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Weekly Info Rept for Wk Ending 880219
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/25/1988
From: Rehm T
WIR-880219, NUDOCS 8803070146
Download: ML20147E755 (23)


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Co/PDil J,

.s February 25.-1988 For: The Comissioners From: T. A. Rehm, Assistant for Operations, Office of the ED0


WEEKLY INFORMATION REPORT - WEEK ENDING FEBRUARY 19, 1988 A surnary of key events is included as a convenience to those Connissioners who may prefer a condensed version of this report.

Contents Enclosure Administration and Resources Management A Nuclear Reactor Regulation B Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards C Nuclear Regulatory Research D Analysis and Evaluation of Operatioral Data (CRGR Activities) E Governmental & Public Affairs F General Counsel G*

Personnel H* j Small & Disadvantaged Business Utilization & Civil Rights I*

Special Projects J*

Enforcement K Consolidation L*

Regional Offices M Executive Director for Operatio ; N Items Addressed by the Comission 0*

Meeting Notices P Preprietary or Other Sensitive Information (Nr.t for Q external distribution) .


  • No input this week. ,

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8903070146 080225 PDR T. A. Rehm, ssistant for Operations COMMS NRcc WEEKLYINFOREPT PDR Office of the Executive Director for Operations l


T. A. Rehm, ED0 492-7781 i

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l A 1000-gallon leak occurred at Oconee on February II,1066. Two workers received external contamination. Local media has expressed interest.

Instead of perfoming maintenance on Oconee Unit 2, which is shut down for refuelina, the maintenance people nistakenly started repairs on the Unit 1 instrument root valve of the high pressure injection systen. Unit I was at 100% power. The pressurized line blew the packing off the valve. Unit I remained at 100% power during the event. The valve was restored the sare day.

The licensee is investigating the event to see why maintenance was performed en the wrong unit.

Meetina With EPRI and NUMARC or RRC Petition Work Representatives of the Electrical Power Research Institute (EPRI) and NUMARC met with staff from RES, NMSS and MPR on February 18, 198E te discuss some of the fundamental radiation protection principles which have surfaced in the ongoing EPRI work. EPRI is developing the infomation based on rulemaHng petitions to declare disposal of certain reactor wastes below regulatory concern (BRC). Topics discussed included evaluation of skin doses, dosimetry from discrete radioactive particles, accounting for potential exposures to more than one BRC waste stream, and evaluation of incidental worker exposures when the worker is not a radiation worker. Eight waste streams are still being evaluated and EPRI has completed about half of the $2 millier effort.

Some of the eight waste streams may be combined, but the number of petitions and when they will be filed has not been decided. Much of the basic work should be finished by early this fall.

Overview and Relationship of Severe Accident Activities A reeting on severe accident issues was held on February 10-11, 1988, at the Hotel Belvedere in Baltimore, Maryland. The objective cf the meeting was to discuss with the EDO the efforts underway to implement the Comission's Severe Accident Policy requir'ag all operating plants to perfom an Individual Plant Examination (IPE) to identify vulnerabilities to severe accidents.

At the conclusion of the meeting, it was concluded tMt a Comission paper will be prepared to present the staff plans for an integrated approach to implement the severe accident policy statement. The paper will discuss the role of all the Comission activities, such as the IPE Generic Letter, the containment perfomance improvements, the Commission Safety Goals, ISAP, USIs/GSIs, accident management, NUREG-1150, and severe accident research programs.

Plutonium Air Transport The Department o' State is being infomed that the NPC will not expend resources to address foreign shipments of plutonium under Public Law 100-203 unless we receive an application for shipment of plutonium via U.S. airspace.

The application should identify the candidate package intended for use, the tests to which the candidete package has been sub,iected, the results of the tests, an environmental report, and a comitment to reimburse the NRC for all costs associated with testing and administration pursuant to the requirements of Section 5062 of Public Law 1CC-203,


Request Initial Decision Received This Week 20 8 Completed This Week 1 Carryovers From 1987 157 33 Received In 1988 117 16 Granted In 1988 72 4 Denied In 1988 27 5 Pending 175 40 ACTIONS THIS WEEK Received Craig Keller, Requests records relating to three specified Indian The National uranium reprocessing facilities.


(88-98 Archive Steven Weissman, Requests six categories of records written or signed ,

Public Utilities by Richard Vollmer and Darrell Eisenhut between Comission August 1, 1981 and December 31, 1983, relating to (88-99) the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant.

Steven Weissman, Requests two categories of records relating to Public Utilities SECY-82-89.

Comission (88-100)

Steven Weissman, Requests three categories of records relating to ,

Public Utilities SECY-82-414.

Comission .

(88-101) ]

l Steven Weissman, Requests staff requirement memoranda that resulted '

Public Utilities from Comission meetings regarding the Diablo Canyon Comission nuclear power plant between Saptember 1, 1981, and (88-102) December 31, 1985.

CONTACT: Dennie H. Grimsley 492-7211 FEBRUARY 19, 1988 ENCLOSURE A I

2 Received, Cont'd Nancy Baumwald, Requests a cceputerized listing of specified Goldstein & Denton information on 20 listed former NRC employees.


Steven Weissman, Requests seven categories of records relating to Public Utilities SECY-81-636 and 81-636A.

Comission (88-104)

Susan Hiatt, Requests records concerning the recent direction from OCRE Representative NRR management regarding the operating license amendment (88-105) reouest for the Perry nuclear power plant.

Marion Taylor, Requests copies of Management Analysis Corporation (MAC)

Office of Public coments to the March 3,1983, Federal Register Notice Utility Counsel and any other coments submitted by MAC regardine the (88-106) May 1984 published version of NUREG-1055.

Barbara Day, Requests records regarding safety allegations concerning Office of Public the South Texas Project.

Utility Counsel (88-107)

(NRCemployee) Requests records regarding Vacancy Announcement No.

(88-108) 88-5012-7.

Craig Keller, Requests records concerning seven specified Indian The National research reactors. '

Security Archive (88-109)

Steven Weissman, )rintout of the central files Requests a computer Public Utilities accession list for tie Diablo Canyon nuclear power '

Comission plant from 1980.

(88-110) -

l Paul Heike Requests records concerning New England Nuclear's '

(88-111) violattens of interstate packtging, shipping and classification of radioactive materials for the years 1982,1983, and 1984.

Robert Bass, Requests a copy of the winning proposal under REALOGIC RFP No. RS-AED-87-129.


(NRCemployee) Requests copies of records concerning a specified OIA (88-113) investigation report.

Mary Eliza Stewart, Requests copies of specified records regarding a Pacific Gas & March 18, 1975, letter to PG&E from Thomas Hirons.

Electric Company (88-114)




. Received, Cont'd Nancy Chapman, Requests three references noted on a specified Bechtel Eastern interpretation from the Inspection Manual.

Power Cor oration (88-115 Kenneth Boley, Requests four categories of records regarding deaths '

Critical Mass at nuclear power plants.

(88-116) >

Kay Drey Requests a copy of the most recent amended version (88-117). of Parts 19 et al., regarding the proposed NRC radiation standards.

Lynn Connor, APPEAL TO THE EDO for the release of denied records Doc-Search relating to a request for records associated with the -

Associates January 1987 memorandum from Victor Stello to Ben Hayes.


Lynn Connor, APPEAL TO THE ED0 for the release of denied records Doc-Search relating to a request for records associated with the Associates January 1987 memorandum from Victor Stello to Ben Hayes..


Lynn Connor, APPEAL TO THE COMMISSION for the release of 35 records Doc-Search denied in their entirety and portions of four records Associates relating to a request for records concerning the NRC (88-A-ll-87-744) Senior Management Tean that was referenced in the Commission staff Briefing on TVA on September 12, 1985.

Lynn Connor, APPEAL TO THE ED0 for the release of one record denied Doc-Search in its entirety relating to a request for records Associates concerning four specified TVA letters.


Lynn Connor, APPEAL TO THE EDO for the release of one record denied Doc-Search in its entirety relating to a request for records Associates concerning the NRC Senior Management Team referenced (88-A-13-87-729) in the Commission Meeting Staff Briefing on TVA on September 12, 1985.

Lynn Connor, APPEAL TO THE COMMISSION for the release of the denied Doc-Search portions of one record relating to a request for records Associates concernino correspondence between the NRC and Messrs. Peter (88-A-14-87-783) Stockton and Bruce Chafin.

Lynn Connor, APPEAL TO THE COMMISSION for the release of the denied Doc-Search portions of one record relating to a request for records Associates concerning correspondence between the NRC and Massrs. Peter (88-A-15-87-858) Stockton ar.d Bruce Chafin.

Lynn Connor, APPEAL TO THE C0m!SSION for the release of two records Doc-Search denied in their entirety relating to a request for records Associates associated with the January 1987 menorandun from Victor (88-A-16-87-782) Stello to Ben Hayes. ,



4 Granted In response to a request for four categories of Steven Sholly,l MHB Technica records regarding NUREG-1082, made available 36 Associates records. Inforfr.ed the requester that 13 records (87-743) subject to this request are already available at the PDR.

Lynn Connor, In response to a request for records in 1985 and 1986 Doc-Search instructing NRC staff to issue cleaner operating Associates licenses, informed the requester that the NRC located (88-8) no agency records subject to this request.

D. Wesley Newhouse, In response to a request for records regbrding release Lane, Alton & of radioactive matcrials at specified sites at Battelle Horst Memorial Institute Columbus Laboratories from March 1, (88-38) 1951 to November 30, 1983, informed the requester that three records subject to this request are already available at the PDR.

(NRCemployee) In response to a request for records related to allegations (88-76) concerning a named individual, made available one record.

Lyle Graber, In response to a request for a copy of an enclosure to NUS Corpcration a December 9,1987 NRC letter to Vermont Yankee, made (88-86) available a copy of the requested record.

Denied Billie Garde. In response to a request for records related to 01 Government investigations of the Fermi 11 nuclear power plant, Accountability made available 55 records. Informed the requester Project that additional records subject to this request are (86-202) already available at the PDR. Denied over 25 records in their entirety and portions of 73 records containing confidential business (proprietary) information, and information the disclosure of which would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process, result in a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, reveal identities of confidential sources and would disclose the techniques and procedures of a law enforcement investigation.




"Alert Notification System"


Contractor will provide the NRC with an automated microprocessor based system for selective recall for personnel during an emergency event.

Period of Performance: 60 Day Delivery for System 1 year period for warranty c.ponsor:: Office of Administration and Resources Management Status: RFP issued on February 18, 1988. Proposals due on March 21, 1988.

4 RFP No.: RS-RES-88-078


"Keying of Occupational Radiation Exposure Information"


Contractor will develop and utilize a computer program to key code information related to occupational radiation exposure onto computer tape.

Period of Performance: 2 years w/3 one-year options Sponsor: Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Status: Negotiations have been completed. Best and Final offers are ,

due on February 19, 1988.

RFP No.: RS-RES-88-072


"Irradiation Embrittlement of Reactor Pressure Vessel Steels"


The contractor shall provide to NRC analytical and experimental methods and data that are necessary to ensure the structural safety and reliability of pressure boundary components in Light Water Reactor Systems.

Period of Performance: 4 Years Sponsor: Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Status: Amendment Two issued February 19, 1988. Closing date extended to March 14, 1988.

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ITEMS OF INTEREST Week Ending February 19, 1988 Fort St. Vrain At 2040 hours0.0236 days <br />0.567 hours <br />0.00337 weeks <br />7.7622e-4 months <br /> on February 10, 1988, Fort St. Vrain declared an Unusual Event <

due to an unplanned release from the Reactor Building exhaust stack. The release followed an unplanned reactor shutdown that began with a trip of Circulator "A". The release resulted from an operator error in which waste


gas was aligned directly to the stack, instead of the waste gas disposal system. However, the total release was lets than 0.5 curies, and was within the Maximum Permissible Concentration. % Senior Resident Inspector was onsite and is following this event.

Indian Point 2 During a mini-maintenance / testing cutage on February 9,1988, Consolidated Edison observed leakage from a core exit thermocouple instrument port on the reactor vessel head. There was evidence of boric acid crystals on the conoseal flange. Consolidated Edison estimated the leak rate to be approximately .002 gpm by observing approximately four cups of boric acid crystals. The crystallization was not evident during the last observation approximately ore month ago. The licensee has determined the leak rate to be acceptable. The utility has installed a "box" to contain any further crystallization and to protect the carbon-steel vessel flange and bolts from contact with boric acid.

The utility will inspect the conoseal on February 12 and approximately one week later to detemine if the leak rate remains stabilized at the current low level. The conoseal will be inspected on a monthly basis from then on if leakage continues to remain within acceptable limits. In addition, the licensee will continue to perform RCS inventory balance tests and monitor activity levels within containnent. In the interim, the licensee is evaluating various metheds on its conoseal mock-up to stop the leakage.


A 1000-gallon leak occurred at Oconee on February 11, 1985. Two workers received external contamination. Local media has expressed interest.

Instead of performing maintenance on Oconee Unit 2, which is shut down for refueling, the maintenance people nistakenly started repairs on the Unit 1 instrument root valve of the high pressure injection systen. Unit I was at 100% power. The pressurized line blew the packing off the valve. Unit I remained at 100% power during the event. The valve was restored the sane day.

The licensee is investigating the event to see why maintenance was performed cn the wrong unit.



. Peach Bottom, Hope Creek, Limerick & Salem The Philadelphia Electric Company (PEco) announced on February 16, 1988 that Corbin A. McNeill, Jr. has been appointed Executive Director-Nuclear with the responsibility of directing the Company's Nuclear Operations, including the nuclear department's reorganization and the restart efforts of the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station. Mr. McNeill will be on loan from Public Service Electric and Gas (PSE&G) until PECo restarts Peach Bottom. PSE&G operates the Salem and Hope Creek plants.

McNeill completed a 20-year career with the U.S. Navy in 1981. He joined the NYPA as Resident Manager of Fitzpatrick in 1981 and subsequently was named Senior Vice President - Nuclear Generation. He joined PSEAG as Vice President -

Nuclear in March 1985 and was appointed Senior VP-Nuclear in April 1987.

The staff understands that Mr. McNeill will report to Mr. L. Everett, the CEO, and will have access to the Board of Directors. His duties at PSE&G will be assumed by Steven E. Miltonberger, Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer.

Hatch & Vogtle Mr. James P. O'Reilly has resigned his position as Senior Vice President -

Nuclear Operations for Georgia Power Company. Effective February 18, 1988, the Vice President-Plant Hatch ar.d the General Manager-Plant Vogtle will now report to Mr. George Head, Senior Vice President-Fossil and Hydro Power.

Mr. Head has a background in nuclear power and previously served as the Plant Manager for Plant Hatch.

This personnel change is believed to be connected with efforts to form an operating company within the Southern Company system to handle the Hatch, Vogtle, and Farley nuclear plants.



On February 9, 1988, the NRC amended Materials License No. SNM-1168, changing the name of the licersee to the B&W Fuel Company for operation of the Comercial Nuclear Fuel Plant at Lynchburg, VA. This licensing action follows the completion of a business transaction involving the formation of a partnership between B&W Fuel Inc. (51 percent interest), a subsidiary of the Babcock & Wilcox Company ana Virginia Fuels Inc., (49 percent interest) in which the shareholders are U. S. subsidiaries of Framatome, S.A., Uranium Pechiney S.A., and Cogema S. A.

On October 19, 1987, the NRC consented to the pending transn r of the license and, upon completion of the business transaction, the change b reflected in an application for license anendment.

KRESS CREEX, WEST CHICAGO, ILLIN0IS The Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board issued a decision on February 10,-

1988, affirming the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board's dismissal of the show cause order. The show cause order dealt with removal of contamination in and around Kress Creek.

UPENCO On February 16, 1988, menbers of the NRC staff met with representatives of URENCO to discuss a prospective schedule relative to submission of their license application. UPENCO indicated there would be a delay in submitting their appli-cation to 1989. However, some early information is still expected prior to appli-cation. Negotiations with a U.S. partner (s) are still under way.

ALL CHEMICAL ISOTOPE ENRICHMENT, Ih1 A meetine has been scheduled with Al? Chemical Isotope Enrichment, Inc.,

(AlchemIE) on Wednesday, February 24, 1988. The meeting will be held at AlchemIE offices at the Pine Ridge Office Park Suite 202-B, 702 Illinois Ave, Oak Ridge, Tennessee at 8:30 a.m.

The topic to be discussed is related to security information which is held proprietary by the Commission pursuant to 10 CFR Part 2.790 (d)(1). Therefore, this meeting is considered by the NRC to be closed to the public.




LOW-LEVEL WASTE MANAGEMENT Uranium Pecovery Meetings With DOE on Title I Program On February 10 and 11, 1988, Division and URF0 staff met with DOE to discuss the Title I program. Discussion included plans for implementation of EPA's recently proposed groundwater standards and DOE's QA/QC progran.

1. DOE discussed their policy statement on the proposed groundwater standards and presented possible technical approaches to further reduce infiltration in the remediated piles. LLWM will review and comment on the policy stateinent.
2. DOE presented assessments of Canonsburg and the UMTRA QA/QC programs in general. Deficiencies were recognized by DOE and the Remedial Action Contractor and proposed enhancements to the QA/QC programs were presented.

Low-level Waste Meeting With EPRI and NUMARC on PRC Petition Work Pepresentatives of the Electrical Power Research Institute (EPRI) and NUMARC met with staff from RES, NMSS and NPR on February 18, 1988 to discuss some of the fundamental radiation protection principles which have surfaced in the ongoing EPRI work. EPRI is developing the information based on rulemaking petitions to declare disposal of certain reactor wastes below regulatory concern (BRC). Topics discussed included evaluation of skin doses, dosimetry from discrete radioactive particles, accounting for potential exposures to more than one BRC waste stream, and evaluation of incidental worker exposures when the worker is not a radiation worker. Eight waste streams are still being evaluated and EPRI has completed about half of the $2 millier effort.

Some of the eight waste streams may be combined, but the number of petitions and when they will be filed has not been decided. Much of the basic work should be finished by early this fall.

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SAFEGUARDS International NRC Concerns on US/ Japan Agreement NMSS and GPA-staff met with Senator Evan's staff on Friday, February 12, 1988 to discuss NRC concerns on the US/ Japan Agreement. Discussions focused on the adequacy of safeguards for future reprocessing plants in Japan and on plutonium air transport issues.

IAEA Inspection at General Electric During the period of February P4-26,1988, the International Atomic Energy Agency will perform their initial inspection of international safeguards at the General Electric Fuel Fabrication Plant in Wilmington, North Carolina. An NMSS staff member will participate in the inspection which will focus primarily on establishing initial accountability records and inspection arrangements.

Future inspections by the IAEA at the General Electric Plant are planned approxinately on a monthly basis.

Plutonium Air Transport The Department of State is being informed that the NRC will not expend resources to address foreign shipments of plutonium under Public Law 100-203 unless we receive an application for shipment of plutonium via U.S. airspace.

The application should identify the candidate package intended for use, the tests to which the candidate package has been sub.iected, the results of the tests, an environmental report, and a commitment to reimburse the NRC for all costs associated with testing and administration pursuant to the requirements of Section 5062 of Public Law 100-203.


OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REGULATORY RESEARCH Items of Interest Week Ending February 19, 1988 PREVENTING DAMAGE TO REACTOR CORE ROSA-IV The ROSA-IV system performs large-scale thermal hydraulic tests under a cooperative progran with the NRC. The test results are used to help the NRC in resolving licensing and safety issues and in verifying scaling parameters in NRC safety issues.

On January 26, 1988, an experiment, SB-CL-15 (i.e., a 0.5% cold leg bottom break) was successfully conducted in the ROSA-IV Large Scale Test Facility (LSTF) at the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI). The. primary objective of this test was to examine the cold leg break orientation effect on the flow quality and flow rate. The next scheduled LSTF experiment is SB-CL-16, a 0.5% cold leg top break experiment to be conducted on February 24, 1980. The results of these tests will be available to. realistically assess the stratified critical flow model in the NRC safety codes such as RELAP5 and TRAC. The NRC's contractor, EG&G Idaho is incorporating the stratified critical model in RELAP5. Without this model, RELAPS and TRAC can not accurately predict the timing of important events such as maximum core level depression and core heatup during small break LOCAs or transients.

Overview and Relationship of Severe Accident Activities A reeting on severe accident issues was held on February 10-11. 1988, at the Hotel Belvedere in Baltimore, Maryland. The objective of the meeting was to discuss with the EDO the efforts underway to implement the Commission's Severe Accident Policy requiring all operating plants to perform an Individual Plant Examination (IPE) to identify vulnerabilities to severe accidents.

At the conclusion of the meeting, it was concluded that a Commission paper will be prepared to present the staff plans for an integrated approach to implement the severe accident policy statement. The paper will discuss the role of all the Commission activities, such as the IPE Generic letter, the containment performance improvements, the Commission Safety Goals. ISAP, USIs/GSIs, accident management, NUREG-1150, and severe accident research programs.

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Items of Interest Office for Analysis and Evaluation of Operational Data Week Ending February 19, 1988 Incident Response On February 17, members of the Incident Response Branch (IRB) staff attended a classified gaming session. The meeting provided a good understanding of the way in which NRC would interface with other agencies during a national security emergency.

On February 17-18, the IRB staff conducted an assessment of the Region IV response program, with emphasis on emergency response procedures.

On February 17-18, the IRB staff conducted training sessions for members of the reactor safety and protective measures teams in preparation for the upcoming River Bend exercise scheduled for February 24, 1988.

On February 19, the IRB staff held a followup meeting with ARM to discuss the draft statement of work for the Emergency Telecommunications Design Study. It is expected that the final statement of work will be ready by mid-March.

On February 18, the IRB staff conducted a successful test of the use of an existing world weather network to carry accident-related data. This was the fourth test transmission and results to date show that data can be sent reliably to some 160 countries on the network. A demonstration test will be conducted on .

February 24 for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Board of Governors.

The U.S. involvement stems from its participation as a party to two international agreements developed by the IAEA after the Chernobyl incident. These agreements provide for an exchange of information for notification and assistance regarding certain nuclear accidents having potential international consequences.

Technical Training Center The memorandum describing the plan for developing qualification and technical trainir.g programs for the NRC technical staff was signed by the AE00 Office Director on February 17, 1988. This plan is designed to identify the technical positions for which qualification programs should be developed and to provide a process for defining qualification and technical training requirements for those technical positions. Priority attention to the plan is focused on program office technical positions. The intent is to do a thorough review of regional technical positions after the new program has been implemented for the program offices. The plan consists of six phases which continue through the end of FY 1989.

Preliminary Notifications The following Preliminary Notifications were issued during the past week,

a. PNO-I-88-19, Boston Edison Company (Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station),

Declaration of an Unusual Event.  ;


u. ~

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b. PN0-I-88-20, Philadelphia Electric Company (Peach Bottom / Limerick) and Public Service Electric and Gas Company (Salem 1/2 and Hope Creek),

Philadelphia Electric Company Realignment of Nuclear Management - Update.

c. PN0-I-88-21, GPU Nuclear Corporation (Three Mile Island.. Unit 1), Plant
Shutdown in Excess of 48 Hours,
d. PNO-II-88-13, Duke Power Company (0conee Unit-1).. Leak of Slightly Radioactive Water,
e. PNO-III-88-06A, Minnesota, Mining and Manufacturing-Company (License No..

22-00057-06, 22-00057-32G), Potential Leakage in Static Elimination Devices - (Update)..

f. PNO-III-88-10, Commonwealth Edison Company (Byron Units 1 and 2) Apparent Firewatch Record Discrepancies.
g. PNO-III-88-11, Union Electric (Callaway), Reactor Trip and Subsequent ECCS Actuation.
h. PNO-V-88-12, Southern California Edison (Songs Unit 1, 2, and 3),

Earthquake in Southern California,

i. PNO-V-88-13, Washington Public Power Supply System (Docket No. 50-297), I Failure of Se;endary Containment.

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NRC - MITI Meeting, May 12 - 13 On Thursday, representatives from RES, NRR, AE00 and GPA/IP met to develop the list of topics to be discussed at the NRC-MITI bilateral meeting that will be held May 12-13 in Tokyo, Japan.

STATE, LOCAL AND INDIAN TRIBE PROGRANS Meeting with the State of Michigan On February 17, 1988, a meeting was held in Lansing with the State of Michigan to discuss the procedure necessary for a State to become an Agreement State.

In attendance at the meeting were: Lee Jager and George Bruchmann, Michigan Burecu of Environmental and Occupational Health; Don Nussbaumer and Cardelia Maupin, State, Local and Indian Tribe Programs; Roland Lickus, Region III State Liaison Officer; and William Adam, Region III State Agreements Officer.

NRC Public Meetings on the Pilgrim Restart Plan The first round of meetings to receive public comments on the Pilgrim Restart Plan was held February 18, 1988, at Memorial Hall ir Plymouth, Massachusetts by the NRC Pilgrim Restart Panel.

Meeting with Louisiana Public Service Comission On February 18, 1988 Marty Virgilio (NRR) and Ed Showmaker (OGC) met with representatives of the Louisiana Public Service Commission (LPSC), at their request, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The subject of the meeting was General Electric Company's (GE's) 1975 Nuclear Reactor Study (also referred to as the "Reed Report"). The NRC representatives made a presentation on safety-significance of the issues identified in the Reed Report and answered specific questions on NRC's evaluation of the Report and NRC's licensing process.

Following the NRC's Chairinan L.J. representatives presentation, Lambert represented from the GulfLPSC at Utilities States the meeting (.

the licensee for RiverBend)andGEprovidedtestimonyenconstructionexpendituresresulting from changes in the design of River Bend. Specifically, the LPSC questioned the Gulf States Utilities and the GE representatives on changes required to resolve concerns identified in the Reed Report and those required to meet new NRC requirements during the construction of River Bend.

MEETINGS SCHEDULED FOR THE WEEK OF FEBRUARY 22-26, 1988 i February 21-23 National Governors' Association Winter Meeting -

Washington, D.C. (Kamerer) ,

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23 FEMA Regional Assistance Committee Meeting -

Atlanta, Georgia (Trojanowski) ,

24 Emergency Planning Exercise for River Bend --


-Louisiana (Sanborn) 24-25 Emergency Planning Exercise for Palo Verde '

l Arizona (Kunihiro) >

26 Region 1 Assessment King of Prussia, Pennsylvania-(Schwartz /Nussbaumer)

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,5 Fay / 2/22/88 10:00 A.M. [ MARK-UP] NRC AUTHORIZATION Sen. Breaux/Simpson Sub on Nuclear Regulation

_ Kent Com on Environment and Public Works y ao Fay / 3/2/88 2:00 P.M. COMMISSIONERS NRC AUTHORIZATION / Sen. Burdick/Stafford Kent BUDGET Com on Environment and Public Works Fay / 3/3/88 9:45 AM COPEISSIONERS NRC AUTHORIZATION / Rep. Udall/Lujan Kent BUDGET Sub on Energy & the Environment Com on Interior and Insular Affairs Combs / 3/8/88 TBA [TVA] [TVA NUCLEAR PROGRAM] Rep. Oberstar/ Clinger Sub on Investigations & Oversight Com on Public Works & Transportation Fay / 3/9/88 9:45 A.M. [ MARK-UP] FY89 BUDGET Rep. Udall/ Young Kent Consnittee on Interior & Insular Affairs De1 Medico / 3/9/88 2:00 P.M. COPMISSIONERS TERRORISM Rep. Gejdenson/ Smith Combs Sub on General Oversight & Investigations Consnittee on Interior & Insular Affairs Ca11than 3/16/88 9:30 A.M. STAFF NRC'S HTGR ACTIVITIES Rep. Lloyd/Morrison Sub on Energy Research & Development Com on Science, Space, & Technology Fay / 3/30/88 10:00 A.M. 00PMISSIONERS APPROPRIATIONS Rep. Bevill/Myers Kent FY89 Sub on Energy & Water Development

< rj Com on Appropriations

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ITEMS OF INTEREST Office Of Enforcement k'eek Ending February 19, 1988 The following Significant Enforcement Actions were taken the week of February 15, 1988.

An Order Imposing a Civil Monetary Penalty in the amount of $50,000 was issued to Northern States Power Company (Monticello) on February 19, 1988. The action was based on violations involving the inadvertent tripping of a Class IE 480 volt load center output breaker. The licensee responded to the Notice of Violation on November 4, 1987. After consideration of the response the staff concluded that the licensee did not give an adequate basis for mitigation and the Order has been issued imposing the civil penalty. (EN 87-85A)

Civil Penalty Paid

, West Virginia paid the Proposed Imposition United Hospital Center, Clarksburg$1,250.

of Civil Penalty in the amount of The action was based on the failure to (1) conduct a meeting of the Radiation Safety Committee, (2) conduct daily and weekly radiation surveys. (3) perform a weekly geometric variation test of the dose calibrator, (4) properly post a radiation area, (5) conduct training of ancillary personnel, (6) conduct an anrual review of the Padiation Safety Program, and (7) properly store radioactive material. The base civil penalty was mitigated by 50% because of the licensee's prompt and extensive corrective actions. (EA87-214) r i



Region IV Items of Interest Week Ending - February 22, 1988

1. The Regional State Liaison Officer participated in a nuclear energy educational program at the Clark Middle School, Laredo, Texas.
2. The Deputy Regional Administrator and the Director, Division of Resource Manar,ement and Administration attended a Regional Meeting with NRR to discuss program and budget issues related to five year plan and FY-90 budget February 17-19, 1988.
3. The Deputy Director, Division of Reactor Safety, and NRR representatives net with Omaha Public Power District (OPPD) representatives on Februa ry 18, 1988, at OPPD offices, concerning efforts to reconstitute

-design bases documentation for Fort Calhoun.

4. The 1988 assessment of Region IV's incident response capability was conducted on February 17-18, 1988 by Incident Response Branch, AE0D, personnel.
5. On February 18, 1988, in a temporary injunction, a Louisiana state district court judge granted Gulf States Utilities Company (GSU) a

$98-million rate increase and ordered the state Public Service Comission (PSC) to accept the company's proposed phase-in of costs related to the River Bend nuclear plant. GSU sough'. the injunction when it appealed a Decerber 1987 PSC decision that granted the company $63 million in rate relief and disallowed $1.a billion in River Bend-related costs. The injunction, which did not address the $1.4-billion disallowance, will remain in effect until the court decides the company's appeal. Meanwhile, the Texas Public Utilities Comission (PUC) continues to conduct hearings on GSU's River Bend-related rate case in that state and is tentatively scheduled to issue its decision by the end of February.


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- Proposed Rule Signed tiy EDO On February 17. 1988 , the EDO approved publication in thh FEDERAL REGISTER ol' a proposed limited. revision to 10 CFR  ;

Part 50, Appendix ". This revision, to be issued for a'30 day:public comment period would explicitly permit the use of a statistical-data analysis technique that the NRC staff considers to be an acceptable method of calculating containment leakage rates.

This constitutes notice to the Comission that, in accordance with the . ,

t. rulemaking authority delegated to EDO, the EDO has signed this-proposed rule for publication in the Federal Register.

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  • ln February 19, 1988



% DATE/ TIME NUMBER LOCATION PURPOSE ATTENDEES NRR CONTACT 2/23/88 50-282/ White Flint B1dg. To discuss schedules for spent NRC/NSP D. Dilanni 9:00-3:30 306 Room 14-B-11 fuel rod consolidation and spent W/ Waste Chem fuel assemblies at Prairie Island 2/23/88 50-410 White Flint B1dg. To discuss scram discharoe volume NRC/NMPC M. Hauchey 10:00 Room 14-B-13 instrument piping on Nine Mile Point Unit 1 2/23-2/25/88 50-605 GE Office Preliminary visit for the ABWR NRC/GE D. Scaletti 9:00-5:00 175 Curtner Avenue design QA audit in order to San Jose CA 95125 identify areas of importance that the full audit team should focus their attention.

2/23-2/26/88 50-250/ FPAL Bethesda Office To discuss open items relatino NRC/FPAL G. Edison 8:00-4:30 251 3 Metro Center to Tech Spec conversion effort

Suite 610 Bethesda, MD 2/24/88 50-219 White Flint B1dg. To discuss status of licensing NPC/CYAPC0 A. Dromerick 10
00-5:00 Room 6813 activities for Dyster Creek 2/25/88 50-275 Room 1760 To audit Diablo Canyon turbine NRC/PG8E H. Rood 8:30 77 Beale St. b1dg. non-linear analysis and g San Francisco, CA auxiliary b1dg. response analysis .

f O 2/26/88 50-302 White Flint B1dg. To discuss CR-3 relief requests NRC/FPC H. Silver E 8:30-4:00 Room 14-B-13 in 2nd 10-year IST program l N (Crystal River Unit 3)

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DATE/ TIME NUMBE!? PURPOSE ATTENDEES NRR CONTACT LOCATION 2/29/88 White Flint Bldg. BWROG response to staff questions NRC/BWROG/INEL G. Thomas 1:30-5:00 Room 2-F-17 on Containment Venting 3/1/88 50-369/ White Flint Bldg. Meet w/ Duke Power to discuss NRC/ DUKE POWER D. Hood 12:30-3:00 370/413 Room 14-B-3 ISAP 11 per f:eneric Letter 88-02 414/269/

270/287 3/2/88 White Flint Bldg. To discuss B&W Topical Report NRC/B&W Y. G. Hsii 10:00-2:00 Room 8-B-7 BAW-10169P, "RSG Plant Safety Analysis." (Catawba /McGuire) 3/8/88 White Flint Blda. To discuss matters relating to NRC/CE S. Sun 10:00-4:00 Room 6B13 the review of CE Emergency Procedures Guidelines

  • Copies of sununaries of these meetings will be made publicly available and placed in the respective docket file (s) in the NRC and local public document rooms.

A listino of these meeting notices can be obtained by calling 492-1498.



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