MONTHYEARML20205T3531999-04-14014 April 1999 Informs That Certificate of Compliance 9249 for Model CNS 14-170,Series III Package Expired on 990401.Use of Package Under General License Provisions of Subpart C of 10CFR71 or 49CFR173.471,is Terminated ML20198E7931998-12-18018 December 1998 Advises That NRC Registered Consumers Energy as User of Cocs 6601,9040.9168 & 9249 in Accordance with General License Provisions of 10CFR71.12 ML20198A3811998-12-10010 December 1998 Requests Registration as User of Chem-Nuclear Systems CNS 14-170 Series III Radioactive Matls Shipping Cask ML20249A9421998-06-17017 June 1998 Notification of Registration as User of Certificate of Compliance 9249,in Response to 980528 Request ML20217Q5161998-04-29029 April 1998 Requests Registration as User of Models CNS 8-120A,NUPAC 14/210L,NUPAC 14/210H,CNSI 14-215H Series A,Ln 14-195L,LN 14-195H,CNS 8-120B & CNS 14-170,Series III ML20203E8161998-02-17017 February 1998 Informs That NMSS Has Registered Util as User of Coc 9249 IAW General License Provisions of 10CFR71.12,per 980123 Request ML20199K5781998-01-23023 January 1998 Requests Registration as User of Chem-Nuclear Sys,Inc CNS 14-170,Series III Radioactive Matls Shipping Cask.Future Info for Package Should Be Forwarded to Listed Individual at Vynp ML20216J8451997-09-0505 September 1997 Informs That NRC Has Registered Molten Metal Technology,Inc as User of Cocs 9079,9096,9145,9159,9177,9178,9179,9184, 9208 & 9249 IAW General License Provisions of 10CFR71.12 ML20151L2861997-07-24024 July 1997 Requests Registration as User of models,14D-2.0,50-1.5L, 2.5L,4.0L,14/190L,M,H,14/210L,H,10-140,7-100,6-100L,H,PAS-1, 10-142,CNS-14-170 Series Iii,Cns 14-170,CNS 14-195H & CNS 21-300 NRC-93-0148, Requests Registration as User of Chem-Nuclear Sys,Inc Model CNS 14-170,series III Package1993-12-17017 December 1993 Requests Registration as User of Chem-Nuclear Sys,Inc Model CNS 14-170,series III Package ML20046C4041993-08-0606 August 1993 Forwards Rev 1 to Certificate of Compliance 9249 for Model CNS 14-170,Series III Package ML20044E0421993-05-19019 May 1993 Advises That Certificate of Compliance 9249 for Model CNS 14-170,Series III Shipping Package Expires on 930731. Renewal Must Be Requested within 30 Days of Expiration.If Renewal Not Desired,Nrc Must Be Notified ML20035A5191993-03-18018 March 1993 Notification of Registration as User of Certificate of Compliance 9249,in Response to 930226 Request ML20034G7981993-03-0909 March 1993 Notification of Registration as User of Certificate of Compliance 9249,in Response to 930224 Request ML20034G5791993-02-26026 February 1993 Requests Registration as User of Model CNS14-170,Series III Shipping Package ML20034F5481993-02-24024 February 1993 Requests Registration as User of Model CNSI-14-170,Series III Shipping Cask ML20128H8461993-02-11011 February 1993 Notification of Registration as User of Certificate of Compliance 9249,in Response to 930202 Request ML20128E0531993-02-0202 February 1993 Requests Registration as User of Certificate of Compliance 9249 for Model CNS-14-170,Series III ML20128A5801992-11-27027 November 1992 Forwards TR-9236-GC220, Technical Assessment of Gammacell 220 Package ML20127E2741992-09-28028 September 1992 Requests Registration as User of Model CNS 14-170,Series III ML20127C8481992-09-0303 September 1992 Requests Registration as User of Model CNS 14-170,Series III ML20127C8511992-09-0303 September 1992 Requests Registration as User of Model CNS 14-170 ML20127D1221992-09-0202 September 1992 Requests Registration as User of Model CNS 14-170,Series III ML20141M3711992-08-0707 August 1992 Forwards Certificate of Compliance 9249,rev 0 for Model CNS 14-170,Series III 1999-04-14
MONTHYEARML20205T3531999-04-14014 April 1999 Informs That Certificate of Compliance 9249 for Model CNS 14-170,Series III Package Expired on 990401.Use of Package Under General License Provisions of Subpart C of 10CFR71 or 49CFR173.471,is Terminated ML20198E7931998-12-18018 December 1998 Advises That NRC Registered Consumers Energy as User of Cocs 6601,9040.9168 & 9249 in Accordance with General License Provisions of 10CFR71.12 ML20249A9421998-06-17017 June 1998 Notification of Registration as User of Certificate of Compliance 9249,in Response to 980528 Request ML20203E8161998-02-17017 February 1998 Informs That NMSS Has Registered Util as User of Coc 9249 IAW General License Provisions of 10CFR71.12,per 980123 Request ML20216J8451997-09-0505 September 1997 Informs That NRC Has Registered Molten Metal Technology,Inc as User of Cocs 9079,9096,9145,9159,9177,9178,9179,9184, 9208 & 9249 IAW General License Provisions of 10CFR71.12 ML20046C4041993-08-0606 August 1993 Forwards Rev 1 to Certificate of Compliance 9249 for Model CNS 14-170,Series III Package ML20044E0421993-05-19019 May 1993 Advises That Certificate of Compliance 9249 for Model CNS 14-170,Series III Shipping Package Expires on 930731. Renewal Must Be Requested within 30 Days of Expiration.If Renewal Not Desired,Nrc Must Be Notified ML20035A5191993-03-18018 March 1993 Notification of Registration as User of Certificate of Compliance 9249,in Response to 930226 Request ML20034G7981993-03-0909 March 1993 Notification of Registration as User of Certificate of Compliance 9249,in Response to 930224 Request ML20128H8461993-02-11011 February 1993 Notification of Registration as User of Certificate of Compliance 9249,in Response to 930202 Request ML20141M3711992-08-0707 August 1992 Forwards Certificate of Compliance 9249,rev 0 for Model CNS 14-170,Series III 1999-04-14
[Table view] |
y q
r AUG (7 5 7-y Distribution:
NRC File Center ~
' CRChappell.
BHWhite ERZiegler MEMessier
- SGTB:BHW-NLO3goed MGBailey p/
.71-9249 Regions (5)
SH0 Chem-Nuclear Systems, Inc.
ATTN: Mr. Patrick L. Paquin
- 140 Stoneridge Drive Columbia,.SC 29210
Dear.Mr. Paquin:
As' requested by ycur application. dated June 26,199:.. enclosed is Certificate of Compliance No. 9249,- Revision No. O, for the' Model No. LNS14-170,. Series
- III package.
The. certificate has been: issued;for a 'one year tr.rra which expires on July'31,.1993.- In order to renew the certificate, we need a consolidated
- application >The' consolidated application should be complete in itself and-
- should include drawings of the package design and infonnation whicif shows that-
-the package 1 design' meets _ all the requirements of 10 CFR Part 71.
The application 3should be in the_ format of Regulatory Guide 7.9.
The application r
- should also' include. operating: and maintenance procedures, and fabrication and acceptance. tests.
ihem-Nuclear / Systems) Inc.,<has been registered las'a' user of this package
ydesign. = Note thatiall existing packages'sust be marked'to show the new
. package identification number and model number as required by 10 CFR 571.85(c). This marking must be accomplished within.60: days.
- packaga must-be shipped -in Laccordance with the-certificate of. compllance whose
- markings'are Lon the package 1atLthe time.of shipment.. Also, traceabi
?v must 4
be e'stablished from the new model number to the records L(10 CFR 571.91(c))
. pertaining to the packagings previously marked per Certificate'of Comr.iiance
-No. 9151.
- p k
-10iilin e f I fu[^f e$/;
9208120127 920607-l-
PDR ADOCK 07109249 C
PDR 1 V y
4 '
l-This; approval constitutes authority to use this package for shipment of radioactive material and for ti,e package to be shipped in accordance with the provisions of 49 CFR 6173.471.
S'ncerely, Odginal Signed by Charles E. MacDonald, Chief i?
Transportation Branch Division of Safeguards and Transporte. tion, NMSS
Certificate of Cortpliance No. 9249, Rev. 0 2.
Approval Record
~ cc:w/ enc 1:
Mr.-Jamer-K. O'Steen Department-of. Transportation
' Registered Users of Certificate of' Compliance-No. 9151
f 0FC' SGTBh SGTB]glO SGTB g SGTB gf g,
g SGTB SGTB NAME BHWhite NL0sgood-MGBailey ERZiegler CRCkiappIll CE[aNnald DATE ~7/).1/92 1/$/92
'}/g/92 7/3)/92 g /,[-/92 h)/92 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY b