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Insp Rept 99901023/85-01 on 850715-19.Nonconformance Noted: Objective Evidence of Required Eye Test for Exam/Technican Not Produced for Liquid Penetrant Examiner in 1983
Person / Time
Issue date: 12/27/1985
From: Merschoff E, Trottier E
Shared Package
ML20151N783 List:
REF-QA-99901023 99901023-85-01, 99901023-85-1, NUDOCS 8601030122
Download: ML20151N794 (13)



44401023/85-01 DATE(S): 7/15-19/85 ON-SITE HOUPS: 64 CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: Johnston Pump Company Nuclear Service Division ATTN: Mr. Raymond L. Clark 2601 East 34th Street Chattanooga, Tennessee ORGANIZATIONAL CONTACT: C. Tommy Craig TELEPHONE NUMBER: (615)629-1415 PRINCIPAL PRODUCT: Sales and Repair Services for Centrifugal Pumps NUCLEAR INDUSTRY ACTIVITY: Approximately eighty percent of total billing is related to sales and repair of centrifugal pumps used in domestic nuclear power plants.

ASSIGNED INSPECTOR: 6 k 3bc83 E. H. Trottier, Reactive Inspection Section (RIS) Date OTHER INSPECTOR (S): Thomas F. Burns, Technical Specialist Brookhaven Nation 1 atory APPROVED BY: tz/v[ts" E.W.Merschoff/ Chief,RIS,VendorProgramBranch Date INSPECTION BASES AND SCOPE:

A. BASES: 10 CFR 50 Appendix B and 10 CFR Part 21 B. SCOPE: This inspection was performed te review the conduct of repair and fabrication of nuclear related centrifugal pumps and to review the administrative mechanism used to comply with the reporting requirements of 10 CFR Part 21.

PLANT SITE APPLICABILITY: Edwin I. Hatch 1/2, 50-321;366 5601030122 851231 PDR GA999 ENVJOHPC P


ORGANIZATION: JOHNSTON PUMP COMPANY CHATTAN0OGA, TENNESSEE REPORT INSPECTION MO.- 999010'1/85-01 RESULTS: PAGE 2 of 9 A. Inspection Issues The issue that resulted in this inspection was Johnston Pump Company's emergence as a major participant in after-market refurbishing of pumps used at nuclear power stations.

B. Inspection Findings

1. Cratrary to Criterion V of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50 and (sality Assurance Procedure JCP-VE-21, objective evidence of the required eye test for one non-destructive examination technician could not be produced to support qualification of a Level II Liquid Penetrant Examiner in 1983.
2. Contrary to Criterion V of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50, ASME Code Section IX and Quality Assurance Manual Section 2-G, a Johnston Pump Company welder was improperly qualified.
3. Contrary to ASME Code Section III, Division I, weld repair of an 18-inch pump bowl was performed by a Johnston Pump Company vendor using weld filler metal of indeterminate chemical and physical properties.
4. Contrary to Criterion V of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50 and Quality Assurance Manual Section 2-C, all attendees of seven training sessions held in 1984 and 1985 did not initial course attendance sheets to signify participation in training.
5. Contrary to Criterion V of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50 and Quality Assurance Manual Section 16-A, the Corrective Action log did not contain sections or columns that facilitated the classification of nonconformities by type, responsibility and corrective action taken. i
6. Contrary to Criterion V of Appendix B to 10 CFP Part 50 and Section 2-A of the Quality Assurance Manual, the semi-annual review of nonconformances and corrective actions that should have occurred in early 1985 was not conducted until June 27, 1985.



7. Contrary to Criterion V of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50 and Section 15-A of the Quality Assurance Manual, many nonconformances that were dispositioned " repair" contained no technical justification to substantiate the adequacy of such repairs. Instead of the required technical or engineering justification, nine of the 11 the NCRs examined described the repair activity needed to disposition the NCR.

C. Other Findings and Comments

1. Part 21 Program While touring Johnston Pump Company shop and warehouse areas, the inspector verified that both 10 CFR Part 21 and Section 206 of the Energy Reorganization Act were prominently posted. In addition, these documents were found posted in the office area.

The inspector reviewed Johnston Pump Company's Part 21 reporting procedure, which is procedure number JCP-10 CFR 21. It was found to contain adequate direction regarding evaluation of deviations and notification requirements.

2. Plant Tour A tour was conducted of the Johnston Pump Co. facility to observe and evaluate the operations and practices conducted.

At the time of the inspection, the level of commercial nuclear activity was very low, with only one order presently being filled (for several pump shafts). The activities observed were shaft straightening and various machining operations. The facility was found to be clean and orderly, with appropriate segregation and identification of raw materials to be used for nuclear applications.

3. Qualification of Nondestructive Examination Personnel This activity is governed by Quality Assurance Manual Section 2-F, and the respective nondestructive examination procedures.

Section 2-F of the manual directs that qualification steps shall be detailed in a " Written Practice" that shall meet the requirements of SNT-TC-1A-1980 and the ASME Code. The written practice is identified as QAP JCP-7, Rev. O, Qualification and Certification of Nondestructive Examination Personnel. This document delineates the qualification requirements for Level I, II and III personnel for the following test methods:



a. Liquid Penetrant Examination
b. Magnetic Particle Examination
c. Visual Examination Johnston Pump Co. has qualified three inspectors as Level II liquid penetrant by education, experience, training and examination. An examination of the qualification files for these three individuals revealed that the vision test and results could not be located for one inspector for the year 1983. All other examination and test requirements were found to be in compliance with the written practice.
4. Welder Qualification ,

The qualification of Johnston Pump Co. welders is governed by QAM Section 2-G, which invokes the " applicable ASME Code Section".

The applicable ASME- Code Section is IX, Welding and Brazing Qualifications. Compliance with this Code Section is mandatory to fulfill the requirements of ASME Code III.

Johnston Punp Co. had only one qualified weldbr in 1983 (who was eventually terminated due to declining businessi. A review of this welder's qualification tests revealed the following descrepancy that is contrary to the requirements of ASME Section IX, paragraph QW 410.16:

Johnston Pump Co. had considered this welder as being qualified to deposit weld filler metal without a restriction on progression direction based on his having performed a qualification test using only an " upward" progression for vertical welding. The restriction imposed by ASME Section IX, paragraph QW 410.16 is that a welder may not change the progression direction of weld metal deposited from that used during the qualification test. Since this welder only used an " upward" progression during the qualification test, he was not qualified to weld in the " downward" direc, tion. Johnston Pump Co. should have made note of this restriction in the welder's qualification record.

5. Weld Filler Metal Certification The requirements that govern weld filler metal testing requirements for use on ASME III, Division 1, Class 3 components are found in Subarticle ND 2420. The testing detailed in this


ORGINIZATION: JOHNSTON PUMP COMPANY CHATTAN0OGA, TENNESSEE REPORT INSPECTION NO.- 99901073/R5-01 RESULTS: PAGE 5 of 9 section of the Code is specified to be performed on each lot or each heat of the weld filler metal to be used. This testing would necessarily have to be performed on a test coupon of the actual weld filler metal to be used in the component fabrication, rework or repair.

An 18 inch' cast steel pump bowl in the segregated material storage area was randomly selected to verify material control and traceability. During this activity it wa's discovered that this bowl had been weld repaired in three locations by the casting vendor. A thorough review of the documentation supplied revealed that the casting vendor had submitted a " typical" certificate of conformance for the weld filler metal used for the repair. To comply with the requirements of the Johnston Pump Co. purchase order and the above referenced Code Section, a certified material test report on the actual held filler metal used is required. This bowl was purchased from Fisher Cast Steel Products of West Jefferson, Ohio, on Johnston Pump Co.

Purchase Order TE 4175.

The pertinent pump bowl data is:

a. Item Identification Replacement Bowl Assembly for RHR Service Water Pumps
b. End use Georgia Power Co., Plant Hatch
c. Code /Date ASME III, 1971 (no addenda)
d. JPC P.O. (Date) TE 4175 (5/14/84)
e. Part No. N54087-B
f. Heat No. 85B-072
g. S/N 85B-0601
h. Job No. SNRV 6504/05
i. Material SA 351 Grade CF-3M
j. Repair Date 3/12/85
k. Weld Filler Metal E316L-16 The welding procedures used by the casting vendor were reviewed and approved by Johnston Pump Co. prior to the repair. A review by the inspector confirmed that these procedures were oualified in accordance with the requirements of ASME Code Section IX. Also, the repair areas were nondestructively examined (liquid penetrant) and found to be free of rejectable indications. No other findings were noted in this area.


6. Repair Activities The Chattanooga facility has been designated as the only Johnstori Pump Co. plant that will perform the fabrication and repair of ASME Code Section III, Class 3 pumps. The restriction of this responsibility to one facility has greatly enhanced the control of all activities that affect the quality of these components.

Although Johnston Pump Co. proposes to perform major repair and/or rework on pumps manufactured and "N-stamped" by other pump manufacturers, it has not yet done so. Since gaining their N and NPT stamps (August 1983), the only work they have performed on pumps supplied by others has been to replace non-pressure retaining parts. The replacement of pressure retaining parts has been limited to pumps of their own manufacture. The exception to the above was the replacement of the pump bowl assemblies for the RHR Service Water Pumps fdr Iowa Electric Light and Powv Company (Duane Arnold Energy Center). However, these pumps were not N-stamped components. Consequently, the original manufacturer and the Code authorities had no concern over the activity. Also, the replacement of the bowl assemblies was a total replacement, whereby everything below the column flange was replaced. In essence, the pump was now a Johnston pump. Extensive discussion with engineering and ouality assurance staff members revealed that their intent in the repair / replacement market is to basically sell a "new" pump, designed and rebuilt (to ASME III) by Johnston Pump Co.

Original design and operational parameters will be used, unless a change is warranted by failure analysis or " state-of-the-art" improvements. Company officials stated that they did not contemplate entering the Class I and Il pump business at this time.

7. Design Control Design control is governed by QA Manual Section 3-A.

Verification of compliance to the requirements of this section was accomplished by examination of those activities undertaken in fulfilling a typical nuclear order. The purchase order selected was Iowa Electric Light and Power Company Purchase

ORGANIZATION: JOHNSTON PUMP COMPANY CHATTAN0OGA, TENNESSEE REPORT INSPECTION NO.- 99901023/85-01 RESULTS: PAGE 7 of 9 Order 009689. This P.O. was issued on 10/24/83 for two, Model 16 GMC 6 stage pump bowl assemblies for the RHR Service Water Pumps at the Duane Arnold Energy Center. (Seismic requalification also was included in this P.O.) The specification invoked for this item was 7884-MRS-M010-4, which is a modification of the original Bechtel specification used to procure the original pumps installed in the plant. Th applicable design and fabrication code for these replacement pumps was ASME III, Division I, Class 3, except that the pumps were not to be "N" stamped. Drawings 70060-CN and 70061-CN were reviewed and found to be in compliance with QAM Section 5-A, Rev. O, Instructions, Procedures, and Drawings, and Section 3-A, Rev. 3, Paragraph 3.7, Preparation of Drawings. The required design report was prepared by Johnston Pump Co. and was verified by an independent registered professional engineer. The registered professional engineer previously had been evaluated for appropriate qualifications by Johnston Pump Co. The seismic stress analysis also was performed by the same professional engineer. The inspector reviewed the hydrostatic test report and found it to be complete with the identification of pressure, time, test gauges, calibration results and test results. There were no findings in this area of the inspection.

8. Control of Measuring and Test Equipment QA Manual Section 12-A and QA Procedure JCP-12 represent the administrative controls that govern measuring and test equipment at Johnston Pump Co. The inspector randomly selected the following tools and gauges to verify conformance with the requirements found in the above-referenced documents:

Tool / Gauge Tm I.D. Cal. Date Starrett 2"-3" mic. MK-03 05/20/85 B&S 578-1 vern. VK-01 05/20/85 MTI dial ind. 10-04 06/17/85 Mitutoyo 6"-7" mic. MJ-07 07/08/85 6" dial col. VH-02 07/08/85 Mitutoyn 4" std. EJ-04 07/08/85 Mitutoyo 1" std. EJ-01 07/08/85

- Ring Gauge GJ-03 02/20/85 Starrett 23"-24" mic. MJ-38 03/11/85 Level LJ-01 03/11/85 MTI Dial Ind. IJ-09 05/20/85 MTI Dial Ind. IJ-11 05/20/85

ORGANI.ZATION: JOHNSTON PUMP COMPANY CHATTAN0OGA, TENNESSEE REPORT INSPECTION NO.- 99901023/85-01 RESULTS: PAGE 8 of 9 The inspector noted that dial indicator IJ-09 and IJ-11 were repaired at the time of the calibration. Johnston Pump Co.

personnel produced a copy of the repair record from the calibration service organization that detailed the repairs made, parts replaced and subsequent calibration. Also, the repair record was reviewed upon return of the gauge to determine if gauge accuracy had been outside the specified tolerance and a nonconformance report required. In this instance, the repairs were cleaning, oiling and crystal replacement, and were not the result of inaccuracy. Thus, a nonconformance report and evaluation of prior work was not justified.

The tools and gauges tabulated above were also examined for marking, calibration tagging, cleanliness, correct function, control and suitability of storage facilities. All tools were found to be clean, marked and tagged in accordance with the QA Manuai, and in good working order and stored in a controlled area.

The records governing the initial survey and subsequent audits of the calibration services vendor were examined and found to be in compliance with the QA Manual. The calibration vendor has been audited annually as required.

There were no findings in the area of calibration and control of measuring and test equipment.

9. Weld Procedure Specifications Weld procedure specifications (WPS) were developed and qualified by Johnston Pump Co. in accordance with the requirements of ASME Code Section IX. (Qualification in accordance with Section IX is required by the QA Manual.) The following weld procedures and procedure qualification recor6 (PQR) were reviewed:

WPS Material PQR Date JCP-SM-1, Rev. O P1 to P1 SM-1 06/07/83 JCP-SM-18, Rev. O P8 to P8 SM-18 02/15/84 JCP-SM-19, Rev. O P1 to P8 SM-19 06/22/83 These procedures and the supporting procedure qualification records were found to be in compliance with the QA Manual and ASME Code Section IX. There were no findings in this area of the inspection.


10. Identification and Control of Welding Materials Although no welding was currently being performed, the facility for the storage and control of weld filler metal was examined for compliance with the QA Manual Control of Welding Materials. The area for storage was found to be clean and orderly, with weld material stored in a secure, heated oven. The materials were segregated, with the operating temperature of the oven high enough to preclude damage to low hydrogen content electrodes (at.least 250 F as specified in AWS D1.1, paragraph 4.5.2). When low hydrogen content electrodes were issued for use, their exposure time was limited to a maximum of four hours (AWS D1.1 paragraph

Electrodes in hermetically sealed, unopened containers were found to be segregated by type and size and maintained in a secure storage area having controlled access. There were no findings in this area of the inspection.

cJ PERSONS CONTACTED Company S' J~P C t. Dates I 5 - I 9 D/W A E Docket / Report No. 99 7010 23/55 -Cl Inspector 6 H T/Z- c' //

Page_ l of L NAME(Please Print) TITLE (Please Print) ORGANIZATION (Please P, int)

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