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Weekly Info Rept for Wk Ending 980130
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/06/1998
From: Blaha J
SECY-98-020, SECY-98-020-R, SECY-98-20, SECY-98-20-R, WIR-980130, NUDOCS 9802100087
Download: ML20199L988 (28)


_ _ . . .-

February 6. 1998 SECY 98- 020 The Comissioners f_Com: James L. Blaha. Assistant. for Operations. Office of the ED0 Sub.iect: = WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT - WEEK ENDING JANUARY 30. 1998 Contents Enclosure Nuclear Reactor Regulation A Nuclear Material-Safety and Safeguards B Nuclear Regulatory Research .


~ Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data- D General Counsel E*

Administration. F Chief Information Officer G Chief Financial Officer H*

Human Resources I Small Business & Civil Rights J*

Enforcement K*

State Programs- L*

Public Affairs M International Programs- N Office of the Secretary 0 Region I P Region II P Regton III P

-Region IV P Executive Director for Operations Q*

Congressional Affairs R'

  • No input this week. "# Y

.iames L. Blaha James L. Blaha Assistant for Operations. OEDO


3 M. Tschiltz OED0 Document Name: C:\WIR\ WEEK 130.

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Februarv 6. 1998 SECY 98-020 Eor: The Commissioners Ecom: James L. Blaha. Assistant for Operations. Office of the EDO Subiect: WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT - WEEK ENDING JANUARY 30, 1998 J

Contents Enclosure Nuclear Reactor Regulation A Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards B Nuclear Regulatory Research C ,

Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data D General Counsel E*

Administration F Chief Information Officer G Chief Financial Officer H*

Human Resources I Small Business & Civil Rights J*

Enforcement K*

State Programs L*

Public Affairs M International Programs N Office of the Secretary 0 Region 1 P Region II P Region III P Region IV P Executive Director for Operations 0*

Congressional Affairs R

  • No input this week.

V n ames L. Blaha Assistant for Operations. OEDO



N Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Items of Interest .

Week Ending January-30, 1998 Salem .

Operational Status Salem Unit 2 is operating at 100% power. The licensee has noted an increasing trend in the seat leakage through the primary safety valves. Because of the leakage. the pressure relief tank (PRT) temperature and pressure needs-to be ' reduced each operating shift. If current trends continue, the licensee believes that leakage into the PRT will reach -1.5 gpm in April or May 1998. Plans are underway for a possible maintenance shutdown to replace the safety valves. ,!

Salem Unit 1 is_ currently in cold shutdown (Mode 5). The licensee is proceeding on a schedule to enter Mode 4 in early February 1998, with restart estimated in March 1998. The NRC Readiness Assessment Team Inspection has been set for the weeks of February 9 and 16.1998.

There are approximately 24 technical and 8 programmatic items that need to be closed before the unit can restart. However. Region I is reviewing the documentation to close those items needed prior tc Mode 4 by February 1.1998.

Salem Assessment Panel - The Salem Assessment Panel (SAP) is' scheduled to meet on January 30. 1998, to discuss Unit 1 readiness for Mode 4.

Licensing Actions - On December 12, 1997, the licensee submitted an application for a one-time amendment to allow containmant purging during the Unit I heatup in Modes 3 and 4. Although most of the insulation was pre-baked, the licensee expects offgassing of the insulation will impede personnel taking dimensional measurements of the new steam generators unless purging occurs. The amendment and supporting safety evaluation are in staff concurrence. There are no other licensing amendments that are needed before the scheduled restart of Unit 1.

Quad Cities Units 1 and 2 The licensee had concluded that the safe shutdown procedures were not consistent with the plant Safe Shutdown Analysis (SSA) on September 26, 1997.

'and has subsequently shutdown Units 1 and 2. Their review concluded that this

-inconsistency adversely affected the ability to achieve safe shutdown conditions in the event of a fire. On January 16, 1998, the staff issued a

. Confirmatory Action Letter to Quad Cities to confirm the actions Comed will take to resolve 10 CFR 50. Appendix R safe shutdown issues.

January 30, 1998 ENCLOSURE A l

, _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ J

l' s Lo The following actions were being taken by Comed:

1) The SSA will be revised, reviewed. validated, and approved to a v ure that a fire in any plant area will not prevent the performance of necessary post-fire safe shutdown functions, and that these required functions will remain free of fire damage.
2) Safe shutdown procedures will be reviced, reviewed. validated, and approved to implement the revised SSA. Operators and other required personnel will be ,

trained in the use of the procedures.

3) 10 CFR 50. Appendix R discrepancies that could affect the ability of the plant to be safely shut down in the event of a fire will be identified prior to restarting the Quad Cities Units. In addition. all discrepancies will be resolved to ensure Appendix R compilance. If areas of the plant will not be in compliance with 10 CFR 50. Appendix R. apprc.miate compensatory measures will be identified and implemented, and a plan and schedule for achieving g compliance for each identified discrepancy will be provided to the ERC.
4) A project plan and schedule to accomplish items 1)-and 3) was submitted to the NRC on January 23. 1998.

Should the revised SSA result in a change to the basis .or a previously approved exemption from 10 CFR 50. Appendix R. or create an unreviewed safety question. those issues will be submitted to the staff for review and approval.

Comed will meet'with the NRC to discuss resolution of all of the issues prior to restarting the units. An initial meeting has been established for February 6, 998, to meet with Comed at Region HI to discuss current progress.

Comed projects plant startup mid to late May 1998.

WNP_2 The plant is curreatly operating at 100% power with no s19r'C cant LCOs.

At the Hanford Reservation on January 28. at 1521 PST. the Department of Energy's Richland Operations Office declared an " Alert" due to the discovery of a hazardous material in the 300 Area. This location is about 7 miles from the WNP-2 site. An " Alert" is the lowest of three classification levels for emergencies at Hanford.

The hazardous material found was a small bottle of picric acid (approximately 3 oz.). found in the crawlspace below a spent fuel pool. The material uas found in a powder form 'which it highly toxic and highly explosive. The material is explosive at temperatures above 300*F and from percussion.

-Located next to the bottle of acid was found a large bottle of unknown liquid.

If the picric acid had detonated, a predicted blast radius of 5-feet would have enveloped the bottle of liquid and potentially exacerbated the situation.

Although the possibility appeared to be low. DOE did not rule out the

' January. 30, 1998 ENCLOSURE A l


potential for loss of integrity of the spent fuel pool liner. This potential consequence drove the declaration of the emergency. DOE representatives indicated that drainage of the pool would lead to a maximum of 100 mrad /hr at the Area boundary. A bomb squad was colled in to remove the material.

Based upon the " Alert" declaration at the 300 Area, the DOE'.c emergency response plan automatically directed the evacuation of the Columbia river. An evacuation was required regardless of the hazard involved. Public and media interest was expected.

The resident inspector followed the event. NRR managemant and the operations center were informed after the alert was declared.

Meetina w/ Florida Power Corocration (FPC) on Offsite Power / Grid Reliability On January 22. 1998' the Electrical Engineering Branch. NRR. Region II and Oak Ridge National Laboratory staff met with Florida Power Corporation (FPC) representatives to discuss offsite power issues at the FPC Energy Control 4

Center in St. Petersburg, FL.

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss with the licensee existing grid operation and future grid procedure changes anticipated due to the impact of deregulation on the Florida Reliability Coordinating Council (FRCC) operation as well as any future operation under the independent system operator (150) concept. The meeting focused on offsite power requirements for the Crystal River energy Complex, Unit 3. In addition. the attendees discussed how recent

- electrical power industry changes due to deregulatory forces may change the reliability of the power system grid.

The folloting points were noted during the subject meeting:

FRCC has a 3600 MW import capability into the state. The Florida electric utilities pool their operating reserves on a voluntary basis and the North American Electric Reliability Council -(NERC) security coordinator function for FRCC 1s operated by the Florida Power and Light Company. It appears that in the event of significant loss of import .

power. Florida electric utilities will control frequency and voltage by ,

separating from the Eastern Interconnection power grid and shedding customer loads in order to compensate for the loss of power.

FPC utilizes a computer simulator to train their operators to manage their transmission facilities. FPC is involved in the development of the NERC training certification program for transmission system (grid) operators.

FPC does not expect any significant restructuring changes for state transmission or generating facilities due to deregulation in the immediate future.

- January 30, 1998 ENCLOSURE A

Manaaement Chanaes-On' January-26, 1998-,- PECO Energy Company's board of directors elected James D.

r von Suskil,. of West Chester,- Vice President, Limerick Generating Station. He p replaces Walter G. MacFarland, who was named Chief Nuclear 0fficer at Clinton Power Station in Clinton, Illinois, under an agreement with Illinois Power Company to provide management services for-the plant.

(In 1996,-von Suskil, 51, became the_ maintenance planning manas,

,, Limerick.

Von Suskil has been Director of Engineering at Limerick since Api ,1 1997. He served 27 years on active duty-:-in the nuclear submarine force before coming to

PECO Energy as assistant outage manager at Peach Bottom and Limerick in 1995.

PECO Energy has announced organization changes resulting from-its management contract for the Clinton site. George Hunger, Corporate Director of-Licensing, will-join the PECO Energy management team at Clinton. Garrett

' Edwards, currently Peach Bottom Plant Manager, will assume Hunger's old

position, and will function as Chairman of the Nuclear Review Board. - Mark--

- Warner will become the new Plant Manager,- moving from his current position as Sito Director of Engineering. Gordon Johnson, currently Limerick Maintenance Director. will transfer to the. Peach Bottom Site Director of Engineering.

These changes will become effective over the next several weeks.

On January 22, 1998, the licensee ar.nounced that Mr. W.' Scott Oxenford will

.become the WNP-2 Operations Manager to be effective on March 2. He is replacing Matthew Monopoli who is on an 18 month assignment with INPO.

Mr. Oxenford previously held positions of- 0)erations Engineer, Shif t Technical-Advisor, Operations Unit Coordinator, and S11ft Supervisor at PECO Energy.

More recently, he held the position of Outage Work Control Supervisor at WNP 2. He has a BS EE and also held an SR0 license.

t e

Jan"ary 30, 1998 ENCLOSURE A

Office of Nuclear' Material Safety and-Safeguards items of Interest - -

Week Ending January 30. 1998-Meetina with General Electric On January 21.1998. -representatives of General- Electric-(GE) met with Nuclear "Mulatory Commission staff from the Division of Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards. Division of Waste Management. and Division of Nuclear Material Safety (Region II) to present the licensee's plans for reducing waste volumes And material. inventories at GE's nuclear fuel fabrication facility in Wilmington. North Carolina. During 3E's Licensee Performance review in October 1997.-NRC expressed concerns about accumulation of waste.and low-enriched special nuclear material at the Wilmington site. NRC identified the timely dis >osition of solid waste as a challenge for the facility due, in -

part, to t1e limited access to waste disposal sites for licensees in the State of North Carolina. During the meeting. GC representatives emphasized the x .

significant reduction in waste generation rates expected _ by replacing the - i ammonium diuranate conversion process with the new dry conversion process

(DCP). GE expects to have all of_ the DCP lines operational by. March 1998. GE representatives also outlined plans for reducing existing wastes and nuclear material inventories, including a variety of on-site and off site treatment and~ disposal options. GE plans to substantially reduce the inventories of material and waste stored onsite during the next two years. Based on the

-licensee's presentation. the NRC staff observed i. hat GE is taking responsible-action to contain any: environmental risks associated with the material while in storage and had a reasonable plan for reducing waste and material.


Insnection at' Amersham

' Currently staff from the Division of Industrial and Medical Nuclear Safety is.

leading a special: team inspectiorc of the failures occurring with the drive cable on the-Amersham 660 radiography camera. As part of this inspection.

-during January 22-23. 1998, the team along with representatives from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts visited the Amersham production facility in Burlington Massachusetts. Tlie inspection was a cooperative effort between the NRC and the Commonwealth, with the Massachusetts staff -leading this component of the inspection. The inspection followed an agreed upon plan and

focused upon Amersham's ongoing analyses of the failures as well as =a revied of pertinent records. production processes and discussions with Amersham engineers and management. The report of-this inspection will. be a component

.of the comprehensive report to be prepared by the inspection team._ The special' inspection will also involve close interaction with radiological safety personnel from the states of Louisiana and Texas as the full scope _ of gg g ygg

~ January 30, 1998


U.S. Environmontal Protection Acency Meetino to Discuss Groundwater Corrective Action Procram at Church Rock Site

+ On January-22, 1998.- staff from the Uranium Recovery Branch met with personnel frum the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the New Mexico Environment Department, s.1d the Navajo Nation Environmental Protection Agency.

in Albuquerque. New Mexico, to review and discuss the EPA's draft Five-Year Review Report evaluating the results of United Nuclear Corporation's (UNC's) groundwater corrective action orogram (CAP) at its Church Rock, New Mexico, uranium mill tailings site. 71e Church Rock site, which is licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, is also a "Superfund" site subject to regulation by the EPA. Under a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the NRC-and the EPA the NRC is the lead federal Agency for licensing within the site boundaries, including remedial actions affecting groundwater. The MOU requires the NRC to. seek agreement with the EPA prior to any l'. cense amendments which affect groua"clater.

The conclusions of the EPA's draft report were agreed upon by the participants at the meeting. These were (1) that the present CAP has not resulted in a substantial trend toward meeting the cleanup levels in the license for most constituents: and (2) that revisions to the CAP revisions to background concentrations specified in the license, and establishment of alternate concentration limits for certain constituents would be appropriate. The EPA will proceed to issue the Five Year Review for public conent, and make revisions to its Record of Decision (ROD) for C1urch Rock. The NRC will then be able to process some of UNC's pending amendment requests to modify the CAP.

The present EPA schedule is to complete revisions to the ROD by September 30, 1998.

Visit to FlawTech in Harrisbura. North Carolina On' January 22. 1998, staff from the Spent Fuel Project Office (SFPO) visited-FlawTech in Harrisburg North Carolina, to become more familiar with the methods for inserting flaws into metallic component specimens. FlawTech is currently under contract to Consumers Energy to implant flaws inta the Palisades VSC-24 dry fuel storage mock-up. Once the flaws are implanted, the mock-up will be shipped to Arkansas Nuclear One, where it will be used to evaluate the feasibility of performing ultrasonic examinations (UT) on the structural lid closure weld. Representatives of the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Non-Destructive Examination (NDE) Center were present at the request of the VSC-24 Owner's Group utilities (Consumers Energy. Entergy, and Wisconsin Electric) to monitor the flaw insertion process. The EPRI NDE Center will also be used to aid procedure development for proposed VSC-24 UT examinations.

January 30, 1998 ENCLOSURE B I


l I TN-68 Snent Fuel Dry Storaae Cask ' Aon11 cation l

On January 23, 1998. Transnuclear. Inc. (TN) submitted an application. in accordance with 10 CFR Part 72, requesting a Certi 4cate of Compliance (C0C) for the TN 68 cask. 'The TN 68. a new cask, is sitiiar to the TN-32 cask, except that it is designed to' store up to 68 BWR soent fuel assemblies. TN is under contract to PECO Energy Company to supply TN'68 casks for the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station which has a projected date of July 2000 for loss of full core discharge capability. The TN 68 cask procurement / fabrication process may take almost two years. Therefore. TN also submitted an exemption request to start fabrication before a C0C is issued so that TN-68 casks will be available for use at Peach Bottom by July 2000.

January 30.'1998 ENCLOSURE B

l Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Items of Interest -

Week Ending January 30, 1998 Hurricane Storm Surae Flood Levels National Oceanic and Atmospheric ~ Administration (NOAA) calculations of-hurricane storm surge flood-levels along the-coast of the southeastern United

-States, conducted for the Federal Emergency Management Administration. raised concerns that the design basis flood levels assumed for the' design of nuclear power plants might not be conservative. -For example, using the NOAA results.

from -their 1992 calculations, the storm surge flood -level in the vicinity of the Brunswick nuclear power plant would be estimated to reach 28.4 feet. 6.4-feet above the plant's design basis flood level: thus, safety-related equi) ment could be challenged Because of the potential generic implication-

'of tie NOAA estimates on operating coastal plant sites. RES initiated a project with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory (C&HL) to independently evaluate the NOAA model. C&HL developed a model subsequent to the develonment of the NOAA model. The NOAA model is two-

dinensional and used generic site parameters while the C&HL model is three-dimensional. used site-specific data. and had a more precise bathymetry (measurement of depth of water); the C&HL model is therefore more precise. In the initial phase of this RES-sponsored review C&HL used their model to evaluate the potential hurricane scorm surge flood levels at the Brunswick nuclear-power plant site. The results showed that the NOAA flood level calculations were overly conservative and that the' design basis flood level at -

the Brunswick site is adequate. The C&HL is now working on evaluations of flood levels in the vicinity of_the Turkey Point and Crystal River. nuclear- ,

power plant sites. Based on the results of the first site evaluated.-this research has the potential to provide the technical bases for continued.

acceptance of the current licensing position for evaluating hurricane storm surge flood levels at coastal nuclear power plant sites and for. acceptance of -

the C&HL-as an alternative methodology.

a Mnuary 30. 1998.


Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data Items of Interest -

Week Ending January 30, 1998 CAME0 ?resentation. '

- AE00 and NMSS staff sponsored a two-day training session on CAME0.for NRC

responders to chemical emergencies at NRC licensed sites._ The training was presented by Mark. Miller from National Oceanic' and Atmospheric Administration

. (NOAA) HAZMAT located in Seattle. Washington. The CAME0 system includes ALOHA (a chemical dispersion code), a chemical data base. MARPLOT (a geographical model).'and-a map display application. The training included a 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />

. executive overview. and a day and a half of hands on training. The participants' response was very positive. This training will assist NMSS and AE00 to decide the level .of usefulness of these tools in the NRC's Operations Center.


1. , PNO II-98 003, Florida Power Corporation (Crystal River 3). CRYSTAL RIVER 3 BEGINS PLANT HEATUP
2. PNO 111-98 009. Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co. (Perry 1), LIQUID REFRIGERANT SPILL IN OFF-GAS BUILDING
4. PN0-III 98 011. Northern States Power Co. (Prairie Island 2). UNIT 2 SHUTDOWN TO REPA1R PRIMARY SYSTEM LEAK-S. PNO-Ill-98-012. Allied-Signal. Inc., AIT TO REVIEW SMALL URANIUM


6. PNO IV 98-003. Memorial Medical-Center. HIGH DOSE RATE BRACHYTHERAPY.



.9.. .PNO-IV-98-006. Arizona Public Service Co. (Palo Verde 2), SPILL OF SULFURIC ACID IN THE OUTSIDE THE UNIT 2 TURBINE BUILDING

-10. PNO-IV 98-007. N D C Systems.-Inc;. AMERICIUM-241 CONTAMINATION EVENT January.30. 1998. ENCLOSURE D-

, ,~

-0ffice of Administration Items of Interest .

--Week Ending January-30. 1998 U.S. Enrichment Corocration (USEC)-

-DFS staff metilith NMSS.-DOE. and others at DOE Germantown on January 28, 1998, to. discuss the schedule for USEC's Privatization and the process by

~which Foreign _0wnership.. Control or Influence determinations will be made on-prospective bidders _of USEC.

DFS staff is currently coordinating with NMSS on a Commission paper that will

inform the Commission of USEC's schedule _for privatization and the related actions:and-responsibilities of the NRC staff and the. Commission.

Transfer of Rulemakina Function

-DAS staff met with NMSS staff who will be recponsible for a significant number of rulemakings as a-result of the transfer of the rulemaking function to the program offices. The discussion cc.icerned the. development of- a uniform 7 process;for managing NMSS rulemaking activities and coordinating ADM's role in the process to the best advantage for both offices.

Industry Codes and Standards Amended Reauirements. Extension of Comment'

-Period (Part 50)

A" document that extends the comment-period for a proposed rule that would-amend the by reference later editions and addenda of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code was published in the Federal Register _on January 26, 1998 (63 FR 3673). The. proposed rule would revise the requirements applicable to construction, in service inspection, and in service-4 testing of nuclear power plant components. The comment period-for the '

proposed rule now closes April 3. 1998.


January 30, 1998 ENCLOSURE F


Chief Information Officer items of Interest Week Ending January 30. 1998 Freedom of Information and Privacy Act Recuests Received durina the 5-Day Period of January 23. 1998 - January 29. 1998:

01 1997 Annual Report. (F01A/PA-98 029)

Medical adverse reactions to drug Isovue. (F0lA/PA 98 030)

Florida; Power & Light Company plants. licenses and amendments for St. Lucie and Turkey Point. (F01A/PA 98 031)

Millstone plant. 1992 through'1996 records produced by named law firms and NRC related documents. (F01A/PA 98-032)

Stepan Chemical Co., License # STC-1333, located in New Jersey.


Privacy Request, access to EE0 records. (F01A/PA-98-034)

Performance appraisal. NRC statistics for 1991 through 1997. (F01A/PA-98-035)

Novacore Chemicals. Inc. 01 report 1-96-030. (F01A/PA-98-036)

NUDOCS contract NRC-33-93-201. (F01A/PA-98-037)

Privacy Request, access to personnel records. (F01A/PA-98-038)

Limited liability filings. (F01A/PA-98-039)

Licensed reactor operator listing by site on disk. (F01A/PA-98-040)

MLTS database on disk. (F01A/PA-98-041)

B&W Apollo site. enriched uranium, non-public documents. (F01A/PA-98-042)

BRK Electronics. Aurora. IL license. (F01A/PA-98-043)

OlG file re 1986 alleged harassment involving requestor. (F01A/PA-98-044)

Steam generator tube integrity. 9/19/97 letter regarding DP0 to ACRS.


Circumferential crack leakage memo, technical branch to ACRS.

-(F01A/PA 98-04G)

January 30. 1998 ENCLOSURE G

Office of Human Resources Items of Interest Week Ending January 30, 1998


Arrivals WHITE, Darrell Investigator Ol/RII Retirements ,

ARON, Joan Emergency Response Coordinator AE00-Dep6rtures None January 30, 1998 ENCLOSURE I

9 Office of Public Affairs Items of Interest .

Week Ending January 30, 1998 Media Interest There was considerable press interest in the Notice of Violation for Three Mile !sland.

The Providence Journal is publishing a background story on Millstone School Volunteers Proaram Rockview E.S. hosted a career day, and Charlotte Abrams and Michael Adjodha, NMSS, and Sandy Vora 0GC participated. Jesse Arildsen and David Desaulnier, NRR, and Charlotte Abrams judged a science fair at Rockwell E.S.

Press Releases HeadquatLers:

98-15 NRC Staff Schedules Two Day Conference to Discuss Regulatory Issues With Nuclear Industry 98-16 NRC Seeks Information on ' Year 2000' Readiness of Nuclear Power Plant Computer Systems: Asks Public Comment on Proposed Letter to Licensees 98 17 NRC Schedules Fourth Workshop on Demonstrating Compliance With Cleanup Criteria 98-18 Note to Editors: FY 1999 Budget Briefing February 2 98 19 Note to Editors: ACPS meeting February 18 98-20 Note to Editors: ACRS meeting February 19 20 Regions:

1-98-9 NRC Staff Ratas Seabrook " Good" in Operations.

Maintenance and Engineering and " Superior" in Plant Support I-98-10 NRC Chairman to Tour Millstone Units on February 2:

Will Hold Press Conference. Public Meeting 1-98-11 NRC lssues Notice of Violation But No Civil Penalty to THI 11-98 NRC Regional Adminstrator Authorizes Restart of Crystal River Nuclear Power Plant Jannry 30, 1998 ENCLOSURE M

4 111-98 10 NRC Staff Dispatches Augmented Ins >ection Team to i

Review Small Uranium Hexafluoride telease at Metropolis Plant i

i k

1 i

January 30. 1998 ENCLOSURE M l

i l


' ~ . - . . - . , . _ _ ..__ _ ,_

~ 0ffice of International Programs

.. Items of-Interest .

. Week Ending-January 30, 1998 Visit of Dr. Jean-Francois Lacroniaue: Chairman of the French Office for

. Protection Aaainst lonizino Radiation 10DRI)

Dr. Jean.Francois Lacronique Chairman of.+.he French Office for Protection

- Against Ionizing Radiation-(0PRI), met with Commissioners-Dicus and McGaffigan, and C. Paperiello and D. ' Cool, NMSS. on January 29.

Dr. Lacronique was only recently appoir,ted to his position and wished to

-introduce himself and his organization to NRC. Discussions covered health Lef fects of low level radiation, radiation limits for decommissioning and

- emergency response .

,- Visit of Mr. Gerald'E. Clark Secretary-General. Uranium institutg Gerald E. Clark, Secretary General, Uranium Institute, met with Chairman l Jackson on January 26, 1998. The purpose of his visit was to discuss the role-of. nuclear p?. der in a sustainable economy, nuclear energy and global warming, and INRA octivities in the international fuel cycle.

OECD/ International Enerav Aaency (IEA)

. A-seven member team from the OECD/Internationti Energy Agency (IEA) met with

.NRC seniorJstaff on January 28, 1998. The purpose,of their visit is' to gather

information for the IEA review country report on U.S. Energy Policies and Programs. Among the issues discussed were treatment of nuclear stranded costs-in. restructured power markets, impacts of restructuring on nuclear plant
safety; and certification of. advanced nuclear. power plants with enhanced usafety_ features. NRC staff briefed the IEA' team on design certification, NRC concerns with utility deregulation, and license renewal procedures. The group is reviewing U.S. energy policies and programs and will be visiting Federal and State Government agencies concerned 'with electric power generation, ~as

. well as utilities and consumer organizations,. The IEA review takes place

.every four--years and culminates in a published report.

w lanuary 30. 1998 ENCLOSURE N i

-_ _ _ _ Y

f .

l 0ffice of the Secretary Items of Interest Week inding January 30. 1998 l

Document- Date Subject Decision Documents Released to the Public

1. SECY-97-275 11/28/97 Guidelines for Providing Assistance to Agreement States and Alternatives for Training SRM on 97-275 1/16/98 (same)

Comission Voting 1/16/98 (same)

Record on 97-275

2. 3ECY-97-260 11/4/97 Resolution of Public Comments in Response to Request for Public Coments in the Federal Register Notice. " Safety Conscious Work Environment" SRM on 97-260 1/22/98 (same)

Comiss' ion Voting 1/22/98 (same)

Record on 97-260

3. COMSECY-97-033 12/1/97 Draft Press Release and Federal Register Notice to Solicit Qualified Candidates for the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards SRM on 97-033 1/22/98 (same)

Chrm. Jackson vote 12/18/97 (same) on 97-033 .

Com. Dicus vote on 12/16/97 (same)97-033 Com. Diaz vote on 12/11/97 (same)

.97-033 .j Com. McGaffigan 12/11/97 (same) vote on 97-033

4. SECY-97-244 10/21/97 Waste Classification of the Trojan Reactor 'lessel SRM on 97-244 1/22/98 (same)

January 30, 1998 ENCt.05URE 0

4 Comm. Voting Record 1/22/98 (same) ~

on 97-244 Negative Consent Documents Released to the Public

1. SECY-97 293 12/18/97 Walnut Creek Field Office (WCF0)

Closure Plan SRM on 97 293 1/27/98 (same) ._

Comm. Voting Record 1/27/98 (same) on 97-293

2. Chrm.. Jackson 10/27/97 Issuance for Public Comment of t comments on Proposed Rulemaking Package for SECY-97 168 ,

Shutdown and Fuel Stc age Pool Operation Chrm. Jackson 10/10/97 (same) comments on 9'/-168 Chrm.. Jackson 8/8/97 (same) comments on 97-168 Comm. D1cus 10/31/97 (same) comments on 97-168 Comm. Dicus 10/14/97 (same) comments on 97-168 Comm. Dicus 8/13/97 (same) comments on 97-168 Comm. Diaz comments 10/2/97 (same) on 97-168 Comm. McGaffigan 10/7/97 (same) comments on 97-168 Information Papers Released to the Public

1. SECY-98-008 1/15/98 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending January 9, 1998
2. SECY-98-009 1/22/98 Weekly Information Report - Week Ending January 16, 1998
3. SECY-98-012 1/23/98 Quarterly Status Report on the Probabilistic Risk Assessment Implementation Plan January 30, 1998 ENCLOSURE 0 t


4  :

a i

Csatssion Correscondence Released to the Public ,

1. Letter to Mr. Huang Qitao. Chinese National Nuclear Safety Administration, dtd 1/22/98, concerns the NRC NNSA Protocol on Cooperation on Nuclear Safety Matters.

- 2. Letter to Dr. Graham Wallis, dtd 1/20/98. offers an appointment to a term on the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards.

3. Letter to Senator Harry Reid, dtd 1/16/98. concerns the proposed remediation of residual uranium tailings produced by Atlas Minerals.


4. Letter to Dr. John Kitzhaber. Governor of Oregon, dtd 1/15/98, concerns a request to relinquish Oregon's authority to evaluate and approve sealed source and device applications.


5. Letter to Congress, dtd 1/15/98, provides the report on tl,;

administration of the Freedom of Information Act for the first three  :

quarters of calendar yerr 1997.

6. Letter to Mr. Robert Quillin, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. Organization of /,greement States, dtd 1/12/98 concerns issues and problems before the Agreement States. {

Federal Reaister Notices issued.,

1. = Advisory Comittee on the Medical Uses cf Isotopes: Subcomittee Meeting .

Notice for February 12 and 13, 1998. '

2. 10 CFR Part 2: Procedures Applicable to Proceedings for the Issuance of ,

Licenses for the Receipt of High-Level Radioactive Waste at' a Geologic Repository: Extension of Coment Period to March 30. 1998.

3. Advisory Comittee on Nuclear Waste: Notice of Meeting on February 24-26.


.4, Advisory Comittee on Reactor Safeguards: Subcomittee Meting on Thermal-Pydraulic and Severe-Accident Phenomena: Notice of Meeting on February 18, 1998.

5. Advisory Comittee on Reactor Safeguards: Mee+'.ig of the ACRS Subcomittee on Reliability and Probabilistic Risk Assessment: Notice of Meeting on February 19 and 20. 1998.

l January 30, 1998 ENCLOSURE 0 L


Region I

-Items of-interest -

Week Ending January 30. 1998 Maine Yankee Manacement Meetina Region I management and staff met with representatives from Maine Yankee Atomic Power Company in the Region 1 office on January 28. 1998. The purpose of the meeting. also attended by representatives from NRR. was to discuss the licensee's approach to the upcoming decontamination of the reactor system. the

-design for the spent fuel island concept and the use of 10 CFR 50.59 for

'ystem safety re classification at Maine Yankee. The meeting, which was open co the public. provided useful dialog to enable the staff to better understand licensee planned actions and their basis for the Ma'"e Yankee plant.

January 30. 1998 ENCLOSURE P

Region 11 Items of Interest Week Ending January 30, 1998 Commissioner-Dicus Visits Florida Plants

'On January 27 and 28, 1998. Commis,sioner Dieus accompanied by-the Regional

  • Administrator, visited the Crystal River and St. Lucie facilities. The visits included tours of the facilities and discussions with senior plant management on issues related to performance and HRC regulation.

Doerator Licensino and Human Performance Workshoo On January 27-29. 1998. Region 11 he'd a workshop with licensee operator examiners to provide licensees with a better understanding of what the NRC expects for examinations prepared by Utilities under the pilot program. The workshop also served to provide NRC with feedback on problems licensees are having with NRC's approach to the operator licensing examination process.

Tennessee Vallev Authority - Watts Bar -

-0n January 29, 1998, the Regional Administrator presented results of the Watts Bae facility Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance (SALP). The performance in Maintenance. Engineering and Plant Support was at a Category 1.

Operations was a Category 2. Following the SALP presentation, a meeting was held with State-and Local officials to discuss activities at the Watts Bar facility.

Duke Enerav Corocration. Oconee Unit 1 On January 27. 1998, during preparations for plant startup, the licensee identified a 2 gallons per minute leak from a weld on a Unit 1 pressurizer surge line drain line. The licensee cooled down the plant and cut out a portion of the drain line. A licensee investigation team has been established and includes analyzing the cause of the weld break.

General Electric Nuclear Enerav

'On January 28, 1998, a small fire occurred in the Fuel Components Operation (FCO) building at the licensee's. facility. The FC0 does not contain NRC licensed mai.erials ar;d is physically separated by approximately 200 yards from the Fuel Manufacturing Operations (FMO) building. The fire occurred in a small container of zirconium chips and was immediately extinguished. There was no equipment damaged or personnel injuries.

January 30 1998 ENCLOSURE P

Elorida Power Corocration - Crystal River 3 On January 30, 1998, after consultation with NRR and the EDO. the Regional Administrator closed the Confirmatory Action Letter (CAL) for Crystal River 3.

This action was based on actions by the licensee to address'the issues raised in the CAL and upon NRC independent verification of these actions. The plant was in hot standby at that time and subsequently achieved criticality around midnight February 1 and proceeded to Mode 1-a few hours later. An NRC Operational Safety Team Inspection will be on site February 3 to monitor the licensee's )ower ascension for the reactor. The licensee has committed to consult wit 1 the staff before leaving the 50 percent and 90 percent power level plateaus.

4 January 30. 1998 ENCLOSURE P

Region IP Items of P .st Week Ending JS y 30, 1998 Predecisional Enforcement Conference with ! 'lwell Services. Inc.

On January 28, 1998, a telephone Predecisional Enforcement-Conterence was 4

conducted between management representatives of Shelwell Services. Inc..

Hebron. Ohio, and members of the NRC staff. The conference was conducted to discuss the apparent failure by the company to maintain security for a nuclear well logging device while it was stored. Other apparent violations discussed included the Shelwell Radiation Safety Officer's failure to wear a radiation monitoring device while working with nuclear material: the failure to have radiation survey instruments properly calibrated: and the failure to adequately measure radiation doses in unrestricted areas.

Predecisional Enforcement Conference with Mallinckrodt Veterinary. Inc.

On January 27, 1998, a Predecisional Enforcement Conference was conducted between management representatives of Mallinckrodt Veterinary. Inc.. Terre Haute. Indiana, and members of the NRC staff. The conference was conducte1 to discuss the apparent failure by the company to inform the NRC of its decommissioning activities and change of ownership.

Point Beach Nuclear Power Station SALP Public Meetina On January 28, 1998, the NRC Region III Regional Administrator A. Bill Beach and other members of NRC staff met in Manitowoc. Wisconsin, with representatives of Wisconsin Electric Power Company to review the recently ,

1ssued Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance (SALP) for the Point


Beach Nuclear Power Station. The Point Beach facility received ratings of

" good" in plant operations, maintenance, and plant support and an " acceptable" rating in engineering.

Manaaement Meetina with Commonwealth Edison Comoany --LaSi :9 Station On January 26. 1998, a meeting was conducted in the Region III Office. Lisle.

Illinois. between management representatives from Commonwealth Edison Company and members of the NRC staff. The meeting discussion focused on the status and of the LaSalle Nuclear Power Station's restart plan and the plant performance improvement actions. NRC Regional Administrator A. Bill Beach participated in the meeting.

January 30. 1998 ENCLOSURE P

Minnesota Enablino Lecislation on Aareement 'atate itatus On January 29. 1998. NRC Region Ill staff wer e inf >rmed that the State of M','inesota's Govemor Carlson has sent an enabinig bill to the legislature regarding Minnesota's intent-to be an Agreement State. The_ bill has a termination date of August 2. 2002.

4 i

January 30, 1998 ENCLOSURE P

Region IV-Items of Interest Week Ending January 30, 1998 Manaaement Meetina - Coocer Nuclear Station A management meeting was conducted on January 30, 1998, with representatives of Nebraska Public Power District from Cooper Nuclear Station in the Region IV office in Arlington, Texas. The NRC Regional Administrator, members of the Region IV staff, and representatives of the Office of rvuclear Reactor Regulation attended the meeting. Lessons learned from the recent Design Basis

-Inspection and an overview of_ plans for engineering improvement at Cooper were discussed.

-January 50, 1998 ENCLOSURE P


Office of Congressional Affairs Items of Interest Week rn ding January 30. 1998 i CONGRESSIONAL HEARING SCHEDULE. NO. 3

0CA1_ DATEi iTIME --


Contact _




u Keeling 02/04 10:00 State. CIA U.S. - China Nuclear Reps. Gilman/ Hamilton 2172 RHOB Cooperation International Relations Combs 02/04 10:30 TBA Status of Superfund Program Reps. Oxley/Manton 2123 RHOB rinance & Hazardous Materials



Gerke 02/04 2:00 FAA. 00T. GAO FAA Year 2000 Computer Reps. Horn /Maloney 311 CHOB Problems 30vt Mgmnt. Info & Technology 30v't Reform & Oversight Reps. Morella/Gordon Technology Science Madden 02/05 10:30 DOE FY99 DOE Budget Reps. Schaefer/ Hall 2322 RHOB Energy and Powar

ommerce Madden 03/11 10:00 DOE FY99 Budget for Office of Reps. McDade/Fazio 23628 RHOB Nuclear Energy Energy & Water Appropriations 4propriations January 30. 1998 ENCLOSURE R

FY99 Appropriations- for ~ Reps. McDade/Fazio I Combs 03/12 10:00 DOE - 0CRWM 2362B RHOB Nuclear Water Management Energy & Water Appropriations 4propriations--

Sen. McCain/Hollings


Gerke 04/28- 9:30 TBA - Year 2000 Computer Problem Commerce. Science & Transp

' SR-253 ll January 30. 1998 ENCLOSLRE R-
