ML20134C119 | |
Person / Time | |
Issue date: | 09/09/1983 |
To: | Nixon NRC |
Shared Package | |
ML20134B861 | List:
References | |
CON-FIN-A-2157, FOIA-85-438 NUDOCS 8508160212 | |
Download: ML20134C119 (3) | |
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/ O f' I WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 C 4
f MD10 TO:
TRANSMITTAL OF PAID V0UCHER FOR SERVICES RENDERED BY DOE NRC PAID DATE 7/9/dO Enclosed for your review and signature is a copy of a paid voucher for post approval. You may wish to retain the voucher.
DOE Office: $ jY /,_
Bill # : Chl-6 %
Period : 53 FIN :
B&R : fd'/if.</-0/
Amount :
3 5~//./ o t# -
Please sign below and return to my . attention within 5 days.
Based on the agreed scope of work, the above billing appears to be within
.the parameters of the subject Standard _ Order for DOE Work:
, .c WQ W/
Name .
kiestMa,,.s v f/>7NJ -
Tftle '
Date __
~- .
Diane B. Dandois, Chief l Funds, Government and Commercial Accounts, l Billings and Collections Section l Financial Operations Branch i Division of Accounting and Finance, MNBB-ll104 I Office of Resource Management I
As stated 8508160212 850710 PDR FOIA l RAPKIN85-438 PDR l l
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N. 0$h .LE."iUE VOUCHER AND SCHEDULE PWC51o'o'" '!"'"' 0F WITHDRAWALS AND CREDITS V-1527-83 Transaction Date s Ac NT c. o i BILLING AGENCY
" Agency Location Code (ALC)
CUSTOMER AGENCY Customer Agency Voucher No. Agency Location Code (ALC) Billing Agency Voucher No.
31 00 0001 V-1527-83 89-00-0'01 CH2-0380 DEPARTAIENTtJuClear Regulatory Commission DEPART % LENT U..". Department of Energy BUREAU OffjCe of Controller PUREAU Chicago Operations Office ADDRESS Washington, D.C. 20555 ADDRESS 9800 South Cass Avenue Argonne, Illinois 60439 SUhtAIARY St'Nitt A RY APPROPPIATION, FUND,OR RECEIPT SYhtBOL ANtOUNT APTROPRIATION, FUND, OR Rt CLIPT SYAtBOL AilOUNT 31X0200 5803,725.36 89X0224.93 J uly,1983 803,775.36 (NIUST AGREE WITil BILLING TOTAL (htUST AGREE WITil CUSTOstER ^L AGENCY TOTAL) $803.725.36 AGENCY TOTAL)
_ -- - - - .-- EQ3,125 & ,,, -
Details of chuges or reference to attached supporting documents REIMBURSABLE 1.'ORK PERFORMED BY art 0Nt:E tJATIONAL LABCRATORY
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~Prograr.(Coo rftina tor Yk -
31X0200 $803,725.36 (see attached) ~]
Hope Chafee__ CH-34-94 FY 1983 Pu rr> c.ED BY APIRO\ ED BY Dan Erick Account tio.: Si'.5 XX TrLunOst NO. (312) 972-6888 (See Attached)
CERTIFICATION OF CUSTOstf.R OFFICE I certify that the items listed hercin are correct and proper for pa nt and to the ..;' prop ..ttion(s) di sip.ted.
V g[.] .r 9/9/83 Diane B. Car.dois t v .tep t A u '*. ore:s et as! n uess s aine e os re *f ripra r ent!,s cry 492-7558 s Ts lephuone %s. $
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OFA ACCOUNT Fh # 40 10 J1.U I 40 10 01 02 40 10 01 01 40 10 0 8 04 40 10 01 05 40. to-01.c6 40 10.u1-07 40 10-01 06
.---..--......---. -...... 11858.18--.--------. ...-..-..-
8MSC1 A2016 --.---....- .
tys502 A2016 - --. -.- *.- - .=== - 184e6.46- = ---
ty*503 A20l? .--.. - - ..---+-+- ..------. . 19672.86 -. =...--
uM504 A20l5 =- -- -. .- . .-.-.. -
%228.60--....-.. .... .---....
tM506 A2026 . . . 46 %6. 6 b-. = .------
BM507 A2052 .- . - .-- - . -.- -
10100.25-.- --
8M500 A2056 .-. -. .-----. ---- .....-- 872U.66.-- -.. .--.-
eM514 A2184 -. -...--..... _ .- == .. .-.-.. --... 66 i 8 .1 6 -------- .--
UM517 A2106 - - - - .. 14029.58.-..- . - . . . - - - - - -~~. .-
BM%D A2050 ..--. .. 160 5 2 . 48. ---. .. .. . .~.--- ...--
BM%1 A2212 - - - - - .-. =- .. 111961.50. .
8M%4 A2238 .---.. .-.e.- .= -
16611.29....-- ..- . ==...
8M%7 A2218 -.---. . . . . .--. 11104.4 b--.--.. - -
BMbe 81652 -. .. - . . ..-.- . ..--.--.... 11691.2 BM5% A2217 -. --~~~ 6 % 7.01 - . - ~ . -
8M%6 A2225 .-.- .. 17 961. 4 2 . .- --.- -.---.. . ----. .
eM557 A2121 .- 18479.41 ...---- - - :.....=--
aM558 A2122 105725.40..-- ..- --.-.--
SM%D A2223 .- - - - . 6157.16- -.
8M571 A2076 -2 64. %--- . .----..- += -
8M575 A2220 - .- .--- ..--- 5619 95--..- ----
Br678 A2230 - ---.-- .. .- 30%e . u--..... - .-..-...
8M582 A2157 -- . -.
- .- - ..- 2574.10 ..-- .--.- -
Sn584 A2232 - .---. - _ . .. ..- 16134.86-- --- --
8H589 81660 .- . - - -.-- . -.. -13.26 8M590 A2 25 - -156.84 . - - - . . - . - - - . . . . . - . . - - -- - ..
8H702 A2045 -- . . . 3190 5. 56.----..------ .-- -
BM703 A2196 -----.c . - -- ~ .-. -. 390.44 8M705 A2308 - - . 37.7 7 . - ---- -
8H706 A2309 4819.12- - -.- ...-- - .. . - . - .-.
8M707 A2110 . .146.85 - -. ~ .- -. ...--
8M708 A2239 --. -. --.. 8611.17.-.-. . ---
BM712 A'243 .. 30191.84 .
8M715 A2551 - .--- --.. 36589.53 ....- -.
8M720 A2246 -- -. - - .- ---. 2097.66. -.. -
8H721 A2247 --- - 7725.75 -
SM723 A2076 -- .-~ ~ ~ ~ 3159 % - .-. .-- --
8M724 A2199 --
. 8859.74 _- -
8M725 A23t7 - 7190.92 - -. --.. . -- _
. 8H726 A2316 - 7460.62 -.-- . - - . - - - - . - - . . . - - - . - . - - .- - .
8r1727 A2311 14568.2t . - . . - - - - - . . . - . . . . .-----.-----.. ....
8P507 A2054 . . 8781.50 ---..
8P%) A2212 -- - = M6 72 . 00----..--. -
8P584 A2235 .- 4084.60. .-. .-
BP708 A2245 - .--.-.. - .-.-- - --.- . _. 166.81 * .......=.
BP712 A224) - . - .-----..--. -
64.8b ---
TOTAL 264.% 172317.24 36589.51 .UD 2574.10 573629.99 662p.63 12250.42