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Appendices to Characterization Rept for Iowa State Univ UTR-10 Reactor
Person / Time
Site: University of Iowa
Issue date: 01/06/1998
Shared Package
ML20198R218 List:
NUDOCS 9901080143
Download: ML20198R278 (300)


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1< i Work Plan for Fuel Storage Pit Characterization for the Nuclear Engineering Teaching Reactor at Ames, Iowa . July 1998 s Prepared by Y _ Y ~ Date 7 d2 O]

                                                                                      /  /

Reviewed by '

                               'I,[                                             Date 7 2A I[

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1 1 1 Page1of5 , Table of Contents J 4


Pagg i 1.0 INTRO D UCT10N ... ... ... . ..... .... . ... .. . ...... . .... ... ... .. . - . ... 2 l 1.1 A rea Des e r ip tio n . . ... . . .. ... .. .. ..... . . .. ........... . .. . .. . . 2 1.2 Historical Data Review......- . . . . . . .... . .. . .. ..... .. . ....... .......... .... 2 2.0 S AMPLING O FJ ECTI VES .... . .. . . ...... .... ... ........... . ........ . ........ .. .. ..... 2 2.1 ' S u rvey Pu rpose .... ... . .. ... ....... . . . ... ........ . .. . . . . .... ...... 2 2.2' S u rvey J ustification .... .. ........... . . . . ....... . .... ............. . 2

     ' 3.0  SAMPLIN G A P PRO A CH ....                          .. ... .. .. ... .. .... .. . .. .. .. ........ ..... ...                            2

3.1 In s t ru m en ta t io n .. . ...... .. .. ... .. . .. . ......... .. .. .... .... . 2 j 3.2 . G ene ra I Desc ript 10 n. ... ... .. . .. . ..... ... .. ... , .. . ... ... ... .. ....... 3 3.2.1 Baekground Deiermina110n............. . ... .. . .. ... .. . .... .. 3 ) 3.2.2 Seans . . . . . ... ...... ...... ..... ................ . . ....... . 4 l 3.2.3 Su rfa ce Con ta min a tion.. ... .. ..... .. ... . ..... ...... .. . . .... ... .. 1 3.2.4 E x p os u re Ra t e. .. .. .. ......... . . . . . . ........ ......... ........ .... .. 4 3.2.5 Removable Surface Contaminatton.... . .. . .... ...... ... .... ... . .~.. 4 l

           . 3.3        Procod u re Re fe re n ces.' . .. . . ... .. .. ... ....... . ......... ...... ..... ... . ...... ....... 4

4.0 Q u a lity Ass u ra n ce . .... ...... ...... ...... . .. ..... ...... . . ........ .. . ........... 5 5.0 HenIth and Safety. .. . .. ..- .......... . . . .....-...................5 l 6.0 Wa s t e M a a a ge m en t . .. . ... .... . .......... ......... . ............... ........... ....... .... .. 5 7.0 Doc u m e a ta t io n Req u ire m en1s....... .. .. . ... ........ . . ... . . . .... .... ....... ...~.......... ...... 5 t l i l-t i l

l Page 2 of 5


DE&S will perform a characterization of the Iowa State University (ISU) 10 kW Argonaut Teaching Reactor ) facility Fuel Storage Pit on Friday, July 24,1998. This characterization will be performed prior to fuel , loading, which is currently scheduled for September,1998. The implementation of this work plan will allow a j

     ' full characterization" of the facility prior to the submittal of the D&D Plan to the Nuclear Regulatory               i Commission and will allow ISU to avoid unnecessary delays in the approval process.

1.1 Area Description ne Fuel Storage Pit is a dry storage structure that is utilized for the storage of activated fuel and unirradiated, l I replacement fuel. The fuel assemblies are comprised of uranium enriched to 19.75% in U 235. The fuel-containing matrix is U 3Si2+ Al. Each pit is comprised of sn 11" outside diameter (OD) steel shell that houses the 10" OD concrete plugs. The plug depth is 3'11.5". The fuel assemblies are housed in the lower section of j the pits, that are 3" x 5.65" and approximately 2'7" in depth. The pit liners are encased in concrete. j 1.2 Ilistorical Data Review Routine ISU survey data collected from 2/27/97 through 3/9/98 indicate dose rates in the vicinity of the fuel storage pit are not greater than background. Survey data from inside the fuel storage pit is not available. , i 2.0 SAMPLING OBJECTIVES Re objective of this characterization is to assess the radiological status of the fuel storage pits prior to fuel loading. 2.1 Sun ey Purpose The purpose of the sampling effort is to assess the fuel storage pit for the presence of residual contamination which could have resulted from a failure in the fuel cladding. The exposure rate levels in the pits wil! also be assessed. 2.2 Sun ey Methods I DE&S will perform several types of measurements with various radiological detection instruments in order to assess a broad spectrum of potential contaminants. The instrumentation will be capable of monitoring for alpha and beta surface contamination and gamma exposure rate measurements. A number of smears will also be collected to assess gross alpha and beta surface contamination. s if areas of elevated activity are identified during the survey, the Characterization Manager may submit a number of smear samples for special analyses. These special analyses may include liquid scintillation I counting to assess the presence oflow energy beta radionuclides such as tritium (H 3) and iron-55 (Fe-55), or gamma spectroscopy analysis to allow for the identification of gamma-emitting radionuclides. 3.0 SAMPLING APPROACil 3.1 Instrumentation DE&S will utilize the following instruments to perform the fuel storage pit characterization: I

I Page 3 of 5 Table 1. DE&S Fuel Storage Pit Characterization Instrumentation Instrument Type Description Measurement Type (s) Eberline E-600 Data Logger Electronic Storage of Data 100 cm8 sealed-gas Beta scan Eberline SHP-100 proportional detector Beta surface contamination Alpha surface contamination Eberline SHP-360 15.5 cm2 GM detector Beta-gamma scan Beta-gamma surface contamination Eberline SHP 300 Pressurized GM Gamma exposure rate Low Background Gas Flow Alpha and Beta activity on Laboratory Analysis Proponional Detector smear samples Liquid scintillation Low energy beta activity on Laboratory Analysis smear samples Gamma-emitting radionuclide I Gamma spectroscopy identification and activity quantification on smear samples Laborato'ry Analysis 3.2 General Description I A series ofmeasurements will be performed in each individual pit. All radiological detection instruments will be connected to an E-600 data logger. Each scaler measurement will be electronically logged into the E-600. All measurement locations will be recorded on the survey map. Measurement results for scans and any other I measurements not logged into the E-600 will be recorded in the field log book and/or survey map. Long handled tools will be utilized for hard to reach locations. Deviations from this work plan are allowed if verbally approved by the Characterization Manager and ISU personnel. Such deviations will be noted in the field log book. Due to the fact that the fuel pit plugs tend to " migrate" (change position) during fuel loading, the top of the plugs are to be numbered with an indelible or ink marker as indicated on the survey map to allow for future identification. 3.2.1 Background Determina$on Prior to the removal of the plugs, a minimum of two one-minute scaler exposure rate measurements will be collected from the fuel storage pit cover area. These values will represent a background value allowing for a qualitative comparison against the exposure rate measurements collected in the fuel I pits. The background radiation levels for the alpha and beta surface contamination measurements will be assessed by collecting a one-minute shielded scaler measurement at each survey measurement location. lI I

IO Page 4 of 5 3.2.2 Scans Surface contamination scans will be performed prior to the collection cf any removable activity samples or performing total surface activity measurements to serve as a qualitative indicator of areas I of elevated activity. The scans may be performed in the ratemeter or peak-hold mode, depending on technician preference. All accessible internal surfaces of the lower, rectangular portions of the pits and approximately 25% of the upper, cylindrical portions of the pits (including the interior of the pit and the exterior of the plugs) will be scanned for beta activity using the SHP-100 or the SHP-360 I (depending on accessibility). The lower portions of the pit will receive 100% coverage due to a higher contamination potential from fuel leakage. I Areas ofelevated activity that are identified during the scan will be recorded on the survey map and physically marked on the surface with an indelible or ink marker (if accessible). l l 3.2.3 Surface Contamination One-minute scaler (Total Surface Contamination or TSC) measurements will be collected at areas of ,I clevated activity that are identified during the scan. The instrument will be configured to quantify total surface beta activity. The quantification of total surface alpha activity may also be performed in l some areas at the direction of the characterization manager and if surface geometry permits. If no I areas of elevated activity are identified, a minimum of two TSC measurements will be collected. Each measurement will logged into the E-600. 3.2.4 Exposure Rates I Two one-minute scaler exposure rate measurements will be collected in each pit, one in the lower, rectangular portion and one in the upper, cylindrical portion. 3.2.5 Removable Surface Contamination A minimum of one smear will be collected at each TSC location, assuring coverage of any areas of elevated activity identified during the scan (if accessible). Smear samples will be uniquely identified using the survey location number. 3.2.6 Shipping Smears will be package and prepared for shipping in accordance with the ISU Radiation Protection I Manual and corresponding procedures . A DE&S chain of custody form, per DE&S HPS-200, Bulk MaterialSampling, must be completed prior to shipment. t 33 PROCEDURE REFERENCES The characterization survey and associated activities will be performed in accordance with this Work Plan and the following DE&S and ISU procedures. ! + DES-HPS-100, Radiological Surveys

  • DES-HPS-200, Bulk Material Sampling
  • DES-HPS-400, Operation and Calibration of the E-600 Portable Radiation Detection System
                .         iSU Radiation Safety uanuai E


l E l !E Page 5 of 5 ! 4.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE l I The general requirements outlined in the DE&S Generic Quality Assurance Program Plan will be  ; implemented. Specific Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) measures that will be implemented as i part of this work plan are listed below:

    .           Instrumentation will be Maintained and operated in accordance with DE&S Procedure # DES-HPS-i 400, Operation and Calibration of the E-600 Portable Radiation Detection System. This procedure I            contains specific instructions on quality control to be followed when using the E-600 detection system.                                                                                               l I
    .         Smear samples will be obtained in accordance with DE&S Procedure # DES-HPS-200, Bulk                  )

Material Sampling, which also proceduralizes the requirements for maintaining chain-of-custody of I all samples ootained. l



  • field blank smear samples will be obtained at a frequency of 5% (one field blank per 20 samples) to provide an indicator of cross contaminatien between samples. These field blank samples will be handled in the same manner as other regular samples (e.g. numbered with batch of smears prior to  ;

survey and carried along during the survey) except that they will not be swiped against any surface.

     .         All records pertinent to the project will be filed and maintained by the DE&S project manager.

5.0 HEALTH AND SAFETY All health and safety issues will be addressed in accordance with ISU programs and procedures. I 6.0 WASTE MANAGEMENT All waste rnanagement issues will be addressed in accordance with ISU programs and procedures. 7.0 DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS All pertinent information will be documented in the field log book and'or survey map. Such information includes, but is not limited to, the following:

                -        Site activity description *
                =        Survey date/ time Names / titles / organizations of personnel present l

5 a Instrument serial numbers / calibration due dates

  • Measurement locations / type (s)/ survey results Chain of custody details


                .        Equipment failures / repairs lI

, I-

Characterization / Sampling Plan for the Nuclear Engineering Laboratory and Teaching Reactor at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa September 1998 i i Prepared by - - 7 - Date 9 o !9/

                              /.                                                         1 Reviewed by   N     Mt 1         CM                   Date 0/
                                                                    /6 !9 J Approved by         !M       /                         Date        // i Approved by       ,,

l 1 Date T!N 1

3 Table of Contents 1.0 . INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . Page 2 of 16 1.1 - ' Facility Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2 of 16 1.2 . Historical Data Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4 of 16 2.0 CHARACTERIZATION SURVEY OVERVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4 of 16 2.1 Scope of the Characterization Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4 of 16 2.2 Initial Area Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5 of 16 2.3 Survey Unit Designation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5 of 16 2.4 Survey Location Designation ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7 of 16 2.4.1 Reference Coordinate System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7 of 16 2.4.2 Survey Location Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7 of 16 3.0 L SAMPLING OBJECTIVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8 of 16 3.1 Sampling Purpose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8 of 16 3.2 Survey Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8 of 16 4.0 SAMPLING APPROACH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 9 of 16

                       ' 4.1         Instrumentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 9 o f 16 4.2         Background Determination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10 of 16 4.2.1     Background Reference Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10 of 16 4.2.2 . Local Area Backgrounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10 of 16 4.3         Measurement Frequencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page i 1 of 16 4.3.1     Scans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 1 1 o f 16 4.3.2 - Total Surface Contamination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' Page 12 of 16 4.3.3     Exposure Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 13 of 16 4.3.4     Removable Surface Contamination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 13 of 16 4.3.5     Bulk Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 13 o f 16 4.4         Sample Shipments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 14 of 16 4.5         Procedure References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 14 of 16 5.0       QUALITY ASSURANCE :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 14 of 16 6.0       HEALTH AND SAFETY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 15 of 16 17.0 .    .WA3TE MANAGEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 15 of 16 8.0       DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 15 of 16 8.1.        Field Log Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 15 of 16 8.2         S urvey. M aps . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 16 o f 16
  • List of Finures
             ' Figure 1.0          : Facility Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3 o f 16 List oftAhjn Table 1.0             Survey Unit Classification and Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 6 of 16 Table 2.0           < Survey Location Code Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8 of 16 Table 3.0             Nuclear Engineering Laboratory Characterization Instrumentation . . . . . . . . . . , . . Page 9 of 16 Table 4.0 -           Scan Survey !nstructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11 of 16 Table 5.0           - Total Surface Contamination Measurement Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 12 of 16 L                                                                                Page 1 of 16 H
                                                                                                   . _ -_.__..-__                                                                l


Duke Engineering and Services, Inc. (DE&S) will perform a characterization of the Iowa State University (ISU) Nuclear Engineering Laboratory, including the 10 kW Argonaut Teaching Reactor facility. This characterization / sampling plan will be initiated on or around September 14, 1998. Characterization survey data was collected in the Fuel Storage Pit in July of 1998, and therefore, this area will not be included in the scope of this characterization. 1-This' characterization / sampling plan has been developed using the Multi-Agency Radiation c Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM) which provides detailed guidance for planning, implementing, and evaluating environmental and facility radiological surveys conducted to demonstrate compliance with a dose- or risk-based regulation. , The implementation of this sampling plan will allow a " full characterization" of the facility prior to the submittal of the D&D Plan to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. l l 1.1 Facility Description l The Nuclear Engineering Laboratory is located on the west edge of the main campus ofIowa State University, in Ames, Iowa. The facility is a two-story, three-level building of brick construction, built in 1934 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and deeded to the University in 1946. The building floor space is divided between four levels: the basement (west side only), the ground floor (which includes the central bay), the first floor (west side only) and the second floor which surrounds the central bay. The central bay is approximately 34 feet high and has a floor area of 37 feet by 56 feet, of which a . nee Toroximately 37 feet by 38 feet is allocated to the reactor room. The reactor room houses the n '.ctor (enclosed in a concrete biological shield), the Process Pit, the Fuel Storage Pit, and a five-ton bridge crane. See Figure 1.0 for facility layout.

The Iowa State University UTR-10 is a reactor of the Argonaut type which used uranium i
enriched to 19.57% in U-235 in a graphite reflected, water moderated core. The reactor was
                   ' installed in 1959 on the ground floor level, central bay area, of the Nuclear Engineering Laboratory. In 1991 the reactor fuel was changed from its' original high-enriclunent uranium to low-enrichment uranium. The reactor was moderated and cooled by light water and used graphite -

as a reflector. It was controlled with*four window-shade type Boral control rods. Heat from fission was removed from the primary coolant by a 34,000 BTU /hr shell-and-tube heat exchanger

                    .which is cooled by city water. The reactor was designed to be inherently safe and automatically shut down on a loss of AC power or if various parameters were exceeded. The enclosure surrounding the reactor facility includes the central section of the building defined by the interior l                     walls of offices, laboratories, and interior corridors.

The reactor is provided with multiple experiment facilities as follows: 1) Beam Ports (2),

                  - 2) Thermal Column, 3) Shield Tank,4) Intemal Reflector, 5) Rabbit Tube, and 6) Radiation

,- Cavity. , l Page 2 of 16

Figure 1.0 Facility Layout Nuclear Engineering Laboratory y lowa State University, Ames, Iowa p _ . . _ _ . . , r- _______l g Basement g. ll o l First Floor c __ _ __ I l l

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J f; l \ U l _ _- I . I L.. .k \ I 8 [- l e d , l e Reactor Comportment i , !BT I L. _ _ {_l_1 2 _. 2._ __.J Page 3 of 16 [ e

1.2 Historical Data Review l Routine radiological survey data collected by ISU from 12/16/96 through 3/10/98 indicate dose rates in the central general areas of the Nuclear Engineering Laboratory (all 3 elevations) and on l the reactor floor (including the Process Pit) are not greater than background and all smears 2 collected in this time had results less than 200 dpm/100 cm (beta / gamma).

Sciected excerpts from health physics notes indicate core radiation levels as follows

Using an RO-2 ion chamber on 11/19/97 i i e Removed shutdown closures

  • _ Maximum readings were 6 mR/hr (p/y) along sides of wall above steel structures
  • All other readings averaged around 3 mR/hr (y) and 4 mR/hr (p/y)

Using an RO-2 icn chamber on 10/10/88

  • Maximum readings near CIC detector were 3 mR/hr (p/y)
  • North aluminum detector platform removed. All readings below 0.2 mR/hr (p/y)
  • Wipe surveys of aluminum platform were all less than 105 dpm @ 10% efficiency The most recent exposure rate data taken at the reactor housing area is as follows: ,


  • 0.5 mR/hr I meter above core surface l
  *-      2.0 mR/hr on average 4" above top of graphite
  • 3.0 mR/hr maximum (between two of the control rod housings)
  • 8.0 mR/hr 3 feet into core tanks (below top of graphite)
  • 6.0 mR/hr at surface of the bottom of one of the shutdown closures A review of audits conducted by the Atomic Energy Commission and the Nuclear Regulatory 1 Commission indicate there were no instances of unusual events which caused any area to become contaminated.

Interviews with ISU perso'nnel, and a review ofISU records, indicate there have been no known instances ofcontaminating events, @ areas ever posted as a " Contaminated Area", and no instances of airborne contamination, with the exception of shmt-lived noble gases. 2.0 CHARACTERIZATION SURVEY OVERVIEW 2.1 Scope of the Characterization Sun'ey

 -The characterization survey will include all surfaces and structures located within the Nuclear Engin-ing Laboratory identified as potentially contaminated. The external surfaces of l                                               Page 4 of 16

i h equipment and systems (including the 5-ton bridge crane, control panels, sample hoods and L cinks, and Process Pit equipment) will be surveyed as part of this characterization. The intemal  ! j surfaces of equipment and systems (Dilution Tank, Reactor Compartment Floor Drain, sewer .

    . lines, etc.) will be assessed during the characterization survey if they have not been previously                                                :
    ; identified as being removed or disposed of as radioactive waste during the D&D process. The Fuel Storage Pit, which was characterized at an earlier date, is not in the scope of this A=eization/ sampling plan.                                                                                                                         !

l 2.2  ; Initial Area Classification L L All areas of the facility will not have the same potential for the presence of contamination and l ' therefore will not require the same level of survey coverage. Therefore, to provide an overall , planning basis for the characterization survey, the facility will be initially subdivided into l Class 1, Class 2 or Class 3 areas, using the criteria given below. Areas are classified as follows:  ! o Class 1 areas: Areas that have, or had prior to remediation, a potential for radioactive ll contamination (based on site operating history) or known contamination (based on

                . previous radiological surveys)._

o Class 2 areas: These areas have, or had prior to remediation, a potential for radioactive contamination or known contamination, but are not expected to exceed the DCGL,'. - l  ! l e- Class 3 areas: Any impacted areas that are not expected to contam any residual

radioactivity, or are expected to contain levels of residual radioactivity at a small fraction l

of the DCGL. , based on site operating history and previous radiological surveys. l l Class 1 areas have the greatest potential for contamination and, therefore, receive the highest degree of survey effort, followed by Class 2 and then Class 3 areas. L l l 2.3 Survey. Unit Designation ,. To facilitate survey' design and ensure that the number of survey data points for a specific site are L relatively unifornily distributed among areas of similar contamination potential, the facility is L divided into surviy units that share a common history or other characteristics, or are naturally , ! distinguishable from other portions tf the facility. A survey unit should not include areas that j L have different classifications. The facility will be divided into survey units and each classified  ! according1y as shown in Table 1.0, Survey Unit Classification and Description. l I i: i i: p

1) nonpara:netric sest (DCGI.): A test based on relatively few assumptions about the exact form of the underlying probabi' y distributions of
      . the measurements. As a consequence, nonparametric tests are generally valid for a fairly broad class of distributions.

l Page 5 of 16 l t o l

. l Ec __ ._, . _ i

Table 1.0 Survey Unit Classification and Description Nuclear Engin~eerinh Laboratory'- Basement Survey Survey Unit Description Surface Area Classification 2 Unit # - (m )

            ' NEL01.        Floors and Lower Walls                                               556                            3 (includingthe basement sump)

NEclear Engineering Laboratory - First Floor Survey . Survey Unit Description Surface Area Classification  ; 2 Unit # . (m ) ] NELO2 Floors and Lower Walls 1396 3 l Nuclear Engineering Laboratory - Second Floor. Survey Survey Unit Description Surface Area Classification l

             ' Unit #                                                                            (m')                                           !

NELO3 Floors and Lower Walls 1467 3 Central' Bay Area'- Reactor Compartment Survey Survey Unit Description Surface Area Classification

              . Unit #                                                                           (m')

CBA01 Floors and Lower Walls 240 2 (including Process Pit and sump) CBA02 Upper Walls and Ceiling 770 3 CBA03 Equipment (Bridge Crane, External Surfaces of Systems, etc.) N/A 3 Central' Bay Arsa -Reactor Housing 4 Survey . Survey Unit Description Surface AL Classification 2 Unit # (m ) L CBA04 Reactor HousingInternal Surfaces <100 1 CBA05 Reactor Housing External Surfaces- '<100 1 Various Systems Interiors s Survey ' Survey Unit Description Surface Area Classification Unit # (m') l VS101 Interior Surfaces of Various Systems N/A 3 l V i l i. J Page 6 of 16 l L _

 . .     - - - - - .-                             .-       .~      . - .  . . - . . .  .- - _ _ - - - . - - - . . .

2.4 ' Survey Location D'esignation

     - Survey locations will be clearly identified to provide a method of referencing survey results to survey unit locations. A reference coordinate system (griddiq} will normally be used to mark off             ,

Class 1 and Class 2 survey units into uniform subdivisions for survey design and measurement control purposes, and to identify survey locations. Normally, Class 3 survey units and Class 1 or l 2 equipment survey units will not be gridded. Survey locations will normally be indicated on surfaces by the use of self-adhesive labels, temporary markers, or equivalent methods. 2.4.1 Reference Coordinate System Reference coordinate systems will be established to facilitate selection of measurement locations and to provide a mechanism for referencing a measurement to a specific location so that the same survey point can be relocated. A survey reference coordinate system consists of a grid ofintersecting lines, referenced to a fixed site location or -  ; benchmark. For the purposes of this characterization survey the lines will be arranged in a perpendicular pattem, dividing the survey unit into squares of equal area. General i guidelines for gridding survey units are as follows:

  • Each designated survey is gridded independently, having its own reference point or point of origin (usually the southwest corner).
                   *       ' A survey unit should be gridded as a whole, regardless of surfaces with contrasting material background values.
  • Class 1 and Class 2 structures should be gridded using 1 X 1 meter grids.

Generally, the walls of these structures are only gridded to a height of 2 meters above the floor. e Grid blocks should be marked within an accuracy of 15% of the specified dimension. The remnant area at the end of a gridded row may be incorporated into the last full grid block, provided that the area of the resultant grid block does not exceed the area of the specified grid size by more than 25%. 2.4.2 Survey Location Codes ) L g 1 In instances where the survey unit is gridded, the survey locations will be marked in a _ systematic fashion (i.e., evenly spaced throughout the swvey unit). For non-gridded i survey units, the survey locations .will generally be designated prior to the survey, be selected at biased locations where the potential for contamination is most likely, evenly l

                 ' distributed throughout the survey unit, or a combination of these practices.



I A unique identifier code (survey location code) will be established for each survey measurement location. For gridded survey units, the centers of the grid blocks will serve L to designate the initial survey locations prior to the survey. The survey location code is l Page 7 of 16 l

I composed of a 12 character alpha numeric character string. For the purpose of this characterivation survey, bar codes will be utilized to designate the survey location code. A bar code will be generated for each designated survey location using Table 2.0, Survey

                - Location Code Index, as guldance.

Table 2.0 S'urvey Location Code Index l'-2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 fx" P xlxl'nlnln .x x' - 1xJ n' - n n servey Unit Survey Unit Code Survey Unit survey Type Code survey Point i 1.D. Classification Code l S=irvey Code. Material A = Floor A = Class 1 A = Final status A = Bare Concrete (Numbered  ! (Per survey Unit B = 1.ower Walls B = Class 2 B = Background B = Painted Concrete sequentially)  : Classification C = Upper Wells C = Class 3 C = Characterization C = Bare Block and Descrapuan D = Ceiling D = Painted Block list) E = Equipment E = Bare Brick F = Floor /I.ower Walls F = Painted Brick G = Upper Walls / Ceiling G = Generic H = system Interior H = Ceramic Tile i J = Porcelain l K = other i i I

    '3.0 '        SAMPLING OBJECTIVES                                                                                                                     i The objective of this characterization survey is to determine the nature and extent of radiological contamination present in the Nuclear Engineering Laboratory in order to provide input to final                                                       j status survey (FSS) design and to support remediation efforts.

3.1 Sampling Purpose i The purposes of providing input to the FSS design include: 1) estimating the projected radiological status at the time of FSS, in terms of radionuclides present, concentration ranges and variances, spatial distribution, etc.,2) evaluating potential reference areas to be used for background measurements, if necessaly, 3) reevaluating the initial classification of survey units,

4) selecting instrumentation based on the necessary Minimum Detectable Concentrations  ;

(MDC's) and 5) establishing site specific DCGL's. J 3.2 ' Survey Methodology s DEAS will perform several types of measurements with various radiological detection instruments in order to access a broad spectrum of potential contaminants. The instrumentation D will be capable of monitoring for alpha and beta surface contamination and gamma exposure rate j measurements. Smears will also be collected in selected locations to assess gross alpha and beta surface contamination. If areas of elevated activity are identified during the survey, the Characterization Manager may ,- ' submit a number of smear samples for special analyses. These special analyses may include ! liquid scintillation counting to assess the presence oflow energy beta radionuclides su h as l  : tritium (H-3) and iron-55 (Fe-55), or gamma sprectroscopy analysis to allow for the identification [ ofgamma-emitting radionuclides. Page 8 of 16

  .                                                                                                                                                      /

i l Bulk mat: 3 uoples (concrete, metal shavings, etc.) will be obtained to determine site-specific Derived Concostration Guideline Levels (DCGLs)2 based on the detectable radionuclide fraction and ratios ofindividual radionuclide fractions to their respective guideline values. The identification of radionuclides of concern will be accomplished via 10 CFR 50 part 61 analyses. 4.0 - ~ SAMPLING APPROACH The characterization survey should clearly identify those portions of the facility that have been affected by site activities and are potentially contaminated by reactor related activities. The survey should also identify the portions of the facility that have not been affected by these activities. A series of measurements will be performed in each survey unit. Surveys of building surfaces and structures will include surface scanning, total surface contamination measurements,

   . exposure rate measurements, and sample collection (e.g., smears and bulk material).
   . 4.1         Instrumentation Both field survey instrumentation and analytical laboratory equipment are selected based on their detection capabilities for the expected contaminants and their quantities. DE&S will utilize the
   ' instruments shown in Table 3.0 to perform the characterization survey of the Nuclear Engineering Laboratory.

Table 3.0 Nuclear Engineering Laboratory Characterization Instrumentation Instrument / Detector Type Description Measurement Type (s) Eberline E 600 Data Logger Electronic Storage of Data 2 Eberline SHP 100 100 cm scaled-gas proportional detector Beta scan Ludlum 43-37 435 cm2sealed-gas proportional detector Beta surface contamination Alpha surface contamination Eberline SHP-360 15.5 cm2 GM detector Beta-gamma scan Beta-gamma surface contan i e en Eberline SHP 300 Pressurized GM Gamma exposure rate Eberline SPA 3 2" X 2" NAl Gamma scans Iow Background Gas Flow Alpha and Beta activity on smear samples Laboratory Analysis Proportional Detector g Liquid Scintillation Low energy beta activity on smear samples Laboratory Analysis Gamma Spectroscopy Gunma-emitting radionuclide Laboratory Analysis identification and activity quantification on smear & bulk material samples

2) A derived. radionuclide-specific activity concentration within a survey unit corresponding to the release criterion. The DCGL is t:ased on the spatial distribution of the contaminant and hence is derived differently for the nonpararnetric statistical test and the Elevated Measurement Compenson. DCGL's are derived from activity / dose relationships through various exposure pathway scenarios.

Page 9 of 16 i

4.2 Background Determination For the final status survey, the guideline values for residual radioactivity are at levels above background. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the response ofinstrumentation to the naturally occurring radioactivity present in non-impacted materials to enable a comparison of site radiological conditions with the acceptable guideline values. Background activity and radiation levels for the survey unit should be determined from appropriate background reference areas and by obtaining local area measurements within the survey unit. Background levels will be subtracted from total radiation or radioactivity levels to determine the net residual contamination from licensed operations. Therefore, it is necessary that background levels be determined with a detection sensitivity and accuracy equivalent to data from which it will be subtracted. This can be achieved by using the same instruments and techniques for background assessments as are used in evaluating the final site conditions. Background levels will be established for each type ofinstrument to be used for total surface contamination measurements, gamma expsure rate measurements, and radionuclide concentrations in various media. 4.2.1 Background Reference Areas Determining background levels for comparison with the conditions determined in specific survey units entails conducting surveys in one or more reference areas to define the radiological conditions of the site. The Characterization Manager will be responsible for determining the location of the reference area (s). A site background reference area should have similar physical characteristics as the survey unit being evaluated. Reference areas are normally selected form non-impacted portions of the site. However, in some situations, a reference area may be associated with the survey unit being evaluated, but cannot be potentially contaminated by site activities. The radioactivity present in a reference area would be ideally the same as the survey unit had it never been contaminated. If the site includes physical characteristics variability that is not represented by a single reference background area, then selecting more than one reference area may be necesury. 4.2.2 Local Area Backgrounds The background radiation levels for each type ofmaterial in each specific survey unit will be assessed by collecting shielded scaler measurements as follows:

             -         Beta / Gamma total surface contamination     6 / material / survey unit (one-minute counts)
             .         Alpha total surface contamination            6 / material / survey unit (one-minute counts)

(Class I and Class 2 survey units only)

             .         Exposure rate                                6 / material / survey unit (one-minute counts)

Page 10 of 16 l l .

I 4.3 Measurement Frequencies 4.3.1 Scans Surface contamination scan surveys will be perfonnedprior to the collection of any removable activity samples or performing total surface contamination measurements to serve as a qualitative indicator of areas of elevated activity. The building surfaces and structures will be scanned for beta activity using the SHP-100 or the SHP-360 (depending I on accessibility) and the scan survey will be perfonned in accordance with DES-HPS-100, Radiological Surveys. Three common types of scanning plans are systematic plans, random plans, and biased (orjudgmental ) plans. The type scanning I plan used is dependant on the classification of the survey unit. For the purposes of this characterization survey all Class 1 and Class 2 survey units will employ the systematic scanning plan. All Class 3 survey units will employ the biased scanning plan. A scan survey will be performed in each survey unit using Table 4.0, Scan Survey Instructions,

  ,          as guidance.

Table 4.0 Scan Survey Instructions Survey Class Surface Plan Instructions Unit Area I.D. (m ) 2 NEL01 3 556 Biased Scan a minimum of 10% of all accessible surfaces ensuring coverage of those areas with the most potential for contamination. NELO2 3 1396 Biased Scan a minimum of 10% of all accessible surfaces ensuring coverage of those areas with the most potential for contamination. NELO3 3 1467 Biased Scan a minimum of 10% of all accessible surfaces ensuring coverage of those areas with the most potential for contamination. CBA01 2 240 Systematic Scan 100% of all accessible floor surfaces. Scan every other grid in a serpentine manner ensuring a minima.n of 50% of all accessible surfaces of the lower walls is covered. CBA02 3 770 Biased Scan a minimum of 10% of all accessible surfaces ensuring coverage of those areas with the most potential for contamination. CBA03 3 N/A Biased Scan a minimum of 10% of all accessible surfaces ensuring

                                                ,     coverage of those areas with the most potential for contamination.

I CBA04 1 <100 Systematic Scan 100% of all accessible surfaces. CBA05 1 <100 Syst otic Scan 100% of all accessible surfaces. VS101 3 N/A Biased Scan accessible interior surfaces of the system or component. AdditionalInstructions:

l. I) Scan surveys may be performed in the ratemeter or peak-hold mold, depending on technician preference.

I 2) Measurement results not logged into the E-600 will be recorded in the field log book and/or survey map.

3) Areas of eLvated activity identified during the scan will be recorded on the survey map and phycically

{ marked on the surface with a temporary marker. hI Page 11 of 16

l 4.3.2 Tctil Surface Cent:minati:n l Total surface contamination (TSC) measurements for a given survey location may not be collected until the scan survey for that location has been performed. A minimum number of one-minute scaler measurements will be collected at predetermined locations and at

any areas of elevated activity identified during the scan survey. For Class 1 and Class 2 survey units, TSC measurements will be obtained in a systematic fashion i.e., evenly l spaced throughout the survey unit. For Class 3 survey units, TSC measurements will be selected at biased locations where the potential for contamination is most likely, evenly distributed throughout the survey unit, or a combination of these practices. Beta / gamma TSC measurements will be collected in all survey units. Alpha TSC measurements will only be collected in Class 1 and Class 2 survey units. All TSC measurements will be collected in accordance with DES-HPS-100, Radiological Surveys. The frequency and type of TSC meesurements, along with any additional instructions, are to be taken in each survey unit using Table 5, Total Surface Contamination Measurement Instructions, as l guidance.

Table 5.0 Total Surface Contamination Measurement Instructions Survey Class Surface Plan Instructions Unit Area I.D. 8 (m ) NEL01 3 556 Biased / Collect 30 ply TSC measurements at the predetermined locations Systematic and at each area of elevated activity identified during the scan. 'I NELO2 3 1396 Biased / Systematic Collect 30 p/y TSC measurements at the predetermined locations and at each area of elevated activity identified during the scan. NELO3 3 1467 Biased / Collect 30 p/y TSC measurements at the predetermined locations Systematic and at each area of elevated activity identified during the scan. CBA01 2 210 Systematic Collect I p/y TSC measurement and 1a TSC at the center of every other grid block and at each area of elevated activity identified during the scan. (Minimum of I per each 2 m2 area) CBA02 3 770 Biased / Collect 30 ply TSC measurements at the predetermined locations Systematic and at each area of elevated activity identified during the scan. CBA03 3 N/A Biased / Collect 30 p/y TSC measurements at the predetermined locations Systematic and at each area of elevated activity identified during the scan. CBA04 1 <100 Systematlg: Collect 1 p/y TSC measurement and la TSC at the center of each grid block and at each area of elevated activit y identified during the scan. (Minimum of 1 per each im2 area) I CBA05 1 <100 Systematic Collect 1 p/y TSC measurement and Ia TSC at the center of each grid block and at each area of elevated activity identified during the scan. (Minimum of 1 per each Im2 area) l l VS101 3 N/A Biased Collect p/y TSC measurements at the predetermined locations and at each area of elevated activity identified during the scan. > . AdditionalInstructions:

1) All TSC measurements are to be taken in the scaler mode and all count times are for one-minute.
2) Each scaler measurement is to be electronically logged into the E-600.
3) All measurement locations will be recorded on the appropriate survey map.

Page 12 of 16

lI 433 Exposure Rates A number of exposure rate (ER) measurements will be obtained in all survey units I regardless of the classification. All exposure rate measurements will be collected in accordance with DES-HPS-100, Radiological Surveys. The frequency and locations of exposure rate measurements is as follows:

  • Class 1 Callect 1 (one) ER measurement at each TSC location. (minimum I per each 1 m2)
      +         Class 2        Collect 1 (one) ER measurement at the center of every fourth grid block.(minimum 1 per each 4 m2 )
  • Class 3 Collect 1 (one) ER measurement at each TSC location. (minimum of 30 per survey unit). ER measurement are not required on the intemal surfaces of systems.

All exposure rate measurements are to be taken in the scaler mode and all count times are for one-minute. Each scaler measurement will be electronically logged into the E-600. The location of each exposure rate measurement will be clearly identified on the survey map. 43.4 Removable Surface Contamination i A minimum of one smear sample will be collected at each TSC location. Additionally, l

QC replicate and field blank smear samples will be obtained at the frequency specified in l section 5.0, Quality Assurance. Smear samples for a given survey location may not be l' collected until the scan survey and TSC measurements for that location have been l performed. Smear samples will be uniquely identified using the survey location code. All smear samples will be collected in accordance with DES-HPS-200, Bulk Material Sampling.

43.5 Bulk Materials i l Bulk material samples will be obtained to determine site-specific Derived Concentration Guideline Levels (DCGLs) gased on the detectable radionuclide fraction and ratios of l' individual radionuclide fractions to their respective guideline values. The identification of g radionuclides of concern will be accomplished via 10 CFR 50 part 61 analyses. N i= One composite bulk material sample will be taken for each major material type identified j (i.e., concrete, lead, graphite, etc.) inside the reactor housing. The sample locations will B, target areas of higher activation based on a review of axial and radial flux history and scan data collected during the characterization survey, All bulk material samples will be collected in accordance with DES-HPS-200, Bulk Material Sampling. The samples should be obtained by the use of manual, electrical or r l Page 13 of 16

pneumatic tooling or other methods approved by the Characterization Manager and ISU personnel. If any radiological controls (air sampling, protective clothirig, postings, etc.) are deemed necessary, they will be conducted in accordance with the ISU Radiation Safety Afanual. 4.4 Sample Shipments Smears and bulk material samples will be packaged and prepared for shipping in accordance with the ISU Radiation Safety Afanual and corresponding procedures. A DE&S chain of custody form per DES-HPS-200, Bulk Afaterial Sampling, must be completed prior to shipment. 4.5 Procedure References The characterization survey and all associated activities will be performed in accordance with this characterization / sample plan and the following DE&S and ISU procedures:

  • DES-HPS-100, RadiologicalSurveys
  .      DES-HPS-200, Bulk Afaterial Sampling
  .      DES-HPS-400, Operation and Calibration ofthe E-600 Portable Radiation Detection System
  .      ISU Radiation Safety Afanual 5.0     QUALITY ASSURANCE The general requirements outlined in the Quality Assurance Project Planfor Site                                                                  e Characterization and Final Survey Activities will be implemented. Specific Quality Assurance                                                      i and Quality Control (QA/QC) measures that will be implemented as part of this                                                                    I characterization / sampling plan are outlined in the following section, and are included directly in                                             h this work plan in lieu of developing a site-specific addendum to the Quality Assurance Project Plan.
 .       Instrumentstion will be maintained and operated in accordance with DES-HPS-400, Operation and Calibration ofthe E-600 Portable Radiation Detection System. This procedure gives specific instructions on quality control to be followed when using the E-600 detection system.
 .       Smear and bulk material san!ples will be obtained in accordance with DES-HPS-200, Bulk Afaterial Sampling, which also proceduralizes the requirements for maintaining chain-of-custody of all samples collected.

Note: ISU has required that a QC replicate smear be obtained, adjacent to the original smear location, at a frequency of 1 per each 10 survey locations (10%) for independent analysis. In addition, ISU has required that one additional graphite bulk material sample be obtained for independent analysis. [ . Field blank smear samples will be obtained at a frequency of 5% (one field blank per 20 samples) to provide an indicator of cross contamination between samples. These field L Page 14 of 16

                                                                                      - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - . _ _ _ _ _                         Y

1 I l j blank samples will be handled in the same manner as other regular samples (e.g.  ! M numbered with the batch of smears prior to the survey and carried along during the , I survey) except that they will not be swiped against any surface.

  • At least one blank smear will be identified for use by the analytical laboratory.


  • All records pertinent to the project will be filed and maintained by the DE&S project j manager.

1 6.0 HEALTH AND SAFETY I h All health and safety issues will be addressed in accordance with ISU programs and procedures l l as defined in the ISU Radiation Safety Manual and Chemical Hygiene Plan. All DE&S personnel I will be expected to comply with all pertinent OSHA requirements as well as those requirements l listed in the above references. 7.0 WASTE MANAGEMENT 1 All waste management issues will be addressed in accordance with ISU programs and procedures as defined in the ISU Radiation Safety Manual and Chemical Hygiene Plan.. 8.0 DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS 8.1 Field Log Book l A field log book will maintained to serve as a reference document for all activities performed at the Nuclear Engineering Laboratory facility. The field log book will become part of the I permanent project file and be maintained as specified in approved DE&S record management procedures. Information to be recorded, as appropriate, include: Note: Information documented on survey forms or maps do not require documentation in the l field log book.

  • Site activity description


  • The day and date, time and task started, and the names, titles, and organizations of I

personnel performing the task.

  • The name, title, organization, and visits purpose of all visitors to the task area.


  • Describe in detail, any field activities that were conducted. Reference any forms that were used, other data records, any instrumentation or equipment that was used, and the procedures followed in conducting the activity. Results of any field activities not included on survey forms or maps should be annotated in the field log book.
  • Describe in detail any samples collected and indicate the preparation, if any, of field blanks. Reference the procedure (s) followed in sample collection and field blank preparations. List all sample identification numbers, sample containers and volume, preservation method, packaging, chain-of-custody form number, and shipping methods used pertinent to each sample or sample set.
  • Any equipment failures or breakdowns that occurred, with a brief description of repairs or replacements.

I Page 15 of 16

The Characterization Manager, or designee, shall review and sign the field log book at the bottom of each page on a weekly basis. 8.2 Survey Maps At a minimum, a survey map will be generated for each survey unit listed in the Survey Unit Classification and Description list. The survey maps will be drawn as close to scale as possible and will indicate any grid blocks, if appropriate. For the purposes of this characterization survey the technician will utilize either the Radiological Survey Form, DES-HPS-100.1, or the Characterization Survey Map, DES-HPS-100.2, dependant upon the information to be recorded. Information to be provided on the maps or in the field log book will typically include the following:

  • Project / Site Name
       .       Location / Job Description e       Survey unit identification number e       Survey unit name
       .       Location Codes e       Surface material type and area e       Grid Size
       .       Survey date and time e      Name of surveyor
       .       Instrument serial numbers and calibration due dates e       Measurement locations / type (s)/ survey results t

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  • i k

J I I 2 i 3 [ 4 I I I 9 i l I t 1 B1-i i

I ATTACHMENT C Calibration Certificate 2 Eberline E-600 With Probe HP-100 CGS, SPA-3 Smart Probe or SHP-360 Smart Probe I Date: 11/6/98 Probe -Serial Number: SHP-100 CGS, S/N:350 Calibration Source: Co-60 Serial Number: E-240YA Efficiency Determination Fixed Total Count Gross BKG Net Source Eff. Distance Counts Time cpm cpm cpm dpm I 0.125" 4450 10 445 61 384 4405 (c/d) 0.087 I scan 1 318 120 I scan 2 363 120 323 120 avg. 335 120 215 4405 0.049 Comments: 20' cable beta efficiency I , I Calibrated By: N Date Due: '7[2 C/97 Reviewed By: \ (y qM' Incal: Ilf I3 i) l l I I 18 of 19 l-

ATTACHMENT C Calibration Certificate Eberline E-600 With Probe HP-100 CGS, SPA-3 Smart Probe or SHP-360 Smart Probe Date: 11/6/98 Probe -Serial Number: SHP-100 CGS, S/N:351 Calibration Source: Co-60 Serial Number: E-240YA Efliciency Determination Fixed Total l Count l Gross BKG Net Eff. l l Source l Distance l Counts l Time l cpm cpm l cpm dpm l (c/d) 0.125" 4020 10 402 67 335 4405 0.076 1 l l l l l l scan 1 350 140 scan 2 325 14 scan 3 340 l avg. 338 140 198 4405 0.045 Comments: 20' cable beta efficiency Calibrated By: _ Date Due: 7/Av/99 Reviewed By: @1, Incal: II l2fOJ/

                                                                             /     /

18 of 19

l 4 i ATTACHMENT G Calibration Certificate l Eberline E-600 With Probe HP-100 CGS, SPA-3 Smart Probe or SHP-360 Smart Probe i Date: 7/22/98 Probe - Serial Number: SHP-100 S/N:351 Calibration Source: Co-60 Serial Number: E-4 l , Efficiency Determination 11 Fixed Total Count Gross BKG Net Eff. l Source 4 Distance Counts Time cpm cpm cpm l dpm (c/d) 0.125" 7590 10 759 119 640 4502 0.142 \ l l l l l l l l 1 i-l scan 1 436 135

scan 2 466 135

} scan 3 394 135 l i l avg. 432 135 297 4502 0.066 l } i Comments: Scan efficiency after Vendor calibration. l a  ! 1

E, 3, l

Calibrated By: _ Date Due: 7/20/99 (y I Reviewed By: Incal:

f I l ATTACHMENT G ! Calibration Certificate Eberline E-600 With Probe HP-100 CGS, SPA-3 Smart Probe or SHP-360 Smart Probe ~ Date: 7/22/98 Probe - Serial Number: SHP-100, S/N:350 Calibration Source. Co-60 Serial Number: E-4 i Efficiency Determination i Fixed Total Count Gross BKG Net Eff. l l l l Source l Distance l Counts Time l cpm cpm l cpm l dpm (c/d) l ! 0.125" 7750 10 775 122 653 4502 0.145 l I scan 1 480 140 I scan 2 490 140 l scan 3 505 140 avg. 492 140 352 4502 0.078

I Comments: Scan efficiency after Vendor calibration.

I l Caiibrated By: , Date Due: 7/20/99

         ,-d .,         yac                                    1-,;


l l ATTACIIMENT G l Calibration Certificate  !

t i Eberline E-600 With Probe l HP-100 CGS, SPA-3 Smart Probe or SHP-360 Smart Probe l Date: 7/22/98 Probe -Serial Number: SHP-100, S/N:350 55889-191 l l Calibration Source: Am-241 Serial Number: i Efficiency Determination .! Fixed Total Gross BKG Net Source Eff. l l Count l Distance l Counts l Time epm cpm l cpm dpm (c/d) 0.125" 15150 10 1515 1 1514 10002 0.151

n scan 1 880 1
I scan 2 926 I l

scan 3 895 1 i avg. 900 1 899 10002 0.090 i l 5 l Comments: Scan efficiency after Vendor calibration. -I Calibrated By: Date Due: 7/20/99 I Reviewed By: ( Incal:

 .I I

I -

ATTACIIMENT G Calibration Certificate I j Eberline E-600 With Probe IIP-100 CGS, SPA-3 Smart Probe or SIIP-360 Smart Probe ! Date: 7/22/98 Probe - Serial Number: SHP-100, S/N:351 I Calibration Source: Am-241 Serial Number: 55889-191 l Efficiency Determination Fixed Total Gross BKG Net Eff. l Count l Source l Distance Counts l Time cpm cpm cpm l dpm l (c/d) 0.125" 14950 10 1495 1 1494 10002 0.149 l l scan 1 840 1 scan 2 880 1 i scan 3 890 1 l avg. 870 1 869 10002 0.087 , - Comments: Scan efticiency after Vendor calibration.  ; l l 5 Calibrated By: - /w Date Due: 7/20/99 Reviewed By: Cy , Incal: l l l

            -                         - . - -         __-_ .                             ,                                _ _ _ _ .I

ATTACHMENT G Calibration Certificate Eberline E-600 With Probe IIP-100 CGS, SPA-3 Smart Probe or SHP-360 Smart Probe Date: 7/22/98 Probe -Serial Number: SHP-360, S/N:193 Calibration Source: Co-60 Serial Number: E-213 YA Efficiency Determination Fixed Total Count l Gross BKG Net Eff. l Source l l Distance Counts Time l cpm cpm cpn. l dpm l (c/d) l 0.5" 32500 1 32500 30 32470 499968 0.065 I I I I I I I scant 30100 79 2 scan 2 30700 79 scan 3 31400 79 avg. 30733 79 30654 499968l 0.061 Comments: Scan efficiency after Vendor calibration. Calibrated By: s ,w /- Date Due: 7/20/99 Reviewed By: ( v Incal: n I 34 9/

f YANKEE ATOMIC ELECTRIC COMPANY f RAD PROTECTION INSTRUMENTATION CALIBRATION FORM INSTRUMENT TYPE: 2391F Floor Monitors /N: 141949 YAEC #: 59021 MAtlUFACTURER Ludlum PROBE TYPE Gas Flow Proportional { CALIBRATION HETHOD Voltage Plateau using Tc-99 Efficiency determination w/Co 60 SOURCE TYPE & SERIAL NO. Co-60/E-6 Tc-99/E21 Efficiency Determination f I Total Gross BKG Net Source Eff. unts com com cpm dom (c/d) scan 1 3690 1426 22 scan 3540 1600 1940 scan 3 3340 1845 1494-avg. 3523 1624 1899 26220 0.07 Coments: Routine Cal RP CAL DATE: 06/29/98 CAL DUE DATE: 12/29/98 DATE: 02MY EQUIPMENT HISTORY UPDATED BY:

                                                                         ,/ M                                                -           ~



RP Supervisor v =x=u. _. m F ' 'd __.f,_. c b COPY DPF 8831.1 Rev.5

     '06/29/98 13:38:14                                                                                                                                  1 b   E-600 Sorial Number                              : 5156 Program Version                           : E600 V3.09 Calibration Date                          : 05/20/98

{_ Calibration Due Date  : 11/20/98 Scaler Precision  : 10% Lower Threshold Slope  : 0.8750 f L Lower Threshold Intercept  : -0.1667 mV Upper Threshold Slope  : 0.9481 Upper' Threshold Intercept  : -0.8593 mV r-to Alarm Editing  : Disabled Latching Alarms-  : Enabled' Auto Ranging'  : Enabled Beep on Auto-Range  : No [z  : No

             ' Ignore E-600 Cal. Date Ignore-Probe Cal. Date                   : No Ratemeter Mode Support                    : Enabled fr            Integrate Mode Support                   : Disabled Scaler Mode Support                       : Enabled Peak Hold Mode Support                    : Enabled

{ Background Update Mode Support  : Disabled

Aux. Only Log ID Source.

Star Key Ratemeter Function  : Zero Display ace Func+. ion  : Zero Display Star Key I:J;

              ' Scaler Dispicy Units                     :    Rate Scaler Ccunting Mode                     : Fixed Time Smart Probe Serial Number                         : 59021 Type                                      : 239-1F 7

t Calibration Date  : 06/29/98 Calibration Due Date  : 12/29/98 Dead Time  : 10.0 usec Surface Area  : 425 cm2 [L  : 2000 Vdc Max High Voltage

1.00E+05 cps Overrange Channel 1 Channel ~ Type  : Beta Rate Units  : cpm

[ -

5,5,5 secs Response Times High Voltage  : 1826 Vdc f Lower' Threshold  %  : 2.00 mV C Upper Threshold-  : 2.12 mV
Both Selected Window Lower' Cal. Constant  : 1.00 counts / count
                -Upper Cal. Constant                        : 1.00 counts / count
60 secs Scaler Time Lower to Upper Crossover  : 0.0
0.0 Upper to Lower Crossover 1 p%g PAGE 0 ' Channel 2 Channel Type  :

fheta 'L ly g (,

cpm of w Rate Units  : 5,5,5 secs Response' Times High Voltage'  : 1826 Vdc hy .
2.00 mv
Lower' Threshold Y

as l a

Uppar Throchold MmV-~ ~----- Selected Window' -:.Both' I Lowar Cal.; Constant  : 1.00 counts / count

1.00 counts / count

Uppor Cal. Constant Scaler' Time  : 60 secs Lower to Upper Crossover  : 0.0

    ~ Upper to Lower Crossover         : 0.0 Chtnnel 3 Channel Type                      : Beta Rate Units         ,              : cpm
    ' Response Times                   : 5,5,5 secs High Voltage                      : 1826 Vdc Lower Threshold                   : 2.00 mV Upper Threshold                   : 2.12 mV' Selected Window                  : Both Lower Cal. Constant              : 1.00 counts / count Upper Cal. Constant               : 1.00 counts / count Scaler Time                      : 60 secs
    -Lower to Upper Crossover          : 0.0 Upper to Lower Crossover         : 0.0 Calibration Sources are Traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology Signature: M4h, v

Date: hMf'f[ I

                                                                          -R COPY                     3 e_6_,    l

oe,2 m eie.c.a, 59021 Vtitago Plat:au Curva 1460 1

              - Lowel Win.(2.03mV)                                                      l                l 13147),'#"                               -

L:' - l 4 1168 s / 1022 h 876 N 73C f' , f 584 438


h 292

                                              '/                                          !
                                    /                                                      \

O 146 / C o__ ~ 1396 14'55 1514 1572 1631 1689 1748 1807 1865 19'24 1582 1826: 0.00 429.98 Voltage 1 i t e of h

                                                       %p %,  iyy

06/29/98 13:01:33 E-600 Scrial Number  : 5156 4 Program Version  : E600 V3.09 Calibration Date  : 05/20/98 Calibration Due Date  : 11/20/98 Scaler Precision  : 10% Lower Threshold Slope  : 0.8750 Lower Threshold Intercept  : -0.1667 mv Upper Threshold Slope  : 0.9481 Upper Threshold Intercept  : -0.8593 mV Alarm Editing  : Disabled Latching Alarms  : Enabled-Auto Ranging  : Enabled Beep on Auto-Range  : No Ignore E-600 Cal. Date  : No Ignore Probe Cal. Date  : No Ratemeter Mode Support  : Enabled Integrate Mode Support  : Disabled Scaler Mode Support  : Enabled Peak Hold Mode Support  : Enabled Background Update Mode Support  : Disabled Log ID Source .

Aux. Only Star Key Ratemeter Function  : Zero Display Star Key Integrate Function  : Zero Display Scaler Display Units  : Rate Scaler Counting Mode  : Fixed Time Smart Probe Serial Number  : 5902 Type  : 239-1F Calibration Date  : 06/29/98 Calibration Due Date  : 12/29/98 Dead Time  : 10.0 usec Surface Area  : 425 cm2 Max High Voltage  : 2000 Vdc Overrange  : 1.00E+05 cps Channel 1 Channel Type  : Beta Rate Units  : cpm Response Times  : 5,5,5 secs High Voltage  : 1826 Vdc Lower Threshold g  : 2.00 mV .

Upper Threshold  : 2.12 mV Selected Window  : Both Lower Cal. Constant  : 1.00 counts / count Upper Cal. Constant  : 1.00 counts / count Scaler Time  : 60 secs Lower to Upper Crossover  : 0.0 Upper to Lower Crossover  : 0.0 "AS FOUND" Channel 2 Initial #8 Date f[ Channel Type

  • Beta Rate Units M'?., ~'%
                                                                         .' ,5,W secs Response Times                                                                                              g' 'C,. ~ ~*g High Voltage                                                   : 1826 Vdc l

L Lower Threshold  : 2.00 mV j[

                                                                                                                 -w        7(   __a F

GypDN r~7cas7smune j Salected Window  : Both i Lowsr Cal. Constant  : 1.00 counts / count Uppar Cal. Constant  : 1.00 counts / count Scaler Time  : 60 secs Lower to Upper Crossover  : 0.0 Upper to Lower Crossover  : 0.0 Channel 3 Channel Type  : Beta Rate Units  : cpm Response Times  : 5,5,5 secs High Voltage  : 1826 Vdc Lower Threshold  : 2.00 mV Upper Threshold  : 2.12 mV' Selected Window  : Both Lower Cal. Constant  : 1.00 counts / count Upper Cal. Constant  : 1.00 counts / count Scaler Time  : 60 secs Lower to Upper Crossover  : 0.0 ,

0.0 l Upper to Lower Crossover l

Calibration Sources are Traceable to the National Institute l of Standards and Technology Signature: /V, Date: A//< l l I "AS FOUND"  ! Initial ,88 Date 6 , I I i C~ y PAGE j COPY 4 ~e.._s_.i

     ..  ._       - _ . _ . _ .         . .   .~ _     -..           - . . . _ . _ . _ - . - _ . . . _. . . . _ . . . .


            ' 09/03/98 09:49:10 E-600 Serial : Number                          : 1056 Program Version                  :'E600 V3.12                                                  4
                          . Calibration-Date/Due Date        : 09/03/98 to 09/03/99-                                       l LScaler Precision                  :  10%                                                        i Lower Threshold Slope:           :  0.9048                                                     i
                          ' Lower Threshold Intercept.       :  -0.0857 mV                                                 1 Upper Threshold ~ Slope-          :  1.00
                          ~ Upper' Threshold Intercept       :  -0.8000 mV Alarm-Editing                     :  Enabled Latching Alarms <                :  Enabled 1                     -Auto Ranging        .
Enabled Beep-on Auto-Range  : No ignore E-600 Cal. Date  : No ignore Probe Cal. Date  : No Ratemeter Mode Support
  • Enabled Integrate Mode Support  : Enabled Scaler Mode Support  : Enabled Peak Hold Mode Support  : Enabled 4 Background Update Mode Support  : Enabled  !

l Log ID Source-  : Internal / Aux.

l. Star. Key Ratemeter Function  : 2ero Display Star Key Integrate Function  : 2ero Display Scaler Display Units  : Rate
                           ' Scaler Counting Mode            :  Fixed Time                                                 !


              -Smart: Probe-~ Serial. Number                 : 724592                                                      l
                          ' Type      .
,                           Calibration'Date/Due Date        : 09/03/981to 09/03/99-                                       1
                           -Dead Time.                        : 26.0 usec L-                           Surface-Area                      : 20.0 cm2 Max High Voltage                  : 1600 Vdc l                            Overrange.                       :  48000 cps 5

I U. . i t ~ E j d 9 1

Page 2 l Probe SSPA- 3 724592 continued... Channel 1 Channel Type  : Camma Rate Units  : R/hr i Response Times  : 20,10,3 secs High Voltage  : 791 Vdc Lower Threshold  : 2.00 mV Upper Threshold  : 2.00 mV Selected Window  : Upper Upper Cal. Constant  : 7.35E+10 counts /R Scaler Time  : 10 secs Lower to Upper Crossover  : 0.0 Upper to Lower Crossover  : 0.0 I Camma Channel Linearity Test Results Field


Pass Tolerance Pluc/Minus 10.0% 9;E r r o r Pass / Fail 2.00 R/hr 2.07 R/hr 3.50% Pass 0.5000 R/hr 0.4998 R/hr -0.039ES Pass , 0.0050 R/h: 0.0050 R/hr 0.3550% Pass l l Calibration Sources are Traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology 1 Alpha Source: O/A '! E i f : I Beta Source : 0/A e.eff: Gamma Source: 6 5-lD , bS *70 , t F. f f : 1 Cable Length: (00 [Eli s

        . Signature:                  ;              4Ef- -
                                                                          .                          Date:

" M;96.969 W - M w . k Wi W M L P L J

SPA 3-4.GRF SSPA-3 S/N724592 02,osis8 l Voltage Plateau Curve

                       - Lower Win.(2.00mV)
                       -Upper Win.(2.00 mV) 10161-Gamma Ic           'o>

7903 Q U 6774 5645 . t 4516 c' l

     /         3387 lb            2258            g l                                                              I

I / le 1129 0 400 459 518 576 635 _693 752 811 869 928 986 1 791: 0.00 l Voltage l ( f i g f C g

or EBERLINE E-600 CALIBRATION REPORT' 07/20/98 08:31:01 Instrument Only , - E-600 Serial Number  : 1455 L Program Version- .  : E600 V3.12

                  , Calibration-Date/Due Date                                                 : 07/20/98 to 07/20/99 Scaler Precision                                                           : 10%
                  -Lower Threshold Slope                                                      :     0.8571 Lower' Threshold Intercept.                                                 :    -0.1619 mV Upper Threshold. Slope                                                      :    0.9296 s Upper Threshold Intercept                                                   :    -0.7852 mV Alarm Editing-                                                              :    Enabled L                   Latching Alarms                                                             :    Enabled
                  -Auto Ranging.                                                               :    Disabled Beep.on Auto-Range-                                                         :    No Ignore E-600 Cal. Date                                                     : No.
Ignore Probe. Cal. Date  : No Ratemeter Mode Support  : Enabled Integrate Mode Support  : Enabled Scaler Mode. Support ,  : Enabled Peak Hold Modo Support  : Enabled ,
                  . Background Update Mode Support                                             :    Enabled-
                  ' Log ID Source                                                              : Internal / Aux.

Star Key Ratemeter Function  :-Zero Display StariKey Integrate Function  :-Zero Display Scaler Display Units  : Rate Scalor Co nt'.ng Mode  : Fixed Time JUL 2 0 'iis SLEnature: _ / /h ,_ _ . _j_ Date-

           ' f0 $ kib4.            .                                                                                    .

8 s 4 4 e l 1 i i 1 l

g.  !

I V l l- I L 1 h

EBERLINE E-600 CALIBRATION REPORT 07/17/98 15:23:44 E-600 Serial Number  : 1441 Program Version  : E600 V3.12 Calibration Date/Due Date  : 07/17/98 to 07/17/99 Scaler Precision  : 10% Lower Threshold Slope  : 0.9048 Lower Threshold Intercept  : -0.0857 mV Upper Threshold Slope  : 1.03 Upper Threshold Intercept  : -0.6370 mV Alarm Editing  : Enabled Latching Alarms  : Enabled Auto Ran6'ng  : Enabled Beep on Auto-Range  : No Ignore E-600 Cal. Date  : No 1 Ignore Probe Cal. Date  : No Ratemeter Mode Support  : Enabled Integrate Mode Support  : Enabled Scaler Mode Support  : Enabled Peak Hold Mode Support  : Enabled Background Update Mode Support  : Enabled Log ID Source I Star Key Ratemeter Function Star Ke Integrate Function

Internal / Aux.
Zero Display
Zero Display Scaler isplay Units  : Rate Scaler Counting Mode  : Fixed Time Smart Probe Serial Number  : 350 Type  : SHP-100C Calibration Date/Due Date  : 07/17/98 to 07/17/99 I Dead Time Surface Area 7.50 usec 100 cm2 Max High Voltage  : 1900 Vdc Overrange  : 80000 cps I

I I I , I [ m

Pcg2 2 Probe SHP-1000 350 continued... Channel 1 Channel Type  : Alpha Rate Units  : cpm Response Times  : 22.10.3 secs High Voltage l Lower Threshold 1602 Vdc 1.00 mV Upper Threshold  : 27.0 mV Selected Window  : Upper I Upper Cal. Constant  : 1.00 counts / count Scaler Time  : 10 secs Lower to Upper Crossover  : 0.0029 La Upper to Lower Crossover  : 0.3451 Channel 2 l Channel Type  : Beta Rate Units  : cpm Response Times  : 22,10,3 secs High Voltage  : 1602 Vdc I Lower Threshold  : 1.00 mV Upper Threshold  : 27.0 mV Selected. Window  : Lower Lower Cal. Constant  : 1.00 counts / count Scaler Time  : 10 sece Lower to Upper Crossover  : 0.0029 Upper to Lower Crossover  : 0.3451 Channel 3 I Channel Type . Alpha / Beta Rate Units . opm Response Times  : 22.10,3 secs High Voltage  : 1602 Vdc l Lower Threshold  : 1.00 mV Upper Threshold  : 27.0 mV Selected Window  : Both Lower Cal. Conctant  : 1.00 counts / count I Upper Cal. Constant  : 1.00 counts / count Scaler Time  : 10 secs Lower to Upper Crossover  : 0.0029 Upper to Lower Crossover  : 0.3451 Calibration Sources are Traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology Alpha Source: An-zui # nu-37c; %sff: nt97-X Beta Source : w/A

                                                                                                                       %Eff:   TJ !A l                                                                                                                             - f I        Gamma Source: 75-I'57 Y (lv - 32'7                                                                           %Eff:

4'7 77 [ Cable Length: 06100 60 inches Signature: b ) b- ' Date: 7- 17'



f o. m w

1 I k

l5 = ho" SHP1000GS#360/TC 99 ==


Voltage Plateau Curve 940 - l - Lower Win.(1.00mV) i g -Upper Win.(27.0 mV; Alpha! Beta 15s.


\ Q


0 558 U / 7 564 n 470


t 37,. f

                                      /                                                        1

[ 282 S 18s


e S4 C .- 0 -- 1348 1387 1426 1465 1504 1543 1582 1621 1602: 780.31 Voltage . l 1 i w l  ! i l

Phga 1 EBERLINE E-600 CALIBRATION REPORT 07/20/98 13:08:39 E-600 Serial Number  : 1441 Program Version  : E600 V3.12 Calibration Date/Due Date  : 07/17/98 to 07/17/99 Scaler Precision  : 10% Lower Threshold Slope  : 0.9048 Lower Threshold Intercept  : -0.0857 mV Upper Threshold Slope  : 1.03 Upper Threshold Intercept  : -0.6370 mV Alarm Editing  : Enabled Latching Alarms  : Enabled Aghg Rggging  : Enabled Beep on Auto-Range  : No Ignore E-600 Cal. Date  : No Ignore Probe Cal. Date  : No Ratemeter Mode Support  : Enabled Integrate Mode Support  : Enabled Scaler Mode Support  : Enabled Peak Hold Mode Support  : Enabled Background Update Mode Support  : Enabled Log ID Source  : Internal / Aux. Star Key Ratemeter Function  : Zero Display Star Key Integrate Function  : Zero Display Scaler bisplay Units  : Rate Scaler Counting Mode  : Fixed Time Smart Probe Serial Number  : 193 Type  : SHP-360 Calibration Date/Due Date  : 07/20/98 to 07/20/99 Dead Time  : 100 usec Surface Area  : 15.0 cm2 Max High Voltage  : 900 Vdc Overrange  : 58000 cps 4 t D L r j,. - - _ _ _ _ _ .

Page 2 Probe SHP-360 193 continued... Channel 1 Channel Type  : Beta Rate Units  : cpm Response Times  : 20,10,3 sees High Voltage  : 898 Vdc Lower Threshold  : 5.00 mV Upper Threshold  : 10.1 mV Selected Window  : Upper Upper Cal. Constant  : 1.00 counts / count Scaler Time  : 10 secs Lower to Upper Crossover  : 0.0 Upper to Lower Crossover  : 0.0 Beta Channel Linearity Test Results - Pass Tolerance Plus/Minus 10.0:4 Field


Response %Eff. Pass / Fail

                                                                                                          ~ ~~"~~~~~~~~~~~
     "99 *z751 ~~26866~c~m             p                    ' ~bkhb~b'm~          p    ~         bb b                      I>as e 92700 cpm                              28442 cpm                        30.7%                     Pass TL.ct't 4 O#33 1 Calibration Sources are Traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology Alpha Sour,: $:             -r4+                                                        %Eff: _t'          -

f Beta Source : Tr-99 M 2757. %Eff: 12 *. t O '/,, Gamma Source: WIf %Eff: __ I Cable Length: tA -100-6 0 inches Signature: Ii-- - Date: 7- Z C) ' 9 P; __ f.o.W h<bd ) L l. a t' ( l I


  • EBERLINE-E-600 CALIBRATION REPORT 07/20/98 13:55:24 E-600 Serial. Number  : 1441 Program Version  : E600 V3.12 Calibration Date/Due Date  : 07/17/98 to 07/17/99 Scaler Precision  : 10%

Lower Threshold Slope  : 0.9048 Lower Threshold Intercept  : -0.0857 mV Upper Threshold Slope  : 1.03 Upper Threshold Intercept  : -0.6370.mV Alarm Editing  : Enabled Latching Alarms  : Enabled Auto Ranging  : Enabled.

                 ' Beep on-Auto-Range                                                : No
                 . Ignore E-600 Cal. Date                                            : No

Ignore. Probe Cal. Date-  : No Ratemeter Mode Support  : Enabled Integrate Mode Support  : Enabled Scaler Mode Support.  : Enabled Peak Hold Mode Support  : Enabled

Enabled BackfDSourceround Log Update Mode Support  : Internal / Aux.

Star Key-Ratemeter Function-  : Zero Display Star Key Integrate Function  : Zero Display Scaler Display Units.  : Rate Scaler. Counting Mode  : Fixed Time , Smart Probe Serial Number  : 725656

                 ' Type                                     .                        : .SHP300 Calibration Date/Due Date                                          : 07/20/98 to 07/20/99 Dead Time                                                         : 114 usec Surface Area                                                      : 53.0 cm2 Max High Voltage-                                                 : 500 Vdc Overran 8e                                                        : 16000 cps l

( + t t E h

                                                 , , . .                                                               n , ,_ _____

Page .'? Probe SHP300 725656 continued... Channel 1 Channel Type  : Gamma Rate Units  : R/hr Response Times  : 22,10,3 secs High Voltage  : 449 Vdc Lower Threshold  : 5.00 mV Upper Threshold  : 10.0 mV Selected Window  : Upper Upper Cal. Constant  : 5.11E+08 counts /R Scaler Time  : 10 secs Lawer to Upper Crossover  : 0.0 Upper to Lower Crossover  : 0.0 Gamma Channel Linearity Test Results - Pass Tolerance Plus/Minus 10.0% Field Response  % Error Pass / Fail 0.1000 R/hr 0.1050 R/hr 5.01% Pass 0.0500 R/hr 0.0535 R/hr 7.01% Pass 0.0200 R/hr 0.0201 R/hr 0.5442% Pass Calibration Sources are Traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology Alphh Source: _,<fM %Eff: ~I

                              /                                                                                                         /

Beta Source : ~/e %Eff: A l, Gamma Source: A 87 #EI~- f le YE2 -l7o # Er- 17 5' %Eff: AI i / Cable Length: OAM UO inches Signature: <: Date: 7 - Z o 'i 8 Po.drs\ l f

 'Paga 1 EBERLINE E-600 CALIBRATION REPORT 07/17/98 15:31:01 E-600 Serial Number                      : 1441 Program Version                   : E600 V3.12 Calibration Date/Due Date         : 07/17/98 to 07/17/99 Scaler Precision                  : 10%

Lower Threshold Slope  : 0.9048 Lower Threshold Intercept  : -0.0857 mV Upper Threshold Slope  : 1.03 . Upper Threshold Intercept  : -0.6370 mV Alarm Editing  : Enabled Latching Alarms  : Enabled Auto Ranging  : Enabled Beep on Auto-Range  : No Ignore E-600 Cal. Date  : No Ignore Probe Cal. Date  : No Ratemeter Mode Support  : Enabled Integrate Mode Support  : Enabled Scaler Mode Support  : Enabled Peak Hold Mode Support  : Enabled Background Update Mode Support  : Enabled Log ID Source  : Internal / Aux. Star Key Ratemeter Function  : Zero Display Star Key Integrate Function  : Zero Display Scaler Display Units  : Rate Scaler Counting Mode  : Fixed Time Smart Probe Seritt Number  : 351 Type  : SHP-1000 Calibration Date/Due Date  : 07/17/98 to 07/17/99 Dead Time  : 7.50 usec Surface Area  : 100 cm2 Max High Voltage  : 1900 Vdc Overrange  : 80000 cps s t

                                                                   - - - . - . . _ - _ _ _ - . _3

I+ Pcg1 2 Probe SHP-1000 351 continued... Channel 1 Channel Type  : Alpha Rate Units  : cpm Response Times  : 22,10,3 secs High Voltage  : 1602 Vdc ' Lower Threshold  : 1.00 mV Upper Threshold  : 27.0 mV

                  - Selected Window                     :  Upper
                  . Upper Cal. Constant                 : 1.00 counts / count Scaler Time.                        : 10 sees
                  ~ Upper Crossover            : 0.0035 Up                                   : 0.3797 ChannelbertoLowerCrossover Channel Type                        : Beta Rate Units                           : cpm Response Times                       :  22,10.3 secs
                  - High Voltage                        :  1602 Vdc
                  ' Lower Threshold                     :  1.00 mV Upper Threshold                      :  27.0 mV Selected Window                      :  Lower Lower Cal. Constant                  : 1.00 counts / count Scaler Time                          .: 10 secs Lower to Upper Crossover             : 0.0035 Upper to Lower Crossover             : 0.3797
       ' Channel 3' Channel Type                         : Alpha / Beta Rate Units                           :  cpm Response Times                       :  22,10,3 secs High Voltage                         :  1602 Vdc Lower. Threshold                     :  1.00 mV Upper Threshold                      :  27.0 mV Selected Window-                     :  Both Lower Cal. Constant                  : 1.00 counts / count Upper Cal. Constant                  : 1.00 counts / count Scaler Time                          : 10 sees Lower to Upper Crossover             : 0.0035 Upper to Lower Crossover             : 0.3797 Calibration- Sources are Traceable to the 11ational Institute of Standards and Technology Alpha Source:         bl1 7 'I I b c to -37 ci                                %Eff:
                              ~ Ab (1492 [

Beta Source :' %Eff: ^>dh

                               /                                                               /      .

Gamma Source: C5 7 N C LO - 3 7 7 (

                                                                                      %Eff: SK Si */..


       ' Cable-Length: c a -sec-An       inches
       ~ Signature:              f(1 b F kk1                   Date: 7 G M 9 0. k Y U b0\                          f

S' C55'" SHP100 CGS #351/TC-99 Omma ll 930 Voltage Plateau Curve I 837

                         - Lower Win.(i.00mV)
                         -Upper Win.(27.0 mV)

Alpha! Beta


ll 7dd C - o e51 0 556 l


'! t 465 372

                                                     , /                                          i 279                   g Is.e           s6e    f Io                  0 1367         1406         1445      1484    1523       1562   1602 1641 1602: 754.72 3.60 Voltage I


 .I I

I lI lI I


    .                  .                        ' National Institute of Standards & Technc!ogy Gaithersburg, MD 20899
    \ %ris # /                                                                                                                                      l


       -                               Certificate of Participation                                                                                 l l

l Analytics, Incorporated l Atlanta, Georgia l 1 l


is a participant for the period January 1,1998, through December 31,1998, in a radioactivity measurements assurance program conducted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, in cooperation with the Nuclear Energy Institute. Continued participation is evidenced by l dated Reports of Traceability issued for particular  ! radionuclides, which indicate the deviation of the participant's .! reported value from that measured by the NationalInstitute  ! of Standards and Technology. The significance of these  ! Reports is addressed below.' For the Director, h ,E Lisa R. Kcram, Group Leader Radioactivity Group Physics Laboratory l l As guidance fbe the proper use of Reports of Traceability, it should be emphasized that the National Institute of Standards and Technology is concemed only with fostering good measurements capability and consistency with the !. national measurements system. The assurance of the proper application of that capability to the ultimate consumer [ products is the responsibility of each manufactmer of these products and of the Federal regulatory agencies.

          ' A continuing traceability program in radioactivity demonstrates, to the degree established by the periodic assays of l

calibrated radioactivity samples, a continuing competence to maintain the instrument systems and standards necessary for accurate measurement. Such a program cannot, however, endorse each and every measurement nor the final product, any more than a spot check can vouch for every unchecked item. Care should be taken, therefore, r,ot to imply such endorsement. The pivper use of this Report is govemed by section 200.114 ofTitle 15 of the Code ofFederal

Regulations. These regulations may be met if Reports are quoted only in their entirety. Excerpts out ofcontext may be
           -;.i a g
         /LP4/LI2(1rIC:S                                                        a                !

U 1 1380 Seaboard Industrial Blvd. Atlanta, Georgia 30318 U.S.A. Phone (404) 352-8677 Fax (404)352 2837 PACKING LIST CONNECTICUT YANKEE ATOMIC POWER CO SHIPPING DATE 06/05/98 l SHIPMENT NO. 15039-8496 362 INJUN HOLLOW ROAD P.O. NUMBER 02045723 l EAST HAMPTON, CT 06424- REQ / RELEASE NO. 5/6/98 l ATTN: DENNY BURKHART BOX 1 of 1 FOR: l LINE QTY. I NUKBER SHIP DESCRIPTION  : l 01 1 SRS 55889-191 AM-241 10 CM X 10 C.4 PLATE SOURCE CALIBRATION STANDARD, 0.5 MG/CM2 MYLAR COVERING, 0.005 UCI ( CALIBRATION CERTIFICATES ARE ENCLOSED IN THIS BOX W LIMITED WARRANTY ANALYTICS warrants that at the time of shipment the products sold by it are frco from defects in material and workmanship and conform to specifications which accompany the product. ANALYTICS makes no other warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the products, including any warranty of mer-chantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Complaints of breach of warrcnty on radioactive products must be received in writing by ANALYTICS within 15 days of receipt of the product by the purchaser. A 30 day period will .be allowed in the case of non-radioactive products. The maximum liability for any breach of warranty shall be replacement of the product or rofund of the invoice price of the product. ANALYTICS shall in no case be liable for special, incidental or consequential damages of any kind. i Page #1 of 1


ANALYTICS 1380 Seaboard Industrial Blvd. COPY Atlanta, Georgia 30318 U.SA Phone (404) 352-8677 Fax (404)352-2837 l SHIPPER'S DECLARATION I Shipment number 15039-8496 contains the following isotopes: FORM Solid RADIONUCLIDE OUANTITY IN MICROCURIES* Am-241 0.005 TOTAL: 0.005 This package conforms to the conditions and limii:ations specified in 49 CFR 173.421 for radioactive material, excepted package-limited quantity of material, UN2910. SHIPPED TO: Connecticut Yankee Atomic Power Co. DATE: June 5, 1998 L l

  • Quantities stated are approximate and for shipping purposes only. For certified quantities see Certificate of Calibration for each radioactive standard.

E w i i f

ANALYTICS i380 szooare ineustriai sive. Atlanta. Georgia 30318 U.S.A. Phone (404) 352 8677 Fax (404)352-2837 CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION Standard Radionuclide Source 51978-07 Co-60 Mounted on 10 cm x 10 cm Plastic Backing l This standard radionuclide source was prepared using an aliquot measured gravimetrically from a calibrated master liquid radionuclide solution source. The master source was calibrated in an ion chamber that was calibrated by the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, U.K., and is directly traceable to national standards. ANALYTICS maintains traceability to the National Institute of j Standards and Technology through Measurements Assurance Programs as described in USNRC Reg. Guide 4.15, Revision 1. Radionuclide purity and calibration were checked using a germanium gamma spectrometer system. The nuclear decay rate and assay date for this source are given below. ISOTOPE: Co-60 ACTIVITY (dps): 1.099 E+04 HALF-LIFE: 5.2714 years CALIBRATION DATE: May 31, 1996 12:00 EST TOTAL ERROR: 4.8% SYSTEMATIC ERROR: 4.5% RANDOM ERROR: 0.3% 39.4 mm x 39.4 mm active area. Source covering 1.7 mg/cm2 mylar. Source backing 0.005 inch thick plastic. No expiration date has been given for this source due to the fragile nature of the pylar covering. This source should be carefully tested for feakage at least every six months. If leakage is detected this source should be disposed of by approved radioactive waste disposal procedures. d P G NUMBER 000000000017435, Item 3


SOURCE PREPARED 3Y: s~ R . ~J . Hg's'l et t ,' Pr6ddct,foh Manager Q A APPROVED: 2/ C 'V/ '5 4 e a

I ANALYTICS MR'g'faQTn Phone (404) 352-8677 Fax (404)352 2837 CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION Standard Radionuclide Source 51979-07 Co-60 Mounted on 15 cm x 15 cm Plastic Backing This standard radionuclide source was prepared using an l aliquot measured gravimetrically from a calibrated master liquid radionuclide solution source. The master source was calibrated in an ion chamber that was calibrated by the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, U.K., and is directly traceable to national standtrds. ANALYTICS maintains traceability to the National Institute of Standards and Technology through Measurements Assurance Programs as described in USNRC Reg. Guide 4.15, Revision 1. Radionuclide purity and calibration were checked using a germanium gamma spectrometer system. The nuclear decay rate and assay date for this source are given below. ISOTOPE: Co-60 ACTIVITY (dps): 99.26 HALF-LIFE: 5.2714 years CALIBRATION DATE: May 31, 1996 12:00 EST TOTAL ERROR: 4.8% SYSTEMATIC ERROR: 4.5% k 0.3% dv RANDOM ERROR: 10 cm x 10 cm active area. Source covering 1.7 mg/cm 2 mylar. Source backing 0.005 inch thick plastic. No expiration date has been given for this source due to the fragile nature of theimylar covering. This source should be carefully tested for leakage at least every six months. If leakage is detected this source should be disposed of by approved radioactive waste disposal procedures. P O NUMBER 000000000017435, Item 4 SOURCE PREPARED BY: i Q A APPROVED: N' 7 v -

1 l 80*d "b101 ANALYTICS


i380 sea 3earaineastnaisiv1 i Atlanta, George 30318 U.S A. I i Phone (404)352-8677 l ' Fax (404)352 2837 i CERTIFICNTE OF CALIBRATION l Standard Radionuclide Source I


51978-07 Co-60 Mounted on 10 cm x 10 cm Plastic Backing i This standard radionuclide source was prepared using an ) aliquot measured gravimetrically from a calibrated master liquid radionuclide solutten source. The master source was calibra ted in an ion chamber that was calibrated by the j National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, U.K., and is -

directly traceable to national 3

standards. ANALYTICS maintains traceability to the National Institute of Standards and Technology through Measurements Assurance a Programs as described in USNRC Reg. Guide 4.15, Revision 1. 4 Radionuclide purity and calibration were checked using a germanium gamma spectrometer system. The nuclear decay rate and assay date for this source are given below. I i ISOTOPE: Co-60 l ACTIVITY (dps): 1.099 E+04 i HALF-LIFE: 5.2714 years CALIBRATION DATE: May 31, 1996 12:00 EST SSE TIC ERROR: .  % RANDOM ERROR: 0.3% l 39.4 mm x 39.4 mm active area. Source covering 1.7 mg/cm2 mylar. Source backing 0.005 inch thick plastic. No expiration date has been given for this source due to the I fragile nature of the mylar covering. This source should be carefully tested for feakage at least every six months. If leakage is detected this source should be disposed of by approved radioactive waste disposal procedures. P O NUMBER 000000000017435, Item 3 SOURCE PREPARED BY: _ R . ~J '. H%ett,' 'Prodtic,fon Manager Q A APPROVED: t.', ~f/ 's 4 a a

ANALYTICS M8 ' 38o S ***'d '"""a' S* Atlanta.' Georgia 30318 U.S Phone (404)352 8677 Fax (404)352 2837 CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION Standard Radionuclide Source 55889-191 Am-241 10 cm x 10 cm Plate Source This standard radionuclide source was prepared gravimetrically from a calibrated master liquid radionuclide solution source. The master source was calibrated by liquid scintillation counting. The calibration was checked by alpha counting after source preparation. ANALYTICS maintains traceability to the National Institute of Standards and Technology through Measurements Assurance Programs as described in USNRC Reg. Guide 4.15, Revision 1. ISOTOPE: Am-241 ACTIVITY (dps): 166.7 HALF-LIFE: 432.2 years CALIBRATION DATE: April 1, 1998 12:00 EST TOTAL UNCERTAINTY: 5.0% SYSTEMATIC: 4.0% RANDOM: 1.0% Source covering 0.5 mg/cm2 mylar. No expiration date has been given for this source due to the fragile nature of the mylar covering. This source should be carefully tested for leakage at least every six months. If leakage is detected this source should be disposed of by approved radioactive waste disposal procedures. P O NUMBER 02045723, Rel. 6/98, tem 1

                           , ,                  /           -

SOURCE PREPARED BY: 4- , W d 6. D rrie, Radiochemist Q A APPROVED: - 'W[ O o

ANAMBG 1380 Seaboard ndustrial Blvd. Atlanta, Georgia 30318 U.S.A. Phone (404) 352 8677 Fax (404)352-2837 CERTIFICATE OF CALIBRATION Standard Radionuclide Source 51979-07 Co-60 Mounted on 15 cm x 15 cm Plastic Backing This standard radionuclide source was prepared using an aliquot measured gravimetrically from a calibrated master liquid radionuclide solution source. The master source was calibrated in an ion chamber that was calibrated by the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, U.K., and is directly traceable to national standards. ANALYTICS maintains traceability to the National Institute of Standards and Technology through Measurements Assurance Programs as described in USNRC Reg. Guide 4.15, Revision 1. Radionuclide purity and calibration were checked using a germanium gamma spectrometer system. The nuclear decay rate and assay date for this source are given below. ISOTOPE: Co-60 ACTIVITY (dps): 99.26 HALF-LIFE: 5.2714 years CALIBRATION DATE: May 31, 1996 12:00 EST I TOTAL ERROR: 4.8% SYSTEMATIC ERROR: 4.5% RANDOM ERROR: 0.3% 10 cm x 10 cm active area. Source covering 1.7 mg/cm 2 i mylar. Source backing 0.005 inch thick plastic. No expiration date has been given for this source due to the i fragile nature of the mylar co'vering. This source should be carefully tested for haakage at least every six months. If leakage is detected this source should be disposed of by approved radioactive waste disposal procedures. 000000000017435, Item 4 P O NLHBER SOURCE PREPARED BY: ~ R . ' 'J . Haspt,'Producticyanager Q A APPROVED: [3/'7 b e


I 1

I 'g I I I L L I I l C-1 I

Procedure DES-HPS-400 Revision 0 Page 13 of15 ATTACIIMENT A Source and Background Response Determination Sheet Instrument Type: E~bO Inst. # 0)44) Probe Type: O N P' 3[eO Probe # l v>r n- ,c-sw Source Type /ID# dr-9 9 3b9-IS' l Date: 7 ol3 98 Cal. Due: 'klf/7 9 [7/&h# Count # SOURCE CPM BKG CPM Count # SOURCE CPM BKG CPM 11 i 2.530 (oS 25RO 49 g 2 2470 45 12 2G20 9.1 P 3 2440 55 13 25)O 4) 1 4 as 70 Li 14 2460 40 5 2530 63 15 2540 43 6 2590 53 16 24io 56 7 2570 56 17 2960 53 8 2Ll50 4'7 18 2450 (f3 252 0 93 19 263 0 44 l 9 10 2500 '11 20 245c G5 Ex 50350 10aq l Avg.* (R) p,3)3 q) stnd. Dev." (c) 6) g

                                                                                                 *+3                             !"      7rq$ kf@

h hS$$if' l x - 3o 23'55 pc 0 $N l X= Ex Note ': a= 1(x - x )' Note : 3 g Performed by: Date: 7!24/9/ y i i Reviewed by:

                              '                                        2M                                      Date:     / / //'         I I


l I Procedure DES-HPS-400 Revision 0 g Page 14 of15 g ATTACHMENT B Daily Response Check Data Sheet TC- i 9

Probe Type: $NP- $ 0 Serial #: 19 3 Source Type /ID# Slo 9~Id'}

BKG Source Tech Inits

                                  -30      M                 -3c 9.%5                                         .
                                                             +3a M o l          Sat         E 600 #
Date Time +3a 75 Sat L/yf(

l 7/A's Iil prior 01 4 o 5 ~1 5'ON a4%o BY ON 144i 5(o A950 (5fY ON I94i M Il 12s/91 prior post ll36 TY ON OYON 35 7, n @_r ON lytg; g,y 'I DYON 14 y i AR I, 7/M/Q prior post is1Io 5 C) QY ON M R c)

         *    '                                    OYON

OYON  ; ~ .'

      ~7/ 2 4l % post      1500       E'7          MY ON          2000       WVON           1955       M'T

OYON OYON f I J' ' prior I post OY ON OYON prior OYON OYON i l post prior OYON OY ON OY ON OYON OY ON i


post OY ON I I

                -   prior                           OYON                      OY ON                               !

post OYON OYON  ! OYON OY ON l I prior post prior OYON OY ON OYON OYON j l OYON l post OY ON prior OYON OYON  : post OYON OY ON  ! prior OY ON OYON i l post OYON OY ON l l prior OYON OY ON I post prior r{Y ON OYON OY ON OYON  ! post / / '/ OYON OYON Reviewed by:

                                                 ' Y MJ'                    Date:      / / //rh I
ne n s~s n uaus. sit ,plu I


Procedure DES-HPS-400 Revision 0 Page 13 of15 ATTACHMENT A Source and Background Response Determination Sheet Instrument Type: b-bOU Inst. # 0>4 33 Probe Type: f4PIOC)CCO . Probe # 350 hfL '1 j t %) H b gg,x tip ho Source Type /ID# 'f( 9 9 1(oM) 13 ~ \ Date: 7f23 4 79

                                                                       $ Cal.Due:

Count # SOURCE CPM BKG CPM Count # SOURCE CPM BKG CPM 1 4yl0 Jgb 11 Ll 550 is7 2 4430 ISS 12 46c0 r7 9 1 3 4520 170 13 45co 199 4 L1 5pc) 15 3 14 4990 qi 15 s 4500 'L9 4 Sao 19 6 qggo 6 4430 20q 16 j9i 7 b4bd 19C) 17 4660 ' L,0 8 qqqo s y7 18 4500 )62 l 9 4556 lb1 19 9520 19 % 10 4 510 I 11 20 45cd J T7 D 90130 3.574 l Avg.* (R) 4509 J79 stnd. cev.: ( )  % )5 l - l

                                                            *+3 SEM Q qg

[h 1 pp 2 - 3a q f e %4i Note ': J= Ex , Note :

                                                                                 'E (x - x )'

20 cr = } 19 Performed by: . . Date: 7!,24/kl Reviewed by: . Date: / r/91



I I E Piocedure D_E_1-H. PS-400 Revision 0 Page 14 of15 l i ATTACHMENT B Daily Response Check Data Sheet 7t_ q g Probe Type: !49100CC,3 Serial #: '350 source Type /IDu % 9 - la- 1 I BKG Source Tech l Inits l I Date Time

                                         -3a i39
                                         +3a 2;L 4              Sat
                                                                       -3a Ll 39 )
                                                                       +3a 4(g1')          Sat         E 600 #

l i l 7/29/9A prior ' 0910 iS6 E[Y ON 4(/7 c) (2(Y ON l455 #R! I 41dl14l93 post lt14 20~l DilfY ON 4 Si o WY ON l49l b7( l ~ l

             '      '     prior                           OY ON                         OYON                     I               :

i //D4/42 post ISLT 90 1 NY ON 9 Ll 3 O AlIY ON [94l fvf3 l l

             '      8     prior                           OY ON                          OYON                                 'l           ,

lllLll MT/ l

                                                                          't 5 J. o    JET ON                                              l
    !     '7 i 24/91 post         I5L1I    l 7 ~1         KY ON                                                     ~'



prior OY ON OY ON  ! l l post OY ON OY ON prior OY ON OY ON i l I i l post prior OY ON OY ON OY ON OY ON l OY ON OY ON  ! I  ! I post prior post OYON OYON OYON OYON i I l l prior post OYON OYON OYON OY ON OY ON l l prior OYON l I post prior OY ON OYON OYON OYON _ i post OYON OY ON  ! l OYON OYON i I.'  ! prior OY ON OYON i l l I post

          ;                prior                           OYON                          OYON

' I, ' post OYON OY ON prior _ - - - OYON OY ON i post f f- ,'OY ON OY ON [' M Date: d ,If [ Reviewed by: I* Did 1 in_n&ve addbt pricr 5cuct Sina (hect(e scu. Mu. diu Seco'vo Pric ct cNcK asult wa3rgptnse

                                                                                                              %30 cpu. (

vpp y ay e a) ' I Nck. 40 Km3 w etn a t . m ,pW u

Procedure DES-HPS-400 Revision 0 Pace 13 of15 ATTACHMENT A Source and Background Response Determination Sheet Instrument Type: NPIOOOfd E -loo O Inst. # blN I Pr:be Type: H P)OO CC Probe u $5iw v.~ 54 SourceType/ID# IC'OO .17A 31- I Date: 7 A3,92 Cal. Due: WU Count # SOURCE CPM BKG CPM Count # SOURCE CPM BKG CPM 1 gg (,9 }() b 11 5 '74 0 l 6[, 2 $2)(10 17b 12 510d 16 5 3 5690 194 13 5700 116 4 5700 117 14 569o Ial 5 5tSO 17 ) 15 5740 169 6 $gpo ;g3 16 3430 qq 7 5$9C) 19'l 17 5790 iC7 f 8 Sb3d 17b 18 5620 159 9 5700 lb'I 19 5650 19 1 _ 10 gqo )gS 20 5750 J76 Ex 115,)3 0 360) Avg.* (R) 5757 )to Stnd. Dev.* (c) y} }$

                                                       ' + 3*

g[ g qq x - 3a 5'556 I4t _ Ex 1(x - r)' Note ': X= Note ': 20 6=} 19 Date: '7 24/9l Performed by: f) ,

                                 / */

e kNe . ae [! *


7 l \

Procedure DES-HPS-400 Revision 0 Page 14 of 15 ATTACHMENT B Daily Response Check Data Sheet TC.-T9 Probe Type: MP100CCJ Serial #: 35i Source Type /iD# l 74 I BKG Source Tech Inits

                         -3a  l4l                       -3a 5556, D: te           Time +3a 9.10l               Sat    +3a 59 5 %     Sat        E 600 #             ,

7/2% % prior 07v7 /ev 12Y ON N A OYON 0/vv- AR ELYi I post OYON OYON prior OYON OYON post OYON OYON prior OYON OYON post OYON OYON prior OYON OYON post OYON OYON prior OYON OYON post OYON OYON prior OYON OYON post OYON OYON prior OYON OYON post OYON OYON prior OYON OYON post OYON OYON prior OYON OYON post OYON OYON prior OYON OYON post OYON OYON prior OYON OYON post OYON OYON prior OYON OYON post OYON OYON prior f DYON OYON post / // OYJJN OY ON

                                                                           //M fI Reviewed' by:                                               Date:

(Wk: All bus 4e f.uitut . Art. ,/w/ga r

I Procedure DES-HPS 400 Revision 0 Page 13 of15 ATTACHMENT A Source and Background Response Determination Sheet Instrument Type: 6- (- CC Inst. # CM65 Probe Type: .5119 W _ Probe # ~/ 2_ 56 $6

3. s a r S:urce Type /ID# [y13'l Cal.Due:Z""!prN"no 566-2+I& ate: 7f24f9$ ,

Count # SOURCEhf BKG Cfh Count # SOURCEhk BKG wl4 1 ggq jg,q 11 Q.g.} QO , { 2 792, l g , ~) 12 gQg j '73 3 JP1 15 5 13 asa. t9.5 4 ago 19 . 6 14 993 16.5 5 099 16.3 15 Apa 17 6 6 999 13.1 16 211 16.3 7 M30 \9.b 17 299 17.0 8 200 16.3 18 293 IA.6 9 023 17 4 19 232 lb.o 10 0ao 16 5 20 399 . 15 3 Avg.* (R) Ex NSM' 35D.9

                                                                 'g g Q                        j7,(g Stnd. Dev.* (c)                 G                        l, y R + 3a 2'M                        21.b
                                                     ' - '"         20 h                      15 3 x=      [x                         Note ':

[ (x - f)* Note ': 20 3=} 19 Performed by: _ Date: 7!24[9[ /


Reviewed by: M ~ Date: //IT E


1 l Procedurc DES-HPS-400 Revision 0 Pace 14 of15 ATTACflMENT B Daily Response Check Data Sheet bS-l33 Probe Type:$ @ - 300 serial #:13565(o -sourceType/rDu FGc 24-io Source Tech ! < BKG Inits l

                                             -3a i s . tl              -30 208                                          )
                                             +3a g, i . h        Sat   +3e 24 4           Sat          E 600 #
                 ,D:te                 Time                                                                    '

7.32_ EyON osut/ / Sb _ _ : l 7/1914h' prior 0636 16. 3 afY ON OIy 4 I hR l "'l 7 M/9) post ll'ho 17. 6 WYON 209 .i %Y ON l l I pdor OYON #Pli E]Y ON 132 4 l(o,at ;1iTY ON '12-7

                                                                             -          EfY ON        0144I      b.d     !

l 7/ast/41 post t I prior OY ON OY ON l

             ~7 /1t</4)1 post          iSoS     15;O         RV ON         2 p.3        $? ON          IN55      OA

i I

                  /    (     prior                            OYON                      OY ON                                      '

OY ON post OYON prior OYON OY ON post OYON OYON i i pdor OYON OYON l

         ;                   post                             OYON                      OY ON i                  prior                            OYON                       OYON                                !

post OY ON OYON l I prior OY ON OY ON post OY ON OYON  : j prior OYON OY ON post OY ON OYON  ! i prior OY ON OYON  ! l post OY ON OYON ' l prior OYON OY ON l post OYON OYON ' prior OY ON OY ON post OY ON OYON i prior OY ON OY ON

                                                    #2          OYDN                     OY ON i-              post v4rd/

Reviewed by: - . b,  %. Date: Nek All kre3 4T (gnkkI.. M 1/2y/4)

I Procedure DES-HPS-400 Revision 0 [ l Pace 13 of15 ATTACHMENT A

l. Source and Background Response Determination Sheet

( Instrument Type: 6 '600 Inst. # /441, k -DLC 5/4/ 9 'f l i Probe Type: N P 100 CG.$ Probe # 350 S:urceType/ID# 6C-99 ~[-O 73 Date: 4//3f4) a 1 Cal. Due: 7!/7!9 # 1 i 1 Count # SOURCE Cb! BKG CPM Count # SOURCE g,EKG CPM l 1 gl,3 K lgg g 11 2 gg,) ( %h ,C  ! 2 31 6 I I A4. O 31. 2- 1 ?>2 . 0 3

31. ~7 202.0 13 St.O 190.0 4

G 1. () l N .o 14 30 l aca.c l 5 Gl .3 pc0 c. , 5 3; o Jgg.o 6 g1.5 ' 4 b. O 6 q,, g ;qq,9 7

31. ct 3C4 .O 7 50,G /6d. o 8 g t, 3 gg3 o 18 l .3 0 'l I65 0 l 9

3(.5 ) -[ L; . (,, 19 30.6 )(.5. 6 10 St . O VI 222 0 20 l So ,1 gja.o D 6 n 9 0 0' 31.9,9 % b CC 0 I' Avg.2 (R) gg ,'; q 3 l[q ' Sq IC9JU bI~ bO - Stnd. Dev.2 (") 515 11

                                                           * + 3c lTch 6.:)- l 415 .                                                                                     291 l                                                                            32s31 s
                                                           * - 3a 99.901                 1s2 i

C r [(x - f) l Note : 5 Ih* Note : ,

                             .zu                                            CT = }

19 Performed by: 3%dA Uht Date: 9/tM6 (F D"*: 9

Revicwcd bv:

y -J [ l l l l

                                                                                ,        Procedure DES-HPS-400 Revision 0 Pace 14 of15 i                                                         ATTACHMENT B Daily Response Check Data Sheet Probe Type: lOO CC.O                   Serial #:       350                Source Type /IDu 4c -9 9 7-c13 BKG                              Source                                   Tech Ini',               l
                                         -3c l33                         -3o Q,9.QO f                                                              ,

Date Time +3a 99i Sat +3a S f S gg Sat E 600 # . ,, Q/ %qA prior 67 0 Q O (,, pWON SO'Q DG f2 TON Jy4 l Jyjl{ ' h5 l

         ' 'l( $        Post      ,

OY ON OY ON l h4 </nIq prior OYON OY ON l 9 ILel9% post M09 194.3 MpN 3,) 900 IgDN W L) { ljrt ph l pron 4/ll,192 WW 104 4 9.33 U24 0N S2 coo Isul >>q vj l Cl//(, /91 Titist" l2 ; 9 MCJ dY ON g/ q00 da? ON lyLll /)]{ ild ' l prior OYON OY ON .l [ 4//4/4/Post l lS5% l (,9. '1 U2YQN 30,100- M ON j tt Lll }\/d l hl

   ' *//7 /4A           prior  i 35i      D3)             JP(ON            '3d,7oo !.BT ON                     /455           /\yf'       }*Jj 4/17'/' 9/

I post }q 30 ppq MON Sc'Jeg M ON j955 M y prior OYON OY ON l i 4/, ,IqJ pn" im C g ON~-6 u . /,, , ,, GY ON l prior OY ON OYON l 4 9, q[g4 post __}p3 c, g ,, q - i2 yq 3 N ---- 3 o,8CCrcGY13N-itt53

          ','         I prior                               OY ON OY ON                        il)7fP)"'lh 9/f]/%f        post    hl)J        ;;;2. ( 2      LGY GIN-       3O,5 00 OYJ2N                        /955 #                   75,5 4'/ tj')Q/     prior  @7%         99 5            pf0J           20 $O0 p glN                      )q q3         Af' l1;L d////T/,       Post   (3 of )cf    Qo/j          IU2fON          goM CC/ kJ2f DN                      ILt 55 lPr1@,41
                 '. prior                               OYJ3N OY Of                        [           }

i 9/If/9f Post l A 13 l7 5 t)3i ON g; 3 c r / l,217DN lWl l. d e ), L prior OY ON OY ON , 4/Ibl9&W l4Hl \ 'l 3 .b LWN 3) , ') 00 CLYpN }H Ql bff W

 #/      4'/ M d 0rior j g 'l o               p_ g ')_     gO,N             z,0 6 0C/ iE? OJ                    l Ll y ~5     7K IN

[9/1s 9/ Post \ (p D Q.'f/ ((P(DN S6 500 WON Q$5 /h# l US/ l /r prior OY,0N OY ON 7 'l l 4j2fl97 Post ) & LJ A Al J3i ON '2,0 , U C 6 t gDN l4'53 J+/f if"- l Reviewed by: IM- , / /f /M

                                                               %                           Date:

e f . I

 ',)                                                                                          Procedure DES-HPS-400                                     !

Revision 0 Pane 14 of15 ATTACHMENT B _.g q, Daily Response Check Data Sheet ' , l Probe Type:ONN"iOO Serial #: '450 Source Type /ID#


BKG Source Tech Inits Date

                                                  -3e     !M     l              -3o 2 Ci fio l Time       +3a 2 4 )            Sat                                                                              (

l +3a 3 7 h q Sat' E 600 #  ! 4/plU prior b, tg> , Q,'1 C) 21GN l4 0 (, g(, g39 DN j%S$ lp x ty

  • n'/ab 'h> post y,y o Q0% 5p(DN 3c' b 00 lWON I prior IHL! l ljYif k  ;

OYON ' OY ON " l04/, l' 9 / 'la/ 3) Post I I ~ 41 KON 3i> 9CO OYON lyL/l ) .W\' ' IM. prioy OY 9N ' + Ala?jM OY QN j Jdk f 2.53.- )50, 6 LOfDN ~3) c ou igDN pr!6F OY ON # l 94l R Nf 3 OYON 9/33 \ 9). post l9 cb 3\5 WQN

 ,        f/u1 4f            prior J53C              ,9n to        pfDN
                                                                                ' "4 c $cy N ioo pfDN            lyy\            h                Wt
       , (1/25/<11 Post               J //q           2y           OYON          'gr'3oc JFfDN           /94i             R               I,,2   I d2 YON            I44)

I prior J h{ t. 14 OY QN OY ON  ! 9/;2;/ 0/ Post j[Q lq3 3 pf,0N Sc 6 CC/ J2fDN y4l lI\d M l 49n'q] prior j 4) ( r. 9.h5 IETY O N 3'o , 3 o c, 'O Y,0N

         @/33/RJ post               l- ; y (, :       24j          OY ON         90" yo6 MY ON j 135          lK3;ht lW                         <

l9 53 i// 4/c.) prior ]337 I 2.?3 OYON EfDN 8tl,2.9 9j Post l(/% 3d' EOC/ / 4% l M ft241

                                                     )1(o          OY ON         'A d.1oo OY ON                 1455 y'              l        prior .

OYON # OY ON M Uy'/o! 3' post OY ON

                                                                                                                             \          'J      y DYON                        }

prior  ! post OYON OY ON l lg( J  ; OY ON OYON prior OY ON l f'l OYON l l post OYON OY ON l l prior . OYON OY ON i post OYON OY ON pnor OYON OYON l ll l post ,

                                                /      o ),      OYON                           OYON                        l             l Reviewed by:           N                  'bd
                                                              /            '

Date: M'Pbf bL ,Vt- ISO 640 4 S N @ C N C I M t b e rt p g g e, % , O difC] c r Iv0 ( C e y L' b'l i g.g. M yn/v .

l I Procedure DES-HPS 400 Revision 0 Page 13 of15 , ATTACHMENT A Source and Background Response Determination Sheet Instrument Type: Ib-(100 Inst. u  !%l (AL.out,h'h0' Probe Type: HP 100CC 3 Probe # 350 Source Type /ID A - 241 l%9-32dDate: 9!/5/96 Cal.Due:

                                 ')                           I      l 7//7 99 l     /

h, < Count # SOURCE CPM BKG CPM Count # SOURCE Chi BKG CPM 1 11 1 67.9 K C9 37 4 K O 2 37 b ( O 12 37.A l 0 3 37.1 0, % 13 3%. O o 37 (, e 4 4 o 37.~7 s

33. y o,yqt 15 33, g, a 6 3}, f ,

p 16 37, {, g 7-S'7. A o 7 o 8 37 6 0 18

32. ) o 9

l 37. L i 0- 19 37.1; o lo 138.) 4 v. co 120 l 37. g, e o D 755300 19A i ya te$ b (ol- '

q [cf 4S , gf Avg.' (R)I 371(,5I o.01

') ij - Stnd. Dev.8(c) lq q O.)$

   ' " M W> cad rod 2 + 3c 4m                                                            31so)                 6. 6 0 -.

T' N<. i 15 :0!r R - 3o 31229 -0 91 l _ [x , [(X - X ) Note '.


x= Note : 20 CT = } 19 Performed by: .74 L/A Date: 9 /' W Rcvicwed by: b g~ nare: _ Q//5/92 I

  • i i l



                                                                                  ~                                   Procedure DES-HPS-400
f. Revision 0 Pace 14 of15

[ ATTACHMENT B l Daily Response Check Data Sheet - & MI Probe Type: 00 CW seriai #: G5O Source Type /ID# 364-32-3 BKG Source Tech'

                                           -30    0)                      -3a $ 1299 Dstej                   Time  +3a     l               Sat    +3a 32.1p)                                        St j          E 600 #

9/)d]9/ Prior 6-g/ Q O OYON '2,-) . s0 C; 4 YON J94) h/ M ~

           ",I9           Post         ,                        OY ON                                                     OY ON
               %hetoj prior                                     OY ON                                                     OY ON                           l q /Irg(qj post, 69)3                 6. 4 l'l          Jaf DN        39,.icc, d:P(ON                                          /Li gl       hft l$'j;c.

p 4 /16 /91 p@ RHO 5 f 0_39O Ja? ON U M.,- tpfDN /4 y l ~~ )p7 13f 9'//6,/91 i Mt"'lJ 2 1 O Q -] /, A?ON 3-f 9 0C, (pfDN /yy / h/'Y 0,il prior OY QN , OY ON [ 4/IG/Q Post, j400 p, ,9(36 (F(7 ' 2,?, C C O \pP(ON l44l h7C _ h /N I o rM !$$5 C) (PfCN TT-toc 7ceFGN- -{<rT5 lbf Yf

                      '   p6'st M '/o N                       OY ON            f, ,%                                    OYON prior OY ON                                                   ' OY ON s  9' /l?/9 Post prior 1023        Cj             (H? ON OYON
                                                                             '31 coo pf0N i DY ON 1955        D4 't9 9/(7/RJ           pest. 17ac>         C'             @Y PN       3'l , 'l 0 0 IlYpN                                          /455      IlW 157,5 I(/W                 prior 013,/o        0,4/4 J2fON                    3 f 0cc./[B? ON
                                                                                 ~J l4 E5      i)Wl '5, S
    -l'T/if/0)            post                                  OYON                                                      OY ON                         l

[jd prior OY PN' OY QN _l l 9///ff / post 0992_ C/ \ pf DN,, '?,7.9CO pfDN l95.5 !M'I74f7. l prior ~ OY,5N OYAN i

          / I t l h f post ),1 ) { p.          f)       (ffY ON            '%g CCll)a? ON                                           lL(lll      D(     [(,> l
               , ' , prior                                      OY,BN OY ON
        'llILIRL-Post l443                      C'             i6 YON      h~1,H00/DY ON                                                I 4 'l \   lft< Si l4/.4fi[e. Priot , j , , r.s                             OY,.ON      3-7g0Q. , J;'4{JN                                                               I13.1 M/2,1N/*#P.db l4 2b                       C)         tAY ON             4 2'1 y c2,, JPfDN                                        /445 d'(            "

j '

             ,      ,     Ifrior                  ,             OPON                                                      OY 03
    'l il2l197            Post      l(f92,       ()      ci3Y ON           'T~7,SCO                                     FON           /955        % l13 g
           ' ' Reviewed by:              MIM_j                                                                        Date: n//p/fP                 y L:    ** 0
     .h'l4 b P'Y IG H5                       h,'b5G                 W                                                             Y\
                                                                            'h~1,~1O mr la. j L





                                                                                                                                                                        . Precedure DES-HPS-400 Revision 0 Pace 14 of15 ATTACHMENT B Daily Response Check Data Sheet                                              ' o o l Probe Type: ON!                                                                                                              Serial #: 350             ._ Source TypsID# 10 4 - 3 2 .3 BKG                             Source                               Tech Inits
                                                                                          -3a                                 C                                -3a $ ~1, 2 3 c; l                  Date                            Time                                    +3a                                  l                          Sat  +3a 3g u i           Sa.t-        E 630 #

I 4/alCj i prior glogi () , 30l l OYON 3'l 3 cc ,J21 DN /455 AT Sf LYlNa lC) post

                                             \ c33_                                                              n                                   dy(DN         '2,-)
  • gc() il'WQN lLuqi l(l( R
               /            prior OY _ON OYpN q/o3 W/,     Post               165.2                                                             O                                    iBT QN     '37.7 c o 99 ON                 /94l         /R          Fi jg W d/s/V                    Prior             i).55                                                            O                                                     li =rCO MON g/)))qj       post                isas                                                 G. LI CS tcPTON

($Y QN' $tqoc> Ef0N Jqqf "Ve____ g 4/)J/92 Prior J53l O , JWQN M , $O C (Et,8N j qq i  %( yf_ l $[ l Q'/33)ql lW..) 3g post ) y ;(, ()


027 ON 2a' y cc LEfY ON )qq l lM h, t / '_ prior OYJJN J OYpN l~ . l r 9/P /0/ Post : l f 2,5 O tJ2T ON 37 goc) J? ON l441 1,\/ 9 /))fq prior 94 il93/O post lLIAC) O. 'sC> *l iAY ON (9

                                                                                                                                                                'b1I3cc         @Y ON            1955        M l'4 ib5/l8t j     prior l1 Ko 19 5R                                                              O LOY ON WON' M you            D Y'O N
                                                                                                                                                                ' ' P 7. . , (GfDN

[455 l JV ' D' f(,3A

                                                                                                                                                                                               /455 @ h".

5 /2Q96 ' Post /h

                                                                                                                                                   /EY ON      3 ;' 7 o ca BY ON              ~~/ W i     4 prior                                                                                                                                     "

OYON D *)b


OY ON < post OY ON OY ON l Q prior OY ON OY ON l lqq. post 'OYON OYON l prior OYON OY ON post OYON OY ON l l prior OY ON

       '                                                                                                                                                                        OY ON                                 l post                                                                                                                       OYON                      OYON                     l           i prior                                                                                                                      OY ON                     OY ON                                l post                                                                                                                      OY ON                      OYON                                 l prior                                                                                                                     OYON                       OYON                     l           f post                                                                                                                      OYON

_ OYON l l Reviewed by:

                                                                 #,r -dd-d / M, A Date:    Jr/9e y Ntte. bCL CA'cs to w( Igtb. det" pn/V

i Procedure DES-HPS 400 Revision 0 Pace 13 of15 ATTACHMENT A Source and Background Response Determination Sheet Instrument Type: E- 600 inst.u l 4 55' &L. Due 3bI

                                                                                                                ]})olV Probe Type:             100 M d                                            Probe #
   ' Source Type /ID# TC - N/ T-O'7S Date: 0,/15;                    0)3 Cal.Due:

7 /17/9 9 Count # SOURCE CPM BKG CPM Count # SOURCE CPM BKG CPM 1-3). 6 K- ai & O 1 30.4 K ais 0 2 g3 o g j g) . [, 12 g3.3 g 3 9q .c; 3 St. 6 K us.o 13 30.3 X 24.o 4 S i. O K 216.o 24 30.9 K IU o s 215 0 5 31.0 N 2 07. o l 30 .9 K 6 31.3 K A)9.0 16 l gg,4 K l cj g .o 7 30.4 K a)4.0 17 I Sn.63 K 209.0 8

3) . 6 A Roa.o 8 I 30.5 K 209 0 9- l 3), l K 2A 40 19 30.7 ( -

g3 7. 0 10 31.I N l 1%.O 20 l 3g o ( a g, . c j U blR LGO H Do l g obco est. Avg.* ( R) 30996 ' 1- ac;, 6 vce d. \ Q g * 'S

                                                  ""d '     *"")              d93                     I4 teS El- 4O SK0                      .

2 + 3c y ' 31316 G 5 c2. j R 3cl SojoLl l6 3 [(x-x[ Note ': x= [x Note : cr _ , 20 \ 19 Performed by: Td( U_A24_ Date: et /6[98 Revi,cwed by: C' Date: k /b k

Procedure DES-HPS-400 Revision 0

Pace 14 of15 ATTACHMENT B Daily Response Check Data Sheet ,

Probe Type: lOO C C-5 Serial #: S5) SourceType/IDu 4c - Fi I-c73 I J BKG Source Tech Inits l l Date Time

                                    +3a .Q Q ll- ])


                                                                   -30 % , \C,4
                                                                   +3a q ( y %          Sat         E 600 #


     ' 9/II, )9/>    Prior  0151        cQ_4 l         OY ON         30 $cc          OY ON        /455         lvt 'i3!I klll;fq)    post BQ)         ,205            219,0N         y ' '2>CG       GTON          )9 55       hl{ 'b f.
         #/16' ' lax &      io56       11 5            pfDN         3O'7c0 JEfY ON         J 455       /M       mi  "

I ddsf 4'/lbl9), PJ4(- 13 SL QC'T OYON PfDN ^s C 3CCs d? WON OY ON IHR5 i)1'*/

         ///l'/4/    Pb ht " jh42          l9l.(p    d39 ON          3d e c c- J2T ON             l 4 T5      h /3' hy, l        '

4f(g fqj

               .'    prior post   ( c;l{f      l,,[, ,[o OY ON, OY@

9 l 300 OY@f OV ON 1455 l


Na , Prior &)to), j'J(o [ P(QN Scf'9oc) O(ON I q 53 h>f dm ' I 9/ti/93 e'll)ijqj post lgQ Q QpQ. U219pN Sg 90y (gfpN ly55 j\g j g>qz l 4E/7 /9 f prior 154 3 1761 QTAN 31iCO ,,Bi G)N H L(i ~{h ge, '

   $/ill5E TW IUAD                     D ) ^l NEON' W, bOC/- @f0N-                 jMS6     \M kE l/ (   ,

prior OY ON 'J OY ON M i/'7/1T ,' 9/J7 !98 Post l7OA Q,. l l mop So.9OCs ,0Y DJ J 4/ 4 ( R 'if, 4 l4/t8/92 Prior Og 43 2)Q l\DY"Dy 3[' p oC> FON /Qyl M( 3 ti li////'4A Post )OJ3 3 Q2 ( pf'bN 3c'7Co

                                                                    ~ J pfDN            ly L( l    K        llf
      !              prior                              OY ON                         OY ON l              post                               OY ON                         OY ON                  l        h prior                              OY ON                         OY ON post                               OY ON                         OYON I

prior OYON OY ON post OYON OY ON l prior OY ON OY ON l post OY ON OY ON l- prior f7 OY ON OYON Il post Reviewed by: /

                                    / A/


                                                                \m OY ON Date:     ////f'/9k I


I l Procedure DES-HPS 400 Revision 0 { i ATTACHMENT A Source and Background Response Determination Sheet Instrument Type: 6-BOO Inst. # 1455 AA . Doe 7/>c/ 9 Probe Type: l 00 CCS Probe # 35l l Source Type /ID - O$ . WA 3Date: 9/15, 0)> Cal. Due: 7 /17 fI 9 9 a 1 i o j Count # SOURCE CPb1 BKG CPM Count # SOURCE CbI BKG CPM l l 2 2

33. i K g,z o

g 22 12 as s X 37.8 K 0 0.2'15 l l 3 4 u.1 jg, g 6 g 23 14 3x i k n .9 0 O 5 3 A. M B 5 I 37.9 0 i ~ 6 33 5 l O 6 SL A I O 1 7 3%. ) 0 27 T7 9 h 8 3g,g Q 18 l 33 J Q 9 g g,7 Q 19 3A.o 0 10

37. ~7 vI O 20 1 33.o 0.W3 wt loco cet - D ,ci'yce c.y l

Lec t$ HI- G O Avg.1 (R) $ y, c 7 O O D ' Stnd. Dev.2(c) '93b O I x .:e . 3 2.7'19 0 1 R-3c p,g6l ._ C . Q x [(X - f) Note : Note ': f=[20 6=} 19 Performed by: TM h./h Date: Cf /< f!*ff ,,, hv:

                             .       ( .TM,'  -

Dnte: 9 /5 , C/ 1

                                                                                                               . Procedure DES-HPS-400 Revision 0 Pace 14 of15 ATTACHMENT B Probe Type:          ' CC CE                              Se at #:       51                             Source Type /ID# /m- d 41, 36 i- 3A BKG                                         Source                                                     Tech Inits
                                        -3a - 0 . 2                                    -30 m % l Date                  Time    +3a 0 ,1                                Sat    +3a g 7' -n g                        St 3                             E 600 #                                 y 4/lt,)q 8         Prior 8765             O                              D'fpN       'A-) ic,C #fDN                                                        1955         An             ki 37 pco OfDN d/Idl45           Post   099Lj            (3                           007 ON                                                                    /955 ,                M               t[,j$
    ,ff< dn/rJ prior                                                         OY ON                                        OY_ ON                  / %f6,M So /c7                              jj l/Ji/fl y      i   Post   i10 L)          6                          ip? ON         3),5cO                           (2fY ON           i455                              h9 16"I

prior OY DJ OY ON _ 0/I6/<M Post 1,235 O l 70N M .50CJ da? ON

                                                                                                                                                 )L/ ^;d                    !K_               't _I
                ',     prior                                                 OYON                                         OY ON                                                           l 9//(;/V         post   lg5 i            Lb                           M gN        ' M C O C/ MgN                                                /955                  Jyi l           oW

(/n'/Sp prior 0 60>9 & g DN M 4co M ON (4 55 h# 'U{

, c;[nJ4g              post    ' At 3 '       o                              EfYpN         9T 4 0C; OY ON                                            l45 5                  4't@

l i/17/ 9f Prior f 5y(, O <-a?ON 9'7',10o MpN l94) [i M* l p%,

! c l'i-d(d _PD" !C23 0                              G Y-E1N     lk'cWL43fDN--O J
                                                                                                                                                                        @~   h-/( j 4  _

9') / prior OYON - BY ON I l .,a pose OY ON $~l,DdS OYON I l A 'IM' prior OY ON l/ " */811V OYJJN , l. l l)']Q Post J7ly O d3Y ON $ ~7 oC) (BV ON l44l M9

   '9) n)'t/         '

prior OYON OY ON l , post _ OY DJ OYpN ' 9//}/92 Prior D74i (.JJ WOJ '38 cou Lav DN /44/ M[ I, A q/ll'/94 post prior b 3 l' (tr> gDN OY ON ST Q cc MON OYON lyy l Q , 2cp l post OYON OY ON l l prior OYON OY ON l l post OYON OY ON I l prior OYON OYON post [ ,.) , OY ON OYON Reviewed by: ,I~M. 7kAs


Date: .Jrdt

Procedure DES-HPS400 Revision 0 Pace 13 of15 ATTACHMENT A Source and Background Response Determination Sheet Instrument Type: N b ~DN Inst. # 4k


Probe Type: SHP-100 Probe # 35l , N. ,, j c, Source Type /ID# -OCl l-07S Date: 9I ! 11 i62 Cal. Due: 7!/7 ( fCf1

                                                                             )                              l                          I Count #                     SOURCE CPM                BKG CPM          Count # SOURCE CPM              BKG CPM 1

l 29,.O 9C0 11 RCL 5c0 lR9 6 2 p_ l gq g co lcfy 12 qq' qco ffy,p 3 3 2A l10C) ) E ~1 13 2( H CO 206 0 4 11 24' 400 19 6. 0 14 9A' 600 / 57. Z. 5 3 QQ ( 00 l 1% O 15 9T 306 177 J 6 h g('300 job 16 gg,f 3 0C ( 7 2 C7 7

                                                 ~7         .6 100                      IN .O        17 A9' to o                 /Sr S. t 8

1 QU7CC l hl, O 18 Sk 900 7A 9 Q g(, 390 l gq l19 gq;' 6CCS / @7, d 10 10 19' 400l )h3 . O l20 24/500 /70 0 3 SMrFC 37/>9 ' Avg.' ( R) p q 'q 3 3 l ig ,, 1 H s Stnd. Dev.2 (y)  ; 5 g, )g l 2 + 3c 30,CCS 239 2 - 3a a2 %7 14 5 Note ': X= [X Note :

                                                                                                              ,               [(X - X )

20 cr=j 19 Performed by: f I  % AAgw Date: I'2l'76 i Reviewed hv: - l (V , Date:. Ci, !21,/ C)/ .

Procedure DES-HPS-400

   ..)                                                                                            Revision 0 Pace 14 of15 ATTACHMENT B Probe Type:S I@- 100 Daily Response Check Data Sheet

(, Lj q Serial #: '*) 6 ) Source Type /ID#_ i - C'73 BKG Source Tech Inits

                                         -3a i 9 5                        -3o 22 qca Date                  Tirne   +3a ') S 9                Sgt( +3a M m s,            Sap          E 600 #           ,

4/JII92 Prior l3Q3 liq ,pVM R4 7coLOT,0N ] qui j)/t _ D,!

        -f 2I/4/        Post   ISM         ,2 i /,         ;  J2? ON          ,19'.900 gY ON                /y41         A-/;' _    15.,

I, I, prior OY GlV OY,0N _Cl al / I;J Post ) .1 'G i-;b J2fON

                                                                            .Pl, 'l C C 4 YON,/9ul                                      ~

D _ 13Il4/ Prior () q ; j', l fv(' ' ' L ".- OY ON ') }, ,' W) OYrfdR K, q$ lMT j,s. post " OY _ON OY Oy ( 9/p /42 prior 09n 9.00 d ON p.Q 3 CCJ_JWQN 4/ j;;)y p r,[3

                                                                                                        /95%           l /)'T _    3s9 post               p 025              {DY'ON       ' 3 4 Tc o i pTAN 4/ryM           prior 1.24'3        2, I (p l4 fi5           lk'l     ita'pi

) d2fDN ')4 gocAZfY ON ltt SS f(l

     ,/,'               post                                   OYON                J OY ON

/ ?/3 /.1,, l 7 Ws OYpr 71 ? c0 K nN l4 UI jR dn/'.7f post )$4 - ( , el LE:PfgN 2 4 'q' c,c) pf0N 1955 likt /6'h g/N/41 Prior i554 Of0N 29"100 EfON 9yp2lti) post Ig % Q-) 9 OYgW 2 t; t!c,c, J2'1 Op 145 5 lML! i,% 2. l (73 )yql ly; Ihi/'i/ Prior c)fg gC] U2fDN W Jr C, pY'QN N5$ l; n i; S," c// 24/V, Post 10 5'7 9 04 i PrpN ihlf' f 4; & Q Q QCcGrf0N l94l 4/2$/T/ Prior - ll51 'll5 IJ21pN M 900 OY QN jyVl l/kT yk. ! 3,//n/ tl, Post l'14 'l 3Oc) J21ON 3CP Gco uBf0N )yt;I l /)(J" l q , i'/dl9j Prior 1410 /~T,L % BYON gofgoo LO Y O N .)Lf4l l))O l 'l ([28/47 Post l (,g (, )9Q V3Y ON 2ct) hoc SYON LlK$ lh6V H


I ~ prior OYON d OYON lt i l 9/73[Q8 Post 1300 XX OY 9V 19 3 COCYpN 1455 l M k '8 . 9'/34f4/3 Prior p.75D DG) lJ2f0N 30 doO E? ON lt(5% !h(d i ! l9/']*/1f 9 Post [g q )75,3 (I:Pf'ON QT>7 oo CY ON 1455 l)tT l(J,(,

        !     8 prior                                  OYON                         OYON                      l~         l post              [,, 3                OYON                         OY ON                     l          l            !

Reviewed by: M M/M\ - Date: //8d'bli

                                                          /                                                                                  l VS0JU' Chi cc pcifow.m..DehCloR kb Nct'          '

lo440!!L '%IO C 6cJW jlc . y 9lnl(<t

                      "                          L I

4 {: Procedure DES-HPS-400 [ Revision 0 Pace 13 of15 [ ATTACHMENT A Source and Background Response Determination Sheet Instrument Type: b- lc CO Inst. # h4l [ Probe Type: S H P- 100 Probe # M ) . A t Out 5/"b S:urce Type /ID M- 2 4 I 36 ci-93Date: 4flil Of

                                          '                                                                                                  i Cal. Due:     -7 !/7 9C/

i i i { Count # SOURCE CPM BKG CPM Count # SOURCE CPM BKG CPM f 1 ( $ 7. / k o 11 320 k d. 3 7 5 . 2 2 37.0 R o 12 37,0 p g 3 23 O 3 r7. 6 r o 36.7 A 4 0 , 2 '/ 2. 14 O Y 37. J K T 7. 2 /c 5 g 3g,cf g g,3gg 15 3g 3 g g, 59g 6 7, 97,I g g 16 K6 k o 7 7 36 5 X o.356 27

                                                                                                                                                %f        R           O 18 8
                 ~6       %.T         K                      0 5 f?o                                                                            3C.7      K           O 9      g-   l 36, y        g                                                    O.                                         19         JZ/        g           g to     ,o   j g. 7         g                                                   g                                          20          3c,7      g           O D ~l3h hoc                 Q.11      1 Avg.2 (R)      3 7,' g            (3      1g Stnd. Dev.2 (5)                         '3.50            0 . l '1 4                                                                                                                                      2 + 3c S1, (f7 I                 I
  • 33 3E tbc1 0 x=

[x , [(X - X) Note ': Note : 20 6=} 19 Performed by: A4m Date: 9'U 96 r Date: 4 Revicwed h.v: O.

                                                   ~                                                                                                           ,2ffC) i i.

Procedure DES-HPS-400 1


Revision 0 Pace 14 of15  ! ATTACHMENT B i Daily Response Check Data Sheet

                                                                                                               / /q- 19 J                          l Probe Type: bN9'ICO                       Serial #: 'M)                Source Type /ID#.            3(.: (# - 3 1 3                  !

l BKG Source Tech Inits I

                                      -3c         O                 -3o g l(fl                                                                     )

Date Time +3e Sat

                                                  )                 +3a g 7/,11             Sat-            E 600 #                                {

9/di j d

  • Prior l 32.b () . J ') 3- IIT ON Tl (jco G? ON lL/ q l f(  ;

4/ 2'i165 Post

           ', 't      prior 153L         (9             FON           36?cc. BT ON jr.f 4 l          Ai         jj$.         '

OYQN OYON ' 9/.2i/V Post ID4,'L 0,'M y ( PfpN 36. MC > M ON l9 41{ ;V](' [) 9'/1dJ4d Prior (> S ,1 o d2fDN  %.T7cC pfDN f 4 qq '\-7

                                                                                                                            ;.          'sy af 7oiq),     post    l059      C .3c 23 @?ON                           9,ccjl Pf DN
        $)yf fQ       prior );-} q q    6, 3 755 { WON
                                                                       '2,6,                              1955           fv4 ' id              ~

37if oc; Df0N )455 /PC Y/NcW Post l344 O OY QN $7)'3 cc3 MgN / y $3 (( E'i. l , ' 9/22 /4J Prior i t,ov 0.29c) ETON $1,3co d2ff DN '456 j M 3 I fe ' Wl'))O ). post lf,Q $ Q.y5y G21DN 23 '5c(j QYDN ') yq l y, sQ

          )/.:M(Prior ca?.n                   &          @Y ON        -2n' 4 c 6 LQYON                      />ff;       [! Fl 3 k "/\/.l !/*j     '

post OYON 'l OY ON f'*,' prior OYON OY QN . S/3 3/'i/ post llCO O SpCJ SY ON 2 ~7 L /c X.) U21ON l 9ei !k'k Hj  ! I jj/3fJa/ Prior, 'll9 7 () %CN 7 [. ' q c O , FON j4f u i ~/ M _ M 4hTlQ post )a y )f f) M '3 (J3Y,0N 2,(/ ,.)cd LOY1]N 4q) l jt%' Mj 3 l- ! 9IOl2,/4 A Prior )yJ3 6 1.pYON 3V L;CO LOYON 4 4!U ' lL/' f il  ! l /nI ll,t Post l63i O , Ocs iOYON '3(j'(oc)CIOY ON l455 AY( l l , j __(8,' prior OYON " OY ON

                                                                                                                                         'lla j $c(5                                                                                    IlbY,                   4 l

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                                          ,f prior                               07 ON                           OY ON                                     l post            /        ,,      - 45Y ON                           OY ON                                     l Reviewed by:         _M N9[    ~

Date: N/////8

                                                       /                                             .

Procedure DES-HPS-400 Revision 0 Pace 13 of15 ATTACHMENT A Source and Background Response Determination Sheet cal Dwe '. Instrument Type: .f6ea/,ae E6oo Inst. # 0/VV/ c///) hs 4/> Probe Type: H P '5oo Probe # ~~7.2 % 56 Source Type /ID#[5-lA 7; SM-24-io Date: c1 l 14 l'W Cal. Due: 7 f.2. O f 9 Of Count # C-FM BKG C-PM Count # SOURCEEPM BKG C-PM' SOURC7(/ke-

                              /.4       -    s t R 1 he-                     malhe            .u c l h rt 2                                                11 149.k           16. Q_                           lvo.4            14. So 2                                                12 19 7.s-         19.97                           I sc. sr            19 39 3                                                23 19 6. rr         14. 19                     i s z.o            17.~74
         "                \ H LH          9.1.30           1A                               l [p b E>

M%% 5 jq g, g }q ,cn3 15 14 's. tr 9).30 6 j 2A . 5 )9.50 16 ,qq,0 go,o 7 199.% 18.4 5 27 ls y. t 21.5 8  ; p ,g -}q ,p 18 135,5 )15(o 9 116.0 11.O ' 19 l 55,5 22.O 10 20 gq\ 4 l 1,. 5 6 I43,r 17 5 O ~< 4/a/44 D a ?;41 su i l'1 : 15 l f: av 4i Avg.2 (R) 14 1 )q

  1. l' ' W Stnd. Dev.2 (g) y Iy Go q

5t(q %ls5)q) R - 3a Mt L 03 90 Cf. )54 24

cc #s t- no - x 3o iso 13

(_ Note ': x= [x Note :

                                                                     ,             [(X-f) 20 a=}          19 Performed by:       3<.cl.ol     Vh                                  Date:    ct /< C/9F Reviewed by:               ( .%W   -

Date: Q//5/91 t i

                                                                                                         .       Procedure DES-HPS-400 Revision 0 Pace 14 of15 ATTACHMENT B Daily Response Check Data Sheet Probe Type:                                      H P- SCO             Serial #: ~7 M 6 H .,          Source Type /ID# b'I- /3 h Nb' 3+ 1(

BKG Source Tech Inits

                                                                    -30     15                   -3a /3 o Date                                             Time    +3a 29                 Sat   +3a /Sy                Sat         E 600 #

4///j/46 6/f(/9/ Prior Post Obco 1(e.05

                                                                      ) K, 0 9 12 3) 07DN J27 ON
                                                                                                    /q, 1 3 ] ,5 L
                                                                                                                   @T ON J2YTJN
                                                                                                                                   /'t 55 f yU/

l/ W hg ' wfp

                                                                                                                                                         $I     ,

9'// 4IV prior 1(QA 9.2. 3 MpN JiL(.7 t .JWpF / L/4l [h/7 tRi 91'W 4r post lt yC Jg,l5 MF /'/2. 3 M 9N l'441 O 'l .r[ llI*il9A Pri0r $4 % O\ \ f 0N ) LI(p. Q WON l QLIl Ml t a post OY ON OY OJ l G

                                                                                                                                                            .i -

9 / 12 / 9 s Prior o93H 99 L\ L9YDN Iil 2. 8 MJ2N IH55 krt' 7Q 1//299d Post llio 9.03 i p(ON

                                                                                                  'l'37.(o         J27 QN           l4 55 5   W jyg( M.J h4 lisjl M 2AiW Prior ogoi                                               Z).o                        /50,o             [DfDJ
   ,({    'il j 9/  Post                          pf/0                 21.j;            WON       /W, c/             WON           /r/5_f /a/ l/q, i
 'l 4W/R6 Prior                                                              .. ,       OYON                         OY QN                            l cljuiciy     Post                            i T' SF 6,Mir0MQN                            / 4f. Y             KON          iwI         u a1 !;;;j 4/n'/ g      prior                           lS'p3             20 q             gytN        15e) ~l         J2 TON         lq 55      YKI Ll T/d'll        Post                                      }%       '),1, 2         ti2fON         J9L,.'L       QT,CIN        /455       kt(~ 1%K 19 h s/M I Prior j c q$                                            20.3              OYON          l505 U21RN                   l q tl l   'f[ 39, S h.39 d2 YON

l 4h3M Post llo;;L l '$(f. (, II270N l 'f 4 ] AK 1%It 9'hei/g1 prior l lt(p l 9 ,'L 1 OY DJ / YZ. C EIY O N / Yt/ / WI 2./ j Thu'Md ' Post ja25 l 9.60_ @fDN l4%% OrDN iL1 4l ~ M !) 4,2 l / prior OY ON OYON l '! post < OYON OY ON I l prior OY ON OY ON l post OYON OY ON l prior OY ON OY ON l post OY ON OY ON j prior OYON - OY ON l post [M OY ON OY ON l Reviewed by: M M Date: ////thf '

                                                                                  /                                             .

l Procedure DES-HPS400 Revision 0 Pace 13 of15 ATTACHMENT A Source and Background Response Determination Sheet Instrument Type: b-b4CO Inst. # l 'i S5 d4t. ' 7l3cove. l%. Probe Type: M M-lF [ W.5 cm 9 ' Probe u / 36 4 9 eQ.ltuotu~)

                                                                                                                                $9031        (. DE d 5)

S:urce Type / IDS fC .Q C) T- O 73 Date: 4/) S,l9 2 Cal.Due: '2 / 29 /o / - 3 ,, s u 1 Ccunt # SOURCE CPM BKG Cbi Count # SOURCE CPb BKG Cb1 1 26.% K 5.1) X 2 26.9 K 3. )S X ggg,g 2 y, , , 3 12 gg 3 , 3, i y t 3 9 6. (, 3. > 5 23 I a6.5 4 14

30. X 3. l ') 26 i g.;e 5

26 6 3. g s gg , y,io 6 a6. A G.0 3 16 ag g zm 7 7

26. G %I7 26. lo I g.i r 8

26 5 s. ) C) 18 a6 6 \ s,is 9 96.3 l S.13 19 a6. G 3, K 10 g.,, 3 V 3,2 3 v 20

97. ) * ~',-1 1 b g j g 1 9 0 Cj '

EX  ;) g , gg g c,, c o C , Avg.* ( R) ' TCc trc} %'5 Zl- 100 c Lcq it t'd ICl- h2 C, 96'510 -

                                                                                                                              %)So g        g                                                Stnd. Dev.2 (c)                   g}e                                      qq Jc Scua y &                   Delerms                                           21,as3                                   g cremo q pc$ces.                                        ,             2   3e as'us e FlecA Mo,A ol g,' Fred FlecR)y. Flov G SO cc/ ma.

_ [x . [(x-x)~, Note ': x= Note : 20 (T = } 19 Performed by: 7W )d./Ctt- . Date: 9 Is @ by: h( Date: 9 l

                                                                                                           /5f G/

J i I -- -


l Procedure p_ES-HPS-400 Bevision 0 Pace 14 of15 ATTACHMENT B Daily Response Check Data Sheet Probe Type:2'Y'l- 1F Serial #: 909) lDEf5) Source Type /ID# .17 N9, 1-C73 I BKG Source Tech Inits

                                      -3 a 3 0 /[3                                                                                                  -3o 25 933 Date                 Time  +3a1,2L2.                                    Sat                                                              +3a M 937             Sat         E 600 #

0/l5 Prior 1895 3aac OY ON aTeco @? ON ict.T5 // 'l T 4/l5 Post 11.0 1 3l9o OYpN W QCO OY 03 - " /955 hQ rp,e 9/h;JM Prior v,52 323c) Eff]N a(, 7 CO g ig N )gy) l/ lp,l . q'/ 2,'/ h) post lgo 2] 3l 3cs @?pN Od Sc0 M ON [Lf tll, d/odiqA prior 6A Ii

                                        %06O                       21 DN                                                                              3-f, ccv iJaf DN ltuf5       MI %

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         /             post                                         OYON                                                                                                OY ON prior                                        OY PN                                                                                               OY,0N 9/n/4y         post    09;l     3 / g C)                  @fON                                                                                         C
                                                                                                                                                       '2 (3 1 C>d    EY ON         l Lt SU)     N/( dlJ
     ' 4 l') >/4li Prior l7(,3          i ,3c                       OYpr                                                                               .jG ' O cp 'OY ON            ) Ll'5 5      l\ lj JI
   .4/'12/91           Post    lA]9    @ go                       91 DN                                                                               ,Q6%ov pfD,N                  lq %      lK           3)9 3 l 9'lY) :t.'        Prior   &llb     $(<6                       l91 DN                                                                             9 (l ( .,co WON               I 9 w)    l}A'          '



post OY ON OY ON prior OY ON OY ON J post OY ON OY ON l l prior i OYON OY ON post OY ON OY ON prior OY ON OY ON post OYON OY ON  ! I I prior OYON l OY ON l l post , OY ON OY ON l prior OY ON OY ON l post OY ON OY ON l l prior OY ON OY ON post OY ON OY ON prior OY ON OY ON I post M OY ON OY ON l Reviewed by: I' Date: n//r///


Lcq # lD.l J )a2 L . . .

f Procedure DES-HPS-400 [. Revision 0 Pace 13 of15 ATTACHMENT A f Source and Background Response Determination Sheet CAlDM' h [ Instrument Type: E h e/<w c. E- C, ao Inst.# /4Y/ Probe Type: 5HP - %0 Probe # Jr # / P3 { C)h 6'^tt 1 \t*\% Source Type /ID# % - f'F/I-O'73 Date: : O, . ' ' Cal. Due: A/4

c. accrw / < cr (tv sy f Count # SOURCE CPM BKG CPM Count # SOURCE CPM BKG CPM i

b lC t .1l K '/9.o 11 it. Yo K  %. o 1 I f(1. H 7 k 68'. O lt. t% k L. e o 3 13 1

                                  . g et . 3 9 K          no                                   lY. T4 k                                                                                    00.O

[ d./ l %. 2.4 K 6 %. O I4 i %. M fo. o 5 g ct. 29 K 15

  • b C\ . 6 19. O z.K 67 0

[ 6 7 gq, gg g 52,o 16 / fr. q q k. 49.0 g q , g3 g__ $ g,o 17 p,gy Lj Q .O 8 g g, g g g 18 { g g,g l V.St K G2. C 9 19 1 9 . 0 2. K G Sr. o 19 0 9 K SC. 0 10 20 M. OV k 60 0 \ Ct . l q ic. 4C.Dl h.: a u.k,g. 4. c e. D 9tl;56 0 ' l14 5 i Avg.2 (x) i snrty -

                         /g55                                                                    j c),o 7 f,                                                                                   ,q 7 Stop r. m,_ , t o 0 3             a.g* t o                   Stnd. Dev.2(c)                       'y                                                                                           7 s + 3a

{ l T w eu o+iequt \ ( 114 '7[ I A 4* cW . h.<a. ca.

                                                            ,              x - 3a               ig qq3                                                                                          36 r s.<      . t u o c.     %,         89 bTur'lb35 Note ':

x= 12 Note : CT = 3

                                                                                                                 ,E (2 - x)
  .cg+         3(g,                              20                                                    y                                                       19 Performed by:
                                             /    y Date:                                                      T////'Y/                    !

Reviewed by: M Date: Cl /7, h2

                                                         "                                                                                                                           /


                                                                                                             ,      Procedure DES-HPS-400 Revision 0 Pace 14 of15 ATTACHMENT B Daily Response Check Data Sheet Probe Type:         NE'3/0d                                                    Serial #:    f 90             Source Type /ID# 'IC- h $ 1- 07b 3

BKG Source Tech Inits

                                                                          -3a   '3 (e                -3a i h,94 3 Date               Time                                             +3a     7g          S31.-  +3a ici ,;q           Sat        E 600 #

4ll~llR}) PriOT Ob6) 5(D t M 9N l1 CIMC) LGWON 1H H I f))'ll Y 9'/J 1/id Post fl.16 53 O'f0N { ol', ) 4 O daf0N lLI y[ ])f)\ lyh prior OYON OY ON " post OY ON OY ON I prior post OYON OYON OY ON OYON l prior post OYON OYON ' OY ON OY ON prior OYON OYON I post OY ON OY ON prior OYON OY ON l post prior OY ON OY ON OY ON OY ON post OY ON OY ON I prior OY ON OY ON post OYON OYON l prior post OY ON OYON OY ON OY ON prior OYON OY ON

. post . OYON OY ON prior OY ON OY ON post OY ON OY ON l' prior OY ON OY ON post OY ON OY ON J- prior OYON OYON post [ , ) l OY ON OY ON Reviewed by
_ _k M m Date: /4r/SJ' 7 .



D-1 l

CBA01 Beta Log # Survey Location Log Date Log Time Probe S/N Log Mode ChannelType Reading Gross / Net Units E-600 S/N 600 Addre tored Bk Bkg Units Status CBA01ABCA001 9/16/98 12:34:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.56E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCA003 9/16/98 12 36.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.69E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB005 9/16/98 12.37:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.18E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB007 9/16/98 1239.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.90E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB009 9/16/98 12:40.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.87E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal C5A01 ABCB011 9/16/98 12:42:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.65E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal , CBA01ABCB017 9/16/98 12-43.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.70E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal l CBA01ABCB019 9/16/98 1245.00 350 Scaler Beta 2.08E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB021 9/16/98 12:46.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.85E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB023 9/16/98 12.48:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.96E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal j CBA01ABCG025 9/16/98 12-50.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.78E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB027 9/16/98 12 51:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.85E+02 Gross cpm 1441 O O cpm Normal CBA01ABCB029 9/1698 1253.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.51E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB031 9/16/98 1255:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.93E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCG035 9/16/98 13.01:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.50E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB037 9/16/98 13.02.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.97E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB039 9/16/98 13,04.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.73E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCBO41 9/16/98 13:06.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.85E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB043 9I16/98 13.07:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.09E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB045 9/16/98 13.09:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.72E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB047 9/16/98 13:12:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.09E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCBO49 9/16/98 13:22.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.82E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB051 9/16/98 13:23.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.88E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB053 9/16/98 13:25.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.89E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB057 9/16/98 13:31:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.68E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB059 9/16/98 13.33.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.78E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB061 9/16/98 13:34.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.85E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB063 9/16/98 13:36:00 350 Scs:er Beta 1.67E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB065 9/16/98 13.37.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.48E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB067 9/16/98 13:39.00 350 Scaler Beta 2.20E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB069 9/16/98 13:40.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.90E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB071 9/16/98 13:42-00 350 Scaler Beta 1.74E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB073 9/16/98 13.44.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.98E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB075 9/16/98 13.45.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.62E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBAC1ABC8077 9/16/98 13:48.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.33E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCBO79 9/16/98 13.49.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.44E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB081 9/16/98 14:25.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.53E+02 Gross cpm 1441 O O cpm Normal CBA01ABCB083 9/16/98 14-27.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.66E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB085 9/16/98 14:28 00 350 Scaler Beta 1.72E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB087 9/16/98 14 29.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.75E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB089 9/16/98 14:31:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.83E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB091 9/16/98 14:32.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.78E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB093 9/16/98 14.35-00 350 Scaler Beta 1.47E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 11/18/98 Page 1

CBA01 Beta CBA01ABCB095 9/16/98 14:37:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.90E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB097 9/16/98 14:38:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.43E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 115 CBA01BBCB099 9!16/98 12-37.00 351 Scaler Beta 1.29E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 113 CBA01BBCB101 9/16/98 1234:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.29E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 111 LBA01BBCB103 9/16/98 12:33:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.34E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 epm Normal 109 CBA01BBCB105 9/16/98 11:52:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.52E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 107 CBA01BBCB107 9/16/98 11:10:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.56E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 105 CBA01BBCB109 9/16/98 11:48:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.54E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 103 CBA01BBCB111 9/16/98 11:46.00 351 Scaler Beta 1.72E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal , 101 CBA01BBCB113 9/16/98 11:45:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.33E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal  ; 99 CBA01BBCB115 9/16/98 11:43.00 351 Scaler Beta 1.44E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 97 CBA01BBCB117 9/16/98 11:42:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.21E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 95 CBA01BBCB119 9/16/98 11:40:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.86E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD121 9/16/98 11:51:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.46E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD123 9/16/98 11:53.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.14E.+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD125 9/16/98 11:56.00 350 Scaler Baa 1.15E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD127 9/16/98 11:58.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.57E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Norma! CBA01BBCD129 9/16/98 11:59.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.86E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD131 9/16/98 1101:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.75E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal ! CBA01BBCD133 9/16/98 120200 350 Scaler Beta 1.39E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD135 9/16/98 12.03.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.44E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD137 9/16/98 12 05:00 350 Sca!er Beta 1.72E+02 Gross com 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD139 9/16/98 1106.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.81E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD141 9/16/98 1207:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.43E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD143 9/16/98 1209.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.55E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD145 9/16/98 1210:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.67E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD147 9/16/98 1211:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.62E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD149 9/16/98 1213.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.56E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD151 9/16/98 1214:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.62E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD153 9/16/98 12-15:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.52E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD155 9/16/98 12-17.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.33E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD157 9/16/98 1219.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.29E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD159 9/16/98 1221:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.74E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD161 9/16/98 12-22 00 350 Scaler Beta 2.05E+02 Grcss cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD163 S/16/98 12-24:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.65E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCE165 9/16/98 1226:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.97E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD167 9/16/98 1228.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.67E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCG169 9/16/98 1231:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.61E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 54 CBA01BBCE174 9/16/98 10-27.00 351 Scaler Beta 2.84E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 53 CBA01BBCD175 9/16/98 10:24.00 351 Scaler Beta 1.70E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 52 CBA01BBCE178 9/16/98 10-22.00 351 Scaler Beta 3.35E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 51 CBA01BBCD179 9/16/98 10:21:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.91E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 50 CBA01BBCE182 9/16/98 10:18:00 351 Scaler Beta 4.42E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 49 CBA01BBCD183 9/16/98 10-1720 351 Scaler Beta 2.30E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 11/18/98 Page 2

                                                                  .. M       M          M       m    m    m   -a   L_;        t.a       t__r- t _

CBA01 Beta 47 CBA01BBCE186 9/16/98 10-13:00 351 Scaler Beta 3.13E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 48 CBA01BBCD187 9/16/98 10:15:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.78E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 45 CBA01BBCD190 9/16/98 10:10:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.92E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 46 CBA01BBCE191 9/16/98 10-1200 351 Scaler Beta 1.42E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01FBCE194 9/18/98 11:38.00 350 Scaler Beta 3.20E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01FBCD195 9/18/98 11:40:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.76E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CHA01FBCD196 9/18/98 11:42:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.94E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal , CBA01FBCE197 9/18/98 11:44:00 350 Scaler Beta 3.49E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal l CBA01BBCE198 9/18/98 11:46:00 350 Scaler Beta 3.32E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD199 9/18/98 11:48.00 350 Scaler Beta 2.00E+02 Gross cpm 1441 O O cpm Normal 69 CBA01SBCD201 9/16/98 11:02-00 351 Scaler Beta 1.99E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 71 CBA01BBCD203 9/16/98 11:08.00 351 Scaler Beta 1.79E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 73 CBA01BBCD205 9/16/98 11:10-00

                                                               . 351 Scaler   Beta      1.99E+02  Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 75   CBA01BBCD207 9/16/98 11:13.00 351 Scaler   Beta      2.22E+02  Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 77   CBA01BBCD209 9/16/98 11:15.00 351 Scaler   Beta      3.14E+02  Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 79   CBA01BBCD211 9/16/98 11:17:00 351 Scaler   Beta      2.80E+02  Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 81   CBA01BBCD213 9/16/98 11:19.00 351 Scaler   Beta      2.69E+02  Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 83   CBA01BBCD215 9/16/98 11:21:00 351 Scaler   Beta      2.55E+02  Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal i

85 CBA01BBCD217 9/16/98 11:22 00 351 Scaler Beta 1.97E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal ! 87 CBA01BBCD219 9/16/98 11:24.00 351 Scaler Beta 1.51E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 89 CBA01BBCD221 9/16/98 11:26:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.49E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01FBCA222 9/18/98 11:51:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.56E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01FBCA223 9/18/98 11:54.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.41 E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01FBCA224 9/18/98 11:55:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.42E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01FBCA225 9/18/98 11:57:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.79E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01FBCA226 9118/98 11:59.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.54E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 epm Normal CBA01FBCA227 9/18/98 1200:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.45E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal l CBA01FBCA228 9/18/98 1205.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.50E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal i CBA01FBCA229 9/18/98 12:07:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.96E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01FBCA230 9/18/98 12:09.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.79E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01FBCA232 9/18i98 12 13:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.67E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01FBCA233 9/18/98 12 16:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.58E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 52 CBA01FBCA231 9/18/98 1210.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.71E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 58 CBA01FBCA234 9/18/98 1229.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.36E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 11/18/98 Page 3

CBA02 beta Survey Location Log Date Log Time Probe S/N Log Mode annel Ty Reading Gross / Net tJnits E-600 S/N 600 Addre tored Bk Bkg Units Status CBA02CCCG004 9/18/98 6:50:00 350 Scater Beta 2.12E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG005 9/18/98 6:53:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.96E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm. Normal CBA02CCCG006 9/18/98 6:54:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.06E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG007 9/18/98 7:10:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.77E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG008 9/18/98 7:13:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.79E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG009 9/18/98 7:15:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.10E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG010 9/18/98 7:17:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.35E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG011 9/18/98 7:19:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.24E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG012 9/18/98 7:21:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.99E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE013 9/18/98 7:25:00 350 Scaler Beta 3.41 E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE014 9/18/98 7:31:00 350 Scaler Beta 3.23E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE015 9/18/98 7:33:00 350 Scaler Beta 3.35E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE016 9/18/98 7:27:00 350 Scaler Beta 3.92E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE017 9/18/98 7:29.00 350 Scaler Beta 4.50E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE018 9/18/98 7:35:00 350 Scaler Beta 4.38E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE019 9/18/98 6:57:00 350 Scaler Beta 3.48E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE020 9/18/98 7:05:00 350 Scaler Beta 3.84E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 3 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE021 9/18/98 7:06:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.96E+02 Gross cpm 1455 o O cpm Normal CBA02CCCG022 9/18/98 7:01:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.71E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal l CBA02CCCG023 9/18/98 7.03:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.96E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG024 9/18/98 7:08:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.89E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE025 9/18/98 8:08.00 350 Scaler Beta 4.40E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE026 9/18/98 8:10:00 350 Scaler Beta 3.74E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE027 9/18/98 8:12:00 350 Scaler Beta 3.76E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG028 9/18/98 8:00:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.47E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG029 9/18/98 8:02-00 350 Scater Beta 1.71E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG030 9/18/98 8.04:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.81E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 11/18/98 Page1 E M m m m summa summm - - .. r-

CBA03 beta Survey Location Log Date Log Time Probe S/N Log Mode annel Ty Reading Gross / Net Units E-600 S/N 600 Addre tored Bk Bkg Units Status 9/18/98 7:38:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.52E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG001 9/18/98 7:40:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.55E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG002 350 Scaler Beta 1.15E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG003 9/18/98 7:42:00 9/18/98 350 Scater Beta 1.31E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG004 7:45:00 9/18/98 7:47:00 350 Scater Beta 1.52E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG005 9/18/98 350 Scaler Beta 1.28E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal

CBA03CCCG006 7
49:00 9/22/98 13:59:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.54E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal
CBA03CCCG007 9/22/98 14
07:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.27E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal i CBA03CCCG009 1.20E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG010 9/22/98 14:18:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.08E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG011 9/22/98 14:24:00 350 Scaler Beta 9/22/98 14:30:00 350 Scaler Beta - 1.06E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal l CBA03CCCG012 9/22/98 14:37:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.24E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG013 9/22/98 12:35:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.39E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal i CBA03CCCG014 9/22/98 12-31:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.35E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal e

CBA03CCCG015 9/22/98 12-26:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.80E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG016 9/22/98 12 22-00 351 Scaler Beta 1.62E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 ' cpm Normal CBA03CCCG017 CBA03CCCG018 9/22/98 12 18:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.27E+03 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 9/22/98 11:51:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.99E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 2 CBA03CCCG019 9/22/98 11:55:00 351 Scaler Beta 3.03E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG020 CBA03CCCG021 9/22/98 11:59.00 351 Scaler Beta . 2.12E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 9/22/98 12:03:00 351 Scaler Beta 3.72E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG022 9/22/98 12:06:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.39E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG023 9/22/98 12 09:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.76E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal

                ' CBA03CCCG024 9/22/98 12 12 00  351     Scaler   Beta    1.22E+02  Gross      cpm                      1455                                             0        0   cpm Normal CBA03CCCG025 l
19/18/98 Page1.
                                                                   .    . . .       . . . . . m                            n*

CBA04 Beta Location Log # Log Date Log Time Probe S/N Log Mode annelTy Reading Gross / Net Units E-600 S/N 600 Mdre tored Bk Bkg Units Status 1 58 9/17/98 11:08:00 351 Scaler Beta 11800 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal i 2 56 9/17/98 11:06:00 351 Scaler . Bem 9370 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 1 3 54 9/17/98 11:05:00 351 Scaler Beta 9000 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 4 52 9/17/98 11:03.00 351 Scaler Beta 10200 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 5 50 9/17/98 11:00.00 351 Scaler Beta 4290 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 6 48 9/17198 10:59:00 351 Scaler Beta 4330 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 7 46 9/17/98 10:57:00 351 Scaler Beta 4740 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 8 44 9/17/98 10:55:00 351 Scaler Beta 4750 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 9 42 9/17/98 10:54:00 351 Scaler Beta 5610 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal i 10 40 C/17/98 10:52:00 351 Scaler Beta 4600 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 11 38 9/17/98 10:51:00 351 Scaler Beta 4150 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 12 36 9/17/98 10:49-00 351 Scaler Beta 3780 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 13 34 9/17/98 10:48:00 351 Scaler Beta 822 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 14 32 9/17/98 10:46:00 351 Scaler Beta 916 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 15 30 9/17/98 10:44:00 351 Scaler Beta 904 > cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 16 28 9/17/98 10:42:00 351 Scaler Beta 8' Grt ; cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 17 26 9/17/98 10.40:00 351 Scaler Beta 151, dross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 18 24 9/17/98 10:38.00 351 Scaler Beta 1260 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 19 22 9/17/98 10:37:00 351 Scaler Beta 1470 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 20 20 9/17/98 10:35:00 351 Scaler Beta 1370 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 11/18/98 .Page1

CBA05 Beta Survey Location Measurement # og Dat og Tim Probe S/N og Mod hannelTyp Reading ross/N Units -600 SI 00 Addr tored B kg Unit Status 9/22/98 9:31:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.51 E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 001 1 2 9/22/98 9:33:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.54E+02 Grw cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 002 3 9/22/98 9:42:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.58E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 003 3 9/22/98 9:35:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.35E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FA08003 4 9/22/98 9:44:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.55E+ 02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 004 5 9/22/98 9:45:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.81E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 005 6 9/22/98 9:47.00 350 Scaler Beta 177E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 006 CBA05 FACB 007 7 9/22/98 9:49:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.14E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 008 8 9/22/98 9:50:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.50E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 009 9 9/22/98 9:52.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.15E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 010 10 9/22/98 9.54:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.65E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 11 9/22/98 9:56:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.00E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 011 CBA05 FACB 012 12 9/22/98 9:57:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.83E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 013 13 9/22/98 9:59.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.90E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 014 14 9/22/98 10.01:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.80E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 015 15 9/22/98 10:06.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.88E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 016 16 9/22/98 10.07:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.07E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 017 17 9/22/98 10.09:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.09E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FAC8018 18 9/22/98 10:13.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.56E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 019 19 9/22/98 10:15:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.52E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 020 20 9/22/98 10:17:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.72E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 021 21 9f22/98 10:18:00 350 Sca!er Beta 2.11 E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 022 22 9/22/98 10:20:00 350 Sca!er Beta 1.79E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 023 23 9/22/98 10:22.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.82E+ 02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 024 24 9/22/98 10:23 00 350 Scaler Beta 1.81 E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal l CBA05 FACB 025 25 9/22/98 10.25:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.63E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 026 26 9/22/98 10.28:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.47E+ 02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 027 27 9/22/98 10:29.00 350 Sca!er Beta 1.75E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 028 28 9/22/98 10:30.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.56E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 029 29 9/22/98 10:33.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.73E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 030 30 9/22/98 10:34:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.27E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 031 31 9/22/98 10:36:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.22E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 032 32 9/22/98 10:38.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.76E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 033 33 9/22/98 10:40.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.85E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 034 34 9/22/98 10:41:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.16E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 035 35 9/22/98 10:43:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.24E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 036 36 9722/98 10:44:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.08E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 037 37 9/22/98 10:45:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.02E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 038 38 9/22/98 10:47:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.94E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 039 39 9/22/98 10.48:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.03E+ 02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 040 40 9/22/98 10.50.00 350 Scaler Beta 2.28E+ 02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 11/18/98 Page 1

CBA05 Beta Survey Location Measurement # og Dat og Tim Probe SIN og Mod hannelTyp Reading ross/N Units -600 St 00 Addr fored B kg Unit Status 350 Scaler Beta 2.24E+02 Gross cprn 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 041 41 9/22/98 10:51:00 42 9/22/98 10:52:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.36E+02 Gross c,m 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 042 43 350 Scaler Beta 1.86E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 043 9/22/98 10:54:00 44 9/22/98 10:56:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.93E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 044 45 9/22/98 10.58:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.56E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 045 46 9/22/98 10:59:00 350 Sca!er Beta 1.74E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 046 47 9/22/98 11:00:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.70E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FAC8047 48 9/22/98 11:02:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.65E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 048 49 9/22/98 11:03:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.64 E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 049 CBA05 FACB 050 50 9/22/98 11:05.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.78E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 051 51 9/22/98 11:07:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.80E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cprr. Notmal CBA05 FACB 052 52 9/22/98 11:08.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.81E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FAC8053 53 9/22/98 11:10.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.50E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 054 54 9/22/98 11:22:00 350 Sca!er Beta 1.99E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 055 55 9/22/98 11:23:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.42E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FAC8056 56 9/22/98 11:25:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.82E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 057 57 9/22/98 11:27:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.40E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 058 58 9/22/98 11:28:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.26E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 059 59 9/22/98 11:30:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.14E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 060 60 9/227 3 11:31:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.35E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 061 61 T/22 98 11:33.00 350 Scaler Beta 2.68E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 062 62 9/z2/98 11:34:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.74E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 063 63 9/22/98 11:36:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.07E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Norme8 CBA05 FACB 064 64 9/22/98 9:09:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.36E+ 02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 065 65 9/22/98 9:11:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.10E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 066 66 9/22/98 9:13:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.60E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 067 67 9/22/98 9:14:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.13E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 068 68 9/22/98 S.16:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.86E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 069 69 9722/98 9:21:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.66E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 070 70 9/22/98 9:23:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.98E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 071 71 9/22/98 9:25:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.87E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 072 72 9/22/98 9:37:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.16E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 073 73 9/22/98 9:39:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.04E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 077 77 9/22/98 9:27:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.34E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 078 78 9/22/98 9:29.00 351 Scaler Beta 2.60E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 079 79 9/22/98 9:31:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.45E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 080 80 9/22/98 9:32:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.32E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 081 81 9/22/98 9:35:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.23E+02 Grost epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 082 82 9/22/98 8:26:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.51 E+02 Gros: rpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 083 83 9/22/98 8:28:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.43E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 084 84 9/22/98 9.01:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.36E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 11/18/98 Page 2

l l CBA05 , I Beta  ! Survey Location Measurement # og Dat og Tim Probe SIN og Mod hannel Typ Reading ross/N Units -600 SI 00 Addr tored B kg Unit Status CBA05 FACB 084 84 9/22/98 8:30:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.92E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 085 85 9/22/98 8:31:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.35E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 086 l 86 9/22/98 9:02:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.24E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal ' CBA05FACG087 87 9/22/98 8:59:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.54E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FACGG88 88 G/22/98 8:53:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.54E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 089 89 9/22,98 8:51:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.53E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 090 90 9/22/98 8:50:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.25E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FACG091 91 9/22/98 8:54:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.70E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FACG092 92 9/22/98 8:58:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.30E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 Opm Normal CBA05 FACB 093 93 9/22/98 9:04:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.05E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Norraal CBA05 FACB 094 94 9/22/98 9:05:00 351 Scater Beta 2.15E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 095 95 9/22/98 8:56.00 351 Scaler Beta 2.07E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 096 96 9/22/98 8:55:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.54E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 097 97 9/22/98 8:49:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.25E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 098 98 9/22/98 8:48:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.06E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 099 99 9/22/98 9.06:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.93E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FACG100 100 9/2?/98 9:07:00 351 Sca!er Beta 1.38E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal l CBA05FACG101 101 9/22/98 8:46:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.52E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FACG102 102 9/22/98 8:45.00 351 Scaler Beta 1.79E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FACG103 103 9/22/98 8:43.00 351 Scaler Beta 1.86E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 104 104 9/22/98 8:42:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.00E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 105 105 9/22/98 8:40.00 351 Scaler Alpha / Beta 2.03E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 106 106 9/22/98 8:38.00 35i Scaler Beta 1.92E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 107 107 9/22/98 8:37:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.14E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 108 108 9/22/98 8:35:00 351 Scac Beta 2.0?E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 109 109 9/22/98 8:34-00 351 Scaler Beta 1.84E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 110 110 9/22/98 16:43:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.77E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 111 111 9/22/98 16:46:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.60E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm % mal CBA05 FACB 112 112 9/22/98 16:49:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.25E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 113 113 9/22/98 16:52.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.77E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 114 114 pr22/98 16:56:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.46E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 115 115 9/22/98 17:00:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.37E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 116 116 9/22/98 17:09:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.68E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 117 117 9/22/98 17:13:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.54E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 118 118 9/22/98 17:16:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.70E+ 02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 11D 119 9/22/98 17:20:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.58E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 120 120 9/22/98 17:24:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.59E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 121 121 9/22/98 17:27:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.53E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 122 122 9722/98 17:32:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.37E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 123 123 9/22/98 17:36:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.31E+ 02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 124 124 9/22/98 17:40.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.67E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 11/18198 Page3 m _m . m -. m. - - - - , x-

CBA05 Beta Su vey Location Measurement # og Dat og Tim Probe S/N og Mod hannelTyp Reading ross/N Units -600 S/ 00 Addr tored B kg Unit Status CBA05 FACB 126 126 9/23/98 15:25:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.43E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CPA05 FACB 127 127 9/23/98 15:28:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.70E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 128 128 9/23/98 15:33:00 351 Sca:er Beta 1.65E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 129 129 9723/98 15:35:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.76E+02 Net epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 130 130 9/23/98 16.03:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.66E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 131 131 9/23/98 14:07:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.74E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 132 132 9/22/98 15:25:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.68E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 133 133 9/23/98 15:41:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.70E+02 Net cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 134 134 9723/98 15:44:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.57E+02 Net cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 135 135 9/23/98 15:48:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.50E+02 Net cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 136 136 9/23/98 15:54:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.82E+02 Net cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 137 137 9/23/98 15:58:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.85E+02 Net cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal f CBA05 FACB 138 138 9/23/98 13:33:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.91E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 139 139 9/23/98 13:38.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.71E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 139 139 9/23/98 13:27:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.95E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 140 140 9/22/98 15:32:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.71 E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 141 141 9/22/98 15:39:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.11E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 142 142 9/23/98 13:58:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.N'E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 143 'l43 9/23/98 13:54:00 350 Scaler Beta 17, 9+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 144 144 9/23/98 13:48:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.91E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 145 145 9/23/98 13:43:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.90E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 11/18/98 Page 4 '

                                                                          .          .. mmmmm     mmen   - - - -       -       4    -        -        s -

NELO1 Beta Survey Location easurement Log Dat og Tim robe S/ og Mod annel T Reading ross/Ne Units -600 S/ 00 Addr tored Bk kg Unit Status NELO1FCCA001 1 9/21/98 16:47:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.45E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA002 2 9/21/98 16:49:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.51E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 a cpm Normal NELO1FCCA003 3 9/21/98 16:50:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.32E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA004 4 9/21/98 16:52:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.53E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normai NELO1FCCA006 6 9/21/98 16:55:00 350 Scahr Beta 2.17E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCJ007 7 9/21/98 16:56:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.87E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCG008 8 9/21/98 16:58:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.61E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA009 9 9/21/98 17:02:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.72E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCG010 10 9/21/98 17:08:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.21E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA011 11 9/21/98 17:05:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.11E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCC8012 12 9/21/98 17:22.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.77E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA013 13 9/21/98 17:12:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.82E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA014 14 9/21/98 17:11:00 350 Scabr Beta 1.90E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA015 15 9/21/98 17:19:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.11E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA016 16 9/21/98 17:20:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.90E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA017 17 9/21/98 17:09.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.72E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCG018 18 9/21/98 17:16:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.47E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCG019 19 9/21/98 17:27.00 350 Scater Beta 1.61E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA020 20 9/21/98 17:29.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.79E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA021 21 9/21/98 17:17:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.96E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA022 22 9/21/98 17:24:00 350 Scater Beta 2.15E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA023 23 9/21/93 17:25:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.28E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA024 24 9/21/98 17:28.00 350 Scaler Beta 2.08E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA025 25 9/21/98 17:31:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.28E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA026 26 9/21/98 17:35.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.59E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA027 27 9/21/98 17:36:00 350 Scaler Beta- 1.94E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA028 28 9/21/98 17:03.00 350 Scaler Beta 1.90E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCB029 29 9/21/98 17:33:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.27E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCB030 30 9/21/98 17:13:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.73E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 11/18/98 Page 1

                                                        --                                                        -      - m -      -      _                        _ _ _ _ _ .

NELO2 ' Beta urvey Locatio Measurement Log Dat og Tim robe S/ og Mod hannel Typ Reading ross/Ne Units -600 S/ 00 Addr tored Bk kg Unit Status 350 Scaler Beta 2.98E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal ELO2FCCG00 1 9/22/98 18:18:00 350 Scaler Beta *4aE+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal ELO2FCCG00 2 9/22/98 18:20:00 . 350 Scaler Beta 2.31E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal ELO2FCCG00 3 9/22/98 18:25:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.67E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal ! ELO2FCCG00 4 9/22/98 18:30:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.60E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal i ELO2FCCG00 5 9/22/98 18:34:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.34E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal ELO2FCCG00 6 9/22/98 18:40:00 350 Scaler Beta 3.69E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal ELO2FCCG00 7 9/22/98 18:38:00 Scaler Beta 4.31E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCA00 8 9/23/98 7:39:00 351 Scaler Beta 3.04E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCA00 9 9/23/98 9:37:00 351 Scaler Beta 3.49E+03 Gross cpm 1455 " O cpm Normal NELO2FCCA01 10 9/23/98 9:39:00 351 Normal 4 11 9/23/98 7:36:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.68E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 cpm NELO2FCCA01 350 Scaler Beta 2.15E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal i NELO2FCCA01 12 9/22/98 19:16:00 Scaler Beta 1.73E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal ELO2FCCG01 13 9/23/98 7:35:00 351 350 Scaler Beta 5.48E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal l NELO2FCCA01 14 9/22/98 19:21:00 i 350 Scaler Beta 1.83E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCA01 15 9/22/98 19:15:00 Scaler Beta 2.48E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCA01 15 9/23/98 7:32:00 351 350 Scaler Beta 1.86E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCA01 17 9/22/98 19:08:00 Scaler Beta 1.88E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCA01 18 9/23/98 7:43:00 351 19 9/22/98 19:1100 350 Scaler Beta 1.42E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal ] ELO2FCCG01 350 Scaler Beta 1.33E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal ELO2FCCG02 20 9/22/98 19:09:00 21 9/22/98 19.07:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.91E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCA02 22 9/22/98 19:05:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.CGE+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCA02 23 9/22/98 18:59:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.18E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCA02 24 9/22/98 19:03:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.34E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal ELO2FCCG02 25 9/22/98 18:45 00 350 Scaler Beta 1.28E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCA02 25 9/22/98 18:46:00 350 Scaler Beta 1.87E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCA02

                                                                                                  . 26 9/22/98 18:56:00                          350                    Scaler                 Beta      1.89E+02 Gross cpm              1441     0           0    cpm   Normal NELO2FCCA02 27 9/22/98 18:42:00                          350                    Scaler                 Beta      1.28E+02 Gross cpm              1441     0           0    cpm   Normal ELO2FCCG02 28 9/22/98 18:52-00                          350                    Scaler                 Beta      1.82E+02 Gross epm              1441     0           0    cpm   Normal NELO2FCCA02 29 9/22/98 18:50:00                           350                   Scaler                 Reta      2.03E+02 Gross cpm              1441     0           0    cpm   Normal NELO2FCCA02 30 9/22/98 18:58:00                          350                    Scaler                 Beta      1.99E+02 Gross epm              1441     0           0    cpm   Normal NELO2FCCA03 11/18/98                                                                                                                                                     Page 1

NELO3 Beta Survey Location Log Dat og Tim robe S/ og Mod annel T Reading ross/Ne Units -600 S/ 00 Addr tored Bk kg Unit Status l NELO3FCCA001 9/23/98 8:05:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.44E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCG002 9/23/98 8:07:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.10E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCA003 9/23/9G 8:11:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.37E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCA004 9/23/98 8:09:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.43E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCA005 9/23/98 8:13:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.26E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCG006 9/23/98 8:15:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.40E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCA007 9/23/98 8:17:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.35E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normd NELO3FCCA008 9/23/98 8:26:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.14E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCG009 9/23/98 8:27:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.59E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCG010 9/23/98 8:29:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.87E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCA011 9/23/98 8:39:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.10E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELU3FCCA012 9/23/98 8:34:00 351 Scaler Beta 6.71E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCA013 9/23/98 8:37:00 351 Scaler Beta 4.62E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCA014 9/23/98 8:42:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.00E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCG015 9/23/98 8:47:00 351 Scaler Beta 4.58E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCG016 9/23/98 8:49:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.63E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCA017 9/23/98 8:52:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.54E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCG018 9/23/98 8:56:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.25E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCG019 9/23/98 9:00:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.32E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCA020 9/23/98 8:59:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.65E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCA021 9/23/98 9:02:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.00E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCA022 9/23/98 9:07:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.69E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCG023 9/23/98 9:05:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.26E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCG024 9/23/98 9:10:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.43E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCG025 9/23/98 9:12:00 351 Scaler Beta 2.47E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCG025 9/23/98 9:15:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.17E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCA026 9/23/98 9:17:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.96E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCA027 9/23/98 9:21:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.93E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Nomial NELO3FCCA028 9/23/98 9:23:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.93E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCG029 9/23/98 9:28:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.53E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCG030 9/23/98 9:19:00 351 Scaler Beta 1.51E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 11/18/98 Page 1 M M M-_m..m m ma w t_ r,

Fuel St: rage Pit Beta Survey Location Log # Log Date Log Time Probe SI Log Mode Channel Reading Gross /Ne Units E-600 S/N E-600 Ad Stored Bk Bkg Units Status 1 130 7a4/98 16:12:00 350 Scaler Bata 5.20E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 1 132 7/24/98 16:14:00 350 Scaler Beta 2.70E+01 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 2 98 7a4/98 15:03:00 193 Scaler Beta 3.60E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 2 99 7/24/98 15:05:00 193 Scaler Beta 2.80E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 3 134 7/24/98 16:17:00 350 Scaler Beta 4.23E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 3 136 7/24/98 16:20.00 350 Scaler Beta 3.80E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 4 100 7G4/98 15:09.00 193 Scaler Beta 4.30E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 4 101 7G4/98 15:11:00 193 Scaler Beta 2.80E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Norma! 5 138 7/24/98 16:24:00 350 Scaler Beta 5.20E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 5 140 7G4/98 1C.26:00 350 Scaler Beta 4.40E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Norma! 6 102 7/24/98 15:14:00 193 Scaler Beta 4.50E+01 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 6 103 7/24/98 15:16.00 193 Scaler Beta 3.20E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 7 142 7/24/98 16:30.00 350 Scaler Beta 4.10E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 7 144 7/24/98 16:32:00 350 Scaler Beta 3.80E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 8 104 7/24/98 15:19:00 193 Scaler Beta 3.70E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 8 105 7/24/98 15:21:00 193 Scaler Beta 2.70E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 9 62 7/24/98 13:21:00 350 Sc; er Beta 4.00E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 9 64 7/24/98 13:26:00 350 Scaler Beta 3.60E+01 Grnss cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 10 58 7/24/98 13:08:00 193 Scaler Beta 4.10E+01 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 10 59 7/24/98 13:10:00 193 Scaler Beta 2.00E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 11 66 7/24/98 13:29.00 350 Scaler Beta 4.60E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 11 68 7/24/98 13:32:00 350 Scaler Beta 3.70E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 12 60 7/24/98 13:13:00 193 Scaler Beta 4.40E+01 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 12 61 7/24/98 13:15.00 193 Scaler Beta 1.40E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 13 122 7/24/98 15:57:00 350 Scaler Beta 4.10E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 13 124 7/24/98 16:00:00 350 Scater Beta 3.70E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 14 94 7/24/98 14:49:00 193 Scaler Beta 5.00E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 14 95 7/24/98 14:51:00 193 Scaler Beta 2.40E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 15 12S 7/24/98 16:05:00 350 Scaler Beta 4.63E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 15 128 7/24/98 16:08:00 350 Scaler Beta 4.70E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 16 96 7/24/98 14:55:00 193 Scaler Beta 4.70E+01 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 16 97 7/24/98 14:57:00 193 Scaler Beta 2.50E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 17 34 7/24/98 12:05:00 350 Scaler Beta 3.73E+01 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 17 44 7/24/98 12:14:00 350 Scaler Beta 4.10E+01 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 18 12 7/24/98 11:14:00 193 Scaler Beta 2.60E+01 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 18 13 7/24/98 11:16.00 193 Scaler Beta 2.50E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 19 70 7/24/98 13:35:00 350 Scaler Beta 3.67E+01 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 19 72 7/24/98 13:38:00 350 Scaler Beta 3.47E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 20 52 7/24/98 12:46:00 193 Scaler Beta 7.00E+01 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 20 53 7/24/98 12:49.00 193 Scaler Beta 3.30E401 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 11/18!98 Page 1


_M _ M _ M- - M M M M .. M M

Fuel Storage Pit Beta Survey Log 8 Log Date Log Time Probe S/ Log Mode Channel Reading Gross /Ne Units E-600 S/N E-600 Ad Stored Bk Bkg Units Status Location 21 74 7a4/98 13:42:00 350 Scaler Beta 4.30E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 21 76 7a4/98 13:44:00 350 Scaler Beta 3.30E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal l 22 54 7G4/98 12:56:00 193 Scaler Beta 4.60E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 22 55 7/24/98 12 58-00 193 Scaler Beta 2.40E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 23 78 7/24/98 13:48:00 350 Scaler Beta 4.10E+01 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 23 80 7/24/98 13:50:00 350 Scaler Beta 4.10E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 24 56 7/24/98 13:03:00 193 Scaler Beta 6.50E+01 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 24 57 7/24/98 13:05:00 193 Scaler Beta 2.10E+01 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 25 26 7G4/98 11:52:00 350 Scaler Beta 5.57E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 25 36 7/24/98 12:08:00 350 Scaler Beta 4.20E+01 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 26 4 7/24/98 10:27:00 193 Scaler Beta 3.70E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 26 5 7/24/98 '10:33:00 193 Scaler Beta 2.50E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 27 28 7/24/98 11:57:00 350 Scaler Beta 4.73E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 27 38 7/24/98 12:10:00 350 Scaler Beta 4.00E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 28 6 7G4/98 10:40:00 193 Scaler Beta 4.20E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 28 7 7/24/98 10:42:00 193 Scaler Beta 3.40E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 29 30 7/24/98 12:00:00 350 Scaler Beta 5.20E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal

,                           29                                                 40   7/24/98 12 11:00     350 Scaler  Bets      3.87E+01 Gross     epm     1441              0                                                    0 cpm       Normal 30                                                  8   7/24/98 10:49:00     193 Scaler  Beta      2.60E+01   Groes   epm     1441              0                                                    0 cpm       Normal 30                                                  9   7/24/98 10.51:00     193 Scaler  Beta      2.50E+01 Gross     cpm     144               0                                                    0 cpm       Normal 31                                                 32   7/24/98 12:02:00     350 Scaler  Beta      4.87E+01 Gross     cpm     1441              0                                                    0 cpm       Normal 31                                                 42   7/24/98 12 13:00     350 Scaler  Beta      3.10E+01 Gross     cpm     1441              0                                                    0 cpm       Normal 32                                                 10   7/24/98 10:59:00     193 Scaler  Beta      2.60E+01 Gross     epm     1441              0                                                    0 cpm       Normal 32                                                 11   7/24/98 11:01:00     193 Scaler  Beta      3.50E+01 Gross     cpm     1441              0                                                    0 cpm       Normal 11/18/98                                                                                                Page 2



I l E-1 i l I

CBA01 A!pha Log # Survey Location Log Date Log Time Probe S/N Log Mode Channel Typ Reading Gross / Net Units E-600 S/N 600 Addre tored Bk Bkg Units Status CBA01ABCA001 9/16/98 12:34:00 350 Scaler Alpha 3.54E+00 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCA003 9/16/98 12-36 00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.50E+00 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB005 9/16/98 12-37. # 350 Scaler Alpha 1.36E+00 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB007 9/16/98 12.39. - 350 Scaler Alpha 4.49E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal l CBA01ABCB009 9/16/98 12:41:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01 ABCB011 9/16/98 12.42:00 350 Scaler Alpha 5.22E-01 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01 ABCB017 9/16/98 12:44.00 350 Scaler A'pha 1.50E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB019 9/16/98 12 45:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.39E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB021 9/16/98 12:46.00 350 Sca!er Alpha 1.46E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB023 9/16/98 12:48:00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.29E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCG025 9/16/98 12-50:00 350 Scaler Alpha 2.48E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB027 9/16/98 12:51:00 350 Scaler Alpha 5.46E+00 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB029 9/16/98 12:53:00 350 Scaler Alpha 5.59E-01 Gross opm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB031 9/16/98 12:55.00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.40E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCG035 9/16/98 13.01:00 350 Scaler A!pha 1.56E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB037 9/16/98 13.02.00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.43E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB039 9/16/98 13.04.00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.98E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB041 9/16/08 13:06:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCBO43 9/16/98 13.07.00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCBO45 9/16/98 13.09.00 350 Scaler A!pha 5.01E-01 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB047 9/16/98 13:12.00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB049 9/16/98 13:22.00 350 Scater Alpha 3.47E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB051 9/16/98 13:23:00 350 Scaler Alpha 2.45E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB053 9/16/98 13:25.00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.49E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB057 9/16/98 13:32:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB059 9/16/98 13:33:00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.84E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB061 9/16/98 13:34:00 350 Scaler Alpha 2.46E+00 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB063 9/16/98 13.36.00 350 Scaler Alpha 5.16E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB065 9/16/98 13:37.00 350 Scaler A!pha 5.71E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB067 9/16/98 13:39.00 350 Scaler Alpha 3.62E-01 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB069 9/16/98 13:41:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB071 9/16/98 13:42.00 350 Scaler Alpha . 3.49E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB073 9/16/98 13.44:00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.26E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB075 9/16/98 13:45.00 350 Scaler Alpha 5.30E-01 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normat CBA01ABCB077 9/16/98 13:48.00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABC8079 9/16/98 13:49:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.58E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB081 9/16/98 14:25:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E +00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCBO83 9/16/98 14:27.00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB085 9/16/98 14:28.00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Norma! CBA01ABCB087 9/16/98 14:30.00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Norma! CBA01ABCB089 9/16/98 14:31:00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.69E-01 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB091 9/16/98 14:33 00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.84E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB093 9/16/98 14:35:00 350 Scaler Alpha 5.74E-01 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 11/18/98 Page 1

CBA01 Alpha Log # Survey Location Log Date Log Time Probe S/N Log Mode ChannelTyp Reading Gross / Net Units E-600 S/N 600 Addre tored Bk Bkg Units Status CBA01ABCB095 9/16/98 14:37:00 350 Scater Alpha 1.45E+00 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB097 9/16/98 14:39:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.58E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 116 CBA01ABCB099 9/16/98 12-37:00 351 Scaler Alpha 5.49E-01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 114 CBA01ABCB101 9/16/98 1235.00 351 Scaler Alpha 5.49E-01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 112 CBA01ABCB103 9/16/98 12:33:00 351 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 110 CBA01ABCB105 9/16/98 11:52.00 351 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 108 OBA01ABCB107 9/16/98 11:50.00 351 Scaler Alpha 4.54E-01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 106 CBA01ABCB109 9/15/98 11:48:00 351 Scaler Alpha 4.61E-01 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 104 CBA01 ABCB111 9/16/98 11:46:00 351 S:Ar Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 102 CBA01 ABCB113 9/16/98 11:45:00 351 Sc sier Alpha 5.35E-01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 100 CBA01 ABCB115 9/16/98 11:43:00 351 Scaler Alpna 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 98 CBA01 ABCB117 9/16/98 11:4200 351 Scaler Alpha 5.77E-01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 96 CBA01 ABCB119 9/16/98 11:41:00 351 Scaler Alpha 2.35E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD121 9/16/98 11:52.00 350 Scaler Alpha 5.77E-01 Gross epm 1441 9 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD123 9/16/98 11:53.00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.67E+00 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD125 9/16/98 11:56.00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.66E+00 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD127 9/16/98 11:58.00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.54E+00 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD129 9/16/98 11:59:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.46E+00 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD131 9/16/98 12.01:00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.93E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD133 9/16/98 12-02:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.59E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD135 9/16/98 1203:00 350 Scaler Alpha 5.82E-01 Cross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD137 9/16/98 12.05:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.50E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD139 9/16/98 12 06.00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.75E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD141 9/16/98 1207:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.58E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD143 9/16/98 1209.00 350 Scaler Alpha 3.55E+00 Gross cpm 1441 O O cp.n Normal CBA01BBCD145 9/16/98 12-10:00 350 Scaler Alpha 2.51E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BSCD147 9/16/98 1212.00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.53E+00 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD149 9/16/98 1213.00 350 Scaler Alpha 5.48E-01 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD151 9/16/98 1214:00 350 Scaler Alpha 5.30E-01 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD153 9/16/98 1216.00 350 Scals: Alpha 3.56E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD155 9/16/98 1217:00 350 Scaler Alpha 6.14E-01 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD157 9/16/98 12-19.00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.62E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD159 9/16/98 12:21:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD161 9/16/98 1223.00 350 Scabr Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD163 9/16/98 1224:00 350 Scater Alpha 5.22E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCE165 9/16/98 1226:00 350 Scaler Alpha 2.14E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD167 9/16/98 12:28.00 350 Scaler Alpha 3.51E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCG169 9/16/98 1231:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CS CBA01BBCE174 9/16/98 10:5200 351 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm aormal 67 CBA01BBCD175 9/16/98 10-51:00 351 Scaler Alpha 4.09E-01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 66 CBA01BBCE178 S/16/98 10-49.00 351 Scaler Moha 2.57E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 65 CBA01BBCD179 9/16/98 1& 48.00 351 Tcaler Alpha 1.07E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Norma: 64 CBA01BBCE182 9/16/98 10:47.00 351 Scaler A!pha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 11/18/98 Page 2

CBA01 Alpha Log # Survey Location Log Date Log Time Probe S/N Log Mode Channel Typ Reading Gross / Net Units E-600 S/N 600 Addre tored Bk Bkg Units Status 63 CBA01BBCD183 9/16/98 10:45:00 351 Scaler Alpha 4.46E-01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 61 CBA01BBCE186 9/16/98 10-42:00 351 Scaler Alpha 2.66E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 62 CBA01BBCD187 9/16/98 10.44.00 351 Scaler A!pha 3.345+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 59 CBA01BBCE190 9/16/98 10:39.00 351 Scaler Alpha 1.96E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 60 CBA01BBCD191 9/16/98 10 40:00 351 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01FBCE194 9/18/98 11:39:00 350 Scaler Alpha 207E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01FBCD195 9/18/98 11:40.00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1441 O O cpm Normal CBA01FBCD196 9/18/98 11:4200 350 Scaler Alpha 4.37E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01FBCE197 9/18/98 11:44:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1441 0 0 com Normal CBA01BBCE198 9/18/98 11:46:00 350 Scaler Alpha 3.03E+00 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD199 9/18/98 11:48:00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.20E-01 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 70 CBA01BBCD201 9/16/98 11:05:00 351 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 72 CBA01BBCD203 9/16/98 11:09.00 351 Scaler Alpha 1.30E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 74 CBA01BBCD205 9/16/98 11:11:00 351 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 76 CBA01BBCD207 9/16/98 11:14:00 351 Scaler Alpha 1.22E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 78 CBA01BBCD209 9/16/98 11:16:00 351 Scaler Alpha 8.97E-01 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 80 CBA01BBCD211 9/16/98 11:17:00 351 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 82 CBA01BBCD213 9/16/98 11:19.00 351 Scaler Alpha 5.85E-02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 84 CBA01BBCD215 9/16/98 11:49:00 350 Scaler Alpha 3.91 E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 86 CBA01BBCD217 9/16/98 11:23.0C 351 Scaler Alpha 2.31 E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 88 CBA01BBCD219 9/16/98 11:24:00 351 Scaler Alpha 4.46E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 90 CBA01BBCD221 9/16/98 11:26.00 351 Scaler Alpha 2.48E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01FBCA222 9/18/98 11:51:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.54E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 wn Normal CBA01FBCA223 9/18/98 11:54.00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.59E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01FBCA224 9/18/98 11:55:00 350 Scaler Alpha 8.76E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01FBCA225 9/18/98 11:58.00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01FBCA226 9/18/98 11:59:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01FBCA227 9/18/98 1200-00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01FBCA228 9/18/98 1205.00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.56E+00 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01FBCA229 9/18/98 12:07:00 350 Scaler Alpha 2.43E+00 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01FBCA230 9/18/98 12:09.00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.48E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 53 CBA01FBCA231 9/18/98 1211:00 350 Scaler Alpha 3.50E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01FBCA232 9/18/98 1213.00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01FBCA233 9/18/98 12-16.00 350 Scaler Alpha 5.42E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 59 CBA01FBCA234 9/18/98 1229.00 350 Scaler Alpha 2.60E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 11/18/98 Page 3

CBA02 alpha Survey Location Log Date Log Time Probe S/N Log Mode hannel Typ Reading Gross / Net Units E-600 S/N 600 Addre tored Bk Bkg Units Status CBA02CCCG001 9/17/98 15:51:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.37E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG002 9/17/98 15:53:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG003 9/17/98 15:55:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.45E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG004 9/18/98 6:50:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG005 9/18/98 6:53:00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.32E-01 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG006 9/18/98 6:55:00 350 Scaler Alpha 8.39E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG007 9/18/98 7:11:00 350 Scaler Alpha 3.48E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG008 9/18/98 7:13:00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.48E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG009 9/18/98 7:15:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.39E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG010 9/18/98 7:17:00 350 Scaler Alpha 5.31E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG011 9/18/98 7:19:00 350 Scaler Alpha 3.35E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG012 9/18/98 7:21:00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.42E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE013 9/18/98 7:25:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.11 E-02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE014 9/18/98 7:31:00 350 Scaler Alpha 3.06E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE015 9/18/98 7:33:00 350 Scaler Alpha 3.03E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE016 9/18/98 7:27:00 350 Scaler Airha 8.60E-01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE017 9/18/98 7:29:00 350 Scaler A'iha 1.69E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE018 9/18/98 7:35:00 350 Scaler Aipha 2.73E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE019 9/18/98 6:57:00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.99E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE020 9/18/98 7:05:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.88E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE021 9/18/98 7:06:00 350 Scaler Alpha 5.14E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG022 9/18/98 7:01:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.50E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG023 9/18/98 7:03:00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.43E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG024 9/18/98 7:08:00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.52E-01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE026 9/18/98 8:10:00 350 Scaler Alpha 3.91E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE027 9/18/98 8:12:00 350 Scaler Alpha 2.91E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE028 9/18/98 8:08:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.72E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG028 9/18/98 8:00:00 350 Scaler Alpha 2.57E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG029 9/18/98 8:02 00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.50E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Ncrmal

  • CBA02CCCG030 9/18/98 8:05:00 350 Scaler Alpha 2.47E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 11/18/98 Page 1

1 CBA03 alpha Survey Location Log Date Log Time Probe SIN Log Mode Channel Type Reading Gross / Net Units E-600 SIN 600 Addre tored Bk Bkg Units Status CBA03CCCG001 9/18/98 7:39:00 350 Scaler Alpha 5.55E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cprn Normal CBA03CCCG002 9/18/98 7:40:00 350 Scaler Alpha 6.54E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG003 9/18/98 7:42:00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.66E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG004 9/18/98 7:45:00 350 Scaler Alpha 6.61E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG005 9/18/98 7:47:00 350 Scaler Alpha 5.55E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Norma! l CBA03CCCG006 9/18/98 7:49:00 350 Scaler Alpha 6.62E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG007 9/22/98 13:59:00 350 Scaler Alpha 5.53E-01 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG008 9/22/98 14:04.00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCGOOD 9/22/98 14:07:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG010 9/22/98 14:18:00 350 Scaler Alpha 6.52E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG011 9/22/98 14:24:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1,68E+00 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG012 9/22/98 14:30:00 350 Scaler A!pha 1.69E+00 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG013 9/22/98 14:37:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG014 9/22/98 1235:00 351 Scaler Alpha 5.14E-01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG015 9/22/98 12:31:00 351 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG016 9/22/98 12:26:00 351 Scaler Alpha 3.70E-01 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG017 9/22/98 1222.00 351 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG018 9/22/98 12-19.00 351 Scaler Alpha 1.54E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG019 9/22/98 11:51:00 351 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG020 9/22/98 11:55:00 351 Scaler Alpha 9.32E-01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG021 9/22/98 11:59:00 351 Scaler Alpha 2.58E-01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG022 9/22/98 12:03.00 351 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG023 9/22/98 1206.00 351 Scaler Alpha 1.63E-01 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG024 9/22/98 12:09:00 351 Scaler Alpha 3.84E-01 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG025 9/22/98 12-13.00 351 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal i 11/18/98 pag, g _.. M . M m.m m m - a t _t t. m

CBA04 Alpha Log # Log Date Log Time Probe S/N Log Mode hannel Ty Reading Gross / Net Urnts E-600 S/N 600 Addre Stored Bkg Skg Units Status Location Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 1 59 9/17/98 11:08:00 351 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 2 57 9/17/98 11:06:00 351 Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 3 55 9/17/98 11:05.00 351 Scaler 53 11:03.00 351 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 4 9/17/98 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 5 51 9/17/98 11:00:00 351 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 6 49 9/17/98 10-59:00 351 47 9/17/98 10:57:00 351 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 7 0.00E+00 Gus cpm 1455 0 0 cpm ;4ormal 8 45 9/17/98 10-55.00 351 Scaler Alpha 9/17/98 10-54:00 351 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gus cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 9 43 Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 10 41 9/17/98 10:52 00 351 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 11 39 9/17/98 10.51:00 351 Scaler S/17/98 1049:00 351 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 12 37 13 35 9/17/98 10:48:00 351 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 14 33 9/17/98 10:46:00 351 15 31 9/17/98 10:44.00 351 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 16 29 9/17/98 10-42.00 351 Scaler A!pha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 17 27 9/17/98 10-40:00 351 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 9/17/98 10-38:00 351 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 18 25 19 23 9/17/98 10-37:00 351 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 20 21 9/17/98 10 35:00 351 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 11/18/98 Page1

i 1 CBA05 ALPHA i Survey Location Log Dat og Tim Probe S/N og Mod hannelTyp Reading ross/Ne Units -600 SI 00 Addr tored Bk kg Unit Status 2 CBA05 FACB 001 9/22/98 9:31:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.56E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 350 Scaler Alpha 1.55E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal

CBA05 FACB 002 9/22/98 9
33:00 1 CBA05 FACB 003 9/22/98 9:35:00 350 Scaler Alpha .5.60E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal ,

350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 003 9/22/98 9:42:00 CBA05 FACB 004 9/22/98 9:44:00 350 Scaler Alpha 5.51E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 005 9/22/98 9:46:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal ] Alpha 4.87E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal

CBA05 FACB 006 9/22/98 9
47:00 350 Scaler CBA05 FACB 007 9/22/98 9:49:00 350 Scaler Alpha 6.69E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal I CBA05 FACB 008 9/22/98 9:50:00 350 Scaler Alpha 5.65E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 009 9/22/98 9:52:00 350 Scaler Alpha 6.67E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal ,

CBA05 FACB 010 9/22/98 9:54:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.52E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal t CBA05 FACB 011 9/22/98 9:56:00 350 Scaler Alpha 2.42E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal l CBA05 FACB 012 9/22/98 9:58:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal l 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 013 9/22/98 9:59:00 350 Scaler Alpha 2.45E+00 Gross cpm 1441 l CBA05 FACB 014 9/22/98 10:01:00 350 Scaler Alpha 2.48E+00 _ Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal i CBA05 FACB 015 9/22/98 10:06:00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.45E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal i CBA05 FACB 016 9/22/98 10:08:00 350 Scaler Alpha 3.40E+ 00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal i CBA05 FACB 017 9/22/98 10:09:00 350 Scaler Alpha 6.39E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 018 9/22/98 10:13:00 350 Scaler Alpha 5.54E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 019 9/22/98 10:15:00- 350 Scaler Alpha 4.26E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal ! CBA05 FACB 020 9/22/98 10:17:00 350 Scaler Alpha 6.50E+00 ~ Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 021 9/22/98 10:18:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.39E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal l 1 CBA05 FACB 022 9/22/98 10:20:00 350- Scaler Alpha 1.48E+ 00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 023 9/22/98 10:22:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.47E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 024 9/22/98 10:23:00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.75E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal j CBA05 FACB 025 9/22/98 10:25:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+GO Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal > CBA05 FACB 026 9/22/98 10:28:00 350 Scaler Alpha 6.57E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 027 9/22/98 10:29:00- 350 Scaler Alpha 2.49E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm - Normal cpm Normal ! CBA05 FACB 028 9/22/98 10:31:00 350 Scaler Alpha 2.54E+00 Cross cpm 1441 0 0 CBA05 FACB 029 ,9/22/98 10:33:00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.98E-01 _ Gross cpm 1441' 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 030 9/22/98 10:35:00 350 Scaler Alpha 3.63E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal i CBA05 FACB 031 9/22/98 10:36:00 350 . Scaler Alpha 2.64E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0' cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 032 9/22/98 10:38:00 350 Scaler Alpha 3.49E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm- Normal f CBA05 FACB 033 9/22/98 10:40:00 350 Scaler Alpha 2.46E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal l Normal CBA05 FACB 034 9/22/98 10:41:00 350 Scaler Alpha 2.37E+00 Gross . cpm 1441 -0 0 cpm l Normal CBA05 FACB 03S 9/22/98 10:43:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.35E+00 Gross . cpm 1441 0 0 cpm CBA05 FACB 036 9/22/98 10:44:00 350 Scaler Alpha 14.39E+00 Gross cpm 1441. 0 0 ' cpm Normal i

                              ;11/18/98                                                                                                                                                                                             Page 1

CBA05 ALPHA CBA05 FACB 037 9/22/98 10:45:00 350 Scaler Alpha 3.41 E+ 00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 038 9/22/98 10:47:00 350 Scaler Alpha 5.43E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 039 9/22/98 10:48:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.41E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 040 9/22/98 10:50:00 350 Scaler Alpha 2.34E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 041 9/22/98 10:51:00 350 Scaler Alpha 2.35E+00 Grcss cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 042 9/22/98 10:53:00 350 Scaler Alphs 1.31E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 043 9/22/98 10:55:00 350 Scaler Alpha 2.46E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 044 9/22/98 10:56:00 350 Scaler Alpha 2.44E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 045 9/22/98 10:58:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.54E+ 00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 046 9/22/98 10:59:00 350 Scaler Alpha 2.49E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 047 9/22/98 11:01:00 350 Scaler Alpha 2.50E+ 00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal , CBA05 FACB 048 9/22/98 11:02:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.52E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 049 9/22/98 11:04:00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.52E+ 00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 050 9/22/98 11:05:00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.84E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 051 9/22/98 11:07:00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.78E-01 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 052 9/22/98 11:08:00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.75E-01 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 053 9/22/98 11:10:00 350 Scaler Alpha 5.65E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 054 9/22/98 11:22:00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.23E-01 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05F/.CB055 9/22/98 11:23:00 350 Scaler Alpha 2.98E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 056 9/22/98 11:25:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 057 9/22/98 11:27:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.30E+00 Gross epm i441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 058 9/22/98 11:28:00 350 Scaler Alpha 3.45E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 059 9/22/98 11:30:00 350 Scaler Alpha 3.79E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 060 9/22/98 11:31:00 350 Scaler Alpha 2.32E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 061 9/22/98 11:33:00 350 Scaler Alpha 3.22E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 062 9/22/98 11:34:00 350 Scaler Alpha 2.05E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 063 9/22/98 11:36:00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.00E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 064 9/22/98 9:09:00 351 Scaler Alpha 1.74 E-01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 065 9/22/98 9:11:00 351 Scaler Alpha 3.26E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 066 9/22/98 9:13:00 351 Scaler Alpha 4.08E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FAC8067 9/22/98 9:14:00 351 Scaler Alpha 2.25E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 068 9/22/98 9:15:00 351 Scaler Alpha 1.35E+ 00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 069 9/22/98 9:21:00 351 Scaler Alpha 1.42E+ 00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 070 9/22/98 9:23:00 351 Scaler Alpha 1.30E+ 00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 071 9/22/98 9:25:00 351 Scaler Alpha 2.34E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 072 9/22/98 9:38:00 351 Scaler Alpha 2.44E-01 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 073 9/22/98 9:40:00 351 Scaler Alpha 2.86E-01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 077 9/22/98 9:27:00 351 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 11/18/98 Page 2 _M . . m m m. m N w t m

CBA05 ALPHA CBA0EFACB078 9/22/98 9:29:00 351 Scaler Alpha 1.09E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 079 9/22/98 9:31:00 351 Scaler Alpha 1.42E-01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 080 9/22/98 9:33:00 351 Scaler Alpha 1.18E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 081 9/22/98 9:35:00 351 Scaler Alpha 3.21E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FAC8082 9/22/98 8:26:00 351 Scaler Alpha 1.12E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 083 9/22/98 8:28:00 351 Scaler Alpha 4.14E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 084 9/22/98 8:30.00 351 Scaler Alpha 1.32E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal l CBA05 FACB 085 9/22/98 8:31:00 351 Scaler Alpha 1.77E-01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 086 9/22/98 9:02:00 351 Scaler Alpha 2.21E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FACG087 9/22/98 8:59:00 351 Scaler Alpha 2.46E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FACG088 9/22/98 8:53:00 351 Scaler Alpha 4.45E+ 00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 089 9/22/98 8:51:00 351 Scaler Alpha 3.11E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 090 9/22/98 8:50:00 351 Scaler Alpha 2.21E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FACG091 9/22/98 8:54:00 351 Scaler Alpha 1.40E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FACG092 9/22/98 8:58:00 351 Scaler Alpha 5.54E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 093 9/22/98 9:03:00 351 Scaler Alpha 1.28E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 094 9/22/98 9:05:00 351 Scaler Alpha 3.24 E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 095 9/22/98 8:57:00 351 Scaler Alpha 2.27E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 096 9/22/98 8:55:00 351 Scaler Alpha 1.11 E-01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 097 9/22/98 8:49:00 351 Scaler Alpha 3.21 E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 098 9/22/98 8:47:00 351 Scaler Alpha 2.82E-01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 099 9/22/98 9:06:00 351 Scaler Alpha 3.32E+ 00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FACG100 9/22/98 9:07:00 351 Scaler Alpha 1.51E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FACG101 9/22/98 8:46:00 351 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FACG102 9/22/98 8:45:00 351 Scaler Alpha 1.37E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FACG103 9/22/98 8:43:00 351 Scaler Alpha 4.34E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 104 9/22/98 8:42:00 351 Scaler Alpha 2.30E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 105 9/22/98 8:40:00 351 Scaler Alpha 4.30E+ 00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 107 9/22/98 8:37:00 351 Scaler Alpha 2.54E-01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 108 9/22/98 8:35:00 351 Scaler Alpha 4.28E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBADSFACB109 9/22/98 8:33:00 351 Scaler Alpha 2.35E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 110 9/22/98 16:43:00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.87E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 111 9/22/98 16:47:00 350 Scaler Alpha 5.36E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 112 9/22/98 16:49:00 350 Scaler Alpha 3.63E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 113 9/22/98 16:52:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+ 00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 114 9/22/98 16:56:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+ 00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 115 9/22/98 17:00:00 350 Scaler Alpha 6.03E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 116 9/22/98 17:09:00 350 Scaler Alpha 5.13E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 11/18/98 Page 3 M --.M....M M m m --. m m _s 1.

CBA05 ALPHA k i CBA05 FACB 117 9/22/98 17:13:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 118 9/22/9C 17:16:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross Opm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal { CBA05 FACB 119 9/22/98 17:20:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.54E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal l CBA05 FACB 120 9/22/98 17:24:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal j j CBA05 FACB 121 9/22/98 17:27:00 350 Scaler Alpha 2.66E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 122 9/22/98 17:32:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.60E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 123 9/22/98 17:36:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal

CBA05 FACB 124 9/22/98 17
40:00 350 Scaler Alpha 5.16E41 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 126 9/23/98 15:25:00 351 Scaler. Alpha 1.50E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal i

CBA05 FACB 127 9/23/98 15:28:00 351 Scaler Alpha 1.40E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal i j CBA05 FACB 128 9/23/98 15:33:00 351 Scaler Alpha 2.42E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal i CBA05 FACB 129 9/23/98 15:35:00 351 Scaler Alpha 3.38E+00 Net cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 130 9/23/98 16:03:00 351 Scaler Alpha 1.42E+00 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal f 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 131 9/23/98 14:07:00 350 Scaler Alpha 3.49E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 i CBA05 FACB 132 9/22/98 15 26:00 351 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal

CBA05 FACB 133 9/23/98 15
41:00 351 Scaler Alpha 4.05E-01 Net cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 134 9/23/98 15:44:00 351 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Net cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 135 9/23/98 15:48:00 351 Scaler Alpha 1.47E+00 Net epm 1441 .0 0 cpm Normal

. CBA05 FACB 136 9/23/98 15:55:00 351 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Net cpm 1441 0 0 cpm ' Normal CBA05 FACB 137 9/23/98 15:58:00 351 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Net cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal l CBA05 FACB 138 9/23/98 13:33:00 350 Scaler Alpha 3.44E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 139 9/23/98 13:38:00 350 Scaler Alpha 5.04E-01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal l 0 0 cpm Normal 4 CBA05 FACB 140 9/22/98 15:32:00 351 Scaler Alpha 4.02E-01 Gross cpm 1455 CBA05 FACB 142 9/23/98 13:58:00 350 Scaler Alpha 2.42E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 3 1 CBA05 FACB 143 9/23/98 13:54:00 350 Scaler Alpha 5.01E-01 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 144 9/23/98 13:48:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.44E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal , CBA05 FACB 145 9/23/98 13:43:00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.49E-01 Gross cpm 1455 0- O cpm Normal l i 4 4 } i-11/18/98 Page 4

NELO1 ALPHA Survey Location Log Dat og Tim robe S/ og Mod hannel Ty Reading ross/Ne Units -600 S/ 00 Addr tored Bk kg Unit Status Scaler Alpha 2.89E-01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA001 9/21/98 16:47:00 350 Scaler Alpha 2.72E-01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA002 9/21/98 16:49:00 350 NELO1FCCA003 - 9/21/98 16:50:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.32E+00 Gross cpm - 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA004 9/21/98 16:52:00 350 Scaler Alpha 2.66E-01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA005 9/21/98 16:54:00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.72E-01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA006 9/21/98 16:55:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCJ007 9/21/98 16:56:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.68E-01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Nomial NELO1FCCG008 9/21/98 16:58:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA009 9/21/98 17:02:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCG010 9/21/98 17:08:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA011 9/21/98 17:05:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.39E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCB012 9/21/98 17:22:00 350 Scaler - Alpha 1.48E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 350 Scaler Alpha 1.47E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA013.- 9/21/98 17:12:00 NELO1FCCA014 9/21/98 17:11:00 350 Scaler Alpha 3.45E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA015 9/21/98 17:19:00 350 Scaler Alpha 2.39E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA016 9/21/98 17-20:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm . 1455 0- O cpm Normal NELO1FCCA017 9/21/98 17:09:00 350 Scaler Alpha 2.50E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCG018 9/21/98 17:16:00 350 Scaler Alpha 2.57E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCG019 9/21/98 17:27:00 350 Scaler Alpha 5.33E-01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA020 9/21/98 17:30:00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.48E+00 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA021 9/21/98 17:17:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.43E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal , NELO1FCCA022 9/21/98 17:24:00 350 Scaler Alpha 2.37E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Nomial NELO1FCCA023 9/21/98-17:25:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.34E+00 Gross cpm 1455- 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA024 ' 9/21/98 17:28:00 -350 Scaler Alpha 2.39E+00 Gross . cpm 1455 0 O cpm - Normal NELO1FCCA025 9/21/98 17:31:00 350 Scaler Alpha 3.39E-01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm - Normal NELO1FCCA026 9/21/98 17:35:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.54E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA027 9/21/98 17:36:00 350 Scaler Alpha 2.43E+00 Gross cpm 1455- 0 0 cpm Normal - NELO1FCCA028 9/21/98 17:04:00 350 Scaler Alpha 5.44E+00 Gross cpm 1455- 0- O cpm Normal NELO1FCCB029 9/21/98 17:33:00 350 Scaler Alpha 2.30E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 '0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCB030 9/21/98 17:13:00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.49E+00 Gross - cpm 1455 0 O cpm Normal 11/18/98 Page1

I NELO2 Alpha } Survey Location Log Dat og Tim robe S/ og Mod hannelTyp Reading ross/Ne Units -600 S/ 00 Addr tored Bk kg Unit Status 350 Scaler Alpha 3.97E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCG001 9/22/98 18:18:00 350 Scaler Alpha 5.77E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCG002 9/22/98 18:20:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.62E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCG003 9/22/98 18 25:00 NELO2FCCG004 9/22/98 18:30:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal I. NELO2FCCG005 9/22/98 18:34:00 350 Scaler Alpha 2.53E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCG006 9/22/9818:40:00 350 Scaler Alpha 6.11E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal ^ NELO2FCCG007 9/22/98 18:38:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCA008 9/23/98 7:39:00 351 Scaler Alpha 2.49E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCA009 9/23/98 9:37:00 351 Scaler Alpha 5.33E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal [ 0 0 cpm Normal i NELO2FCCA010 9/23/98 9:39:00 351 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1455

NELO2FCCA011 9/23/98 7:36:00 351 Scaler Alpha 4 06E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCA012 9/22/9819:16:00 350 Scaler Alpha 3.37E+00 Gross . cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 3

NELO2FCCG013 9/23/98 7:35:00 351 Scaler Alpha 9 38E+00 Gross - cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 4 NELO2FCCA014 9/22/98 19:21:00 350 Scaler Alpha 8.40E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal i NLLO2FCCA015 9/23/98 7:32:00 351 Scaler Alpha 8.12E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCA016 9/22/98 19:15'00 . 350 Scaler Alpha 2.47E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal

        - NELO2FCCA017 9/22/98 19:08:00                                     350   Scaler               Alpha            1.46E+00 . Gross                               cpm                              1441 0             0              cpm    Normal j
NELO2FCCA018 9/23/98 7
43:00 351 Scaler Alpha 1.34E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCG020 9/22/98 ~ 19:10:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.61E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal

! NELO2FCCA022 9/22/98 :19:05:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.46E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal j NELO2FCCA023 9/22/98 19:00:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.36E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCG024 9/22/98 19:04:00 350 Scaler Alpha 6.11E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal } j NELO2FCCA025 9/22/9818:45:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal i NELO2FCCA025 9/22/98 18:46:00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.45E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal

NELO2FCCA026 9/22/98 18
56:00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.52E Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Nomial NELO2FCCG027 9/22/98 18:42:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal i

j NELO2FCCA028 9/22/98 18:52:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 ' Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCA029 9/22/98 18:50:00 350 Scaler Alpha 3.41E+00 Gross cpm - ~ 1441 0 0 cpm. . Normal . l' NELO2FCCA030 9/22/98 18:58:00 350 Scaler Alpha 4.23E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 4 i i 11/18/98 Page 1

NELO3 Alpha

        . Survey Location Log Dat og Tim robe S/ og Mod hannel Ty Reading    ross/Ne Units  -600 S/ 00 Addr tored Bk kg Unit Status NELO3FCCA001    9/23/98 8:05:00  351    Scaler   Alpha   2.14E+00   Gross   cpm     1455     0       0      cpm    Normal NELO3FCCG002 9/23/98 8:07:00     351    Scaler   Alpha    5.26E+00  Gross   cpm     1455     0       0      cpm    Normal NELO3FCCA003 9/23/98 8:11:00     351    Scaler - Alpha   3.16E+00   Gross   cpm     1455     0       0      cpm    Normal NELO3FCCA004 9/23/98 8:09:00     351    Scaler   Alpha    1.49E-01  Gross   cpm     1455     0       0      cpm    Normal NELO3FCCA005 9/23/98 8:13:00     351    Scaler   Alpha    8.20E+00  Gross   cpm     1455     0       0      cpm    Normal NELO3FCCG006 9/23/98 8:15:00     351    Scaler   Alpha    5.10E-01  Gross   cpm     1455     0       0      cpm    Normal NELO3FCCA007 9/23/98 8:17:00     351    Scaler   Alpha    1.17E+00  Gross   cpm     1455     0       0      cpm    Normal NELO3FCCA008 9/23/98 8:26:00     351    Scaler   Alpha  - 7.24E+00  Gross   cpm     1465. 0       0      cpm    Normal NELO3FCCG009 . 9/23/98 8:27:00   351    Scaler   Alpha    4.44E-01  Gross   cpm     1455     0       0      cpm    Normal NELO3FCCG010 9/23/98 8:29:00     351    Scaler   Alpha    1.34E+00  Gross   cpm     1455     0       0      cpm    Normal      1 NELO3FCCA011    9/23/98 8:39:00  351    Scaler   Alpha    1.03E+01  Gross   cpm     1455     0       0      cpm    Normal NELO3FCCA012 9/23/98 8:34:00     351    Scaler   Alpha   6.64E+00   Gross   cpm     1455     0       0'     cpm    Normal NELO3FCCA013 9/23/98 8:37:00     351    Scaler   Alpha   2.38E+00   Gross   cpm     1455     0       0      cpm    Normal NELO3FCCA014 9/23/98 8:42:00     351    Scaler   Alpha    1.03E+01  Gross   cpm     1455     0       0      cpm    Normal NELO3FCCG015 9/23/98 8:47:00     351    Scaler   Alpha    1.39E+00  Gross   cpm     1455     0       0      cpm    Normal NELO3FCCG016 9/23/98 -8:49:00    351    Scaler   Alpha   2.43E+00   Gross   cpm     1455     0       0      cpm    Normal NELO3FCCA017 9/23/98 -8:52:00    351    Scaler   Alpha   5.45E+00   Gross   cpm     1455     0       0      cpm    Normal NELO3FCCG018 9/23/98 .8:56:00    351    Scaler   Alpha    1.56E+00  Gross   cpm '   1455     0       0      cpm    Normal NELO3FCCG019 9/23/98 9:00:00      351'   Scaler   Alpha   3.53E+00   Gross   cpm     1455     0       0      cg     Normal NELO3FCCA020 9/23/98 8:59:00     351    Scaler   Alpha   6.41E+00   Gross   cpm     1455     0       0     . cpm   Normal NELO3FCCA021    9/23/98 9:02:00  351    Scaler   Alpha   2.30E+00   Gross   cpm . 1455     0       0      cpm    Normal NELO3FCCA022 9/23/98 9:07:00     351    Scaler   Alpha  .5.40E+00   Gross   cpm     1455     0       0      cpm    Normal NELO3FCCG023 9/23/98 9:06:00      351    Scaler   Alpha   1.56E+00   Gross   cpm     1455     0       0      cpm    Normal NELO3FCCG024 9/23/98 9:10:00      351    Scaler   Alpha   2.50E+00   Gross   cpm     1455     0       0      cpm    Normal NELO3FCCG025 9/23/98 9:15:00      351    Scaler   Alpha    5.91E-01 Gross    cpm     1455     0       0      cpm    Normal NELO3FCCA026 9/23/98 9;17:00     351    Scaler - Alpha   2.31E+00   Gross   cpm    ,1455     0       0      cpm    Normal NELO3FCCA027 9/23/98 . 9:21:00   351    Scaler   Alpha   7.31E+00  Gross    cpm     1455     0       0      cpm    Normal NELO3FCCA028 9/23/98 9:23:00     351    Scaler   Alpha   5.32E+00  Gross    cpm     1455-    0       0      cpm    Normal     ,

NELO3FCCG029 9/23/98 9:28:00 351 Scaler Alpha 1.46E+00 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm ' Normal NELO3FCCG030 9/23/98 9:19:00 351 Scaler Alpha 4.72E-01 Gross cpm ' 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 11/18/98' .Page1


i Fuel Storage Pat Alpha Survey Location Log # Log Date Log Time Probe S/N Log Mode harmel Ty Reading Gross / Net Units E400 S/N 600 Addre tored Bk Bkg Units Status 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 1 131 7/24/98 16:12:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 1 133 7/24/98 16:14:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.88E+00 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 3 135 7/24/98 16:18:00 7/24/98 16:20.00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 3 137 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal J 5 139 7/24/98 16:24:00 7/24/98 16:26:00 350 Scaler Alpha . 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 5 141 7/24/98 16:30:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 7 143 7 145 7/24/98 16:33:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 9 63 7/24/98 13:21:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal i 9 65 7/24/98 13:26:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 11 67 7/24/98 13:30:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 11 69 7/24/98 13:32:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 13 123 7/24/98 15:58:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E400 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 13 125 7/24/98 16:00:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 15 127 7/24/98 16:05:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.86E+00 . Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 15 129 7/24/98 16:08:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 17 35 7/24/98 12:05.00 350 Scaler Alpha C.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 17 45 7/24/98 12-14:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 19 71 - 7/24/98 13:35:00 350 Scaler Alpha 8.93E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 19 73 7/24/98 13:39:00 350 Scaler Alpha 8.99E-01 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm ITormal 21 75 7/24/98 13:42-00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 21 77 7/24/98 13:44:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 23 79 7/24/98 13:48:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 23 81 7/24/98 13:51:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 25 27 7/24/98 11:53:00 350 Scaler Alpha 8.38E-01 Gross cpm . 1441 0 0 cpm Normal i 25 37 7/24/98 12:08:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 27 29 7/24/98 11:57:00 350 Scaler Alpha 1.86E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 27 39 7/24/98 12:10:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 29 31 7/24/98 12:00:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 29 41 7/24/98 12:11:00 350 Scaler Alpha 8.87E-01 Gross cpm 1441 0 ~ 0 cpm Normal

31 33 7/24/98 12
03:00 350 Scaler Alpha 8.58E-01 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 31 43 7/24/98 12:13:00 350 Scaler Alpha 0.00E+00 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal I

i 11/18/98 Page 1


CBA01 Gamrna Log # Survey Location Log Date Log Time Probe S/N Log Mode Channel Typ Reading Gross / Net Units E-600 S/N 600 Addre tored Bk Bkg Units Status CBA01ABCA001 9/16/98 15:04.00 725656 Scaler Gamrna 1.91 E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 O O R/hr Norrnal CBA01ABCBOO4 9/16/98 15.08.00 725656 Scaler Gamrna 1.50E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Norrnal CBA01ABCB006 9/16/98 15:11:00 725656 Scaler Garnma 4.00E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Norrnal CBA01ABCB008 9/16/98 15:13.00 725656 Scaler Garnma 2.08E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA01ABCB010 9/16/98 15:15.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.67E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA01 ABCB011 9/16/98 15:16.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.63E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 O O R/hr Normal CBA01ABCB014 9/16/98 15:21:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.83E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA01ABCB018 9/16/98 15:22.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.83E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA01ABCB020 9/16/98 15:31:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.82E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA01ABC8022 9/16/98 15:33.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.57E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA01ABCB032 9/16/98 15:42.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.36E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal 252 CBA01ABCB033 9/16/98 15:39 00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.15E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 O O R/hr Normal CBAuiABCG035 9/16/98 15:37.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.67E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA01ABCB037 9/16/98 15:35:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.80E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA01ABCBO43 9/16/98 15:28.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.90E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA01ABCB045 9/16/98 15.25:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.72E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal 254 CBA01ABC8058 9/16/98 15:43:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.86E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA01ABCB059 9/16/98 15:46:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.70E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 O O R/hr Normal CBA01ABCB064 9/16/98 15:48.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.61 E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA01ABCB065 9/16/98 15:50:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.41 E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA01ABCB067 9/16/38 15:52 00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.84E-05 Gross R/hr 144' O O R/hr Normal CBA01ABCB071 9/16/98 15:55.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.69E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 O O R/hr Normal CBA01ABCB073 9/16/98 15:54.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.63E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 Rihr Normal CBA01ABCB078 9/16/98 16-01.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.39E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA01ABCB080 9/16/98 16.02:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.21E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA01ABCB087 9/16/98 16:04.00 725656 Scaler Ga nma 1.63E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA01ABCB089 9/16/98 16.06:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.26E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 O O R/hr Normal CBA01ABCB091 9/16/98 16.08.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.66E-OS Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA01ABCB092 9/16/98 16.00.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.29E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal ( CBA01ABCB093 9/16/98 16:11:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.50E-05 Grms R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA01ABCB095 9/16/98 16:13.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.76E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA01ABCB096 9/16/98 16:14.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.62E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA01ABCB098 9/16/98 16:16:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.50E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA01ABCB100 9/16/98 16:17:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.50E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA01ABCB102 9/16/98 16:19.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.60E-05 Gross R/hr W O O R/hr Normal CBA01ABCB104 9/16/98 16:20.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.35E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA01ABCB106 9/16/98 16:22:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.32E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 O O R!hr Normal CBA01FBCA222 9/16/98 16:47.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.38E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 O O R/hr Normal CBA01FBCA223 9/16/98 16:49.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.28E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA01FBCA224 9/16/98 16.50.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.26E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA01FBCA226 9/16/98 16:51:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.08E-05 Gross R/hr c!41 O O R/hr Normal CBA01FBCA230 9/16/98 16.54.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.18E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal 11/18/98 Page 1 _. .M ..m m m m - - - - r n

CBA02 gamma Survey Location Log Date Log Time Prote S/N Log Mode hannelTyp Reading Gross / Net Units E-600 S/N 600 Addre tored Bk Bkg Units Status 9/18/98 8:42:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.34E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA02CCCG001 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.47E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA02CCCG002 9/18/98 8:50:00 9/18/98 9:00:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.53E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA02CCCG003 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.61E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA02CCCG004 u!18/98 8:55:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.56E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA02CCCG005 9/18/98 9:04:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.55E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA02CCCG006 9/18/98 9.08.00 9:35.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.37E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA02CCCG007 9/18/98 9:38:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.60E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA02CCCG008 9/18/98 9/18/98 9:40:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.52E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA02CCCG009 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.72E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA02CCCG010 9/18/98 9:43:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.69E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA02CCCG011 9/18/98 9:46:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.59E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA02CCCG012 9/18/98 9:48:00 9/18/98 9:51:00 725656 Scater Gamma 2.03E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA02CCCE013 9:58:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 2.41E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA02CCCE014 9/18/98 9/18/98 10:04:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 2.43E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA02CCCE015 9/18/98 9:53:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.96E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA02CCCE016 2.60E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA02CCCE017 9/18/98 10:00:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 9/18/98 10:05:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 2.84E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA02CCCE018 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.48E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA02CCCE019 9/18/98 9:10:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.46E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA02CCCE020 9/18/98 9:19:00 9/18/98 9:25:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.29E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA02CCCE021 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.37E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA02CCCG022 9/18/98 9:12:00 9.21:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.36E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA02CCCG023 9/18/98 9:27:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.87E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/h. Normal CBA02CCCG024 9/18/98 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA02CCCE025 9/18/98 10:43:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.56E-OS 9/18/98 10:46:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.72E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA02CCCE026 9/18/98 10:48:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 2.00E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA02CCCE027 Scaler Gamma 1.50E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA02CCCG028 9/18/98 10:54:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.57E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA02CCCG029 9/18/98 10:56:00 725656 Gamma 1.65E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA02CCCG030 9/18/98 10:59:00 725656 Scaler 11/18/98 Page 1 M M m m M m m m m m

CBA03 gamma Survey Location Log Date Log Time Probe S/N Log Mode hannelTyp Reading Gross / Net Units E 600 S/N 600 Addre tored Bk Bkg Units Status CBA03CCCG001 9/18/98 10:11:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.52E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA03CCCG002 9/18/98 10:14:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.61E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA03CCCG003 9/18/98 10:16:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.76E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA03CCCG004 9/18/98 10:20:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.33E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA03CCCG005 9/18/98 10:22.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.35E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA03CCCG006 9/18/98 10:23:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.59E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal C9A03CCCG007 9/22/98 12:52 00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.74E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA03CCCG008 9/22/98 12:54:00 725658 Sca!er Gamma 1.83E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA03CCCG009 9/22/98 12:55:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.87E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA03CCCG010 9/22/98 13:25:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.1 ^.,E-05 Gross R/hr 1d55 0 0 R/hr Normai CBA03CCCG011 9/22/98 12:57:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.60E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA03CCCG012 9/22/98 12:59:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.41E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA03CCCG013 9/22/98 13:01:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.42E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA03CCCG014 9/22/98 13:03:0') 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.65E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA03CCCG015 9/22/98 13:04:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.37 E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA03CCCG016 9/22/98 13:07:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.77E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA03CCCG017 9/22/98 13:09:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.41E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA03CCCG018 9/22/98 13:11:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 2.70E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA03CCCG019 9/22/98 13:14:00 72565r Scaler Gamma 2.19E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA03CCCG020 9/22/98 13:15:00 72SE 4 Scaler Gamma 3.20E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA03CCCG021 9/22/98 13:16:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.96E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA03CCCG022 9/22/98 13:18:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.88E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA03CCCG023 9/22/98 13:19:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 2.44E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA03CCCG024 9/22/98 13-21:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.95E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Nor nal CBA03CCCG025 9/22/98 13:22:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.41E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal 2 1 11/18/98 Page 1 ' " ~ ~ , - . - . - -- __ _

CBA05 Gamma Survey Location Log Date Log Time Probe SIN Log Mode ChannelType Reading Gross / Net Units E-600 S/N 600 Addre tored Bk Bkg Units Status CBA05 FACB 001 9/21/98 8:05.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.35E-05 Gross R!hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CDA05 FACB 002 9/21/98 8:07:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.55E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 003 9/21/98 8:09:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.60E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 Rh Normal CBA05 FACB 004 9/21/98 8:11:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.56E-05 Gross Rh 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 005 9/21/98 8:13:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.45E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 Rh Normal CBA05 FACB 006 9/21/98 8:16:00 725656 Scalcr Gamma 1.40E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 007 9/21/98 8:17:00 725656 S:aler Gamma 1.53E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 008 9/21/98 8:20:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.27E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 009 9/21/98 8:24:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.50E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R!hr Normal CBA05 FACB 010 9/21/98 8:28:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.35E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 011 9/21/98 8:30:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.66E-05 Gross Rlhr 1455 0 0 Rh Normal CBA05 FACB 012 9/21/98 8:33:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.57E-05 Gross R!hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 013 9/21/98 8:35:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.61E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R!hr Normal CBA05 FACB 014 9/21/98 8:40:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.67E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 015 S/21/98 8:42:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.50E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 016 9/21/98 8:45:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.67E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 017 9/21/98 8:47:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.52E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 018 9/21/98 8:50:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.63E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 019 9/21/98 8:52:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 2.14E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 PJhr Normal CBA05 FACB 020 9/21/98 8:55:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.72E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 021 9/21/98 8:57:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.65E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 023 9/21/98 9:02.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.18E-05 Gross R!hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 024 9/21/98 9.04:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.81E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 RJhr Normal CBA05 FACB 025 9/21/98 9:05:00 725656 Scaier Gamma 1.75E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 Rh Normal CBA05 FACB 026 9/21/98 9.07:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.36E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05FAC8027 9/21/98 9:09:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.47E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 028 9/21/98 9:11:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.54E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 029 9/21/98 9:13.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.62E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Norma! CBA05 FACB 030 9/21/98 9:*5:00 72565G Scaler Gamma 1.32E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 031 9/21/98 9:18:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.50E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05FAC8032 9/21/98 9:19:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.33E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 033 9/21/98 9:22 00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.90E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 034 9/21/98 9.24.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.74E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 035 9/21/98 9:27:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.86E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 036 9/21/98 9:29:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.72E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 037 9/21/98 9:30:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.82E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 6 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 038 9/21/98 9:33:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.55E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 039 9/21/98 9:35:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 2.04E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05FAC8040 9/21/98 9:37:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.80E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 FUhr Normal CBA05 FACB 041 9/21/98 9:42:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 2.12E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 042 S/21/98 9:44:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.69E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 .O R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 043 9/21/98 9.57:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.46E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal 11/18/98 Page1

CBA05 Gamma Survey Location Log Date Log Time Probe S/N Log Mode ChannelType Reading Gross / Net Units E400 S/N 600 Addre tored Bk Bkg Units Status CBA05 FACB 044 9/21/98 9:59:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.68E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 045 9/21/98 10.01:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.49E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 046 9/21/98 10:03:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.69E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 047 9/21/98 10:05:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.42E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 048 9/21/98 10:08:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.54E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 049 9/21/98 10:10.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.35E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Nermal CBA05 FACB 050 9/21/98 10:12:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.53E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 051 9/21/98 10:15:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.69E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 052 9/21/98 10:16:00 725656 Scale- Gamma 1.80E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal i CBA05 FACB 053 9/21/98 10:17:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.37E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal ( CBA05 FACB 054 9/21/98 10:21:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.86E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 055 9/21/98 10:24:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 2.33E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 Rh Normal CBA05 FACB 056 9/21/98 10:27:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 2.08E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 057 9/21/98 10:28:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.85E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 058 9/21/98 10:30:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 2.24E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R!hr Normal CBA05 FACB 059 9/21/98 10:32:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.70E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 060 9/21/98 10:34:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.67E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Norma' CBA05 FACB 061 9/21/98 10:37:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 2.10E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 062 9/21/98 10:39:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 2.33E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 063 9/21/98 10:41:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.73E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 064 9/21/98 10:45:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.96E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 3 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 065 9/21/98 10:48:00 725656 Scaler Gamm:2 1.89E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 066 9/21/96 10:51:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.61 E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 067 9/21/98 10:53:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.43E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 068 9/21/98 10:55:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.50E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 069 9/21/98 10:58:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.69E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 070 9/21/98 11:00:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.37E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 071 9/21/98 11:02:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.68E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 072 9/21/98 11:04:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.79E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA0$FAC8073 9/21/98 11:08:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.63E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 077 9/21/98 11:15:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 2.08E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 078 9/21/98 11:17:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.74E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 079 9/21/98 11:20:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 2.19E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 080 9/21/98 11:22:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 2.34E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 081 9/21/98 11:24:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 2.00E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 082 9/21/98 12:23.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 2.16E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 083 9/21/98 12:25:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.69E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 084 9/21/98 12:26.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.85E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 085 9/21/98 12:27:00 725656 Scaler Gemma 1.45E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05FACBOS6 9/21/98 12:29.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.48E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05FACG087 D/21/98 12:30.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.74E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05FACGOES 9/21/98 12:31:00 725656 Sca!er Gamma 1.69E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal 11/18/98 Page 2

d CBA05 Gamma Survey Location Log Date Log Time Probe S/N Log Mode ChannelType Reading Gross / Net Units E-600 S/N 600 Addre tored Bk Skg Units Status Gamma 1.79E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05FAC8089 9/21/98 12:32:00 725656 Scaler Scaler Gamma 1.35E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 090 9/21/98 12:34:00 725656 9/21/98 12:35:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.70E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05FACG091 9/21/98 12-36:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.62E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05FACG092 9/21/98 12:37:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.43E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05FAC8093 9/21/98 12:38:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.50E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 094 9/21/98 12:40.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.39E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 095 9/21/98 12-41:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.70E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R!hr Normal CBA05 FACB 096 9/21/98 12:42:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.95E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 097 9/21/98 12:44:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.62E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 098 CBA05 FACB 099 9/21/98 12:45:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.89E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05FACG100 9/21/98 12:46:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.80E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 C 0 R/hr Normal CBA05FACG101 9/21/98 12:48:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.76E-05 Gross R!hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal 9/21/98 12:49:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 215E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05FACG102 CBA05FACG103 9/21/98 12 51:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 2.68E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 104 9/21/98 12:52:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.79E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 105 9/21/98 12:54:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.49E-05 Gross R!hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 106 9/21/98 12:55:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.33E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 107 9/21/98 12:57:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.69E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 108 9/21/98 12:59.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.48E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 109 9/21/98 13:00:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.62E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normai CBA05 FACB 114 9/23/98 26:14:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.42E-05 Gross ' Rtnr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 122 9/23/98 16:17:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.52E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 130 9/23/98 16:19.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.40E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal CBA05 FACB 138 9/23/98 16:21:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.54E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal 11/18/98 Page 3 _ -___E_. _ . ..E _ _ . .. . _ _ E _ _ __ E _ E _ E __ _ W ___ _ M __ _ _ ___J [ _p ___

NELO1 Gamma Survey Location Log Date Log Time Probe SIN Log ModeChannel Typ Reading Gross / Net Units E-600 S/N 00 Addre tored Bk Bkg Units Status Scaler Gamma 1.94E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO1FCCA001 9/21/98 19:07:00 725656 Normal Scaler Gamma 1.94E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr NELO1FCCA002 9/21/98 19:09:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.41E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO1FCCA003 9/21/98 19:10:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.81E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO1FCCA004 9/21/98 19:11:00 725656 Norma; NELO1FCCA005 9/21/98 19:13:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.41E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr NELO1FCCA006 9/21/98 19:14:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.66E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal Scaler Gamma 1.33E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO1FCCJ007 9/21/98 19:15:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.50E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO1FCCG008 9/21/98 19:18:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.28E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO1FCCA009 9/21/98 19:17:00 725656 NELO1FCCG010 9/21/98 19.20:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.29E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO1FCCA011 9/21/98 19:21:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.42E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO1FCCB012 9/21/98 19:23.00 725 tao Scaler Gamma 1.30E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO1FCCA013 9/21/98 19:24:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.19E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO1FCCA014 9/21/98 19:25:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.30E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO1FCCA015 9/21/98 19:28:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.37E-05 Gross R 5r 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO1FCCA016 9/21/98 19:29:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.16E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO1FCCA017 Of21/98 19:31:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.27E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO1FCCG018 9/21/98 19:34:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.35E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO1FCCG019 9/21/98 19:35:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.25E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO1FCCA020 9/21/98 19:37:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.08E-01 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R!hr Normal NELO1FCCA021 9/21/98 19:38:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.46E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO1FCCA022 9T21/98 19:39:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.60E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO1FCCA023 9/21/98 19:41:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.83E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO1FCCA024 9/21/98 19.42:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.55E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO1FCCA025 9/21/98 19:43:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 2.15E-05 Gross R/nr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO1FCCA026 9721/98 19:45:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.25E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO1FCCA027 9/21/98 19:46:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.55E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO1FCCA028 9/2198 19.51:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.48E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO1FCCB029 9/21/90 19:48:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 2.63E-C5 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO1FCCB030 9/21/98 19.49.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.22E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal 11/18/98 Page 1

l NELO2 Gamma Survey Location Log Date Log Time Probe S/N Log Mode hannelTyp Reading Gross / Net Units E-600 S/N 00 Addre tored Bk Bkg Units Status NELO2FCCG001 9/23/98 10.09:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 2.23E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO2FCCG002 9/23/98 10:11:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 2.28E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO2FCCG003 9/23/98 10:13:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.57E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal 1 NELO2FCCG004 9/23/98 10:16:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.85E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal , NELO2FCCG005 9/23/98 10:17:00 725656 Sealer Gamma 1.75E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO2FCCG006 9/23/98 10:19:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.43E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO2FCCG007 9/23/98 10:20:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 2.7 T 4 5 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO2FCCA008 9/23/98 10:22:00 725656 Scaler Gamma E N 305 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal I NELO2FCCA009 9/23/98 9:47:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 4.21e 04 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO2FCCA010 9/23/9a 9:48:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 3.WO4 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO2FCCA011 9/23/98 10:24:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.EE-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO2FCCA012 9/23/98 10:27:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.53E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO2FCCG013 9/23/98 10:26:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.56E-05 3ross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/M Normal NELO2FCCA014 9/23/98 10:03:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 3.24E-05 bross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO2FCCA015 9/23/98 10:05:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.88E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO2FCCA016 9/23/98 10:29.00 725656 Scater Gamma 1.29E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO2FCCA017 9/23/98 10.30:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.23E-05 Gross R!hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO2FCCA018 9/23/98 10:32:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.52E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO2FCCG019 9/23/98 10:34:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.36E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO2FCCG020 9/23/98 10:37:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.17E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO2FCCA021 9/23/98 10:38:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.47E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO2FCCA022 9/23/98 10:40:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.73E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO2FCCA023 9/23/98 10:41:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.47E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO2FCCG024 9/23/98 10:45:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.52E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO2FCCA025 9/23/98 10.42.00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.42E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO2FCCA026 9/23/98 10:47:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.57E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO2FCCG027 9/23/98 10:44:00 725656 Scalcr Gamma 1.39E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R,tr Normal NELO2FCCA028 9/23/98 10:48:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.80E-05 Gross R/hr 1055 0 0 R/hr Normal NE102FCCA029 9/23/98 10:49:00 725656 Scaler Garrma 1.73E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO2FCCA030 9/23/98 .10:51:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.83E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal 11/18/98 Page1 _E M M m m m - J La Lo

NELO3 Gamma Survey Location Log Date Log Time Probe SIN Log Mode annelTy Reading Gross / Net Units E-600 S/N 600 Addre tored Bk Bkg Units Status NELO3FCCA001 9/23/98 10:54:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 2.07E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO3FCCG002 9G3/98 10:59:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 2.14E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO3FCCA003 9/23/98 10:57:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.49E-05 Gro's R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO3FCCA004 9/23/98 10:55:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.89E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO3FCCA005 9/23/98 11:01:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.89E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO3FCCG006 9/23i98 11:03:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.61E-05 Gross R!hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO3FCCA007 '9/23/98 11:05:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.92E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO3FCCA008 9/23/98 11:06:00 725656 Scabr Gamma 1.65E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO3FCCG009 9/23/98 11:08:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.40E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO3FCCG010 9/23/98 11:10:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.49E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO3FCCA011 9/23/98 11:13:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.61E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO3FCCA012 9/23/98 11:15:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 4.49E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO3FCCA013 9/23/98 11:16:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 2.69E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO3FCCA014 9/23/98 11:18:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.42E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO3FCCG015 9/23/98 11:19:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 2.81E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO3FCCG016 9/23/98 11:21:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.46E-05 Gross R!hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO3FCCA017 9/23/98 11:22:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.47E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO3FCCG018 9/23/98 11:24:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.57E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO3FCCG019 9/23/98 11:26:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.56E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO3FCCA020 9/23/98 11:27:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.82E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Norrual NELO3FCCA021 9/23/98 11:28:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.39E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELD3FCCA022 9/23/98 11:30:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.65E-05 Gross 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO3FCCG023 9/23/98 11:31:00 725656 Scaler Ganima 1.76E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO3FCCG024 9/23/98 11:33:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.50E-05 Gross R!hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO3FCCG025 9/23/98 11:35:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.28E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO3FCCA026 9/23/98 11:36:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.42E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO3FCCA027 9/23/98 11:39:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.52E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal

  • NELO3FCCA028 9/23/98 11:41:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.80E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO3FCCG029 9/23/98 11:42:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.37E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal NELO3FCCG030 9/23/98 11:38:00 725653 Scaler Gamma 1.46E-05 Gross R/hr 1455 0 0 R/hr Normal 11/18/98 Page1

l I L l Fuel Storage Pit Gamma Survey Location Log # Log Date Log Time Probe S/N Log Mode hannel Typ Reading Gross / Net Units E-600 S/N E-600 Ad Stored Bk Bkg Units Status 1 118 7/24/98 15:46:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 9.28E-06 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal 2 106 7/24/9C 15:26:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 7.76E-06 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal 3 119 7/24/98 15:47:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 9.75E-06 "'ross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal 4 id7 7/24/98 15:28:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.05E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal 5 120 7/24/98 15:49:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 9.99E-06 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal 6 108 7/24/98 15:30:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 9.28E-06 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal 7 121 7/24/98 15:50:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 8.81E-06 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal 8 109 7/24/98 15:31:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 9.40E-06 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal 9 114 7/24/98 15:41:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 9.64E-06 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal 10 110 7/24/98 15:33:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 7.28E-06 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal 11 115 7/24/98 15:42:00 725656 Sca!er Gamrna 9.28E-06 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal 12 111 7/24/98 15:35:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 7.99E-06 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal 13 116 7/24/98 15:43:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 9.17E-06 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 Rihr Normal 14 112 7/24/98 15:37:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 8.22E-06 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal 15 117 7/24/98 15:45:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 8.69E-06 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal 1 16 113 7/24/98 15:39:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 8.34E-06 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Norma! l' 17 25 7/24/98 11:41:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.03E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal 18 24 7/24/98 11:39:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 7.40E-06 Gross Fuhr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal 19 83 7/24/98 13:58:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 9.52E-06 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal 20 82 7/24/98 13:56:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.12E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal 21 85 7/24/98 14:02:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 1.05E-05 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr N .mai 22 84 7/24/98 14:01:00 725656 Scaler Gamma 8.81E-06 Gross R/hr 1441 0 0 R/hr Normal 23 87 7/24/98 14.04:00 725656 Sca'er

                                                   . Gamma      9.05E-06      Gross     R/hr        1441         0         0 R/hr     Normal 24      86       7/24/98 14:03:00 725656 Scaler    Gamma      7.05E-06      Gross     R/hr        1441         0         0 R/hr     Normal 25      17       7/24/98 11:29:00 725656 Scaler    Gamma      8.93E-06      dross     R/hr        1441         0         0 R/hr     Normal 26               7/24/98 11:28.00 725656 Scaler 16                                         Gamma      8.81E-06     Gross      R/hr        1441         0         0 R/hr     Normal 27       19      7/24/98 11:32:00  725656 Scaler   Gamma      8.23E-06     Gross      R/hr        1441         0         0 R/hr     Normal 28      18       7/24/98 11:31:00 725656 Scaler    Gamma      1.01E-05     Gross      R/hr        1441         0         0 R/hr     Normal 29      21       7/24/98 11:35.00 725656 Scaler    Gamma      8.93E-06     Gross      R/hr        1441         0         0 R/hr     Normal 30      20       7/24/98 11:34.00  725656 Scaler   Gamma      9.99E-06     Gross      R/hr        1441         0         0 R/hr     Normal 31      23       7/24/98 11:38:00 725656 Scaler    Gamma      8.46E-06     Gross      R/hr        1441         0         0 R/hr     Normal 32      22       7/24/98 11:37:00 725656 Scaler    Gamma      9.63E-06     Gross      R/hr        1441         0         0 R/hr     Normal 11/18/98                                                         Page 1

_.m . _ m .. m - - - - - m-.---


CBA01 Scans Log # Survey Location Log Date Log Tirne Probe St Log Mode Channel Type Reading Gross / Net Units E400 S/N 600 Addre tored Bk Bkg Units Status Beta 1.95E+03 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCA001 9/1588 15:12.00 59021 Ratemeter Normai RaterMer Beta 1.77E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm CBA01 ABCB011 9/15/98 15.21:00 59021 Beta 1.67E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB016 9/15/98 15:22.00 59021 Ratemeter CBA01ABCB030 9/15/98 15:25:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.86E+03 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB030 9/15/98 15:27:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.83E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCBO95 9/15/98 15:41:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.85E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB107 9/15/98 15:51:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.91E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01ABCB108 9/1568 15:55:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.53E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal Ratemeter Beta 1.90E+03 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01 ABCB119 9/15/98 15:58.00 59021 CBA01BBCD121 9/16/98 9:22:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 124E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 350 Beta 1.58E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD122 9/16/98 9:24:00 Ratemeter CBA01BBCD123 9/16/98 9:27:00 350 Ratometer Beta 4.80E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD124 9/16S8 9:30:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.12E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD125 9/16S8 9:32:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.21E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD126 9/16/98 9:35:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 2.36E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm NMmal CBA01BBCD127 9/16/98 9:37:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.58E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD128 9/16/98 9:40:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 129E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD129 9/16/98 9:38.00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.01E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.49E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm flormal CBA01BBCD130 9/16/98 9:42:00 350 Beta 1.96E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD131 9/16/98 9:43:00 Ratemeter CBA01BBCD132 9/16/98 9:44.00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.14E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD133 9/16/98 9:46:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.16E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD134 9/16S8 9:48:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 2.13E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD135 9/16S8 9:49.00 350 Ratemeter Deta 1.32E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD136 9/16/98 9.50:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 2.77E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 9:51-00 350 Ratemeter Beta 2.44E+02 Gross cpm 1441 O O cpm Normal CBA01BBCD137 9/16/98 CBA01BBCD138 9/16S8 9.54:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 2.04E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD139 9/1658 9.56:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.96E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CEA01BBCD140 9/16 S8 9.57:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.29E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA013BCD142 9/16S8 9:59.00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.10E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD143 9/1688 10:01:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.21E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD144 9/16S8 10:18.00 350 Ratemeter Beta 2.29E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD145 9/16/98 7:51:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 2.42E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 7 8 CBA01BBCD146 9/16/98 7:57:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.67E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 9 CBA01BBCD147 9/16S8 8.00:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.84E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 10 CBA01BBCD148 9/1688 8:03.00 351 Ratemeter 6 eta 1.76E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 11 CBA01BBCD149 9/16S8 8.07.00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.97E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 12 CBA01BBCD150 9/16/98 8:11:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.54E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 13 CBA01BBCD151 9/16S8 8:14:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.78E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD152 9/16S8 10:19.00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.30E+G2 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 350 Ratemeter Beta 223E+02 Gross cpm 1441 O O cpm Normal CBA01BBCD153 9/16 S 8 10:20.00 CBA01BBCD154 9/16S8 10:22:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.72E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD155 9/16/98 10:22.00 350 Ratemeter Beta 9.58E+01 Gross, cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 350 Beta 1.82E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD156 9/16S8 10:24.00 Ratemeter CBA01BBCD157 9/16 S 8 10:25:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 2.06E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 epm Normal

CBA01 Scans Survey Location Log Date Log Tirne Probe St Log Mode Channel Type Reading Gross / Net Units E.600 S/N 600 Addre tored Bk Bkg Units Status Log # Beta 2.24E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD158 9/16/98 10:28.00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.70E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normai CBA01BBCD159 9/16/98 10:29 00 350 Ratemeter

                                                                                                                                                                  ;MO Ratemeter Beta      1.05E+02                         Gross   cpm                                            1441          0 0 cpm     Normal
  • CBA01BBCD160 9/16/98 10.38.00 Ratemeter Beta 9.01 E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD161 9/16/98 10:39 00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.87E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 C cpm Normal CBA01BBCD162 9/16/98 10:41:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.73E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD163 9/16/98 10:42:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.40E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CDA01BBCD164 9/16/98 10-43.00 350 Ratemeter Bem 1.57E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCE165 9/16/98 10:45:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.73E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCE166 9/16/98 10:47:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 2.27E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD167 9/16/98 10:48.00 350 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.58E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD168 9/16/98 10:49.00 Beta 1.64E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCG169 9/16/98 10:51:00 350 Ratemeter Ratemeter Beta 2.03E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 18 CBA01BECE170 9/16/98 8:32:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 2.58E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 19 CBA01BBCD172 9/16/98 8:34.00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.96E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Gormal 20 CBA01BBCE173 9/16/98 8:37.00 351 Ratemeter Beta 3.16E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 21 CBA01BBCE174 9/16/98 8:40.00 351 8:42.00 Ratemeter Beta 3.20E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 22 CBA01BBCD175 9/16/98 351 Beta 1.79E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 23 CBA01BBCD176 9/16/98 8:45:00 351 Ratemeter Ratemeter Beta 1.79E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 24 CBA01BBCE177 9/16/98 8.49.00 351 Ratemeter Beta 2.86E402 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 25 CDA01BBCE178 9/16/98 8.52.00 351 8.55.00 Ratemeter Beta 2.84E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 26 CPA01BBCD179 9/16/98 351 Ratemeter Beta 2.44E+02 Gross - cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 27 CBA01BBCD180 9/16/98 8.58.00 351 9.01:00 Ratemeter Beta 2.44E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normai 28 CBA01BBCE181 9/16/98 351 Ratemeter Beta 3.53E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 29 CBA01BBCE182 9/16/98 9.04:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.71 E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 30 CBA01BBCD183 9/16/98 9:08.00 351 Beta 2.76E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 31 CBA01BBCD184 9/16/98 9:11:00 351 Ratemeter Ratemeter Beta 2.73E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 32 CBA01BBCE185 9/16/98 9.15:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 3.31 E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 33 CBA01BBCE186 9/16/98 9:19.00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.90E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 34 CBA01BBCD187 9/16/98 9:22.00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.54E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 35 CBA01BBCD188 9/16/98 9:25.00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.93E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 36 CBA01BBCE189 9/16/98 9:29.00 351 37 CBA01BBCE190 9/16/98 9.32:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 3.02E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal Ratemeter Beta 1.98E+02 Gross cpm 14%5 0 0 cpm Normal 38 CBA01BBCD191 9/16/98 9.34.00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.91 E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 39 CBA01BBCD192 9/16/98 9:37.00 351 40 CBA01BBCE193 9/16/98 9.46:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.99E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.54E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD200 9/16/98 11:03.00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.01 E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD201 9/16/98 11:04:00 Ratemeter Beta 1.69E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD202 9/16/98 11:06.00 350 350 Beta 1.58E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD203 9/16/98 11:07:00 Ratemeter 2.29E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD204 9/16/98 11:09.00 350 Ratemeter Beta 350 Ratemeter Beta 2.41 E+02 Grcss cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Noimal CBA01BBCD205 9/16/98 11:10.00 Beta 2.82E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD206 9/16/98 11:12:00 350 Ratemeter 8.56E+01 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD207 9/16/98 11:14.00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.93E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD208 9/16/98 11:15.00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.46E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD209 9/16/98 11:17.00 350 Ratemeter Beta

i 4 CBA01 1 Scans Log # Survey Location Log Date Log Time Probe St Log Mode ChannelType Reading Gross # Net Units E 400 SIN 800 Addre tored Bk Skg Urdts Status 350 Ratemeter Beta 2.44E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD210 9/16/95 11 2000 CBA01BBCD211 9/16198 11:22-00 350 Ratemeter Beta 2.02E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normad CBA01BBCD212 9/16/98 it24:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 3.19E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal l cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD213 9/16/98 11 26:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.67E+02 Gross CBA01BBCD214 9/16/98 1128:00 350 Ratemeter - Beta 9.03E+01 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.09E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01dBCD215 9/16/98 1129.00 CBA01BBCD216 9/1S/98 it3000 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.80E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD217 9/16/98 11 2 00 350 Ratemeter Deta 128E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD218 9/16/98 1t33;00 350 Rate aeter Beta 22SE+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD219 9/16/98 11 34:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.07E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA01BBCD220 9/16/98 1t3SI)0 350 Ratemeter Beta 2.20E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normai 80 CBA01BBCD221 9/16/98 11 37:00 300 Ratemeter Beta 9.37E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal l l 4 au

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CBA03 Scans Survey Location Log Date Log Time Probe S/N Log Mode ChannelType Reading Gross / Net Units E-600 SIN 600 Addre tored Bk Bkg Units Status Beta 5.02E+01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG001 9/17/98 13:26:00 350 Ratemeter 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.46E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm aumal CBA02CCCG002 9/17/98 13:28:00 Nm nal 350 Ratemeter Beta 9.20E+01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm CBA02CCCG003 9/17/98 13:30.00 350 Ratemeter Beta 6.79E+01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm hurmal CBA02CCCG004 9/17/98 13:33:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 7.12E+01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG005 9/17/98 13:35:00 Normal 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.22E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm CBA02CCCG006 9/17/98 13:36:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 8.76E+01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG007 9/17/93 13:38:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 5.50E+01 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG008 9/17/98 13:40:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.21E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG009 9/17/98 13:42:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 8.48E+01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG010 9/17/96 13:44:00 9/17/98 13:46:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.40E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG011 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.92E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG012 9/17/98 13:48.00 9/17/98 13:52-00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.51E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE013 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.8BE+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE014 9/17/98 13:56.00 9/17/98 14.03.00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.51E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE015 9/17/98 13:54:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.80E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE016 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.42E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE017 9/17/98 14:00:00 9/17/98 14:08:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.14E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE018 1.14E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE019 9/17/98 14:11:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.32E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE020 9/17/98 14:16.00 9/17/98 14:22:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.03E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE021 350 Ratemeter Beta 7.11E+01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG022 9/17/98 14:13.00 350 Ratemeter Ceta 4.50E+01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG023 9/17/98 14:19:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.18E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG024 9/17/98 14:24:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.51E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE025 9/17/98 14:51:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.72E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE026 9/17/98 14:53:00 9/17/98 14:55:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.44E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE027 350 Ratemeter Beta 5.54E+01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG028 9/17/98 15:02:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.01E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG029 9/17/98 15:05:00 359 Ratemeter Beta 4.99E+01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CSA02CCCG030 9/17/98 15:07:00 11/18/98 Page1 .,

I 1 CBA02 . l Scans t i Survey Location Log Date Log Time Probe S/N Log Mode ChannelType Reading Gross / Net Units E-600 SIN 600 Addre tored Bk Bkg Units Status 5.02E+01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG001 9/17/98 13:26:00 -350 Ratemeter Beta 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.46E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0- O cpm Normal

CBA02CCCG002 9I17/98 13
28:00 cpm Normal 350 Ratemeter Beta 9.20E+01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 i CBA02CCCG003 9/17/98 13:30:00 Normal 350 Ratemeter Beta 6.79E+01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm

, CBA02CCCG004 9/17/98 13:33:00 Normal 350 Ratemeter Beta 7.12E+01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm CBA02CCCG005 9/17/98 13:35:00 Normal 350 Ratemeter - Beta 1.22E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm CBA02CCCG006 9/17/98 13:36:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 8.76E+01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal  ; a CBA02CCCG007 9/17/98 13:38:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 5.50E+01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal j CBA02CCCG008 9/17/98 13:40:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.21E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal l j CBA02CCCG009 9/17/98 13:42-00 Normal 350 Ratemeter Beta 8.48E+01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm ! CBA02CCCG010 9/17/98 13:44:00 Beta 1.40E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal l CBA02CCCG011 9/17/98 13:46:00 350 Ratemeter 350 Ratemeter 1.92E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal j CBA02CCCG012 9/17/98 13:48:00 Beta ~ 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.51E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE013 9/17/98 13:52:00 l 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.88E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal l CBA02CCCE014 9/17/98 13:56:00 350 - Ratemeter Beta 1.51E+02 Gross- cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal l ] CBA02CCCE015 9/17/98 14:03:00 ' 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.80E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE016 9/17/98 13:54:00 Beta 1.42E+02 Gross cpm 1155 0 0 cpm Normal i CBA02CCCE017 9/17/98 14:00:00 350 Ratemeter ' Beta 1.14E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal

j. CBA02CCCE018 9/17/98 14:08:00 350 350 Ratemeter Ratemeter Beta 1.14E+02 Gross com 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 4 CBA02CCCE019 9/17/98 14:11:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.32E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCE020 9/17/98 14:16:00 Ratemeter Beta 1.03E+02 . Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal
,                    CBA02CCCE021     9/17/98 14:22-00                             350 Ratemeter        Beta            7.11E+01                Gross       cpm           1455              0               0 cpm          Normal j                     CBA02CCCG022 9/17/98 14:13:00                                 350 350-     Ratemeter        Beta            4.50E+01                Gross       cpm           1455              0               0 cpm          Normal CBA02CCCG023 9/17/98 14:19:00 l                                                                                                             Beta            1.18E+02                Gross       cpm           1455              0               0 cpm          Normal CBA02CCCG024 9/17/98 14:24:00                                 350      Ratemeter 350      Ratemster        Beta            1.51E+02                 Gross      cpm           1455              0               0 cpm          Normal CBA02CCCE025 JI17/98 14:51:00 350      Ratemeter        Beta            1.72E+02                Gross       cpm           1455              0               0 cpm          Normal
q. CBA02CCCE026 9/17/98- 14:53:00 CBA02CCCE027 9/17/98 14:55:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.44E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA02CCCG028 9/17/98 15:02:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 5.54E+01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal j- CBA02CCCG029 9/17/98 15:05:00 350 Ratemeter Beta - 1.01E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 1 CBA02CCCG030 9/17/98 15:07:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 4 99E+01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal f

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i CBAC3 4 scans Curvey Location Log Date Log Time Probe S/N Log Mode hannelTy Reading Gross / Net Units E-600 S/N 600 Addre tored Bk Bkg Units Status 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.04E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG007 9/22 S 8 13:58:00 350 Ratameter Beta 1.65E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 epm Normal CBA03CCCG008 9/22 S 8 14:02-00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.33E+02 Gross cpm 1$41 0 0 cpm Normal l CBA03CCCG009 9/22/98 14:06:00 CBA03CCCG010 9/22 S 8 14:17:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 5.22E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpn Normal CBA03CCCG011 9/22 S 8 14:22-00 350 Ratemeter Beta 2.26E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 353 Ratemeter Beta 1.53E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG012 9/22/98 14:27:00 CBA03CCCG013 9/22/98 14:35:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 6.29E+01 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG014 9/22 S 8 12:33:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.57E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG015 9/22/98 12-29.00 351 Ratemeter Beta 9.76E+01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG016 9/22/98 12 24:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.64E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG017 9/22/98 12:21:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 8.58E+01 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG018 9/22/98 12 17.00 351 Ratemeter Beta 6.97E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG019 9/22/98 11:50:00 351 Retemeter Beta 1.64E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG020 9/22/98 11:54:00 -351 Ratemeter Beta 2.29E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG021 9/22/98 11:58:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 2.53E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG022 9/22/98 12-01:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 4.49E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG023 9/22/98 12:05:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 2.64E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG024 9/22/98 12:08.00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.63E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG025 9/22,98 12-11:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 6.45E+01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG001 9/17/98 14:28:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.20E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG002 9/17/98 14:30:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 4.60E+01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG003 9/17/98 14:34:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.25E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 com Normal CBA03CCCG004 9/17/98 14:37:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 9.91E+01 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG005 9/17/98 14:40.00 350 Ratemeter Beta 4.05E+01 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA03CCCG006 9/17/98 14:41:00 350 Ratemeter. Beta 4.94E+01 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal l i J 11/18/98 Page1

                                                      .. e .. .. . _.         ._ . ..           .         . . .

CBA04 Scans Log 8 Log Date Log Time Probe S/N Log Mode. annel Ty Reading Gross / Net Units E-800 S/N 600 Addre tored Bk Skg Units Status 5 9/17/98 8:32:00 351 Ratemeter. . Beta ' 4.40E+03 ' Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 8 9/17/98 8:33:00 :351 Ratemeter . - Beta 4.51E+03 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 7 9/17/98 8:33:00 351 Ratemeter Beta. 8.85E+03 . Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 8 9/17/98 8:35:00 351- Ratemeter Beta 3.09E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 9 9/17/98 8:43:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 2.21E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 10 9/17/98 8:43:00 351 Ratemeter - Beta 2.39E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0- O cpm Normal 11 . 9/17/98 9:04:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 2.67E+03 Gross - cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 12 9/17/98 9:10:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 3.82E+03 Gross . cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 13 9/17/98 9:10:00 351 Ratemeter Beta . 3.13E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 14 -9/17/98 9:11:00 351 Ratemeter Beta . 4.68E+03 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 15 9/17/98 10:14:00 - 351 Ratemeter Beta 3.06E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0- cpm Normal 16 9/17/98 10:15:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 2.91E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 17 9/17/98- 10:17:00 . _351 Ratemeter Beta 2.56E+03 Gross - cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 18 9/17/98 10:18:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 2.46E+03 Gross - cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 19 9/17/98 10:20:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 2.35E+03 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal i gji1/18/98 :Page1L _2

CBA05 SCANS Survey Locanon Log Date Log Time Probe S/N Log Mode ChannelType Reading Gross / Net Units E.600 S/N 600 Addre tored Bk Bkg Units Status 9/21/98 14:33:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.77E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 001 9/21/98 14:36:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.50E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 002 9/21/98 14:40:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.18E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 003 9/21/98 14:48:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.62E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 004 9/21/98 14:49:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.39E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 005 9/21/98 14:51:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.41E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 006 9/21/98 14:53:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.63E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 007 9/21/98 14:57:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.02E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 008 9/21!98 14:59.00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.42E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 009 9/21/98 15:02:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 2.30E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 010 9/21/98 15:04:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.98E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 011 Ratemeter Beta 2.08E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 012 9/21/98 15:06:00 351 9/21/98 15:09:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.54E+02 Grcss cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 013 9/21/98 15:11:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 2.13E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 014 9/21/98 15:14:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.41E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 015 9/21/98 15:16:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.57E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 016 CBA05 FACB 017 9/21/98 15:17:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.36E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal D/21/98 15:20:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 2.38E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 018 9/21/98 15:22-00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.95E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 019 9/21/98 15:25:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.97E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 020 9/21/98 15:27:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.34E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 021 CBA05 FACB 022 9/21/98 15:28:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.64E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 023 9/21/90 15:31:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.55E*02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 024 9/21/98 15:33:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.15E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 025 9/21/98 15:35:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 2.03E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 026 9/21/98 15:36:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.92E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FAC8027 9C1/98 15:41:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.90E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FAC8028 9/21/98 15:43:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.37E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 9/21/98 15:47:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.98E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 029 CBA05 FACB 030 9/21/98 15:50:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 2.05E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 031 9/21/98 15:53:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.49E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 9/21/98 15:56:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.46E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FAC8032 9/21/98 16:00:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 2.70E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 033 CBA05 FACB 034 9/21/98 16:03:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 3.02E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 035 9/21/98 16.06:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 2.35E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 036 9/21/98 16:08:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.28E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 037 9/21/98 16:11:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 2.55E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 038 9/21/98 16:14:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.86E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 039 9/21/98 16:17:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 2.33E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 040 9/21/98 16:21:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 2.24E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 041 9/21/98 16:24:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 2.43E+ 02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 042 9/21/98 16:26:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 2.53E 02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 11/18/98 Page1

CBA05 SCANS Survey Location Log Date Log Time Probe S/N Log Mode ChannelType Reading Gross / Net Units E-600 S/N 600 Addre tored Bk Bkg Units Status CBA05 FACB 043 9/21/98 16:41:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.22E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 044 9/21/98 16:43:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.88E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 045 9/21/98 16:44:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 8.93E+01 Groes cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 046 9/21/98 16:46.00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.36E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 047 9/21/98 16:47.00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.58E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 048 9/21/98 16:49.00 351 Ratemeter E, eta 1.75E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Nonnal CBA05 FACB 049 9/21/98 16:51:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 2.47E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 050 9/21/98 16:53:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.87E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 051 S/21/98 16:56:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.15E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 052 9/21/98 16:58:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 2.18E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 053 9/21/98 17:00:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.02E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 054 9/21/98 17:03:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 2.15E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 055 9/21/98 17:04:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.70E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 056 9/21/98 17:07.00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.76E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm CBA05 FACB 057 9/21/98 17:10:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.70E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Norma! CBA05 FACB 058 9/21/98 17:12:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.68E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 059 9/21/98 17:13:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.94E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 060 9/21/98 17:15:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.97E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 061 9/21/98 17:17:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 3.37E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal

CBA05 FACB 061 9/21/98 17
21:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.77E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 epm Normal CBA05 FACB 062 9/21/98 17:23:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.99E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CEA05 FACB 063 9/21/98 17:24:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 2.32E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 064 9/21/98 15:29:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.78E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 066 9/21/98 15:21:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 3.10E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBAuSFAC8067 9/21/98 15:10:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 3.30E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 065 9/21/98 15:25:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.73E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 068 9/21/98 15:06:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 2.03E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FAC8069 9/21/98 15:00:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.48E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 070 9/21/98 14:55:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.21E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 071 9/21/98 14:46:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.75E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FAC8077 9/21/98 14:36:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 2.61E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FAC8078 9/21/98 14:27:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.89E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FAC8079 9/21/98 14:17:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 2.24E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FAC8080 9/21/98 14:09:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 2.60E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 081 9/21/98 14:03:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 2.76E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 082 9/22/98 7:32:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 2.27E+03 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 083 9/22/98 7:50:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.57E403 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 084 9/22/98 7:51:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 2.18E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 085 9/22/98 7:55:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.27E+03 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 086 9/22/98 8:01:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.63E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FACG087 9/22/98 7:54:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 2.12E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FACG088 9/22/98 7:49:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.38E+03 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 11/18/98 Page 2

CBA05 SCANS Survey Location Log Date Log Time Probe S/N Log Mode ChannelType Reading Gross / Net Units E-600 S/N 600 Addre tored Bk Bkg Units Status CBA05 FACB 089 9/22/98 7:43:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 2.26E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 090 9/22/98 7:42:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.74E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FACG091 9/22/98 7:47:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 2.10E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FACG092 9/22/98 7:54:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.28E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 093 9/22/98 8:00:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 2.03E+03 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 094 9/22!98 8:00:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.98E+03 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 095 9/22/98 7:53:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.73E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 096 9/22/98 7:46:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.71E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 097 9/22/98 7:40.00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.96E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 098 9/22/98 7:39:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.49E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 099 9/22/98 7:59.00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.66E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FACG100 9/22/98 7:58:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.76E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FACG101 9/22/98 7:37.00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.53E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FACG102 9/22/98 7:36:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.42E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05FACG103 9/21/98 13:58:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.59E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 104 9/21/98 13:49:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 2.11E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 105 9/21/98 13:44:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.86E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 106 9/21!98 13:40:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 2.01E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 107 9/21/98 13:36:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 2.45E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 108 9/21/98 13:32.00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.81E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 109 9/21/98 13:29:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.18E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 110 9/22/98 16:42:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 2.70E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 111 9/22/98 18:45:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 2.20E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 112 9/22/98 16:48:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 4.22E+01 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 113 9/22/98 16:50:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 2.73E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 114 9/22/98 16:55:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 2.76E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 115 9/22/98 16:59:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.64E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 116 9/22/98 17:02:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 2.05E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 117 9/22/98 17:11:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.80E+02 . Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 118 9/22!98 17:14:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.80E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 119 9/22/98 17:18.00 350 Ratemeter Beta 9.78E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 120 9/22/98 17:23:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 2.01E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 121 9/22/98 17:26:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 2.11E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 122 9/22/98 17:30:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.41E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 123 9/22/98 17:35:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 3.44E+01 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal. CBA05 FACB 124 9/22/98 17:39:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.52E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 126 9/23/98 15:23:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.18E+02 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 127 9/23/98 15:27:00- 351 Ratemeter Beta 9.73E+01 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 128 9/23/98 15:31:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.11E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 129 9/23/98 15:34:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 2.00E+02 Net cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal-

         . CBA05 FACB 130    9/23/98 '16:01:00        351       Ratemeter  Beta      1.68E+02     Net  cpm      1441                0                      0      . cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 131    9/23/98 14:05:00 '       350       Ratemeter  Beta      2.89E+02    Gross cpm      1455                0                      0        cpm Normal 11/18/98                                                                Page 3

CBA05 SCANS. Survey Location Log Date Log Time Probe SIN Log Mode ChannelType Reading GrosstNet Units E400 S/N 600 Addre tcred Bk Bkg Units Status CBA05 FACB 132 9/22/98 ~ 15:23:00 351 Ratemeter Beta - 1.26E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 133 9/23/98 15:39:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.78E+02 Net cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 134 9/2T98 15:43:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 4.09E+01 Net cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal CBA05 FACB 135 9/23/98 15:47:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.15E+02 Net cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal

          ' CBA05 FACB 136     9/23/98 ~ 15:53:00 351      Ratemeter       Beta      1.38E+02                Net cpm      1441      0               0 cpm      Normal CBA05 FACB 137     9I23/98 15:56:00   351      Ratemeter       Beta      2.04E+02                Net epm      1441      0               0 cpm      Normal CBA05 FACB 138     9/23/98 13:31:00   350      Ratemeter       Beta      2.45E+02         Gross      cpm      1455      0               0 cpm      Normal CBA05 FACB 139     9/23/98 13:26:00   350      Ratemeter       Beta      1.86E+02         Gross      cpm      1455      0               0 cpm      Normal CBA05 FACB 140     9/22/98 15:30:00   351      Ratemeter       Beta      2.45E+02        Gross       epm      1455      0               0 cpm      Normal CBA05 FACB 141     9/22/98 15:36.00   351      Ratemeter       Beta      2.98E+02        Gross       cpm      1455      0               0 cpm      Normal CBA05 FACB 142     9/23/98 13:56:00   350      Ratemeter       Beta      1.75E+02 - Gross            cpm      1455-     0               0 cpm      Normal CBA05 FACB 143     9/23/98 13:53:00   350      Ratemeter -     Beta      2.38E+02        Gross       epm      1455      0               0 cpm      Normal     i CBA05 FACB 144     9/23/98 13:46:00   350  . Ratemeter         Beta      8.76E+01        Gross       epm      1455      0               0 cpm      Normal l

CBA05 FACB 145 9/23/98 13:41:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.93E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm NormM

NELO1 SCANS Survey Location Log Date Log Time Probe S/N Log Mode Charmel Type Reading Gross / Net Units E 600 S/N 600 Addre tored Bk Bkg Units Status NELO1FCCA001 9/21/98 18:09:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 2.04E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal i NELO1FCCA002 9/21/98 18:10.00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.95E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 4 NELO1FCCA003 9/21/98 18:14:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.54E+03 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA004 9/21/98 18:12:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.77E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal cpm Normal NELO1FCCA005 9/21/98 18:17:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.84E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 NELO1FCCA006 9/21/98 18:19:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.24E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCJ007 9/21/98 16:19:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 7.87E+01 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCG008 9/21/98 18:27:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.08E+03 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal' NELO1FCCA009 9/21/98 18:24:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.72E+03 Gross - cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA009 9/21/98 18:30:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.25E+03 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCG010 9/21/98 18:35:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.80E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA011 9/21/98 18:34:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta' 1.66E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA013 9/21/98 18:37:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.50E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA014 9/21/98 18:39.00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.57E+03 Gross cpm 1411 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA015 9/21/98 18:41:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 2.15E+03 Gross epm 144; O O cpm Normal NELO1FCCA015 9/21/98 16:27:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.96E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA016 9/21/98 18:42:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.57E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCG018 9/21/98 18:43:00 59021 Ratsineter Beta 2.15E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCG019 9/21/98 16:29.00 350 Ratemeter Beta 8.42E+01 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA020 9/21/98 18:45:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.48E+03 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA021 9/21/98 18:45:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.75E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA022 9/21/98 18:47:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.66E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA023 9/21/98 18:48:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 2.00E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA024 9/21/98 18:49:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.29E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA025 9/21/98 18:50:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 2.00E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal , NELO1FCCA026 9/21/98 18:51:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.63E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA027 9/21/98 18:53.00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.72E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCA028 9/21/98 18:32-00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.65E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Norma; NELO1FCCB029 9/21/98 _16:37:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.15E+03 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO1FCCB030 9/21/98 16:44:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.37E+02 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 11/18/98 Page 1

NELO2 Scans Curvoi.8.ocation Log Date Log Time Probe SIN Log Mode ChannelTyp Reading Gross / Net Units E-600 SIN 00 Addre tored Bk Bkg Units Status NELO2FCCG001 9/22/98 16:16:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 2.08E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCOOO2 9/22/98 16:20:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 2.10E+03 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCG303 9/22/98 16:28:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.35E+03 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCG034 W22/98 16:32:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.53E+03 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCG006 9/22198 16:35:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.68E+03 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCG006 2?22 98 16:41:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.42E+03 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCG007 9/22/98 16:38:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.97E+03 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCA008 9/23/98 9:28:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 3.37E+03 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCA010 9/23/98 11:33:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 2.29E+04 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCA011 9/23/98 9:23:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 2.33E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCA012 9/22/98 17:12:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 2.13E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCA012 9/23/98 11:32:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 2.92E+04 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCG013 9/23/98 9:21:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 2.23E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCA014 9/22/98 17:21:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 3.03E+03 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCA014 9/22/98 19:20.00 350 Ratemeter Beta 4.51E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCA015 9723/98 9:19:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.84E+03 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCA016 9/22/98 17:11:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.84E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCA017 9/22/98 17:08:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.71E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCA018 9/23/98 7:41:00 351 Ratemeter Beta 1.92E+02 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCG019 9/22/98 17:07:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.62E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCG020 9/22/98 17:03:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.44E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCA021 9/22/98 17:04:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.63E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCA022 9/22/98 17:00.00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.73E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCA023 9/22/98 16:58.00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.52E+03 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCG024 9/22/98 19:02:00 350 Ratemeter Beta 1.39E+02 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCA025 9722/98 16:47:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.86E+03 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCA026 9/22/98 16:54.00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.79E+03 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCG027 9/22/98 16:43:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.34E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal ( NELO2FCCA028 9/22/98 16:52 00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.81E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal NELO2FCCA029 9/22/98 16:50:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.98E+03 Gross epm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal r NELO2FCCA030 9/22/98 16:57:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.08E+03 Gross cpm 1455 0 0 cpm Normal 11/18/98 Page 1

                    ^                                                                                          -          ~                        _                 < _ , . -- m .

NELO3 Scans Survey Location Log Date Log Time Probe S/N Log Mode annel Ty Reading Gross / Net Units E-600 S/N 600 Addre tored Bk Bkg Units Status 9/23/98 9:54:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 2.43E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 -O cpm Normal NELO3FCCA001 9/23/98 10:04:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.85E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCG002 9/23/98 10:00:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 2.07E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCA003 9/23/98 10:07:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 2.30E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCA004 9/23/98 10:09:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 2.25E+03 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCA005 NELO3FCCG006 9/23/98 10:12:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.57E+03 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 9/23/98 10:14:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 2.33E+03 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCA007 NELO3FCCA008 9/23/98 10:21:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 3.31E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCG009 9/23/98 10:23:00 59021 Ratemebr Beta 1.72E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCG010 9/23/98 10:27:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.70E+03 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCA011 9/23/98 10:35:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 3.80E+03 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCA012 9/23/98 10:31:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 2.89E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCA013 9/23/98 10:33:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 3.60E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 9/23/98 10:38:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.58E+03 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCA014 9/23/98 10:44:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.21E+03 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCG015 NELO3FCCG016 9/23/98 10:46:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.02E+03 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCA017 9/23/98 10:49:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.34E+03 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCG018 9/23/98 10:53:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.15E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCG019 9/23/98 10:57:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.41E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCA020 9/23/98 10:55:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.61E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCA021 9/23/98 10:59:t,0 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.69E+03 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCA022 9/23/98 11:04:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.67E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCG023 9/23/98 11:02:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.24E+03 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCG024 9/23/98 11:07:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.33E+03 Gross cpra 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCG025 9/23/98 11:08:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.61E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCA026 9/23/98 11:11:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.65E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCA027 9/23/98 11:18:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.44E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCA028 9/23/98 11:20:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 2.00E+03 Gross cpm 1441 0 .O cpm Normal NELO3FCCG029 9/23/98 11:25:00 59021 Rnemeter Beta 1.40E+03 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal NELO3FCCG030 9/23/98 11:16:00 59021 Ratemeter Beta 1.87E+03 Gross epm 1441 0 0 cpm Normal 11/18/98 Page1




DEC 0 51998 ------------------ ----------- l 10 CFR Part 50/61 Analysis Report

  • l DE8J3 -------------- -- ------- -

ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Page 1 of 3 Labor tiry Sample Number: E10832 Customer: Iowa State Samplo Submission Code OSOLO3 3798 Sample Reference Date September 17, 1998 Media Type: Solid Date Sample Received: October 1, 1998 Total Amt of Sample Sent: 9.61 g Report Date: December 4, 1998 I Sample


Concrete - 004

                                                                                                              .                 .                                   1 Hinimum Debectable Aliquot                                       Activity Concentration                                Concentration (A)

Weight Net i la Overall on Reference Date Analy010 Processed Analysis . on Reference Date CALCULATED REQUIRED Requ3cted (g) Date ( Ci/g j [ pCL/g ] Note (s) H-3 2.4600E-02 11/13/98 [ 3.37 i 0.55 ) E-04 1.5 E-04 4.0E-01 B C-14 1.5720E-02 12/01/98 [ 0.0 1 1.1 ] E-04 3.6 E-04 8.0E-02 Fe-55 3.7420E-03 12/04/98 ( 3.38 1 0.32 ) E-02 2.3 E-03 7.0E+00 B Ni-59 6.9500E-03 12/02/98 [ -1.3 1 8.7 ] E-03 3.0 E-02 2.2E+00 C Ni-63 1.6500E-02 12/02/98 [ .-5.1 1 7.6 ) E-05 2.6 E-04 3.5E-02 Sr-89 1.6253E-01 12/03/98 [ -3.9 1 2.2 ] E-05 7.8 E-05 Sr-90 1.6253E-01 12/04/98 [ 6.3 i 2.9 ) E-05 8.7 E-05 4.0E-04 Tc-99 2.3200E-02 11/11/98 [ 1.3 i 1.0 ) E-04 3.1 E-04 3.0E-02 Np-237 5.2900E-03 12/04/98 [ -2.7 i 3.5 ) E-06 1.4 E-04 1.0E-03 Pu-238 2.7100E-02 12/03/98 [ 2.3 1 3.6 ) E-06 3.2 E-06 1.0E-03 Pu-239,240 2.7100E-02 12/03/98 ( -6.1 1 4.3 ) E-08 3.3 E-06 1.0E-03 Pu-241 2.7100E-02 12/04/98 [ 1.5 i 1.0 ) E-04 3.2 E-04 3.5E-02 Am-241 2.7100E-02 12/03/98 [ 9 i 18 ) E-07 7.8 E-06 1.0E-03 cm-242 2.7100E-02 12/03/98 [ 0.0 1 2.6 ) E-08 3.9 E-06 2.0E-01 cm-243,244 2.7100E-02 12/03/98 [ -9.9 i 5.7 ) E-08 3.1 E-06 1.0E-03 I-129 1.0090E-01 11/16/98 ( 0.0 i 9.6 ) E-06 4.2 E-05 8.0E-04 Note (0): A - Calculated HDCs are a-posteriori values. B - Re;ults are statistically positive at the 99.9% confidence level (activity is greater thnn three times the standard deviation). C - Required HDC is for activated metal. Reviewed by

                             ---  J.-  ).    -- ---           u-u                 ----------                    ,

E. . oreno A. D. Ban &Vali i - Report updated to include all routine 10 CFR 61 analyses requested.

I MAILED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY l DEC 0 51998 _--_-_ --_-__---__________-_____. 10 CFR Part 50/61 Analysis Report DE&S --____--____________-____-_______ ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Page 2 of 3 Laborntory Sample Number: 210832 # Customer: Iowa State Sample Reference Date September 17, 1998 I Sample Submission Code: Media Type: Solid Total Amt of Sample Sent: OSOLO3 3798 9.61 g Date Sample Received: October 1, 1998 Count Date October 26, 1998 Report Dates December 4, 1998 o Sample


Concrete - 004

        ---------_-_-_______-------___---___--__-________-__--__----___-____-____-__--____-__-----                                                                                                   h
l. Minimum Detectable W Aliquot Activity Concentration Concentration (A)

Weight Net i la Overall on Reference Date Analy;is Processed on Reference Date CALCULATED REQUIRED Requ=ted [g] Isotope [ Ci/g ) [ pCi/g ] Note (s) Camma Scan 9.6087 Cr-51 [ -6.1 1 5.6 ) E-04 2.3 E-03 Mn-54 [ 4.8 1 2.0 ) E-05 7.5 E-05 7.0E+00 Co-57 [ -2.9 i 2.6 ) E-04 1.0 E-03 7.0E+00 Co-58 [ 2.2 1 4.0 ) E-05 1.6 E-04 7.0E+00 Fe-59 [ 3.23 1 0.68 ) E-04 3.2 E-04 7.0E+00 B Co-60 [ 8.08 1 0.47 ) E-04 8.5 E-05 7.0E+00 B En-65 [ 2.20 1 0.78 ) E-04 2.7 E-04 7.0E+00 Nb-94 [ -7.5 i 3.3 ) E-05 1.4 E-04 2.0E-03 C Er-95 [ 3.7 i 7.2 ) E-05 3.0 E-04 7.0E+00 Nb-95 ( -2.1 1 6.0 ) E-05 2.5 E-04 7.0E+00 Ru-103 [ -3.9 i 4.8 ) E-05 2.0 E-04 7.0E+00 Ru-106 [ 2.2 1 2.5 ) E-04 1.0 E-03 7.0E+00 Ag-108m [ -7 i 22 ) E-06 9.1 E-05 7.0E+00 Ag-110m [ -1.2 1 4.6 ) E-05 1.9 E-04 7.0E+00 Sb-124 [ -1.8 A 7.9 ) E-05 3.4 E-04 7.0E+00 Sb-125 [ 1.63 1 0.69 ) E-04 2.7 E-04 7.0E+00 Cs-134 [ 2.8 i 3.4 ) E-05 1.4 E-04 7.0E+00 Cs-137 [ -2.2 i 2.7 ) E-05 1.1 E-04 1.0E-02 BaLa-140 [ -3 1 23 ) E-05 - 1.0 E-03 Ce-141 [ 1.1 1 1.2 ) E-04 4.8 E-04 7.0E+00 Ce-144 [ 2.3 1 2.5 } E-04 1.0 E-03 7.0E+00 Not3(c): A - Calculated MDCs are a-posteriori values. { B - Results are statistically positive at the 99.9% confidence level (activity is greater than three times the standard deviation). C - Required MDC is for activated metal. Reviewed by 7___------ E. . oreno A. D. Banavali m o- - . .

                                                                                                       ..              . .      ..         .. .   .a   ,. r.n__e s _

p_.1. ,.r a e rammsted.

l MALLED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY DEC 0 51998 ........_-_-_-_..........._.... 10 CFR Part 50/61 Analysis Report DE&S. ....._......................_.._. ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Page 3 of 3 Laboratery sample Number: 210832 N customer: Iowa state

   'camplo submission Codes osoLO3 3798                                                            sample Reference Dates september 17, 1998 Media Type: solid                                                    Date sample Received: October 1, 1998                                                    ,

Total Amt of sample sent: 9.61 g . Count Date: October 26, 1998 l Report Date: December 4, 1998 l Sample


Concrete - 004 Minimum Detectable Aliquot Activity concentration Concentration (A) Weight Net i lo overall on Reference Date l AnalyJic Processed on Reference Date CALCULATED REQUIRED i l RequOtted (g) Isotope . [ pCi/g ) { pCi/g ) Note (s) Camuna scan Eu-152 [ 1.337 i 0.082 ) E-03 3.5 E-04 B l(Gentinued)


A - calculated MDCs are a-posteriori values. B - R :ults are statistically positive at the 99.9% confidence level (activity is greater , I thin three times the standard deviation). C - R: quired MDC is for activated metal. 1 Reviewed by l l kD ._..._ ... - 7b s...._. E. . oreno A.D.Bakavali

                   # -~ Report updated to include all routine 10 CFR 61 analyses requested.

l I l

12-07-1998 9:37AM FROM DES EtW HS 508 568 3731 P. 2 DEC-4-98FRI23:24 P.02 noxE Emorwasarms ano sEnvress xxvxmose Enraz, zanomarcar 10 cFR Part 50/61 Analysie Report Page 1 of 2 1.aboe: tory temple Number 810430 I customare towa state sample submission codes 080L41 3798 sample Reference Dates september 17, 1998 Media Types solid Date sample Received october 1, 1998 tot:1 Amt of Sagle sentt 4.13 g Report Date December 4, 1998 semple peecriptions craphite - 001 Minimum Detectable aliquot Activity concentration concentration (A) weight Nat s la overall on sefarence Date Analyste Processed naalyeLe on Reference Date cALCU1ATED REgUIRED Requested [g) Date [ ucl/g ) [ pci/g ) Note (s) s-3 1.2300s-02 11/03/ss t 2.2 1 1.4 ) r-04 4.4 E-04 4.oE-01 c-14 6.6100E-c3 12/01/98 ( 2.2 t 4.2 1 E-04 1.4 E-03 8.0E-02 re-55 1.6320E-02 12/02/98 1 -1.s e 1.s ) E 44 6.3 E-04 7.0a+oc ri-59 4.s900E-03 12/02/98 ( -1.0

  • 1.1 1 u-c2 4.3 E-02 2.2E+oo c UL-63 1.10005.02 12/02/98 L 0.0 a 1.2 1 E.04 4.1 2-04 3.5E-02 cc-89 9.8180E-02 12/03/98 ( -1.4 1 3.2 1 E-05 1.1 E-04 se-90 9.81803-02 12/04/98 [ 2.7
  • 3.5 } E-05 1.2 E-04 4.03 04 Te-99 9.36005-03 11/12/98 [ 2.4
  • 2.9 ) E-04 E.0 E 3.05-02 sp-237 2.6400E 02 12/03/94 ( -4.7 i 8.1 ] E-07 2.4 E-05 1.0E-03 Pu-238 1.63005 02 12/02/98 ( 1.0 t 1.1 1 E.06 3.1 E.06 1.0E-03 Po.239,240 1.6300E.02 12/02/98 ( -1.4 1 1.0 ) E-07 3.3 E-06 1.0E-03 Pu-241 1.6300E.02 12/04/98 1 1.9 1 2.7 ] E.04 8.6 E-04 3.5E-02 am-241 1.6300E-02 12/03/98 [ 2.0 t 3.4 ) E-06 1.4 E.05 1.0E-03 on-242 1.63003 02 12/03/98 ( 0.0 2 4.8 ) E-08 7.5 E-06 2.0s-01 co-243,244 1.6300E-02 12/03/98 ( -4.4 t 6.4 ) E-08 5.7 E-06 1.0E-03 I-129 4.8700E.02 11/16/98 ( -2.6
  • 2.1 ] E-05 8.6 E-05 8.0E-04
    -       ............----____---_....--__-_-----.....-_-_.....___~..                                                                                         . ~ - - - -

nit 3(els A - calculated MDes are a-posteriori values. C - Required MDC La for activated metal. Reviewed by r E h

                                      . M r no Y

[ A. D. Banavali 9 - Report updated to include all routine 10 CFR 61 analyses requested. [ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

_ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ m. ...... _ . . _ _ . _ . . . . _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . . _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . . . _ . _ _ _ 12-07-1998 9 : ~37AM FROM DES "JN HS 508 568 3731 P. 3 , D'0-4-98FRI23:24 P. 03 l l l I DUKE ENGINEERING kND SERVICES ENVIMOIntENTAI. LABORhTORY j 4

10 CFR part 50/61 Analysis Report i

~ Page 2 of 2 Laboratory sample Mumber 310430 # Customer: Iowa State Sample submission Coda: OSCLO1 3798 sample Reference Dates September 17, 1996 Media Types solid Date Sample Received: October 1, 1998

,   Tot:1 Amt of Sample 8ent: 4.13 g                                                                                   Count Date: October 6, 1995 4                                                                                                                    Report Dates December 4, 1990 Emmple Description                              craphite - 001 l

Minimum Detectable Activity concentration Concentration (A)

Weight Net 1 lo ovocall on Reference Date 4 Analysis Processed on Reference pate CALCULATED REQUIRED . Requ;sted (g) Isotope ( pCi/g } [ pCL/g ] Note (s) c ? Cassia scan 4.1277 Cr-51 ( 2.2 2 3.1 ) E-03 1.2 E-02 Mr.-54 ( -2.2 1 2.9 ) E-04 1.3 E-03 7.oE+00 { Co-57 2.1 1 3.2 ) E-04 1.2 E-03 7.0E+00


j co-se [ 3.1 a 3.3 j z.04 1.s s-03 7.0E+00

<                                                           Fe-.5 9                (        9.2 & 4.4            ) E-04                      1.6 E-03                          7.0E+00
Co-60 ( 2 1 a 3.2 ) E-04 1.4 E-03 7.0E+00

, En-65 ( -1.02 1 0.72 } E-03 4.2 E-03 7.0E+00 Mb-94 ( 1.9 2 1.7 ) E-04 6.9 E-04 2.0E-03 C tr-95 [ 9 i 54 } E-05 2.3 E-03 7. 2+00 Mb-95 ( 5.3 1 3.5 ) E-04 1.4 E-03 7.0E+00 { Ru-103 ( -a.7 1 3.9 ) E-04 1.5 E-03 7.0E+00 ' Ru-106 ( 2.0 1 1.9 ) E-03 7.6 E-03 7.0E+00 Ag-10ss ( -1.9 a 2.4 } E-04 1.0 E-03 7.0E+00 Ag-110m [ 2.6 4 3.5 ] E-04 1 6 d-03 7.0E+00 sb-124 ( -1.2 a 5.7 ) E-04 2.s E-03 7.0E+00 6b-125 ( 6.3 a 6.6 } E-04 2.7 E-03 7.0E+00 Cs-134 ( 3.6 1 2.6 ) E-04 1.0 E-03 7.0E+00 Cs-137 [ 2.3 t 2.2 ) E-04 8.9 E-04 1.0s-02 BaLa-140 ( -6.6 i 9.1 ) E-04 4.4 E-03 co-141 ( 1.01 2 0.85 ) E-03 3.4 E-03 7.0E+00 Ce-144 [ -2.4 2 2.5 ) E-03 1.0 E-02 7.0E+00 Wate(s): A - Calculated MDCs are a-poetariori values. . C - Required MDC is for activated metal. Reviewed by

                                                              ,                                                                         r iW(  _                              @l"%               +

E. Moreno A. D. sanavali

                         #-Aeportupdatedtoincludeal$ routine 10CTR61analysesrequested.

12-07-1998 9:38Af.1 FROt1 DES ENV HS 508 568 3731 P. d DEC- 4-98 FRI 23:25 p. g l DUKE EMGINEERINO hit 0 SERVICES EMYIROletENTAL LABORATORY 10 CFM Part 50/61 Analysis Report Pare 1 of 2 510831 N Customers Iowa State sample submission Codes os0LO2 3798 iLaboratorysampleNumbers sample Reference Date: September 17, 1998 Media Types Solid Date $ ample Receiveds October 1, 1998 Total Amt of 5&mple Sent: 5.14 g Report Date: Documber 4, 1998 Sasqple Description Steel - 002 I Miniarum Detectable A11p ot Activity concentration concentration (A) Waight Wet 2 la Overall on Reference Date Analysic rece..eed Analysis on m.fersac.e pate cAto0 tarso Raourmso IRequested (g) Date ( pol /g } ( NCity 1 Note (s) 1.4600E-02 11/03/98 [ -1.1 1 1.2 ) E-04 4.0 E-04 4.0E-01 lM-3c-14 1.49103-02 12/01/98 ( -1.2 a 1.1 ) E-04 3.7 E-04 5.0E-02 Fa-55 3.3930E-03 12/02/98 ( 1.65 a 0.76 ) E-03 2.2 E-03 7.0E+0b 9.9500E-04 12/02/98 ( ~1.58 2 0.7/ ) E-01 3.3 E-01 2 2E+00 C NL-63 2.2300E-03 12/02/98 -4.2 2 6.2 1 E-04 2.1 E-03 3.5E-02 INi-59 Er-89 3.4430E-02 12/03/98 ( ( S & 13 ) E-05 4.3 E-04 Er-90 3.4430E-02 12/04/98 ( -2.6 a 1.0 } E-06 3.5 E-04 4.0E-04 Tc-99 2.36005-02 11/11/95 ( 3.5 1 5.6 ) E-05 1.8 E-04 3.0s-02 i pp-237 Pu-235 6.5000E-04 3.37003-03 Pu-239,240 3.37005-03 12/04/98 12/03/98 12/03/98 [ ( (

                                                         -2.6 1 2.1
                                                         -3.4 1 3.4 3.0 1 2.2
                                                                          ) E-05
                                                                          } E-01
                                                                          ) E-05 6.0 E-04 4.3 E-05 4.3 E-05 1.0E-03 1.0E-03 1.08 03 Pu-241        3.3700E-03       12/04/98        (     -4.0 t 8.0       ) E-04    2.7 E-03        3.5E.02 3.3700E-03       12/03/98        (     -9.5 & 9.2       ) E-06       4 E-05       1.0E-03 IAn-241 Qa-242        3.37002-03       12/03/98        (     ~6.9 2 6.9       ) E-07      .a E-05       2.0E-01 on-243,244 .1.3700E-03         22/03/98        (      0.0 2 1.5       ] E-07    2.6 E-05        1.0E-03 I-129         1.8300E-01       11/16/98        (     -1.5
  • 3.1 } E-04 5.5 E-04 8.0E-04 l A - Calculated MDCs are a-posteriori values.

C - Required MDC is for activated metal. Reviewed by l .... du

                                             --4.-              _..... 9.m..+p_.--

g E. 3 reno A. D. Bahavali 4 - Report updated to include all routine 10 CFR 61 anr3yses requested. u

1 12-07-1998 9538Ab FTRCb DTS ENV HS 508 568 3731 P. 5 j 4 DEC-4-98FRI23:25 P.05 1 4 DUKE EDDIRBERING AND SERVICES ENY1200ncl;KTAZ IADORATORY t 10 CFR Part 50/61 Analysis Report Page 2 of 2 Labor tory sample Number 110831 # customers Iowa State Sample suhaission Code: 050LO2 3798 sample Reference Dates Septsaber 17, 1998 Media Types solid Date semple Received October 1, 1995 Total Ret of Sample Sent: 5.14 g Count Date: October 26, 1998 Report Dates December 4,1998 sample Descriptions Steel - 002 i Minlaus Detectable Aliquot Activity concentration Concentration (A) Weight Wet i le Overall on Reference Date Analysis Processed on Reference Data CALCUIATED RE9tJIRED j moquested (g) 1sotope ( pCL/g ) ( FCi/g ) Note (s) j

 . . _ . -                 -              . -     .        --.............                 -.... ~            ..    -

Casuna seaa 5.1346 Cr-51 [ 1.7 k 1.4 ) E-03 S.4 E-03 Mn-54 ( 7.2 2 7.3 ) E-05 3.0 E.04 7.0E+00 00-57 ( 1.8 1 1.2 ) E-04 4.5 E-04 7.0E+00 Co-55 [ -9.1 2 9.7 ) E-05 4.1 E-04 7.0E+00 Fe-59 ( 4.4

  • 2.9 ) E-04 1.2 E-03 7.03+00 Co.60 ( 2.54 1 0.48 ) E-04 2.5 E-04 7.0E+00 8 Ka-65 ( 5.74
  • O.92 ) E-04 2.4 E-04 7.0E+90 a Eb-94 ( 6.7 t 6.9 ) E-05 2.9 E-04 2.0E-43 C Er-95 [ -3.0 1 1.8 ) E-04 7.6 E-04 7.OE+00 Mb-95 ( 6 e 14 ) E-05 5.0 E-04 7.cE+00 Ru-103 ( 9 2 12 ) E-05 4.7 E-04 7.0E+00 R2 106 ( 4.4
  • s.3 ) E-04 2.6 E-03 7.0E+00 A0-109e ( 2.6 2 6.2 } E-05 7.6 E-04 7.0E+00 Ag-11% ( 1.39 1 0.85 ) E-04 3.6 E-04 7.0E+00 sb-124 ( 2.5 e 1.s } E-04 7.5 E-04 7.0E+00 80-125 ( 1115 ) E-05 7.2 E-04 7.0E+00 Co.134 ( 5.0 1 5.5 ) E-05 3.5 E-04 7.0E+00 Cs-137 ( 7.7
  • 7.2 ) 2-05 3.0 E-04 1.0E-02 sala-140 ( 4.4
  • 4.9 ) E-04 2.1 E-03 Ce-141 ( 1.4 4 4.5 ) E.04 1.8 E-03 7.CE+00 Ce.144 ( 2.4 1 9.1 ) E-04 3.5 E-03 7.0E+00 Not3(a)r A . Calculated M0ca are a-posteriori values.

3 - Amanits are statistically positive at the 99.9% confidence level (activity is greater than three times tk standard deviation). O e Required NDC 15 fOr activ&ted ett41. Reviewed by N g

                                                                     ......     ....(-q.....

E. .96orono A. D. Banavait

           # - Report updated to include all Eoutine 10 CrA 61 analyses requestad.

MALLED DUKE ENGINEERING AhD SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY 0EC 0 51998 ---_--------- ---- _-----__-- DE&S 10 CFR Part 50/61 Analysis Report


ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Page 1 of 2 Labor;t:ry Sample Number E10834 N Customer: Iowa State samplo submission Codes OSOLOS 3798 Sample Reference Date: September 17, 1998 Media Typer Solid Date Sample Received: October 1, 1998 Total Amt of Sample Sent: 1.76 g Report Date: December 4, 1998 Sample


Aluminum - 006 Minimum Detectable Aliquot Activity Concentration Concentration (A) WeDih t - Nec i la Overall on Reference Date Analy213 Processed Analysis. . on Reference Date CALCULATED REQUIRED RequCted [g] Date [ yC1/g ) [ yCi/g ] Note (s) H-3 7.7800E-03 11/03/98 [ -1.8 i 2.3 ) E-04 7.5 E-04 4.0E-01 C-14 3.1000E-03 12/01/98 [ -3 i 77 ) E-05 2.5 E-03 8.0E-02 Fo-55 9.2780E-03 12/02/98 [ 5.0 1 3.0 } E-04 9.1 E-04 7.0E+00 Ni-59 2.7800E-03 12/02/98 [ -1.9 i 3.3 ) E-02 1.2 E-01 2.2E+00 C Ni-63 6.0300E-03 12/03/98 [ 5.7 1 2.8 ) E-04 8.5 E-04 3.5E-02 Sr-89 5.4860E-02 12/03/98 [ -9.9 1 7.6 } E-05 2.6 E-04 Sr-90 5.4860E-02 12/04/98 [ 1 i 91 ) E-06 3.0 E-04 4,0E-04 Tc-99 4.3800E-03 11/12/98 [ 1.2 1 6.5 ] E-04 2.1 E-03 3.0E-02 Np-237 1.7900E-03 12/03/98 [ 1.8 1 1.1 ) E-04 2.1 E-04 1.0E-03 Pu-238 9.2700E-03 12/03/98 [ 4.4 i 4.6 ) E-06 1,3 E-05 1.0E-03 Pu-239,240 9.2700E-03 12/03/98 [ 4.2 1 4.6 ) E-06 1.3 E-05 1.0E-03 Pu-241 9.2700E-03 12/04/98 [ 3148 ) E-05 1.6 E-03 3.5E-02 An-241 1.8300E-03 12/04/98 [ -1.7 i 1.8 ) E-05 1.3 E-04 1.0E-03 Co-242 '1.8300E-03 12/04/98 [ 2.7 1 2.7 ) E-05 7.2 E-05 2.0E-01 cm-243,244 1.8300E-03 12/04/98 [ -1.69 i O.98 ) E-06 5.7 E-05 1.0E-03 I-129 2.6000E-02 11/16/98 [ -7 i 40 ) E-06 1.6 E-04 8.0E-04 Nota (c): A - C2lculated MDCs are a-posteriori values. C - Required MDC is for activated metal. Reviewed by

                       -----_- -        --------A h                 --__------- q u .. _

E. .L reno A. D. Banavali

           # - Report updated to include all routine 10 CETt 61 analyses requested.

I l i I MAILED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY l l OEC 0 51998 - - - - - - - _ - - - - - _ - - - - - _ - - - - - - - _ - - - - 10 CFR Part 50/61 Analysis Report DE&S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Page 2 of 2 j ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. N Iowa State Labor.trry Sample Number E10834 Customer: samplo Submission Codes OSOLOS 3798 Sample Reference Dates September 17, 1998 Media Type: Solid- Date Sample Received . October 1, 1998 Tot 01 Amt of Sample Sent: 1.76 g Count Data: October 15, 1998 i Report Dates December 4, 1998 l Sample


Aluminum - 006 Minimum Detectable Aliquot Activity Concentrativn Concentration (A) Weight Net i la Overall on Reference Date ,Analy;ic Processed on Reference Date CALCULATED REQUIRED Requ'rt d (g) Isotope [ pCifg ) ( pC1/g ) Note (s) c ---__ - - -___ --- __ . .---- . _ _____ . . . ...-__ _---.___--_____----- ..._. . ___. damma Sc n 1.7523 Cr-51 ( 4.4 i 8.7 ) E-03 3.5 E-02 Mna54 [ 0.0 1 5.5 ) E-04 2.3 E-03 7.0E+00 Co-57 ( 4.5 i 6.9 ) E-04 2.7 E-03 7.0Et00 co-58 ( -9.1 i 8.7 ) E-04 3.9 E-03 7.0E+00 Fe-59 [ 6 i 21 ) E-04 9.3 E-03 7.0E+00 Co-60 ( ~3.4 i 8.4 ) E-04 3 7 E-03 7.0E+00 En-65 ( 4 i 16 ) E-04 7.1 E-03 7.0E+00 Nb-94 ( -8.1 t 3.9 ) E-04 2.7 E-03 2.0E-03 C Er-95 ( -2.8 i 2.6 ) E-03 7.4 E-03 7.0E+00 Nb-95 [ -2.5 i 9.2 ) E-04 4.0 E-03 7.0E+00 Ru-103 ( -1.14 i 0.87 ) E-03 3.8 E-03 7.0E+00 Ru-106 ( -8.6 i 5.3 ) E-03 2.4 E-02 7.0E+00 Ag-108m ( 4.5 i 5.2 ] E-04 2.1 E-03 7.0E+00 Ag-110m ( 4.0 i 8.2 } E-04 3.5 E-03 7.0E+00 Sb-124 ( 3 i 13 ) E-04 6.1 E-03 7.0E+00 l Sb-125 [ -8 1 15 ) E-04 6.2 E-03 7.OE+00 Cs-134 ( -2.6 i 6.0 ) E-04 2.7 E-03 7.0E+00 Cs-137 ( 8.9 i 4.9 ) E-04 1.9 E-03 1.0E-02 BaLa-140 [ -1125 ) E-04 1.1 E-02 Ce-141 ( 2.112.1 ) E-03 8.1 E-03 7.0E+00 Ce-144 ( 1.1 1 5.6 ) E-03 2.2 E-02 7.0E+00 lNotO(0) l-A - Calculated HDCs are a-posteriori <alues. l C - Required MDC is for activated metal. Reviewed by b

                            -_____s._      .      ____
                                                                                .. ....       _ .h A. D. Banavali E. M. Moreno 5 - Report updated to include all routine 10 CFR 61 analyses requested.



10 CFR Part 50/61 Analysis Report

                                                      - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

DE&S Pa9e 1 f2 ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Laborctery sample Number: E10835 N Customer: Iowa State J j samplo submission Codes OFILO1 37S8 . Sample Reference Date: September 17, 1998 Media Type: Filter Data sample Received: October 1, 1998 iTotal Amt of sample sent: 1 sample Report Dates December 4, 1998 I I e  ! Cemple


Filter - 007 l I i ! Minimum Detectable 4 Aliquot , Activity Concentration Concentration (A) Weight Net i la overall on Reference Date

Analy::is Processed Analysis on Reference Date CALCULATED REQUIRED iRequOcted [ sample) Date

[ pCL/ sample ] [ pC1/ sample ] Note (s) , l l E-3 2.8800E-03 11/03/98 [ -1.12 1 0.60 ) E-03 2.0 E-03 "C-14 1.6400E-03 12/01/98 [ 0.0 1 9.4 ) E-04 3.1 E-03

 . FO-55          E.6240E-03              12/02/98                  [      -2.1   1    4.1      } E-04         1.4  E-03
  • Ni-59 1.6100E-03 12/02/98- [ 1.5 1 4.7 ) E-02 1.5 E-01 i N1-63 3.7500E-03 12/03/98 [ -1.6 1 3.6 ) E-04 1.2 E-03

'sr-89 i 1870E-02 -12/03/98 [ -3 1 74 ) E-06 2.5 E-04 Sr 5.1870E-02 12/04/98 [ 8.2 i 8.8 ) E-05 2.8 E-04 }Tc-99 2.8700E-03 11/11/98 [ 1.2 1 4.4 ) E-04 1.4 E-03 Np-237 5.6200E-03 12/04/98 [ -2.1 1 3.0 ) E-06 1.1 E-04

   - Pu-238       5.6200E-03              12/03/98                  [      -1.9   1    1.9      ) E-07         2.0  E-05 Pu-239,240  5.6200E-03               12/03/98                  [      -1.9   1    1.9      ) E-07         2.0  E-05 Pu-241       5.6200E-03              12/04/98                   [       3.8  i    5.2      } E-04         1.7  E-03 Am-241       5.6200E-03              12/03/98                   [       4.9  i    9.1      ) E-06         3.9  E-05 cm-242        5.6200E-03             12/03/98                   [       0.0  1    1.4      ) E-07         2.0  E-05 On-243,244 . 5.6200E-03              12/03/98                   [     -2.8   i    2.0      ) E-07         1.5  E-05 I-129         1.1200E-02             11/16/98                   [       1.1  1    4.1      ) E-05         1.9  E-04 Nito(0):

A - Calculated MDCs a-posteriori values. Reviewed by

                                                        '{i<l kf                    ---------           .-

Fc----- E. i Moreno A. D. a avali 5 - Report updated to include all routine 10 CFR 61 analyses requested.

l i MAILED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES ENVIRO!E{ ENTAL LABORATORY DEC 0 51998 --__--_____-_-- __---___------ 10 CFR Part 50/61 Analysis Report DE8,S . ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Page 2 of 2 Labor; tory Sample Number: Z10835 N Customer: Iowa State Sample Submission Codes OFILO1 3798 Sample Reference Date: September 17, 1998 Media Type Filter Date Sample Received: October 1, 1998 IT:tc1Amtofsamplesent: 1 Sample Count Date: October 15, 1998 Report Date December 4, 1998 Sample


Filter - 007 Minimum Detectable I Annlysis Aliquot Weight Processed Activity concentration Net i la Overall on Reference Date Concentration (A) on Reference Date CALCULATED REQUIRED Requ:Oted (sample) Isotope [ C1/ sample ] [ pCi/ sample ] Note (s) 1.0000 Cr-51 [ -3 i 16 } E-03 6.6 E-02 ICammaScan Mn-54 Co-57 [ 1.65 i 0.93 ] E-03 3.7 E-03 ( 4 i 12 ) E-04 4.8 E-03 Co-58 [ 1.89 i 0.92 ) E-03 3.5 E-03 I Fe-59 Co-60 Zn-65 [ [ [

                                                                                        -1.03 1

i 1 4.9 11 O.42

                                                                                                                 ) E-03
                                                                                                                 ] E-04
                                                                                                                 ) E-02 2.2 5.2 1.9 E-02 E-03 E-02 Nb-94                      [       4.6   i   9.2          } E-04            3.9    E-03 I                                                     Er-95 Nb-95

( [ 1.3 1.3 1 1 2.2 1.4

                                                                                                                 ] E-03
                                                                                                                 ) E-03 9.3 5.8 E-03 E-03 Ru-103                     [       1.9   i   1.2          ] E-03            4.7    E-03 Ru-106                            1.05  1   0.72          ] E-02            2.9    E-02 I                                                      Ag-108m Ag-110m

( [ [

                                                                                         -4.3 1

1 i 8.6 14

                                                                                                                 ] E-04
                                                                                                                 ) E-04 3.8 6.2 E-03 E-03 Sb-124                     [       1.8  i   2.4           ) E-03            1.1    E-02 I                                                      Sb-125 Cs-134 Cs-137

[ ( (

                                                                                         -2.512.7 1.0
                                                                                         -1.5 i

i 1.1 1.0

                                                                                                                 ) E-03
                                                                                                                 ) E-03
                                                                                                                 ) E-03 1.1 4.4 4.6 E-02 E-03 E-03 BaLa-140                   [       2.6  1   3.3           ) E-03            1.5    E-02 I                                                      Ce-141 Ce-144

[ [

                                                                                           -3 8.3 i

i 38 9.4

                                                                                                                 ) E-04
                                                                                                                 ) E-03 1.5 3.6 E-02 E-02
   ....____.____....______-..===--- =_______-__-_-_____.-- ___                                                                 _____________                                                                ..________.a__._-_

N;t3(c): j A - Calculated MDCs are a-posteriori values. Reviewed by r

                                                       ,_______ i_                                 ..__________           __l_______

E. alMoreno A. D. Bahavali

                  # - Report updated to include all routine 10 CFR 61 analyses requested.

MALLED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY DEC 0 51998 10 CFR Part 50/61 Analysis Report DE&S Page 1 of 1 NVIRONMENTAL LAB. Laborttory Sample Number Z10833 Customer: Iowa State Sample submission Codes OSOLO4 3798 Sample Reference Dates September 17, 1998 Media Type Solid Date Sample Received: October 1, 1998 Tatc1 Amt of Sample Sent: 6.58 g Count Date: October 9, 1998 Report Date: December 1, 1998 Sample


Lead - 005 Minimum Detectable Aliquot Activity Concentration Concentration (A) Weight Net i la Overall on Reference Date l An31ycis Processed on Reference Date CALCULATED REQUIRED Rcqus;ted (g) Isotope [ pCi/g ) [ pC1/g ] Note (s) 1 C 6.5788 Cr-51 ( 6 i 14 ) E-04 5.7 E-03 Kn-54 [ -1.8 i 1.2 ) E-04 5.4 E-04 7.0E+00 IammaScan co-57 [ 2 i 13 J E-05 5.0 E-04 7.0E+00 Co-58 ( -1.9 1 1.4 ) E-04 6.1 E-04 7.0E+00 7.0E+00 I ) E-05 Fe-59 [ 7 i 42 1.8 E-03 Co-60 [ 1.8 i 1.2 ] E-04 5.0 E-04 7.0E+00 Zn-65 ( -6.7 1 3.5 ) E-04 1.6 E-03 7.0E+00 Nb-94 [ -5 i 10 ) E-05 4.6 E-04 2.0E-03 C I Zr-95 Nb-95 Ru-103 [ [ [

                                                                                                            -3 8

1 i 1 24 1.7 14

                                                                                                                                                                  ) E-05
                                                                                                                                                                  ) E-04
                                                                                                                                                                  ) E-05 1.0 E-03 7.3 5.7 E-04 E-04 7.0E+00 7.0E+00 7.0E+00 Ru-106                    [                 -1.0                   1        9.4                            ) E-04             4.0  E-03       7.0E+00 I                                                     Ag-108m Ag-110m Sb-124

[ ( (

                                                                                                   -1.0 2

7 i 1 1 1.1 16 22

                                                                                                                                                                  ) E-04
                                                                                                                                                                  } E-05
                                                                                                                                                                  ) E-05 4.6 6.8 1.0 E-04 E-04 E-03 7.0E+00 7.0E+00 7.0E+00 Sb-125                    [                      1.6               1         2.6                           ) E-04             1.1  E-03       7.0E+00 I                                                     cc-134 L 137 BaLa-140

[ [ ( -1.9 9 1 1 1 i 10 10 3.9

                                                                                                                                                                  ) E-05
                                                                                                                                                                  ) E-05
                                                                                                                                                                  ) E-04 4.2 4.3 1.8 E-04 E-04 E-03 7.0E+00 1.0E-02 Co-141                    [                 -2.1                   1        3.5                            ) E-04             1.4  E-03       7.0E+00 Ce-144                    [                 -1.0                   1         1.0                           ) E-03             4.0  E-03       7.0E+00 Nito(G):
  ~ A - Calculated MDCs are a-posteriori values.

C - Required MDC is for activated metal. [ Reviewed by

                                        ..                      _.--..__                                                            __                                      . __ -       .~
                                                       .i Moreno                                                                                  A. D. Banavali M

Eo . JUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY DEC 0 51998 ___------____-____ _____----_____ 10 CFR Part 50/61 Analysis Report DE&S ___--_-------___-.__-----________ ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Page 1 of 1 Laboratory Sample Number E10836 Customer: Iowa State Sample Submission Codes OSOLO6 3898 Sample Reference Date: September 24, 1998 Media Types Solid Date Sample Received: October 1, 1998 Tatc1 Amt of Sample sent: 22.97 g Count Date: October 15, 1998 Report Dates December 1, 1998 i Sample


Sediment VSIO1-010 Minimum Detectable Aliquot Activity Concentration Concentration (A) Weight Net i la Overall on Reference Date Analy;is Processed on Reference Date CALCULATED REQUIRED Requscted [g] Isotope [ pCi/g ) [ pCi/g } Note (s) Camma Scan 22.9689 Cr-51 [ 3.5 1 2.8 ) E-05 1.1 E-04 Mn-54 [ 4.8 i 3.5 ) E-06 1.4 E-05 Co-57 [ 3.4 1 1.5 ) E-06 5.3 E-06 Co-58 [ -1.3 1 4.6 ) E-06 2.1 E-05 l Fe-59 [ -1 1 13 ) E-06 6.0 E-05 Co-60 [ 1.7 1 2.8 ) E-06 1.2 E-05 En-65 [ -2.7 1 1.4 ) E-05 6.4 E-05 Nb-94 [ 1.8

  • 2.7 ) E-06 1.2 E-05 Er-95 [ -2.1 1 6.9 ) E-06 3.1 E-05 Nb-95 ( 4.3 1 4.4 ) E-06 1.8 E-05 Ru-103 [ -5140 ) E-07 1.7 E-05 Ru-106 [ 3.9 1 2.6 ) E-05 1.0 E-04 Ag-108m [ 4 1 34 ) E-07 1.5 E-05 Ag-110m [ 1.1 1 6.3 ) E-06 2.7 E-05 Sb-124 [ 6.0 1 3.5 ) E-06 5.5 E-06 Sb-125 [ -8.4 1 9.0 ) E-06 4.0 E-05 Cs-134 [ -1.3 1 4.4 } E-06 2.0 E-05 Cs-137 [ 3.3 1 2.0 ) E-06 6.3 E-06 BaLa-140 [ 1.1 1 1.2 ) E-05 5.1 E-05 co-141 [ -6.5 1 5.3 ) E-06 2.3 E-05 Ce-144 [ 4 1 13 ) E-06 5.3 E-05 Nit 3(0):

{ A'- Calculated MDCs are a-posteriori values. Reviewed by h \ f

                                                                                                                                                                                    '1%                   W 7_______A__

E. M.\Moreno A. D. Banavali I l:

MAILED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY DEC 0 51998 . ------------------------....... 10 CFR Part 50/61 Analysis Report DE&S - - - - - . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Page 1 of 1 Labor:. tory sample Number 310837 Customer: Iowa State sample submission Codes osoLO7 3898 sample Reference Dates september 24, 1998 Media Types solid Date sample Received: October 1, 1998 T tol Amt of temple sent: 23.45 g Count Date: October 15, 1998 Report Date December 1, 1998 sample


Crud vsIO1-011 Minimum Detectable Aliquot Activity concentration Concentration (A)

                           -Neight                                       Not        i         lo overall                                         on R6ference DAte Anslycis               Processed                                          on Reference Date                                                 CALCGLATED       REQUIRED Requatted                   [g]               Isotope                             [ pCi/g )                                                       [ yci/g ]           Note (s)

Gamma scan 23.4460 Cr-51 [ -4.1 1 3.8 ) E-05 1.7 E-04 Mn-54 [ 3.4 1 3.8 ) E-03 1.8 E-05 Co-57 [ 1.0 1 1.6 ) E-06 6.2 E-06 Co-58 [ 5.4 1 2.7 ) E-06 1.0 E-05 Fe-59 .[ 1.57 1 0.56 ) E-05 5.3 E-06 Co-60 [ 7.4 i 3.3 ) E-06 1.2 E-05 En-65 [ -1.6 i 1.1 ) E-05 5.0 E-05 Nb-94 [ -2 1 30 ) E-07 1.4 E-05 Er-95 [ -3.9 i 6.6 ) E-06 3.0 E-05 Nb-95 [ 5.3 i 5.0 ) E-06 2.1 E-05 Ru-103 [ -2.8 1 4.4 ) E-06 2.0 E-05 Ru-106 [ 2.0 1 2.4 ) E-05 1.0 E-04 Ag-108m [ 4.6 1 3.6 ) E-06. 1.7 E-05 Ag-110m [ -3.:i 1 5.9 ) E-06 2.7 E-05 sb-124 [ -2 i 10 ) E-06 3.0 E-05 sb-125 [ 3.2 i 8.0 ) E-06 3.5 E-05 Cs-134 [ -6.2 1 4.0 ) E-06 1.9 E-05 Cs.137 [ 4.512.6 } E-06 1.0 E-05 BaLa-140 [ -5 i 10 ) E-06 5.0 E-05 Co-141 [ 6 1 52 ) E-07 2.1 E-05 Co-144 [ -4 i 13 ) E -06 5.2 E-05 Nst3(0): A - Csiculated MDCs are a-posteriori values. Reviewed by NY P \tYLI

                                            ,(:,_y--_--__---                   t             -----_. --- -------

4,/gr E. M. Moreno A. D. Banavali L

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4 4 i 8

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i i i. 4 I b i E b i I l I-l

I CBA01 Redue:d Cta-Gamma TSC Data I Channel Reading BKG Efficiency Net Survey Location Date Probe S/N Type (cpm) (cpm) (c/d) (dpm/100cm*) I CBA01ABCA001 9/16/98 350 Beta 156 171 0.145 -103 CBA01ABCA003 9/16/98 350 Beta 169 171 0.145 -14 CBA01ABCB005 9/16/98 350 Beta 218 171 0.145 324 I CBA01ABCB007 CBA01ABCB009 9/16/98 9/16/98 350 350 Beta Beta 190 187 171 171 0.145 0.145 131 110 CBA01ABCB011 9/16/98 350 Beta 165 171 0.145 -41 CBA01ABCB017 9/16/98 350 Beta 170 171 0.145 -7 l CBA01ABCB019 9/16/98 350 Beta 208 171 0.145 255 CBA01ABCB021 9/16/98 350 Beta 185 171 0.145 97 CBA01ABCB023 9/16/98 350 Beta 196 171 0.145 172 I CBA01ABCG025 9/16/98 350 Beta 178 171 0.145 48 GA01ABCB027 9/16/98 350 Beta 185 171 0.145 97 CBA01ABCB029 9/16/98 350 Beta 151 171 0.145 -13S I CBA01ABC8031 9/16/98 350 Beta 193 171 0.145 152 CBA01ABCG035 9/16/98 350 Beta 150 171 0.145 -145 CBA01ABCB037 9/16/98 350 Beta 197 171 0.145 179 CBA01ABCB039 9/16/98 350 Beta I CBA01 ABCB041 9/16/98 350 Beta 173 185 171 171 0.145 0.145 14 97 CBA01ABCB043 9/16/98 350 Beta 209 171 0.145 262 CBA01ABCB045 9/16/98 350 Beta 172 171 0.145 7 l CBA01ABCB047 9/16/98 350 Beta 209 171 0.145 262 CBA01ABCB049 9/16/98 350 Beta 182 171 0.145 76 CBA01ABCB051 9/16/98 350 Beta 188 171 0.145 117 I CBe.01ABCB053 9/16/98 350 Beta 189 171 0.145 124 CBA01ABCB057 9/16/98 350 Beta 168 171 0.145 -21 CBA01ABCB059 9/16/98 350 Beta 178 171 0.145 48 l CBA01ABCB061 CBA01ABCB063 9/16/98 9/16/98 350 350 Beta Beta 185 167 171 0.145 0.145 97 171 -28 CBA01ABCB065 9/16/98 350 Beta 148 171 0.145 -159 CBA01ABCB067 9/16/98 350 Beta 220 171 0.145 338 CBA01ABCB069 9/16/98 350 Beta 190 171 0.145 131 CBA01ABCB071 9/16/3G 350 Beta 174 171 0.145 21 CBA01ABCB073 9/16/98 350 Beta 198 171 0.145 186 l CBA01ABCB075 9/16/98 350 Beta 162 171 0.145 -62 CBA01ABCB077 9/16/98 350 Beta 133 171 0.145 -262 CBA01ABCB079 9/16/98 350 Beta 144 171 0.145 -186 I CBA01ABCB081 9/1S!08 350 Beta 153 171 0.145 -124 CBA01ABCB083 9/16/98 350 Beta 166 171 0.145 -34 CBA01ABCB085 9/16/98 350 Beta 172 171 0.145 7 CBA01ABCB087 9/16/98 350 Beta 175 171 0.145 28 CBA01ABCB089 9/16/98 350 Beta 183 171 0.145 83 [ CBA01ABCB091 9/16/98 350 Beta 178 171 0.14 5 48 CBA01ABCB093 9/16/98 350 Beta 147 171 0.145 -166 CBA01ABCB095 9/16/98 350 Beta 190 171 0.145 131 [ CBA01ABCB097 9/16/98 350 Beta 143 171 0.145 -193 CBA01BBCB099 9/16/98 351 Beta 129 171 0.142 -296 CBA01BBCB101 9/16/98 351 Beta 129 171 0.142 -296

f. CBA01BBCB103 9/16/98 351 Beta 134 171 0.142 -261 CBA01BBCB105 9/16/98 351 Beta 152 171 0.142 -134 I


CBA01 Roduced Beta-Gamma TSC Data


Channel Reading BKG EfGelency Net Suwey Location Date Probe S/N Type (cpm) (cpm) (c/d) (dpm/100cm') CBA018BC8007 9/16/98 350 Beta 156 171 0.143 106 CBA01BBCB109 9/16/98 351 Beta 154 171 0.142 -120 CBA01BBCB111 9/16/98 351 Beta 172 171 0.142 7 CBA01BBCB113 9/16/98 351 Beta 133 171 0.142 -268 CBA01BBCB115 9/16/98 351 Beta 144 171 0.142 -190 l CBA01BBCB117 9/16/98 351 Beta 121 171 0.142 -352 i CBA01BBCB119 CBA01BBCD121 CBA01BBCD123 9/16/98 9/16/98 9/16/98 351 350 350 Beta Beta Beta 186 146 114 171 171 171 0.142 0.145 0.145 106

                                                                                          -393 I CBA01BBCD125 CBA01BBCD127 CBA01BBCD129 9/16/98 9/16/98 9/16/98 350 350 350 Beta Beta Beta 115 157 186 171 171 171 0.145 0.145 0.145
                                                                                           -97 103 CBA01BBCD131   9/16/98    350     Beta             175              171    0.145         28 I CBA01BBCD133 CBA01BBCD135 9/16/98 9/16/98 350 350 Beta Beta 139 144 171 171 0.145 0.145
                                                                                          -186 CBA01BBCD137   9/16/98    350      Beta            172              171    0.145 i

7 CBA01BBCD139 9/16/98 350 Beta 181 171 0.145 69 CBA01BBCD141 9/16/98 350 Beta 143 171 0.145 -193 CBA01BBCD143 9/16/98 350 Beta 155 171 0.145 -110 CBA01BBCD145 9/16/98 350 Beta 167 171 0.145 -28 1 CBA01BBCD147 9/16/98 350 Beta 162 171 0.145 -62 CBA01BBCD149 9/16/98 350 Beta 156 171 0.145 -103 CBA01BBCD151 9/16/98 350 Beta 162 0.145 I CBA01BBCD153 CBA01BBCD155 9/16/98 9/16/98 350 350 Beta Beta 152 133 171 171 171 0.145 0.145

                                                                                          -262 CBA01BBCD157   9/16/98    350     Beta            129               171    0.145       -290 I CBA01BBCD159 CBA01BBCD161 9/16/98 9/16/98 350 350 Beta Beta 174 205 171 171 0.145 0.145 21 234 CBA01BBCD163   9/16/98    350     Beta            165               171    0.145        -41 I CBA01BBCE165 CBA01BBCD167 9/16/98 9/16/98 350 350 Beta Beta 297 167 313 171 0.145 0.145
                                                                                           -28 CBA01BBCG169   9/16/98    350     Beta            161               171    0.145        -69 CBA0iBBCE174   9/16/98    351     Beta          284                 313    0.142       -204 I CBA01BBCD175   9/16/98    351     Beta            170               171    0.142         -7 CBA01BBCE178   9/16/98    351     Beta           335                313    0.142        155 CBA01BBCD179   9/16/98    351     Beta            191               171    0.142 i CBA01BBCE182 CBA01BBCD183 9/16/98 9/16/98 351 351 Beta Beta 442 230 313 171 0.142 0.142 141 908 415 CBA01BBCE186   9/16/98    351     Beta          313                 313    0.142          0 i CBA01BBCD187 CBA01BBCE190 9/16/98 9/16/98 351 351 Beta Beta 178 292 171 313 0.142 0.142 49
                                                                                          -148 CBA01BBCE191   9/16/98    351     Beta           142                313    0.142      -1204 CBA01FBCE194   9/18/98    350     Beta          320                 313    0.145        48 I CBA01FBCD195   9/18/98    350     Beta           176                171    0.145         34 CBA01FBCD196   9/18/98    350     Beta           194                171    0. '-15      159 CBA01FBCE197   9/18/98    350     Beta         349                  313    0.145       248 I CBA01BBCE198   9/18/98    350     Beta         332                  313    0.145        131 CBA01BBCD199   9/18/98    350     Beta         200                  171    0.145       200 CBA01BBCD201   9/16/98    351     Beta          199                 171    0.142        197 I


l CBA01 Reduc:d B:ta Gamma TSC Data , l Channel Reading BKG Efficiency Net l Survey Location Data Probe S/N Type (cpm) (cpm) (c/d) Idpm/100cm ) C8A01BBC8003 9/16/98 350 Beta 150 171 0.145 -$63 CBA01BBCD205 9/16/98 351 Beta 199 171 0.142 197 I CBA01BBCD207 9/16/98 351 Beta 222 171 0.142 359 l l CBA01BBCD209 9/16/98 351 Beta 314 171 0.142 1007 CBA01BBCD211 9/16/98 351 Beta 280 171 0.142 768 CBA01BBCD213 9/16/98 351 Beta 269 171 0.142 690 , CBA01BBCD215 9/16/98 351 Beta 255 171 0.142 592 CBA01BBCD217 9/16/98 351 Beta 197 171 0.142 183 CBA01BBCD219 9/16/98 351 Beta 151 171 0.142 -141 CBA01BBCD221 9/16/98 351 Beta 149 171 0.142 -155 CBA01FBCA222 9/18/98 350 Beta 156 171 0.145 -103 t CBA01FBCA223 9/18/98 350 Beta 141 171 0.145 -207 CBA01FBCA224 9/18/98 350 Beta 1420 171 0.145 8614 CBA01FBCA225 9/18/98 350 Beta 179 171 0.145 55 CBA01FBCA226 9/18/98 350 Beta 154 171 0.145 -117 i CBA01FBCA127 9/18/98 350 Beta 145 171 0.145 -179 CBA01FBCA228 9/18/98 350 Beta 150 171 0.145 -145 CBA01FBCA229 9/18/98 350 Beta 196 171 0.145 172 CBA01FBCA230 9/18/98 350 Beta 179 171 0.145 55 CBA01FBCA232 9/18/98 350 Beta 167 171 0.145 -28 CBA01FBCA233 9/18/98 350 Beta 158 171 0.145 -90 CBA01FBCA231 9/18/98 350 Beta 171 171 0.145 0 CBA01FBCA234 9/18/98 350 Beta 136 171 0.145 -241 l ? l l

CBA02 Reduced Beta-Gimms TSC D:ta Net Probe Reading BKG Efficiency (dPm/100 Survey Location Log Date Measurement # SIN Channel (cpm) (cpm) (c/d) cm') l CBA02CCCG004 9/18/98 CBA02CCCG005 9/18/98 4 5 350 350 Beta Beta 212 196 192 192 0.145 0.145 138 28 CBA02CCCG006 9/18/98 6 350 Beta 206 192 0.145 97 CBA02CCCG007 9/18/98 7 350 Beta 177 192 0.145 -103 I CBA02CCCG008 9/18/98 8 350 Beta 179 192 0.145 -90 CBA02CCCG009 9/18/98 9 350 Beta 210 192 0.145 124 CBA02CCCG010 9/18/98 10 350 Beta 235 192 0.145 297 I CBA02CCCG011 9/18/98 CBA02CCCG012 9/18/98 11 12 350 350 Beta Beta 224 199 192 192 0.145 0.145 221 48 CBA02CCCE013 9/18/98 13 350 Beta 341 375 0.145 234 9/18/98 350 Beta 323 375 0.145 I CBA02CCCE014 CBA02CCCE015 9/18/98 14 15 350 Beta 335 375 0.145

                                                                                         -359 276 CBA02CCCE016     9/18/98      16         350      Beta     392    375    0.145        117 CBA02CCCE017     9/18/98      17         350      Beta     450    375    0.145        517 I  CBA02CCCE018 CBA02CCCE019 9/18/98 9/18/98 18 19 350 350 Beta Beta 438 348 375 375 0.145 0.145 434 186 CBA02CCCE020 9/18/98          20         350      Beta     384    375    0.145         62 i CBA02CCCE021     9/18/98 CBA02CCCG022 9/18/98 21 22 350 350 Beta Beta 296 171 375 192 0.145 0.145
                                                                                         -545 145 CBA02CCCG023 9/18/98          23         350      Beta     196    192    0.145         28 CBA02CCCG024     9/18/98      24         350      ueta     189    192    0.145        -21 I  CBA02CCCE025 CBA02CCCE026 9/18/98 9/18/98 25 26 350 350 Beta Beta 440 374 375 375 0.145 0.145 448
                                                                                           -7 CBM2CCCE027      9/18/98      27         350      Beta     376    375    0.145          7 i  CBA02CCCG028 9/18/98 CBA02CCCG029 9/18/98 CBA02CCCG030 9/18/98 28 29 30 350 350 350 Beta Beta Beta 147 171 181 192 192 192 0.145 0.145 0.145
                                                                                          -76 I

I I I I L [ [ r

I CBA03 R:duced Beta Gamma TSC Data Net Channel BKG Efficiency (dpm/100 Survey Location Log Date Probo S/N Type Reading (cpm) (c/d) cm2) CBA03CCCG001 9/18/98 350 Beta 152 137 0.145 103 CBA03CCCG002 9/18/98 350 Beta 155 137 0.145 124 CBA03CCCG003 9/18/98 350 Beta 115 137 0.145 -152 CBA03CCCG004 9/18/98 350 Beta 131 137 0.145 -41 CBA03CCCG005 9/18/98 350 Beta 152 137 0.145 103 CBA03CCCG006 9/18/98 350 Beta 128 137 0.145 -62 CBA03CCCG007 9/22/98 350 Beta 154 137 0.145 117 CBA03CCCG009 9/22/98 350 Beta 127 137 0.145 -69 CBA03CCCG010 9/22/98 350 Beta 120 137 0.145 -117 CBA03CCCG011 9/22/98 350 Beta 108 137 0.145 -200 CBA03CCCG012 9/22/98 350 Beta 106 137 0.145 -214 CBA03CCCG013 9/22/98 350 Beta 124 137 0.145 -90 CBA03CCCG014 9/22/98 351 Beta 139 137 0.142 14

     ' CBA03CCCG015   9/22/98     351                                                   Beta                                  135    137    0.142       -14 CBA03CCCG016   9/22/98     351                                                   Beta                                  180    137    0.142       303 CBA03CCCG017   9/22/98     351                                                   Beta                                  162    137    0.142       176 CBA03CCCG018   9/22/98     351                                                   Beta                                 1270    137    0.142      7979 CBA03CCCG019   9/22/98     351                                                   Beta                                  199    137    0.142       437 CBA03CCCG020   9/22/98     351                                                   Beta                                  303    137    0.142      1169 CBA03CCCG021   9/22/98     351                                                   Beta                                  212    137    0.142       528 CBA03CCCG022   9/22/98     351                                                   Beta                                  372    137    0.142      1655 CBA03CCCG023   9/22/98     351                                                   Beta                                  239    137    0.142       718 CBA03CCCG024   9/22/98     351                                                   Beta                                  176    137    0.142       275 CBA03CCCG025   9/22/98     351                                                   Beta                                  122    137    0.142      -106 r*

CBA05 Riduc'.d Beta-Gamma TSC Data i Measurement Log Probe Channel BKG Efficiency Net Survey Location # Date SIN Type Reading (cpm) (c/d) (dpm/100cm2) 9/22/98 350 Beta 151 189 0.145 -262 'I CBA05 FACB 001 1 i CBA05 FACB 002 2 9/22/98 350 Beta 154 189 0.145 -241 I CBA05 FACB 003 3 9/22/98 350 Beta 158 189 0.145 -214 l CBA05 FACB 003 3 9/22/98 350 Beta 135 189 0.145 -372 CBA05 FACB 004 4 9/22/98 350 Beta 155 189 0.145 -234 CBA05 FACB 005 5 9/22/98 350 Beta 181 189 0.145 55 CBA05 FACB 006 6 9/22/98 350 Beta 177 189 0.145 -83 CBA05 FACB 007 7 9/22/98 350 Beta 114 189 0.145 -517 CBA05 FACB 008 8 9/22/98 350 Beta 150 189 0.145 269 CBA05 FACB 009 9 9/22/98 350 Beta 115 189 0.145 -510 l CBA05 FACB 010 10 9/22/98 350 Beta 165 189 0.145 166 CBA05 FACB 011 11 9/22/98 350 Beta 200 189 0.145 76 CBA05 FACB 012 12 9/22/98 350 Beta 183 189 0.145 -41 CBA05 FACB 013 13 9/22/98 350 Beta 190 189 0.145 7 l l CBA05 FACB 014 14 9/22/98 350 Beta 160 189 0.145 -62 iR l3 CBA05 FACB 015 15 9/22/98 350 Beta 188 189 0.145 -7 CBA05 FACB 016 16 9/22/98 350 Beta 207 189 0.145 124

CBA05 FACB 017 17 9/22/98 350 Beta 209 189 0.145 138 CBA05 FACB 018 18 9/22/98 350 Beta 156 189 0.145 -228 i CBA05 FACB 019 19 9/22/98 350 Beta 252 189 0.145 434 ,

CBA05 FACB 020 20 9/22/98 350 Beta 172 189 0.145 -117 CBA05 FACB 021 21 9/22/98 350 Beta 211 189 0.145 152 CBA05 FACB 022 22 9/22/98 350 Beta 179 189 0.145 -69 CBA05 FACB 023 23 9/22/98 350 Beta 182 189 0.145 -48 l CBA05 FACB 024 24 9/22/98 350 Beta 181 189 0.145 -55 . CBA05 FACB 025 25 9/22/98 350 Beta 163 189 0.145 -179 CBA05 FACB 026 26 9/22/98 350 Beta 147 189 0.145 -290 l CBA05 FACB 027 27 9/22/98 350 Beta 175 189 0.145 -97 I CBA05 FACB 028 18 9/22/98 350 Beta 156 189 0.145 -228 CBA05 FACB 029 29 9/22/98 350 Beta 173 189 0.145 -110 CBA05 FACB 030 30 9/22/98 350 Beta 127 189 0.145 -428 l CBA05 FACB 031 31 9/22/98 350 Beta 122 189 0.145 -462 1

CBA05 FACB 032 32 9/22/98 350 Beta 176 189 0.145 -90  !

i CBA05 FACB 033 33 9/22/98 350 Beta 185 189 0.145 28 CBA05FAC8034 34 9/22/98 350 Beta 216 189 0.145 186  : CBA05 FACB 035 35 9/22/98 350 Beta 224 189 0.145 241 CBA05 FACB 036 36 9/22/98 350 Beta 208 189 0.145 131 CBA05 FACB 037 37 9/22/98 350 Beta 202 189 0.145 90 CBA05 FACB 038 38 9/22/98 350 Beta 194 189 0.145 34 CBA05 FACB 039 39 9/22/98 350 Beta 203 189 0.145 97 CBA05 FACB 040 40 9/22/98 350 Beta 228 189 0.145 269 CBA05 FACB 041 41 9/22/98 350 Beta 224 189 0.145 241 !E CBA05 FACB 042 42 9/22/98 350 Beta 236 189 0.145 324 j CBA05 FACB 043 43 44 9/22/98 9/22/98 350 350 Beta Beta 186 193 189 189 0.145 0.145

                                                                                                   -21 28 CBA05 FACB 044 l       CBA05 FACB 045       45     9/22/98    350       Beta     156     189     0.1< 0             228 CBA05 FACB 046       46     9/22/98    350       Beta     174     189     0.145            -103

$ CBA05 FACB 047 47 9/22/98 350 Beta 170 189 0.145 -131 CBA05 FACB 048 48 9/22/98 350 Beta 165 189 0.145 -166 I CBA05 FACB 049 CBA05 FACB 050 CBA05 FACB 051 49 50 51 9/22/98 9/22/98 9/22/98 350 350 350 Beta Beta Beta 164 178 180 189 189 189 0.145 0.145 0.145

                                                                                                    -62 CBA05 FACB 052       52      9/22/98    350      Beta     181     189     0.145              -55 CBA05 FACB 053       53      9/22/98    350      Beta     150     189     0.145            -269

I CBA05 Reducid Beta-Gamma TSC Data Measurement Log Probe Channel BKG Efficiency Net Survey Location # Date S/N Type Reading (cpm) (c/d) (dpm/100cm2) CBA06 FACB 004 54 9/22/96 360 Beta ile 949 0.146 -862 CBA05 FACB 055 55 9/22/98 350 Beta 242 189 0.145 366 CBA05 FACB 056 56 9/22/98 350 Beta 182 189 0.145 -48 CBA05 FACB 057 57 9/22/98 350 Beta 240 189 0.145 352 CBA05 FACB 058 58 9/22/98 350 Beta 226 189 0.145 255 CBA05 FACB 059 59 9/22/98 350 Beta 214 189 0.145 172 CBA05 FACB 060 60 9/22/98 350 Beta 235 189 0.145 317 I CBA05 FACB 061 CBA05 FACB 062 CBA05 FACB 063 61 62 63 9/22/98 9/22/98 9/22/98 350 350 350 Beta Beta Beta 268 274 207 189 189 189 0.145 0.145 0.145 545 586 124 CBA05 FACB 064 64 9/22/98 351 Beta 236 189 0.142 331 CBA05 FACB 005 65 9/22/98 351 Beta 210 189 0.142 148 CBA05 FACB 066 66 9/22/98 351 Beta 260 189 0.142 500 CBA05 FACB 067 67 9/22/98 351 Beta 213 189 0.142 169 CBA05 FACB 068 68 9/22/98 351 Beta 186 189 0.142 -21 CBA05 FACB 069 69 9/22/98 351 Beta 166 189 0.142 162 CBA05 FACB 070 70 9/22/98 351 Beta 198 189 0.142 63 CBA05 FACB 071 71 9/22/98 351 Beta 187 189 0.142 -14 CBA05 FACB 072 72 9/22/98 351 Beta 216 189 0.142 100 CBA05 FACB 073 73 9/22/98 351 Beta 204 189 0.142 106 CBA05 FACB 077 77 9/22/98 351 Beta 234 189 0.142 317 I CBA05 FACB 078 CBA05 FACB 079 CBA05 FACB 080 78 79 80 9/22/98 9/22/98 9/22/98 351 351 351 Beta Beta Beta 260 245 232 189 189 189 0.142 0.142 0.142 500 394 303 CBA05 FACB 081 81 9/22/98 351 Beta 223 189 0.142 239 CBA05 FACB 082 82 9/22/98 351 Beta 251 189 0.142 437 CBA05 FACB 083 83 9/22/98 351 Beta 243 189 0.142 380 CBA05 FACB 084 84 9/22/98 351 Beta 236 189 0.142 331 CBA05 FACB 084 84 9/22/98 351 Beta 192 189 0.142 21 CBA05 FACB 085 85 9/22/98 351 Beta 235 189 0.142 324 CBA05 FACB 086 86 9/22/98 351 Beta 224 189 0.142 246 CBA05FACG087 87 9/22/98 351 Beta 154 164 0.142 70 CSA05FACG088 88 9/22/98 351 Beta 154 164 0.142 70 CBA05 FACB 089 89 9/22/98 351 Beta 253 189 0.142 451 CBA05 FACB 090 90 9/22/98 351 Beta 225 189 0.142 254 CBA05FACG091 91 9/22/98 351 Beta 170 164 0.142 42 CBA05FACG092 92 9/22/98 351 Beta 130 164 0.142 -239 CBA05 FACB 093 93 9/22/98 351 Beta 205 189 0.142 113 CBA05 FACB 094 94 9/22/98 351 Beta 215 189 0.142 183 CBA05 FACB 095 95 9/22/98 351 Beta 207 189 0.142 127 CBA05 FACB 096 96 9/22/98 351 Beta 254 189 0.142 458 CBA05 FACB 097 97 9/22/98 351 Beta 225 189 0.142 254 I CBA05 FACB 098 CBA05 FACB 099 CBA05FACG100 98 99 100 9/22/98 9/22/E8 9/22/98 351 351 351 Beta Beta Beta 206 193 138 189 189 164 0.142 0.142 0.142 120 28

                                                                                                                                                                    -183 CBA05FACG101        101                                   9/22/98                                              351     Beta        152     164   0.142         -85 CBA05FACG102        102                                   9/22/98                                              351     Beta        179     164   0.142         106 CBA05FACG103        103                                   9/22/98                                              351     Beta        188     164   0.142         155 CBA05 FACB 104      104                                   9/22/98                                              351     Beta       200      189   0.142          77 CBA05 FACB 105      105                                   9/22/98                                              351  Alpha / Beta  203            0.142 CBA05 FACB 106      106                                   9/22/98                                              351     Beta       192      189   0.142          21 CBA05 FACB 107      107                                   9/22/98                                              351     Beta       214      189   0.142         176 L M05 FACB 108      108                                   9/22/98                                              351     Beta       203      189   0.142          99 I    CBA05 FACB 109      109                                   9/22/98                                              351     Beta       184      189   0.142         -35

CBA05 R:due:d Beta-Gamma TSC Data Measurement Log Probs Channel BKG Efficiency Not Survey Location # Date S/N Type Reading (cpm) (c!d) (dpml100cm2) I CBA06 FACB 000 CBA05 FACB 111 CBA05 FACB 112 110 111 112 9/22/98 9/22/98 9/22/98 350 350 350 Beta Beta Beta 187 160 125 189 189 189 0.145 0.145 0.145 afs2

                                                                                         -441 CBA05 FACB 113         113     9/22/98   350       Beta    177      189    0.145         -83 CBA05 FACB 114         114     9/22/98   350       Beta    246      189    0.145         393 CBA05 FACB 115         115     9/22/98   350       Beta    137      189    0.145        -359 CBA05 FACB 116         116     9/22/98   350       Beta    168      189    0.145        -145 CBA05 FACB 117         117     9/22/98   350       Beta    154      189     0.145       -241 CBA05 FACB 118         118     9/22/98   350       Beta    170      189     0.145       -131 CBA05 FACB 119         119     9/22/98   350       Beta     158     189     0.145       -214 I

CBA05 FACB 120 120 9/22/98 350 Beta 159 189 0.145 -207 CBA05 FACB 121 121 9/22/98 350 Beta 253 189 0.145 441 CBA05 FACB 122 122 9/22/98 350 Beta 137 189 0.145 -359 CBA05 FACB 123 123 9/22/98 350 Beta 131 189 0.145 -400 CBA05 FACB 124 124 9/22/98 350 Beta 167 109 0.145 152 CBA05 FACB 126 126 9/23/98 351 Beta 143 189 0.142 -324 CBA05 FACB 127 127 9/23/98 351 Beta 170 189 0.142 -134 CBA05 FACB 128 128 9/23/98 351 Beta 165 189 0.142 -169 CBA05 FACB 129 129 9/23/98 351 Beta 176 189 0.142 -92 CBA05 FACB 130 130 9/23/98 351 Beta 166 189 0.142 162 CBA05 FACB 131 131 9/23/98 350 Beta 174 189 0.145 -103 I CDA05 FACB 132 CBA05 FACB 133 CBA05 FACB 134 132 133 134 9/22/98 9/23/98 9/23/98 351 351 351 9 eta veta Beta 168 170 157 189 189 189 0.142 0.142 0.142

                                                                                          -225 CBA05 FACB 135         135     9/23/98  351       Beta     150     189     0.142        -275 CBA05 FACB 136         136     9/23/98  351       Beta     182     189     0.142         -49 CBA05 FACB 137         137     9/23/98   351      Beta     185     189     0.142         -28 CBA05 FACB 138         138     9/23/98   350      Beta     191      189    0.145          14 I  CBA05 FACB 139 CBA05 FACB 139 CBA05 FACB 140 139 139 140 9/23/98 9/23/98 9/22/98 350 350 351 Beta Beta Beta 171 195 171 189 189 189 0.145 0.145 0.142 124 41
                                                                                          -127 CBA05 FACB 141         141     9/22/98   351      Beta     211      189    0.142         155 CBA05 FACB 142         142     9/23/98   350       Beta    200      189    0.145          76 CBA05 FACB 143         143     9/23/98   350       Beta     172     189     0.145         117 CBA05 FACB 144         144     9/23/98   350       Beta     191     189    0.145          14 CBA05 FACB 145         145     9/23/98   350       Beta     190     189     0.145          7 I


NELO1 Redue:d Beta Gamma TSC Data Measurement Probe Channel BKG Efficiency Net (dpm/100 Survey Location # Log Date S/N Type Reading (cpm) (cid) cm*) NELO1FCCA001 1 9/21/98 350 Beta 245 205 0.145 276 NELO1FCCA002 2 9/21/98 350 Beta 251 205 0.145 317 NEL01FCCA003 3 9/21/98 350 Beta 232 205 0.145 186 NELO1FCCA004 4 9/21/98 350 Beta 253 205 0.145 331 NELO1FCCA006 6 9/21/98 350 Beta 217 205 0.145 83 NELO1FCCJ007 7 9/21/98 350 Beta 287 287 0.145 0 I NEL01FCCG008 NELO1FCCA009 NELO1FCCG010 8 9 10 9/21/98 9/21/98 9/21/98 350 350 350 Beta Beta Beta 161 172 121 148 205 148 0.145 0.145 0.145 90

                                                                                           -186 NELO1FCCA011        11       9/21/98   350      Beta     211       205    0.145           41 NELO1FCCB012         12      9/21/98   350      Beta     177       175    0.145           14 NELO1FCCA013         13      9/21/98   350      Beta     182       205     0.145        -159 NELO1FCCA014         14      9/21/98   350      Beta     190       205     0.145        -103 NELO1FCCA015         15      9/21/98   350      Bett     211       205     0.145          41 NELO1FCCA016         16      9/21/98   350      Beta     190       205     0.145        -103 NELO1FCCA017        17      9/21/98   350      Beta      172      205     0.145        -228 NELO1FCCG018         18      9/21/98   350      Beta      147      148     0.145           -7 I NELO1FCCG019 NELO1FCCA020 NELO1FCCA021 19 20 21 9/21/98 9/21/98 9/21/98 350 350 350 Beta Beta Beta 161 179 196 148 205 205 0.145 0.145 0.145 90 179
                                                                                             -62 NELO1FCCA022        22      9/21/98   350      Beta     215       205     0.145           69 NELO1FCCA023        23      9/21/98   350      Beta      228      205     0.145          159 NEL01FCCA024        24      9/21/98   350      Beta      208      205     0.145           21 NELO1FCCA025        25      9/21/98   350      Beta      228      205     0.145          159 NELO1FCCA026        26      9/21/98   350      Beta      159      205     0.145         -317 NELO1FCCA027        27      9/21/98   350      Beta      194      205     0.145          -76 NELO1FCCA028        28      9/21/98   350      Beta      190      205     0.145           103  l NELO1FCCB029        29       9/21/98  350      Beta     1270       175    0.145        7552    f lI   NELO1FCCB030        30       9/21/98  350      Beta      173      175     0.145          -14 I

l I l 3 l l l l l I ' i

   .._          .. _ . _ _ _ . . _ _ . . . _ . . _ . . . _ . - . . . _ . . _ _ . . . . . _ . _                                    -____..m_..._ _ _

NEL02 R:duced Eeta Gamma TSC Data Measure Log Probe Channel BKG Efficiency Not

       ' Survey Location ment #                        Date              S/N                Type     Reading (cpm)       (c/d)  (dpm/100cm2)

NELO2FCCG001 1 9/22/98 350 Beta 208 143 0.145 448 NELO2FCCG002 2 9/22/98 350 Beta 146 143 0.145 21 NELO2FCCG003 3 9/22/98 350 Beta 131 143 0.145 -83 , NELO2FCCG004 . 4 9/22/98 350 Beta 167 143 0.145 166 L NELO2FCCG005 - 5 9/22/98 '350 Beta 160 143 0.145 117

NELO2FCCG006 '6 9/22/98 350 Beta 134 143 0.145 -62 I ' NELO2FCCG007 '7 9/22/98 350 Beta 369 143 0.145 1559 l ~ NELO2FCCA008 8 9/23/98 351 Beta 431 195 0.142 1662 NELO2FCCA009 9 9/23/98 351 Beta 3040 195 0.142 20035 NELO2FCCA010 10 9/23/98- 351 Beta 3490 195~ 0.142 23204 NELO2FCCA011 11 9/23/98 351 Beta 268 195 0.142 514 NELO2FCCA012 12- 9/22/98 350 Beta - 215 195 0.145 138
       . NELO2FCCG013                  13            9/23/98             351                  Beta     173     195       0.142         155 NELO2FCCA014 ~              14            9/22/98             350                  Beta     548     195       0.145       2434 NELO2FCCA016                15            9/22/98             350                  Beta     183     195       0.145         -83
         - NELO2FCCA015                15            9/23/98             351                  Beta     248     195       0.142        373 NELO2FCCA017                17            9/22/98             350                  Beta     186     195       0.145         -62 NELO2FCCA018               18            9/23/98             351                  Beta     188     195       0.142         -49 NELO2FCCG019                 19           9/22/98 - '350                           Beta     142     143       0.145          -7 NELO2FCCG020                20            9/22/98             350                  Beta     133     143       0.145         -69 NELO2FCCA021               21            9/22/98              350                 Beta     191     195       0.145         -28 NELO2FCCA022               22            9/22/98              350                 Beta     186     195       0.145         -62 l
          ' NELO2FCCA023               23          . 9/22/98              350                 Beta     218     195       0.145         159 NELO2FCCG024               24            9/22/98              350                 Beta    -134     143       0.145                      NELO2FCCA025             .25             9/22/98              350                 Beta     128     195       0.145        -462 NELO2FCCA025               25            9/22/98              350                . Beta     187    195       0.145         -55' NELO2FCCA026               26          .9/22/98               350                 Beta      189    195       0.145         -41 NELO2FCCG027 -              27           9/22/98              350                 Beta      128    143       0.145        -103 NELO2FCCA028                28           9/22/98              350                 Beta      182    195       0.145         -90 NELO2FCCA029 '              29           9/22/98              350               . Beta     203     195       0.145.         55 NELO2FCCA030                30           9/22/98              350                 Beta      199    195       0.145          28 L

NELO3 Reduccd Beta-Gamma TSC Data Measur Log Probe Channel BKG Efficiency Net (dpm/100 Survey Location ement # Date SIN Type Reading (cpm) (c/d) cm2)

 , NELO3FCCA001      1    9/23/98   351     Beta    244    205     0.142        275 NELO3FCCG002      2    9/23/98   351     Beta    210     148    0.142        437 NELO3FCCA003      3    9/23/98   351     Beta    237    205     0.142        225    ,

NELO3FCCA004 4 9/23/98 351 Beta 243 205 0.142 268 NELO3FCCA005 5 9/23/98 351 Beta 226 205 0.142 148 NELO3FCCG006 6 9/23/98 351 Beta 140 148 0.142 -56 NELO3FCCA007 7 9/23/98 351 Beta 235 205 0.142 211 NELO3FCCA008 8 9/23/98 351 Beta 214 205 0.142 63 0.142 77 I NELO3FCCG009 9 9/23/98 351 Beta 159 148 NELO3FCCG010 10 9/23/98 351 Beta 187 148 0.142 275 I NELO3FCCA011 11 9/23/98 351 Beta 210 205 0.142 35 I NELO3FCCA012 12 9/23/98 351 Beta 671 205 0.142 3282 NELO3FCCA013 13 9/23/98 351 Beta 462 205 0.142 1810 NELO3FCCA014 14 9/23/98 351 Beta 200 205 0.142 -35 NELO3FCCG015 15 9/23/98 351 Beta 458 148 0.142 2183 NELO3FCCG016 16 9/23/98 351 Beta 163 148 0.142 106 NELO3FCCA017 17 9/23/98 351 Beta 154 205 0.142 -359 NELO3FCCG018 18 9/23/98 351 Beta 125 148 0.142 -162 l I NELO3FCCG019 NELO3FCCA020 NELO3FCCA021 19 20 21 9/23/98 9/23/98 9/23/98 351 351 351 Beta Beta Beta 132 165 200 148 205 205 0.142 0.142 0.142

                                                                                 -35 l

l l NELO3FCCA022 22 9/23/98 351 Beta 169 205 0.142 -254 NELO3FCCG023 23 9/23/98 351 Beta 126 148 0.142 -155 NELO3FCCG024 24 9/23/98 351 Beta 143 148 0.142 -35 NELO3FCCG025 25 9/23/98 351 Beta 247 148 0.142 697 I NELO3FCCG025 NELO3FCCA026 NELO3FCCA027 25 26 27 9/23/98 9/23/98 9/23/98 351 351 351 Beta Beta Beta 117 196 193 148 205 205 0.142 0.142 0.142

                                                                                  -85 l

NELO3FCCA028 28 9/23/98 351 Beta 193 205 0.142 -85 NELO3FCCG029 29 9/23/98 351 Beta 153 148 0.142 35 NELO3FCCG030 30 9/23/98 351 Beta 151 148 0.142 21 I I I

l Fuel Storage Pit Reduced Beta G:mma TSC Dats l Not [ Surver Probe Log Channel BKG Efficiency Probe Area (dpm/100 Location Log 8 Log Date Log Time S/N Mode Type Reading (cpm) (c/d) (cm2) cm') 1 130 7/24/98 16:12:00 350 Scaler Beta 52 27 0.087 100 287 2 98 7/14/98 ' 15:03:00 193 Scaler Beta 36 28 0.065 15.5 794 3 134 7/24/98 16:17:00 350 Scaler Beta 42 38 0.087 100 49 4 100 7/24/98 15:09.00 ' 193 Scaler Beta 43 28 0.065 15.5 1489 5 138 //24/98 16:24:00 350 Scaler Beta 52 44 0.087 100 92

6 102 7/24/98 15
14:00 ; 193. Scaler Beta 45 32 0.065 15.5 1290 7/24/98 16:30:00 38 0.087 7 142 350 Scaler Beta 41 100 34 8 104 7/24/98 15:19:00 193 Scaler Beta 37 27 0.065 15.5 993 9 62 7/24/98 13:21:00 350 Scaler Beta 40 36 0.087 100 46 10 58 7/24/98 13:08:00 i 193 Scaler Beta 41 20 0.065 15.5 2084

, 11 66 7/24/98 '13:29.00 350 Scaler Beta 46 37 0.087 100 103 l 12 60 7/24/98 13:13.00 ; 193 Scaler Beta 44 14 0.065 15.5 2978 13 122 7/24/98 15:57:00 350 Scaler Beta 41 37 0.087 100 46 14 94 7/24/98 14:49:00 i 193' Scaler Beta 50 24 0.065 15.5 2581 l 15 126 7/24/98 ^ 16:05.00 350 Scaler Beta 46 47 0.087 100 -8 16 96 7/24/98 14:55:00 i193 Scaler Beta 47 25 0.065 15.5 _ 2184 17 34 7/24/98 12:05:00 350 Scaler Beta 37 41 0.087 100- -46 16 12 7/24/98 11:14:00 193 Scaler Beta' 26 25 0.065 15.5 99 , 19 70 7/24/98 13:35:00 350 Scaler Beta 37 35 0.087 100 23 l Scaler 70 33 0.065 20 52 7/24/98 12:46.00 l 193 Beta 15.5 3672 21 74 7/24/98 13.42.00 350 Scaler Beta 43 33 0.087 100 115 22 54 7/2d/98 12:56:00 , 193 Scaler Beta 46 24 0.065 15.5 2184 23 78 7/24/98 13:48:00 350 Scaler Beta 41 41 0.087 100 0 24 56 7/24/98 13:03:00 . 193 ' Scaler Beta 65 21 0.065 15.5 4367 25 26 7/24/98 11:52:00 350 Scaler Beta 56 42 0.087 100 157 26 4 7/24/98 10:27:00 , 193 Scaler Beta 37 25 0.065 15.5 1191 27 28 7/24/98 11:57:00 350 Scaler Beta 47 40 0.087 100 84 28 6 7/24/98 10:40:00 193 Scaler Beta 42 34 0.065 15.5 794 29 30 7/24/98 12:00:00 350 Scaler Beta 52 39 0.087 100 153 30 8 7/24/98 10:49:00 193 Scaler Beta 26 25 0.065 15.5 99 31 32 7/24/98 12:02:00 350 Scaler Beta 49 31 0.087 100 203 32 10 7/24/98 10:59:00 193 Scaler Beta 26 35 0.065 15.5 893 l l l l-l'


CBA01 Reducsd Alpha TSC Data Net Channel Efficiency (dpm/100 2 Survey Location Log Date Probe SIN Type Reading BKG (c/d) cm ) CBA01ABCA001 9/16/98 350 Alpha 4 0 0.151 23 CBA01ABCA003 9/16/98 350 Alpha 5 0 0.151 30 CBA01ABCB005 9/16/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 9 CBA01ABCB007 9/16/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 3 CBA01ABCB009 9/16/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 CBA01ABCB011 9/16/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 3 CBA01ABCB017 9/16/98 350 Alpha 2 0 0.151 10 CBA01ABCB019 9/16/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 9 CBA01ABCB021 9/16/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 10 CBA01ABCB023 9/16/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 3 CBA01ABCG025 9/16/98 350 Alpha 2 0 0.151 16 CBA01ABCB027 9/16/98 350 Alpha 5 0 0.151 36 s CBA01ABCB029 9/16/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 4 CBA01ABCB031 9/16/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 3 CBA01ABCG035 9/16/98 350 Alpha 2 0 0.151 10 CBA01ABCB037 9/16/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 9 CBA01ABCB039 9/16/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 3 CBA01ABCB041 9/16/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 ) CBA01ABCB043 9/16/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 CBA01ABCB045 9/16/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 3 CBA01ABCB047 9/16/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 CBA01ABCB049 9/16/98 350 Alpha 3 0 0.151 23 CBA01ABCB051 9/16/98 350 Alpha 2 0 0.151 16 CBA01ABCB053 9/16/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 3 CBA01ABCB057 9/16/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 CBA01ABCB059 9/16/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 3 CBA01ABCB061 9/16/98 350 Alpha 2 0 0.151 16 CBA01ABC8063 9/16/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 3 CBA01ABCB065 9/16/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 4 CBA01ABCB067 9/16/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 2 CBA01ABC8069 9/16/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 CBA01ABCB071 9/16/98 350 Alpha 3 0 0.151 23 CBA01ABCB073 9/16/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 3 CBA01ABCB075 9/16/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 4 CBA01ABCB077 9/16/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 CBA01ABCB079 9/16/98 350 Alpha 2 0 0.151 10 CBA01ABCB081 9/16/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 CBA01ABCB083 9/16/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 CBA01ABCB085 9/16/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 CBA01ABCB087 9/16/08 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 CBA01ABCB089 9/16/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 3 CBA01ABCB091 9/16/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 3 CBA01ABCB093 9/16/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 4 CBA01ABCB095 9/16/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 10 CBA01ABCB097 9/16/98 350 Alpha 2 0 0.151 10 CBA01ABCB099 9/16/98 351 Alpha 1 0 0.151 4 CBA01ABCB101 9/16/98 351 Alpha 1 0 0.151 4 CBA01ABCB103 9/16/98 351 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 CBA01ABCB105 9/16/98 351 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 I

CBA01 Reduced Alpha TSC Data Net Channel Efficiency (dpm/100 Survey Location Log Date Probe S/N Type Reading BKG (c/d) cm') CBA01ABCB107 9/16/98 351 Alpha 0 0 0.151 3 CBA01ABCB109 9/16/98 351 Alpha 0 0 0.151 3 CBA01 ABCB111 9/16/98 351 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 CBA01ABCB113 9/16/98 351 Alpha 1 0 0.151 4 CBA01ABCB115 9/16/98 351 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 CBA01ABCB117 9/16/98 351 Alpha 1 0 0.151 4 CBA01ABCB119 9/16/98 351 Alpha 2 0 0.151 16 CBA01BBCD121 9/16/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 4 CBA01BBCD123 2/16/98 350 Alpha 2 0 0.151 11 CBA01BBCD125 9/16/98 350 Alpha 2 0 0.151 11 CBA01BBCD127 9/16/98 350 Alpha 2 0 0.151 10 CBA01BBCD129 9/16/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 10 CBA01BBCD131 9/16/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 3 CBA01BBCD133 9/16/98 350 Alpha 2 0 0.151 11 CBA01BBCD135 9/16/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 4 CBA01BBCD137 9/16/98 350 Alpha 2 0 0.151 10 CBA01BBCD139 9/16/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 3 CBA01BBCD141 9/16/98 350 Alpha 2 0 0.151 10 CBA01BBCD143 9/16/98 350 Alpha 4 0 0.151 24 CBA01BBCD145 9/16/98 350 Alpha 3 0 0.151 17 CBA01BBCD147 9/16/98 350 ' Alpha 2 0 0.151 10 CBA01BBCD149 9/16/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 4 CBA01BBCD151 9/16/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 4 CBA01BBCD153 9/16/98 350 Alpha 4 0 0.151 24 CBA01BBCD155 9/16/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 4 CBA01BBCD157 9/16/98 350 Alpha 2 0 0.151 11 CBA01BBCD159 9/16/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 CBA01BBCD161 9/16/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 CBA01BBCD1S3 9/16/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 3 CBA01BBCE165 9/16/98 350 Alpha 2 0 0.151 14 CBA01BBCD167 9/16/98 350 Alpha 4 0 0.151 23 CBA01BBCG169 9/16/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 CBA01BBCE174 9/16/98 351 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 CBA01BBCD175 9/16/98 351 Alpha 0 0 0.151 3 CBA01BBCE178 9/16/98 351 Alpha 3 0 0.151 17 CBA01BBCD179 9/16/98 351 Alpha 1 0 0.151 7 CBA01BBCE182 9/16/98 351 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 CBA01BBCD183 9/16/98 351 Alpha 0 0 0.151 3 CBA01BBCE186 9/16/98 351 Alpha 3 0 0.151 18 CBA01BBCD187 9/16/98 351 Alpha 3 0 0.151 22 CBA01BBCE190 9/16/98 351 Alpha 2 0 0.151 13 CBA01BBCD191 9/16/98 351 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 CBA01FBCE194 9/18/98 350 Alpha 2 0 0.151 14 CBA01FBCD195 9/18/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 G CBA01FBCD196 9/18/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 3 CBA01FBCE197 9/18/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 CBA01BBCE198 9/18/98 350 Alpha 3 0 0.151 20 CBA01BBCD199 9/18/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 3 CBA01BBCD201 9/16/98 351 Alpha 0. 0 0.151 0 1 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _

l CBA01 RCduced Alpha TSC Data Net Channe.1 Efficiency (dpm/100 Survey Location Log Date Probe S/N Type Reading BKG (c/d) cm*) CBA01BBCD203 9/16/98 351 Alpha 1 0 0.151 9 CBA01BBCD205 9/16/98 351 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 CBA01BBCD207 9/16/98 351 Alpha 1 0 0.151 8 CBA01BBCD209 9/16/98 351 Alpha 1 0 0.151 6 CBA01BBCD211 9/16/98 351 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 CBA01BBCD213 9/16/98 351 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 9/16/98 Alpha 1 CBA01BBCD215 CBA01BBCD217 9/16/98 350 351 Alpha 0 2 0 0 0.151 0.151 3 15 CBA01BBCD219 9/16/98 351 Alpha 4 0 0.151 30 CBA01BBCD221 9/16/98 351 Alpha 2 0 C.151 16 CBA01FBCA222 9/18/98 350 Alpha 2 0 0.151 10 CBA01FBCA223 9/18/98 350 Alpha 5 0 C.151 30 CBA01FBCA224 9/18/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 6 1 CBA01FBCA225 9/18/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 CBA01FBCA226 9/18/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 CBA01FBCA227 9/18/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 1 CBA01FBCA228 9/18/98 9/18/98 350 350 Alpha Alpha 2 0 0.151 10 CBA01FBCA229 2 0 0.151 16 CBA01FBCA230 9/18/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 10 CBA01FBCA231 9/18/98 350 Alpha 4 0 0.151 23 CBA01FBCA232 9/18/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 CBA01FBCA233 9/18/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 4 CBA01FBCA234 9/18/98 350 Alpha 3 0 0.151 17 I I I I I I I l e

I W 1 CBA02 Reduced Alpha TSC D;ta Channel Efficiency Net topm/100 I Survey Location CBA02CCCG001 CBA02CCCG002 Log Date 9/17/98 9/17/98 Probe S/N 350 350 Type Alpha Alpha Reading 1 0 BKG 0 0 (c/d) 0.151 0.151 cm') 9 0 9/17/98 350 Alpha 0 0.151 I CBA02CCCG003 1 10 CBA02CCCG004 9/18/98 3f0 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 CBA02CCCG005 9/18/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 3 CBA02CCCG006 9/18/98 350 Alpha 8 0 0.151 56 CBA02CCCG007 9/18/98 350 Alpha 3 0 0.151 23 CBA02CCCG008 9/18/98 350 Alpha 4 0 0.151 30 CBA02CCCG009 9/18/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 9 CBA02CCCG010 9/18/98 350 Alpha 5 0 0.151 35 CBA02CCCG011 9/18/98 350 Alpha 3 0 0.151 22 CBA02CCCG012 9/18/98 350 Alpha 4 0 0.151 29 9/18/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 I CBA02CCCE013 CBA02CCCE014 9/18/98 350 Alpha 3 0 0.151 20 CBA02CCCE015 9/18/98 350 Alpha 3 0 0.151 20 CBA02CCCE016 9/18/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 6 CBA02CCCE017 9/18/98 350 Alpha 2 0 0.151 11 CBA02CCCE018 9/18/98 350 Alpha 3 0 0.151 18 CBA02CCCE019 9/18/98 350 Alpha 5 0 0.151 33 CBA02CCCE020 9/18/98 350 Alpha 2 0 0.151 12 CBA02CCCE021 9/18/98 350 Alpha 5 0 0.151 34 CBA02CCCG022 9/18/98 350 Alpha 2 0 0.151 10 CBA02CCCG023 9/18/98 350 A!pha 4 0 0.151 29 CBA02CCCG024 9/18/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 3 CBA02CCCE026 9/18/98 350 Alpha 4 0 0.151 26 CBA02CCCE027 9/18/98 350 Alpha 3 0 0.151 19 CBA02CCCE028 9/18/98 350 Alpha 2 0 0.151 11 CBA02CCCG028 9/18/98 350 Alpha 3 0 0.151 17 CBA02CCCG029 9/18/98 350 Alpha 2 0 0.151 10 CBA02CCCG030 9/18/98 350 Alpha 2 0 0.151 16 I L i I l l

, - _. __m__ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ . _ _ _ . _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . _ . _ . . . _ _ _ . . _ . _ _ . . . _ ._ . - CBA03 Reduc:d Alpha TSC Data ! Net BKG Efficiency (dpm/100 Sevey Location Log Date Probe S/N ChannelType Reading (cpm) (c/d) cm') Alpha 0.151 37 CBA03CCCG001 9/18/98 350 6 0

      . CBA03CCCG002 ' 9/18/98                350             Alpha             7           0           0.151            43 CBA03CCCG003 - 9/18/98                350             Alpha             5           0           0.151            31 CBA03CCCG004    9/18/98               350             Alpha             7           0           0.151            44 CBA03CCCG005    9/18/98 -             350             Alpha             6           0           0.151            37         .

CBA03CCCG006 ' 9/18/98 350 Alpha 7 0 0.151 44  ! CBA03CCCG007 9/22/98 - 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 4' CBA03CCCG008 9/22/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 CBA03CCCG009 9/22/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0

      , CBA03CCCG010    9/22/98               350             Alpha             1           0           0.151             4 CBA03CCCG011    9/22/98.              350             Alpha             2           0           0.151            11 CBA03CCCG012    9/22/98               350-            Alpha             2           0           0.151            11          I CBA03CCCG013    9/22/98               350             Alpha             0           0           0.151             0 CBA03CCCG014 - 9/22/98              ;351              Alpha             1            0          0.149             3          j CBA03CCCG015    9/22/98               351             Alpha             0            0          0.149             0          l CBA03CCCG016 _9/22/98                 351             Alpha             0            0          0.149             2          i CBA03CCCG017    9/22/98               351             Alpha             0            0          0.149             0          ,

CBA03CCCG018 9l22/98 351 Alpha 2 0 0.149 10 l CBA03CCCG019 9/22/98 '351 Alpha 0 0 0.149 0 i CBA03CCCG020 9/'22/98 351 Alpha 1 0 0.149 6 CBA03CCCG021 9/22/98 -351 Alpha 0 0 0.149 2 l CBA03CCCG022 9/22/98 - 351 Alpha 0 0 0.149 0 l CBA03CCCG023 9/22/98 351 Alpha 0 0 0.149 1 l l CBA03CCCG024 9/22/98 351 Alpha 0 0 0.149 3 CBA03CCCG025 9/22/98 351 Alpha 0 0 0.149 0 l l l l l L 4 Iv.

I, CBA05 Reduced Alpha TSC Data [ Not Log Channel BKG Efficiency (dpm/100 Survey Location Date Probe S/N Type Reading (cpm) (c/d) cm*) CBA05 FACB 001 9/22/98 350 Alpha 2 0 0.151 10

h. CBA05 FACB 002 9/22/98 350 Alpha 2 0 0.151 10 CBA05 FACB 003 - 9/22/98 350 Alpha 6 0 0.151 37 MBA05 FACB 003 9/22/98 '350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 t CSA05 FACB 004 9/22/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 4 f- CEw%5 FACB 005 9/22/98 350 Alpha ' O O 0.151 0 CBA05 FACB 006 9/22/98 - 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 3 CBA05FAC8007 9/22/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 4

{ , CBA05 FACB 008 9/22/98 350. Alpha 1 0 0.151 4 CBA05 FACB 009 9/22/98 350 Alpha 1' O 0.151 4 CBA05 FACB 010 9/22/98 350 , Alpha - 2 0 0.151 10 [ 1- CBA05 FACB 011 9/22/98 350 Alpha 2 0 0.151 16 CBA05 FACB 012 9/22/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 CBA05 FACB 013 9/22/98 350 Alpha 2 0 0.151 16 f fCBA05 FACB 014 9/22/98 350 Alpha 2 0 0.151 16

        ' CBA05 FACB 015   9/22/98      350        Alpha      4        0    0.151        29 CBA05 FACB 016   9/22/98      350        Alpha      3        0    0.151        23 CBA05 FACB 017- 9/22/98       350        Alpha

[ - CBA05 FACB 018. 9/22/98 350 Alpha 6 6 0 0 0.151 0.151 42 37 CBA05 FACB 019 - 9/22/98 350 Alpha 4 0- 0.151 28 CBA05 FACB 020 9/22/98 350 Alpha 7 0 0.151 43 CBA05 FACB 021 9/22/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 9 CBA05 FACB 022 9/22/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 10 CBA05 FACB 023 9/22/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 10 CBA05 FACB 024 9/22/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 3 CBA05 FACB 025 9/22/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0

        - CBA05 FACB 026 - 9/22/98      350        Alpha      7        0    0.151        44 CDA05 FACB 027. 9/22/98       350        Alpha '   _2        0    0.151        16 CBA05 FACB 028   9/22/98      350        Alpha      3        0    0.151        17 CBA05 FACB 029   9/22/98      350        Alpha      0        0    0.151         3 CBA05 FACB 030   9/22/98      350        Alpha      4        0    0.151        24
         'CBA05 FACB 031 -9/22/98       350        Alpha      3        0    0.151        17 CBA05 FACB 032   9/22/98      350        Alpha      3        0    0.151        23 CBA05 FACB 033   9/22/98      350        Alpha      2        0    0.151        16 CBA05 FACB 034   9/22/98      350        Alpha      2        0    0.151        16 CBA05 FACB 035   9/22/98      350        Alpha      1        0    0.151         9 CBA05 FACB 036 - 9/22/98      350        Alpha      4        0    0.151        29
        ' CBA05 FACB 037   9/22/98      350        Alpha      3        0    0.151        23 CBA05 FACB 038   9/22/98      350       . Alpha     5        0    0.151        36 CBA05 FACB 039   9/22/98      350        Alpha      1        0    0.151         9 LCBA05 FACB 040    9/22198      350        Alpha      2        0    0.151        15 CBA05 FACB 041   9/22/98      350        Alpha      2        0    0.151        16 CBA05 FACB 042   9/22/98.. 350        Alpha      1        0    0.151         9 CBA05 FACB 043   9/22/98      350        Alpha      2        0    0.151        16 CBA05 FACB 044   9/22/98      350        Alpha      2        0    0.151        16 CBA05 FACB 045   9/22/98      350        Alpha      2        0    0.151        10 CBA05 FACB 046   9/22/98      350        Alpha      2        0    0.151        16 CBA05 FACB 047 ~ 9/22/98      350        Alpha      3        0    0.151        17 CBA05 FACB 048   9/22/98      350        Alpha      2        0    0.151        10 l                                                                 ._  _

CBA06 Reduced Alpha TSC Data Net Log' Channel BKG Efficiency (dpm/100 2

          ~ Survey Location             Date . Probe S/N      Type   Reading (cpm)                      (c/d)      cm )

CBA05 FACB 049 9/22/98 350 Alpha 5 0 0.151 30 CBA05 FACB 050 9/22/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 3 CBA06 FACB 051 9/22/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 3 CBA05 FACB 052 9/22/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 3 1CBA05 FACB 053 9/22/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 4 CBA05 FACB 054 9/22/90 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 3 CBA05 FACB 055 9/22/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 2 CBA05 FACB 056 - 9/22/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 CBA05 FACB 057 9/22/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 9

                ' COA 05 FACB 058      9/22/98     350        Alpha      0                        0    0.151         2 CBA05 FACB 059   9/22/98     350        Alpha      0                        0    0.151         3 C3A05 FACB 060   9/22/98     350        Alpha      2                        0    0.151        15 CBA05 FACB 061   9/22/98     350        Alpha      3                        0    0.151        21 CBA05 FACB 062   9/22/98     350        Alpha      0                        0    0.151         1 CBA05 FACB 063   9/22/98     350        Alpha      0                        0    0.151         3 CBA05 FACB 064   9/22/98     351        Alpha      0                        0-   0.149         1 CBA05 FACB 065' 9/22/98      351        Alpha      3                        0. 0.149        22 CBA05 FACB 066   9/22/98     351        Alpha      4                        0    0.149        27 CBA05 FACB 067   9/22/98     351        Alpha      2                        0    0.149        16 CBA05 FACB 063   0/22/08     351        Alpha      1                        0    0.149 -       9 CBA05 FACB 069   9/22/98     351        Alpha      1                        0    0.149        10 CBA05 FACB 070   9/22/98     351        Alpha      1                        0    0.149         9 CBA05 FACB 071   9/22/98     351        Alpha      2                        0    0.149        16 CBA05 FACB 072 - 9/22/98     351        Alpha      0                        0    0.149         2 CBA05 FACB 073   9/22/98     351        Alpha      0                        0    0.149         2 CBA05 FACB 077   9/22/98     351        Alpha      0                        0    0.149         0 CBA0EFACB078 9/22/98         351        Alphs      1                        0    0.149         7 CBA05 FACB 079   9/22/98     351        Alpha      0                        0    0.149         1
             ! CBA05 FACB 080          9/22/98     351        Alpha      1                        0    0.140         8 CBA05 FACB 081   9/22/98     351-       Alpha      3                        0    0.149        22 CBA05 FACB 082   9/22/98     351        Alpha      1                        0    0.149         8 CBA05 FACB 083   9/22/98    '351        Alpha      4                        0    0.149        28 CBA05 FACB 084   9/22/98     351        Alpha      1                        0    0.149         9 CBA05 FACB 085   9/22/98     351        Alpha      0                        0    0.149         1 CBA05 FACB 086 . 9/22/98     351        Alpha      2                        0    0.149        15
            ' CBA05FACG087. 9/22/98                351        Alpha      2                        0    0.149        17 CBA05FACG088 9/22/98         351        Alpha      4                        0    0.149        30 CBA05 FACB 089   9/22/98     351        Alpha      3                        0    0.149        21 CBA05 FACB 090   9/22/98     351        Alpha      2                        0    0.149        15 CBA05FACG091     9/22/98     351        Alpha      1                        0    0.149         9 CBA05FACG092 9/22/98         351        Alpha      6                        0    0.149        37
                ~ CBA05 FACB 093       9/22/98     351        Alpha      1                        0    0.149         9 CBA0$ FACB 094   9/22/98-    351        Alpha      3                        0    0.149        22 CBA05 FACB 095   9/22/98. 351        Alpha      2                        0    0.149        15 CBA05 FACB 096 - 9/22/98     351        Alpha      0                        0    0.149         1 CBA05 FACB 007   9/22/98     351        Alpha      3                        0    0.149        22 CBA05 FACB 098   9/22/98     351        Alpha      0.                       0    0.149         2 CBA05 FACB 099   9/22/98-    351        Alpha      3                        0    0.149        22 CBA05FACG100 9/22/98         W          Alpha      2                        0    0.149        10 l'


i CIA 05 Reduced Alpha TSC Data Not Log Channel BKG Efficiency (dpm/100 Survey Location Date Probe S/N Type Reading (cpm) (c/d) cm') CBA05FACG101 9/22/98 351 Alpha 0 0 0.149 0 l CBA05FACG102 9/22/98 351 Alpha 1 0 0.149 9 CBA05FACG103 9/22/98 351 Alpha 4 0 0.149 29 CBA05 FACB 104 9/22/98 351 Alpha 2 0 0.149 15 CBA05 FACB 105 9/22/98 351 Alpha 4 0 0.149 29 CBA05 FACB 107 9/22/98 351 Alpha 0 0 0.149 2 CBA05 FACB 108 9/22/98 551 Alpha 4 0 0.149 29 [ CBA05 FACB 109 9/22/98 351 Alpha 2 0 0.149 16 t CBA05 FACB 110 9/22/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 3 CBA05 FACB 111 9/22/98 350 A!pha 1 0 0.151 4 CBA05 FACB 112 9/22/98 :350 Alpha 4 0 0.151 24 f CBA05 FACB 113 9/22/98 '350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 CBA05 FACB 114 9/22/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 CBAOSFACB115 9/22/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 4 CBA05 FACB 116 9/22/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 3 CBA05 FACB 117 9/22/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 CBA05 FACB 118 9/22/98 350 A'pha 0 0 0.151 0 CBA05 FACB 119 9/22/98 350 Alpha 2 0 0.151 10 CBA05 FACB 120 9/22/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 CBA05 FACB 121 9/22/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 2 g CBA05 FACB 122 9/22/98 350 Alpha 2 0 0.151 11 J- CBA05 FACB 123 9/22/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 CBA05 FACB 124 9/22/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 3 CBA05 FACB 126 9/23/98 351 Alpha 2 0 0.149 10

f. CBA05 FACB 127 9/23/98 351 Alpha 1 0 0.149 9 CBA05 FACB 128 9/23/98 351 Alpha 2 0 0.149 16 CBA05 FACB 129 9/23/98 351 Alpha 3 0 0.149 23 CBA05 FACB 130 9/23/98 351 Alpha 1 0 0.149 10 CBA05 FACB 131 9/23/98 350 Alpha 3 0 0.151 23 CBA05 FACB 132 9/22/98 351 Alpha 0 0 0.149 0 CBA05 FACB 133 9/2T98 351 Alpha 0 0 0.149 3 CBA05 FACB 134 9/23/98 351 Alpha 0 0 0.149 0 CBA05 FACB 135 9/23/98 351 Alpha 1 0 0.149 10 CBA05 FACB 136 9/23/98 351 Alpha 0 0 0.149 0 CBA05 FACB 137 9/23/98 351 Alpha 0 0 0.149 0 CBA05 FACB 138 9/23/98 350 Alpha 3 0 0.151 23 CBA05 FACB 139 9/23/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 3 CBA05 FACB 140 9/22/98 351 Alpha 0 0 0.149 3 CBA05 FACB 142 9/23/98 350 - Alpha 2 0 0.149 16 CBA05 FACB 143 9/23/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.149 3 CBA05 FACB 144 9/23/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.149 10 i CBA05 FACB 145 9/23/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.149 3

NELO1 RCduccd Alpha TSC Ds2a Logj Prnbe Channel Reading BKG Net (dpm/100

j. Survey Location Date S/N Type. (cpm) (cpm) Efficiency (c/d) cm2) 1

]. NELO1FCCA001 ' 9/21/98 _ 350. Alpha 0 0 0.151 2 NEL01FCCA002;. 9/21/98 350 , Alpha 0 0 0.151 2

     ,..          NELO1FCCA003 9/21/98 _350                                                           Alpha                       1     0         0.151           9 1:            NELO1FCCA004 9/21/98                                           350                  Alpha                      0      0         0.151           2 t                 NELO1FCCA005 . 9/21/98                                         350'                 Alpha -                     0     0         0.151           3 NELO1FCCA006 9/21/98. 350                                                           Alpha                       0-    0         0.151           0 NELO1FCCJ007. 9/21/98 2350                                                          Alpha                       0    .0         0.151           1 NELO1FCCG008 9/21/98. 350-                                                           Alpha                      0     0         0.151           0
                . NELO1FCCA009 9/21/98                                            350                  Alpha                      0     0         0.151           0 NELO1FCCG010'- 9/21/98                                        ;350                   Alpha                      0     0         0.151           0
               . NELO1FCCA011 9/21/98                                             350                  Alpha -                    1     0         0.151           9
               - NELO1FCCB012 9/21/98                                             350-                 Alpha                      1     0         0.151           10 E._
                .NELO1FCCA013 9/21/98                                             350                  Alpha                      1     0         0.151           10
                 'NELO1FCCA014. 9/21/98                                           350                  Alpha                      3     0         0.151           23 NELO1FCCA015 9/21/98-                                           350                  Alpha                      2     c         0.151           16
f. NELO1FCCA016 9/21/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 NELO1FCCA017, 9/21/98 : 350' Alpha 3 0 0.151- 17 NELO1FCCG018. 9/21/98 350- Alpha 3 0 0.151 17 NELO1FCCG019 9/21/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 4 NELO1FCCA020 9/21/98 350 . Alpha 4 0 0.151- 30
                 'NEL01FCCA021: 9/21/98                                           350                  Alpha                       1    0         0.151            9-NELO1FCCA022 9/21/98                                            350                 . Alpha                     2     0         0.151           16
                . NELO1FCCA023 9/21/98                                            350                  Alpha                       1    0         0.151            9 NEL01FCCA024i 9/21/98                                           350                  Alpha                      2     0         0.151           16 NELO1FCCA025 9/21/98                                           350                  Alpha                      0. 0         0.151            2       1 NELO1FCCA026 . 9/21/98                                         350                  Alpha                      2     0         0.151           10 NELO1FCCA027 9/11/98                                           350                  Alpha                      2     0         0.151           16 NELO1FCCA028 9/21/98 - 350                                                          Alpha                       5    0         0.151           36 NELO1FCCB029 '9/21/98                                         .350-                 Alpha                       2    0        ,0.151           15 NELO1FCC0030 ' 9/21/98                                         350                  Alpha .                    4     0         0.151           30 1



1 i


NEL02 Reduced Alpha TSC Data h 'h Log Probe - Channel BKG Efficiency Not(dpm/100 Survey Location Date S/N . Type Reading (cpm) (c/d) cm2) 3 NELO2FCCG001 9/22/98 350 Alpha; 0 0 0.151 3 (-l NELO2FCCG002 9/22/08 350 Alpha '1 0 0.151 4 NELO2FCCG003 9/22/98 350 . Alpha - 2 0 0.151 11 NELO2FCCG004 9/22/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 { NELO2FCCG005 9/22/98 NELO2FCCG006. 9/22/98 350 350 Alpha Alpha 3~

                                                                  '1 0

0 0.151 0.151 17 4 NELO2FCCG007 ~ 9/22/98 350- Alpha - 0 0 0.151 0 NELO2FCCA008 ' 9/23/98 351 Alpha 2 0 0.149 17 {- NELO2FCCA009 9/23/98 '351 Alpha 5 0 0.149 36

         . NELO2FCCA010 9/23/98          351            Alpha      0-      0     0.149          0

( j.  ; NELO2FCCA011 ' 9/23/98 351 Alpha 4 0 0.149 27 [ - NELO2FCCA012. 9/22/98 350- Alpha 3- 0 0.151 22 ,- 3 NELO2FCCG013 9/23/98 351 Alpha 9 0 0.149 63

     ,   . NELO2FCCA014 9/22/98          350            Alpha      8       0     0.151        56

[f - NELO2FCCA015 9/23/98 351 Alpha 8 0 0.149 54 NELO2FCCA016 9/22/98 350 - Alpha . 2 0 0.151. 16 NELO2FCCA017 > 9/22/98 350 Alpha 1 'O 0.151 10 NELO2FCCA018 - 9/23/98 351 Alpha 1 0 0.149 9 NELO2FCCG020 9/22/98 350 Alpha 2 0. 0.151 11 NELO2FCCA022 9/22/98 '350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 .10

         - NELO2FCCA023 9/22/98          350            Alpha      1       0   - 0.151        '9

[ NELO2FCCG024 9/22/98 350 Alpha 1 0 0.151 4 NELO2FCCA025 9/22/98 - 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0' t NELO2FCCA025 : 9/22/98 350 Alpha 4 0 0.151 29 h NELO2FCCA026 9/22/98 350- Alpha 0 0 0.151 3 NELO2FCCG027 9/22/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0 NELO2FCCA028 ' 9/22/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 0

           .NELO2FCCA029 9/22/98         350            Alpha      3       0     0.151        23

[. 1 NELO2FCCA030 9/22/98 350 Alpha 0 0 0.151 3 i U 1 e . M . . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _

1 NELO3 Reduced Alpha TSC Data Log Probe Channel BKG Efficiency Net (dpm/100 Survey Location Date SIN Type Reading (cpm) (cId) cm') NELO3FCCA001 9/23/98 351 A!rha 2 0 0.149 14

l. NELO3FCCG002 9/23/98 351 Alpha 5 0 0.149 35 NELO3FCCA003 9/23/98 351 Alpha 3 0 0.149 21 l

NELO3FCCA004 9/23/98 351 Alpha 0 0 0.149 1 1 NELO3FCCA005 9/23/98 351 Alpha 8 0 0.149 55 ! NELO3FCCG006 9/23/98 351 Alpha 1 0 0.149 3 NELO3FCCA007 9/23/98 351 Alpha 1 0 0.149 8 NELO3FCCA008 9/23/08 351 Alpha 7 0 0.149 49 NELO3FCCG009 9/23/98 351 Alpha 0 0 0.149 3 NELO3FCCG010 9/23/98 351 Alpha 1 0 0.149 9 NELO3FCCA011 9/23/98 351 Alpha 10 0 0.149 69 g NELO3FCCA012 9/23/98 351 Alpha 7 0 0.149 45 g NELO3FCCA013 9/23/98 351 Alpha 2 0 0.149 16 NELO3FCCA014 9/23/98 351 Alpha 10 0 0.149 69 NELO3FCCG015 9/23/98 351 Alpha 1 0 0.149 9 NELO3FCCG016 9/23/98 351 Alpha 2 0 0.149 16 l NELO3FCCA017 9/23/98 351 Alpha 5 0 0.149 37 NELO3FCCG018 9/23/98 351 Alpha 2 0 0.149 10 NELO3FCCG019 9/23/98 351 Alpha 4 0 0.149 24' R NELO3FCCA020 9/23/98 351 Alpha 6 0 0.149 43 NELO3FCCA021 9/23/98 351 Alpha 2 0 0.149 15 NELO3FCCA022 9/23/98 351 Alpha 5 0 0.149 36 NELO3FCCG023 9/23/98 351 Alpha 2 0 0.149 10 NELO3FCCG024 9/23/98 351 Alpha 3 0 0.149 17 NELO3FCCG025 9/23/98 351 Alpha 1 0 0.149 4 NELO3FCCA026 9/23/98 351 Alpha 2 0 0.149 16 NELO3FCCA027 9/23/98 351 Alpha 7 0 0.149 49 NELO3FCCA028 9/23/98 351 Alpha 5 0 0.149 36 NELO3FCCG029 9/23/98 351 Alpha 1 0 0.149 10 NELO3FCCG030 9/23/98 351 Alpha 0 0 0.149 3 k l T

i ..z .e .<. , c. ce . 1,e . . 1 1  ; I I I I I I I ( - K-1 b i - _ _ _ _

_ .._ ~. . _ . . . .-_ _ _ MAILED AUG 191998 DuxE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY DE&S An lysis Report ENVIRONMENTAL. LAB. Cu2tomer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 08/14/98

   .Attsntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts                                                 Receipt Date:       07/28/98 Smear Lab /             Date -                                                       Activity -

Simple Code, Analysis Volume Nuclide r o Reierence Conc. 1 MDC Smear I dom / smear 1 o B43234 07/24/98 08/06/98 1.0 Beta ( 118 i 28)E-01 77E-0 OSM 01 2948 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.00 Comment: Elipe #1 B43235 07/24/98 08/06/98 1.0 Beta ( 65 2 6) E-01 77E-0 OSM 02 2998 reporting ratio: 0.00

            = Comment: Swipe #2 B43236 07/24/98 08/06/98             1.0     Beta          ( 28 1       23)E-01              77E-0 OSM 03 2998        Swipe                                            reporting ratio:          0.00 Comment: Swipe #3 B43237      07/24/98 08/06/98       -1. 0    Beta          ( 28 1       23)E-01              77E-0 OSM C-   1998      Swipe                                            reporting ratio:          0.00 Comment: Swipe #4 B43238      07/24/98 08/06/98       1.0      Beta          (31        21) E-01               77E-0 OSM 05 2998        Swipe                                            reporting ratio:          0.00 Comment: Swipe #5 B43239      07/24/98 08/06/98       1.0      Beta          ( 60         25)E-01              77E-0 OSM 06 2998        Swipe                                            reporting ratio:          0.00 Comment: Swipe #6 i


   . Noti 33:'                                                                                 Approved by c Activity greater than 3 standard deviations QUU)     I, N N M

E. M. ofeno X t -

                                                                          -n,     -   . . . - . . . . . - -                .,

l MAlLEDL AVG 191998 DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES , ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY l DE&S Analysis neoort I ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. ?u0tCOOr: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 08/14/98 l Stt$nticn: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 07/28/98 ) Smear l Lab (' Date Activity j

                                                          , Conc. i a

!S2tple Code, Analysis Volume Nuclide MDC l Reference Smear i dom / smear 1

                                                                                                               '         ~
   .B43240 07/24/98 08/06/98            1.0       Beta      ( 55 i     2 5) E-01                                77E-01        )

CSM 07 2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000 i

    ' Comment: Swipe #7                                                                                                       l B43241 07/24/98 08/06/98          1.0       Beta      ( 42 i    24)E-01                                   77E-01        l OSM 08-2998      Swipe                                      reporting ratio:                                0.000       l C mment: Swipe #8                                                                                                       I

? B43242 07/24,/98 08/06/98 1.0 Beta ( 253 36)E-01 77E-01 l OSM 09'2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000 i Comment: Swipe #9 i B43243- 07/24/98 08/06/98 1.0 Beta ( 42 i 24)E-01 77E-01 OSM 10.2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000 , Comment:' Swipe #10 ).. B43244- 07/24/98 08/06/98 1.0 Beta ( 481 .44)E-01 77E-01 OSM'11 2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000

.. Comment: Swipe #11 B43245.'07/24/98 08/06/98 1.0 Beta ( 25 - 23)E-01 77E-01 OSM 12 2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: Swipe #12 l B43246 07/24/98 08/06/98 1.0 Beta ( 13 1 22)E-01 77E-01 OSM 13 2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000 l Comment: Swipe #13

) B43247 07/24/98 08/06/98 1.0 Beta ( 310 37)E-01 77E-01 OSM 14 2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment:. Swipe #14-( B43248 07/24/98 08/06/98 1.0 Beta ( ?O 23)E-01 77E-01 OSM 15 2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000 i ' Comment: Swipe #1C

B43249 07/24/98 Obf 36/98 1.0 Beta ( 25 23)E-01 77E-01 i OSM 16 2998- Swipe reporting ratio
0.000 Comment:-Swipe #16

> B43250 .07/24/98 08/06/98 1.0 Beta ( 187 i 3 2 ) E-01 77E-01 L -OSM 17 2998 . -Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000

l. C mment: Swipe #17 hotta .

Approved by I. c ~ Activity greater than 3 standard deviations b l0 $ d N E. M.I koreno f


               . AW 191998                DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES EWIRONMENTAL MBORATOM DE&S       -

Analysis Renort Customer: Iowa State Univ.'Research Reactor Report Date: 08/14/98

    'AttGntion:: Ms. Sarah Roberts                                                                         Receipt Date:              07/28/98 Smear Imb #              Date                                         ,                                       Activity
      .Scaple Code,                 Analysis, Volume            Nuclide                         Conc.                O                   MDC Referance               S '.e a r                                                     i dom    /  smear          1
          'B43251- 07/24/98 08/06/98              1.0           Beta      ( 55                                  25)E-01                    77E-01 OSM 18 2998           Swipe                                                                   reporting ratio:'                   O.000
          -Comment: Swipe #18 B43252. 07/24/98 08/06/98            1.0            Beta      ( 42 i 2 4 ).E-01                                                77E-01
           -OSM 19 2998          Swipe.                                                                   reporting ratio:                    0.000 Comment: Swipe #19 c:   :B43253 07/24/98 08/06/98              1.0            Beta      ( 384                                  41)E-01                   77E-01 10SM 20 2998            Swipe-                                                                  reporting. ratio:                   0.000 Comment: Swipe #20 B43254.. 07/24/98 08/06/98-          1.0            Beta      ( 54 i 25)E-01                                                   77E-01
          .OSM:21 2998-          Swipe                                                               -reporting ratio:                        0.000 C:mment: Swipe #21 B43255 07/24/98'08/06/98             1,0            Beta      ( 37 i 24)E-01                                                   77E-01
          'OSM 22 2998-          Swipe                                                                   reporting ratio:                    'O.000
          ' Comment: Swipe #22
   'o       B43256- 07/24/98 08/06/98-          1.0             Beta      (.225 i 34)E-01                                                  77E-01 OSM 23:2998          Swipe                                                                   reporting ratio:                     0.000 Comment: Swipe #23 B43257 07/24/98 08/06/98            1.0             Beta      ( 41 i 24)E-01                                                   77E              OSM 24-2998          Swipe                                                                  reporting ratio:                      0.000 Comment: Swipe #24 B43258' 07/24/98 08/06/98           1.0             _ Beta    ( 39                                  24)E-01                    77E-01 OSM 25 2998         ' Swipe                                                                 reporting ratio:                     0.000
Comment: Swipe #25 B43259 :07/24/98 08/06/98 1.0 Beta ( 16 i 22)E-01 77E-01 OSM 26 2998 iSwipe reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment:LSwipe.#26 oL 'B43260 07/24/98 08/12/98 1.0 Beta ( 87 i 27)E-01 80E-01 OSM'27 2998- Swipe reporting ratio: O.000 Comment: Swipe #27 B43261 07/24/98 08/12/98 1.0 Beta ( 51 25)E-01 . 80E-01 OSM,28 2998 Swipe- reporting ratio: 0.000 Ccament: ' Swipe #28 N tss . Approved by t- - 0 Activity greater'than 3 standard deviations r M
                                                                                                                                      $     Y E. M[ldoreno u

l, L L


;u3t:Osr:        lowa State Univ. Research Reactor               Report Date:       08/14/98 httanticn: Ms. Sarah Roberts                                      Receipt Date:      07/28/98 Smear Lab #     i    Date                                  i           Activity            ,

.Szmplo Code Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. t a MDC Reference Smear I dom' / smear 1 B43262 07/24/98 08/12/98 1.0 Beta ( 19 i 23)E-01 80E-01 OSM 29 2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000 C:mment: Swipe _f29 B43263 07/24/UB 08/12/98 1.0 Beta ( 53 25) E-01 80E-01 CSM 30 2998 -Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000 camment: Swipe #30 B43264 07/24/98 08/12/98 1.0 Beta ( 49 25)E-01 80E-01 OSM 31 2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000 C:mment: Swipe #31 B43265 07/24/98 08/12/98 1.0 Beta (-5 22)E-01 80E-01 OSM 32 2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000 C mment: Swipe #32 B43266 07/24/98 08 1. 0_ Beta (11 22)E-01 80E-01 OSM 33 2998 Swip/12/98 e reporting ratio: 0.000 ! Comment: Swipe #33 ? B43267 07/24/98 08/12/98 1.0 Beta ( 279 37)E-01 80E-01 OSM 34 2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000 C;mment: Swipe #34 3 -B43268 07/24/98 08/12/98 1.0 Beta ( 294 37)E-01 80E-01 CSM 35 2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: Swipe #35 ) B43269 07/24/98 08/12/9, 1.0 Beta ( 236 i 35 E-01 reporti)ng ratio: 80E-01

OSM 36 2998 Swipe 0.000 Comment
Swipe #36

?- B43270 07/24/98 08/12/98 1.0 Beta ( 374 41)E-01 80E-01 OSM 37 2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000

  ,      C3mment: Swipe #37

?- ~B43271 .07/24/98 08/12/98 1,n Beta ( 276 1 37)E-01 80E-01 OSM 38 2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: Swipe #38 B43272 .07/24/98 08/12/98 1.0 Deta ( 78 27)E-01 80E-01

OSM 39 2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000
 ;       Comment: Swipe #39 tct3:                                                                    Approved by I o        Activity greater than 3 standard deviations
                                                                          .-s(UAkU    b.0 E, d. boreno t



                                       ^" IVSi8 "*" #t ENVIRONMENTAL LAB.

Customer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: Att ntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts 08/14/98 Receipt Date: 07/28/98 I Smear Lab # Date -- , Activity S nmple Code, , Analysis, Volunie I B43273 Reference Smear Nuclide Conc. i I. dem o

                                                                         /   smear   1 MDC 07/24/98 08/12/98      1.0     Beta      ( 39      24)E-01            80E-01 OSM 40 2998 I       B43274 Swipe Commant: Swipe #40 07/24/90 08/12/98      1.0     Beta reporting ratio:

( 32 i 24)E-01 0.000 80E-01 OSM 41 2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000 I Comment: Swipe #41 B43275 07/24/90 08/12/98 OSM 42 2998 Swipe 1.0 Beta ( 49 25)E-01 reporting ratio: 80E-01 0.000 Comment: Swipe #42 I B43276 07/24/98 08/12/98 OSM 43 2998 Swipe Comment: Swipe #43 1.0 Beta ( 60 26)E-01 reporting ratio: 80E-01 0.000 B43277 07/24/98 08 I OSM 44 2998 Swip/12/98 Comment: Swipe #44 e B43278 07/24/98 08/12/98 1.0 Beta (-3 22)E-01 reporting ratio: 80E-01 0.000 , j 1.0 Beta (7 22)E-01 80E-01 < I OSM 45 2998 Swipe Comment: Swipe #45 reporting ratio: 0.000 I I I Notes: Approved by M f bN E. M( Mpreno

VAlLED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES ' ENVIRONMENTAL' LABORATORY OCT 161990 Analysis Report DE&S ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Cu3tcmer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/14/98 Att:ntion: Ms. Sara Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear Lab / Date i r-- Activity Sr:ple Code, -Analysis volume Nuclide Conc. ia MDC Reference Smear I d Pm/ smear } h B44409 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Beta ( 42 92)E-01 36E 00 OSM 01 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Crmment: CBA-01 SMEAR #001 B44410 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 . Beta ( 43 i 92)E-01 36E 00 (.- OSM 02 3798 ~ Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #003 B44411 09/16/98 10/12/98 1.0 Beta (-3 10)E 00 43E 00 { OSM 03 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #005 B44412 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Beta ( 14 i 88)E-01 36E 00 g 'OSM 04 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 j Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #007 B44413- 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Beta (-15 83)E-01 36E 00 OSM 05 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 ( C mment: CBA-01 SMEAR #009 L B44414 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Beta (-71 72)E-01 36E 00 OSM 06 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #011 B44415 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Beta (-14 83)E-01 36E 00 { OSM 07 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-02 SMEAR #017 B44416 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Beta (-14 83)E-01 36E 00 OSM 08 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #019 B44417 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Beta ( 12 i 10)E 00 36E 00 OSM 09 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR # BLANK-019 B44418 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Beta (-43 1 78)E-01 36E 00 OSM 10 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #021 {. B44419 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Beta (-43 1 78)E-01 36E 00 OSM 11 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAP #023 Not:33 Approved by

                                                                                 $o     10    U E.[M.'fMoreno 1

V AILED I DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY CCI 161998 Analysis Renort DE&S Iustomer: C Attsntion: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Ms, Sara Roberts Rep r haw h1 b Receipt Date: 10/01/98 i Smear Lab # Date , Activity IScmpleCode,Reference Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. a MDC Smear i dom / smear l B44420 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Beta ( 14 88)E-01 i OSM 12 3798 Smear Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #025 B44421 09/16/98 10/07/98 reporting ratio: 36E 00 0.000 1.0 Beta ( 18 11) E 00 36E 00 OSM 13 3798 i Smear Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #027 B44422 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Beta ( 13 reporting ratio: 10)E 00 0.000 36E 00 OSM 14 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #029 1 B44423 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Beta ( 21 12)E 00 36E 00 OSM 15 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #031 B44424 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Beta ( 10 i 10) E 00 1 OSM 16 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 36E 00 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #033 B44425 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Beta (-14 8 3 ) E-01 36E 00 I OSM 17 3798 Smear Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #035 reporting ratio: 0.000 B44426 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Beta ( 43 92)E-01 36E 00 OSM 18 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 I Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #037 B44427 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Beta (71 10)E 00 36E 00 OSM 19 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #039 I B44428 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Beta (-71. 72)E-01 36E 00 OSM 20 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 g ' Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR # BLANK-039 l B44429 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Beta ( 41 i 92)E-01 36E 00 OSM 21 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #041 B44430 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Beta ( 14 i 88)E-01 36E 00 i OSM 22 3798 Smear Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #043 reporting ratio: 0.000 3 Notta: Approved by E. M[Mdreno wo b i



                                                                                    . MAILED QCJj61993 L                       ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY Analysis Report                                       DE&S ENVIRONMENTAL LAB.

[ Custe:Ier: - ^ Iowa State' Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/14/98 1 Attention: Ms. Sara Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 f. Smear (: L Lab M; . . Date Activity i 82rple Code,: Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. ia MDC Reference Smear f dom / smear 1 E44431 09/16/98.10/07/98 ' 1.0 Beta (-102 i 67)E-01 36E 00 CSM 23 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 f- C:mment:'CBA-01 SMEAR #045 l- B44432 '09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Beta (-14 i 8 3 ) E-01 36E 00 _OSM'24 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000

          -C:mment: CBA-01 SMEAR #047 2

[ B44433' 09/16/98 10/07/98

OSM 25:3798 Smear 1.0 Beta (-14 83)E-01 reporting ratio:

36E 00 0.000 C mment:-CBA-01 SMEAR.#049

         'B444341 09/16/98 10/07/98.            1.0     Beta        ( 7-      10) E 00                                                                36E 00
          .OSM 26 3798         Smear                                       reporting ratio:                                                            0.000 C:mment: CBA-01 SMEAR'#051
          'B44435     09/16/98 10/07/98         1.0     Beta        ( 42       92)E-01                                                                36E 00 LOSM 27 3798 .       Smear'                                      reporting ratio:                                                            0.000 C;mment:'CBA-01 SMEAR #053
          ;B44436 '09/16/98 10/07/98            1.0-    Beta        (-14 i 83 ) E-01                                                                  36E 00 OSM 28 3798        Smear                                       reporting ratio:                                                            0.000 Comment:'CBA-01 SMEAR #055 B44437 09/16/98 10/07/98            1.0     Beta-       ( 43 1     92)E-01                                                                36E 00 OSM 29 3798        Smear                                       reporting ratio:                                                            0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #057
      '     B44438i 09/16/98_10/07/98           1.0     Beta        ( 18       11)E 00                                                                36E 00 OSM130 3798        Smear reporting ratio:                                                            0.000 Comment:-CBA-01 SMEAR #059 j         -B44439~'09/16/9t3 10/07/98            1.0     Beta        (-73 i 72)E-01                                                                    36E 00 t:        'OSM 31 3798 ,
          .                    Smear '             .

reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment:sCBA-01 SMEAR # BLANK-059 B44440. 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Beta (7 10) E 00 36E 00 l.. 10SM 32 3798 . Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 L Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #061 L B44 4 41~ . 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Beta ( 43 92)E-01 36E 00 OSMJ33 3798 . . Smear . reporting' ratio: 0.000 _C:mment: _CBA-01 SMEAR #063

 'Natas:                                                                                               Approved by N.                                                                        J    gho                                  (0                      (i U E.[M.horeno i


  ,                                                Analysis Report ENVIRONMENTAL LAB.

Cu;ttmer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/14/98 fAttGntion: Ms. Sara Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear

               ~ Lab #          Date                               ,                   Activity Snaple Code,               Analysis,  Volume   Nuclide       Conc. ia                                MDC Reference              Smear                     r   dom / smear    ] ..

B44442 09/16/98 10/07/98 ' 1. 0 Beta (-14 83)P-01 36E 00 OSM 34 3798 Smear report 1 g ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #065 C44443 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Beta ( 24 12)E 00 36E 00 OSM 35 3798 -Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C:mment: CBA-01 SMEAR #067 B44444 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Beta (-71 1 7 2) E-01 36E 00

               'OSM 36 3798      Smear                                      reporting ratio:                   0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #069 B44445   09/16/98 10/07/98      1.0      Beta        ( 12        88)E-01                     36E 00
               'CSM 37 3798      Smear-                                     reporting ratio:                   0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #071 B44446 09/16/98 10/07/98        1.0      Beta        ( 13        10) E 00                    36E 00 OSM 38 3798-     Smear                                      reporting ratio:                   0.000
.Camment: CBA-01 SMEAR #073 B44447 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Beta (-43 78)E-01 36E 00 OSM 39 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 J. Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #075 i B44448 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Beta (7t 10)E 00 36E 00 OSM 40 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 y Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #077 B44449 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Beta (-71 1 72)E-01 36E 00 LOSM 41'3798 Sr. ear reporting ratio: - 0.000 Ccament: CBA-01 SMEAR #079 B44450 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Beta ( 13 i 88)E-01 36E 00
             -0SM 42 3798        Smear                                      reporting ratio:                   0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #081 B44451 09/16/98 10/07/98        1.0      Beta        ( 10        10) E 00                    36E 00 OSM-43.3798       Smear                                      reporting ratio:                   0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #083 B44452 09/16/98 10/07/98        1.0      Beta        ( 43        92)E-01                     36E 00 OSM 44 3798      Smear                                       reporting ~ ratio:                 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #085                                                                                a Nit 03:                                                                             Approved by
           .-                                                                                               0jl (d)   10 E.  ![   Moreno

I V A LED I DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY OCT 161998 Analysis Report DE&S ENVIRONMENTAL LAD. Customer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/14/98 Attention: Ms. Sara Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear Lab # Date , Activity Sample Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. a MDC Reference Smear r dpm/ smear ] l B44453 09/16/98 10/07/98 *1.0 Beta ( 43 92)E-01 36E 00 I OSM 45 3798 Smear Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #087 B44454 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Beta (7 reporting ratio: 10)E 00 0.000 36E 00 l OSM 46 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #089 B44455 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Beta (7t 10)E 00 36E 00 1 OSM 47 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 I Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #091 B44456 09/16/98 10/07/98 OSM 48 3798 Smear 1.0 Beta ( 42 92)E-01 reporting ratio: 36E 00 0.000 i l Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #093 I B44457 09/16/98 10/07/98 OSM 49 3798 Smear Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #095 1.0 Beta ( 14 88)E-01 reporting ratio: 36E 00 0.000 B44458 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Beta ( 10 10)E 00 36E 00 OSM 50 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #O97 B44459 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Beta ( 14 88)E-01 36E 00 OSM 51 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR # BLANK-099 I * ( p \0 b y I E. M( ubreno I I

                  .          - . - -  -       . - . . . - . . - _ . - ~     ..                  -     .     ~ .-.

L V ALLED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 161998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY Analysis Renort ENVIRONIVEt TAL LAB. Customer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/16/98 Attention: Ms. Sara Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear Lab / Date Activity ISampleCode, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. o MDC Reference Smear r dom /samole 1 B44460 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Beta (-33 64)E-01 31E 00 OSM 52 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #099 B44461 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Beta (-5 i 70) E-01 31E 00 OSM 53 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #101 B44462 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Beta ( 49 80)E-01 31E 00 , OSM 54 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 I. Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #103 B44463 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Beta (-7 70) E-01 31E 00 OSM 55 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #105 I t I Notes:_ Approved by

                                                                                             &          .N E. MCjioreno I

[ .

                                  .                                                                                       MA LED                            l DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES                                                     OCT 161998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY


                                                    ^"*1" i" **                                         "*

ENVIRON ENTAL LAB. Custcer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/16/98 Attcntion: Ms. Sara Roberto Receipt Date: 10/01/98 ( Smear [ Lab / Date , Activity ,

     -Simple Code,                    Analysis,  Volume                                                                a Nuclide                                            Conc.                                  MDC Reference                       Smear                                                         f dom /samnla 1

{. B44464 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Beta ( 110 1 90)E-01 31E 00 OSM 56 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #10~1 B44465 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Beta ( 85 85)E-01 31E 00 OSM 57 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 (- Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #109 (- B44466 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Beta ( 28 i 11)E 00 31E 00 OSM 58 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #111 { B44467 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Beta (-0 i 70)E-01 31E 00 L OSM 59-3798 ' Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Camment: CBA-01 SMEAR #113 B44468 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Beta (-2 70)E-01 31E 00 f OSM 60 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR /115 B44469 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Beta ( 114 i 90)E-01 31E 00 g OSM 61 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 ( Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #117 B44470 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Beta ( 28 t 75)E-01 31E 00 OSM 62 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #319 B44471 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Beta ( 57 8 0) E-01 31E 00 OSM 63 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #121 B44472 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Beta ( 85 1 85)E-01 31E 00 OSM 64 3798 Smear . reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #123 B44473 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Beta ( 27 75)E-01 31E 00

        -0SM 65 3798                Smear                                                                          reporting ratio:                  0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #125 B44474 09/16/98 10/14/98                 1,0      Beta                                              ( 28     7 5 ) E-01                    31E 00 OSM 66 3798                Smear                                                                          reporting ratio:                  0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #127 Nata :                                                                                                                      Approved by
                                                                                                                                             @   kU kil E. M. Mo' reno

MALLED DUKE. ENGINEERING AND SERVICES QCT 16 gg3 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY DE&S 1 Analysis Report ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Customer: Iowa ~ State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/16/98 Attsntion:.Ms.. Sara-Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear Lab' # Date , Activity ,

Sample Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. a MDC Reference Smear i dom / sample 1 )
   'B44475 09/16/98 10/14/98          1.0     Beta       ( 28        75)E-01             31E 00 OSM 67 3798     Smear                                      reporting ratio:          0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #129 B44476 09/16/98 10/14/98         1.0     Beta       ( 57        80)E-01             31E 00
   .OSM 6S 3798      Smear                                      reporting ratio:          0.000       -

Comment: CBA-01~ SMEAR #131 B44477 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Beta ( 85 8 5) E-01 ' 31E 00 OSM 69 3798 Smear- reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #133

    .B44478. 09/16/98 10/14/98        1.0     Beta       ( 28 i 75) E-01                 31E 00       ,

OSM 70 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: 1CBA-01 SMEAR #135 B44479- 09/16/98 10/14/98- 1.0 Beta ( 20 10) E 00 31E 00 . OSM 71 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Ccmment: CBA-01 SMEAR #137  : B44480 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Beta (-28 64)E 31E 00 OSM 72 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000  : Comment: CBA-01. SMEAR #139 . B44481 09/16/98 10/14/98 '1. 0 Beta ( 85 85)E-01 31E 00 OSM 73 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment:'CBA-01 SMEAR #141 , B44482 .09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Beta (-28 64)E-01 31E 00 );

   .OSM174 3798      Smear                                      reporting. ratio:          0.000 i

Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #143 ( 85 i 85)E-01 31E 00 B44483: 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Beta. reporting ratio: 0.000 OSM 75 3798 Smear . Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #145 DB44484 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Beta (-28 i 64)E-01 31E 00 OSM'76.3798 ~ Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 , LC mment:'CBA-01 SMEAR #147 31E 00 1 B44485 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Beta ( 114 90)E-01 OSM 77'3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 .l Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #149 Nat23: Approved by

                                                                                 $        I (U

E. M. Moreno

MAILED D0iKE ENGINEERING' AND SERVICES OCf 161998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY Analysis'ReDort ENVIRON El TAL LAB. Customer: . Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/16/98 + Att ntion: Ms. Sara Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear Lab #1 3 'Date , Activity ,

' Simple. Code' .        Analysis,: Volume       Nuclide     Conc. a                    MDC Reference                Smear                   r  dpm/ sample 1                _

B44486; 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Beta .( 57 i 8 0) E-01 . 31E 00 - OSM 78 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01-SMEAR #151

    -B44487 09/16/98.10/14/98.          1.0      Beta      '( 17 i    10) E 00            31E 00 OSM.79 3798: JSmear                                         reporting ratio:          0.000 Ccament: CBA-01 SMEAR #153 B44488; 09/16/98'.10/14/98        1.0      Beta       ( 85      8 5) E-01           31E 00     ,

OSM 80'3798 . Smear ~ reporting ratio: 0.000 , Comment:lCBA-01 SMEAR-#155 B44489 .09/16/98.10/14/98 1.0 Beta ( 142 94)E-01 31E 00 OSM 81 3798 1 Smear. reporting ratio:- 0.000 Comment:?CBA-01 SMEAR #157. B44490 '09/16/98o10/14/98 1.0 Beta (128 1 75)E 31E 00 LOSM 82 3798 . Smear reporting ratio: 0.000

    -Comment: CBA-01-SMEAR #159
    ~B44491    09/16/98 10/14/98        1.0:     Beta       (-30      64)E-01             31E 00      -

OSM 83 3798 Smear, reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment::CBA-01 SMEAR # BLANK-159.

     .B44492- 09/16/98 10/14/98         1.0    . Beta       ( 20 i 10)E 00                31E 00      '

LOSM 84 3798' Smear reporting ratio: 0.000

    ' Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #161                                                                      4 B44493.:09/16/98 10/14/98         1.0      Beta       ( 28 i 11) E 00                31E 00      l OSM 85~3798      Smear'                                     reporting ratio:          0.000    ;

Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #163 I B44494. 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Beta ( 114 1 90) E-01 31E 00 OSM:86 3794 ' Smear . reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #165 B44495 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 . Beta- ( 28 75)E-01 31E 00 ) OSML87 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 .l

     ' Comment:'CBA-01 SMEAR #167.

B44496. 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Beta ( 85 85)E-01 31E 00 OSM'88:3798 Srear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment:.'CBA-01 SMEAR #169 TN atda:: Approved by l V \0 \b N E. M. Modano 1

VIALED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES QCT j $ jggg ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY Analysis Reoort DE&S ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. . Watomer: Iowa-State Univ. Research. Reactor Report Date: 10/16/98 I $tOntiCn: ~Ms. Sara Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear j Imb # Date , Activity , Ocrple Code,. Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. O MDC- I

                  ~ Reference                                   Smear                                 i   dom /mmmnie 1                              I i

jB44497 09/16/98l10/14/98 1.0 Beta (0i 70)E-01 31E 00 OSM 89'3798. Smear- reporting ratio: 0.000  ; Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #171 l

B44498.'09/16/98110/14/98 1.0 Beta ( 17 10)E 00 31E 00 OSM 90 3798- Smear reporting ratio
- 0.000' Commen'.. CBA-01-SMEAR #173 L -'B44499' 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Beta ( 28 75)E-01 31E 00 u OSM.91-3798- ' Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C:mment:/CBA-01 SMEAR #174 B44500. 09/16/98 10/14/98' 1.0 Beta ( 142 i 94 E-01 reporti)ng ratio:

31E 00

     ;OSM.92~3798                        Smear                                                                                          .0.000       !

!. ' Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #175 l L -B44501 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 -Beta ( 142 i 94)E-01 31E 00 i OSM.93'3798 ' . Smear

                                                                                                        ' reporting-ratio:               0.000       l C mment: CBA-01. SMEAR #178 s 'B44502 09/16/98 10/14/98                                      1.0                Beta           ( 26       11) E 00                   31E 00 OSM 94 3798                      Smear                                                         reporting ratio:                 0.000       i Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #179 l         B44503 109/16/98 10/14/98                              1.0                Beta-          ( 114       90)E-01                   31E 00      j L         OSM 95 3798                    ' Smear                                                         reporting ratio:                 0.000

[ -Crmment: CBA-01 SMEAR #182-l B44504L!O9/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Beta ( 114 90)E-01 31E 00 OSM :96 ' 3798 1 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 iComment:'CBA-01< SMEAR #183' B44505 '09/46/98 10/14/98 1.0 Beta ( 85 85)E-01 31E 00 OSM 97 3794 1 ~ Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 i C mment: CBA-01 SMEAR'#186

      'B44506 '09/16/98 10/14/98
      .-                                                        1.0                 Beta.         ( 85 i 85)E-01                        31E 00 LOSM 98 3798                        Smear                                                          reporting ratio:                0.000

!- iC:mment:JCBA-01 SMEAR #187 lB44507 .09/16/98'10/14/98 1.0 Beta ( 142 94)E-01 31E 00 ' ? OSM 99 :3798 - Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 L Crament::CBA-01 SMEAR #190-tici. Approved by

                                                                                                              %Jw W (ti E. M. Moreno

V AILED - DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCTjg1ggg ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY Analysis Report DE&S ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Customer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/16/98 Att:ntion: Ms. Sara Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear

            . Lab #               Date                               ,               Activity           ,

Simple Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. ia MDC Reference Smear i dom / sample ]

              'B44508     09/16/98 10/14/98         1.0     Beta       ( 85     85) E-01          31E 00 OSM 1003798 Smear                                     reporting ratio:      0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #191 B44509 09/16/98 10/14/98           1.0     Beta       ( 85 1 8 5) E-01           31E 00 OSM 1013798       Smear                                     reporting ratio:      0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #193 B44510 09/16/98;10/14/98           1.0     Beta       ( 26     75)E-01           31E 00 OSM 1023798       Smear                                     reporting ratio:      0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #195 B44511 09/16/98 10/14/98           1.0     Beta       ( 28     75) E-01          31E 00 OSM 1033798        Smear                                     reporting ratio:      0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR # BLANK-197 Natas:                                                                             Approved by h@ (u h E. M. Moreno


                                         ^" 1"Si* "*  "t ENVIRONMENTAL LAB.
    'Cu;tomer:   Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor              Report Date:           10/16/98 Attention: Ms. Sarah Roberts                               Receipt Date:          10/01/98 Srnear Lab /    ,     Date                             ,                Activity                 ,

Srmple Code Analysis, Volume 'Nuclide Conc. i o MDC Reference smnar I anm/nm,nr 1 B44512 09/16/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta (-86 64)E-01 34E 00 OSM 1043798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #197 i I l B44513 09/16/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta (-29 75)E-01 34E 00 l OSM 1053798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #199 l 90)E-01 B44514 09/16/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta ( 57 i 34E 00 I OSM 1063798 Smear Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #201 B44515 09/16/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta ( 84 reporting ratic: 94)E-01 0.000 34E 00 OSM 1073798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 3 Q Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #203 B44516 09/16/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta ( 28 i 85)E-01 34E 00 OSM 1083798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #205 B44517 09/16/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta (-28 7 5 ) E-01 34E 00 l OSM 1093798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 l Comment: CBA 0 1 SMEAR #207 I B44518 09/16/98 10/15/98 OSM 1103798 Smear Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #209 1.0 Beta (-57 70)E-01 reporting ratio: 34E 00 0.000 I # sk 9 ** I Nstes: Approved by , Mpn m L. . oreno E I.

VIAILE D DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY OCT 161998 Analysis Report DE&S ENVIRONMENTAL LAB, Cu3tomir: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/16/98 ' Sttantion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear Lab # Date_ , Activity ,

 -Scmpla Code,           Analysis,  Volume      Nuclide            Conc. a                        MDC       ,

Reference smaar I (nm hmen r 1 B44519 09/16/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta (-57 70)E-01 34E 00 OSM 1113798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C:mment: CBA-01 SME\R #211 i B44520 09/16/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta (-85 i 64)E-01 34E 00 OSM 1123798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 , Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #213 B44521 09/16/98 10/15/98 1.0 .Buta ( 28 i 85)E-01 34E 00  ; OSM 1133798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #215 B44522 09/16/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta ( 85 94)E-01 34E 00 OSM 1143798- Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 , C mment: CBA-01 SMEAR #217 ) B44523 09/16/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta (0 80)E-01 34E 00 OSM 1153798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #219 B44524 09/16/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta ( 85 i 94)E-01 34E 00 OSM 1163798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C:mment: CBA-01 SMEAR #271 B44525 09/16/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta ( 17 11) E 00 34E 00 OS~ 1173798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Co*aent: CBA-01 SMEAR #222 B44526 09/16/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta ( 56 90)E-01 34E 00 OSM 1183798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #223

o ' B44527 09'/16/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta ( 88 18)E 00 34E 00 OSM 1193798 Smear .. reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #224 34E 00 B44528 09/16/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta ( 28 85)E-01 OSM 1203798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #225 34E 00 B44529 09/16/98 10/25/98 1.0 Beta (-28 75)E-01 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 OSM 1213798 C cment: CBA-01 SMEAR #226 lN;tca Approved by o Activity greater than 3 standard deviations

- L hh b$h E.MkMhreno (

1 MA LE] DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY OCT 161998 Analysis Report DE&S ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Cu2 tower: Iowa State' Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/16/98 AttIntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear Lab # Date , Activity ,

l. Stcple Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. ia MDC l- Reference Smear i anm/mmnnr 1 B44530 09/16/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta ( 85 94 ) E-01 34E 00 OSM 1223798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000

{ Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #227 B44531 09/16/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta (-31 75)E-01 34E 00 OSM 1233798- Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #228 B44532 09/16/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta (-85 64)E-01 34E 00 OSM 1243798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000- , Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #229 B44533 09/16/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta ( 17 11)E 00 34E 00 OSM 1253798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #230 B44534 09/16/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta (-28 75)E-01 34E 00 OSM.1263798 Smear report!.ng ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #231 B44535 09/16/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta ( 57 90)E-01 34E 00 OSM 1273798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #232 B44536 09/16/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta (-28 75) E-01 34E 00 OSM 1283798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR # BLANK-232 B44537 09/16/98 10/15/98 '1. 0 Beta ( 57 90)E-01 34E 00 OSM 1293798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #233 B44538. 09/16/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta (-29 75) E-01 34E 00 OSM 1303798 Smear .. reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #234 Nt 3: - Approved by

                                                                                                                                                          @       (0 (6                              d E. M.[Mobeno

i MA_ED , DUKE. ENGINEERING AND SERVICES' 0CT 161998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY Analysis Report DE&S ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. 'Customtr: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/16/98 -Attcntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear Lab'# Date , Activity , S :ple Code, Analysis, Volume. Nuclide Conc. a MDC J' Reference Smear i dom / smear 1 B44563- 09/17/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta ( 85 94)E-01 34E 00  ! OSM 1313798 . Smear- reporting ratio: 0.000

. C:mment: CBA-02 SMEAR #001 B44564 09/17/98 10/15/98 1.0 -Beta (-30 75)E-01 34E 00 '

OSM 1323798 ~. Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 '. Comment: CBA-02 SMEAR #002 . . i j' 'B44565 09/17/98 10/15/98" 1.0 Beta ( 14 i. 10)E 00 34E 00 -

!       'OSM.1333798-             Smear                                            reporting ratio:                          0.000 1        .C:mment: CBA-02 SMEAR #003 B44566 09/17/98 10/15/98                      1.0.         Beta    (-61      70) E-01                          34E 00 OSM 1343798             Smear                                            reporting ratio:                          0.000 7

tc Comment:-CBA-02 SMEAR #004 ( B44567 09/17/98 10/15/98- '1.0 Beta ( 28: 85) E-01 34E.00  : CSM'1353798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-02 SMEAR #005 B44568 -09/17/98 10/15/98' 1.0 Beta (-57-i 70)E-01 34E 00 OSM 1363798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-02 SMEAR #006-B44569 09/17/98 10/15/98. 1.0 Beta ( . 80) E-01 . 34E 00 , OSM-1373798 Smear ~ reporting ratio: 0.000 ; Comment:..CBA-02 SMEAR #007-8 B44570 09/17/98 10/15/98- 1.0 Beta ( 55 90)E-01 34E 00

         -OSM 1383798 ' Smear                                                      reporting ratio:                          0.000 Comment:^CBA-02 SMEAR #008

( 27 85)E-01 34E 00 B44571 .09'/17/98 10/15/98- 1.0 Beta OSM 1393798 Smear .. reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: .CBA-02-SMEAR #009 B44572 09/17/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta (-57 1 70)E-01 34E 00 OSM'1403798 Smear' reporting ratio: 0.000

       < Comment:-CBA-02: SMEAR #010                                                                                       .

B44573~109/17/98 10/15/98 1.10 Beta (-59 70)E-01 34E 00 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 , OSM.1413798

         -C:mment: CBA-02 FMEAR # BLANK-010                                                                                        l Nsten                                                                                              Approved by
                                                                                             ,                        hhN' E. d.'horeno                   t l

V A _ED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 161998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY Analysis Report DE&S ENVIRONMENTAL LAB, CustozGr: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/16/98 l Attcntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 { i l Smear Lab / Date , Activity , Szrple Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. 1o MDC Reference Smear i dom / smear 1 B44574 09/17/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta ( 27 i 85)E-01 34E 00 OSM 1423798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C;mment: CBA-02 SMEAR #011 - B44575 09/17/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta (0i 80)E-01 34E 00 1 OSM 1433798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C mment: CBA-02 SMEAR #012 B44576 09/17/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta (-31 7 5 ) E-01 34E 00 ' l OSM 1443798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C mment: CBA-02 SMEAR #013 B44577 09/17/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta (-6 80)E-01 34E 00 OSM 1453798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C mment: CBA-02 SMEAR #014 B44578 09/17/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta (-2 8 0) E-01 34E 00 0.000 l OSM 1463798 Smear reporting ratio: C mment: CBA-02 SMEAR #015  : B44579 09/17/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta (-28 75) E-01 34E 00 OSM 1473798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 j C mment: CBA-02 SMEAR #016 B44580 09/17/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta (-2 80)E-01 34E 00 0.000 OSM 1483798 Smear reporting ratio: Comment: CBA-02 SMEAR #017 ' B44581 09/17/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta (-1 i 8 0) E-01 34E 00 OSM 1493798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-02 SMEAR #018 B44582 09/17/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta ( 11 10) E 00 34E 00 OSM 1503798 Smear .. reporting ratio: 0.000 C mment: CBA-02 SMEAR #019 B44583 09/17/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta ( 85 94)E-01 34E 00 OSM 1513798 Smear repoicing ratio: 0.000 C:mment: CBA-02 SMEAR # BLANK-020 l B44584 09/17/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta (-29 7 5) E-01 34E 00 ' OSM 1523798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-02 SMEAR #020 l Nitro Approved by j Qga 10 (6 6 E. Mb,Noreno l


                                    .                           DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES                                    OCT 161998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY
                                                                                   ^"*I"*'" **          #

DE&S ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. l Cuntcatr: Iowa State. Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/16/98 ) 2tt ntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98  ! i Smear

         -Lab'#                               Date                                                        ,_                  Activity             ,    j Srple Code,                                    Analysis,                Volume-~Nuclide                Conc.       a                     MDC       -

Reference Smear r dom / smear 1 l 844585 09/17/98 10/15/98 1.0 -Beta (-29 7 5) E-01 34E.00 OSM 1533798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000  ; Comment: CBA-02 SMEAR #021

  • B44586. 09/17/98 10/15/98 1.0 Beta ( 28 85)E-01 34E 00 OSM 1543798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 i Comment: CBA-02 SMEAR #022
         .. B4 4 587           09/17/98 10/15/98                                   1.0         Beta         (-1 i   80)E-01                   34E 00     l OSM 1553798'                         Smear                                                            reporting ratio:             0.000
         .Csament:'CBA-02 SMEAR #023 1

l l I l l l ( 'g *. Nt:a: Approved by

                                                                                                                               ,          h b,N        .,

E. Mh Mbreno ) E !; i jy  ! E _ _ _. _ _.

L f MAILED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 2 01998 (. ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY Analysis Report DE&S r- ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. L Curtomer: Iowa State Univ. Res9 arch Reactor Report Date: 10/20/98 Attention: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 [ Smear (' Lab # r Date , Activity , Analysis, Volume NuciOle Conc. a MDC [.SampleCodeReference Smear I dpm/ smear 1 B44588 09/17/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta (-28 75)E-01 34E 00 f CSM 1563798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 L Comment: CLA-02 SMEAR #024 B44589 09/17/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta (-58 70)E-01 34E 00 OSM 1573798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-02 SMEAR #025 { B44590 09/17/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta _ ( 11 i 10)E 00 34E 00 OSM'1583798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-02 SMEAR #026 B44591 09/17/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta ( 28 85) E-01 34E 00 OSM 1593798 Smear reporting ratio: 0. 0 Q0 Comment: CBA-02 SMEAR #027  : B44592-- 09/17/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta (-58 t 70)E-01 34E 00 OSM 1603798 Smear. reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-02 SMEAR #028 B44593 09/17/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta (-29 75)E-01 34E 00 OSM 1613798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 (' . Comment: CBA-02 SMEAR #029 B44594 09/17/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta ( 28 i 85)E-01 34E 00 OSM 1623798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 [ Comment: CBA-02 SMEAR #030 ( f . [ N tec: Approved by

                                                                            @ [0   20 Q f                                                                  E.4.J4oreno r


                                    ^"*   * * "*"

ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Cu3tomer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/20/98 lAttOntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear Lab # Date , Activity , S:mple Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. ia MDC Reference Smear r dpm/ smear 1 B44595 09/18/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta ( 84 i 94)E-01 34E 00 OSM 1633798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #001 B44596 09/18/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta ( 14 10)E 00 34E 00 OSM 1643798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #002 B44597 09/18/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta ( 54 90)E-01 34E 00 OSM 1653798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #003 B44598 09/18/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta (-6 80)E-01 34E 00 OSM 1663798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #004  : B44599 09/18/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta ( 23 i 85)E-01 34E 00 OSM 1673798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #005 B44600 09/18/98 30/16/98 1.0 Beta ( 27 85)E-01 34E 00 OSM 1683798 Sr. ear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #006 B44C01 09/18/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta ( 56 90)E-01 34E 00 OSM 1693798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #007 B44602 09/18/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta ( 28 85)E-01 34E 00 OSM 1703798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #008 B44603 09/18/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta (-0 80)E-01 34E 00 OSM.1713798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #009 B44604 09/18/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta ( 80 i 94)E-01 34E 00 OSM 1723798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #010 B44605 09/18/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta ( 14 i 10)E 00 34E 00 OSM 1733798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-C3 SMEAR #011 N;tos: Approved by r M$10 10 $ U E. M( Moreno

g VIAlLE D DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 2 01998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY I . Analysis Report DE&S ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Customer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/20/98 Receipt Date: 10/01/98 I Attention: Ms. Sarah Roberts I __fmear

 == '     Lab #          Date                              ,                  Activity                ,

Simple Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. i a MDC Reference Smear i dom / smear 1 B44606 09/18/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta ( 28 i 85)E-01 34E 00 OSM 1743798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 I Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #012 B44607 09/18/98 10/16/98 OSM 1753798 Smear 1.0 Beta (-0 80)E-01 reporting ratio: 34E 00 0.000 Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #013 I B44608 09/18/98 10/16/98 OSM 1763798 Smear Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR /014 1.0 Beta ( 11 i 10)E 00 reporting ratio: 34E 00 0.000 B44609- 09/18/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta ( 85 i 94)E-01 34E 00 I OSM 1773798 Smear Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #015 B44610 09/18/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta reporting ratio: ( 28 i a 5) E-01 0.000 343 00 OSM 1783798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #016 B44611 09/18/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta ( 57 90)E-01 34E 00 OSM 1793798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 I Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #017 B44612 09/18/98 10/16/98 OSM 1803798 Smear 1.0 Beta (-3 80)E-01 reporting ratio: 34E 00 0.000 Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #018 I B44613 09/18/98 10/16/98 OSM 1813798 Smear Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #019 1.0 Beta (-29 75)E-01 reporting ratio: 34E 00 0.000 B44614 09/18/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta (-28 75)E-01 34E 00 I OSM 1823798 Smear Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR # BLANK-020 B44615 09/18/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta (-28 reporting ratio: 75)E-01 0.000 34E 00 0.000 I OSM 1833798 Smear Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #020 B44616 09/18/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta (0 reporting ratio: 80)E-01 reporting ratio: 34E 00 0.000 OSM 1843798 Smear Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #021 Notes: Approved by i L Mh h E.[M.dMoreno

I VIAIL ED l DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 2 01998 E!WIRONMENTAL LABORATORY DE&S l Analysis Report ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/20/98 l Cu2tomer: . Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 l I Attcntion: I i Srnear___ Lab / Date , Activity , Simple Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. O dpm/ smear MDC Reference Smear r 1 I B44617 09/18/98 10/16/98 OSM 1853798 Smear 1.0 Beta ( 14 i 10) E 00 reporting ratio: 34E 00 0.000 l l Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #022 34E 00 i B44618 09/18/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta (-28 75) E-01 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 l OSM 1863798 l

           . Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #023                                                      34E 00 80)E-01 I          B44619 09/18/98 10/16/98 OSM 1873798      Smear Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #024 1.0      Beta      (0 reporting ratio:           0.000 34E 00 l

B44620 09/18/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta (-28 i 75)E-01 I OSM 1883798 Smear Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #025 B44621 09/18/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta (-57 reporting ratio: 70)E-01 0.00.0 34E 00 0.000 OSM 1893798 Smear repc,rting ratio: I Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #026 B44622 09/18/98 10/16/98 OSM 1903798 Smear 1.0 Beta ( 57 i 90) E-01 reporting ratio: 34E 00 0.000 l I Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #027 B44623 09/18/98 10/16/98 OSM 1913798 Smear 1.0 Beta (-57 70)E-01 reporting ratio: 34E 00 0.000 Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #028 34E 00 B44624 09/18/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta (-29 75)E-01 reporting ratio: 0.000

           'OSM 1923798      Smear i             Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #029                                                       34E 00 B44625 09/18/98 10/16/98       1.0     Beta       ( 85     94)E-01 reporting ratio:           0.000 OSM 1933798     Smear Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #030                                                       34E 00 B44626 09/18/98 10/16/98       1.0      Beta      ( 28      85) E-01 0.000 Smear                                   reporting ratio:

OSM 1943798 Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR # BLANK-030 l I l Not:s: Approved by f W lo 10 tr 1 E.I M.UM oreno I l

VA LED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY OCT 2 01998 Analysis Report DE&S ENVIRONMENTAL LAB Customer: Iowa State Us.iv. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/20/98 Att ntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear Lab # Date , Activity , SZ:ple Ccde, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. 1 a MDC Reference Smear f dom / smear 1 o B44683 09/17/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta ( 60 15) E 00 34E 00 OSM 1953798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #001 B44684 09/17/98 10/16/98 1,0 Beta ( 37 13) E 00 34E 00 OSM 1963798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #002 B44685 09/17/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta ( 85 94)E-C1 34E 00 OSM 1973798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #003 B44686 09/17/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta ( 85 i 94)E-01 34E 00 OSM 1983798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #004  : B44687 09/17/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta ( 17 11) E 00 34E 00 OSM 1993798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #005 B44688 09/17/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta (-103 64)E-01 34E 00 OSM 2003798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #006 B44689 09/17/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta (-85 i 64)E-01 34E 00 OSM 2013798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #007 B44690 09/17/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta (0 80)E-01 34E 00 OSM 2023798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #008 B44691 09/17/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta ( 56 90)E-01 34E 00 OSM 2033798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #009 B44692 09/17/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta (-30 75 ) E-01 34E C0 OSM 2043798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #010 B44693 09/17/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta (-57 7 0) E-01 34E 00 OSM 2053798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #011 Nut:3: Approved by o Activity greater than 3 standard deviations 1 (A [0 'l0 U' E. [ reno I


         ' Customer:    Iowa State Univ.'Research Reactor                    Report Date:       10/20/98 Att:ntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts                                       Receipt Date:      10/01/98 Smear Lab #        -

Date , Activity , Semple Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. a MDC Reference Smear r dpm/ smear f 1 .g B44694 -09/17/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta (-28 i 75)E-01 34E 00 r OSM 2063798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 ( Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #012 B44695 09/17/98 10/16/98 1.0 Beta (-3 1 8 0) E-01 34E 00 OSM 2073798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #013 { { t L Nst a: Approved by Ub(un to ySv E. $. Soreno I' L' I' L' - -- -

g VIAIL E J l DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES . ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY OCT 211998 Analysis Report DE&S  ; ENVIRONMENTAL LAB, Customer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/21/98  ; Attention: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 I Smear Lab # Date Activity , Sample Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide , Conc. O MDC Reference Smear i dom _1 smear 1 B44696 09/17/98 10/19/98 1.0 Beta ( 95 73)E-01 2SE 00 OSM 2083798 Smear , reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #014 I B44697 09/17/98 10/19/98 OSM 2093798 Smear Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #015 1.0 Beta ( 152 84)E-01 reporting ratio: 25E 00 0.000 B44698 09/17/98 10/19/98 1.0 Beta ( 37 61)E-01 25E 00 OSM 2103798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000

   ' I:     Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #016 B44699 09/17/98 10/19/98       1.0       Beta        (9       54)E-01                     2SE 00 OSM 2113798      Smear                                      reporting ratio:               0.000 I.      Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR 4017 B44700 09/17/98 10/30j98        1.0      Beta        ( 66       68)E-01                   25E 00 l '

OSM 2123798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 I Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #018 B44701 09/17/98 10/19/98 OSM 2133798 Smear 1.0 Beta ( 94 73)E-01 repreting ratio: 2SE 00 ) 0.000 Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #019 B44702 09/17/98 10/19/98 1.0 Beta ( 123 i <9)E-01 25E 00 OSM 2143798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #020 B44703 09/17/98 10/19/98 1.0 Beta (-48 37)E-01 25E 00 OSM 2153798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 i Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR # BLANK-020 B44704 09/17/98 10/19/98 1.0 Beta ( 66 68 ) E-01 25E 00 OSM 2163798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 l I . Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #021 1 I Notes: Approved by hN E. b.I Moreno

I VIA LED l DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 211998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY ) DE&S 1 Analysis Report ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Customer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/21/98 Att:ntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 4 I I . smear I Lab # Simple Code, Date Reference Analysis, Volume Smeur Nuclide , Conc. ia r Activity dpm/ smear MDC 1 q I B44705 09/17/98 10/19/98 OSM 2173798 Smear Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #022 1.0 Beta ( 38 i 61)E-01 reporting ratio: 2SE 00 0.000 B44706 09/17/98 10/19/98 1.0 Beta ( 180 88) E-01 25E 00 I- OSM 2183798 Smear Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #023 reporting ratio: 0.000 B44707 09/17/98 10/19/98 1.0 Beta ( 95 73)E-01 25E 00 I 0 OSM 2193798 Smear Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #024 B44708 09/17/98 10/19/98 1.0 Beta reporting ratio: 64 ( 1422reportin)E 00g ratio: 0.000 25E 00 0.000 OSM 2203798 Smear I Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #025 B44709 09/17/98 10/19/98 OSM 2213798 Smear 1.0 Beta ( 179 88) E-01 reporting ratio: 25E 00 0.000 Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #026 I B44710 '09/17/98 10/19/98 OSM 2223798 Smear Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #027 1.0 Beta ( 151 84)E-01 reporting ratio: 25E 00 0.000 B44711 09/17/98 10/19/98 Beta ( 152 84)E-01 25E 00 I OSM 2233798 Smear Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #028 1,0 reporting ratio: 18)E 00 0.000 25E 00 o B44712 '09/17/98 10/19/98 1.0 Beta ( 103 i OSM 2243798 ' Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 I. o Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #029 B44713 09/17/98 10/19/98 1,0 Beta ( 92 17)E 00 2SE 00 OSM 2253798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 I Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #030 I Notes: o Activity greater than 3 standard deviations Approved by 1 h b E. d. tifreno

L L M Al _E J l DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 211998 i ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY Analysis Report ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. ICu;tr:2r: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/21/98 ' Qtt:ntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 l l Smear Lab f. Date , Activity , ! SEmplo Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. a MDC Reference Smear I dom / smear 1 B44714 09/22/98 10/19/98 1.0 Beta (9 54)E-01 25E 00 OSM 2263898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA- 05 SMEAR #001 B44715 09/22/98 10/19/98 1.0 Beta ( 208- 93)E-01 25E 00 OSM'2273898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C:anent: CBA-05 SMEAR #002 B44716 09/22/98 10/19/98 1.0 Beta ( 38 i 61)E-01 25E 00 OSM 2283898. Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 ' 'C5mment: .CBA-05 SMEAR #003 ,

     -B44717 09/22/98 10/19/98        1.0     Beta       ( 151 i      84)E-01                25E 00 0.000 OSM 2293898      Smear                                  reporting ratio:
     ~C mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #004
B44718 09/22/98 10/19/98 1.0 Beta ( 121 79)E-01 25E 00 OSM 2303898 Smear reporting ratio
0.000 ,

L Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #005 ! B44719 09/22/98 10/19/98 1.0 Beta ( 32 i 61)E-01 25E 00 OSM 2313898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 l C mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #006 ' l B44720 09/22/98 10/19/98 1.0 Beta ( 180 88) E-01 25E 00 l OSM 2323898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 ! . Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #007 B44721 09/22/98 10/19/98 1.0 Beta ( 95 i 73)E-01 2SE 00 OSM 2333898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000

     'C mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #008                                                             25E 00 B44722 09/22/98 10/19/98       1.0     Beta       ( 38        61)E-01 0.000 OSM 2343898      Smear                                  reporting ratio:

C:mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #009 25E 00 B44723 09/22/98 10/19/98 1.0 Beta ( 152 84)E-01 OSM 2353898- Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 l-L Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #010 25E 00 044724 09/22/98 10/19/98 1.0 Beta ( 66 68)E-01 i OSM 2363898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000

      -Comment: .CBA-05 SMEAR # BLANK-010 iNates:                                                                          Approved by

{0 M V E. Mb Nhreno i l l L

VI A _E D DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 211998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY DE&S Analysis Report ENVIRONMENTAL LAC. Cu3t:20r: . Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/21/98 Attcntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear Lab # Date , Activity i S rplo Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. ia MDC Reference Smear f dom / smear 1

    'B44725 09/22/98 10/19/98       1.0        Beta      ( 149                    84)E-01                              25E 00 OSM 2373898     Smear                                     reporting ratio:                                                 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #011 B44726 09/22/98 10/19/98       1.0        Beta      (9i     54)E-01                                               2SE 00 CSM 2383898     Smear                                     reporting ratio:                                                 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #012 B44727 09/22/98 10/19/98       1.0        Beta      (-20           46)E-01                                        2SE 00 OSM 2393898     Smear                                     reporting ratio:                                                 0.000 C!mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #013 B44728 09/22/98 10/19/98       1.0        Beta      (9      54)E-01                                               25E 00 CSM 2403898     Smear                                     reporting ratio:                                               0.000 C mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #014 B44729 09/22/98 10/19/98       1.0        Beta      ( 123                   79)E-01                               25E 00 OSM 2413898     Smear                                     reporting ratio:                                              0.000 C:mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #015 B44730 09/22/98 10/19/98       1.0        Beta      (-48           37)E-01                                        25E 00 OSM 2423898     Smear                                     reporting ratio:                                               0.000 C3mment: CBA-05 SMENt #016 B44731 09/22/98 10/19/98       1.0        Beta      ( 94           73)E-01                                        25E 00 CSM 2433898     Smear                                     reporting ratio:                                               0.000 C:mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #017 B44732 09/22/98 10/19/98       1.0        Beta      ( 37           61)E-01                                        25E 00 OSM 2443898     Smear                                     reporting ratio:                                              0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #018 B44733 09/22/98 10/19/98       1.0        Beta      ( 91          73)E-01                                         25E 00 OSM 2453898     Smear                                     reporting ratio:                                             0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #019 B44734' 09/22/98 10/19/98      1.0        Beta      ( 179                   8 L ; E-01                            25E 00 OSM 2463898     Smear                                     reporting ratio:                                             0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #020 B44735 09/22/98 10/19/98       1.0        Beta      ( 36           61)E-01                                        25E 00 OSM 2473898     Smear                                     reporting ratio:                                             0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #021 Nste3                                                                                                        Approved by (O M      b E. Ml hbreno

l MA_ED l DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 211998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY DE&S Analysis Report ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Cu2tomer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/21/98 AttOntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 I Smear Lab / Date , Activity , Simple Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. O MDC Reference Smear i dom / smear 1 B44736 09/22/98 10/19/98 1.0 Beta ( 151 1 84)E-01 25E 00 OSM 2483898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Commant: CBA-05 SMEAR #022 I B44737 09/22/98 10/19/98 OSM 2493898 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #023 Smear 1.0 Beta ( 95 1 73)E-01 reporting ratio: 25E 00 0.000 B44738 09/22/98 10/19/98 1.0 Beta ( 38 i 61)E-01 2SE 00 I OSM 2503898 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #024 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 B44739 09/22/98 10/19/98 1.0 Beta ( 152 84)E-01 25E 00 OSM 2513898 Smear I Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #025 B44740 09/22/98 10/19/98 1.0 Beta ( 38 reporting ratio: 61)E-01 0.000 25E 00 OSM 2523898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #026 1 B44741 09/22/98 10/19/98 OSM 2533898 Smear 1.0 Beta ( 149 i 84)E-01 reporting ratio: 25E 00 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #027 I B44742 09/22/98 10/19/98 OSM 2543898 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #028 Smear 1.0 Beta ( 120 79)E-01 reporting ratio: 2SE 00 0.000 B44743 09/22/98 10/19/98 1.0 Beta ( 36 i 61)E-01 25E 00 OSM 2553898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 I. Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #029

B44744 09/22/98 10/19/98 1.0 Beta (-19 4 6) E-01 2SE 00 OSM 2563898 Smear reporting ratio
0.000 1 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #030 B44745 09/22/98 10/19/98 25E 00 i 1.0 Beta (-19 i 4 6) E-01 OSM-2573898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR # BLANK-030 1 B44746 09/22/98 10/19/98 1.0 Beta (-21 4 6 ) E-01 25E 00 OSM 2583898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #031

Natss: Approved by

                                                                                                                                                               ,h I

E. M. Mbreno , ~ u H

I MA LED I DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY OCT 211998 f Analysis Report DE&S ENVIRONMENTAL LAB, l Customer:Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor 1 Report Date: 10/21/98 Attention: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 l Smear 1 Lab # Dah Activity I Sample Code, Reference analysis, Volume Smear Nuclide Conc. i a dpm/ smear MDC 1 B44747 09/22/98 10/19/98 1.0 Beta ( 66 68) E-01 25E 00 l I- OSM 2593898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #032 l I I I I l i I I I Notes: Appr ved by l big @ [0 14 h l E. M( 'Mareno I-

VIAIL E J DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT at 21998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY ' Analysis Report DE&S ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Customer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/22/98 Attantion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 s Smear {. Lab #. Date , Activity , Sample Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. a MDC Reference Smear r dpm/ smear 1 h B44748 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta (-57 i 80)E-01 37E 00 r- OSM 2603898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 [ Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #033 B44749 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta (-23 85)E-01 37E 00 OSM 2613898 Smear. reporting ratio: 0.000

f. Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #034

{ B44750 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta ( 11 11) E 00 37E 00 OSM 2623898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05' SMEAR #035 B44751 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta (61 10)E 00 37E 00 { OSM 2633898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #036 B44752 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta ( 28 94)E-01 37E 00 OSM 2643898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #037 B44753 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta (-1 90)E-01 37E 00 OSM 2653898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #038 B44754' 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta (-29 i 85) E-01 37E 00 0SM 2663898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #039 (' B44755 .09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta (-30 8 5) E-01 37E 00 0.000 OSM 2673898 Smear reporting ratio: Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #040 B44756 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta (01 90)E-01 37E 00 OSM 2683898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR 4041 B44757 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta (6 10)E 00 37E 00 OSM 2693898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #042 f Not:3: Approved by v, $b N E. M[Mfreno 4

I VIAL _.ED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 2 21998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY I Analysis Report DE&S ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Cu0tomer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/22/98 Attantion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 I smear Lab # Date , Activity , Srmple Code, Analysis, a Volume Nuclide Conc. MDC Reference Smear r dpm/ smear 1 B44758 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta (6 10)E 00 37E 00 OSM 2703898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #043 I I B44759 09/22/98 10/20/98 OSM 2713898 Smear Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR /044 1.0 Beta (-32 85)E-01 reporting ratio: 37E 00 0.000 l B44760 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta (0 90)E-01 37E 00 OSM 2723898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 l Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #045 B44761 09/22/98 20/20/98 1.0 Beta (9i 10) E 00 37E 00 l OSM 2733898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 LI l Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #046 B44762 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta ( 26 94)E-01 37E 00 0.000 OSM 2743898 Smear reporting ratio:

Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #047 .
B44763 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta ( 27 94)E-01 37E 00 OSM 2753898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #048
B44764 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta ( 28 94)E-01 37E 00 OSM 2763898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #049
B44765 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta (0 90)E-01 37E 00 OSM 2773898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 l

Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #050 B44766 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta (-57 8 0) E-01 37E 00 l I OSM 2783898 Smear Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR # BLANK-050 B44767 09/22/98 10/20/98 '1.0 Beta reporting ratio: (-57 i 80)E-01 reporting ratio: 0.000 37E 00 0.000 l l l OSM 2793898 Smear l Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #051 i B44768~ 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta (-28 i 85) E-01 37E 00

        .OSM 2803898     Smear                                    reporting ratio:        0.000

. Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #052 . ! N tzs: Approved by il Mgb 10 2D E. M[ oreno lI

I: V AILED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 2 21998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY DE&S _ Analysis Report ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Customer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/22/98 Att :ntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 I r I Smear

        . Lab #          Date                             ,                Activity             ,

ISnmpleCode, Analysis, volume Nuclide Conc. ia dpm/ smear MDC Reference Smear r 1 I B44769 09/22/98 10/20/98 OSM 2813898 Smear Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #053 1.0 Beta (-0 90)E-01 reporting ratio: 37E 00 0.000 B44770 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta (-85 75)E-01 37E 00 I OSM 2823898 Smear Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #054 B44771 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta (-28 reporting ratio: 85)E-01 0.000 37E 00 reporting ratio: 0.000 I OSM 2833898 Smear Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #055 B44772 09/22/98 10/20/98 OSM 2843898 Smear 1.0 Beta (-3 90)E-01 reporting ratio:

                                                                                          '37E 00 0.000 I        Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #056 B44773 09/22/98 10/20/98 OSM 2853898      Smear 1.0     Beta      (0      90)E-01 reporting ratio:

37E 00 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #057 B44774 09/22/98 10/20/98- 1.0 Beta (-30 85)E-01 37E 00 OSM 2863898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #058 B44775 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta (-57 i 80)E-01 37E 00 OSM 2873898 reporting ratio: 0.000 I- Smear Conanent: CBA-05 SMEAR #059 B44776 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta (-2 9 0) E-01 37E 00 0.000 I OSM 2883898 Smear Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #060 B44777 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta (-114 reporting ratio: 70)E-01 reporting ratio: 37E 00 0.000 OSM 2893898 Smear I Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #061 B44778 09/22/98 10/20/98 OSM 2903898 -Smear 1.0 Beta ( 26 i 94)E-01 reporting ratio: 37E 00 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #062 I B44779 09/22/98 10/20/98 OSM 2913898 Smear Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #063 1.0 Beta ( 27 94)E-01 reporting ratio: 37E 00 0.000 Notes: Approved by I IN82

  • E. '

d.J4hreno I l I

NA_ED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 2 21998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY Analysis Report ENVIRON v ENTAL LAB. Cu2tomer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/22/98 Attcntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear Lab # Date , Activity , Sample Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. a MDC Reference Smear I a,nm/w nnr 1 B44780 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta (0i 9 0) E-01 37E 00 OSM 2923898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #064 , B44781 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta (-28 85) E-01 37E 00 OSM 2933898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #065 B44782 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta (6 10) E 00 37E 00 OSM 2943898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 , Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #066 B44783 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta ( 11 11)E 00 37E 00 OSM 2953898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #067 B44784 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta (-2 90)E-01 37E 00 l OSM 2963898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 , Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #068 B44785 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta ( 28 i 94)E-01 37E 00 OSM 2973898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #069 ' B44786 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta ( 28 1 94)E-01 37E 00 OSM 2983898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #070 B44787 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta (6i 10) E 00 37E 00 l OSM 2993898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 4 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR # BLANK-070 B44788 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta (9 10)E 00 37E 00 OSM 3003898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #071 B44789 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta (-59 80)E-01 37E 00 OSM 3013898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #072 B44790 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta ( 28 i 94)E-01 37E 00 OSM 3023898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #073 N tng: Approved by

                                                                         $N h N N E. M[No' reno     i
            .~     - - _ . . . -         . -    - - .-. - - ~ _ - ._ - .                        . ~. - - . - .. _ - .. - -

l l r , pw

                                                                                                            \       %     sm a DUKZ ENGINEERING AND SERVICES                                                                    '

ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY OCT 2 21998- i Analysis'Recort _ DE&S uNViRONMENTAL LAB. ,Cuittstr: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/22/98 pttantion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 t I l Smear ' l lumb #- Date , Activity LScrplo code, ' Analysis, Volume , Nuclide Conc. ta MDC y Reference Smear i dpm/ smear 1 B44791 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta (0t 90)E-01 37E 00  ! i

     .OSM 3033898                 Smear                                                    reporting ratio:                         0.000 C:mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #077                                                                                                           ;

B44792 .09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta (8 10) E 00 37E 00 p CSM 304339G Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 l C mment:'CBA-05 SMEAR'#078

     -B44793 09/22/98 10/20/98                        1.0                  Beta      ( 28      94)E-01                             37E 00  i CSM 3053898                 Smear                                                    reporting ratio:                         0.000  j C mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #079                                                                                                           '

B44794- 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 ' Beta (-29 85)E-01 37E 00 OSM 3063898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #080 i l B44795 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta ( 20 12)E 00 37E 00

.CSM 3073898- Smear reporting ratio
0.000 '

C ment: CBA-05 SMEAR #081 i B44796 09/22/98'10/20/98 1.0 Beta ( 14 1 11)E 00 37E 00 OSM 3083898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C mment: CBA-05 SMEAR =#082 i B44797 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta (-28 i 85)E-01 37E 00 l L LCSM:3093898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 l .. Comment::CBA-05 SMEAR #083 y B44798- 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta ( 28 i 94)E-01 37E 00 l: CSM 3103898 . Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 l Ccmment: 'CBA-05 SMEAR #084 [ B44799' 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Beta (6i 10) E 00 37E 00 l OSM 3113898 Smcar reporting ratio: 0.000 L 'Camment: CBA-05 SMEAR #085 i tas: Approved by c %ep um E. MI Ndreno ' i


b l ._

VIAILED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 2 31998 EINIRONMENTAL LABORATORY DE&S Analysis Report ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Customer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/22/98 Attention: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear Lab / Date , Activity , Srple Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. ia dpm/ smear MDC Reference Smear r 1 B44800 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Beta (-47 i 79)E-01 36E 00 OSM 3123898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #086 B44801 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Beta ( 12 1 11)E 00 36E 00 OSM 3133898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #087 I I I I 4 E Not:s: Approved by ha o p ti E. [ Noreno i F L I

              .              .     . .    - .   .- = ~ -    .- -_        .       .                ..

V AILED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 2 31998 ElWIRONMENTAL LABORATORY Analysis Reoort ENVIRON ENTAL LAB, Cu3tozer:- Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/22/98 Att:ntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear Lab # Date , Activity , Sntple code, Analysis, volume Nuclide Conc. a MDC Reference Smear i dom / smear 1 B44802 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Beta ( 12 1 11)E 00 36E 00 OSM 3143898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C:mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #088 B44803 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Beta (-19 84)E-01 36E 00 OSM 3153898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C:mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #089 B44804 '09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Beta ( 15 11) E 00 36E 00 OSM 3163898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #090 B44805 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Beta ( 37 i 93)E-01 36E 00 OSM 3173898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C:mment: CBA-05 SMEAR # BLANK-090 B44806 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Beta ( 24 12) E 00 36E 00-

    'OSM 3183898       Smear                                        reporting ratio:         0.000 C:mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #091 B44807 09/22/98 10/21/98           1.0      Beta         ( 38      93)E-01             36E 00 OSM 3193898       Smear                                        reporting ratio:         0.000 C:mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #092 B44808 09/22/98 10/21/98           1.0      Beta         (-47      79)E-01             36E 00 OSM 3203898       Smear                                         reporting ratio:        0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #093 B44809 09/22/98 10/21/98           1.0      Beta         ( 15      11)E 00             36E 00 OSM 3213898       Smear                                         reporting ratio:         0.000 C mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #094 B44810 09/22/98 10/21/98           1.0      Beta          ( 15 t 11)E 00               36E 00 OSM 3223898       Smear                                         reporting ratio:         0.000 C mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #095 B44811 09/22/98 10/21/98            1.0     Beta          ( 38     93)E-01             36E 00 OSM 3233898       Smear                                         reporting ratio:         0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #096 B44812 09/22/98 10/2.1/98          1.0      Beta          ( 12 i 11)E 00               36E 00 OSM 3243898       Smear                                         reporting ratio:         0.000 l

Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #097 Notss: - Approved by h@ N E.h.iforeno l l t

VI Al _EJ DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 2 31998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY Analysis Report ENVIRONMEf TAL LAB, Cu2to::ar: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/22/98 Att:ntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear Lab # Date , Activity , S:: plo Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. a MDC Reference Smear i dpm/ smear, _ 1 B44813 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Beta (-19 i 84)E-01 36E 00 CSM 3253898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #098 B44814 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Beta (-104 68)E-01 36E 00 C3M 3263898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #099 B44815 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Beta (-133 i 61) E-01 36E 00 OSM 3273898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #100 B44816 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Beta ( 18 11)E 00 36E 00 OSM 3283898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Crmment: CBA-05 SMEAR #101 B44817 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Beta (-20 i 84)E-01 36E 00 OSM 3293898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C:mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #102 B44818 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Beta ( 12 11)E 00 36E 00 OSM 3303898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C:mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #103 B44819 09/22/98 10/21/98- 1.0 Beta (7 10)E 00 36E 00 OSM 3313898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C:mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #104 B44820 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Beta (9 10) E 00 36E 00 OSM 3323898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Carment: CBA-05 SMEAR #105 B44821 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Beta ( 38 i 93)E-01 36E 00 OSM 3333898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #106 B44822 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Beta (7i 10)E 00 36E 00 OSM 3343898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #107 B44823 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Beta (7 10) E 00 36E 00 OSM 3353898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #108 N;t:3: Approved by

                                                                           $@ {0 g                             D E.



'Custcmer:    Iowa' State. Univ. Research Reactor Report Date:       10/22/98

, Attention: Ms. Sarah Roberts- Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear HLab #' Date , Activity , SErpleLCode, EAnalysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. i a MDC

               -Reference              Smear                     _

r dpm/ smear;, 1

      .244824 09/22/98 10/21/98        1.0                 Beta        ( 9       88)E-01               36E 00 OSM-3363898      Smear                                                  reporting ratio:       ' O.000 Comment: CBA-05-SMEAR #109 B44825 09/22/98 10/21/98        1.0                 Beta        ( 21       12)E 00              36E 00 OSM 3373898      Smear-                                                 reporting ratio:         0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #110 B44826. 09/22/98 10/21/98_ 1.0                      Beta        (-19 i 84)E-01                  36E 00 OSM 3383898     Smear                                                   reporting ratio:         0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR # BLANK-110
     .B44827 09/22/98 10/21/98         1.0                 Beta-       (-50 i 79)E-01                  36E 00 OSM:3393898 . Smear reporting ratio:         0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #111 B44828 09/22/98 10/21/98       '1.0                 Beta        (-47 i 79) E-01                 36E 00 OSM 3403898 . Smear                                                   reporting ratio:         0.000
     . Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #112              .

B44829 09/22/98 10/21/98 1. 0 ' Beta ( 18 11)E 00 36E 00

     - 03M 3413898    ' Smear                                                  reporting ratio:         0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #113 B44830 09/22/98 10/21/98        1.0                 Beta        (8i       88)E-01              36E 00 OSM.3423898     Smear.      .

reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #114 B44831 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Beta (-76 i 73)E-01 36E 00 OSM-3433898 ~ Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #115 B44832 m09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Beta ( 38 93)E-01 36E 00 OSM 3443898- Smear reporting ratio: 0.000

   . Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #116
   ' B44833 09/22/98 10/21/98          1.0                 Beta        ( 37       93)E-01             36E 00
     'OSM 3453898'     Smear                                                   reporting ratio:         0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #117
     .B44834 09/22/96 10/21/98         1.0                 Beta        (-19 i 84)E-01                 36E 00
     ;OSM.3463898      Smear                                                   reporting ratio:         0.000 Comment: _CBA-05 SMEAR.#118 1 Notes:                                                                                    Approved by
                                                                                       %             NN  '

i E. M[ libreno

                                   .                                                                 VIA'L E D                1 DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES                                         OCT 2 31998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY

Customer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/22/98 AttOntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear I Lab # S;mple Code, Date Reference Analysis, Volume Smear Nuclide Conc. i o Activity dpm/ smear MDC 1 B44835 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Beta (-76 73)E-01 36E 00 OSM 3473898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #119 I B44836 09/22/98 10/21/98 OSM 3483898 Smear Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #120 1.0 Beta (-20 84)E-01 reporting ratio: 36E 00 0.000 B44837 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Beta ( 38 93)E-01 36E 00 I OSM 3493898 Smear Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #121 B44838 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Beta (-19 reporting ratio: 84)E-01 0.000 36E 00 OSM 3503898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 I Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #122 B44839 09/22/98 10/21/98 OSM 3513898 Smear 1.0 Beta (-19 84)E-01 reporting ratio: 36E 00 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #123 . B44840 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Beta ( 38 93 ) E-01 . 36E 00 OSM 3523898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #124 I B44841 09/22/98 10/21/98 OSM 3533898 Smear Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #125 1.0 Beta (-19 84)E-01 reporting ratio: 36E 00 0.000 B44842 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Beta ( 38 93)E-01 36E 00 OSM 3543898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #126 B44843 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Beta (9 10) E 00 36E 00 !g - OSM 3553898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 'E Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #127 l B44844 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Beta ( 12 11)E 00 36E 00 ! OSM 3563898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 'E Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #128 'E B44845 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Beta (-20 8 4 ) E- 01' 36E 00 OSM 3573898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 } Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #129 Nctes: Approved by be M L. E.M[Mdreno W


                                               ^"" "*'"

[:.Cu2tomer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/22/98 L Attention: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 {-l Smear f .; .. . Lab # Date , Activity ,

        < Simple. Code,         ' Analysis,  Volume     Nuclide                         Conc. i0           -          MDC Reference               Smear                                        i         dom / smear        1 B44846 '09/22/98 10/T1 /98       1.0       Beta                           (-19     84)E-01              36E 00 OSM.3583898     Smear                                                           reporting ratio:         0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR # BLANK-130 (i          B44847 09/22/98 10/21/98         1.0       Beta                           (-48     79)E-01              36E 00 CSM 3593898     Smear                                                           reporting ratio:         0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #130 B44848 09/22/98 10/21/98         1.0      Beta                            (-76     73)E-01              36E 00 h           OSM 3603898     Smear                                                           reporting ratio:         0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #131 r-         'B44849 09/22/98 10/21/98         1.0      Beta                            ( 38     93)E-01              36E 00 L           OSM 3613898     Smear                                                           reporting ratio:         0.000
           . Comment: CBA-05' SMEAR #132 B44850 09/22/98 10/21/98         1.0      Beta                            (9i     88 ) E-01             36E 00 OSM'3623898     Smear                                                           reporting ratio:         0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #133 B44851' 09/22/98 10/21/98        1.0      Beta                            (9i     88) E-01              36E 00 OSM 3633898     Smear      .                                                    reporting ratio:         0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #134

[. ([ E h lNatac:- Approved by

                                                                                                             % {0 $u E. M.'Mbreno

(! L L


t. Custc'.ner: Iowa State Univ..Research Reactor Report Date: 10/27/98
 - Attantion: Ms. Sarah Roberts                                                                                                             Receipt Date:         10/01/98 Smear Lab #-         Date                                                                          ,                                       Activity                   .,

srple Code, Analysis, Volume- Nuclide Conc. a MDC Reference Smear i dom / smear 1

             -B44852 09/22/98 10/23/98                 1.0                             Beta                         ( 10                       12)3 00                41E 00 OSM'3643898     Smear                                                                                                         reporting ratio:-          0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #135.

B44853: 09/22/98 10/23/98 1.0 Beta (1 10)E 00 41E 00 OSM 3653898 . Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #136 B44854 '09/22/98 10/23/98 1.0 Beta (-99 i 88)E-01 41E 00 OSM 3663898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C3mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #137

      ,       B44855 09/22/98 10/23/98~                1.0                             Beta                         (-1                       10)E 00                 41E 00 OSM 3673898 '   Smear                                                                                                         reporting ratio:           0.000 C:mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #138 B44856- 09/22/98 10/23/98                1.0                             Beta                        (-71 i 92)E-01                                     41E 00 OSM 3683898     Smear                                                                                                         reporting ratio:           0.000 Crament: CBA-05 SMEAR #139 Net 23:                                                                                                                                               Approved by gj           l0  M  D E.d(. oreno

f MAILED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 2 ' 1998 f,. ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY Analysis Report ENVIRONY NTAL LAB. fCustcmar: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/27/98

     .Attcntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts                                                 Receipt Date:        10/01/98 h

Smear [ Lab # Date , Activity , rL S=ple Code, Analysis, volume Nuclide Conc. a MDC { ' Reference Smear I dom / smear 1 B44857 09/22/98 10/23/98 1.0 Beta (-1 10) E 00 41E 00 OSM 3693898 Smear _ reporting ratio: _0.000 Csament: CBA-05 SMEAR #140 B44858 09/22/98 10/23/98 1.0 Beta (-71 92)E-01 41E 00 OSM 3703898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Ccament: CBA-05 SMEAR #141 B44859 09/22/98 10/23/98 1.0 . Beta (-72 92)E-01 41E 00 OSM 3713898 ' Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #142 B44860 09/22/98 10/23/98 1.0 Beta (-99 88)E-01 41E 00 OSM 3723898 _ Smear. reporting ratio: 0.000 C mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #143 t- B44861 09/22/98 10/23/98 1.0 Beta (-71 92)E-01 41E 00 l- _OEM 3733898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C:mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #144 B44862 09/22/98 10/23/98 1.0 Beta (-156 78)E-01 41E 00 OSM 3743898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 { Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #145 F Nstea: Approved by

                                                                                              @MW I0          N E. d. Noreno L

VAILE 3 DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OC.T 2 71998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY Analysis ReDort DE&S ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Cu::tsmer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/27/98 Attcntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 i Smear Lab / Date Activity , Simple Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. a dpm/ smear MDC Reference Scear r 1 B44863 09/21/98 10/23/98 1.0 Beta (1 10)E 00 41E 00 OSM 3753898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #001 i B44864 09/21/98 10/23/98 OSM 3763898 Smear Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #002 1.0 Beta (-1 10) E 00 reporting ratio: 41E 00 0.000 B44865 09/21/98 10/23/98 1.0 Beta (-99 i 88)E-01 41E 00 OSM 3773898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 I Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #003 B44866 09/21/98 10/23/98 1.0 Beta (-128 83)E-01 41E 00 OSM 3783898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 I Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #004 B44867 09/21/98 10/23/98 1.0 Beta (-1 10)E 00 41E 00 OSM 3793898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #005 1 B44868 09/21/98 1.0/23/98 1.0 Beta (1 10) E 00 41E 00 OSM 3803898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #006 B44869 09/21/98 10/23/98 1.0 Beta (-128 83 ) E-01 41E 00 I OSM 3813898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #007 B44870 09/21/98 10/23/98 1.0 Beta (-71 92) E-01 41E 00 reporting ratio: 0.000 'I OSM 3823898 Smear Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #008 B44871 09/21/98 10/23/98 1.0 Beta (-128 83)E-01 41E 00 OSM 3833898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 1 Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #009 B44872 09/21/98 10/23/98 1.0 Beta (-4 10)E 00 41E 00 OSM 3843898 Smear reporting

  • ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #010 B44873 09/21/98 10/23/98 1.0 Beta (7 11) E 00 - 41E 00 OSM 3853898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #011 Nct23: Approved by h

E. Ik. Moreno r


                                ' DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY             OCT 2 71998 Analysis Report                   DE&S ENVIRONMENTAL LAB.             i Customer:     Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor                     Report Date:       10/27/98

_Attsntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts- Receipt Date: 10/01/98-


l Smear

,-      Lab"#I         -Date                                 ,                Activity             , ;

Staple Code,L Analysis, - Volume Nuclide Conc. i a- MDC Reference- Smear i dom / smear 1 B44874 09/21/98 10/23/98 1.0 Beta (-71 92) E-01 41E 00 OSM 3863898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C:mment: NEL-01 SMEAR #012 i

      'B44875 09/21/98 10/23/98             1.0    . Beta      (-71      92)E-01            41E 00 OSM 3873898       Smear    -

reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment:: NEL-01 SMEAR #013 B44876 09/21/98 10/23/98 1.0 Beta (7 11)E 00 41E 00 OSM 3883898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #014 B44877 09/21/98 10/23/98 1.0 Beta (-128 i 83)E-01 41E 00 OSM 3893898 Smear -- reporting ratio: 0.000-C mment: NEL-01. SMEAR-#015

      'B44878 09/21/98 10/23/98             1.0      Beta      (-1     10) E 00             41E 00 0.000 OSM 3903898       Smear                                      reporting ratio:

C mment: NEL-01 SMEAR #016  ;

      .B44879 09/21/98 10/23/98             1.0      Beta      (-71     .92)E-01            41E'00
      ,OSM 3913898'       Smear                                      reporting ratio:         0.000 C mment: NEL-01 SMEAR #017 B44880 09/21/98 10/23/98            1.0      Beta      (4      11) E 00             '41E 00 OSM 3923898 ~ Smear reporting ratio:         0.000 Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #018
       'B44881' 09/21/98 10/23/98-          1.0      Beta      (-2 i    10) E 00             41E 00  ,

OSM 3933898 . Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 , Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #019 B44882 09/21/90 10/23/98 1.0 Beta (-4 i 10)E 00 41E'00 ,

OSM 3943898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.'000 Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #020 41E 00 B44883 ,09/21/98 10/23/98 1.0 Beta (7 11) E 00 '
       'OSM 3953898       Smear                                      reporting , ratio:       0.000 Comment::NEL-01-SMEAR # BLANK-020                                                    41E 00 B44884 03/21/98 10/23/98            1.0      Beta      (-71 i 92)E-01 Smear                                      reporting ratio:         0.000 OSM 3963898 Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #021 Notes:                                                                          Approved by h     h     '



                                                           ~ Analysis Report                              DE&S ENVIRONMENTAL LAB.

I l Custcmer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/27/98 ! Attsntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear Lab #: . Date , Activity , Sample Code, . Analysis, Volume Nu<::lide Conc. i a MDC

                               " Reference                Smear                      I               dom / smear                     1 l

L B44885 09/21/98 10/23/98 -1.0 Beta (-71 92)E-01. 41E 00

OSM 3973898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 l C:mment: NEL-01 SMEAR #022 i C44886 09/21/98 10/23/98 1.0 Beta (-128 i 83)E 41E 00 OSM 3983898- Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C:mment: NEL-01 FMEAR #023 B44887 09/21/98 10/23/98 1.0 Beta (-71 92)E-01 41E 00 I OSM 3993898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #024 B44888 09/21/98 10/23/98 -1.0 Beta (-71 92)E-01' 41E 00 CSM:4003898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #025
          'B44889 09/21/98 10/23/98                       1.0          Beta      (-4       '10) E 00                             41E 00  !

OSM 4013898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 l (

         - Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #026-B44890 09/21/98'10/23/98                       1.0        . Beta      (-100 i           88 E-01                       41E 00  ;

CSM 4023898- ' Smear reporti)ng ratio: 0.000  ; Csament: NEL-01 SMEAR #027 B44891 09/21/98 10/23/98 1.0 Beta (-128 83)E-01. 41E 00 OSM 4033898 Smear- reporting. ratio: 0.000 C:mment: NEL-01-' SMEAR #028 B44892 09/21/98 10/23/98- 1.0 ' Beta- (-71 92 ) E-01 41E 00 OSM.4043898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000

          . Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #029 41E 00
          .B44893 09/21/98 10/23/98                       1.0-         Beta      (-4        10)E 00 OSM 4053898                 ' Smear'                                          reporting ratio:                          0.000
          ' Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #030 i

' Natc33. Approved by

                                                                                                             /@ 0              M  h E. ds horeno o

i A 4 ,w< _ ~ , - - -




        'Custcmer:   Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor                  Report Date:          10/27/98
     'Attsntion: Ms.. Sarah Roberts                                     Receipt Date: '10/01/98 h                                                    Smear Lab #           Date                               ,                   Activity            ,

E Sraple Code . Analysis, Volume- Nuclide Conc. ia MDC L- Reference Smear- I dom / smear 1 B44894 09/23/98 10/23/98 -1.0 Beta (-104 8 8 ) E-01 ' 41E 00' OSM'4063898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 {.' C:mment: NEL-02. SMEAR #001- ' B44895 .09/23/98 10/23/98 1.0 Beta (-4 10)E 00 41E 00 r :OSM 4073898 . Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 [' Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #002 B44896 09/23/98 10/23/98 1.0 Beta (-4 i 10)E 00 41E 00

OSM 4083898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000

[ Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #003 L. 344897 -09/23/98 10/23/98 1.0 Beta (-104 i 88)E-01 41E 00

            - 0SM 4093898 '    Smear  .

reportintf ratio: 0.000 C mment: NEL-02 SMEAR #004 (; B44898 09/23/98 10/23/98: 1.0 Beta (-102 i 88 41E 00 OSM 4103898 Smear reporti) E-01ng-ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #005 B44899 09/23/98 10/23/98 1.0 Beta. (-2 10) E 00 41E 00 OSM 4113898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 f~ Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #006 B44900 09/23/98 10/23/98 1.0 Beta (-159 78)E-01 41E 00 LOSM 4123898 - .' Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #007 B44901 09/23/98-10/23/98 1.0 Beta (-133 83)E-01 41E 00 OSM 4133898' Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #008 {' B44902 09/23/98 10/23/98 1.0 Beta (-2 i 10) E 00 41E 00

            ~OSM 4143898. Smear                                     reporting ratio:           0.000 Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #009 B44903 09/23/98 10/23/98         1.0        Beta     (-74       92)E-01              41E 00 h".           OSM 4153898      Smear                                     reporting ratio:           0.000 C:mment: NEL-02 SMEAR'# BLANK-010                                          -


   ' Nstoo ;                                                                            Approved by E.M[Mkreno y

L e

VIAlLED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 3 01998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY Analysis Report ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Customer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/29/98 Attention: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 I Smear Lab # Date Activity ISmpleCode, Anr. lysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. a MDC Reference Smear f . dpm/ smear 1 I B44904 09/23/98 10/26/98 OSM 4163898 Smear Conent: NEL-02 SMEAR #010 1.0 Beta (-60 60)E-01 reporting ratio: 32E 00 0.000 I I I I I


I l I l lNatas: Approved by i Upo n I E. b. M oreno


                                                                               ^""1""i" **" "t ENVIRONMENTAL LAB.

Customer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/29/98 Attention: Ms. Sarah Rcberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 [ Smear Lab / Date F-- Activity , i i sample code Analysis Volume gmear Nuclide Conc. a dpm/ smear MDC Reference. r 1 B44905 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Beta (-0 73)E-01 32E 00 OSM 4173898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #011

 .{.          B44906 09/23/98 10/26/98                                      1.0       Beta            ( 30 i 79)E-01                            32E 06 OSM 4183898              Smear                                                                reporting ratio:                     0.000 Comment: NEL-02 CMEAR #012                                                                .

B44907 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Beta (-30 67)E-01 32E 00 OSM 4193898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #013 B44908 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Beta (-30 67)E-01 32E 00 OSM 4203898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #014 B44909 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Beta ( 90 i 90) E-01 32E 00 OSM 4213898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 , Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #015 32E 00 B44910 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Beta (-30 67)E-01 OSM 42238S8 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NI:,L-02 SMEAR #016 B44911 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Beta ( 30 i 79)E-01 32E 00 OSM 4233898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 r Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #017 32E 00 [ B44912 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Beta (-30 67)E-01 OSM 4243898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #018 32E 00 [ B44913 09/23/90 10/26/98 1.0 Beta (-60 60)E-01 l Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 OSM 4253898 Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #019 32E 00

             .B44914 09/23/98 10/26/98                                      1.0       Beta            (-30                  67)E-01 0.000 OSM 4263898              Smear                                                                reporting ratio:

( Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #020 B44915 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Beta ( 30 79)E-01 32E 00 reporting ratio: 0.000 OSM 4273898 Smear Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #021 Notes: Approved by g0 3% E. MbNhreno f

VIAILED DUKE ENGINEERING .<D SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY OCT 3 01998 Analysis Report DE&S ENVIRONMENTAL LAB, Customer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/29/98 Attention: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear Lab # Date , Activity , Sample Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. ia MDC Reference Smear r dpm/ smear 1 B44916 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Beta (-30 i 67)E-01 32E 00 OSM 4283898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #022 B44917 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Beta (-30 67)E-01 32E 00 OSM 4293898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #023 B44918 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Beta (0 73)E-01 32E 00 OSM 4303898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #024 B44919 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Beta ( 90 90) E-01 32E 00 OSM 4313898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #025 B44920 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Beta (-60 60) E-01 32E 00 OSM 4323898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #026 B44921 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Beta (-60 60) E-01 32E 00 OSM 4333898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #027 B44922 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Beta (0 73)E-01 32E 00 OSM 4343898 Smear - reporting ratio:- 0.000 Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #028 B44923 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Beta (0 73 ) E-01 32E 00 OSM 4353898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #029 B44924 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Beta (-60 i 60)E-01 32E 00 OSM 4363898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #030 B44925 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Beta (0 73)E-01 32E 00 OSM 4373898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR # BLANK-030 - Notes: Approved by E. N. Moreno I i

[ VIAlLED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 3 01998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY DE&S Analysis ReDort ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Cu3temer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/29/98 AttOntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear { Lab # Date , Activity , Srple Code, - Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. 3 MDC Reference Smear- r dpm/ smear 1 B44926 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Beta (-30 t 67)E-01 32E 00 CSM 4383898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-03 SMEAP #001 B44927 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Beta (0 73)E-G1 32E 00 OSM 4393898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 (- Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #002 L B44928 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Beta ( 30 79)E-01 32E 00 OSM 4403898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #003 B44929 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Beta ( 90 90)E-01 32E CD [ OSM 4413898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #004 B44930 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Beta (0 73) E-01 32E 00 OSM 4423898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 f Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #005 B44931 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Beta (0 73)E-01 32E 00

r. OSM 4433898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 1 Comment:-NEL-03 SMEAR #006 B44932 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Beta (-90 52)E-01 32E 00 OSM 4443898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #007 B44933 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Beta (-30 67)E-01 32E 00 OSM 4453898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #008 B44934 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Beta (-30 i 67)E-01 32E 00 OSM 4463898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #009 r B44935 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Beta (-30 i 67)E-01 32E 00 OSM 4473898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 L

Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #010 B44936 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Beta (-30 67 ) E 32E 00 [ .OSM 4483898 T_ ear reporting ratio: 0.000 t Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #011

         .ht:3: -                                                                                                                                               Approved by 7

h E. h. [F oreno i

9 l- MAILED i- DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 3 01998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY DE&S Analysis ReDort ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. ICustorer: ' Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/29/98 j Attintion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 3. Smear

, . Lab # Date ,

Activity Sraple Code, Analysis, volume Nuclide Conc. i a MDC ' Reference Smear r dpm/am..r 1 lB44937 -09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Beta ( 30 i 79)E-01 32E 00

           'OSM 4493898                      Smear                                    reporting ratio:           0.000 Camment: NEL-03 SMEAR #012 B44938 09/23f98 10/26/98_                       1.0     Beta        ( 89 i 90)E-01               32E 00
           -0SM'4503898                      Smear                                    reporting ratio:           0.000 Comment:'NEL-03 SMEAR #013 B44939 09/23/98 10/26/98                        1.0     Beta        ( 30 i 79)E-01               32E 00 OSM 4513898                     Smear                                    reporting ratio:           0.000 Comment:'NEL-03 SMEAR #014                                                                        32E 00 B44940- 09/23/98.10/26/9G                        1.0    Beta        ( 30     79)E-01 CSM 4523898 ~ . Smear-                                                   reporting ratio:           0.000 C:mment: NEL-03 SMEAR #015                                                                        32E 00 B44941' 09/23/98 10/26/98                        1.0    Beta        ( 60     85)E-01 Smear                                    reporting ratio:           0.000 OSM 4533898 C:mment: NEL-03-SMEAR #016-                                                                       32E 00
           'B44942 09/23/98 10/26/98                          1.0    Beta        (-30     67)E-01 Smear                                    reporting ratio:           0.000 OSM'4543898 C0mment: NEL-03 SMEAR #017                                                                        32E 00 LB44943          09/23/98 10/26/98                 1.0    Beta        ( 60     85)E-01 0.000
      .; 10SM 4553898 n-                                     ' Smear-                                  reporting ratio:

Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #018 32E 00 LB44944 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Beta (-90 52)E-01 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 CSM 4563898 Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #019 32E 00 B44945- 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Beta (-1 73)E-01 0.000 OSM 4573898 Smear reporting ratio: Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR # BLANK-020 32E 00 B44S46 09/23/98.10/26/98 -1.0 Beta (0 73)E-01


reporting ratio: 0.000. OSM 4533898 Smear - Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #020 32E 00 B44947--09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Beta (0i 7 3 ) E reporting ratio: 0.000

OSMJ4593898 Smear
             . Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #021 Approved by Notes:
                                                                                                ,      h@ N b  '

E. k.6 boreno


 - Curtamer:                                                         Report Date:                            10/29/98 Attention: Ms.' Sarah Roberts                                      Receipt Date:                           10/01/98 Smear Lab #             Date                               ,                Activity                                 ,
   ' Sample Code,            Analysis, _ Volume    Nuclide      Conc. o                                        MDC Reference                 Smear                   r         dpm/ smear                              1 B44948 09/23/98.10/26/98           1.0L    Beta        (0i      73)E-01'                                 32E 00
       'CSM 4603898        Smear                                     reporting ratio:                             .0.000 Cnament:'NEL-03 SMEAR #022 B44949 09/23/98 10/26/98           1.0     Beta        (-30 i 67)E-01                                    32E 00 CSM 4613898        Smear                                     reporting ratio:                              0.000 C:mment: NEL-03 SMEAR #023
       .B44950 09/23/93 10/26/98           1.0     Beta        (-60      60) E-01                                32E 00 OSM 4623898        Smear                                     reporting ratio;                              0.000
       'C0mment:.NEL-03 SMEAR #024
       'B44951 09/23/98 10/26/98           1.0     Beta        (-30      67)E-01                                 32E.00 CSM 4633898        Smear                                     reporting ratio:                              0.000 Cimment: NEL-03 SMEAR #025
       'B44952 09/23/98 10/26/98           1.0     Beta        (-60 i - 60) E-01                                 32E 00 OSM'4643898        Smear                                     reporting ratio:                              0.000 C:mment: NEL-03 SMEAR #026 B44953.-09/23/98 10/26/98          1.0     Beta        ( 60      85)E-01                                 32E 00 OMM 4653898        Smear                                     reporting ratio:                              0.000 Comment:.NEL-03-SMEAR #027 B44954 09/23/98 10/26/98'          1.0     Beta        (-60 i 60)E-01                                    32E 00 OSM 4663898       -Smear                                     reporting ratio:                              0.000 t
       .C mment:'NEL-03 SMEAR #028 B44955 09/23/98 10/26/98           1.0     Beta        (-60 i 60) E-01                                   32E 00    ,

OSM 4673898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment:~NEL-03 SMEAR #029 Nateam Approved by

                                                                                                             .D Y E. M[1,Afreno I

l r MAILED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY OCT 2 81998 Analysis Report DE&S ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Cunttmer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/28/98

      ~Att ntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts                                 Receipt Date:              10/01/98 Smear Lab /         Date                               ,              Activity                    ,

Simple Code, Analysis, Vgmearlume Nuclide Conc. ia MDC

r. Reference r dpm/ smear 1

.} B44956 09/23/98 10/27/98 1.0 Beta (-71 83)E-01 39E 00 OSM 4683898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #030 {- , f I L . Nst:33 Approved by L i (D U II E.[.lMoreno


                                                                                                               -DE&S                       i Analysis Report                   . ENVIRONMENTAL LAB.

b tom 3r:. Iowa-State Univ.'Research Reactor Report Date: 10/28/98 ptntion:'Ms.SarahRoberts. Receipt Date: 10/01/98 ' I. l [. 1 Smear ,

l.  :
i. Lab # .

Date. , Activity ' @caple Code,- Analysis,: Volume Nuclide Conc..i a MDC ' Reference Smear I dom / smear 1  ! B44957 09/23/98 10/27/98 1.0 Beta (-45 i 88)E-01 39E 00 ' Smear

      - OSM 4693898 '

reporting ratio: 0.000 l- C mment: VSI-01 SHIELD TANK DRAIN

       . C44958 09/23/98 10/27/98                           1.0          Beta         ( 13'          11) E 00               39E 00

, OSM 4703898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000  ; Comment:'VSI-02 DUMP TANK , B44959: 09/23/98 10/27/98 1.0

t. Beta (1i 10) E 00 39E 00 L OSM 4713898- Smear.. reporting ratio: 0.000 ,

'~ -Crament: VSI-03< DILUTION TANK N. INLET:  ; o B44960 09/23/98110/27/98 1.0 Beta (-43 88)E-01 39E 00 '

        'OSM 4723898             Smear-                                                       reporting ratio:                 0.000       .

C mment:.VSI-04 DILUTION TANK S. . INLET l' -B44961 09/23/98 10/27/98 1.0 Beta. (-71 ,83)E-01 39E 00 i L . OSM 4733898 Smear reporting ratio:- 0.000 ( .- Crament: VSI-05 DILUTION TANK N.. OUTLET-1.0 L= B44962. 09/23/98,10/27/98 Beta .( 1 i 10)E 00 39E.00 OSM 4743898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000

        ~Commant: VSI-06 RM 101 - AIR FILTER LB44963' 09/23/98 10/27/98                           1.0          Beta         (7i        10)E 00                    39E 00

' - OSM 4753898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000  :

       .Cc:r. ment:'VSI-07 RM.101 - FILTER                                                                                                  {
        ~ B44964 : 09/23/98 10/27/98                        1. 0 .       Beta         (-15 i 92)E-01                        39E 00
OSM 4763898. Smear ~ reporting ratio: 0.000 j L.
      - Camment:-VSI-08 NEL-02 N. MANHOLE                                                                                               .

B44965- 1.0 Beta (-74 83)E-01 39E 00 l p 1 OSM 477389809/23/98 10/27/98 Smear reporting-ratio: 0.000 L Comment:.VSI-09 DILUTION TANK - S. OUTLET h stacal Approved by 1

                                                                                                                   @       NN
E. MC Moreno )

i ?: l l

           .                   ,                      . _ _            _  _-                .   . . . . ~ -          .,  _   _     ..


 ;                                           L-1 L



                                             - Analysis Report l

ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. customsr: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 08/14/98 tt5ntion:.Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 07/28/98 L i I Smear Lab / Date ,, , Activity SEcplo Code, Analysis Volume Nuclide Conc. i o MDC Reference Smear f dem / smear 1 A43234 07/24/98 08/06/98 1.0 Alpha ( 150 85)E-02 27E-01 OSM 01 2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000

Comment: Swipe #1 .

A43235 07/24/98 08/06/98 11 . 0 Alpha ( 240 94)E-02 27E-01 ! OSM 02 2998 reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: Swipe #2 A43236 07/24/98 08/06/98 1.0 Alpha (-50 60)E-02 27E-01 OSM 03 2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: Swipe /3 A43237 07/24/98 08/06/98 ~1.0 Alpha ( 41 '72)E-02 27E-01 , OSM 04 2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000 L Comment: Swipe #4 A43238 07/24/98 08/06/98 1. 0 - Alpha ( 77 i 76)E-02 27E-01 OSM 05 2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: Swipe #5 .

A43239 07/24/98 08/06/98 1.0 Alpha ( 41 i 72)E-02 27E-01 Swipe OSM 06 2998 reporting ratio: 0.000 l ' Comment: Swipe #6 i

hit 03: Approved by [ lbII 4 E. b.L boreno 1

                            -                                                                           t

i M Al Lt-U AUG 191998 DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY DE&S ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Analysis Report Custcmer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 08/14/98 Attcntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 07/28/98 Smear Lab / Date , Activity , Simple Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. a MDC Reference Smear I dom / smear 1 o A43240 07/24/93 08/06/98 1.0 Alpha ( 31 i 10) E-01 27E-01 Swipe I OSM 07 2998 Comment: Swipe #7 A43241 07/24/98 08/06/98 1.0 Alpha ( 41 reporting ratio: 72)E-D2 0.000 27E-01 OSM 08 2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: Swipe #8 I0 A43242 07/24/98 08/06/98 1.0 Alpha ( 113 16)E-01 27E-01 OSM 09 2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: Swipe #9 I A43243 07/24/98 08/06/98 OSM 10 2998 Swipe 1.0 Alpha ( 59 74)E-02 reporting ratio: 27E-01 0.000 Comment: Swipe #10 A43244 07/24/98 08/06/98 1.0 Alpha ( 111 16) E-01 27E-01 10 OSM 11 2998 Comment: Swipe #11 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000 A43245 07/24/98 08/06/98 1.0 Alpha (5i 67)E-02 27E-01 I OSM 12 2998 Comment: Swipe #12 Swipe A43246 07/24/98 08/06/98 1,0 Alpha ( 23 reporting ratio:

70) E-02 0.000 27E-01 OSM 13 2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: Swipe /13 Io A43247 07/24/98 08/06/98 1.0 Alpha ( 55 12)E-01 27E-01
       'OSM 14 299d       Swipe                                     reporting ratio:           0.000 Comment: Swipe #14 1        A43248 07/24/98 08/06/98         1,o     Alpha       ( 132        83)E-02           27E-01 OSM 15 2998       Swipe                                    reporting ratio:            0.000 Comment:. Swipe /15 A43249 07/24/98 08/06/98                             ( 41        72)E-02            27E-01 I        OSM 16 2998 C:mment: Swipe #16 Swipe 1.0      Alpha reporting ratio:            0.000 A43250 07/24/98 08/06/98        1.0      Alpha       ( 55        12)E-01            27E-01 Swipe lo       OSM 17 2998 C mment: Swipe #17 reporting ratio:            0.000 Approved by INat22:

o Activity greater than 3 standard deviations M M E. d'.Aboreno I

L MAILED IUG 191998 DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY DE8S ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Analysis Reoort Cu;temer: Iowa State' Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: Attcntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts 08/14/98 Receipt Date: 07/28/98 Smear Lab / Date , Activity ,

  -Semple Code,            Analysis,   Volume      Nuclide         Conc. i         a              MDC Reference             Smear                         I    dom      /   smear    1 A43251   07/24/98 08/06/98       1.0     Alpha      (-68         57)E-02                27E-01 OSM 18 2998,     Swipe                                     reporting ratio:               0.000 C0mment: Swipe #18 A43252- 07/24/98 08/06/98       1.0      Alpha      ( 59         74)E-02                27E-01   :

OSM 19 2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000 j

       ' Comment: Swipe /19                                                                              '

'0 A43253 07/24/98 08/06/98 1.0 Alpha ( 100 15)E-01 27E-01 OSM 20 2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000

      -Comment: Swipe #20 A43254   07/24/98 08/06/98      1.0      Alpha     ( 59 i 74)E-02                       27E-01 OSM 21 2998    ' Swipe   '

reporting ratio: 0.000 1 Comment: Swipe #21 A43255 07/24/98 08/06/98 1.0 Alpha ( 150 85)E-02 27E-01 OSM 22 2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000 C:mment: Swipe #22 o A43256 07/24/98 08/06/98 1.0 Alpha ( 48 11) E-01 27E-01 OSM 23 2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: Swipe /23 A43257 07/24/98 08/06/98- 1.0 Alpha ( 132 83)E-02 27E-03 OSM 24'2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: Swipe /24 A43258 07/24/98 08/06/98 1.0 Alpha ( 77 7 6) E-02 27E-01 OSM 25 2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: Swipe #25 A43259 07/24/98 08/06/98 1.0 Alpha (-50 1 60)E-07 27E-01 OSM 26.2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: Swipe #26

     -A43260 07/24/98 08/12/98         1.0     Alpha       ( 44 i . 60) E                       22E-01 OSM 27 2998       Swipe                                     reporti-02ng ratio:            0.000 Comment: Swipe #27
      'A43261 07/24/98 08/12/98        1.0     Alpha       ( 27          57) E-02               22E-01 OSM 28 2998       Swipe                                     reporting ratio:               0.000 Comment: Swipe #28 Nat:32                                                                               Approved by o     Activity greater than 3 standard deviations
           .                                                                              S    DN E. M.,,'boreno

il hasdL_ o eel:t AUG t 91998 DUKE ENGINEERING.AND SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY DE&S- Analysis Report ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Ju2 tem 2r: . Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor. Report Date: 08/14/98-Sttcntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 07/28/98 Smear Lab # Date , Activity iScrpls code, Analysis,. Volume .Nuclide~ Conc. i a MDC Reference Smear- I dom / smear 'l lA43262s 07/24/98 08/12/98 1.0 Alpha' ( 142 72)E-02 . 22E-01'

     -OSM 29 2998           Swipe'                                                          reporting ratio:              0.000
      'Camment:: Swipe #29 A43263 '07/24/98 08/12/98                    1.0     Alpha                    ( 93       66) E-d2                22E-01               ,

_OSM 30 2998, Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000'

     ' Comment:- Swipe #30 A43264 07/24/98 08/12/98                    1.0      Alpha                    ( 125          70 E-02             22E-01 reporti)ng ratio:

OSM 31L2998 . Swipe 0.000 Comment: Swipe #31

    >A43265         07/24/98 08/12/98              1.0      Alpha                   (-38        47)E-02                 22E-01 OSM 32:2998          Swipe                                                           reporting ratio:              0.000 C:mment: Swipe #32 A43266.-07/24/98 08/12/98                   1.0      Alpha                   ( 142 i      '72 E-02 reporti)ng. ratio:

22E-01. OSM 33 2998 Swipe- .0.000 C:mment: Swipe #33 A43267, 07/24/98.08/12/98 1.0 Alpha ( 89. 13)E-01 -22E-01

   ~OSM 34 2998             Swipe-                     .

reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: Swipe #34 A43268 07/24/98 08/12/98. 1.0 Alpha (.57 11)E-01 22E-01 OSM 35 2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: Swipe #35

   ".A43269 '07/24/98 08/12/98                    1.0       Alpha                  .( 47 1      10) E-01                22E-01 OSM 36 2998-        Swipe                                                            reporting ratio:              0.000
    . Comment: Swipe #36 1A43270: 07/24/98'08/12/98                     1.0       Alpha                   ('89        13)E-01                 22E-01
   -OSM 37 2998            ~ Swipe                                                          reporting ratio:              0.000 Comment: Swipe #37. .    -

A43271- 07/24/98 08/12/98. 1.0 Alpha ( 99 i 14)E-01 22E-01 OSM-38 2998 Swipe reporting rati'o: 0.000 LC5mment: Swipe #38 J LA43272 07/24/98 08/12/98 1.0 ' Alpha ( 174 75)E-02 22E-01 OSM-39 2998' Swipe; reporting ratio: 0.000 lCamment:fSwipe:#39 stogs. Approved by L ct ? Activity greater than 3 standard deviations

                                                                                                         @          i UN E. M( Noreno
                                         -e-     M              e.y  ,                  y        .-
                                                                                                                              -r--  -- -*- /
            . AUG 191998         DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY DE&S ENVIRONMENTAL LAB.                    Analysis Renort Cu3tomer:      Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor                 Report Date:             08/14/98 AttGntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts                                     Receipt Date:            07/28/98 Smear Lab /           .Date                                  ,            Activity                  ,

S:mple Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. o MDC Reference Smear f dem / smear 1

       -A43273    07/24/98 08'/12/98       1.0    Alpha      ( 44      60)E-02                  22E-03 OSM 40 2998       Swipe                                  reporting ratio:                0.00(

Comment: Swipe #40 . A43274 07/24/98 08/12/98 1.0 Alpha ( 93 1 6 6) E-02 22E-03 OSM 41 2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.00C Comment: Swipe #41 c A43275 07/24/98 08/12/98 1.0 Alpha ( 289 87)E-02 22E-03 OSM 42 2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.00C Comment:~ Swipe #42 A43276- 07/24/98 08/12/98 1.0 Alpha ( 27 57)E-02 22E-03 OSM 43 2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.00C Comment: Swipe #43 A43277 07/24/98 08/12/98 1.0 Alpha ( 60 62)E-02 22E-03 OSM 44 2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.00C Comment: Swipe #44 A43278 07/24/98 08/12/98 14 0 Alpha (-38 47)E-02 22E-03 OSM 45 2998 Swipe reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: Swipe #45 Natta: Approved by o Activity greater than 3 standard deviations

                                                                               &      E      b  \$

E. M. doreno i


                                                             .               mal l_E DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES                              .


                                              ^ " "

ENVIRONMENTAL L Customer: lowa State Unhendty Report Date: 12/17/98 Attention: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 12/11/98 Smear Processed ActMty Concentration Lab # Heference Analysis Weight +/-1 SiOma Random MDC Sample Code Date Date (sample) Nucibe (dpm/ sample) (dpm/ sample) U46043 07/24'/98 12/16/98 0257 U-234 0.120 +/- 0.045 0.093 OSM4782998 Smear Composte (Swipe #9, #11 and #20) U46043 07/24/98 12/16/98 0.257 U-235 0.002 +/- 0.011 0.049 OSM478 2998 SmearComposte (Swipe #9,#11 and #20) U46043 07/24/98 12/16/98 0257 U-238 0.105 +/- 0.043 0.093 OSM478 2998 Smear Composite (Swipe #9, #11 and #20) l Note: 1 I I I I I h l Approwd By Mh N [ T.M Moreno L

MALLED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES ' ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY DEC 131998 Analysis Report DE&S l' l ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Cu2tener: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Beport uate: 12/12/98

Ms. Sarah Roberts Analysis Date: 12/11/98 ,

l Receipt Date: 12/11/98  ; Reference Date: 07/24/98  ; i Smear i Station No: 478 Smear l l

 'Simplo Amount:    1 SmPle                              Lab sample #:             G46043 Elcpced Time:    139.9301 days                         Sample Code: OSM 4782993           )

Comment: COMPOSITE OF SWIPES #9, 11, 20 Analyses Req: GU i Activity , ! Decay Conc. ia MDC l Nuclide Correction I agn /,moa r 1 xNp-239  ! Co-57 6.98E-01 ( 98 73)E-02 22E-01 Ce-144 7.10E-01 ( 49 t 59)E-01 18E 00 j

       .Ce-141           5.05E-02               ( 43     18)E 00                   51E 00 xMo-99 Se-75            4.44E-01               ( 40     25)E-01                   79E-01    j Cr-51            3.01E-02               (-27     25)E 01                   92E 01    l XI-131 Be-7             1.62E-01               (-77     50)E 00                   19E 01 Ru-103           8.49E-02                 (-6 i  11)E 00                   42E 00 xI-133 XBa-140 Cs-134           8.79E-01                 (-6    14)E-01                   49E-01 Ru-106           7.68E-01               ( 20     14)E 00                   45E 00 Cs-137           9.91E-01                 (-4 i  14)E-01                   54E-01 Ag-110M~         6.78E-01                 (7     25)E-01                   87E-01 Zr-95            2.19E-01               ( 30     88) E-01                  31E 00 Co-58            2.54E-01                 (-7 i  47)E-01                   17E 00 Mn-54            7.33E-01                 (0i    16) E-01                  57E-01
      -AcTh228           1.00E 00               ( 66     61)E-01                   20E 00 xTeI-132 Fe-59            1.13E-01               (    27)E 00                   11E 01
       -Zn-65            6.72E-01               (-72 i   51)E-01                   21E 00 Co-60            9.50E-01               ( 16 i   18 ) E-01                 65E-01 K-40             1.00E 00                 (8     30)E 00                   11E 01 Sb-124           1.99E-01               (-19     15)E 00                   70E 00 l

, NStcc Approved by l X: Decay correction is less than .01 i ' Reporting = level ratio: 0.000 , h E. E. Moreno l l I



Report Date: 10/16/98 l' Att:ntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 i Smear  ! Lab # , Date , Activity , S;mple Code Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. a MDC , Reference Smear i dom /namnie j A44409 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Alpha (3 11) E-01 40E-01 i OSM 01 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 l C::mment: CBA-01 SMEAR #001

     'A44410 09/16/98 10/07/98              1.0     Alpha            (-59 i     97)E-02             40E-01 OSM'02 3798            Smear                                         reporting ratio:          0.000 C:mment: CBA-01 SMEAR #003 A44411 09/16/98 10/12/98              1.0     Alpha            ( 13       12)E-01             42E-01    4 OSM 03 3798            Smear                                         reporting ratio:          0.000 Comment:'CBA-01 SMEAR #005
    -A44412 09/16/98 10/07/98               1.0     Alpha            (-80       9 5) E-02           40E-01    i OSM 04 3798            Smear                                         reporting ratio:          0.000    j Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #007                                                                              i A44413- 09/16/98 10/07/98             1.0     Alpha            (3        11) E-01             40E-01 OSM 05 3798            Smear                                         reporting ratio:          0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #009 A44414' 09/16/98 10/07/98             1.0     Alpha            (-2       10) E-01             40E-01    '

OSM 06 3798 . Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: 'CBA-01 SMEAR #011 A44415 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Alpha (-80 i 95)E-02 40E-01 OSM 07 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 l Ccament: CBA-01 SMEAR #017 A44416 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Alpha (-4 10) E-01 40E-01 OSM 08 3798- Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment -CBA-01 SMEAR #019 A44417 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Alpha ( 11 11) E-01 40E-01 0.000 OSM 09 3796 Smear - reporting ratio: Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR # BLANK-019 .

     .A44418 09/16/98 10/07/98              1.0     Alpha            (-102 i 9 3 ) E-02             40E-01
     -OSM 10 3798            Smear                                          reporting ratio:          0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #021                                                                    40E-01 A44419 -09/16/98 10/07/98             1.0     Alpha            (-123 i 9 0) E-02 Smear                                          reporting ratio:          0.000 OSM 11 3798 C::mment: CBA-01. SMEAR #023 Nat13:                                                                                   Approved by hdQD (O.4 %

E. . Moreno

M A'lLED  ! GCi 161998 l DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES l ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY DE&S l Analysis Report ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. "uctC33r: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/16/98  ! bttsnticn: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 I I l Smear i Unb # Date -

                                                                ,                     Activity                   ,

lS2rpla Code, Analysi,s Volume Nuclide Conc. ia MDC Reference smear f dom /samolel

           'A44420- '09/16/98 10/07/98         1.0      Alpha      (-123          90)E-02      -          40E-01 10SM 12 3798          Smear                                         reporting ratio:               0.000'
         ' Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #025                                                                               ,
         'A44421      09/16/98 10/07/98        1.0      Alpha     '(-187          82)E-02.                40E-01 OSM 13 3798        Smear                                         reporting ratio:               0.000 i            C3: ment:.CBA-01 SMEAR #027                                                                            )

L .A44422 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Alpha (3 11)E-01 40E-01

 ,       -OSM 14 3798       ' Smear                                          reporting ratio:               0.000  1 l            Ccament: CBA-01 SMEAR #029 A44423 09/16/98 10/07/98           1.0      Alpha      (5          11)E-01                    40E-01

_OSM 15 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 [ C:mment: CBA-01 SMEAR #031 A44424 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Alpha (3 11)E-01 40E-01

         'OSM 16 3798 .        Smear                                         reporting ratio:               0.000 C mment: CBA-01 SMEAR #033                                                                             1 A44425 09/16/98 10/07/98           1.0      Alpha      (1          10)E-01                     40E-01 OSM 17 3798      . Smear                                         reporting ratio:               0.000 C mment: CBA-01 SMEAR #035 A44426. 09/16/98 10/07/98          1.0      Alpha      (-59         97)E-02                    40E-01  ;
          'OSM 18 3798         Smear                                         reporting ratio:               0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #037 f

A44427 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Alpha (7 11) E 40E-01 l OSM 19-3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 l C mment: CBA-01 SMEAR #039 A44428 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Alpha (-2 10)E-01 40E-01

-OSM 20 3798 Smear. -

reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: .CBA-01 SMEAR # BLANK-039 A44429' 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Alpha (7 11) E-01 . 40E-01

          .OSM 21 3798'        Smear                                         reporting ratio:               0.000 l

Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #041

          .A44430 '09/16/98 10/07/98           1.0      Alpha       (-80        95)E-02                    40E-01 OSM 22 3798        Smear                                         reporting ratio:               0.000

, Co2 ment: CBA-01 SMEAR.#043 !1 atca s . Approved by (4 % \%m l E. [M1 Moreno i l' i p _ __


                                                                                              .OCT 161998 DUKE' ENGINEERING AND SERVICES (i                                                ENVIRONMENTAL LABO.RATORY                       DE&S Analysis Report Custcmer:      Iowa-State Univ. Research Reactor                      Report Date:       10/16/98 Att:ntion: Ms.' Sarah Roberts                                         Receipt Date:      10/01/98 h                                                              Smear Labi#.         Date                                  ,                  Activity            ,

Suple Code, Analysis, Volume- Nuclide conc. i a MDC [ Reference Smear f dom /namole ]

                    'A44431. ~09/16/98/10/07/98          1.0     Alpha'     ( 16         12)E-01          40E-01 OSM-23 3798.      Smear                                       reporting ratio:         0.000
                   . Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #045 A44432 09/16/98 10/07/98            1.0    . Alpha     (-59         97)E-02          40E-01 LOSMJ24'3798      Smear.L-reporting ratio-         0.000 L              . Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #047' A44433  09/16/98 10/07/98           1.0     Alpha      (-2        10) E-01           40E-01 OSM 25 3798      Smear                                        reporting ratio:         0.000 (5                    Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #049 L-                    A44434 '09/16/98 10/07/98           1.0     Alpha      (-80 1 95) E-02               40E-01 OSM 26:3798      Smear.                                       reporting ratio:         0.000
                    . Comment:-CBA-01 SMEAR #051 A44435 09/16/98-10/07/98            1.0     Alpha      (3i        11) E-01           40E-01 OSM 27 3798      Smear                                        reporting ratio:        -0.000
                   . Comment:-CBA-01 SMEAR #053 A44436 '09/16/98 10/07/98           1.0     Alpha      (-59     :   97)E-02          40E-01 h;                    OSM 28-3798 . Smear                                           reporting ratio:         0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #055-                   .

A44437 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Alpha (-4 i 10) E-01 . 4OE-01 OSM 29-3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000

                    . Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #057 A4443809/16/98 10/07/98           1.0     Alpha      (-59         97)E-02          40E-01 OSM 30 3798     . Smear                                       reporting ratio:         0.000 Comment:-CBA-Ol' SMEAR #059

{# 'A44439- 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0. Al Pha (5 11)E-01 40E-01

                    'OSM 31 3798      Smear                                        reporting ratio:         0.000
g. Comment: CBA-01-SMEAR'# BLANK-059' A44440 09/16/98-10/07/98 (-4 40E-01

[Jc ' 1.0 Alpha 10) E-01

OSM 32:3798 . Smear reporting. ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #061 3  ? A44441:. 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Alpha (-80 95)E-02 40E-01 V :OSM.33.3798 Smear- reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01. SMEAR #063 lNatos: Approved by Man E. d.Moreno 1%

n 4

V A _.E D DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT I 61998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY DE&S Analysis Report ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Customer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/14/98 Att:ntion: Ms. Sara Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear Lab # Date , Activity , S;mple Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. a MDC Reference Smear i dom / smear 1 I A44442 09/16/98 10/07/98 CSM 34 3798 Smear

       . Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #065
                                                    '1.0                                  Alpha     (1        10) E-01 reporting ratio:

40E-01 0.000 A44443 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Alpha ( 13 12 ) E-01 40E-01 I OSM 35 3798 Smear Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #067 A44444 '09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Alpha reporting ratio: (-102 i 93)E-02 0.000 40E-01 OSM 36 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 I Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #069 A44445 09/16/98 10/07/98 OSM 37 3798 Smear 1.0 Alpha ( 13 12)E-01 reporting ratio: 40E-01 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #071 I A44446 09/16/98 10/07/98 OSM 38 3798 Smear 1.0 Alpha (-80 9 5) E-02 reporting ratio: 40E-01 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #073 I A44447- 09/16/98 10/07/98 OSM 39 3798 Smear Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #075 1.0 Alpha (-2 10)E-01 reporting ratio: 40E-01 0.000 A44448 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Alpha (-59 97)E-02 40E-01 I OSM 40 3798 A44449 09/16/98 10/07/98 Smear Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #077 1.0 Alpha (-2 reporting ratio:

10) E-01 0.000 40E-01 OSM 41 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 I Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #079 A44450 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Alpha ( 7 t 11) E-01 40E-01 OSM 42.379& Smear -

reporting ratio: 0.000

       ' Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #081 I       A44451 09/16/98 10/07/98 OSM 43 3798              Smear 1.0                              Alpha     (-102 1      93)E-02 reporting ratio:

40E-01 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #083 A44452 09/16/98 1n/07/98 1.0 Alpha (-59 97)E-02 40E-01 OSM 44 3798 Smsar reporting ratio: 0.000 l Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #085 Notcs: Approved by

f. W E.[M.lMoreno to f P

f- VIAIL E J DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 161998 ( ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY DE&S Analysis Report ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. [ Custcmer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/16/98 Att:ntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 [ [ Smear Lab # Date , Activity , Snmple Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. o MDC Reference Smear I dpm/ sample] A44453 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Alpha (-2 i 10)E-01 40E-01 OSM 45 3798 Slaear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #087 A44454 09/16/90 10/07/98 1.0 Alpha (-80 1 95)E-02 40E-01 OSM 46 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #089 A44455 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Alpha (1 10) E-01 40E-01 0.000 OSM 47 3798 Smear reporting ratio: Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #091 A44456 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Alpha (3 1 11) E-01 40E-01 OSM 48 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #093 1.0 10)E-01 40E-01 ( A44457 09/16/98-10/07/98 OSM 49 3798 Smear Alpha (-2 i reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #095 A44458 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Alpha (-80 2 95)E-02 40E-01 0.000 OSM 50 3798 Smear reporting ratio: Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #097 A44459 09/16/98 10/07/98 1.0 Alpha (-144 88)E-02 40E-01 OSM 51 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 [ . Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR # BLANK-099 [ . . [ [ Approved by [ N ta: p fjiLWM h E. [M Moreno s L

t VAILED 1 DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 161998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY Analysia Report ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Customer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/16/98 l Attention: Ms. Sara Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 I Smear Lab # Date , Activity , Sample Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. a MDC Reference Smear i dpm/ sample] l A44460 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Alpha ( 26 15) E-01 47E-01 OSM 52 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #099 , A44461 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Alpha ( 28 1 15) E-01 47E-01 OSM 53 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 N Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #101 g A44462 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Alpha ( 43 16)E-01 47E-01 OSM 54 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #103 A44463 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Alpha ( 34 i 15)E-01 47E-01 1 OSM 55 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #105 I I I m b Not:3:: Approved by sN E. M.horeno ' u F

VIAL _EJ DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 161998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY DE&S Analysis Report ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Cust mer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/16/98 Attantion: Ms. Sara Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear Lab # Date , Activity , S;mple Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. a MDC Reference Smear f dom / sample 1 A44464 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Alpha ( 21 i 14)E-01 47E-01 OSM 56 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C:mment: CBA-01 SMEAR #107 A44465 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Alpha (01 12 ) E-01 47E-01 OSM 57 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #109 A44466_ 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Alpha ( 11 i 13)E-01 47E-01 OSM 58 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #111 A44467 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Alpha (2i 13)E-01 47E-01 OSM 59 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #113 " A44468 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Alpha ( 13 i 14)E-01 47E-01 OSM 60 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #115 A44469 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Alpha (-11 12)E-01 47E-01 OSM 61 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #117 A44470 09/16/98 10/.14/98 1.0 Alpha (2i 13)E-01 47E-01 OSM 62 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 l Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #119 A44471 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Alpha (-21 10)E-01 47E-01 l OSM 63 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 , Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #121 A44472 09,/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Alpha (-24 10) E-01 47E-01 OSM 64 3792 Smear . reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #123 A44473 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Alpha (9 13)E-01 47E-01 OSM 65 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #125 A44474 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Alpha (-9 12 ) E-01 47E-01 1 OSM 66 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #127 l l Nate33- Approved by l l i L E[ d. koreno i


                                                                                        - DE&S-Analysis Report                       ENVIRONMENTAL LAB.                     j Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor

Customsr: Report Date: 10/16/98 l Attantion: Ms. Sara Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 l Smear' Lab (- Date' , Activity , ES2mple Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. ia MDC Reference Smear r dpm/ sample 1 A44475- 09/16/98-10/14/98 '1.0 Alpha (-13 1 11) E-01 47E-01

   ~CSM 67 3798       Smear                                              reporting ratio:                0.000 C:mment: CBA-01 SMEAR #129
   -A44476' 09/16/98 10/14/98        1.0    ~ Alpha          (-24 i 10)E-01                           47E-01
   .CSM 68'3798 -     Smear                                              reporting ratio:                 0.000 C mment: CBA-01: SMEAR #131.
   -A44477 09/16/98-10/14/98         1.0      Alpha          (-11            12)E-01                  47E-01 OSM 69 3798'     Smear.                                             reporting ratio:                 0.000 C mment:~CBA-01 SMEAR #133 tA4447809/16/98 10/14/98        1,0      Alpha          (-21 1          10)E-01                  47E-01 0.000
   =CSM:70 3798       Smear                                              reporting ratio:

Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #135 A44479. 09/16/98 10/14/98- 1.0- Alpha (-17 11)E-01 47E-01 l OSM'71 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 ,

   . Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #137                                                                                      !
   'A44480 09/16/98'10/14/98         1.0      Alpha          (-11            12)E-01                  47E-01 OSM 72 3798 ' Smear                                                 reporting ratio:                  O'000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #139
    'A44481 09/16/98 10/14/98        1.0     . Alpha         (           10) E-01                 47E-01         l
   -OSM 73 3798       Smear                                              reporting ratio:                  0.000     i Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #141
   -A44482 ~09/16/98 10/14/98        1.0      Alpha           (-19           11) E-01                 47E-01         !
   'OSM 74 3798-      Smear                                              reporting ratio:                   0.000 l Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #143 A44483 09/<16/98 10/14/98       1.0       Alpha          (-15 i 11) E-01                         47E-01 OSM.75 3798:      Smear                    .

reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #145 LA44484.LO9/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Alpha (-11 12)E-01 47E-01 OSM 76 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment:-CBA-01 SMEAR #147 1.0 Alpha (-19 11)E-01 47E-01 A44485. 09/15/98 10/14/98 reporting ratio: 0.000

    /CSM 77 3798       Smear (C mment: CBA-01 SMEAR #149

.N tas: Approved by I Iy L h E.[M.,horeno r--or-- - - - - , ,p , m , , _

. . - . . _ - _ __ _ ._ ..- _ . . _ _ . _ ~ . _ . . _ . - _ _ _ _ . _ . . _ - - _ . . _ _ . _ . _ MAILED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 161998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY Analysis Report DE&S ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. lCu3t msr: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/16/98 (Attsntion: Ms. Sara Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear Lab # . Date , Activity ~ , , Staplo Code, - Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. .a MDC 1 I dom /namnia 1 Reference smear A44486 - 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Alpha (-9 i 12)E-01 47E-01 OSM 78.3798 . Smear- reporting ratio: 0.000 ll 'Ccament::CBA-01 SMEAR #151-lA44487 109/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Alpha (-6 i 12)E-01. . 47E-01 OSM-79 3798 Smear ~ reporting ratio: 0.000

             -Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR'#153                                                                                             ..
. i A44488 _09/16/98 10/14/98; 1.0 Alpha (-4 i 12) E-01 47E-01 .
            ' OSM 80 3798                          LSmear                                                                               reporting ratio:           0.000' Ctament: CBA-01 SMEAR #155                                                                                                                                        ,

A44489 .09/16/98 10/14/98 1.1 Alpha (-9 i-reporting12)E-01 47E-01 OSM!81 3798 Smear ratio: 0.000

             - C:mment: CBA-01: SMEAR:#157 1.0                                      -(-13 i           11)E-01              47E-01 i               A44490. 09/16/98 10/14/98                                                         Alpha reporting ratio:

0.000 3 L OSM 82 3798 . Smear l C! ament: CBA-01' SMEAR'#159-47E-01 p A44491.'09/16/98'10/14/98- 1.0 Alpha (6 13)E-01 OSM 83.3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 - L l: Camment: CBA-01' SMEAR # BLANK-159

             .A44492_ 09/16/98.10/14/98                                          10.             ~ Alpha                   (-21             10)E-01              47E-01 OSM 84-3798                           Smear                                                                              reporting ratio:           0.000-L               C mment: CBA-01 SMEAR #161 l-              A44493; 09/16/98 10/14/98                                         1.0             Alpha                     (-15 i 11)E-01                        47E-01 1               OSM 85 3798                           Smear                                                                              reporting ratio:           0.000
              -Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #163
             .A444941 09/16/98 10/14/98                                          1.0             Alpha                     (-13              11)E-01              47E-01' LOSM 86 3798-                          Smear reporting ratio:          0.000.

Ccament:'CBA-01: SMEAR #165 47E-01 l; , !A444951 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0- Alpha (0i 12)E-01 D CSM'87-3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000

C:mment: CBA-01 SMEARJ#167 47E-01 p JA44496- 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Alpha (-4 i 12)E-01 reporting ratio: 0.000

! lOSM'88'3798._ Smear Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #169 , Natco:; Approved by hN E. M( Horeno 4 +1 b i rr 4 . . - + - . , .+- - ~ , - -


                                                 .                                DE&S Analysis Report ENVIRONMENTAL LAB.

Met 02sr:- Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/16/98 Gtanticn:'Ms. Sara Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear Lab # Date , Activity i Ocrplo Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. a MDC l Reference Smear i dom /samole 1 A44497' 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Alpha (-13 11)E-01 47E-01 CSM 89 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment:'CBA-01 SMEAR #171 A44498 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Alpha (-21 1 10)E-01 47E-01 CSM 90 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #173 A44499 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Alpha (-17 11)E-01 47E-01 OSM 91 $798 Smear- reporting ratio: 0.000 C;mment: CBA-01 SMEAR #174 A44500 09/16/98 10/14/98 1,0 Alpha (-13 11) E-01 47E-01 OSM 92 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #175 A44501 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Alpha (-6 i 12)E-01 47E-01 OSM 93 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 1 Cnmment:.CBA-01 SMEAR #178 A44502 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Alpha (-19 11)E-01 47E-01 I OSM 94 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C:mment: CBA-01 SMEAR #179 ' A44503 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Alpha (-15 i 11)E-01 47E-01 OSM 95-3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 l Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #182 1 A44504 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Alpha (-300 9 6) E-02 47E-01  ; OSM 96 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 j CCmment: CBA-01 SMEAR #183 l A44505 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Alpha (-21 10) E-01 47E-01 ' OSM 97 3798 Smear . reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #186 47E-01 A44506 09/16/98 10/14/96 1.0 Alpha (-13 11)E-01 OSM 98 3798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C:mment: CBA-01 SMEAR #187 47E-01 A44507 09/16/98 10/14/98 1.0 Al Pha (-2 12)E-01 0.000 OSM 99 3798 Smear reporting ratio: C:mment: CBA-01 SMEAR #190 pcte3: Approved by

                                                                          >    6 E. M/' oreno

VI Al _ED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OC 161998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY Analysis Report ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Cuhtomer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/16/98

Attention: Ms. Sara Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear Lab # Date , Activity i S=ple Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. a MDC Reference Smear I dom / sample 1 A44508 09/16/98.10/14/98 1.0 Alpha (-2 12)E-01 47E-01 ,

OSM 1003798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 l Crmment: CBA-01 SMEAR #191 {

         .A44509 09/16/98 10/14/98           1.0     Alpha      (-9      12)E-01                  47E-01 OSM 1013798        Smear                                    reporting ratio:            0.000
         .Crament: CBA-01 SMEAR #193 A44510 09/16/98 10/14/98          1.0     Alpha      (.11       13)E-01                47E-01 OSM 1023798        Smear                                    reporting ratio:            0.000 C mment: CBA-01 SMEAR #195 A44511 09/16/98 10/14/98          1.0     Alpha      (-6 i    12 ) E-01                47E-01 OSM 1033798-      . Smear .                                 reporting ratio:            0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR / BLANK-197


   ' Nr,tcs:                                                                            Approved by hk E. M.       doreno I'


  1. Gtt Gr: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/16/98 St;ntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 1

l Smear I Lab # - Date , Activity ,

Simpic Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. io MDC i Reference Smear i dom / smear 1 i A44512 09/16/98 10/15/98 1.0 Alpha ( 29 92)E-0.2 35E-01  !

OSM 1043798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 l l Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #197

   -A44513- 09/16/98 10/15/98         1.0     Alpha      (7        90)E-02              35E-01   i OSM 1053798       Smear                                      reporting ratio:        0.000   1 C:mment: CBA-01 SMEAR #199 A44514 09/16/98 10/15/98          1.0     Alpha      (-36       85)E-02             35E-01 OSM 1063798       Smear'                                     reporting ratio:        0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #201
   ~A44515 09/16/98 10/15/98          1.0     Alpha      ( 71       97)E-02             35E-01 0.000 OSM 1073798       Smear                                      reporting ratio:

C:mment: CBA-01' SMEAR #203 4 A44516 09/16/98 10/15/98 1.0 Alpha (-36 85)E-02 35E-01 OSM 1083798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 , C2mment: CBA-01 SMEAR /205

   ~A44517    09/16/98 10/15/98       1.0     Alpha      (-78       79)E-02             35E-01 OSM 1093798       Smear                                      reporting ratio:        0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #207                                                          35E-01 A44518 -09/16/98 10/15/98         1.0     Alpha      (-121       73)E-02 Smear                                      reporting ratio:        0.000
   .OSM 1103798 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #209 a                            ..
                  #                            aw ot:23         -                                                              Approved by id(lpp toh             -

VIAILED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 161998 l ENVIRONMENTAL ~ LABORATORY. DE&S Analysis ReDort ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Mtcasr: : Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/16/98 httenticn: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear-

    . Lab #         - Date                                    ,

Activity , Srple' Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc.. a 'MDC Reference Smear f dom /nmaar 1 l l 1.0 Alpha (7i 9 0) E-02 35E-01 l cA44519 09'16/98

                  /      10/15/98                                                                           0.000 OSM 1113798       Smear                                           reporting ratio:                                 j C:mment: CBA-01 SMEAR #211                                                                          .35E-01 A44520 09/16/98 10/15/98-             1.0'      Alpha      -(-36 i    8 5) E-02 Smear                                           reporting ratio:                     0.000 OSM 1123798.
    -Ccament: CBA-01 SMEAR #213                                                                           35E-01        I
A44521 09/16/98 10/15/98 1.0 . Alpha (-57 82)E Smear reporting' ratio: 0.000 OSM 1133798 C mment: CBA-01 SMEAR #215 35E-01 A44522. 09/16/98 10/15/98 1.0- Alpha' (-121 73)E reporting ratio: 0.000 OSM 1143798' Smear . '

Ccament: CBA-01 SMEAR #217 35E-01 3

    .A44523 09/16/98 10/15/98 - 1.0                  Alpha       (-57 i 82)E-02 Smear                                          reporting ratio:                     0.000-OSM 1153798 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #219-                                                                                       l Alpha.      (-100 i. 76)E-02                         35E-01 cA44524- -09/16/98'10/15/98 1.0                                    reporting ratio:'                     O.000      ,

OSM 1163798 Smear

     ? Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #221                                                                         35E-01 A44525' 09/16/98 10/15/98 1.0                   Alpha     .( 29 i     92)E-02 Smear                                          reporting ratio:                      0.000 OSM 1173798 Comment:'CBA-01 SMEAR #222.:                                                                        35E-01 l-     A44526 09/36/98 10/15/98             1.0        Alpha      ( 29       92 ) E-02                                   '

reporting ratio: 0.000 LOSM 1183798 ' ' Smear Comment:'CBA-01 SMEAR #223 35E-01 A44527 09/16/98 10/15/98 1.0 Alpha (-36 85)E-02 reporting ratio: 0.000 OSM:119379,8 Smear . . . .. Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR ~#224 35E-01 A44528 09/16/98 10/15/98 1.0 Alpha (-78 79)E-02 reporting ratio: 0.000 OSM 1203798 Smear

     ~Ccament: CBA-01 SMEAR #225                                                                           35E-01
     .A44529 09/16/98s10/15/98             1.0        Alpha      (-14 i 87)E-02 reporting ratio:                     0.000

! OSMl1213798 Smear

     <Csament: CBA-01 SMEAR #226 Approved by lNatsas.

(0 (6Ti

                                                                           .E. k.'Moreno l

L i, - . . .


                                     ^" 1"Si" "*" #*          ENVIRONMENTAL LAB, Customer:   Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor              Report Date:             10/16/98 Attention: Ms. Sarah Roberts                               Receipt Date:            10/01/98 Smear Lab #          Date                             ,

Activity , SOmple Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. a MDC Reference Smear f d pm /nme n t 1 A44530 09/16/98 10/15/98 1.0 Alpha (7 90)E-02 35E-01 OSM 1223798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #227 I A44531. 09/16/98 10/15/98 1.0 OSM 1233798 Smear Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #228 Alpha ( 16 11)E-01 reporting ratio: 35E-01 0.000 1.0 Alpha (-57 82)E-02 35E-01 A44532 09/16/98 10/15/98 I OSM 1243798 Smear Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #229 A44533 09/16/98 10/15/98 1.0 Alpha reporting ratio: ( 50 1 95)E-02 0.000 35E-01 reporting ratio: 0.000 OSM 1253798 Smear Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #230 35E-01 A44534 09/16/98 10/15/98 1.0 Alpha (-78 79)E-02 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 OSM 1263798 I Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #231 A44535 09/16/98 10/15/98 OSM 1273798 Smear 1.0 Alpha (-36 8 5) E-02 reporting ratio: 35E-01 0.000 Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #232 35E-01 A44536 09/16/98 10/15/98 1.0 Alpha (-57 82)E-02 reporting ratio: 0.000 OSM 1283798 Smear Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR # BLANK-232 35E-01 Alpha (-36 85)E-02 I A44537 09/16/98 10/15/98 OSM 1293798 Smear Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #233

                                    !.0 1.0     Alpha      ( 29 reporting ratio:

92)E-02 0.000 35E-01 A44538 09/16/98 10/15/98 reporting ratio: 0.000 I OSM 130379,8 Smear Comment: CBA-01 SMEAR #234 I Approved by Notes: , L E.f.Moreno

l l UAiED l


DUKE ENGINEERING AND JERVICES OCT I 61998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY DE&S I Analysis Reor gt-t ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. i Customer: Iowa State Univ. Research Peactor Report Date: 10/16/98 Attantion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 1 Smear Lab # Date , Activity , ( S;mple Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. O MDC Reference Smear f dom / smear 1 A44563 09/17/98 10/15/98 1.0 Alpha (-143 7 0) E-02 35E-01 OSM 1313798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-02 SMEAR #001 1.0 35E-01  ; I A44564 09/17/98 10/15/98 OSM 1323798 Smear Comment: CBA-02 SMEAR #002 Alpha (9 10)E-01 reporting ratio: 92)E-02 0.000 35E-01 A44565 09/17/98 10/15/98 1.0 Al P ha ( 29 0.000 OSM 1333798 Smear reporting ratio: l Comment: CBA-02 SMEAR #003 35E-01 A44566 09/17/98 10/15/98 1.0 Alpha ( 20 11)E-01 OSM 1343798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-02 SMEAR #004 35E-01 A44567 09/17/98 10/15/98 1,0 Alpha (-78 79)E-02 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 OSM 1353798 I Comment: CBA-02 SMEAR #005 A44568 09/17/98 10/15/98 OSM 1363798 Smear 1.0 Alpha (-36 85)E-02 reporting ratio: 35E-01 0.000 Comment: CBA-02 SMEAR #006 35E-01 A44569 09/17/98 10/15/98 1.0 Alpha ( 11 10)E-01 reporting ratio: 0.000 OSM 1373798 Smear Comment: CBA-02 SMEAR #007 35E-01 A44570 09/17/98 10/15/98 1.0 Alpha (9 10)E-01 I OSM 1383798 Smear Comaent: CBA-02 SMEAR #008 A44571 09/17/98 10/15/98 1.0 Alpha ( 50 1 reporting ratio:

95) E-02 0.000 35E-01 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 I OSM 139379S ,

Comment: CBA-02 SMEAR #009 35E-01 A44572 09/17/98 10/15/98 1,0 Alpha ( 29 i 92)E-02 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 OSM 1403798 I Comment: CBA-02 SMEAR #010 A44573 09/17/98 10/15/98 OSM 1413798 Smear 1.0 Alpha (9 10)E-01 reporting ratio: 35E-01 0.000 Comment: CBA-02 SMEAR # BLANK-010 N:tes: Approved by

                                                                             %         (0 b Ik E. Nf.'Mhreno I



                                                       ^"*1""i" **       "*

ENVIRON ENTAL LAB. Customer: Icwa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/16/98 'Attintion: Ms. Sarah Roberts- Receipt Date: 10/01/98 j i i Smear Iab # . Date i F- Activity.

Sgaple Code, Analysis Volume Nuclide Conc. i'a .

MDC , Reference Smear I dom / smear 1 A44574I'09/17/98 10/15/98 1.0 Alpha ( 71 97)E-02 35E-01 CSM 1423798 ESmear reporting ratio: 0.000 C mment: CBA-02 SMEAR #011

A44575 09/17/98'10/15/98 1.0 Alpha (-36 85)E-02 35E-01 CSM 1433798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000- )
Crmment: CBA-02 SMEAR #012 A44576 09/17/98 10/15/98 1.0 Alpha ( 16 11) E-01 35E-01
OSM 1443798~ Smear reporting ratio: 0.000-C mment: CBA-02 SMEAR #013 A44577 09/17/98.10/15/98 1.0 Alpha ( 29 12)E 35E-01 0.000-1 OSM 1453798 . Smear reporting ratio:

Comment: CBA-02 SMEAR #014

           . A44578: 09/17/98 10/15/98                1.0      Alpha             ( 9-      10)E-01                  35E-01 0.000-OSM 1463798          Smear                                               reporting ratio:

C:mment: CBA-02 SMEAR #015 -35E-01

           'A44579 .09/17/98 10/15/98                 1.0      Alpha             (-36       85) E-02 .
                                  ~ Smear.                                             reporting ratio:              'O.000 4

OSM 1473798: Ctament:cCBA-02 SMEAR #016- 35E-01 A44580'~09/17/98 10/15/98 1.0 Alpha (9 10)E-01 OSM 1483798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000

C mment: CBA-02 SMEAR #017 35E-01 A44581' 09/17/98 10/15/98 1.0 Alpha ( 29 92)E-02 OSM.1493798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-02 SMEAR #018 35E-01 i
             ~A44582     09/17/98'10/15/98            1.0      Alpha             (7        90)E-02 Smear                                              reporting ratio:               0.000 OSM: 150379E L I
             < Comment: CBA-02 SMEAR #019                                                                           35E-01 A44583 09/17/98 10/15/98               1.0      Alpha             (-36       85)E-02                            l Smear '                                            reporting ratio:               0.000 t              .OSM 1513798                                                                                                     i
             -Comment: CBA-02 SMEAR # BLANK-020 JA44584: 09/17/98:10/15/98               1.0      Alpha             ( 50 1     95) E-02                35E-01 1 0.000 1 OSM 1523798          Smear                                              reporting ratio:

Comment: CBA-02 SMEAR #020 j Natos: Approved by j L Mme MU' E.h.Choreno l l L

                                                      -a             , -                 .      u.

VI A _E J DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 161998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY Analysis Report DE&S ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Custcmsr: . Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/16/98 httcntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 1 Smear Lab #


Date - , Activity , i Srple Code Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. a dpm/ smear MDC Refert.nce Smear i 1

       'A44585 09/17/98 10/15/98        1.0     Alpha     (7i       90)E-02                35E-01
      'OSM 1533798      Smear                                  reporting ratio:'

0.000 Comment: CBA-02 SMEAR #021 j A44586 09/17/98 10/15/98 1.0 Alpha ( 29 92)E-02 35E-01 OSM 1543798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C:mment: CBA-02 SMEAR #022 A44587 09/17/98 10/15/98 1.0 Alpha ( 71 97)E-02 35E-01 OSM 1553798. Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C:mment: CBA-02 SMEAR #023


l I t I. l. l .- Oct:c; Approved by g 3, E.di.horeno 1


                                                                            ' MAILED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES                   OCT 2 01998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY                                                l DE&S Analysis Report ENVIRONMENTAL LAB.                    l Cuctoncr:     Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor                 Report Date:          10/20/98 Attention: Ms. Sarah Roberts                                    Receipt Date:         10/01/98           i Smear
        ' Lab /         Date                                                   Activity                 ,

SC ple' Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide , Conc. a MDC. Reference smear f anm/mmene 1-  ; A44588 09/17/98 10/16/98 1.0 Alpha (-75 i 73)E-02 33E-01 OSM 1563798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C;mment: CBA-02 SMEAR #024 A44589 09/17/98 10/16/98 1.0 Alpha ( 75 i 92)E-02 33E-01  ; OSM 1573798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 I

        -C mment: CBA-02 SMEAR #025 1.0                   (-11     81)E-02                 33E-01 A44590 09/17/98 10/16/98               Alpha                                                      i OSM 1583798     Smear                                    reporting ratio:               0.000     l C:mment: CBA-02 SMEAR #026                                                           33E-01 A44591 09/17/98 10/16/98 1.0           Alpha        ( 11     84)E-02 0.00'0 OSM 1593798     Smear                                    reporting ratio:

C:mment. CBA-02 SMEAR #027 33E-01 l 'A44592 09/17/98 10/16/98 1.0 Alpha ( 53 i 90)E-02 0.000 OSM 1603798 Smear reporting ratio: C:mment: CBA-02 SMEAR #028 33E-01 L A44593 09/17/98 10/16/98 1.0 Alpha ( 11 84)E-02 0.000 l OSM 1613798 Smear reporting ratio: < Comment: CBA-02 SMEAR #029 33E-01 L A44594 09/17/98 10/16/98 1.0 Alpha (-96 69)E-02 OSM 1623798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment:-CBA-02 SMEAR #030 l l N:taas -- Approved by (1) 10 $M E. d.'horeno 1


   >                                     Analysis Report                        ENVIRONMENTAL LAB.

Customer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/20/98 AttOntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear Lab # Date , Activity , S:;ple Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. ia MDC Reference Smear I dom / smear 1 A44595 09/18/98 10/16/98 1.0 Alpha ( 75 i 92)E-02 33E-01 OSM 1633798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #001 A44596 09/18/98 10/16/98 1.0 Alpha ( 18 i 10) E-01 33E-01 OSM 1643798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #002 I A44397 09/18/98 10/16/98 OSM 1653798 Smear Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #003 1.0 Alpha ( 139 99)E-02 reporting ratio: 33E-01 0.000 A44598 09/18/98 10/16/98 1.0 Alpha ( 29 11)E-01 33E-01 I OSM 1663798 Smear Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #004 A44599 09/18/98 10/16/98 1.0 Alpha ( 27 reporting ratio: 11)E-01 0.000 33E-01 OSM 1673798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 I Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #005 A44600 09/18/98 10/16/98 1.0 Alpha ( 96 94)E-02 reporting ratio: 33E-01 0.000 OSM 1683798 Smear Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #006 I A44601 09/18/98 10/16/98 OSM 1693798 Smear 1.0 Alpha ( 32 87)E-02 reporting ratio: 33E-01 0.000 Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #007 Alpha 33E-01 I A44602 09/18/98 10/16/98 OSM 1703798 Smear Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #008 1.0 (-139 62)E-02 reporting ratio: 0.000 A44603 09/18/98 10/16/98 1.0 Alpha ( 11 84)E-02 33E-01 j I OSM 1713798 Smear Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #009 1.0 reporting ratio: 0.000 33E-01 l A44604 09/18/98 10/16/98 Alpha ( 29 11)E-01 reporting ratio: 0.000 I l OSM 1723798 Smear Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #010 A44605 09/18/98 10/16/98 1.0 Alpha ( 96 94)E-02 reporting ratio: 33E-01 0.000 L OSM 1733798 Smear Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #011 Approve ( ' { Nots:. g @ dam (0 A E. M( Eoreno r

   ..         . . ~ . . - . . . . . - -              - - . . _ - . . . -               . - . . -          - - - . - - . - - . . . - -

Cunt mer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/20/98 Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Attsntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Smear Activity . , Lab # Date , MDC S mple Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. i a Reference Smear I dpm/nmear 1 i 1.0 Alpha (-75 reporting i 73)E-02ratio: 33E-01

         'A44606 ^09/18/98'10/16/98                                                                                                                0.000   >

OSM 1743798 Smear

CBA-03 SMEAR #012 33E-01
          'A44607 09/18/98 10/16/98                                1.0-        Alpha           ( 11 i 84)E-02 reporting ratio:                              0.000 CSM 1753798                   Smear C:mment: CBA-03 SMEAR #013                                                                                                            33E-01 JA44608 09/18/98 10/16/98                                 1.0         Alpha           (-75 ireporting
                                                                                                        -73)E-02ratio:                              0.000
         'OSM 1763798 ~ ' Smear Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #014                                                                                                            33E-01 A44609 09/18/98 10/16/98                               1.0         Alpha           ( 32          87)E-02 Smear.                                                      reporting ratio:                              0.000- ,
         'OSM-1773798                                                                                                                                    :

C:mment: CBA-03 SMEAR #015 33E-01 A44610- 09/18/98 10/16/98 1.0 Alpha ( 11 1reporting 84)E-02 ratio: 0.000 OSM 1783798 Smear C:mment: CBA-03. SMEAR #016 33E-01

          ;A44611 -09/18/98 10/16/98                                1.0        Alpha            (-75         73)E-02 reporting ratio:                             0.000
          ~0SM'1793798~ Smear'                                                                                                                           '

Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #017 99)E-02 33E-01 A44612 '09/18/98.10/16/98 1.0 Alpha ( 139 0.000

                                         ' Smear                                                       reporting ratio:

OSM 1803798'

           ' Comment: 'CBA-03 SMEAR #018                                                                                                          33E-01 l
          ' A4 4 613.- 09/18/98.10/16/98                            1.0        Alpha             ( 11         84)E-02 reporting ratio:                             0.000 OSM 1813798                   Smear Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #019                                                                                                           33E-01 A44614. 09/18/98 10/16/98                              1.0        Alpha             (-11         81) E-02                              0.000 Smear.                                                      reporting ratio:

OSM 1823798 Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR # BLANK-020 33E-01

          'A44615 09/18/98 10/16/98                                 1.0        Alpha             (-96         69)E-02                                0.000 Smear   '                                                   reporting ratio:
            .OSM 1833798 Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #020                                                                                                            33E-01 A44616 -09/18/98 10/16/98 1.0                                      alpha            (-53          76) E-02                              0.000 Smear-                                                      reporting ratio:
            .OSM 1843798.
           " Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR'#021 Approved by Netco:


    '                                                                                                                                           g I


        ._.       . - - . _ . __,_.-                . . , . . . _      . _ . _ . _ _ . _ . . . _ . _ _ . . .                 _ _ . . . _ __           . ~ _


                                                    -DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES                                                OCT 2 01998

! ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY L DE&S i' Analysis Report ENVIRONMENTAL U4B. ' Custcmer:' Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/20/98 Receipt Date: 10/01/98 L'Att:ntion:'Ms.-Sarah Roberts l i Smear

i L2b #- Date , Activity , l Serple Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. i a MDC Reference Smear r- dom / smear 1-l A44617 09/18/98 10/16/98 1. 0 - Alpha ( 32 87)E-02 33E-01
             .OSM 1853798                    Smears                                                                    reporting ratio:                   0.000 H l                                                                                                                                                                          i Conment: CBA-03 SMEAR #022 A44618 09/18/98 10/16/98.                             1.0         Alpha.                          (-53       76) E-02                    33E-01 o      OSM 1863798                   Smear                                                                     reporting ratio:                   0.000           ,

Crament: CBA-03 SMEAR #023 33E-01 A44619 09/18/98.10/16/98 1.0 Alpha (-96 69)E-02  ! OSM 1873798' Smear reporting ratio:' O.000 C mment: CBA-03 SMEAR #024 A44620 09/18/98'10/16/98 1.0 Alpha (-96 i 69) E-02 33E-01 reporting ratio: 0.000-CSM 1883798 Smear !- C mment: CBA-03 SMEAR #025 33E-01.

- A44621 09/18/98 10/16/98 1.0 Alpha (-75 i 73)E-02 -

OSM-1893798 Smear reporting ratio:~ 0.000 Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #026 33E-01 l A44622 09/18/98 10/16/98 1.0 Alpha (-96 ' 69)E-02

Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 OSM'1903798 Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #027 33E-01

( 11 i 84)E-02

             'A44623 -09/18/98 10/16/98                              1.0         Alpha reporting ratio:                    0.000          ,
             'OSM 1913798                     Smear Comment: CBA-03-SMEAR #028                                                                                                               33E-01 l

A44624' 09/18/98 10/16/98- 1.0 Alpha ( 32 i 87)E-02  ! OSM 1923798 . Smear- reporting ratio: 'O.000  ;

              -Comment: CBA-03 SMEAR #029                                                                                                               33E                 A44625 '09/18/98 10/16/98                             1.0          Alpha                          (-32 i 79)E-02 Smear-                                                                   reporting ratio:                    0.000 OSM 1933798-                                                                                                                                              :

Comment: 'CBA-03. SMEAR #030 33E-01 A44626 09/18/98 10/16/98 1.0 Alpha ( 11 84)E-02 l Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 OSM 1943798 i Comment:-'CBA-03 SMEAR # BLANK-030

. Nsta3

Approved by hD h N Y I

E. /k. i Moreno I- -


  - - . . .        .       -.    - .      - - . -              . - -        . . . - . _             - - - ~       . . = - . _    - . - . ~ - .

l [. MAILED. DUKE' ENGINEERING AND SERVICEG OCT 2 01998 L ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY DE&S ! Analysis Report ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. i Customer: ~ Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/20/98 I lAttOntion: L Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 j l'  ! Smear

             . Lab'#.                Date                                               ,                         Activity                            ,

I l. St ple Code, Analysis, Nuclide


Volume Conc.Ji a MDC- l dom / smear l Reference Smear i 1 l t A44683. 09/17/98 10/16/98 1.0 Alpha (-53 i. 7 6) E-02 33E-01 0.000 , OSM 1953798 Smear. reporting ratio: b 'Camment: .CBA-04 SMEAR #001- ! A44684 09/17/98 10/16/98 1.0 Alpha ( 96 94)E-02 33E-01

                                                                                                                                             .0.000 l

L ,OSM 1963798 Smear reporting ratio: Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #002-

  • A44685 09/17/98 10/16/98 1.0 Alpha (-11 i 81)E-02 33E-01 OSM 1973798 Smear. reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment:.CBA-04 SMEAR #003 A44686 09/17/98 10/16/98 1.0 Alpha- (-53 76) E-02 33E-01 l i

OSM 1983798 . . Smear- reporting ratio:- 0.0 00 ic l Comment:~CBA-04 SMEAR #004'  :  ! ( 32 i 87)E-02 33E-01 A44687. 09/17/98 10/16/98 :1.0 Alpha reporting ratio: 0.000

    ,         'OSM 1993798              Smear.                                                                                                           l
Comment:.'CBA-04 SMEAR #005 33E-01 l10 A44688- 09/17/98 10/16/98 1.0 Alpha (.93 16) E-01 . 1
              'OSM 2003798              Smear                                                      -reporting ratio:                           0.000 L.             'C mment: CBA-04' SMEAR #006                                                                                                  33E-01
             .A44689 09/17/98 10/16/98                    1.0         Alpha               (-53              76) E-02 Smear                                                       reporting ratio:                         .0.000      ,

OSM 2013798- l Comment: CBA-04: SMEAR #007 33E-01 L A44690'~09/17/98 10/16/98' 1.0 Alpha (-32 . 79)E-02 reporting ratio: 0.000 L .OSM'2023798 . Smear L Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR'#008 33E-01

              'A44691 09/17/98 10/16/98                   1.0         Alpha               ( 32              87)E-02 Smear                                                       reporting ratio:                           0.000 i                OSM 2033798'.

L Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #009 33E-01

i. 'A44692. 09/17/98 10/16/98 1.0 Alpha ( 75 9 2 ) E-02.

Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 > OSM.2043798 l~ Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #010 33E-01 L A44693'-09/17/98 10/16/98 1.0 Alpha (-11 81)E-02 reporting ratio: 0.000 OSM 2053798 Smear

Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #011 Not g: Approved by o Activity greater than 3. standard deviations l

[U4 bO?Y E. /k. \ Moreno i i ! l t

VIAliED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 2 01998 EtWIRONMENTAL LABORATORY DE&S Analysis Report ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Customsr: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/20/98 AttOntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear Lab / Date , Activity , Samplo code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. o MDC Reference Smear i dpm/sment 1 A44694 09/17/98 10/16/98 1.0 Alpha (-75 73)E-02 13E-01 OSM 2063798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #012 A44695 09/17/98 10/16/98 1.0 Alpha ( 139 99)E-02 33E-01 OSM 2073798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #013 Not03: Approved by

                                                                                            , h       kD bD $Y E. M( d reno

p l r MALLED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 211998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY. Analysis Report DE&S ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. ICu:Ite:2cr: ' Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/21/98 l Attcntion: Ms. - Sarah Roberts . Receipt.Date: 10/01/98-Smear Lab #: Date Activity l Ccrple' code, MDC , L

                                      ' Analysis,' Volume Nuclide                    , Conc. ia                                ,1 i

Referenca Smear I dom / smear 1 [ A44696: 09/17/98 10/19/98 1.0 Alpha (-43 68) E-02 30E-01 D -OSM 2083798 Smear-- reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #014 A44697 09/17/98 10/19/98 1.0 Alpha (-64 64)E-02 30E-01 (: reporting ratio: 0.000 OSM/2093798 Smear Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR'#015 JA44698- 09/17/98 10/19/98 1.0 Alpha ( 21 77)E-02 30E-01

           ' OSM 2103798         ~ Smear                                                   reporting ratio:          0.000 Ccament: CBA-04 SMEAR-#016
A44699 09/17/98 10/19/98 1.0 Alpha ( 43 i. 80)E-02 30E-01 i
OSM-2113798- ~ ' Smear' reporting ratio: O.000 l l Ccament: CBA-04 SMEAR.#017 j 'A44700 09/17/98110/19/98 ~.0-1 Alpha (-64 i 64)E-02 30E-01 1

OSM 2123798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 l Comment: CBA-04; SMEAR #018 A44701 09/17/98-10/19/98 1.0 Alpha ( 21 i 77)E-02 30E-01 , O.000 I- 'OSM 2133798 Smear reporting ratio:' l Ccament:.CBA-04 SMEAR #019

              'A44702. 09/17/98 10/19/98.            1.0      Alpha                   (-64     64)E-02             30E-01 OSM 2143798      . Smear    .

reporting. ratio: 0.000 . L Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #020L 30E-01 l L A44703 09/17/98 10/19/98- 1.0 Alpha ( 21 77)E-02 0.000 l OSM.2153798 Smear.- reporting ratio: i ! -Ccament: CBA-04 SMEAR # BLANK-020 30E-01 1.0 ~ Alpha (-43 i 68)E-02 A44704 '09/17/98.10/19/98 L reporting ratio: 0.000 OSM 2163798 Smear-Ccament: CBA-04 SMEAR #021 l' i Nctac: Approved by

E. p. ,

Horeno p

l L MALLED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY OCT 211998 Analysis Reoort DE&S i ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. 'Cu3temer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/21/98 Attention: Ms.' Sarah Roberts- Receipt Date: 10/01/98 y-i~ Smear

           - Lab #          Date                                                ,                            Activity               ,
       .S cple Code,-             Analysis,             Volume   Nuclide           ' Conc.               :a                 MDC i                     Reference                          Smear                             I                dpm/sment             1

[ A44705 09/17/98 10/19/98 0SM'2173798 Smear 1.0- Alpha (-64 i 64)E-02 reporting ratio: 30E-01 0.000

           .Camment: CBA-04 SMEAR #022 A44706 09/17/98 10/19/98                    1.0     Alpha             (-64                  64)E-02           30E-01
d. CSM 2183798 ' Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C:mment: CBA-04 SMEAR #023

, A44707 09/17/98 10/19/98 1.0 Alpha (0 74)E-02 30E-01 CSM:2193798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 ~ C:mment: CBA-04' SMEAR #024 2

           -A44708 09/17/98.10/19/98                     1.0     Alpha             ( 21 i 77)E-02                          30E-01 CSM 2203798 . Smear '                                                            reporting ratio:          -0.000 i          iC mment: CBA-04 SMEAR #025 1.0     Alpha             ( 43 i 80) E-02                         30E-01

. A44709' 09/17/98.10/19/98 reporting ratio: 0.000 OSM 2213798 Smear C mment: CBA-04 SMEAR #026 A44710 09/17/98 10/19/98. 1.0 Alpha ( 43 80)E-02 30E-01 CSM 2223798 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000-C;mment: CBA-04 SMEAR #027 j; A44711 09/17/98.10/19/98 1.0 Alpha (0i 74)E-02 30E-01 OSM 2233798- ' Smear reporting ratio: 0.000: Comment: CBA-04-SMEAR #028'

            .A44712 -09/17/98 10/19/98'                  1.0     Alpha              ( 21 i 77)E-02                         30E              'OSM 2243798-     Smear                                                              reporting ratio:           0.000
           -Comment:~CBA-04 SMEAR #029                                                                                     30E-01 A44713 09/17/98'10/19/98-                   1.0     Alpha              (0i                 74)E-02 0.000
            .OSM 2253798      Smear                                                              reporting ratio:
            . Comment: CBA-04 SMEAR #030 l

Nst-2: , Approved by h ' E. NkMhreno , i l u

VA. _E J DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 211998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY DE&S Analysis Report ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Customer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/21/98 Attcntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear Lab # Date , Activity , S Cple Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. ia MDC Reference Smear r dom / smear 1 A44714 09/22/98 10/19/98 1.0 Alpha ( 21 77)E-02 30E-01 OSM 2263898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000


I Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #001 A44715 09/22/98 10/19/98 OSM 2273898 Smear Comment:.CBA-05 SMEAR #002 1.0 Alpha (01 74)E-02 reporting ratio: 30E-01 0.000 A44716 09/22/98 10/19/98 1.0 Alpha (-64 64)E-02 30E-01 OSM 2283898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 , Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #003 A44717 09/22/98 10/19/98 1.0 Alpha ( 43 80)E-02 30E-01 0.000 I OSM 2293898 Smear Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #004 A44718 09/22/98 10/19/98 1.0 Alpha ( 107 reporting ratio: 88)E-02 30E-01 OSM 2303898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 I Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #005 A44719 09/22/98 10/19/98 OSM 2313898 Smear 1.0 Alpha ( 32 11)E-01 reporting ratio: 30E-01 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #006 I A44720 09/22/98 10/19/98 OSM 2323898 Smear Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #007 1.0 Alpha (01 74)E-02 reporting ratio: 30E-01 0.000 A44721 09/22/98 10/19/98 1.0 Alpha (0 74)E-02 30E-01 I OSM 2333898 Smear Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #008 reporting ratio: 0.000 } A44722 09/22/98 10/19/98 1.0 Alpha (0 74)E-02 30E-01 OSM 2343898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 i, Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #009 30E-01 l' A44723 09/22/98 10/19/98 1.0 Alpha (-43 68)E-02 OSM'2353898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 I' 1 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #010 A44724 09/22/98 10/19/98 OSM 2363898 Smear 1.0 Alpha (0 74)E-02 reporting ratio: 30E-01 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR # BLANK-010 Approved by { N tes: Dikh9 My E. M .# M(reno





Custcmar: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/21/98-Qttantion:-Ms.. Sarah Roberts ~ Receipt Date: 10/01/98

            .3 Smear                                                                                            l Lab #           i     'Date'                                                             , Conc.

Activity , LStzpla Code Analysis, Volume Nuclide a MDC Reference Smear r dpm/ smear 1


dA44725 09/22/98 10/19/98 1.0 -Alpha ( 150 i' 93)E-02 30E-01 i OSM 2373898 ' Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 1 i C:mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #011 A44726- 09/22/98 10/19/98 1.0 Alpha (-43 i 68)E-02 30E-01  ; OSM-2383898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Camment: CBA-05-SMEAR #012 i i A44727 09/22/98 10/19/98' 1.0 Alpha ( 64 i 83 ) E-02 30E-01 iOSM 2393898 . Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 l Comment: CBA-05' SMEAR #013 ( 21 i 77)E-02 30E-01

      'A44728             09/22/98 10/19/98          1.0                    Alpha reporting ratio:

O.000- ] ! CSM'2403898 Smear L .Crament: CBA-05 SMEAR #014 30E-01 ,. A44729~s09/22/98 10/19/98 1.0 Alpha'- ( 21 77)E-02 . 0.000 ! JOSM'2413898 Smear reporting ratio: 4 !- Commant:'CBA-05 SMEAR'#015 30E-01 A44730 09/22/98 10/19/98 1.0 Alpha ( 43'i 80)E-02 OSM.2423898- Smear reporting ratio: 0.000' Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #016 30E-01

        'A44731 09/22/98 10/19/98                     1.0                   Alpha                     ( 43                     80)E-02 reporting ratio:                         0.000 OSM'2433898-              Smear.
         ' Comment:.CBA-05 SMEAR #017                                                                                                                     30E-01    !
        .A44732~ 09/22/98 10/19/98'                   1.0                   Alpha                      ( 43 i 80)E-02 L-        OSM 2443898-              Smear                                                                          reporting ratio:                        ~0.000 t-         Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #018                                                                                                                      30E-01 b          A44733 09/22/98 10/19/98                   1.0                    Alpha                      ( 171                    96)E-02 reporting ratio:                         0.000
        .OSM 2453898.               Smear ~

<' Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #019 30E-01

         .A44734 09/22/98.10/19/98                   1.0                     Alpha                     ( 43 i 80) E-02

[' reporting ratio: 0.000

         'OSM'2463898. . Smear iComment: CBA-05 SMEAR #020                                                                                                                        30E-01 A44735 -09/22/98 10/19/98'                 1.0                    Alpha                     ( 86 i 86) E-02 reporting ratio:                         0.000 l'          OSM 2473898              Smear
CBA-05 SMEAR #021 Nstsos; Approved by h

l E. [ k reno L g l

                                                                    . ~ . . , . .        . . . .,                   , - - - , -       , - , - - .               ,

r l MAILED l DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 211998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY Analysis Report RONI ENTAL LAB.- lCusterer: Iowa State Univ. Research-Reactor Report Date: 10/21/98 lLAttcntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98; Smear

              . Lab'#               Date                                                      ,

Activity , Sample Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. i a- MDC Reference Smear I dom / smear 1 A44736 09/22/98 10/19/98 1.0 Alpha ( 21 i 77)E-02 30E-01 OSM 2483898 -Smear reporting ratio: 0.000

mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #022 A44737 09/22/98 10/19/98 1.0 Alpha (-21 i 71)E-02 30E-01 0SM 2493898 ' Smear reporting ratio: 0.000
              --C:mment:,CBA-05 SMEAR #023
               .A44738- 09/22/98 10/19/98                   1.0           Alpha                 (-21     71)E-02.                     30E-01
OSM 2503898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #024 A44739 09/22/98 10/19/98 1.0 Alpha (-21 i 71)E-02 30E-01
               ;OSM 2513898           Smear.                                                          reporting ratio:                 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #025' iA44740 09/22/98 10/19/98                     1.0           Alpha                 (-21 i 71)E-02                        30E-01                 ,
               'OSM'2523898           Smear                                                           reporting ratio:                 0.000                   l C:mment:'CBA-05 SMEAR #026                                                                                           30E-01' l
              .A44741 09/22/98 10/19/98                     1.0           Alpha                 ( 128 i 91)E-02 OSM'2533898-        LSmear                                                           reporting ratio:                 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR.#027                                                                                           30E-01 A44742. 09/22/98 10/19/98                  1.0           alpha                 ( 150        93)E-02                                            ;

OSM 2543898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000  ;

               'Ccmment: CBA-05. SMEAR #028                                                                                           30E-01
                -A44743 .09/22/98 10/19/98                  1.0           Alpha                 ( 86 i 86)E-02                                                 )
                'OSM,2553898~ .        Smear                                                          reporting ratio:                 0.000                   l Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #029                                                                                           30E-01                   '
               .A44744 '09/22/98 10/19/98                   1.0           Alpha                 (0      74)E-02 OSM 2563898           Smear                                                          reporting ratio:                 0.000 l:                Comment: CBA-05' SMEAR #030                                                                                          30E-01 A44745 09/22/98 10/19/98                    1.0          Alpha                 (-21 i 71)E-02 l

Smear- reporting ratio: 0.000 OSM 2573898 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR # BLANK-030 30E-01 1.0 Alpha ( 128 i 91) E-02

               >A44746 -09/22/98'10/19/98                                                             reporting ratio:                 0.000 lL                OSM 2583898-        -Smear Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR'#031 Not33*-                                                                                                              Approved by Y        0 f:                                                                                                        E. d.ldoreno              A f

h n i


                                                                                      .                                     DE&S ENVIRONMENTAL LAB.

Customer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/21/08 Attcntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear Activity i Lab / Sample Code, Date Reference Analysis, Volume Smear Nuclide Conc. r a dpm/ smear MDC 1 A44747 09/22/98 10/19/98 1.0 Alpha (-86 i 61) E-02 30E-01 1 OSM 2593898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR /032 I I I I l 1: l i Notta: Approved by u ., (M [b E. $.Lhoreno

4 . _ m . . _ _ _ . _ . . . . _ . _ . . . _ _ . _ . _ _ . _ _ _ . . - -- . . . _ _ . ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . s MAILED-DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY- OCT 2 21998 Analysis Recort DE&S ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Cu2tda:r:j Iowa State Univ. Research. Reactor-Report Date: 10/22/98 ettsntion:.Ms. Sarah-Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear Lab # Date Activity ,

  /Strple Code,'                                   Analysis, . Volume            Nuclide         , Conc.        a                                       MDC       l Reference                                Smear                           r                 dpm/ smear                       1
          . A44748: 09/22/98110/20/98                                  1.0       Alpha             (-53       87)E-02                                  36E-01 OSM 2603898                      Smear                                                        reporting ratio:                             0.000
            . C mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #033
A44749 -09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Alpha (-96 81) E-02 36E-01 q OSM 2613898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000-Comment:.CBA-05 SMEAR #034 A44750-'09/22/98'10/20/98_ 1.0 Alpha (-32 90)E-02 36E-01
            .OSM 2623898                      Smear-                                                       reporting ratio:                             0.000 Comment:'CBA-05 SMEAR'#035-lA44751- 09/22/98 10/20/98'                                1.0.      Al Pha            (-11 i .92)E-02                                     36E-01 0.000
         <OSM 2633898                         Smear                                                        reporting ratio:                                      ;

Crament: CBA-05 SMEAR #036 .. ' 1.0 - Alpha (-11 i 92)E-02 36E-01

            'A44752. 09/22/98-10/20/98 '                                                                   reporting ratio:                             0.000 OSM~2643898=                   . Smear-.

Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #037 1.0 Alpha ( 32 97)E-02 36E-01 A44753' 09/22/98.10/20/98 reporting ratio: 0.000 OSM.2653898' Smear-1 Comment: CBA-05-SMEAR #038 1.0 Alpha ( 32 97)E-02 36E-01 A44754' 09/22/98 10/20/98 reporting ratio: 0.000 OSM?2663898 Smear

Comment:~ CBA-05 SMEAR #039 1.0 Alpha (7 10)E-01 36E-01
             -A44755 .09/22/98:10/20/98                                                                    reporting ratio:                             0.000 OSM 2673898                     Smear iComment: CBA-05 SMEAR #040                                                                                                                36E-01 A44756 09/22/98-10/20/98                                 1.0       Alpha             (-32       90)2-02 OSM 2683898.                   ~ Smear                                                       reporting ratio:                             0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #041 1.0       Alpha             (-75        84)E-02                                 36E-01 A44757- 09/22/98-10/20/98                                                                    reporting ratio:                             0.000
            'OSM 2693898'                      Smear l*             Comment:-CBA-05-SMEAR #042-                                                                                                                        ,

Notsss' Approved by I 9Jso zu E. M[ N oreno h L e . . . . _

MALLED , DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 2 21998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY DE&S Analysis Report ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Customer:: -Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/22/98 Attsntion:-Ms. Sarah ~ Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear

         -Lab #             Date                                                  ,               Activity-                      ,

ple Code, Analysis, . Volume- Nuclide

     'S                                                                              Conc. ia                               MDC Reference              Smear                                      I       dom / smear                    1
          'A44758; 09/22/98 10/20/98          1.0            Alpha                  (7      10)E                       36E-01 OSM 2703898 . Smear                                                           reporting ratio:                  0.000

[ i ' Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #043 A44759 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Alpha ( 18 1 11) E-01 36E-01 OSM 2713898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Ccament: CBA-05 SMEAR #044

          ;A44760 .09/22/98.10/20/98         1.0             Alpha                  (-32 i 90)E-02                         36E-01 OSM-2723898       Smear                                                       reporting ratio:                  0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR-'#045 A44761':09/22/98 10/20/98        1.0             Alpha                  (-32     90)E-02                       36E-01.

OSM 2733898 . Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #046

A44762: 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0. Alpha ( 14 11)E 36E-01
         ;OSM 2743898         Smear                                                       reporting ratio:                  0.000-
           . Comment:,CBA-05 SMEAR #047
A44763- 09/22/98 10/20/98- 1.0 Alpha ( 7. 10) E-01 36E-01 OSM: 2753898' . Smear. reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #048 A44764 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Alpha (-32.i 90)E-02 36E-01 OSM'2763898- Smear. .

reporting ratio: 0.000 ccmment:.'CBA-05 SMEAR #049-A44765 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Alpha (-11 92)E-02 36E-01 OSM 2773898 Smear- reporting ratio: 0.000

          . Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #050
          'A44766 09/22/98 10/20/98          1.0             Alpha                  ( 32     97)E-02                       36E-01
         'OSM12783898         Smear                                                       reporting ratio:                  0.000
         ' Comment
  • CBA-05 SMEAR # BLANK-050 A44767 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Alpha (-139 76)E-02 36E-01 OSM'2793898- Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Ccament: CBA-05 SMEAR #051
         -A44768~109/22/98 10/20/98
          ;                                  1.0             Alpha                  (-53     87)E-02                       36E-01
         ~OSM'2803898         Smear                                                       reporting ratio:                  0.000
          ' Comment:-CBA-05 SMEAR'#052-
    'Natos:                                                                                            Approved by b

E. ' d.4freno p

VAlLED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 2 21998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY Analysis Report ENVIRONf Et TAL 1 AB. Customer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/22/98 Attantion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear Lab # Date , Activity , Semple Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. ia MDC Reference Smear I dom / smear 1 A44769 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Alpha ( 11 94)E-02 36E-01 OSM 2813898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 l Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #053 A44770 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Alpha (-11 92)E-02 36E-01 I OSM 2823898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 l Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #054 A44771 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Alpha (-11 92)E-02 36E-01 I OSM 2833898 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #055 A44772 09/22/98 10/20/98 Smear 1.0 Alpha ( 14 1 reporting ratio: 11)E-01 0.000 36E-01 OSM 2843898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 I Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #056 A44773 09/22/98 10/20/98 OSM 2853898 Smear 1.0 Alpha (-96 81)E-02 reporting ratio: 36E-01 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #057 I A44774 09/22/98 10/20/98 OSM 2863898 Smear 1.0 Alpha (7i 10)E-01 reporting ratio: 36E-01 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #058 I A44775 09/22/98 10/20/98 OSM 2873898 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #059 Smear 1.0 Alpha ( 32 i 97)E-02 reporting ratio: 36E-01 0.000 A44776 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Alpha ( 12 11)E-01 36E-01 I OSM 2883898 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #060 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 36E-01 A44777 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Alpha (-53 87)E-02 OSM 2893898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 I Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #061 A44778 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Alpha ( 12 11) E-01 reporting ratio: 36E-01 0.000 L OSM 2903898 Smear Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #062 A44779 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Alpha (7 10) E-01 36E-01 { OSM 2913898 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #063 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Notes: Approved by ij,kaAmo P it u E. d. M'o reno u w

I M'AlED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 2 21998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY DE&S iI Analysis Report ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Curtomer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/22/98 Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 s IAttrntion: Smear Lab # Date , Activity , Sample Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. a MDC Reference Smear f dom / smear 1 A44780 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Alpha (-32 i 9 0) E-02 36E-01 OSM 2923898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #064 I A44781 09/22/"8 10/20/98 OSM 2933898 Smear Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #065 1.0 Alpha (-118 79)E-02 reporting ratio: 36E-01 0.000 36E-01 A44782 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Alpha ( 11 94)E-02 0.000 OSM 2943838 reporting ratio:

 'I                         Smear Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #066 A44783' 09/22/98 10/20/98      1.0                   Alpha     ( 12     11)E-01            36E-01 g         OSM 2953898     Smear                                              reporting ratio:       0.000 g         Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #067 A44784 09/22/98 10/20/98       1.0                   Alpha     ( 12     11) E-01           36E-01 OSM'2963898     Smear                                              reporting ratio:       0.000 I         Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #068 A44785 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 OSM 2973898     Smear Alpha     (-11     92)E-02 reporting ratio:

36E-01 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #069 I A44786 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 OSM 2983898 Smear Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #070 Alpha ( 32 97)E-02 reporting ratio: 36E-01 0.000 A44787 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Alpha (-32 90)E-02 36E-01 I OSM 2993898 Smear Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR # BLANK-070 A44788 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Alpha ( 11 reporting ratio: 94)E-02 0.000 36E-01 OSM 3003898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 'I Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #071 A44789 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Alpha ( 12 11) E-01 36E-01 OSM 3013898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000

l Comment
CBA-05 SMEAR #072 A44790 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Alpha (-11 92)E-02 36E-01 fg OSM 3023898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #073 Netss: Approved by i

l l halb E.

                                                                                                  @U %

I k.MIreno W

MAILED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 2 21998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY Analysis Report DE&S ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Cu0temer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/?2/98 Attention: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 1 ' Smear Lab # Date Activity i:rpleCode, S Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. i a MDC Reference Smear r dpm/ smear 1 A44791 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Alpha (-75 84)E-02 36E-01 OSM 3033898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #077 A44792 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Alpha ( 16 i 11) E-01 36E-01 i OSM 3043898 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #078 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 A44793 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Alpha (-75 84)E-02 36E-01 ' OSM 3053898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C:mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #079 A44794 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Alpha ( 53 99)E-02 36E-01 OSM 3063898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 1 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #080 A44795 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Alpha ( 12 11)E-01 36E-01 OSM 3073898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #081 1 A44796 09/22/98 10/20/98 OSM 3083898 Smear 1.0 Alpha (-53 87)E-02 reporting ratio: 36E-01 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #082 A44797 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Alpha (-96 81) E-02 36E-01 OSM 3093898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #083 A44798 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 Alpha (-53 87)E-02 36E-01 OSM 3103898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 1 C:mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #084 A44799 09/22/98 10/20/98 1.0 AlPha (-11 92)E-02 36E-01 OSM 3113898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 1 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #085 1 N:ta : Approved by kN E. M.(Moeno u

 <                                                                                  VAlLED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES                                  OCT 2 31998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY Analysis Report ENVIRON AENTAL LAB.

Customer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/22/98 Attention: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 l Smear Lab # Date , Activity , Staple Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. a MDC Reference sment I anm/smenr_ ._ 1 A44800 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Alpha (-43 1 9 6) E-02 39E-01 OSM 3123898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 I Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR /086 A44801 09/22/98 10/21/98 OSM 3133898 Smear 1.0 Alpha (6 11)E-01 reporting ratio: 39E-01 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR /087 I I I I I L [ [ [ Nat s: Approved by [ 92 wo p 21 11 E [.,foreno [ r

VAlLED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 2 31998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY Analysis Report DE&S ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Customer:' Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/22/98 Receipt Date: 10/01/98 IAtt:ntion:'Ms.SarahRoberts I Smear Lab ( Date , Activity , ISImpleCode, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. a dpm/ smear MDC Reference Smear r 1 I A44802 09/22/98 10/21/98 OSM 3143898 Smear Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #088 1.0 Alpha (-43 i 96) E-02 reporting ratio: 39E-01 0.000 A44803 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Alpha (-21 98)E-02 39E-01 I OSM 3153898 Smear Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #089 A44804 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Alpha (0i reporting ratio: 10)E-01 0.000 39E-01

       .OSM 3163898     Smear                                                                         reporting ratio:                     0.Pr9 I       Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #090 A44805 09/22/98 10/21/98                                             1.0     Alpha      (2      10)E-01                           39E-01 OSM 3173898     Smear                                                                         reporting ratio:                     0.000 I       Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR # BLANK-090 A44806 09/22/98 10/21/98 OSM 3183898     Smear 1.0     Alpha      (-150     83)E-02 reporting ratio:

39E-01 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #091 39E-01 I A44807 09/22/98 10/21/98 OSM 3193898 Smear 1.0 Alpha (-128 i 86 E-02 reporti)ng ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #092 A44808 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Alpha (-21 i 98)E-02 39E-01 I OSM 3203898 Smear Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #093 reporting ratio: 0.000 A44809 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Alpha (-107 i 88)E-02 39E-01 OSM 3213898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 I Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #094 A44810 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Alpha (-86 91)E-02 39E-01 OSM 3223898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 I Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #095 A44811 09/2*/98 10/21/98 1.0 Alpha (-128 96) E-02 reporting ratio: 39E-01 0.000 f OSM 3233898 Smear Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #096 I A44812 09/22/98 10/21/98 OSM 3243898 Smear 1.0 Alpha (2 10)E-01 reporting ratio: 39E-01 0.000 L Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #097 N tss: Approved by 9}pn m uu E.k.'horeno L ?

VIAILED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 2 31998 . ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY , DE&S Analysis Report ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Customer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/22/98 Att:ntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 I 4 l l Smear Lab #. Date , Activity , Sarple Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. o MDC Reference Smear r dpm/ smear 1 A44813 09/22/98.10/21/98 1.0 Alpha (-43 9 6) E-02 39E-01 4 OSM 3253898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #098 A44814 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Alpha (-64 93)E-02 39E-01 OSM 3263898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000

       -Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #099                                                                       !

A44815 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Alpha (-43 96)E-02 39E-01 I OSM 3273898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #100 A44816 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Alpha (6i 11) E-01 39E-01 OSM 3283898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 4 C:mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #101 A44817 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Alpha (4 10)E-01 39E-01 OSM 3293898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #102 A44818 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Alpha (2 10)E-01 39E-01 OSM 3303898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C:mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #103 A44819 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Alpha (2i 10)E-01 39E-01 OSM 3313898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #104 A44820 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Alpha (-150 83)E-02 39E-01 OSM 3323898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #105 A44821 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Alpha (-128 i 8 6) E-02 39E-01 OSM.3333898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #106 A44822 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Alpha (2 10)E-01 39E-01

       -0SM 3343898     Smear                                      reporting ratio:              0.000 C mment: CBA-05 SMCAR #107 A44823- 09/22/98 10/21/98        1.0     Alpha       (-64      93)E-02                  39E-01 OSM 3353898     Smear                                      reporting ratio:              0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #108 N&t03:                                                              b       l0 N  N E. MY doreno I

1 I

c f VAILEJ DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY OCT 2 31998 Analysis Report DE&S r, ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. t Cu:tomer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/22/98 AttCntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 [ , Smear ( Lab # Date , Activity , Stmple Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. a MDC Reference Smear f dom / smear 1 A44824 09/22/98 10/21/98 1,0 Alpha (-86 91)E-02 39E-01 OSM 3363898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 [ Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #109 A44825 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Alpha (0 10)E-01 39E-01 OSM 3373898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 ( Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #110 A44826 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Alpha (0i 10)E-01 39E-01 OSM 3387398 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 r Comment CBA-05 SMEAR # BLANK-110 [ A44827 09/22/98 10/21/98 1,0 Alpha ( 13 11)E-01 39E-01 OSM 3393898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #111 A44828 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Alpha (-43 96)E-02 39E-01 [ 0.000 L OSM 3403898 Smear reporting ratio: Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #112 A44829 09/22/98 10/21/98 .0 Alpha (4i 10)E-01 39E-01 OSM 3413898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 { Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #113 A44830 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Alpha (91 11)E-01 39E-01 OSM 3423898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 ( Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #114 A44831 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Alpha (0 10)E-01 39E-01 OSM 3433898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #115 A44832 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Alpha (-43 9 6) E-02 39E-01 OSM 3443898 Srsar reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #116 A44833 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Alpha (2 10)E-01 39E-01 OSM 3453898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #117 A44834 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Alpha (-107 88)E-02 39E-01 OSM 3463898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 (' Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #118 N:tzs: Approved by D0JJW P ILU [ E. M.t sbreno I r


  . Customer:              Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor                                                                  Report Date:                      10/22/98
 -Attsntion: Ms.. Sarah Roberts                                                                                               Receipt Date:                     10/01/98 Smear
           'Labi#                               Date                                                             ,

Activity ,

    ' Simple Code,                                      Analysis, Volume Nuclide                                    Conc.          a dpm/ smear MOC Reference                                                    Smear                            r                                             1 A44835- 09/22/98.10/21/98                                                     1.0          Alpha      (-43           96) E-02                           39E-01
           'OSM 3473898-                           Smear.                                                                     reporting ratio:                         0.000
           .-Ccament: CBA-05 SMEAR #119                                                                                                                                       '
            -A44836c 09/22/98 10/21/98                                                      1.0         Alpha      (4i           10)E-01                             39E-01 OSM 3483898                           Smear                                                                      reporting ratio:                         0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #120 A44837 09/22/98 10/21/98                                                       1.0         Alpha      (-21           98)E-02                            39E-01 OSM 3493898                           Smear                                                                      reporting ratio:                          0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR'#121
            'A44838 .09/22/98 10/21/98                                                      1.0         Alpha      (-107           88)E-02                           39E-01   <

OSM13503898- Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 JC mment: CBA-05 SMEAR'#122. '

            .A44839 09/22/98 10/21/9s                                                       1.0         Alpha.     (0            10) E-01                            39E-01.

OSM 3513898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Ccament: CBA-05 SMEAR #123 39E-01 A44840 09/22/98.10/21/98 1.0 Alpha (-86 91)E-02 OSM 3523898 Smear. reporting ratio: 0.000 Ccament: CBA-05 SMEAR #124 . 39E-01

            .A44841 09/22/98 10/21/98                                                        1.0        Alpha      (2i           10)E-01 OSM 3533898                          Smear                                                                      reporting ratio:                          0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR ~#125-A44842 09/22/98 10/21/98                                                       1.0        Alpha      (-21           98) E-02                           39E-01 reporting ratio:                          0.000 OSM 3543898                          Smear Ccament: CBA-05 SMEAR #126                                                                                                                             39E-01
         ' A44843               09/22/98.10/21/98                                            1.0        Alpha       ( 6 i- 11) E-01                                     0.000 OSM 3553898                           Smear                                                                      reporting ratio:

Comment: CBA-05-SMEAR #127 39E-01 A44844 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Alpha (-21 i 98)E-02 reporting ratio: 0.000 OSM'3563898 Smear Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #128 39E-01 A44845 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 -Alpha (4 10) E-01 reporting ratio: 0.00C

             'OSM 3573898.                          Smear Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #129 Notaa:

Approved by Me (0 72 4 E.M(Mhreno i i [f I'

                ,                             .                         n . - .     .. . . , . -          -    .      . - ,         . . . - . . . , . - ,

l L MA; LED i e DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 2 31998 l l ENVIRONMENT.AL LABORATORY { Analysis Reoort DE&S j j ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. } lCust mer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/22/98 ) Attention: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 i J I Smear f. Lab # Date , Activity , Staple. Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. i a MDC Reference Smear I dom / smear 1 _- ! ~A44846 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Alpha (-21 98)E-02 . 39E-01 OSM 3583898- Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Csament: CBA-05 SMEAR # BLANK-130 A44847 09/22/98 10/21/98 1. 0' Alpha (4 10)E-01 39E-01 ,

          'OSM 3593898            Smear                                                      reporting ratio:                0.000           l l            Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #130                                                                                                       i A44848 09/22/98 10/21/98                    1.0               Alpha        (-21      98 ) E-02                 39E-01 OSM 3603898           Smear                                                      reporting ratio:                0.000 l            Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #131
           'A44849. 09/22/98 10/21/98                   1.0               Alpha        (-107      88)E-02                  39E-01            !
         'OSM 3613898             Smear                                                      reporting ratio:                0.000 P            Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #132 l~         .A44850 09/22/98-10/21/98                     1.0               Alpha        (-64 1    93 ) E-02                 39E-01            )
         -OSM'3623898             Smear                                                      reporting ratio:                0.000 E

l- Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #133 A44851 09/22/98 10/21/98 1.0 Alpha -( 4 10) E-01 39E-01 OSM 3633898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000

          -Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR-#134
                                                                                                                                           -l l

l [, 4 L l I i l l liN tses. Approved, by li

                                                                                                  &gg                   \0 n   \\
E.g.Myreno i

f_ i

M"AlLED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 2 1998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY DE&S Analysis Report ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. I Customer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/27/98 Attention: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 i Smear Date Activity I Lab / Simple Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. a MDC Reference Smear i dem/ smear 1 A44852 09/22/98 10/23/98 1.0 alp ha (2 11)E-01 42E-01 OSM 3643898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #135 A44853 09/22/98 10/23/98 1.0 Alpha (-2 11)E-01 42E-01 l OSM 3653898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #136 A44854 09/22/98 10/23/98 1.0 Alpha (-107 98) E-02 42E-01 OSM 3663898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 1 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #137 A44855 09/22/98 10/23/98 1.0 Alpha (-6 10)E-01 42E-01 OSM 3673898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.00C Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #138 1 A44856 09/22/98 10/23/98 1.0 Alpha (-150 1 93)E-02 42E-03 OSM 3683898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.00C Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #139 I I I I N otss: Approved by L, h6 h bN E. b.tMoreno L e

L I VIAILE 3 DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 2 ' 1998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY Analysis Report ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Cu;tomer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/27/98 i Attsntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 l Smear ) Lab # Date , Activity , ; Simple Code,_ Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. ia MDC ' Reference- Smear I dpm/ smear 1 A44857 09/22/98 10/23/98 1.0 Alpha (-107 98) E-02 42E-01 OSM 3693898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 I Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #140 A44858 09/22/98 10/23/98 1.0 Alpha (-128 9 6 ) E-02 42E-01 OSM 3703898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #141 A44859 09/22/98 10/23/98 1.0 Alpha (4 11)E-01 42E-01

      -OSM 3713898     Smear                                      reporting ratio:                0.000 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #142                                                                        l A44860 09/22/98 10/23/98       1.0     Alpha        (-6         10)E-01                  42E-01    ,

CSM 3723898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 1 Comment: CBA-05 SMEAR #143 A44861 09/22/98 10/23/98 1.0 Alpha (-2 11)E-01 42E-01 , OSM 3733898 Smear ^ reporting ratio: 0.000 C:mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #144 A44862 09/22/98 10/23/98 1.0 Alpha (0 11)E-01 42E-01 OSM 3743898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C:mment: CBA-05 SMEAR #145 Notra: Approved by I I E.h.(Mreno i


   -Customer:  Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor                                  Report Date:                                   10/27/98 Attention: Ms. Sarah Roberts                                                   Receipt Date:                                  10/01/98 Smear Lab #          Date                                ,                                         Activity                               ,

S;mple Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. a MDC Reference Smear I dom / smear 1 A44863 09/21/98 10/23/98 1.0 Alpha (2i 11) E-01 42E-01 OSM 3753898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #001 A44864 09/21/98 10/23/98 1.0 Alpha (0i 11) E-01 42E-01 OSM 3763898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000

       . Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #002 A44865 09/21/98.10/23/98         1.0     Alpha       (-107 i 98)E-02                                                         42E-01 OSM 3773598      Smear                                                    reporting ratio:                                    0.000 Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #003 A44866 09/21/98 10/23/98         1.0     Alpha       (-128                    9 6) E-02                                      42E-01 OSM 3783898      Smear                                                    reporting ratio:                                    0.000 I      Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #004 A44867 09/21/98 10/23/98
       'OSM 3793898      Smear 1.0     Alpha       (-9                    10) E-01 reporting ratio:

42E-01 0.000 I Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #005 A44868 09/21/98 10/23/98 OSM 3803898 Smear 1.0 Alpha (2 11) E-01 reporting ratio: 42E-01 0.000 Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #006 I A44869 09/21/98 10/23/98 OSM 3813898 Smear Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #007 1.0 Alpha (0 11)E-01 reporting ratio: 42E-01 0.000 42E-01 A44870 09/21/98 10/23/98 1.0 Alpha (0 11) E-01 I i OSM 3823898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #008 A44871 09/21/98 10/23/98 1.0 Alpha (-2 11) E-01 42E-01 OSM 3833898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 j I Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #009 A44872 09/21/98 10/23/98 1.0 Alpha (-107 i 9 8 ) E-02 42E-01 0.000 i OSM 3843898 Smear reporting' ratio: I l Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #010 A44873 09/21/98 10/23/98 OSM 3853898 Smear 1.0 Alpha (-9 10)E-01' reporting ratio: 42E-01 0.000 I Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #011 Notes Approved by h:

                                                                                     @mN E. M.                                  reno      i u


I V AILED I DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY OCT 2 71998 Analysis Report DE&S ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Customer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/27/98 Attention: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 I Smear Lab # Date , Activity , Sample Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. ia dpm/ smear MDC Reference Smear i 1 A44874 09/21/98 10/23/98 1.0 Alpha (-6 10) E -01. 42E-01 OSM 3863898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #012 A44875 09/21/98 10/23/98 1.0 Alpha (-107 98)E-02 42E-01 , l OSM 3873898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #013 A44P76 09/21/98 10/23/98 1.0 Alpha ( 11 12)E-01 42E-01 I OSM 3883898 Smear Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #014 A44877 09/21/98 10/23/98 1.0 Alpha (-171 reporting ratio: 91)E-02 0.000 42E-01 l OSM 3893898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #015 A44878 09/21/98 10/23/98 1.0 Alpha (2 11)E-01 42E-01 OSM 3903898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 I Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #016 A44879 09/21/98 10/23/98 1.0 OSM 3913898 Smear Alpha (-214 i 86) E-02 reporting ratio: 42E-01 0.000 Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #017 A44880 09/21/98 10/23/98 1.0 Alpha (-128 9 6 ) E-02 42E-01 OSM 3923898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #018 ' A44881 09/21/98 10/23/98 1.0 42E-01 I OSM 3933898 Smear Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #019 Alpha (6 12 ) E-01 reporting ratio: 0.000 A44882 09/21/98 10/23/98 1.0 Alpha (-6 10)E-01 42E-01 I OSM 3943898 Smear Comment: NEL-01 EMEAR #020 A44883 09/21/98 10/23/98 1.0 Alpha (-171 reporting ratio:

91) E-02 0.000 42E-01 OSM 3953898 Smear reporting, ratio: 0.000 I Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR # BLANK-020 A44884 09/21/98 10/23/98 1.0 OSM 3963898 Fmear Alpha (-2 11)E-01 reporting ratio:

42E-01 0.000 Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #021 Notes: Approved by b E.h.,Mreno I


.Custcmer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor                              Report Date:                      10/27/98

. Attention:~Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear Lab # Date , Activity , Sample Code, Analysis, - Volume Nuclide Conc. i o MDC-Reference Smear I dom / smear 1 A44885 '09/21/98.10/23/98 1.0 Alpha- (-107 98 ) E-02 42E-01 OSM 3973898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-01-SMEAR #022

      ;A44886 .09/21/98 10/23/98          1.0     Al Pha       (-2 i _11)E-01                                   42E-01 0.000 OSM 3983898       Smear                                            reporting ratio:

Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #023 A44887 .09/21/98 10/23/98 1.0 Alpha -(-2 i 11)E-01 42E-01 OSM 3993898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #024

      .A44888 09/21/98 10/23/98          1.0      Alpha        (-214 reporti)ng      86 E-02                    42E-01 OSM 4003898 . Smear                                                                             ratio:    0.000 Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #025 A44889: 09/21/98 10/23/98        - 1.0     Alpha        (2: reporting11)E.-01                            42E-01 OSM 4013898       Smear                                                                       ratio:'     O.000 Comment:-NEL-01 SMEAR #026 A44890 09/21/98_10/23/98          1.0      Alpha        (2           11)E-01                             42E-01 OSM 4023898    ' Smear reporting ratio:                       0.000-Comment:-NEL-01 SMEAR #027
      -A44891 09/21/98 10/23/98          1.0      Alpha        (-2          11)E-01                             42E-01 OSM 4033898-      Smear-                                           reporting ratio:                       0.000
      ~ Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #028
      .A44892 09/21/98 10/23/98-         1.0      Alpha        (-2          11)E-01                             42E-01
      .OSM-4043898       Smear                                            reporting ratio:                       0.000
Comment:-NEL-01 SMEAR'#029.

A44893 09/21/98 10/23/98 1.0 Alpha (-6 i 10)E-01 42E-01 OSM 4053898 Smear- reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-01 SMEAR #030 Natos:- Approved,by, 4 , ,, E. Mf. (o eno

VA LED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES ENVIRON 14 ENTAL LABORATORY OCT 2,1998 Analysis Report DE&S ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Cuntomer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/27/98 Attention: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear Lab # Date , Activity , Stmple Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. o MDC Reference Smear i dnm/smenrm 1 , A44894 09/23/98 10/23/98 1.0 Alpha ( 24 13)E-01 42E-01' OSM 4063898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #001 A44895 09/23/98 10/23/98 1.0 Alpha ( 11 12)E-01 42E-01 OSM 4073898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #002 A44896 09/23/98 10/23/98 1.0 Alpha (9 12)E-01 42E-01 OSM 4083898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #003 A44897 09/23/98 10/23/98 1.0 Alpha ( 21 i 13)E-01 42E-01 OSM 4093898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #004 A44898 09/23/98 10/23/98 1.0 Alpha ( 13 12)E-01 42E-01 OSM 4103898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #005 A44899 09/23/98 10/23/98 1.0 Alpha ( 34 14)E-01 42E-01 OSM 4113898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #006 A44900 09/23/98 10/23/98 1.0 Alpha ( 13 12)E-01 42E-01 OSM 4123898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #007 A44901 09/23/98 10/23/98 1.0 Alpha ( 26 13 ) E-01 42E-01 OSM 4133898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #008 A44902 09/23/98 10/23/98 1.0 Alpha ( 11 12)E-01 42E-01 OSM 4143898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #009 A44903 09/23/98 10/23/98 1.0 Alpha ( 17 12 ) E-01 42E-01 OSM 4153898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 l -Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR # BLANK-010 1-Notes: Approved by hbbb E. M.'M reno ]

MALLED l DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 3 01998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY DE&S Analysis Report ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Customer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/29/98 Attention: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear Lab # Date , Activity , Stmple Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. ia MDC Reference Smear I anm/=mone 1 A44904 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Alpha (-44 75)E-02 33E-01 OSM 4163898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #010 I I I I I I L Notas: Approved by b ' k[ E. [vMreno W W


                                                                                             - ENVIRONMENTAL LAB, ICust mar:               Iowa State' Univ..Research Reactor                                  Report Date:                30/29/98
Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 l- l l Smear

? . l Lab # Date ,

                                                                                                     ' Activity                     ,   I
                                           - Analysis, . Volume Nuclide
 ' Sample Code,                                                                         Conc. i a              .              MDC       i Reference'                    Smear                            I          a nm / eman ,-               1 A44905 09/23/98-10/26/98                    1.0     . Alpha               ( 22 i 84)E-02            ..         33E-01'     )

OSM 4173898 . Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 l Ccament: NEL-02: SMEAR #011 (-131 i t A44906 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Alpha 62)E-02 33E-01 OSM 4183898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 4 , Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #012 A44907 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Alpha (0 81) E-02 33E-01 l OSM.4193898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment:'NEL-02 SMEAR #013

A44908 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Alpha (-131 62)E-02. 33E-01
          .OSM 4203898                   Smear                                               reporting ratio:                 0.000     l l

l Camment: NEL-02 SMEAR #014

            'A44909 09/23/98 10/26/98                    1.0       Alpha               (-65 i- 72)E-02                      33E-01 OSM 4213898                Smear                                               reporting ratio:                 0.000 l                                                                                                         -

Comment: NEL-02 SMEut #015 A44910 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Alpha (0 81)E-02 3 3.E-01 ' i OSM 4223898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Crament: NEL-02 SMEAR #016 33E-01 l A44911 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Alpha (-109 65)E-02 ! OSM 4233898. Smear- reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #017 33E-01 A44912 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Alpha (-109 55)E-02  ; OSM 4243898 ~ Smear

                                    -                                                        reporting ratio:                 0.000 L            . Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #018                                                                                     33E-01 A44913 09/23/98.10/26/98                   1.0       Alpha               (-44      75)E-02 l
                                   ' Smear                                                    reporting ratio:                 0.000 i
           'OSM 4253898

. Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #019 33E-01 A44914 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Alpha (-65 i 72) E-02

l. reporting ratio: 0.000
OSM'4263898 . Smear Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #020 33E-01 A44915 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Alpha (-109 65) E-02 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 OSM'4273898 ~

Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #021 Notnst' Approved by N ' kk I E. d, doreno

! VIAlLED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 3 01998 l ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY DE&S Analysis Report ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. , Customer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/29/98 Attention: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 l _ Smear Lab # Date , Activity , j l-Simple Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. a MDC Reference Smear I dpm/smeat . 1 A44916 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Alpha (-87 i 69 ) E-02 33E-01 '

      -OSM 4283898     Smear                                 reporting ratio:           0.000 Csmment: NEL-02 SMEAR #022                                                      33E-01 A44917 09/23/98 10/26/98       1.0    Alpha      (-22     79) E-02 OSM 4293898     Smear                                 reporting ratio:           0.000 C:mment: NEL-02 SMEAR #023                                                      33E-01 A44918 09/23/98 10/26/98       1.0    Alpha      (-65     72)E-02 OSM 4303898     Smear                                 reporting ratio:           0.000 l C:mment: NEL-02 SMEAR #024                                                      33E-01 A44919 09/23/98 10/26/9'8      1.0    Alpha      (-65 reporting i 72)E-02ratio:           0.000 i
      -OSM 4313898     Smear                                                                  l Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #025                                                      33E-01 A44920 09/23/98 10/26/98       1.0    Alpha      (-87     69)E-02 Smear                                  reporting ratio:          0.000

, OSM 4323898 Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #026 33E-01 A44921 .09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Alpha (-44 75)E-02 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 OSM 4333898 C:mment: NEL-02 SMEAR #027 33E-01 A44922 09/23/98-10/26/98 1.0 Alpha (-131reporting i 62)E-02ratio: 0.000 OSM 4343898 Smear ccmment: NEL-02 SMEAR #028 33E-01 A44923 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Alpha (-44 i 75)E-02 reporting ratio: 0.000 OSM 4353898 Smear Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #029 33E-01 A44924 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Alpha (-87 69)E-02 reporting ratio: 0.000 OSM 4363898 Smear Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR #030 33E-01 A44925 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Alpha (-44 75)E-02 reporting ratio: 0.000 OSM 4373898 Smear - Comment: NEL-02 SMEAR # BLANK-030 r L Nota : Approved,by hb E. F( 'M reno L

l [ VIAlLED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 3 01998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY DE&S Analysis ReDort ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Customer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/29/98 Attention: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear Lab # Date , Activity , (- Srnple Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. a MDC Smear r dpm/ smear 1 L Reference A44926 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Alpha (-65 72)E-02 33E-01 reporting ratio: 0.000 { CSM 4383898 Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #001 Smear 1.0 Alpha 75)E-02 33E-01 A44927 09/23/98 10/26/98 (-44 OSM 4393898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 ( Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #002 A44928 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Alpha (0 81)E-02 33E-01 OSM 4403898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 ( Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #003 33E-01 i A44929 09/23/98 10/25/98 1.0 Alpha (-87 i 69)E-02 OSM'4413898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #004 33E-01 A44930- 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Alpha (-44 i 75)E-02 [' OSM 4423898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #005 33E-01 A44931 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Alpha (-65 i 72)E-02 OSM 4433898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #006 33E-01 A44932 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Alpha (-131 62)E-02 OSM 4443898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #007 33E-01

             'A44933 09/23/98 10/26/98                                                 1.0     Alpha       (-65 i 72)E-02
             .OSM 4453898                                   Smear reporting ratio:                         0.000

[ Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #008 33E-01 1.0 Alpha 62 E-02 l'

             .A44934 09/23/98 10/26/98                                                                     (-131 ireporti)ng ratio:                       0.000 OSM 4463898                              . Smear Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #009                                                                                                               33E-01 A44935 09/23/98 10/26/98 s 1.0                                                 Alpha       (-22     79)E-02
f. '

OSM 4473898- Smear - reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #010 33E-01 A44936 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Alpha (-109 65 ) E-02 0.000 OSM 4483898 Smear reporting ratio: [. Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #011 Nst02: Approved by b (d h N E. k. orenoi L e - . -.. ..

MALLED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 3 01998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY Analysis neo rt ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Custcmer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/29/98 Attcntion: Ms.. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 s Smear Lab # Date , Activity , ScIple Code,. Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. i a dpm/ smear MDC Reference Smear r 1

        ' AI44937  09/23/98 10/26/98     1.0     Alpha       (-65 reporting i 72)E-02ratio:          33E-01 0.000 OSM.4493898      Smear Comment:: NEL-03 SMEAR #012 A44938 09/23/98 10/26/98       1.0     Alpha       ( 22     84)E-02               33E-01 OSM 4503898      Smear                                   reporting ratio:          0.000 Comment:-NEL-03 SMEAR #013 A44939 09/23/98 10/26/98       1.0     Alpha       (-109     65)E-02              33E-01 OSM 4513898      Smear                                   reporting ratio:          0.000 Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #014 A44940' 09/23/98 10/26/98      1.0     Alpha                 58 E-02

(-152 reporti)ng 33E-01 p - 0SM 4523898 Smear ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #015 A44941 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Alpha (-44 reporting t 75)E-02ratio: 33E-01 OSM 4533898' Smear 0.000

        - Comment:.NEL-03 SMEAR #016 A44942 09/23/98 10/26/98       1.0     Alpha       (-87     69) E-02              33E-01 OSM 4543898      Smear                                   reporting ratio:          0.000 Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #017 A44943 09/23/98 10/26/98- 1.0          Alpha       (-109reporting i 65)E-02ratio:         33E-03
       ' OSM 4553898       Smear                                                              0.00C Comment:-NEL-03 SMEAR #018 A44944 09/23/98 10/26/98       1.0     Alpha       (-87     69) E-v2              33 E-03
         - OSM 4563898     Smear                                   reporting ratio:          0.00C
        - Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #019 A44945 09/23/98 10/26/98       1.0     Alpha       ( 44     87)E-02               33E-03 OSM 4573898      Smear                                   reporting ratio:           0.00C Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR # BLANK-020          ..

A44946 09/23/98-10/26/98 1.0 Alpha (0i 81)E-02 3 3 E-03

         ' OSM 4583898     Smear                                   reporting ratio:           0.00C Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #020

(-65 i 72)E-02 3 3 E-03 A44947. 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Alpha reporting ratio: 0.00C OSM 4593898 Smear Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #021 Notos: Approved by b E. di. Moreno ' J


                                                 ^"*1"I" "*" "t           ENVIRON ENTAL LAB, Cust::mer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor                       Report Date:      10/29/98 Attsntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts                                       Receipt Date:     10/01/98 Sroear Lab #                Date                              ,           - Activity               ,
     -Sanpie Code,                Analys ,is  Volume Nuclide       Conc. a                   MDC Reference              Smear                  r        dpm/ smear          1 A44948 09/23/98 10/26/98              1.0     Alpha      (-87     69) E-02            33E~01-OSM 4603898           Smear                                    reporting ratio:        0.000 Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #022

[. A44949- 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Alpha (-44 75)E-02 33E-01 OSM 4613898 Smear. reporting ratio: 0.000 r Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #023 l- A44950 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Alpha (-65 reporting i 72)E-02ratio: 33E-01 0.000 CSM 4623898 Smear Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #024 l- A44951 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Alpha (-65 72)E-02 33E-01 l CSM 4633898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #025 A44952 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Alpha (0 81)E-02 33E-01 OSM 4643898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 {' Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #026 A44953 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Alpha (-65 72)E-02 33E-01 CSM 4653898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #027 A44954 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Alpha ( 22 84)3-02 33E-01 OSM 4663898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #028 A44955 09/23/98 10/26/98 1.0 Alpha ( 22 i 84)E-02 33E-01 OSM 4673898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000,. Comment: NEL-03 SMEAR #029 ( f' . f N;tz: Approved by


d E. M. Mareno I I L L ~ ____


IVAl ED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 2 81998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY Analysis Report DE&S ENVIRONMENTAL LAB, Cu3t;mer: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/28/98 Att:ntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear Lab #- Date , Activity , Serple Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. o MDC Reference Smear r dpm/ smear 1 A44956, 09/23/98 10/27/98 1.0 Alpha (-128 1 91) E-02 40E-01 OSM 4683898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C:mment: NEL-03 SMEAR #030 NStc;33 Approved by I h,@ 10 9 'li E. d.idoreno L

VIAL _ ED DUKE ENGINEERING AND SERVICES OCT 2 81998 ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY Analysis Report DE&S ENVIRONMENTAL LAB. Cu tom;r: Iowa State Univ. Research Reactor Report Date: 10/28/98 AttIntion: Ms. Sarah Roberts Receipt Date: 10/01/98 Smear Lab # Date , Activity , Sr.mple Code, Analysis, Volume Nuclide Conc. a MDC Reference Smear r dpm/ smear 1 A44957 09/23/93 10/27/98 1.0 Alpha ( 13 1 12)E-01 40E-01 OSM 4693898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C mment: VSI-01 SHIELD TANK DRAIN A44058 09/23/98 10/27/98 1.0 Alpha (-2 10)E-01 40E-01 OSM 4703898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C mment: VSI-02 DUMP TANK A44959 09/23/98 10/27/98 1.0 Alpha (-171 8 6) E-02 40E-01 OSM 4713898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C mment: VSI-03 DILUTION TANK N. INLET A44960 09/23/98 10/27/98 1.0 Alpha (-86 9 6) E-02 40E-01 OSM 4723898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 Comment: VSI-04 DILUTION TANK S. INLET A44961 09/23/98 10/27/98 1.0 Alpha (-171 3 6) E-02 40E-01 OSM 4733898 Smear repretting ratio: 0.000 C:mment: VSI-05 DILUTION TANK N. OUTLET A44962 09/23/98 10/27/98 1.0 Alpha (-2 30)E-01 40E-01 OSM 4743898 Smear reporting ratio: 0.000 C mment: VSI-06 RM 101 - AIR FILTER A44963 09/23/98 10/27/98 1.0 Alpha (4 11)E-01 40E-01 OSM 4753898 Smear re: porting ratio: 0.000 C mment: VSI-07 RM 101 - FILTER A44964 09/23/98 10/27/98 1.0 Alpha (4 11)E-01 40E-01

    .OSM 4763898                         Smear                                  reporting ratio:          0.000 Comment: VSI-08 NEL-02 N. MANHOLE A44965 09/23/98 10/27/98                          1.0     Alpha      ( 13 2     12 ) E-01           40E-01 0.000 OSM 4773898                         Smear                                  reporting ratio:

C mment: VSI-09 DILUTION TANK - S. OUTLET Datco: Approved by D [D E.g([)3oreno L

4 - & -a s 4 J _-6 a .~. - - 4 _A APPENDIX M FIELD LOG BOOK RECORDS l I l M-1 l i



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