09/22. EY.N F., KELLER.R M., KIS R.H.B. Reipon 1. Office of Drector. 86/09/22. Ppp. 39222196-39220:202. 7pp. 3922219&39220-202. SM1130126 Forwards corrected SALP Rept 50 247/05-98 for Aug 1985. Jul 1986.per 8701000007Genanc Lir 8741 to as power reactor bconeses & appbcones for OL re 061121 mgt meseng.Overas _ ; of operanon inecates emprovement a mgt putec ev of NRC operator emern gasseon bank.Svc tot encl. eNecWvenees.Last of attendees eso ence. DENTON.H.R. of Nuclear Reactor ton, Drector (poet 051125). 07/01/ MURLEY.T.E. Regen 1, of Drector. 87/01/08. SELMAN.M. Coria< Mated 06. Atlanac CNy Elecinc Co. 44pp. 39304.069-30304:112. Eeoon Co. of New York, Inc. 4pp. 39256 043-39256.106.

      =0g130130                       LP Rept 50 247/85-98 for Aug 1985. Jul 1986. based on                     DOCKET 50 249 DetE00EN IGUCLEAR POWER STATION, UIsf7 3
  • Regen 1. Omco of Drector. 06/07N1. 60pp. 39256 047 39256:106.

GM1140094 Forwards Sefeguards inep Rept54247/86 30 on 861117-21.No velenone F, Securtty, mesoned, emergency & fire protoemen piene noeed. AN fed eson of New o Inc. 2pp. 9 39 07011M170 Forwards "Evalueton for Effects of Dresden Una 3 Polyurethane Fire" in renoones to some identhod in inep Rept 50 249/0646 on 8001284213 maa==ted

      =0M1140080 Partiaay withheld Physcal Secunty inep Rept $4247/86-30 on 861117 21                             wine 0120 em m eynes expanmon gap.

(ref 10CFR73 21).No violatons noted Magor areas mapocted.secunty plan & imple. FARRAR.D.L C--~ . _- . Eeoon Co. 86/05/06. KEPPLERJG. Reqpon 3. Omco procedures, secunty orgeruanon a assessment aids. of Director. 2pp. 39242-03430242:151. N.WJ., KEIM!G.R.R. Repon 1. Omco of Drector.87/01/07. Opp. 39264 247-30264 252.

  • Cw.~.Z'. "Evolueton Eeson Co.for Effects of&Dresden
  • Ratgent Unit 3 Potyurethane Fire.".

Lundy, Inc.06/05/31.111pp 30242441 GM1130:,06 IE Info Noace 07402. "tnadequate Seemic Oualificaton of Dhephragm 39242151. veNee by Mathemences Modenng & Analywar svc not encl JORDAN.E L Dmeen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Poet 8701130103 Confirms 080716rreseng w/NRC to rema=a task force recommendatons 030 7/01/13 Coneohdated Echoon Co. of New Y Inc. 07pp. 39300 300- re vioissono noted in Fra Protecton Insp Repts $4237/05-33 & 54240/06-20 Meet. wel fuMill 080701 commitmentMEseng agends ence. 0701300471 Forwards inep Rept50 247/86 32 on 861122 070105.No violethons noted. F RAR.D L C--~. -'. Eeoon Co. es/07/01. KEPPLER.J.G. Repon 3 Office 1, Omco of Drector.07/01/14. SELMAN.M. Coneohdated of Drector. 2pp. 39242:35W242:35& ESELGROTH.P W R Eeson Ca of New Y Inc. 2pp. 39311-06439311269.

      =0701300406 Inso Rept 54247/06-32 on 861122070105.No vmestone noted Magar                                                                                                     w/ coneton at facety Polyuretiene me-areas         mapected.tcensee        aceans        on    proveusly        adenthod     map               t'.9/8606
c. contame
                                                                                                                      .necat penstemon        emelestatement si App R4eted                       we be
                   .operatons.maint.aurvedance & revow of penoec & speasi reptst                                   FARRAR.O.L C--~ _ Z. Edhoon Co. 06/07/17. KE                                       R,J G. Regen 3 Omco RS.R., NORRHOLM.L Regen 1, Omc of Drector. e7/01/13. 8pp.                                     of Drector. 2pp. 39243.13430243271.

30311 062 39311.069.

                                                                                                                -0M1130300 Forwards suppiamental response to inop Rept 60 240/0646, re feably SM1130002 IE Info Notce 47403 " Segregation                  Hazardous & Low Level Red-                     drywee empenmon gap Are on 800120 & responde to Nom 3m re unuouse event emer-westes. Svc est enct                                                                                                    acton levels.

JORDAN,E L Dueen of Emergency Preparedr.uss & Engneenng Response (Poet AR .D L C_-~ r. Eeoon Co. 06/06/05 KEPPLER4G. Repon 3. Omco 030103). 07/01/15. Consondated Eeoon Ca o. New Yort, Inc. 05pp. 39324 025- of Director. 2pp. 39243.153 30243.271. 30324.112. SM1300636 Forwards Mesang inep Rept SrL247/8&11 on 061125 Mesor eroe 8701300411 Revised 0eneric 0enereeng staton plan envtone emer-

        ---           .ea ' enforcement /unroscoved noms & open Rome identhed n Ermron                             gency pian -.               , , procedures.mciuen0 Rev to G.I. "ErMrons                               Co-Queencaton inep Rept 54247/0611.                                                                          onsneton of (nvrone Group ActMeetL" Table of contents also enct EONETER.S D. Repon 1. Omco of Director 87/01/15. SELMAN.M. Consondatog                                     KENEALY.D.M.C - _                      ^- . Emean             Co. 06/12/31.100pp. 30310:207-30311426.

Eemon Cet of New York,Inc. 2pp. 39391.157 39391.211. GM1000004 Ack recept of $61021 Itr forwereng Rev 8 to generet'n0 oteeone emergen.

      -0701300001 Meetng inen Rept $$247/8611 on 861125 Maior areas                                                cv pian so to implemented n Feb toer. Change to Table 6.31 re tra of ~ _ _ __

rha===+poteneef enforcement /urresolved & open items from Equipment Quakhce- e 1 con inep Rept 50 2474&11 of evacuneon SHAFER.W D. eme seemeen

3. Omco of Drector. info dunne onese EED,C.--07/01/06.

C_. }unvara=*da ANDERSON.C. Regen 1. Omco of Drector. 86/12/22. 53pp. 39391.159-39391.211. Edleon Co. 3pp. 30 031 30204 033 l l

22 DOCKETED ITEMS 8701150201 Responds to870106toicon re violaeone noted in inop Repts 50410/86- CL Inspecuen reporte,IE Didetine & correspondence 07,50 237/8625 & 50-739/e6-30 on 66102&23.Enct response refers to secunty plan

     & wethheld (ret 11CFR73.21)-

TURBAK.M S. C-.~. . Eeson Co.87/01/06. KEPPLERJ G. Regen 3. Offce 8701120170 Forwards "Evoluenon for Effects of Dra.dre Une 3 Fke h to some usoneaed riinep hept 50 249 wk3 on e6012 of Director. fgt 39266 35439286 354 13 esecciated w/ IN tre e drygtes sapensen FARRAR D.L Commons,seith Edson . 86/05/06. KEPPLER,1G. Region 3. Office 8701130304 Forwards safety inep Pepts 5&237/8429 4 6&249/86-34 on 861217- of Dyec ar. 2pp. 3924203&39242151. 18.No violasone need.Unreno#wed nem h==d m rept. SHAFER.W D. Mon 3. Omco of Drector. 47/01/07. REED.C. Cormonwulth -8701130166 "Evakasson for Effects of Dreeden Undt 3 Poeyureihene Fke." E4 eon Co. 2pp. 34257.024 39257431. c_ _ asi Eeoon Ca

  • Sergent & Lundy. Inc. 06/05/31 111 pet 29242041
 -.0701130314 Ineo Repts 50 237/8629 4 50 249/8&34 on 46121718 P% violatone noiad Mefor -e mapac=#-n-9ency prep s*== praor=unre=ed = re                                                                                                                                   l plan actvesens eer'ussed.                                                         Smiimin Conarm. e607i rn-one wmaC io -- is.mco recor-eadenons                                i TJ. Region 3, Of41e of Drector. 87/01/05. Opp. 3915742639257.031.

re weistons noted a Fra Protocean insp Repts 5&237%33 4 6W49/85-29. Meet- l wel tuslal 400710 commernent. enct l 8701130104 Rev 3 to Ernergency Plan " , _ _ . . - Procedure EPIP 300.*, Rousne F 9AR.D L C_ .. .._ : Edson 07/01. KEPPLER,AQ. Regen 3. Ofnce l of Drector. #pp.39242356-30241 356 Personnel r__ 1 _ _gort" W/ procedures ridou. )

     *e                    Edson Ca 87/01/08.17pp. 39256.312-39256 326.

870113019e Advleeseastemere 249/0606 contems Wiet May 1988 cars. Are ewaluemon w/ contstonmpt eerrutted per Inno Rept at tec2fy.Pob,9sethene me 50. 8701270217 Revised grocesses.k1cWir.a Rev 3 to E codtre EPtP 20420, Inserwn Control Room Evacue Plan b- r. Pro- cherv:sf penstemon seass in~ R4eeed me he Shutdown " & Rev 0 to FARF.AR.D L Cm _ Ca 06/07/17. RJA Regon 3. Office Sete Shutdown Procedure 1004 ' Hot Snutiown Procockre Pam D "

  • Commonweellh Edson Ca 87/01/16.131pst 39360 00139366:138.

of Drector. 2pp. 39243136 39241271. ) 1

                                                                                                     - 4701130308 Forwards supplementes response to inep Rept S&249/0646,re facshty                I skywes expensen gap tre on 860120 & responde to ham 3rn re unueuel event emer.

J. sneurance & Indemnny infonnation ocean sevels.

                                                                                                                    .D.L Co,.---_      ' Edson Ca86/06/05. KEPPLERJ.G. Regen 3, Offcp 8701200400 Forwards Endorsements 2.4 & 6 to NEUA CertAcates N-101, N.03 & N-83                           of Drector. 2pp. 39243153@241271.
     * 'TEndor.ime'n"2 Na 7 "*s'.'=EfE@c' ira
  • fee" '"'**'*" wam-Mart 0*=aic wet 'e*s to hrepts kywd corWemment
  • o' *=ea ' scar == *=as P-Saned a responof polennel conomon.No detectable R.J. r . Z. Edson Co.87/01/12. DINIT2.L Assistant Director for Stele
     &             Redemont 21pgk M.N7 351 emon Co 88/12/17.DENTON.H.R. Office of Nuclear Reactor Repalaeon, Drector (post 651125k 2pp. 392)4.135 39214.136.
   . Opereq h euge N & cormopondenn 0412230e00 IE info Notice 06107. " Entry ht+ PWR Cavity W/Retractatee inCore De-4701000640 Forwards safofy evskaanon accepeng ute 851213 & 31 review of electncel                        tector Themtitee Witheewet* Swc Bst enct JOROAN.E L DMoon of Emergency Preparedness &                         Ji0 Reeponse (Post estreumon sys & related Tech Space for comphance w/GDC 17, App A to                                  830103K 06/12/29. Corm Eeoon Ca of New Y                        inc.100pgL 39205031 10CFRSO.Ucense amend allowing crose-se tietween uruts for Bus.Tm 24-1/34 13                         30205.13&

wider review. ZWOUNSKlJA BWR Directorate 1.86/12/16.FARRAR.D.L Comnenweem Edson Ca 2pp. 39216.07 216085- 0612230001 IE Into Nr,3ce 86108, "Dograc% ton of RCS Pressure Boundary Resulen0 From Sanc Acid Carcesort" Swc tot a a1 JORDAN.E.L DNeon of E Preparodises & E Respunes fFoot

-4701000649 Safety sweluellon supportng correcewe actions to automatic tensfer of 830103) 06/12/29. Conocedoted eson Co. of New Yar Inc. 04pgk 39167:093-g seds & shgrenant of tensformers to name oftsfle butPlant in comptuence w/                         39167;197.
  • Offlos of Nuclear Reactor Reguesam Derector (poet 651125). 86/12/1& Spp.

39216.081 39216.061 0612230003 IE Info Noece 88100, "Diephragm Femure in Scram Outlet Vafwe Causing Rod inwrtort" Svc not enct

$701140047 Recpests m4nuttal of info demonstanne                                                        JORDAN.E L Dmeen of Emergency Preparadrus & Engmeanng Response (Poet of hated ATWS           8301        06/12/29. Conocedeled Edson Ca of New York, Inc. 94pp. 39205.234-J-.per 10CFR50 62(ch tiv 870331.BWR Owners                             rept may         39205 tie referenced h                                                                                               7.

Topacal rept evolusuon of NE anci

 . ZWOUNSKUA                    Protect Drectorate 1. 05/12/17.FARRAR.O L C_.                T Edson Ca 2pp. 39261909 39261.114.                                                                8412200141IE Info Noece 86110. " Anomalous Behavice of Recircuisson Loop Flow h Jet Pump BWR Planta" Swe not enci 8701150000 Forwards                  evaluseon & techrucal evaluseon rept re swuchral integrity JORDAN.E L Divison of                      Preparedness & Engineering Response (Post of vacuum treakers.              ers we             adequate mergn of safety under rowteed           830103t e6/12/31. Coneoedened                  Ca of New Yort, Inc. 95pgL 39201139-Mart I contamment & not recpe mod.                                                   30205.233.

BWR Proport Drectorste 1. 86/12/19.FARRAR.D.L e Edson Ca 2pp. 39273 335-39273 35&

z. Se12300161 IE info Notce 87401. "RHR Vafwe Misaignment Causes Degradetion of ECES ei PWRa" Swc est enct 4701150011 Safety evskaation ac structuralintognty of vacuuni tweakers.

JORDAN.E.L DMoon of Emergency Properseiess & Response (Poet

  • Omco of Peucteer Reector RegAs Drector (poet 651125L 66/12/19. 2pp. 630103). 07/01/CE Coneoedsted Edson Ca of New Y enc. 03pp. 39216,310-39273 337-36273.336. 39217C57.

8701190201 Reeponde to 870106telcon to vionssons noted h inep Repts $0410/96- -8007220544 "Structral Evalunson of Vacuum Breakers I Conteriment 07.50-237/84&5 & 64249/8630 on 06102423. End response refers to oetasity plan am)Dresden Sweon Uruta 2 4 3." suppiamentary evaluaton root. TR SJ., CON,V.N., CARFAGNO.S P. Certspen & westeld tres 10CFR73.21k (eds. Arvin industies) TURBAK.M.S. C.. .~ _" Edson Ca 87/01/0& KEPPLER,J.G. Regon 3, Ofilce Frankan Research Centers. NRC4141130. TER45506 4 601. 86/07/17. NRC . of Drector.1st 392e&358 39286.358. No Detened Afehenon Oswert tipp. 39273.33S39273.35& 8701150074 87011303e4 Forwards Safety inep Repts 64237/8629 4 54249/8&34 on 861217-t chnical evaluation Andlno DCRDRs 18.No vdaeans& noted.Unresofwed ilom semammars in rept encomplete Forwards Resolucon ofsafely conceme evaluaman to care &.a.e,i human engmeenng escrepencess seesceon & werecason of demon vnprovements must tie SHAFER.W OL 3. O' Ace of Director. 87/01/07. REED.C C-_ _ Z EdsonCa 2psk 7224-30257231. ZWOUNSKI.JA BWR Drectorate 1. 06/12/19. F D.L Commonweefth Edson Ca 3pp. 3927508 271149. 8701130314 enep Rapes $4237/0420 & 64240/96 34 cn 86121718 No vWasane < noted.Mascr erees rispectedemergency preparedness progrankunroecewed llem to l -8701150061 Safety evaluseon Ibdine DCADRs incomplete Conceme to human engi- plan ocevesons romaa===* neering decropencies & cetecton & vertilcanon of dompt W-. _ must be re- PL 1.TJ., SMITH.MJ., SNELL,W. Regan 3, Oface of Director, e7/01/05. epst I sofwesi 3025722& 30257S31.

  • Omco of Nuclear Reactor Regulatorg Director (post 651125). 86/12/19. 9pst 39275000 39275$90. 8701190276 Fonverde Safety insp Repts 50237/0627 & $0-249/8632 cre 461215-18 No wealesone noted 4600110151 "Tectrucal Evolue11on of Comm Ed DCRDR of Dresden Stemon, Units 2 & HEHL.C.W. Regen 3. Omco of Director. 87/01/08. REED.C. e .

3." _ Eenon Ca 3pst 39286.347 39286.357.

  • Soonce tione Intemasonal (formody Science aeons, Inc k NRC.

0342496 iC-86/1144. 86/09/03. . No Detailed son GewerL 61pgL 47g113e300 inep Repts 60-237/0627 & 54249/80-32 on 86121518.No violatione or 30275 099 39275:149. devistons noted.Mapar areas mapactoct effacewonese of scensed operator terung (IE hed= 41701) & of norecensed alert terung MoeAs 41400). 0701060268Nohflcation of 870115 w/uels in Bethsede.MD to rhamaa Mark l BUTLER.D.S., PHILUPS,M P. Regen 3. Office Drector.87/01/06. Opst 39286.350-contamment combuset)ee gas conoci eys LOCA 392e&357, DONOMEW) N. BWR Drectorate 1. /12/29. ZWOUNSKlJA BWR Protect Drectorate 1. 3pp. 39156. 156.25& 8701120006 IE Info Notice 87402

  • _ - Seismic Quenflcanon of Disphre9m Velves tyr = - - Modsene & Anasyss." Svc not encl 8701teesso Noseceton of 870120 meseng w/uele b Bethesda.MD to secues Marti i JORDAfdE.L DMuun of Emergency Preparochees & E Response (Post contamment combusatado contred sys run Meetne reache&Aed Irom 070115. 830103). 87/01/13. Conocedeled Echeon Ca of New Y inc. 07pgL 39300'300-DONOHEWJN. BWR Drectorate1.87/01/13.ZWOUNSKtJA BWR Prcqect 39301 053.

Drectorate 1. 4pgk 39304 304 04& 8701130008 IE info Noece 47403, "Sayegaton of Hezerdous & Low Level Re4 87eise0437 Extends twesson to parece 1. m e70129 workshop m on NRC weases" Swc not encl Inddent ::.. . - Proarem W/o etated encia JORDAN.E.L DMuon of Emergency Preparednese & Engheertne Response (Poet KEPPLER.J Q. K Omco of Drector. 87/01/18. REED.C. Commonwealth 830103k 07/01/15. Conpaedated Edson Ca of New York, Inc. 05pgk 39324225-Edson Ca 3pp. 1:152-39301.154. 3e024.112.

l l i DOCKETEDITEMS 23 R. P tet8e eP.reen, re,.te a rWat.4 ameperw e a. r - , _ , s._ 87t1100180 MontNy opereeng for Dec 1986 W/070102 fir. 87010000M Oconose enewer in oppoe. con en interweaore motion for estarut n of time kANWELL.D.C., EE NsGENB C ..- . T Edson Co. 06/12/31. 32r,x to respond to scensee enceon sur tornene'Ln of proceschng* Monon should be 39296 040 39296.071. derved based on fedure to enow good ceuer Cerenceto of Swc enol REIS.H F. Florida Power & Ugre cct REIS.h.F. Newman & . #187 2082. It3/ 12/30. Albfmc Safety and uconnan0 Boons Fenet tem 39158 391.98.044. 0701130018 Start roeporise to intarvonors moeon for extension of eme.' Rresmee to riservermars 861215 request PJr extenman of trne to ele veeponse to Jet 861120 070100t300 LER 8642+40on 061205.unn shuMoon commenced &se to @ehAceton moeon to reenqueh $sneecean & terpunate prrea-an0.Carefk.4's of Swe enct descency of envircr**erite#y quateed cable spaces m WWe8 eDons r ='aad by YOUKA.M A. Aamstant Gensid Couneet tar #187 2122. 87/01/05.Atorriic sucesswo seekees currenLOueens t tape upsd to reper spaces. /001222 lir. Safety and Ucenery Board Penet Opp. 39248.302 246-307. CrNEILLJ. EENKMNBURG.E. C.-... - Edson Co. 86/12/22. 8pp. 39154.041 39154 04& P Opereen8 Scense etege doeurnente & corrompendence 8701100119 LER 8642540on 861211. reactor scram occurred durtng cycle of man stop valve (Ells Code T3).Ceused by clostre of Wree men stop velvesSwatti re-87010Nf00 Forowds 6 for amend to Ucensee N1 & WO 9 EK , NBURG _ deon Co. 87/01/05. 4pp. EpYi,,**g' M* ,'* P'*" '*' 8"'*9'*d "#"9 3929S132m295131 WOODY.C.O. Power & Ugru Cct 06/12 THOMPSON.H.L Diwteman of Pree-0701270300 LER 864224&on 0612? of two suel pood floor redemon monnors on epted ceumn0 er mmeec start of e eney edeteetment of mfuel sys Rocr ra.of= re.=ecer reeston monnor W/870100 Nr. -8701,0,2,0100 Appecagon forsche amend g g, p meegrated &As to forUcensee plant mods DPR.314 DPful,edcInpend. NSMC detemunanoat Contteont K fOT E N .E u. C.. ., n_. Edson Cct 87/01/00. 4pp.

  • Flande Power & Ught Cct 96/12/19. 20pe. 39147J12 39147239.

0701000468 Forwards summary of performance enhancement program parterly update se preemited to NRC 06120e .nesen0. Scheduto mio for (J performance en-V. OPoretor Eneminemens hencement am protect a provided m meceng also enct WOOOY.C. 6 Power & Ugre Co. 06/12/23. GRACEJN Region 2, Office or 87010e0e07 Genene Lt 8741 to es power reactor scensees & appecente for OL re cimciar. renp 3922e tas n226 tes 8701000347 Prow 6 des scope a creerte for eres redemon sye (ARMS) ON Nurtoer Reactor epsiston, ector 125h 87/01/

06. Atenac City Elecmc Cct 44pp. 39304 06S.39304.112. repiecoment.per Reg Guide 1.97 expects ARMS to be motelled try 29 4 oper-stonal by 901231.Uel ne submd esed actie&de m near future 87011110276 Forwarde Safety inep Repts 54237/0427 8 54249/8632 on e61215- WOO & Ca Hande % &

18 No vionstons nowd. rectorose 2.1p. 39177$71391g.071. 7 . 86/12/31. NS a PWR Project Db HL . Repon Ornce of Drector. 87/01/08. REEDA Commonweenh Edson 8701140273 Requests venaceton of and , ear ===i re uts poucoe concoming NUREG-0"37 Item N K.3 5. "Automesc Tnp of 5%ector Cocient Purve," to cargeets -8701:50200 Inno Repts54237/86-27 & 54249/0632 on 861215-18 No vicisoons or devueone noied Walor areas mopected enoceveness of teensed operator terung OE bght Co.26, 39262.001 39262:003' e[ /k M FWde Power & Modde 41701) & of noneconeed sten terun0 (IE MocMe 41400). UJTLER.D.S. Regon 3, Orflce of Drector.87/01/06. epp. 39286.350 39286.357' 8701300131 FM safWy evalueton none Lar 83-28.nems m&uld 880610 4 0731 mopormes 3.2.2.compleeng effort =e bTA";eGo DOCKET 84250 TUR%EY POINT PLANT, UNIT 3 52972.52973.b3809 & $3810 MCOONALD.D.G. PWR Protect Directorate 2. 87FJte14. WOODY,C.O. Flortda Power

                                                                                           & Ught Cct 2pp 3944SO9819441103.

F. SecurMy, medical, emergency a fire protection piene -8701300141 Ser.ety evehesun accepene um 031' J6 & 800731 responese to Genanc Lir 83-28.nems 3.1.1,1113 2.1 & 3.2.2to po*nwer 4stru 8701050400 Forwards Se de inep Repte 54250/86-47 4 f4251/0647 on

  • FWR Progoct Dero-torste 2. 87/01/14. 4pg 3644110436441103.

861 145 & nonce of amortNotco of violation anthheld (ref 10CFR2.790(d) & gp g V/ALI(ER,R.D. Regen 2. Orace of Olrector.86/12/29.WOODYAft FMrida Power & ehuetown mahgri no rees sneocuted e9ecGwe mults.6caeN factor,Kuf, 0.90-Uyht Co. 2pp. 39160 355 39160.357. O reque te 870307 Fee -8701050604 P withheld Securey bep Repts 50 250/8647 8 54251/ ment Contal Deskt Opp. 39368 m et eq g' ece, , 24 huone wW W - -8701270287 NIS.J D MCGutRE.D.R. Repon 2. Office of Directe. 86/12/23 19, 39160 357- Frequences Proposed for Severy To Reinted 't Spec SysTable 1.1,Op:sailonel Flowpsth Venncasons" & Modes," Pegas 3.10 Table 4 A4.141, B310- ".Mrs Florida Power & Ui ,ht Co.87/01/16. 4pp. 3ts368:142-39368.14& 970105051S Ack recesst of 861208 nr infernun0 NRC of steps taken to correct vtalaeone rioted kep 8&40 & 50 251/86-40.Comper-story cioamse propoemd a p IE Suneune & 6 l GRACE)N. '4egiori 2 Omre of Drectcr. 86/12/23. WOODY.CO. Flonde Power & bght Co. tg39160 284-39100 281 4701040544 Reeponde to 861107 ft se P- _- fitness for duty smacy l statement.Poncy statement issued to encoure0s industy instletves.Indasty success m -8701060623Perbe#y withheid response to insp Repts54 250,0&40 & 50 251/0640 amesa for duty programs we ectate whether #w rule we be deveioped. (ref 1005R2.790(d) & 73 21) to piert ZECH.LW. Cu_. _ _ _ _ . 86/12/09. MARKsY,EJ. House of Rep., Energy & Com. WOOD).CO. Flande Power & 86/12/04. GPACE,J.N. Reatsn 2 Office of merce. 2pg 39222.003-39222184. Drector 'p.39160 285 391e228 . g 0701040204 Forwarde revised " State of FL Ramological Emergency Mgt Plan for Nude- dance of unrent eug abuse & @estonen0 whi *ug problem detorton capaWM N cr Power Plants." did 660930 Rev ascently approved by fem & acorporated inte uti QO V. Orne the Drector for Operanone. 86/M/16. P8LLADINO, sonde Power & L Cet 88/IP/31. GRACE J N Regun 2. Office of ROBERTS, ASSELS71NE Commemoner1L 9pp. 39222041,39222f6J. Drector. Ip.39169 001-39170 0' . g 7 g g a -870imii3 mvised -Sisie of rt no.o og,cai E,re,gency Mg, non io, Nues. =,*,^,aaaea ",rgn ,*'9=n "" a ~** an c==' *-ar aa a0 m",a'1%e of 85,0.,30 #1,p. 39i.9.nm031 get,*,a,;rn"72k,*.8'*ec= E'2'rt ==vna r** a-- a 8701120289Re ests eat serruttal of annual emergency esercise b +E - 870109C302 Forwarde roeponse to violatons noted in knap Repts $4250/86 36 & 64 acenarios & coreoner packages be ed&essed es asted to protect info frori dectosure 251/86-36 Correr.sve actonet Ad.vuristratve Procedure AP 0109.9 revised to require to 91thC98ntS- commsitee review of procedures that are not safety 4shted VERRELU.D.M Regran 2. Ornce of Director.87/01/05. WOODY.C.O. Flortda Power & Ught Co 2pp. 39245.02&39245.027. WOODY.C.O. Floride Power & Co. 86/12/26. GRACEJM Region 2. Oflice of Director. 4pp. 39219 237 39219 2 . 87011s0003 Forwards request for ads eso sor reew of ee0425 request for technical 8701080654 Forwards roercase to v6olatione noted m inop Repts $4250/8&414 54 ewemptone from requesnents of 10CFRSC. App R, Secean ill G 2.Respona re@est- 251/86-41 Corrective accone valves seesfectoney tested on 861027 & Trarung Onet i ed witrun 30 days of IIr recept. 185 ewed to reencheerze Tech Spec 3.3.3 requrernents. MCOONALD.D G. PWR Protect Drectorate2. 87/01/12. WOODY,CO. Flortda Power WOODY.CO. Flanda Power & Ught Co. 86/12/2& GRACE J.R Regic*i 2. Oface of

 & Ught Co. 4pp. 39275173-39275116.                                                         Drector. 3pp. J9227.11'-39227.117.

8701270558 Radological ernergency plan ergiamenhng processee, includn0 Emerger.. 8812230049IE Info Notee 8&107, "Erey into PWR Cavity W/ Retractable h4 ore De-cy Procedure 20101 "Duese of Emergency Coordinator" & Emergency Procornse lector 1himtges Withdrewst" Svr est enct 20110 "Cosene sor d Con &act of Owner Coreceed Aree Evacuseort" W/870119 ler. JORDAN.E L. UMenon of Emerge Prepare @ess & E Response (Poet BAKER.C., WOODY.C.O. Flande Power & Ught Co. 01/01/18.107pp. 393'2914- 830103). 86/12/29. Conocedat6d Edson Co. of New Y Inc. 08pp. 39205031-39372 124. 39205.133.

_m_.m_ - - . ._ _ -.__.____,,_m . - . _ _ _ _._ ...___m _ _ . .m .. _ _ _ _ _ _ - . _ _ . i i b l

  • 1 N $

I poteemt IE We Neese 86100. "Defoedemon of RCO Praeswo Sounday Resumig of 801230 W IdeC of slepe then to genest m 2 n 4 Sanc and conomen Suc not enet. SpetM18 noemd en ineA,di 1 & ISmi t. JORQApeEL Omemon c' Emangency Peep weises & Reagense poet REv&S.LA 03010.4. 08/12/30. Corymedened Eeson Co. of New Y Inc. 04pp. 30107400- 2. Oftes of Deester. 07/01/14 WOODY.CO. Pterida Ptuer & 5 Upit Cet 1p. 307 30seta07. 30107:197. Mt3000000 IE No Nesse 06100. *0lepleepn Pedwe m Borem Ouest vehe Campit A. pestees esereget reposte & #sessed eenospendense i Red anoereen Sus see ense, , SN00. 7. enen Sepp 00 30107.3E

                                                                                                                                                      .W                      MM'4"                         "C           /E h Nt0784J.
Poruude inep Reyes 84200 OMtm.

081301 A nesse of Nasce of winessen u./0047 iheld & 94201/0647

                                                                                                    $ef IJGRt.7P0t4          &    onOpetW         heem gnggy,gg,, y                        QIsr ,O,st,fM&Wr,,001,114                4,-

p , g gy gg ggf gfgg, gg,,g gygg.,g, W R O. " M430mt u,a C. = =%""=2. Ossos *=i==tof Olrecen. M/12/M. WOODf.Ca Pimada poser &

 !                                                                                                                                   .,0st. 4er.d y.eeng,ep.em,om, t                                  W, 1td
                   .gytt00M00 W Weedd                            ~ Seew4y                        04200/0647 4 00 M1/                      taMANT.MW., Wdouv.CO. Plende Pouer & ugfit Cet 08/18/31.17 ppt 30006.304-i 80 47 on 001N1. Def 1                     700M 4 Fi21)                      noteit pfiyaleel besters .              =MEE O. Rehen Ofeos of Deender. 08/12/33. Ip. 301#307
                                                                                                                                     $NM,W                                       an,,pe,es une sue
07.,0 6,0 A rese t of 30,.0,, Ie,4C o, se t en t. o. met .ne ens
 !                    noemd m ines Repes 84300/0640 4                      /0640t .. ___ , menawe proposeg                                umude - 4 und = 07- .== Re.en u se o.

Descar. W 3000tt06300m . I j of Deerter. 08/t2/n WOODY.11 Ptered P4aer 4 g ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 07.,0_ e.e. sed m.p e to p . 0 4 meum.0

 ;                   get 14CFRt 7904 4 73.21) ce                     piert 0,,,0              m,I30 7 . en .,,,                 m., _                                    n.f met power range neumon he desseter N 41 taken que el seat                              Oy enhos to samme WOODi.CO Florida Power Sy                          08/12/00. GRACEJ K Reglen 2. Ofees of                                          regener agues si egped eenh t                   @essor.1p. Mt00 3et 3010taset                                                                                                                                                                   seuseetw/GMtW D.
                                                                                                                                                 .M O.,               CO PleAda Pomer & upe                      07/01/00. appl 30170400-i                   0010000141IE Wo Pecer.e 80-110. "Anomaloue befiador of Rececidagen Loop Plow h

! Jet Smip OWR pienesL' Swe est enet SM1000001 LER 00/3040on 00ta04.unfee heOV.&1400 4 medary seeeneser sh1 h 00pp.30000 $70 g8E. J0000 HART.R O., .CD. Pbeida Pomer & Upit Ca $7/0U00. OppL 30Mk174-0791870000 POIA #eosset lur enole (ded 800030) to 800011 eneswig w/ue se permen-anos _ _ . _ LN 7_y proyant NUS Corp 108/12/31. Olveman of Rides not sehened to see SM1980MB Speelal restnonhmo,n,,a,raf egn semen Ceams tm gester emmenen of esfieder ese ap-

                  .1       =t . o ,Woon .7.i. RNR ve e = esp.nfr.r. C se os,edemon of ECCSmPWest Suc est once re,,=,Ce  v n as,,y, ,, E $g"'                            == *aa= 'M=-

70 C New 03pp & $M of O,eiaWig Eveno 8 en

                                   .                                                                                                                                                     ggaygg gy                  g 4

e,.s&10. - L noemd inep Repte 80 & / faquirensenes i W 2. Oless o,ALME.R.R.D.

                         <C 1                  == of Deector. 07/0U0& WOODY.Ca Florlds Pouer &


                  $791100001Asevasse tiet const amm==                              w/N 0h head esfety                 reest.

edsson mod edi tio correessed by and of UnN 4 echoeded M Jan l 1000 or as meu tad toy mespeted scheduleJeer IE #M1000607 Infames of $70810 tesy westehsp en inaldent Wisengagen a pmaannenes Suseen endessere M AaenteLGA & $70tte WOODYCO. Florese poseir & Ugne Co. 07/01/00. Record earwooes grench (Docu- -- e unsgefup on ossent agenter Gesneg ment Conend Does4 / p. 30044 200-30044 202. 1_^ 10 pft03 1 GRACE.J K fFagen 2. f of Casseer. 12/04. WOODY.CO. Plutne Pomer & j opit Cet 1p. SeE17:340 30817.340. 0791130004 Ack #eompt of 801000 & 1918 responess to v6olemon nomd m inep 3 54250/00 33 & 04H1/OS 33 Enct _ : of veoisson Emangde Ea i 4 ng of RMR 1ersquoAents occured as steemd Roguessoal of respones GMim Genanc Lt 8741 to et poner reenter Seenmees & aspeennt ser (E se l l .M. 2. Ofees of Cvector, 87/01/07. WOODY.CO. Fiones of IWIC geeseen hansLSes he SML ught Co. 4 ppt 4 .M R. et Deuemar theater Ossee 0011Nb. 07/01/ 072 30240 075. l 08. Asene. "May Bessic Cn 44 ppt 30004 :118. i SMttaget? Formeros response to noems of wwlemon from snap Reyes 54200/0430 & l 84201/00-30 Conocews sceans prossenare. iograde revisse & DOCIEET 84001 TWetEY P00ff PLAngf. ISWF 4 f lands e ,T,,,D@" n won.Dm C~ om Siip am'K=e=0ia. Services Brench (Dooi> P. .emi ,, - 4 0,e sete. ,0 I 8'$8,", 8'M** "'g M"0veDI * *' '""

!                   JOR         E L. Cwson of Emergency Preysedneen & E                              ing Respones (post            87et000e.00 801301               Formerds A noen       o       gf inse Rreas 80 a00/Os47 4 09.aSt/0647 en 030            7/01,t3. Conentested Eemon Co. of Nes y                                                                                                        Nem of selsson uWdued Def 164 &

{ enc.107pp. 30300300- ,78MW t Omp W Obener. Seht/R 64.3 % Peuer & IJght Cet 9, 181M300 3010t307. Svc est once. "43910NE4 ) JORDAN.E L Opvenn of Emergency Prepareciaes & E Respones (Poet 0647 on 081301 per 1 8888 tele F ' Ef*-*E8/#47 8 # mil 30004 4 73 15 nues00figem Ossique .

                              . 7/01/15. Conocedoned Eeoon Ca of New V                            inc. Sapp. Stud.ggg.                               eroe                o     d
 .                                                                                                                                                                                                                             gg l                    ence are                                                        _ : #e su                                         riotes in l                  00 200/0640 & 00 80./00 40.Compenseemsy seassise propeang j

j g8000,ence.rwnt t , iorwinee _ ,ro em propam.Fonsede A,""-_ Ou.=r y i App mmary a dmeo.f nInfo pre,emeng send so Sept gy'ep,,,,,,g,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ope Ca 1pL 30fR304 301#800. 07/01/10. GRAGER.L LN Technol-I GRe.s0

                   "  Can cornwayLEY.DH       seJa Obvimon Corp 4 asinof Rules mm anmn  and Recordt m.
                                                                                                                                   ,,,,,                ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,y,,,

j m4mego inop Re,. e4m/=. & 00cutus on niin sait 4 0,,,,,,, ,ng e,g ,,;3,=, 3 T-ige =,L y,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, rem.C.u,"A0" u, 2p 104O.oo.of.o.

                                                        = . . ecto,. Su0u,0 WOoov.Ca ri.e. Pe.e, &

c=ector. .L =i. =i.= i f 4709000003 pensee of vectemon Som ines on 00110S1215. $Mt000000 Fonseres reased -tiese af rt Rosenessai Pisi ter passen-j er Pemer PionesL" dad 000000 Rev veseney appreemd By & ten ifE REYES LA Repon 2. Once of Deector. 07/01/10. doet 3m06 20430386 200.

                  $.01300000 Insp Repes $4290/0440 & 90 261/0040 on 0011031215. Violemone                                             Deector. Ip,3010t001.*a01 of Tech Oper. 08.1 re unseen rvooeduree & eaven-necedf.uhee aseen                       to meet "M""""O.Cresnan xvi re conoceve emment
                                           & iOC OmeWEA".o"R". vAM oVNE.O. teAcoONAto.J 0. Repan 2. Omos of ty scoor.                                                    On
                                                                                                                                  -eve.t000st0         Redsed -Seme of PL Reasse00er sam 0muy tagi pimi ser poussear 01/13.10pgL 30000a04-30300att.

Pe er pionn.- {

  • runde. Genes of. 08/08/30. 30tep. 301#000-30170:000.

4' . I

 - _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ .                                                             _ __ _ _                                                             _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ I

DOCKETEDITEMS 25 8701090392 Forwards response to vmtanons reted m inop Repts 54 250/86-36 & 50-8701120200 Ror.dests that outrmttal of armuel emergercy enerose obtsclives.detaded 251/86 36 Correceve accons. A&mrvstrative Procedure AP 01091 rowsed to reqtare scenanos & controeler packages be addressed as hated to protect mio Irorn e*aure r comrmttee rewsw of procedwes that are not sa ety.e stated ty perncipants. WOODY.C O. Fiands Power & Lsght Co. 86/12/26. GRACEJ N. Regen 2. Ofnce of VERREt.LLO M Regen 2. Othee of Drector.87/01/05. WOODY.C O. Flanda Power & Drector. 4pp. 39219 237-39219 240 Light Co. 2pp. 39245.026 39245 027 8701000858 Forwards response to wolatons noted in Insp Repts 54250/86-41 4 50-8701150003 Forwards request for adcs into for rowew of860425 request for lectvucal 251/86-41.Correctrve actonevalves saastactordy tested on 661027 4 Trarung Snot omemp9ans from recurernents of 10CFR50. App R, Secten iti.G 2 Response request- 185 issued to reemphasize Tech Spec 3.3 3 requrements. ed esthm 30 days of fir recept. WOOOY.C O. Fionda Power & Ught Co. 86/12/26. GRACE.J N. Regen 2. Offk.e of MCDONALD.D G PWR Pro,ect Drectorate2. 87/01/12 WOODY.C.O. Fionda Power Dractor. 3pp. 39227.115-39227:117.

   & Oght Co. 4pp. 3927117139275178.

M12230009IE Info Notice %107. " Entry into PWR Cavity W/ Retractable in Core De-8701270558 Radeicgcal emergency plan rnplemereng procedures. mcludmg Emergen. sectorwenbles withdrawn." Svc het once. Respones (Piet cy Procedure 20101, " Duties of Emergency Coorenetor" & Emergency Procedtre JORDAh'.E L Dmson of Emergency Preparedness & E 20110, "Cntena tar & Conduct of Owner Controined Area Evacuaten " W/870119 str. Inc. 08pp. 39205 0J1-BAKER.C., WOODY.C.O. Fionde Power & Ught Co. 87/01/19 107pp. 39372 018- 830103) 86/12/29. Coneohdated Echson Co. of New Y 39205.138 39377124. M12230001 IE Info Nonce 86-108. "Degradaten of RCS Pressure Boundary ResuHmg

 & Adiud6catory correspondence                                                               Frorn Bonc Acid Corroemet" Svc bat enct JORDAN.E L Dmeen of Emergency Preparedness & E                         Response (Post 830103). 06/12/29 Coneohdated Edson Co. of New Y               sna 04pp. 39167493-8701050508bconsee answer e opposeon to etervonors mobon for extensen of trne                39167'197.

to respond to bconsee mobon for terrrunaban of proceeeng

  • Moton should be derved based on ladure to show cause Certfcate of Svc enct 8812230093IE Info Nonce 84109 " Diaphragm Fadure in Scrarn Ouest Valve Cauem0 REIS.H F. Flonda Power & Ught . REIS,H F. Newman & Holtreger, #187 2082. 86/ Rod insertort" Svc hat enct 12/30. Atoms Safety and bcenesng Board Panet.16pp. 39158 021h39158 044. JORDAN,E L Dmsen of Emergency Preparedness & Engneermg Response (Post 830103). 86/12/29 Consohdated Eeson Co. of New Yort, Inc. 94pp. 39205.234-8701130010 Staff response to meervenors monon for extensen of eme.' Response to 39205.327.

meervenors 861215 rowesi for estensen of trne to fde response to uni 861120 mobon to rehnoueh luneecton & terrrunate proceechng Cornficate of Svc enct inep Repts $4250/86-47 & $4251/8647 on 8701050489 Forwards Se YOUNG.M A. Asastant General Counses for Heannos #187 2122. 87/01/05. Atomm 861201 05 & nonce of non. Nonce of violation wthhead (ref 10CFR2.790(d) & Safety and ucensmJBoard Panel 6pp. 39246.30249246.307. 73 21). WALKER.R.D Repon 2. Office of Drector.86/12/29. WOODY.C.O. Flande Power & e Ught Co. 2pp. 39160-355-3916&357 P Operating Scense stage documents 4 - _ g, -8701050$04 P withfes Phymcel Secunty inep Repts $4250/86-47 4 54251/ 8701020108 Forwards apphcanon for amend to Ucenees DPR-31 & DPR-41 8447 on 861201 W 10CFR17M & 73 21). Violanons reted phymcal bemers . conse coneton that requres implementanon of pian for miegated scheduhng of protected area & access conWol . personnet rnods Plan a ritograted schedule also ence Fee paid ENNIS.J D,. MCGUIRE.D.R. Regen 2. Othce of Orector. 86/12/23. Ip. 39160357-WOC'W.C O. Fbnda Power & Ught Co.86/14/19 THOMPSON.H L Dmson of Pres. 39160.357. eunzed Water Reactor Ucenomg A (poet 851125). 3pp. 39147.20439147.239. 8701050515 Ack receef of 861208 ler informm0NRC of steps taken to correct violatone

 -4701020109 Apphcanon for amend tu bcenses DPR 31 & DPR-41.addog Conetons K                 noted m ansp nepts $4250/96-40 & 50-251/8440.Corrpensatory measure proposed
    & J.respecevesyfe mtegated scheeAe for plant mods NSHC determmaton enci.                 adequate as ritenm measure.
  • Fionda Power & Ught Co.86/12/19 28pp. 39147.212-39147.239. GRACE.J N. 2. Office of Director. 86/12/29. WOODY,C.O. Flonda Power &

Oght Co.1p. 39 ea284-39160.285. 8701080458 Forwards summary of performance enhancement progam quarterty update as presented to NRC dunng861209meetng. Schedule mfo for as performance er> -8701060523Pertally withheid response to inep Repts 50-250/8440 & $4251/8640 hencement procram protect taskt provided m meenng also encd. (ret 10CFR2 790(d) & 73.21) to secunty piart WOODY.C.O. flonda Power & bght Co. 86/12/23. GRACEJ.N. Repon 2. Office of WOODY,CO Flande Power & Ught w 86/12/08. GRACE.JR Region 2. Of8ce of Drector 28pp. 39226138 39226 f 6i Drector.1p. 39100 285 39160 285 8701060347Proindes scope & desgn enlans for area rachanon sys (ARMS) rep 6acement.per Reg Guide 197 Util expects ARMS to be estaNed by 29 & oper- 8412290141 IE info Notco 86110. "Anomoious Behaver of Recyculaeon Loop Flow in Jet Pump BWR Plants " Svc bst onci anonal by 901231 Utd me submit a tegrated scheede e near future JORC'AN.E L Dmmon of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeertne Response (Post WOODY.C.O. Fionda Power & ught co.86/12/31. MCDONALD.D.G. PWR Propect Di. 830103). 86/12/31. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 95pp. 39205.139-rectorate 2. fp 39177.07149t7f 07f. 39205.233. 6701140273 Requests venncaban of ance escusson re utd poston concomm0 NUREG. ar m-0737 8 tem 11K.3 5. "Automanc Tnp of Reactor Coolant Pumps." to complete 8701270248 FOtA repost for encis (dtd 860930) to 860911 mostng w/uld re pers review Safety evaluaton we be issued upon recect of response. ance enhancement MCDONALD,D PWR Protect Drectorate2. 87/01/00. WOODY.CO. Fionda Power & GRABER.L LN T Corp. (tormer9y NUS Corp 4 86/12/31. Duomn of Rutee and Records.1p. 39378. -39378.294 Ught Co. 2pp. 39262:001-39262903. 8701300131 Forwards safety evaluaton acceptmg uti 860619 8 0731 responses 10 Go- 8812300151 IE Info Nonce 87401, **RHR Vahe Meangnment Causes Degradatan of none Lir 83-28. Items 311. & 3.2 2.compioeng effort re TAC 4 ECCS in PWRs." Svc not anci. Response (Poet JOROAN E L Dmmon of Emergency Properodrions & E 52972.52973.53809 8 53810. M 03pp. 39216.316-MCDONALD.D.G. PWR Propect Drectorate2. 87/01/14. WOODY.CO. Flonje Power $30103). 87/01/Olt Coneohdated Edson Co. of New Y

     & Ught Co. 20p. 39445 096 39445.103                                                      39217457.
 -4701300141 Safety evaluenon acceptog uti831108 & 860731 responses to Genonc              8701120200 Ack receipt of 861226 Itr mformmg NRC of steps taken to correct veoistons Lir 83-28.ltems 2.1 & 3 2 2re postanent testng                               noted n enep Repte 54250/8&36 & 5425f/88-36 Reeponse meets requrements of
  • PWR Protect Drectorate 2. 81/01/14. 4pp. 39445100 33445103 10CFR2 201.

WALKER.R.D. Region 2. Ofnce of Drector. 87/01/06. WOODY,CO. Florida Power & 8701270260Apphcanon for amends to L6 censes DPR41 & DPR-41. changmg refuehng Ught Co. Ip.39230.349 39230 349. ehutdown meren to rese assooeted effacave multptcaton factor,Keff,from 0 90 recir. 0 95 Approval ro@ested by 8 70307 Fee pad. 3701120301 Aenses that const acevtbes associated w/high head Co 87/01/16, Record Senaces Branch (Doca culanon mod we be completed by and of Urut 4 schoeded to in Jan WOOOY.C.O. Fnonde Power & Bunsen ment Contal Desk). 8pp. 393681 9368.146. 1988 or as modihed by meegrated scheckde.per IE WOODY.C O. Flonda Power & Ught Cet 87/01/06. Record Ser aces Branch (Doca

 -8701270287 Proposed Tech Spec Table 1 1. "Operatonal Modes.' Table 418-1. "Mm               ment Contal Desk). tp. 39244 zoz.39244.202.

Frequences for Safety.Re6ated Sys Flowpath venhcanons" & Pages3.10 4 & 83.10-2- 8701120364Ack recept of861000 & 1119 responses to violanon noted in inep

  • Flanda Power & Ught Co.87/01/18. 4pp. 39368142-39368.146. 54250/8433 4 50 251/8433 Encs a . - .; of vmeston Example E.2 cone * .

powenng of RHR components occurred as stated Reaubmittal of toeponse r- . GRACE.J.N. Repon 2. Othee of Drector. 47/01/07. WOOOY,C.O. Flonde Power & C inepection reporta, IE Bulletine & c_. . :e Ught Co. 4pp. 39246 072-39248.075. 8701130467 Forwards response to nonce of violeton from insp Repts $4250/8639 & 8701080564 Responds to 861107 Itr to Commemon fitness for duty poucy 54251/8439 Corre-two accons proceduree upgrade program revised & statement.Pokcy statement issued to encoisege industry avbatives industry success m admrustrouve. normal & emergency operenng procedures upgraded. fitnesa lor AAy progame we octate whether new rule wilt be developed ZECH.L.W. Cu . . a .i 86/12/09 MARKEY E.J House of Rep, Energy & Com. WOODY,C.O. Fionde Power & Ught Co 07/01/09 Record Sennose Branch (Doce ment Contal Desk). 8pp. 39250 uu5-39258 012. merce. 2pp. 39222003 39222.184

  -8806270061 Forwards inso Repts 54250/86 23 4 50 251/8623 indcanno no evl-                8701120088 IE Into f4once 87402, " inadequate Seemm Queencanon of Diephrern dence of current dru0 abuse & questonmg uts drug problem detecton capabikty.m re-         Velves by Mathemancal Modehng & Anafyms." Svc est enct -

JORDAN,E L DMaon of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post eponse to 860320 staff requrements memo. Inc. 07pp. 39300'300-STELLO.V Orbce of the Esecueve Drector for Operanons 86/05/t6. PALLADINO. 830103) 87/01/13 Consondsted Edson Co. of New Y ROBERTS. ASSELSTINE Commasoners. 9pp. 39222 04139222.063. 39301 053. 4701080487 Informe of 8702181<tey worsahop on incident invesbgaten & performance 8701130002 IE Info Nonce 87003, "Segregaton of Hazardous & Low Level Re6 mecators m AcantaGA & 870219 Region n workshop on current operstar bconeng westes ~ Svc tot enct ususe menudmg 10CFR55 changes. JORDAN.E L DMmon of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeertng Reeponse (Poet 830103). 81/01/15. Consondated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 85pp. 39324025-GRACE.J N. Regen 2. of Drector 86/12/24 WOODY.CO. Flanda Power & U@t Co.1p. 39217.248 39217 248. 39324 111

26 DOCKETEDITEMS l 0701270274 Final response to FOIA request for onces to860911 meenng to perform. 3701000244 Ack recoq11 of 861021 ler forwardm0Rev F lo ance .% _ _ .: program Forwards App A document re summary of e,so presented sang stahans emergem cy plan to be empeemented m Feb 1967 Change to Table re tack of contderabon et 800911 performance enhancement program quarter'y update meeeno 80' sept or evacuanon ame esemate meo dunng offste s-1986. 2ng unacceptable GRIMSLEY.D H. Dvison of Rules and Records 87/01/16. GRA8ER,L LN Technot- SHAFER,W D, Regon 3 Office of Drector. 81/01/06 REED.C. Commonwe.alth Edson Co, 3pp. 39294 03139204 033 opos Corp. {tormerty NUS Corp), 2pp 39378 295-39378.322. 0701300067 Forwarde inep Repts50250/8645 & 50-251/86-45 on 861103- 1215 & 8701150181 Foneards proposed App R esemphon request for hot shutdown j nonce of violaton, repers Esempton needed in order to anow use ce fuse pumng as repar for purpoees of App R.per NRC 861230 Itr. i REYES.LA. Region 2. Omco of Drector. 87/01/16. WOODY.C.O. Flonda Power & JOHNSON.t M C: _. Ught Co. 2pp. 39385,t96 39365 222. M. Edson Co 07/01/*2. DENTON.H R. Omce of Nuclear l Reactor Regulabon, Drector (post 851125). 8pp. 39282137 39282142. l

      -4701300082 Nou:e of vioiston from inep on 861103-1215.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 l REYES,LA. Repon 2, Othce of Dractor 07/01/16. 4pp. 39385 200 39385 203                                         J. Insurance & Indemnity informetton                                                                                                                  j
      -4701300000 insp Repts 50-250/86-45 & 50 25t/86 45 on 861103-1215. Viosamons notedtature to mos' reprements of Tech Spec 8 81 re wnrien procedures & een'*                                  3701290464 Forwards Endorsements 8 86to NELIA Pohcsos NF.277.NF.

leereave pohcies & 10CFR50. App B.Critonon xvt to correctwo achons. 43.NF 253 NF 187 & NF-200 & Endorsements 16.157, 23.80 & 14to MAELU Pohesee BREWER.D R. VAN DYNE.K W-. MACDONALD,J B. Region 2. Omco of Drector. 87/ MF 114 MF 22 MF 104.MF-54 & MF.64fespecevesy 01/13.19pp. 39365 204-39385 222. OSTER.J. Commonwealth Eeson Co. 07/01/12 DINIT2.L Assstant 0 vector for State

                                                                                                                           & Lcensee Heianons. I f pp.39392 012-39392 022-8701300613 Ack recept of 661230 lir                                 NRC of steps taken to correct violabons kLA.                                 of          87/01/16. WOODY.C0. Flanda Power &                E" D*'*""8 "*"** N'                       O
  • N '""*"**
                                                                                                                        $701200017 Forwards Amends 98 & 04 to Lzenees DPR-29 & DPR-30, respectvely &

IL Portede opereung reports & reisted corroependence safety evaluaton Amends moefy LPCI purg Row ourvedance test requremente to support mods for resoluton of omgle fature concern.per IE BiAetn 8640t. ZWOUNS4J A. BWR 0701000143 aang repts for Sept 1986 W/861016 ler Eeson % 3pp. 39M M Drectorate1. M 07/01/06. FARRAR.D.L Commonwealth T.N W., Y.C.O. Flonde Power & Light Co. 86/09/30. 20pp 39167.241 6 .262- .0701200025 Amende 98 4 94 to Ucenses DPR-29 & DPR-30/oepectwely, moefyin0 LPCI pump flow survemance test requrements. 87013e0377 T W, oung repts for Oct 1986 W/861114 lir. Y.C.O Flonda Power & Light Co. 86/10/31. 2tpp. 39433.180-WM BWR W Dreewsm t 87/m W M 363M 3E

                                                                                                                       -47012000,es,ect.e,y.20 DPR.30                       Safety evaluabon supportng Amunds 98 & 94 to treness DPR-8701210440                                   aang repts for Dec t986 W/870114 Itr                                                             * *' *9"' M *' (P *' 8 " $
  • GRANT.N W., Y.C.O. Flonde Power & bght Co. 86/12/31.17pp 39325.304-hg$[3"' 06 -

30325.3M 8701140300Notflcabon of870120meetng w/utils in Betheede.MD to escues Marti t 9701000444 Forwards Now 1986 progress summary rept of select sys assessment Draft vormons of reconsoluted dessen bases under review & bem0 m. -- on t y e @a Drectorate 1. 4pp. 39304 988"O"r"o'c 5Y8 .' inh A. P M

b. gg Co. 87/01/02. GRACE.JN. Region 2 Omco of I 39304 046 870_1210417.n.nfo.r,ms p that effeceve 9 Mr - -

Gbes Nutteer Power Staton. 8701_05.CS.H.m. e wM p eon r.e.dac_ed 9 i RoteN. ci aoper.e - u= A ,.te e.,,eeP nderice = gog, s gt,9gogg5g,,='a ' ar'o5 a'aav ** caa - '= s 8701000400 LER 8642700.on 861205procese rasaton morutor feied high.actueen0 07012e0437 Extends invitaton to partcipate in 870129 worttahop in Chicago,lL on NRC contenment toint.defectvo doiector & coreal room

                                                 & teded      venalation monitor          seoation Pets repeced W      log /870105Itr.crw try     troken incident solder investgeton Program W/O stated ences.

SALAMON.O., WOODY.C.O. Fionde Power & bght Co. 87/01/05. 2pp. 39226 080- KEPPLER,J G. Regon 3, Omco of Drector. 87/01/16. REED,CL Commoneometh 39226 081. Eeean Co. 3pp. 39391.152-39391154. retumed t SM11302f3 wiinin 7 de, S.poo,si 4 ingod reptnonfunctional

                                                             -- Caused             aire iion bemer C"e*trat.ons or .        v.iot.cheus, O.                    e.oIEsu.c Inspecton reports,      Supatine & corrompendence hk                                 he power'Y"t ment Coread Deskt 3pp. 39254 3f7-39254.359.

N Yec'o",*d' "*"'* m" B, 8412230006 IE Info Nobce 86107. " Entry into PWR Cavity W/ Retractable hCore Oe. as-tor t rumbles Witheewn." Swc kst enct JORDA%E L Division of Emergency Prepared - Response (Post 0701140278 LER 8642840 on 861210.eumh'ary feedwater sys (AFW) pump A stated 8 2 031 86/12/21 Consondated Edson Ca , ness New& YE j en AFW pump BOaused try personnel enor. Personnel 3920533& inc. N N20503b

       $ALAMON.G. WOODY,C.O. Flonde Power & Ught Co. 87/01/09. 3pp. 39296 095-                                        3012230001 IE irdo Notce 86108, "Dogradacon ol RCS Pmesure Boundary Neultng 30296 007' From Sortc Acsd Corrosson " Svc tiet enct JORDAN.E.L Orvieson of Emergency Preparedness & E                                                                     Response (post SM1100140 LER 8642S00an 861212fadloeceve partculate contanment reeston                                               830103) 86/12/29. Cor=suhdated Edson Co. of New Y . anc. 04pp. 39167093 morutor epiked high.actua                          contenment & conros room ventiation age.,iation                39167.197, WOOO CO.F                       Ught $. 7/0 It       2pp. 39296357           0812230003 IE Irdo Notce 8M09, "Deephragm Fadum in Scram Ounet Valve Cauung 30296 358~                                                                                                         Rod inserton," Swc not oncl.

JORGAN,E L Opvieson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeettng Response (Post SM1270403 LER 8643040cn 861219. process redaton morutor R-12 aphed.caueng 8 2 03) 06/12/29 Conocedsted Emeon Co. e4 New Yom. Inc. 94pg 39205 234-convoi room wentleton & contamment vent inciatonCaused try electncal tenment 39205.327, ionda 0 01/10. 2pp 39368 354 OM10se044 Subnes add mfo to impendence founs & evalueton of conceme 30388 355. ressed m IE Info Notce 8 .m response to 861126 talcon m/T Chandratekaren Esempton request will be outmutted by 870115. JOHNSON.I M. C_ _ L Emeon Ca 86/12/3(1 DEN 70N.H R. Offlce of Nucteer V. Operater Esendnesone Reactor Regulation, De actor (poet 851125h 3pp. 39142 246-39142 248, 0701000407 Informs of 87021814sy wortishoc on ancident investgation & per%nnance 8612290141 IE Info Notee 86110. " Anomalous Behavior of Recyculaton Loop Flow in enecators in Atenta.GA &870219 Region It worttahop on current operator hcenang Jet Pump BWR Plants" Suc not once. JORDAN.E L Dewomon of Emergency Preparodiess & Engmeenng Reeponse (Poet bght Ca 1p. 39 244 49217.244. 12/24. WOODY.CO. Flanda Power & [ 33, 8791000007 Genene Lt 8741 to et power reactor teensees & applicants for OL re pdec - el NRC operasce tcenung enam queston benk Swc not enct $NheY ,e 3 DENTON.H R, of Nucseer Reactor Hegulanon, Drector (post 851125). 87/01/ JORDAN.E L Olvimon of Emergency Proph & E Response (Post

08. Asante City Eisctnc Ca 44pp. 39304 069-39304111 g30to33. 07/01/06. Consondated Edson Ca of New Y Inc. 03pp. 39214.316-39217 057.

DOCIEET 845264 OUAO. CITIES STATION, UeffT t 370130,y est. 0017 eve; Forwards Amends 98 4 04 to ucenees DPR-29 & DPR40, respecevefy & uaton Amende mosfy LPCI pune 80w survenance Met recpr.nonts to support mods for resoluton of sengie fadure concorr.per IE Bussen 86001. F. SoeurNy, meeceL emergency & Rre protec#on piene ZWOLINSKIJ A. SWR Project Drectorate 1. 87/01/06.FARRAR.D L C_ . - _r. Eeoon Co. 3pp. 39'l06.323-39306.340. SM1300419 Revised Generte Genereeng staton plan enwtrons grog emer-gancy pian . i.- ; procedures.ricaudmg Rev to G-1. "Environe practor Co- 4701300036 Sa'ety evaluston supportng Amende 96 & 94 to Ocensee DPR-29 & OPR-30 reepectvely ordnemon of E'nvrone Grow Acewmes_" Tabie of oontents eleo enct RENEALY,D M Cw&- Z. Eeson Ca e6/12/31.100pp. 39310 287 39311026.

  • Omco os Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Drector (post 85tt25K $7/01/06, 3pp.

39306.336-39306 340.

DOCKETEDITEMS 27 4701130386 Rev 1 to Emergency _ , _ _ - Prrhe Ek12.3. " Search & Rescue 8701130301 Forwards Se8ety inep Repts 5&254/8&t6 4 50-265/8016 on 861008- Team - ,~. ^' " 1204 & nonce of violaeon. Type A test must be portormed dLmng each refuelmg GADDIE.K FORD.W L Consumers Power Co.86/12/23. 2pp. 39241.118-30241:119. tance creene. outage unal two consecutze tests meet App J eccep/01/06. REED.C CommonweaHh PartBIELLO.C.J. Repon 3. Othee of Drortor. 81 8701140870TemporGry Notce TCN.El45405 to Rev 2 to Enwegency imple-Eeson Co. 2pp. 39m 05&39253.061. mentaton Procedtre Ek14, 9-* cal Cere/ Treatment of Contamme,ed ensured Per-

   -4701130386 Noece of violation from inep on 8610041204.                                                  sonnet."

GADDlE.K., FORD.WL. BRUNETJR. Consumers Power Co. 06/12/23. 2pp. PAPERIELLO.C4 Reipon 3. Oftco of Uirector.87/01/06. 2pp. 39253 06139253.062. 39200 043 39200.044.

   -4701130300 Insp Repte 50254/0616 & 56265/0616 on 8610041204 Vicianons                                                                    Irglomentaton Procedure Ek15.3, " Post. Arc =tml noted tature to take correcnve ocean to preclude repetton & to document actMbee                    8701140070 Rev 1 to UNET                   Power         12/30. 2pp. 3926726139267262.

NG.MA Regon 3. Omco of Drector. 07/01/06.19pp. 39253083-39253 001. 8701210266 Forwards Sofeguards inep Rept 5&255/9633 on 86121518.No violatone 3701100386 Forwardo Special Sately inep Repts $6254/8619 4 50 265/8&20 on noemd 86111&21 No veoiemons noisd.Segnificent derimoncies idenafled m hcensed operator AxELSON.W L 3. Omco of Director. 87/01/14. BUCKMAN.F.W. Consumers Power Co. 2pp. 329 39320.332. requetIIceton temng proporrL PAPERIELLO.CJ 3, Omco of Drector. 07/01/00. REEO.C C- .T ' Foeoume inep Rept 50-

                                                                                                         -4701210301 Partesy wahheid Phyecal                 &

Eeeon Co. 2pp. 39 5 39283.065. otieerved.Magor stees 255/8433 on 06121518 (ret 10CFR73 21 No physical bemers. protected eres & bemers.witet erees.

   -4701100300 Special Safety inep Repts 5&254/8619 4 56265/0620 on 061110-                                           R.J L, DROUIN.B CREEDJR.                    3, Omco of Drector. 07/01/13.

21 No vinte*ons or devietons noted.Masor areas enspected-requehficanon enem results BE

      & reqLethceton trWnmg Drocram revew SqnihCent dehCienDes identfled.

2pp. 39320 33139320.332. HARE.S. DAMON.D., CLAhKf. Region 3, Othee of Dractor. 87/01/06. 9pfL Plan Implementng Procedae El15.2 "Quarterty 39203 057 39283 065. 3701210173 Rev 1 to E Cc. .n._, One Telephone venecesorm." 0701120006 IE Info Notco 87402. "inademeto Seemic Quakfication of Daphroom = Consumers power Co. 87/01/15. 2pp. 30320:100-39326:162. vehes by Mathemencel Modehn0 & Aneryes." *W bei enci 3701300226 Rev 2 to Ernergency Plan implemenene Prar-ene Eb7.8, "Quantneuve JORDAN.E L DMoon of Emergency Proper & Fess & E Response (Poet 830103) 87/01/13. Coneohdated Eeson Co. et New y Inc. 07pp. 39300:306- of Chiando in Pose Accident Solusort" TRAND.TA, HILLMAN.CT., RICE.R.M. Consumers Power Co. 87/01/15. Opp. 39301 053. 8701130002 IE Info Notco 87403. "Segrognbon of Hazarduus & Low Level Red- Support Contact westes " Svc tot anci. 4701300235 Reveesd eetoned change to Attachment 4, "E JORDAN.E L Deveson of Emergency Propemdness & Engmeann0 Response (Post Let" to Rev 10 to Procedro El.3. "Communscatons & 830103t 87/01/15. Conocedeted Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 65pp. 39324 025-

  • Consumers Power Oct07/01/20. 2pp. 39308 22439388 227.

39324.112. R. Porto8e operatent reports & reisted corroepeneenee 4701000322 Formerds & safety evalueton of reveed offste does cahMme operating repts for Dec 1986 W/870102 Itr- menuel(ODCM).ded 850029 Rev 1 to process convol em (PCP).ODCM & PCP 8701210107 w/10CFR20 & 50. kRONICH,C.L. Y R A. Cw.- . Eeson Co. 86/12/31. 23pp. 39327.172* -- ^- refs for use w/ Tech Space for assunne 39327.194. THADANI.A.C. PWR Dreckrets 8. 06/12/30.BER Y.KW. Consumers Power 0701,0 70ro,we,de - of cnenoecest. & e p.nm.etrn w/ NRC deAnston m 10CFR213(GXI). 8701300630 Emiende inwneton to pertopole in 870129 wortehop in Chicago.lL on NRC TURBAK,M S. C_.. _ .. T. Edson Cct 86/07/23 KEPPLER.J. Repon 3. Omco of Drector. 2pp. 39326:163-39326.164. Inadent1~ .- -- entWto stooed encia. KEPPLER.J G. 3 Omco of Drector. 07/01/16. SUCKMANf.W. Consumers 0701000387 Part 21 rept te valve problemHoughto 620 lubncent attacke & degrades Power Co. 2pp. :336 49300.337. esumanum m valves valves have been or rebudt. HUTCHINS,T. Automanc Veno Corp. 06/12 9 KEPPLERJ Regen 3. Omco of DF 8701200110 rhaam methods to resolve leeuse re SEP Topic 1814 concommg seemic rector. Ip.39163 315 39163 315. deogn conssdoretons.mciudme seemic input specte.outef+aene weremon of floors & menonry wepe & stuctual of electicalcatunatet KUEMIN.J.L Consumers Power . 07/01/21. Documerit Control Branch (DooJment

v. operater Eneminemone Canto Desk). 2pp. 39432200-39432J01.

8701000007 Genene Le 874 to es power reactor scensees & appecents aar OL re of NRC operstar hcenergenam ouseDon bank Svc het enct Q. Inspostlen reporte, lE Suestine & serrespondense ptehc ev DENTON.H R of Nucteer Reactor Hegulanon, Drector (poet 651125). 87/01/

08. Atlantc Csty Elecinc Co. 44pp. 39304 06439304.112. 8701120270 Responds to noece of vloiston trorn Insp Rept S255/86 26.Correc0ve actone.eppropnete dewing revs eted for each escrepancy between Geogn 8701190304 Forwarde Spooel Safety inep Rapts 50 254/8410 & 50265/8420 on drewegs & en-bust coneson noted n 8 of violaeon.

461110-21 No viosemons noted Segnsficent deficsonoes identified m bconced operator BERRY,KW. Consumers Power Co. 06/12 12.KEPPL ER,J.0L Region 3. Omco of CE EL . 3 Omco of Drector. 87/01/08. REED C. C. - -. Eeean Co. 2pp. 39 5-39283 065. 0012230000IE in% Noece 06107. " Envy into PWR Cavily W/ Retractable InCore De-tector Thsmbles Withdrewrt" Svc tot enti

    =4701190300 Speaal Safety inep Repts $6254/0419 & 562ftS/0420 on 861110-                                 JORDAN.E L Drvison of                  Prepareeises & E                 Response (Post 21 No violesone or dovutions noted Magar areas mapected requetficanon exam results                    830103). 86/12/29. Coneohdated eson Cat of New                  Inc.         39206.031
       & requakttcanon tammg program review Sognrhcant deficences idenafied.                                 39205:138.

HARE.S. DAMON D, CLARKf. Repon 3, Omco of Drector. 07/01/06. 9pp. 30263 05149283 065. 0012230001 IE Info Nonce 86100. "Dogradacon of RCS Pressure Boundary Ramalun0 Ffom Bonc Aced Corrossort" Svc not encl 00CNET 00 250 PAUSADES NUCLEAR PLANT N1 86 12 econ New Y 04pp. 7 39167.197. ' F. Secur#y, moscal, emergency & fire protecton piene 0612230003 IE Info Notice 04100, "D6ephre0m Fakse in Saem Ouest Velve Caueme l Rod innernon." suc not enct JORDAN.E L ONunon of Emergency Preparedness & Engineertng Reeponse (Poet 3701210107 Temporary Change Notce TCN.El47401 to Rev 12 to Emergency irry,de- 830103). 86/12/29. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New Yorti, Inc. 94pp. 30206.234-meneng Procedure El1, "Acevehon of See Emergency Pian / Emergency Classace-sort" 39205.327. DAWSON.M., OS80RNE.K.E. Consumers Power Co. 06/12/03. Opp. 3932&165- 0612200141IE Info Noece 04110, " Anomalous Behavior of Recrcadeton Loop Flow in 39326 172. Jet Pump BWR PlantsL" Svc not enct 8701030000 Formerds revoed "F~re Protecton Analyes Postfre Safe Shutoren From JORDAN.E L Dhanson of Emergency Preparoeises & Engnmenng Reeponse (Poet Hot Fun Power Operetn0 Conetor%" did 06122J Mods to poet Are capabeny to oper- 830103). 86/12/31. Canschdeted Emmon Co, of New Yort, Inc. 95 ppt 30206.130-sto conterwnent sprey purre & HPSI pump m tendem win be ampsomented. 39205.233. BERRY,K W. Coneumers Power Co. 86/12/23 Omco of Nucteer Reactor Regulebon, Drector (poet SS1125). 2pp. 39142 04&39142 006. 0612300181 IE Info Notco 07401, "RHR Velve Meelignment Causes Degradeton of ECX;S in PWRs " Svc het enct JOROAN.E L Deviwon of Emergency Preparodiees & E - Reeponse (Poet 4701090002 " Fire Protecton Analyes Poef Fire Sete Shutdown From Hot Fue Power inc. 03pp. 39216310-eeng Conetone." 030103) 07/01/06. Coneohdated Eeean Co. of New Y TT,G F Consumers Power Co 06/12/23. 39pp. 39142 04449142006. 39217.057. l

                         -          _                 --                                    .-               -              ~           . . - -            -                   -.         -.            - . _ - _ -                          -                     _ _ _ - - _ _ _ - .

4 I 28 DOCKETEDiTEMS l 07stseeses IE Indo Notes 87402 "Inademate Sam,ile russe =a sn uf Diephragm 070110e018 Formords repost for ede kilo re e61120 regnet to estees for veven av unshamences undsene & Anasyme. Soc est encl annumi checes of emote doescear eeneshay to to made per nds speam re-JOROAN.EL Divison of Emergency Preparedness & E Respones (Post nehm e0 of erdoes. j 0301 47/01/13. Conocessmed Eeoon Co. of New Y hc. 07pp. 30300-300- TENHu18.M. fNelect Descourono 2. 07/01/13. WHriE.SA Tennesses j 30301 Vessy Aumoney. 3pm 3e274.3013e274.303. spe121eest Forwende Safspaanse inep Hept $4256/06-33 on e61215-10.No molemone 3Mitesses 1210 mesame w/uel h - - unre to pressenen pro-3, Once of Deector. 87/01/14. BUCKMAN F.W. Consumers YLSON.WL Y3293e32e332. Power ca 2pp. 3

                                                                                                                                                                                  .M. SWR P,ogect app. 30303-3ss403o3:See.
2. 07/01/ BWR Prognet Desseerees 2.
                       -efettseegt Pereasy wehneed phynces Seeisev &                                                        Foeong inep Rept 50               07e saettet Foneerds                      ustedd inep Repes 042e0/80 44,80 Lase /es.44 4 et-2ss/es 33 on es121s-1s trof 30cFR7321[No                                                          eteervedMager erees                2es/e644 on setti 19 pef 10CFR2.Fe0 & 73.21LNo vendemone er dauesegne noget OONND,JR app. Ses20.3314 esse.33a.

IW3. I it. 47/01/11 2 14e'ge0ges", '* *

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ""                                 "~

j-e7ettsseet.v.E - I

                                              .Into. Nonce 87403, "Seyegemon of Hazardous & Low Loved Re6
s. Won'
                                                                                                                                                                 .eas e.pecie,mgt                                     10G                    .Mo venenson's notatheaper'
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 . aonse,R2.79"05 j                            JORDAN.E L. Ohnman of Emergency Preparedness & Enehmerine Respones (Post                                                            ENNISJ.Q Region 2, Omos of Desseer. 37/ 1/ E 1sk 3esesana mantes.

1 830100k 07/01/tk Conocessted Eason Co. of New Yorti, Inc. 88pik 30324.026-30324.112. gaggygggt W.s M Groesnhuis & GE GenreLoan of i ...e. Respo,ide . NRC .im . re v , - * *= - '"- aa "-"'

                            -- e r                                                                      s. eor. ee.d inep     . -oomR.pi - po-j                            13'R,"W"Cor.'               ore Po opgproco see re.
                                                                 "n, Co wC4M"L'Cll.','e"n","iio s d                                                             aa='8r*"='g,,os.s,.=;C"*s, neoufR.o R WR ,r cor                                                                =;g"e,.o '"
,                          Co== on-m                  ===*==un                                                                                                               Nons.a.,i ot Smi t . ve. .,. co . souse 20c,R.                                  p R.

4 a y

                      ... For de Se.e,y ir.p Rep.


                                                                                                    ,=4, on 1021. 20.
3. Omos of Osector.07/01/21.BUCMMAN.F.W. Consum-aaoJ',s ose ='g=mo' '~~ '
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          = * ==" "uu'ae= '*a                                                  '

5 are Power Ca app. 793040427957. E 88"P8"'"88

                      -87eW0100 mese            Insp Rept 54256/es
                                          >=r-*=*mse                    conemen 31 on $61021130,8.No test      so ee viciatone  esme, noted        Medor operanensi essesy.rnamt,survesence.reponnese events,lE mio noeces,lE tmmeans 4.                                               _         _     $Miseases Formenle updated semesmon est for NRC _                                           to TVA$

GRIOLEY R L Tennooses e.d wasves URGES L. pe.or,3. o, osecto,. wwm i7,, u04 , nm gmosse mR. 0,1/20. NRC docum.ent

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 . onessedCareefA easeen               .Greneh i

a p.=es operenne repor= a remad eerrespondense j P. Opereenig esanos sange ensemanes a serrespondense efeteesses ser Dec st i vg.G C, o. Consum es.W/e7010e e Po.or Ca se/i2/31. er. spp. 3e22e Ge7

                                                                                                                                                             .stpow? FOiA regen ser repes no w einer eum samr appeansinne seemis et E'!,"J,*d,7;",,'a*""'"* "2'* aac                                        ~ ~ ~*                                               '

mm e

                      .1210 7 St.r e. =mm.o,e ords, same. ,ept,or . .f m cor,o,es riN.s.

C,,,,c, ,4ogg;;=gr g,gwia - --e=--i 3

                                                                                                                                                             .g'mg em erectorees u,T,, =ioni401.Au oOneE                           vaso, t.or e,,o,pR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           .,,2,    '""&%  oPR ggg           R Pro,se, an.

a ,,,,,,,s,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, = 7. , velve t.concur LER.or.4074,.r, 9y inoperatide, SIT moperemie i,,ector, dueis,. ($ to e cted N,$.som inve4


annessee esey Autorey. 88/12/214pgL 30tS3J6440163267. conemorLVefwe r'ioperatise due to faded coreal owncitNew sunches incessed.W/ MALON D.G., JOHNSON.B.D. Consumare Power Ca e6/12/30. den 30153 306-

  • 30153.30s. Secean 0(Pft00 Sea. shoid"s concems esencese ser escond 120 monei s.stsee
                                                                                                               ~                                                                                                         '       '
                                                                                                                     - . Idensted cracked CRO                  rector     ' '280pn          5 07e12tetes esse               LER Cause 8644040:en nos essendTwo             e61217.enqpneenne ede                         - houange Jeanded ameer                t ouncetone E
  • underway w/ vendor agiportw/erut te lar-COZUP.C.S .8 D. Consumere Power Ca e7/01/16. 2pp. 303MMG- SM10estes  !

we conductNosso.s won hopsist NRC usinconeset on 870e10 Asenen,GA workshop onIriveengsson fe inadent e70218 4 Regen & pertenst-N paraennel j 87e Provides interpressman to reparemente & Tech Spec ap. ""

  • Aup ,ey re 8611M feAre of rossene acaussor espencer 34-2 dunne surves-j j C 88' no en h W
                                             ~ 430                       364                                                                                                           2c
                                                                                                                                                               .D.m.n_esed.              p             o_r%r r _essen pl_an de lessened                                       ,

GRIOLEVA Tennessee V Augiesey, et/12/31 hfULLER DA 5WR Pre $ set D- i 7 ,, rectorees 2. topp. 30000$01 1:196. I

                                                                                                                                                             -07e197 esse "DC3tDR.Summmy Rept" 070tr7W Trenocrpt of Commason 870114 bnseng in Washmeson.DC re steaue of
  • Tenneense Vasey Authoney. te/12/31. etapp 380004113es01:1E Peteerbe.Pp 146 V.upagne 4 mesportmg d=_ _ J_ _ . encl
  • Ci. .- . -- _ 87/01/14.127pp. 3e373 209 39374 Oe5. gaggagg74 Fonsente rupt evehmeen of fEDE4100&P.

1 NRC ATWS Rido,1 St," for ret to apart geme.epede"cATWS; Q-~ _-to ^ - V. Operecer "" shondd edeems conemone amend in ovelueton nor seemene ese entseese. j osectormen 2. 07/01/0s. WNITE.KA. Tenneseos veney Au. G.ney. W EARS.G.E. 3pp. 30362 SWR 38062 Joe. l efeicese97 Genene LW 8741 to of power reactor sceneese a appecense for OL re + pimac of NRC gesson bank.Suc est enti. 8701210ese Forwards respones to NRC 801107 regnet Ier ese mio re lemme 22.1.3 4 j DENTON.H.R. of Nucseer Reactor Droctor (poet 861125), e7/01/ of Genanc Lt es.2s un nueser espertence review

08. Asenec Coy Electic Ca 44pp. 3e304 cesseney Sonig ig.

t .112. to resolve femm 2.1 Ade info us tieprovasse $y e - A Tenneense Vasey Aumeney. e7/01/14. tRA.LEft,0A Oless of Nuoleer Reactor Regidsson, Drector M 861125). 4pgL 3esR300 30ep 3E 00CetET se 800 BROWIIS PERRY IIUCLSAR POWER STATIDe4 WelfT 1 07913e013e Noseseman of 870116 messig w/ullin Seehamen eart go secues momeds for _' -- _ po rasohman of assume noemeen TVA 4 05111 P. Seeistey, suecost, emergency & Ike processen peans ME ON.T __PWR Pregoct Osectoress 4. 87/01/14. Ya ' " SJ.PWR , Prosset Drectorees 4. 4pp. 3eest 20e-3e380208. I '"' ~ -


3e19t100. e!A"E ennesome*Ee"oed v ed 2W/ses235. venor Aumenry se/i2/30. 43pn 30istos7. 07etsesses Forwense splenos of TVA acevnes ter use of 870110 8 38. GROLEY.R L. Termessee Vesey

                                                                                                                                                               . No Deensed Aflesson Govert app.

87/01/te. TH0eeP90N.H., SARR,K, NRC M13eset20s. 3 ! SMggggggg p y a= Wiet annual eneroes .dotated sceneice & SM1270471 Wieteese 000130 queoston to emeul Usenese OpR.30, OPR42 4 OPR-j- conweser to addreened to . Emergency ednese 5e es.mcorporemie Tech Spec 21e to Wienes rameer of mh semples regend $y App B 4 Recent rouess to POR pnce to eneroes chse to mcorreci nt.rocsp.ceoMiegionTech *==-- t a repeat me 800030 etmmenes nood for man changs. 2ECH,0 Q. Regon 2, Ontco of Drector. 07/01/0e. WHITE,SA T. Vasey Au. GROLIYA Tennessee Vasey Ausge7/01/20. eeULLER4A Ouicionant Coneuf j morey. 2pp. ascr1.322-3e201.323. Branch (Document Corect Douk). 2psk ,rus702ee 3037020E 4 i

    - . . . , . . _ - - . .-                            - - - - - - - . - - - - . - - - - - - - -                                 - - -           ~ - -                                          ----~--- ~ - - - * - - ~ ~ ' * * ~ ~ ~ ^ ' ~ " ' ' ' ^

l I l  ! DOCKETEDITEMS 29 87013001N Summary of870115 meelm0 w/uti m Bethesda.MD re utd proposal to re- -8701200193 Parbany withheld Physcal Secunty insp Repts $4259/8444.50-200/06 oche pesca-pens replacement asue Let of afferidees & utsprosentation enct 44 & 542E6/86-44 on 861216-19 (ret 10CFR2.790 & 73 21)No violabone noted.Magor areas mapected mgt eMeetiver oss - program. KENYON.TJ. PWR Propect prestorate 4. 87/01/20.PWR Prosect Drectorate 4. 40pp. of Drector. 87/01/15. Ip. 39308 063-ENNIS.J D., MCGUIRE.D R Region 2. 39445.104 39445.143. 39388 063.

   & Inspection reporte, IE BuBotine & ~ a _ _ . ~ .                                                                                               _

87010e0416 Forwards inep Repts 50-259/8&39.54260/86 39 8 54296/8643 on 3701000302 sang repts for Sept 1986 W/870106 Nr. e61118-21 & 25.No notanons or constrans noted. LIFF.S., LEWIS.R L Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 86/09/30. ZECH.O G. Regpon 2. Omco of Drector.86/12/22. WHITE.S A. Tennessee Vasey Au- CREAMER.K.L. pianty. 2pp. 39214 016-39214 027. 18pp. 39167:196 39167.218. j

   -87010004M insp Repts 50-259/86-39.542110/8433 & 50-296/8&39 on 861110-                    8701200206 Monthey operating repts for Oct 1986 W/061118 lir.

l 25.No violehone or dovetions rioted Mapor eroes mspected meervice inep of Urut 2 & CREAMER.K.L, LEWIS.R L Tennessee Vaney Authonty.86/10/31.17pp. 39431:100-properatons for reactor vessel N-2 nozzle sar e-end replacemikit- 39431.124. COLEY J L, NEWSOME.R.W., BLAKE.J.J. Region 2. Omco of Drector. 86/12/09 7pp. 39214.02139214 027. 8701000208 Forwards TVA Nov 1986 rept on statue of inv. . of open 8612230000lE info Nance 86-107, " Envy into PWR Cawty W/ Retractable in. Core De- 8 "No upda we 7 o tector ifumtdes Withdrawn" Svc hst enci- GRIDLEY.R L T - - Vaney Authonty.86/12/22.ZECH.G. Region 2, Office of Ok JORDAN.E L Dmeson of Ernergency Preparedness & Encpneenn0 Response (Post rector. tp.39214.134-39214.134. 830103). 86/12/29. Consol=1sted Edson Co of New York. Inc.108pp. 39205031-

      =2a =                                                                                                                                 of m ec.we.s , w.s of Swii,41.
                                                                                              .n114 8 F ,we,ds.eeg sch 1-          iE .,0 No.c. 861         Doo,ede.on of RCS ,-.,e .ounda,,7,e           n.    =J' =4"OhMPOmce m - p =
  • Tec"to, ",T,"

Frorn Bone Acid C..r-oeson. Svc kst encs yAytop;u. o,,ce of Inspecton & Enforcement, (Poet 820 4E

                                                                                                   "            # "**          #8" 86 1                    ed         Co      New Y            04pp      7
      #1to"97-                                                                                8 11017Forwe,ds o, eco s , w.s                                          70112 4 f.-

L h k 'k' 8612230003 8 f pp 202 Rod neersoIE,, Swe info ect 86109. "Diaphre0m Fadure in Scram Outlet Velve Cauemo h,

                                                                                                , ,DL   ,,,'

on JORDAN.E L Duman of Emergency Preparedness & Enomeenne Response (Post 030103) 06/12/29 Consondated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. 94pp. 39205 234-I* $6Reportabte occurronees, LEHe & reinsed earreependonee 9701000144 Reeponds to NRC 061204ilr re violanons noted in insp Rryte54 259/86 32.50 280/06 32 4 54296/86 32 Correctrwe actone: Survemance Instruchon 4 7.E 5 8701000184 LER SfA3300:an 861202.ncensed reactor operator received eienne for rewoed to specify use of ecp.ppment which sabsfies ANSI N51016/5 requrements. noted setety sys actuenons. Caused by refuel rene waneiston rememon monnor apdung DOMER.J. A. T . . . . vaney Authoney. 86/12/29. GRACE.J N. Record Serwces to tip setung. Safety sys reset to stasicR>y recenseaw/861223 fir Brancn (Document Coreal Desh. 5pp. 39152 30&39152 309. SMITH.D L. LEWISAL Tennessee veiley Authoney. 86/12/23. Spsk 39170.194-39170'196 OM1030243 Forwards response to violations noted in insp Repts 50 259/8&34.50-260/ 0434 & 54296/06-34 on 88100610.Correceve actons GT-SM comtmanon test wie 8701130300 LER 8603640 on 061208.eenal generator 1A doctered inoperable cksing not be accepted trorn ocher TVA mtes. performance of monthey survenance moeucton.reeusang n Tech Spec DOMER.J.A T _ .. Vaney Authonty. 86/12/30. Record Sennces Branch (Docu- nonconweence Caused when RHR HX melekenly removed from evc.W/070102 lir. ment Control Dock). GRACf.J.N. NRC No Detaded Aftikanon Gewert opp.39147.125 JONES.S 8., LEWtSAL Tennessee veney Authoney. 87/01/02. 4pp. 30257:007 39147;128. 39257090. 3012300141IE Info Notco 8&110. "Anomeaous Benevior of Recrculation Loop Flow in 8701300191 LER 84034 Mon 861200.coreof room emergency ventiston Tran A & B Joe Pump BWR Plants." Svc hat enct inseton occurred Caused by perteNy eneened check source m partaman Mondor 90-JORDAN,E.L Dmmon of Emergency Preparedness & Ergneenng Response (Post 2598 Survesence enseucean performed Monnor resumed M swe.W/070107 lir. 830103) 06/12/31. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 95pp. 39205139- SMITH.D L. LEWISAL Tenneseos veiley Authonty 87/01/07. app. 30305 302-39205 233. 39305.305. 4701130330 Forwards inop Repts 50-250/9438.50-260/8&38 & $0 296/06-38 on 8701300378 NPDES . - nounceeorton 870107.sewege escovered es-86101S17 & nonce of viosanon.Violanon mwo8ved talure to adequately contos five fis* chan M mieke form via yard & sys.Couesd tiy obatucted sewertne to son counters contatung 10 g U-235.Mgt corect sys weaknesses notect old vaning ct Baccha0s rnocheruce#y GRACE.J N. Region 2, Omce of Drector. 87/01/02. WHITE.S.A. Tennessee Valley RIVERS.M E. T - Vasey Authorny. 67/01/20. HORN.C. Alabama, Stele of. Authority 3pp. 39245 029 39245.045. 2pp. NJ 30 3930013L

   -4701130338 peoece of violanon from inep on 66101517.

GRACE 4N. Region 2. Othce of Drector.87/01/02. 3pp. 39245.032-39245 034. V. Operater Eneminettene 4701130348 inso Repts $4250/86-38.54260/86-38 & 50 296/8438 on 861015

<     17.Violenons nosed tedure to edequatefy control SNM & to comply w/ transportation &     9701000340 Notline that NRC we conduct workshop on 870218 & Repon N personnel 4

esposal regurements for SNM w4 conduct workshop on870219 m Agenta.GA re mcudent inv==hrfamari & portom> WEDDINGTON.R E., HOSEY,C M. Region 2. Omco of Drector. 06/12/04. 11pp. ence mecators & operator issues,respecevoir. GRACEJ.N. Reqpon 2. Omco of . 86/12/23. WHITE,SA Tenneesee Vasey 39245.035 39245.04i Authonty. 2pp. 30219 311-30210.312. 0813300181 IE Info Peonce 87401, "RHR Valve " . .. .; Causes Degradenon of ECCS in PWRs" Svc bet once. 8701000007 Generic LW 8741 to es power reactor aconsees & appecents for OL re JORDAN.E.L Demon of Emergency Properesiess & E Response (Post pubhc of NRC operator bank.Svc sel enct 8301031 07/01/06. Coneohdated Esson Co. of New Y Inc. 03pp. 39216.316 DENTON.H R. of pten==r Res.: tor Drector (poet 851125). 87/01/ 39217 057. 08. Anantc Cny Electic Co. 44pp. 30304 .112. t 0701130000 IE info Notco 87402 *1nedecpsate Seesmic Qushncation of Diephragm Vasves by Mathematcal Modehng h Analyss." Svc est enct DOC 8tET 00 300 BROWISS PEstetY 18UCLEAR POWER STAT 1000, Uself 2 JORDAN.E L Dumon of Emergency Properedness & E Response (Post 830103) 47/01/13. Coneotdaled Edson Co. of New Y Inc. 07pp. 39300 300-39301.053. p, goourny, meessi, emergency a fire protesteen piene 1 070 30002 IE Info Noece 87403, " Segregation of Hazardous & Low Level Rad- 8701000338 Rev 1 to Rareakycal E Pten :. , _ - Proceere IP 2444, "Earvupaake E Pr==rt-o, revuod endet W/881231 I JORDAN.E L Divison of Emergency Preparedness & Ergneenn0 Response (Pogg IVEY,LW., MAY Vasey Auftonly 06/12/30. 43pp. 30150.087 830103). 07/01/15. Conocedeted Esson Co. of New York, Inc. 85pp. 39324 025- J. . i 381SM88- ) 30324 112. 87013ese41 Forwards inop Repts 50-259/8642.54260/8&42 & 50 296/8442 on 8701100313 Rare ==*= that annual esercses dotated econestos & 881215-10 No violetone or devabons noted Unrescoved norn identhod a rept will be corecaer ance- be edeessed to . Emergency Secten, Region pissued N Recent submfMets routed to PDA pnar to enerous ese to anoonect reapsent. future 2ECH.G G 2. . of Drector.07/01/16. WHITE.S A. Tennessee Vaney Au- ZECH.G.G. Repon 2. Omco of Drector.87/01/00. WHITE SA Tennessee veesy Au- l wiorwy. 2pp. 154 39364 166. thoney. 2pfL 39291:322 39291.323.

   -4701300000 Insp Repte 54250/06-42.54260/9442 & 54296/0442 on 661214                        07011G4015 Forwards regaaet for add info re 051120 reesset to delete reprement tar                                                              )

10.No veoistone or dovutons noted M areas repected recrculaeon sys pipsng re- ennual checks of smoke detector sonenivRy to be inede per en00 - ~ r*- placement & ccp com re quehncatone repiecament personnet queened weirun 60 days of Mr dele. GIRARD.E H., BLAKEJJ. Repon 2, of Drector. 86/01/15. 6pp. 36384161 GROTENHutS.M. SWR Propect Drectorate 2. 07/01/13. WHITE.SA Tennessee 303e4.108 Vasey Authonty. 3pp. 30274.301-39274 503. 4701300100 Forwards partesy withheid inep Repts $4259/8644,54260/8644 4 50- 8701140300 of 881210 mestne w/uts bt Bethesda.MO re fire protacean pro-200/04 44 on 06121419 (ref 10CFR2.7110 4 73 21) No violatone or deviesons noted. gram & piant daugn review c=Namans Last of altandose enc 1 ZECH.G G. 2. Omca of Drector.87/01/18. WHITE,S A. Tenneense valley Ae GROTE .M. BWR Protect Directorate 2. 87/01/16. SWR Protect Deectorate 2. Storey. 2pp. 39 061 39386 063. 8pp. 39303.353-39303.358. l

I 30 DOCKETED ITEMS 8781280188 Repts 50 259/8&44,50 280/9644 4 50 296/08-44 onForwards 88121th18parteny withheld inep& 73 21) No violatons or (ret 10CFR2.7w deviatiore 8701220048 reiedSummary of 881200 meseng w/uti in Betesda.MD re demgn beseene ver. shcaton/conhgurabon coreal mgt ZECH.G G. Region 2. Omco of Drector.87/01/16. WHITE.SA Tennresse Vaney Au-em.Let of attendees & end. thonry. 2pp. 393os 06139388.063. GROTENHUIS.M. BWR Protect ete 2. 87/01/20. BWR Orectorate 2. 6pp. 39354.24249354.247.

   -8701288103Partesy weihheld Phyncal Seewery inep Repts 50 250/8644.54 280/88-8701270471 Withdraws 880130 appecation to amend Ucenses OPR43. DPR-62 & DPR-44 & %298/0644 on 86121619 (ret 10CFR2.790 & 73 21).No viotebons noted Wagor areas inspected-mgt effectveness . escunty                                                             68.incorporatng Tedi Spec 218 to change number of rmai sertwees requred by App B ENNIS).D. Region 2, Omco of Drector. 87/ 1/ 5. Ip. 39388.063 39388 083.                                Tech Specs Amend request did 880930 einrunated need for oute change.

GRIDLEY.R. T-.J .:: Vasey Authonly_87/01/20. MULIER,0 R. Dow Contal Branch (Document Corect Desk). 2pp. Js370-265 3937026tk 0701270403 Requests mat M Grotenhule & GE Gears, mon satsfactory completon of appropnete TVA grertted unescorted access to protected a vital areas of fedely Cerenceton of clearance enct 8701300128 Summary of 870115m eting w/utd m Bemoeda.MD re uts proposal to re-solve pnece.perte replacement usue Unice ettendees & uts ton encl MULLER.DA BWR Protect Derectorate 2. 87/01/20. WHITE.S.A. Tennessee valley Authonty. 4pp. 3937t18v-39379192. itENYON.TJ. PWR Prolact Drectorate 4. 81/01/20. PWR t Drectorate 4. 40pp. 39445-104-39445.143. 8781388873 Noe8caton of 870211 ste visit w/uts to escuss 10CFR50. App R G S sto 2. 81/01/27. MULLER,0R BWR Project O, inspecilen reporte, IE BuSetint & corroepentience 8701080418 Forwards inep Repte 50 250/8&38.50 200/0439 & 54296/88-39 on H, General correspondence 8811 ts-21 & 25.No violabons or device;ne noted ZECH.G.G. 2. Omco of Drector.86/12/22. WHITE.S A. Tennessee Vasey Au-87 1380006Fo,w.,de . deled est u.on .st .or ~RC cc,,espondenc. to m = == ** " a ' *a2 " *27-GRIDLEY.R.L Tennessee Vaney 87/01/20 Document Contal Branch Coreas Dess* DENTON.H.R., CE).N. NRC . No Dotaded Afhishon -8701080428 inep Repts $4259/86 30.50 280/8438 4 54296/8639 on 881116 Spg 39388 26439388 268. 25 No violatons or dovutons noted Q wona mopectedroervice inop of Und 2 & preparatons for reactor wesest P&2 nome safe.end repiscement COLEY.J L. NEWSOME.R.W., BLAKEJJ. Region 2. Othce of Dhector. 86/12/00. P.Oeerstine Scense stage documents & 6. , .- 88#" ##" 8781270077 FOlA request for repts to trnpou Goor drain fitter appacanone tesang et 0812230008IE into Nohce 86107 " Envy into PWR Cavity W/Retectable h. core De-plant. sector Trumbies withdrawn." Svc est enci JORDAN.E L Dmmon of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post vuCHfW.WJ TTI Engmeenng 06/12/05. NRC . No Detamed Amilation Ghen.1p. 39378 221 39378.221. 830103). 86/12/29. Coneohda'ed Edson Co. of New Y inc. 08pp. 39205 031 39205:138. 8781888177 Apptceton for amends to Ucenses DPR43.DPR.62 & DPR48 ' Tech Specs to clarWy owvediance focuirements tar 5 quad convoi sys Fee 0892238081 IE Info Notco 86100. "Dogradegon of RCS Preemse Boundary Resuming DOMER.J A. Tennessee Vasey Authoney. 86/12/23. Ffom Boric Acid Corroom" Swc het enct rectorate 2. 3pp. 39153 25149153 257. LER.DA BWR Proiect DI- JORDAN.E.L Divieson of Emergency Preparedness & Response (Post 830103) 06/12/29. Coneohdated Edson Ca of New Yar Inc. 04pp. 39167.093-39187:197. a8701080100 Proposed Tech Specs clanfying survallance requrements for star *y aney Authority.88/12/23. 400. 39153 254 39153.257.

                                                                                                                             " Swo ence 8701080362 Forwards rewtoed eneervice purre & volve tesong               am.per ASME Code                  JORDAN.L L Dmmon of Emergency Preparedness & Enghisonn0 Reeponse (Poet Secton XI & 10CFR5055aRev should resofwe previously                          questone &                830103). 86/12/29. Connodeted Edson Co. of New Yort, Inc. 94pp. 39205234 concerns        am ofPectrwe for second 120mnth inservice toseng interval.                             39205:327.

GRIDLEY,R. ennessee Vaney Aushonry. 86/12/23. MULLER.D R. BWR Project D6-rectorate 2. 290pp. 39159 260 39180.189. 8701080144 Respone to NRC 061204It te wtolatone noted m inep Repts $4250/88 32.54200/06 32 & 54296/0642.Correctve octone: Survedence inetucton 4.7.E.5 8701080340 Nonnes that NRC wdl conduct workshop on 870218 4 Region 11 personnel we mnduct workshop on870219 in A8enta,GA re incident owesbgaton & perform-ence anecators & operator Econang issues.respecoveey YR

  • Branch (Document Coreal 86 /

Record"'S"ervices 152 305 39151 300. GRACEJ Pt R 2. of Drector. 86/12/23. WHITE.S A. Tennessee Vapey Aumonty. 2pp. 8701020243 Forwards response to wholanone noted in insp Repts $4259/0434.54280/ 8434

                                                                                                           " & 54296/8434 on 88100810. Correceve actons:GT.SM contansson test wie 8701070304 Forwards "DCRDR Summary Rept," per NUREG4737. Tut Action item 4.D.1.asted in 640012 confrmatory orderConectwo acton pian a sdeanzed contad                           DDM R                             Authority 86/12/30. Record Services Branch (Docu.

room rodeogn 4 represents best posedae As for salsty4etaled donaencies. me 39,nt47.C,on, y ' trol Desk). GRACEJ N. NRC . No Detaled Ambation Grven. 4pp. 39147:125 GRIDLEVA Tennessee VaNey Authonty. 86/12/30. MULLER D R BWR Project On. , rectorate 2.10pp 39200.00149201.135^

                                                                                                        $8122981141 IE Info Notco 84110. "' Anomalous Behowtor of Rodrculaton Loop Flow in
-8701070328 "DCRfR Summary RepL.                                                                           Jet Fung BWR Plant
  • Swc Dat and
  • Tennessee Vaney Ausnarty.86/12/31. 485pp. 3920001149201'135' MANE L Division of Emergency Pmperedness & Engineenng Response Post 6'J103). 86/12/31. Coneoboated Edson Co. of New Yort, hic. 95pp. 392 i139 8701130174 Forwards rept evaluenon of NEDE 31098-P, "ATWS, R 4 205233.

should a condmone stated h evalueton altama selec 0701120330 Forwards inep Repts 54250/8638.54200/8638 & 54298'8438 on GEARS,G.E. BWR Propect Deectorate 2. 87/01/08. WHITE.S.A Tennessee Vaney Au, 86101517 & noece of mosanon.colaton twofwed tedum,to ade@etely contal two As-mortly. 3pp. 3925223849252.266. 80"

                                                                                                                            ]My3                   ,CC"j  ob NN 'T
  • mW 8701140071 Notflcanon of 870128 meseng w/utd onsite to escusa restart ineues. Authonty. 3pp. 3w245.029 39245.045.

S ate E 87/01/12. MULLER.D R. BWR Propect

                                                                                                       -8701130338 Notco of v6oiston from hop on 88101417.

GRACE,J.N. Region 2 Omco of Drector. 87/01/02. 3pp. 39245.032 39245 034. 8701180350Forwarde corrected Amend 125 to Uconee DPR52.modifymg Tech Spec Page 55 to reflect correct reactor low water level Op seteng of 378 mches & Page -8701120348 Insp Repte 54259/06 38,50L280/8438 4 54296/8438 on 881015-169A to delete rets. 1Wiolaeons noted tekse to ade@etely coreal SNM & to comply w/transportanon & GROTENHUIS,M. SWR Project Desctorate 2. 87/01/13. W (TE,SA Tennessee esposei rerquirements tor SNM Valley Authorny. 2pp. 39294138 39294.141. WEDDINGTON.R E., HOSEY.C M. Region 2. O' Ace of Otractor. 88/12/04. Itpp. 39245.03 & 39245 045. -8701180373 Corrected Amend 125 to Ucense DPRS2.moerying Tech Spec Page 55 tu reflect correct reactor low water eewee inp seipomt of 378 mches & Pege 189A to 8812300181 IE Info Notco 87401, "RHR Vepve Misregnmort Causes Degradenon of de6ete rets ECX:S m PWRe." Swc tot once.

  • NRC . No Dotaded Af9diation Grwort87/01/12. Ppp. 39294:140-39294.141. JORDAN.E L DMuon of Emergency Preparochoes & E Response (Poet 630103). a7/01/06. Conocmdeted Eeoon Ca of New Y enc. 03pp. 39216 318-8701210253 Forwards rearense to NRC 661107 request for aes into re iteme 22.1.3 & 39217 057.

2 2.t 5 of Genanc Lir 8129 Utd nucteer exponence review am currerttty t>eing ui> poded to resolve item 2.1 Aes rdo was t>e provided tv 87 . ORIOLEY,R. Tennessee VeRoy Authonty 87/01/14. LtULLER.D R. Ornce of Nuclear 8701120008 tE Info Notee 87402 "inadequase Seismic Genficaton of Deephragm Vafwee Mathematcal Modeling $ Analvem" Swc het and henctor Regulabon, Drector (poet 851125). 4g9. 39328 32439328 32s. JORDA E L Divesson of Emergency Propemaisee & E Response @cet 830103) 87/01/13. Conoctdated Eeean Ca of New Y enc. 07pp. 39300 308-8701230132 Notficanon of 870118 fneuene w/ute h Dethesda.MD to dervse methods 393010M. tot eviprovmg commurucatione re resoluton of moves between TVA & NRC. F E NYON.T J. PWR Proyect Drectorate 4. 87/01/14 YOUNG 0LOOD.B J. PWR Protect Directorate 4 4pp. 30158 29439J58 238 8701130002 IE Info Notce 87403, "Segregaton r4 Hezerdnue & Low Level Rad. 8701200488 Notrhcaton of $70127 meetng w/util at ste to escuse Scenen3 acton 4 wetles JoRDANE " .Swc L Dinsonhet ceenct Emergency Prepamonen & Encineering Raponse (Poet mod schedules Agende for eneebng enct. 830103) 87/01/15. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, M 85pp. 39324 025-39324:112. Gh0TENHUts.M. BWR Propict Drectorate 2. 81/01/15. MULLER.D R. BWR Progect Oerectorate 2. 4pp. 39318 203 39319 206. 8701200041 Forwards inop Repte 50L250/8&d2.54280/0442 & 54296/0442 on 8701230030 Forwerde updates of TVA eceveties ear wks of 870119 4 26. 88121518 No violations or devistons noted Unresolved Rom edentfled m rept we be pursued during tuture inep. GR:DLEY.R L Tennessee Vasey Authonty 87/01/18 THOMPSON.H., BARR.K. NRC

 . No Detened Ammanon Givert er p. 39358 28149359 288,                                                    ZECH.G G. Reeon 2. Office of Director.07/01/18. WH1'E.SA Temessee VaNey Aa>

thonty 2pp. 3M84.15439384106.

DOCKETEDITEMS 31 87013ee870 Forwards Rev 4 to escurny personnel terung & quaseceton plan re use of 4M13esset inop Rapes $4250/0642.50 200/e442 & $420e/0642 on 881215. newty tnoteusd electons escasey eserch egnepmenLRev wthheid (ref 10CFR2.700 & 10 No vecessone or devistons noted erees - a.m - syn pgung re

                   & concern re queencetons             repascement personest                      73.2ft of Drector. 06/01/15. Opp. 30364:161-      ZIMMERMAN.S.R. Caronne Power & Ught Co. 87/01/16. Record Servicae Brand
                .E H., SLAKE.JJ. Region 2.

303s4.10E (Docaarnent Contal Dest 41S =*a = man 006. Repte 50 250/96-44,50-200/0644 & 50- 8701270443 Rev 2 to Vol 2. Pert 8 of Ptere Emergency Procedure PIP 451, " Emergency SM1300100 Forwards perusey wahheid inep& 73 21) No vlotomons or devastons noemdEnwron Monsorme Procachao." W/8M120 ler. 295/eS44 on 08121419 (ret 10CFR2.Teo MORROW,W C., MORGAN.R E. Coroene Power * & Ught Co. 87/01/20. $ ppt 2E^H.G a Repon 2. Once of Drector.07/01/16. WHITE.SA Tennosome Vesey Au-thoney. 2pp. 303ee 061-30300 083. 30388.t474030t158. 4Mtsettee Persesy wahheid Physcal Society inep Rapes $4250/0444.54200/se-44 & 54206/0644 on se121419 (ret 10CFR2100 & 73 21).No veoistons noted.Megof P. Operettig sessee elege desumente & serveependence Pee 6.J MCNR Repc1 oca 07/01/15.1p. 30306M 8791000132 Forwards respones to 800022 for add No re purre & veno tiestv-tco tesene prorern.One overeue CUTTERA8. Caronne Power & Usht 06/12/20. RU8FNSTEIN.LS6 PWR Progoct Drectorate 2. 33pp. 3017140130171.034. R Portedte opereerig reporte a rotated ciervoupendense 079100000e Forwards rept of 881000 teicon w/uti d~-  ! NRC of to Genanc Lt 8612. " Reactor botent Ftsey Trip SMisessee MoniNy opereeng repts for Sept 1998 W/87010e IIr- acenese 860e30 '*' C"ordnneson requesend estun 45 CREAMER.K L. RATUFF.5 LtWIS.R L Tennessee Vasey Authorty. 86/09/30. Acton More N 9L3 5). 10pp. 30167.190 30187.21E REQUA.G. PWR Proket Drecearete 2. 06/12/2 UTLEY .E. Cercene Power & Ups Cet upS 301421524M. 0701300300 opereeng ropeo ear Oct 1996 W/3611te Itr. CREAhtER.ptL. S.R.L Tennosese vesey Authoney. 86/10/31.17pst 30431:100- SMieese01 Forwenis Amand 110 to Ucones OPR-23 & esfoty evetustort Amend re-3043t.124, wines Tech Spec Secton 613 to renect duel role of senior reactor operator which can UTLD.E.E. Cercene Power & UgM re MrNo ckmed g 2pp. . se . Next iedets we be provided by rned.Jan 1987 W/o enci GRID R T - V Aulhanty.06/12/21ZECH.G. Region 2. Omco of 01- -ePeteesees Aniend 110 to Ucense DPR.23.revnemg Tech Spec Secenn 613 to re-

                         '                '                                                        noct dual role of somar reactor operator whsch can eleo be used m rose of shWt techni-RUBE            ElRL1 PWH Propct OkocWele 186/12/30. 5pp. 3023106540230080 Oftcs c Nucteer                     son,                  1tt$). 87/


                                                                                                -8M1000004 Sawy eveauseon                                      Amend H0 to Ucense DN23.

YLOR M of E (Poet ' of Reactor son, Drector (poet 851125). 86/12/30. 2pp. Regen t Omce of Drector. 4pp 3026220530262-206. SMt t.01 7,c,we,de nedste o, ace es .o, wie of870,12 8 1.. 8701138043 Forwardo Amend 111 to Uconee DPR-23 & esfoty evabaean. Amend GRIDLEYAL Tenneense Vesey_ Aumorny. 87/01/00. THOMPSON.H. NRC = No De- Tech Spec Sectons 3 & 6.13.1.b by correctin0 typos & spoolfy-f5 tod AfRhemon GewerL 8ARRit Regen 2. Ofrece of Drectcr.1fpp. 30262.242 rig of te mches for does rate . .__ _ _._.J 39J52. REQUAG, PWR Drectorate 2. 06/12/30. UTLEY E.E. Caronne Power & Ught Co. 2pp. 30232.201 231200. 8, Reportehle occurrences, LEne & reisted correependence ' Tech Spec hy

                                                                                                -4701130000 Amend 111 to Uconee DPfNES.

88 P 1 1.b by deterios of 1 SMt130901 LER e&O1540on 861200.Trare A & C of standby goe teetnant eye & 'nche'e'agraphs i for does rate&.. rewinne_Tech ,madeSpecs &t31e #4eres f to deternune erest Trem A of contoi room emergency wantiamon actuated.Ceused by tened con m RUSINSTEIN.LSs PWR Propect Drectorate

2. 06/12/30. * ="207.

eye resetW/870102 nr. gCoe repieced LEWIS.R.L & se - Vessy Authoney. 87/01/02. 3pp. 30256.006- g g

  • PWR Progect Directorate 2. 06/12/30. 2pk 30231200-3023120s.

070130eeM NPDES noncomphence nostcesorton 870107.soween escovered de- SMt14 esse Formente les for af=*adari for removal of was et lecittyJuer 10CFRt?0. charpne to araoke foreboy wie yard e Caused by ccatucted sewerene to ZIMMERhlARSA Caronne Power & UgM Cct $7/01/00. Once of Adprerestremort 1p. old terung et Bloctage macherece#y 30266:306-3000& 306. RIVERS.M E. T_ Vesey Authoney. 7/01/20. HORN.C. Alabama, Stele of. 2pp. 30390130 30390.t31 eM1140em Foneerde sessly evaluaman & EG4G hieho input rowiewing uis 831104 re-to Genanc Lk SS28.hom 2.1 (Part 2), " Vendor Interface Propom . Reactor Conquanents." Response mee*fia*'= V. Operator Eseminettone T.L PWR Drectorate 3. 07/01/00. UNDBLAO.WJ. Portend General Electic Co. 2pp. .217 30262:221. 8701000340 Noenee Wiet NRC we contkJct workshop on 870210 & Reqpon 4 personnet wie conduct shop on870210et Allente. mctdent swestigaton & perform-Urets 1 & 2.Preme taland Nudeer Genereeng Plant Ures 1 & tr. Reactor Titp Sye GRACE.J N. Repon 2. Omco . 86/12/23. WHITE.S.A Tennessee Volley Vendor InteMace learn 2.1 (Part 2) of Genanc Lt 83 26.* Aulhanty. 2pp,3v210 311-39210 312. FARMER.F.G. EG40 idaho. Inc. (subs. of EG4G. Inc ). FIN 04001. EGG.NTA.7448. 86/ t 1/30. NRC . No Detened AfRheson Grvert 10pp. 30262 222 39262-240. 4M1400007 Generic Lt 8741 to es power reactor Iconeese & oppecents lor 01, re pubec of NRC operator tcenemq omem quesmon bank Svc hst enci SMt100813 Asipecemon for amend to unenes DPR.23.rowtain0 Todt Space to tricorpo-DENTON.H R. of Nuclear Reactor Hegulebon, DreCsor (poet 651125L 07/01/ of Genanc Lt 06 00 re reactor etp trasher mods. Fee pahi rate

06. Allenec City Electnc Co. 44pp. 39304 060 30304112. R.A.8. Coronne Power & Ulpit Cet e7/01/12. Record Branch (Docu.

ment Conted Desh). 2pp. 30201 Jt41-30201240. l DOCKET 54241 H.S. RO0lN00N PLANT, UNIT 2 -4M1100310 Proposed Tech Space,reesceng Generic Lir $600 pedance re reactor sto tresher deogn modt F. Secur#y, medicot, emer0ency & fire protocean piene

  • Caroo'ns Power & beht Cat $7/01/12. 4pp. 30201243 30201246.

3701300147 Forwarde raa 4**i of reactor veneet mens issue.rowteed to PTS procedures.Inchedmg Rev 8 to PEP.205. "Mohn. 0701070330 Rawned 4 besos lor detrueen of weld chenesty of veneel weeds in hare corr of op-seeon of Outwde econs." 4 to PEP-171 "E Commurecator & 206 Autvecon of Techracel bupport /870102 IIr. er emas & eherectantamon of rettemon _1.T. .l Sierr & Rev 11 to Z Rt4AN.SA Cercene Power & Co. 87/01/16. Reard Services Branch MORROW.M C., MORGAN.h"E. Coroir e Power a baht07/01/02. Cet GRACE.J.N. (Document Contal Domk).10pgL 303000 :007. Repon 2.Omco of Drector. 29pp. 30180'108-30100:138. 3701080844 Forwards rows to emergency plan & proceduree & Det of rovet W/o plan & 8M18M888 "'"""""_" Dmf'aamd use ofconcentagon 10 weighttopercent Godome esoport longer in erstched U cycles,per 8612 0Cyces 12 asw/ NRC & Emeortyetreview and. R E. Coronne Power & Ugr4 CO. 07/01/02 GRACE.J N. Regan 2. Office of Power & Co. 87/01/10. Record Services Branch (Docun Director. 2pp. 30210146 302f tide. CUTTER.A.8. rnent Control Deck).10pp. 30380- 1005. 0701000401 Requests that annual emergency enerose chlecoves.detoded scenartos & SM1210422 Forwards SER supparen0 uti response to Generte Lt 03 20, item 2.1 (Part corecaer packages be addressed to Creof. Emergency Prepare @ess Secean,US 2) te vendor bilerface progem,beced cn Concurrence w/EG&G tecfvecal NRC.Repon N & os marked, "to be opened try addreasse croy ew='d=utom w VERRELU.D M Regon 2. Onice o rDrector. e7/01/02. UTLEY.E.E. Caronne Power & REQUA.O PWR Dkectorate 2. 87/01/20. UTLEY.E E. Caroene Power & Ught s Ught Ca 2pp. 3022z185 30222106. Co. 2pp. 3032t2P 20 307. 4 0701300404 Forwards inop Rept $4261/8&32 on 06121510 No vtotaeons or dowla um 031107 response to Generto Lt 83 28. Item 2.1 (Part soone noted. ~0701210462 SER I YERRELU.D M Repon 2. Omce of Director $7/01/12. UTLEY.E E. Caroene Power 4 2) reprement to that Weerface program exists w/NSSS vendor for compo. Oght Co. 2p. 30307 306-30307 30s. nonte rogured for performance of RTS functort

  • NRC. reo Detaded AMiheson Gewert 07/0t/20. 3pp. 3032020430320.307.
    -8701300424 Persally willeeld Inno Rept $420t /0432 on 06121910 (ret fcCFR2.700 73.21) Mesor erees mapecteemgt eneceve/ escisity program.secunty                     0701300118 Forwards rewteed repeacement pe$se to pump & velve bioendce tonene
       &                                                                                                     em,e8 resuR of record Tech Spec changes &001220 m..J_._ J .

econ records & rents, el bornare & protected areal l 2. Ofece of Drector. 07/01/00. igL 30307.306 ER.A g. Carolrie Power & Ught Co. 87/01/20. Record Servtces l>ench (Docu* t .G d., MCGUIRE.D R. 30307.308. ment Coreof Desk).17plL 3030s.15130374.167. I I

   .   . _                 . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _                        _                                                                  _                    .          _ . __                            _                ~_           __ .

I 32 DOCKETED ITEMS a naposeen rep ==, a sesseum & savenponsense v.Op.mersee memum 0701000000 Informs that 1<sey workshop on incesant invesugemon & persarmance hs-canore we te coachseted on 870210 & SM1000000 heonne est t<say wortshop on husent trouse00esen & persamenos he-on curent operesor toernme canore um to coneseos en 870810 & on cununt opercent toenemig 6esues propcoed 10CFR$5 changse.we he on 870210 m Amanda GRACEJ N -^ progesed 10CFR00 changeskum be on 870810 m Atenet Ught Co. 2pp 2. Once of Drector. 08/12/24. UTLEY.E E. Caronne Power & GRACEJ N 2. ONbe of Obester. 08/12/24. UTLEY,E.E. Caroen Peser & 7034-30227.036. Oght Co. app. 7404 300f70006 00genessen IE Info Noece 06107. " Envy into PWR Cav oy W/Repectobes in. Core De- SM1000N1 Funde Aniend 110 to Usense DPR40 & sessey evaluesen. Amand re-tector Thmeios Wimeann." Suc tot enct vlees Tech Spec Secean 02 3 to rennet eust role of eenfor reac* v aparator ufsch out JORDAN.E L DMoon of Emergency Properuhees & E Respones (Post eleo to used a ross of shst techrenal eduesor. 330103t 08/12/20. con Eamon Co. of New Y 30205.13g. Inc. 00pp. 30200.033 REQUA.G. PWR Co. app. 30031. Obestorate 1971. 2. 08/12/30. UTLEY.E.E. Cookie Poser & UWit d ' 0813330001 IE Into Noece 80100. Degradegon of RCS Pressure Boundary Resuleng -GM10fA1008 Amerd 110 to Unense DPR. Teen Suse tengen 42.3 to re-Feom Sanc Aces Concesort" Svc tot onct. sect esas role of senter reHor opmeenr uNgh can be used in role Of th0t tesfe6 12 eson feow Y 04pp $7 RUBE TEIN.LS. PWR Pnileet Oboutorate 2. 08/12/30. Oppt 30031200 30001mm. 30107.107. SM1000NF Generte Lar 8741 to ed pesar reester toonoses & gagnent ter OL re 88h888888 ***' I" 8"" 08"""8 NTON Nummer Reactor Obesser  ! JORDAN.E L Duman of Ernergency Preparedness & Engneertne Response (post 00 Asenec CHy Elec0tc Ca 44pp. _ 00120k 07/01/ __ H 2.

'           030103). 80/12/20. Cor=* tan =d Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 04pp. 30206.234-30205.327.

Y. Ory Cesk Independent gent Post morego m 0813300141IE info Noece 04110. " Anomalous Sehavior of Rococadoton Loop Flow in Jet Pump SWR Ptente.* Svc not enct

                                                                                                                                                  $701140010 Fonsense Rev 0 to CPL.10120,""                                                        J Info h                  of Conserv-JORDAN.E L Dumon of Emergency Preparochess & Engineertng Responr.e (Post 4            03010:1) 08/12/31. Cor-**"M Eeson Ca of New York. Inc. OSpp. 30206.130
  • seems M Crece0ty Analyses Personned for HB Mehmeen IBFSt." per 081208 re-30205 233. guest for ses into to restow of 001001 ap0cesan ser maand to egensa 1 ^^ T J ^ M,8.R. Poser &

Cet Suut/0e. RDUN.LC Advensed Puel

                                                                                                                                                       & Spent Fuel Uoonung Brenoft 1pt                                         1:25130t71J00.

0813300181 IE Into Noece 47401,"RHR Velve hesehgnment Causes Degredoton of ECCS m PWRs " Svc est encl -8M11400N Rev 0 to "" JORDAN.E.L Dumon of Emergency Preparednese & E Respones (Post Z info Porturmed for Hg Magmean 10FSL,,in Sippert of Censervetems In CMosby l 030103t 07/01/00. Coneoedeced Eeson Co. of New Y inc. 03pp. 30210:310-i 30217.057. 8.D MASSEYJV. poucesar Technology Corp. (NUTE80. WL 14120 ROO. 08/12/18. 30pp. 38271202-30071200. 0701130t?? Reeponde to violomons noemd in inep Rept 50 201/06 20. Correcove

,          aceans event amm===new/operesore invasved & cheapenery sceon w/cpergeor & luso 14C technscene taken to ernpheese ereortance of fosoming procedures                                                                   DOCKET 00 300 MDefflCELLO InfCLEAR MBERATWIS PLAlff heORGAN.R E. Caroene Power & Ught Co.07/01/00. Record Servicae Branch ment Control Dookk opp. 30245.010 30245-013.

P. SoeurWy, meesel, emergency a lhe preteneen pImme 8701100308 Remes inep fase in response to Invence 0512A covenng 8003304021. i 11hlMERh4AN.S R Caroene Power & Ught Ca 07/01/12. Omco of Aerensstresort sp. 37g1000000 Routmed corporees geoestsee, hehselg Rev 30301 220 39301.220. 14 to EPIP 1.1.5, & E Fastly EPtit 1.1.0, or Punftees W/070100 ar. " & Reir 8 to l- 0701300404 Forwarde inep Rept 50201/0s-32 on 00121510No victemons or devi- FEYf.L NorWiem Poner 87/01/00. Sepp. 30000J0130 Pet 244. soone noemd. VERRELU.D hl Repon 2. Office of Drector.07/01/12.UTLEY E.E. Carchne Power 4 sy01NONS Aduteos tiet Get120 Rev 0 to emagency plan connessent w/ proutelone of bght Co. 2p. 30307.30430307:300. 10CFR00. & escapenble. to emergency plan Wiptemeneng psesseses ehould he an econsdence w/1 ,A0p E. 1 SHAFER.W D. 3. Omos of Dhector.07/01/16.LARSDN.CE. Norgiam Sassee

       -0701300434 Partesy memheid inep Rept 50 201/40-32 on 00121510 (ret 10CFR2 700                         .

Power Cet app.

}          &    73.21) heepor erees inspectedmet onecove/ escunn Je&30300.207.

i econ.rocords & reste, turners & protected eree. y program,securey G .G.F, heCGUIRE.D.R. 0701270000 Formende Rev 30 to carperses pist f 2. Omco of Drector.07/01/00. Ip. 30307.300-30307.300. Tebse of Contenes Roosed of flor. and of 8 100

;                                                                                                                                                  cedure. "et.o.D. poorthern senses Power Co."07/01/10.

WituAh of poucesor Reachr Retr

IE Info Noece 07402
  • unston, Duector tuost 001120).1p. 3030&200 3030ka00.

i 4701130000, vesves tn Moviemencer u=*=%g & Anafyme." Suc est enct. & Seeme Queetceton of Diaphreyn JORDAN.E L DMoon of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Poes -8701370300 Rev 30 to cospersas nutseer emergency plan inquesmeneig precense, (301031 07/01/13. Conocedeced Esson Ca of New Y "Tehto of Contense Roosed of Rev." Inc. 07pp. 30300-300- FEYf.L Northam Stense Power Cet 07/01/01. Ip. 3030k2043000k200. 30301:053. 0701130002 IE info Noece 07403, "Segregaton of Henardoue & Low Level Red- P, Opereeng Boones stage desumente a serveopondense i mesesa" Svc est anci JORDAN.E L DMuon of Emergency ^;-- ._ ^ _. & Enqpneertig Response (Post 230103t 07/01/15. Conochdoesd Edson Co. of New York, Inc. SSpp. 30324 025- 0701000070 to enend Unense DPR-at to re0 set Tem 3':324 112. Aceon lien triode 4 cfiengpig estport for eefsey/m reest vefveTom pipe preense esmacher Fee pet

      $701300013 tha~==== current etenue on lesent enop of evc weser pgun0 corresortfable                                                          hfUSOLF,0. Norsiern Samens Power Co. 08/12/00. DENTON.H.R. Osco of f4selaar j        cd evc water pipene meervice monnonne weld het eru1                                                                                       Reactor Reguisson, Duecear (post 001120).17pp. 30141087 30142132.

1 MORGAN,R E. Caronne Power & Ugnt Co.07/01/10. Record Servtcee Branch (Docw mor* Control Desk). 3pp. 3030507130385 C,* 0701000000 Tech Space re asesn inssument heictonef teses, enrem histu-


ment came.E fr_ _ -__ . for selsey/ #seef vefve kHo est legs & met test 4 4 cemr for core coch3 red tests a leelsson r . _ _

!     E Portees opereeng reporte & retened corroependonee
  • Nortiem Power Cet smil2/00,2WOL 30142104-30142133.

8701000047 Fonsense "DCADR Summary R==C - " phselaar testess" 8701138130 operenne tar Dec 1000 W/070100 nr A FRAllE R.V E, 1 to NUREG4737.Generen Lir 0633 4 mes of Conenkdon it ords. 30247.200. GAN.R.E. Power & D0ht Co. 08/12/31. 4pp. 30247 203 g.D. Normern Shhs Power Ca 08/12/3E Omos of Nuclear Reecelir Re son, Deector (post 301120k fp. 30101001-30102344. g giape,tutto - 0=10NWS DmDR P gowerRep.uonnossop emen-Honeynes, Inc, 94earg/12/31. { _ LERe & roested serveependence Seelse 30101.000-l y 8701310140 Formerde LER 8601241/evisene loved of reactor power kom wNch urWt

  • typed kom 42% to 13%.Opereeng modo marked *N" es - __- -- ^ ^ try NUREG- $=1310000 Fonsense espesy evenusson & TER40004380, "Seucteel Evehassen of Imrir Vacuum Brushere. " 000020 vuepones ars 8001 ler ets info so heORGAN.R E. Caroene Power & ' Genene ter 0340 that ts*eher meest vek;cey unet ment Contof Desky 1p. 30327.201 Co. 07/01/15. Record Servicae Branch (Docu- ZWOUNOKI,J A. SWR C estrues 1. S//01/14. M 8,0.M. Norgian 7J03.

Senses Power Co. Opp. .0084 8303 031. 1 -0701314181 LER 86012 01 on 300025. unit evenenced areasurtzer low prenewe re-4 actor tip kom 13% power em w try over tioreson of Rds enen emereency boreman -0701910000 Sefuer evaluamon eippereng um dryuet veciesn toesher insgest veteesy j velve inadvertenpy left open m enempt to statidue unit kom heater drem pump trip.

  • 3 4 AYRE.D. Caronne Power & Ught Ca07/01/15. 2pp. 30327.202 30327.203, of Nuclear Reactor Repdesert Drecaer (post 301120k 07/01/14. 4pgL
30303 007-30303 010.

, 4701310170 LER 0041440on 001222. reactor Mpped ese to h6.N level turtune Inp M i senem Generecor 8 Caused try fesure of 8eedbece knkene m feedmeter requiseng velve -8007300174 *9huchsaf Evalueton of Vammen trashore (temt I Containment Pre-B urut in hot shutdown.Unhage repared W/070110 Nr. y" , Dorp. (aute. Anen_ , testeesel evaluenon vagt.

SAY 0, MORGAN.R E. Caronne Power & Ught Co. 07/01/10. 3pp. 30327;t00- Frerden Roosarch Caissa

TER 300 901 08/07/24. . Peo Deessed Afassen Ossert 213pk 30327.t07. 30303 011 30303 001. j a i

                                                       ,_.y--,.,y.,         - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - - - . - _ . _ . - - - ,       gr e-.      - - - - -              yy .         ,.-q     ,

g 9,._.-f._.em.._9% m- _r e,---- y _y-,,,, y ----i.w

DOCKETEDITEMS 33 8701230017 Notecaton of 870122 meetmg w/ uni m Betheads.MD to escuss topcal V. Operator Eneminettene repts to to be weed rt evaluatmo reload to be performed m Oct 1987. LYNCH.M D. swr Drectorate 1. 87/0f /15. ZWOUNSKl.J.A. BWR Protect 06- 87010e0607 Genenc Lir 8741 to all power reactor hcensees & appicants for OL re rectorste 1. 3pp. 3935 225 39357.227. av NRC operator exam cueston bank.Svc het enct 8701290145 Notfies that changes authortred by Amend 48 to bconse DPR.22,relocat- 08 A E Co pp 39 06 304 1 ing oNgas sys morvtor inp luncton rom recombeer ten tnp toge to ongas essor anp . completed dLawg maint shutdown endmg on 870112.

              ,D. Northem States Power Co 87/01s15. Record Sarwces Branch (Docu-                                                 DOCKET 50 264 DOW CHEMICAL CO.

ment Contal Deskk 1p. 39426 355 39426.355. Q. Inesection reporte,lE Sulletine & correspondence M122300ee IE Info Nonce 86107, " Entry into PWR Cawty W/ Retractable InCore De- condmons once m '& WYN Genenc t 83- & 85 2 tector Trumbles Wilhtkawn Syc est encl- nr Review of bcense renewal apphcoton will conbnue upon receipt of program. JORDAN.E L Dmmon of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post BERKOW.H.N. Stender $taton & Specisi Propect Drectorate. 87/01/13.

                   /12/29. Coneohdated Eckson Co of New YortL, Inc.                                           39205 031             KOCHER,C.W. Dow Chemmal Co. App.39306.213 39306.223.
                                                                                                                                                                            , meets                                 & A"p' p M12230001 IE Info No6ce 86100,"Dogradation of RCS Pressure Bosmdary Resultmg                                                                     M on 40304 From Bone Acid Corrosson." Svc hst orct                                                                                           A of 10CFR50.55 wthsted provimons.

JORDAN.E.L Dmmon of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post COLLINS,P.F. Atome Enerar Commesson, Drectorate of Ucenomg 74/06/20. 830103). 86/12/29 Coneohdated Edison Co. of New York, Inc.104pp. 39167:093- HOYLE.HA Dow Chemmai G 2pp. 39306 217-39306.223. 39167:197. M12230003IE Info Noace 8&109, "O aptragm Fadure m Scram Outlet valve Caueng DOCKET 56268 OUADCITIES STATION, UfelT 2 Rod insernone Svc het enct JORDAN.E L Dumon of Ernergency Preparedness & Engmeenn0 Response (Post 630103). 06/12/29. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 94pp. 39205.234- F. securny, metaces, m & nre precoceen piene 39205:327. 8701000204 Ack receipt of 861021Nr forweren0Rev 8 to Genormeng almenne emergen. 4612200141 IE info Nohce 86110. " Anomalous Behswar of Recrculaton Loop Flow in plan to be amplemented in Feb 1987. Change to Tatze 6.31 re tack of m. _ Jet Pump BWR PW Svc bat end. g ovacuston time essmate mio dunng oHete -_' - --

                                                                                                                                                                                              ' - unaccarnatina         ,_,_

JORDAN.E L Dmmon of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post SHAFER.W D. Regan 3. Offre of Drector. 87/01/06.ltEED,C. Cv__ 830103). 86/12/31. Conachdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 95pp. 39205.139 Eeeon Cn 3pp. 39204.03139204 033. 39205 233. 8701150181 Forwards proposed App R exempton reipset for hot shutdown 8612300151 IE Info Nonce 87 001, "RHR Velve Misahgnment Causes Degradabon of repers Enssnphon needed n order to allow use or fuse pueng as reper for purposes ECCS m PWas." Svc hst enct Response (Poet of App R.per NRC 0612JO ltr. JORDAN.E L Dmmon of Emergency Preparedness & E JOHNSONAM. Commonweefth Edson Co.87/01/12.DENTON.H.R. Offlce of N"ramar 830103) 87/01/06, Consondated Edison Co. of New Y fnc.103pp. 39218.316 Reactor Regulaton, Drector (post 851125k 8pp. 39262137 39282142. 39217.057. 8701130307 Ineorms that commitment date for fut implementanon of SPDS on une G. MM correspondence 3.Page 8 of Safety insp Rept 50-263/86 47 was mcorrei;tly hated. Correct date e 870111. environe emer-GULDEMOND.W G. Regon 3 Orhce of Drector. 87/01/07. LARSON.C.E. Northern 8701200411 Rowned genanc generating station States Power Co. 2pp. 39257032 39257.033. gency plan impeemeneng processes.mciueng Rev to 1, "Envrons actor Co-ordmation of Envrone Group Acewbes." Table cf cordents eleo enct 8701120008 IE Info Nocee 87 002, "inadecuate Sesme Quakfbcanon of Diaphragm KENEALY,D.M. Commonwealth Eeson Co. 06/12/31.100pp. 30310.287-39311.92E Vefwes by Mathemancal Modehn0& Analyss." Svc tst once. JORDAN.E.L Dmmon of Emergency Properedness & E Response (post 830103). 87/01/13. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New Y inc.107pp. 39304308- J. Insurance & Indomrdty informellen 3930is53. 8701280400 Foneerds Endorsements 2.4 & 5 to NEUA Certllcates NL101, N-93 & N43 8701200062 Responds to 881025 nr to Vce Premdent G Bush re removal of raso from E D '** ' P* coreol room.NRC poution osecussed m IE Cacular 8142 & IE Info Nobce 85 2 5 7 hated

    $ $ =," T,pe,', n*E T', W g ;>,;2m=7/a/*                                                                                           PucePose rm ep'W33N3Y7ie"# ^"""' ""**"""'""

c 8 2 Info Notce 87 003, " Segregation of Hazardoue & Low Level Red" P. honee g N  : &6 JORDAN.E L Dmeson of Emergency Preparedness & Eno'neenng Response (poet 87011400D4 Forwards Amend 93 to Lice ine DPR-30 & estely evalueton. Amend mos-830103) 87/01/15. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 85pp. 39324.025 fles Tech Specs to renect simsay krad coreal sys changes to compey w/ 39324.f f 2. 10CFR50 62. ZWOUNSKl.JA BWR Protect Directorate 1,86/12/30. FARRAR,DL Commonwealti Echson Co. 2pp. 39262124J9262131. R. *ertoesc opereeng reports & reisted -. , _

                                                                                                                                   -870H40000               9        enee                    ohney le d coreci sye mods 8701080132 MontNy operanng rept for Sept 1968 W/881003 ler.                                                                            g                   50 MYR             .L. MUSOLF D. Northem States Power Co. 86/09/30. $pp. 39168 348.                                                   ZWOU          A BWR Project Drecerew 1. 86/12/30. 8pp. 30282122 30262129.
                                                                                                                                    -8701140102 Safety evolushon w           - Amend 93 to Ucones DPR-30.

Ree m Drem W 85% 86MM 2p. MY .A. , tates 10/31. 5pp. 39432124- hNdMi, ) 39432128. 8701208017 Forwards Amends 98 & 94 to Ucenees DPR49 & DPR 30, respec8 veer & A. , tes 12/31. 5pp. 39255:270- p mods ang fahr"e'"conceri* Bumetm 8600 255.2 4. ZWOUNSKI,JA BWR Drectorate1. 87/01/06.FARftAP,0.L C - -.. M Edson Co. 3pp. 39306. :340. S. Reportehle occurrences, LERe a reisted u . _ _e -8701200026 Amends 98 & 94 to Ucensee DPR-29 & DPR 30,respec8vely mosfyin8 LPCI pump flow survesence test remarements. ZWOUNSKlJA BWR Progect Drectorate 1. 87/01/06.12psk 30306:326-30300.337. 8701210113 LER 8642840on 861219 & $70109 emergency nitration tren sys tene. forred to some chemcel mode. Caused by defectrve temp holder, leading to cNorme morvtor opecs hght source talure Lamp holder replaced W/870115 nr. -8701200028 Safety evalueton supportng Amende 90 & 94 to Ucenese DPf420 & KAMPPINEN.L M . MUSOLF.D. Nor1hern States Power Ca 87/01/15. 3pp. OPR-30,respecevely.

  • Omco or Weaar Reactor Regulaeon, Director (post 851125). 97/01.T6. 3pp.

39327:197 39327.199. 39300:338-39306:340. 8701270338 LER 8740140-on 870108. reactor pressure sys actuation primary contam-ment Grmq)s e & lit moistion & staney gas teatment sys rubanon occurred due to 8701180300 Neeficaton of870120 meeting w/utes in Beemade.MD to apar== Mark i reactor low water level Caused by operator error ESF sys reset.W/870119 Itr contamment corr *=a*4= gas control sys info. Mosen0 reach =*dare kom870115. DONOHEW,J.N. BWR Drectorate1. 87/01/13. ZWOUNSKI,JA SWR Project ANTONY.D.D., MUSOLF.D. Northem States Power Co. 87/01/19. 3pp. 39368 297-Drectorate 1. 4pp. 39304 046. 39368 299. 1044F In 870105.CS Hinson repieced ? Roaste as fWIR f 8701280317 vesen nl sysLER rwa3642940-on 861225. on occ-red dunng reactor.bidg rouen - opere onventsanon C us d tryho.latio.n enunous & $7012,eci n .starwt4 Ga.s pre meneforms that effaceveer ior sia Roca eomi PuniRoisse now imod profect i menseer for Q to eip Morntor & reactor ventsanon mosanon reset Wi870123 nr. Cnee Nucteer Power Staton. I BAYLESS.R, MUSOLF.D. Statee Power Co. 87/01/23, 3pp. 39380 007- ZWOUNSKI,JA BWR Protect Drectorate 1. 87/01/15. BERRY,K.W. Consumere Power Co. 2pp. 39353 097 39353 098. 39388:009

i I 34 DOCKETEDITEMS 9701230060 Forwards Amend 95 to License DPR-30 & safety evaluation. Amend re- 8701120006 IE Info Notco 87402. " inadequate Sestmc Chakficatum of Dapfwagm nects Cycle 9 reioed sual & reneent anahses, removes provmons sor smgie loop op. vaives by unthemance Modehng & Anavyms." Svc hat enct eremon as scense conckton & incorporates omdar provmon into Tech JORDAN.E L Dnnson of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (post ZWOUNSK!JA BWR Profect Drectorate 1. 87/01/16.F ARRAR.D.L alth 830103) 87/01/13 Conschdated Edson Co. of New Y Inc. 07pp. 39300 308-Eeoon Ca 3pp. 39357.313-39357.345. 39301 053.

     -8701230066 Amend 95 to License DPR-30.renectng Cycle 9 reload luol & transent anefyses. removing provmons for engle loop operatum as hcense condmon & incorpt>         8701130002 IE Info Notre 87403. " Segregation of Hazardous & Low Level Rad-ra     simdar provmons mto Tech Specs.                                                      wastes." Svc hat enct INSKs.JA BWR Protect Drectorate 1. 87/01/18. 20pp. 39357.316 39357.335.              JORDAN.E.L Divoon of Emergency Preparedness & Enyneenng Response (Post 830103). 87/01/15. Conschdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 85pp. 39324025-
     -8701230000 Safety evaluation stq1porang Amend 95 to License DPR.30.                                       '
  • Othce of Nuclear Reactor Regulabon Drector (post 851125). 87/01/16. 8pp-39357-33639357.343. 8701210219 Prondes final rept of Wmter 1986 pq3sna insp reeutts AdcB layer of wold metal added to end cap Weid 02A-S10 rather than lea weld as-m for addl cycle.
     -8701230070Raquests FR pubhcahon of noece of seuence cf Amend 95 to License                     JOHN DPR-30. Amend reflects Cycle 9 reload fuel tranaent analyms & revees hcense to pro-                             .-0 ector       8 1                7         73'2 vide for UN            ganon as part of Tech Specs & not hcense condman.

ate 1. 87/01/16. NRC . No Dotaded Afhhston g 8701200437 Extends invitanon to parncipate m 870129 workshop in CNeago.ll on NRC 0701210107 aon operatng repts for Dec 1986.W/870102 lir. Incioent Investigation Progsm.Wto stated enclE EY,RA C ...s. if. Eeson Co.86/12/31. 23pp. 39327.172-KEPPLERJ.G. Region 3. Othee of Drector. 87/01/16. REEDA C - KRONICH.C.L. J 39327:194. Edson Co. 3pp. 33391:152-39391.154. 8701200376 Forwards summary of changes. tests & expenments completed dLinng Dec 8 inspecean reports, IE Sutetins & corroepondence 1986 ROBEY.R A Commonwealth Edson Co. 87/01/02. CASE.E.G. Office of Nuclear Re-actor Regulabon, Oractor (post 851125). 2pp. 39308.128-39308.129. 9812230000IE info Noece 8&107, " Entry into PWR Cavity W/ Retractable in-Core De-tector Thimbles Withdrawet" Svc hst encl. I 86 12 Co New Y 205 39205.138. 3701210100 Prowdes util eterpretaten of 10CFR21 reportabdity hamad on apparent vio-0612230001 IE Info Notice 8&108. Degradanon of RCS Pressure Boundary Resurhng lation m Ruslun fra demperUtd behoves that definmon of " safety-1 plated" e almost From Bone Acid Corromon." Svc het enct. we'tnatim w/ NRC defmmon m 10CFR2t3(aH1). JORDAN.E.L Drvoon of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post TURBAK.M.S. Commorwealth Esson Cct86/07/23. KEPPLER.J. Region 3, Of#ce of 830103), 86/12/29. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.104pp. 39187:093 hrector. 2pp. 39326.163-39326.164. 39197.197. 8701060357 Part 21 rept re vahre problem.Houghto 620 tubncant attacks & degrados 9812230003IE Info Nonce 84109. "Daphragm Fadure in Scram Outlet Vahre Cauung slummum m wahresNarves have been or beme rebudt Rod inserton

  • Svc hst enct.

HUTCHINS.T Automebc Valve Corp. 86/12/19. KEPPLN .I Region 3, Othee of DW JORDAN E L Dnnson of Emergency Properedness & Engmeenng Reeponse (Post rector.1p. 3(r:63 315-39163.315. 830103). 86/12/29. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New Yorm, inct 94p. 39205.234-39205.327 3701150200 Special rept summanres status of fuel pm%rmance as of and of Cycle 8.Of 8701020048 Submrts adcs into re 2031 assembhos used.039 determmed to have faded & encharged as lenker impendence faults & evaluation of concems assembhos Aug 1986 reesd in IE Irdo Nocce 8 .m response to 861126 telcon w/T tests showed no mdicaton of ensembly fafure. Chandrasekaren.Ememption request wel be outm1ted by 870115. BAX R.L C .~ . _ _ :. E Co. 67/01/06.KEPPLER,J.G. Region 3 Ofnce of Dk JOHNSON,0.M. Commonwealth Edson Co.86/12/30. DENTON.H R. Office of Nuclear rector. 2pp. 39291$01-39291.002. Reactor Reguianon, Drector (post 651125). 3pp. 39142:246-39142.248. 8701070614 Forwards prehmmary rept of inservice bisp (ISI) & repar acevices per. U " - formed dunng curmnt mfuehng Concunence w/ leaving and cap m way 37010e0007 Genene LW 8741 to all power reactor liconeses & apphcants lor OL re ENT1~eE75$"ds%5"M3T8* * * * " * " ' 3

                                                                                                   @%","*C@@ME,N E                                                                   '7'*'

Svc t JORDAN.E L Diveson of Emergency Preparedness & Engineering Response (Post 8701160265 Forwards Special Safety inen Repts 5&254/8619 & $&265/8&20 on 830 03 86/12/3t Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 95pp. 39205:139- 861110 21.No violabons noted.Segrwhcant dehciencess identned in Ocensed operator prograret Edson Co. 2pp. 39 055-39263-056. 0612300151 IE Info No6ce 87401 "RHR Valve Weahyiment Causes Degradation of ECCS in PWRs." Svc het encl JORDAN,E.L Dnamon of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post -8701150200 Special Safety inep Repts 50254/8&19 & 50L265/8620 on 861110 630103). 87/01/Ott Coneohdated Essan Co. of New Y Inc. 03pp. 39216.316- 21.No violatone or dovesone notedMagor areas inspectedrequettcaton exam results 39217:057. & requehhcanon Iranng am review Segniecent donciencies idonehod HARIE S , BURDICK T. 3. Othce of Drector. 87/01/06. 9pp. 39263057-4701300017 Forwards Amends 98 & 94 to uoenses DPR 29 & DPR-30. respecnvely & 39284065. safety evolustortAmends modify LPCI pump flew survenance test recurements to empart mods for rescaunon of smgse fadure concem.per IE Buotm 86401. ZWOLINSKI.JA BWR Drectorate1. 87/01/06.FARRAR,D L C .-~ , DOCKET 80 200 POpfT BEACH NUCLEAR PLAsth WffT 1 Eeaon Ca 3pp. 39306: "9306.340.

  -8701200028 Safely evaluanon s@portm0 Amends 98 & 94 to Licenses DPR-29 &                    F. Security, medical, emergency & fire protocuen piene Noctear Reactor Regulabon, Drector (post 851125). 87/01/06. 3pp.          3701000650 Forwards exempean to 10CFR50 a

3930& 338-39306 340. R.Secton tilG,in respones to 830428 suppeemented by 831026, 1211,880509 41010 itrs Bass for 8701130361 Forwards Safety insp Repts 5G-254/06 e6 & $0 265/8616 on 861009-M Divison Reactor * " * * " . 1204 & nobce of viosanortType A test must be performed diaing each refueling 12/31. FAY,CW. Weconun Electnc Power Co. 3pp. 39 1 cntena 39 304. gi LLunts two consecauve tests meet App J g3 of Drector. 8 /01/06 REED C. C_ _.. .. -

                                                                                               -8701000673 Exemphon to 10CFR$0/pp R.Section lit.O fire protecton recurementspor         hcensee        830428    supplemented         by
  -4701130386 Nonce of violation from inep on 86100&1204.                                          631026.651211,860509 & 1010 lirs & enct Frankhn Roemerch Ctr technical evalueenn          l L APERIELLO.C.A Region 3, Othee of Duector.87/01/06. 2pp. 39253 06139253:062.

MAK.T M. Division of Pressurtred Water Reactor Liconang . A (post 851125). 86/

  -8701130300 Insp Repts 5&254/8&I6 & $&265/8616 on 8610091204. Vlotabons                          12/31. W.econom Elecine Power Co.14pp. 39231.263 39231.276.                               ,

riotedtedure to take corrective accon to preclude repenton & to document ecDwboe ING.M A. Region 3. Orfice of Director. 87/01/06.19pp. 39253.063- 7 ave water voom itre zone purnp fire zone & oumbery fire aroqL 39253 081. Of6ce W Reactor Regulatort unrector (post 651125). /12/31.10pp. 39231:277 39231286 8701160266 Forwards Special Safety inep Repts 5&254/8419 4 50 265/8420 on 86111&21.No violanons notedSignificant dehciencies identified m aconsed operatcy -400410N?1 Evaluatmn of Fire Protecton Exempeon Recmosts From 10CFR50.48 & requanflcation trenng program. App Rv 10CFR50.Posnt Beech Urvts 1 & 2, technical evaluation rept UAPERIELLO.C.J Region 3. Office of Drector. 87/01/06. RFED.C. Cw..o .-_- AHMED.N. Certspen Corp. (subs. Arvm Ine"sstnes) Frenkar! Reeeerch Centers. NRC. Edson Co. 2pp. 39253 055-39283.065. f3-81.130. TER45504618. 09/04/11. NRC

  • No Dotaded Afnheten Given.18pp.

39231287 39231:304

 -4701160200 Special Safety ineo Repts 5&254/8619 & 5&265/8&20 on 861110-21.No violabone or dovetens noted.Mapor areas inspectedroqualification exam reeutta                                                              '
     & requenhcanon trenng          am rewow Segnincane danciencies identflad.                 8701200242Rowned emergency plan procedures.inclueng Rev 27 to EP 5 0, "Organi-HARE.S . DAMON.D.,                                                                            resonal Control of Emergencies," Rev 25 to EP 6 0,  Emergency Measures * & Rev K,F. Repon 3. Office of Drector. 87/01/06. 9pp.              25 to EP 7.0, " Emergency Clasesacanort" W/8701141tr.

39263 057 39263:065. BURSTEIN.S. Weconen Electnc Power Co. 87/01/14.109pp. 39306 ont 39306:100.

DOCKETEDITEMS 35 Q, Operating 8censo stage documents & c .- ,- _-. V. Operator Esaminations 8701140243 Appleaton for amends to Ucensee DPR.24 & DPR 27.changmg Tech Spec 8701090248 Requests roquaincaten exam & answer key to adeountely prenare exame 15.4.11 to cierify requrements for reactor coolant flow logc testmg & specsfyng con- sche &ded for wk of 870216NRC exarmner wig substdute NRC prepared quesnone mto facshty wntten exam & we monnor admmistrahon & or of uniten enant servaeve conenans to perform survedance Fee pani FAY,C.W. Wisconse Electnc Power Ca 87/01/06 Record Servces eranch (Docu- HEHLC.W. Regen 3. Offlce of Drector. 86/12/31. T AY .W. Wisconen Electnc ment Conirol Desk). 3pp. 39267266 39267269. Power CO 2pp. 39204.346 39204.349.

 -8701140287 Proposed Toch Spec changes. clan'fye' g reactor coolant flow logc testry    8701000007 Genenc Lt 87-01 to as power reactor teensees & appicants for OL re
  • Wleconom Elecinc Power Co.87/01/06. Ip. 39267-269-39267269. pubhc av of NRC operator bconung exam questen bank.Svc Est encl.

DENTON.H R. of Nuclear Rehetor Regulaton, Drec%r (poet 851125). 87/01/ 0701140415 Apptcaten for emends to Ucenses DPR-24 & DPR-27, conesang of Tech 06. Allanbc City Elecinc Co. 44pp. 39304.069-39304.142. Spec Request 114 re Table 15.3.5 5 on mstrumentabon sys.Sieportmg mio enct. Fee FAY.C W. Waconan Elecinc Power Co. 87/01/06 Record Sereces Branch (Docu- DOCKET $0 287 FORT ST. VRAIN NUCLEAR GEhERATING STATION ment Control Desk). 4pp. 39270236-39270.243.

 -8701140607 Proposed Tech Spec changes re Table 15.3.5-5, "Instrumentanon Sys."         F. Securfty, medical, emergency & fire protection piene contanment              morutors & admrustratrve changes.
  • Waconem E Power Co. 87/01/08. 4pp. 39270 240 39270 243. 8701070314 issue 20 to Radiologcal Emergency Response Plan RERP-HOME. "Home Packet for Off.$ruft Notficanons " & Issue 6 to Secton 8 "Mantamm0 Emergency 8701280421 Entends inwtaten for perncipanon m 870129 workshop on incident Inves6 Preparedness? W/861222 nr.

genen om m .lLitP procedures enc' W/o e~1 GAHM.J W. Pubhc Servce Ca of Colorado 86/12/16. GAGUARDOJ E. Region 4, kEPPLER . 3. of Drector. 87/01/16. FAY.CW. weconse Electnc Ornce of Drector. 65pp. 39180 206 39180.270. Power Co. 2pp. 39 9:005-39389-006. 4701020044 Forwards corrected schedule of proposed Ap2 R mods noted in 861120 8701288400 Advises that 850628 apphcanon for extensen of Lcenses DPR-24 & DPR- Mr Mod re emergency aghang win be dama-M in 880626 SER,withet 12 27 meets requrements of Seenon 106 of Natl Histonc Preservanon Act as set forth m months following NRC 36CFR800- WILUAMS.RO. P2hc arvce Ca of Cohva3o. 86/12/29.BERKOW.H.N. Stande LEAR.G E PWR Drectorate1. 87/01/16. FAY,C.W. Waconse Electnc Power zanon & Specal Progect Drectorate. 3pp. 39145413 39145:015. Co. 3pp. 39445.314 9445.316. 8/01080300 Provides ana lusefy6n0 operanon up to 82% power based cri safe shiA-8701300853 Informs that instananon of badequate core cochng instrumentanon sys es* down cochng fogowmg mmute hierrupbon of forced crculatenApp R condensate cussed in650329 ler ed & operanonal.Some cahty 3CCuraCy problema eMpen* model Tram A represents case. enced w/ meters. will be repiaced a CRDR ad*- WAREMBOURG.D W. Pubhc Ca of Colorada 86/12/30. BERKOW.H.N. FAY.C.W. Elec** Power Ca 87/c1/19. LEAR. Record Servces Branch Standar@zanon & Special Project Drectorate. 90pp. 39218.142 39218231. (Document Coreal Desk). Ip.39436.106-39435.106. 8701080400 Forwards analyses suppornng power operanon up to 39% power bened on 8701280205Romits fee for review of leak chase channot evaluanon rept sutsutted on sale shuMown cochng tomowing 90 erun ritem@non of forced crculaton.Conclueens 860724.per 870108 toscon w/T Colbum 8 F Maher. of repts hated.Correceve acDons for LERs 86-020 & 86426 also hated. FAY,C W. Weconen Electne Power Ca 87/01/21. Document Control Branch (Docu- WAREMBOURG,DW. Pubec Sernce Ca of Colorada 86/12/30. BERKOW.H.N. ment Corect Desk). Ip. 39432:045-39432 045 Standar@zaten & Special Propect Drectorate.15pp. 39222;226-39224.171.

                                                                                         -4      090415 lasus B to "Frewater Cocidowri Usmo One Rehoster Module (1 1/2 H g             g POTfER,RC. GA Technodopos, Inc./ General Atome Co. 909113 18. 86/12/22.

8701060525 Responde to NRC 061105 nr re volanons roted m insp Rept 50-266/0616 107pp. 39222:24139222.347.

   & 50 3ct/8615.Correcthe actone frequency of redanon & contammanon surveys conducted m waste evaporator food futer cLim:le mcreased.                             -8701080422 issuo A to "Economirer. Evaporator.Superheater (EES) Cooldown Frorn FAY.C.W. Waconer* Elecinc Power Ca d6/12/05. KEPPLERJ G., HINOJA Regon                   39% & 78% Power Usm0 Condensate or Freweter(1.5 H DeleyL."

3,0ffice of Drector. 5pp. 39151215 39163 219. POTTER.RC C,. Technologies, inc1 General Atome Co. vuv268 lA 86/12/23. 164pp. 39222.346-39223.171. 8812230006IE Info Nonce 86107,"Erey into PWR Cavdy W/ Retractable tr> Core De-tector Thimbles Withdrawn." Svc hst enct. .-4701080435 "Effect of F' owater r Cooldown Usm0 Economizer-Evaporator- Smer. JORDAN.E.L Drwoor of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post heater (EES) Bundle on Steam Generator Stnciural Integity." Draft rept of sleem 830103). 86/12/29. Consohdated Edson Ca of New York. Inc.108pp. 39205.031 generator abitty to withstand post-App R frowater cooldown tanesent enct 39205.138. LEWIS,A.C., ALMAJAN.A.T., NYDERft H. GA Technologies, Inc./ General Atome Ca 909204. 06/12/04. 204pp. 39223.27139224.114. 8812230001 IE Info Nobce 86-108. "Degradatior of RCS Pressure Foundary Resultog From Bone Acid Corrosen." Svc het enct 8701130334 Act receipt of 861112 ler tenomstung status of security sys uppado JORDAN.E.L Dusen of Emergency Preparedess & Response (Post effortNRC wiu contmue to monitor ess toward completon of work itemt 630103). 06/12/29, Coneohdated Edson Ca of New Y Inc. pp. 39167.093- GAGLIARDO).E. R 4. Ottee of . 06/12/31. WILLIAMS,R.O. PWNc Serv. 19167-197.

          .                                                                                 sco Co. of Colorado.       39259 209-39259 212.

8812230003IE Info Nobce 86109. "Daphragm Failure in Scram Outet Valve Causmg 8701140113 S4mits update on emergency respones personnel notaficaton process im-Rod inaarnon." Svc het enct provement efforts.per 880827 lir. Current method of telephone "fencut" notinct.Gon JORDAN.E L Dineen of Emergency Preparedness & Engneenn0 Response (Post rowsed. responsible tramed & new process eripiemenlea 830103). 86/12/29 Cc:.aohdated Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 94pp. 39205 234- GAHMJ.W. Pubhc Ca of Colorada 86/12/31. GAGUARDOJ.E. Regon 4, 39205.327. Office of Drector. 3pp. 39267162-39267G 64 8812280141IE Info Nobce 86-110. " Anomalous Behawor of Recrculanon Loop Flow m 8701150323 Responds to violatons noted M Insp Pept %267/8425 on 880816-Jet Pump BWR Plants? Svc het enct 0930. Corrective acecr.sgsysscal control of vital a na & cntcal valve keys estabilehed JORDAN.E L. Deson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post at cectral repowtory & shdt sig.ctvisors rervimandocL 630103). 86/12/31. Conschdated Edson Ca of New York, Inc. 95pp. 39205.139 BREY,H L Service Co. of Colonado. 87/01/05. GAGLIARDOJ.E. Region 4. 39735.233. Offlce of Drector. tipp.39290.235-39294243. 8701080478 Ack recept of 861205 Itr informmo NRC of steps taken to correct volatlons 8701120123 Adv6ses that 861024 chen0es to physcot escunty plan consstent w/provi-noted n inap Repts 54266/8618 & 50-30f/6615. Understands that rowsn ccmmit- mons of 10CFR50 54(p) & ace . toe estabhar ed to evaluate redaton protecton program. GAGLIARDO.J E. R m 4, of Drector. 87/01/06. WILLIAMS.R.O. P2ilc Serv-HIND.J.A. Regen 3, Offee of Deector.86/12/31. FAY.C.W. Weconse Electnc power ice Ca of Colorada 39230 314 39234.315. Co. 2pp. 39214.038-39214 039. 8701200042 Sutmuts sieptementa: info in response to NRC 861217 Itr re violations 8812300151 IE Info Nobce 87 001, "RHR Valve Misabgnment Causes Degradabon of noted m inep Rept54267,36 22.Corrxtrve -a..yJos bemg reviewed to de-ECCS m PWRt" Svc het end, termme appropnate revs to clanfy respunsibdibes of each emergency posterL JORDAN.E.L Diwmon of Emergency Preparedness & Response (Poet GAHM.J.W. Pubhc Senace Ca of Colorado.87/01/10.Reard Sernces Branch (Doc. 630103). 87/01/06 Consohda,ed Eeson Ca of New Y Inc.103pp. 39216.316 ument Control Desk). 5pp. 39365J48 39365.252. 39217:057. 8701280403 Ack receipt of 861222 resologcal en.orgentv sospones plan. Renew finck 8701120C88 IE Info Nobce 87 002, "snadequate Seismc Quahficaten of Diaphragm snor we be forwarded under separate lir. Vapvce by Mathemancal Modehng & Analyss." Svc hst enct GAGLIARDOJ.E. R 4, Office of Drector 87/01/20. WILLIAMS.R.O. Pubec Serv. JORDAN.E.L Dnneen of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post ce Ca of Colorado. 39383 211-39363.212. 8X 03) 87/01/13. Conachdated Eeson Ca of New York, Inc.107pp. 39300.306-3tws1953. 6701130002 IE Info Noece 87403. Segregaban of Hazardoue & Low Level Rad-westes? Svc het enti 8701050077 Docussee 860516 e@rruttal re temp Emits for facihty CRD & onfice JORDAN.E L Diwson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post essembhos Rev of entre study.per enci EGG-NTA.7355 enchnmal evaluetlan 630103). 87/01/15. Coneohdated Edson Ca of New York, Inc. 65pp. 39324 025- rept. recommended prior to reeubmittal tor NRC ovaluebort 39324 112- HEITNER,K L Standerezahon & Special Protect Directorate. 86/12/24. WILLIAMS.R.O. Pubhc Sernce Ca of Colorado. Spp.39154.243-39154 266. R. Portodle operating reports a related a. : , - -- -8812290307 "Evaluanon of Proposed CRO & Onfice Assembly 3VG F Temp Umsts. Fort St Vram Nuclear Generatog Statmit" l 8701130298 Monthly operatog repts tor Dec 1986 W/870100 lir. BARNES.9 L. UDY,A , NALEZNY.C L EGSG Idaho, Inc. (subt of EG&G, Inc.). FIN 0-KRAUSE.CW, F AY.C.W. Wmconem Electnc Power Ca 86/12/3t. 9pp. 39256 240- 8023. EG3.NTA-7355. 06/11/30. NRC - No Detasted Afflhanon Gsvert 19;A 39256 240. 39154 248-39154.266. i

                 -.                          --.                              ~-                     . . -- . - - _ - - -                                                                              .                               - ~ _ = -                         - - . _ _ -

i 4 I 1 4' N O

                       .f.1                 s ,, .f .1       0             ./. se ,de,d - ens                                                                              A                  is, m.s. is user                                h epose efareAR _ - _ _ re emogency                                                                                                   =. _ _

Onnessors renseanserhes4e esit rept _ emeener esseons & bom rehsener seceore is me avessets esme ep-

                                                              &W                        Obestormes. FIN D8083. 08/12/M.                                                                       Samos                         Comoredet 07/01/18. 4pp. 30014:=.

4 SEfuc0w,MA handmemenen & apaced Desmorase. 30pp. 30154J00 30014J00. 4 3010s:314 i 8701310011Peeposed Tech m---- tuem evepsener egerheeler I istemme of R ,',',',"g,"*[,ggg

                                                                                                                                                                         **                                                                                  "8"""

a ~ mer resse.T. i .po"s*,.,e':*r."a*s of C o.,x =* = c=

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  • wa1/'5 7P. =====a=
P.u. set osector at-===

Y """' goN J JOHN 0J Ptesc SerWoe Ca of Cossada 07/01/

 ,                       sha t _ pes ?nw                  esenne ear LERs                      00400 also agent                                             13. 30pp. *e014.21340014J41 1
.                        StandmeessenTaps.          mesPteac Piesem serwoe      Co. of Cesarada onesemene.1spp.                       08/12/30. BERK 0WMN.

30 ear 2am:0am:iF1.

                                                                                                                                                      *s                                                                                                                                            l I

07eouget per erde Piennessed Canoes Reesear vessef Tenden newsmance

                      -4fD100M10 lemus O to *Phemeter Cooldoen Uemecrie Rahmoser hoodues (1 1/2 H                                                                                           00 j                                      C GA Technologee, inL/ General Atonec Co. 800113 IE 08/12/22-
                                                                                                                                                        .A,sem%"*.'*"Pte.0             .

c - Ca of Co eda .=1,1. o.m , 197pp,3080234140032347. SessameneBM & M Propoet Opectorene. app. 30427200 30827:00k N lomas A to "Ecoroneer -Ouperheeler (EES) raame-, F,em -emm W Consees Reecem veseed Tenden inante Swweeanos 4 C inc. Generes Ca IA. 08/12/23. 07/01/31. Sepp. 3D827410630827:000. 10eppusessma mg73. .

                -4R( '               lesus A to "Eftest of Fkometer f aaa*=i Using Rehester on $seern Gen-                                                           ser                4& Aimauy Elastic Sye6                                                     to l                              E.A.C,

, == a Su12/= 0 COf#e0RS,G.P. =2= m-= GA Technotages,

                                                                           = va                   enc./ General Atomic Ca                                                 .O.                                                      07/01/21.                                  re
                                                                                                                                                                              ' oges o Cor.P.teac                       Servens.Co.                ande of Colo.rado. or .Des,um.ent e s . Pro aCo.n.eefo             . Enest o                                              E.__ __!                   __ Swer.
                         = = = e, ,
                     -8f91400000                        "ga f Fbemeser              e, o,rrge,ys,y    Cocessen.a,,g"            *-                    aa ;r,,s t
                                                                                                                                                  -.m==             Propoemd          To., -
                                                                             ^                                                                                                                                            ,ugCor.or.                         op edo,. m.

0 2'04 114 Ca of . 0pp. 30070:1b7t14L j d8791 Nee 00 leeue A to "Ement of inennuonef C ___ . en r'aamaa=*i From 8791300001 Advises Stat ese to current level of et plantaald ame vegend to 20% power Usme One Rehesmer tenedo (1 1/2 H 6seny)." respond to nome 3,4 & 11 m PWIC 001124 hr re HICHAflDS,M.B. GA Technosopee, enc./ General Aeonec Ca 800217 IA 08/12/22. name regeeng Tech 3Dp 30034:116 30834 140. Proposes for resohman of lemme us he submNeed tur 070001. ,i XL Pnesc terwees Ca of Coopedo. 07/01/23. Document Contal Branch paa-gyg,gggggy p,,, g Wein r m tar Chadesw TanqWestated OpumWg umna" *"'"' "' * *

  • 8' 8 *'

IIRCParu aas tsCDONALD.C., COf#eORG.G.P. GA Technotopee, Inc./Generse Asomic CA 400001. 08/11/13. 25pp. 30094:147 30224:171. ' O, huposeen M E Bessete 8 corresponemeo FR puheennon of noece of mriesinemon of leeuence of amend 07910m to unenes ga scoposed NOHC desemensson & opportunley for hesnn0 on 031259 #egsset to ressemente ser senem he neiess **=a==*r=i sytt 8701000040 Foneense inep Rept 90207,8030 on 001117 21Jeo vicismens or dod- { eenne iderssoaTeam insp scheduend ter uit of 870100 reacheduced for ses of 8701M. g SEfth0WXN. Standonnessen & _Speaal Promoct Doectorate. ee/12/31. fWeC - No GAG;.lARDOJ.E. Desafed Afmanen Osuert 3pp. 301ea1474010k140. 4. Oleos of Deemor. 08/12/24.WIELIAam,R.O. Pietc Ser> 6os Ca of Colorado. 3015t3113915k317. I 0791000611 a- ummed For.Foi ment,s a Woo tiefMan FA,TE40117. Sie.riun Green "Revie.w of Convec,ea.n An s , ischnic meon Heat Tra.ns.fe.r.Ccese-

                                                                                                                                                 -4 m 000000 inep R t to =/m30 on unir-21m vedemone - domstons ser Infa idensentMajor areas inspecentegulpment t=ma===9 cuengo propees & eBegenen ph0. Puenc             Ca Coenreda 3pp.                     1                                                    NORMAN.OE.                             Jt.E. Region 4. Oless of Obsesor. 08/12/23. OppL                                                       I I

3016t31S30190-317. j =0791000437 Finef " Revise of Convecean Heat Trenefer Coefadenes Umsed W Fort St wom namn asen teis emen " tecfvecas euesuason rept. VWWTE.M.D. Osames Memortal Pedec Noreisest Laboraestes FATE 40117. 070i1000,0 insurmo that Procedwe RCML2 gS be feWeed & rnado eNac0We by 08/12/31. PflC No Deended Afmason Gegen.10pp. 3022134740322.J02. to 80 307/00 30. W .W. Ca of Cossado. 08/12/30. GAGLIAfCOJE. 0791000t 57 g FR piescason of nonce of canaderemon of issuenos of amend ! 001 #egsow #e T ' 0813000000 IE bilo Notco 00107. "Ency into PWft Cavey W/Retectobes in. Core De-PSeKOW.H N.1eendonansson & Prefect Opectorees. fetC . No sector Tit Indes Wieupeurt Suc ht enet i Deusal AfMeson Given % 3081 Jt74021422g Egi a e peyy Y 00pm 3000t00 0791300NG Formords apsm1 inespesed schedde for vested & power ascenston 3000& 130. aceuseos.Schedde Wueporense - ~^ ^ scheduser info on luodt interacean mit tio prounded teses per rnereLW/one oversee gat #4J.VIf. Pub 0c Servios Ca of Coenredo. 07/01/07. 0813000001 IE Indo Noene 80100. "Degrademon of RCS Prenewe Soundary Resulung J.E. Region 4, From Gone Add Conossort" Suc not encl j Oftes of Omector, s epp. 30312130 30012:152.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          &                                   Post ;

) 0791910017 Evehanson of Load 30107:197. y Ann SamtPromes. Load --Formende Rev A to EE424000. - _ 4 *Eg- Tie arenner l WApesaaer's w Servens Ca e Recent Serwooes

                                                                                                                                                "                           *                          '                         *                   "                    "" "8

! Branch @ocument Contes Osel4 SERKOWXN. Standantesson & Speaal Prefect .* S'uc and. 08*88'ma 10pm 3033001740er5J04. JORDAfe.E.L. DIuemon of Preparecises & fleepense Post l 030 08/12/20. Conocedoned Ca of fees Y bic. Sepp. 3000tt04-1

                 -0791210001 Rev A to                                valuomen of Load Shadei
                      *                                      *                                                  '"""' *"8 Pormons of PARIO4URST ersaw           Genersaw ConD"O"n"M"'

R.J. Proto#cnuer Menegament Corp. EE-024000 RA. 001:000141 Load Auto iEinfo Noece Jet Pung gwR Peenta" Suc Ist enti. 80110Samt " Anomalous gemodor of Rectadston Loop Flow h l I '" ' 0791370070 Advemos tint ads info re Perfor nance Enhancement 03). 0 1 Neer gepp. SAMR 30-Finen0 410 300002sa , uS to mammed try 070000 & response so 001206 nr me be . egion roompt l OlWY.M. Ca 07/01/12. SERKOW.H.N. Standerclineson

                      & Speeles Puiset Obestoreast app. 3N00:330 30300331.                                                                                              nundur Ji               4. OIRoo of Obsesor. 08/12/31. WILLIAMS.R.CL Pulite Sere i                079121NN Aduesse Sint ud ud semit revloed                                       for Tech Spec 4.1.0 re alin                                                                                                   *
                                        "" '"em'osDHf"t i

1w Sp'"o'ca 0791140004 ForWente inep Rept $4397/00 30 on 300015-10 4 nomos of wtuimporLNo OfEY.M.L. Piesc w Ca of Coenredo.07/01/14.SERKOW.H.ft. Standanteomen noene of venteon re auchpemon protected eres w/conosalms usepan us i & SpenW 2pm matN2,WMJ41 bU OMuARDOJ E. . Olson of Otector. 3 Piese Sere 8791810000 Formerde espaceman for amend to Uermee DPR44.dien0mg Tech Space == Ca of Coeorada 30304.07140004:073. to requWe boei sweparaent _ _ aquerhoseer seceans & tioti rehenger asceone ta be aveseges operemon st powerfes pea l WILUAMt.R CA -4701140001 PereeBy useiheed inep Rept $4307/06-N on 800018 10 Def - I Servece Ca of Colorado. 07/01/15. Record Servicae trench 10CFR73.21)Ninesson noesttehoe to document maint (Document Consol Osse 4 SERKOW.H.N. Standwinesson & Spacoal Project DWoctor. eget test 30314:19740314243. CALDWELL.RA. YANDELL.LA Repon 4 Oltco of Dhector. 08/11/07, 1p. 30204473 30204 073. l 3 d* ,

   -.--ym.- , _ - .                y      w               -               ,...-.-.ce       c                              .m.   -.     ~-.-..,,--.,.m                            .3.       r    -.w.      .w +w-.y,,cw---.                             ----,=,-r.,                -  .-1
  - , .                       ..            .                 . -                    ~.                              . .--                  - -                -- - --                    . - - - - - -                          - - - - - - - - - - - - - . -

4 DOCKETED ITERAS 37 0791100000 Responds to vielssons noemd in inep Rept 84207/00526 on 800010- -8791130000 LER 82461/03X-ton 021220.channe survesence PCRV & one 000lkConesevo conses of veel eres & cneses valve keys asestenhed see cover senem peo nephne channes found inoperande chse to low respones to nesse . GAGUARDOJE Regen 4 OR.J., R. Putec Serv Co. of Colorado.07/01/00. Spk i SREY L. Co. Colorado M.. C 30042-013 30842:010. 4 OIRee of Osecour. Opp. 30000236 30000J43. 001000010s iE Info Notoo 07401, "RHR Vefse tasseyonent Causse Depedsson of -4731130000 LER 84 01143:en 041012.dunne survemance usangeve ulsesonic de-secours ser sesem poo neewe under PCRV & one doesceor auseds PCRV tound out of ECCS m PWRe." Suc amt enet tolerenos enues.Ceused tur anssument edteacrophones esqueted to acompted values.

       . JORDAN.E L. Danson of Emsgency Preparedness & E                                                    Response Post i

Inc. 03pp. 30014310- SILLS.J M., CAS70RJ, ffULLER.C.H. Putec Seruce Co. os Colorado. 07/01/00. 4p. 000103). 07/01/06 Coneandoned Eseson CeL of New Y 30817257, 30342410w30242020 8791130011 Ack of 001130 ler se veoissone noemd in Inse 54207/00- 8701130000 LER 8602000:en 001200. reactor tese tone Ngh_acrum Diannels A & S 23.vistesons 1 & 4 Ingismenesson of conoceve accone for 2&3 .Ceused tpy reso hequency R. - _ . ^ ^ ^ _ coneeds um he esesh-ustorouessed guese insp. & us to mesesad.W/070100 nr. l JOGEPH.M.A., .D E, GAHMJW. PiAnc Service Cct of Cosgradet 07/01/M. 1 GAGUAf404E. 4, Olese of Deeeter.07/01/00. WILUAMS.R.O. Pimac Sent-1- Ice & . of Colorado. 3030t194 30tet172. Opp. 30240006 30340.012. 0791P;74 Ack - of 801304 Itr ' NRC of steps tehen to conect veoissons 0731373101 LER 0003040.on 001217.cescovered that steest genereser as-not. m Renee /03a04042e7 . house temp & cessen poemon sesones esonec aluestoemen 1 *- - " tiy personnel error.Sumenos us tie tosend/repioond.W/070110 , JE. Reson 4. Once of Desceor.07/01/00. WILLIAMS.R.O. Pidec Serv- _ los Cak of Colorado. fp. 30040407 30040400. Ier._

'                                                                                                                                 JDGEPH.MA. GAHMJW. Pidec Sonnce Co. of Colorado. 07/01/10. Op.

' 0701130NS IE Info Noune 07402 "inednesses Seemic ^% of Diaphreyn 3030t000-30302-003. , i I Vesses tsy neneismances esosseng d Analyus." Suc est enct ! JORDAN.E.L Deusson of Ernergency Properoameos & Respones (Post 1 Inc. 7pp. 30300:300- V. 0perecer Bamsenseems 830 g7/01/13. Conessassed Eeoon Cet of Neur Y mi1=0 iE m.o Nomos 07= Seysosto,i , Naserdous & Low Lo.e Re.f. - 7,,,,, - age' ,,1ll',g,;;em m,,,, ,ee,;,,a=,e',a ;~ ~y'*,; _Acean non amun dove of Emergency Preparedness & Engneonne Asapones (post 2 030 . 7/01/16. Conocedeasd Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 00pm 30394996' WILUAedB.R.O. Ptdeisepha Elecenc Cc612pp. 30100100 30100J00. 8" # ' 8791379003 Conemie s/J12630 equipment te Jisr 070113 mesene et 8""" enem gaseson Suc enet Regionfv Mgt engenes enheihdod for 0701 et age vessore et & met %ON 04 AsenA EWuc Cet 44pg Mme of Nussear Reecear Osector Spost 801120k 47/01/ m 2.

                         .E.W.                Progem trorust' /0                  8. WILUAMS.R.O. Piesc Serv-los Co, of Colorado. dyp. 30374 v73 30374479.

j E I 8791M Sienues i info in respones to fWIC 001217 It re violedons noemd m inep Rept 04397/00 22.Conoceve acconsieressenes tuning revisued to de-E 88lly, essemel, senergency & pre pressenen peane

,               .J                 Sen e Co                             0 /1 Romans                          " Bronch (Doo-
ument Contal Desak Sep. 30306240530000.262.

4701140100 Formords putec verson of Rev 80 2 to emagency plert W/070100 reisene _ est enet TUCKER.H S. Dime Pouer Co. M/12/12. Record Servlees Branch (Document Congel GAGLIARDOJE. Ofece Osector.07/01/23. WILUAh08,R.O. Putec Serv. Deel4 Spp. 30001:11640001:100. , losCo.of Colorado. 30004 300530000.330.

                                                                                                                               =S701140110 Pimac version of Rev 80 2 to 8791300040 Ack receipt of 001130 & 1230 les informing NRC of sospo tehon to conect                                           TUCImeAN.G.S. Duke Pouer Co. 08/11/13. 47 ppt                                 1:124 30001:100.

vloissono noemd m snap Rept 605207/0023. Commenent to routes RCnSt Ipy 070331 spe1000000 Forments summary of 801206 eneelms w/uW in Region N ele re detston-i JE. Reson 4. Once of Otractor.07/01/23. WILUAAAS.R.O. Pubec Serv- esse teenseed m Rev 0642 to peere j los Co. of Coloreact fp. 30301.333 30001:344. W .R.D. 2. Ofece of Derector. 08/12/ . .H.S. Dime Pouer Cet 10pp.3002221 .236. 1 8791N0000 Ach reempt of 870106 response to 001104 noese of vioisson. Reply re-sponseve to Vloissone 1 & 4. Add info re vloissons 2.3 & 6 reesented usun so doye J E. Olaes of Obensor. 07/01/23. WILUAh88.R.O. Putiac Serv- , k of 242tNM Deelyi odolog 87911300,00 sppre ed -DP(AIE.-1000A,"Oconso aco pen e msetod oo orNuc.teer. ors 0 elenSeas.on osia Rudoed.detens e* .be,sei-i' i " eses opersens reports & missed eenospends"" bR.H S. Dime Power Co. 07/01/00. Record Services Branch (Doownent Cons 8791100130 MoneNy grapt for Dec 1000.W/070112 ler. . NOVACHEK.FJ. GAHMJw Pus 4C Service Co. of Colored 0L 08/12/31. Opp. 07et180373 "Ooones Nuclear stemon Reload Design It" 4 3EE00814-38888881-

  • Duhe Pouer Cat DPC NE 1003A. 06/10/31.100pp. 30004:1 -300.

I 8701100104 Responds to 001124 esfety ovatusson re NUREG0737,Tns Assen leem i O Reportable . LSRs & related eermependonos llLD.3.4. "Consed Room Mehesheer." Test pueposed to esuelop seeeposAs amusen sectore in eau of sensense. ! 8701000004 Fonsente esfety evefuseon & LASL technical oveluseon rept supporeng .M.S. Duhe Power Co.07/01/00. Servenes Grendt l Document Consel l 840013 re dynenue lesen0 of cracked fund stameneELou shesioed of emet- Dest 4 Sp> 30301J07 30301:300. . m toewe of crected hasi element condudet i fET9ER K. Standoneeseen & Sposef Project Obectormes. 08/12/30. 8781M10 Responds to 440611 ressess gar to espees of reessessesy een-WILUAss8.R.L Puenc Service Co. of Colorado. 3pp. 3 erit 27430810J00. tenensted wood &/or wood petuluces et larumAppusual snust be esmead l hem Senses of NC or SC.

    -8791000007 Sassey evalueton supportk'O iAN 040013 respones re slynomic lesene of                                             STOL2JF. PWR Peq0ect Descearets 8. 07/01/14. TUCNER.H.S. Otto Poser CIL                                                                         {

oreshed hast element Opp. 30000:17063030t174.

  • Olano of Nussear Reactor Repdeolon, DWestor (poet 061125). $$/12/30. Sept 3021&273 30310275. 3701300108 Fonsents evalumaan re amagency seedsetor eye austehEgy totes >

ing^ esse shuesoun & concurrere sings femenaamme en Seele ,



    -efe1000007 " Fort St Vran Fuel Element Dynamic                                                                                                    _ ser Generic Ler 01-14 met SENNETT)G., ANDERSON.C.A. Los Alamos                                           Laboratory FIN A.7200. OS/                 STOL2J#. FWpl Protect Opostoress & 97/01/14. TUCICER,H.S. Duke Power CO.                                                                        ,

07/00. MEITNER,K. NRC = No Deensed Afeeston Given.14pp. 3eE1&27530 tit 300. 3ppL 30446340 8044t002. 87911NON Fonsardo LERs $1442/03X-2.02440/03X.2.02461/03X-2 & 04411 4791000100 Safety suchseson moportis IAW epproach to estemieser gastly ensgen- l eased reessemenes. toedsetor Genene tw 01 14. - - . JW. Pubec Seruce Co. of Colorado. 07/01/00. Record Senreces Branch (Doc. pClass of Reactor Reguisson, Okoctor goet 061125). 07/01/14. Det ument Consol Dest 4 app. 30042101-30042030. 30446340630440402.

    -4761100000 LER 81442/03X-2-on 010700,                                      acheduled comir chedi.0 of 34                  8701210000 Responds to reesset for ads info re tensportegen of opere fuel eged steem                        uppeecree essector cfiannels                      Inoperable.Ceuend ter inseu-               weses.Enutron unpact of tensportsson of fuel & ueses m _ ^                                             / Tease S.4 et ment                  tsorophone & ennemmer geen astasted & comir checes percomand.                                        10CFR61.62.

SILLSJes., CASTORJ, f ULLER,C.H. Putsc Service Cc6 of Colorado. 07/01/00. Spot TUCKER.M.S. Duke Power Co. 07/01/16. Record Services Brandi (DocJment Consel 300420033uet007. Deel4 2pp. 30320.202-30320.203. 9 up-

  • i,, m6= , B m
        .se11f. ,me tER s uruis=,4 Paiv 0,03x4t.o,n =10,.12 s &.am  08.*"ra.sve.ence                 team.,.,m.pte.o,und s           =1.te.
c. Re.s.os. .. _ Num &.Tr"no'dels4 on tOCuw,A.W.n.i.ti6frs w/ues'"."alMM e - gof "

illmm%"'nR' Lac Savios & of Mo"radow 07,01,00. 6,. f.u"C'"a.'RM.Ro",a"e,'cM,'d,TDo.enere 0,e, h (Do.en.d oort. Cor

        =842000                 m                                                                                                   . Dee 3p 3043km =43km.

l l _ _ . _ _. _ . . _ . ~ _ _ _ _ . ~ _ _ . _ _ . _ . . . _ _ _ _ . . - _ , _ ,. ~__

                           .-             -=              .                                       . -                                         -                                      - --, -.-                       .

d 30 DOCKETED ITERAS l 1 Q hupeseen reporte,!E Sussem a cow DOCitET e&fM OCOIEE aes man STATIDed, WWT 2 2, 200 30-2 0/ 08 32 103- P. Soeurny, messeL emergenoy & Are proteseen piene noems of

              .ed                  '

WALMER.R D. 2. Omco of Descear. et/12/R TUCKER,H.G. Puhe Peeer Co. Sp. 3ef31.001 1.017. ggt gegget Fonsangs piesc version of Rev e6 2 to emergency piert W/07010e redonne memo.

         -Spt11Nees pieces of weetagon ecm hop on te110312.                                                                                  TUCKER.H.S. Didie Power Co. ee/12/12. Record Servicae Branch (Doewnent Consol
'                                                                                                                                            Deshk 6pp. Se86tt15-30 set 198.

WALMER,R.D. Regen 2, Omos of Desoter ee/12/24. %g 3003120$3es31417.

         -87911me7e                       $4413/0644.80-414/0647.e0300/0632,04370/00 32,90-                                             -4791149114 Pienc version of Rev s&2 to TUCKMAN,G.S. Dime Pouer Cet 88/11/13. 47pn                                  1:120-30201:1st
                                            & 64287/e&32 on es110S12.Whelmanne neestemewe to MU20.                                         .8                              2,             of          . 08/12/10.

14p. 3ef31s0H8231206. ame artenseed Rev plant W 2. Once of Deecoor. SS/ ER,H.S. Duhe Pouer Co. 10pp. 3e222:21 .225. Wisem IE Info Noeos 88-107. "Eney into PWR Covey W/Reesceable tr> Core Do. tesser Thheese Wieuteen." Suc est enet 8 1 deon New Y Copp. 30006 3000E138.

                                                                                                                                        .1,                                                            W,.1.        ,.
         ==*;=,,2C"::e,,t*g,,5, :g=sen - - -~v a==                                                                                            ^** .ogde e giest R. *                                                                        "
                                                                                                                                            ,"eucose,"R/.ceo, torees & 10pm 30y24123. Jet 4 Met
                                                                                                                                                                                    ""' ' Den: . cat 8es'u'#d"PW"R 4,3'a're:'

JORDAN.EL Dheolon of Ernergency Propeenhees & Response (Post 88/12/2e. Conocedones Eeson Cct of New Y inc. 04pp. 30187:0e3-p , oto.og, e espro.ed as e ense.d W po,.ornar-- .o, .e. U"888 e, W Fehne M Scrum W Vefve Caushg i .'"g'O,, ,,,, hR,H S. Duke Pouer Co. e7/01/0E Record Serusoes Branch (Document Conso i JDRDAN,E.L Dheson Prepareshoes & Respanos (Post Deshk ik 30064:164-30f84J3k soo 88/12/20. Co. of New Y Inc. sepp. 30E06.234-q ,,

  • Duke Power Cet DPC fE 100fA e6/10/31.186pp. See64:1 .33e.

! Pieret S ca. 8791100104 Responde to 801124 esfety evalummon re NUREG4737Ttdt Acton nom JORDAN.EL Dhnson of E Propermeuse & E fasapones (Post ELD.S.4. "Ceness Room HabAshety." Test soo proposed to develop ene-epadec 88/12/31. Conocedoned seson Co. of Peser enc. . 30806:13g. emesore eeucese. Dushk Sp. 30001-387-3030136e. In Suc 0701MeSto Responds to 840611 feeuset tar to espose of rednecoveey cork JORDAN.E.L Dhamon of Emergency Preparedness & Response Post 1enensted wood &/or wood precluces et enndRApprovef snuet tio esowed 07/01/06. Coneoedeced Eemon Cct of New Y hc. 03ppL 30810.313 som Senses of NC or SC.

,           830103) 7.

2001726 STOL2.J.F. PWR Propect Drectorees & 97/01/14. TUCKER,H.8. Dutie Power Co.

                                                                                                                                           $pp. 3e393:170303es:174.

i inadequese Seismic 07911Nees IE Info Noece Weeves tiv nespumescal Modeang 87M a "AnalyseL* Suc set"aM of Olapfwayn 870130ette Forments JORDAN.E L Devesen of Emergency Prepareenes & eveh.eton re emergency leadesear eye sueentely fosse-Response Svet ing sole ehusagen & concurrent anglo senseBased on backet 830103L 07/01/13. Conectested Edson Co. of feew Y Inc. 07pp. 30000'30s- evefuenon,creens for Genene Le e1-14 met 30301963. STOLZ.J.F. PWR P 8. 87/01/14. TUCKER,H.S. Duho Power CcL 3pp. Ses46:**a saa.eugeos m.002. Descearese SMttageet IE Into Peoeco 07 003, "Sayegemon of Hasensous & Loar Level Red-unasse s c set enct JORDAN.EL Druimen of Emergency Preparedness & =47e13eefoe asseer o.esuason maporeng um approach no esseneoesy guswy ernersen-Respones Post ey tendesser Genenc Lir 81 14. e30103). e7/0171S. Coriaaenmana Eeean Co. of pesar Y Inc. 00pp. 30034:006

  • ORee of 30324.112. Reecear Repdemon, Desesor (post 861126). 07/01/14. epp.

39446.340 3944e402. 1 R. Portees opersehg repares & reemend eerroependonoe SM19teese Responds to reeuset for ads info re eensportsson of opent luel esed ! uneen.Enuten inpact of eensportsson of fuel & uness in scoonpancew/Tehde S.4 of 10CFR$1.62. SM 1ee Formerde monedy '8 for Dec tese a conoceed une 3 shut. 3pasem.3 esse act&,,, ,0,g3g'g,5 P,a= 3 .

                                                                              * '-'==n "*e-'+                                         .1.irm                                                        e c.f                       ofse.s reGe  se.&n m ,n.-e        LOC.W .,A., s.m                     E ,.,0,-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ,o A                       88 2/     .5             30327:302 3e3273ts,                                                               ,H masnent W M W h g,                                    j i       =4781210011 Conected monevy opereeng rept for Oct tees.

REAVIS,JA Duke Power Co. SS/10/3t 1p. 30327217-30327:317. E Inspeamen E Basemie & servespondense

       =479121e314 Conoceed monthly opereeng rept for Nov test.

REAvtS.JA Duke Power CcL ee/11/30. 2pgL 300t?31e 30327:Ste. 0791m Forments info re steem sonorator hearwece inap for arrant refusene . oueuse consnesed on secess.Appres z.fie tems inspaceed h Onos Tveaugh sneem Generator A.peo tems h echer genereIor ] & Reportable essenensee, LSRe & related esevangendense Dies Cet ee/12/06. .

2. ORon W Director.

l ruod h W"c'eagt

                                                                                * '* F                                                8

i IElm'4"T"uC28 a M3"':"Ci*?s';'2 ai,*'279,"att.1

                                                                                                                                         $q;".Fonments          ,a,a,,,Tet;g'=7 4

Rev 0a-sa- to "1neenece- m==--n' =Wimp Re SMH00000 Nocees W deley in menske scheede for enplemenesson of conocem so. mens mergend h LER 54200/se42 re ..-. _ - of ese prenewe eve useer & .gyg,ggr Jef flev 0 to inserweco One 2 f ees Refusens Ouence 8," g g 88l Class 1 & 2 & W Dessik 1p 3030t1413030t14t* 0 Record WW Duhe Power se/12/11. 21epp. 3014e Oet-3014e:27e. eM1130006 Fonsense 84413/0444.50-414/es47.5300/0632, 54370/ 0791N0012 Advises sist LER 200/0612 re inopersbely of esereery shutdown facely '# # I I '" "" tel Pouer Co. 1p,39432:368-39432.360. 0/ Consol Granch Secument Con. h hg gf', '

                                                                                                                                     -8791tNede Noeos of viologon born insp on ee110312, E Operator Enestissorm                                                                                                             WALiu,FLD Reglen 2, Ofeno of Deector. ee/12/24. app. 3823120630E31417.


                                                                                                                                     -470113e070                            50 413/e644,54414/0647.64300/se 32. 60 370/e632.50 07910000e7 Genenc Le 8741 to se power reactor toeneses & especones for OL re                                                      ses/eS33.002                         & 94N7/se 32 on est10S12.viesamens noemetense to Nuagsar Rooster                                  Desseur post 1 OE Adonec Cay Eleseec CcL 44pp. 30304.
                                                                                                                      ). e7/01/             U20.                                                                 2,            otN. 0s/12/10.

14lp. ses312043eeSt006. i 1

  -,-     y                  . ,         .~       ,_       m_ _ , ~ _ _ . _ . . - _ _ _ ~. . . _                              ._-,u.   -.y    - . , . , , . .       ,,       ,._~,_,.--.z-~,.                                . , , .         , - . - . - - , - - - - - . - .

l f DOCKETEDITEIf8 39 estaseesso IE inso Nagos as 107,"Eney into PWR Cover W/RowacmMe hCore De- P. Operamig emenos sego doommmes a eenosponesmos iscear 7teneses Wehesen" Sec est east

                                       #' '                                              "f0a"p"p.'3"e"s06               'IE8'I* Porment Rev_17 to YOQAP.M. Tperemonal QA ProerenC adeemerg or.

N0EsE1070". "Cemos"e"sio'n'"Essen New Yo" " I"' g , sesottat 7,nogg,, 9,,,, ,,,%,,,Ca en/12/te. MURLEY,T.E. Repon 1. Omme e01seesset IE bdo Nemos es 10s, "Deeradmoon of RCS Prenewe Sowiday ReeAng W Dheer. 3pp mesebme44ek i Prom Sonc Aad Corromen" Suc set enct "

               *                                                                                                                                                                                 .P  seme Ae nec Elecetc Ca eS/tv E0                                                                                                                ."."i.""%=K, S
           . 07.'ehiE7e""O'"E*W"N'ee Yo"k* c"."f04pp.

C 7


estaessess IE Indo Netos as 100, "Diaphern Fahne iri Scram Ouest Velve Caushte 8881e.818 Peruses nomos of . of leeuenos of maand to License DPs480 4 Ros sneerson" suc set enct a poposes NaNC

                                                                                                                                                    ; . Tech spese to estensge h ser
                                                                                                                                                                                     .a                           heenne re setess

' Respone (pest morees cepenny W epent pE ,4_ '

                                                                                                                             "R"DM.VLsWR                               Doesamens 2. ee/12/n CApsTcoc,nw. vennent
           =s00r7                                                                                                                "'""'"                                                       " '

, seines 0141 E Irdo Noems es 110. "Anonulous Oshovtor of Recocuseson Loop Plow h M e30 EY"D E oI* 12/3i. Coned" Preparaeness emon Ca of a New Deepp.ponse Res see0s:13e- iPost"***"NaNC"e"me"s, li etspensnes # "see"n"$*M'" en r 2.000 in 2.astisuoi #someneena

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               -                                  "F'"" U see0E                                                                                                                                         Preemet Onecamens 2. sti12/23. 7pm 3elea2n 301st27st etissestet IE his Nonce e7401,"RHR Velve heeshenment Cases Depedemon of                                           879180eS14_PCIA reeuset for doownents so We proposed reescuan of EPZ et 4

New 03pm & O'"[to yy age M 2/ 3EI I* Records DetSeesk115 sek114. { h* E.L Divison of Syc enct Presereennes & E Responso (Post 8791070401 of use of T._ _ 2.Aer espegel of entseles seester TN4L sholded se h i Ca of pees Y Inc. 07pm 3030030s. W ennent Ysees Mussear fL j 830 7/01/13. Cens Admand , , Carp es/12/3tL 11.e.s,E o Namco 07 -.s.eescore of Nos m. . - L 8. Re. -- Pen e - = e. o e propeen -

          .esias.-       c so enct                                                                                                   a vosso nemenos w/e41127 ar;ncsumme escuemon of essesy4elenos asne.

eser N eapp.3ese4 5 gMVS ,s,dR.e, . et .. 2. 87./01./06. CAPSTEM,RW. Vennent N.3,u 12IT'/0Y Eeson RO,.es va Munise s C e791essest Swn=ey W es1223 mesene w/us.ucs a Nonnen a weiss in R. Pereses meeraame reports a ressess serresponsense seeisese,MD re hoevy asens __ -- _ ser epent sual poos __ __1 im esposs er mennesse & ide layout of erase 8 esso load encl U312101e8 Forments monshly repas for Dec 1000 & corrected Unit 3 shut. SWR Preiset Dhecepreto 2. e7/01/06. SWR Propect 2. app r 4 enens a pesar reemnone ser a Nov 1est. 30171'3e438171:303. 4 TUCKER.H S. Duke Power Ca e7/01/15. Oloce of Inspacean & Enforcement, Okoc-tor (Post e20201) app 30327:30630327:310. Op910pgese Notesmenn of 870115 w/ule in facNaniLWA to doouse eiermal

      -4M1210100                   opersens         for Dec fees                                                                                                                        2. e7 0          tIULLER,0.R. BWR Project 01-REAVIS,JA                       Co.        31.15pp. 30327 302-38327.1114                                          rectorets 2. $p. Seim 03010k111.

i V. Operator ""

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ) & (C)(5) re

! e7910ses07 Generte LW e741 to se power reactor scensees a especanes for OL re ftODDEY.V. eWR Obessorene 2. e7/01/os. W. Vermort Yanhos NTON Nucesar Reactor Deector 051 25'). e7/01/ I Oe. Aeonac Oly Elecenc Ca 44pk 30304000 38304:112. e791140134 Poneenis gdeesd App S escean of flow 17 to YOQAPL1.A, "Yanhoe SPEPAfW . ertoe Aeones e /0 Grench (Doe-DOCKET 00 N1 VERMONT VAfstEE NUCLEAR POWER STATICII ument Consef DockA $p. 3er700st.3ef70:1 i3. 4791140141 Rev 1,A, " Yankee Atomic Elecolc Co Operemonef QA P. Goeurey, nesseed, eseguay & ero prehseen peerie l 07e1979302 Forwards Safety inep Rept $4271/es- on es1203.No vioimaans j noemd Uel petnnonce durtne 8sWc8se i ^eldly to Ingiament emagency gygggy91st Pensards " Jus.samen for MulbCycle Operanen for Vermort Yanhoe Core ! Tife,T.T. 88/


Ofees .

                                                                                  .W.P. Vennent Yerese                                                              ue                     eri Nucteer Power Corm 2pn 3es0N13000NG                                                                                heufrHY.W.P. Vensent Yanhas penalser Poser Casp 87/01/12. MULLER D R. 8WR l      -4701070308 Emergency Preparednese inep Rept 50 271/se 28 on 861202 04. Peo vlo-                                                                 24. MimM
                               "'                   "*        "" '*"'                          ' '" P
  • P** -87913701e5 "Jussessmen for te. Cycle Operemon for Vermont Yenhoe Core Spray I enriusd ' esmuse (X)NM C., WA Region 1, Ofece of Dwector. 08/12/22. 7pn N . Yanese peuelser Poiser Corpt 07/01/12. 41pm 30364:142-3ese4 Joe.

I ",m'4*ofsE' c" * 'M:=c.'n"ec"hv siO,'s* at . u or.e oPR - of Proposed

         -Onese Meeces Emerganaan                   61 to telde of consonas also                                            137,roulemg               Spec fessee Sie 4 418 by muspereene redundant
  • Vermont Yankee pousseur Power Corp. 07/01/0s. 42pp. 30302.kww 47 30302 007. cenamens for l

! .1,.01. Ron.s . o, proposed 1-4 to ,,,,.ce, e e,,, ,de,U,.d.e. ten., o fsu.- Raeaar R- D.est .esi oih == 43e omsted Irorn menelessa CAPSTICK.R W Vermont Yereas Phedeer Poeur Cosp. e7/01/12. ROONEY.VL i 1 SWR Prolact Drectorose 2. Ip. 30301:36430301-366. -e7918estia Propoemd Tech accident : _' Spec Teldes 3.2.4. 4 escemated con &.dio.incorporeans on for operemons & redundant movemense poet. . - NUfWG.0737 & .07. i *h Ymese Nuclear Peuer 07/01/12. 3pp. 30432-1e7 30431100.

J. Innerenes a badmanley infonnesen i 0701870048 Suppl 1 to apptosten to amond unense DPR.28,consleeng of i 8701130481 Fonserds Endorsemenes 03 & e8 to NELIA Poecy & MAELU Poecy 131to efhsent Tech Space odeig reportie loves sur end-IF-84,respecevefy & Endorsemanes 0 to NELIA Cerencese P632 & MAELU Cerescate ment taken noset stann emin amme.
,        ts.32.                                                                                                             MURPHY              , Vennent Yerees Muelser                                e7/01/18. DENTON.N.R. Ofece

! VIETEN.M.J. March & McLennen, Inc, ee/12/2e. DINIT2.L Once of Stees Pro,eme, of Musleer Reester fW Obesser estesti. Power 4pp 30870Oso 30070cos. Deector. Sep. 3ee58 324 30260428.

                                                                                                                        -47012peseS Revised proposed Tech Space re adenen of repareng level for Co40 in seement emmpass tehen hem nores esonn een cueJL K. Plnel Safety Analysis Report (PSAH) 4 amends
  • Vermont Yerees Nuesser Power Cosp. e7/01/IE app. 39370:084-30370:00E l e7013700s0 t d Uomies OPR- o oreiss0179 Enses to Rev 4 to gemoed.FS.AR.,,,ne p ne - orr ed of Telds 7.131 re area.ess. e.f. Propose.d car. ers op-- Chenes l ,e,o,,r,i,m, gg,,e;gg-m i
                                                                                                                                               ,,,,yg,.oamen,,a, cgs u & u , ree-r o-l C.A,.T.C,x WR P,c c nW.         vermarit Dee.,ses        n v,e,e p     N.u.e, mmmm     - C ,,. ww a ROONEY.vt                                      abu.e, of             Res.v , Re          .D v.ees oC.eoier                  i       4 .Pe e., Cgw,.w.i D.E.NTO.N


                                        =.4791270400 Proposed Tecti Spec Sectons3444.4.1__                                                        Proposed Change        07911M007                                                             tar Dec 1908.W/070110 nr.

138 re reactor standly hpad consol eye te & WALLIN.G.A ,W. Yardse Nueeser Power Corp.08/12/31. get

  • Vermont Yardse Nussear Power Corp. 0p./01/1. 5p% M
                                                                                                                                    ;suu70066-39370200.                       30867236-30067:040.

O Inspecten repares, E Buemens & serveepondense V. 0perecer gameubietens 07e197000e Fonsents Safety insp Rept $4271/0620 on M1203.No vicistens 3701000007 Generic Ler 0741 to et power reactor tonneses & appeasede for OL se J eeneey to Imptoment emergency of pseCoperaser esem gasegun hengtsuo est east noemd.UM

                                                  &              performance    dunne eneroes _^_ edessess protectork c m mariner met TIis.T.T. Hopen 1. Oface of
                                                                                                                                                                                                       .R.                    of Deucteer Reester                       thector poet 0611NI. 87/01/
                                                                                                          . 06/12/24. MURPHY.W.P. Vermont Yardse                             08. Atenec Oay Egesetc CE 44 ppt ^^^^ C -                                               .112.

Nuclear Power Corp. 2pp. 30202.001,30002200.

                                        -8701070005 Emergency                                                 Rept                               001      4. wie-DOcetET 09073 SALM IRfC".AAA MTOIS STAT 1014 4fB571
,                                            eart                    r
}                                           CODELSe.C.                     W.J. Repon 1. Ofeos of Drector.08/12/22. 7pp. 3000t003-                                      ,,                        ,                                          g ,,,,,,,,,, ,

0010000000 IE ines Notes 98107. " Envy into PWR Cavely W/Rowecialise in. Core De- SM1000140 Peressee Rev 8 to Ashainieseese Obse0se A&2,"Au0 tor Gides ter Oper-tector TNmesse Wwesen." sec not end. stans oest Documme per 800003 w/PJ Eshameds & OC JORDAN.EL Divisen et Emergency Prepareskoes & E Response Post Plesher.Emessency opere.n "ig proceeses se hetened on revened giddeser 0301(O). 00s12/20. Conocedoned Edson CcL of New Y hc. 00pp. 30306231 800331 ar. 30306.130. MQEILL,CA Pienc Servens BeeMc & Gas Cet of leser Jammy. 08/12/E esOONAN.VA PWR Prelect Obesserees 5 app. 3018t2143810t30s. 'I 00100M001 IE info Notco 00-100, "Depedston of RCS Preeswo Soundary Resuleng Fvem tortc Acad CarromorL" Swc tot anci. 3731gg3134 Rey $ le AdmMetatue Obendue AOa, "Augier Oidde ser Operagens j JORDAN.EL. Osvuon of Emergency Preparenhase & E Respones (Post DocumeneL" 430103K 08/12/20. Cora=*=*ad Edson Co. of New Y Inc. Deppt 30107203- LLER.J. PWAc Servios Elecetc & Gee Co. of New Jeresy. 08/11/10. 00ppL 1 30107:197. 30162212 30162304. t 0813000000 IE Info Notte 04100, "Dephreem Femare m Scram Ouest Vefve Causene Rod Insertort" Swc est oncs. 0791140411 Proutdes ese bise on W aungsen reesset se W cebes ter ende,per 10CPR00. Asp A. 3 of um 800117 nr sheadd to 10 semes me SS 1 Co econ N Sepp. 30306 ILLCA Gas 8 ear say Stack L 1 NOONAN,V.S. PWR Profeet theceosses 6, lipp. Mf792ES.Nf71k23L 0791140000 Formen$s tilotA we5 strees swelueton h Cabdamast i ommed Gom g7313g3031 rur===== GN000 k re oorusAdegan d shton prehshd metEOue h un-a Et response e inep Rept 54271/ 17 Evolueton Nucteer Power evesebesy

                                                                                                                                                                             **                            of gloed         *8 canyonore      8 4 eteres seemegrue   8           not be congemend CAPSTICg              ermont                                                             . 08/12/30. ESNETER.S.O.

Repon 1, Opp. MCedE CA Pea'c '*'*'Ehems *"ee G "Ca W few Jeesy. 07/01/11 MUflLEY,T.E. Regan 1.Ofnos of thoceer.1st 304320414043t041.


r Pia"nea SE [a^" ""*"* " ' " "*" " ' ' '*" '"

                                                                       "E*                                                                                              07e121007s eneonne met JT t - -                                   -

eseway .ma me ser ear. JORDAN.E L Divison of Emergency Preparedness & Enyneenng Response (Post woneng cards 2 MC & pose of conmet rendes essebuf feury 030 08/12/31. Coriamma=d Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 0$pp. 30205130-0 ( gMCremmeL & of New Reessd se see 0,ans,t ion.u,ner. Cor e one.> 3m =2t=0ah. 07/01/11 . G.01 inse o redus 0W 17 0 0704 re 1.,, p 4 c"'!:;*Procee,f e 80A7010 re - ori.

                                                                                                                                                                             =0                       iG - or SAL.P %90n 272/06                                      00 4 04311/0600f.or.Oc.t.1000 sse seassamme          pier           r e .een                     . Sept MURPHY,W P. Vermont Yankee Nucteer Power Corp. 07/01/05. MULLER.D,R. SWR                                                                                     eleonsort                          erleen commenen esist 30                eller Propect Drectorate 2. 3pp. 30240'20&J0250:014                                                                                                        , E. Repon 1,                              of Opecear. 07/01/20. MC8E CA PWIc Elecenc 4 Gee Ca of New Jeresy. 2 ppt 304364014043620L
                                       -4701130061 Rev 0 to 10.Yr insp Final Rept 03A0764,"Unremonec Enem of Foodneest Noente Inner Resus "                                                                                                        -4701300001 SALP                                          90 272/0600 & 00w311/06 00 ter Out 1000 Sept 100&
  • Nucteer Energy Services, Ina 03A0704 R00. 05/11/10. 00pp. 3024t200-
  • Repon i,0fece of . 07/01/20. 33pp. 3043610S30e36206.


                                       -0791130000 Rev 2 to 00A7010. "Ultraeoruc Enem Proceshre for Reacter Vesest Fee 6                                                L pgueneing hennessen weser
  • NuclearNoezed inner Redus Energy Senaces, Inc 84/08/00. for Vermont21pp 30240Yankee 35530250'014.".

m F A 020 le & h W NN 0791300000 D-aas resume of - o Sonnf of PiAtc Use re Asenec Einstic Ce corposene . . _ _J of veksey of enesonry wees in nonemerNC sressp E,yy,tstrie m ** s DENTON.H.R. Olhos of Nuclear Reactor Dost SS W P. Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Corp. 07/01/06. E8NETER,$.D. M St114 2 5t20E Repon 1 Ofilce of Director. 3pst 3030S$01-30305$03. l e013308181 IE Info Notco 07 001, "RHR Vefve IAeshgnment Causes Depedemon of P. Operaling emense senso documente 4 eermapendense -, ECX;8 in PWRt" Svc est ensi JORDAN.E L. Ohnson of Emergency Preparedness & E - Response (Post Incl 03pp. 30210.310- 0791130000 Forumes routmed QA propern - - - dernostone m im j 030103). 07/01/00. Conocedeted Edson CcL of New Y 051000 nr re AthE 10 maptements gsesheauen lepeesnenes i for pusennes portum- , 30217257 yr1 384 0791130000 IE Info Notce 87 002, "trwammes Seemic Queblicamon of Olephreyn MuftLEY T Repon 1, of thoceer.44p i Veheng Meeemencel % & Analyus " Suc est enct. f 70 eson reow Y 07 30300 ***Igy , '" 2 B" eeus"*is"t ret"u"ssng'*ounge

-113000. E weses .vc t .n i.o ,- 07 sori , ne.e,dous & uw L. vel R =g ,,v, ,,,o,s,, 2 o,:e,g:::u,,ar,,g,*,3=p =='at 70 Cd econ Ne r M 303H 0791140079 utsc
                                          ,,,,.,,,~                                                                                                                                                  Fo.rm.ents Q     r rec u e,s.fuer         =le n eva.luomen 1               ,& EGSG ari a veri.      .ne edeho.b, Rees. .h.ig u.m M110 Congonenst" Responso necepeteIL

!' of MWham EDO N

                                                                                                                                                                          - gg,cyc                    h,N 0018                                                                                                              R 07ei,s.

pu corr,t se we .a t,u.pd,0.te,d.seemas o progn os eyed

                                                                                                                            .o of um pr,,ev.e.=de     ,           =g                         9             jgg-
                                          '.C.R APSTIC,K Pro c o RW.oc                  L 3e.rmont sen z e2p,nkee        002 Nucc.eer04                     .0 m. Cup 7 0 lie. ROONEY,V.L           -4013s00000 "Igu.t ter SER.Neuewies Nuclear Pouer Plant.McGies % dear S.eege p,,,gs,4,,2g,;;,'a,,g, r,g;;;;mi,Pi                               ,                ge
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 , es i & 1 as-- Tr ens 1                                     07eitte000 Fonsense NRR input for Feb 1987 SALP Board weseng coveren0 001010                                                          FARMER.F.G. EGSG Idef., Inc. (edist W EQ&Q. Insa F#8 04000. EGG.8tTA 7440.

l 801231.Overes performance reeng of Category 1 essened m functonal seen of toene. 08/11/30. PfeC No Deensed Afuseen Govert 10pp. 3000tJee.3000tset L BWR Propect Directorate 2. 07/01/20. KANE.W. Repon 1, Oltco of 01-j rector. I typ.30300:170-39300 100. O, inspeeGen reporte, E Bidette & sermependense j Q Portade sporenne mports & missed eerrompendense m gews Repes 2 Olles w/9deC Steig we taped es

                                       $791300110                              rept for Oct 1000.W/001110 ler.                                                               have           r   .CA MCNEILL_ - :1 of esammere      Peac            Servene         Eemsetc       & Gas Co, of Near Jeresy.

omsneessa 80/12/11 WALLIN.GA, Y,W . vermont Yankoo Nucteer Power Corp. 00/10/31. Opp. TAYLost.J M. Omme of Inspacean & Enforcement, Deesear (Post 800N1) 30430412 30430.017. HE10HMANAF. Vender Proyam Branch. Opp. 30027.000 30027200. i

     . . . _ _ . . - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,                                          _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ . . , _ _ - _ _ _ , _ .                                              ... . __- . , . - _ , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ , , , . , . _ -                                                                            , , . . _ ~ . _ _ -

DOCKETEDITEMS 41 4701070402 Forwards Safety insp Repts 50 272/8431 & 50-311/8&34 on 861028 S. Reportshie occurrences LERs & related ~. _ _ .a 1124.No viotagone noted. Summary of 861111 & 1205meetmgs re corrective actions Defooncies 109 & 113 re chemical NG T Omce' of actor 86/12/22.MCNEILL.CA Pienc Serv. ice Electnc & Gas Co New Jersey. 2pp. 39202 013-39202 042. 8701280559 Forwards revised Human E Aggg'Y' Q'gro 2 con. p Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 4pp 39391.35439 1:359. -.4701070408Inso Repts50-272/86-318 5&311/86-34 ort 8610261124 No violations noted Maior areas mapectedplant opershons. WiClueng lOnowup on outstandog map steme & meeangs held to docusa corrective action as result of 860826 event. SUMMERS.R J., NORRHOLM.LJ. Repon 1, Othee of Drector. 86/12/16. 28pp. V. Operator Examinatione 39202.015 39202$42. 8701130180 Forwards Exam Repts 50-272/06260L & 50'311/8&310L of exams ad-8812230089IE Info Noece 84107," Entry into PWR Cavey W/ Retractable Irdl ore De. meiswed on 660912. tector Thimbles Wit tawn." Svc hst encg ESELGROTH.P.W. Region 1. Omco of Dractor.87/01/06.MCNEILL.CA Pihlic Serv. JORDAN.E L Divison of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post ece Elecinc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 2pp. 39249 02439249 076. 830103) 66/12/29. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New York, Inc.100pp.19205 031 39205.138. -8701130198 Exam Repts 50-272/86260L & $0-311/86310L on 860912 Exam 8812230081 IE Info Nohce 84108 "Dogradatort of RCS Pressure Boundary ResulDng results as reactor & sensor reactor operator candidates w/ excephon of one senior re-From Banc Acid Corrosson." Svc het anci. actor operator satisfactonly completed entten exam Exam & answer key enct JORDAN.E L Divieson of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post BARBER.G.S., KELLER.R M., COLLINS.S.J. Repon 1 Othce of Director. 86/12/29. 830103). 86/12/29.Conschdated Edreon Co. of New Yor Inc.104pp. 39167.093- 49pp. 39249 028-39249.076. 39167.197. 8# 7 7 D 88 P0" ,,',C,',0,' ,, 8812230093IE Info Notice 86109. " Diaphragm Fadure in Scram Outlet valve Causeg G8"*",", wT or OL re of mergency Preparedness & Engmoenng Response (Post

                                                                                                                                                  " '* ' ' (P *'            * "

DAN 08 lectnc'Co. 930'4 it 830103). 86/12/29. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New Yorin, Inc. 94pp. 39205.234-8701290017 Forwards SALP Repts5&272/85 98 & 50L311/85-98for Oct 1985. Sept 4701130344 Forwards revoed QA program desenphon.renecano clan 6 canons in uni 1986.Meetng sche &Aed for 870121 to aamaa _. .a 4 plans to emirove areas 851008 Itr re ASME XI m@plemental quahficanon recurements for personnel perform- needmg mgt ettennon. A ts uniten comments withm 30 after co VT f,2,3 & 4 maps. MURutT E Region 1 of Drectcr. 87/01/20. MCNE CA Pubhc MCNEILLCA Pubhc Service Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 06/12/30. Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 2pp. 39435:00139435.065. MURLEY,T E. Region 1. Othee of Drector. 42pp. 39253:00949253.052.

                                                                                        -8701290021SALP Repts $4272/8&98 4 50 311/85 98for Oct 1965 Sept 1986.

8012290141 IE Info Nocco 86110, " Anomalous Behavior of Recyculaban Loop Flow in

  • Repon 1. Ornce of vroctor.87/01/20. 63pp. 39435.003-39435.065.

Jet Pump BWR Piards." Svc hst ord. JORDAN.E L Dnamon of Emergency Preparedness & Engineering Response (Post 86/12/31. Conschdated Echson Co. of New York, Inc. 95pp. 39205.139- DOCKET $0 278 DIABLO CANYON NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1 8812300181 IE 1rdo Noece 87401. "RHR Valve Mesabgnment Causes Degradanon of ECCS m PWRs " Svc est ord. L 8JIC Safety Evolustion Report (SER), supple 4 -. . JORDAN.E L Dmmon of Emergency Properedness & E Response (Post 87/01/06. Consondated Edmon Co. of New Y Inc. 03pp. 39218 316- response to FOIA request to allegatone in connecton w/ 8701220074 TNrd SSER 22 ( EG4675) operaton of facibly. Forwards App C 870 F Exam Repts 5&272/86260L & $0 311/86 310L of exams ack ( e ct Records. 87/01/16. OtXON,C, DEVINE.T. Gov-emment Accountabihty Protect. 2pp. 39354 338-39354.355. ESELGROTH,P W Regon 1. Othee of Drector.87/01/06.MCNEILL.CA Pithe Serv-Ice Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 2pp. 39249-02439249 078. -8701130198 Exam Repts 50-272/8&260L & 5&311/0&310L on 860912 Exam F. Securtty, fnedical, emergency & fire protection plane results as reactor & sermor reactor operator carksdates w/ excepcon of one tornar re-8701090010 Partal roepcries to FOIA repost. Documents Seted in App M re Diablo B . LE M Region tar 86/12/29. Canyon encI Documents hated in App L already in POR. 49pp. 39249 026-39249 076' GRIMSLEY.D. Divoson of Rules and Records.07/01/06. HOLMES,GA MHB Tectirik 8701150281 Aca receipt of861121 & 24 Itra informang NRC of steps teken to corroeg cal Assocales. 3pp. 39231.314-39232:012. violanons noted m insp Repts 5&272/8&25 4 5&311/84 25 re threaded fasteners & closeout of IE Bunsen 8242. 8701280493 Forwards pubhc vomon of Rev 3. Change 7 to emergency plert W/870127 EBNETER.S D. Repon 1. Ornce of Drector 87/01/06. MCNEILLCA Pubhc Sonnce release memo. Elecinc & Gas Co. of New Jersey 2pp. 39290.314 39290.322. SHIFFER,J D. Pecrnc Gas & Electric Co. 87/01/06. Record Serv 6ces Branch (Docie ment Control Desk). 3pp. 39393:175-39395.317. 1 8701120000 IE Info Notice 87402, "inadequare Seemic Quanacanon of Daphragm I valves by Mathemancal Modehng & Anaryms." Svc het encl. -8701280608 Pubhc varmen of Rev 3. 7 to JORDAN.E L Dmmon of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post Pecshc Gas & Eleunc Co. 86/12/08 39393- 9 17' 830103). 87/01/13. Consohdated Edmon Co. of New Y Inc. 07pp. 39300 308-3930 m 8701130104 Forwards comments on regulatory effectivenees review rept on 880519523 8701130002 IE trWo Nobce 87 003, "Segregaton of Hazardous & Low Level Rad- review Enct withhold (ref 10CFR73.21). westes

  • Svc est oncl. SHIFFER.J.D. Pacshc Gas & Electnc Co. 87/01/00. Record Services Branch (Docu.

JORDAN,E L Demon of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post mont Control Doek).1p. 39249'11139249.111. 830103). 87/01/15. Conschdated Edmon Co. of New York, Inc. 65pp. 39324.025-39324.112. 8701200254 Rowests withckawe of emergency plan SOP 111.25 for Caslamle Mene Colony, San Luis Obepo. Request made so vist SOP IIL25 document remems conA-8701210263Provideo final response to IE Comphance Buseen 86003 re potonnel ted- dental. ure of multiple ECCS pumps clue to sangle famure of arecerated valve m mm flow re- SHIFFER.J D. Pocshc Gas & Electic Co. 07/01/13. Record Sonnces Branch (Docze crculation ene Further considerabon of ecodont sequence unwarrantesi mont Control Desk).1p. 39308.157 39306.157. MCNEILLCA Pubhc Service Electric & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 87/01/15. Record Services Brancti (Document Control Desk). 4pp. 39328.319 39328.322. O' I~ 6701270507 Forwards Safety insp Repts 50-272/8632 & 5&311/8436 on 861125-1231 Lacensee idonefled violahons re fadure to complete Tech Spec survedlance l noted.No nobce of violanon neued.per 10CFR2. App C. 4701080822 Memorencham 4 order (drectng Econese roeponse to intervenor moenn for ESELGROTH,P.W. Repon 1, Ornce of Drector-87/01/16. MCNEILL,CA PL blic Serv- summary depomeon)

  • Licenese & otaff drected to see responses to intervenor moton .

Ice Elecinc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 2pp. 39371:152-39371.178. to be received by ASLB on or before 870115 Served on 87010& COTTER,0.P. Atomic Safety and Licenemg Board Panel f187 2006. 87/01/02. Pacil- -8701270522 Safety inop Repts5&272/86-32 & 50 311/8436 on 8611251231Viole- Ic Gas & Electnc Co. 2pp. 39219275-39219276. Done noted fedure to complete Tech Spec survallance wittwn requred eme. SUMMERS.R.J. NORRHOLM.L.J. Region 1, Office of Drector. 87/01/13. 23pp. 4701200187 Withckawei of Intervonor San Luis Obepo Motiere ter Peace.' Interveno,r 39371.154 39371.176. wel make no further appearances or present no evidence in curren8y ech ma e 86 Me r g" 'a " ' LW .F. Gnsense & Lowry. tar 8N2 i e- to 22 2pp. 9304Ie*3930 . noechng mgt enereon. R ts untten comments within 30 days after MURLEY.T E. Region 1 of Drector. 87/01/20. MCNEILL,CA Pubhc Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 2pp. 39435.00139435.065. 4701200171 Monon of Sierra Che to conunue heartngs.* Daley of hearkigs by 3 wks requested due to tryury of R Fergusort Commencement of heennge on 870223 -8701290021 SALP R s 50-272/85 96 & 50-311/85-06 for Oct 1965 Sept 1966. requested. Proof of Svc anci.

  • Region 1. Ornce of . 87/01/20. 63pp. 39435.003-39435 065. LOWRY.E F. Sierra Chh #187 2214. 87/01/13. Atomic Safety and uconome Board Penet. 3pp. 39304.18439304;191.

R. Periodic operating reports a rotated -. _ _ . .x 8701200108 NRC staff enewer ki opposton to Saarra Chh/ Mothers for Peace snoton sur summary escoemon.' uonon devoid of any factual support wfech warrants pent. 8701200470 MontNy opere r for Dec 1986 W/870112 lir. Ing of summary depoemon to envron claims W/Cortncate of Svc. WHITE.P., ZUPKO.J M Electnc 4 Gas Co. of New Jersey. 86/12/31. CHANDLER.LJ., MCGURREN.H. Assistant General Counsel for #187 2193. 12pp. 39306 08S39306-074. 87/01/15. Atomic Safety and Ucenan0 Board Panet.15pp. 39304:123- .137.

42 DOCKETEDITEMS  ! l H. Generet -. . _ -8701000028 Forwards response to Gensky 840411 bons re recent rept on isota-bon of tugh pressure chargmg sys porhon of E exponenced at Urut 1 on 8701000018 Partal response to FOBA recpest.Docurnents hated in App M re Datdo 840406 Related documentshon enci. Canyon enct Documents hated n App L alreach m POR. O'RCKS.W J Ofhee of the Executive Director for Operations 84/04/13.PALLADINO. GRIMSLEY.D. Dmenon of Rules and Raccede. 87/01/06. HOLMES,GA MHB Tech GIUNSKY. ROBERTS Comrmamoners. 37pp. 39231.317 39231353. cal Aaamates. 3pp. 39231:314-39232 012.

                                                                                         -8701080167 Forwards hated documents,per request.meludmg T O'Nedi 840313 pus-
=4701000132 Responds to 841016 request for info re constituent request for hsted            man message / reply & E Hickey 650604affidavt Documents poss4:ly contam mfo re documents.mckxang evacuation plan for Santa Cruz County NRC has no plan on hte           IE ewestigations. Portions of Documents 7-5 encLW/c Document 1.

ence county not requred to have rechcWoyal emergency response piart SHACKLETON.O.C. Region 5. Othee of Drector.65/07/19. SCHIERUNG.H. Ucene. DIRCKS.WJ Office of me Executnre Drector for Opersoons 84/11/07. Ing Branch 3. 5pp. 39232 000-39232.012. PANETTA.LE. House of Rep. 2pp. 39232:CO6 39232 007. 8701140452 Forwards Amends 11 & 9 to Licenses DPR40 & DPR-82. respeceveh & 8701270207 Requests that technscal correspondence be addressed to author at hated safety evaluetonnends change Tech Specs to assure two contamment fan cooler address.per enci 840926nr Enct NRC 861215 ler to results of Peebles Elecincel Ma. contamrnent pressure of 46 65 peq crunes map trustakenry adeossed to JO Schuyler. urwis evadatde PWR SCHIERLING.H. assummg Progectangte fadure Drectorate 3. & 87specsfy/01/07. SHIFFERJ D. Pacshc Gas a SHIFFERJ.D. Pecsftc Gas & Elecine Co. 87/01/12. Record Services Branch (Docw Elecinc Cet opp. 39270 249-39270:266

                                                                                        -8701140441 Amends 11 & 9 to Ucenses DPR-80 & DPR42.respecavely, revisng Tech Specs to assure that two contamment fan conier urvts avalatdo assummg smgie fad-J. Insurance & Indemnfty information                                                       ure & specifymg man contamment pressure of 46 65 pag.

VARGA.SA rWR Progect Drectorate 3. 87/01/07. 9pp. 39270.253 39270261. 8701180144 Forwards Endorsements 6 4 3 to NEUA Cornficates N-74 & N- -8701140481 Safety evaluation s@ porting Amends 114 81o ucenses DPR40 & DPR-78 reepsenvoly. Endorsements 6 & 3 to MAELU Certficates M-74 & M- 82.respectrvesy. 76.reepecthrely. Endorsement 51 to NEUA Pohcy NF 228 & Endorsement 22 to

  • Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulanon, Drector (post 851125). 87/01/07. 5pp.

MAELU Pohey MF 103. 39270'262-39270.266. CRANE.P A. PacAc Gas & Electric Co.87/01/07.SALTZMAN J. Asmstant Drector for State & Ucensee Relacons. 7pp. 39297.320 39297 326. 3701140485 Summary of 861021-24 meebng to status of long. term seismic program.mciudmo geoogy.smemoiogy.geophy ca & ground motion.Retated 8 Adwteory Committee on Reactor Sefoguarde reporte & cormeMndence mfo.sncludmg attendees het & meetmg summary enct SCHIERLINu.H. PWR Propect Drectorate 3. 67/01/06. PWR Protect Drectorate 3. 6pp. 39269.088-39270.071 8701000018 Partai response to FOIA recpest Documents ested in App M re Dablo Canyon once Documents ksted in App L already m PDR -8701140519 D-aaas NRC/utd 861021 24 workshop on long. term seemic GRIMSLEY.D. Dvimon of Rulee and Records.87/01/06. HOLMES.GA MHB Techru- program Utd concksenne most exteneve. wen.mtegrated study that author has encoun-cal Assocates. 3pp. 39231.314-39232:012. tered w/a ste Detads must not be overtooked Related info ence. T .GA Affmation Not Astoned. 86/10/25 SAvtO.R. ACRS . Advisory

-8406280667 Summertres ACRS 290th meenng on 840614-16re PGSE program plan                  Committee on Reactor Safeguards. 31fpp. 39269115-39270:071.
   & scheckAs re sesmic reevaluanortConadorebon of consultant advice recommended.

EBERSOLE.J CL ACRS . Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards. 84/06/20. 8701210482 Comments on proposed changes to Chapter 17 of FSAR Proposed request PALLADINO.N J. NRC . No Detened Affthanon Guvert 3pp. 39232:013-39232.025. to use 1980 Eeton of SNT TC-1 A autnanred.provided requrements of document mandatory rather than merely padance into requested by 870301. KIRSCH.D F. Region 5. Office of Drector. 87/01/12. SHIFFER.J.D. Pacdc Gas & P. Operating Scense stage documents & , .a Elecinc Co. 2pp. 39326 072-39326 073. 8701080546inp rept of 860819 ste vist & summary of860620w21 meeengs w/uts & 8701200049 Notecation of 870122 meetmg w/uts m Bethesda.MD to cEacuss spent fuel Pickard.Lowe & Gamck m Newport Beach,CA re PRA of lorgterm sestruc expannon wet reraciung. am.Meenng nonfication, tot of attendees. agenda & R Youngb60cd comments IERUNG.H. PWR Protect Drectorate3. 87/01/14. VARGA.SA PWR Prolect Dh rectorate 3. 4pp. 39320 350-39320.353. SCHIERLING.H. PWR Prolect Drectorate 3. 06/12/18. PWR Prolect Drectoiste 3. 8pp. 39216.052-39218.064. 8701270418 Forwards request for add mfo re wel raractunginfo should be provided at 870122 meetog & documented by fir. 8701060428 Responde to FOA request. Documents botad in App K enct Documents SCHIERLING.H. PWR Protect Drectorate 3. 87/01/t5. SHfFFERJD. Pacec Gas & noted m Appenchces K & J evelable m POR. Electnc Co. 4pp. 39379.001-39379 004. GRlMSLEY.D.H. Divison of Rules and Recordt86/12/30. HOLMES.O A. MHB Tech-recal Associates. 6pp. 39165.090L39165185. 8701210208 Forwards Weshnghouse 640216 ltr to rachabon exposure of spent fuel racks Lir robed upon by utd m rarack heanno before ASLB.

-8502050264 Requests arrangements for ate vist by H EgosN of Japanese Maustry of           SHIFFER.JD Pacrhc Gas & Electne . 87/01/16. Record Sennces Branch (Docu-Inti Trade & Industry Tour should riclude contenment & auxnary bidgs. control room &    ment Control Desk) $pp.39326 308-39326 312.

ovc water mtake structure. KNIGHTON.G W. Lscenomg Branch 3. 85/01/22.HOCH.J. Pacific Gas & Electnc Co. 8701220074 Thrd partal response to FOLA request re asleganone in conneenon w/ 3pp. 39165097 39165.100. SSER 22 (NUREG 0675) . operation of facety. Forwards App C documentaDocuments seso avadable in -8804290385 Responds to 850314suppi lo 640703 2.206 petton re NRC handhng of

  • Division of Rules and Records. 87/01/16. DIXON.C, Govemment Accountabdity allegatons Resuits of review of aNeganons flied dunng 840731 850314 wit be put> Prolect. 2pp. 39354.336 39354 355.

Behad as SSER 28 DENTON H R. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Drector (pre-451125). 85/04/t6. -8701220082 Pecksos conesbng of marked.up aneganon on lack of revlow by HP DEVINE,f. Govemment Accountabety Prolect. 5pp. 39165.179-39165.183. Fotoy for pre-Sept feel records & unquahfied value maue. WONG.H. NRC No Dotaded Affthanon Gnren.84/01/20.15pp. 39354.341-39354.355. -8701050468 Forwards nonce of contderation of issuance of amend to Ucense DPR. 78 4 proposed NSHC determmation & cpportunity for hearing re utd850130 request 8701300044 Forwards request for addl info to elecmcal power sys & mecharucal syn to modrry Tech Specs to provide for twounst operat on w/ common controf room, support event trees portaneg to PRA for ongomg review of long-term seemic KNIGHTON.G W. Licenmng Branch 3. 85/03/04. SHIFFER.J.D. Pacific Gas & Electnc program R . requested 670302. Co. 88pp. 39165:101-39165:168. SCHIERL .H. PWR Protect sie 3. 87/01/16. SHIFFER.J D. Pacec Gas & Electnc Co.12pp. 39446 094-39446:101 -8701060444 Nobce of concederation of issuance of amend to Ucense DPR.78 & pro. posed NSHC determmation & opporturvty for heanng on 650130 request to mm eruft $701280552 Forwards info to update selected ischty eswings.Includlng updated indlces crew compoorbon & elocincal power sys survellence requrements of eeunnos & aper 1ure cards.eammgs car Region V a aperture cards for NRC KNIGHTON.G W. Uceneeng Branch 3. 85/02/26.10pp. 39165:169-39165.178. headquarters W/o eawmgs & aper 1we cards. SHIFFER.J D. PecAc Gas & Elecine Co- 87/01/20.Docurrent Control Branch (Docu-8701070488 Docusses ongnal spent bel storage rack plan described in FSAR ment Controt Desk). 30pp. 39391.21S39391.279. Ledets Results of new cnbcahty enaryme to support current & planned reioed annch-monts encf. 4701280335 Forwards " Natural Circulaban Cooldown & Scron Mixm' g. App'hcabdity of SHIFFER,J.D. Pacee Gas & Electric Co. 86/12/31.VARGA.SA PWR Protect Drec. Tests Performed at Dablo Canyon Unst for Conformance to BTP RSS 51. Closure of torate 3. 9pp. 39203.124-39203.132. SER Confrmatory item 11 requested sance results apphcable for both plantt WISENBURG.M R. Houston U0heng & Power Co. 87/01/21. Document Control 8701000018 Portal response to FOtA requestDocuments fisted m App M re Doblo Branch (Document Control Oosh). 2pp. 39433 001-39433 040. Canyon enct Documents beted m App L already in PDR. GRIMSLEY.D. Dvesoa of Rules and Records. 87/01/06. HOLMES.G A. MHS Techre -8701290342 " Natural Crculanon Cooldown & Scron Mnnng Apphcabs'ty of Tests Per-cel Assuciates. 3pp. 39231:314-39232.145. formed at Debio Canyon Urvt for Conformance to BTP RS8 51."

  • Houston Ughtmg & Power Co. 86/12/31. 38pp. 39433 003 39433 040.

-4407240082 Informs of status of facety stuft advisor program A performance of oper-crews. 8701290347 Portal response to FDA requestApp G documents already evadable in D S.WJ. Omco of me Execueve Director for Operations. SECY.04283. 84/07/ PDR Documents beted n H re facetes enct

13. Sepp. 39232.026-39232-063. GRIMSLEY.D.H. Dvision ulos and Records.87/01/22. HOLMES.GA MHS Tecfb rucal Assamates. 5pp. 39472:015-39472 227.

-4410100294 Reeconde to T Devme 640904 Itr enegmg NRC mishandhng of s'egations

  & lack of concem for             of anegers. NRC use of mfo & handhng of alleganone   -8205050510 Board Notficahon 82-42 forwardmg items to demon verscanon v6ewed as          to &             Region V memo re remvestiganon enct.                       am. Phase i for facety W/o ence.

DRCKS.W J. of the Enocueve Drector for Opersoons. 64/09/24. DEVINE,T. I NHUT.D G. Dnamon of Ocenan0 (800426 651124) 82/04/26. PALLADINO N.J., Govemment Accountabety Protect 2pp. 33232-064-39232.085. GIUNSKY, AHEARNE Commmeoners. app.39472122 39472.125. -4410110087 Forwards NRC bnet m response to San Luis Otxopo Mothers for Peace -8701290357 Board Notificabon 82 24 forwards W Cooper 820308Itr te demgn verflee. chenence to plant luu power OL.Pentoner reply bnet due 841000 ton program manager for facety W/o enct Related mfo enct BRIGGS.W H Omco of the General Counset SECY-84-377. 84/09/26. O t pp. EISENewT.D G Dvimon of Uconung (800428-851124L 82/03/15. PALLADNO, GI-38231086-39232137. UNSKY, BRADFORD Commismoners. 73pp. 39472 020 39472.096.


-8701288382 Dmas roeuns of uW two-dmeneenal model descreed in URS/Blume                      8701300007 MontNy              atmg repts for Oct 1988 W/881110 nr.
   *'Detdo Canyon Nuclear Plant Urut 1 Contamment Structure. Dynamic Sosnuc Analyse             KELLER,A.T, NEL            .TA. THORNBERRY,RG Pacdic Gas & Elecinc Ca 88/10/

lor 7 Srn Hoegri Earmguake'* did May 1979. 3 t. 9pp. 39435.188-39435198. REICH.M. Brookhaven National Laboratory. 82/03/24. KUO.P. Structural Engmeenng Brancit 3pp. 39472:097-39472099 4701210138 MontNy strq repts for Dec 1988.W/870113 lir. KELLER.A.T, T NBERRY.R.C. Pacdic Gas & Elecinc Ca 88/12/31. 9pp.

-8701280370 Board Noefication 82 29.lorwards Asted docurcents to seemic des @                   39327.337 39327.345.

NHUTO of Uconomg (800428-851124). 82/03/24. PALLADINO. GI- 8701280388 "Rept on Morutonng at Dhablo Canyon Power Plant Otrmg UNSKY, BRADFORD C_ . 3pp. 39472:100-39472.102. Monm of Dec 1988 " W lir. THORNBERRY.RC Pacine Gas & Electric Ca 88/12/31. JONES,K.R, Cantorrua,

-8701280378 Nonnes that ET Derveen appomted protect manager of plant wordicanon                State of. 38pp. 39392.290'39392.334.

program eMeceve immeestely Author win remem erwofwed m protect as pnncipei et charge Related info enct 3701210183 Forwards "Deblo Canyon Power Plant Term Seemic Program Quar-CLOOD.R.L Robert L Cloud Assooetos. Inc. 82/03/30. DENTON.H.R. Omco of Nu. ese Rept 5." per Ucense Conecon 2.C(7) Uconse DPR40. clear Reactor bon, Drector (pre 8st125. ENGELKEN.R H. Region 5 Omco o FFE .J.D. Pacdic Gas & Elecinc Ca 87/01/18. Record Senacee Branch (Docu-Drector. MANEA .G. Pacdic Gas & Elecinc . 5pp. 39472.103-39472109. ment Conwot Desk). tp.39328.32&39328.350.

  • I" "" **"'"
  • Plan. V son am ela ed int p,pg Gas RR,J E. acdic do 3 72
  • Pd Gas & NW % WM 2% NRMMM 39472114.
-8701300008 Summary of 820518
                                                                                            & Repedalde occurunces We & reisted cormepondence w/Bechtel a uti re role of Bechtel in con >

of Dablo Canyon protectRelated ord. IERLING.H. Dvemon of Ucenema (800420451124). 82/05/18. Dvision of U- 8701130225 PNGV47401:en 870102.Aconsee shut down planLCaused by fire near canong (800428451124). 8pp. 39472.f28 39472.143. high pressure tstune front beann0 bcensee aNected repers & examining beanng area lot of os leak.

-8701300011 Forwards comments on proposed IDVP, Phase N mgt platt Copyrighted                  MEN             M., NARBUT,P. Regen 5, Omco of Drector. 87/01/05.1p. 39255.275-mee enct                                                                                    39255.275.

BROWN.H.H. Kakpatnck & Lockhart BROWN,H H MHB Technical Associates. 82/08/

02. DENTON.H.R. Omco of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. Drector (pre 451125). 22pp. 4701130238 PNOLV47402.on 870105, reactor tip/tstano trip occurred. Caused by loss 39472144-39472170. of turbine governor /stop valve electrt> hydraubc sys pressure.attreuted to leek in compresson connection to steam lead stop valve FCV.145.

-8701300017 Semits comments from IDVP perhapants on actuty/ ownership of ute & MENDONCA.M . BUT,P. Region 5. Omco of Drector. 87/01/06. IP. 39258:001-Becfwel.per Cragn 821008 lir. 39258.001. CRAGIN,J.Q. Tesedyne Engmeenne Services. 82/11/29. SCHIERUNG,H. ONice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Drector (pre 451125).13pp. 3947217139472:227. 8701130148 LER 881212. operators faded to compey w/ Tech Space by openmg contamment ventilabon molanon valves FCv462 & 864 whde rasanon mon > tor RM.148 inoperable Caused by proceesal defic'ency W/870109 nr. O Inspection reports,IE Bulletine 4  : , - WILSON.S D., elFFER.J D. Pacific Gas & Elecinc Co. 87/01/09. Spp. 39247.357 39247.381. 8812230088IE Info Nocce 84107, " Entry into PWR Cavity W/ Retractable Ir> Core De-tector Thirnbies Wrthdrewrt" Svc tot enct JORDAN.E L Dumon of Emergency Prepwedness & E - Resporme (Poet T. Hearing Wanscripts on nordentnrust matters 830103). 88/12/29. Conschdated Eeson Ca of New Y inc. 08pp. 39205.031-392 W 38. 8701000010 Partal response to FOIA requestDocuments Ested in App M re Doblo

    '        ' "'                           adaton d M Pmssure Boundary bouning                        SLE .D            of Rules and                8/    08. HOLMES.GA MHO Techni-F em Bar c                         to                                                        cal Assooetes. 3pp. 39231:314-39232-012.

JOR3AN.E L Dmmon of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post 8 ) 12/29. Conacedated Edson Ca of New Y inc. 04pp. 39187.093- 080081 MW ks% d 17 Yin 86 % re m W M p OL 8812230003TE Info Notco 84109, "Daphragm Fakse in Scram Outlet Valve Cauung YIN,l.T. NRC No Detated Amheten Grven.84/07/30. 2pp. 39231.354-39231.355. Rod inserton." Svc bei enct -8701000088 Statement of JK Asselstme on 840830 before SubcommPtee on Energy & JORDAN.E L Demon of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Poet Ermron.Commsttee on intenor & Insular Affars re usuance of fue power OL for und I. 830103). 86/12/29. Consondated Edson Ca of New York, Inc. 94pp. 39205.234 39205.327. ASSELSTINE,J.K. Commemonus.84/08/30. Opp. 3923135&39232.003. Mt2290141 IE info Notco 8&110. " Anomalous Behavior of Recuculaton Loop Flow m -8701000100 Operung statement of IT Yin on 840830 before C- .  : on E Joe Pump BWR Plants." Svc not enct & Ermron. Committee on intenor & Insular Affars, re 840002 testmony before JORDAN.E L Demon of Emergency Prepare $tess & Engmeenng Response (Post concomm0 lseuence of fuH power OL 830103F 86/12/31. Coneohdatei Edson Ca of New York, Inc. 95pp. 39205139- YIN.tT. Regen 3. Omco of Dractor. 84/08/30. 2pp. 39232.004-39232.005. 39205.233. M12300181 IE Info Nobce 87401, RHR Valve Mesabgnment Causes Degradaton of U. Co. , . - "Ezecutive C .e _^ ECCS m PWRa" Svc het enct JORDAN.E L Divison of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post 4701000010 Partal response to FOtA requestDocuments hated in App M re Dabio 830103). 87/01/06. Consondated Edson Ca of New Y anc. 03pp. 39218 318- Canyon enctDocuments ested in App L already n PDR. 39217.057. GRIMSLEY.O. Divisson of Rules and RecorA 87/01/ott HOLMES.G.A. MH8 Tactink 8701140158 Ack recoct of 881215 lir moormmg NRC of steps taken to correct violatons reced m inep Rept E275/8&29. -.8701000008 Statement of JK Asseistine on 840830 before S2 committee on Energy & KIRSCH.D F. R 5. Omco of Drector. 87/01/07. SHIFFER,J D. Pacific Gas & Envron,Comrruttee on intenor & Insular Afters to issuance of fue power OL for Urut 1. Elecmc Co. Ip. 265.284-39265 291. ASSELSTINE,J.K. Commemoners.84/08/30. Opp. 39231.35439232 003. wort m pla'nt -8701000100 Opening on statement ofinsular IT Yin Aman on840830 tuore testneny Subcommittee 29 sta an tatus update & review status on

                                                                                               & Envron.Comnunes               intertar &                to 640802           beforeon Eg dated & arr        such that foreman could                                                                               fuH power SH        R.J   P         e&E           Ca 86/1215. MARTIN,J B. Region 5,              of               ,g,,,              g             84/08/M 2pp. 39231004 39231005.

6701140200 Responds to NRC 861209 Itr te violations noted in Inse Rept 50 275/8&29 8701290347 Partal response to FOIA requestApp G documents already evadable in on 881114 Correceve accons omseng 3/Sanch pen hevmg 1/2anch shoulder replaced PDR Documents ested n H re facikties enct GRIMSLEY D.H. Dmeson and Records.87/01/22. HOLMES,G A. MHS Tecf> w/ full.4ength 1/2anch eameter shear pm in intertock bou.

                                                                                               'ucal Associates. 5pp. 39472.015-39472.120.

SHIFFER.J D. Pecenc Gas & Elecinc Ca 87/01/08 Record Services Branch (Docu. ment Control Desk). 8pp 39265.29th39265.301. 1 1 RW b mw MM m m W m h h 8701120088 IE trdo Nohce 87402, " Inadequate Seemse Quebecaton of Daphragm Barbars.CA.NRC does not regulate costs associated w/cancoRaton of nuclear power Velves by Mathemancel Modehng & Ansfyms? SvC het enct More info may be obtened from Cakfomia Pubhc Uti Commisesort JORDAN.E L Dmsson of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post RCKS.W J. Office of the Executve Drector for Operatons. 82/04/29. 830103) 01/01/13. Consondated Edson Ca of New Y Inc. 07pp. 39300.308 LAGOMARSINO,R. House of Rep. 6pp. 39472115 39472120. 39301 053.

                                                                                            -8701300004 Docusses 820430 meetnq w/Bechtel & uts re role of Bechtel in compte.

8701130002 IE Info Notco 87403, "Segregaton of Hazardous & Low Level Rad. Don of Dabio Canyon profect.per 820$t9 request. Summary of meetng & press re. westes." Svc Est erui lease enct JORDAN.E L Dmmon of Ernergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post DRCKS.W.J Omco of the Esecutive Drector for Operstons. 82/08/21. 830103). 87/01/15. Consondated Eeson Ca of New Yort, Inc. 85pp. 39324 025 PANETTA,LE. House of Rep. 2pp. 3947212439472-127. 39324 112. O Portodle operating reports & related a.. _ , .e 8701080807 Genene ter 8741 ao as power reactor scensees & apricants for OL re 8701080210 Marvmfy operatog for Sept 1988 W/881008 nr. pubhc ev of NRC operator hcenen0 eram queston bank Svc het enct HELLER.A.T., SsSK.D P., T NBERRY.R C. Pacche Gas & Electric Co. 08/09/30. DENTON,ltR. of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Drector (post 851125). 87/01/ 9pp. 39171271-39171279. 08. Asante City Electnc Ca 44pst 39304 069 39304.112.

44 DOCKETEDITEMS DDCKET 88+277 PEACH BOTTO90 ATO8stC POWER STATID88, UNIT 2 0701180078 Forwards ar* anon for amende to Ucensee DPR44 & DPR.68, rewteln0 Tech Space re let pump operebety 4 survedience requirements a removing opereene restncton on uns 2. Fee pad. P. Security, medical, emergency a fire protection plane BRADLEY.EJ. Phdadelptua Electic Ca 87/C1/t2. DENTON.H.R. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulanon, Drector (poet 851125).1p. 39295152-39295.186. 8701070303 Worms of NWS$ regulatory enocevenees rowww sche & led for 87080810 st mie lnfo an ord net reguested tiy S70130 -8701188086 Appecatan for amende to LJcenose DPR.44 4 DPR-56. revising Tedi MARTIN,T.T. 1. Omce of Drector. 86/12/30- GALuGHER,J.W. Ptuledelptus Specs re let pump operatukty & survenance 4 core lhermal hytautc statusty regdre-Elecino Ca 3pp. t79.049 39179051. monts & remainne operaeng reatnce.m on Unit 2. BAUER.E.G., BRADLEY E.J. Ptuladelpfwa Elecenc Ca 07/01/12. 22pp. 39296;153-8701000120 Forwards energeon kom requrements of 10CFR50. App R, Sectone 39295'174. m.G.2 e & IR G.2 h to dermers.structsel steel & automaec fire suppressonimempton would snow certent areas to be separated try lose then 3 h rated we bemer. 8701180087 Proposed Tech Wrevien0 M M operatuMy & aunassmance & core CLARK R J. BWR Drectorate2. 86/12/31. BAUER E.G. Ptuladelptua Electic thermal hyeeuhe statulRy re9sements & removmg opereeng reestcean on Urut 2. Ca 2pp. 39206.157 206 218.

  • Phdadelptue Electnc Ca87/01/12.1 fpp. 39295.175 39295.188.

-8701000124 Esempenn om ements of 10CFR50, App R Sectons m.G2.s & 8701210250 Forwards corrected 870102 remmes for withdrawal of appscaton for HOUSTON,YR Drvoson of Bonna Water Reactor ( ) ucenang 88/12/31. Phde, ammide to Ucenses OPR44 & DPR48 Onipnel regmat inconwety du 880102. dolptua Electic Ca topp.39208.159-39208.168. GALLAGHER J W. Phdadadotua Electte Co 87/01/14 DENTON,H R. Omco of Nucio-er Reactor Regulanon, Drector (poet 851125k 1p. 39328.279 39328.281. -8701000136 Safety evaluston separang exempeon kom 10CFR50, App R re dampers.structral stees & automenc we mepreemon. -8701210368 Requests a theswel of 821110 appscation tar amende to Ucensee DPR.

  • Omco of Pbcieer Reactor Reguianon, Drector (poet 85t125). 86/12/31, 20pp. 44 A DPRM reempti . . 4 une of typroduct mee st radlochemish 39206.189-39208 188. facety. Pr Ola authortre face'ty use.

GALIA R.J.W. Phdadelptua Electic Ca67/01/02.DENTON.H R. Omco of Nucts- -8701000147 "Eveauenon of Fire Protecton Exempeon Requests from 10CFR50.44 & ar Reactor Regutenon, Drector (poet 851125). 2pgA 39328.280-39328.281. R to 10CFR50. Peach Bonom Units t & 2." technscal evaluenon rept

                  . (sube. Arun Induetnes) FrankNn Research Carters. NRC43 81-130.         8701280015 86/07/22. NRC . No Dotaded Amhanan Given. 28pp. 3920tL189-                               Forwards non for Reload        revuod geptuc 8 planned             reload Nov 1988      teenang Rweed       appaceton submmaf   datesschadute   Fhtropes for methode   appa-

-8,0,000,.8E_ _ of no m.__t ct m o_ 10CFR50. App R rogurements concammg dergers,structLral steel 4 automanc Gro

                                                                                              ,e  merg,; m e, w -- - ~ ~

R. BWR Prolect Drectorate 2. 88/12/214pp. 39200 215 39206.218. 8701280110 Forwards appacanon tar amend to Ucensee DPR44 5 DPR48, rewtain0 Tech Specs re pnmary cocient sampirig enefyme, eseef generator survedience & aux 8791130371 Requests reve in scheckde & compensatory measures to estabashmg full ' electical . Fee pend. comphence w/provisons of fire protecton ruleper 10CFR50. App R.Reve mclude fire BR EY.E.J. Elecetc Ca 87/01/20. DENTON.H R. Office of Nuclear watch personnet ements. Reactor Regulaton, Drector (post 851125). Ip. 39388.112 39388.135. GALLAGHER,J W Elecetc Ca87/01/00.KANE,W.F. Region 1 Omco of Drector. 5pp. 39253 090L 253 094. -870128012S Appecanon lor amend to Ucenses DPR44 & DPR-58.revlemg Todi 8701210188 Forwardo Safety inep Repts 50277/8424 4 54278/88-25 on 881106-870102.No wolaeone noted. BAUER.E BRADLEY.E.J. Phdadelptus Elecetc Ca 87/01/20. 1500. 39388.113 ESELGROTH.P W Region 1. Omco of Drector. 87/01/14 GALLAGHER.J W. Phde* 39388 127. dolptua Electric Co 2pp. 39328.239-39328 262. -8701210179 Inno Repts 50 277/8624 4 50-278/8425 on 881108470102. Masar -8mm2 Roposed Tech Spece re e sampfmg @ M gener. areas inspectedaccessele portore of Uruta 2 & 3. operatonal safety.rechanon stor survallance & auzAary elecincat sys. W Cerencate of Sve. protecton.physcal escunty, control room acewbes.GE HGA relays & Control Rod 10- Phdadelpfne Electnc Ca87/01/20. 8pp. 39388.126-39388.135L 47. WTLLIAMS.J H , GALLO.R M. Regon I, Omco of Drector. 87/01/14. 22pp. 4701270418 Forwards " Safety Evaluaton/ Supporting Hydrogen Water Chomss-39328 241 39328 262 try 8ar Peach Bonom Atomic Power Stanon 2 a 3." meportng ute plan to kielet aquid hydrogen a storage sys to redece effects of IGSO1 GALLAGHLH.J.W Electnc Ca87/01/21. MULLER.D.R. 8WR Project Db P. Operating Scense stage documents & -.. _ rectorate 2. 2pp. 39369 209-39389 344 8701120342 Requests withdrawal of 821010 apptcaimn for amend to Ucenses DPR 44 -8701270423 " Safety Evoluenon/ Analyse St9 porting Hyeogen Water Oiemisty tar to perrrut recoct. posse 2

 & D.PR,e.56reweeng
 -P         nt ola -o . Tech     o     S,pe,cs,e,od eumonttper Gon? - ~UR   81 emon a usage ofPeach     Bottom Atomic
                                                                                              - Dyprochect Ei.ctnc           Ca ww31.Power Stanoni      Ur.uta,p.a.3.*
                                                                                                                                                    = m .== 3 GALLAGHER,J W Phdadelptus Elecesc Co se/01/02. DENTON.H R Omco of Nucle-er Reactor Regulanon, Drector (post 65t125A 2pp. 39245 048-39245 047.                     8701280028 Notflcation of 870128 meseng w/uts in Betheede.MD to                         ,s.a 8701180137               apptcaton to a                                  DPR-58, ***                                                    to 2.          1         R            Protect Dkec-Teca Specs  Forwarde,ances enn0               of .ywe.

ter. mend ndceio .utense,e s & recordeDPR44 &,s mioJ" CL,AR. to st R,,p ==Prote.ct 38 1. requirements of Reg Guide 197 Fee ped. R non, ector post 5 25 7 34 ' 822m37 Forwarde appacaton for amende to Ucensee DPM & OPR46, W 29 ing changee to Tech Spec reporeng requirements to permit 30<$sy entenman for filing -8701180210Appecagon to amend utenees DPR44 & OPR 58.chargn0 Tech Specs eenuannual emuent repts Fee to tmng of drywee temp indcators & recorders into confortruly w/requrements BRADmD. Phdadelptus E Co WW21. DENTON.H R. Ornce of Nuclear og Reactor RegiAenon, Drector (poet 851125k f p. 39385 253-39365.270. DALT F S.L Phdadelptua Electne Ca88/10/17. I f pp. 39297.333-39297.341

                                                                                           -8701280048 Appacathe for amends to utenses OPR44 4 DPR-66, revising Tedi

-8701180221 Proposed Tech Spec changes ranges of eyweg temp indcators Space a permiting umpnon frorn 10CFR50.38 to provide 30 day extension por alwig

 & recorders kdo coroormary w/regarements of            Gisde 197.                            somsennual emuer. release rept
  • Phdadeoprue Electnc Ca86/10/17. 4pp. 39297 -39297.347. GALLAGHER,J % Phdadelptua Electric Ca87/01/21.14pp. 39365.254,39385.287.

8701070810 Partal toeponse to FOiA request for documents re containment event Woes -8701281%e Proposed Tech Specs rew6mng reportng recpAramema for semiennual of-for su nucteer power plants App B documente end & evadatdo m POR Repts for Zson Ibr release repts Carthcate of swc enct G SL Y Rules and Records. 86/12/19 SHOLLY,S. MH8 Techre Elecm Ca 87/W2t h MEN 39365 27& cal Associetet 3pp. 39181001-39191.129. -8701070621 Package of draft voie to NUREG/CR4550 re core damage kequency sys LOCAa to res*e Genenc issue 105 Forwards BNL MeV 1888 frorn rnemel events & NUREG/CR-4700 re contamment event analyse for posaAated rept.incorporennq [nfo prwided by plant pommnedor rowaw & comment severe accidente for tsted plants. MULLER.D R SwH Propect Drectorate 2. FIN A-3829. 07/01/21.BIRELY,W. PNiedeb

  • Sandle Nanonal Laboratones.88/12/19. 3.728pp. 39181004-39191:129. prue Electnc Ca 2pp. 39379 22439380 082.

8701020283 Forwards request for add info re utd 880714 request for Tech Spec emend 8701280344 Forwards appucanon tar amende to Ucensee DPR44 & DPR-66, reRectng on spent fuse pool coonne sys HX Ach recept of $awings en spent fuel pool proposed mode to staney aquid control eye. Careftate of Svc and. Fee past HX process chagreme on svc water sys & specs on HXs. BRADLEY.E.J. Phdadesprue Lloctnc Ca e7/01/22. DENTON.H R Omco of Nucteer CLARK.RJ BWR Project Drectorate2. 88/12/30. BAUER.E.G. Phaadelptus Electne Reactor Regutenon, Drector (post 651125).19 39387.30439387.334. Ca 3pp. 39149 04139t49 043. 8701130127Responde to880714appelcation for amends to ucenses DPR-44 4 DPR-contof towieng 1 1 1 8 20 58.recpesung approval of revised spent fuel pool whyeeute enefymsChan0s & 121 to actuove more consistency w TS. L Omco Nuclear R e (post 851125). 87/011

08. BAUER.E.G. Phdadelptus Electic Ca 3pp. 39252 354-39252 356. ,,7g,,g, , , ,,,,,, g, 8701130292 Forwards propnetary appacetion for amend to utense DPR-44.changmg ,

P hr.,120 & 121 to actuewo more w ._,w/STS. l Tech Specs re Cycle 8 coeraeon & correctmg typos.Related pronetary repts eleo Electic Co 87/01/22. topp. 39307.325 39387.334. enci Fee pod Encts withheld {ref 10CFR2.790L BRADLEY.E.J. Phdadelptus Llectnc Co 87/01/09 DENTON.HR Omco of Phacieer Reactor Reguieton, Drector (post 651125). 5pp. 39257.00139257.005. Q. Inspection reporte, IE Sulletine & . . , _ _

l 1 i I DOCKETEDITEMS 45 0701270647 Responds to NRC 800211 Nr te velenons noted m Insp Rept54277/85 V. Operator Eneminations 40.Correceve actons hcensed operatort mvolved, mclueng control room 84'ervisor,eeapaned by e eenntendent for operanons- 8701000007 Genenc LW 87 01 to en power reactor hcensees & appbcents for OL re DALTROFF.S L Pheadelpfue Electic Ca06/03/13. COLLINS.S.J. Regen 1. Ofnce of pubhc evadetxh of NRC operstar hcenseg exam queshon bor*Svc het enct Drector. 4pp. 39382 257-39302 200. DENTON.HR. of Nuclear Reactor Reguianon. Dractor (post 851125). 81/01/ 0612230000IE info Notco 86t07 "Eney into PWR Cavey W/Retectable in Core De-tector Trumbles withdrawn." Svc tot enct 1 86 1 Ca New Y 205 03 30205-I38. 0812230009 IE Info Notco 04100. "Degradeton of RCS Preseire Soundary Resultng DAN Diviemn Emer operedness & E Response (Post 8701070363 informs of NMSS regulatory ofPecevonses review scheduled for 04po. 39167:093 7 one n

                ) 06/12/29. Coneohdated Eeoon Ca of New Y                                                pt                                          ,

Electnc Ca 3pp 79 049-39179 051. 80 2230003 ,i,nfo 06100. "Dephregm Fedure m Scram Outlet Velve Cauemg 0701000130 Forwards mempeon kom wm of 10CFR50 App R, Sectone HI G 2 e & lH G 2 b re dampers.stucturet steel & aubmenc ke suppreeman Emempeon JORDAN.E L Diveen of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Poet re 06/12/29. Conschdated Eeson Ca of New Yorti. Inc. 94pp. 39205 234 8 *D

  • eied C, p, Dr e 2 pE Electnc Ca 2pp. 39206.157 39206.2te.

4612200141 IE Info Nohce 06-110. "Anomaloue Sehever of Recroulanon Loop Flow Iri -4701000124 Emerroton kom requremente of 10CFR50. App R Sectons llLG2e & soon

  • Eo'$*"o', D"' Tic".'95ppS"05U
  • C .d ,,,,n , 3, "hNILicensing M/12/31. Phi &

870113044s Responds to violetone noted in ines Repte 54277/0&21 & 54 270/86- '* * *'"'* " se't automenc 22 Correceve actons Roubne Test RT.7.13 bang rewmed to mchde cntene for gdet- of Nuclear Reactor Regulemon, (post 85t125k 06/12/31. 20pp. b lecinc Co Drector. 7pp. 39253145-39253151. th31. MARTIN,T.T. Regen 1, Offlce of 2 0610a

                                                                                            -8701000HF '"Evelman of Fre Protocean Esempeon Requeele Wom 10CFR50.48 &

R to 10CFR50. Peach Bottom Units 1 & 2." techncel oveauston rept 8012300151 IE Info Noece 07401, "RHR Vefwe bheellenment Causes Degradenon of * (suba Arve Industies) Frenathn Reneerch Centers. NRC4341130. ECCS in PWRe." Svc est encl. TER . 06/07/22. NRC . No Detated Amhamon G#ven. 20pp. 30208.100-JORDAN E L Dsviemn of Emergency Properodrese & E Response (Poet 39206.214. 430103) 07/01/06. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New Y Inc. 03pp. 39216.316-i 39217.057. _: a findmg of no ognsecant impact to esempaan kom

                                                                                            =.4701000100Envron a--

87011 00. IE info 07.,. ined e,. S n.c of Daph,eg,n ' ,ee*',a' r a --" "'- a-- ' ~ ** t'ofves try Methernetcal Modehng & Analyse." Svc Ast enct- MULLER.D R 8WR Propect Drectorate 2. 86/12/23. 4pp. 39206.215-30206 218. JORDAN.E L Dvison of Emergency Preparoeisse & E Response (Post 830103) 07/01/13. Consondated Edeon Ca of New Y Inc. 07pp. 39300300- 8701130371 Requests rove m schodiAs 4 __. ,_ .a measures to estabhafung fut 3M' 051 compnence w/provimons of fire protecton ruieper 10dFR50. App R.Reve mclude Ilre weich personnel ements. 0701210100 Forwards Safety inep Repts 50-277/0424 & 54270/06 25 on 061100- GALLAGHER.J W Electic Ca87/01/00. KANE.W F. Repon 1. Ornce of 870102 No veianone noted. Drector. 5pp 39253 090 253 094. ESELGROTH.P W Regen 6. Office of Drector. 87/01/14. GALLAGHER.J.W. Phde-deeptus Electnc Ca 2pp. 39320 239-39328 262- 8701110106 Forwards Safety inen Repte 54217/0424 4 54270/0425 on 061100-870102 No vioissone noted 4701210179 ineo Repte 54277/0624 4 50 278/0625 on 861100-870102. Mesor ESELGROTH.P W ReqPon 1. Orace of Drector. 07/01/14. GALLAGHER.J W. Phle-areas mopectedaccessible portons of Uruta 2 4 3. operstones safety,resanon dolptue Electic Ca 2pp. 39320 239 39320 262. protecton.physcei escunty, control room acevihes.GE HGA reisys & Contre Rod 10-o f- -4701210179 Inap Repts $4277/0&#4 & 54278/0&25 on 061100470102. Maior WILLIAMS.J H . GALLO.R M. Regen 1. Ornce of Drector. 01/01/14. 22pp. areas mapectod ecca==N= portons of Unns 2 4 3. operemonal enesty.rmessai 39320 24t.39320 262. protecten.pnyecol escunty, convoi room ecovitse.GE HGA ressye & Contos Rod 14 47. 0701130002 IE info Notee 47403, "Segreganon of Hazardous & Low Levet Red. WILLIAMS.J H. Repon 1, Office of Dractor. 07/01/14 22pp 30320.24130320202. westee " Svc est encs. JORDAN.E L Dhneen of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeonn0 Response (Poet 430103) 07/01/15. Conocedeted Edson Ca of New York. Inc. 0$pp. 39324 025- P. Operating teense siete doouments & sernependense 39324 112. 0701130342 Rv==la withdrawal of 821010 mankracon for amend to LJcenese DPR-44 O Portede opereeng reporte & moeted corteependonoe 0,

                                                                                              ,             7                        D,W q * 'NUREG4737.flern per                    83.

GALLAGHERJ W. lecinc /01/02. DENTON.H R Othoe of Nuces-070130030t Monthly operatog repte for Dec 1986 W/870115 lir. er Reactor ReguietltA Drector (post 45t125k 2pp. 30245.04430245 047 MIDDLETON.LL. ALDEN.W M. Ptusadesprue Electic Ca06/12/31.13pp. 39310195-39310 207. 0701100137 Forwards sansraton to amend LJcensee DPR-44 & DPR.58, chenyng Tech Spece to bnng r of drywed tangs niecatore & recordere meo conformey w/ 0701300037Forwerde opphcoton for amende to Licenses DPR-44 4 DPH.56, requeeg. regurements of Reg 197 Fee pent mg chenese to Tech Spec reportng requrements to pommt 304sey extensen for thng SRAOLEY.EJ Pfdad=lr*ue Electne Ca 06/10/24 DENTON.H R. Oface of Nucoser semiennual emuent repts.Foo Reactor Regulaeon, Drector (poet 051125k 1p. 30297.332 30207.347. BRADLEY.E.J. Ptuisdelptus E Ca 87/01/29 DENTON.H R. Othee of Nuclear Reector Regulaton, Drector (post 051125b 1p. 39305 25139305.270. =0701100210 Appbcatan to amend Licenese DPR-44 & DPR.Se.chenyng Tech Stace to of eywed temp indicatore a recordere into conformer w/regurements j =0701300040 Appecanon for amende to trenese DPR.44 4 DPR.54.revisene facti of R 1 87. l Space a pe puen0 exempeon from 10CFR50.36 to provide 34 day entensen for flhng DAL F,8 L Ptuledelptus Electnc Ca06/10/17. tipp. 30297.333 30207.343. i eenuennual emuent reisese rept. GALLAGNER.J W. PNiedelpfte Electnc Ca07/01/21.14pp. 39385 254-39305 267. =4701teetti Proposed Todi Spec changes of eywet temp kutcetore

                                                                                              & recorders tito corWormny w/resprements of                     1 St.
   -4701300061 Proposed Tech Space revien0 reportng requrements for semannual of-
  • Phdadelpfue Electnc Ca06/10/17. 4pp. 30297. 7.347.

thaent release repts Carthcete of eve enct

  • Ptuledelptus f sectnc Ca87/01/21. 3pp. 39305 268 39305 270. 0701070610 Portal roeponse to FOIA request for documents to contamment event Wome tar em nucteer power pienes App 8 documente once & evadebee m POR.Repts for Zion
                                                                                              & i atasa pients see bemg apared.

O Reportette - n M _. LaRe a reisted eerresponeense y4SLE,{DH,pp n ., , Records.04/12/10. SHDLLY.S. MH8 Tectr4 0701000047 LER 8642400 on 06t200. blown contal fuse reeuned in cloewe of crygen -4701470621 Part=an of draft vote to NUREQ/CR4550 re core demoge keguancy enerrser cuttmerd osmpio vefvesCaused by irreroper use of teet ocyspmertFuse Irorn mesmel evente & NUREG/CR.4700 re contamment event snelyes for pochdetod

              *d.moloton reest a         vervee retumed to evc W/e70105 lir.                  esvere accidente lor betod "tMELY.W c., LOGUE.R H.                     Elecinc Co. 87/01/05. 4pp. 39210.164        GRih8SLEY.D H Science            .;'.piants.- _ intemetenel Corp. (formerty Science Ap00ce-30219107.                                                                               tons, inc.L06/12/10. 2.000pp. 30181.004-30181.129.

0701270000 LER 8642540 on 04t210 & 16 descaled fire welches not estabhehad in 8701000308 Forwards towest for addlinfo re ute 800714 recpaset for Tech spec emend emergency enese generator roomeCauset by feikare to adhere to procedures Event on opent fuel pool coolme sys HX.Acti receipt of eewings on spent fuel pool reviewed w/opersione personnes Survenience Test ST 0.1 revised W/070110 itr HX. process eme on eve water eye a space on H)ts BIRELY.W C, LOQUE.R H. PPuledelptus Elecinc Ca 07/01/10. 4pp. 39371.100 CLARK.R J. Protect Drectorate t. 06/12/30. 8AUER.E.O. Pha-a yina tiecote 39371:192. Ca 3pp. 39140 04139149 043.

44 DOCKETEDITEMS OM1130127 Responds to 0e0714 anpae% for amends to Ucensee DPR.44 8 DPR. 4 Insposeen reporte, IE Buestine & eorrompendense SS.requemeng approves of reused spent fuel pool thermeWeausc enelys* Change ofeteesset Reapends to 861124 request for ocks info re rehof roomet korn cenermato-4 LE W

08. SAUER,E.G. Phdadespree Elecenc Ca 3p> 39262:36449252.356.

e (poof 851125). 07/01/ 4 r** anne Cyces nuecycle weide elecmc p 8701130008 Formords proprietary anPkahan for amend to Ucense DPR-44.changin0 P andaar8ue Electnc Ca86/12/22. MULLE BWR Propect Drectorate 2. $pp. Tech space to Cycdo e operemon a correcong typoaRelated pronetary repts also 30W O5140164 056. enctFee pastEnces unhheld traf 10CF R2.fe0b BRAOLEY.EJ. Phandespene Elecete Ca 07/010% DENTON.H R Orace of Nucles, e7910sesse Renute payment of c#ve penalees for 800317.te evene hvefang w'endewei seertup m semence earlarent from that spaceed in con. Reactor Reedemon, Deector (poet e61125k Sps et267.00139257.006. o p rod dunne 879110007e Forwents especesan for ernands to Ucenese OPR-44 & DPR-60, reviene kEMPE Electnc Ca86/12/24.TAYLORJ M Ofece of Inspeceon & Tech Space re pt pump operabaty & surmance reaparemente 4 removeng opereeng Enforcement. Drector (Poet e20201).1p. 30147.0053e147.005 reestcean on Uret 2 fee BRADLEY.EJ. Electric Ca 87/01/12. DENTON.H.R. Omco of Nucteer estatesses IE info Noece e&107, " Envy into PWR Covey W/RetractatWe hCore De-Reactor Rom Deector (post 061126k 1p,302e5.162 30806188, necear Theeses Weneenn svc has enct JORDAN.EL Drwoon of Ernergency Preparedness & Reeponse (Poet aofellegese h===mi for amends to uneness DPR-44 & DPR-84.rowlane facit $30103K 88/12/2o. Conocedeced Eeoon Ca of New Y inc. Ospp. 30205 031 Space re let pung opersedey 4 survesence a core eiermal hyeeusc stabdey regare- 3e306.130. mente & resenceen on Unit 2. BAUER.E.G., Y. PNiedelphes Elecenc CO. 07/01/12. 23pg 302e5.153- 0e12330001IE Info Noace e&too. "Doeredebon of RCS Presswo Goundary Resuleng 3efe6;174. From tonc Acad Corroacn '* Svc bei enct

 =e7et180e07 Proposed Tech e-a.-              .      let pump coereedey & survemance & core              Nt        e6                           eson          New Y           04pp      7 r,n,n,e;p,,,g,ggg;rgge,ag,
       ,                                              g,<ggee=eononune2.                                 =ief.m.

eM12102e8 Forwarde corrected 070102 remaet for wousseef of aPascaean to, 8812230008IE info Noece 86100, "Dephragm Feture m Scram Outlet Velve Causing

  • of nurgency Prepwednen & Enqpnunno Raponse (Poet G"A"'t"t'AGUgD"J"M7ec7o Mfo714fD'EN'T"*)R'"O"mcNNucle-er Reactor Re@ Drector (poet 051125).15 3e3M.270'3e328.201. 8) * " ' *'* * * " ' '"'**P
  • 327 4701218300 Requests wimdemel of e21110 arPhamt for amende to Ucensee DPR-44 4 DPR-66.

r=-d -  ; & use of tryprothsct mee et reacchemleey se133e0141 IE Info Noace 84110. " Anomalous Serievlor of Raceculeeon Loop Flow m fecary Pr ole eueiorue faceg use. Jet Pump BWR Plants." Sve het enct R.J.W Phandasp8ue Elecmc Ca e7/01/02. DENTON,H R Ornce of POcto. JORDAN.E.L Dmmon of Ernergency PreparecMees & Enqpneenng Response (Post er Reactor RepAston, Drector (poet e6112$k 2pp. 30328.200'30320.281. 830103). 06/12/31. Conocedeled Eeoon Ca of New Yorti. Inc. e5pp. 3020513e-3e206 231 87012eests Forwards revised arapNo resond erenano aaa'raman schesuu rret appe-canon for Resoed a pienned for Now sees.neweed outrrenes debee for metrods ropte 87e temenen Forwards safety evehaeton supparen0 ternunation of item 2 of 860320 con-eenes Ihnesory creer.nn6<yces shuidown for e,ap of weeds w/manacent unrasorac musco. I GALLAGHERJ W ' Electric Ca 87/01/20. MULLER.D R BWR Prceaet DL sons no rectorate t. 3pg 3030$ 3e306 070. EDERNERO M. of Boeng Weser Reactor fBWR) Uconerg e6/12/31.

                                                                                                         '^ " ' ' '"** " *                         '      "         "

efe12eette Forwards arracenan sur amend to Ucensee DPR-44 a DPR.68, mvieng Tech esmes = pnmary coceani sempene eneeres, enes generator surnmence a sun- -e7eteesset safety evaluaaan emporeng use rehef request troen nuscycle nern of eve i Electne Ca e7/01/20. DENTON H R. OfAce of Nucteer NRC . No Detaled Afstemon h 86/12/31. 3pgL 30171.337.3e171:330. Reactor RepAsson, Drecter (poet 861125). tp. 30300.112 333ee.131

 -ersiteotte Appiceman for amend e ucenees DPR-44 a DPR-s6.,ew.n0 7ecn                                eMuame R= ponds a viommone nome m emp Rapis s&277/e$2s a e4278/e5 e

22.Conocev,e a,c,,ans"YI'M h*'"***#"* "" '"""' *'"" ** gre prenery cooient sempeng enesyss,eeems eenerator survemence a summary .c anore 8AuER EY 8RADLEY.EJ. PhaedelpNe Elecetc Ca 07/01/20.1Spp. 3e388.113 A PM=wieue Eisemc Ca 86/12/31. MARmJ.T. Regen I, Oftce of Drector. 7pp. 38253.145,30253.1S1. 303et127. 88123eet$t IE Info Noece 87 001. "RHR Vehe Misehgnment Causes Depedeean of 47e13o0132 esor sunesence Proposed Tech Spoca a ausmary enactnces e re 'y"e*W'7cweecate of Svccooient tempengECCS enefyes, esses gener, M PWRs.

  • Phandesprue Eiectic Ca 87/01/20. epp. 3 ease.120 3 esse.135. g,(%g" Svc set enct aE g ere1270s ts Formerds -sakey Eveauseon/ sgooreng Hydrogen Weier Cheme. 30217457.

ey Ior Peace Bonom Aeonus Power Stenon 2 4 3," supporeng ute plan to Wales Sead a scorese eye to eewee ersects ce iGscC. 870t13eese IE Info Noece 87412 "Snedemate Smente Ouelinceton of Diephreyn GALLA .W Elecme Co. e7/01/21. MULLER.D R. 8WR Protect Ok vesves by 1 - hoodehng & Anasyma" svc See enct ' rectoress 2. 2pk 3030s. 303es.340. JORDAN E L Devision of Emergency Preparedness a E Response (Post 830103) 87/01/13. Conechdated Eeoon Ca of New Y inc. 07pp. Se300 30s.

 -4M127e423 *Samfy Evolueton/ Analyse Sqporeng Hy@ ogen Water Chemmary for                               3e301063.

Peach Bottom

  • Ptuladoiprue Alamic Elecmc Power Stocon Ca 07/01/31.130pp 3e30 Urvie 2 & 3 "e21130300 344.

07etitetes Forwarde g inep Repts 54277/se-24 4 54278/e6 25 on e4110s-ere13eeste Notoceeon of $70120 mesen0 w/ule M Betheads.MD to escues SEL TH 1, Omco of Director. 07/01/14. GALLAGHER.J.W Phle. CLAR Propect sie 2 1 R Protect Drec. lorou t. 2pp 30M30430m30s. =47e121st?S inop Repts $4277/e&24 8 5427e/86-25 on sett00470102. Maior so arees 13ese87 Forwards el escurtly, cor*of to GE GA reseys Core Rod e70,0 e - to fech ge,ep.n for.en amends re.-men. to beenese io orma DPR-44

                                                                             , e- & DPR-64, eene       requesbpr,otecton 4
                                                                                                                                     ,R M. Re0'on 1, Of9ce of Director. 07/01/14. 22pp.

E E Ca e7/01/21. DENTON.H R Omce of Nucteer Reactor Repdemon, Deector (poet 061125). tp. 30186 253-30386 270. h

 -47013e0040 Appik:eson be amende So Ocenses OPR-44 4 DPR-64.reviang Tech                             efettassee IE Info Noece e7403 *$agregemon of Hazardous & Low Level Fled.

spece a pemeano esemsman troen 10crRso.3e to provide 34de, emienmon for aang us eenuennual emunne reteese res>L === JOROAN " .sve tes E L Denman of Emergency Preparedness & Engineering Reeponse (Poet GALLAGHERJW. Phandelytus Electric Co. 07/01/21.14pp. 30365 254 30385.2e7. 030103) 87/01/15. Consondeled Eeoon Ca of New Yare. Mc. 05pp. 3e324 02% 30324.112.

 -47e13000sI Proposed Tech Space rewun0 reparen0 requkements for semiennual ok thsent retoese repts.Carencate of evc enct
  • Phande8prue Elecnic Ca 41/01/2t. 3pp. 3e385.26e-30305 270. R. Portede operating reporte a related sorroependence 87e1200212 Eupressee apprecsecon for ute supost M NRC research effort to intere - 07e130038t Morupy oper repts Ice Dec tese W/070116 ler sys LOCAs to resolve Genene leeue 106 Forwards BNL May teet M. Pruladeeptus Electic Co. e6/t'2/31.13pp 30310'105 MoDDt.ETON.LL ALDE R 3020 12 Y,W. Phaedel. ##

Pr= < = c= > J M "3n' 2+ - entm037 ro,we,de aptAcenon to, e,neruts to - DPRm DPRx ,e et. 87e1900804 Forwards appecanon for amends to Ucensee DPR.44 4 DPR.5e. refleceng me changes to fech 6ese reparen0 regnments to pomst 30ey atenson for eeng Y lecmo 7/ T of Nuclear E E Ca 47/01/21. DENTON H R Office of Nclear Reactor Reguietorg Director (poet SSt125) tp. 39387.30439387.334. Reactor P=P % Drector (poet SS1125). Ip. 3e385 2S13e306 270.

 -87e130e300 Appeceton for amende to liceneet DPR-44 & DPR 64, renocong pro.                           -47e1300040 Appeceeon tar amende to Ucensen DPR.44 4 DPR-64.revlung Tech posed mode to eteney equed coreal eye a revian0 Paget 8v.115.110,                      Spect a pemunne esempeon from 10CFR$0.30 to pronto 30<tey extenson for tend a 121 to actusve more _           ^._,w/5fi                                                           corruennual emuent reisees rept.

GALLAGHER.J W. Phaedelptua Eleceic Ca47/01/22. 24pA 30387.30130307.324. GALLAGHER,J W. PM=wt*me Elecetc Ca07/01/21.14pg 303e5.254 3e305207. 47etteedte Proposed Tech Space.reanceng mnde to steney liquid coreof eye & re- 47st300001 Proposed Tech Space revieng repareng reWrements for semiennued of. iv.ItS.I14.t 07.110,118.130 & t21 to scrusve more conoscency a/efe. Guent reisees repes Cartecess of eve erut

  • Elece1c Ca 07/01/22.10pgL 30307.325 3e307.334.
  • Phanemipres Elecoto Ca 87/01/21. 3pp. 30365 20&30386 270

DOCKETEDITEMS 47 5, Reportshto . LEne & reisted corrompendones erotaenees informs of NRC 070218 Workshop on incedent Ireveaugemon & Performance inecesars m Amante.GA.On 870219.Repon a une conert workshop on cupent opere-eM1000000 PNO447401 on e70102.ecensee noened I ofc of unplanned shut tar scense seuse es lorihconune changes to 10CF R55. down to reper esenrn leek on Ngh pressure estune Intet Fecety expected to be GRACEJ N. Region 2. of Drector. es/12/23. STEWART,W.L Virgene Power shut down tot eneron 4 days. (Virgrue Elecetc & Power Col tp. 3e204 20040204 290. e:NVILLE.J. Repon 1. Once of Orector, e1/0t/02. tp. 30171J134e17f.313 e701000000 to 08121e for evalueton re knpact 86120e feedwater sucean supeure event at 2 has on 84121e apphceton for amends to V. Operator E NPF 32 & NPF-37, outending scense penod to 40 yrs.No note:L STEWART.W L Ykqpnie Power 0/rgrue Electne & Power 1 08/12/23. eM1000007 Genanc Lt 8741 to se power reactor scensees & .mankanes tar OL re CENTON,H R. Ofece of Nudeer Reactor Roguenton, Drector (poet 06112ek pubec of NRC operator scenartenem er == man bank.Swc set enct RUSENSTEIN,LS. PWR Progect Drectorene 2. 3pp. 30206.218 M NTON,H.R. e of keamar Reactor M Drector (poet 061125) 07/01/

08. Asenec CNy EMcesc Cet 44pp. 30304.000- 112. eM1030130 Porwarde erwron :  : re uM se0022 aapar.wi gar amende to Un conese DPR42 & OPR-37.estoniang eseecn of fue power OLs to 40 yrs trom does of teenance a nonce of imeuence of enwron - _ J.

00CitET es Ne SWIV POWER STATIOel, Uelff t PATEL CP. PWR Protect Drectorato 2. 88/12/30. STEWART.W.L Wyrne Power (Vir-ones Elecetc & Power C04 2pp 30150.230 30150:251. P. Gestetty, meene4 emergency a fire preescalen piene -eMtetetta Environ eneseement to change h emprecon desse of Lkanese DPR42 & s OPR-37.Ess unwarranted. SM1000014 Amand to Procedure

  • Osece of Smar Reactor Rep.seorg Drector (post 851125h se/12/30. tepp, EPIP-2 06, "Tratammel of plan implemeneng DoenL" f swinedproceeses deseeng/001223 inden encluded w ler. 3eISO232 30150247.

STEWART W L Power - Eiscesc & Power Co) M/12/23. GRACE,J.N. Repon t, dmce of 4pg .34&30206.348. -eMiteette Pfoece of lseuence of envron : _ 4 enenp et no agruecent impact te ved se0022 especeeon for amende to treness DPR-32 e OPR47,entanterig ersttecede Reemene sammel of emerenney ercies odo io clues of Emergency Pre- empreson deles of fus OLs to 40 yrs kom does of esuance Secton, 11,90 protect sceneno 4 cepacewen (ret edictI ler). RUBENSTEIN.LS. Propect Drectorees2. 06/12/24. 4pA 30150248 3e150.251. EE.V L 2 Omco of Obector. 07/01/Os. STEWART,W L Vntgrue Power (Vrprua E S Power Co12pp. 30283.10&30283100. e M1130048 Forwards Amends ill to Licensee DPR 32 & OPR47 & endely sweiuseen. Amends extend empremon dates to 0e062S for Urut 1 & 13012e for Urut 2. efe1300900 Responde to 0e0610 request Ior rewww of soci,ey piens & PA TEL C P. PWR Propect (Nectorose 2. 08/12/31. STEWART W.L Virgrue Power (Vir. torwards comments & corrected to plan Encle enthheld Wef 10CF T3 tk gree Elecetc & Power Co4 3pp. 3e23?Ie4 30232.178. ST,EWA.R.T,.W Se vice L virgrue enen on. orient Co Power,Wo.>Electic & Power Col 87/01/06. Record sp ==m40m= -a,e,,3esel A,,is,,,s ,,, to ace, e. o, 3, & oPR47.euten.,,, OL eu,rato,, dates to Geos2$ 4120525 tor Urues 1 & 2. roepecovely. g g RU8ENSTEIN.LS. PWR Propect Drectoreto 2. 06/12/31. dpn 3023216740232170.

                                                                                                               -mump Seese, oweiumeon                               Amene ni = t.eenee. OPR42 & DPR.37.

eMilestas Forwards Endorsemere 44 to MAELU Poney MF-86 & Eridorsement 57 to

  • Omco of primar Reactor Drector (poet SSI125). 80/12/31. Opp.

S R eaorg D,ector &-McLenne.> mu,rg Inc. e7/01/08 OINITZA

                                                         = =mtu        m OHice of Nucteer Reactor              ,,e ,,00364 Su,,,,u,s ec,,so ,o, e.,ees,,, ,,en,.e,s.c de.,, ,.e.,e, es eao,
                                                                                                                      ; sea,s* agr03Fo      ' a te .70 4                                                      e,,; ;^,M,'r n n= o -* es- * - d, Fo,we,. ennue, - .,.,ssm.,.e                                   , NEuA Co, INGLE          Meran McLenner                 e?/01/00. DINITZA PeRC . No Dotaded Affin-                                 h                            Mg      E 12      403 1
    ==e            r
                  ,=4.             - - C-                                     -                                                                                                                 o.P            on ,ePor,._te a                                       .

I INGLES,J M Marsh & Mct Inc. 01/0t/06. OlNITZA Assetent Orector for State

       & Lzensee Reneenne. 3pp                 350 30303.352.                                                  e012230000IE Info Noece 86107, ' Eney into PWR Cavity W/Retectatdo in Core De-l lector Trumtales W1hdrawn." Svc bet enct eMtteetof Forwardo Endorsement 7 to MAELU CertAcate M-27 & Endorsement 7 to                                   JOHOAN.E L Dew 6eson of Emergency Preparedness & E                             Response (Poet NELIA Certncese 427.                                                                                       630103). 96/12/20. Cor*Maled Edson Co. of New Yor intl 08pp. 30206.031-IPeGLES J M Marsh & McLennen, Inc. e7/01/00. OlNIT2A Asentent Drector for State                            30205 138.
       & Leonese Messmens. 3pp. 302e6 31&302e8 31S.

1 e7et100003 Forwerde Endorsemere 83 to NEuA Poecy Petee & Endorsement 84 to ph* e Aced vc not once' E & McLarvien,Inc. af/01/ e DINITZ,L Asestant Oroctor br State Nt03 et t 1 & Lcensee Reistant 3pm 30206 3te 3e20e 321. Y F l Se107.107. egasesta Forwerde Endorsemente 7 to NEUA CertAcate 42e & MAELU Cerencem se12230e03 IE Info Nobce 86100,"Deptragrn Fedure ei Scrare Ouset Vefwe Ceuung ANGLES.J M Marsh & Melannen, Inc. e7/01/Ce DNIT2,L Orrce of Nuclear Reactor Roguesson, orector (poes esitast 3pp. 3030413e40304140.

                                                                                                                         '"'*[~      'ason' of mergency Preparedness & Enginsonne Response (Pest
                                                                                                                              ,,,,02/2e. Consondened Esson Co. of New York, kic. 04psk 30205.234-mimese F          ,w.,. E,.,0,,eme                                                                             = = =

0 to ~EuA g,.3,e R Or 8 N6). Epp 3 1 30 to emeteses Forwents inep Repte 60 m/e&30 4 Em/8040 on etH02- 1200 % , vloisson or devneton noemd. BROWNLEE V L Repon 2. Office of Director. 06/12/30 STEWART,W L Virgriis tL utuny Fines sesety AnalyeM Report (FSAR) & emende Power (Vrprus Elects & Poww Co) 2pg 30227.110-3e221:13& 1 -emessee6 Insp Repm m2e0/e64e & 50 m/e&30 on e6u02m m vioissone _e ,ne -r-e e efe,tssets7 Forwards Revneene 4 to todene.d w re e -oF.SAR.repie.ceig 1 et. evo.-ee.ce30eltenemntes ur,lo.sean,,ve=rco,e,,sige;g, ,,m,e,, sed ,'m,1nnt,,,y,=, ,,,=.a c-N OMic of perseer des tar 51, W E , CANTREMS. Repon 2. N of Drector. 06H2/20. Hpp RU9ENSTEIN,LS. PWR Project Drectorate 2. 2pp 30245 2014024q 30227Mm27M

   -470s ces47 Rev 4 ao sedated r$AR for Surry Power Statone Unas 1 & 2.                                      se12200141 IE Info Noece 04110," Anomalous Behavtor of Hecuculagon Loop Flow kt
  • Virpree Power (Virgrue Electte & Power Col 06/f 2/31.165pp. 30245 203- Jee Purrg BWR Plants" Swe bst and 30245 357. JOROANJ L Dvimon of Emergency Properations & Engineenne Response (Peet 030103) 06/12/31. Coria*=ted Edson Co. of Peew York, Inc. 05pp. 30206.13e*

30206 233. 4 "'-""""""* ~ ' ~~*"*a" 12m1.t on,0,.oece 87 1, wR ve,ve 1 # Co.e. one,edono,, , m1me te Po,mespor.e to roA ,e. met , e,c.,rien,s ,e ECc= PWa S-as nucasar plants App 8 documente once & eyesetse e ,.ar.n.r .went POR Repte for,ee. Zen #N AI


g V 03pp. e l GRIMSLEY,O H Divison and Recordt 86/12/10 SHOLLY,S. MH8 Tecive M17.057 ce Associeia. 3pp. mei 00i.3mua

;                                                                                                             ,,,g ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, , ,, ,,, , ,,,,, ,,y,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,


   =eMt070631 Pectoge of eeft woes to NUREQ/CR4%0 to core damage keguancy                                        a notre of violeman.

from eieomal evenes & NUREG/CR4700 to contanment event enetyme tar poelulated WALKER.R D. Reqpnn 2. Ofnce of Drector 87/01/0e STEWART,W L Virginie Power l envere accesorts for hated (Virgree Elect 10 & Power Co k 2pp. 30231018-30231.038. GRahtSLEY,0 H Scsonce mone Intemehonal Corp. (formerfy Science Appbce. cone, Inc ) 06/12/ te. 2.000pp 30181004 30te1.1a *eMitset to Nohce of violeeon korn inep on 80102023 & 3741 W ALkER.R O, Region 2. Ontco of Drector.07/01/00. 2pp. 30231020 30231.021, eMiesesse Documente e====ie w/ vie re C;-- _ -

r. of VA enwoon monnonne proerem et wicendy of plants.Underseende agreemens reached on noted ports Proyem as7etf 30214 Insp Repts 60 200/S&34 & 60-201/8434 on e61020 23 & 27-31. Viole-Cw. . .. non noted feh,e to prowwje appropnete sneerwere enep eewm0E EE.V L R -- . of VA/ute coopersson & evieroves put#w: Info
2. OMice of Ovector. 06/f 2/22 STEWAnf,WL Virpnes COL EYJ L, BLAME,J.J Repon 2, OMice of Drector. 08/f1/20. topp. 30231022 Power (Virgrue E & Power Co) 2pp. 3e200 2544020e 2sa se23t 031.


i l 1 i de DOCKETED M l eftt9M F 4* 1tese87 Re I vesassensores sunenses de Inse R.este stage /8HO & 04aelleH0 on sel12413eeNo Ps 4orto(Veyri.d.ated FSAR 9er s Elsases & 3.vy 3.nene cel set 12/31.unas 1 & 2.30 set.aee-leepp. I en 2. .3e7. j Pe.owesLEE.v ar twpes L a Ps.Osess or ce> app of otester. e7/ot/m STEWART,wL wpee Soest3eweset3se.

!                 -estitestee inep                        0                                                                              P. Ope,seng soones sange ese.mante a es espe. dense                                                                                 I 1                    or eeuessens neemt            GS=,eee/0640 e        W-=d=*r==*   4 94ast/,eH.O        en est1841303,eo ell ang stareup        tosse,siennel ps vesesse.ns or                                                                                                                                            !

M o .

  • T JAPE. 2. Ofees of owesear. 08/12/23.14p. 30042327 g ,,,m,.mne,e,.pg gp .i. . Folt Rep. .r
                                                                                                                                           . _s - a. - ,,ap OR.self.v.D.H                              .. eu o.he,L,,P,,p,o, e.n.s.         and
                                                                                                                                           .smose         e.o 3 yam,set 12/14 SHoLLY.
                                                                                                    , SA spo,t,,te,,et,te,,c,a,,n.,,m,
                     , e e e,0123 , ,s met meseng    , ,e to,, sues.,,,es,u,m,e,o,f,c yam,,,P,,e, 1

E*T;s'.e m *,Pl=0". ,WJJ**' *' **" * -



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                                                                                       ,ne,c.L G.RieseLEY.o.n,,,S,m,.enos e                 e               .                        o a. f
                                                                                                                                                                                           .....enes.n.een           c New v'aNo 3 esse 5                                                                                   en
N. No!7"ce#M.msn efe.te.

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sette repas ter e te,GS.V H., MS STEW 1000 L w/esto19 Po orle.r.(wynne Elesete & e7990 ter . U. )j Pe ce; eseceese sc. Lno60 ae unnagement, oreciar. 1. For.e,de esesseme,4,e u,. eeness opn.3e a o,pm.37. na em is es ye som ese er

.                     sopst set mos1 -t to070.                                                                                                                              imeuensese,nene enamen i

issuense PATEL.c.P.aPwn names P e,egnet ouest.e.mmen./1ain e 2. STEwAMt L wpe (W-4 i

                       .caooa.H4. u o. nee 3 3::ll".E                                    .=             C,o,.l eu     . ee/,to/.31.                              ,             = ,e .,.,,,s ,.          sen.n e . u                       o,            .           1
                       .ar ai3.                                                                                                                   eems .E, F                                                                                                                                           orn.37Ee
  • Olees of ,e ane,eusemer meetter Repdeam,s omter poet tottael, en/18/Se. teek 3e190232-3e100387.

} & Repe.e. M & edsweeppen. l . n ca ./wt

                                                                                    ,,e                                                  -",,e.lll"e.,=.J.a'."   .                      .d,:llll= g :::: ," ::::"'u'.*.'*F#4,2ll3, i

s.- m.e . . .e.e - . n ,"A *>&-n .,. . e muNmmAt ,ge ,.e,as..e e o. . e em E o.neu g,mma. Ng,g_e:.,,,e,,.,n . .se .J,s megen a 5 e7/01/o7. sitwAnt,wL w e Po.or of overest Pment one.m mam w 1 1 (Virg e Eiseeis e Po or col app. 300e0 244-30000 fee. gpgggagges pense,ge Ame.e 1tt to Useness opR.38 4 oPR.87 4

.. . .. , s. no,s,.m e,e.e , e- ;laer,a;ll:r',:::::'o:::::ll",,o,m,,L aN. =, l',l:. ri
                      - " -nau.a.ala,,s,, =::-c-o. g                                                                                            rt
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ,      ,            ,,a               es t

se ,.e o. . n.,.is",""",tt.o or u s RUSE .eTEIN,LS. PWR P,egest ODestemte 3. ee/18/31. .pp. Seestlef, em17e. . v.coarseer 8 - .nese s y

                   .                                                                                                             e          ;em,,* "."';,e                         mesi,i"Cl2,A,iis,in
                                                                                                                                                                                        -             -i. in,.u.s n          ise.s opn             ..4.opn.07. es

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                      *<wMe on,            E T"P N e,c D, .YeI3.YE"w"         - a                              Ant.wL w e Pa.or             " NEE l O.,'E,,, .e, .'"                               . *"o*s".y"iP'e M I" As.e's,A.c                                                             $

3 sg,1g;y,,L;, Po ' ""8

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  • sm'o"'l:T"&ree""f,'e""*,

r - j M Asenec cay Elec.c Ca eepk t i t. %30304.'"'o"."e:1,1ll:7:,T." &mapseen m IE3 mm be& 6 j occust es set sunny powen etAriosa, usst : es.iseesse.s.ein a w Esey wee Pwn Cear /nsee.s inces on-sier ti -. a. east F. Sees.Ily, me.emi, e,nergency 4 are p,eesomen se t .nsn fee. Y pim . 3

                                                                                                                                             .eu m

! e.Ae. Nee es toe. -o.epeeseen of nce P,ess.e to e.y Rs. dug 4 S.e"e,$aSe*

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e o es ., _ .e e, n,.e , , ..nor.


E.iQi:"" P .or c. .e'n,,.v E L.P ,c.> ,,p M o.a *:io.T.Ew'a' r Awe .. es

                                                                                                                                                                            . s.e e.

o p e., ,s . o v e on.ei. i woo., 4 ef.e. tee.s.see ~

                                                       .                 . request E. .fo.r ,ov,es   oe. o.f .eseway min,f** .                 .;"e kr. t                                         E
STEwAfif..L Vu e Po.ur Etoccio ..Po or

'l earvenee trarieft (ossumere car.e,el ) ik 3e301SS3-3.ce 0F asa L GF/01/ce flecard opet Fer.ere.nota Inse.Repte e.30s/e43e . 40..t/M en .1les IM8eo

                                                                                                                                             .is.een er esvessen O u 8V PlnEl 800o0y A,tElyede Napert jP8AE) O eMones                                                                                                                          ) jpp.       7             7,j
e. en. ape. . e .n. . so.,

j .nem, i.e, ,s p e ,ene ar. as. . ,. us ,oa ,esepi ett to e r.n end ree ense of uns ess.e noeme r ereen inoposestplT* 8* son i en.or

                       . ing res,oesceen Futwo sie mitale sul regare Cok to or,.eeAnne eu                nne ulteNL 0EO   1            n repen legneese llenle a Ing'el".'y"g'h"nt            e          fe e or (w        er.e Eise.s a Po nr                                                 esse ertwAnt.wL OENTON         HRO   ,wlice eofP,e ucasar        neector moyeesion, o ecent (pose /12/31.              1125).            HOL                  E CANTFIELL,F.& Regen 8. omos of onester, et/tt/E its.

PUSENetEIN.LS. PWR Progsct Drecturene 3 3pp 30046 20130tes 3eF. 3e027.12 3ettT.130. i 1 i i

DOCKETEDITEMS 49 0813300141 IE enso Notco 84110. "Arernelous Behavior of Recrculaten Loop Flow a e Fedure Rept" Jet hamp 8WR Plante" $vc het enct 0701270362 SAUNDERS.R Forwardo F. Vagrue LER 86420 Power (Vr08 & "Electne Reactor&inp & Feedwater Power Co) 07 Pip /01/14. Record JOROAN,E L Divieon of Emergency Preparedness & Encpneenng Response (Post Servees Branch (Document Control ). Ip. 39366.19139306 353. 430103). 06/12/31. Consondated Edson Ca of New Yort. Inc. 95pp. 39205139-30205 233. -4701270116 LER 86 020 Of on 861209. reactor Inpped $se to low water level m sleem generator C tells-SGLrhd try unproper resseemtWy of veno tasowing meet Urut 3012300181 IE Info Notce 07401, "RHR VWwe * . . - - .: Causes Degedenen of mapected & tested pnor to eterte ECCS m PWRe." Suc hst enc 1 SAUNDERS R F Vrjpnie Power (Vrgrue Elecinc & Power Co). 07/01/14 Spp. JORDAN.E L Drvison of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post 39306192-393661eo. 830103) 87/01/08. Coneohdated Edison Co. of New Y inc. 03pp. 39216.316-30217 067. ~4701270364 Rev 0 to " Reactor Trip & Feedwater Pipe Fedure Rept" 9M1100006 Formerde inep Repte54200/06 34 4 60-281/86-34 on 86102423 & 27 38 39 53. A r ec cf - WALMER.R D. Reqpon 2, Omco of Drector.87/01/06 STEWART.W L Vrgrue Power Ntrgree Electic & Power Co ) 2pp. 39231018 39231031. V. Operator E 8701000236 Informe of NRC 870218 Workshop on incatent invoetgeton & Portarmance WM . D Omco 8 / 1 06 1 024 39231.021. Inecelore in Agente.GA.On 800219.Recpon N wie conduct workenop on cupent opere. 4

    =4 M1130814Insp Repts $4200/86 34 & 54281/8434 on 86t020-23 & 27-31. Viole.                                               tar hcenang eeuse                             forthconung changes to toCFR5S ton noemdfedure to provide appropnete meervice inep drawege.                                                          GRACE.J K Reqpon 2,                              of Drector 86/12/23 STEWART,WL Vrgrue Power COLEY.J L. BLAKEJJ Reqpon 2. C'hce of Dractor. 06/ t t/28 10pp. 39231.022-                                            WW9've Elecenc & Power Col 11k M204 290-39204 N 070teettt07 Genene tw 8741 to eil power reactor hcensees & apoecente for OL re SM1130NG Forwarde ineo Repte 50280/8640 4 54281/6440 on M112S1203 No                                                               evadebday of NRC operator                               enem moston tienk Svc het encl.

victosone or deviatone noted. NTON.H R. Onece of Nucteer Reactor hon, Drector (post 861125) 81/01/ BROWNLEE.V L Repon 2. Office of Drector 87/01/06 STEWART.W L virynia 06. Atienec Cey Electic Co. 44pp. 39304 112 Power (Vriprue Electnc & Power Co k 2pp,39242.325-39242 334.

    =4M1130042                                                         o                              vu                   DOCKET Sewata PRAaRIE
  • mn NUCL&AR STATIOes, User? I e de noInspno.ed Repte,o$,42,.80/0440 Me e e repect dpoet. &.$428t/,86.u40.n se ste,up ntoewne 00,112k1203 No,meoissons doesreunaton & RCS leakage .. _ ___ - 4e.

BURNETT.P.7, JAPE.F. Regan 2. Omco of Drector. 86/12/23.12pp. 39242 327 F. Seetartly, seedieet, emergency & Are presseeen piene 39242.338. 0173 Co 4 , YOp [mergency s 870110.ves mvo app sei nfIrme 870123 met enseeng to review rondte ofaeSALP uia,v proyem P.rogram Pu,cnese 0,de,9"W,," lem prmee e-cied NaC S " /0 j C'TJ' "e"po R "fO"r,"" ',, M '."*01,0. STEWART.W L v% Powe, '"m*'aQ-a * " '" '" $'* "2" "' 2'2" *a E,t,1. E ri 2 (Virgree Electnc & Power Co L 2pp. 39295.14&39295147. 8701190917 Forwarde ~~Linep Repte $4262/Mit & 64306/0613 on 981012

                                                                                                                             ,'2'=:=,eved e,;or,a-rado",c,                      e ; ,= - e== aa'"a -=P
    .MH.S.                     in.o No.c. 7402. ,ned.oue.e S       r.c Oue ca.on , as,,re ,r,
                        ~~m--sen & A+ em = -                                                                                                                                           ,a ' ;"ee,' *ee. ,._7,01,0.uRSON.C 3, O,e, ice o, Drecto
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     .or           r,I vm,031
        .>o                   ih#,ir"  C "ne=e'd Pe.'o'nC"o' Wow'v'"t"".""G"';""A' GULDEMOND.W                              sie'= a-- ca 2                             GE'8a"2 2*=2'2 222.

j 2 01061 -4701100844 Insp Repte 64292/80 91 & $4306/8613 on 0610121213. Vloeston

    .M; g,,in,.,o .74n. -Se.,e.e. c, N-                                  us & Low u,e, Red.                            ;re            ,fa=,,,,,=- e' P,=;;,,;               s           ,c= 9,:;~,o,e,,~o,,a-a wa=
  • JORDAN.E L Dvieson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenne Response (Poet DEFAYETTE.R Repon of Drector. 87/01/07. tipp 3020221240282222.

, 630 ) 07/01/15. Coneoedsted Edson Co. of New York. Inc. SSpp 39324 025-870127HOS FN b 20 m corpem nudur emagency plan p p cadre. "Tetdo of Contente Record of Rev." medveneney left out of Grut00 sudosoitet 0101210198 Provides conclumone of invesenation to ennel for common modo ladure WILUAMS.O D. Northern Sietes Power Co 87/01/19 OIInce of Nuclear Reactor Reg of er. operated valve se identmed et IE Ikdietn Me now recrculeton verves ulam Drector (poet SSH2Sh fp 31P36e 2nM388 29& STE T. Y Power (Vr & Power Cet 87/01/15 Record ~4701270300 Rev 20 to corporate nucteer emegency pian mysemeneng procedure, Services Branch (Documere Contof S).E 3pp. 39327102-39327.104. N b QO'g,,,h,,, , Ca 87/01/01. fp 39300 29630308 206, t ] Q Portosme opereeing reporte & roteted eeneependence P. Opweeng h g - _& 6 0701000133 Monthly eeng ropte for Sept 1966 W/861015 Itr. JONES.V H., SAU RS H L STEWART W L Vrynie Power (Vrgrue Electic & 9701000364 Forwarde oefety evskaemon grentng acenese esempaan r=, mas to esow

,      Power Co) 86/09/30 SCROdGINS,R M. Omco of Resource Management, Drector.                                               apphceeon of Iseh4efore-creek tecnnotugy es tiene for sammason of prosaceve de-2C;ip. 39170-05139170 070,                                                                                            vices of                                peant Ot ANNI.DC.                 RCS     Proet,sct Drectorees 08/12/22.
t. MUSOLF.D M Noresern Steens l
 ,  0101890900 Monthey opereeng repes for Oct tese W/881114 tir                                                              Power Co. 3pp. 30231.106 39231.130.

i JONES.V H , STEWART W L Vrgra e Power (Vygmie Elects & Power Co ). 06/10/31. a 8CROGGINS.R M. Omco of Resource Menegement, Drector 22pp. 39427.192 =4701000879 Safety evalueton ohmmenon of protective devices Wom demgn 30427 213 tems for dynamse enacts of puis m consent enop pgmg.

  • PWR Propect Drectorate 1 /12/22. topp. t.1 1.114 O Repes tatte - 4 L&Re & reisted eenoependence -4701130000 Topical eyeiueman or 14 CAP 10eSe, "Eftects of thermet on Siructural of Seemises Steel for Wesenghouse NSS&" ec-i 8701000tes LER S&O16 Mon 061201.ineve& set rod ponton rvscators (IRPI) for con, cepealide to bacture . ~_..m A IPv- J.

1 poi rode out of celer Caused try retrument drWt.Aa enoperetse IRPts recenty & re.

  • NRC Peo Desamed Aflhamon Orven.06/12/22.10pp. 1 115-30231.124, named M ove W/ set 229 nr

? SAU*aOERS.R F Vrene Power (Virgmas Electric & Power Cok 06/12/10. 4pp, =4%80000 Tossced rept evenaaman of Rev 1 to WCAP 10e30 *Tountmoso Crewte ter 39152 340 30152.34 5 Thermesy Aged Cast Seemsees Seess." Rept accepenble for eawamig heel of eter. l eged cast seemises seset SM10PG194 Summary of 861215 Operatmg Reactor Evente Meseng 8444 w/ ose No Deteced Afteoson G#ven es/12/22. 8pp. 30231.125-30231.130. drector,ev erectors & representeevee re fedure of man feedweter pipe, update or shall corromon updees on 2nquested cetpe space & miproper valve pontosung 0701000448 Advenee that 631104 conermme statement that uti partageson m Weserip 6 . .G M Oper Reactors Aseseement Start (poet 85t12% 86/12/29. house risertece for reactor W9 sys meses poseen m Genanc Lt es-sejesm DEP TON H R Omco of Reactor Regulaeon, Director (poet $51125).19pp. 21. Pert 2 & 30106.324 49108 342. OtlANNI.D C. Pro, met Drectorees 1. 06/12/30. MUSOLF.D M. Norwiern Steens Power Co. 3pp. 39231.221-3923t 223 0791190822Conerms461229toicon w/WL Steuert to870112enese'ng w/uld at pient

ce auditonum to enouse uld finenge concommg 06t209 p9e neture 8701140370Forwarde seessy evefuseon & EG40 idshe input rovessang ual631104 re.

eveni eennde enct to Genean to e>2e.nem 2.i (Pert.2), vendor interloo Proyam Rearter GRACE.J N. Regon 2, Omco of Drector 07/01/07. STEWART.WL Virpnie Power Componente." Respones - , (Virgrue Electic a Power Ce ). 2pp. 39290244 39290 246. T L PWR Drectorees 3. 07/01/00. UNDOLADWJ Pareend Generet Electic Ca Ipp. 217 30862 221. 0791latte? LER 9402040 on 861209. reactor enpped das to low water level m sleem ponerecor CCeused by caoews of man steem wie vefve C & neture of ~4812200030 " Input for SER Kewaunee Nuclear Power Plant.McGure Nucesor Staten } eucean to men feed pump A.S te esp underway W/0701 iw Urule t & 2.Preme ledend Nuceser Genereeng Plant Urute t & 2, Reacter Trp Sye SA . S R F. Virprue Power grue Lieces & Power CoI 07/0t/00. epp. Vendor Interface nom 21 (Part 2) of Genene LW 83 20 *

39290 014-30256 0 t 9. F ARMER.F G EG40 idaho, Inc. (eida of EG40, Inc ) FIN 0-4002 EOG.NTA.7440 86/ t I/30. NRC . No Deensed Afflheton Grven.10pp. 30202222-30ft2 240.

! 0701100000 Summary of Operetng Reactor Evente Meetng 8444 on 661229 bet of j omendsee.evente escussed & summary of preeenies events that we to mput to NRC Portarmance anecesor Propem once 07012tessa house Owners Reeponde to Genene Grote reactor tw e>20.nemo ep trosher ele cycle4tasang 2 3 4 4proyentuet 2 4 Um eioported of repamos Wesent. HOLAMAN.O M Oper Reactore Asseeemord Stem (poet 861125). 07/01/ f f. rnent meervese for specded componente provirand DENTON.HR Ontre of Reettor Repm Drector (post ellt25).13pp. MUSOLF.D. Northern Steese Power Co $1/01/18. Record Servecee granch (Docu. 30304 001 30304 013 ment Control DeanE 2pp. 39326003 30326 004 l _ . . . . . ~ . _ . -_ _ . . - - . _ . . _ , _ _ _ _ . , _

50 DOCKETEDITEMS C Inspeemen reporte, IE Bussene a eerroepensense 4701200334 LER 86 01141 on 861227.durmg testmg,eeeel coolmg water pump de-coered moperente w/one pump aready out or evc. Caused try fedure et Aero Corp Hestne hoes Femtne homes w/ hoses of higher reeng W/87021 . 870900,0116 t e Forwarde,. opp -Chan9ee to SALP fleste-$6262/0401 seed on &orrne $0 306/.0601 os. for.Dec 1,984 g,gt,g.u. MUwLr.a a~ co - Co e /0i/2m ==a=* .

               ..erMe,e o, m.oonma S abe c to.o eec,ep.,-

ILEmER.J G. Reqpon 3. Omco of Dractor. e6/12/17. LARSON.C E. Northern S etes Power Ca 2pgL 30100 273-30100 200. V. Operosor Eneminemens

             -4709000100 App to SALP Repte S&202/e641 & $0 3'16/0641 for Dec 1964. May f eet.eummerum0 esoe20 mesang.                                                          0701000007 Genanc Ler e741 to eil power reactor hceneses & apptcents for OL re
  • Regen 3, Ontco of Drector. 08/12/17. OpgL 39160 274 3018e 2e0. put*c ev of NRC operator IE enem ouesean bare Svc est once DENTON.H R of Nucieer Reector , Drector (post 861125). 07/01/

0019990000 4 Info Noeos 04107. "Erey into PWR Cavny W/Reesctable trbCore Do. 08. Ajenec Cay Electnc Ca 44pp. 39304 C6439304112 tector flueelse Withdrawn" Svc Hot er"1 JORDAN.E L DMoon of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post 830173). 08/12/29. Cor,*a-d Eeoon Co. of Peow Y inc. 00pp. 30205.031 00CNET 00 306 PORT CALNDUM 3TA11000, Wealf 1 30206.130. 4818830001 If Info Noeos 04104. "C4 of RCS Pressure Boundary Resuleng P. Securny, medesel, emergoney & fire protoegen piene From Bone Acus Corromon? Svc Isl ence. JORDAN.E L DMmon of Emergency Preparednese & E Reecorse (Pool 0701000071 Forwarde p@he verman of plan emplemenend 830103). 06/12/29. Conecadeesd Eeean Ca of New Y Inc. 04pst 39187:093- eduree.m' enudm0 EPIPM19. "Ernergency Recovery econ Operatone 39167'197.

                        .                                                                                           Menacer." W/DH Gnmeioy B6123f retoase memo EWS.R L Omaha p@ec Power Detnet. 06/12/15. MARTIN,R D Region 4, 081393000e IE Inso Noace 06100 "Dephregne Fedure in 3crern Ouest Vehe Cauang                  Omco of Drectnr. 3pp. 39173 255 39173 272.

Rod meernort" Svc bei enct JORDAN e L Dhamon of Emergency Preparedness & Enemeering Response (Poet 470100000s Putne verman of emergency plan eng es inclueng 830103) 86/12/20. Creechdeted Eeson C4 of New York. inc. 94pp. 39206.234- EPIP.RR 19. "Emegency Recovery Organuseon stone 'a 3020S 327. EPIP.RR-26, " Emergency Recovery Organuseon Emnron Survey Analyse oor." 87010e0933 Forwarde 8.iemel Safety Repte 60 282/0612 & 5&306/0614 on

  • Omaha Put*c Power Deanct 86/12/1115pp. 39173.254 39173.272.

sei1171202 Two poteneet unrosahred some observed re unp6emente. ton of 10CFR$0 49 SM14301ee Forwardo Insp Rept 56265/0620 on 060707.11 No voofatone or doe HARRISON,J.J. 3. Onice of Drector 86/12/29.LARSON.C E. Northern States stone noted inep part at specef appresel to cargesson of emergency respones Power Ca Epst 30 Ot ?.39t$e 033. & requeemente of Stepi t to NUftEG4 37.Dohcianose & unroeufved nome 4Mt400833 91 -a8 SafWy inep Repte 90 202/0612 4 60106/0614 on 0611t7 GAGLIARDO.J E. 4. Onico of Director. 06/12/22. ANDREWSAL Omaha 1202 Doncserwg noten es,:repews m eneeseeton of Raychem heet shrmk Mang on Put*c Power Detnct . 39147.148-39147.200. enwoonnuentasy penned cetpe spaces. GAUTAM.A S., MUFFETT,J W. Repon A Onk:e of Director. e6/12/24. ISpp. =4701090170 inep Rept 50295/n&20 on 80070711 No vtoisewine or devastone 3015e 619 391$0033. noted Mapor erees anepected omergency response facetes & evynementomon of re-gerements of Suppe 1 to NUREG473/ 0012000141 IE Irdo Nonce P&t 10. "Anomeious Behavior of Receouleton Loop Flow m TERC,N M., YANDELL,LA Repon 4, Orace of Orector. 06/12/ta Sepp. 30147.150-Joe Pung SWR Pieries? Svc Ist encs 39 t 47.206. JORDAN.E L Dhamon of Erregency Preparednees & Engmoenng Resporv e (Poet e30103). 06/12/31. Consondeted Eeeon Co. of New Yore. Inc. 95pp. 3020$ 139- 87010e0409 Forwards inep Rept $428S/96-30 on 00110130 No veoietone or doe 39306.233, econe noted GAGLIARDO.J E. R 4. Omco of Drector 06/12/22. ANDREWS.R L Omahe 30193e0181 IE Into Notee 87 00), "RHR ved Minengnrpent Causee Degradeenn of P2ec Power Domict 3e160190 39160.197 tas a PWRe " Ove em end. JORDAN.E L thman of Ernergency Preparemese & E Reepense (Poet =470 teen 13 inno Rest 60285/9430 on 86110130No wrdenone or devtemone 83010Lp 87/01/06. Consondeted E* eon Co. of feew Y Inc. 03psk 39210 316 nrted Mefor erene inepectedoperemones se ery n vennceton. ment.eurvetence.peene r 30217 067. toure oefety reissed eye weihdown 4 escurity observators. HARRELL,P H , HUNTER.DR. Repon 4, Omco of Dractor. 06/12/10 epp. 4701160917 Forwarde top Repti 50-282/96 fI & 60308/0613 on 061012- 30100 192 30100.197. 1213 e neece of violaton re coreal of wort ec1Mese noted m previous inup repte Correceve accono inadequate Ade componse twiuested 07014008t? Forwarde nefety evaluamon to ugl 061010 to use carpeene h con. GULDEMOND W G. Regan 3. Omco of Drector 9//01/06. LARSON.C E. Northem tros roern teseed to enerent etdo from Branca Techraces APCSep 9 51 Propos. Seelee Power da 2pfL 3e202209 30262 222 el acceptabee Request grer'ed BELLS,D E. PWR Prosect Drectorate 0 06/12/22 ANDRFWS.R L Omahe Pubne

             -4741100997 Notee of viosecon hon inep on to10121213                                          Power Deertet. 2pp. 30220 217 30220 219.

GULDEMOND.W G. Repon 3 Omco of Dractor. 07/01/08. tp 29202 21139282 211.

                                                                                                         =e70teseste Selwy evesuesen re ceram sweened in contros mom. Cemeene insteesd m
             =4M1100944 hop Repte 66282/0611 & 66306/0413 on 86t0121213 Vioseman                           comros room -- . - ' . from eiendpoet of are .-            a notedurut t teWor operated at power m oncess of leve6s authorned try teense &
  • Onre of NurMar Reactor Regidation, Drector (post 051125k 06/12/12. tp.

lesse to have edesNees procedures to prevent overpower conemort 30220 214 30220 210. DEFAYETTEA Reqpon 3. Omco of Drector. er/01/07. Itpp. 30202 212-30202222. 4701129404 Advises that 861000 changes to phyacei escunty plan conoseont w/prov6 470ttsenes it info Noace 87402 "inadopete Seenue &ehnceton of Diaphragm esone of 100FR50 64(p) & accedetde. Vapvos try Melhemeccad nsodann0 A Anasyme Svc est ance GAGLIARDO.J E. Repon 4. Omco of Drecer 86/12/31. ANDREWSAL Omahe JOROAN.E L DMemn of Ernergency Preparednese & E Response (poet Putshe Power O.vW app. 38254 003 302S8 004. 830103) 07/01/13 Consondated Edson Ca of New Y inc. 07pgL 30300300 30301461 4701140ef* Forwardo Seemeurde inep Rept 66265/0633 on 061119218 nonce of vio%iNoece of vertaton ennheid trot 10CFR13 f t). SM118000f IE Inta Noece 07403, "Seyegemon of Mezermus & Low Level Re4 GAGLIARDO.J E. 4 Omco of Drector. 06/12/31. ANDREWS.RL Omaha j wee sa Svc ner enef. Putes Power Demet Sea 27e 3e20s 270 JORDAN,E L DMaan of Emergency Preparedness & Engmoenng Roeponse (Poor l 830103) Gr/01/tS. Conocedeted Eeson Co. of New Yore, Inc. 85pp. 30324 029 =4Mit40037 Pereene enhheid 86fogeurde Inap Rest 66285/0633 on Mitts 21 pet 39324 112. 10CFR73 21)Vloeston noted to accese cor*os pecheses. EARNES7.A 5., Y ANOELL.LA Peyon 4 Omco of Drector M/12/10,1p. 30206 276 39265 270. GMit?t933 Forwards Rev 7 to resological emergency Secean M. "Re-Ste 8610/31. Opp. 39430263

               ==2 a                                                                                     GM,        0. ,o,we,de - to NRC .1,o - RER , epi R.eporwe w.w.,

ANDREWS.R L Omahe Pese Power Deanct. e7/01/00. Record Serveoes Orendt O. 5e 12/31, 9pgk 39208.360- ' ""I @ N ## # 3== = SMi.000 in.orme ., ,se.d on .0M711 ,- .e Facesse" a, peest.TMt Acean name let A1.2. 9,lpyede E 6 Rep 6mble - 1 % & reemed eerroependense pa HAT De torse's 0 Power Detict 2pp. 39 364 30320 365, 01 2. EWS.R L Pets 0701000907 LER 8600640an 061205 eudit determined giat - ester storage tone cuest verves MV-32000 4 MV.32000 not teeied monthfy try nuerderpre. SMtf70000 Reepende to SALP rept.Ute piene aggreessve ocean to Wrprove partarm-tenon of Toca space Tech Space cienned W/87010$ nr once en securey & de areeChanges to argeruresonal.personned 4 hardmere HUN 4TADAA, MUSOLF.D. Nor1 hem Sietes Power Ca 07/01/06. 3pp. 39210 210- procerkree dotaded m to 0101 t 7 response to no nce of vecessors 30819 212. ANOREWS.RL Omahe P2he Power Deenct. e7/01/te. Hecord Servecee branch (Document Control Desk).1p. 39302229 39362 220 GMtttette LER 8641040an 06t211two sowce range channele tened whee touties-enootn0 entiene E+4 carece sysCaused try met deactancy in coread of teet 0701300810 Ach recept 90 0612061r infomune NRC of stape taken to correct violeson sempment Cuesom cetwee for use w/ reorder ordered W/070106 nr. noted m eneg Rept 6& pes /e&23 Ragdy responsve to noece of wraserin HUN 87AO.A A. MUSOLF.D. Nortern Statee Power Co. 07/01/00. 3pp. 382S4 364 GAaLRRw,J E. 4. Onko of Drector. 07/01/21. ANDREWS.A L Omahe 20054 Ste. Putec Power Detnct 303As UJ6 39380 040. l

DOCKETEDITEMS 51 P. Opereene Goones elseo eseumonte & eerrompendence 8701000403 Forwards Insp Rept 54205/0430 on Set 10130No moistone or dev6 etone nosed 0F01000083 Forwards request for adre info re ute 061117 admitet on core rWood GAGUARDO.J E. 4. Omco of Drector. 06/12/22. ANDHEWS.R L Omahe memodology into reenseed tsy 070130 to meet schedule lor Cyos 11 resoed Need tor Putmc Power Diemct pg 3910N3010&197, E PW 8 t A EWS,R L Omahe Putsc -4M1000610 insp Rest 64205/0430 on 061101@ No moletune er doutatone Pows, Dem .,R, Prose,ct

                       =2 00. ,30 m 00                                                                                    noisas - - -pe~                    omeon e m v-*enon.m-a-                    Sea - a tows.nasesy4eisted eve wenduwn & escunty oneervenonet 0701000007 Forwards estasy evalueton to uti 001010                                to use carpeeng h con,                   HARRELLPH., Hufe7ER.D 't Repon 4 Omco of Director. 06/12/10. Opp tot voorn tested to efterent etdo from Branch Techncel                              APCS 8 9 51.Propoe.                  39100 102 30100'107 SEUS           PW               e                           0, 06/12/22. ANDREWS.R L Omahe Pubhc                       0701000070 Summary of M1217                     w
                                                                                                                                                                     , /ulf
                                                                                                                                                                          -mto uti re@est for reksi horn cornnet-Power De.,ct 2,p == m ctorecem.                                                                                                  g,e,c,,i,g,e, ,ep                                esM *eme Cr= u ra-3

=4701000000 Safety evalueton re carper metened a control recen Carpeeng instened in .D E. PWR Propect Drectorese 8. 06/12/23.THADAN%C. PWR Protect Deec-convoi room - n wom esanspore of two ree manc torate 9. son set 7:w4-30tr1320. of Reactor Reguleton, Drector (poet $51125). 06/12/22.1p. 4012330000IE Info Notce 06107, Ency into PWR Cavey W/Retectalde in Core De-tector Ttweedes Wehesen." Svc not enct 0701100012 Forwards mar ** ton for amend to Lcense DPR40/evem0 Tech Spec JORDAN.E L Dhemon of Omergency Prepare @ees & E Roeponse (Post Sec.non 3 '21(2)dC) Fee peal. 630103) 08/12/20 Con ="hd=*= Edson Co. of New Y Inc. 00pk 3980603t. ANDREWS.R L Omene Put*c Power Detnct 07/01/07. Record Servicae Branch 30205.130. (Document Control Doekk tp.39301.338L30J01.344. -4701100310 Aa* aman for amend to Lcense DPR.40sewome tecft Spec Secton F'orn senc Acid terroman" Svc het enct 3121 ) to metude words "when m eve." JORDAN.E L Dhemon of Emergency Prepareeees & E Response (Post ANDR W R.L Omahe Putac Power Deinct 01/01/07. 3pp. 39301.33439301.341. 330103). 08/12/20. Coneohdened Edson Co. of New Y inc. 04pn 30I07206 39167.107. ~4701140323 Proposed Tech Spec 112.1(2)d re survellence repremente for reeologi-ces wease esmpang of a gessoue emuente 8012930004IE Info Noace 06-100, "Dephragm Falure in Scrern Ouret Velve Casung

  • Omahe Putsc Power 01/01/07. 3pp 39301342-39301344. Rod Inserton." Svc bel ence JORDAN.E L Dvimon of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeering Respones (Post 0701130314 Forwards apptceton for amend to Ucense DPR40,changmg Tech Spec 030103) 08/12/20. Coneohdeced Edson Co. of New York, Inc. Sepp. 30206.234-Sectone 2 4 4. Fee cent 39206.327.

ANDREWS.R L Omere P@he Power Demet 07/01/00. Record Servces Branch (Document Control Deenk 19. 39241 23439241 240. 3012300141IE Into Notco 06910 "Aromolous Behavior of Recordan=t Loop Flow in Jet Pump SWR Planta" Svc bet enct =4701130300 Appfcecon for amend to uconee DPR-40.revemg Tech Specs to Wicrosse JORDAN.E L Dwuon of Emer0ency Preparedness & Enqpneertry Response (Post refusang_ boron concertenons 830103) 06/12/3t Corechdoted Eeson Co. of New York. Inc. 06pp. 30001130-ANDREvrS.R L Omane Putsc Power Detnct 07/01/00. 3rp. 30241237 30241230 3920$ 231 =4701130324 Proposed Tech Soece increatne refuehng baron concertatong 0F01000414 Ach receet of 801002 & 1210 pre infurmmg NRC el elope taken to correct

  • Omahe Peac Power Detnct 07/01/00 999 3924124439241249 violetone moted m enep Rept 04236/0621.

GAGUARDO J E. Reson e Orhee of Dweetor. 06/12/31. ANDREWS.R L Omahe 870t100307 Formerde opphceton to amend Lrecee DPR-40.recone Tech Space to irw Putec Powgr Detnct. Ip.30163 007 30163-101 see termmenon or Ucense SMGle20 Fee past A EWS.R L Omaha Putme Pcwor Desics. 07/01/00. Record Services Bench 0701140027 Forwards Sefegeurde 64205/0433 en 0011t&#1 & nonce of (Document Coreal Dookt 1p. 39290117 39290 t20. ventaton Notco of violeton wnhhead 1 R73 fik GAGLIARDO,J E. 4. Omco of Dwector 96/12/31. ANDREWS.RL Omaha =0701190300Appecaten to amend Lcense DPR40.revieng Tech Space to reflect ter- P2hc Power Demet .30205 270 30205 270. enmetrvi of Leones SMC.1420.

  • Omaha Put*c Power Cetnct 07/01de Opp. 39290.114 39290125 ~4F01140037 Partesy withheld Sefogeurde ines Rert54206/06-33 en 001116 21 (ret 10CFR 73 21) Viotesion no ed to access coreal a paceLegee.

=0701100270 Proposed tech Space to tome gas morntor coerenne hrrute & men frequark EARNEST,A 8., YANDELLLA Reqpon 4 Omco of Drector.06/12/10. tp. 30206.278 coes Ier oecks.centire 4 tostng of meceneneous moeumontenon a controse. 33205 270.

  • Omahe Put*c Power Deinct 01'Ot/00 opp. 39296 *2639290120 0701100300Inictme of ese m knpiemJntemon of mrreceve oceans in response to 0701300303 Advees met ede info re SPDS solators win be provided by 07030tper violeton noted m enep $4205/0614. Irrginementoson dele for computensed 801120 regt est. cabis 4 condud outended to 070331.

ANDREWS,R L Omahe Pehe Power Detnet 07/01/12. Record Sennces Branch ANDREWS H L Omahe Putee Power DeMet 06/12/31.GAGUARDO,J E. Reelon 4 (Ducument Coreal Deski 1p. 39312 t34 39312134 Omco of Drector. 2pp. 3020&330-30200 330. 470ttF993U Re@eets metorder.t date fo.r completon of mndo lo comply 00 3300tet IE Hoo Notice 07401, "RHR Vefve hhesegnment Causse Depedenen of i 07ser $507ie cenar=ae changed sie neied pressunser ove w/R*0 Guide metumoree- EWS m PWHe" Sve tot enct ton unell ord of 19e0 outage JORDAN E L Deweson of Ernergency Preparedness & E Reepones (Poet ANDR8WS R L Omahe Power Omrict 07/01/12. Record Services Branch 030103) 07/01/00. Cormoedeced Edson Lo. of New Y Inc. 03pp. 302'0 310-(Dccument Coital Dookt 2pp. 39360 234 M360 23S 30217.057. 0F01300049 Adweee met CEP6-347f0)P. "Omene Batch M Resoed Fuel Demon Rept.* 070steette Suppio response to violomon noted e inen Rept 64205/0621 Correceve contems Wado escrete or propnetary commerosa ento 4 we be withheld from putec eceone bone acss stored an madery todt moved to owneeg locked esorate aren sectoeure per tocF t2 790- ANDRkWS.R L Omene Pete Power Demet 07/01/07. Recors Servicae Srench PAULSON.W A. PWR Pmpact Dwer'orce4. 07/01/14 ANDREWS,R L Ornehe Peac (Document Corte Donat tp.30205 334-30206 334. Power Demct opp.30300 354 39300 350. 070tt300e6 IE Into Notes 07402 "inadequese sesense Queenceton of Diephreyn cf coreal se Mememencel Mode ns A Annyua" Sve tot enct a 8701300303 meeode Forwarde a roeun C E 'a"S2n0 en eney.ement annanth

                                                                      . eseumteone,uese       esacea,n to Cro   it c4 enervesJORDA        de- *dE yeswee         t Dvieon ce tm voney Prep-edneee a E                     Response (Posi 9emas tireen LOCA enefyees to steem genersect t@e plugspn0 eleo enct                                                     330103)   01/01/13. Coneohdatert Echeon Co. of New Y-           Inc. 07pp. 30100.300 A       EWS,R L Ornehe Pubec Power Dstnet. 07/01/10. Record Serv 4ces Grench                                             39301.051

(!bcument Coreal Deskt sepp. 3939101S39391060. 0F0113000$ IE Info Notco 07403, "Sepetetun of Heserdoue & Low Level Red-0F01300303 Forwarde appecaern ta amend Lcense DPR.40.revemg tech fipece lo re- westes Svc not once. fisct er enese to support Cycie t t operemon. JORDAN.E L DvMsor of Emergency Preparedness & Engineertng Respones (Poet ANDREWS.R L Omeme Putes Power Doenet 07/01/22 Document Catol Branch 030133) 07/01/15. C -^ _ Emean Ca of New York. Inc. 09pp. 30324025-


l IDocionant Coreal Desat ip. 39390 t 35 39390 247. 39324112 ~4701300307Apptceton tur amend to bcome DPR.40 rewtemg Tech Space to renect Orgtgygteg Forwengs Wenopwencese used for 00t217 esenleton to uts cleferral of WS. Demet 07.01/22. 3pp. 3939013639390130. '"'**' s ' ANDREWS.R L Omahe Penc Power Deenct 07/01/t4. Record Servecee Srench "O.M 30037 i H 98'88 (Documord Corect Deenk 39pp. 30301022 30301000. 0 90 W m 070127,,30R.epor e to NRC , re v i.nor. r.t . Inep Rept ..,0. 3,orter,


& lnepeetten reporte,lE 5misune t terroependence of woneman re veNee FG110.FG11F. FOt10 & F01te - ^ ANDREWS.RL Omahe Putec Power Deanct 07/01/IE Record Servtcee BremA (Document ConWol Deskt 2pp. 30300 230 30300 237. l OF01480100 Forwerde inep Rept $4205/0620 or 060707-11940 v60secone or devt. econe noted inep part of special appresel to venfy completion of emergency response 8701370003 Reesonde to SALP rept Vel piene a0yeessve accan to improve perform. t & reeeremente of S@pt t to NUREQ4/37 Dehcsonoes & unroeolved some ence m escunty & areeChanges to orgerureeonelsereonnet & henfeare procedures detaled m to 070117 feepones to nonce of vuoiseen. GAGUARDO.J E. R 4. Omco of Drector 06/t2/22 ANDREWSAL Oment ANDREWS,R L Ornghe Putec Power Deenct 07/01/16. Record Serveces Branch Putec Power Detict 39147/ 44 39141 200. (Document Coreal Desh) f p.30302 226 30302 220

=4701030170 Insp Rept $420$/00 20 en 9607071t No vionesome or devienone                                                  8701200100 EN 47404 on 870120. nonce of violomon 4 proposed impoemon of ove pav>

noted Mesor ereee inspected emergency response facslees & implementenon of re. any n annount of $60,000 we be leeued to hconese Acton beood on vicioson eseccl. geremente of $@pl1 to NOREG0731 sted w/ mod of steem admt vefwe. TE RC.N M , yANDELL.LA. Repon 4. Ofnce of Drector. OS/12/10 Sepp. 30147.160 WONG,H., BE ACH.A. Omco ce inspecton & Enforcement, Director (Poet 420201). 07/ 3014F 200. O t /20.1P. 39432 049-39432 040.

  - --- _ - .                               - _ ~                - . . - . .-                             ..           ~.- --                       .        __                    -            ,              _      n     - . _ - ~ . . .. = -                              - . . .

I 58 OOCKETED M i rmag eN9mte noese a Ad rosa t of estles er Wo,empene,.IC of

                                                                                        .e to nestas         of Inhen to eenest ytelseen              .St.MN ur s t 41/'

lerImt NR,gesser 1.comenteve,ns, st Steen Une 14 Tip JRess E. ses/.ebas Rapsy PWes Pe.ur oesteL

                                                             . Oless 3eme*em mances.

of onessor. 47/01/21. L Oms vende.r PAft R.F.4 EG enessesso samen of EG a t.* pe,i at of Genesis Le .egen[ i estt1/3a eclec.,40 tMes ene. le autaned Geses,et entL Pee om OGS4ffM44F. itek abs 014sewesset-tes6 . r

Ask of est231 er tede.g _ _ - _ ^ mo do in esse 00 W Manu>

ofttM,WIC el to conost vielmsens neemd in inne Rept schage/sekte Ingle. gggggg Asnand F1 to Usenes EMIR 44 & emia% ei.hsess, Amene so.

)                       eie OAGuAm.oO Pes   Pe ar cas.sLE.

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speiseeses P ces evesuneen ,ept eweio evettaesse . inse nesse staes asspeonesa et Hee.e a Ls. Lam. andw l to Genene Le es-d.e .nemern2.1 a (Pa esen,t 2) re veruser mes. gene p,nme eyamter secter u. e3,t to4 sus Act ensL i 1 c 3.e.13,.e.*.ve e ,o pp t.o,,o.o,0 =, t r 3 . . au .c.e de.o., me,4. Ru. OM"ct.J"lllti"I'i.rcew. . ' 2"'lll%"'I15.2 t I l

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l I DOCKETEDITEMS 53 87913egges rh- Wiep on 8000114922 &forwarde noece of woneton & proposed 4701tattet Notce of molemon from map on 86110112 of of.e ponesty Veneton notee reactor fiested up above cold enutdown WALKER,R D. Regen 2 Othce of Drector e6/12/24. 3pp. 3923t 006-30231017. coneson when both receculeman a contamment sprov vioperable 47/01/20.

  • J C. New Yort Power
                                                                                            .                                                      4701130070 insp R e $0-413/se-44.60 414/0647.90 360/9432, 64370/06 32.50 MURLEY,T Authorey        E. Repon (formerty     Powert. Omco    of Aumonty    of         Seele of Peew York) 4pp 39427.352+                                          269/se-32.50-270/ 32 & 60-287/06 32 on 86t t0112 Voiemone notedfeewe to 30427.367.                                                                                                                             losow procedures sor redmaopcel semple enesynes & medeweee surveye l                                                                                                                                                   Ku2O.G 8. GLOERSEN W e, MAHLE,J 8. Regen 2. Othce of Drector. 08/12/10.

4M1300068 Notce of violaeon 4 proposed wripoeston of cfvil penesty m amount of 12pp. 392310013023100$, S60.000 bened on 8e00114e22 map Veseten notod reactor fiseted up above 200 F r / tosh 'scarculeton 4 contenment sprey pumpe moperebee 0812230000 #E Info Noace 84107, " Envy into PWR Centy W/Retectable in4are Oe-MURLEY,7 al Repen 1. Omco of Oroctor 47/01/20. 2pp. 39427 366 39427.357. tector flumbeos Wedrawn" Svc bot once. J JOROAN.E L Omeen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Poet 3 86/12/20 Conachdoted Edeon Co. of Peew Y Inc. . 30206 034

g ,,,, ,g ,,,,,,g ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
          . .          1.             -e.n. ,ept .o, osc im W,.rCio. .                                                                           .,,,          t . ,nfo Notce                           oog,edet.n o, RCS ,,eesu,e .ou,,,e,, Roew,en, KELLY.L.                R.W A fdre Yort Power Authonty (former'y Power Authardy of .e                                                  p,,,4 Bonc Acid Corroecn? Svc het once.

Saees of Peew York). 08/t2/31. 0p0 30311042-39311049 JCf'0AN.E L Omeen of Emergency Preparedness & E Reepones (Poet j

                                                                                                                                                    $3rs.03). 08/12/20. Conocedsted Eeoon Ca of Poes Y                               Irc 04pp. 30167 003-39167.197.

g g o SM.197943,6.or e nu . o Forwarde OLnunutes e.ame co .f,stot.i14.meeeng d e-W w/uel m emam Regen cou 1e o.fc use.d .fJOf.oA facefy E L " Sv s ence

                                                                                                                                                                                                           ,m,e,ee,ess .                    Rea,or.e   ,os, o.,,,c.,,

2 MW of Woon Eme,Q. W h M Inc. N MW Rep 4/1 7-

             ,ow.GRO, Au      nt, <to,me,,on,.t.
                                              ,    .or Au Olhce
                                                              ,t,        o,f O.
                                                                                     - Yo ht 0.                ,2/22
                                                                                                                   = MJOS,=. IGE.R,.W, Ne,w Yore
             #178 =-                                                                                                                             . 12300141 IE Into Noece 84110. "Anomatous Sohavior of Recrciseman Loop Flow n E                                          Pmperednese & Enginsonne Reepones Po -

of a or scen e Svc het once ON of Nucteer Reactor egusaton, Drector (poet S$112Sh 07/01/ 8,Q3h08/12/3t 3 Coneohdeced Eeeen Ca of New York, Inc.

08. Atenac Cdy Elecinc Ca 44pp. 39304 069 39304112 eestseeist IE trdo Notce 07401, "RHR VWwe " .: Causse Doyedeten of occust O&se? ocossEs soucLEAR statiose, ussef 3 ECCs = PWRe " Sve em enes JORDAN.E L Omeen of Emergency Preparednese & E Respones (Poet j
                                                                                                                                                    $30103) 07/01/06 Conocedeced Eeoon Ca of Peew Y                                  Inc. 03pp 30214310-P, toeurwy, enomeet, emergeney a fire preseesen piene                                                                                     3ea t1067.

1 GM1144100 Forwarde pubhc verson of Rev eS2 to emergency pien, W/870100 ressees 070113e008 IE Irdo Notee 87402, "inadamese Seiennc 'Laaraaan of Diaphreem 3' memo VeNes by Mothemences Mosseng & Anerves " Sve est once JORDAN.E L Omaan of Emergency Preparednees & E Roepones (Poet TUCRER.H 8 Ouke Power C e30t03; e7/01/13. Coneoedeced Eeoon Co. of psee Y Inc. 07pp. 30300 300-Deemt 6pp 39261116 3926,o. see ./12/12. Record Serwces Branch (Occument Conwog 39301 053. 4701140110 Pulse verton of Row 343 to emergency pien.

             'sVCKh8A&G 4. Duke Power Ca 06/ t t/13. 47pp 39261120 39261166.                                                                     SM1130002 IE Info Noace 07403, "Seyegemon of Hasardoue & Low Level Ree
          $M1000448 Forwarde summary of $41206 meetmg w/uel m Regen 11000 re doncien*                                                               westee JORDAN E     " L.Svc  bet ofonce.

Dmeson Emergency Properedness & Etiensering Response (Poet eies prowously edensted e new R$42 to plane emer 830103) 87/01/tS. Conocedeced Eeoon Co of Peew York, ins. 06pp. 30324039-4 ALkER R D Regmn 2. Omco of Drecer 86/12/ 4 Y ER.H 8 Duke Power Co- 39324 112. 1 10pp. 3e222 21430222 22$. P, operoseng steense eenge coeumonte a serecependence A''*** '8*'*""8 "'" 8 '* " 8 88' " '*"* "

  • d ose . mp= = o- i= a as c-d u= 3 **

e oPC.NE.t mtt.o

             = e oro       ,o,we,ded            - acce, ,e p-=~.
                                                       =>.e~=             Nec se,demon.teton metoe.can ca                  -gnie-M                        mim= r-w a -=,,v,g=W,'=,e                                     e o, ,,,,, ecto,,E,,,,,e,,,,,,,,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ,          o,eo.

1*uLER.s . oe.e ,ower Co .7/01,0. Record ser.c.e .,enca coocument Con r,g- ou,e ,p.w=e, iorroei = >2 o 2==27 Ce ,,,Sie0 oes > 1p mu iu mu m _ ,,,,,,$,,, ,,,,, ,,,o,,,,,, d REAVIS.J A. M 2/31.1Spp. 3e327 302-30327 318. 470t t38273 o<ee Power "Oconee Co om~E. Nuctee,.r m Steen.n., 10,31 Reload 1 spp. Do.ugn

                                                                                   =s i
                                                                                                         =              *
                                                                                                                                                 .mitat1 Co, rect.d ,r                             , -eeng ,ee , oct 1 GMlleetM Responde to Mit24 esteev oveauseon re NUREG4737,tMI Acton item                                                                   REAVIS.J A Duke Power Ca 04/10/31.1p. 30327.317,39327.317.

j si D 3 4. "Convol Room Hebnetukty " feet program proposed to develop ste epecche esmosphene eksaan tectore m heu of relateeng WWake structure 47g1314314 Corrected montfWy opereene rest for peow ttes l tuCoER.H 8 Ouee Power Co 0 F/01/Ce Record Serwcee Branch (Document Control REAvis,J A. Dune Power Ca est t t/30. 2psk 30327.31taes27.310

 )           Desak app 39301357 3e3013se 07etseeste Responde to s4ostt reese for approves to eepose of resoecovey can.                                                          y,o,         e,g,e,,,e,,,e, teneneted wood 4/or wood producto et eennery landhe Approval fnuet be escured li'"u*r* *,."R "?.cf oreco,s,e . 07,01,te rVC.ER.H. ou.e ,ower Co.                                                                  .Mt           , Genene t. 07 1 io sii iewer reactor toensees a e. sac.nas ior el re i            6pp. 3039317439393174                                                                                                                  g                     ygesor                               enom gusemen eenh           ese 8701900148 Forwarde oefety evalueton to emergency leedweter eye evalebety losow.                                                          08. Atenac City Electic Ca 44pp. 39304 OeD-                              112 me sees enuedown earthmane 4 concurrent angle leeure Beeed on tiectilt
!            evalueson,cntene for Genene LW $114 met.

STOL2.J F PWR Propect Oerectorate 4. 07/01/14 fUCRER,H 5. DAe Powe Ca 00CNET 00 300 ftm88 MILE 10LA88D GIWGLEAR STAfl006, WIIf7 9 3pp. Steel 34430444 002

          -4701300108 Safety owesuonon supportng vet approach to ememeceey tpaahey emer pr                                                       p, geourgy, sneeset, emergoney & Rre preesseen piene p seedweser eye per Genene Le e194 of Nucteer Reactor Reguietof% Drector { poet $$1125) 07/01/14 app'                                                                       h-W m.m Ace u most e 9 D. e" = W m W W v om. ,."Mr', pre.el r.o. sos ,, es.e re.E"2.":

mie=M R.epor.o io ,senet io, in.o ,e ,ansponaton o, opent .u. sond 9. Olete of Dwector N/12/20 HUKILL,H D. General Puhee essee Enwwon unpact of tenoportanon of ease 4 wwe n ecoordancew/Tabte 44 et 9tt v.R R. 100FR6942 Ulstee Corp. e Serwce Corp 3pp. 30170100 30179174 TUCm3R.h 8 Drne Power Co 07/01/ tl. Record E evicae Srench (Document Convol Doohk #pp. 30340 292 30328 293 0M1970$st Forwards revised Emergency Acton Level S t O "High Winds," per 100 Reo. App E Rev ancausse measurende paramesure d ceasely eenemme to unce m NUREoce64/ pt 0701300400 Reesses review & approval .RtP.1Corp. Reasses* rousew & esprovetCorp. meren 30 t/se ese. ces : _. of NUREG4810 moduletryon07042'a LOC hw/tt . ' TAW.191SP g,rute w/ wee re of FLE Y LLH D Generes PiAme Umase OPU Gerwoos 80/t uneseson e desqrt of Urut 1 Cycle 11 core IN . LEY,7 E. Repen 1 Ofece of Deector. 4pp. Set 791943017e 170. i TUCoER.H S. Dues Power Co a 7/01/20. Documerii conval granch (Document Con.

  • Wol Dese). #pst 30432 217-39432 218. 070te WM Rev i to Emergency Plert implemeneng Pmcedae 44141MP.130009 i
                                                                                                                                                     "Er ergency r1===amam?
  • General Pubto Usease Corp . GPU Service Corp. 06/12/30. Opp. 30179105-O Inspoellen feporte,IE BuBeHRe 4 serroependience 30179 107.

j 0799193000 Forwarde enen Repte 60 413/04-44.60 414/0447 $4360/0432. 60 370/ 079 000014 Grenes esempean tram regiaremones of 10CFR60. App R.Soceen 1110 4 8432,94200/0e 32,84270/e6 32 4 60-2817/0432 on tot 10312 & noece of viene. enrose esempaans a two areas to tire prosacean proyem Comneamen eheutd be Die l i emn. hurned unen aceone descreed m and emessy oweduseon corrysees Esempeen ence. WAtkf R.R D Region 8. O' hee of Dwector ee/12/24 TUCNER.H 5. Dihe Power Ca STOLJ.J F. Pwn Propset Drectorees e ee/t2/30 HUniLL.H D. General Pimes Ue. apst 3e23f.00t.39231017. tes Corp. . GPU Senace Corp. opek 3032e134 30330104. l i __. _ ..~ - _ _ . _ _ _ ~ _


    -4701000236 Esempeen kom regurernente of 10CFR50. App R.Secean IIIG re metaan-           P. Operating Boones elege eseumente a serreePendence son of musomete are detecton m Area F4F2 2 & use of ererrated cabee m teu of fre SCHROE        .F Devieson             ed         Reactor ucensing . 8 (post 45112%   070H30026 Boenf Noenceton 84025 tormer. eefety eiuston reiec                    uni hacese
               /30 General Pneen Untees Corp. . GPU Service Corp 21pp. 33220136-                                                                Spec           RequeW t to plugging
                                                                                                                       ,u,e,ed THOMA,J PWR Propect Drectorate e es/12/23 WOLFE,S J , PARIS.O.H., SHON.FJ.
    ~4701000230 Safety evalueton re era protecton esempeons & revised safety evalue.            Atones $efety and Lacenang Soens Penst opp. 3924e 14S39240154 son of safe 4 enemate shutdown capabety
  • Offke of Nucteer Reactor Reguisson, Drector (post 451125). 08/12/30. 26pp. -070tt30037 8efety svalueton ute kscese mecheruce metodology to ketify 39220.159 30220.104. Tech Spec Change Request le re emes for erwehrough steem generator tees.

8701000648 Forwardo Rept 64289/e617 on 9e00061003 & noece of

  • Omco of Nuclear Reactor Regulaeon, Drector (poet SSit2Sk 06/12/23. Simp.

violetortConcema by Appresel Team <eamamad mchaeng enip. 39248.147 39248.154. neared actueenn taeang RANE.W F. 1. Omco of practor M/12/31 HUkiLL.H D. General PLhhc Veh-ese Corp. . Servece Corp. 4pp. 38227.03S30227.103. $701136442 Forwards noece of dennai of $$1100 afteram~i ter amend to Ucense DPR-80.conmoung W Teca Spec Chenee Reguset 14e re use of Decess mmmeruce

    =479teteH7 R. n 1. Notee,of O=e o v,,m ecto . 12 ap o m,3i. .n 460000003.

pp anro 4=nro ,se co,,[ M. G,Uf,,,c,Se,,,,e co,, ,

                                                                                                                                            ,,, 3,,T0,h.3,,,HU,3,.

2 R D Generaf Pubac Use-e

    -4701000671 Inne Rept 60289/0617 on 0600001003Vloissono noted engmeanng safeguards actemon eye tootng procedures not fonowed & Surve sence Proce&re SP      -4701140233 Noece of dereal of um 0$110s appeceton for ernand to Ucense DPR.

t 3016 2 not persarmed & moned off stoquesset 60 revinna Tech a re steem genersaar suae emnesons CONTE,R., 8 LOUGH,A. Repon 1. Omco of practor, e6/12/23 67pp 39227 047 STOLUF, PWR - Drectorets 6. 08/12/2 . 40p. 294 027 30294 037. 39227.103 0701030063 Forwards resotumon of inservice tenene (tST) mouse tar second 14yr inter-8701000248 Cancess Temporary Change Noece 1 46 0169 to Emergency Plan imple- vel a descripton of IST program for purrys a valves.m response to MtJ27 monene Processe 6414theP 1300 01 meenne Requesta response try e7011$ to whether or not NRC m egeement w/ep.

  • General Aesc Utsees Corp . GPU Service Corg 47/01/02. tp. 30204024 39204 028 ILLH D General Pihac Untees Corp GPU Service Corp.86/12/24. Sf0L2J.F, 8701190940 Forwarde SALP Rept BG249/0400 for MeyOct tese MURt.EY f E. 1, Omce ot Drector 87/01/0S HUmsLLJt CL Generet Pienc Usecos Corn . Service Corp. 3pp. 392$4 256392$6 31l' $7010ee40s Docusses issues remed at 981002 mesene re NUREG4737.Itent N 7 % for reactor coceent rivensory Wendmg eyo 4 regaement for
   ~8701130171 SALP Rept 50-280/06 09 for MayOct tese                                          re&ndent channess tw backup Wicore thermocouple readout
  • Regen 1 Omco of proctor.07/01/06. 64pp. 39256 2543925e 311. Humit.LH D. General Pimac Utsees Corp GPU Service Corg07/01/05. Sf0L2J F.

PWR Protect Drectorate 6. 3pp. 3e22e 0e630229 ora 470 tis 034e Formerde portone of repAetary operevenese rewtow conducted on esce04 13 Carten seseguarde manere sound to servens esther canadersoortRepeets com- er01210ste Noenceman of ucenese Meeeng 47413 on 47020e w/ue h tono of mente re areas meceted Ences withheld trof 10CFR73 f tp. Prumme.PA to escues kenese techrucal 4 safety review proroes & proce&re comp 6 STOL2,J F. PWR Propect Orectorate 4 87/01/OS HuklLL,H D. General Pubhc Uelk once seek pois rept. ese Corp. . GPU Service Corp. 6pp. 39291.36439291.354 CONTE.R.J 1.Ornce of Orector.07/09/14. Region t, Orace of Director. 2pp.

   .7010s        t A ee in.t .e.t Rev 8 to 1M,.t ~ ,.,mde one,,.e ,ept prmted t.               = ' ' " "          "*-

readent inspector por revow & meo Rev oche$Aed for formal sammel by 870227. HumlLLH u Generes Pubec Utsees Corp . GPU Sevice Corp e7/01/06. Record 870123019e Forwards S&W "TMt t Power Level Cutoft Removal Anetyme? In sospones Services granch (Document Corect Doet) 1p. 39210 029 39210 029' to NRC roguem ear eks rito re Secton 8 W Cyck 8 retoms rupt to venty remover of c no,we,. s,et, i,sep Rept , l. on mi=3 3, a noe of v. loves usoft hoed regaremones of term gSectone 3 6 2 4 a 3 6 2 5. u

   . g. i  .                                                                                   gHa,g,,,P,,u,,,, c,,=,,e,s            o ,c,y,; ,,,,,g;,c,,,P,g/01/ t* a coa BLOUGH.A R R              1. Omco of Overtar e7/01107 HuklLLH D. General Pubne Usesee Corp. -         Service Corp Spp 3e264 019-39264 070.                         -4701230143 "TMI-t Power Level Cutoff Removat
  • ARE.T PL pebecck & Wecos Ca e6/0e/30. 3epp. 261 30354 300.
   -4701140063 Sefery enop Rept 60 2se/eSte on M1003 31 Vloiston noted tesure to encaude m ee022e rept essenements of doses irrma emuente to anevisaase wortm9        470120 eses Forwards appeceaan for amend to Ocense DPR 60.conerveng of Tech
      **'to see Imwis'Y                                                                       Spec Change Repeat tesarovieng operatuley 4 mavemence requremente lor emer-JOHNSON D, YOUNG.F., CONTE.R Regen t, Omco of Director. 07/01/07. sapp.                          feed eeer,          heat enn grosecean       Fee pont 39264-021 39264 070-                                                                          . L,H D. General          Untese Corp G 8ervire               e7/01/23. Documere 87011403H Canceled temporary Change Peoece 1464144to Emergency Plan impes-                           8'*"'"                            Y ##            *#

e 64tS-AMP,1300 20. *1mergency Plan A q Proce&re

                                                                                           ~470m0000 he lor amend m Wem OPuconmeeng W Tech Spoo
  • General Pthec VeWees Corp . GPU Service Corp. 87/01/t3. tp 39266OSo- Change Reques %provereng operebeWy 4 mavemente regmemente for energency 39266 069 '****cerechsen0 heet eint protecean eye.

HUkiLLH D. Generet PLtes Utsees Corp. . GPU Servtce Corp. 87/01/21 8pp 87013c03se Prowdee eas in#o to emney eenne of oceans regned by emerg.ney are 3*42725036427 2se processes Actone edagetsey addrese muropes hgh imps tence foun scenero 4 tms request operator acton to operung treakers cepetde of ceueme ey ~4701290000 Propoesd Tech Spec. cones of Tech Spee Regmat tee. pro-HUsutLH D General PutAc Utsties Cory . OPU SerWre Corp e?/01/13 Record viding operebety 4 maveelance rege 10e emergency ter,anduene heet Services Branch (Document Control Doetk 2pp. 39J t 1 ceS-3eJ t 1 One omk protecton eye. 4701270007 Rev 0 to Emergency Preparednese Admmseweeve Processe 64tl.ADM.

  • Genered Pihac Unese Corp. . GPU Service Corp. 07/01/23 13pp 39427 259 39427.271.

1 1300 0 s, "Mensemen0 Emergency Properednese" W/tenemntet memo 4 change re. ( goet turnt

  • Gener Piese Utenes Corp.
  • GPU Serstre Corp. 47/0t/14 43pp 39362064-O,inspeeton reporte,lt Sueegne & corteeperidence 8701270644 Forwards manmenrod revese of tuespendent venAceton am & tot of G Aquecatory eerecependence nucenst 4eeened , ; se commelted to m respones to inep 50-200/

95 27 re G4737,nem i CA 0701270197 Preer1pe sur wurweewel of ecseerence

  • W/Carencate of Sve HumlLLH D General Piehe Uteese Corp . GPU Service Corp. e6/04/29.

HARTMAN.BM Pennoyeverse, C - _ r of plSF 2274 87/01/20 3pp MURLLY,f E. Region t, Omce of urector. epp se3e2 24430382 2Se. 303e101139361013 8701e80803 ConArme 870112 14 ogApmert <>ssinceton enep.per K General eartoopendence ereence mesene scheadat nor eroti2 Piers . endo n ans4,61210 actee telcon surMgt erot to Areas to be anspaceed based ESNETE R.S D t, Onke of Drector 46/12/24 HUkiLLH D. General PutAo 470t1ses t3 bdorme of ute orgatureannel changes Prose reisesee to changes once Usease Corp Service Corp. 3rp. Se204 2e&39204 267. CL ARet.P R General Pthec Ueshoe Corp a GPU 6ervice Corp e 7/01/08 Of MTON H R Omco of Nuclear Reactor Reguieton, Dwector (poet 451125) 10pp. 0e12230000IE hoo Notce 88107, "Erey into PWR Cavely W/Retacentes intore De-39202.147 39262 164 tortor freneese Withdroen

  • Sve see enct
  • JORDAN,E L Devimon of Emergency Propereimoes & E Reeponse Poet 0791298306 Formerde respones to teott$ & 30 spossone to steem generator the ng>

ese 4 estune verve 8301035 e6/12/fe Coneangeled Edson Ca of Ptow Yor int Jepp 30206031 SLOUGH.A R t, OHke of Caractor. 07/01/13 DAVENPORf.D. Amteson Not 39206. f34'

     #889"** "PP              I'4 3'3#8 I34 M1223000t it >fo Notce e6 toe, "Dogradecon of RCS Pressure acisidery Readeng
  ~4701284326 Regnete datumores to releasee eMeceng gadec heenh 8 ee8 sty that                From 9ano Aced Conocen" $we tot end nught occas shoued steem the fee or any                to esmndary teet of mestennel     JOHDAN.E L DMeson of Emergency Preparedrese & E                          Reeponse (Pool are acos Releend rdo enti.mtAseng two encorpse            veDBAW eind record             $30103) 06/f 2/2e Coneomistas Eeoon Ge of peow Y                 ins 04pp. 39147 04 DAVENPORT.O Conremed Mulhere a Women on TMI. e6/0e/15. BLOUGH.A R.                       3e147.47.

Repon I, Omco of Drector. 7pp 39326 21430326 224 i       eI rowe,.

recor 0,eetione re steam- a0eneratore me.or .venia rened .coi,ane on Der at *orri s** ** Had 'amertore eve aat ead JOHDAN.E L Drvieson of Emergency Preparedness & Eng eenng Response (Poet DAVI.NPOH T,D Ammaton Not Asesgned. e6/08/30. BLCUGH.AA Repon I, Omce of 83010100/12/2s. Consondeted Edson Co of Peew Yor% ene. e4pp. Se206234-Derector 6pp. 3032e 225 39326 234. 30206 u?.


                    '/4122ee141 IE Info Noece 06110. " Anomalous Behowtor of Receculeson Loop Flow in         DOCKET se>2e3 PILORIed IsUCLEAR POWER STATION, UNf? 1
                  / Joe Purne BWR Pterne." ews les enct                                                       P. Security,    modeel, emergeney

[ JOHOAN.E 030103) to/12/31. L Coneoedened OMean ofEssori Emergency Properednese Co. of New YortL. & Enemeermo anc. SSpp. 3e206.13ew Response (Poet & Gre protecten piene p 30206 231 ersto7esee Forwarde Safety ines Rept $4293/0621 on 0012'JNo violomone Rept 6420e/0&t? on 8000061003 4 nonce of noted uas performance emne emercise demoneeresed abety to enplement emergency

              / 0F010e0640       Forwardo mosenortConceme                by              Appremes Team escussed.mchneng orill*            4 proced ree a menner that orovides edequese prosececat f          neered               acteenn toetr9                                                             TIN.Y.T. Regen 1, Omco of Drector.06/12/24.LVDON.J M. Boston Edson Ca
          /            RANE.W F.               1. Omco of Utector 88/12/31. HUMILL.N D. Generaf P.fic UtlI-      2pp 3e180352 3e180356.

ese Cork . GPU Service Corp. 4pp. 3e22F 039 39227.103.


[' -4Fe1000H7 Noece of violeman 6cm map on 88000s 1003.

                                                                                                              - 87e1970300 Emergency Prepare @ese ines Rept 94293/0430 on se12061 t. No vio>

temone noemdMasar erese mapectedeconsee pareal pereapeton ermuel emergency esercios portarmed on se1210 u Repon 1. Omco of Drector.06/12/31. den 39227 043 3e227 044.


THOMAS.W., LAZARUS,W J. Region t. Omco of Otractor. 06/12/23. epp. 3e100354-

 -                  -87steese71 Inso Rept 54200/0617 on ee00061003Vnoissone nosed                                3e100 368.

not ah CONTE.R. BLOUGHA. Regon 1. Omco ector. 06/12/23 e7pp 30227047 efsteese74 Forwarde Safety knep Rept 90 2e3/es.38 on ett02424 & noece of vioneson Reeponse to noece of molemon should anclude oceans to aprove pertom> ence re eseed deecsencies m era protecton proyant 30227 103. JOHNSTON.W V Reson I. Omco of Drector.86/12/30.LYDON,J M. Boston Edson ct toeg, Co. 2pA 3e214.18S42t4 201. eFet tas100 Forwarde SALP Rept 64200/06-0e for "s"e"s.'.""sek3* Cort aW.6,'a' e U t P"" '""* '** -aui== - , - -u,-==4a

  • Regen 9. Omco of Owector. 06/I2/30. 2pp 3e2t4.147 30214.Ite.
                    =efett301Ft SALP Rept $4200/0600 ter May-Oct tess                                           4701000001 enep Rept $4293/e438 on 06102424.Two vietetene noted & evee
  • Repon t Omco of urector.07/01/06 Sepp 38256 2$430250 3t1. nome romeri poecoved m are protocean progrent mmete,t . . Noec,e Ren ve e - w o,edet-, gt,E;rtem^,6 tao'aa" "aa '- ' * * * = ' " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
  • Ecc m WRe- ees .,.,oo,.

e Omm R 3 37 on 08 JOR,OAN,E

                       .30 031 87         L,wo.on    of Emergenr.y Coneotote.      E ao Pr,o,pered,                o =,1 m Ca - Yo ness & E"t":'hespones.(Poet   eye,o,een,m,F,orweJe
                                                                                                                 ,10eeste osese conce           Safe,ty n ,e inse- Rept e e 6420.e,/0,6,ce  eeeofpwoe,.102111,24,e&

o,eceo n,o 3021 F 067. e to edwees hardware &

                                                                                                                 @e.mWa  Weseng . we he er           ator. e6/ ta/3 s. LYoONNemrneec flameLeo con Ee mii40m ro,wa,. .efot, inep Rept .4m,eSte on .=ui . F.ece .                                   m,e ur#m" 1. Omce   3. t . of east
                       .<                                             ww                                                                                    ep o U.Ou.ose e Corp. n.  O,=e,,of Co 3 p.,mee.,4 3        0. 074.uim N a o.ner.             . R. n 1.0 =e of o,u,o,,,

Fe,00 u t N,oece o, ., ec .. som,,m,n .m3 ,n, .m m 021.m,.4.

                   -8F0114000s Noace of violeeon kom esp on tet003 31.                                        -470te0034e                   642e3/8437 on to1021 1124 Violaeone noted inadogaste in>
  • Regan 1. Omco of Croctor. 07/01/0r. tp. 39264 022 3e264 021 non of are samme regaemenes 4 mod.

INS.J. Regen t. of Ovector.06/12/23. afpn 3021933139219351.

                   ~47e1140063 Ses esy Map Rept eatee/eSte on00100131 Vicionan reted talwe to e70100e424 Forwards Mgt Mosene Rest 60 203/06 41 on set 124 Conceme re slow re-er.eude n d ene aimundwy se022e rept seeeeemente of dosee from emuents to inevabele wortung eponse to artanes a weennessee m areatmosmeno conoce of worse overnme.nre JOHNSON.D. YOUNGf., CONTEA Region 1. Omco of Director. 47/01/07. sepp                     prosecean a escurey resed. Perses ese or eterne nouse anot 39264 0213e264 070.                                                                       KANE.W Repon t. Omco of Utrector 86/12/31.LYDON.J M. Boston Edson Cct 7pp.

3e228 2S&30220038. ined te se Come=eo , o.,,,e,,, 64 mitmee verwee .L .om. JOnoALMatheme.nca#Noece 87, 0,A ,Ana#rwe".sve n of Em rep e wee ser.enct

                                                                                          - R e-,oet            8781000000 et.         eus o "f Mosene  n    R7ere 293/0641    w on- es1124 Masor . M.e areast h-+ plant 8101031 31/01/13 Consondated E$ eon Co. of New Y                Inc. 07pp. SeJ00 30e-     contamment enhancemert 3e301063.                                                                                 WlorVHSJ. Regmn I, Office of Director. est t2/ to.133pp 39220 2es-se22e 038.

mimm acepona = NRC == - - noiad m Map aspt 6 2=e* mmec ame . ,me 4,403. -s,e.enon , Na,e,.us . tow to.a. na 3ecorrecove woonettR eso2s leeued & Pipmg & Instrumentaton Diagram wee e ser en JOHDAN.E L DMeen of Emergency Prepare @ese & Engmoenng Response (Poet M21e Sheet 2 neued on es11Ie to recorve dewing europenry LYDON.J M Soeton Edeon Co. 87/09/08 KANE,vy Repon t,Omco of Director Sep. 010103) 87/01/95 Coneohdated Edson Co of New Yorti, Inc. esop 3e324 025, 3e300 003-3030s DeF. 39324112

                                                                                                                                                        *~ era - m1>o w'an no0=a ' a =

mt-m,,Non=.e. , ue- Meeens croi, on mm e, s.neeu,,n to .a. , g r h g Omco =em, w w n R 1,O=e ,=e r ,,, m;> :aa-eg@t* ,,, y;,Ny,Ga"orff, * =

  • mmit asea t. omeo a ===

n ee,t e ope.or,e re,orte . ,e.ete. eerree,endense ' '-aa * *d-'aar *'= 0701070404 Forwards Endorsement toe to N6'LIA Policy NF tet.Erwtaresment 90 to e?st270240 Monehty operaery rest lor Dec teos W/070119 nr MAELU . MF68 Endorsement F to NELIA Cerencese M 31 & Endaresment F to SMfTH.C W . HLmit L M D General Puhac Utetoe Castp.

  • GPU Service Corp telt2/ MAf LU Car MJt St. 7pp 3e363 33139363 330 0CONNOR.DJ. Meren & McLarman, ine. M/12/30 OlNITZJ Aemetant Drector tor state a ucensee Reiesonst app seieo342 3eiso346 ePet130131Ferwarde TMI-t tuweehey status rest for 081212 28 NRC conunued to mone ear roueno piare opereenne eurme coed erwedown 4 associated outaae acewmee CONTE.R J. Reynn 9. Omco of drector 81/01/06 SLOUGHA R. degon 9, Omce of P. Opereeng seense stage documente 4 eerroependonee Director 4pp. 3v2491013024e 10s.

Gretteette Forwarde *Paytra Nuclear Power Stanon Receouleton inlet thermal efettistes Forwards The t tismeouy status rept kr 80122487010e NnC conenued to goes,e Mack.Up p atstcason and Evalueenn," per $30eJe order re IGMX; mnrutor tousne peant operesone channg cats enuksown a eseociated ousage erevees water chemesey chosen as meemd of pr son of KMOG CON f E.R J 1. Omce of Drector 37/01/15.BLOUGHA R Repon f, Omco of Lv .J soecon Edson cm er/01/02 Ot NTON H e of tear Reactor Director. Syp J2F OS& 3e327 000 Regusenorg Orector (poet SSI125k 2pp 3e200 046 30290 234. t I

                   #Fe190010e Forwarde "TMI Ammine seudy Monthsy Rapt one Dec 19e8 *                          -87e1190224 " Pilgrim Nuclear Power staton Receculeson hist Thermal 84eeve Moce.

Rf SSLER.W C General Pitihe Valmet Corp . GPU Servers Corp. 07/01/15. Up Fatmcemon t iveaueerm a HICME Y,C, NRC , No Detaled Afftenon GNort 14 30!!88 214 3e30s 2n ISHU2AKA.E T , OOHOUN e M , $ AYRE.E D Oeneral fleceto Co PMAes of. 06/10/ l 31 1efpp. 3e2o0 044 3e2eo 234. ( -efe120e223 "TMt Aquese Saurty MontNy Rept tar Dec 1964"

  • EA Engmoortne, Sosence & Tecfmology. Mc.80/12/31. 600. Se38e 21S3eles 223 0?stetetot With* ewe 891115 es,mcanon tar ernand to Lkenee DPR.34, chegere fech Spee Sectan 4 F A 2 g regame prenary cames torerf tar groes leakap tiv review of eneriang eye eneh.mment to be co e torpaemente.

G Operator Esarn6nettene LYDON.J M Boston edeem Co. 07/01/01 EWOllteSAI) A. SWH Protect Directnrete 1.1p 30214 044-Je214 048. efst 13e tes Formerde SALP Rept 60 288/06 se ter MayOct t ene. 47s19es202 Advisee set t.pseet enr rev to reeentnipcal W plan apprrrved per MuttLEY.f E. Regan t, Omco of Deertre et/01/04 HURILL.HO. Generes Pubec p,senceaan sus an um est010 nr a e4ttas order moer ne v evenne Asproved Vehese Corp

  • Giv Service Corp. 3pp. 3e2Se 254302Se 31 t- commntee c & oaalencetane of commmee members romaneted MunLEY.T E. Regkm I, Orlice of Desctor eF/01/14. LYOUN.J M poston Edson Co
                   .efs119e17i sat P Rept 60 fee /se et for keep Oct tone                                         ppp, ag30s tgg.39306143
  • Repon 9.Omco of Ulrector eF/01/06. e4pp 30294 25&Se25e 311.
                                                                                                               ~8Fe19002ee Remsette rev to r.eutngcal improvement plan,                    er2ierhie hs 07010000e7 Generte Ltr 8741 to as power reactor kenesee a appecante hr OL re                   corettetson of Phase 0 artees curvime aree mode a mesof of             mang mgt ever-er           of NRC operator scenesgesam quesson bert Sve est onct                        of redoingical ecDvees        84112e order mrmtepng th ense Nf 0N H R.        .e of Nucteer Reactor Hegusenorg Director (post ett125) 07/01/       L DON.J M Boston 6deori             06/10/30 MunLEY,f L Repon t.Omce of Director.

00 Aearvhc CNy Electrts Cct 44pp. 30J04 060 3eJ04 y12 3pp 39300 ta1-3e306163.

1 i 1 { se oocumvuo naus i j .,,,g, ,,.,.,,,y"e.e e .r.,, e . ., e. ,,, .

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ma  ::y::rzmllla,,",,*t:2,ac:ll6sc4 ce,,. ,, 3'8'9F. ,F-.h. tit"c "Jl=rL_ w e,r *. v'.T:ll%* lim.M 1 nel h) 3043E107 3048610E l 4

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4 470,0F0008 Enie,g.ney ,,ess,eeses in.o Rept 96303/e0$. en atta.St1. ,co vs

                          """a'ee" s                       en       2
                                                                                                                  "    "'I     OMitagm E Info pt.e.o 07400 Sensee Oban.seen of W                        :

LAZARUS.WJ. Repen 1. O e of Deects,. ./12/31 e.,L Icts g 80 Inte . . nWy into PW,1 Covey W/ Retest.ase 1,,.Cs e D E 4

                          =l'4"O,i"A"c"e*,.A:lIrie'. hon
  • v'erlll*ba,",L ." W "". '"gg'"'" "** """ * " * "" '** "" 'de, ei N
.;.,,,.,=,,;geg=;.,, g,,,og,s.e.n ac - , as 0001 %. 7/01/14 J0m0AN.E 12/20 L. Onas.n E m Coneofed .Eme.d,g.ncy Ed.en,rese.,ee.,.e C of s &, YInn. 04,e. pense (,ess et 30107800 E pestem. ses,se.g ,eps,te & ,ed ed es, 88 8000000 indo 04100," eyn Feei.e m Ser.e Oue.t Ve,ve cemeng Pen.e,de ,007 enumen G.f.Deusa e. 4
                          # " "" N tSIIs""c M e. Y.nm.". Iak"'Is"'oe",","S"s"eem                                                                                                                                                   !
                          '"J                                                                                      e Y. I....

t'*seria/si. .aM er. Itset Of99800014 ,,cos. eesee.n of 8,2 .I protegge. nesse.eue Stausne a we DI.,s.s Me,1, en FOLA.o,e.e.t.8., Ee b e to cent sw.e sed.ournent. OE pt. nee, m ,e WA.lueng ey ,m &,.dve, Yenhos .* W/00t le j So.a.n MA 12/ O,II d6 LEY.O. O,vi.e.n of Nui.e end hduRLEY,TE. les.n1, Recorde app. 3034011438800 t tt SO M 8. I SM f er h.s 300/ en nos.e g g [OM 88#1/St 795 WMitG. f W f 4/30. LYOONJ. Desi.n Ee n mgm p Fe, me ma,64t mm., so.smed enasen 4 t"ae humbly on.e,y w m.s gg

                         * * = ' . =                         '-                                                                                                             g
C.r.'4,st g'"to*ecTage w...oue,= a . e 479teggeN W0 e tht300.
  • Repen I,ON.o .e ofe of we.let.,n D ects be,n app et/12/30. inep300to en 001004.

107-30814108. 709000001 in.p 84300/4438 en 00108694 fee vest no n.e.d 4 Wees 0 A M.R.W.n1.0m.e

".".'.38'u"tr="f*.",4,:ilUI'""e.'"To ee,one., mn 3, 1

3001410EL30814 801. 38980 149et enas pees.e e6 t10, 'Ane.netous to.iove., of Messeudeten Le.p Flow m

                         #"   e., gYO          e,                 p, peredne.      & v E"K"'::%",7"."".t,ses                                               m
                         .J e,                .t. ca e, m",e,               a e..e.e.,                           . 1.                       - s s" eg                                .
                         = >>*                                                                                                   0m. 888 7 LSM,OS406,,#.en.g.eet,"'Fi".'s.

t'7' ir"Jotiil" Time .,,.,. = . t. DMtegette Fe,.are. Sess.y in.o Rest 963e9/0637 en 00 0810184 & n.e.e of

                                                                           , ,,,n,.,_ees,e                                                    on i                                                               eng gp,,9,w,eee.                                                                        .       co -           ;       r,,,_ : eems,m.:    ,

to ei

                                                                                                                                                                              ,,,,,,,,. , gees , , , , , , ,a ,,,,,,,


                                                                                                     -eMteFeof t Pechase of esft vote to NUREG/CR.4SSO re core damese keEluency eM10ee004 LER.4642040an set 223. lose of preferred opsto power & tieshower oc-                      kom anlemal events & NUREG/CH-4700 re contamment event enspree for Masa=*

curved stulo are insulators were being weened Caused tg omd 4 aprey to erk to seehmg mouiaiers evengmened W/010:22 nr severe eccedente for hoted meulatore GRIMSLEY.D H. Science internemonal Corp. (formerly Saence Apphc* L .8 P., LYOON.J M. Boston Eeson Ca01/01/22. 5pp. 3e392.335 39392 330 tione, inc4 06/12/19. 2.000pp. 391et.0044e101120 ersteesset Forwards WCAP 113M "Desarmnemon of Best Esemese Copper Consent it. Operecer Esemineesene n Zen 9 & 2 Reactor Vessel Softhne Region Gnecal WeldC lor revise & to docie ment areas eveney mund icacceptable eMietees? Genene tw 0701 to es power reactor hceneses & apphcents for OL re LEBLONO.PC C_ _.

r. Edson Co. 06/12/2e DENTON,H R Olhos of Nudeer pidiac ev of NRC operator scenomg esem quesmon banh Svc het once Reactor Reipseton, Dwector (poet OSI12SI epp. 39217 050-302170. 06 DENTON.H R of Nucteer Reactor Replehan, Director (reet eSt12S). eF/01/

De. Allenec City Electnc Ca 44pp. 3s304 Cee-3e304112 =e7010e0446 *Desernuneton of Best Esamete Copper Coneere in Zen f & 2 Reactor veeees eenene Cnecal Weede " SAtkEY.k R., DOS 2 L. MARSHALL,J A. Wesenghouse Oseme Cczp. WCAP-DOCetET 046304 eIICMIGAN eTATE UtetV. fttetARCH REACTOR t t3m ee/11/30. 34pp. 39217 004 39217 0e8. efetecteH Fonnerde usu toeponse to mevisbol eeues da-=e et es1211 re

    & Inspeetten reporte, IE Busellne 4 corroependence                                                  OCROR,per NUREG4737.nem 10.1 trWo needed 10 resofve soeuse um he                        try erstese274 Forwerde nonce of vioisson wom map on esce1S26 Noace roeuM of NRC WONO.PCC_---~                         Eeoon Ca88/12/30 DENTON H R Oftco of Nucteer
        *** '                                                                   '"                      Reactor Repleton, Drector (poet eSt125). 77pp. 3e21T.157 3021F.230.

g, ehtir ecer be" K PPLE J Reipon 3 Orhc rst Dr eel 2/20. TE RY.S H. Mictugen State p p SPDS." por e31206 & e40622 its A8 correceve oceans use tuo corsguiete try SF12J1 W/o encl.

    =e70tese000 Noace of -tosecon kom anup on esoste 4 26Vloisson notod eres ree,                       LEBLONO.P G Commonweenh Eeean Co. eo/12/31 DENTON.H R Once of Nucesar econ                sys centre kom tee 11964 60100% m error ese to incorrecify cela>            Reecer Resudeton, Duettor (pool 0$1125). 2pp. 30224 342-30224.343.

lated reeston s escociated m/Co40 cents source LEPPLER.J G. Regen 3. Omco of Dwector tot 12/2e 1p, Se1S4 057 3e1S4 057. e70100e018 Discusses reeune of was review of apper of WCAP.11tes to metafy remaremente of NUREG4737,TMI Acean atom N K.3 31. epeaec enelyse not re-DOCKET es tes Dose NUCLEAR POWER ST ATION, UNIT 1 ONO.P DENTON.H R OMice of Nutfear Re.ctor Re.C e Comm.onesel,s,h o ecor os St125)te. 0,8,/12/31p

                                                                                                                                                            .non Co. 3021immtr=
                    '                                                                                0701130400 Forwerde roeponse to esttIP rersueet for edit meo to echoedse for se 8701300411 Revised genene generstmg staten                                   environe ate emer-       E                                   es n Co e      l'/0e     T H R 08 Ace of Nucteer React r Rogueston,' Director'(post e61125) 5pp. 302So fee.302Se 201.

LP'*",,M*o, cup Ac o"f"conserasen"ce'" "* KENEALY.D M C_ - _ . J. Eeoon Ca 84/12/31.100pp. 3e310 287 3e3110^6 g 7 g ,,

                                                                                                         'C            ~ 2 Edson Ca05/08/06 epp. MS0 271402Se 270.

eFOteoseM Ace eerset of te1021 ler forwerene Rev e to generetne stenone emerger> cv osan to be argnemented n Feb 1987 Change to f atHe e 3 9 re nace of cananderesson el avecueton eme seemete edo einne unste decesonmemme unacceptabte -efti140tal Rev 0 to 2L.e17 E. aseeem Oenereine A Loves Channet riedrorace?

                                                                                                         ' Commomveenh Eeaon Co. eS/0e/12.13pp. 392Se 270 302Se 201.

f SHAFER.W D. Repon S. Omce of Oroctor e7/01/0s. REED,C. Commonmoelth j Eesonca 3pp as2040314e204033 eft 1300437 Estende mystemon to parecease m 070120 woreehop in CPecago,lL on NRC 47013 eses 2 Forwerdo commerwe on 001023 pen e ,ev to ten emergency acean inresent mveeteenan Promem W/o steeed oncee levens (t Ales 4 steportmg PWR EAL phdonophy document Commente on Le SeNe IEEPPLER,J G R I Omco of Oractor. 01/01/10. REED.CL CommuneseMh

)        ornooemd EAte a en once                                                                         Eeson Ca 3pp.             I 1524930t164 btAFER,W D Rewnn 3 Omco of Director e7/01/12 REED.C. C_._.                              r Eeoon Co 6pp 3s38S 243 3e3e$ 247.

070127eMe Prowwtee espoemon of human factors Anrente re technrel menort etr (Tsct Resoluson of Anange not procaces muran constrants of emetog tec eue Conet to NRC set 104 nr te violetone noted a Repte e0-scheesie ser istger tec we te prownses ey erotot 0701130ses accan z Eeoon Co 01/01/10 DENTON H R Ornce of Nuclear 295/0e 23 4 304/0422 on 800e231014 Corrective actone j tenen semanet moviduet who teemd to process veNe 4 Ll eLONO Reactor P C C ,-Oroctor Regutenon ~- (poet elt12Sk 2p0. 3e311347410311340. N Edson ' 08/12/05 kEPPLER.J G. Regnun 3. Omos F ARRAR.D L. C _ _ of Drector. 6pp. 30241320 3024 t 324 eF0130e31e Advises of review of emerceos development pian lor e70e23 federei Asad esercsee Recommende that ANI engmeets mvor m ey run pienned ear seversi .no essore reme sus om.ved m operatume locanonsetussees parecipate it inso Noece estof.

  • Envy ine PWR Cevey W/ReeecteMe ir> core oe.

HARW ARO.J E. Arnoncen Nucasar insurers e F/01/23 WEISS.8 N. Incedent Reeponse tector trw%ese Witmeown " eve set enes JOHOAN E L. Diviemn of Emergency Propareeises & E Reaganee (Post > dirench. tp 3943t 138-Je431.13e Inc. Oopp. See0e031-e10103k 0s/12/29 Conocedeced Eeean Co. of Peew Y 30206.13e 4 aneuronee 4 bidemnity Informaten et12290001 IE Info Noece 04100. "Deeredemon of RCS Pressure Soundary Renunmg From Bono Acad Corrosion " eve het and ePO1300400 Forwarde Endnreemente 2.4 4 e to NEllA Cerencatee 4 tot. 4 014 N 43 JORDAN.E L Omeson of Ernergency Preparednees & E Response (Pool

         & E ndorsements F to NELiA Cartrhcetoe 41.N 2. N-3.P6 29.430 N.42,443,respoo,                                                                                       Inc. 04pp 30101000-t e30903). ee/12/29. Consondated Edson Co of fece Y l

Uvery e Eme)reemente 2 4.9 4 7 to ested MAELU eerencatee sete7 te1. OSTER.J C _ r. Eseon Co e7/01/12 DiNifl.L Asentent Owector for Stele

         & Lacensee Redemars 2tpp. 39Je1336 3030F 3Si se12230000        lE Info.No'ece oreisee464 Forwards Enemmerve 4 es = NEuA Poecie. Nr.277. pep.                           Rod ineereon"     sv een once e4100, "Olepfveern Feetro in sorem Ouest Vefve Ceuems; JOHOAN.E L DMemn of Emergency Properceiene & Engnmenng Respones (Poet                      ,

i 43 pef 2S3.NP ter & NF.2014 Endorsements to llF,23.00 & F4 to MAELU Poetsee e30103) ee/12/29 Conocedoted Eeson Ce of pese Yorti, ine, espek 30ece236-MF t 94 MF.22.MF 104.MF 64 4 MF ed.respectNery 3e206.327. OeTERJ C_ --- N Eeenn Co 01/0t/12 DiNitt.L Asestant Drector for State 4 Lx.eneet Renamone Ifpp 39392 012 39302 022. et12900141 IE Info Noece et.110. "Anomeioue Dehavior of Rececadenen Loso Flow in

'                                                                                                         Joe Punip DWR Pienes? Svo est once JORDAN.E L DNimon of Emergency Prepare @oes & Enynearmg Respenee (Post P. Opereeing seenee esote eseumonte 4 eerroependenee                                                 e10103 ee/12/31 Coneoedgoed Essen Ca of Peew Yore, inn. 09pp 30e06130-30206 31 l    eMtecost4 ANALYSIS OF CORE DAMAGE FREQUENCY FROM INTERNAL EVf Nf 9 fiON UNtf f                                                                          eM18N447 Forwards Rev 0 to "toirwyr Meyecal Survesence for Urdt 14 Finf>Vr WHEELER.T A. Sense Nasenal (aborekmes FIN A 122e NUftEQ/CR-4560 Vnf                              Yleusi survesence for und N et lion Penemer Genereene toesn,"        s        mevemense ee/ to/39 DMeson of Reactor System Safety (Poet ee0720t 106pp. 30112 298                         rest flesamt rept concerne tese survesence of contenmere nome toneemmg eye.                r 30 t 13 042.                                                                                    PUMLG J Commomusann Eenon Ca 81/01/02. Ptenord servense Grench (Desument                   '.

I Cortof Deen 2 pet 3Nos 202 so3100eo. eMtesess2 Appecanon for amend to tscensee DPR 30 & DPR 4e correctrig nunar erroreconmeeng of cienncemone a typism recentty approved reautopcal emuent 47013e0444 Rev 0 to "toebvr Phyaced einvenance for Urut t & Fwih. Vr Visual Sur. fern .e Fee pad centun," movemerce rept

                       .P C C-        . N E4 eon Ce ett12/1e DENTON M R Omce of %tteer                    vesence for Urw N et lion Peucteer Gener LEst                                                                                              DRONAHS.D. INRYOIA pa touts of enland                  Co ) 08/08/1F. etfpp. 3e30s 304-Reactor Requieson,~Dweces (poet eti125) 2pp. SeJ04 20139204 324 30310 000.
     =470teostos Prwoeod roerAoqpres eNIuent f acti space
  • CommonweeMh E$ eon L4 se/12/te 32pp 39J04 29130204 324. efettfeell Forwards PeRR esft kviA to SALP revise he parend Oct tees . feev tees. fur review 4 commente Commente receNed by e10100 es he conodored Wi enel eM10Feete Parted respones en FOIA cornest for &cuments re contamment eved rese r ear em nuc6eer power piante App 9 documente once 4 avenebee m POR Repte for ten .RiS.J A PWR Progect Oroctorees 3 87/09/OS peOVAs(.? W Devision of Pteena.

tred Weeer Reactor Lacensing . A (poet 841129) MIRAGLIA,P J Ouvison of Pressa. 4 t e4ese pienre enN eesng preparef. ared Weser Reertnr tronenql . 8 (poet e%t129) SERNERO.R Devimon of Beeng GRWSLEY,0 H DMeson or Rulee and Records. et/12/10 GHOLLY.S. MHS Techre. col Aescootes 3pp. 391e100t 30tet t20 Weier Reactor (BWR) Lscenang 1 Opp, 30102 0J' 0-30t92 046

                                                                                          -_ _. _ _ = .                        __ -

l SS DOCKETEDITEMS 8013800181 IE 1rdo Notco 87401,RHR Vehe heestyiment Causes Dogadation of Repte 60 25./06 44. 64280/06 44 & 60 ECC8 m PWRe" eve est eru1 87013e0100 Forwarde N /06 44 on 361216 perteny te trol 10CF R2 withheed Foo inep& F3 21)No violetone or devie4Kme note JORDAN.E L Dhamon of Emergency Preparednese & Response (Post ZECH,0 G. Regan 2. Omco of Drector.07/01/16. WHITE,8 A Tennecess VeNey Ae> ! 030103) e7/01/CE Coneoedeced teson Co. of how Y inc. 38216 318 thoney 2pp. Sease 0014eJee ce3. 30217.057.

                                                                                                          -0F01800188 Pe1ispy withheld Phyacal Secunty ineo Rapse 64250/9644.$0 280/06 OMt14 esse Forwerde e&B info re pented.provmena#y yarded & dermed remel requeste                         44 & 60 2e6/e644 on to12161e { ret 10CF R2 F90 4 73 2t) No vuotatone noted Mapor som es nense of AsME Code be second enerves ===vice inne proyen.p                                      wese mapeew mot eneceven ee . eecwey pray n.

000004.06 4 23 toiconst ENPetS.J D. Repon 2, Omco of Director. 07/v1/ tS.19 39380 063-36300 063. LESLOND.P.C. CommonweeNh feson Co 87/01/07.DENTON.H R Omco of Nucteer Reactor Repslaeon, Drector (post 861125) 6pp 3e264 209 39264 211. $Pe1970ee8 Roguente est M Grotenhuse & GE Gears.upon metet compasson of appropnees TVA terung be pented unrecorted access to protected veel areas of eMtstesef Formerde AEOD SALP e input to LERs A _ ;inecates enprovement tecseep Cershcoton et cieerence enct m essesy Wore s e reeng recoved dunng lose seeeemment to current 40 MULLER.D R. BWR Directorate 2. 07/01/20. WHITE.S A. Tennseees veney A . _; pened covers Oct tees Peow 1988 Authoney app. 39379 t Jo379 tot UUS.C E. 3. Osece of Drector. 81/01/00. REED.C. Commonweelin 1 Eeean Ca Sept M 24440320 297. SM1300073Noenceann of 87021I mee wied alutd to 'eaa== 10CFR60, App R GROTENHUIS.M. BWR Propect Drectorate 2. ST/01/27. MULLER.D R. SWft Protect SMllM IE Info Noece 87 "tnadequete seemse Queenceman of Diepfvegm Drectorate t app. So446 0s4-so4e6 0s6. vefwee by Melhamencel Modeene Anafyse " Svc est enct JORDAfd,E L Dhimon of Emergeruy Preparedress & E Reeponse (Poet 830103) 87/01/13 Conocedsted feson Co. of New Y enc. 07pp 3eJ00.308* H General eerreependence 5 30301 063. SM IE Info Noece $7403, "Soyogenon of Hersdous & Low Level Red- dated est br e A 8% R

                                                                                                                                                = ~ TON  ^                 ,

n "bg C u N NaC + Om ~ ~ ee-g

                                                                                 .epone. ffios,                    cum-* C->

JORo.. 0F/01/16. L Dm.on of E o , ,m,e, Conacedeced Esson Ca of & NewEr,Yere, m ,.o$pst Inc S 3e324 03 gwt opp 3930e 2O393ee 2tt 30394 12. j P. Opereseng soones stage desismenes & eervoependense R. PortesNe opereams reports & roasted terroependonee j 4F81970077 fotA resseet tar repte se hrese noor een aner especanone temeng at AUS pe170 Oso.

                  .         [J.         -

E e6/0 /32 12pp. 39170079 CHsW.W J TTI Engmeermg 38/12/0& NRC e No Detated Arneston Ofvert tp. Je378 Pit 3e370 221

  ! 0701800408 Corrected monthly opereeng repte for Oct #998 W/001208 ler                                 SFefees977 Appecetaan for amende to Licanoes OPR43.DPR 52 & DPR44, I   AUSTIN Q, PUML,G.J. Commoneselm Eecom Ca 08/10/31. 3pp. 3943135s.                                      fern          a to cien#y survetence reguremente Inr                    eged contrat sys Fee seestsea                                                                                               DOedt .J A fenneesee veser Ausnoney 06/12/2J                           LER.D R. SWR Protect Dk rectorete 8. 3pp. Se1SJ 251-JeiSJ ISF.
<   SM1990eet Montrify opereeng repes for Oct 1980 W/.I t05 ler ARGYRISIL, PuheLQJ C_ _                     _7 Edenn Ca 08/10/36.12pp. 36432 015-                   -470f000100                      Tech space clardpng survesence regnements for eiendiy Se432 0M                                                                                                        coreof SMt tastle                   eene repts br Dee tete W/0F0to AUSTIN G, PL             J    C_. __ _ Z Edson Co 0 s/12/31,    Mr tipp, 39249 266                  $F010003e2 Forwente revised meervice pump 4 vefve tooeng                         amper Ashot Code 3024 t 277.                                                                                            Secton 31 & 100FR90 56e Rev enound resoeve previousey                                 queesone 4 conreme Progem enocove Ior escend 120-monm ineervice                           meerves GRIOLEY.R. Tennessee vesey                           08/12/23 MULLER.D . BWR Protect Db S. Reporteese m -                  Lane a resseed eerrespondonee                                         raiorew t Isopp. seise 2eo.3eie0 is ,

0791000840 Noenos that NRC we conde t workshop on 0F0218 4 Reqpon N personnel


0F01479006 LER 86443@on 861204 auteetert of eve water pump 18 occurred ese to movement of eve weeer pump men careet swech kom a e>mca to orier Inp we corvhset woreshop on 8702te m Apense.GA re rindent enveengamon & perforen. j fame ti, mod re secondary undervoltage protecton /870102 ly enre enticolore a operecer _

          . MARE N,H J , F ANPelNG,Q , PUM(Q.J C_ ._ __ ..           J. Esson Cg $,/01/02                    GRACE.J N                   2. Once of ortar 96/12/23 WHITE.S A fenneesee Valley app 3020136430201389.                                                                                  Authorey #pp.           2t9 3113e21e 312.

} 0791470004 SMf.f 80938 LER o

                               .           nue,.E,S.F.edactussen I12 om                 io un e     ed               o,ccu.rred iD tm       ed Forwarde renunme  = eso ie"DCADR  eorume=y   Summary      Rept,* perecton on= Correcev.            NUREG.4737,fMI p n esmed Acton   w n.em engiply Caused procedures not edessemg ested uWo Proceewree rev,oed W/6 9107                           mom redowgn a repreeeres best poseede #n for een sey<enseed dennerv1se Mr                                                                                                     GRIOLEY,R fenneesee Vesey Authorey 06/12/30, MULLER.D R. DWR Propect Ob HOLDEN.L t., PUML.O J. r_              _ _ r. Edson Ca 0F/01/07. 4pp 3e241013                          rectorese 3. topp 30aoo0013e20s ist.

30249 01S. 0791140143 Reessets desmied secuneman of ee0004 tip of Urne I emer eseal =4701979388

  • tennenese vesey "DCRDR Summar.y Aushorey Rept
                                                                                                                                                      /12/31. eeSpp* se2000tt-M20t 136.

e= earwg esseng Further review of response to it guesen 00+s, 'E Meest "reoned 9701180t74 Forwarde el rept evalueton of NEDE-310e&P, "AfWS, to VARGAJ A PWR Progect Drectorate 3. 8F/01/07. FARRAR.0 L. C. ._._ __ - NRG ATWS Ruse.1 R$o e2. tar ret to support pienl apecsflo endimntes. Ed een un 3pp 3e200 35t.3e200 3S3 shoukt sehoes conemone stated in evekseeon por eternese eye selecte . f o.f ARs.o a swr Pro,fee. ort ownlarew 2 eF/01/Os. WHitt.s A fenne.d ority 3pp 392S2 2 8 302S2 i V. Operecer E . 879148e047 Genene Lv 4741 to es power reactor scenesee a apterante sor OL re OF918tetta Forwards roepones e PsRC $$t10. remacet.ent s mM Intot mg em eurroney re Name up- f.f 13 & 1 of PeRC operator oc enem queston bank Svc est once a t t 6 of toGenen.e menh hem te 21 e12e usiinto Adie nucasar wel beesper.nce mv13 I Nf0N.H R. of Pdur.teer Reerior Assaryg IV N I- vasey 01/14 ttR D M. Omre of Acteer

08. Atenes Cay Electie Ca 44pp 39304 ces 3e304 g,D, rector (poet S6I125) 07/01/ Reactor Repaleolon, Drector (poet 51t ) dop 30320 3&Je320 3M 9791330las Noenceton of 4701to mesent w/vea et Demoede MO to demsee methode 4

DOCR$7 94L3ee SROWIIS FtRRY 8eUCLEAR POWER StA7100s, Usett 3 gggggg Propset Drectorees 4 opp. 39366 29tr30354 8'le g of ge

    "='"- *"- a" "a a'**'*a aa'                                                                           mim              ,.wan,e se e, m ece se to, was e, mi t. . .

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                                                                              -*ee***                        ","e="Ji'."s"e"onTrv '"epp'"4' 2                           "JAfa' ,;."  "" '^""^ ""

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                . R.0,se,e p., en,s.a. eem.Ert--dc.eCtm.o  e a< at.rca.or 2'"eL'D d"e"nt C"o",.E",ed"*,",*IeM*A ev"
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e , ,0 ,_.,s,e.,e,c.,r,,.n, par,e n t .e,, to, en.r to.e. i.e, ee.reen.n enrA 0F01190014 Forwende request for eef meo re 661120 torpseed to essete regnement har k l NYOPG. J PWR Prolact OWecWwete 4 87/0t(20, PWM opect Dres,turees 4 copp annual choose et emake detector sensitivey to tie made per enfg spece Heeponse to, 30445 104 30446 143. enhen 80 of ler sense

      ,,,,, =.,,M, ,,g,g, gee                                0 7,0 t m -f .. . t-u,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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storintet esegy* review eseculetone tot of enendsee enca mle.4 94 ,.e,de . nee R.p.e om, . 0,.0,0.= . m, . en GROF t70 .M eWR Propect Dwettorees i 87/01/15. SWR Proper;t Owectorate i seti1e a14 25 peo vinsesons ITCH.O G Reginn 2. Ofere et Drei.tur or demenon.e nosed

                                                                                                                                                                  /12/22 WHlit.5 A tennessee Vesey A.

epp, 30103 35430303 360 thorey 2pp avst4 019 302t4 027. i i l 1

DOCKETEDITEMS 59 eMtegeme Formerde TVA Now tese montify rept on testse of E i of open

    -470teeMee anep flecto $425e/043e.54200/0430 4 64290/se.34 on Mt1to-                                .- .~ ; re se riuc6 ear pnenteJier accetr er No conceme ceased shring pened of 26 Ne veannone or dmassone noted Mesor areas mesected meerwece map of Uret 2 &                 et110128 Peset edess ow to proveled try nos.Jan t007 Wto ence.

aeone for reactor vessel P&2 nonte se ro-end repeacernent. ORIOLEY,R L Tennosome Vasey Autorey. 08/12/22. ZECH.G. Regeri 2, Omos of Ok j YJ L. PsEwSOME.R W SLAKE.JJ. Repan 2. Omco of Drector. M/12/00. rector. Ip. See14.t34-30214134, 7pp. 30214 021,30214 027. set 3080000 IE Info Noece 86107. " Envy into PWR Cavey w/Retectable tr> Core De- spotitesse Forwards meaWy echoede of TVA actMeme tar she of e70112 & to THOMPeON H L 08 Ace or Nuclear Reactor Repslaeon, Drector fpoet M1126). eF/ tector traveses Weidreen." Sve het ens 1 Response (Poet 01/00 DENf0N.H R. Ofece of Peucieer Reactor Deector Mit26). JORDAN.E L OMmon of Emessency Prepareeses & E TAYLORJ M Ofece of Inspecton 4 Enforcement. (Pool 1) ZEC>t.(L Inc. Oopp. 30206031-830103) Ge/12/2e. Conocedeled Edloon Cat of New Y Repon 2. Omco of Dwector. 4pst 30202 203-302e2 206. 30000 130. es1990se01 lE Info Noece estos. "Degrademon of RCS Preseise Soundary Resusene spottester Fe,.orde edene of aceviese tar she of 870112 a to OneDLEY.R L Tenneeses V Aumorey. 0F/01/00 THOMPSON.H. NRC . No De-From conc AcalCarromore." See 8ef enc 8- tuned Asemason Onrerk SARR, Repon 2. Omco of Drector.1 top 38262.242-JOROAN.E L OMoon of Enwgency Propersease & Enipnearmg Reepones (Post e30103) 08/12/20. Cor=*ma-r Edson Co. of New Yorii, Inc.1040p. 30107 003- 302e2 252. 30187,107. 80 808000s IrWo 84100. "Onephragru Falure m Scrern Ouest Velve Coueme g g,,,,,,,,, _ggg,g ,,,,,,g ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, JORDAN.E L OMoon of Emergency Preparedness & Engmoering Respones (Post efet3000Pe PePOES _ , _ , nouncetonon 870107.aemees cescowred see. i' 030103) 08/12/7e. Cor=** a-e Edloon Ca of New Yme, Inc. 04pp. 30206 234 chargrq to intehe forster win yard Caused try atecucted sewertrie to 30208.327. one wareng ce clochese macherecesy to NRC Mt204 er te vloissone noted in inne Repte 64254/00-RIVERS u E Tenneeses Vessy Aumancy 7/01/20. HORN.C. Alcheme, Seats of. efe1408144 2pp. 303e0.130 30300131

 )       32.94 200/06       & 90 200/0432 Correcewe actone Survesence ineeucean 4 7 E e l

roveed to specdy use of - _: eNch eeneses ANSI NSto.Iett regaremones DOMER.J A tennessee V Aumonry as/t2/2e GRACEJ Pt. Record eenaces 4 16pp. 30t52 30530152 30s V, Operator 8. t 3rench (Documert Convol 4709400043 Formerde respones to violetone noted m enes 60 250/06 34.54 200/ m co Repon a personnel es34 a eS2es/OS34 oc estooSto. Corrective accone o .au comtenaton teu ed not be eccepted from other TVA edea eF,e,teetMe,P,eo,s, ene,ane, meg ,,, g ,, ,,, O yo tee,na,e,t,N,RC

                                                                                                             ,            e                       3- n,oa e messene rwessesmon
                                                                                                                                                              - -             e,is,ea perform.
                                                               "* '                     '                                                              1"Wa"52^ '- va' m".'g'daoRJC.'C"",ee"DeO A, 'e"t #er*'4'#!4% !a,i,,';',,ag'ti,%;;,n,,.
  , .,, 149 . r,,o ,4.ece 0 110. ue how.or , R.c.ouieton uo, noe m                             = ==> - te era ea --= =- ess & ---- =

TON Reems Dem th01/

        #"RNEY"oYoN JO                                        Properedneee a E              Reeponse (Poeg 0$pst 30J05130-          08. Auente CNy Electne Co. 44pp. 3e304 000                   12 S30903) 08/12/31. Conocedeced Esson Co of New Y aos06 233.

eFeif aceae Forwarde inep Repte 64260/se.3e.60 200/se-34 & M2ee/0630 on 00CHET e&see COOPER 81UCLAAR STATICII 8010185 t 7 & noece of viceemon vioiston inwofvod tedure to adegantasy cores eve Re-son counters contarung to g U.235 hegt ooreal eye weaknesome noted F. Seeisr#y, spedoel, emergency 4 Ilre protection piene ORACE)N Repon 2. Omm of Oroctor er/01/02. WHITE,3 A. Tenneseos Vetey Aumanly 3pp. 30245 020-3e245 046. waere U h W__-ciaW

     -ePo1130e30 Peoece of violemon born map on setot617.                                           E,,1 i       ORACEJ N. Regen 2, Othee of Drector e7/01/02. 3pp. 3e245032 3e245034                           regaremones.         mispiriend FOCrnr3h)

MMM Neereeha % Penser W tedfM MARM.R B Region e. Omos l -47e1190$40 inne Repte 8 0"ma 2,5 mes 3stmas sm. ir venemone noeed vente 60m256/0434,.90

                                           =sequee conta sNu200/o&34      4 So.2ee/0430 a to correy  e/renaponsoon aon e89016 mH4eese Fewense response to ines Rest 64m/0618 Respones rectnenes itse

' DO80NYb C M Region 3. Omco of Drector ee/12/04 tIpp m NRC mately e locem engnal responeeRegseWe #nponse he wiseWe traf 39245 035 3e245 045 10CFR73 21 TR W ORS.G).A. Pembraska PWies Power Diemet 8e/12/20. GAGLIAMOOJ E Repon 19300189 18 anlo Peonce,8,7401, "RHR Verve IAsesgrvnent Causee Degradeton 4. Omco of of Drector tp. 3020e 013 30 fee 014. gasePwne 3,eem et. 1 10 New Yor o e -4MH,40eet Reo e.m,s,sey e ire mR.4,mheed r3 m roepw.e to PeRC 840NO ler se atoissone noem m , ,0,,' PetANfJ W Peeerente PWisc Power Oletect 08/07/31. GAGLIAROOJ E. Mor) son e, Omco of Drector. tp. 3e2es 014.Josee 014 efettle000 ft Info Peoece 0140f " Inadequate Soorruc Ouenaceton of Diephragrn veswee err Weeemencer uaneene 4 Anwywe- sve ese ence. ePettsette Responde to setot3 IIr mfomenn of chargse to essepaanse pianSome JoROAME L Divimon of reergency P operednees a t Reepones troet shondd to 410103) 07/01/13. Conocedeted teean Ca of New Y Ine. 07pp. 30300 30s, cha.nces ritenmotent w/provemons of 10CFRe0 544p) Corrected peanroe wruiend t f 30301 061 LLAR mHM . in.o -e e,%e seon of Na,e,.ue . tow, Re4 G.AO.e P Po.D.OJ.E. D e. "'cm04. 08 Esc,e.o.f mm Orector. ee/1#/31. PILAN J M. Nobres weesse sve se we eM1 flee 47 Informe met onene emergency opereenne fecely mod protect complete 4 JORDAN E L Dhnson of Emergency Properednese & En0ineenng Reeponse (Poet 810103) 07/01/18. Coneandered Edson Ca of beew Yore. Inc. espp. 3e32402$. tm wel tio psoced m actNe moeue se of 810101 Facesy toured try represonesevee 30324 t13 kom of tsE & eso. e.4, m , . ,0 4, HOR.N.Q of o e. R, 3e,S,eehreeke m 440m 4 ,P,ulse Powe,r Diestot 8e/t2/31. MAMilN.R 0. R e,etMe

         .m t ,orwen,e enes Rep.e om,dunresoedm,nem                     e,,ept m      w. en
                                                                                             .e p~

WH,0 Q t.e-nne er -cone no

                          .*re meP mt seet, R.go            e appec.nore to,, t. me.n.e D.,~ome fec,i e,.co i,.
         #% ,p        R=h3, omre  ==4ofto  Dwector ef/01/to WHlfLS A. Tennseese vaney A, renect 10CFRSO                    oen .40.A.pp a e t..R
e. .< e e er
                                                                                                                                                                          .r p^'m, ile esine Cycle 2                        46
     .8M,1900004 I,n.ap Repte 6,4,e ,50./0642 642,00/0442.oed,4_2ee/e442       eon eye ine S          em/Dietnc powei on,,Mtit,s epp     2 #w e ie co es co or -oo                m ed oegr e e mop ement a corirern re queenc                 re n e.      e,,

De 6 0in == lei. ,. O,e,e,,,,, e,e,,,, ,t,,8  ; . es,res,,,,,,,,,e gRg. mum R.e.etone ce J eMt000007 Forwerde is peacy on seriees for eksey prayern/macteer pose PtPG eMtseetM Forwarde pereeily weiheet inep Repts 6425e/0644, to feo/se-44 & to duecevo emosomenene tumcv 4 psPQ echeese ear impeementaten ern eneesed a) tes/co-44 en e41316 to trot tor >Rt reo 413 3tp No veisenne or devianone nosed et Jan tee 7. l Jt.CH,0 Q, Reqynn #,08ere of Owector e7/01/Is WHITE.e A. Tennessee Vesey Ai, approved 4 use tio f eutAUFELSEROLN este Pthee Power Olsetct eef t)/te. MARilN.M. Repon e, pianty gyp. gejse Osf.JoJee 003. Omco of Deector. sp. 3e:43.1464e142. tot 470t800104 Pereen, wnhheld Phyecal Serunty ines Repee 64tsete444.64280/e4 44 en seti14 to trol t0EJ R2 Foo & 13 31) peo violemane noemd unpo =4Mfeceit$ "Fitnese hw Dufy R '- UFELDERGER Netweehe PLAies Power Desmet WHitheAN.D A, HORN.Q 44 armes 4 00 tes/cernal enerewonees . sergewv pr Terst ipercS N'teheC00 ins.D R. Repon a. or6ce e Drector 87/01/16 tp 3eM4083 M/12/te 60pp 3914214O14t tet 30300 063 w/uele in botheene.MO to secouse Wert I eM:000000 Peoenceann of et01f t contemment corneiueides orreos eye LOCA 1 O Portede opereeing reports & tesoted terroependonee DONOHLWJN SWR OWerkrelo 9. / tt/20 FWOLipsef0J A. SWR Peugnet i Deactorele t app 30tle $4 30tle #9e i treteettet Montgopereeng ropes Int Sept tote W/SP010e ltr e7910e083F Reveeed P 07 a CREAhst R R L , eta TLif F e LEWie.R L. Tenriegese ysiley Aulfiority te/0e/30 re tog304,ew*08 appece me Iersi opensnn Irw emonif to Reviend Licensecor> addreasse DPR 4emia topp 30f at tes4eter#te cortcreens Prapaa-a come to accon etetemente for APRM reector protocean tnp emeng core e701300000 Monthey ocereeng ropee lor Oct t des W/Mt t te nr. tunne CRf AutR R L., LIWis,R L. tennesese veney Authardy 08/10/31. $Ppp 3e431104 1Rav0ReO A. Notreeke Pdec Power Olsetct. ee/ title MULLtR.D R. SWR 39431124 Proesct Owoctorate 2. tp. 34tte #1439f te ff t. i


 -8701008330 Proposed Tech Spec Tetdo 111 re reactor protecton sys m _ A                         0F01feette Forwarde roecones to Ineo Rept $6290/0614 Reeponse residrnilted thse reguremerWe                                                                                    to NRC meDety to locate ongmal responseRogueste response be usehene traf
  • Netweeke P@ec Power Destct ee/12/29.10. Se150 271-3e150 271. 10CFR73 21).

TREVORS.O Au Nefreske Put*c Power Olettet. 06/12/26. GAQUARDO,J E. Reipon 870100eeH Receed appecanon for ernand to Ucense DPR-40,conessen0 of 4. Omco of cerector. 19, 3920e 013-3920e 014. Qiange 3e re tormat of proposed survesence tecles for nas=== 4 equid mesumentenon, -8701140481 Partefy unhheid respones to PsRC 080710 Ilr to wlotetone noted m inep 9TREVOR .O A Peetweeke P@ec Power Denict 06/12/20 MULLER.D.R. 8WR Rept M2e6/86>t6 (ref 10CFR73.2tk Protect Drectorese 2. sp. 3915e 1 F1391Se 173 PluMTJ M. Poetrooks Putino Power Destet 0e/07/31. GAQUAR00J E. Reelon 4, Omco of Cerector.1p, 3e288 0t 4-Je2ee 014. 870104480s Proposed Tech Space.conesen0 of revised PeGee 210,4 21eq re geoe-oue 4 agues emuent mesumentenort es12230000IE info Noece885107. "Eney meo PWR Cawdly W/Revectante Ir> Core Oe-

  • Notreeke Pubec Prwar 86/12/29 2pp. 301Se 172-3etSe 1F1 tector Themtwee Wilhesen." Swo not once.

JORDAN.E L Demon of Emergency Preparesmees & E Response (Poet 87013e030s Providee s'eaue of correceve actone a scounsee hare oceans re coreof 830103). 86/th29. Conocedoted Edson Cet of New Y eno. Oopp 30206031

    #com hoteletehtyper vel 860130nr. Independent engineenng Arm retamed to review                 3e206138.

eye of renew Beted. THE .O A Peetweeke PutAc Power Distrtet 08/12/31. GAQUARDO) E. Region es122 Nest IE 1rdo Noace 86100. "Degradecon of RCS Preamse Soundary Reem 4 Otace of Drector. 3pp. 3e312078-39312 0eo. Prom Bone AcH Corremort" Swa tot emi JOROAN.E L DMean of Emergency Preparermees & E Response (Post 8701000000ru a plant startup in Cycle 11 On 470 toe.paent put orrene tonowing 030104 e6/12/29. Coneoedeted Ecbean Ca of Peew Y inn. 04pp. 3e14700s. refusan0 outage giat began on to100s, eniang Cyces to Mode pertarmed dunn0 Cyces 30tel107. to outeps hated LONG.W 8WR Project Olrectorate 2. 07/01/07 BERNERO.R. Division of Soiling to1223 eses IE meo Notce 0610s. "Olepfveyn Fanse m Scrern Ouest Vefwe Caussig Water Reactor (8WM) ucenang app.392161FS 3e216.116. Rnd insertort" ove nos encs JORDAN.E L OMean of Ernergency Properoamens & Engineering Respones (Post 47e1140147Rameete anoa sumcient to demoneeste adequacy of eye, mekaang ener, e30103) e6/12/2e Consondseed Emeon Co. of New Yare, ene. e4pp. 3es06 2M-note rod meerson.stan@y haned coreal 4 reurculeaon pump ty sysser 39206 327. 10CFRSO 42 $stefy evenaston of NEDE-31096P ence ear ret LONG.W O 8WR Proesct Drectorate 2 07/01/00 TREVORS.O A. Notreeke Putiac 070100034t Forwerde inep M298/0627 on est0011130 4 nnece of wennomort Power Datnct 3pp 392e1067-3e20100$. 4 of Director 86/t2/30. TREVOR$.QA Pteersehe GA.GUARDO.J P ac Power Destet E. 39163 204 30163 311 4701190300 Noenceeon of010120 momeng w/utse in Beehoede.MO to docuee Mere i contamment cornbustitWe gee ormeos sys meo Meeengroechewed Wom SPn11S =eF0teteMF Notco of vloisson Dorn inep on 0010011130. DONOHEWJ N. eWR Pec9ed Ovectorate 1. 07/01/1J. ZWOUNSKI.J A SWR Project

  • Region 4. Office of Drector. e6/12/30. 2pp. Se163 to130183 202.

Drectorate 1 opp. 39304 04)39J04 046.

                                                                                               *e 701000241 map Rept 2296/9627 on se10011130 Vinesenne notest fehae to have 87013e0477 Ad.iees that uts einees for duty program,inc0 ding eug 4 escchos teenne               adewate refusene procodre.mede@ste cleanensee cortose 4 temas to provide see.

prowawone we tie appecatWe to NRC personnel commencing e70s to An iniswebels w/ 'ecortops m teet procerkse uneocortad accese to fecefy we be covered bv cbrective ETTNER E A S.O L. JAUDONJ P, Region 4, Oflim of Director. 08/12/22. 8CHAUFf Let ROER P6etweeme Pt#2c 2tpp 39t43 2913sts3 313. Onice of orector 1p. 3sati 2:4-3s3, Power Oseanct 87/01/14 MARilN,R. Region 4 1 214. 0612290149 IE tr,8s Notce 061to, "Ariomaloue Behavear of Reckouisson toop Flow . e701300007 Requeses arraceton for emere to uconee DPR ee re. teen 0 Tech Space to Jet Pump BWR Plante." Swe see erut renect 10CF R$0 44.Arp R oftemete shutoown mode per80rmed anne Cyces 10 tote JORDAN.E L OMoon of Emergency Preparednees & Engineering Reepones (Poet outage per Generic La e1 12 Modes Tech Space enci enr guksence 830103) 08/12/31. Coneohdated Edson Ca of New Yore, Inc 96pp. 3e206130 L .W O. eWR Prosect Dwechste 2 07/01/1S TREVORS.Q A Nobreake Putsc 3e206 231 Power Dietnct opp.38323 258-39323 266. eett3ootet IE Info Noace 87 01, "RHR Vehe Mieseyiment Causes Depedemon of 8701130007 Posei response to FOIA roweet tot documente to eue & escot of use et ECCS m PWHe " Svc est enct nucteer facense Document ested on Arp C evadetne m POR Documente ested on Am JORDAN.E L OMeson of Emergenry Preparedness & E Response (Poet D weeskt 010103) 07/01/06 Conenedeted tenon Ca of New Y ans. 03pp. 30210 ate-M% V.D H D,.iwan trot FOIA i sempeon et of Rupee end Recorde e7/0t/18. HEATH.S1 Weerungeon 392 t 7 067. to,ei roundoom w mse mam m miime m m f p . ereer s.,,R.eepo,e e - P-ee . o,istene ee3i3 no .e ed,a,s apeed R siet m. m,o/8.n.=, e co Co,ree

-mumot Po,so, w ,e,ew                  o,,e eso.ea,one          o,ce moon,re,,

on , ,,e, sucn euton . g,Nnc =a noe er uie= awe o, esou s io ained -e g ,gioe;, egg, g e ,g, epee,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,, axu~u r Re 4. o=. of o n,01,07 ussaRtC Neo,eese n e. e en.00, one.,w um1.=m . Power Dietnct #m 3M59 313 3930 314.

-meenn        te Pa u.m.ecueem,so,           e e, , i, een so on       e.e
  • on m.i,im. m 87 0 wo Notce.ndean,2 a An,n.ede.,st.e we se e.,nic mese. con , ou, fee,f, d m e m os.sico o hee".e f'au,,,e,,s
                                                                     ,, to   -eco,n me.e     .f ,e,.

ene,s. v .ee Luece,m. o won of E,n.,.,o nep. ,e xmoA es . enol see Respones (Pe. enne nnt accurete or correct 410103) 8F/01/13. Coneoedened Edson Ca of Pese Y Inc. OFpp 3N00306 LESSO M301051 o=e ,flL,C o Peen,reene pp msePttee mum PowermDemet 83/02/07 COLUNS.J f. Region 4, mmme,it woonce we 87 03. se,s on , N.e,.us a tow to Re. mimm no,we,. e.8 m.o io cisne, nito4 respone. . ce,,e,te t u te. -R. = e e e set gured Acenne Baeed on Genene irrpeceitone of Seiern ATWS Evente," Iteme JORDAN.E L OMeson of Emergency Prepare.ees & Engineertn0 Respones (Poet 321.333483 e t0103) 07/01/10. Consondeisd Edson Ca of New York, Mc 86pp 3032402S. 1REVORS G A Nehreeke Power Oweict 8F/01/21 Document Corect Branch Je324112. (Document Conqroi Doom) #pp 394U 202 39432 203 mumer Po,,es ,eeponse roiA , .o, r o e m .u. a emno, une ei eft 1200tl4 Forwarde determmenon of overstimy Ire er operated tootetse choce vehe nutteer factese Document ested on App C eveestdo a POR Documente eseed on App P Lor 3p A of RHR sys et facefy for re. tow D wethhekt (ret FORA Esempeon et TREVORS G A. Pietwe 07/01/22 Document Contos Brandt *% Y.D H D (Document Coreci1 De.ake app 304JePutec 354394JePower 35g Olektet Legni Foundemon p6p'eson 30Me tesce39360 Fkene end FW $7/01/10. HEATH,tJ. WenNngeon 330.

                                                                                               *efett30000 P             we$ eld Rept of Inradry Q443401 dtd 030100 re eneged erk
  • '"*"*a'*-*""*"""**aaa" 8.b'To**'"oL of in%""ea"*u'* *4"'El"'*a"".e*a==0 m.

mtom .w,ER, ., , oAouARoo; + ,s.= o=. - edo... No u,.wp u,te,.ptNee,e.e we .e .neu n eedPowe,

                                                                               .e, nu,o,e.
                                                                                                  ,,n,w      . ,,e Re,e,c,e,,,
                                                                                                                          ,     o,,,.e,s ,,,, - ,,RC o, ,,e,e 0.
                                                                                                                                                                   ,,,e,, ,, so,,ec, ,,,eto,,,

M fp 88* 206

  • 206 OAouAR 4. ormre of OwecW 07/01/14 TREVOR$,O A. Notreeke Ina 296/04 a E
  • Ry8" #

078108e3,98 eMne Forwardo,n ed Conre,p Rept M,e e io vieor te.,33 on.s,e.ti.t,e? nt -oh ne,,e AURA20 No viola.none er dee L%"""o*m"""*C *"?nm LTm.""o;*C'J "O'u"n*"PtMO" Net.a.e "-***Pa'**"P-**'****""****a" Power omt um m ,,,,,,,,,, ,' ,,,,,, m .0 r,e ~~~o o E "oR~%"%,, '% ,,n,.,a,s,, Pow- oie m = = = i .m,mm,o, d oe e,.e R,e.,,epoo.,m.m e ec we. u..on.m,i,t,1, e = No, ,eeer,e ot-ear e,n , ,e an, ==arats= , R MunnAY,e Regum 4, ome, of ovedor ee/ts/tt tpp 3e15e320 eggppog*gmpg% tees /se nr om W 1 mu m nen ,- 870148e316 Forwe,de inep Rept 642W/9434 on Mt117 f t No violatione or ese kA 00) R' 4 S Reperiehoe escurmee, LERe 4 reisted eermepudmee n e.uPowe, o,E.tcie C w. Omre iu mum of Okerkw u to/12/21 PILANf)M Poetweeke

                                                                                               .7010 . ,         Res m oto,,-101u,ees - e.                       8,,ee ,t,oen.
  • efet00elte inep Rept 60 796/04 14 on MtttF 3t Peo vio6enone er devtesone der hos 1
h. vyender e,or.aswed & W crectedseel generator 00 2. Ceute ettended to cytider fin ancest haeg*nr e,eas maoerted roervice cep e avstiesD L, uhsf AmtE.o L Regum 4. Omc. of Drector ee/ t2/22 fpp GARRs Diotti se/12/31. 4pp 30181343 niu mum m Hf at I.F mES D L. HUHN.O R. Netseena Pubec Powe,heede repsj I

l 1

DOCKETED ITEMS 61 8701130369 NPDES noncorryhance notrar stum esme E,612t&470104.Dmculty esper> 8701290400 Aenees that 850628 apphcanon for entenson of Licenses OPR.24 4 DPR. enced w/montarung 004 escharge m comphence w/7 0 pH value Caused tiy sh 27 meste equrements of Secton toe of Nas Hietonc Preservason Act as est forth m creseed voi of water escher to setthne pond Water vai resencted. 3eCFRe00. Power Detnct. 01/01/06. HARRIS.J. Notreeks. State LEAR G E PWR Project Drectorate1. 87/01/16. FAY.C.W. Wisconom Electric Power COOPER.LJ Netreska Co. 3pp. 3944$.3144944$.316. of. 4pp. 39259 t e9-39259192 4701290321 LER 8643S40on to1226. unplanned actuebon of RCWU mosecon togsc 0701300663 Informe that Instam a occurred.resunm0 m moisson of RCwu sys Caused ti, pesonne enor wewe vo*+ couedmeson = a ton of inadequate op enonei some cm core coc,hn0 occurwy instrumentaton prooieme expen- eys es. problem w/RCWU eye temp sensore Portormes couneehad W/870123

  • enced w/ Segma metwa are we tie repsacef m CROR upgrade.

9EEVED L. HORN.G R. Descroska Putgit Power Deinct 87/01/23 40p. 39430194' R FAY.C W Wisconen Electic Power Co 07/01/19 LEAR.G. Record Servicae 8vench 39430 187- (Document Corect Dookk 19 394J6.106 39430106. 0701290206Remite fee for review of leek chase channel evalueton rept 32mmed on V. Operater Enaminecone se0724 per er010e tescan w/T Coltiurn & P Maher 7 AY.C W Weconem Elecine Power Co 07/01/21. Document Control Branch (Doce> 8701000007 Genene Lt 0741 to e4 power reactor heensees 4 appecants tur OL re ment Convol Deskt 1p. 39432 045 39432 04S. panc ev of NRC opretor ecanece e=am cueshon thank Svc het once DENTON.HR of Nucteer Reactor Reguetsons Drector (post BSt125t 87/011

06. Auenac Csty Doctnc Co. 44@ 39J04 069-39J04112' O. E SuBenne 4 eerroependence DOCKET 84301 POINT DEACM IguCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 3 g,01040629 Reeponde to NRC e61106 nr te violetane noted m meo Rept 60 206/0&14
                                                                                                                         & 64301/0e ISGorrecove oceanetrowancy of reeason a conterrunecon mavoys conoscred m weets evaporator toed filter cdecto mcrossed F, Security, meecen, emergency & fire protection piene                                                                    F AV,C W Wieconsen Enocenc Pnwer Co 06/12/05 REPPLER J G., HIND.J A Region
3. Ottice of Drector.689 3918J 216 3916J 210 8701000640 Forwarde esempton to 10CFRSO. App R $ertion m O.m reeponse to 3 Info m.speemented try SJ102e, e5121t.en0509 41010 lire ease to'.

an eso comemed m ener af R a terrows Fvmuenon Rept ttR cSsos eie 04122,n,0004 tec gn, t IE,ies W,Diotee ineene sa em 84107 enct " Entry into PWft Cevity W/Retractatne m. Core De-

e. Response (Poet NOV F M Duvieson of Presounted Water Reactor trenemg A tooet SS1125F 86/ p) ROAN.E L Devemon of Emergency Preparedness & E.

12/31. AV,C W Weconom Eiectnc Poww Co 3pp 3923t 250 3923t 304 030103) e6/12/29 Coneoedeled teean Co. of New Y ine. 00pp. 39206031 3920S138 4701000673 Enempton to 10CFRSO. App R.Secton 20 Gro protector' N I

  • d** "

026 1 000$00 0 lers a FrereNRe CW elue F Bor c Aca"d ne I AK,7 M Dvieson of Pronounsed Wete Rear. tor trenong . A (poet OSit25F M/ h New Yor 04pp 7 12/31. W*econom Eleceic Power ce topp 3923126J 39231276 $,gp 39

                                                                                                                                     ,gy,4 e

4791000MO Safety evalueton suppareng overnpean to 10CFR50. App R. Sectan 188 0 set:2300es it orda Noece e6109. "Deptvegm Feese m Scram Ouest Vehe Ceuemg re eve wein room are mone RHR pump are One a su=hery t*19 are eroe

  • Omco of . seer Reactor Fleguiston, Uwector (poet $$t129) e6/12/ 31. 10pP. Mod ir'** eon." Svc ent enos JORDAN.E L Drnoon of Emergency Properedneee & Enemeerin0 Fleeponse (Post 3923t 277-39231286. $30103) 06/12/29 Cor ehdeted feson Co. of New York, tre. D4pp. 39206 234-
=4004100021 'Tvenueton of Fra protecton Esempton Marpseets From 10CTRSO 44 4                                              39206 327.

App R to 10CFRio Pont Beern Unno 14 2." tecMcs evesueton rept AHMED.N Canepan Corp toutro Arv.t induetneel prereen Reseeren Centere. NRC. gggg,gg,4, gg gn,o Ng.,g nU10. "Anomeloue Behowtor of Receouleton loop Flow M 03 4 t 130 f f RCS906414 e6/04/11 NRC - No Detened Arnhaton Owen, tapp Jet Pump OWR Piantip " h 'e t once. 39231 MP-39231304 JORDAN E L Dranson of i.nargency Prepare @ese & Enemeann0 Reeponse (Poet 030103) 06/12/31. Conocedeted Edson Co of New York, Inc. 95pp. 39J06139-8701200342Reveeed emergency p6an procedures ertudeg Rev 27 to EP 5 0. "Ogenk 39205 233. f 0 fosonal wrere of Emergen,cie.s." Rev 25 W to,8,P 01 4,m, tmergency Meseuree" 4 How n to Ie ,0~Esecens C me ~aton ,,, ,,,,,, ,,, ,,,,,, ,, ,, , ,o, ,, ,,,,,,e,,, ,,RC e, ,,e,e ,,,e, ,o ,c,re,, v,,,es,,,e SURSiEIN S Wiscorian Power Co 47/01/14 109pp 39306 00139308109 noted m inep Repte 80 2ee/se.te a e430fleStt understande that review consie-toe estateened to ovesuele relacon proteccan ern.

 . 0,ereen. - .t e .esomue . es,ree,en.ence                                                                                g~og,A,a,g,o,ng- a/12/ - A'ca - <**"e-                                                           I
 .7.,0.... Fo,we,de              urnrne,, R      ,9,,6 Urve 2 .te,e,.d tee s,e Rate rest -

surevnery of type e a C heie ecssae ion date et,iamed dunne a imween each ,, ,cc

                                                                                                                            , ,,c,,, , p, w,,n.,,.,,g,,,,,,,,ce,,,,
                                                                                                                                                          ,c,              , .,,, ,,,ve _ Co.,ee os,,,,,so,, ,,

E *P we lects R Othee of Nuclear New Y 8 Reacto, Regu.cceen et D E.ector est 511n).Powe.r Co 64,/12/29 pp =t 3 39 .D.ENTON ,H.e 31e ,,,, , ,,,0 7'/0

 .4701020200 " Summary Rept 1986 Urvt 2 tedegrated Leekage Rete Test"
  • Weconem Electic Power Co 86/12/29 I?pp 391e4 30739144 3's 4701120000 IE Info Noece 47402 inadequate Seemic Ouellficeeon of Daphregm Velves try Mathemental Modeeng A Anelves." Svc est end j JOROAN.E L Denman of Ernergency Preparednees & E Reeponse (Poet
 $701050110Forwarde "Locekred Rod Chseter Coreal Aseerrey (RCCA) Wear et PWR                                                                                                                   Inc. 07pp. 39300 306 i

Pients." orgneenne evoluseon rept NRR ehould conodor whether tiere e need to 030903) 07/01/13. Conenedeled Edson Co. of New Y estareen penoree inape of RCCAe a necese feastmMy of reacint water cherrvetry 3930105J. BHOWN E.J Reactor Operamone Aneryte Branch 86/12/29. RUSIN,S D Reactor Operemone Aneryse BremA 2pp 39155 293-39155 309 3701130002 IE Info Notte 47403, "Segregeton of Herardous & Low Level Red-westee " Sve bot enct

 =4701040127 Forwards hahred Rod Chester Conval Assemtpfy (RCCA) Weer et PWR                                                JOROAN.E L Dnnoon of Emergency Prepare @ess & Engmeenng Response (Poet Plante*                 eveauseon rept IE rWo noece enould t>e issued to alert scenesee                                830103) 47/C'/tS. Consondeted Edson Co of New Yore, Inc. SSpp. 39324 025-etmut         dearedaeon.                                                                                              3g334 gi3, HEBOON.F J AlOO, Drector's Onice 86/12/29 JORDAN E L. D>eemn of Emergew cy Preparedness & Ervneenne Response (Poet $30103). 3pp. 39155 29S 39155 297.

R. Portedle opereung reports & related eerroependonoe

  =4701040142 "Locessed Rod Ch eter Contos Assemtdy (RCCA) Wear et PWR Pter*e eryneenng eveauason rept
  • ALOD, Drector e Ornce.06/12/2112pp 39155 296-39155 300 8701130290 MontNy opereeng ropte for Dec 1986 W/t?0100 ihr ItRAUSE.CW., FAY,C W. Weconen Electic Power Co. 06/12/31. Opp. 39254 240w 8701140M3 Apphcetion for amende to Licenees DPR 24 & DPR-27,changmg tech Spec 39254 244, te 41 1 to clardy resuremente tar toector coosent flow logic teetmg 4 specdying con-servegve condeone to partarm surveelance Fee pad.

F AY.C W Woooneen Elecine Power Co 47/01/06. Record Services Bronch (Doc

  • V* Motor Enammenene enert Coritral Deer t 3pp 39267 26439267 269
  -4701140207 Proposed tech Spee changes.                       reactor coolant flow logic testing                       0701000244Requeste requehncation enem & enower key to adequetsey prepare ename
      ' Wisconen Elects Power Co. 81/01/os tp. 3 26 269 39267 269                                                            ocheduled for wh of 870214 NRC esarrener we mesetuto NRC prepared T                   .,

sito fecery wntten enam & we monnor admrveteenn 4 gedng of wntten exam. 47011404t$ Appecanon lor emende to Licensee DPR 24 4 DPR 27, conomen0 of Tech HEHL,C W. Regon 3. Ofnce of Drector. tot 12/31 r AY,C.W. Wisconen Electric Spec Change Request 114 re f atne 15 3 ILS on instrumentaton eye Supportng rWo Power Co. 2pp. 39204 34439204 340. ence Fee pont FAY,C W Wisconen Electu Power Co 47/01/08 Record Senaces Branch (Doc

  • 0701000007 Genenc Lv 4741 to en power reactor scenesee 4 appecente Ior OL re ment Contal Doest 4pp 39270 23439270 243. evete NRC opermor oc esarri quesson tier *Svc bet enct
  =4701140007                           pe        nge                                                                                           Electic Co. 44pp 3        06 930411 contenm rit

f , oo.n posed motec,h

                                      .      S,s ad, .c cha,wwes nevechano.eto Tobie IS 3 fr$. " Instrumentation 08.                        A Syg,"
  • Waconom Elects Power Co,61/01/OS epp. 39270 240 39270 243.

DOCKET $0$303 CRYSTAL RIVER HUCLEAR PLANT, Updff 3 8701200421 Estendo invitason for pareceeton in 870129 wortehop on incident invees. peson Program (HP) m Crocogo.llllP procedures and W/o enct nEPPLER,J G Regio.n 3. Orface of Drector $7/01/14. FAY,C.W. Wooonen Electne Power Co. 2pp. 393e9 00S-39369 00W- P. Soeurfty, medical, emergerty & Gre protoceen p6ene

4 42 DOCKETEDITEMS ' Revi.e , .we,nononi, a n e ,epe,=,a nue e.=>c*seng R.eWic = Ew. . e.,,es, d messee,gime,.d 307. es Ter "S.e Uns. A Ana seof,ye .R e Re eug he.comeneo Poes Acad.u npeng ." 680,r,e=E.8



                          = re. Power 2.

Flo,,td. Con,p. sone .eacto,4 Co (sies of Flonde P ers.teesees to E ,ogree"s a se ,ewsed ,e.p Co,e e e hi.e k ee/12/22.177ap-nt m302/e62I ne he .er in. s.e As e dA070100mie:t,to1.,scen. W Re o, ,,,,,0, f aac'^ a**

  • o'* * , ' = = ' * ""f"~aC., , es,,,,,,.

e .we Co ,e,d,. m.o c .=,3 A.c.

             ,ume e.s es.a.non -e.on         e.s . .e.
                                                        ,e,e         p   .a.p R,e.p.                 a
                                                                                                    .en .     .O,s,a o.e     e.                   ,,t .e          se 4c.

q d we wi 30 ,nnw does. ,. 0 , ,,,ece e, e,o,sen,, ,e cors o, tom -J . leos  :~> t. ne. e ressemanes of < Corp. (sidigt of & 2 Ollice of ,o ecto,,uoet.os.,. o ORACEJ N. d. Respones to violeto.n . ee/12/23. WILGUS.W S. Flortdo Powe, ees Co p ). #p 3920s.24e 3320e 250. . ve les. 1WR2 at t inge.ot.drk s'itesion of pect,sy .e ktnie m.e he amen.ned e,mg .sture inspa l tire.AERM. Re c* '* * "*gan t OInce ,4 Directs. * "Je/'t e/73 ' 'WsLOUS,W " " * & Flande Po.or l e.,ee e.en. Re. . . -EsE ,,,-

             .... Re       eed . R,e.0,*0, eaon"S$FGQ Rcpe.n.e.s?                                    A o, Co, Row                                                                                                                                                                                      !

WITTMAN.R. eo. Floride Power Corp. (enet e 4of1/0 Flande P torof Re.s.po e, edWo.e e.e.,e ve,.F W,Oper . occur,. .epes i ogress Corp t/0181683

                                                                                                                                                - EC4J Ace.acce,      ..
                                                                                                                                                                                    ' es on.w's.m,.             c4 ao, o.f       641+26    ,

It .adon, dn N,N D.C o.f e poi se .e .ii > e.=viese.o d Asese.msne - o end 30090003 3e299 t t f-ORACEJ N. 4 .tjoon 2. Ca3 (sima el v.1ste F,OMee opese ee'e ,Dr.wo,- p4 3p *et113e4se/ tails3eh Witous 13.30&W S. rio,tda Powe, eserd c l OM1les19,0 eR Reesesti ou d oR e5et enriusicare.o.e

                                                                 . Emerg           e a8~*~ *W           e':ece,r 2:,he.e.dece.ssd s.wP,98tleL9et  4.ncy f .e.         Ad ,%

to,,o.pare.-@ise4 0 eM hirs 19, $ v 30 e io .c .~ - ,e,mpon e,W In.p 50L30P,e.S.H & s. ec.0,0,26 e v ,, e 9 e w sp.n. 30 m e VE o o Co.R.Rf (sus LU o.M.eee 43",,a,.,Osece Co 2 =mier,3em o.,r,D, u ire,c,to, 67/01/0% WILG,USP..E s g snow i no es. sed.J.,.s, i.n .00n

                                                                                                                                              .< . ,, w ,4 A4 see ft,     e toer 0,,i.


e. ee.y,. e.n .ee o amsenem,,a a,.,,a,= Whes e does a n . , owe, eu Re m., o.e.s , Re.o.o Em nr ,.e, Em.,,, ,.,.,. ion n.ene e,o.e r e n, e e, n.i . J, a. c .

O Am M.".'e".M n,eme e oe . , owe, Co,pa.4e c% eaa , re,

                                                                                             .s     .w,-


                                                                                                                 %-                       ..mcio   , eW. a, uoa g                . . .. e.      c.e, es.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       .          , . e.e, wR. eci.,e aco,e os.

i sp307.32S303er 351. + sw op e es . E,.n

                                                                                      \4                                      s i t$(4. eth6 /ES. CuJ.htJ Eueon Co. et Pe.w Yort, are.                                                                  . R30206 10epp.      p e co.,

031 mim s . .

                                                                                                                        ,                      m .in              '
                                                                                                                   ,s.n ro, C,,sia, R,.e, nuct , rowe, nn. ce.c e , e.%, TIS wel                                          t
          ,4,ne e      , e. e.lume eserc.e.No donciencise noteJ Amoves pent.J en sp                                                   , , seL'E19,8 e        u,e bim Mon.te.e   u                7 10re'w"o.geienon   .              of RCS F.arw,e Sound.,y Resuseng e                                    e                                                         ipf 44                         A A.en o Em
          .o , c EmeR kR.ieIM             W F.ed.rel           E,m,e,,,g.n.ry             Wen.egane,nt                    A,ne,F,/0,,1./,te            m m.h,.
                                             ,e ,see        En, ,se.i                       r                         ,                                  81. =D. iw.N         4 L 6,e, ~CPt 9m,ei9,se.s.w&

o.ooe.e.'.uoney o v E2'"="T0.Re.sponse.7

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 .      =1 (Post 0e>

3e309163 11 g 306?( $ '.
  • Fee e

C,,e.e, R, e. ,-oe, , owe, n.,. Enem- mei ec,e. Emergency Wensgement Agency M/tJ/f t eleg 3itet *,4.Je300133. w a-o e ~ ~e*ia m *eo *e rw outeiveeC.,em.

                                                                                                                                           '<} 8] g" .W e e mime             Ms.,..

canon,Cn,,o s EggPien

                                       .ae nuc e, ca os , c se Auw                s      mi r. e
                                                                                               ,          s es.
                                                                                                                                           .d4       dar =i N ~.5 b .% < e = == *
                                                                                                                                                                        ,                 f                                    i E'.',e'e"A"'6,W,. .epp w.'a"neFJ'** "'P, o
                                                                                                                                         => = = W * ">. w A ,e e -ca - L-,rewa
      .                                                                               summe.e,s.e                                             A, =e rne                wum     eor4,* 3-&a., m+ne va.

i r+ ~ a,* R.. - e,e,0.o e ,eo e

          -ee .g.eou,re,<.,,.e., - e, ece.

e .,eco ep,.nep e R ,.d .e e.,ree ,e- . iga *=, a-r- (,-'

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       == i 3+

L , CcNIrN Co'reas N) appN. aN3UCh 1 eettse.eist.M aneo 04i.c.e.eMot f , f .im vapve n sehe t ca ese ospedemar,

                                                                                                                                              - e u .,v,,m a . .

ECc ea e 4/ o, . o e. e.o,o,e.n. 3d' i p ~y ,,R,., m,.e noe. m _

                        ..,w.,m. iuesenemen .o, .,ees           .e.,es.,, o, tece,, w,w, sto,oge et u, , v. ,

s 1+ g ; y ra w c- ~ ~.op i,

                                                                                                                                                         .ide.o. .,Ien . e , , 7,,            ,             m..                                                        ==>'+
         - t d ed e , Corp. (tute. c' Finnde P,ogresewt WeDFl LR C Floride Powe                                                                                                      Cit    ~t.e., e) ee     Mf         410.      .
                                                                                                                                         ' g itOArf,i g. a 47 !s egwese peeps,edness & E
                                                                                                                                                                                                       .w   . e .exso,e es,           .e,,eee.LOue eceso,, e, o,e,, o ,,

G7 TACE.J N. Region 2, Offlee of Orector tpp 39222 2013e222 200 isepones (Poet g e 0103). 97/ red 9 Caen %teit(useon Ca of Peew V' kt;. 07pp. 36300 300L 39301058 i I, g - 079 t$e00M informs of NRC 410110 Workshop on inca'ent investi0'eot 4 Performere. i +f i en.catore tar trenomget Agentaf1A leeuse mesur Onforthec$102tt., Region a we conchet worker'y n os curror+ cpee . 0F1390St> For* Alp Reholet*f e i 230 ar #n a 'tM sereonnel apasalicason vun0 changet to 10f JRW ORACE.J N. F. of Oroctor. a hente . J AStv Code ' es y son . A* 181/ Ettlert throuwt Wmeer set Progrese Corp ).1p204 f + sends w guereuente impractW Case c. 43% or Rev tae tr U 47.we be used. Corp. (subs of F 357 39204WtLGIAWS 3Si F1onde e u i Wl0 ELL ta Fionde Power Coea feiae af FWwate Progr re

  • i dt/0t/14. Record Senaces ke*ich (Documer* Corg 4 Deen. % 39350 Jf a 302.

SM190$N7 Wierwtowe Tech 55 se CPenge Rerpseat 12S P.otherags n' '0HR Row dew 6

                                                                                                                                                              /                        -

4 tow woner towel wel be resofred try esperste Tech Spou clon,4 request spacences, 870113864.r &l anfo Notee 870&J, "Sayogoson of Herardoue 4 Low Level Ree edeeeemp tow weeer saved. wesesa' we aos ence. WIOf LL.H C. Flande Power Corp. (sies of Flottda ese Corp) 8f/ ;1/05 Recope; JOROA8 T L 4 e oon of Erregarlm Preparoq>ees & E,ignepr4g 9eepense (Puet Sen4ces Drench (DocumerW Conval Oseki tp. 39204 39204 006. f103\ 4sTf/6 ConscPtetd Hsuon Ca of Peew York, $ a e[spis. 39324 02S. A %2A tt; 6 , s SMt200444 Forwarde esfoty evaluston survoreng uti 831104.440'16 & 0731 re. }+ i' epenses to Generio Le e3 28,nem # 4 re enant & test proce&ree for encon onctoped 8M8988H ll avsees roepos e t # .j estione reted ist 1% Rept 44302/9425 Correceve receeere. ilce 8TOL2,J F. FWR Protect Okoctore's8. 81/01/00 W1LOUS.W S. lic.efe %r Corp. veonow A8f a are 'currers on stro ' rig eAs #e rusclear .- are An ertsone spechoestre omrwest are b (mes of Fkrete Proyees Corp) 7pp 393ir'067 39393000 M'r* SON.E.C ussa e o sm or . C+. . of( Fb a se Nyana Corp ) 87/01/22 Duc-l

     =4701806444 Sesoty evaluenon etq)pnrene ugl 831104 8401d & 07f tiraoneas et, ument Cce isre ich g ganerit ;ontal S esy + C430n013e430'004.

Geneno Lt 83 28.ltern 4 4 re meant 4 test proce@res tor ob xrt & reose d rectnera SM1800968 Pes % 'ovees 4A' r 10 mie>6.ucM in Hp Rept S&302/88-31 Cor-

  • Ofece of Nucesar Reactor Regulomon. Oroctor (poet 821t2*p 87et '/00. 2pp. e N Woh9 6 & WW,4W to seem N of hch 30393 000-39303 090.

l \' 858C 8 81 r4 SN

  • lhort toren matucecn f. erected preesem terrearmey 0F91140933 Reeponde to caratema en NUREO4737.hern ll1 D 3 4 re e1ntrol eco \
                                                                                        }'         [                                       Nf110N.E t.. I inw*60eer Ce#9. (mene $* Faore Proyese Gr ep ). 87/01/t2 Doe-b'8"0"C' 4 'tich fecumers Conrot Datik l A fseeJt 1.74 49431291.

Cheonne.emmorne & sueur dhousie detectore on mieme asciIS Amtoi corrt-1I ' j i ExE c. 7 ion"de Power Corp (sube of rionde es. :orp). a7/01/id M ' me oper** '*( :r's a(te emmponem j STOL2.J F. PWit Protect Directorsee 6. 3pp 39303 00t 39 00C ' ' s

                                                                                                                                                                          *i                     '                                       '

' t WT t' Gees 64pett er perssig $L Dec 19 etJr'670ine tir

     $791170000 Forwarde eM mfo to cienry stateme,ite h docteted cor se enrience.FSAR
  • 3 % HAM.D., $7 6 90N.E C. F t Power' Cert taubt. of Flortda Propees Corp).
       & Tech Spec beans se roeus of onelysse performed mesequerW 's 46t220 % 000e06                                             \ ' 'It '12/31. 6pp.192S8 319 39250.323.

lhe to Generic Lt a1214 NUMEG4/37 fiem II E.19 concomm0 HCS cceedown - , , ,/ \ WILGUSWE Record Floride serverse Grench Power Control (Document Corp.Desk).14pp. (sube of 39161.226 Flortde Progrees 3936 . e//01/tl. Corp)f 23g. * ' S i sportsbis $4currenece, L4Re & retened r troepesertence r

     $F01870279 8'               4 eppnceton to amend Ucense DPR.72 hcorporeung tec4                                                                                                                                                        f Spoo ChangeMequest 144 as revise Secton 3/4.a. "Doctical Power 5

0701000300 LER 8641640cn 800701 & 1026.contemke,4 toole & llems found h etnidy unlege eduetone consteri Bened4 t1 wees outende reeston consol areaCase undetervreneinteneceve mese contof 9ILOUSto dleasi W generator S. Florida Power em being arekated to decomune rieed for improvostet rV/970106 Itr.

                                                     . (euba of Flonde f4oyese Coro). 7/O t h *,                                                     F Am W, WoOELLR C. Flortde Power Cry % (supe. of Florida Progrees Corp).

Flemrd dervices Branch (Document Contos Dest) 3fp. 33363.34&3 W3 349 ' 07/01sM f,pp. 39224.344-39224 388 .

                                                                                                                                                                                                     ,                     ' i 470127020e Revened proposed Tech Spec Secean 3/4 8. "Detnel Power Sys                                                           8701138313 LER 864234&on sef $29.opereeort <t urdt outsede deel n bases ance Dec gemee contenning commitment b osmanstrate diesel generator ope abety try carry-eng toad unsees cecumstances constran toe.tng.                                                                                      1970. c.henge encovered               tonowese personneGo            nopy of   feudchen9eeeletonW benery/*10'00i lers's test Caused g feeure of
  • Flande Power Corp (mes. of Flurtco proyees Corp). 07/0ttil 1p. 39363340 t.

FATT.LW, smePSON.E C florvle power Corp. (mes of Flortru Proyne Corp k 303e3.349. 97.1t/00. 6pp. 39240 084-392t9 nee. ( ' ( a  % 1 l

DOCKETEDITEMS 63 4701000449 Forwards WCAP It360. "Deseanneman of Bees Esemele Copper Content 9701i,30310 th e 4 winotne Spooef gas acev Rept 0641 acnsuel ye rnoruw 861223,esm0 handhng bidgstarte tram Mode eres enheuel esct S.urut entered m 21on 1 & 2 Reactor Veseel Benene Repon Cnecal Wekte," for rewtow & 10 docu-rnent areas eveesy fowuf h,-- a inopereNo Caused by poor respones of anetened chece some s inseumord recettr. 8AAPSON,E C Flande Power Corp. (mea of Fionde Progrees Corp). e1/01/00. Reactor Regulemm LEBLONO.P G C , Drector . - -(poet IIeson Co /12/29 061125). DENTON.H R.096. Opp. 302170543921F Omco of Nucteer Recons Serwecee Brancit (Document Contos Dook). 2pp. 30rae 22$39266 228. 9701130331 LER 6442440an 06t21f.lnade@ecy of corWol room hatstabety dJe to 4F01000446 "Deternunemon of Best Esemsto Copper Content m Zion 1 & 2 Reactor of eudphw ren=wem storage tank 4 es Duel coneson #4 carect corrgeon ocn* Vessel Besene Crecal Weeds." re N , _ J estenesortW/070109 Hr. SALkEY.K.R4 KA 2L, MARSHALLJ A Westmghouse Elecktc Corg WCAP. MOF F ATT.L W., M .E C Fionde Power Corp (outs of Flande Propees Corp k t 1350. 06/11/30. 34pp. 39217:064492170ee. 81/01/00 7pp. 39258.114-39254120. mtom LER .4 4, cr. m. wea .o,-o , reca ==laj=,gaagra,a,,d**==,e:;;; D o onen, .J' ".'2,;' ;::;n; Spee 4 4 to D re operatukty of reactor vessel verit vetwee esceeied Caused by unds- g 7n7n, lected typo Aes review adeneesd several enwier evente W/810122 nr. LEB8.OND.P.C Commonwealm Edson Ca86/12/30 DENTON.H.R Omco of pulaar MOFF ATT.LW., SeePSOf(E C Fionde Power Corp. (su.a of Fiande Progees Corp k Reactor Reguisson, Drector tvoet $$1125L F7pp. 3921F.tSF49217 230. 57/0 t /22. epp. 3S363 29449383 297-Rept of Human Factors Review for Zlon Stemon 0F01300Mt , p-so,m amene 3701000413 sam - = ed=Foneerds

  • a=2 Fired '"""2"La -no- we * =~e= =F wesome c L.E,R.464,2,24t see -c on Set 124,,decovered o n -te Cousu , fo.r weekly Power Corp, (outs of Floride Propees Corp 1 C - -- --.C Edson Ca 88/12/31.DENTON H R. Omco of Nutteer
                       , MPSO           C                                                                             as-= aem 0 - *o= ="= 2= =22 ====
    .M,O,FF0im . =43o.Nt4943o .

mm i. Discuseos ,oeu,,e , u. ,e.w , ser- . WCA,.i ne. io -se,, regisements of NUREG4737,TMs Accan nom n K.3.3t PlenI4pecac enelyse not re-V. Operater Es. gised

                                                                                                                      'a'maa c c                                  <- c mimi oc~rm a a ==                                     *-

mto on ae== aem === *osi ="= 2 ====i r 3= inec e m As.N in me , ~RC Onmm mm WR,eeno.,w. ine,e,.,ir corv w wereenopee. econon m. rerd P,o,tarm,ance e,e. GF01138400 lor eraf kifo to echedulse for e,k oc 2 24 W S.W S. Flande Power Forwards re.sponse to est of GR, Co, ieu.e .5". .ees Co,p L ,t,or== w4. IL m. gg;c gocac e

                                                                                                                                                          .e *.ge,gA,,,s,yg,.f, , , ,,,, ,, ,,,,,,,
                              , .741 to                                          .           ,,te e.,se ee,e ewe s e, onc or Oue aee.r Rem Desc=                                  an= =n.a ms.m mtoboc    , o.nen,c"%

R u,.R,C, ,ee,,a. - ,e, oet .o.n = .7/0,, n Re ene

e. r,e.,.,.,


                                                                                                                  .m. Co,.om oe 0 Eason      to 2L.1,CaT              o.pp n,e      A t nom usense C.,, Eio              Caem              =*"om4ne o.R.-o""              0 .e..m D                                                                                 ,.                    o.2               .
                                                                                                                  -4F01140131 Rev 0 to 2L.417 E. " Steam Genersent A Loves CNormal Elec c.uct" 00CKET 84304 Z8080 fluCLEAR POWER STATION, Uperf 3                                                                       Commommeenh Edson Ca85/04/12 13pp. 39259 27S 39259 291 0701200437 Estende mwe tanon to paractpete m $10129 woreshop in Oscago,II, on NRC P. SeeuHty snedieel, emergeney & fire pretution piene                                                                encadent              een Program W/o stated encle.

kEPPLER.J O. 1 Omco of Drector. 07/01/10. REED.C Commonweenh 87013004n Rev.ed generte genereeng stemon plan onweene grme emer. Edson Ca 3pp. 39 f 1624939t IS4. gency psen e' npeemenen0 procedurse.inchmen0 Rev to 01, "Environe urector Co* ortanaton of Enwvane Group Aeovees

  • Tobie of comente eleo entt kENEALY,0 W Commomveenh feson Co /12/31 100pp 3931020149311026. O, inepect6en reporte, E Butedne 4 eerroependonee gr enroerent Rev 4 to genersen0 steeone emerosna 87f,113030s Repte 64 8701000364.Act e
                                  ,eceet of 861091cy pian to e enpeemenced m,Fdt                                      296 1M Reeponde P C,hange         to NRC  toMt104 febee   IIr teevioletone t toreted
                                                                                                                                                                                     & Correctwo Iace  m of Se canade,eson accone                acton c.e   ev smaW a meerm    eme   see,nete      e  fo  dLam,g m 1 Omco e o ec . .r/0i=        o,fute.decsesonrneh%       cu r unacceptable.             ice /se,23.n.&

es w .5&304/,te.22 oe w on 90082310,14..ed io nen n . e Edson Co 3pp. 39 03149J04 033 F ARRan,0 L C_ _. 2 Eeoon w 84/12/05. KLPPLER.J.G. Region 3. Ornce of Orector. 6pp. se24t.3J430241.324. m1 3 ro,we,. ne,,te on .On p,opos.d ,o io rmn - e levels M Alet 4 supporang PWM EAL prWoenphy documentComments on La Sene ,,01130344 Reeponds to PsRC 8tt fit Itr #e voleeune noted m inep Rept64 304/06-proposed E Ate sieo once stor tr

    % HAP LR.W D Reyon 3 Omco of Drector $1/01/12 REED,C Corrimonwealth 24 Correcewe removed      Enheutacenne G of Revasecottee 14 to inNEcomect         couun0 D Procedure     0 0 raped to     desse acceptenr.eeker teseng enct ceocure Eeson Co Spo. 39AS 243 39'l65 24F                                                                                 LI BLONO.P G C-~ .. J. Edenn Ca86/12/19 KEPPLER.J G. Regen 3, Omos mim..                         epo                                           e           , ce, ou,t, ort c
                         ,eea .,ven,e.non e             , nu,,,an.f to,e nen.,sn      e.t e .an.1sC .,e Con                 , , ,,,,, ,,
    <r  .0
                 , non esc       .e .not,p,eme. .e ed.yvai                                                                             ,,,,o  ,,,o,,a_c,      ,, ,0,,,.E, ,,,, ,,,,, ,,, Ca.,,, W ,R,,,c,so,, ,,,o,e o,.
                                                                                                                      ,e,,,, r,e,,o,o,     , ,,

L E 8 TONO.P C stn Eenon Ca87/01/19 DENTON H R Ornce of Nuctee' JORDAN.E L 0,vieson of Emergenry Preparessees & E Reeponse (Post Reactor Regulaeon, Drector (post e51125t 7pp. 39'111347 39311344 830903) e6/12/29. Conovedeled Edson Ca of New Y Inc. 08pp. 39206 031 mm.m A ee of - of e., .wei nem pian to, men soarei ,sid a==

                                      *                                                                            = mm.                                               Os.,s.           . RCs e,ee.,e                 ,, Reso ne
A, ,u,,a==a " ace, ee, =:':!.:,*;,
    ,          Rcr'!,-a,,,-tee, e.ure,e                      ,0, eed Wm    " -*"=      *aan
                                                                                   .. n.          P =**

in-e.,8 R- - -. A.9,C-o- o N e .,m. v- en. R P Brancft tp. 39431130 3943113e- JORDAN,E.L

                                                                                                                      . =>             1m9 Oevemon               t., E cor Ca - vi Cor oe o.f Emergenc.y Pre,parod,iese                    i & E t""r,t%esponse.,(0.ost
p. m 3 w.r ,,r.

De12230003 IE Info Peoece 06100, "Olephragm Fahre m Saent Ouest valve Ceuene

 "!'!"nf"     f,,"to$[,'";"j"'
                       "                    d ,,,  't e'gEA'2"4Wl's"4                                                 g,.,@,CT,';;;;rg,a:a ;d;m,siran                             C                            ;;p,Wmg es.,, C. .,,0,,t, oN,1u Aa.ete o,e , tor . tete
h. .ao R mem.,
                               ,Ipp             === m Jet . ump .WR f,e < .ve .et m.

0 ,., u,,,.<e . eerree~r

               ,0 =en- ste.e                                               co                                         = m E,,L g ;m                  C ,,E,m,
                                                                                                                                                         ,,        gn; .,a,,e,. c ; ; ,e,,a r,7ce:;ne,pg e g , g m10 0m Ap-e-                        e,      e, to u
                                                                                                                       ==722 cono           eter*catione a typos.r,.s            oPR49 recentry     coproved. oPR         c ,r-en.

resoeogical emuent-

                                                                                                                   $701306447 V

Forwards Rev H of"10hYr Physcal Survesence M Nucean Gen-eme hw Unit t & FifhVr Season," wvh LE BL P C Co.. E. Re-tor Rem o...s Ed.enn oet .n sC,o,0,8/12/t6

                                                            ,o == mDENTON.H     .. m R Office of toucteer             m'eums sunresence tw Ur;-- g;,a,,, gg,y, ;;;;;;,ge*,g:;;.jg,,,,,,

el e#flunnt Tern Space. Contos Duht 2m mot m-MM 084 4 701000264 Pro.poemd r

  • Commonwee Edmon Ca / t2/16. 3200. 39204 29139204 324 , ,,

vamance kw unse n of Taon Nuctow Genere Stemun," arvese,um fept 0F01070610 for su nucteer Parted po.e roe,ponse psents Appto B FOIA request documente lor &documente ence evadable mrePOR contamment Repte forevent Im i Wees RRONARS.D INRY(X), Inc. (mes. of Insend Co) 06/09/11. 991pp 39300 204-4 Lase;ie plante stie 39310 000. GH:M$tEY.U H. Orv son singavprepared. Rulee and Recurde. 06/12/19 SHOLLY,8 MHO fechr$ cel Assncsetoe 3pp. 3914100139191.129 8701070411 Forwardo P#RR enft input to SALP rewtow kr perind Oct 1968 Now t en6, lor review a commente Cornmente rece,ved by 070100we be concedered m tinal

 -470,1070421 Iro n mesmal Peteege eviente & of  & eft wWe NUf4G/CH           to P4UREG/CR 4100   re omtenment 4550 event re   core damage enefywe               kequency fut postulated                  RIS J A. PWR Protect Directorate 3 87/01/05 >#0VAK,f M Devenson of Pressur-eewere accelente for es,ed plante                                                                                  trod Weier Reactor Lacenemg A (poet 651125) MIRAGLIA.P J Divenson of Prooms.

GRIM 5tEf,0.H. Scaence Apphceeone Intemettrmel Corp. (formerly Science Apphce- trod Water Reactor Oceneng e 9 (poet 4%1125) DERNERQA Qvteson of BoAng eune, Inc ) 86/12/IS. 2.000ry ;3101004-39191.129 Water Reactor (BWR) utenomg. topp. 39192 03430192 045. l

_ ~ _ . . - - . .- - . ._ _ - - - i 64 DOCKETED ITERAS missestet iE = Noec. e7mi. -RNR ver. Min.Onmar C se De,emeen e -enwsuse sER e p.g as - = Geneen ur eman.e n eeri ai re ECCS et PWme" Soc est eru veneer cuertone for resener see eve songeneren JORDAN E L DMean of E,inergency Preparedness & E Response (post t

                                                                                                                                                      'NRC.No                  Anemon Ghert (S/12/23. 4ppL 30100232 30180236, 830103t 07/01/06. CcN Esson Co. of Pese Y Inc. 03pp. 30210 310-3081t067.

' 877temtte Formorde "Lemehed Red Oiseer Caned peCCA) Wear et PWR de eed No re g * "

  • 0791140000 Forwe'of ASME Co.rensedJirowimonsey yerned 4 dened roast repsses. RDCAs repreer e.or
  .                                                                       ser second searves suerwoon eso sw                                          p40WN.             Messeer O

) eem 7'::::* hin seen Edmo,, eo .7/01,07. DENrD,om orneo of N.e., Reactor Rep 4emon, Deector (poet M11tSL Spp. 3N04J00 30fe4J13. wa= ~='re= =peremons Analpel. = = = = = = 08/12/20. RUSDL

                                                                                                                                                            ,g ,,,                                                                                       g 07etztesef Fe,.enes AEoD sALP 0 ir ut re LER. -                                          :eueneensimpre mere                        Pienes" e p awakasen repLIE tres nosos ensies to ameums to asert easieses covere             set fear tees.                                                               DON.FJ.            DDecem's Olmos. test 12/20. JORDAN.E t. Dhesten of UUS.C.E. P                  3 Omas of Deector. 07/01/00. REEDC Cornmoneenfti                                          cy Prepareetsuo e Engreamg Roepanos (Post 800100k app. 301MJ00-30 Edson Ca 64pp.                      244 38330 207.                                                                                                                       ,

07ett30000 IE Wife penete of "Inosomseen Seems ts an="at of Diephrern evensseen sept E of a Reapones (Post

  • S30 7/01/13. Consoneeeed Edson Ca of New Y anc. 07 ppt 30300,300, 370100000. Forum. MP[ W 000N1 metend se Map 4 W pro-pam ter enubbertSiteegsere reesset ler amend of Te Oreteno,, o, Neen . u,. ter. Red-my3,e, ,,.,,,wo ,, Notes 97 3 g,,,mge,s,,, ,,,,,ya,,,=,,a,,y D g,y*,, ,,,,,,ch 4eos , , , , , , ,us
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      , , , , reges Ser.oa Corp. 3pp. 30231190 30031214.

i JORDAN.E L Duman of Emergency Prope,odnee & Enerisertne Respones (Post 830103). 07/01/15. Cor==="8 Edson Co. of New Yorti, Inc. Sepp. 30324 096-a 30324.112.

                                                                                                                                                  -4791NetM SER denying ue 0 0001 proposed emend rugsomt to Map 8 teseg pre-gram ser ermeesse.
                  ,o Porte.e spe,s                    reper. . re ad servesper Engineenne BreMh (PWR.A). 08/12/30.14pp. 3083t107-30231210.

SMle00187 eene reyes for Sept test.W/ set 007 er. 070900 00s Notes of derdal of ragsomt ter ereend to Usense DFR43 & oppereunny AUS TIN.G., J. Commonweenh feson Cet N/08/30.12pp. 30170079- ter teerug to senses tremeest tenerg & L ' __ ressemerem 30170 900. FA RTILE.M B. PWR Pregem Onesesress 1. 08/12/30. 4 ppt 3083121130e31.214. mn ' 3701300408 AUSTING, Co,rected 39431 304 PUML,GJmonsey Commoone,,sens seenh Essen repen tar08/10/31. Co. Oct tsee W/981206 3pp. 30431.396 nr. a f9pe Congoneriet" Resporue ncessegno. b **'ememoe s

                                                                                                                                                              .T.L PWR             DDesamens 1 07/01/00. UNDOLAD,WJ. Persand Generaf 87913eeses                                    roses for Oct 1000 W/801106 nr.                                                       Elecesc Co. aggt           .217 30002.340.

R G., PU GJ. _ _ _. J1 Femon Co. 06/10/31.12 ppt 30432.015-07e113st te rupes ter Dec f ees W/e7010s w. Unos i a s.Prene leiend feuesear Generemie Piant unas i a a Reecear Tets eye AUSTIN.G4 PL < Commoneennh Eeean Co. 0s/12/31.12pp. Stadt206 venaar insertone nem a.: (Pan as of Genanc ur es.3s." 30241J77. FARMER.F.G. EGGG tenho Inc. or EGGG. Inr4 FIN 0400s. EGGWTM448, 08/11/30.NRC . No Datened GherL 19pp,3000tJt2 3000tJ40. a Ruper e - t R. . re.o. eerves,or neo

                                                                                                                                                 =J,',a,e=,,,,r,ma,,,gg;,'a                       y,,,;m4=e,geg ,,,,r,,=, a.",

m,,.,u oe iunneum.t e of c, , io,ed Im .or.f.o o. c,o,s.,n n.r.,,

                                                                                                           . .C.       e e.eed.sis .e. red          sm,o,=:r,a;g,,,on            ,

3,,0.a's,,0,,,, ,,soo,, ,ar ,se ,,e,e,, ,Do.,- godmrvoereswe p,oceduresa. Procedu revened.W/001230 ps iE nr. i

                                                                                                                                                    ,,,e,,,  Co, , De,ek ,,4, N   E., PUMLG4 Commonweenh Eeoon Cet M/12/30. Sept 30154 135-A            b            W een of Tech Space to derey currert process for                     esen Wmm 0791140143 Requeen. Geensed ,a====i of 4e0004 ttp of Une 1 emess
  • Wisconem Puhac Servees Corp. 07/01/13.17 ppt 1 .t it
                                 ,esnn0 tasang.Further review of response to lE Bussen 80% T Roset

. VARGA,8.A. ' Dweetorees 3. 07/01/07. FARRAR.D.L C . _.. Eeoon Co. 3pp. 30200

;                                                            30200.353.                                                                                Wisconsen                     Corp. 07/01/13. Opst 30006.117 30008:132.

m1-800 4,r re ed uR co.e, . . o e. . - - uR* - ,,,,,,,,,; . ,.__, ,,, ,,,,,,d ,, ,, u,e,,o D,R 3,e,G,,, e,,,d T,,,, 4

                    *4'"%c                 ;
                                     "*C"",r er.e,e o,- Dean ip ======.
                                                 ,,Ja,e,        t,s'o',",'L"'0y:W"D:='rC:=l*.,e,         ,
                                                                                                                                      ,c o ,rea tv eemer - a ea.' er=ese e' = iau' a=*


                                                                                                                                                    ,e,,         C W,,oo,,,, ,,4ec .e,,,os          . ,7,0,,,, ,,soo,d .e.,,ose .,e,,,,, ,00 mont antal Dessik 11pp. 30300J1                    3es.
v. Operseer E 470137sene 0701000007 Generte 741 to se power reactor scensene & Tech
  • Spee p TS *S 4,TS 310 4,TS 3.10 4e, TS 3.10 for OL re $ 8,,,,,6 Corp. 7/01/1 8pp.

BirdN'he o,,=lPR%"%eem ,, post 11. 7,01,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     .321 30000 380.
08. Asenec CNy Electnc Co. 44pp. 30304 000-39304.112.

0701880418 Estende inweenson tar parealpesen m 070130 werechop on inoident hivese-PPLE of /0 6. .C Whoonset Piece DDCKET 90-306 KEWAUI8EE IfuCLEAR PC' 1R PLAff? Service Co,p. app. 303ee007 3000t000. F. SecurNy, modeel, emergoney & pre presseeen phne 0791300004 Informe NRC of proposed rosesor vessel swwesenos espede estubasal scheduto for tacely.Sensede we provees ear removed of ourweence cep-8701130008 Rev K to App A to emergency response plan ; ; _ . . _ . "" " HIP 20 Wie ener Pndec 1 Docuenent Cor$or Breneft C.Waco, [P E Co,p. 07/01/00. 42pp. 38253205-30253J44.

  • P. Opersebig Roones sense eseumenes a serveepensense O OnepeeGen reporg IE Sidseine 4 concependense 8701000875 vues hoseup Forward.

a cooedown AmandTech70 Specto 4U.makescenseedMonal DPR43cc,veceane

                                                                                                      & ne8etyaevalueelon.

nunar eerune- Arnand re-0813sseese IE Info Nasce 80107. "Enty ineo PWft Cowey W/Retectable Ir> Core De-Weeve enenese Acean on TAC 01411 composes. tector Timmbeos WIstesert" Suc est enet FAIRTILE.M B. PWR Propect Drectorate 1. e6/12/10. HINTZ.D C. Wisconem Pienc JORDAN.E L. Devemon of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post Servus Corp. 2pp. 30216c26-30M050. B30103). 08/12/20. Conocedened Eason Cc6 of Near Y inc. 00pp. 30e06m1 30308 tSt.

             - 8791000003                              to Ucense DPR.43.revien0 heemap & cooldoen Tech Space &

M 13330001 IE Info Notco 80100. "Depedsson of 9CS Preemare Boundary Readeig LE.M.B. PWR Protect Orctorene 2/10.15 ppt 30216.028 30216.042. fDevison Prepareemse & E Respones (post

            -47e1000001 Safety eveluenon                                        Amend 70 to License DPR-43.                                        330103). e0/12/20. Conocessted Emeon Cet of New Y                        Mc.104 ppt 20MS.
  • Omco of Nucteer Reactor torg Drector (post 051125). 06/12/18. Opp. 20M07, 30210.043 30210 000.

07esettet? Forwe,de SER accepeng useresponoce to Genene Le $128. Item 2.1 (Part Mit000000 IE Info Nomos 84100, "Desphreyn Fedwo M serem Ouest Vefue Cambig

2) re vendor intertece Rosi remout" Svc amt anot ter ,eector tip sys coniponenes. JORDAN.F L Dewealon of Ernergency Properoemas & E Response (pest FA,ARTILE.M.B. PWR Directorees 1. 06/12/23. HINTZ.D.C. Wiscanem Puhec emos). 08/12/20. Conocedmeed Eason Co. of New Y he. Sepp. 30005J34 Se v6ce Corp. 2pp. 30106.220 39108.225.


         . - , .          .m.--           -. .-                                        9.-.,    _     ,,y.       ,.7.,    -.
               . . . ~ , - .                    .- ~ _                                       . . _ - - _ . -                                              ~ . - . - - _ .-.                                                   . - _ . . _                            -        - - - - -


'                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      DOCKETEDITEMS                                           66 i

se bisp & teemie pro- P. Operanse esesse asete desamosas & serveeponesses l SNtt.000 Fonsmes SER denym3 use 880001 emend Tech Space um rompo yes ter sueteragutempore #epose for amend of E NN HINTSC mconen Adisc beam e of O PWR y 0, 4_ .s.,mg u. 00., propo d ._. m ~ 4 t.o._ ,s.usW,083w3=s i. -12/-- Omm - R

m. , ,,,

L nEsguisonny Granrh (PWR.Ak 08/12/30,14pp. 30831:187 30231.210. g besle ear semes of pre m esseme leap p$sig [ Spetm0000 Noene of eereal of resseet ter amend to t.loones OPR-43 & oppergsney PWR Desceness 1. 12/22. topp. 1:1 1:114. eer homent to desses weseber tasang & surwomanos regerernmen. FAttTO.E.M.S. PWR Pragace Desctorees 1. OS/ t2/30. eppt 30e3121130231214. , j house inemenes ter remotor 95 sye meses posson m Genons Lt SHO. nun OttMt IE Into Noane 04110. " Anomalous Geheuer of Rececuisson Loop Flow m C Dhectoress 1. 08/12/30. ameerse r,Dhe. Norgiam Semese Preparednese 4 (Pest

E Dhesen of 00pp. 30000-130- Power Co. 3pp. 3003 30031J33.

800100B. 08/12/31. Ca of New 3000$J33. SM19400m Forments sessey evehsenen & EGGG Idaho tout restemmig um 031104 re. to Genanc ur GNEnem 2.1 part 23. vender hearesse Ptoyern . Reneest 0918000101 IE bdo tenses 07401. *ftHR Vefwe heeneyenene Cauess Depedeten of - Roemense escapeones. Ecce in pWeta- See em enst TL Dhessmens 3. 07/01/00. UNDOUhD,WJ. Pereend Gensel JORDAN.EL Otnmen of Emsgency Preseredness & E Respones puiet Inc. 03pp. 30818.314- Esecesc Co. app. 217400022t1. 8001001 07/01/00. Conocedoned Essen Co. of New Y 30817se7. =00tSN0000 "tryad for WIItsummes teuelear Pouer plus Mom poussear Gemeen inademate Sehenne ^% of Duphream U.nas 0m193000 IE Inte femene veNes er esagemseeni 87M "Anaspest-esadeeng a s c em anot v .dar met 4,2,.Penste sene nem 2.1 part entend pausamer

2) of Genens or SH8.- Gensamie Pine unas 1 & 2 ftnester Respones post FAHesER F.G. EGGG m enc. of EG4G, me.L Fee 00000. EGG.NTA.7440.

}' JORDAN.EL Diuemon of Emugency Prepareeues & E Gerestt h 3000tJ32,3000LSet 7/01/11 Ccv-ama=' Eason Co. of New Y Inc. 7pp. 30000300- 08/11/30 pWIC . feo Deesem* a

                                                                                                                                                                                       ?,,::"G",ef,e,,,,,                   e; ,,e*,,=,,Ta',,2,t;,y,P,,nu re,g 9=,,,',

j 0=,y ,,,,,.,d,e, fos 074=. Se,eae. ore < Nasardousa & to. Ls.a. Re. i naaa""Gher'"Cfr2="2T*ne' tr"J'80p"p"3""22 03 EEn7 Me' @ 10 - - foo-a

                   . e e opsm0 0_ & _                                                                                                                                --&-

4701000110 Fonseres opp to SALP Reyes OHet/00014 00300/0041 ter Dec 1984 8701000103 rope for 1000.W/001010 nr. . hasy 1ssa mammeremit 300000 enssengChenges unneessemy Gened on foneef es.

                     . RurTER.G.H,                 C.                        Sarwoe Corp. 08/08/30. Sept 30100.307 of into e aboonce of assemeancies.

30100 301. ME a Fespan 3. Oftse of Obecaer. 08/12/17. LARDON.CE. Nortiem Semese Power Ca app. 30100.273-30100J00. l 8701130001 rept for Dec 1000.W/070100 nr. L RutTER.G.H., .D.C PgdlGc Service Corp.08/12/31. Sep. 30263-240 . 4 -8701000m Asp to SALP Repes 80LM2/00414 00300/0601 for Dec 1994 - hasy

203. l d teen ==umans8'O 900080
  • Regan 3. Olson of Deeder. 2/17. WIL 301082753014020.

j I 0813000ND IE Info festoe 80.107 "Erey into PWR Commy W/Remecesses inCere De-  ! SM1000002 LER 8041440:en M1 M powerM Scal geneser punge tacear Thueses Wisieuun? Suc see encl Response pose tape arourJ pump cosmginademon JORDAN.EL Dheson of Emmtency Peepereenees &

  '                     enoperates.Ceused tiy eiumed off secten of                                                                                                                                                                                                     enc. 0Wp. 30000401-on                  & estended to cover fnscherucal emel & canngW/001231 ler.                                                                          030103). 08/12/20. Conocessend Eeson Ca of Peser Y 30E00:130.                                                                                                                         i R.K., HINTZ D.C. Wisconom Putiac Service Corp. 08/12/31. Opp.
30170-364 30170.300.

3M1130004 Forments Techracel Rowiew flapt AEOD/T012. "Depedsson of Sys ,orn to Aca'"d 'em Study remes he si MT e1 Nos Y Oopp. O7

 ,                       TRIPATHIA Reactor                          Analyes granch. 08/12/31. RUget.S.O. fleector                                                               30107:197.

s Operemons Anafras trancet app. 30232.22S30232.242. f -.0701130000 Techrusel revise rest. of Selsey 5ys Due to Congonore

                                                                                                                       ,,                                                    "h"8""             3*g*,,Noene 80100,"Olspleeps Folkse m Scram Oiese Velse Causm 12/31.10pp. 30232-226-                                                                                                                                             seens sea Operemons Analyse trancet                                                                                                               th1 0701000000 Foruords Special Safely insp Reyes 80202/0612 & 80 300/0614 cd V. Operatore-

e 001117120e Tuo __ unresolved Game cheerved se tiuessemente-GM100000F Genanc Le $741 to es power reactor noeneses & applicanes for OL re 3. Osans of Desseer. 08/12/20. LARODN.CE. Norttem Sestos of NRCoperator gueston tientLSvc list enst Pouer Ca app. 30 17 30100'000. I ON,H.R. of Nuceser Reactor Deector (poet 061125). 07/01/ I 08. Ausnac Oly Etschic Ca 44pp. 30304 .112. .gygge00008 Speclei Safety inep Repes 80302/0412 & 04300/0014 on 001117 1202.Detonnelse noesteoorepancess in incessanon of Raychem heet afrenk eidsig on DDC8tET ON00 PRANIIE ISLAlm IIUCLEAR STATI0tt, UInff 2 gaut b . fasten 3 Ostos of DDecear. 08/12/24. 16pp. 30150 010'30150 000.

                       *           '                                                                                                                                         0813M0141 IE Info Noene 80110. " Anomalous Bahnder of Restaulaten 1. cop Flow h 1

Joe Pump OWR plantL" Suc set enst 4 pip Startum Operatola Emergency ecMy 5 Sht No Semt i EPIP 1.1.0. "E Proceaung of Purchase Ordert W/070100 ler. " 30000~ 33. FEY,F.L. Noretem Power Ca $7/01/00. 54 ppt 30200 20130200 344.

                                                                                                                                                                                      * '                        *
  • HR Vefue W Caume Dayedsten of SM1100017 Forwards % Insp Repes $4202/00-11 & 54300/8013 on 001012 88h8 C0 P " Su e ri t 0 Edson Meu Y OIpp. S W / ,C.

Sasses Power Ca 2pp. J00 30202222. 7 8701100917 Fanuents inep Repes 94202/00114 04300/OS13 on 001012

                    -4701100044 bisp Repes $4202/0011 & $4300/0413 on 001012-1211 Videmon                                                                                         1213 & noece of weiseen.                     #e consol of sort scenese noted en goevenue trup noest. Unit 1 reecear operated at power in excess of sevens eushortmed by Roonas &                                                                                          oceans mulegass Ade mayonna lesse to have adequeen                 ^ r to prevent overpower conesort                                                                                                                     3 osace Dhoonor. 0 01/00. LARDON,C.E. Nortearn DEFAYETTEA Repon i Oftco of Deector. 07/01/07.11pp. 30202212 30802122.                                                                                                   [Gg                 g Rev, medverteney                                     out of Of0iOO on 0010121213 "T                                                                                                                                          -4M110002F        8eogos Repon GULDEeA08e.W.G.          of wiseston 3, Omoe  tom Y0ressor. 07/01/00.1p. seseeks1130m211.

WILUAh40 G.D. Norfism Sestee Power Ca 07/01/10. Oftco of Nuclear fleecear Reg. usam Desceor (post 061125).1p. 30300205 30300.200. -4701100004 Insp Repes 84202/0011 & 54300/0813 on 001012-1213. VIslagen

                     -4701270000 Rev 20 to corporeno nucieer emergency plan irnplementn0 procedwe                                                                                 nosoturut 1 reactor operated at power in ascess of levele meiermed by teense &

fosse to hows asetuses - z to goevent overpouer conetort

                         " Tabes of Consonas Record of Row?                                                                                                                       DEFAYETTEA Repon i OInce of Drector.07/01/07.11pp. 30002212 30002202.

FEY F.L. NorWism Steese Power Co. 07/01/01. Ip. 30300:20430300200. r . - - - - - - - , - - . - . . - - - ~ - _ . - - _ _ . , . . - . . - , . , . - n-.n.-. _ . - , , , - , , , . - , , - - , . , , - - - ,,,

     ._                                                          . _ _ . .                    .                  .~ - -.                                                    -         _ _ -        -         . -- .          -

i ! M DOCKETEDITEMS 1 i 4 4 SM113OO90 IE Info Notte 07402. "Inadequese Somme ^% of Ospleepn OM1100000 i voves er Mesmemeness Madsene & Analysm." suc est and tag to Tech for amendCyceto10 License operamon DPR.30.conemang eiyeSonne haseres of Pmposed

                                                                                                                                                                                                                - - -- e Chang &

JORDAN.E L DMoon of Emergency Preparecemons & E Respones 4 pest desengreen och enctFoo past 8301 07/01/13. Conocedoned Eeson Co. of New Y Inc. 07pp. 3030k300- 8. Memo Yerene Atome cet 07to1/12. Record Sereense Spendt 3 30301. (Document Desh). 7pp. 30000:140'30000:300. 4 OM11M000 IE Info Nomos $1403. "Soyegaton of Hemordous & Low Level Red- =47011M Proposed Tech Spec Paese 221,3140.3.1412 & 110*13,re ressaar

              -a== " sec est once.                                                                                        core sesser emas a power dependent memnon ems ==P=ene Propeese Change im d

JORDrJs.E L DMemn of Emergency Preparesises & Engmeering Respones rest for to operenort 030103k 07/01/15. Conocedoned Eeoon Co. of New York, Inc. 00pp. 30324M0

  • Yenhos Atome Pouer Ca 07/01/12. Spp. 3000&150 3000t100.


                                                                                                                      =0M110MN " Mens Yardes Cycdo 10 Core Peressmenos Analyst" OERGERON.P.A., CACCIAPOUTI.R.,904ULTZ.8 P. Mene Yardse Aeonec P0mer Cet R. Pereses operedng soporte a reassed eerrespondense                                                            YAEC1673. 08/12/31.140pp. 3000t10130000.300.

4 OM1000001 Monedy repes tar Oct 1000 W/001100 lir. 8701300000 Sunenary of 001210 maseng w/ues & : _ __ _ T in DuGsTA ,0. Stones Power Co. 08/10/31. Opp. 3043aags. Osemede.MD re enge aream LOCA esel poner shapeut of &

.             3062,D.D.,  9'                                                                                                               ouano en steam coment            rev and
                                                                                                                                    .P.M. PWR           Deecearete S. 07/01/12. TMADAfeAC PWR Peelset (Woo.

1 SM1130000 Monedy repas for Dec 1000.W/070107 Ilr. torew 0. 2tpp. 30334 J00. j AD.D, .D. Semese Pouer Co. 08/12/31. Opp. 30060:300-

                                                                                                                     ,,,,,g,                                ,,,,                 ,       ,,,,,,,, gg ,,,,,,

a enespeabee Etiocomeness of Q4 proyam & procedwo ingammentaten og nonenue to V. Operecer '===a==aa 1. Olen 07/01/13. P" JR. Vanhos Atorrec escetc C".'Up" 30-2.e0-== of Des,c. eor. f GM1000007 Genanc Ler 0741 to es power reactor sceneses & apptcenes for OL re gy01000000 Aaaaraa==i for amend to bonnes DPR.30.conoment of Sissf 1 to Peek $ NTON Nucesor Reecear "i, Deector 061 ). 07/01/ j 08. Asenec Cey Eleceic Co. 44pp. 30304 000- :112.

                                                                                                                         @ nom              1.

RANDAZZA.J3. h iename Aeonec Power Co. 07/01/13 Record Sorrisse Grench j (Document Connoi Dest). app. 30432240 30432200. a DOCIEET 00*300 IAAGIE VAf1 NEE AT000C POWOR PLAaff P Mao ve e Atom feme ,Co

                                                                                                                     .gy01300001,d.roposed.c                          7/0i r.e Po. Specs        quan_

RCS,12 yt0m in , P. =am ne==- 4 *e preMan P== .1.em of . 10 -' ./sonness in see-a=- to .oses 10= SM.70 0s 10.n.orms i eseofwo NMsS / ll3lll"*J reOuisto,y set ,- efisco.eness mia ochausd , E,see N'P1& 3,,%lE.* pro.lf"D;2. tim"r:*ie"XLa T.DAfd4c PWR P,o to L .ti . 4 MARTIN.T.T. 1. Cence of Drector. 08/12/3h .0. Memo Ventes Atome Power 3pp. 30170-0e0 30170-040. 8701000007 Rowned Figure 2.50.01. "E Coneson /1===*===i Table," to entee A 30227.131 30227:132. mm_. e F.onse.nh O -respones ecf W IE.m. c. m.0_54_03 e.e.o se esageon & -W 9 pagem t .h.r . SM1370017 t propoemd * "' 'h '*" J scr . . e eu rremot n.ecessary By 070213 proposed Of e e amende.e,o osog, s,ecway

                                                                                                   &.se  to reo.        W" o, H,,IT,T       e . 'o, D,G ,,,,Me,r,e,,.

08/12/22. N,T.E. W 1,

                                                                                                                                                                                    ,e,d,e,,s ,A,t,e",P,,o'              wer, recens 10CFR73.55 emende to secunty                                                                                                         .

3e ,


ter (post 86 1 39371.2 712 H MHm Inh 8 ."Enevi"* *F ***" ' ggg end JORDAN.E L DMuon of E Presseeises & E Responeo rest A beeurstee 4 % beferneuen [12/24 con Cct of New Y Inc. Omp. 30000$31 i ] SM1130330 Forwards Endorsement 93 to feEUA Poecy NF 104. Endorsement 80 to MAELU 8013030001 IE Info Notoe 30-100,"Dayedaton of RCS Preenwe Sounday Resud0ng 3 MF40 Endorsement 7 to NELIA Cerencess N-34 & Endorsement 7 to From Sorte Acid Conomort" Suc est enol adAELu M.34. JORDAN,E.L DMemn of Emergency Prepareezes & E Response (Pest VIETEM.MJ. heeren & McLennen, Inc. 08/12/20 DENITZ,L Omco of Stees Propame. enc. 04ept 30107200 Drector. Spp.38250.342 30250.340 33010st OS/12/20. Conocedmond Eeson Co. of New Y { 30107:197. ) P. Operegng Soones stage doouments & serrespondense 8 *8

  • a'"3,c ming.
                                                                                                                                                       *8      '""'*''F'"8" '*'                          *"I JORDAN.E L DMann of Emergency Preparesises &                                    Responso Post 4

SM1130007 Formands ads immenens on uns oderensis to NUREG4737.TM1 hem N.D.1, . 030103) 08/12/20. Consondoned Eeson Co. of New Y Inc. 04 ppt 30000J34 "Portormance Teenne of Resef & Sassey vapres." Moseng or tescon should be held to 30205mr. open esms isonated Response roguested mehri 90

                  . P.M. PWR Propoet Deececrees 0. 08/12/31.                           8. Memo Yankee           8013000141 IE Info Noeos 00110. "Anomatoue Behavior of Rearculaton Loop Fleer in l            Atomc Power Ca Opp. 3825210130252100.                                                                       Jet Pump OWR Planes." Suc est enct JORDAN.E.L DMuon of Emergency Propseeises & Engineering Respones Post SM1000400 Fonmanas                    evoluenon to renew of DCRDR.Rowsw concluded DCRDR                        930103F 08/12/31. Cor'=ahama=d Edson Co. of New Yare, Inc, sepp. 3020&t30-

< esseAss se 1 to NUREG4737 resuremones_ 30206.233.

                     .P.M. PWR Prolact Drectoreno 8. 07/01/06. RANDAZ2AJB. Meme Yenino Atome Power Co. 3pp. 30231900-30231:101.                                                                0813m181 IE Info Noece 07401, *RHR Velve neestyimord Causes Depedeten of ECCS in PWRs." Suc est encl i        -8701000000 Selsey evolumban suppareng und DCROR program plan to sesefy Sippi 1                                 JORDAN.E.L Dhmon of Emergency Preparatenes &                                    Response Post to NUREG4737 regurements.                                                                                   030103). 07/01/00. Conocedoned Eeson Cct of New Y                      Inc. 03pp. 30810310
  • Omco of Nucesar Reactor ReguistorL Director (poet 861125). 07/01/06. 3 ppt 30217057, 1

30231:000-30231:101. s OM1140003 Forsonis esfuer evalueton um responses to 08tC 000721 re. OM1000013 Fonserde oefety evehmeen accepen0 tAl 800015 & 1110 edumNeels in eig> tar ser enlo re reactor content pump shen , port of ECCS ovaluenon model mods re emel power shape issue. Phase I.for Cycle 10 ,P.M. PWR Propect Deectorate 8. 07/01/12. .B. Maine Yantine g per 10CFRSO. App K, Phase I con Asomic Pouer Co. 2pp. 3020E207,30002211. j .P M. PWR Propect Drectorene S. gisees.e7/01/00. RANDAZ2A48. Mene Vandes Atome Power Cat 2pp. 30231215 30231J20. =0M1140007 Safety evehagen us response to IWIC 000721 request for ses afo re reactor cocient ehen ser IE Info Noace 80410. j -0701000010 Selsey evaluseon supportng enods re emel poner sheps imeus.lar0s treek

  • Ofece of Nucteer Reactor (post 061120). 07/01/12. 3pp.

t' LOCA ECCS evolueton enodel, Phase 1. lor Cycle 10 opereeort 30002J00 30E02211.

  • Omco of Nuclear Reactor Reguleecrt Drector (post 061125). 07/01/00. App.
)          30231.217 30231J20.                                                                                      GM1130000 IE Info Noece 07402, "lredequate Seemic's of Diephreyn i

' ve vos tir Maoismancem~i==i0 & Anasyne." suc est once. SM1130170 Fonsents corrected Table 4.2-2. " hen Frequences for Equipment Tests," JORDAN.E L DMoon of Ernergency Prepareetoes & E Respones Post inserettoney ommed from 301211 Amend Of to Ucones OPR.30. 030103). 07/01/13. Conocedoned Eeoon Co. of New Y inc. 07pp. 30000300 SEARS.P.M. PWR Protect Drectorate 8. 07/01/00. RANDAZZAJB. Memo Yanhoe 30301 953. , Atonec Power Cct 4pp. 38252200-30252200. t OM1100137 Adviess Wist 800000 Rev 3 to operemoned QA leopam i -0M1130000 Errets to Amend 91 to Ucense DPR-30incluen0 revised Tette 42-2, a-P=m Effaceveness of QA proyam & procedure aquemmentemon um consnue to .

           " ten Frequencies 8ar Equemens Teens."                                                                       tie sued of resonal mapsL
  • Once of Nucseer Reactor ReyAstorg Director (poet 051125). 07/01/00. 2pp. EONETER.S.D. Repon 1. Omco of Deector. 07/01/13. RANDAZZAJB. Yanhoe j 38252.200-30252.200. Atonec Electnc Co. 4pp. 30303 256 30303J50.

0701000000 Trip rept of 80121010 wat to F ' MA to enemme plant spent fuel 0701100170 Forwards inep Rept50 300/0010 of reeston oefety proyam on 001117 med feApe - 7 enelyss. hated. m,. 21.No vioissons noemt

                  $,P.            Propect Drectorate8. 07/01/07. THADANI A.C. PWR Propect D'rec-                        MARTIN T.T. Repon 1. Onics of Director. 07/01/13.RANDAZ2AJB. Memo Yedes toraie S. 3pp. statt 173 30210.101,                                                                           Atome Power Co. 2pp. 30303.212 30303.225.

I i 1: u - __ .__ _ __


   -4701100182 Safety inep Rept 50 309/0619 on 861117-21.No woletons noted Maior P. Operothe Beenee stage documents & corroependence areas mapectedredeton protecnon program ecludmg status of prewousfy identfed soms.ALARA. orgeruration & ste       & control of redoectwo metts.                     8701130346 Forwards rensed QA program descreton.ronectog cienhceeons en uM CIOFFI,J, KAMtNSKI.M . DRA           T. Regen 1. Ofhce of Drector.87/01/12.12pp-          851008 nr to ASME XI supptomental cpekteston requrements for personnel perform-39303.214-39303.225                                                                            VT 1.2. 3 & 4 maps.

EILLCA Putac Serwce Elects & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 88/12/30. 8701130002 IE Info Nocce 87403 "Segreganon of Hazardous & Low Level Red- MURLEY,T E. Regen t. Omce of Dre1or. 42pp. 39253 009-39253 052. westes" Svc het encl 0701140242 Upostos schedule for matellaton of ATWS megaton sys actsecon JORDAN,E L Dween of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Response (Post 830103). 87/01/15. Conachdated Eeson Ca of New York. Inc. 85pp. 39324-025' cucuspySys cunently scheduled to t>e metened dunng seventh refuehng outage for Una 1 & totrih refusim0 outage for Urut 2. 39324 112. MCNEILLCA Putsc Serwce Electnc & Gas Ca of New Jersey. 86/12/31. NOONAN.V.S. PWR Propect Drectorate S. 2pp. 39264 013-39284014. R. Porteec operating reports & related % . _ 8701140270 Forwards safety evalueton & EG4G ionho mput renewmG ual 831104 re-spotwo to Genenc LW 83 26.flom 2.1 (Part 2). " Vendor interface Program Reactor 8701000273 MontNy opershng rept for Sept 1986.W/861006 Nr. Ll2OTTE.W . WHt uter G.D. Meme Yankee Atome Power Co. 86/09/30. Trp Sys Components,." CHAN.TL Respones PWR Pro ect Drectorgio ecceptable

3. 87/01/09.LINDBLAD.WJ. Portiend General HARTFIELD.RA informenon Systems Branch (Pro ti61123). 5pp. 39177;102 Electnc Co. 2pp. 39262:217 39262.221.


                                                                                             -4812200030 " Input for SER.Kewsw Nucteer Power Plant.McGuro Nuclear Staton
                                                                                                                                          *"*             W'          '*"      "P 8
  • 1Z W WHI E'R D Yank A ' Power Ca 86/10/31. Mh""n*em P of r 28 HARTFIELD.RA Offbce of Resource Management. Drector. 5pp. 39431.095- F ARMER.F G EG4G Idaho, enc. (subs. of EGSG. Inc ). FIN D.6002. EGG NTA 7448.

38831 888- 86/11/30.NRC - No Dotaded Afhheson Gwork 19pp. 39282-222 39262 240. S. ReporteMe - . LERe & related -. - O. Onepectlen reports, IE Suesthe & cerrompendones 3701000632 Forwards response to seven potenhal enforcement / unresolved llems noted 8701290344 Forwards info re elevated levels of reeomdme in primary cooient sys in inop Repts $6272/88-23 4 50 311/96-23. Differs w/NRC Andmg that uit faded to dunng Jan 1988.Prohmmary enefyses of date conected wnce Nov 1985 enecate that have documentaton of equipment wohficatort perforaeons occurred m five fuel rods installed dunng 1985 outage MCNEILL.CA Pubhc Serwce Elecinc & Gas Ca of New Jersey. 86/12/15. vvmTTIER.G D. Meme Yankee Atorrac Power Co.86/02/04. MURLEY.T.E. Regen 1 Omce ot Drector. 7pp. 39432 24139432247. TAYLOR.J M Othce of inspecton & Enforcement. Drector (Poet 820201k HEISHMAN,R.F. Vendor Program Bronch. Opp.39227220-39227$33. 8701070319 PNO i 8&t01-on 861230. leek from bienk fienge on edeten kne connected 4701070402 Forwards Safety inop Repts 54272/9631 & 6&311/8634 on 881028-to wol control tank escoveredCoused tiy personned error. Rein'ee wet beeow Tech 1124.No woletens noted. Summary of 861111 & 1205meetngs to correceve actone Spec hwuts & radiaton monnor recomgs s@em9eUy decreased to normal. taken to prev 9nt tolse lose of oftene power enct TRIPP.LE., HOLDEN.C.N. Repon 1. OthCe of Drector. 86/12/30. Ip. 39179171- ESELGROTH.P.W. Regen 1 Othce of Drector. 86/12/22.MCNEILL.CA P2iic Serv-39179-171. ce Electnc & Gas Ca of New Jersey. 2pp. 39202413 39202442.

                                                                                             -4701070400insp Repts50 272/8431 & 50'311/0&34 on 861028-1124.No violetons V. Operator Eseminaisons                                                                     noted Mesor eroes mapacted.ptent operatons. hcludm0 losowse on outeteneng inop R'      M                                     96/    6. 20pp.

8701000007Genenc Lir 8741 to en power reactor hcensees & apphcents for OL re R M2.M 2202$42. NTON R tion. I 25'). 07/01/

08. Auerec Cary Electnc Ca 44pp. 39304 069-39304:112' M 12230000lE Info Notco 88107 " Entry Into PWR Cawty W/ Retractable inCore De-
                                                                                                 *setor Thimbles Withesen." Svc ist once.

New Y 00pp 30205 DOCKET 54311 SALEM NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 2 8301$) 86 12 39205.138. e612230001 tE Info Notco 86108. "Dogradaten of RCS Pressure Boundary Resulung F. Security, metacal, emergency a fire protection piens Froen Bonc Acid Corroemet" Svc het enct 8701000149 Forwards Rev 5 to Admrustratwo Drectve ADL2, " Author Guide for Oper-anons Dept Documents. per 880923 meeting w/PJ Eckenrode & DC M 39167.197-E e6 eoon New Y 04pp 7 Fecher Emergency opersang procedures we be rewntten based on rewned guide.per 0612230003 IE Info Notco 8&t09, "Dephragm Fesure in Screm Ouest Velve Ceuemg MCNE CA Pubhc Serwce Elecinc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 86/12/30. Rod het NOONAN.V.S. PWR Protect Dractorste 5. 2pp. 39152 210 39152:304. ORDAN of ergency Prepredness & Enyneenn0 Response (Poet 327-

    -8701060164.Rev Dept Docurn nt - 6 to Admrusteeve Drective A&2. " Author Guide for Operanons GUELLER.J. P@he Serwce Elecinc & Gas Ca of New Jersey. 86/11/10. 93pp                 8701130346 Forwwds revoed QA program WeRectng cienAcetione in uW W2:212 39152.304.                                                                         051008 Mr re ASME X1 supplemental quebecaton requrements for personned perfom>

0701140411 Prowles ede info on utd exempson roouest to seehng of cable tray i A Pubic Service Electite & Gas Ca of New Jersey.' 06/12/30. ends.per 10CFR50. App R Page 3 of utt 680117Itr should be amended to state that MURLEY,T.E. Repon 1. Office of Drector. 42pp. 30253-000-39253052. trov ends would te wr d generator power edequate to ensure sys operetakty. MCNEILLCA Pubhc Electnc a Gas Ca of New Jersey. 86/12/31. 3012200141 IE Info Notco 86110," Anomalous Behavior of Rodrculaton Loop Flow in NOONAN.V.S. PWR Propect Drectorate 5.11pp. 39270 225-39270 235. Jet Pump BWR Plants." Svc het enct JORDAN.EL Dienson of Emergency Preparedness & Enyneenng Response (Poet 8701298431 Discusses 880930 Itr re coneohdaten of stenon protected areas Due to un- 830103). 86/12/31. Conaandated Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 95pp. 39205:13& evadetnhty of long lead Component & edverse weather.pregoct wd not be completed 39205.233. as scheduled Status rept & reweed schedule encl.Enct withheid. MCNEILLCA Putec Sennce Electnc & Gas Ca of New Jersey. 87/01/12. 3612300151 lE Info Notce 87401,"RHR Vapve Meehgnment Causes Degradetion of MURLEY,T E. Regen 1. Omco of Drector.1p. 39432.04139432.041. ECCS m PWRs." Svc hat encf. JORDAN.EL Dwison of Emergency Preparedness & ' Response (Post 830103). 47/01/06. Conenhdoted Eeoon Ca of New Y inc. 03pp. 30216.318 0701210278 Informs that JT Bevteh. nuclear secunty manager.wd be response 4e for for-waren0 Angerpnnt cards to NRC & pont of contact to obtain results of cnminei fustory 392t 7457. ' searches by FBl.oer NRC re@est. 8701130100 Forwards Emern Repts $4272/96280L & 50 311/86310L of exams ad-PRESTON.BA 1%ile Sennce Electric & Gas Ca of New Jersey 87/01/13. Record Senaces B1ncti(Document Coreel Desk). 2pp. 39327.380 39327.381. mrussered on 800912. ESELGROTH,P.W. Repon 1. Offlee of Director.87/01/06.MCNEILL,CA Putsc Serv-l Ice Electic & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 2pp. 39249:02&39249.076. l 8701200017 Forwards SALP Repts50272/85 98 & 50 311/85 98 for Oct 1985 . Sept I 1988 Mosen0 ocheduled for 670121 to escuss a - ._ .: & plans to improve areas -4701130198 Exam Repts 50-272/08-280L & 50 311/86310L on 800012.Emem noseng mgt enenton. wntten comments witran 30 after results as reactor & seruar reactor operator m --- w/ ormpeon of one sener re. MURLEY,T E. Repon 1 of Drector 87/01/20. MCNE C.A. Pubhc ' completed wnrien enem Exam 6 answer key enct actor operator schef Elecinc & Gas Ca of New Jersey. 2pp. 39435-00139435465. BARBER,G.S. Regen 1 of Drector.86/12/29. 49pp. 39249:028-39249 076.

     -e7012o0021 SALP Repts 50 272/85-98 & $0 311/85 98 tor Oct 1985 Sept 1986.                4701150201 Ack receipt of861121 & 24tirs tnformin0NRC of slope taken to correct
  • Repon 1, Omco of urector. 87/01/20. 63pp. 39435:003 39435.065. violetons noted in inop Repte54272/0425 4 54311/8425 re ifrended feeeners &

I closoout of IE Bulleen 8242. l EBNETER,S D. Repen 1. Omco of Director. 87/01/06 MCNEILL.CA Putic Service

1. Financent hformeeon Elecirte & Gee Co. of New Jersey. 2pp. 39290:314 39290 322.

8701080400 Forwards JL Jacobs 881218Itr & related petmon before State of NJ. Dept 4701t20006 IE Info Notse 47402, Inadeguate Seemic Quebecaton of Diephreem of Energy. Board of Pubhc Utes to Allente ' Electnc Co corporate reorgeruzenon. Vefves by Mathematcal JORDare.E Modehng &Properedness L Diviemn of Emergency Anafysia" Svc& het enti ' ' Response (Post MCNEILL.CA Pubhc Sonnce Electnc & Co. of New Jersey. 86/12/31. Inc. 07pp. 30300-300-DENTON.H.R. Office of Nucteer Reactor Reguteten, Drector (post 851125). 1p. 830103). 87/01/13 Coneohdated Esson Ca of New Y 39159110w39159 259. 39301 053.

68 DOCXETEDITEMS 879113ees2 IE Info Notte 87403, "SeGregaton of Hazardous & Low Level Rad- 87013e0300 Rev 1.thment 2 to oppheaban for Amend 137 to Ucense DPR-54,re-weelse" Suc iet enci Tech Specs to mclude Water L- Zone 104 on TatWe 3.14 2 per JORDAN.E.L. Diveen of Emergency Preparedness & Engmoenng Response (Post 1 R50, App R. Safety onelysis & no esgnecant hazards evolueton ence. 330103). 07/01/15. Conocedeled Echeon Co. of New York. Inc. 65pp. 39324 025 WARD.J E. Sacramento Municipal Unhty Disinct86/12/24. MIRAGUA.FJ. Dueen of 3e324.112. Presounrod Water Reactor Uconomg . 8 (post 851125) 4pp. 39392:35439392.355. 8M1218303Provides final response to IE Comphence Buneen 86003 re potoneel fe' we of ECCS pumps due to omges fadure of ar< operated vesve in trun flow m' -87012e0423 Proposed Tech Space ack2ng Weier Suppressen Zone 104 to TatWe 3.14-2 por 10CFH50. App R C.A. Pl&he Service lectnc & 4 New /01/15. Record acrernenk Un y etnct 2/24. 2pp. 3939235&393923E Services Brancit (Document Control Dook). 4pp. 39328.319- .322. 870H40001 Responds m NRC W re Awd 121 W Ucense DPRR h mg SM1270007 Formerds Safety inep Repts 54272/8&32 & 50311/8636 on 661125, toon NRC approval of amend. emergency procedures we De revised re opersbety of 12310cenese adonehed veoissons re tenure to complete Tech Spec survesence coolers ar oontemrnent sprey sys tor tnm 34 day -LOCA penod. noted.No noece of veoisson eeued.per 10CFR2 App C WAR .J . Secremento Municspel Useny Detnct 87/01/07. A,F.J Dnneen of ESELGROTH,P W. Regen 1 Omco of Dractor 87/01/16.MCNEILLCA Put*c Serv- Presounrod Water Reactor Uconomg B (post 851125).1p. 39285.279 39265.279. los Enoctrte & Gas Co. of Nour Jersey. 2pp. 39371.152 39371:176 "4ev 7 to AP.501

    -4M127eest Safety insp Repts $4272/8632 4 50-311/8&36 on 8611251231. Vola.                        8701190103 ton & ClasencanonRevoed       emergency of Emergencies. Rev 9 plan   p.q,Nothconon/Comm%

to AP506 unicaten" eens notettehe to corrpises Tech Spec survenance menn requred sme. & Rev 5 to AP.506.01,"Acevanon & Operaton of Techrmil t=twe O.- as e-RS.RJ, NORRHOLM.L.J. Regon 1. Othee of Drector. 87/01/13. 23pp.

  • Secremento Munscipal Unsty Dminct 87/01/09.1 espp. W261.00149287:153.

39371:154-39371:178. etWwse Forwardo Safety inep Rapt $4311/8339 ca 861119-27.No violatons P. Operating boonee stege documente & cerres*.entenee noted. , Elecetc & Co. Jersey ~ pp y 47012o0300 Rev 1, Supplement 2 to apphcetion for Amend 137 to Ucense Speco to riclude Water Sgproceen Zone 104 on TatWe 3.14-2 per

    -4M13eOS27 Insp Rept 50311/8635 on 86111627.No violeeons or devistons                                 1     R50. App R Safety onelysm & rio esgnmcent hazards eveheeton once.

noestLMapor areas inspectoctiest waneeeng, prelimmary evalueton of contamment m. WARD.J.E. Sacramento Municpel Uthty Detnct86/12/24.MIRAGUA,FJ. Dunen of leek rete test & tourt Presounrod Water Reactor Ucenang B (post 851125). 4pp. 39392350-39302355.

                   .W., GOLLAJ                RSON.CJ. Region 1. Office of Drector. 87/01/00.

11pp. 39432062-39432072. ~47012e0423 Propoemd Tech Specs addng Water Suppreseen Zone 104 to TatWe 314-2 per 10CFR50. App R. SM1300017 Forwards SALP Repte54 272/85 08 & 54311/85-98for Oct 1965. Sept

  • Sacremento Municcal Uthty Dietect86/12/24. 2pp. 39392354-39392:355.

1e86.Mosen0 scheduled for 870121 to chacuse assessment & plans to improve areas enenton, written comments unthin 30 days after

                 . E. Repon 1 - ca of Okoctor. 87/01/20. MCNEsu CA Put*c                         . 4701000147 Adween that toeponse to Genenc Lir 8605 re _. -.._. L. of Tnti Elecesc & Geo Co. of New Jersey. 2pp. 3943500139435065.                                           Acton item R.KJ5. *Automenc Tnp of Reactor Cooient Purd WW be provided on 670331 & not on 861231as prommed due to demon                       wortL WARD J E. Sacramento Murucapel             Omenet88/12 29. Mt        GUA.FJ. Duomn of 1                 e or 87/0 24                                                        Pmseunrod Water ReacMr W . (post 85% in 288 MN88 M.

87010e0830 Advmes that survey of meant & survesence program wiB be conducted as R. Portede opereWig iaperts & related correspondence part of restart evaluenortSurvey we be scheduled eher staton ment program sn-provements complete. Meseng should be errenged to estatsen survey deles. SMissesse for Dec 1986 W/870112 fir. STOLZ.J.F. PWR Protect Drectorate6. 86/12/31. WAROJ.E. Secrer'ionto Municipal WHITE.P., .J Electnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey.86/12/31. $pp. 39216N9216.M 15pp. 3e392162 39310176. 47010e0220 Forwerts request for addl miso re veneef heeler feaures.Use of anci request as for 87010e one meetng to hoster fadures a staperteble _' LERe & reisted corroependence STOLZJ.F. PWR Drectorate6. 86/12/31.WARDJE. Secremento Uthey District. 6pp. 39220128 39220133. voi contal baress bezess.per 1 8701140061 Responds to NRC inqumes re Amend 121 to Lmense DPR-54. Advmes that MCNEILL.CA Putec Servtco & Gas Co. of New Jersey.87/01/20. Document upon NRC approval of arnend. emergency procedures we be mused to operatuety of Contal Branch (Document Control Desk). 4pp. 39391:35&393v1:359. aprey L SM13Ae325 LER 9841340On 861223.twtane reactor 1rtp occurred when steem roast Presounrod Water Reactor Uconomg (post 851125). Ip. 39265.279-39265.279. Intenock P 7 ceuemg natune overspeed Ceused by feikse of elec*cwhydrauhc control eye crcuit cards. Cards repieced & sys tested sessfactonly W/870122 nr. 07012102e6 Responds to questions Ammam8 durtn0 861218 toicon re SPDS & men HELLER,R K ZUPKOJ M. Put$c Sennce Eactnc & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 87/01/ feedwater (MFW) mdicaton m control rocptUtl we rewme acton plan,Secton 48.19 re

22. 5pp. 39386.35&39306.360. MFW pump tipet WARD.J.E. Secremento Municipal Uthey Distnct 87/01/12. MIRAGUA,FJ. PWR Protect Dractorate 7. 2pp. 39328.323-39328:324.

4701210034 Ack recept of replacement check for payment of fee re 861212 SM1138100 Forwards Exam Repts 5&272/86260L & 50 311/86-310L of exams ed. apphcoton.Ongmel 860505 payment retumed chas to sepulaton that check veed e mmatored on 800912. - months efter date of sneue. ESELGROTH,P.W. Region 1. Ofnce of Drector.87.*01/06.MCNEILL.CA PWie Serv. DIGGS.R.M. bconee Fee Management Branch (Poet 861123). 87/01/13. WARD.J.E. Ice Electic & Gas Co. of New Jersey. 2pp. 39249:02 & 39249:076. Secremento Municipal Uthey Detnct 1p. 3932924&39329.249.

  -8791130100 Exern Repts 50-272/8&200L & $0311/8&110L on 860912.Exarn results.aN reactor & eener reactor operator candidates w/ excepton of one sonor re-             870130030s Forwards sucst plan for 87021& 12 safety evalueton of SPDS in actor                                                                                              Lynchburg,VA.

stor setsdectorey cargested wntion exentEzem & enower key end. R,G.S., KELLER.R M., COLUNS.SJ. Regen 1. Omco of Drector. 06/12/29. MINER.S. PWR Project Directorate 6. 87/01/14. WARD.J.E. Secremento Municpal 40pp. 39249228 39249076. Utety Ostrict 5pp. 3944529&39445290. fM1000007 Generic Lir 8741 to es power reactor Econsees & appecents for OL re 8701200330 Advmes of fuhre piene t> take reactar out of cold shutdown & pn ceed pidec of NRC operator exam queston benitSvc het end. mrough heetup 43 hot shutdown conistons.besed on interpmtalen of 851226 conerm. DENTON.H.R. cf Nucieur Reactor ton, Drector (post 851125) 87/01/ etary acton es for postart ectwoot

08. Amante City Elecetc Co. 44pp. 39304 39304:112' WARD,J E. Secremento Mirecgaal Utsty Distrtet 87/01/20.MIRAGUA.FJ. Dvuion of Water Reactor (BWR) Ucenomg. MARTINJ.B. Repon 5. Omco of Dractor.

8701300017 Forwards SALP Rep 5&272/85-98 & $&311/8598for Oct 1985 - Sept 2pp. 1067-39391$88. 1998.Mosen0 ochedidad for fau121 to asecame sesseement & piene to improve areas enentort a written comments women 30 after $701200467 Responds to NRC 861007 response to880613 Proposed Amend 146 to i MUR . .E. Repon 1. of Drector. 87/C1/20. MCNEl CA Putic Ucense DPR-54 ceng une retenton of term "LER" 41 hou of recxammendaton m Go-i Electic & Gas Co. cf New Jersey. 2pp. 3943590139435265. nonc Lt 8343 as unacceptable. Requred changes medo & eHocted Tech Spec l enel ) , -8701300021 SALP Repts 5&272/8596 & $&311/85 96 for Oct 1985. Sept 1986. DJ.E. Secremento Municipal Useity Detrtet87/01/20. STOL2J F. PWR Pregoct ,

  • Repon 1. Ofnce of urector. 07/01/20. 63pp. 39435$03 39435.065. Drectorate 8. Ip. 39302902 39392006.


  • Secremento Municgel Unkty Detnct87/01/20. Opp. 39392:003 39302.908. I F. Seeisray, seeeent, emergency a fire protection plane 079113e376 Ack receipt of 861201 Nr informing NRC of steps taken to correct violabons noted 861028 noece of veoistortAdcs meo re new teclung sys & mgt actons to esaure 8701060330 Forwards N 5&312/8636 on 861013.H26 No violatone read.
                 .                  5                   '86/I2727W                Secremento Mu-       CHAFFEE.A.E. Regen Omco of Director. 86/12/17. WAROJ. Secremento Munica-recspel Utsey Deenct 1p. 39255:115-39255132.                                                       pel Uthty Detnct 2pp. 39160.244 39180.256.
 -47011300s4 Responds to NRC 861028 Itr re voletons noted in Inno Rect 50 312/86-                   -8701050335 Insp Rept 5&312/8&36 on 6610131126.No voletone or devletons 14.Correceve actone wareng clept was retam en emergency preparedness trerung mes                   noted Megar areas inspected operatonal safety venncanon.manit.aurveillance & fonow.

A prepareeees representagve wel attend deny up ttoms. W .E. amonto haunscgand Utby Du*ict 86/12/01. TINJ B. Regen 5, D'ANGELO.A.J., MYERS.CJ., PEREZG.P. Regon 5, Orfice of Drector. 86/12/12. OfRce of Director.17pp. 39265.11&39m132. 11pp. 39180:24&39160256. I l I

DOCKETEDITEMS 69 8701130230 LER 8603040-on 661208. decay heat sys monaten occuned tenoser 8781138488Revoed response to violeton noted at inop Rept54312/8608 Correctrve of source tensformer.Ceused try personnel error & madequate procedure actons each of emepment checked to onoure that medvertent damage had not counessed a procedures revoed W/870107 ler. metructons neued to placement of equipment. occurred. V WAROJ E Secremento Munopei Utety DeincL 86r12/23. MARTINJA Regen 5, COLOM80.R W., W ARD.J.E. Secremento Muncoef Utsty DistncL 67/01/01. MARTINJB. Region 5, Omco of Drector. 9pp. 39249.017 39249025. Omco of Drector. 3pp. 39259.141-39259.143. 8791138278 Ack receipt of 861201ter informing NRC of steps taken to correct violabone 8701210478 PNOV-87000on 870115.Ilconsee escovered that nun dc bus volle9e would fe5 below valve mig frun volte9e for steem admiteen verve to steem chwen noted 861028 rance of vmeston. Add info re new teckmg sys & mgt actons to escurs austery feedwater pump dunn0 ESF actuaton concurrent w/ toes of offste power. preparedness tenmg am erpiemontation requested. D'ANGELO A., MILLER.L Repon 5. Othce of Drector. 67/01/16. tp. 39325.335-

                       .H.A. Repon 5. Othce of               86/12/24.WAROJE Secremento Mw rucipal Untity Detnct.1p. 39255.115 39255.t32.                                             39325.338.

8701218481 LER 8643140-on 860804.hourty instead of conenuous fire wettfi

        =8781138384 Responde to NRC 861028 ler te violetone noted e inen Rept 50 312/06-             performed t'**M by operator error Fro protecton coerenator we estet han eGreed 14 Correenve actone'rerung dept we retam en emergency preparednese terung med             won samunosogy for fire staff to use wrien communcanng.W/870116 str.

4 preparednese representenve wie attend dedy TINJ B. Regen 5, COLOMBO.R W, WARD.J E. Secremento Munopre Uthey Detrict 87/01/18. WARD E. amonto Murucce# Uthey Detnct. 86/12/01. MARTIN,J 8. Region 5. Othce of Drector. Opp.39326 064 39326.071. Ornce of Drector.17pp. 39255'116 39255:132 8701270412 LER 8603340'on 861220. local conenuous temphn0 device on reactor M12238088 IE info Notce 86107. "Erey into PWR Cavity W/RetractatWe in. core De. bidg not operetng due to loss of power receptacle. r==M try overuse of sector Thrnbles withdrawn." Suc het enct Reeponse (Poet receptacle Simiser event occuned on 861223.Oueste ts00ed W/.70119 Mr. JORDAN.E L Deveen of Emergency Preparedness & E inc. 08pp. 30205.031 COLOM80.R W., WARDJ E. Secremento Munopse Utely DeIncL 87/01/18. 830103). 86/12/29 Coneohdeted Edison Cct of New Y MARTINJ8. Repon 5, Othce of Drector. Spp.39370-042-39370:046. 30205.138. 8701270418 LER 86432:en 861218, houra y fire watch for Fire Zone 39 mesed for 1 h IE Info Nonce 86108, "Cegradenon of RCS Proseure Boundary Resultng whee CO2 sys noperatWe due to hole bono dnned inrougn won ser conut 881,2230881p om Bonc Acid Corrosen." Svc set end Reeponse (Post L---' Couesd by operatone error. info etreamhned.W/870119 nr JORDAN.E L Dnason of Emergency Preparedness & COLOM80,R.W., WARD.J.E. Secremento Municipal Utely Dettet. 67/01/18. inc. 04pp. 39167 003-830103) 86/12/29. Coneohdated Echoon Co. of New Y MARTIN 48. Regen 5 Othee of Drector. 6pp. 39368 289-39308.294. 39167:197. 8701388341 LER 85 01443:from 850614-18. reactor taken enecal due to clogged ts-8813338083IE Info Notco 86109. "Dieptregm Fmeure in Scram Ounet Velve Causeg tune tube cd sys ene t'm*M by opereton of Class 2 treaker en Casse 1 maramt Rod inserton." Svc not oncs. he to lect of programmetc corWols Acton name idonehedW/870120 nr. JORDAN.E L Deveen of Emergency Properedness & Engmeeting Response (Poet COLOM80,R.W., WARDJ E. Secremento Munopel Uteny DowtcL 87/01/20. 6301C3). 86/12/29 Coneohdated Edson Co. of New Yort, Inc. 94pp. 30205.234 MARTINJ.8. Regen 5, Othce of Drector. 6pp. 39390.350 39300:355. 39205.327. 8812380141 IE Inh > Noece 86110. " Anomalous Behowlor of Redrculanon Loop Flow h V. Operator Eseminettene Jet Pump IpWR Plants." Svc tot once. JORDAN.E L Dhamon of Emergency Preparednese & Engmoenng Respones (Post 830103) 86/12/31. Coneohdetod Echeon Cct of New York, Inc. 95pp. 39205.139- 8701880887 Generic Lt 8741 to es power reactor teensees & apphcents for OL re putWic ev of NRC operator exam tweeson benetSvc het enct 39205 233. DENTON,H R. of Nuclear Reactor ton, Drector (post 851125). 87/01/ 8701148101 Forwards revised response to861028 nonce of violaton trom inep Rept 08. Atienec Oty Electne Co. 44pp. 39304 069 39304.112. 50 312/8614 Response to Vmianon C.3 encuid read eight rechsten protecton per-sonnel we be temed m and murt mects try 861231. WARD J E. Secremento Municipal Ut3 Detnct 86/12/31. MARTINJ B. Region 5. DOCKET 80 313 ARKA008AS NUCLEAR 000E, UNIT 1 Ornce of Drector. 3pp. 39270'144-392ru:148. 8812300181 tE Info Notco 87401. "RHR Velve Meengnment Causse Degradeton of F. Geourity, medical, emergency a fire protesson plane ECCS m PWRE" Svc tot enck JORDAN.E L Dween of Emergency Preparedness & E Reepcmae (Poet 870N181 enforme met specNic pWicy to W ectons % be taken ki response 830103t 07/01/0tk Consondated Eeoon Co. of New Y . Inc. 03pp. 39218.316- to venous secunty entractone by employees we be

                                                                                                                                                                        . J try 870215 in re-39217.057.                                                                                         to inep Repts 506313/96-06 & 50 388/0648 8701120088 IE Info Notce 87 002. "IriMay=to seemic Qualincetion of Depfwegm                  og          .         i               68 Vefves by Mathemencel Modehn0 4 Analyss." Svc het enct JORDAN.E.L Danson of Emergency Preparedness &                           Reepones (Post                   Reemed emergency plan '

praeme Rev 1 to 830103b 87/01/13. Consondeled Echeon Co. of New Y inc. 07pp. 39300:30s. 8701130148E gga Cc- -- 1.~.m" hav h _o'1t sus.23, " Personnel 39 2 253- 4 Rev 12 to 1 .30 "Evecuaton." 8701130002 IE Info Notco 87403, "Segregaton of Hazardous & Low Level Red-


YDA LD of Emergency Preparedness & En0meering Reeponse (Post r' to 190570. " Dunes of 830103L 87/01/15. Coneohdeted Ecteon Co. of New York, Inc. 85pp. 39324225- Teem" & Rev 11 to 1903.42. "Outes of E M= eras Team." 39324.112. LEV 1NEJ.M. Arkansas Pows & Ught Co. 87/ U 22pp. 39230-207 38234228. 8701380307 LER 8602141:on 860924.sefety.related valves determmed not approprt" 0701138288 Revoed unwgency plan '., _ ,"aIb 7 toW=es.inciucAn0 1903.51. "Tumover Rev of 8 to Re-stefy included in meannce tes em regured by Tech Spec 4 22.1 & ewved- 1903.43,"Dutes of E Reeston Team lance test not prom conduct . by encomplete proceduresW/870120 fir. eponotusty" & Rev 1 to 1 . ," Command & CantoL" MAR Reipon 5, of Drector 8pp. 5-39308.0 8701130288 Rev 2 to Emergency Recsecon Protecton Prnemero1905.001 "Emergen-R. Portedic operatin8 reports & related corroependence c.y P-easag-w Carecsa"Arkanoes Power & Ught Co. 87/01/05.15pp. 389127630241:0 operatng for Sept 190e W/861018 8tr. 8701138288 Revised emerponcy pian implementln0 pra"'"es.incduspng Rev 3 to 8701080140 1903.04. "Ackuneireton a Memt of Emergency Pian & 1 - _JAProcedwes" & COLOMBO.R W. Unlity Detnct 86/09/30. MARTINJ.B. Regen Rev 23 to 1903.10. " Emergency Acton Level Respones/NosAcetons. 5 Orlice of Drector. topp.39170-033-39170242. LEV 1NEJ.M. Arkeness Power & Uyit Co. 47/01/05. 78pp. 38241:150 38241:227. 8701210014 Forwarde info r=a==*** In J Stoir830311 ter to JJ Mattmos re NPDES 8701180218 Rev 11 to Emergency Plan implemeneng Procedure 1903.060 " Emergency permit.coneetm0 of water quakty rnannonng program for Dec 1986. Resporme Orgentremon " WARD.J E. Secremento Murucipal Uthty Dietnct87/01/06. STOLZ4F. Office of Nu-

  • Arkanmes Power & Ught Co. 87/01/07,79pp. 30283114 38283:192.

clear Reactor RespAeton, Drector (post 851125). 4pp. 39314.244 39314.250.

                                                                                                   $701148088 Revloed emergency plan lmplemenhng procedures.kiciussng Rev 4 to 1804-
         -8701380810 "Diecharger Seef.Monnortn0 Rept for Dec 1986."                                    01. "ONeles Oceo Protectare - GERMS Computer Grapisco Meetod" & Rev 8 to WILSON,WA Secremento Munopel Uthty Deinct. 86/12/31. 3pp. 39314.248                        190442. "Offees Does Propectons . Pocket Computer MethotL" 39314.250.                                                                                 LEVINEJ.M. Arkeness Power & Ught Co.87/01/07.108pp. 39296024 38285131. .

S. Reportette occurrences. LEne & retoted correspondence 8701080188 LER 85 01141 on 850611, reactor protecton sys inpped dwing RCS 8701130278 informs that corporate ofcs of nucteer operemons dept wG be edaema=e et heetup when shutdown prosauro esipcmt exceeded.Ceused by metrumentaton numbere for vertous enct

                                             .instruccono proceare revised.W/861229 lir.               tened address on 870100 Ust of now errore 4 modoquete                                                                         ENOSJT. Arkeness Power & Ught . 87/01/05.STOLZJF.                        Prog'ect Director.

COLOMBO,R W., WARD.J E. Secremento Munopel UtNfy Detnet. 06/12/29. ste 8 KNIGHTON.G W. PWR Propect Directorate 7. 2pp. 39242237 39242238. MARTINJB. Region 5, Omco of Drector. 4pp. 39187 28439187271. 8 1 72 erds corrected Pages 2-4 of LER 8541601.LER viumber should be ,, , l WARD.J E. Secremento Municipal Distnet. 86/12/31. MARTINJB. Region 5, Ornce of Drector.1p. 39249:001-39249. . 8701080884 Forwards request for adcs info re NUREG4737. Item 8.D.1, %.L._. Tesang of Rehof & Safety valves." Telcon should be arranged w/G Vleeln0 mRer ter

         - 8701130381 Corrected peGee of Rev 1 to LER 85 01401.                                         veceptformal response         =aa=' by 870210.

WARD.J E. Secremento Municipal Utitty DeutcL 86/12/31. 3pp. 3924t002 STOLZJF. PWR Propect 8. 87/01/07. CAM 8 ELL 0 Arkeness Poser 4 39249-004. Ught Co. 7pp. 38218 072 39218:078. I_--______

70 DOCKETEDITEMS weiO90ew re-se es. .mn.non re mee=, com pump me mm. m 001:0000m E edo mene 80 io7, -E ey weo PWR Covey w/Revocame swore oe-enemymesed on Stos33 & 072s responess & 0010e3 mesene mee. oper- escear 71= redes Weiseen sua est enet Wen m ure wareanna JOfWAN,EL DMuon of Emergency Pteparations & Response (Pest STOL2J F. PWR pmpsut Directorate &87/01/07. CAMPOELL,G. Arteness Power & Upt Ca 2pgL 3022012349220127, 030100k 08/12/20. Consondated Edson Co. of New Y enc. Ospp. 30006091 30006:13s.

    =4591N0017               avahesen re rescent ocelare punip shaft                                                                                     leeue et
      *g*     unenses                moormed & vened operesore as so synonens esmans so ggggggg g gnfo Netoe 80100, "Dayademon of RCS Pressure Boundary Romultig prom eenc and Conoman suc ese ensi Omos "d't::n, free-r"M::"ori,D".e:'"'."o".'E'aTT&7. w                                                                                                        &"a#'OM,r"C".c'e= :"Amhor,* 'o"rt=%"""i0"                                       v                    072
       == i 25== 127.
                                                                                                                                                                         . 107 197.

hem east SIsewed in ensom OS 3000000 Irdo 04100. Diophreyn Fehoe h Scram Chest Vefve Coueme "g?"*,'/ E @ %'T7'/a/o*srme.awa**' ~ s,y'**,",2bd?"Cc's.o 0

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 =="iP eso i C,*2'llr",.s', Pet":""'.stl*.""".M
      ,,GDC 4 o 2ll"",,of,feeg                                                                                                                             o          0791100101 es Gusse                 145                                                                                                        to vetous Info.rms.S.iet es ne .memor spec.lec                             poes.y
e. er sos r.e.isongtiary me .o - =aceans m2 mto re.

he gate.n in r.esponse C 3 303e3 .J . & 2 GAGUARDOJ E. Repen 4 Osgos of Drector.1p. 30301Jee 30301.200. pr SM1N0010

      "-                                  & noreropnetary emisey evaluetone to                                                                                  in-ca m of enedeemes core oogen0Just                                                                                          7,lemm HF . _~ -. *s             evehmeon mesised traf 10&R2.

3013000141 E Info Nomos 80110," Anomalous Behavior of Recscidsson Loop Feow h Jet Pung gwR PlansL" Suc est ensi 8734 J.F Drectoreas 3. 07/01/14. LL.G. Artenses Power & JDRDAN.E L. DMoon of Emergency Pmpsedness & Engnmenrg Response iPost Upit w . bb 301? 194037E226. 000103). 08/12/31. Coneaadened Essen Ca of New Yout, Inc. Sepp. 39806:130-

   -879130)St7 L , __, esfuer evolueeon                                                                                                                                  30006233.

um sys for duence- ! "o',."O"Es., asace:'"R l2"'D,eceo, i,oet%Ti#.nou14. . "#r,%"Rs , aa"

  • i 393702m03m225. ;ononn,g i_ ou,v,c, g ,,e,a ,,,,, p,,,,,seisesResponse & E**(Poet*::l' 0 *aa"" =aa -"' - o 8791370000 Responds to NRC a01124 feemet for ede bdo proposed Tech *" " " * " * * ' * **"" '"" * *'

spec change se essetuses aceumson a preenwe eseemttoop 67' I"pe"o's'71C pnv"#f 7a"g@".giowS STOEPWR Okector- 8701130473 Ack recept of 000020 nr NRC of enspo tehen to conect viologene W

  • 4 39371.271-3D1 nosed in inap Repen SO413/0617 /0010.Ceanecesan re surveennes pro-EURepon 4. Omos of Okector. 07/01/07. CAMP 9 ELL.G. Arteness e, Oispecuen em iE sugegne & serrespondenes Power & Ught Ca 2pp. 3825022430260432.

0791000:10 Insonne sist um unsMe en eehh reesessed enstems to 301117 8791140100 summary of 001023 mesung w/esend emendose.wiciudhe us, h ar re inen Rapio 54313/00-20 3634,54313/0520 4 54300/0627Jee- esemednesD re emps resusene n - -_ 4 sweensenry n. es ne prouded my 070131. mee enct mas trot 10&R2.'/00L T. Arteness power a upe Ca Os/12/1R GAGuARDOJ.E. Repen 4. Omoe G of Duector.1p. 30164 067 30104.057 30201.221.30201S. PWR 203. Propset Drectorate 0U01/07. PWR Prosset Demotoreae 8. 74pp. 3791000033 Ack rocsipt of 000030 ihr NRC of enken to conect ventagons 8791140070 Assi recept of 000029 roepense so 900726 le re winessons noemd h insp

      & elevensons nosed h insp Repes 04313/ 14 4                                                                                      14Aeot coues of viole.                   80 313/0010 4 04300/0010.Enore h eeuctos of respones noemd.Ada info San appeare op he               _ h riehoe.Seveney LevelIV                                                                              .
                                                                                                                                                                        #e           B needell per 061222 escuaman w/D Lomet GAGUARDOJE. Asdon 4, Omos of Dunesor. OS/12/10.                                                                                              Ou Arteness           GAGUARDOJ E. Repon 4, Olece or Dweetor. 07/01/CE CAMP 8 ELL.G. Artenmes Power & Upit Ca 2pp. 30164.100 30154:115.                                                                                                                         Poust & Upit Co. 2pp. 30004.001,30304400.

87911 MMS Responses so wolaeone noemd in kup Repes 50313/0630 & $0300/06-27.ceneceve - 3791130m E info Namco 07402. *inadeemse Sanande then-man of Olephragm

                              . _ _ oounseled 4 ment personnai ceuennes not to memy                                                                                    v           namensmencel esassene & Analyus. suc est ensi Arteness Power
10. GAGUARDOJ E. ReBlon 4 Omoe 830 NO eson pesar Y 07 30000 s791100170 Foreanse deeinipson of consensatory enseewes =eucsi nei emmen in esset une constees.h respones so NRC 061202 request for ede hfo to e79113000 e inso Noace 07403 se,*0mean of Hasensous & Low Loves Red-messes." Svc est anci
              .T.                                06/1 / GAGUARDOJ E. Repon 4. Ofeco of Drector. tp.30301200 30301J00.                                                                                                                                            'h7ho                                            eacn          Ner               85pp 30324 30324112.

8791000004 onsen$s Repes $4313/0430 & 54300/0&30 on 001101- 30.No veo-g, q g g GAGUARDOJ E. Repon 4. Ofece of Duector. 08/12/22. CAMP 9 ELL,T.G. Artenses nucsear facenemDocument aseed on App C evessels h PDR.Domenenes eased on App Power & Upit Ca 2pp. 30153.342-30153:354 D GL

  -4701000007 enep Repes 54313/00 30 & 54300/0430 on 06110140.No vietatons or                                                                                          Lagsf Poundenort Opp. 3000ka043030k33E                                    en01/4 WMSA 6 netose cote                                                                                                                                              -4791300000 Portaty unnheid Rest of inosky O.4434000 cad 800720 re 0                            HUPfTER.DA ReBlon 4, Omos of Director. 08/12/

JOHN it. ii 9,p.N.W.D.,


of.'T,, c,a,, g"',,,0p eig unape ent tur.eso um empsoyese. Empeoyees donded eue un 87910m000 Formerds kup Repes $4313/00 30 & 54308/00 30 on 0010341120Jeo venissons or deutseens noset Jk f 6

  • 88 12 88' G' A8*8" 8 K Pew 8 e cPeru He fePert Nnu 8 eeH9uPe 8 He
 -479                          56313/0640 & $4300/06 30 on 001000w1120.No vioissone                                                                                 8791000100                                            rest for Sept 1986 W/001015 lir.

or deviseere noemd seen W content purnp tups.feri pressure GDOELLJJt., E T. nousle senem Generseer tee survesanos, Poser & ueN Ca 08/08/20.SASSETT.H.S. Devi-T.L.D., alon of Automated Informenon Seneces (Pro 301123k Opp. 30100$46 30100000.

                                    .D.M., IRELAfC.R E. Repon 4, Omos of Director. 0s/12/
10. Opp. 301502543015t200.

0791 3 0417 rupt for Oct 1000.W/001116 nr. GOBELLJ.N., E .T. Peaur & 8791000000 Forwards inep Repes50 313/06-32 & 54300/00 32 ort 300030 1000 4 Once of Resource Manm0mment, Duector. epp. - Co. 08/10/31. BASSETT.H.86 101417.No ventomons or devissons noestConerms wusersemutig Sist er 30432 032. esfo coeregon of uneongue me to

    ,,,e, , o,,, gy,,p,,,,,,gD==                                                                                              /i2/a                   -             a R. peri Gio - Lens & re= tot eerresponmenes
 -4791000000 Insp Repen 50 311/00 32 4 80 300/0632 on 8000001003 & 101417Jee                                                                                        8791000101 LER 8040f41.on 000115.eeninisteeve prooses for reviser of esmeon momie ^ or devinnons nogetunresolved Omme herimettestor areas                                                                                                      dumpichanges of                                     tootmeest (EFW) syn per 10&RSO.80 lagetCauess tur Wuness 4            *iservene supe & IE Su0 set 06400 engomy.                                                                                   biedesuese reme= of                                       chenes.Ptent pleosd h cold shutdounW/001230 D     SESSJ E., P3ICIt,           A Regen e. Oleos of DWestor. 08/11/se.13pp.

L, ENDS,J.T. Arteness Power & UOht Ca08/12/20. Opp. 30154:100-30154-104. 8791000004 Responde so nodos of violagon & Ingoumon of afue pena 0y. Pert 0.Sosa bug Re e _st 60413/0041 *'e"n"'kJan 1000. Respenas so Part I contened in001212 _ :_ _n of vioime 8701100007 PNO4V47403:en 970100. commenced uret ohnedsen & conht nun to repet roWestatConocese estens encummed. enue name inne h ensam A.On 8701:0, piant ei cons r -- r EBCSJ.T. Artensen Power & Ca 08/12/30 TAYLORJ.M. Once of kupacean to 4 isiforcement, Director (Post 1) 24pp. 3010k17&30103-201. unit heck on on 870110. A Regen 4, Omos of Dbector. 07/01/12.1p. 30E04:3e436004.340.

                             - _ _                _ _ . -         .                   _              -.              _-                     _ .                                        _                                       .e._.m                         ._                   -

DOCKETED ITERIS 71 v.opomm,s.o.msnme 0 0000= sid,s e,e,, ,mosese sene,6c&ti,ease na.m e O,. gone. ned 07e300000r annant ur 074, e as so.or me.or nooneses & appeon,es isr OL se 2.i & 22.vander

                                                                                                                                                       'eias"   - -           _we ese.s"n.E.en            e.i,end m,T.emessaan    e 800=i.iswo
                                                                                                                                                       .ser Res.or                                    poetGet 20                   1                   SOS Nutseer Reasser                           Opec r         . 1 20). 87/01/
09. Aemnac Oay flocus Cet 44pp. 30004. :112. ,, ,

00C080T GHis 0001ALD C. C00eg amara sam POWWI PLAfff. UINT t g O' CMC 2/3y. gp of Nu.

             ~ . m                       ~ .no,A . Poe ~ .no                                                                                  1., D om p=wn,= =;
                                                                                                                                                       . r.n"sC          .R ,,e,s.'           A,n.1 m .se.,r,s"".l"oou Ep. 0,0,. 01          Re ed '"'"#"'1 p- n *8"P"Arb. E,.e. Ew. Re.e                                          .A 0e                                       Co.ooufu                            msn e                 e             .'c ,s".n, .s.,ene C.fu .,i, 2 L ==m=.

She ." fleussed mulun else enet. 3 031;13s. 4 EPP.104.

  • Inenne &l "aoN0an Decesc 12/10,174pp. 30303200@.4.112.

to Sp011W De.sne,ee emble opsono inside u.nd.elantig Pee o instument of tumetal besle for toufoschman to useiseend of maisese kneuse tse.M inten & ef 879100000F NftC 000701 Nr Pensenen edeensWig Roy Roy 1213Sutohanagon moeled,em.uled so.,ey pion.inesend Of 99F elBo encLEnsde Wet in tones condus tsund en Wasse Pt006801per taloon. 10(PR7321). . Inenne & Soeste Cet87/01/06. ICEPPLER.J.G. Regen 36 ALE)GCN,AA.P. Inenne & te:Memn Oscete Cet %12/19. KEPPLEft JA Repon 3. Ones of . 7 ppt 300sti 1806 Once of Deector. 3pp. 30170072 30170$74. Pe eveis000er Rweed Pian P,ommen. pup 2001 EPP.200 eneia oper. spete, Se e usenes.u.ds e cPR40 eenested

                                                                                                                                                                                           & om7sTees,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          -__ - Dec     .m esenn nt3/4          3 6 4&3/4 a meses          3 4 ear aceans     ser Amends 8

eson 9 Ases." EPP esene " steigt of Row 2001 0 to 214. EPP PW Er2001,uman.N1. ""Accuenon of @mr* Puel S hecenten Bectic CcL 87/01/00.100pp. 7. 1 40007:100. thecen,ess Dessic4.Po 87/.01/00.DOLAN.J,. or Sandse Co p. Wbissans 30031:1 & 3W SAA43A esset,. Os DOLAfd.J. 370130001Routeed Eme.gency Plan P,eoneses PedP 2001 EPP.100 eense. "Techni-1 Sieport Car." enetuleng Rev 0 to PldP 2001 EPF 101 re ecoveson & ep.eenn of 4yg,000000 Enges to Amends 80 4 Se to Uoonome DPR40 & WR 74 . Insane 87/01 08 80 30 1 0 06

                                         ,                 ,s.,, P o         es         P ost EP 3. .s.tse. Em Gener Ope,Re    esons P                                                                                               per econ proupi Rev 0 to                  . 2001 Rev              0 to PasP
                                                                     .300re    -          2001
                                                                                          -- -- EPP.301
                                                                                                  - J .afeme  se actuamon/s,ger>.                   gye11W                        um                   841203               ter Tecfi Spec                 se roaster                  :
                                                                                                                                                       ",,"7,",,,, ,, ,,,,, g,,,.iseme.l  som           my              w o.f   w une 2.                       wwt

! Isman st snenne & haccugen seeme Co. 07/01/00. 7sep. 303ee 1as. man one . Ca 0,.11 00 Ad e.e 0. 1210 - 13to moes.d emer e, es e,,.an .or e .AL.s,locM. e Res.o ReALP,. d Re In,e,nn.e oet &,J:l2:'.ence.ic.n.e7/01/Os. 1,L=0.:=0.=0= =OENTON,HA Omos. m.r *.eic"T"Aumc=P. """3 8td.m Amen.or,.7,01.. esoetc Am.cM.u.P.

                                                                                                 - C                            =I.,ies,. ,,,,,.,     &1.,,e.0,0.A.,.e,ne,,,,

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                                                                                                                                                                                               ,,, and to .o.nen.,es.C-d. no,n ed.

0, r z &- gg"'*"'" d m.g.o 0. ides e - 4 6".JlE..ll%'n,,'a"*o'E" N  ! !. = =0,,R,.,,,e,.,,,em, ;= j. ,g,.,me,,P,=, ==ll aJ.e,an',,*Re A n=k =p L ==1 im +

        .=g,                          ,
                                                                                                                                                       . Rose                                            o

, - ed e e n.e,r.,. e 1

           . e 0.r.
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                         & a .         
                                                    . Ca .74,P-=0   w14. E,.PP.==24 0 .                   3.m                                                  C,.1e0 0. ,,eposed Te.g y ,s.    .pe.oso *ta,s**eso,.,,    de -                       s     o .e       e-j        g.27003 Rev 0,,to Proconse PldP 2001 EPP.302," Emergency Operemons Fesser                                                                                     basNgan Eissetc Co. 07/01/00.10pp. 30006:1aa
  • 1nenne & heeNgan BecMc Cet 47/01/20,30pp. 30371214-39371252. gyg,gggy perne,ds lead dop enely.s of met, load Most of mae.y be4 crane.In event sist load Stock aheidd Ise tone men heWit,amed beast us esse tip of spent l

A insuranse & Indsmedly Insonnemen M.or elser ResReguinton, M Besete Ca07/01/00.DENTON.HA Omme of Nu-poet 061128k 41pp. 30304:140-30304:100. 3701870000 Forunnes Endorsement 72 to NEUA NF300.E _ 60 to i MAELU IdF 70 & Endoresment to to NEUA N46 & N.64 & MAELU for amends to Ucename DPR-50 & DPR-74.delegne Careeneses & he44. 0701N0004 pWesen dets Appgaason, neced s soonists to Tech Spec 3.0.7 fe niebt load eGarylitock bl4 of .810000.> i-DUCKLESJA hierah & hecLennen, Inc. 08/12/23. DINITZ,L Asemeent Dhector for er needed ese to compassen of load elock esp Stees & uconese Reestonet 7pp. 30100 30630100 315. cransposenese ALE)oCH, ALP. Insane no long& Desess ca 07/01/13. DENTON HA et flu-cesar Ramseer Reguluson, post 061125k 3 ppt 30311:00M0311200. D.Opereeing Soones sange - & corroependense -8709 3 0000 Tech 4ec 3.0.7 se sehseIng operemons crane tevelin spenf Deeelo Cet 87/01/13. 3 ppt 30311291,30311283. 8791000000 Formones Amend 100 to Ucones DP460 & esfeer evehmson. Amand re. 2",""'""""'""*""""'""*"***'"5'"""C'***"- s s000iG P W4011 _1_ 3C _ ekCe. & Re,2 = mMP4s-n Lmmig Smek K40

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 & 10s-Ane%=                 l l

WIGGINTON.DL PWR Project Dhectorate 4. 08/12/20. DDLAN.J. Indens & he.ip es,'",is ' l'""' *** E rt Nu se, Ca. m La.t= c* "'aa" a=" =="-" ~~ * ='*2=- L'%':%. e .7,.1,

15. Record Servtose Sien i(Do.snant Spp. 30300201-venances 0 -8791N0075 Nee,ipsepstatery Rev 2 to "DC Cook Undt 1 Liinieng greek K(Z) LOCA/
Pregoct Directorees 4. 08/12/20. 30pp. 301E22S301E264.

3 WIGGINTON.04 g g ,, a Nuclear Ca, inc4 )(N4gr4g g igpy) RSS. 47/01/15. Sepp. 30300.

  • l -8791000000 Safety owshassen .oporeng Amend 100 to Ucense DPR.00.

08M2M % l j h 7, $79137W Soemen AgpAceMon 3/4at to seguese for amend to Uceness

                                                                                                                                                                                                & mobesti      enest gun  OPR.-SS       & DPR-74, stor reestisey        per To., has Lt 04-gener.'.                                                     P. IndEne &                      Benetc Ca 87/01/16. DENTON,HA Omos of Nu-T             &P                                                                      claer Reestor Repenton,                       poet 061125k 12pIL 393C1:124 30001:177.

t se of seendees & ents. Sepp. 301 3 430 E34 -8791370MB Pseposed Tesh Socoon 3/4.8.1 to hegrove & meesti dessi reAubeyser Lar 15 & sectone 3/4.0.2 a 3/4.8.3 se ac & tools of CLO/NE & h indene & Elesels Ca 87/01/16. 42 ppt 30361:13430301:177. M Ca 08/12/30. DENTON.HA Olege of Nu- 8.M995 FerWends to SeEts of Nahsel Renaisces for seed of

          . ear Reactor Repdescri,                            post 061126). 2pp. 30106201,30100210.                                                        DES Posne hN                          to mour de.Of     terge lEmehe up peere preeler battuesh ALEloCM tLP. Ind                   00eNgen Beeste Co. 07/01/22. Doc.nont Consel esench
  • Amannen val emetic 1 of Poser "DCRDR . S.umm.ary,Rept*

Serus C p. w/one overses

;- - esame emmenp Corp. Essau Casp. (Doomment Ce sus Deank 40pp. Ses27:11630427:1st.

08/12/30. 400pp. 30106203-30100942. (

                 =0         v. 2 oCROR . -                                   o,epe on,i                                                              a m epe . n,epe                .                eA .r,es,en                                                                        j


  • Amencen Elecesc Power Sarvece Gosp. * ' m z Eienste Corp.
  • Eneau Ccep. i 08/12/30. 47/pgL 30100443 30107:150. 0791000000 Proutdme se lesgesnionesson of Insps & espected edenone to OC
                                                                                                                                     "                                                                                                                                               'I
        -spe1970001 vol 3. Books 1 & 2 of "DCROR CLO/HE9 Deecstptoris & J                                              - - --                           tors de.sese
  • Amancen Elecmc Power Serwee Corp.
  • Wesenghouse Decmc Corp.
  • Esser Corgt ineens & Besete Cet 08/12/23. KEPPLER,J.(L Regen 3, et/12/30. 770pp. 30107:100 3010e210. caos of 4em 30100t et 343.

I e

  - , .                - - . - . - .- ,,                                      - . - . - -                     . - - - - - - - . . - - - - - . ~ . -                                                     . . . . -                --. - - - - - ~                             . . .

72 DOCKETEDITEMS ONt000004 Forwards Safety inep Repte54315/0643 4 50 316/06 43 on 06120145 8. Reportable eesurronese, Lane & reisess servenpondenes

        & nonce of vioimeon.
        # APERIELLO.CJ.              3.Omco of Drector.06/12/24.DOLAN.J E. Amartcen Eleo-sic Power Sernce           DOLANJ E. incmane & Mictugan Electic Co. 2pp. 30tS0 00e'                  8701000040Foeous y800020W r=as an a=== m Fke Door 303 to e 30150 010.                                                                                              ecomes                ares sus teoceed for WC mWAC e 6 due m
                                                                                                                            .% to porose cordhus to mapact areeL
    -0709000007 Notco of violeton trim inep on 06120145.

PAPERIELLO.C.J. Region 3, Omco of Deector. 06/12/24.1p. 3015000640150900. Omos of p. - ~~ 930 8701000:14 Insp Repte 50 315/0643 4 54316/0643 on 06120145. Molemons 0701130004 Fonsenfs Teemical Moview Rept AEOD/T012. "Depedemon of Sys noemdfahre to provide adequate correceve ocean to prevent raciarence & r==amary Due to Consonore &/or - ConeouSesector " coneois to esews actMese re performed remass shoual be procedures. WALKER,HA, JA8LONSKI.FJ. 3, of Director. 06/12/24. Opp. ATHIA Reecear Operemons Anasyme Greneft app. 30232223 30832242.

                                                                                                                                                                   "Pomer         Amector Grenset    08/12/31 Fvenes" . RUSIN.SIL Rea 30150 0004015t016.
                                                                                                            =07011N000 Teofwdesi resteer rupt.                                      of Susser Sys Due to Component 0813330000 IE Info Notco 06107. *Eney into PWR Castly W/Retectable InCore De-                               naessgenent 4/or W tector flumhtes Withdream.* Sec tot erw1                                                                                                                         emanrear 3mecnet" JORDAN.E L DMoon of Emergency Preparedness & E                                 Response (Post            TRIPATNEA Renteer Operemons Analyses Grendt 08/12/31.10pp. 3003t285 30332242.

330103). 06/12/20. Consondated EcBean Co. of New Y inc. Ospp. 30206.031-3020t130. 3701300000 LER 8640640 re inoperande to doore assieomn.COE consensadons wouse have timen attained in came of Are si endt COe prosaceed ores. 3013330001 IE Info Noece A&100. "Degradeton of RCS Prenewe Soundary Resulen0 SMITH,W.G. trugane & heWilton Elecetc Cet 07/01/16. 2p0L 30006:105 30006:104. From Gone Acid Corrosion." Svc tot end. JORDAN.E L DMoon of Emergency Preparedness & E Respones (Poet 930103). 06/12/20. Conocedeted Echeon Co. of New Y Inc. 04pp. 30107203- 0701300330 ROon 870114.4e messeeston weser sys hoper =aanpar Tech Spoo 34167:197. 17.01.due to imoemeen of west of Une 2 turtene tiede Ibo header to esos for re. placement of on De hose 40 item not raptoquait SMITH.W G. & Elecete Cet 07/01/10. KEPPLERJ.G. Rewon 3, 50teenanna IE Info Notco 86100. "Diephreern Fedure in Scram Oudet Velve Cousing Omos of Deector. app. 30307 7.210. Rod insertort" Svc est enct JORDAN.E.L DMoon of Emergency Preparochees & Engmoenn0 Response (Post

       $30103). 06/12/29. Coneohdated Ecboon Co. of New York, Ina espp. 30206.234-                          V. Operseer 8===a=a"===

30205.327. 0813300141 IE Info N*e 06-110. " Anomalous Behavior of Receculaeon Loop Flow in godsuc Jet Pump BWR Penist" Svc not encf- of enst. JORDAN.E L DMaon of Emergency Properednees & Engineenng Response (Poet NTON of Nucceer Reactor Obesser ginst 061126). 07/01/ 030103). 08/12/31. Coneohdeted Ecsson Co. of New York, Inc. 05pp. 30205:130- 08. Aeonec City Elecetc Cct 44pp. 30304 :112. 30205.231 070110010s Foreanse Emern Rept 50L315/OL4643 of esem seninistered on 001200-04. 8013300181 IE info Noace 87401,"RHR Velve Meelignment Causee Depedemon of ECCS m PWRE" Svc het enct HEHL.C.W. 3, Omos of Obector. 07/01/12. DOLANJ.E. Amancen Electic JORDAN.E L DMoon of Emergency Preparochees & E - - Reeponse (Post Power Servios DOLANJ.E. Insane & hecNean Elecuto Co. app. 30000103-830103L 07/01/06. Coneohdated Echeon Co. of New Y Inc. 30301170. 30216.310-30217C57. 0701100005 Enam Rept 54315/OL4603 on 00120244.Emem resumateo omnier rees-8701100100Forwen$s Exern Rept 50 315/OL4643 of exam ednwestored on061202- [ ARM.k.L. VICTOR BURDICM, Region 3, Ofeos of D>ector. 07/01/ HEHL.CW. Repon 3. Omca of Drector. 07/01/12. DOLANJ.E. Amortcen Elecetc Power Senace Corp. DOLANJ.E. Insane & Michgan Electnc Co. 2pp. 30303233-38301178-DOCatET 00 310 nnanas n C. C00It IIUCLEAR FOWIWI Pufff. WINT 2

   -970110030s Ezern Rept 50L315/OL4643 on 86120244 Exam reeufts too senior reac.

AR INSON. VICTCb BU Repon 3. Office of Director. 07/01/ ' 1 E Info 07 2. " Inadequate Seemic Ouehlicaton of Daphragm DA E DMoon of oper & Response (Poet

  • Indone & SWeSan locmc 08/12/1E 174p0L H30120630004M2.

830 87/01/t3. Coneohdated deon Cct of New Y 07pp. 30300308-0701000007 Fm N 13 2 rnoeged ornanded M N in b NRC 000701 le addresemg Rev 12.Eagisensson of rev also enoLEnces pet s701130002 IE Info Nonce 07403, " Segregation of Hezerdoue & Low Level Red-CH Indone & Ca 08/12/10. MEPPLERJA Regen 3, DAN. L of E Preparedness & Engmeering Reeponse (Post Omos of Deector. 3pp. M 4 74. j 830103). 87/01/15. Conachde deon Co. of New York, inct 85pp. 30324:025-38324 113 8701300007Rovesed Plan Procoesse Peer 2001 EPP.200 eensa, "Oper. seen Area,* of Rev 0 to Per 2001 EPP.201,"Acewesen of Oper. 31270020 Forwards Safety inep Repts 50 315/8441 & 50 316/8441 on 061104-I215 Notce of violemon wie De ~ --.J ., evaluation of P GULDEMOND.W G. Regpon 3. Orflee of Drecter. 87/01r16. 3.1of rept. h Elechtc L 08. 00pp. 1 30907:100. JE Amortcen Focinc Power Senace Corp. DOLANJE. Indens & Michigan Electic Ca 2pp. 8701300001 Restood Plan Peacoeses Per 2001 EPP.100 eurton, "Tected. 33382:23140362248. ced W Ce, O m Per 2001 EPP.101 re m a operemon of techrecal ctr escupi Rev 0 to PldP 2001 EPP.107 re ehemans ressese loveAL

  -8701270633Inso Repts50-315/86-41 & 50 316/8441 on 8611041215. Apparent vio-labon notediedure to perform emefy poet, ment                          test on vafve & sh Cluent performance of oppoone een meet                            es unrosoeved moue-                 9701300000 Routeed E                                    Piconeses Per 2001 EPP.300 amnes,"Emer-
  • Reqport 3. Omco of Drector. 07/01/te.16pp 233 39382240. gency Operemons F Rev 0 to PedP 2001 EPP.301 re aceveson/oper.

econ enough fiev 0 to 2001 PP.300 re Wiemenneen of emergen. 0701300301 rInforms of pe mes, coted 870,.205ene es shouM mio,m mesen0 regiontoofpresent mieni m & pechaama f.or -b R. InsBane & hechgan Electic Cet 07/01/00. 75pp. 3000t tasLemena.eas S,.AL.P c eisw parec piantO . non encoureood to ensure mutual understandmo of manaa NOREUUS.Ci Repon 3. Omco of Drector. 07/01/1& DOLAN.J E. Amortcen Elecetc 3701130103 Advises that 301210 Rev 13 to mos00md amended escurty plan consistant Power Service Corp. DOLAN)E. Indone & Michgen Electic Co. 2pp. 30306:200- w of 10CFR50 & 30305.300- LSON.W.L 3. of . 07/01/00. ALEXICH.nLP. Indana & Elecetc ALEXOt M.P. Amencen Elecetc Power Sonnes Corp. 3pp6 0701300340 Forwards safety inep Repte 50-315/06-42 & $0 316/0&42 on 800015-1113.Vioisson tderchfiedinop focused on crcumstances eunoundng Urvt 2 operemon 8701300030 Revised emergency pian ; _ . _ ^ able flow paths a both miscton tems. concesseon of PMP3000 NOR UUS.C.E. Reqpon 3, Omco of ector. e7/01/16. DOLANJ E. Amortcen Elecutc EPP.001 re emergency pian activeson & condson N EPP.000 re vegel does . : W 4 PedP3000 EPP.000. Power Service Corp. DOLANJ.E. Indena & Michgan Electric Co. 2pp. 30306.363-30306:3eo.

  • Indone & hactugen Elecetc Co. 07/01/14. 40pp. 30300240 30000 200.
 - 8701300300 knep Repts 50-315/0442 & 54316/86-42 on 880015-1113. Violeton                                GM12M003 Rev 0 to Procedure PMP 2001 EPP.302, " Emergency Opermanne FacAly noemd: tease to perform                                                                                  Comneancemens."

ecnone to runste shuidown when tioni selefy mfoo-

  • insane a neceu0an Eiscetc Co. 07/01/2a 30pgL 303712144007t202.

non eens lacked path. BURGESS.8 L Region 3 Omco of Drector.07/01/16. 6pp. 30305:355-30305:300. J. Insurenes a hidessey beformellen n Pereses opersant rePerts a roasted corresponeense 8701070ste Formense Endorsement 72 to NEUA NF-200.Endoremmere 50 to MAELU MF-70 & Endorsement 10 to NEUA f446 & N44 4 MAELU 0701300404 Monthly tmg rept for Oct 1966 W/861100 Itr. Ceremoness & M44. CUMER. SMITH.W Insena & hhchgen Electric Co. 06/10/31. Opp. 30432302 BUCMLESJA March & McLennen, inct 08/12/21 OfMITZ,L Asaletant D>ector for 3043t307, State & ucenese Reassonst 7pp. 30100300 30100 315.

DOCKETEDITEMS 73 l P. Operating Scense stage documents & correspondence O. Inspection reports, IE Bufletine & of 861211 mechng w/Wtuttmg Corp.Bechtel.S&A.utd. 4701050340 Provides update re implementation of maps & expected adetions to OC 8701050341 program.per 10CFR$0 App B.Cntenon X Work actut es performed by util & contrac-Westnghouse.Shaw. .Potts & Trowtmdge & PASNY re steam generator reper sm bat of attendees & viewgraphs enct lors escussed ALEXICH.M P. Indiana & Mclsgan Elecinc Co. 06/12/23. KEPPLERJG. Region 3. INTON.D. PWR Protect Directorate 4. 86/12/29. PWR Protect Drectorate 4 Offee of Drector. 4pp. 39163.340-39163.343. 38pp. 39155.310 39155.347. 8701070345 Forwards Vol 1 of "DCRDR Summary Rept." Voi 2 of "DCRDR App" & 8701050204 Forwards Safety insp Repts50-315/86-43 4 50-316/06-43 on 86120145 Vol 3. Books 1 & 2 of "DCRDR - CLO/HED Desenpoons & Assessments " per 640928 & notce of volanon. ftr & NRC 8507f 2 moefied confirmeg order. PAPERI5' LO.CJ Regen 3. Offee of Drector.86/12/24.DOLAN.J.E. Amencen Eleo-AL2XICH.M P. Insana & Mctugan Electne Co.86/12/30 DENTON,H R Offce of Nu. Inc Power Senace Corp. DOLAN.J E. Ineana & Mctugan Electic Co. 2pp. 39159:006-clear Reactor Regulation, Drector (post 851125). 2pp. 39195 001-39199 218. 39159 016.

                                                                                             -8701050207 Notre of violaton from insp on 86120145.

-8701070365 Voe 1 of "DCRDR Summary Rept." W/one overstre drewry PAPERIELLO.CA Regon 3. Offee of Drector. 06/12/24.1p. 39159.006-39159.000,

  • Amencan Electnc Power Senace Corp.
  • Westegnouse Electnc Corp. Essex Corp.

86/12/30. 400pp. 39195 003-39106 042.

                                                                                             -8701050214 Insp Repts 50-315/8643 4 56316/06 43 on 86120145. Vnolatione

-8701070344 Vof 2 of "DCROR App " Ses photographe encf. noted fedure 10 provide adequate correcDve action to prevent recurrence & necessary contross to assore actmees re quality performed approved procedurea

  • Amencan Elecine Power Servce Corp.
  • Westingnouse Electnc Corp.
  • Essex Corp. of Drector. 06/12/24. 8pp.

86/12/30. 477pp. 39196.043-39197:159 W ALKER.H.A., JABLONSKl.F.J. Region 3, 39159-009-39159 016. -8701070391 Voi 3. Books 1 & 2 of "DCRDR - CLO/HED Descnpnons & Assessmenta". M 12230089IE Info Notco 06107. " Entry Into PWR Covey W/ Retractable In Core De-

  • Amencan Electnc Power Service Corp.
  • Wesanghouse Electne Corp.
  • Essen Corp 86/12/30. 779pp. 39197.160-39199 218. tector Thrribles Wdhdrawn." Svc hst enct JORDAN.E.L Dmson of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post 8 na ed tad Edson Ca of New Y inc. 00pp. 392052-

$701050389 Serruts smal rept on vendor info control sys.per Genenc Lir 83-28. Items 38 2.1 & 2.2 Vendor esto control sys corporata- leve4 general procedure & assooated review dormmentaten forms m place smco 850321. ALEXICH.M P. Insana & Mctugan Electre Co. 86/12/31. Offee of Nu, M12230001 IE Info Notco 85108 "Dogradaton of RCS Pressure Boundary Resultlng DENTON.H R-.082. clear Reactor Regulaton, Drector (post 851125). 4pp. 39177.079-39177 From Bonc AcuiCorrosort'* Svc est enct JORDAN.E L Dusen of Emergency Preparedness & E Reeponse (Post 86/12/29. Conechdaled Eeson Co. of New Y Inc. 04pp. 39187 093-P701070100 Forwards tst of open items identmed dunng review of NUREG.0737 com- ((g7-phance analyws rect for radologmal monstonng sys.per 861121 telcon. ALEXICH.M.P. Indiar a & Micrugan Electne Co.86/12/31.DENTON.H R. Office of Nu-clear Reactor Regulanon, Drector (post 851125). 3pp. 39178.196 39178.198. 8612230003IE Info Noece 8&t09, "!)aphragm Fadure in Scram Oudet valve Causmo Rod Insernon." Svc hat enct JORDAN.E L Dunen of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenng Roeponse (Post $701090279 Dernes util 861208 proposed license reflect changmg one tw 3 86/12/29. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New Yorti, Inc. 94pp. 39205234-No d aceve affluent.m.on.slor 4 wn t r ancements w/ ro r,o.ta.d,s,provided why marvtor being3 yect dmo.rutor.,now w YOU LOOD.BJ PWR Protect unrectorate 4 87/01/06 DOLANJ Insana & Mche. M12290141 IE Info Notco 88-110. " Anomalous Behavior of Recrctdation Loop Flow M gan Elects Co. DOLAN.J. Amancan Electnc Power Servce Corp. 2pp. 39231:133 Jet Pump BWR Plants." Svc hst enci 39231.134. JORDAN,E L Dusson of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeerm0 Responsa (Poet 8642/3t Coneohdated Edson Ca of New YorA Inc. 95pp. 39239-8701120257 Documents understandmg of bass for resolunon of issues re abihty of 3 cable sphces made Fo boro estrument termmal box to withstand moeture mtrusen & loose conduit found on Vasve rMO.231.per telcon. ALEXICH.M P. Insana & Merugan Electnc Co. 87/01/06. KEPPLER,J G. Repon 3. 8612300151 IE Info Notco 87401. "RHR Valve Meahgnment Causes Degradation of Offre of Dractor. 7pp. 39246.139-39246145. ECCS in PWRs." Svc hst enci JORDAN,E.L Dusen of Emergency Preparedness & Engneering Response (Post 8301 4 87/01/06. Consohdated Eeson Ca of New YorN Inc.103pp. 39218.318-8701090430 Forwards corrected Tech Spec Pages 3/4 3 5 & 3/4 S4 for Amends 99 4 86 to Lconses DPR.58 & ahgnment of modes & actons for 39217 E reactor inp sys retrumentaton W1GGINTON.D PWR Pr Drectorate4. 87/01/08. DOLAN.J. Insana & Mctugan 4701120086 IE Info Nohce 87402. "inadogsate Seemc Quahficaton of Qaphragm Elecine Co. DOLAN.J. 1can Electric Power Servce Corp. 2pp. 39231.136- Valves by Mathematical Modehng & Analysa" Svc hat anci JORDAN.E L Desen of Emergency Preparedness & Response (Poet 39231.139 inc. 07pp. 39300 308-830103). 87/01/13. Coneohdated Edson Ca of New Y -8701090432 Errata to Amends 99 & 86 to Ucenses OPR-58 & DPR.74, 3930 M respectrvely.correctng Tech Specs to modes & actons for reactor wip sys retrumen-tanon. 8701130002 IE Info Notce 87403. "Segregaton of Hazardous & Low Level Ra4

  • Offee of Nuclear Reactor Regulanon. Drector (post 851125). 87/01/08. 2pp. wastes." Svc het enct 39231:136-39231:139. JORDAN.E.L Dmeon of Emergency Preparedness & Engneenne Response (Post 830103). 87/01/15. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New Yorti. enc. 85pp. 39324.025-8701130257 Requests withdrawal of 841203 request for Tech Spec changes re reactor 39324.H2.

coolant pump.Recuest superseded by 8803*7 request for Urut 2. Request for Urut 1 ed be sent at inter date 8701270528 Forwards Safety insp Repts 50 315/86-414 50 316/86-41 on 861104-ALEXICH.M P. Insana & Mctugan Electnc Co.87/01/09 DENTON.H R. Offlee of Nw 1215 Notce of violaton we be issuedpeneng evaluenon of Paragraph 3.f of rept clear Reactor Regulanon. Ctrector (post 851125).1p. 39254 360-39254.360. GULDEMOND.W G. Regon 3. Offee of Drector. 87/01/18. DOLAN.J E. Amortcen Electne Power Sennce Corp. DOLAN.J.E. Insana & htchsgen Elecmc Ca 2pp. 39382 231 3938224& 8701200057Forwar<ts load drop analyse of man load block of auxikary bidg event lhet load tdock should fan from man hesght. load beck we stnke top of spent fuel poof racks. Fee pad -8701270533 Insp Repts 50 315/C841 & 50 316/8641 on 8811041215. Apparent vlo-ALEXICH.M.P. Insana & Mchigan Elecine Co. 87/01/09 DENTON.H R. Office of Nu- labon notedfadure 10 perform emely post- mamt operabikty test on valve & e68:ee-clear Reactor Regulanon, Drector (post 85*125). 41pp. 39304.148-39304.188. quent performance of opposto tram mamt bemg tecked as unresolved leeue.

  • Regon 3. Office of Drector.87/01/16.16pp. 39382.233-39362:248.

8701200354 Appicaton for amends to Ucenses OPR-58 & DPf474.deletmg 870228 en- _..; for pracon date noted m footnote to Tech Spec 3 9 7 re mam load block of auxikary badg 8701280301 informs of 870205 sete meetmg to present & < tan- SALP crane Footnote no longer needed due to completon of load block (kop anatyss. plant Other interested pernes should mtorm regon of intent to partcipate.Uts pertapa-ALEXICH.M P. Insana & Mctugan Electnc Co. 87/01/1J. DENTON.H.R. Orfice of Nu. non encouraged to ensure mutual understar*.eng of issues. clear Reactor Regulanon, Drector (post 851125). 3pp. 39311088-39311.093. NOREUUS.C.E. Regon 3. Offee of Drector. ST/01/16. DOLANJE. American Electic Power Service Corp. DOLANJE. Insane & Mchsgen Elecktc Co. 2pp. 39385.299- - 8701200354 Proposed Tech Spec 3 9.7 re refuehng operanons crane tavel in spent 3# e pool bedg. fuel storag& Mctugan Electnc Co.87/01/13. 3pp. 39311.091-39311093. 8701280348 Forwards Safety insp Repts 50 315/06-42 & 50 318/8642 on 880915-

  • Insana 1113.Volaton idenefhed.insp forwsed on crcumstances swrouneng Urut 2 operaton 8701270285 Apphcation for amend to Ucenses OPR.58 & DPR-74 och Spec hTy **

7 6. DOW E. American Elecetc 61 to improve & mah4am easei Generator rehabehty per Lt 84- Service Corp. Mi insens & Mchigan Elects Ca h m353-ALEXICH.M P. Indone & Mctugan Electnc Co 87/01/16 DENTON.H R. Office of Nu-clear Reactor Regulancn, Drector (post 851125).12pp. 39361:124-39361:177. g g g -8701270298 Proposed Tech changng Saccon 3/4 8.1 to ove 4 mamtan t er e shut n han bom sew w Nac'ked able pa for rebatnlity.per Ur 64-15 & Sectons 3/4 8.2 3/4 8.3 re ac & BURGESS.B.L Regen 3. Office of Drector.87/01/16. 6pp. 39385-355-39385 380.

  • Indiana & Mctugan Electric Co. 87/01/16. 42pp. 39361:13639381:177.

4701290184 Forwards appucaton to State of Mt Dept of Naturaf Resources for mod of

                                                                                               '             'P"U "P        ' ' ' ' ' ' "'"     -

NPDES Porerut Mi 0005827 to allow escharge of make w plant profdter backwash water mto take Mcfugan. 8701290498 Monthly operating rept for Oct 1986 W/881108 lir. ALEXICH.M P. Insana & Mctugan Electne Co. 87/01/22. Document Control Branch CUMER, SMITH.W.G. Inoane & Mctugan Electic Co. 86/10/31. 7pp. 39432295-(Document ConerW Desk). 40pp. 39427:119'39427.158. 39432 301.

1 74 DOCKETEDITEMS S Reportable eccurrences, LERe & related corroependence 8701080249 Prondes mienrn approval of request to update steam generator fram steam ime flaw to requrements of 1963 Edmon w/ Addenda Through Summer 1983 of 8701000348Foaows up 860929specief rept. Access to Fire Door 393 to aumhary bldg Secton XI of ASME Boder & Pressure Vessel Code. a~ama ares eau tisocked for HVAC wortt.HVAC worti mcornpiete due to other WRAMIAfJ Dimmon of Somn 0 Water Reacts (BWR Licenemg. M2/19. Rovin0 Hre petole caenue to inspect ama TIERNANJA Barbmare Gas & Eisctnc Co. 4pp. 39171:359-39171.362. TH . E Co. 86/12/22. KEPPLERJ.G. Regen 3, g ,

                                                                                                                                                            & sat evaluanon. Amends change Tech Specs to knk completon of reactor coolant 8701130004 Forwards Technical Renew Rept AEOD/T612. "Dogredaton of Safety Sys                                                                                       (C Due to Component                                     &/or Mespoemoned Con                                                                                      EILfQ         R Propect Drectoratemap to RCP motor overheid program Study results should be                          m," Power Reactor Events..trouselector Switches..                                                                                                   8. 86/12/19. TIERNANJA Balbmore Gas &

Electnc CA 2pp. 39216.194-39216.226. TRIPATHi.R. Reactor sanns Analyes Branch. 86/12/31. RUS:N.S D. Reactor Operatone Analyss Brancft 2pp. 39232.223. 9232 242. -8701000454 Amends 125 & 106 to Uconses DPR43 & DPR40/sepectve% Tech Specs to knk completon of reactor coolant pump (RCP) flywheel ansp to

-8701120000 Technical review rept. "Decredaton of Safety Sys Due to Component                                                                              mow overhaul              am a desonn0 hat of safety 4 elated hydrauhc enubbers.

Sia Mepostoned ConeWSeector Switches.. THADANIAC. Pro lect Drectorate 4. W6/12/19. 28pp. 39216.14ml-39216 223. TR R. Reactor Operstons Analyas Brancft 86/12/31.18pp. 39232:225-

                                                                                                                                                      -8701000445 Safety eveaustion supportog Amends 125 & 106 to Licenses DPR-53 &

DPR-69fespectively. 8791200236 ROori 870114.Are suppresson water sys inoperable.per Tech Spec

  • Orflee o* Nucteer Reactor Regulabon, Drector (post 851125). 86/12/19. 3pp.

3.7.9.t.due to maletrn of weet leg of Urut 2 hatzne badg fre header to allow for re. 3s216.224-39216.226. G tocinc Co 8 01 PPLERJ.G. Regon 3, 8701050331 Informe that odd info re Topical Rept A 8511 "RETRAN Computer Office of Drector. 2pp. 3930 39307.210. Code. Reactor Sys Tranment Analvas Model Quahhcanon? win be provided by 870217.frWo based on trvvMed schedule.per 861215 leicon w/LS Larr a. BOWMAN M E. Balbrne . .ias 8 Elecinc Co.86/12/31.MCNEIL,SA Project Di. V. Operater Eneminaueno rectorate 4. 2pp. 39163.344-39163.345. 8701000007 Genene Lt 8741 to as power reactor hcensees & apphcants for OL re ["' NRC operator queston bank.Svc est enct f Mot 8507 meehng w/ uni in BethenW to m curmni & 08 A?a,"40t, EM,am6 3rn?"* *"" *5"' '" MCNEIL,SA PWR Protect Drectorate 8. 87/01/06. DENTON,H., VOLLMER.R.,

                                                                                                                                                          =~se ~= - ~a = ^"* Oo~ 2= === " >= = " $-

8701000478forws Js request for add info re 861001 foqueet for Tech Specs mod re-DOCKET s0 317 CALVERT CUFFS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 1 misahgned convol element asMhosResponse requested [y, ,e MCNEIL.S.A. PWR Project Drottorate 8. 87/01/06. TIERNANJA Baltmore Gas & p, g,,,,,g g,,,,,,,,,,,, Electnc Co. 3pp. 39231:102 39231:104. 0701200300 thu==== status of snode to post-accident samphng sys 8701150006 Forwards safety evaluatson & technical evaluston rept to comphence w/ Reg Guide 1.97.per 640614 conrrmatory order. Instrumentaton acceptable w/hsted (PASS)a _ . _ _ a to nuclear steam eigply syn procedLres idenDfied by chemetry excephons.NUREG.0737 & Genenc Lt 82 28 mstrumentaton previously reviewed. technicaans & we be moorporated rio emergency response plan implementaDon pro-cedtres. MCNEIL.SA PWR Protect Drectorate8. 87/01/06. TIERNANJ A. Beftimore Gas & Electnc Ca 3pp. 39274 001-39274:029. RUSSELL.LB. Balamore Gas & Electnc Ca65/12/13.MURLEY.T.E. Region 1. Office of Drector. 2pp. 39431:356-39431.357.

                                                                                                                                                     -8701150008 Safety evaluation supportmg conformance to Reg Guide 197 w/noted ex-captons.

8701070005 Advises that changes we not be made to alert & notificason sys aren test prograrn en Calvert & St Mary a Countos.per 860722 ler forwareng FEMA recomm

  • Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Drector (post 851125t 87/01/06. 4pp.

demone. Acton would not improve sys per1ormance. 39274.004 39274.007. TIERNANJA Balamore Gas & Elecinc Co.86/10/14. MARTIN.T.T. Regen 1. Office of Drector. 3pp. 39203 006 39203S08. 8e66260177 "Conformance to Reg Guide 1.97.Calvert Chffs Nucteer Power Plant.Uruts 1 & 2." informal rept. 8701200482 Ack recoqst of 860701 Ilr informrig NRC of steps taken to correct violabons STOFFELJ W. EGSG idaho. Inc. (osbo. of EGSG. Inct FIN A4483 EGG.NTA.7071. noted riinop Repts50-317/86 07 & 50 318/8647,Secunty plan should be revoed to 86/04/30.NRC . No Detaled Affikanon Grven. 22pp. 39274 006 39274-029. posseio interpmtaban of less strmgent control TIN.T.T. Re 8701150252 Responds to request for add into re 861017 apphcanon for amends to Lk Electric Ca 2pp.pon 1. Omco of Drector. 87/01/09. TIERNANJA Bammare Gas & conses DPR-53 & DPR49. Vendor recommendaban re purge valve evc Rfe. coupled w/ 39312-085-39312486. ute operanonal e pstfies exteneng seef replacement interval to 4 yrs 4701300479 Forwards resoonee to NRC 860606Itr re violabons noted in insp Repts SALYARDS.LE. e Gas & Electne Ca 87/01/12. Record Services Branch (Document Contc4 Desk). 2pp. 39283.103-39283.104. 50 317/8607 & 50L316/0647 Correceve actons withheld (ref 10CFR73 21) BOWMAKER.N.A Barbmare Gas & Elecame Co. 86/07/01. MURLEY.T.E. Repon 1 Office of Drector. 2pp. 39312:087-39312:086- 8701200462 Apphcabon for amend to Licenses DPA-53 & DPR49.revemg Tech Specs re survemance requrements for tre protecton. Fee pad. 8701200482 Appbcanon for amend to Licenses OPR43 & DPR49.revisrig Tech Spect TIERNANJA Baltimore Gas & Elecinc Ca87/01/20. THADANI.A.C Document Con-re sunremance requrements for fire protecnon. Fee pad trol Granch (Document Control Desh).16pp 39392.023-39392:084. TIERNAN.J A Baltmore Gas & Electnc Ca 87/01/20.THADANIAC. Document Cork 900 Branch (Document Control Deshk 18pp. 39392023-39392.064- 8701200475 Proposed Tech Space re survemence recurements tor fire protecton.

  • Saltmore Gas & Electnc Ca 87/01/20. 46pp. 39392 039s39392:084.

-8701200475 Proposed Tech Specs re survemance requrements for fire protectort

  • Beinmore Gas & Electic Co 87/01/20. 46pp. 39392239-39392264. 8701300147 Forwards memorandum of cooperaton to facihtate completon of NRC study supporang reevaluacan of plant safety. Development of RELAPS analyms 8701290244 Revoed emergency response plan emplementaton es mclueng models necessary to compare plant responess & demands peaced on safety equip-mont.

Rev 11 to ERPIP 5.1 "Communicanons" & Rev 17 to ERPtP of contentA

  • Beltmore Gas & Elecenc Ca87/01/21. 7pp. 39384.152-39364:158. MCNEILSA PWR Profact Drectorate 8. 87/01/20. TIERNAN.JA Banimore Gas &

Electnc Ca 3pp. 39446.003-39448.005. 8701300273 Revoed emergency imp 6ementno procedures. m' cludm O to Chapter 8 of ERptP 4.18 2. " / Tasks.Instuctons/Precaubons" & Fev g Rev 0 8701280023 Suppe to 860731 appilcation for amend to Ucenses DPR43 & DPR40.sb1 ts Chapter 4 of ERPtP 418.3. *'Contamment Atmosphere Task...? estin0 of Change 4.revemg Tech Spec valve casure ame regurement to lose than

  • Beftmore Gas & Electic Co. 87/01/21. 31pp. 39383.262-39383 293. 5 2 s & Tech Spec 3/4 7.1.5. " Main Steam Lane laciation Vafves."

BOWMAN.M E. Batumore Gas & Electnc Ca 87/01/21.THADANI,A.C. PWR Project Drectorate 8. 2pp. 39427246 39427:249. A insurance & ImlemrWy N

                                                                                                                                                  -4701290026 Proposed Tech Spnc.consonne of Change 4.provisng add meren for vefve closure eme requirement & eden 0 sentence to bases for Tecn Spec 3/4 7.1.5, 8701200300 Forwards Endorsements 52.7 & 7 to MAELU Poncies MF.76.M43 & M.                                                                                "Mam Steam LMe Isolaton Valves."
  $2.respectively & Endorsements 65.28 7 & 7 to NELlA Pohcies NF.216.NS-348N53 &
  • Bartmore Gas & Electnc Co.87/01/21. 2pp. 39427248-39427249.

N-52.respecevefy YORK.W G. Bemmere Gas & Electnc Ca 87/01/12. OtNITZ.l. Asmstant Director for State & Licensee Relatone. 8pp. 39383.245-39383.252. Q. Inspection reports,IE BuSetine & correspemfonce P.OPeroting Scense stage documente & -.. . , - 8701020077 Responds to IE Bulleen 8011. "Mesorr/ Wa8 Dougn? Waas most func. conal enterte ance a8owable stresses not exceeded 4 add maron exets. 37912803eg rh - statue of enods to post-accederit samptng sys TIERNAN.JA Bammare Gas & Electric Co. 86/03/27. E . R.S.D. Repon 1 (PASSU,% Office ct Drector. 2pp. 39142:133-39142-134

                .._.4 to nucteer steem supply sys procedures identified try chemetry techrucnans & we be incorporated rito emergency response plan emplementanon pro-cochees.                                                                                                                                         8701080446 Forwards Amends 125 & 106 to Licensee DPR43 & DPR40. respec9vely
                                                                                                                                                       & se           evalueton. Amends change Tech Specs to enk completon of reactor cooient RUSSELL 18. Balamore Gas & Electnc Co. 85/12/13.MURLEY,T.E. Repon 1. Office                                                                                       (                insp to RCP molar overheul program.

of Drector. 2pp. 39431.350-39431:357. IL,S. Propect Drectorate 8. 86/12/19. TIERNANJA Baltmore Gas & Electnc Ca 2pn 39216.194-39216.226. 8791130330 Reepends to DH Jaffe request for add info re app 6cahon for amends to Oconess OPR43 4 DPR-60.reveng Tech Specs re anubber survemance ressaroments Sid industy definiton of snubber " type" we be used. -8701080486 Amends 125 4106 to Licenses DPR-53 & DPR49.respecevely. Tech Specs to link complenon of reactor coolant pump (RCP) flywheelinep to SALYARDS.LE. Sammare Gas & Electne Co.86/04/25. THADANIAC PWR Prolect moeor overhaul Deectorate 6. 2pp. 39244.302-39244.303. em & deienng tst of safety-related hyseubc anut$ers. THADANI,A,C. Project Drectorate 8. 86/12/19. 28pp. 39216:196 39216.223.


  -8701088488 Safety evaluanon ogporang Amends 125 & 108 to Ucenses DPR-53 &                V. Operator E_


  • Omce of Nuclear Reactor Regulanon, Drector (post 851125). 06/12/18. 3pp. 8701080807 Genanc Lir 8741 to 'a8 power reactor heensees & apphcants for OL re 39216.22449216 22tk av NRC oporser question bank.Swc het M 8701080804Reeponds to conceme noted in inap Regxs50 317/86 18 & 5&318/86 18 08. A Electic Co. 4pp. 3 089 49304 11 re meet of Dossi Generator 12.Techrscal presentaban proposed for870128 to ad-dress NRC concemqL A e 86/12/27. WENZINGER.E.C Regen 1, DOCKET 50 318 CALVERT CLIFFS NUCLEAR POWER PLANT, UNIT 2 80 Noece 86 , Entry into PWR Cawty W/Retectable tr> Core De-
                                                                                                                                & Rm M piens F.            ,

JORDAN.E L Dumon of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Poet 830103). 88/12/29 Consondated Esson Cet of New Y Inc. 08pp. 39205.031 8701280388 rhan esse status of mods to post-accident sarnplin0 sys 39205:138. (PASS)i, _ _ _ _ ; to nu*:loar steem surgWy sys procedures identhed by chenuetry techniciens & wie be incorporated mio emergency response plan unplementaton pro-8812238081IE Info Notce 8&108. 'Vegradsbon of RCS Pressure Boundary Resufung cedures. From Bonc Acid Carrosen." Svc Est onct RUSSELL LB. Baltmore Gas & Electnc Co.65/12/13. MURLEY.T.E. Regon 1. Ofnce JORDAN.E.L Dueen of Emergency Preparedness # Response (Post of Drector. 2pp. 39431:356 39431.357, 830103). 86/12/29 Consohdated Eeson Cct of New Y Inc. 04pp. 39167.093-39167.197. 3701070005 Aeness that ct:anges wie not be made to alert & notshcanon sys aren test program e Calvert & St Mary's Countos.per 860722 Ilr lorwardog FEMA recommer> 8812230083IE Info Notco 8&t09, " Diaphragm Falure ir, Scram Outlet Valve Causme demons. Acton would not improve sys performance. Rod inoernon." Swc bet enct TIERNAN.JA Bastmore Gas & Electnc Co.86/10/14. MARTIN.T.T. Regen 1, Office JORDAN.E.L Dueon of Emergency Preparedness & En0neenng Response (Post ot Drector. 3pp. 39203 00&39203.008. 830103). 86/12/29. Coneoedated Esson Co. of New ycvit, Inc. 94pp 39205:234-39205.327. 6701200402 Ack receipt of 880701 fir ineormm0 NRC of stece taken to correct violatons noted m inop Repts50 317/0607 & 5&318/0607.Secunty plan should be .ewised to 8701080632 Forwards Safety insp Rept 5&317/86-23 ori 861117 21.No violations ob- preclude possels rnerpretaton of less sinngent control. 88 MARTIN.T.T. R*0 ion 1. Othce of Drectr3r. 87/01/09. TIERNAN.JA Balbmue Gas & EB'V*d-NETER,S.D. Repon 1 Ornce of Drector. 86/12/30.TIERNAN.JA Baltmore Gas Electnc Cct 2pp. 3931225-39312t98.

    & Elecinc Co. 2pp. 39214.040 39214 047.
                                                                                           -8701200479 Forwards response to NRC860608 Ilr te viciations noted in Insp Repts
 -8701080641 Insp Rgt 5&317/8&23 on 861117-21 No violabons idenched Masar                     50 317/8647 & 50-318/0647.Correctswo acnone withneid (ret 10CFR73 21).

areas W.bconese acton on pmwous rap Anengs & map of meerwce insp BOWMAKER,N.J. Baltmore Gas & Electne Co. 86/07/01. MURLEY,T.E. Regen 1

                           *                                   * "                           Omco W Drector. 2pp. 39312274931228.

E N E 1 YTR"' EDER' O R'.'R"e'y n Om"ce"o'f D're"c[56[1Y/22. 8pp.

    ====2*2" a 7.                                                                          8,01280248 R           ~ ,e-a,. .,6.,n.nta on proc.e,coctueng 8812280141 IE Info Nocce 86110. " Anomalous Behover of Recrculabon Loop Flow in              Rev    11 toGas Bammore      ERPIP      51.Co.
                                                                                                                 & Elecinc  "Communicanons".&             Rev 17 to ERPIP table of contents 87/01/21 7pp. 3936415249364:158.

Jet Pump BWR Plants " Swe list M JORDAN.E L Duson of Emergency Preparedriess & Engmeenng Response (Post 03 86/12/31. Coneohdated Eeoon Cet of New Yorti, Inc. 95pp. 39205.139 87012802 p g. . procedur to Chapter 4 of ERPIP "Contamment Atmosphere TastL ." 8812300151 lE Info Noece 87401, "RHR Vafwe * . ,,, .; Causes Degradabon of

  • Bammare Gas & Electnc Co.87/01/21. 31pp. 39363.26249363.293.


  • Swc het enct JORDAN.E L Duoma of Ewergency Preparedness & E Response (Post 830103). 87/01/06. Coneohdated Esson Co. of New Y Inc. 03pp. 39216.316 J. Insurance & Indemnity informellen 39217 2 7.

8701280288 Forwards Endorsements $2,7 & 7 to MAELU Pohcsos MF-76.h053 & no-8701200304 Forwards Radological Safety insp Rept 50417/8&25 on fi6120145.No 52.respecevefy & Endorsements 65.28,7 & 7 to NEUA Pohcies NF-216,NS448,N-53 & volaimps rotect N.52.respotirwefy MARTIN.T.T. Repn 1. Othee of Drector.37/01/09. TIERNANJA Baltmore Gas & YORK.W G. Salemore Gas & Electnc Co. 87/01/12. OlNaTZ,L Asastant Drector for Electnc Co. 2pp. ,9304.337-03304 345- State & Licensee Relatons. Opp. 39363.245-39383.252.

 -8701200315 R=sannar=1 Safety Irup Rept 50 317/88-25.No volabon noted Maior P. Opomelne Scense stage documents & conocpondence "cFAbD'EN u                  SUANBE                               oWDrector87/01/00. 7pp.

39304.334 39304 345. 8701280388 Dier==as statue of mods to post-accident sarnphn0 sys

 $701200462 Ack recapt of 860701Itr informmg NRC of steps takert to correct violatone         (PASS),lmprovements to nuclear steam sagrily sys procedures idereRed by C                                  ,

noted e inep Repts 50-317/0647 & 54318/6647 Secunty plan should be revoed to techracians & will be incorporated rito emergency response plan implementaten pro-proctude pres 4:le meerpretaton of less sinngent control. cedures. MARTIN,T.T. Repon 1. Omco of Drector. 87/C1/09. TIERNANJA Bammore Gas & RUSSELLLB. Baltmore Gas & Electric Co.85/12/13.MURLEY,T.E. Region 1, Office Electnc Co. 2pp. 39312.06549312.088. of Drocur. 2pp. 39431:356 39431:357.

 -8701200479 Forwards roerones to NRC660606lir to violatons noted in Insp Repts            8701120328 R               to DH Jeffe re4mst for add into re asTaication for amends to 54317/8407 4 50 318/0647.Correctswo actor s withheid (ret 10CFR73 21).                    Licenses         -53 & DPR49 reviemg Tech Specs re snubber surweellance BOWMAKE%NJ. Bammare Gas & Elecinc Co. 86/07/01. MURLEY,T.E. Repon 1,                      requrements.Std mcksstry denninon of endoor " type" was be used.

Office of Drector. 2pp. 39312-087-39312.088. SALYARDS.LE. Basemore Gas & Electnc Co.06/04/25.THADANt.A.C. PWR Protect Drectorate 8. 2pp. 39244.302-39244:303, 8701120088 IE Info Notco 87402, ainedecpate Sesamic Quahncahon of Diaphragm vafwes by Mathematal Modehng & Anoty1rs Svc hst once. 8701060446 Forwards Amends 125 & 106 to Licenses OPf1-53 & DPR49, respectively JORDAN.E.L Duomn of Emergency Preparedness & si Re=ponse (Poest & evalueton. Amends change Tech Specs to Ank compienon of reactor cooient 830103). 87/01/13. Conenndated Edson Co. of New Y Inc. 07pp. 39300.300- ( map ao RCP motor overhaul program. 39301.053. Elk Protect nrectorats 8. 00M2/19. TIERMAN.JA Bammare Gas & Elet.;nc Co. 2pp. 3921t194-39218.226. 8191130002 IE hifo Notce 87403, "Segregabon of Hazardous & Low Loved Rad-westee." Svc tot eruJ. -8701080468Amende125 & 106 to Ucenses DPR-53 4 DPR49.respec8vely. - JOf, DAN.E L Deveen of Emergency Preparedness & E apneenng Response (Post Tech Specs to knk compienon of reactor coolant pump (RCP) Sywheel map to 830103) 87/01/15. Conschdated Edron Co. or New York, Inc. 65pp. 39324025 motor overhedpogram & Est of safety-related hydraunc snubbert 39324.112. THADANI,AA PWM Protect ate S. 86/12/19. 28pp. 39216.19649216.223. 125 & 100to i.jcenses DPR-53 &

                                   & W3 e                                                  ~8heeC486 Safety evaluston supportng almonds j
  • Office Nucteer Reactor Regulaton, Director (post 851125). 86i12)t9. 3pp.

i 8701080182 Forwards quartetty progress rept covereg ess of SPDS protect frJr 39216:224-39216.226. Fois1h Quarter 1986.mclueng progress e estabbshmg for each ur i e status of sonwere - 86W30 request. 3711080331 Informs that add info re Topical Rept A45-11, *RETRAN Computer TIERNAN.JA Gas & Electnc Co. 06/12/31. THADANI,A.C. PWR ProteCr Code. Reactor Sys Transent Analyes Madit Quahtcanon'* wdl be providad by Drectorate 8. 3pp. 39158.355-39158.357. 870217.ltdo be'ed on moehed sche &Ae.per 861215 toicon w/LS BOWMAN.M E. Balbmare Gas & Elecinc Co.86/12/31 MCNEILSA Protect Dl-4701280442 opera repts for Dec 1986 W/670108 Itr. rectorate 8 .?pp. 39163 344-39163:345. BEHNKE.C., LE S.J.R. Gas & Electnc Co.86/12/31.11pp. 39'18J196-39383 200- 4701071662 Mencation of 870407 meebng w/uist in Bethesda,MD to docuss current & future hcenan0 esons. MCNEILS A. pWR Protect Drectorate 8. 87/01/06. DENTON.M., VOLLMEGft,

8. Reportable occurrences, LERe & related corroepondence LYONS,J NRC.% Oetailed Afhhaton Gswen. 2pp. 39193'112-39193:113.

4701270637 ROon 861001. man went wide r noble gas effluent rnorutor declared 8701080476 Forwards request for add mio re861001 request for Tech Specs mod re moperable as ea-M m JR Lemone 86. Rrra.ami by danciency re cahbr of Laxmg reqqarements for trusehpied control element assemthms. Response requested

               & mes,ge detectors Anoman,e morwtonno estmeso.                                 wittun 30 days of tir receipt l       MON .R. Ba8bmare Gas & Electnc to. 06/12/01.MURLEY,T.E. Repon 1. Othce                 MCNEILS.A. PWR Progect Directorate 8. 67/01/06. TIERNAN.JA Baltimore Gas &

of Drector. 2pp. 39371.254-39371.255. Electnc Co. 3pp. 39231.102-39231:104.

N DOCKETEDITEMS 9701100006 Forwards eefety evaluaten 4 techrucal evalueton rept to carrytance w/ 070130Pt02 Ack recept of 800701 der irdormin0 NRC of stape taken to Correct viola 5Jne Reg Gnade 197per 840614 confrmatory order. Instrumentacon acceptable w/tsted noted in inep Repts50 317/0647 & 50 318/86 07.Secunty pien shoidd tie rowtead to exceptons NUREG.0737 & Genenc Lir 82-28 instrumentaeon previotssy reviewed. posette siterpretalion of tese stnngent contal. MCNEILS.A. PWR Protect Drectorate 8. 87/01/06 TIERNANJA Balomore Gas & TIN T 67/01/00. TIERNANJA Bellimore Gas & Elecmc Co. 3pp. 39274 001-3e274 029. Electnc de.T. F.egen t 2pp. 1, Omco

                                                                                                              ;rp312-005       of Ornctor.

39312-One. -4701150006 Safety evaluation sisportng conformance to Reg Guide 1.97 w/noted ex- 3701300479 Forwards roeponse to NRC 860608Ilr re voletone noted in inep Agte captorm 50-317/8d'07 4 50 318/8647 Correceve oceans withheld (ret 10CFR73.21). ,

  • Omco of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Drector (post 851125). 07/01/06. 4pp. BOWMAKER.EJ. Baltmore Gas & elecme Ca 86/07/u1. MURLEY,TE Region 1, 1 39274 004-39274 007. Omco of Dractor. 2pp. 39312-067 39312-008. l

-4008300177 "Conformance to Reg Guide 1.97,Calvert Chffs Nuclear Power Plant.Urute 1 & 2. moonnes rept. 8701120006 IE enfo Noece 87402. W Seemic Quenno= ton of W vaswee by Mathen.ancar Modenne & Anesvem svc ser enct STOFFELJ W EGAG Idaho, Inc. (outm of EG4G. Inc) FIN A4483 EGG.NTA.7071. JORDAN.E t Drwiemn of Emergency Preparochees & E Response (Post l'6/04/30. NRC . No Detailed Af9haton Gsven. 22pp. 39274.008-39274 OPIL 8.6103). 67/01/13. Coriaah*=iad Ecnean Co. of New Y tre. 07pp. 30300308-87011 sets 2 Responds to request for addlinfo re 861017 appecaton for amends to U, 3u301453. conese 53 la DPR40.y . c.-_._~. erve w/ 8 OM IE W W 8 % W W % A W W M westen Swc has enct SALYARDS.LE. Gas & E Co 87/01/12. Record Servicae Branch (Documeni Con Desim 39m=39== ga,g,%o/lg=a yn,E,, C ;g;"g,,Pm,,o n ! E, ;Wgpg;;; ggt .701, ,,, amend . ucene.s DPR. 4 DPR ,evien. 8,ece =2= re survesence tecnarements for fire protectort Fee pesd. TIERNANJA Sommere Gas & Elecme Cet 87/01/20.THADANIAC Document Con-ece Branch (Document Contros Desk) 1epp. 39392223-39392 064. R. Portes8c *Peredne reports & rotated cerroependense -0701308475 Proposed Tech Space re surveliance tecnsirements for are protecton. 4701000102 Forwards quarterty progrees rept covenne

  • 8estmore Gas & Electnc Ca87/01/20. 46pp. 39392239 39392.064. ses of SPDS c6sce for Founh h 1986, si ==r% for each une stehe of 8701300147 Forwards memo endum of cooperation to facetate completon of NRC study suppornno resweiuseon of plant safirty. Development of RELAPS analyse h Gas & E ocric Co. 86/12/31. THADANMC PWR Pro 6ect Directorate 8. 3pst 39156.355 39156.357.

modeis necessary to compare piant rwonees & demands placed on safety equip-lL. A PWR Propect 4 eent for Dec 986 70 08

6. 87/01/20. TIERNANJA Balamore Gas &

39363.206. ( g 2/3L N NN 8701290023 Siepe to 860731 appt'caten for amend to Licenses OPR.53 & DPR49. con-esang of Chan0e 4.revieng Tech Spec wafwo closure eme requrement to less then 5.2 e & Tech Spec 3/4 7.15. " Men Steam Lme loosanon valveta S. Reportable ia_. -_. L2fte & related eerrespondonos BOWMAN.M E Balamore Gas & Electnc Cet 87/01/21. THADANI.A.C PWR Propect Directorate 8. 2pp. 39427.246-39427249- 8701270637 IOon 861001. man went wide noble gas efibent monmar dociered -4701200C25 Proposed Tech Spec.conosting of Change 4 ocks margn for "D'* [rred ange *"ne"me A vaNo closure ame requrement & edctno sentence to basse for T Spec 3/4 7.1J5-

   "*                                                                                     LE         JR Gammore Gas & Elecinc Co. 86/                  MURLEY,T.E. Region 1. Oleos
  • sam" mare Gas & NCo 87'iO1/21.#E 2pp. 39427:246 39427.249. of Drecta 2pp. 39371254a371.255.

Q. Inspecton reporte. IE Busenne & c- - f nce V. Operater E 870102007T Responds to IE Buseen 80-11. " Masonry Walt Dougrt" Walle meet func- 8701000007 Generte LW 8741 to as power reactor acerases & apptcents for OL re tonal entens once anowable stresses not escoeded 4 ada deegn margin emets. putec sw cf NRC operator exam speahl banlLSwc tot enct TIERNAN,JA Bastimore Gas & Elecmc Co. 06/03/27 EBNtTER,S.D. Regon 1 DENTON.H.R. of Nucteer Reactor Drector (post 861125). 87/01/ Omco of Drector. 2pp. 39142133-39142.134. 08. Atlanac Oly Eiscmc Co. 44pp. 39304 000-39304.112. 87010e044e Forwards Amends 125 & 106 to Licenses DPR-53 & OPR49, respectrwely

 & se       swelumnon. Amends change Tech Specs to ank compionen of reactor cooient     DDCKET 50-320 THREE tefLE 19 LAND SfUCLEAR STATIDet, UNIT 2

( map to RCP motor overhaul program. ELLS Protect Drec1orste 8. 86/12/19. TIERNANJA Banrnere Gas & Elecinc Co. 2pp. 39216.194 39216.226- D. NHC Draft / Fined Environmented Statemente, suppes a correspondonos -4701000446 Amends 125 & 106 to Licenses OPR-53 & DPR49.respectvely, Tech Space to tre completon of reactor cooient pump (fK:P) flywheel inep to 8701020132 Forwarde enft Sqipi 2 to programrnaec EIS (NUREG4862) to 'E=Pr=8 of motor owemoul oroaram & deieeng hat of safetyeisted hyesAc enubbers. accidentsenerated weist & FR nonce of evelebety W/o encit THADANIAC PWR Project Drectorate 6. 86/12/19. 28pp. 39216.196-39216.223. TRAVERS.W.D. TMI-2 Cloenup Protect.86/12/29.STANDERFER.F.R. General PWisc Utihtee Corp. . GPU Sennce Corp.1p. 3914993439149-036. -4701000486 Safety sweluanon supporeng Amends 125 4 106to Ucensee DPR-63 & OPR49.respectswepy. 8701000000 PROGRAMMATIC ENVtRONMENTA IMPACT STATEMENT RELATED

  • Othee of Nucteer Reactor Regulators Drector (post 851125). 86/12/19. 3pp. TO DECONTAMINATION AND DISPOSAL OF RADIOACTIVE WASTES RESULTING i 39216224-39216.22tL FROM MARCH 28,1979 ACCIDENT,THREE MILE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION. UNIT
2. Docket No. 54320.(GPU Nuclear. I 8701000004 Resporw$s to conceme noted in inop Repta54317/06-16 & $0-318/0618
  • TMI-2 Osenup Propect. NURE $02 FT. 86/12/31,140pp. 3e200-001 i re ment of Diese6 Generator 12.Tectitucal presentaten proposed for 870128 to e4 39206.149.

dress NRC concemet TIERNAN.JA Bammare Gas & Electric Co. 06/12/27. WENZINGER.E.C Regen 1, Omco of Drector. 2pp. 39214.000-39214 008- F. Security, medical, emergency & are prosecuen piene E" '.E.LE We"drewr est enct Divinen of Emergency Preparedness & Engineering 87012702s2 Rev 0 to TMi Emergency Preparochese Admruereswe Procochse 6415-Response (Post Preparednees" & Row 1 to 6420.ADee-JORDAN ADM-1300.01, " E 830103). 06/12/29. Coneohdated Echson Co. of New York, Inc.100pp. 39205.031 N01. "Admineareton of Mi-2 trunel esponse & Emergency Sigiport Orgeresson N General Pubhc Utstos Corp. . GPU Service Corp. 87/01/14. depp. M12230081 IE Info Nutce 86106. "Dogradatice of RCS Pressure Boundary Resulung 39388.241-39368 288. From Boec Acid Corroman." Swc hst enct JORDAN.E L Divaan af Emergency Proporschoss & E Response (Post 830103). 06/12/29. Coneohchted Echsan Co. of New Y Inc. 04pp. 39167.093 G. atM corroependonos 39167.197. 88 223009 into 109. "Diapfragm Failtre in Scram Outlet Vafwe Cauung 870 006,7gAance employee moton to ggn tiet losed N '$

            .E                              *P 86 1                              Co.                     94pp. 39205 234-    AAMODT.                         18 2225. 86/11/24. Atomic Safety and Uoensing Scard 39205.327.                                                                                Panel.16pp. 39316.200 39316.215, 8812290141 IE Info Nobce 86110. " Anomalous Behedior of Rodrculation Loop Flow in        8701030120 Forwarde documents provided in NRC 861215 response to uts Aret est of Jet Pump BWFt Plants" Svc not enct                                                        mt        tones & request for productiert of documents.Reieled correspondenos.

JORDAN.E.L Deveson of Emergency Properedness & Erveenng Response (Post Y .MA Asustere General Counsel for Hearings. #197 2064. 86/12/15. 830103;. 06/12/31 Coneohdated Eckson Co. of New York, Inc. 95pp. 39205:13g. BLAKE.E L. HICKEYJP. Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Troetndge. 34pp. 30141;312-3920 V 33. 39141:344. 8012300151 IE Info eeoece 87401, "RHR Valve Measyment Causes Degradenon of 8701020138 NRC staff second supplemental response to GPU fan 4=ne het est of ECCS m PWRs." Swc not enct interrogatones & request for production of documents' Unemecuted of RA JORDAN.E L Drvisen of Emergency Preparedness & En Response (Post Meeks & Cortshcate of Swc onci Related correspondenoa 830103). 87/01/06. Coneohdeted Edson Co. of New Y inc. 33pp. 39216.316- YOUNG.MA Asmstant General Couneed for Hoenngs. #187 2053. 86/12/15. General 39217:057. Pubec Unbees Corp. - GPU Senace Corp.11pp. 30142.23139142 241.

DOCKETEDITEMS 77 4 1 0701000140 Namena shot dura =*mi prover scheduesd for W1210 postponed.per 0701300110 GPU escond request ser producean of documents.* GPU reesses sist 001210 stacuamons teosomen author & JP concomme evadelsely to recgeant of NRC idonefy tes. general ede rnecer.dene, author & reason why ' 1 regasseed _ re Erdorcement Acton EA correspondence. wenneed. Rossied correspondence. JOHDs00N.G E. Aemonant General Counsel for Hoenn0s. #107 2061. 08/12/10. L .D R. General Putiac Unemos Corp. . GPU Serwce Corp. LEWIS.D.R. Shaw. Pete-GISCHELE.H., HeCKEYJP. Show, Pitemen, Potes & Trowtmdge 1p. 30147:000- man, Poets & Troutmdge. #14,7 2104. e7/01/13. Othee of the General Couneet 3pp.

30147263. 30304.244-30304 24e.

I SM10W101 Notese West d=ra=*=i rcheihled for 001210poselonedJuer 001210 do. SM1910077 Forwards ===*=d efedevit of ME Reener unewedstile when PfeC served j cuemons haasson ewhor & JP tectay concomm0 avseelsely of documente to G echst 070100 fourth mopeemannes rempores to GPU Nudeer Corp Aret est of mesnogeannes re Endurcoment Acean EA-04137.Reisted correspondence. A roguest for producson of documenes Related correspondence, i j JOMN00N.G.E. Assetent General Counsel for Heennes. #197 20$2. 08/12/10. JOMedbON.GE. Amossent General Couneet for Hennnes. #197 2232. 07/01/10.

 '                               OUCHANAN.DA. HICKEYJ P. Shaw. Piemen, Potes & Troutedge.1p. 30147.072                                                                  SMITH.t W. Atomic Sassey and unenan0 00 erd Penet app. 29312-360 30312:367.

e 30147272. i SM1270107 Oruler ( on Asmodt moenn for estenson of Ome).* ! . _ _ : Ernploy-87010N110 Foneerq1s RA Meeks ===a*=d efedevit & prof ny% per NRC ses & Aarnodes thes m0s ehes do ao Ipy 07020. 1g.070202.Perees mehmg to fee reply And-4 001216 second suppeemonest respones to use erst est of interrogasones.Afedevit was KELLEYJ.L Atonne Selsey and -on 0 Goerd Penal. #107 2203. 07/01/21. Oftee j unewedsbes at eme fd4C respones eenrod Amsted correspondence. of fio General CounsoL 2pp. 30364.1 1 50. YOUNG.MA Aamesent General Counsel for HoennOs #107 2066. 08/12/10. L. HICKEYJ.P, Snow, Poemen, Poets & Trootmdge 3pp. 30141:345 ,,,g,g , ,, j _ of low of Numerous Engieoyees & .. ;n of law enctw/o j fact & _ ter clocumenet M & 070'106eRldsvits CARPE f*t M 7%*0% JK Annuc Sessly and beeneme Board Penet 2pp. 30301:316-KE J A. General Hoennes. #197 2120. 07/01/06. General 3838U3 8-

  !                              Puenc Usesse Corp. . GPU Service Corp.10pp. 30240156-30240.104.

SM1279130 Proposed Hrosnge of fact & conctumons of low of Nummoun Employees 0701130000 Noeos of rW of WJ Morehem.* WJ MoreheA requested to appear iri Vol One = , %PA on 370114 to emesmony on oral esem to factual issue covered tpy MCSRIDE.M F. Generet Pwiec UeSees GPU Service MCORIDEMF. La-800013 .. . _- & onsor.


l Soeuf, Lemti, Lety & MacRae. #197 07/01/23. 207pp. 923 30306.300. JOHNSON.G E. Ammenent General CounesiTor Meann0E #197 21st. 07/01/07, in

  ;                              30247:327 30247.346.                                                                                                                =0701270001 ^.' _ _ la of law of Numereue Ernpsoyees.' Proudes engel tomousk i

wahm hich to cone et taae of - _ : deamen.Ceancese of suc encl ,

                            =0791100040 Noece of depomeon of DR SuchenerL* Suchenen requested to appear in                                                             VOlGT,H.H. I anaad, Lemh, Lety &                                              97/01/23. 20pp. 30306.204 30006:300.
  !                              aman             =i.PA on 870114 to ove essemony try depoemon on oral esem re factual 8

mouse covered liv 800013. _ _ _ _ . 4 onsor.Regnese correspondence.

 '                              JOboeth.,N.G.E. Aamesent General Counsel for Hoennes. 07/01/07. 3pp. 30247:330-                                                      et general seriempondense 30k47:332.

1 SM1000007 Requests seemd name & egen.y tus removed ecm meeng est to facely

  • =0791130000 Noece of depomeon of R Genegher
  • Gesagher puen noece & regasseed SWARTZ.LL Counod on Environmentes Ousely. 07/01/07.1 RAVERS.W.D. TMI-2 3

to appear m ame=a===i.PA n to yve tenemony try d*=ra=*~i on oral esem re sachal Caseme Progect.1p. 30204907 30E34207.

  !                             leeues covered by800013.. _ _ _ l_-- 4 order.Resened __ __ _ _ . -
   !                            JOHNSON.G.E. Assement General Counsel for Hoennet 07/01/07.1p. 30247:333-                                                            0791279000 Responde to corsaksent J Seeresen nr re conement heefst efences of TMB.2 1                                30247:336.

1 eccesant.NRC. peces so heenh & EPA esses & of C,ommonumenh readones arced seeof PA seudos resweed conceuded Wint no myilbsent im-som acadent.

=0791130000Notco.o.f dara=*~i of W Ausen.* Ausen puen anci noece & requessed STELLO.V. Clane of the r=== Duecear for Operemons. 07/01/15. HATCH,0.

t to appear m a **m . i,pA go yve gesamony try dara=*=i on oral esem re factual Senses. $pp. 39379432 30379244. 4 leeuse covered by300013 .. ._. _ _ - 4 orcer Reessed correspondence. l JOHNSON.G.E. Aenesent General Counami tar HeennOs.07/01/07. 3pp. 30247.336 0M127e000 Forments <xmsehsent J Smartoon Ier re conenung heenh efeects of TMB.2

  ;                             30247:330.                                                                                                                             ar-ennt,sor response

] HATCH.Q Senses.07/01/15. 2ECH.LW. Commamonset Opp.39379 037 30079 044. l

                           =0M1130001                     Noisce o.f                                                              notice & r-r ==a d to appear m medan=en=                          t.pAd=rama~i      of EJ Kent.*

go yve *;eemony tpy Meer on oral asem te laceuel moues covered try 800013.. .- -- 4 onter Reessed

                                                                                                                                ,_. _ __.                            P. Opereeng Osense sense desements & essveependonos i                            JOHNSON,GE., Accesant General Counsel for Hennngs. 07/01/07. 3pp 30247:3J0 i                            J0247.341.

SM1000011 Fonsards Rev 7 to "Contamment Asr Consol Enveenpo (CACE) Techedeel Evalumeon " renaceig near moeopic cesseumon for rama==== peceeges West we

                           -ON11mf79 Noace of d=ra=*=i of EH Gachel.' Gached given noecs & fogumesert to                                                               pees M appear a ^name=*===t,PA to                               losemony tpy dara==~s on oral esern re N0013                                   STANUErwtR,F.R. General Putec Usease Corp. - GPU Service Corp 00/12/24.
                                                      - 4 anser w/                         of Sve.Redesed coweependence.                                               TRAVERS.W D. TMI-2 Cesanup Propect 1p. 301ee.030 30140964.

JOHNSON.G E. Aamenant General Counsel for Heenngs. 07/01/07. App. 30247.342-l 30247:346. 0731g0310 Rev 7 to "TMB 2 Dev Tecewocal Eveausson Rept for Conseinment Air Con. Dol Envelope fCACE)? SM1130074 Propoemd Ibuen0s of tact of JG Horten' No juseAceton for memeereng SMITH.E.T. Generes Pienc Usese Corp. OPU Service Corp 15737-2403104 R07. -( restictons currener esgroned on Hertion re employment at econced nucesar 08/12/04. 24pgL 30140:03130140464. i

                                    - Cartecess a f svc enct 1                                             IN.J.G. ARaston Not Aemgned.
  • lehem, Lincoln & Beale. f197 2152. 07/01/ SMN Prouslos see info in moport of um 001110 roguest for IWIC approval of i 08. 20pp. 302dtEID-30240.250. anomaso deustanng _ . creanon for datusmig cenmeertVW proposed 25%

i vad vos . creenan ear sualcaressers GM1130000 Proposed Anengs of fact & conclumons of les of GP Meer.* easer <0d not STANDE .F R. Generei heec Ustese Cog

  • GPU Serweno Corp. 08/12/30.

8 put pressure on operosers to caseen leek rom test resur.e not emeessang Tech Spec TRAVERS.W.D. TMI-2 Caseme Propost 3pp. 301arR7-30100:279. Ineses.W/Carsaceae of Sve. 1 HENSLEY.MA Hungars & WItems. #197 2151. 07/01/00. 50pp. 30240100- SM1978440 Rogsesen NRC of une of - ^ aan pr== dame r evesusted in 1 30240 210. 301215 lerjn useer sus as mest as[Evaeuseen encLFee pass. j STANDERFER.F.R. Pietc h Corp. = GPU Senece Corp. 08/12/31. 07e1140000 GPU Ncener Corp proposed anenes of tact a conceueune of law (merna. TRAVERS,W.D. TMB-2 Caseme Pregact opp 301m271-301MM

                                                                                                                     '~                                  "

condone or know of leek rees .i Svc encd. 0791000013 use of .. __ E.L General Pietc Utetes Corp. . GPl.) Service Corp. BLAKE.E L Shaw, Pitt. rupseet.conengent ieon 4_ 2ofpolymer aa===*=d asproceeses delustig unter clean-suet to geyedier l men, Potes & Troutedge. #107 2102. 07/01/00.142pm 30004.27430306.051. ggjg2 "" g i

                          . 11                 7,.RCses,,ou,,,-

enanotagones & regasst ser producten of --

                                                                                            - . GPu h                                     ,Co,. .ete.tof L* Cerencess of suc acLReinged u==s C
  • GPu - C"C =2==Di=

l 07e1130412 Nonnes sist TLD SMoons G24 & F2-1 til cades does na=aradam'='t ensruuef i NAem.a.,it Gerioral Came. .o, -

                                                                                                                         ,107,,74. 07,0,,            Ger ur.           ~=~e-o                       - =i2==C n=d -                                              =1=        ~~=-

t Putec Untene Corp. . GPU Service Corn 20pp. :112-30204.130.

                                                                                                                                                                       --samo-ectone * "

g Gener'W

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   '-       oE* ='==W ar-8 U*"s""es"e 8             ~

Cap. N01/07. mu T1.d app - of GPu N , Car, to ,eRC .e,f . ret est of LEilnKD.R. Puhac Corp. - GPU Service Corp. LEWeS.D.R. Show, Peet-

  • U gg, "

gg',,'g",I,," gg men. Poets & Trc,menden. #197 2171. 07/01/00. Ofeco of Wie Genseel Couruet 4pp. commMatacean 30300440 30300 950- Measurerness of omneser cameenes TRAVERS.W.D. TMB- 07/01/07. ST .R. Pienc

                         -0701140072 SeoLeid applemental response of GPU festseer                                                         to NRC eteN Iket request for proescean of " __' Cerencess of Svc encs.                                                             corrumpond-           4701140010 Selsey ovesueton e econese M1110 & 1230                                                        to seemos void woes LEWIS.D R. General Putse Unetos Corp. . GPU Service                                                                                                                                                                                                                    "

LEWIS.D.R. Show Put- he reduc"ed. grens & Trouendge. 07/01/00. ONice of Sie General Opp.30300463

  • psRC peo Deensed Alessaan h 07/01/07. 5pp. 30000406 30000$00.

SM1279001 Forments Rev 5 t "TMI 2.Dhr Techrecal Fvebeson Rept for Weses Hon. 0791210000 e to fue findngs of fact." Moton re- san 0 & Pecompng ,Facely." for revenw & approvat Rev reAsces reveemd rm emAomodt to ince ce accese moenn for estensen a composee ten of timsquiof heenne. . onee T.M M. Asmodta #147 22R 67/Giiii. wreau asseiy eno uconome Board STANDERFFR.F.R. Gensee Uetees . GPU Service Corp. 07/01/14. PenalSep.30318:232 30310.230. Record Services Branch (Domensna Consol ik 30000$00630000124


-8701270437 Rev $ to "TMi-2.Div Techrecal Evenastum Rept for Waste Handhng &               8701080685Sutmuts TMi-2 Cleanup Protect Drechste weeur status rept for881222-               l Utdees Corp. . GPU Sarwce Corp. 15737-2<s03-107 R05. 86/12/23.                VERS.W.D. TMl-2 Osanup Protect 87/01/06. DENTON.H R. Office of Nuclear 35pp. 39369.090-39369124.                                                                  Reactor Regulatum, Drector (post 851125). MIRAGUAfJ. DMeson of Pressurned              ' l Weier Reactor tscenan0 8 (poet 851125). 4pp. 39216:189 39218:192.

8701270078 Forwards Rev ? to4710325SMOOO6. *SAR tor Pressuruer Sprey Lee Delueen3 Sys? Rev permes JWdh ed water kom wofuehng water clearse sys to tie 8701150045 Sutmuts TMI.2 Deanup Prosect Drectorate weekly status rept for wet of used tar pronounter ey sne Fee ped. 870105 11. intake of raharirve men envron morutonng & auxAn-STANDERFIR A General Utenes - GMJ Service Corp 87/01/15. ry & fusi avvities * ====*aar ReNtor Regusecon, Derector 851125). MIRAGUAf). DMaon of Pressurued

-8701270008 Rev 2 to "SAR for Preeststrar Spray Lkie Water Reactor tscensm0. B (post 851125). 3pp. 39274:313-39274.315.
  • General Pttec Utesse Corp. - GPU Service Corp. 4710 32 R2. 87/011 13.15pskh ? h " ?010. 8701210203 Informs of status of aux 6ary & fusf tude deaortsmmehan for Fourth Quarter 1988. Radiological surveys show 600 to 3. mrom/h w/ contact reae 8701270011 Informs that second warterty payment & =%M FYS7 pay- ings as har as 5 5 rern/h m make4sp after ed=4a monte of 10CFR171 annual too regwements should not tio pad unal STANDE4ERf.R. General Ptdsc Utiese Corp. . GPU Service Corp. 87/01/11 noeceper 881120 request tar esemptort Record Sennces Branch (Document Canarco Deskt 3pp. 39328.090-39328.092.

HOLLUvvAY.CJ. Ucense Fee Managemert Branch (Poet 861123L 87/01/18. KJNTNER.E.E General Ptdlic Utlese Corp. . GPU Senece Corp.1p. 39373.197 8701280198 Forwards "TMt Aquat c Study Mon 09y Rept for Dec 1986? 39373.197. RESSLER,W C. 3eneral Ptd*c Utenes Corp. . GPU Senace 87/01/15. 8701280154 rw- ence B&R470118 Itr revismo enrdarwis to reactor pressure vessel mlegntyinfo forwarded to B&W for comment.No tiams to doutit meegnty of -870120f 223 "TMI Aquate MoneWy Rept for Dec 1986? ANDERF Putsc Uthces GPU Senace Corp. 87/01/19. ^"U'"'*""8' *"**

  • E * '

Record Senaces Branch (Document Contal Desk tipp. 39391:101-39391.105. 8701270055 Stairruta TMl-2 Osanup Protect Drectorate weekly status rept for 870106-8701280148 Forwards response to NRC comments re proposed plan to oire end litengs fRAVERS.W D. Tul-2 Osenup Protect ki vescu wasel plasma arc kirch.No noncondonede hoevy mM Ossos mil be 87/01/16. DENTON.H.R. Omco of Nuclear Reactor Regidation Drector (post 851125). MIRAGUAfJ. Dusion of Pressurtred AND E A General Pttiac Unsees Ccep Service Corp.87/01/20. Doo- Water Reactor Uconung . B (poet 851125). 3pp. 39373.19&39373.200. umers Conval Branch (Documere Convol Deskt 7pp. 39385.346 3938i352. 870130e057 Sutmuto NRC TMI2 Osanup Protect Dhectorate weeb'y status rept for 8701300003 Adinses that proposed use of unfinered watar knm defusen0 water eteenip 870H 7&rwenevo maint of fuel cash moport eqisprnurt r TRAVE M sidmuned 870H5 rev e erM %

                  . TMF2 Oserne Protect.87/01/21. S              ERf.R. General Putec fW7My2 Osanup                           26 DE T Reacw Regulaton, Direcer W W25L MIRAGUAfJ. h of Pressunrod H Omco of Nuclear Utimes Corp. . GPU Servn.e Corp.1p. 39446:137-39446137.                                  Water Reach W - B W 85H25K 3pp. 39446S6M448M QL Inspection reporte,IE Buestine & w.        ,.. n                                       8. Reportatile occurrences, LERe & reisted -.. .                -

8701070435 Forwards Safety inep Rept 50320/8413 on 86101&t208.No violation 8701080372 LER 8641140'on 861207.dunng replacement of char.callitters,18 deluge noted.A#eo ack recept of 860926Itr to inep Rept 506320/06 46 & 861112ur to IE eys fire detectors for fuel handhng bidg exhaust Wier ARF 14A/B P N-* Buseen 86003. sonne' error Hour 4 Ilre watch estatmehed.W/870106 Itr. TRAVERS.W D. TMI-2 86/12/24.STANCERFERf.R. General Pitile .R.D., STANDERFERf.R. General Put*c Ubbties Corp. . GPU Service Corp. Uthhos Corp. . GPU Senace . 39202.295 39202.310. 87/01/06. 6pp. 39219.198-39219 203. -8701070444 Safety inep Rept 50-320/8&t3 on 8410161208 No violation noted Masor 8701210138 LER 8601240on 881214.apnnkler nozzle (IEEE Code NZL) for contc4 areas mapected.roueno plant operatons.LER followup & defuehng room tiypass charcoal filter AHJ-5 logged moperable. Caused tiy personnel operatons.Continiang tousekeeping & Industnal safety problems h reactor tak1g irror. Nozzle csoanodsetested a retumed io evc.W/870113 8tr. noted. DELL.C.J, STANDERFERf R General Pnd*c Uldeos Corp. . GPU Service Corp. 87/ MOSLAK.T., BELLJ, COLUNS.D. Region 1, Omco of Drector. 86/12/18. 14pp. 01/13. 5pp. 39327.2s&39327:269. 32202297 39202310. M12230088IE info Notco 86107, "Enky into PWR Cavity W'Retraw-table Ir> Core De- T, Hearing transcripts on nonenetrust matters lector Thimtises Withckawet* Sec het onct 1 1 cheon New Yorts 205 . 8701080452 Transcret of Advisory Panel for Decontammation of TMi-2 861210 hearing 392051 30' en PA. 1-107.Supportmg documentanon enct. for Decontammatort of TMt und2. 86/12/10.134pp. 39170197-8817230001 IE Info Notce 84108. "Dogadston of RCS Pressure Boundary Resulting 8#* From Bonc Acid Conomort" Svc Est enr1 JORDAN.E.L Drvisen of Emergency Preg.aredriess & Response (Post 870H30007 Mr Miner proposed Fanagt conectorw

  • Certshcate of Svc and 830103L 86/12/29. Consolidated Edson Co. of New inc. . 39167:093- HENSLEY.M C. General % Ltebes Corp. . GPU Service Cp HENSLEY.M C.,

39167.197 MAUPtN.M.W. Hunton & Wdhams. #187 2150. 87/01/08. 8pp. 39249.232-39249 237 8812230093 IE Info Nonce 84109," Diaphragm Fadise in Scram Ouoet Valve Ceuung 8701140330 NRC staff proposed tranecnpt correchons.* Proposed correctone to Rod inserton." Svc tot enct 880004 12.24 & 30 tanscripts re beenng on leak rate data fainflcahon JORDAN.E.L Divison of Emergency Properesuas & Eng6neenng Response (Post hated.Cortlicate of Svc enct 830103) 86/12/29. Conschdated Edison Co. of New Yor16, inct 94pp. 39205.234 WAGNER.M.E. Assetent General Counsel Itw Hoanngs. #187 2175. 37/01/09. 8pp. 39205.327. 39267:135-3.287.142. 8812280141IE Info Nobce 86110," Anomalous Behav60r of Recyculation Loop Flow in 8701140343 GPU MW- Corp proposed crirrections to transcrpts of shaheartn0 con. Jet Pump BWR Plants? Svc hst onct forences & heenng esemans.* Prnt-ad correcnons to 86J3071112 tenscnpts of JORDAN.E.L Duman of Emergency Preparedness & Ergneenn0 Response (Poet ehmermqconferences a hatedCornficate of Svc end. 830103). 88/12/31. Consc6 dated Echmon Cct of New York, incl 95pp. 39205139 mJ.N. General Put*c ties Corp. - GPU Service Corp. NASSJKA3J N. 39205 233. Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbndge. #187 2179. 87/01/09. 21pp. 39266.066-39206.088. 8812300181 IE Info Noece 47401, "RHR Valve Misabgnment Causes Degradation of Ea:S in PWRa" Svc set encl 8701270088 Transcnpt of 870120 inquiry into Tui.2 insa rate data faiencaton.Pp 5.350-JORDAN.E L. D>vimon of Emergency Preparedness & Response (Post 5.363. 8301n3). 87/01/06. Consondated Echeon Cct of New Y inc. 39216:318-

  • Atomic Safety and Ucenung Boni Panet. 87/01/20.16pp. 39360.338-39360 353.

39217s57. 470-88 of No.ce 87402. wde.ste See,- Ou a.on o, Deprov, V. 0,e,eto, E - Valves Matnamstcal Modeeng & Analyse? Svc het enct 103). 70 Ca New Y 07pp 300 4701080907 Genenc Lt E741 to as power reactor bconsees & apphcants for OL re

                                                                                                   $                    Nuc     Reactor
08. Acante Oty Electnc Co. 44pp. 39394.069 39304112.

non, 1 25'). 87/01/ 8701130002 IE Info htice 87403. "Segreganon of Hazardous & Low Level Rad. wastes? Svc Est ena JORDAN.E.L Divimon of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeering Response (Post 830103) 87/01/15. Coneobosted Eckson Co. of New York, Inc. 85pp. 39324 025- DOCKET $0-321 EDWIN L HATCH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNIT 1 39324.1 f f. F. Securtty, medical, emergency & IIre protection plans

                                                                                          $701050233 Forwards upda'ed outstancing Econung issues subnvitals tst Race,18 NRC 0701200438 " Effluent & Waste Deposal Semannual Rept for 1984. 6 - : .;J Info."              efforts to complete hcenemg actions on recaculation pump anp.ansiog tip kansmitter W/870109 Itr                                                                               sys & fire proter 1 son Tech Space appreciated.

STANDERFERf.R General plt:5c Unhties Corp. - GPU Service 54/12/31. GUCWA.L.T. George Power Co. 86/12/22. MULLER.D. BWR Project Deerforate 2. TICHLERJ. Brookhaven Nanonal Laboratory. 24pp. 39310.263-39310- app. 39150.357 39150-360.

DOCKETEDITEMS 79 870iO60388 Ack ,ecac of 860e30 nr informme NRc ce seps taken to co, osanon. 870iO60a4 ran.,ds DCRDR Summny Regi vs i. -ueemdsogy & Appmach" & vos noted n insp Repts 54321/8648 8 54366/8646 Ovd penany shoidd roman as pre- H & ilA. " Human F. Dscrepancy Results" per Suppl 1 to n nonce of mosamon.End withheld (ret 10CFR2.790 & 73.21). pierr+ntaten ior correcimg human engmeenng escrepancies also enct GRACEJ N. Repon 2, Or6ce of rJirector.06/12/23. MILLER.J.H. George Power Co. GUCWA,LT. Georgia Power Co. 86/t2/23. Record Services Branch (Document Con-2pp. 39164 02439164.021. trol Desk), 5pp 39174 08139177.057. 8701080254 Adnses met symptom 4ased ann 0 procedures complete & 8701060383 DCRDR Summary Rept Voli. " Methodology & Approacit" implemented on 86120f per requrements of 737

  • Georpa Power Co.86/12/41. 232pp. 39174.068-39114:319.

GUCWA.LT. George Power Co.86/12/26. Record Senacee Oranch (Document Con-Wol Desk). 'p.39204 029639204.029. 370106*400DCODR Summary Rept Vols N & RA, " Human Engmeenne Discrepancy Resurts." 0701000044 Forwards esempton korn regnarements of 10CFR50. App response to e George Power Co.86/12/31. 818pp. 39174 320 3917725'. 680518 ler Two genenc exempeons & 15 specac exerripeons not requredSafety eval-unton & emoon essesement aseo enci RivENBARK.G. BWR Drectorate2. 87/01/02. O'RElLLYJP. Georpa Power 8701080238 informs of NRC 870218 Workshop on inadent inveshganon & Performance Co. 2pp. 3922226439 - .102. inecators in Acanta.GA.On 870219Aegon a will conmact workshop on casrent opera. tor issues rickdng torthcommg to 10CFR55.

    -87. 070- E on e row cucial on,i,om irea e,s re.,emaus 8 -          a iOCrR50.A,p aS.c.on nG ras.                        3%a^gte 3md360o** d a'='= "' 2'2* "'"ta" o '"a~ ca-v0LLMER.R R Othee of fMaa' Reactor R              tiorg Oractor (post 851125). 87/01/
02. George Power Co.14psk 39220.263 392 276- 0701050318 Forwards errats & Addendurn 1 to GE NEOC-30997. "Edwm i Hatch Nucio-ar Plant.Urvt 1 Aeactor Pressure vesset Survedlance Mates Testng & Fracture fough.

n -

    -8701,00008         Safe,., orn ev.iesen ,e ui. 84u,8 & 8605,6 ,e sh.s    - io, e,ano. i,o,n                                        ,ow iOC O,.R50 ce o Nuc ,pR e e,Rcen.tsRe m .,e, Drecto     ,i,&sa osi 8511= 87/0i/02 2%


                                                                                                            ,c, oo v,,,. 3gg,00,e,M        3,,8a c,,-* - aggg;Reco,fg ,g,,,n,,, ,o,,,,,n, c,,n.


                                                                                                        -8701050323 Errata & Addenckam 1 to "Edwin i Halch Nucseer Power Ptant. Unit 1.Re-
                    ,f             orn requr'               R50                                                G                 Co.      DC40997          0. 05/3               004       019.

RIVENEARK,&W. 3WR Propect Drectorate2. 86/11/28. 5pp. 39220 29349220:302. 8701080281 Not.Aes of 870107 meetne w/utiin Bethesda.MD to escuss utit schechales vier'0 Tech Specs re omgie4oop operaban & kt lximp ourvemance. Revised Unit 1

        & progress to e apanent quah6caton.fbre protecnon.SPDS Tech Spec                                    Tech Specs tassee Peae 3 622 enci improvement. App J & snetzers.                                                                     GUCWA.LT. Georpa Power Co. 47/01/02. MULLER.D. BWR Propect Drectorate 2.

RNEN8ARr.GW. BWR Protect Drectorate 2. 87/01/05. MULLER.D.R. BWR Protect 3pp. 39253:127 39251129. Dkectorate a 3pp. 39167:067 39167269 8701060281 Notfies of 870107 meetne w/util in Beihearta.MD to dscusa uts schedulee

   $701120138 Rev 0 t2 Emer                   Plan implementng Procedure 73EP.EIP4J14S.                    & progress te                            quanficabon, lire protecton,SPDS Tech Spec "Emer          Classetawn &          Actone" & 63EP4lP449 0S, " General Emegency                   improvement. App J &               E Voombs          SherWt " W/070107 lir.

MOORE.C.T. RELLE.C. George Power Co. 87/01/07. 71pp. 39246-001- RNENBARK.G W. BWR P 09ect Drectorate2. 87/01/06. MULLER.DA BWR Prcsect Drectorate 2. 3pp. 39167:067 39167269. 39246.071. 8701120185 Forwards rewmed "Rept on Ret 5ement of kajor Plant Structures." clantytng 8701120147 Revs 0.canceleng hsted emergency . , _ . -, procedures, inchachng areas e=manad dunng 861021 meetog re deleton or refs to tddg set!*ement frorn 63EP-EIP4554S. "Classencanon of Emergences." 6se.P-EXP457CS. ". Man (.;aused Tech Spect. Emergences" & 63EP-EIP457M ' General Emergenef." W/870107 fir GUCWA.LT. Georp'a Power Co.87/01/06 Reca/d Sernces Branch (Documerit Cork SORRELLE.C Georpa Power Cck 87/01/07. 700.39243 010 39243.016. trol Desk). 2pp. 39243 026 39241136. 870,,503s3 %ts ina, e m , ar a e,ne,- .->,ecoves.deu d ecena _8.,0,,,0,80 Rev.ocRe,t on Se,,ement c, Ma,,, na,e St,uc,,,s . M p-. rte.a pn controller packages be addressed as hated to protect rWo ircra escsoeure Bechtel Corp. 86/11/30.109pp. 39243.02849243:136. BROWNL E VL 2. e of Drector.87/01/06.MILLERJH. Georpa Power

  • 870,1140155, Prcm,s a+3 rdo,,otnote tocoo Spe Tech, poo,c 80On o el capstW y . prmius n dunn o sSe.cti.on ofis.o3.9 C, 8701280418 Responds to rioece of vic,ation re insp Repts50-321/86 37 & 50L366/66-
  • d 31 on 861117-20 Numerous secsoty ts taken to further erthence nuclear D*"CW' GU **"P'*ower 7 Senrices Branch (Document Con R2.790 & 73 21). trol Desk).19. 392 089-39270'089.

secunty 9am.Enct esthhekt (ref 1 "

  • tod f2 9 9393 ' 8701130355 Forwards description of augmented radologcal environ program Progam to mondor status of rachonuchdos released to property op 8612CSO4.

47 280547 Forwaros amend to security plan. Amend withheld (ref 10CFR2 790 & G T 6 1/07. Record Seces Branch pocurnant Cork g g Weatho;937;M939 " #,'?"* a c'a"- *="ca *"'""=a' ca" Smi=0 R ests sui-- of de-nsi,aueg ade.acy a .ern rod maarton. standby hqwd controi & recaculahan pump ing sys.Deviacons from BWR 8701270408 Summary of860716meenne w/utd & Bachief in Bethesda.MD to ampiam Owners Group alternanwes must tie kontied. 860516 remaest for exampbons frorn are protecton requrements of App H to RIVENBARF.G. BWR Project Drectorale2. 87/01/06.O'REILLYJP. Georpa Power 10CFR50. Attendance het & charts used m uti presentahon enct Co. 3pp. 39252.178-39252.206. Al"ENBARK.G. BWR Propct Orectorate 2. 81/01/21.MUL.LER.D R BWR Project Di-rectorate 2. 6pp. 39379uu?-39179 012. 6701270388 of 861104 meating w/utd m Bethesfa.MD to Acuss Units t & 2 Econsm0 actntes. tapacs mcauded Unst 2 outage status. Unit I scfiedale & 8701280048 Summary of 860602 quarterN moonng w/utd m Atlanta.GA re hcenNng plans for neMt outage LEl of attendees GHCL actmees.mckdng w a changes & unplementaton of App R Meeeng RP/ENBARK.G. BWR Propect Drectorate 2. 87/01/21. MULLER.D.R. BWR Project Di-ager-sa. charts a viewgachs enct rectvate 2. 4pp 39379$1949379922. RI%NBARK.G. BWR Propect Drectorate 2. 87/01/21.MULLERD.R. BWR Project Di-rectorate 2. 27pp. 39382126-39382152. 8701280048 Summary of 880602 quarterW meetng w/utd in Asanta.GA re bcensmg actmbes.ancludt.g sv -W changes & enplementaban of App R.Meegng 87012800e7 Stanmary of 861120 meeting w/uts a Bethesda.MD re procedtre upgrade egends. charts & viewgraphe enct protect & secunty tarung & emergs'ry prepared..ese grogram.Lat of meeting etter> RIVENBARK.G. BWR Propect Drectorate 2. 81/01/21. MULLER.D R. BWR Prtvect DL stees a viewgraphe enct rectorate 2. 27pp. 39382.126-39382152. Rf"ENBARK.G. BWR Propect Drectorate 2. 87/01/21. MULLER.D R. BWR Proiect Di-rectorate 2, 21pp. 39380.158-39380:100. 4701280075 Summary of 860618 meetmg w/util.MPR Assoc & Bechtel m Bethesda.MD re utd rowew af costruc design of catle tray supports.uut of attendees & presentaton J. Insurance & Indemnity information matis enct RI."ENBARK.G. BWR Directorate 2. 87/01/21. MULLER.D.R. BWR Prosect DL rectorate 2. 44pp. 39380 9380 351. 870 9 70593 Forwards Endorsement 101 to NEUA P NF-215 Endorsement 66 to MAELU Pokcy MF41 & Endorsements 84 to MAELO MF-78 & NEUA Poncy 4701280004 Summary of 861021 meeung w/uti in Bethesda.MD re utd recpJest to NF-182. delers set 6 ament mondonng requrements Vorn Tech Specs Bechtel 1986 HOFFMANft. Marsh & McLennan. Irc 86/12/18. OlNITZJ. Assatant Drector for rept. "A on Setnament of Masor Plant Structurne." presented at meeting. State & Ucensee Relanorm Sop.39202 345-39202.349. RIVENBARK.G. BWR Propect Drectorate 2. 87/01/21.MULLERD R. BWR Protect DL rectnrate 2. 2pp. 39380181-39380 307. P. Operating scsnse s+ age documents a correspondence -8701280113 " Reps on Settlement of Major Plant Structures."

  • Bechtel Corp. h/05/31.125pp. 39380183-39380 307.

4701060233 Forwards todated outstandng hcenseg asues sterrattals Ilst.Recent NRC efforts to complete hce1emg schone on recuculatson pump try. analog tip tansmrtter 8701280097 Summary of 861120 meetmg w/utd m Bethesda.MD re proce&se upgrade sys & Gro protecton Tech Specs appreciated. protect & secunty trarung & emergency preparedness prograrn. List of meetng atter> duCWA.LT. Geo pe Power Co. 86/12/22. MULLEH.D. BWR Proiect Drectorate 2. does & viewgraphs enct app. 39150:397 39150:360. RIVENBARK.G. BWR Propect Drectorate 2. 87/01/21. MULLER.D.R. BWR Project Di-rectorate 2. 23pp. 39380:158-39380 180. 8701050211 Requests NRC approve, of 860228 appirebon for amends to Ucenses DPR.67 & NPF-5.authonang 40 yrs of operanon.by870331,per escussion at recent 87012M007 Notificabon of 870127 rneatiry w/utd in Baxley.GA to escuss utd plans re l tcenemg status meeerg i plant & Matus of hcensmg_actmbet GUCWA.L.T. George Power Co. 86/12/23. Record Services Branch (Document Con. RIVENBARK.G W. BWR Propect Drs..torate2. 87/01/27. MULLER.D.R. BWR Propect troi Desk). 2pp. 39152358 39152.359. Drectorate 2. 2pn 3SJ59.250 39359:251.

  ~.          - .. - -                     ~ , _ . ~ -                            -- -.                            .      - - _     - - - . _ . ..                                    . -            __ _~. --                          .                          _ _ _ .          - _ _ _

r i M MW  ; 1

                       & Insposeen reporte, E Buesens 4 eersespondense                                                                             SM1N0000 Formerde inend for Feb 1987 SALP Bosni momeng ler teomy covutte hd test - Dec 100tOveres reen0 of Caes0sy 2 esm0ned en Asiesonal eres of Goenuin0 11                   estant                       of spot                                                  gg, W gggg, E 07W1E REYESA. Regen 3. Of of fisconi ferWoso Branch (Document Cork GUCWA
                         ,el Des k 3LT,,ae.'T.P,o.we.r L                            ,S/.                                                                          =mm. ReeSonde i. netos of *isson re i,.p                                -

8.=i/8 37 8 - 37 on 001117 20.Numeseus to tweier enhanes nusInst j 0$01000000 Formerds Irep Repes $4321/00 38 & 54300/0630 on M10181121 & $g7, Ence Co. 7/01/10. Roooni Brmneh (Doonement Cu> tel Deshk app $30303039EE OROWNLEE.V L g. Olmos "'-of Omossor.08/12/22. MILLER,J.H Georgio Power i **"" nis o e..=0 no mmmm A. gai= =,gof eNps Ip. 30000.24130000.241. L . 07/01/IE OVER.LYJ.P. Goesgo Pomer ce Regen OIGoe of 1 gg,, I =0701000010 Insp Repes 006321/03 30 & 54300/03 30 on 0010181121. VIslagen regsed by Teen Spec to vanly operebety g Mru nasqqAy.p., pgJpfLT.GY LL.F.Su ReSion 2. OIEco of Obestor. 08/ ] 12/22. 7pk 3000t24240000.240. 3701000000 Montdy reyes ear 1000.W/001000 m. NR ' i SM1000000 Act roompt of 000000 Nr M=r C ofove steps taken to conect should vloemeens re-en se pre-

noemd e ines Resen s432i/0040 &

tented h noems of vecemeerLErirs usadiate pel 10CFft2. & .21) gyg100g800 uansdy ,,,g, gar Oca 100&W/001114 W. 1 GRAM 4N. 2. OIRwo of Drector.08/12/23. MILLER,J.K Georgle Power Ca feICHARO90pd4H, A.L.T. Gesgo Pouer Ca 08/10/31. Opm 30002940-2pp. 30104. 194221- 30432-303. 8"18888# 08'Ame 9400e7 response to E Bueset 0443 re oevey useer assi 0701300013 Montdy reyes In Dw.' 100&W/070110 nr. o See to sumun loss JK, T. George Pomer Ca 08/12/31.11 ppt 30000274 { ,,, g g gee to immsd,e eg ' GUCWA.LT. Power CE 08/12/23. .N. 2, Ofeon of Obecour. 2pm 3021 10$34. .p 08133000W E into Nomos 80107, "Eney into PWR Cavily W/Reerecentdo In. Core De-E O O "8'8 1 tesear nameses Witionen" sue est enst JORDAN.Et Dimmen of Emugency Prepmosises & Responeo (Post SM19NeN Speaal 50w321/100$004:en 001301.vesnareus te>seted seasseems I 03010M. 08/12/20. Conantested Ettoon Ca of New Y Inc. 00pp. 30006431- doetered inoperette prestois survesense, em tur====Ma a r ===r**= Tenge 30306:130. Spec ocean taken. Repose um he oosupleted or mets receive & i GUCWA.LT. Pouer Ca 07/01/13. Record Sertecas Spench posument Osn-08132a8001 E Info Noeos 80100. "Depedsson of RCS Pressure Boundary fiendeng tel Desh). 2pp, .300 30300 367. From Gone And Conomen." Suc est anst Respones (post JORDAN.E.L Dhagen of Emergency theparedness & E ' 030103). 08/12/20. Coneoedmond Etteen Ca of New Y inc. Oepp. 30107203- V. Operseer Enumeistene 3010/:187. f 80 3330000 Info S&100, "Diaphreyn Fedure in Scram Ouest Velve Ceuene "m*e,,",,", m'"'A'u"w"'im.'GA.Or 070210 o"o'rname on sunwe

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 .           24             .R Gempo Pouer Ca 9 1                                EsAnon              New                       sepp. 30006.234-SMm0007 Genmec Lt 0741 to et power reenter econsees & apposde ter 01 se 0813300141IE Info Noeco 08110,"Anomaloue Behowlor of Rococulomon Leiop Flow h                                                                             of NieC opuetor                    enom gssuten tesdLSus set anst                                            ,

7 Joe Pung SeWI pieneL" Suc ass enct NTON,H.R. of Nuclear Reecear Deester poet 051130k 07/011 ! JORr1AN.E L Divuun of Emegency Premareeises & Engmeerhg Respmus M 08. Asenec Cay Elecesc Ca 44pm 30004 112.. 830iO3). 08/12/31.Cor==annes e Eamon Co. of New York, Inc. 06pp. 30306.130-30306.233. I 0701000400Forments inep fesjes^^54321/00-40 & 94306/80 40 on 001122-1210.No DOC 0ET00=003 "" POWM 574798 wuoemeens or devensons 1 - _. _ inveed to unreensved esmo noemd in rept. BROWNLEE.V.L Rap 2. Olsco of Deecoor. M/12/31. MILLER.J.H George Power D. SAC Draft /ptual Osuutesessneel Watsumente, engpie 4 servespendenes Ca apS 30214.0009er14:017. , -47010 Mess ese Repes 54321/03-e0 & 54300/0640 on 0011221214.No vendemons 0701130130 Aedoes that FES (NUREG4000) for Inner eveRutdo Or Imt 1 or cleaseens 88eaeRetMesor areas enP-a ancenese ecuan on prenaus ensaronment SUTLER.W R. SWR Deessorene 4. 07/01/00. e0UDNE,R. Aseen Onne for Envennnenti 1g M863043mkNE . , HOLMES.RA NEJFE , CANTRELL.F.E Regen 2. Omne of Dwector. Os/ i 12/30. 7pn 3021401130214417. 1 SMitY3M 30 & to NRCon061201 k re v601 00100600Correceve muons noted h M54321/00-oceans- Procedwo -0701000447 ULCO 1ket reipseet ter adsdestons & thbd est of ledene0seuses easNM11e ! s2SP.1003064E-1-2S revloed a pertonned on 001000 & Codecommed Sid8t'el ,Seses of NY a toen of SaddamugeorL* Response segsaused eledn 10 1 i GUCWA.LT. Poser Ca08/12/31. Record Sonness Granch (Document Con. of Suo & tensene of evenes ser Gue13 surelse tol Desk). Opp. :100 30953:187. bW/SNEY.K.E. taland UW4tig Co. harWSel(EY.K.E. 00 eden & Wanna

                                                                                                                                                        #197 2000.08/12/01.                       County, NY. 300pp. 3015720140187202.

j 001000181 IE Info Noene 07401,"feHR Velve 40mmeOnment Causes Depedsson of . E(Xl8 an PWRs." Suc est once. JORDAN.E.L Dhamon of Emergency Preparedness & E ' Respones (post SN1000000 ka*=o=i of 870113 mesen0 w/ue in Beemmette to ensues pluit j tensfer tem S&W,ieduto of Tech Spes ehen0s so- = 030103). 07/01/06. Conocedeled Eisson Ca of New Y Inc. 03pp. 3021031s. tessenced issues se 30217467. .sent on RCS & to presenten. LO.R. SWR 4. 08/12/31.BUTLEM.W.R. SWR Pregnet Dreatume I trup Team Repen sS321/03 41 & 54308/OS41 on 4.4,5 30100. 18 east. I 07011000s0 Fonvenes 1 001a0447.Viidenons _ z_ _:_: ser manamd 1  ; aceanNonne of vensseon um to lesume esperses cover. SM1900000 Forments especeman ter amend to License IWF of Usenes ORACE,J N. 2. Ofece or Descour. 07/01/08. MILLERJK George Power Cg Chan0s Appenemen 5.conoimiO Tedi Speos se tocamen of teusse & 2pp. 30303407 -004. ansamel inceresseeney in orgenremon ceiertCarmeene of Sus eneLPee LEONARD 40. Lon0 taland - Co. 07/01/12. Roseni teneh Elesua

                        =0701100004 Aupnented inep Repte 90421/0641 & 54308/0441 on 00120447.Vio,                                                       ment Conecd Dossi). 2pm 3030                                 308.

tenone noemd & us to usued under ess,eress cover.Mator arene inspecimencenses re- -8701M Appsomeon for amend to unenes 99p.30,consteen0 of Umance CBieny i alunn0 881203 reihase of rman- ah weser 4neo enerort

                                   & RAY.P., GLOERSERW.8, NEJFELT,G.M. Repen 2. Ollice of Deector. 07/                                                  Appeesson 5.compsping locaton of meematopool acuers & comessiG Innenessanney se l

01/0E 10pp. 3000340630303104 chores.

40. Long leimnal Urien0 Ca 07/01/12. W N0072074WM f, . .=11m. . e, Vefves try edeshamenant Noene v4 A ModskiG Anafpus." Suc est enctin o ses S.enec ~ e , o, D.p-4701300000 ee,n Proposed Tech Spons re loesson of nosesorelopeal tause & aa=r==m==

{ of indspondent esfety engnmenng gangt i JORDAN.EL Dhnson of Emsgancy Preparesmose & E Roeponeo (poet

030103i 07/01/13. Consondened Edson Ca of New Y enc. 07pp. 3000t308
  • Long lesend UWikie Co. 07/01/12. ops 30007:30430007:300.

i 30301 263. 3701800130 o Ah (Y j 0=1=mg,pe nom. SaGreSemon of No.ordous & = tov. R p . ureForme.nte se re eGA. Ole"Ato e ie,i,ia,A.msteUS Em g is . S,en, - Re ale,s .90s J JORDANEL Dnnson of Emergrncy Preparoeises & EnSinesNne Reubense (post BORDENacTr eM. Asemeent General Comment tar Nomin0L #197 2100. 07/01i13. 830103). 07/01/15. Conocessted Eeoon Cet of New York, Inc 06pp. 30324026 MARGUUES.M B., KUNEAR., SHDN,FA Aeonec Sefuey and unang Some PensL l 30Ls24:112. 27pp. 30304.213-30304230. l l

DOCKETEDITEMS 81 8701200078 Corrected Mr forwareng FEMA 861230 nr & rowew of Revs 8. 7 8 8 of 8701080525 Memorandum & Order? Dermes FEMA request for stay of escovery pend-transeon plan.m response to NRC 860716 4 0930 requests for FEMA review of off- mg ASLB detemunanon of monts of corviroversy re 861211 order Served on J70106. site emergency plan. SHOEMAKER.CJ. Atorme Safety and Lcenneg Appeal Panet. #187 2097. 87/01/05. LO.R BWR Propect Drectorate4. 87/01/14. LEONARD.J.D. Long Island Lightmg Co. Federal Emergency Managernent Agency 3pp 39219.308-39219310. Ip. 39306.224-39306 296. 8701130017Suffolk County response to LfLCO motion re poneng escovery matters & j -8701140278 Forwards FEMA 861215 rept. "ULCO Transiten Plan for Shoreham Rev order of proceeding under Dec 11 order? Uni motion unfounded Depoamons can be i 8.Coneohdated Regonal Assstance Committee Review " per NRC 860716 & 0930 re- arties Certificate of Svc enct t quests for review of Revs 8.7 & 8 of plan inadequecies found m plan ksted. LET ted.KJ. by Suffolk 870130 w/o preguece

                                                                                                                                          . NY. LE sof. SCHE KJ Kakpatnch & Lockhart #107 2105 I         MCLOUGHLIN.D. Federal Emergency Management A                      86/12/30. STELLO.v-        $1/01/05. Atomic Safety             Lcensmg Board Panel 23pp. 39246 332-39246.354.

! Othee of the Executive Drector for Opersborm 72pp. 39 25 39306 296. l " 8701130023 ULCO response to Suffolk Courwy. State of NY & town of Southampton l N SYoNfaN ioD[1!i & " fN 8' '""" gat nos e utCO.* Cenificaw a Svc encLRelated conospond-review of offsite emergency p6an, coorenenon w/ FEMA agen N 7 **'.K.L DONEGAN 2 Long taland Ughan0 Co. DONEGAN.K.L Hunton & Whams. #187 8 0 /05. Atome Safety and Lconseg Board Penet 10pp. 39248133-L R Drectorate4. 87/01/14. LEONARD.J D. Long loland Oghnng Co. 3pp. 39323:267 39323.269. 2 814 8701130043 State of NY response to ULCO 861223 monon? Uni attempt to depnve gS p ,a_ _ State of NY status ca gac.d on stategas.mdepend,ent C. hcais of Sve n pany rebuk.oti,Moton opposed d 8701050447 ULCO first request Ior adrrussens & thrd set of eterrogatones erected to

                                                                                                                                               *                               ^

Surtom Comty. State of NY & town of C&;^. .MResponse requested withm 10

                                                                                                                        ' Pane                 0     92        4 ESK         L       island                           YK      Hunton & W6ams. 4701130088NRC staff response to "ULCO Motion for Decovery of NRC Staff."* For-
        $187 2088. 86/12/0                County    Y. 282pp. 39157 00139157282.                     wards NRC answers to ULCO 861219meerrogatones re request for documentanon used a meerpretmg meaneg of phrase "fue participatiort
   $701020188 Forwards subpoenas served on 861223 to Bemaciu.Giarena. Feh &                          BORDENICK.B M. Assatant General Counsel for                              #187 2119. 87/01/05.

Mahna.Nohces of depoorton & affidawt mecanng Proof of Svc also enct Related cor. Atomm Safety and Oconseg Board Panet 2pp. 39247: 9247:352. respondence. MCMURRAY.C.M. Krkpeinck & Lockhart. #187 2062 86/12/23. CUMMING,W R. -8701130084 NRC staff answers to ULCO interrogatones of 861219.* Answers to Federal Emergency Management Agency 1p. 39146 319 39146.336. 861219 mtarrogatones re request for documents other than NUREGM54 & FEMA

t. exercise assessments used tar meerpretmg 10CFRSO W/Certifica*e of Sve.
   -8701020205 Afhdant' Afhdawt of CM McMurray depoemg that on 861223 subpoenas                            DENICK.B M. Assistant                si Counsel for Heannga #187 2119. 07/01/05.

served on RE Bemacks.P Cmarena.C Mahna & H Fan Related correspondence Long taland Ughtmg Co. 5pp. 39247.348 39247.352. MCMURRAY,C M. Island Ugheng Co. MCMURRAY.C.M. Kst patnca & Lockhart. 06/12/23. In 39146 146.336 8701130107 ULCO mobon to compel Suffolk County. State of NY & town of Southhamp-ton to respond to ULCO first request for admissens & thrd set of interrogatones &

   -8701020230 S2poena.* S2poena dreceng RE Bemaciu to appear on 870126 m                                       for expedited response & espostport* Certfcate of Svc ence.

Washngton.DC.Reisted correspondence GHAN.JA island Ugheng Co. MONAGHAN.J A Hunton & Whams. #197 FYREJ.R Atome Safety and bconsmo Board Penet 86/12/17. BERNACKl.R.E. 2128. 87/01/05. County. NY.13pp. 39249 238-39249250. Food & Drug AdmmistraDort 2pp. 3914632139146 322.

  -8701020238 Subpoena.' Waans drectmg PA Gaardlna to appear on 870122 m                         8 2M                                            E g_A ,h                  te  ' **

g gg gg Bnufmg ne"ues R A S tory Board Panel 06/12/17. GIARDINA.PA Enn. fonmental protecton Agency. 2pp. 39146 323 39146.324-

                                                                                                     $$$y"                       ""'an*t t                                                11 8    1/05.

AW Sa% and Uconung Board Panet 7pp. 39304 304 270.

  -4701020244 Subpoena.* S2poena drectog H Fm^ h to appear on870126 in Washmg-son DCRelated correspondence.                                                             8701130087 ULCO proposed agende for conference of counset* Certfcate of Svc FRVEJ.H. Alome Safety and Lcenseg Board Panet 86/12/17. FISH.H. Energy.                      enct Dept. cf. 2pp. 39146.325-39146.326.                                                          IRWIN.D P. Long island Ughbng Co. #187 2154. 87/01/08. 5pp. 39246:191-39246.191
  -8701020249 Subpoena
  • Sepoena drectng C Malma to appear on 870126 m Washmgion.DC.Related correspondence. 8701140352Aduses that Suffolk County wiu not flie tormal response to NRC861201 FYREJK Atome Safety and Ucensmg Board Panel 86/12/17. MAUNA,C. Agncul- mocon for clanhcaten of ASLB 861119 order compearg FEMA to answer certan kre. Dept. of. 2pp. 39146.327 39146 336 int tones County poseon adequat set sorth ri 861110 moton for order.

LAN R.LC. Suffolk County. NY. R.LC. Krkpatnck & Lockhart #187 8701020191 Forwards uti response to Suffolk County deposeon schedulmg ltr & 2186. 87/01/07. FRYEJ H. PARIS.O H. SHONfJ. Atome Safety and ucenan0 861210 & 19 Itre from uti counsel to Suffolk County counsel.setung out course of Board Panel 2pp, 39265.358-39265.359. decosmon scheduhng to date partes Related correspondence. 20 2 2/23. H,PA S, H., JA ety Ucone. g 3 Ing Board Panel 9pp. 39147.073 39147.081 F.J. PARIS.O.M., FRYEJ.H Atomm Safety and ucenang Board Paned. #187 8701020150 ULCO swosemental responses to Suffom County first set of meerrogatones

      & request for 2d6M' /0uw. Federal Emergency Managenunt Agency 4pp. 39265481-of documents? Also suppts responses per ASLB 861212                            '

GAN L 1 Co DON 'Wilhams. #187 8701140318 Order.' Tane enthm wtuch C- - -- may act to rowow 880919 ALAB-2067.86/12/29. County N 6pp. 39141:306-39141:311. 847 extended unts 870206. Served on 870112. CHILK.SJ. C. - #187 2168. 87/01/12.19.39265:108-39261108. 8701050465 Mohon for estenson of time to respond to Liico mobort* Requests 44 fay extenmon unts 870106to se response re escovery matters & crder of pro- 8701200126 Responds to ASLB requrement for flEng statement to summary deposson under 861211 order certifcate ce Svc of issues & haanng scheduie ty 870116 Proposed toenmony uns be filed MMCMU RAY,C M. Suffom County. NY. MCMURRAY,C M. Kirkpatnck & Lockhart simultaneounty No monons for espoemon win be filed Certflcate of Svc enct

     #187 2085. 86/12/30. Atome Safety and ucenang Board Panet opp. 39158 020w                     CUMMING.W.R. Federal Emergency                                  Agency. #187 2202. 87/01/13.

39158.023. FRYEJ H, PARIS.O., SHON.FJ. Atome fety ano Ucenomg Board Panet 4pp. 39305:022 39305$25 8701050448 Laco opposton to recpest for extenson? Opposes Suffolk County request for extenmon of eme to respond to 861223 mobortCertfcate of Svc enct 8701200135 Forwards GAO "Rept to Honorable AM D'Amato.US Senate Nuclear IRWIN.D.P. Lono Island Co. IRWIN,0.P. Hurton & Wilkams. #187 2084. 86/ 12/31. Atome Safety and Board Panet Srp.39159.001-39159 005. Regulaton Urugue Features of Shoreham Nuclear Plant Emergency Planning? Re-lated corresponderice. BORDENICK.B M. Asmatant General Counsel for Hoenngs. #187 2190. 87/01/13. 8701050506 Forwards corrected Page 3 to FEMA appeal brgf re emergency prepared- MARGUUES.M B , KUNEJ.R., SHONf). Atome Safety and ucenomg Board Panet ness eserces W/Certincate of Sve. 27pp. 39304 213-39304.239. CUMMiNG.W R. Feders Emeroency Management . #187 2074. 86/12/31. Atome Safety and ucenang Board Panet 5pp. 39158 24 158 028. 8701210088 ULCO c w response e Sufbik first est d " . b 8m0 0.i8 rEMA ,e.oon to, t. eve to appealappeal,andu,n.,eouest fo, e. pea. - - =' ac meai= ina aetJ"" eve kao~9e=tc=ru - ed conaderston of appeal of 861211 cvder (ASL,B 86-01 OL) & request for stay of "EUR L Long Ughting LEUGE Harmon & Wees. #187 CUM NG e al # 87 20 2 7/01/13. Atome Safety and ucenung Board Panel 4pp. 39317254 86/12/31. Aune Safety and ucenang Appeal Panet 62pp. 391 .1 39158 170. ' ' 8701130124 State of NY moton for extenson of eme to respond to ULCO 861223 8701200114 Order (setung decovery & hearing scheme).* Trne for was com. tr.onost* Extenmon untd COB on 870106 requested Certfcate of Svc enct mence immodate8y & conclude on870307.LILCO tesamony due on 8 & inter-ZAhNLEUTER.R.J. New York. State of. #187 2127. 86/12/31.Atome Safety and Lp wenor & NRC testmony ckse on 870413 Served on 870115 conomg Board Penet 5pp. 39247.322-39247.326. MARGULIES.M B, KUNEJ.R., SHON.FJ. Atome Safe and Ocenang Board Panet

                                                                                                   #187 2198. 87/01/14. Long taland Ughtmg Co. 2pp.                     .275-39304.276.

8701080642 ULCO poteon for rowow of ALAB-855? Requests Commramon renew Appeal Board 861212Deosen ALAB-855 reaumng ute to prove how many members 8701200138 NRC staff response in opposeon to ULCO ponton for rewsw of ALAB. or putec rmght be encrutored for tadcacave contammaton m accidenLW/Cortftcate of 855? Moton dtd 870102 opposed.Ucensee arguments to monstonn0 & decontamme-Svc. ton of evacuees not seekmg shelter do not meet Comtmseen review stds. IRWIN.D P. Long Island U'ghLrg Co. IRWIN.D.P. Hunton & WWhams. #187 2003. 87/ WAGNER.M E. Asmstant General Counsel for Heermgs #187 2192. 87/01/14. Com-01/02. Commemoners 12pp. 39219 277,39219.288. rmssoners. topp. 39304:198 39304.212.

82 DOCKETEDITEMS 8781210888 SuMolk County. State of NY & town of Southampton oppoemon to ULCO 87012M107 Notco of oral s.gumenL* Oral arguments on FEMA pendmo petson seek-pseben for memow of ALAS.855? Decmon that util must plan for number of evacuses m0 leave to appeaf portras of Board 8612f1 order m emergency planneg phase of to tie monitored based on NUREG4654 & Comrmseen decmonsW/Coriscate of procemeng sche &aled its870205 m Bethende.MD. Served on 870123. Swc. BHOEMAKER.CJ Ator oc Safety and Ocenomg Appeal Penet #187 2279. 87/01/21. MCMURRAY.C M. SuMolk County, NY. MCMURRAY.C M Krkpatnck & Lockhart tp. 39362275 39362$75.

  #197 2220. 87/01/14.Omco of Nucteer Reactor Regulation, Drector { post 851125).

14pp. 30310 216 39318 229. 87012M121 Order

  • Oral argument on FEMA pendng potten lease to appeal from portene of A3LB 861211 order to emergency planreng unn be on 870205 8781218881 Retweets met enci DJ Hynes870108 Itr be served to ASLB & partes in in Bethoede.MD$erved on 870122.

emergency pienrun0 proceedhn0. Also retposts met DJ Hynes be added as nonparty SHOEMAKER to Shoreham OL.3 svc het Served on 870116. Oface of the da(*.J. Atormc2pp. neral Couneet Safety and utenomg Appeal Panel. #187 2200. 87/01/21. 39381.313-39361.314. KERR.K. Atome Safety and Board Penet #187 2228. 07/01/14. Docketmg

  & Servicae BrancfL 1p. 39318.237                18238.                                           8701270224 hequests that Afndevite of Svc anadvertently attached to 870120 moton for soeuence M subpoenas be deseoyed. Carefeate of Svc enti

-8M1218888 Requests met DJ Hynes name be entered on docket of proceeengs or DONEGf,N.K.L. Long leiend Oghtmo Co. DONEGAN.K.L. Hunton & Weems. #187 mahng het to recesve copies of all pleedm0s, documents. memos or other records sul> 2278. ')7/01/21. FRYE.JH., PARIS.O.H SHON,FJ Alcmc Safety and Laceneng netted m cormecton w/tcenomg of plant. Boere Penet 3pp. 39363:059 39383.081. HYNES.D.J. Oyeser Bay.Esat Norwich Centrol School Deinct. NY. 87/01/06 KELLEY, MARGUUES Atome Safety and Ocenema Board Penst 1p 39318.238-39318.238. 870?470254 Suffom County. State of New York & town of Southangton opposeon to SM1270108 ULCO memorentkam m support of FEMA appeal & request for cerenceton ,N So M. e$$wc enct cf assuse re esercrae domen m Contentons EX 15 & 18? Core'k MCMURRA Y.C M Sunom County NY. MCMURRAY.C M Inck & Lockhart ' sons EX 15 & 16 be W/Carthcete of Swc. PALnMrNO.F.G. New York. State of. #187 2278. 87/01/21. Opp. IRWIN.D P. leiend L Co. tRWIN.D.P. Hunton & Weemt #1812242. 87/ 393: 3 340 39383:345. 01/15. Atoms and Appeal Penal 47pp. 39364.330 39365.016. 8781270138 Reeponds to DP Inum 870109 ULCO decmon to nie sum ne. 8701188133 Sulfolk ner, & rv, quest sorCounty. Slateofofdocuments produccon NY & towntoofULCO Southangton fkst est re recepton of interrogato. et seeuet* Ceren ry 4-eon motone in emeraea begatort Sunoik willm0 to forego opporth vly ca e of Svc enct Roseled corroependence, to nie such motone & eos that on 870118 not rwaaaary. M 34URRAY,C.M. Suffolk County. NY. PALOMiNOf.G. New York. State of. LETSCHE.KJ Suffolk , NY. SCHE,KJ Krkpotnck & Lockhart f187 22',5. L ATHAM.S B. Southampton, NY. #187 2301. 87/01/21.Long lesend ughtng Cet 8pp. 87/01/15. FRYEJH., PARI .O.H., SHON.FJ Atomc Safety and Ucenomg Psard 7 442fr268-39429 275. Penet 2pp. 39364.328-39364.329. 8701270147 Reesense of Suffolk County, State of NY & town of Southampton h oppom. 8701290139 Docket 54322CL-6 (Shoreham Nucteer Power StatonIMoton for Sutow nas of New Yort Stone ;. _* Summenzos 870121 communceton bemosen ton to **ULCO Moton to Compel Suffolk County. State of NY & Town of So Ahempton to Reepond to ULCO Frat Regaest for Admissons & Trord. " W/CartP.ste of Svc. c,om,m,e,t,f,or ULCO & State of NY updehng moton for mef=nes of New York stale LETSCHE,KJ Sunoik County, NY. LETSCHE,KJ Kstpoinck a Lockhart IHWIN.D P. Long taland Co. IRWIN.D P. Hunton & Wilhamt #187 2303. 87/ PALOMINO.F.G. New York, State of. #187 2248. 87/01/15.Long tale as Ughtng Co. 01/21. FRYEJH., PARIS H., SHON.FJ Atomc Safety and ucenang poord Panel 45pp. 39364214 39364.258. 2pp. 39428 079 39428.080. to E Petec.n L to Memor f 8701280330 UW monon for leave to me m Sunom etreeponse m op-

                                                    .                      .R                                                                              Arst request er ednussons & thrd est Canaderaton of Appeal of 881211 & Order (ASLB 8641oL)                           W/Certifcate of     PC'*0" 'O M. mot n m compet to L R L.C. SuMolk County. NY. PANPHER,L.C. K                          tnck & Lockhart                             Long Island Ughtng Ca MATCHETTM Hunmn & Weemt f187 PALOMINOf.G. New York. State of. #187 2247. 87/01/15. some Safety and th                            2304. 87/01/2t Amnuc Setety and ucenung Boons Penet 3pp. 394M49 conung Board Penet 28pp. 3936411139364.138.                                                         3943H64.

8701270112 FEMA suppl to Suffolk County nret interrogatones? Correcton to FEMA re. -8701288325 ULCO reph to response of SuMolk Coung at alm oficcamon to ULCO eponse to moton to compel did 86120e eleo bated coepne Board 861217 & 870109 moton to comped answers to ULCO trat request for ednuamont Carthceto of Swc

         . Carthcale of Swc encLRelated correspondence.                                               ence ING.WA Federal E                        MeneQoment A0ency. $187 2240. 87/01/1f.             MATCHETT.S D. Long teiend Ughtng Cct MATCHETT.S D. Hunton & Wuheme. 07/

Suffolk County, NY. 5pp. 3936121 1219. 01/21. Atonuc Safety and Uconen0 Board Penst 13pp. 39430052 39430:064. 8701270162 ULCO arst set of tones & requests for producton of documentr. re 8701298127 Sunom County. State of NY & town of Southhampen moton for reconador recepton cts to Sufr om County & to of NY? Certifledra of Swc encLReseted cr tre. anon of schedule? Moton for reconaderaton of ASLB oche&sle to ht9eton of teouse spondence ULCO proposed recepton ce scheme Cerencate of Swc encs. CHHISTMANJ N. leiend Co. CHRISTMANJN. Hunton & Whoms. MCMUR Y.C M. SuNom Courty. NY. MCMURRAY.C.M. Krkposick & Lockhart. f187 2281. 87/01/18. .

                                                . Y.11pp. 39364.203 39364213.                         ZAHNLEUTER.RJ. New York. State et f187 2302. 87/01/22.Atome Safety and U-cer'ang Board Penet 20pp. 39429 282 39429:301.

8701230012Reeponse . _ .._.J., ASLAB take tascretonary review of FFJA pen-son tar leave to appeal & rule that b cbd not err in adrruteno Contentorr EX 15 & 8701280130 ULCO moton for reconaderston of Board 870114 order (esetng decovery 16 te emergency preparedness euerose w/Carthcets of Sve. & echeWep Order should be reconodored & moished due to 8sted WAGNER.M E. Asastant General Counsel for Hoenngs.87/01/20.Atomr Safety and reasons to of Svc enct Lacenom0 Appeel PenoL 28pp. 39357.228 39357253. CHRISTMANJM. Long taland Ughtng Co. CHRISTMAN.J N. Hunton & Wuhamt

                                                                                                       #187 2298. 07/01/22. Atomc Safety and Ucenang Board Penet Opp. 39429-278-4701270118^ NRC staff response to FEMA petton for toeve to yipeal appeal                               39429:281.

J~ -. Wequest for e ed conaderaten & request for stay e. Grected certa-canon cf 861211 Ucenomg d order

  • Carthcete of Swc enct 8701290100 Order settmg expedited schecsuse for replying to anoton for reconador WAGNER.M.E. Aemetant General Counees for Hoennes. #t87 2280. 87/01/20. amort
  • Reply ckso on 870130.

Atome Safety and Uconung Appeal Penet 25pp. 39362.060 39362.074. MARGULIES.M 9. Atome Safety and Ocenang Board Penet #197 2299. 87/01/23. 8701270130 ULCO motion to file reply on need for Commemon review of ALAB.855? Pemuseon to flee tinof requested because important questen of how other pertos In- j torpreted m ALAB.855 could not be addreseecL J. Oneurence & Indemnity informellen ' I 1RWIN.D P. leiend Ughtiry Co. #187 2256. 87/01/20. C_ _ 2pp. 3936t304.M36 12. 8701130237 Forwards Endorsemente 23 & 5 to NEUA Polcy NF-280 & Carthcete N- -8701270138ULCO reply to NRC staff & intervenor oppostions to review ALA8-855y 82/sepectvefy & Endorsements 15 & 4 to MAELU Polcy MF-115 & Carthcars h8-Staff & intervenors take poemon that ALAS 455 is requirement that ULCD present swt" HOF Marsh & McLennen. Inc. 87/01/08. DINITZA Aametent Director for CHR S MAN.J Long telend CHR Wlhems 87/ 0*'* UC'"*** ***"" EE' $ 01/20. Commiesonert 8pp. 39 1. 39381:312. 8701270202 ULCCro moton re preheenne scheck*i? Moton ihet ASLB empMy & P Oaune noense eMee : . & correspondence macuy bench ruenos at 87010e conference of couness to confirm or estanteh 870227 l as daadMe for Rhng erect tesemony Carthceto of Swc enct 8701080430 Noenceton of 870113 meetng w/ uni to Betheede.MD to rea<u== plant IRWIN.D.P. Long tenend Co. IRWIN.D.P. Hunton & Weemt #187 2264. 87/ tecrirucal leeuse re tenster frorn S&W.gdete of Tech Spec change re-01/20. Atoms safety and Board Penei. 8pp. 39361014-39361021. spseet on RCS & nre protecton. LO.R. BWR ele 4. 86/12/31. BUTLER.W.R. BWR Profect Directorate 8701270320 ULCO moton requestng leeuence of subpoones? Requests appearance et 4. app. 39186. 186 229. 870203 depoemons of J P .J Berenski & L Crock of State of NY reeologcol emer-ednese info encs W/Cartincate of Sve. 8701130408 h- boundlne tiermal eute snelyms performed to desemune

             . R. Long tenend Ughtng Co. GELMAN M R. Hunton & Wdhamt f187                            emount of tme taken for reactor water             to reach top of actwo fuelif convoi recen 2275. 87/0t/20. Atome Setety and ucenang Board Penet 18pp. 39361.103-                                firo causeo loes of foodwater        8611071er.

30361:123. LEONAROJD. leland Co. 87/01/00. DENTON.H.R. Ofnce of thdear - 8701270333Afedevet of CA Dewerto M of ULCO motion ter issuance of sub-poonet* Idenenes State of NY emergency preparednese grog members 4701200308 Forwards apptceton for amend to Ucense NPF 36.coneetne of Ucenes who in emergency plannm0 eneroses. Change Apptceton 5.correcen0 Tech Specs to locanon of meteorotopeal towers & DA RIO. Long taland Ughtng Co.87/01/20. 3pp. 39361:12139361'.23. Intemel a _ _._ _, in organization chart.Carthcete of Swc encLFee pont LEONARDJD. Long leiend Co. 87/01/12. Record Sonnees Brancti (Doob 870120 320 Sufsom . State of NY & town of Southencon moton for order com- ment Convol Desk). 2pp. 3930 39307305. ULCD to to portons of Govt second est of eterrogatones to ULCO? of Swc ens 1 -8701300400 Appecaton for amend to Ucense NPF-36.connetmg or Ucense Chenes MCMURRA CM Suffom County, NY. MCMURRAY,C M. Kanpatrick & Lockhart. Apphceaan 5.cientymg locaton of meterologcol towers & correcung econmetency n PALOMINO. .G. New York. State of #187 2305. 87/01/20. Atome Safety and Lb orperueton charts. conung Board Penet tipp. 39430.065-39430:075. uOhARD40. Long toler'd Ughtng Co.87/01/12. 3pp. 39307.297 39307.299.

1 1 l i DOCKETEDITEMS 83 l l l R. Periodic operating reporte & reisted 6

   -.8701200480 ce maap.ndenPropo,sa seysed. Tech Specs ngmee,mg locanon of meteorciogeal towers & compoemon
  • Long leiend Lightmg Co.87/01/12. 6pp. 39307 300-39307.305- 8701080182 aang rest for Sept 1986 W/861003 lir.

KELLY,D. STE .W E. Lono Island Lighang Co. 06/09/30. App. 39167.347-8701150407 Parbal response to FOIA request for documents re emnron 39167.350. qualmcanon Forwards App A records App A records also evadable m POR. GRIMSLEY.D.H. Dwmon of Ru6es and Records. 87/01/15. WILLIAMS.O.G. JRA As. 8701290303 ann 0 rept for Oct 1986 W/861105 Itr sociates. 2pp. 39294 249 39294 300. KELLY.D., STE W.E. Long Island Oghtmg Co. 86/10/31. 4pp. 39431.352-39431:355.

  -8701150412Nonfies that Conymsson has approved recommendanon to approve re.

quest trorn util for extensen of 651130 demanne for compienon of equipment quakace-

                                                                                                                                                         ~'         ' "

CHIL J Orace of the Secretary of the Commesen.85/11/14.DIRCKS.WJ. Offlee the for Operatens. PLAINE.H H. Omco of the General Counsel p 8 &MMWMemWWMM penetratons showed laakage to exceed amawable Tech Spec values Caused try fadure 8701300204 Informs that FY87 quarterly payments for facihty should not be made unW [R decmon re 861107 request for exempeon trorn ennual fee requrements made (ref SE W ENE. Ughting Co. 86/12/12. dop. 392951 48-39295.151. 18F R171). D tetand 3944 0 394 74 8 E g, ,R adur rat output less to eCaused try to close breaker 103-8 Test frequency meressed W/870109 lir. 87012801s5 Forwards non for amend to Ucense NPF-36. incorpcratmg Oconee SEICH.R W., STEIGER.W E. Long Island Oghang Co. 87/01/09. 4pp. Change Appecanon 6 rowsmg Tech Specs to implement demgn change to lower 39249.107-39249:110. reactor vossa water level setporetW/Carnficate of Sve. Fee pad. LEONARD.J.D. Land taland L eng Co. 87/01/21. Record Servces Branch (Docu- 8701210185 LER 8644640on 861112.dren Ines for emergency eseal generator m'n' Co'eol DesmL 2pp 3 050 3938806a Rooms 101 & 103 determoed to have madequate backnow protecton IE Info Nonce 83-44.Emer mod unplomonted to metas check valve W/87011 nr.

  -8701280204 Apphcanon for amend to Ucense NPF.36.mcorporanng Uconse Change                            GRUNSEICH.R W.,             IGER.W E Long taland Oghan0 Co. 87/01/16. 4pp.

Apphcanon 6 & rewang Tech Specs to implement change to lower reactor 39326 237-39326 240. vessel water level of MSavs & steam kne dram y . LEONARD.J D. Lon0 Ughang Co.87/01/21. 4pp. 39388 052 39388.055.

  -8701280210 Proposed Tech Specs.mcorporstm0Uconse Change                           ton 6 to im.
                                                     ' * * *' '*'           '     ' **             8701270184 Depomeon of HC Lame? Traneaipt of 861120 deposinon in arves om            2
  • Lon0 lasand Ughnng Co.87/01/21. 51p. 39388 056-39388.060. W .DC re 86021014 emergency exercise Related correspondenca LAINE. C. Federal Emergency Management Agency. #187 227186/11/20.117pp.

39360 193-39360 309.

  &                 repode, E Suconne & -. -                -~

8701080433 Tranecnot of870106 conference of counnes in Bethesda.MD. Pp 91183. 8701070418 Forwards SALP Rept50 322/85 98 for Mar 1985. Feb 1986. rwhally for-warded on 860714 & related correspondenceRept changes unwarranted based on 860729 meenng & uni 860626 conwnents Ucensee overall performenr's acceptable- U. C .i,. 7Ezecutive C , _ a.~. MURLEY,T E. Region 1. Omco of Drector. 86/11/24. LEONARD.J D. Long Island ughang Co. 5pp. 39199 252-39199322-8701090664 Forwards PU Panadino 640713 ter & three O Schweser $40213 afndavits in 8701070495 Forwards Safety Insp Rept50 322/0618 on 66090111151nsp corested ' '" " " " * * " * ' of observanons of actrvees. interviews w/persormel & document mwews. heham. SLOUGH.A R. Regen 1, Offee of Drector. 06/12/24. LEONARD.J.D. Long Island ZECH.LW. C_ ~ . 86/12/12. MONIHAN.D.P. Senate. 1p. 39231:140-Ughnng Co. 5pp 39203 314-39203 332. 3923t157-

 -8701070502Inso Rept 50 322/86to on 6609011115 No volaten reed. Magar areas                                                        benait of U inspected survallance & mamt achvees re mod performed on HPCI sys & work on                                     .D.P. Senate. 86/12/04. ZECH Commasoners. Ip. 39231:157 39231:157.

Colt desel tor to et WIGGINS . . Regon 1 Omco of Drector.86/12/19.14pp. 39203.319 39203.332-8701090212 Responds to 861205 nr to L Zech requesang status rept on H12230089IE irdo Nonce 86107. " Entry into PWR Cawfy W/ Retractable in. Core De-facihty.nmetable for facihty liconen0 & into on NRC acnons to ensure safe factly tector Thimbles Withdrawn? Svc het orcl Ucenang history.NRC safety rowsws & f status dama*M 43RDAN.E L Dwson of E Preparedness & E Response (Post STELLO. . Omco of the Execuuve Drector Operatens. 87/01/05. KENNELLY.B B. House of Rep. 8pp. 39220:185-39220191. C30103) 8C/12/29. Conschdated eson Co. of New Y Inc. 08pp. 39205-031 39205.138

                                                                                                   -8701090223 Requests status rept re fachty.includmg nmetable for facety Econsen0 &

info on specific actons taken by NRC to ensure that facihty functens safePy & m com-H12230091 IE Info Nonce 8&108. "Dogradabon of RCS Presswo Boundary Resulang phance w/ lederal regulanons. From Bonc Acid Corrosert" Svc hst enct KENNELLY,8 8. House of Rep.86/12/05. ZECH LW. Commemoneret 1p. 3922&191-4DADAN.E L Divoon of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post 39220:191. 630103). 86/12/29 Coraohdated Edson Co. of New Y inc. 04pp. 39167.093-39167:197. M12230093IE Info Nobce 8&109. "Daphragm Fadure m Scram Outlet Valve Caumng JORDN N of E'mergency Preparedness & Engineenng Response (Post 4701080er7 Genenc W 8M1 to se power reacts scensees & appecants tw OL re 66/12/29. Conschdated E$ son Co. of New York. Inc. 94pp. 39205.234-

                                                                                                        @$                                 '"R               m
08. Atlanne City Elecinc Co. 44pp. 39304269-39304:112.

ueston Sh 87/01/ M12290141 IE Info Nonce 86110. " Anomalous Behavior of Recrculaton Loop Flow in JOR E Preparo@ess & Engmeenng Response (Post C 323 DW WW 6 MM N. M 2 830103L 86/12/31. Consohdated Edson Co. of New York. Inc. 95pp. 39205.139 39205.233' L NRC Safety Evaluation Report (SER), supple & . . M12300151 lE Info Nonce 87401,"RHR Valve Misaligrvnent Causes Degradanon of ECCS m PWRs

  • Svc het encl. 8701220074 Thrd to FOIA requoit re tlors in connecton w/

JORDAN.E L Diveen of Emergency Preparedness & Response (Post SSER 22 EG4875) operanon of Forwards App C 830103). 87/01/^)6. Consondated EGeon Co. of New Y Inc. 0300. 39218 316 documents Documents also evelable m 39217.057.

  • Dvoon of Rules and Records. 87/01/16. . DIXON.C Govemment Accountabety Protect 2pp. 39354.336 39354.355.

8701120086 IE In'o Mece 87402. " inadequate Seemic Quahficabon of Daphregn Va8ves by Mathemancal Modehng & Analyse? Svc hst encl JORDAN.E.L Dwson of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post F. Security, medical, emergency & fire protection plane C30103) 87/01/13. Consohdated Edson Co. of New Y Irc 107pp. 39300 308 39301 953. 8701000018 Partel response to FOIA requestDocuments listed in App M re Diablo enca Documents hsted m App L already m POR. l 8701180107 Derves861128 request to parecipate in NRC inspCopy of final insp rept GRi SLEY.O. Dween of Rules and Records.87/01/06. HOLMES,G.A. MHS Techni-wdl be forwarded when map completed & rept asued cal Assocates. 3pp. 39231.314-39232.012. I 1, Omca of Drector. 87/01713. JAFFE.H. Associabon of Inves. MURLEY.T E. R tors m New York hties. Inc. 3pp. 39294 359-39294.361. 8701280s93 Forwards pubhc verson of Rev 3.Charige 7 to emergency plan W/870127 release memo. 6701130002 IE Info Nonce 8M03, "Segreganon of Hazardous & Low Level Rad. SHIFFER.J.D. Pacife Gas & Electnc Co. 87/01/08. Record Sernces Branch (De wastes? Svc het encg. ment Control Deskt 3pp. 39393.175 39395.317. 4DADAN.E L Dvoon of Emergency Preparedness & Engmeenn0 Response (Post 830103L 87/01/15. Conschdated Essen Co. of New York. Inc. 85pp. 39324 025- ~8701280505 Pubhc verwon of Rev 3. 7 to emergency platt 39324 112.

  • Pacshc Gas & Electnc Co.86/12/08. 85 39393:179-39395.317.

l l

1 84 DOCKETED ITERAS 8781100104 Formenh communes en e.eceveness review rept on 00061423 =.47 1000407 Momereness & order imeuence of LMt 2 0mmnas to perme heel

,                         review End somew (ser 10CFR73.21                                                                                                                        8 tow                            Sened on 1                       SMFFERJD. Penac Gee a Esecesc                                        07/01/00. Record Servicae trench (Dom >                                            ,JC                  of eso             of Gio e-==% 06/Os/31 Peelec Gas & Elme-mont Consol dom 1p. 3004t11130fet111.                                                                                                       etc Co. app.30100-104-3010& 1

! 0791300004 Roomses SAR maa emergency = == Son plan SOP 10.25

                                                                                                               == a=--a       emans  for Cassermo
                                                                                                                                          =ra-              Men
  • 07e.107e000.t.h,==== no. lllEl".,spe.nt,.eme.l po,s pa
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         . reek,it ned .an e asemm,e.d ti F,se 4

gllg.s i two o=pom i dsen e en s t sre - , SHIFFERJD. Pesec Gee a Electee Ca 07/01/13. Reconf Servicae Grench (Dom > ""** *""a Pesec Gas & Elesses Ca 08/12/31. VARGA,5A PWR Ptegnet DDec-mont Consol Dese4.1p. 3000&19740300-157. 30gm1243000k138.

u es or, _ -,0000,0,,,Pe,r,e,.,,r,e,sp.=,,.,,Po
                                                                                                                                                                                   ,                       ,,                               4,=g g,g=.= - App M - D ee i

, 07es000000.

                          - sp o iso.morenesa a.n.n.d. o

ed e ton,m on J.7387,1Y """*#"""""**"""'**"* ! E;'"a"g";',E, uslldllr",** -

                                                                                              ,             u"d'E="*r#8a* "'*'**-                                Te'e".U."s,20.'r'.u'"".g*=mem'e..'*'Th"2.)",y:::                     iE                                                  ll
                                                                                                                                                                          .ed 0791300107 Weissed of bitweener San Les Obispo Mostare tw Peson.* eneuvenor u mehe no furtier ..                               _ or present no svedenes in cuneney eWieduleg DIRCKS.WJ Gownnent Acompinhey Pregoat W of the se Obesser ser s00ste 04/08/84. DEVpE      '.lT.

i .E Si hospo Moeier

                          ,1 7 =1x 07,01,Les            1  ppme Ier Pe.a.c.e.          = .8.OWRY,E.F. Grusnalcei & Laury.                                        -441011W Fonseres est.C,hilst in regenes,to Sui Lade g Magiere ter Paese g gsgs,g g,Pge,, = g,y g ,,,,,,,,, ,

, 07 1300171 Monon of Sinne One to consnue heuenGL* Delay of hearings by 3 mes 3003t0043003t137, j retusened due no mesy of R Fempmest C_ _ of hearings on 870e33 4 Picot of suo end. -apg1ggg1g7 paree,0s agend doesnenesser . T 090s. 3e0013 1 .E.F. Sinne 014. #197 2214. 07/01/11Aeonec Safety and Uoonom8 Soed men . M 4 E tenhay 80000s efedesh. Domsemen poeshly contesi e i Penet Syst 30304.10063s104.101. IE h of Decionenes 3 0 enetW/o h 1. 071:00m0 NRC een an ,in om. con = m ouwMom.e sw Pomo moenn ,i,0,,,,,,3. Os%='!2"= *.2!"P.,$'*""' "*a sCNiORumax us g ser summary esposena* Moenn domed mapart amei wonenes pens.

amil5*, m".'t"Rr,em, . it Gener.C.s. .'o',' 17m. =iatem.rer a Ai res is a e = hun ee DPR= a D==. ar &

97/01/11 Aeonec Safsey and ucenomg toeret Penet ISppt 30304 .137. '88"F Spees a se as - en esaw evembh SCNIERUNG.6 m /0

                      ,L G,n,,e,e,,,e,,en.,n,e                                                                                                                       once.c              CaPW.p,L1L =.R                  -

Gee 0791000010 Pereof response to FORA bened M App M re DiaMo "O

                                                                                                                                                                                          "'",8,',           *'_*            ,,0,N,,#,*   g , U,,E,"g" ,,,,,,,
;                        $lF'_ev.a o;;;l ;;r,y.3,at!r" "" ""'" ""' '**                                                                                             Ca'G!i2WP"' mad ece ME0"0 '====>====1.
                      =0701000133, Responds to 041010                                                                                                           -479114N01 Safely ovebeden appartig Amends 114 0 to Uosness DPR40 4 DPR-

_n ; evenusson pienroguest ser Senes for info Cna re consehsenthas Couney.NRC regaaet no planforonBen.ed e 82 . ~f ones counsy na seemed to have response gaan.

  • omos of feummer Reactur Raym Deecour gaat 0011ask 07/01/e7. App.

4 DetCKS.wa omos of me ser opemeonet 04/11/07. 30emsta40em 00. j PAfETTA.L.E. House of Rep. app. 30032:00630E32007. , 4

!                     07eme007 Rs                      s      meires e.,e,ondone. n. ed messesser enet 040000 lir.Ence NRC 001215 Itr re reedas of Peeldes Electical him-d au , Oned                            "'""' '"""""' d "M,1,t,,;$ll,s,"s ?'", d,u,."',,*,"0,,tg3                    ===8 amendose

! D Ca /12. Record Servicae Grench (Docu- Oppt 30tep000 303700 i S.HFFE ,.o, o.s. ,, .--=2=

                         ,r re Co                          Gas                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ,
                                                                                                                                                                -8701140010 rh=====                              NRC/uig 0010t144 westehap on longenen estands i

1 un-r e & m e- , ---e. .

                                                                                                                                                                    =w ='tlll          GA AfEngen Not
                                                                                                                                                                                                            ,'.".,',.t .e av.;.eas,sted':ilr 'lll 08/10/3E SAvtDA ACR8 . Aduemmy

{ 0791100144 Fonsents Endorsements 0 4 3 to NEUA Cerescasse N.74 & N. Commmes on Reactor SafspaedL 31 3000t116 30270071. 70 respecevely Endorsements 0 & 3 to MAELU Coranceses n74 & M. ! 70 .Endpasmant 51 to NEUA Poecy NF.220 & Endorsement 22 to 0791310000 Cosninuiu on " Q h Otepaw 17 W FSAR.Pteposed

                                      .P                Gee & Elecute Ca 07/01/07. SALTZMAN,J. Aessement Direcent for                                                                      Ed
                                                                                                                                                                     " '8",,se, montun '                                                                                       ' seesme
Sues & Uconoce Rommona 7pst 30872243020722E Irdo 070I01

> . ' Dboctor. 2. 90FPEfi,JA Peelec Gas & osc c Ca n,",L tilll.6.w 0=.07s

                                               """ " * "                      I' " "'                          **""'*" "**

0701M0000 peo00maton of 970122 rnestig w/idd h Ger==da man go encues spent tual m M000M Pweedr. pones'm FOLA anut ki App M re Deino end smed ( "Pwet 3. 07/01/14. VARGA,SA PWR Peelegt Eb

                                            .D. Ohnson of RWee                 Recomes.07/01/00. HOLMES,G A MMO Techni-                                            '""'"' S 48P 3'E                                      "E                                                                                i pp.         31                    12' 073137ea10 Fcremde requem for ads pies to wet tweeMngtile shendd be puedded at                                                             '


                     '&                       ro                                _                    ["of            "eMee                                                                     PWR Psegent                         107/01/IE WWPER.J.0L Permo Gee &

E8ER00LE.JA AdeS . Advoory Commens on Reactor 04/08/20. oncetc Ca appL 3037t0014007t004. PALLADINO,NA NRC . No Decaded AfEmmon Given. 3pp. 302320 ,


0791210000 Formeres WesenWouse 840f10 IIr se regneon egemme of spent tual i P. Operaung geense stage desessante & eenospendense YPedec & Elemenc 1 Receed Genesee teneh pneum i rnent Consol DeseQ. Opp. 30336300 3000t312. i 0701000000 Trp rupt of 000010 sies vist 4 msnmary of 00002421 enesungs w/uS & i Pistens.Loue & Gerracet m Neuport Sanch,CA re PRA of tontearm sonende Opetamere Thms 8 respones to F01A reesset so be connesten w/ Mom rweincasari, but of enorm aaands & R Youngbeood communes SOER 23 operaten of .Pensues App C SCMIERUNG.H. PWR Protect Dhectorate 3. 08/12/10. PWR Protect Dhectorate 3.

  • Devenson of Rutas and Reconis. 07/01/1& DotDN.CL Govemment Accounegay

} Spp. 30210262 30016004. Pictact. app. 30364230w3000420E , 8701000000 Responde to FOIA reemet. Documents tooed in App K aned. Documenes eased in K & J sweenete in POR.

                                                                                                                                                               ,,4yg13000n                                 condsene W 6 afegaten on test W routeur by 63r                                                   i o anis. 801               H LtdES,G A. ndH0 Tech                           Foley tw                          M1 reopes & tate.00ed vdue meus
                                                            ,ci g Rums e GE                                                                                          WONGM NRC.No aammad                  n          AfAsson Ghsen 04/01/30,10pp.30004:341400041300.


                    -8000000004 Roosesse arengemente lor one vise try H EgneN of                                                    h0nimmy of                 8701300044 Forments ressent for med kilo re elecerscal power eye 4 medunluef sys                                                             j ene Trade & Industy. Tow shoWd triceudo contemrwnt & mamery                                          contal reorn &                       - moport event sees                                  to PRA for ongoing sevesar of eenpearm essends                                         '

eve maner intene strucase. ressessed 70302. KNIGHTON.G.W. Utenung Oranch 3. 06/01/22.HOCH,J. PedAc Gee & Elecutc Ca .H. PWR 3. 07/01/10. GMIFFER,JA Pomme Gee & 3pp. 30105207-30186:100, oncenc Ca 12pp. 3044E 100. 5 -8000000000 to 060314 mopi to 640703 2.200 poemon re NRC finne 0 of 97013000N Formands info to tednee ama=cend gaggly _^ _ igenges tegese i esegemons of reveest of stagemens food dunne 840731 400314 we tio 'pdb- of essengs & aparese cansa,eemengs for flagen V E _aperuse;oude ter fWIC i sahad as SSER 20. . .__.W/o emmengs & apertwo amen. i DENTON HA Olace of Nuclear Reactor RegWaton, Director (pre >061125K 06/04/10. SHIFFERJD. Pecac Gas & Bactic Ca 07/01/30. Doownent Conect trench (Dems-l DEvesE,f. Govemment Accountamesy Protect 5pp. 3010tL179 30106:193. ment Consol DeskA 30pp. 30001210 30301279. i h l I

      . . . , . ,          ,___-,_~_e-, . - . - -                       ..y-.,,._,,-r.,m-__.,.._f.                                         .      .___m_-..___,_                             .-_~,,_,-.r_,                     _-_,,,,,.m,c.                         .----          .-~r.-n,          _ ,
s. - . . - . . . - . . _ - ~ . ~ -. --. -~ - ....- - - ~ ~ ~.- - . . _ -

DOCKETED ITERAS 85 GM13000er Pese W roiA re M. App G documann esedy ove=Me a u. ce=0reemonovE=uevo c= eependen. PDR. Document m H re facetes enct GRedOLEY.D.H. Duman and Records.07/01/22. HOLMES,GA MH8 Tecti- 0701300047 Pereed response to FOIA request App G documents already evadebte in neel h Sep.30472-015 30472.227. PDR.Documanes eased m H re saadham gng(. GRIMSLEY,0 H. Dween and Records.07/01/22. HOLMES.GA MHS Tech.

                         -8701M Sumnery of 020610 meseng w/Bochtel & und re rose of pecMelin com-                                       raced Aaaaaan== Sep.30472 015 30472:120.

of Dietso Canyon protect.Resened mio enet.

                                             ,H. Duman of ucenang (00042s.461124). 02/05/16 Dusen of U.                           _g7gigegegg Respones go __                                        - 820318 concems se electical comes in Sense canang (0004N461124), Opp. 30472 f26 30472143-                                                               Bertiere.CA.NRC does not regutete comes ==aae=an=rew/L                                      - . of nuceser      power More mio may he attamed from Coelorrue Putiec Und Comnesson.
                         -4M1300011 Forments commones on proposed IDVP. Phase 11 mgt peert Copyngheed                                                     S.W.J.       Olece of the Execumve Deector for Operemons. 82/04/20 mes snel                                                                                                     LAGOMAR$1NO.R. Houes of Rep. Opp. 30472:115.J0472120.

1 OROWN.H H. Mmepenisdi & Lacehert OROWN.H H MHS Techrecal ." 82/08/ ~

02. DENTON.H R. Olece of Nucesor Reactor Regalomon, Deector (pre.851125). 22pp. 4701300004 f%=a===== 020430 w/Bechsel 4 use re volo of Bechtel in comple-30472144 30471170. non of Dueso Canyon propect.per 10 resseet Summary of meseng & press re-tomes once.
                         =GM1300017 Suternes comments from IOvP partcgenes on actmey/ ownerehe of uti &                                 DIRCKS.WJ. Ovece of the Emacumve Deector for Operemont 82/08/21.

i Cregn 021000 ler. PANETTA.LE. House of Rep. 2pp. 30471128-30471127. JO. Telodyne Enyneenne Services. 02/11/20. SCHIERUNG.H Osece of 1 Nuclear Reactor Reguisson, Deector (pre 451125K 13pp. 30471171-30471227. V. Operator E 1 j & InspeeWen reperse. lE Supeelne & earrespondenes 37ege00007 Genanc Lir 0741 to es power reecear scenemos & appecanes for OL re of NRC operesor hansLSuc est enct l Deector (poet 061125). 87/01/ Mia0NON IE Inso Notce 86107 " Entry into PWR Cavity W/Retractshte in. core Do. NTON,HA of Nucesar Reactor

08. Atenac Cay Etscenc Cct 44pp. 30304. .112.

esator Theuntos Wipusrown." Svc est enct JORDAN.E L Duman of E Preparedness & E Respones (Poet 300 /12/20. Com teson Co. of New Y Inc. 30206-031- , v a -""O ! "aToric"AFC "

  • ac8 - "a="' r. .searR,. .e.e esser.onso = prense. ore -

1" JORDAN.E.L Diveen of Emergency Preparedness & E Reepores (Poet 030103K 08/12/20. Conocedoned Edson Cct of New Y Inc. 04pg 3016723- 8701000000 Formente inep Repes 50 324/06 34 & $0 325/00 36 on 401200- 11300 voo-30147:197. lemons or dovetone noemd. VERRELU.D.M. Regan 2. Omco of Deector. 46/12/24.UTLEY.E E. Caronne Power & 0813000000IE Info Notce 80-100, "Diaphre0m Fedure in Screre Ouest valve Ceueng ught Co. app. 30210 214 30210 233. Rod Ireereon" Suc bet enct ' JORDAN.E.L Duson of Emergency Preparedness & Enynoonng Respones (Poet -4701000004 Insp Repes 50 324/00 34 & 50 325/80-36 on 06120011.No violomons or 430103k 08/12/2(. C -- ^ Eeoon Cet of New York, Inc. 04pp. 30206234- devennons noemd.Mager areas inaPare=* celearvenon & evehseson of her emergency


30006.$27. _ funceons & locomons casroes . emerame. SMTOR.W.M., KREH,J L, DECr cR,TA Osene of Deector, 80/12/22. [ 10pp. 30210-210 30210.233. 8013000141IE info Noace 80-110. *t. _ - Behavior of Rococuiston Loop Flow in

.;                         Jet Pump OWR Peenes." Svc het enct JORDAN.E.L Dusen of Emergency Preparedness & Engnmenng Respones (Poet                                  0701000182 Fortenis esempeen from                                                   of 10CFR00 App R *=*==rea=us 030103). 08/12/31. con Eteson Cct of New York, Inc. 06pp. 30205.130                                          tie.G & J re are protocean & emergency                                   for sale shutdours capahaty Enveen i                          30006.233.                                                                                                   Impact                           & essesy evoluenon enct MULLE . A SWR                                     Directoress 2. 08/12/30. UTLEY,E.E. Caronne Power &

0813000181 IE Into Notice 07401, *RHR Vehe ^ _ _..: Cmasse Degradeton of Ught Cat 3pn 30148. 140.314. 4 ECCS in PWRs." Svc est enct "$791000108 Envoon esosamment & eneng of no myimeent ingest re ter i JORDAN.E L Diveen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Poet Inc. 03pp. 30218.316 10CFR60. App R.Seceans W.O & J re the protecton & sale shutdoen 030103). 07/01/08. con Edson Co. of New Y MULLER,DA BWR Propect Descourses 2. 08/12/18. 3pm 3014023 301 30217457.

                                                                                                                                  -47010E4300 Esempton kom roomemones of 10CFfe00. App R.e=W Bl.G & J re SM1130000 IE Info Notco 07402. "Ir=*=Paaa Seenuc Ousenceton of Olephragm                                                                                                  ser een eusdoun cepenely 8** Promenon &

vehus tar Meehemence Modeens & Anafves." Svc es enct ' HOUSTON.R.W. Reactor (SWR) Uconemg. 08/12/30. Canis- t JORDAN.E.L Duman of Emergency Preparedness & E Respones (Poet 07pm 30300:308 na Power & Upt Cet Opg met 148.204. , 330103). 07/01/13. Cor=***=r* Edson Co. of New Y 88* ***- -47e1000010 Sassey eveauenon nopererg seasonen Irem 10CFR00, App R Sdesc- I i SM 30008 IE Info Notce 87003, "Segregaton of Herardous & Law Level Red- """' '@*'I l OfJ g 30144.206 30140.314. JORDAN,E.L Dusen of Emergency Preparedness & Engneenng Respones N

,                          eso 03g7/01/ts. Cor=*- Echeon Co. of New York, Inc. 86pp. 30324 025-                                    8791000000 Foruwds evalueton of are end ashcean acompanos creart se escusand m es10i5 mesens.Ence 2 provedes ads info re faseson CUQuer 801110 enseeng sun >

R Pereses opereenig repares & roasted correesendonee o,,,,","ng"c",8,i"W Desk 23pp 1N30 00 04U 8 "' "* 8" , .71 00,0 ~ ,00.W_ _ 07. 00., R m _ _. em n.y _ - _ & NELLER.A.T., coneoger pecsieges he ad$essed to Chief. Emergency n _ Secton,US

                                                    .P .,               RRYAC Pecshc Gas & Electne Co 0s/09/30.                                                                                                                      ?__

j Spp. 30171-271-30171279. to he by estentee NRC.Reson VERRELll.D.M. e & se merced,"ene

2. Ol of . e7/01/00. .E.E. Cseens Power &

? 4 8701800007 Ught Co. 2pp. 196 30022:100. g NE glar Oct 1986 W/861110 ler.NBERRYAC Peatc Gee & Etscetc Co. 88/10/ essesone seaway eserch mosymNenL.Mi0cFR73214  ; SA Caronne Poeur & Lyt Co. 07/01/20. Document Consol Brene KE A 30037:337 30327;345. WC f Ge Co. 08/12/31. Opp. (Document Consol Desk).1p. 30000 tas 3000R129. 8 "."wMig onenne et Debb Canyon Poww Plant Dunng P. Opermakte beense stage eseumonie 4 earrespondenes J o,e , THORMBERRYAC Pecac Gas & Electic Co. 06/12/31. JONES.KA Caesorras. Stees of. Sepp, -m-334. SM1000819 Fonsents Amende 102 & 132 to Usenons DPR-71 & DPR42, respeobuely I & esfety evehesen. Amends Tasm Spec Tabee 3.3.41 by cserifyang condgene 8791310100Foneenis Diehto Canyon Power Plant OTerm Sonnec Propam (2uer, under unch consol rod henck inmated re doescear Rest 5," por Uconee Condson 2.C.t a ducense DPR40. SYLVESTER.E.D. SWR Deensoream 2. 08/12/24. ,E.E. Coonne Pouer

                                     .J D. Pomac Gas & Elecesc Co. 87/01"' Record Senaces Branch (Docu.                                   & Lipt Cet app. 3019021                           150 200.
                                                                                                                                   -4791M Amende 10e 4132 to uneness OPR.714 DPR43.respectuely, l                         -4701810101 "Diehto Canyon Power Plant Lorig Term Seemic Program Quarterly                                       Tech Spec Taboo 3.3.41 esy caerspeis conesore under afsch censos rod Gas &               Co. 87/01/31. 24pp. 30326 327-39326.350.                                               ULLE                           h                           OS/     24.                           430190227.
                                                                                                                                    -4791M1 Safety evaluaman mopereng Amende 100 & 132 to Usenose DPR 71 &

E -LE"' 0 '*Ud"88"8'" Olmed of Nuclear Reactor Repsiemort Deector (post 861125). 08/12/24. W l 30190-220-30150 220. i SM1617 LER 00 03600-on 861124.esomed outage emo for mastery feedenner flow l eenemster onceeded Tech SpectOn 061128. escovered Out now manammer moper- 8701000000 Forments payment of appeaseen les for revees & approval of Inserwel 2 in-i eeve on 001122. Caused try error.Summones neued W/001220 ler service proyam for punge 6 vehus. Fee mensmetal memo encLFee paed. I NELLY,WJ., SHIFFER,J.D. Gee & Electic Co. 08/12/20. epp. 30304434- ZIMedE .S R. Capanne Power & UOht Co. 08/12/20 DeGGSAM. Uoones Foo

N004 000. Menegament Branch (Post 001123). ap0L 30214.003-30814 004.

I r

   , _ . - . - - _ - , .              - - - -                     _ . . . - , . . . _ . , _ , . _ , .               -             _ _ . _ . , . _ . - . .                    ,_,_..m..       - -           -

86 DOCKETEDITEMS 8701140244 Forwards *CROR Fmal Summmy Rept." per Genene Lv 02 33 & Suppi 1 0012300181 E Info Notco 07401, "RHR Vehre Misehgnment Causee Degradaticm of en NUREG4737 incorporales mall dea ===d w/NRC & Science Appecetons.inil ECCS m PWRs? Svc het enct remowere 8 12 JORDAN.E L DMaan of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post CUTTER.A.B. Power Co. 06/12/31. MULLER.D. BWR Pro lect Drec- 830103K 07/01/06. Conocedsted Eeoon Co. of New Y inc. 03pp. 30216.310-torate 2. 2pgL 30206.00S302671 30217.057.

  -0701140200 "CRDR Final Summary Rept."                                                               0701130000 IE Info Notce 07402. "Ir=dar7wa= Seemic Quesaceton of Daphragm
  • Caronne Power & Ught Cet 06/12/31. 398pp. 30206.00749267:134. Velves try Moshemencel % 4 Anefyms. 8vc bat anci JORDAfdE L Duman of Emergency 7._". 4E Response (Post 0701130322 Rer= ==ra plant.epoclec into se adat =ey of sys edeessed in 330103). 07/01/13. Coe Echeon Co. of New Y inc. 07pp. 30302300-10CFR50.62.Peregraphe (C)(3).(C)(4) & (C)(5)incestne enemese rod meerton & 30301 453. l stoney asymd conealSelsey evah= mast of SWR Owners NEDE,31096.P enct SYLVESTER.E.D SWR Propect Drectorene2. 07/01/00. J.E. Cercene Power 3701g38002 E Info Notco 07403, "Seqpegaton of Hezereus & Low Level Red-
      & ught ca 3pp. 38252325 3025t353.                                                                    wesios? Swc not enct.

JORDAN.EL Dhamon of Emergency Preparedneen & Enyneenry Response (Poet l 3701210401 Forwards esfety sweiuston utll respones to Generic Lt 0340 030103h 07/01/11 CoriaaM=*=d Edson Co. of New York, arc #5pp. 30324025-

      " Mod of Vectemn 8reshers on                            i Contamment," per 030623                    30324:112.

commitment.Techrucal oweiuseon rept eleo enct SYLVESTER.E.D. SWR Propect Drectorese 2. 07/01/t& UTLEY.E.E. Cercene Power

      & Ught Cat 3pgL 3032t25&3032t203.                                                                0701200000 Forwards corrected resuhe of esmple mJtimined on 001215                              pano O/eter messed of Oper oral commament chstng inep Repts $4324/0427 &                          25/

0420 east insennew.

  =0701210000 Safely evefuseon maiparung uel response to Genarte Lt 8340 re restor-                        DeETZ.C.R. Cercene Power & U'ght Co. 07/01/22. Docasnerd Control Branch (Doct>

mg aslety mergne of vacuum treehers try repiscang cnacal parts w/adatda mess. ment Controt Deskh 2pp. 30431:10630431:107.

  • Ofecs of P6scener Reactor Regpalaeon, Drector (post 061125). 07/01/16. 3pp.


 =0007230670 "Stucturel Evedueton of Vacuum Breakers (Mark i Contamment                                              *"""8"O""                                                                    I ProgramL8runeetck Steam Elecesc Plant Units 1 & 2," mgiptementary techrecal eval-                                                                                                                     1 useon rupt.                                                                                     3701000104                                 repts tar Sept 1000.W/061007 nr.

TRaOLO.SJ., CON.V. CARFAGNO.S P. Certapen Corp. (ode Arvin industies) Frank. HARRISON.F., T .C.R oene Power & Ught Co. 86/09/30. SCROGGINS.R.M. en Reneerch Centers. NRC43 01130. TER.C5504321 S01. M/07/16. SHAW,H. Ofece of Resource Management, Drector 17pp. 30167.210'30107.231 NRC . No Deleted Amheson Gewen. 23pp. 3032t262 30320 201 0701200333 Monthly oper repts for Oct 1986.W/061103 Nr. 3701300160 Forwards Amends 103 & 133to Ucenses DPR.71 & DPR42, roepectlwely HARRISON.F., DIETZ.CA Power & Ught Co.06/10/31. SCROGGINS,RM. A espery swahJoeonAmendo change Tech try dessene . - - ' ^ - - - _ meen>

                                                                                          ' ^

Ofece of Resource "_ __ _ . . Drector.12pp. 30432.112 30432123.

     #pente troen surweusence recperaments re          leake0s &                 doeschon eye.

SYLVESTERED. BWR Pravect Drectorate2. 07/01/21. 1.E. Cercene Power

     & Ught Co. 2pp. 30302137 30300.150-S. Reportshoe A.                 , LERe & retened eerroependonos
 -8701200100 Amende 103 & 133to Ucensen DPR-71 & DPR42.respecuvely. revem0 Tech Specs tny deseen0 noneesseyveisted instwnents trong survesence requrements                  0701130277 LER 860264&cn 061211. fire watchee performed 15 minuses tete Caused to RCS teakage & leakage detecean eyt                                                                Inr restncted arrene to effected are westfi areas mas to resolocaced spd onto 50ft MULLER,DA 8WR Propect Drectorate 2. 07/01/21. topp. 30380130 39380.140.                             eieveson Hoor. Fee weeches conducted & personnel asaphned.W7070109 er.

PASTVA.MJ., DIETZ.CA Caronne Power & Ught Co. 07/01/00. 5pp 30257410-

 =0701300170 Safety evaluation supporeng Amends 103 & 133to Ucenses DPR.71 &                              30257-023.

Or e Reactor RegJenon, Drector (post 051125). 07/01/21. 2pp. 3701300007 Summary of Opereeing Reactor Events Moseno 0741 en 870106. Det of 30300 140-30300 150. 2.- -.awente ~M . __-4 elements of events & summenos of presented evenes & 1986 acrems eru1 0701200107 Summary of 861103 mee w/util.Wesunghouse & O'Donnes & HOLAHAN.O W. Reactors .  ; Staff (poet 051175). 07/01/10. re f=h use of pqze locks to reper et facety Ost of erlandees & stdo pree- DENTON,HA Ofers of Reactor Regueomon, Director (post 851125).10pp. entenon enct 30303:137 30303.152. SYLVESTER.E D. 8WR Prosect Directorate 2. 07/01/21. SWR Project Dractorate 2. 11pp. 3038012430300:136.

v. opereier Esamenemone Wa*P*eson mporte,IE Biesens & cormependence 8701000300 informs that 1. day workshop en incedent twesegemon & performance incs.

9701000360 informs Sist 1<isy woreshop on incident investigation 4 pertarmance incs- colore we em conducted on 870210 & workshop on cunene opersoor noensing issues, propoemd 10CFRSS changes.wd tie held on 870210 m Agente. catore we tie conoscled on 87021e & wore ort current operstor bcenomg ORACEJ.N. 2, Oftco of Drector. 88/12/24. UTLEY.E.E. Cerchne Power & issues. proposed 10CFR55 changes.wd to on 970210 m Asente. Ught Co. 2pp. 934 30227S35. GRACEJ.N. 2. Office of Drector. 06/12/24. UTLEY,E E. Caronne Power & Ught Co. 2pp. 7234-30227235. 3701000007 Generic LW 0741 to all power reactor sceneses & appacente for OL re putine of NRC quaseon tienk.Svc bot anci 0701000300 Forwarde inep Repte 50-324/0634 & 50 325/8635 on 861200- 11.No vu> incons or deviesone nosect DENTON.H.H. cf Nucteer Reactor Drector (poet 051125). 07/01/

08. Asenec Clry Elecetc Co. 44pp. 30304 -112-VERRELLI.D M Regon 2. Office of Drector.66/12/24. UTLEY,E.E. Carohne Power & .

Ught Co. 2pp. 3021r 214-30210.233.

-0701000304Insp Repte54324/86 34 & $0 325/8&35 on 80120&lt.No viotenons or                                             20 m SMAM EMN W M 1 dewimmons noeodMape armee inspected observeson & evaluation of key emergency
                    .,     H.J L       CKE                                    of Director. 06/12/22. F, GeourNy, mesecai, emoreency & IIm proteamen piene 10pp. 30210216-30210.233.

3701000300 Forwarde inao Repte 50 324/06-34 & 50 325/88-35 on 061200- 11.No vio-M 12230000IE Info Notce 8&t07, "Erey into PWR Cavity W/ Retractable in Core De. Immons or downsmans noemd. tector Thimtisse Withdrewrt" Svc tot enti VERRELLI.D M. Region 2 Ofnce of Drector.06/12/24.UTLEY,E.E. Cercline Power & JORDAN.EL DMwon of Emergency Properceiess & E Response (Poet Ught Co. 2pp. 30210214-3021R211 830103). 86/12/20. Conachdetod Edison Co of New Y Inc. 00pp. 30205$31 302W 36.

                                                                                                     -8701000304Insp Repte50 324/8&34 & $0 325/86-35 on 861200.11.No violaeone or M12230001 IE Info Nonce 8&100 " Degradation of RCS Preneure Boundary ReeJong
                                                                                                                                                                    * "                         *""'I camng Frorn Sorte Aad Corromort" Svc tot enct                                                              ShiTOR,W.M. Region 2. Offlee of Drector JOHOAN.E L DMoon of Emergency Preparesiese &                            .

Response (Post 2210pfL 3021021640210.233. 06/12/20 Conocedeted Eeson Ca of New Y bic. 04pgk 30167$03

                '                                                                                    0701030102 FM enempton kom                                            of 10CFR5W R # W IN G & J re fire preescean & emergency                       for safe shutdown capahety Ernoon W12230003IE ,anto Notco 06100. "Dephragm Falure in Scram Oudet Vefwe Ceuung Rod sneersort Svc set onct                                                                           NE               EM vil Ught Co. 3pp. 30140-                140.310-
2. 08/12/30. UTLEY.E E. Coronne Power &

JORDAN.EL Divison of Emergency Preparedness & Engneenne Response (Post 830 03 /12/20. Conocedsted Eeson Oct of New Yore, Inc. 04pgL 30205.234-g g 10CFR50 R.Seceans le G & J re fire protection 4 esfe shutdown to12200141IE Info Notice 86110.

  • Anomalous Behavtor of Redrculeson Loop Flow in ME@ BWR Protect Drecesmeo 2. 86/12/10. 3pgL 246283-24t Jet Purry BWR Plants." Svc Bei enct l JORDAN.EL DMoon of Emergency Preparedness & Enginsonn0 Response (Post -8701030300 Emempton kom requiremente of 10CFR50. App R.4 *=artone Al.G & J re '

030103). 06/12/31. Coneaedated Eeoon Co. of New Yore, Inc 05pp. 30205.134 fire protocean & for eslo shutdown capahaty 30205.233. HOUSTONAW. Weser Reactor (8WR) Uoonomg06/12/30. Carot-na Power & Ught Co Spek 30148. 30140.204. 0701000200 Responde to vloietione noted in inep Repts 50325/0620 & $4324/86 30.Conoceve actone. action adminseeered to shift foremen. memo re utbre. -8701030810 Sofosy evoluemon e6qiporene seempton kom 10CFR50 App R Senec-son of temporary rev issued & OP43 rewteed. sono lit.G & J re dire protecton & DETZ.CA Cercene Pwir 8 te+f Co 07/01/02. Record Services Branch (Docu.

  • Ofeca of Nudeer Reactor RepJimmorL eghen0(for esfe shutdown post 061125k c.p22pp.

06/12/30. hany. ment Coreal Desk). epet 30204.1M 200. 30140.20&3014t310. l l l

5 3 1 1 4 pocxmo mas er f } (L Insposeen mporte, a gunstie & eervespendones - spet.eess,es

                  . 10 8 Forsones,e.ushiseen
                                   -E 2 - ed                         of m NE en salasse.n C=e iit                  ecosaune,s- sum-creat.e as ennussed E    _^3 R. Car
                   -ConsciDs.eensk Pouer.&          e= =            W=Co.

88/12/31. Record Sernese trench ia m E,,,,, ,a

                                                                                                                                                                        *%[  ,,
                                                                                                                                                               ,ressmed ,0C,Re. sf.,,,or::% e,,i e,et,oTA"ss,.
  • GRACRJN. 2, Oless W Dbaseer. 08/12/24. UTLEVEL Coronen Power &

speteesset Reeseene ther unues - acenenes & uspe Cet app, see.aest74es. coresser he eseessed Emergency . _ SeceomUS ea "to be edessess eMessages Foruards insp Repes 306334/e634 & 843st/eSag on esta00- 11. pen vio- ' .O M. of . 7/01/03. .E.E Cercene Power & Issene or deseemene neemt LWit Cet $st 18e 30stt tel. VERRELu.D.M. Regen 2. Ones of theater. M/1t/34. UTLEY.E.E. Cseena Power & LWit Cet 4pt Setittle.astitJ38. spetsegere penserde Rev 4 to esower personnes essene & plan se uma of esseecrec esoway sempi egdynnya. Row gret 100rR73.21 & -efeteessee hap eew3e4/te-34 & """~ '" " on es18e&11.No veetetens or a deutseens r 3 Cet 87/01/20. Docionant Coreel erench

                                                                                                                                                            ^ season 4Isoneens areas heposest steerwesen          & emelessen of hoy emergener eseneset
                               - AR. Coreams Power &                                                                             , saENAL. DECnER,7                                 Osene of Desseer. es/1a/at.
 ,                (Doownese Consol Deshk ist SeSett 3esettas.                                                                              Igp. 3021921Smettaes.

Cl therette seense eInge desessants a servespendense se m tide g has PWR Cousy W/Reescoele W De-speteestte Formords Amende set & 13e to uneness Dem.71 & OpRes. respessuser N SEi Y M Y see."y' M osegges0sE. geset 13e.

!                 & engely - -- ^ ^                                  ges Table 3.341 by andpois consens j               under useen eenesi eed._                   essen sweened re SYLwESTERED. eWR                       Obesternes 2. 0s/12/24.                       EE Cemens Power                   settesNot E Inde peseos 80188,                          of RCS Pienswo Soundary Resumns i                  4 uent Co. apst 3etet21             totJse.                                                                              From sene Aces Caneenen- sua een
              -87eteesse7 Amends 100 & 132 to uneness OPR-71 & DPR4a.resposevely.                                                                           1                                      New Y               Oopp                e7 I

Tesh spec Tehts 3.341 er clardpois conssens under uNeh contos rod 3ete7:1o7. neutLEENPrissce ee E/.Y381No setetat7. R E Inse.te.osos esrt- .u enet es>10s. *tilsplemyn Fehoe bi Serem Ouest Value Cousine E Responso

             -efeieMeet Safety sushaemon suppareng Amends 102 & 132 to unenese DPR.71 g                                                                 g
  • Oless of Nucteer Reactor Repdeeon, DWector $ lost e61125k e8/12/24. app. 30006 set 3Metet IE Indo feemos e&110. " Anomalous ashouter of Flechoulaton Loop Flour M
                 "'",eru.ds pe,m.r. of appeneri toe .o,,em.m 4 approu.
  • e, or . .- g,g== i - -
                                                                                          ."rurane fM,                                     830103L et 1                                                                espp. 30e06
                                                  '"P"omer &          Ca                                                         Fee See06133.

i Mennesment granch (Post set tas,. Sp. 3et14.003 3et14904. e7st14 esse Forunds "CADR Fhes summsy Rept? per Genanc ur es.33 & auses 1 incessereses met Secumsed w/NflC & Sceance Appeceanne,ine 87e*co*m"e,*an",s"8"" " 'd8'"s',,",'m"' '" ""' %',,eSass/esas wi g i W Nul4EG4737 een of tempermy sev teased a fireendwo CP4e peutset Reced senaces omnen poc. EEIle"Emannpomer Co. esi12/31. uulLER.D. SWR Pmeset Onee- D,,',ETzg,n,,g,ros,e,r,4

                                                                                                                                           , ni                     yg u u,p,p,,e7g,1/0 torees 2. app 3essesel. Jose 7:1                                                                                                                                                                                                    .

J estagestes E bdo Noene 87401. "RMR Vefue bessegname Causse Depedsson of I " ECCS h PWfk" Sus est encl - 4 -eM114eNe *CADR Final

  • Carste Power a upit Cet es/ 31. Stepp,3edes.0e7-30087:134. JDADAps,EL Deunten of Emeresney Peuperatusse & Responso s'est 8301 87/01/0s Conocessend Edson Cet of Peen Y Wic. 03pp. 30216:310-eM1800000 Subnets for 3e217 7.

i == 1 .e2. Mods to AffyS .---_ -' echende . pung tip sys re ATWS rulo

                                                                                                                         & sesmate "tnadesumes Selente ha'PM of Dhphreyn me                       Reesed e                                                              e7ettaesse IE bde Notes a R.A.e.                      4              87/01/07                    Sernces arench pocu-                      veswee -- - -    ~

Ancreet- suc aut enet ment Consol Dese@.1p. 308141 1k140. LL Olnuon of a Resposes (post 3301 . 87/01/13. Edson Cet of Peser Y Inc. 7pp. 3030k308 eMttmese Requeses piens hoo to misguscy of sys edesseed h 3'30i-

  • Temmy M*w"edOurruri """NES'3tEPe"na". efeitseese E ndo Nomos e7403, -Sayeeseen of Heaudous & Low Loved Re$

j SYL E.D. OWR Progect Drectorees2. 87/01/00. EE. Coronne Power new Suc les enol i "* c* ** "'*'*5='a= iRih#,U""C"ett:"r.n'o"r,1"*",*es*r Ot":'c".'M,",L 3""42 use response to Genonc Lir 8348, 3e324:112. eM13teest Forments evehsamon '

                         -# #                                                '          " ' " " "                    I                   efetsegees Formeres comested rueums of^                  submetod on eS1216 j                              ^ TM suetueenn rep "he            s ence.                                                                    Cl/mer Wuned of CLger ore __ ~                         Insp Rept 54334/e427 4 SYLVESTER10. OWR                       Otoctorets 2. 87/01/1&UTLEY.E.E. Coronne Power 0 U' U" 3*                      *         "                                                                               DIETZ           Caette Power &             Ca 87/01/22.Doewnent Control Oranch (Docu-2pm post mW.

k -8M13tesse Safety suuhsamon moposene ud reopense to Gensic Lt 8308 re ressor. mee of Reedmeon (post 25 & g pe,geGe aparetag reports & rehead eerrespondense

                                                                                                                                           ,,,c,D,,.17,t*3:-=,s.             ,ra

_P _ - .o.s. . _ 0 , C s en.d - - i 4

                        -*=ne-e=         =-n===              a=ni u-= i * =e a== ment v -                                                  O,too of Roerne.e                 r                       1. u , 1er .         SC,_,,S_                   .

emseesee 0 ter Oct 100tW

                ,a,n,1C        . _st.Ce"n[

sed . sis1,3.N.R._C e0E.32 01 "st"/ m _,e_, ,4,,:.,./ set., = & ' o7etMeise Foneengs Amende 103 & 133 to ucenses DPR.714 DPR42, respecovely ! 4 esfeer evoluen by nonsolety<edened insene S. Resortshte Lens & reisted servenpondense j menes from marum sww.on. Amends resumemenes se csiones &Tech doisceren ( SYL $ RED. als 2. 07/ /21. YLE. Power emit e LEM es WW resy TR/2 h @ M A2M & 84 j of notese , see Ngi tone ^- ^- -_ not tested Couse I -8Fe13estes Amends 103 8133,to Ucensee DPR-71 & DPR42,respeedwely. routskig PA5TVA.he.l., DIETZ 87 001

                                                           - - - - Instwnents Irorn survesence roguremones                                 ggggggg                          'Comens -         & UW4
  • Vech re RCSSpace try& dessened=sa - - - dm syst j hfULLER.D. Dhectorees 2. 07/01/21.10pp. Se3e& t343e3e014e. gggggges7 Suneneg of Operatig Reestor Events nesseis e741 on 8701066 Ust of

! -eM130e1M Safety susfuseon esoporene Amends 103 & 133 to Uconoce DPR.71 & events & 1000 uneme enet ' I DPR42, --- 4 HDLAHAN.G M. Reactors Assessment Senft (poet 861125). e7/01/t& !

  • Oloco of Nucesor Reactor Reguisson, Okector (post 851125). 87/01/21. 2pp. DENTON.H.R. Ofees of Reactor Resutomon, Dractor (post 861125). topp.

! 303021443e3e0.1% 3e3e3:137 3ess3162. ! eve 13este7 Summary of se1103 e7e13 esses LER se4334 ton se1104 of PRA model, demel gen. re peoness use of p,e noche to reper w/umil etl secdfy u.c & UDonnes

                                                                            . se of essendose                      & sede&pree- ermeer Inde venesson eseyi desatency i                                                                                                                                                                                                                g eased does denyi of l                $8TE E D. 9WR Pmeset Directorate 2. e7/01/21. eWR Pmiset Otractorate 2.                                                                       DIE          Capoene              usht Co.N01/23.12pp. Se43eS36 Itap. 3eset12S3eset13e.                                                                                                    sesseces.

__ .- - , , _ - - - - _ - _ - . _ - _ _ _ _ _ - . .._, .--- . . , _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ - . _ - .

     -- -                                 .~_                _        _ _ - _ - . _ . - _ _ _ _ .                         - - _ _ ~ _                             . . -              - . .                                         _- .. - -.

4 I te DOCKETEDITEMS V. Opereenr Enemhamens

                                                                                                                                                      -8791 meets insp Rape e6327/0040 4 80 3se/8840 en a01N148. VIsteene
                                                                                                                                                          . - . - _ -- to              aussend personnet to em ansens & inapueste to mentor esp-a

ce ,al: J,,:ae,, c g;mna ~%=?u,a,en,* " a,",,"s"=,=,o=,,g ,h,,,,yg,,pf"RU:l 2. O s of Dee.e,. -1m1. i. ppt progene. ,0C,R. c,ie,J 'me. m e. . .i Asa,. i ORACEJPt 2. OInce of Drector. M/12/24. UTLEY.E.E. CanWine Power & g Deht Ca 2pgk 7;034 30227.038. g j eM100ess7 Generte or NRc Le 0741 to se power opermer reactor neconome.s mem guesson *s c en enet& e.specones for OL ro NTON,H.R. of Peuedoor Rear *ar Drector (post 061125). e7/01/ efoisseses reemere iedeems esseueon set for NRC to TVA

08. Agenec Qey Elecetc Cc 44pp. 30304. GRCLEYft.L Tennseems /01/M. Corest Desde

{ .112. (Document Consed Desti). Opp, ears nao DOCIEET 0s 327 eEOUOYAN IIUCLEAR PLAfff. Ulsf 1 p. Opereeng soones stage demomenes & servespondeseo P. Securely. messak meergency & fire preenselon peans #

                                                                                                                                                                                       -yy               "Coneems Spects Pw
                                  .=10.e. ,o,.e,d.L,o, re                                                                                                                         '
                                                                               .er     oyes - task ,m                    re,.eL Cor,ar.on .e-               coo,eALoJA Tari:lrese Vese,                      . -w17. DENTO.oi One                  .es.e-tween task               oneer pode ._ _ Z rept format & sudwneled repen also anel                                 er Reactor fespdemo% Dbector poet 0811 to esset            .
                                                                                                                                                                                                               % Seest001.NedleW7 4                                      MCDONALDJA Tenneseos Vasey Ausiorey.06/12/22. DENTON.H. Ofeco of Nusdo-                                                                                                                                               '

er Reactor Repdeson, Descoor (post 961128).12pp. se+ie e,an ==*20 250. -4791Nes12 ElementCongefftsv of 2 to "TVA shamaa Ern.pippes L" Conceme W Pseparp e=W Z _ _ _ T Rev 2 to, " App R.Pire Protocean.

  • Tennessee Veesy . 208.1(B) R02. se/11/3s. 20ppL 3ggg,meneemo KNIGHTLYJ Tenneeses Vessy Aumoney."SWEC. SON.27 R02. 08/12/1e. %p.

302R23s 3022t240. -47etW17 tweeage." feev 1 to "TVA Employoo ComSequoyWi ElementConsul of De@ 1 SM1Mee84 h- M

  • Tennseene Vessy Authorey. 20SM R01. Se/11/28. 20pp. 300380006se0884e&

W bcomes & MN son sestasy Preemmary denyi compions a now henfmere beme NRCembe

                                                                                                                                                     -3731ggeem Rev 1 to "TVA p Conceme %eelal PW"- 8==""=h L Tenneseos Propoet Owectorees 4.1p. 30146:34130148.341.

Aumoney. 08/12/20. YOUNGOLOOD8J. PWR  ! easy Aumorey JtB) R01. 08/11/3R IDS. 3003SeeSmeRes? eM100 des 7 Foneente TVA employee conceme task youp rupes.incluieng S hiesi ele-reple a 15 enes_ esement repes edessene ergeoyee conceme m lemort l -

  • Tenneeseo easy . 242.010) R01 eS/11/R 23 ppt SOASSeen.eeenaean MCDONKLDJffTenreassis veesy At . e7/01/02. DENTON.H. OInce of Noto-
er Reactor Repdason, Drector (post 06i1 ).14pp. 3e227.133 30220-074. .qy0,10sNet Rev 2 to "TVA Employee Consume Spedal PtoyenLElement p epsoncordminance "
                                 -47010sesse Rev 3 to                             element       rept, " Fire Protocean Design, Adespery of                                                                       '

Room venesson - 3022$ 00 BL .W., DAMON,0., .AW. Tenneesse Vasey Aumortly. 231.5 (B) R03.

 ,                                   OS/12/11.13pst 3022723130227244.                                                                               8791070810 Pued reaperes W PORA rapas fu docunent re contabasse asese mese for em nuchs pouw phnesApp B doournmee and 4 oveemens m PDft. Reps In 2hn 8781180100 AMess eiet Rev 26 to                                                     plan consesent w/ planning DBueston              and ReconiuL se/12/19. DIOLLY,S. hee Tessee-i G                                    ector 07/01/ot wreTE.SA Tennessee Vasey Au-                         **'                   E       O            "

morey. 2pp. 43137 39243-13e.

                                                                                                                                                    -47mS7eM1                      of M e W 6 se oore efetiesett Rosasses met annual                                      esercies , -                      acenarion &                       '***
  • NUREN700 m oonussent mee ansges conocewg"be edeemed "" e . . _ _ _ __ secem.Repon
                                                                                                                                                       ",,",",,',""en"s"deries"9p OReesLEY.D.M.         smenos                       estedb treamesens Corp. (senesty Sennes Appene.

E!"l"o"a Rgt322 3020t323.2.'O"',"ece"o,D a?##%'mT"JI"re*n'n"e'se'."etees, money. 2pp.

                                                                                                                                                       =a* 'no =12/1* =.= =a1*i==um                   Au.

0701100102 Fowense IInad element repts hr em elemeres.edtesong conet.coeremons ,,,,,,,,,,7,,,,,,,k,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,',, g'"*,",",,"'"g """' #888 ' "8'"""" e,,,,,,,,,,,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       8" '"' 8"8 i                                    & _ OA               engdoyee             concennes                 omeone           m                             u,mo ggg ,,,,,,,, '"eng or mot nurnbers & remeed engieyse concene uno                                                   ,, n,,,u,,,DJA        Tennessee veesy Aummev. as/12/as. DENTOppt 010eo of pounte Repdemon, Descear (pose eS1126). tappt seasseeswasasesee, cieer Reactor                     D           7 poet            2$).10l p. 3        236                                              A8.' 1 toL " Pipe Stems f'airm4=mapaaa'fd ages Crest tw Owensp Areas
                               -e         settes Ret                       mployee Conceme Special Propam Rept 311.01. SON,                            "^L to,TV                                                                                   302R        ". age tenneeses Vasey Aumercy 21 & 713) R01, eS/13/03, 11 ppt i

i Nk EgdEW 203 ]4enneesee Vessy Aumorey. 311.01- MW Rev 1 m, Wh" MCNUTT,on. Tennessee vesey Dampi _ T _9.313) Aumorey 2 M01. 80/12/0 ( 13 ppt I e70110e140 Fonments employee concems repes re operemons, met careed Meat 113. Jet 26128. for reviewAs concems for Operaton haaalfanos 30700 4 40200 e6

                                                                                                                                                   -47meeH70 Rev 1 g N W                                       "

MCDONALDJA Tennessee V Aumority 87/01/00. Record Servtoes erench HU'2.K., OENKERTJW. Tennenome Vessy . Esem R01. ee/11/1s.17ppL Consol Deskt DENT .H. Omco of Nucteer Reactor Reguleman, Deector 3022t128 3e22t142. 851125).14pp. 30302100w30302 342.

                                                                                                                                                  -47010sts74 Rev 1 to, "Casse Tornenamon &                                Conneceent"
                              - 8791100304 Rev 3 to "HeeMh phym'es Fecamas.Clamng & Protoceve Egipment"                                               NESedTT.P.B., MCNUTT.G.R. Tenneesso V j                                   HALL.D.C.. SOUTHERLAND.B., STEWART.D W. Tennessee Vessy Aumoney. 311.00-                                            1epp. 30220143 30stk100.                                             M1m R01. ee/12/0t SON R03. e7/01/0s. topst30302.203 30302 Jet.
                              *                                                                                                                    -e701000e84 Rev 0 to, "seds & oiddes-Poecy & Pressos on umm Admessey &

complete. rowowDream try"ee"n"or i rowse pe'US N R$ ZW'8KY.DETennessee Vasey Aumorey. 201.4qs) ROO. ee/12/te. appt seesttet. 3022t14e. A Tenneense Vasey .87/01/13.DENTON.H. Ofece of Nude- ) er Reactor Repdemon, Drector (post 6511 10pp. 30315 027 30315:145. -47910 stem Rev 1 tot "Elecekel Testig & Plannhytnadeques Eteested

                              -47e1:00:07 Rev 1 to "Fke Proenceon DeeptLeck of Fire Dempers M Aes Olseg                                               8                    ,b                 .

W. Tennessee Vasey Aumsey. 213Jgl

                                                        " esament rept                                                                                R01. 80/12/10. topp. 3002t10Y-3032k192.

MCNUTT. RUSSELL.J R. Tennecese Vener Aumonty. 231.4 (8) R01. e7/01/00. . 9pst 303152e0 3931500s. -878900es00 Rev 0 to, l ~- _ tw ten Wee Theleaset GRIFFITHJS. Tenneeses & AumoMIy. Vesvo E _82.a(S) ROO. 08/1 & appt seem10s"- e7e127e87s providae statue or made re 10CFRs0 App R doveson rapsens approved in 3022tiet i a00629 SER.Schedtdo for cargismon of romerung mode & est of oommamente ence. i DOMER.J A. Tennessee vesey . e7/01/16. GRACEJ.N. Record Services erench (Document Corone Deskt OR -4701000e06 Roe 3 to. "Five Percent Low Volleen Pretitems." 3

                                                                                               .J N. Omco at Nucteer Reactor Reguisson,               MEERS,8. Tennessee Vasey AutoMIy. 308.08 SQN ROE. 08/12/1s. Sepp.

1 Drector (poet $51125) apst 30300:332 39300-335. 3022k197,3ee2SJ11. [ 87913es004 Forwards inep Repts 50 327/a646 4 50 328/0600 on 06120146 & noece j -4701000e17 Rev 3 to,"RetabsNy. & Maint of Reiseson Egdpment" of veoiston.UnrecoNed some wel be pwoued dunng 96Aure enept GARDNER,QD. Tennessee Vasey 2ECH,G.G. 2. Onice of Drector. e7/01/1a. WHITE.SA Tenneseos Vasey Au- . 303.06 8We Rot 2/10. 11pp. . money. .pp. 30220 212 30220 222.

                             -8791800000 Noece of viciaton from inep on 00120146.                                                                 -47910sesse Rev 1 to "SurveRance                          & Inesucsont" 3ECH.G.G. Repon 2. Ofece et Drector. 87/01/16. 2pp. 30306.225 39306.226.                                             SACHAL.NR. Tennenome Vesey                              307.00 SQN R01. ee/12/te. app.

30220.223-30220.231. I


 -870f090537 Rev f to. " Post-Mod Testeg "                                                    -8701090548 Rev 1 to Sequoyah elemord rept. *Ppe Stress Calculatons, Thermal GASS K R . STEWART.D W , DEE"3 AGE.A G. Termessee VaHey Authority SWEC.                       Anstysis of Pipeg Subt ected to Temp Less Than 120 F."

SON-21 R01. 86/12/16 7pp. 39228 232-39228 238. MCNUTT.G R., HUSSELLJ R. T . Vaney Authonty. 2181(B) Roi. 86/12/19. topp. 39225 321-39225.336.

 -8701090545 Rev 2 to. " App R.Fra Protectort" GNGHTLY.J Termessee Valley Authorey. SWEC SON-27 R02. 86/12/18. Opp.                        4701090551 Rev 0 to Sequoyah element rept. "Instrumentaton & Control 39228 239 39228 246                                                                          Dessgn,Radcaceve Panel Drams mio Floor Drains."

1 to 25 3'3 7 9226


FaAr ,r c ~ mon. "F, cor .ane - Estabbsh Procedures.Corre.sve Acton Program 1 SS, R T . VaNey Authonty SWEC-SON 36 RO1. 86/12/18. 12pp. 701090581 Rev 3 to Sequoyah e: ament nonrestart justdicaten summary. " Control Ar l i mimm A,,on o, amends to bconoes OPRm DPa 79.,e. Tech Specs of safety elechon sys S) vanes be.

                                                                                                 #~Ma.g,w' 400 n T- var ^ '* =2'5(a) aa =/i2/22-

! re man snowable res*Jonse Dmes for a ER annessee aney 86/12/23 BL J R -8701090547 Rev 1,to Sequoyah element nonrestart jusecaton summary. "Freeang of Drectorate 4. 3pp. 39180280 39180:305. yR USSELLJR. Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 232.9(B) Roi. 86/12/23.

 -8701070311 Proposed Tech Specs mcrossmg man allowabio response ame for aligr>                  app. 39226.010'39226.013.

mont of safety rgocton sys valves between charpng pumps.voi control tank & refuel. m0 water storage tank. -8701090572 Rev 2 to Sequoyah element nonrestart jushficaton summary "480 Volt

  • Tennessee Vaney Authonty 86/12/23. 23pp. 39180-28J49180 305, Power Receptacles Unsafe "

NESBITT.P.B.. MCNUTT.G R. RUSSELLJR. Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 235.1(B) 8701080340 Notifies that NRC we conduct workshop on 870218 &Repon ti personnel R02. 86/12/19. 4pp. 39226 014-39226.017. we conduct workanop on870219 m Atlanta.GA re mcident rwessgaten & perform-ance mdicators & operator issues,respecirvely -8701090577 Rev 1 to Sequoyah element nonrestart justi6 canon summary "Electncal GRACEJN Regen 2. Office of ector. 86/12/23 WHITE.S A. Tennessee Vaney Safety.PVC b'guidbgnt Fles Condust." Authonty. 2pp. 392i9 311-39219 312- MCNUTT.G R. RUSSELLJR. Tennessee Vaney Authoray. 235.8(B) Roi. 86/12/19. EE ' 8701090439 Forwards bst of employee concems rept numbers w/related Nuclear Safety

                                                                                              - 8701090585 Rev 0 to Sequoyah element nonrestart lusWcanon summary. " Cable Tor.
            &               SR     ev to NSRS 1          SR 2          r
                                                                                                                                                                    "* ^' " *               }

O sector non, (post )5 39 8 035 39 18.1 2 3 26

 -8701090444 Rev 1 to "TVA Employee Concems Specsal Prgram.Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Element Review of Nuclear Safety Review Statt Open items Requong Closure            ~8701090592 Rev 1 to Sequoyah element rept. " Plant Opersnons Review Committee o Trackmo at Sequoyah."                                                                      (PORC) Process "

GNIGHTLf.J GASS.K.R STEWART.DW. Tennessee VaHey Authonty ECTG.NSRS. RUSSELL.J R. Tennessee Vaney Authonty 307.01-SON R01. 86/12/22. 8pp. 02 R01. 86/12/16. 46pp. 39218 040 39218.086. 39226.026-39226.033.

 -8701090447 Rev 1 to "TVA Employee Concerns Special Program.Sequoyah Nuclear                 -8701090808 Rev 4 Piant ElementReview of Nuclear Safety Rowew Staft Open stems Regumng Correc-                 MURPHY.M W., RUSSE shR.        Nucieer   PlantVaney Tennessee      element   rept. "Workplan Authonty. 307.04-SON   Process.".

A04 86/12/ trve Action at Sequovert" 19 10pp. 39226 034-39226.043. DEBBAGE.A.G. GASS.K.R., KNIGHTLYJ Tennessee Velley Authonty. StF/12/16. 41pp. 39218 087 39218.127. .g701090811 Rev 2 to Sequoyah Nuclear Plant elemoni rept. " Program / Procedtre vioianon." 0701090475 Forwards 2 rubal element repts re concems m engmeering category & 20 HALLEY.M , MURPtiY.M W RUSSELLJ R. Tennessee Vaney Authoney. 306.04-SON eiemen mots e const ope nons & categones An employee R02. 86/12/19.17pp. 39226 044-39226c60. MCDONALDJ A. T- . Vaney Authoney 8 24. DENTON.H R Office of Nu- ~4701090619 Rev 1 to rept. " Control of Unused Wold MatL clear Reactor Regulanon, Drector (post 851125).16pp. 39225 096-39226 066' NAPlER.A Z, LEWIS US L.J R Tennessee Vaney Authonty."WP-23. SON RC1. 86/12/23. 6pp. 39226 06M9226M.

 -8701090479 Rev 1 to " Raceway Overfes & Cable Pupmg, Conduit Overfies & Cable G R. Tennessee Valley Authonty 238.1(B) ROI. 86/12/07. 29pp.                  8701020068 Deennas proposed Tech Spec interpretaton for 91p functon testm0 of molded case crcurt breakers.per 861016 & 22 toscons. interpretation prowdes mm 39225:114-39225 142.                                                                         molded Case Circuit breakers to be exposed to degr           test current levels.
 -8701090447 Rev 0 to " Raceway Overfes & Cable Pushng. Cable Trey Overfills & Wall &            DOMER.JA Tennessee Vaney A                 . 86/12/29. Y          BLOOD.B. PWR Protect Floor Penetranons."                                                                          Drectos ate 4. 3pp. 39143 084-39143 MCNUTT.G R. Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 238 3(B) ROO. 86/12/07. 40pp.

39225.143-39225 182. 8701020105Provides fmal status rept on electncal cale* tone for restart at facihty AI

 -8701090497 Rev 3 to Sequoyah Nuclear Plant final element rept,"Bomng-Mac Com-GRIDLEY.R. Tennessee Vaney                    86/12/29. YOUNGBLOOD.B. PWR Protect panbety"JJ, RUSSELL.J R Tennessee Vaney Author $ty. C010603-SON R03. 86/

HOWAND Dractorate 4. 22pp. 39142:344-391 A3 13/19. 22pp. 39225.163-39225 204.

                                                                                              *           *   ""*"'#Y      00                      ^"                        '      "
 -8701090502, Rev 4 to Sequoyah Nuclear Plant hnal element rept. "Benctng Equip-                                                                           &             enct. '
  • P*' *' '*

D,JJ. RUSSELL.J R Tennessee Valley Authonty C010703-SON R04. 86/ 9 66 66 ' 12/19 12pp. 39225 205-39225.216. 8701070394 Forwards thrd update to fecMity activees bet.meludmg stem status

 -8701090500 Rev 5 to Sequoyah Nuclear Plant final eiement rept. " Methods Used                  Chen9es.entnes completed sece 861103 update reopened entnes & updated het re-W netananon"     OWEN.D R. HOWARD,J.J T                    Vapey Authenty. C011103_          qured for mstart through 861212.                                                                i CHE5NEYJ A..                                                                                 DOMtERJA. Tennessee Vaney                   . 86/12/29. YOUNG 8LOOD.B. PWR Protect SON ROS.86/12/16. 1400. 39225.217-39225 230.                                                 Drectorate 4. 57pp. 39179:31a-391
 -8701090511 Rev 6 to Sequoyah Nucieer Plant flnal element rupt. " Anchors Cut Off as Related to Const."                                                                        8701050068 Notficabon of 870102 meseng w/TVA in Bethesda.MD to discuss sleem HOWARD.JJ. RUSSELL.J R. Tennessee Valley Authonty. C01005-SON R06. 86/                       generator tube heat treatment 12/19 37pp. 39225 231-39225 267.                                                             HOLONICH.J.J. PWR Protect Drectorate 4. 86/12/30. YOUNG 8LOOD.BJ PWR Project Drectorate 4. 3pp. 39156.072-39156.074.
 -8701090520 Rev 2 to Se@oyah element norrestart justificaDon summary,"Exponence Feedback. Feedback         to       Design        OrganizaDon        not      Property    8701080535 Forwards results of NRC prehmmary renew of uti outreuttal on reactor Unkred. Opera     Mamt.Const & Tes        Requrements."                                      coolant pump wip asue (Genanc Lk 85-12). Evaluaison of enci rept & telcon re CLIFT.D T.,       UTT.G R.. RUSSE        .R. Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 203.2(B) R02.          needed cienfications suggested Resolubon of meue not requred for restart 86/12/22. 4pp. 39225 266-39225.271.                                                           YOUNGBLOOD.BJ PWR Pro,ect Drectorate 4. 86/12/30. WHITE.SA Tennessee
 -8701080524 Rev 1 to Sequoyah element nonrestari justflcahon summary. " Control of Calculabons.Calculatum Records Rotenton."                                          4701080195Fonverds -- - ^. into for design basehne a venhcation program pro-C'J .D.T MCNUTT.G R . RUSSELL,J R. Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 205.3(B) RO1.                    sented m Vol 2 of nucisar performance plan.per 8612H conwnstment.

86/12/19. 5pp. 39225.272 39225.276. GRiDLEY.R. T -V Authonty.86/12/31. YOUNGBLOOD.BJ PWR Protect DrecWate 4. 24pp. 2681 2 68 % .

 -8701090531 Rev 1 to Sequoyah element nonrestart justificabon summary. "Devietson Documentation.Devenons                                                                     8701080264 Forwards propretary "Semoyah Urut 1 Heat Treatment of Sasam Genere.

MCNUTT,G.R , RUSSELL.J R. to Pro.Op Vaney Tennessee Test Acceptance Authonty. 207Cntena" .3(B) RO1. 86/12/22.tor Inner Rachus U-Bend Tubes." Proonetary & . m _, versions win be submn-App. 39225.277 39225280. ted withm 4 wks.Rept unthhold (ret 10CFR2.790).

 -8701090534 Rev 1 to Sequoyah element nonrestart justficabon summary, "Donaton                  JOHNSON.WJ            Westmghouse Electic Corp. 86/12/31. DENTON.H.R.,

YOUNGBLOOD.B.J. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulahon, Director (poet 851125). Ip. Documentat on.CAO Documentation.a MCNUTT.G R. RUSSELL.J.R. Tennessee Valley Authonty 207.4(B) R01. 86/12/23. 39177-058 39177.058. 400.39225 281 39225.284. 8701090457 Forwards TVA employee concems task groie repts.mctudlng 5 kubal ele-ment repts & 15 flnal element repts addreseng employee concems in

 -8701090541 Rev 1 to Sequoyah element rept, "Pgm Support Program,NRC Butletm l

i 79L14 ABR Program." const. ,opershone & OA categones. MCNUTT,G R., RUSSELL,J R. Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 212.2(B) R01. 86/12/19. LD.J A. Tennessee Vasey Authonty.87/01/02 DENTON.H. Office of Nucio-36pp. 39225 285-39225.320. ar Reactor Regulation, Drector (post 651125).14pp. 39227:133-39228 074. l i


  -8701080473 Rev 0 to Sequoyah elemord rept, "incorporaton of Resqikerrents & Com-mnments m Desgrt"                                                                       ,9701080625 Adases that 860724 proposed Tech Spec change <1eisen0 values of efter-ental pressure from Survemance ReQurements 4 7.1.2 a 1 & a.2 for motor &

WALTON.RA Tennessee Vaney Authoney. 201.1(B) R00. 86/12/07. 27po. turture dnven au feodas'er pumps unacceptatwo. 39227.147 39227173. YOUNGBLOOD.BJ Protect Drectorate 4. 87/01/04. WHITE.SA Ten. esase Vaney Aoshordy. 3pp. 39448 22539448 230.

  -8701080488 Rev 1 to Sequoyah element rept, "Instrumentaton & Control Questonable Calculaton or Onnce Hole Design."

JOR AW Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 229t (B) R01. 86/12/ t 5. 30pp. -879108A30 Notco of dorsal of amends to Ucenses D*R 77 & DPR 79 & opporiursty 39227;174 39227203. 's heanng to deleton of efferental posaure values from Survemance Requrements 4 7.1.2 a 1 & 4 712.a 2. YOUNG 9LOOD.B J PWR Protect Drectorate 4 97/01/06. 3pp. 39448.228-

  -8701080635         RevSue 1 to %chos.ah element rept, "Elecincal Protecton DemgetBypass of        3944E 230.

Over-Teque Lamit , JORDANAW. Tennessee Vatey Authonty. 237.4 (B) R01. 06/12/13. 12r0. i 39227.204 39227215. 87J1110308 Forwards category const restart riement repts.provisng dates that irvbal 8/cr Anal asement repts submitted to NRC. MCDONALD,J A. Tennessee Vaney Authoney. 87/01/07. THOMPSON,H L NRC . No

  -8701080647 Rev 1 to Sawoyah element rept, "Electncal Protecton Design, Thermal                  Detailed ArPaaton Given.18pp. 39257:319-39257.336.

Overtoed Bypass & Indicaton Problems " JORDANAW. Tennessee Vaney Authonly. 237.1 (B) R01. 86/12/13. 15pp. 39227:216 39227.230. 4701130118 Sunevery of 861216 meeting w/utd in Bethesda.MD re facility element repts Attendee est enci.

 -8701080680 Rev 3 to                    element rept, " Fro Protecton Design, Acequacy of        SINGH.B K PWR Propect Drectorate 4. 87/01/06. PWR Prosset Drectorate 4. 4pp.

Bettery Room Ventiaton 39252.321 39252 324. Desgn?

  • BLUMER W., DAMON.D., DANAW. Tennessee Valley Authonty. 231.5 (B) R03.

86/12/11.13pp. 39227231-39227.244. 4701130153 Forwards 8609 3 trwoeldy nonce of apoinc,hans & amends to OLs involv-sqNSHC.W/o enc

 -8701080802 Rev 3 to Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Anal element rept. " Hanger Insp Oncu-
  • VvvR Protect Dun Wate4. 87/01/09 WtetTE SA Tennessee Vaney Authonty.1p.

mentator' " 39259 380 39259 3 0. OWEN.D.R. Tennessee Vasey Authonty. C011106. SON R03. 86/12/30. 'pp. 3922724539227.251. 3701W0102 Forwaecs final element repts for als elements.addresesng const.operatone

                                                                                                  &       QA        e coloyee                concems.AN   conceme       re                   piant.sncludmg
 -87010e0827       Rev 3 to Samoyah Nuclear Ptant final element rept, "Compresso1 Fit-            ancMrages addreraed Lasang of rept ruatters & related employee concems also end
          "                                                                                       to esd in NRC rewww.

S .W M. Tenne =ese Vasey Authonty. C017304-SON R03. 86/12/23. 8pp. MCDONALD.J A. Tennessee Vasey Authomy 87/01/09. DENTON.H R Office of Nu-39227.252 3922725k. clear ne. actor Regulanon, Drector (post 851125).10pp. 39295 238-39295.349,

 -8701080645 Rev 1 to Sequoyah element rept, " Human Factors, Human Factors                    -870118t.109 Rev 8 to TVA Employee Concems Spocal Propam Final Rep
  • C011301-Reinew Program,NUREG4700. SON, " Demon of Plates?

WALTON,R A. Tennessee VaBey Authonty. 208.1 (B) R01. 86/12/30. 23pp. STEWART,0 W., HOWARD.J L, JOYCE.J W. Tennessee Vasey Athertty. C011301-39227280639227 282. SON R06. 87/01/07.18pp. 39295248-39295262.

 -8701080654 Rev 0 to Se@oyah seement rept, "Electncal Procedures, Electncal Proce.           -.8701160124 Rev 4 to TVA Employee Concems Specal Program Feel Rept 301.02-duree Do Not             idenefy IEEE Stds."                                                  SON. "Diesef Generator Rehabsty Protnemb?
  • Tennessee Vaney . 213 4(B) R00. 86/12/30.10pp. 39227283-39227:292. MEERS.B 2., MURPHY.M.W., STEWART.D W Tennessee Va!!ey Authonty. 301.02-SON R04. 87/01/07.18pp. 39295.263-39295263.
-8701120006 Rev 2 to Sequoyah seement rept, "SW Demgn General, Temp Vana-non Canadoraton."                                                                            8701160133 Rev 4 to TVA Employee Concems Special Program Final Rept 308.07-GiBBS.R R. Tennessee Vasey Authonty. 220.11 (B) R02. 86/12/30.10pp. 39227.293                 SON. " Clam Control Program?

39227:302. SWEARINGEN.F.R., MURPHY,M W., STEWART.D W. Torneesee Vaney Authonty 30647-SON RO4. 87/01/06. 9pp. 39295.264-39295.292.

-8701120004 Rev 1 to                   eeoment rept. " Pipe S@ port Demgn, Evalueton of Dif-serence m Anat/ red Demgn            for Pipe S@ ports "                                  -8701180143 Rev 5 to TVA Employee Conceme Special Program Rept 311.01-SON, GiBBS.R.R. Tennessee vaney Authenty. 221,2 (B) A01. 86/12/30.12pp. 39227.303-                "Heann Phymes Statt Tranwg" 39227:314.                                                                                    LOVETT,0., MURPHY.M W., STEWART.D W. Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 311.01-SON 005. 87/01/07.12pp. 39295.29349295.304.
-8701120017 Rev 1 to Sequoyah element rept, "No Support Demgn, Observed Ben' mD of Pipe Camp EarC                                                                      -8701160150 Rev 2 to TVA Employee Concems Spocal Propam Rept 90' 03-SON, GIBBS.R R. Tennessee VaBey Authorty. 221.6 (B) R01. 86/12/30. 9pp. 39227.31S                 "Insp Ptflormance?
  • 39227:323. STEWAAT.D W., RUSSELL,J R Tenneseeg Vaney Authonty. 80203-SON A02. 87/01/
08. 30pp. 39295:305-39295:334.
-8701120023 Rev 1 to Sequoyah element rept. " Pipe Support                ,Use of Srdber."

GISBS.R R. Tennessee Vasey Authoney. 221.10(B) R01. 86/12/ .10pp. 39227.324- -8.701100164 Rev 3 to TVA Employee Concems Speaal Program Rept 8044!2. SON, 39227:333. Mg meerserence m Dwanon RW** STEWART.D W., RUSSELL,J R. Tennessee Vasey Authoney. 80402. SON R03. 87/01/ -8701120032 Rev 0 to Se@oyah element rept, " Instrument Support Desgn, instnament * #' LL,J 8701 6014 F ards annessee VaRey Authonty. 223.2(B) ROO. 86/12/30. topp. opera me control dressect - -8701120035 Rev 1 to Seguoyah element rept " Support Wold Desgn, Drawings do not MCDONALD.JA Tennessee l'esey Authoney. 87!01/09 Record Services Branch (Document Control Deskt DENTON.H. Omco of Nucoser Reactor Regulaton, Director G ER T 'Vaney Authority. 222.3 (B) Rot. 86/12/30.16pp. 39227.344- Sost 65H25).14pp. mmm342. 39227.359.

                                                                                             -8701180165 Rev 0 to "Expenonce Feeciaack, Tracking Sys for Commitment ined-

-87011200 G .R 1 Sequoyah element rept, " Piping & Valve Desgn, I,nproper

                . Tennessee Valley Authonly. 232.3 (B) ROI. 86/12/30.12pp 39228-001 T*             : Vasey Authonty. 203 3(B) ROO. 86/12/20. 27pp. 39302115-39302141.

gg,,, g , g h S 1 RMS M m Equipment." -8701120065 Rev 4 to Sequoyah Nuclear Plant element rept, " Steam Generator Instal- .L Tennessee VaNey Authonty. 22911(B) R01. 86/12/20. 72pp. 39302142-logon. . T

                          . ennessee Vaney Authonly. 301.08-SON R04. 66/12/30.12pp.
                                                                                             -8701160258 Rev 1 to "incorporanon of Re@rements &                                                  _ a. In Traceabilety of              Requirements?

-8701120068 Rev 3 to Sequoyah Nuclear Plant element rept. *torrecove Monty 2W Y,DA in _ . apey Aumonty. 201.6 R01. 87/01/06. 8pp. 39302:215 G8LMOR,C.H. Tennessee vaney Aoihanty OP 308.03. SON R03. 86/12/30.18pp. 39302.221. 39228.02539228 042.

                                                                                             -8701140263 Rev 3 to "Accesatulity Problems?

-4701120063 Rev 2 to Sequoyah Nuclear Plant eiement rept, "ALARAy TOUCHSTONE,C.W, STEWART.D.W. Tennessee Vasey Authonly. 305.01. SON R33. LOVETT.D.L. HALL.DC. Tenneeses Vaney Authonty. 311.05 SON R02. 86/12/30. 87/01/06.14pp. 39302.222 39302:237 14ptL 39228:043-39228.056.

                                                                                             -8701180270 Rev 5 to "Cordguration Control"

-6701120008 Rev 2 to element rept, "OA Independence & Authonty " MURPHY.M W., STEWART.D W. Tennessee Vaney Aueanty. 307.13-SON ROS. 87/ DEANGELIS.JJ. Tenr.aanse Vaney Authonty. 80102. SON R02. 86/12/30.18pp. 01/07.18pp. 39302-238 39302 253. 39226.05749228.074. 8701080802 Forwards SER -8701160296 Rev 6 to "Proventa6ve Mamt

  • ulli calcutshons of ernas brean LOCA unng GUNNELS,R., MURPHY.M W, STEWART.D W. Tennessee VaAsy Authority. 308.02-model approved in TMl item x3. ,per NUREG0737,nem AK.3.31.FSAR analyms SON ROS.87/01/06. 8pp. 39302:254-39302262.

demonstrated conserva9ve. YOUNGBLOOD.BJ. PWR Protect Directorate 4. 87/01/06. WHITE.SA Terviessee Vasey Authoney. 3pp. 39216.172-39216.174. -8701140304 Rev 3 to " Health Phymes Faceties.Clottung & Proteceve Equipmert" HALLD C SOUTHERLAND.8, STEWART.D W. Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 311.06 SON R03. 87/01/06.19pp. 39302:263-39302.281 8701080806 Noencanon of 870115 mesen0 w/uts in Bethesda.MD to escues TVA am & enact on seemic & equipment qualthcanon. ON .J. PWR Drectorate 4. 87/01/Us. YOUNGBLOOD.B.J. PWR

                                                                                             -8701140310 Ree 3 to " Instruments. Matt. Equipment to Purchamng & Reginations?

Protect Directorate 4. 3pp. 9216.169-39218.171. WILEY,MJL HUTZLERSW., STEWART.D W. Tennessee Vasey Authonly. MC.40201-SON R03. 87/01/00. Opp. 39302:282-39302:291. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. b


 -8701180338 Rev 1 to "TVA Companoon to industy Medbara"                                     8701280120 Forwarde comments to clar#y severalitems of draft safety evenuation & re.

KNIGHTLYJ., GASS.K.R., STEW WT.D W Tennessee V.Jtey Authonty. SWEC SON- soonees to 10 conermatory dams to cable wey supports Propnetary rept, T,atse Load 12 Rot. 87/01/05. 8pp. 30302-292 39302 299. Determmahon lor " also enct.Rept withheld trol 10CFR2 790). GRIDLEY R. Tennessee Vaney Authorny. 87/01/14. YOUNG 8LOOD.8J. Record

 -8701180358 Rev 1 to " Plant Leakaqe Morutonng."                                               Senaces Branch (Document Control Desk) 7pp. 39388.105 39388.111.

C: NIGHTLY J., GASS.K R., STEWANT.D W. Tennessee Vaney Authonty, SWEC SON-13 R01. 87/01/05. 4pp. 39302 300 39302 303. 8701150407 Partel response to FOtA request for documents to envron quehfcanon. Forwards App A records App A records also evadable m PDR.

 -8701180381 Rev 1 to "Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Caltr Convol."                                    GRIMSLEY.D.H Dmeson of Rules and Records. 87/01/15. WILUAMS.O.G. JRA Aa.

KNIGHTLYJ., GASS.K R., STFWART.D W. Tennessee Vaney Authoney. SWEC. SON. sociaws. 2pp. 39294.249-39294.300. 22/29 R01. 87/01/05. 6pp. 3930230lk39302.318

                                                         .                                   -.8804180812 R              adcs info re unresolved man steam valve vault temp issue de-genanc nature of issuo &

B R C. kNIG Y EWAR ennessee Vaney Authonty. SWEC- ,c,Q ,,,,g, ,,,, g SON.23 ROI 07/01/05. Spp. 39302 315-39302:318 ASSELSTINE.J K. C_ _.. _ _ a 86/03/17. 6TELLO.V. Office of sie Execumve Di-e

  • Operabant Ip. 39294.252-3929426E
 -4701180371 Rev 1 to "Cherr.2ai & Radiologeal Proce@res.-

8701210188 Forwards 18 fines element repts addresema enameering & weiding N1I8f/0YiNp 3'9 d232bN328 categonesAE employee conceres addressed re E Subcategory 20400 on orgamzatm or operstm0 procedwes & Wsonng 24333.

 -8701180373 Rev 1 to "Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Operanonal Reedmose Rev ew."                                                               Ah ey. 87/01/15.            Senaces Branch GASS.K.R., KNIGHTLYJ., STEWART.D W. Tennessee vaney Authonty. SWEC Schr                     MCDONALDJA Tennessee va (Document Control Desk).10pp. 3          Ms eG28.195.

40 ROI. 87/01/05. 9pp. 39302.327 39302 335.

 -8701180378 Rev 1 to "NRC Systematic Aaser4 ment of Sequoyah Nuclear Plant Per-             -8701210208 Rev 1 to "incorpersnan                 s*  Requrements & Commitments in Design: Demon Cntene."


  • Tennessee Vaney AuthorWy. 201.3 (B) R01. 87/01/13. 24po. 39328 012-39328.038.

KNC.sHTLYJ ., GASS.K.R. STEWART.D W. Tennessee Valley Authonty. SWEC-SON. . 55 R01. 07/01/05. 7pp. 39302.336 39302-342. ),"

                                                                                             -4701210247 Rev 1 to "Orgaruzation or Operating Procedures-l
  • Tennessee Valley Authorwy. 204.0(B) RO1. 87/01/13. 46pp. 28:03 39328 S82.

8701200377 Forwards employee concern repts re const.ongneenng.S&W & OA l categones. Fined revow of repts by senior revow panel & employee concem task ' complete. 3701210254 Rev 2 to "Coreal of Demgn Calculationsteiculanon Corect & Interface l LD.J.A. T . _ - Vaney Authonty 87/01/13. DENTDN.H. Offlee of Nucio. Requrements." er Reactor Regulabon, Drector (post 851125).10pp. 39315 027-39315.145.

  • Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 205.2(B) R02. 87/01/13, 23pp. 39328 08349328:105.
 -4701200379 Rev 1 to "QA Personnel - Personnel Tramng & Expenonce." element                 -4701210288 Rev 2 to " Pipe Stress Calculetons.Wulospread Deeciencies Wlthm Pipe Stress Calculanons."

EY.P. Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 80303. SON R01. 87/01/Olt 17pp. 39315.037-

  • Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 218 4 (8) R02. 87/01/13. 22pp. 39328:108 39328.127.


                                                                                             -8701210273 Rev 2 to "Seport Demgn General Demgn of Seports"
 -C701200388 Rev 4 to " Slope " final element rept.
  • Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 220.3(8) R02. 87/01/13.16pp. 39328:128 39328:143.

JOHNSON.R M, HOWARD. RUSSELL.J R Tennessee VallTy Authoney. C017301 SON A04. 87/01/06.10pp. 3fr315S54-39315 063. , , .

  • Tennessee Vaney Authonty. (B) RO1. 87/01/13.17pp. 39328.144 80.
 -8701200300 New 2 to " Conduit    RUmLL Fitungs.",   final element J R. Tennessee             rept.LOFTIS.H.W.,

VaBey Authonty. C019203- BROWN.R M., " SON A02. 87/01/08. 6pp. 39315 064 39315.069. -4701210281 Rev 1 to " Civil / Structural Demon: Structural Steel Connecton

                                                                                                *T.           _ Valley Authonty. 215.9 (B) R01. 07/01/13.14pp. 39328:181           :174.
 -4701200293 Rev 1 to " Support Demgn General: 'A' Senes Drwnngs & 050 Notes,"

elemere rept -4701210245 Rev 2 to "Elec9tcal Proce&resinadequate Mgt Coreci & Status Lisang RUSSELLJ R. Tennessee Vasey Authonty. 220.1 (B) R01. 87/01/06. 10pp. of ec & dc Electncal I ^=da includin0 Diessi Generator Margma. 39315.070-39315979.

  • Tennessee Valley Authonty. 213.1 (B) R02. 87/01/13.14pp. 39328:175-39328188.
 -8701200387 Rev 1 to " Fro Protecton DesgrtLack of Fra Dampers m AM Desel                   -8701210290     Rev 1 to "WeidlnDProtect               Wald Reper."

Generator 81dg." element rept

  • Tennessee Vaney Authonty. WP-2 R01. 87/01/13. 7pp. 39328:189-MCNUTT.G R , RUSSELLJ R. Tennessee Vaney Authonly. 231.4 (B) R01. 87/01/09. 39328:195.

9pp. 39315 000 39315.068. 8701210454 Forwards info re resolutons of specinc cable pufing concems necessary

 -4701200400 Rev 2 to "Seemc interachon Desgn: Demon of Lighbng Fature Stq>                     for restart.per consuRant ongomg preparaton of techncal evasumaan rept on cable ts." e6ement rept                                                                               & bend reds.

P0'RKINSON.J., MCNUTT.G R., RUSSELLJ.R. Tennessee Vaney Auttionty. 228.0 (B) PA OUNG8LOOD.BJ. PWR Protect Directorate 4. 87/01/15. WHITE.SA Tennessee R02. 87/01/09. 23pp 39315.089-39315.111- Valley Authonty.13pp. 39329 342-39329 354. 8701270289 Forwards update t intemel status rept for inibal &/or final element repts SON AE W. USSE T - alley Authort. 80202-SON subnuned to NRC & edated forecast completon date for repts not Dnahred to asset R03. 87/01/09[23pp. 393'15.112 39315.134. envioyee concem effort. in scheduhnp compienon of f MCDONAu.s.JA Tennessee Va Authonty. 87/01/15. THOMPSON.H L Office of

 -4701200408 Rev 4 to "ineo Program Scope," element rept BARLOW.D G., AKELEY,W M., RUSSELLJ R. Tennessee Valley Authonty. 80205                      Nuclear Reactor Regulatort Drector (post 851125). 22pp. 39368.313-39388.334 SON A04. 87/01/09. 6pp. 39315.135-39315.140.
 -4701200413 Rev 2 to "Operabikty of Contamment Spray Pump," element rept.                      dehciencies.mciudog how mm slope regarements for senang enes detemuned.wvthm GASS.K.R., KNIGHTLY,J. Tennessee Valley Authonty 33 R02. 87/01/00. 5pp.                     30 days of lir receipt 39315.141-39315.145.                                                                        YOUNGBLOOD.B.J. PWR Protect Drectore                            WHITE,SA Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 3pp. 39380:123-39380:125. 's 4. 87/01/15.

8701210031 Forwards final emment repts for fotr elements.addrosamg employee con-come a categones of engmoenng. operations & QA.Letog of rept numbers,related 8701230030 Forwards updates of TVA acevibes for wks of 870119 4 28. employee concems & previous outwnsttai dates & into on rept format anno enct GRIDLEY.R.L Tennessee Valley . 87/01/18. THOMPSON.H. NRC . No De-MCDONALD.JA T- .. - Vasey Authonty. 87/01/13. Record Servces Branrh tailed Afflhaton Given. 8pp. 39359:261 59-268. (Document Control DeskE DENTON.H. Orface of Meimar Reactor Regulanon, Drectur (post 851125).10pp. 39314.320-39315:026. 4701230033 Notification of 870121 mem w/ uni in Betheeda.MD to docuss statue of

 -4701210037 Rev 1 to Sequoyah siement rept, "Instrumentaban a Control Desgn;Chised Water Sys. Level Switches." .R. Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 229N bon.       tional readmess cable PWR Protect             sie 4. 87/01/16. YOUNGBLOOD.BJ. PWR NFSBITT.P B , MCNUTT.G.R., RUSSELL.J                                                           8 (B)

Proiect Drectorate 4. 3pp. 39356.329-39358.331. Roi. 87/01/12.11pp 39314 33CL39314 340. I 6701270122 Forwards Rev 1 to Nucisar Safety Review Staff (NSRS) Rept ECTG NSRS-

 -8701210040 Rev 5 to             ah element rept. " Radioactive Man Controt.                    02, " Review of Nuch Safety Revow Staff Open noms % Closure or Traciung HALL.D C., STRODL,W ., USSELL.J R Tennessee Vaney Authorcy. 311.02. SON                      at         ah" & hshng of rept numbers.NSRS soms & autmuttal dates.

ROS. 87/01/12.13pp. 39314.341-39314353- .JA T . .. Vasey Authonty. 87/01/16. Record Services Branch (Document Control Deskt DENTON.H Omco of Nucteer Reactor Regulation, Drector

  -8701210044 Rev 2 to Sequoyah element rept, " Questionable Concrete Reper                      (post 851125). $pp. 39381:359639362:049.

(Grour ON E. Tennessee Vaney Authority. 313.08 A02. 87/01/12.15pp. 39314.354- -8701270125 Rev 1 m **Rm of Nuclear SM h SWf Open hs R%


Closure or T at Sequoyah," element rept. element rept, "QA Independence & Authonty = KN'GHTLY,J., .KR,R ,M. Tennessee Vaney Autherty. ECTG-NSRS42

 -8701210047 Rev 3 to                                                                            R01. 87/01 r12. 44pp. 39362:004-39362:049.

DEANGEUS,JJ., R LLJR. Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 80102-SON R03. 87/ 01/12.18pp. 39315.009-39315.026. , 8701300047 Forwards draft safety evaluation supportng computer program for predict. mam steam kne vahe vaurts.per review of plant equement quakhcation under super-D0 tenment a steady-state responses of sumkary power sys Draft wel be acorporated heat concations Response requested withm 30 days of Itr date. rwo SER on Vol 2 of nuclear performance plari. YOUNGBLOOD.BJ. PWR Pro,ect Dractorate 4. 87/01/20. WHITE.SA Tennessee VOUNG8LOOD,B.J. PWR Protect Drectorate 4. 87/01/13. WHITE.SA Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 4pp. 39378.223-39378.226. Valley Authonty.11pp. 39448.039'3944P 049. 4701270440 Forwards " Reactor Vesses Mati Survedlance Program for Urut 8701230132Notficanon of 870118meetag w/uts in Bethesda.MO to docuss methods 1.Anahms of Capsule U," per 10CFR50. App H requromonts Rev of T $pece re for improvmg communcahone re resolubon of saues between TVA 4 NRC. toad tectors & withdreel times before Urut 1 stW plannect C:ENYON.T.J. PWR Protect Drectorate 4 87/01/14. YOUNGBLOOD.BJ. PWR GRIDLEY,R. T Valley Authority. 87/01/20. YOUNGBLOOD B.J. Document Protect Drectorate 4. 400. 39358 295 39358.298. Control Branch (Document Control Desk). 3pp. 39370150 39370 236. 1

   .m       _    m                    m .            ..            . _ . --.                 .                  _        . _ . -.                                                           _m         ._               ._         s__          .             . ._ . - __

4 1 I ( ( M MMEMD N s s U of eene mesmescheness se anmes Out WILUAMS,M L. LEVERANT.GA Soumeest Rennerch Inse-e. 80/10/31. reescend in & met . _ ' - mappten Sepp, 300m193 3037t230. A Tennosome Autemey. Of/01/21. Deessem Ogrees eseneh pesu-

                                                                                                                                                  - mont Coneel Dest 4                       N. Omon of Nucteer Rooster Rom Greeter gent OM1300100 #duises met rev to Enhen F re especebesy of concreto coneems as to                                                       001126). Spek 3000010H000t100.

V 1 ary of more C A.TDee. vou,th"Tl o,.0.e/.20. Dor.m,ient Con,sel.Brancti Re deem o co.(D.ece> i ter post 061120).1p. 30007.30N0007J01. Nuce e Reecoo gg sengsgg 0791NONS.Forments ,,,cheadd msnmges Repas o 4 etsN e meet eencemso - 10 e. ide.rm.ed f ( Spe130130 Fermones emeenpean of us emendemon esopte bened on V'88, AM*8'ay. app. 30446.32130440:304. 1% ys i i Nov & Dec 1000 desmagens e/NRC teent deermeen of ansonnel N GRWLEVA tenness e 87/01 rism SJ. Document G,inoposeen reports 6 E Bidegne & senospendense Consal Osunch posument Coroud Desh).10pp. 3030120430000100. SM1N0004 Formords to IWIC 000012 & 1800 en se steMans noemd en "" Cenesgue esannsAessestatue i OM1NW11.Fonseds

                              .s      a rope n l.ow       e aAnal medesament on. , engtoyee    canoame conomm      en==a copi.e h '"M                       ====cton                  to =ased my 070=1.

Conoom Task untere pode rest sormet & sanonumed repes ,' ,JA Tennessee tumoney, 07/01/20. Document Consed tech ORIDLEVA Tennesses veesy Autionly.08/12/10. GRACE,J.N. Rewon 2, Ones of Dbeccor. 3pp,3001taOH001t200. , Consel Desk). ,H. OIRoo of Nutdear Reecent Repdeson, Duector 801130k Opp. 30007300 30307.238. - SM1000000 Fonsensktor soutesenessyes conmemo task gene septh Computeen to-aseen team unser pote .  : rest senses a mangued repas one ens m assies .

                -0301300000 gy C. aemor     .C.oncems  ep-en as         s, em Program.R.ept y - So po          206.1f0L  Con.eed o.f eq, =Dg,,,,,,v,a,,,r,,ggyg2/poemoax,Or                                                  sane                        ==

DOWD,JJ., JDRDANA, CUFT.D.T. Tennessee Vessy Andhonly. 206.1(0) R03. 07/ 1 01/14. 23pp. 30007.177 30307.100. -089100000F #st g SGM1 ft01. 00/12/10. 7 ppt sese,semagegJa, g* T- W W. N

                -0791M Rev 1 to Englouse Concoms p Propam Rept 223.1(SL *'Inom, OHAM                                   RUSSELLJ             er'inseemo Vasey Aemiersy. 223.1(8) R01.                       =0791000H4 Rev [to, "Fahoe to, samme Pyaaaada=ecame Aseen Pleyen 01/01/14.10pp. 30007.21M.38307.214.                                                                                                                                        --

g I

                -0701NW44 Ret 1 to Engdoyee Conceme Special                                     Rept 222.0(S),"PDe Oe-                             30231247 m J00.

JORDANA 0813000000 IE info Notoe 04107, "E.ity into PWR Couay W/Rosasemese h. Core De-  ! i RO1. 07/01/14.10pp. 30307-215 30307J29. . ennesses eA Aulhenly. 222.0lS) Sector huhke Wiesen Suc Em encl

                =0791NON4 Rev 3 to                             Concoms Specist Propem Rept220.12(8), "inem>                                                            2/                                                        Y menneson a Conom                            to E                 Dietencet"                                                                                                                                                                      '!'                I k yhk 4,,,3g,,7'                                          A Tennessie Vetsy Actonly. 22012(B) m                                                                        30 330000               leito                00,                        of RCS h Bowedwy %

j 'gh, 4

                   -- .Ove Anal OM1300074 Formente compainen besseen Employes asement rep rept            engpoyee concomo shou
                                                                                     -o re. - err.iopeo - .t Task Group unsere pode rept sonnet & encs 30,0720,*

phe Y Oopp. 107

                                    ,JA Tenneeses Vasey Ausiorny. 07/01/20. Document Contraf Grench                                                                                              *                            'k
  • 8 a'"Suc

) CNi!#W,'p "40

                              "                          "       #E=?" " ""'"" " a'0""""                                                        gaar',b,wa
  • e,a,,'s mind.

g,,'o',',ar:=,e4 '/2",=,tt"0 C,,,,o e ed 04 a,=* k -0M1300000 Rev 1 b E s Conceme Special Nordtestert h=me,.mn.i NM ~ } Ragt 220048A Queday muent ConsoL" AW. Tennessee veesy Aumanly. 220 3012300141 IE Info Nonne 80110. "Anemelous Behautor of Reubendenen Laep Ftse in + 1. 07/01/10. 4pp. 30300 200 Jet Pusegp WWR Planet" Sue an ence.

               -0791300303 E                         Conceme Speaal 1                                                     N r                                3000k j                                                                                      Non.Restert JuneAceton Summary                            -30206 33.

220 10(0). 1. " Mercury Sanches in Genereser " ]i .G R., RUSSELLJA Tenneeses Vascy Aumanty. 228.1 app. 30300:302,30300:306, R00. 07/01/10. 8791079873 Forments request for amongeon Som 10CFR30.12. App J Type C lask sees tasang of RHR & head besceen sys & regel seguemper tossestued , j leems noemd be inep


54327/0HO & Fee

               =0701300030 Rev 1 to Enviope Concems Speaal Propam Rept 301.15-SON, "Here                                                          DOMER.JA Tenneesee V                        AAhoruy.08/12/31.                            ririria PWR PMgest                          i were Not                   idenalist -                                                                                          Deectorees 4. Opp. 3017R                       17tzes.

MURPHY.M . enneense Vasey Authoney 301.15. SON R01. 07/01/20. Opp. I 30300:304 30300:311. 8701000410 Formente inep $4327/0047 4 04330/0647 en 00111214.Me vie- l imeons or devinsono i j -8701300000 Rev 3 to Ernployee Concems Sesami Propern Rept 302.01. SON, h 2ECH,G.G. I i ese Lack of Wesereght Conchet & Connectona" 2 Olmos of Obector. 08/12/31.WPOTE,SA Tennessesyntay Ae> i moray. 2pp. 1447430014202. I i MURPHY.M W.,5TEWART.D W., RUSSELL.JA Tennessee Vasey Authoney. 302.01 j SON R03. 07/01/10. topp. 30300.312-30300.321 -0701000410 Insp,Repes $4327/0647 4 04300/0647 on 001112-14.No statseens or devinsons 1 sees tupactee noenese essons en preusous sup Onengs t ,

              -87013000s0 Rev 0                   Engioyee Concomso p.n.a Proyam Rept XX.05100 001,"Im-                                                                                                                                                                                )

{ E.JWennessee Vasey Aumorwy. xxes.100401 R00. 07/01/10. 10pp. h 30214 202. J Rewon 2. ONks W Obeator. 08/12/34 5 30214 075 8""*###"#' 0701300044 Aspecanon for amend to ucenses DPR.n a DPR.70.conmoung of Tech 0701130s4 27

  • howe,s evened maponse to detseness noem,d an inse Reyes 843 l; anectue amonset mechame am asymme . esames re. - -

Spec Change n.edene regusement to umany Coruseon ser Operemone a .*$ lW**'., r d

                                                                                                                                                                  ,9        e's'dF VeB "'oyAessiere"y.

8 # *h o es oman muse somr. 08/12/31. GRAM JK Regen 2. Omos of y M'*g 4 3 3.1 re operelsely of new shunt try enschment so reactor Wip teenbers Foo past 1 sV Aumorey 07/01/20. Document Conew trench (Doa> w 272-30043M4. OfsDLEVA ment Coneas Tennoces,5 Dumt 4 .3243042t3s4. } ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,y,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ! -0701semaan Proposed Tech Specs.conomeng of Tech Spec Chen0s n.aoreg requke- '*8" - ' *"'I

  • g "8" 88**'U"' *"'*I'* **""' "

j ment to unamig Condson sor Operemons a 3.3.1 re operateey of new enunt MCDoodLOWTennseene Vasey . 07/01/00.CENTON,H. Olese of feeds-enneense k Aumosuy 20. 23pp. 3042t332 30420.354. era m er Deecer (post 06H 14p4 m2Mme. -

                         . .ese 0 8 g- ,e r .ron0.sig i,,                                                            , ou,one.               -=A"! * * * ====va -a' *a==a' a"#'aa0
  • S on E7f4 eleo under GRIDLEYAL Tenneseos Vessy Aushoney. 07/01/20. THOMPSON.H.L Oloco of Nu. 7 7" # '

, cdoor Reactor Regum Deector (post 851125). 2pp. 30427:17740427:170. 30133g0g01 IE Info Noene 87 001 "RHR Velve bessegnment Causes Oeyedagen of ECC8 in PWRe? Svc est erut 8701300000 Formense esen0s d coeresans conegory empeoyee concem element repte JORDAN.E L. Dheolon of Emegency Preteredtems & Respones guest w/ of NRC proStoms.Repes should he revweed a appropnosesy rnodhed. OOD,8J. PWR Progect Deectorate 4. 07/01/20. WHITE,$A Tennessee 030103). 07/01/00. Conseedsted Edson Co. et Neur Y 30217:067. be. 0% 30ftt310- ' Vessy Aumorey. Opp. 3044613130446130. 3701140000 to NAC 001200 hr te vloteWons noted in kup Regie 04327/03-8701300130 Summary of 870115 meseng w/ues in Beemeds.MD re ute proposed to re. 83 a 54320/ .Correceve oceansampeces unensory of og SNh8 (sesdueng nuudeer soeve rapiscement tenue.ust of enendees a uns ence. suon under scenee et facmese personned. OCE .TJ. PWR Protect Drectorste 4. 07/01/20. PWR Drectorate 4. 40pp. GRIDLEVA Tenneeses V . 07/01/00. GRACE,J.N. Record Servlees 30445 104 30445:143. Branch (Document Conval ). Spp. .scusses112. hs 4 s-i _ .,_ _ , . . . . _- , , . _ ._- . _m ._ _ _ , _ . _ , _ _ . _ . - . _ . - . . - _ - _ , _ ~ . . _ _ . . _ - .

i i DOCKETED ITEMS 93 h 4 i Smitmela Formords insp Repes 50 327/0440 & escasean 50 320/06-40 on 880000-1006 Vole. SM1140107 Foneerde todele of acewees for wke of 870112 & 10. valve response ama swved GReDLEY.R.L Tennessee V . 07/01/00. THOMPSONX NRC . No De-een re repensed todure of upperased laded AfRhemon GswerL 11pp. .242 252. tenose bein0 conadored for encaissed actort

,           GRACEJM.                    2. Oftco of Duector. 07/01/06. WHITE.SA Tennessee Vesey Auttorey. 2pp.              324 30200:337 070110000s insp Repes $4327/00-40 & $0328/0640 on 8000061005. Vloisson
                                                           *'"                 """                                   07010001M LER es.02641 on 800716. seeder teseher e(poed & on 800724. too break-messi               etertCauend try personnel enor Relay restaced &

JEN100N.K.M., MARMON.P.E., LOVELESS.DA Repon 2. Ofeco of Deector. 08/12/ era insped,Dnet De ede person to herese pensis on henery boards.W/001224 Nr.

  • 07.12pp. 30e00:320 30200:337. DUGGIN.G.E., WALLACE.P R. Tennesses vemoy Adiersy. 08/12/23. Sep.

3701100100 Forwards Innes eternent repes for em seements.eddresens conet. operations 30152:36430152:364.

            &        QA          employee          concemaAe           concems          to      piant.n:Aueng e701000006 LER 86 0104 ton 360524.inadosseen somnac                                             moports meene of rept numeere & resoned erreioyee conceme also ano                                                                                                   re      ppes conected escoveredCaused by personnes encre.Dreamg _^__ __

Weel edlRC rowaw- & SK senes of pnnes by 47W senes of pnnes W/001224 ler. MCDONALDJ A. Tennseemo Vasey Authontv. 87/01/00. DENTON.H R. Omco of Nu-cieer Reac'er Regulabon, Deector (post 861125). topp. 30205 23840205.340. DUGGIN.G.E., W .PA Tennessee veney Ausiersy. 08/12/24. App.

         =0F01100100 Rev 2 to TVA Employee Concerns speoel Propam Rept 00203-SON.

88 LER "8

  • j SNy RbSSELLJ R. Tenneense vensy Authorey. 0020SSON R02. 87/01/8"ggg up/ a= mar == s'essed n Coues to
08. 30pp. 30206:30430206.334- enon rnonnor 0 AM-00102.OnenOs noece mountW/081231 W.

08/12/31. 4pp. 30170340-I en Q Mh WALLACE.PA Tennessee vesey Aumorny. - 070113000s IE into No. - ace -0 .87402 une y.c'ino,degaste Sve n uahhceton of Daphragm vgeyst.meac Sm070018 LER 864044 ton 081204.encovered that Survetence Rogerement 4.7.10 eson New Y 07 3030g detector eps. Caused by 830103). O not met for 13 Irw 30301 963. check.Leekageea dan ere.i pengormed & procedure ' , personnel

                                                                                                                                                                                                - - -W/001231    W.           tehoe to da s SMITHJ.D WALLACE.PA Tennosome Vasey Autioray. 08/12/31. app. 30170172 i         SM1300077 Formenfs employee concem repts re const.engmeanng,$4W & QA                                          30170:175.

categones. Final rowaw or repts by sener renew panel & employee concem toeg 8701070404 LER 864640&on OS1201.decovered Sist easted beausen I A. Tennessee V . 07/01/13.DENTON.H. Ofhee of Nucia- for 125. von oc veel tenary sys does usse in S67ses. er Reactor Repdemon, Desctor (poet ).10pp. 30315.027,30315.145. date contemed on tence enseucean (80- 106 ut be rowestW/081231 tr.

         =0701300000 Rev 3 to "Insp . Insp Processes." element rept.                                                    PHIFER,T.K WALLACE.PA Tenneense vesey Autionly. OS/12/31. app. 30001114 HALVERSONA. AKELEY.W., RUSSELLJ R. Tennessee Vesey Autionly. 80202.SQN                                      30203:117.

R03. 07/01/00. 23pp. 30315:112 30315:134. SM1130107 LER 860674 ton 001210.dencient design for too hand eunclies tint con-

         -0701300008 Rev 4 to "Insp Prograrn Scope, seement rept.                                                      sof terrado derpers encowwetDataency would lead m tenure W q w/Tespi SARLOW.D.G., AKELEY.W M., RUSSELLJA T                                   Valley Authoney. 8 206-                     3 7.7.Ceused                    enor.inseucten to he rensetW/070100 er.

SQN R04. 07/01/00. Opp. 30315.136 30315:140. R.T.K W A Tennosese vesey Auteorey. 87/01/00. 4 ppt 30067:000-30257 M 07011 MON IE 1rilo Natte 07403. **Segregemon of Henardous & Low Level Red-weseet" Suc het erict SM1130175 LER 840684 ton 001210.tre we:2 for out484ve COe eye enemissed JORDAN.E.L DMoon o,f Emergency

                                               .eaa= Eemon Co.Preparedness of New York,  & Inc.

Enyneenng Response (Post pnor to recupung eye to ovc.Ceused by personrisi enor. Personnel counessetW/ - 05pp. 30324D25-F30103). 07/01/15. Co 873100 nr. 30324.112~ MEADE.K.E., WALLACE.PA Tennessee Vener Authonty.07/01/00. app. 30000.347 SM1000002Discusage soapment osalincomon (EO) esp of featty on88120012.inep 38256:360. locused on - - J a of quenced emapment & mctuded renew of angneenng enpsomentomon at plant ene No dehcsonene noemd. 3701100000 LER 8405141:en OS1024.NHC bryscear edereAnd velves not meseng sur-

;           ecewees & EQ TAYLORJ.M.                  of Irispecean & Enforcement. Dwector (Post 820201). 07/01/16,                   vesence frequency.On 00110GJnvee80 anon usermed anengs.Ceused try triedegase WHITE.SA Tennessee vesey Authoney. 2pp. 3031918130319-182.                                                           ^ _ Procedwes for eenho tasang fouestW/070113 nr.

h0GERS.H R . WALLACE.PA Tenneseos Vessy Autioday 07/01/13. $pp. 3701300004 Fonsards inep Repts 50 327/0606 & $0 320/0606 on 86120145 & nonce 30206-006 30300:102. , of veolemon.Unrescoved asms we be pursued dunng future maps. 4 2ECH.G 2 87/01/16. WHITE.SA Tenneesee Vasey A* iawa7 2.G. = "h. Once =3= = of Lirector. SM.1300001.LE.R.8600640 e ed t .ig versed furictor on l081231.elePit.t.o v nr p - .de.rspers - -

                                                                                                                                                                                          .W/070122 nr
                                                                                                                                                                                                              - m.

in .d.esel generator badg h I sonnes enor. suniseence inesucean Os.233.3 48 Omco of Drector 8$/0 /1. . 30385 225 30385.226. j -0701300000 Insp Repts 50-327/0406 & $0 320/0646 on 86120145. Vloissons

.- 1- : to somen esemand personnes to tre unende & moperetne are bemer esp- V. Operecer ====a==an=a=

1 two male enuedown reteled erees. N.P M. CONLON.T.E. Repon 2. Office of Drector. 06/12/31. 14pp. 30306.227 30305.240. 8701000040 NotAme Get NRC um conduct workshop on 870218 4 Region R personnel um conmact motshop on 870210 in Aeries.GA re anedent inwesegemon & personn-SM1M0004 Forwarde Insp Repts 50w327/0640 & 50 328/0600 on 061006-1106.Second enemple of vloisson 861046 nosotRequeste results of correceve ac-ence ineneses & opweer - W- . 08/12/23. WHITE.SA Tenneeses Vessy GRACEJA Regen 2. Olmos of l tons wipun 30 deye of ler does. Auteorny. 2pp. aer10-31130210.312. ! ZECH,G.G. 2. Once of Director. 87/01/16. WHITE.SA Tenneesee Vetsy Au-I Giorny. 2pp. .213 30303.235. gyggggggpF Genonc Lar 8741 to eN power fences toensees & appteenes tw OL re

         -8701essess inep Repen 50 327/0640 & 50 328/0640 on 061000-1105 Vioisson                                       [pfTope                          **

fasessw Reacts

                                                                                                                                                                                    *" *Do"eces              06 25). 07/01/

nosettesure to socorneseh acewees aneceng ommiy m eccordance w/prucreed doo' 08. Asenec Cay Elecenc Co. 44pp. ^^^^ ._ _ _ 112. umented moeuceans procedtree or drausnes of type to c-~_ __ JEN100N.K.M.. HARMON.P.E., LOVELESS.D,P. Repon 2. of Drector. 07/01/_

06. 21pp. 30303:21530303.235. g g gg,,m y,yg fl Portese operegne reports & roested eerrompendence F. Geensley, meesel, essergency a fire presosmon pause SM1000173 MoniNy opereengrepts for Sept 1986 W/061015 Itr.

WALLACE,PA Tennesome vesey Aulhoney.06/09/30. 50pp. 30167.272 30167.330. 3701000000Fonsords.for review.engtose e concems task youp fases. Concertson he-tween task urner pode . _ : rept somut 4 memened repes slao ensi 8701300000 Marcly - rupes for Oct 1906.W/061114 lir. to essee . DUPREE.D.C., W A Tenneesse Vesey Autherny 06/10/31. 47pp. MCDONALD.JA Tenneeses VeBoy Auttorer. 08/12/22. DENTON.H. OInce of Nuolo-30430:200-39430202. er Reactor Rep Descear (post 061126).14sp. 30000$00L30030-208. 3701000000 Formerde TVA Nov 1986 rept on otetus of irw of open 6800046 Rev 2 h, App R F~we Pedecean"

                                                                                                                  '      "NIGHTL                            Vasey Augiarley. SWECSCWf-27 R02. 06/12/18. gp.
                          ,"pesat edges ne                                           o                                   g~                   '

GRIDLEVAL renneseos Vesey Aushoney. 06/12/22. ZECH,G. Repon 2. OfRco of Dl-rector. IgL 30214-134 30214:134.

                                                                                                                      ,,,             ,_                    ,                             ,             g             ,

een seensgy. damericongeste & rios herenre heing pflC em be SM1000000 Formerde weekly schechde of TVA eceviese for uke of 870106 & 12. TH00F00N,H L Olace or Peuclear Reactor Repdemon. Drector (poet 851125). 871 infamind of 01/02. DENTON.H R. Oftco of Nucteer Reactor Drector ( 051125). YAL Tenneseos V Aestionly. 06/12/20. YOUNrm % 8.1 PWR TAYLOR.J M. Omos of inspececn & Enforcement. Propect Descoprese 4.1p. 30148;34130140.341. (Poet 1). ZECH.G. Repon 2. Oltco of Deector. 3pp. 30216:106-30216:100. 3701000067 Forments TVA empeeveo conceme took poie repteJnchegne 5 beef sto-8701140000 Fonsards weekty schedule of TVA ecevees for uke of 870112 & 10. ment ropes 4 15 Anne seament repas edeesseig engtoyee concems m THOhr00N H L Oftco of Nuclear Reecent Reguleeon. Desctor (poet $51125). 87/ aaa=* ._ __' operemons & QA 01/00. DENf0N.H.R. Omos of Nutdeer Reactor Reph Deector (post 051125). marririseKLDJA"Tenneense Vessy . 07/01/02.DENTON.H. Olene of Nucle-4ppL 30002-203-30282208. er flanctor ReOuisson, Doessor tiest 0611 14pp. 30227:13520m274. o


   -4701000s00 Rev 3 to                  element     rept,
  • Fire Protecton Demgn, Adequacy of -8701000431 Rev 2 to "TVA Employee Concems Speaal Program. Element Room Vanessaan Rept.Nonconsormance Reporkng "

BL R.W DAMON.D., .A.W. Tennessee Vaney Authority. 2315 (B) R03. HALVERSON.R D. Tennessee Valley Authoney. 80401. SON R02. 86/12/12. 7pp. 80/12/11.13pp. 3922723139227244, 39225 091 49225997. j 8701120192 Adwees that Rev 26 to pien consistent w/ planning 4701070510 Perbal response to FOIA request for doaaments se contesnment event Vees sede of 10CFR50.47(b) & recuremonta OCF . f 1 ZECH.G.G. Region 2, Orflee of Drector. 47/ct/05. WHITE,SA Tennessee VeMey Au- lor sei r"ne'p'"iente sta bein0 Pr* Par'd-*' power plantsApp 9 documents

                                                                                                           & LaSei                                                                                     onci & evo 81ortly. 2pp. 39243'13749243138.                                                                     GRIMSLEY,0.H. DMelon or Rules and Records.86/12/19. SHDLLY.S. MHB Technk                             l cal Associates. 3pli 3918140149191:129.                                                              l 8701150312 Rep that annual                             eserase obp'ectrves.detaged scenance &

coniroser packages be addressed to . Emergency Properedness Secton, Region -4701070521 Package of daft vois to NUREG/CR 4550 re core damage frequency N Recent memntets routed to PDR prtor to exercano due to incorrect recpont. from intemel events & NUREG/CR 4700 re contenrnent evere snelyes for posttdated 2ECHQ ector. 87/01/09. WHITE SA Tennessee Vasey Au. go heled tons, Inc.).86/12/19. 2.800pp. 39161$0449191;129. 8701100102Fonwards Anal ehment repts for em elements.eddressing const, operations

     &        QA                       concems.As           concems           re      plant,            8701000454 Forwards.for rewow. employee concems task group rects Compmison be-encisor                 1Jetin0 of rept numbers & related employee conceme also                       tween task group wnler guide recommended rept format & memitted repts also ence to ad in . rewsw.                                                                                     to asset rowow.

MCDONALDJ A. Tennessee V Authority. 07/01/09. DENTON.H.R. Office of Nu- MCDONALDJA Tennessee Valley Authorey.06/12/22.DENTON.H. Omco of Nucio clear Reactor Regulanon, Drector 851125).10pp. 39295:238-39295.349. er Reactor RegulatxA Drector (poet 851in).12pp. 39228.089639228.258.

  -4701100143 Rev 5 to TVA Employee Concems Special Program Rept 311.01-SON.                                          2 Rev, t to," Pipe Stoss Calcutecons: Acceptance Cntens for Oveisp Areas

TT MURP M STEWART.D W. Tennessee Vasey Authortv. 311.01- MALKAM. Tennessee Vasey Authonly. 218.7(B) R01. 86/12/02. I t pp. SON ROS.07/01/07.12pp. 39295293 39295.304. 3922& M24922& H2. 4701100140 Forwards employee concems repts to - .operstboria, mas control -870m0444 Rev 1 to "$sepol1 Dougn General of Suppent"

     &        for reviewAs concoms for Operation Subcel                     500.30700 & 40200 ocp                    G j                 Veney Authonty            .3(B) RO1. 06/12/04. 13pp.


                                                                                                       - 8701090470 Rev 1 % "Unletrut Suppoit
  • De 4pp
  • HUI.2.K., BENKERTJ W. Tennessee vesey . 220.0(B) R01, 86/11/18.17tp.
 -4701180304 Rev 3 to " Health Phymes Facenies. Clothing & Protective Equipment..                         3922&128-3922E142.

HALL.D C. SOUTHERLAND.B., STEWART.D W. Tennessee Valley Authority. 311.08-SON A03. 87/01/06.19pp. 3930226349302'281.

                                                                                                       - 8701090474 NESBITT.P B.,Rev       1 to. " Cable MCNUTT,G              Tenninstion R. Tennessee    Vasey&Authonly.

Splices 241.2(B) Onmp Connectons." R01 06/12/06. . 8701200377 Forwards employee concem repts to const.engineenn0.S&W & QA 18pgk 3922&t433922818a categonesFnel review or repts by sersor review pensi & employee concem task

                                                                                                       -4701080444 Rev 0 to, "Sids & GuidesPoicy & Precace on Utlaanon, Adequacy &

non, (post ). I 1 393 $ ennessee Vasey Authoney. 2014(B) R00. 86/12/18. 6pp. 39228.161-

 -8701200307 Rev 1 to " Fire Protecnon Desgrtlack of F're Dampers in Adcs Diesel Generator Bldg." element rept-                                                                   -4701090449 Rev 1 'to. "Electical Testing & Planninginadequate Electical MCNUTT.G R . RUSSELLJ.R. Tennessee Vaney Authority. 231.4 (B) R01. 87/01/09-                         TestgPlanning & E                  Portopetort" Opp. 39315Clkk39315088.                                                                              STEWAriT,0.W.,                .G. , JOYCEJ W. Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 213.2(B)

R01,86/12/18.16pp. 3922R16749228.162. 8701270073 Prowdes status of mods se 10CFR50 App R deviabon requests approved in 880529 SER. Schedule tar complebon of romsnmg mods & Ast of commitments enti. ~8701090500 Rev 0 g - & Velve Demon-Criterie Ice Min Pipe was Thickness." DOMER.JA Tennessee VeNey Authonty 87/01/16. GRACE).N. Record Serwces GRIFFITH.J.S. Tennessee V Authoney. 232.8(B) ROO. 06/12/18. 4pp. 39228.183-Branch (Document Coritrol Desk). GRACE.J N Omco of Nucteer Reactor Regulaton, 39228 186. Drector (post 851125). 4pp. 3936&332-39360 335-

                                                                                                      -8701090500 Rev 3 to,"Five Percent Low V                  ProthmeL" 0701200054 Fonverds insp Repts 50 327/86-66 & 50 328/8646 on 86120145 & retice of wolaton.Unresoeved items wet be pursued dunng future maps.                                         hh87.d2                                       '

ZECH.G G. Repon 2, OfAce of Direciar.87/01/16. WHITE,$A Tennessee VaAoy Au- - 4701000517 Rev 3 to, "Retabdity thnnty. 2pp. 39385 22349385.240- ' & Mont of Rachenon Monnonno Entspment" bARDNER.G.D. Tennessee Valley . 303.05-SON R03. 86/12/18.11pp.

-8701200000 Nance of violanon frorn inep on 86120105.                                                                             '

ZECH,G.G. Region 2 Ofree of Drector.87/01/16. 2pp. 39385.225 393o5.226-

                                                                                                      -4701090523 Rev 1 h "Suntedlance Program & Wistructons "
-8701200064 Insp Repts 50427/8646 & 50328/8646 on 861201-05. Violanons                                    MICHAL.M.R. Tennessee Vasey Authonty. 307.05 SON R01. 86/12/18. Opp.

39228.223-39228.231. notedtashre to esse quatfied personnel to fire bngsde & Inoperable fre bemer sap-are two safe shutdown related areas. N.P.M. Region 2 Ortice of Drector.06/12/31.14pp. 39385.227-39385:240. 8701090537 Rev 1 to, "W., GASS.K.R., S FEWART.D Post-Mod TestinoTennessee

                                                                                                                                                                ".A.G DEB 8 AGE                      Valley Authonty. EWEC-SQP&21 R01,86/12/18. 7pp. 39228232 39228.238.

R General w _ , - .

                                                                                                     -8701000645 Rev 2 to," App R.FWe Protocuan."

KNiGHTLYJ. Tennessee vasey Authenty. SWEC SQP&27 R02. 86/12/18. Opp. 8701200006 Forwards @ dated esirtaution list for NRC corr to TVA. 39228:234 39228-246. 39 39 .

                                                                                                     -8701090554.R.e,v reture.P c ei Nonc.      1 to, " nce.-     to Estabash Procedures.Correcove Action Program GASS,K.R. Tennessee Valley Authority. SWEC. SON-36 R01. 86/12/18.12pp.

P. Operating econee stage _^ _ & o. , _ , _e 39228.2474 9228 258. 8701000602 Forwards SER 8701070205 Apptcanon for amends to Lk:ensen DPR 77 & DPR-79.revieng Tech Specs util calendsnone of smet break LOCA usin0 re men snowacle response emes for of safety tvecton sys (S&S) valves tie-me et appre.ed in TMI flem . K.3.',per NUREG4737lten ILK.3.31.FSAR analyms tween charging pumps.vol control tank demonstrated conservetsve. & water storage tart. Fee pasd. DOMER.J.A. Tennessee Vasey Authonty 86/12/23. Y OOD,B.J. PWR Protect YOUNG 8LOOD.BJ. PWR Protect Drectorate 4. 87/01/06. WHITE.SA Tennessee Drectorate 4, 3pp. 39180280 39180-305. Vaney Authority. 3pp. 39216172-39216:174. 8701000407 Forwards rewteed repts re erreloyee conceme spector program, -8701070311 Proposed Tech Specs increaseng man allowetWe response time for aligr> Inchatng.Rev 2 to "TVA Employee Concems Specal Program, Sequoyah rnent of safety egacton sys valves between charging pumps.vol coreral tar * & refues-ino water storage tart. Elementcontrol of Demon Calculanons."

  • Tennessee Valley Authority.06/12/23. 23pp. 39180.283-39180 305.

MCDONALD.JA Tennessee Valley Authonty. 86/12/17. DENTON.H. Othee of Nucle-c Reactor Regulanorg Drector (post 851125). 8pp. 39225 001-39225097. 8701000340 Notfies that NRC we conduct workshop on 870218 & Repon 11 personnel -8701090412 Rev 2 to "TVA Employee Concems Special Program,Sequoyah we conduct workshop on 870219 in A5enta.GA re sicsdent investigaton & perform. EiernentControl of Demgn Calculanonit" ance enchcalors & operator W "- ,--+4r.

  • Tennessee VaNey Authoney. 205.1(8) R02. 86/11/28. 20pp. 39225209-39225028. GRACEJ.N. Rep'on 2. Ofnce of urector. 86/12/23. WHITE,SA Tennessee Valley Authority. 2pp. 39219-31149219.312.

-8701090417 Rev 1 to "TVA Employee concerns,Sequoyoh EiernentControl of Demgn 87010e0439 Forwards Est of ernployee concems rept numbers w/related Nucieer Safety CalcLastons." Rowsw Staff (NSRS) soms & two initial repts NSRS concems.Rev 0 re-

  • Tennessee Veney Author #ey 205 2(e) R0t. 86/11/28. 20pp. 39225 02439225-048. wowed & by SRP, Rev 1 to NSRS41 & NSR under rowow.

JA Tennessee valley Authorey. 86/12/23.DENTON.H. Office of Nucl> -4701090420 Rev 1 to "TVA Employeo Concems Special Program,Sequoyah er Reactor Regutsson, Drector (post 851125). $pp. 39218935 39218.127. Flernent Electrical Protecton De. m'gn."

  • Tennessee Valley Authonty. 23i2(B) Rot. 86/11/28.19pp. 39225.04439225.067. -8701090444 Rev 1 to "TVA Employee Concems Special Program.Sequoyah Nuclear Plant ElementReview of "Nucteer Setety Rewsw Staft Open stems Requring Closure

-8701090429 Rev 1 to "TVA Employee Concems Speaal Program,Sequoyah or Trackog at ElementEnoctncel Separaton? KNIGHTLYJ., .K.R., STEWART.D W. Tennessee Vaney Authority. ECTG.NSRS-

  • Tennessee Vasey Authonty. 242.0(B) R01. 86/11/26. 23pp. 39225.068-39225.090. 02 R01. 86/12/16. 46pp. 39218 040 39218:086.

l l l


                                                                                                   -4701000000 Rev 4                       Nucteer Pfent efement rept, Nortplan ProceeE"
 -4701000447 Rev 1 to "TVA Employee Concems Special PrograntSequoyah Nuc!eer                           MURPHY,M W.,                   L A Tennessee Veney Aurenty. 307.04. SON R04. 86/12/

Plant Element. Review of Nucteer safety Review Steft Open home Requmng Correc>

19. topp. 30226034-30220943.

see Acean et Sequoyett" DE88 AGE.A G., GASS,M R., KNIGHTLYJ. Tennessee Vapey Authoney. 86/12/1& -8701000011 Rev 2 to Sequoyeh Nucteer Plant element rept, "Propom/ Procedure 41pp. 30210.087 39218:127. Vloistort' HALLEY,M, MURPHY.M W., RUSSELLJ R Tennessee VaBey Authorny. 308.04-SON 8701000476 Forwards 2 ershed element ropte re conceme in enqpneertng category & 20 R02. 06/12/19.17pp. 39226D44-30226280. Anal atoment repts in const, operemone & welchr9 categones.As anyloyee concems have been addr for Conet Simcategory 107UU. rept. *tontrol of Unused Weld MetL" MCDONALDJ A. Tennessee V Auihorey.96/12/24. DENTON,H R. Oftce of Nu- -8701000010 Rev 1 to NAPIERAZ LEWIS.J L., .R. Tennenese Vasey Authonty. WP-21 SON cieer Reactor Regulebort Drector 051125).16pp. 39225 096 39226t06. R01. 06/12/23. Opp. 39226.06139226 006.

 -4701000479 Rev 1 to "Receway Overfills & Cable Puelng.Consut Over1 Ins & Cable 8701030000 thamma pr-mad Tech Spec interpretaton for e1p funceon toseng of
                  .G R Tennessee VaBey Authonty. 23E1(B) R01. 86/12/07. 29pp.                          maided case crcuit tweakersser 861016 & 22 toicons.interpretaten provides trun molded caso circut tireakere to be mW to                           test current levela.

39221114 39225.142. . 86/12/ .Y .B. PWR Project OOMERJA Tennessee V

 -e701000407 Rev 0 to "Receway Overfins & Cable PuengCab6e Trey Overfus & Wet &                        Drectorate 4. 3pp. 30143.               143.

Floor Penetramons." 0701030105 Provedes Anel mesmas rept on elecetcal ceiculanons for restart et faceiryAE MCNUTT.G.R. Tennessee Vesey Authoney. 238.3(B) R00. 06/12/07. 40pst recpared radammeans performed & es conditons adverse to queety identhod for cor-39225:143 30225.182. receve actort

 -4701000407 Rev 3 to Sequoyoh Nuclear Plant Anel element rept, "BoluntMes Con >                       GRIDLEY,R Tennessee v                             . 06/12/29. YOUNGBLOOD.B. PWR Preisct Directorate 4. 22pp. 39142:              143.       .
                 'OJJ., RUSSELL).R. Tennessee Vesey Authortty. CC10803. SON R03. 86/

12/19. 22pp. 39221163-39225.204. 4701000467 Summary of $61215 meseng w/TVA re uti approach e caladatort review

 -4701000002 Rev 4 to SecNoyah Nucteer Plert Anal eternent rept, "Beneng EedI>                         [

28pp. 39186996 39106123. Propect . Protect Direct rate 4. ment /Mett" HOWARDJJ., RUSSELLJ R. Tennessee Vasey Authonty C010703-SON R04. 86/ 12/19.12pp,39225.205 39225:216. 3701070304 Forwards third gdees to factly activites ist,inckstng item statue

                                                                                                                 .anetes compiated once e61103 uposte, reopened eretes & wdated met re.
 -4701000000'-Rev $" to Sequoyah Nucteer Plant final element rept, "Methode Used                               ser restert through 061212.

RJA Tennessee V . 06/12/29. YOUNGBLOOD.B. PWR Project CHE EYJ.A OWEN.D.R., HOWARDJJ. Tennessee Vaney Authenty. C011103- Drectorate 4. 57pp. 3917Et31 1 SON Roi86/12/18.14pp. 39225.217 39225.230.

 -4701000611 Rev 6 to Segaoyah Nucteer Plant final element rept," Anchors Cut Off as                               tube heet Reisted to Const"                                                                                                J. PWR Protect Drectorate 4. 86/12/30. YOUNGBLOOD.BJ. PWR HOWAROJ.J., RUSSELLJ R Tennesese Veney Authonty. C011305 SON ROS. 86/                              Protect Drectorate 4. 3pp. 39156$72 39156-074.

12/19. 37pp. 39225.23139225267.

                                                                                                    #                                              ty%,"aduenon of anci                         & toican
 -4701080830 Rev 2 to Sequoyah eternent nonrestart juseftcation summary,"Emponence                                                i,,,,


  • 8eseeck to Dougn Orgeruranon not ProperfY needed ciennc emons - '"nu of neue not ed ict rh CLIFT D Valley Authonly. 203.2(B) R02. y ,'f3pp. 3921 0843921 996 06/12/22. app. 39225J66-39225.271.

M F 8'* P'*

  -8701000524 Rev 1 to Sequoyah element norrestart,Nstrication summary,"Contree of                             Ifyoi          nucteer                  'pt'en    86 GR
            .D        MCNUTT              USSE       R ennessee Veney Authonty. 205.3(B) R01.           Directcrete 4 2                                 81 86/12/19. $pp. 39225272 39225.27tL 8701000467 Forwards TVA employee conceme task youp repts.inclueng 5 Infuel sie-
 -4701000631 Rev 1 to Sequoyah element nonrestart beencano.n summary "Devisoon                          mort repes & 15 Aned elemore rope addrosang employee concems kt Documentanon.Dnianone to Pro.Op Test Acceptance Cntent                                             **"

LLJ.R. Tennessee Vaney Authorny. 207.3(B) R01. 86/12/22. 70P 87/01/02. DENTOu Oftco of h er Reactor Ro0ulaeon, Descoor (poet 8511 ).14pp. 39227:133-39228-074.

  -4      090634                               eternent nonrestert pshocaten sunwnery "Dalston      -4701000473 Rev 0 to Sequoyah elemere rept,"Incorporathon of Recpairements & Con >
                        ,                R. Tennessee Valley Authonry. 207.4(B) R01. 86/12/23.                                               Vesey Authorty. 201.1(B) R00. 06/12/07, 27pp.
  -4m0 0- R.v 1. So.oyah - repenpo,i Pro                                         .NaC Bu sen R Tennessee Vasey Authonty. 212.2(B) R01. 86/12/19.

_,,0,0,04,, Rev , ,, go,eme,, re, _ _ - . Co,.,c, H0'* %"(B) Rot 86/12/E 30pp. 39227;174 39227203.

  ~                            '             femp
                                                                                                    -8701000635 Rev 1 to Sequoyah element rept, " Electrical Protec1!an Design,Bypese of Then 120 -                                     Over R Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 218.1(B) R01. 86/12/19.                         W        enneesse VaAsy Auihoney. 237.4 (B) R01, 86/12/13. 12pp.

39227.204 39227215.

  *                                                                                                 -4701090647 Rev 1 to Secpacyeh element rept, "Electical Protocean Desgn, Thermal Drair       Floor ens                                            Overtoed Bypees & Irweraenn Prob 6 ems.
                   .G R., RUSSELLJ.R. 'sTennessee Veney Authonty. 229.2(B) ROO. 06/12/19.               JORDAN.A.W. Tennessee Vasey AuWtority. 237.1 (B) R01. 06/12/13. 15pp.

l 29pp. 39225:337-39226 005. 39227;216-39227230.

  -4701000561 Rev 3 to Sequoyah element norvestart Estficebon summary,"Coneol Ar                                   p                                                                                     g 3

USSE .R. Tennessee Veney Autnanty. 229.5(B) R03. 86/12/23. . 39227:252 39227259. to " -4701000646 Rev 1 to Segioyah elemort rapt, " Human Factors, Human Factors R R .R. Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 232.9(U) R01. 86/12/23. NUR T 208J @ Rot 86/12/30. 23pp. 39227260 39227:262.

  -4701000672 Rev 2 to Sequoyah element nonrestart justficahon summary *=80wVolt                                                                element rept, " Electrical Procockres, Elechteel Procs.

Power Receptacles Uneafe " -47010e0064 Rev 0 to NES84TT.P B., MCNUTT.G R. RUSSELLJ.R. Tennessee VeDey Authonry. 235.1(B) ckres Do Not IEEE Stda."

                                                                                                         *T-            Vetsy                  213.4(B) ROO. 86/12/30.10pp. 39227.283-39227292.

R02. 06/12/19. 4pp. 39226.014-39226 017.

  -.4701000577 Rev 1 to Semaoyah element nonrestart psaficanon summary "Elecincal                    -8701120006 Rev 2 to Se.oyah element rept, "Seport Design General, Terry Verte-Safety.PVC Uquidught Flex Condust"                                                                 Don Canaderseon."

MCNUTT.GA, RUSSELLJ R Tarviessee Vapey Authonty. 235.8(B) RO1. 86/12/19. GlBBS.R R Tennessee Valley Authority. 220.11 (B) R02. 06/12/30.10pp. 39227293-4pp. 39226.016 39226.021. 39227:302.

   -8701000606 Rev 0 to Sequoyah element ronrestart Wstfication summary. " Cable Ter.                -8701120000 Rev 1 to                       element rept," Pipe Support Doogn, Evolueton of Dif-No Meger Test on Low voltage Cables."                                  forence in Anefyred Demgn                 for Pipe SupportsL" trunenon &

NES81TT.P ., TT.G R., RUSSELLJA Tennessee Valley Authority. 241.3(B) GIBBS.R R. Tennessee veney Authonty. 221.2 (B) R01. 06/12/30.12pp. 39227:303-ROO. 86/12/22. 4pp. 39226922 39226-025. 39227:314

   -4701000592 Rev 1 to Sequoyah element rept, " Plant Operations Review Committee                    -0701120017 Rev 1 to Sequoyah element rept,
  • Pipe Sgport Demgn, Observed Bencl-Process." vgo_f_ Pipe Clamp Ears."

LLJ R Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 307.01. SON Roi. 86/12/22. Opp. GiBBs.R R Tennessee Vesey Authoney. 221.6 (B) RO1. 86/12/30. Opp. 39227;315-39226.026 39226.033. 39227:323. i

                                                                                                                                                                                     =- -' - --              . _ _ _ _ _ _ _

m m_ . _ _ . . _ , __ _ m _ _ . ~ . __ . m t 98 DOCKETEDITEh0S t

                  -47e1130ste Rev 1 to Sapoyen element rept.                           Soport Doeyi.Ues of Snubber.*            -emiteesee Rev 1 to "incormtseen of Regmemente & Consuenems h naaert R R. Tennanose veAsy Aueionly. 2r1.1                       R01. M/12/au topp. 30227J34                          Troosebay of Deelen messemanet" 39227.333.                                                                                                               .DA Tenneense VeBoy Ansionly. 301.s M01. 87/01/0E $p. 30e02218-i 3 e02221
                 -4M113e000 Rev 0 to Seesyen element rupt. "Inseumont Seport Desiyt tresument Mounene ereceaem"                                                                                          -47e11essee Rev 3 to "Anomesment Pressent" RUSSELLJA Tennessee Vesey Aulhorey. 223.2(8) R00. M/12/30. 10pp.                                               TOUCM8 Tope,C.W., STEWART,0.W. Tennessee vesey Ausiorey.306.018CN Res.

3e227:334 3e227.343. e7/01/0s.14pp. 3es0e223 3es02837 i

;                -efe113 esse Rev 1 to Sepoyah element rupt. "Swoort Wald Desen, Dromanes do not                                .e7e11eee7e Rev S to "Congewesen ConesL*

Show Wald See. n RA Tennessee Vensy Aumorey. 222.3 (B) R01. e0/12/30.10pp. 3es27:344 MURPHY,M.W., STEWART,D.W. Tenneesse VeBay Austerer. 307.1&SCri ReS. 07/ 33227.35e. 01/07. Igp. 30eceJM.30em201

                 -470113e000 Rev 1 to 4====di element rept, "Pipwig & Vefve Dee'yt improper                                     ""

R STEWARTD.W. Tennessee Vessy Austomy. MM-Vasey Aumorey. 232.3 (B) R01. 80/12/30.12pp. Se233401- "EU E U "" ""

                     =2= =                                                                                                           ,e110 1.Rev 3 c --                                --
                 -e                                                                                                                                                 "g             W           TennugssoyMC                              40m.

Sette Rev 4 to Segeysh Nucteer Plant elemord rept,"Sesem Generosor Instel-TOUCHSTONE.C.W. Tennessee Vasey Authorey. 301.08. SON R04. 08/12/30.12pp. M7 3022e M30228024 -87e110stes Rev 1 to "TVA to heusey Medens." KPeGHTLYJ., GASS 0LR, ART.D.W. Tenneeses Vessy Austerer. SWWEC.8CM-

                 -8701130000 Rev 3 to Someyeh Nuclear Plant element                             Correcove Mainta                  12 R01. e72/06. Opp. 3esetage40setzes.

GILMOR.C.H. Tennesses vesey Aumorey. OP 300. R03. 80/12/3410pp. . J IUt. STEW enneense VsAsy Auguersy. SWWEt2M-

                -8701130003 Rev 2 to Sequoyah Nucioer Plant element rept,"ALARA."                                                   13 R01. 87/01/06. 4pp. 3esetae>3eegt30s.

LOVETT.D L, HALLD C. Tenneesso vapey Austerey. J18.06 SQN R02. 08/12/M. 14pp. 30220043-3322e46g -47011emt Rev 1 to Muclear Plant CeBr ConesL" KNIGHTLY)., GASS,lLR., ART.D.W. Tennecess Vessy Austerey. SWWEC.8IM-

  .             =e70113ee00 Rev 2 to element rept. "OA Independence &                                    .*                        22/2e R01. 07/01/06. $p. SeetRMe4ent314.

1 DEANGEUS.JJ. Termosese Vessy Austerey. 001024QN ge/12/30. 18pp. 39228:057 33220.074. -47e11essee Rev 1 to *1mIC Nosecasen inedspees." OstCHELLR.C., KNIGHTLYJ, STEWART.O.w. Tennessee VeBay Anatorer. SWWEC-e701000006 Notaceman of 870115 mesens w/use h Belhoede.MO to escies TVA tnQN 23 R01. e7/01/06. epp. 30ect31e 3es0231e. ' 0/ J. PWFI -47011eee71 Ret 1 to "Chemeul Presseost" Progect Drectorees 4. 3psk m1e.100 39210:171. GASS.KA, KNIGHTLYJ., enneeses Vepsy Aumorey SWWEC8th-i ==**'=7*======= i m, Gees. A.iese met ee07u pro,os., Teco a.c c, ne. daise,, v.Moe o, t or. eneel pressure from Survesence . _ _ _ _ ._ at & a 2 for motor & .gye118ee73 Ret 1 to l Nuclew Plant Operemoned Rememens Rousse." Protect D ese 4. e7/01/0s. WHITE.SA Tennessee *""' ' " " Usesy Aumorey. 3pp. 3044e.229 39440.230. Ife//0 epp.

                -870100003 Noace of denial of amende to Ucenses OPR.77 & DPR-70 & opportsWly                                   -8M          m Rev1h                       Syemmenc                     -of Soeuspeh Nummu Ptere b h                   g"4           2'               P8" U'8 YOUNG 8LOOD.SJ. PWR Propect Deectorees 4. 07/01/00. 3pp. 33448:228-
                                                                                           "' 8""* 8" * ** " ""

YJ, GAes.KA, STEWART.DW. Tenneense Vessy Austerily SWWEC.Sth 56 M 07m/n 7pp. mmmm

                    ="* 2'S                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 l' conoom re,is r. conei.enemeerei e701130300 Foreanse cesseory const ressert atoment repts,provusng desse that irunel                            emsee877 cassonneaFinef Pon    snes yspes 1py assear routeur penet &conoom rousser                                                                    ergeopos     task S&W & oA
                    &/or fWiel element repte outwrutand to NRC,                                                                           eeHiplete-MCDONALDJA Tennessee Vessy_Aumorey. 87/01/07. THOMPSON,H.L NRC . No                                                          JA Temeses VeBoy                           . 87M/13 DENme,H. Omos of Neids-Detened Anlasson Grven 10pp. Je257.319 30257.336.                                                              er Reactor Roeuleman, Obestor post esti                     10 ppt sagtser7.Ses15:146.

87e1130114 Summary of 881210 mesens w/uel in BemoedeLMD re faceny element 47e13ee87e Rev 1 to "QA Personnet . Personnel Tragene & Egestance" stament Anundse est enct

                                 ,8.K. PWR Propect Drectorees 4 e7/01/06. PWR Pryoct Dwectorate 4. App.                                    .P. Tennessee Vetsy Austerey. 8030FStW R01. ef/01/0s.17 ppt 30e1667 33252.321 33252:324.                                                                                            30315.053.

I 87e1130153 Foreerde 800017 t$sealdy noece of anphemeans & emends to OLs involv. -e'91Neue Rev 4 to NSHC.W/0 encl " enal atomont reWL l JOHN 00 NAM., MOW RUSSELLJR. Tennessee Vessy Andienly. C017301 1

4. 87/01/0s. WHITE,SA T .- VeAsy Authorey.1p. SON R04. e7/01/00.10pp. 3e016404-3081540s.
                                                                                                                              -.7..e= = 2 to Co,s                                      .te, eternor. re,L e701100102Foreerds final element repts for six esemenes.ederessine conet.operemons                                 LOFTIS.H.W., WtOWDI.R.M,                          t .lA Tennemese           VeBoy Austere               . Mim
                   &             QA             employee         concemsAs         concems           re        plant.snchs3ng     SQN R02. 87/01/OS. 4p. 30015-004-Ses16400.

r editeneed Lameng at rept numtiers & reisted employee concems also encs to ed in rewmw. MCDONALD,J A. Tenneaeas V Authority. 07/01/0s. DENTON.H R. Omco of Nun -eve 13essee Rev 1 to "Seport Dealyi Generet A' Sense Dramenes & Oe0 Neeen," seament rept. cieer Reactor Rom Drector e51125) 10pp. 30206:238 30205:343. RUSSELLJA Tenneseos VeSoy Austerey. 230.1 (3) R01. e7/01/00. 10 ppt

               -e7e110010e Rev e to TVA Errpioyee Conceme Special Proyam Final Rept C011301-SON. "Desen of PiecesL" STEWART.D.W., HOWARDJ L. JOYCEJ W. Tenneeses Vesey Authoney. C011301-                                      _qygiggeese Rev 2 to "Salamic Interacean DeelytOnelyi of UWierg Phuhee Sw-SON Roe.01/01/07.10pp. 332e$.248-332e5 202.                                                                             esement ports."ee00NJ.,

PARK ,OA. RUSSELLJA Tennessee Vener Ausiorey. 230.0 (5)

               -470110e124 Rev 4 to TVA Errgstoyee Conceme Special Proyam Faial Rept 301.02-                                           2.87MMMmM M M.

SON. " Diesel Generator ProtdemeL" MEERS.B.2, MURPHY.M W, S .gpgjggggjg ggy g gg "Qggyggggly g( Cgngggggggg pypqg," gggggyg pggg, ART.D W. Tenneeses Veney Aulhorey. 30102-SON R04. e7/01/07. topp. 3e265.263 302e5 2e3. GAS 8.KA KNIGHTLY,A Tereusesse Vasey . 73 Ree, e7/01/00. eppL 30315:141.Ses15:146. 4

               -070110e133 Rev 4 to TVA Employee Concems Specui Propern Final Rept 300.07-8701310001 Foreerds enes eminent rape tw saw seemann.eessempie W_can-NGE                     PHY.M W., STEWART.D.W. Tenneeses Vetey Aumorey.                        **'"'                                                       O g
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    "8' ggg   gigg '

d 300 07. SON R04. 07/01/00 epp. 33205.284-33206202. g ggg g g Tenriessee Augisse e72/11 Record Seness Braem

               =e70114e                          3 to        Ernployee Concems Sparial Propam Rept 00402. SON.                                                                                    """8"       "" * "8'8""*"'                   *"

10pp 46 et"* ART RUSSELLJ ennessee Veney Aumonly. 80402.SQN R03. e7/01/

                                                                                                                              -e791310:57 Re                   h                      sternard g 'm & Carmed e7eilee14e Fonsents employee conceme repes re                                      operemons. met cenoog                            ,             GA, RU00F.LJ R. Tennessee Vessy Assierty. Ste.4 pl
                   & SaW sor review As conceme for Operemon Suticeensones                               30700 & 40200 ed.         R01. etm/12.11pst 30e14.330 3e014.3 s..

4 MCDONALDJA Tenneeses V Aumonty. e7/01/00 Record Serv 6ces Granim -47e1310840 Rev 6 to element myt, N Met Coreal" Conwel Desk). DENT H. Omco of Nuclear Reactor Rom Doector HALLDC, STROOL LLJA Tennessee Wessy Austiirey. 311.08. alm e61125).14pp. 33302.100 30302-342. R06. 87M/12.13 ppt 30e434b30014: Set

               -470110:198 Rev 0 to " Experience Fa=*=r* Tracidng Sys for Commignant ined-                                    -e7e1210044 Rev 2 to Seipsoyah element rept, "Questonsbee Concrete Reper enroesee Vesey Authonty. 203.3(9) R00. e6/12/20. 27pp. 30302.115 30302.141.                                        .D E. Tenneense Vasey Autionly. 313.00 M02. 87/01/12. tapp 30e14.384-30315200.
               =e7e1140940" Rev 1 to "Reisecon Mondanng Sys (RMS).Incumcsont RMS Deeocean E                                                                                                           -47013103s7 Rev 3 to                           element rept,"QA Intspentence & Aumorey."
                               %.t L Tennessee VeRoy Aumority. 228.11(B) R01. 80/12/20. 72pp. 30302.142-                          DEANGEUSJ.J., fe                ei sA Tennenome Vetoy Aumorer. 30100.SCpt ROs. 07/

C30' * , 01/12. topp. 3031520ew3es15AES. I 1

DOCKETEDITEMS 97 8701270070 Forwards request for addl e4o re TVA thermal analyses for equipment kt 8701300087 Forwards draft safety evaluaton supportmg computer program for praect- man steam ime valve vaults.per review of plant equement quakticabort under super-mg eensient & steady.etate responses of auxAary power sys. Draft wWt be incorporated heat condinons. Response requested withm 30 days of Ilr date mto SER on Vol 2 of nuclear performance plan. YOUNGBLOOD.B.J. PWR Pro,ect Directorate 4. 87/01/20. WHITE.SA Tennessee I YOUNGBLOOD,B J. PWR Pro,ect Drectorate 4. 87/01/13. WHITE,S A. Tennessee Vaney Authonty app.39378 223-39378.226. l UsNey Authonty.11pp. 39448 039 39446 049

                                                                                               $701280153Adveses that rev to Exhitut F re apphcatphty of concrete concems wie be 8701230132 Nonficaticrt of870118 meetn0 w/utd m Bethesda MD to escuss methods                     sutrnitted by $70210.per 861113 commitment.

j for improveg communications se resolution of msues between TVA & NRC GRIDLEY.R. Tennessee Valley Authonty. 87/01/20. Document Control Branch (Doce i C;ENYON.T.J. PWR Protect Directorate 4. 87/01/14. YOUNGBLOOD.B.J. PWR ment Control Desk). YOUNGBLOOD.B.J. Office of Nuclear Reactor RegWatson, Drec-Proiect Drectorate 4. 4pp 39358 29539358.298. tor (post 851125).1p. 39387 380w39387.361, 8701280120 Forwards comments to clanfy several items of draft safety evaluation & re- 8701280178 Forwards desenpbon of und engmeenne design calculanon efforts based on sponses to 10 confrmatory items re cabie tray supports Proonetary rept " Cable Load Nov & Dec 1986 escuse,ns w/NRC msp team. Revised defyvtson of essental Determmanon for " asso oncl.Rept withheid (ref 10CFR2.790) calculanon. requested at 861U5 meeting w/NP.C.mcluded GRIDLEY.R. Tennessee Vaney Authonty 87/01/14 YOUNGBLOOD.B.J. Record GRIDLEY.R. Termessee Vaney Authonty. 87/01/20. YOUNGBLOOD.B.J. Document Sennces Branch (Document Control Desk). 7pp 39388105-3938811 f. Control Branch (Document Control Desk).16pp 3939108539391.100. 8701150407 Partial response to FOIA request for documents re envron 8701280211 Forwards four feel element repts to employee concems in engmeenn0 quehficanon Forwards App A records App A records also evadabel m POR. cat .kst of rept numbers & related employee concems & companson cetween GRIMSLEY.D.H. Omsson of Rules and Records. 87/01/15. WILLIAMS,0 G. JRA As- Concem Tasa Grom wntors guide rept format & eensmitted repts. E socates. 2pp. 39294.249 39294 251. MCDONALD.J A. Tennessee Valley Authonty. 87/01/20. Document Control Branch (Document Control Desk) DENTON.H. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Drector

 -8804180512 Requests addl mfo re unresolved mam steam valve vault temp seue dis.                  (post 851125). 8pp. 39't87:169'39387.229.

cussef dunng Commission 660311 eneenng Discussion of genenc nature of esue & NRC action to resosve saue at other piants should be mctuded. -8701280220 Rev 3 to Employee Concems Special Program Rept 205.1(B). " Control of ASSELSTINE.J K. Comenssoners.86/03/17. STELLO.V. Orfice of the Esecutive Di- Dey Calculabons, Calculation Preparabon Rerparements Pohcy & Practce Scope & rector for Operations.1p. 39294 252-39294 269. Stds DOWD.J.J., JORDAN.A, CLIFT.D.T. Tennessee Valley Authonty. 205.1(B) R03. 87/ 8701210188 Forwards 18 fmal element repts ad&essin0 engmeenng & weldmg 01/ *4. 23pp. 39387177 39387;199. categones As empaoves concems addressed re E Subcategory 20400 on or ation or operanng procedures & Engmeenng tegory 24333 Program Rept 223.1(B), "Instrw ALD.JA Tennessee Varney Asthonty 87/01/15 Record Senaces Branch -8701280229 Rev 1 to Employee Concems " ment Support . instrument Lee Support (Document Control Desk).10pp. 39328 001-39328195. SHAH,N.G., .G R., RUSSELL,J.R. Tennessee Valley Authonty. 223.1(B) Roi. 87/01/14.15pp. 39387 200-39387.214

 -8701210208 Rev 1 to "incorporaron of Requrements & Commitments n Design-Design Cntens."                                                                    -8701280244 Rev 1 to Employee Concems Specal Program Rept 222.6(B)," Pipe Sug>
  • Tennessee Valley Authonty 201.3 (B) Roi. 87/01/13. 24pp. 39328 012-39328 036.

Weld Design.Amencan Inst of Steel Const Met Wold Cntena." ETTE.JA, JORDANAW, RUSSELL.J R. Tennessee Vaney Authonry 222 8(B)

 -8701210247 Rev 1 to "Orgaruanon or Operateg Procedures. (Engmeenngl."                            RO1. 87/01/14.10pp. 39387.21539387.224.
  • Tennessee VaNey Authonty 204 0(B) R01. 87/01/13. 46pp. 39328 037-39328 082.
                                                                                               -8701280254 Rev 3 to Employee Concems Speaal Program Rapt 22912(B), "Irmaru-
 -8701210254 Rev 2 to " Control of Design Calculabons. Calculation Control & Interface             mentanon & Control Design. Panel to Equipment Ostances."

Requrements." BLUMER.D.M . MCNUTT.G R., RUSSELLJ R. Tennessee Vaney Authonty. 229.12(B)

  • Tennessee Vasey Authonty. 205.2(B) R02. 87/01/13 23pp 39328:083-39328105.

R03. 87/01/13. 4pp. 3938722539387.228

  -8701210268 Rev 2 to " Pipe Stress Calculations Widespread Deficenoes Withm Pipe             8701280274 Forwards live final element repts re employee concems about Stress Calculanons."                                                                           engmeenno. operations &               . list of rept numbers & related employee concems a
  • Terressee Vaney Authonty. 218 4 (B) R02. 87/01/13. 22pp. 39328.108-39328.127. Task Group wnters guido rept format & enci companoon between Ernployee
  -8701210273 Rev 2 to " Support              General Design of Supports "                          repts MCDONALD.JA Tennessee valley Authonry. 87/01/20 Document Control Branch
  • Tennessee VaNey Authonty 220 0) R02 87/01/13 16pp. 39328128-39328143. (Document Control Desk). DENTON.H. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Director
  -8701210279 Rev 1 to "Desel Dessgn Margmsinadequate Desel Generator Mapr"                         (post 851125).11pp. 39386.287 39386.337.
  • Tennessee Vaney Authonty 243 0 (B) Roi. 87/01/13.17pp. 39328.144-3932a 160. -8701280289 Rev 1 to Employee Concems Spocal Program NonRestart Justificanon Summary Rept 229.6(3). " Water Quality Monnonna Svs Effluent Control."
  -8701210281 Rev 1 to "Cavd/ Structural Dey Structural Steel Connschon Design."                    JORDANAW. Tennessee Velicy Authonty. 229 6(B) h01. 87/01/19. 4pp. 39386.298-
  • Tennessee Valley Authonty. 2t5.9 (8) Mut. 87/01/f 3. f dpp. 39328.181-39J28.174.


  -8701210285 Rev 2 to "Electncal Proceduresinadequate Mgt.Controf & Status Latmg                                                                          am Normestart Justificanon Summary of ac & de Electncal Leeds.Incksdmg Desee Generator Margms."                               -8701280353Empfowse Concems Specal Rept 22910tB).Rev 1. " Mercury Switches m                 Generator Bidg "
  • Tennessee Valley Authonty. 213.1 (B) R02. 87/01/13.14pp. 39328.;7539328188 MCNUTT.G A . RUSSELLJ R Tennessee Vasey Authonty. 229.10(B) R00. 87/01/19.

Weld Repar " 4pp. 39386.302-39386.305.

  -8701210290 Rev 1 to " Wedding Protect impr
  • Tennessee Valley Authority. WP-25 RO1. 87/01/13 7pp. 39328.189-
                                                                                                -8701280320 Rev 1 to Employee Concoms Specal Program Rept 301.1FSON,"Herck 39328:195.                                                                                    ware Not Property identfled.

MURPHY,M W. Tennessee Valley Authonty 301.15 SON R01. 87/01/20. 6pp. 8701210454 Forwards ento re resolutions of specific cable punmg concems necessary for restartper consultant on-gosng preparation of technical evaluanon rept on cable 39388 306 39386.3t1. pultug & bend rada. -8701280328 Rev 3 to Ernployee Concems Spooel Program Rept 302.01-SON. "Posak YOUNGBLOOD.B J. PWR Protect Drectorate 4 87/01/15. WHITE.SA Tennessee Valley Authonty.130p. 39329-342-39329 354 bie Lack or Watertoht MURPHY.M W.. STEWART.DCondustW. & Connectons RUSSELLJ R " . Tennessee Valley Authonly. 302 01-SON R03. 67/01/19.10pp. 39386.312-39386.321. 8701270289 Forwards update to miemal status rept for rubal &/or final element repts submrtted to NRC & updated forecast compeehan date for repts not finskred to assist compienon of f employee concem effort. -8701280329 Rev 0 to Employee Concems Speaal Program Rept XX45100 001 "Im-Authonty 87/01/15. THOMPSON,H L Office of property Repared Weld &" in %ONAw.J A Tennessee Vai MCD LEWIS,J.R Tennessee Valley Authority XX45100-001 ROO. 87/01/t9. 16pp. Nuclear Reactor Reguianon. Drector (post 651125) 22pp. 39368 313-39368:334. 39386.322-39388.337. 6701280190 Requests adcB into re employee concems on instrument sensmg kne slope deficiencsos.metueng now enn slope requrements for sensmg knes rietermoed.within 8701290044 Applicaton for amend to Lacenses OPR-77 & DPR-79.conesinng of Tech Spec Change 77.addmg requrement to Lametr9 C ondton for Operatione & 30 days of Mr recept. 3 31 re operatulity of new shunt tip attachment so reactor alp treakers Fee pad YOUNGBLOOD.B J. PWR Protect Drectorate 4 87/01/15. WHITE.SA Tennessee GRIDLEY.R. Tennessee ValiqAuthontv.87/01/20. Document Control Branch (Doce Vaney Authonty. 3pp. 39380123-39380125. ment Control Desk). dop.39425.328-39426.354. 8701230030 Forwards updates of TVA activites for wks of 870119 & 26. GRIDLEY.R L Tennessee Vassey Authoney 87/01/16. THOMPSON.H. NRC - No De- -8701290049 Proposed Tech Specs.connetmg of Tech Spec Change 77.edeng row taded Affliebon Geven. 8pp 39359 261-39359 268 rriccit to Lamitmg Condition for Operations 3.31.1 & 3.3.1 ro operabihty of new shunt Ing attachment to reactor gnp breakers. 4701230033 Notification of870121 meeting w/ uni e Bethesda.MD to escuss status of

  • T -. Valley Authonty.87/01/20. 23pp. 39426:332 39428.354.

outstanding engmeenng stems.mcludm0 welding. design control.electncal 870129019$ swenas that design. equipment quabfication.operabonal readmess & cable tray supports. ALEXION.T.W. PWR Proiect urectorate 4 87/01/16. YOUNGBLOOD.BJ. PWR sors underA'nvesnganon.erre i per NRC 861021 asncem re pasatieconcems tenemittalSofety wrongdom0 by re expressed facihty si@er CCS heater on E714 also under mvestiganon. Protect Drectorate 4. 3pp. 39356.329 39356-331. Valley Authonty.87/01/20. THOMPSON.H L Office of Nu-GRIDLEY.R L T 8701270122 Forwards Rev 1 to Nuclear Safety Review Staff (NSR$) Rept ECTG NSRS. clear Reactor Reguianon. Drector (post 851125). 2pp. 39427;177 39427.178.

02. "Recew of Nuclear Safety Review Staft Open items Requmng Closure or Trackmg ah" & hshng of rept numbers.NSRS noms & submrttai cates. 8701300005 Forwards tsbngs of operatons category employee concem element repts at LD.J A. Tennessee Va Authonty 87/01/16 Record Sennees Branch w/emamples of NRC prot 8eins Repts should be reviewed & appropnetely mo@fied.

(Document Control Desk) DENT ,H. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. Drector YOUNGBLOOD.BJ. PWR Protect Drectmate 4. 87/01/20. WHfTE.SA Tennessee (post 851125). $pp. 39361:359-39362 049. Valley Authonty. 6pp. 39446.13139446.136.

   -8701270125 Rev 1 to " Review of Nuclear Safety Review Staff Open iteres Requmng               8701300129 Summary of 870115 meetn0 w/utd in Bethesda.MD to uti proposal to re.

Caoeure or Trackmg at Sequoyah." paant element rept. soeve pieceparts replacement maue Last of attendees & utd tion enct. KNr.iHTLY.J, GASS.K.R , RUDOLPH.M. Tennessee Valley Authonty. ECTG-NSRS42 KENYON.T.J. PWR Protect Drectorate 4. 81/01/20. PWR Drectorate 4. 40pp. RC e. 87/01/12. 44pp. 39362-004-39362 049. 39445:104-39445:143.

98 DOCKETEDITEMS e 8701200313 Provides desenpoon of lon0-term program to emprove osakty. accuracy & 9701140200 Responds to NRC 861209 ler te violatens roted e inep Repts 50 327/86-tmshness of update to eammgs Changes we ensure that actual conhguraten of pant 63 & 50 328/8663 Corrective actons physcal eventory of as SNW (enclueng rwiemr accurately reflected m eawmgs a that conhguraton supported. fuel) under hcense at facihhes performed. GRIDLEY.R. T - . Vaaev Authonty.87/01/21. Document Control Branch (Docu- GRIDLEY,R. Tennessee Vasey Authonty 87/01/08 GRACEJ.N. Record Sarwces ment Control Desk). GRACEJ N. Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulator, Director (post Branch (Document Control Desk). Spp.39261 306-39265.312. 651125). 3pp. 39391.10&39391.106. 8701200300 Forwards summary of staff concoms identhed for Sve element rents m en- 0701150413 Fonwards insp Repts 56327/86 49 & 50 328/86 49 on 8609061005Vele-category of employee concems. Repts consttute sample of approa 10 repts ton to repeated fadure of upper head intacton sciabon valve response tmo survesi-rec pnor to Jan 1987.Hepts snould be reviewed & mockhed. lances bemg consadored for escalated enforcement acton. YOUNG 8LOOD,BJ. PWR Propect Drectorate 4. 87/01/21. WHITE,SA Tennessee GRACE.J.N. Regon 2. Othee of Drector. 87/01/08 WHITE.SA T . - Vaney Authonty. 2pp. 39290-324-392vo.337. Vaney Aumonty. 4pp. 39445 321-39445 324.

                                                                                                =0701150426 Insp Repts 50-327/86-49 & 50 328/8&49 on 86090&t001 Vlolaten a inspectlen reporte,IE Sunctine a correependence                                            noted:tadure b adequately derarmes cause of repeated upper-head anlocton isolaeon valve surveinance fadures.

JENISON,K M . HARMON.P E , LOVELESS,D P. Regan 2. Office of Drector. 86/12/ 0701000300 Ack receipt of 861114 Itr mformmg NRC of steps taken to correct wolatens 07.12pp. 39290.32S39290.337. noted n inep Rept50-328/86-31.Correceve accons we be exammed along w/ubt re-eponseto50-327,328/86-44 01. aCH.GG. Regen 2, Office of Director.86/12/11 WHITE SA Tennessee Vasey Au- 0701100102 Forwards feel element repts for su elemenm amessmg const.operatens thonty.1p. 39219.213-39219:213.

                                                                                                   &        OA        employee                         concems Ad              concems       re      plant.

anchorages. addressed.Letmg of rept numbers & related employee concems eleo to and m NRC renew. 0701000304 Forwards supplemental response to NRC 860912 & 1209lers te velatons MCDONALD).A. Tennessee V Authonty 07/01/09 DENTON.H R. Othce of Nu-noted m anep Repts50-327/86 43 4 50-328/86-43. Correctve actons.Aeninistranve clear Reactor RegulaterL Dractor t 851125) topp. 39295 238-39295.349 Instructon As-4 wel be rommed by 870401. GRIDLEY.R. T _ .  : Vasey Authonty. 86/12/19.GRACEJ.N. Regen 2. Othee of Orector. 3pp. 39219206-39219 208. 0701190150 Rev 2 to TVA Employee Concoms Specal Program Rept 80203-SON, "Insp Performance " 0701000464 Forwards.for rewsw. employee concems task grote repts. Compenson be- STEWART.O W., RUSSELL.J R. Tennessee Vaney Authonly. 8020SSON R02. 87/01/

08. 30pp. 39291305-39295.334.

tween task group wnter guide recommended rept format 4 submitted repts also ence h assest renew MCDONALDJA Tennessee Vaney Authoney 86/12/22.DENTON.H Othee of m 070,1,120006 IE info Notco 87402.&"Anarysa" inadequate er Reactor RepJiaton, Drector (post 851125).12pp. 39228.089-39228.258. y ves by Mathematical Modehng SvcSeemic het end.Ouehhcation of Diaphreem JORDAN.E L Dnnman of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post

     -87010e0637 Rev 1 to. " Post-Mod Toshng."                                                              '*                                                                             '"~

GASS.K.R. Tennessee Valley Authoney. SWEC-SON-21 RO1. 86/12/18. 7pp. 39 053' 22&232 39228 238. 8701200377 Forwards concem repts re const.engmeenn0.S&W A OA

     -8701000654 Rev 1 to, "Fa4ure to Estabbsh Procedures. Corrective Acton Program               categonesimal musw                     mpts by senor reew panel 4 employee concern task K'                          Authont/. SWEC SON-36 R01. 86/12/18. 12pp.                                Tennessee Vasey                                    . 87MH3. DENTON H. Othce of Nucle-39228.247 39228.258.                                                                      er Reactor Regulaten, Drector (poet 85112 ).10pp. 39315.027-39311145.

3012230000IE Info Nobce 86107, "Enty into PWR Cawty W/ Retractable Inf.l ore Do. -8701200403 Rev 3 to "inep - Inso Procedises." element root lector Thimbles W#thdrawn." Svc het enct HALVERSON.R., AKELEY.W, RUSSELLJ R. Tennessee Van.y Authortty. 80202 SON JORDAN.E L Dnnsen of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post R03. 87/01/09. 23pp 39315:112-39315134. 830103). 86/12/29. Coneohdated Echeon Co. of New f inc. 08pp. 39205 031-39205 138.

                                                                                               ~0701200400 Rev 4 to "Insp Program Scope " element rept BARLOW,0 G, AKELEY,W M., RUSSELLJ R. Tennessee Vasey Authoney. 80205 0612230001 IE 1rdo Nobce 8&t08, "Dogradaten of RCS Pressure Boundary Resultng                 SON R04. 87/01/09. 6pp. 3931113&39315:140.

From Bonc Aod Corrosen? Svc het once. JORDANEL Dsween of Emergency preparedness & E Response (Post 830103). 86/12/29. Coneohdated Eason Co. of New Y inc. 04pp. 39167.093- $701130002 IE Info Noace 87403. "Segregaton of Hazardous & Low Level Red-39167.197. wastes? Svc tot enct JORDAN.E.L Deweson of Emergency Preparedness & Engneonn0 Response (Post 0612230003 IE Info Notco 8&t09. " Diaphragm Fadure in Scram Outlet Valve Caumno 830103). 07/01/15. Coneohdoted Eason Co. of New York, Inc. 85pp. 39324 025 Rod inserton." Svc het once. 39324 112. JORDAN.E L Dewsen of Emm Preparochess & Engmeenng Response (Poet 830103). 86/12/29 Consondald3 Ecbaan Co of New York, Inc. 94pp. 39205.234- 8701200622 >=aas aquement quehhcabon (EO) esp of facedy on861208121nsp 39205 327. gocused on matanaton/ ment of quanhed equipment & rictuded rewsw of oneneenng acevites & EQ am .. . ton at piant este No dehesencies noted. TAYLOR,J M of Inspecton & Enforcement. Drector rPoet820201). 87/01/18. Se12200141IE info Noece 86110, " Anomalous Behowor of Recyculation Loop Flow in Jet pump BWR Plants" Svc ast enct WHITE,SA Tennessee vaney Authonly. 2pp. 393t9:181-39319 182. JORDAN.E L Dnneen of Emergency Preparedness & Enomeenng Response (Post 830 03 86/12/31. Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 95pp. 39205139' 8701200064 Forwards insp Repts 50-327/8666 8 50'328/86-66 on 86120145 & noece of viohunremiNed dems win be purmM dunn0 ulure t inept h ZECH.G G. R 2. Othee of Drector.87/01/16. WHITE.SA Tennessee Vaney Au-8701070473 Forwards request for exempton from 10CFR5312. App J Type C Isak rate  % 2pp. 5 223.M38E24a 32 & 50 28 F pa d -8701200000 Notce of voieton kom inep on 86120141 DOMER.J A. Tennessee Vaney ZECH.G.G. Repon 2. Othee of Drector. 87/01/16. 2pp. 3938522&39385.226. Drectorate 4. 9pp 39179 235-39179'24 . 86/12/31. YOUNGBLOOD.B. PWR Protect 8701000410 Forwards into Repts 50 327/8667 4 50w328/0647 on 86111214 No wo. noted tedure to esmgn quehhad personnet to fire bngede & moperable fire bemer sep-tenons or dowatons identhod. aranno two safe shutdown related areet ZECH.G G. Repon 2. Orhce of Director.86/12/31. WHITE,SA Tenneseoe Vaney Av. MADOEN.P M . CONLON T E. Regen 2 Omco of Dractor. 86/12/31. 14pp. thonty. 2pp. 39214 07&39214 082. 39385 227 39385.240.

    =0701000419 insp Repts 50 327/86-67 & 50-328/8467 on 86111214 No volabone or              8701200364 Forwards Insp Repte 50-327/8660 & $0-328/8640 on 861004 devistons idenefed Malor areas mapected teensee acnons on preveus Insp Anchngs             1105.Sec<md example of velaton 861946noted. Requests reeuns of correceve ac-
       & scensee identhod item.                                                                  tons unF sn 30 days of tir dele.

LENAHAN.J.J., JAPE.F. Repon 2. Othce of Drector. 86/12/24. 5pp. 39214 078 ZECH.G.G. Regon 2 Office of Drector.87/01/16. WHITE.SA Tennessee vaney Au. 39214.082. thenty. 2pp. 39303.213-39383.235. 0701t20344 Forwards roweed response to dehcsonoes noted m Insp Repts 50 327/86 -8701200302 Insp Repts 50-327/8640 & $0L328/8480 on 8610041105 Vloiston 27 4 50 328/8427.Correctrve accons as machenecal flow eagems a dawegs re-viewed & rewned to ceserfy mecate where ad class breaks ocar noted tadure to accor@heh acewbos affecimo quelty in accordance w/ prescribed doc. DOMER.J A. Tennessee vaney Authonly. 86/12/31 GRACE,J.N. Regen 2, Office of umented enstructons. procedures or dawmge of type appropnete to crcumstances. Drector. 23pp 39243 272 39243 294. JENISON,K M . HARMON.P E., LOVELESS.D.P. Regon 2, Othee of Drector. 87/01/

06. 21pp. 39383 21&39383 235.

0701000457 Forwards TVA employee conceme task grote repts.inctumng 5 Irubal ele. ment repts & 15 taal element repts addrosang employee conceme en R. Portoec operoung reporte a reisted correspondenes conet. .operatons & OA ca . J.JA Tennessee Vaney . 87/01/02. DENTON.H. Office of Nucle-er Reactor Regulatort Drector (post 85112 .14pp. 39227.133-39228 074. 0701000173 MontNy opereeng repts for Sept 1988 W/861015 k WALLACE,PA Tennessee vaney Authonty. 86/09/30. 59pp. 39167:272 39187330.

   -4701000002 Rev 3 to Sequoyah Nucteer Plant flnal element rept, " Hanger inep Docu-mentatort"                                                                              8701200324 Monthly operetna repts for Oct 1986 W/061114 tir.

OWEN.D st Tennessee Vaney Authonty. C01110& SON R03. 86/12/30. 7pp. DUPRE E.D.C, WALLACE PA Tennosese veney Authcrey. 86/10/31. 47pp. 39227.24& 39227 251. 39430.20& 39430.262. 0612300151 IE Info Notco 87 001, "RHR Valve IAsahgnment Causes Degradaten of 870100020e Forwards TVA Nov 1986 montNv rept on statue of ECCS e PWRe? Svc het enct tons of open JORDAN.E L Diesen of Emergency Preparedness & E enegenons re et nuclear piants.per 86062f Mr No conceme closed penod of Response (Post 861101 28.Next update wie be prowded by ms&Jan 1987 W/o enct 830103) 87/01/06. Coneobdated Edson Co. of New Y enc. 03pp. 39216.316 GRIDLEY,R L T - 39217.057 - Valley Authonly. 86/12/22.ZECH.G. Regen 2. Ofnce of D6 rector.1st 39214.134-39214134.

a DOCKETEDITEMS 99 8701140000 Forwards weekly sche &Jie of TVA actswbes for wks of 870112 & 18. V. Operator E ._ THOMPSON.H L Office os Nuclear Reactor Regulanon. Drector (post 851125). 87/ 0 09 ON Ofhce of Nuclear Reactor Regulaton, Orector (post 851125). 7 ptd3hc av of NRC operator he enarn queston banitSwc het enct DENTON.H R. of Nuclear Reactor son, Drector (post 851125). 87/01/ 8701148107 Forwards update of acewhos f w wks of 870112 & Ig. GRIDLEY,R L Tennessee vadey AuthorWy.07/01/09 THOMPSON H. NRC No De. 08. A8antc City Electnc Co. 44pp. 39304.089 39304 f ?2. taded Afhhenon Grwert 11pp. 39262242-39262:252. l DOCKET 86330 kNDLAND PLJWIT, UNIT 2 l 8' RePerteble occurrences LERe & reisted _.. _ , - 8701080252 LER 864084&on 861130.contammere ventdacon solanon A, am_ _ 7_-a,,,; state  ; & correspondence occurred.Ceused by personnel error Discphnary acton taken to enstre that malrument macharuc follows procedures in future to prevent recurrence W/861224 Nr. LONG.J L, WALLACE PA Tennessee valley Authonty. 86/12/24. 4pp. 39154 001- 8701300224 Informs that due to demands on staff NRC wel respond by 870430 to 39154 004. 850807 request for towaw of inwoscos D0164 & D0185 re OL appaceeon review costs 8701000182 LER 8641040-on 861203.contamment Phase 8 isolation occurred dunn0 LOW .i License Fee Branch (Poet 861123). 87/01/16. panormance of surveidence proceeJre r '-i by defacient procedure. Procedures re COOKJW. Power Co. 043-39445:043. ESF ectuatons tesang med be reused.W/870102 lir. LONG.J L. WAL PA Tennessee Veney Authonty 87/01/02. 5pp. 39188:153-39188:157. Q. p IE SuSedne & correspondenes 8701120232 LER 864114@on 861207.contamment venhiation isolaeon occurred. Caused bv edlustment of sample hne throttle wafwe insbanng hgh reestion M 12230000IE Info Notice 86107. " Entry into PWR Cawty W/Retectable in. Core Do. Personnel cour'sesed on importance of replacmg Alters W/870106 lir. tector Thrnbios Withdrawn." Swc bet enct L JL, WALLACE.P R. Tennessee Vasey Authoney. 87/01/06. 4pp. 39241.352- JORDAN,E L Diweson of Ememency Prepare @ees & E Response (Poet 39241 355. 830103). 86/12/29. Coneohdetud Eeson Co. of New Y enc.108pp. 39205.031-8701270400 Spaces Rept 8649-on 881220, Fro Door A.10 for Contamment Sprey Pump

                  *'                                                           I        8812230081 IE Info Notce 86108, "Dogradacon of RCS Preneure Bourdery Resulth0 Door       wiR  e'                                                         Frorn Bonc Acid Corromort Svc not enct WALLACE.P R. T -             Vaney             87/01/20.              Control 2 anch (Document Conirol Dook). Ip. 39365:31       - 9:312.                                         O E 2                       eson             Nm Y 39187.197.

V. Operator Eaaminettene 8812230003IE Info Notce 86109, "Diaphrayn Fadure in Scram Outlet Vafwe Ceuemg 8701080348 Not nos that NRC wel conduct workshop on 870218 & Region R personnet Rod insertort" Svc het once. udt conduct workshop on 870219m Atlanta.GA re ancedent investgabon & perform. JORDAN,E.L Diesson of Emergency Preparedness & Enyneenn0 Response (Poet once mecators & operator h'cenomg esues.respectvely. 830103). 86/12/29. Conachdated Eeson Cat of New York, Inc. 94pp. 39205.234-GRACE.J N Rooson 2. Office of prector. 86/12/23. WHITE.S.A. Tennessee Vaney 39205:327. Authoney. 2pp. 3e:.19:31139219 312. 8812280141IE Info Notco 86110. " Anomalous Behavior of Receculaton Loop Flow in 8701000007 Genanc Lir 8741 to as power reactor ucensees & apphcants for OL re Jet Pump BWR Plants." Swc het enct pubhc of NRC operator teenung exam queston bentLSwC hst onCL JORDAN.E L Dewmon of Emergency Preparemens & Engmeenn0 Response (Poet DENTON.H R. of Nuclear Reactor Regulabon, Drector (post 851125). 87/01/ 830103). 86/12/31. Coneohdated Eeoon Co. of New Yorti, Inc. 95pp. 39205.139-

08. A#anac City Electnc Co. 44pp. 39304 069 39304.112- 39205.233.

DOCKET 50 328 telDLAND PLANT,UNf71 8812300181 IE Info Notice 87401, **RHR Vafwe Misalignment Causes Degrade 8on of ECCS in PWRs." Svc het encl. JORDAN.E L Diweson of Emergency Preparedness & E Respunse (poet A. Application /conservetten SteSe documents & e, _ , 830103). 87/01/06. Coneohdated Edson Co. of New Y inc. 03pp. 39216.316-39217257. 8701300224 Informs that due to demands on staff.NRC win respond by 870430 to 850807 request for renew of invoices D0184 & D0185 re OL apphcation towaw coste 8701120000 IE info Notco 87402. " inadequate Seemic Quellecation of Diephra0m through 840823. valves by Mathemaccal Modehng & Analysis." Svc not ord. HOLLOWAY,C.J. License Fee Management Branch (Post 861123). 87/01/16. JORDAN,E L Diwmon of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post COOKJW. Consumers Power Co.1p. 39445043-39445 043, 830103). 87/01/13. Coneohdated Eeecn Co. of New Y Inc. 07pp. 39300.308-39301.053. Q. Inspection reporte,IE Sunettne & __, 8701130002 IE Info Notco 87403, " Segregation of Hazardous & Low Level Ra6 wastes Svc Bet ord. 8812230000IE Info Notco 86107, " Entry into PWR Cavity W/ Retractable inCore De- JORDAN.E.L Dowman of Emergency Preparedness & Enyneenng Response (Poet sector Thmbles Wahdrawn." Svc Est enct 830103). 87/01/15. Coneohdated Eeoon Co. of New York, Inc. 85pp. 39324S25-JORDAN,E.L Drnmon of Emergency Preparedness & E Response (Post 39324:112. 830103). 86/12/29. Coneohdated Esson Co. of New Y Inc. 08pp. 39205.031 39205:138. 8812230081 IE Info Notco 06108. "DeGradaten of RCS Pressure Boundary Resulhng From Bonc Acid Corroeson." Svc Est enct JOROAN.E L Dresson of Emergency Preparedness & Response (Post 8701000007 Generic Lir 8741 to as power reactor teenseen & appelcents for OL re 830103). 86/12/29 Coneohdated Eeson Co. of New Y Inc. 04pp. 39167:093- pube'c aval of NRC operator exam queenon bank.Svc het enct 39187:197. DENTON.H.R. of Nuclear Reactor ton. Drector (post 851125). 87/01/

08. Anantc City Electnc Co. 44pp. 39304089-39304.112.

8812230003 IE Info Notce 86109 " Diaphragm Fa4ure h Scram Outlet valve Cauemg Rod insernort" Swc bet enct 1 86 1 eson Co N 205 DOCKET 5&331 NAME N EMY CENTER 39205.327. 8812280141 IE Info Notes 86-110,"Anomelous Behavior of Recuculabon Loop Flow in F. Security, medical, emer8ency & fire protection plane Jet Pump BWR Plants? Svc est enct 1 86 1 N 9 205 8701050342Adwees that861205 Changes 12-15 m faciWy securuy plan & safeguents 39205 233* pien conostent w/prowsons of 10CFR$0.54(p) 4 acceptable. AXELoON. L Repon 3. Office of Director. 06/12/24. UU.L lowa Electnc Light & 8812300151 IE Info Notce 87401. "RHR Vafwe Misabgnment Causes Degradation of Power Co. 2pp. 391M38439164361. ECCS in PWRs " Svc hat enct JORDAN.EL Dinson of Emergency Preparedness & E Responas (Post 8701080805 Forwards corrected pages to 851230 Proposed Change RTS 187 to fke 830103) 87/01/08. Coneohdated Eenon Co. of New Y Inc. 03pp. 39218.316- rotechon Tech Specs.metue'ng revised " Summary of Changes' page & rewteed 39217:057. F, 4 3.13 11. UGHY.R.W. Iowa Electnc Ught & Power Co.87/01/05.DENTON.H R. OfRce of 8701120006 IE Itto Notce 87402. " inadequate Seemic Quahficaban of Diapfwagm Nuclear Reactor Regulation, Drector (post 851125). 3pp. 39217:100 39217:108. t Mathematcal Modoeng & Anapy sis? Svc Est enct 103). 70 eson New York. O pp 39300 40m00H Conected Pages WM2,3M-6.3m.3M & &M e h p 39301 053. tact n Tech Specs.

                                                                                           * : owe Electnc bght & Power Co.87/01/05. 6pp. 39217:103 39217:108.

4701130002 IE info Notce 87403,

  • Segregation of Hazardous & Low Level Rad-wastes? Svc not enct q' a Revplan L 8701150200 JORDAN.E L Diwmon of Emergency Preparedness & E,gmeenng Response (Post 13.
  • Plant Rowsed
                                                                                                       & Site Evocuabon       I._.._.;1 to procedures.metudlng        Rev 1 to EPtP 1, "Acevaton & Operaton        EPtP of Oper-830103). 87/01/15. Conochdated Eeson Co. of New York, Inc. 85pp. 39324.025              ationai support Ctr." W/870112 itr.

39324.112. WILSON.D.L lowa Elecinc Ught & Power Co.87/01/12. 01pp. 39284-045-39284.135.

                   , , _ , ,                 ~ -.                                    - .- .              .           --- -. -                             -.                                    -                           .~

f 100 DOCKETED ITERIS i P. Oposame Beanne elege dessements a servespentense SM1100000 E Info Nuece 07402 Inadequeen Saisnac QueMesson of Olupeseye vesnes av nessiemesses & suc aut enct OM19000N Reposes sesensen of comnumnent to hay esipeament nucteer seisey oper. JDRDAN.E.L Denson of 4E Responso Post manly of esfuey 0301 07/01/11 Conocessend Co. of New Y Inc, 07pm 3000k300-econas e.nsspas suchseess anagseg%es neu^#40 honesak to

                                                        . __ : does    be est et 8        1.                                 30001.

5 ~ 48'MM*fY.R.W. Ious Elecenc LWie & Power Co.08/12/21KEPPLERJ.G. Repen 3 Once of Deessor. Ip. 30000404 30203gs4 OmitM E lede Noene 07408. "Sayetamon of Homensmus & Leur Level Ree seensa- see est encl OM10000m Onore no onnenent on001114 espaceman to amend Woones JDRDANE L Dheson of Emegency Preparenhees & fasepares past 4 tenene aseten survesenos test bilervals appros to meio to __ _ ^ longer 030103k 07/01/16. Conseadmand Essen Ca of Near Y ens 00pp. 3000ssN-i e to to in hear 1987. 30024:112. 5T. tout of. /31. DA SWR Project Duestorsen 2. Ip, 301m362-3017R302. SM1970004 Fonsents Amand 130 to Unense DPR40 4 esfuer evaluammet Amand re-l 07090000F4 Fonserde response to NRC request for ' No se 001031 repost Ior peoens O.1 4 enhed der esempeen tem 10CFR00. App J Type 3 test interweis 4 001114 Tech GILGERT.RA SWR 1/20. UU.L tome Eissele Upt & I A loue Elecess Pouer /02. DENTON,H.R. Omos of Muelser Reacter W Duector gioet 051126k tapp. 30220-075-3000000E 0y0ggy04M Amend 130 to Uoones DPR-49 esse re agesel genmuser

       =*== gee _-neces.f eg,, ,=.;=,,,g.;eeggy,agtr,g                                                                       N#WRA""DJe"e ;#e'drh ap.=mt                                                      071   7.

0w1,314f.1104.3.134,3.1S10 & 11311. f Drector 1 ). 3021 00 08 R. M epomene mperes a sheed sengependense I -4M1000001 Cenected Paese 110wt.110w2.3.104.11St 3.1S10 & 11S11 to Ike pro- 8701310147 for Dec test.W/070115 er. 2 tecean Tesds Spees. THDe4AS,0.N4 Elecesc Ups & Pomer Co. 08/12/31, Opp, CM.D.

  • Ieue Elecesc LWe & Power Co. 07/01/05. Opp. 30217:10330211:100. 30327.34430327:354.

070113000F Reessets memisel of Wo to demonstees adequacy of enamesse sod

,         meereon.seeney equad consul a recendenen pung op spaDenesons tem SWR                                          & Reportable                    - 4.ERo a reisted earrespondense Ounne                  enemmeves shonds tie basesst GILBERT                              Desesoraes 2. 07/01/M. UU.L loue Eiscesc UOht & Power e e toru. suce.n es., es,.e"A*=' = .o to, es nt on.0ae                                 e, 37011400F7 Nemecemon of 870120-21 enesungs w/ued in Solheede.hdD to docuss pro-                                                W/070100 W.

second1 insenace test IADECK,0.L loue Elecesc Lyit & Power Cet07/01/00. 4pp. =49013-

                        .RA             Pressee                   2. 07/01/12. MULLER,DA SWR Protect Di-                    3024001E l        receareto 2. 3pp. 30002:i43 30Ett145.

i SMtIM170 LER 8040000 on 00121 seer unit Train 8 suesseerted on contal 0701100000 Fonsuds interim rupt so 060703 fespones to Genenc Lt 02-33 concoming tidg resseon enorator donnocese alp by personnet ener Elecenciens reneidad conformenos to Reg Guale 107.Rev 2 on emergency response cepeteely. Response et need to . uurt W/070100 nr. to S ede wdo re requesend.W/o enct per .J P., espWKA.L Elecesc Ught & Power Ca 07/01/00. W

,                       ,RA SWR                    Duectorees 2. 07/01/11 UU.L loue Elecetc Lyit &                          30getsgs.30000$g7, i        Pouer Co. apS 30204-1 30204:141.

SM1100000 a Fonsents an0 Gieinteri.m i 07eev rept re2800703 responseaespor

                                                                        -- capaav               to Generic o LW $2 33
                                                                                                                                         ,c,,C, ,ou,,e ,e,,e ,,, ore,,, ,,e,eor mon, 4,e sosore e,e ne,es,,.Wped, m,,mmela,0,0,00 ,
 .                      ,RA DE                     Desceersee 2. 07/01/11 UU,L tome Electic Li@t &                                      , RAMCM.aL lous Elecm LWe 4 % Ca 07M/0E Opp -St.-

Power Co. 20n 30446.100530445:204. 3020&ME . l

 >    -        1=== Cor.rmanos to Reg Gue n 1.07Duane Amo. Eno,,, C -                                                  mi2=ie tea =027=on mi=>e.-i d
  • reear prWaan eve i UDY.A.C EG40 lenho. oocuned.Ceuesd g pareorme enhos to Dlesdpenery essen 04/30. NRC. Peo r imana .e Incg.ol EG4G. Inr4 30445-102 Osvert 24pp. FIN A.6e01 EGG NTA.715L 06/

30445.204. 8 inesume ads m1 . T M g g 3701300007 Extends invitason to parecesso in 870120 workshop in Dece00,ll est NRC 39371:191 30371:193. Incelent 1 - Program.W/o essend ancia MEPPLERJ G. 1 Once of Deector. 07/01/10. UU.L lous Electric UOht a j Power Ca 2pp. 206 30303-000. V. Operecer 8-l 8701270404Fonserds Amand 130 to Ucense DPR-40 & safety evaluenort Amend re- gygggggggy g,,,,,, gg, gy49 g, ,, ,,,,, ,,,,,,, g,,,,,,, g ,,,g,,,g, g,, og, ,, GILBER BWR L E *' *

Power Ca app. 39373 21430373 241. Ca" *"'

I 1 '*

      "*E.O   * " R.*#*     GU tve'0Is0$'n" 1 N sdo                              *es"m'2**'* **"' """'*'

8WR Progect Deectorees 2. 07/01/20. 20pp. 3937321&30373.237. DDcKET 00 300 JAases A. Pff3PAMICIE NUCLEAR POWER PLAlff 0701270e00 Sassey evma~i Amend 130 to Ucene. OpR.40. F. Securtly, seedlesi, amorteney 41be preesseen plans

  • Olmos of Nutteer Reactor Olrector (post 0511251 07/01/20. 4pp.

39373J3630373 241. 07012700m Formenfs tempormy addeness to escurey peerunetegng eso.eummary of spetsac _ _ see


to 4 som O "'E & eengepen. nee

                                                                                                                                     ,j          y    p,,,,

W 3,,,,g, ,, g,, gg,g, ,, y,,, IE Wo Noece 30-4 081330, tecto r,u WWessertvc .107ist"En.ey r into PWR Cowey W/Petectatito in Core Oe-i JORDAN.EL Deveen of Emergency Preparockiens & E Response Post 030103% 08/12/20. Conocealeted Eceman Co. of New Y inc. Oopsk 302r)5031* 3701300000 Formente Rev 10 to escurey pierunclueig -. ties se chmigos. cover meur,teney of cfurites & revoed pen M & pegsafter 3000&t3E westead 10CFR7321 & 2.700t

      "["E    ,,, g         4,',","

8* JORDAN.E L Devoon of Emergency Preparedness & d RCS h Soundwy Resuleng Response (Poet * **1IE 7fft/ Sennose Contal 2pp.30 030103L 08/12/20. Cor me=*=d Eeson Ca of New Y inc. 04pp. 30107.003-30107:197. A 4 beformesma i 30s:0000001E Wo Noece 80-100, "Dlaphragm Feswo in Scram Ouest Vefve Ceuung Rod insereon" svc set enct 070 tis 000s Forments Ereferoement 7 to NEUA Cerescales 967 & PH7 & MAELU Cor.

                                                                                              "             '              "'"                                          *'          '                         "'""          )
P'E1EE*"CA'"'"m3"ElonE*.*J"N * %"l'ic".%"p"p.'=""05 am"'.
3000b7. M" ".NJ. '""*"""1","u"to MEB,"W Iseren a escLennen inc. 08/12/34 opsTz,Lse Osere3'"77 of ston&"m'Me 001ss00141 IE Wo Noeco 00110. "Anomatous Behenar of Recrculeton Loop Flow in "***'^E ' '

, Jet Purnp BWR Plantec Svc est enct ! N#ht

        " #8* '

0 emon No. 0$pp 30205 P. Operceig Seonse stato desessente a servenpondenes i 070100000s Fonsards Amend 103 to ucense DPR se & essesy euenseSort Amend l 801:00010t IE enso Noece 07401, "RHR Velve Menignment Causes Degradegon of clienpas Tech Space to feieact louenna of e80lV reactor weser level segeWe tem ECCS in PWRs" Svc set enct Love 2 to Level 1. ' [ JORDAN.E L. Drumon of Emergency Preparoeices & E Respones (Poet A8ELSON,H.l. SWR Protect D*ectorees 2. M/12/10. ORONS,J C New Yost Pouer , 030103). 07/01/00. Conocedsted Eeoon Ca of New Y Inc. 03pp. 30210.310- Authoney (formercy rower Autiorey of Wie Stees of New York). 2pp. 3014t300-302 7057. 30140.331. r ! j l -- .- - - - - - --- -----

t DOCKETED ITERAS 101 i ! 4f01000000 Amend 103 to Ucense DPR.60.chenyng Tech Space to reesct louenne G hispeguen reporte,IE Seested & eorrespondonee [ of M0fv ressaar useer levet asepomes from Level 2 e Level 1.

. MULLER.DA SWR Progoct Deectorees 2. 08/12/10. 7pp. 30140-32130140-327. m IE m m e t4 m W M % m m W b 8

OfRce Reactor post 1 08/12/10. 4pp. 8'a' C New Y 00pp. 3"0"*6 00

                                                                                      - gags h               0813030001 IE Info Noace 80-100. "Depedetion of RCS Prenewe Soundary Resuleng F

0737.neme 4.2 Je be congsesed chLing Jan 1007 refusang JO'orn Sonc Atal Corrosert" Suc liet anci.RDAN.E.L DivisonResponse of Emegency (Post Preparednese Pee past Inc. 04pp. 30107A00-C New York Pouer Pouer Aumaney of me Steps of New 030103k 08/12/20. Conocessted Edson Co. of New Y 38187;187- , YorI4 08/12/10. MULLER.DA Propect Deectorees 2. 3pp. 30150337-3019tk300. 0813030000IE Info Notco 00100. Diophreyn Pature iri Scram Ouest Vseve Causbig v

               -0M1000100 Apphogeon to amend Ucense DPR.50.revinne Tatpa 3.71,"Contenment                                                Rod insereon." Suc est once.

Isolemon vegves, to renact rnode to fusy orgsement ressernante of NUREG - JORDAN.E L. Divison of Emergency Prepersikoes & Erigneertig Response (Poet 0737.lesme N.K.3."30 & R E.4 2. 030103k 08/12/20. Conocedeled Eeoon Co. of New York. Inc. Sepp. 30006J34 - e ORON0JC. feew York Pouer Aupq(tormerly Pouer An#ionly of Wie Slots of New 30208.327.

  • I Yort4 08/12/10. Opp. 30150.344301m341.

0813000141IE Info Noeco 00-110. " Anomalous Behavior of Reartadenon Loop Plow to

              -GM1000100 Proposed Tech Space revieng Tease 171. " Process Ppung W.                                                       Joe Pump Swfe piense." Svc est once.

1- JORDAN.E.L. Devemon of Emergency Preparednese & Engneenn0 Response (Post

Pnmary Conamnment," reescesis mode to IWhy impeement NUREG4737. Nome e.K.32s

! 411 E.4.2. 030103)._ 08/12/31. Conocedstad Edson Co. of New York, Inc. 00pp. 30006.130-

  • New York Pouer Authoney Normety Power Aumoney of me Sasse of fesw Yort). OS/ 30006:233.

12/10. Opp. 30160:342-30150.300. . SM10N100 Fonsense for amend to unenes OPR.60. Tech Space in Suc tv reAmet insteAeton ensing genometer 99 sys channele Resood 7/ JORDAN.E.L Denman of Emegency Prepareenoes & Response Post M.J Desur Yore 4 08/12/21 MULLER.DA P er Power Aumorey of me Steep of New Profact Doessoress 2. app, 30193.330-302 7

                                                                                                                                                                  ' "'"**""*                  "                                           8'*'

! SM1300000 Responde to NRC telace ler te __ noted in Insp Rept Olm 80 15Conocem ___ ____- _ _- consges in ame of annual essen to renect

              =4701000100                          for amend to Ucense DPR-60.              - Tech                                                                                 s incessanon of              analog Wenometer og eye channese dwing                 7/       8 refuse.                                                         pg,e,e,m green 0                                g, l                                                                                                                                                 V         8        *'               f*    89 " L           * ' 0 $ 8 F'              81 '888'

! C New York Power Authority (formerly Pouer Autorey of me Stels of feew O M'S. i Yorl4 08/12/23. Ip. 30153:332 30153.332.

              -GF010m Proposed Tech Spec                                   reneceng instanseen of four analog eens-SM1MMO IE Info footse 07402 "Inadotuses Sammec Om of Olepfseyn E                                                    &                Response Post Neur ork Power                                Power                 the       of Near York). OS/                                                                                                 enct 07pp. NNik33-12/23. Opp. 30153:335301               .341.                                                                           030             7/01/13.                                Co. of Neur Y


                               '                                                                                                    SM1M1 Fonsarde insp Rept 04333/00-10 on 8000301124.No violemene noted.

t, 7 Cytse I St3 GESTR LDCA.Rept memhets See pass. ESELOROTH.P.W. Regen 1. OIRoe of Deector. 07/01/14. CONVERGE.RJ New Yesk ORDNS.J.C New York Power flormerly Power Aumonly or Wie SInte of Nga Power Aumorey (formerly Power Aufionly of Wie Sless of Deep Yest4 h M100-York). 08/12/23. MULLER.DA Prosect Deectorano 2. 2pp. 30103:233 30000:100. 30103.200.

                                                                                                                                    -GM1N0001 Reeceve kup                                80 333/0610 on 8000041134. pes vistogene f              -8701000071 h'*=*a's for amend to Ucense DPR.80. changing Tech Space to me-                                               noemd.Mager areas inspecent                     vousse.aparagonet              veneeseen.swweAnnes r                               .C. Deser ort Pouer Ausionly                            Aumenly me State of Neur                                                                   of           .      1/                     7        .1W.

l Yortk 08/12/23. 4pgL 30103.236 30103.230. ' -GM1000877 Propoemd Tech Spec changes pupportng operemon eher Reload 7/ Cycle Sec ses enes DD Aumorer ponnedy Pouer Autorey of me Seats of New Yort4 08/ 0 70 de'o"n' "New 00pp. 30004000-12/23. 20pp. 30103.230 30103:207. 30004:112.

              =0701000NS "Sieglemorital Reload boenomg Sutenstel for JA PItapekick Nutdaar LAMBER            .A.       O         G D.. CHARNLEY J.S. General Elecetc Ca 23A4026. 08/
                                                                                                                                       *                "E "" O ""'*8**'"*8'"

12/23. 21pp. 30103 200 30103.200. 07011N1H rept for Dec 1000.W/070107 lir. OM1180011 Forwards emphcomon for amend to Ucense DPR.50. Tech Space .RJ to pornet inessmenon 4 operemon of rnode ===aatawwrescond _1- , CODet.J.Itew Slate of York). 08/12/31.12pp. 30041 NO 30041J07.Yort Pouer Augierey (Iormes for tuo 4.104vost elecWhat Duese. Pee psal.

                             .J C New Yost Pouer                                Power Aumomy of me State of feen g

Y /12/31. MULLER.DA Prefect Descoeress 2. 2pp. 30042-330- & Reportable . LERe a reisted earrespondense t -87011Ne13 Aaan mm i for amend to Uoonae DPR.00.cWienpng Totti Space to penwt SM1870000 LER 860004&on 001221.eppen 100 reseeague Eged dessinged ' i statseason 4 opereson of mosle manaame=4 w/ eenend level of underwenege peceso, w/o lipeper 4 _Z _ for relemas. g pareannel ener.lEey noe. I een for 4 kV emagency elecescal busse. ter he demued Sy algeruter.W/Grv110 W. ' IIRDNSAC Desur York Power Aumonly (formerly Power Autority of me State of New D. J feest ork power Power Aemierey Yon 4 08/12/31.1p. 30242:341-30042.341. of me SIsas of Neur Yort4 7/01/10. 4pp. 30000.31 . 10. l l -8701190010 Proposed Tech *-a _ insteencon & operemon of mode essachse. SM1M0000 LER 860814tken 001233,HPCI & Wees remory __ _ . legisten ese ed w/second towl of undervonage preencion for luo 4.104 von emergency assopines unter l nuesa weNes eies. Meted inspesette a Ceused Sa fcc a HIC"deamed speense W/070iti nr. -' ente besary n

  • Dess York sauer Aumonly (tormony Power Aumonly of De Seele of New York), OS/ LOCY.RA. RJ fesur York Power pensarty Pouer Autterey of 12/31. Opp. 30242.342 30242:347. De State of New York). 07/01/21. dem 3000010e .186.
             -8701180000Selsey evalueton                                 amend to Ucones DPR.60, chenyng Tech Space re second seves of                            protocean.                                                      v. Operener Esemanament
  • Olege or Nucteer Reactor Deector (poet 061126). 08/12/31. 7pp.

0701000097 Genenc Lar 0741 te a0 pesar ressaar noeneess a spesonnes for Of #8 10CPR00 for ret to Submmed NTOfe seusener Reecaer Deacoor 061 38). 07/01/ essess condsono easted in evetuason por enemese era estoceed. 08. Atenac Clly Eleotte Ca 44pp. _ _ .112. ASELSDN.H. SWR Protect Deectorate 2. 07/01/00. ERONS.J C Neur York Poser Au-(normany Power Aumorey of me State of New York). 3pm 302$2.207- 8701800900 Responde to feRC 00t200 lir re noted in enep Rept SONS /

206. 8016.Conoceve _ ~_ -_ condole _ si area of emmel erleen esame to edeces esem_

0F01300000 Formense pnmary contenment teen rate test schahde.per CONVE .R J. Dese York Power Power of me State of 10CPR60 J.Same for wgsowed leake0s of contamment & utneton New YorkL 07/01/00. fuWeE.W F. Repon 1, Once of Deector. 30010:800-wafves enct for conenued ageouement seemL 3031 V M. CX)NVERSE.R.J. Neur York Power permany Power Aumorey of Wie Stele of New YorkL 07/01/21.Olmos of Nucesar Repdesor, Osector (post 051125).  ; Opp. 30431213430431:340. SOCstET 00 800 MATER WALLET POWER STAftOII, WINT 1 i l

l 102 DOCKETEDITEMS F. Seeurely, nesecef, sneereency & fwe preescalen plans -efeitteeM SER =ee-pa gnaceneJe comphant.s w/Conenc Lt 8120.hom 21, Pert 2 re vendor interface em tar reactor Wip eye (RTS) components & tism 4.5.2 cor> e7e127014e Adnese of completon of inetmasson of - . & detecten cepetnuty corrung RTS onene toseng. 8re p

  • Omco o Nuclear Reactor Regulaten Drector (post 851825). e7/01/02. 3pp.

Es coreuelede SiEBER}}