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Urges Congress to Provide Necessary Funding for Nonpower Reactors Licensed by NRC to Convert from High to Low Enriched U Fuel.Commission Currently Considering Final Rule Requiring Conversion
Person / Time
Issue date: 09/18/1985
From: Palladino N
To: Udall M
Shared Package
ML20132G251 List:
NUDOCS 8510010550
Download: ML20132G435 (2)


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, .g WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555

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'% . . . . . J CHAIRMAN eDtember 18, M85 The Honorable Morris K. Udall, Chairman Subcommittee on Energy.and the Environment Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs United States House of Representatives Washington, D.C. 20515

Dear Mr. Chairman:

Currently, the Commission is considering a final rule to require non-power reactors, licensed by the NRC, to convert from using highly. enriched uranium (HEU) fuel to using low enriched uranium (LEU) fuel.

A major concern of the Commission is the relatively large cost of conversion to the reactor owner. For several reasons, we

, bel'ieve that these costs should be borne by the Federal

! Government. The teaching and research programs using non-power reactors provide considerable value to the public and national 1

interest. These reactors were built relying on Federal policy

, then in force with regard to the use of HEU. Several i

educational institutions invested in lifetime cores and did not, therefore, expect additional fuel expenses. Conversion to LEU is being done in the national interest rather than to benefit the owners. Accordingly, the Commission is planning to condition the conversion on the availability of Federal funds.

In keeping with the proposed rulemaking, we request that Congress provide additional Federal funds to finance the conversion of non-power reactors from HEU to LEU. We estimate that approximately $15 million will-be required to ensure completion of the conversion.

We are pleased to learn that Congress remains committed to funding the expenses of the conversion. We note the increase in University Research Support to $3.9 million in FY 1986 as approved by the Senate for the 1986_ Energy and Water Development Appropriation Bill. We would hope that the Conference Committee will agree to this support level. Additional Federal funding to l support the conversion process will be required in those years during which appropriate fuel becomes available from DOE. The Commission wishes to emphasize its belief that HEU/ LEU conversion should be carried out with additional funds-for university research; to achieve such funding at the cost of l 8510010550 850916 PDR COFMB NRCC CORRESPONDENCE PDR

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equivalent reductions in other university research programs would violate the spirit and intent of the Commission's rule.

We support your efforts in this matter and urge Congress to provide the necessary funds in order for the conversion from HEU to LEU at non-power reactors to be successful.


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' h s ,, )y -l_ ,l',h t i Nunzio J. Palladino cc: Rep. Manuel Lujan

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