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Notice of Amend to Coc GDP-1 for Us Enrichment Corp for Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant
Person / Time
Site: 07007001
Issue date: 11/18/1998
From: Ten Eyck E
Shared Package
ML20195K137 List:
NUDOCS 9811250193
Download: ML20195K145 (7)


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CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE GDP-1 FOR THE U.S. ENRICHMENT CORPORATION PADUCAH GASEOUS DIFFUSION PLANT PADUCAH, KENTUCKY DOCKET 70-7001 l The Director, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, has made a determination that the following amendment request is not significant in accordance with 10 CFR 76.45. In making that determination, the staff concluded that: (1) there it no change in the types or significant increase in the amounts of any effluents that may be released offsite; (2) there is no l

significant increase in individual or cumulative occupational radiation exposure; (3) there is no  !

significant construction impact; (4) there is no significant increase in the potential for, or radiological or chemical consequences from, previously analyzed accidents; (5) the proposed s changes do not result in the possibility of a new or different kind of accident; (6) there is no significant reduction in any margin of safety; and (7) the proposed changes will not result in an overall decrease in the effectiveness of the plant's safety, safeguards or security programs.

The basis for this datermination for the amendment request is shown below.

The NRC staff has reviewed the certificate amendment application and concluded that it provides reasonable assurance of adequate safety, safeguards, and security, and compliance with NRC requirements. Therefore, the Director, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, is prepared to issue an amendment to the Certificate of Compliance for the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant. The staff has prepared a Compliance Evaluation Report L

which provides details of the staff's evaluation.

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9811250193 PDR 981123ADOCK0700001,l C i

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,- 2 I The NRC staff has determined that this amendment satisfies the criteria for a categorical  ;

1 exclusion in accordance with 10 CFR 51.22(c)(19). Therefore, pursuant to 10 CFR 51.22(b), no environmentalimpact statement or environmental assessment need be prepared for this amendment. {

USEC or any person whose interest may be affected may file a petition, not exceeding 30  ;

pages, requesting review of the Director's Decision. The petition must be filed with the Commission not later than 15 days after publication of this Federal Register Notice. A petition i

for review of the Director's Decision shall set forth with particularity the interest of the petitioner and how that interest may be affected by the results of the decision. The petition should specifically explain the reasons why review of the Decision should be permitted with particular reference to the following factors: (1) the interest of the petitioner; (2) how that interest may be  ;

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affected by the Decision, including the reasons why the petitioner should be permitted a review of the Decision; and (3) the petitioner's areas of concern about the activity that is the subject ,

matter of the Decision. Any person described in this paragraph (USEC or any person who filed j a petition) may file a response to any petition for review, not to exceed 30 pages, within 10 days after filing of the petition. If no petition is received within the designated 15-day period, the Director will issue the final amendment to the Certificate of Compliance without further delay, if a petition for review is received, the decision on the amendment application will become final in 60 days, unless the Commission grants the petition for review or otherwise acts within 60 days after publication of this Federal Register Notice.


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-' - . A petition for review must be filed with the Secretary, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,

, Washington, DC 20555-0001, Attention: Rulemakings and Adjudications Staff, or may be I l

delivered to the Commission's Public Document Room, the Gelman Building,2120 L Street, l NW, Washington, DC, by the above date. l For further details with respect to the action see (1) the application for amendment and (2) the l

Commission's Compliance Evaluation Report. These items are available for public inspection I l

at the Commission's Public Document Room, the Gelman Building,2120 L Street, NW, Washington, DC, and at the Local Public Document Room.

Date of amendment request: April 24,1998 l l

l Brief description of amendment: The amendment proposes to revise the Technical Safety Requirements (TSRs) which specify the C-310, C-315, and C-360 facilities crane design ,

1 features credited for safety. The proposed change will specify the design requirement for the crane brakes as opposed to listing the specific type of brake for each facility crane. USEC is 1

committing to ANSI B30.2-1990, " Overhead and Gantry Cranes" for the hoist brakes on the cranes.

Basis for finding of no significance:

1. The proposed amendment will not result in a change in the types or significant increase in the amounts of any effluents that may be released offsite.


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. .The proposed changes to revise the design requirements for the cranes in C-310, C-315, and C-360 have no effect on the generation or disposition of effluents. Therefore, the proposed l

TSR modifications will not result in a change to the types or amount of effluents that may be released offsite.

l- 2. The proposed amendment will not result in a significant increase in individual or cumulative L

l occupational radiation exposure.

i The proposed TSR revisions will not change or increase maintenance, testing or operational requirements for the affected equipment; implementation of the revised TSRs will not increase exposure. The changes do not relate to controls used to minimize occupational radiation l

l exposures. Therefore, the changes will not result in a significant increase in individual or cumulative occupational radiation exposure.

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3. The proposed arnendment will not result in a significant construction impact.

The proposed changes will not result in any building construction, therefore, there will be no construction impacts.


j. 4. .The proposed amendment will not result in a significant increase in the potential for, or i

radiological or chemical consequences from, previously analyzed accidents.

The proposed TSR changes involve a change to the description of the safety features on the f

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cranes in the withdrawal and toll transfer and sampling facilities. The current TSRs specify the type of brakes on the cranes. The proposed TSR would require that the brake designs comply.

with the requirements of the standard on cranes (ANSI B30.21990). The brakes will continue to perform their safety function. The change to the design requirements does not increase the probability of occurrence or consequences of any postulated accident currently identified in the safety analysis report.

5. The proposed amendment will not result in the possibility of a new or different kind l

of accident.

The proposed TSR modifications will require the brakes to comply with ANSI B30.2-1990. The brakes will continue to perform their safety function. The specific type of brake required will no longer be specified in the TSR. The proposed changes will not create the possibility of a new or different type of equipment malfunction or a new or different type of accident.

6. The proposed amendment will not result in a significant reduction in any margin of safety.

The proposed TSR changes involve a change to the description of the brake safety feature.

Instead of specifying the type of brake, the TSR will commit to a brake design that complies with the requirements of the industry standard for cranes (ANSI B30.2-1990). Although the previous brake designs complied with the standard,it was not required by the TSR. The safety function of the brakes remains unchanged and the brakes will continue to perform their safety function. As such, the changes do not decrease the margin of safety.

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7. Ths propos:d amendm:nt will not r:sult in an overall dscrease in tha eff:ctiv:ntss of the plant's safety, safeguards or security programs.

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Implementation of the proposed changes do not change the safety, safeguards, or security programs. Therefore, the effectiveness of the safety, safeguards, and security programs is not decreased.

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l Effective date: The amendment to Certificate of Compliance GDP-1 becomes effective 30 days after being signed by the Director, Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards.

Certificate of Compliance No. GDP-1: Amendment will revise TSRs and to change the design requirement for the crane brakes in the C-310, C-315, and C-360 facilities.

l Local Public Document Room location: Paducah Public Library,555 Washington Street, i

Paducah, Kentucky 42003.

Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this /giay of M00e411998.


Elizabeth O. Ten Eyck, Acting Director Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards DISTRIBUTION:

! Docket 70-7001 NRC FILE CENTER PUBLIC NMSS r/f l FCSS r/f SPB r/f K'OBrien, Rill NMSS Dir. Off. r/f

! A \FRNAMD21. PAD *See Previous Concurrence OFC SPB' SPB* SPB* SPB* FCSS* NMS NAME MHorn:ij DHoadley MGalloway RPierson ETenEyck ETen Eyck DATE 11/10/98 11/10/98 11/13/98 11/13/98 11/16/98 0 098 C = COVER E = COVER & ENCLOSURE N = NO COPY



. Th3 propos:d amandm:nt will not result in an overall d:creass in tha effectivantss of the '

l pia t's safety, safeguards or security programs.

implemen tion of the proposed changes do not change the safety, safeguards, or security programs. Th efore, the effectiveness of the safety, safeguards, and security programs is not decreased.

Effective date: The amend nt to Certificate of Compliance GDP-1 becomes effectiva 30 days 1

after being signed by the Directo. Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards.


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Certificate of Compliance No. GDP-1: Ame ment will revise TSRs and to l l

change the design requirement for the crane bra s in the C-310, C-315, and C-360 facilities. l l

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Local Public Document Room location: Paducah Public Lib ry,555 Washington Street, l Paducah, Kentucky 42003.

l Dated at Rockville, Maryland, this day of 1998.

FOR THE NUCLEAR REGULATORY COM SION Carl J. Paperiello, Director Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards 1


Docket 70-7001 NRC FILE CENTER PUBLIC NMSS r/f t FCSS r/f SPB r/l K'OBrien, Rill NMSS Dir. Off. r/f A:\FRNAMD21. PAD OFC SPB L SPB h SPB SPA FCAS NMSS I NAME Mho :ij Maby a oway Rhrson EhEyck CPaperiello DATE 11/V98 11 /l[b8 II/J98 U dh8 f/ 98 / /98 C = COVER E = COVER & ENCLOSURE N = NO COPY OFFICIAL RECORD COPY k bb l
