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Notice of Issuance of License NPF-36,authorizing Operation of Reactor at 5% Power Level.Amend 2 to Indemnity Agreement B-87 Encl
Person / Time
Site: Shoreham File:Long Island Lighting Company icon.png
Issue date: 07/03/1985
From: Butler W
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20132G761 List:
NUDOCS 8507190460
Download: ML20132G787 (7)


. -



$h0REHAM NUCLEAR POWER STATI0h h0TICE OF ISSUANCE OF FACILITY OPERATING LICENSE hotice is hereby given that the !!uclear Regulatory Commission (the Cormission) has issued Facility Operating License No.14PF-36 to the Long Island Lighting Company, (the licensee) for the Shoreham Nuclear Power Station (the facility).-

The license authorizes the operation of the reactor at power levels not in excess of 121.8 megawatts thermal (five percent of rated power).

The Shoreham Nuclear Pcwcr Station is a boiling water reoctor located in the town of Brookhaven, Suffolk County, New York. The license is effective as of its date of issuance.

The application for the license complies with the standards anc requirements oftheAtomicEnergyActof1954,asamended(theAct)andtheComnission's regulations. Issuance of this license has been authorized by an Atomic Safety ard Licensing Board by its Partial Initial Decisions dated September 21, 1983, and June 14, 1985; by an Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Coard in its Appeal Board Decision dated October 31, 1964; by the Commission in Memorandum and Order CLI-84-21, dated hovember 21, 1984; and by an Atomic Safety and Licensing Board in its flemorandum and Order Ruling on Rcmanded Issues dated November 30, 1984. The Commission has made appropriate findings as required by the Act and the Commission's regulations in 10 CFR Chapter 1, which are set 8507190460 B50703 PDR ADOCK 05000322 P PDR

759G-01 O  :

forth in the License. Prior public notice of the overall action involving the proposed issuance of an operating license was published in the Federal Register on March 18, 1976 (41 FR 11367).

The Commission has determined th6t the issuance of this license will not result in any environmental impacts other than those evaluated in the final Environmental Statenent since the activity authorized by the license is .

encon+asseo by the overall action evaluation in the Final Environmental Statement.

Fur further details in respect to this action, see (1) Facility Operating License NPF-36 complete with Technical Specifications and the Environtental Protection Plant (2) the report of the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards, dated October 14,1981;(3) the Commission's Safety Evaluation Report, dated April 1981 (NUREG-0420), and Supplements 1 through 8 thereto; (4) the Final Safety Analysis Report and Amendments thereto; (5) the Final Environmental Statement, dated October 1977 (NUREG-0285); (6) the Environmental Report anc supplementsthereto;(7)theLicensingBoardUrders;(8)theAppealboard Order; and (9) the Commission's Memorandum and Order.

These items are available at the Cornission's Public Locunent Roon,1717 H Street, H.l!.. Washington, D. C. 20555, and the Shoreham Wading River Public Library, Route 25A, Shoreham, New York 11786. A copy of facility Opcrating License hPF-36 may be obtained upon request addressed to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Washington, D. C. 20555, Attention: Director, Division of Licensing. Copies of the Safety Evaluation Report and its Supplements (huREG-0420)andtheFinalEnvironmentalStatement(NUREG-0285)raybepurchased

. a 7590-01 i

at current rates from the National Technical Information Service, Departrer.t of Connerce 5285 Port Royal head, Springfield, Virginia 22161, and through the NRC GPO sales progren by writing to the U.S. Nuclear kesulatory Connission, Attention: Sales fianager, Washington, D.C. 20555. GP0 deposit account holders nay call (301) 492-9530.

Dated at Bethesda, Maryland, this 3rd day of July 1985. .


, _t 4 llalter R. Butler Chief i Licensing Branch No. 2  ;

Division of Licensing i



%,*...*jl R8 95 i

Docket No. 50-322 AMENDMENT TO INDEMNITY AGREEMENT NO. 8-87 AMENDMENT NO. 2 Effective AR, 8 25 , Indemnity Agreement No. B-87, between Long Island Lighting Company and the Nuclear Regulatory Comission, dated May 19, 1982, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows:

Item 3 of the Attachment to the indemnity agreement is deleted in its entirety and the following substituted therefor:

Item 3 - License number or numbers SNM-1857 (From 12:01 a.m., May 19, 1982, to 12 midnight, December 6,1984 inclusive)

NPF-19 (From12:01a.m., December 7,1984,to 12 midnight, JUL 2 1985 inclusive)

NPF-36 (From12:01a.m., R8 25 )


A serome/ybltzman, Assistant Director

  1. State (nd Licensee Relations Office of State Programs Accepted 1985 By LONG ISLAND LIGHTING COMPANY l

l l


O Docket No. So.3pg 1985 JUL 3 Mr. John D. Leonard Vice President - I;uclear Lorg Island Lighting Company 175 East Old Country Road Ilicksville, hew York 11001

Dear fir. Leonard:


Issuance of Facility Operating License NPF Shoreham Nuclear Percr Station The U. S. Nuclear liegulatory Corrission has issued the enclosed Facility Operating License NPF-36, together with Technical Specitications and Envirci.r; ental Fratection Plan for the Shorchar. Nuclear Power Station.

License No. NPF-36 authorins the operation of the Shoreham huclear Power Station at core power levels not in excess of 121.8 megawatts therpal. He iuallid you that the conditions irect rated into the license are subject to further modification or addition es a result of the adjudicatory prcet.eding which is pending before an Atomic Safety and Licensing Board regarding offsite emergency planning.

Enclose'd is a copy of a related notice, the original of which has Leon forwarded to the Of fice ut the federal Register for publicaticn.

Two signed copics of Amendment No. 2 to Indemnity Agreement 11o. B-07 which ccvers the activities authorized under License No. NPF-36 are also crclosed.

Please sign all copies and return ene copy to this office.


  • istand saan.4 by ,

hush Thcrpson, Director Division of Licensing Of fice of huclear Rocctor Frgulation


1. Facility Operating License NPF-36
2. Federal Register hetice
3. Amendment ho. 2 to Inderanity Agreement No. B-87 cc w/ enclosures:

See next page Pr us concurrr;nct.s concurred on by*: "A DL: 2/Pli DL:LB#2/BC CELU 6r41 CELD OL:AD/L

  • lhovak DL:DIR
  • Fhiraglia S
3 7

/I, LR8utler' $ *BBordenick *Jhutter9 g/ 85 6/g9/05 g 2/11/85 2/11/85 2/10/00 0/13/06 DE:SAB $P D <

  • ATolston 'J5al t2rion ton

, 2/13/85 2/13/05 .' g/L5

i f o

.g.  :

F. Except as otherwise provided in the lechnical Specifications or Environmental

! Protection Plan, the licensee shall report any violations of the requirements  !

! contained in Section 2.C of this license in the following manner: initial .

notification shall be made within twenty four (24) hours to the hP,C  !

! Operations Center via the Emergency liotification System with written '

l followup in 10 CFRwithin thirty) 50.73(b), (c drys

, andir, accordance with the procecures described (e). t l

, G. The licensee shall have and maintain finer.cial protection of such type and ,

in such aucunts as the Consnission shell require in accordance with Section i

170 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, t s, to cover public liability I clairs. ,

j H. The conditions incorporated into the license may be subjcct to further l mcdification or addition as a result at the odjudicatory proceeding which is pending before an Atcuic hafety and Licensing Board ccr,cerning oifsite energency planning, i

1. This license supersedes facility Operating License flo. IlPF-19, date.o ,

December 7,1984.

J. This license is effective as of the date of issuai.ce and shall expire at midnight en tpril 13, I.013.  ;


mesent sigest ty .

h. be v Harold F.. C't.nton, Dire tor i Office of fluclear Reactor lagulation l Attachments:  !

l 1. Attachrrnt 1  !

't . Attachnent 2, flVREG-0737  !

Supple: Lent 1 Scliedule

3. Attachttnt 3
4. Attachment 4
5. Attachnent 5 ,
6. Appendix A - Technical r Specificaticos(t,0F10-11Lb) ,
7. Ap3cndix 0 - Environnental I

'rotection Plan Date of issuance: g 3 1985

  • Pr aus concurre a N *Ipp& l
  • DL /PH we cencurred DL:LB#2/DC on byh'? *0L AD/L
  • CILD DL IR l 1 o LTLutler BBordenick Tituvot E i .. iii

/ /06 6/gg /85 2/13/85 2/13/85 t/g/d5 1


7 l ,

! 7500-01 i

at current rates from the lletional Technical Inforr.aticri Service, Departirent of Comerce, 5285 Port Royal Iscad, Springfield, Virgirris ' 2161, asul through i

the llRC GPO scles prograta by writing to the U.S. f:uclear Regulatory Comission.

Attention: Sales Manager, Washingtori, D.C. 20555. GPO deposit accour,t holders nay call (301) 492-9530.

Cated at Bethesda, Maryland, this Q lY f0R Till I UCLEAR REGULATORY 00hlilSSICli Gradiaul signee by:

t,'ni tor P. Butler, Chief Licensirig trench flo. 2 Division of Licensir.g

  • Pievious concurrence concurred er, t,y:

' ll #2 *0LLD M7 *DL:LB#2 "bl:AD/L pt c/dh PPoriter ck llRilutler it'cre t

{p/ /05 2/11/bb  ;./13/f E 6/($bb e