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Certificate of Compliance 9249,rev 0,for Model CNS 14-170 Series III
Person / Time
Site: 07109249
Issue date: 08/07/1992
From: Macdonald C
Shared Package
ML20141M372 List:
NUDOCS 9208120129
Download: ML20141M373 (4)




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I UK N9 CLEAR cEOULATCCY COMMISSl!N emc dman #14 - l



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- e mans i a Tn. cwtircate a imuod to cutW mat me packsome and con =nts described in tiem s betoa, meets tne appocabte n'ety standaros ut tonn in Tnie io. code


of Federal bgulattoes Part 71,"Packeging and Transportation of Radioactive Mater at" l

b. w cartificate dou not reneve the consignor tro n compuance with any requirement of me reguistions of the u s Depanment v Transponation or otn <

i appi.cabw roovro<y agencies, inciuoms $. goveminent ns any country mrough or ento weuen me peckage wici be transportet 1

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I Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc. Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc., application I 140 Stoneridge Drive dated June 26, 1992.

Columbia, SC 29210 l p

. cam el an ~71-9249  :.

F 4 co~omcw vni cetmeew conditional upon fulfWng the requirensants of 10 CFR Pan 71, as apphcabee, and the conditione specified below. f, 6.

-(a)- Packaging  !

I' (1) Moo'el No.: CNS 14-170, Series III i i

(2) ' Description ,

j Steel encased, lead shielded cask for low specific activity material. L The cask is a right circular cylinder 81-1/2 inches high by 81-1/2 -

inches,in diameter. :The cask cavity is 73-3/8 inches high by 75-1/2 [

inches in diameter. The cask side wall consists of a 3/8-inch thick 3 inner steel shell, a 1-3/4-inch lead shell, and a 7/8-inch thick *

- outer steel shell . The base is compr'ised of two, 2-inch thick steel e plates welded together to -form a 4-inch thick base which is i

= integrally weldeo to_ the -inner and outer steeli shells of the side >

wall. A steel- flange is welded to the inner and outer steel shells

.of the side wall at the top. The lid is comprised of two, 2-inch thick steel plates, which are stepped and welded together to mate-with the ' steel flange. 3 The cask closure -is sealed by a Neoprene gasket located between the lid and steel flange, positive closure of the lid is accomplished by eight,1-3/4 inch ratchet binders. The lid.contains a' centrally located shield plug comprised of two, 2-inch thick steel plates and one,1-inch thick-steel plate stepped and L welded. The shield plug-is sealed by a Neoprene gasket, and eight,

3/4-inch studs and nuts are used to provide positive closure. 'The packaging is constructed of A-516, Grade 70, carbon steel. The outer shell1has a minim 9n yield strength of 46,000' psi. Tie-down is accon,nlished by four tie-down lugs welded to the cask body. There ,

y are four cask lifting lugs, three lid lifting lugs, and one shield

plug lifting lug. -The package gross weight is approximately 53,000 L pounds.
l. i



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l , CONomoNS (continued) f 1  !

T Page-2 Certificate No. 9249 - P,evision No. 0 - Docket No. 71-9249 h~ 5.(a)(3) Drawings-I:

l: The Model No. CNS 14-170, Series III paciraging is fabricated in f accord p e with Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc., Drawing Nos.: C-110-D-

'0016, Sheets I and 2, Rev. C; C-Il0-D-0017, Sheets 1 and 2, Rev. C; l C-110-D-0018, Sheets I and 2, Rev. C; and C-110-0-0019, Rev. B,

[ (b). Contents r-p _(1) Type and form of material 4

II ' Process solids, 'either dewatered; solid or solidified, meeting l the requirements for. low specific activity material, in

, secondary containers.

I i (2) -Maximum quantity cf material per package l ~


  • Greater than Type A quantity of radioactive material which may ,

[- contain fissile material provided the fissile material does not j gi- exceed the limits in 10 CFR i71.53. The weight of the contents, 3 g and secondary containers shall not exceed 17,800 poundse The i I internal decay heat'loed shall not exceed 7 watts. I I;


[l-- -

6. (a) For any package containing water and/or organic substances which .

could radiolytically generate combustible gases, determination must [L i

g be' made by-tests and measurements or by analysis of a representative l l package such thatsthe~following criteria are met over a period of  !

IE time that-is twice the expected shipment time: I li , ~

l li (1) The hydrogen generated must be T1mited-to a nolar quantity that j would be no more than:51by volume (or equivalent limits for [:.


! other : inflammable' gases) of the secondary container gas void if ;

r present at STP-(i.e., no more than 0.063 g-moles /ft3 at 14.7

[ l-

psia and 70*F);-or i i

1 l

(ii) The-secondary container and cask cavity must be inerted with a- ).

l-- diluent to assure that oxygen must-be limited to 5% by volume in  ;

i1- those portions of the package which could have hydrogen greater-l l' th w 5%.

  • '~1 l j- :For any package delivered to a carrier for transport, the secondary F . container;must: be prepared for shipment -in the same manner in which [


. t __

determination for gas-generation is made. Shipment period begins y when the package is prepared (sealed) and must be completed within i twice the expected shipment time. A i 3

[ (b). For any packagt shipped within 10 days of preparation, or within 10 l C days after venting cf drums or ot.her secondary containers, the -

O determination in_(a) above.need not be made, and the time restriction in:(a) above does not apply.

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, lj; conotinoNs (continued) >

' .. p' i Page 3 - Certificate No. 9249 - Revision No. 0 - Docket No. 71-9249 l-

7. In additior, to the requirements of Subpart G of 10 CFR Part 71: p i

4 l .(a) Prior to each shipmerit, the packaging lid seals, if opened (or if I security seal is broken), must be inspected. The seals must be i replaced with new seals Jf inspection shows any dr'ects or every 12 l months, whichever cccurs first. g i

J .- (b) Each package must meet the Acceptance Tests and Maintenance Program )

in Chapter 4.0 of the application. ,i (c) The package shall be prepared for shipment and operated in l


accordance with the Operating Procedures in Chapter 3.0 of the p.

application. 3 i

8. Torque requirements for closure fasteners: ,i j; (a) Primary lid ratchet binders must be torqued to 175-200 ft-lbs. l (b) . Secondary lid bolts must be torqued to 120 i 10 ft-lbs. p

! l

] 9. The package' authorized by this certificate must be transportea on a moter 4

j. vehicle, railroad car, aircraft, inland watercrr.f t, or hold or deck of a E
j. seagoing vessel assigned for the sole use of the licensee. l i 10. The package authorized by this cartificate is hereby approved for use y l

l under the general license provisions of 10 CFR G71.12. E i

h ~11. Expiration date: July 31, 1993. ,


Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc., application dated June 26, 1992. W i


V y

.A, .

y Charles E. MacDonald, Chief E i Transportation Branch 1 Division of Safeguards l g

I and Transportation, NMSS ji AUG 0 71992 q Date:

1 3


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[ l6 fj; ' W ASHINGTON, D. C,20565 i -


APPROVAL RECORD Model No. CNS 14-170, Series III Certificate of Compliance No. 9249

Revision No.- 0


-By aoplication dated June 26, 1992,- Chem-Nuclear Systems,-Inc., requested-that

--a new Certificate:of Compliance be issued.for the Model No. CNS 14-170, Series

-III package. The Model No._ CNS 14-170, Series III package was previously


-approved as the Model No. CNS~ 14-170, Series III package, certificate of Compliance No. 9151. In support of the request, the applicant submitted

packaging: drawings, a description'of requested contents (which were limited to contents;previously approved for the Model No. CNS 14-170, Series lIII l f package),= operating procedures, maintenance and repair procedures, and an 1
inspection.and; test plan. ~Tu accommodate this request, Certificate of Tompliance No.;9249, . Revision No. O, is issued for the Model No. CNS 14-170, Saries IIILpackdge.

zThe. Certificate of Compli.ance _has been issued fur a one year period which expires: July:31, 1993. To renew the Certificate of Compliance, Chem-Nuclear _

must;> provide:a complete safety analysis report for the package ~ at least 30 4


This, change does not affect the-ability of the-package to meet the requirements of 10 CFR Part 71.

Charles;E. MacDonald, Chief Transportation Branch Division of Safeguards and , .

Transportation, NMSS *A IAUG 07 y Date:


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