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Accessing & Using Ssd Bbs
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/07/1996
Shared Package
ML20149L100 List:
PROC-960207, SSD, NUDOCS 9602230354
Download: ML20149L169 (21)


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k' Accessing and Using the SSD BBS 02/07/96  !

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4 The following inforr1ation has been prepared to assist you in accessing the Sealed Sources and .

Devices Bulletin Board System (SSD BBS) on the FedWorld System. Please read t:irough this

package prior to calling for assistance.  ;


1 About ths SSD Bulletin Board' This Bulletin Board System (BBS) is offered by the Sealed Source Safety Section of the Division of Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards. The BBS will provide users access to materials and information dealing with the registration of sealed sources and devices.

The BBS has been set up to facilitate easy access to needed materials, and each screen provides '  !

l i . either on screen directions or an "About..." file to give you further information on how to use the BBS. It is recommended that you read all on-screen directions and refer to any "About..."

files encountered to ensure that you are getting the most out of the BBS.

For information on using the FedWorld Systems and general commands, please contact the FedWorld help desk at (703) 487 4608. For questions regarding content of the BBS, please l

contact Michele Burgess at (301) 415-5868 or Steve Baggett at (301) 415 7273.


How to access FedWorld through a modem ,

4 .

l Refer to your communications package instructions for details on setting up your particular software. The number to use for modem dialing is (703) 3213339. This is a local number in the i Washington, DC area only and provides access to all portions of FedWorld. The NRC has i established a toll-free number that allows access to only the NRC portion of FedWorld. The number )

is(800) 303-9672. The settings are data bits:8, stop bits:1, parity:none, and duplex: full. If you I

  • l need assistance in obtaining access to FedWorld, or have questions about using the FedWorld
systems, call the FedWorld help desk at (703) 487 4608. For more information, please skip down in this manual to the section titled "How to use the FedWorld Bulletin Board System". After you have dialed in, you may find that the status line of your communications package says that you are connected to FedWorld, but you do not see anything coming up on the screen. Try pressing

< return > a couple of times and you should see the FedWorld screens begin to come up.

4 How to access FedWorld through the Internet This section is intended to give some guidance in accessing the BBS through the internet. There may be more than one way to accomplish it, but this provides one method that worked for us. The i instructions list the http location where possible.

Get to the NRC home page (http://www. internal.nrc. gov /). At the NRC home page, click on the t: *Internet Servers" box. You should now be at the NRC Internet Web Site page (http://www. internal.nrc. gov /websites.htm). Look under " Government Sites" for the subtitle 9602230354 960219 PDR RC

"FedWorld Web Server". Choose " access the NRC BBS at FedWorld via telnet", by clicking on the word "telnet".

You should now see the FedWorld screens coming up. They may be in a smaller screen in the corner of the terminal screen. Please be patient, sometimes it takes a minutes for it to get loaded up. The mouse is not functionalin this system, so use the keyboard. You will be asked to choose i a destination. Choose option "(1) FedWorld". For more information, please skip down in this manual to the section titled "How to use the FedWorld Bulletin Board System".

Other information on accessing FedWorld If you can not access the NRC at FedWorld by the one of the two methods detailed above, please call Mr. Arthur Davis of the U.S. NRC at (301) 415 5780 for more assistance.

How to use the FedWorld Bulletin Board System You are now in FedWorld. You will be asked for your account and password, if you are new to FedWorld, just follow the directions on the screen, if the screen seems hard to hard or has a lot of strange characters on it, type = A and press < return >. This switches you between graphics and ANSI. If it doesn't fix the problem, then you can type it in again to return your set-up to the way it was and call Art Davis (301-415 5780) for some advice.

For a complete user's guide for FedWorld, download the file OTFWUSER. ZIP from the NRC Library of Files. An excerpt from the FedWorld manualis attached to get you started. To get a complete copy of the FedWorld manual, select choice (l] for "Information and Guidance Documents" (or use

/GO NRCSSD), and then select choice (F) option. Use the menus found there to download the FEDUSER. ZIP file. You must decompress this file before being able to read it. The utility PKZ204G.EXE for decompressing " ZIP" files (file with the filename extension of " ZIP) is available for download in the NRCMAIN library.

rielp is also available under the HELP /INFORMATION menu, under choice [B) on the NRCMAIN menu. Here you can find additional information on the use of this system.

How to get to the Sealed Sources and Devices (SSD) BBS After you have entered your account and password (or set up your new account), there may be several screens of general information. Follow the directions on the screen to get through these announcements and messages.

When you get to the FedWorld main menu, choose "E - Environment and Energy Mall". Choose l "A - U.S. NRC" Choose "O - Subsystems / Databases". Choose "F - Sealed Sources and Devices".

You should now be at the SSD BBS main menu, l


l About the Programs and Files On this BBS, you will find much of the information commonly requested of the Sealed Source  :

Safety Section. In addition, the BBS allows users to download copies of the RADXREF and SSD l l

Registry programs. The files are updated as necessary. It is up to you to make sure that you are using the most current version of any file, so please check for updates on an appropriate frequency.

An easy way to see what files have been updated recently, is to choose [F] in the main menu. This accesses the Library of Documents. Next, choose [F] for Find Files. Then, choose (D) to display the files in the library in order by date. You can now check to see whether there have been any files updated or added since the date of your last log-on. We have had some people indicate that the (O]uickscan option does always seem to work, so we suggest that use the method we have detailed out.

Please read any "About ..." section that you come across and choice (N), "SSD Late Breaking News and Information" every time you log onto the BBS. These sections will direct you to any new items of fered in the BBS, as well as alerting users to other important information dealing with Sealed Sources and Devices.

The contents of this BBS are divided into two primary groups - program systems and guidance documents.

Use choice [D]in the main menu to access information on available program systems and to download those systems. Before you download any program systems or updates, please check the ,

"About . " % (choice (A] in the download submenus) to see what the current version of the ,

program . to check the last date that the files were updated. If you have an earlier program version than that listed in the "About ..." file, then you must download the entire system (choice (B) in the submenu). If you are downloading, please remember to direct the file to the appropriate ,

subdirectory on your computer. Refer to the "About ..." files for each program system for details on downloading each system.

Use choice ll] in the main menu to access selected access guidance documents. The material available is divided into seven categories to make searching for specific types of documents easier.

Choose choice [A] through (G) in the information submenu to see a list of files. These files can then either be viewed on screen or downloaded to your computer.

For information on using the FedWorld Systems and general commands, please contact the FedWorld help desk at (703) 487-4608. For questions regarding content of the BBS, please contact Michele Burgess at (301) 415-5868 or Steve Baggett at (301) 415-7273.

How to View .TXT Files This is a short description of how to view ASCll text files (they must have extension .TXT) from this subsystem. For a more detailed description of the system commands on this system, access the NRC Help /Information Center by typing in the command:

/GO NRCINFO and selecting choice (D).

l ASCll text files having the extension .TXT can be viewed from the Library of Files by selecting choice [F] from the Main Menu. If the main menu you are working on does not have a choice [F),

-you must type "/go nrcmain" on the command line and select choice (F]

there. Choose a file. If the file you have chosen is available for on-line viewing, the choi$e CTRL-V (to view) will be provided at the bottom of the screen. Press CTRL-V and follow the' viewing j instructions provided at the bottom of the screen.

3 How to Download Files j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5- This is a short description of how to download (retrieve) files from this subsystem. For a more detailed description of the system commands on this sys'em, access the NRC Help /information

. Center by typing in the command


, and selecting choice (D).

.in order to download files from this system,'you must have terminal software that will allow you to j dowr.!oad or capture documents f,om a remote syster... See the documentation for your program for details on downloading or capturing files.

' To download a file from the Library of Files, select choice [F] from the Main Menu. If the main menu you are working on does not have a choice [F), you must type "/go nremain" on the  ;

i command line and enter the choice (F) there, i

if you know the name of the file you want to download to your local machine, enter the command:

! D <name of file here> < ENTER >

You will then be presented with a menu asking you what type of transfer protocol (ASCll, XMODEM, ZMODEM, etc.) you will be using. Select the option you want to use, and press ENTER.

You will then be asked if you would want to be logged off after the download is completed. Enter
your choice, and press ENTER. You will then be instructed to start your transfer process at your
local computer. Enter the command on your computer to start the file transfer.

4 4

4 0

4 i

r E


About the Radiography Cross-Reference (RADXREF) Program Program Description The RADXREF Program is designed to provide information on the compatibility of radiography equipment. The program allows the user to determine what equipment is compatible with a given radiography device, changer, or source. Codes allow the user to determine whether the item meets the new Part 34 requirements.

Directions for Downloading the program systems Please follow these steps to properly download the RADXREF Program to your computer. It may be easiest to make a printout of these instructions to use as a reference before beginning to download the files.

1. Create a directory on your computer to put the program system in. We suggest that you call it "RADXREF".
2. Select choice (D) in the BBS main menu. Select choice [A] in the submenu.
3. Select choice (U) to download the updates ONLY if you know that you already have the current version on your computer. Otherwise, select choice [D] to download the entire system.
4. Follow the instructions for your communications package to download the file to your computer.
5. The file should now be on your computer. Move the file into the "RADXREF" directory. All of '

the files of the RADXREF Program ale in compressed form in the one file you have downloaded.

When you are ready to uncompress the program system, go to the "RADXREF" directory on your computer and type "RADXREF" if you are downloading the entire system or type "RADXREFU" if you are downloading the update only. Press the ENTER (or RETURN) key. When your computer is finished, you can run the program by typing "RADXREF" and pressing the ENTER (or RETURN) key.

6. The program and data files for this system are subject to revision at any time. Please check the BBS before using to ensure that you have the most recent version of the program and data.

About the Sealed Source and Device (SSD) Registry System Program Description The SSD Registry System Program is designed to provide information on sources and devices registered with the NRC and Agreement States. Associated database contain information found on the first page of a registration certificate. Search routines are available on fields such as vendor codes and names, model names, sources or devices, isotope and others, and/or combinations of these. The program allows printout of information retrieved. The program is intended to be used to identify appropriate sheets and should be used in conjunction with the registration certificates. In all cases, you should rafer to the registration certificate before making any licensing decisions.

Directions for Downloading the program systems Please follow these steps to properly download the SSD Registry System to your computer, it may be easiest to make a printout of these instructions to use as a reference before beginning to download the files. All of the files making up the SSD Registry System have been compressed into one self-extracting executable file. You will download only the one file, then decompress it on your computer.

1. Create a directory on your computer to put the program system in. We suggest that you call it "SSDS".

. 2. Select choice [D] in the BBS main menu. Select choice [8] in the submenu.

3. Select (Ul to download the updates ONLY if you know that you already have the currerlt version on your computer. Otherwise, select [D] to download the entire system.
4. Follow the instructions for your communications oackage to download the file to the directory "SSDS" on your computer.
5. The file should now be on your computer All of the files of the SSD Registry System are in compressed form in the one file you have downloaded. When you are ready to uncompress the pogram system, go to the "SSDS" directory on your computer and type "RTYREG" if you are downloading the entire system or type "RTYREGU" if you are downloading the update only. Press the ENTER (or RETURN) key. When your computer is finished, you can run the program by typing "SSDS" and pressing the ENTER (or RETURN) key.
6. The program and data files for this system are subject to revision at any time. Please check the BBS before using to ensure that you have the most recent version of the program er.d data.

1 F

(This is only an excerpt from the FedWorld users manual. For additionalinformation, please download the entire FedWorld manual.)

NTIS National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Rd., Springfield, VA 22161

> > > > > > > > > > > > > N RC at Fed Wo rld < < < < < < < < < < < < <

If you've ever used a BBS before, you'll probably have no trouble finding your way around, if you haven't, this document is intended to help you learn your way around.

A few basics to keep in mind; since FedWorld is a free system credits are optional but are not used on FedWorld, any reference to credits is Just an example; if you want to exit from wherever you are in the system, select X; all selections and commands must be followed by a RETURN; on menus (and most prompts) you may select ? for help; and hit the RETURN key to abort lengthy scrolling displays.

This document will serve two purposes: {

1) to help you get started (using FedWorld for this first time)
2) to be a reference for you, even after you've found your way around i

(to answer the question, "I wonder... is there a way to do < blank > in the < blank > module?"). l A Quick Overview i When you first call into FedWorld, you're asked to " sign up",

creating an account for yourself, if you're online reading this .

document, you must have already signed up, and should now have a l User-ID and password that you can use from now on. Now, when you call in, all you have to do is enter in your User-ID and then your password.

FedWorld will remember who you are, and start by telling you if you have any mail waiting (it may also ask you if you want to read it right away). You might also get some other important notices, but will eventually be left at the TOP menu.

The TOP menu is the first menu on FedWorld. The various selections on this menu go to different areas of FedWorld. Here's an example of some of the TOP menu selections:

Please select one of the following:

A ... Locator Access Retrieval (boolean search for any information)

System (LARG)

D ... FedWarid Gate Way (connect to Govt. sys/ databases)

Q ... Quick bulletins (read /dload the most important info)

B ... Information Center (get some info on this system)


  • - - . ~ _ . ~ ,


_c P ... Private Mail (read / write private messages)

E ... Electronic Mail / Forums (read / write public messages)

F ... Ubrary of Files (upload / download files)

R ... Registry of Users (look up users' registry entries)

U ... Utilities (utilities for FedWorld)

N ... News (read about new info and events)

J ... Federal Jobs (read /dload/srch Fed. Jobs)

G ... Goodbye (Logoff FedWorld) (Logoff the system)

. MENU = >(TOP)

Make your selection (T,B,F,E,C,A,P,R,7 for help, or G to exit):

By typing in one of the select characters, followed by a RETURN,'you can enter any of these different areas. As an example, this is how you 4

might go about leaving a private E-mail message to your Sysop (System .

Operator -- the person who runs this system). First, select E to go into Electronic Mail, which will bring you to this menu:

i. r The following E mail services are available:

t R = > Read message (s) (read any mail TO or FROM you)

W = > Write a message (write mail to any other user)

! .M = > Modify a message (modify a message you've written)

' (erase a message you've written)

E = > Erase a message (configure your personal mailbox)

S = > Special functions X = > Exit from E-mail (exit back to the TOP menu) i Select a letter from the above list, or ? for more info:

i Now, in this example, you would select W to write mail. That selection would bring you to this prompt:

Who do you wish to send this message to? l Enter User-lD, "?" for help, or just RETURN for "Sysop":

In this example, you'd only have to hit a RETURN (with no selection) to i specify "Sysop". If you wanted to write mail to someone else, you would simply type in their User-ID here (if you don'.t know the whole User-lD, but only know the first or last name, you can just enter what l you know, and FedWorld will help you find the exact User ID).

l Now, you'll be asked for the topic of your message. After entering in .

a topic, you'll be put into the editor. Depending on whether or not

, the terminal you're using to call in with has ANSI support, you may get the Fuh Screen Editor. This ANSI editor will act very much like a

small word processor,~ allowing you to use your cursor keys to move around the message. You can feel free to just type your message as you wish it to appear to your Sysop. The automatic word-wrap will wrap words at the end of lines appropriately. Just hit CTRL-G whenever you '

are done, and want to save your message. . Hit CTRL-O if you changed your mind and want to quit. All sorts of advanced commands are also

- available. Just hold down the control key and hit R (CTRL-R) to -

display some other commands: '




- _ . _ _ _ _ - - , _ . -__-______---_L_-_____. -

i sp= HELP (CTRL-W for more)

, a

, ll CTRL-Z Select Terminal l CTRL L Redisplay Screen ll 11 CTRL-K CTRL-O Quit l CTRL-K CTRL-X Save and Oult ll ll CTRL-T Change Topic .l CTRL-W Extended Help ll ll CTRL-X Exit to Line Edit l CTRL-N import Message ll ll Line Commands: l ll ll CTRL-B Insert Line l CTRL-Y Delete Line ll 3 ll CTRL-C Chop Line l CTRL-J Join Line ll ll CTRL-A Center Line l CTRI.-E Erase to End of Line ll ll CTRL-F insert character l CTRL V Delete character ll 1 ll Block Commands: l ll ll CTRL-K CTRL-B Mark Start l CTRL-K CTRL-K Mark End ll ll CTRL K CTRL-H Hide Block l CTRL-K CTRL-F Frame Block ll d

ll CTRL-K CTRL-Y Delete Block l CTRL-P Format Paragraph ll ll ll J


, n n

, if you don't have ANSI support, you'll get the line editor. The line editor doesn't allow you to move around with your cursor keys like the Full Screen Editor, so you have to enter your message one line at a time. (The automatic word-wrap teature will wrap the end of lines for you, just like the ANSI editor.) When you're all done entering your I message with the line editor, and you want to go ahead and save it,

. Just enter /S on a blank line by itself. If you want to change something about what you've written so far, you can edit the message by typing OK on a blank line by itself, That will give you this menu:


Slave message - 'R)e-type a line i A)ppend message D)elete line 1

L)ist message 1)nsert line(s)

< C)hange text N)ew message

H)elp T)opic change 5

Select an editor option (S,A,L,C,H,R,D,1,N, or ? for menu):

When you're done editing your message, just select S from this menu to l save your message. Then, you'll get this prompt (you come to this same j prompt by typing /S in your message instead of typing OK and editing):

Do you wish to " attach" a file to this message (Y/N)?

If you answer Y to this question, your topic will be used as the file name (you'll get a chance to re-enter your topic if it's not a valid one), and you'll be asked to upload a file to FedWorld. When the Sysop 4 reads your mail, he'll be asked if he'wants to download the attached file, Answer N if you don't need to send a file along with the L


' message. After all that, you'll get:

Do you want a "retu n receipt" when this message is read (Y/N)?

In other words, who.) the Sysop reads your message, do you want an E-mail message to be sent to you immediately, letting you know when the Sysop read it? Just enter Y or N (followed by a RETURN, as usual) as a response. You'll then get this promnt:

Do you want to send a copy of tds message to anyone (Y/N)?

You can send copies of your message to other User-ids if you wish, if you answer Y to this questicr you'll simply be promptad for which User-lO you want to send a copy to, and then asked if you want to send any nNe copies.

That's all there is to writing E-mail to the Sysop. The only difference between writing mail to the Sysop, and writing mail to any

) ' other User-lO is the name you type in when you're prompted for who you i want to write the message to. When you're done, you'll find yourself s back at the main Electron!c Mail menu, where you can hit X to get back to the TOP menu. (Remember, when you decide you're ready to log off,

. Just select X from the TOP menu.)

a I This is only the tip of the iceberg as far as features are concerned.

4 The rest of this document contains more in-depth information about the vast number of other features that this BBS has to offer. If you have

any problems finding your way around, just leave some E-mail to the Sysop asking for help. When the Sysop replies to your message, you'll
be notified as soon as you log on that you have new mail waiting. If '

you're not given the option to read it right away, just select "ERT."

from the TOP menu to read your new mail.

ModGes and Menuing l


). FedWorld is divided into two major sections: .the main menuing ' .

4 system and the modules. Just after logging on, you enter the main menuing system, where you can chocse to enter different areas of the

' BBR. exit from them, and choose others. it's the main menuing system's

, job .o guide you to and from the many features available to you. The i different modules in this system are what provide you with the main i functionality of FedWorld: exchanging messages, talking to others,.

. uploading and downloading, etc. (The different modules are each ',

' discussed later in this document.) '

The Main Menuing System

.The main menuing system of FedWorld will allow you to choose 4

different menu options, leading you into different areas, or modules,

. of FedWorld. Each main me,nu you encounter will display the options that


? l 4

you have available to you, and then await your selection. To enter in any selection or command on FedWorld, you must type it in, and then hit RETURN. Each menu and menu selection is also called a "page", )

and has a name of its own. (The first menu you are given is named the i

" TOP" page.)

There are a few things you can do at any of these menus: go back to ,

the previous page, jump straight to another other page, fino another  !

page to jump to, or re-display the current menu. Select X at any of l these menus to return to the previous menu (selecting X from the TOP menu will allow you to log off the system). Just hit RETURN (with no --

select character) to re-display your current list of options. To jump ,

straight to another page, type /GO <pagename>. To look for a page l containing a specific topic of interest, type FIND, followed by the topic to look for. Any pages that you can /GO to that refer to that ,

topic will be displayed.

Global Commands Global commands are commands that begin with a / character, and are available to you from any prompt on FedWorld. _ Here are a few standard global commands:

/GO <pagename> . Jum; straight to a specific page name Show a list u. other users online  ;

/# '

/P < userid > < msg > Page another user on the system (with an optional message)

Concatenated Commands .

t You can probably find most things you're looking for by just going , l through menus one at a time. But, concatenated commands allow yoQ to (

save time by bypassing menus you already know ,va selection for. The idea is this: If selecting E from your current menu leads you to the main Electronic Mail menu, and you know you want to write mail, which '

is the W selection from the main electronic mail menu, you can just select EW from your current menu to entirely bypass the main Electronic Mail menu. You can even bypass some prompts by concatenating your l selection ahead of time. Some prompts have " defaults", meaning you [

just hit a RETURN for a certain action. At the prompt for who to write  !

mail to, just hitting RETURN means you want to write mail to "Sysop".

In the above example, you could specify you wanted to write mail to your Sysop by selecting EW. from your current menu. Basically, by +

putting a dot (.) in your concatenated command (as opposed to a select character), you are saying "at this prompt, act as if I just hit RETURN, and give me the default".  ;

As you become more familiar with this system, you will find that using i concatenated commands may save you quite a bit of time. Most prompts l

. and menus support concatenated commands, so you can feel free to E

. __ , _ - - ~ . . _ _

experiment with using concatenated commands throughout the system...

File Transfers In different areas of FedWorld, you will have the opportunity to transfer files from your computer to FedWorld, as well as from FedWorld to your computer (referred to as uploading and downloading files, respectively). File transfers can be accomplished through a wide

- variety of " protocols", each of which have different characteristics, - .

but all of which will have the same end-result: transferring a file (or files) between your machine and FedWorld. This section simply

- Introduces you to the options available to you through FedWorld. ,

To get you started, here's a quick rundown on the most popular protocols and their highlights:

L = List . display a text file one screen at a time C = XMODEM-CRC has very widespread usage, simple and to the point B = YMODEM Batch widespread usage and full featured, gets the file size right, and sometimes date and time too Z = ZMODEM robust and efficient ~

K = Kermit works on 7-bit communication lines (INTERNET)

Download Protocols: ,

L ... Listing (a screen at a time) G ... YMODEM-g -

A ... ASCll (continuous dump) Z ... ZMODEM M ... XMODEM-Checksum ZR... ZMODEM (resume after abort)

C ... XMODEM-CRC K ... Kermit (Use for Internet) 1... XMODEM-1 K V ... View compressed file contents i

B '... YMODEM Batch T ... Tag file (s) for later download 1

i (Add 'l' to automatically log off when done) t Upload Protocols: i A ... ASCll .

B ... YMODEM Batch .  ;

. M ... XMODEM-Checksum G ... YMODEM-g C ... XMODEM-CRC Z ...~ ZMODEM 1... XMODEM 1K K ... Kermit j (Add 'l' to automatically log off when done) - >

3 The terminal software you're using to call FedWorld may not support all '

l of these protocols. Be sure to pick one that your terminal supports.

(in most terminal programs, hit PgUp to get a list of upload protocols, l l end PgDn to get a list of download protocols.) The ASCll and LIST

. protocols will only work with ordinary ASCll text files. The other protocols will work on all types of files, i


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. . . - . .. - - .- - - . - . . _ . -. - . ~ . . . . _ .


  • Another protocol option will appear automatically when you're about to.-

download a compressed file (or. files). Examples of these are . ZIP or i . ARC files: files that each contain orie or more other files (in a

compressed form). The option V will appear in these cases, allowing .

you to view what file (s) are compressed into the . ZIP,'. ARC, . ZOO, or 7 .LZH file.

' Another do'wnload option that may be available is T to tag a file. This

. feature allows you to tag up to 10 files for download, and then, when i you're ready (or when you log off), you can download all your tagged files at once.

Another time-saver is the i suffix. You can put an I character at the


end of your protocol selection to have FedWorld automatically log you off when the file transfer is over. ' This way,'if you're not around to

disconnect yourself when done transferring a large file, FedWorld will .

disconnect you automatically, possibly saving you connect time charges.

i i Modules -

1 *

! Modules provide the actual areas of functionality of FedWorld. Each module provides unique features to you, and can be selected from the various menus in the main menuing system. Below is a list of modules, l each with an explanation of its features. (This document may change 1

from time to time as new modules are added to this system.) The modules currently available to you are:

FILE LIBRARIES The File Libraries is an online service which makes a large number of files available for you to download. if it's allowed, you can also contribute to the File Libraries by uploading files.

The Current Library A Library is like a single DOS directory of files. You always have a current Library or default Library. When you first log on, you're in the.

default Library for the BBS. However, if you select a different Library, it will be your default Library the next time you log on. The -

Library menu header shows you what Library you're in:

. Welcome to the MAIN Library.


A general-purpose file arsa. <

There are 8 files available for download.

However, searches can be configured to include all Libraries.

Full Screen Displays The File Libraries normally uses full screen displays, if your terminal program has ANSI or RIP capability. This greatly simplifies the process of working with long lists of files. Without ANSI, selection '

creens will s,croll by a line' at a time.

File Names _

Files can be named just like DOS filesiwith one to eight characters, a dot (.), and zero to three characters:



. 7 File names can include letters (converted to upper case), numbers,~ and these punctuation symbols:

I # $ & ' (') - @ ^ _'

All the files within a Library must have a unique name.

Wildcards Wildcards are used to specify the name of a file when you don't know the exact name of the file or you want to specify multiple files. For example:

auto'.' any filename which starts with " auto"

' zip all files with the extension of " zip" patch?. zip any filename which starts with " patch" followed by any single character and with the extension of " zip" In the preceding examples,

  • means match any string (0 or more characters),7 means match any single character. You can use wildcards in most places where you're asked to enter a filename.

Download Pricing The BBS may charge your account for downloading files. When you get a detailed description of a file, you can see an estimate of the download charges. This estimate tries to take into account the duration of the download on your session and the cost of connect time - you may see the amount drop if you call back at a higher baud rate.

F If the amount of credits you'have is close to this estimate, you may or may not be able to complete the download.

Tagging Files for Download

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When searching through files, you d' on't have to download a file immediately. Instead, you can tag it for later download. You may want to-do this if you'd rather download all the files you've found at the end of your session or if you're not sure if you really want a particular file. You can remove the file from the tagged file list before you start downloading if you decide you don't want it or you found the correct )

file later in your searching. See the section on Managing Tagged Files.

-1 S = Selecting a Library if the BBS has multiple Libraries, this command will appear in the File Libraries menu. You select a particular Library by typing:  !

S < Library name> f Type S? to get a list of all the Libraries available on the BBS.

D = Download a File  ;

If you know the name of the file you want to download, type:  ;

D < filename > < optional protocol >  :

If the file exists in any Library or if you used a wildcard in the file j name, the download will start right away, if many files in different )

Libraries have the same name, you will get a search screen to select the ones you want. l F = Find Files i

Select the F option from the Library menu if you want to list files available or search for a particular file. You can list files in alphabetical order, by date, by number of downloads or you can search by i

file name or keyword. Setting your Library preferences will affect the choices you will have. In any case, you will get a search screen listing i the files you requested. _You will be able to get detailed information on l any file, download a file immediately, tag files for later download, or view the contents of a file.'

t R = Resbming a Search l If you exit to the Library menu in the middle of a search list, you will  :

find a new menu selection, R, to resume where you left off.

T = Manage Tagged Files Selec't the T option to download files you have'taghed. This option is only visible when you have files tagged. You will be given a list of the files you have tagged. You can'untag any or all of them at this time. If l 1 6

you have tagged more than one file, you can download them all at once.

Even if you don't bother downloading your tagged files before exiting the File Libraries menu, you can return later in your session to download them. You will also be given a chance to download them before you log off, if you log off, however, or are disconnected for any reason without downloading the files, your list of tagged files will be lost.

L = Download Lists of Files Select L to download a list of all the files in a Library or all the files in 311 Ubraries if you prefer to search for files offline.

U = Upload a File Select U to upload files. Enter the name of the file you wish to upload and select the file transfer protocol. With most terminal programs, you would now press <PgUp> to specify the file on your computer and start the upload. After the upload completes, you will be prompted to enter a description for the file, if you uploaded multiple files (using a multi-file upload protocol), you will be prompted to enter descriptions for each of the files.

You can upload several files at once using one of the batch file l protocols by typing

  • Instead of a file name. You can choose a multi-file upload protocol from among:

Enter file name, *, M, 7 for more help, or X to exit:

  • To start uploading these files, type:

B ... YMODEM Batch 2...ZMODEM G ... YMODEM-g K ... Kermit (Add 'l' to automatically log off when done.)

Ynur choice (or 'X' to exit):_

in these cases, you don't need to tell the BBS the name of the file. The same file name will be used on the BBS as is used on your computer.

That's possible because these protocols transmit the name of the file Q as well as its exact size, time, and date O before transmitting the contents.

You can use U* even when uploading only one file. That Way, you don't have to type in the file name twice.

i A Library has an upper limit on the size and number of files it can contain as well as the size of each uploaded file. Usually, you can see these limits when you select the Upload option. ,

in some Libraries, your uploaded file may not be available for other l

l l

k' users to download until the Sysop or Library Operator approves the file.

Library Operators are notified of unapproved tiles in their Libraries when they log on. Usually, you can see the name of the Primary Library  ;

Operator when you select a Library.

On systems that charge for usage, you may get a royalty for an uploaded file when another user downloads it. When the download completes, if charges are deducted from the downloader's account, then the uploader may get a percentage credited to his account.

The charges based on the number and sizes of the files are subject to the royalty. Connect time charges during download are not subject to the royalty.

You can modify the description of a file you uploaded or re-upload it if necessary. Select U as if you were uploading a file the first time.

Enter the file name of the original file to re-upload or M to modify the description.

P = Set Your Preferences The preferences menu allows you to specify a preferred file transfer '

protocol or configure your default method of file listing and searching. l You can also request that you be asked to specify those options each time you transfer a file or initiate a search.

Locator Access Retrieval System '"

LARS is a high-performance text retrieval system that allows you, the user, to search through thousands of text file in seconds. The following are instructions on how to use LARS's many features.

It is assumed that you have already chosen LARS from the main BBS menu. i

1. Choose select character from category select menu. If there is only one category, this step is automatically bypassed and user is placed on the command level.
2. Enter "A" or " +" to add a key word to search
3. Enter key word at prompt or hit a cursor key to activate the word glossary. Then highlight the word by using up/down cursor keys or by typing in the beginning characters of word and with each additionalletter, the highlighter will find the closest match to your entry. To page up and down, use the right and left cursor keys. Home key clears current word but does not disable the glossary. End key deactivates glossary and clears key word.

1 I

4. fter selecting the first word you can narrow the search criteria by adding additional key words by using one of the l following Boolean operations:

A.AND - qualities search files t'o include previous key words(s) and new key word B.OR - qualifies search files to include previous key word (s) or new key word 1 1

C. ABORT - Abort adding key word D. AT WORD Pressing enter by itself will also abort the add key word E. LIMIT FILES BY DATE - Insert Start date

5. List Matches - Shows list of files that match search criteria given in steps 3 and 4. Note : If there are no key words present, it will list all files under the given category. There are four potential options to choose from : ,

A. Option "C" Continue - This option will only appear if there are more files than can be shown on one page. When this option is chosen, it will display the next page of files and so fvth.

B. Option "R" reset - This function will allow reset the user to the command menu, clear out all search criteria and/or any related operations if applicable.

C. Option "X" exit - Returns user to the command line, keeping all current search criteria intact allowing  !

the user to modify the existing parameter of your search. l D. Option "1-N" display Enter the corresponding # you wish to display. Note : The user can choose a # at ,

anytime on any page. The option does not have to be l showing in order to be used.

E. After choosing file, the program will load it and show the user how many' 24 line pages there are. T There are then three options to choose from: 4

. l Download (D) - This may give you a sub menu +

offering to download or fax the file.


Tag (T) - Pre-purchase for future downloading-during current log or session. '

View (V) - Takes you to the FSV (full screen

. _ . ~ _ _ _ . _

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viewer) {

F. Fullscreen viewer (FSV) ,

1. Status bar across the top indicates: file name and status and current and total pages.
2. If you have entered key word (s), those words will be highlighted automatically.-
3. FSV commands:

up arrow - page up/ previous page down arrow - page down/next page ,

right arrow - next. occurrence of key word will keep if no other occurrences left arrow - previous occurrence of keyword ,

home - go to top of file end - go to bottom of file ~

"P" purchase / download file "T" Tag for future downloading during current log on  ;

"U" - Untag a previously tagged file

"+" - Next file in sequence i

""- - Previous file in sequence in list of files i "R" redraw current screen .

"?" ~- Display online FSV help "X" - Go back to file listing Computer System - ,

On some systems, different menus are provided for users that have IBM computers and users that don't. IBM computers as terminals can display  ?

a wide variety of special extended ASCll characters, including box borders, shading, international characters, etc. The only other impact of this question is on demographic statistics that the Sysop can see, i

ANSI Preference This answer concerns whether or not your terminal should be receiving .  !

ANSI commands for cursor positioning, colors, and other attributes.  ;

ON ANSI commands will be sent to your term'inal OFF ANSI commands will not be sent to your terminal AUTO Each time you log on, FedWorld will decide whether or not to send ANSI commands to your terminal. FedWorld may automatically detect whether you have ANSI or not, or it may ask you, or it may be prewired by the Sysop I


f to be on or off, j j Usually you can leave it set to AUTO. But if this appears to be making the wrong choice sometimes, you can change it. If you see bland colorless text on your color monitor, set it to ON. If you see lots of .

annoying bracket characters with numbers and letters after them, like -

"[33m" or "[0;1:47:52m", you may want to set it to OFF.


1 Screen Dimensions and Pausing  :

t i Here are some examples of different screen configurations:

Screen size: 80 columns by 24 lines Pause output? PAUSE '

, Standard 80x24 terminal, FedWorld pauses i when it has 23 or more lines to display Screen size: 80 columns by 24 lines Pause output? CONTINUOUS Standard 80x24 terminal, FedWorld doesn't '

pause, display is continuous -

Screen size: 80 columns by 43 iines ,

Pause output? PAUSE Enlarged 80x43 terminal,' paus'e each 41' lines Password Your password appears as a string of asterisks (* * * *). You can retype your password once in a while to keep your account secure.

Save or Quit When you're done editing, you can answer the question at the bottom:

SAVE Save your changes and exit -

QUIT Quit and abandon your changes Just pick S or Q and hit RETURN to exit the service back to the User Account Display / Edit menu.

Editing your Account when you don't have ANSI If your terminal doesn't have ANSI capability or if your screen isn't long enough (24 lines is enough), then editing your account information ,

will have to proceed one question at a time.

Use the RETURN key to skip each field you don't want to change. When you get to a field you want to change, you can back up over the u__-

l l

Information that's already there and type new information, or just start typing in completely new information. ,

l To edit the information that's there, start with a < Backspace >. '

l To replace the information that's there, start by typing the first character of the new information l If you rr ak'e a mistake, just use:


< Ctrl-U > to back up one field.

T = Transferring credits With the Sysop's permission, you can transfer credits from your account to another user's account. There's usually a minimum amount you can transfer. By default it's 600 credits. Just select the T option if you wish to transfer some of your credits to another user account.

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