NUREG-0659, Forwards IEEE Comments on NUREG-0659.Response to Comments Should Be Received by 810421

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Forwards IEEE Comments on NUREG-0659.Response to Comments Should Be Received by 810421
Person / Time
Issue date: 04/16/1981
From: Tondi D, Wiess S
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
RTR-NUREG-0659, RTR-NUREG-659 NUDOCS 8104240265
Download: ML20126J297 (1)


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2y WASHING TON, D. C. 20555

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\*****,1 April 16, 1981 6 9 8.a,APR.zgIO8 q 4 j;


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MEMORANDUM FOR: HFEB Members o FROM: D. Tondi, Section Leader, Human Factors Engineering Branch,-

i Division of Human Factors Safety i S.H. Weiss, Section Leader, Human Factors Engineering Branch, ,

Division of Human Factors Safety



The attached comments from the IEEE (Working Group 5.5, Human Factors) l have been received and are to be addressed at the April 22 and 24 meetings. t Responsibility for preparing staff responses is as follows:


' Comment Responsibility Support '


Beltracchi 1.

,w ,

2. Pezoldt Eckenr' ode
3. Froelich , v- -

Draft responses to these comments should be available for DHFSAiFEB - '-

review by 9:00 AM, Tuesday, April 21st a e latest. .

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/ ' D. Tondi, Section Leader , 2. ;


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Human Factors Engineering Branch.

Division of Human Factors Safety '

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,/ S.H. Weiss , Section' Leader

/ Human Factors Engineering Branch' n

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, Division of Human Factors Safety ~H u ,


Letter frain IEEE WG 4.5 -

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'y  ; dated April 15, 1981 7 C ^

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cc: S. Hanauer P-a.

J. Kraner s / MIM ' .

V. Moore -f ,' :Q.-j",N *

, DHFS Branch Chiefs D


'W ilFEB Members s .

'E. Hill, LLNL

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Dear Dic Yl - L g s \,

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t ;j ,. . The IEEE Working Group (FU) 5.5 Ilunan Teef ors Itas revleved on Advance )


"t p Copy of N1' REG-0659, Staf f Supplenent to the Itursan Enginocring Guide to Control Room Evaluation Draft P.eport. Due to the short tice I

f d .' available for review, the va is providing general co: cents. sufficient I i

1: tisse was not ava!!able to review, analvte and synthenf te detnited j

[ coscents developed by individual WG cechcrn. It in anticipated; l x however, that. nost of thene detailed coenents will be submit ted by s

.i s- WC secebers individually or an part of their organization's response.  !

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The consensus of WC 5.5 le that changes presented in NI' REC-Of'50 j, . a reflect a imajor f erprovertent in Itt' REG /EP.-1580. !!any of the problems

,1 y ,- oE 1580 were addressed and tviny of the proposed changes appear

. . ;i/: ,n reasonable.

..i The UG believes; however, ihot certain sec.tionn within hTp,EG-0059

{j :,ji' . , .[: ' require attention. Appendix B is considered to contain pnregraphs that are too vague. The workload analysis (pnge B-24, paracrnph,

j ' .k  %.L for exsuple, would be difficult to trele emt based on the description I ~ 7' ' ' provided. The functional analysis (p.hge B-14, paragraph 4.1) of thei l'  ; nuclear plant also would be difficult to acceep1tsh based on the I '

usaterial contained on 0659.

l' i. h.5 c

.. 1 the WC suggests that the introduction in the checklist section K

o (page 711-1, paragraph 1) ermtnin a paragraph addressing the ir portance of considering both systens and hunan inctorn knowle dge in surve)ing and measuring central roen designs,, As an cr.neple, an adequate I'

evaluation of niele boards and graphic panels (page 111-25, paragraph requires an underntandinc of pinnt. proce9nen e


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": . k.N.Froeitch Arril 15, 1981

? 1.E . rage z p:r. b n . 9, 9 . 0, r .n a a, l't&Qf I r ;* nndtisairrelationsisips,togetherwithknavledgeofhui.anfactors f

ffg !- considerations. If the systen's knavledge is not included in the  ;

'% p l. mesessment, the renuit will be a control board with a reasonshic

{ .;' f,. " cosmetic" oppearance, but not necessarily with the best porcible  ;

(t_. ., ,g' rresentation of process relationships.

NC comuments submitted to tkie NRC du review od' NURT*G/CR-1580 were not

, ,' y; f-} ,,d f ,y > *. included in NVREG-0659. It is recornmended that thes.c careents be inddressed prior to issuing NURf'C-0700. The MG will resubnit the 4 .['M . 1580 coeuments, if requested.

. ' i l', 0 4: .!. ' The WG feels strongly that NUREG-0700, when icplerented, vill have s *=ajor in act on the nuclear industry. Because of the tire involved l l! iy,@l /L in performing the actions required, and the cont, it is 1Jhely that o

, f, ' the industry will ressat repenting or extending analyren and actions

. .1J. % .w, that might be added to 0700 following its issue. The WC believes .

' .l ( .,'. , that the NRC has a responsibility to provide t.he nucicar industry J

, . M $ >"- srith as couplete and val (d a docunent as possible in hTREC-0700.

.;" . 1, ' , Therefore, the VG recotrends that adequate time be providr.d for the

,: . industry and interested parties to review and con: ent upon draf t

. :{t O;[,< - FUltEG-0700 before it in forna11y issued. We realize that adequate l,' d.. .. k'y.N M time for review and to e.ake modifications that aft,ht result from much G) a review siay delay 0700. But the WG is of the opinion that it is f ; g*[,$.' , more Isrportant to have the bent ponnibic document than to cret a July

deadline for is. suing 0700. 5


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,'j Please contact ne N additional inf orcation ds required f ron the VO. ,


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Sincerely yours, rn -r- i

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'i .f . 'i. I. F. Ranes, Cha ruan $ I

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